Mark Bell's Power Project - Justin Lovato - Breath Work Tools for Anxiety Stress and Trauma || MBPP. Ep 764

Episode Date: July 7, 2022

Justin Lovato is a professional bodybuilder and personal trainer and now guides clients on breath work and meditation. We dive deep into his new perspective on life after visiting the spiritual realm.... Follow Justin on IG: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? I want to talk to you guys about the best gym fits in the game. You need to head over to Viori. People don't know how to spell it, V-U-R-I, but let me tell you something about Viori. They have great clothes that you can wear outside the gym, weddings, lunches, dates. They have great pieces of equipment you can wear in the gym that make you look good while you're lifting. Because I know there's still a lot of y'all who's still rocking and one shorts and although i have nothing against and one gets me every time i have nothing against and one shorts yeah honestly it looks horrible so andrew please tell the people how to step up their damn clothing game for those of you guys got to step up head over to slash power project that's slash power project to receive
Starting point is 00:00:44 20 of your order uh no code needed you guys will see a discount will be applied at checkout banner across the top uh links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes trying to find cool pictures for us or something he wanted to see when they look like when i was big oh yeah yeah go ahead and find it take a moment it's way down there though yeah back in the day oh it's on your ig feed yeah okay i'll just keep scrolling then i don't have any you want to be able to pull this up on screen so people can see the freak you're still freakish right now but 295 yeah and i only sort of remember yeah i was the heaviest was uh 298 damn why don't you go for the 300 bro i tried i couldn't get there i was trying i was just a
Starting point is 00:01:26 couple cheeseburgers away bro i i was like maxed out i was like i couldn't do anymore i was eating i think like 8 000 calories a day i was trying to like get up there and it was awful i felt like shit let me just go wow yeah i was about to ask how much you're eating i well i did one year where i was like you know what let's just do it let Let's see what it's about. And I was like, everybody was telling me you got to eat more. And I was like, fine, I'll do it for one year. And I made it point to like eat like 7,000 or 8,000 calories a day for a year. And it was the worst. My whole waist sucked.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, there we go. Everything blew up. We've got some pictures here. Oh, my God. That's when I was 26 years old. Jesus Christ. So this was like in prep, I'm assuming? Because you look like you're a little later. This is when I was 26 years old. Jesus Christ. So this was like in prep, I'm assuming, because you look like you're a little bit later.
Starting point is 00:02:09 This is when I just got on probably for a year. So I was on for maybe a year at this pitcher. Whoa. Look at that fucking blue steel face. What do you think happened? How much did you go when you first hopped on from 25 to 26? How much muscle did you gain? You know, it was – I probably went from like two – because i was like 240 ish probably before i hopped on and then i got up to like 255 to 260 relatively quick and
Starting point is 00:02:35 you know definitely i i was big and i grew in some areas but i mean that's when i won the farigno i was 255 on stage there whoa holy shit that's a pretty damn prominent uh uh contest too yeah i won that one man look you look well it looks like you won you look amazing my backside was still a little soft i didn't know how to like bring in my backside still it's kind of fun like lats and stuff my butt your butt i mean it was good but you know it's one thing I didn't. It's hard when you got junk in the trunk. Yeah, it's true. Well, I couldn't, for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:03:10 I was like really great at connecting to the front of my body, but I didn't learn how to train back until like years, until like almost like four or five years ago when I was like done competing. I really found like the connection with back and the mechanics with my back training. And that's my favorite. I train it all the time now.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It's my favorite thing. I think my back would look way better now if I were to prep for a show. When you say your back, you mean your back? I mean your back. Okay, okay, okay. And my glutes as well. I think I just didn't do all the little stuff that a lot of these other bodybuilders were doing for glutes, like these intricate glute workouts.
Starting point is 00:03:39 See? You can see. Smooth. Completely different from the front. Still huge, but I see what you're saying. Yeah, completely different from the front. huge but yeah that's what you're saying yeah completely different from the front yeah did you start lifting pretty young yeah i started training at a really young age so um it was funny so i i had um just met my real dad for the first time when i was like 14 years old so i had a stepdad from like two years old on and me and my stepdad
Starting point is 00:04:02 didn't get along at all and so i met my real dad for the first time and then i got into it with my real dad or my stepdad and i was like fuck you i'm gonna go live with my real dad who i don't even know and he was like down in florida and so i moved from new york to florida at age 14 when i was heavy into uh basketball and baseball all the time and the coaches down there were weight training with their athletes. So I was training basketball an hour a day and weightlifting. No mirrors. It was just all like powerlifting stuff, benching stuff, squat stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And I never stepped on a scale, never thought to, never thought to look in a mirror. And when I came back home after like three months, I went from 135 pounds to like 187 pounds. So as a sophomore in high school, I was 190 walking around and i was jacked and so then the wrestling coach grabbed me he's like hey come wrestle with us and i'm like okay so then i kept weight training so i mean by the time i finished high school i was wrestling at 217 and uh and then yeah i just kept training after that and for a long time everyone asked if i competed i said, cause I never saw myself putting on trunks and getting on stage. Just never saw the calling of it. But everybody kept asking if I competed.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And then at age 20, I finally decided to do a show and, uh, I won all my natural bodybuilding shows. And then I became pro natural in the IMBF in the NGA at the time. And, uh, and then I obviously was, I obviously was watching videos of Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman when I was younger. And I wanted competition. I was like, I want to go against some of the biggest, best guys in the world. And so at age 25, I drove to California.
Starting point is 00:05:37 But I never even heard of the Gold's Gym or the Mecca or any of those things. And I was actually training at a North Hollywood. And they brought me over to Gold's Venice. They'd come check out and i was like okay this is my spot this is right here so i got in there and started training and then did my first mpc mpc show like a few months later which was the excalibur at the time and at the time bodybuilding was so much bigger back then i think there usually would be like 25 30 guys in a heavyweight class. And now there's one or two when you would show up. So, and I took third my first show and I was really excited about that. And then won my following show, which I think was the California.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And then I went to the USAs and got destroyed, which is pretty normal, I think, for most people. And then, yeah, I did a few more shows after that. Did the Ferrigno, did the LA. Um, but yeah, I, I kind of like, didn't really care about the actual competition part for bodybuilding. I love the discipline of the bodybuilding. I loved prepping. I loved all that kind of stuff, but I personally didn't really care for it. Put the dream tan on. I didn't want to go do the day of the show. I was like, so my last time I really competed or second to last time, I remember I went. And I think I was like first call outs or center call outs or something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And then I came home after prejudging. And I just like, I'm not going back. And I even called up the promoter. I'm like, hey, I'm not going back. Just so you know. And he's like, all right. That makes sense. I'm like, all right, cool.
Starting point is 00:06:58 And that was it. That was like the last time I kind of did bodybuilding. Done, done at that point. Well, yeah, I think I came back like three years and just did the Ferrigno for fun because Louie was my friend and he's like, you should come to the show. I'm like, all right. And it was like the best show I ever showed up as. I think it's because I didn't care really. I didn't put too much pressure on myself. You mentioned that nowadays you fast. Do you think that a, do you think a high level bodybuilder could utilize some intermittent fasting in some way? I do actually. It's funny. I think I would
Starting point is 00:07:24 approach the game completely different. I mean, obviously, you don't know how they're going to reward your look, you know, because it seems like they like that mass monster stuff. But I think what I always wanted to look like was more of that 80s physique, that aesthetics physique. And I think for sure I would eat way less food, I think, more quality over the amount, quantity. And I would actually fast quite a bit to keep my waist nice and small. I mean, right now, like I said, I really don't try to be big and I eat pretty minimally and I'm able to hold on to this size. So if I were to just eat a
Starting point is 00:07:58 little bit more and train probably a little bit harder and make it about bodybuilding, I could probably put some good size on and look really good i think and probably sit around like 240 245 again if i wanted to without consuming all that food and you look amazing as it is yeah appreciate it thanks you're 235 and you mentioned that you came off stuff years years ago like what was that experience like was that uh it was actually not that tough like no so? Like, no. So I, I'm a, I'm a big mental person, you know? So first I think I accidentally did, did it a really great way. So at age 30, I got off like all the heavier stuff. So from like 26 to 30, I was trying to be a big bodybuilder. And then at 30, I was like, I'm pretty much done with this stuff. Cause I didn't think it was safe
Starting point is 00:08:40 or healthy. So I, uh, I just got on TRT and I was doing the one CC a week with TRT for quite a while. And then it got to the point where I just hated putting a needle in me. I just could not stand it. So it would end up being like, I would do a shot and then like two weeks would go by. And I was like, oh, I probably should do one. And I would do one. And then like another two weeks ago, I probably should do one. Then I do one. Then I was like, why don't I do half a CC? So for like three years before I even got off, I was doing half a CC every 10 days. And then again, I went to like every two weeks and I was like, do I even need to be fucking taking this? And so I just like, just stopped taking it. I just stopped taking it. And, uh, that's how I got off. And I, and I also was getting into meditation during the same time,
Starting point is 00:09:23 which was around the same time, three or four years ago. And so I, I into meditation during the same time, which was around the same time three or four years ago. And so I really got into the Joe Dispenza book about how you can tell your body what to do and the same thing with Wim Hof. And so I would just tell my body to create testosterone. I don't know if it worked, but I feel great. You said you've never gotten blood work done. Yeah, I never got blood work done. Yeah, I've never had blood work done. My libido is great.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I feel good. I feel like I've actually reversed time in a lot of ways. I feel like I look younger than I did before. Um, and so I do meditate on that a lot. I meditate on telling my body to produce natural testosterone and, and, and raise it and all those types of things and create it with all that stuff. But yeah, a lot of people actually ask, how was it coming off? I think one of the big components that most people do, first of all, they don't want to come off when they come off. And that's a big difference. I wanted to come off.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I wanted to come off. I wanted to focus on my health. I wanted to focus on doing things in a more loving way towards myself. You're the first guy I think we've ever had on the show. Yeah. That has wanted to come off when they've gone on yeah and i think that for maybe the first person that we've had on the show that like has just made a clean break from it period yeah can you think of anybody um gorilla chemist did he well no he's he was off for having a baby though yeah that's different that's actually one of the reasons also why i started to come off is because at the time when I was with Steph, we were talking about that.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And I remember that's the main reason why I came off, which is really exciting. I was like, oh, I want to come off. And I really wanted to come off. And I know that a lot of people when they come off, one, they don't want to. Two, when they come off, they actually start training less and they start eating worse. And I did the opposite. I was like, oh, well, I want to come off. I'm going to train even harder and I'm going to eat even cleaner.
Starting point is 00:11:08 So I think that was a huge, huge thing for me. And that's what I tell people all the time. And then on top of that, the meditation aspect I think was a huge thing, the placebo effect of everything. It really definitely works. There was that old school bodybuilder. I'll look his name up, but I think he said he came off of everything and people were claiming he's on TRT
Starting point is 00:11:25 but he said he's not he never got his pro card he was fucking huge though John Anderson? No I'm just kidding the Canadian one you know who I'm talking about right? Cap, Beard, Canada, went to a porn expo no
Starting point is 00:11:39 he's definitely I don't think I know any of these people it's okay so what in the world did you just take us through Not part low. No, he's definitely. Okay. No, I don't think I know any of these people. It's okay. So what in the world did you just take us through? You took us through like another dimension. Speaking of other dimensions, let's hit up this mind blow here. A little cheers.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Ka-bing. I drank mine, but yeah. Cheers. Ka-bing. I just went to another planet, so I'm good. Ready? Oh! Nice shot. The defense all around, too.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah. I was, like, hitting the rim and going around. Here we go. Some kratom down the old hatch. So who makes these? I do. You make these. He grinds them up and...
Starting point is 00:12:18 Got my kratom farm out in Dixon, California. I think I do need a chaser, though. Hold on. Yeah. Yeah. You do need a chaser. It's just, like, dirt and grass. Like, California. I think I do need a chaser, though. Hold on. Yeah. Yeah. You do need a chaser. It's just like dirt and grass. Like, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:28 That's another way of earthing, I guess. Yeah. How'd you get into some of this weird meditation stuff? Dave Palumbo. Because this is not really typical. Palumbo. Oh, yeah. I didn't mean to cut you off or interrupt, but he said he came off of everything.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Dave Palumbo. I can't believe it. I mean, the way it looks, yeah. It makes sense. All right, go. How did I first kind of get into that? I was talking about, like, I think when I first got into psychedelics in general, I was, like, age 29.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And the first experience was with mushrooms. And, you know, I had a really wonderful experience. I took a bunch. I went and watched the sunset. I did have, like like this sky entity come down and like say what's up I had this ocean entity come down
Starting point is 00:13:09 say what's up for a moment I was like a baby in a womb it was like essentially how many grams do you think you took?
Starting point is 00:13:14 I think I ate four and a half five oh shit so and it was a really good time and at the time I still was very unaware
Starting point is 00:13:21 of like all this and what it was I didn't put any of the dots together again until like probably six years later down the road. What does that mean? What does what mean exactly? Any of the dots. So dots. Put the dots together.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Oh, dots together. Yeah, I didn't put the dots together on what was really happening. As I mentioned before, like a part of me was trying to logically make sense of like what I was experiencing I was experiencing you know with these essential entities or these beings that would like come down and like say what's up and as I mentioned you know I thought there were just other people in the world that were just meditating at that time we were somehow in this unique field of meditation so that's how I logically made sense of a lot of my experiences with mushrooms with DMT and I wasn't meditating yet I was actually just using psychedelics to reach that
Starting point is 00:14:05 realm at that point. And then about three years ago, maybe three and a half years ago, I went to Tulum. And it was quite some time since I did plant medicine. And I never worked with a shaman before. All my plant medicines were just done by myself within my home. And so my buddy went to a person and did some DMTc he said a great experience we were in tulum and i was with steph at the time and we uh we decided to go check it out and i was like you know and i'd never been shamaned into a dmt experience so let's see what that's about and um i i went there and he just did a quick three rounds of breath work with me but it was like 30 seconds nothing Nothing really like I thought
Starting point is 00:14:45 was profound from it. I didn't really gain from did the DMT. Um, that was a very, very, very, very short DMT trip. Nothing really wild or crazy. Uh, I walked away from it. Um, nothing crazy to be honest. But then when I came home for whatever reason, I like woke up one day and I decided to just sit down and start breathing. It was kind of strange. I didn't feel like there was any influence from doing the breath work. There was no thought on it. And I started doing some breath work and I did it for like three days in a row.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Nothing too crazy happened. But then I, for whatever reason, I go into our office at the time and I always had trouble with reading and comprehension because of my lack of focus. Because my mind was always essentially probably going all over the place and for whatever reason I found myself walking into our office And we had some books and I don't know why I went in there But I go in there and I just grab a book and the book that I grabbed was becoming supernatural by Joe Dispenza And I'm like gotta go down I sit on the toilet take a shit and I'm start, got to go down. I sit on the toilet, take a shit, and I'm starting reading this book. And I'm reading what I'm kind of experiencing these last three days. And then as I'm continuing to do the breath work, it's like completely unfolding as I'm reading. So it was like this wonderful knowledge kind of guiding me through what was happening.
