Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 500 - Reflecting on 500 Episodes!

Episode Date: March 23, 2021

Thank you for being a part of this amazing journey with us. We made it to episode 500 and have only been cancelled a few times. Today we are doing our best to look back at some standout episodes and s...hare some of the things we've learned over the years. Doing our best since we took shots. Hope you enjoy and here's to 500 more! Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The streams crossing the streams. Oh, Hey now. It's always a fun time. Why don't we have those types of, are we going actually? I just don't know why we don't have those types of urinals here. Like a trough.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Yeah. Yeah. That would be even better. You know how they have a trough of the mirror in front of it. Yes. Perfect. But like a, a mirror that you would have a,
Starting point is 00:00:21 like a, um, God damn, what do they call those? Like at a fun house. Yeah. Fun do they call those like at a fun house yeah fun house there you go a fun house so yeah fun house mirror it distorts yeah the reflection so that way make your shit all big like yeah bro dude that'd be so dangerous because people be drinking and then all of a sudden they look like oh i'm packing heat. Yep. Exactly. Wait till she sees this. Episode 500, y'all.
Starting point is 00:00:47 So we got a shot of, I don't have any idea what good whiskey is, but this is Maker's Mark that we had. Yep. Just kind of lying around. Why is he just chilling in the office? I don't know. Somebody's probably just hitting it up here and there. Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Someone's very stressed. So we have Mind Bullet, too. Which one do we do first? How should we do it? We should drink the Mind Bullet first And then drink the Maker's Mark to wash it down Use it as a chaser? Yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:01:12 Shake it up, get a little tap Andrew, you don't want a Mind Bullet potion today? No, no, I do not I'm already nervous about this shot Ah, yes. Andrew gets nervous over drinking a protein shake. Yeah, there's too much, I don't know, weirdness in it. Hold on, let me go over there.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Come on over, buddy. Come on over, daddy. You see, I got to start calling him daddy again. I think that's never going to go away. Here's the 500 shells. Wow. I'm going to sip this. Yeah, I didn't want to down the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I didn't know what was going to happen. I'm flying out of my nose or something. I'm a massive lightweight when it comes to alcohol. As everyone in this office knows, everyone in this office knows how I am with alcohol. It's funny. Yep. Wait. So your feelings about me?
Starting point is 00:02:13 Now I'm not sure where I stand. What? What are you talking about? You don't remember. Okay. What did you do? All right. What did I do?
Starting point is 00:02:22 What did you do? It wasn't me. It was you. It was what you did. Uh-oh. I don't know what I did. I know I've done do what did you do it wasn't me it was you was what you did oh i don't know what i did i know i've done some professed your love to me oh yeah well we've all known that oh okay i did it's andrew too the other day oh okay but it's not stephanie gets so mad at me so it's not just from drinking no oh okay i mean yeah i've had a conversation with stephanie she's like you need to stop talking to my husband like that. I'm like, what am I supposed to do? He's daddy. And he loves dirty talk.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And he loves it. You know? Yeah. He has been a naughty boy. I mean, what are we going to do? And someone's got to spank him, right? I mean, right? Someone has to.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I got to discipline this guy. Shit. Right? Oh, boy. Andrew was working out for four hours this morning. That was rough. I don't know what's going on with that. Behind the mic, there's going to be some people that just hate that oh yeah just burping into the fuck it it's 500 in the description i'm like yeah we only got canceled a couple times but we made it to 500
Starting point is 00:03:17 we did we did we got put into the shadow realm with the algorithm for a few times. Real talk, though. That one shot's going to fucking, it's going to crush me. You're going to be fine. I'm going to be so hammered. No, you're going to feel great. You're going to feel great and hammered. That is a positive thing. I haven't been drunk in a long time, and that's going to really get me. That's true.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Peter just turned on. How about you? When's the last time you partook? Oh, got like drunk or just drinking, period? Well, you and Andy drink wine every now and then. But when's the last time you partook oh oh god like drunk or just drinking period well you you and andy drink wine every now and then but like when's the last time you've been like drunk even though we're not gonna get drunk here yeah yeah i haven't really been drunk much in my life i've been drunk uh like to the point where i felt sick um i think like once or twice that's about it that's uh and then like where i've been like, I guess like way over the limit,
Starting point is 00:04:09 like definitely shouldn't drive type of thing, maybe 10 times or so. Like it hasn't been that many. Like I do like to drink. I do like to have some drinks. But I also, I have like a little bit of a governor in my head where I'm like, yeah, that's perfect amount. Like I feel pretty happy. And for some reason I'll just,
Starting point is 00:04:27 I, I've been fortunate to have that thing to, to shut it down where some people are like, I want you more, more, more, more. And for me,
Starting point is 00:04:34 I'm able to stop when it comes to alcohol. Anyway, that's good. On my 21st birthday, I've ever told you guys this story. It's a short one. It's a short story. Um,
Starting point is 00:04:42 so a few of my buddies were like, ah, let's do something man let's do something for you went over to the house um they they gave me this drink at the beginning of the night they're like just drink this i drank it it tastes like juice just sweet like juice i was like that was good that's dangerous when it tastes good bro because about an hour later i woke up in the emergency room in the morning. That's right. I did hear about this. Dehydrated or some shit?
Starting point is 00:05:10 They spiked it. They put a lot of different alcohols in there. That just blacked me out. Wow. Apparently, I drank this around maybe 10 or 11 p.m. And apparently, I got picked up by the ambulance at like 3. 30 a.m. and they said that I was shirtless writing on a I was writing some stuff on a whiteboard like doing a presentation but I was just like out was it like your workout like training program for that week it was something
Starting point is 00:05:37 on sales it was something on sales yeah but yeah and then I woke up everybody to join your pyramid scheme actually i think that's probably what it was that's awesome yeah you have the confidence to invite everybody in yeah that was the one time i've ever blacked out from alcohol yeah i remember i remember waking up and just having like tons of tons of mustard all over me because my friends were fucking with me and they're like they kept telling me i needed to eat because i got pretty drunk and so they kept getting they were like giving me food and i'm like i hate mustard like i just remember saying i hate mustard i hate mustard and then waking up with tons of mustard all over me i'm like what do these fuckers do to me yeah i think they just put mustard on the sandwich or something that they gave me but
Starting point is 00:06:24 yeah every time you get way too hammered there's always the drunk expert that knows exactly what you need it's like oh fuck i didn't know you were a doctor cool right like no if there's anything that would be great for if you do do heavy drinking which you know on this podcast we talk about health and fitness so that's not you electrolytes i'm just actually being real keep some electrolytes on deck during the night so you don't get dehydrated yeah you probably that's not you. Electrolytes. I'm just actually being real. Keep some electrolytes on deck during the night so you don't get dehydrated. You probably won't have a crazy hangover the next morning. And drink some damn water. Yes. Keep that flowing so that way you can enjoy a couple drinks and be okay-ish enough, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:59 to not go haywire. Nah, bro, I don't want to fill my body up with anything other than alcohol. I would hear shit like that all the time. Okay, I guess I gotta step up. Fuck. I've been lucky. I've never fallen into the trap of really being that into alcohol. Either of you guys, you ever
Starting point is 00:07:17 have a time period in your life where you drank every weekend for a while or drank multiple times a week or anything like that i saw myself slowly falling into that when i was in college like i was like this is becoming a little bit too often it's becoming a little bit too normal i need to back off like that's that's that that was the time i really caught myself because i was like yeah i played college soccer so parties were happening all the time and uh yeah i I was like, this is a dark road.
Starting point is 00:07:45 So, yeah. Like everything, everything is a celebration. You're like, I don't think it has to be every time, you know, every little thing to celebrate, you celebrate. And even when there's not a celebration, it's just Thursday and you're pumped. Yeah. And you're like, let's get drunk. And it doesn't make any sense anymore. I remember when I first met my wife, she loves a drink and she partied all through college and stuff and she would tell me like every story she would tell me and i was worried at first i was like what i was like what is the deal with this girl
Starting point is 00:08:14 she's like we were so hammered like a story either start that way or end that way and i was always like huh yeah and i just i just have a way different experience way different background i just have haven't been drunk that many times in my life so i don't know it's it's nice to have a partner that balances you out though at the same time you know you do need someone you don't want somebody that's the exact same as you because that probably wouldn't be great yeah i'm imagining actually if there were just like you and a female version of you that would be like the most i don't know that'd be like so calm and weird have you thought about this i'm thinking about it right now what about getting with himself female mark female and no i said what do you think i said i said him and a female version of him got it i know me and female version of me. That would be like the most boring thing ever.
Starting point is 00:09:07 All you guys would do is just lift and eat Piedmontese steak. We would lift, eat Piedmontese steak. I'd be a slut. If I was a female, I know I would be. If I was a female equivalent. Yo, why not, right? I mean, let's be real. It's much, it's very.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Once you get up. Men are, like, we are such dogs that like a woman can get whatever she wants. Let's just be real., it's, it's very, once you get a matter, like we are such dogs that like a woman can get whatever she wants. Let's just be real. Yeah. Yeah. There's like an ample amount of choice because yeah. Cause we're gross.
Starting point is 00:09:32 We're gross. But let me ask you this. This podcast is going somewhere else. I'm already hammered. This sucks. Have you ever thought about like. Get a grip on yourself over there andrew i can't come on control your world over there you guys are already like uh like you're on a boat right
Starting point is 00:09:50 now you're just going back and forth like and we had a mind bullet potion bro yeah well that hey i didn't tell you to do that and i had four three i had three mind bullets on the prior podcast we're not doing so well but no okay real talk have you ever thought about what it would be like like being a woman you know because they have like i mean i think immediately as a man the first thing you think about is what does like sex feel like as a woman because apparently they have so many more like um like nerve endings down there. Like that,
Starting point is 00:10:26 that, that stuff's amazing for them. Like, I think I'd probably be the same thing. I think I'd be a slut if I was a woman. Yeah. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:10:34 So I'm just being real. Probably feels so good. Well, I mean, once you get out of high school, you're kind of like, it's okay. Like if you were like the,
Starting point is 00:10:43 the slut or whatever, it's like nobody cares you know what and i let let's okay i'm gonna i'm gonna pull back real quick because we're we don't get in trouble let's be a little bit pc here it's also possible for men to be sluts too this is not this is not a word that we're putting towards women just because when women are sexually promiscuous they're always called sluts but women are sexually promiscuous they're players right men can also be sluts so ladies if you are listening we're not calling you sluts we're just saying that we would be sluts if we were you that's all we're saying you are better than us
Starting point is 00:11:13 you are better than us we're promoting it we're in favor of it i am that kind of thing i'm sweating too you're sweating also that's why i'm like keeping space between my body and my shirt the alcohol is coming andrew's like totally people are gonna be like why is there so much like weird ambient noise in that podcast like our engineer got taken out early wait do you still have the heater on in this room too so it actually did click on because it's got a mind of its own but i i turned it off just now so it didn't it didn't fully turn on so there's still some shit left in here i'm gonna let it chill for i know
Starting point is 00:11:49 there's like a good amount of it too i don't know who poured these you did oh maybe but he had to finish the bottle oh man maybe it was me i want to say that came from chris. Yeah, I think so. I think Charlie got it for Christmas for him or something like that. Somebody gave it to him for Christmas. I know we did some deadlifting with some I think whiskey, right? Whiskey and deadlifts with Chris Duffin. Yeah. Oh, shit. I wasn't there to do that, but that was fun. We had some wine.
