Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 554 - We Have Body Dysmorphia

Episode Date: July 19, 2021

We keep our fitness and nutrition at the top of our priority list for several reasons, but the obvious one, Body Dysmorphia and we're not ashamed to admit it. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsle...tter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off the Power Project Panel! ➢Eat Rite Foods: Use ode "POWERPROJECT25" for 25% off your first order, then code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off every order after! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, everybody. A little beatboxing? A little... Yeah, you know, a little dry mouth, it's okay. A little dry mouth. Hello? Is this TikTok? TikTok!
Starting point is 00:00:13 You TikTok kids with all your new technology, I don't even know where I am right now. Mark, what radio... Am I on assimilation? What radio station is your podcast on? 94-7. I don't know how... He's tuned in the same frequency. Remember when that was Smooth Jazz? KSSH Seven. I don't know how. He's tuned in the same frequency. Remember when that was smooth jazz?
Starting point is 00:00:28 KSSH. I didn't know we were. I didn't know. You're up around here. No. Okay. Okay. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:00:32 That used to be the smooth jazz channel. Used to be smooth jazz. Now it's like hippity hop. Whatever. I don't know. Hippity hop. It was weird when like the old school station started playing music that like I didn't think was old school.
Starting point is 00:00:46 And then you realize. Then I realize realize i'm old it's so loud my wife will totally tell you that i say that a lot often every day i say like that's too loud i get so angry no i don't like i don't like when shit's real bright like i'm always shutting lights off in the house and trying to dim shit down like everything's like but i have lights at my house are pretty goddamn bright and i'm always like turning them off or turning them down like we don't need like 17 lights that's a dad thing yeah so i i do it because it's just like like i used to joke with jasmine she'd leave all the lights on she'd be like hey hey, that's a Christmas present. You're wasting energy.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Energy costs money. But for you, though, it's just like, yeah, it's bright. But I think it is just a dad thing. Bro, it's so interesting seeing both of you guys age. Because you don't. Not totally. I'm saying late 20s is mad weird. But I see you sometimes with your big text i'll see you one day i saw you like looking at your phone and i just saw you going like this i'm
Starting point is 00:01:52 like mark what the fuck zooming in just going like this forever we're going i'm still i'm still fighting the the text thing like that's i don't want to let go like i'll just switch classes because i have my like regular like everyday like walking around glasses and i have my like computer glasses yeah those glasses are fucking dope for listen looking at shit on the phone but then you can't see anything else but straight up hey since we're talking about aging as you do get older we should mention like you want to know what's going on in your body like if you're a young cat get your blood work done we talked about this but as older, peeps, you got to make sure that, you know, nothing is developing.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You don't have any problems with potentially your cholesterol or just any of these things that could be going on, even if you look healthy. And that's why, that's why we got Merrick. Hell yeah. I got my blood taken the other day and, uh, we'll see what it shows. We'll see what's in there. I think there's probably some peanut butter cup in there. There's probably,
Starting point is 00:02:48 there's probably some Piedmontese rolled up in there. Piedmontese. I can't even say that right. That's probably, you know, in my blood work, but yeah, I'm getting my blood work done routinely.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Just kind of keep things in check. I'm trying to just optimize my hormones. And with Merrick Health, you don't have to worry about trying to interpret that information on your own. And you also don't have to worry about like what test to get because we have it all set up for you already. We do the math for you. And I know a lot of times in the past, you know, I would tell people get their blood work done and they're like, my doctor just said I need my lipid profile and it's like oh man it'd be great if you knew more information because there's so much more to you know burning body fat holding on the muscle and uh just seeing just seeing how you're doing every day and the people at merrick health they're going to be able to like detect everything like a lot of shit is in your not shit
Starting point is 00:03:43 a lot of stuff is in your blood shit a lot of stuff is in your blood that can be an inkling into something else perhaps uh maybe you're not sleeping well like they're going to be able to see that you know when your red blood cell count and various other things yep and it's all through telemedicine so the uh once you get your your um what's it called your lab slip or your lab requisition you just go go to a lab corp, I believe. Yeah, you go to lab corp. They already know who you are by the time you walk in. They just draw your blood. And then after that, everything is all through a computer. You're one-on-one with the doctor. You get your written report. You get to keep that. And that's something that you get to
Starting point is 00:04:19 have forever. So that way, later on down the road, you can look back at how you felt and where everything was. To jump in on this deal, again, this is the Power Project panel. This is something that we put together ourselves along with the help of Merrick Health. You got to go to slash powerproject. Merrick is spelled M-A-R-R-E-K slash powerproject. You'll see the Power Project panel there there for everybody else. It's 500 bucks. But when you guys check out, use promo code power project and it'll take the price down to three 99.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Again, that's at Merrick slash power project. This is something that you're not going to be getting done like every two, three weeks, you know, most likely you might get it done. Like you'll get it done once. And if there's things to correct and you would do a followup, uh, maybe another three months
Starting point is 00:05:09 down the road. So it sounds, it sounds like a pricey thing to invest in, but, uh, it's been really helpful for me. And I know that you guys will find it to be really helpful for you. So what is the deal? Why do we have body dysmorphia? What happened? What's wrong with us?
