Mark Bell's Power Project - Learning From the BEST in Austin Texas || MBPP Ep. 975

Episode Date: August 23, 2023

In episode 975, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza recap their trip to Austin Texas where they got to run, roll, and podcast with the best people in the game.   New Power Project Website: h...ttps:// Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Receive a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 Travel Packs!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box   ➢ Better Fed Beef:   ➢ to receive a year supply of Hostage Tape and Nose Strips for less than $1 a night!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ to receive 10% off our Panel, Check Up Panel or any custom panel!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 While we were in Texas, did you guys get bit the fuck up? Yeah, I just had that staff scare. How were your runs, by the way? We did like five to six miles each day. Nick Bear, he has an ability to like set his focus on stuff and then just go after it full blast. I didn't get much sleep, though. I think we overate a couple times and we're like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Tuesday night was really bad after we got back from that steakhouse. I was shitting all night long. The timing of this trip was pretty insane. The best guy in the game right now, like taking his classes. Where'd you guys train at? At Henzo Gracie's in Austin. I was able to get in some sparring sessions with Marigali. And I got to roll with Victor Hugo too.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Pretty much the two best guys in the world in my weight class. Being able to roll with those dudes massively helped my jiu-jitsu. I didn't miss a day of training out there. A huge focus is training when I travel. Getting to a podcastjitsu. I didn't miss a day of training out there. A huge focus is training. When I travel, I get into a podcast with Tom Segura. It didn't suck. You know, he shows up with his gym bag. He's got a strong shirt on and strong elbow sleeves and wrist wraps and everything in there.
Starting point is 00:00:54 It's not like he just lost 20, 30 pounds. He lost the weight. He'll never gain that weight back. He was our personal trainer on this day, according to him. Shout out to Nick Bear and BPN. Just getting time to spend with Nick is so much fun. Did he let up his cycle? Did he say what he's on?
Starting point is 00:01:10 He claims he's natural. Trying some of that new mind bullet over there? This? This is dirt? No, I'm joking. Nah, it's actually pretty good, dude. It's nice. It's got a natty flavor.
Starting point is 00:01:21 But it's also, it's like, it's milky. It's weird. It tastes kind of like coffee and something else. I threw, we threw some MCT oil powder in there. There's a mind bullet. We got like eight grams of kratom in there. How'd you get the lemon taste? It's just a natural lemon flavor that we chucked in there.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Nice. And no artificial sweeteners, which is hard to do because kratom is like absolutely disgusting. So that was kind of difficult. Yeah, 300 milligrams of alpha-GPC. I think it has like 75 milligrams of caffeine. Kind of top it off. Make it something new and different, you know? It's nice.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I like it. It'll be available soon at Am I lactating? I think you are. You have to squeeze a little. Already? Maybe it's going to drive up your prolactin. It's the drugs. It's the drugs.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It's my drugs. That's why I'm lactating. I like when we podcast and people always lump you in. You know, like you just take the syringe and you're always like Why is he acting like he doesn't know i like that you never say anything though because it's pointless right like if you're like you know it's just i tried that in the past it doesn't work i'm clean bro it doesn't work check out my last test as dirty as you want me to be yeah you're on that cream in the clear like uh victor conti from balco okay what's all the uh
Starting point is 00:02:46 there's a there's a documentary on um i think it's called like the untold story or something like that it's on netflix but it uh it's all about like the balco scandal with uh barry bonds and all those other athletes that were involved in in that whole trial and And the guy that we interviewed that does the stuff for the UFC, does all the testing for the UFC. Jeff Nowitzki. Jeff Nowitzki, yeah. He's in the video, and he's talking about what a piece of shit Victor Conti is, and they're kind of going back and forth on stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:19 And Victor Conti's like, he's got no proof, you know, that Barry Bonds ever did anything. And then they have this paper that is, it's a calendar and it shows like what to take on what days. And it says like game day and it says the clear. The clear was a testosterone derivative that was, it was a new steroid or maybe it was an old steroid made new again by a guy named Patrick Arnold. And it was undetectable.
Starting point is 00:03:47 That was the thing is he couldn't detect it in the current testing that they were doing in various sports. But in baseball, they actually weren't even testing for steroids for many, many years. It wasn't until the whole Jose Canseco thing. He let everything out of the cat out of the bag, and then they started testing in there. But it says B, let's see, Barry, yeah, BLB. It says BLB on the sheet of paper. And the guy's like, could that potentially stand for Barry Lamar Bonds? And he's like, I don't know that. He's like, I didn't write that.
Starting point is 00:04:26 He's like, this is not my handwriting. Yeah. But yeah, they were pretty careless, like with how they did stuff. They just throw stuff away and then Novitsky and other agents and stuff, federal agents, they would just go through the trash and they'd be like, oh, what do we got here? You got growth hormone, insulin. They would just go through the trash and they'd be like, oh, what do we got here? You got growth hormone, insulin.
Starting point is 00:04:50 But the case that was made against Victor Conti, they had 42 accounts of him. I forget what they call it. Criminal charges, 42 accounts. And they were only able to get him on two because they threw everything else out because he used a lot of insulin. He used a lot of growth hormone. And insulin and growth hormone are not scheduled three drugs. And then the drugs that were in question, the cream and the clear, they were new. And so they're not on any banned substance list. So the lawyers were like, what are you going to get them for now?
Starting point is 00:05:16 Like this is not even banned. And then also in baseball, again, they weren't testing at the time. baseball, again, they weren't testing at the time. So maybe he's breaking the law by taking a testosterone derivative without a medical supervisor. But he wasn't taking a banned substance, which is weird. So they tried to go through all that. But anyway, out of the 42 counts that they had against them, they were only able to get them for two. So many loopholes.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And so Victor Conte went to prison for four months and made like $80 million. That's insane. He worked with Tim Montgomery, and they had this project that they called the World Record Project, and he was trying to break the world record in the a hundred meter. And it was wild because I didn't know this, but Tim Montgomery, he was an exceptional sprinter. It was unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Uh, he was only 145 or 150 pounds. And I've never even heard that before. Like an elite sprinter. They're usually like, you know, heavier. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:22 They're usually much heavier. So he went from one5 to like 170. And he was frigging just totally jacked. How tall was Victor Conti? Victor Conti is like normal size. But yeah, Victor Conti is whatever. But Tim Montgomery is probably 5'7". Oh, Tim Montgomery.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Okay. Yeah. Wow. So he did end up breaking the world record. It's kind of wild that Noah Lyles just ran a 9.84 at the world championship. And he's normally 200, 400 meter. Normally 200, 400 meter, but like this was how long ago? And was this Natty? No.
Starting point is 00:07:01 It wasn't Natty. No, this is when he's on some shit. Shit. But yeah, it was just cool to watch the whole process. They brought in Milo Sarkev, who's a famous bodybuilder. And he was helping him with lifting, which is kind of funny. Because I wonder if they did straight up bodybuilding. And then Victor Conti was like the chemist.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I don't know, it was just fascinating. Well, they talked about his bench press, right? They were like, oh, it went from like, I don't know, two something to like three something. And then he gained too much weight. So like, oh, we got to dial this back a little bit. They had to have too much weight. Yeah. They got him too jacked.
