Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Power Project EP. 242 - Snake Diet Founder Cole Robinson

Episode Date: August 30, 2019

Cole Robinson, although with unconventional methods, has been helping 100's of people lose 100's of pounds via his Snake Diet method. He is a bit abrasive, but the results scream loudly. ➢SHOP NOW:... Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Find the Podcast on all platforms: ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes: ➢Listen on Spotify: ➢Listen on Stitcher: ➢Listen on Google Play: ➢Listen on SoundCloud:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm going to send them the link, so if you guys want to kick things off right now. Yeah, let's go. All right, we're rolling. Fired up for today. I think today's going to be an exciting podcast, and then it's just an exciting day. We got the hybrid people coming in today. I just heard about that. That should be pretty damn awesome.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Yeah, Steph and Hayden. That's going to be wild. And Hayden's competing coming up, so he's going to be kind of chilling. But I'm going to try to do a bodybuilding workout with Steffi. I don't know how many she's done. She looks like a bodybuilder. She looks jacked. She's going to be able to handle a good amount of bodybuilding volume,
Starting point is 00:00:38 if not a crazy amount. She's going to kick your ass. Oh, there's no doubt. Yeah. And, yeah, today we have cole robinson on for those people that don't know who've never heard the name before he is a canadian dude who uh has a diet called snake diet and um when i told when i asked him you know what i'm like the snake diet like that's interesting and he says it kind of originally started out as a joke he just called
Starting point is 00:01:04 snake diet because he just thought it was a ridiculous name. And it's not to be like a snake oil salesman or anything like that. It's not – he's not trying to like loop anybody into anything weird. The reason why he called it a snake diet is that snakes are cold-blooded animals. And snakes are – they only have to eat like once every several days. Yeah. Or sometimes even once a month. And so that's how he landed on the name.
Starting point is 00:01:28 What's up, Cole? How you doing, buddy? Hey. How's it going, Mark? I want to give everybody a fair warning that this episode in particular is extra rated R. Cole loves to swear a lot. So here we go. What's going on, buddy?
Starting point is 00:01:42 What are you doing today? Doing a little dry fast in the day and then i'm gonna go for a bike ride dry here and then go to some dry fast and sauna action and today's my cutting day so i have like one day right now right maintenance and train my ass off and the next day i just do a bunch of cardio and dry fast all day and then i eat about five o'clock at night you do a lot of fasting. And in my conversations with you, you're somebody that believes in keeping a tight eating window. Let's talk about that for a minute. And, you know, just, you know, how did you land on some of this stuff? So originally, I was a fitness trainer once upon a time.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And I was training a lot of women, and this one woman was the biggest fucking food addict you ever met, so I challenged her to do a 24-hour fast, right? And I didn't even know what fasting really was at that time. All I knew is I had some surgeries, and they're like, oh, don't eat before the surgeries. I didn't know if it was healthy or not. I didn't give a shit. I just knew that she wasn't going to die from 24 hours, right?
Starting point is 00:02:45 So that's kind of how it started. And then I went longer than her. So I did like two full nights without food. And then that's when it started. And then I started essentially a meal a day. I felt like a million bucks after that first 48 hours because I forced myself into ketosis, which we get into later. But I didn't even know what
Starting point is 00:03:05 ketosis was. But I just woke up that second morning after I went through some withdrawals, and I felt amazing. And I was a pig anyway. So I'm like, well, perfect. I'll just eat one massive meal a day. And then after a week or two of that, I started pushing it. I'm like, what other scams have they not told us about with regards to eating and i started doing 48 hour fast and then i pushed myself through a 72 hour fast and then that one was actually on water and that's when i got taxed i was doing deadlifts in the gym on a 72 and i basically was ready to faint after every set and then one thing led to another and i got hooked and i figured out the salts right and i figured out intracellular like electrolyte balance and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And then that's when I started using the salts. And then I did eight days straight with no food. And I felt like a million bucks. And that's kind of how it started. And I just got crazier and crazier. You know, one thing leads to another. And then you start, you know, you start following, trying to read some old Russian stuff too. Like these Russians have been doing this stuff for like 100 years,
Starting point is 00:04:06 but nobody can read the literature. When I first saw the snake diet and I started looking at some of your stuff, I was like, oh, this is probably called the snake diet because this guy has like the disposition of a rattlesnake, like Stone Cold Steve Austin, the way you're so abrasive online all the time and shouting at people and yelling at people and saying, hey, fatty, and doing all this kind of stuff. When I showed some of your videos to some of my friends and family,
Starting point is 00:04:32 they're like, this guy seems like a real asshole. You know, why are you taking that stance? Why are you taking such a hard stance with people? Do you think that's what people need? They need a kick in the ass? Well, you know, like shit. Like how do they make soldiers tough for the army? What are they fucking like?
