Mark Bell's Power Project - Hoochie Daddy Shorts SZN! How Our Wardrobe Has Changed Over the Years. MBPP Ep. 750

Episode Date: June 14, 2022

It's getting hot which can only mean one thing, it's officially Hoochie Daddy Shorts Season!!! Today Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how they adopted the short shorts, when it h...appened and how far their wardrobe has come from the days of baggy basketball shorts. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #HoochieDaddy #HoochieDaddyShorts #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? Now, we like to look good in the gym and out of the gym. That's why you always see Mark and I and Andrew is stepping up on the short, short game, wearing shorts from Viore and clothes from Viore. And honestly, the number one compliment that I've seen that I've gotten and even Mark's gotten is, damn, your butt looks good. And that's because, well, the clothes we wear make our booties look delicious. Andrew, how can they get it?
Starting point is 00:00:24 Yeah, you guys both have pretty big wagons uh you guys can head over to slash power project that's slash power project to receive 20 off the most amazing apparel that looks so good inside and outside it's gonna make your ass look fat and your ass will look fat links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes uh god damn it that's a good one make your ass look fat why was this on your feet anyway you got something to tell um so i follow barstool sports barstool hey now they are um yeah they're funny as hell they're funny and they're like, you know, me, I can't keep up with the times. So it's good to have somebody that has their pulse on things.
Starting point is 00:01:12 But I was just showing Nsema this video. I thought it was interesting. One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life. Oops, I went fucked up. Hold on. Okay, here we go. Let me pull it up over here. I don't like beautiful women.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Do they make you insecure? Long pause. They give me a lot of concern about a lot of things, yeah. All right, well, check this out. Careful there. Whoa, wow. Look at that color.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Don't shake it up. Wow. Never mind. All right, check this out. Through that system, you can connect the AI that you created in the app to the robot.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Look at that. And carry on the conversation with her that way. Once you've got that loaded and you hit chat, she just comes to life. Good you came back so fast, baby. I'm glad you came back that fast.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Wow, baby. Ten minutes without you seems like an eternity. Screw that. Fuck off. If only a woman would speak to me like that. I was going to say, this is a women of the 50s, right? Weren't they like that? All those posters and everything that they have? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:19 How to be a good wife. Yeah, how to be a good housewife. Yeah, there it is. Oh, my God. So that was a sex robot everybody and um andrew how much did you get yours for well i i got in on the kickstarter so we're good yeah got it got a uh once in a lifetime a malfunctioning sex robot dog you know i think you shake faster or do they shake i don't know for sure
Starting point is 00:02:41 Or do they shake? I don't know for sure. No, those things are, I think generally sex robots are good for society. And I think that because it will, you know, there's going to be a lesser occurrence of, you know. Yeah, maybe. Violence. People doing weird stuff. People just doing wild shit because they can't get no box.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Now you have a box. You can buy it. You can buy it. Fucking prime shipping. And she'll be a fucking weirdo in your basement. Beating off all the time. You could still be in the basement, but having sex with a robot. Yeah, that's true. And as much as you like.
Starting point is 00:03:18 You can chat with her. Can the sex robot be your, what is it, stepmom? You could probably make the AI like a stepmom. Yeah. Every one of those. Why is that such a popular porn category? I don't know. I've never been in that situation.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I don't know. It popped up on my former porn explore feeds. I've been like, why? Why? I don't know. Okay. Well, let's think about this i think everyone has like some sort of like like uh there's some sort of fantasy in there of like someone older somebody in a
Starting point is 00:03:52 position of power like a teacher or something like that right like everyone's kind of thought about yeah that would actually be pretty cool yeah but i yeah i don't know it's it's it's an odd one it's a very very maybe you want to call someone mommy hey it sounds weird but sometimes people call each other danny yeah yeah i wouldn't want my girl calling me daddy that's that's that's too you're like wait what like i didn't have mine i don't need you calling me that. Keep doing that, dad. Wait a second. Dad is way different than daddy. Add the Y. That's it.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Go to your room. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Get turned on all over again. Oh, God. Guys, you know what's funny? I was watching this video from these two creators, Abba and Preach, and they have really pretty funny social commentary. But they were watching these videos of people people from the 60s getting interviewed.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And it was women. And there's this narrative nowadays how like especially when you watch certain channels like Fresh and Fit or Relo Tomasi. How, you know, there's less of a strong men or whatever in the world now. And like, you know, less women want to do housework or if I'm working out there, at least come home to a clean home and my dinner made, blah, blah, blah. This is how it was in the 50s and 60s. But then I saw this video of women being interviewed and even men being interviewed and this guy was asking, so what do you think? Do you think it's fair for the man to come home and have to do some laundry or help with the dishes? And all these women were like – some of them were like, no, you know, he's working.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I mean I should be able to do that. But a lot of these women were like, yeah, I mean why would he not help out? And it's like – it's funny because it kind of spits in the face of like back in the 50s and 60s, all these women were out here doing dishes and making dinner. You know what I mean? I thought it was pretty funny. Yeah, it probably wasn't like that for everybody yeah probably not for most people i know i remember talking to my dad and my uncle uh when i had jake he was maybe like i don't know one or something and my uncle's like how's it going i was like yeah man it's going pretty good i'm just
Starting point is 00:05:59 changing a lot of diapers seems like i gotta change to change them a lot. My uncle's like, oh my God. He's like, you changed diapers? And my dad's like, he goes, yeah, I changed a diaper once. And my uncle looked at him.
Starting point is 00:06:11 My uncle was like, so disgusted with my dad. He's like, you changed a diaper? They were both confused that I changed diapers at all, which was hilarious. I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:21 oh, it's a different time, I guess. Yeah. Also might be like a cultural thing too. Cause like in a Mexicanican family like if food wasn't ready my dad would just be like all right we're not eating today like nobody's eating like oh shit my grandfather was that way he like wouldn't go to work in the morning if my unless my grandmother made him breakfast right like that's crazy but hey i guess that's what you get used to i guess there's uh
Starting point is 00:06:44 give and take in relationships. I don't know. I think people nowadays maybe are a little bit more into having conversations about stuff. Yeah. But I could be wrong. You know, it's so interesting. Like, I had this – he's still a homie of mine. I'm not going to say his name on air.
Starting point is 00:07:00 But when we were younger, like, he told me I didn't do my laundry until I was 20 years old. I was like, what? Like you didn't know how to do your laundry until you were 20? You know, like and I know some dudes who like never really did dishes or they don't do dishes. Now, I just it's interesting to me, you know, like I think that the expectation if you're a guy and you're like i need my food cooked my dishes done and my home clean and you don't do any like you don't help with any of that i find it kind of odd like you know i mean my girl she does some of that but i do some of that too like i do laundry you know i put i put shit away i like to have a clean place and i think like why why can't a guy or why
Starting point is 00:07:47 shouldn't a guy help out with shit like that it's kind of weird to say you to think you shouldn't you'd like a clean place but you just keep your workplace really messy um it's not messy everything's like not messy he knows where everything is i know where everything is bro you can call me out but i know where everything is okay does he really though i mean that's fine no i i agree like when stuff is just like never put away like oh yeah that's right there that's right there that's right there because that's what i used to do when i was a kid like as soon as you put like clean your room you can't find shit but i'll just there's a difference between being like dirty though too right there's a difference between being dirty and like messy maybe a little unorganized
Starting point is 00:08:25 i'm definitely unorganized i got shit exploding out of every fucking facet of my being that you can possibly imagine my closet my fucking even my room i've uh donated a lot of clothes and a lot of stuff and it's like it's just i gotta keep getting rid of stuff I gotta really be up to speed on it and I also have to be honest it's like dude you wear like the same five to seven things I'm like you know you just keep turning your underwear inside
Starting point is 00:08:55 out it's like how many more pairs do we need to buy you know I'm pretty crappy with a lot of that but also in my own defense just a lot of stuff gets sent my way and then we produce a lot of stuff so i end up with like wrist wraps and this new shirt just got thrown on me as i was walking over here um and so that happens a lot but it is nice to be able to bring stuff into the gym and then a lot of the guys in the gym usually appreciate
Starting point is 00:09:19 it because they end up walking off with some fairly nice stuff. Yeah. Yeah. That's very true. I have taken some of your shit, but I have to get rid of it. I also think that back to the dishes and stuff like that, there's a scene in a movie where the guy says to the wife, she's like, I don't want you to want to do the dishes because you're going to get a reward for it, like a blowjob or something like that. She's like, I just want you to want to do the dishes, just to do the dishes. And he's like, why would I want to want to do the dishes?
