Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 487 - Guns, MMA, Lifting & Bro Stuff

Episode Date: February 23, 2021

Today we're chatting about every day bro stuff including self defense weapons, Jon Jones vs Stipe Miocic, diet, and even Anime. We also dove deep into taking a step back to heal an injury and how most... are not willing to stick with the slow rehab process. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢FREE LMNT Recharge Sample Pack: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This episode of Mark Bell's Power Project podcast is brought to you by Piedmontese Beef. Yeah, World Carnivore Month is over, and I think I'm totally done with meat. No, you're not. I'm going vegan. You're fibbing. No. That's, no, fake news. Yes, I am actually lying.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Told you. There's no reason. I'm going to put all type... Pause. I'm going to eat... There's no way of saying that I want to eat all types of Piedmontese Beef. Especially when dudes are in the room. Yeah. Like a bunch of children. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Um, well, they have a lot of great cuts of meat. There you go. You know, a lot of protein. Uh, some have lower fat,
Starting point is 00:00:32 some have higher fat. You really can't lose it. The options and they all taste great. So eat all the meat you want. Gentlemen. Yeah. And I'll one up you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Oh, well see, here we go. Uh, go ahead and check out the Piedmontese hot dogs. Cause those things are incredible. Hey, yo! All right, get the Piedmontese all-beef hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Cut them up like you're four or five years old trying to eat some hot dogs, and then enjoy them that way. I promise you, they taste incredible. They're somehow like they're super low in fat, super high in protein. Doesn't make any sense. All I can say is you need to go try these things out right now. Head over to That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Check out enter promo code PowerProject for 25% off your order.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And if your order is $99 more, you get free two day shipping. I forgot what we're talking about. Oh, pew, pew, pew guns and stuff. Lasers. Yeah. We talked, we were just talking a little bit about guns and we were just, uh, you know, contemplating getting gun licenses. Um, I actually have never been hunting before.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Have any of you guys been hunting before? Nope. I have not. No, not like officially. Like getting like a wrist rocket. Trying to shoot something, but obviously no. A wrist rocket? A slingshot? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Wrist rocket. That sounds like beat off, doesn't it? It does, okay. Wrist rocket. That sounds like beat off, doesn't it? It does. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Sure. Wrist rocket. What are you hunting with that, daddy?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Hey! You guys are too much. Amazing. Tons of wrist rockets for sale. Oh, you're looking them up yeah amazon when you oh geez these are well don't tense don't google it yeah that's not a good idea no see oh wow like this is like this is the one right here that i was talking about that i used to damn that's like a serious thing right yeah because then it has it puts the pressure on your wrist right here so you can
Starting point is 00:02:43 cock this bad boy way back. So that could really, like, aimed at a human, this could F somebody up. Cause some damage, yeah. $20, Amazon Prime. Why get a gun for home defense when you can just have a wrist rock? Can you imagine? Someone breaks into your house and you hit them with a stone right between the eyes. Ow!
Starting point is 00:03:02 But not only that, but you're like, oh, dude. I'll leave! Like another rock through the window. Hang on, wait, hold on, let me load up another one. Hold on one second. Ah, damn, I missed again. Can you move over to the left? It's windy for some reason on this side.
Starting point is 00:03:14 You hit him like in the calf or something? Oh, right in the shin? Oh! That would freaking hurt like a mofo. Oh, man. Yeah, we were just talking about some guns, and I've've been I've messed around with some guns a couple times Went to some shooting ranges and stuff And had a good time but I don't know what's what
Starting point is 00:03:30 I don't know what the difference is between This gun and that gun It's kind of fun though I kind of like it but I think having a gun license I think is a good thing And being able to have a gun I think is a great way to To be able to protect yourself gun, I think is a great way to, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:46 to be able to protect yourself. And we were just kind of talking like, we don't know, you know, there could be something that happens in an instant. Something can happen very quickly. Um, you think about like what's going on with the planes right now.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I think there's now two planes that, I mean, what if this is, uh, you know, coming from, uh, another country or something like that?
Starting point is 00:04:03 Or what if, uh, you know, someone, uh, flies planes into a building again or something happens and our society just gets changed really quickly and you got to figure out a way to protect yourself. And we saw in, you know, 2019, 2020, and even now, like things are just, they're a little weird. And so if you can get a gun now, I mean, as we were talking before the show, I know some people are against it. But to me, it makes sense to possess one around these times because who knows what tomorrow will bring. And it might be really, really hard to get a gun or get ammo.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Absolutely. I mean, you know, it's funny. Like, I don't own a gun. My buddies have been telling me, hey, you need to get your license. You need to at least get one for home defense. But, um, last year there was,
Starting point is 00:04:48 there was like an ammo shortage and a gun shortage here in sack because of everything that was going on with COVID. Like everyone that were like already gun enthusiasts, they were, they were like a lot of homies were like, Hey, all these people were all buying up a bunch of guns. Like people were buying up guns because of what was going on.
Starting point is 00:05:03 So it was already hard to get one last year. Right. Figure something else like does happen right it's gonna things are gonna inflate things are gonna be even more expensive it's gonna be that much harder to get a license it's it's just it's an important thing to do i think yeah and the fact that we're live i'm like paranoid you know if i run out today and it's like ah shit you guys shouldn't have said that on there because since you guys said that luckily no one listens but well i think you know there's so many options with guns i actually thought i would never really like it at all but there's so many options with guns there's so many different things that you can shoot um and just from a pure shooting
Starting point is 00:05:39 perspective like i i end up liking a handgun pretty pretty you know i like that quite a bit i shot a bunch of other stuff people try to give me the most powerful thing thinking i'm gonna fall in love with uh it bruising my shoulder but shotgun yeah yes yeah some of those you know fucking blasters you know yeah but uh they're fun they're fun to shoot and stuff like that but uh i just like a handgun uh a lot more and it it just gives me a lot more respect for guns. And then just understanding guns and gun safety. I mean, the people that have guns, I think sometimes maybe the people that are on the outside looking in, they think that, you know, people are taking their guns out, shooting them up in the sky like you see on TV and acting all fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:23 But gun people are going to be the first people to tell you, look, man, you don't ever behave that way. You don't ever act like that. Like, don't take any risks. You never point the gun at anybody. You, you know, point it down. There's all these safety measures and they'll tell you over and over and over. They keep telling you like, hey, you know, don't do it that way.
Starting point is 00:06:41 You know, keep your, you know, thumb away from Keep your thumb away from where it cocks back and all that kind of stuff. They've got tons of safety measures, and the people I interact with are very, very safe with it, and they have a lot of precaution. Have you guys both been to a range before and shot? You haven't? I have not, no.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I want to. Dude, the first time my buddy Micah took me to a range, he took me and I was shooting a Sig Sauer, which is a handgun. The target was maybe where that camera is right now. So let's say about 10-ish feet away, right? I was like, this is gonna be easy. The first shot goes like here.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Second shot goes here. Third shot's like here. I don't even hit the target and it's like 10 feet away. I was like, this shit isn't easy. I'm in a low pressure situation. No one's like running away or whatever. I'm in a low pressure situation. No one's, no one's like, you know, running away or whatever. I'm just trying to shoot a target that's right in front of me.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And I didn't hit it for my first three. Then I finally hit it a few times. I was like, Jesus Christ, guns are not easy. Now think about if like, right? Like that, that situation made me have more respect for individuals who have to use guns in high pressure situations. Because I'm like, oh, God, someone's running towards you. Someone's running away from you. Someone's running at another person.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And they're like, oh. Hey, imagine using it and running at the same time. Oh, my God. John Wick status. Yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't be able to do that. Not at the moment anyway.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I'd have to practice a lot more. But we're going to go to my friend's ranch And shoot some guns coming up So we're gonna bring the whole team Oh shit, hell yeah That's what I'm talking about We're working on getting it on the schedule But we're gonna go to his ranch and have a good time
Starting point is 00:08:17 Cook up some steaks, cook up some Piedmontese steaks Oh my goodness And blow some shit up And have a good time He's got cows out there and stuff. And he's got... Oh, we're going to shoot some cows? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Well, that's how you get the hamburgers. We're going to hunt some cows. They're like... It seems like I can't hit it. Watch out. He's getting ready to strike or whatever. He's going to charge at you. He's coming right for us.
