Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 473 - Get More Vitamin D ft. Dr. Joel Gould

Episode Date: January 21, 2021

Dr. Joel Gould, DDS is the author of his upcoming book “The Modern Epidemic” and Founder of The Modern American Dentistry Group. Dr. Gould is an expert in sleep apnea, insomnia, and the role of Vi...tamin D in our body. At his company, Modern American Dentistry, Dr. Gould advances a straightforward and innovative approach to modern dental practices in an environment that is consistently comfortable and effective for his patients. Studies Dr. Gould referenced on air: Elderly COVID-19 patients getting 400,000 IU of vitamin D had better survival (Italy, April)– Jan 14, 2021 30 x fewer COVID-19 deaths in those getting 400,000 IU of Vitamin D - Jan 2021 7X less likely to die of COVID-19 if taking Vitamin D loading dose – Dec 11, 2020 9X COVID-19 survival in nursing home if had 80,000 IU dose of vitamin D in previous month – Oct 2020 Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes FREE SAMPLE PACK until Jan. 31, 2021: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody. Welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project podcast. This episode of the podcast is brought to you by friends over at Piedmontese Beef. Real quick, I have to give a huge shout out to my boy in SEMA. Dude, you looked fantastic for that photo shoot. What were you eating for your meal prep? So it's actually pretty awesome. The reason why Piedmontese is so great is not only does their beef taste amazing from those jack cows over at Piedmontese. But it's also pretty low fat. They have certain cuts that have more fat, but it's like a diet steak. And I coined that from you, Andrew. You're the one who called it a diet steak because leading up to the shoot,
Starting point is 00:00:33 I wanted to lose a little bit more body fat. I didn't want to eat a crazy amount of fat. So I just like honestly loaded up on protein and steak from Piedmontese. Can you tell me the macros on their flat iron, Andrew? Because you know those. Yeah, so the flat iron, I believe, is like 46 grams of protein to only four grams of fat i mean tell me another protein source that has that ratio of protein to fat like it doesn't exist
Starting point is 00:00:56 yeah and then even more so so the diet steak itself that i you know i guess i could have some claim to fame uh i call the bovette steak a a diet steak because there's like 100 grams of protein for the whole thing and only 16 grams of fat. But the thing is, it's like the size of a football. So for anybody that's really trying to cut down and they're like, oh, I can't be on a diet because I'm always hungry. Try eating a Bovet steak. See how you feel. You're going to get tons of great protein, tons of healthy fat, taste amazing. And I can tell you right now how to get 25% off that.
Starting point is 00:01:27 You guys got to head over to If you know how to spell it, say it with me. It's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Mokili, mokili. Yeah, what's going on today, y' y'all we got a dentist on the show not our first dentist not our first rodeo really who else i can't think of anybody yeah i think
Starting point is 00:01:56 we've had dentists on the show we did uh i don't remember his name we've got a lot of people talk about dentistry more recently and teeth. Yes. Yeah. Two first, you know, I'm a mutant. I have one less tooth. Like I just realized this when I was, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:12 tonguing through my teeth a few weeks ago, I have 31 teeth. It's amazing. How many are we supposed to have? 32. I think Andre the giant had like double the amount of teeth. What do you have? Like a second row or no,
Starting point is 00:02:24 he just had like little tiny teeth. And I think he had, yeah, I think he had a lot of, he had a huge head. Wow. I think he might've had like 50 teeth. I know you said,
Starting point is 00:02:32 wow, that's, that's interesting. Hmm. I don't know. I'm excited for today's guests. Cause, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:40 I don't know about this vitamin D thing. I got to admit that I got, uh, I'm a little skeptical sometimes, skeptical, even though I use vitamin D, I take it. Me too. I got to admit that I got a little skeptical sometimes. Even though I use vitamin D. I take it. Me too. I'm a fan. I wonder if you can hear us. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:02:51 I can hear you. You hear me okay? Yeah, we got you. We can hear you just fine. Thank you for taking the time to be on the show today. Pleasure's all mine. So just kind of kicking things off here. We know you talk a lot about vitamin D, sleep apnea, kind of health in general. One of the things that came up when I
Starting point is 00:03:17 was looking through some of your stuff was kind of the connection between vitamin D and also some other vitamins that we take in and, and really trying to, uh, I guess make sure that we hold onto that vitamin D that we're taking. So vitamin K two becomes important. I've heard you talk about magnesium and the role of a B vitamins as well. Um,
Starting point is 00:03:38 I've been taking vitamin D for quite a, quite some time. And so has, uh, my other co-hosts here on the show. And we're huge fans of it. And I feel like it's been something that's helped keep me healthy over the last several years, helped prevent me from getting sick and so forth. But at the same time, I also am very skeptical of like, hey, can I just take like a pill
Starting point is 00:04:01 of vitamin D and have it be that beneficial? So what are some of your thoughts on that? Can we just, obviously we're going to have to have other health practices. That's very clear. We're going to need to take care of ourselves, sleep, exercise, make sure we don't overeat and so forth. But how important is this hormone slash supplement? Well, in my opinion, it's one of the most important hormones.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And, you know, one of the things i like to say is that humans are solar powered animals but we kind of have to think about what is vitamin d and what does it do for us and what about people who live in places where there just isn't sunlight available so anything that i can get naturally that's where i want to go to first that's the first thing the second thing is that you know the sun does so much more than just make vitamin d on our skin it's just one of the photochemicals that our bodies take in but when it comes to actual sunlight there's so much more than that there's circadian rhythms there's all kinds of different elements of sun and sun exposure that really aren't being talked about. All you hear is you
Starting point is 00:05:05 hear go to your, when you go to your dermatologist, stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen, the sun causes cancer, it's toxic. And this is really, you know, it's kind of ridiculous. I read a little study where there, these guys were worried that people who spent too much time in the sun would absorb too much calcium and their bodies would calcify and they die. Some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen in my entire life is associated with this. So, you know, that's my short answer. What are your thoughts on some, there's some other health professionals that I've seen more recently coming out and saying like, they don't think vitamin D does anything. There's, and they give a lot of evidence and they say, hey, there's this study, that study.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Are these studies flawed? Are we being told kind of the wrong thing from some of these people? The most recent thing that I heard was Dr. Jason Fung, who I'm a huge fan of. I'm Canadian. He's a Canadian nephrologist. I really respect him. And this guy is bucking a lot of these trends. He's really standing up to the traditional medical society and saying things that very
Starting point is 00:06:02 few people are qualified or willing to say. And I was very disappointed. And Dave Asprey, he knows how important vitamin D is. And he let this guy talk. And he brought up this meta-analysis that was done. And it's one of the most stupid pieces of research I've ever seen in my entire life. So prior, especially to the coronavirus, very few people are interested in vitamin D, though there's so many thousands of studies. When I got into this, I started looking through these studies, and it became obvious very quickly that the researchers kind of didn't have a clue what they were doing. At a certain point in time, someone said, okay, look, we're going to make a meta-analysis, and doctors are going to listen to this. This is real science. They took all these
Starting point is 00:06:43 studies. Now, when you do a meta-analysis, someone's choosing which studies to feature. So that's the first flaw in a meta-analysis is that someone's making a choice which studies to include. The second part was that if you look at that meta-analysis and you really look at those studies, 50% of them never took a blood level. Imagine thinking about testosterone and just saying, oh, yeah, I took a pill. If you don't measure the blood level you have no clue as to what you're doing and the majority of the studies are flawed
Starting point is 00:07:09 because they were a giving a dose that was way too low not physiologic and b they were not giving it for enough time and they're thinking that this is some sort of daily dose vitamin d is a level that you have to maintain in your body. And I like to think of it as a reservoir. And once your reservoir is low, it doesn't matter how much you take, you got to raise your level and you need a blood test. So the idiocy around this is kind of shocking. And why I'm such a big proponent is that when I discovered what this vitamin D was, it's not a vitamin, it's a hormone, I was really angry because I suffered until the age of 48. I had never had a vitamin D test. No doctor ever mentioned at any point in time, none of my
Starting point is 00:07:50 gastroenterologists ever told me about it. And I suffered from Crohn's disease and it was bad. It ruined my life. So the reason why I feature vitamin D so prominently is this is a major issue that was swept under the rug in the 1930s and 40s when another Canadian dentist by the name of Weston Price said, hey, guys, this stuff is important. And it makes me really furious. And here I am fighting this is 2021. And even in my profession, this lack of understanding of this man's by observation is this this dentist, you know, he's saying, hey, guys, this is this is really important these vitamins and minerals are really critical the fact that i didn't learn them
Starting point is 00:08:29 in dental school this is outrageous the fact that it's still not taught today it's a scandal to me this is blatantly obvious it wasn't like i stumbled on some big mystery i was like oh shit this is obvious so i hope that answers your question you know does. And so why do you think, do you actually think that it's a scandal and it's something that's being purposefully hidden? And then also, we were talking about this yesterday, but, you know, vitamin D dosages is something I'm very curious about because you can get vitamin D from the sun, but you can also, you know, take the 5,000 IU pills. What should people be trying to do as far as how much vitamin D they should take per day? And obviously they should test, but is it okay to take 15,000 IUs, 20,000 IUs? Is there a point where you like,
Starting point is 00:09:15 it just becomes, I guess, you just can't be taking more vitamin D from pills and you need to actually get outside and get vitamin D. Okay. That's a lot of questions. But so the answer to your question is it doesn't really matter whether you get your vitamin D from food or sunlight. If you stay out of the sun, it's dangerous for a lot of different reasons. It's bad for you. So obviously when possible in the Northern hemisphere, people who are living in the North, they can't get any vitamin D right now. The sun simply isn't high enough in the sky and strong enough to make vitamin D on you. That's the first thing. Now, the second thing is that this is a major missing element of all medicine. And the fact that you go to your doctor and they don't first thing to ask you is, are you supplementing
Starting point is 00:09:57 vitamin D? Let's get a level on you. You're not going to find anyone on this planet who gets their initial diagnosis of cancer and has a high vitamin D level, that doesn't happen. This is what's happening. No one's checking people's vitamin D level. People are not supplementing. They think they're getting it from milk or from their multivitamin. And then as their vitamin D level runs down, their bodies start to literally fall apart. And those initial diagnosis of cancer, to me, this is scandalous. And honestly, I interviewed John Connell, who was the founder of the Vitamin D Council on my podcast. And I said, when is this going to change? And he said, well, when a class action lawsuit happens and doctors
Starting point is 00:10:34 start to realize that their ass is on the line. And that's the truth. Anyone who's had cancer, their initial diagnosis, this is at the root cause. It's not the cause of cancer. Vitamin D deficiency allows cancer to grow unchecked. So if you ask me, I think it's a massive scandal. Doctors are brainwashed by the medical industry that is controlled by big pharma, and they know exactly what this is. They're trying to make vitamin D analogs all the time. And vitamin D is the first of a few very big issues that people aren't talking about. Melatonin is the other one. That's a massive subject that, you know, I have a lot of thoughts on that. But so is there an intentional conspiracy?
Starting point is 00:11:17 You know, it's pretty hard to do that. But when the people who make money off illness are making a lot of money off vitamin D deficiency, there's no good reason for them to spend their money to investigate and do this type of studies that will convince doctors. Doctors have very narrow windows of what they believe in, what they'll look at. They're looking at this evidence-based medicine. And what they should be doing is looking in the mirror and ask themselves if they have any common sense. So when I hear, I see doctors laughing, say people don't need to be tested. And when I asked my doctor for a vitamin D test and they say, your insurance won't cover it unless you're low. The only question any sane person has is, well, how
Starting point is 00:11:54 part of my language, how the fuck would I know if I'm low, if I've never had to test? So that's the first thing I really want to say. Dr. Gold, how do we get in the sun when the sun, you know, to help prevent cancer when the sun you know to help prevent cancer when the sun itself causes cancer well you know the answer that the sun doesn't cause cancer inappropriate sun exposure can cause cancer when i say inappropriate i mean too much or too little the biggest and most common sense argument i have where you can just take any scientific study and just shove it aside is say melanoma everyone believes melanoma is caused by being in the sun too much. That on its surface is ridiculous. And if you look at any study, it's also completely unfounded. If melanoma
Starting point is 00:12:36 were caused by excessive sun exposure, we'd see it on the tops of our ears, on our nose, on our head, and all the areas that are exposed. Those are the areas we get squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. So people are still freaking out. They hear carcinoma, squamous cell. This is all scary shit to people, as it should be. But the understanding that chronic sun exposure without maintaining a normal vitamin D level will result in cancer. Melanoma is caused by too little sun exposure, not too much. And that's just common sense. I don't need a single study to prove that. You can see it every day. Yeah. How does our diet affect us being able to be exposed to the sun? Because it's my understanding that for those of us that follow a kind of a more ketogenic or low carbohydrate diet,
Starting point is 00:13:24 and I could be totally wrong with this, but it's been my own experience that I can handle more sun than I used to without getting totally burned by the sun. Is this, is this a real thing or is this like a rumor that's going around? It's a real thing. So there's a lot of different components to this. So,
Starting point is 00:13:40 so number one is that even just if you have a higher vitamin D level, you're going to tan. If you have a low vitamin D level, you're going to tan. If you have a low vitamin D level, you're going to burn. So we have to start to think about what is it about a ketogenic diet that makes all these things happen? Everyone's talking keto, keto, keto, and now the carnivore diets coming up and intermittent fasting, all these catchphrases, all this biohacking stuff, everyone's talking about metabolic flexibility. And what does this all come down to?
