Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 459 - Looking Towards 2021

Episode Date: December 21, 2020

The infamous 2020 is coming to a close and today we are focusing on what we hope to do in 2021. We recap some memories from this past year and remember some of the oddest things that happened. Full In Review Ep coming soon. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Power Project family? So did you guys know that Element Electrolytes, our hydration sponsor that has a thousand milligrams of sodium, 200 milligrams of potassium, 60 milligrams of magnesium in little easy packets that you can pour into 20 ounces of water, is also the official hydration sponsor of number one, the U.S. Olympic weightlifting team. Special forces, three different special forces teams, NBA teams, NFL teams, real athletes that do a lot of work, that sweat a ton, hydrate with Element, which is why we're so happy to have partnered with this amazing company that has amazing electrolyte supplements that the flavors are so good.
Starting point is 00:00:41 My personal favorite is raspberry. Second comes orange. Third is citrus salt, but I think citrus salt is actually Andrew's favorite. And they also have this Fiesta pack that has mango, chili, lemon habanero, and chocolate flavors that I think are actually pretty great.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I think they're pretty amazing. But you guys can get all of these different flavors that taste great and use it pre-workout to perform at your highest level. Take your hydration and your workouts to an elite level, just like the pros do. Head over to slash power project. Make sure you guys check out the bundle packages. You get three boxes of your choice, any flavor, plus you get an additional box absolutely free. So again, that's power project i'll try to recruit everybody but
Starting point is 00:01:27 try to get smoky in on it try to get everybody in on it it's really not it's not that i mean i don't think that you need to try to follow it like you're in some sort of fucking cult or anything you know just see a lot of meat and if you slip up here or there, so what? But just try to go the whole month mainly eating meat. Yeah, it's not that difficult at all. That's fun. It sounds reasonable. I mean, because for your carnivore, World Carnivore Month, you're going in very strict, right? But you're saying everyone else can kind of maybe have some vegetables here and there if you feel inclined to? Yeah, I'll probably try to not have cheese vegetables here and there if you feel inclined to yeah i'll
Starting point is 00:02:05 probably try to like not have cheese in there and stuff like that just just because i know that i'll just roll through in and out burger every day you know every day and load up on that kind of stuff so i'll try to keep it i'll try to keep it pretty pretty tight but yeah you know the world carnival month uh coming up this january courtesy of our boy, Dr. Baker. And I think it's just a good cause, good thing for people to jump in on, a good way to reset, you know, reset their bodies and get away from carbohydrates and maybe get away from some of the onslaught of all the crap that they ate at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yeah. Speaking of In-N-Out, so I got an awesome gift card from our company party. That was what I got in the white elephant gift.
Starting point is 00:02:50 And I tried to go this weekend and it was impossible. The line at the one nearest the In-N-Out closest to me was impossible. It was so many people. I'm like, whoa, look, everyone at Five Guys. There's no one there. I wonder why there's so many people there, though. Like, there's nothing special going on. It's just a normal day at In-N-Out, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Normal day. Yeah. Well, Five Guys, you know, also doesn't have a drive-thru, right? So, like, they're probably really dying. That's true. I can't think about that. They're probably really struggling. The only thing I like a little bit better about
Starting point is 00:03:25 five guys is just that the burger i think is a little less salty but that's about it it's uh in and out it's a lot cheaper yeah yeah it is you see you see how like uh mark mentioned the what he likes about five guys a little bit more but you see uh how he was so smart to realize that five guys didn't have a drive-thru just the intellect of an individual who likes five guys more than in and out seems to be i'll give that one to you yeah mark's definitely on a hnl i'm more of a simpleton where i'm like uh flying dutchman it's like 250 uh whatever they call it over there at five guys it's like 10 bucks like no i'll just go have the good one over here pricing is ridiculous i will i will hand that to you the pricing is ridiculous yeah no um five guys is really good though uh i went there with mark and we went to town on
Starting point is 00:04:17 whatever comes out of their foil thing it was really good it was really good i'm not gonna front it was good but it's just not in and out it's funny the like the battle like online like when they have like the pictures of the different burgers and really all of them look like none of them really look that good except for like a commercial you know they they all just look like a burger slapped on like a plate with a bunch of grease falling all over the place which isn't really doesn't look good but we know how good it tastes and uh it's just funny because they like, look at this skimpy burger I got from... It's like one bad experience and everyone posts it and they jump on it. It's a real battle.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I don't know if Five Guys, do they have a secret menu? Secret menu is a thing. I don't know. Yeah, no, I think they do. Oh, God, I forgot what it's called, but you order it a certain style. It's something like everything on it or something. It's like a code for that where they put like- Kitchen sink?
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yeah, they put all kinds of extra stuff on it. And I forgot who told me about it, but I'm like, ah, shoot, now I got to go try that. I got to see what the ultimate experience is before I keep talking crap about it. Is it not as fun now? Because there's a whole internet thing of the secret menu. Yeah, no. I mean, you remember what it was like back in the Nintendo era
Starting point is 00:05:38 when you had to, if you knew a code, you got it from a friend or a relative. They told you in person you didn't look that up and then eventually like nintendo power the magazine came out man nintendo power um power mag uh eventually that came out and you started getting secrets and tips and codes in that but before that there was nothing so i think you're real nerd if you have a cheat code book hey we all did i i know i did i definitely did oh i've had them before too i'm just saying um it just means that you're in it just means that you're in pretty deep so i would i would go to to blockbuster back in the day wow
Starting point is 00:06:17 and i would go through their magazines in the corner and i would have a little notebook and i would write the codes down because i didn't want to buy the whole thing. Well, I couldn't buy it, but I would write the codes down. And then one, one day, uh, an employee caught me doing that and he was really cool. He was like, uh, can I see that real quick? And he's like, what page are you on? I'm like, uh, this one. And he went and scanned the whole thing for me. I was like, Oh shit. I'm like, dope. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I was like, I don't know, like 10 years old in the corner of Blockbuster, like hiding, trying to write codes down. So that was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:06:50 That was so nice. That was so nice. What you guys got going on for the holidays, for Christmas and stuff, anything spatial? To be honest, no. There's a tree here, probably just going to open some gifts and uh yeah yeah it's going to be the most socially distant christmas ever that's too bad about your mama you're going
Starting point is 00:07:14 to get to see your mama uh i don't know if we're going to be doing anything at her place we don't really this is the funny thing like we like christmas but we've never at least as i guess as a family we've never done any formal christmas stuff it's never been that big because it's only been the few of us so we exchange gifts but it's never been like a big christmas thing you see your mom all the time anyway right yeah yeah i saw her a few days ago i'll probably go see her today so yeah yeah we uh we celebrate a lot of holiday stuff in this family, but we also kind of feel a little bit similar to you where we're like, we see each other all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:52 We buy each other shit all the time. Like if we, it's not uncommon for someone to be like, Hey, I just grabbed this for you. Cause I thought of, you know, like people do that in this family all the time. They don't wrap it up or anything. You're just like, Oh, I was at the store and I thought this was funny or i thought this was cool so like we don't on christmas it's kind of weird because you're like now you have to buy someone a present and it just feels weird and then
Starting point is 00:08:14 none of us really care none of us care to receive it receive a gift you know um and so i don't know we try to make it we have a lot of children in family. So we try to kind of kick it over to them and make it more, make it fun for them. Because it's amazing to see how much excitement they have just opening it. Like they're so pumped just to open a gift or to run to the tree and see that there's presents under it and that kind of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Like, well, like, let's say we get like a certain gift for like one of my nieces or
Starting point is 00:08:43 nephews. It's like a three item gift like it doesn't matter how small the smallest one is but we'll wrap that one up and make that one a big deal and they get so fired up and they open and they don't even care that it was like you know something from the dollar tree even they just like they get excited because they want to open something up so it's's definitely for the kids, obviously. But like in our family, like for the adults, we'll do a Secret Santa where we draw names just so that way, you know, we're not all buying each other something, you know, spending more money on each other. And that's pretty cool. You know, like as every year, you know, like, oh, you know, shit, I got, you know, the same person again this year.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Or like, oh, finally, I got someone new because there's only, you know, a couple of us. So, the chances of you getting the same person year after year is, like, highly likely. But, yeah, Christmas will go almost as normal with the exception of missing one house this year. So, we're starting on the 23rd. We're doing that on Stephanie's side. 24th will be my side. And the only one that we're not doing is the big, huge family one at my uncle's house,
Starting point is 00:09:54 which is Stephanie's mom's side. That's the one that we're not doing this year because that one would host the most people. But as far as my my like uh immediate family everything's almost gonna go as normal with i don't think hardly any exceptions um yeah it'll just go as planned you know do it for the kids uh hang out and hopefully don't eat too too much stuff but we'll see how that goes. So you're having a Corona party.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're trying to tell us you're having a Corona party. Dude, truth be told, we actually, so Stephanie just got tested. We went to the labor department, what was it called? Yeah, labor. Sounds good enough. Labor and delivery yesterday.
