Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 472 - Secrets We Don't Talk About

Episode Date: January 20, 2021

Today we are sharing some of the tips and tricks we do daily, but don't talk about much since they're just a part of our daily routine and we sometimes forget these small things can go a long way in h...elping others improve daily. FREE LMNT Recharge Sample Pack, offer expires Jan. 31, 2021: Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes FREE SAMPLE PACK until Jan. 31, 2021: ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project podcast. Today's episode of the podcast is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. Dude, okay, Piedmontese is awesome because I've been seeing a lot of people comment of like how, I want fat in my steak. I need more fat in my steak. I don't like these lean steaks. Those people sound funny. They sound funny, but that's the thing. When you go on Piedmontese's website and you look at the macros on a lot of their steaks, they have a lot of steaks that are low on fat, right? Which is if you're trying to get leaner if you're trying to cut you can get these steaks that are amazing they're tender um and they're low on fat so you're not intaking hella calories but then they also have steaks that have a good amount of fat nothing insane that's gonna just
Starting point is 00:00:36 make you fat just a good amount of fat um so if you're not dieting it's easier like andrew yourself didn't you you just use lower fat steaks uh or cuts of steak when you were dieting? Yeah. So like, um, instead of like taking something out of my diet, all I did was went from like a ribeye to like a Bovet steak. So just, I have some notes down here just that way. I'm not like totally BS and you guys, but like a ribeye has 10 grams of fat and 24 grams of protein per serving. A Bo that has four grams of fat and 25 grams of protein. And of course you guys know that I absolutely love the flat iron steak. Sorry, let me change the camera.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Do that again. You guys know, I love the flat iron steaks. That's to me like hands down second to none. Uh, the flavor of it. And of course the, uh,
Starting point is 00:01:20 the fat to protein ratio is, I mean, it's just insane because that one is only two grams of fat to 23 grams of protein. Oh, my God. I mean, you're not going to find that anywhere else, you know, on any other meat companies. It just, I mean, good luck trying, but. And it doesn't taste like sand. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:01:40 It tastes f***ing amazing. I can't believe that there's sandy meats out there. Yeah, man. Oh, that's terrible. All right. Don that there's sandy meats out there. Yeah, man. Oh, that's terrible. All right. Don't get those sandy cuts of meat. Head over to That's
Starting point is 00:01:53 At checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. Again, check out the higher, fatter cuts of beef. Check out the leaner cuts. Or you can do what we do, which is get the Power Project Deluxe Bundle. Again, that's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your order and if your order is 99 more you get free two-day shipping oh yeah jack some of this Time to go for that mind bullet. Mind bullet. He just took like eight of them, bro. No, just three.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Eighteen. Right to the dome. I had eighteen of them, man. Dude, you got a Starbucks coffee in your hand. What happened this morning? You wake up early or something? What's going on? Turning over a new leaf because it's 8 a.m.?
Starting point is 00:02:40 I mean, this means, I mean, my projections are correct. It means you woke up at like six. Y'all be really acting like I wake up at like nine or ten it's usually like eight if you don't have a podcast eight or seven thirty but yeah no uh dog's been having me have to get up at six because uh you know gotta feed him gotta let him out do all that before I get here sounds like the dog's running the house already kind of yeah but he's a he's a joy joy what's he do that's fun or funny like that's fun is the dog dog doing some like funny shit where you're just playing with him and it's kind of cool yeah yeah yeah he's he's super nippy so like he gets too excited right now like too excited so when he starts getting really really excited he'll start to like chomp so i have to like have something in hand so i just put it in his mouth like bite that
Starting point is 00:03:28 not me right he's never like uh you know he's never broken skin or anything and he's he's good but uh yeah he's a wild one when you get home does the dog act like it's first time it's ever seen you every single time yeah he he's i have runs like my my dog well it's tiny but it will like jump on the couch and like run around circles like jump on the couch and like run around circles and then jump on the couch again and run around circles. And you're like, what is this ritual that you have every time you see me? I don't understand what's going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 No one else is this excited to see me. Yeah. And since I'm only gone for a few hours, like I put him in a crate. I'm trying to crate train him right now. So it's pretty big and he feels pretty comfortable. But yeah, when I get in, he's like he starts going in a circle in his crate and then I let him out. He starts just jumping. I let him him outside but i found out something pretty
Starting point is 00:04:08 cool i uh i was looking at some videos and someone was like you need to get a laser pointer and i thought that was only something that worked with cats but it works with dogs too so i was just like having him like just he just chases that thing once he sees he's just like he just fucking zips around chasing a laser point around and i can just finally just like chill a little bit as i'm making he thinks like one day i'm gonna catch that he really does he really does it's awesome to see has he gotten like overly excited to where he like starts peeing everywhere that hasn't happened that's good no that hasn't happened but he has peed um on like in the house twice yesterday i think p is worse you know oh it smells so bad i
Starting point is 00:04:45 mean like if they have like a diarrhea mess yeah that's a nightmare but like it's just so obvious they took a shit there p like that you know you might have been taking a shit yourself and they might have peed somewhere and then and then like you know you have somebody over the house and like you're ousting it's like oh man or you could you leave the room for a while and you come back and you're like you're absolutely right that actually is the worst because it's like dude my house is clean but you know dog pissed and like we missed it now it's like under you know the rug and it's like we're gonna do floors but yeah we just have to deal with it for right now and then if but if you're in it for a while you know your nose doesn't cap like it doesn't
Starting point is 00:05:24 recognize it anymore. So when we would go on trips somewhere back when we were able to do that sort of thing, when I'd come home, I'd be like, damn, babe, we got to do something. So we'd get a shampoo or something and try to fix it. It's kind of like in Seamus Farts when we're podcasting. I'm so used to it at this point. I don't even really notice much change in cabin pressure. Yeah, I'd really be blasting back here.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I just look at you sometimes like, he doesn't know. great you don't realize it practicing his stoicism yeah no i really be farting so much back here i really hold it in when i try to hold it in when we have guests but the new podcast we have a filter we do we have a filter system we should have like holes in the seats so that if the fart just goes through something i'm just The new podcast we have a filter. We do? We have a filter system. Oh, sick. It's going to blow right over to our tantrum. We should have like holes in the seats so that if we fart it just goes through something and just goes right out the room. And amplifies the sound. So everybody knows what's going on now. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Oh, God. That'd be great. What do we got for today? We're going to be talking about some secrets. Some little stuff that we don't really tell people about. You guys got secrets? Oh, lots. Dark secrets.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Lots of skeletons in this closet but those aren't the type of secrets we're going to talk about today oh just little tricks yeah tricks of the trade yeah i'd say things that like are so habitual that we don't even think about them anymore right like and we do talk about this one a lot but we you know just adding salt to your food you know and and that's kind of like a secret weapon of ours, but we've talked about it a lot. Stan Efferding brought it to the forefront with a lot of great information, and we're sponsored by Element, so we always plug those guys, and they got great products. And sitting on the desk right now, we have an unflavored one. We have, I think, like a lime one, a chocolate one, a pink lemonade one.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Raspberry. Raspberry. They're all really, really good. We have, I think, like a lime one, a chocolate one, a pink lemonade one. Raspberry. Raspberry. They're all really, really good. Oh, the raspberry flavor hits different now that we know where raspberry flavor might come from. Oh, yeah. Think about that ass every single time I drink it. We need context.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Mark, can you just remind the people why I just said what I said? Beaver's asshole. There we go. That's why I said that, guys. Yeah. Oh, I have orange, too. I forgot. That's my favorite one that's yeah i i was on the um what's the uh the green one citrus citrus and now i'm over to the orange salt that one tastes so good it's so flavorful so orange is orange is amazing
Starting point is 00:07:38 yeah and there's a super easy way for you guys to try them out right now for free uh just go to drink slash power project and claim your free element recharge pack uh that's they're going to give you eight samples i'm pretty sure that's like all their flavors and um yeah you get them absolutely free you just got to pay for the five dollar shipping um even if you are are already a fan of element maybe this is a way to try out a different flavor that you might not have ventured out to, you know, to do so. Again, drink LMNT dot com slash power project. And it is World Carnivore Month. So whenever you're doing a low carb diet, you know, you need those electrolytes.
Starting point is 00:08:15 You need that salt to get in there. Other things that we do that we don't really talk about a ton, but we have mentioned on the show before, especially the mouth tape. ton, but we have mentioned on the show before, especially the mouth tape, taping your mouth shut when you're sleeping, you know, by most accounts that we've heard and, you know, things that we've experienced ourselves, it can help improve your sleep. You know, we're supposed to be nasal breathing when we're sleeping. It's going to help with some efficiency. If you feel like you have stuffed up nasal passages, there's a lot of techniques you can use to try to alleviate that.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But you can also use like a breathe right strip to help open up those nasal passages a little bit more. If you feel like your nose is too small to do something like that. But just give it a try. We know how wacky it sounds. It sounded crazy to us. But all three of us commit to it. All three of us do it. I don't do it every single night.
Starting point is 00:09:02 There's some nights where I just don't feel like doing it. i just don't do it but i do it almost every single night and i have been for a while that's that's how i know that something is uh has some good uh like legs to it because then like why otherwise why would i do it you know it's not wasn't not if it's not working why would i do it and for you let me ask you this uh over time of you using the mouth tape and then sleeping without it usually when i sleep of you using the mouth tape and then sleeping without it usually when i sleep without it's because i forget and then i wake up in the morning i'm like that sucks but have have you gotten better at breathing through your nose without mouth tape on because of all the mouth tape you've been using yeah i believe so i i think that while
Starting point is 00:09:39 i'm sleeping i'm i'm uh you know noticing that i'm not waking up with like drool and stuff like that and i don't think i snore, but I'm, I don't know. My wife's never complained about it. So, um, well, she used to complain about it when I was fatter, I was snoring then, but yeah, I don't think I snore anymore. So, yeah. And I did use the snore a bit too, but after I started using mouth tape, um, I did notice the difference.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And usually when I don't use it, it's because like, maybe I'm too tired. I just fall into bed or forget about it. The next morning, I'm not waking up with as much of a dry mouth, but I am noticing that I feel much better in the morning when I do use my mouth tape. Like I did get better quality sleep because my mouth was absolutely shut throughout the whole night. Yeah. Stephanie will actually like wake me up if I fall asleep without mouth tape because it just leads to snoring instantly and then she like nudge me like put your mouth tape on like oh sorry okay and then because i use like a you know like the the micropore tape yeah i'm sitting there for like five minutes trying to
Starting point is 00:10:35 find the edge i'm like oh come on it's got to be here somewhere i'm like i'll send you a video andrew um i saw dr rand did a um a doctor doctor down in Los Angeles who does some TRT type stuff, talked about the combination of like using some TRT and using like an anti-estrogen to potentially help with sleep apnea or snoring. But I don't know. I didn't actually watch the video. I just saw it the other day and I was like, I want to check that out and see what that's about. Cause I've, I've never really heard that before. I've actually heard quite the opposite.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I've heard that like testosterone can kind of almost make it worse just because it's making you, it's helping you become bigger. You know, I think that that's usually the main problem is you have obstructed breathing. I think that's what sleep apnea is. I'm not even really sure,
Starting point is 00:11:22 but anyway, um, that might be something that might be might be helpful. Yeah, that makes sense. I got to ask Stephanie if I was snoring any less when I was on TRT because I mean, everything everything was awesome back then. So I'd have to hit her up and ask her because it would make a lot of sense. Dude, you know, we just had James Nestor on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:11:44 So if you guys since we're talking about this right now i have to plug that episode because if you guys haven't listened to that yet oh my goodness it's so good that episode is so solid on all the things we're talking about as far as breathing the episode we did with patch mckeown last year is another gold episode phil derue talks a lot about it right but um I just purchased the inspiratory muscle trainer. It's called the breather fit. There's the breather and then there's a breather fit. It's a little bit more expensive.
