Mark Bell's Power Project - How We Use Kratom and Substances RESPONSIBLY || MBPP Ep. 779

Episode Date: August 4, 2022

In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about their experience with Mind Bullet, when and why they take it, and things you should be cautious of. Join The Power Proj...ect Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #MindBullet #Kratom #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? Now I want to talk to you guys about Within You Supplements. This is Mark's supplement line. And the amazing thing is Mark used to be 330 pounds. He was a fat guy. So obviously this stuff tastes really damn good. But the another cool thing about Within You Supplements is that none of these products are white labeled.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Now what a lot of people do when they come out with their own supplement lines is they do something called white labeling. And white labeling, all that means is there's a supplement that's already out there. They take off the tag of that supplement. They put their name on it, and now it's their supplement line. Quite literally, there's nothing else like Within You supplements out there because Mark formulated these supplements with other individuals that he knows within the industry, like Joel
Starting point is 00:00:38 Green, who we've had on this podcast. So you guys should check out Within You. We have amazing protein, electrolyte supplements, we have fasting fasting gum and many other things on the website. Andrew, how can they check it out? Yes, that's over at And at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT10 to save 10% off your entire order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Are we rolling on? Yeah, we're rolling now.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I hit record and then I asked that question. But yeah, we can officially get rolling. When did you hit record and then I asked that question. But yeah, we can officially get rolling. When did you hit record? I hit record one minute and 10 seconds ago now. Yeah. And just like I've been recording since we entered the building. Pretty much. The funny thing is that you don't see bodybuilding and powerlifting
Starting point is 00:01:18 quarreling with each other much anymore. That's not a thing. That doesn't happen. Yeah, it used to though, huh? It used to. And everyone used to shit on CrossFit. Sorry, everyone took the words no you're no you're right yeah everyone used to shit on crossfit but now you know no you can't you cannot shit on crossfit you can try but then try to outwork a crossfitter like a real crossfitter yeah so like why though what's the reason the reason is because it appears
Starting point is 00:01:43 like it's worked. It's gotten really good results, right? And I think – For the people that stay safe. Yeah, right, right. Yeah, for the people that fucking make it through. And that's one conjecture that coaches have. It's like, well, if I just fucking kill everybody with programming and have a handful of genetic mutants – The cream for us.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yeah. Have some mutants that can handle it. I mean, the Bulgarians did the same thing. They trained three times a day and they just, they put as many people into Olympic lifting as they could find that were, looked like they were suited for that. That's what the Chinese do too. Yeah. They, yeah, they, yeah, they shove them into it.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And then they're like, look how good our system is. And you're like, I don't know if it's the system or if it's just the fact that people the people that survived are so skilled and probably uh pretty talented and genetically awesome anyway that was darwin white right yeah survival of the fittest hey you know uh this this chong shi guy i think i told you guys he told me that the Chinese weightlifters or the Chinese, how they pick who's going to make it to like the Olympics. This is just an excuse. They poke the butts of young children to see what has more buoyancy to tell like this is good fascia versus this isn't good fascia. I mean, I don't think hey no i'm just
Starting point is 00:03:06 joking but that's i don't put it partially right i think paul saladino he's checking out taints right to see if these diets are working right so i saw lane made a video on it and i didn't i didn't watch it but i just kept i loved uh watching this the faces that lane kept making because he's talking about like saving the children's taints or something like that. And Lane will get pretty animated and stuff, but he literally lost it. He started laughing really hard, and he had to cut it or whatever. But he was just like, who the fuck is measuring these taints? And I'm like, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Mark just asked the same thing today. Seriously. But, yeah, actually, they can't just be measuring kids taints though that can't no it has to be another method i don't know what what is the methodology how are we doing this how are we getting these measurements what are we squaring and what are we uh fucking rounding up yeah when my son was born there was no measuring tape on anything down there so i'm like hmm like i don't know where they get the tank measurements. What the fuck are you doing? My kid,
Starting point is 00:04:05 this sounds like a, who's that conspiracy theorist? Um, Andrew Zaragoza. Oh, okay. Oh, he's the Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Oh yeah. They're measuring the kids. Tanks. I have the documents. I have the documents. They're trying to cover it up. It's a big conspiracy. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Somebody's measuring it. Right. It has to be right now i'm curious about the measurement of my taint like i really want to know how do i score up against people as far as taints are concerned i think it's also like it's a way to tell mammals right like uh apart like in comparison to the females right like as a female is a shorter taint so yeah it's problematic that our taints are shriveling up. I think the idea here is that we're going to end up with like this vortex, like, and then we're going to end up like our taint will shrivel up so much that our balls and our dick will turn into a vagina. I think that's what's happening.
Starting point is 00:04:58 If we're lucky. Oh, man. Could you work out? It's supposed to be all the same kind of material from what I've heard. Could you work out your taint fascia oh that way you can unlock it i mean hey doing squats and doing some pelvic floor work so you can't do it alone and okay that's why and seaman and i are here today i appreciate it guys we're always right here alongside you behind you supportive inside you and yeah whatever way we can be as we as we continue on with the podcast so i have a true
Starting point is 00:05:25 legitimate question because i'm 29 and i don't know i haven't really been paying attention but i hear that as one gets older the the balls continue to just like oh is that happened to you guys i mean you're in different stages but is that something that continues well because i use trt like it does my balls is like you know they're not perpetually growing are they just like peas just like yeah yeah they're not yeah they're not like gigantic no okay yeah I haven't noticed so okay no yeah no even before like test or anything like it was I think fairly normal I was wondering if it's like ear hair that just perpetually it was bad though like ear hair now that's another thing that dude I have spiders growing out of my ears okay it's fucking crazy even my nose too let's just just
Starting point is 00:06:09 wait till you like wake up one day and you're just like god damn dude i got something and then you can actually like go up and like get it with your fingers and be like look check this out i got nose hair i pray that doesn't happen to me that and then they turn gray mine turned gray it's fucked up i know it could be problematic on a hot day. Your ball's getting real big. Getting all big and saggy. You go to step into a truck, and then you sit on your nuts. It's one of those bouncy ball things when you're a kid with that little red thing.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's like you're fucking bouncing around on your own ball. It gets hot. They just turn into silly putty. They're just like, I don't know what to do with this. Yeah. You just juggle them. You know? Or you can use a little ball koozie.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right? Fresh them up. Are those still on Amazon, the ball koozies? Because I do need to purchase one. I think so. I'm going to purchase one right now.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Put your nuts in there? Yeah. Yeah. That'd be great after a cold punch. You're just like chilling with your nuts that'd be a really nice way to chill just on the couch splayed out and you're nuts in a ball koozie ball koozie that's a great invention dude what was your girlfriend doing yesterday with that dog that was so weird she's like walking around your dog like she's holding like a baby she didn't
Starting point is 00:07:20 want it to piss in your gym oh that's why she was holding it mix it up funny yeah a husky would too they'd be like oh this is a nice place let me fuck it up that's what happened i brought ash he saw the chalk bowl in the gym then he pissed on the chalk bowl fucking husky marketer's territory we've learned not to do that again i'm gonna need this chalk should try an ammonia cap on one of those guys see what they think kill the dog they take too much of a sniff bro yeah that's true oh man yeah they got hyper smelliness right actually got capsules over there i have capsules yeah i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a little well that's i mean like to hit you now and later i took a sip yeah i want to hit toss me the capsules we're gonna be talking about some glass we're gonna be talking about i have good hands i have good hands this is heavy
Starting point is 00:08:08 so we're gonna be talking about some mind bullet today here you go bruh come on now okay athletes i thought for sure that was gonna hit him in the nuts my wife like throws something to me it always hits me in the nuts because she throws it at you i know i know it's, what the fuck? Anyway, we're going to be talking about some Mind Bullet today. We're going to talk about some Kratom. I know people have a lot of questions about it all the time. And I was actually talking to a friend of mine that knows quite a bit about it.