Starting point is 00:08:44 He's got some longhorns and stuff. Get the bigger guns. Have you guys heard this one before? My mom used to tell me this when I was younger because I used to have this discussion with her. She was like, you know, if you do get a gun, you're inviting more of that type of violence into your life, right? Have you guys heard that
Starting point is 00:09:00 one before? Yeah. I don't know. I don't necessarily agree with that. Like, if when I get a gun license and a gun it's not to take the gun out with me and now be like this bad guy right like come at me people it's it's literally for home protection like my my buddy was sending me i told you this my buddy sent me these uh statistics for home invasions like people like can look up the layout of your home if anybody really wants to take your stuff they can look at the layout of your home they can be at your window break in get to your upstairs get to your master bedroom in like less than 10 seconds and if your alarm goes off you're
Starting point is 00:09:33 not gonna have a response for maybe two to three minutes they could be in and out of your house within two minutes know where your stuff is and you like you're done right so that that in and of itself was like, Hmm, well, just in case, I think this is a great idea. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 00:09:49 but I, I totally get what you're saying. Like, um, I can't remember. It was something very similar with, um, life insurance. You know,
Starting point is 00:09:56 it's like, Oh, I'm not going to, if as soon as you like set up for life insurance, then you're going to die. Like it's just sort of the same thing. So it's like, as soon as you get a gun,
Starting point is 00:10:03 you start attracting some of that, like, like uh some of that danger or whatever but yeah and i i kind of i did think about that i mean you know i listened to hip-hop my whole life and like you know like all the random random stories of you know your tech on the dresser and this and that and so i'm like yeah no i think we'll be fine but now i'm like well aka. AK on my Bible. Yeah, exactly. You know? Lil Wayne. Now it's like, you know, there's two kiddos, wife, and I'm like, fuck, man, yeah, I got to. Yeah, you never want to have to use it. Of course. Like, the goal is to never have to really use it.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I think, you know, a fearful thing is to be completely defenseless. That's the feeling, yeah. You know, at least if you went one-on-one in a fist fight with somebody i mean they might know more than you they might be able to catch you on something but you know at least at least at least you you know felt it was like even if someone whips out a gun you don't have any chance with that the reason why i'm laughing so much is because my homie told me like we have this friend sean and sean he lives like over at uh i'm not gonna say where he lives but he's this old white guy with like a bunch of guns man he has like he at uh I'm not gonna say where he lives but he's this old white guy with like a bunch of guns man he has like he's stacked up he's stacked up with guns and if we
Starting point is 00:11:09 were talking one day he's like man it's Seema you know all that jiu-jitsu man that's great that's that's awesome but if we were fighting bro I'd try to fight you for a second then I'd pull out my little handgun and go yeah I'll just be like my jiu-jitsu ain't doing shit man i'll be out in a few seconds and shawn will be here sweating god that was tough right like self-defense is amazing right but try to jiu-jitsu a gunman yeah not gonna be i don't know how that's gonna go yeah you're not gonna be able to uh dodge a bullet probably you know but i think it comes down to the user you know that's uh with anything you know. But I think it comes down to the user, you know. That's with anything, you know. People talking about psychedelics.
Starting point is 00:11:47 People talking about steroids. People talking about all different kinds of stuff. And it's like, well, it comes down to the user, you know. There's some people that do anabolics and they don't, they do performance enhancing drugs. And they don't research it or study it at all. They're 15 years old and they just started working out six months ago. They're not as big as Phil Heath and they're like, hey, I want to figure this out. And they figure out a way to get them online or whatever way they get them. And they do it that way. There's
Starting point is 00:12:15 other people that are like, let me take a systematic approach to this. Okay, there are some dangers involved. Let me kind of think about it more this way. And the same thing with gun holders. There's people that get a hold of guns that maybe shouldn't have a gun because maybe they really never learned just proper care of a gun. I mean, you know, and just the safety measures that you have to have. The more trained you are with a gun, I mean, I don't really know, but I would say the more trained you are with a gun,
Starting point is 00:12:42 the less likely you are to probably use it for something that would be considered quote-unquote bad dude you know what you said there right there was it's something that i realized it's it's the reason a lot of people are afraid of guns is because they just don't understand it um you know i'm still scared of you know and i've been around him a couple times now but i'm still like i'm like i don't really know what i'm doing all right yeah me and some friends were talking about this um because you know i know our listener base but some some people say that white people don't really have culture have you heard that before i i don't know like like i feel insulted no no but but i'm getting somewhere here i'm getting somewhere because we we again we're at sean's place right and we don't have we don't rhythm i can agree with that you don't have rhythm yes you
Starting point is 00:13:26 don't have rhythm but but a lot of people like oh they don't have like like culture right when we went over to our boy sean at sean's house i told you he has like hella guns but then his his his kids came out and his kid is like a kid brought out a shotgun he's showing me how to do all this stuff with a shotgun boy was like nine years old but he was like doing all this shit with this shotgun and whatever right other kid comes out he's like 15 i'm like bro how long you been shooting he's like uh first time i shot a gun i was around six yeah i was like god dang right this like this is part of that culture right and and sean's like oh yeah all my homies have guns we're all all like this. And I'm just like, that, that is actually a big deal. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:07 You know, it's like teaching your kids how to do this, how to use it safely, how to use it rationally, because that's actually like as a citizen, right? If, if, if everyone knows how to do this, it's, it's going to be safer. Right. Right. Um, and if you have a gun and use it for like hunting, um, you're recognizing like how this can be productive to bring something home to the family. And by the way, it can help you protect the family as well. If we, if, if that's ever necessary, hopefully it's not. Hopefully we just get to go out and shoot some bears or something like that instead of, you know, having to use it in a crisis situation.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah. But like, the thing is, is like, exactly. That is not a part of like my culture. Right. Right. Gun, gun, all that like exactly that is not a part of like my culture right right gun gun all that stuff that's not a part of it more more so um there's there's fear towards it or an easiness towards it when there doesn't have to be if you're just like educated on how to use it so i just i just found that so interesting that like a lot of these kids have just been shooting guns and it's normal since like they were so young but they're so far ahead of the game right in terms of their ability to defend their families their understanding of it i mean shoot it's it's i think it should be kind of necessary i know there's like
Starting point is 00:15:15 two things that i'd really like to do i'd like to i'd like to hunt because i think i would have a new respect for just hunting in general and animals in general um like i to be honest with you i don't even know like i i would not even want to shoot an animal you know like that would be kind of hard for me and the first time you do it i'm sure it's it's uh probably an experience um the the second thing i'd like to do is i would which sounds counterintuitive to what i just said but i would like to go see a cow get slaughtered just to have a better appreciation of what that process looks like. Yeah. And to know, like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:15:49 Because people talk about factory farming and they talk about, you know, hey, like, you should really think about where your meat comes from. And these are all things that I would love to see at some point so that I have a better understanding because maybe some of my practices aren't as, uh, aren't as good as they could be. Maybe I could have better practices and maybe I can, uh, vote with my money and put my money towards, uh, uh, places that, you know, uh, I guess slaughter the animals in a different way or in a more humane way or however you want to say it. But those are two things I'd like to do just to have a better appreciation and understanding of some of these things. Well, I mean, the hunting part would be pretty easy. I think you have a lot of homies that would take you hunting. You have a lot, so that'd be pretty sick. Yeah, I got a lot of friends that are weighing into it. I don't think I would enjoy
Starting point is 00:16:35 like duck hunting. And some hunting where they're just kind of sit there and kind of wait for the animals to come towards them. I'd rather like literally be on like a hunt which i would imagine probably way harder and probably maybe people don't start there maybe they start with you know something like going for some ducks or something because maybe that's uh i don't know maybe i have more opportunity like get something that way let's go hit up cameron haynes yeah right that dude apparently yeah he's a beast apparently i heard that the reason why he does like all of this running and stuff. I don't know if maybe one of you guys sent me the video.
Starting point is 00:17:10 But the reason why he like is so good at endurance running is all for him to be the best hunter. Like he doesn't do it for the sport. He does that so he can like be the best hunter ever. Right. Yeah. That's insane. Yeah. Like that hunting style.
Starting point is 00:17:23 My buddy Jason was that way with Kuyu too. Um, he, uh, you know, the logo that, that, that's the Kuyu logo is a, um, is like a sheep or whatever. And you, you don't think that like hunting a sheep would be like, I don't think of a sheep as like a hard animal to hunt, but I didn't really know that they live on the side of like mountains and weird areas and they're really hard to get to. And a lot of people actually die trying to hunt for them. And it's a real exclusive thing.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Like sometimes you have to be flown in on like a helicopter to get there because the area is really remote. You don't have good communication with anybody in terms of like, you know, them knowing where you're at and things like that. And so you can get hurt. And so you got to do a lot of training for it because a lot of times you're at and things like that. And so you can get hurt. And so you got to do a lot of training for it. Because a lot of times you're going to, my understanding of this, I could be pretty wrong, but my understanding of this is that it's very, very difficult and you're at high altitude sometimes.