Starting point is 00:12:11 It's black. You blow into it. And that's all the time we have for today. I wasn't even trying. I wasn't even trying. They're just different colors. There's a white one. That's the lower cast is going to go through some changes really soon.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I wasn't even trying. Why does it got to be black? I actually know. I don't want to end up here. No, but like it is kind of interesting. It's like the. It could have been any other color too, right? I mean, it really could have been any other color, but they chose to make the thicker black the the bigger one the bigger one the black one i don't
Starting point is 00:12:49 know why they did that extreme like my wife has this thing that like you like rub your shoulder with and it's like bright pink and i'm like why the fuck is it bright pink like that i mean it just looks like a sex tool wait what is it it It's literally like a Kelly Sturette type of thing Like a little Thing with a little knob on it Where it's pretty obvious that you use it For your shoulder and stuff It's not a vibrator or anything like that
Starting point is 00:13:14 But it looks like it could be one It's like hot pink I don't remember who got it for Christmas But it's like one of those ones It's like a big hook It's supposed to be able to get into your traps it does work really well i've seen a cane there okay that's what it's called so whatever this one was called the the the box had a chick and she was just like feeling everything and it's just like what is this and then exactly she's like
Starting point is 00:13:43 looks like she's in the middle of a solid moan and it's like vibration and like five speeds and of course the color is you know like it has like a pink tip on it it's like okay what what is this marketing that's what it is they're like wow my neck feels great yeah so I think they're like hey this is supposed to be free shoulder but just a heads up that hook can get other places hey if you have an orgasm your shoulder is going to feel great most likely yes yes nobody can argue with that right holy shit i mean that's some science right there but the inspiratory muscle trainer was really dope it's it's really you already got it
Starting point is 00:14:22 yeah i already got it it came in the mail like an amazon prime it came in the mail today um and okay no jokes here but there are different settings you blow into it as hard as you can uh inhale or exhale into as hard as you can and then you inhale as hard as you can through your mouth um and depending on the settings you can actually like not like you can feel your lungs expand but you can feel the difficulty and you're supposed to do it like for 10 breaths and you can like afterwards you feel fatigued like your breathing feels fatigued so you're supposed to do that morning and night and i've been doing they have in like medical like do they have it like in hospitals is it the thing that you blow into and you can kind of there's a thing you're getting like feedback from it right but this isn't one
Starting point is 00:14:59 where you can see the feedback like those ones this is just like it's literally a device like this and you just you just blow into it and you you inhale and exhale into it so you can't get a didgeridoo right is that what he said yeah that's the one that like makes that weird like yeah yeah sound i've never seen it when it was mentioned i haven't even huge it's huge yeah i don't know what it is that'd be sick using that thing all the time and people are like what the fuck is it like it's so loud like oh yeah yeah remember when like the the world cup and everybody was using those yes was that it sounds similar it sounds similar but it has more bass you need to mix like all the stuff that we've had on the show into like one that you know like we're super high on like thc and oh yeah cbd and thc
Starting point is 00:15:47 and like all the different weird shit that we've heard oh we're playing the playing the fucking didgeridoo that'd be sick i swear like it this is this is like you know beside the point but for like the past week and a half not this past week now but a few weeks ago it's like we were like getting high every other episode i love it oh god that was just for you know we're doing it for the people yeah we're just trying to help people see it's not we don't want to be high no no we're getting high for everybody else that's another one of our secrets we're high scientific testing um i like the uh a lot of we're talking kind of about massager type things and i like those um i think complex makes one there's a couple other units out there um great units well the stem units are great but also just the um i don't know what they're even called what do you
Starting point is 00:16:39 what'd you call it earlier percussive massager that's right there we go that's what i was thinking of those things are awesome and uh super convenient i mean they are they can be pricey but they've come down in price quite a bit since about two years ago yeah yeah and i mean the one that everybody goes to is like the hypervolt but this company uh alky i think they have a they have an active, and it's like almost as good, but it's only like 80 bucks. How do you spell it for the people? Alka? A-L-K-I, I think. It's just ActiveX, but it's super cheap.
Starting point is 00:17:13 And it's like, I mean, I love the Hypervolt. I use that thing often. Me too, yeah. But when I seen this one, I was like, you know what, just let me try. Because when I have somebody over, and they're just like, oh, what's that? And if anything over $100 is like, oh, that's, you know, must be nice. Right. But with this one, I was like, dude, this is a super cool alternative that anybody, not anybody, but like if you want one of these devices, don't fall for like the name brand ones that are like over, you know, X amount of money because they have like this package included with it.
Starting point is 00:17:41 This one is dope. It's just it's called an ActiveX. I'll look it up, but it's super cheap and it's just it's called an active x i'll look it up but it's super cheap and it works pretty damn awesome yeah i i was just like blown away because i thought for sure it was going to be like you know a piece of junk but it was pretty dope oh yeah yeah a great uh like secret slash tip is uh you know have someone work on you too you know get some body work done um i don't do it that frequently. I don't think any one of us really do it that often, but it can be really, really beneficial, especially if you're somebody that's just getting.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I would say, like, number one, you're just getting beat up here and there, like you're training really hard and just elbows and knees and shit like that are just hurting. Getting an overall just general massage from a practitioner that's just decent is great. But I would also say that having listening to having had people on the podcast talking about like meditation and the value of just like just chilling for a while. I realized that a 90 90 minute massage could be expensive or 60 minute massage can be expensive but um I think the the price that you're paying to relax like that for a while I think is awesome so you know sports massage or Swedish massage where it's like deeper and you're like you know ready to tap out all the time those are great too and they have their application but you might want to just,
Starting point is 00:19:08 you're literally just paying to like chill. And I know that you could say, oh, well, I'll just take a nap, you know, but you know, you're not going to do that. You know, you're not going to slow down. So having these appointments like that, um, I found that when I was doing yoga a while back that that was therapeutic to me just to like calm down, just like not do anything. Cause i don't really like to not do stuff so i'm i feel like i'm always doing something and when i try to relax to watch cobra kai i feel like i got to get up and practice my karate like i feel like i need to like always be doing something you know so um if you if you feel like you're that kind of person it might be a good weapon uh in your arsenal to just,
Starting point is 00:19:45 you know, just get a massage every other week or once a month or however much you can afford. Can't remember the last time I've gotten massage, but they are really good every time I do get them. Yeah. It's amazing, right?
Starting point is 00:19:55 You're like, well, I don't do every time you go, you're like, why don't I do this more? Every time you go, you're like, I should be doing this more often.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yeah. Massage was great. Real quick on the, on the progressive massagers though, they're like super damn useful, useful. The thing I like to do especially, um, is hit the psoas hard. The psoas is the muscle here and you're not usually able to get to that, but if you can dig your, your massager into that for like for a while, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah. It feels so good. Yeah. And it's a tough one. It's a tough one to do. Cause you're like, Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it was a tough one it's a tough one to do because you're like oh yeah yeah yeah and it was called the m1 not the active x that was the one that i was using but the um so right thing i've never used that i've never used it i watch you have one here right
Starting point is 00:20:37 yeah yeah i've used it before i like it a lot i i was actually using it um last last the last week and a half or so i've been using it on and off maybe a couple times a week and it's been feeling really good it is um what i like about it is they made an aggressive product you know a lot of times people make stuff that's like um you're like oh you're gonna kind of feel you know it's gonna kind of it's nothing like that like this thing is agonizing and and there's kind of stages to it. And if you're somebody who's been mobile most of your life and you're somebody who, you know, maybe hasn't, maybe hasn't gotten yourself like just to start out like completely blaying and putting all your body weight on your psoas is like pretty wild and crazy um so i've been working my
Starting point is 00:21:32 way down my abdomen and i'm kind of like belly button ish area and a little bit lower and uh something i can do is i can keep my arms on the ground and i can kind of like lean towards one side or the other and kind of determine how much pressure I'm going to put on it. Ideally, you'd like to just put your arms out to the side flat and just really like melt over top of the thing. And then once you get even more advanced than that, what you can do is you can kind of kind of dig into one side more than the other.
Starting point is 00:22:02 So you can offset the product and have it be, you know, um, where it's in alignment, where it's only going to kind of hit more one side of you than, than the other. Um, but I've been messing around with it and I put it on like an incline bench even, and, and, and laid face down on the incline bench. And it had, um, it was interesting about that is, um, I was able to have my, it sounds funny. It looked like I was fucking on a picture. It's like I was fucking the product. It's just trying to make it have a, have a baby.
Starting point is 00:22:33 So we made a smaller one. But, uh, so I'm like kind of laying on it, but like my, I was able to just position myself to where it didn't hurt. So it's an amazing product and it's not going to kill everybody the way it's killing me i'm just super tight in those areas but i think it's a great like why not why not give it a give it a shot and anyone with lower back pain i think it's uh something that you really need to try out because i think most people are tight there yeah i i watch uh not watch but i've seen uh settlegate josh settledge use that so right thing and i'm like
Starting point is 00:23:04 dude how do you do it? And he just like couldn't really explain it because he's like, you just basically lay down on it and cry. But when we had Bo Hightower in, he was like, you know, where does it hurt on your back and da, da, da. And so he just started jabbing me right in my stomach. I'm like, what are you doing? With his hands?
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah. Oh, dude. He was like Homelander, you yeah oh dude he like um he was like homelander you know when he like you gotta watch the boys if you haven't i've never seen it it's so good it's definitely worth watching but because amazon's weird like they will they will play like the newest season for no reason and they won't go back to anyways that's why you got messed up isn't it that's why i was like dude i don't understand why people like this show like this nothing makes sense what's the show homelander the boys the boys he started on season two yeah because i was like i've never watched
Starting point is 00:23:54 this hey amazon don't do that is that like a superhero movie sort of show i mean it is they got superpowers or something right yeah i think i've seen some of it but there's a twist like i haven't seen a lot of it i've just only seen a little bit a little bit yeah yours aren't the good guys let's put it that way oh yeah it's really good twist watch it but you're saying so hightower just you know jabbed his hand into my my gut and then he was like all right move around i'm like whoa like i do feel better but it went away really fast so i don't feeling of goodness yeah like the like everything kind of came roaring back like within like a couple yeah about an hour so i just i tried doing it again to myself and i couldn't i didn't figure it out
Starting point is 00:24:39 speaking of uh bow hightower smart um i've been talking withones Jones. Bones Jones asked me to make a product for him. So we're in the works. We're making a product for him. It's just something just to send to him. I don't have any intentions of collaborating with him on anything unless he wanted to. That would be cool. That'd be awesome. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah. But he and I were going back and forth. And I tease him a lot about the podcast because he doesn't want to do it. And so I, I still like relentlessly drop it in there here and there. And I'm like, so like, you're going to do the podcast. You know, like I just, I say it here and there and he's like, no, man, I've been just chilling. Like, I feel good.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Like, I don't, I don't really like speaking publicly and these kinds of things. And so, uh, he's kind of, he kind of wrote back and kind of like, was like, almost like pitch me on something and, you know, I'll see, I'll see what I can do.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But basically he said that when he fights again, that he'll come on the show. Oh my God. So I think that's pretty sick. Oh shit. Uh, but I, I really like for,
Starting point is 00:25:42 for me personally, like, uh, came a little bit for me, for me personally, I don't really have a desire to. I don't have a desire to talk to him a lot specifically about like fighting. And I think the questions that we would ask him would be way different. And so that's what I've been trying to talk him into. And I've been trying to talk, talk to him about that because I want to know like more about like his upbringing and hit him and his brothers.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Like his brothers are in the NFL. Yeah. They're a bunch of savages too. Like what, what is the mutant family? Yeah. What is with this family? Like what a bunch of nutcases.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Right. So I'd like to, to really dive into that. And then also, I don't think he gets enough credit. Like he has a, he's got like some killer instinct and a championship mindset that is unmatched in today's, like he's the Tiger Woods of his sport right now, you know? He's so far ahead and above and beyond.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He's a phenom. And unlike Tiger Woods, I mean, he didn't start his thing at like four years. Well, Tiger started at zero years old, basically. Started right when he was hatched, right? So, yeah, I'm really fascinated by that stuff. I don't have any intentions of asking about fucking picograms and shit like that. Yeah. You know, some of the weird controversial stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I don't even care about any of that. I just think he's a fucking badass. And I think he deserves more recognition. And that's what I was kind of talking to him about. I was like, I think, I think if we did communicate with you, if we did talk to you in a public format that people would be able to see a side of you that would be different. And I said, we can even just not talk about fighting at all. We can talk about like just life shit.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Like, what are you into? What do you like to do? Yeah. How amazing would that be? Because I think he digs, like, video games and shit. I think he likes to just kind of kick it. And power lift. And archery.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Yeah. He's super strong, too. Yeah. He's, like, a six-something deadlift. He's a beast. He's a fucking monster. Oh, come on. Mathesthetics back in the day.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Gary. Gary. In New Mexico. Yeah. mexico yeah yeah yeah legion oh shit but it's not legion it is legion yeah or is it i think they they split by gary yeah but it's gary yeah he's the one he's the one who put us in contact with him and stuff so yeah he's training him yeah but like oh yeah that man is strong but the thing the thing that i'm just so curious about is did he really learn this shit on youtube like was he really watching videos and just like and he got it right i'm gonna send him a selfie of us right now
Starting point is 00:28:17 okay where are you i can see his face oh man but yeah no that that that dude i'm i'm just like so curious how he learns like i think he just learns things differently and he just tries things it's so dope yeah that'd be amazing yeah and then speaking of like making cool shit for big mma fighters um it's fight week so we sent him and phil derue bunch of personalized cool, like hip circles, uh, a Poirier shirt, like,
Starting point is 00:28:47 you know, it's yeah, but strong logo on it. Yeah. It's, it's sick. It's cool stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Check out, uh, Phil Daru's Instagram. I believe it's on there for sure. On Twitter. I was fighting it. I, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:58 just a couple of guys, uh, Conor McGregor. Yeah. Conor. Mick. Mick. Jagger. Mick. Mick. Jagger.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Oh. Oh. Like Gregor Legane from Game of Thrones? I don't know, dude. I never watched that show. Oh. Well. Don't because the ending sucks.
