Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 465 - The Effects of Isolation

Episode Date: January 7, 2021

We're not experts, obviously, but today we gave our thoughts on what the lockdowns, shutdowns and forced isolations can do to us. We believe humans are social creatures and when that is taken away, de...pression and confusion set in. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast. Today's episode of the podcast is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. And Seema, can you tell me what you had for dinner last night? You know what I'm going to definitely tell you and you're going to enjoy it? Uh, you'll enjoy it. But I want to quickly mention, the holidays are coming. So Piedmontese is a really awesome company that if you have a company that has maybe 20 to 500 employees, what better gift to give them than the gift of pete monte's beef nice
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Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah, I think people are trying to make, like, I think most people would like for it to be, like, our decision, you know? Um, I don't really know, like whether you're left or you're right, like how much it changes the fact that I think everybody, I don't think anybody likes what's happening, you know? Um, however, you know, maybe some people are in support of it, but I don't, it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense is the problem that I keep going back to whenever I'm like, yeah, I'll just do it. I'll just do what I'm told. Like, I don't have a big, you know, I don't care. Like, I'll just wear a mask. It doesn't seem to be that much of a responsibility for me to take on. I'll just wear one. But then I'm like, wait, but why is everything so dumb? Like, you know, why is, you know, Walmart and Target and all these places open, which
Starting point is 00:02:03 I'm in favor of. I think it's great yeah but then the supermarkets the salons the you know we're here in california i don't know what it's like in some of your states but everything's still pretty uh you know shut down in some sense um i mean especially like hair salons and places like that like they they're just they're not open at all anymore. And there's people like, I guess, figuring out ways to do it, like in their garage on the down low. And, you know, people will people will find a way, which is which is great. But I just. I haven't really heard people be like, I haven't heard anyone really come out and say like hey i think this is like this does seem like a good plan i mean have you guys heard any like anybody be in favor of like
Starting point is 00:02:50 what's going on like and saying like this is clearly working no not really other than like hearing it on like the news is it having any is it having any impact is it having any positive impact whatsoever all right i'll say this is it helping us get to uh as many people with the virus as possible because it seems like according to the news those numbers are going through the roof and it keeps telling us every day yeah about how many people have the coronavirus exactly and another thing that again you'll consistently hear is you'll consistently hear about the bad things that are going on. So did you hear about the thing in Granite Bay on New Year's Eve? Okay. So this is Sacramento. Apparently there's Eddie Murphy's old mansion that he used to own and if he sold it off,
Starting point is 00:03:35 um, but a potential, uh, like a lot of Sacramento party goers through a big New Year's Eve party there and posted a bunch of places. Ridiculous. Yeah. Yeah. It's a ridiculous spot, but they, they posted a bunch of pictures on social and you know, they're going crazy. Everyone was like not wearing masks and stuff. And apparently people are calling it the super spreader event because all the people from that specific party got Corona. And then there's, there is an account that took literally took pictures or followed those people's stories for all the places they went some people went to reno that ended up
Starting point is 00:04:13 getting it some people went to other spots that ended up getting it and it's like that's the stuff you continue to see and it's like ah you're the reason why or stay home but that's going to continue to scare the hell out of people. And that's pretty convenient that somebody was able to go back and save everyone's story. Dude, I don't know. Skeptical hippo eyes,
Starting point is 00:04:33 but I'm not saying that it's impossible. You know what I mean? What do you mean? Like, it's just convenient. Like, Oh, this party and at Eddie Murphy's mansion in Granite Bay,
Starting point is 00:04:43 everyone got sick. Look, here's where they all went dude no like it's just i have to look at things like i don't have to but like just that's the first thing i might bring those to it i hate that yeah how the fuck do they know yeah and i hate that like that's where my mind goes but it's like you know i question everything right yeah yeah it's just that's that's the first thing i'm like wow they like just either one super fan of everybody was there copying their story.
Starting point is 00:05:05 The level of stalking is deep. Literally, the level of stalking is deep because they screenshotted everything from everybody's story. They literally put down everybody's names. It was like, it's like, God damn investigative journalists. Like, it's not even investigative journalists. It's just somebody who made an account and was like, this is what happened. I hope they follow at Mark Bell's Power Project podcast. Well, what about, you know, the gym in New Jersey when we had those guys on the show and they talked about how they haven't had a single case and they've had like 60,000 entries into the gym because they still are practicing social distancing.
Starting point is 00:05:44 They're still practicing some of the things, but they're open. entries into the gym because they still are practicing social distancing. They're still practicing some of the things, but they're open. And I got a really hard time in trying to embrace or halfway even understand, even just halfway understand why our schools are still closed. Yeah. I really have a hard time understanding that one. That one's very, very difficult for me to understand, especially because there's so many schools, there's so much property,
Starting point is 00:06:08 there's so many different buildings. I personally believe that nobody, nobody wants to figure this out. They just don't want to figure it out. And I think it could be figured out and, you know, hopefully by someone smarter than myself, but it seems like most schools have an auditorium and it seems like you can bring in like, you know, a decent amount of kids space them out. I don't know how many kids 1020 whatever amount you think is fine, but some auditoriums can hold like a thousand people.
Starting point is 00:06:45 teacher in there with some with some kids put up fucking glass you know or whatever plastic whatever way you think you need to do it um do it that way and then also you know can we just not have school the same way as we used to can we not have six subjects or whatever amount of subjects go on how about you do two you know like all right history math all right you're out maybe doesn't have to be the same teacher as always. And the teachers union and these teachers, my whole family is comprised of teachers, but I'm still going to be the first person to say, fuck the teachers that don't want to work.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Like if they don't want to work, they don't want to work. They don't want to go back. They're scared. Then let's, let's start over. Have them find another job. It might sound heartless, might sound cold, but we got to move forward. We can't sit back
Starting point is 00:07:28 and wait around for people that are going to... Because when are these people going to feel safe? Every kid needs to be vaccinated or I'm not going back. What's the... Have you heard that said? No, I don't know. I'm wondering. I'm wondering
Starting point is 00:07:44 what would they need to have happen? Um, what if all the kids got tested? Would that help? You know, would that, would that help you to, would some of these teachers come back? And then some people are saying it's about pay, but I got news for you. Teachers make a lot more money than you might think. There's a lot of teachers that make 60, 70,
Starting point is 00:08:06 80K a year. That ain't bad. That's not bad pay. You know, for having three months off? That ain't bad. Depends on where you work. Certain schools do certain things. I think Woodland, in particular,
Starting point is 00:08:23 yeah, I think it's Woodland High School. Pays out more than just about anybody. Damn. It's all bullshit the way that it works. It has to do with a lot of things. I'm not even going to bother getting that side of things. But they could figure out how to have school going on.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I mean, real talk, they probably have to. They have to figure something out. I mean, even, let's say this. You have a certain amount of kids in school how about like not only on a certain week but maybe half the week certain amount of kids go and the other half a certain amount of kids go it'll limit the amount of kids in school there could be this distance between fucking seating what you're saying is too logical i mean at least get them in there because like you were mentioning earlier before the episode, kids need to be around kids. Like you think about how adults are feeling all sad and stuff because they can't get around other people.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I mean, think about how kids feel like they're getting used to having to talk to their friends on their phones. That's not good. Let's maybe even make it about the kids. Let's do it for the kids. You know, like what's that's what we're supposed to be doing anyways but like our generation like if you're my age like you're pretty much toast you know like you gotta you got a couple you got a couple more uh good years in here pretty much but it's all about our youth it's about the kids that are coming up it's about the kids that are 12 and 13 and 17 and 18. It's about,
Starting point is 00:09:47 it's about them. It's not about us anymore because the times will change and we'll just keep getting older and we'll just keep getting more frustrated about how everything's changing so fast, but it will still change really fucking fast. We'll just try to complain a little louder and crank our hearing aids up. There you go. When you're mentioning like, Hey, we have, you know, these gymnasiums and these cafeterias and all this like we could space
Starting point is 00:10:09 things out uh it just it's funny because you see a bunch of memes and stuff just pointing out how silly everything is so the last one i saw everyone was like distance from each other distant from each other uh in line at the airport you know know, they're all, they have their bags, their, you know, every other line or so, and then every, you know, six feet or whatever. And it's like, okay, that works. And then the next picture is everybody in this tube on the airplane, and it's a full, you know, it's like, you know what I mean? Like, okay. Yeah. you know what i mean like okay yeah so you know on the one hand i have no clue if being six feet apart does anything but i i don't know man like why in certain locations it's a must and others
Starting point is 00:10:56 it's like okay well we'll put all this you know all this stuff in this bin at costco and just everybody circles around it and touches the same thing. Finger finger fucking. I couldn't bring myself to say it. We got to say it. We got to say it. It doesn't matter that you're going to become a dad. You got to say it. It's a family show now.
