Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Power Project EP. 161 Live - World Carnivore Month

Episode Date: January 4, 2019

We're back! New Year New Podcast Machine. Well, its used, but new to us. You asked for it, here it is, we are now available on Spotify thanks to the new Podcast Machine. Today Mark Bell is going to about OUR MISSION, that means YOU, our mission to make this world a better place to lift and the Carnivore Diet. ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Spotify Here: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm ready with the spaghetti. So, welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project, everybody. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for joining in. I got my handy-dandy podcast engineer over there, Andrew Zaragoza. What's up? And just a little bit of a background before we go diving in. I've been a competitive powerlifter since the age of 12. I tried to retire many times and powerlifting keeps calling me back.
Starting point is 00:00:34 So I keep ending up on the platform. I will be on the platform once again February 9th and 10th here in Sacramento. We have the Super Training Classic going on. For those of you that have not signed up for it yet, you need to sign up for it. You need to share the platform with me. We've got a lot of great people coming in for it. Jay Cutler is going to be there. We have Matt Vincent lifting.
Starting point is 00:00:57 My boy Jesse Burdick will be there. We have Jason Kalipa is actually going to join in. I'm making Andrew do it, whether he wants to do it or not. And it should be a good time. So it's an opportunity for you guys and girls to come share the platform with some really high-level athletes and some really worthless athletes also. I'd love for a lot of you guys to join us. And those of you that are too shy to hit the platform, hopefully you can at at least uh attend but we also have charity wit who's going to be lifting i'm super excited to see her lift because she's had a kind of a bunch of injuries and she's a strong
Starting point is 00:01:34 man competitor um and and a very formidable one of that and she's on uh the rocks new show that titan show so anyway come join us february 9th and 10th um i've been running this podcast for a long time now we used to be used to have a different name used to be called mark bell's power cast and now it's mark bell's power project and uh this is what we're doing this is how we roll and we're talking about today is we're going to dive into talking about all different kinds of stuff but the first thing that I wanted to attack before we go diving into carnivore diet and some of these different things is I wanted to address how freaking cool it is. Um, and sometimes, you know, like if I say, you know, fans or like,
Starting point is 00:02:19 you know, some of these things that might, sometimes people might view that as being like pompous or like it's even weird for me to say that i have like i it if it feels weird to you or sounds weird to you don't worry because it sounds weird to me like i know that i'm not the rock i know that i'm not you know uh sylvester stallone and and all these different things but the truth is just the way things work out today uh i do have fans and the fans matter a lot to me and because of that we're going to start to have a fan appreciation podcast where we're going to stick some fans on the podcast and this sunday we're going to be talking with team cupcake who's been
Starting point is 00:02:58 highly impacted by some of the information that we share here. And we have a lot of other guests lined up coming up too that aren't just fans, but I want to mix in some fans here and there because we've had too many good stories, right, Andrew? Too many good stories to pass up to not have fans on the podcast. Yeah. I mean, when we go to like various trade shows, expos, whatever, you know, we meet and I don't mean to like make someone else's story not seem uh you know as valid or you know special but you know we we always you know even in today's post like i posted a picture of you and i together someone's like your podcast has changed my life you know when we see all these fans you know they are they are they are your they are your fans if
Starting point is 00:03:41 they're down to you know wait two hours in line or more yeah well they're down to, you know, wait two hours in line or more. Yeah. Well, they're starting to be our fans, buddy. We're ready. I know. And that's when you said fans, like it's really hard. So I thank everybody for listening to the podcast. I thank everybody for following you. But, you know, they are coming to me now and it's an amazing feeling, man. Hitting you up in the DM.
Starting point is 00:04:02 They slide in my DMs. They have their Power Project sliding DM pants. Um, so they're doing it safely, but, but, uh, no, it's, it's crazy. And, you know, like I said, it's hard for me to say that I have fans, but I just, I push everything back to the podcast. I push everything back to you. Cause that's, you know, that's where it all comes from. And the whole, you know, I like what you said earlier about our mission and I'll let you get into that. But, you know, that's kind of what I push everything back to is, you know, making this world a better place to live.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Hell yeah, that's what it's about. And, you know, that's something I wanted to touch upon today is like, you know, who is following me? Who are the fans? Who are the people that are fanatical about this podcast? Who are the people that are fanatical about Super Training Gym and Slingshot? Who are the people that are fanatical about this podcast? Who are the people that are fanatical about Super Training Gym and Slingshot? Who are the people that are hyped up about it? You know, there's a lot of other companies out there.
Starting point is 00:04:53 There's a lot of other things that you can choose. But the fact that you guys choose to spend time with us and listen to us is freaking great. But what I'd like to share today is I want to know, like, you know, what, what do you guys want to see? You know, who, like, why are you, why are some of you guys following me? And the reason why I bring this up is I would like to know more about who you are, even though I've met thousands of you, there's a lot of people to meet, right? And what I'm getting at here is we all need to stick together. If you like the message that I share on this podcast, if you like the message that I share on my Instagram,
Starting point is 00:05:31 if you like the message that I have shared for the last 11 years on my YouTube channel, which has thousands of videos on it, if you guys are in favor of these things, I need you guys to share this information. I need you guys to recruit other people to lift. If it's my mission to make the world a better place to lift, I'm asking all of you to buy into that mission with me. And I no longer want to even bother to say that I'm here to make the world a better place to lift. I want to say that we're all here to make the world a better place to lift. So some of this might sound a little corny to live. I want to say that we're all here to make the world a better place to live. So I, some of this might sound a little corny to you. Some of this might be me, might be hitting a couple of you the wrong way. And it might be landing right in the middle for some of the rest
Starting point is 00:06:13 of you. But I would like for fitness and strength to, to be so a part of our life and so ingrained in our day to day that after a while, we don't even really recognize, we almost take it for granted. And so like, when you, when you think about, um, you think about traveling and you think, oh, great, you know, I got to travel, get to the airport and they got shit food there. And, uh, then I'll be, you know, out in the middle of nowhere in, uh, Arkansas or whatever. And they got crappy food out there or whatever, whatever the case is for you. Think about how cool the world would be if there's more, a demand for fitness,
Starting point is 00:06:55 if there's more of a demand for health and we're seeing it all the time, it's growing all the time. Um, but if you went to the airport and they had a carnivore thing to go, they had a keto thing to go and you're starting to see some of this. I mean, um, Starbucks has a protein box. Um, you're starting to see hard boiled eggs. Like I see hard boiled eggs at the airport. Um, that that's amazing that five, six years ago, 10 years ago, I mean, there was no chance that you could find anything like that. Yeah. I mean, I'll do you one better. Even just like as little as not even a year ago. Um, we go
Starting point is 00:07:29 to a Habit Burger. I don't know if you've ever been there. It's an amazing place. I don't know if it's just a California thing, but I've been, yeah. Uh, right after Sean Baker was here, he kind of convinced me to switch over to the carnivore diet. And so I'm like, cool. Let me like, I love hamburgers. Like I'll just get the best part of it. All right. So I went up to order and I'm like, cool, let me, I love hamburgers. Like, I'll just get the best part of it all, right? So I went up to order and I'm like, can I get just six hamburger patties? And the woman behind the register had, she just, she looked at me so weird. I was just like, just the patty. She's like, you savage.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Yeah. She's like, she didn't know what to do on the computer. She had to call the manager. She had to call, you know, the guy, the guy, you know know the guy was in the back room kind of working on the computer so he's that guy and then like that guy you know he doesn't know nearly as much as everybody always thinks he like doesn't yeah to do a lot of time yeah so anyway like after about 15 minutes we're trying to figure out how to put it you know even into the register so i you know i got it but we went like uh i don't know a couple couple days ago same place same everything it's like can i get you know six meat patties and they put it right
Starting point is 00:08:32 in the register and that was it so in that short amount of time it went from me looking like a complete weirdo to just another order so i think i mean that in itself is like showing some progress right and and just the more convenient that things are, the better off everything can be. You know, the more, the more demand and the more money that is spent with companies like Quest, the more money that's spent with some of these companies that are now making, um, that are going way out of their way to make stuff that doesn't have junk in it. Like a Primal Kitchen. to make stuff that doesn't have junk in it, like Primal Kitchen. You know, you might look at, like,
Starting point is 00:09:06 a bottle of Primal Kitchen ketchup from Mark Sisson's company, and you might think, damn, man, like, that's kind of expensive. Well, it is kind of expensive, but if you can afford it here and there, if you can afford some of these better options here and there, you're buying into an entire ecosystem
Starting point is 00:09:20 that will make it easier for everyone to buy it eventually. You know, you think about some of this technology that comes out and like man that new tv costs six thousand bucks or it might be some wild amount of money you're like holy shit man what's the deal with that and then it's what a year and a half later that that thing is now you know 10 times as cheap yeah i mean look at the size of the tvs you can get at costco nowadays but remember when they first came out these flat panel tvs and stuff i mean they were outrageous prices yeah they were size of the TVs you can get at Costco nowadays. But remember when they first came out, these flat panel TVs and stuff, I mean, they were outrageous prices.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yeah. And they were the size of a monitor and they were like 720, if you're lucky. Yeah. They were always dark. Yeah. They weren't, they weren't, I mean, they weren't even great quality and they, and they just weren't very big. And you were like, holy crap, man, these things are expensive. But now that more people have realized, look, this is a way better way of watching TV and more people bought into it. Same thing can happen for fitness.
Starting point is 00:10:08 The same thing can happen with our food. So if we're, if we're, uh, you know, if we're passionate about it and we're putting our dollars, that's how we're kind of like voting for stuff. We're putting our dollars towards those things. So, like I said, you know, share this message and, um, you know, hopefully it'll be, hopefully it'll pay off for all of us when we, uh, go somewhere and we see fitnessy things kind of popping up and we have a lot more options because that convenience is going to be, uh, a real driver for new people to get into, into this space. And that's exactly what we want. And that's why I want you to share this message. I want you to share some of the stuff that I'm sharing on Instagram and stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah, because it's not just Mark's message anymore. You know, it's our message. That means every single one of you that's listening. And, you know, speaking of that, I mean, these are some wild things. I mean, I'm just a – it's hard to put into words, it's hard to put into words, but I'm a somewhat normal dude, born in Poughkeepsie, New York, born on the other side of this country, and ended up out here through a series of events. Came out and visited my brother.