Starting point is 00:29:16 The fight's this weekend? Yeah. Let me double check. What's the date? Today's. It's on the 23rd, whenever that is. Oh. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:23 That's this weekend. Damn. It's like Saturday or something. Hopefully I didn't just make that up. It's sometime soon. I believe it's on the 23rd whenever that is oh yeah it's this weekend i think it's like saturday hopefully i didn't just make that up it's you know it's sometime soon i believe it's fight week yeah it's this weekend gosh you guys made me question myself habib nagerman habib said he would come out of retirement uh for uh whoever won that fight i think the connor dustin fight i was close enough say it again and i'm pronouncing it wrong too
Starting point is 00:29:57 i'm pronouncing it the way i've heard it, but you know, it's just like NBA players that have Habib Nurmagomedov. I can hear it in my head. The Nurmagomedov. No, that's wrong too. It's not right. He said,
Starting point is 00:30:15 I'm a get off. You know, a long time ago, somebody told titty boy that his name was dumb and then he needed to change it. And he changed it to two chains and the rest is history. Yeah. And why didn't anybody ever tell Habib like, dude, like we can't run with this name. I know it's your real name.
Starting point is 00:30:30 And I know, I know I get it, but like, we got to call you something else. You know, maybe, maybe someone did. And he's just like, you don't understand. Like I'm the one of the greatest that's ever going to fight. So I don't have to do shit. Hell yeah. Yeah. Go with that.
Starting point is 00:30:44 He's like, I'm just going to kill everybody. Yeah. You Americans will learn to say my name and I still haven't, but I will. We got to figure that out. Yeah. Could be. What are the secrets you guys got?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Let's see. We were just talking about, we were talking about like a recovery type stuff. And so, um, I, I stuff a lot and I use a free sleeve. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:03 You guys have a free sleeve as well. I still like that thing Yeah, it's amazing. Great. Just stick in the freezer really easy It's a sleeve that that's cold and stick it on your arm your knee whatever hurts and works pretty efficiently I've been using our own product Imagine that more recently because my elbow I don't know where it starts to swell up and and that's super recently because my elbow, I don't know where it starts to swell up and, uh, man, that's super annoying. Yeah. It's crap.
Starting point is 00:31:27 It's, it's a bunch of crap. It like filled up with a little bit of fluid, which that hasn't happened in a long time. And I didn't even do anything, uh, worth like reporting, you know, it's one thing if I'm, you know, if I'm like, ah, I was benching 500 for reps and something blew out, you know, I blew a gasket, you know, like at least there's a story in there or something. But no, this is kind of accumulation, I guess. And so I've been using our utility band and I've been wrapping up my elbow a bunch. And I haven't had success with the with the ice, you know, and I know I've heard stuff. And I've been part of discussions with Kelly Sturette and the owner of the company, the Mark Pro Company, and
Starting point is 00:32:05 that guy's not a fan of ice. He thinks ice just kind of like makes you, quote unquote, feel better, but doesn't really do anything. In certain situations, I think if you smashed your knee on the ground and your knee swelled up, I think that's where ice works really well. Yeah. But if it's not like a contusion type of thing, then I just don't think it works as well as we may think. So anyway,
Starting point is 00:32:28 but using like a complex unit or a Mark pro type of unit can really help a lot. Those are, these are like I think they're called like STEM units and it's a way to like kind of get an electrical impulse to the area. And if you could think about it this way let's say that you hurt your ankle like pretty severely, like sprained it pretty bad. Well, there's not a lot of things you can do.
Starting point is 00:32:50 You're kind of off your feet. You can't, it's going to be hard to get blood to the area. Even doing like circles or anything with your foot would probably kind of hurt. And so instead, you can utilize something like a, like a complex unit. You put those pads in certain areas and it's going to make those areas flex when otherwise you wouldn't be able to flex them that well. Yeah. And you're going to be able to flush a lot of blood in and out of the area, basically just increasing circulation.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And then on top of that, there's like with a complex unit in particular, there's so much stuff you can do. They can be expensive. they can be pricey but um i utilized it a ton when i tore my pack we just saw nick right a couple days ago or maybe yesterday tear a pack with under 430 pounds um he was he's trying to bench pr and he ended up uh i think he i think it's a strain i I don't think he really destroyed himself too bad. But anyway, yeah, I was using the Compex unit a lot back
Starting point is 00:33:50 when I was trying to come back from my first pec tear, and it helped a lot. I was able to get back on the platform, was able to bench 578, and then I unfortunately tore my pec again with 600 pounds. But it works. It might be something you want to look into. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:07 No, whenever I was going to my car after my AC joint issue that happened here, every single time he took me up on a stem unit. So that's definitely something that I want to have for myself because it's super beneficial. Every time it always felt better and better and better. So those are those are things that could be very useful if you could have it at home. And even just, uh, just with your muscles being sore or,
Starting point is 00:34:29 um, you know, there's, there, there was, there was one setting on, on the compacts that you could utilize. I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:37 I'm forgetting what the name of it was, but I used to do it before workouts to warm up and, uh, I would still obviously warm up for the workout, but it was something that would, um would like some sort of preparatory phase, but it would, it would hurt. I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:50 it was, it would come out of you hard. Like it would make it like, it would make your muscles flex hard. I'd put it on my chest and my triceps before, before a bench workout. Okay. And God damn,
Starting point is 00:35:01 I wish I could remember what it was called, but it would just go and you're like, wow, you're like, oh shit. We're watching Smokey get electrocuted by that thing. When we, uh, when we do solidify getting compacts on the show here, we're going to electrocute the fuck out of Smokey because he can't handle it. You guys ever seen it before? You ever seen Smokey? I haven't seen him.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I remember Charlie Zamora would put that thing like on his abs full blast and I'd be like, what's wrong because he would just be sitting there and i love charlie that fucking guy's out of his mind he's completely insane he doesn't kind of do anything he was like how strong is this thing and he would be a tough guy to contend with in jujitsu right because he would just be like wild and he's all like tall and shit he'd be a fucking lunatic i think that that would be a very fun role it would be really fun to roll with no train he's just out of his mind i know he did some mma yeah oh yeah good mma but i know him no training he would be like oh you want okay yeah let's go
Starting point is 00:35:55 yeah let's fucking do it i'll mess you up man energy drink and then you're like crazy he is like literally the human energy drink that's what he is like literally the human energy drink. That's what he is. He's the human monster energy drink. That's what Charlie is talking about. Our boy Charlie is more. I used to work here a while back. Shout out to him. Anyway. Yeah, we're going over some of these some of these little secrets, some of these things
Starting point is 00:36:16 that we do. I've talked about this nine thousand million gazillion times about, you know, eating before I eat. You know, that's like a tip slash, you know, it's not necessarily secret because I do talk about it often. But oftentimes having a protein shake, even sometimes like while I might be cooking or something like that, just to what it, what it does for me is it helps me to control the overall amount of food that I'm eating.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So things like that. I love how the premise of that sounds so fat. It does. It's like, oh, I eat before I eat yeah what yeah eat before you but it's supposed to be it's supposed to help you see me bring up the south park clip of uh starving marvin do you know you know what i'm talking about no uh look up starving marvin appetizer this is amazing oh it's like him and cartman him and cartman oh no but i did i ate before i ate yesterday um i wait what was oh you found something um i had 10 boiled eggs and some bacon and then uh oh let's see this oh god you found you like went right to it almost i think it's like right here andrew is better than jamie oh. Oh, that's it right there.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Dude, Starvin' Marvin's got it. Starvin' Marvin. Oh, no. It's what you eat before you eat to make you more hungry. It's what you eat before you eat to make you more hungry. That's awesome. He ate like three pieces of shrimp and just threw it over his shoulder. Carmen, you butt pipe. This is the time you're supposed to shit. We're going to end up watching South Park the whole time.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I forgot about starving Marvin, man. It's what you eat before you eat to make you more hungry oh god you guys watched their episode right the the covid pandemic special yeah i watched it but i kind of i think i like it got doing some stuff it got it got a little too overboard i watched that with my father-in-law let's watch it again so when you say got overboard like what do you guys mean exactly? Come on. No, no, no. No, it got overboard
Starting point is 00:38:27 in like so many different ways. My favorite part, though, was the... I like, honestly, the classroom shooting was hilarious. Yeah, that was my favorite part. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:35 They're like, no, they're like, you shot him because he's black. And they're like, no, it was because of COVID because those police officers wouldn't even be teachers if it wasn't for the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Oh, my gosh. I felt so bad when i laughed too i was like i can't laugh at this but it's they do such a good job of that they do oh they do and if you don't laugh you take yourself too seriously what was this the scene with mickey mouse or whatever and what the fuck i don't even remember i remember he was in it but you see that that's he was in like the back of a limousine yeah he was in like tokyo and he was partying with uh mickey mouse and that's where he ended up uh fucking the uh pangolin or whatever that thing is called what was it called yeah it's a pangolin but that's a real animal right yes mickey Mouse is real. I need to rewatch it.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I have to rewatch it. There's so many things I just didn't pay attention to. Oh, that was great. And it like was his semen or something that was like the cure for whatever was going on. And everyone started growing beards. Was it a beard or mustache? It was a mustache. I think it was a mustache.