Starting point is 00:12:18 That felt amazing. I did 675 easy for like two reps. How tipsy were you, do you think, when you did that? Oh, I drank a lot. That's so dangerous. Chris was like, it's not really meant to be done that way. Oh, I drank a fuck ton that day. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Oh my god. And then you guys got hammered with Chef Rush. Yes. Oh yeah. The wine and lifting was fun. It was loose. Chef Rush is great. That guy is amazing.
Starting point is 00:12:49 He is. He's so large. It's insane. Remember it's insane push-ups we did oh my god somebody did a youtube video about uh they like kind of calling him out on sleeping for like two hours more plates more dates it was derrick okay derrick derrick did that that guy's been churning out videos like uh yeah he turns out these long great videos he's really good he's crushing it we gotta get that guy on though yeah that'd be fun that would be fun he's he's in canada we'll get him we'll get him at some point yeah i know i think we have tried to contact him but because of like the quarantine or covid stuff uh he would have to be like if it wouldn't when he went back to canada he'd have to take like two weeks or whatever, quarantine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah. And so he was like, eh, it's not traveling anywhere, but I think at least just getting them, uh, via zoom or something would be a good start. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:35 That'd be a good start. But getting him here to lift too would be great because his shoulders are, they have, they both have a mind of their own. Yeah. He looks pretty, he is a jacked man. He looks pretty jacked.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I love that. There's more, there's more great information on the internet. Like coming from people like him. Obviously we've had a ton of great guests on the show. Um, but I, I think I sent you the clip of him talking about Dana white.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah. Have you seen, have you seen some of that, Andrew? I saw some of it. Not Dana. Dana. There's a,
Starting point is 00:14:04 so could be tried to announce his retirement and no one cared. All they cared about is how jacked Dana White looks in the pictures because Dana White's like got his arm around him or something. He does look pretty jacked. His fucking forearm is like riddled with veins and he's just standing here like this. But people don't know Dana White's always been like a bro. He's always been like, bro he's always been like uh first of all he's way into martial arts he's not just the president of the ufc randomly he he he
Starting point is 00:14:30 is a huge fan and participant in martial arts and also uh he obviously to me it looks like an east coast guy that like just bench presses all the time yeah you're right yeah right he has that look and he is from b, Massachusetts, I believe. I think he is a guy that goes and bench presses all the time. He is someone that has gotten out of shape before, and I think people were all over him for that shit. Now that he's gotten into shape, everyone's like, oh my god, he's on PEDs. What is he running? He's on growth hormone. Well, I mean, shoot.
Starting point is 00:15:05 When you're the president of the U.S.C. and you're friends with Joe Rogan, what is you know what is he running sun growth hormone well i mean shoot like when you're the president of the usc and you're friends with joe rogan what do you expect you're gonna get jacked you know what i mean what they sell the ufc for like like 400 million dollars or something like that right i think yeah was it million or billion i think they sold it for like four wait well they they did sell it for a few billion, but I think that he actually walked away, like, yeah, he's still part of it. I think he made like $400 million. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:28 he made a shit ton. Jesus. I might be making that up. We'll take it. Well, it was a lot of money and that's all we know. At that point,
Starting point is 00:15:35 honestly, like, when you get into the hundreds of millions, does the next hundred really make a difference? I mean, let's just be real.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I don't know. Like, 300 versus 400 million. That's a lot of fucking money. Yes, it is. It's really an enormous amount of money. Let me ask you this, Mark. That's private jet money right there.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Dana White reportedly made $360 million. There we go. Off of the $4 billion deal, which is crazy when you think about... Never mind. Whoa, when you think about what? Don't stop there. All right, well, I'm going to get nerdy. Xbox and Microsoft just bought Bethesda, a video game studio for seven and a half billion dollars that's video games but
Starting point is 00:16:12 that's the thing like people i i think it's people still don't realize how big of an industry video games yeah no they don't but that's what i'm saying is like ufc the biggest anything so everybody that like shits on video games, it's like, hey. Video games are open. Almost double. Yeah, video games are open to almost every child that has access to a television, right? A phone, a tablet. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Video games are open to almost, whereas UFC is like, it's a particular thing. There's a lot of people that are still turned off by it. I know the UFC has done a good job with their brand, and they've done a great job, Joe Rogan and many others, to where now they're teaching you like, oh, well, these guys are doing jujitsu, these guys are doing this, this, and this, and this is actually a skill, and these guys are actually professionals. random violence at a bar, although it might look the same sometimes. You might just see someone just walk up to someone else and clock them, and that does happen in UFC here and there. But the thing I've always loved about the UFC from day one, from watching UFC one, was the fact that it was an organization and the fact that you're going to take these skills from this guy being a wrestler, this guy being really good in judo, and we're just going to see what happens
Starting point is 00:17:27 because when I was a kid, everyone always used to talk shit, and they're like, I would fuck that guy up. And it's like, I don't think you, like martial arts is different than just like you thinking that you're tough. I think that that guy has an actual skill set that he practices all the time. You know, anyone that thinks they can just walk into some jiu-jitsu and start tapping people out randomly without ever learning it, it's very illogical.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I can't imagine a situation. I've done just a little tiny bit of jiu-jitsu. I think I did it for like a month. I don't know a ton about it but what i remember is that if you don't have any experience you're not going to be able to really do much of anything to anybody it's really fucking hard oh yeah it didn't matter when i started didn't matter that i was 270 pounds and strong i was still getting tapped out by like the blue belts blue belts is if you guys don't know blue belt is the second belt in jiu-jitsu so there would be blue belts that were like 180 pounds that were tapping me out and black
Starting point is 00:18:27 belts that were super light that were messing my life up. Like, it doesn't matter how strong you are. At that point, you went in with a 755 pound deadlift. Yes, I did. And it just didn't matter. And it was just a little bit more difficult for them to do. Right. And they still got to it.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It might have took them longer. They might have tried to do stuff to your arm and they might have learned that that's not an area they can really get to so maybe they can get to your neck or maybe they can get to other areas of you right yeah absolutely but they still messed me up you got a pretty big neck though too yeah it's it's nice and sizable it's thick you know have you ever seen those weird okay we who who was it that we had on that was like i got in a neck competition? Oh, that was amazing. That was Tom File. Tom File.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Bruh, have you seen those like, Nextagrams? No, Nextagrams are a thing where they post like, buff necks, and it's like, oddly sexual. Oh, I love that. Yeah. That's like the Power Bears. You ever see any, like, they like, blow like, cigar smoke in each other's faces and stuff it's really weird you're like what the fuck am i watching oh god oh nick i don't i don't have any idea the nextogram isn't actually nextogram but there are a lot of different nextograms where it's like buff dude necks or necks of neck whatever it's just like if you own a neck harness you are a sociopath there's just no
Starting point is 00:19:46 way that you're not yeah that's actually true you got issues and you need to see you need to see a professional i think i i agree with you i agree with you there's no reason to do all of that like there are a lot of easy ways to work well the neck harness hurts it like just rubs your ears the whole time like you you move your head it just keeps chafing your ears. It doesn't even work very good. Honestly, the first time I saw Jeff Nifford in a video go like this. Yeah, you're like, what? I was like, brother, brother, I know it's science-based.
Starting point is 00:20:16 But come on, bro. There's always that factor. Oh, look who's trying to pee for me. Hey, Carlos, come on in here, buddy. What's Carlos doing? I love Carlos. I always want to give him a hug when I see him because he's so awesome. there's always that factor oh look who's hey carlos come on in here buddy there he is what's carlos doing i love carlos i always want to give him a hug when i see him because he's so awesome plus he's helping me get into my cryptocurrency so yeah we're currently live right now this guy's been training man this guy's been training yeah he's been great okay let me let me let me push
Starting point is 00:20:39 this shirt away because i'm sweating how are you doing oh i thought i thought you had a boner i'm sweating profusely you know what it's episode 500 oh my god 500 push-ups you are sweating like i told you i'm sweaty as hell right now why are you lubed up it's sweat it's because the alcohol dude you're so jacked fuck you send that to me let's put that on instagram but yeah no i told you send that to me too when i drink a little bit it makes me sweat so and your clothes come off and my clothes come off it's it's a rather immediate thing but see know what we say, that it was a lightweight. So, but you're trying to tell us and the world that this is all natty? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yes. So. All natty, bro. So we've all been lifting for quite some time and we know that this is like, it can't happen that way. Yes, it can. It cannot be natural. Yes, it can. It just, you just need spinach, kale, meat, a hundred pushups a day, you know, doing some pull-ups here and there, discipline, and do that for like a year.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And you'll get to where I am, including the 10. I think you're on tons of steroids. Illegal ones, too. No! What steroids are legal? Are there any legal steroids? You can get like Anovar prescribed. How would I know? Why are you coming at me like that?
Starting point is 00:22:08 he's trying to flip it around on me quickly he did that I thought they were all like fairly illegal I can clearly see really? no I can't tell anything well I don't have gyno which is nice people always there's always one guy in the comments
Starting point is 00:22:24 who's like oh look at look at that guy at Oprah. I'm like, no, my nipples are squishy. There's no hardness underneath my nipple. Go ahead. Go ahead. Oh, my God. See? There's nothing weird underneath my nipples.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It felt great, but now I got to do the show with an erection. That's not going to be easy. It's not a big deal. Again? Or it is a big deal. Or wait a second. Oh, man. Yeah yeah i don't know what the point of this show is well we did have a topic initially no i meant like in general
Starting point is 00:22:53 so why are we just doing this oh my god actually i had a question for you no i've wondered if you've ever like you definitely have i guess you've thought about this but everything that like it seems that like what you've done has always had like a purpose of bettering people's lives. Right. But you've also managed to make a great amount of money. Now, when you see that, like, you know, Dana White, $400 million or whatever, have you ever had like, has there ever been a monetary goal there or has it always been purpose driven? Like you just want to do this. A bunch of money will come that's not the biggest deal but you just want to make this different type of protein shake
Starting point is 00:23:30 like the steak shake or these supplements because it's actually going to be the betterment of people's lives it's actually different and because of that obviously money is going to come in have you ever had a real monetary goal though i would say first i'd say you know impact a lot of people's lives and uh you'll be able to kind of get whatever you want, you know, just in, in general. And, and that doesn't necessarily mean like money, but if you, uh, if you are assisting people and helping people and it's something that you, and as a result, you really enjoy that a lot, you'll do it for a long time and you'll probably end up being pretty good at it.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Uh, in terms of actual money, like as soon as I made the slingshot, like literally the probably the surrounding a month or so after I created the actual product, I thought I was like, this is like at least a $10 million idea. And this is something that I will. I was like, I was like, I think that my wife and I can get it to like 5 million on our own, but I don't know what else I'll be able to ever do beyond that. Cause I don't know what that means to have a company that's, you know, that's growing like that. So those were some initial ideas. had a lot of other numbers dancing around in my head but like uh there's there's specific numbers that i have had in mind of what the company could potentially do and what it but it's all like um the reason why i'm not saying a number is not because it's like private necessarily uh it's more so because um it's more so because it's it it, the, the number itself is, doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:25:05 It's just the potential of what I think it can do. Um, and, and that's always been in my heart and we haven't reached that number yet. And, uh, it's been really weird. That's why I've been so excited about some of the new stuff that we have going on because I'm like, oh shit. Like I didn't foresee a lot of this stuff, uh, coming down the pipeline. Yeah. And I'm like, this will, like I didn't foresee a lot of this stuff coming down the pipeline. And I'm like, this will take us there and then some. And I said in our meeting the other day, I was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:32 I kind of underestimated what we're going to be able to do, which is really an amazing feeling to have, to have the people in this building that care about this business so much, that love this business so much, that love this business so much, that are excited about the grind of it all. And it presents a lot of challenges. And to do this day in and day out and to be here all the time is not always the easiest thing to do, even though it might be something that people like.