Starting point is 00:15:57 And then more entities would come down, more downloads would happen. And then I eventually found myself adding it to my workouts in between my workouts during my sets and stuff like that I started adding it and everything and then I was like man this is fucking unbelievable like I'm on to something I remember just being so excited about it
Starting point is 00:16:18 I started doing it with all my clients in between their sets at the very end of their workouts and then eventually they were asking if I could just run them through breath work. And so I was like, yeah, sure. So I started developing a program. And all said and done, that's what I pretty much do now. Teach people how to breathe, teach people how to quiet the analytical mind
Starting point is 00:16:38 so they can reconnect to a more loving self, so they can make better decisions in their life. When you say you used to do it in between sets, what did that look like? Because in between sets is like a minute or two, right? So what were you doing in that minute or two? It's more so like just how I would show you guys like that. And like 10 of those. And then because they're not bodybuilders and they're not powerlifters.
Starting point is 00:17:02 So I wasn't trying to like have these big breaks. It was more so keep them moving, keep them in that flow, keep them in that yoga. So it was like just 10, 10 powerful breaths. And then they would get back in the set and they'd do the set and they'd come back out, 10 powerful breaths. And, man, they were just glowing by the end of this workout. They were just profoundly changing. They were like you could see it in their skin, their complexion, everything, their face.
Starting point is 00:17:23 And then I would have them lay down. At the time I wasn't guiding them through any breath work, but I would have them lay down and just put some really cool, like, you know, meditative music on. I'm like, here, just lay here and just hang out for 10 minutes. And then that's what I would leave them with. And then that was our sessions for quite a while. And then I was learning my own style, put together my own program to put myself through. And then, yeah, and then next thing I know, I'm leading these people these people through it and i just caught fire i think there's something really interesting about
Starting point is 00:17:48 that like having somebody giving them another task in between the set doesn't give them a chance to um you know sometimes when you're personal training the person will bog you down with some negative stuff that's going on yeah that's true therapy session that's true. It's a therapy session in some ways. And when you have them breathe and concentrate on something different, they're not going to really have that time. I think an interesting thing is I think that we feel like the only way that we can communicate is with like a lot of words. And so I haven't seen you in a while, so I'm just going to give you tons of fucking words, dump tons of words on you. And that happens a lot in personal training sessions when you're working with
Starting point is 00:18:28 somebody if you didn't work with somebody for a little bit and then they come back into this scene or they were on vacation or whatever the situation is and then there it's like words words words words words uh but there's a lot of ways to communicate and there's a lot of ways for us to express ourselves yeah so I think the breathing, like even the breathing that you took us through, for someone who's like more shy, who doesn't want to make as much noise, doesn't want to be disruptive,
Starting point is 00:18:55 for them to go and make a lot of noise or sometimes you see a lifter who was getting ready for a set, make some noise before they go and do their set. There's some people that would never, they would never do that. Some people don't think it's necessary, but other people just maybe, it's just not do their set. There's some people that would never, they would never do that. Like some people don't think it's necessary, but other people just maybe, it's just not in their personality.
Starting point is 00:19:08 So I think you're tapping into a lot of different things on a lot of different levels. What were some of the things that people reported back to you? Like feeling, in terms of feeling different from these training sessions? I think just more focused, more present, right? It's about, I just kept them in this flow state.
Starting point is 00:19:28 As I mentioned, like a lot of times you probably get it through your runs and people fall into this flow state. People fall into it when they do their yoga, when they dance. Even people do it when they play music, this flow state. And that's where we're really trying to get to is to find that space. And most people in between sets, like you said, they kind of want to talk. They want to become distracted from whatever it is. So if I can keep them focused on the set,
Starting point is 00:19:48 which is also including the breath and muscle-mind connection, and then I can keep them focused on the breath in between those sets, I'm keeping them in the very, very present state. And that's where the magic happens is in the present moment. So that's where I try to get everybody to kind of get there. And we can use many modalities. We can use the training with the breath. We can use the cold plunge. we can use the cold plunge we can use the breath work by itself um what can we do
Starting point is 00:20:08 to create a level of presence so that people can really tap into a different part of themselves and and that space is just full of knowledge and enlightenment and everything and they they walk away maybe not knowing something right away from that workout but they're more mindful as they leave my house so when they leave my house they're just paying attention to like whatever it is the fuck they're doing for the first time and you know instead of just going back into like the same you know cycle of just being on their phone being distracted you know addicted to that stimulated by this and they're just kind of just sitting there for the first time and then all of a sudden they're like oh
Starting point is 00:20:44 shit i didn't notice that like oh shit i, Oh shit, I should do that. You know? And then they start making some pretty profound changes in their life. That concept of being present is like, I think honestly the, the overarching theme in all of it, because I was telling you, you asked me if I ever meditate and I used to do meditation a lot with, uh, I use Sam Harris's app waking up. Um, and when I would meditate, you know, you'd be concentrating on your breath and you'd be present concentrating on the breath. And that was like I do that for like 20 minutes. Right. But then when I got the cold plunge, well, when you go into the cold, you're you're immediately present.
Starting point is 00:21:19 So then I just literally replaced the meditation I typically do with the cold. Um, and doing the Wim Hof breathing in there allows me to like stay in there a little bit longer, but I am present. I'm not thinking of anything else, right? The breathing allows me to just be there present with that. And then like you said, it's like, what there, what ways can you figure out how to be present during your day? And that's the thing you were doing with your clients, the breathing in between sets. It made me think it's like many people don't have times during their day where they just sit down and just breathe and don't have anything else going, whether it's music or it's your phone or to TV, or you're talking to somebody, you're listening to YouTube video, but time to just
Starting point is 00:21:59 breathe that will make the biggest difference for anybody. Yeah, that's one thing I really was paying attention to. I remember when I was like so addicted to, I think maybe the chase for dopamine or some form of stimulation. And I remember one time just sitting there and I was like, I was smoking weed, listening to music, eating food on my phone. I'm like, bro, you are a goldfish right now. What are you doing? And then so I was like, let's pull this away
Starting point is 00:22:32 and start maybe leaning into serotonin in the present moment. So that's what I kind of started doing. That's kind of hard because if you, again, identify with the brain, you then can't be aware that your brain has having withdrawal symptoms from these stimulations from this chase of dopamine. So that was a huge moment for me is, um, is at first I, I felt that anxiety from not getting the hit or chasing the hit. I felt that anxiety and it was like profound. And then at one point I almost created a story like, am I depressed or am I anxious or am I this? Because you feel it.
Starting point is 00:23:06 And I was like, wait, no, I'm going through literally a withdrawal symptom from all of these stimulations that I've been hooked on every seven to 10 seconds. So that was a huge awareness shift that I was able to have. And then it also like took the edge off of thinking that something could have been wrong with that story that I was starting to create, which I think is happening to a lot of people. I think a lot of people are addicted to all these stimulations. And when they try to be better about their phone, they try to be better about their food, and they try to be better about their TV, this wave of anxiety comes on even more profound when they're trying to be good. But really, it's the withdrawal from all of these stimulations. And so
Starting point is 00:23:39 then they can possibly create a story like I'm, know lonely or sad or anything then they go and get on some medication which isn't very good as opposed to oh yeah it's like oh i'm feeling this anxiety what can i do with it like go stand in the fucking grass and to sit in the sun for 15 minutes and be present or if it's really hard get in the cold or if it's really hard breathe it out so it's about getting them to lead into these present modalities as opposed to coping and masking it with these forms of stimulation, which will again, just make you anxious again. So that's where everybody's at. I feel everybody's on this hamster wheel. They're first anxious due to whatever reasons, right? It could be from childhood trauma. It could be just
Starting point is 00:24:18 from collective anxiety. It could be from, you know, just poor behaviors. But what they end up doing is that they're anxious, then they dive into a form of stimulation to cope with it. And then they're anxious again. And this is that vicious loop that everybody's in, as opposed to being like, how can I get out of that? And that's why the breath work is cool. Cause you can pull yourself out for a moment and then be like, Oh damn, this is not a good behavior. This is not a good behavior. This is not a good behavior. And I even came up with a daily practice board on my fridge. And I don't have to do all of these practices or any of them. There's no pressure to do them.
Starting point is 00:24:49 But I wrote a bunch of present activities or exercises down. And so if I'm on my phone too much, I'm like, oh, man, what can I be doing? I see that board. I'm like, well, why don't you go stand in the sun for 15 minutes right now and get some grounding in and stuff like that. And I can check that off my board. And a lot of the times by the end of the day, it's like, now I'm not even thinking about the board, but I go and still like see what I did. And I'm, I'm doing like 10, 15 different things on that board. And I'm living in the present moment now, as opposed to like trying to be there. And now
Starting point is 00:25:16 it's like becoming a new, a new, uh, you know, a whole new life. It's pretty wild. What are some of the other practices though? Because like this, I think people are going to love this. Like what are some other things that allow you to just be present that people could, because like if you're trying to not do things on your phone or not watch a bunch of YouTube videos, you have to replace some of those practices when you're typically going on autopilot and doing these things with something else. Yes. So what are some examples of some things that people can do? Well, there are actually a lot of fun things. And it's kind of neat because you get to start being a kid again in a lot of ways. A lot of times it's about being creative and being in the moment.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Like dancing is really fucking fun. Dancing, singing, drawing, sauna work, that's fun stuff. Cold plunge work. Yoga is a good one. Making love is a really profound way is to get present and to to be in that moment you know hey there's a there's a lot of really great ascending love uh journaling there's a lot of really cool ways for you to you know focus and be in that present moment that are really positive and full of love and that can really just raise who you are in a vibrational
Starting point is 00:26:22 way and then then the law of attraction works Just fucking do something different every once in a while too. The first part is they can't get out of it though, right? They can't see it, so they have to zoom out. So that's why this breath work and things like the cold and stuff like that, they really can get a person for the first time to zoom out. The breath work is particularly special because, one, it gives you something to focus on, the breath. But the big one is that it cleans this vessel with the breath. When you're breathing, you're moving a lot of energy around.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So if your body and your body stores anxiety, your body stores trauma. It really does cellular. So how can we clean it? How can we clean this vessel every day? And that's through the breath. So that's why I wake up every morning and I get first thing in the morning, I drop down to the floor and I get my breath work in, I clean out anything that's in my body, I raise my vibration, I become incredibly present, become as much love as I can
Starting point is 00:27:14 and then I go into my day. And then on top of that, I'm hitting all those little daily practices all through my day like, oh yeah, I have 15 minutes, go out in the sun or hey, go for a walk or hey, go get in the cold plunge. Hey, have a workout
Starting point is 00:27:24 but don't fucking go on your phone. You know, intention's a big one too. I think a lot of people, when they do things, they don't do things with intention for one. And a lot of times when they do things, even when they work out or when they try to be successful, it comes from a place of fear and or lack as opposed to love. The reasons why we're doing the most people don't work out for the love of it. They work out because they come from an insecure place and they want to be accepted. So it comes from a really low vibrational space. People do that getting in relationships. They're afraid of being alone. They get in
Starting point is 00:27:58 relationships from a low vibrational space. They have children because they think they're supposed to get married because they're think it's supposed to. And it's like a lot of people come from that space and a lot of things they do become a doctor from that space. So, yeah, it can be a driver of success
Starting point is 00:28:14 in some ways. Yeah, yeah. But it's not sustainable. That's the problem. It's not sustainable. It can work for a little bit, but it isn't sustainable. So imagine if you start
Starting point is 00:28:23 operating from love. If you operate from love for all those things, that's sustainable and it's 10 times more powerful. So it's like, I really make it a point. Like, and it's a simple thing. Like,
Starting point is 00:28:32 are you getting high or are you connecting when you do things? When you go to the fridge to eat food, are you getting high with the food or are you connecting? And so it takes intention. It's a war. Yeah. It's awareness, right?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Like when you work out, are you getting high or are you connecting? A little bit of both. That's a great way of looking at it. If somebody was just sitting there just ripping off a bong all day long, you'd be like, dude, what the fuck are you doing? But like meanwhile, we're doing the same thing a lot of times, all this just nonstop like suckling, right?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yes, yes. Suckling. With the phone, are you actually going on there and doing your work and connecting with people on your phone or are you mindlessly scrolling same thing with your tv same thing when you call to hang out with somebody are you actually wanting to connect with that human or are you bored and need a distraction from your anxiety and that's where most people are operating from so we can start setting intention by first becoming aware with the forms of stillness and really important thing to know is that the things that you're tangled up in,
Starting point is 00:29:26 they're not going to help your anxiety. They're probably going to make it worse. Yeah, yeah. And that's what's really cool is like it's nice seeing my clients. They're actually, they start to like zoom out, and they can watch their person go to do something. And at first, at first they get caught up in it still, right, because it's like retraining this sentient being, this avatar, if you will.
Starting point is 00:29:44 It's like you have to retrain it. So at first, you're going to still get taken for the ride for a few times. You wind up, you know, like eating all the food, you know? And then the next time you're in the fridge and you catch yourself, you're like, hey, like, what are you doing? Like, you're not even hungry, bro.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Like, close the fucking fridge and go for a walk or something. And then before you know it, you're just much more aware of how you operate. And that kind of just unfolds really nicely. Andrew, give us an idea of what you experienced during this breath work because you were on a road trip over there. Yeah, it was. And what's funny is like, I wouldn't say I was skeptical or anything like that. I was totally open and hoping that I would see things, but I've never experienced anything like that um i was i was totally open and hoping that i would see things but i've never experienced anything like it so i'm like uh maybe i'm not one of those persons
Starting point is 00:30:30 that's gonna actually see anything shapes or whatever it may be but um pretty quickly i you know my hands started tingling and i was like well he said this was normal this is fine but then they eventually just went completely numb which was i mean i was like uh i guess that's okay too but um then the imagery started coming out of nowhere and what was funny is the the the more clear it became the harder it was for me to keep my eyes closed i literally was like squinting like trying really hard and my eyes would not they kept opening so it's like i feel like your eyes are going to the back of your head no no not that it's just um honestly like there's a huge part of me that was like still fighting it yeah you know my like my physical being was like nope we don't want this right now and it kept opening yeah but i i i somehow kept coming back to a single leaf
Starting point is 00:31:20 like just sticking up in like a fucking big forest of shit like behind it i don't know what's behind it it was blurry but one leaf just kept stick i just kept coming back and seeing this leaf i was like it's interesting i wonder what will come to you as a something later yeah what does it mean i don't know and then um i did see some like really bright like neon green colors and i was like kind of falling back away from this hallway of like this shit like it just kept just kept going and going I was like whoa and then like I don't know if I started to fall asleep or what was going on or where I was I was not in this room but I was I was imagine I don't know I was talking to my wife and I was explaining to her about a dream I had that in SEMA moved in with us.