Starting point is 00:39:45 It was just a mustache. I think it was white. I'm not going to ruin it. Yeah, because a beard would have been too far. God. That was so good. Those guys are talented. That show's wild.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yeah, when they did the, when Kanye was saying that he liked fish dicks and he's like, are you, you know, whatever. He said that said that that like that woke up that woke him up like kanye was like damn if south park is making fun of me then i need to like calm my ass down of course he ended up you know oh yeah being kanye but at that time he was just like he wasn't even like really mad at them he was just like shit all right thanks for the you know i gotta put myself in check how was your father-in-law by the way when you watched it was he laughing also or was so it was actually so me and my brother-in-law like we were talking about it no but so he's like do you want to watch i'm like yes i want to watch it and so uh you know
Starting point is 00:40:34 like hbo max or whatever it was and then so father-in-law walks in and you know after it was all said and done he just turns and looks at us he's like this is what you guys watch like oh shit like no like not really but like i just wanted to see it because i kept hearing about it and he just like shakes his head and walks away like oh retired police officer sorry sorry dad i mean he laughed too but yeah he's just like really guys well i'm sorry hey we're kids yeah um real quick in regards to uh like you know repairing issues and stuff with our bodies um i picked up back mechanic with stuart mcgill oh yeah yeah i i suck at reading but you know i got to a point where i'm like dude like my back is just terrible i was
Starting point is 00:41:18 putting down one of my dogs like i was holding him put him down and like got stuck and like oh and so i just like threw him um he's fine dogs land on their feet usually uh i mean we're talking like a foot from the ground and i like hit me i'm like dude what if this happens with our baby you know like man like what am i gonna do like you know ask for help because i can't put him down like i'll get through it but then that's where i was like dude dude, I should, I don't know, really look into this a lot, like seriously. So I picked up back mechanic and the only reason why I bring it up, cause it's like,
Starting point is 00:41:51 it's the first time that I actually like went in further than watching a couple of YouTube videos or asking somebody here in person and then just trying a bunch of stuff. It actually teaches you, like, it tells you straight up that, hey, this is going to hurt, but we're only going to hurt a little bit just so we can figure out where your pain triggers are, what your pain triggers are. And by just doing a couple of simple exercises, I can now understand why my back hurts. Whereas before I was like, it kind of hurts when I do this or if I bend over and like sometimes I just get a shocking pain.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Sometimes I don't't but i don't know why and now i kind of understand why and so just really just taking the time to kind of do a little bit more research on whatever it is that hurts you will go a long way um maybe even something that you're not used to doing like reading a book just purchased it right now every time i'm like i gotta buy it and i just keep forgetting so that's i'm gonna i'm gonna get i should have used to doing like reading a book just purchased it right now every time I got to buy it and I just keep forgetting so that's I'm gonna I'm gonna get should I give you my affiliate link I'm just joking you know you're referring to is people sometimes will say you're scratching your own itch you know you're
Starting point is 00:42:57 taking care of your own problem and that's what we need to do more often and how do you do it you do it through knowledge you do it through learning and so you just got to figure out like you either uh communicate with somebody that you know that's already doing something or has already been through something you find a book you youtube it like there's just so many ways to problem solve and troubleshoot and we talk about that quite a bit on the show but um that's that's that quite a bit on the show, but, um, that's, that's the easiest strategy. Maybe not the easiest strategy, but it's the most simple strategy. I have a problem. This is my issue. My back hurts a lot. Um, you know, people mentioned different
Starting point is 00:43:36 stuff to me in passing. I don't know what's true. I don't know what's not true. You know, I don't know exactly what I should do to fix my back. So I'm going to buy a fucking book on it. Yeah. And that's great. One awesome thing that I learned from it already. And I know we're talking about things that we do like that every day. We don't really think about it. There's just things we do.
Starting point is 00:43:55 But I appreciate the book so much because he was saying, you know, a lot of people will say like doing yoga, doing Pilates, which are extremely beneficial. I'm not going to say they're not. You can't just put a blanket statement and say, this is going to cure your back. Because I'm like, dude, every time that I've done it, not every time, but a lot of times I would, you know, you're laying down on the ground or doing something and like that hurts. That hurts me. So I would get up and be like, oh, my God, I feel so much worse. that hurts me so i would get up and be like oh my god i feel so much worse so not doing things that hurt my back as stupid as that sounds is something that like is a new concept to me yeah you know it's always like no pain no gains like oh fuck i gotta struggle through it but in the book it's
Starting point is 00:44:37 like hey like no like if you're depending on what type of back pain you have there's a really good chance that yoga is just going to make it worse. So you need to address or you need to understand what it is that actually hurts. So that way you can either do or not do some of the things that hurt. Oh yeah, absolutely. Like if you're, if you have a pain somewhere,
Starting point is 00:44:56 there, there's a problem and you're just constantly just like in a position and like stretching it, that might not make it better. Yeah. So that's, and I like you, didn't you mention you
Starting point is 00:45:05 were talking to mark and myself about how like it was telling you certain ways to pick things up certain ways you should be sitting like all these little things like when you think about it if you're doing that bad motion every single day seven days a week 365 days a year it compounds oh of course now yeah add you know like 12 years of doing it that's what i was doing and one of the cool things it recommends getting just a simple um lumbar support so that's what i use every day i use it here lower back yeah i have one right here on the plate you can kind of see it on screen okay so it's just an inflatable one got on amazon 25 bucks i got one for here and one for home and it's already made a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Picture for everybody that like truck drives or something. That was kind of want to get one for the car because I'll be sitting in the car and I'll like it's really for me is a posture thing. So I'm like this a lot. So I'll even watching a movie. I'm like, nope, don't do that. And I'll just like get up. Right. And like, damn, you idiot.
Starting point is 00:46:05 You've been doing this for your whole life. No wonder why your back hurts. So that, that, that's definitely probably my, the secret that I don't talk about the most is just this simple lumbar support. Like if you're sitting at a desk, you just get one. I'm going to get one. I'm going to get one for my car. This one's sick. It's inflatable. So you can like raise or lower it. It has like its own built-in pump you got that on amazon yeah it's insane you gotta send me that i'll send you that affiliate
Starting point is 00:46:29 link i think the car sometimes is like the worst you know car seats like they they feel pretty good when you first sit in the car it kind of depends on the kind of car that you have and stuff too but when you first sit in the car it's like not too bad you know and you drive for a couple minutes and it's you don't ever really notice it you go on those longer drives and you know it's probably not the seat's fault it's probably our own fault our own posture kind of falls apart but the seat you know the curvature of the seat i always find to be interesting and the airlines are the worst because it's like it's curved forward and you're like why am i like it takes away like your mid section and just puts your chest and shoulders forward you're like, why am I like, it takes away like your midsection and just puts your chest
Starting point is 00:47:05 and shoulders forward. You're like, what position is this? And what is this good for? Is this a good way to like crash or something like that? Like, what are they, what are they setting us up for here? It's just, it's really odd. But yeah, if you can find, you know, something just to put into your lower back, I used to sometimes just take like a Gatorade bottle and just put it there. If I was on like a really long trip.
Starting point is 00:47:26 And then that way I had something that kind of cued me to, to, to be a little bit more upright. Cause I find myself, I find myself kind of leaning forward and, and, and having my hands, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:36 out extended onto the steering wheel. So whatever way you got to, you know, do to figure that out, remedy that kind of thing for yourself, I think is great. Andrew, that kind of solution just kind of thing for yourself, I think is great, Andrew.
Starting point is 00:47:50 That kind of solution just kind of reminds me about mouth tape. And let me tell you why, like, you know, eight hours of the night, you're sleeping with tape around your mouth and you're training yourself to breathe through the nose. And if like a lot of people that are trying to repair their posture in their back, they're like, okay, I'm a strength train. I'm a strength in my back. I'm a strength in my rear delt so I can have better posture. But then once they leave the gym, they go and they sit down and they're here again for hours right this kind of thing that you're doing and all of this resetting right is is all that that other eight hours or 10 hours of small habits sitting on the couch with your wife sitting in your car sitting at your desk you're not training that posture and boom it's getting ingrained so dude a few months from now
Starting point is 00:48:23 it's going to be pretty crazy to see how your back feels and that's another thing too is like the mindset of you know wanting to go to the chiropractor to pop my back back into place or something and then it's like oh instantly like i feel so much better um another thing the book talks about is just like hey like you spent years getting your back here it's going to take years to fix it i love so it it's a tough pill to swallow, right? Because like, I don't want to be in pain anymore. Well, your whole like left side could be more developed than the right side. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And a pop isn't going to really do anything for it. You know, that's what, you know, chiropractic is, it's tough. You know, you go to any sort of physician and they try to assist you and give you some advice. It's hard to follow through on that advice and to do it for like a long enough period of time to have it have any real impact. There's some other things that I do from like a mindset standpoint
Starting point is 00:49:13 that I found to be helpful over the years. And we've talked about this on the show, so it's not necessarily a secret, but just interpretation, you know, we can interpret things. You know, Tom is Tom is our buddy. Tom Thornton is here and his sister is has been in town for about a month. And, you know, here's two people that grew up in the same household, but with different
Starting point is 00:49:36 interpretations of, you know, how they're supposed to live their lives. They're twins. Right. And Tom, Tom is more analytical. He's more math-based. Tom's going to whip out a chart for everything all the time. And even I talked to Tom's
Starting point is 00:49:53 dad yesterday because he's been doing the carnivore diet. Looks amazing. Congrats to him. Looks fantastic. Lost like 60 pounds or something. I mean, fucking unbelievable. He's 56 years old. So the age is not a factor fucking unbelievable. He's 56 years old. So the age is not, is it the age is not a factor for him. He's,
Starting point is 00:50:08 he's figured it out. But I just find it interesting, you know, that his Tom's sister is more, I guess on the creative side, you know, she's more into like art and cooking and, and,
Starting point is 00:50:22 and things of that nature. And yeah, just, I find stuff like that really fascinating. My brothers, both of my brothers, cooking and, and, and things of that nature. And, um, yeah, just, I find stuff like that really fascinating. My brothers, both of my brothers, their interpretation of the way that my parents were, uh, bringing us up versus my interpretation of it. Um, I recall my brothers, you know, saying like I would have favoritism and stuff like that, but I, I,
Starting point is 00:50:43 I never, I actually, I never heard that from Chris, but I heard it from Mike. Um, I never saw that or felt that with anything they ever did. I never, I never viewed it that way. Cause you know, my, my interpretation was different. And so I guess what I'm saying here is every single thing that you learn or every single, every single thing that you know is all open to interpretation. You can interpret stuff to be positive. You can interpret stuff to be negative.
Starting point is 00:51:10 That's usually what our brain does. Our brain's usually like, that ain't good. Or our brain's like, you know, that's for me. And you try to figure it out from there. But once you do figure it out from there, once you do categorize something as being good or bad, your body starts to populate the rest of your cells and the rest of your body towards whatever that thing was. So you have to make a decision. How do you want to categorize this? Is this, is this actually that bad? Or is this just kind of, so like you found out that your aunt had cancer, like, obviously that's fucking horrible news.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Right. And your mind should shift towards trying to figure out. But then you have to kind of put some rational thought to it. And you can't really turn a negative into a positive necessarily all the time. But what you can do is you can calm yourself down a bunch. So your whole body doesn't turn negative. Because what good does it do for your whole body to turn sour over a situation that you can't really do anything about that's so amazing um i actually was having you said it of course way better than i did but literally like the same
Starting point is 00:52:16 conversation with my daughter jasmine last night um she has a like a parent teacher conference today and you know right away she's like and i I'm like, whoa, I'm like, hold on. And she like, didn't know exactly where I was going with it. I'm like, is it really that bad? She's like, yeah. I'm like, why? I don't know. I'm like, okay, well let's, you know, dissect this thing a little bit.
Starting point is 00:52:40 But I was explaining like the same thing, you know, I'm like, hey, you're already telling your mind and your body that you're going to have a bad day. Like you're already setting it up. So from now till it happens, it's going to be all negative. I'm like, how about instead of I have this parent teacher conference thing tomorrow? How about it's wow. Tomorrow I only have a 15 minute conference and then I'm off for the rest of the day. Let's look at it that way.