Starting point is 00:10:41 We had to go in. Labor department. Yeah, yeah. File a complaint. We had to go work. labor department yeah yeah file a complaint we had to we had to go work she's working too hard uh and because of one of her symptoms and if you look at the symptoms list of corona dude it's everything like literally like are you breathing oxygen oh my god you might have it we got to test you uh so she got tested and there's that slight pause of like oh man this like we're not worried about it but this actually could change quite a bit of like our plans coming up and uh
Starting point is 00:11:12 she got tested and she was negative so yeah nothing's gonna change for us but it was it was weird she she got the uh the the swab up the nose and i guess they they ram that thing up your nose and then they go one they twist it two twist it three twist it and then pull out slow and she's like hurry up like count faster yeah so we're all good comfortable yeah because i'm like well shit if you got it then i definitely have it but we're all good do people drink in your families yeah um in my uh yeah yeah on my dad's side the extended side people get hammered at some of these parties yep um although i haven't like been to any of them in a hot minute but um i remember yeah people would drink pretty good yeah and then my dad people get pretty people get pretty
Starting point is 00:12:05 hammered at the parties that we have and it's just um like i don't really drink that often and so um i usually end up like just doing something with the kids or something because everyone's like everyone's hammered and they're having like a lot of fun doing something that you kind of need to be drunk for otherwise it's just not as it's just not as fun like you're not necessarily drunk but you need like you kind of you don't need a buzz to have fun but it just makes whatever it is you're doing more fun like they play a lot of games and stuff and it just is uh i don't know it's more awkward unless you unless you got a little uh pre-game buzz going on you know so i'm usually like doing something with the kids
Starting point is 00:12:45 or just like watching them play video games or whatever something like that oh man yeah video games used to be huge tradition for the uh when we'd have like the big like christmas bash um i mean i'm talking nintendo wii or something uh so maybe about that time whenever like right before playstation 2 so whenever whatever that era was and it's funny because i was just thinking about uh i was thinking about this because on twitter somebody was like um like these are the games that were released the year i turned 14 and you know some of those are like kind of on my backlog which you know they just came out i'm like oh shit looking around the room i'm the oldest guy here but uh so i looked back at the games that released when i was 14 and uh so just real quick like medal of honor the original one gran turismo 2 uh siphon
Starting point is 00:13:32 siphon filter if you guys remember that one and then and then uh tony hawk's i was going hard on siphon filter i was like working on those docks and shit every day like load like load and shit and with the you had like the um you had like a forkl docks and shit every day like load like load and shit and with the you had like the um you had like a forklift and you could like you like load boxes and stuff like that i forget like exactly what i was doing but it was hilarious because i was playing that like non you know you get just i gotta look this game up dude siphon filter so it was uh kind of like james bond he would always tease me she's like remember you had that she's like remember you had that job where you're working on the docks?
Starting point is 00:14:07 I'm like, yeah, that was like, that's a siphon filter. I was, uh, driving a forklift. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Um, that, and then Tony Hawk's pro skater, but that was when Madden got really good. And that's what we would all like all the cousins. I'm talking like 20 of us would play play like a huge tournament on Christmas Eve. Because we'd open our presents at midnight. So we didn't have shit to do the entire day.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So we all just played PlayStation the entire day. That's the kind of shit you train for, like in the off season. As soon as December 25th hits, December 26th, you're like playing Madden, like trying to figure out how to beat everybody at that party next year. Absolutely. I would prep for that for, dude, for months, just like trying to get like my different schemes going and like trick plays and like, so-and-so is probably going to pick this team. So I got to pick this team. But that's one of those traditions that we probably won't ever get back just because of like everyone's doing their own thing, which kind of of sucks but that's why a bunch of my cousins are gonna try
Starting point is 00:15:09 to get the new xbox so we can play online and get a like a season going that'd be sick hopefully it works out what are some things uh what are some things you guys are like looking forward to doing maybe in, in 2021 that, you know, maybe got sidetracked by the Corona-ness. Like you were mentioning, like I want to be able just to compete. I don't think anything else really got sidetracked that much training didn't get sidetracked too much because we can still train, although we're training in certain groups. So just getting back into competition mode because that was the big goal this year got the purple belt so i wanted to compete a bunch and have an
Starting point is 00:15:51 opportunity to get promoted but since i wasn't able to do any big competitions that has to wait so yeah i want to do that and that's pretty much as i'm trying to think of like other big 2020, 21 things, but 2020 didn't stop me from doing anything else. I think other than that. So, no, if you're really thinking about it,
Starting point is 00:16:13 like I, obviously a lot of people died and I don't want to, uh, you know, tarnish that at all. But like, aside from, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:22 there's been a lot of people that have died. Uh, a lot of other individuals lives haven't been all that impacted if you really think about it so what you got to wear a mask when you go to the store and there's the uh the fallout of all the things going on with all the restaurants and all those people that lost their jobs and some of those people had to fold up shop and lose lose their businesses and things like that. But if we're just talking about like the three of us,
Starting point is 00:16:48 if someone was to say, Hey, like if it's 2030, someone's like, Hey, like what was 2020 was wild, right? Probably looking back at it,
Starting point is 00:16:58 we'll be like, it depends on how much longer this kind of stuff lasts. And, and I guess what comes of it. And I could say, yeah, it was tough time time like people didn't know people didn't know people didn't know what was going on and there was a lot of fighting about what was right and what was wrong but looking back on it our lives haven't been impeded nearly as much as we like to complain about you know um we haven't uh like we're not you know on an app with contact tracing we're
Starting point is 00:17:28 just like not people mandating like when we can leave our homes and all these different things they've done some stuff they have like they have a curfew and they've uh they've implemented some things um the tough thing is that i think we all know is that the mental side of it, because people just aren't able to communicate quite the same way that they were and wearing a mask. You can't see people smile. And there's a lot of stuff like that that we won't know for a long time. We won't know what that kind of fallout looks like. But if most of us are being honest, your day to day, what you can do day to day, probably hasn't shifted that much unless you're one of the unfortunate people that
Starting point is 00:18:10 did lose a job. There's a lot of people who've had that happen, but some people have just shifted. They just shifted to a different job or different career because where some areas have really fallen off, we have our businesses right next to Amazon and the streets are completely packed and filled with the Amazon trucks driving in and out of there all day long. So it's like those, you know, these things are not they're not autonomously driving yet. There's people that are driving that there's people that have picked up jobs in other spots where they can. picked up jobs in other spots where they can. But it's just from a mental perspective, like you were saying, not being able to compete in your tournaments.
Starting point is 00:18:53 For me, I would love to be able to run some seminars again and things of that nature. But I really don't have much to complain about. I don't feel like we're really missing out on too many different things. I went to Tom Thornton's bodybuilding show and I thought that that kind of, it was his first show, so he doesn't know any different, but I thought that kind of just sucked because you just don't get the same interaction that you have. When you go to a bodybuilding show, a lot of times you end up meeting a lot of new people and stuff and people were just really cautious and they were keeping their distance from each other and um it was just different it was just way different it was like
Starting point is 00:19:28 very like somber there was like no music it was just everybody kind of seemed like hey i just want to kind of get this thing over with and and get out of here and there was a lot of rules and people were kind of yelling at the competitors often and telling them to keep their masks on and all that kind of stuff. So I think that's kind of the biggest difference is what we will see more so from a mental perspective rather than like physically you can't do A, B or C. Yeah. Just like you said, when we look back, I think, you know, maybe our kids will ask or something, you know, maybe grandkids, Mark or something, you know, maybe grandkids
Starting point is 00:20:05 mark about, you know, like, oh my gosh, you guys were on lockdown. You couldn't go anywhere. It's like, well, that's what they said, but we all kind of still, you know, we got to get groceries and then yeah, everyone did buy up all the toilet paper. So we had to figure something out. But yeah, I'm, I'm in total agreement with you like things things got weird even within my own household like work got weird for my wife um but for the most part yeah i'm i feel very fortunate and grateful that we didn't really have to do anything
Starting point is 00:20:37 crazy or nobody really close to me got super infected with, you know, the virus to where it was like, Oh my gosh, like this, like who we, we really got to be careful. Even though a lot of people that I know did, it was all kind of a breeze. Like nobody really like almost, yeah, everybody was like, no, this feels like a bad cold. But you know, for me, you know, next year is going to be one of the most, if not the most interesting year of my life. I'm going to have my first son. So, you know, next year I'm hoping, you know, things can open back up to where we can do some of the things that we just we really like to do. But also, you know, so this past summer, you know, my family and I, we like to go camping.
