Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 478 Live - WCM Is Over, Now What?

Episode Date: February 4, 2021

Time to go bonkers on carbs, cakes and cookies! Sike!! Mark Bell talks about what he plans to do next and the crew discuss whether or not "Calories In Calories Out" is a one size fits all. Subscribe t...o the NEW Power Project Newsletter: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢FREE LMNT Recharge Sample Pack: ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Mark Bell's Proud Project fam. This episode is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. Now, Andrew, you usually like dieting on like high carb, lower fat, and you're doing a lot of Piedmontese, so I need you to tell me about it. Yeah, dude. So the one steak that I just, I put it above every other steak on the planet is, of course, Piedmontese Flatiron Steak. Now, if you are familiar with that type of cut, you might be thinking like,
Starting point is 00:00:25 no, Andrew's tripping. That thing is full of fat. There's no way that you're dieting on that type of steak, especially one that good. But let me tell you the nutritional facts from a flat iron steak from Piedmont T's. All right, you ready? 23 grams of protein, one gram of fat, two grams of carbs. Can you repeat that, please? Yep. I just had to double check because even though i know this i had to double check 23 grams protein one gram of fat two carbs what the hell tell me what diet that that doesn't fit i i don't know dude so when you're looking at macros and stuff especially if you're in more of a bodybuilding type of diet there's absolutely nothing on the planet that can fit better for you than a Piedmontese flat iron steak. On top of it being like the most amazing
Starting point is 00:01:09 nutritional macro friendly steak, it tastes incredible. I gave one to my father-in-law, he almost had a heart attack. Like legit, like he couldn't understand how it tasted so good. The heart attack was from the excitement, not from like eating meat. That's not what this is all about. But what I'm trying to say meat. That's not what this is all about. But what I'm trying to say is that it's the best steak on the planet. I mean, that's just one of the many steaks. But to me, that's like my number one steak from Piedmontese beef. For more information, please head over to
Starting point is 00:01:36 That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Check out enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two day shipping. Wrestling dolls and shit like that. You know, action figures. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's Pokemon power ranges for me, man. Pokemon power ranges, Dragon Ball Z transformers. I had all these cool. Those were cool. Yeah. I just missed Pokemon like that whole craze.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Like I, yeah, I was a little bit too old for it's best thing ever i had a gi joe and stuff like that it's very 80s yeah did you have the uh so like the michael jordan like figuring thing that was like in a box it was a collectible thing i don't think so i was supposed to keep it in the box, but I just wanted to like, I want to play with collectible. Yeah. Yeah. It's probably worth hell of money now.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Who knows what the hell I did with it. I remember cabbage patch kids. That was weird. Remember? I never had that. Garbage pail kids. Yeah. Garbage pail kids.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah. It was like playing cards or something, right? Yeah. Yeah. It was ridiculous. Chia pets were interesting. Never had one. Yeah. Chia pets. Chia pets were interesting. Never had one. Yeah, Chia pets.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah, those were weird. You guys did. They have one of Trump. They do? His hair grows. Yeah. That's great. What about the, what was it called?
Starting point is 00:02:55 Chia Trump. It was like a digital thing that you would raise like an animal. Oh, a Furby? No, although those were a thing. I know what you're talking about. Is it Digimon? Digimon? Oh, Digimon? Or is that like an anime? No, although those were a thing. I know what you're talking about. Is it Digimon? Oh, Digimon? Or is that like an anime?
Starting point is 00:03:08 No, Digimon's an anime. This is something different. I know what you're talking about, but it's different. What was that thing? I never had those either, but I would see kids with them. Furby's weird. Furby is creepy. I had Furby and it got sick.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Like first AI, right? It just kept... It sneezed all the time but it's the thing with like big eyes and like a beak yeah that shit's nightmare fuel it was that's not cute it was totally horrifying and like i said ours was sick all the time it would just say all it would say the same thing all the time would say way low we're like what does that mean it's a curse it's just sneezing and like coughing we're like what does that mean it's a curse bro he's cursing your ass and just sneezing and like
Starting point is 00:03:46 coughing or like what the hell happened to it i never understood how people could keep that in their home like it was terrifying yeah rid of it quick oh man i mean nowadays everybody would know that that would be something like spying on you right right? For sure. You can't buy those things now. No. No. There's a camera. You got to be more careful nowadays. Yeah. All right. Well, it's what? February 2nd?
Starting point is 00:04:11 Is that right? Yep. Yep. 1, 2, 2, 2. Did I get that right? Mm-hmm. It's Tuesday? Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Wow. Is it Tuesday? I don't know. It's 221 on a Tuesday. I'm on fire today. Two for two. Two for Tuesday. And World Car of War Month is over.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Oh. And so now it's time to stack up those Twinkies and donuts. Hell yeah. And brownies and ice cream and Big Macs and french fries. Mm. Mm. And just go all in on that, right? No more carnivore until January 2022.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Yeah, no more. And no more meat. No more meat. Yeah. According to some of the comments on one uh we put out a video message to vegans from from rob wolf okay rob wolf's chill of course it's gonna offend people but somebody had said that like uh biden is putting in some kind of something to where cattle farms are going to be converted over to crops and stuff and being weird. So, yeah, maybe we won't have meat for a while.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I'm not sure. Also didn't look into it. But, you know, if it's on our YouTube comment section, then it's. It's probably the truth, right? The truth dot com. Yeah. So for today, we'll talk about, you know, transitioning out of the carnivore diet or if you even should.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I guess I would start out by saying that if you joined us for World carnivore diet, or if you even should, I guess I would start out by saying that if you joined us for World Carnivore Month, thank you and congratulations, especially for those of you that were able to complete the whole month. For those of you that weren't, there's no reason to beat yourself up. If you joined in late, which I heard a lot of people saying, oh, I didn't join in until the 15th or the 20th, or somebody was like, I didn't even know it was World Carnivore Month. So I just started today. And it was like, you know, right towards the end there.
Starting point is 00:05:48 But give it a go for a month. See if you can stick with it. If you can't stick with it, if you end up, you know, eating a burrito at lunch and you are falling off and you end up drinking some alcohol and you just go back on the diet, just go back to it each time to go back to it. Don't beat yourself up. Don't say I need to do this for an extra 10 days. Don't say, uh, I'm going to, you know, run 10 miles because you messed up or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Just go back to the diet. You're always one meal away from being back on the plan. So even if you did something, um, it's not the worst thing in the world. All we're trying to do, you got to remember what I'm trying to convey and what we try to show you guys on this podcast is I just would love for a lot of you guys and girls to be better than you were yesterday. So whatever way we can all figure that out together,
Starting point is 00:06:39 that would be great. And, uh, I don't care if you eat some spinach, I don't care if you eat some broccoli. Uh, I don't care if you went off plan, whatever it is, just try to get back to it the best that you can and make the commitment there.
Starting point is 00:06:52 If the carnivore diet is something that is working really well for you and you are a person that has struggled with diet and you're a person that has been heavy for a long time, then there's really no reason for you to come off of this diet. I don't think I would, I would recommend that you stick with it for a little while longer until you get to a spot where you think that you can transition out and do something a little bit different. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I think our last guest that we just had before this podcast, well, cool. He said something that's super important. Diet enjoyment. You know what I mean? First off, if you're enjoying the carnivore diet and you you're enjoying eating like that don't think that like you have to switch out of it right um but you know if you know what would you say to the person who's like okay i'm doing this and i think actually doing a carnivore diet or a diet like keto or something that does restrict some hyper palatable foods that changes your palate. So over time,
Starting point is 00:07:45 somebody doing that, their cravings for certain foods go away, which I think then will make it easier for them to transition out and add some other foods in that aren't. I love it when people say this insulting to their diet. Will Cole said that to him. I think he said that also. I love that.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I'm insulted. Your stomach's all insulted you know i think there's some things to be careful with here so anytime you're like i actually don't think it's a good idea to say that you're coming off of a diet okay um i don't even really like i don't really like um i don't even really like when people say they came off their diet because I think that everything you eat is part of your diet, you know, and I think, I think this is just a mindset thing. This isn't really like, yeah, you are going, you are on plan and then you're off plan.