Starting point is 00:11:18 He went to USC film school, and it wasn't too long after that that I met my wife and ended up with some really big pivot points in my life. Like meeting, like coming to California was a big pivot point. Meeting my wife, Andy, was a big pivot point. Falling with 1,085 was a big pivot point. But a lot of these things, they all have led to what they have led to. And it's been a really crazy thing. I mean, it's been crazy to be on Joe Rogan's podcast multiple times as just somebody that just loves
Starting point is 00:11:52 lifting. I mean, that's basically what I am. I'm someone that loves lifting and I was able to turn, uh, some of my passion for lifting, um, into a career and into, um, inventions. And I have, um, into a career and into, um, inventions. And I have, uh, three United States patents. And so, you know, it's, it's turned into some really fantastic things. And I've been able to build the business around these inventions, around these products that make, make it easier to lift, you know, let's face it, working out hurts. And that's what all these products are geared towards. They're geared towards keeping it in the game even when stuff's starting to hurt. So all these things have been really, really wild. Rubbing elbows with Dr. Sean Baker, the carnivore man,
Starting point is 00:12:33 and learning all this information about these different diets and working on a movie with my brother Chris. A lot of this has been just an amazing experience, but I've learned so much. I think what I'm seeing in today's world is a lot of times people want to be motivated and moved by motivation. They want to be motivated and inspired by, uh, inspiration and they want to be motivated and inspired by motivation itself. And it doesn't work that way. Like a lot, there's a lot of like motivational speakers and you're like, well, wait, like
Starting point is 00:13:10 if you really think about it, like what's the backbone that this guy can stand on to be motivational? Well, the only thing that could really truly be motivational would be like action, right? Or, or the sharing of information. That's what gets really motivating. That's what really gets inspiring. That's what really gets inspiring. It's not really motivation. People that are intelligent can motivate the shit out of you,
Starting point is 00:13:32 probably better than somebody who's actually trying just to motivate you with some powerful words. If someone's intelligent and or in combination, they have achieved a lot like Tony Robbins. You might listen to a lot of tony robbins stuff and for some people he rubs people the wrong way but if you listen to him for long enough and you start to dissect some of the stuff he's talking about he has legitimate recipes for success i mean he lays stuff out he broke it down and many others have done this too um he broke it
Starting point is 00:14:02 down to a science and you know his stuff got popular, and so it got out of control and stuff. But what's going to really move you, what's going to really motivate you is information. And out of all the places in the world to get information, there's really not a better spot to go to than to a podcast. And specifically, Joe rogan's podcast the podcast world has exploded and joe rogan is numero uno by a long shot i mean he just crushes everybody there might be uh someone in the game that i'm not aware of that's you know also kicking ass but he's just he just absolutely annihilates it and the fact that I've been able to impact him when he's impacted me and so many
Starting point is 00:14:46 others is, is crazy. So I've been, I've been, uh, like I, as a, um, as like a, a leader, I always feel it's my responsibility to sometimes stop what I'm doing and freaking put a full court, full court press on people sometimes. And you've gotten text bombs from me, you know? Yeah. And I mean, they're almost always positive. Every once in a while, I might be like frustrated about something, but like for the most part,
Starting point is 00:15:14 it's a full court press and it's usually with positive intention. It's usually like, like, Hey man, I need you to do this. Cause, cause I want to, you know, I want you to join, join me on this diet or I want, let's do this for the workout tomorrow. Or, you know, we're switching over eating like this or whatever it might be. And so, you know, I was just sitting there and, uh, I was like, you know what? Fucking world carnivore month is coming up and, uh, I know I'm going to commit to it. And, uh, I know my brother's going to commit to it cause he and I were already talking about it and we were already partially doing it. And, uh, I know my brother's going to commit to it because he and I were already talking about it and we were already partially doing it. Um, but we, we weren't all the way in. And so I
Starting point is 00:15:50 was like, you know what? I need to just go all the way in. And then I need to pull a lot of other people with me. Cause I want people to part of the reason why I'm trying to make the world a better place to lift is because I want people, if people can feel one fifth of what I feel on a daily basis from what I get from lifting, what I get from exercising, what I get from my 10 minute walks and what I get from my diet, then I can RIP this world because that is something that I'm really passionate about. I feel so good all the time. I don't feel good because I made money. I've always felt this good. I've always felt awesome. And, uh, the, the money hasn't changed the feelings, uh, by any degree. And it hasn't made any difference one way or the other. The one thing that the money has done is it's helped make some of the people around me. It's helped. It's helped make me feel good
Starting point is 00:16:40 that I've been able to help them. But other that i mean it it's it's i know it's weird to say but it hasn't been shit otherwise it really it really hasn't it's hard to put in perspective but the fact that i could even text message joe rogan the fact that i'm even in this position is fucking cool yeah and it's fun and so i start bombing joe rogan with texts and i'm telling him hey man like you need to join in you need to join in and he's telling me how he you know he wants to he's intrigued he's uh he's super excited about it and stuff and and then he's like ah you know i got a lot of travel coming up and so i wrote him back and i said and i'm i'm thinking to myself man like this might piss him off but part
Starting point is 00:17:24 of being a leader and part of being an entrepreneur is like, you sometimes have to just like, you got to walk the tightrope man without a net every once in a while. And, uh, I've had it backfire on me a few times, but you know what? So what? And so I just threw it out there and I said, you know what, Joe, I got kids. I got a business to run. I'm a pretty busy person as well. You know, and I just left it at that. Didn't hear anything back. You know, he's fucking busy. He's doing
Starting point is 00:17:50 shit all the time. Right. So I didn't hear back from him and, uh, I didn't think anything of it. You know, just that happens a lot with people that are, uh, that are climbing that ladder the way he is. Um, you don't always hear back from him right away. But so then I'm going back and forth with Dr. Baker. He and I are talking about some stuff. I'm super pumped about World Carnivore Month. So I'm asking him some questions and he was super pumped when he saw my post and he was all fired up.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And then Baker screen captures a text that he got from Rogan and says, hey man, you did it. He's in. He said, Joe Rogan's in and it was a a message from him and he's like he said something like the bell brothers won't leave me alone he's like uh so i'm in on world world carnivore month and i that was it sounds so strange but like i was so pumped about that i got me so fired up it got me so excited because now i know he's going to go on his show.
Starting point is 00:18:46 He's going to share his message. He's going to share his experience and right, wrong, or otherwise, it's going to lead to better. It's going to lead to everything being better, period. So some people, a lot of people might try the diet because Joe Rogan talks about it on his show. I mean, it could literally be millions of people that try it. Right. I mean, that's pretty freaking crazy to think about.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And if they do what, like, it's not gonna, it's not gonna hurt anything. You know, it's not gonna hurt anything. No, one's gonna like just keel over and die because we weren't made to eat meat. The fact that we even have to argue it is actually, uh, it's amazing because we're not arguing whether you can eat Starburst and peanut butter cups and jujubees and all this weird shit that we've made over the years, right? All this, uh, Franken foods that we have. Peanut butter cups though. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah. Uh, can we stop this for a minute? Let's go get some peanut butter cups. Reese's pieces or Reese's pieces pieces how do you say it uh i say reese's pieces reese's pieces yeah because it's pieces and then and then uh do you say reese's peanut butter cup the same way yeah reese's peanut butter cups reese's reese's reese's because it's reese but it's his so it's's Reese's. That sounds Reese's. I didn't mean to completely derail you, but.
Starting point is 00:20:09 No, we're doing great. What you were saying is funny though. Cause like, yeah, if, if you tell somebody I'm going to go on all carnivore diet, all meat diet, whatever, that's insane. And they're eating Pop-Tart. Like, but that's not actual food. Right. Like you give your kids like, you know, Lunchables or something like that's not actual food or cereal, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:27 like it's crazy, but yeah. So carnivore diets, it's a, it is silly. I think somebody is poking their head in there. Can you, can you pop the door open for a second?
Starting point is 00:20:35 Oh, I might've been my dad. I don't know. My dad might be here, but oh, there you go. If you get the code, right.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Sound like you got it wrong a bunch of times oh hey it's smoky it is smoky hey smoky what's going on buddy smoky's here to interrupt the program and it caused lots of damage yeah he'll be fine oh he needs it he's got to get two chairs because you got to get one chair for his fat little feet. Comes in here. He's like, oh, this is a way to like be working, but not working. He's got it down. He's got it down. It's cool. He comes in here and he searches Craigslist for like motorcycle parts.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Pretty much. For the most part. The entire time, huh? Yeah. Wow. At least it's all coming out of his paycheck. That's good. Tony on the live chat said that he started doing the carnivore diet since December 26th,
Starting point is 00:21:29 and he's noticed a decrease in swelling around his cankles and a drop in anxiety and increase in energy. Hell yeah. So that's pretty cool, man. I mean, that's, you know, the point of these diets and the point of training, you know, it goes so far above and beyond just gaining muscle and just gaining strength. Gaining muscle and gaining strength is fantastic because it can show you the progress that you're making and it can make you feel really good. Especially as your body starts to change and you start to gain muscle mass, you're like, shit, man, this is great. It's great to be jacked and it's great to be strong. Um, it builds a lot of confidence in
Starting point is 00:22:08 you, but it's also doing so much more for you than just that. And same with the diet. The diet is not just, it's not limited to, to only assisting your aesthetics. It's not limited to only helping you with your strength. It's helping you with every facet of your life. And the more you can take the diet serious, the better off you're going to be. One thing that's not realized, in my opinion, with diet is that any negative, any food that you have that's not positive towards your goal is almost like a double negative in some ways. Now, it doesn't mean that it doesn't necessarily mean that junk food is completely worthless because it's not like even like French
Starting point is 00:22:52 fries have vitamin C in them. So it's not like they're completely useless, but they may as well be completely useless because it's taking up space in your stomach for otherwise things that could help you towards your goal. So not only are you not heading towards your goal, but you're also being derailed towards your goal and you're filling your stomach up with stuff that's not, not only is it not good for you, but it doesn't have the nutrients that you're looking for. And so what happens is people are like, you know what, Jan one's coming. I'm going to go on a diet or I'm starting my diet next Monday. They get all fired up. And what do they do? They just start to cut back on calories. And it's like, well, that's not a great place to start because your body does not even know your body doesn't even really know what it's like to feel good because you never flooded your body, never flooded your system with nutrient dense
Starting point is 00:23:45 foods in the first place. So the, probably the best place to start would be, let me start with some meat. Let me start with some fruit. Let me start with some vegetables and I'll kind of work my way into that and see, see how that feels and see how the foods treat me. Then after you did that for a little while, if you can prove to yourself that you can even follow that, which isn't even that strict of a diet, then you might want to think about, okay, now I want to start to take some stuff out of the diet, but I still want to make sure that I'm getting my requirement of protein and still make sure I get my requirement of the essential vitamins and minerals that my body needs in order to move forward.
Starting point is 00:24:26 You hear a lot of people will say, I can't lose any weight because I got like a hormone problem. Or some people just flat out say like, I really struggle to lose weight. I can't lose weight. A lot of people that have had success losing weight laugh at that and they'll say, come on, that's a crock of shit. Well, we know a that's a crock of shit well we know that it's a crock of shit because we know that if you stick to it long enough that you will probably make progress but we also know people that have been trying really hard we also like we also know there's like what percentage of the population lifts take take that percentage of the population what percentage of the population lifts and puts in a really good effort in their nutrition?
