Mark Bell's Power Project - Happy Couples Destined To Gain Weight? How To Avoid Gaining Together || MBPP Ep. 824

Episode Date: October 24, 2022

In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza discuss a study that found couples where were "really" in love gained weight together. The crew talks about how to avoid gaining w...eight and some tips and tricks to help stay in shape.  New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 15% off! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained: ➢ Code: POWERVIVO20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter:  ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:  Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? Now, we've talked to you guys about the legendary Tasty Pastries before, which are great, but they have come out with these cinnamon sweet rolls. Oh, they're so good. This one's blueberry. You're supposed to warm them up for 15 seconds before you eat it, but- You love these ads. They're really fucking good.
Starting point is 00:00:18 I love these ads because I can just eat. 20 grams of protein, five grams of nut carbs, and they taste amazing. You guys need to check them out. Andrew, where can they get it? You guys really do need to try these. You guys got to head over to and at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT to save 20% off your entire order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes.
Starting point is 00:00:36 It's something I heard. I have not checked into it. I don't know. I heard it on Rogan. I mean, it's true. By a bunch of old white guys trying to like i don't know make things seem like you know different than they really are that used to be my thing for everything i heard it on rogan's yeah it must be true oh my goodness but yeah anyways we're
Starting point is 00:00:56 rolling now so we should just spout false things and just be like act like they're totally true and then people be like i just heard it on the Power Project. It's probably true. I think we've been doing that. Have we? Tell her she's asleep. Yeah. Telling people to eat meat and fruit and stay away from processed foods and stuff like that. We don't have any proof that that does anything.
Starting point is 00:01:18 We're just slowly giving everybody cancer. See? And making people tremendously fat. Let's go. Right? Let's go. Are we? I i think so andrew you had a story oh yeah uh of course i don't have it ready but just so our boy drew uh so he's the one that does like our time stamps and stuff but you guys are gonna fucking love this by the way but um we were
Starting point is 00:01:39 going back and forth and um i forgot how we got there but he was like dude you guys gave me like the best gift ever so his mom listens to the show now because she's like well i want to know what my son's doing what they're in india so you could imagine i mean i'm assuming some of the topics that we get into probably not openly accepted in certain countries maybe maybe But anyways, so she is now a fan of the show. She knows Mark Bell. She knows Encima. She knows me. She went and got a personal trainer.
Starting point is 00:02:14 And so as they're communicating, whatever, she knows all the lingo. She knows all the muscle groups. And he was very impressed. Like, wow, you know all these different things. And she's just like, yeah, I work with Mark Bell. And then the trainer was like, really? I love Mark Bell.
Starting point is 00:02:30 So he gave her an awesome discount. And so now because she's in, so her son and her both will work on some of the projects together. So because they're all in the circle, they got hooked up with a little discount because they know Mark Bell. That's amazing. That's fucking amazing. I was running in Austin and I ran past this bank, kind of like a capital building type of looking thing, kind of like the spot that we ran or we walked to when you and I were there years ago. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And there was like security guys outside. I was like, these guys, they're dead ringers. Like there's no way they're not going to know who I am. And sure enough, I run past them. And one guy's like, he gives me like the big guy like head nod thing, the head tilt thing. And the other guy that's next to him goes, holy shit. He goes, that's Mark Bell. And the guy's like, that is Mark Bell.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And I'm just like running around the corner. It's just weird sometimes, you shit he goes that's mark bell and the guy's like that is mark bell and i'm just like running around the corner it was like it's just weird sometimes you know like it's i don't know it's it's cool it's amazing it's amazing you get like recognized for some of the stuff never was trying to necessarily do that just trying to pump out some good info to some peeps and and then i don't know yeah it's strange that's so cool don't know how to uh react to it a lot of times and i I was talking with Zach Talander and Chris Williamson about it. And we were just saying, like, how shitty we are sometimes at a compliment. And this could be, like, a noteworthy thing for people listening. Somebody gives you a compliment, just take it.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Do your best to just try to, you're going to find that you deflect a lot. Someone's going to be like, but oh my God, you're losing weight. Just trying to get like you, bro. There's so much of that that happens, right? Just trying to get like you, bro. Hey, you look really nice in that shirt
Starting point is 00:04:21 or whatever someone just, yeah, all it takes is somebody likes the show. Somebody likes something that you posted. Oh my God, that's amazing. I'm glad you liked it. Or you could have a follow-up question. You can get in maybe some good conversation. But I think we have a tendency to really deflect, you know, and I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Because I think you are trying to get recognized or noticed for something in particular. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't have posted about it or talked about it or spent money having a show or various things that you might be doing to try to get attention. Getting new shoes or a nice car or, I don't know. Trying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Getting your car washed. Hey, your car looks great. This. Trying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Getting your car washed. Hey, your car looks great. This old thing.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah, yeah. Cool. Thank you very much. I actually just washed her up. Yeah. I was in line at In-N-Out and I was like on my phone and I had a lot on my mind. And then so I ordered and then I just like kind of like just walked straight through the line. And then I came around to like get the food and the people that I kind of cut off were just like, dude, my husband loves your show.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And I was like, oh, shit. Like, I hope I wasn't like rude to them or anything, you know, like in like being in my own head. But in and out. Yeah. Somebody was just like, dude, yeah, we've been listening to you guys for a long time. I can't remember his name, but he was super nice. And I was just like, oh, shit. I'm like, that's fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:05:45 That doesn't happen to me. But this guy, he recognized me from the show. And I was like, damn, I, again, hope I wasn't rude or anything. That would be fucking terrible. So two things, guys. The shirt Mark's wearing right now, our website, info at All right, you can get you. It's just
Starting point is 00:06:01 Why do I keep using the email address? I don't know. This devil pussy mug, right right don't get trapped by devil pussy it's at power project dot live and please guys you guys have helped us out a lot we got we got thousands of ratings now on spotify and apple and everywhere but it does help the pot out if you rate just give us a star rating on wherever you listen to it, and maybe write a review if you got a little extra time.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It's gone for your boys. All the information, too, about our tour that we're going to be going on. I think you- Dick pumps? You want to make a bigger dick? You were just booking Iceland, right? It was one of the spots we're going to. Is that the first one?
Starting point is 00:06:39 It was Iceland. I hope it's not Iceland, because I did not book my flight for Iceland first. Yeah, we're going to be all over the place. We're going to Iceland. Then we're going to Nigeria. We're not going to Nigeria. We can't go to Nigeria, sadly. You don't know anybody over there?
Starting point is 00:06:54 I do. That's why I'm not going to go. But everybody's jacked. You know how it'd be over there. Man, no. You know, real talk, though. I'll be real short about this. But my grandma, there's going to be a funeral down there. over there man not you know real talk though it is it is i'll be real short about this but um my
Starting point is 00:07:06 my grandma is there's gonna be a funeral down there a whole big thing down there because she was a hundred so we're sending her body back and my mom's sister are gonna go down to nigeria um but even even family is like we gotta get in and get out because like going to certain places over there it's still not like super safe like sometimes people attract people from like the airport and shit and like they know they're americans it's a risk so yeah i'm not going um it hurts it hurts it really hurts to say that because like you know even my mom was telling me stories where there have been people who have like done well in the u.s andS. and they want to go back and help out. But then some of them just end up being wound.
Starting point is 00:07:48 They wind up dead. Some shit, man. Some shit. But it is what it is. I've heard from some other people, too, like talking about the differences between other, you know, other countries. And I think in this country, we have a tendency to kind of feel like we like quote unquote like shoot each other's successes down but uh i think in other countries like shit's so violent and there's so many things going on that like literally they might shoot down your hopes and dreams or when someone has a success and then um somewhere like england places like that where it's kind of a
Starting point is 00:08:23 little bit more baked into the culture where they have like a lot of satire they're kind of they kind of come from a negative uh there's kind of a lot of negative talk like the weather shitty and stuff like that and so they they kind of do it as a joke but they also trap each other and don't allow each other to really like rise above anybody like no one's allowed to kind of leave the nest or be, you know, more successful. Whereas even though it seems like it's kind of negative here in the United States, it's fairly positive for the most part. You're going to have friends. You're going to have family.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You're going to have people that, you know, try to hold you back or make a comment here and there. But most people are like, oh, that's great. That's really cool. here and there but most people are like oh that's great that's really cool that you know it's amazing that we first of all that we even have the opportunity to do all this stuff the luxury of coming in here and like lifting weights and then podcasting whenever the fuck we want is like all of it is really it's really uh a huge blessing and it's amazing yeah i can't remember his name but the the guy that was in here when we had ben the bounce um when like somebody in the uk is like being happy or they're being jolly like oh quit being so american yeah like oh i think it
Starting point is 00:09:32 was andre or somebody some russian we were talking to said that if somebody walks down the street with a smile they legit think you're crazy in russia they're gonna smack that fucking smile right off your face yeah nothing to smile about right now. It's that cold. Fuck, what the fuck is there to smile about? Weren't we about to talk about some rotund individuals? We were about to talk about something that we saw on... We have a couple things we can bring up. I love rotund.