Starting point is 00:26:01 It might be something that people love. It's still hard. And you still end up dealing with a lot of different personalities. And we are a family, and just like in any family, you end up with hurt feelings, and you end up with misunderstandings, miscommunications, and all kinds of things. But I am excited about some of the stuff that we have coming up in the future, and I think that will get us to that number uh that i was talking about it's just it's very it's all very odd that i wanted to like quote unquote retire which i still don't know what that means but at 45 and i'm 44 and
Starting point is 00:26:36 all this is happening right at the same time so i'm like that's really weird like it it's all happening like approximately around the time that it around, like it, it should allow me to kind of check out of some things coming up. But my guy, what does retirement actually mean? Because like, like you said,
Starting point is 00:26:54 like you just mentioned, like, you're not even sure what that means, but for you, I mean, I don't think I understand the extent to how much work you do here, but at the same time, it's like,
Starting point is 00:27:04 what do you actually do here? No, like I know it's a lot here but at the same time it's like what do you actually do here no like i know it's a lot but at the same time it's like you know it seems that like you're doing a lot of the things that you like to do there's probably some aspects of this that you're like oh shit right you know right a few but when you would enjoy a majority of it then what does retirement look like because retirement for a majority of the population is I'm leaving a job that I'm very good and happy leaving. Right. But when you think about like totally leaving this, does that ever even happen? So I liked social media as well.
Starting point is 00:27:37 You know, I really I actually like love social media. The business was grown off the back of social media. I was on MySpace. I was on Facebook. I was on every single thing that you can think of promoting powerlifting and then later promoting products and things like that. And YouTube, you know, my YouTube goes all the way back to 2007. And, you know, I've been excited about a lot of these things for a really, really long time. But in talking to a lot of different friends that were executing really well on social media and just recognizing that they were not happy. They were noticeably sad, if I could put it into those terms.
Starting point is 00:28:21 And I was like, whatever that is. I'm like, I don't want that. Even though they are doing well monetarily. Oh, the chicken ass and everything possible. Like they're crushing it and everything. Yeah. They're crushing it in business and they're crushing it on social media. And by all accounts, it looks like everything's going really, really good.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Uh, but they're not happy or that satisfied by that. And I'm like, oh man, like that's the direction I'm probably going to, you know, I could potentially fall into that same pitfall. And so even though I liked social media, there was other aspects to it that I didn't. So I wanted to move on from that. Same thing with business is I want to not necessarily move away from business or move out of doing any business.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Retirement doesn't also mean that I don't ever do any work. I'll still be working and doing a lot of stuff. But I think the stuff that I do now, which I have some opportunities to focus on, I would just like to focus on the more, and that's more like personal development type stuff. Just understanding human behavior a lot more, because I think if I can understand human behavior,
Starting point is 00:29:24 I think I can help hundreds of millions of people, uh, against like obesity, diabetes, things like that. So that's sort of, and I would like to spend this, I guess this is like halftime for me. I'd like to spend the second half of my life, uh, figuring out ways to give back, you know, even though it may appear that I give a lot because the gym is free and there's like things like that. But I just mean on like larger levels, like be charitable. And I do some of that, but I would like to. I'd like to explore that more and like learn more about what that really looks like. Like there's a lot of things that I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Like I. I've never been to another country where they're really less fortunate. I've never seen that kind of stuff up close. I'd like to experience that and just know what... I don't know, I think it's going to be transformative for me in a lot of ways. And so I'd love to spend a lot of time doing that kind of stuff. That'd be really interesting.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I don't know how I move away from this stuff because I do love it. Yeah. When you said the giving back portion, I just immediately thought of like, have you ever seen, um, there's clips on Instagram of there's this gym in Ghana with like all these buff dudes and that like they,
Starting point is 00:30:34 they legit just like work out with weights outside and like this very small space. It'd be cool if they were like different super trainings in just like very like areas that people don't have access to weights and stuff like places in south america places in like different parts of i don't know like that'd be awesome or just like an area like brazil like where there's like tons of violence like yeah imagine just i you know just teaching people how to lift and uh having affordable gyms or so i i don't know exactly what any of it would be or mean or how it would come to be.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And then even here in the United States, there's a lot of stuff to look at. There's a lot of stuff to work on. There's a lot of things I don't understand just because I've never lived through any of those things or had particular perspectives on certain things. I've never lived through any of those things or had particular perspectives on, on certain things. Um, you know, my son has talked about this many times where he like,
Starting point is 00:31:29 he just, he wants to just go downtown one day to Davis or Sacramento and just, uh, just be homeless and just like, just kick it and just be there for a couple of days and just like figure shit out. And I'm like, fuck man.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Like that's, that's amazing. Like, that's that's amazing like that's really interesting and why the perspective i think he just would like to learn more about it and he's like how could i know anything about it unless i kind of go through some of it you know he's just like he's ridiculously smart i'm sometimes like where the fuck did you come from you know uh there's a there's a documentary that shows that actually um that you know i'll google it it'll be easy for me to find but the uh the rapper from fuji's
Starting point is 00:32:11 pros i don't know if you remember him yeah ghetto superstar he that was his one hit um dude that's a great song yeah yeah that's a really good one but yeah no he um he like lived homeless for a while and he like, it shows you that like he's hanging out with like dudes doing heroin and shit. Like it's intense. I'll figure it out and I'll send it to you. Yeah. But imagine if you had somebody that, that I just think it allows you to help people more.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah. Because then you can identify the, you can identify maybe some of the main issues and somebody that is homeless would say, hey, I don't know if you realize this, but because of this, this and this, this is why this happens. Maybe it could be something as simple as in San Francisco, the odds of you stepping in human poop is higher than you stepping in probably dog shit right yeah and maybe someone who's homeless could simply just point out the
Starting point is 00:33:09 fact that like it's hard to find a fucking bathroom they won't let us these places won't allow us to use their restroom and i don't know any great solutions to that uh because once you start to like mandate stuff and you put things in, once you start to have a bunch of rules or laws, that's not a great fix. So if you had a law that every big chain restaurant, it's just not a great solution because then you have someone homeless walking through the place and why would Starbucks have to be responsible? It's weird. As opposed to another business, it gets to be strange really quick.
Starting point is 00:33:47 So anyway, I just think like, you know, trying to figure out ways to get exposed to some other things that this world has to offer would be really, really cool. And some travel and things like that. Yeah. Yeah, the duck is called simply Skid Row. Skid Row. Writing it down. It's on Amazon, but you can also get it on, what is it called? Oh, Tubi TV.
Starting point is 00:34:11 T-U-B-I TV. Yeah. What the hell? It's free. There's all kinds of free stuff on that app, which is what we want to call it. But yeah, Skid Row by Praz. I would like to also maybe figure out a way to do something with the education the education system, you know, or participate just in any way that I can. And again, I'm not saying that I have answers or solutions, but maybe teaming up with our buddy Matt that we had on the show before and just communicating with other people, maybe even learning more about how other countries educate if they have better options and things of that nature.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Education is changing, man. But you know what's crazy? I was talking to, who was, I forgot where she got her degree, but she was coming from somewhere in Africa. And even in China, they do this too. It's like, if you want to be a hello. I was like, be a what? if you want to be a hello i was like be a what if you want to be a hello no like if you want to be a doctor and that's what you decided that you wanted to be you finish high school and you go straight to school to be a doctor you know i i get the whole undergrad thing in terms of like you know doing all these prereqs and doing all these things so
Starting point is 00:35:23 you can be a more well-rounded individual but why waste time if you know what you want to be why spend all this money if you know what you want to be so i guess the education system is gonna it's gonna take more while to change as far as like i guess those professional degrees are concerned at least in the u.s like law and being a doctor but as as other things, people are learning all these things online, man. It's like this, this, this stuff can't keep going the way it is. People can't, people can't afford it. People, when they come out of school, they're stuck in, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And it's just, it's debilitating. It's demoralizing, right? It's absolutely demoralizing. Like now you have this degree, but you have $80,000 worth of debt and you don't even have a job yet. I think for the most part too, like I think people are more keen to just being able to have someone that can actually help them. That can either give them actionable items that they can go and do or to kind of lay everything out for them the way that it should be. Like if you were, uh, if you were to go to somebody about like stocks and bonds and you wanted to learn some stuff like that, like that wouldn't be my,
Starting point is 00:36:31 I wouldn't, I wouldn't care. It wouldn't make any difference to me. I know nothing about stock, right? So it wouldn't make any difference to me whether the person was like college educated, like that would be,
Starting point is 00:36:41 I would just think like having a college degree is not something that would amplify the amount of information that they're going to be able to give me about this like i would rather uh that they've just been they've been successful they've helped take a lot of people from one spot to another and they were they uh had progress progression is going to be the ultimate marker of success and i think obviously like when it comes to certain things we would like a board certified md right we would like and maybe those things you know could be better or whatever but for like open heart surgery right like yeah now the stakes are a little different like things are we're not just uh we're talking
Starting point is 00:37:24 about life or death you you know, and obviously we don't always have a high standard, but what I'm trying to say is that I don't think going to school puts you above anybody else's standard necessarily. It just does show dedication. It shows you put time into it. It shows that you sacrificed. You sacrificed a lot of your time. time into it uh it shows that you sacrificed you sacrificed a lot of your time you went to a specific you know college or area or whatever and you went through all the bullshit yeah you're used
Starting point is 00:37:52 to dealing with a lot of bullshit is what it shows you absolutely and like again like like nowadays that's i think that's the thing a lot of a lot of people are realizing it's that like you can if you spend time to educate yourself on a certain thing and you make changes for quite a bit of people you can build a business online with that like you don't you don't need a degree for that right you'd for a majority of things like you don't need to go waste your time and money doing that if you can find someone or get some videos or get some books and learn it on your own and find some people to make results for that's exactly like how i started my like my online thing is like i worked with some people for free got them some
Starting point is 00:38:28 great results and then moving on from there right there's so many possibilities it's insane and it's great just take that risk yeah my nephew i was talking to him because he um he was doing the college thing but then once uh pandemic started you know everything went online and he just kind of yeah he just kind of like like he was getting all the uh like the lameness of college without the funness and so now he was like yeah i think i just want to do something hands-on like he's so tired of doing virtual everything he just wants to do anything hands-on so he's like yeah i was thinking about like mechanic or like some kind of like you know whatever and i'm like well the cool thing about all of that is you can go do that right now for free and figure out if you like it or if you don't.
Starting point is 00:39:11 You know, you don't have to go to school, get in debt. And because he was talking about trade school. Yeah. And like, you can just, I don't know, find somebody and be like, hey, I'll go work for you for free. Right. You know, whatever you need. I'll just, you know, hand you tools, whatever it takes. And it kind of like, he didn't really like get it but still though like that's like you can easily not easily but you can definitely do that and figure out if you like whatever trade that is
Starting point is 00:39:35 without getting yourself in all that debt that's why like i love like i love like all the guests that we end up having on here is because if you listen to this podcast for a minute, there is no doubt that you realize that you can educate yourself on anything or pretty much anything. You could find the resources for it and you could do something with it because we've had so many guests that have done exactly that. Like I think the first person that comes to mind is Bedros. Like geez.