Starting point is 00:14:10 Where does this intersect? So it really intersects in the whole concept of why a ketogenic diet is so healthy. Why is a carnivore diet preferred? What is it about it? And it has to do with a subatomic concept of an extra neutron. And we get into something called deuterium. Now, if you've never heard of deuterium, you're not alone, but you should, and you will, because if you have a diet that's high in carbohydrates, it's high. There's two different aspects of the, of the modern diet that are bad. One is the industrial seed oils that get incorporated into your cell membranes
Starting point is 00:14:48 that are going to affect everything. And the other part is something called deuterated cholesterol. And this is real. Deuterium is a stable hydrogen isotope. It's kind of confusing stuff. I created cartoon characters. You see deuterium is behind me. And people need to understand this.
Starting point is 00:15:05 We're being hoodwinked yet again. I remember in 1981, 19 something, my mother came home and said, that's it. We're not eating meat anymore. It's fat causes cancer. I was a fat kid. And so I was like, oh, this is great. There's all this fat free food. And we stuck with that paradigm for the last 30 years.
Starting point is 00:15:24 You see it starting to crumble. You hear it around you, but the same powers that be, they're going to try and confuse you again. And this is what it comes down to. When you eat those processed foods, they are very high in deuterium. Deuterium gets into every part of your body. And when it gets into your cholesterol, it makes it harder for you to produce vitamin D when you're in the sun. That's one aspect. Now we have something totally different that's stopping your body from activating vitamin D. No one's looking at the vitamin D that you're taking or when you're in the sun. So you could be in the sun and you could be taking vitamin D and now your vitamin D level is low. The reason is because of something called glyphosate. You've heard of glyphosate before. It's in Roundup. You can buy it at Home Depot or 7-Eleven. And what this stuff does, one of the components of what it does is it actually prevents
Starting point is 00:16:17 the enzymes in your liver from activating the vitamin D that you take in into the 25-OHD form. That's the amount that your doctor measures. That's when you go get a vitamin D that you take in into the 25 OHD form, that's the amount that your doctor measures. That's when you go get a vitamin D test. They measure your 25 OHD level and they say, oh, you're low. And you're thinking, well, I am taking vitamin D. Why is my level not high? Because glyphosate is destroying the enzymes, the CYP or CYP enzymes in the liver. That's your first step. You take in vitamin D from sunlight or from supplements, it goes to your liver to get
Starting point is 00:16:47 activated, hydroxylated, and it becomes a 25-OH vitamin D. That's the storage form that should be everywhere in your body. Now, you have to activate that again to make it active. And the enzymes that do this are being destroyed by what's in all of the industrial foods that most people are eating. You had mentioned supplementing vitamin D. But when I go to Costco, I can't buy vitamin D. I can buy vitamin D3.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Is that the same thing? Or what is vitamin D3, actually? So there's vitamin D3 and vitamin D2. Vitamin D2 is the plant vitamin D. There's no point in checking it. Although some doctors do, we don't care about that. Vitamin D3 is the human or animal version. It's the only one that you can buy in the past. And still to this day, when you go to your doctor, if they actually do a vitamin D test and they tell you you're low, they will give you a prescription for 50,000 IU of vitamin D2.
Starting point is 00:17:46 And this sounds like it's going to solve all your problems because that's a massive dose. And you take it for, they usually give it to you for a couple of weeks and then they're done. And they're not thinking, first of all, vitamin D2 is not as effective as vitamin D. It'll work on the receptor, but it's not as effective. It doesn't last as long. The second thing is what led you to have a vitamin D deficiency in the first place, nothing's changed unless you change your lifestyle, change your diet, change your habits, if that makes more sense. So don't worry about whatever you can buy over the counter. It's all same thing, vitamin D3. How much vitamin D3 would
Starting point is 00:18:20 somebody have to supplement in order to notice a change? Obviously, I'm sure it would depend on there, but based off of what you've seen with people coming in with typical low levels, how much vitamin D3 do they need to take and how long do they need to take it for? So it's a complex question and you need to think of it this way. There's different ways to raise your vitamin D level. So most people will be taking a dose like 2 2 000 3 000 5 000 doctors tell patients they cannot take more than 4 000 international units that's the maximum which is nonsense it's absolute garbage there is no one-time toxic dose for vitamin d i just posted a video today on instagram about what you do if you get covid and you have not been supplementing at least 5,000 IU of vitamin D
Starting point is 00:19:05 for at least three months. If you haven't been doing that, you're low, especially because it's the middle of winter. And if you get COVID, you have one concern. You do not want to go to the hospital. You do not want to. So I created this video. You can take 50,000, 100,000, you can take 300,000, you take 500,000 IU of vitamin D. And just keep in mind that I don't know whether it's intentional, but 40,000 international units of vitamin D is one milligram. So when I say to my patients, I want you to take 10,000 IU of vitamin D. And this happened to me today. And I've been giving this instruction and writing for five years now. So the patient is, whoa, 10,000. Are you trying to kill me? And then I say, it's 0.25 milligrams. And so I have like a routine where I show them 0.25. I go, if I say take 0.25 milligrams,
Starting point is 00:19:50 you're going to think, well, is that enough? And I say 10,000, you go, oh my God. So it's ridiculous. This is such a dumb thing. And the idea that, and just so you know, when I started doing this, the doctors in my neighborhood, they don't know who I am. They go, we know who you go to. So I would say, tell your doctor that you take 10 000 iu of vitamin d and you're going to see their reaction they go that's toxic like just on cue every time which is ridiculous you can make 20 000 iu of vitamin d by going in the sun for 20 minutes or a half an hour that is a physiologic amount that's the amount mother nature wanted you to make. Now, the thing is with sunlight, once you make the right amount of vitamin D, you're not
Starting point is 00:20:30 going to make any more. There's sort of a maximum. You're going to top out at a hundred and that's the level I've achieved just by suntanning. But when you take supplements, you can go too high. And do not worry if someone has one single study to show me the toxic effects of vitamin D, send it on over. Those studies don't exist. This is a simple brainwashing effect that they do to doctors in medical school to make them think this is some mysterious thing. Now, I heard Peter Attia about three years ago saying,
Starting point is 00:20:57 ah, vitamin D is not that important. Not that important. So I didn't ask for the first part of your question. What is it about vitamin D that makes this such a big deal? Testosterone, it's a big deal, right? You want to know your level is good. Vitamin D is a transcriptional agent. What that means is it goes to your DNA and it tells your DNA which genes to copy.
Starting point is 00:21:17 If you don't have enough vitamin D, your body has to choose which genes am I going to copy. There's not enough vitamin D to make everything. I'm going to stick to my calcium absorption because if I don't have calcium, I'm going to die. So I got to the point where I was so frustrated looking at these studies and all these doctors didn't matter what type of medical practice it was. These doctors would put together a study and it didn't matter what disease it was. They would give people vitamin D and they'd be all shocked.
Starting point is 00:21:44 They'd go, wow, this vitamin D really worked. We should do further investigation. I'd be like, if you don't understand that everyone is walking around deficient, you're looking at a broken system. And every time you give somebody who's sick vitamin D, they get better. This is not a miracle drug. This is the understanding that everyone's low. And when you give people vitamin D, their health improves to a point. Now, the sicker you are, the more vitamin D will change your life. In my case, I want you to understand that, you know, I wasn't looking for any of the stuff that I found. What happened to me was I was not feeling good. I was on anxiety and depression medication, but there wasn't a lot wrong in my life. I was clenching and grinding my teeth all the time. And when I was asleep, I'd wake up with a really sore neck and I didn't feel good. I didn't feel right. I would lose my
Starting point is 00:22:34 cool and start screaming at everyone. And by accident, I found out I had sleep apnea. And then I found my current guru, Dr. Stasia Gomenak, who said sleep apnea is a vitamin D deficiency. And I didn't know what that meant. So I started to investigate. And as I found my current guru, Dr. Stasia Gomenak, who said sleep apnea is a vitamin D deficiency. And I didn't know what that meant. So I started to investigate. And as I raised my vitamin D level, within two weeks of taking vitamin D, I stopped clenching my teeth. You know, everyone thinks clenching and grinding is caused by stress. Well, kids grind their teeth.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Two, three, four-year-olds grind their teeth in sleep. What are they stressed about? When you give a child who snores or grinds their teeth vitamin D, they'll stop grinding in two days, three days, four days. Now, I don't need a single study to tell me that this is really important. What's happening is vitamin D deficiency, when it gets to a certain point, you don't have enough in your brain. Sleep apnea, bruxism, all these things, these are neurological conditions. Everybody wants to blame sleep apnea on a fat neck. This is your fault. You don't care about yourself. You're a bad person. And now the punishment of sleep apnea is ridiculous. And this is cruel. I had a patient
Starting point is 00:23:36 in today who said, oh, I have sleep apnea, but I didn't want to do anything. And I thought, okay, he doesn't want to CPAP and I can't blame you. Who wants that crap? But I said, well, tell me why not? And he said, well, they wanted to do surgery. And I said, okay. So they want to do a $40,000 surgery to open and widen my jaw. And I said, let me ask you this. He's the guy's about 72. Let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Did you sleep normally for most of your life? And he said, yup. I said, okay, what do you think changed? What structure changed in your jaw? Nothing. This is a really big deal. I have been trying to get my profession to nothing this is a really big deal i have been trying to get my profession to understand this is a neurological issue not a structural issue
Starting point is 00:24:09 and children are being mutilated that's why i'm so thrilled to be on your podcast i know lots of people who listen to your podcast have kids this is so important the easiest thing in the world you can do and you can change the trajectory of your child's life immediately by doing the simplest thing. And just, you know, any other questions with dosing that I'm happy to answer them all. It's complex. Rule of thumb to anyone listening, it's 1000 international units per 25 pounds. So that's simple.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You got a 50 pound kid. You're going to give him 2000 IU of vitamin D. That's a maintenance dose. If they're low, you want to give them a loading dose to raise their level. You know, I find it hilarious that you said that when somebody tells somebody to say like 10,000 IU of vitamin D, doctors say that's too toxic because that's something I told my mom who's indoors a lot. And my uncle, who's a doctor said, your son's going to kill you. Like he said, he said, that's too toxic. Your son's going to kill you. You can't
Starting point is 00:25:03 do that. And she was super concerned. So I'm going to take this portion and send it right to her and give him the, well, I'm not going to continue because she listens to this podcast. But, um, I want to ask this. I have a lot of individuals in my life and it's actually odd because when I was younger, uh, I'd always be like, I'd always go out in the sun. I'd never get sunburned. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:21 But a lot of my white friends would right now. I actually know some individuals in my life that are black, but they when they go out in the sun, they get rashes. They they burn up quickly and they can't be out in the sun long. And because of that, they're choosing to kind of stay inside and avoid the sun. But we know that that kind of leads to a lot more health like health problems other than diet, which we've spoken about, you know, getting rid of processed foods, the glyphosates, et cetera, and maybe switching to
Starting point is 00:25:49 a ketogenic type diet, unless you have more, you know, ideas on that. What can individuals do if they find currently going out in the sun just makes them feel bad and they rash up or they burn quickly? What can they do? Okay. So you brought up a lot of really interesting topics. So if your vitamin D level is low, you can burn in the sun. Okay. The darker the skin, the more melanin you have, the more time you need to be in the sun to make the right amount of vitamin D. But I kind of want to like take a step back and say, so what's the big deal about vitamin D? Why is this one thing so all-encompassing? And the reason is that because when this one particular thing, and when you have enough of it, your DNA is able to copy
Starting point is 00:26:32 any genes that it wants. And the primary thing that vitamin D does is it regulates the gut microbiome. And of course, this makes sense because in the old days, when we were hunter-gatherers and your vitamin D level was low, it was winter. And you would be healthier with a different gut microbiome. Now, in the summer, when the D level is high, there's two different ways that vitamin D will actually regulate the gut microbiome. People are doing all this crazy shit. They're taking probiotics. They're taking prebiotics.