Starting point is 00:32:08 And my biggest concern was like, is he going to be as messy as he is in the studio as he is here in the house and like trying to, trying to manage that, right? Like, so I'm pretty sure that's a manifestation of like, like,
Starting point is 00:32:23 Hey, let's clean this up and like try to deal with this this but it's so funny because like like oh shit i was dreaming but in my my dream state i was explaining how i had another dream so like literally the definition of inception is what i experienced and then real quickly the the other part is i didn't realize it was 55 minutes. Yeah. I would have – you could have told me it was 20 and I would have been like, yeah, that was a solid 20-minute session. Yeah. It was wild.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Yeah, it's crazy how it flies by, right? Yeah. No, when you said it was 55 minutes, it is wild because like when people smoke weed, they talk about time dilation. Like time feels like it goes – time feels like it's going much, slower you know what i mean even though it's going normally so this really felt like it felt like time was moving super fast even though we were there for a long ass time all i saw was black by the way people i didn't see anything it felt amazing i didn't feel like i was in my body but i didn't see anything which is cool i don't mind that it's typically my experience too i don't see many colors i mean i've definitely have some wild ones with entities and shit coming down and i mean i had one really wild experience um one time i was meditating and there was like this white light that came like spherical white light
Starting point is 00:33:40 and this was like about three years ago remember i was kind of really getting into it and it felt like it like pressed me into the floor like you know your hands felt really heavy for you well it felt like it pressed me into the floor and it felt like whatever it was was like scanning my face it got really really close it was like like almost scanning my body it works its way down my body and then it got to my balls and all of a sudden I felt this energy go through my groin up into like my abdomen. And it was like, I remember I wrote in my journal, I was like, yo, this entity blessed my balls. I was like, I think I definitely should make a baby at some point here soon. But yeah, that was like a thing that happened. I literally wrote it in my journal.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I'm like, something came down and blessed my balls. It was really wild. But yeah, really bright white light and like scanned me. So some wild shit can definitely happen when you do this stuff. We were talking about like time, you know, the 55 minutes, how it went by quickly. The opposite happens when you're really mad, when you're really upset, when you have anxiety. People have reported this before. And just even somebody just going through a rough time.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Somebody says, oh, man, that was the worst, and they'll say year. But they might have only been going through it for just a handful of weeks, but it just seemed like it ruined the entire year. Because when someone's anxious, that's kind of – they start to focus on that and try to fill in with a lot of other things that maybe aren't helpful, alcohol and other drugs. It slows down. I think being intentional, it does slow down for sure. I think being intentional and just – it's not an easy thing to do,
Starting point is 00:35:20 but being intentional and starting to look into other options. Like what are some other options? You know, like you mentioned some psychedelics. Yeah. They can be good options for a lot of people. And I think some people laugh and they're like, oh, it's funny. It's silly. It's going to get high or going to get fucked up or have some weird mushroom experience,
Starting point is 00:35:37 which happens all the time. But it can be really beneficial, right? Yeah. I think if you break it down what like psychedelics do is they put you in a present state right and so you can take a little bit and they can make you just a little bit more present a little bit more mindful a little bit more love a little bit less ego a little bit more peaceful and you can go about your day and then from that present space you can become aware of your behaviors that are fucking you up all the
Starting point is 00:36:03 time so and then if you do a bunch you you can go really, really inward, obviously a much, much more present state and do some serious work in that direction as well. I think it's a wonderful way to kind of introduce a lot of people into this space in a lot of ways, because sometimes the mind is so gnarly and it won't let them sit still in any way. I think breath work outside of plant medicine is probably the two best ways to kind of reach that state a lot of people try to meditate and they're like they just try to sit there and shut their brain off which is going to be really impossible so i think mushrooms and psychedelics in general are literally that tool to do that to help us become self-aware and like i mean that's what terence mckenna was all about with uh you know the apes going through the savannah and picking up fucking mushrooms out of fucking dung and eating it and then they're looking at their hand for the first
Starting point is 00:36:49 time what a cool movie that was right was a magical mushroom or something or um which one was that one um that was pretty damn cool was it fantastic fun guy uh the fun guy yeah terence mckenna was uh he wrote food of the gods um and it's all about mushrooms and like the history of mushrooms and his theory of like human evolution and stuff like that. If you look him up, man, there's a lot of cool stuff on there. I think it's Paul Stamets who did Fantastic Fungi. Okay. So yeah, both – the book that I'm reading with Terrence is a really hard book though. I do it on audio and reading because it's pretty dense and kind of boring,
Starting point is 00:37:28 but it's a lot of good information. It looks like DMT, the spirit molecule, was Terrence McKenna. That's another good one, too. How dangerous is some of this stuff? So far, unless you're a person who is completely unaware that you take psychedelics, I think it's the only time it maybe could be dangerous because it is a powerful hallucinogen. Oh, I see. Somebody just like laced something with it or something.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah, or just even a young mind. Say a person doesn't have any intentions why they're taking psychedelics and they take a bunch of psychedelics and say they have a lot of fears. And so if you have a lot of fears and you have these fears playing in your head while you're on psychedelics, they can be a really bad time. Yeah. You know, and so I think if you're a conscious person and you're aware that you're doing this work with the medicine and you want to look at your behaviors as opposed to kind of being thrown into them, I think it's a much better approach. You know, set and setting are important and a loving setting where there's good energy around, you know, and as opposed, like, just taking it and going to a nightclub or something like that. And you're just, you know, that's not a good idea. Is it a good idea to maybe let someone know, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:38:33 hey, I'm going to do these mushrooms, here's where I'm at type of thing? I recommend if you're going to do them and you would like to really do them to understand the proper benefits of them, do them with a guide or a shaman. I think those are really good ways to kind of like get into it. I never did that, but I was lucky enough to where I was like in a good space, I think mentally and physically as a person. I wasn't afraid. I think fear is a big component when you're doing these type of things.
Starting point is 00:38:58 So if you have any fear within you and you're uncertain and you take these type of medicines, it can be a tough situation possibly. But if you're a person who wants to take them to heal, wants to take them to learn, and you are a little nervous, you can have a guide or a shaman be that person who holds space for you in case you have the idea that you might freak out and you know that something's there to help you. That's all you kind of need.
Starting point is 00:39:21 It's almost like the placebo effect. Like there's a person in the room that is going to keep me safe and that keeps them safe. It's not even the shaman really in a lot of ways or the guide. It's just the idea that somebody's there. And the first time I did mushrooms, I was very scared, but, um, I had a, I did it with a group of people. Uh, and a lot of those people were already like, they've done mushrooms. You just a group of friends who went out to a beach and they already had experience with it. So like everyone I knew was like, oh, yeah, it's going to be fine. So everyone was chill.
Starting point is 00:39:49 No one was partying or anything. But it was with the group of people that were chill that also have done it. And that when I was like, oh, shit, like they're like, you're good, dude. So it is good if you can. If you have someone that is like good people, good people can make that experience so much better. It's kind of great. No one can do anything for you. No one can do anything other than just reassure you that you're okay. You're not going to die.
Starting point is 00:40:11 But like, dude, you're good. Like you're breathing, you're set, but no one can really do anything for you. Yeah. I think the best way, if you are a person out there that's looking to get into this, I think microdosing would be the best approach. You know, 0.1, 0.2 gram. this, I think microdosing would be the best approach, you know, 0.1, 0.2 gram and do it with breath work or do it by going for a nice long walk out in nature or watch the sunset, you know, like do something earthy or grounding. It's going to be very, very subtle. It's just going to make you a little bit more peaceful, a little bit more present. And from that, you're going to find some
Starting point is 00:40:39 awareness. You might walk away with something and that'll feel really nice because a lot of people are struggling from an over analytical mind, from an overbearing ego and their fears and insecurities are what's driving them all day long and so how can we just quiet that down a little bit in a micro dose is a wonderful way to kind of get into it and then eventually when you feel more comfortable and you know what it feels like and you know what like you like you know this stuff you can you can do a little bit bigger dose and like, you know, do the same thing. Go watch a sunset. Maybe just lay down in a nice comfortable room.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Have some fresh fruit ready if you get hungry or some shit like that. Just have a good time, a good playlist. Do you feel like you needed an awakening of some kind? Like I've known you for a little bit, but we don't know each other, know each other. And, you know, I just see you see you you know in passing at gold's gym years ago and um more recently we just have minimal contact you know via some dms and stuff like that um i mean it seemed like it seems like things go well for you you seem like you're at peace like in general yeah you've always kind of seen that way but uh do you feel like you, like, you know, you, I guess
Starting point is 00:41:45 you sought these things out and what do you think you were searching for? You know, I don't think until, I think even though I was having these experiences, I was still very much unaware in so many ways. I would have the experiences, but I didn't look into them. I didn't really think much of them. When you say experiences, do you mean like mushrooms, DMT? All of it. All of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I mean, up until like three years ago, that's when I actually became aware of self, right? Because like my definition of true self-awareness, and I've mentioned this before, is understanding that you're not the person. This is just my personal belief that you're not this sentient being. You're not this avatar. So you are a soul having a you're not this sentient being. You're not this avatar. So you are a soul having a human experience with this sentient being. So that's my definition of self-awareness. And I didn't become self-aware until probably like three years ago, I would say.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I became aware that like, oh my goodness, I'm a soul having a human experience. And what's that all about? And then I went into that realm with that understanding. And it really allowed me to expand my consciousness and knowledge and how all of this works and how I can retrain my brain and retrain my person. And I look at it from a zoomed out lens where before I was having these amazing experiences that were full of love and I was learning, but I was just kind of like going with it. I was like a kid almost, you know, I was just like in the moment regurgitating anything that came to my mind and like just like leaning into it I remember even like before I even got into breath work I would like random shit I would like just say in my household I woke up one morning and it's funny looking back on yourself that wasn't aware when you are aware and you can kind
Starting point is 00:43:18 of see like these key moments where like there's something like coming through or speaking up and I remember I woke up one day and I get into the bathroom, like looking at myself in the mirror and I'm like, you know, it'd be a good idea. And Steph was like, what? And I'm like, probably smart to like take some heavy, deep breaths in the morning or something like first thing when you wake up and this before any breath work was out, Wim Hof wasn't around. And I'm like, I think that'd be smart. And she's like, really? I'm like, yeah. I mean, we probably don't use parts of these lungs a lot of times that are like, kind of like stagnant and all like shriveled up and shit. Like we probably should be like expanding them and just doing some heavy breaths.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Of course, I didn't start doing it then, but it was just like these unique things that come through sometimes. And if you're paying attention, maybe you'll lean into it other times, maybe not. So, yeah, I saw a lot of those type of things happening as I was unaware through my life and that eventually got me into this awareness. I'm curious about this. Like, were you, have you always, even when you were a teenager, young adult, have you always been kind of like a chill dude or yeah. So, so you said that there was a point where you almost told yourself like, maybe I have anxiety. Was breath work, the fit, the catalyst that kind of adjusted you and helped you get through to being present? Or was it the DMT experience you had earlier?
Starting point is 00:44:31 So when I actually had anxiety, I would say for the first time, it was actually pretty recently. I don't think I really had it before, to be honest. Or I didn't know maybe what it was. You know, like when a smoker smokes, at first he could feel the poison of the cigarette, but then after a while, like the cigarette feels very normal. I think that's what like anxiety feels like for a lot of people. Like they're so in it, they don't even know they're anxious. So I think there could have been some of that in my life without realizing it, but I don't think I really struggled with anxiety for the most part. When I struggled with anxiety, um, for that for that moment, and it really only lasted for a
Starting point is 00:45:05 brief moment, is when I made the move to Texas. So me and my former wife separated. So that was a big change. I moved to a whole space, new space, you know, a whole new state. That was a big change. I was changing careers in a lot of ways. I was going from PT work to providing breath work. That was a whole new thing, new community, new people, didn't know anything where anything was. And so I was distracting myself way more than ever. I was on my phone more. I was trying to actually like work more for the first time. It's like, I really don't try to work. Work just kind of flows in. And so I was like trying to work. I was trying to do this. I was like working out more every day. And I was like, this is so strange. Like, what am I doing right now? Because I had all this extra time and I didn't know what to do with it.
Starting point is 00:45:45 So then when I did that thing where I like put away the phone, I wasn't going to be in the fridge. I wasn't going to just call these people to hang out and just fill a space. And I felt that anxiety. I was like, whoa, I'm like, what is this? And like I said, at first I was like creating a story.
Starting point is 00:45:59 I'm like, am I a depressed individual? And then I was like, no, no, you're just having withdrawal symptoms from all this stimulation, man. And you need to like give no, no, you're just having withdrawal symptoms from all this stimulation, man. And you need to like, give it a rest and chill out for a second. And what can you do? And you already know you could do your breath work. And that's when I came up with my daily practice board. I was like, what can you do outside of your breath work? Right? Cause a lot of times you can do the breath work and still fall into the old behaviors. And that
Starting point is 00:46:20 can kind of take some time to like really change your entire paradigm but um the the board really helped it like instead of being on my phone i'm like oh there's a daily reminder real quick i'll go for a walk real quick around you know without my phone and really pay attention to like the trees and shit like that and i noticed right away i'm like oh i i'm just having withdrawal symptoms from my from my forms of stimulation i don't actually have anxiety The anxiety thing is really interesting to me because the practices that we talk about, we talk a lot about walking. We talk a lot about trying to stay present. We've introduced the cold. That's a new thing for us. But we've also really been talking about breathing a lot on the podcast. And I do find it kind of crazy, especially since, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:01 we brought Patrick McKeown onto the podcast about four years ago he wrote the oxygen advantage and switching the way we breathe you know what i mean uh to doing more nasal breathing calming down switching that even for myself allowed me to calm down a lot and i've always been pretty chill i've never been really erratic or whatever but even just focusing on nasal breathing and relaxing allowed me to be a more relaxed individual with everything that I do. Everything else, yeah. But it's so wild that this one thing is something that when you walk around and you watch people breathe, a lot of people are breathing up here. Yep.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Shallow breaths. When you understand what shallow breaths do and how it taps into the sympathetic nervous system and just innately makes you more. If something happens, if I were to go like that at Mark and he wasn't relaxed he'd be like oh shit right but the person being more relaxed like things that would typically get to them don't get to them and it's a simple fix if you could just focus on nasal breathing breathing a little bit slower that thing that you do all day long and when you're sleeping if you just switched a little bit so many things in your life and the way you handle things can be switched around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:07 That awareness shift just with all things is the biggest step for a lot of people. Most people, nobody's driving the car. Nobody's driving the avatar. The avatar is literally doing its own thing. It's deeply conditioned. It's trained to do all these poor habits and poor behaviors and nobody's driving it. And these poor habits and poor behaviors,
Starting point is 00:48:26 and nobody's driving it. And a lot of times when they finally start doing this type of work, a driver finally starts getting in that seat and starts taking the wheel and starts finally changing the tires and changing the fucking windshield washer fluid and giving it a wash because up until that point, that thing's just fucking run ragged and you know it's it's bad you know and yeah it's nice to see people finally start taking the wheel in a way i like the idea of breath work uh especially as it pertains to meditating i think for some people i think people have tried meditation before and maybe doesn't vibe well with them or they don't like it for whatever reason. They have a hard time just kind of getting still.