Starting point is 00:08:36 So I get the dialogue. I understand why people are saying it, but I think the mindset would be better in saying, yeah, you know, I went against my diet last night and I ate some things that I normally don't eat. But, you know, I'm in this for the long haul. I'm trying to be better than I was last year, trying to be better than I was a few months ago. And I'm still making progress towards that. And, you know, the the the end goal is still in sight. You know, I'm not far off from that or whatever it might be.
Starting point is 00:09:00 is still in sight. You know, I'm not far off from that or whatever it might be, but there's some things to be careful of with this is if you did the carnivore diet for a month or you've been, uh, on a good plan for a while coming off of that plan, there's a few things to really consider what you just said about the palate is huge because you may have retrained your palate over the course of the last two,
Starting point is 00:09:24 three, four weeks or so. If you retrained your palate over the course of the last two, three, four weeks or so. If you retrained it, then you're in a great place and you don't want to untrain it and you don't want to end up going back to some bad habits. So if, if you've gotten yourself out of some bad habits and you're have leaned more towards some healthier habits,
Starting point is 00:09:40 you traded out your ice cream at night for goat, for yogurt. You traded out your, your sweets night for yogurt. You traded out your sweets certain times of the day for a protein shake. It's like, man, you made so much progress. Let's really work hard to make sure we don't revert back to the way that we were before. So if you are thinking like, okay, now it's February and open up the floodgates and I'm going to eat whatever. I don't think that's a good idea. I think that it would be more reasonable to just say, you know what, I'm going to have
Starting point is 00:10:12 a little bit of what I want each day for the next couple of days. But you're not going to do it all day. You're still going to exercise. You're still going to walk. You're still going to lift four, five, six, seven days should be totally fine. However, you need to also know what kind of person you are. Like if you're the person that, you know, the bag of cookies are open and now you're going to eat the whole entire thing, then that might not be great. For me, you know, through the month of the carnivore diet this year, um,
Starting point is 00:10:46 I ate some carbohydrates. I had some rice. I had some potato a little bit here and there. I didn't eat crazy amount of carbs, but I had some vegetables as well, which have a little bit of carbohydrates in them. And, uh, I did that so that the month would be easier. So it'd be more enjoyable. We just talked about a couple of seconds ago, keeping the diet enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:11:04 I was like, it would just be easier. Just be more enjoyable. We just talked about a couple of seconds ago, keeping the diet enjoyable. I was like, it would just be easier. Just be more enjoyable. I know I can do it without that. Cause I've done it before. But I didn't, I also didn't see any extra value in removing an entire macronutrient from my diet and then being on a zero carb diet for me personally.
Starting point is 00:11:21 So whether I have a hundred carbs in there or zero, it just didn't matter that much because how many calories of carbohydrates is that really, it really doesn't add up to be much, especially when you consider how many calories it is or how many carbohydrates it is for the entire month. It's not that much. What I think you need to be careful of as well is when you transition out of it
Starting point is 00:11:43 is your insulin muscle, you know, the human body, it keeps track of like what you're doing to the point where looking at the sunlight in the morning, your body is like a robot. It's like a sophisticated, integrated robot that you know you could say you can go to the smartest person in the world actually you could take a thousand of the smartest people in the world and you could have unlimited resources and money
Starting point is 00:12:16 and say build a human being and they can't fucking even come close and who knows maybe they never will can't come close because the human body is really sophisticated but even just looking at the sunlight in the morning sets your circadian rhythm up for the whole day and there's some evidence that it you know might uh you know set your insulin sensitivity and how you react to food and like it's just this
Starting point is 00:12:42 whole giant cascade of things. But my point here is that everything that we have, everything that we have inside the human body, uh, all works a little bit like a muscle. You use it or you lose it or you use it and, or it might atrophy, it might dissipate. It might, uh, not die, but it might just chill. not die, but it might just chill. If you're not secreting insulin because you're not having much glucose throughout an entire month, you're on a specific diet, whatever it might be, we got to retrain the body to get used to that insulin once again. And I don't have scientific proof of this.
Starting point is 00:13:21 This is a theory. I don't have scientific proof of this. This is a theory. And this is just going based off of some my own diet over the years. I've noticed that when I go from a keto diet and I go from very restricted carbohydrates to bam, eat a ton of carbohydrates that I can get bloated. I can get big and bigger, faster, like fatter. I can put fat on quickly because my body's just not used to it. So if you were on the carnivore diet and you're thinking about transitioning into something else, I would just do so.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I would kind of ease my way into it. You know, if you didn't have hardly any carbohydrates for a little bit, start to bring in, you know, 50 to 100 grams here and there. You could probably have, you know, up to 200 grams very safely a day. And just try to make sure you're not eating tons of sugar and things of that nature. But give yourself a week. Give yourself at least one week to get used to your body. You know, now producing some insulin because you're spiking it up with some glucose.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah, there are a lot of different ways to do it. Like, for example, you know, if you're coming off of just doing carnivore and you want to add some carbs and you could have like in one of your meals during the day you'll have some carbohydrates with that meal whether it's like potatoes rice how do you feel about fruits actually yeah great right yeah um just add it in one wheel and then you don't even have to do that every single day like you could do one day where you're strictly carnivore the next day you have carbs with one meal the next day you have carbs with one meal the next day you have you know you strictly carnivore you could legitimately switch it up so that you have a little bit of variability but just
Starting point is 00:14:52 making sure that you know you're not having a lot of carbs and a lot of fats and multiple meals during the day because that's when things can get just kind of out of line it's very like i've done that before it's very easy to just start adding and then overeating a lot over time. So it is a really simple process. And that could actually help you as you continue dieting. I think that, you know, if you were doing real carnivore month and it was and you want to add a little bit more flexibility in, you could do what we just mentioned here. Adding carbs to a meal, doing more just switching between carnivore from day to day. And you could still make long term progress. Yeah. For me, the plan is this week I'm still going to do my normal nutrition. and where I can, if there's spots where I can peel off a little bit of calories in order to eat a little bit more junk at night or something like that,
Starting point is 00:15:50 I'm probably going to take that opportunity. So if I can fast in the morning or if I could cut my food off earlier at night and end up with a little bit longer period of time where I'm not eating, I'll probably take advantage of that so that, like I did last night, I had some ice cream and I had some cookie dough. Cookie dough is like my favorite thing. Peanut butter cups and cookie dough are like, they're like the same for me. Like they're on the same level, but that next level for me, I love, I love that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:17 So if I'm, I'm just going to make a little room for that for the next couple of days, I don't think it will have any negative impact on my physique unless unless i'm really overeating um you know it's not like i sat there and ate you know entire you know thing of cookie dough i ate a decent amount of it but i didn't eat a whole entire thing of it uh and i had half a thing of uh which we talked about the other day about putting back half of your uh ben and Jerry's, like how disappointing that is. But I did. I only ate half of it. It's a skill, man.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I've done that, too. And it's surprising. Well, I was like, well, I'll probably want to have some more ice cream tomorrow. So I'll just save it for tomorrow. Adulting. Yeah, I know. Right. It's like turning into a like a real person and not just an an animal not just a savage yeah i was gonna say so in
Starting point is 00:17:07 like the uh same carbs for one meal a day do you think that's just gonna help protect people from like that slippery slope that you were kind of alluding to you know if like oh if i have like i'm gonna have some potatoes you know with breakfast and then at lunchtime comes around we'll already have potatoes so maybe i'll have a sandwich with bread you know i don't know this is still the example but like if they say like no i'm gonna have it just once you think that's just like a easy safeguard to implement every day i think it generally i think it is because when you think about like how much how easily carbs can sneak up on you through different foods like let's just say like you're like huh you know i want to change up and have some burritos and you make two burritos and the
Starting point is 00:17:45 tortillas, you didn't realize they're 30 grams of carbs per tortilla and then being 60 grams of carbs for that meal. Well, if you have like what, two other meals during the day and another meal, you have like some rice that you don't really measure. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:56 That could end up being another 60, 70 plus whatever else you put in the meal. It can add up. So that's why I'm saying if you're coming from carnivore where you were eating no carbohydrates, right. Just to make it easy, have some carbs in one meal so that like, you're not, you're not on like unintentionally having too many carbs during the day. Cause again, if you're having it in every single meal and you're not counting, which many people aren't counting, um, that number can sneak up on you, right? But it's harder, like,
Starting point is 00:18:26 if you have your carbohydrates in one meal, you can see what you're doing in that meal and you'll kind of know, like, this is probably too much and you can rail it back. But throughout the day when you're not thinking, you have work, you have family, you have all these other things you're dealing with and you're adding carbs into different meals of the day,
Starting point is 00:18:42 that can sneak up on you. I kept it pretty simple for myself yesterday. I had, um, a very normal throughout the day. Uh, didn't eat any carbohydrates until later on in the evening. And at dinner I had chicken.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Um, my wife made chicken with like this corn thing and peppers and it was really good. And then I also had some potatoes. Um, and then, you know, afterwards I knew I was going to eat some like ice cream. So that, that was pretty much it. But it was just like, I, I put the carbs kind of in one slot in one spot, you know, I'm going to eat them in this, you know, two hour timeframe or whatever it is while I'm hanging
Starting point is 00:19:19 with my family and while I'm like watching TV. Um, so this week will be a little bit, uh, you'll will be a little bit, I'll be doing kind of a good amount of that. Just eating carbs probably, you know, about once a day. That's something that Ted Naiman recommended as well. And it's probably just to, you know, keep in check the overall amount of carbs that you do eat. I would say like, it's not like you can't have fun with it. It's not like you can't, you know, you can certainly utilize the opportunity to eat.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I know some people have candy like while they're doing like a workout, you know, you want to eat some Starburst or Sour Patch Kids or something during a training session. This is a good time to mess around with something like that when you came off of a previous diet. But just like a bodybuilding show, as much as you would love to just say, hey, you know, F it, I'm going to go all in. It's a big mistake. You know, it's a big mistake.