Starting point is 00:53:06 And so it kind of just explained like how you interpret things is kind of like how you're going to, you know, how it's actually going to happen. You know, you kind of will things to happen. You put things in motion. It's pretty cool. I think she got it. I'm actually going to send this little clip to her. So that'll be pretty cool. No, it's happened a lot.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Like, first off, that takes a lot of that takes a lot of I think you you mentioned this a long time ago, like mental jujitsu. That's kind of what it is. But I've heard a lot of people talk about, like, you know, when something happens and you have all this anxiety about something negative happening. And then because of all of that, you take certain actions that you don't even realize that makes it happen because you're thinking so much about it. And it's not like you think it'll happen, but your your continuous negativity towards what you think will happen has you do things to lead there. Right. Whereas if you were to just, you know, calm down, think about, OK, how bad is this really? Just just do your best not to worry about the situation and go on about things. It might actually end up better than what it could be.
Starting point is 00:54:10 So yeah, no, that's, that's, that's a big one. I think some other things you can try to work on is things that you might feel that are net, that have a negative charge to them. You know, sometimes we, we say stuff cause we're, we're messing with each other and things like that. But even when things like that, you just might want to think about them a little bit more and say, should I really send this to somebody?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Like, is this like, am I totally just messing with them? And this person is open to that. Cause that's different. Like if it's a buddy and you're telling them to go screw himself or whatever, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:43 it's that stuff that we do. Like it's a silly stuff. And I like to engage in stuff like that all the time so i'm always messing around that way um but you just might want to think about like how negatively charged is something that you're sending like is it actually hurtful and is it really even worth it is it is it really worth it to send that text that that email that's negatively charged? You might just want to think about it more or to even say something that has a lot of negativity because it's going to stir up negativity in the room and it's going to start to probably come back on you. Something I've been kind of messing around with just for the last couple of weeks, but I haven't really truthfully been practicing it enough.
Starting point is 00:55:25 But I do find that it at least sounds like a good idea to me. And just in practicing it shortly, it feels like it works pretty well. You might want to just write down a couple of things that you want to be. You try to pick like one word, you know, like we were just mentioning Charlie Zamora. Like every time I think about that guy, it makes me smile. Like it makes me feel good because Charlie's always all fired up. He's always all excited. He doesn't let you walk past him without getting a hug.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Like you have to hug him. I guess that's just the way he is. He also is kind of guy that like just anything that you need, like, I don't know, you need tickets to a concert or, you know, you need to know somebody for any particular reason. He knows everybody. Everybody knows, you know, he's he's that kind of guy. So the words that you would use to describe him would be fun, exciting, maybe crazy. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Maybe a little wild. He's got that that that side to him, too. Right. But what are the things that you want to be associated with? And even if you're not outwardly viewed that way, you can at least write down these couple of things that anytime you have a lot of negative thoughts and you start drifting down that road of negativity, you can actually just look at the list and say, oh yeah, I remember I wanted to be funnier. You know, I wanted to be more fun in 2021. Oh yeah. I remember I wanted
Starting point is 00:56:44 to be, I wanted people to think of me as being more excited about stuff. Cause I seem, I'm, I'm a little vanilla. I'm a little dull, you know? And then, um, you know, maybe a third thing in there is that you just want to be viewed as being positive. You know, you don't want people to be like, oh fuck, here comes Andrew. Every time he comes around, like it's a lot of weight. It's a lot of just like, I just, I just don't, I'm just going to, I'm just going to see if I can say hi to him quick and fucking run by the door. So that way I don't have to, I don't have to get pulled down. Like there's people that we have in our lives that are, that are like this.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Right. And you want to try to try to avoid that a lot of times. So think of the two or three things that you want to be, or two or three, two or three things you would like to represent. And even just negative thought or negative, anything comes your way. If you can have these things on your phone and you can just look at them and
Starting point is 00:57:33 be like, Oh yeah, I'm going to get back to that. So before I send this response back to somebody and tell them what an asshole I think they are, I'm not even going to bother with it. I'm just going to say, okay,
Starting point is 00:57:42 that's great. Or I'll say, all right, I just won't say anything or however you want to handle it. There is this guy that I was talking to the other day on the podcast that me and my buddy do. His name's Tim Salau. He was the former, and I didn't even know this was a job description, chief evangelist for a company called WeWork. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:02 Yeah, I know the company. Yeah, yeah. He was there. Yeah, I know, an evangelist. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah i didn't know that was the thing but when i when we legit just started the episode tim it's it's crazy you like when people say you can feel other people's energy this was by by the way over zoom um his energy literally came through the screen and i was just staring at him like what the hell like first off okay this is kind of odd but man you're making me feel good so i'm just gonna keep listening like
Starting point is 00:58:29 he had he brought that energy through i was like i can tell why he was the chief evangelist of this company and and throughout the whole episode like i complimented him three times on his energy because i was just like god damn man like you're really like first off your story kind of shit that makes me jealous of people i'm not really i'm not really jealous or envious of anything but sometimes when someone's like that yeah or when someone can kind of be like the life of the party all the time i'm like how the like how do they do that i want that yeah yeah i'm like that's cool like it's you know it's great to be recognized to have like some muscle on you and different things like that all that stuff's cool but it's there's people that there's people that don't have any of those attributes whatsoever
Starting point is 00:59:09 but they can light up a fucking room yeah and it's it has it's it has nothing to do with uh the way they look what they're wearing what they drove has nothing to do with any of that shit they just come in the room and boom right away wayne is like that our buddy wayne is like uh-huh like wayne is just fucking cool like he can start up a conversation with just about anybody he's just fun yeah he's super yeah super envious of like anybody that can like instantly be in a room full of strangers and then walk out with like phone numbers and like plans for the weekend i'm just like that's not me i don't know yeah i mean either but yeah wayne is definitely that guy super cool because you just when you hang around with
Starting point is 00:59:44 him he just makes you happy. Some people that can pull that off, too, without being loud, too. That's really hard. That's a skill. Because usually, you know, usually you're going to be a little bit more like Charlie. If you're going to be the life of the life of the I remember him telling some stories about when he was like with caffeine and kilos and like how the athletes like loved doing stuff with them. And I could see why, cause like, he's gonna, you know, he's going to make whatever happen that you want to have happen. So these athletes that would come from other countries
Starting point is 01:00:12 and stuff, these Olympic lifters, when they want to be shown a good time, they know they could kick it with him. And he was just going to figure out ways for them to have a great time, you know? But you know what you were saying on writing down what you want to be, right. Um, that's something that like me personally in the past, I had to do that. And I had to have a lot of intention behind the way that I acted. Like I am naturally an introverted, quiet individual that that's how I naturally am. But I had to make it a point to try to let more of my personality out and not be, uh, just so calm. Cause that's how I like when I'm alone, man,
Starting point is 01:00:49 I'm just like, I'm cool. I'm good. Calm. People just, uh, I think calm and, um,
Starting point is 01:00:55 like not overly showing a lot of emotion. People will interpret that as you're not having a good time. Yeah. And I am, I'm just like, I'm chill. And my, and my,
Starting point is 01:01:04 and my relaxed face makes me look angry. People think I'm just like, I'm chill. And my, and my, and my relaxed face makes me look angry. People think I'm just mad. I'm very happy. Dude, why are you so upset? I remember one of the first times I came into ST to, to take pictures and I wanted to take pictures of you deadlifting, but I'm like,
Starting point is 01:01:18 oh man, this guy's probably having just like a really bad day or something. No. I know. Well, it's just cause you know, you look around the room and everybody, you know, know just whatever normal typical you know gym yeah gym session but then you're you're quiet so i'm like dude man he probably had like something happened
Starting point is 01:01:36 but he's probably angry at someone or something and he doesn't want anybody to bother him see that wasn't it though but now i know yeah but back then i't know shit. That's why I had to put some intention behind. Like, I know, like, OK, I'm just in my zone. I'm working out. I'm not mad at all. And if anyone came and talked to me, I'd totally talk to him. But I'm just like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I remember. You remember. So, yeah, you got it. You got it. If that's not you and you want to be a different way, I think it's very easy to get into the stuck into the mindset of I am the way I am. And that's my personality. And my personality can't really change.
Starting point is 01:02:10 But you can change that if you put intention behind it. Yeah. I remember the great football player, Barry Sanders, when he would score a touchdown, he would always just flip the ball to the ref. And, I mean, he's just one of the greatest running backs of all time. No one's ever run the ball like him before or since. I mean, he's just, he was on a different level than everybody, but he said, they asked him why he did that. And he's like, well, one time in college, when I scored a touchdown and I put my hands over my head and he's like, and I didn't like it. It just didn't feel, it just didn't feel good to him. You know, when he, when he outwardly
Starting point is 01:02:43 celebrated like that. So the things that you do write down you know make sure they're kind of line up with with stuff that you can actually you know do like you might not be able to turn into that guy that's like the life of the party however you might be able to show more excitement than you have in the past you might be able to you might be able to um might be able to psych yourself up a little bit to go out, you know, with people and say, you know what, I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:03:08 because you can't, you can talk yourself into that stuff. You can, you can tell yourself before you go and exercise for the day, you could say, you know what, I'm going to, I'm going to give it hell today.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I'm going to push a little harder. You know, yesterday was a good workout, but if I'm being honest on a scale of one to 10, I put in like a six or seven. I want to do like an eight or a nine today and see what that feels like. You can do that and you can do that just going out, hanging out with friends. You can be like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:03:31 Last time we went out, I didn't say like two words. I'm going to talk a little bit more. You know, I'm going to I'm just going to start out by asking people a couple of questions. That way it's somebody talking and we'll go from there. Yeah. You were mentioned mentioning writing stuff down. Do you guys utilize your notes app on your phones? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I use my notes app a lot and I use my voice, uh, memo a lot. I use all that stuff, uh, pretty often. And I go back and look at the actual notes. I don't go back and listen to the audio, but I probably should every once in a while. Yeah, that's, so I was actually, because just learning like newsletter stuff, me and Josh have been like doing a lot of Zoom calls. And I just had asked him, I'm like, hey, like, how do you keep track of things? And how do you, you know, for social media, we always share stuff about social media. And he was like, I actually just use my
Starting point is 01:04:25 notes app. And then like, so he showed me what he does. And I'm like, oh my gosh, like, of course, of all people, Josh is going to be the one that has his shit together when it comes to that. Daily discipline. Yeah. I love Josh. He's the best. So dude, yeah, I was already using my notes app for all my social media posting and stuff like that for the podcast but he was showing me like oh you could create folders and folders inside the folders and then within each folder you can have different like levels and i'm like oh you know you can share them too so like yes
Starting point is 01:04:53 we could have all three of us could have a shared uh notes section and it get it'll get updated anytime anyone types in it yeah it's wild so for all kinds of weird shit you can do on there yeah for some of the links for the podcast i'm actually uh gonna talk to jess about that with like promoting stuff and just like every time oh yeah here's my notes i mean look it just kind of goes on forever yeah that's one thing though this is still like you can get lost yeah yeah you can get lost like five years ago in there so i yeah you got to break it down by year and then month and all that good stuff but yeah i think uh if you're not using your notes app in your iphone you're totally you're missing out if you're not using an iphone you're missing out we had one guy
Starting point is 01:05:35 that commented saying that androids were way better than iphones but he put an i space phone yeah so i'm like your androids didn't do it correctly go burn in a ditch it probably caught fire i have stuff from uh i was just looking at this this is wild i don't even know it like went back this far how far back i got stuff from 2013 boy let's see how far if it goes back any further than that's sick you know let do it. I didn't even know because my I don't know. I switched phones a couple of times and just. Oh, yeah. It keeps it all, man.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah, I have. I was checking notes. I have notes from hustle mania days. I have notes from 2012. The Lord's Prayer. Sweatshop Union. What is sweatshop union? What?