Starting point is 00:08:38 We'll have this guy on the podcast. His name is Alex. He is part of a company called Ether. His name is Alex. He is part of a company called Ether. And they make our new tablets that we have that Andrew tried to eat. Yeah. Which is pretty obvious, like, when you put those things in your tongue that they're not edible.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I was kind of on the run. It's like eating grass and dirt at the same time. If grass and dirt were really, really gross. Yeah. I cracked it open, and I'm like, oh, shit, it looks like, I don't know, like chewable vitamins or whatever. I don't know. Chewable something. And I'm just like, oh, sick.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And I took like literally like the first bite and I'm like, I fucked up. Yeah. And so I had to try to wash it down, but it was way too late. So, yeah. Just put on the packaging, not chewable. And so the other part of it was like I had to go tell April like, hey, I'm an idiot. So be careful. There's more people like me, you know, and more people might try to chew on these like my dumb ass did.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And she's just like, why would you do that? But Callie was like, yeah, they do kind of look chewable. And I'm like, see, it's not just me. There you go. So we're R&D-ing stuff. Well well kratom does not taste good nope there's uh it's kind of a hard thing to figure out how to make taste good it just has like a very earthy uh like dirt flavor to it that's pretty strong so some people take it in powder forms and things like that and i think where a lot of the negativity has come on the internet, I think has come from a lot of people taking powders. Um, I've seen videos, especially from years ago where people would blend up these like shakes where they would have
Starting point is 00:10:15 kratom in them, but they would use like grams and grams. They would use like a scooper, like a, uh, like a protein scooper. And they'd be like,, about three of these, and they'd dump it in there. And from some of the stuff I've seen, people would take 10, 20 grams of it. It would be really, really rare for me to have – it would be really rare for me to go above five grams in a particular day. So there's people that are scooping out like four times that amount and doing it every day. How many grams is this?
Starting point is 00:10:46 This guy I think is three. Three grams? Yeah, this guy here, the Mind Bullet extract that we have, the potion. Do you guys put any type of, so is this, is there any type of flavor in here or is this just somewhat extracted? It's an extract and it
Starting point is 00:11:01 has a little bit of oil in it just to kind of make it a liquid thing to kind of get down. But it's an extract and it has uh it has some a little bit of oil in it just to kind of make it you know make it a liquid uh liquid thing to kind of get down but it's gross it's it is gross but it's not gross gross where it's like you take it and you're like oh you know it's it's like pepto-bismol he doesn't explain how much he's putting in here, whoever this guy is. Sorry, I can't credit you, but I just want to show how much honey he puts inside this, this cup.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I know that Kratom tastes good. Just turns it upside down. Let's just add 60 grams of carbs to our Kratom. But then, I mean, just for people to see, like, this is after he makes it.
Starting point is 00:11:41 It's like, look how unsatisfying that looks. That looks gross. I would not take the time out of my day to do that shit he's turning into like a tea and everything anyway i've been using kratom for years i'm a huge fan of it obviously and then we sell it under the under the brand name mind bullet and we have mind bullet capsules now we have tablets and we also have um the mind bullet potion and you guys may have seen Joe Rogan talking about it. You may have seen Tom Segura talking about it and, and they joke about it a lot,
Starting point is 00:12:11 which makes it kind of fun. And you know, one guy I think is like, it's kind of like taking crack or cocaine or I don't know, you know, where those references are like from, or if they're, they're based off of experience.
Starting point is 00:12:24 But I think what they're referring to is the fact that when you take Kratom, you might not really feel like doing a whole lot at a certain time or you may not feel super motivated. But when you do take it, next thing you know, you're in the middle of a workout and you're kind of bouncing off the walls. And you're training really hard and you're doing a lot of stuff. It can make you super talkative you start talking a lot you start talking a little faster uh it can give you some cotton mouth like some other drugs can do not like cocaine speed though like yeah i've never i don't have any experience with cocaine so i don't
Starting point is 00:12:58 know anything about like what that would you know i think when when people say like um like we joke around when something's really really good or it's it's like, dude, this stuff is like crack. We don't really mean that it's going to ruin your life. We just mean it's very good, and it could be addicting. But yeah, it has... As far as, like, the same... It's not even close to, like, actually coke.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It's nowhere near that. My guy knows. Yeah, no, it's a totally different feeling. It's like a safe, warm feeling, not a fucking bouncing... It's a safe, warm feeling. It's a safe, warm feeling. When it comes to an addiction, that's a hard thing to really figure out, hard thing to talk about and to be super honest about. I don't feel like I'm addicted to it, but I like it so much that I do it often. So maybe I am addicted to it. Maybe I'm as addicted to it.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Maybe I'm more addicted to it than caffeine or coffee. So if you're a person that like doesn't want to be addicted to anything ever, then maybe it's not in the different things that I do. Now, I want to point out that like to mitigate negative stressors in my life, I mean one thing I've worked on a lot is just interpretation. That's helped probably the most, first and foremost. Not thinking that a death in the family is always a negative. Condolences to you and your family and your grandmother. Thank you. You know, and reframing your grandmother. Thank you. Um,
Starting point is 00:14:30 you know, and reframing like a lot of stuff that's been really useful. Lifting has been really useful for like negative stress mitigation. Um, running like all these, I got all these different tools, right? However, sometimes it's nice to have a tool that just kind of jumps you ahead. Uh, like, uh, like caffeine, like coffee, like a pre-workout, like a monster energy drink. Some of these things, some of these kind of artificial external things from the outside can then pull me into a different frame of mind, and it can push me into a realm that I otherwise probably wouldn't be able to get into for that particular day or for that particular moment. Mushrooms do the same thing. LSD does the same thing. All these things kind of do the same thing for me. And I try to utilize them as a tool, but I try to utilize them
Starting point is 00:15:16 as a tool appropriately. And appropriately for me means that I'm already in a good frame of mind. I'm already motivated. I don't really need the cup of coffee to go on my morning walk. I don't need the cup of coffee to go run five miles. I was well-rested. I slept. I ate well the night before, followed most of the things that I like to follow. The next morning, I feel good.
Starting point is 00:15:42 I wake up. I go outside. I do some push-ups. I see some sunlight. I wait around for a while. Morning poop hits me, and then I have my coffee. Oh, you have your poop before your coffee? I already – sometimes.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Nice. I'm already like up. I'm already awake. I don't really, quote, unquote, need the coffee, but it's a habit. It might be something. Again, I could be addicted to it. You're addicted, and so am, I could be addicted to it. You're addicted and so am I. I'm addicted to it.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I feel like it helps enhance my life. But I'm already, like I said, I'm already well rested. I'm not utilizing the coffee to try to force myself to be untired. It's just a little spark. Once I have the coffee, now I'm kind of like, fuck yeah. As soon as I'm in my car on my way to go do my walk or run, I'm just a little bit more fired up. I'm thinking a little bit more clearly. I'm listening to a podcast. I'm learning, or I'm walking with my brother or walking with my dad. So these are the ways I like to utilize these things. And there's, there's not a reason I might
Starting point is 00:16:40 wake up in the morning. Um, my body might be kind of tight. I might feel kind of stiff. But I'm not going to reach for kratom first thing in the morning. I'm going to let my body wake up. And I might take a shower. I might go outside and exercise for a few minutes. I might come in here and exercise. Cold plunge. I might do a walk.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I might do a cold plunge. I got all these other resources. So I'm not like, let me hit up a bunch of Kratom and, and, and just keep, be ready to kill the day. I try a lot of different methods. I try a lot of different techniques. And, uh, once sometimes when we get done with a podcast and I'm like, man, I just rather go the fuck home than to go run. I'd rather go home than to, uh, lift. I'm like, you know what? Let me just go in the gym. I'm going to take a little bit of Kratom. I'm going to go in the gym.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I'm just going to do a couple sets. Next thing you know, I do a full workout, and then I go for a fucking run. That's how I like to utilize it. Yeah. You don't want this shit to turn into Popeye's spinach, bro. Like he's getting his ass beat. He's like, I'm going to get some spinach. And then he just fucking blows up, right?