Starting point is 00:21:22 We like to get out there. We got paddle boards and stuff and we didn't even go out once. And, you know, come to find out, that's like one of the things that people actually did do to get away. And at the time it was just like, no, like, let's just be careful. Let's not, you know, put anyone in the family in danger. Let's not, you know, add to the people kind of like rebelling or whatever, you know, like, let's just, we'll just chill. We'll wait this out and see how long it goes. And then you blink and like, oh man, summer's over. And that's, you know, that's our, that's our favorite time of the year. At the beginning of the year, I bought a, uh, a DJI, like a, kind of like a GoPro camera, but the DJI version of it, it's like, oh, it is going to be
Starting point is 00:22:01 sick. I'm going to have this on the paddleboard. Like we'll be in the water. Like this is going to be so cool. You know, an action camera and we didn't use it once. And I was so bummed out. Like I actually saw the battery, like, uh, one of the batteries that I bought for it over the weekend. I was like, Oh yeah, I forgot that we even bought that damn thing. So I'm hoping to, uh, yeah, just, just to welcome my son into like a really cool world where that's not, you know, full of masks and, um, not that I really have an issue with the mask other than, you know, sometimes they can hinder your, your breathing, but, um, you know, just, just, yeah, just a world where like, like, Hey, we want to go to the park. Like let's go to the park and not
Starting point is 00:22:39 have anybody look at us weird if we're not wearing a mask, you know, like that sort of thing. Not that he's going to remember next year, but I still want to do a lot of cool things with them you know i think people aren't really uh because i was outside we were looking at some lights yesterday and people were walking around without masks and i think that people like like at this point i mean yeah in a grocery store or whatever like people are going to be wearing masks but when i see people outside just walking around they masks off generally, like the vast majority of people have their masks off. And this is, this is Sacramento, right? So I feel like people are probably trying to be more careful here than other places, but I think people are just kind of tired of it.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Yeah. I think people are tired of it. And then the news will continue to show you the numbers, you know? Um, you know, I don't ever remember a time in our history where they showed the death count, you know, on TV. It's like it's just absurd. You know, they show that death count creeping up every day. They show how many more people have coronavirus every day. And I think that's actually helpful. But there's never a time where they're like, hey, like, this is actually really cool. Like, it sucks that we're losing people and it sucks that people are getting sick, but this is getting ourselves closer to herd probably asymptomatic. Anyone who died from're also probably 75, 80 years old. And I'm not discrediting how they died or whatever, but it's never good to try to play life so safe that you can't live your life is the way I like to live my life.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And people live their life different ways. And so that's maybe how we get to all these different conclusions. But I think another thing to think about too is for us, you know, why are we saying like our lives haven't been, you know, maybe impacted that much. And it's because of the controllables. Like what can you control? You know, can you still lift weights in some fashion, can you, um, can you still lift weights
Starting point is 00:25:05 in some fashion? Can you figure out, maybe not even lift weights, but just figure out a way to have some sort of fitness be part of your life still. If for some reason we couldn't get ahold of any weights, I'm sure all three of us would figure out something. We would do pushups and squats or something. We did some of that during like quarantine. And then what other things can you control? You can control your food. You know, if you're controlling your food and you're controlling your exercise, you're controlling your mind. You know, you really are. And rather than having your mind be controlled by the foods that you're eating and all the thoughts that you're seeing on the news, I think for all three of us, not saying that we're, um, you know, so strong or something mentally that we just brushed everything off, but we're a little bit more prepared for it
Starting point is 00:25:51 because we feel pretty good about ourselves on a given day. I feel pretty good about myself each day, especially when I, uh, feel like I accomplished a lot. I got a lot of work done for the day. I lifted, I can check all these boxes, did shit with the family. Um, uh, went to Walmart last night with my kids, which was a hell of an experience. I haven't been to Walmart in a long time, but you kind of, at the end of the day, you can check all these boxes of all these variables that you can control. There's a bunch of stuff that you can't control. And if unfortunately you did lose your job or you did lose a relative or whatever it is that has happened um those are things that are uh you have zero control over them in 2020 for me has been amazing it's like
Starting point is 00:26:36 one of the best years of my life i did lose my mom in 2020 uh which is a game changer for the family probably you know forever um so there's a lot of negative, but that doesn't wipe out the whole year. That doesn't mean that the whole year was bad from a business perspective, from a personal development perspective, from a growth with friends and other family members and stuff perspective. It's been, it's been amazing. So, you know, you can, I think a lot of it has to do with your perspective and what are the things, what are the variables that you have control over that you can still
Starting point is 00:27:11 feel really good about? Yeah. It's, it's, I think one big thing that I've noticed about 2020 is like, first off the news, like you mentioned, isn't helping. There's a constant death count going on. It's always very morbid. It's always very, just warning people about what they should be doing, what they shouldn't be doing. So I have a lot of friends that are having issues because, number one, maybe they are kind of stuck either in their apartment or where they live. They're not able to really go out and socialize as much as they really used to. So that really like the social aspect I've noticed is something that really, really gets to people. Um, but outside of that, like it, it, it is really like, what can you control? What can you figure out something that you can do now? Because a lot of people do have a bit more time, right? There, there is, you know, a lot of people I know are now working from
Starting point is 00:28:07 home. So like there is more time to do certain things that you want to do or learn certain things that you want to learn. And it's just making that choice to go do something, learn something, take something up rather than, um, just sitting around and kind of being sad about how everything's going. And I know everybody's situation is different, but I do see that a lot. It's just it's literally just a choice that you can make. Sounds really simple, but if you make that choice, we'll probably be much better off. Yeah, really well said and seem like that. Well, both of you guys just crushed it in regards to like the media media and you know what what everyone's been saying um it
Starting point is 00:28:47 was really interesting yesterday the doctor that um basically said like oh we need to get you tested um to my wife he was like oh like don't be like nervous about it or anything and she she was more worried about just getting the uh the um swab jammed up her nose. But he was like, it's really not that big of a deal anymore. And, you know, she's telling me this and I'm like, Hmm. He's like,
Starting point is 00:29:09 yeah, I had it. I hadn't like a headache for four days. Like he said, he had a really bad headache. He's like, but after that, it's,
Starting point is 00:29:17 he's like, it's no big deal. I'm like, okay, here's a medical professional, an actual doctor, practicing doctor saying that it's not that big of a deal. Why don't we hear more of that as opposed to the other? You know, it's like everybody wants to talk
Starting point is 00:29:31 about like, what are your credentials in this? And, you know, everything people say, right? Whenever you bring up something, people have something to say. And again, here's somebody that had it, somebody that has the the degree somebody who's still uh you know practicing and he's like it's no big deal four days you'll be over it if you in fact have it which she didn't but i was just i was just really surprised i'm just like damn like can you get that guy on camera because we were more people need to hear this you know so i was surprised but it just seems like yeah like we need we need more people like that your doctor's also talking to somebody that's healthy that exercises that's still young
Starting point is 00:30:13 you know and so you know given the context of who he's communicating with um and also too maybe he just saw that your wife was a little nervous and he's trying to like you know he's not going to try to calm her down with a lie you know he's trying to calm her down with you know people that are our age are generally doing pretty good you know and you should be you'll probably be fine because you're fit and uh and you're still you're still young i noticed the news um is really like it looks like at the moment they're really trying to throw stuff out there and try to make it stick. Our local news, there's been so many shootings, whether it's a cop shooting somebody else or somebody else shooting a cop. And it's like they keep trying to stick this stuff out there or just shootings in general.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And I think they're really hoping that these things stick. And it's like, I'm actually really happy that these things aren't sticking. You know, like they, like they were a couple months ago. But I kind of wonder like what the shift is, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:17 and, and maybe it just happens that it, maybe it just so happens that it's not a black and white thing at the moment. And so they can't pin it to that, you know, and they can't drive that, drive that narrative and, and, and have that, you know, be, be a thing. But it's, it's amazing to see the kind of uproar of, of, uh, all this stuff that went on early in 2019 and that's gone. And it's like, where in the fuck did that go? You know?
Starting point is 00:31:46 And I think that people are getting smart and I think people are kind of tired of the news and they're going to form their own opinion. And it's like, okay, well, I got, I got the message. Racism is still a huge deal. It always has been and never went anywhere. Okay. Now what can I control? What can I do about it? Can I go yell at all my white friends that i think are racist probably not a great idea probably not going to shift their mind probably not going to be able to do really much of anything about it but you know can i um can i do my best job to you know just i don't know make sure i'm the uh just i don't know just living up to my own standards whatever those standards might be and then even people around me if I hear someone say something that I'm not cool with why not say hey man I got
Starting point is 00:32:32 I'm not good with that you know I don't I don't dig that or just walk away any of those options are good but you know just try to think of the variables that you can control and the ones you can't I don't know if there's really a lot of great reasons to get pissed off about them or sad or mad or to even really try to do much about them. Yeah. I was just going to ask you guys if you think people are just kind of like starting to wake up and kind of look at everything with skeptical hippo eyes. Like, is that true? It's funny. know like like like is that true or you know and it's funny and i think you're grinning and seem because you might have watched the same thing from andrew scholl's the uh the netflix or like
Starting point is 00:33:10 whatever the heck it's called but he was just talking about how uh this this whole year brought uh brought on like the the um popularity of conspiracy theories he's like you know people started looking at things a little different and then they started Googling stuff. And then, you know, when you go down that rabbit hole, you know, especially with like what the social network or the social dilemma movie or documentary told us, you know, once you start looking down one thing, it starts feeding you that same thing over and over. If it finds that you appreciate and you like that sort of thing. But I think that's that's really what it is. You know, like I'll have my father in law telling me something where I'm like, damn, where did you hear that? You know, that's, that kind of goes in line with what we've been hearing on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And it's like, oh man, he, you know, he kind of, he, he took the, uh, the red pill or whatever, you know, he like broke out of the system. Uh, and then, you know, I'll talk to my dad and he's very much like, uh, I don't, I forget which news he watches, but watches, but it's very much in line with that. And so I'm like, ah, what if? And you try to bring him over to this side. So I think, yeah, just everyone being at home, right? You got not much going on. So you start Googling stuff and you start waking up.