Starting point is 00:20:15 If you lost like 10 pounds, you're really actually set up really, really well right now to gain 20. So that's what you have to think about because you have kind of forced yourself to be someone that you're really not yet. When you, when you lose body weight, it takes a while for that to substantiate and for that to be like an actual thing for you to actually be this lighter body weight. If you went from 200 to 180, yes, you weigh 180 that morning, that day, but how easily could you weigh 190?
Starting point is 00:20:46 You know, it's kind of almost like a false reading. It's not a true weight quite yet. It's like a weigh-in for a fight or something. You weigh 180 for a split second. You know, we need to get you down, if we're working on losing body fat or whatever it is, we need to get you down to more like 175, 170 for you to have a little bit more wiggle room to where we can say, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:11 You could just take a week off and kind of eat, go hog wild or whatever. But I don't really think there's ever a scenario where you really want to just totally let loose like that because the bad habits sneak back in and it would be really hard to go from a week of just doing whatever, whenever you wanted to and having no rules. Now you go back to trying to have rules. It'd be, it'd be way too difficult. I mean, like really think about all the stories you've heard of people that have gone on a specific diet, lost a lot of weight,
Starting point is 00:21:42 a lot of weight. They literally had had that transformation they go back to their old habits and literally in half the time they've gained all that weight back and potentially more that i see that a lot and i hear that a lot and it's because yeah you did all this great stuff to get here but then you just reintroduced all the shit like all at once and you couldn't control the influx of what was happening so you just got all those bad habits and reverted back to who you were before whereas if you're doing this right now you can bring in things slowly in a very controlled manner and enjoy your life but don't don't hey let me say this it took me years of training to be able to eat half a ben and jerry's real talk like remember the day i mentioned that it was a few months ago and i was like i was all
Starting point is 00:22:24 happy i was like i only ate half a half a freaking thing it took a while for me to do that man it's it's it's training you know you said the key term there it's training like you don't have uh those costco uh nope what hidden valleys yeah hidden valley uh granola bars if you man that'd be a prank if you guys got me that. Nature's Valley. Nature's Valley. Nature's Valley. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Hidden Valley is the, like the salad dressing. Oh, okay. Yeah. Nature's Valley. Nature's Valley. Yeah. And they also, Nature's Valley also makes those like, those bars that have like the, it's like a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. They have peanut butter. Oh, they're so good. Or like almond cinnamon. Yes. My daughter always gets the almond cinnamon ones and they are so so good what the i've they don't even seem like they should be good but they're so good they're like really dry like they they they crumble all over the place and one of those things you gotta chew and suck at the same time
Starting point is 00:23:21 they're great with milk that's one thing yeah you need some milk with that granola bars i dip it in milk and just drink some milk and it's not good man it can seem as a little unstable right now that's awesome oh man but yeah you got to be careful those bad habits don't creep back in um and something i'm going to be messing around with, uh, after this week is over is I'm gonna mess around with some of Joel Green's recommendations.
Starting point is 00:23:50 So Joel, uh, has had people doing this for years. He's done it for years where he eats a protein and fat meal about 30 minutes prior. It's not necessarily always a meal. Sometimes it's literally just like an egg or two, like a hard boiled egg or something like that.
Starting point is 00:24:07 He has a fat and protein meal about 30 minutes prior to eating. And it's not like an onslaught of eating. It's not like you just go and just eat whatever amount you want. And it's not like the whole thing is negated. However, you can mitigate it it you can mitigate at least at least with the information that he has you can mitigate a lot of what happens to your blood sugar that doesn't necessarily mean that you're not going to have other negative side effects of overeating which you you still could um but he showed me you know time and time again of all
Starting point is 00:24:43 these different clients that he has they're they're wearing a continued glucose monitor and you, you see like there's no spike. It's flat. You know, their glucose is flat. Their glucose is like at like a hundred. Even when they're eating like a carbohydrate rich meal. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Because they had the protein and fats, uh, prior. So interesting. So I'm like, well, shit, let me put this thing to the test. And I have a continued glucose monitor. So I'll make the effort to get that sucker hooked up and just see what it does. But again, it's not, it's not, you don't, you don't get to just eat whatever you want, but you get to, you could have a big meal and it won't have the same negative impact on your insulin like it may otherwise.
Starting point is 00:25:30 So I might have like a, some pasta and some meatballs or something like that, just to kind of put it to the test and see, see what it does. I'll probably pick something each day to kind of eat up on, you know, try pizza and some different things like that. But you also need to keep in mind that during the entire day, I'm not going to be, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:51 eating like an asshole. Yeah. I'm going to eat reasonable. I'm still going to train. I'm still going to do my walks. So I'm not trying to like sensationalize something and show you like, hey, man, you can just, you know, you can just do this this way. And there isn't really a cheat like that. If there is a cheat of any sort, and we talked about it 9 million times on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:26:10 that's just eat a fuck ton of protein. That is a decent cheat or decent hack, I guess you'd say. Eat a lot of protein because you're going to notice that over time, it will allow you to put that ben and jerry's back it will it will allow you to make better food choices which if we can just have better behavior with our food then uh we're on the right track i'm curious man like because you know how joel whenever he mentions like you know eat this before this it's a very specific food you know but in terms of this case as far as the um the effect that it has on your glucose levels like could you legit just have a ribeye and then go eat something like
Starting point is 00:26:50 what you're talking about pasta meatballs and it would have that effect or are we are we talking about a specific like ratio or a specific type yeah so he basically just said kind of like one to one and uh so one to one ratio of protein to fat so that an egg would be perfect or even some cheese, something like that. He mentioned a whey protein shake with some olive oil in it or something like that. He didn't really he didn't say how much it matters on the amounts. But I'm imagining like, you know any, anything above like 10 grams or something was probably decent enough to kind of register as a meal of some sort. And, uh, he did say about, you know, 30 minutes of like kind of lead time before you, uh,
Starting point is 00:27:36 have the meal. Um, we can have them on the show cause we can, we can talk about it, but that might be, um, it might be worth chatting with him about now as far as like weird protocols yes his protocols are fucking out there he gave me like a list of stuff to go get and I'm like I don't even know if I'm gonna do half of that stuff but he wants to try to like strategically set up your gut microbiome with these certain foods regardless of that he was just mentioning we can kind of preset your stomach up to handle some of these foods that you might eat in the next couple of days.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And so he had a handful of recommendations when it came to that. He had IMO, which is a type of fiber that's in like baby food. And then he had reds, which, you know, people have greens. Well, they make reds as well. Reds are just what's's in like baby food. And then he had a reds, which, you know, people have greens while they make reds as well. Reds are just what's found in fruit. Yeah. And so he,
Starting point is 00:28:31 and those, those are two easy recommendations. I'm like, I can do that. That's so simple. And he, what he's trying to do is he's trying to set the stomach up to be able to handle some of the foods that I might introduce and be able to, it makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Cause you know, why, you know, why, why would, um, why would one person be able to handle carbohydrates so much better than another if, if they're a similar body size, similar, uh, muscle mass, like what would be the similar age? Like what would be the difference? Well, the difference would be, uh, their gut. The difference would be how often they're used to eating some of these foods and things like that. And so that's what he's trying to.