Starting point is 00:25:08 Now start to narrow things down. What percentage of the population exercises, eats well, and has the body that they want? Now we're really, I mean, the percentage of the population, I'm just going to take a complete guess, and I'm going to say that's probably 1%. It's 1% of the trained, and it's 1% of the people that are probably following a pretty strict regimen that can absolutely say, yeah, I'm happy with my diet. Without saying, yeah, but a couple weeks ago I was in better shape, and I'll get in better shape for the summer. A lot of times, these things aren't very, you hear the word sustainable. They're not very sustainable
Starting point is 00:25:49 because there's not a lot of nutrients involved in them. When it comes to something like a carnivore diet, which sounds crazy, there are a lot of nutrients involved. There's a ton of nutrients that you're getting from, you can have any sort of meat that you want. You can have any sort of fish that you're getting from, you can, you can have any, any sort of meat that you want. You can have any sort of fish that you want. You can have any sort of, some people have, some people like to introduce organ meats into the equation, like liver and heart and all these
Starting point is 00:26:15 things are there. The nutrient density of these foods is just off the charts. And so a lot of times I think that people are, they're trying to cut back on their calories and they start to cut back on their nutrients and then they're freaking hungry all the time. And that causes a cascade of problems. If you can figure out a way to gain some sort of control, then you're going to be able to lose weight. But it has to be for a significant period of time as well, because it might take one person one week to lose
Starting point is 00:26:45 five pounds it might take another person three months to lose five pounds like that's just the way things are when i was in school it was well it's still a struggle for me i struggle a lot with reading it takes me forever to read something it takes me 10 times longer to comprehend much of anything so that's why i choose to listen to stuff because I can rewind it over and over and over again. But I will listen to something probably, probably about 50 times until I move on to the next thing. For whatever reason, my brain just drifts and drifts and drifts. And like, you know, it takes it a while for me to, for me to really grab a hold of something. That's why a lot of times on this podcast, some things I listened to or some things that I'm
Starting point is 00:27:24 starting to implement in my life, I don't even talk about them until they're until I've been doing them for three or four months because I don't even know it's going to work out the right way. So I got it. I got to kind of take take my time with everything. But. I think the biggest mistake people can make is when they jump into when they jump into a diet is they try to go full blast on it right away and they try to cut back on their calories and they're not taking into account like the two things that I need to control here,
Starting point is 00:27:53 which are kind of almost the same thing, but your cravings and your hunger, your cravings and your hunger, cravings, hunger. You cannot pass up the opportunity when you're hungry to eat junk food because like I said earlier, it's a double negative. You need, and it's, it's even like a triple negative because now you're going to induce
Starting point is 00:28:13 the cycle of, of, of you wanting that bad food again. And if it was something salty, you're going to want something sugary. If it was something sugary, you're going to want something salty. And it just throws everything way out of balance. And you need to figure out a way to gain some sort of control over this monster, which is your body always wanting to be as fat as it normally is. There's so many people that lose weight. There's a percentage of the population, they say somewhere around 90% of the population has lost weight. So we don't have a problem with losing weight.
Starting point is 00:28:44 We have a problem with figuring out how to maintain that weight loss how do we keep that weight off part of the there's problem is those i mean you can go on forever with some of this stuff but part of the problem is isn't just your food it's not just your nutrition it's you are the byproduct of everything that you ever heard anything you ever thought and you ever heard, anything you ever thought. And on top of that, anything you ever thought that somebody thought about you, that is ingrained and embedded into every fucking cell that you have. So if you can kind of think about your fat loss, if you had your fat just out of your body, you can kind of picture there's almost like a spider web. Whether the fat cell shrinks or not, there's almost like a spider web attached to it where it wants to just, boom, open up again. It wants to stretch back out to where it was because your body is comfortable at that set point.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Your body's used to weighing that weight. Your body's used to being 200 or 250 or whatever your body weight, 300, whatever your body weight is, your body's used to that. Your body's like, we need to go back to that. We need to get back to that level. And your body doesn't automatically bounce back to that. You have to have bad habits again in order to get there. But the cascade of problems start when you start messing
Starting point is 00:30:07 with these opportunities that you have. You should actually be hungry. Like being hungry is a human necessity, in my opinion. You should be fucking hungry. It's been part of evolution forever. And people keep stuffing themselves with food all day. And it's, in my opinion, it's causing a lot of problems. I think it's, it slows down our thought process. So in a way it makes us dumber. Um, the unhealthy foods that we're eating are causing a cascade of problems with our hormones and our body. But the main thing is that if you're not allowing yourself to be hungry, then you're probably not going to eat foods that are nutritious for you. Because if you're not hungry, it's really easy to eat a pizza.
Starting point is 00:30:53 If you're not hungry, how fucking hard is it to eat a chicken breast? If you're not hungry, there's probably no possibility if you're not that hungry that you're going to eat chicken breast. there, there's probably no possibility if you're not that hungry that you're going to eat chicken breast. Um, my, uh, nieces and nephews stayed with me for, uh, the holidays and they'd come into the kitchen and they're like, um, I'm really thirsty. Can I have orange juice? I was like, I can get you water. It's like, nope, nevermind. It's like, okay, well you're, you're clearly not dying of thirst. You know, you must be fine. And there was a couple other occasions where that happened and that's happened with my kids and that's happened with even myself like uh what about you ever just have like a i don't know a shit day like you just have a shitty day and
Starting point is 00:31:35 you're like you're just i don't know you're kind of bummed you're not like depressed you're not like gonna you know throw yourself off a bridge or anything but you're just kind of bummed out for whatever reason just wasn't a great day and uh, uh, someone's like, Hey, let's, uh, you know, go here. And they mentioned something healthy. Let's go over here and get like a salad or whatever. Let's go over here and get this, you know, let's go to a sushi. And you're like, Oh, I don't feel like that. And then what do you do? You get a burrito, right? Or you get tacos or something and you get something that's, uh, that's off the plan. and i think that a lot of times we think that that's gonna fulfill what we're looking for because we feel like we're stressed out oh man i'm stressed out i'm kind of bummed and i don't
Starting point is 00:32:14 want to think about my diet man i'm just gonna eat whatever well when you eat whatever it's going to promote you eating whatever it's going to lead to it's also going to lead to you being disappointed in yourself because this is something that now now some people just don't care. And if you don't care, then that's actually not a bad place to be. But for most of us, most of us do care. And when you continually fight against the way that you're trying to set yourself up and what you're trying to go towards, then you're going to be in constant stress. You're going to have constant anxiety. There's so many people that will say the things that we worry about and the things that cause
Starting point is 00:32:53 anxiety or, you know, 90% of it, it's stuff that we can't do anything about. That's fucking bullshit. That's bullshit. You're in control of almost that. You're in control of everything. You're in control of everything. I mean, you literally are in control of almost that you're in control of everything you're in control of everything i mean you literally are in control of everything if if i if you order a product from my company and it rips guess whose fault it is it's my fault it's my it's my fault and someone might be like oh that's out of your hands you don't have control of it because you're not actually
Starting point is 00:33:21 sewing these things together well maybe i should be um be. Well, whatever the case is, it's like, I need to figure out a way to remedy that, right? I need to figure out how does it, how do I make sure that these things don't happen? How do I make sure the products are communicated the right way? How do I make sure the products are fitting correctly? How do I make sure the things are sewn together the right, like there's so many things that you can control. even if you have a problem with someone at your office you got a problem with uh something your friend said to you so a problem with a relative um yeah you're stressed and worried about it because you won't talk about it well if you go talk you go communicate with them and say look man what you said to me the other day, it really, it hurt my feelings. It upset me. Well, at least boom, now it's out in the open. Now you should,
Starting point is 00:34:08 you're not going to feel great about it all of a sudden, but that stress and anxiety that you had towards it is gone. And the same thing with, with your diet and nutrition. This is something that cannot be swept under the rug. Uh, I'm just going by a lot of the things I hear people say. My brother-in-law not too long ago it's actually just at christmas uh they were we were talking about these different food options that we had we had like a spaghetti and meat thing that was all together and we had a a big bowl of stuff that was uh just meat basically and uh my wife's aunt she was like oh you know this has you know this has pasta and meat and
Starting point is 00:34:48 this one over here is just a big old thing of meat for those of you that don't want carbs my brother-in-law my brother-in-law goes carbs don't matter to me and i was just thinking like hey man like they matter to everybody like it doesn't matter if you want to account for it or not like it's going to hurt you and you kind of shrugging it off thinking that they don't matter if you want to account for it or not. Like it's going to hurt you. And you kind of shrugging it off, thinking that they don't matter is completely foolish and asinine. It doesn't make any sense. It's still going to impact you. I mean, it's just, you don't get a free pass because you don't care about it. It's not like it doesn't count anymore because you're like, whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:21 No one's immune to carbs. Well, no one's immune to carbs. Well, no one's immune to, no one's immune to disease. No one's immune to, you know, ending up with heart disease or cancer or like, but you might be expediting that thing. You might be making it happen a lot faster. There's, there's a lot of physicians right now. There's a lot of really, really smart people that are kind of saying, look, I think that all of these diseases are preventable. And I guess you can make an argument and say, well, you got to die from something, which is probably true, right?
Starting point is 00:35:54 I don't think there's anybody that's been around forever, but maybe there has been. You do have to die from something, but maybe the way that you die, maybe it doesn't have to be so bad. Maybe you don't have to have dementia something, but maybe the way that you die, maybe it doesn't have to be so bad. Maybe you don't have to have dementia when you're 65 years old. Yeah. You know? That's my favorite argument from people who smoke is like, oh, we're all going to die someday. Like, yeah, but you're going to get it a lot quicker and you're going to feel way worse.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Right. So I think if, you know, we can, it's a little bit extreme right now, but I think someday, I think you were saying this a while back, like if we seen, uh, whether like poor food choices, the same way we see people smoking cigarettes. It's like, Whoa, like that person smokes like, Whoa, that person's down in a pop tart. Like, damn, I didn't think that. Oh man. Yeah. People are still doing that. Yeah. It's 2019.
Starting point is 00:36:43 People still do that. Yeah. People are still doing that. Yeah. It's 2019. People still do that. Yeah. It's it. And hopefully, you know, hopefully we can all help each other out and hope, you know, hopefully we can help each other make changes. And I think something like world carnivore month is great. You know, whether, whether this is the ultimate diet or not, like we, I think it's, um, it's very debatable on, know what's the best diet and so therefore i don't think anybody can definitively say that there's this diet or that diet is is the absolute best um but i will say is like can't we all agree that eliminating a bunch of junk for a month is probably a good idea yeah and uh one thing i don't want to have happen with this
Starting point is 00:37:25 carnivore month is i don't want anyone to be deterred from it just because they're like oh what's going to happen to me if i don't eat vegetables well you know what if you really feel that way just continue to eat some vegetables like i don't care i just i just want you to try try out the main basis of it and that's's to have a large, large percentage of your, of your food come from meat. Yeah. I have a feeling that people that do ask about, oh, what about my vegetables? Like, I'm not going to like, how much vegetables are you eating right now though? Like chances are probably not that much.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah, no, no one. And no one even likes vegetables. Yeah, they kind of suck. But unless, unless you put a bunch of crap on them, put a bunch of stuff on them. And that's, that's where the vegetables get to be actually quite harmful is like they end up being a delivery system for, uh, you know, fats that, that aren't good for us. I mean, a lot of times people are dumping on salad dressing and dump on 30 or 40 grams of fat on something.