Starting point is 00:26:59 They're doing all this stuff to try and get the right gut microbiome. They're even doing fecal transplants. And that's real. You can do that all you want, but you're never going to maintain the right microbiome without an evolutionary level of vitamin D. I want my level always above 50. I never want it to go low. I really don't. It'll drop quickly, especially if you have sleep apnea and you're not supplementing a high dose. So the answer to that question is the actual microbiome on your skin is regulated by vitamin D. Vitamin D allows you to create something called antimicrobial cathesidins. And these are little proteins that actually will dictate the type variety of bacteria and everything on you. This is why COVID is so affected by vitamin
Starting point is 00:27:42 D is those are antiviral antibacterial proteins. You make them in your lungs. You make them in your nose. You make them on your skin. You make them in your gut. And these will dictate your microbes. When I raised my vitamin D level, my body odor changed. I had a completely different set of microbes.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And so until people understand that, first of all, staying out of the sun is dangerous. It's the dumbest thing ever. But you can't just go in the sun and fry yourself. So to anyone listening, don't drop everything and run outside because I do get that. Patients come in sunburned and say, what happened? Well, I wanted vitamin D. The system that we have to use to get vitamin D into our bodies is a little complex. I like to use this analogy.
Starting point is 00:28:22 So when you start to work out, you don't go to the gym on your first day and bench press 300 pounds. You got to build up slow. You have to learn, what do I do? Do I eat this? Do I hydrate? All these different things that you learn around fitness, this needs to be applied to the sun. And it wouldn't be needed if we all still lived outdoors. It wouldn't make a difference. You'd be eating natural whole foods, you'd be eating the animals that you kill or the seafood that you catch. You'd be outside in the spring. And as the days got longer, your tan would get darker and this would be irrelevant. Here we are, we're living in these little boxes that are really cages. And we think this is normal. This is not our natural habitat. And that's the problem. It's not just vitamin D, it's all these other elements that we've
Starting point is 00:29:04 literally cut ourselves off from thinking that we're different. We're civilized. Literally, we're making ourselves sick by living in the modern world. It's ridiculous. The lights that we have on all these different things, they all come together. And that's why my book is called The Modern Epidemic. It's literally the disease of modern living caused by a separation of the human animal
Starting point is 00:29:23 from its natural habitat. Simple as that. Mark, didn't you bench 300 pounds your first day in? I think so. Yeah. I was just going to ask really quick, the rule of thumb for the IUs per body weight, does that change with the amount of melanin in your skin?
Starting point is 00:29:42 Because we have, we call we, we call us, we have vanilla chocolate and then a salted caramel. So I'll make skin marks white and seems black. So I would, I know from, from like previous podcasts that we've tuned into, we know that like the amount should change, right?
Starting point is 00:29:59 Well, the amount of vitamin D that you make naturally in sunlight will change based on your skin tone. But when you're supplementing, there isn't really, I'm not aware of any racial differences. It's mostly has to do with your body fat. You know, it's not that vitamin D is stored in fat. It's just that it will diffuse everywhere around your body. And if you're fat, you've got to take a lot more vitamin D to fill up that level.
Starting point is 00:30:20 So, you know, it's really tragic too, because when I used to go to the gym in the old days, I'd see these heavy people and I was a bigger guy most of my life and it breaks my heart. These people are trying, they're trying to work out, they're trying to eat right. They're giving, they've been given all the wrong instructions. And when you go to the gym and work out, if your vitamin D level is low, your body's in survival mode and it's not going to burn your fat at all because you don't have the right machinery because you don't have enough vitamin D. You need to have an evolutionary level of vitamin D to be able to be functioning and normal. The gut microbiome is the most important thing in your entire body.
Starting point is 00:30:54 The DNA of the microbes in you outnumbers ours like 99%. So we have this little bit of DNA that we inherited, but we utilize all these microbes. We use their byproducts. We use their waste products. They interact off each other. They have their own genes. And we really rely on that so much more than what we have ourselves personally. So having the right gut microbiome is critical to health and life.
Starting point is 00:31:20 So the root cause of sleep apnea is the root cause of every single modern disease. And this is complex stuff. And just swallowing a bunch of probiotics is not going to solve the problem. Maintaining that evolutionary level of vitamin D will allow you to get vitamin D through your bile salts, all kinds of different ways that we utilize. This is a hormone and life would not have evolved the way it is without the sun. This is at the core of photosynthesis. This is at the core of the circadian sun. This is at the core of photosynthesis. This is at
Starting point is 00:31:45 the core of the circadian rhythms. This is something that powers our biology. And I haven't even released my information. I'm not sure how much you guys know about the circulatory system, but our blood vessels are batteries for sunlight and for a completely different paradigm. I want you to think about this. This is the question I have for you guys, because you know, you've been focused on ketogenic diet and you know, there's a lot of evidence that this is so healthy. I say red meat is the healthiest thing in the world you can eat because it's the lowest in deuterium and that's kind of irrefutable. But the problem is that we're getting so brainwashed to get this type of stuff that
Starting point is 00:32:21 it just can't even make sense to us. And so, you know, when it comes to the understanding of how our circulatory system works, what causes heart disease? Okay. So I listened to, I love Ben Bickman, great guy. He's talking about insulin resistance. Problem I have with insulin resistance is you say insulin and people think, diabetic, I'm going to give myself a shot of insulin. I don't know how helpful it is. The understanding is, if fat doesn't cause heart disease, then what does? Is it sugar? Well, sugar is a major contributor, no doubt. But what is it, the real root cause? Why does someone's blood vessels get inflamed? Why do they break down? It's not one thing. There is no magic bullet in life. The true and root cause of heart disease has not even really been introduced to the
Starting point is 00:33:09 mainstream because it's not being supported by the right people. And it sounds ridiculous, but it's so much easier than anyone thinks. And in my opinion, heart disease is obviously a combination of a vitamin D3 deficiency, vitamin K2 deficiency, too much sugar, not enough movement or exercise, and a sulfur deficiency. I think sulfur deficiency will prove to be the ultimate root cause of many illnesses. Sulfur is critical for so many different things for the functioning of your circulatory system. It gets into a whole different perspective of how our bodies actually work. And I still, so the vitamin D part alone, just that standalone, you're seeing the fallout of that fallacy of the nonsense of the 80 years of hiding this information. You're seeing it with
Starting point is 00:33:57 COVID. That's what this is. Recently, as recently as this week in Spain, Southern Spain, they got rid of COVID completely because they mandated vitamin D for everyone. They got rid of it. They do not have any more COVID cases. And those are real studies. Someone can Google that. It's very easy to look at. So that's the first of one of the very big lies to fall is that vitamin D is critical for health.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Second is going to be not only does red meat not cause cancer, it is the healthiest food that you can eat. Why? Beef tallow has the lowest deuterium level of anything. It's 105 parts per million. The lower the deuterium, the healthier the food. So once we get into that understanding of what deuterium is, because that is what our bodies are built around. If you don't understand deuterium, every single system you're looking at, total waste of time. The entire Krebs cycle, the entire production of energy is nothing other than a deuterium depletion protocol. 10 enzymatic steps to make two molecules of ATP, that's stupid.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Why would we have that? Every one of those reactions is getting rid of hydrogen that may or may not be deuterium and making sure that only the least amount of deuterium gets near your mitochondria. There's a reason why there's no mitochondria in your red blood cells because your blood's full of deuterium and it will be destroyed. So nevermind the vitamin D part, which I think is still scandalous and relates to the craniofacial growth and development for children, why kids need braces, why no one has room for wisdom teeth. That alone is a massive, massive deception. But now we're getting into the root cause of heart disease. And the root cause of heart disease, like I said, it's multifactorial. And if you understand what deuterium is, and you understand what sulfur does in your
Starting point is 00:35:33 body, you understand what structured waters, you understand what the sun does in you, you know all these pieces individually. No one's put them together. And that's what I want to do. You know that sauna therapy is good for you. You know the infrared light is good for you. Why? These are all things that all come together in the mitochondria because it's the most important part of your body. Everything else is irrelevant. You could have the fanciest house and have all this great technology. When the power gets cut, you're screwed. Power is everything. And if your mitochondria isn't your most important thing, then you don't know what you're talking about. Power is everything. And if your mitochondria isn't your most important thing, then you don't know what you're talking about. Kind of ridiculous. All single cellular life
Starting point is 00:36:09 could not become advanced until the mitochondria evolved. And that's where we need to look to, because that's where everything important happens. It sounds to me a lot of what you're saying here is that vitamin D3 is not just a marker of your health, but maybe it's a maker of your health. is not just a marker of your health, but maybe it's a maker of your health. It is. I consider it like a fuel. We need air to breathe. We need food to eat. We need water to drink and we need sunlight. And the part of the sunlight we need is the component of vitamin D. Again, it's one of the things that sunlight makes in our body. So this is like a fuel in your body. And that's why I'm putting out all this graphic material to make people understand this is not a vitamin.
Starting point is 00:36:47 This is not what you're getting in milk. This is not enough in your multivitamin. This one thing has barely been studied. And the people who study it mostly are idiots. They've wasted their time and money because I don't even know whether Big Pharma is funding dumb studies. But I guarantee you, if you look into that meta-analysis, really, that was a big one that came out. And people were calling me saying, you were wrong. Vitamin D is not that important. And I was
Starting point is 00:37:08 like, I can make a scientific study support anything if I want, but science without common sense, it's just dangerous. Do you recommend a sunscreen or sunscreen bad for us? Is that blocking us from getting vitamin D? Yeah. d yeah so the the sunscreen this is another very serious discussion and i want people to know when you take your kids to the beach and you take out that spray and spray them like you're coating them that is not protecting them that is bad news so that's nanoparticles you need to think of that i think it's 60 of everything you put on your skin gets absorbed if you wouldn't eat it and put it in your mouth, don't put it on your skin. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:37:47 So then what does that mean about sunscreen? Well, sunscreen is dangerous because it gives you a false sense of security and safety. And this is the real truth. So when you go in the sun, there's two types of radiation that we're interested in, UVA and UVB. Now, UVB radiation does three things. It creates vitamin D. It causes a sunburn,
Starting point is 00:38:10 and it gives you a tan. Those are its primary duties. And of course, this makes sense because UVB radiation is only available when the sun is just high enough in the sky to break through and to strike your skin. Now, UVA radiation penetrates deeply. It goes into the dermis, sub-dermis goes into your fat. And that UVA radiation is only partially blocked by sunscreen. So people are putting on sunscreen. They're blocking all their vitamin D production. They're getting the sun's damage. Their body thinks it's winter. It's terrifying. And I've already had one squamous cell carcinoma removed from my nose. I wore sunscreen my whole life. And the reason is because I never had a healthy vitamin D level. And then when you put this stuff on, so now your burn system is blocked. When you get a
Starting point is 00:38:50 burn, that's your signal to get out of the sun. Too much sun. Hunter gatherers were not stupid. If it was hot and they were getting, you know, they'd get out of the sun. Now you spray yourself with this toxic crap, these nanoparticles that get into everything. And then you don't even know your body's like, oh, it's cool. And you're frying yourself. So you're getting all this UVA radiation. You don't have that warning sign. And then I won't even go in hotel pools because they're spraying that shit everywhere.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And it's nanoparticles. They're not natural. They can get into your cell membrane. So sunscreen, I would honestly, I don't believe in it at all. I use coconut oil. I use hats. I use clothing. I use gradual increase of sun exposure.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I use common sense. If I'm going to use any sunscreen at all, I'm going to use the zinc oxide with the biggest particles, that white stuff. I'm going to put it on my ears and all those exposed places. I don't believe sunscreen is safe or healthy. I think it's really dangerous. places and don't believe sunscreen is safe or healthy. I think it's really dangerous. Now, I'm really curious about the supplementing vitamin D in concordance with other supplements, because, you know, you kind of alluded to it. I don't know if you mentioned exactly, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:58 taking vitamin D and vitamin K because I've heard that you want to take those two together to help your absorption of vitamin D. So if someone's now going to Amazon, they're getting vitamin D3, what else do they want to buy to make sure that that is as effective as possible after it's taken? Okay, so I want to clear it up that the vitamin D is not, there's no proof that vitamin D needs vitamin K2 to be activated. The reason we take vitamin K2 with vitamin D is because now when you take vitamin D, you're going to increase your calcium absorption. Vitamin D always came with vitamin K2. That's why I call them soulmates. You can see the little backpack behind me. I want to make this memorable. So D3 and K2 are best friends. They go everywhere together. When the sun is high in the sky and the grass is green, that's where you get your vitamin D from because it's sunny. You're getting your vitamin D and you're eating the animals that eat
Starting point is 00:40:44 green growing grass. The greener the grass, the higher the K2. And this is your calcium storage system. Your bones are your personal calcium bank. And in the summer, what's supposed to happen is you have a high vitamin D level and you absorb a ton of calcium. You eat all the animals, meat and cheese from green grass. You get a ton of K2 and K2 will actually activate two specific enzymes that grab calcium in your blood and put it into the matrix of bone. So you store up your calcium in your bones. And in the winter, there's no vitamin D. You're not going to be absorbing calcium. There's no green grass. You don't have any K2. You're going to withdraw from that personal bone bank. You're going to pull your calcium out. Now, all the people, all these older women who started to
Starting point is 00:41:28 get osteoporosis because their doctors had never heard of K2. They give them calcium and vitamin D, and then they put them on these expensive bone medications that are dangerous. The system was very simple. In the summer, you build up your calcium. There's a ton of calcium in green grass. There's a ton of calcium in milk, but you need that vitamin K2 to activate those two enzymes that literally bind calcium from your heart, your blood vessels. They take it from your aorta and put it into the matrix of bone. Medical doctors still have no clue what vitamin K2 is. I don't know why it's available at You can read all about it. This stuff, it bothers me that it's this easy and this simple, and it's so destructive.