Starting point is 00:17:40 And it's funny that you said the coffee thing because, I mean, we're all somewhat addicted to caffeine. Just be real. I think it's the one substance in the United States and probably all over the world that like everybody is addicted to but we're all OK with. Tea as well. Tea is real popular worldwide. Absolutely. But if you're not getting enough rest, a lot of people use caffeine to be the thing that wakes them up, even though they're not well rested. It's like, do these habits that we talk about all the time, getting good sleep,
Starting point is 00:18:09 working out, all that type of shit so that you feel good already and that everything else just adds on to that. Because it's the same thing with pre-workout, right? Pre-workout is something that a lot of people will use and then they'll start to become dependent on the pre-workout to actually have a good workout. So there were times when I was younger in my early 20s and I'd go to 24-hour fitness and I'd be in the – I'd park. I'd be like, where's my C4? And I'd just be like, look. And then I'd go in and I don't have as good of a workout because I'm in my head that I
Starting point is 00:18:37 needed the C4. That's why I stopped taking pre-workout because I didn't want to have to rely on a substance to actually feel good for whatever I'm about to do. And I look at Kratom in the same way. It's like, I, you know, that's why I'm also happy with the way that we've talked about MindBullet and Kratom because there's so many people on the internet and they've gone, they've gone too wild with it. Let's say that they start taking way too much. They've been grams and grams and grabs and they start, they get addicted and all this wild shit happens. And by the way, substances hit people differently. I know people that one of my homies, one of my homies, Brian, he doesn't drink coffee because he'll have the smallest cup of coffee. And he's like, I'm why he legit can't sleep. And he just feels too wired.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So he's just a guy who's like, coffee's not for me. We can also understand that there are some substances that aren't for everybody. Some people can take a Kratom and it's just like, nope, not for me. Some people can and it's great. I like it because like I've tested myself, right? Because I usually use it before podcasts just because it puts me in a better mood. But there have been times where you haven't podcast at all and then I just don't take it for days. I'm like, I don't feel like I'm fucking itching. I'm not fucking, you know, scratching, trying to get some crate. I'm like, okay, I'm good. I can use it responsibly. But that's the thing. It's like with any substance
Starting point is 00:19:53 you use, coffee, kratom, crack, not crack, weed, anything, you need to make sure you're using it responsibly. And it's not becoming something that you now feel that you need before you do something. Can you go without it for a little bit and still feel OK? All right, cool. Then you just you add it and it just makes things a little bit better. Got to be responsible with this shit. Alcohol is pretty common, right? That people –
Starting point is 00:20:19 I don't fuck with alcohol anymore. Nope. People – they joke a lot about alcohol and alcohol. I mean, I don't want to like, you know, you know, pretend I'm getting on some like higher, uh, you know, soapbox here, but, um, alcohol does kill a lot of people. You know what I mean? It's responsible for a lot of deaths is responsible for a lot of, a lot of destruction, but for some reason, that's a more acceptable thing that people utilize in our society. And so I don't really have a problem with hardly any drugs. I mean, I think that's kind of how we got here in the first place
Starting point is 00:20:50 with a movie like Bigger, Stronger, Faster. I think some drugs can be used to enhance your life, whether we're, again, talking about caffeine. I put them all in the same category. Now, there's different kinds of drugs that can do different things to you. There's different things for you. And there are things that can be really addicting. And I do think that you have to be cautious towards those things because you might get in too deep and it might be hard to get out of that. For me personally, I've never noticed that with kratom. I would actually go as far to say that I'm more addicted to caffeine than I am to kratom. When I don't have kratom, I'm not like down. Like if I don't have caffeine some days, when we did like a month off of it and stuff like that, it's just different. The day is
Starting point is 00:21:37 different. And I even had headaches from not having caffeine before. And I've never noticed that from kratom. Now, is it possible for someone else to get actually addicted to it I think probably yeah as you said many people have different reactions to it but I think what you're going to if you're gonna get addicted to anything you're gonna get addicted to the fact that Kratom makes you feel fucking awesome and that's a feeling that is really easy to get addicted to that's why we always make the joke that will never do I'll I'll never do Coke, you know, because I know people who've done quite a bit of Coke. I know people that take bumps before, you know, they got to hit their day and you feel like
Starting point is 00:22:15 Superman is dangerous, right? Crayton doesn't make me feel like Superman. Like the, the way it makes me feel is it makes me feel very empathetic. It makes me feel like very, if I'm having conversation, I feel really good. I feel like I'm in tune with that person's emotions, et cetera. Like I feel very just warm and cozy. I want to call somebody that's close to me and make sure I tell them I love them. That's how it makes me feel. Don't get high. The one day that we did two potions on air though oh man we were i was fucking gone never do two potions guys and even if okay so there are a lot of people that have been getting their hands on the mind bullet potion you said this is about three grams okay my first suggestion
Starting point is 00:22:57 actually andrew would you like to to walk people through how they should probably come across the mind bullet potion. Well, I mean, cause I, the way I have a pretty, I had a pretty, pretty bad reaction from it, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:10 no, I would say, I mean, also you were sensitive to the amount of it. I am sensitive to it. So like, honestly for me, I would just say like,
Starting point is 00:23:17 try the capsules before you even try the potions. Um, but if you already have the potion, I don't know, try, it's a very small vial and you're going to be like this little tiny thing. And you're going to, when I say try taking a quarter of it to see how you feel, you're
Starting point is 00:23:31 going to be like, this isn't going to do shit. It's like, well, we don't know what it's going to do to you. You don't know what it's going to do to you. And just like, um, well, not just like, but similar to an edible when you already had too much, you kind of can't do anything about it. You just got to ride that wave. That, okay. That's kind of horrible't do anything about it you just got to ride that wave that okay that's kind of edible it's not near no i mean but what i'm saying is like so for me like when i took an entire one uh i started getting sick and there's nothing i could have i can't
Starting point is 00:23:56 you can't go back all right so like my stomach started hurting i ended up throwing up and then after that i felt better but like the whole time leading up to that, I was just like, dude, what's going on here? Like, I don't feel good. I started like feeling like a real clammy and like pale, like just like this isn't good. And so now it's like I just I only take the capsules, but I've never it didn't have a reaction to where I was just like, oh, it's dangerous. It's like, no, I just I took way too much for myself. Yeah. And the capsules, I'll take like two to three, I don't know, like maybe twice a week. Although I haven't taken it in, I don't know, like a week or so.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. I love the way like I get work done on it. I don't necessarily feel anything. But what I do notice is that like I'm less distracted. I'm a little bit more zoned in. You have to focus better. Yeah. I am just, I got that like tunnel vision where I'm in the zone and it's usually a lot harder for me to get into that zone
Starting point is 00:24:49 without it. But that doesn't mean I have to have it because when I'm at home, I don't, I don't have it around me. Actually, you know, that's a lie. I do have some, but it's just not like how, how this one right here, you know, like right in front of me. So like, I just don't take it at home. Not for any like moral purposes or reasons or anything like that. I just don't happen to have it at home. Have you ever used it for pain? I did. Cause when I was first learning about it and then I'd ask you about it, um, you're like, yeah, it should, you know, should definitely give you some pain relief, but I've never felt any pain relief from it. Um,
Starting point is 00:25:23 Did you ever blast a bunch of it just to see? No, no. So the most I have ever done was the one capsule of potion from MindBullet. And then I've taken eight capsules, not at the same time, several times. The potion was just, it hit me very hard. The capsules felt similar to when I would take four. Like it didn't feel like it was like multiplied, you know, it just felt like it was more of this, not even more of the same. It was just felt the
Starting point is 00:25:48 exact same as taking less. So I never taken any more than three at this point now. But, um, for my back pain, I didn't feel it, but it did put me in a good mood. So maybe for that time, I didn't feel it as, as much. So maybe I guess it did help but i would say for me no i've never felt any benefits from back pain i've used it here and there for pain and uh my dad when we were in new jersey he was like a little banged up i don't know just every once in a while his hip yeah uh will bug him and so we're like hey take some kratom he's like it doesn't usually he's like i don't know i don't really feel much of it you. So we gave him a pretty good dosage of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And next thing you know, he was keeping right up with us on our walk. Yeah. I've had a lot of effects like that. One thing I would say is like it's temporary, you know. Like if you have pain, like your pain is coming from somewhere. So it's not going to eliminate pain like a painkiller or a muscle relaxer. Those things don't do anything for your actual pain. They just get you high is what they do.