Starting point is 01:06:29 That's weird. Who knows? Hopefully you didn't just out yourself sorry nike i was gonna say yeah yeah but no yeah that's uh we wow we we went on we went on a road here anything interesting this podcast is this is mind-boggling it's got stuff about super training dot tv on here that's how old it is yeah so anyway cool we have a lot more stuff that we want to mention but what do we want to go on next it doesn't matter but real quick since we were on the the the you know you were talking about your back and we were talking about recovery stuff i have mentioned this quite a bit but i do think that some of you may want to dip your toes in the water or the lake of stretching just a bit you don't have to do anything crazy you don't have to stretch for 45 minutes you don't have to do uncomfortable positions and you don't have to go even into positions that are painful you don't want to go even into positions that are painful. You don't want to feel any pain, but just getting to the habit of doing maybe 10 minutes,
Starting point is 01:07:29 five minutes, you know, hopping into a, a, a, a squat for two minutes, maybe. Right. We, we were doing that 10 minute squat for a while. Um, I have a bunch of routines on my YouTube channel that range anywhere from 10 to 55 minutes. So choosing one and just trying it out and doing what you can, doing that a few times a week, your body, your body might feel better. And I'm just saying that because there are a lot of comments or a lot of people that have sent me
Starting point is 01:07:54 messages of how their bodies have changed, how they feel much better before they hit the gym. I don't like nowadays, I don't feel like I have to warm up before working out anymore. My body feels good pretty much all the time. Wasn't in the case of the past. And I can personally directly say that that is linked to stretching often. Immediate feedback that you get from stretching is that it does feel pretty good. I mean, sometimes you're stretching something that might be tight and it might be kind of a strenuous type of stretch. But think about just even just stretching down towards your toes.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I mean, it's like, does that, I mean, normally that just feels pretty good. I mean, I guess maybe you were really sore or something. It wouldn't feel great. You see people stretch their arms and stretch their bodies just here and there randomly throughout the day. Somebody will like to stretch their arm like in a doorway or, and I don't think people are even really consciously thinking about it. You know,
Starting point is 01:08:52 in the morning when you wake up, you kind of do that little like cat stretch type thing where you, you stretch out a little bit. But I think that, I think that, you know, just getting in the discipline of doing something, once you get the feedback that's positive and if your body starts to feel better, I think you might be headed in the right direction.
Starting point is 01:09:09 And that happens with your nutrition. That happens with your lifting. That happens with everything. So I need to stretch. I was actually thinking about it last night. I did a couple stretches before I went to bed and I was like, I need to just this. This just needs to be part of a routine. I just need to do this before I go to bed, like, why not just do three or
Starting point is 01:09:28 four stretches? Like just leave it at that. It doesn't have to be any more than that. And if I get involved and get into more of it, then that would be fine. But, um, what I've noticed too, with, with lifting especially is that I have to be, so at this point it doesn't matter as much anymore, but I used to have to be a little more cautious with even allowing myself to add anything on, you know, think about if you were programming for me and I was doing, let's say I'm doing jujitsu and I'm lifting and, um,
Starting point is 01:10:00 I came back to you and I was like, yeah, man, first couple, you know, first two weeks, I came back to you and I was like, yeah, man, the first couple, you know, first two weeks I was pretty excited. So, you know, on the days you had me doing pull-ups, I threw in like three extra sets and on the days you had me benching, I threw in a couple extra sets and I, and I threw in an extra squat day cause I, everything was feeling really good. Yeah. You're, you're thinking like, you know, the guy, you're thinking Mark doesn't really know,
Starting point is 01:10:24 like the wheels are going to fall off here at some point. Like, it's cool that he's got more energy. It's cool. He's excited, but he's only doing jujitsu like twice a week right now. And once he moves to three, like he's going to be like toast. And so a lot of times we don't feel stuff until down the road a little bit or we don't really notice how how much something is going to pull away from something else. So if you're going to try a new discipline, keep it, keep it to something short and sweet
Starting point is 01:10:51 for as long as you can before you get excited about, you know, trying 17 other things. Because once you do that, the example of stretching, um, you know, now I'm going to bed, you know, instead of going to bed at, uh, you know, nine 30, now I'm going to bed, you know, instead of going to bed at, you know, 930, now I'm going to bed at 10 and then I get more excited and more into it. Now I'm going to bed at 1030. And then how is cutting into my sleep beneficial? Like it's not great, right? So keep it short and sweet, keep it to that allotted time. And then if you want to expand at some point, have it be incremental like you would do with your lifting. But real quick on that thing that you just mentioned, try.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I actually wrote that down stretching before sleep. A lot of people have messaged me about it. I noticed the difference in the ease of David. Oh, I didn't even know that he does that before he goes to sleep. But like I noticed that I fall asleep much quicker if I stretch before bed. It calms my body down. It calms me and maybe just kind of ko so that's that's i think i you said when you stretch you don't normally listen to music or you're not normally doing anything else no not really like there will be some nights if i'm watching a show or whatever
Starting point is 01:11:58 i'll have the show on or whatever while while i'm stretching before i go to bed but usually usually i'm just stretching yeah and there's i don't think there is a problem if you are watching something or whatever um especially if like you know andrew's talked about this before with i think you read high performance habits um or not high performance habits one of your habits yeah it was uh peak oh my gosh yeah go ahead just pair something that maybe you don't like doing that much or something that you, you know, you're getting yourself used to doing. So like stretching with watching a Netflix show.
Starting point is 01:12:31 I'm going to do this. I'm going to stretch until the end of the month. I'll start. I'll start tonight and I'll go to the 31st and I'll just see what the hell happens. Why not? Right. Why not? Maybe you can offer up three or four stretches that I can do that way.
Starting point is 01:12:48 I got something to actually go off of. Yeah. Okay. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. newsletter yeah there you go yeah well bam so everybody knows i need to stretch right look at me okay i'm all stuck together over here and then let me know how some of these movements feel
Starting point is 01:13:09 guys if if you guys you know need some routines i again those smooth panther routines are follow along it's my name in sima and yang oh there you go but the smooth panther videos are legit in a playlist and they're 35 they're like 30 how smooth is this panther we're not doing any freaky things with animals though we're not that kind of people no we don't like pangolins but maybe maybe what about before you uh like
Starting point is 01:13:35 lift is there anything you do before you lift to get you more prepared for lifting is there anything that you do before jiu-jitsu to get you more prepared for it any routine any little secret any little secret, any little tip? Is it like even just getting fired up and like listening to a song or anything like that? I mean, you're not that kind of person really, but no, like before jujitsu, there is there's three songs that I will typically play on my drive there that kind of just get me ready for combat. So like, oddly enough, yeah, there are three songs i put on always uh and they helped me
Starting point is 01:14:06 just kind of get in the zone it's it's just part of that ritual um now as far as like that karate kid song you're the best around or whatever no okay okay i'll find the names of the other songs but oddly enough um uh if any of you guys watch the mandalorian yeah absolutely do you remember um the the song that was playing when i don't want to ruin the ending but a certain individual in the last episode came and uh he he like someone no one expected he did his thing and saved the day there is that that song that was playing as he was messing up all those droids gets you fired up that shit gets me so fired up that's great he gets me so it's just instrumental but it gets me so fired up um there's i like instrumental
Starting point is 01:14:54 sometimes yeah pretty dope if they're the right ones they hit right right there's also uh the song called renin from creed uh from the creed 2 movie so that's a sick one man delorean that actually makes a lot of sense it's just all i could think of yeah because i've never seen the show yeah um but yeah there's a song from the the creed movie it's called renin so i listen to that too um but yeah in terms of actual stuff that people really care about movements uh for because it because of jujitsu there's this uh terminal knee extension that's the one movement that i make sure to always do that i do some um terminal knee extension a tke basically you put a band behind your knee yeah um and you have it to something you you tie the band off to something stationary
Starting point is 01:15:43 and you basically you can look it up. That would probably be your best bet. But you just kind of move your knee forward and backwards and get like a knee pump, I guess. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. I do a lot of that. I do rear delt work or just face pulls with a band too just to warm up my rear delts. Because especially with jujitsu, there's a lot that goes on with your knees and shoulders.
Starting point is 01:16:02 And I do that before lifting too. Those are two specific movements that I absolutely make sure to do to warm up those parts of my body. And then also, what is, I forgot what it's called, but I still do that to this day. RPR. RPR. I do those RPR techniques because I think they feel good. So yeah, I don't do any specific stretching right before lifting anymore because I would have stretched some other time during the day and my body already feels pretty good. But yeah, usually I do kind of like what you do when I use certain movements to warm up.
Starting point is 01:16:40 So I'll do some pull-ups. I'll go into my workout and just do lighter loads of that movement. Then I'll move into the heavier loads. That's that's what I do now. I really think these things are like preparatory. So like whether they actually do anything or not, I don't know how, you know, I don't know how much significance the actual movement has, you know, but it could be whatever movement for you. He's talking about TKEs. I don't think it'd make any difference if you did a step up instead, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:06 or just something each individual might have their own thing that they like to do. I see a lot of people doing like curls when they start their workout or they're warm up their arms or whatever you got to do, whatever way makes you feel good. But I think it's an opportunity to do what I like to call like an evaluation of your body. You know, if you, if you were to go to a chiropractor or you were to go to someone and say, Hey, you know, I hurt
Starting point is 01:17:30 my hip really bad or hurt my back really bad. Um, they're going to evaluate your movement pattern. They're going to see how you move and how everything looks. And they're going to ask you how you feel. Well, you should be asking yourself how you feel when you go to the gym and you start to move around for the day. If you had an upper body workout planned and you go to do some uh tricep push downs with a rope you know why not you know that's a great thing to start with like hey let's see if the elbows are like how they feeling today you know how do they feel and uh if you go to do a set and you're like oh like that's not great well maybe you warm up a little more, or maybe it's not in the cards for you for that particular day to go as heavy as you want it.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Or you have to audible and do something slightly different. Maybe a barbell bench press is not a great idea. Maybe instead you'll use some machines or maybe you'll do some, uh, dumbbell work. You have an opportunity to evaluate how everything is feeling based off of that. You can make some changes. Let's say you wanted to finish your workout with sprints on the bike or something, but you kind of realize your quad is really tight. Well, let's do something different.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Do the rower. Do a different movement. So it gives you time to analyze how you feel, but it also gives you time to switch into another gear and say, I'm here to exercise. I'm here to train and I'm going to, you know, give it my best shot and I'm going to put in the best effort that I can. I also think that it kind of your body wakes up to stuff, you know, your body's like, okay, I know what's coming next because he does this every time he does these little itty
Starting point is 01:19:01 bitty exercises where we move around and we pitter patter for a while and then he talks for a while and then he's going to lift like a maniac any minute. Now it's going to happen. Like, let's get everybody ready to go. I do think the body sort of works that way. So it could be, you know, just one more reason just to take your time before you start your workout. Just how music can change your state. No, you're totally right in that. Like, you know, there's certain songs that you play before you go for a heavy bench and you're just like yeah yeah it gets you fired gets you fired
Starting point is 01:19:28 up so i bet i totally agree with that yeah it tunes you in you know um i was gonna there was one thing i lost it whatever while you're thinking about you guys are talking about music i use music to help me with editing and stuff um i like the, it's called like low fi chill beats or whatever. Spotify or YouTube. Yeah, that works too. But I just throw it on YouTube. Someone with the girl, she's writing, you know, endlessly and then the cat and there's memes all over the place.