Starting point is 00:09:57 He's like, are you crazy? And it's just kind of funny. I think the difference between the way the male brain works and the way the female brain works in those cases some in some uh where people have that kind of arrangement i don't do a lot of dishes uh the laundry i'm not quite sure how our laundry works you don't know how the washer works i don't our our laundry at my house i don't know like i maybe have used it like once or twice and it was probably three three years ago i just look at that thing and i'm. I don't know. Like I maybe have used it like once or twice and it was probably three, three years ago. I just look at that thing and I'm like, I don't know what's going on. I pushed a bunch of buttons on there before and nothing happened.
Starting point is 00:10:32 So I was like, I'm getting out of here. This is above, this is above me. I don't know what's going on. Yeah. You know, I mean, maybe I could understand it within the context of if it's the classic division of labor. Like if someone's going and working uh you can still come back and do some shit but if like if everything at home is just
Starting point is 00:10:51 like really bad and one person's working all day and one person i mean i get that there's division of labor there but in most most situations now men are working and women are working too so it's like if both people are doing something y'all better both fucking chip in. Like your mommy's not taking care of you anymore, buddy. Like that's not your mom. That's your lady. So – And Jordan Peterson, he talks about not having your wife be a maid.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And I think that's a really good point. And these dudes that complain that they don't get this, they don't get that, they don't get blowjobs. Well, maybe if you fucking helped out a little bit more more maybe the old lady would have a little bit more energy potentially you know we were talking maybe maybe we should uh because we had there's a few things we want to talk about today but uh you know you were talking about like how your style kind of uh the way you dress man has really changed i remember that video we pulled up? Oh, yeah. With Jesse Burdick? Yeah, where I had those giant basketball shorts on? Yeah. And I remember when I was in high school and middle school, you know, if your shorts were too short, kids would be like, ah, that's gay.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah. You know? No, if your knee was showing. If your knee was showing. You can never have the knee showing. All shorts had to be above the knee. Now the ladies like that knee to show. Not only the knee, but the thigh and then maybe even a little bit of a little a little head just poking out three inch inseam
Starting point is 00:12:10 shorts but yeah clothes couldn't even be tight either like clothes had to be real baggy at least for me in junior high like we that's when we were like jinkos and shit where everything was fucking really like oversized but you know what's funny the kind of i think there was a phase maybe a few years ago where it really tight shit was the thing but like now it's back to like like even me the clothes i get my shirts i get are all like 2x i don't like shirts being way too tight or hugging way too much partially because i sweat and then the stains show but also because i just don't think it looks that good i wonder if that's because of what i like or if it's because i've been informed by what's being shown you know what i mean right yeah no there's definitely a modern
Starting point is 00:12:50 trend of people wearing big bigger stuff and if you look at uh god damn what's the bodybuilder's name that has the veins bum step uh in the uh in his shins what's that guy he's massive i'm sorry i'm forgetting his name but he seems to take the big shirt look to like the maximum he's wearing like 5x and different stuff like that he's like on like a bike like doing doing cardio yeah he's wearing like a dress our boy kenny wears like pretty big stuff but kenny's gonna he's gonna look good in anything he's a good looking kid yeah but uh it is interesting the different uh you know all the different kind of iterations of the different styles and different clothes. And I try to buy stuff that I just like.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And I've always liked nice stuff. I just didn't have money for it previously. So nowadays I'm like, well, I can just go. I can just buy that. But right now I'm still trying to figure out how to, like, organize myself better. I'm like, I can't buy anything else. It's like I need to get rid of a lot of this shit. Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:49 And so I'm still working on that. But I love like just a couple days ago, I was just kind of looking at my wardrobe, and I'm like, there's only like three different things that I like. And I like the style of tank top that you're wearing right now. I love that material. I could just – because the summer here in Sacramento gets to be like 9 bazillion degrees. I think on Friday it's going to be 105. We get our first dosage of that heat.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And I don't love to like inform the world of how sweaty and disgusting I am. So it's nice to have those shirts where you can't really tell if you're really sweaty. So I just want to live in that in the summer and just a pair of short shorts and just kind of kick it. Yeah. When did you get the confidence to start wearing short shorts? I forgot when I started, but once I started, I never went back. So in the gym, we've been doing this for a long time. We've been rocking the squat diaper, you know, and we've been kind of like, you know, we'll deadlift and stuff. And we would take our longer shorts and kind of tuck them into our like undies and yank them up and start doing that kind of stuff. And when my my legs just didn't look like anything when I was squatting, even the big weights gone over a thousand pounds.
Starting point is 00:14:56 My legs were pale and I was fat because I wasn't getting sunlight the way that I do nowadays. And so there wasn't really that big of a reason to show the legs. They didn't look like much. But fast forward a little bit beyond that, when I started to take care of myself after every competition, lose some weight, I started getting more into walking, started seeing like lines in the hammies and started seeing some stuff here and there,
Starting point is 00:15:21 started seeing like a vein in the calf. And I'm like, oh, this is kind of cool. So then I would kind of hike them up when I was training and it's kind of – it sounds really weird and sounds like super – like egotistical. But it's really nice to see your muscles when you're training. It's like a thing. That's the truth. That is the truth.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I mean we have a mirror in here and everybody when I first put that up, everyone's like, that's the dumbest thing. I can't believe you're – and everyone just parks there and everyone just hangs out there. And you walk in on like a Saturday or Sunday morning when I walk in, there's always somebody posing in that mirror. Oh, Tom? Trying to get that.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah, exactly. Our boy Tom Thornton. Somebody's always like, oh, hey Mark, what's going on? Like a neighbor, you know, they were doing like a full bodybuilding posing routine, right? It's like walking into our oil and everything. Yeah. No, you know, it's interesting when I think about like when I was 270 or 260 and the way, because I mean, I was big, I was muscular. But the way I dress, it's like I covered more when I was that weight even though I was pretty muscular.
Starting point is 00:16:29 The shorts I wore were longer. Everything was a bit bigger. You know what I mean? And it's interesting now that like I still like – I was wearing a long sleeve and I'm wearing the tank because it's hot. But just the change in terms of the style of which we dress nowadays, it's pretty interesting to me. I made an observation about you, sir. Oh, what's up? If I may.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Go for it. Let's see if it's right. Let's see. Take some crating before you do this. You are fucking big. You are jacked. You are black. And I think... And you have a really strong capacity with a lot of stuff. Your strength, your intelligence, like a whole list of things.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I'm sorry to stroke you off so much. But I think that. Get to the prostate. I think that you're. Get to the prostate. Oh, yeah, I'm going to rub the prostate. They're not going to understand the joke, Andrew. We'll show them the video
Starting point is 00:17:28 in a second. We can't. But I think everything from your voice to your demeanor is to try to downplay what you kind of have inside. That's sort of an observation I made because you can't play normal with people. You can't
Starting point is 00:17:43 be full on in SEMA very often. If you go full in SEMA on somebody, some really bad shit will happen. Wait, okay. What do you mean by that? Just you're faster. You're stronger. You're super athletic. And so I think that little wave thing that we talked about with that little funny face, you make when you're crossing the street or when you see the old person on
Starting point is 00:18:07 the street, I think you're trying to tell people, Hey, like I'm not, I'm not threatening. Yeah. I'm not what you may think I am. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I think that's kind of the way that you are. So I think that when you cover up, especially with the way you're built now, you don't want to necessarily go into, it's nice to get compliments. It's nice to have people say, Hey, Oh my my God, you're I'm sure you get compliments all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:28 But also it's nice just to kind of blend in and wear a big baggy shirt and have no one really bug you or think any particular thing about you. That's true. No, I agree with that. But I can I can ask you the same thing. Don't you kind of do some of the same things because the way like because of the way you look like, right. You know, if you're out in public looking as big as you do when i run i smile the whole time because i see people coming and i i see their face and i'm like oh shit like
Starting point is 00:18:53 they think i'm a fucking murderer or something yeah i think i'm a lunatic out here so i gotta kind of smile wave to them uh-huh so it's it's it's a normal thing to do it's a totally normal thing to do but um i think we're all getting a bit more comfortable with like ourselves. I mean I know like – I know I am, right? I saw a comment on the podcast actually yesterday. Pretty much the comment was like, Nseema is getting full of himself. You should watch some of your old videos and go back to that, Nseema. And it was pretty interesting because like like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I don't necessarily see it. But comments are comments. But, yeah, I mean, I get what you're saying a bit. I think I've always – I always do that and I've always done that, especially in public, just because, again, I'm very aware of the way that I look. You're insanely kind to the point where sometimes when you say stuff, sometimes on like our recordings, I'm always like, I wish you would just say it because like I don't care because we're friends. Like it doesn't matter. You can just but that you