Starting point is 00:40:03 And, and, and it's like, it's, it's, it's's it's extremely possible i think like getting into the self-development rabbit hole is is something that everybody needs to do early on you know i'm lucky i got into my early 20s but i feel like i wish that someone taught me that type of stuff when i was a teenager it's easy to look at that stuff and kind of think like, oh, it's kind of bullshit. You know, let's look at like Tony Robbins type stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:30 It's easy to, but if you can just be more open-minded, you have to recognize that Tony Robbins is going to say a lot of shit that you can apply to your life. Gary Vee, like for some people, Gary Vee might be too much. He might yell or he he's gonna have a lot of valuable stuff ct fletcher is someone that's fired up and excited and he's gonna call you a motherfucker and he's gonna tell you it's still your motherfucking set yeah some people love that and some people are like ah but again david goggins david goggins always fired up he seems like a complete psychopath but just imagine if you can apply some of the things that he
Starting point is 00:41:08 says. Is there any truth to... I mean, this kind of idea went very viral. And I don't know if he's the first guy to come up with it, but he basically just said most people will go about 60% on stuff if you really think about it and you really look at it. And he's like, I know this because I was 60% in on a lot of shit and i thought i was a hundred but once i crank things up i recognize like oh man you just basically went a little bit above halfway you've never felt the real pain of what it's like to go 100% and so but like could we all learn from that could we all learn from like hey go Hey, go all in on this thing, go all in on this, uh, set of leg press and, you know, do rather than doing a set of 20, because you had a preconceived notion of how many reps that you could possibly do, uh, go until like, you just feel like you literally can't do another rep.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Yeah. And it's very rare to, to, it's very rare to go to a point where you literally can't do another rep because most time you're just like, that's not very safe. Yeah. But look at Tom Platz, one of the guys that had the biggest, best leg development anyone's ever seen. There's a lot of videos of him just dumping weights off his back. He wasn't scared of that.
Starting point is 00:42:20 He was like, this is part of the process. I'm not saying everyone needs to go to that. I'm not saying everybody needs to be that intense, but it's great to brush up against that and say, okay, I know what that's like because we know full well, like on this podcast, like you could make great progress in that 70 to 80% range in just about anything that you do. And you could take your time and you can move a little slower, but you better know what the 100% feels like as well.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Like there's shit to be learned from everybody when it comes to personal development. Yeah. And I think like one thing is that maybe as far as the gym, right? It's a good idea to learn where your limits are,
Starting point is 00:43:00 but especially with anything that you're trying to do right now as far as like maybe entrepreneurship is concerned or maybe your business or something you're trying to start, I think it's just necessary to go, go as hard as you can for a bit and just see, see where it can take you. Because one of the biggest things, and this has been a problem for me for a very long time is, um, like it's, it's the big fear of like, what if I do all I can and it's not enough? Like, what if I actually put in the effort I know I should be putting in and it's still not good enough. I think a lot of people, they're not
Starting point is 00:43:35 just scared of failing, but they're just scared that their best can't meet the expectation of what they're actually supposed to be doing. Right. So it's just, that's just something that you got to do though. What about just examining that further? Like imagine if you had a thought and you're like, all right, I'm going to start up this new company. Right? But you get two or three thoughts down the line, or maybe you mentioned it to a friend
Starting point is 00:43:58 or significant other and they go, yeah, but what about, and you're like, oh shit, I didn't really, that thought kind of festers and it lingers and you're like, oh, well, yeah, I guess they're right. That would be too hard. What if the second that you thought something was too hard, not necessarily that you just go the opposite way, but you just sat down and thought about it a little bit more. You just decided like, hey, you know what? I'm going to write out some pros and I'm going to write out some cons. Yeah. I'm going to write out some pros and I'm going to write out some cons.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Yeah. Let's just say you wanted to flip everything around and just be a professional bodybuilder and you wanted to, um, like, like Olympia status bodybuilder, right? Yeah. You could sit there and think about like, okay, that would be way too hard. That would pull a lot of time away from everything else I do. Am I willing to give up jujitsu? Am I willing to give up maybe even podcasting? Cause maybe you just feel like you just got to spend more time doing whatever the fuck it is you'd be doing to be a really
Starting point is 00:44:49 high level bodybuilder do you want to make those other commitments you know there's a lot there's a lot of commitments to think about there but at least you can kind of weigh it out and you can say yeah it's not for me but you know what i would love to do is I'd love to compete again. Let me start there and see what that's like. And now, now you have a new direction with new direction. You might have some new goals with new goals. Now you have a bunch of new shit to concentrate on. Evolution favors those who dumb things down. That's exactly what I thought about.
Starting point is 00:45:20 You guys are listening to this episode before we have our next guest on. But that quote right there is what? Eugene. Eugene. Eugene Trufkin. Correct, Andrew? That sounds good. Eugene Trufkin. Eugene.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Eugene? Eugene. Didn't I say Eugene? I thought you said Gene. Gene? No, I said Eugene. Sorry. You guys remember Eugene from Hayden?
Starting point is 00:45:42 He called Encima Mike, which is a first. People have messed your name up before but that's the first time he threw me off because i was like wait i looked at you i was like i was like i was like what is he talking about but i i have seen ensima at starbucks like say that his name was mike yeah yeah because ensima was like too much so maybe he was there one of those days and he thought your name was actually Mike. Yeah. When I go to places like Starbucks, I either use like the name Mike or Bo or. Like Steve.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Yeah. There's literally full names. That is my full name. Say it again. That is my full cultural African name. What's the second name? Abasi. My actual name means what manner. What's the second name? Abasi. Yeah. My actual name means what manner of God's love is this?
Starting point is 00:46:28 Like we are not gave me that full name, but my, my, my ID name is in Sima. You know what I think is better? What? American names. And here's why.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Let's go get canceled. Don't get canceled, Mark. No, I was just going to, I'm joking. A hundred percent. Good preface Don't get canceled, Mark. No, I was just going to. I'm joking 100%. Good. Preface.
Starting point is 00:46:48 My name means absolutely nothing. Like, I love that you're a guy like deep, rich, like you're like, oh, you know, it means this and whoever. It's got heritage. It's got some meaning. Whoever came up with it, put a lot of thought into it. You know, my name, not so much. They're probably like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:47:04 We had another kid by accident mark sounds good let's roll with that does that like do the names like mark does that not mean anything really though like in my family there's a there's a like family friend that has a name mark and so they just always my mom always liked that so she named me that but yeah my mom's middle name is andrea oh andrew andrew yeah yeah everyone in the chat's just wondering if you're natty oh guys and i keep telling them that you're on guys you're on creatine guys i'm what you want me to be oh my god i am what you want me to be that plays into the next question whether or not you're like an escort am i an escort yeah bro that i'd shoot you would definitely make a lot
Starting point is 00:47:44 of money i don't know if i would though i don't know if i would because you wouldn't charge people or i just could do that job for free escort like you mean like escorting people to their seat kind of like escorting old ladies across the street i don't think that's an usher right that's different i think so yeah no i had a homie when i was a personal trainer back in the day back in the day fucking six years ago um he was like so old he was like bro okay i gotta talk about the ways i've been aged but um yeah he was like bro i make so much money stripping i was like pause wait why are you just telling me about this right now why are you
Starting point is 00:48:21 telling me that you're a stripper too why are you bringing me in on this he's like dude well i gotta i got a group and we add you to the group you know we sometimes do these bachelorette parties and we can make so much dough i was like probably could though awkward it's not my cup of tea though but yeah he was making bank it's crazy yeah but no i'm not an escort to answer your questions. No. Okay. No. Very insulting, I imagine. Very insulting. Damn, the most thumbs downs on a video ever after you said that.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Oh, man. Yeah. Just breaking people's hearts. But on that note, I do think that those industries are necessary. Baggins just said meaty escorts. Meaty? Meaty as in M-E-A-T-Y? Yeah, because all that Piedmontese Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:49:07 Don't we love Piedmontese though? I love Piedmontese I made A flat iron steak In the air fryer But I didn't let it thaw out I just cooked it Pretty close to being frozen
Starting point is 00:49:25 and it came out like crunchy and it was extra salty it was so good yeah i was surprised because i'm like no you got to let it thaw out you can't cook meat when it's still cold like it's got to be room temp i i ate some piedmontese yesterday with nothing on it really wanted to taste just a flat out flavor natural the uh center cut ribe Oh, that's a good that's a good one Yeah, it was fucking awesome. Yeah, it was so good. I was just like I just want to try it Yeah, I always dump a lot of salt on everything or a bunch of ingredients or whatever and I was like I'll just go with just salt and it was uh fantabulous
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yeah, I also had um some hamburger patties yesterday, too. Oh, my gosh. They're so good. Okay. All right, people. If you guys haven't, you guys need to go on Piedmontese's website and get the Hop Dottie. The Hop Dottie patties. Can they?
Starting point is 00:50:18 I think they're like 70-30 or 75-25. Can they get those? They should be able to. I'll search for it. Why can't they? I don't know if that was like a hidden secret menu. No, no. It's there.
Starting point is 00:50:27 It's on there. Okay, my bad. Yo. Though, I need you to realize what I sacrificed when I gave you those bags. Those were amazing. I understand the sacrifice you made, sir. Yes. Those are so good.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Those are fantastic. So, guys. You were like, oh, you can keep the rest of them. I was like, really? In the back of my head, I was like, fuck you, Mark. I was like, you're giving me my head I was like fuck you Mark I was like you're giving me gold right here what are you doing
Starting point is 00:50:47 no I'm playing those are so good yeah you guys need to order if you guys haven't yet you guys need to order those patties from Piedmont T's they're amazing yeah I think you felt like you had to
Starting point is 00:50:56 because we were in the sauna together yeah you had me in your hot tub and you had me in your sauna that pause that that didn't sound I had you
Starting point is 00:51:03 we went into the hot tub and we went into the sauna. I forced him to do a lot of stuff he didn't want to do that day. It got to be bad, yeah. I ate a lot of meat that night. It was good. I was like, here, Nsema, take this mind bullet potion.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Oh, shit. Oh, man. You got to do what you got to do to be productive. You got to do what you got to do. Yeah productive. You got to do what you got to do. Yeah. And you guys got to go check out Piedmontese. You can get those amazing hot dotty patties. They're 75% fat.
Starting point is 00:51:33 They're incredible. It's like 75, 25. Yeah. Yeah. You can get those for, what is it? 25% off? I can't even remember. 25.
Starting point is 00:51:40 25. Sorry. That's the, that's the maker's mark speaking. Head over to It's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. That was really hard to do.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I can imagine. The only thing I had to eat today was whiskey. Really? That's all you had? Yeah. Whiskey and Mind Bullet? Yeah. I just had some oatmeal and some protein powder.
Starting point is 00:52:09 So, yeah. That concoction actually looks pretty good. That hunger is starting to settle in. In the previous podcast, I heard your stomach like twice. You were just like here and it was just going off. I saw you kind of like massaging it. Yeah, I was like, hey, settle down over there. He's like, no.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Oh, man. You still been messing around with some fasting? Oh, yeah. Almost every day. Not today, because after the podcast, I went on and got some, one of those, what are Mark Lobliner's things called? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Those bars, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Outright. Outright. Yeah, at an outright bar. Those are fucking good. Those are good. But yeah, I'm fasting a lot yeah almost every day some days i don't but it's are you are you hungry or like how do you deal with the hunger like do you or you just you're like yeah i'm hungry like you smell the food like
Starting point is 00:52:56 when we get done with the podcast a lot of times there's people cooking in the break room and you just ignore it or you're not hungry you don't usually ignore it. Yeah, I just usually ignore it because I'm used to it now. You do feel hungry. Yes. Right. Yes, I do feel hungry. But I will also say that that feeling of hunger, it's probably just because, again, I've gotten accustomed to that feeling.