Starting point is 00:49:06 But I've noticed the cold plunge has been a great form of meditation. And I've always thought that maybe it's my excuse for not sitting down and meditating in a traditional way, but I always thought there's lots of ways to meditate. So I consider some of my walks and some of my runs and even just training in general. Running is a big one for a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I kind of consider it to have a, certainly have a meditative effect in some ways. I think if, whatever's present is meditating. Right?
Starting point is 00:49:36 If you were in the present moment all the time, you wouldn't have to meditate. Ah, that's true. Yeah, sometimes when I'm running, I'm fucked.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I got nothing to, I got nothing else to think about other than like, man, you better focus on your breath. Breath, yeah. Because this is going to be pretty hard. Yeah, so anytime that you're present is a form of meditation. So you're exactly right. And whatever those things are, that's why that board is so nice. Like if you're authentically dancing, if you're authentically painting, if you're focused on something, that is a meditative state.
Starting point is 00:50:01 That's a great way to look at it. If you're in the present moment, you are meditating. It was also interesting like using sound you know i think i think there's certain things that um it's hard to sometimes identify what's real and you start to talk about conscious and unconscious and uh some of these different things things get to be kind of confusing but sound is like there's some there's something to sound that's a little different and there's something to pain which again which pain is an interesting one too because one person can have tons of pain
Starting point is 00:50:29 from something in particular and another person cannot experience the same exact thing pain is a hard thing to try to figure out in some ways but I think pain and sound are things that are easier to identify as being real
Starting point is 00:50:43 I like sound and how did you guys like having the sound bowl? that are like easier to identify as being real yeah i like sound and how'd you guys like having the sound bowl that was great it was wild yeah yeah it was unbelievable yeah the sound bowls are something that's just out of this world i i mean i never thought in a million years i'd be playing sound bowls you know throughout the week for my clients you know in a room and it's just like now i mean i wish i could have all seven for you here. You need like a drum setup and stuff too now, you know? So that's actually funny. I'm actually getting this table created that's a table that I stand inside of. It's a hollow table and it's a Lazy Susan table.
Starting point is 00:51:14 So then I can have all seven bowls and I can just turn it so I can play all of them. Like a fucking DJ. Yeah, yeah. I love it. So that's what I'm getting made so I can really host and play for quite a few people. My goal is to really start playing for some large groups. Because if you imagine you get 1,000 people breathing like you guys did. And Joe Dispenza gets into how all this is measurable, like this frequency, this love frequency is measurable.
Starting point is 00:51:39 And so when you do this type of work and you raise this type of energy and these vibrations, you can do some miracle stuff, you know, like people curing of cancer and people walking that haven't walked in forever and eyesight stuff, you know, like Jesus stuff. So it's like really far out amazing things that people are able to do through the power of the breath, through the power of like just raising their vibration. And before, I know you're about to say something, Andrew, but because I know some people immediately, once you said like vibrations, some people are like, oh, I'm out. Like immediately people start thinking this is super woo stuff. But I really implore you to go, number one, check out Joe Dispense's work.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Check out his book because a lot of the stuff like it's there's proof behind a lot of it. Like there's a lot. There's been a lot of studies on the stuff that he talks about. So as ridiculous and wild as some of the things sound, like, you know, we we've even gone into like the like he talks about the power of what people believe. And even that in and of itself is like something that changes the way that people go through life and the things they do. And it's it's not. You just got to be a little open to it if you're right now super skeptical. Well, you know, I think a lot of times most people are predominantly like left brain.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Right. Which is the analytical side. It's like the part that can't believe in any type of magic whatsoever. And, you know, men are often mostly left brain individuals. So it's a little bit harder to get them to kind of like get into this kind of work. Also, the entire system is all left brain. School is left brain. They take kind of like a lot of the creativity out when we're kids and they put us in, you know, these unique schoolings and stuff like that. And so that our right brain kind of loses its magic and its understandings of like a lot of this potential woowness and, you know, all this beautiful stuff because we just don't work that
Starting point is 00:53:24 part of our brain in a lot of ways. So as you start to do this type of work, you'll see that you're going to become more creative. You'll see this stuff being more magical and not so weird. It just takes time to start using that other side of your brain in a lot of ways. Yeah. I did have a question about like the cold, but before that, would it be okay, like when we end the show if you could play the uh the bowl like on air i think that'd be that'd be pretty sick i'll open up your microphone and then people will be able to hear it because that shit felt i mean it was cool like some of the uh the visuals would actually kind of like go with like what i would imagine you turning the
Starting point is 00:53:59 bowl yes like as they got closer to me those um i don't even know what they were but the things that were passing me got thicker as the as the sound got louder and then as it got softer they kind of went small and then they just kept doing that like back and forth and it was i don't know it was freaking awesome but um in regards to the cold plunge um i kind of feel like when i get in there and it can even be for five or ten minutes but but when I come out, I feel very similar to like what we just experienced as far as like, I say I go in there, like I'll just, I'll say I'm stressed just because to give people an idea,
Starting point is 00:54:35 even though I'm not really that stressed, but like I'll go in there, I'll be stressed. And then in the middle of it, I'm like in a lot of discomfort. I'm trying to do the breath work and then I'm okay with it. And then like a weird sense of euphoria comes over me where i'm like i did it like we're here like we made it you know i did something that a lot of people wouldn't want to do and then when i get out of it i'm like more vibrant i'm happier we'll talk about like um like episode titles or
Starting point is 00:55:00 something like that and then i'll jump in the cold plunge and then i'll jump out and i'll come up with a really good title for an episode it's just like stuff just starts coming to me out of nowhere so what what's going on there is it just because it's really hard and I'm happy that I got out of there or is there something else going on well that kind of gets into like Joe Dispenza's work and what he calls the quantum field right so if again back to like my definition of self awareness that you're you're loving awareness or aka consciousness having a human experience so if if everybody can tap into this this oneness this this field right which he calls the quantum field it's essentially where you can get uh enlightenment ideas downloads if you
Starting point is 00:55:38 will so when you get quiet really really quiet through some of these modalities you then can connect to this quantum field and then you can receive an idea or a download and it could be towards your profession, it could be towards your personal life, it could be towards just self-development. Whatever it is, maybe you can set your intentions, you can manifest there like we were talking about, you can heal your body in that same space. So there is this, this field essentially that you can lock into through forms of, uh, stillness meditation. Can we get into the, uh, the healing your body part? Oh yeah. So like a lot of times, um, and that's where I got from Joe Dispenza too, you know, he's, he's pretty
Starting point is 00:56:17 much, I think a bit more so my guru in a lot of ways, him and Ram Dass. So, um, Joe, Joe, like he, obviously I've seen some of the stuff where he's healing like people with cancer. He's healing people with some really hard diseases and injuries and stuff like that. So I actually I use it to heal my body. A lot of times if I injure it during like a training session, like if I pull my quad or something on squats or something and I can meditate, I do the whole breath work. And then once I ascend into that field where you guys were, then I'll visualize like literal love and light going through my leg, like just like swirling all around it.
Starting point is 00:56:53 I just visualize it. And my leg will literally start like full-on vibrating, just vibrating and vibrating and vibrating, just like how your guys' hands were. And I'll just keep visualizing it and visualizing it and visualizing it. And I noticed the more I believe I have this capability, the faster it heals. So it kind of correlates with my faith in a way or my belief in a way, like in my power, I guess.
Starting point is 00:57:15 So if I don't believe it, it doesn't work. If I believe it, it seems like I can heal it almost immediately in some cases. So, yeah, it's pretty amazing. You can do a lot from this field. Like I was telling um, yeah, it's pretty amazing. You, you can, you can do a lot from this field. Like I was telling him, you can manifest from this space. So the way I actually get work in a lot of ways is in this field. So, um, I'm, I'm all about helping people. That's what I love to do. I love to be of service and I love helping people understand, um, what it is, what we're talking about. So I, uh, a lot of times when I do my breath work,
Starting point is 00:57:46 one, I clean my body just through like a visualization. I like clean another woo-woo thing, my energy centers. I go through my energy centers and I clean them with love and light. And then I then tell the universe to let them know that my heart is completely open and I have lots of love. And if there's anybody out there that needs help or needs, you know, just some guidance, like send them my way. I can hold all the space. And I say that when I'm in this field and then people come and just how it works. That's how I mean, and I do that. I mean, I never have anything on my schedule pretty much from week to week.
Starting point is 00:58:26 It's a whole flow type of work environment that I have. So like when I make sure I just meditate every day and then when I meditate, like two, three, four or five people end up hitting me up and they want to work together and link up. And then I do it again the next day. And it's funny is the only time that I don't I don't actually get my workflow is if I'm not aligned, if I'm not capable of holding the space and I'm not actually, you know, there. Um, so that's, what's really neat is it's, it's really cool. It's actually, it's hard for me to still sometimes believe it. Like, how does it keep working? How does this keep working? And I start cracking up, like, how does this keep working? Maybe I don't manifest these wonderful people in my life, manifest,
Starting point is 00:59:04 income, you know, manifest and fix my body, all these type of things. And I'm just meditating in the morning and making this stuff happen. Yeah, it's really, really cool. Procter & Gamble, this episode is brought to you by Vivo Barefoot Shoes. We've been wearing these shoes for almost a year now. They're flexible. They have a wide toe box. They allow your feet to get connected to the ground, and they will make your feet stronger.
Starting point is 00:59:24 And they don't look like shit like a lot of these other barefoot shoes. Andrew, your feet to get connected to the ground and they will make your feet stronger and they don't look like shit like a lot of these other barefoot shoes. Andrew, how can they get them? You guys got to head over to and check out enter promo code POWERPROJECT to save 20% off your entire order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Let's get back to this video.
Starting point is 00:59:39 It's amazing what you can give to people. It's a hell of a gift to be able to assist people with going through the different traumas hell of a gift to be able to assist people with going through the different traumas that they have it's unbelievable when people show up are they a little bit like what this guy's pretty jacked like what's the deal where's the man bun i know right um i think i think um sometimes maybe they probably feel that way but i think like my presence is pretty pretty cool you, you know, for the most part. And again, I give off and I've been told so many times I have this like unique vibe where people just immediately feel safe.
Starting point is 01:00:11 That's true. When people come home. I appreciate that. That's true. You know, when people come over, my home is also such a feng shui type of home too. Like it's very, very welcoming. It's literally, that's why I moved. I mean, I moved toas to create a home see if you can bring up the instagram clip of his uh he has a couple shots of
Starting point is 01:00:32 his house oh yeah um i was amazed at all the furniture that you guys bought it was crazy yeah is that a joke because there's like nothing there's nothing it's uh blankets and pillows and like it looks peaceful as hell yeah it looks amazing i don't do a couch i don't do couches yeah yeah it's amazing when like it's i don't even know where i got that idea from i was like i was gonna buy a couch when i moved there but i i was like you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna first oh yeah yeah play that so this is what i do with my clients i do this like once or twice a month these are great things for people to do get rid of your fucking couch you know bro it's so and no tv in the living room no tv right so like less fucking bullshit yeah and more hanging out you know when i have my friends
Starting point is 01:01:16 when we all hang out we all sit on the fucking floor hanging out it's way more intimate next thing you know you're stretching you don't even know you're just stretching hanging with your friends smoking a joint relaxing all of a sudden you start playing a sound bowl there ain't shit to do so you start talking about real shit yeah yeah it's really cool yeah so i set this up every month and then i might that's my main meditation room you can't see what it normally looks like but usually that that's my main meditation is where i meditate every morning that's where i bring my clients and my one-on-one and stuff like that and they come inside there so yeah it's really cool yeah but i i moved there to to be able to host like this and it's really nice having the spot that allows me to do
Starting point is 01:01:54 this stuff is your girlfriend all in on this stuff um she's actually really quite um special i would say she she grew up in a Waldorf community are you familiar with Waldorf community? I am, I am unconventional school it's kind of similar to Amish in a way but like allows you to explore many of your own
Starting point is 01:02:17 interests within a school system a lot of creativity is pushed her whole family paints, brilliant painters, sings, dances, just expressive. Can, can like, if we all got lost in the woods, she'd be able to get us out type of stuff. Can, you know, do the fires. Yeah. Like can, she can take a shit anywhere. No problem. It's just like, yeah, all like amazing stuff. So she actually is. I can take a shit anywhere. Anywhere too. I got that down pretty good. But she, like, has this already, this really foundation that I didn't have.
Starting point is 01:02:53 She has this really amazing earthy foundation. Her parents are tapped in. It's really wonderful. And so her meeting me is kind of funny because it's bringing her back to that a little bit. You know, she was more so, I think, in a lot of ways, more so kind of like experiencing the other world for quite some time. You know, like, hey, I've been in this space and I'm going to come over here to this space. So like us linking up kind of just felt really nice and really right. It was like synergistically really, really beautiful.
Starting point is 01:03:22 And she's really, I love that she always asks me to do breath work. She's like, hey, can we do breath work today? Or like, hey, can we do this? And she like wants to sing with the sound bowl. So she like loves all the shit that I'm doing. Yeah, it's really nice, really interested. She's a physical therapist. She is, yeah, she's a doctorate in physical therapy.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Really brilliant, awesome painter. Yeah, just well-rounded. Yeah, she's got it all. I want to, go, just well-rounded. Yeah. She's got it all. I want to go ahead. I want to rewind real quick to what you're mentioning about, uh, healing those different body parts or like having an intention on what you're trying to, you know, work on and heal and then focusing on that. Uh, because again, like I think some people are going to hear that and think it's wild, but I think for the individuals that do want to learn more about what you're talking about,
Starting point is 01:04:07 You Are the Placebo and Becoming Superman by Joe Dispenza are number one really good books. But he talks about how he healed his back. Yes. Because his back thing wasn't fake. I mean, you can talk about that. Yeah. So I guess what his story was that he broke his neck. His neck and his back.