Starting point is 00:42:16 So when it comes to that combination of D3 and K2, when you're growing as a child, the first thing that happens is when your vitamin D level is low, you can't breathe through your nose. Your tonsils swell, and you start to breathe through your mouth. When you do that as a child, it narrows your jaw, gives you a narrow palate. You no longer have room for all your wisdom teeth. You no longer have enough calcium to allow your jaw to grow. That's when you get a weak jaw. That's when you need phase one orthodontics. Some of the parents there, like Jesus, seven grand for this and then five grand for that. Phase one orthodontics, expand the jaw. Why do we have to expand the jaw? Because your doctor didn't learn about vitamin D3 and K2, and it's still not taught, and
Starting point is 00:42:48 you simply don't know what you don't know. So the answer is, I would always take vitamin D3 with vitamin K2, because that's the way it always came in nature. And the reason I always add magnesium to that is magnesium is critical to power every single enzymatic reaction, because magnesium is a component that activates atp adenosine triphosphate that's human electricity that's what powers your body magnesium deficiency is really dangerous now the cool thing about magnesium is people are taking it now they know oh i take magnesium i take calm it's a really easy one you don't have to really convince someone
Starting point is 00:43:21 but sorry spray yeah there's all different forms of magnesium. You can drink it. You can spray it on. The best way to get magnesium, in my opinion, is to take Epsom salts baths, magnesium sulfate. The critical part to that health is not even necessarily just the magnesium. It's the sulfate part. Magnesium sulfate, these are chemicals. They're salts. They hang out together. Magnesium sulfate, these are chemicals, they're salts, they hang out together. Magnesium is positively charged and sulfur is negatively charged, so they're brought together. That's how we see them. When you take an Epsom salts bath, your body will absorb exactly the right amount of each of these minerals to give you health. You don't have to worry about shitty
Starting point is 00:43:59 supplements and stuff coming from China with lead. That's the best way to do it. And if anyone hasn't taken an Epsom salts bath, it's strangely relaxing and calming. That magnesium gets into you right away. Sprays are great and they work, but they can get kind of itchy. I started off with sprays and I tried all kinds of supplements. So I prefer to get that.
Starting point is 00:44:18 That's the best way to take an Epsom salts bath. If you go to a float tank, what are you being floated on? That's magnesium sulfate. Do we need fat and cholesterol as well? I mean, these are fat-soluble, like vitamin K2 and vitamin D and E and A and stuff. These are fat-soluble things. So does it help?
Starting point is 00:44:35 Does it assist at all to help with absorption? And how does it help to eat more fat with it? I think they're best taken with food, unless you're on a non-fat diet. I personally don't think it's as there. I think they're best taken with food. And, and unless you're on a non fat diet, um, I personally don't think it's as important as people are saying. I've never seen anyone who studied the effects. I've never, to my recollection, I haven't seen a study that said, okay, we took people, we dosed their vitamin D, we gave one an empty stomach and one with, with fat. I haven't seen that study, but you know, um, with a lot of my patients, cause I just can't remember to take it.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I say, listen, put it in front of your toothbrush. Cause your dentist is nuts. He's telling you to take this, pop it in your mouth. You're fine. Okay. It will still get absorbed probably better with some food. Great segue to the next question. Do we need to brush our teeth if we're eating the right foods? Technically no. All right. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:45:23 Well, you know, so we have to think about uh animals in the wild don't brush their teeth but once we get into captivity they need dental work happens to dogs happens to lions and what is this this is a vitamin d3 deficiency dental disease is a d3 deficiency changes the mouse microbiome allows the bad bacteria to overgrow so if your vitamin d level is evolutionary and you're eating a no-sit-tail diet of lots of animal meat, you probably won't build up plaque or tartar on your teeth, especially if you have K2. We see K2, the calcium in your arteries mirrors the calcium on your teeth. And of course it makes sense. If you're taking in this calcium and you're not grabbing it and
Starting point is 00:46:02 putting it into your bone, it's got to go somewhere. When it goes into your skin, you get wrinkles. When it goes into your arteries, you get hardening of the arteries. And it can be put into your teeth. Those two enzymes that I talked about, their names are matrix, clod, protein, and osteocalcin. Those are enzymes that exist in your mouth. So if you have K2, those enzymes need to get activated. They will take calcium in your saliva and put it into your teeth and bones. So you can reverse decay. You can reverse to a point you can reverse decay. So the answer is we absolutely do not. When I heard about oil pulling, I thought it was the
Starting point is 00:46:34 dumbest thing ever until I found out that coconut oil is extremely low in deuterium. It's highly antibacterial. And so oil pulling kind of works, but you got to make sure you use coconut oil. I brush my teeth, but I don't, I don't use fluoride toothpaste anymore. You know, I floss and look in the car, I use some little flossers, but no, the answer to your question is we wouldn't need to brush our teeth. It's kind of nice too, but we wouldn't need to. Andrew, do you hear that? What is that? You hear that? So you hear that beat that beat that sounds nice that's the sound of three element electrolytes oh my god those are eight electrolyte packets that element is so graciously sending all of you guys for free but there's gonna be some weird hoops some stipulations
Starting point is 00:47:16 like 50 bucks 50 not dude okay no no it's five okay i was like damn yeah no you literally just have to pay five dollars for element to send you eight different packets of their awesome electrolytes that you hear Mark talk about, I talk about, you talk about. These are so good for if you're dieting, if you're not, if you're trying to focus on performance. They're just so amazing, and they're going to send you eight of them for five bucks. Yeah, and what I actually love about this whole recharge pack is, you know me, I love orange salt. That's my favorite flavor. They have tons of other great flavors and now here's this opportunity to try all of them you know so why why would
Starting point is 00:47:49 give me one reason why you wouldn't jump on this right now exactly you guys need to go to drink slash power project you can claim your free free element recharge pack right now just pay the five dollar shipping and get to sample all of their flavors guys we wouldn't steer you the wrong way we love this stuff we've been talking about them since before they teamed up with us they're homies now and just seriously drink slash power project again absolutely free just pay for the five dollar shipping and it's yours go there right now now i'm curious about the time of day that you would suggest that it's ideal for people to get sun because i see you know right behind you it says modern sleep solutions and you know you hear that there's like
Starting point is 00:48:38 you know when the sun rises there's a good amount of sun that you want to get then you also want to see sunset because there's something in your photoreceptors in your eyes helps with better sleep at night. So if somebody, you know, they work a nine to five, they are stuck indoors and they can't always get outside and get sun. What are the ideal times that they really want to try to get outside to get the most vitamin D, but also have the most benefits for their overall health? Okay. The more times you can get outside during the day, the better off you are. If you can take a break every five minutes, it's better for you. So you have to think about what the sunlight's doing. The reason that I have something called radiation rules, and that is things you should pay attention to. If you can wake up and watch
Starting point is 00:49:16 sunrise, you should do it. Why? Because the radiation is producing these photochemicals. They're setting your circadian rhythms. The tissue around your eyes is sensitive to the sunlight and will even tell your brain how much melatonin to make. Melatonin lives in opposition against sun exposure. Melatonin is your regeneration hormone that comes out at night when it's dark. I want to tell people one of the most important things they can be doing is blocking their blue light at night. On my website, I have blue blockers. I have these cheaper ones so you can get a bunch of them. You get a six-pack
Starting point is 00:49:48 because I always lose them. Put them everywhere. When you get home, I put them on past 8 p.m. every day because you want to block that blue light. Blue light will destroy melatonin. So our entire biology, we are sensors for the environment and we evolved outside. The sun was instrumental in our evolution. Every animal on this planet is taking all kinds of cues from the sun. Now, when we discovered fire, that changed us from being an animal that would go into heat in the summer when our biology was ready to make a child. We really changed that.
Starting point is 00:50:22 And you can destroy your melatonin profoundly. And it's dangerous on kids who are staying up all night with screens And you can destroy your melatonin profoundly. And it's dangerous on kids who are staying up all night with screens. They're destroying their melatonin. This is anti-cancer. Melatonin is the next big drug, in my opinion, that should be looked at. And honestly, the fact that no one's even looking into it, people take it for sleep. It's much more important as antioxidant, much more important for cancer. And I kind of got a laugh. This is very sad. Both my parents died of pancreatic cancer, and I saw what their doctors did to them.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And they're giving melatonin now with chemotherapy. They're saying, oh, it decreases the toxic effects of chemotherapy. Guess what? If you gave just melatonin, you'd eliminate the toxic effects because you wouldn't have to give chemotherapy. Melatonin as an anti-cancer agent is profound. I have studies that are available on PubMed that melatonin on your skin will reverse cancer. Why? This all comes down to the mitochondria. When your mitochondria gets sick, you get cancer. You guys know Thomas Seyfried. He's a genius.
Starting point is 00:51:23 He's the guy who's talking about cancer as a metabolic disease. So when you get skin cancer and you put melatonin on it, it can reverse the cancer. How does it do that? Melatonin will repair the mitochondria. Most important, everyone, you know, glutathione, superoxide, dismutase. These are antioxidants you've heard of. Melatonin is a superhero antioxidant because it does two things. Number one, it has a profound ability to absorb free radicals. That's the first thing. The second thing is it's an epigenetic moderator, meaning that it goes to your DNA and tells your DNA to make more superoxide, dismutase, and more glutathione. So this is one of the most important chemicals, hasn't been studied even close to
Starting point is 00:52:05 enough. And in your mitochondria, melatonin is in there to make sure that the inner mitochondrial membrane doesn't tear open. That is like, it's one of its primary duties. So I don't know if that answers some of your questions, but so timing on sunlight, yeah, we are supposed to be circadian creatures. The one good thing about COVID is there's nowhere to go at night anymore. So you wake up with the sun, it gets dark. You go, you know, you're in bed by nine 30, 10 o'clock. This is a good thing. This is important, but block your blue light at night. If you have kids get blue blockers. Um, I, when I put my blue blockers on, I will not take them off till all the lights are off and I'll take them off. And
Starting point is 00:52:43 in the morning, if I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I put them on before I do anything because you're going to stop your melatonin production immediately. And you do not want to stop your natural melatonin production. That's just really bad. You mentioned earlier about not going to the hospital, like how you wouldn't want to go to the hospital if you had COVID. What was the reason for that? you wouldn't want to go to the hospital if you had COVID. What was the reason for that? Well, just first of all, just basic comfort.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Once you leave your own home, imagine you're feeling shitty already. Now you're going to go down to the hospital, you're going to sit in the hallway, you're going to be coughing up and you're going to be in fear for your life. So if you can avoid being so sick that you think you need to go to the hospital, that's a good thing. And what happened to me really recently was fascinating. I had COVID and had a very mild effect on it. And I felt great after a couple of days, but I injured my toe snowboarding. And after 10 years, that same snowboarding boot must have had some nasty stuff in there. I got a really bad infection and it got so bad that I thought it maybe should go in for an IV vancomycin
Starting point is 00:53:44 infusion because I don't want to lose my toe. It was starting to be really painful. I thought, I do not want to go to the hospital because everyone's there for COVID. I'm going to walk in with my toe. That's not going to be great. This is bad. My toe is no big deal, but people with real health issues are afraid to go to the hospital because they're just overflowing with COVID. If you can do something that's non-toxic at any level and simple, and you can send somebody out to the
Starting point is 00:54:10 grocery store, to the corner store and get vitamin D. And in as little as three days, you can have a huge result, antiviral. It will lower the viral load. It will lower your symptoms. If you can do that, you want to do that. You do not want to go to the hospital. People who are doing, they're doing their best at the hospital, but I want you to know that when you go to the hospital, they don't test your vitamin D level and they don't give you any vitamin D, not here in America. And I was on some emails where one of the doctors at a hospital said, Hey guys, I'm big pharma is not letting us check vitamin D levels. And they said, just like that. And it was a high level doctor. So this whole stuff with all the vaccines and everything, I want people to get vaccines who are elderly, who are immunocompromised. But if you can bolster your own immune system and avoid
Starting point is 00:54:54 a vaccine, they're going to make you get it every three months, every six months. This is a money-making thing. It's not a scam. Coronavirus is real. But I don't want to do these unnatural things. We are designed to be able to fight off a virus, but not if your doctor doesn't know about a massive part of your immune system. Ridiculous. Could a lot of people have avoided getting the coronavirus if the vitamin D levels were sufficient? Do you believe? 100%. Not only do I believe it, there's so many studies that support this. There are thousands. There's a lot of new studies out there right now. And it's not just the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:55:30 It's every virus. And then it's the secondary bacterial lung infection. So here you are immunocompromised. You don't know your vitamin D level because your doctor never tested it. And you're taking your multivitamin. And it has 600 IU, which is the RDA. So you're good. You also drink milk and juice.