Starting point is 00:04:49 You know, what are they making? They don't use snowflake techniques. That's for fucking. These guys are, these guys got to go out and kill people for fuck's sakes. They need these guys to be like ready to die basically. Right. So I take that same stance because what happens if you just you know most fat people uh people try to like ease them into this kind of shit it's like oh try it or whatever but you know if you don't attack
Starting point is 00:05:13 them on the stuff that scares the shit out of them like you don't just blatant appearance or or they might die because they can't you know they might die and then they won't be able to like raise their kid properly or whatever that's the stuff that triggers the shit out of them. Right. And usually the way it works is, you know, I have people that are like, oh, I'm glad I met, like I'm glad I ran into this guy. We need this kind of fucking tough love and all those kinds of things. But then I get the odd hater and they're like, this fucking prick, he's an asshole.
Starting point is 00:05:39 He's going to kill somebody, blah, blah, blah. And then that same person though, like a month later finds out that one of their friends is doing it. And then they come back to me like, fuck, I thought you were a fucking asshole. Now I love you and shit. I've lost like 10 pounds in a week. Yeah. I really noticed that you actually do care a lot about people. So at first the message is abrasive. And then I was like, well, there's person after person on here that actually has made a lot of progress. And they're talking about not just losing 20 pounds or losing 50 pounds, but they're talking about how this mentality and this mindset has really
Starting point is 00:06:12 changed their life. And when they changed their body, they were able to change their life. So that's what I was attracted to. I was like, Oh, there's a lot more to this guy than him just yelling at everybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Real quick. Well, there's, Oh, go ahead. I'm curious. Cause I want to, because we're going to be talking about a lot of stuff here and there's a lot of terminology and the types of fast that you do. And I know you're going to get into it. Can you give us just a quick, quick primer on like dry fasting or dry fasting.
Starting point is 00:06:50 So that word fasting gets used very loosely in the mainstream bullshit, like, you know, green juice fasting. And, you know, it's not fasting. You're taking in food. Essentially, you're eating all the goddamn day, right? Like, if you're on a true fast, your insulin is going to be really low, and you're going to be burning body fat like crazy, and your body's going to have a chance to heal. But like these people are like, oh, I get a fucking Mars bar fast or a fucking, you know, KFC.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Like that's not fasting, right? Just because they're doing the same thing every day, like green juice fasting, not fasting. So salt water, essentially potassium chloride and sodium chloride are the main two salts that your body needs quite a bit of. And then the dry fasting um basically no water at all and now there's two types of dry fasting there's hard dry fasting and soft dry fasting so hard would be like no water contact period right and then soft would be like say if you still banged off a shower or whatever and brushed your teeth but yeah and then the where i use these it just
Starting point is 00:07:46 depends on the person's goal right so with the morbidly obese people which i'm actually making more my focus now um i got those people aren't they can't even move like i'm helping a girl right now that used to she was like 502 or 506 when i started coaching her and she was basically to the point she actually told me for about a month, she couldn't actually leave her house because she, she couldn't even pick up her fucking leg to get on the, up on the curb. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And like, she's tried everything, like every fucking thing you can think of for the mainstream bullshit diets. And this is the only thing like just stop fucking eating, you know? And, and now I got her dry fasting and it's unbelievable how fast these people will lose weight and their health will come back.
Starting point is 00:08:32 She can't move anyway. So you've got a girl as heavy as her, and I've got another guy. It's actually funny you're talking about that tough love. I've got a guy that I just started fasting, and he's a fucking ex-Marine. Yeah, he's an ex-Marine. He literally was 300. He's a fat bastard his whole life when he was a kid. And he finally said, fuck this.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And he goes and was, he has 300 pounds, gets down to like a rip 192, became like a train killer. And then he got, obviously when he was done with the Marine Corps, you know, he got married and, you know, went through a bunch of shit, got a divorce and now he's fucking 530 pounds he got up to 560 and so this guy like i'm thinking this guy and the girl i'm coaching they're gonna you're gonna see some crazy shit because it's dry fasting you gotta
Starting point is 00:09:16 understand when your body when you get dry like that everyone thinks oh you gotta go what you need like you can only go three days of water. Like, they forget that these people have, like, literally, like, a hundred fucking liters of water on their gut. They're like camels. And people don't understand that, like, they always think, I don't know, you know, like macros, you know, you got your protein, fats, and carbs, right? You know how, like, a gram of fat is nine calories? Well, people think that a pound of human body fat is thirty six hundred calories, which is actually complete bullshit, because that would mean that one.