Starting point is 00:11:16 But you know what I mean? Like, it's just, it's so silly. That was great. Pretty much. Oh man. It just seems crazy. And then to, to try to implement something like that at school like if that's what it takes sure but it's just
Starting point is 00:11:28 yeah it doesn't make too much sense to me I don't know shit but hey I can see that your daughter was homeschooled in the past and stuff how do you think she's dealing with it is she are you guys able to get around her is she able to get around some of her friends
Starting point is 00:11:44 and stuff? So a lot of the virtual stuff is still happening. So she'll FaceTime some of her cousins and stuff. But we happen to live pretty close to a cousin exactly her age. Wow, that's cool. Yeah, we get them together as much as possible. So she did homeschool fifth grade, and she wanted to go back for sixth grade. And then after that, she's like, yeah, I think I'm down for homeschooling.
Starting point is 00:12:08 But this was right when everything started happening anyway. So it's like, all right, well, I guess it's going to happen regardless. So good thing, you know, we were kind of leaning that way. Um, yeah, I think if everything opened up, I don't, I don't know what we would do. We haven't really talked about it. Um, we had talked about acting academy i would love to get her into that there's a couple of hurdles there for us but she's been having it pretty good man she'll she'll wake up she'll handle her school stuff and then be
Starting point is 00:12:34 like all right what are we doing today you know and get it over and done with she's still not pumped to even just deal with school period like i'm like hey if you don't like school figure out how to finish sooner she's like what do you mean i'm like i don't know how to do it i'm like hey if you don't like school figure out how to finish sooner she's like what do you mean i'm like i don't know how to do it i'm like but i know people go for like their ged which is all you really need when you apply for a job if they ask for that sort of thing i was like basically you just have to pass a test that says that you know stuff that they teach you in school yeah pass that and then you're done with school she's like well how do i do that i'm gonna ask my teacher i'm like yeah ask your teacher. I'm like, yeah, ask your teacher.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I was like, and you know, yeah, figure it out. I don't know. I can't do it for you. It's, it's illegal. It's illegal not to go to school. Yeah, I know. But yet you don't need a degree for anything. You literally don't need it for anything, especially to go to like college and stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I mean, remember Matt was on the show from Academy telling us that that blew my mind. I always thought like people always kind of hung that over your head. Your grades in 11th grade are the most important or whatever. And your permanent record. Permanent record. That F is going to follow you forever. Your permanent record. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And then didn't he say that you actually have better odds of getting into school if you don't pass or some shit It's like it makes it sound like you're gonna have like a felony or something. Yeah Scared me I was like that doesn't sound good permanent suspension. Oh, who's got life? Who's got this record? I Don't know where mine is but mmm. Yeah, they're checking out like jeff bezos they're checking out his record they're checking out elon musk like they have it like in a vault and they're just gonna pull it out like one day randomly and be like hey man all this shit's gone that fucking d that you got in math class in 11th grade that shit's real we told you we warned you about this fucking permanent record shit didn't we fucking turn it over give us the keys to amazon and tesla it's you're you're done that's it hand it over thought you could run but nope
Starting point is 00:14:30 told you i was gonna come back to bite you in the butt yeah man god things that are depressing i remember that depressed the hell out of me in school what the just the whole the fact that like oh wow like if i do one day wake up and want to go to college, they're going to look back at my record. Oh, yeah. And like that was just like a terrible feeling. Scared the hell out of me. I was like, yeah. So on second thought, no, we should leave school closed.
Starting point is 00:14:54 School is very confusing. Normally if you do really good or you do really well in school, then you're a nerd, you know, and people, you know, talk shit about that. And if you just want to kind of hang out and cruise then you're kind of a loser you know you're like i just want to hang out over here with these guys you're like yeah but those guys smoke pot and those guys are losers but i'm not really into that i just like that they play hacky okay i'm not gonna yeah exactly all right well i'm not gonna do that i'm just gonna be over here i'm gonna kind of hang out more with the jocks well then you're just a dumb jock yeah you can't figure out what's like where where should i go where should i go
Starting point is 00:15:29 that would be positive but why is it the hacky sack does follow that crowd oh yeah the the just the stoners yeah i don't know the kids with the acdc jackets out there yeah playing playing hacky sack and then they're also like in metal shop you know and they're like they were always working on cars and shit like that yeah they always somehow managed to get like extra passes from like certain teachers let's pause real quick you had metal shop yeah so we had our school yeah we had wood shop but in in high school or elementary i remember we had woodshop was big on that stuff was arnold when arnold was governor he was big on that kind of stuff but i don't think california has much of that anymore yeah they took that away they barely got pe nowadays oh god the pe thing that's sad man
Starting point is 00:16:17 what about zoom pe have you seen that that's real out of here yeah what are they having kids yeah quinn quinn has like pe class is she like doing jumping jacks in her room no she's just like watching it like writing shit down she doesn't do anything watching what like what is she watching somebody like exercise yeah are you are you are you kidding no i'm dead serious it's terrible okay so what did you see like what were they doing on the screen uh they sometimes will do yoga sometimes they'll do like push-ups and squats and she has to just write things down like no she's supposed to do it she's supposed to she's supposed to do it she's too cool though at least there's the i'll give them that that there's the attempt right to say okay this is pe
Starting point is 00:17:01 andy has done some of the workouts with her and yeah it's uh it's pretty good really but i think most of the kids are just doing what quinn's doing and they're just like texting each other about you know like they're in class and they're not you know not supposed to have their phones and stuff but the teachers can't see yeah can't see who's doing who's doing what oh my gosh but i think you, I think the situation that we're in right now, I think is, you know, it's easy to say when you're older, it's easy to kind of point out the things that the younger generation does and say, this is disastrous. Yeah. My dad's generation, or I guess a little after my dad's generation, the TV was a big thing, right? Like in the 70s and 80s and things like that, that became a big thing, right? Like in the, in the seventies and eighties and things like that,
Starting point is 00:17:45 that became a big thing. And then when I was a kid growing up video games kind of came on the scene, but they were, it was still like, it was still kind of light. Like there wasn't a lot of, there wasn't a crazy amount of video game things going on. It wasn't a multi-billion dollar industry like it is today. And you could go to like the arcade and things like that, which was different.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Like going to the arcade, it's different. You're like, you're going out, you're doing something. But I think, you know, each generation kind of has these things that they,
Starting point is 00:18:14 they nitpick or pick on. And maybe even earlier than that, maybe it was like music and Woodstock and psychedelic drugs and like all these things and saying, this country is really going to hell. Like, look what's happening. And most of the time it doesn't lead to anything really negative at all. I actually, I'm a proponent of video games.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I like them. I think they're great. I think they can be overdone. They can be addicting like many other things. But what we see today where kids don't interact with each other or other people, and they really are only interacting mainly on their phone, I can't help but think like that, there's got to be, there's got to be something to that. There's got to be something different about us interacting in person. You know, we know that we can't, no matter how much you think you hate people, you know, if you were isolated for two or three days, no phone, no TV, no music, no one around.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I mean, you would be fucked really, really fast. You'd be really screwed. Remember, we had Aubrey Marcus on the show and he talked about one of the craziest experiences ever had was was just to be alone and to be in the dark for like three days. I think it was three days. Yeah. Something like that. 72 hours or something like that. Right. He said it flipped him out. It was like crazier than any drug he ever tried or whatever. Right. So we're not made to be in isolation. And I'm not saying that we're necessarily that isolated, but it's gotta be different. Like, I'm just thinking it's different necessarily that isolated, but it's got to be different. Like I'm just thinking it's different.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I see my daughter's on her phone quite a bit, which I don't really have a huge problem with her being on her phone necessarily, but I'd love for her to be in person around her friends more. That's the other thing about, about the phones and about the internet is like, that's a gateway to kind of communicate with anybody. And that is something that I, I do have major concern about for my son and my daughter like it's just you know like are they gonna like kind of fall in love with somebody through this you know mechanism which i wouldn't have any problem with if they were a little older but at this age