Starting point is 00:26:48 They put you into a different thing. And kratom might do the same thing. You could kind of argue that it does something similar. But it's not actually like getting you out of pain. It's only getting you out of pain for that moment. So keep that in mind. Like if your ankle hurts and you want to run for the day and you take some kratom and you go run, well, the next day your ankle might hurt even worse. So understand there's a risk to reward ratio on all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And what are you going to do, though? Like, oh, shit, Kratom got rid of my ankle pain. And the second I'm not drinking it or the effects wore off, I got to drink more. So, like, are you really going to be drinking, you know, like 10 Kratom shakes a day or whatever? Just do it every day. Like, obviously, that that's not the answer to mask it. Yeah. My boy's uncle, uh, he had, he's had back pain for years. And if from his shit is more like he was getting older, he didn't really exercise much. It wasn't in his habit to exercise. So he started having some really bad back pain. So I did end up giving him a bottle of this
Starting point is 00:27:44 and he was like doing four or five a day. And he like yeah when i use it i don't i don't pay attention to my pain nearly as much i can get around and do things i think that's where a benefit can be with people in pain because if you're in so much pain that it's debilitating to just get up and do the shit you need to do to potentially help you get out of pain which is probably doing some type of exercise or getting active or getting moving. That's going to be the thing that gets you out of pain. And pain is stopping you from even doing that. This can be a real good benefit.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I'm not saying everybody, but I know I gave it to him. And he was just like, I kind of need to get more of this because like it's helping a lot with my pain. He ended up getting surgery later and he's not in as much pain now. He still uses it, but that's the thing. It wasn't, it, it helped him to get the momentum going so he could start doing some shit. Cause some people they're just sitting around because they're in pain and that sucks. I remember you mentioning like ibuprofen, like it got you through some soccer workouts and
Starting point is 00:28:37 things like that back in the day. That was bad. And maybe, and maybe it wasn't a, maybe, maybe it wasn't a great idea to do that. Uh, but it did keep you active to be able to be in the starting lineup, right? Like it allowed you to continue to play. So I think sometimes some of these things, it could just like bridge the gap. But you'll still have to fix whatever the actual problem is. Absolutely. I've heard some people say they've taken it for things like anxiety. Again, it's not going to rid you of anxiety.
Starting point is 00:29:02 You're not going to take it and have this like, it doesn't work the way a psychedelic might work. A psychedelic might take you into an experience that may crush your depression. It may crush your anxiety. You may have such an experience there that you learn something to where you're like, yeah, man, I probably do need to chill the fuck out. That was actually really interesting. Those mushrooms showed me something really dope. That's how people are utilizing some of those plant medicines. But Kratom doesn't do that for you.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Kratom might put those things on the back burner for a moment. But you're still going to have to do the work to rid yourself of the anxiety or to fix your ankle pain or to fix your back pain or whatever the thing is that's really bothering you. Pararodic family, how's it going? Now, we love these fucking legendary tasty pastries. Love them. And you already know how good they are, but I want a hot tip for you. I want to give you a hot tip.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Number one. Hot, hot heat. When you eat these things, 20 grams of protein, 5 grams of net carbs, put it in the microwave for 15 seconds. All right. We talked about how it can fit any single diet because it's high protein, very low carb. But if you put it in the microwave for 15 seconds my fucking god it will it will melt in your mouth i highly suggest you could do this with any flavor but if you can get your hands on the hot
Starting point is 00:30:14 fudge sundae oh baby andrew you're the one who put me on this shit man yes seriously you guys have to try this but please do not microwave it for more than 15 seconds because the inside turns nuclear but to me this tastes like an old school chocolate donut for some reason when you microwave it it completely changes the flavor and it changes it for the better but you guys got to head over to eat and at checkout enter promo code power project to save 20 off your entire order again that's at eat links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes let's get back to this podcast i got a question for you guys um number one is what do you guys consider what do you guys consider like being high and also what uh like because people are like does it make you high? And I think, I mean, I don't really, I've never smoked marijuana.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So that's kind of the first thing people think about. You got to experience that. When they think about being high, right? But I kind of consider all kinds of stuff being high. I mean, there's like a runner's high, right? There's a high from a workout. There's a high, like, I don't know if you guys ever had this happen. I think you have because you drank one beer and and you get naked but uh like you ever just like go to like a buddy's house
Starting point is 00:31:31 and you're up all night and you start talking you start laughing hysterically like to me that's like a little bit of like a feeling of uh yeah you ever just touch your buddy's dick yeah you just start stroking and stroking y'all just having fun. Then all this stuff squirts out all over the place. Exactly. Just like two dudes just having fun. Just having a great time measuring each other's taints. We have to do that next. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Nothing weird about it. That shit happens, right? But I think, you know, you can kind of put being high in like all kinds of different categories, but maybe other people categorize it differently. I think alcohol kind of feels that way. I know alcohol is more of like a downer, but even like caffeine sometimes hits me and I'm like, whoa, like that really sent me to the fucking moon.
Starting point is 00:32:12 So what do you guys think? Like being high is. Oh man, that's, that's hard because when I had, I had a thought, but then when you were talking about like a runner's high or like the, the high you get when you haven't seen like a relative in a really long time,
Starting point is 00:32:24 you're just like, oh shit. And you can't stop yelling at each other and you're trying to catch up yes like you can't stop smiling at all yeah so like that's a little bit different um than what where my head was going because now i'm thinking like i feel high after i get out of the cold plunge like i'm in such a much better mood we were high from the breath work and yes and that video just got posted on the stl6 channel go go watch that shit and that's like a literal thing right don't people believe that you get high from that oxygen uh co2 exchange yeah yeah i was i was pretty high this morning then because like i i did it and i was seeing many multiple colors and it was it was fun like it
Starting point is 00:33:01 was literally a trip drug addict bro yeah well i don't do it that often because it's kind of hard in the house. But on the days where I don't go to the gym early, I will get breath work in and for sure cold plunge in. Cold plunge was cold today. But anyway, what I was saying was I was thinking that when you smoke weed or even when you drink, when it kind of changes your personality, then that's when you're like too high. You know, when your decision making is impaired or like, I don't know, the person you're with is just like confused at the things you're saying and the actions that you're taking. So that's kind of where I was going with it initially in my head. And then when you talked about different types of high, it kind of crushed that because, you know, when i get high out of doing breath work i i do feel good
Starting point is 00:33:46 i feel different and i am more grateful and appreciative but that doesn't change like my personality or anything so there's uh i would just say that there's different types of high then maybe while in sema shares with us what his uh definition of it is maybe you can look it up too and we can kind of try to figure out what we can find. Yeah, it's really interesting, man. Because like, for example, weed, which I don't use a crazy amount of. But when I smoke weed, it doesn't necessarily change who I am, but it changes like how I – actually, I guess it does change how, who I am a little bit because I become way more open as in, you know, conversation with my girlfriend or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I just become way more open. But the one thing I do notice, and when I smoke weed, I'm, I'm a lightweight with everything. So with weed, it's just a little bit, but it hits.