Starting point is 00:05:25 What is wrong? Let me read this off of the definition of body dysmorphic disorder. Also called BDD. A mental illness involving... I'm going to need a professional voice in SEMA. Okay. Yeah. He said BBD, not BB.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Oh! Thank you. That's good. That's good. You guys are going to take this shit serious. a mental illness involving obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance the flaw may be minor or imagined but the person may spend hours a day trying to fix it the person may try many cosmetic procedures or exercise to excess oh my god my God. Sounds like us. I was off the hook until the end.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Damn. Got us. We were good for a while. Maybe we don't have it. Exercise to excess. What are we supposed to do? I don't know. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:06:29 training i don't know man i guess you know sometimes uh some of our weaknesses actually end up you know turning into be some of the greatest attributes that we end up having because they end up doing a lot for us and i think sometimes um drawing i don't think there's any problem with drawing attention especially within yourself. Doing it onto somebody else isn't a great idea, but drawing attention within yourself about the problems that you have and then figuring out how to address them, I think is actually very healthy. Yeah. But I guess you can go maybe dive down that rabbit hole way too far, huh? You definitely can't like all jokes aside guys like we don't want to necessarily like make light of the idea of body dysmorphia because body dysmorphia as as the definition says can really cause people to go down a lot of dark rabbit holes
Starting point is 00:07:18 um you know a lot of people end up getting really crazy cosmetic surgery, uh, men and women, because they're like, oh, my butt isn't big enough, or I don't have high enough cheekbones or this or that. They always find different flaws to fix. And that's why you see people that they, they damage themselves so much because of that. But what kind of spurred this idea and had me think about this was a question I got from somebody the other day. This guy asked, will you ever be satisfied with your physique or are you satisfied with your physique? And I took a second and I was like, I'm I'm happy with the way I look. But personally, when it comes to the way my mind looks at my body and my progress, I'm always looking for something to improve and I'm it's not something where I'm like It mentally drains me because my shoulders aren't capped enough for you know My like what my calf was something and something that somebody could nitpick at it doesn't Mentally make me sad or angry, but if I find something if I see something that I could improve a little bit I'm always looking for something I could improve. I look to improve it
Starting point is 00:08:28 And a lot of people there's been a lot of talk that I see in YouTube, fitness, et cetera, where people are like, oh yeah, bodybuilders have body dysmorphia, et cetera. And I think about it and I'm just like, technically it is, but at the same time, I don't necessarily see a problem when you're trying to progress your body in a healthy way and you're just always looking for a little bit of progression here and there. It's just how far are you going to take the things you do? If it gets unhealthier and safe, that's when it's a problem. Yeah. What about, you know, maybe competing in something like bodybuilding? And, you know, some people in something like bodybuilding and,
Starting point is 00:09:05 uh, you know, some people say, congratulations, you did well today, dah, dah, dah. It's your first time competing or something. And, uh, one of the judges, you know, you ask a judge, cause this is what you're supposed to do. Especially if you, uh, want to make progress in bodybuilding, talk to a judge or talk to some other coaches that are there and say, Hey, um, I want to be in the sport for a while. I want to continue to progress. What do you think I should work on? And they might say,
Starting point is 00:09:31 well, you know, you gotta bring up your shoulders. And it's like, it's very common in bodybuilding just to like, say that flat out, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:39 your stomach could have came in a lot tighter. Like, you know, you say this kind of stuff to somebody at the gym, even who's clearly people are at the gym to, uh, have better aesthetics. But if you, you know, if you did that, like unsolicited and just went up to somebody and said, Hey, you need to bring in your stomach a little bit more, uh, they would be probably like mortified. They'd probably be fairly upset, you know? And so I think in bodybuilding, it's very commonplace to really
Starting point is 00:10:02 nitpick the body, but imagine being a competitor and somebody says, hey, you really need to bring up your shoulders and your hamstrings. Imagine the attitude that you have going into your training now. You're like, all right, well, I'm going to work on my – I don't want to ever hear that shit again. I'm going to work on my shoulders and work on my hamstrings, but i don't want them to be able to detect anything next time i go i would love it for them to say well you you won the overall and like you kind of kicked everyone's ass so you know maybe they still have a little advice on on a couple things you can progress on because we can always make progress but uh i don't see an issue with that i I don't either. But, you know, that this brings in another idea in terms of the topic. And it's when you're when you start lifting, you know, sometimes you may have inspirations or physique inspirations or people like, oh, that Mark Bell, that guy looks pretty dope.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I want to have shoulders like his or the rock. I want to have whatever a chest like his, whatever you may have. Inspiration. He's got triceps. That man has triceps and a chest and he's broad and he's tall and he's handsome. Wow. He's dark too.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah. Natural tan. I actually, you, you're the one who needed to worry about that. I'm not worried about the town part of things, but yeah, he looks good.
Starting point is 00:11:23 He looks really good. Should we just do the show about him we could just talk have you seen his most recent picture about how he's getting ready for black adam yeah those abs came in man he looks great he looks amazing andrew you don't want to chime in on this rock love that we have going on dwayne i'm setting stuff up over here but i can't i i know the picture you're talking about let me pull it up that man be jacked he he's dialed in i'm impressed but it is problematic when we're trying to chase after what somebody else has done exactly and what somebody else is doing i do think that a lot of times when it comes to oh there we
Starting point is 00:11:55 go well look at that vein going through the bicep to the shoulder to the chest vein yeah yeah that's an interesting thing about The Rock is he's a, oh, he's a big and man, he's a big, big boy. Yeah. He's huge. Massive. Yeah. He's, he's fucking huge.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And, you know, so he's done a great job in all the different movies he's been in, uh, coming in looking like a house. But in this case he's gotten, uh, you know, it's a superhero movie, right? Yeah. So he's got to shred up. Oh, there's another good shot
Starting point is 00:12:27 of the stomach coming in. Yeah. The suit, he really took it to another level. He really took it to another level with this one.
Starting point is 00:12:34 He's, his physique's never been this lean for anything. But you know, chasing after other people can be dangerous. I do think that a lot of times that that's where
Starting point is 00:12:42 we kind of start. We have like some inspiration. Yeah. We're like some inspiration. Yeah. We're like, you know, it gets you interested. It piques your interest towards something. And a lot of times when you start, you know, you start a YouTube channel, you start playing music, you start to like copy. Like, I'm going to copy that band or I'm going to copy the way that that guy plays the piano. And you literally just copy it at first.
Starting point is 00:13:06 And then eventually it starts to kind of morph. Maybe you did that a little bit with jujitsu or something like that. Right. Where it's like you just impersonate a little bit. And then after a period of time, you can start to kind of go off and do it on your own. Yeah. But I think if you're obsessing about how you're not like someone else enough, I think that's where you can get yourself in a lot of trouble.