Starting point is 00:20:20 it's like i just don't have enough life experience to understand what the fuck's going on yet and you know what if they're you know what if quinn is falling in love with someone who's 18 or something she's 13 she's 13 you know so there's a lot of weird crazy shit that can happen that's even worse than that through the internet but i mean that's not really where my focus is my main focus is just how do i get her around her buddies more? And like you, Andrew, she's very fortunate that she has a cousin that she hangs out with a lot. And we get together as a family very often. So I think those of you that have a similar concern to what I have is like, just try to figure out a substitute, try to figure out a way to get your kids to interact with their friends more. I try to suggest it when I'm like,
Starting point is 00:21:07 Hey, I'll bring you and your friend to target or like, I'll bring you guys. Like you want to go to the mall? Like I'll bite a bullet and like, I'll just take an adventure to Walmart. Yeah. See what goes down over here.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah. She, she likes Walmart. I'll have to bring that up to her again. But it's a lot of times she's like no i'm good because she just is interacting with her friends through the phone so she doesn't need to she doesn't feel like she needs to see them but i'm thinking old school i'm like i think you have to see him i think it's important yeah what what they're missing out on is just like what you said like the life experiences
Starting point is 00:21:41 you know like they're they're they're growing up without growing if that makes sense you know because everything's digital you know uh it sounds weird because my daughter kind of had a little bit of uh dealing with bullying and stuff but it made her stronger right now you can block somebody or you know like things get they're just different online and now some kids are gonna miss you know, like things get, they're just different online. And now some kids are going to miss, you know, either seeing that happen, avoiding it, getting over it. You know, I'm not saying like, oh, it's good to be bullied or it's good for people. But I'm just saying like in general, like they're not really getting the same struggles that they would have in person and they're not growing, but they are still aging.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And it's, you're right. Like I've had to tell Jasmine, like, Hey, like not everybody is who they say that they are online. You can't really, unfortunately you can't trust anybody unless you're face to face. And even then still, you know, have skeptical hippo eyes. And it's, it's, it's tough because yeah, those life experiences aren't, aren't happening anymore. I think it's really hard to interpret. Like if I had a problem with you in person,
Starting point is 00:22:48 uh, it's pretty easy to interpret. You're like, you know, for your daughter or something, she can be like, well, that girl's not my kind of girl that I want to hang out with. And, um, she's mean to me every day. And it's pretty clear. And even like, you know, body, uh, posture and the way somebody acts or communicates around you, it's, it's like, it's so obvious. You're like, you know, body posture and the way somebody acts or communicates around you. It's like it's so obvious. You're like, this is obvious. They don't, you know, they don't like me. And then someone else can instruct you and say, hey, look, they for whatever reason, you guys just don't get along.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And that person just doesn't like you, you know, and they can explain like, hey, maybe they have a different situation going on at home or maybe they just don't like you because your hair or your clothes or your ethnicity or whatever it is. They just, for whatever reason, they just don't like you. That is like, wait, that's like not that hard to accept where you can be, you can be pretty bummed because you could want that person or that group to like you, but you do accept it and you kind of move on. But like digitally, I think it would be really weird where you have these friends that are, you know, halfway nice to you here and there, but then they don't invite you to this or that. And you see them all hanging out together on like Instagram or Facebook or, uh, they're
Starting point is 00:23:59 Snapchatting each other back and forth and you're not part of it. And, and you're the brunt of a lot of the jokes and stuff Like that like that would be I think that'd be horrible I'd be brutal and I have a question for both of you guys. Do you guys like to FaceTime people? No, I kind of hate it because it's like always all sketchy. Yeah Sketchy as in like the connection. Yeah Okay, not working. I could yeah, I'm used to it for sure because of all this like before uh charlie zamora would like just he wouldn't call he would just like facetime i'm like dude i can't answer and he would text like i know you're taking a
Starting point is 00:24:33 dump just answer it yeah like all right and he's like i knew it i'm like okay calm down but so like i was like kind of uncomfortable with it and now because we've done so many Zoom podcasts and all that, like it's not that big of a deal. Normally for me, I'll let someone know ahead of time, like, hey, I'm going to FaceTime you. I'll FaceTime him for two seconds to say, hey, what's up? How's it going? And I'm like, I'm going to call you back normal in five seconds because the thing's always all glitchy. The reason why I asked you guys that is because like for me personally, the homies I have, I do not like I like to see and talk to these people in person. It's like when we talk about things, I don't want to talk to them on FaceTime about like, you know, life and stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Right. Like, yeah, it's like halfway. It's like I just rather not. Honestly, I would just rather not talk to you if I have to talk to you for 30 minutes on FaceTime. You know, let's go take a walk and talk about something. I agree about let's meet up and speak about something. Right. It's very different.
Starting point is 00:25:30 You know, like you said, there's all this body language and stuff. It makes a difference on how you feel. I just, I just, I can't do it. Right. But like you're saying like Quinn's okay with that. And like, you know, you're, you're okay with that. I like, I guess I just can't relate because I just dislike it so much. Even my mom, like I will FaceTime my mom because that's my mom.
Starting point is 00:25:50 But I'd rather much go see her and talk to her in person because there's there's all these things that you can't explain when you're actually talking to someone in person. And that's that's huge. Right. Yeah, I think at this time, I think you have to get creative. So there might be people that you just can't see. And so maybe you do have opportunity to FaceTime them or something. But I couldn't agree more. Like, it's just I find that sometimes a little bit like what happens sometimes on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:26:19 We end up when we have a guest here. It's pretty rare for us to for any of us. There could be four or five of us on the show at one time. And we very rarely will speak over each other. Where via, you know, somebody zooming in, it happens a lot because there's like a slight delay or whatever. Whatever the issue is, you can't read the person as well when they're going to speak again and things like that. And so I think there's just so many nuanced things that we don't even really think about. The energy that's in the room.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I mean, the three of us are around each other enough. We can tell when one's a little tired, one might not be in the greatest mood. I mean, you can sense all these things, but you can't see any of that. might not be in the greatest mood. I mean, you can sense all these things, but you can't see any of that. You can't see any of that through the technology that we have available currently. I think, you know, right now people are very depressed. People are having a lot of anxiety, and we are hearing more and more people talk about,
Starting point is 00:27:26 you know, things that you can do to kind of get over that. And you are starting to hear more people. I think people have kind of got over, well, maybe not over, but people have figured out a way around like COVID fatigue, you know, that people have kind of, they just, you know, we've been blitzed with it for so long and we're just fine. We're finally coming out the other end, just saying, okay, well now, like what can I do? And what can I do to keep my peace of mind?