Starting point is 00:34:43 What I noticed is that like if i were to go to jujitsu which i've done before um i have to pay a little bit more attention to my breathing until i really get into it then i can like i'm loose and then i can flow some people perpetually roll high when they do jujitsu that's a big thing within the jujitsu community rolling high um they actually have a tournament that's like high rollers or something we're like yeah all the competitors are actually pretty fucking high that's awesome yeah yeah great like they test people like you're not high enough bro so yeah no it's like everyone's high at that tournament um but i and i've done workouts why before but it's like you got to be
Starting point is 00:35:21 careful when doing that because it really physically i, I don't feel as – like I could get into a flow state. Let's put it that way. Now, the funny thing is like with Kratom, when I've – sometimes I can get into a flow state with jujitsu because it's something where it's second nature. A lot of that stuff is second nature. I don't need to think. So once I start rolling, once I'm just loose and I'm not thinking, bam, I'm in. think. So once I start rolling, once I'm just loose and I'm not thinking, bam, I'm in. Now, what I used to do often is I used to use a little bit of Kratom before because I noticed that I can get into that state just a lot quicker. And there was a point where I was like, oh, okay, well,
Starting point is 00:35:55 now I'm starting to use it too much before doing jujitsu. I need to start not using as much so I can still get into that state without it. But I have used it before tournaments too as just like to help me kind of get into that state because I feel in full control, my breathing's in control. It doesn't get me high to a place where like I don't feel like I have control over my bodily functions. Everything actually just feels enhanced. And that is a dangerous place to be because it feels too good, right? So yeah, no no i don't feel high in that sense with kratom but i do feel better now psilocybin is different because i've also i would compare kratom in terms of the feeling versus weed and psilocybin low doses of psilocybin i kind of feel kind of similar in terms
Starting point is 00:36:42 of just the way i feel in terms of like happy, grateful, empathetic, floating a bit. Like kratom and low-dose psilocybin for me are somewhat similar. It's not the same exact feeling. But what I end up doing and feeling and getting out of it is somewhat similar. Weed is not the same. Weed is not the same as those two things. And I can – when I smoke, like that, that to me is like high, high. Like I said, low-dose psilocybin, though.
Starting point is 00:37:08 High-dose psilocybin, fuck, that shit. Shit's a different thing. What about THC? Is THC? It's weed. It's marijuana. So I've had a little bit of that before, and that's been interesting. I remember one day I just like passed out on my couch,
Starting point is 00:37:23 and I like woke up and my neck was all like, I was just in like this weird position that like my body, like, you know, when your son falls asleep and his like neck looks broken, you're like, dude, like, is he okay? You want to wake him up? You know, I was sleeping like that. And I was like, what the fuck is wrong with me? Yeah. And I started to kind of move and the room was weird and my wife was talking and everything was funny to me and i'm like i need to get out of here because everyone's gonna know what's up they're gonna know i'm high that's so that's what i mean like you know you're you would you would
Starting point is 00:37:53 not normally just be giggling when your wife's trying to have like not a serious but she's just talking normal and you're just like you're hilarious like wait no you're like this is just you but um the the best definition i could find was on actually Urban Dictionary. And it's being high. Your body becomes physically more aware. It feels everything in altitude. Your mind is apart from your physical aspect and you lose yourself. You cannot control your mind from its never ending thoughts.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Both these events take place and makes your world that much different. You are high. So everything else is kind of like weird. It wouldn't give me any. I like that. You can't control your never-ending thoughts. I think that a lot of times we think that we're in control of those. And probably when you're high, you're like, just let them come.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Let it happen. The funny thing is, I can't wait for you to smoke. Because when, at least this is my, I feel like maybe people get different things from weed but like when i smoke um it's like the the you know the never-ending thoughts you have it's turned up and it's like whoa like really never-ending and you're just cool with it you know i mean and that's where like that's why for me the creativity thing comes in because if i then focus on something that i'm trying to be creative with my never-ending thoughts like it'll spiral into, Oh, this is cool. This is different. This is right. That's, that's why it's really good for me with creativity. Um, and that, yeah, it's, it's pretty interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Would you say your never ending thoughts when you're not high, maybe can spiral, you're not a negative person at all but like can they spiral more negative when you're like if you're high they're probably more positive right they're probably more no no no no when i'm when i'm like when i'm not high my typically not really that negative like i'll have negative thoughts but it doesn't like affect me like when i am high that shit could spiral in the very like a little anxious anxiety yeah yeah you could definitely head there and then you just direct yourself out of it but it absolutely trends there often when when i smoke you know what i mean like and that's not always a bad thing but it's probably
Starting point is 00:39:54 yeah it's probably a good thing because then you're kind of i don't know just aware and then you'll you'll uh you'll jog yourself through that right you'll work yourself through that, right? You'll work yourself through that process. I've heard Rogan talking about how his drugs of choice are ones that freak him the fuck out. That's what he likes. He likes being put in a compromised position. Man, I blasted a lot of fucking mushrooms, man. I don't know what the fuck
Starting point is 00:40:18 to think of anything anymore. And that's pretty amazing for a guy that whatever, made $300 million or whatever, right? To really question what he's doing, why he's here, all that shit, right? Just take his ego and just fucking throw it on the ground and just roll it out there for everybody to see, right? Yeah. It makes – I mean honestly like it makes – there are aspects where you'll start thinking of things that you haven't thought of before. Like for example, my grandma, right? are aspects where it'll you'll start thinking of things that you haven't thought of before like for
Starting point is 00:40:45 example my grandma right um there was a few weeks ago where i was just like you know i did get a little high and i was like damn you you know she's getting there you're not seeing her as much as you need to be right now you're not trying to talk to her as much as you need to you may be saying you're busy with work but you need to go fucking talk to your grandma because she won't be here much longer so i did and I started actually doing that more. And I'm very thankful that that happened. But my thoughts, when I'm just chilling, I usually have a focus. Like this is my routine.
Starting point is 00:41:14 This is the way my day goes. These are the things I have to get done. Very, very structured. And although that's a good thing, there has to be something you can do. And you don't need drugs for this. But something has to sometimes get you out of that structure so you can start thinking in different ways and different patterns to deal with things that you probably should deal with it's really tough to put yourself in somebody else's shoes and it's we sometimes don't think that we have
Starting point is 00:41:40 time for that kind of thing yeah but if you're like i wonder what would it be like to be my significant other and uh have to deal with me leaving my socks on the ground or me like thinking about all but like if you're if you're taken into like a heightened state if you're high it's easier to probably be honest with that stuff whereas if you're not high you're like i'm badass motherfucker i do some pretty cool, so she'll just have to deal with it. And like it. And like it. That's right. But you know, guys, I think, number one, there's an aspect of all of this.