Starting point is 00:18:13 And I know Trump Jr. does that as well. It's like, it's a very difficult thing to do. And if you're not like running or in shape for that, you're not going to be able to do it very well. You're not going to enjoy yourself. You're going to be miserable the whole time. Absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And then, so Cam Haynes would say that he he doesn't want because it takes a while to like you know follow and get you know an animal he's like i don't want to spend you know a couple days tracking this animal and then get there and then be so tired that like i miss a shot not not necessarily like like oh shit i didn't get him but like i didn't shoot him right in the heart or i didn't hit him right where it kills him instantly. So, I don't want the animal to suffer. And if he's going to suffer because I'm out of shape, like, that's not acceptable. So, that's why he's always doing the fucking marathon.
Starting point is 00:18:53 That would suck. To hit an animal in, like, the leg or something. And then it takes off and you're just like, oh, come on. Right, right. That's just suffering right there. Yeah. Do you, I feel like, do you think you'd you'd like hunting a lot i feel like it's one of those things that if you start you'll end up like
Starting point is 00:19:10 really liking it yeah i'm not sure coming something i feel like i would like it yeah i i think so um i think just like guns i think there's many different versions of hunting so i think i'd have to uh do a bunch of different ones and then see uh see what i like but i think i would find i mean i love to walk i like to hike so a lot of that is right up my alley but you know a lot of times when i hike i'm hiking um with really nothing you know maybe a maybe a thing of water or something like that um in this case you know you got to bring a bunch of shit with with you and um it sometimes sounds like you're kind of roughing it and stuff like that so i i don't know i think i think i would
Starting point is 00:19:50 enjoy it i think i would really like it because it's just so different than uh my normal day-to-day you know i know when i went out to like you know the range for the first time i just wanted to go out there every single weekend because it was like getting better and more accurate turned into this kind of like like a video game type thing and it's like oh it's fun it's fun when you're aiming it's kind of confusing you have to aim in a different way than you thought for some reason you're like you're like i think i'm aiming at it but i keep missing and then someone's like oh yeah they're like oh you got to aim way lower and you're like really like that's what i had to do i aimed a lot lower and i was hitting the target every time i was like but now it seems like i'm shooting at the ground like i don't understand the mechanics it's the target yeah it's the target
Starting point is 00:20:31 i'm like this is weird bows are even worse oh god i think i told you guys about great like again the target was like right there i shot it and it goes up here and i thought i was shooting at the target but apparently i had to shoot lower way lower and then it hit the target it's like what the fuck is this right right god i just remember like uh one of my cousins would get like a pellet gun or a bb gun it's like we'd go shoot him like wow i am not anywhere near like you know here's like the target and here's like the backdrop and i'm like oh shit where did that guy go maybe there's like a maybe there's like a perfect height for this stuff because it also all this aiming stuff depends on your height right so maybe like someone yeah that makes i must be way too tall
Starting point is 00:21:13 all right it's like people like i'm too tall to squat i'm too tall to shoot correctly that's all it is yeah it's not that it's not that we suck at it hey Hey, have you guys seen Bones Jones getting big and getting strong and moving around some weights? He did a 605 deadlift for five reps on a rack pull the other day. Jesus Christ. And it just looked like chump change. I mean, it looked super easy. Bones is prepping to fight his first heavyweight fight, and it's for the heavyweight championship of the world versus who uh steepay steepay miotich i think that's how you say his name yeah and uh it that should be a hell of a fight steepay is a you know an amazing fighter i mean
Starting point is 00:21:56 i i just love uh i love the competitive competitiveness of some of these guys you know like like uh con Conor McGregor jumping into different weight classes. And I think maybe people from the outside, maybe they don't really understand, like, that's a huge deal. And for Bones to go from, you know, normally weighing in at 205, probably usually weighs like 215. In this case, I think he is about 200 and he's like around 240 pounds, you know, carrying around
Starting point is 00:22:26 a lot of extra body weight on him. So I think some people are like, oh, well, you know, when he makes that, uh, when he does a 205 weight class, he's probably like cutting, but he's normally, I think it's just 210, 215. He's not very heavy. So he misses a meal or two and boom, he's, he's 205. Uh, it looks like he has a pretty fast metabolism. But we haven't really seen a lot of UFC guys using powerlifting. And the one time that he did use powerlifting and he had a little bit of a layoff, he came back and he was pretty slow. And I remember his coaches kind of banned him from powerlifting. But as Bones Jones goes, he's going to do things his own way. But yeah, he's going to do things his own way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:06 But yeah, he's moving his weights around. You know, I think powerlifting, one area where you do maybe need to be a little bit careful with powerlifting is that he's just, I mean, come on. He could have done like a thousand reps with that. I think one area where you might need to be a little cautious with powerlifting is that it's not interrupting your training. Now, you can see he looks thick there. He looks great. You don't want to interrupting, like, your weekly training schedule. And as long as he's able to still throw his kicks and still, you know, block takedowns and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:23:39 But if your back is getting tight and you're trying to block somebody and now it's interfering with some of those things. Your back is getting tight and you're trying to block somebody. And now it's interfering with some of those things. So that would be the one area where you just might need to be a little cautious. But also, let's not forget, we're talking about the greatest UFC fighter of all time. I mean, he's the greatest UFC fighter of all time. People need to just get over it. He's the greatest UFC fighter ever. Yep.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Until someone else is able to, you know, take that title away from him. He's the greatest of all time yeah it's insane that he's moving up to for his first heavyweight fight against steep a miochic who's been you know uh like labeled as like the greatest like heavyweight of all time right it's it's not like he's going up to fight like oh he's going up against a top 10 guy like he's going up against the guy like holy like yeah and stipe like gave francis and ganu the business and god is this and god is even a scarier cat now i feel like that'd be in a crazy fight him versus ganu again because in ganu's skill just went up but i mean if bones
Starting point is 00:24:37 beats stipe i think we're gonna have bones in ganu because everyone's gonna want to see that right i think in ghanu is the funniest fighter because he's literally the iteration of one punch man either you guys know who one punch man is no well the few anime lovers of this podcast will understand that one punch man is this anime where this guy just beats everything in one punch and francis and ghanu it's literally like okay he's fighting he's fighting he's fighting then he throws this overhand punch and it's just whop and if he hits you with it you're out that's in ganu every single fight just pop yeah that's how it looks he just fucking smashes people it's insane you can't get hit by him but it like that is this one punch man
Starting point is 00:25:21 yeah that's one punch man hey all right you know You know what? Let's just get this going here. If you've never watched anime before, and I'm a nerd, straight up, start with this. This is fun. It's engaging. Just watch season one. I know it's childish and it's a cartoon, but you'll enjoy it. This is One Punch Man. And that's Francis Ngannou.
Starting point is 00:25:38 How much confidence would you have if you were One Punch Man? Bruh! So much! Anyone could say or do anything to you at any time you just be like i can kick your ass with one punch one like you'll just be annihilated you'll be done absolutely doesn't matter what you do or what you say or what you know i'm punchy once and it's gonna be fucked up like how many punches is it gonna take for you to get me down like i just need one i love the creativity of anime one punch man what a great name it's so dude this is this
Starting point is 00:26:05 shit is so funny like it'll make you crack up mark is that him right there no that's not him right there he's the guy in like the yellow jumpsuit that that's like bald and looks like a nerd mark if you ever watch an anime just watch just the first few episodes of this i guarantee you will laugh your ass off you will laugh your ass is he jacked one punch man yeah he actually is pretty jacked he's pretty jacked his old his only workup was like i think 100 push-ups a one mile run or something yeah there he is why is he one punch man how did he gain access to this uh phenomenal punching by working out ah shoot if some of the listeners could tell me but by working out he literally said his workout routine was 100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups,
Starting point is 00:26:46 like a few mile run. And he did that every day for like a year. And he became one punch man. That's so inspirational. He's not a very handsome guy. So it's good he's got this punch thing going for him. He's actually very handsome. Look at him right there.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Bald. He's clean. He's amazing. He's one punch man. Oh my God. That's great. It's great, man man you got to check it out when my kids were little they used to watch a show called lazy town and like yeah lazy town was was really funny it had this uh the main character and it was called sporticus and the reason why i know this
Starting point is 00:27:17 because they watched it every day okay but it was all about exercise and and the villain was trying to was trying to have kids uh not exercise he was always like interrupting their workouts and stuff and he was giving them yeah he was giving them like candy and shit like that it was yeah it was hilarious that's an amazing cartoon yeah you should you should you should look it up and it wasn't a cartoon it was like uh it was with real like actors or whatever wow what was it called sorry lazy town lazy town easy yeah wow that show was dope that is no that's really that's really cool for kids because it's like i loved watching it i'm Oh, shit. What was it called? Sorry. LazyTown? LazyTown. Yeah. Wow. That show was dope. That is, no, that's really, that's really cool for kids because it's like.