Starting point is 00:27:52 And for you, I think jujitsu has been huge. Obviously, our relationships are massive as well. For me, it's lifting and getting more connected to fitness and trying to be in better shape than I was last year. Like that's been, I don't think I would have messed with that actually, because I would have probably just cruised along and been my normal self. Cause I probably wouldn't feel a need to, uh, have an organized goal. But when you have such an organized goal, um, you don't have time to really sit around and be sad, you know, you don't have the time to, I mean, literally you don't have time to really sit around and be sad. You know, you don't have the time to, I mean, literally, you don't have time to sit around and, you know, and feel sorry for yourself. Maybe it happens here or there, you know, or maybe you're just, man, this situation
Starting point is 00:28:35 really sucks. Maybe you get bummed out, but it lasts like two hours rather than 12 days or whatever, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So for me, you know, staying connected to some goals has really helped. And maybe for somebody who's listening, uh, maybe they can hop in on world carnivore month. Today is day number six, I believe. Um, and maybe you can hop in on world carnivore month or a challenge or something that you see issued by somebody on social media and
Starting point is 00:28:59 get excited about something and have, uh, an aim, have a focus. Now, having a focus goal definitely makes a big difference. I think that's that's one big reason why people do feel kind of lost and depressed sometimes, because like they again, they just feel lost. They don't know what they want to do or they don't know, like, you know, what their goal is. There's no real path there. So they're just kind of floating through. And one big thing is, like, I noticed a lot of people, you know, you watch a lot of news Their goal is there's no real path there. So they're just kind of floating through.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And one big thing is, I notice a lot of people, you know, you watch a lot of news. You watch a lot of information that just kind of makes you sad about everything that's going on. Just very bleak stuff continually coming through, you know, CNN, Fox News, YouTube, all that. Just continuous negative things about what's going on i think that's like your inputs are really going to they can dictate how you feel then i guard my inputs very well because they they will affect me too if i if i let too much of that bs in yeah and it's around every corner right and so you know we i can't remember which podcast but we talked about like don't get stuck in an echo chamber oh yeah and with you know social dilemma um tim kendall you know explaining to us like you know once you start going down one path
Starting point is 00:30:17 social media all these apps like oh that's where you want to go okay let us clear the way and then that's all you see so you one sad story catches your attention and all of a sudden damn like there's nothing good going on in the world like this is terrible this is the worst time in history yeah exactly like i'm sad now so like like really i'm part of the worst time in history i've heard that so much like that does not serve me well that does not this is not to me it doesn't do me any good it makes no sense it's not even legitimate like i think about 1950 yeah racism at an all-time high you're like really great depression like you can higher
Starting point is 00:31:00 it's like and do we have a meter like is it higher than it was before? Like, oh, man. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah. World War I wasn't bad. Great Depression wasn't horrible. But right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:13 They didn't have lockdowns. Okay. Yeah. Well, I don't have no idea what they did. Sorry. No, but yeah, real talk. Like, guarding your inputs, being careful about the things that you watch on a day-to-day basis, that's huge. And then being careful about, like, the people around a day to day basis. That's huge. And then being careful about like the people around you because other people's
Starting point is 00:31:28 energy is infectious, man. Like if you have someone that's super mopey all the time and they're like, that's the, that that's the person or people that you're with. You're gonna, you're going to reflect that too. That's how you're going to be.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Are you going to take that in? It's going to get you down too. Yeah. And even though we started out with some bitching, uh are things are still pretty good you know like we still americans still have access to their automobiles and you can still drive wherever you want no one's checking through your phone you can still call and text whomever you want i mean it's like we gotta we gotta always take a step back and remember like uh yeah there's some weird stuff with like masks and like certain places you can go and can't go. But it's again, it's it's just an adjustment, really.
Starting point is 00:32:13 It's not it's not that horrific. And I think you've got to try to find a way to still communicate with people and see people physically and do things physically so that you feel good about yourself. And then Iris on the live chat just pointed out something really, I think, very important. You know, without having the social interaction, without being around other people, we're almost losing that whole like not intuition, but like when you can read off people's energy and it's like, OK, if we're not practicing it, we're not using that muscle when you can read off people's energy and it's like okay if we're not practicing it we're not using that muscle you know it'll atrophy right and it's like holy shit like i didn't think about that but it makes a lot of sense you know you haven't seen anybody for a
Starting point is 00:32:56 long time and they walk in upset or mad or whatever and you just can't read it yeah like it's probably because you're not around people enough yeah it might give birth to like more social anxiety for people because they had this pause and they maybe were not great socially in the first place. And now they're really fucked. Now they get around a group of people and they, they kind of don't know what they're doing. Um, and see me, you just said something that was amazing. You said guard your input, which I think is amazing, especially from a jujitsu perspective.
Starting point is 00:33:24 amazing you said guard your input which i think is amazing especially from a jiu-jitsu perspective like what um what what's what's the reason for a guard what's a guard in jiu-jitsu um it's a defense like it's a defense and it's an offense because you can you know make sure nobody gets past your guard nobody gets what's getting past your guard mean like you know passing me and getting getting to a mount right mean like you know passing me and getting getting to a mount right now now you've mounted me and now you're my hips are higher than your if we're on the ground and i'm on top of you and my hips are higher than your hips and i i have passed your guard and i probably have well i have way more of an advantage in that position than i did actually being like stuck in your guard yep yep you'd be able to attack and I'm at risk of getting submitted.
Starting point is 00:34:07 So I think my point in like bringing that up is like, it's great to have a skill set that safeguards you against, you know, some of these things that are going on. And for us, it's been fitness. Like fitness is our guard. You know, we have been able to stay attached to that. So in SEMA and some of us here that the gyms are shut down, we can't really do anything. We're in quarantine. And SEMA is like, I think I have a kettlebell in the garage or maybe I can borrow one from ST or maybe I'll go out and buy one or whatever the case is.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I've always wanted to mess around with that. I'll do that. I mean, have you used kettlebells much in the past? Not as much as I did nowadays. not as much as i do now i mean you're i mean now like i think you use it every day almost yeah pretty much and then how much does it weigh it's like i have a 50 pound kettlebell not the 55 pound kettlebell and a 45 pound kettlebell yeah could you maintain your strength or or even be close to your strength by just using those, do you think? Maintain, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Maintain for the most part. Be within range of moving similar weights, give or take 50 pounds or whatever. Just because it's a really good stimulus. It's a lot of different types of movement and you can get a really good workout with it. So yeah, it helped maintain a lot of strength, fitness. Yeah, it's great. And if we think about some of our friends, you know, people like Jason Kalipa and some of the people that we've been around, you know, Jason Kalipa, like, you know, during this time, he has such a vast skill set when it comes to fitness.
Starting point is 00:35:39 What does the guy need to get a good workout? what does the guy need to get a good workout? A track, you know, a hill, a floor to do some pushups on or do some burpees off of, right? And so I think what we want to try to work towards is to have, is to always try to have some sort of skill acquisition. We talk a lot about learning on this show, and it's great to have, it's great to learn stuff so you have the knowledge that prepares you for these times of need where you seem like you're totally screwed or totally fucked and you know the man fitness is everything to me i love going to the gym it's my
Starting point is 00:36:16 favorite thing and then it's just pulled right out from underneath it um i know a lot of people that don't have some of these skill sets like all they really know is kind of how to move around a barbell. And they've been pretty upset, you know, rightfully so. They've been very upset that they haven't been able to go in the gym and train. But imagine that same person that has, you know, maybe they've been powerlifting and that's their favorite thing, bench squat deadlift. Matter of fact, that same person just had a pretty good understanding of bodybuilding and they were like ah those you don't have 20 and 30 pound dumbbells in the garage i'll just dust those things off and i'll do some flies and squats and stiff leg deadlifts and bent over rows and lateral raises and shoulder presses with those
Starting point is 00:37:02 things until i can't move anymore like our boy boy Doug talked about the other day, two or three hours of moving around 405 or whatever. Fucking maniac. But having a skill set can be huge and it can really pull you out of some difficult times. On that note, I know everybody that listens to this podcast knows you work out a lot. So since we were talking about this, you probably knew that we were going to talk about exercise as a form of dealing with it. But I mean, it really exercises one of the best ways to deal with the, you, you, you imagine how you feel after getting not, not, it doesn't mean not even like,
Starting point is 00:37:39 you know, working with a lot of weights, but just getting a good sweat and right. All those endorphins, how you feel afterwards, you feel like you've accomplished something. You can think clearly. You feel like you can go do other things. It's like, it's this, it's this catalyst to lead you towards doing so many other beneficial things during your day that when you don't do it, yeah, you feel like crap. The only times I've ever really felt an actual feeling of real depression in my life were the times that I literally actually couldn't physically exercise. Like I was in a cast for months.
Starting point is 00:38:07 I couldn't do shit. I felt really horrible because like everything I try to do, I couldn't get anything good out of it. Right. So it's like that is something that can really just push you and then catapult you in the right direction. Yeah. Even just like a simple practical uh application this week
Starting point is 00:38:27 so you know baby's coming soon he's scheduled arrival date is supposed to be the end of this month but you're talking about this baby for a long time i don't even i don't believe you anymore roughly yeah it's been like two years hasn't been that long it feels like it's been two days but uh you know like the whole nesting phase has has kicked off so like we're we're like getting everything ready putting stuff up on the walls and like just all kinds of stuff right um as far as like you know getting his room ready for him i couldn't find oh so i couldn't find a hammer. I was so upset because I have my tools and I'm like, where are the, like, how did I put it somewhere? Like, I got like really frustrated because we were on a roll.