Starting point is 00:07:37 He couldn't run. He was like run. They said he was all lats. He couldn't run. Yeah. Yeah. But it's crazy. So like Victor Conti, he would speak in like not legalese
Starting point is 00:07:48 but like he'd be like yeah i never once gave barry bonds a ban banned substance and you're like okay well like what did you give him it's like why didn't give him anything that broke the rules but at the time like mark said like well they weren't even testing for it yeah he's like no all i did was help him with like ZMA and like some other stuff. But nope, I never once gave him anything banned. It's like, yeah, Victor Conti, he created ZMA and created a company and they did legitimate stuff. They did like blood work and then they would have people do supplements and diets, you know. But then I think he was like, this is only getting such good results.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like the results are decent, but, decent, but we can get different results. What was this called on Netflix, though? I forget the actual name of the thing. It's part of an untold story, which is like the Manti Teo stuff. So it's definitely on Netflix. The name is just not. I'll find it. Popping up all the concussions probably.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Hall of Shame. Hall of Shame? Yeah, steroid scandal, something, something. But yeah probably. Hall of shame. Hall of shame? Yeah, steroid scandal, something, something. But yeah, the hall of shame. Yeah. I do have a problem with like the, when you click on it, there's like a bicep flexing and then somebody pushing a needle into that. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Like no one's going to inject there. Like this is so fake. I was upset. God damn, that would hurt, I think. Oh, I can't even imagine. Try to inject into your bicep. I remember Tony Hughes telling me that that would hurt, I think. I can't even imagine. I remember Tony Hughes telling me that he tried it in his calf. He's like, don't ever do that. I'm like, why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:09:11 He's like, I just wanted to see. Where's the worst place that either of you have pinned? Probably just a quad. And some people recommend it all the time. They're like, you should do the quad. I'm like, oh my God, that hurts so bad. I would just say the worst was um uh L-carnitine in the glute it like shut it just like shut my whole leg off like I'm never doing that again
Starting point is 00:09:32 oh god Mark Loebliner was like yeah don't don't do that he's like just do it in the shoulder he's like and even then he's like it's too painful I got bit this morning a bunch by like a mosquito and it was right on like the bicep vein These mosquitoes are getting intelligent While we were in Texas did you guys get bit the fuck up? I had bumps all over Yeah luckily I don't think I got bit Yeah I just had that staff scare Yeah that scared the shit out of me Oh you and the staff you're all friends at this point I had bumps all over. Yeah, luckily I don't think I got bit. Yeah, I just had that staff scare.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah, that scared the shit out of me. Oh, you and the staff. You all were friends at this point. Well, dude, we, like, didn't sleep. Well, I didn't sleep. Like, at all. How were your runs, by the way? Nick Bear, Zach Bitter, some guy with the name that starts with a J.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Jeremy Miller. Jeremy Miller. Sorry, Jeremy. I haven't met you, bro. Yeah, how'd all that go? It was awesome, man. It was great. Everyone, probably similar to jiu-jitsu, like just because these guys have a different capacity than me
Starting point is 00:10:35 and because they've been training longer and they're way faster and stuff, they're not like, all right, see you later. They don't just take off or they don't like push the pace to make you uh just feel fat and out of breath the whole time they go at like a comfortable pace and um i think it was uh actually almost each one of them just they're you know they're used to doing like eight minute mile pace is like kind of slow for them eight minute or eight and a half minute maybe nine minute like would be like the slowest they might go depending on how far they're going yeah
Starting point is 00:11:09 um but they were still going faster than what i'm used even though they were slowing down a lot they're still going faster than what i'm used to so it's kind of nice you know i'm i'm pushing myself a bit but nothing too crazy um we did like around six five to six miles each day and it felt awesome and just learn a lot you know they're they've been doing it for so long um it's just like it's like a podcast like all right let me let me ask some uh ask some questions while we're here and um just kind of like you would think you know you get opportunity to talk to somebody that has been doing something for so long. Their answers are usually really simple. You're, you're thinking like, oh, they're going to, they're going to tell me something today. Like they're going to say,
Starting point is 00:11:54 lean forward and, you know, flex your tibialis muscle and then turn this way. And it's never anything like that. It's always just like, oh, we oh we'll just um it'll work itself out over time like if you just keep running and eventually you know if you take your time and you don't get hurt if you do the basics then you're just you're going to be better as a by you know should i should i work on increasing my stride and they would probably be like well your stride's going to get longer the faster that you go. And so in time, you're going to be able to go faster. Therefore, your stride will be longer.
Starting point is 00:12:30 So it's stuff like that where you're like – It's a patience game. Yeah, you're like, I know that, but can you tell me something different? Yeah, that will change things right now other than just telling me to run more. Or something. Yeah. OK. So that's a really interesting thing. So Nick Bear, I find Nick to be the most interesting just because I'm a meathead and he's a big runner. Right. I know Zach knows a lot. Yeah. And Jeremy also knows a lot. But Nick is large and he's running well. Right. Did you notice anything different about how Nick runs versus when you were running with I know Zach's an ultra marathoner. So it's different. But Zach and Jeremy.
Starting point is 00:13:03 you were running with, I know Zach's an ultra marathoner, so it's different, but Zach and Jeremy? I think Nick Bear, I think he just, I think he has an ability to like set his focus on stuff and then just go after it full blast. But he's also like Jeremy and Zach obviously have that same ability. Of course. But it appears that Nick is good at like toggling between multiple things at one time you know he's a business owner he's a dad he's running he just did a bodybuilding show not that long ago and then he's oh yeah he's still keeping up on his strength too
Starting point is 00:13:38 i mean yeah um i mean i i would be surprised if he couldn't easily deadlift six plates. You know, I think that he would be able to do that easily. And just like we were doing like pull-ups and stuff in the gym and we're doing like lat pull-downs and a bunch of different back exercises and he's just smashing the shit out of me. Like we're doing pull-ups. I was never good at pull-ups anyway, but we're doing pull-ups and he does like a set of six and then he just kind of like hangs there for a little while.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And I was like, oh, okay, sets of six. All of six all right bad you know and he's just hanging hanging then he does like another set of then he does another set of six while he's still hanging and he does like six more he probably did like i love it yeah he probably did like close to 20 reps and not only are they like legit pull-ups but they're like a pull-up with like a squeeze at the top and it looked like he was doing like a like a back double bicep pose yeah and he's all shredded and shit there's like striations popping out everywhere and i'm like i'll try it let's see if i could do sets of six so we did like five sets of this i mean he must have did about 100 pull-ups before we started the workout and then like he's doing lat pull down he's like stacking like who stacks the lat pull
Starting point is 00:14:45 down but but yeah exactly and when he's doing it he was uh he wasn't swinging or anything i'm like what the fuck like this is uh demoralizing but yeah he's he's an animal so i would just say that uh with that military background i think he has an ability to really maybe go places that maybe other people aren't willing to go because he's doing it in different. He's doing it in a bunch of different areas, which I think is uncommon. So this is something that for you, you've been running for a while now. Nick's been running for a longer amount of time, but I'm assuming, you know, when Nick started running, it probably took away a lot from lifting. But I'm assuming, you know, when Nick started running, it probably took away a lot from lifting. But don't you see yourself getting stronger in the gym now since running isn't taking as much from you?