Starting point is 00:19:51 tend to like keep in mind the other person's reaction, which is a really nice thing to do, I think. Oh, thank you. Thank you. But it's courteous. Like maybe mama beat you up so much. Beat kindness into me. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:08 You know what I'm talking about, Andrew. Oh, absolutely. So like we'll have something scheduled and then we'll get a voicemail like, oh, guys, hey, is it cool if we move it up like one hour, move it back one hour? Because I was going to go to jujitsu and you'll have this thing like I was going to do this. But actually, guys, if it you know what? I'll forget it. I'll just I'll cancel everything and then i'll be there and i'm like in my head i'm like just say that you're gonna go to jujitsu and like we'll figure it out you know like like
Starting point is 00:20:33 we get it but like it is funny because you'll be like can we do this actually no you guys let's do our the the thing that we all had said you know we plan We're a three-man team. I'm grateful for the kindness. Absolutely. Heck yeah. Yeah, y'all make me fucking sweat. Nah, we're a three-man team. We got to take each other into account. But going back to the style thing, let's go back to the style thing.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Ah, yeah. Andrew, I have a question for you. How do you feel about the Hoochie Daddy shorts? Because I noticed, like, do you like the Hoochie Daddy short idea? Oh, Andrew's legs are improving a lot, too. His gotta be nice and the shorts are getting shorter don't think we're not there's a coincidence there right but i was thinking back because i was wearing shorty shorts before um i even started coming around st but it was because remember i was saying um when i was trying to be a or when i was a freelance photographer and i was trying to learn how to
Starting point is 00:21:23 dress i just paid um a subscription to back then it was called 5-4 Club. I remember that. And during the summer, they sent what was in fashion. So this would have been probably like six, seven years ago. And that's when shorts started getting a little bit shorter. They sent you queer shorts. Dude, and I just remember there were a black pair of shorts. And I don't remember what the top was, but I just remember staring were they were a black black pair of shorts and i don't remember
Starting point is 00:21:45 what the top was but i just remember like staring at him like fuck like my long ass skinny legs man i don't know sure this is a style yeah i'm like i don't know i don't know but then you know you wear them once and you're just like waiting for somebody to comment something like i would never wear them around my dad you know because he would talk shit right away thankfully i had a buddy of mine he worked at nordstrom and i'm just like bro like i don't know man he's like no he's like that's the style i'm like i was like it's kind of weird but you wear them once and you know the world doesn't collapse on you it's like oh all right and then you know i was getting into the gym and then i was just like well shit i'm not working out my legs to cover them up so then i got used to that but um then eventually when i started training here you know around big you know big
Starting point is 00:22:29 monsters and shit then i started wearing bigger clothes because i'm like i have to fucking try to like float inside these clothes so that way nobody can tell exactly how skinny i am uh but then now more recently with viore shorts being incredible and oh god um yeah yeah checking out the inseams you know like seven inches like okay cool and like oh but those fives man those fives look good my wife loves them too so like that that's what matters and that's what really is pushing me because like i do have some viores that are like i want to say like i i meant to order five inch ones and some just happen to be a little bit like looser yeah Yeah. And so like, I don't like wearing those ones anymore. You know, like, so like I wore like some earlier to work out in and I was like trying to hike
Starting point is 00:23:11 them up and they just kept falling down and then I was like, Oh, they're a little bit tighter. Yeah. So yeah, that's been the progression of the shorty shorts for me. Hoochie daddy shorts. Yeah. The compliment from a girl and it's on. Oh, that was it.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I think it was primarily, uh, cause I didn didn't even i didn't start that shit myself it was primarily woman that uh a girl told me that i was dating in the past she's like uh yo those short shorts they look so good i'm like you think so and she's like yeah i literally had all my shorts i had all my shorts. I had all my shorts hemmed down to a five-inch inseam. I was going to say you have a bonfire with it.
Starting point is 00:23:49 No, I legit took all my shorts and I got them hemmed down to five inches because I'm like, yo, like if late is like it, shit. This is like, and if there's any other motivation for you guys to train legs, because you were just saying before this podcast, there's still be dudes that are like in the gym and they're still just, they're just doing upper body. They don't train legs. Well, hey, if you can train legs and then you can get those five inch inseam shorts, I guarantee there's going to be waterworks when you walk down the street.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Oh, hell yeah. It makes a huge difference. I think that sometimes maybe women might not even notice what they like. I think guys too, but like. Women even notice uh what they like i think guys too but like women don't know what they like i think sometimes they don't i think sometimes they don't i see what you mean i know what you mean and the point is sometimes about like you know muscular men sometimes they're like and i understand of course like you know there's all women have different uh tastes and different flavors just like dudes do.
Starting point is 00:24:49 However, I think for both sexes, I think that calves are really sexy. Some nice calves. My sister-in-law, she's got great calves. She does. It's very attractive. It's a very attractive feature to have nice calves. You're hurting a lot of people right now because they're like, I can't grow them. I know.
Starting point is 00:25:05 And there's, I know. It can be a thing. And there's definitely something with like the ratio of like your ankle to your calf. Part of the attraction to The Rock, you know, he's flawless in many ways. He's got the wide shoulders and the small hips. I think I heard Andrew Huberman, he had somebody on that like studies this shit. And he was saying like one of the main features that women look for is shoulder to hip ratio. I don't think he really mentioned the calves. I don't recall.
Starting point is 00:25:32 But next time you check out a girl's legs and they're like in heels, if they have nice calves, it like changes the look of everything. I'm not talking about like shredded, they got fucking striations in their calves or something crazy. Just a nice athletic looking leg is very attractive.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Isn't that one of the big reasons why women wear heels? Because it doesn't accentuate the calves and they get a little taller. But yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And just a quick tip if you guys do your calf raises. And when you do your calf raises, slow those shits down. Because that Achilles tendon, if you're just bouncing, that Achilles tendon is taking all that tension. So slow it down. And hopefully that can be something that can help you grow them calves.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Because that, I never really thought about that actually. As far as the aesthetic aspect of it, calves make a big difference. I've been complimented on my legs a bunch. It's great. Like, you know, you get a compliment from somebody and, you know, as you get older and you're more secure with yourself and you're secure with your partner, it's different, you know, when you're young and a girl says anything to you, you're like, she wants to bang me. And you can't stop thinking about that. And you're like, I got to try to figure out a way to close that deal. I need to,
Starting point is 00:26:44 you know, how do I circle back to that person? Like how do I, you know, like all kinds of bells and whistles. She said hi. She wants it. She said hi and it was in a very particular way. She wants it. Let's be totally honest. She didn't say hi to everybody else.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Nope. That hi was more than just hi. See, exactly. That's the way our brain works, so we keep kind of circling back to that. But as you get older, you don't mind – when you have a compliment, you don't think anything other than what the person said. They said you have nice legs or they like the shorts that you're wearing or however they put it. or they like the shorts that you're wearing or however they put it. Sometimes I've had women ask me what a particular shirt or what a particular pair of shorts are
Starting point is 00:27:28 because they're like, I'd love to buy that for my boyfriend or my husband. That looks really nice. And then I have to kind of inform them, hey, listen, your boyfriend or husband, he ain't ever going to look as good as me, all right? No, I'm just kidding. You should be like, wait, whoa, what is this about boyfriend, husband? No, I do have people. I thought we had a thing going.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I do have people ask me about Encima a lot. They they're like what shorts is he wearing in the thing or which what shirt i'm like it's not gonna make a difference you're screwed you're not you're not gonna you're not gonna look like in sema but you could try to dress like him you can go for it most of the shorts i wear guys are from the ori but i do also have some shorts that are from lulu so if you go to the ori's website they have a bunch of different types of shorts. I have quite a few from there. Mark, you wear a bunch of shorts from there. We all do.
Starting point is 00:28:10 But yeah, five inches typically. Don't you have some three inch inseam shorts that you use for running? Yeah. And how un-heterosexual is this? My brother bought them for me. Really? Yeah. Because he just thought it'd help you help you right because he's a dirty dog those yellow ones right yeah yeah that's the next level it's like bro you want to see me running around these like what's going on yeah i think stephanie sent me some
Starting point is 00:28:39 three inchers for you but like not really paying attention to like it's saying three inches it was just like these are short shorts and i looked at them like i don't know i think my nuts might hang out of those like it's gonna look like this hourglass yeah i'm like it's getting hot i was like it's like more like malleable down there when it's hotter so i'm like no those are just like see i think girls are kind of hoping that they'll see like a head, but you're probably going to see a ball more than likely, especially in the summertime. You know what? I never really thought about that. It's like, why do women like it so much?