Starting point is 00:13:25 It can be very damaging because your physique only has the potential that your physique has. So maybe you're someone who's able to have a really good chest, but maybe your shoulders just are not, no matter how many years you train, they're not just looking like somebody else.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Well, build the best thing that you can for yourself. And that, again, when it comes to the satisfied aspect of things, I don't think I'll ever be satisfied per se, but that doesn't necessarily put me, I don't feel distressed. It doesn't bother me. I don't think about this all day long. And I think that's the part of the reason why I don't think about it all the time is because I'm always looking for other things I can progress at, not just in the way my body always looking for other things i can progress at not just in the way my body looks but in the ability that my body has so it's like ben patrick comes in showed us all this knees over toes work i've had knee problems for years like what can my knees do now and that benefits my the way my body
Starting point is 00:14:17 looks too but i also have this idea of like how much stronger can my hamstrings get how can this adductor strain i'm going through how strong can I make my adductor so this doesn't happen again? I'm always looking for different progressions that my body can make along with here and there what my body looks like. It's exciting, right? Like it's exciting to know that you can continue to get so much better at stuff. I don't think there's ever a time where you're like, you know, I want to have less money in the bank or I want, you know, it'd be great if I was 5%, if my body fat was increased by 5% rather than decreased by 5%. I think most, in most cases, you know, people are going to want to continue to make progress. I think sometimes when people are thinking about like success or being better, maybe sometimes they're a little gun shy on how to go about doing it. Maybe they have some concern or anxiety over,
Starting point is 00:15:11 you know, all the things involved in being better. But really all that's involved in being a success is just progress. And we all kind of know from the inside out that we can improve ourselves a bit. And so I think it's just kind of know from the inside out that we can improve ourselves a bit and so i think it's just kind of human nature to like want to get a little bit better it might be human nature also to be a little bit jealous of somebody and go i'd love to have that but that's not a great mindset because you can't have it you can't have you you can't have what you don't deserve you have to you have to have earned it in some way. And somebody else's thing that they may have been gifted, along with many other factors, but they may have literally been gifted just being a little bit further along in that particular subject or that particular thing.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And for you to try to focus in on that, it's not in your best interest. It might take you X amount of time longer for you to get better at something than somebody else. Like I had mentioned off air, but I had watched a Dom Massetti video a long time ago when I first started getting into everything. So a lot of C.T. Fletcher, a lot of Elliot Hulse, and then all of a sudden this started popping up in my YouTube feed. But he had said something, and it was almost I was like cool with it at the time, but he said, you know, okay, you're into lifting now. You're in a bodybuilding. Welcome to never, or sorry, welcome to day one of never being satisfied with the way you look.
Starting point is 00:16:39 And it was a video about like chasing the pump. Like you're always going to chase the pump because it, you know, that's when you look your best, but then all of a sudden you lose the pump and it's gone. Um, but yeah, I kind of forgot where I was going with this, but what I was going to ask you though, oh, there it is. How can you manage, um, the, you're like, I guess your expectations and you had mentioned being jealous and like, how can you tell somebody like it is going to take time you know like it it's patience obviously but like how do you manage expectations when you want to look like somebody
Starting point is 00:17:13 because everything bro takes time that's the thing it's like when we look at our bodies or when a lot of people think of the progression of the body. They want it to be now. They want to be strong now. They want to be big now. They want to be lean now. When you say we, we're talking about ourselves. Ourselves, too. Ourselves, too.
Starting point is 00:17:35 But the thing is, this is something that you're going to be doing literally forever, right? And you can't expect that just a few years of lifting you're gonna look like a i don't even like the idea of looking like a certain person but looking like the best version of yourself the best version of yourself honestly let's just be real if when i think about the best version of myself i'm never going to reach it let me tell you what i mean by that i'm never going to reach it because when i reach the thing that i think is my ideal i'm still going for another ideal i'm never i'm never going to get there a lot of people like if they look at maybe what i've been able to progress in terms of my body this is not the best version of my body not even close i'm still 30 40 50 60 years away
Starting point is 00:18:20 from that it's it's a continuous endeavor right right? For anything, pretty much. I know, okay, now we're getting a little crazy because I'm going to be 88 years old. So I'm not going to look like I do now when I'm 88. But at the same time, when I'm 88, I'm going to be looking on something that I can improve on in terms of what I'm able to do with what I have at the moment. Even if you are in shape to be on stage for a bodybuilding show and you're like 4% body fat or something wild and you're heavier 4% body fat or something wild and you're heavier than you've ever been, still not necessarily the best version of your body because what about when you deadlifted 755?
Starting point is 00:18:53 It's like when you're on stage doing that one thing, now you're pulled away from something else. You could, being in SEMA and being jacked and looking great, you could go on Instagram and see Taylor Woolen, Woolen like he did the other day, pull 843 again. 843 again jesus christ savage great uh comeback story we'll have to have him on the show but uh you might see that and be like fuck man you know you might get jealous of that and someone would say how could you be jealous of what someone can do with their body when your fucking body looks like that and that brings me to this idea of like body dysmorphia. Let's talk. Let's think about it. Like here in terms of fitness.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I do think that the fitness industry, people who don't pay attention to things in the fitness industry, like people in the fitness industry, we have really, I like crazy ideas of what the body can look like or what the body is supposed to look like compared to the rest of the population. But when it comes to the idea of body dysmorphia, I think it's weird because when someone looks at a mass,
Starting point is 00:19:50 let's say there's a big IFBB bodybuilder and he's like, I want to get to bigger, right? Um, he says I'm small, right? On the outside, people be like,
Starting point is 00:19:59 he has body dysmorphia, but for him, he's just looking for progress. This is like, like I said, you don't want to be doing things that are unsafe or unhealthy to get towards your goals right but if you're just lifting more so you can get bigger even though you're huge well the only reason why people say you have body dysmorphia is because in their minds what you're doing like you're
Starting point is 00:20:19 are you already got it bro stop like you you have it all you don't need any more but to you you're like i want more right so i i there's there's no i don't get it i don't think so you get what i'm saying yeah i do i think what we have to do is we have to separate never being satisfied and and body dysmorphia because of like what i said on the previous episode or at the end where i wake up a half pound heavier than i did the day before, I automatically in the mirror, I see that the definition is gone and I fucked something up. So I'm going to take my calories down by another hundred. Doing something not again.
Starting point is 00:20:56 That's the thing that that's, that's the doing something that's not healthy. Correct. To try to reach something. So I think that is different than an IFBB pro saying like, Oh, I'm small right now. I got to reach something. So I think that is different than an IFBB pro saying like, oh, I'm small right now, I gotta get big. I guess there's bigger eczema, right? I think
Starting point is 00:21:12 that's where we have to, or we can separate just not being satisfied and then having body dysmorphia. Yeah, having some disordered thinking around the way that you look. Like, thinking like, I want to improve myself. I want to improve my body.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I would like to make this change. I don't like this feature about myself. I'd like to change it is probably coming from a lot different place than, like, just being super frustrated and being like, I hate this about myself. And, um, and that problem is,
Starting point is 00:21:53 is actually like, even to, to everybody else is it's a, it's a lot smaller to them than it is to you. You remember when you were a kid, like I, it was really rare for me to get like zits or whatever, but I'd get some here and there. Do you remember when you were a teenager and you'd have a zit and you thought it was the
Starting point is 00:22:08 biggest fucking thing you thought it was like a satellite like calling out everybody and everyone was going to notice it right away and like i mean the truth is most teenagers have some acne and they suffer from that and like no one really cares mean, every once in a while you might have some, someone that's like just gigantic or something, but for the most part, it's there, you know, everyone's kind of going through the same shit. No one really notices,
Starting point is 00:22:33 but you're thinking, man, I better wear a hat. I better got the horns. I got one here and one here. I had horns, man. Pissed me off.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. You're like, what the fuck? I mean, you think that everyone's, you know, staring at that. And I think sometimes that's how, uh, some of us can end up feeling when we don't have the body that we want.