Starting point is 00:27:48 I loved watching it. I'm like, this is great. Yeah. Get kids to work out. Like, don't take that broccoli from that kid. Come on, let it, let it, let's go. You said the villain's name was what? I forget what the villain's name is, but the main guy is Sportacus.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Is that Sportacus? Yeah, Sportacus. Yeah. Doing all his little flips and turns. Yeah. Oh, dope oh my gosh yeah yeah he's break dancing and shit wow yeah and he teaches you like how how fun it is to be uh you know athletic and strong i mean he's doing all these like flips and stuff as we're watching this on youtube right now i'll just bring back some memories oh there's i remember that guy yeah there's the villain i didn't know what it was but i wish i could remember what his name is
Starting point is 00:28:33 wow yeah i was a little bit too old for this one but that's dope man we need more we need more like education or fun things for kids in terms of health. I remember that pink girl from something, the pink haired girl. I've seen her in something, but. And Seema, with, with powerlifting and jujitsu,
Starting point is 00:28:51 have you over power lifted yourself before and kind of went to class like cramping up or having any, has there been any like ill effects? Like you're trying to, you're trying to grab onto someone's gi and you're like, oh, I fucking deadlifted a ton yesterday or did a lot of pull-ups and my forearms just don't have what they need for today has been any anything like that i mean that that stuff happened more so at the beginning but like like there's
Starting point is 00:29:15 always the adaptation period to it you know you you get like first off with jujitsu you've never gripped things like that before so your grip's going to be tired as is and your fingers hurt and stuff like that from what i understand yeah the fingers hurt and stuff like that, from what I understand. The fingers hurt and all of that, but that's the thing. It's like with all of the stuff that we talk about here, it's just a time game. You adapt to all those gripping. You adapt to being able to work out and do it, and you get better at it over time. And now I don't deal with that anymore.
Starting point is 00:29:40 I could deadlift, and then I can go to do jiu-jitsu, and my grip is going to be perfectly okay. I think that you have an interesting philosophy on things because my understanding of you a lot of times is if you go to practice fatigued you're like that's actually kind of good i think that's great right yeah jeremy things aren't perfect when you go to practice and you're like well i know if i rested a little bit that i would and you'll do so on game day you're going to be a little bit more rested and stuff like that right me and j Jeremy Avila were DMing back and forth about this. And I think it's, if you're a stronger athlete and a lot of powerlifters and bodybuilders are wanting to start and get into jujitsu, I think it's great if you do some weight training beforehand, because you already have the advantage
Starting point is 00:30:18 of being strong. Most people at your school aren't going to be as strong as you. So if you go in there fresh, your immediate action is going to be like, I'm going to to be as strong as you. So if you go in there fresh, your immediate action is going to be like, I'm going to do everything as strong as I can. And you'll get away with a lot of bullshit because of your strength. But if you were to train here, do some lifting, maybe nothing too crazy, but some lifting and fatigue your muscles a bit, you'll be more in tune to actually use technique in your training because it's going to be much harder for you to just overpower people with your brute strength and your technique is going to be better as a strong guy. I think it makes sense. Yeah, and imagine like if you can
Starting point is 00:30:48 do stuff in a somewhat fatigued state, you know, how much more superior you're going to be to everybody that you're going against. And you do so in a manageable way. I think that's the key because if you destroy yourself, if you're in here training for two hours and then you go to jujitsu and we can obviously see that at a certain point, that's going to be a mistake. Your jujitsu is going to suffer. You're not going to really learn the technique.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Therefore, the technique won't be ingrained into your brain, which is the main thing. So you have to remember shit. You're like, how do I get this arm, arm this way? And that stuff has to be second nature to where the second someone goes for something, you're already on to the next thing. And then on top of that, you're thinking about the next move or what you're going to do or what they're going to potentially do to counter the movement that you just made. So you have to be really freaking sharp to be able to pull this stuff off in jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And if you're able to do it in a slightly fatigued state, imagine what's going to happen to people when you're sharp and you're feeling good it makes a big difference especially for strong like for strength athletes that are going to the sport it's the same kind of idea when you talk about doing leg extensions before you hit up a squat it's like you're pre-fatiguing yourself but when you do that squat you kind of have to be more in tune with your form during that squat because your legs are already pretty fatigued. Like you can't just go on fresh and try to move as much weight as possible because sometimes you'll just be a little bit too excited and it might end up a little dirty. But when you're in tune with like a little bit of fatigue in your legs, you are more careful when you're actually executing a lot of these movements.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And it also goes along with your eating in a way. You know, we're talking about pre-fatiguing a muscle, how you can get a, I wouldn't even say better stimulus because that's not the really right word, but a different stimulus. If you do leg extensions beforehand, you pre-fatigue the muscles, you can tap into the muscles a lot better with less weight. That's not to say that if you started fresh and use 315 as opposed to 225, that you could potentially have a better workout with the 315. It's just a different way to get there. It's a way that allows you to use less and quote unquote, get away with less, potentially
Starting point is 00:32:57 not over exerting your central nervous system, potentially not doing damage to your back and spine because you otherwise would have to handle more weight. So there's a lot of reasons to do these things. And I think it's good to train both ways because I don't think there's really one right way to do things. But when it comes to nutrition, I just learned this this past year through talking with Joel Green. And then we had Alan Flanagan who really backed this up. And I couldn't believe some of the stats. I'm not going to even bother to quote the stat that he said about diabetics doing this preloaded meal, but it was something like they managed their glucose like 95% better or something like that. It was wild. I was like, what the hell did he just say?
Starting point is 00:33:40 That's a real study and how some people aren't talking about that more. So the second meal effect, you know, Joel Green has basically said, if you have a protein and fat about a half an hour and with Alan Flanagan, Alan Flanagan's study that he saw, it was breakfast and lunch. So there was more of a gap than a half an hour. half an hour but joel talks about this kind of half an hour to an hour thing where if you just have a protein shake with a little bit of like olive oil in it just any could be any kind of fat fat and protein together before you have a meal it can help you manage the glucose a lot better it can help you manage the calories a lot better which is like you know these things need to be we need to hear about these things a little bit more and um i've been talking about it forever but i do have a continued continuing glucose monitor i will put it on and I will put that shit to the test in like a week or two and, and see how it works. You know, when I, before I, uh, have my main meal each day, I'll, I'll, uh, and I'll have a decent amount of carbs in the meals, really see,
Starting point is 00:34:40 uh, what it's going to do to the glucose. And then I'll, I'll also, I'll do it with, you know, one day I'll do it with the preload, one day I'll do it without, and maybe we can get a little more evidence into some of these things, but yeah, it's really interesting. I mean, shit, if you can, and this is something I've been telling people for a really long time, when people want to have a cheat meal and they want to do things like that, you're going to go out and enjoy a night with your significant other, and you're looking to have some fun, you know you're going to drink, you, you're going to go out and enjoy a night with your significant other and you're looking to have some fun.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You know, you're going to drink, you know, you're going to do this, you know, you do that. Still check your boxes and make sure you're getting your nutrients in that you need, you know, and something as simple as having a protein shake before you go out to dinner, you might think like, oh man, like that's going to kind of, you know, spoil my dinner or I'm not going to be as hungry. That's kind of the point, you know, spoil my dinner or I'm not going to be as hungry. That's kind of the point, you know? And typically, typically you're probably mowing down steaks left and right. And, or if you're on point with your diet, you're eating chicken and steak and meat like,
Starting point is 00:35:34 and things like that. This will give you an opportunity just to order something completely different, you know, get, order the pasta, you know, make it, make a different decision and get something slightly different. But during the day, you know, make a different decision and get something slightly different. But during the day, you know, make sure that you had, you know, some adequate amount of protein and try the protein shake before you go out to eat. It's going to help you just to make better decisions. You're not going to be as hungry. And so you might enjoy, you know, some mashed potatoes and you might have a dessert, but that'll be the end of it.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And it'll be a lot easier to have your mind really clear. You know, they say fatigue makes cowards of us all. And if you were just thinking of a scenario where you were like drowning or something, how good is your decision-making skills when you're in that, when you're in that frame of mind, you know, when you're, when you're like that, when you're tired, you're beat up. A lot of times we tell ourselves we're going to do something, but as soon as we're kind of tired or exhausted, we bail on it really, really quick. How amazing would it be, though, if, you know, you've been, you have been preaching this for a long time, but like, you okay over there? Something came to mind. All right, cool.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You know, people that if they don't want to change their poor eating habits, they maybe, they are having a hard time going on their 10 minute walks but it's like hey from now on just your breakfast meal like let's just make that super duper protein heavy and then after that do it do whatever you want to do and then imagine if like that's the one thing that can at least keep them close to not you know gaining that extra x amount of pounds per year you know like maybe it's half of that or whatever it may be but something as simple as whatever that is and you're killing me sorry keep going that's fine sorry i just what you got i'm sorry there's a great analogy for this here we go all right so like no this this is like you know when you're hungry you're not thinking clearly at all right i know it's nice you're hungry you're not thinking clearly at all right you're not thinking clearly right so you
Starting point is 00:37:27 got to kind of just stuff your face with some meat just so you can like you know because when you eat some eggs or some meat then when you let's say you want to get some pizza and you get a pizza then you're not really that hungry you're like oh wow i had my whatever i can i can have a slice i don't see the whole thing it's just like as a dude When like you're super horny And you make bad decisions But but but but once you You know once you bust a nut You're like what the fuck
Starting point is 00:37:54 What was I thinking That makes no sense let me go do this shit I gotta go do Can I cancel all my credit card information Like holy shit I gotta unsubscribe from all these Only fan sites Why was I watching that midget Fuck that crap credit card information like holy shit I gotta unsubscribe from all these only fan sites. Why was I watching that midget fuck that grandma?