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's because they're getting closer and closer to seeing some action. That's primarily. Well, I love a miniskirt. Jesus Christ. I love those. Yeah. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Yeah. I mean, unbelievable. You know what? well i i love a miniskirt jesus christ i love those yeah ah right yeah yeah i mean unbelievable i talked about it the other day and my wife's just like shaking her head i was like it's the most disappointing fucking thing in the world you find out a girl's wearing shorts like those skirt short things that girls rock all the time what do you mean well see now you're oh fuck now you're gonna be disappointed. A lot of times they're wearing shorts. Yeah, it's not just like a short skirt. Like if they pull the thing over to the side, there's like a flap kind of.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It's like a tennis skirt. There it is. I was going to Google tennis skirt. Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, see if you can bring that up. Yeah, I will. Dude, this whole thing is a fucking farce. Sam, come on. It's a farce. This whole thing is a farce. Come Sam, come on. It's a farce.
Starting point is 00:30:06 This whole thing is a farce. Come on. I thought I was going to see some panties. Or maybe not panties. Maybe even something better. That was on, what is it, old school? When they're at couples therapy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:20 And he's just like, I think about my wife. And then the waitress comes and it's like, Hmm, I wonder what color her panties are. It's like, or maybe she's wearing something that I don't even know about something new. Yeah. And then like, they all like, or his wife is looking at him like, what the fuck is your problems? I thought this was like a safe place. And it's like, Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah. His wife is looking at him like he's such a pig. He's like, maybe she's wearing a thong or a G string or maybe something new that I've never seen before. His eyes are all lighting up you're like dude you're divulging way too much oh i can't find any fucking pictures you know what this this is another curious thing since we're all talking about like style on this one um you when did you start to get more adventurous with the colors of the stuff you were because if i remember right your colors were usually always pretty like basic like pretty simple and now like you were in yellow shit every now and then
Starting point is 00:31:11 red shit purple shit like yeah when did you start to do that uh probably maybe like five years ago or so five years ago three to five years ago do you know when my body started to change when i started to lose weight and get in better shape i was like well i can wear stuff that um kind of highlights what i got more if i switch things up a bit and then i was also just thinking like you know a lot of other people that are big they typically wear a lot of black. Yeah. And then I noticed like friends and people in the gym and stuff like that. There's a lot of black and a lot of gray.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And I was like, I don't know, let me like throw some colors in there here and there. And then here at Slingshot and at Super Training, like I've worked with a lot of females, um, working with, uh, Mariel Tagg on, uh, my book, Jacked and Tan and, uh, having Jessica Smith run my social media for so long, um, in kind of getting around them and my sister-in-law, my wife, um, having these women influences around when I'd wear something that had some color to it, they were like, oh, that looks really nice. Like, oh, that brings out your eyes or that looks – that matches. And like you feel like you figured something out. You're like, I matched something.
Starting point is 00:32:31 This is fucking dope. Normally I'm fucking way off, you know. And so, yeah, it just – it helps. And then I was like, let me try to get – the hard part is once you start to introduce colors, then you end up with a complicated like color scheme and now you can't Andrew Zaragoza and stay with the black and grays. You can't kind of Steve Jobs it. Steve Jobs wears the same thing. I think Dr. Dre wears the same thing every day.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Yeah. And that's just kind of a – that's great I think to pick a color scheme and then try to stick with it because it can make everything less complicated. But I think that if you think about what you like from your partner, it's how fucking cool is it when they wear something – they just wear something totally different. And you're like – I mean I don't know about you guys, but I'm always like, holy fuck. Like still every time. My wife dressed up this past weekend. I always like seeing her in like a dress or a skirt just because I I don't know, I'm a chauvinistic, disgusting pig, I guess. But she was wearing like a pantsuit kind of thing. And she just looked amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:36 And I'm like, this is my girl. I'm like, this is so fucking cool. And it was a different color. Like she doesn't normally wear. I think it was like kind of a pinkish type of thing. She didn't normally wear that. So this is cool. It's exciting.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Pat Brodrick's family, how's it going? Hope you're enjoying the episode. And this episode is brought to you by Merrick Health, the premium telehealth clinic from Derek from More Plates, More Dates. Now, if you've been wanting to get your blood work done or if you wanted to get your blood work analyzed by a physician, Merrick has your back on that. And Andrew, can you tell them how to do that? Yeah, absolutely.
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Starting point is 00:34:39 Links to them and all the information down in the description as well as the podcast show notes you know this whole style thing is funny because it's like um the style use was something that i was like okay right now i don't give a fuck about style i care about trying to get as best shape as possible working on my mind working on all this stuff style comes last and style did come last it's like after everything else style did come last but uh's like after everything else, style did come last. But it does make a difference. Like it made a difference when I was dating. And even it makes a difference now, like the way my girl appreciates it. She likes it.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Like she notices all the colors and stuff. And I'm like, ooh, nice. It does make a difference. So what I'm saying here is because when you watch a lot of like this single guy's content or whatever, I'm like, how to attract women or whatever, a lot of these guys go on the style thing hardcore. But if so many other things are missing, but you got fashion, it's like, all right, that's cool. You got a lot of you want to be in. Because that's kind of like what happened to me, too. Like I cared about fashion.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I was like, OK, I'm cool with this. Let's start really. Let's start dressing things up. We're adding some fucking color. Yeah, because normally it's like the opposite. Right. and things up or adding some fucking color. Yeah, because normally it's like the opposite, right? Like some of my friends that were the most into fashion were the most out of shape because they were trying to make up for it. So that, yeah, that is interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:12 You guys went about it like kind of the opposite direction. When you're in good shape and you try stuff on at a store, I mean, first of all, you need to look for new clothes, right? So that's number one. So I lost so much weight that I had to look for new clothes. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So that's number one. So I lost so much weight that I had to look for new clothes many times. And, you know, Lululemon and some of these places, they got their dressing room down to where the lighting is fucking perfect. You look fucking epic in there.
Starting point is 00:36:35 You're in there for hours. You're like posing and like fucking doing pushups, getting a pump. We have some pictures for next week in terms of hosting. Doing a goddamn photo shoot in there um but when you look good or you look better than you used to every time you put something on you're like oh wow that looks pretty good like no i think i can pull this off when i was heavier and i would try something on because i because i had to go to something or whatever i'd put something on like this does not look good i put on the next thing i was like this does not look good. I'd put on the next thing and I was like, this does not look good.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I'd sit there and complain. Why don't they make stuff for guys that weigh 330 pounds? How come they don't make stuff that fits someone with my stocky frame over here? How come it doesn't look good on me? It looks good on everybody else. There's got to be a belt that's 46. Come on. We need a belt that can wrap around this table. You mean to tell me there's not one slimming 4x shirt out there
Starting point is 00:37:28 right that's what i'm talking about like come on man like make it uh make it hit the features that i have that are good which was like i don't know what they would have been but yeah when when you when you get in shape even look even if you just get in better shape, I'm not talking about like you getting, you know, looking like somebody else or looking like a supermodel or anything like that. If you lose some body fat and you go in and you try out some clothes, you know, it's also kind of a cool thing to – I've done this before where I buy sizes where I'm like, I want to stay in that size. Yeah. Same. I want to stay there. And I know that probably girls probably share this probably more. Um, but I I've done this as well where I'm like, I kind of want to stay in this frame. I bought, I bought, uh, I think it was like last year I started buying like 34 with my workout shorts are usually a little bit bigger cause I don't like them to be too tight. But with some other types of shorts, I buy a lot of 34s, and I'm like, I got to stay in those.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I got to keep things right so that I can fit into those all the time. So when you just get in a little bit better shape than what you were previously when you shop, you're going to want to buy a lot more stuff and you're going to be a lot happier with a lot of the options that are out there. You're going to be like, fuck man, this looks great. Maybe you try it on, you know, two weeks later and realize that it was a really bad mistake, but that kind of happens to everybody. Overreached a little bit. There was a, there was a time period for a couple of years where just every shirt I wore just came from super training. So like my whole wardrobe was just like some new st shirt a slingshot shirt yeah and i went through the closet uh this past weekend because i'm just like same
Starting point is 00:39:11 thing like mark said like i fucking don't have any room for anything you know when you hit that stage where you're like babe do you have a hanger it's like no i was gonna ask you for hangers because like we're just we're out i'm like that's it i'm throwing a bunch of shit away um and it was hard because like some of these shirts were like the first ones i ever got when i started working at super training so i was like ah i was like i can't well i'm like i've been saying i can't for like i don't know the past like three years at this point now so um what i did was like i offered some to my daughter jasmine because she likes wearing them for you know oversized shirts or for pajamas or whatever so thankfully she kept some of the og ones which
Starting point is 00:39:45 is pretty cool because like if i ever want to go back and take them back out i can but uh we we try to like kind of get a little fancy here in the office and we're just like hey guys like no more like slingshot shirts like we got to wear like a button up like a v-neck like let's just let's not look like we're all just literally still in the gym every freaking day like why not because if we have somebody come in like we have to like you know be presentable put it that way so there was a weird time period where everybody was like trying to figure it out just like fuck like this is weird i hate like uh button up like collared shirts because like i used to have to wear those and like i never wanted to wear them again but like here I am like I guess I'm gonna throw it on and that's where the whole um black and gray came in
Starting point is 00:40:29 for me because I'm just like god damn it like I don't like and so finally I was just like I'm just gonna save time because we you know started working at working out at 4 a.m so I'm like fuck this I'm wearing two colors and that's it these days um like especially with Viore shorts there's some pretty really cool colors that I can make work with black or gray and anything. I'll do that. I'll do some blues every now and again because same thing. My wife was like, you look great in blue. I'm like, okay, I'm going to wear blue.