Starting point is 00:42:16 When we use Kratom and when we use substances, we're very self-aware. You know, with any substance, this is something that happens with alcohol and alcoholism, right? People start drinking a little bit. This shit does taste horrible, right? But you drink it because the way it makes you feel. And because of that, you just go down this spiral and it ends up becoming something that could be really bad for you because you're not paying attention to what's happening to you, right? We're all very self-aware about how we use these different substances, substances that some people would be like, oh, that's dangerous. That's horrible. We're not using it perpetually all the time.
Starting point is 00:42:49 We're not becoming addicted. But when you hear some of these horror stories about Kratom, alcohol, blah, blah, blah, there has to be some onus on the user like, were you using this responsibly? This shit isn't just stuff that you down every day and not think about with intention. Some people just like smoke weed and go party. That's their habit. Drink alcohol, go party, right? That's cool, but like it might not end up being that good for you in the long run. I know when I use this, when I smoke, when I use shrooms, et cetera, there's always an intention when these things are being done it's not just used so i can party and feel good i'm not saying there's anything wrong with partying and feeling good i'm not trying to do that but when it's always when any of these substances just use so that you can
Starting point is 00:43:35 escape that's where it can be really dangerous because then when you're perpetually trying to escape your reality with a substance then then that can lead to a form of addiction. And then you're like, Kratom fucked me up. It might not have been the Kratom. It might have been you. I like a lot of what Paul Saladino was saying on yesterday's podcast when he was talking about alcohol. And, you know, Paul can talk, you know, a lot about plastics in our food and mainly eating meat and fruit. And he can get dogmatic here and there about certain topics. But when it came to alcohol, he kind of will lay it out to you and say, look, there's not really a lot of room for this.
Starting point is 00:44:18 It's toxic. However, we've been using alcohol for a really long time a really really long time and people enjoy it people like it people dig it but his main point i really liked it it was you don't necessarily need that to have a good time you don't need that to go and act and to be uh to have fun socially like don't don't use it as a crutch that way and um i don't want to place judgment on people that drink but i have seen in a lot of cases with people that drink often that they don't get a lot of the stuff done that they want to get done and they kind of continue to sweep things under the rug and they kind of keep choosing that lifestyle now you could say
Starting point is 00:45:02 the same thing sometimes with marijuana oh yeah, yeah. Because it like freezes people, right? Like if they're getting blasted all the time, then they're not going to get around to the shit that they need to do. So abusing some of these substances is where you really get yourself into a lot of trouble. And we see the same thing with with anabolic steroids or performance enhancing drugs. Seems like little bit, does some pretty cool stuff for a lot of people. It doesn't appear like there's a lot of negative side effects. It looks like the risk to reward can be identified by each individual person on what they feel would be best for them and whether they think that leap into that realm would be a good idea or not. But, man, when you abuse them, like we got a lot of dead bodybuilders, right? We got a lot of people that have died very young and we could say, well, you know, people just,
Starting point is 00:45:51 you know, sometimes people just die. But there's like a lot of bodybuilders that have died, especially recently where you're just like, something's going on. There's something that's unsafe about being 300 pounds and being completely jacked and abusing some of these drugs. So trying to utilize these things in a sensible way, whether it's kratom, whether it's caffeine. I mean, we do it all the time. We're like, man, I think I need to back off if I can. I had three monsters the last three days in a row. Like, I think I need to back it off a bit.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah. Because I also had a caveman coffee on the way in and 300 milligrams you know what i mean and luckily for us like we're we luckily for us we like our routine and uh all three of us are kind of homebodies like we're a bunch of we're really a bunch of pussies the three of us we don't we don't go we don't really like to go anywhere too much or like we like our routine right and so for us it actually is great because alcohol too much of that or too much caffeine will throw us off our normal routine and then we're like i didn't sleep
Starting point is 00:46:56 very good yesterday and we're crying about that right we all yeah we yeah i hate getting thrown off the routine that's why you know that's one thing about alcohol that i could never understand after i had one like my first hangover i was just like people have these dude on a hangover fuck that right like people have this on a weekly basis on a weekend they wake up and they feel like shit and they do it again what i mean i would have thought that that was to turn enough not to drink heavily but it's not for some people i'll say that i took some painkillers years ago and like i i legitimately needed them i don't know when it was i don't know if it's when
Starting point is 00:47:37 i fell with 1085 or when it was it was it was it must have been years and years ago because my oldest brother was still alive yeah i had something happen where shit fucking hurt bad i had to go to one of the guys in the gym be like dude i need something because like i can't walk or whatever it was took the painkillers for just a couple days i told the guy i'm like i i'm gonna get these like i just want a couple of them because i need to bridge the gap for a few days because I've taken them in the past and it was the same thing I took like three or four of them over the course of several days yeah and everything was fine and I said don't let me come back for these you know that kind of stuff and uh so I took them and I remember like the next, being like agitated and being like being angry.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And I told my brother, Mike, I'm like, dude, I'm like, I'm so pissed. You know, I'm taking this Percocet or I can't remember the fuck what it was, whatever the popular painkiller was at the time. And I was like, it's really making me agitated. He's like, I think it's in our blood. He's like, I think you're an addict just like me. He's like, the only thing that cures that is to do it again. And I was like, that's what happens with alcohol for some people. Like they'll have a hangover and like the solution to the hangover is like, bam, just take another one.
Starting point is 00:48:59 There's a nickname for that. It's kind of like our thing with caffeine. Like the solution for it is boom get another one no because i know people that i know i knew someone who was like an alcoholic and like her thing was like yeah i gotta drink a little bit more so i don't i'm not you know i don't have this hangover i'm like you sure you want to okay all right but you don't have a problem okay all right i just got to get through this bottle and then we'll actually have a problem? Okay. All right. I just got to get through this bottle. We'll actually have a case in the cellar too. I need to get rid of that.
Starting point is 00:49:30 But once I'm through those, then I'm going to be all good to go. You're not an alcoholic. Not sure. In terms of safety, like some of these drugs, like if you watch, I think it was Magic Mushroom. I can't remember the name of the movie, but there was a movie specifically on mushrooms, and they talked about the safety of mushrooms. And look, again, you can overdo anything, and like it's – you can reference people, and you can be like, yeah, that guy like somewhere along the line, that guy lost his mind. I don't know if he did too many psychedelics or if he did too many mushrooms or too much LSD or smoked too much. We know guys that smoke too much pot.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And you're like, that guy ain't all there anymore, man. Like he was. He was fine. He was high a little bit here and there. Now he's like, now he seems fucked, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We've seen that happen to people. And so you do need to be cautious.