Starting point is 00:15:32 Or are you still at that point where running does take a lot from you? Yeah, no, I think it will make – over time, I think I'll be stronger and stuff like that. But my definition of strength is just so different. I don't really care that much. I mean strength to weight ratio I think is important for me. So getting better at pull-ups would be a great exercise to improve upon but at the moment i don't really have any i don't really have any desire to do like real heavy deadlifts or real heavy squats uh i do think that some of those inputs could be important and could be helpful down the road. Yeah. But I think I can get so much out of belt squats.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I think I can get so much out of messing around with kettlebells, doing slant board squats, squatting in various ways other than just like a regular back squat. So that's where my mind is at now. It's not like I won't ever deadlift. I'll do different versions of things that involve hip hinging. And lifting something off the ground. And, yeah, picking something up off the ground very simply. Medballs and things like that after talking with guys like John Wilborn. Just seeing various things on Instagram and stuff like that too.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Why not be able to pick up a 100 pound med ball and just walk with it, you know, and it's, it's a great, not that I can't do that now, but it's a great activity and why not build a capacity to get better at it? So what I'm looking for is to just to feel some good resilience, you know, it might sound kind of silly, but I was running like maybe a week ago and my foot just landed right on an acorn and it just totally snapped my fucking ankle all the way to the point where my ankle um you know in in the shoe my the side of my foot hit the pavement like i like it hurt yeah uh not just not just the fact that my ankle just whipped like
Starting point is 00:17:25 that like somebody put me in an ankle lock uh but but it also the paint like the side of my foot hit the pavement in like a weird way and I thought I was like dead you know like I was like ah like I made like an audible noise which would have been really funny probably if someone was watching me but I uh I was totally fine I just you know kept jogging and i was totally fine so i just you know i'd like to build more resilience to where i can uh do a sprint recover from it easily uh jump um jump higher be able to jump down from stuff easily um just uh you know i used to have pain i think i used to just kind of accept pain. You know, I feel fine or whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I think we all did. And, yeah, I'd have pain in my knees getting in and out of the car and all that kind of stuff. I really don't have any of that anymore. The only thing that will happen is sometimes I just trained a lot. Like yesterday I ran like 12 miles. So getting up off the couch is going to like take me a minute, you know, and I got to make sure I don't cramp up and make sure I'm hydrated and stuff like that. But that's about the only thing that will get me here and there is just a dose of a little extra training can sometimes just make me walk a little weird or slow me down for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:39 That's something that like everyone should like think about at a certain point. Because I think I was also kind of in a similar boat when i was in my early 20s and all i was doing was lifting and bodybuilding i'd always have like lower back pain knee pain here and there and because every single other athlete was dealing with the same shit it's like oh you got you got a little just put a sleeve over it dog like or just like get some ice like okay it's still sore it's still painful but this is what you deal with and it's it's so crazy to be in a spot where you're doing a lot of more you're doing a lot of dynamic things i'm doing a lot of dynamic dynamic things but like there's no pain other than like maybe something happens but you know what to do
Starting point is 00:19:21 to get to get rid of it pretty much right you're not living with it because you think you shouldn't be it's sick what are some of the habits uh when you go to jujitsu are some of the guys kind of groaning and making noises or people uh staying pretty healthy i think jujitsu is it's a it's a place where it's like there there are a lot of people who like maybe they don't do much strength training or maybe jujitsu is the only type of movement and stuff that they do. Because, I mean, you got to think about it. Most people aren't moving most of the day. So if jujitsu is like your exercise of choice, it might be that you've gone to work all day.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You ate lunch. You're sitting down. Now you get up and then you go to jujitsu at five or six o'clock class. And then you're like, you know, you got that lower back that's still bugging grunting and whatever yeah it's it's still i think in in pretty much every everything that people choose to do there's going to be a level of like okay i'm kind of okay with this because like you're just used to pain i think one of the things that it could be kind of hard, but it could be a habit that people could pick up is just figuring out different ways to try to move more during the day. We've talked about this.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But one thing that I've been loving that's just been helping out things a lot and primarily because in my lower back on the right side. Right. I was a soccer player for years. Hardcore kicking like this with my right foot with a lot of force. Right. So everyone, my body feels good. But when I wake up in the morning, there is a tightness in my right side of my lower back. Once I start moving, that tightness literally disappears and dissipates.
Starting point is 00:20:53 It's only when I sit down for long periods of time, only when I sit down for long periods of time and then get up that it's just like, ugh, I got to work that bitch out again. So now, like when I'm sitting at home or when i'm just chilling right we have that uh what's that fucking stick we have in the gym oh yeah the mobility sticks the orange things yeah yeah what are they you know they're called something they're called something it's whatever but like i'll legit just like allow myself to move around with that thing get a lot of spinal movement and i do that all the time during the day now and that's one of those things that's just like getting long movement has been so helpful in helping all of these, like, I feel no pain anywhere, dog. And that's really,
Starting point is 00:21:30 really crazy. It's so sick. Yeah, I see you come in every day. I mean, you're rolling with a lot of monsters, like you're going out of your way to go against some of the best people that you can possibly find. And every once in a while, I'll see you come in and you're like moving your shoulders around a little extra. I'll hear you like make a little noise here and there. But for the most part, it seems like you're intact. And then when I see you in the gym doing exercises, I never see you like squinting or making a crazy face or like – except for when we were doing our little bodybuilding routine with Doug a little while back. But for the most part, I think that's great.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I think that's great I would like to see other people get themselves to that spot where maybe for some workouts maybe you push into it and maybe you do that giant drop set of leg press or something like that and make some crazy
Starting point is 00:22:19 noises and stuff but I just think that people do that so often that they're not really realizing that they're okay cool you sent a message to the legs and you caused some damage there. But you also might be causing damage that might be hard to unwind down the road for longer periods of time. Yeah. I think you can totally push into workouts hard without it, again, having to hurt you in any way or having to make anything that you have worse. But I think to be able to do that so that your body feels good afterwards, your body needs to feel good before.
Starting point is 00:22:51 So it's like you need to get yourself to a point where nothing hurts when you do any type of myofascial release. It's not necessarily painful on top of those balls because your tissues can handle that pressure, right? I think that's something that makes all the difference, which is why my fast release is so helpful. That's huge. Power Project family, we talk about eating meat all the time on this podcast. Pause. Pause. But sometimes you might want to eat some different meat.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Pause. You might want to eat duck, chicken, Japanese A5 Wagyu. You might want to change things up. That's why we've partnered with Good Life Proteins, which also has certified Piedmontese beef on their website. Now, all you have to do is head to and you can select build a box with all of the proteins that you want. Then you'll select subscribe and save to save money on all of your meat. Enter code powerproject to save an extra 5% on any subscription you select. So if you want to get your beef every two weeks, you'll be able to save 25% on all of your meat. Again, that's Links are in the description along with the podcast show notes. awesome and it's called stick mobility stick mobility people were complaining about uh we were right there uh was it expensive stick why are you gonna pay that much for a stick oh they're
Starting point is 00:24:09 unique well they're they're very different they can bend but on top of that like if you do need something like what you showed on your instagram using just the broomstick yeah it was pretty cool yeah yeah now the trip was cool man i didn't get much sleep though um because i like to wake up before class jiu-jitsu class and like get warmed up that way like i'll literally warm up with a shower like i'll take a hot shower that meant waking up at 2 a.m california time which was really hard because my stomach was like still digesting food from the night before um tuesday night was really bad after we got back from that steakhouse i was shitting all night long i was just like 12 12 a.m 2 a.m 4 a.m like just it was just like hot lava oh jesus andrew and i
Starting point is 00:24:53 was worth it though it was worth it because i was like all right i'm not gonna be able to make it to marigoli's class like this is just not gonna happen you really have to say it was like hot lava coming right out of my ass from uh from bridesmaids you ever seen that movie i have it's like hot lava don't look at me that's fucking funny scene but i ended up going to class that day too i didn't think i was gonna make it because i'm like ah it's like i'm just this is terrible like i feel sick like there's no way i'm gonna make And I started feeling a little bit better, and I was like, if I hop into an Uber right now, like, we'll be fine. And I talked to myself that way, too. Like, no, you're fine. Like, we'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And I made it, and it was cool. And, you know, training out there was, I mean, dude, it was so cool. Like, literally, like, the best guy in the game right now, like, taking his classes. Where did you guys train at? At Henzo Gracie's in austin um super nice people amazing people actually like the whole like uh like community and culture that they've built there it's really awesome so if you guys are in the area highly recommend it but um the whole trip itself was just like crazy dude like um i don't want to say like oh like the
Starting point is 00:26:03 who's who is all there, but like whatever we wanted, as far as like, okay, we want the best guys in jujitsu. Like they're there, the best guys to run with, like they're kind of there too. Best guys to podcast with. Holy shit. Like everybody's here right now. And then the week that we got there, what an incredible week to be there, you know, right when Marigali starting his comp training and so it's like just being exposed to all that stuff was wild like once in a lifetime for sure but it doesn't have to be a once in a lifetime for us because now we've made some amazing connections so i could definitely see us going back and doing that again but yeah it's just seeing stuff on that level is like i don't know, like the first time you have a conversation with somebody who's wealthy.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Like, oh, shit, I didn't know like you can do that. You know, like this is really, really freaking cool. So I took a lot out of the trip. much sucked but getting through it not just getting through it but like enjoying it and actually learning was really cool because it wasn't like like uh i don't know it just wasn't super easy but that made it even more fun because like i didn't miss a day of training out there and i know people that are traveling will usually kind of make excuses for that and i don't think either one of us did all every single one of us trained really hard every single day that was that was incredible.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, I noticed that most of my travel now, it's like there's some sort of, like a huge focus is training. When I travel, I'm like, you know, does a hotel have a gym? Or like where can I go run? And my wife's the same way. She likes to exercise too. So no matter where we go or no matter what we eat, there's always like an attachment to some sort of fitness. And then for all three of us, I think we ate pretty good. Like we enjoyed like a burger.