Starting point is 00:38:20 They're not even thinking about it. Yeah. It's like, man, you just put 300 calories on the 50 calories worth of vegetables. And yeah, the vegetables are probably pretty good for you, but that amount of random calories is probably not great. Yeah. I think one of the best parts about a carnivore diet is it's a really good teaching tool. It'll teach anybody like, hey, you don't actually need to have the main course and then all your extra
Starting point is 00:38:46 sides, which your sides end up being a salad dumped with dressings or, you know, whatever it is, your hamburger with your fries. Like it just pulls away all the garbage that you realize that you don't actually need anymore. And for that alone, I think that's, you know, the, like I said, this is the best teaching tool for like teaching somebody how to go from not being on the diet to like, hey, how simple is this? Right. You just eat meat and that's it. I think that's great. I think that, you know, getting back to the hunger thing, being hungry is important.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And when you only have one option, you're going to kind of sit there and allow yourself to get hungry. It sounds kind of weird, but like it's the only food that you're going to kind of sit there and allow yourself to get hungry. It sounds kind of weird, but like, it's the only food that you're going to eat. So unless you're hungry, you're, you're, you're not going to, it's not going to sound appealing to you at the moment. So like for me, like I'm fasting and I, as much as I say this, I, I like, I do like to share what I'm doing, but I also don't like for people just to do what I'm doing randomly. If you haven't fasted before, then don't mess with it. Um, if you've never done the carnivore diet before, don't do not mess with fasting. I know a lot of you're going to ignore it and they're just going to do what I'm doing. But anyway, I always feel like I got to
Starting point is 00:39:57 say that, but you know, I'll fast, I'll fast for 18 hours or 20 hours. And when the fast is over, like I'm looking forward to that food so much, like, like we have a training session to do here today. And you know, when that training session is done and I get to go home, I can't wait to kill some food, probably eat, eat about two meals and go for a walk. And then, um, and then I'll be off to bed, you know, and I'll restart the whole thing, uh, tomorrow. But when you're But when you're hungry like that, it keeps you on your plan. It keeps you on point. If you're not hungry and you keep stuffing yourself, as I was mentioning earlier,
Starting point is 00:40:35 then it's really easy to sneak in some extra food. It's really easy to have this kind of, you know, up in the air feeling about your diet. Ah, it's not so bad. Like, I don't eat that. You not so bad like that. I don't, I don't eat that. You hear that all the time. I don't eat that bad. Well, you eat bad enough to keep you that fat, you know, like this. And, and how fat are you? Like, are you fatter than you want to be? If you're fatter than you want to be, then you need to make some really, uh, you got to make some tough changes and it has to be, it has to happen for a long period of time
Starting point is 00:41:07 i mean we're talking years like this is not you know world carnivore month is great um and hopefully it's a start for a lot of people but this whole process takes years i mean you're you're what about uh maybe like a year and a half or so into you i know you did keto diet before you and i even met how long are you into messing around some different diets and stuff um i mean like following them very strictly like yeah probably i don't know like yeah about a year and a half yeah because what what ended up happening was when i hurt my back i just got depressed and ate whatever and just made everything worse and then then once I started cleaning up the diet, that's really when everything.
Starting point is 00:41:47 So I guess, yeah, about a year is about right. Right. I don't know exact dates, but basically like just before Sean Baker got here. And then how long have you been, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:57 how long have you been lifting weights for? Uh, man, probably since I was like 27, but I had no idea what I was doing you know like i did like crossfit for a little bit just because like i said i had no idea what the hell was going on so i'm like oh i hear this crossfit thing's pretty popular let me try it out and then from there i you know got a gym membership but like i mean i i don't think i posted it on my instagram but i was
Starting point is 00:42:23 like typing it up saying how like i remember i'd been stuck under 95 pounds before in my late 20s, which is shitty to say that, but it happened. Actually, hitting good numbers and making legit progress has only happened up until recently when training with you. Before that, it was just kind of like spinning my wheels almost. Right. So you have some lifting experience and a little bit of diet experience, but basically you've been at it for like about a year. Yeah. Yeah, that's safe to say.
Starting point is 00:42:52 You know, and even with the little bit of stuff that you did beforehand, it's taken, I would say maybe about two months ago, is when, you know, people in the gym and stuff started noticing some changes right like dude what's going on man you're getting jacked right that's when you started getting compliments yeah yeah that was i mean i i still to this day like i think it's like who's messing with me you know like did mark send a text to everybody like hey just give this guy a little credit please tell this guy about his triceps he's looking he's looking a little credit, please. Tell this guy about his triceps. He's looking a little sad today. Can everybody just give him one compliment about his triceps?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Yeah, and I hate sending that text every morning, but somebody's got to keep you up. But I mean, it takes a long time. And that's from somebody who's already, you're not obese, you're not fat. Correct. So for it to show up on you happens a lot faster than if someone's heavy. And so for some, for a heavier person, like it could take five years, it takes six.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I mean, it could take a while. People will notice the weight loss quickly. People might notice, you know, that you're, that you're dropping some LBs. Um, but, um, you know, it takes a long time. It takes a long time to make all this stuff happen, and that's why you've got to figure out something that you can actually follow. But it doesn't mean that you follow some of this bullshit that people are trying to feed you when they say you have to have a balanced diet. Because I just don't think that message has ever helped anybody.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I don't think having a balanced diet,, what's your version of balanced diet? Um, I heard, uh, a guy the other day talking about how he has a balanced diet, but he, he does all these crazy swims and all these crazy runs and all this crazy stuff all the time. And I was like, you know, him saying balanced diet is so much different than your average. This guy's not rolling through KFC. I mean, this is a, this is a hardcore athlete. And so he probably like, by his definition of balance, he probably means he eats some carbs, he eats some fat, he eats some protein, but he doesn't eat all of them all the time. You know, nonstop day in, day out. He's not stuffing his face with food, you know?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Damn. Larry just said that he's down 100 pounds. Oh, my goodness. Come on, Larry. Yeah. Have you heard, Sean Baker, or have you read or heard anything about the carnivore diet with kids? I have not heard much about heard much about that with, from about kids in particular, but, um, they basically operate the same way that we do.
Starting point is 00:45:31 They, they do need some other stuff. Um, but I, I mean, I, I think what I always like to stick to is what, when Dr. Baker says meat heals, I really really i really like that phrase because i i'm a believer in that i think that eating getting people to eat getting people that don't typically eat that much protein getting them to eat more meat is probably very healthy getting our society in general to figure out ways of ingesting more protein is probably very healthy. Getting our children to have more protein is a huge positive. You know, just follow your kid around for the day and write down what they ate. You'll be
Starting point is 00:46:16 horrified and you'll see like, oh my God, they had 175 grams of sugar. They had eight grams of protein and they had 81 grams of fat or something like some really weird lopsided diet you'll be like oh my god what the hell happened it's tough with jasmine like she'll have her dinner and she's like oh my gosh i'm so full i was like okay well you know go put your plate away blah blah and then two seconds later she's in the fridge like hey i thought you were full i'm looking for a snack it's like no you can't have a snack if you got to finish your dinner. Like, child. But one thing that I keep hearing when I keep talking to like friends and family is they talk about like, oh, I got to have my snacks, though.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I need a healthy snack to get me through the day. What do you have like for them, though? I know the answer is just like you don't actually need a snack. You're just bored. But I don't know. What do you tell someone like that? So the way that we eat and like the timeframe that we have for eating, it's all just completely fucked up. And you need to, you know, hit the men in black pen and erase that shit from your brain right now because it's a horrible concept to buy into.
Starting point is 00:47:27 We have donuts and bagels in the morning. We've got pancakes and waffles and maple syrup in the morning. This notion is completely ridiculous. It doesn't make any sense. It has nothing to do with the way that we're made up. It's our, it's our, it's now embedded into our psychology, but it's not embedded into our, how we are designed physiologically. So it doesn't make any sense. Like you, you know, a caveman didn't wake up and have a piece of bread or whatever. So the, the idea is, is asinine. And for people that are kind of looking for something, way out of it there there is there's no way out of it other than to uh just you just have to have a new belief system like
Starting point is 00:48:11 a bodybuilder will wake up um in the morning and the first thing they might have is halibut and somebody might be like that's fucking disgusting well in a lot of other cultures i mean that's kind of all they eat is fish. And for a bodybuilder, like this is the nourishment that I need. And this is what I'm going to eat. They're not eating cereal. They're not having pancakes, not doing some of these things. So I think that number one, I think that that's a good place to start is to realize, look, man, you can eat your food whenever you want. I mentioned this many times in this podcast before, um, that I have, uh, I'll make an omelet at the end of the night.
Starting point is 00:48:46 A lot of times, cause like that's real savory. It's something that like, you know, finishes the night off for me and gives me, uh, something with really good flavor and good pop. I'll make a, you know, cheese, bacon, egg, and cheese omelet, basically. I'm like, fuck man, that's so good. That's a good way for me to end my day. Kind of hit some of the pleasure sensors in my brain. And, uh, it keeps me, keeps me on the plan, but you can, you can have, you know, breakfast at
Starting point is 00:49:12 night. You can have your dinner for breakfast. I mean, you have to start to embrace some of these things. If you really want to make progress, your body just needs the nourishment that it needs. And it's not specific to there's like this going on with your body in needs the nourishment that it needs and it's not specific to there's like this going on with your body in the morning versus this going on with your body at night when it comes to snacks america would be so much better off if we just didn't have snacks and if we just didn't eat dessert like if we did those two things actually three things three things Like if we did those two things, actually three things, three things, if we didn't eat dessert, um, if we didn't have, uh, fried food and if we didn't have snacks and, uh, actually that's the, uh, that's our boy Terrell. That's his, uh, his like normal eating method.
Starting point is 00:50:00 I think now he's eating a little bit better. You notice he's like tightened up. He's got to need more jacked if that's possible but we have an employee here and he's um about 210 pounds and he's freaking i don't know he's probably under 10 body fat all the time and you know we're all dealt some different cards in terms of our genetics obviously he's got he's got good genetics but he works hard as well look at a real simple diet plan he doesn't eat dessert he doesn't have snacks he doesn't eat fried food but we might look at him and say holy shit man that guy's got great genetics but what if i was doing the same thing from the time i was 12 i can't really say that you know i don't know i like you know what i've ever gotten fat in the first place probably not you know so um in
Starting point is 00:50:42 terms of snacks and uh like if you're trying to do a carnivore diet there, I don't really have a recommendation for a snack necessarily. Um, there are some things that you could potentially do that might be a little bit less carnivore-y, like you could have, um, pepperoni, you could have salami, uh, you could have cheese. There's some things that you can kind of mess with. You might be able to make like a deviled egg. You know, there's some things that you can do. But what we're trying to do with the carnivore diet is we're trying to have a diet that's rich, that's very rich in nutrients and very low in ingredients.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Rich in nutrients, low in ingredients. You want a lot of nutrients from each meal that you have. And that's why there isn't really any snacks because a snack wouldn't have any nutrients in it. Snacks would be the reverse. A thing of Cheez-Its would give you a really dense amount of ingredients. Like let's just say there's just say 30, 30 ingredients. And then nutritionally, what it will give you is it might give you, you know, 15% of your daily, whatever in like two different categories. That's probably about it. Whereas opposed to if you ate the same amount of weight in meat, it would be your ingredient
Starting point is 00:51:59 would be one, maybe two, cause it puts salt on it. Maybe three, put pepper on it. So now you got three ingredients versus 30. And now we have a whole list of foods, our whole list of vitamins and minerals that it provided to us. So, um, another reason for ditching snacks is another reason for ditching snacks is that, as I mentioned before, you want to make yourself hungry. The human body is not designed to just be eating all day like that. It's not designed for these other foods, for us to be stuffing our face with them all day. It's important that you're hungry. When you're hungry, you know, you hear people say, stay hungry, right?