Starting point is 00:09:59 It's a good word. It's a great word. I'm trying to expand my vocabulary. But yeah, this was brought to my attention. And I guess we'll just play the clip and try to respond to it. I haven't even really seen either one of these or thought about them much, so it'd be kind of cool to see them fresh. Does this one have audio? It does. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I think so. Actually, it might just be music, but I don't know. Well, the caption says, real quick, science has found that couples who really love each other tend to gain weight. That's where the caption starts. I know. Let's see what this is about. Stupid audio.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Music. Yeah. Yeah, just her being confused. Okay, that's where she started and him. That's where they ended up. know okay all right all right chill with y'all reactions okay and she's like all right i mean mark's like wow but all right guys hold on pause i know look at i see i see for those of you who are listening this oh how do I word this? She's what? One. They look young. They look, oh God damn. 120,
Starting point is 00:11:07 125. Yeah. All right. All right. She's just smaller. Okay. No shit. What is she here?
Starting point is 00:11:16 We don't know that. She's just unsmaller. I mean, they both got, they both got a little bit bigger, but the interesting thing is couples that love each other tend to gain weight together. Why the fuck is that a scientist saying? Like, where does this article come from?
Starting point is 00:11:32 I'm really curious. Yeah, I wonder. You know, it's probably like some kind of bullshit article. And it says that scientists found that couples who really love each other tend to gain weight. All right, real quick. Let me read this. Okay, this is from the article. The idea that happy couples gain weight when they love each other sounds slightly far-fetched, but surprisingly, there's evidence that supports this statement. According to several studies, we know how those are, couples who reported to be happy and satisfied in their relationships last marriages are more likely to gain weight.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Interesting. And you know what, though? I got to point out that I don't know anything about this particular study, but I wonder if that's a little bit true of people in general. Like if somebody is just happier, like if somebody reaches, say, like a financial freedom and they're relinquished of some of the burdens they've had previously, they just graduated college and now they got a job and, uh, they're not making a lot of money, but they have, they have like, they have a career that they're starting, you know, and, and maybe they started, they're starting out with a very modest income, but for the first time they're able to like, not, you know, just live off of like top ramen.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Maybe because they're psychologically maybe in a little bit better place. Yeah, maybe they do. I mean, I don't know. It's hard to say, cause they also say that about going to college too, right? Like the freshman 15 or whatever it is. I don't think people were particularly happy during COVID and they gained weight. So yeah, I just wonder, like, it's a really interesting kind of question in general. That's a very American study. I'll put it like, even when I- Or just ideology, right? It's a very American ideology because like yeah okay um couples who tend to love each other stay together longer maybe they become more successful with each other but in
Starting point is 00:13:28 america when it comes to what people look at as success it's like let's make more money we're able to move into a new place we do more we also have the ability to buy more eat more it's in america more is always better and that also comes down to food. Like we are the nation of indulgence. So it's like if you're becoming more successful together, it is typical for couples to also gain weight together because health and nutrition isn't the thing that's put up on a pedestal for more people. The marker of success is more money, better job, better house, but not necessarily your health and fitness. And the happiness and love thing are both things that are kind of hard to pin down, whereas weight gain is like a little bit more factual.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Like, oh, we're super in love. It's hard to judge that. I see what you mean, yeah. And in terms of food, in terms of happiness, certain types of food are linked to people feeling better like when you're stressed and you want to feel good ben and jerry's give me some more we'll do the fucking trick but then when you're able to do that a lot and you're comfortable with your partner you know it's it's i mean i have in past relationships, damn, in past relationships, some of the people I was with, they both gained a bit of weight through the relationship. I didn't because I was, damn, I didn't because I was focused.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Like I was a personal trainer. Health and fitness was my thing. So whenever I did gain weight, it was very purposeful. I was on a bulk. So whenever I did gain weight, it was very purposeful. I was on a bulk. But even so, it's like both my partners, because they got comfortable, they both did gain some weight versus when we started off, which is a very interesting thing. It's like people do tend to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I mean, it seems to make a lot of sense that you're expressing ways of enjoying each other. And maybe like the thing you can come up with is to go to eat. And you don't have like a lot of other go-to some people don't love to like go to a movie because then they can't really interact as much and then like how many good like there's not not always that many good movies uh so i think our our ways of interaction interacting um it's helpful if you can reinterpret them but i don't know how to reinterpret them when we the list of things that we do together sometimes it's very short and I know it's boring and no one fucking cares but you could go on a walk together you could go on a bike ride together you can go
Starting point is 00:15:54 hiking together you could you could go swimming together you could go lift together like there's a lot of things that you could do together but I do understand that I'm a crazy person and that it's way different than just uh going out to eat yeah did you watch black adam or no oh yeah how was it it was good how good i say okay you know what um i think the rock did a great job uh i dug it a lot it was it was good because it was dark we gotta i gotta come back to what i know we are because i wanted to pull up another video but he had mentioned going to the movies and it just clicked and I know I'm gonna forget about it later
Starting point is 00:16:28 Black Adam was really good I'd suggest people go see it and that end credits scene I'm not gonna ruin it but ooh god good stuff paid off oh no where's the thing
Starting point is 00:16:42 you can see it real quick before we start this video mark when you and andy got together did either of you guys gain weight i mean you did sorry way later i know you yeah that was way later when you know shoes that's great hand bone made it on screen and ben the bounce was doing his little dance there we go but okay so you but you you know you did it for powerlifting and also- Well, that was way later. That was way later.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah, years and years later, yeah. Okay, all right. Maybe that wasn't a great example. I don't think, well, I was going to say, neither one of us gained any weight when we met each other. Okay, okay. That I can recall. Oh, there are times where we gained weight.
Starting point is 00:17:21 We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. And yeah, I came back like 10 pounds heavier. But that was temporary. We went to New Orleans, gained like 10 pounds. A couple of those things happened. Okay, okay. But I just didn't have skill sets to, I don't know. Habits to combat.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yeah, I didn't have skill set to like i don't know uh have made a combat i didn't have yeah i didn't have skill set to mitigate some of that so uh this clip just uh the first frame says me before meeting my boyfriend and me a year after being together i think this one's just music too yeah okay let's see. Here we go. So. Looking pretty good shape there. Fit. Going to the gym. Still fit. Still fit.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Cool. Head tilt. Upside down. Careful with y'all reactions. All right. Okay. All right. Then she gained some weight just just just a little bit um i don't think we saw
Starting point is 00:18:30 like you know previously we didn't see like her do that exact thing that she did at the end so like i don't know but let me just also say because man you know this is a very interesting episode uh because we are we are in shape and we promote being healthy right we're not trying to shit on people who are out of shape okay love yourself care for yourself but also we are in the business of trying to help people pick up better habits so they can become healthier so understand we're not trying to drag these people are we dragging y'all also uh andrew do do you think people having some extra body fat on them is harmful? No, not at all. And semen.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Not a little extra body fat. Right. Somebody gaining some weight, you know, at some point in their life, even getting maybe distant to their like, quote unquote, fighting weight. maybe distant to their like quote unquote fighting weight, somebody gaining 20 pounds, 30 pounds, 40 pounds, like,
Starting point is 00:19:29 and holding onto that weight for a couple of years, probably not the worst thing, like probably not super detrimental in most cases. And you can also maintain decent habits those, but it's not super detrimental as long as you try to walk a bit and be a little active. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Maybe like if the duration is like super sudden and then you know because
Starting point is 00:19:45 then it's like well you were able to do that like if you give yourself more time like you probably do a lot more damage but if it's just like a i guess i'll say a slow burn then maybe and then in some some cases i don't know like a like a little bit of extra something on a chick like looks really good so like you know it's not the worst thing ever i would say i would say like you know um and this by no means is like anything that I, I don't know. I'm just gonna make this up. But I think people could probably gain about 10% of their own body weight, like extra. So if you weighed 200 pounds, you could potentially gain 20 pounds and like probably be in a zone that's fine.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Right. And not have a big, big deal. But if you normally weighed 200 pounds and you weigh 255 or 270, you probably want to start to think about what are some strategies, what are some things that I could do that could maybe introduce some healthier habits into my life. And I'm not even talking about losing weight, but what Nsema said, you know, I always like Nsema always comes from the energy output side, which is a great place to start for a lot of people. Some people, um, that might be really hard because maybe they, uh, uh, maybe they have a hard time putting one foot
Starting point is 00:20:57 in front of the other, like from a mental perspective. So then therefore you might want to try to figure out how to attack things from the input side, from the food side of things. But somebody that normally would weigh 200 pounds, they now weigh 270. You want to start to consider, maybe I can lift weights. Maybe I can go on some hikes here and there. Maybe, you know, instead of the weekend of playing video games, maybe I can, you know, do something different. Like just get some exercise incorporated. I think those are all
Starting point is 00:21:25 fair. So I don't even think or believe that having some excess body fat on you is even really dangerous. You know, also along with that, you're right. Having a little excess body fat isn't dangerous, but let's think about couples and getting into relationships because again, I guess I'm lucky that I was able to have relationships where, I mean, I still kept my habits, but my partner wasn't about some of those habits. So when I would want to go, hey, I'm going to go on a walk. Want to come? Nah, not really. And there would also maybe be like some like pissing on me wanting to go on just a walk together, right?