Starting point is 00:38:10 That was not like me. I'm not normally like that. What am I some sort of sick bastard? I was just craving some pizza. Next thing I know I'm watching this shit. Oh man. Delete your history.
Starting point is 00:38:29 What's up Power Project fam? This episode is brought to you by element electrolytes speaking of element electrolytes i actually wanted to ask you and seema you being all jacked and tan and all strong and pretty uh do you take your element electrolytes pre or post workout i actually take it uh pre during and post and sometimes i'll do more than one pack so if i finish the pack of element that i had during like my workout or my jujitsu session i'll pop out another one sometimes post and that hydration really helps my recovery because sometimes after you get done with a really hard workout when you were sweating a lot you feel sore you feel kind of tired and you feel drained there is absolutely no problem with taking more than one pack of element yeah i'm really interested in trying it like uh intro workout right i've always i've always been one of those guys that's
Starting point is 00:39:12 like oh you got to have your your pre-workout and then your post-workout in the middle it's like usually water or something right but now with element electrolytes from what rob wolf told us about how it like maintains strength and all this other amazing benefits. I'm just really stoked about it. And if you guys want to be like us, we actually like getting the value bundle because you essentially get a box for free. But if you're not ready to fully commit, Element is still offering you guys a free Element recharge pack. So that's an eight sample pack.
Starting point is 00:39:41 All you have to do is cover the shipping. You can do so by heading over to drink slash power project again it's absolutely free you just have to cover shipping make sure you guys go there and check it out right now the analogy works so well absolutely does fit though it fits right that's why i was just like this is perfect well you're just like i need this you know like i need you know yeah and uh you know these and when it comes to food i mean food is a uh we need food for survival you know and we it's our job to you know to reproduce as well so these are things that are like they're stuck inside of us you know and
Starting point is 00:40:22 if you don't if you don't release it you don't there, you're going to be full of poison all the time and make some bad decisions. Absolutely. Carl Lenore said it great on the episode that just aired this morning. I don't know how he said it, but of course, in his very, you know, New York way, he just basically said something like, if you're fucking, you're healthy or something like that. You know, like if, yeah, if you're having orgasms, then your body's like, yep, we got to keep you healthy because we got to make more people.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I think Carl Lenore's thing is, one second, Carl Lenore, it's sex, sunlight, and sleep are the three things that you need. Sex, sunlight, sleep. Those are Carl Lenore's big three. That works. Yeah, that works really good.
Starting point is 00:41:06 But yeah, you guys should check out that episode episode If you're listening to this and you haven't It just aired It's amazing It's so good Carl and Orr's hilarious We talked about his We talked about his His history growing up
Starting point is 00:41:15 You know Where Biggie grew up right And Just man It's a lot of great conversation And then we got into talking about Peptides And
Starting point is 00:41:24 And performance enhancing drugs And all kinds of stuff I mean a lot of great conversation and then we got into talking about uh peptides and uh and performance enhancing drugs and all kinds of stuff i mean it was we we went all over the place yeah it was like uh hanging out with like your cool uncle that knows all the cool shit that your parents you can't talk to them about yeah like you talked about like guns and shit and steroids and peptides and sex all kinds of fun stuff yeah he just he's all-knowing he's he's like he's a mad scientist man like the stuff he was saying in terms of like the the vitamin d ointments he was making and a bunch of other things that he's coming out with is just like trend trend cream like mad is ahead of his game yeah he's coming out with that testosterone uh-huh and how do we get
Starting point is 00:42:00 how do we get involved in this it was so funny dude so like amazing the very first comment was like oh from the the um the thumbnail i thought it was joey diaz or something and i'm like, how do we get involved in this? It was so funny, dude. It sounded amazing. The very first comment was like, oh, from the thumbnail, I thought it was Joey Diaz or something. And I'm like, I told you. Yep. Like, that's so good. He's like a clean Joey Diaz. Yeah. A clean and fit Joey Diaz. Health conscious.
Starting point is 00:42:19 We were talking about some power lifting. Yeah, we were. And you guys just fucking threw everything off track. Sorry, man. Anime and all that good stuff. Andrew, you've competed in a powerlifting meet before. How does that feel on your body? Do you prefer bodybuilding more so than you prefer powerlifting?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Or your back seems to kind of bug you quite a bit either way? Was there a difference one way or the other um you know between power lifting and kind of i guess maybe more of what you're doing now yeah i would say with um with power lifting like after like a solid day of we're like oh we're gonna go for like a heavy triple or we're gonna go for heavy doubles or we're gonna see what you got today i just remember feeling so like just run down after that like i just was like it's a great way to put it yeah you know like you hear uh you know like the fitness enthusiast like oh you're gonna be full of energy you're gonna be you know ready to tackle the day
Starting point is 00:43:16 after like a hard power lifting you know training session i would just be like I don't even know if I want to drive home right now. Like, I am beat. As far as like pain, pain on my back, I wouldn't, it's tough. I would say that powerlifting definitely took a bigger toll on me just because of the like bodybuilding movements, you know, that it's all super lightweight and it's more of a fatiguing effect as opposed to like, I don't want to say stinging, but like it just like was kind of painful at times. And it was because like using like a transformer bar or doing good mornings, it's just like,
Starting point is 00:43:53 it's just not smart for me to do those. You know, now that I know a little bit more than I probably would just avoid those and, you know, focus more on like, we're going to get to the bottom of it tomorrow. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Talking to Stuart McGill, right? Oh snap.ill right oh snap yep that's tomorrow so my goodness time people listening to this i'm really excited i'm really excited for that yeah great opportunity you know we've we've been talking to him forever um and we haven't been able to kind of pin something down and tomorrow's tomorrow's a big shot a big chance wow that's gonna be an amazing yeah guys you got to listen to that one that's gonna be fucking good if you have any type of back issues steve mcgill has your answers yeah so that'll be like probably published on wednesday of this week don't know the date couldn't help you yeah i think you know with one of the things that's amazing about uh bodybuilding is you know i've said this before and i think with powerlifting
Starting point is 00:44:42 in some sense too but uh to do powerlifting the way that you know maybe you get on you know, I've said this before, and I think with powerlifting in some sense too, but to do powerlifting the way that, you know, maybe you get on, you know, get to compete and things like that can be very difficult for people, but the powerlifting movements are great for people to keep in. I would love to see people squat some sort of, some sort of representation of a squat, some sort of representation of a deadlift, some sort of representation of a bench press, and have them in their workouts maybe like twice a month. That would be plenty. You don't really need probably more than that. But a lot of times when I hear somebody say,
Starting point is 00:45:19 oh, you know, I kind of stopped squatting because of my knees or I stopped squatting because of my back, I'm always kind of thinking like, man, you were like, it's kind of a shame because you were right there. Like you were right on the cusp of probably making the progress you were looking for, but you probably needed, it's hard to be patient because you like want the results right now. And it's really easy to talk yourself out of it. You're like, I don't really feel my legs that much when I squat anyway.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I tend to round over. I use my lower back. It's kind of a you know it's not doing the same thing for me as like the leg press yeah but what you're missing is like this is the bench press isn't this way but the squat and the deadlift are this way these are uh essential human movements and if you focus in on getting better at the movement and not necessarily focus on the weights you you're going to notice profound effects that are going to really benefit you a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:07 So whether you have a plate on there or you got four plates on there, I think that part of it is just more, would align more with what your goals are. You know, if you're trying to compete in powerlifting and you're trying to, you know, be in a certain weight class, yeah, you're going to have to start to move around some weight and you're going to have to roll the dice here and there. But just to utilize the power lifting movements, I think can be great. If you utilize them to the point where you're lifting really heavy all the time, it can make you feel sluggish. It can make you feel beat up. It can, like to me, the way that I always kind of described that it's like,