Starting point is 00:29:08 He's trying to kind of preset your stomach up to handle some of these foods. But I'm going to put some of it to the test. Nice. Is he going to have you eat a bunch of grilled cheese sandwiches again? Yeah. Grilled cheese sandwiches. I mean, yeah. I mean, it could be.
Starting point is 00:29:22 It doesn't really matter exactly what it is. You can kind of eat whatever. But again, you got to keep in mind, I'm going to eat something beforehand. So the eating something beforehand, you know, probably prevents you from eating seven grilled cheese sandwiches. You probably only eat like three. Right. Right. And then same thing with like eating something like pizza.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Like all throughout the day, I'm going to be eating steak and eggs and normal diet food. Right. And then same thing with like eating something like pizza. Like all throughout the day, I'm going to be eating steak and eggs and normal diet food. Right. And probably utilizing some intermittent fasting here and there. So when I do eat the pizza at night, I might hammer five, six, seven. Maybe I get to eight slices of pizza. That would be pretty good. But again, it's getting a little bit offset uh with the food that you're having previously it doesn't negate i want to make sure people understand i'm not saying that this is
Starting point is 00:30:11 negating calories like this is not um but it is changing the way your body responds to it just like the heated and cooled carbohydrates right when you cool carbohydrates, it changes how many carbohydrates are actually in there. And it's kind of weird, but that's with rice and things like that. Yeah. So heated, if when you heat rice up and then you cool it, it becomes a resistant starch. And so therefore it has some fibers in it. And so the fibers aren't digested or registered the same way as just regular carbohydrates. So what impact that has on like how jacked you look, I don't know, but I want to kind
Starting point is 00:30:55 of test it. I was actually like, I was like, man, some of this is so complicated sometimes from Joel because he's just really super intelligent and but also doesn't maybe possess the ability to like boil it all down to something that's really easy to follow I'm like it'd just be cool if I could have him here for a couple days and just see if he like he could literally walk me through it you know almost like live with me for a couple days yeah like it's funny great to show people all this you know it would it's funny that um it's funny that we mentioned this right after saying hey coming off the carnivore diet don't
Starting point is 00:31:32 eat a whole pizza but joel's a guy that like didn't he do something where he ate some stuff and then he ate a whole pizza or am i tripping no no yeah yeah he has a whole protocol you know in regards to like how to kind of eat a whole cheese pizza you hack a pizza or hack drinking alcohol yeah pizza ice cream and yeah and booze yeah we gotta have him back like on a regular basis yeah it was um what the hell was that he put something on the pizza um i want to say it was cactus something or other but i I can't remember. It was some sort of vegetable. Wow. Yeah. But anyway, I mean, like cinnamon.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Cinnamon is supposedly like a glucose disposal agent. It's supposedly supposed to, my understanding of it, is supposed to kind of shuttle the carbohydrates, I guess, like in the muscle cells. I don't know if it does that or not. And I don't know how much fucking cinnamon you need. Like how much cinnamon can you possibly you know you're gonna use a dash of cinnamon in your coffee or something like that right it's like you're not gonna use that much so does that actually do anything
Starting point is 00:32:33 yeah cause cinnamon's that ingredient where it's like oh this is really good and then you have a little bit too much and it's like oh it ruined coughing yeah it ruined everything you know what though like this is a dangerous thing to say um it's not something that i do often but this is this is where i think okay this is where i think some some fasting does come into play like some
Starting point is 00:32:59 omad stuff does come into play because it's like on, on those days where I'm just like, I'm out with somebody and like, we're just like, let's have some pizza or whatever. Maybe that's a plan. I probably didn't eat anything all day. Right. Like just being real,
Starting point is 00:33:13 I probably didn't eat anything all day. And then I could hammer down a lot of it. Right. And the total, like, it's not something you do often, but the total caloric amount, let's say it's like 14,
Starting point is 00:33:22 1500 calories. So what? Right. Right. It's one day. It's one meal. 14, 1500 calories. So what? Right. Right. It's one day. It's one meal. It's 1500 calories. You go on your next day, you're doing your thing.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Like this is where that type of thing really does just seem to seem to make a difference. Cause I remember Andrews told me, he's like, how can you eat pizza or whatever? And then like, you can eat pizza without gaining body fat. Like, no, if I was eating the normal way I eat and then I eat like pizza and fried chicken and ice cream, I will get fatter. But no, you won't shut up. But if I strategize with this, that stuff, and it's like a day where I haven't eaten anything or very minimal amounts of food, I'm going to have some of this.
Starting point is 00:33:58 The total load isn't too crazy. It's not something I do often, but it's like doable. Right. isn't too crazy it's not something i do often but it's it's like doable right i think uh when someone's really heavy when somebody has been sitting on the couch and somebody has developed a lot of bad habits over a period of time it's so much easier for them to continue to gain body fat it's so much easier for them to kind of continue down that road. They actually made it quite difficult in a lot of cases. Even when somebody does say, hey, you know, I don't understand what happened. I went to 2,000 calories and I'm still kind of stuck.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Sometimes they're legitimately stuck. Sometimes they're not maybe able to do it consistently for long enough for enough days for it to add up to be a negative caloric deficit for long enough to where they actually start to really lose weight. But sometimes they are, you know, putting in their best effort and they're not really getting anywhere. It's because you have to get yourself to be a little healthier in order to really start to lose weight and to have it sort of accumulate. And it takes a long time. But for you, you've set yourself, you're on the other side of the spectrum where you are,
Starting point is 00:35:12 you're lean, you have a lot of muscle mass. And so a lot of the calories that you might consume are going to repair the muscle, keep the muscle, the body wants homeostasis. Your body's like, hey, we're usually pretty jacked and we're usually about 240. So let's try to keep everything about the same. And so somebody might see you eat pizza and be like, how does he get away with that? It's not really getting away with it. You paid your dues.
Starting point is 00:35:37 You put your time in. You gained a lot of muscle when you were young. You've been able to hold on to it. It's just, you know, it's just the way your body is now. And it would take a lot of time. It would take actually probably a really long time for you to set your body back the other direction to where it's really easy to gain a lot of body fat to gain some body fat.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Of course you can gain some body fat quick, very quickly in the course of a couple of weeks. Yeah. But for you to have it like, you know, pile up on top of itself, uh, it, you end up, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:09 with the position of, you're just on the opposite position of where some people are, uh, that have developed these bad habits. And you're a lot of times people are, they're either in that position where their body is so stuck in that mode of like, they can gain a lot of body fat very easily,
Starting point is 00:36:28 or they're stuck in a mode of just, they've been skinny their whole life, been very, very skinny. And like, I can't seem to gain any weight. And they, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:36 tell you how much they eat every day. And, but their body is just, is, is stuck in that mode. And it's going to take a lot of consistency for a long time. So the best way to be able to party and the best way to be able to eat what you want is to try to figure out how do I get on the other side of things?
Starting point is 00:36:52 How do I get myself a little bit leaner? How do I get my, how do I get my body fat down? How do I not even just get your body fat down, but have a physique transformation where your body fat has gone down and your muscle mass has come up a little bit over the years. That's ideally what you're seeking out. And if there is any crazy benefit to taking a steroid, that would be it right there because a shift. Now, you don't get more than one shift, but you get you could have a shift.