Starting point is 00:40:54 That's where the black and grays came in. It was just trying to speed things up to look a little bit better here in the office. Which style of shirt are you wearing today? Is that a Viore? I don't know what this is. No, it's not. I think this is a, well, fancy that. It's an old 5'4 club shirt.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So, yeah, it's just a blue fitted shirt. It feels good. But, you know, like it is interesting to me that like, you know, whenever, when you're getting into better shape, I remember when I was heavier again, I just definitely wouldn't wear certain things. So I'm like, ah, that's too loud. But number one, it's because I didn't want to be noticed in that way i was like let me just wear this but number two is i didn't have the confidence to wear that color you know what i mean i just did not have the confidence to wear that color and nowadays like i get a bunch of different fucking colors not because i want to be noticed but because i'm like that looks good i could rock that there's a there's a different level of confidence when you get into the shape that you'd like to be in.
Starting point is 00:41:47 We're like, I can, I can wear whatever I want to wear. And that's motivation to get into better shape, you know? And it's not wanting people to notice you. It's just, you feel good enough with yourself that you can put on some fucking purple or pink and be perfectly okay with it, you know? Yeah. And then, then uh this again going through all my clothes and stuff like i have a bunch of old st tank tops where at one point i was just like a little bit too embarrassed to wear them because they were like very loose fitting well now it's the opposite it's they're they're they're a little bit too tight and i'm just like oh i was like man it looks like i'm trying a little bit too hard. And I'm just like, oh, I was like, man, it looks like I'm trying a little bit too hard now.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You know, it's like, oh, hey, I got pecs now. Look at these. You know, it's like, fuck, there they are. So then I had a large Viore tank top. And same thing, like I'm in that stage where I'm like, oh, I was like, is it too loose now? I was like, because like I can't go back that other way because that's way too tight. So we're going to go this round and just make this normal right now. So that's where I – so I have to say goodbye to all my mediums, my extra tight mediums.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I shot a video like kind of a while back of just trying on a bunch of different stuff. And a lot of it – I think I just put it like mostly in my story. Some of it I might have put on my Instagram. But I was just trying out like different colors and I was just telling people, just encouraging people to kind of go for it. Like, I don't know, messing around with it a little bit, like get a purple, you know, polo or pink something or something that's yellow or just something different than even try to see if you can wear white. You know, sometimes you'll be shocked. You put something on and it looks a little bit better than maybe you originally anticipated. And again, your partner, your significant other, whoever you're dating or whatever your situation is, those people are usually like, hey, that actually looks really good.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Yeah. And then you'll kind of be encouraged to do it more often. But I don't mind taking some risk. I just like to get stuff that's comfortable though too. do it more often, but I don't mind taking some risk. I just like to get stuff that's comfortable though too. You know, I don't want stuff that's like too uncomfortable or, uh, you know, sometimes something fit someone, something fitted is like a little too snug. And, you know, I have a couple shirts now to wear, like maybe like a, like not too, like my body changes all the time. Like it literally changes a lot. And I got a couple of things where I'm sometimes like, ah, it's just too tight.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Like some of my Lulu stuff especially will creep up on the arms a lot. So I'll be sitting there and like, you know, it's like snug to my – and I don't need it to be – I don't want it to be that tight. Yeah. But then if I size up, sometimes it doesn't really look right either. I want some room to sweat. Yeah, yeah. Some room to let it all go. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:44:32 It's weird, huh? I don't think many people think that we think about it this much, especially women. Here's a big area for a lot of dudes. A lot of dudes, they're real self-conscious about their kind of love handles. Yeah. And a lot of shorts are kind of tight in that area, especially if you have some fluff in that area. They'll feel even tighter. And then a lot of guys, when you see them, like, you just kind of notice that there's sort of like a love handle there because the shirt's too tight on that spot.
Starting point is 00:45:06 And it's like the ideal thing is like can we get a little bit just to hug the shoulders just a pinch and then can we get a little more room on the lower half for a lot of guys? Because I know that's what people like sometimes about the shirts that we have here that say power or the strong shirts and stuff. People are like those fit the arms and shoulders perfect. And then it gives me a little bit of room to uh fuck with my diet a little bit fuck with my diet i like that but everybody that we give those shirts to i mean i won't it i mean whatever if you guys know of any uh people on like instagram like big who have big followings but like you like, you see them still wearing them. And they always say, like, dude, it just makes my arms look so jacked. I'm just like, yeah, that's why I fucking still wear them too.
Starting point is 00:46:01 But I have to get the large now because the medium is, like, when I sit down, like, to do a set or whatever at the gym, I'm just like, like, it's just, like, overlapping on itself, you know. Even though it's, like, everybody looks weird in that position. But because the shirt is so tight, that, like it i'm not a fan i don't really know because i haven't experimented in this spot because when i it coincided with me having a little bit more money maybe you guys would know um like travis matthews seems to be pretty cool they make kind of more golfy style stuff. There's a lot of like old school companies that have been around for a while, like Hurley, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:31 Hurley's owned by Nike. They make a lot of nice stuff. Even Nike, Nike's always fashionable and Nike sells way more than just sportswear. And they also have the Jordan brand where they're like, I bought some really nice hoodies and stuff like that from there. Lulu Lemon, obviously Viore's amazing and they're a sponsor and supportive of ours, but some of these brands, they do have a little bit of a price. And I do think that it's important
Starting point is 00:46:55 that you do put your dollars towards these things, but there also might be some alternatives. Um, I mean, even going to like somewhere like target or something like that my daughter still loves to go to target and when i go there with her like i still see like stuff that's nice that's there that's fashionable that look i'm like oh they're they're like up on the trends and stuff whereas years ago like you wouldn't be able to you wouldn't have been able to do that no you get clowned on but yeah so uh one one thing that I remember we used to do is whatever the brand is, you would search for dupes. So like Lulu dupes. And everyone on Amazon would be like, oh my God, this is the exact same.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Everything comes from the same factory as Lulu. And so like we would try it and be like, damn, those are actually pretty nice. But then I can't remember what it was for. My wife went to an event with cast martin and she got her some actual lulu lemons yeah and it was just like oh okay there is a difference right like you know between that and like something viore um like when you get the viore you're just like okay i get it now yeah but you can do that and they will have some like really cool stuff one thing that i did notice though and like when i was younger i wouldn't have been able to i got some lululemon stuff and then i heard about
Starting point is 00:48:10 viore later on like recently so i was able to get some of their stuff too but when i was younger you know i'd get stuff from h&m i'd get stuff yeah h&m fast fashion right i get i get like cheaper things and it's because honestly i couldn't afford, you know, expensive, but a hundred dollars sometimes for like a nice polo or something or 80 bucks, you know, it sounds, that's a lot of money. But what would happen within a few months of me owning this article of clothing? Either it fucking shrink or either something would happen. The collar would get like all wrinkly.