Starting point is 00:34:18 And I think we've come quite a long way this year in kind of just trying to sift through the bullshit and figure out like for yourself what you believe not what you're being told to believe yeah i think the advent of the karen is the funniest thing about 2020 just to be perfectly honest like you guys probably seen those karen pages uh on instagram where it all like full-on. Yeah. There's a, there's a, there's a page like dedicated to different Karen videos. Um, and it's just gold.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Like it's, it's, it's just a real gold mine of these. So these just very angry, very emboldened women. Oh man. And I mean, we'll definitely,
Starting point is 00:35:02 we will get into all of this stuff about, you know, 20, 2020 in our year all of this stuff about you know 20 2020 in our year in review show but you know that thanks for reminding me i gotta write that down because there was a whole karen situation this year i this whole year has been like oh yeah that did happen didn't it when you were saying that you're like what do you talk about 2020 how are you gonna talk about it i really think i like when i'm 50 40 something i'm gonna exaggerate the hell out of 2020 i'm gonna be like i couldn't cross the street without you know somebody trying to call the cops on me because i have to be cool socially distant i'm gonna exaggerate the hell out of 2020 because i think everybody does that you have to
Starting point is 00:35:39 put no cops around then you're gonna catch covid and if covid didn't get you the murder hornets would or karen would be yelling at you oh my god oh my god where are the where are the murder hornets at right that lasted for like a few weeks or like a week or something and then it just went away that's exactly what you're saying mark it didn't stick so it's gone god it's not not a good enough common enemy yeah yeah what stuck for a long time when i was a kid was that uh it was like the u.s versus russia that whole thing stuck for a really long time and there was always like this debate on whether they had missiles and what we had versus what they had and that kind of whole cold war thing like someone's gonna push a button at any second and i think that lasted for like a decade.
Starting point is 00:36:26 So that was a pretty good one that they got to stick for a long time. I mean, I'm sure there's, there's definitely some truth to it and stuff like that too, but it's just stuff to try to, I don't know, just, just to get the people to watch the fucking news,
Starting point is 00:36:39 I guess, you know, and movies. Cause Russians were always the enemy. Oh, look at Rocky, Rocky rocky four it's great yeah speaking of things that i can't wait to get back to freaking movies man there's nothing to watch and i know uh like wonder woman there's not even anything like in areas where you can go to the movie theater there's really nothing out that's what i mean yeah yeah wonder woman's gonna be out on christmas day
Starting point is 00:37:05 which you know yeah i'm here in nevada and i can go watch a movie but um there's like there's really nothing out they have older stuff which we've been thinking about going to see because that's kind of fun too but you want to see something new yeah yeah so wait what what can you guys do in nevada right now like what what like are you guys can you guys go out anywhere what's going on yeah the restaurants are open and all that kind of stuff um okay it's because like so the atmosphere in nevada like when you get to that border between nevada and california it's just totally different in nevada so there's no coronavirus here as soon as you it's just this imaginary line
Starting point is 00:37:46 but as soon as you cross the imaginary line then you're totally fine I know it's amazing the temperature even though people drive back and forth and back and forth over that line I think a lot
Starting point is 00:38:02 of us are just frustrated with the fact that I don't think we have that much trouble with compliance. You know, we don't have that much trouble saying, OK, we can follow those rules. But when the rules are dumb, you're like, these rules are fucking stupid. You know, why can I go over there and do this? Like, why is Walmart open with thousands of people in it shopping, finger fucking the food and all the stuff we've heard on our show right like people are touching stuff and putting stuff back and yeah people are putting their hands all over handles and carts and whatever and i know they're wiping stuff down
Starting point is 00:38:35 or whatever but that's really not probably doing a whole lot and the restaurants are shut down you know you can't go inside a restaurant here in in Nevada, you can go in the restaurants. Kind of same rules we had in California. You had to kind of wear the mask on the way in, and then once you sat down, you could take them off. Movie theaters are open. Gyms are open. Gyms are open like normal.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Like you don't have to wear a mask on the way in or nothing. They're just completely normal. I'm going to get out to a gym a little bit later today get some training in but you know even while i'm here and in nevada i'm uh you know the first thing i did when i got here is i cooked up an icon meal and uh today's the first kind of full day here i'll uh i'll, I'll go hit up a gym. I'll go get a gym membership, you know, because these are, again, these are things that are important to me. And these are things that I can, um, control. I can't, I can't control a lot of other stuff, but I can try to keep my weight intact during the holidays. And I can continue to work on, you know, my goals and stuff like that. And having goals
Starting point is 00:39:46 was great because you have something to aim for, you got something to shoot for. And then hopefully you're aligning a lot of the things that you're doing on a daily basis to get your head in the right direction towards those goals. And when you do that, it starts to occupy your day. Your day is pretty full because you're like, ah, I got all these fucking goals I got to try to meet. So I may as well keep trying to gravitate towards them yeah occupy your mind right um i think it was uh tom was talking about this about how you know our generation is like the first to really have enough time to be depressed you know because you think about like great depression like they i mean yeah they were probably all upset, but they couldn't really be depressed cause they were, they had to, you know, survive. So I think what you said there, you know, if somebody is having a hard time,
Starting point is 00:40:33 you know, isolated or, you know, losing family members or someone close, yeah. Occupy your mind, set goals, stick to them and just stay busy. You know, that's, that's usually the best thing that helps me out is I'll write a list of things that I want to get done. Usually start with a single, like call it instead of, instead of trying to hit a home run right out the gate. And that's been really beneficial during this time. But also, uh, I thought it was funny because, uh, Grant Cardone, he had tweeted out, he's like, so in California, you can't open up a restaurant unless you create an inside outside. He's like, then you're good to go. And it's like, yeah, you know, I got a black bear diner right down the street and they got tents all over the place. And we went and checked it out. Cause I'm like, what is this like? You know, I wanted to
Starting point is 00:41:18 experience it. And I really just wanted to eat like a fat kid. and it was delicious, but they, yeah, it's, you know, they, they do have everything spread out, but it's hardly any different than, you know, what it would be like inside. It did get a little cold because, you know, it's not sealed. So I guess maybe that's what they're hoping to accomplish by doing it outside, but it just, it just sucks. I don't, I, you know, I want to make sure these uh it's not a small business but everything around us kind of is it would be terrible like we moved to this really cool um area if things started shutting down my neighbor they have a a mexican um uh it's called the panaderia so it's a uh like they create like uh sweets and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:42:06 like they that's a bakery there you go that's that's the word and i don't know how they're they're getting by but they're they're doing okay and it would be terrible if they had to shut down like that shit would piss me off they're really nice people yeah maybe uh they're just hoping that the wind's gonna blow the coronavirus away at these restaurants because yeah because yeah i mean not some of those places too and it just doesn't make any sense it doesn't make any sense um but one thing i think all of us can be like extremely grateful for and i'm like i realized this in the middle of the year when you started seeing like what they were saying in terms of the coronavirus we're already three people that like, we value our health, we value being in shape and, um, you know, just being generally healthy. And with that in mind,
Starting point is 00:42:50 that's part of the reason why we're not really scared. Like I'm, I'm, I'm not scared of getting it. The only thing I'm kind of worried about is potentially I I'm asymptomatic and I go over to my mom's place and yeah. So I'm so i'm still careful in that sense but you know i've been seeing uh or my mom's been telling me how like in the news they've been saying that oh yeah it's starting to kill young people too and i'm just i'm just like no no the fact that they're trying to even spread that message that it's that it's killing young healthy people no yeah like there's there's usually something underlying there like when you look into some of these stories you find that they had some type of asthma they had something
Starting point is 00:43:30 that was really you know going to bolster that so yeah man yeah i think one of the things that i'm most proud of for us in this podcast this year is the fact that i mean with the exception of like dr batar he was very radical not radical. He just was like the first to be vocal about everything. So it seemed like it was over the top, but come to find out everything was like, oh shit, he was right this whole time. But I think we gave people, uh, armor in regards to what is being, you know, shoved down their face when it comes to the media. Not so much to be like, hey, you guys need to rebel. Don't wear your mask and start coughing on people.