Starting point is 00:53:14 It doesn't feel uncomfortable, really. It's not like I feel hungry, hence I must eat. It's more so I feel hungry, I'm hungry. And then it goes away. I think it's important to point out that you're, that you, like, you're always working for it. You're always working towards it. And I think that sometimes people are just like, well, he's just a genetic mutant. He's a genetic freak.
Starting point is 00:53:34 But you're not, it's not like you're eating all day. Like, you are making, like, certain sacrifices to go towards your goals. Has fasting, have you felt any of the like mental side of fasting like do you feel like uh more alert and things like that from fasting or like yeah what are some what are a bunch of reasons why you do it i guess so yeah man like when i first started like is it three years ago now i remember but it was a few years ago it wasn't for i wasn't trying to do it for body composition benefits. I was just doing it because I heard people in the biohacking community talking about,
Starting point is 00:54:09 oh, when I do fasting, I'm actually able to focus longer on work. I feel more alert and more just like in the zone when I'm getting stuff done. So that's why I started doing it. Now, I actually do feel that when I am fasting, I'm going through the day and I'm having to sit at my computer. I'm just having to do stuff. I feel more alert. I'm not thinking about food and there's no blood sugar levels moving all over the place.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I just feel calm and I feel I can just get things done well. So I do feel that. I also, again, I mean, this is something we talked about, but I don't feel like whenever I think about food or food comes around, I don't feel out of control anymore. You know, before when I would eat throughout the day, so I'd eat breakfast, a snack or whatever. I'd always be thinking about my next meal.
Starting point is 00:54:52 And like, I just didn't feel in control of hunger when I would feel hungry. It was a cue to stuff something in my mouth immediately. Right. And I didn't like that. That's not something that's sustainable. And, um, I think now with like, because I've done some fasting, because I'm out, like, uh, I'm in control of when I want to eat and my actions, when it comes to taking actions on hunger,
Starting point is 00:55:16 I don't feel that it's going to ever be possible for me to get out of shape being perfectly real, just because it's my hunger cues do not control the actions i take and a lot of people they turn to food for comfort they turn to food because they're hungry it's like i think our last podcast guest guest had a very good insight into that he was like you know when people don't feel in control of certain other things in their life whether it be their work or whether it be their relationships whether it be be whatever they do, well, they do have control over what they eat, how much they eat, and it obviously makes them feel good. It's that place where they feel good, they're in control of it.
Starting point is 00:55:53 So that becomes a comfort thing. At this point, I enjoy food, but it's not a thing that brings me comfort. It's not something I turn to for any type of emotional reason. It's just because I turn to for any type of emotional reason. It's just because I'm kind of hungry. He mentioned that unhealthy people can't make healthy choices, and that's really powerful. And it sounds maybe a little too black and white, but I understand his perspective because if you're unhealthy and you have a lot of unhealthy practices, it's really hard to kind of turn all those things around. It's going to take you a really long time. One thing I love about like
Starting point is 00:56:28 fasting or no carbs or something like that. I just, I love the idea of like, I'm not going to give myself a giant list of rules to follow to be on a diet. I'm not going to measure. I'm not going to weigh. I'm not going to do a, B or C. And I'm not going to measure. I'm not going to weigh. I'm not going to do A, B, or C. And I'm not saying any of those things are not effective. They've been proven to be effective by millions of people many, many times over. So those things are effective. But I like the fact that you can take a quote unquote diet break if you wanted to. But I think that if you're going to take a diet break, you still need to have some sort of rule. Like I'm going to continue my exercise, you know, depending on body fat composition,
Starting point is 00:57:08 you could have less rules. If you are on the higher end of body fat composition, you might need to still have more rules, but you can ditch some rules for a while. Let's say you're a keto person and you're just tired of it. You just don't want to eat the amount of fat. You don't want to eat just the way you're eating. You're tired of bacon and cheese and eggs and steak and whatever it is. You can now make a shift and you can start eating leaner meats. But instead of having a ton of rules, you can just say, I'm going to utilize some intermittent fasting and I'm going to eat some carbs. I mean, just really, really something really super simple.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I brought a lot of fasting back in to my diet and I feel amazing. I fucking love it. It works. It works so quickly when you when you utilize it. And it also will work even I think it can work even better when you go through some time periods where you're not using it. Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, I went up when I was doing the flexible dieting thing, like five or four years ago,
Starting point is 00:58:09 like when I was really focused on the whole IFYM thing, whenever I'd hear about like paleo and fasting and these things, and people would talk about the evolutionary aspects to it, like how we didn't use to eat this way, but we used to eat that way. I was always like, well, that's kind of BS. But when it comes to fasting
Starting point is 00:58:24 and even when it comes to paleo, like that well, that's kind of BS. But when it, when it comes to fasting and even when it comes to paleo, like that argument does make a lot of sense. Like if, if we didn't evolve eating all day long, like we're eating right now, right? Like it just makes sense that we'd be in, we'd have better condition. We'd be able to digest food better. We'd have a better lifestyle. Like, I think it is very odd for every single day like there are days that i don't fast there are days that i think it's not good to fast every single day but at the end of the day i do also think it's kind of be it's kind of weird to be eating all day long you know whether it's six meals eight meals or whatever and i know like guys do
Starting point is 00:58:57 what works for your lifestyle if that's keeping you in shape in shape stay doing that but at the same time like i it does seem kind of weird to always be having something going in your face during the day. Automate your health goals is what our guests, you know, that people hear on the next podcast from Eugene automated health goals. I think that's an amazing term. Um, what are some ways that you can kind of shortcut some of your health goals? I mean, he talked about what he does before he takes a shower. He puts a bunch of his food in the oven and he puts his rice in the rice
Starting point is 00:59:31 cooker. And by the time he comes out, the food from the oven is, I mean, that's, that's genius. Very, very simple.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I mean, I'm just trying to think, he said it takes five minutes. I'm trying to think like, if that's realistic, but I think it is. I think that could take, it could take he said it takes five minutes. I'm trying to think like, if that's realistic, but I think it is. I think that could take, it could take probably maybe more like 10 minutes to kind of prep the food and
Starting point is 00:59:51 put it in like a Pyrex or whatever you're going to put it in and put it in the oven. That's fucking easy to do. Absolutely. But man, like that, that had, that just got me thinking right now when I prepare,
Starting point is 01:00:00 like if I, if I think about a normal meal, sometimes let's say like I have one of those Bibigo packets of rice from costco that i have to warm up in the microwave for 90 seconds and then i see season my piedmontese steak and throw it in the air fryer for 20 that all will take me two minutes seasoning three minutes to do like okay i season it air fryer click put in the microwave click and i'm gonna eat it in 20 minutes but i I can do whatever I want to do everywhere else. Email, text, whatever you need to do. Cooking is not stressful at all.
Starting point is 01:00:30 You know what I mean? Don't have to meal prep, don't have to do any of that. I love what he said about it's like no time at all for meal prep. I forgot the exact term that he used, but I was like, oh, shit, that's actually really good. Because, yeah, while you're, I mean, yeah, like if if let's just say you do watch netflix every night it's like well shit just throw some some food in the oven and you have that for tomorrow for lunch or whatever yeah so i thought that was cool like you know you have you don't have any time like cool
Starting point is 01:00:57 you don't need any time yeah that was awesome yeah absolutely yeah we've been so fortunate to have so many good guests on the show and to kind of guide us, you know, to, I guess, to some of the things that we practice, you know. And one of the things that I've kept that I've been a huge fan of is Ted Niemann and his protein leveraging. Just, I mean, I can give you these two things to implement into your diet and you will get leaner if you practice them. Utilize some intermittent fasting and then also utilize protein leveraging. Like have protein be the primary thing that you're after. Have protein be the thing that you eat first. Protein forward style of diet. So even when you do come off of a fast or on a day where you're not fasting
Starting point is 01:01:47 the whole entire day, you're thinking protein feeding, protein feeding, protein feeding, like just don't even really think about like, uh, necessarily eating or food in general. Like,
Starting point is 01:01:57 just forget about food for a second and only think about protein. Like think about that's just make it like just in your own head just for uh sake of like not having a lot of clutter and not being confused about what to do and what not to do just say that when you when it's time to eat that you're going to eat protein you can still eat other food but do it afterwards be protein minded first if you eat protein three times a day if you eat at uh three and four and seven or whatever it is the times because you practice some intermittent fasting for the day, you will get leaner.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Now, obviously, you could take my rules and you can force yourself to be fatter because you could go and eat like tons and tons of food and you can have Ben and Jerry's and stuff. That's not really what I'm talking about. I'm talking about kind of a whole food style diet in general, but you could still have some wiggle room to eat some of the things that you want simply by implementing intermittent fasting and by implementing protein leveraging. I know that we're bros.
Starting point is 01:02:55 And when people hear us protein come out of their mouth, they're like, I mean, obviously you're going to talk about protein, but like it's satiating. So it helps you feel full, right? I mean, there are different types. So, I mean, if you have a steak, it has more fat, but at the end of the day, like you're, you're going to stop eating at a certain point. You can't just keep eating whatever meat it is. You can't keep shoving it down your mouth.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Right. Whereas if you're eating a lot of carbohydrates, it's very easy to go overboard because like you don't get that response to actually stop eating. Like there's a big reason why we talk about that so much. It makes dieting and it makes being in shape so freaking easy yeah and then you know talking about like automating things like people want um like a diet pill or whatever it may be but like eating more protein kind of can be that because of the like the thermo whatever effective thing you know that how your body make effective food there it is
Starting point is 01:03:45 yeah sorry i can remember but you nailed it yeah so with like that in mind it's like yeah if you just eat more protein your body is gonna work a lot harder to try to break that down and then you're gonna burn more calories without doing anything i had a steak last night and uh i also had a potato i ate the steak first i had asparagus i ate steak asparagus and then i ate the potato and i could have eaten the whole potato i but i was totally satisfied by eating about half it it was a normal size potato wasn't some sometimes potatoes like the size of the fucking table for some reason yeah i still haven't figured that part out yet they do vary but yeah i ate
Starting point is 01:04:25 about half the potato and i was i was good so i got some good starchy carbohydrates for some energy to help fill up some uh glycogen stores and things like that but i didn't you know i didn't need it didn't feel the need to smash the whole thing and i think the more that you practice protein leveraging the more of an impact you'll see that it has. And when I got home, because we went out to eat last night, when I got home from that, rather than thinking of eating some garbage or eating some sort of junk, which can sometimes happen after you go out to eat, especially when you have salty foods, you're kind of looking for something sweet. I just had a steak shake and I was good to go. There we go. And then that was the end, and then started my fast from there.