Starting point is 00:27:58 We enjoyed a bunch of things. I think we overate a couple times and we're like, maybe we shouldn't overeat the whole time we're here because maybe we're going to die. But it's just cool to have those things kind of locked in to where it's not massively problematic. Yeah, yeah. The food was amazing. If any of you guys can imagine, get into Red Ash when you go to Austin.
Starting point is 00:28:24 That place is fucking good. That place is good. But as far as jiu-jitsu is concerned, the timing of this trip was pretty insane. Because for jiu-jitsu, I'm an ultra heavyweight. So 220 and above is the weight class I compete in. Marigali is an ultra heavyweight. And Victor Hugo, who won double gold at this past year's Worlds. He also won the Brazilian Arrows, which is a big tournament. He won double gold at this past year's Worlds. He also won the Brasilia Arrows, which is a big tournament.
Starting point is 00:28:45 He won double gold there. He's the guy who Marigali is going to be competing against in two weeks, right? The first time I actually met Victor Hugo was at the first Who's Number One tournament when I competed against Chad Wesley Smith. Victor was there, and I looked at this dude. I was like, wow, this person's so huge. He has a big-ass frame, 6'4", 280. So it was really sick because that week, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:08 I was able to get in some sparring sessions with Marigali. I got roughed up. It was amazing. Um, the guy has great pressure. He gave me some ideas of things that I should be working on. But on the last, on one of the last days we were there, when you podcast with John Welburn, I wasn't expecting to be able to train with Victor Hugo also, but then I don't know, John and Victor are texting and then Victor invites me to come train with him. And I got to roll with Victor Hugo too. Pretty much the two best guys in the world in my weight class, I get to train with and learn from both of them and feel what that pressure is
Starting point is 00:29:38 like. Because the wild thing for me is like the only time where I get to feel potentially world class pressure is going to be in a tournament. Right. Because I don't have many ultra heavyweight training partners with that type of pressure. And within the span of a week, I got to, and there's big data.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I got to train with those guys. How does it make any sense to like, how do you, like the first time someone, like if, if, if you and I were to get on the ground right now. Andrew took this picture, by the way. And you were to give me some pressure, I would just feel like I'm never going to be able to deal with that.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Oh, Marigoli made me fart. I know that was coming to your mind. I wasn't even going to giggle because you were a little sensitive about it last time. I didn't even say anything. We were in the car driving towards John Welborn, and Andrew's like, Yo, Encima, did you tell Mark? In front of our Uber driver. Yeah, in front of our Uber driver, Andrew's like,
Starting point is 00:30:32 did you tell Mark about how Marigali made you fart? And he said it loud enough so you could hear it, too. I was like, well, I guess I didn't need to tell him, Andrew. It was all I could think about the entire car ride. I'm like, I just have to get this out. I'm like, this is worse than trying to hold in the fart. Hey, everybody has that experience when someone puts pressure on them and makes them fart in jujitsu. And it just so happens that I was quite gassy on that day.
Starting point is 00:30:55 So it was bound to happen either way. I just couldn't let it out. But it could be a good relief. It was, actually. Right here, give me some pressure. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. But of all people to have it, like, have it, you know, the best guy right now, you know. Only the best makes me fun.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah. That's a cool jujitsu shirt. Right now, I know you're looking in the mirror. You're getting ready for your nephew's quinceanera. You have a long sleeve on that looks horrible and your pants don't fit right. That's why we partnered. I don't know why you're laughing. That's why we partnered with viore clothing you see this is the boulevard shirt jacket fits great stretchy feels amazing it's the best long sleeve in my
Starting point is 00:31:32 closet and one of the biggest things that we love about viore is that they have clothes that you can wear to parties they have clothes that you can wear in the gym like i said your nephews can see you can look great wherever you go if you step your fashion game up. Plus, this stuff feels like baby skin on your skin, which is kind of creepy. But at the same time, it's kind of nice and you know it. Andrew, where can they get it? Yes, you guys got to head over to slash Power Project. That's V-U-O-R-I dot com slash Power Project to automatically receive 20% off your order.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. What were you saying about pressure? I was just saying like if I felt some of the pressure that you're able to give, even if you were giving like 25% of your maximum, I would feel like I don't understand how I'll ever be able to deal with that. Yeah. How do you get used to that? Like what is... Matt's on. how do you get used to that like what what what is uh
Starting point is 00:32:27 what do you think yeah just just time and understanding like literally get used to somebody like just smothering the fuck out of you you can get used to that yeah but then you also get used to like how to what parts of your body to let yourself relax while someone's laying pressure into you because there's one
Starting point is 00:32:42 thing about pressure where it's like if someone's putting pressure in you. Because there's one thing about pressure where it's like, if someone's putting pressure in, you don't necessarily want to tighten up because it makes it feel worse. So if someone's like putting pressure into you, the best thing to do is almost kind of like to relax. Like someone could have their knee on your stomach and you could relax. Yeah, I can relax through that. It's not, for me at this point, it's not that bad.