Starting point is 00:52:40 Well, there's a reason they stay that because you're fucking motivated. You're super motivated when you're when you're hungry. Now, you can be hungry and you can be, you know, feeling like you have low blood sugar. I mean, there's some other things that can happen. And these things shouldn't be happening to you if if you're paying attention and if you're not doing what I said is like, don't fast unless you're used to it. Um, and if, and even if you are used to it, be cautious with your fasting. And, and if, and if you really feel like crap, break your fast, it's not a huge deal. Start it over, try it again the next day or try something different, or maybe eat a little
Starting point is 00:53:17 bit later into the night or, you know, make sure you drink more water that next day or, or whatever. Cause when you're fasting, all kinds of things can happen, but you should be hungry. The carnivore diet is, is simple. Um, it's really, really effective. It's not easy to follow. Um, one of the reasons why I discontinued it a while back, I was doing a carnivore diet for a little while. And then I switched into a little bit more of a keto style while. And then I switched into a little bit more of a keto style thing. And then honey Rombod came in and bam, I went on the bodybuilding diet. But one of the reasons why I stopped it was I was like with what I'm doing right now,
Starting point is 00:53:57 which was not much, I wasn't trying to compete in anything. And I enjoyed having a glass of wine or three with my wifey here and there. Um, and also at the time I just, I felt like eating some other stuff. So I was like, you know, I'm giving myself a break from this. I did it for a few weeks. I really enjoyed it. I liked it a lot. It did get me in better shape. Um, and I even tried a few days of only eating meat, which I'll talk about a little bit more of that in a second. But I tried a few days of, of only eating meat and just drinking like water and coffee basically, and bone broth. Um, and it was just hard. That was the only thing. That's the only reason why I abandoned it. It was super effective, but it was kind of hard. And I was like, you know, I'm,
Starting point is 00:54:41 I'm kind of good with this. I'm going to mess around with some different stuff. Then I went into like a keto style diet. And then occasionally I might eat like a quest bar or a keto snack, or, you know, I had some other options on the table and then honey came in and saved my life with the, uh, with the bodybuilding diet, which was, which was a lot of fun. But, um, anyway, that, I mean, that's some of the, some of the history for me for carnivore. Yeah. Um, so in regards to staying hungry and you just mentioned, you know, keep the ingredient list low. What about certain seasonings and stuff?
Starting point is 00:55:14 Is it okay to get creative? Just as long as you're, you know, uh, cautious about not adding too much like, uh, calories to something. too much like uh calories to something um i mean you're you're you're you're better off sticking to meat as much as you can so um yeah i mean can you use some like garlic and sage and rosemary and yeah i mean you can mess with some stuff like that you just don't want to get too far away from too far away from the general basis of this which is again to keep the ingredients really low and then if you are going to the best thing to do is to stick to meat as much as you can if you're going to add anything in then you need to record and
Starting point is 00:55:58 remember how you feel so if you are to let's say let's say you made a hamburger and you're like, man, I'd love to throw a bunch of cheese on this thing. You throw a bunch of cheese on it and you're like, man, I'd love to throw some mayo on top of this thing. And you do that and you're like, man, I'd love to throw some mustard. And you make this like crazy creation, right? Now you got this crazy ass burger, really rich in flavor. Now it's up to you though, to judge how you feel after that.
Starting point is 00:56:27 And it's important to learn how you feel first though, with just kind of the plain burger, like not, not how do you feel taste wise? Like how do you feel, you know, how do you feel three hours after two hours after one hour after, how are you actually feeling? That's something that, you know, if you're not feeling great, you should write it down and you should write down what was in that meal. And then maybe the next meal, maybe try something a little cleaner again and see how you feel versus that other one. And it starts to line it up and start to try to make sense of it because that's what we're trying to find. We're trying to find a happy medium between having, uh, as low in a low amount of ingredients as possible, but something that's still we're trying to find. We're trying to find a happy medium between having, uh, as low in a low amount of ingredients as possible,
Starting point is 00:57:07 but something that's still passable to our palate. That that's good enough. That keeps us excited and motivated about it. Like for me, um, you know, thinking about diving into, I think we're going to have some salmon tonight.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Thinking about diving into some salmon or a filet, uh, tonight with some butter on it. Like I can't even think of anything. Like I'm so pumped about that. I don't have anythinget, uh, tonight with some butter on it. Like I can't even think of anything. Like I'm so pumped about that. I don't have anything else. Uh, I don't have anything else in my mind. So I'm super excited to, uh, devour a lot of that. Now, one thing that's cool about the carnivore diet, even keto style diet, it's not that calories don't matter. It's just that, um, in my opinion, in my opinion, calories always matter, but the, the, the degree to which they matter, I believe personally is a lot less than what
Starting point is 00:57:53 people think. I think that it's a sliding scale of four or five, six, 800 calories, uh, per day. And I think that there's so many other factors that go on in the human body. And there's so many other things that determine what we do with these calories. So the calories, a calorie, you hear so many people talking about that. I don't, I, I, I understand it is a unit of measure. It's the only unit of measure that we have. But I also think that, I also think that there's, if you don't want to count calories, there's a lot of effective ways to lose weight without even bother messing with any of that. So for me, I just, I eat until I'm full. I don't eat when I'm hungry because I'm messing around
Starting point is 00:58:37 with some fasting and the fasting helps to partition some of the calories. But as I mentioned, you know, somebody might be in this caloric deficit and they might struggle to lose weight. Um, they might lose weight at a really slow pace and they don't understand why, but it's probably because it's probably because their overall calories per like month is probably not low enough for them to continue to make progress. So I just, this, this concept of counting your calories daily and, and it's like your calories don't reset just because you went to bed, you know, it, it, your, your, it's just the way that we do it. It's just the way that we record it. And I don't think any of it's, um, it's not as accurate as I'd like to see it, uh, to be. So I don't count calories, but
Starting point is 00:59:22 you can eat, you know, eat until you're full, learn how you're feeling from it. Eventually when you, when you are trying, when the goal is to try to lose weight, you'll eventually have to figure out ways of stopping a lot of your old bad habits, which a lot of times that's overeating. A lot of times that's snacking in the middle of the night. A lot of times that's you eating stuff that you're not supposed to be eating. Those lot of times that's snacking in the middle of the night. A lot of times that's you eating stuff that you're not supposed to be eating. Those are kind of the main offenders, right? And you will have to figure out a way at some point to probably eat a little bit less than you used to. The good news is, so that's bad news, right? But the good news is, is that through
Starting point is 01:00:00 lifting and by making yourself leaner, you can rev things up a little bit and you can create a bigger engine that needs more fuel and therefore you can eat more. To elaborate on that a little bit more, the carnivore diet is a diet that is very rich based in different types of meat. And when I say meat, then people ask, Hey, can I have bacon? Yeah, you can have bacon, but like, let's not overdo it because bacon is a really big offshoot of pork. And it's, there's, there's a lot of ingredients in there. Can you have some bacon every day? Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:37 But what I would suggest is have some days that don't have bacon in there. Just see how you feel eating a couple eggs that are scrambled, eating a couple eggs that are, you know, uh, over easy or over medium or over hard, however you want to make them. Judge how you feel eating the eggs differently. Judge how you feel eating the eggs with the bacon. Judge how you feel eating the eggs with no bacon. Judge how you feel with eating eggs with, I had some sausage the other day, bought some Applegate sausage and it was freaking delicious. But with all these things, you still are going to have to pay attention. I was saying, I'm not a fan of calories, but they still matter.
Starting point is 01:01:14 And so, you know, if you're going to eat sausages that have, you know, 16 grams of fat per serving, that's something that you, you can't just ignore it. You can't just be like, oh, I'm on this thing. So I'm going to just do this. It doesn't make any sense to deprive yourself of all these carbohydrates and all these sugars and all these things. And then to flood your body with something that's going to give you so many calories that you won't make any progress with losing any body fat. To me, it's like, you're really shooting yourself in the foot. Chris just asked a really good question. and this is pretty good, especially because if you're fasting, but if you're only eating one or two
Starting point is 01:01:52 meals a day, how are you sure you're getting in enough protein? That's a lot more complicated than I'm qualified to answer, but if you look up stuff, and we're going to have him on the podcast soon so we can ask him stuff like this thomas de lauer you know look he's got a great youtube channel he's got great information look up some of the stuff that he taught you know just go on youtube type in thomas de lauer fasting and you're going to you're intermittent fasting you're going to see so much great information from him but But basically, there's a lot of things set up in our body that help us to preserve the tissue that we have.
Starting point is 01:02:33 The body is designed for survival in a lot of ways. And so it doesn't want to just randomly strip off muscle and, uh, and, and burn it for fuel. And so I guess if you can kind of think of it this way, like if you're fat and you start to deprive yourself of some food, most likely the things that are going to burn are probably sugar and fat and, uh, your muscle being used up, uh, probably isn't going to happen as much. And then also through fasting, through some real, you know, longer period fasting, there's a lot of hormones, a lot of things that end up in
Starting point is 01:03:11 your favor that don't allow you to lose muscle mass. There's been, there's been studied a lot. And I'm, I am also a believer that when you lose any amount of weight, that you're going to lose some muscle. I think it'd be ridiculous to say like, Hey, any amount of weight that you're going to lose some muscle. I think it'd be ridiculous to say like, hey, if you do this, you're going to lose 10 pounds, you know, 10 pounds of fat. You're not going to lose one ounce or one pound of muscle. I definitely can't assure anybody of anything like that. But there's not a diet in the world that I'm aware of that that that could say that either, you know. So and I don't I think the amount of protein that we need is, is a, it's less than we think it is. Uh, B, I think that the amount of protein that we need
Starting point is 01:03:52 when we utilize fasting, uh, is way less than we need. So, um, and also too, I think your body will auto regulate itself a little bit too. So like when I go home tonight and I eat, um, I may not eat 300 grams of protein, but I'll probably have, you know, I don't know, 225 or something, you know, I weigh about 240. So that's, that should be sufficient enough. Um, and then who knows what will happen the next day? Maybe the next day I have 300, you know what I mean? So it might, and that's what I was saying earlier about calories. It's like, well, a person might have 2000 calories this day at 1800 this day. And so that kind of needs to be accounted for. What does it look like during the entire week? You know? And, um, so I don't think that, uh, I don't think
Starting point is 01:04:40 that protein is a, is a huge, um, is a huge issue. Uh, I know that, um, you know, this is just some from, from my previous bouts of fasting, I have not noticed losing any, any muscle. Um, and SEMA does a lot of fasting and he's fucking, and you never want to just take, you know, a few people's word for it. But, um, just from the information I've heard, it doesn't seem to have some of the negative effects that you might think it would. We have another tough question here. He's asked it before, and I remember I was trying to get Gavin Murphy to answer it for me, but he couldn't quite get to it. But Clayton's a chef, and he has to taste a bunch of food.
Starting point is 01:05:24 How can we make sure this guy doesn't get fat? You know, a lot of people will use their, their, um, their job as an excuse. Um, you know, somebody might say, you know, oh, I got to go out and have drinks. You know, I got to buy, you know, I'm, I'm a sales guy and I got to go out and have drinks. And, and even if, even if your job is in the alcohol industry and, and you have to taste, uh, drinks, um, a lot of times you'll find some of the most successful people in those areas are people that don't really fuck with drinking too much, you know? And, uh, they might, they might drink, but they're not going to get drunk. And that's the same thing for this guy.