Starting point is 01:05:13 A friend of mine sent me a picture of her vanilla steak shake this morning. It's because she just ordered it. Those are good. Sick. Yeah, Ron Penna was really pumped because he's like, you guys sent me vanilla. And he's like, there's no trick in the vanilla. But he's like, you somehow figured it out to be able to uh you know get a still a good flavor profile even with the vanilla so i was like yeah man the vanilla and the desiccated organs yeah right but what is ron pennant oh well he said in chocolate yeah what the fuck's that guy know let's quickly tell everybody
Starting point is 01:05:38 because some people probably like who's this ron pennant guy yeah ron pennant started quest nutrition him and his wife uh shannon and then he later on brought a bunch of other people on board but he knows about how to flavor you know quest bars and all these different things right that he he was uh creating over the years and now he's uh one of the owners in legendary foods which makes those pop tarts and makes a bunch of other really yummy shit they make nut butters and all kinds of delicious uh delicious treats but yeah he was just shocked that that we that we were able to get some good flavor with nut butters oh yeah nut butter every time yeah you can't say yeah it's we make nut butter yeah or nutter butters oh yeah oh those were good those are
Starting point is 01:06:23 delicious those are really good those were. I think they're still around. Yeah, I haven't seen them in a minute, though. If I go to the store, I don't see them. It's one of those things where we talked about it, you know, but now that you said that, you're going to see them in the grocery store all the time. Signs all over the place. There's a lot of boner talk in the chat room today, too.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Why are y'all talking about boners so much? Cut off a bunch. All people have a boner because he's got his shirt off, I guess. There's's that but also that fasting has caused people to just have better erections better boners yeah what's up y'all y'all y'all y'all understanding why i fast so much now right you get it and pitch a tent all day i think so that's what he said is because uh your body's like oh my god we're gonna die we better copulate now more humans we're gonna die you better fuck somebody quick yeah live every day your life that way i gotta pee really bad when just go right now nope not gonna do that you got a mud so don't end the podcast before i get back all right we won't
Starting point is 01:07:23 end the podcast before we get back so you really want to pee or is he going to put on more makeup nah he's gonna go pee i don't know why he just won't go in the shaker bottle like i mentioned but i guess that's all it is it's all there is to it yeah sometimes it's complicated doing that yeah you know what though i did that before huh i better do that before i'll drive yeah i've done that yeah it's the worst you know what's the worst thing though all right so there was a few times where like i couldn't go anywhere else i don't remember i don't remember what situations but i didn't i didn't have like a something that had a like a open cap like i had like a soda bottle you know how frustrating is to have to do that and then it starts like spraying everywhere and it's not yeah you're like what are the logistics of this
Starting point is 01:08:03 this is not really gonna work so well yeah it's not, you're like, what are the logistics of this? This is not really going to work so well. Yeah. It's not Gatorade bottles work good. Gatorade. Yeah. Gatorade bottles. Yes. Might be, might be,
Starting point is 01:08:12 might be a better option. Yeah. Just empty one. Just around. I'm going to keep some of those in my car. I have a question for you actually. Cause, okay.
Starting point is 01:08:18 So I can remember the times where like earlier, especially like when I was doing personal training, it's IFYM, like I thought I knew so much and I was very closed off to taking out other types of information. Like I'd hear about keto and I think keto people were zealots because I pay attention to a lot of name learning and stuff like that. Right. But for you, when did you start being or have you always been open to a lot of different ideas? Like, I feel like there's probably a point where you thought you knew a lot and a majority of things when it came to fitness and maybe nutrition. And then there was a point where like you shifted and you became open to a lot of things because at this point now, I feel like I'm open to a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 01:08:59 I'm open to hearing whatever somebody has to say and then siphon out the information that I think is actually useful. So yeah, I think the more that I understood, the more I realized that I didn't know that much. Yeah. Right. So there's some more more times I would hear something and I'd be like, well, that's different from what I've heard. That's different from what I heard. That's, you know, the more times I started to hear that and also understand some of those things. That's when I was like, you know what, you should kind of open up your mind a little bit because you got shit on lockdown and you think that uh this is kind of the only way i never really thought that keto was the only way to do things
Starting point is 01:09:33 i did recognize there was other forms of of dieting but um i i would get like mad about it i would get mad that somebody like would would weigh something or count their calories which is like just totally irrational why do i care like if somebody's if somebody's doing something and they enjoy it or they like it or it helps get them better yeah i want to be mad about it you know i just always you're actually mad yeah but i always just thought it was like pointless or worthless so that's why i would be like frustrated with it i'm like that's a waste of time like why are they doing that but now i can i can say hey it's i view it as I'm like, that's a waste of time. Like, why are they doing that? But now I can, I can say,
Starting point is 01:10:06 Hey, it's, I view it as a waste of time. That's my own personal opinion. I don't have any proof that it's a waste of time. Yeah. And if it's working for that person, they may as well keep doing it.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Absolutely. Absolutely. That's why, man, I'm not going to name the name because we've had them on the podcast before, but there's this content creator who like, I, I like this stuff a lot. I respect the dude a lot, name because we've had him on the podcast before but there's this content creator who like i i like this stuff a lot i respect the dude a lot but i'll just pay attention like i'll hear what he has to
Starting point is 01:10:31 say about like fasting and keto and all these things and he's just like so negative towards it and i'm just like dude how could you be at such a high level like how can you be doing this stuff at such a high level and like have this be doing this stuff at such a high level and like have this influence over all these people and share this information with all these people but you're really shitting on things that is very useful for a lot of the population you're shitting on a lot of ideas and eating patterns and all this that is very useful for people how can you be how can you do that man you got to understand that there's there's there's a lot to this right i've done this a lot in my life where i've have uh created a belief and then around that belief i insulate it so that it can't be cracked open by anybody else and i'm like you know this is this is
Starting point is 01:11:16 my belief and this is the only way to do it and all these other ways are dumb but what you do when you do that it's like you're better off you're better off rephrasing probably a lot of your beliefs almost with a question mark at the end where you're not really that sure about it because truthfully like we're not really sure uh i can say i can say i know god exists right or i can say i know god exists right like i think sometimes some people are so attached to certain beliefs, especially when it comes to religion, that they would never do that. They wouldn't even say it messing around the way I just said it right there. But I think that you want stuff open-ended. And if something's a question, now it opens up a discussion or at least you to take other observations or other critics criticisms uh
Starting point is 01:12:07 or other circumstances into play rather than you just made that statement once you make a statement and you put a period at the end of it that's now your belief like that's exactly what you believe and that's it like uh like i'm i'm republican you know and it's like forever like like you're just that right you believe in in a subset of a bunch of things that the republican party believes in for how long for you know you're 20 now you're gonna believe it till you're 40 50 60 70 that doesn't really make any sense you're gonna believe all the same things that you believe your your beliefs should be able to shift and move around and the real key i think like i think this is a huge key to just life in general, is to move your ideas and shift them around so you can have more favorable emotions and reactions towards those things.
Starting point is 01:12:59 So beliefs are things that can be shifted around real quickly. Beliefs are things that can be shifted around real quickly. And if something's so stupid, if I could get mad because somebody's a different color than me, you know what I mean? There's these things that you can think about it a little bit more, and you can start to work on your interpretation of it. You can work on, why am I going to get mad because somebody fucking weighed their food? That's irrational. Just mark for a second, just admit admit is that or is that not irrational it's irrational it doesn't make any sense why am i going to and why am i going to impede on somebody else's life or what they're doing or taking shit on it and say what you're doing is wrong when they lost 40 pounds i should
Starting point is 01:13:40 encourage it and say wow that's really cool man that's freaking fantastic and maybe i have maybe want to shift them towards Ted Niemann's work so they don't have to count their calories all the time. Maybe they could just make better food quality choices and not weigh and measure and do all these things. What about if somebody is, I'm talking about myself here, kind of heading in the right direction and i want to really start to like dial things in and i'm kind of taking a similar approach right like i'm just being protein first um but like let's say i really want to start like cutting or something like how do i know where to go from here if i'm not tracking yeah for me i would just have leaner and leaner you know meats basically uh and i would make sure that the carbohydrates and vegetables i ate didn't accompany you know didn't have a lot of fat with them
Starting point is 01:14:30 that's the way i would do it but to your point if if there's like if you're trying to get like shredded i think you need more precision than that yeah like i i'm not saying that you can't do it the way that i'm talking about. Uh, I'm just saying that like, it's probably not your best bet. Like if you, if you were in a competition against somebody else and they said,
Starting point is 01:14:53 Hey, you know, uh, the end of April, you know, I'm just going to get as shredded as I can. We're going to take pictures and we're going to go against each other. You would be better off having like a precise plan.
Starting point is 01:15:03 So that way you knew what was too little and you knew exactly what was too much finding that point is sometimes kind of hard and so you're just kind of guessing every day it is difficult but what i'm trying to teach people is i'm not trying to teach people anything about that i'm trying to teach people how to like go through life with life feeling uh well not necessarily life but i'm teaching people to like go through life with life feeling, uh, well, not necessarily life, but I'm, I'm teaching people to go through their life and have their fitness be one of the easier things that they encounter every day. Like there's going to be some struggle to it. There's going to be some challenges to it, but your fitness and your food, uh, I'm trying to help people just simplify
Starting point is 01:15:40 that as much as they can. And so my idea of that is like, let's try to figure out how to spend a lot less time doing all those things rather than spending a lot more time doing those things. So it can be convenient so that we are automating what we're doing rather than like spending so much fucking time on everything all the time. Yeah. Because it takes a lot of energy to do that. You know, it takes a tremendous amount of energy and it takes a tremendous amount of like willpower to do that every day. Yeah. So the guest that we keep referencing on this podcast episode hasn't been published yet. So apologies if you guys keep getting lost.
Starting point is 01:16:15 But he had said something about like, you know, getting your groceries delivered or whatever, like it might cost more, but like you've saved two hours or whatever. I'm like, holy shit, that's totally true. So like I,, you know, I just placed an order for a bunch of groceries that I needed to pick it up, needed to pick it up. They can't speak that I need to pick up. Going to pick them up tomorrow. But yeah, I was like, oh shit. I've been mentioning stuff like that forever.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Like, you know, getting some iconals or whatever your favorite company is. Like, just, I can't afford to do that. And you're like, it's $7 a thing, but when I go and buy meat, it's going to be $7 for the whole thing. And it's like, I understand what you're saying. It makes some sense, but you just really waste a lot of time and stress yourself the fuck out by driving to and from Costco. And think of like another thing. I just realized this. I mean, I've never gotten groceries delivered, but when you're in the grocery store and you're shopping, you'll usually grab some stupid stuff that you probably shouldn't grab anyway.
Starting point is 01:17:14 But if you click the things, you know, you need online. Right. And you're at home where there's food present. Right. You're probably less likely to grab stuff that you shouldn't be having. Absolutely. Yeah. Right. where there's food present, right? You're probably less likely to grab stuff that you shouldn't be having in your grocery basket, right? And it's so much easier to budget too because you can, like, I know when I was like, you know, money was super tight.
Starting point is 01:17:32 It was just like, I'm trying to calculate, like, can I get this? Can I get that? Like, maybe I'll take this. Like, no, it shows you your total before you check out. So, it's like, okay, wait, maybe I can get, you know, another thing of steak or whatever it may be. But I was just like, fuck, it's so can get you know another thing a steak or whatever it may be but i was just like fuck it's so obvious you know it's like right there in front of us and i wasn't taking advantage of it and you know with the baby at home it's like yeah i could use some extra time so i'm gonna go ahead and do that how much more does it cost to get your groceries delivered like when
Starting point is 01:17:59 you got on what's the what's the premium tax i'm not sure i just i set it to pick up so like i'm gonna stop by on my way home from work and just pick it up for free. Wow. Yeah. I need to do that. We do some stuff in my house. We have a home chef. It's just like, there's a bunch of companies that are like that.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Home chef, you can go on their website and you can pick out like different meats that you want or different meals that you want. It's just pre-arranged or uh ingredients and my wife always because i've never messed with it before but my wife cooks it and um you know it ends up being a great way for us as a family to sit down and have like a family dinner my wife can cook pretty damn good but um it streamlines it right yeah she's not gonna's not going to cook like four different things, you know what I mean? She's going to cook like meat and maybe vegetables, but with this, it's like you might get a starch, you might get some vegetables, you might get this. And again, people are going to sometimes look at the prices of some of those things
Starting point is 01:18:57 and go, oh my God, but what if one or two times a day, let's just say once a day, what's it, what if once a day you're really looking forward to like a particular meal? Like I look forward to it, but maybe not quite as much as going to like a nice restaurant. Uh, but I look forward to it quite a bit.