Starting point is 00:22:01 Like, oh, that's boring. Let's go eat together, right? Like, oh, that's boring. Let's go eat somewhere, right? I think it'd be beneficial if you're in a relationship and let's say that you do find that you guys aren't progressing in terms of your health together, what kind of habits can you guys do together that will lead you in the right direction? Can you go on a few walks together? That's why I'm so happy with my girls. Like we go on walks all the time. We go on long walks and just talk. Right. But those walks aren't meant to be exercise.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Are you walking behind her staring at her butt the whole time? The whole time. And any man that walks in her direction and even tries to look at her, I'm looking at him. Staring at him hard. Staring at him hard. It's like, yeah, yeah. I know what you see. You better look at me though.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Don't let those eyes go around. For some reason, when you said that, I just pictured you in your gi. Cinching up your brown belt just getting ready to double like some motherfucker weird why is that guy in his gi like we get it but why are you like you're still showing off by wearing the gi walking like he's got like a couple of his medals around his neck from his tournaments and stuff it's like dude there's also like blood all over the gi like don't you gotta wash that out like no i want to show what's happened before you but yes i will kill a motherfucking i'm joking i'm joking i agree 100 it's really nice to have somebody that you can do a lot of this stuff with um and you know i don't even know what to say about somebody that if you're trying to implement some
Starting point is 00:23:27 of that and somebody's negative about that that's that's just like that's a tough spot to be in a lot of people run into that I mean I mean I know I've had personal training clients in the past I had some women and I had some men that were both like yeah my partner is really not about all this or their partner's starting to feel a little bit insecure about them getting into better shape. I know you've probably dealt with that too, right? That is tough. And maybe sometimes you need to, because people, you can still love your partner even if they don't have the healthiest habits, but it's something you want to evaluate because over time, if your health is something that you really care about, the long-term health of
Starting point is 00:24:02 yourself and your partner, if they're not about trying to become healthier, I'm not even saying try to get crazy about it, but take a few walks, maybe lift a little bit, maybe pick up something healthier, maybe don't eat as much. Maybe every single time where you guys enjoy your time doesn't have to be with food. And if they're not about it, you need to double take a little bit or you need to really try to evaluate somehow. I think we should go over maybe like a couple of strategies to like – they might be corny, you know, but like can you get your partner or can they get you to like meet them halfway on something?
Starting point is 00:24:38 Can you meet each other halfway on something? So you're going to go and you know you're going to go to whatever downtown favorite area restaurant that it is that you really love. There's so many strategies that can be employed, but stuff that you could do – there's stuff you could obviously do individually. We've talked a ton about those things that you could do individually on this show. We've talked before about protein leveraging. You can eat a little something an hour or two before you go. protein leveraging. You can eat a little something, you know, an hour or two before you go that will dissipate your need to like want to annihilate every single thing that is on your table and on the table next to you. But as a team, as a united front, as I like to call it,
Starting point is 00:25:16 and that's what I think you are trying to ideally get together with is somebody that will allow you to have a united front, you know, somebody that has very similar ideas and concepts and beliefs. They don't have to all match up all the time. It's actually really nice when they don't. And that person can have their belief there and you can have yours there and you can get along just fine. But you're trying to have like a united front. And one of the things that is nice to unite on is some sort of code or some sort of standard to try to hold yourself accountable to with fitness and with like just weight management. It's not a tough thing to think about or it might be a tough thing to talk about sometimes because it can be sensitive. sometimes, but because it can be sensitive. But when you go to a restaurant, can you on your drive there, can you agree and say, hey, you know what, the last time they put down that, that bread, like we just, we just inhaled it. And then when we also got the dessert, dessert, let's make a
Starting point is 00:26:16 decision right now. Let's do one or the other, but let's try that, you know, pinky promise. Like, let's not do both, you know, and almost like a message to your future self. Hey, I'm going to say this when we sit down that I want the bread. Don't let me order it. You know, don't let me say yes to it. So, you know, just like, what are some strategies maybe people can employ when they, obviously you can pick better, better places. Cause if you go to like an Italian restaurant, there's really not a choice on the menu where you can make a halfway decent decision. So what do you guys think? Um, don't go to cheesecake factory.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Cause that bread dog, that Brown bread, it is so good. You know what I'm talking about? They have that outback too. They do that same kind of bread. Yeah. What is that bread?
Starting point is 00:27:00 I don't know, but it's just the Brown bread. It's just, Ooh, you put some butter with it. I have it. Like I take chunks of butter when I've gone there. Chunk the butter on it. Yeah, like ice cream scoops worth of butter.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And it just melts with the warm bread in your mouth. Dude, I used to sit there and watch my kids eat bread and I would just be like sweating. And it wasn't even, and I'm such an asshole, it wasn't even because I wanted to eat it. It was just because I was like, what is going to happen with this? This is fucking crazy. They're on their fourth thing of bread. They ate a whole stick of butter at this point. And like my brain's going ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And my son is like ordering a Coke and stuff. I'm like, just let him do his own shit. Let him do his own shit. We've talked about this you know so that's why i would just let them be like autonomous because i'm like i have talked to them about this they got to make their own choices even though they're seven or eight i got to just sit here and just watch it they don't make those they don't do that shit anymore which is awesome like jake doesn't fucking touch the bread and stuff like that so it's kind of cool yeah um i mean this this could definitely backfire especially if somebody likes to cook and stuff like that so it's kind of cool yeah um i mean this this could definitely
Starting point is 00:28:05 backfire especially if somebody likes to cook and bake and stuff but um like i told melvin i'm like hey like if you and your wife you want to like indulge in anything sweet or whatever you feel like you need something like you have to make it at home like don't go to the store and get something that's already made because that's too easy i'm like if you want something like make it a like make it worth it but also like bake it or whatever it is you know like put it together yourself like because it's going to create a couple hurdles right you got to get all the extra shit and then you got to spend the time to make it and like i said this could easily back backfire if you know you're somebody that likes to bake and so you're kind of already like you know like
Starting point is 00:28:40 like rosemary belling it like put what are they called? The cookie bars? Cookie bars, right? Like that could backfire. But if you are used to buying, you know, like donuts and shit that's already kind of like even drive-through shit, right? If you can just be like, okay, we're going to have something after dinner this Friday night, but we have to make it. Like shit, okay, let me figure out what's all involved in this and then spend the time.
Starting point is 00:29:04 And then even that's something you can do together. Hopefully you can get the whole family involved. But there's calories being burned while you're trying to make some stuff. You're moving around the kitchen together. Also, there's the awareness of like, oh, I'm about to dump this much sugar. Oh, fuck. Let me back that up a little bit, you know, versus what you just buy something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:22 But also it prevents the like, okay, I'm going to get two boxes of whatever, like the hostess donuts or whatever it is. And then we're only, we're probably only going to eat one though. And then it's like, shit, we got one and a half. I might as well just go for the second one. Do you guys have any idea how fucking fat we would be if we all live together and fuck each other all the time? He just wanted to, wait, what was that?