Starting point is 00:55:44 You have no reason to be thinking, oh, well,DA. So you're good. You also drink milk and juice. You have no reason to be thinking, oh, well, I really need more vitamin D. Then you have this viral disease that wrecks you. And then why do you get a secondary bacterial lung infection? Because your body can't fight it off. And the bacteria that are a normal part of your lungs overgrow, just like the wrong microbiome anywhere in your lung, in your body, anywhere. grow, just like the wrong microbiome anywhere in your lung, in your body, anywhere. Vitamin D regulates the antiviral, antimicrobial systems. It regulates T cells and B cells and neutrophils. It regulates them.
Starting point is 00:56:13 When those cells don't have enough vitamin D, they cannot copy the genes inside of them. Your immune cells function by utilizing the DNA, the blueprint that's inside of them. Those cells copy those genes and produce chemicals. If those cells don't have enough vitamin D, your own defense system can't work. And that's why people who have very low vitamin D also do not have a good result with getting the vaccine. That's real. They're going to start probably giving vitamin D with the vaccine, which, you know, definitely great because people are really sick sick but we're really in a bad place i've been working on this for quite a while when covid hit me and all my vitamin d friends were
Starting point is 00:56:50 like oh shit is this really like you know and i was waiting i don't want to say it's just vitamin d it's not just vitamin d vitamin d is a massive component of this why it regulates the gut microbiome it regulates your immune cells it regulates your sleep and your sleep cycle if you're not sleeping you you're not healthy. You're going to get sick. If somebody were to test positive, would they need like a heavy dose of vitamin D to kind of kick things off or just keep the traditional rule of thumb like you said? Right. Can I say, oh, fuck yeah, they need to take a lot more vitamin D immediately.
Starting point is 00:57:23 You want a loading dose. So I have videos that show me taking 100,000 IU vitamin D on camera. oh fuck yeah they need to take a lot more immediately you want a loading dose and when i so i have videos that show me taking a hundred thousand now you might be on camera and i don't die i said like i said today i posted on my instagram uh feed at modern hunter what to do if you get diagnosed positive with covid and you haven't been something yes you want to take a massive loading dose if you're nervous take 20 000 in the morning take 20 000 with lunch take 20 000 with dinner take 20,000 in the morning, take 20,000 with lunch, take 20,000 with dinner, take 20,000 before bed, take your K2, take your magnesium and do it all again the next day. The study that came out today showed that 400,000 IU given all at one time
Starting point is 00:57:57 was extremely effective at decreasing the coronavirus symptoms. So if you get COVID and you're really sick, take two, three, 400,000 IU, but take it with some K2 and magnesium and take it with food and don't panic. You cannot kill yourself. 500,000 IU is not toxic on any level. There was a while back, I heard this guy, smart guy who was doing for surgery, he was injecting his patients with a million IU of vitamin D three days before surgery. So they wouldn't get post-op infections. That guy never got his information out.
Starting point is 00:58:29 That's real. And that's what I would want. Hospital infections. Who do you think gets flesh-eating bacteria? Who do you think gets MRSA? I had MRSA twice. MRSA is methicillin-resistant staph aureus. That's a bacteria that 30% to 40% of people have in their nose normally.
Starting point is 00:58:50 When does it go onto your skin? When your vitamin D level drops and your immune system shuts down. I had it twice and none of my doctors said, hey, what's your vitamin D level? And I couldn't figure out why was this happening to me? It was insane. My vitamin level was so low that I had giant abscesses on me and it was dangerous. This can transform into flesh-eating bacteria. I had a patient who had flesh-eating bacteria. She lost her jaw. We measured her vitamin B level, and this is long after that. Her level was nine. That's low.
Starting point is 00:59:16 You want to have a level over 30, 40, 50. So yeah, you should immediately. Now, if you've been supplementing a good amount of vitamin D, like 5,000 IU for at least three months, you don't need to panic as much. You can still take a higher dose. If you run your level up to 100, 150, 200, there's no toxic effects. Past 300, you're going to get nauseous. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Show me the people who are dying from overdoses of vitamin D. Now, here you are. You're alone. You're isolated. You've been isolated for a long time. And now you're sick and you're thinking, oh my God, what the hell is going to happen to me? You can take a massive dose, take 100,000, take 300,000. It doesn't matter. Go to my YouTube channel. Look at some of my protocols. This is the easiest thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:59:58 And it's tragic to me that people are dying. Families are dying because their doctors did not learn about this and they have not researched it on their own. It's outrageous. Before it was bad. It was bad enough that I wasted my life in bathrooms and being fat. But now people are dying over this. This is ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Doc, are the studies like the study you just mentioned that came in today? Is that stuff on your website? Because like I know a lot of people are hearing some of the things you're saying and we want to be able to give them like the information you're talking about because a lot of it's really important. So is it on your website? I have a lot of vitamin D studies on my website. I have links, but I will when we're done with this, I will email you directly today a link with the top eight or ten studies on covid and vitamin d and the one that showed that 300 000 iu of vitamin d was not only safe and non-toxic but it reduced immediately the symptoms when you take vitamin d it takes about three days for it really to get everywhere it
Starting point is 01:00:55 needs to go by the time it gets activated by your liver and all that so um yeah these and these studies are available there's a great website called Vitamin D Wiki, and it's run by a guy named Henry Lahore, and he's a super cool guy. He has put every study, so anyone can look at it right now, Vitamin D Wiki, and then he'll have all the latest studies, and he kind of interps them for you, shows them, there's direct links to them. But for the average person, looking through studies on PubMed is kind of difficult. He summarizes them, he puts them together in categories. And he has all the latest stats
Starting point is 01:01:29 on COVID. I'm on an email back and forth with the 50 of the top vitamin D experts. And God love them. They are some of the best people in the world. They're like, oh, the British Parliament is talking about this. And people are going to figure it out. They're not going to figure it out. It's shows like this that are going to make the difference. It's someone like me saying, look guys, we've been deceived. This is bullshit. And I have over 30 years experience as a clinician in two countries. I have a degree, I have a doctorate of dental surgery and I can do research just like everyone. This isn't even some mystery. This is obvious. It's really tragic. Sleep apnea is a fake disease, I heard you say before. What do you mean by that?
Starting point is 01:02:12 Well, sleep apnea is just one aspect of it. So basically, the syndrome is this. Your vitamin D level goes down. You lose your gut microbiome. You don't have the chemicals you need. And where this affects you most profoundly immediately is in the autonomic nervous system. So your autonomic nervous system is the part of the brain. It's your brainstem. We share this with all other mammals. It's exactly like ours. And this part of the brain regulates your housekeeping duties, your breathing, your circulation, your blood pressure, your sleep, your digestion.
Starting point is 01:02:40 We can't control this. You can meditate and take deep breaths, and you can change whether you're in sympathetic or parasympathetic tone. But that part of the brain, the disease starts out early as a lack of something called acetylcholine. And this was the work of Dr. Stasia Gomenak. And what she found is that this is the disease. So you need vitamin B5, pantothenic acid. It comes from the gut microbiome. That is a precursor to acetylcholine. You also need a high enough level of vitamin D to make this enzyme. One of my cartoon characters called choline acetyltransferase, her name is Kat. And choline acetyltransferase is an enzyme that makes acetylcholine. What does acetylcholine. What does acetylcholine do? It's the primary neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system so that when you're in your fight or flight and you want to go to rest
Starting point is 01:03:32 and digest, you can't get there. So the reason I created those cartoon characters of bitchy woman syndrome and angry man syndrome is because people are stuck in fight or flight and they cannot get to rest and digest. Now, as this syndrome kicks in and people get sicker and sicker, you end up what I call roadkill. Every part of you starts to break down because every single thing the autonomic nervous system controls starts to suffer. Because the brain itself doesn't have the right amount of chemicals from the gut microbiome. It doesn't have the right amount of enzymes because your vitamin D level is low. And then shit breaks down. So when you get sleep apnea, it's just an outward symptom of the disease of the autonomic nervous system. Your circulation is already affected. Your digestion is already affected, but sleep is an easy one because snoring is obnoxious. And when you feel
Starting point is 01:04:20 like shit, when you, when you, when you, that three o'clock, three 30 comes in, you crash and you need to have like sugar to stay alive. That's something that gets people's attention. So when you fall asleep driving, you know, every major accident of every train crash and plane crash, that's, this is all sleep apnea. This is someone falling asleep with the wheel. No one's testing for this. Everyone has this.
Starting point is 01:04:42 So many people have this undiagnosed, untreated. And so the sleep component, it gets put off as a separate disease. This is caused by your jaw is too small and your neck's too big. It's nonsense. This is just one aspect of the syndrome I'm calling the modern epidemic. It's one of the easiest things to pinpoint. And it's one of the most important because sleep is your primary regeneration tool. If you don't get a good night's sleep every night, important because sleep is your primary regeneration tool if you don't get a good night's sleep every night you're gonna break down prematurely that's just the way it is animals die if they go for three days without sleep jack up your vitamin d and get some of that b5 that you were mentioning and should be okay right yeah so b so the b vitamins 8b vitamins b12 is the only one you
Starting point is 01:05:21 should take on its own the others are are complex. Take them in a complex. Why? Because nothing in your body works in isolation. The B vitamins are made by the gut microbiome, and different pieces are cut off and used for all kinds of stuff. Mother Nature is smart. She doesn't make up 20 different things. She gives you starter molecules.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Cholesterol is your starter molecule. You make everything out of cholesterol, like testosterone, testosterone estrogen bile bile acid all these different things your b vitamins are supposed to be being produced by your gut microbiome and the primary thing the most important part of your body b vitamins they are required in your mitochondria because they're interdigitated into almost everything they're required for dna repair they're required for everything. There's three things that really will use up your B vitamins, toxins, drinking alcohol, being in the sun, and exercise. So when you do any of those three things, you're going to want to increase your B vitamins. And this is the reason why people who don't snore will snore when they drink.