Starting point is 01:06:02 It's like, um, you know you know try try bits of food i mean when you go to a nice restaurant um there's probably multiple reasons for this but like they don't they don't they don't give you a big old chunk of steak you know they don't it's really rare to go to a really high-end restaurant and have them serve you like a 16 ounce steak you know they're gonna give you like i, you're lucky if you're getting like something that's six ounces, you know what I mean? I remember getting so bummed out the first time I went with you somewhere nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:32 And I was just like, oh yeah, we're going to pig out or, you know, oh. Yeah. You're like, oh, what's this? All right, cool. It's a leaf. Yeah. Yeah. You're like, oh.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Sweet. Part of the reason they do that is because the quality is pretty, is pretty good. And so for this guy in particular, I mean, he can take chunks of this and that, like Sweet. Part of the reason they do that is because the quality is pretty, is pretty good. And so for this guy in particular, I mean, he can take chunks of this and that. Like how much do you really need to, I think that, uh, you can tell what something tastes like pretty good. Um, I wouldn't say after one bite, you might need about two or three to really see how it sits on your palate and to chew it and to swallow it and everything. You need to probably test it out a couple of times uh you know i don't think this guy needs to like engorge himself
Starting point is 01:07:09 uh you know over the top plus um and this is something that fascinates me i don't have a good understanding of why so so let's see, like, you know, if I, if I put, if I put a, uh, a peanut butter cup in front of you or in front of myself, it's my favorite thing.
Starting point is 01:07:33 If, if someone was to drop one here in front of me, I would still be excited about it. Just as if it was the first time I've ever eaten one almost, you know? Um, and I don't know why, like,
Starting point is 01:07:44 why is that? Like, doesn't my brain, doesn't my brain, like my brain knows, right? My brain's like, Hey, you know, we we've eaten that before. Um, but for some reason it's not enough for some reason. Like you, you need to like, you need to feel it at that moment. But how come? And even if I ate, let's say i ate 10 of them and then somebody came in with another 10 of them i would still be pumped you know it's like um it's somehow i don't i don't know why our brain is that way but it almost like it's it's almost like it forgets
Starting point is 01:08:17 what you just did 10 seconds yeah why can't it be like a i was gonna say like a movie but if it's a really good movie you don't mind watching that again but like why can't it be like a i was gonna say like a movie but if it's a really good movie you don't mind watching that again but like why can't it be like a mediocre movie where you got through it all right cool i don't need to do that again but no damn peanut butter coffee you just want to watch that movie over and over again yeah yeah or yeah like reading a book or a movie that's a great example yeah um back to your question about snacks because i think i i didn't really give i just said you know you shouldn't have any snacks you fat bastard which is true i mean i do think it's important that in order to make these changes that i'm asking you to make you have to really dig deep and you have to change your mindset and it's going to be hard i'm not going to ever try
Starting point is 01:09:01 to sell you on that it's going to be easy this is this all this stuff is made to be hard. I'm not going to ever try to sell you on that. It's going to be easy. This is this, all this stuff is made to be difficult. Anything that you want in life is going to have struggle. It's going to have resistance. It's not going to be easy. Um, when you have a craving or when you want a snack and this, these are other shit answers that you can, you can put on your top 10 most hated things that I've ever said. But this has actually worked for me. So one thing that you can do when you want a snack is eat. But just eat something that's on the plan. And you can do this until your heart is content.
Starting point is 01:09:39 So something that I would do in this situation, especially considering that it's carnivore month, uh, I might eat my dinner and then I go, Oh my God, all I want to do is like, I just want to still eat, you know, I'm fricking hungry. So I'd get up, I'd probably make some like bone broth. I probably wouldn't really care to eat any more meat. And I would, I would probably, um, sit down. I'd probably drink that for a little bit then i'd see like okay like you still want to you know you still want to go for it here are some of my options option number one make the omelet right option number two go for a walk
Starting point is 01:10:20 which is a shit answer to somebody who's hungry. Um, and option number three is go to bed. You know, like this is where you have to toughen up. This is where you have to ask yourself, how bad do you want this? You need to, you need to think back to when you took your shirt, you went to take your jacket off or your hoodie and your shirt pulled up back up over top of your head and everybody made funny because he got love
Starting point is 01:10:44 handles. This is that moment where you need to fight back against that shit. Or you got picked last in dodgeball at school because you're the fat kid or whatever the, whatever the thing is that happened to you. This is where you need to use that material. Need to use that thing that, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:01 broke your heart or pissed you off. Or maybe you lost a girlfriend because of it, or maybe you, you know, maybe you lost out. Maybe you're losing out on the stuff now. Maybe you're lonely because you're not, you don't feel good enough about yourself to even pursue somebody else. This is where you have to really use that fuel. And this is where you can say, look, I can go eat. I can go rummage through that pantry right now and eat every box of cereal that that's in there. Uh, and I can eat all the crap that's in there, or I can make a stand and change the way that I am forever. And if you do this enough, it it's awesome because just trust me on
Starting point is 01:11:40 this. When you start to build momentum and you start to build ambition, it will build upon itself. Ambition, the crazy thing about ambition, some would be like, oh man, he's so ambitious. Guess what ambition comes from? Ambition comes from getting results. And so say someone like Andrew, who a lot of his life he's lifted, but he's always kind of sputtered. Like he'd lift and for two weeks, three weeks, maybe six weeks, and then you'd be out. And then, oh, my back hurts. I'm going to eat what I want. I'm going to, you know, and you waver.
Starting point is 01:12:17 But get that person in the gym. Get them exercising. Get them moving properly. Get them eating properly. And now the second that somebody comes in and says, Hey man, you look awesome. What have you been doing different? That is ambition right there. Now you got to, Hey, when are we training tomorrow?
Starting point is 01:12:39 Like, right. It changes, it changes everything. Oh man. Like, man, I hope Mark doesn't make us do squats on Friday morning. Now it's Thursday night. Like, Hey, we coming in tomorrow? Like it's, it changes everything. Oh man. Like I, man, I hope Mark doesn't make us do squats on Friday morning. Now it's Thursday night. Like, Hey, we coming in tomorrow. Like it's, it changes everything because now you understand what's behind it. Now you understand the results that are out of there. So you almost have to envision yourself three months down the road, being 10 pounds less, being 20 pounds less, you're going to gonna you're trying to lose a lot of weight but
Starting point is 01:13:06 what you're going to gain in this in this uh process is is huge you cannot put a price tag on it what you're missing out on on some of these uh sweets and some of these snacks and some of these things it it's um every single time that you deter yourself away from those things, it will always, it will, I'll repeat it again. It will always, always, always be worth it. And I don't even, I don't really even like to speak in definitive terms like that, but I'm just, this is my own firsthand experience. There's never been, I've never, I've never went for a walk, you know, that I regretted. I never, um, I never came in the gym and been like, oh man, I wish I didn't do that workout. Um, even if I've gotten hurt or insanely sore from it, I never regretted trying and no one's
Starting point is 01:13:57 ever going to regret effort. No one's ever going to regret working your ass off. So all this stuff is worth it. When you feel that urge to be hungry, go ahead and just eat again, but make sure it's something that's still on the plan. If you eat something that's even slightly off the plan, that can send you downhill. When you're doing something like a carnivore diet, or you're trying a paleo diet, or you're trying the vertical diet, you don't want to have a or you're trying the vertical diet you don't want to have a lot of bullshit in your life you don't want to have a lot of crystal light and
Starting point is 01:14:30 sugar-free this and sugar-free that you need to gain control you need to get the easiest way to put is you need to gain control you need to stop being such a pussy you just stop being so sensitive all the time why the fuck are you so sensitive do you really need to eat before you go to bed it's like no you don't you don't need to eat you just think that you do but you're not even that hungry it's sometimes when i say it and i say it like try to say it a nice way it doesn't make any sense but when i tell people you know they gotta toughen the hell up then they're like oh man i really that really made a lot of sense but you do you don't need to eat every two hours you don't need to eat every three if you're trying to gain weight there's some different
Starting point is 01:15:12 things going on with trying to gain weight and uh i can share some of that with you guys too but man this this is not going to be easy at times it will feel great at times you'll roll through in and out you'll have a flying you'll have some Flying Dutchman, and you'll be pumped. And you'll be like, oh, man, these things taste great. But the diet isn't about having In-N-Out burger every single day. The diet is you're trying to, again, you're trying to rid yourself of a lot of ingredients, and you're trying to have nutrient-dense foods. And I don't think In-N-Out burger or McDonald's or any of those places are the spot to go for it. However, if you showed yourself that you can have some restriction and you can gain some control
Starting point is 01:15:53 over your diet, maybe it would be kind of fun to go have some flying Dutchman. So if you did it here and there, um, you know, I don't, I don't think it's, I don't think it's a huge problem, but it's your new way of celebrating as opposed to drowning your sorrows in a bowl of ice cream. Yeah. I think what you said about the mindset of imagining yourself a month from now, two months from now, I think that's huge because I know I've heard it. I'm sure you have, where somebody will say, like, I want to lose weight. I want to be in shape, blah, blah, blah. I just, maybe I'll get lipo so that way it'll get me there. And once I'm there, I'm going to lose weight. I want to be in shape above. I just, uh, maybe I'll, I'll get lipo.
Starting point is 01:16:25 So that way it'll get me there. And once I'm there, I'm going to maintain it. Or like, I wish I could just wake up and then I'll be there. And then once I'm there, I'm going to maintain it. But if that, okay, first off that's bullshit. You're not going to maintain it. Cause you're going to just keep doing what you're doing if you don't learn how to eat right. But, uh, if you imagine that you actually are there now, then yeah, just maintain what you've already achieved and then live that way. And then by the time the two, three months passes, you will actually have what you've been imagining in your head already. You brought up a great point.