Starting point is 00:22:50 We go to take our shirt off or whatever it might be, and we're just like, oh, man, everyone's going to see. I'm exposed. Everyone's going to see this. I don't have what I want, and everyone else is going to notice that I don't have what I want. But how would anybody else know what you want and does anybody else even fucking care probably not yeah but you're right because then i'll start thinking like oh fuck they're gonna be like no you're the guy that's always on a diet or you're always doing stuff right like like whoa you actually have a little bit more nobody would ever say anything like they don't even think this way but because
Starting point is 00:23:24 i'm thinking it they're like oh fuck they're probably like wow that's what 15 body fat looks like like i think your dexascan was wrong like all these thoughts will just go through my they're looking at your arms and you think that they're staring at the little bit of chub that you might have near your belly button yep you're like everyone's honed in on that and meanwhile everyone's just sweating the fact that you got big arms they're like yo, yo, dude, like, what are you doing for your arms? And you're like, huh? I thought everybody was looking at how fat I am.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. But, you know, you mentioned something that I think is so damn important. And when an individual, yeah, when an individual looks at their body and let's say that they look great, but they're like, oh, like they start to get angry because, oh, like I'm holding too much fat here or this. And they start to speak negatively about themselves because I have met people and I've had conversations with people where I look at them. Just like, you know, that actually, no, you you're you're not fat. Like you, you know, like legitimately you are not fat, but they in their head, they're like're like oh i'm too fat and this it it messes with them emotionally it gives them all this like they just they feel horrible and that in and of itself like that's a different thing like that's when an individual has to first off look at themselves and understand no i have a great body i am like like things are good
Starting point is 00:24:54 I am like, like things are good, but instead of having the mindset of I'm so horrible, I suck this and that have the mindset of improving something that you might not be maybe the happiest with. But the mindset of improvement is very different, very different than the consistent putting down of oneself and the degrading of yourself because of a flaw you believe you have. Have you ever lost at anything? Yeah. Does that make you a loser? Technically, yes. I mean, it doesn't make me feel like a loser. I do not feel like a loser.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I've lost to many things, too. But I don't feel like a loser. I do not feel like a loser. I've lost many things, too. But I don't feel like a loser, no. Andrew has mentioned in the past having kind of like a loser mindset, right? And I think sometimes these things can happen. Again, I think it's great to identify what's my problem, what's my issue, what am I working against, right? And then to try to solve the problem on the level at which it exists, right? So if we're talking about, I mean, usually with body dysmorphia, I mean, it can come in many different shapes, but usually people are talking about body fat. Just because you have body fat
Starting point is 00:26:03 doesn't necessarily mean that you're fat and that you have everything that's attached to being fat it doesn't mean that you have all those things attached to you forever they might be attached to you currently because you might be making some mistakes but do we all make mistakes? Do we all lose? Like, you know what I mean? Like there's some body fat is an actual thing that all human beings have. We all have body fat on us. We all have muscle on us.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Some have more or less of this or that. When I see somebody, we all end up kind of comparing ourselves to each other right the urinal is a great example of this you line up at the urinal right and anyway we're all going to compare each other we're all going to compare each other to each other but we have we all have different circumstances we all were given uh you given some different attributes, maybe detriments, I guess. We were all given some different things at birth. And it's taken me a long time to get to where I'm at because, I mean, it's rare for me to really be jealous of somebody. I think it's normal for people to have some jealousy here and there for that
Starting point is 00:27:27 to creep in a little bit here and there, of course. But then I actually, I auto correct and I'm like, whoop, like, okay, nope.
Starting point is 00:27:34 That motherfucker worked for it. You know, hit the like button. Don't be a hater. You know, congratulate the guy. Tell him he's fucking great because that was cool with that person achieved.
Starting point is 00:27:44 And there's no reason for you to sweat what they're doing. Like they did a great job. I think what happens to us. And I would say, I guess I just speak from my own experience. I think what happens to us sometimes when someone else gets a compliment, you think that that means something against you. Yes. And it's like, dude, no one's fucking talking about you. Just because someone said somebody looks great in a T-shirt or something, they're not saying that you look bad in yours.
Starting point is 00:28:09 But I think that's almost like our interpretation sometimes. And it can really wreak havoc on you. So for me, it's been transformative to, you know, gain some levels of success in certain areas. to gain some levels of success in certain areas, but those things would not have stopped my disordered thinking on many different subjects unless I investigated them myself, unless I was searching for and seeking for a way to self-improve,
Starting point is 00:28:40 a way to fix whatever my issues are and to work on them has made me a lot stronger and made me not really be concerned someone else gets a compliment i'm like that's fucking awesome like that yeah let me throw a compliment your way too because that that other person was right you fucking do look great and and that's so we were talking about this earlier, but the idea that like, you don't want to, you don't, you don't want to like, like compare yourself to somebody and be like, oh, my shoulders versus his shoulders. Like they're, they're not there yet. You don't want to like, I think that you can compare yourself to people, but you can compare yourself to people and use that comparison as a positive. that comparison as a positive so for example when I look at like how long I've been doing stuff on YouTube etc and I see other people who maybe they
Starting point is 00:29:29 haven't been on it as long as they've been they've grown faster at this and that when I look at those individuals I'm not like they don't deserve it I've been doing this longer blah blah blah so I'm just like that's fucking awesome they they did that in six months okay what did they do in those six months like first off they've been grinding but what have they been did that in six months okay what did they do in those six months like first off they've been grinding but what have they been doing in those six months that maybe i wasn't doing well what can i take from that and and so i can maybe do some of that too it's like same thing when it comes to somebody's body you see somebody who has like a crazy chest right and you're not
Starting point is 00:29:58 like fuck my chest doesn't like his chest it's like maybe he's doing something in terms of his workouts or somebody in jujitsu that maybe they're doing something differently in their training or they're focusing on something different that I can add to what I'm doing so that I can improve. That's what we got to look at. Comparing isn't a bad thing. It's then what is your,
Starting point is 00:30:17 how do you frame that in a positive way? So you're not like, it doesn't bring you down. Sometimes somebody is just better than you at something, man, you know, and, it doesn't bring you down. Sometimes somebody is just better than you at something, man, you know, and it can be a real bummer, but it's just true. I mean, like, could you imagine, you know, you're, you're, you're working your ass off every day on, on sprints, you know, you're a hundred meter sprinter and you're, you're working and working and working and working, you're training and you're doing all this stuff. And then you go get,
Starting point is 00:30:44 go against like a guy like Usain Bolt, just, you know, crushes everybody, right? Like there's Michael Phelps, you know, in swimming. I mean, there's so many examples of this. Sometimes somebody is just better than you at particular things. Maybe you can catch them somewhere else. Maybe you can catch them on some weird, random, bad day. But sometimes in certain instances, that person's worst day in that particular subject, you'll still might get your ass kicked. And that's just sometimes.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Are you going to be able to beat everyone in jujitsu like all the time? I don't know if I've ever heard. I know there's some people have had kind of careers where they've been undefeated, but even those guys have lost somewhere like they've gotten tapped in practice for sure. Right. So no one goes through things unscathed. But I think, you know, a really good quote that I like a lot is from Jordan Peterson. He says, compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is today. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And man, that can be really difficult, you know, to execute on that. But to kind of just pause for a second and just recognize, okay, that person's there. Like you said, like YouTube's a great example or TikTok or Instagram. We're all in a rush to be, you know, famous. We're all in a rush to be more popular, potentially monetize stuff, be able to reach more people, be able to help more people. We could sit here and we could get all stressed out about, you know, Joe Rogan's podcast, right?