Starting point is 00:33:03 And actually this was one thing that I think was pretty cool. And it kind of shows what all of this, some of this mobility shit's been doing. Because Marigali's really known for his pressure. But Andrew has pictures where both my, he's mounted me already, right? I'm in a fucked position. And both my hands are up here. And he's known for just being able to really just fuck people up in there and make them tap. But somehow, twice, I managed to escape with both my hands up here.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And I was comfortable because I was able to relax in that position with my hands over my head and escape from that position where most people are usually fucked because they don't have the mobility or the ability to relax there. Yeah, with your arms over your head, for bigger guys, anyone who's like over 200 pounds, it makes the breathing a little different. And the dude is sitting right here, right? He still ended up tapping me later on. Don't get me wrong. But I was so surprised that I was in the position where you 100% should be fucked by an athlete like this. But because of the work we've been doing on movement and all this stuff, I was able to escape pretty handily without panicking. all this stuff was able to escape pretty handily without without panicking so um just shows that a lot of this stuff is very helpful in maintaining your ability to move well as you try the wet
Starting point is 00:34:10 method on there we go yeah yeah did you do the wet method it was when i was showing my wife this picture and i'm like there's a hole in sema under this guy right here you know like holy but what so what's really really freaking what's got me super fired up about this picture or uh this situation is like the first time he was smothered like right he was smothering you um well he was he had mounted yeah he got you in this position you were kind of like you know you weren't you were figuring figuring it out but then on this situation you're like oh we were here and then you got out of it yeah and i was like dude in a matter of like one or two roles
Starting point is 00:34:50 ncmo was able to kind of unlock the code and it was just like sick because i'm sure you've never been in that position where it's like somebody that like that knows what they're doing yeah and then for you to kind of like oh if i do this combination then i'll be able to get out of it and i was just like dude like it was hard for me to not like let out like a really loud like let's go because i was just like oh fuck here we go again and then in seymour got out of it and i was like i'm trying to be respectful here you know like but it was it was i don't know it was inspiring guys he still tapped me three times in a 10 minute round let's not get it twisted so but but that's what i but this is exactly what I mean.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Like, these are the wins that I, that I have to take, you know, to see you at Brown Belt doing this. I'm just like, all right, like we're still,
Starting point is 00:35:33 we're still doing good. We're still, we're all right. There's something that like, from what Andrew said, like, I think the biggest part about this was being able to roll with those dudes massively helped my jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Like I could already tell. I came back, rolled a few times. I went to another open mat dudes massively helped my jujitsu like i could already tell i came back rolled a few times i went to another open mat at another school and it was just like that like it just things were unlocked just being able to roll with guys at that level that's why it's like i think it's super important somehow always like wherever if you are training just always expose yourself to people who are better than you um because like if you're if you're not getting challenged where you are i mean you could do a lot of specific training and stuff and that's what both of them told me like you need to do specific training and put yourself in bad positions which i already do but there's a difference when somebody better than you is now like giving it to you it can help a lot right and then there kind of is no
Starting point is 00:36:23 bad positions when you're so much better than the other person yeah right you don't really feel at risk yeah the other person's just they're just not trained up to be able to do anything with the position that you're that you start from yeah right yeah and a lot of those dudes just also like just their understanding of grappling is just at another level that's why they can be such good instructors, but that helps their grappling because they not only are they good at it, but they can explain everything they do in a very precise fashion. So anybody can learn. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Yeah. Getting to a podcast with Tom Segura didn't suck, right? Had an opportunity to lift with him and a podcast with him. And it was cool. You know, he shows up with his gym bag. He's got his strong shirt on, and he's got his strong elbow sleeves and wrist wraps and everything in there.
Starting point is 00:37:12 It was great. And Sean Nix, his trainer, has done such a great job with him. I mean, Tom, he looks like a different person these days. He's made such great progress. And it's cool to see that he's um he's not like it's not like he just like lost 20 30 pounds you know he he lost the weight he'll never gain that weight back um there may be a situation where he gains five pounds ten pounds like that kind of happens to most people at some point you relax or whatever you get in better shape and worse shape and stuff here and there but uh he's really kind of set himself free um from a lot of that and he was our personal trainer
Starting point is 00:37:50 on this day according to him we went through a few things like you know some wrist workouts it was it was fun that we uh got a chance to heave the med ball around at each other yeah i love doing that movement. That's kind of more like an Ian Danny type thing. He used to do Danny ball where they would play with like a 10-pound med ball over a volleyball. Danny ball. I haven't seen that. It's pretty slick.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah. It is crazy how far he's come, though. And he also mentioned that he wants to start jujitsu. Yeah. Yeah, so that's – he's killing it, man. I think one really cool thing is what he mentioned during the podcast. I think Andrew asked him if it changed him as a person and he mentioned how he just has become more – I guess it affected everything in terms of how he deals with people. Maybe did he say he becomes more direct?
Starting point is 00:38:40 Yeah. So that episode is not out yet. Oh, isn't it coming out after? Yeah. It's going to take some time. Oh, okay. It'll be out, we'll say Monday. All right, good.
Starting point is 00:38:49 This is coming out Wednesday. Oh. Yeah, I just asked him how that, like, being better, because he was kind of saying he's not letting loose ends kind of just hang around anymore with his diet and stuff. I'm like, how is that carried over? And he's like, that's the same thing. He's like, if it's not like kind of like if it's not helping, it's hurting or if it's
Starting point is 00:39:08 in the way. Yeah. Yeah. How does it help? How does it hurt? Yeah. But and so he was just saying like it helped tighten everything else, every other aspect of his life up.
Starting point is 00:39:19 And, you know, you just kind of don't let things slide anymore. There you go. That's what I meant to say. There you go. Yeah. And I thought that was really cool. Well, with your diet, if you let something slide, a lot of times it keeps sliding, you know, and it just keeps sliding and sliding. So if you let up some of these practices that you
Starting point is 00:39:33 have, um, that's the danger, right? Is that you just end up in like a fucking tailspin. And, uh, with the way that Tom has been, uh, as like a communicator, as a podcaster, as a comedian, he knows that you have to, this all takes a tremendous amount of work, takes tremendous amount of time. And so he, I mean,
Starting point is 00:39:55 same thing. I mean, if he lets his comedy slip, it doesn't matter how good you are at something like those things are, they're not going to be optimized. You know, they're not going to be there for you the way that you want them to be whether you're good at running or jujitsu if you're not practicing it um you're you're going to lose some capacity like you're not going to
Starting point is 00:40:13 lose at all you're going to remember a lot of stuff and you're still going to be able to be proficient probably but you're not going to be nearly as good as you want to be and then when you're done with that performance you're gonna be like i really let myself down like that sucked and then that can be like a vicious cycle and once you fall behind on something um you fall behind on your diet your kind of meal preparation and all that kind of stuff then you kind of notice that you fall behind on your sleep and now you're trying you know what i mean like you just fall behind on your bills know, and it's just like one thing after another just keeps sliding downhill and you're like, fuck. It's a cascade of shit.
Starting point is 00:40:49 It's a cascade of shit. It really is. Yeah. Yeah. So that was a great experience. And then, you know, shout out to Nick Bear and BPN for letting us use their facility, letting us train at their gym and use their podcast. And then just getting time to spend with nick is so much fun um you know he's 33 i think and he just seems like he's got so much figured out at a young age which is pretty uh pretty
Starting point is 00:41:19 impressive but it also is uh like it's motivating to me to be with him because he's so proficient at what he does. But then it's also kind of cool because he's asked me a lot of questions. He's asking about like children, you know, raising kids and being a parent and like all this stuff and even business stuff, you know, just because I've been doing these things longer than he's been doing. And I'm asking him questions about running. And it's just it's neat to get around people that are going to help you to level up, and all they are is encouraging. All they are is positive. Did he let up his cycle?
Starting point is 00:41:53 Did he say what he's on? He said that. I joke. It's a joke. He claims he's natural. I believe it. I mean, I don't know. People be tripping, man.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I believe it. I think it's a testament to. People be tripping, man. I believe it. I think it's a testament to how he looks. Yeah. You know, he's in great shape. And I think that when people, he's right at that line, right? You know, it's not like he's 170. You know, he's like 210. You know, he's two something.