Starting point is 01:19:58 But dude, I love putting that on in the background and doing pretty much, you know, anything work related. Like it just, it's important because if you know the song or the beat or whatever then you're anticipating that next part that you like and so it takes you out of whatever you're doing so getting on some music that that you're not familiar with is really really beneficial light bulb real quick and I agree with that but it came to me just how you mentioned the the book by Stuart McGill I bought the I'm becoming a supple leopard by Kelly stirret back in like
Starting point is 01:20:29 2012 and that book is the book that got me into mobility there is like I still do a lot of the stuff from that book there was a time that I was doing a lot of the stuff before working out because I was so tight but I don't need to do that as much but from the knowledge of that book, I've been able to like, when I feel something, I'm like, I got to work on that and I'll,
Starting point is 01:20:50 I'll do some smashing. I'll do some stuff with bands and boom, I'm good. Have that book in your library. Just like this back book by Stuart McGill. I think that the, there's a, there's a second edition of that book too,
Starting point is 01:21:00 which is awesome, but get that book in your library because it can help you self-diagnose and fix something that may be going on with you with some simple mobilizations. Yeah. Uh, more of a tip than a secret. I think for me, I like to learn, um, I like to learn at all different times of the day, but mainly in the morning I noticed is when I can have the best concentration on that. And so, um, you know, more recently I've been walking a lot with my dad, which is great, but it also has kind of cut into some of that time. So sometimes I have to, you know, get out there and start walking
Starting point is 01:21:33 before I see him, usually at 6.30 or 7. Or I have to just walk, you know, after, or a little bit longer, you know, after he takes off or whatever. But try to learn that for yourself. Like try to see what feels best for you. Cause maybe, you know, maybe you'll learn better off later in the day, or maybe you feel more creative later on in the evening or whatever it might be. So that's something that has helped me a ton. And I just,
Starting point is 01:21:59 basically all I've ever done really with any of this kind of stuff is just I, I will YouTube stuff that just, I, I will YouTube stuff that just, I, I find interesting. And then it kind of leads me down that kind of YouTube rabbit hole where I think most people are kind of like, I don't, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:13 they'll go down these quote unquote rabbit holes, uh, but they maybe don't want to explore them. Cause they don't want to be like shoved into them. I don't mind like diving into them for a while. I don't mind like, like I'll while. I'll listen to stuff that's just that I get nothing from sometimes. It sucks, but
Starting point is 01:22:30 how do I know that there's not something there? I need to kind of listen to it. And I would really strongly urge you guys to listen to different voices. You might be so pumped to listen to David Goggins all the time or whomever that person is for you, but give other people a shot. Give other people a chance because sometimes you got to get
Starting point is 01:22:48 used to their cadence. Sometimes for whatever reason you're finding them annoying, they're, they're off putting like it. There's a bunch of reasons on why you might not like, uh, what somebody's saying. Maybe, maybe what they're saying doesn't vibe well with you, but maybe the next paragraph is going to. So you got to kind of, if you're really trying to learn stuff you got to hang in there and it's it's um it's a it's annoying it's a little bit like
Starting point is 01:23:11 being in school you know you what the teacher says is not always gonna be exciting I want to remind people of you mentioned what Josh Settleage does where he focuses focuses on an individual each month I think that's a brilliant way of going about it especially if you're trying to learn different things. You could get stuck just listening to one person for a long time, but if you want to get different viewpoints and learn different things or maybe learn different ways of doing the same exact thing, some which may be actually better, try that.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Focus on one person's content for a month and maybe go through what they've shared and then try to hit up another person's content for a while and learn about them and what they're sharing. It'll be a good way for you to broaden your aspect or broaden your ideas. Yeah. I think it was, uh, Bedros Kulian where he was like, I don't, I'm not impressed when somebody is like, Oh, I read 200 books this year. He's like, I'm more impressed with somebody that's read one book 200 times. It's like, cause then they're going to know exactly it, like the ins and outs of whatever the topic is on that book. And yeah,
Starting point is 01:24:08 I think we are, it's, you know, in the, like a world where everything is quick, you know, tick tock videos are coming at you real fast. You're going to want to jump around,
Starting point is 01:24:17 but there's definitely some, some more things that you can uncover if you kind of stick with one, one creator or one content creator, one, you know, author one topic for a little bit longer than normal. Kind of along the same lines of the Josh Settledge thing of studying one person.
Starting point is 01:24:35 You could also think of one or two people every day that you want to try to invest a little bit more time into. My dad kind of mentioned recently, he's like, I got to get off social media. He's like, I'm on there way uh, recently he's like, I gotta get off social media. He's like, I'm on there way too long. He's like, I'd rather think about, you know, your uncle and your aunt, and I'd rather call them up and say hello. He's like, I haven't been doing that that much. And he's like, I think I just, he's like, I just comment on something that
Starting point is 01:24:58 they have, but he's like, I don't know why I don't just call them. It's like, I can have a much better conversation with them. I just call them up, you know? So maybe, you know, focus in on some people that you want to put some concentration into, uh, put some time into, maybe it's just like a buddy that you just haven't, that we all have a bunch of people on our phone that we've been lame to, that we just haven't chatted with in a while, you know, and they would probably love to hear from us and it'll probably spark something cool again. So, uh, I think those things are really helpful. And then also, uh, this is something that I try to do with my own family or I do it with my own family, but, um, they just try to figure out like, what are things that we
Starting point is 01:25:37 can do, um, together? You know, what's something, what's Jake into? Like what, like, so Jake and I and and andy we watch uh a show called um god damn it we watch a uh a show called your honor there you go oh wow with uh brian cranston is that how you say his name is that his name yeah brian from breaking bad that show's amazing you guys need to watch it fucking dope your honor or breaking bad your honor okay breaking bad is dope too you ever say that yeah i finished a long time ago yeah breaking bad was really cool your honor what's it on never once or hulu uh i don't know never heard of it that's that's the secret elitist
Starting point is 01:26:20 channel it's an amazing show uh but yeah there's a lot of things like that you know i try to think of quinn doesn't really care that much to like watch tv so then i gotta kind of think of something different for to do with her and then even just relationship wise you know thinking of different things to do with the wifey um her and i have some of our some shows that we like um If he, um, her and I have some of our, some shows that we like, um, you know, trying to get, uh, you know, out for a date and things like that is a little bit harder nowadays, but, um, you know, making time to, to be with each other and to, to figure some of those things out. These are the, these are the things that, uh, that pop up on a day-to-day basis of like,
Starting point is 01:27:03 how do you, you know, squeeze in enough time for each other? And one great way of doing that is just to think about it, be thoughtful about it. Think about, hey, how can I figure out how to make the situation better or to not neglect certain situations? Yes, it looks like showtime. There you go. Well, bam.
Starting point is 01:27:26 On that note, if you're someone like me who has the toughest time coming up with new ideas to do with your significant other uh really kind of tap your friends for some cool stuff hey smoky told me about archery and we've been really digging this wilderness archery spot over and I don't know if it's Rockland or I forgot where it is. It's down in that direction. But, you know, I like I suck. I am so horrible at figuring out new things to do with the lady. I just I'm really bad at it. I try, try, try.
Starting point is 01:27:58 I just can't come up with shit. So tap your friends if you're someone like me and Power Project fam, if you guys got some ideas, how about you just, you know, DM the boy or, you know, post on the page on Power Project Instagram. Just tag me because your boy needs help. Well, and suffering and doing some different stuff here and there. Like, it's not always going to work out great. You know, you're going to try it. And one person might have loved it. The other person might not.
Starting point is 01:28:26 I know many couples that have I know one guy in particular, he used to go fishing all the time. And his wife was like, you know, I thought this is an older couple. And she's like, I thought, you know, as the kids got older that you would, you know, cut back on that and that we would spend more time together. And he's like, well, I'm not stopping. Like, he's like, I really enjoy it. I really love it. And she's like, all right, well, I'm going with you. He's like, cool.
Starting point is 01:28:52 And then she started going with him. She didn't like it at first, but then she liked it a lot. Even my brother-in-law had a similar situation where he likes to go camping a lot. And as their kids got a little older the wife and the kids so now it's a family thing and he still goes camping um here and there uh with some friends because he uh he's got like a motorcycle and it's kind of a it's a whole thing with the motor like a motorcycle uh a bunch of people that like to ride motorcycles but anyway uh he gets his family together and does a lot of stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:29:26 So sometimes it's just like being inclusive saying, Hey, like you want to hit the gym with me? And it's like, well, I don't really like the gym. Well, maybe we should just try it.
Starting point is 01:29:34 Cause we only did it like once or twice, you know, uh, Hey, you want to come to yoga with me? Hey, you want to come to this with me, that with me.
Starting point is 01:29:39 And sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't, if it doesn't work, it's not a big deal. At least you, uh, at least you learn more about each other you know absolutely yeah how you doing with the archery oh i suck yeah we suck nice but it's uh it's fun it's hard like it like but but it's so fun like because we're just like you know hitting a target or whatever and it makes me want to get
Starting point is 01:30:02 a bow but the craziest thing about archery is like you would think that like when you're you know going right and you're aiming at the target you're actually aiming at the target but you're not it's like you have to aim down to the side away from the target and boom it hits it's so it's so non-intuitive to me like that doesn't make any sense it made no sense yeah when but it's still when casey had his hair dude i was hooked on it it was so much fun it made me really want like i was like searching around trying to find a bow yeah and then it just kind of faded away but but that spot is also very inexpensive so like you can go you can rent a bow for 20 minutes and rent a lane for 20 minutes so it ends up being like i think
Starting point is 01:30:42 actually it might be even cheaper than that because i think i paid 40 for an hour did you guys have an instructor at all or anything um the cool thing about this spot wilderness archery again is that there was um there was a lady there on our first day and she's like have you guys she was just supposed to give us our bows and let us hit the lanes she's have you guys ever shot before we're like nope and she just gave us a quick 10 minute tutorial because like it wasn't that busy it's's cool. So like, or actually maybe 15 minutes. So we kind of got the rundown so we didn't kill ourselves or anybody else. I think that's something you can do with a significant other is anything that you can learn together.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Like where neither one of you know that much about it. I think that can be pretty cool. Yeah. My wife, wifey and I have done like some baking and stuff like that together. I mean, it's simple stuff but it's like stuff that i don't know anything about and she has she knows a little bit about but um yeah it's fun and like i don't know to see how you know something comes out from someone else versus yourself like all my stuff came out like weird didn't didn't look didn't look very good
Starting point is 01:31:42 but still was uh still worked still worked. But, uh, yeah, we made like certain types of bread together and different things like that. And it's, it's just different. It's fun. Like maybe it's something that you, you do it once and you both are like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:31:54 I kind of dig it. And maybe you want to go back and do it all the time. And, or maybe like us, we just did it like that one time. And, you know, you move on to try to figure something else out,
Starting point is 01:32:03 but learning stuff together, I think is pretty neat. Yeah. And taking, like, a class or a course on something can be kind of cool. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And she was naturally much better at it than I was. So.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Do they, are they just, like, recurve bows? Or is it the ones that, like, we did used to have here where it, like, locks into place? I think it's a recurve bow. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Damn, that would be hard. Yeah. But it was cool.
Starting point is 01:32:24 It was fun. that shit's hard yeah did other people bring in their own bows and stuff yeah okay yeah yeah there's some sophisticated shit going on right yeah man people like i saw this guy shooting and i was just like huh he could wow oh yeah he'll wreck you would wreck me yeah i could be running away and he's just being like okay hawke Hawkeye. Yeah, seriously. And it was, it was,
Starting point is 01:32:47 it's, it's, it's so cool. It looks, it, it, I think that that is, it's such a fun thing to do.