Starting point is 01:06:20 And the reason is their B vitamins got sucked up detoxifying the alcohol in their liver and they don't have the right chemical mix to keep their their airway open and they start to snore so that's when you know that that's part of the reason and i discovered these things through a lot of the work of stash going but through experimentation i had a situation about three four years ago and this is really important is that I went on a cycling trip and I was cycling 40, 50 miles a day out in the sun and it was in France. So I was drinking wine at night. I broke out with psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis all over my body. So I had, I was covered, my hands were covered, my legs were covered and my elbow swelled up, psoriatic arthritis,
Starting point is 01:07:03 and it was really painful. I did not know what was wrong with me. And I suffered with the eczema and the psoriasis. I went to the doctor, he said, oh, you have eczema on your hands and psoriasis on your legs. I got a biopsy and they said, oh, you have psoriasis. So I had it for a year and a half. And I read up about it and there's all kinds of people saying, oh, it's caused by this, caused by that. It's caused by the wrong gut microbiome, but it's a B vitamin deficiency primarily. And this is bizarre. So I was taking a B vitamin in the morning and a B vitamin in the evening. And I called up Stasha Gomenak and I said, tell me about the patient that had the worst diabetic neuropathy, who had the worst problems, how much
Starting point is 01:07:39 B vitamins did they take? And she said, I had somebody who took three or 400 milligrams of B vitamins. And that was what she needed to get rid of the tingling in her hands. So I took an extra B vitamin. Nothing happened for two days. I took a third. So I was taking B vitamin every six hours. My eczema and psoriasis disappeared in two days. And I had suffered with it forever. I've been scratching it. So for some people who have eczema and psoriasis, simply raising your vitamin D level will increase the gut microbiome's production of B vitamins and it'll disappear. If you have stubborn areas of eczema or psoriasis, you're going to need a higher dose of B vitamins. And I can't prove any of this. No one's doing the
Starting point is 01:08:18 studies on this, but take a B vitamin. If you have eczema or psoriasis, you're going to see it's most likely going to disappear. I have a lot of evidence that explains why this happens. And personally, I got Crohn's disease, sleep apnea, I was obese, anxiety, depression, eczema and psoriasis. I'm like a petri dish of all the things that can go wrong. And I'm a clinician, I'm observant, I understand dosing. I know what my body does. I see people every day. So these are the pieces that I put together to try and make people understand is that there isn't this massive increase in all these chronic diseases because people are not doing the right stuff. We're being poisoned by our environment and our gut microbiome is getting killed. And these diseases of modern living are
Starting point is 01:08:59 coming forward, lupus and arthritis and all those psoriasis commercials. And they all show people outside in the sun, which is kind of funny. Doc, I want to quickly kind of ask this because, you know, you're, you're mentioning vitamin D being the root cause of a lot of these issues. And we had Dave Nestor on recently who talked a lot about the benefits of nasal breathing and how focusing on that mouth taping can help with sleep apnea. Same thing with Patrick Ewan. They talked about those things too. And I just, I can imagine a listeners listening to this and they're like, okay, if I can take some vitamin D that'll immediately cure my sleep apnea. But obviously it's vitamin D in conjunction with nasal breathing and getting used to that
Starting point is 01:09:39 in conjunction with potentially losing some weight to help. Like all these things need to work together, right? You can't just take vitamin D and your sleep apnea goes away right well okay so i want i want to i want you to think about this why can't people breathe their nose what is the root cause of lack of nasal breathing so if you have a deviated septum and you weren't in a fight what's the root cause of that that's a vitamin d3 and k2 deficiency in your youth and childhood you're not getting proper calcification. The cartilage of your nose calcifies too early because you don't have vitamin K2. The nasal passages of
Starting point is 01:10:12 your nose will swell if you don't have vitamin D. Your tonsils are inversely proportional to your vitamin D status. You can Google this right now, type in vitamin D tonsils in PubMed. There's three studies that show that the lower the vitamin D level, the bigger the tonsils. So the root cause of the lack of nasal breathing is a vitamin D deficiency in childhood, youth, and development. That's the first thing. Now, we were designed to breathe through our nose. We create nitric oxide, which dilates all of our vessels and makes our lungs expand. So the broken system of kids breathing through their mouth
Starting point is 01:10:45 is a massive part of this terrible syndrome. And so by taping your mouth, that's great, but don't tape your kid's mouth if you don't know if they can breathe through their nose. You get an evolutionary level of vitamin D first. Okay. Make sure your level is 60. See how you feel. Tape your mouth. Can it help? Absolutely. Sleep apnea is multifactorial. It's a neurological condition that is amplified by a lack of nasal breathing. It's a neurological condition that's amplified by having micrognathia, small jaw. It is a neurological condition that is amplified by having a fat neck that does weigh up on your airway and your tongue gains fat so when you lose weight some of that tongue some of the fat goes away from your tongue so those those solutions those
Starting point is 01:11:31 that's great that any anything that you can do to make yourself sleep better that's great and no you can't just take vitamin d and your sleep apnea will disappear but you have to understand that this is a spectrum so somebody who's just becoming vitamin D deficient for the first time will have insomnia. There's a very common lesser version. It's a little sister of sleep apnea. It's called upper airway resistance syndrome. This is what women have all the time. And this is what men get when they go for their sleep study and their doctor goes, you don't have sleep apnea, pushes them out the door. When you go to your doctor and you say, I can't sleep, they want to send you for a sleep study because the doctor has no tools except for medications. So when you
Starting point is 01:12:09 go to that sleep study, if you have an apnea hypopathy index, a score that's over five, you're leaving with a CPAP, whether you like it or not. And you take that home and put it in the closet. Okay. The lesser version of that is this version of upper air resistance syndrome. It's just sleep apnea light, and it actually causes insomnia. So all of the people who are having a hard time sleeping, they have a difficult time gearing down for sleep. They wake up frequently. They wake up feeling unrefreshed. When we do sleep studies, I am on sleep study equipment, and it takes a very specific type of machine to be able to calibrate to get that lesser apnea. But if you treat it
Starting point is 01:12:45 right then and there with vitamin D, restore the vitamin D level, restore the gut microbiome, you could absolutely reverse sleep apnea. I believe it's a completely reversible disease and syndrome. That's why that science is sleep restoration. It doesn't say, oh, I'm 45 years old. I'm going to sleep with this machine in my mouth for the rest of my life. It's ridiculous. The idea that this is acceptable to people is wrong. The idea that there's no sleep consultants, there's got me, a dentist saying, I can make a mouthpiece for you. Or you got a doctor saying, I'm going to do surgery on your airway. I'm going to give you your CPAP. Good luck. I hope you enjoy that. This is the most important thing that people are thinking about. Everyone's talking about sleep now, but no one
Starting point is 01:13:23 has any tools to do anything i'm trying to show people that it's much simpler than they think so the truth is that you can't repair something unless you know why it broke down in the first place and when you think these doctors are putting these hoses in people's noses saying oh there's a snore noise i don't care about any of that this This comes from the brain. It's obvious. So we're really in a bad place. So there is no, yeah, if you want to tape your nose
Starting point is 01:13:50 or tape your mouth, great. That's one aspect of this. And for everyone who's using these apps, those are recorders. They're monitoring the sound in your room. You really want to know about your sleep? Get a sleep study. I run them out of my office for $150.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Anyone should be able to know what their sleep looks like. And it should be a medical grade sleep study that can actually go to a doctor who can look at it and say, yeah, you're having a problem. The sleep studies are incredible. Even the healthy people, I see some really weird stuff when I do a sleep study on. Doc, where did the crossover to, I guess, to being a dentist, to getting lost in the woods with gut microbiome and, you know, D3 being something that can help suppress some of the COVID-19 symptoms. Where did that happen? Because I'm asking this thinking about the keyboard warrior that's going to come on to the YouTube channel and say, like, I don't know if I want to take advice in regards
Starting point is 01:14:46 to COVID-19 from a dentist, right? Like, so like, what's the background in, you know, what gives you the confidence to make some of these, well, not statements, you're giving us great information. I really appreciate it. But I'm just trying to give a little bit more background for people to understand that you have a lot of skin in the game, right? Right. Well, okay. So I want you to think about who are the health gurus right now?
Starting point is 01:15:13 Ben Greenfield, Dave Asprey. A lot of these people are talking about all this stuff and people are listening. None of those guys are doctors. They don't have any medical training, which is a good thing because the medical doctors get brainwashed. What's interesting about why someone would listen to me is that I just so happen to be the right person at the right time. The reason is that I have 30 years experience as a clinician under my belt. So I've been treating people in Canada for 10 years and here for 20 years. I've been to the same location, seeing the same patients. So I have a very different view of health.
Starting point is 01:15:42 I spend a lot of time with my patients. I see their medical history. I talk to them. I know their kids, their grandkids, their parents, and I get to see their body in a completely different light, lying flat with a light shining down on it. This has allowed me to see things in a very different way. When I discovered Weston Price, a Canadian dentist that I didn't learn about, discovered Weston Price, a Canadian dentist that I didn't learn about, it set me off on a mission of wanting to understand why I had my life wasted. Why did I go through all this stuff? What is it about this one thing? And it made me mad. So I looked around before I started to speak out. I did a lot of research and I had to ask myself, do you want to put yourself out there?
Starting point is 01:16:23 Because people are going to try and destroy you. And the first time I said to ask myself, do you want to put yourself out there? Because people are going to try and destroy you. And the first time I said to a medical doctor that I treat sleep apnea, he literally stopped in his tracks, his mouth dropped open. He said, but you're just a dentist, just like that. And I'm not insulted because people think dentists are not real doctors. I do bony surgery. I do all kinds of crazy stuff. I'm a doctor of the mouth.
Starting point is 01:16:46 And this information is not available to almost anyone. And the reason people should listen to me is that everything that I'm saying is supported by science, but more importantly, it's supported by common sense. And you can listen to your medical doctor. And I want you to think about this. If you don't think you should listen to me and you think you should listen to your doctor, if your doctor has been testing your vitamin D for the last 20 or 30 years, if your doctor has been recommending that you supplement magnesium and vitamin K2, then don't listen to me. That's your man. Go or that's your own. Go to them. But that's not happening. I am the right person for this because I've been sick my whole life.
Starting point is 01:17:22 And after 30 years, I have the ability to do two things. Number one, no one's going to shake me on this. I'm right. Okay. If someone doesn't want to believe in me, don't do it. But if you have kids, I just asked you to look into this for them. Don't do it for yourself. Don't do it. Okay. I'm just a dentist. You don't really want to listen to me, but this is all information that's obvious. And my whole goal isn't just to bring this forward because I can tell you all the right stuff to do. What I'm doing is I'm giving you ways to remember it. I'm giving you ways to incorporate this into your life.
Starting point is 01:17:54 People all are talking about fasting. And let me tell you, the first time I did a three-day fast, I thought I was going to die. I have done over 25-day fasts. And I don't do more than five or six days because the science, the mimicking fasting diet came out. I looked into the science. So when I first started fasting, I said to myself, I can't do this. This is stupid. I like food. No way. Right? So I created a menu of fake foods because I did that mimicking fasting is by Prolon. Anyone who wants to try that, it's great. It's a
Starting point is 01:18:21 bunch of crap. It's a bunch of candy bars in there. So I looked at the macronutrients and I said, I'm going to create my own limiting fasting diet. A lot of naturopathic doctors have done that. So I made all these recipes that keep you in a fasted state because not eating is way more than physical. It's psychological. We eat our feelings every day. Eating is primal. It keeps you alive. Eating is much more than putting nourishment to your body. And the idea that you're not eating food, this is absolutely terrifying. So I created a protocol called Fast Club. First rule of Fast Club is never fast alone. Why? It's weird. You have to have someone to talk to. Hey, how do you feel? I have a terrible headache. Second rule of Fast Club is if you feel sick, eat, don't be an idiot. And the third rule of fast club is any length of fast is a success.
Starting point is 01:19:11 You don't bet you press 300 pounds on your first day of the gym. So I want to be able to bring all these things people know they should do and say, well, how am I going to do this? My fettuccine Alfredo is absolutely delicious. It's zucchini noodles, two tablespoons of sour cream, one piece of bacon crumbled, some Parmesan cheese and salt and pepper. That'll keep you full. And your body's like, where the fuck's the food? So I have all this stuff. I'm trying to launch my stuff. Hopefully you've looked through my ebook. That is just a preview of all the stuff that I've created, because I just don't believe in this. I'm going to bring this forward. It's not cool that I was
Starting point is 01:19:43 sick as a kid. It's not cool that I was a fat man most of my entire adult life. I tried so hard. It's not cool that people are feeling bad about themselves. It's not cool that young women are getting eating disorders and they're trying to eat this vegan diet. They're making themselves sicker. None of this is cool. I don't accept it. I'll never get those early years back in my life. But I have not only an opportunity, I have an obligation to reach that kid that was me, that when I was 14 years old, sitting in hospitals, having barium enemas and all this nasty stuff, it's so unnecessary. This is the simplest thing. That's why I created these cartoon characters. Vitamin D3, vitamin K2, magnesium. If you just do that alone, you're going to save 80% of the people from really terrible
Starting point is 01:20:30 illness. It's kind of grotesque. So if someone wants to challenge me and doesn't believe me, and I get haters are going to come all the time. People, when they meet me, the minute they start to say something, they're like, do you know about Dr. Gundry? I'm like, yeah, I'm good. I'm an expert in this field and I'm bringing this forward and if people don't want to do it,
Starting point is 01:20:48 don't do it. Ultimately you can be fooled by advertising. You could be fooled by marketing, but you can't fool your body. Your body is controlled by the laws of physics and the laws of physics dictate how energy in this universe behaves. In my book, I break this down to the most basic positive and negative with my different characters. Hydrogen is the yin and yang of life. Why? One electron, one proton. We utilize hydrogen for everything because it comes apart really easy. That's the song he sings. He sings, I come apart at the seams. And that's what we use for all of life. So I'm taking this down. I want people to understand their biology so that it doesn't matter what the advertising message is. I'm terrified about the vegan movement
Starting point is 01:21:31 because it has some very powerful people backing it and the indoctrination materials that they're producing are glossy and they sure work. I want to tell people, I don't care what you think. You can do this vegan or do all these different things. You can't fool your body. Deuterium and glyphosate are going to build up in it, and you're going to get sick. Like I said, I watched my parents die.
Starting point is 01:21:52 I watched what they did. They followed their doctor's orders. My parents were cool. They exercised. My mom was always into all this healthy eating. I watched them both die of pancreatic cancer one after the other. And this was only five years ago when I confronted their pancreatic cancer doctor. He didn't have a clue about vitamin D.