Starting point is 00:48:41 The collar would get a wrinkly like, and then I'd have to buy another one. And then you just get used to buy, like repurchasing some of the things because they don't last well i have i have viorey stuff that i've had for a fucking while and it's as crisp as when i had it in the beginning i have lulu stuff that i've had for four or five years and that's why like after i after i experienced that i'm like okay i ain't buying other shit why because like this stuff will last me forever like i don't have to i have so many things that I've owned for a long time just because it's better quality. So then when you think about it, like there's the initial sticker shock, right? The first time, you don't have to buy it three times. Yeah. That's why I don't like
Starting point is 00:49:18 having to repurchase things. I don't repurchase. You're wasting time. Time is money, you know, and you may have done it multiple times over. Something that I've noticed with Viore and Lululemon stuff is like you guys have seen me before. I'll work out in like a polo. Like most people are like I'm not going to work out in my nicer clothes. But the reason why I don't care is because it has no impact. It doesn't hurt the clothes. Now, if I sweat like, you know, like a maniac in the clothes, it's summertime. I'm definitely going to pop the shirt off and not get it like
Starting point is 00:49:50 that wet with sweat because sometimes those stains are hard to get out of there. Um, and so I don't want the shirt to get like disgusting or get messed up. But on the other side of it, not only are they super durable and you can work out in them, but they also – a lot of these things are – they don't wrinkle and stuff. They don't get as messed up. They last longer. They're way more durable. Another company that's really great is Mizzen and Main. I've never had their stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I couldn't remember a company that – you told us about them. I can't get rid of that shirt. It definitely doesn't fit me, and I still look at it, and I'm like, I can't get rid of it. The Mizzen and Main stuff, that's another jump. They have button-ups that are so nice. And you can get stuff to wrinkle if you really want to, but they don't wrinkle. They last a long time. They have really nice polos.
Starting point is 00:50:42 They have nice button-up shirts. You pay for the quality sometimes on some of these things. they last a long time. They have really nice polos. They have nice like button up shirts and you pay, you pay for the quality sometimes on some of these things. And so while it may seem like, ah, I don't know if I can really do it. I want to encourage you to, to, to kind of go for it.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Maybe use our code at Viore, you know, to, to help with that purchase. Yeah. Yeah. It absolutely helps. And you guys can check that out.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I'm just, you know, didn't mean to actually do a quick little ad break, but it's That's V-U-O-R-I. Is this clothing? Right? I think it's because I know sometimes the redirect doesn't work. So just and at checkout enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 20% off of your first order.
Starting point is 00:51:19 But, I mean, they have everything. They got the Hoochie Daddy shorts. Oh, yeah. They got the running shorts. They have clothes for chicks. My wife loves her Viore leggings. I love them, too. You know, that's one thing I hate, though.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Like, my girl, she will take my Viore shorts, like, not the ones that you wear outside. It's, like, ones that are, it's not workout shorts. They have, like, this soft fabric, and she wears them. And it's like, no, these are for me's not workout shorts. They have like this soft fabric and she wears them. And it's like, no, these are for me to relax at home. Not for you. They're super fucking comfortable. Yeah, you're like, what are you doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:53 What about, so to go down a little bit even further, how are you guys doing on shoes these days? You know, the shoe thing is funny, man. Because like, you know, we have our boy Ray who hooked us up with a bunch of Jordans. And as much as I dig those, I don't wear those often. Like I'm either wearing Crocs because they're wide toed. But before that, I'm wearing like Vivos. I'm wearing Vibrams because my feet are doing work all the time. So the bad thing about my Crocs is although they have a wide toe box and they're comfortable, if I'm walking around too long in them, they have too much of a cushion.
Starting point is 00:52:32 They have too much of a cushion. Yeah, they're not great for a walk. My feet aren't doing shit. Right. So vivos and vibrams or barefoot. I actually purchased some earth runners. Earthrunners. We're not sponsored by Earthrunners, but they're a really good-looking barefoot-type sandal
Starting point is 00:52:45 that I'm really curious to try because I care too much about foot health. How about you? Because you've got hella shoes. I've got lots of shoes. It kind of depends on what we're going to do. If we're going to do something and it's local and I pretty much
Starting point is 00:53:01 get to drive there and not walk real far, then I might try to like match up my Jordans to like something else I'm wearing. When we went to see Tom Segura, I had a pair of that our boy Ray set us up with, a pair of orange Jordans that I wore with a San Francisco Giants hat. I normally don't wear, I normally don't even wear like a fitted cap or whatever, but it's just, those things flowed together pretty nice. So I did that. But most of the time I'm trying to be conscious of, um, what can I do? What can I do? Um, what can I do to kind of promote what it is my goals are, you know?
Starting point is 00:53:45 And how do I, even with my workouts, it's like hard for me to pick a workout at this point because I do love to do certain things. Like I still love to bench press. I still love to do like heavy rowing and things like that. So I don't want to take away all the stuff that I like, all the stuff that I enjoy. But at the same time, I want to insert a lot of stuff that can help. You and I were talking about like internal rotation of the hip. So how do I, you
Starting point is 00:54:10 know, blend those two things together? And I think some of that is true with my fashion as well, where I'm like, I still enjoy some of these things. I still have a lot of nice shoes that I can mess around with, you know, put them on here and there. But at this point, it kind of reminds me of a bad movie. It's like a step backwards. I feel like I'm wasting my time. Like you guys ever get into a bad movie and you're like, I could be fucking journaling. I could be learning something.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I could be listening to a podcast. I could be – Anything, yeah. I could be watching a documentary and like learning something. But right now I'm just – I'm'm fucking wasting time i'm taking steps backwards so sometimes even as silly as it sounds uh when i put on you know shoes that are more fashion forward than they are like fitness forward then i'm like oh man i'm i'm fucking up i'm taking steps backwards yeah i this weekend i got rid of all my other shoes.
Starting point is 00:55:06 So I have two Jordans that I got from at Faith's Kicks on Instagram. So if you guys are into these rare shoes, these hard to find shoes, make sure you guys head to that Instagram account. But my plan was to keep two pairs of Jordans and one pair of SB Dunks that I've had for like a long time, but they're sick as fuck. And I gave the rest to my dad. And one of the first pairs that he pulls out was the SB Dunks. And I'm like, shit.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Like, I didn't mean to give those ones away. I was taking them back. No, I wasn't because he was pumped. Sorry, Dad. Yeah, I know. That would have been fucked up. But no, so he got everything. So all I have left is I have a couple pairs of Vivo barefoot shoes,
Starting point is 00:55:46 and then I actually did buy some Xero sandals because I couldn't find anything else. They have sandals? Yeah, because I was just searching for barefoot sandals, and that's one of the first ones that came up. And I was trying to get them from Vivo, but I couldn't find any, and plus everything's always sold out right now. We really sold their shit out. Yeah, but what they are
Starting point is 00:56:06 they're just basically like uh it's damn near like a just a cloth it's like a sheet of like a a very thin piece of rubber and it has the you know around the back so you know like i call them like a jesus sandals um they're super super thin i tried to wear those in bodega and show them on the screen i'll pull them up right now yeah i tried to wear those in bodega. Show them on the screen. I'll pull them up right now. Yeah. I tried to wear those in bodega to walk down to the beach. I could not keep inside ankle bone high. Like I was having such a hard time keeping my feet straight. Yeah, it was tough, man. But even when I just search Earthrunners,
Starting point is 00:56:37 it's like the first one that comes up. Oh, look at that. They're on Amazon. But I got these right here. Oh. Super duper minimalist. Damn. Those are actually a good price.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I got something that looks a little similar. I got the grounded. This guy actually, I think, hand makes these things, the grounded athlete, but unfortunately mine don't fit very well. It wedgies my toe a little too much. Oh, they don't fit well? Yeah, I think i just need a bigger size what size did you get i don't know because uh he sent them to me but it's these guys
Starting point is 00:57:12 this guy has a lot of information he thinks that um he thinks like being grounded um you know is is correlated to like your metabolism and stuff like that he's got some interesting he cites some studies and stuff but like we know yeah studies are whatever but yeah i've yeah i was checking out some of that stuff about being grounded for my back pain because i read something saying that like um if you're grounded you can't uh inflammation has a very hard time you know kind of arising or whatever you want to say i mean look we could sit here and kind of make an argument that uh maybe uh over the years with a combination of some other things but shoes maybe uh every time we walk around in shoes if if there's no consequence to what happens in those shoes maybe not maybe we're not walking as naturally as we should be
Starting point is 00:58:02 and uh walking you know not just just walking, but training. Yeah. Like how many years lift of lifting did we all do in shoes that probably had excessive amounts of padding that weren't allowing our feet to do certain things. The squat university guy, when he was on the show and he talked about your first go of it, when you go outside with like, you know, quote unquote, barefoot shoes, you go on outside with Viores or something like that uh what do you say you're trouncing around like an animal or something like that is what he said you're flailing around like an animal
Starting point is 00:58:32 um that that just shouldn't be the case because our feet shouldn't be so desensitized that we like forgot how to walk but what graham tuttle has taught me is that if you can't do it as if you're barefoot then maybe what you're doing is kind of unnatural yeah it doesn't mean that you can't do it it doesn't mean that you should never do it because there are advancements like we talked the other day about socks like socks are weird advancement but like for some reason in order to protect the feet properly we need to have socks on. And we wear toe socks now. We've gone off the deep end. We've gone off the deep end.