Starting point is 01:16:54 You know, if I can wave a magic wand and boom, you lost 50 pounds. Where three months from now, where would we be? Probably more than 50. Yeah, you'd probably gain it all back and maybe then some, right? Like if you could just, boom, just tap people with something and they lost 50 pounds, they'd gain it all back again
Starting point is 01:17:16 because they didn't learn, they didn't learn the proper steps to get there and they didn't earn it. You have to, I mean, you know, you just hear this so much in life and it's just so goddamn redundant, but you have to earn things. know you just hear this so much in life and it it's just so goddamn redundant but you have to earn things you know i i've been thinking about these new year's resolutions and i've been thinking about some of the different stuff i've been seeing and
Starting point is 01:17:33 uh these stuff shared by these people on instagram and stuff and you know people like you got to be true to yourself and you got to be the best version of yourself and i'm just like you know what people probably need to stop being true to yourself and you gotta be the best version of yourself. And I'm just like, you know what? People probably need to stop being true to themselves. Like whatever truth they believed about themselves in the past, it ain't fucking working, man. You need to find something different because whatever,
Starting point is 01:17:55 whatever you were relying on before, it's not cutting it. It's not working. And you're lying to yourself and it just needs to stop. Oh, I don't eat that bad oh hey here's the carnivore diet here's what it looks like oh bro i kind of eat like that anyway uh hey here's some intermittent fasting yeah you start eating at like two o'clock oh i kind of do a version that
Starting point is 01:18:15 no you don't you don't you suck you suck at all these things this is a major hole in your game and just admit it we all got holes in our, and it's time for some of you guys and girls out there that are listening that are stuck, it's time that you recognize there is so much that you can do about it. Even when you get stuck, even when you feel like there's no way out
Starting point is 01:18:35 and there's no road home, you can still figure it out. Yeah, you can figure it out. Can't give up. Yeah. So going way off topic uh you seem to have a pretty busy weekend how'd it go over there at the old ufc fights oh yeah ufc fights were great yeah got to see bones jones got to see him fight that was amazing um that woman's fight went quick man
Starting point is 01:19:03 shit cyborg and Amanda Nunes. Man, I'm not going to say I called that at all. By no means did I say that, but I just figured because the way. But you called it. No, just let me explain. Because the way Cyborg fights, she's never faced anybody that actually even made her blink. I'm like, dude, if Nunes can catch her just with one shot,
Starting point is 01:19:24 it'll push her back and then who knows it's a different ball game and sure enough man she came at her and Cyborg was like wait I'm Cyborg like this doesn't affect me and she just kept haymakers right and just kept getting clawed and Nunez was so precise with her shots man it was ridiculous dude, that last KO shot was vicious. Oh man. It was sick. You know, I think, um, by the way, like even though the fight went really fast, like what a great job by Cyborg. Like what an awesome way to go out. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Like if you're a badass, go out like a badass. She did. She went out like a badass. She, she got hit with bombs. She was getting crushed. And she kept throwing punches. She kept trying like a, she, she got hit with bombs. She was getting crushed and she kept throwing punches. She kept trying, trying, trying, trying. Yeah. I think she was just dazed and she was out of it pretty quick.
Starting point is 01:20:12 And she just went into just kind of, uh, instinct and just kept throwing. I think that happens a lot. You know, I think that happens a lot in football and in fighting. And, you know, there's that saying, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. And, you know, she just didn't defend herself at all. No. And that's what I mean. Accuracy was 150%, you know.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah. And that's what I'm saying is, like, normally she does not get affected by anybody she's ever faced. So she's just like, well, my game plan is I'm just going to go, you know, beat her up. And it just didn't happen because Nunez was just so solid with every shot. She, man, it was nuts. Yeah. Seeing the fight live, you know, I'd be really interested to go back and watch it on tape and check it out and kind of see, because I felt when we were live, I thought she got
Starting point is 01:21:01 clipped with something really early on. And sometimes like it's a little stuff that you don't see like somebody throws a big punch and maybe the punch catches them a little bit but the elbow catches them even harder it's like a lot of times there's something in there that you wouldn't think uh would really rock somebody but it uh you know who knows maybe she had a concussion i remember when uh jesse burt so i got to hang hang out with jesse burdick and yesterday was his birthday so it was really cool to hang out with the birthday boy, um, around his birthday. He's, he's 40 years old. Happy birthday, Jesse Burdick.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Uh, it was super cool hanging out with him, but like he and I've been to many fights before and, uh, we saw, I'm forgetting the guy's name, but, uh, Weidman, we saw Weidman fight Belfort, I think. Oh, Weidman. We saw Weidman fight Belfort, I think. Oh, no, no. Weidman fought... His name's on the... The karate guy. The guy who's really good with actual karate.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Oh, the name's going to drive me crazy. I'll find it. Anyway, they're battling on back and forth and they're just absolutely killing each other and then later we found out that weidman was knocked out and oh leota machida there we go uh we found out later that uh weidman was knocked out like cold like in the first round and he kept fighting and fighting and fighting and because jesse and i were watching we're like this is so weird we Why did it not, he's not protecting himself. He's getting killed.
Starting point is 01:22:27 And, uh, well, not that he was knocked out. I'm sorry. He, he got a concussion early in the fight. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:22:33 so he was just like out of it. He didn't know what the hell's going on. And, uh, later on after that fight, a lot of information came out. The corner kept yelling at him. Hey,
Starting point is 01:22:42 you know, you gotta do this. And he, he didn't do any of it. Like he just went out there hands by his side the whole time just getting kicked in the face and punched and but yeah it's always fun to go see those fights and uh i've been fortunate enough to see um uh you know michael jordan i've been you know i've been able to see him up close i've seen charles barkley play. Um, I've seen, I'm trying to think football wise. I don't know who I've seen football wise. Cause I've been to a lot of football games,
Starting point is 01:23:13 but no one's really sticking out that much football wise. But, um, yeah, I've been to, I've been to a lot of sporting events and I've seen a lot of great athletes, uh, over the years. And it's, it's just amazing to watch them function and see, and see how they are and see like, you know, how relaxed bones Jones is coming to the ring and just kinda, it's kinda easier to point these things out after somebody wins, you know, but, um, you know, it is, it is a sign of a champion when the, when the guy is able to probably like do things and see things a little differently than everybody else like bones just
Starting point is 01:23:45 it kind of seemed like he had a real distinct plan the people that we were sitting next to uh you know they were reacting a lot to what gusterson was doing but like when i was watching i was like it doesn't really look like he's doing much and uh it seemed like bones knew he's doing the whole time and jones he went for like two takedowns. They got stuffed. And he's like, okay, I'm just going to kick this guy in the legs until he can't take it anymore. Yeah. And that's what he did. So you see the end result.
Starting point is 01:24:12 The end of the match is like ground and pound. And that's the way it ended. But it's all set up with these little choppy kicks to the leg the whole time. That probably hurt like hell. Yeah. I was pretty bummed to see a former guest of the show, Chad Mendez. He lost that,
Starting point is 01:24:28 that first fight of the, uh, the main card. Yeah. That was a bummer. And I got to check out the, uh, the Jeff Nowitzki podcast with,
Starting point is 01:24:35 uh, Rogan to figure out what the heck is actually going on with, uh, with John Jones, his, his drug tests. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:24:42 we might be able to ask him ourselves cause we might have him on the show. Oh, there you go. Just kidding. I'm just going to wait until he comes we might be able to ask him ourselves because we might have him on the show. Oh, there you go. Just kidding. I'm just going to wait until he comes on here and I'll ask him. That's cool,
Starting point is 01:24:50 man. I'm, I was watching your IG story and you're like, I got killed when you had your phone out and like the security guard got you or something like that.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Oh, yeah, yeah. Or just someone hit you or something. Yeah, they plowed me over. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:25:04 You know, it was fun going to that fight and, you know me over it was awesome um you know it was fun going to that fight and uh you know it reminded me of you know a couple years back when i just didn't have dough to like make things work out i'd like always just figure out a way like i'd show up places without a ticket and then just like figure out a way to like you know get in or or buy a ticket after the show started and get it cheaper and, you know, or just figure out a way to finagle my way in there. And so with this fight, uh, Jesse had some tickets, um, through Jeff Nowitzki and, um,
Starting point is 01:25:35 they were great seats. I mean, they were four seats and like, it was awesome, but we didn't have enough. We had like eight and we had 10 people. And so Jesse and I were in like the nosebleeds and we were uh switching out with uh tiny tiff and uh jeremy avila and uh we kind of going back and forth and and uh i kept trying to see if we can get another ticket i checked with amadeo because he mentioned he was there and i was checking with a bunch of other people and bart and geo were there i ran to ct fletcher and i'm kind of a bunch of other people. Bart and Gio were there.
Starting point is 01:26:06 I ran into CT Fletcher. And I'm kind of hustling around asking people. And Jesse's like, man, he's like, it's over with, man. We're just going to be up in those nosebleeds. I said, don't talk like that. There's no way to be. I said, listen, man, I know how to be a fugitive. We'll figure this thing out.
Starting point is 01:26:25 So the guy that was in front of us when we had the floor seats, he was fucking hammered. He was a huge fan. And he had an extra ticket. And he's like, I'll sell you this extra ticket. He's like, no one else is going to take it, I don't think. I was like, yeah, but you only have one? And he's like, yeah. He's like, I only have one. And I was like, well, shit.
Starting point is 01:26:41 I said, I need two. And he was like, I don't know. He said he might have a friend that's going to come. I have another ticket or something, but. He knows the guy. Yeah. Yeah. And anyway, that never happened. And then like we were sitting, so we kept rotating in and out, you know, of these seats
Starting point is 01:26:56 going from the nosebleeds back down. Then we saw the guy again. He was like, man, he's like, I said I was going to sell you those tickets. He's like, I mean, I'll just give it to you. I'll just give it to you. Like, you don't even need to worry about it. I was like, man, he's like, I said I was going to sell you those tickets. He's like, I mean, I'll just give it to you. I'll just give it to you. Like, you don't even need to worry about it. I was like, ah. I was like, we have two people, though, so I can't really do anything with it anyway.
Starting point is 01:27:12 And my brother was at the fights, too. My brother got a ticket from Bo Hightower. And I contacted Bo. And he was like, I don't have anything extra. The thing was totally sold out. And then so I just, I was like, you know what? They always say it's totally sold out. But so i just uh i was like you know what they always say it's totally sold out but like i'm gonna try to find out so i went to the box office and i asked them if they had any tickets and the lady's like no i don't think so and then she
Starting point is 01:27:36 obviously wasn't the right person to talk to and other girls like no no we got she's like we got a couple extra tickets somewhere and so they were like checking out the seats and stuff like that. And we ended up getting some awesome seats. I just had to pay for it though. That's the only thing. That was the only catch. That's a little different than back in the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:52 Yeah. It's a lot different. It wasn't too crazy. It wasn't, I mean, it could have been a lot worse damage, but you know what? It's just worth it. Sometimes it's just worth it. Like we went down to LA, we were, you know, we're going to have a good time no matter what. Didn't really matter where we ended up sitting,
Starting point is 01:28:07 but you know, it makes a difference. Yeah. And so why not go for it? Right. No, for that, that,
Starting point is 01:28:11 that was kind of a special night, right? It was Bones Jones coming back. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I was just kind of thinking like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:28:18 like, you know, maybe, maybe I'll never get this chance again, you know, so why not go and just go for it? So yeah, it's whenever I get a chance to, you know, so why not go and just go for it? So yeah, it's whenever I get a chance to see someone who's high level at anything,
Starting point is 01:28:28 uh, I'm always impressed. It's always cool. Um, even just like, you know, I went to see Jerry Seinfeld play when he was here in, uh,
Starting point is 01:28:36 in Sacramento and it was like, or going to see Joe Rogan do standup. I love, I love seeing people that are really good at shit, do what they do best. It's impressive that was really cool to see bonesy yeah how did you do uh yoga yoga yoga was uh yoga was uh was interesting it was hard you know it gave me some gave me some flashbacks of me
Starting point is 01:28:58 falling with some big weights because of the position i was in they had like you know one knee was in and i was, laying on my back, and I was like, man, this is, like, kind of how I felt with a big weight, you know, with the 1,085 squat. But, you know, it was really, really good. Like, I got to say, like, when I went home, watched some TV with the wifey, and I just was like,
Starting point is 01:29:23 I haven't really felt this relaxed in a long time like not even from getting out of the hot tub or anything so um it was cool i mean there's something like i don't think i don't think it matters what it would be i think if you went into a room and there was someone in there that talked to you and it was dark and it had some nice music on i think that would be amazing i I think like, I mean, you could probably run studies on it and it would probably do some wonderful shit for people, but like almost like a nap time in school,
Starting point is 01:29:52 you know, that's kind of what it reminded me of it. I mean, it wasn't, um, it was yin yoga, which I, I don't even know what that means,
Starting point is 01:29:59 but, uh, that's what, that's what we did. And, uh, it was almost all done on the floor. And so none of it was difficult. It was just kind of like laying and moving in some different
Starting point is 01:30:09 positions and then holding them. And when we get into a position, she's like, we're going to hold this position for three minutes. And I'm like, oh man, like we're like 30 seconds in and I'm already dying. You know, um, it's hard to breathe. Uh, you know, for me, I guess for anybody, but like, it's hard to breathe when your body is twisted or when your body's like bent, you know, for me, I guess for anybody, but like, it's hard to breathe when your body is twisted or when your body's like bent, you know, it's harder to breathe than if you're standing up and your chest is up in the air, it's harder, but they talk a lot about, they center everything around your, your rib cage kind of, which is really good for me. Cause my rib cage is always down. Um, it's part of my posture and it could be from being like,
Starting point is 01:30:43 you know, from lifting for so long and having tight chest muscles, it's part of my posture and it could be from being like, you know, from lifting for so long and having tight chest muscles, it's all pulling me like forward. And then also just, uh, you know, gaining size in your arms, you know, my arms way more than somebody else's arms. So they pull you forward. And so, you know, having them, you know, constantly remind you to breathe. And she just kind of kept saying, you know, uh, that just whenever you get stuck, just breathe. And it's like, what a great metaphor for life. It's true, too. Like, you know, why sit there with your body all tensed up?