Starting point is 00:44:10 But more like, hey, you can still thrive in this environment. You can still be a savage. And when somebody's freaking out, you have all this information that we've given you from our guests, from our experiences to be like, no, it's not what they're telling you. Like, this is what I've, you know, hopefully you guys have did your own research, you know, in regards to anything that you heard here on the podcast, if you did go move forward and tell somebody else about it. But yeah, for me, I think, you know, when we look back this year, it'll be like, dude, like we, we had a very important role in regards to making sure people didn't freak out.
Starting point is 00:44:48 People still had something positive to look forward to and something that people could just vibe with that wasn't pandemic. You know, that wasn't like the end of times. It was like, no, these guys are actually having a blast. You know, they're healthy. They're still doing well. And it's just cool that we didn't shy away from that sort of thing this year it seems like the most perfect recipe you know and that's why it's hard to not think about conspiracy theories um but as we point out on the show
Starting point is 00:45:17 we're like well who's behind it and why you know would be some of the reasoning but maybe you know maybe the government is using it as some sort of like cleansing of some sort that they think that they can kind of you know control certain things certain way and uh separate for the rich from the poor more so they can get more towards an ideal that they feel is better i don't know it, it's hard to watch it all unfold and not think like there is something really weird behind all this. Um, even if, even if it's just, even if it's just somebody with, uh, some bad intentions, you know, it's just, which you would think like how, like just why, right right why would someone have just bad intentions like that but it is just so strange you know all the big companies are open all the smaller ones not
Starting point is 00:46:11 all the smaller ones but most of the smaller ones had to shut down except for those of us who are online didn't have to worry about it as much and and that could just be because they couldn't find an excuse to shut down people that that are, you know? But, you know, you got like, you know, Amazon and Walmart and, you know, even our, even some friends that own coffee shops and stuff, you know, Dutch bros with a drive-thru coffee shop, like that place has gone through the roof. The amount of tips that they got like tripled because they're like hey which what tip do you want to leave you're not allowed to touch the screen and you can't do it like privately so yeah well it's just you're like i'll just pick the one in the middle so i'll see
Starting point is 00:46:54 like a cheap fucker you know and uh yeah you know so some of these companies have really kind of launched into being you know a major major success way more than they used to be. And a lot of other ones that have had to kind of fold up shop and crumble. But it seems like while the world has been on pause, it seems like in the United States anyway, it almost seems like it's the news mission to like pry us apart. Like if you watch it, you stare, watch it. One thing will be about black. One thing will be about white. One thing you still watch it. One thing will be about black.
Starting point is 00:47:25 One thing will be about white. One thing will be about Hispanic. One thing will be about Corona. One thing will be about rich. One thing about poor. And by the time the thing's over with, you may have sided up with something and not even really recognized it. You might not even know, you might not even know, but just your own internal bias, your own internal, uh, beliefs, you might've been like, yeah, that's stupid or I don't like that. Or you might have kind of showed hatred towards something without even really barely recognizing. So it's hard to sit back and watch all this happen and unfold without thinking that there's some sort of major conspiracy behind it all. You know what, man?
Starting point is 00:48:02 This actually I'm really glad that you kind of mentioned that because this has been a very scary year in that sense. When I look at people, I know that are very close to me. When I, when I look at the way that they think about certain things, as far as like politics are concerned. And when I say that, I mean, just the way they think about other individuals. Like I know people who immediately immediately once they know somebody's a trump supporter there is an automatic uh they have this automatic idea of like they're probably just like fucking bigot or you know they're fucking racist or they're this they're this they're this they're this because they support trump when like first off that is that is a very dangerous way to think
Starting point is 00:48:42 and the same thing when people find out somebody's a Biden supporter, they automatically think they're a certain way. And it's like, people have really stopped looking at everybody as individuals and have really started looking at people as, as just, this is the way the group is. And the reason why I think so that's so damn dangerous is because when you look at the way that, way racism actually works, it's like you look at an individual, whether they be black or Jewish or whatever, and you have this assumption of who they are based off of the stereotypes of the group. So you look at a black guy, a big black guy, and you think that he's probably a criminal, this, this or this because of the stereotypes related to that group. Now people are starting to do that with people who support certain politicians. There's a stereotype about people that support Trump. There's a stereotype about people who support X, Y, and Z. And a lot of people I know who I would have never thought would take that kind of mindset are, and that's a really, really scary thing.
Starting point is 00:49:47 are. And that's a really, really scary thing. And what you said about the groups is really interesting too, because like my son and I, we talk about politics and we talk about a lot of different stuff and he's mentioned like, he doesn't like Walmart or he doesn't like Amazon. He doesn't like, like big business. And I said, but I said, you should like read the history of Walmart. Like you should learn about Walmart, like Walmart's family owned, family owned and operated, you know? And that's like a legendary iconic place that we all make fun of and, you know, kind of have jokes about, but that's a like multi, multi-billion dollar like company.
Starting point is 00:50:21 And yes, maybe when these companies get big and bulky like that, maybe their intentions change. Maybe they used to have a really awesome mission. Maybe they wanted to get, I don't know, pharmaceuticals to people that didn't have money for it or something. Like maybe it started off with something really kindhearted and then turned into this massive thing. But Amazon is the same way, you know? And when Jake and I have talked about Amazon, I'm like, well, when do you start to hate a company? Or when do you start to hate a person? Like what, like what's the switch? What would be the change? You know, all that guy's rich. I don't like him, but what's the dollar amount? Is it a hundred
Starting point is 00:50:59 thousand is like, what's your money? You know, because it's, it's so irrational that we may as well just put a number on it. Like, Oh, that guy lives in Beverly Hills. I fucking hate him. But if he lives in Hollywood, he's cool. It's not that big of a deal. He's renting an apartment in Hollywood. Not a big deal. Even though the apartments, you know, $4,000 a month or whatever, not a huge deal, but the guy that lives in Beverly Hills, I hate him. And then same thing with going back to the business stuff you know uh
Starting point is 00:51:25 amazon was started by somebody that just wanted to sell books what's wrong with selling books what's wrong with you know wanting to get great information out to people and he was even going as far as to get out books that were out of print and books from other languages uh what's wrong with spreading uh more throughout the world? I think it's a great mission. And now you can look at it and say, you know, they're animals and they do this and that, or who the hell knows what they do or don't do. I have no idea, but it's just an interesting thing to lump a group in and say, I don't like them because of this. When really, you probably don't know much about them and you probably should learn more you know buy a book so you can gain more knowledge or communicate with people
Starting point is 00:52:11 whenever i've traveled um to i traveled to japan and australia and a bunch of different spots france um italy and when i've traveled to these areas i tell people all the time like i'm american i don't know what's going on i I'm ignorant. And I was like, tell me, you know, tell me what's going on around here. Tell me this or tell me that. What does this word mean? Or what does that mean? And they're actually really kind. They're always like, oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. This means that that means that they have no problem giving you an education on it. So there's no reason to like hate on it. You should probably just learn more about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:47 And then just thinking about, you know, like when you were talking about tips and stuff, I don't know about you guys. So like I've always tried to tip as much as I can, like comfortably can. And then coming from you, Mark, like, you know, I think I can't remember. I think you might have text me or something, but you're like, it always comes back, like no matter what. So do as much as you can. I know lately I've been doing more than ever because I'm just so grateful when a store or a restaurant's open.
Starting point is 00:53:15 You roll through a Dutch Bros, like you said, and you're just like, man, how are you guys doing? You keeping busy? And the one next to my house is it's always packed so i'm always pretty fired up for them but that's one thing for sure that this whole thing has taught me is just to be grateful for literally like more things than i would have ever even considered in the past that's definitely one thing that you know that i've learned from all of this and then what if uh you know in trying to coronavirus, we somehow eradicated like the common cold? Because normally somebody would be sick right now around me and I haven't had anybody sick of anything.