Starting point is 00:09:53 So like say if we just cut one pound of fat off your gut, like a pound of flesh, like fat. Right. It's it's it's not all oil. It's not fucking oil. OK, it's like literally oil and water and electrolytes is what it really is. Like no one really knows how many calories is in a pound of fat, but it's say to make a guess, it'd be like, say 50% oil. Right. So you've got these people that could drive fast and you know what the craziest part is
Starting point is 00:10:20 with these extreme obese people, they actually start urinating more when I get them dry fasting. Because what happens, they have so much capacity on their body that when they're drinking the salt water, which is excellent, because they're still going to burn body fat like crazy because they're not taking any food. But they will go through these ups and downs where they're stashing water on their body because they have so much capacity to store, right? their body because they have so much capacity to store right so what soon as so then they won't be basically they won't be urinating they'll actually be stashing a little bit of water as soon as you get them dry fasting it's just unbelievable how their your body will start to cut into the body fat like just pretend you're at like a massive deficit so let's say i got one of these like 500 pounders to sit in a sauna and melt off like five pounds of water.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So they come out of the sauna at this fluid deficit. So their body technically wants to get back five liters of water, right? To get back to homeostasis. But if you don't let it, if you're like, fuck it, don't drink nothing nothing what'll happen is the body will be like holy fuck we need to get this water back from somewhere and the body will just go into overtime mode breaking down body fat to try to get the water from the fat breakdown it's dry fasting is unbelievable when it comes to morbidly obese and it's perfect because they don't got to do anything now if it's somebody like say you know your average fat person that's trying to be somewhat active and like even just, you know, putting on some good mileage walking or, you know, doing some activity, then that's where the snake juice is perfect.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Maybe a combination of snake juice and dry fasting. And then, you know, like what we had Mark do and we, you know, have some sort of a fasting protocol. Basically, the fatter you are, the more aggressive you can get, which the most aggressive is going to be dry fasting and then the more lean you are the less aggressive you have to be so say if it's somebody like both of you guys when you're really ripped you could go back to more of a mainstream intermittent fasting routine where you're you know where you might have to eat two meals a day one before a workout one after a workout or whatever something like that right explain to us what snake juice is. So basically snake juice, so back to my name, snake diet,
Starting point is 00:12:28 it started off as a massive fucking joke because obviously snakes eat like once every two weeks, right? And in the beginning, it was funny because I was the one doing, like I was doing like 72 hour fast and I grinded through like an eight day fast and then it actually became true. I had people literally eat it once
Starting point is 00:12:45 every two fucking weeks like they've went i i've had people go 50 days like it's it's crazy 50 days with no food 50 days straight yeah are these like the heavier people people go 30 days what's that are these like the really heavy people or just like everyone anybody that's got 30 pounds to scrap like you're gonna depending on the person depending how much you're walking or how active you are like say if you're on a straight fast no food just on that salt water 30 day cut no food depending if you're male or female you'll you'll roast anywhere from a pound a day up to 50 60 pounds pounds. I had a guy drop 60 pounds in 30 days with no food. And now if you get real hardcore and you throw dry fasting into the mix,
Starting point is 00:13:33 like I'm going to find out with this ex-Marine because this guy's fucking deep down in his heart. This guy's tough as fucking nails. I won't be able to prove it, but I bet you he could beat the Guinness Book of World Records dry fast, which essentially was 18 days. It was just some young kid they locked up in jail and fucking threw the key away and forgot about him. He wasn't even fat and he didn't die. He was OK, you know. So but the snake juice is essentially just electrolyte is just saltwater, potassium,