Starting point is 01:31:14 Like, why not just relax? Some of these things are things that you can't do anything for right that second. So you may as well relax and then just think about a plan. Like, you know, they were saying like, kind of breathe into it. And it just makes a lot of sense. And it's something that I thought was a really effective and I'm fired up to go back again. I, I would have loved to try to go back today, but I just didn't have time. Hopefully I can go back on a Friday or maybe Saturday when we get done training here, I want to try to make it a, well, I won't even say try.
Starting point is 01:31:46 It's something I'm going to make part of the routine for a while. And I don't know, we'll see. We'll see what it can do. I'm excited about it. Cool. Yeah, I know there's some like YouTube stuff that I can follow. Because I've done it a handful of times, and I feel like it, I don't know. I can show you a couple things that they showed me that I was thinking about
Starting point is 01:32:07 you was doing it, which is kind of weird. In the dark? Mm-hmm. With nice, beautiful music playing with candles and everything? Mm-hmm. Thinking about me? Yep. All right.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Yeah, I was, I was thinking about you because we were in some of these positions that like, you know, really kind of, they were tough on the lower back, you know, like we had this one thing where we kind of laid back on, on this like pillow type thing. And it was like under like your butt slash lower back. And you started with your knees, you started with your feet flat on the ground and your knees are bent and you let your body just kind of melt over the whole thing right but then then they then she asked you to put your feet out flat and now it's like oh like my back doesn't like that because for me my hip flexors are super tight my abdomen's super tight and so i i was able
Starting point is 01:33:04 to do it just fine it wasn't it wasn't really hard but it does make it feel like if you were to fart or sneeze and blow your back out forever you know yeah or if somebody made you laugh that you might die um and so i was like wow i was like this and then i was wondering like i'm like shit man like does this lady understand like how fucked up i am like i might i might not be able to like get out of this position you know and so but once once we did i i felt fine but it was amazing yeah it really challenged my back and challenged my spine and there was a couple other movements that we did where i was like oh shit like i i don't know how
Starting point is 01:33:40 i'm gonna feel after holding this for five minutes. I've never done it before. And, uh, it wasn't that bad. It was, it was actually really, uh, really cool. It didn't take any strength, which was kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Cause for my first time there, I, you know, I don't think it'd be a good idea to like, you know, be on one foot trying to hold my other leg or that stuff. Just, but,
Starting point is 01:34:01 um, and, and the reason why I think it's so effective for me, or at least that this one time that I went, the reason why I think it's so effective for me, or at least that this one time that I went, the reason why I think I liked it so much rather is, um, is because it, it, uh, it was because of how easy it was. You know, if I went to some hard ass yoga class, it would have probably been, it would probably been overkill. Uh, who knows? I might be sore and all jacked up from it right now. And I might kind of hate it, but I liked, I liked the pace of it.
Starting point is 01:34:29 And I liked just the way that it was. So it worked well for me, but you know, that's a, I also would, I also would understand that if I didn't like it, that I would just perhaps try another class. So those of you out there trying to do something new, uh, for your new year's resolution, going to the gym or hitting up a CrossFit or whatever. The first one you go to, you know, if it doesn't work out the way it did for me with my yoga, then you may want to just, you know, give it another shot. You know, try things a couple of times, even with this carnivore diet, it's world carnivore month. I want all you guys to join in on the fun. Uh, but I don't, uh, you know, you, you don't, if, if you go off the diet a little bit,
Starting point is 01:35:05 then, you know, uh, don't worry about it. Just try to get back on it. Keep working. Just a quick rundown on the foods for carnivore diet. I mentioned you got meat, you got bone broth, you got water, you got coffee, um, salt, pepper, anything outside of anything outside of that starts to be eggs, butter, even butter. I mean, once you start to get outside of that is when you start to get outside of some of the confines of a carnivore diet. But it doesn't mean that you're not still following carnivore plan because the main goal is to get most of our nutrients and most of our nutrition from the meat. So if you end up eating some vegetables, not a huge deal. But I would suggest that you work on getting rid of that stuff from your diet so you can
Starting point is 01:35:58 see who are the perpetrators, what ingredients are offending your body, what ingredients are causing inflammation. Who knows? It could be vegetables. You don't know unless you tried, right? Um, cheese is somewhat acceptable in the diet too, but I would say that, uh, abstaining from all dairy would be a good option for a little while. I have some dairy in there, um, because I, I, I don't have any problem with it and it feels fine to me. But I'm also going through some weeks without any dairy. So I would suggest that you keep the ingredients to a minimum. If you want to gain weight with this diet,
Starting point is 01:36:35 then I would suggest some fasting actually can even help you gain weight because if you fast for periods of time that are, uh, not as long, you can, it will make you so hungry that you'll probably eat more than normal. So you could, you could, you could still try some fasting if you want to gain weight, but mainly you'd want to eat five or six meals every day. And you'd want to try to get a nice influx of calories. And one way to do it would be through milk. If you can stomach, uh, eating milk. Um, I, uh, I buy raw milk when I buy milk, um, raw, uh, whole milk and not all States even allow for that. I also, I drink kefir, which is like a liquid yogurt basically, which some, most people think is disgusting. And I buy everything
Starting point is 01:37:22 plain. I buy, buy plain yogurt. I buy plain kefir. Um, you can't, unfortunately, um, you can't have anything in it. You can't put shit in it. It's just the way that it works. So if you don't like those things, then just don't buy them. You know, that's probably the easiest thing, but you have a lot of options when it comes to meat and you may want to try to make different kinds of meat. Like think about how common it is to make, um, two different things for breakfast. Like you about how common it is to make, um, two different things for breakfast. Like you might have eggs, you might have bacon, you might have eggs, you might have sausage, you might have eggs, you might have ham. But when it comes to like dinner, it's like steak or
Starting point is 01:37:54 chicken. Well, you can have both. I mean, you can make, you can make up some chicken and some steak. You can make up some fish and some chicken. You can have some different combos. So you can, You can make up some fish and some chicken. You can have some different combos. There's some wiggle room on some of this. People have asked about rotisserie chicken. Not a great option because usually the ingredients are through the roof from the ones you get from the store. But if you want to throw a whole chicken or a whole turkey or something like that in your oven, then go for it.
Starting point is 01:38:23 I think some people make too big a deal about the red meat. The red meat is important. It does have a lot of great ingredients in it, but having some meals come from chicken or from turkey or from birds in general, I don't think it's a bad idea. You can get chicken thighs if you want to try to get more fat, heart, liver, any of those kinds of things are gonna be very nutrient dense. Those are all fair game. And then, um, you know, in, uh, in terms of, in terms of eggs, try to buy the omega three eggs if you can afford it. And in terms of grass fed, I don't, I don't know how much it matters. I don't know how much is just for profit. And I don't know, you know, what the difference is between, you know, 100% grass fed and grass finished and all this different shit. I don't know what the difference is between 100% grass-fed and grass-finished and all this different shit. I don't know who's telling the truth and who's not.
Starting point is 01:39:08 But I usually try to buy grass-fed when possible. I'd say for the most part, most of my steaks are not grass-fed, but most of my ground beef is grass-fed. You just do the best you can. That's not really what the fight is. This isn't a fight against vegetables either. This is not a fight. What we're trying to do is we're trying to teach ourselves how our body is supposed to feel when we have nutrient dense foods and low ingredients and just try to keep it that
Starting point is 01:39:37 simple. And if you end up eating some spinach, don't demonize yourself and don't think that you jacked everything up because you had some damn spinach or you had some kale or some broccoli or whatever. You'll just have to answer to Dr. Baker and then that would be between you and him. He's pretty big. He might mess you up. That's what I'm saying. Imagine a fucking left hook from that guy.
Starting point is 01:39:54 I don't want to imagine. I can kind of picture him with a big, long jab, right? Boom. You can't get inside at all on him. He's sticking the jab out of you and you know better than to allow the overhand right to land. But I can picture he's just landing that jab at will. You're circling to the right. Because he's circling to the right.
Starting point is 01:40:14 And then wham, he throws a left hook in there, just a tight little boom over the top, and you're just out cold. Yeah, you're just avoiding that right, and then all of a sudden he can catch you with the left hook. That's it. Game over. Why does Dr. Baker gotta do that to us? He eats a lot of meat. He's just a savage.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Knocking out all bums! Yeah. Real quick, housekeeping stuff. The podcast got a new podcast machine. It's used, but it's new to us. However, it does have the capability of uploading straight to Spotify. So we are now on Spotify.
Starting point is 01:40:48 A lot of people have been asking. So we're up there now, finally. Pretty excited about that because a lot of the younger folks listen to podcasts on Spotify. And congrats to Michael Hearn and his girlfriend, Mona. They finally announced that they got a bun in the oven. Hey now. Yeah. And so when we recorded the podcast out in Malibu, they announced it there first.
Starting point is 01:41:15 And they were like, ooh, we should probably hang on a minute because we haven't really told anybody. So we've been kind of holding back on that episode. And that will be released this Saturday. So we have that to look forward to. And then Sunday we got, uh, Oh, I've come in team cup cupcake powerlifting team cupcake.
Starting point is 01:41:33 Yeah. We're going to give him a phone call and, uh, that should be fun, man. Cause he's a, he's a huge fan of yours. Um,
Starting point is 01:41:40 and you've changed his life and he's now changing other people's lives. He's getting ready for a bodybuilding show. Yeah. We got to go change our own lives. We got to go lift. We got some bench pressing to do. So strength is never a weakness and weakness, never strength. See you guys later.

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