Starting point is 00:53:54 You know, so it's like, what's going on? Like, I don't know. You know, maybe we substitute one bad thing for a worse thing. But like, dude, colds got us every single year. And everyone around me is like, we're doing good yeah maybe a little social distancing and maybe some things like that maybe it would help a ton with the uh with the common cold and flu you know the flu kills a lot of people too and so maybe we implement a small amount of this or something but we it's just interesting because we've never even considered not in the United States.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Like this is something that we never even, we would never even looked at. And when it comes to this situation, I'm a firm believer that we didn't need to really do anything and that we would end up with the same amount of, but we'll never know. We'll never know. You know, that's my own opinion. That's my own belief. We'll never really truly know. I do understand why they did it because
Starting point is 00:54:46 they didn't want um that many people getting sick that quickly uh even though we would have gotten through everything a lot faster they didn't want that many people you know having to have need medical attention so it makes sense from that perspective yeah do you guys know moving forward like how long this uh lockdown that we're currently in is supposed to go? Like, you know, we were talking about it yesterday and it's like, oh man, hopefully, you know, it is up before next summer. I'm like, but I don't even know what the proposed plan is. So typical pandemics throughout history, they last like about 18 months and we're getting there. So that's just, they just, that's
Starting point is 00:55:26 about how fucking long they take. And it might be different nowadays because the amount of travel that people have and people do and people get around more and there's just more, there's just a lot, there's a lot more things to consider nowadays just because of technology, but, um, they usually take about 18 months. So I think we're, we're getting close to what a year, right? Yeah. Yeah. We're getting close to, I guess like the February, I don't know when you start it.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Yeah. It depends. It's just say, just say it's March. So then we have like August or September, like shit should be pretty cool. Especially I'll give a couple of months for the vaccine to be out there. And, you know, a lot of, I don't think there's any concern either about the vaccine or like whether,
Starting point is 00:56:17 you know, people should do it or shouldn't do it. I think there's enough people that are excited to go do it, that it's fine and that it will work out. And the people that aren't excited to go do it and that won't do it i think there's enough people that are excited to go do it that it's fine and that it will work out and the people that aren't excited to go do it and that won't do it um i don't think there's any i just don't think it's a big deal i think enough people are excited to go get it enough people are excited to go take the vaccine um that everything will balance out with the amount of people that already had the coronavirus you know yeah have you guys seen those uh the vaccine videos have you guys watched any of those i see one that that bow high tower posted is that the one go for it talk about it talk about it yeah so and i joked because i'm like
Starting point is 00:56:56 okay whoever that is i want them to administer my vaccine um it was uh two i'll just say nurses because i don't know exactly what they're like they were i don't know if they were doctors i don't know what they were but uh two guys you know in full-on you know whatever gear and uh they're administering the vaccine to one of them so it's one nurse to the other and it's an empty needle like he just he like punctures and he tries to push and you see him like trying to to like oh shit it's not there and he kind of like pulls it out a little bit and then he pushes again and they're like yep that's uh the first of uh the two you know whatever uh injections or whatever and people are like wait a second that's empty and so i was joking i'm like either they're
Starting point is 00:57:41 very incompetent or you, they know what they're doing and they're trying to avoid the vaccine. So I want those guys to do mine. But, uh, I was, yeah, dude, I was cracking up too. It was really good. Yeah. Your boy is going to just, uh, I'm just going to be in waiting mode. I'm going to see how this goes for another year or two.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And I'll probably just wait even longer. Yeah. I'm probably just gonna dodge it yeah because it's an opportunity to step aside and like let other people get it that feel that they really need it yeah that's exactly what i was that's that's that's that's where my point is i don't want to take a vaccine away from someone who really needs it right yeah um and you know i i probably shouldn't have been listening in, but somebody who I may or no or not know who works for a certain medical company, blah, blah, blah. They had a company wide Zoom call, basically, where like if you work in the hospital, you have to get the vaccine, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:58:45 For everyone else, it'll roll out to them eventually, those that are working remote. And it's pretty interesting. They're like, if you work at home and you're around other people, wear a mask. Like they're just saying in your own house, wear a mask. They're saying when you get the vaccine, you still need to wear a mask because you can still transmit or whatever. When you get the vaccine, you can still get the virus. So it doesn't totally protect you.
Starting point is 00:59:09 They're like, so you can't just go out, you know, willy nilly and not protect yourself. But I'm like, well, that's interesting that they're telling you that you're going to receive the vaccine, whether you like it or not. And then on top of that, you can still potentially get the virus. And so I'm like, well damn like i hope those that are really waiting on this don't necessarily hear that because i don't want them to still be freaked out after getting the virus i hope that they receive the vaccine and then they're like all right yeah it's time to start opening things
Starting point is 00:59:40 up and let's start getting back to normalcy but But when I heard that, I'm like, well, well, what's the point? And it was interesting. Cause like the, the person that was speaking was like, yeah, if you're going to have people over for, you know, the holidays, maintain six feet or more, everybody wear a mask. And I wanted to hop in and be like, do you plan on doing that? You know, like just to be like, okay, the person who said this is full of shit because there's no way that they're going to not, you know, it just, maybe I'm wrong. But I just thought it was really interesting that they're like, yeah, you get the vaccine, you can still get it. So, you know, still be cautious around other people. And I was just like, hmm, all hmm all right well not that i needed another reason to not really be interested in the vaccine but to know that it doesn't totally
Starting point is 01:00:31 you know so i'm like oh it's basically the common cold again or it's the flu right like every year we're gonna get we're gonna get a new uh vaccine for it yeah and i think that this like when i said that 18 months i don't mean that the thing's going to disappear and i don't mean it's going to be you know at 18 months you know it's might take longer or whatever but it'd be funny if that was true though it's it's approximately how long these things just need to they need to uh they need to like run their course you know it's like how long does the winter last you know it's, it lasts a certain amount of time and every year it's slightly different, but it just, you know, it just lasts a certain amount of time. Um, with the vaccine, you know, I'm,
Starting point is 01:01:15 I'm not really, uh, you know, I'm not really like a conspiracy theorist or I don't think there's anything too crazy. Like, I don't know if there's like a chip in there and like all that kind of stuff and the uh when it comes to like whether it's healthy or not you know i think that they they did they did do a really good job of like getting a product out there's most of the medical community and maybe it's just hopeful or maybe it's maybe they have uh vested interest so it's hard to tell. But most people agree that this is pretty damn good. And maybe pretty damn good isn't good enough for most people. But I think they said like 98% or something. It protects you by 98%.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I don't know if I have those stats correct or not. But that's pretty wild because vaccines don't usually do that. They usually don't work that good. But that's pretty wild because vaccines don't usually do that. They don't usually don't work that good. The vaccine, like, you know, because you get a vaccine for like a flu and it's kind of a guess on what kind of flu is out there. I think that this particular vaccine will, you know, is fairly guaranteed to help prevent you get the coronavirus. But I don't know a ton about that topic necessarily but just from what i've heard you know 98 is pretty uh it was pretty staggering and then if you're somebody that
Starting point is 01:02:32 is already fairly healthy um your risk was super low anyway and now it's just like damn near impossible you know at some point for you to get it. So it just all depends on how you look at it. I think some people are concerned that they'll get the shot and it might impact their immunity in a negative way, or there'll be some sort of negative repercussions down the road 10 years from now or something like that. I do want to say that I think they've been celebrating this thing coming, you know, they've been celebrating how quickly it got here and still president Trump is not getting any credit for a project warp speed.
Starting point is 01:03:14 And I just, I just think it's like, I just think, I know it's not a mate. This is an amazing name. It sounds like something from space balls or something like that. Project warp speed. I just think it's interesting because people want to, like, throw so much shit at him and give him so much flack for everything.
Starting point is 01:03:32 And I would say that, like, he was a big part of this. He's a big part of, you know, why we have a vaccine. People wanted a vaccine. You know, a huge number of people wanted a vaccine. People think that we need a vaccine. And I don't know how direct he was involved in creating this, you know, but it seemed like he did everything he could to free up the company so that they could get us a vaccine quickly. Maybe we should see if we can get a rep from one of these companies and maybe they can speak about it in a different way.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Maybe he got in the way for all I know, but it seems like, um, it seemed like he was pretty responsible for it and they don't mention him at all on any of the news. They don't fucking talk about him at all. No one's, no one's like,
Starting point is 01:04:16 thank God. Like he, you know, he pushed some of these agendas along so that he can get these things done faster. But, uh, I think that's the,
Starting point is 01:04:24 uh, that's what it's like being President Trump, I think. Yeah, I think getting a rep like that would be freaking awesome. But I was also thinking about maybe circling back and getting some of the doctors that we had on in regards to all this stuff and get their opinion on the vaccine. I could be way wrong, but from what I understand, it's not like a flu vaccine where they give you like a, like a, like a, basically a dead version
Starting point is 01:04:51 of the flu to, so that way your body can develop antibodies to fight that one virus off. I think it's something different. I might've, might've just made that all up. But when I heard that, I'm like, Oh, okay. Maybe it's not quite what I was fearing the most, which is like, oh, we're going to give you baby corona, and then you'll get over that. But you'll get sick for a little bit, but then you'll be fine, kind of like how most people feel about the flu virus. But in regards to – I've said in regards way too much this episode, by the way. in regards to, uh, I've said in regards way too much this episode, by the way.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Um, but thinking about conspiracy theories or whatever for the vaccine, it just seems like, um, somebody definitely made a shit ton of money. Um, not sure who, because that thing came way too fast.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Like that, that's quick. Yeah. I think that's the only thing where I'm like, man, like that was really, really bad stock in it. So I'm good to go.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Hell yeah. You did? Wait really? Oh hell yeah What was the company? I think it's uh I'm not sure if it's The Moderna one or if it's the other one It's whatever one doesn't have to be as cold I forget which one it is Good move
Starting point is 01:06:00 That's sick Hell yeah I'm on that shit right away I don't think of shit like that but it like multiplied by like 20 like 20 like instantly but uh the key is like when when do you kind of sell it off or whatever yeah see man that's yeah moderna went up that's yeah a lot i think i think that might be the one that i can't remember my My wife did it, but... Yeah. I got to open my mind to more stuff like that because I will kind of see something, but I won't think of stocks.