Starting point is 00:46:41 I feel like I just plugged myself into the wall for a little while and someone just siphoned the energy and the power out of me for a little bit. And then I need like a day and a half, two days, and then I feel fine again. And then I'm able to kind of go at it again. So it can kind of zap you. It can kind of make you feel like, uh, that your, your power is like, rather than being a hundred percent or 90%, you're now at like 65% or 75% because you put all that power into the weights, but don't forget how important the movements are. You know, stick with the, I did some deficit deadlifts the other day, just standing on
Starting point is 00:47:15 a plate. And I just, I used 155 pounds and it was in a circuit that I was doing. I'm like, this just feels fucking amazing. It feels good. And I was the whole time thinking you got to add weight, you got to wait. And I'm like, no, there's no reason to add weight. Remember you're practicing nasal breathing. You're doing something different. It's part of a circuit. Just be a wimp and lift a lighter weight and just worry about the movement, get better at the movement, move better. Yeah. So, so one thing that I think like
Starting point is 00:47:40 would help a lot of power lifters, no matter if like, because like if you're a super competitive power lifter that fatigue is Gonna be there, but even if you're someone who enjoys power lifting training you train it kind of seriously one thing That's gonna help you to be recover better. Just having a little bit better cardiovascular you know health and cardio cardiovascular capacity like because I forgot who we talked to but like Recently it was He did some stuff with andy galpin oh yeah um uh mackin or brian mckenzie there you go yeah like just do just having better you know
Starting point is 00:48:15 just being able to breathe better will help your recovery i've noticed that massively but i think when you're talking about the squats man when some people give up i think some people are just scared of like regressing or having to do regressions. Because I remember when I, you know, when I was training in the gym when I was younger in my teens, I would love the hack squat. But I was deathly afraid of like squatting under a bar because I was just like, I don't have the mobility for that. I can't get down that low with weight comfortably. Then one day I was just like, fuck it. Just fuck it.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Let me start with some goblet squats and get myself used to you know squatting all the way down to my knees and then i i got supple leopard and i learned a little bit about that and then i was like 135 on the bar in terms of my mobility at the time it was actually pretty difficult i mean i was over here hack squatting five six plates bothered your knees or it like i didn't have the room in my hips at the time and like i couldn't my form just didn't allow me to get down low enough how long ago was that that was when i was like 17 17 18 but that was when like i was doing a lot of hack squats and leg presses but i definitely avoided the squat just because i was i may i was one of those guys who's like
Starting point is 00:49:19 i'm too tall to squat like squatting but here we are 10 years later and you can easily, I think you can load up five plates any day of the week and squat it maybe for a few reps and be okay. And I can get into low position. But that's just because like I had to give myself time. And it started with goblet squats. It started with heavy goblet squats all the way low, creating torsion just like it talked about in Supple Leopard. It started with 60 pounds, 40 pounds?
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yeah, 40, 50, 60. And then I was able to load up on the bar and then comfortably get lower. And then after I got the hang of it, boom, weight started to move up. But it started with that regression all the way to goblet squats. And some people don't want to do that because it's not loading three plates on the bar and squatting, right? Or some people want to squat, but then they squat with bad form, which causes pain in the knees and the hips.
Starting point is 00:50:04 You got to start at the beginning if it's not working for you. You have to, I think something that might be helpful to some people is you got to kind of work your way backwards on stuff. So think about, you know, what's, let's forget about like long-term goals and let's forget about like dreams like for a second. Because those things are just, they're out of reach for the moment, you know? So just what's kind of the low hanging fruit? What's something that you can do? What's something that you can work towards now? Let's just say it's a 315 pound squat.
Starting point is 00:50:33 If your goal is to do 315 pound squat, let's work our way backwards from the 315. Just like when you're a kid and you try to trace through like a maze, you fuck up and you're like, try to like cross it out or whatever. And then you go, you go to the finish, right? And you're work your way through the start. And that's what I think a lot of people need to do. Go, go to the three 15, circle it. What are the things that you need to do to get yourself to that starting position? What's it going to look like? What's it going to take for you to do it? But what are things that you personally can actually do? Not things that The Rock can do,
Starting point is 00:51:06 not things that, you know, some celebrity or some Instagram famous person can do. What is it that you're actually able to do? If you hear me say, hey, you know, hit up three 10 minute walks every day and lift weights and you don't feel like you got time, just whatever it is that you can actually accomplish. Make it simple. Make it easy. What can you do to squat 315? Well, one of the major factors in being able to squat more weight is for you to move more efficiently. So if the thing that's holding you back is every time you use 275, you're looking at the floor and you're rounding over, let's figure out a way to address that.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Are we going to be able to address that with 300 pounds? We're not going to be able to address it with 300 pounds. I suppose over a long period of time, maybe I would learn a little bit more about jujitsu if Nsema just tapped me out every five seconds, but I'm not going to get very good until I'm able to ask questions, say, hey, man, can you slow it down? Like, I don't have any idea what I'm doing, and I barely know what's going on. And then if we slowed things down, if we did stuff at a much lighter percentage, I could start to learn things, and I could start to make major progress. But if we're going way too fast, you can't change your form. And we see this in other sports,
Starting point is 00:52:27 but we don't see it in lifting that much. People don't really practice. What you did was practice the lift. I think it's worth mentioning again, a goblet squat with 40 pounds and then a goblet squat with 50 pounds and then a goblet squat with 60 pounds, then a transition over into the barbell, and here we are 10 years later.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I know that seems like a crazy amount of time, 10 years later, but you probably were able to do this as early as five years ago. Yeah. Something like that. Move around five plates on a squat. Have no facial expression whatsoever. He can sit at the bottom of the squat, wink at you, and hang out down there for a minute and come back up and look very powerful and strong. And he's got jacked,
Starting point is 00:53:09 some pretty jacked legs too. Um, these are advancements that you can make. They just, they're going to, they're going to take a while, but don't be afraid to make that step backwards because that step, that step back into taking off some weight off the bar, learning how to do the lift the right way can be the very thing that could advance you forever. And if you do what I did and you ignore these things for a long time, then you get yourself in a position where it's hard to even put your arms in the right position for a squat. So people see me squat way out here. Well, I just, over a long time, I'm just like, well, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:53:42 I'll just put them out here. I never addressed it. I was never like, hey, if I just stretch for 15 minutes every day, this will never be a problem. My elbows will be right here. My elbows won't hurt from doing that. I won't cause any further injury or harm, you know, if I can do that. And it ended up compromising when I moved over into raw power lifting.