Starting point is 00:42:19 He's like jacked. He looks great. So he's right at that razor eyebrow of suspicion, right? What's so funny, Andrew? Yeah, like if he was I don't know, if he said 185, I'd be like, yeah, that's probably about right. But like 210, it's like
Starting point is 00:42:36 man, no wonder why he gets so many accusations. Like he's jacked, dude. He's really big. Big jacked people exist. Right. Yeah, it's a thing. I forgot to tell him that my daughter dissed him. I forgot. She said he has no legs.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I showed her a picture of him doing bodybuilding. She's like, he has no legs. I was like, damn. I forgot to tell him. I got to tell him in person. Next time he's here. Yeah, you can just text him that. My kid says you have no legs.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Quinn says you have no legs. Start training them more. I hate to sound like a broken record, but your sleep quality most likely sucks. It's one of the biggest things that we talk about on the podcast. So many guests have come on and talked about how sleep can help you stick to your diet, stick to your workout plan, lose body fat, gain muscle, all the good things that you're trying to do. But it's hard to do because you might be snoring. And if you're snoring, that's why we've partnered with Hostage Tape, which is mouth tape that you can put over your nose, your mouth, when you're asleep to help you stop snoring and breathe through your nose.
Starting point is 00:43:36 But if you haven't been breathing through your nose this whole time while you've been sleeping, it's going to be a little bit difficult to get air through there. That's also why Hostage Tape has nose strips to help open up your nasal airways and make it easier to breathe through your nose when you're asleep. Now your partner won't be having a fuck with you when you're asleep because you'll be actually breathing through your nose. Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, that's over at hostage tape dot com slash power project where you guys will receive an entire year supply of nasal strips and tape, all for less than a dollar a night. Again, that's at hostage tape dot com slash power project links in the description, as well as the podcast show notes. It's really cool, though, like what he's got strong ass legs, though.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, very strong. It's like it's sick to see people doing more than one thing at a pretty. It's amazing to see experts. Right. But like, I think it's great because I think most of us want to be able to be good at multiple things when it comes to exercise. I mean, it's helped us all out. You have the ability to just go run miles, dog. And then you can hit a gym if you want to. You have this skill set, right? So it just kind of shows you can have these skill sets and it will propel you forward. You're not only stuck with a barbell all the time. And when you travel and you don't have access to a barbell, you're now fucked and getting fatter for no reason. It's also great to be able to experience a city that way.
Starting point is 00:44:52 To go run. Now I run in Iceland and I ran in Switzerland and in Austin, Texas. And it's a great way to experience places. Getting around on a bike is a really great way to experience places too. But getting around on a run, then it's it's a great way to experience places getting around on a bike is really great way to experience places too but getting around on a run um then it's interesting because your perspective of how far away things are changes so much uh yeah it's only five miles away like that's not that bad like that'd be perfect i'll go five miles there five miles back but when you're not used to that shit you're like that's way too far or like a mile, sometimes a mile or two, you know, years ago, I'd be like, I'm getting an Uber. I'm going to get a car.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah. Get some sort of ride. I'm not going to walk that. But Andrew and I walked to that burger place and back. And I think you walked back with us. But it's kind of nice because you get in that exercise before you go eat whatever the fuck you want to eat. That burger place was amazing. Yeah, that place was awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Golden Tiger. Happy Tiger. Golden Tiger. Very good. If you're in Austin, go to Golden Tiger, too. Yeah, not Easy Tiger, which is very close. The bacon barbecue ones got some spice. That burned the shit.
Starting point is 00:46:01 That was way too spicy for me. You make the back of your head sweat. Only if you're Nigerian, though. Yeah. Dude, John Wellborn's place was great. Dude, John Wellborn is so big. Yeah. Like his head and everything.
Starting point is 00:46:14 He's a big boy. Look at the size of his head. He's a very, very big human being. I mean, it matches the rest of his body, so it makes sense. It does. He's a big boy. Yeah, he's a big boy yeah he's huge john wellborn um is somebody that i ran into kind of fairly early on in my in me being in like california and he was just somebody like right off
Starting point is 00:46:36 the bat he seemed like he got it you know seemed like he he understood so much i think so much of it has to do with his background uh being a professional football player for nine years. I think he played for the Philadelphia Eagles. He understood like the incorporation of strength training, power lifting, but not only focusing on a sport can assist and can help a lot where you don't have to do, for lack of a better term, stupid exercises. They still might be useful. It might be useful to like balance on one foot and do some of these exercises that you may have looked at previously and been like, that shit's lame. I just want to squat and deadlift. may have looked at previously and been like, that shit's lame.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I just want to squat and deadlift. But I think if you stay attached to a sport, if you do volleyball, pickleball, if you have a routine where you're actually active and actually doing these sports on a frequent basis and you're lifting, I think that that can train your feet. That can train your legs. That can train your body in a way that can help keep athleticism. Yeah, absolutely. It's just keeping some involvement of it so that you don't, it doesn't go away over time. Like I've still been doing one sprint a day at least, you know what I mean? Just because like, Joel Green. Yeah, I've still been at least on the
Starting point is 00:48:02 days I don't do more than one, I'll still hit one sprint a day just so that my body knows this is what it feels like to put almost everything into you and with that type of speed, right? And all this stuff is reaping benefits. It's insane. I figured something out on a sprint, by the way. What did you figure out? I figured out that if you run like you have shit in your pants, that you can actually go pretty fast without hurting yourself so if you just take smaller steps so you're like you mean tuck your butt like hank yeah yeah you tuck your butt down a little bit and you um just keep your knees bent so it's not a sprint sprint
Starting point is 00:48:36 you're not going like yeah but i think the issue with a with a a full-on sprint is just the stretch that you get reaching yeah and you you know you're hitting the ground with a lot of force and then your back foot is kicking up and you can get a lot of uh kind of quad stretch and then there's just like a lot of potential to like kind of hurt your back or twist something slightly if you run like you're like you just shit your pants um you just run with like your feet a lot closer, you can actually go pretty dang fast without hurting yourself. So almost like pretending like you're running downhill. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Okay. Yeah. Andrew knows about shitting himself. Oh, yeah. Do you want to pull today's genius? For now, we're going to call this genius of the day. But we, yeah, pull today's genius, bro. This is beautiful.
Starting point is 00:49:30 We won't be able to hear it, though, will we? Yeah. We'll be able to read it. Absolutely. We won't be able to hear it. Let's go. The only reason people admire bodybuilders who have built their body with muscle and not obese people who have built their body with eating huge amounts of food,
Starting point is 00:49:46 is because there's prejudice against fat people. And so bodybuilding could benefit from including the non-competitive display of fat bodies alongside muscular ones. Fat bodies alongside muscular ones. So she's saying that mass is mass. Yeah. And that we're just hating. And that's why that mass is mass. Yeah. And that we're just hating and that's why we don't appreciate that mass. It's a different, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:09 it's a different level of self-discipline. The discipline to just over and over. Look at those reps. I like this. Crushing it. I like where she's going with it though because you got someone who's like over and over look at those reps crushing it I like where she's going with it though because you got someone who's like 4% body fat
Starting point is 00:50:31 standing next to someone who's 44% body fat like the inverse would be hard like how how slanted could somebody make their body fat percentage like what would be like could you be 80-20 like ground beef like could you be 80 20 like like ground beef like could you get yourself that fat that's probably impossible right
Starting point is 00:50:49 yo i have some friends that got their body fat tested before i'm like i don't understand this is like an iq test like who goes and gets an iq test people that are fucking smart right only in amer, man. Don't get an IQ test if you're dumb. Don't go and get your body fat tested. I mean, you already know it's not good. Don't go. Don't get it tested.