Starting point is 00:37:24 You could very easily gain five to maybe 10 pounds of muscle, let's just say, in a few months. I'm not going to even put a time on it because I don't know how long it would take to do that. Five to 10 pounds of muscle? Holy fuck, man. That's like out of nowhere for you to all of a sudden have an extra five or 10 pounds of muscle. I don't know how many calories that chews up, but it certainly chews up a lot more than having five or 10 pounds of fat on your body. Yeah. It's, it's a very, it's a very active, uh, muscles are very active and they, they, um, they chew up the most amount of calories out of every single thing that's on your body.
Starting point is 00:37:59 So it's, it's important to, that's why we talk so much about training, about lifting. Your lifting is really important. And then we see so many people, and this is like something I only heard more recently, people talking about, but this has been, this is, this should have been talked about from the get go. Whenever someone's trying to lose weight, they try to do more and they try to take in less. It's like, man, how in the hell is that going to work?
Starting point is 00:38:24 That doesn't seem to really like, you're like, I want to become the best jujitsu practitioner in the world. And you know what I'm going to do? I'm not going to sleep until that happens. We would be like, what? Dude, you're going to, you're going to, on day three, you're going to be really sick, man. Like, you're not going to feel very good. Like, I don't care, man. I'm obsessed with it. I'm going to do it. That's the same thing that people are doing when they're not really consuming any calories. It's like, where's this energy going to come from? So you might have to have, you might be on a diet that has 2,500 calories. Previously, you might've been eating junk and you
Starting point is 00:39:00 might've been eating a little less. Maybe you've been eating a little bit more, whatever the number turns out to be. But this 2,500 calories might be a sweet spot for you. Every single time you go to the gym, you can put in a little bit more oomph into it. Maybe before you were only eating 2,000 calories, but you were still fat off of that because you weren't moving much. Now you're moving. Now you feel good. Now you're in the gym. You're able to put in more effort than you have ever put in before because the quality of the food, the food choices that you made are
Starting point is 00:39:29 excellent. They're on point. Now you're starting to gain muscle mass. Now you're starting to snowball in the way that you want to snowball rather than being that person that's stuck on the couch. You're moving more during the day. Randomly, you're sleeping better and recovering better at night. It just leads to a lot of all like way better habits. Yeah. And it's not even right. And it's not even random movement. It's because you have more energy.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Exactly. You're energized. You're energized from those great workouts. How bad does it suck when you have a shitty workout? Oh man. You go in there and you start moving around. You're like nothing. Why does the five pound dumbbells feel like 20?
Starting point is 00:40:06 Nothing feels good. And you're like, my shoulder kind of hurts. Then you go to do something else. You're like nothing why does the five pound dumbbells feel like 20 nothing feels good you're like my shoulder kind of hurts then you go to do something else you're like my neck kind of hurts you go do something else you're like man this like just everything's just totally uncomfortable for that given day sometimes you're overworked but a lot of times you're under eating too so you got to try to work these things out if you like a lot of people they're trying to find a way to enjoy their diet and i think the best way to enjoy your diet which sounds counterintuitive but it's to be fucking jacked that's the best way to be able to enjoy your diet is to be lean if you're seven percent body fat you can afford to enjoy it yeah no that's very true i i have a question for you because what i mentioned before before you said that um some people no
Starting point is 00:40:53 matter what their stage even if they're at the beginning stage of their diet they still have um things that they call a cheat meal or uh some people to cheat day. I know like in the past, you've talked about ways that it could be beneficial, but, you know, depending on that person's stage, that that cheat meal from everything that we've been talking about in this episode could be something that totally pushes them back. Because let's say you're doing carnivore, but then on Friday night, you're like, I want to have a cheat meal. I'm going to have just a bunch of stuff. Right. And you're trying to change your palate, but it like it totally moves you back. How beneficial do you think or how not beneficial do you think that is?
Starting point is 00:41:35 I think we have to be careful with how much forceful depriving we do to ourselves. You know, it's great to develop discipline and it's great to, it's great to learn to not react to everything that you desire all the time. However, I think you can get kind of, um, I don't know if you've felt this before with bodybuilding, but you can get kind of depressed when you keep eating the same fucking food all the time. Like you're, you're into it. You're like, ah, yeah, I can do it. And you, there is a side of you that says, no, fuck it, man. This is the commitment I made.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I'm going all in on this, but you can like, you get in a weird, you get in a weird, you get in a really weird funk, man. It's not good. And so I think the cheat meal, I think can be something that can be great to alleviate some of that stress. Like we don't want to be that stress because if we have that much negative stress, you're not going to end up with the body that you wanted anyway. And then on top of it, who wants mental health issues? Like we don't want, I mean, that's a lot of the times we started lifting in the first place to feel better about ourselves.
Starting point is 00:42:51 You know, we feel good enough about yourself to attract the opposite sex or attract whatever sex you're into. Feel good enough to just do the things that you love to do in life in general. Have more confidence in yourself. Well, now you deprive yourself so much that you're kind of like frumpy. You're not yourself. You're kind of grumpy. You're moody. You know, we hear people talk about, oh, you know, I'm going to get ready for a show. So you got to be prepared for me to be an asshole, you know? Yeah. So the cheat meal or the idea of like bringing in these desired foods makes a ton of sense. If you are somebody that really has a
Starting point is 00:43:24 hard time controlling that, then if you have a partner or you have a friend or you have somebody around, you say, hey, man, like I'm going to go out with you tonight and I'm going to just like let loose on my food. But, you know, make sure you could tell it like I used to tell my wife sometimes I'm like, I'm going to eat whatever when we go out to eat. But don't let me stop at the store to get candy or ice cream or any of that kind of stuff. And, you know, sometimes it wouldn't work, but a lot of times you might want it too, right? But a lot of, a lot of times it would, you know, it would work well enough.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Right. And so you just, I think you need to know what kind of person you are, but you also, when it comes to this sort of stuff, you have to know how to get yourself back out of it. So in the Warren Carbs book that I wrote years ago, I talked about fasting into stuff and fasting out of it. You don't want to be a crazy person either. You don't want to be like running on the treadmill like a maniac Monday morning because you ate
Starting point is 00:44:19 something bad on Sunday. Yeah. We don't want to punish ourselves like that, that gets into a whole other category of things. But if you ate, you know, you just went at it and ate a bunch of pizza and a bunch of your favorite stuff on a Friday night. Saturday morning, we now have to figure out how do we get back on track because your mind is still going to be there. Your mind is still going to be on those foods. Your mind is still going to be on those foods. And so we have to figure out, do we fast for a good portion of the day and then wait till we're hungry enough to where we do have a steak or something flavorful? For me, what's always really worked well is to have a day where I have a cheat meal.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And the next day, it's like the diet is not black or white. It's like gray. You know, the diet is just you want to have a couple quest bars you want to have a couple things that are not normally part of your plan here's a good day to do it you want to eat a little extra calories you want to eat more food like i did mention fasting earlier but the only reason why i mentioned fasting was to make sure that you get hungry enough for these different for these foods that you have to diet with all the time, if that makes any sense. Like, I want you to be hungry for it again.
Starting point is 00:45:31 But it's a good day to also just eat a shit ton of food. Like, that's a good way to mitigate and to push back a lot of those hunger and a lot of those cravings. So I do think cheat meals are really, really important because you can find yourself. I've even found myself the first time I ever did carnivore. I was about two weeks in and I was like, just kind of miserable. And I'm like, what? I'm like, why am I? Like, I'm like, this never happens to me.
Starting point is 00:45:57 What's going on? And it was just the food. I was just tired of eating the food. But I also didn't have the knowledge then. I didn't realize Dr. Baker talked a lot about red meat. So I thought I just had to eat red meat. And I was just steak and ground beef. And I went back and forth and I didn't use any weird ingredients.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I just use salt. And that made me crazy. Like after a while, I made after only two weeks, it made me a little nutty. And I was like, I need to like bring in other foods. Now I have the knowledge to like make wings and i was like i need to like bring in other foods now i have the knowledge to like make wings and to make other things and to throw different seasoning on there and and just try it differently so now it's not as big of a problem but those cheat meals can be big andrew do you like free shit i'm just curious because some people when they see something's
Starting point is 00:46:39 free they have those like you say this is your signature skeptical hippo eyes yeah skeptical hippo exactly i have skeptical hippo eyes when Yeah. Skeptical hippo. Exactly. I have skeptical hippo eyes when anything is free. But once I find out it's legit, if it's free, it's me. Okay. Well, let me tell you something that's legit. You know that our favorite electrolyte element electrolytes that we talk about all the time. They're awesome.