Starting point is 00:29:50 He threw that last bit in there. He just he hella casually hella just slowly added it did i say something wrong nah dog you're all good yeah we'd be super if we weren't a thruple we'd be super fat and uh we'd be really loose we'd all be 300 pounds we wouldn't get anything done 300 pounds lotion everywhere let's go get some donuts mark would be like andrew you need to get more energy here eat some more food mark you were the sus one this time you're the sus one this time finally it's not me that's me the one time but but andrew andrew on the note of what you're saying like um at home sam and i we do not buy like we don't buy things like she she she could be a chocolate queen well she is a chocolate queen but but like she loves she loves the food she loves the food type of chocolate too
Starting point is 00:30:36 right so we don't purchase things that we would both like go i got you that was really good. Good. We came from there. But we don't buy things that we're going to binge on. We don't keep it in the house because it's super easy to go to the cabinet. Like you were saying, first off, if you do want to make something, okay, go to the store, buy the ingredients. But if like for some reason a craving hits, it's not in the freezer, then there's a barrier of, okay, I got to think about this. Okay, then I have to go to the store if I do want to get this.
Starting point is 00:31:06 So then it's like by the time you're like, oh, fuck, you get yourself some food. You make yourself something that's healthier. And then if you do choose to go to the store and get that one thing, if you do choose to get that one thing, don't kill yourself over it, at least you're not keeping it in the house. And that will, that'll, that in and of itself will save you from eating so much unnecessary crap just by not keeping it in the house that when you go and you get it once, don't beat yourself up. Have it and move on. My wife and I, a lot of times we'll cook at home and then we'll go out. And when we go out, we really don't eat. We just, we'll have a couple of drinks. That's about all we'll do because we know that we're, we're going to cook up food at the house that's going to taste exactly the way we want it we're going to make it the exact way that we want
Starting point is 00:31:49 it we're going to choose the piedmontese beef and we know we're going to have a steak that's lean and tender and it's going to be the the restaurant stuff is great like it's really nice to have a nice experience uh at a restaurant but restaurant also takes a long time. It takes, I don't know, it takes an hour at least every time you go to a restaurant. And it can be very expensive, especially if you really like steak. You start to go to some nice steak restaurants and stuff. That shit can be pricey.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Doing it at home is so much better. And then having a family, if I leave my kids and just say, hey, just order, just order DoorDash, like they don't really eat. They don't they're not normal kids like they don't eat like a bunch of really junky, junky stuff. They're going to order stuff that's still like fairly healthy. But in a lot of cases, you know, people are just leaving their kids and the kids are just gnawing down a bunch of frozen pizza or whatever. So I think when you cook at home, then everybody gets to eat and everybody gets to eat a healthier thing.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And you're all involved with each other. You're all right there with each other. It's different. Yeah. And so kind of going back to like the making the dessert at home, like I wouldn't want to tell somebody that's like asking for advice and I get this from Mark, like I don't want to take that away from you, right? I'm going to be like, no more donuts, no more cake, no more cupcakes or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:07 You know, don't buy that shit anymore. Instead, I can be like, you can have whatever you want, but, like, you just have to make it. Like, it sounds kind of like a pain in the ass, but what's going to happen is, one, it's going to taste way better than anything that you're going to buy out of a box. So it might actually kind of deter you the next time you go to the store and be like, well, that shit's pretty good, but it's not as good as the stuff i can make i'm gonna see if i can just spend more time and you know at home and make it i know it's it's obviously it's really fucking easy to buy like a candy bar or something but it just you know again if we can do make this
Starting point is 00:33:38 little switch of like okay if we are going to do something we're going to make it count and we're going to make it at home i'm not a big time sharer, but that strategy can help too. It's like sharing food. When you go out to eat, sometimes it gives you an opportunity to eat something slightly different. You share? You share your plate? No. But I eat everyone else's.
Starting point is 00:33:58 A lot of times what happens is we'll order like, we won't order like one meal to eat together we'll order like usually order three meals and i eat like two of them it's kind of what happens but i don't know sometimes there's like a fish option and a steak option like i kind of want to eat both and my wife's like i know you want to eat both so you can have some of mine as long as you give me some of your you know that kind of thing so we kind of share like that and then also too like if there is something on the menu where you're like that's gonna set me back like that that one that one kind of cost a lot in terms of like my calories they have a uh some sort of crazy like mac and cheese thing with uh pork belly in it or something like that and you're like i'm not
Starting point is 00:34:40 leaving this place without ordering that just stupid of me not to yeah yeah that's where it's great to kind of share something like that and yes you had some of it but what do you're like, I'm not leaving this place without ordering that. It's just stupid of me not to. That's where it's great to kind of share something like that. And yes, you had some of it, but what did you have? Like, I don't know, a big old handful of it. It's not like you ate. That wasn't your main meal. And as somebody who's not like a big, I don't really follow a ketogenic diet. I like carbs. I'm going to have carbs.
Starting point is 00:35:03 But if there is a situation where you are going out, even if you're not on a keto diet, if you just keto it that night, you could end up being pretty damn good because what are you going to get? You can always keto it at any restaurant. You're going to get something that's high in protein and high in fat,
Starting point is 00:35:18 and you're not going to really be able to go too crazy on it. But you can say, all right, Andrew said I could order whatever i want as long as it's you know low carb like yeah sure go for it you might end up wasting some money because you probably might end up ordering too much food and realize like wow i'm actually tired of eating i gotta add to that because at restaurants there it's so rare to get carbs without a lot of fat in them oh yeah so you're you're you're going to like be way over your caloric limit like if you get some sort of potato it's going to be amazing but they're going to like put all kinds
Starting point is 00:35:49 of shit in there unless you fast there's that strategy as well we're gonna fast together your girlfriend's like fuck you yeah she don't like that but um but i wasn't mentioned along with what andrew just mentioned there we talked about this multiple times, but have some protein before you go out and eat. Like either do two scoops of protein or maybe have a bunch of like, you know, you can get a bunch of those hard-boiled eggs. Just have some source of protein before you go out. You may not want to do it, but you'll notice you'll make better decisions because you're not as hungry as you typically would be at that restaurant.
Starting point is 00:36:24 So that's something that's super easy to do and along with that it's it's super surprising the type of really good tasting shit you can make super simply like for example if you have a ninja blender i like whole milk but i'll use fucking some milk two scoops of uh vanilla this is the way uh put in some raspberries some some strawberries in there. Now you're talking. And with some ice, and I'll blend it up. It tastes so fucking good. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And it, like, you know, I'm not going to say it's the same as a gimme s'more Ben & Jerry's, but it hits the same spot. It hits the same spot. So these things are— When you're done eating that, you feel satisfied enough to not make a bad decision. Exactly. Exactly. So if you get yourself one of those little Ninja blenders, that's just a great tool or
Starting point is 00:37:10 any little blender you want. And you can make such good stuff that you're going to find you have way less cravings for things that aren't the best decision. I'm not saying you'll never have your Ben and Jerry's again, but you'll definitely have it less frequently. And the fact that you're having it less frequently will help you get to a better body composition. I take some yogurt. I throw some, this is the way protein in there. And I dump some blueberries and some strawberries in there or blueberries and bananas or something
Starting point is 00:37:36 like that. And it's great. It just, it just tames the fat guy, you know, slows him down a little bit. You know, it makes him go up a couple flights of stairs. I think any strategy you can employ like that is great. And again, instead of, I don't know, dessert at restaurants. I know some people probably don't believe this, but I don't
Starting point is 00:37:58 think they're that good. They're not that good. They're not nearly as good as the junk that you could buy at the grocery store. Like getting some fresh cookies or some shit like that. That's pretty dope. But restaurant, like, I don't know. I don't really love the desserts there. But anyway.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Have you guys. Get your ass home and get yourself a legendary Pop-Tart or the new legendary. A sweet roll. Tasty pastry or like a sweet roll. A sweet roll. Those things are fucking awesome. Like there's a lot of options nowadays to where you can kind of hit that sweet tooth there you go these are actually really fucking good i finally warmed up the chocolate one for 15 seconds yeah fucking melted it's so good
Starting point is 00:38:38 i want to i want to ask you guys have you guys ever had um from any thai restaurant like some like i don't have ever been to a thai restaurant bro anyway you from any thai restaurant like something like i don't have ever been to a thai restaurant bro anyway you've had thai food with us before i think i think we ordered it here like at like at this facility that we're yeah okay real quick though okay have you ever had that sticky rice type of uh it's like a sticky rice with fruit dessert that they have at those thai restaurants and it's warm. That's something you need to try, Andrew. That is actually worth it. It's very worth it. Y'all got to try that at least once. All Thai restaurants will have something like that on their dessert menu. So sorry. I know we keep making progress and then we take the few steps
Starting point is 00:39:22 back. Well, let's take a really easy step forward which is what i always say is just like no uh no liquid calories like there's i know except for from protein so that's different that's that's a that's an experience but um look how strong my hands are getting you're getting so fun with those jacked over there you guys are wondering these i got these on amazon these are the drop sky fingerers. If you want stronger finger extensors, go to Amazon. They're pretty cheap. Drop Sky is the brand. Oh, I could fucking karate chop a motherfucker with these fingers now.