Starting point is 00:13:59 chloride powder, sodium chloride powder with like proper, you know, RDA amounts. And then, uh, and yeah, that's all it is. It's saltwater. Like I tell people, you know, you can go buy it, just the salts at the store. You can make your own or you can buy ours off Amazon. If you don't want to go make your own, it's like, I tell people exactly how to mix it up and everything. It's.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah. You basically buy potassium, right? I mean, you can buy potassium off like Amazon. there a particular type of potassium like chloride potassium chloride powder you can get it in bulk um you can get like no salt or salt free or two of the ones you can get in canada at the stores there's there's a bunch there's there's some other like weird names of it in europe and stuff and it's potassium chloride powder and then sodium chloride which basically you know and then i actually uh and then baking soda so sodium bicarbonate and i originally it was just those two main salts
Starting point is 00:14:59 it was just the sodium uh chloride and potassium chloride. But then afterwards, when I got and I learned more about salts and learned about kidney function, that's when I threw in the sodium bicarbonate, which is just essentially baking soda. Baking soda. So for people that are listening, not baking powder, because people fuck that up. Baking soda. Yeah. So the baking soda is amazing for your kidneys like if you have a fuck if you have fucked up kidneys dry fasting plus like you know lemon
Starting point is 00:15:32 juice apple cider vinegar and baking soda is going to be the best thing to heal fucked up kidneys the dry fasting gives them a complete break so you're not just pounding fluid through them and then when you come off the fast if you have any buildup in your kidneys like stones or anything it's the the baking soda will literally break up the stones the first dry fast i ever did that was a pretty long dry fast it was uh five days and when i came off that one i was pissing some light sediment for probably about two days after and i had some pain in my kidneys. And then I was knocking back the baking soda and it just released.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And there was this sediment and I put it, I pissed in a cup, put it in the fridge and it was quite a bit. I got no big stones luckily, but it was amazing. And after that, I've never had none of that since, right? You know, people are obsessed with trying to figure out how to lose weight. You know, they're tired of being the same way that they were.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And with the method that you're applying, it sounds like people are losing weight, you know, really, really fast. How do people prevent having a rebound? Because, you know, I've competed in bodybuilding. I've competed in powerlifting. And sometimes when you make a certain weight class, you know, in powerlifting, the idea is like to get back up and wait on purpose. class, you know, empower lifting. The idea is like to get back up and wait on purpose. But even in bodybuilding, after you do a show, it's very common for people that have been under eating for a period of time. The second they go back to kind of another regimen, they gain a lot of weight. Fasting in general, fasting will help you beat food addiction for
Starting point is 00:16:58 sure, because you're not always spiking your insulin with sugar and what have you. Right. And then secondly, you know, that's kind of where I come in again because I motivate people to build it into that lifestyle, build it and build it. And it becomes, it's so idiot proof that you, well, you know what I mean? It's completely idiot. There's not a choice. You just don't eat food. Yeah. It's so what I'm really doing in the beginning of the whole thing is when people say you got the person that's 500 pounds and they've tried everything and they just felt like they had no control. So what I'm giving them is control. It's like once they've done it's almost like once they've done like a three day dry fast or even a three day fast on snake juice.
Starting point is 00:17:41 or even a three-day fast on snake juice, at that point, their confidence goes through the roof. It's like, I don't need to eat, and I can lose weight this fast, and they have the control, where everything else, they just couldn't get a fast enough result either. Fast results will motivate the shit out of you.
Starting point is 00:18:00 So that control, I'm giving them that power that they know there's an answer now. And I talk about yo-yo fasting and people fucking up, but if they keep at least this, at least with the fasting, the results are so quick that a lot of times people might fuck up two or three times, but then eventually they'll get there, you know? And they can all, and even if they fuck right up, they can always try again and that's the, and they don't have to spend any money. It's fucking free. That's one of the main things, right?
Starting point is 00:18:24 They just like, I tell people just watch my goddamn YouTube videos. And if you're having an issue with motivation, fucking watch me. I'll swear at you for an hour. Right. But you're right. But so back to like trying to create that discipline because end of the day, it's fucking discipline regardless. Like not everyone's going to succeed because people are fucking pussy.