Starting point is 01:04:20 And it was actually not just like a nerve or something like that. It was broken bones in his back. And it was actually like, not just like, not just like, you know, a nerve or something like that. Like it was broken bones in his neck. And he was laying, I think, face down for a period of time. And he came to the conclusion, like, I can sit here and just sit here and not do anything, or I can mentally heal my, my neck and back. And so he went through this meditation where he was visualizing his back and his neck being rebuilt and healed. And he, without surgery, fixed his entire neck and fixed his entire back. And those were broken bones. And it took a while.
Starting point is 01:04:53 It took a while. Yeah, it took a while. But he just sat there and did the meditation every day, every day, over and over and over. So there's really something to this kind of stuff. And, again, like it really comes down to the self-awareness plug that I keep going with. If you truly understand that you are loving awareness, having the human experience. And when I say loving awareness, it means you're a microcosm of God, like having a human experience, which means you have beautiful, unbelievable powers to do unbelievable things while you're
Starting point is 01:05:23 here. And I know that's a far out concept for a lot of people super far out but i think that's where we're heading that's what wim hof is able to do when he tells his body to heat up when he can when he can put his hand in the air and just tell his hand to heat up you know that's just the tip of the iceberg with this kind of stuff and we're seeing again with joe where people are healing their bodies of cancer and stuff like that when they're giving love to the area so it's all about love healing love is healing everything so if you're loving awareness you have the capability of healing everything in your body I believe in a lot of that I've said before on the show that I think that every person has a divinity within them and
Starting point is 01:06:02 I don't know if there's like personally I don't know if there's like, personally, I don't know if there's like a God necessarily, or if there's just a God within us, or we're able to tap into some God-like feature that allows us to do stuff that we didn't think was normal. Yeah, for sure. Where we're like, that is like some pure magical stuff. Oh, sorry. Sorry, Jesus. I didn't want him to hear what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Yeah, Jesus is here. I think that's what he tapped into, right? Like, Jesus was, he was the most gangster dude that figured this out. That's what I think. You know, and I came from a very rough upbringing of Catholic church stuff. So I became very anti-God, very anti-Jesus even. Like I didn't want anything to do with religion. But then once I came full circle, understanding what this all really really was it made so much sense what Jesus was able to do he was
Starting point is 01:06:48 tapping into all of these things that we were kind of just getting into and he was able to heal the blind literally and heal people with leprosy literally through the power of love and and I think that's uh where we're all really getting to it's going to be cool and I think as we keep elevating ourselves and and in this loving way and we start acting from this space too and then eventually creating from this space, like from this divine space, and then children will even be more profoundly powerful. They'll have more gifts. And I think a lot of children do have those gifts in a lot of ways, but we remove the creativity from them in a lot of ways when they get older and they go through school and stuff like that. move the creativity from them in a lot of ways when when they get older and they go through school and stuff like that so if we enforce their creativity and enforce this like these gifts and this this uh these godlike powers who knows what can uh happen maybe fly one day you said go ahead
Starting point is 01:07:36 i was gonna say um you said um you know being present and then uh giving whether a body part or something uh love and light so like an actual physical injury I'm assuming you can give your mind love and light for whatever may be stress or something like that so then is it the lack of love and light that's causing some of these issues or is it just we're so distracted that like we're we're kind of messing ourselves up yeah that's what I think it is I think it's. I think it's just there's two types of people. I think there's just consciousness and then there's ignorance. And that's all there really is.
Starting point is 01:08:10 So I think most people are operating from just an ignorant space a lot of times and that ignorance is driven through the ego and insecurities and or fear. And it's going to be hard to keep your body healthy and fulfilled and full of love when you're operating from that space. And the more conscious you become, the more love you are, and then you can really do some amazing stuff. And what about like long-term injuries? Uh, I think all that stuff is healable. Like, honestly, like, I mean, obviously I, I mean, you know, it was one, one I'm working on right now that's actually been kind of tough is my plantar fasciitis. I haven't been able to heal
Starting point is 01:08:42 that immediately, but, um, it has gotten better. But, um, I think, I think all that stuff is definitely feasible. I'm a true believer in all that kind of stuff. I really do. Um, it's just about the belief, you know, how much do you really believe in? How much faith do you have within yourself? And like I said, like a lot of times, even when like, uh, I manifest things like actual things and they pop up in two days later, there is still a part of me that's like, I can't believe that actually happened, or I still can't believe it. So I know I still have quite a bit of work to do to really become a full believer in myself in many ways.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Tell us more about this plantar fasciitis. What's going on? Well, you know what I did is like probably most people, you know, I was like, you know, I'm done with the shoes, and I'm always like 100 percent in everything that I do. So I'm like that guy that's like going full throttle on my bare feet. And I was doing epic shit. I was like, this is great. And I was doing it for a while.
Starting point is 01:09:34 And then I was doing this one exercise where it was literally like good like foot agility skills, mobility skills. And I was like hopping on one thing, hopping over, hopping down and doing like this box drill on one leg and all of a sudden I just I just injured it really hard one time and I still like kept fucking with it and playing with it and it was plantar fasciitis and it just kind of stayed there and those always take a while because like it starts to feel better and then I'll go for a run or I'll do something explosive and the next day I was like fucking crippled and so I kept doing that type of shit for a while as opposed to like, Hey, why don't you like walk for a little bit and then like ease into it.
Starting point is 01:10:13 It took my girl to tell me who's a physical therapist. She's like, this is what you need to do. So, uh, she showed me a lot of really fantastic, like just foot exercises and then like really playing with like how much stress you really give it and then back off and, you know, about it essentially what are some of those things that you're doing um
Starting point is 01:10:30 so she actually you won't be able to see it but like so essentially just like pushing the big toe down and then pushing oh my foot just cramped up actually and then pushing it down like this yeah the big toe thumbs up yeah exactly down and then like that and then she taught me how to spread my toes too yep nice see i can spread them really good now too look at that strength that's good and that's the uh toe spreaders are pretty good you got some of those i haven't toe spread things the correct toes oh yes yes i wear i wear a spacer almost to bed every time with my big toe yeah it works pretty good i like those a lot yeah i got really into taking care of my feet i do roll my feet out every morning that's a big one
Starting point is 01:11:10 i do jump rope every day for my feet that's another big one and i have those bungees in my garage you might have seen where i hop on that like kind of um it feels like a trampoline yeah your workouts are always awesome whenever i see him i'm like i want to work out like that's why i was asking i was like what was this circuit that you did the other day? I want to do that. That's kind of fun. I've been really loving the mace work because it is meditative. It's kind of like a flow. It's a dance. Have you guys gotten to the mace work yet? I haven't done much of
Starting point is 01:11:33 it, no. I mean, I've done a class of it before on it, but I've never I didn't do it like at any consistency. It's cool once you get into it. I actually have this guy that reached out and he's going to be sending me these custom maces and these huge sledgehammers that he welds himself. I'm really excited you get into it. I actually have this guy that reached out, and he's going to be sending me these custom maces and these huge sledgehammers that he welds himself. I'm really excited to get these in.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Who is he? We should actually plug him because he's really dope. This is sick. Let me try to find him real quick. Oh, nice. Yeah, that looks great. Oh, yeah. Man, your place seems fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Little playground. You look like a baby right there. Right? Yeah. Training the tibs. Yeah. The jump rope, I've been loving, because we've been getting into a lot of foot stuff too, man.
Starting point is 01:12:13 And the jump rope has been something I've been loving. The slam board squats. So usually every workout, today was obviously a leg day, but every workout, I always kind of open up with those key exercises, the tip bar, the jump rope and stuff like that. And then I'll still do like some bodybuilding stuff. But like I said,
Starting point is 01:12:31 the unilateral shit like that, as opposed to like, and that's the mace. Nice. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. Who's the mace guy.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Let me find him. Let me find him. He was the sweetest dude too. Um, let's see what was that one thing i was going to mention about what you ah yes um with with a lot of this stuff that we're talking about though you know because we bring a lot of like we brought people that are super into science onto the podcast and they what they do is with everything when it comes to exercise when it comes to nutrition they back everything up with pure science, which is really good to understand the logical aspect of things.
Starting point is 01:13:08 But I really think like we don't have to live on that side and we don't have to live on the side that's like totally out there in the ethereal spiritual side. Like you can temper both of these. Yeah, you don't want to believe Jesus is going to save you if you just jump off the side of a building. Yeah, but that's the thing. It's like a lot of these things, there's so many things that we don't understand, which is why this stuff is good. Because if you can allow your logical brain to turn off for a little bit and
Starting point is 01:13:33 even attempt to try some of these things, you might uncover a lot of really cool shit for yourself. But some people, and I used to be like this, I used to be so science based, so research based that I'd hear something. I'd be like, well well where's the fucking research to back this up I don't see any science to back this up this is just some person talking about this not worth my fucking time and that'll close you off from a lot of stuff so I just want to mention for these logical guys and I was in
Starting point is 01:13:59 that same boat I remember when I would even show up to some of these meditations when I was younger, and I was so judgmental. I was like totally that guy and did not have a good time. I was everything that they were singing and saying, I was not into it. Everyone's got to find their own path eventually. I wonder if this guy made the one that we have in the gym because it looks similar. Strong Grip Metal Master. Yeah, thank you. He is the sweetest dude.
Starting point is 01:14:25 I shot him a message. I just wanted to buy one because my buddy had one that he custom made for him. Yeah, thank you. He is the sweetest dude. I shot him a message. I just wanted to buy one because my buddy had one that he custom made for him. That's so cool. And so I hit him up. I'm like, hey, man, I would love to get, because I want a 35-pound mace. And the one that I was swinging is a 25-pounder. And I was like, you know, this is getting kind of easy. So I wanted to get a 35-pounder. So he's going to make me a 35-pounder.
Starting point is 01:14:41 And he's making these custom fucking Thor hammers, too, because you can do the clubs. The clubs are really dope, too. It's a whole other thing. There's clubs. There's the kettlebells. There's the mace work. So there's some really cool ones out there that you can start playing. I have some hammer-like things in the gym, but I don't have any.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I just have a really small mace, and that's about it. Yeah, they're fun. They're really cool. And again, they can really get into a flow meditative state. We do have a hammer that looks just like that one in the middle right there boom and that thing's like 40 pounds 50 pounds oh damn that's dope that's heavy that's almost that'd be like i don't think i could do that at all but it's got a short handle so it's like it's it is you have to be you really have to hang on to that little guy 50 pounds is incredibly heavy that's a heavy one like like right now i like i can probably do a
Starting point is 01:15:26 good 25 pounder in one hand and i really feel it in my my elbows after a little bit he actually makes those ones and you've like recycled like things and he fills those up with like like water it's cool oh that's cool yeah so they're really cool clubs yeah and he's really metal you can tell he like has some sick videos where he's like having these huge axes and like just fucking chopping shit you know i think some of the stuff that you're bringing up like some of the stuff that you have written on your uh on your uh like refrigerator or the the list that you have i think some of these things that kind of remind me of just like hygiene you know it's kind of like you got like spiritual mental hygiene and i think if you think about like an average person like you know that are how many
Starting point is 01:16:11 people like are listening right now that uh take just a couple moments to just completely be by themselves and have silence i'm guilty i don't really that. Um, I do go on the cold plunge and I guess that's the only time that I literally have them myself where I'm completely alone and I'm alone with my own thoughts. Even when I'm running, I'm listening to music or something. Um, but that is a good experience for me. I am out in nature and stuff, but I think some people aren't even exploring some of that. So just imagine, you know, if somebody listening and they, maybe they, uh, maybe they don't believe in some of the woo woo stuff, but Hey, could you believe it that taking 10 minutes and being by yourself and with yourself and with your own thoughts could really be productive. And could you figure out a
Starting point is 01:16:55 way to do it by being intentional with breathing? Cause maybe just sitting there, it just sounds like it sucks to you for whatever reason, but maybe you can do it through some breath work. Yeah. I think, I think that's probably the best approach for a lot of people because, um, this, I think the reason why people can't approach this is because most people have the intrusive negative thoughts. So it's, it's, they're more so escaping most of the day and, and they're not aware that they're escaping, right? They don't realize that every time they're going for these, these stimulation hits that it's because they're anxious and this anxiety is driven from like a really deep deep space of like unworthiness in a lot of ways or insecurities and or fear so that that first set of stillness when they try to just sit still it's wild so it's
Starting point is 01:17:41 really great to like use the run use the cold use the breath i feel because um it won't be as intrusive for a lot of these people um and they can really like kind of move in that direction because it's sitting at first it's still for a lot of these uh individuals it's just so hard because the thoughts are just wild like really aggressive really negative um really really fearful thoughts um So it's kind of nice to stack it with some type of movement, cold or breath. Even just laying down on the ground, you know, you might think like, oh, this pad is a little bit uncomfortable or the wrinkle in my shirt feels weird or all kinds of things run through your mind because as much as we want
Starting point is 01:18:24 to try to shut the mind down or slow it down, it's always, it's always at work. It's always at work. Even when we're sleeping, it's at work. Well, it's interesting.
Starting point is 01:18:32 You know, I have this, this theory on the ego too. Like, so since we're not the mind, I feel like a lot of times when we, when we operate from, from only the mind and we don't know how to get out of this,
Starting point is 01:18:43 like this feardriven lifestyle, we then manifest and create the ego, right? And the ego is built from a low vibrational place and people have relied on this ego to protect themselves, but it's unfortunately like it stops them from actually doing great things. It's because it's coming from a place of fear. So I think that's what everybody battles with when they really start working and talking to themselves. So I always use the analogy of – remember that cartoon where it has the person and then there's the devil or the angel and then the devil?