Starting point is 00:39:11 We were moving furniture, doing all kinds of stuff and I couldn't find this damn hammer. I'm like, what are you kidding me? And Stephanie was like, Hey, just jump on the treadmill. I'm like, okay. And then when I got off the treadmill, I was like, man, fuck that hammer. Let's go buy a new one. Like my mood changed so quick. I know it sounds like I wasn't like raged or anything, but like that could easily have like, you know, just made me have like a less than awesome day.
Starting point is 00:39:35 But like 500 calories later, I'm like, ah, dude, like, what's up? Like today's is still a great day. So, you know, if somebody is listening, like I'm not depressed, I don't need to exercise or whatever. It's like little things like that. It's like know, if somebody is listening, like, I'm not depressed. I don't need to exercise or whatever. It's like little things like that. It's like night and day difference. It helps like instantly. Yeah. I think some people might even go as far to say that exercise might do more for your mind and your brain than it does for your body.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I mean, it feels amazing. I think we forget. You know, we forget a lot of times why we're exercising. I think we're in there. We're like, I want a bigger back or I want bigger legs or I want to be stronger. And you kind of forget you're really in there just to feel better. Like we forget that. And then, so sometimes you slaughter the shit out of yourself and you're like, Oh, I kind of defeated the purpose. But to Andrew's point, I think it would be really, really rare. The only thing that comes to mind that I can think of,
Starting point is 00:40:29 even I've even lifted sick many times and felt better. I think in the long run it was a mistake, but I think I still felt better for lifting. The only two, well, I guess there's two things I can think of. One is if you have a headache, that's kind of tough sometimes. So you might have to do, if you have a headache, you might have to like a walk or something and do something real light. If you lift, it just makes it feel like your head's going to explode. Or if you're nauseous.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Those are the only two cases where I can think of where it's like exercise, probably not your best idea, but it will almost always make you feel a little bit better. You know, just to get moving, it usually causes you to start moving in some other direction, too, whether it be mentally or physically. Maybe you get on the treadmill for a few minutes, then maybe you find yourself lifting weights. Or maybe you get on the treadmill for a few minutes and you find yourself journaling or reading or doing something. So you have to, you have to, you know, entertain given some of that stuff shot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And then if you have the ability to, I mean, I know again, where people are social distancing, but a lot, a lot of people have access to maybe one person or, you know, a few people that aren't too,
Starting point is 00:41:40 like too scared of exercising together. Honestly, group workouts make a big difference working out with other people, whether it be with the kettlebell or whether it be, you know, doing a hill or something makes a very big difference for like motivation, socialization, like being around other people. It, that's why like group classes and things like jujitsu, the community aspect, CrossFit, that's why people love those things. Not just because it's a great workout, but because it's done with other people. Like you don't realize how
Starting point is 00:42:09 beneficial that is until you don't have it. You know what I mean? And then you're like, wow, I mean, I don't just miss working out, but I also miss working out with those people. Right. So if you have the ability to maybe get something together as a group with some people in your neighborhood or some friends, you know, cause that can make a very big difference, a very big difference if you're feeling down. Yeah. And who was it, Mark?
Starting point is 00:42:32 It was during a conversation that you had with, uh, you know, Carl Lenore, um, uh, Ron Penna and those guys where they're saying like, because you're around other people, you're like, uh, i think your endorphins and all this stuff is like heightened and that is actually has been shown to be somewhat of an anabolic effect on your body so even training with people that you like will actually help you gain muscle or like there's a possibility of that being true and it makes sense you know like when when the team here at st is like training really hard together like they all grow together it's makes a lot of sense so i think yeah everyone should give that a try
Starting point is 00:43:15 yeah i think you know it's um depression is a really like you know we we kind of kick this thing off by talking about you know being depressed or upset kind of because of the circumstances and because of the. And I just want to always make sure that we're sensitive to people that have like clinical depression because it's it's a very it's very serious thing that you can't really. Well, maybe the word can't not a good word, but it's very it's so difficult to manage that there's still like a lot that's unknown. Some people take medication. Some people go to a psychiatrist, some people have what looks to be pretty good upbringings, and they still are just, they're just depressed. And I think for some people, they just, it's a matter of living with it, managing it, just like somebody might have to live with having a a bad knee or a bad back it's just
Starting point is 00:44:06 like we don't know why you know we're we're trying all these different things and uh things seem to assist or help a little bit but they're not um they're not like kind of a magic a magic pill but mainly for today i mean we're mainly talking about like people just being more like bummed out by what's going on and allowing that to allowing that to affect their emotions and then therefore affect their actions. And what we're trying to communicate and we're trying to do is have you go the opposite way. Have you, you know, maybe focus in on a new goal, focus in on something different. If you look at a lot of these, um, a lot of the companies, um, like look at like Nike or some of these big companies, it just seemed like they just all have figured out a way to thrive. Like, uh, the gyms have shut down.
Starting point is 00:44:56 So do people need, um, do people need exercise gear? Do people need stuff from slingshot? Do people, uh, need uh cross training stuff from a company like nike you would think no like they they don't you know but like these companies have pivoted as slingshot has as well you you i know you hear that word a lot but you just basically refocus your your goal what you're going to do. Um, and for us, it's been amazing because it really just has, uh, disrupted what we normally do. And we're like, Hey, you know what? Nevermind what we normally do. Cause this shit ain't normal. What's going on is not normal. And we're going to have
Starting point is 00:45:37 to fight that off with some creativity. So for anybody that's, that's tuning in today, that has had something where they're just, I really want to go, I would love to go and do that. You know, try to figure out a way to go and do whatever that thing is. If it's, you know, something that's currently shut down, you obviously would have to wait. But think about the options that are open. Don't focus on the things that you can't do. Focus on the things that you can do. Yo, Mark, and Andrew too, what is your process for uh organizing your thoughts like what what do you
Starting point is 00:46:10 guys typically do because like one thing i think is a lot of people have a lot going on up here and it's just so much that they just like sit back and they're like fuck it like i have too much to think about right now i don't want to deal with any of it. And it just becomes overbearing. You just kind of give up. So what do you guys do to like organize your thoughts? As long as it's not too much, I can just prioritize in my head and go that route. You know, I'll, I'll eat that frog and do the one thing that I actually don't want to do the most.