Starting point is 00:18:43 So, you know, hopefully by helping some of of the extremes the people that aren't as extreme are like well this 500 pound woman can cut this weight and stick to a meal a day for the rest of her life and keep it off then i can you know it's always gonna you're always gonna have whiners that are gonna fuck up right i almost wonder though if everyone could do it if they just if they just simply didn't give up because a lot of the people uh you know on your instagram it's remarkable the progress they've made and it's one person after another has lost you know 50 pounds so it's like maybe if just that person that has even tried your diet that hasn't succeeded yet maybe they just need to have the
Starting point is 00:19:21 discipline just to not ever give up on it you can keep trying right yeah go ahead oh yeah i was just saying they gotta keep trying right yeah and that's my goal because the more people you can get like i'm all about results okay this is where people just run their fucking mouth i want that that's why i help people for free because when they don't pay me then when they come to me for help, I can make them do whatever the fuck I want. And the number one thing for motivation right off the bat, because definitely women run the fat loss industry. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:54 It's the worst with the women. So the one thing I make them do is strip down to their fucking bra and panties and post their pictures on my big group on Facebook. Cause once they, I've had women cry doing that. They wanted my help. So God damn, though, that they did it. And right there, when they actually took a good look at their fat body in the mirror, it's, that is like that.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Something cracks in their brain. And then at that point, they're like, shit, I don't want to be this person anymore. And that's how I get them so motivated is with pictures right off the bat. I won't even deal with anybody that hasn't took pictures. Right. And that's why I don't charge because if I charge, I'd be like every other fucking scam artist out there and the people would have me by the balls. And then I wouldn't, they wouldn't be able, they wouldn't do what I need them to do. Right. They wouldn't have to, because I'm charging them now. Right. You need them to work for you and not the other way around. I'm charging them now. Right. You need them to work for you and not the other way around.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Exactly. Exactly. Like now, like I got like now, like I said, I'm really putting the focus on some of these 500 pounders because I've gotten crazy results with pretty much everybody. But there's no doubt that the more extreme the case, it's like, OK, let's say right now I got the girl, like a few 500 pounders plus I'm coaching. One girl, so I'm having her come right to my house. I needed to take my next step. This was something that bothered me for a while where I haven't cut somebody that was plus 500 pounds down to fighting weight. You know what I mean? Because what happens, even though you lose weight so goddamn quick when a 500 pounder loses 50 pounds you can hardly even see it on their body not like somebody
Starting point is 00:21:32 that's like 250 losing 50 pounds or whatever right so this girl she lives in houston texas like fucking coincidentally you know like the fattest fucking place on the planet that's where well that's where my 600 pound life i believe yeah a lot of good food down there and that's where that scam art fucking bariatric surgeons out of where he just you know that's why they're trying to get on the show is to you know get the free bariatric surgery which is a crock of shit so anyway i'm like i'm like fuck it because i want my i want the control so i'm gonna fly her here she's supposed to be here mid next month and she's literally gonna stay here here until I have her all the weight off her. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah, because no one's done that. Obviously, I'm committing a lot of my time, but I will get my fucking result because I was just pissed off for a long time that I couldn't keep one of these 500-pounders on it long enough to lose enough that they started to basically be able to do it on their own because I've had them fast a long period of time but it's just not enough we're like this girl when I get her here she's under my thumb and then I can and then I got her in YouTube videos and and such so it just motivates her more she's already got like a quite a few subscribers on YouTube. And yeah, my goal is to just, you know, do a good dry fasting slash snake juice routine
Starting point is 00:22:50 with her and just cut all the weight. And then like that story is going to be pretty insane when it's done. I really hope people are listening to this and I hope they stick with this because there's so much great information here. I hope they're not getting like it's it's easy for people to get turned off and to say, man, I can't handle this getting like, it's, it's easy for people to get turned off and to say, man, I can't handle this guy calling people fat, but that's our society. You know, it's an unfortunate thing. Like people see people that are heavy. They identify them as being fat. Like that's just the way it is when somebody's skinny, same thing. And you kind of hear people, people are very free to, to make fun of people when they're really skinny. Like,
Starting point is 00:23:24 oh, look at that guy is skinny as a beanpole. and it's like no one is really all that offended by that but as soon as somebody says something about fat it's kind of an interesting thing because it's it's definitely a hole that you dug yourself and uh i do think it's probably better for people just to try to be more transparent about and say i don't i don't like this anymore i don't want to be this way anymore i want to make a change. And you know what? Like, back again, the results speak for themselves because I actually bust the haters' asses. I'm like, you have to fucking try this.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Like, they're not going to not try it. It doesn't matter how much they hate me or not. Like, the results are so goddamn good that they just have to. It's like, you can hate me all you want, but I know you're going to fucking do it eventually because there's nothing else out there that's gonna get the result as not eating right yeah but you had a good point about you know people that are turned off about me initially
Starting point is 00:24:13 that also keeps my following tighter because i'm so polarizing that the people that do love me they get way better fucking results because i'm not like this mainstream guy on the Internet that's got like a million subscribers or some shit on YouTube that just fucking sugarcoats all this bullshit. And everyone's like, oh, that's great. You know, I got people that fucking hate me. But the people that love me, they're like, I don't like to say it, but it's like, well, it's like a fucking it's a cult. They're like, I don't like to say it, but it's like, well, it's like a fucking, it's a cult following. And that's where, and that's how I get the results. Because if they just mediocrely like you, you're not going to get shit. Because they're not going to buy into you.