Starting point is 01:19:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I go, well, once you become aware that you have – you're a soul, so the soul is the angel. The avatar is the avatar, right? And then the devil is the ego. And so that's that dialogue that you're consistently having like, hey, I should work out today. And then it's like, start Monday. That's the ego.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Like it's like when you go to lay down and do breath work, be like, it's cold, I'll do it later. And like you get up and you do it later. And the brain has always been like relying on that motherfucker, that ego for protection. So it only kind of knows to listen to that guy. And so he'll listen to that. Your avatar is going to keep listening to that guy all the time
Starting point is 01:19:53 until it builds a relationship with this guy. And how do you build a relationship with that guy? And that's by getting present. That's by becoming love. So by becoming still. And the more you connect to that higher self that soul the ego dissolves it can't exist in that realm it dissolves and i think joe dispensa mentions that too they can see it on a brain scan that the ego or what the ego is or in a in a wavelength
Starting point is 01:20:16 literally dissolves while they're meditating while they're meditating and isn't that what psychedelics can provide to do the same thing that The ego also dissolves on psychedelics as well. So there's really something here. So everybody that relies on this ego and they even identify with the ego, that's who they're listening to. But that thing is built out of fear. It makes a lot of sense. I think it has to do with the left and right brain starting to come together and communicate.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Yeah, and that was a big moment for for me understanding that that i that i'm i'm not the ego and what's even cool too is i think you get to the point where you no longer acknowledge that there is an ego because it's a manifestation you don't even acknowledge it anymore yeah you don't give it any power and i'm starting to dabble with that a little bit as well like not even acknowledging that there is this thing that I created manifested within my mind called the ego. When you say you don't acknowledge it, what do you mean exactly? Even like, like say it's my ego because I think the ego and the brain are the same thing to be honest. You're right. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 01:21:19 I get it. So you don't like, you don't separate it from yourself. Right. Yeah, exactly. I don't create like this whole other thing. That's just a whole other thing. You know, it's like, just like the inception thing. You can keep like zooming out.
Starting point is 01:21:30 So the ego is just another thing. And maybe the ego can even create its own ego. Who knows? So it's like, you start just like removing that part and just the brain. I liked what you were, you were mentioning earlier, right after, I don't know if it was before or after we did the breath work, but we were talking about how like, you know, this stuff allows you to be present and it actually allows you to go through your day. And sometimes like you'll go, you'll walk up to the fridge and then you'll catch yourself like, wait, wait, I'm not, I'm not hungry. Why am I here?
Starting point is 01:21:56 What am I, why did I, why am I opening the fridge right now? You know what I mean? Like you really start to zoom out. Exactly. Because you have these routines that you'll just naturally be going through if you've built in a routine. And it's just like you're kind of like a robot. You go to the fridge. You see that there.
Starting point is 01:22:09 You take it to the couch. You eat it while watching something. But when you become present, you start doing some of these breathwork practices, cold plunging, et cetera. You're like, wait, why am I scrolling? I've been scrolling for the past five minutes. This is useless. And that buffer is huge. That's when we can get a chance to kind of like, whoa, step outside of it.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Right. And most people right now, they don't have the capability of that buffer. They don't know how to get that like that, just that little bit of space in between their person and their actual self. And if you really do remove the identity of this self, it makes it really easy to look at it from a really wonderful, objective way. And you see it as literally retraining it. Like it's like almost like a monkey mind. It's like, or a child, if you will. And so then you can really just start like approaching it and do it through love, never shame or guilt. Right. Like, so when he messes up and
Starting point is 01:23:03 like does something that doesn't serve him i can be like well that's okay let's pick ourselves up and maybe let's handle it a little bit differently you know but if we identify with that self and it messes up then we're like i'm a piece of shit i'm these things right it's like it's we turn on ourselves it's kind of wild so if you can separate and then like be really kind to the the avatar when it goes through a moment of like messing up um it's you can you can uh make some profound changes very very quickly with with many of your behaviors through just being loving towards it as opposed to like shaming it if we are just the avatar uh who or what are we if you can you say that again sorry so like if this right
Starting point is 01:23:47 here is just an avatar like who or what are we you're a soul having a human experience got it because you kept saying it i'm just like well shit who's driving yeah this soul is the soul is yeah which is who you actually are which is loving awareness that's because that's that's that's beautiful that's where you go when you also are which is loving awareness that's because that's that's that's beautiful that's where you go when you also meditate is to that remembering that space where you were nowhere nobody no time that blackness or that space where you're like wait where am i that's that's the oneness that's the loving awareness space and then you pulled yourself you zoomed out from the avatar and then you can like oh okay and then you're like well i gotta retrain
Starting point is 01:24:25 this motherfucker because he's like a pain in the ass right now and i always use this analogy of like you're the um you're the dog and the dog pound but you're also the dog rescuer so the dog rescue goes to the the dog pound and it sees that shitty dog right and and he's like i'm gonna rescue this dog opens the count the dog even tries to bite the rescuer doesn't know any better you bring it home it like pees on the carpet chews on the fucking couch pulls on the leash and what do you do well you have to give it lots of love you have to feed it good food you have to take it on long walks you have to treat it really nice you have to have patience for it and that's what this is that's what everybody needs to start doing is they have to be the dog rescuer and the dog it's the same thing you have to be the parent and the child and most and and you can also see it as this way
Starting point is 01:25:09 like you there's two sets of parents there's one parent when the child's freaking out in the back seat of the car they uh they pull over they take the kid and like hey what's wrong you're safe you're okay let me hear what you have to say let's feel your emotions right they actually listen to the child and the other parent who gives their child an ipad so what are you doing to your avatar are you actually sitting and feeling their emotions when he's anxious when he's afraid when he's insecure when he's going through all this stuff or do you just distract him with this fucking phone with food with people with drugs with tv and that's what people do they don't ever listen to their person when they're actually crying out i need help i need help i what people do. They don't ever listen to their person when they're actually crying out,
Starting point is 01:25:45 I need help, I need help, I need help. But because they don't have the awareness that they're not the person, they can't get out of it. So that's why this shift is everything. It really is everything, I think. It's like, because you can really come outside of it. And then it's funny.
Starting point is 01:26:00 It's like people, for some reason, if it's not them, they take better care of it too. It's like, you ever notice, you'll feed your dog the best food in the world but you'll eat like a piece of shit so it kind of helps like when you realize like oh this this poor person needs my love i'm gonna start feeding them really good i'm gonna take them on walks um do you ever remember there was this this clip going around um and there was this video and everybody got it wrong everybody got the video wrong and it was this this video everybody got it wrong. Everybody got the video wrong. And it was this video this guy made
Starting point is 01:26:27 and he said, you ever just look at your person and you said, wow, how did I end up with a person like you? And everybody took that clip and they made it about their significant other.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Yeah. So that wasn't about... No, it was about his person. I got that wrong. Oh, shit. It was about his person. Wow. You ever just look at your person
Starting point is 01:26:42 and be like, wow, how did I end up like you? I'm so lucky. You're the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen. Yeah, it's a meme. And he was talking about his avatar. He's talking about this sentient being that deserves the love, that deserves the respect, that deserves to be fed right and gone on walks and treated properly and all those type of things.
Starting point is 01:27:00 That's some Fight Club shit right there. Yeah, man. You know, real quick on that point, you know how everybody in the past few years, everybody's been talking about self-love, self-love, self-love. And it has gotten a little bit annoying. But in the true aspect of that self-love thing, the place where it makes a lot of like you have to agree like this is important is what you just said. Where people will like parents especially will take better care of their children, will feed their children. Like they'll take better care of their children than they do themselves and partially because maybe they they feel like they have a lack of time and we were just talking about this on an episode recently but like if you do care about yourself then you would try to
Starting point is 01:27:39 really etch out that time to go take a walk or even walk with your kids or feed yourself the right foods or do the right things for your body if you really do care about yourself. I agree. So that's huge. And what's cool about that is, is that we do the best way to actually make change and actually show our kids like how to actually live is by leading by loving example. You know, like your kids or watch what you do. They really, really do. And even like our women are kids are watch what you do. They really, really do. And even like our women are going to watch what we do. We really set the stage for creating a space for them to be
Starting point is 01:28:13 their authentic selves. And if we can lead with that, with vulnerability, with authenticity, if we can truly dance without being insecure, if we can truly do all of these things, our authentic self, we give permission in some way for our children to follow, for our women to follow. And then that's when the world really changes, when men really fucking be their divine self. How do you deal with bad news and or negative stress? What I do is I more so so I break it down to like, to like how I'm feeling
Starting point is 01:28:50 as opposed to what I think. So if, uh, if something's happening, I, I, instead of like trying to like come up with what I think about it, because I think then the ego gets involved in a lot of ways because then I'm judging. So I just try to simplify it as much as I can and like, oh, okay, this is just how I feel. And then what can I do for this feeling? And I just tie love to it in some way. I always bring it back to love. And that's what I do with everything.
Starting point is 01:29:19 I consistently bring it back to love. Like I go through it and like, oh, okay, how can I have more empathy? How can I have more acceptance? What about a situation like today where your flight got screwed up? bring it back to love. Like I go through it and like, oh, okay, how can I have more empathy? How can I have more acceptance? How can I have more? What about a situation like today where your flight got screwed up? Like did that throw you off a bit? Did you get like frustrated or were you able to kind of just like, oh, this is what I'm feeling. This happens all the time.
Starting point is 01:29:38 It's part of travel. Well, I think what I lean on to or always fall into is seeing things as opportunities, right? So like when you ask for courage, you don't get courage. You give opportunities to display courage. When you ask for patience, you don't get patience. You get opportunities to have patience. So like that's the type of stuff. And it doesn't mean I don't have the feeling, right?
Starting point is 01:30:00 Because my person, my avatar still has these feelings of frustration. He's pissed that he had to sit there has these feelings of frustration he's pissed that he had to sit there and he got fucking he's pissed he doesn't want to fucking sit in this fucking place anymore he wants to get where he wants to get he's excited to do these things and now he can't and so i just be like hey man here's a good opportunity for you to practice what you preach here's a good opportunity for you to be okay with it just sit in it and then i sit in that i let him sit in that too i let him sit in that too. I let him feel those emotions. I don't shut them off. I don't distract them. I let them sit with that anxiousness
Starting point is 01:30:28 and be like, see, it ain't that bad. And he's like, all right. I actually do talk to him a lot, which is kind of schizophrenic, but I feel, I feel, um, I feel like that's the best way is actually verbal, verbal chatter with, with my human. Um, I, I speak to him all the time when he's going through it it especially if he gets upset about something i'm like what's this about like what do you what is this really about and then when i have those conversations i can always remember like ah bro that's your ego talking that's actually not how you feel and then he can see it and then he's like yeah you're right that's not how i actually feel that's my ego following along with what you were just saying
Starting point is 01:31:02 there was confusing for a split second like he was like, he, he, ah, okay. It's a separate thing. That's very interesting. It's really helped me profoundly. You know, it helps me become the witness, become the observer of, right? Because remember, we're consciousness. But actually, that's a really cool tactic of what you're mentioning there. Because if you think about it, it's like you're separating yourself from the thing that's going on like you're like let's take
Starting point is 01:31:28 an let's take a bird's eye view of this situation rather than just being like something really fucking bad happens rather than just being in it getting fucking angry blowing up back out fucking back out of it see it for what it is the problem is we make it about us. The ego tends to make everything about itself. Right. Like you can, you can even use like, say your, your girls like acting like anxious and upset. Right. And a lot of times in those situations where like, uh, like, you know, why can't she figure it out? Or why, like, why is she bringing her energy into this? And doesn't are you all these things or something like that? And she's still not happy, right? Something like that. Say you do a lot for your girl and she can't figure it out. And you start creating like a checklist of like, I do this, I do this, I don't feel appreciated. So you're making how she's feeling about you. And that's
Starting point is 01:32:16 the ego. Cause then you're judging her in a lot of ways. So what you can do is, is like, understand that it's not about you. And then you can then see the love in her as opposed to the anxiety in her. And I learned this. This is a really great tactic too, dealing with people who have severe anxiety or anger, just people in general that you meet in person, like hard, rough people that just are anger all the time. If you can see the child in them, that love in them,
Starting point is 01:32:43 we're mirrors. But if you only see the anxiety in them, if you only see the anger in them, that's all they're going to see within themselves. So what I try to do is I always try to make sure, like, one of the things I always actually tell myself is keep your heart open. I always say, I'm going to keep your heart. If I feel it closing even a little bit, like I get frustrated with somebody or I get impatient with somebody, like I make it about me. And I'm like, right now that person's going through their own thing. So how can, how can I see the love that they're trying? And so I see that they're trying their best and that's the love I see in them. And then how can
Starting point is 01:33:14 I support them as opposed to like making it about me? And that has worked profoundly, profoundly with individuals that I've worked with, with relationships, all that kind of stuff. It's been really cool. Like, you know, and then it's like simple things, like, especially with women, like praising them is a really powerful way to get women to shift out of their, their negative thoughts and behaviors. Men, it's a little bit more about dialogue, I feel, and conversations. Um, so yeah, it's just about learning how to see love in people and bring that out of them when they're, when they're having a moment instead of making it about ourselves. And have you had clients that were parents that you've, I don't know, just take them through breath work and then they've reported back saying like, since we've been working together, I've actually been able
Starting point is 01:33:59 to communicate better or like our relationship's better or my toddler now isn't crying as much because I'm like getting down to their level. Yes. Okay. That's, that's the biggest thing is that because again, it goes back to leading by example. So all these parents actually end up teaching their children the breath work and how they regulate their emotions and how they sit with their emotions, how they can zoom out and hold space for themselves. Cause that's what you're doing. You're essentially, instead of giving your person the iPad or distracting them with all bullshit, you're, you're going into a place like you guys just did and you created a space for your person to feel.
Starting point is 01:34:34 And that's really cool. So that's where everybody needs to get to. So when we feel anxiety, when our child, children feel anxiety, we're like, all right, well, here's a space for you to feel these emotions. You're safe. Everything's okay. Let's have fun with it. And so teaching parents that how to regulate their emotions. Most of the times if they're really gnarly and crazy, their children are really gnarly and crazy, right? Monkey see, monkey do. So as soon as they start becoming more present, more calm, more zen, and they start teaching this to their children, their children pick up on it really, really quick.
Starting point is 01:35:03 It's really cool. And couples that do this stuff together, it's a profound, profound experience. When they're meditating together, you meditate with your partner in the morning, it's a whole other ballgame. Where was this fucking information when I was a kid?
Starting point is 01:35:18 It was there. It was always there. It's ancient shit, actually. Yeah, it's been there forever. We just... Yeah, we just... Well, you know, we're in the Matrix.
Starting point is 01:35:25 Did Oprah have it at all? I watched a lot of Oprah as a kid with my mom. I mean, my parents would just yell at me. Yeah, well, you know, like, absolutely. It's like, it's just they didn't have the tools or the awareness, right? Another thing, too, and this is really far out stuff, too, too, is like I acknowledge that there is a system, that there is a system that keeps you anxious and creates anxiety within this world. And this system also supplies you with never-ending amounts of stimulation for you to cope with this anxiety that they actually created. I believe there is a system.