Starting point is 00:39:52 You're going to flick the fuck out of somebody. It's going to be nuts. You'll be so good at that. When you kick field goals with your hands, you're going to flick it. You're going to fucking do 100 yards. This. What's that? I can keep this position for as long as i want
Starting point is 00:40:07 yeah strongest extensors ever i got a wink anyway you were saying about liquid calories i don't remember but just uh there's diet coke everywhere i know it's fucking not as good as the regular stuff but like in that moment um it doesn't cost you anything on your caloric intake and it's still fizzy and you're more of a zero guy, though, than a diet guy, right? Yeah, yeah. The zeros are really good. But they don't serve those anywhere. So I will ask if they have Diet Coke, and they're like, no, we only got Diet Pepsi.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And I'm like, oh, I don't want to drink shit, so can I have water instead? Because Diet Pepsi is gross. I went somewhere, and they had a zero Sprite. Sprite? Yeah. Damn, that's... Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Out of all the things... To get that served is rare. You're right, actually. You never see that at restaurants. But you can't even find Sprite Zero, usually. Well, you can find Sprite Zero in grocery stores? Yeah, I never knew. You can, but it's not easy.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Yeah. I actually stopped drinking Sprite Zero for a little bit because I was going over. You were downing it. I was really. I remember now. Yeah. It was pretty bad. Like even though it's zero calories and whatever, I went too hard. Maybe it's not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:41:15 There was a day I had a full two liter. Yeah. Great. Actually, I did that for two days. I had a two liter and another two liter. I was like, dog, as much, even though it's not adding up in calories, your gut's not happy. There's something going on there let's get back to this uh topic of love like
Starting point is 00:41:29 because that's kind of where some of this started and we haven't even really dove into that we're just talking about the calories because we're such a fucking idiot but like uh i don't know like i don't i just think that like every relationship is so different and i think a lot of people could say, oh, yeah, in the beginning we did gain weight together. I just would, being someone that is into health and fitness, I would just be cautious with that. It's just a slippery slope. I've seen – it's really interesting. You'll be in a part of your life where people are like, you're so young. You're so young.
Starting point is 00:42:05 You're only 23. You're only 21. you're so young. You're so young. You're only 23. You're only 21. You're only 19. You're so young. Like you hear my son and Owen and his buddies. You guys are so young. Wow, you guys are so young. You're so young.
Starting point is 00:42:14 You're so young. Then all of a sudden, you're like 30. And 30 is not necessarily old or anything like that. But it's older than 19. It's different, right? Then you're 35. All of a sudden, you're 35 like there's a all of a sudden you're like 35 or 40 and you're like this is not possible how how do i kind of look like my
Starting point is 00:42:35 uncle uh that i used to see every christmas like i'm kind of fat like him i'm kind of bald like him i kind of and you're just like there's there's just not possible like that could not have happened to me but sure as shit it did like you didn't make the progress that you wanted you didn't do some of the things that you wanted and you're fucking just you're trapped i thought you were about to say trash you're trash you're a trashy motherfucker trapped trapped no i just seen it happen like i've seen it happen with a lot of a lot of people and it's just it it happens because you're thinking like i got time i got time i got time i got time oh it's not a big deal i gained a little weight after we got married but you said
Starting point is 00:43:15 the same thing about when you went to college you know and you said the same thing about how you're gonna lose weight next year and now it's next year and we're still waiting for the follow through. Like, so I would just be cautious of that. It's great to enjoy each other. It's fucking enjoy the shit out of each other and fuck each other until you can't use your shit anymore. Like all that stuff's great. Do it for hours on end and see how long you go for. Pepper, how's your family? How's it going? Now we talk about meat a lot on this podcast, which is why we've partnered with Piedmontese and have for years now because they have some of the best beef on the planet. All right. Piedmontese beef has cuts that are fattier in terms of the
Starting point is 00:43:54 ribeyes and they have also cuts that are leaner in terms of their flat irons, but you can get cuts for no matter what diet you're on. Andrew, how can they get their hands on it yeah head over to that's p-i-e-d-m-o-n-t-e-s-e dot com check out enter promo code power for 25 off your entire order and if your order is 150 dollars or more you get free two-day shipping links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes i get bricked up every time my girl asked me to fucking make her ground beef. It's like, yeah, eat that 98 too. You get all excited. It's like, yes, no, but, but the habits, it's literally all about the habits. For example, again, I just, not everything within a relationship is broken down to how healthy do you keep yourself? But that is a factor. Cause I think,
Starting point is 00:44:43 I think it's my last relationship. Partner didn't have great health habits partner didn't have great life habits like she sleeps super late sometimes like it just things didn't things didn't work out now i'm sleeping i would have worked out great if you gained weight with her yo that that happened what has that happened to you and either yeah yeah yeah um so like i just my my first marriage we just we had no idea period so it was just like how much fun can we have and then just by having fun like which meant to like me drinking like a lot just like so i gained weight there but like i was so small that like oh the scale still says i'm like under 200 pounds so like i'm not fat but like if you look
Starting point is 00:45:25 at my body it was gross it was like um uh what's like Bill Gates status where it's just like real like just scrawny everywhere but just like real lumpy and like I didn't have man boobs thank goodness but like I was not healthy yeah and then now like it was actually the thing that like drew us together with my wife now is like we were both into fitness and like that was my excuse to just hang out with her period was just like, like, oh, let's go do CrossFit together. And like, oh, there's this hot chick. So I'm going to do whatever the fuck it takes to, you know, be with her more. So again, like so in the past, it was just was not it was not on the radar. Fitness was a thing that like only certain people were into because that's just like how they were like they
Starting point is 00:46:06 were like basically born into it they didn't uh work for it you know and then now it's just it is the the lifestyle it's the habits like um it would be insanely rare for us to like go to the grocery store and bring home uh i don't i don't even know what you would bring home to like put in like the fridge or the cupboard to be like we're gonna eat that dessert like later today or tomorrow or whatever part of it uh started um not started but part of like the main like blocker is my wife has a gluten intolerance so it's like really cool because now we can't just like buy whatever and eat whatever so it actually is like really nice um which is not nice for her because like sometimes she'll accidentally get glutened and then like her stomach blows up and stuff and it's like painful.
Starting point is 00:46:51 But yeah, no, like we, we would never do that. Like it's, it's super. And if we do want to like have something like the other day, she wanted a dipped cone from Wienerschnitzel.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I'm like, fuck yeah, let's go. And we went and we got it and then that was it. But like we didn't, you know, have have anything left over like it was just that one thing and so like that's just how everything's been going since and what about in your other relationship did you ever stop and think about it or not really no again um well actually you know let me think about this because were you like I should maybe go to the fucking gym or something yeah I
Starting point is 00:47:21 just I had no idea what to do and I feel like i started like running but i had no idea but i did always think like ah i got time because i was like you know like 24 25 somewhere in there and i was just like oh eventually someday like i'll figure it out i'm young i'm young but for now i'm gonna you know get really good at nba 2k and i'm gonna you know get ready for this weekend to start drinking again so the thought thought was there, but I just had no idea how to get there. So I was just like, well, I don't know what I'm doing, so I'm not going to try. That's why, honestly, dude, the concept of both people wanting to develop themselves in different ways, I'm not meaning trying to get in the craziest shape ever, but just trying to become better is super helpful.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Because in marriage vows they have, you love me in sickness and in health. And sickness is sickness, right? But purposefully allowing yourself to have really bad habits that lead you towards gaining a lot of weight. And, you know, I hear about one partner trying to have the other partner, you know, develop better habits. But you're supposed to love me as I am. Like, aren't you supposed to love me for who I am? Even though this is what, this is who I am now.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Right. And that is really, really tough for some people. That's why it's, you got to really evaluate what are the habits this person has and are they cemented into their lifestyle? Because I mean, if they have these habits now and they're not,
Starting point is 00:48:41 if they're drinking a lot, if they're barely moving, if they're, they don't really have anything they do for their physical exercise, it doesn't have to be the gym. It doesn't have to be just something that they do to keep their body moving. They don't have that. And they're not interested in that, but they're bad right now because they're 22. Hey, that shit will get bad. you can get away with shit when you're younger, but if you maintain those bad habits, men and women, keep in mind and watch the person you're with. If you're young,
Starting point is 00:49:08 watch the habits they have. Because if they're not changing those habits, don't think they'll change them later. You'll be 30, you'll be 35, you'll be 40. That person might have the same fucking habits. And if they do,
Starting point is 00:49:17 you stuck yourself in that situation. I think also too, it's hard for somebody to be, to be who you signed up for if the person is like ill like i'm not talking about like they ran some crazy disease or something i got hit by a car or anything like that but i'm talking about like their own personal uh responsibility of taking care of themselves yes so if you're like well this is who you married but you're a hundred pounds heavier um there's not just body weight involved in that.