Starting point is 00:24:54 You know what I mean? And that's why the results are so good. Because people that love me, like, that's why, you know, and a lot of men, they won't buy into a lot of these, like, real. A lot of these diets are pretty feminine. Like, a lot of these multi-level marketing things are a lot of men they won't buy into a lot of these like real a lot of these diets are pretty feminine like a lot of these multi-level marketing things are a bunch of bullshit and like you got a guy that was like an ex-marine he's he's not trying all these diets like the women but when a guy like me comes along that talks like the fucking guy off full metal jacket this guy like relates and you know it's the guy and it's that guy. Like it only takes one, right?
Starting point is 00:25:25 Remember that. It only takes me taking one super obese person and cutting them down to make this thing go fucking viral. I don't have to help hundreds of people. You see what I'm saying? But obviously my volume now helped bring me this guy or brought me some of these real heavy people. But you only got to help like two.
Starting point is 00:25:45 You know, you only got to take two under your wing and commit the time and then you end up on the six o'clock news and everybody in fucking the united states is fucking fasting and that's my goal i want every fucking person that has a weight problem to fucking have the balls to try fasting hey cool have you noticed there being because we were talking about the yo-yos have you noticed there being a threshold for the amount of time that an individual needs to try and stick to this before it becomes something that they're able to just do without having to, I guess, stress about it? thing um so back in the day i used to promote just shut the fuck up and stop eating for 100 days like i didn't even care i'm like you know just i just and then obviously the original results were me like my pictures were up on the internet and that's slowly i got calls and so on so i started off by posting my body up there which is obviously one of the main things about this whole
Starting point is 00:26:41 thing started but what i do now instead of promoting like i love if they can do a long fast fine but have a plan when they come off the long fast and i really like 72 hour fast because if they're super heavy and they're doing 72 hour fast on snake juice and they're doing like a little 500 calorie refeed like you gotta understand too these really heavy people once they fast and get theorie refeed. Like you got to understand too, these really heavy people, once they fast and get the hormones leveled out, like you got one hormone called leptin. And it basically, it works.
Starting point is 00:27:15 It's like a feedback loop where say a guy like you, your leptin levels right now in your blood would be fairly low because body fat produces the leptin. And then a fat person, if you gain some weight, like let's say you porked up real quick in the next two weeks, after a bit you wouldn't even feel hungry because your body's telling you that you don't need to eat, which would happen to me right now if I started gaining weight. That happens every time.
Starting point is 00:27:38 But these people, they've been fat for so long that their leptin levels are sky high in their blood so they're leptin resistant in their brain so their brain thinks they're actually starving yeah but what happens after oh after like a 48 hour fast for three days bang they're not even hungry and then sometimes they think they want to eat they go eat like a tiniest amount of food and they they feel like full they're not even hungry because why would they be right so 72s work good for like heavier people just keep them on 72 72 72 and then they it's not too long and then they can have that little meal right but then 48s work good obviously calories matter like the amount of food volumes of one like it's all about food volume frequency of eating and
Starting point is 00:28:26 macros so optimally you're obviously going to go super low carb you're going to have as low a calorie as possible and and fast long essentially so optimally no macros no calories and fasting is going to be the perfect combination but that's what i do i i train i train them how to do like 72s and you get an amazing autophagy effect with 72s as well like say if you had a heroin addict or any addict 72 hour fast especially dry is going to beat any fucking addiction on the planet after that it's only going to be habit that keeps you doing it like this is how they should be treating like these like i had a buddy like you know, he was a heroin addict. He passed away a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And that's how they should have been treating these people. Like, yeah, it's barbaric as fuck. This is exactly how they used to treat schizophrenia back in the day when they didn't even know what it was. And they're like, oh, this guy's possessed and shit. And they just throw him in a fucking dark room for three days with no food or water. And he'd come out feeling decent because they just fasted his ass off and
Starting point is 00:29:25 his, and he got into ketosis and it calmed him down. Right. So like, that's how you beat any addiction, 72 hour drive fast. You're going to kick anything and you'll go through some serious withdrawals too. Like I've had people that were coffee addicts, lots of sugar, you know, puke at 24 hours and, and you know, I've had some pretty bad addicts I've dealt with. Right. You know, people that are listening to the show that are, that are heavier, you know, this really applies to them more so with these 72 hour fast and the, and these small refeeds,
Starting point is 00:29:56 mainly because they may not be people that are addicted to training. They may not like want to train or feel the need to train all the time. And maybe it's also just somebody who wants to like cut up or maybe they've slipped up on their nutrition for a while and they want to try to drop a lot of weight. But what I've also seen you do in conversation with you is I think that you have a really great approach to where you're still performance based. So people listening to this right now, like, man, they're not eating foods, like can't even get to the gym. But you're talking right now,. So people listening to this right now are like, man, they're not eating food. They can't even get to the gym.