Starting point is 01:35:59 And I think that's a powerful thing to really pay attention to, not to become worried about it and not to give your power to it, but to simply be aware that there is a consumerism system that makes you anxious and then you consume. Makes you anxious and then you consume, whether that be fucking actual buying product, your phone, porn, whatever the case may be. And so it's like this money loop that this business creates. this money loop that this business creates and if they can pump out anxiety all day long just pump out anxiety and make people feel less than and insecure and afraid then it's all in the news all day long you know fear fear fear fear fear here you don't look good enough here's this here's that and at the same time they're feeding you processed food and fucking garbage and getting you hopped up on every type of stimulation there is it's a wonderful system to make a lot of money off of people you know because all that stimulation is a coping mechanism so i i make that a big part of with my clients is hey i believe there is a system and it's a very good system it's been around for
Starting point is 01:36:56 a long time and it's neither good or bad but it's there and so pay attention to it like don't fucking don't be played by it you know pay attention to the food that they provide pay attention to the shitty music that they provide pay attention to the shitty tv that they provide step outside of it and then you're good to go you just said one of my favorite words that we've ever had on this podcast porn you you because we've had discussions about this with different people and different people have different ideas some guys don't think it's that big of a deal some people like myself because i got on it when i was young i i've been able to get rid of it but i didn't realize it was a problem until a few years
Starting point is 01:37:33 later and it took me a while to get out of my porn addiction and i'm thankful that i didn't i'm thankful that i got out of that but what have you noticed or what is your take on men and porn use and how you see it affecting men and life, et cetera? And what are your suggestions? Well, it's a heavy point of view. Porn, unfortunately, or not unfortunately, but just porn in general is of the probably lowest vibration to consume, I feel. Because unfortunately, and I think this is a heavy topic, unfortunately, like one of the biggest businesses in the world is the trafficking of children and women.
Starting point is 01:38:13 And those are the people that are in the porn industry. And so you're consuming a very, very, very low vibrational energy and it's also synthetic. It's also desensitizing that's why most people when they watch porn it does something to the brain where like regular sex all of a sudden becomes boring then they're watching something a little bit more extreme you know before you know it you're watching like 10 dudes run a train on a girl and before you know it you're watching a donkey on a girl and before you know it you're watching you know gay porn you
Starting point is 01:38:41 don't know if you're gay or straight. That's where it kind of goes. It kind of leads to. And also it's just of the most lowest vibration. None of those people want to be in that industry, even if they think they do. They don't want to be in that industry. And so that's the type of – I think it's really important to understand your energy exchange with things every day too.
Starting point is 01:39:02 That's something that I take very seriously within myself. Since everything is energy, another woo- woo thing, but everything is energy. I'm energy, you're energy, everything is energy. How are you exchanging this energy each and every day? Um, is it low vibration or is it high vibration? So porn is, I think one of the lowest vibrations you exchange with every single day. So if you're going to give your energy to that, that's what you're going to get back is which like it's some some dark stuff so i think that's where that head so that was an easy switch for me i i was never really fully into porn but i would still watch it every now and then um but soon as i i learned about the trafficking of women and children and how they were funneled into the porn industry it was like it was like done i was like oh never fuck that shit that was it was a very
Starting point is 01:39:45 very easy switch yeah and so that was my my big awakening with that uh up until then i didn't think too much about it i didn't think it was awful of course i probably definitely enjoyed it multiple times but as soon as i became aware of like that heavy heavy stuff it was an easy like just okay no go it's just yeah like it was like done. This guy, Raul Tomasa came on the podcast and when he talked about it, he, I've never heard somebody mention it, but like, it makes a lot of sense. He mentioned how it's like a form of sedation for men. I mean, even I noticed when I was in heavy porn use, I'd utilize it when I was like anxious or sad or whatever.
Starting point is 01:40:20 And I just feel real, you know, just like, just get asleep now. I don't want to do anything. You know, you don't feel, you don't want just go to sleep now i don't want to do anything you know you don't feel you don't want to go work out you don't want to do something hard you don't want to you don't want to get shit done you just want to fucking be lazy chill and wallow in that shit right so it's like i think for a lot of especially people who've gone on it young my generation who managed that shit when they were teenagers, it's a total, this massive level of sedation that stops them from actually going after the real thing. You're okay with that. So why do I need it? That is a tough one for the generation that was kind of introduced to porn at a young age.
Starting point is 01:40:58 I was lucky where I didn't have a computer. Porn wasn't, the internet wasn't even a real fucking thing. It was dial up nobody was I mean nobody was doing that stuff but I know friends that are like 10 years
Starting point is 01:41:09 younger than me and the first time they masturbated was to porn which is wild imagine being a kid and the first thing you're doing
Starting point is 01:41:19 is masturbating to like real adult sex where the first time I did it I didn't even know what happened I'm like what the fuck I remember it happened and I didn't know what happened. I'm like, I remember it happened and I,
Starting point is 01:41:26 like, I didn't know what happened. And I walked downstairs, my whole family was like watching the Simpsons. I like, I'm sitting there and I'm like, what the fuck was that? And then I like went back upstairs and did it again.
Starting point is 01:41:38 So, you know, it was like, that was like, Oh, I seen this episode. I'm like, I'm going to have to be right back here.
Starting point is 01:41:44 And I remember coming back down again. I'm like, what the fuck was that again? I'm like, oh, I've seen this episode. I'm going to be right back here. And I remember coming back down again. I'm like, what the fuck was that again? I'm like, this is amazing. This is crazy. I was an animal for a few months after that. But, I mean, it was all in my bedroom. I didn't even have thoughts. There was no thoughts.
Starting point is 01:41:59 So it was kind of a nice way to explore myself. I think a natural way to explore myself. I think a natural way to explore myself. It's a natural way. Yeah, it was hard for the kids I grew up with, like the internet right in their face and that accessibility to this type of information. When you were in Los Angeles, did you get caught up in the system, do you feel like, at all? I almost did.
Starting point is 01:42:19 I felt like I got a bit over-sexualized because I think the whole world is over-se actually I was married to Steph and I remember a part of our relationship I thought like oh I would be down to have an open relationship I'd be down to bring women into this relationship and I thought like I'd be okay with that and then as I became and you know and we actually like tried it like once or twice and I remember just again listening to like my feelings I remember eating afterwards I'm like oh this is not this is not how this isn't it you know and I really sat with that as well and then I just
Starting point is 01:42:55 became aware of like what a divine union is and what that is all about and like and like how special that can be and like building that type of connection and I realized like a lot of times what I was looking for through these other sexual adventures was a high it wasn't actually a connection and a lot of it had to do with ego right and so once I kind of realized like oh that's that's not even a connection it became very easy for me to no longer want that in my my relationships at all and would never even think about it. But I did have a part of my life where I thought I wanted those things and I did explore those things and I came out on the other side like, oh, hell no. This isn't part of the divine.
Starting point is 01:43:35 And I think as you become more divine, as you become more love and you and your partner are both elevating on that cosmic level, it's not even interesting. are both elevating on that cosmic level, it's not even interesting. There's like regular sex with some person to come into your union, no fucking way. It just wouldn't even, you couldn't give someone to me. I'd be like, no, no, no, no, you can't. This is a sacred space. And for me, for even you to be in here,
Starting point is 01:43:57 I would have to like cosmically become like, you know, intimate with you in all these different ways. And that takes all this time and all this love and you have to be raising your vibration at that same time for you to and why would I do that when I'd be doing that with my partner so I think yeah in LA for a little bit
Starting point is 01:44:15 Was that during the time when you would post a lot of those drawings? Yes, not the drawings actually that was another DMT trip, this is really far out The drawings were sick by the way I still love the drawings Are actually. That was another DMT trip. This is really far out. The drawings were sick, by the way. I still love the drawings. What are the drawings, man?
Starting point is 01:44:28 Are they still up there? Yeah, Alpha Changeling, I think it's called, or something like that. But this was actually a DMT trip. So I was over-sexualized, and I was big on always like, and it didn't come from a bad place. It really came from a very loving, innocent place. My woman was hot. I loved promoting it.
Starting point is 01:44:45 And I remember getting emails from people like, you guys swingers? And I'm like, no. And I used to be almost offended by it. I didn't know I was giving out that type of information. I didn't know I was giving off that vibe. And so I smoked DMT one time, right? And it was one of my most profound trips. It was one of my most profound trips.
Starting point is 01:45:01 It's when I became no longer into that type of shit. And the image was Betty Boop. Black and white black and white betty boop on dmt betty boop walking through and she represented steph and i'm like okay and she's super sexy and i'm like all right yeah and then she turns to me and betty boop who represented Steph, goes, why don't you keep some of this for yourself? Was the message when I was on DMT. And I was like, oh, and I felt it. I felt it like on such a level. I was like, oh, and I and I even felt like shame and guilt. And Betty Boop goes, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:45:40 You didn't know. You don't know. But maybe just keep some of this for yourself. And it was wild so at that very moment i for whatever reason i was on dmt but i opened my eyes and you usually don't open your eyes on dmt and steph was actually sitting on the corner of my my bed because she just she was actually there she was there okay she was actually there but and and she was like this fucking golden shrine like like as bright as the sun just radiating and uh yeah it was like the most beautiful experience of understanding like relationships and divine union and in keeping this stuff sacred and uh and taking it seriously
Starting point is 01:46:19 and uh that was that was the big shift for me when that DMT trip. It was wild. It was crazy that Betty Boop was like, yo, keep some of this shit for you, bro. How many times have you done DMT? In the beginning, I mean, I probably could give you a handful. I would say maybe like 25 times probably. But I haven't done really psychedelics in a long time. It's like I think I did them more in the beginning because they were my only way to meditate. I didn't know how
Starting point is 01:46:47 to do breath work. I didn't know how to do the other stuff. I didn't know anything about the cold plunge. I did cold plunge, but it was all for physical therapy shit
Starting point is 01:46:54 and I was just getting in and getting out type of stuff. So DMT was the way I was kind of meditating and going into that quantum field.
Starting point is 01:47:02 But once I learned breath work, I haven't smoked DMT actually since I've done breath work. And I find myself very rarely even doing mushrooms. And if I do them, it's a micro dose for me to go to Barton Springs and lay out in the sun and just be a little bit more zenned. But outside of that, I really don't mess around with psychedelics too much anymore.
Starting point is 01:47:24 Oh my God, bro. You did so good. It's so now. That looks like an asshole. It is an asshole. That is an asshole. So, yeah, I mean, I love the humor of all this stuff. You were always really funny.
Starting point is 01:47:36 And the thing is, I still have this humor. It's just that now I became more mindful of, like, what it puts out there. That's what I mean. It's like just becoming more mindful, more self-aware. So just shit like this, like, I probably wouldn't post anymore just in case like young men were watching and they don't know any better so i had to just take more responsibility for myself and dropping the hammer dropping the hammer yeah i used to put shit like that all the time and you know i thought like i thought like was like expressing my sexuality in a health way but i was definitely putting off a vibe and I was definitely over-sexualized
Starting point is 01:48:05 just by the culture itself. Oh, that's a nice one. That one I still would post, actually. That's a cute one. That's hilarious. I actually went through, I remember when I had that trip, I went down and I deleted so many pictures
Starting point is 01:48:19 of Steph that I had up. And I remember reading them, even reading the context of the post, and I was like, I can't believe i fucking put this shit up i am crazy now i remember i remember seeing your profile it was years ago okay yeah yeah yeah because i like up until this point i'm like oh this you're totally i've i don't yeah you probably wanted to hit me up to have a swing fest like that that stuff is still great i like the cartoons i mean i wouldn't post it or share it anymore um but but like yeah but yeah like there was definitely a really cool celebrating yeah like i would have that like in my house or something in like the bathroom like have that be bathroom make that an nft
Starting point is 01:48:59 yeah but mostly yeah like i i realized like what i put out there does have an effect on people and i don't want to be contributing to like some of this stuff. And so I had to just become more self-aware in how I operate. On a really cool aspect of all this stuff, though, as far as breathing, I think that especially especially guys underestimate how big of an effect breathing can make on how long you last in bed. how big of an effect breathing can make on how long you last in bed. Like if, if you, if you not little fast and that,
Starting point is 01:49:28 that has happened to me in the past before, if you get your safe, no, I got you. I've been like eight, like five minutes. I'm like, Oh no. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:49:35 It, but getting the breath and control, like when you know how to like breathe and slow down your breathing and nasal breathe, bro, you can marathon that shit. The breathing. Yes. Let's go. Cause you're present. Well, that too that too that's why because you're not in your mind yeah that is
Starting point is 01:49:50 true that's all it is i always tell people if you want to focus on having some wonderful sex focus on the person if you focus on her it'll be cosmic but okay so there is the aspect of focusing on her but also if you're someone who's like like taking short breaths like the aspect of focusing on her. But also, if you're someone who's like taking short breaths, you could be focusing on her and you could still be like, Right? That happens. Fair enough. She's going to be really hot.
Starting point is 01:50:16 Exactly. But if you know how to take deep breaths into your diaphragm, slow that shit down, breathe into your nose, calm down, bruh. Yeah, you're good. At least it opened up a new up a new door for me you can even do breath work with your partner during lovemaking she might be like what are you doing she's like yeah you're all breathing heavy in her face and shit she's like just you've seen that you've seen that like video where it shows what she sees and like it's like like our bottom face making all these fucked up
Starting point is 01:50:42 faces right so yeah i could imagine i was breathing all heavy on it i was like sweating there's so many good ones dude i'm sorry i don't want to take her is that the is that those are the planets being anal but yeah anal beads anal beads yeah man i mean i still love this shit that's so good i can't just oh my lord bro if you guys are listening to this on audio you're missing out on the video so they can't see this i bet they were able to see this on youtube but audio they won't this is great just everybody go follow justin lovato oh my goodness scroll for a while you have to scroll for years back you drew these no no no this will just be the last one I think this will
Starting point is 01:51:30 really represent like show and like really represent like the over sexuality of everything just because of like the guy from the boys I think I even wrote like what I write heaven what did i put there the good life the good life of course suffocating but how many it's so fine everybody loved this shit i mean everybody was dying like and i got i definitely got the other part of the the other side of it too we're like hey i love how you celebrate your wife it's really cool it's beautiful so i got that as well which is what it was. Authentically, that's what it was. But I can't show this.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Oh, man. Oh, my God. Is that a holster? Is that like a saddle? A saddle. A saddle. There's so many. Fuck, dude.
Starting point is 01:52:16 I found another one. Oh, my God. Andrew's having way too much fun now. Oh, my goodness. Dude, it used to be so much fun to see what you were going to post. And then you fast forward to what I'm sharing now. It's so funny. If anybody just scrolls down, I'm like, who was this guy and who is he now?