Starting point is 01:06:31 I'm like, fuck that vaccine. I ain't getting one of those. I'm like, but I'll buy stock. So when somebody says, do you buy stock in vaccine marketing? I'm like, yep, I did. Like, no, no, no, that's not what I meant, but yeah. I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:43 What do you guys think? Do you guys think do you guys think it's like in vaccines in general are you guys you know uh like you're having a baby coming up and i think that little sucker gets like a lot i think like almost not necessarily automatically but it's standard protocol for the for the child to get like 12 or 16 shots or something right out, right out of the gate. Yeah. Um, that, that was actually one of my biggest, it might be the biggest concern, you know, in regards to like, there I go with that damn word again. Um, as far as raising this bad boy is, um, yeah, like I, you know, you hear like, Oh, autism, you hear this, you hear that, don't know what's true's true what's not so i am going to reach
Starting point is 01:07:26 out to our mutual friend friend of the show gabrielle lion um and she's like she just had one and she's having another one and she's like i will give you the schedule that i believe in you know this she's a doctor you know so i'm gonna listen to her over whatever i google search and whatnot so i don't know what that schedule is, but apparently she has like a certain protocol when it comes to like maybe not doing it all at once, you know, maybe doing it over a time period and maybe pulling some out. I'm not sure. So I will, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:58 discuss that with her and go from there. Take notes and then I get back to us on that. Yeah. For a feature reference yeah absolutely but yeah that's that's what what i plan on doing um you know i i don't normally get any you know like flu shots or anything like that i got whatever i was you know i had to get back in like junior high and stuff to play like basketball or whatever but other than other than that like if i can get away with not taking a flu shot then i i won't when i worked in uh like
Starting point is 01:08:31 medical records i had to get one uh which i was really upset about and i think maybe that's part of why i'm so like if i don't have to get one i'm not going to get one now because of that experience. We are also different that it's so hard to say, like it's hard to tell, you know, like you could say, oh, I've had this back problem forever. And we could say, yeah, maybe that's connected or you've had allergies or you had a, B or C. But each one of us, I assume, had all similar shots. I'm just, I'm a little older than you guys, but we probably had probably had similar shots when we were babies, you know? And sometimes they just will, you know, they'll just, they'll give children stuff just because they can and just because they have it. And just because, and this is where things get really weird.
Starting point is 01:09:25 It's like certain bills get passed and certain, they have it. And just because, and this is where things get really weird. It's like certain bills get passed and certain, then you're just like, well, this seems like this seems pretty shady. This doesn't really seem like a, as much as a safety concern as it is like somebody is getting paid and the thing's really not causing any harm, so to speak, or we don't think it is or don't know that it is, or we can't prove that it is. And so therefore, let's tack on a couple more shots because they're already getting seven.
Starting point is 01:09:50 So what's the difference between seven and 11? Let's just hit them all up with all that. So it's a hard thing, but we used to not have any of them. We used to not have vaccines. People survived. We wouldn't be here. used to not have any of them used to not have vaccines and you know people uh people survived you know we wouldn't be here people survived without them but people also didn't live nearly as long so correct um and there's some shit out there that's nasty like i don't know if you guys heard like people ever talk about like shingles and things like that but like there's stuff that
Starting point is 01:10:20 you can get that's just like yeah you're like, man, I'd go get a vaccine for that shit. Like that sounds usually I think 45 or 50, like I would be in line with, you know, potentially I have no people that have gotten that before. Like part of your face gets like paralyzed or something and you get rashes on your face. I mean,
Starting point is 01:10:39 stuff that people can visibly see, like it just sounds, sounds horrible. So if you can fucking bypass that by going to get a shot that maybe like, let's, let's just hypothetically say the shot takes two years off your life. I mean, you'll never really know, but it's better than walking around with a bunch of, you know, with side of your face paralyzed for however long. I mean,
Starting point is 01:11:02 one of the guys we're going to have on the show coming up uh the guy that um created champion nutrition michael zampano he talked about having shingles and it went into his eye like went to his eyeball and he had to like surgery and just wild shit so it's like sometimes as much as we talk about you know we had anti-vaxxers and things like that. People like Kyle Kingsbury, who's more of a naturalist and he wants things to be kind of naturally occurring and stuff. It's like, yeah, I'm all for stuff being natural, but stuff's not natural anymore. We've like we've fucking done a lot of damage to the planet and done a lot of things that we probably shouldn't have. And so therefore, there's gonna be some weird mutations of shit floating around if you get a vaccine for it and if it helps prevent it then maybe it's not the worst idea yeah i looked up images of it and it was just shocking
Starting point is 01:11:55 yeah i can't do that shocking um yeah no i haven't gotten the vaccine since i was like 16 i got the flu vaccine and uh that was the year i got the worst flu ever like after that vaccine it was like the worst whoever and i just you were born in a teepee right no it was a hut it was a it was a it was a hut with bricks hot made out of clay and mud clay and mud exactly but um yeah no i i think i was vaccinated as a kid. Pretty sure. Did your parents ever take you guys to chicken pox parties? Were you guys in that? Because I was put in that. I got chicken pox. There's a picture of me when I was a kid
Starting point is 01:12:33 and I had stuff all over my face because of it. It doesn't really do much to you as a kid. You might get a little bit sick and you get itchy and you get some of that marks on you and then it's over with then it goes away but apparently if you get chicken pox as an adult it's deadly so yeah it'll mess you up yeah yeah so you know nah that's funny do we want to talk about the olympia at all
Starting point is 01:12:57 let's do it yeah when you're talking about tom's experience i'm like i wonder what it was like at the olympia why didn't you compete and see me did you end up you had an injury or something you couldn't do it for real yeah um i was just feeling kind of i wasn't feeling the greatest this year so i chose not to uh go try and take the crown it'd be easy though it's not that difficult these guys aren't that bad these guys aren't that big they're not that big big rammy's only like 285 pounds lean. What is that? So freaky up there. Congrats to him, man, on pulling out a victory. Fucking awesome for Phil Heath.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I think Phil Heath came in third. Is it Brandon Curry? Was he number two? Or somebody else? Brandon Curry was second. Hottie Chupan was fourth. And a lot of people are saying that, that Hottie guy. Because when you look at the pictures of that guy versus Phil, he looked kind of better than Phil.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Is he a light? He's a lighter guy, right? And some other guys, maybe a little lighter, maybe a little bit, but not as light as that guy who got fit. William Bonac is like the smallest guy in that lineup. He got fit. He's much lighter than all the other guys, but he looks amazing. What do you guys think of? i mean these guys are shredded i mean they got striations everywhere but i noticed through the midsection a lot of them didn't look i don't know they just didn't they
Starting point is 01:14:16 didn't look as tight as you would think you know being that condition and being olympia level and and maybe there's a sacrifice there for the having bigger arms and bigger lats and things like that. What do you guys think about that? Because I see other competitors in different divisions or different classes and their stomachs look better. And to me, like maybe that's just something that I recognize, but that's kind of like where I look first when I'm trying to see if someone's
Starting point is 01:14:46 really lean is you look at their stomach and then usually look at like the back and you see like the striations and the erectors and things like that. And I didn't see some of that from some of these guys. That's why classic physique exists because like, you know, you're not gonna like, you're not going to get many bodybuilders who have a very tapered you know like waist area they're gonna have to eat so much food yeah you know even big rami like as good as he looked it was kind of surprising because symmetrically he was just kind of blocky you know like everything was just like a boom boom boom boom boom like he's very blocky you know like everything was just like he's very blocky even though he he's much bigger
Starting point is 01:15:27 and he was actually much leaner than everybody else but that's just what bodybuilding is now but that's why people like classic bodybuilding so much like i like the way those classic bodybuilders look way more way more than the bodybuilders because the classic bodybuilders they they look aesthetically pleasing you know yeah looking at big rami's legs i was like i like it just it looks like he had like a couple body builders like for legs you know like he he looked freaky and i heard or i read a lot of people saying the same thing was like you know it's like there's no symmetry there like he's just big and you know he won because he was just bigger than everybody.