Starting point is 00:46:41 And then after that, everything becomes a little bit easier. don't want to do the most. And then after that, everything becomes a little bit easier. But if it's a, um, like a very task heavy thing where I have, you know, stuff to upload, or I just have a lot of things to do, I, I have to write it down. Cause if not, um, I start to get anxious thinking like, oh, I'm not going to have enough time for all of this. But then I look down on paper and it's like, oh, I don't really have that much to do like i'll be okay um so that's really what it is um i would love to get better because there's times where i'm like no i got it i'll just leave it in my head and then i'll wake up the next day and be like i cannot believe i forgot to you know upload this video or add this to the you know the description or something just something something really stupid to where it upsets me so much that like, it's not worth it to spend the extra
Starting point is 00:47:29 time to write stuff down. I'm thinking that's kind of what you were referencing. Yeah. I was curious about that. Okay. Yeah. For me, I try just to really think a lot, you know, about the thoughts that I have, the, the, or the thoughts that are coming in you know as an as an input
Starting point is 00:47:45 somebody mentioned something to you and then you sit there and you kind of think about it for a second um I try to think about it quite a bit and then I try to uh figure out like what action matches up with that well um sometimes if I get like frustrated from something, then I got to think about now I got to like a whole nother thing to, to reevaluate. Cause I'll go from that. If you kind of think about this as like branches, you know, and I'm trying to work my way back to the center of like the tree or
Starting point is 00:48:20 something. Right. If, if somebody says something, let's just say it's something like someone's like hey you should do this with your company sometimes that can be annoying because you're like i think about my fucking company all day and i've thought about that a million times you know so but like that's not helpful and what the person was suggesting they were probably just
Starting point is 00:48:44 trying to help they were they probably weren't trying to be they were probably just trying to help they were they probably weren't trying to be they probably weren't trying to be an asshole they probably weren't trying to be mean or anything so then i have to think about okay where did that thought pop into my head that i think that this person's trying to like hurt me or they're trying to give me bad advice like what the fuck is that about so i I got to kind of retrace my steps and find out what's the origin of that. And you can say, okay, well, you're kind of offended because you have a high value assignment associated to the company that you built. And so you're sensitive to people saying certain things about it. So you just have to kind of reevaluate how you look at that. Why
Starting point is 00:49:26 would you, why be sensitive to it? Why don't I be more open to it? Since it is the company that you built is the company that you work so hard on with your wife and with your team and you work on it every day. Why don't, let's be more accepting because what if that suggestion, what if that helps move us forward? Like I'll do anything to move us forward within reason. So if it moves us forward, get over it, you know? So I'll start to think that way. And then I'll think more about what they suggested. And then I'll think like, okay,
Starting point is 00:49:56 what are some actions that I can take towards that? And I'm the kind of person that I, I, I might think very similar to a lot of other people, or I might say, well, the problem with that is, but when I do say that, I correct myself because that to me is negative as well. So if I was like, Hey, did you ever try this in jujitsu? And you're like, dude, like you didn't, you never, you took like one class, dude, you know? jiu-jitsu and you're like dude like you didn't you never you took like one class dude you know um but sure enough sometimes you're doing something you're like hey that suggestion from that guy that fucking never took one class actually he's kind of right you know he told me i got he told me i have to breathe through my nose you know because what if it was from somebody
Starting point is 00:50:39 that knew something different they knew about meditation or they knew about, you know, yoga or something. And you're thinking they don't know shit about jujitsu, but maybe they know something about the human body. Maybe they know how to calm down a little bit and maybe that would be something that you find useful. So there's a lot of shit flying around in my head and I try to like work my way back towards, uh, especially if something is kind of negative or if I deem it as negative, I try to think about why is that?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Like that just seems like a roadblock. Like I just threw up a roadblock for no reason. You hear people say that term all the time. They say, well, the problem with that is like you get into a meeting, you start talking with people and it's like, Hey, look, man, any asshole off the street can point out the problems that we have and the issues that we have but if you're not really bringing up a problem to help solve the problem and you're just shooting and you're just kind of shooting it down that's not really very useful you could say
Starting point is 00:51:37 something more along the lines of hey you know what we have we have done that before and it wasn't that successful because of A, B, and C, which is different than saying, well, the problem with that is, when you say that to me, it just throws up a roadblock, and it's like, I don't need to hear that any further because I already have so much of that going on in my head
Starting point is 00:52:02 that I have to sit there with a fucking machine gun and shoot that shit down because i'm like that's not helpful that's not working me towards my goal so yeah i think you guys know what i'm talking about where you kind of have that in your head you're like i'm gonna go i'm gonna go do this like even just like hey i'm gonna go work out at 6 a.m then the the voice in your head says the problem with that is you don't normally get to bed till 10 yeah i was like you don't need well just get to bed at eight yeah problem solved solution oriented instead of trying focusing yeah it's yeah as much as i can be yeah no that's it's it's interesting the way that you work through things versus like the way andrew works through things because i'm very i'm very
Starting point is 00:52:45 similar with andrew but like i really need to just get everything out like i need to get it out of my head sometimes like there will be times that i'll try to just like go through things in my head and it'll just be it'll just get annoying because like it's just too much shit i over i i think too much shit. I over, I think too much. It makes you think like you're a madman, right? Yes, exactly. It makes me think I'm crazy. So I have to, I literally had to get everything that's on my mind out on a piece of paper.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Then I can start working through it better. So I like, that's something that helps me out, but it's, it's, it's cool how we all have like kind of those different ways of getting to the same exact place. But I think that that's absolutely necessary.
Starting point is 00:53:26 You need to figure out a way, whatever way works best for you to deal with all of the issues that you're giving yourself in your head. Like you, you just don't give yourself. You don't have roadblocks, right? You always you're trying to work through solutions constantly. There's nothing that's like you can't do this. I try to really recognize them early on. You know, the the roadblock i try to recognize it early on uh charlie zamora our good buddy we were talking about him earlier yeah uh charlie mentioned uh rather than like roadblocks hurdles yeah he's like a hurdle like if you practice you can jump over hurdle all day
Starting point is 00:54:02 long you know so rather than like there there's not really like a roadblock. And I don't like that because I'm somebody that believes there's a solution to really everything. Everything has a solution. Even, even how long we live, I think has a solution to it. Just who knows if people, if anybody will ever, will ever figure it out. Cancer has a solution. Like everything's got a solution. It's just a matter of having the amount of the, the right amount of knowledge.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I do agree though. You can, you can overthink things and then you get what's called analysis paralysis because you keep analyzing it over and over again, then you don't do anything. Yeah. That can happen, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:41 especially the more knowledgeable you become at something. You could walk into the gym and you could say, I'm going to train shoulders today. And then you could say, well, I did train them three days ago and they are still kind of sore. And you're like, well, I'm going to train. I'm going to train legs and like I'm going to work on some, you know, and you could just put my knee. Yeah, my my knees a little weird. Yeah, but I did read that article the other day about the leg press and that thing from Mike Israel was really interesting about the full range of motion.
Starting point is 00:55:11 But when Doug for Shay was on the podcast and he talked about pauses with Charles glass, that would be really interesting. You know? And it's like, would you fucking go already? You bitch. Like just take another step into the gym and fucking just pick an exercise and just go yeah sometimes it's it's better you're better off being like uh naive and kind of almost dumb to stuff or you just kind of just because a lot of times you ask people that are really great at
Starting point is 00:55:38 something you're waiting for this like diamond to come out of them and you're waiting for something amazing to come out of them you're like hey man how did you how'd you get so good at that and they're like i did it every day do you remember the movie with kevin hart in the rock if you could find this clip andrew he'd be so good oh and he's he's like how did you get so big he's like yeah yeah the weight or whatever yeah it wasn't a big deal like twice a day seven days a week or whatever he said that shit was so funny that's all I did for 30 years
Starting point is 00:56:10 or something like that but the way that he says it is he says it like all I had to do was Kevin Hart's looking at him like he's crazy I love that part that's a great scene
Starting point is 00:56:24 what the fuck movie is that oh it's when he's crazy i love that part that's a great scene is that um what the fuck movie i don't remember oh it's when he's the rocks real fat yeah central intelligence that's a good movie it is it's actually very funny but that part of that movie always just like always gets me because it's like how'd you get so big well we've been working out every day i think think Kevin Hart has to like, tell him that he could like beat someone's ass or something too. Cause the rock's like confused. He's like,
Starting point is 00:56:49 I don't know. Can I? He's like, yeah, he's like, I think you can like the size of you. Oh man. But,
Starting point is 00:56:56 but it's like a, you know, it's like a pool analogy. Everyone's heard this before. If you don't know how to swim, how are you going to do it without like fucking jumping in and trying it? Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:57:04 you gotta, you gotta go and you can't think about what you're gonna do if you've never done it before oh maybe you learn that your body like is more likely to float than it is a sink you know like you how do you know that unless you submerge yourself in some water and you're like oh okay well i can i can at least float a little bit if i don't flail my arms like a maniac yeah maybe you can figure out maybe not how to swim but maybe you can at least float a little bit if I don't flail my arms like a maniac. Yeah. Maybe you can figure out maybe not how to swim, but maybe you can at least figure out how to tread some water and, like, not drown. You know? Mm-hmm. You find it?