Starting point is 01:32:52 Like I really was like, I want to have a bow and shoot in my backyard, but that's not the best idea yet. I could hurt someone. You get pretty good at like, I was not like nowhere near that, but like I was confident enough to go back there and just like tell everyone in the warehouse like i'm shooting like all right yeah just don't
Starting point is 01:33:12 walk back here but i would nail the target from 40 yards pretty or it's not 40 yards sorry it was a 40 yard whatever yeah 40 something that's like 35 yards yeah it was oh consistently i never really like missed like the whole thing yeah like what about throwing an axe that was kind of cool too yeah i'm not as big of a fan of that it's cool but it's uh yeah i i don't yeah it's cool i don't like the fact that it could bounce back and just clobber you yeah not a fan i am a fan of doing that in a vr though it's fucking sick when you throw an axe at a zombie's head yeah do you do it with the controller yeah oh yeah that's pretty cool i can't wait for you to bring that in i know so i checked out um james james nestor's uh film oh it's pretty sick uh i would like to see an updated version of it because like it was from 2016
Starting point is 01:34:07 so that's a long time in technology years so it's you know leaps and bounds better now but yeah there were times where like i had to close my eyes because uh the motion was like getting pretty intense and so i had to like oh like nope and regather myself and then keep watching but yeah you're look you're underwater you're looking around there it's a little jarring when the fucking like whale is like coming up at you it's it's pretty sick i got another secret oh let's hear it when you're lifting and shit doesn't feel right do the same weight multiple times you know if you're warming up and you know you started out with the bar on a bench press, move the bar around a couple times, doesn't feel too bad.
Starting point is 01:34:48 You try 95 pounds, doesn't feel too bad. You got 135 pounds on there, you know, and your shoulder's like, oh, fuck, you know, or your body just doesn't feel right. You feel weak, whatever it might be. Do that same movement, you know, do it a couple times, you know, try to say, all right, well, I'm going to just take my time. I'm do three sets of 10 of this. And sometimes it doesn't change.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Sometimes nothing gets better. And sometimes you might have to pick a different exercise. You might have to modify the movement a little bit. But again, at least you learn like what kind of what to do next. But for me, that's been really helpful. Sometimes it happens, probably happens more often on squats where it takes my knees a little bit longer time to get ready yeah and so i'll do a plate like two three times i'll do two plates two or three times and then everything feels usually okay enough from there so that can be really helpful um another thing i was thinking about is uh when i talked to tom's dad
Starting point is 01:35:40 yesterday about the carnivore diet and him losing 60 pounds, he was able to put things into terms that we, he was able to put things into, into terms that we sort of talk about, but he simplified them even further just because he's not like in it the way that we are. And it was really cool. So he said, um, and this is, uh, I guess one of my secrets is like, eat, eat like a motherfucker, like eat a lot. Whenever you feel like your diet is tough or anything's hard about it, eat up, like eat a lot of fucking food, but stay within the diet.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Stay within a diet, but eat up. And if you have to do that for two or three days, so what? Like we're playing a long game. This is not about trying to lose weight, you know, for one week or one month or what like we're playing a long game this is not about trying to lose weight you know for one week or one month or whatever we're playing a long game and so if you overeat for a few days it's really not a huge problem it's not a huge deal you'll really recalibrate you'll go back to normal so tom's dad said that week one of the carnivore diet he ate like crazy he's like i track calories he's like i pay attention to what i'm eating and he's like i ate like 5 000 calories a day he's like i was packing food like, I track calories. He's like, I pay attention to what I'm eating. And he's like, I ate like 5,000 calories a day. He's like, I was packing food away.
Starting point is 01:36:48 But it was carnivore, right? Yeah. Yeah, he's still in the confines of the diet. He said week two, his appetite adjusted to what he was trying to do, and he ate a lot less. He said week three, his taste buds got used to primarily only eating meat and cutting out a lot of sweet stuff and all the other crap that you normally would that he would normally eat. And he actually loved the taste of steak and eggs every single time he had it.
Starting point is 01:37:17 And so the diet is building upon itself. And I think that these are things that people maybe don't notice or recognize, but you know, week one, he just ate up because he knew the switch to only eating meat would have been difficult. And so he ate a surplus of calories. He noticed he also didn't gain weight at that time. Who the hell knows why there could be multiple reasons why, uh, week two, his, uh, appetite was like back to normal. So he ate less. He started to be on the road of like losing weight. And then on the third week, his taste buds were like, Hey man, this is like, this is
Starting point is 01:37:53 not only, this will not only taste good. Um, but this is, this is really good for us. So his, even his taste buds kind of got recalibrated as he was going through that process. And I found that to be really fascinating. I love how he kept track of how things felt on a week to week basis. That in and of itself is something that would be not, and I'm not saying keeping track of your calories. I'm just meaning keeping track of how you're feeling, keeping track of what's going on
Starting point is 01:38:19 with your taste buds, your cravings. Is that could be something that helps you navigate those waters and figure out what you should maybe try next there's another one that we don't talk about much even though i don't think inseam attracts really anything anymore i don't track anything anymore but i think we both did you know i meticulously i was never really that into food like tracking food although i have practiced that before so i had an understanding of it, but I, I did meticulously write down like what I did in workouts for a long time, probably two, three years at least. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's like, that shouldn't be like, that's something that a lot of people should be doing so that you can at least make sure you're making progress. If you, if you're
Starting point is 01:39:02 trying to get stronger, if you're trying to get bigger to get bigger you need to make sure that you haven't been doing the same exact weight without realizing for the past eight weeks you know what i mean you should try to be building upon that and going a little bit heavier i think we should finish off with the secret of all secrets the secret of all secrets wiping while standing up yeah buddy You guys are crazy. No, man, it's the, it's, it's the apps.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Jessica doesn't believe me. She's like, you want to fight me right now? Just like, no, I swear. So hold on a while back, not too long ago.
Starting point is 01:39:36 And see me, you had said that your girl likes to jump scare you in the bathroom. Yeah. So if you're wiping as she does that are you just standing there with your pants down on your ankles and she scares you as you're like it's not like you're picturing like he doesn't stand on top of the toilet bowl and make a big scene of it oh yeah just standing there one hand one hand is opening the other hand is wiping like i don't get how you people just sit there with your in i think it's i think it's maybe maybe because you gotta kind of pry it open yeah maybe maybe
Starting point is 01:40:11 if you don't have a big booty like we have not with this booty boy not with this but you really gotta you know get into a good stance boom man but but then you end up probably like squatting down a little bit right to get in there it's like you know i can't just like sitting down no i'm not gonna take my hand and reach it underneath me while i'm sitting and wipe up to my no y'all in a in a public restroom where the stalls do have cracks and you can see through enjoy the show okay you know enjoy the show. Okay. You know, enjoy the show. Just pants down at the ankles. Just like, hey, everybody. Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Is there is what what what number one? The weird thing is that in SEMA goes out of the stall to do it. That's that's what makes it strange. You don't have to do that. I just like to do that because I'm a showman. But, you know, if you're if you're over there looking through the crack of the stall, you have the problem. Not me. Agreed. But I'm just, I don't, maybe just being paranoid, worrying about people.
Starting point is 01:41:09 We just like to be cleaner. You know, if it's okay, if you don't want to be as clean and you want to sit and do that, do your thing. I just be dirty. That's fine with me. I don't understand. Get up in there. I, I mean, I'm pretty good at getting up in there, sitting down.
Starting point is 01:41:23 If you say so. Especially with wipes. And then that bidet. We're going to do some forensic testing. Before we end, there is one more thing I'll mention. But using a bidet, you have to sit down to technically wipe. Oh, I don't. Yeah, well, with the bidet, I just don't wipe at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:44 That takes care of everything. Okay, so if you have a bidet, then you'd say, I don't i yeah well with the bidet i just don't wipe at all yeah that takes care of everything okay so if you have a bidet then you'd say i don't have a day so we're talking about the majority of the population that's bidet lists bidet lists people in other countries ass bitches oh man sorry go ahead you're saying well well you know what i think since we we all probably have more secrets we can save this for another episode and we just be the secret part two on another day could be a documentary could be it could be you've seen the secret the secret part two part two. The secret number two.
Starting point is 01:42:29 That works out pretty good. I still think you're crazy for standing. That's okay. Not crazy. I just don't get it. That's all. It's all right. We all have our beliefs.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Belief system. Some people don't believe in baby wipes. Now that's crazy to me. My friend sent me an article a few months back and he was like, read this, man. This is important. And it was about how this butt doctor apparently said that if you're wiping your butt with baby wipes, you're getting rid of bacteria that's beneficial for the anus. And I was just like, nah, bro, you just want people to come in with diseases so that you have work.
Starting point is 01:43:01 Yeah. Like you just don't want us to be clean. So we have to come to you. That makes no sense. I don't think it's like they're not anti-bacterial or whatever are they i mean it's not like you're wiping your ass with an alcohol swab or i mean they were probably a clorex wipe yeah i think yeah there would be something to be said about like literal like baby wipes for your baby if that was the case right because they probably need you know all of the bacteria to grow and all that weird stuff it is a wet wipe like what i just want to get all of the doo-doo off and if you're telling me not to you're weird hey bro i figured out what your medical problem is your
Starting point is 01:43:37 asshole's way too clean like is that a real diagnosis right seriously that's what you don't have enough spores growing out of your butthole. I'm going to send it to both of you guys. If you guys ever want to just read something, I'm going to send it to both of you. I hate these fucking people, too, about clogging up the sewer system and shit. I don't care about that. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:43:56 You got to do what you got to do, you know what I mean? But biflushable wipes, guys. Yeah. I mean, they should all be flushable, right? It should be outlawed to not make them that way. Yeah, the ones here, they have a picture of. It should be outlawed. Yeah. Yeah. The ones here, they have like a like a picture of like a plumber. He has like a pipe wrench and it's like plumber approved or something like that.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Yeah. But I don't know if you guys noticed, but that plumber looks like Jose Canseco. What? Because he's like holding like a bat. He looks exactly like a bat and he is wearing a hat and it looks like an old school A's like logo almost. Oh, the football player. Interest. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:29 I'm joking. Yeah. Played for the Canadian Supersonics. He's a handsome man. Looks like he's had a little bit of plastic, but I could be wrong. Yeah. Yeah. He would be fantastic for this show.
Starting point is 01:44:42 It makes so much sense to have him on. Okay. Then we really got to cut that clip. Why? Because I just dissed Jose Canseco's face. And if we want him on the show, I don't want him thinking that. Oh, no. I think it's okay.
Starting point is 01:44:52 He probably won't even hear this part. Or he will. Who knows? If you guys want to send this to Jose and maybe have him come on the show. He's the one who broke everything wide open. He's the one who broke all the steroids. Elko. Yeah, wide open.
Starting point is 01:45:04 Yeah. Back in the day. Like all the steroids I'll go yeah wide open yeah back in a day like all the baseball scandal and all that require berry bombs all that stuff yeah mm-hmm very cool mm-hmm fun show we out of here I think so all right take us on out of here I will again yeah thank you everybody for checking out today's show thank you
Starting point is 01:45:21 everybody that was on the live chat really appreciate you guys checking in hopefully you have the the bell notifications on i know sometimes that gets weird so i still appreciate you guys being here um we talked about a a little teaser for the newsletter if you guys haven't done so please subscribe to that links down in the description and then as well as the link for the free element electrolyte recharge pack uh it's just five dollars shipping you get eight samples there's no reason why you shouldn't do it you should go Has the link for the free Element Electrolyte Recharge Pack. It's just $5 shipping. You get eight samples.
Starting point is 01:45:46 There's no reason why you shouldn't do it. You should go up over there. Right. Meow. Again, that's slash powerproject. Please follow the podcast at MarkBell's Power Project on Instagram, at MBPowerProject on Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ. And Seema, where you at?
Starting point is 01:46:04 You know, seeing you do this makes me think we need some like element are they called caracas uh i don't know the things that you shake maracas right maracas yeah we need some element maracas it'd be sick and then you can kind of twist it in the top like is like a salt shaker yeah pour it all over your nipples. Oh, whoa. Maybe some baby oil. Boy, what? Baby oil and salt. That might get a little gritty. Sounds hot. On Instagram and YouTube.
Starting point is 01:46:34 On Twitter. Mark. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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