Starting point is 00:49:46 That's not just an aesthetic thing. There's so many things that surround that. Maybe you used to love skiing together. There's a lot of things that will probably diminish that probably won't be able to return unless the person starts to make some different choices. So I just think it could be a slippery slope. In your case, Andrew, do you think it like worked at all?
Starting point is 00:50:07 Like you said, you gained weight in your first marriage. Like did it like, did you feel like you were in love and getting fat and happy? No, no. And that's actually, that's a good question because what I was going to bring up was that the two clips that we showed, it was the girl, you know, like apparently,
Starting point is 00:50:24 I mean, she seems like she's happy on the surface. Hopefully she is in this relationship. And then the other couple, they were, they're bigger and they still seem to be happily in love because they're really in love according to that study. Yeah. But I would say it's probably more common to be the opposite because that's what happened to me. The more out of shape we got, the less attractive we were to each other and the less love there was. You know, like, it was super easy to like,
Starting point is 00:50:50 oh, look, Instagram. Right? Now it's, I don't know, my feed does not look the same these days. Okay? Hey, let me hit up the X videos real quick. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Spank bang for a quick second. You don't know x hamster it like it was a good one back in the day did it have hamsters in it no no no no wait a second it have videos you couldn't find in other spots but continue got it no just so i would say it's more normal for the opposite to happen where like i I said, because in our relationship, it was just like, I felt gross about myself. I'm sure like I looked gross to her. Like, you know, we just, it definitely separated us. Now, I don't know if us all of a sudden getting in shape would have saved that marriage or whatever. And I'm just so grateful everything did play out the way it did. But like, I, I have to imagine that it would have helped like if i
Starting point is 00:51:45 would have you know been like hey like i'm gonna go on this run do you want to go and i would invite and she would say no and then i kept trying but she'd say no and i was like fuck it i'm gonna do it myself then but maybe if i just tried harder and like i don't helped her i don't know just a lot of stuff could have changed i think if we were both like putting our health and fitness first. I just think we tend to blame like every emotion on – we just look for any excuse to gain weight. I met a guy recently. He lost 100 pounds and then he gained back like 30 or 40. And it was really great that he had the self-awareness. He was like, oh, man, this is not good because it's not just 30 pounds. This is like my old self is, is coming back and I need to like
Starting point is 00:52:30 make sure that shit doesn't happen. But he said that, uh, he and his wife, uh, they had a baby, a second baby. And he's like, you know, that set me back. And you know, it's important. Like it's, it's great that he recognizes that he gained the weight. But, and I'm not going to say anything. I barely know the guy. I just met him. I'm not going to, like, dude, it's not the baby. You know, you're being fat fuck. Like, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:52:54 That's not helpful in any way. But it's not, you know, it's not the baby. As he listens to the episode. Yeah, yeah, no. Hey, Mark, I heard what you said. That guy's going to fuck me up. I just think it's important that we recognize that this is something that you can control. You can take control of it.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It doesn't really matter that much what's happening in your life because you can find a way to make yourself better. Temporary stuff can be fine. Like you gained some weight because you went away for the weekend and you wanted to really just enjoy the fuck out of wherever the hell it is that you went. You want to have a unique experience of experiencing those foods and those drinks from that particular area or something like that. I think those things make sense, but people tend to just let that keep happening over and over again. It happens through the holidays, happens on birthdays, other 49ers are on, it happens because of so many different things. And I think that the habits that you develop over a period of time, you know, it's a really
Starting point is 00:54:00 interesting thing when you think about like self versus selfless type actions because somebody that like visits a child in the hospital that has cancer or something like that, you would think that that's a completely selfless act. But it's also making the person feel very well. And there's been like studies and research and stuff done on these things and how good it can make you feel. And how good it can make you feel. So if we have scientific evidence that that is like the best way to like feel really good. That in itself is kind of selfish. But what I think we don't realize the most powerful thing you can do for other people is to be a fucking savage. And is to take care of your own shit for yourself, which seems selfish, is not necessarily selfish. The best thing that I can do for this show is to have better prowess and be better at some of the
Starting point is 00:54:57 fitness-y type things that I'm doing. If I can be a better runner, if I can be a better dad, if I can be better at stuff, that's the best thing for this show. The best thing for this show is for Nsema to become a Brazilian jujitsu black belt and win a fucking world championship. That's the best fucking thing he can do for this show. It's not necessarily what he can do for me or what he can do for Andrew. He does shit for himself. That's going to,
Starting point is 00:55:19 boom, that's going to attract a lot of people, a lot of eyes to the show. And same thing with Andrew is now starting jujitsu, which is fucking awesome. I think you've been to four or five classes already. That's some savage shit. The best thing we can do for this show is to continue to work on ourselves because people are going to come to it and they're going to be like, this guy does this and this other guy does that. But this other guy says this, the other guy says that. It's really fucking cool because they all go back and forth.
Starting point is 00:55:42 They got different perspectives and they're not just, they're not just giving us one perspective. They're giving us three different perspectives. Each guy has their own different, unique background and it's fucking sick. You know, I, the, one of the,
Starting point is 00:55:55 the big concept there, and this is where I think maybe things can get a bit confusing is number one, you do need to take care of your own shit. Deal with like, look at yourself, try to see where you're lacking, maybe in terms of your own shit deal with like look at yourself try to see where you're lacking maybe in terms of your health or your physical habits or your mental health whatever figure out ways where you can get better right because there's another side where i i know a few people in my life currently and i was this person where i was trying to do everything in
Starting point is 00:56:21 myself and in my last relationship i I saw so many problems, right? And I was trying to stay and fix those things because I'm like, I don't want to be a bad guy and leave. Like, I love this person. I don't want to leave this person. I want to see how I can help them fix their problems. But it's tough because like, it's just a J Cole song. Don't save her. She don't want to be saved. When a person doesn't want to actually do that shit, it's just a j cole song don't save her she don't want to be saved when a person doesn't want to actually do that shit it's like you it's tough because like if you love a person are you gonna stay and you still got all your shit like i'm not saying that anybody's perfect like you still have your shit on this end that you need to focus on like you just mentioned you got to focus on your
Starting point is 00:57:02 shit but if you're with someone who doesn't want to do it or they're super anti trying to improve their health, you're supposed to just dip? Like when do you call that? You know, because I know quite a few people who I'm just like, fuck, I was that guy who didn't leave in time and I'm so happy I left. But now I see people, I'm just like, dog, man, maybe you should just get the fuck out. And it's hard because there is love and ties and time. It's difficult. It's impossible. It can be. I mean, sorry, not that it's impossible to know when the right time is because it's kind of like what Mark was saying. Like, oh, you're young now, but then you wake up and it's like you're 35. It's like, well, fuck, maybe things will get better or, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:57:47 And then it's like it actually kind of goes the opposite direction. But then you're like, I don't know, 10 years deep or whatever. It's like, oh, fuck. Like then, now, what are you going to do? Yeah, so I got no advice on that. Try some bison over there, young man. Oh, fuck. You want some bison Andrew?
Starting point is 00:58:06 Yeah Go get him a piece Oh even better Sorry Come on now Don't spill it all We're eating some carnivore crisps Bathin'
Starting point is 00:58:17 Those guys are my homies They're always really good to me They make all kinds of stuff They got like liver and heart Oh I got jimped They got brisket. Brisket's probably my favorite. They got chicken breast.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Where are my carnivore crisps, you motherfuckers? Yeah. I like the chicken breast ones. I got to have a big old thing shipped to the gym because they're delicious. Because they're super salty. They taste like potato chips. They're really good. And then they do this.