Starting point is 00:51:17 This test is not for you. The test is for the asshole that wants to be like, I'm 7%. Yo, the fact that she said it's though that's like prejudice and then she's just she's just like we should put them on stage together and appreciate both of them only in america dog only only here oh i'm like maybe uh maybe like maybe i could see big and fat, like that old Eddie Hall picture when Eddie Hall was maxed out when he was just huge and winning some World's Strongest Man. That would be interesting to see him on stage next to a men's physique guy. It would be because he'd make that men's physique guy look small. Yeah, the contrast would be crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:02 I mean, his thighs were probably fucking 40 inches in circumference or something. So you can find that picture of him. I'll look it up. And then I remember Sean Baker, he would post this picture of like, I forgot what year it was, but it was like the world's heaviest man. And he was like, that's just like everybody you see these days now. So there was a point where seeing somebody that was bigger was like an attraction where you can pay money at the circus to go see this. It's amazing when people say it's like their genetics. It's like it's in no one's genetics to be 400 pounds.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Sorry, but it's just not. Hey, man, those Samoans, though, they got a claim. They can be big. They can be big and athletic as fuck. When you see a 6'5", 350-pound Samoan, though, they got a claim. They can be big. They can be big and athletic as fuck. When you see a 6'5", 350-pound Samoan running at you, oof, that's a big boy. Look at that forearm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Jesus Christ. Yeah. That's got to be uncomfortable. That's a power belly. His belly's creating an eclipse. That's a power belly. It's good to see he's healthy nowadays because that doesn't look very healthy you know
Starting point is 00:53:06 were you guys kind of surprised that uh tom was like uh so forthcoming about like podcast information and stuff i mean he was helping us with all kinds of stuff yeah he's uh he's a super helpful dude he just likes i guess being of service to people around him because like yeah we were asking a lot of questions and he was very open with everything. He's a cool dude, man. He's an awesome guy. Yeah, like, when you're at that level, he kind of, like, doesn't really care.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Well, I guess he doesn't have competition. Not that, like, anybody needs it or wants it, but he's just like, yeah, here's fucking everything. I dare you to try to, like, be better than our podcast. That's how the fact, like, how he feels about blacks, you know? You guys will hear that on the podcast. Yeah, they will.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Tom really shows his true colors. Well, yeah, he was nervous. I still think he's funny, though. It says on his, like, Wikipedia, it's like black comedy or something, right? Yeah. And then he tried to say, like, oh, because his comedy is dark, and you wouldn't let him get away with it. You wouldn't let him get away with it. You wouldn't let him get away with it.
Starting point is 00:54:07 You're like, no, I think this is like very specific. There's such a thing as black humor and black comedy and then dark humor. Yeah. It would have said dark. It would have said, it does say dark. He does black comedy and dark comedy. Oh, he does both. Does both.
Starting point is 00:54:20 So do with that what you will. Okay. So, but people still enjoy watching, like, those eating contests. So if those, like, most of those, like, people that eat, they're not really that big. Why? Okay, so, like, do you guys know, like, why is Vigorous Pete and all those people in those eating competitions, like, you'll see the littlest Asian woman just going, just going to town. They don't gain any weight. Yeah, some of them are small, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:44 How? Is it just a metabolism, or they just don't eat a lot? I think they don't gain any weight. Yeah, some of them are small, yeah. How? It's just a metabolism? Or they just don't eat a lot? I think they don't normally eat a lot. Probably just puke it all out. I don't know. Maybe they're purgers. Yeah, Furious Pete said that he doesn't like to eat that way.
Starting point is 00:54:56 So, like, you know, he can eat that way. He's got, like, world records for speed eating and stuff. With great power. Yeah, he doesn't like to do that. speed eating and stuff with great power yeah he doesn't yeah he doesn't like to do that yeah was it uh hard for either one of you guys being away for a long time with the girlfriend and dogs and i don't care about baby no i'm joking sam i love you nah nah i was calling her every day it was good to be back yeah it was it was tough uh one of the nights my son was having a hard time going to sleep and so stephanie was like oh just like facetime me whatever and i kind of just like walked into
Starting point is 00:55:30 an ambush because i didn't know he was like having a rough day and so like as soon as like i come on screen he just starts bawling and i'm like oh my gosh like i'm trying not to fall apart well he was crying because you weren't there he was just crying because he seen my face and he was just like i miss you and i'm like fuck so that was super hard but like yeah it just felt so good to be home you know like it was cool being you know out and experiencing a lot of cool stuff um i personally enjoy like a lot of alone time so like finally having that after whatever two and a half years that my son's been here it was really nice but i just i couldn't wait to get back like i really wanted to be back home it's amazing when you are just in a bed by yourself just yeah i think your sleep quality goes to the roof i think uh matthew walker and some other people have talked about this before they're not even sure if you should like sleep
Starting point is 00:56:18 with somebody else necessarily that brian johnson guy doesn't sleep with. Yeah. Yeah. It actually, I mean, I don't know. It makes some sense. My bed luckily is pretty big, but it's still pretty awesome to sleep by yourself. Yeah. I think I told you guys when I was traveling and I was overseas, they have separate blankets. Really? Which is so smart. Because you always end up with a blanket situation.
Starting point is 00:56:42 A little tug of war. You know what's odd though? Like, I don't know. Because you always end up with a blanket situation. A little tug of war. You know what's odd, though? I don't know. Maybe it just means I love my girl. But we both sleep worse if I go somewhere. Even her on an eight-sleep mattress all alone, her sleep quality goes down. She can't fall asleep well, and I can't fall asleep well. That's because you're sucking on her nipples to fall asleep.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I do like to suckle before bed. For some reason, it just puts me down. I like grabbing a hold of a butt or something. But then sometimes I don't sleep. Do you ever like to be like Little Spoon? I sometimes like to be Little Spoon. It depends on how I feel that night. I love being snuggled.
Starting point is 00:57:21 More often than not, that would happen because I like sleeping on my right side. But with my son, it just doesn't happen.'s tough though too i'm gassy so you know you gotta be careful back there they know what they're signing up for like if that's aimed your way you gotta be yeah it's hot i think you guys should try i don't like as we've been doing all this shit right uh as our bodies been changing my sleep has like, after Kador came, I started sleeping like, so I'll sleep on this side, and I'll sleep like this, and my knees will come up, so I'm almost like in a fetal position when I sleep, and on the other side, I'll sleep like this, and it's the best sleep I've ever gotten in my life. Have you guys tried that?
Starting point is 00:57:56 I do that. I sleep like that. You sleep like that? Yeah. And you start out on my right side for a little while. I very rarely end up on my back. It's like right side, left side. It's like a human garaging yourself.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah, I have to do it on my right side, but I can't put my hand, because I'll kind of do one of these things right here. My hand can no longer go under my pillow or else my elbow and my forearms start falling asleep. So it has to be under my head. And then same thing on this side. If I lay too hard on my left shoulder, my same thing on this side if i if i lay too
Starting point is 00:58:25 hard on my left shoulder my whole arm goes to sleep and if i lay on my back i just snore like a freaking bear so it's like it has to be on my right side fair kind of how about that uh red ash bone marrow and bread dude all the bread holy everything at that restaurant is immaculate everything is good everything everything was amazing i love how the guy told us how many different steaks there were and then he came back and reported that they didn't have hardly any of the ones that we tried to order that was amazing because they run out i guess of different sizes or whatever that 40 ounce didn't feel like 40 ounces i could have easily went down smooth it went well. Yeah, the 32 or 36 that I had was just right.