Starting point is 00:54:00 It was too difficult for me to squat with the bar high and it cut my squat down by like 100 pounds. I move less efficiently. So every time I squat, rather than the squat being of great benefit, it actually kind of hurts. It hurts my knees or it hurts my back. If I just take a step back and use weights that are manageable, use things that don't hurt on a scale of one to 10, anything above like a three, then I'm good to go and I can make progress all over again. Exactly. I think, I think the big idea about all of this is that we need to look at like all
Starting point is 00:54:30 the regressions. If something is not working for us, like a great example is the box squat. I think a lot of people who are like, Oh, squatting hurts my knees or I can't squat. Well, I can't even learning how to hip hinge is difficult.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I can do a box squat, like hip hinge down to a box, touch the box and come up like you can progress that with weight and then you can slowly allow yourself to go lower and it's it's that's an amazing progression right there from a goblet squat to a box squat to an actual squat right a lot of these movements like um i was we're gonna have knees over toes guy on the podcast soon and i've been paying attention to a lot of his content i bought his whole course thing and i've been like looking through all of it uh because like i want to work on my knees quite a bit but he
Starting point is 00:55:08 he's he was doing a lot of this stuff as far as like you know the knees over toe squat and whatever but the great thing is that he has regressions all the way to the beginning and if you start with those regressions you will be able like hopefully you'll be able to do a lot of these really advanced crazy looking things and that's that's exactly how it's been working for me like now i can do that crazy knees over toes squat without pain in my right knee because i worked from the very beginning the very not sexy looking body weight type shit i think that's what we if you're having problems that's what you got to start with you got to have the balls to start doing things that look easy i don't want to i was gonna say i think people are um you know
Starting point is 00:55:48 uh the progressive overload or whatever um like yeah i'm rounding over but if i keep hammering them out they're gonna get better you know that's the uh the direction that most want to go most myself included you know like now i'll figure it out like my back would just get stronger it hasn't worked so sometimes you're like well two years ago i was lifting this yeah but you you know you can't do that to yourself it's not about that you're just you're in some new circumstances maybe your training got derailed for a little bit it's it's fine it's going to happen and if you have ever built up a certain amount of strength, you're going to be able to get back to that strength very, very quickly. So you just, it might take a couple of weeks, but it's probably not going to take a couple
Starting point is 00:56:33 of years. So just, you know, be patient with it if you fell off at all. I think that's something that's not talked about a lot. Like when a lifter has attained some really good level of strength, but for some reason, maybe they got injured for a long time or they stopped lifting for a long time to focus on other things. And then they want to try and come back, but they're working with weights that used to be an absolute joke. I think that's something that a lot of people, you know, they find it hard to start making progress again because there's probably going to be a three to six half a year period which seems like a long time where you need a you need you need to rebuild you can't just go deadlift this again or squat this again you have to rebuild and do all of the boring things that got you there before
Starting point is 00:57:14 are you willing to do that you know like i think it's got a funny comparison i tried to play some indoor soccer a few years ago and my body wanted to do all these cuts and moves that it used to be able to do. And I did one cut. I was like, fuck. And then from that day on, I was like, mentally soccer is not my game anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Cause I, I literally cannot handle. I personally, that's something that I cannot handle the regression. I don't have the time or the energy or the mental capacity to try to improve myself back to what I was. Run around cones and shit all day. It makes me too sad. I can't do it and I don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:57:52 So that's real. It's understandable. That happens. And I think, you know, for myself, you know, with the weights, you know, I used to lift versus what I do now. It's just everything's just different, you know? And, uh, I was on, uh, Dr. Sean Baker's, uh, podcast, uh, yesterday. And, um, when I was on his show, he asked about power lifting and he asked like, do you still lift that way? Do you miss lifting that way? Um, I just miss it in a sense of like, just felt good to like, you know know be able to pick up those weights um but i i don't really
Starting point is 00:58:26 miss it because i i did it i went through it like kind of like yourself with soccer i'm sure there's certain aspects of it that you miss the thigh wars in the shower with the boys things like things like that the short shorts and and whatnot you know but uh no undies. Yeah. Yeah. Whoa, wait. Yeah. Okay, cool. I had to think about it for a second. Yeah, of course. Um, but there's not really like, I don't really miss, there's a lot of things that I don't miss about it. You know, I don't miss my body, like being beat to shit, you know, week in week out, there were some fun things that I was able to do. And there's some weird challenges I was able to do that. Uh, yeah just never forget like they were they were sick like i remember i talked to sully about this the other day um we were talking about julius maddox hitting this uh 782 pound raw bench press and just a pair of wrist
Starting point is 00:59:16 wraps uh at the hybrid meet and he just he smashed away and he looks like he's well on his way to bench pressing uh you pressing 800 pounds. And so Sully started asking me about when I was benching heavier weights, and I was lifting in a bench shirt, which assists you quite a bit. So I wasn't doing anything near what Julius is doing. But I remember one time I was just like kind of adding up weights one day, and I was like, well, you know, it'd actually be really cool just to stack is cause I normally, when I would bench, I would use a hundred pound plates and a couple of kilo
Starting point is 00:59:50 plates. Um, so we didn't have to put that much, that many actual plates on the bar. Um, and I started benching over 900 pounds. I like one week I did like nine, 10, a couple of weeks later I did like nine and I think I ended with like a 945 bench, and it was off of some boards. And as I was prepping for that, I was like, let's see, so six plates is 585, you know, and I'm like doing the math. I'm like seven plates is 675, and I'm like the next one up eight plates is 765 and then it goes to 855 and then it goes to 945 and i'm like that would be i'm like one two three four five ten i'm like
Starting point is 01:00:38 that would be 20 40 pound plates 10 on each side i'm like like, that's what I'm going to fucking do. You know? So like, I missed some of that. Like that was fun to be able to like, just have the weights to where like, if somebody was filming it, you don't even see the end plate. Yeah. The whole screen is full of fucking plates. That kind of shit was fun. Being able to like go over and like do something that someone else was doing like cold and
Starting point is 01:01:01 just do it for reps and be like, oh, is this what you guys are trying to do? Just to kind of like mess with people and talk trash and and uh get people motivated and fired up it was fun to do stuff like that but other than that i don't miss all the bullshit that it took to get to that level of strength look at this 728 oh should i messed up hold on three one julius maddox is so big Dude Put some weight on the bar For one The beautiful thing about this
Starting point is 01:01:31 Is that this man is just bringing the bar Down to his chest It's not like a It's all the way down He's benching He's probably 6'2 or 6'3 Yeah he's tall He'2 or 6'3. Yeah. Yeah, he's tall. He's a big dude.
Starting point is 01:01:47 God. He's got an 800-plus pound deadlifter lifting off to him. That makes sense. 783. Andy Wong, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. An interesting thing.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Play that one back one more time. An interesting thing amongst the best bench pressers in the world that I've ever seen is they almost always accelerate as they get towards their chest. But it doesn't look, it never looks dirty. It never looks like, it never looks like the weight fell. But like watch it again and watch how he has some tension on the bar at the top. And then he lets it go about halfway down right there. You see that?
Starting point is 01:02:25 Yeah. And he's like, yep, elbows. And he's going to bench differently because he's so big. You know, you tell this guy to tuck his elbows, he just can't. He's just got, like, all lats, and there's a lot of stuff in the way on this guy. Wow. That is a big, big boy.
Starting point is 01:02:43 I don't understand, you know, at these meets, it's so funny. This is a hybrid meet put on by our good buddies, Hayden and Bo. Steph Cohen and Hayden Bo. And they did a tremendous job. It looks like everybody had a good time. But it's so funny after these, like, world record benches. It's like, why does it take, like, all this time for him to be able to see like what the like what the results were for? His bench it's like wasn't that clear that was a good fucking bench. Why's he got away?
Starting point is 01:03:09 He's like looking around this is suspense man. I know this is build that suspense judge I just forgot to hit the button again. That's the that's the channel. I keep talking about that lifting ball That guy's doing a great job with that channel. It's awesome So go subscribe to that shit if you want to see some freaky ass lips subscribe to lifting while people oh man i don't know we don't let's see what time is oh we don't have time to talk about it today but the uh the social media and lifting man that like i that's that's a big deal what because like like you like you see so many freaks moving weight oh got it yeah it. Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:45 I think we transition to that and we can get on out of here. I know you got to shoot, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But we'll get you over there. Um, it's, I think it's like, there's a reason why, you know, people, people are like, oh, more drugs are in use now or whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:00 I don't think so. I think it's just like the reason why you can see so many of these people doing crazy things. It's like, you know, when Roger Bannister did the four minute mile, everyone started doing it. But now you got people doing crazy shit. You can see and some kid in fucking Wyoming is on Instagram and he sees some someone squat 600 pounds. He's like, I kind of look like that. Let me go try that too. And on his first day, he squats 400 pounds. And a few months later, he's on social media, squatting 700. That shit is happening now. I think it's like, it's crazy. The shit we're going to continue to see. Cause it's, it's insane.
Starting point is 01:04:33 That's definitely the big difference is social media is, is a huge reason. I think some training techniques have changed. Yeah. But there's nothing new in terms of like equipment really. I mean, there are better knee wraps and that helps helps a little bit. You could say, that helped by 25 pounds or whatever, and there's some better stuff
Starting point is 01:04:52 out there. But it's the training techniques. It's the frequency at which people train. People now have a better understanding of you can train your squat three or four times a week, and you can make great progress with that. You can deadlift a couple of times a week and make, you know, so people have kind of found their groove with what works really well for them. But a hundred percent of it is come or not a hundred percent, but a huge percentage of it is coming from just seeing somebody else do something.