Starting point is 00:32:18 But it's not beneficial to us to try to figure out how do we get seen by as many millions of people as Joe Rogan? It's definitely possible that it never happens, right? Because we also didn't have the same track as him. He was on Fear Factor for all those years. He's a stand-up comedian. He has developed communication skills on a level that most likely none of us in this room might ever reach. He practices his craft for, he's been practicing it for so long.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah. And even if we did practice it more, and even if he practiced it less, there's still a potential that he's just fucking better at it. And that's sometimes some of the simple truth of it. And so there's no reason to get overly worked up or wrapped up about it because there's not anything you can do to really help that along. You could maybe use it as a little bit of a healthy fuel and say, that guy worked really
Starting point is 00:33:20 hard. He did a, B and C. I'm going to do a, B, and C as well because that was really beneficial to him. And I think that some of that would probably help me if I was consistent just like he is. I think one super cool thing that I think that there's something here. I don't have any proof that there is, but I think that the idea of not trying to tear people down or having the habit of not tearing people down this can be you in conversation with friends or you even when you're thinking about somebody else do not try to tear that person down in
Starting point is 00:33:57 terms of what they've been able to do or what they've been able to achieve I'm such a dirtbag I do it all the time well okay making some funny little jabs here and there that's that's that's different yeah but like like we make jokes about that shit all the time like yeah yeah but we're not out here really just like just shit talking somebody but for me that's where my brain goes to a lot of times first and i have to pay attention to that. So I got to, for me personally, I got to like, even something as simple as like liking somebody's post. It like cost me way more than it should for me to make a post, for me to give somebody a like button.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And I have to talk myself out of it. Like don't hate on what that guy's, I mean, obviously like just because I don't hit the like button doesn't necessarily mean that I hate it either. Um, but I somehow think it's like in comparison to me, what's in competition with me. And if I don't like it, then it's like,
Starting point is 00:34:57 dude, uh, I'm sorry, but fucking just give up because that has 150,000 likes and you not giving them one little vote is not going to boost your own shit up yeah it's just not good it doesn't work that way but i have some disordered thinking when it comes to that so i have to kind of walk myself through that be like no no be pumped for that person because they fucking earned it i remember that that started happening when so like i i love watching basketball, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:25 like since I was a kid, um, everybody would always talk about like, uh, like, Oh, did you watch this cartoon or whatever? And be like, nah, I watched, I listened to the Kings game last night cause we didn't have cable. And on top of that, like Kings games were never televised. So I would sit there in the kitchen and listen to every single game. Like what, what other fucking third third fourth grader does that but anyway uh when it started is because i would look up to these guys and they're like in their early
Starting point is 00:35:50 20s and all of a sudden like damn that guy got drafted and he's younger than me like fuck like i'm not doing shit with my life you know and so that's when that kind of like the resentment that loser mentality started coming from is because like then you know you don't take ownership you start blaming other people and it's like well he was too you know he was he was too talented or he was uh born with all this like you have to work for it hating on someone because they're wealthy hating on someone because they got a new car hating somebody because they got a new pair of fucking shoes or just whatever the hell that is yeah it's like man we we're sometimes so wasteful it's so funny so i have to bring this up
Starting point is 00:36:25 because this is perfect uh my cousin he just like randomly out of nowhere posted on facebook like dude i'm so happy that the uh what what's uh the uber um court thing is all over with uh you know some of you might remember like i was in a car accident he was an uber driver um turns out like i won so the case so he mentioned he got like half a million dollars and he kept going on and on and on and and then he's like and for everybody that just got pissed off what does that say about you he's like yes this is all made up and i was like oh shit that was great i was just like because i'm just like that's so funny though but because yeah you're right a lot of people were probably already hating on them without even knowing or you know that doesn't affect you right but they're just so upset that
Starting point is 00:37:08 somebody else got ahead it's a little off topic but like you know how sometimes somebody's like like they're they're like i hate that person because they're they're famous for no reason and you're like what are you like why what's the Like, what's why does there have to be like a cool reason to be famous? Why? Like, there's there's obviously enough reason for someone to be famous for it to it must have mattered to enough people to, you know, elicit a response that people think this person's famous, like the Kardashians or something like that. Right. It's like I hear people say stuff like that. I'm like, why does it?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Who really fucking cares? They are famous. Get over it. They're famous and they're rich. Kim did something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leaked video. That's what it's called.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Yeah. We need to leak our video. Not yet. We have to hit a certain amount. We don't have a video, right, guys? No, we don't have a video. I forgot about that. We don to hit a certain amount. We don't have a video, right, guys? No, we don't have a video. I forgot about that. We don't have one yet.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Who was that TikToker at the UFC fight that everyone was hating on? Yeah. Some chick. I don't know who she was. That's the kind of shit that I'm talking about. A lot of people were mad that she was somewhat of a reporter type of thing, but she was just like a tiktoker i don't know who she was and you know what the funny thing is about that whole situation okay so this woman um her name is ray i understand yeah addison ray addison ray this but this kind of falls in line
Starting point is 00:38:39 exactly with what we're talking about addison ray famous on tiktok the ufc invites her to do some interviews okay but they're literally just for tiktok because she has a great tiktok following so they're like okay let's let's have her interview some of these fighters and she was supposed to interview dustin poyer because they're from the same hometown so it was like they're from the same hometown she's tiktok famous let's do a little clap so we can whatever and hella people that went to school for broadcasting and and hella people that like they're like i went to school for eight or six years and and she's over here just tiktok famous and she's doing this and that and that and the funny thing is that she wasn't even doing that on tv because she made a post and people were thinking that she was going to be on tv doing interviews but it was just for tiktok and hell of people got mad even though they were wrong