Starting point is 00:57:34 What? Yeah, I think this is it. It's because they can't, like, put the exact description of it. But, oh, sorry. Thought I turned that off. Let's see. Hopefully it's not too loud oh this is a long clip though let me see how i can find it we can't see a video i know i am
Starting point is 00:57:51 here we go oh god man look at you you've lost like 200 pounds so you gained it back in muscle oh my god you look great no no you look great. No, you haven't changed since high school, dude. No, you're just sexy as dick right now. You look somebody in the eyes and say that. Hey, let's get hammered. I had an early day at work, so I probably... Come on, I'm buying. Come on.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Oh, shit. I'm sorry, man. I am blown away right now. Oh, I'll add it later, but anyways. But, yeah. You are sexy as dick yeah that was a good movie but yeah no um getting that and in terms of just like trying things out you have to do it it's funny it kind of makes me think of there's there's like i think it was two years ago some it was a kid that wants to work with me he was like 17 or 18 and he's never worked out a day
Starting point is 00:58:44 in his life and i was talking to him and he was telling me like all the things he wants to work with me he was like 17 or 18 and he's never worked out a day in his life and i was talking to him and he was telling me like all the things he wants to do and all the programs that he's checked out and he she he's like i was like oh yeah so so what have you done he's like well i checked out uh stuff by ribbed oh i checked out stuff like 531 i also checked out some programs from jeff nippert in terms of his arms and chest and stuff and i was like and he mentioned a bunch of other programs like, oh, those are all great programs. Okay. Which one have you, which one did you do recently?
Starting point is 00:59:09 He's like, none of them. I was like, wait. Well, you mean you just told me about all these programs. So, so you haven't done any of them. He's like, no, no, I don't know which one's the best. I was like, okay, so what have you done? He's like, I haven't done anything yet, but this is what I want to do. I'm like, so, so why haven't you done it? Cause I don haven't done anything yet, but this is what I want to do. I'm like, so why haven't you done it?
Starting point is 00:59:26 Because I don't know which one's the best. So why don't you try one, man? Like, you have to just go in and try something. If you're going to see what works well for you, you got to do something. Say, okay, well, I'm just going to think about which one I want to do, and then I'll let you know later. But it's like, that's the kind of thing where you just gotta you got you gotta go do something with what you've got you have to yeah i like um mark's response to a youtube comment i think yesterday they were asking about stretching you know like should i do it weighted stretching at the end of the workout and mark's like just do whatever you're going to do like
Starting point is 00:59:59 okay like just do it yeah it doesn't matter. Which one, which one do you prefer? You know, cause that'll most likely be this thing that you'll stick with. And if you do it with some sort of consistency, then we're heading, heading the right direction. But if you're like making yourself do shit, um, I, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:21 when it comes to that, when it comes to like, you know, kind of forcing yourself to do stuff, I just, I haven't really seen it be that effective. And the only way it can be effective is if it's in, uh, like some micro dosing of it, you know, you, you kind of force yourself to stretch one minute every day. Cause you're like, it's just ridiculous not to stretch for one minute.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Come on. Like I could do one minute. And then you start to bring in a little bit more of it. Even if you hated stretching by the time you got to eight minutes or 10 minutes, you probably start to kind of enjoy it and it might be a habit, but then this is, this is where it's, it's great to be open-minded and it's great to accept other things. Maybe you start doing more minutes of it and you find that you're still forcing yourself to do it.
Starting point is 01:01:06 You're like, I don't dig this. And then maybe you start doing like Tai Chi or something like you do something totally different. That's maybe not stretching, but maybe it's like, you know, I don't know, helps you move better or whatever. You start to maybe do yoga or Pilates or something. You find something that's a little different. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Yeah. We had a question that came in from the live chat from Chase and it's in regards to the carnivore diet because you guys are talking about stretching and stuff. Are you guys altering your workouts at all because you're not taking in any carbs
Starting point is 01:01:42 or nothing's changed? Nothing's changed nothing's changed nothing has changed for me personally yeah keep forging forward I mean I think it's I don't know my legs are really sore but this is before we had Doug on the show I did
Starting point is 01:01:57 I did I did three different drop sets on the yeah three different drop sets on the the leg press so it was like I did three different drop sets on the, uh, yeah, three different drop sets on the, um, the leg press. So it was like, I did 20, 20, 20. So I did 60 reps, three different times. And it just, I was like, I'm going to go, you know, pretty light.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Like, am I going to have that much weight on there? And it's still, it's still completely, it's still completely wrecked me. But Jessica was like, I'm surprised you're doing so many reps like this, like being on, you know, not eating any carbs. And I'm like, God, I just, for me, I don't, I don't notice that, that huge of a difference. If I was to lift heavy and I was trying to do like, you know, maximum stuff. And I mean, maybe I would, maybe I'd notice a small difference, but I always just think that carbs can help make things a little more optimal,
Starting point is 01:02:47 but I don't think when you take them away, I don't, it doesn't have to make you feel awful. If you got your electrolytes balanced out and you're eating enough, but what happens to most people though, is they, they, they go on a diet,
Starting point is 01:02:58 they do cardio and they get rid of carbs kind of all at once. That starting on Monday thing that we talk about all the time. And then it's like Thursday, like this shit don't work, man. I feel like shit. And it's like, well, yeah, of course you're trying to do so many different things, which is great that you're working on it. But, you know, just small steps, you know, just little small choppy steps over time is going to be what gets you there the best. I mean, you're real talk though, not eating carbs. Isn't going to
Starting point is 01:03:28 stop you from doing anything. No, like, like it's interesting that like, I mean, that question in and of itself is an interesting question, I think, because it's like, has your workouts changed? Why, why should they change? Like, there's only like one intake eating less or no carbs. Does that, does that stop you from doing anything maybe it stops you from feeling a certain way when doing it but you can still get it done maybe you're not going to go for a max effort lift but you can still get pretty close you can still do all the same workouts it's not it's not that big of a deal i think the reason why i have that mindset now because i didn't have that a few years ago, is because like I've done so many workouts with barely any food in my system.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Right. And they were just like they were good workouts. So like, yeah, there are certain ways you can feel your workout. So you feel better and feel really good. But at the same time, if you're dieting or whatever that with carbs or without that doesn't stop you from doing anything that shouldn't dominic dagostino uh 10 days fasted i think he took like some sort of like vitamin type thing and he took uh ketones he did for 10 days and then he deadlifted like 585 for like 10 reps or some shit you know so i mean he's an exception to the rule he's
Starting point is 01:04:46 a fucking maniac but um you know you shouldn't really feel like you need these things now if you do if you get into your workout and it it feels like it's way more demanding because you never really have messed around with a lower carbohydrate diet before uh just cut out an exercise or two, you know, maybe have an, maybe spread things out a little bit so that you can exercise nearly every day. But what you do in the gym is a little bit less, you know, go in the gym, maybe train every day, maybe just say, I'm going to train six days a week. And every time I go into the gym, I'm going to do three exercises and I'll do three to five sets of each thing. And, uh, I'll go by how I feel, you know, and if you start to
Starting point is 01:05:31 feel like crap, you can back off a little bit, but I agree with in SEMA. I don't really think there's a reason to change anything. Don't forget. We don't necessarily need diet. Like if, if dietary carbohydrates were removed from the planet, we wouldn't die. We'd be fine. We'd still be fine. It's very hard for people to imagine. But if,
Starting point is 01:05:53 if all dietary carbohydrates were removed from the planet, we would still live on. Oh man. I love how a few years ago I'd have been like blasphemy, but that's very true. That is very freaking true. I, you know what i
Starting point is 01:06:05 also think that um we can use like we a lot of us use the gym to get physically stronger we use the gym to lift more weight build more muscle etc but i think that you know doing a lot of this stuff and i'm not telling you guys you don't have to go work out fast if you don't want to it's not necessary or whatever and yeah like this is where i'm going to be getting rid of carbs but yeah i feel like a lot of that stuff can help you mentally get stronger too when you finish a workout and like yeah you're not eating carbs and you see what you've been able to do and you're like wow i had a really fucking good workout i didn't need to have that you know pre-workout 300 grams of carbs that I usually have, but I still feel great or had a great work and I didn't even eat anything for a while. Like you feel like, holy shit,
Starting point is 01:06:52 I'm fucking all I need is myself. Like you feel mentally tough for doing that. And I'm not saying all your workouts should be that way, but that is training yourself in and of itself. Like nowadays, But that is training yourself in and of itself. Like nowadays, I feel I'm not surprised anymore when I can do a session of jujitsu and I haven't eaten all day and I roll for an hour and I feel fucking great. And it's like immensely. I feel like I've I've overcome something. And about like the kind of O'Hearn principle where, you know, Mike is like he'll diet down and he does the exact opposite of whatever everyone else does. Mike's like, I'm doing singles and triples. And it's like, wait, but why?