Starting point is 01:05:19 And then it's not just, I think years ago, it was people that you thought you could never aspire to be. You know, it was like, it was like Hap Thor Bjornsson or it was Eddie Hall, you know, these people. When my dad was growing up, he never thought he could be Mickey Mantle. Like, and a lot of my uncles as well, people of that era, they didn't really think that way because they didn't have examples that were like within arm's reach. Now there's only one degree of separation between the best in the world at something, any material expert at anything, or your idol or however you want to phrase it. Like I was a huge fan of Bo Jackson. I knew I could never be Bo Jackson. Like Bo Jackson is a unique,
Starting point is 01:06:05 uh, he's a unique individual. They only made, they only made one and they threw out the mold, right? With somebody like that. But now you can look at, um, some of these great lifters on Instagram. I think Steph Cohen is a huge reason, uh, why you've seen so many females, uh, lifting heavier weights and handling heavier weights. CrossFit is huge. Or the movement of CrossFit was huge. Having more girls with barbell, like maybe just a girl,
Starting point is 01:06:32 just maybe some girls at, at a certain time, just never even thought of that as an option. Yeah. And now they're like, Oh wow. Like that girl just deadlifted 500 pounds and holy shit, like she's got a great figure, too. Shit, I'd love.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I don't know if I can do that, but I can work on it. Like, I feel like I'm pretty strong. I'm a little bit thicker. I can go and move around some weight and see what it looks like. Right. And I think that social media and having people that maybe just look a little bit like you, because social media is such a broad thing. So many people have forms of social media.
Starting point is 01:07:10 It's not just some, uh, 350 pound guy. That's six foot five. That's moving around huge weight. Um, and it's not just some niche sport that's only covered by a magazine. That's what powerlifting used to be.
Starting point is 01:07:23 It was only covered by a magazine. That's what powerlifting used to be. It was only covered by Powerlifting USA. It wasn't covered by any of the bodybuilding things unless you were Ed Cohn. Ed Cohn was the only one that would sneak out a little bit here and there from behind the scenes because he was just so strong that people could it was undeniable. People had to talk about him. So he had a little bit of press behind him, but not one other person had any press behind them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:48 So many people, like the amount of people that are being touched by fitness, powerlifting, bodybuilding, whatever, it's exponential versus what it used to be. And because of that amount of people being touched, you got people in the freaking UK, you got people in Africa, you got people in like all over the world that are that you see are doing wild things that you never would have seen before like i feel like i know this this could be this some people might think this is a stupid statement but usain bolt his like in terms of what he's been able to do in track and field yeah usain bolt just like bo jackson's a very specific mold but i really feel like we're to have somebody else within the next decade. That is bolt esque because of what we've been able to see.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Like there's going to be some crazy dude with some wild build. That's going to break that, that insane record that Usain bolted. Because again, it's just a lot of this stuff is so widespread and so many people are able to see it that there's, there's some one kid that's like, I can do that.
Starting point is 01:08:42 You know, just like, um, the Jamal Brown, Jamal Brown, we were talking about, he just broke his record by 10 kilos. He's like, I can do that. You know? Just like the Jamal Brown we were talking about. He just broke his record by 10 kilos. He's like, oh yeah, I just broke my all-time world record
Starting point is 01:08:50 by about 10 kilos. Was it a total record? Total record. His all-time world total record by 10 kilos. And his last deadlift that was like 908, it looked, he had, what, maybe 40 more pounds. That just shows, like, he's he's he's fucking
Starting point is 01:09:05 he's sandbagging everyone he's just like let me keep breaking my record little by little yeah but so like even with lifting right maybe he was inspired by someone like a kevin oak or something yeah yeah like even like uh usain bolt you know like now the the bar is set right like now everyone's gonna get compared like if someone is like oh shit watch out for this like they're gonna get compared and so then that person's gonna have something to you know to strive for but also um just the the sheer ease of sharing information like not necessarily just watching somebody you know destroy some weight or something but like you know vertical diet like how many power lifters are now in better shape because of just simple nutritional education
Starting point is 01:09:45 which wasn't as easily you know uh available before everyone's got their tupperware the power thing and they're eating rice and steak or rice and uh ground beef yeah because if you think about like you know a brainiac's gonna read books on everything but like you're a traditional lifter might seek out information on how to lift more. They might not spend that much time on, you know, nutritional stuff. And now it's like, shit, dude, that's a Google search. That's an e-book away. It's all available to you now. And what about when some of these people make a post and they say, I'm just not feeling it today.
Starting point is 01:10:19 You know, I got done with my contest. And even though I did really well, I kind of have the blues. I'm kind of depressed. Well, there's somebody else out there watching. they're like, what? Like this person feels that way too. I'm not alone in this. Like, you know, and they, they recognize that a lot of these things that we feel and a lot of these things that we, we go through are more common than we thought. And so somebody might be going through a rough patch and maybe that person that made that post said, you know what, Hey, at least i still got in there and and move some weight around and
Starting point is 01:10:48 i can feel better about that and maybe that motivates that person to say shit you know i gotta i gotta get back on point with what i'm doing as well pretty interesting stuff yeah what's going on with you mark you're not eating yeah i know that's weird i'm doing uh this uh kind of valter longo um uh it's like a modified fast basically where you uh mainly only use like a bulletproof coffee i could have other stuff but i'm like if i eat anything i'm gonna be way hungrier actually so there's like small things that you can eat to, it's called a fasting mimicking diet. Um, and it's, uh, for five days, we're on, we're on day number two. Um, I'm feeling good. I mean, I, I, it's crazy to like the amount of weight that you can lose in
Starting point is 01:11:36 like such a short period of time. I don't, uh, recommend anybody to utilize this as like a weight loss strategy. Um, I'm using, utilizing it more for some of the weird health benefits and we can talk about it in a future show, but, uh, it's, the name is Walter Longo. You can look him up on like YouTube and you can find out tons of information. It's called a fasting mimicking diet. Usually you, uh, utilize a fasting mimicking diet for five days straight. And then you, uh, have two days where you go into like a more of a Mediterranean slash keto style diet. But we've talked about fasting many, many times on this show, and it will help increase
Starting point is 01:12:15 new cells, help get rid of old cells. It can even produce stem cells, which is part of the reason why I'm doing it. I'm seeing if I can kind of have a reset of my circadian rhythm. Last night was the first night in a long time that I had a good night of sleep. So I think that pushing back my food, I think, will be a big part of it, trying to get three or four hours, or maybe I even need more, which seems ridiculously inconvenient, but I will figure it out. So Dr. Gold that we had on the podcast, it's kind of his theory that, you know, when you have sleep apnea, that you are causing some brain damage to a certain extent.
Starting point is 01:12:59 He thinks by utilizing autophagy and what fasting can offer, it can help repair the brain and help kind of reset everything. I'm like, shit, that sounds good enough for me to go ahead and do it because the diseases that people are ridding themselves of via fasting, like fasting isn't going anywhere. Fasting is going to be a bigger part of nutrition than we've ever seen before in the upcoming years. The more research that they have on the safety of it and what it can actually do for you, you're going to see more and more people actually leaning towards it because there's obviously some risks to it. You're not eating, right?
Starting point is 01:13:33 So I don't want to pretend that there's no risk to it. I have to work out a specific way. I can't go in the gym and just go bonkers on my lifting. I need to make sure I have my element. I need to make sure I have my electrolytes. And like I said, we'll talk about this a lot more on another show where I got more time to just strictly talk about that. But I'm excited to do it. I'm excited to give it a go. Hopefully we'll be able to get Valtz for Longer on at some point. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:03 We definitely will be able to, yeah. Yeah. Well, we talk about poop and dicks too much, I think. Maybe. I think Valtz likes that too. He might. Yeah. Everybody does, right? Every man likes poops and just poop. Poop jokes. Yeah, poop jokes. In general. In general. Usually have a dick. Yeah. If you don't laugh at poop jokes, you are a psychopath. That's actually a fact. Take a shot at it here, Andrew. Sure thing. Sorry that you can't enjoy some of the Piedmontese beef that we have laying around everywhere. What's up, Carlos? But if you guys are not fasting for five days like Mark and you want to take advantage,
Starting point is 01:14:39 please head over to That's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your order and if your order is 99 dollars or more you get free two-day shipping carlos is looking good today carlos does i gotta mention white pants yeah don't worry oh yeah for reals you know for anyway uh links to piedmontese down in the uh show notes and uh youtube description please make sure you find the podcast at mark bells power project on instagram at mb power project on twitter uh my instagram twitter and clubhouse is at i am andrew z in sima where you at and sima in yang at instagram youtube and clubhouse go club don't go download clubhouse people we've been having a lot of really
Starting point is 01:15:23 dope conversations there so you need to go download that right now. And then also go to our Apple podcast and leave us a five-star review. Go do that, because you know you like us that way. Mark? Hell yeah. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye!

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