Starting point is 01:22:10 And that's one of the most verifiable. Google pancreatic cancer and vitamin D, and you're going to see Harvard Medical School has studies. This is one of the obvious ones. And this is still not known. Doctors just don't think it's that important. But I do. And so to anyone who's going to be a hater, you know what? If you're offended by material, tell everyone,
Starting point is 01:22:30 share it with everyone, tell more people I'm a rotten person. I'm the worst. You mentioned like fasting, mimicking foods. It's my understanding I could have some of this wrong, but if you basically just kind of eat fat, your body maybe doesn't recognize that you ate a real meal. Is that true? Is that the truth of that? Well, so yes and no. So you have to understand your body has all these nutritional sensors and your body basically
Starting point is 01:22:54 doesn't want you to starve. So the biggest issue that we have is that we're eating the wrong foods completely. Everything that you see in the grocery store, everything in the restaurant, it's all not what we were supposed to eat. If you want to know what to eat, think about this. You walked into a grocery store 15,000, 20,000 years ago. What do you find on the shelves? You find meat.
Starting point is 01:23:12 You don't find chicken. You don't find lean chicken breast. You don't find anything but some tubers, some sour fruit, meat, and seafood. There were no processed foods. 15,000 years ago, 12,000 years ago, we started farming. This was the beginning of our mistake. Hunter-gatherers were hunters. They hunted and killed animals, meat. So the answer to your question is, when it comes to fasting, I just like to look at the science. So I'm not making this up. So I really got into that fast and
Starting point is 01:23:42 mimicking diet. And I said to myself, why would I do this? Well, by day three of a fast, your body enters into autophagy everywhere. Autophagy is autophagy self-eating. This is your body's cleanup system. If you don't get into autophagy, you're going to get cancer. You're going to get sick. You're going to die. I believe that Crohn's disease has a lot to do with the colonocytes not being able to get into autophagy. Why? What do you need to get into autophagy? You need to have an evolutionary level of vitamin D, and you can Google that to get into autophagy. The reason is that you have to actually go to your DNA and copy a special gene that makes something called an autophagosome. It's like a giant vacuum cleaner that goes around and sucks up all the bad stuff and lices it to recycle it. So by day three, you're in full autophagy. By day five, that's when
Starting point is 01:24:31 your body releases stem cells to replace all of the broken down shit that you got rid of. And you can think of it like this, is that all these people who lose a lot of weight, then they have to have surgery to get rid of the extra skin. That's bullshit. That's not the right way to lose fat. When you do that properly and you fast and use your own body's fat stores, the first thing your body's going to do is start to break down that extra skin and those blood vessels because there's no longer fat to support that. So to me, when I said, oh shit, I'm going to have to fast, my parents died of pancreatic cancer. Do I have to do all the time? No. Do I do intermittent fasting every day? You bet I do. Will I skip eating a whole day? Occasionally, but I will do a five-day fast and I will push it to a six-day. Once you become metabolically
Starting point is 01:25:14 flexible, it's easy. You have to understand that when you're a sugar burner, getting the signal to your brain every three to four hours to eat. And if you don't eat, you're going to get sick. And you do. You've heard of the keto flu before, right? What is a keto flu? It's when you don't have the right enzymes to process your own body fat, and you don't have enough mitochondria to make enough energy. So you feel like shit. So you want to be metabolically flexible. What do you need? You need to change the enzymes to start to get to be the ones that are going to burn fat and you need to make more mitochondria, mitogenesis. So that's what fasting does. It will clean out everything. It will increase mitogenesis. You'll increase your mitochondria. You will literally, and the coolest thing about a five-day fast is that you won't even necessarily
Starting point is 01:26:00 lose any weight. It's the three, five, seven days after when you see your body go, you necessarily lose any weight. It's the three, five, seven days after when you see your body go. And I have stretch marks that I, you know, you can't get rid of stretch marks. You can, if you go into autophagy and I was sick and fat for a long time, I probably, I try and do a five day fast every month. If I can, I do it Monday to Friday. Can't be doing that on the weekend. You know, it's too hard, but understanding that people don't need to, I think it would be smart to fast four times a year, once a quarter. That's just my personal opinion. And it's very unnatural.
Starting point is 01:26:30 We live in this modern world where we have all these food cues. Try going to a grocery store on day three or four of a five-day fast and not go crazy. It's really, really tough. But you can do this. You get a fasting partner. You join a fasting group, join Fast Club, and start to incorporate this. I can say fast all day long, but how are you going to do it? That's what I'm giving people. I'm giving people a framework. The MHC modern hunter gatherer framework is letting people understand that our bodies are hunter gatherers, but we live in the
Starting point is 01:26:59 modern world. You want to give your hunter gatherer biology, the right sensory inputs for health. And we're not getting them. We're in clothing, artificial light. All this stuff is giving your body all the wrong signals. I was in the middle of opening up a fasting restaurant chain, but COVID hit. And there you go. I'm really curious about this.
Starting point is 01:27:21 And this is going to be a little bit of a rewind. But you were talking about melatonin Earlier in the podcast and there's a lot of things said about melatonin that just made my eyes wide and I was like, whoa What like you said about the effects of melatonin on cancer you were talking about supplementing melatonin in a In a beneficial way and it's very people talk about it negatively exactly that and I'm very I want us see if we can dig into this a bit. Because if a lot of people have read Matthew Walker's book, Why We Sleep, it talks very negatively about melatonin. Unless it's in specific instances of flying from one time zone to another, maybe you want to use it.
Starting point is 01:27:57 I've heard of people that take too much melatonin and then their natural production is messed up. And now they can't fall asleep if they don't take melatonin. Or they wake up they wake up sleepy or they wake up sleepy and they're they're all these you know things that you hear negatively about melatonin but you were saying about how beneficial it is to supplement it and why you should so i didn't hold on i didn't say it was beneficial to supplement and okay there we go yeah we i have the air conditioning broke down today it's pretty hot i gotta open the door here okay i'm happy i misheard that thing because i was like yeah i think he was talking about like putting it on it was like 80 degrees here of course the air conditioning broke today so melatonin is a double
Starting point is 01:28:36 edged sword good um um one of the granddaddies of melatonin is Russell Ryder. Okay. This guy. And so when I look into a subject, when I found about melatonin, what am I going to do? Just what I did with vitamin D. I'm going to order every book online. I'm going to look at every YouTube video and I want to listen to some of the experts. So there's a couple of people who I believe have the ability to really understand this. There's a, I actually won't give his name out um but he's a guy who knows both vitamin d and melatonin so when you look at someone like matthew walker you look at the people who are talking about this stuff you have to understand that until you understand the vitamin d situation i think kind of all bets are off so melatoninin is our natural repair hormone. Just so people understand, melatonin isn't just
Starting point is 01:29:27 for humans. Every single species on this planet uses melatonin as an antioxidant, even plants. Did you know that if you spray melatonin on crops, you get less damage, less pests, and you get a higher yield? Melatonin helps plants grow. This molecule is preserved amongst all phylum. It's an ancient molecule. This was the original molecule created to reverse oxidation damage. This is your repair hormone. This is used by everyone. I told you it's so powerful because it can take on so many free radicals that this is the most important molecule. gurus are saying you're doing. Now, I've read that the amount of melatonin that you make is signified by how much sun exposure you get, which makes sense because the sun causes damage. It destroys your body and we evolved in sunlight, so there must be some cure to it. The sun can't
Starting point is 01:30:37 be toxic and that's what melatonin is. It's the anti-cancer medication. Now, most people end up supplementing it because they can't sleep because their vitamin D level is low. If you can show me all the people who got hooked on melatonin, who have an evolutionary level of vitamin D, they have the right gut microbiome. You know, people are going to melatonin because once again, I call this the journey of the insomniac. Go to your doctor and you say you can't sleep you get a prescription for um whatever medication they're giving ludesta and you you try it and then you're like i feel like shit it doesn't really work i'm where you sleepwalk whatever and then you go what's next you go back to your doctor
Starting point is 01:31:13 they go let's send you to a sleep doctor and that sleep doctor gets paid for diagnosing you with obstructive sleep apnea and giving you a c-pap that's the system there isn't any other place to go. I'm one of those few people that's going to look at the whole big picture because I have people who come to me and I say, I can't help you. You need a CPAP. I'm sorry. Or you need to have surgery to have your deviated septum fixed and you need to have your tonsils removed because you're past that point where anything that I can do is going to help. But we don't have a medical specialty of a sleep specialist. Those guys, they're terrifying. Even the good guys, they want to do surgery. This is the solution because what gets paid for gets done. So melatonin is being used and it's
Starting point is 01:31:59 not being used necessarily properly. I think it's harmful and damaging to give it to children. We don't know the full results. I don't know. When I say that, this is not something I'm confident about. I personally supplement melatonin. I take a small amount. I actually use a melatonin cream on my face because melatonin reverses cancer. So of course I do that. And no one's looking into this, which is ridiculous. So the problem is anything that you supplement, there's always a chance of a negative feedback loop. So you take something, if you take human growth hormone, you shut down your pituitary gland, that's not necessarily a good thing. So supplementing something can have profound effects on your biology. So there is no
Starting point is 01:32:38 easy answer with melatonin. When I looked into this, I came to the conclusion that Russell Ryder knows probably about the most, and he supplements melatonin. I'm going to do it. It's an antioxidant. But I'm going to tell you that if I was diagnosed with cancer, I would literally get a bucket of melatonin, and I would get a saline drip, and I would infuse myself with it. Because I want you to understand that there is no LD50. Have you ever heard of LD50 before? I love this. A lethal dose, LD50. Have you ever heard of LD50 before? I love this. A lethal dose, LD50 is the amount of anything you give to someone that will kill them. They will kill 50% of the subjects. There's no LD50 with melatonin. No matter how much they gave to these lab animals,
Starting point is 01:33:18 it couldn't kill them. There was no bad effects. So does it help if you can't kill a mouse or a rat if you overdose melatonin? Well, it tells me that it's not toxic. Now, if you take exogenous melatonin, you take extra melatonin, why should we do it? Well, because all this lighting is destroying your melatonin production. It makes perfect sense to me to supplement melatonin, and I do it. Am I 100% confident that it's great for me? I don't know. But at this point, we're living in this really messed up world where we have, again, all these wrong environmental cues. I'm going to guarantee you this is that taking melatonin is probably a lot safer than taking any other medication. There is no LD50. That's important. All phylum on this planet use it. It's the most powerful antioxidant. It makes you make more antioxidants from your own dna
Starting point is 01:34:05 i'm cool with it i'm good to supplement it could it affect kids yeah but these kids are already sick because they're not breathing properly they're not growing properly their sleep is screwed up so yeah my complex my vitamin d3 was uh 81.6 how am i doing that's ideal i want 60 to 80 perfect all right real quick and what what do you what do you supplement to get to that i usually utilize uh maybe somewhere between 10 000 and 50 you know especially in the winter time i take a little bit more but yeah between 10 000 and 15 000 i use oh yeah what people don't understand is that you in the old days, we used to walk from your home to the mall, to the restaurant, to your office, to your job. And that's where the majority of people would get their vitamin D is just casual exposure
Starting point is 01:34:53 on their arms and their face. And now in lockdown, people are really, their levels are going down. And so there's this whole syndrome of losing your teeth and clenching and grinding. It's because your vitamin D level is low. If you're listening to this and you grind your teeth and your child grinds your teeth, your vitamin D level is too low. It's as simple as that. Let's say you do.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Okay. Like you, you have an evolutionary level of vitamin D. You say that you do supplement melatonin. You said that, okay, it's mostly safe that you said that there's some aspects you're not really sure of, but for the individuals who are now like, I sleep okay. Um, do you, like when you say a low dose of melatonin, how much is that low dose? And is it, of course, the vitamin D is a must take is melatonin also a must take. Not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:35:40 I think it's smart to supplement it. Like I said, so if you're really good, if you're living out in the country, and when the sun sets, you have some gas lanterns, you're not watching TV, you're not looking at your phone, you're not looking at your screens, then you're going to produce a lot of melatonin. Because the minute blue light goes into your eyes, it stops melatonin production just like that.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Why? Because humans evolved to live outdoors. And when the sun comes up, that shuts down your melatonin production. Looking at the moon won't shut down your melatonin. That's not fake blue light. So we live in this world with all these toxins. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant. We live in this world where our sleep cycles are being destroyed. People are staying up late.
Starting point is 01:36:19 I think it would be smart to supplement melatonin. I have tried taking high doses. And one time I took 40 milligrams. I was really groggy the next day. Now I'm interested in empirical data. So when I run a sleep study, I've experimented and I've looked into all the studies that supplement melatonin. I cannot see a direct dose response relationship with taking melatonin and the quality or caliber of your sleep. I don't see that. Maybe we don't have the right tools to measure that. So there's even talk of like, your melatonin release naturally will be a function of last year's sun exposure.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Fascinating. So there's so much more. There's this incredible amount of science that's related to the non-light receptors in our eyes that are taking in all these types of radiation. No one's studying this enough yet because there really isn't enough money in it, but I think it's important. And when I say to you, if I was diagnosed with cancer today, this is what I'd do. Number one, I'm already doing this. I'd go on a big fast, go on a 21-day fast. I would start drinking deuterium-depleted water. I would eat only grass-fed, organic, high-fat meat. And I would literally hang a bag of melatonin and saline every night until my tumor regressed. And I believe that we'd see that. There aren't studies out there because you're not going to find them. The cancer industry makes billions
Starting point is 01:37:41 of dollars, and they do it in a very mean way the minute you get diagnosed with cancer standard of care go you have to get it cut out you have to get poisoned and if your doctor doesn't do it they'll get sued for malpractice this type of bullying doesn't allow for the investigation to natural substances melatonin is the most obvious anti-cancer medication and a lot of studies support that, a lot. The work of Thomas Seyfried is genius. And so just on a basic level, everyone thinks cancer is genetic. It's not.