Starting point is 00:39:28 just like your story it's not she wasn't on tv interviewing this was just for tiktok oh my gosh so i don't know who she is but now i'm a fan yeah because i did see a tweet not like when you said that she's like i'm so proud of this moment because i went to school for three months for reporting whatever the fuck it's called communications maybe and i was like what is this all about but now that as you say that she like leaned into it so that's i i don't know and the fact that she didn't actually interview anybody that look what's going on with boxing right now you know where these people that aren't boxers have popped into boxing and people are getting all bent and they're like this there's not real they're not real fighters.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I was like, I think they're having like a real fight. And they're going to punch each other. And it's like on TV. Sounds kind of real to me, you know. So it's interesting that we get so protective of like certain things. We get so protective of like certain things we get so wound up and again when we're when i'm when i'm saying we i'm counting myself in that mix because i have a tendency to think that way sometimes too and i'm like how the fuck do i even care yeah yeah let's give somebody a pat on the
Starting point is 00:40:34 back not worry about it same here but we catch ourselves that's the thing you're aware so you catch yourself because like think about this logan paul goes and does a fight with the best boxer almost a lot of people say he's the best boxer ever. And a lot of boxers who've been doing that their whole life are like, fuck that. That's not cool. Well, instead, how about you think about how you can get so notable like Logan Paul so you can draw eyes to your fight. Is that an opportunity that you even care about? Do you want to get into boxing?
Starting point is 00:41:06 Like, are you, you know, what is it you're trying to do? I just don't, it's amazing. I mean, again, I'm guilty. I get caught up in it sometimes, too. How come I'm not like that? How come I didn't get that recognition? How come I didn't get that spot? It's like, well, because you didn't fucking do anything for it.
Starting point is 00:41:23 You did nothing for it. Yes. you did nothing for it yes you did zero for it i get uh okay how can we bring this back around to i know we're talking about comparison uh with the you know comparing your bodies and stuff so if we can bring it back around to body dysmorphia um it is it basically seems impossible for like i'll just use my experience um to in my head to go back four years ago compare myself back then to where i am now like it just i don't have that memory you guys might be like dude i remember this you know skinny ass kid hunched over like okay like you guys can see that progress but i can't you know and so like it's weird that we i guess i don't know if you guys can but like i cannot but it's weird like humans can't
Starting point is 00:42:13 can't look back and be like damn i came a long way i love you bro i love you too i love you too i think it's great i'm kicking in but. But you have an interesting way of wording things. And like you just totally, completely, 100% answered your own question. And I think answered and summed up a lot of what we're talking about here today. And I think a lot of times time can be on your side. You know, time can be the thing that we can look at. And so you can kind of ask yourself. And sometimes this might piss you off, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:47 because maybe you're not ahead. Maybe you're not further along than you were. But if you compare, if you go back and you look at yourself from five years ago, you know, maybe there's a couple areas where someone could say, oh, you know what? I actually, five years ago, I was actually a little bit further along with this.
Starting point is 00:43:06 But for the most part, everything else is kind of moving along really, that would be totally normal because we only have so much time in a day and stuff like that. But if most of us are to think about our diet habits, our habits, just having bad habits in general that we've identified that we said, hey, I'd like to move away from doing that anymore. Smoking or drinking or whatever it is that you have kind of shifted away from. I think if we can use time as a barometer,
Starting point is 00:43:35 you can say, yeah, right. Well, I'm, you know, I don't have everything completely together the way that I would like, but then being in recognition of what Nsema said, like, it's just not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I'm never going to have everything all together where I'm totally satisfied 100% with all aspects of my life. There's going to be a lot of kind of pushing and pulling and compromise that you make with yourself. compromise that you make with yourself. We're going to have a lot of negative talk in our head about what other people are doing or what the world is doing to us type of thing, you know, even though that's not a thing, but we're going to have all these kinds of misconceptions and these different things that we got to kind of battle all the time. You got to try to figure out a way to balance them out. You'll continually get a little bit better at them. But if you could just say, am I a little further along than I was three years ago in this one area where I
Starting point is 00:44:31 have body dysmorphia over, or are you kind of doing what I said earlier, like where you're just doing zero about it, like not doing anything about it. If you're not doing anything about it, I think you need to shut the fuck up. You need to stop being negative towards yourself. And my father-in-law, a couple years back, he told my mother-in-law, and he struggled
Starting point is 00:44:57 with his diet, and towards the end of his life, he had cancer, and his life kind of was compromised, and he definitely needed to make a change. He definitely, it was clear that he had to do something about his nutrition. Uh, he died of a heart attack. He wasn't able to, he wasn't, you know, for him it was, but he told my mother-in-law something that I think is really, really smart. So he, he messed around with diet a little bit here and there he tried a couple things wasn't a guy who was big into like exercising or anything um but he just told her flat out he said sherry he said i'm not like you meaning she likes food but she doesn't care that much he goes i love
Starting point is 00:45:41 food so he was in recognition of who he was and what he was up against, but he made, he made peace with it. He wasn't trying to like fight it. He wasn't trying to do anything. He wasn't really messing around with doing anything about it. And he just, like I said,
Starting point is 00:45:57 he just, he kind of shut up about it because he knew it wasn't anything that he was addressing and he knew he was going to have to live with and end up dying from the consequences. That's, that's huge. Because when you said that, like, like some people are just, you're not doing anything about it. That's the big thing right there. Because when I've had conversations, individuals like, I don't have this or I don't have this. Like, you're doing anything?