Starting point is 00:58:39 They are really good. Now we're just chewing on the mic. Enjoy your ASMR, guys. good now we're just chewing on the mic enjoy your asmr guys but hey if anybody does have like maybe some advice for some people you know what i mean because some people are just stuck right and love is a tough motherfucker because when you do love someone you do overlook so many things and again i'm not saying that if you're that person who you're just like trying to help somebody out you're not perfect either you know what i mean so saying that if you're that person who you're just like trying to help somebody out, you're not perfect either. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:59:06 So it's like you're trying to work on yourself. But if you love someone, it just gets in the way of all rational thinking. A hundred percent. I think also, too, I would say I would be more understanding of somebody coming out of a relationship more so than being in one and and gaining weight somebody coming out of a relationship and they're really hurt like i i get that a little that makes a little bit more sense because uh first person you fall in love with and stuff or like i don't know it could just be it can be complicated it doesn't i know it doesn't feel good doesn't feel good if you're dumped or if you break up with somebody, regardless of
Starting point is 00:59:48 whether they had to break up with you or you broke up with them or whatever. I had a tough spot to be in. And a lot of times those things happen when we're really young. So somebody gaining, you know, 20 pounds or something from something like that, I can totally understand like that. I can wrap my brain around that a little bit more. Yeah. But getting together with somebody and just enjoying each other and you know gaining 20 pounds and 30 pounds and 40
Starting point is 01:00:09 pounds like once you have kind of gained a couple when you're together i think it would be great if you had some sort of self-awareness to make sure that you're not there's a way of doing this to where you can celebrate each other where you can have a lot of fun, and where you can let your guard down and just go for it, but you got to think about it. Do you guys think, like when your girl's like, oh, how do I look in this dress, right?
Starting point is 01:00:37 Like if you can't really say too much, like anything negative, I guess I'll say. So like when it comes to like, oh, fuck, I've gained, you know, whatever, 10, 15 pounds, Like, okay, damn, maybe my wife has gained 10, 15 pounds too, or whatever it may be. Like, how do you approach the other person with that? Do you think it's like some of this stuff is like, like the snowball effect, right? Like, it's kind of like, Oh fuck, we're going down that slippery slope. We slipping but like how do i even approach her because now it's like fuck we're both in it and now do i gotta be the asshole that says hey
Starting point is 01:01:10 we're both bigger than we were when we got married dog you know i i think you know this too dude um there has to be open communication like there has to if there's you know a lot of people when they get in relationships they struggle to have the communication about money, right? Because there may be insecurities about that or whatever, but you have to, if you're trying to be with someone for a long time, something you got to talk about. I think there needs to be more open communication with partners about, hey, like I'm not like I'm moving in this direction. You are too. We are not healthy. We are not looking good.
Starting point is 01:01:42 I have gained 15 pounds. You have gained 20. And, and, but, but the thing is, is it's not just looking at are not looking good. I have gained 15 pounds. You have gained 20. And, and, but, but the thing is, is it's not just looking at the way they look. If you care about somebody, you care about their long-term health. And if you really care about them, you're not going to let them just willy nilly gain 50 pounds. You know what I mean? It's, it's harsh, but the person that you love should be able to communicate with you and hopefully communicate it in a nice way, right? Because like bedside matter does matter. Bedside matter does matter.
Starting point is 01:02:13 It does matter, but you should be able to say, hey, you're not healthy right now. You're not moving in the right direction. I want your health to be paramount. Let's start dropping some pounds, right? We got to be able to do that with each other. I think so much of it boils down to people being overstressed. Most people feel like they work really hard. They feel like they're overworked, underpaid, underappreciated. Underappreciated is a big one.
Starting point is 01:02:40 You're not really that appreciated by your significant other, by your family. I don't know. It's just like that kind of stuff is like always kind of hanging around in the background. And this extra little stress to carry around in your backpack of stress. And when people get home from a long day and from a long day, they get home from what they would consider to be a long day. And, you know, before they even sit down, you know, the wife the wife's like hey let's go out like let's go you know eat with so-and-so let's go over here and that thought that you had in the in the morning or at night the night before of like i'm fucking changing everything man tomorrow i'm putting my
Starting point is 01:03:18 foot down i'm going back to what i used to do those fucking football drills i used to do when when we were in high school like i'm'm going to start doing some of those. Or run stadiums. And I'm going to do fucking push-ups. And then you're kind of thinking about when you can do it and where you can do it. Like as soon as I get home from work, that's what I'm going to do. And then boom, you walk in the door and the wife or girlfriend or something like that is like, hey, let's go meet up with so-and-so. They're over there.
Starting point is 01:03:43 And you're like, okay, cool. And you fucking change and then you're like okay cool and you fucking change and then you're on your way and you just like totally you know swept that issue under the rug and i get it you know people have they got other things to do than to play power lifter bodybuilder or whatever the fucking bullshit life that we have um i remember uh one of my friends in wrestling he was an older guy and he had like a very blue collared job he was like a construction guy and he's like
Starting point is 01:04:12 all these young guys they don't get it you know what I was doing this morning at 6am I was hauling gravel that's what I was doing I still got myself here on time but a lot of people they have a lot of responsibilities they've got a lot of shit they gotta to do and so it's different it is different for them however you can still develop a skill set like is everybody around you heavier are all the couples that you see all of the
Starting point is 01:04:39 couples that you see are they all getting heavier together is it true of everybody you know or are there some people that seem to be navigating it just fine um are there some people that are really wealthy that are able to navigate it are there people in the same tax bracket as you that are managing it are there people on your block that are figuring out you know and i think if you're being rational and being honest with yourself you'd say yep, yep, there's, you know, the guy fucking across the street, he looks great. He's 65 years old and works 50 hours a week and his wife's a teacher and they figured it like people can figure this shit out, you know, get on a bike or get on. What's something that you like to do? What's something you did as a couple that you like to do?
Starting point is 01:05:22 or get on what's something that you like to do? What's something you did as a couple that you like to do? I can burn some calories. Fucking, guys, we're talking about fucking. That you're not doing as much anymore. You know, like what are some, you know, I think couples can kind of think back into their like little history of how long they've been together and they can be like, you know what? We were in a good routine when we were doing this.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Yeah. Remember we used to lift in the garage a little bit in the morning like before work or something? Like let's see if we can get that habit back. And then there's obviously the small – like the – not small stuff but the microdosing and fitness into your day that you can take own responsible, your own, own responsibility individually on, but also collectively you can do it as well. And just 10 minute walks, you know, get, get on, get on some walks, get on some, get on something that is going to maybe just start implementing some diet protocols, you know, and maybe you just are, if you, if you can,
Starting point is 01:06:26 if, is there a way for you to make it any less stressful? Something I learned in my marriage is, which is an interesting question is, and I don't ask myself this every day, but I ask myself this often as I ask, how do I love you more? How can I figure out a way to love you more? What can I do? Like, how do I, so if I think that way, then I'm not the normal scumbag that I am that just wants to fuck her all the time.
Starting point is 01:06:54 I can like actually make, like, don't really do the dishes, but I will occasionally sometimes do them or I'll make Jake do them. I'll unload the fucking dishwasher. I'll at least put away the cups at least put away a couple bowls like at least fucking make a dent you know there's like it's good some goddamn efforts there here and there you know that's so cute and i love you more yeah how can i love you more but like what can you do like how can you um let's say your your wife works just as much as you do maybe you can fucking get home a little early from work one day and maybe you can cook for both of you.
Starting point is 01:07:26 But I'm a man. But you cooked up something healthy. That'd be a cool shirt. How could I love you more? Men don't cook and clean. That's the woman's work. That's true. Barefoot and pregnant.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Guys, I'm fucking, I'm just totally fucking with you. That's not true. Oh. Yeah. When did it change women when all these blue pill motherfuckers start speaking man women need to be in the kitchen and they need to be wearing an outfit of a man's choice who are you elliot hulse a french maid outfit don't even be spending some wild shit. A nurse, maybe the next. I feel a little congested.
Starting point is 01:08:09 I'm not feeling great. Right? Oh my god. That's awesome. But I could just imagine some brazen motherfucker after hearing this episode goes up to his girl like, babe, you need to start taking walks and lose 15 pounds.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Alright, guy. My guy, don't do that taking walks and lose 15 pounds. All right, guy. My guy, don't do that. Just don't do that. Do it yourself. Be like, hey, honey, I'm going to eat this apple. Want one? Maybe don't do it like that.