Starting point is 01:16:07 So, yeah, I actually didn't even pay attention to the midsection just because I'm like, dude, I can't stop staring at those freaking huge legs. They were enormous. When he hit the side chest, there's this muscle. If you guys were looking at his side chest pose, there's a muscle in the leg that if you compare it to everybody else's it's like two times bigger i don't know what the name of it is but it's like you just got to look at big rammy side chest versus the others and you will see it it's absolutely obvious and it's it's scary it's
Starting point is 01:16:36 legitimately scary seems uh in general to be a big to be a pretty big guy like on stage he just looked he looked so huge compared to the other competitors even when they were just transitioning from one pose to another your eyes are just kind of drawn to him because you're like that's fucking massive like what's going on with this guy yeah his transformation too though man from when he started training to who he is now like apparently he stepped into the gym at like 180 pounds no way imagine that like like talk about just crazy genes like 180 pounds he stepped into the gym and then he ends up getting up to 280 after a few years like or yeah like 200 something 300 something after a few years it's really crazy like i don't get it yeah do you know what is that what he weighed on stage oh he was 285 on stage that means his
Starting point is 01:17:31 off season is like three something yeah he was huge yeah because he's been i mean yeah he's obviously been competing for a while but like i remember that was like the thing right like he couldn't like uh get it all together like for the show day like on on the uh the day of the uh competition and finally people were like he got his um conditioning right and he finally put it all together at the right time i don't know if you know anything about that but i just yeah i'm like how the how the heck does this guy not have has he not won before because he is just like next to phil heath like dude he made him look like dude big rammy was just insane he looks so huge yeah he placed second i think two or three years ago um he just slowly moved up the ranks like other people i
Starting point is 01:18:20 think the first time he went to olympia he got like seven three and he was like like fifth fourth second and now he won i almost wish the competitions were just about being like as shredded as possible i realized that i realized that might be i realized that might be pretty dangerous but like i'm checking out this video from chris is it chris bumstead as i say his last name or yeah bumstead bumstead yeah he looks he he looks amazing but i'd also say that he looks um i don't almost like not as lean as he has looked before and his legs are huge um i don't know there's something that happens to these guys that they've been training for so long and training so hard they just continue to get bigger which is fucking sick
Starting point is 01:19:09 it's awesome but I remember back in the day like even Dorian Yates who was built like a block when Dorian would flex his like serratus muscles and stuff and he kind of cranked down on those it just looked insane it had like striations
Starting point is 01:19:25 in them and i realized he's also one of the all-time greats but you know kind of gone are the days of kind of looking like uh and lee haney's also you know he's he's one of the goats right um so it's hard to compare you know anyone to some of those guys but um that look that lee haney had back in the day was just ridiculous that tiny waist huge chest i mean he had kind of a modern day uh but he's really not talked about that much which is it's kind of strange he had a modern day physique that was better than what arnold had you know arnold kind of had if there is such thing as a natural look arnold somehow kind of blended the two together where uh he kind of just looked like he was that way which obviously he wasn't he had to
Starting point is 01:20:11 fucking train his ass off and do a lot of other things to get there but dexter jackson kind of had that earlier in his career too right like his midline was because he was so he was so shredded yeah yeah shredded but then he also had a small waist you know he didn't have that blocky old waist um and then what's that other guy's name cedric mcmillan has that yeah right but i i didn't see him compete at all so i don't know but yeah he has that look too but it's it's not gonna make it. Sometimes the legs get so big that they just look odd. You know, they look like swollen. And it starts to make the guys look short, even if they're not short. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Makes them look compact. Because they're just as wide as they are tall at that point. So they look just like squares. Did Dexter compete again? Yeah, he did, but he didn't place top five. This is his last Olympia. So I don't know what he placed. Let's look that up.
Starting point is 01:21:16 It's also hard to like seeing them on stage is like, like, like if we saw any of these guys up close, you know, for as good as they look on stage they look a million times better if you were able to see them or see them training in a gym you know there's veins popping out of everywhere it's fucking crazy yeah yeah it's interesting to see i think they you know they shot some of that stuff with uh phil heath and it'd be interesting to see um you know how some of that goes down Phil Heath and it'd be interesting to see how some of that goes down and anybody have
Starting point is 01:21:48 any idea like whether he said he's going to continue competing or anything like that? Not yet. I have no idea. But I think what's really cool is that this Olympia kind of just shows that the judging isn't as skewed as you would think because a lot of people were expecting since Phil's coming back
Starting point is 01:22:04 and he has this documentary and all of this, like that they would try to make hat Phil win because it would just look so much better for all of that. But no, you know, he, he didn't come in like he, he looked great,
Starting point is 01:22:16 but he didn't look like the Phil from a few years ago. And because of that, like somebody else was somebody else won. Yeah. So I think that that's good. Yeah. Do you guys think it's just because he did take some time off or, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:32 That's surgery. Yeah. For his stomach, you know. Yeah. It didn't look the same. Or do you think it's more like a passing of the torch at this point? I feel like he could come back because I like like you know he did a surgery and then he started training hard for this year right i feel like another year and i think he could win it
Starting point is 01:22:52 again because he still looked crazy he still looks like he still looked good it's just certain things weren't there and i think it was just time i think it was just a time thing but if he's able to to get it this year or like get his training right at this year and get his diet right i think it was just a time thing but if he's able to to get it this year or like get his training right at this year and get his diet right i think he could really very well come back and win if he could bring back that old physique because he just looks nutty it's crazy he might mean he might need more time yeah some of these guys it's just challenging you know i'm looking at some of the classic physique guys posing and like, they're just, they're just, some of them just aren't tall.
Starting point is 01:23:26 And so like you stand next to these other guys that are tall for bodybuilding, you know, six foot or above. And, uh, it's hard to just not be like outshined or overshadowed by those, uh, those taller athletes.
Starting point is 01:23:41 The guy that came in second and third, I mean, they're peeled up like you wouldn't fucking believe they're so shredded they look amazing in classic or in bodybuilding in uh classic physique and classic okay yeah yeah i mean they look they they just look everybody looks incredible but they just um there's just something about like being only up to the guy's shoulder that kind of I don't know. Are you right? It's hopefully I don't judge just
Starting point is 01:24:13 on that right they're looking at a lot of other stuff but it's got to be tough when the other guy's so much bigger guys stand there like Coleman back in the day he seemed like he was six foot five or something you know he's probably six feet tall. Yeah. Well, it's just, you know, natural, uh, you know, to when something catches your eye,
Starting point is 01:24:32 you know, it's usually the, the biggest thing in the room or whatever, you know, and it's just, these guys are just freaking huge. Dude. I didn't realize big Rami is 5'10 i thought big rammy was maybe six foot one six foot two but he's 5'10 brandon curry's 5'7 phil heath is 5'9 i didn't know this wow right picture that picture that real quick andrew you well i i mean i i literally have the picture of him next to mark and i it's so funny you know you you have this image in your head of like these you know these guys are larger than life and i'm like in my head i'm like no yeah he was way taller than mark
Starting point is 01:25:17 but i'll have to go back and look in the picture because he's probably the same height or shorter mark isn't five nine but i But that's what I mean. You know, like, yeah, like in my head, I'm like, Whoa,
Starting point is 01:25:29 like big Grammy. Like I thought for sure he was like at least 11 feet tall on stage. Like he just looked huge. That's interesting. Cool. All right, men. Well,
Starting point is 01:25:41 it's a good show. And, uh, Andrew, why don't you take us on out of here, huh? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:25:45 So I'm going to try to get this episode out literally today on Monday. Well, it was a good show. And Andrew, why don't you take us on out of here, huh? Yeah, absolutely. So I'm going to try to get this episode out literally today on Monday. So if, when, slash, that all works out, if you guys aren't registered for, right now is the absolute best time to do it, mainly because we have Mark Bell coming on Oh, my God. I know. We have our super friend series, but in this scenario,
Starting point is 01:26:07 Jesse is going to be interviewing Mark talking about, you know, maybe some of the West side days, some of the, the old super training days before the slingshot was invented. So a lot of funny old school stories. And when, when these two silly geese get together,
Starting point is 01:26:23 it is just, it's amazing. So I really want you guys to be a part of all that. Um, that's going down this Wednesday. Um, I'll have to check the time. I believe it's somewhere around nine o'clock. Not sure. I'll double check, but, um, yeah, so register, you get free trial for seven days. So if you register today, you guys will gain access to that on Wednesday, uh, mark your. Mark your calendars because you're not going to want to miss that. Huge shout out and thank you to Element for sponsoring today's episode. For more information on them, please check the description down below on YouTube, Facebook,
Starting point is 01:26:55 as well as the iTunes show notes, slash powerproject. And then please make sure to follow the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram at mbpowerproject on Twitter. And one last thing about to follow the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power project on Twitter. And one last thing about the podcast, which is the newsletter. Mark and I, we shot some more stuff last week that you guys are going to love. Um,
Starting point is 01:27:13 it could say it's exclusive content that you're only going to find, uh, via the newsletter. So check the, uh, links in the description as well for that. And, um,
Starting point is 01:27:21 while you're at it, send that to a friend so that way they can, you know, squad up with you guys and receive the newsletter. instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema where you at and see me on instagram and youtube and see me on twitter mark i'm at mark smelly bell strength is never weakness weakness never strength catch y'all later sick cool that was great man catch

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