Starting point is 00:50:25 seen that happen to people and so you do need to be cautious um but what they said in the magic mushroom movie was there's no case there's no instance of somebody taking this and like dying from it but i don't want that to be like the marker of like that it's not dangerous because like death is death is a pretty big uh a pretty big thing when it comes to kratom the only deaths i'm aware of that have happened directly from it which is always a tough thing to prove uh is from people taking the powder and they were trying to dry scoop the powder which you can't do because it's not water soluble it's like uh cinnamon like that shit like it so people would take it and they coughed and choked and died that way. So that's definitely something that you don't want to mess with. The reason why I talked about being high is because I don't necessarily view being high as being a bad thing. So like I just, that's up to each person's interpretation. Again, you can kind of, is that helpful? Is it hurtful
Starting point is 00:51:22 to you in your personal life to be a little bit high here and there? Maybe it's detrimental. Maybe you're a doctor. Maybe you're not in a position to like ever fuck with that stuff. Yeah. Except for maybe when you have some downtime or something like that. So those are all things to kind of think about. But kratom is, it's in a category of opioids. So it's important to know, like it can be
Starting point is 00:51:47 really powerful. Now, I would say that opioids, like, I feel like I have a fairly open mind. So I think that cocaine from a cocaine leaf, I think was put on this earth for a reason. I think that these things are here for a reason. I think they're plant medicines and I would put mushrooms in the same category as caffeine when it comes to that. However, we have fucked everything up in this world. Poppy seeds and stuff like that. Opioids, where they come from. You know, I might be misspeaking on some of this since I don't know all the information on it, but I think that these things are here for a reason. I think they can be really helpful. Like have people used opioids responsibly in the past,
Starting point is 00:52:31 hundreds of years ago? Have Native Americans done that? Have other people, other cultures probably done that? Probably so. They're probably like, yeah, man, I chew on these leaves and it made me feel great. I was able to get all this work done. I was able to kill a buffalo
Starting point is 00:52:47 and I was able to do all these things. And so I think a lot of these things are great, but we have adulterated everything. We have kind of ruined everything by making things way stronger, by making things for monetary gain. A lot of the Kratom products that are out there, you don't know what's in them. A lot of times people are putting like a lot of caffeine in them to give you a different kind of boost.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Yeah. They might even be putting other stuff in there to give you a kind of boost. In talking to some people that I know in the industry, they're like, yeah, man, it's a, the supplement industry alone can be really fucked up. I mean, you can go on Amazon and buy something and try to get a reputable company. You can order something that's bottled and looks the same as the company that you're going for. Let's say you're going for something from like Jero or something like that, like a company where you're like, yeah, they've been around a long time. Like that's pretty reputable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:47 There's people that are ripping that shit off. Like using the tag and. Using everything. It looks exactly the same. They can't be busted fast enough. So you don't know what you're getting. Most likely there's probably not anything dangerous in there, but you're not getting, you're not getting what you wanted. You're not getting what you asked for.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Yeah. That's, that's an iffy thing. When you were talking about like these, like even the cocaine leaf, if it was called the cocaine leaf, what I think is a dangerous thought. Years ago when I smoked weed the first few times, there was this thought that popped into my head where I'm like, wow, if only I could think like this all the time. You know how cool things would be if you could just think like this all the time? And then for about a few weeks, I was just smoking a little bit every day. And I was like, huh, this isn't good for me. This is very bad for me. I need to taper this back. I need to use this as something to like, because what it had helped me with was to be more open, to loosen up a little bit because I'm kind of a tight ass dude, right? I'm a little bit rigid.
Starting point is 00:54:49 It helped me not be as rigid. And I took that into my normal day to day when not on the substance. I think that's how like we should. First off, if you ever have the thought of like, I wish I could be like this all the time. Understand that thought. That's cool. Now, don't don't use that thought as an excuse to start like this all the time. Understand that thought. That's cool. Now, don't use that thought as an excuse to start doing this all the time perpetually because you don't want it to be that now when you're not on substances, you don't feel like you're good enough. Just like Paul was saying when we were podcasting with him, like a lot of times when people drink, it's like it's social lubricant.
Starting point is 00:55:21 It's something that you feel better when you're a little tipsy, right? You feel like you can talk with people better, right? But you should want to be able to do that without anything. You should be good enough with who you are. And these substances can help you do that a bit when you're on them. But then you can literally take that and when you're not on this, you can still be that same person, right? It's dangerous to go down the rabbit hole of like, I'm better. I'm a better me when I'm smoking weed or I'm a better me when I'm using Kratom.
Starting point is 00:55:52 You're not a better you, right? You're just using something that's helping you think in a little bit of a different way. Now take that thought process and help have that be something you do in your daily life. I love it. For me personally, I usually take about a third of the Mind Bullet potion, and you'll see them. They're all over Super Training. They're all over my car.
Starting point is 00:56:12 They're everywhere where I got little things of them, like leftover. I've taken some of your leftovers before. I've gone to the gym today. Yeah, they're just sitting around. Because, again, I haven't noticed a huge difference off of taking a lot of it other than just being like kind of high and loopy. And I'm like, ah, that's like, I don't, I don't need to be sent off into outer space. It's nice to be up in the clouds and get a different vantage point for things, but I
Starting point is 00:56:41 don't need to go to the, to fucking Mars, you know? So I try to take it and what I would consider for me to be a reasonable dose. Keep in mind, I have been doing it for a few years in terms of negative side effects. I have not seen a negative side effect in any blood work that I've had. Um, however, uh, my blood work might be, uh, like this or that from a handful of things. I have been using testosterone for quite some time, and so some of that might alter things. Some of the things I do with my diet might alter things.
Starting point is 00:57:15 So it's kind of hard to tell. Did anything specifically come from the usage of Kratom? I haven't noticed like erratic breathing. I utilize Kratom a lot before I go and run. I haven't noticed like erratic breathing you know i utilize kratom a lot before i go and run i haven't noticed anything with that um in terms of like heart rate i don't really track my heart rate a lot and not certainly not very accurately because if i do it's only through the watch i don't have like the heart rate monitor chest piece on which is can be about 10 beats different sometimes um but i again i haven't i haven't like looked at like a run and been like oh my god like it was you know considerably you know off it was
Starting point is 00:57:54 like 180 but normally my heart rate is like you know 150 or something like that so i personally haven't noticed anything like that but you've noticed some differences in your heart rate variability, right? Yeah. So the thing is, is like before podcasts, my habit was literally to down a full potion, right? And that was like three or four times a week I would down a full potion. Again, I did have instances where I wasn't using it or using Kratom at all and I was good. So it's not like I felt like I needed Kratom, but I would use a full potion. So when I started wearing my aura ring, it tracks your HRV perpetually. And there was a
Starting point is 00:58:30 few times where we weren't podcasting at all. So I didn't, wasn't using any Kratom. And when I was using Kratom or not Kratom specifically, but when I was downing a full potion on those nights, I would have low HRV and you don't want a low HRV. That that's a sign that you're not as recovered apparently. Um, so my HRV was like 20 to 30 and I was like, you want a higher HRV. You want to be like 60 to a hundred or potentially more. And I was like, damn, I feel fine, but why is my HRV low? So, and I noticed like when we weren't podcasting, like when you would go on vacation or whatever and I wasn't using it, my HRV would pop up. I was like, OK, OK, let me test this out.
Starting point is 00:59:09 So another day I downed a potion that that night I had low HRV, even though I didn't work out and I was well recovered. So I was like, OK, I lowered the dosage of the amount of potion I was using. So now I only do like a fourth to a third. OK, and I've been good. But that's because you keep the dosage low. At least that's what happened for me. What is HRV? Can you explain that a little bit? Heart rate variability is the millisecond beat, like your heart beats, but it's the milliseconds from beat to beat, right? So if your HRV is low, what it's a sign of is that you are
Starting point is 00:59:40 in a more sympathetic state, meaning that you could be calm, but if something happens, you're more likely to be on edge at something happening. And if you have a higher HRV, you're more likely to be able to handle stress and come right back to normal quicker. That's what they've noticed with heart rate variability. So you want your heart rate variability to be high.