Starting point is 00:46:59 You see in my hand, I have eight element electrolytes here. Oh my gosh. Eight. Right? Ballin'. Element is going to send you free electrolytes here oh my gosh eight right element is going to send you free electrolyte packets eight free packets and all you have to pay for is five dollar shipping five dollar shipping but is there any hoops any weird things if i've tried it before like anything
Starting point is 00:47:15 weird nah literally they're just they just want to give you eight packets of these awesome electrolytes and you just pay for the damn shipping there's no way that any of you can say, I've never tried Element Electrolytes. Because right now you're going to get it for free. Absolutely free. Yes, that's right. All you have to do is go to slash powerproject and claim your Element Recharge Pack. Absolutely free. All you have to do is pay these measly $5 shipping, but you get to try all these different flavors.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Head there right now if you don't do this you're hopeless what you said there though in terms of getting yourself back into it makes a lot of sense it's like instead of having that cheat meal the next day you're just right back on and you're trying to be regimented and it's super stressful you are gradually setting yourself back into that diet rather than just trying to flip the switch because trying to flip the switch a lot of times is it's rough and then that night you're like oh fuck it i'm gonna have pizza again right but if on that day you're a little bit loose and you're making it a little bit easy and potentially i don't know maybe the day after that you're even you're getting a little
Starting point is 00:48:17 bit tighter on it boom then it's easier to get yourself right back into the diet at least that it seems like that make that that's what you're talking about here yeah just something to look forward to on both days so the one day you know you're gonna just have at it and the next day you're like i'm gonna eat some chalk zero peanut butter cups at night you know and i'm uh not gonna be too worried about my how much i eat you know and i think that's a great way of doing it it's worked well for me but the absolute biggest thing there is like when that does happen, if that does happen on accident, let's say it wasn't like a cheat meal you plan for is just a binge session that happened. Don't don't totally fall off. I think that's where that's where it just it just gets bad because a lot of people are like, oh, this is this is you tiring. It doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Then they just totally fall off the diet for weeks and months. Then they end up back at stage zero or end up gaining even more weight back. So they're an even worse spot. Just don't fully fall off because that's the worst thing that could happen. You're going to fall off quickly. Like once you start to have those influences of other foods, tacos and burritos and Chinese food and like these things, man, they have so much flavor. They're so good.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah. Like I haven't actually have yet to meet anyone that doesn't like Chinese food. I love it. Do you guys know anybody that doesn't like Chinese food? It's so good. Like I was like, hey, man, we're going to Chinese food. You guys be like, party, let's go. What's orange chicken?
Starting point is 00:49:44 Is that Chinese or is that japanese chinese chinese then i love chinese food orange chicken's so good there's so many different options and they all taste they taste so different but yeah orange chickens orange chickens my shit yeah it doesn't even sound like it should be that good it shouldn't be great yeah i actually made some uh like some chicken fried rice but it's like a like it's uh it's the anabolic version of it chicken fried rice it's so good it sounds good i made a big old thing of it last night for the family they all loved it and i'm like fuck i gotta make some more for tomorrow then china doesn't have an obesity epidemic do they no they got
Starting point is 00:50:20 great food though so what they just like they're like okay let's give it to these americans and oh yeah we're not gonna eat it yeah there's stan efforting in it right like where stan was feeding me and burdick the peanut the peanut butter jelly sandwiches they kept all the good stuff for themselves yeah i was gonna ask you mark and correct me if i misunderstood when when you had mentioned it a while back but you know you know, I've been looking into different diets and then learning like, oh, calories in, calories out. It works for everybody. But you're like, it might not work for somebody if they haven't quite turned the corner.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Because, you know, I'd have like these weird foods. Like today I have chicken fried rice. You know, it tastes incredible, but I could definitely see how that could lead to, like, I'm going to stop by Panda Express on the way home or something, you know, because I got a little little taste of it. But what did you mean by like calories in calories out might not work for somebody if they're still not over the hump in regards to getting a hold on their their diet and nutrition? Yeah, I think like, you know, if you were to work out the math, you know, we could look at it and say, you know, this person ate 3000 calories every single day. And and that amount of food would would be like maintenance level.
Starting point is 00:51:37 They wouldn't they wouldn't gain any weight. They did it for seven days. I think it'd be 21000 calories for the week or whatever. I think what happens is, is that the numbers are slightly off for various reasons. And many people, even people that are fans of counting calories, have talked about this. Food labels are off. The way that you handle 3,000 calories might be different from the way that I handle 3,000 calories. And so I think there's a lot of room for manipulation. I don't know how
Starting point is 00:52:07 much though, you know, I don't know if we're talking about a thousand calories, you know, or if we're only talking about a few hundred calories, I don't know how far off some of these numbers would be, but it still is a unit of measure. And that's, that's all we have for, for, for trying to figure out how much energy we're taking in. We have calories. That's all we got. So I think a lot of times when we see somebody say like, oh, I've been eating more and I've been losing more weight, they might be 100% accurate in what they're saying.
Starting point is 00:52:40 They most likely are probably not eating an abundance more calories. They might be eating a little bit more calories, but probably not a whole lot more. They might be eating more protein, which we've talked about before on the show where I think protein shouldn't have four calories per gram. And we also talked about how the food labels and things can have some inaccuracy.
Starting point is 00:53:00 But I think ultimately what we're talking about here is that the energy out on the person is really, really hard to regulate. It's hard to it's hard to know what it is. Human behavior is so hard to put in any context to or to know, like somebody might move around a lot because they fell in love, you know, because they somebody might move around a lot because they they like to dance and they heard a new album. That's great. And they want to move more. They could just be really excited about something.
Starting point is 00:53:31 They could really feel good about their grades in school. And so they're walking more. They're riding their bike more. They're doing like all these different things more. And then they might report to someone and say, hey, I'm eating a lot more and, you know, I'm I'm able to lose weight. someone and say, hey, I'm eating a lot more and I'm able to lose weight. While that other person who maybe is a little depressed, a little down, they can't seem to even pull themselves off the couch to get moving, to get walking.
Starting point is 00:53:54 And even in some cases, some of those guys might hit the gym. They might have a good workout, but they're trying to eat less. And because they're putting less fuel in the tank, when they go and do their training session, they don't have enough. And that's where they keep falling behind. And that's where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer type mentality where you have the guy who's jacked already in there, banging out pull-ups,
Starting point is 00:54:19 bent over rows, pullovers. And he gets this great workout in, in a condensed period of time. Whereas this other person that's dumping in a little less fuel into their dumping in a little less energy, they kind of have a crap workout and they're burning off a lot less calories. So I always like to start outside of the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:54:40 You know, people say that abs are made in the kitchen and this is going to be the number one way to like lose weight. And I do agree with that, but I think that that's the hardest place for anyone to make any sort of progress. I think you do it first by having some sort of movement in there that is manageable, reasonable, also maybe challenging enough to where it's not completely just boring the hell out of you. Right. So I think the calorie equation, if it was perfect, I think that it would,
Starting point is 00:55:13 it would work for everybody all the time. I think ultimately it does work for everybody all the time. It's just, it's just that our, what we had, what we had in mind for that particular person working well may not have worked. It might take a lot of manipulation. You might have to try a bunch of different things before you finally figure out what's the best fit.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Because we've heard so many people over the years say, oh man, I tried that and it didn't work, or I ate less and it didn't work. But if we just start out with eating less, you most likely aren't going to be able to do it for long enough to have it register that you're actually really losing weight. And there's some people I don't think in your case, Andrew, and this is like,
Starting point is 00:55:55 this would be question number one to anyone you're trying to help lose weight. Do you think you have a food addiction? You know, I would say with you just by even just by looking at you and not even communicating with you about it, I would say, no,
Starting point is 00:56:08 you know, look at Carlos or somebody like that in here as well. Does he have a food addiction? Maybe he's got a sweet tooth. Maybe he likes certain junk food or whatever, but he doesn't appear to like really be stuck on food. I'm sure the guy has probably gone through many times where he's like, I kind of forgot to eat today.