Starting point is 00:59:10 We cannot be reeled back in. We are gay and we're doing stuff with our feet. Mark, if you say that, they'll believe it. You saw what happened in the last episode. They'll believe it. Damn it. Remember, we are whatever you guys want us to be. Or at least I'm whatever you want me to be whatever yeah whatever you say
Starting point is 00:59:27 um i okay so what was i about to mention yo um yeah by the way it's for the toe socks if you guys are interested i don't think we've talked about it but mark you wear i got some of that yeah in jinji so you wear the in jinji toe. The Ngingi ones were a little bit expensive for me, so I got V-Well. These are both on Amazon. And we don't have a code. But again, the reason why we're wearing toe socks is because when you're wearing normal socks, it's almost kind of similar to a shoe. And what happens is like your toes aren't moving around. But with toe socks, because of the fabric in between your toes, like you'll notice you're moving your toes around a little bit more because of that feedback, that feedback of what's going on in between.
Starting point is 01:00:12 So it's better, I think it's better for your feet to be wearing toe socks as weird as it looks. You know, I didn't have particular. A little bit more in the middle. Oh. This way. there you go waving to everybody i didn't have particular problems with my feet um i did notice that once we started to mess around with the feet though that i had a hard time moving certain toes and i was like that in of itself seemed like an issue and I'm 45 so like what would that look like at 65 I'd probably have less motion with my feet so I was like well let me
Starting point is 01:00:51 take care of these things and I'm also open to the fact that uh maybe because our feet uh it's a contact point maybe it does affect my hips uh learning some stuff from Kelly Sturette over the years keeping the feet straight um and trying to walk particular ways. It's like, well, if I'm going to be open to the fact that if I can change my gait and change the way I walk via the way that I point my feet, well, I should be open to the fact that because my feet are the main contact point, that it could be impacting the rest of my body. So I just wanted to point out that I didn't
Starting point is 01:01:25 particularly have anything wrong with my feet. And for some of you that are listening who think that we're crazy and think that it's way off kilter, it could be like, it could be that we don't know what we're talking about in this sense, as it pertains to you, because there's a lot of people that don't have any problems with their feet. And what I'm starting to notice in this like foot space that we're diving into, it seems to be a very, very massive problem for a large percentage of the population, but it's not everybody.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Like some people's feet are, they're okay. Can they work on their feet to be stronger and maybe it could help impact some other things and be positive in their life? Maybe. But I'm seeing this as a major problem for men. I'm not saying that women don't have this problem at all, but I'm seeing as a major problem more for men. A lot of women that I see and women that I know, they naturally have a nice arch in their foot a lot of times. Not everybody.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I'm not saying everybody. Maybe there are some females that grew up playing a lot of sports and they did a lot of soccer and they stuffed their foot into a cleat. And maybe because of that, they have symptoms nowadays where their knee is bothering them. If something is bothering you, I would say 100 percent start to look into and examine the footwear that you're wearing. I think it could have a really big impact. But I also want to share with people that it's not everybody. Here's what I discovered. I was thinking about this the other day. I was trying to be really thoughtful about this
Starting point is 01:02:54 because we're trying to share information that we feel is, like, in the best interest of everybody listening, right? Yeah. As I thought about it a little bit more, I'm like, okay, there's male shoes and there's female shoes, like most companies, right? You go to buy a Nike, there's a size for men, there's a size for women.
Starting point is 01:03:15 And here's what I believe to be true, even though I didn't even look it up, but I'm just imagining that this is true. Let's see if you can follow me. A woman's shoe, I think, is exponentially wider than a male shoe in accordance to its size. So a woman's shoe, a size eight, in an equal comparison to a male shoe, let's just say a woman's shoe is normally a size, let's just for argument's sake, say a woman's shoe is normally a size eight.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Yeah. And let's for argument's sake say that a male shoe is normally a size 11. I don't know. I'm probably off on my numbers. But I'm guessing that in proportion of the length of the size eight female shoe, that it's wider percentage wise than the male shoe that is the size 11. That's just a proposed thing that I've been thinking about. So what I'm trying to say basically is that most men, if they were to step on something that was shaped like their shoe, but it had no top to it, their foot would squish outward over the sides of
Starting point is 01:04:19 whatever the thing it is that they stepped on. Let's say they stepped on something that's similar to the soles that are in the shoe, that rubbery thing,. Let's say they stepped on something that's similar to the soles that are in the shoe, that rubbery thing, right? You put that down on the ground, I think most men are going to fail that test and their foot is going to expand out beyond that. I think with women, I don't think that their feet do the same thing because women are proportionately or typically smaller than men. Yeah just really quick sorry i just googled it are women's shoes wider than men's just it's just for fun the first thing that comes up compared to the corresponding men's shoe women's shoes are built wider in the forefoot and toe area and now narrower in the heel and then it says reflecting
Starting point is 01:05:03 the gender differences between in foot shape. So your hypothesis at least So here's what I think would happen. Here's what I think is like a cure for this. If men's shoes if all the fucking molds that they make out there right now were just 20% wider, we would have
Starting point is 01:05:20 half the issues that we have with feet. People still might need to explore how much padding and shit they get out of these shoes but the main problem is that your feet can't fucking move your toes can't move they're jammed in yeah so cleats and everything wider wider wider for sure cleats i mean that's what got your foot right in sema that's good that you had to get shaved off yeah yeah cleats are fucked hopefully somebody can fix that at some point. But Mark, it makes me think, problems, right? If we didn't end up going down the rabbit hole of like Vivo or whatever, I would have assumed everything is cool with my feet. I wouldn't have ever really thought much about my feet because it was going down the rat-a-v vivo, learning more about foot health, doing more things
Starting point is 01:06:06 with the feet, seeing how much dysfunction and lack of control was going on with my feet. Cause like I did BJJ, like I'm barefoot on the mats. I never thought about my feet as being anything or any part of an issue. And as I've worked on it, the reason why I guess I yap so much about it is because it has made such a big difference for me and I've already been doing this shit for a minute like I've been doing jujitsu for seven years I've been lifting I've been on top of the fitness thing but the strengthening of my feet has made already such a big difference for me athletically and it hasn't even been that long that's why I'm like I didn't even realize I had a problem I thought everything was pretty much cool and I'm just out here working on certain weaknesses. But the foot
Starting point is 01:06:48 was such an easy fix, partially because, you know, you don't have to get shoes. You could just start going barefoot in certain places. Shoes just make it easier. But seeing how much of a change has happened with it in terms of going through the growing pains of my feet getting bigger, the tendons getting stronger, all of that, then I think like, wow, if this made a big difference for me, what about the person who this – they weren't even thinking about this in their fucking stratosphere. Like this is the last thing.
Starting point is 01:07:14 It's maybe in the realm for you. Maybe it's in the realm of practicing more nasal breathing. Maybe it's the same realm of like mouth tape. Maybe it's the same idea of even something like protein leveraging. Maybe something as simple as some intermittent fasting these are all things that you introduced into your life that you're like and now cold plunging these are all things that you introduced into your life where you're like they're easy enough easy enough for me to do maybe you didn't have an idea before that exposure to cold was gonna do anything maybe you didn't have an idea before that exposure to cold was going to do anything. Maybe you didn't know.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Or maybe you didn't – like the mouth tape thing seems like a real stretch, right? Yeah. You're like, come on, bro. Tape my mouth? Like do you want me to die? Like that's usually what people say. That's what people say. I got allergies.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Yeah, my nose. I can't breathe out of it. So I agree with you. And I think that it's great it's great that we have, you know, hopefully the people that listen to the show, hopefully they continue to give us more recommendations because we've had, we've had kind of one thing lead to another on the show many, many times. And in bringing on the go to guys and then starting to talk more about functional patterns and starting to kind of open up that whole can of worms on the movement pattern. I think there's like another wave coming in fitness that is a little different than what we've seen in previous years.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I think there's a pretty strong wave. When I was getting like way into it deep when T Nation was a big thing, and then it seemed like there was kind of like another wave with CrossFit, and now it seems like there's a wave. And there a little wave with power lifting a mini a mini wave yeah a little little mini wave came in there and people uh rode that rode that wave for a couple years and power lifting was pretty popular but now you're kind of seeing that fall out of favor a little bit um in and what's replacing it is people just like moving better in the gym. And this is another great thing. It's like maybe people didn't think – like maybe there's some – maybe there's a bunch of people that can squat with full capacity.