Starting point is 00:46:25 No. I don't have this or i don't have this like you're doing anything no i don't know what to tell you i don't have money man i'm broke like i don't you know i i lost my job like and you try to give a couple suggestions right you say hey man you know what that's actually that's really unfortunate but i actually just read a sick book and they're like i don't know you know and they like right away, they're just, and then you try to bring up a couple other things and you're just thinking like, man,
Starting point is 00:46:50 they're just not ready to really receive that at the moment, you know, but you gotta be, you know, find, find your problems and then start to figure out if you can do anything about them. If you can't do anything about them,
Starting point is 00:47:03 sometimes that's unfortunate. Sometimes we can't, you're not going to be able to really truly change who you are. You can change some aspects, but it's very, very hard to really have like massive change. Yeah. Or like, and this, this is a little bit unfair because like some, some people can be, you can be in a pretty tough situation. I was in it also but you know you hear somebody that complains about their job every single day like dude like it's not a prison
Starting point is 00:47:31 sentence like you actually can do something to get out of that and you know but it's like almost more comforting to just keep complaining yeah and i think um all of us have flaws we don't really want other people to know what those flaws are we We don't want to expose them. So we keep them close to our heart because we don't want anybody to have potential to be able to hurt you with those things or you don't want to draw attention to it. Once actually we've seen this a lot with social media. Sometimes somebody mentioned something that they struggle with. And then usually what's the response. It's not like people go in and bury the guy or not or unfollow the person. They're usually like, holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I got the same thing, too. I didn't know, you know, and you'll sometimes it becomes like a movement where everyone kind of gets behind it. Like, I felt the same way or I've had the same thing happening for me in terms of my body. Like I'm very happy with the way I look. I don't have any problem taking my shirt off. I feel good. I feel strong, but I'm always working towards being in better shape. And from being so big previously, I still have some fat that I want to lose that I want to get rid of. And am I doing anything about it is the question I need to communicate with myself often. Sometimes I'm working at it pretty good. Scale of one to 10, probably like an eight. I'm not even really, I'm not interested in doing a 10. I'm not, I'm not even, I'm just not bothering. I'm going to take my time with it and have it be less aggressive because I don't want it to pull away from anything else that I'm doing in my life. So for me, I just keep cruising at an eight and I have some chub that's like just above my butt.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I have a massive booty and my ass was like even way more giant before. But I got a slab of bacon chunk back there that i'm uh you know work working on but it's like if i didn't have that what the fuck would i be doing myself it's like i need you need to have stuff and that you're working on your work and that's not my only problems but there's you have to always be working on stuff right yeah uh you had said something I think it was a Saturday school episode where you said somebody's body is a representation of like what fuck something about where oh where somebody holds their fat shows like exactly where they are in their diet or something like that I forgot how man I butchered that one but I thought it was cool because it was like hey that's an
Starting point is 00:50:04 indicator where you need to clean things up, like depending on where it is in your body. Yeah, that's, I mean, that can be a little bit more complicated. I mean, Charles Poliquin did entire seminars on that, but not to make things too confusing. If you were, if you were somebody that moved quite a bit when you were young and had good activity and didn't, didn't traditionally over consume calories and you have been able to like maintain some resemblance of that, you probably distribute your body fat kind of throughout your body.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And this is just an observation. This isn't like facts or anything. This isn't science. If you're somebody that grew up kind of eating some junk and maybe you sat down, played video games quite a bit, you're going to notice that that person that has more body fat, let's say you had two people that have same amount of body fat, the person that sat and played video games. And again, this is not science. This is observational is going to probably have more love handles are probably going to have more fat in some weird spots where the other person, they have body fat on them, but it hasn't really accumulated.
Starting point is 00:51:10 It's not really sitting in any house, having, you know, tons of, you know, bottles and crap in your car, that's not necessarily representative of your body because somebody could have a great looking body and have their car and have some things messy. But it is kind of a representation of your brain being a little scrambled and you not really caring about, you know, the way you do like some things is the way you do everything type of deal. And it's not an easy thing to be on track, to be on point with every fucking thing that you do. And there's no reason to overly stress about it. We all got strengths and weaknesses. But if you're somebody that is out of shape and you're working on getting in shape, I would get everything in here. I would work on trying to get everything in shape, make a little bit more shape, make a little bit more schedule, make a little bit more regimen on everything that you're doing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:18 And Seema, do you have body dysmorphia? well you know i don't do anything in an unhealthy fashion to try to continue to improve aspects of my body so according to the definition no says the guy who's on a 60 hour fast oh and seven percent body fat with still less than two hours of sleep a night. How does he do that? Oh, let's not go down that rabbit hole again. No, we're doing so well. We don't want to talk to them about how I'm working on getting no sleep. Yeah. We'll have to save that for another. No, we're not going to do this.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Guys, I get eight hours of sleep. I get seven hours of sleep a night. Do I? Anyway. No, the only reason why I said that is because, you know because I fast all the time too, right? And here I am, I'm working on increasing my bench press again. It's like, what is it we're working on? What is it we're seeking?
Starting point is 00:53:18 But you developed a skill set with diet and with nutrition and with your body. And this is just something that you decided to do right yeah yeah yeah so you talking about the fast yeah yeah so uh last quarter i did a 48 didn't make it to 72 i drank a protein shake yesterday so some people be like i broke my fast but i needed that protein shake i needed that protein shake i'm sorry guys um but yeah i'm doing a 72 because like this is fast I do this quarter, the long term. Not doing it to change my body or anything in any way, but it's good for health. My grandmother, which is kind of funny, this is a little bit off topic.
Starting point is 00:53:56 My grandma does multiple five-day fasts every few weeks because she fasts and prays. So does my mom. It's a spiritual thing. So they'll do water fasting and prayer. And I finally was like, Mom, just have the electrolytes. Have you been praying for Andrew and I? Always. You guys are sinners. I want you to go to heaven. I'm playing with y'all. How do you know you don't want us to go to heaven?
Starting point is 00:54:15 Stop. I want you guys to go to heaven. Please. Let's just get this about us. I'm dying here. Guys. When it comes to the body dysmorphia guys when it comes to the when it comes to more than two hours of sleep here when it comes to the body dysmorphia thing that we've been talking about here um this really came to mind just because i see a lot of people like who who make fitness youtube content it's been like a hot kind
Starting point is 00:54:35 of topic and i think it's just being thrown around too much um where there are some people who really have it and according to their definition, we'd have it too. But if, if according to them, you know, finding certain things in my body that I want to improve and working at them, even though other people may think it's great, if that's by dysmorphia, then I buy dysmorphia, but I'm not doing anything unsafe to get towards my goals. And the whole thing that we've been talking about here is that there's no problem with you trying to always progress and not be satisfied. That can be done in a very healthy manner. And that's what I think we're doing here.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Satisfied athletes sucked. I've heard that before. And it's, it's, uh, you know, it's usually true when someone thinks they're like already great at something or super satisfied. I mean, we've seen it happen many, many times where somebody comes into a sport, they're a total animal. They mop up the floor with every single opponent they ever face. And then they are, at some point, they're satisfied.