Starting point is 01:00:01 It's also a sign like the Oura Ring, the eight sleep mattress. If your HRV is low, it could be a sign that you need to maybe rest a little bit today or not work out as hard. Is it measuring from like one heartbeat to the next or is it measuring like kind of your highest heart rate of the day and your lowest heart rate of the day? One heart rate to the next because when I look at how it tracks on the Oura Ring, it's like perpetually tracking your HRV every single hour. So it millisecond the millisecond average from beat to beat so you don't want to have a 20 hrv or 30 hrv apparently that's a sign that you need to rest a little bit more because you want you want a few more spaces or millisecond spaces between beats i
Starting point is 01:00:40 understand like if you didn't sleep like if you just didn't sleep at all your reaction to something would be you're gonna be in a register being more stressed if you get if you get. Like if you didn't sleep, like if you just didn't sleep at all, your reaction to something would be, you're going to be in a register being more stressed. If you get, if you get bad rest, if you get bad sleep, you're going to have low HRV. If you work out really, really, really hard and you don't give yourself enough, like you don't give yourself recovery well for the next day, it's low HRV is a sign that you need to recover. Right. Um, but I was noticing that even on days I wasn't, but if I did too much of this, my HRV would be low. So that's why I don't, I used to do full potions. Now I do the potion takes me like three days to finish if I'm going to do a potion and
Starting point is 01:01:13 I, I like them. I like the way this feels and this, like this lasts a little bit longer. I thought the capsules don't last longer, but I feel it. They take a little longer to hit, to hit me. Yeah. The potions hit you faster, but I don't But I do a third and I'm good now. So that's the thing. It's like I didn't even realize that it was too much.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I felt fine. I didn't feel anything too wild. But it just, I'm doing a third of the potion now whenever I take it. And the capsules can be fairly safe because you can like literally dibby out the exact amount that you want. Yeah. You can just take, you can be like, I'm going to take one now. And if I feel like I need more later, I can do it later. And sometimes you don't.
Starting point is 01:01:50 And sometimes maybe you feel like you do. Yeah. Now my ex, like she, like one capsule for her, she'd feel it. So this is one thing you got to realize. Like some people you'll feel it more than other people. I don't really feel much one capsule. I'll usually take three capsules and then I feel it and it's good. And, uh, in terms of tolerance, I've had a lot of questions about that as well. And people are like, Oh, I, you know, I don't want to get into a thing where I
Starting point is 01:02:11 need to take more and more. I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's hard because people don't really, they don't specifically research kratom. Yeah. In my experience, I haven't noticed a need for more and more of it. Uh, So if people are experiencing that, that could be an individual thing. It also could just be your mind that's kind of telling you you need more and more of it. I personally haven't noticed that. I agree with you because I've been using Kratom for years now. And I haven't, you know, I used to use potions years ago too. We would be using a lot at this point.
Starting point is 01:02:44 We've been using it for a long time. Yeah, I'm using it for years. And if my tolerance was going up, I'd be having to down two potions before a podcast. But the funny thing is like, because again, I would down a potion before. It always feels the same. It never felt like, oh, this doesn't hit the same. It always hit the same. And again, this is anecdotal.
Starting point is 01:03:04 This is me. You feel the same. It always hit the same. And again, this is anecdotal. This is me. You feel the same thing. There might be some people out there who feel like they need more or feel like they build a tolerance. I haven't felt that, which is a very interesting thing because you build a tolerance with caffeine, right? Or you build a... I would say that if you take it and you don't feel anything, that's a good start. Some people are like, oh man, I took it and I didn't feel anything, that's a good start. Yes. Like some people are like, oh, man, I took it and I didn't feel anything. Like actually, that's great. You're like, oh, I took two capsules.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I didn't feel much. That's a great place to start. You want to feel something? Try three capsules. Also, I think sometimes if you take it pre-workout, you might have to pay attention to when you took it. For me, like Kratom doesn't normally really hit me until about like 20 30 minutes even the potion takes about it's about 15 20 minutes for it to actually hit me and i'll be on a walk and
Starting point is 01:03:52 i'll be like what is that and i'll be like oh that's kratom there we go i'm gonna text andrew and sema fuck with them see what's up and again the only way you can describe it man is just like a better mood that's all it's not you know it's not it doesn't feel like a drug drug because you're just not better mood with alcohol you start to feel like yeah you start mushrooms is like is a literal trip yeah high dose mushrooms yeah here we go yeah like strap in because it's gonna be be arrived. Yeah. Put your helmet on. The visuals start to happen. Things start. We're like, we're here.
Starting point is 01:04:27 We've arrived. You know? So. That's awesome. Works really good for fasting too. We've mentioned that on the show before, but it does, for me, it's made fasting a lot easier. I think other people will find it will do the same for them. Want to take us on out of here, Andrew?
Starting point is 01:04:43 Sure thing. Tell them where they can get to MindBullet. Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. If you guys want to dip your toe into some MindBullet, head over to and at checkout enter promo code POWERPROJECT to save a certain amount of money. Don't dip your toe in. Dip your whole taint in that shit.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Let's go. Dip your whole taint in that shit. Let's go. A whole taint in a quarter of a potion. Just to be safe. have you ever tried uh pouring down your ass like maybe grab a spigot and then drink it but no no no literally just butt chug it like you know how people do that beer of my own butt like yeah like pour it and here put a spigot and pour a potion yeah i could i could figure that out yeah i wonder if it hits you fast it would fuck you up probably yeah Are there certain drugs that they hit you faster if you take them through the ass?
Starting point is 01:05:27 Yeah. There's like the, what is it? The blood brain barrier or some shit like that. It just gets in your bloodstream way quicker because. The butthole brain barrier. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.. I'm not going to do system to get into your system i think i took the cap off of this and put it oh yeah that would work great and then i have to do a handstand on the wall just shake it up a little bit yeah do that little twerk we're gonna come into the gym and mark's just gonna be practicing his handstands the whole time like just like mark you're really i'm gonna i'm gonna conquer this handstand push-up shit oh really it's because and then he starts doing handstand push-up shit oh really it's because and then he starts doing handstand push-ups you're like what the fuck what happened to you mark it's like
Starting point is 01:06:08 mind-blowing works every time all right anyway uh please drop us some comments down below and like today's video and subscribe if you guys are not subscribed right here on the youtubes and if you're on the itunes i would sincerely appreciate some reviews we would uh really really be grateful for that but um yeah and uh please follow the podcast at MBPowerProject on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZNCMO. Where you at? I think I cut Andrew off before he was able to give the code. Code Power Project.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Code Power Project. It's in the description and everything else. But join the Discord. We're almost at 2,000 people in there and counting. So join there. Join the Discord. We're almost at 2,000 people in there and counting. So join there. And like Andrew said, hey, yo, leave some reviews on Spotify and Apple if you guys are digging the podcast because we have been climbing these charts like Tarzan.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Is Tarzan swinging? No? Climbing monkey? He swings. Hey, yo, we've been climbing these charts and those reviews help. Climbing like King Kong because he climbs up. That's racist. No, I'm joking.
Starting point is 01:07:04 How could it be racist? It's only racist if you think of it like that. It's not racist. He's a monkey. I haven't seen any on Instagram or YouTube. I haven't seen anything on TikTok and Twitter. Mark. Is King Kong a monkey? He's a gorilla. He's a gorilla, right? Is that a different category? Is it an ape?
Starting point is 01:07:20 Isn't it? What did you just call me? It's like, no, no, no. You were looking at me when you said it you weren't looking at mark when you said i wasn't this is true i want to give a shout out to my son jake uh just for being awesome he's a really interesting kid um he took his bronco that me and uh his mommy bought him yeah uh rich kid car and he traded it in and got like, I don't even know what the hell it is. He got like a Honda. He just wanted a chill, just like normal.
Starting point is 01:07:51 I'm fucking 18. I don't have a lot of money kind of car. And I thought that was really cool. Yeah. And not only did he do that, but he traded it in for two cars and got a car for his uncle. Whoa. Holy shit. Like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:08:06 Who does that? Because his uncle's going to be traveling a little bit more because he got a different job, so he's got to commute more. So he needs, like, a commuter car. And I was just like, who the fuck are you? Get out of my house. I didn't raise you like this. Yeah, you're supposed to be a scumbag.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Selfish. Supposed to be mean to people. We're rich, goddammit. What the fuck? Good shit, man. I know. Pretty interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Anyway, I don't know where he gets it from. Awesome kid. Strength is never weak. This week is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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