Starting point is 01:19:17 I'm like, damn, that's probably going to be whatever she's going to cook tonight. It's probably going to be pretty damn good. Yeah. And a lot of times I cook more stuff with it just cause I'm a pig, but I cook up like a Piedmontese steak with it or, or, uh, whatever I think that I need.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Cause I do intermittent fasting and I'm fasting throughout the whole day. But you know, these are, these are all great options. And, and I know different people have different living styles and stuff, but normally there's some version of that that you can afford somewhere in the mix. And it's probably less expensive than buying a meal out. Like let's think about like, right. If they could put all everything together for you and show you how to cook it, like that you can afford somewhere in the mix. And it's probably less expensive than buying a meal out. Yeah. Let's think about, like, yeah. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Right? If they could put everything together for you and show you how to cook it, like, it's cheaper than going to the BJ's restaurant or whatever that's close to your house. And it'll probably taste better. Yeah. Well, I mean, it'll just be better for you, period. Better for you, too. And that's kind of why we have this damn podcast to try to help people improve.
Starting point is 01:20:02 I went to Napa on the weekend and this weekend got to hang with, yeah, I got to hang with, uh, Sean and Wayne saw that and, their, uh, their wives as well.
Starting point is 01:20:12 And, uh, we had a great time. We went to, uh, I wish I can remember the name of the place, but some Japanese restaurant and man, it was really,
Starting point is 01:20:20 really good. Um, we had all kinds of stuff. We had like pork belly, but like some fried shrimp some calamari um it was just like i mean one of the reasons why i don't really drink that often is like if i drink i i just for some reason i'm so hungry yeah i cannot stop eating i ate the entire time we were together we we were at like one restaurant doing like a wine tasting type of thing.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Yeah. And we were eating like knickknack stuff. So it's understandable. But like, even when we got to the main restaurant, uh, I'm looking at like the appetizer thing. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:20:56 we, I was just like, I want to get all of these. And the guy was like, Oh, okay. He's like, you want the,
Starting point is 01:21:01 you know, the fish tacos or whatever. And, and that other thing. And I was like, no, no, I want, I want all of those. Did you you know, the fish tacos or whatever. And, and that other thing. And I was like, no, no, no. I want, I want all.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Did you legit order all the appetizers? There's like six or seven things on there. And I was just like, and even when we left, I was like, I'm starving. I'm like, I need to eat. I need to eat way more food. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. What do you look like?
Starting point is 01:21:19 Literally, what do you do in that situation? Cause I'm sure like there's people that have been there like, like this weekend too. Like, I don't know. I've been there. Yeah. So when I got home, I cooked,
Starting point is 01:21:28 I had a vertical, I had a vertical meal in the freezer. Those are great. Freaking cooked it up. It was like a vertical, like pot roast or something. It was amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:37 It was so good. That's dope. Sounds like you had the munchies. Didn't sound like you were a little drunk. That's funny. Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Right. Yeah. I was like, unbelievably just like hungry i i think it's because we all kind of kept sharing food and it was over like a long period of time yeah i never really got my like fill of like like just flat out steak or chicken or pork or whatever you know yeah you know though what i was what i was thinking about before was like i think it is cool how like on the cast we we don't necessarily just like have one type of person that totally uh i guess echoes our view right so i think that's a cool thing we had eugene truffkin on right but we also had trent luce on trent luce's big positive advocate of factory farming. Right. Eugene Trufkin is an adversary of factory farming.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Right. And we can listen to both things and we can get some ideas from both of them that will help, you know, give us a better point of view. So I think that's a really good thing. I'm happy that we don't just like, just because a guest may differ with what our beliefs and our views are, we don't not have them on for that reason like we need people to challenge some of the things that we think and maybe bring us some new ideas um and some new facts that maybe we haven't thought about or we're
Starting point is 01:22:54 just going to be stuck in our little echo chamber of everybody agreeing with what we say and that's never good right we've had a wide variety of people on the show. We have, you know, thinking of like Evan Carmichael. Right. And then thinking about like Joel Green or Lane Norton or like it's just we had a really wide spectrum of people on the show. And I love it. It's a lot of fun and it's great to like a lot. Sometimes with with some individuals that we've had, I know literally hardly anything about them. I do look into them. I do YouTube them. I do
Starting point is 01:23:30 try to look at other podcasts. We have Josh Settlegate who helps a lot with researching it as well. And we all try to communicate about like, hey, who's this guy and how is he related to our show and how does he relate to our guests? But I actually love coming on the show and not knowing a ton about the person and getting to learn a lot more about them as the show unravels. I think it's more useful to the listeners, too. Absolutely. And then we have people that, like, will very, like you just said, you know, Trent Luce and Eugene Trufkin. But, like, you know, like, Lane N norton definitely he's called out a lot of people
Starting point is 01:24:05 but like you know we'll have him on and then we'll have tony huge on he's done his like what the fitness yeah yeah so it's yeah like you know and then we've had uh what was his name that that vegan that old guy uh i can't remember his name but like we had that guy on too you know like we're not we're not We're not trying to Just like get the Low hanging fruit Oh the guy was talking about
Starting point is 01:24:29 The A-bombs Like he was talking about Eating like All the vegetables and shit Like onions and shit like that The guy that said like Sean Baker and Saladino Should be in prison
Starting point is 01:24:36 Oh yeah yeah that guy yeah And he was like I think Furman Joel Furman Yeah Joel Furman He was comparing something As far as like football
Starting point is 01:24:43 Concussions And eating meat. Yeah. Like in terms of like the death rates. So it's unfortunate because like sometimes like some of our guests and I could, you know, we could say this about nearly any of our guests because so many of them are so passionate. But in the case of Joel Fuhrman, I think Joel Fuhrman has a lot of great points. I think he has a lot of great information. But then every once in a while, he says something that's a little batshit crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:09 And you're like, ah, like it's kind of killed everything else for you, you know? Yeah. Because he does talk about like he's not against meat necessarily. But he just thinks that meat should represent more like 20% of your diet. A seasoning. Yeah. I think that for a lot of people that don't move around that much, them eating a shit ton of vegetables and not eating a lot of oils and butters and fats and meat makes a fuck ton of sense. Because a lot of people just don't really exercise that much.
Starting point is 01:25:38 They don't love exercise. They don't enjoy it. So therefore, they don't do much of it. And so I think he had a lot of great points, but sometimes people kind of, they slow down their own progression by, you know, kind of saying those kind of crazier outlandish things. And then we see the same thing with some of the other people that are in nutrition,
Starting point is 01:25:57 where they'll cite this one particular study to make a point. And then the next sentence will be like, studies are fucking dumb, you know? And you're like, wait a second, you know, let's try to to get let's try to figure out like what your actual message is you know and yeah you know then then there's a big thing to remember that joel firman even though like may have disagreed with some things he put forward um if somebody
Starting point is 01:26:20 followed that they'd get healthier they'd probably be able to get to a decent body composition and lose a lot of weight and they would be healthier and they would live longer. Because at the end of the day, he, just like us, we're on that journey of trying to figure out what is the best way we can live the healthiest lives possible for as long as possible. Right. So that's, that's a big thing to remember there. There's just, there's different ways of doing it. Some ways we may disagree with, but it'll still lead to that ideal situation for you guys what are some guests that uh have had the biggest impact in terms of you know what you still implement well if we're just
Starting point is 01:26:55 talking we've been going on about it but initially knees over toes guy just because like yo he's also recent to you it's very recent but i think um a lot of a lot of the way that I look at fitness through doing this podcast has kind of changed from the pure. I want to be as big and strong as possible, too. I want to be as big and strong as possible by while also feeling as good as possible. So I want to do all of this while my body feels great and while leading towards longevity and other aspects. So guys like Brian McKenzie and Patrick McKeown, right? Focusing on breathing, that focus on breathing and nasal breathing has led to so many other positive effects when it comes to my sleep, my working out, my endurance, all of these other
Starting point is 01:27:39 things because of that one switch in the way that I breathe. Right. So I think that, that, that is just, it's just my mindset as far as my fitness has adjusted to a more of a, I guess, holistic longevity approach along with, I'm still trying to get the most performance possible, but it's not, I'm not doing it while sacrificing the way that my body feels. I like that.
Starting point is 01:28:02 You said feeling good because that's like underestimated, I think. Um, and then I think that you said feeling good because that's like underestimated, I think. And then I think that people should think about that more. Like, do you actually really like feel good from your workouts? And sometimes there's certain sports where you can maybe make an argument where you're trying to get your legs to grow for bodybuilding.
Starting point is 01:28:21 You know, maybe the next couple of days you won't feel so good, but how bad should you feel like that should be reviewed and for how long, for how many months, for how many weeks? Like, I just think back to a lot of my lifting and I'm like, I think I made a lot of mistakes and thinking, and I don't regret any of them. They were, they were probably important for a lot of of reasons but being able to pass the knowledge
Starting point is 01:28:46 forward onto other people is like i don't really know if you need to go through a lot of that like you can be sore and stuff but like i don't know about you shouldn't be sore for five days uh if that ever does happen to you that should be like kind of a one or one time thing or you maybe mess up here and there trying something new or different but but you know, there's a lot of things that you kind of put yourself through that maybe you don't have to go through. And I think this show having the, all the guests, different guests that we've had on,
Starting point is 01:29:12 that's what we end up with. We end up with people that have had a lot of, uh, experiences, people that have gained a lot of knowledge because they have messed up many, many times. And if we can help you pinpoint error correction before you ever even mess up, that's like, damn, that's a good start.
Starting point is 01:29:28 That's a good path to be on. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and you guys know my past, like I would eat pizza pockets and all these nasty, not even real foods. So the biggest impact has been guys like Alan Flanagan, you know, where it's like, wait, okay. If I do have some of that weird food, like, or I'm never going to eat that stuff again, but like, you know where it's like wait okay if i do have some of that weird food like or i'm never
Starting point is 01:29:46 gonna eat that stuff again but like you know pizza or something um yeah i gotta just be protein first you know protein forward and earlier in the day he did talk about how like yeah yeah yeah you were able to digest not just digest it would break it break down glucose better earlier in the day than if you had it at night so that's a pretty big big deal. Yeah. So, I mean, we have multiple guests like that, that they'll say something and I'm just like, oh shit, like I got to start implementing that. And then it just becomes a part of my daily routine or my just, I don't even think about it. It's automated.
Starting point is 01:30:17 You and I shot that video for YouTube where we were just on a 10 minute walk. Yeah. And Andrew used to be a person that would wake up a little bit later, but now I texted you this morning, right? I texted Andrew this morning and, uh, I was like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:30:31 I'm heading to the gym to work out. He's like, I'm halfway through. Yeah. And, you know, maybe a couple of years ago you would wake up at six or seven at the time I texted you this morning.
Starting point is 01:30:40 I think it was seven and you were already halfway through your workout. You sometimes are waking up at what? Five like that uh yeah today i actually woke up at three um it was it's again that's my baby related yeah that's maybe related but i looked over at the clock and i'm just like ah like what's what's an hour gonna do you know i'm probably gonna wake up more tired because you know when your baby wakes you up you're just like oh shit what's going on and you're awake. When the alarm clock goes off, it's a little bit different. And I have switched to using an alarm clock.