Starting point is 01:09:14 They have good range of motion. But maybe because they haven't explored it before, they didn't realize that when they get into like an ATG split squat that they have hardly any strength or they don't have any balance or they have more pain than they thought. And they didn't really realize, fuck man, if I just trained my shin, I trained my tibs, I can maybe get some relief for my knee. So I think there's a lot of cool things going on where it's really good that we're poking around and that we're finding things. And I think on this show, it's really great that we're not afraid to dive into stuff that might be a little different a little bit off yeah and it usually happens we call it like the podcast universe where like shit just it'll kind of circle a couple times and like you
Starting point is 01:09:57 see it once and then it comes back again and it keeps coming back like fuck i can't ignore it at this point so we were already had started wearing, uh, Vivo barefoot shoes. And then the go to guys came in and then I seen how like that whole community, they almost do everything barefoot. So then I was like, Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:10:13 And then I started seeing a lot more Vivo shoes on that whole community. Yeah. So I was like, okay, I'm already on the right path. Um, you know, and then here I am,
Starting point is 01:10:20 uh, I don't even know how many months now, but like where I, that's the only type of shoes I'm going to wear. I'll mess with Vibrams, but, oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Vibrams. I like them. Yeah. It's just, I was thinking about it today. Actually. I was like, I wonder if I wear these in like a commercial gym.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Like what would that be like? Yeah. You're now that guy in that gym. Like people look at you like, what? Oh, he's one of those hippies. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:44 He doesn't do just bicep curls yeah that's so funny you know though like we are kind of as far as the movement space or whatever you know we're behind like we're kind of behind to be like we've started finding out about this but i was watching some videos from ito portal one of his seminars years ago and i was seeing these cats like just doing their movements in vivos and stuff right so like the people that have been like focusing on good body movement and fluidity and mobility they've been on this shit you know as the lifting community we're we're kind of catching up yeah you know but it's cool again i think that there's there's there's things like for example the feet, the breathing. These are pretty simple changes, right?
Starting point is 01:11:27 Just going barefoot in certain places or just wearing more minimal shoes. These are simple changes that in the long run can make big changes for an individual's body. It's like, you know, you read Atomic Habits. You think of what are the keystone habits that allows people to have all these benefits? I'm starting to think that the feet are one of those things, because if your feet can get stronger and you can move better with your feet, levels of dysfunction around your knees and your back and upstream could get better. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:11:56 For a lot of us, we have back pain, so we attack the back. We have knee pain, so we attack the knee. And that's a good thing to do. But if we attack the way that we step and put force into the ground and that area of our body changes, how can we not expect upstream to also change and adjust in tandem and potentially help everything? That's how I think about sleep too. If you can attack your sleep and the way you're breathing in your sleep, think about how much easier your diet's going to be, your recovery, your performance in the gym. Everything else follows suit. A lot of times we hurt our back because something else is like off.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Something else is tight. So when your hips are really tight and or your ankles, when you go to do a squat, you have to give up a lot of position in order to get down lower. And then like what does that look like when you do it with 300 pounds, 400 pounds, 500 pounds? Maybe you get a pass for a while. Maybe your body adapts to it and your body is like, oh, we can do this. But look at our boy Ray Williams. He has had some injuries lately and he's working his way through those. But he's got to put in a lot of work to get that body headed in the right direction again.
Starting point is 01:13:12 And thank God the other day I think I saw him squat like 800. It was fucking easy. Let's go. I love big Ray. Fucking amazing guy. You know, so now he's back on the right track again. But he had to kind of go back and and sort of fix some of these things um so when we're looking at like the feet it's like man the feet are our trackers and if those things are off uh so many other things are going to be yeah look at
Starting point is 01:13:35 this fucking guy what did ray he registered like the highest amount of muscle they ever recorded in history when they did like body fat examination right yeah yeah he has the most lean body mass dude look at the side he's the size of the rack and he looks kind of normal since he's on video but ray in person my god that's so happy too yeah he's got a big old smile yeah we did a did a whole video on Ray Williams and that muscle thing. I think he was about to dance right there, and he cut it out. I was like, I want to see that dance. Show me dance. Oh, what's he doing here?
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah, see, he's got to go back and kind of correct some stuff. So what is that exercise called? I forget what that is, but he's kind of clamping down with the kind of inside hip. The Copenhagen squat. Copenhagen something. Or Copenhagens. Yeah, he's doing those pretty damn good. And he's a big, big boy.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Strong adductors, yo. Sheesh. But, yeah, you know, we'll talk about this probably in another podcast, but kind of leaning into some pain a little bit to fix certain things. Oh, yeah, you know, we'll talk about this probably in another podcast, but kind of leaning into some pain a little bit to fix certain things. Oh, yeah. I think that's, we got to hit that later. But, you know, my wrists have kind of been an issue for me in terms of getting into handstands and stuff. And as I've been looking at Ido Portal's stuff, and I went through this wrist warm-up thing that he had, you know, I was starting to stretch out all these muscles in my forearms
Starting point is 01:15:05 that typically don't get any love like i do a lot of things to strengthen them but i don't do anything to stretch them and if we think about the concept of like okay stretch length and strengthen right um or not stretch smash length and strengthen you know so we we did that stuff with the knees getting strong through length like my wrists same thing it's like stretch that area lengthen that area with different movements and then strengthen that area with different movements like there won't be a limiting factor anymore but initially yesterday that shit was painful putting all my weight on top of my wrist while i was on the ground like gymnasts do that shit easily but that's a capacity that i did not have and it's
Starting point is 01:15:43 going to take me a while to build. But once I do, a lot of things are going to unlock for handstands, handstand walks, all the body weight stuff I'm trying to be able to do. Think about how many things that you guys go over in jujitsu and then how many things you don't go over in jujitsu that people can just do because it's jujitsu, right? Greg Glassman brought this up to me. He said that when you go to gymnastics, there's nobody who's like, all right, we're going to teach you how to do the splits. He's like, somebody recognizes that they're not good at the splits
Starting point is 01:16:16 and they just work on it every day. They're just off in the corner and they're working on it and they're working on it and they're working on it and they're working on it. And eventually, you know, they can now, now can like uh do something that everyone else can now do yeah but for that particular person for whatever reason they had to spend a lot more time on it and it's kind of an unfortunate truth of anything where you're trying to get ahead anything where you're trying to uh be able to get like a nice deep breath of air in in what you're trying to do whether it's getting ahead in business or in life in general.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Sometimes that's the case for a particular individual where they might have to work and put a lot more time into a particular area. Sometimes people are born with tremendous like brilliance. They're just very, very smart. A piano makes sense to them. Sometimes there's people that are six foot eight and they have tremendous athleticism and again that person still has to put the work forward.
Starting point is 01:17:10 There's still a lot to do but maybe they just started off a little further. You can't really look at that and get too disappointed. You got to just say a certain amount of work for me to do and I have to be honest with myself am I actually doing it? And if you're actually doing it then you should be reaping the rewards and if you're not reaping the rewards. And if you're not reaping
Starting point is 01:17:26 the rewards, you're probably not doing enough of it. It's probably that simple. Want to take us on out of here, Andrew? Yeah, absolutely. Do you have anything else in SEMA? No, bro. That's good. Yeah, that's a show. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Please drop us some comments below. Let us know if you're
Starting point is 01:17:42 still wearing the N1 shorts, or let us know when you burn those fuckers and uh yeah we would like to hear from you guys so subscribe if you guys are not subscribed and make sure you guys hit that like button we sincerely appreciate it uh please follow the podcast at mb power project on instagram tiktok and twitter my instagram tiktok and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema where can people find you? And Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. And Seema Inyang on TikTok and Twitter.
Starting point is 01:18:06 The Discord's about to be at 1400. Jesus. Yeah, bro. Yeah, so join the Discord. Link's also in the description. Mark? I slept for like 10 hours
Starting point is 01:18:15 last night. Oh, yeah. So I'll have to do a show. I think I have solved this fucking riddle once and for all. Let's go. I'm being able to sleep.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Oh, blue balls. I'm excited. I know. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness Let's go. Being able to sleep. Oh, blue balls. I'm excited. I know. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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