Starting point is 00:56:24 You know, you can kind of just envision that for some people. And maybe that's not the case for them. But the whether somebody is really attached to their food or not can can play really largely into how you set up their nutrition, how you set up their diet. Yeah. And then, like you mentioned, the outside factors play a big role. I mean, if we are all robots, then like just that would it would work better for everybody down and the ways that they want are people who
Starting point is 00:57:05 already have kind of that routine set in individuals that like maybe they're getting ready for a bodybuilding show figure or whatever and you see them have these crazy transformations where they lose like 30 pounds in whatever amounts of months and they do it consistently all the time so easily well it's because they've probably already been on top of their sleep they're probably doing a lot of the same type of workouts all the time they're you know they're a lot of these things these structures have been set in for a long time and then they just manipulate their food and they're able to go up and down. But someone who's just starting out, who doesn't have consistent sleep, who doesn't have consistent
Starting point is 00:57:34 exercise, consistent movement, there's all of these other factors that they don't have handled trying to just add in counting their calories. There's going to be a lot of variability there because there's a lot of things that they haven't gotten done yet that they haven't been able to figure out just yet i also would say it's probably pretty rare for anyone to track really really bad food so you're tracking you're tracking you're like chicken rice you know bacon two eggs four egg whites so you tracking, you're writing shit down, you're popping it into your app and everything. And then, you know, six slices of pizza.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Like you're now, if you're, if you're, yeah, if you're really, if you're really paying attention, um, then you would, then you would actually probably track the junk food more so than anything else. Cause, uh, it's just so dense and it's so easy to overeat. And if you're like, oh shit, like if you like and it's so easy to overeat and if you're like oh like if you like imagine if you tracked it in real time you're like all right i'm gonna put in one slice of pizza and you track it and you see the calories and then you're like i'm gonna go eat another one and you tracked it before you ate it you know and you might kind of rethink it and
Starting point is 00:58:39 be like oh it's adding up quick i'm kind of I'm going over my limit. But I will like just in my own experience and I haven't tracked food a lot. I just remember like when I would cheat, I would just like not write it down. It just wouldn't be part of that. I wasn't using an app, but it wouldn't be part of the process. I wouldn't like, you know, write that shit down. Yeah, that actually might be a good teaching tool. You know, like how you've said, like, don't, don't worry about tracking. Just eat the right foods.
Starting point is 00:59:04 It's like, well, maybe the only time you track is to actually track the bad foods. Cause I would also say like, why just want to try everything, you know, like you should try, like if you're, if you're really concerned about your, about losing body fat, then you should examine everything I have. I've tried everything that there is. Well, I think I've, I've tried everything that there is. Well, I think I've done everything that I can. I used to like physically write it down. I've used an app. I've done a bunch of different things. And then you just find out what works best for you. And so like I might tout,
Starting point is 00:59:38 you know, hey, look, just food choices. But that might be really hard for somebody due to all the reasons that we just talked about. Somebody might be depressed, you know, and maybe they don't have the energy to make good food choices most of the day. So therefore tracking might be a little bit easier because it will, it can work. But I just, I just think that the number one place to always start, in my opinion, is to start with some sort of movement. Just any kind of, how can you add in a little bit of extra movement?
Starting point is 01:00:10 I'm not talking about your construction job. I'm not talking about you walking your dogs. I'm talking about a little bit of extra movement somewhere. And then if you're going to move a little extra, where is that going to come from? Because you can't make something out of nothing. So are you going to have better nutrition practices? Cause that would help you move more. Are you going to have better sleep practices?
Starting point is 01:00:31 That would help you move more. Are you going to have better hydration practices that would assist, that would help you move more. If you're not, then things are going to be, it's going to be really, it's going to be hard because you're not going to want to move. Absolutely. Yeah. I just, I've i've found that you know for me tracking just helps just educate me period you know like now i have a better understanding of you know a good portion control even and all
Starting point is 01:00:57 that good stuff and also helps you cook um you know making foods that at you know making a recipe that calls for X amount of grams of this and that and that and this, like you kind of can't fail on it. You know, whatever you're making ends up coming out really, really good. Yeah. You're supposed to have 10 grams of fat and 40 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbs. Yeah. Now you have to think, okay, well, what do I cook for that?
Starting point is 01:01:21 Yeah. What am I going to make? What are we going to make that's gonna equal that and you can get crafty with it and you can make you know some tacos or you can just cook up some chicken broccoli and rice make your fake cheese pizza haven't you done that before all the time i've had it for the past couple of weeks uh being at being you know having having the newborn you know i'm trying my best not to like, ah, shit, we didn't cook food. I got to run to the, you know, drive through real quick, which has happened. But yeah, like before I left work and I don't do this every day, I'm going to try to do
Starting point is 01:01:53 this as often as I can. But like I, I made Stephanie some chaffles before I left and then I put together a, a gluten-free pizza for her. Like all you have to do is put it in the oven, like little things like that. But when those little things are a, I know you not gonna like it but like a fat-free low-fat pizza i don't dislike it man i'm just like i'm giving you shit but that is so much better than going to domino's correct yes and so like the same thing with this i've mentioned it a hell of times but it's a really really good recipe from remington james the um the uh chicken fried rice
Starting point is 01:02:24 he calls it like hibachi something, something. It's incredible, dude. I made it last night, again, for my family. And then my father-in-law came over and he loved it too. I'm like, how much better is it to have this on hand than, you know, running out to the store? Just period. Making this food choice as opposed to a full fat, full carb, low protein version of it. This one has really high
Starting point is 01:02:46 in protein hella chicken egg whites it's so good or like i mean let's think about this like instead of like we were talking about cheat meals or pizza or whatever about a quest pizza those things are damn good yeah and and the nutrition facts on it are pretty accurate if if you're gonna say if there's gonna be a company that's gonna have close to accurate nutrition facts on it are pretty accurate. If you're going to say if there's going to be a company that's going to have close to accurate nutrition facts, they're going to have it on there. Well, just, yeah, why not go somewhere in between? Sometimes I think that's the biggest issue. Right. And if if we're if somebody is thinking about like, man, I got to get back on my diet and the leading thing to get back on their diet.
Starting point is 01:03:26 diet and the leading thing to get back on their diet, the hardest hurdle for them to jump is to like weigh their food or think that they, ah, you know, my other scale broke or I got to buy that. And like, just once you start thinking all those thoughts, I mean, when you start to throw up roadblocks like that, that means that you need to start right away. Like you need to start right now. The good cue for you to like, just get involved now and don't think that you need to do much of anything except for make better choices. I mean, making better choices is number one. However, you come to those conclusions on how you make those better choices. That's kind of up to you. If, if tracking your food helps with the
Starting point is 01:04:01 choices, then that's great. If, um, just, you know, thinking about like your favorite foods that have a lot of protein in them, if that works well for you, then go that route. But don't allow any of this stuff that we're talking about to deter you. Oh, I don't want to do the carnivore diet. I don't even like meat that much. Don't deter that. Don't have that deter you from getting healthy. Don't let that be like a roadblock into not getting healthy.
Starting point is 01:04:25 We just had a ketotarian on. We never even heard of it before. That was crazy. Yeah, plant-based keto guy. Where the hell does he get his fat from, you know? Is he eating avocados all day over there or something, you know? Olive oil. Yeah, olives, right?
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yeah, it's got to be kind of an interesting diet, but there's so many options for people out there. Don't let anything get in your way. Don't think anything's too hard or whatever. Just you got some walking, you got some lifting, and you have a nutrition piece of it. We got some sleep. But if you can be consistent with all of it, at least a little bit, even if you fall off here and there, and even if you do eat a Quest pizza,
Starting point is 01:05:06 you have some Quest bars, you have some things that are slightly off plan, eat some granola bars. Just you're in it for the long haul. This is not something that you just do in a day. It's not something you do in two days. It's not something you do in a week. It's going to take months. It's going to take years for you to get to where you want.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I will say this. Anybody that I've told to eat more protein, that has seemed to have the biggest impact. There's people that I've talked to that just are like, yeah, I've gotten a little leaner simply from that one tip of just eating more protein because it's deterring them from eating some of the other foods. So I think that eating protein is a really, really important thing and it can help you with making better food choices. It's massive. I want to mention this.