Starting point is 01:52:33 Yeah. I don't know. It's YouTube, so I don't want to show this one. But if you can imagine a penis and a Cinderella gold slipper. Hey, man. It's a perfect fit. Yeah. That's so great.
Starting point is 01:52:42 This artist was awesome. He was a good artist. That was amazing uh before we drop on out of here just tell us a little bit about what you eat and how that goes okay so where's the bowl oh yeah yeah the bowl i think is in my bag if you did want to grab it um so the way i approach life is the same way i approach my food with as much mindfulness as possible so i try to pay attention to how much i'm consuming where i purchase my food with as much mindfulness as possible. So I try to pay attention to how much I'm consuming, where I purchase my food, you know, how it's made, how it's prepared, because everything's energy.
Starting point is 01:53:11 So I just try to be very mindful. Like, so if I do eat meat, I make sure it's from a regenerative farm or some type of small farm or a small local store. The same thing with my fruits and vegetables, local farms and stuff like that. And then i typically fast most of the mornings i actually what i just started recently doing yeah you can throw it right there i just started recently doing as i really um after my breath work is there like the little oh it is in there perfect so i started um doing a lot of papaya in the morning papaya yeah i love papaya with lime yeah i do papaya and blueberries after my meditation and my morning cardio. So I do my meditation. I do a little bit of stretching yoga. I go do about an hour cardio and I do my live chat and then I come home and I do my papaya,
Starting point is 01:53:56 my blueberries. And if I feel like I want some protein, I'll maybe have like a shake, but usually it's just the fruit. And then I'll have some clients and then I'll, um, I'll train and then I'll have a huge, huge smoothie. And that smoothie is, uh, like three scoops of protein. Um, cause it's usually the first kind of meal that I'm having protein that I'm having two bananas, raw honey, frozen blueberries, ginger, um, turmeric. Um, what else? What else? Whole avocado. Yeah. it's like a huge, huge smoothie. I can throw some greens in there too if I want. I think there might be one or two other things that I throw in there, but that's usually my first big meal of the day. And that's a pretty dense shake, you know. And then at night, it's usually another, a bunch of vegetables stir fry. And I usually have
Starting point is 01:54:42 either shrimp or tempeh for my protein. And, uh, I just started incorporating red meat again once a week because I didn't really know where to get it from. I didn't want to buy from any of the type of farms that were mass producing animals and shit like that. So I found,
Starting point is 01:54:56 uh, some regenerative farms as of lately, which is really cool. And, uh, so I've been actually adding that back in and I feel really good on it. What about some junk food? No.
Starting point is 01:55:04 Um, rarely. I don't really eat junk food. If I feel really good on it. What about some junk food? No? Rarely. I don't really eat junk food. If I were to like if you were to order a pizza, I'd have pizza with you. So on a particular occasion, you might just eat something just because it's convenient and you're with other people. That's the only time I do it. Yeah, I really don't have it in my house. But I also – it's not a thing.
Starting point is 01:55:29 I don't think about – I really don't have a relationship with food if that makes sense did you ever um the only time i did was after a little bit with bodybuilding and it wasn't the fact that i had a relation with food was like i just wanted to eat a lot of it it was almost like i had this habit of just like consuming as much as possible for a period of time so i would like order two pizzas you know and destroy both pizzas it was like this really weird phase of like oh i'll get two of everything um you gotta i'm still in that phase that sounds good but um for the most part yeah it's like i don't think about um the other food until someone goes hey man like you want to smoke we can get a pizza tonight and i'll be like yeah all right you know tonight and and usually still after I have it, though, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:56:06 I probably would have rather had some vegetables and some like fucking sweet potatoes, if I'm being honest. So I'm like falling more into that more and more and more and less like junk food in general. Like I really don't, I'm not a sweets person. So I'm really lucky there. I'm a salty person. So I like if you put a bag of chips in the house, I'll crush it.
Starting point is 01:56:26 Crush chips all day long. I like pizza, but chips and french fries is probably my favorite food as far as junk food goes. My favorite food, though, is Thai food. I really like it. So Thai food would be my junk food choice. I probably would go with Thai food. I love Thai food, too. I always eat way too much of it
Starting point is 01:56:42 every time. Yeah, I always get three dishes. I always get the red curry. I love the red curry. It's good, also. I always eat way too much of it every time. I always get three dishes. I always get the red curry. I love the red curry. I always get the pad thai. And I always get the spicy papaya salad. I get everything really spicy too. You ever fuck with those Thai desserts? It's like the fucking sticky rice.
Starting point is 01:57:03 The mango and sticky rice shit. that i will fuck with uh any day you bring that over i'll have that yeah for sure pretty much every episode ends this way where we're just talking about the food that we want yeah that's dope after telling people to not eat for like you know an entire entire episode that's funny yeah i'm a potato person though i'll cook potatoes every day nice so what um like, is that a certain brand? Like, because I have, I want to say, like, I had my sister-in-law got, like, what we thought was that. And, like, she couldn't get it to work. And it was, like, really cheap or something.
Starting point is 01:57:34 But as far as the bowl, I mean. Oh, sorry. It's a person, actually, I ordered off of Etsy. Oh, sick. Yeah. Etsy. I've been digging on Etsy for a while now. It has a lot of good shit.
Starting point is 01:57:45 Yeah, I try not to do Amazon too much. Let me find out the person who I order mine from. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:57:52 I just ordered two more actually, two more Sun Bowls. That bowl can double as a hat too, I think. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:59 And some food? Yeah, put some food in there, fruit salad. Chakra Drum is the name. Chakra Drum. C-H-A-K-R-A-M. yeah put some food in there fruit salad chakra drum is the name chakra drum c-h-a-k-r-a drum chakra drum yeah i have like a really big one i just ordered um two more oh wow so i have all seven now which is really cool
Starting point is 01:58:20 so what like what does this help with it was really cool when we were doing that breath work i wasn't sure what was going on because i was hearing shit coming like vibrating on both sides of my head i didn't i didn't even realize that was what you were doing but what does that do because you see a lot of people utilize that so what's so these are these again it's gonna be woo-woo heads up um. These are all different frequencies. And we are probably closer to sound than we are to matter, I would say. If you believe in the stuff we're talking about, if you were a loving awareness, energy, vibration. So you can use these to really elevate your sense of well-being. your sense of wellbeing. And, um, some of these, um, or most of these are, are designed to, um,
Starting point is 01:59:13 um, be a specific frequency for a specific, um, energy center or what you call a chakra. So there's seven energy centers and they are real, they are a real thing. It's a, and so they've, uh, they've realized like what, what frequencies really resonate with each individual energy center. So this one particularly is the root chakra and I have all seven of them. So when I go from round to round normally, I'll start off with this one and then the next one and the next one and the next one. I play each one as we go through each seven rounds because there's seven rounds of breath work. Yeah. So yeah, just to cover all those aspects.
Starting point is 01:59:41 And some people, again, woo-woo stuff, can be blocked essentially. And as I mentioned, a lot of people are more so blocked in their first three because they're like what they say are the primitive three before you became self-aware, before you became aware of like loving awareness, right? Or else we were just savage animals before, right? And so we operated from these three
Starting point is 02:00:01 based on survival and security and all these type of things. So most people are still still kind of blocked there. So they can use these sounds to move energy because you can move energy with sound. And so that's what this is doing in a lot of ways is moving vibrations and sound and energy throughout your body. And you can use things like sound bowls to kind of get those things moving. I want to also add in because you're mentioning the woo-woo aspect of that. But you've heard of binaural beats?
Starting point is 02:00:26 Yes. Yeah. Same shit. Exactly. It's the same exact thing. There's been research to show what hurts helps people focus, helps people sleep. There's a whole app based off it.
Starting point is 02:00:36 I know Andrew Herdman's talked about it quite a bit, but this app Brain FM, it has different things you can listen to. Yeah, so that's what this is, just by hand. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So it's not woo-woo at all. Yeah, so that's what this is just by hand. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So it's not woo-woo at all. Yeah, this stuff's really great.
Starting point is 02:00:47 I mean, conscious music, I call it, was a profound change in my life as well. You know, paying attention to the frequencies songs use is a big one because some songs, if you don't pay attention to what hurts they're playing at, they actually can make you a little anxious without you realizing it. And so it's good to pay attention to like the music that you're listening to, the words, the lyrics, the intentions behind those things. Obviously we like some ratchet shit when we do that kind of stuff, but it's wild.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Like I used to listen to a lot of that stuff. And then again, it was like from this space that is a little bit angry, right? And it can be used as a tool that that anger and that type of you know in that way but then I when I started training with love uh I'm a lot stronger a lot stronger and I can go a lot farther when I'm training to conscious loving music and what I like to do is a lot of times if I find a song that I like I like to like not know the name of the song and then figure out what that song makes me feel and then like give it a word and then usually when i look up the name of the song it matches usually what i felt so you can tell like okay when music tries to actually speak to you what
Starting point is 02:01:53 is it saying so i changed my relationship music about three years ago as well and um and everybody loves my music i'll play how'd you guys like the music today i want to ask like is that like a playlist yeah what is that style of music called so people can search it and people i mean me i don't know what you would call it i think you would call it conscious music or loving music or something like that meditation music but i have a whole bunch of playlists with some really great stuff i can send you guys all the playlists yeah please because that shit was cool yeah it's really dope i'm just like instantly started thinking about like playing it for my son. Oh man. Like,
Starting point is 02:02:29 and then hopefully getting good at playing that meditation music, yoga music. If you just ask your phone to play it, it will play stuff. That's a little similar. Similar. Yeah. Spotify. I like listening to that,
Starting point is 02:02:36 like shaman, like rainforest type stuff too, where you can hear him chanting and get a sound bowl for your kid. I'm telling you, like you can have whenever they're freaking out, have them sit down and be like, Hey man, let's do some deep breaths and just play a sound bowl for your kid boom
Starting point is 02:02:47 like it's really cool yeah like it's it's really simple stuff did you guys want to play yeah yeah so if you can just like rotate the the microphone and then i'll open it up and then just like if you can more oh you can just move it like that okay i wasn't sure i don't break it good spot yeah I'll mess with it yeah power project first ladies and gentlemen okay unbutton your pants we're getting away from that remember oh oh yes i was gonna go deep with it power project first going on here today ladies and gentlemen yeah i can imagine like how many people watching this close your eyes right now and just let it that's that's really cool right i know it's wild man like it's it sounds kind of funny but like when me and my homies all hang out the crib um you know we just
Starting point is 02:04:22 chill and listen to good music and then like someone will just grab one and then they'll just start playing it and before you know it there's like two of my friends just like laying on the floor with their eyes closed and then someone else grabs one and before you know it they're like in a different fucking dimension just from the sound bowls and they're just like and they come back to like holy shit and i'm like you want to go again you're like all right well if i can peace out again and they, when they disappear, they come back and it's like, that's so cool. I'm getting one of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:47 Yeah. Yeah. They're really cool. I'm, you guys definitely got to come down to the house sometime in Texas. We'd love to have all of you and I can, I could show you what's up with the crib and stuff like that. We got the,
Starting point is 02:04:57 we can do the whole thing, the breath work, the cold plunge, all of it. It'd be really fun. The micro dosing be a good time. Heck yeah. And then,
Starting point is 02:05:03 so like how can people do the breath work at home? So I created a really awesome program. I have a program that is literally what I put you guys through today. It's not a loop. It's fully guided. I breathe with you. I count you down, all that kind of stuff. It's a 55 minute program. Um, and they could just contact me and purchase it through me directly. Find me on my email or, uh, my Instagram and stuff like that. And actually this week that I'm in LA, I'm actually recording another program, another 55-minute one, but also a 30-minute one for people that don't have enough time,
Starting point is 02:05:32 and then also a 10-minute one. Nice. That'll be really cool, that ones that are like, yeah, so I'll have a few different lengths of choice for people because sometimes it's short on time and we just need a quick moment on a lunch break or some shit when we're dealing with a shitty boss or something. Yeah, so that's something. Hopefully to get
Starting point is 02:05:49 a few more programs out this next week or so, but I have one that's really good. It's really profound. It's really awesome stuff and everybody can really benefit from quieting the mind and tapping in. Appreciate it, man. Thank you so much for taking time away from your life and what you have going on there in Texas and coming and coming and seeing us appreciate it man i couldn't wait to come on to
Starting point is 02:06:08 be honest like and that's another thing i've been it sounds again i've been asking for the universe for for people to like be able to see me and what i'm doing because it does come from a really good place i really do want to help as many people as possible um just be their best version their best selves and um i really think this is a great way for people to lock into this kind of stuff so i've been like trying to get the universe to have me be seen a little bit more just so i can help more people so i really appreciate you having me on here and and let me like really talk about the stuff that's truly important to me take us on out of here andrew absolutely thank you everybody for checking out today's episode please drop us a comment down below on, I mean, we gave you a lot of stuff to talk about today.
Starting point is 02:06:47 So you got plenty of options. I want to hear everything you guys have to say. Tell me everything that's on your mind. And make sure you guys like today's video and subscribe. If you guys are not subscribed, turn on all those bell notifications so that way you guys don't miss anything. Please follow the podcast at MBPowerProject on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZrew z and sema if people want to yell at you where can they do that comment down below actually what andrew said but if you're in the discord go on
Starting point is 02:07:12 the uh episode discussion channel let us know what you guys are thinking because this was a really cool one it's really cool and see my ending on instagram youtube and see me getting on tiktok and twitter justin where can they find you uh Probably IG is probably the best way. Justin D. Lovato. And then my email, justin.my2cents m-y-t-w-o-c-e-n-t-s at I gotta make myself do
Starting point is 02:07:36 some of that breathing tomorrow. I'll give you the program. You're gonna love it. I'm telling you, it is life changing when you get quiet every day. I loved it. It got weird a couple times. I was like, did I get knocked out? I was so pumped watching you guys because I was like, oh, I was like, do they have too many monsters today or something?
Starting point is 02:07:53 I was like, I wonder if they were just too, you just finished working out too and I had that thought too because I've done breath work after I worked out and it's a little tough. You thought we were going to get up and be like, that was bullshit. I didn't think that too much because I know you and I know your style and I love how you are actually interested and you really wanted to see what it was all about. And I felt that.
Starting point is 02:08:13 So I wasn't too worried about that. I just wanted you to have the most fulfilling experience. So I had some things. But even then, I told myself, I'm like, get rid of that thought, bro. Let's fucking get these guys to take the fuck off. I'm like, I'm going to get these guys to take off. And so that's where I went in with it, and you guys took off.
Starting point is 02:08:30 So it was really dope. Yeah, take off we did because I got to do that shit again. Awesome, awesome. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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