Starting point is 01:38:14 They took a cancer cell, they took the nucleus out and put it into a fresh cytoplasm, and the cancer disappears. Why? Because the diseases in the cytoplasm, deuterium, just in case you want to know, that's at the root cause of cancer is deuterium. You can order a book called Defeating Cancer by a guy named Gabor Somnia. I may have it around here. It's a super cool book. These guys are out there. There's a guy by the name of Laszlo Boros, and he's Hungarian. They talk about deuterium depleted water. You don't need to order deuterium depleted water. You can because a ketogenic diet is so much more important. The water that you produce from metabolism is called metabolic water. And that water is deuterium free. That's the same water
Starting point is 01:38:55 that camels make. So when you eat fat, fat, especially saturated fat, it's very, very low in deuterium. And when you metabolize that, the whole reason that you breathe in the first place, people think oxygen, oh, I need oxygen, it's going to nourish my tissues. That's wrong. You breathe oxygen because it is the final electron acceptor from the electron transport chain. We yank these hydrogens off, we put them through electron transport chain, we make energy in our mitochondria. At the very end, those electrons got to go somewhere. You get oxygen, or mitochondria. At the very end, those electrons got to go somewhere. You get oxygen, gets two electrons from hydrogen, and you have H2O. That's metabolic water, and that oozes out of the mitochondria. That's why all your important chemicals are made in the mitochondria, because they're made in a low deuterium zone. This may be the first time you've heard of deuterium,
Starting point is 01:39:41 but you're going to hear a lot more about it. You're going to hear a lot about it from me, because when I heard about this, I was like, what the fuck? Why is anyone talking about this? And that's why I created a cartoon character for deuterium, because when I say deuterium, you may think of nothing. You think I say in some ways you think of a needle. You know, we need to change the way we look at these things. And, you know, I've got cartoon characters from melatonin. When you look at him, you can tell right away he's a superhero and he wears blue blockers why because he's destroyed by
Starting point is 01:40:09 light so the our health is it's way more simple than we think but we're really being played here we've been being played since 1950s and ansel keys said that's bad and this whole plant-based bullshit that's going on this impossible burger this is just another attempt to hoodwink us and to trick us to stay sick. And I'm done with it. I literally, 48 years was enough to be a sick person. I'm ready to have a better life. And I want to share that information, and I want to make it fun. No one needs another doctor saying, read my book.
Starting point is 01:40:42 Follow my protocol. If it's not fun, no one's going to do it. Just think about Schoolhouse Rock. You learned everything from that. If we put it into a song and a dance, you're going to remember it. That's what I'm doing. I'm about to release my first dance called the Sundance. It's a really cool song. And the reason I created the Sundance is to raise awareness of how important the sun is. But more importantly, when you dance to music, you do exactly what Mother Nature wants. She wants you to bring all these different elements, music and movement through your brain.
Starting point is 01:41:11 This increases neuroplasticity. And so people are depressed as shit because they're not doing the fun stuff anymore. They're a lot in lockdown. I have a special program called The Naked Lunch. And The Naked Lunch was a book that was written a very controversial book. And it was a guy who's experimentation with, with psychoactive drugs, but I'm doing a daytime DJ dance party where you go in the sun, you eat meat and you listen to music. You hang out with your friends. You get a massage is to raise awareness of what inputs we need. Those
Starting point is 01:41:44 are the inputs that your body needs. You need to have your clothes off. You need to be with your friends. We are cut off from the natural world. Hunter gatherers, they got together, they drum, they dance, they party. They give you oxytocin. This gives you all these crazy endorphins. And I'm like, I'm not even joking.
Starting point is 01:42:01 I'm launching this globally as basically an event. And it's kind of crazy, but doesn't it make sense? Don't you want to, what do you like best? Lying by the pool? What day is this? So that way we can participate over here at Super Training. We can Zoom call you in. No pants, just sitting there eating some meat.
Starting point is 01:42:22 You know, and it's such easy stuff too and you know the idea that the the two the things that bother me the most is this is what everyone believes that meat causes cancer it's really bad for you and that the sun is dangerous toxic causes cancer i can assure you the people eat the most meat and go in the sun the most will live the longest and have the happiest healthiest lives sorry You may have to get some cancers cut off your head, but you don't want to get dementia. Do you think they're going to do a CRISPR gene that's going to take out Huntington's, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's? These are the diseases of modern living caused by chronic hypoxia when you're choking in your sleep. These are the diseases that are being caused by your mitochondria in your brain being flooded with deuterium and glyphosate and destroying your metabolism, destroying your
Starting point is 01:43:09 ability to produce energy. This is obvious. It's not an easy fix, but this is the beginning. For me, this is the future. I still practice dentistry, but as soon as I don't need to, this is where I want to go. This is the most important information. It's so easy. It's inexpensive and it makes sense. How many scientific studies do I need to prove this? Not many, not many, but they're there. They're there. I have to apologize real quick because once you mentioned like the naked lunch thing and the dancing and the sun naked, immediately I pictured it and I just couldn't stop laughing. So I was listening to what you were saying and I was taking it seriously. But when I start to laugh, sometimes it just doesn't stop for a little bit. So I was listening to what you were saying and I was taking it seriously. But when I start to laugh, sometimes it just doesn't stop for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:43:48 So I just want to apologize about that. Thank you so much for your time today. This has been amazing. I think selfishly and Seema and I are just asking you tons of questions over here. So thank you so much for answering all those questions today. Appreciate it. Yes. People want to know these are these are important questions because no and again like you know all the haters
Starting point is 01:44:09 whatever like you know you can't please all the people all the time what can i say where can people find out more information about you uh easy to do i'm on the internet my new paradigm my new health paradigm is modern hunter gathers at modern hunter That's my Instagram as well. My name is Joel Gould. I have a dental practice. My dental website is modern American dentistry and you can find me all over the place. And you know I have a lot of information, a lot of YouTube videos, and they're meant to just, you know, get your interest up and help make it easy to understand that, you know, enough is enough. What's going on now, this is not cool. We have to make a change.
Starting point is 01:44:49 And we can't do this. The powers that be are not going to, big pharma is not something to say, hey, don't take our medications. Just, you know, get some fresh air and sunlight. It's not going to happen. This is going to be a grassroots movement by people who start to understand their biology. And the way I like to think of it is that this is a puzzle that's sitting right in front of your eyes. My job is to shine the right light on it so you can see the pieces for yourself and see how it comes together. And that's what I'm trying to do with all of my materials.
Starting point is 01:45:14 So I created different tiers of information for different people. People like to read a book. People want to watch a video. I've got everything. And I'm going to continue to put this forward out there and share my message. I've got everything and I'm going to continue to put this forward out there and share my message. I hit up my good buddy, Joel Green, to vet you to double check to make sure because you say some really stuff that's different than what I'm hearing from some other people. And Joel gave me the thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:45:38 He said 100 percent legit. And so here we are. So thanks. Thanks again. I really appreciate it. Have a great rest of your day. My pleasure. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Thank you. You know what I love about this podcast? Because even if you listen to children, okay. Yeah. I'm such a fucking kid. Once I heard naked lunch and I was like, what are you talking about? This stuff?
Starting point is 01:45:55 I was like, naked. Where's he going to say the word? It just doesn't seem like a great idea. Like cooking food and stuff. I mean, dancing with me. Yeah. But what I was going gonna say was like okay you hear all the things he says if you think like the melatonin and cancer bit or vitamin b d being the root if you think it's all bs the crazy thing is
Starting point is 01:46:17 he's not selling some special vitamin d product or a special vitamin k2 or magnesium you can yourself make the decision to go on Amazon, buy these cheap supplements and try it out for yourself. And it doesn't profit them. And it might just be beneficial. I see if it improves your sleep. Why not? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:33 Give it a, give it a try. Yeah. Right. I really liked that him and James Nestor, like giving us like really, really good information about, yeah, about the,
Starting point is 01:46:42 our kids teeth, you know, like, Holy crap. Like I, those are two things i didn't even come close to considering so many times it's like ah well it depends you know i don't know you know oh you might have to take this or take that and this guy was like you know he gave
Starting point is 01:46:55 he gave you the exact vitamins to get and he told you pretty much what to do and you can you can just take these vitamins and you can test your own blood if you need to. I mean, whatever you got to do to figure it out. But I think he gave some really great input. The fact that it can, if the fact that he's that confident that it impacts your sleep apnea that much, uh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:47:15 I'll put it to the test. I don't know. I don't even know if I have sleep apnea, but I have a hard time sleeping. So maybe this will help. Yeah. Did you have to use a CPAP in the past? I've tried to use one before,
Starting point is 01:47:24 but I never took a sleep study. I just got one. Yeah. I think I take, let's see, so I take about like 30,000 IUs of D3 every day. You take a lot, yeah. Yeah. I don't know. My sleep's okay.
Starting point is 01:47:38 I pass out pretty quick, but I do snore. I don't know if that means I have sleep apnea or that just means I snore. I've been sleeping pretty good the last couple of days, but I've been going to bed a little bit later. I just, that's the weird thing is I want to go to bed early. But the other thing is I like to wake up early, so I don't end up with that much sleep. But I do, my quality of sleep seems to be better if I go to bed a little bit later. You probably just are like.
Starting point is 01:47:59 I did stretch last night, so that might help. That could help, definitely. That might help. Might help me unwind. Yeah. So you had really good sleep last night? I yeah oh well cool yeah i always felt like if you went to bed later like it you kind of like enjoy the sleep more like you look forward to it more like because your body's like hey dude it's time and when you hit the bed you know it's rare that
Starting point is 01:48:19 i care like i don't want to go to sleep it's it just sounds dumb but i don't care about it yeah i know if i didn't have it, I would feel like shit. Of course. I know that. I always look forward to the next. Like, that's why I go to bed early is because the next day. Yeah. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Dude, this was so good, man. He was like, the thing is, is again, a lot of big claims, a lot of confidence behind those claims. But he wasn't keeping any information back. You know, you, you listen to some people and they'll give you like the general idea of things because they want you to buy their book or they want you to have this or get this to get more information, more details. Yeah. He does have stuff on his site, but at the end of the day, like he legit gave us very detailed answers onto what happens, the reasons why, what you can buy. The first time I ever heard anybody mentioned that deuterium that he was talking about was Ivor Cummins.
Starting point is 01:49:10 And so just, you know, YouTube that. Like, if you find some of this stuff interesting and you dig it, like, look into it a little further. There's a lot of great information on it. And I think some of this stuff is still newish. So there's a lot more research that needs to be done. But you'll find a lot of truth that needs to be done but you'll find you'll find a lot of truth to what he said but you're going to find advocates too you're going to find
Starting point is 01:49:29 people on the other side of it because you know some of the stuff he said was pretty like bold I guess he'd say the melatonin and cancer bit like that is a bold thing since it's say that that can cure cancer like a lot of a lot of researchers or doctors that listen to that
Starting point is 01:49:46 like no you know but my my paper degree says that you're wrong yeah i mean but again there is weight behind it but the thing is again he's like no one is really trying this you know no one's so what would happen if i don't know there were actual studies done on that yeah right yeah absolutely no i mean shit if if i'm pretty sure if any one of us ended up with any like the skin cancer that he's talking about how to rub the fuck we would be like hey doc okay what specifically like do i have to do and you know we would all of a sudden become super interested and a thumbs up from gold joel green is huge that's right yeah take us on out of here andrew i will thank you everybody for checking out today's did he make it oh he almost made it i almost missed it that's like what that's about eight feet ten feet it's
Starting point is 01:50:37 like it's super close i should know that oh man everywhere now i'll wipe it up right after we're done you didn't wait what thank you everybody for checking out today's episode hopefully you guys found some something super valuable in this if you did please give it a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button if you have not
Starting point is 01:51:00 done so already please make sure you find the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power Project on Twitter. We have a newsletter that you can find down in the description of this video or this podcast wherever you're listening to it. My Instagram and Twitter is at I am Andrew Z. And Seema, where are you at? I'm Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. I'm Seema Inyang on Twitter, Mark.
Starting point is 01:51:19 At Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch you guys later.

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