Starting point is 00:55:32 They make a lot of money. They're not as hungry as they once were. And then they finally get their ass kicked. And you're like, oh, well, because once you think that you're great, a lot of times you're going to kind of be dethroned. think that you're great, a lot of times you're going to kind of be dethroned. So I think it can be healthy to always want to work on being better, improvement, progress, to think a lot of negative thoughts about your body or to hate your body, I think puts you in a category that, you know, you probably will struggle with having a mindset like that, and I don't pretend to have any remedies for you to get out of that other than to simply kind of work on it, drill it a bunch, and communicate with yourself about the other things that you like about your body. I mean, we take so many things for granted.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I have a podiatrist appointment. I have calluses on my feet. I walk a lot. And, uh, you know, from when I was bigger, um, you know, my, well, my feet are just kind of fat anyway, and they just rub on the side of my shoe. So I build up these calluses. So I have to go and get these calluses removed here and there. But sometimes I'm, I'm frustrated. I'm like, my goddamn feet are killing me. really i should be more like this is awesome that i have opportunity to walk every day or in california you know what i mean like there's just there's a completely different way to look at stuff rather than being negative or hating on yourself or hating on any part of your body maybe be just more thankful that your body's working and functioning the way you want i get
Starting point is 00:57:05 the same i think just based off of what you explained i think i get a very similar callus on the like side of my foot and that shit sucks it's almost like a it feels like a like another toe wants to grow out it's like stiff did you have to have your foot shaved down or something i had a bunionette that was one so maybe yours is man we got to have an episode where we bring like some like really there are some feet expert that we need to get on this podcast oh yeah there's a guy yeah local here in uh sacramento we can get him you know fetish because yeah so my feet are wide um but soccer cleats are narrow like a majority of soccer cleats are super narrow with high arches like track shoes yeah yeah and
Starting point is 00:57:46 they don't they they didn't necessarily at the time i was playing soccer they didn't necessarily make the best cleats for people with big old wide feet like me so i was stuffing my feet into these narrow cleats over the years so what happened guys was let's say that this is my pinky toe well these these were getting smashed but then my pinky toe would come in, and then the bone was popping out. So that was like the pinky, the bone here on my pinky toe. So they had to, when I was in college, they had to shave that bone off, and they put a little screw inside. And that stopped me from being able to like, I was walking around hurt. I was walking around campus on crutches for like eight months because that was a really slow healing process.
Starting point is 00:58:31 But that's also what stopped me from playing soccer because I couldn't run and when i started running again i couldn't run the right way so they're like deuces but um yeah i'm happy now that there are more options for shoes yeah so i wear chunkless yeah yeah is it went pretty good karate kick yeah when they shave that off like does it hurt is it like really painful i think it's yours yeah for me yeah no no it doesn't hurt at all okay um i barely even notice um it's disgusting but like they basically just uh kind of dig through some layers of skin and then it's just it's gone i don't have any pain um if they were to go too far yeah it would yeah it would hurt but they're just they're removing layers of skin that like just don't need to be there i know like i've literally like sanded mine off and it like it hurt but you
Starting point is 00:59:17 can't and yeah it doesn't it doesn't i've tried that before and it doesn't work great it kind of works but you need to like be it's because the the uh the layer of like dead skin that's there is like a lot thicker in the in the middle and so if you try to just sand it down you're sanding down the sides and shit too yeah i know it's fucking disgusting it is but i mean when mean, when I did it, like once it like healed up, it was like, Oh, like, cool. I got like room in my shoe and then it just came right back.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Damn. It's so weird. Anyway, Andrew, take us on. I will. Uh, thank you everybody for checking out today's episode.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Oh, what you got? There's one last thing. What you got? A little Easter. I'm about to ruin some lives. Um, so, uh, a friend of mine uh we're watching
Starting point is 01:00:07 this show on netflix called sex dash life or sex oh yeah i've seen some of it have you seen episode three i i don't know how far i've seen okay guys i want you i know it's a porn basically you know the funny thing is she's like she's like you know this this this show is done like it was directed by a female because when you see all the scenes it's very like it's the way a woman would want it to go but by the way go to episode three go to the scene the shower scene and then come back and comment and let me know how much you hate me because that's shit when we talk about the urinals i remember that so go to sex life episode three shower scene i want your reactions in the comments andrew takes all right with that said uh
Starting point is 01:00:52 slash power project we talk a lot about nutrition health and again you know today we talked about body dysmorphia uh but really the best way to find out exactly what's going on with your body is to get blood work and the best panel is the one that we put together ourselves uh somebody in the comments was actually um they compared it to like every other company they're like yeah it's pretty close to what everyone else like is trying to do but it is cheaper and it does come with the uh the the actual expert like one-on-one review so it's it's above and beyond again slash power project link down in the description below as well as the
Starting point is 01:01:31 podcast show notes and uh make sure you use promo code power project to bring that panel all the way down from 500 to 399 please follow the podcast at mark bell's power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter my instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema what's up dude i'm just i'm such a child bro like i've just i can't wait to just get these comments back because i'm about to root and sema in yang on instagram and youtube and sema yin yang on tiktok and twitter mark hey you know what these shows you know you could be the beneficiary of some of these shows you know so you put it on the ladies with you and they're like hey this is you know might get them uh get them excited yeah oh wow you took it there you never know i'm telling you the the power project calendar it'll have us on the cover and just every month is in SEMA.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I like that. Yeah, I think that'd be good. I can shoot it. Of course you can. Just use the pictures that we took. Mark and oil you. Just use the pictures we took. We have all the pictures.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I wanted some new ones, but all right. Episode three, huh? I'm going to show you guys right after we get off. We're all going to watch this in a circle and I'm going to... Yeah. Circle? Yeah. Now I'm getting a little you guys right after we get off. We're all going to watch this in a circle. And I'm going to. Yeah. Circle. Now I'm getting a little nervous. You should be.
Starting point is 01:02:52 You know, usually what I tell my wife is, those aren't real dicks. I mean, I'm like, these are movies. It's like porn. Like, they're not, you know. Yeah, no one has one that big like that. Are you kidding me? Like, that's impossible. Strength is never weakness.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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