Starting point is 01:07:36 And he's like, you know, point to his head. It'd be like for my brain. It's fucking awesome, man. And he does it all the time. He does it with all kinds of stuff. I think on New Year's, I think it's hard to tell, like what he really does and really, really, you know, it's fucking awesome, man. And he does it all the time. He does it with all kinds of stuff. Uh, I think on new year's, I think it's hard to tell like what he really does and really, really,
Starting point is 01:07:48 you know, it's hard, hard. It's hard to know. He's a little bit of a mystery when it comes to some of these things. But I think, I think he fasted, um,
Starting point is 01:07:56 through like new year's or something or new year's Eve. He was just like, well, you know, it's the day where everyone wants to celebrate and everyone wants to do like all these things. And he's like, I'm just not eating, you know know and he just didn't eat for the
Starting point is 01:08:07 whole day and the next day he was in the gym training and he's like when i'm done training like i'm gonna get my my big meal in you know um why not why not kind of lean in and just make things like a hundred times worse sometimes you know just figure out a way to uh you know go against the grain and And then also too, when he's getting big, you figure that's when he would like lift the most, but he uses a shorter rest period a lot of times. And he does higher reps.
Starting point is 01:08:33 And it's like, that's really hard when you start getting to be two 60 and two 70. And you're, you know, doing 15 reps every minute on the minute. It's like you're huffing and puffing. And I think whatever way you can keep yourself really highly interested in this stuff is going to be the key factor in keeping you motivated is just that you
Starting point is 01:08:51 really like doing it, you know? And so you might have to think of weird things to do. I know for myself, like it's just a different exercises, doing them different ways. I think Louie Simmons, Louie Simmons taught me, he basically said, there's no new systems, there's only new exercises. You know, most of these systems have been around forever.
Starting point is 01:09:17 You've got drop sets, giant sets, super sets. I mean, all these things have been around for a really long time. If you think you're the first person to do 100 rep sets, you're not. You know, people have done them before. Ten sets of ten, German volume training, five sets of five, you know, all these things. They've been around for a really long time. And maybe you stumble upon something that someone's never done, but I doubt it. Like 30 sets of, or 50 sets of 30.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Oh, my God, yeah. That sounded really brutal. that someone's never done but i doubt it like 30 sets of or 50 30 oh my god yeah that was that sounded really brutal but there's going to be like there's always uh not necessarily even a new exercise but a different way to do an exercise because you can adjust so much you can you can do an overhead press on a machine you can have one uh hand back slightly further than the other hand and then you can switch i mean there's a million different the other day when i was training i did um i was doing incline presses and i had uh 40 in one hand and a 60 in the other then the next set and then i and then i switched i did 10 reps and I did another 10 reps. And then the next set I started out the opposite way. Why?
Starting point is 01:10:28 Just because. Because why not? You know, it was just fun. I was like, I want to see what, I've done stuff like that before, but I wanted to feel it again and wanted to mess around with it. It felt fucking great. It was fun. Yeah. And like I've said on, I think the previous podcast or a couple of podcasts ago, like i haven't been low carb in a really long time and doing it now and i i worked out before the podcast yesterday
Starting point is 01:10:50 and i woke up this morning like i mean my arms feel pretty good like they felt a little full yeah i was like whoa like sick like it got pretty pumped like it was it was really cool um but real quick a question in regards to the carnivore diet um nuts yay or nay uh i would say no okay yeah i mean they're not they're not really they're not really part of the diet um if we're talking long term like once this month is over whatever go ahead and throw don't do it in sema not a big deal we weren't talking about these nuts we weren't talking about i'm a child i was just like somebody had to say it yeah okay keep on you're talking about shaved nuts or salted nuts oh sorry that's why we don't have many ladies in the chat room often hey today's a a legit all-time world record for us
Starting point is 01:11:42 we have three ladies in the chat room today wow probably two after that but you know they started talking about their nuts and there they go god damn it oh my god yeah oh my gosh but. And when will I grow up? Never. When? No, there's no, don't grow up. Why would you ruin things and grow up? When will someone's talking about like nuts and almonds not make me laugh?
Starting point is 01:12:14 What? Come on now. It is what it is. It is what it is. But yeah, no nuts on carnivore. Every, every once in a while i got a couple friends who like just stop and look at me and they're like you're a dad like you're supposed to be a dad and i'm like i know i don't know if i'll ever get there i don't know if i'll ever be mature enough
Starting point is 01:12:36 to actually be one oh man yeah it always shocks people when i tell them I don't like kids. Like you might want to work on that one. Oh man. Yeah. Cool. Everybody hates kids. Don't they? I thought so. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I thought that was normal. Maybe you like babies. Yeah. I like baby. I like kids a lot actually, but, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:13:02 they can just, they can be a pain in the neck they really can they can drive drive you drive you a little crazy yeah all right guys I got to get out of here what's going on I got for everyone that is listening you guys gotta follow us over to Mark Bell calm oh yeah we got Zach Evanesh on the on
Starting point is 01:13:22 the almost a podcast but on the super friend series yeah that'll be fun so it'll be me Jesse Burdick Josh We got Zach Evanesh on the podcast, but on the Super Friends series. That'll be fun. So it'll be me, Jesse Burdick, Josh Settlegate, Settleage, interviewing Zach Evanesh and getting all kinds of cool inside scoop stories from a long time ago. We need to have Zach on the podcast. I'll tell him today. Yeah, I think we had him on like a long time ago. Yeah, he's always been super nice and supportive
Starting point is 01:13:47 of the podcast so i'm excited he's gonna be laughing his ass off the entire do you have you've talked to him before not in part no i mean not you're gonna love you're gonna text he's super happy all the time he's gonna be like all giggly and shit uh didn't i forgot what it was but he gave us something was it oh never mind i'm not gonna remember it was something in the gym i think on one of the monoliths or something ah shit i'm not gonna remember god so he's been he's been scaring his son uh since his son was like could walk you know like he'll come out of the bushes and scare the shit out of me yeah and he record he records and yeah and laughs his ass off so like he sent me a video like just maybe like a week or two ago
Starting point is 01:14:32 and uh oh he just he just randomly threw an egg at his son his son's in the backyard on like a lawn chair and he just rifles a fucking egg he's like a kid's reading a book and an egg just goes all over his chest and Zach is laughing his ass off. I'm like that kid's gonna be a fucking serial killer man. He's gonna fuck people up. As long as he keeps when he scares him as long as he keeps jumping back being scared like it
Starting point is 01:14:57 frightens him like that's actually a good thing like it's the ones that don't jump at all are like psychopaths or something crazy like that it gets it gets them every time pretty much dude i know it's okay i know you got to go but i got to lock the door every time when i pee at home now did you make that shot oh it's hard to tell okay i have to throw the trash out yeah so you lock the door i have to lock the door now because uh and i don't know why i haven't been doing this, but as, as a recent, uh, my girl has been like screaming and opening the door, like as I'm midstream to frighten me.
Starting point is 01:15:29 And I was going to say, has she done that as you're standing up wiping? No, no. Because I usually lock the, close the door. I locked the door, but like, she likes scream in a horrific manner. Just like that podcast where you guys heard. If you guys remember. It's like this deafening scream. I'll be like, whoa. And then my... It goes everywhere and it's just like,
Starting point is 01:15:52 I'm scarred. She thinks she's funny, right? I think she's funny. It's pretty funny. It's scary. Who's up? Not yet. Thank you everybody for checking out today's it's scary who's up and Seema I know we just got a not not yet
Starting point is 01:16:07 thank you everybody for checking out today's live stream it's really cool like I said having a PR today with having three ladies all chatting in the chat room really appreciate that since you guys are on the live stream if you haven't checked out today's episode which was with big
Starting point is 01:16:23 Doug Fruchet when is today tomorrow doesn't matter if you're on iTunes then go back and listen to episode, which was with a big Doug Fruchet. When is today? Tomorrow doesn't matter. Um, if you're on iTunes and go back and listen to that one, uh, please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power project on Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at, I am Andrew Z and SEMA. Where are you at? And see me on Instagram and YouTube and see me on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Mark at Mark's Millie Bell strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch y'all later.

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