Starting point is 01:08:37 The Power Project did not call you fat. Don't blame it on us. Yeah, maybe in SEMA you could, I don't know we can we can put like the like a time stamp down like a thing to send to your significant other that we need to go on more 10 minute walks or something like that so that way they could just send it goes right back to what mark said man you know all of us are working on our own health like like straight up at home you know i my girl already, she already takes walks. But when I start doing things for myself, like when I'm perpetually starting to put on my blue light blocker, she's like, oh, that actually helps with sleep. I want to start using those.
Starting point is 01:09:15 So now she has a pair of blue light blockers, right? So if you're finding out things that are going to help you become healthier, implement them. And then let your partner know, hey, I'm doing this for my health. You want to join in? Because rather than saying you need to do this, if you're by example and you're constantly trying to get better, man or woman, your partner is going to be like, oh, that's pretty sick. I want that benefit. And maybe you can do something for them that shows that you're supportive of that. Maybe they have some fucking clunky headphones that suck and you buy them a new pair or something. There's always something you can do.
Starting point is 01:09:48 You can – I don't know my wife just does stuff like sometimes when she drives here she'll like pack you know a couple of these carnivore crisps or she'll bring some fruit because she knows i'm gonna fucking eat it if she just brings it right so there's like always little things you can do yeah that can because you're you're together you're a fucking partner so you're you're you know You're fucking partners. It's a good idea just to stop for a moment and think about the other person. And how do you just, I don't know, take a little bit of stress off their hands. Andrew, take the goddamn baby here and there from the wife so she doesn't lose her mind. She walks a ton, so I got her quite a few pairs of Vivos. There you go.
Starting point is 01:10:22 And she's loving those. That kind of shit right there, yeah. Get her a mop, a Vivos. There you go. Right? And she's loving those. That kind of shit right there. Yeah. Get her a mop, a broom. Yeah. Good frying pan. A new cast iron? Babe, I know you love it.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Here's a new cast iron. Super high quality vacuum. They love that. They go crazy with it. A Dyson? Oh my God. I got you a new washer and dryer. Here you go.
Starting point is 01:10:43 And here's my stinky underwear oh god fucking amazing guys these are jokes but they don't have to be yeah i got you this nice skimpy dress you could wear around the house as you for sure why would i be dressed up cleaning the house i don't know these are my fantasies don't ruin them for me you said you wanted me me to be more open about what's going on in my head well here you go yeah careful what you, congratulations. Oh Lord. Uh, but as far as being like an example or whatever, uh,
Starting point is 01:11:27 that you were just, uh, talking about, like I, I've been going on about like the breath work from Justin Lovato and it's, it's fucking incredible. I highly recommend everybody go check out that episode and then the video and then kind of follow it up with his Instagram and stuff.
Starting point is 01:11:41 But he was actually, um, he, he put out a 15 minute version because like the one that I was doing, it's like a full hour. Right. So you got to kind of commit. And my wife will like, I mean, she does take care of the kid way more than I do. So like for her to be like, I need to be blindfolded for an hour. Like this is tough, but she's like, I hear you talking about it so much. Like, and I want to experience this. And sure enough. So she got the
Starting point is 01:12:04 15 minute one and she like you know had a really cool like awesome like out-of-body experience doing it and so like again like if I were to come out and be like oh you need to do breath work or whatever like it I mean she's awesome that's why I married her so she would have been receptive but like it it wasn't it was really easy for her to like even give it a shot because she's seen me do it and talk about it like all the benefits and stuff and like again an hour is like a long time and you do have to commit to this you know breath work but she was like really pumped to do it and she did it and you know justin posted like her experience too and it was just fucking cool so like
Starting point is 01:12:38 being being the example i think is like probably the easiest way to go about it um so long as like she's not like oh who you trying to get in shape for or whatever but if she does ask like for you you don't say bitch but you y'all know that cute peel sketch
Starting point is 01:13:02 oh god that's amazing I said that's my sketch. Those guys are so good. They're great. They're incredible. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, I guess kind of in conclusion here on what we were talking about today,
Starting point is 01:13:19 one of the reasons why this was brought to my attention, I guess a lot of the comments on those videos were popping off quite a bit and people were, they were like supportive of people gaining weight, you know, in a relationship saying like, yeah, that's, that's part of being in love. And I just don't think it is, but I think it's your own prerogative. You get to choose whatever you'd like, but I don't think that it has to be part of anything. And I don't think it makes sense just to be so haphazard with your health. Maybe doing it occasionally, of course, makes sense. Celebrate, have fun, have a good time.
Starting point is 01:14:00 It's your life and you get to kind of choose and do do what you'd like with it but i i do think that if you're going to start to gain some weight together it's a good idea to start to think about that a little bit and think about what are some things i'm gonna am i gonna do you could start listening to some podcasts you can start to look at some books there's like just so many different places you can go get help now. There's many different websites that have prepped meals and things like that, or you can learn to meal prep by going on YouTube. Andrew mentioned cooking at home. I think that's a great suggestion. We talked about eating protein before you head out to eat. So eat something before you eat. It's a huge strategy. I think
Starting point is 01:14:40 that's great. And Seema's pointing to our sticky buns over there. We got some legendary, uh, legendary tasty pastries. And there's a lot of options when it comes to, uh, you know, hitting, hitting your cravings without, um, without going over your calories. And obviously there's things like Piedmontese, these carnivore crisps, like things that are going to make things a lot easier for you and make things, just make, I don't know, things can be difficult for people. And I think that's why they sometimes don't address it and don't do anything about it. So the more convenience that you can have, and again, don't forget to partner up, you know, try to do things together. And maybe your wife loves to run and you hate it, but can you go and just do a walk-run with her or something?
Starting point is 01:15:30 You know what I mean? Just think of some shit that you can do together, I think, is a good idea. Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy. After I burp. Oh, hey now. My bad. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Please stay tuned for Smelly's tip,
Starting point is 01:15:43 and head over to for everything uh in regards to the podcast but if you want to check out the uh devil pussy mug and then the shirt that mark's wearing and then soon to be re-released the think less shirt will be on there very soon along with something else that i don't think we want to tease quite yet i'm not sure maybe you can it's up to you and seema uh but yeah uh please follow the podcast at mb power project on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ. Make sure you guys hit that like button on your way out.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Nsema, where you at? At Nsema ending on Instagram and YouTube. At Nsema yin yang on TikTok and Twitter. And for all the women I offended during this podcast, I am not sorry. Mark? You can send your panties to P.O. Box. Oh, wait, what? Hello hello we still on yeah uh so this is uh something i just been thinking about a little bit more in terms of like motivation people are
Starting point is 01:16:34 thinking about you know motivation all the time and i say motion is the lotion if you get moving you'll find yourself motivated so that's always my first my first first go-to, but I found that just hacks in general, like there out needing to be motivated for it. And obviously once you ingrain like a habit over time, that then becomes part of your character. And then you're just like super chill about it. And Steve and I were having a little bit of discussion about like lifting. Like we kind of almost don't care about lifting, but of course we care about it because we're meatheads.
Starting point is 01:17:20 We love it. But we also just, it has been such a part of our lives. And for you, Andrew, as well, it's been part of all three of our lives for so long that it's just going to happen. So if we didn't get to lift before the podcast, we're just going to lift after the podcast. And if for some reason there wasn't much lifting going on for a particular day, there's some sort of lifting or some sort of exercise because we don't really have, we don't really have a day off. Right. But I think if you can kind of look at some, some of the things that you're trying to get motivated with and start to think about how can I hack them a little bit? Like what are, like, let's just say that you just say to yourself,
Starting point is 01:18:03 every morning before I shower, I'm going to meditate for five minutes and I'm going to do 20 pushups. Over time, that little hack, it doesn't need a motivating factor. It's associated with the shower or it's associated, the trigger for it is brushing your teeth.
Starting point is 01:18:21 You know, when I brush my teeth, I'm going to know I'm going to do these 10 pushups and do these things. So there's a lot of stuff like that, that the three of us do. And it's probably for like a longer podcast that are hacks that we don't even really think of. Cause like, I'm not motivated
Starting point is 01:18:35 to like be on my diet necessarily. But when I utilize protein leveraging and I do it over and over again, it's a hack that keeps me on course. We said earlier about eating, what are the sticky bun things called? Sweet rolls. Sweet rolls. So if you eat a sweet roll from Legendary Foods, it's not like it tastes like an actual sticky bun. They do taste really good. It may not taste like the thing that's your favorite thing, but it's enough of a
Starting point is 01:19:03 hack to keep you motivated enough to stay on course because it's fucking close enough. So try to figure out some hacks that you kind of implement into your life that will allow you to almost completely cut out the factor of trying to be motivated. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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