Starting point is 01:31:10 I wasn't using it for a little bit, and it was really awesome. Like, shockingly, like, great to be like, and I'm awake at four. Like, you just do it. Now, because of, you know, the baby waking, waking us up a lot. I'll actually like the, I know the alarm's about to go off, so I'll wake up to turn it off to make sure it doesn't wake him up. But this morning, yeah, he was just up at three o'clock and I just said, nah, fuck, I'm just going to get up. I got my food ready. I, you know, got ready for, for the day. And then I just came into train took my time um had a solid training session
Starting point is 01:31:46 and then mark was like hey you want to hop in like all right let's do this so i kind of i had two workouts this morning and i'm gonna be sore hopefully not for five days like you just said but yeah no i was never a morning person either like i would do it because i had to and now it's like i i get pretty pumped to wake up early. That's a belief that someone can just swap out, you know, and there, somebody might be less of a morning person than others. There could be like physiological reasons for it or whatever, but can you wake up a little earlier than what you currently do? I'm sure that you probably could, unless you're already waking up really early. There's also points to where some of that gets to be really ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:32:27 So just, you know, be cautious of that. Yeah. Just, you know, either have a baby or get a dog. And you'll never sleep.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Yeah. Not like, but seriously, my dog, my dog's made me a morning person. Oh, that's great. Right.
Starting point is 01:32:39 So that's funny. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Dogs are something else, man. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:32:45 learned so much from this show. Like, and I, okay, it'll be sappy, but just being around you guys, like, has helped me out so much, like, from the training aspect of things. And also just like, I don't know, just being a savage. Like, you know, for Mark, when something like weird happens in my life, like the most recent thing that I can think of was buying a house. And he's just like, well, how much of it can you actually control? And I'm like, you're right.
Starting point is 01:33:10 That sort of thing. And then with you, it's like whenever I do hurt myself or something, it's like, well, do you have to vocally say you're hurt all the time? He's like, well, I guess not. So yeah, just being around you guys and being around the podcast period like the conversations we have learned so much yeah it's freaking awesome i think that this this whole like not just this like this podcast but this whole like gym seeing everybody in the gym um everyone here has just like grown so much like it's crazy you know and like the like ryan jessica smoky everyone like everyone here in this office like it's motivating to see everybody continue to you know, and like, like Ryan, Jessica, Smokey, everyone,
Starting point is 01:33:46 like everyone here in this office, like it's motivating to see everybody continue to kill it, continue to learn more. And it's just like, everybody continues to level up here and it is sick to be around. And you have no other choice. If you're here, like it's either you level up or get left behind. You get left behind,
Starting point is 01:34:03 get left in the dust. You know, I think, uh, like what you're referring to about like maybe not being a morning person or saying like, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:12 here we go again, my back or those kinds of things. These are things that again, they end up, I feel like they end up being statements that you say, and then they become not to be too weird about it, but it becomes like part of your body. It becomes part of like, uh, it's like your body can't help, but hear you or your body
Starting point is 01:34:29 can't help your body can't help, but to feel the way that you're, uh, interpreting life, you know, the way you're interpreting the experiences. So your body, you start to kind of like wear it, you know, and you start to really, you start to really feel it and you're like, this is going to happen again. Or I'm always this way. I'm always this person. Why do I always do this? Why do I always do that? And those, I think it's Richard Dawkins that wrote the book about the memes. He's the creator of the word meme. that will propagate itself and it wants to live onward, but it does so without the one thing that can change it, the thing that's most vulnerable to, and that's criticism. So an anti-rational meme of saying, you know, I will always be fat, like I'm always stuck this way.
Starting point is 01:35:18 I'll never be able to learn that. Like all these things are not actual facts. They could be things that you feel that you're experiencing, but your feelings aren't always all that factual. Your feelings don't always tell you exactly what's going on. So sometimes when you're kind of making these statements, just pull back a little bit and say, is that really rational?
Starting point is 01:35:42 Do I always do that? Like, goddamn, you uh go three or four days on your diet and cheat and then blow it do you do you actually always do that or are you being a little bit hard on yourself and that doesn't actually make sense uh maybe you may you know maybe you do mess up here and there uh but that's okay to recognize that and then i mean everything is just about error correction you correct an, no one's ever going to be perfect. One of the things that makes human beings so impressive over the animals that are on this earth is our infinite ability to make errors. We have an infinite ability to make errors.
Starting point is 01:36:18 And so that's why we're so much further advanced than the fucking animals are. Or at least we think we are. Yeah. It's a huge part of it. Yeah. I think it's like, everybody should take that and like,
Starting point is 01:36:28 take some action on that statement right there because it's like, the self-talk that you give yourself, I truly believe that the things that you say to yourself,
Starting point is 01:36:36 negative or positive, will come to fruition at some point. If you say that, oh, my job's so hard, your job's going to continue to be hard.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah. But if you're like, my job's so hard, your job's going to continue hard. But if you're like, my job's challenging, but I do like challenge and I'm able to grow with challenge and make progress, that's what's going to be able to happen. Like you really, really, really like when it comes to this, when it comes to fitness, you need to learn how to reframe every aspect of what you do as to take it out of the negative. That's a big thing. How good will it feel when you have the proper skillset? How good will it feel to beat that challenge? You know, I had Carlos a couple days ago ask me a bunch of questions about a bunch of different things.
Starting point is 01:37:17 And I was talking to him about how the first time I squatted a thousand pounds, like I just started smiling as I was like doing the lift. I started like laughing. I think I stuck my tongue out or something weird. But like when I got to the bottom of that lift, I was like, fuck yeah. Like everyone else in here probably thinks I'm going to die, but I'm coming, I'm going to come back up with this because I feel even stronger for every inch I went down. I felt more and more powerful and I felt better and better rather than the reverse of that.
Starting point is 01:37:43 And a lot of that is just, you know, time and time again, giving yourself the self-talk that your body needs and doing things that are more useful to yourself rather than things that are harmful. I could have just doubted myself. And I'm not saying that when you're prepared for a moment, you're kind of either prepared for it or not. The hype and all that stuff. It really doesn't, it doesn't matter a crazy amount. But what I would love for people to switch their mindset to is when there's a really daunting challenge in front of you, sometimes it is important to say,
Starting point is 01:38:16 I don't think that's for me for now. Like that's actually very, that's actually very sensible. I'm not really ready for that. You know, Mark eats no carbs or whatever, you know, I, I'm not going to for that. You know, Mark eats no carbs or whatever, you know, I, I'm not going to mess with that diet yet because I've never been successful with any diet yet. So some of these things, it's, it's important to kind of recognize ahead of time,
Starting point is 01:38:34 but to be real negative and say, I'm always going to be fat. I'm never going to be able to do that. Lazy. I'm lazy. You can, you can work your way into it over a period of time. It's just going to take time. Yeah, I used to be the guy that would say, oh, as soon as I get into a good rhythm in the gym, I get hurt. And guess what would happen every, like, I don't know, four months or so. I would get fucked up. And I wasn't always that.
Starting point is 01:39:03 It was probably maybe the first time it happened. Like, oh, it sucks I got hurt. And then it happened again, you know, because I was doing the same shit. But, yeah, I became that person, too. You guys remember taking a test in school and actually knowing what was on it? Like, do you remember that feeling? Like, it happened to me very rarely. But when you, or when a subject just hit you better and you just enjoyed it more, you were like oh this is my shit like and you
Starting point is 01:39:25 felt really really good about it so think about the challenge that's in front of you how don't think about how hard it is just think about this is going to feel okay that is tough that's going to be tough but it's going to feel so amazing when i'm able to have the proper skill set that matches that challenge and then some you know that beats that challenge all the hell one belief that i have and it's not even belief it know, that beats that challenge all the hell. One belief that I have, and it's not even belief. It's just like something that I, like I always go through is like,
Starting point is 01:39:50 I don't have bad days. That that's just something that I, I just don't have bad days. Something could be a bad moment. It could be a bad moment. You know, like bad things may happen on a certain day, but I do not have bad days.
Starting point is 01:40:02 And I truly believe that. And I think that has reflected itself in terms of the way I do things each and every single day. I just don't have bad days. Even if a day kind of went bad, it's a learning experience. It's a learning experience. Right. Right. Yeah. No, seriously. But I do think like we should all, you know, look at the way that we think about things, look at that, look at the way like we structure our days and all of that. And we should get better at framing things. And it all goes back to the self-development stuff that we're always talking about here. Y'all, if you haven't gotten into it by listening to this podcast so far, if you haven't, which you should have, but if you haven't or if you're a new listener, start.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Yeah. Start working on that. There's 500 reasons why you should have already by now. 500 reasons why. We need to haveol dweck on the podcast she's somebody i can get her on carol dweck yeah you mentioned her before yeah she's the woman that wrote the book mindset it's like the number one book that i give to people um but it's like that is like the if i read that as a teenager if all kids read that it's just a powerful book just the just the you know the difference between like a deep dive on the difference between having a growth mindset
Starting point is 01:41:09 and a fixed mindset it's huge it's like the the beginning of everything your mindset the way you go about it you gotta have her on i hope we do we'll get her oh it's huge yeah what you got andrew uh nothing just looking at some of the, the chat room hanging out over here. It's been really cool to see everybody congratulate us on 500. That's pretty dope. Yeah. A couple of people that will show up and be like, why is his shirt off?
Starting point is 01:41:34 And my response is why shouldn't have, like, it should have been hot. It got really hot in the room. We should do every podcast this way. And why does the owner shirt is the question. Yeah. Why does he own a shirt is the question. Yeah, why does he own a shirt? Right?
Starting point is 01:41:48 Yeah. I guess. Weather, societal norms. True. I don't want people to think I'm crazy. Right. Can't be just walking around everywhere with this shirt on. But we know the truth.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Crazy jacked. Y'all know I'm crazy. Any other guests that stand out? That come to mind? Well, a lot of guests. I'm so happy that we had my boy tyler on the podcast no you guys didn't listen to that episode with tyler bray he's a black belt in jujitsu he um he's also he has a school in rockland cobra kai self-defense that's the name of the school cobra kai i don't know if it's self-defense afterwards but it's cobra kai that's awesome um and yeah he's he's an instructor there and tyler's just killing it he's a professional bodybuilder in the npc ifbb pro black belt in jujitsu and then it has a great competition record
Starting point is 01:42:35 and he's a um school owner like he he's just and he's super strong by the way he can bench like 405 and some change um yeah tyler's a mutant he is an absolute just mutant that episode and just knowing tyler it's it's uh he's just an amazing guy he's just an amazing guy i think that's one episode that i really yeah really really does he just gets it like when he was training here like it's been a minute since i've seen him but like you know he's just helping everybody wherever he can. At the time, I was trying to get ready for a photo shoot, and he was showing me how to pose and stuff. And I was like, damn, an IFBB pro.
Starting point is 01:43:15 IFBB pro, right? Okay, so IFBB pro is showing me how to, like, holy shit. This is dope. Yeah. So that's cool. All right, Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy. I will. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode, along with all of the other episodes,
Starting point is 01:43:32 500 of them. 500. Yeah, along with Saturday School, Meathead Clubhouse, and then 10-Minute Walk Talks, if you guys remember that back in the way back days. Please make sure to follow the podcast at Mark Wells power project on Instagram at MB power project on Twitter, my Instagram, Twitter,
Starting point is 01:43:50 and clubhouses at I am Andrew Z. But sincerely, thank you guys. Really, really appreciate you. Thank you so much. Where are you at? We love you guys.
Starting point is 01:44:00 We love you. And see my in yang on Instagram, YouTube clubhouse and tick tock and see my yin yang on a Twitter. Thanks y'all. 500 episodes in the books. The strength is never a weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch y'all later.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Bye.

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