Starting point is 01:05:50 If you guys haven't listened to our last episode that we have, Will, I think this episode is coming on after that. It is now. Yeah. Okay. So it's live. So if you're catching this live, you have no idea what we're talking about, but it's going to be uh published tomorrow
Starting point is 01:06:05 morning so when you're listening to this the following morning go back to yesterday time travel y'all time travel so will said something that was really cool like he's ketotarian which is vegetarian keto but he is pescatarian too he adds fish to it and he also said that he eats grass-fed beef every now and then like he does subscribe to a certain type of diet for himself most of the time but he allows himself ground like he has himself beef right um so i'm just mentioning that because it's it's an encouragement not to be too dogmatic with what you're doing currently if you're doing something right now and you feel like mark said you feel like you're being deprived do not feel scared and don't like because some people in the carnivore community, if you say you're doing something, they're like, you're not carnivore.
Starting point is 01:06:50 And they'll they'll get on you for that. Don't don't feel like you have to do that. And having a little bit of what freaking half potato makes you not carnivore messes your diet up in any type of way. Right. So just allow yourself some things in a healthy manner, in a structure. Do you personally have cravings? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:12 And if you do, what do you do about them? Do you push them off for a little bit and see if you can go a little longer or do you act on them? What do you usually do? I usually push them off a little bit. If it's been a long time since I've, well,
Starting point is 01:07:22 okay, this, this, if we're going to put an order to this i usually push it off because it'll just usually just go away um if i'm really feeling something i'll have some eggs or i'll have some protein and it'll usually go away but if it's been a long time since i've had something i'll have a bit of it i'll go get some of it and i'll have it but it's i think you're a little bit like myself too where like i i eat stuff that's a little bit off plan probably about every other day like not nothing crazy like it's not like i'm i'm sitting there
Starting point is 01:07:50 eating snickers bars all day or anything like that but you know with with what my wife with what my wife cooks uh at night sometimes um yeah i'm eating some different like she might make chicken that's like breaded or something like that. You know, and I'm, I'm eating that. Like, so I just, it's just like, it's just small things that are more exciting than what I normally eat. Um, and even just in terms of like the amount of food that I eat, sometimes it's, you know, I'm just pretty damn hungry. So I'll like, you know, make a huge, I'll make a huge omelet.
Starting point is 01:08:23 I'll overeat, which is i'll overeat which is a which which is a cheat right like you just you eat this giant ass omelet or you throw tons of cheese on or something like that yeah eat this like big ass meal and so i do that probably you know a few a few times a week here do you guys know what spam musubis are yeah do you yeah all right i've never had one but it's so good i can't it's the seaweed that i can't get through oh come on andrew all right spam musubi is this this dish that like you'll get like these uh hawaiian asian food places or poke or whatever or poke spots where they legit put a thing of spam in between rice and they wrap it in seaweed tastes amazing before that point i never bought spam because i was like what the hell but recently at costco i saw like wow spam is cheap for this mystery meat
Starting point is 01:09:13 so i bought it and i've been having fun with spam for the past few weeks it smells so horrible but it tastes how are you what are you making it in i usually like i usually have it with like rice or something sometimes i have like an omelet i'm i'm like i just frying it i just fried on its own like i don't even need to use anything i just fried on its own and put it in some eggs and yeah yeah something we have in the family is uh spam stew spam stew so it just sounds great it's so it's so good so it's like, it's soup, but little cubes of spam. Yeah. And everybody's only searching for the spam.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Nobody gives a shit about the potatoes and everything else. It's just, you take a bite of that and my mouth is watering right now. Yeah. Spam. I love me some spam. I think it's really critical for people to be just a little cautious of filling up on junk food. You know, like I was mentioning a little earlier about like chinese food and some of these different
Starting point is 01:10:08 things when you fill up on these foods they're so hyper palatable they taste so damn good it's hard to flip your taste buds back the other way to eating healthy so it'd be really hard to start your morning off with a donut and then two or three hours later, you know, be eating chicken breast and rice and broccoli. It'd be very hard to do that. So for me personally, if I'm going to eat something bad, it's normal. It's almost always at night because then I use the next day as like a reset, you know, it's like, okay, well now I'm going to go back to being good, go back to being, uh, you know, on this plan.
Starting point is 01:10:41 So you'll notice too, when you fill up on junk, that the foods that you're supposed to eat, the foods that are going to get you to where you want to be, they're not that appealing to you anymore. You're like, I don't really, I don't really want, I don't want to eat that leftover food. I don't want to eat. Even if you're cooking up something fresh, you just, you know, like I don't really feel like eating steak.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Yeah. Whenever you say you don't feel like eating something, that's a good opportunity right there to try to educate yourself more on why you feel that way and backtrack and say oh the fucking burrito that i ate at lunch you know now your mind is drifting and now you're like i want to go through some fast food and get some in and out burger of course yeah if we ever go in and out for lunch or something i know exactly how the rest of the day is going to go. It's like, okay, what's for dinner?
Starting point is 01:11:29 And you look around, it's like, man, we don't have anything. Like nothing looks good. Nothing sounds good. What are you craving? Like, I don't know. Like it's, it will jack you up. But those Piedmontese patties with cheese in between, honestly, like that verse, cause I always get, um, I always get um i always get flying
Starting point is 01:11:45 dutchman in and out so i mean when i make those it's like sorry but these are better they really are yeah especially out of that smoker but yeah dude those are really good i have to thaw some out asap yeah i need to thaw some out when i get home are you aware of this football game that's coming up there's a football game there's a sports competition it's uh on sunday oh yeah no no i do no uh a client of mine was talking he mentioned i like that he actually didn't know no second thing no because i i personally didn't know the city vikings are in it nice he he wants to eat some wings on sunday so he's like how can i strategize so i can have my wife can make me some wings so we talked about that, but that's the only reason why I knew about that.
Starting point is 01:12:26 I'm going to send you a recipe. It's super easy out of the air fryer. Oh, wow. Lemon pepper wings. I'll send it to you real quick. I was picturing something and I had to mention this cause it made me laugh. You know how you mentioned that Andy was,
Starting point is 01:12:41 uh, you'd have to tell her to like stop you from going to the store, but sometimes I just picture both of you guys riding in the car and you're like making a turn she grabs the wheelies and you're like nope you just keep heading to the store and you're just ignoring it's just that's just just funny like sometimes you couldn't stop me i've been going i've been going to the gym for 30 years straight just so i had the strength to fight you to pull over no you know how you know how women do it they're're like, you sure you don't want anything? And it's because they want it?
Starting point is 01:13:08 Yes! You're like, don't be playing these fucking Jedi mind tricks with me right now. You sure you don't want to get any dessert? But you love the dessert here. Oh my god. You sure? It's like, I think you want dessert.
Starting point is 01:13:23 No, no, no. Do you? Okay, fine. Do you want dessert? Well, I mean, think you want dessert. No, no, no, no, no. Like, do you? Okay, fine. Do you want dessert? Well, I mean, if you want it. Oh, you want it. I'm too stupid just not to just not say anything. And I'm always like, hey, look, if you want dessert, just order it.
Starting point is 01:13:37 And then I'm in trouble. It's not good. I'm like, fuck, man. What do I do now? I just should never talk. That's how it should be. Just make money and just shut up. Pretty much is it. Take us on out of here, Andrew.
Starting point is 01:13:51 I will. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Shout out to Piedmont Tees for sponsoring today's episode. Link down in the description. Code PowerProject for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Biles Power Project on Instagram, at MB Power Project on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:14:09 My Instagram and Twitter is at IamAndrewZNSEMA, where you be. NCMA on Instagram, YouTube, NCMA on Twitter, Mark. If you guys can guess how much NCMA bench pressed in high school, I will send you some free Chinese food courtesy of the Power Project. Oh, yeah. I'm just kidding. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell mark smelly bell strength is never weakness we just never strength catch you guys later

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