Starting point is 00:59:06 It was good. I thought you were going to have to get up out of your seat when Dan came over and was harassing you. That boy, bro. Jiu-Jitsu giant. He is a funny fella. That's all there is to it. A large kid. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:22 He's funny. Yeah, yeah. He's funny, you know. We did a little floral inside, and his joints are large. I couldn't put my hand around his wrist. He's just overall big, and he's like 21 years old. He's a young kid, huh? That's scary. 285 at 21 years old.
Starting point is 00:59:38 He's just going to get bigger. Did you run into a bunch of freaks when you went to some of these? Oh, well, I mean oh there's also this guy uh davis asari davis asari is uh he from norway he's ghanaian but he's like muscular as hell for no reason uh but davis was also he's at new wave he's built like a freak too but dan dan is just a large romanian i loved seeing jimmy the whole time he was so uncomfortable jimmy our boy jimmy house it's just like i deal with this guy every day and he's just like sorry everybody jimmy i feel for you there's a couple times where jimmy just
Starting point is 01:00:17 kind of has a unique individual he's a unique dance buddy that he's hanging out with just chilling he's like he's got to deal with that every day too he loves to touch you he loves to touch people oh great experience though yeah super grateful for jimmy house though like um so the way they roll they do classes at new wave like i'm not supposed to be there like a white belt's not supposed to be joining that nogi class and he was like no no he'll be fine he'll be fine and he let me like roll with him a little bit just being able to say that i was i took part of one of those classes as a white ball is fucking just it's so cool and then he was like damn for never rolling
Starting point is 01:00:58 you know nogi he's like you did just fine he's giving me two percent or whatever it is right in positional rounds but it was just really cool to just like i said take part of that so super grateful the level of instruction at that school too is pretty crazy yeah the second day i think it was an advanced they're all advanced classes but gary tonin was teaching and i barely rolled nogi all the things he was saying was literally just going over my head because it's like holy shit what is like these techniques aren't things that i've been taught it's it's really holy shit what is like these techniques aren't things that i've been taught it's it's really cool though but yeah are they instructing like as you're
Starting point is 01:01:29 rolling or something or no more like in between it's it's like you instruct on a movement do it fast build on that movement but the movements that they're building on a nogi are pretty pretty like advanced under you have to have advanced understanding of leg entanglements which i don't because i don't roll much nogi anyway i know escaping stuff but like it was it was great so that was that was pretty cool that was pretty cool yeah and it was like more like okay here's step one and two go this was like here's step eight nine ten and then skip to 13 and then we'll come back and we'll do like 20 and 21 because you guys already know the middle stuff. And I'm just watching like, oh, my gosh. I'm glad I was sitting out this one.
Starting point is 01:02:09 That was tough. I would have made my – I would have just embarrassed myself. The attention to detail, you know, as you move up the ladder, gets to be more and more intense. When I did pro wrestling or even in powerlifting, certain gyms I would go to, they would give instruction or criticism on every single rep or every single set. You know, they might sometimes, depending on the person, sometimes they wait until, like, the session's over, and then they talk about it more. Or sometimes people are trying to correct you on the fly,
Starting point is 01:02:39 but trying to correct you, like, as you're going, sometimes you only get so much fixing done. And sometimes that can be frustrating, and sometimes it can slow down. Like, as you're going, sometimes you only get so much fixing done. And sometimes that can be frustrating. And sometimes it could slow down. Like, if you're all squatting together, sometimes I could slow down the whole group a little too much. So it kind of just depends. But I remember getting coached so much that I, it was like, I'd just be frustrated. I would just be like, I'd be like burnt out.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Not from the lifting, but just from getting coached. I'd just sit there for a minute and I'd be like, out not from the lifting yeah just from getting coached I just sit there for a minute I'd be like man I'm doing everything wrong like every set every set there's something wrong like beautiful feeling my chest is up one time my chest is down the next time um one time it's up too high one time it's down too low you know one time my right knee is pushing out and the next time it's not and And it's just like, God damn it. And then, so for me, I was like, you know what? I just want to get so explosive and so fast that no one can really see or say anything. So that's the goal.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Like try to, you know, on a box squat, try to sit down as quick as I can and pop back up as quick as I can. And hopefully I'll just, you know, fly right through it. And eventually that would happen here and there, but it was, it was hard to be able to nail that. Yeah. Yeah. Gets annoying, annoying right when you keep getting coached over and over again yeah i mean you need it though yeah no but it's frustrating because like so like if i'm training with in sema which is an awesome you know partner to have because uh one he's not going to let me get away with any any mistakes but two like if I can just drill with somebody that big, then in a live role,
Starting point is 01:04:07 I feel like I have a bit of an advantage because I'm not going to go up against somebody that's two 50 and a Brown belt. Um, but yeah, it's frustrating. Cause like we're, we're doing some like a, where I'm like sweeping him, like I'm picking him up. So I'm trying to grab and see my, put his body on mine and then kick his legs out so i can jump on top and sometimes it would work and other times i'm like bro fuck like i cannot kick you up and you know he would school me on what i need to do and it would work and then other times i'm like
Starting point is 01:04:37 fuck come on man like i just it's frustrating it's very frustrating aaron alexander held me again oh he did i wish you took videos or pictures i think we did i think it's frustrating. It's very frustrating. Aaron Alexander held me again. Oh, he did? I wish you took videos or pictures. I think we did. I think it's on his, I think it might be on his Instagram. I'm not sure. Did some acrobatics. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Or whatever he calls that stuff. God, what that shit. Partner yoga. It's not partner yoga. It's something else. But, yeah. It's weird, but it feels amazing. Aaron's just that kind of guy.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Yeah. You know? Yeah, you want to be touched a little he's a little different we did a cold plunge after after uh after he did some of that stuff to me and then we did a little bit of training and then cold plunge and then podcasted and it was great too that was at squash right yeah yeah there's uh at on it i didn't realize on it has like three cold plunges and a sauna or whatever we went over there i did some uh jared crazy trainer taught some juggling stuff but that doesn't both these gyms are amazing places and aaron is oh yeah there we go he wanted me to like reach through his legs and grab my own ankles
Starting point is 01:05:38 that never happened yeah he pooped yeah he told me like uh just to relax and try to poop a little bit that was a really weird feeling to have his like fucking toes digging into my so as yeah probably felt kind of nice wild it felt amazing yeah it felt amazing it takes a little while to like relax and to be able to like get used to it. By the way, guys, hit up the discord. There's a bunch of channels in there, but there's a place to ask questions there. And then if you guys have guests that you think would be interesting, there's also that in the discord. So you need to hit that spot up. It's there somewhere in the description.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Join up. Lots of people in there. It's a good time. Yeah, it was awesome trip. I think we were there for what, four or five days? Yes. Sunday through Thursday. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:25 We got a lot done. My podcast with Nick Bear I thought went off really well. That was for his podcast. Podcast with Aaron Alexander and then also with John Wellborn so people can look for some of that stuff coming soon. And then Segura
Starting point is 01:06:41 episode will be next week. Look forward to that. I think that's about it, right? I think so. Austin, Texas. We're going to have to come back some other time. 100%. Strength is never weakness.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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