Starting point is 00:30:27 But you're talking right now, you were talking about people that are 300 pounds plus and some heavier people. When you have performance-based people, people that want to get in the gym, they want to get after it, they want to bodybuild, they want to do jiu-jitsu, they want to power lift,
Starting point is 00:30:38 these kinds of things. What do those people do? So essentially, now it depends how lean they are. So one fella actually he's gonna be fighting right away i was coaching him actually i'll give him a shout out his name is ryan ford and uh he's a canadian welterweight boxing chap cool and basically the routine i had him on he had to you know he just didn't want to have to water cut so much before his fight he fights at like 175 right and i told him it's simple for him because the way he trained i'm like just
Starting point is 00:31:07 eat a decent sized meal at dinner with your family and then do your whole workout the next day fast and have some salt water but it worked really well with that kind of cardio training that he was doing and he had you know and he had enough of a carb load the night before that he got through it and then all he has to do because he was training quite early in the morning, so it worked out really well. Now, if he was training later in the day, I would have had him on a little different strategy. But if he's training right in the morning like that,
Starting point is 00:31:33 it worked good for him to just bang off his workout and then he just grinds through the day with no food. And he literally, he's going to have to cut, like, fuck off for this fight. He's not coming up. I believe it's this weekend, actually. uh so that's how i coached him and he's like elite level like fitness athlete essentially but then i've had guys that are power lifters and such that wanted to cut down and i'd have them more like on a routine like we were doing with you where they you know depending on
Starting point is 00:32:00 what it all depends on where the training's situated on the day, though, too, right? But they might eat, like, a little bit of carb before the workout, and then right after the workout, eat, like, a tiny low-carb meal. So it's like your window's still tight, maybe four or five, even six hours. If you're fairly lean, I don't care, six-hour window, you're still getting a very good health benefit from the fasting. Because if you look, if you do your research, just your mainstream time-restricted eating always claims like an eight-hour window or tighter, and you're going to get extremely good health benefits with an eight-hour window or tighter, especially if you're cutting the carbs at the tail end of the day, right?
Starting point is 00:32:39 So that's how I do it with the lean people. I've coached a few bikini girls. And actually back to what you were saying about the, uh, like the, the eating issue that some of these people have when they come off bodybuilding shows, these girls that I've coached literally, like they've done every fucking diet, six meal a day, all like cutting on a deficit on six meals a day. And they're just like ravenous food at it still. what i did is i got him on a fasting routine and it was crazy how much leaner i could keep him and how much more muscle mass i could keep on them because of the because your gh goes way up excuse me voice is shut and yelling at fat
Starting point is 00:33:16 people all the time you're not necessarily a proponent of any one style of diet either right like you know you'll implement whatever is needed, right? Yeah, as long as that fasting aspect is there, you know, so like these some of these girls I was helping, it was always the same. They blow up like a fucking balloon after their show because they haven't beat the food addiction. So and like also they had to cut way like they could easily say like maybe 10 pounds over stage weight. Like these natural bikini competitors can easily stay 10 pounds over stage weight all year round, like nothing. And still be extremely anabolic.
Starting point is 00:33:56 If they're timing their food just right and they're eating in a tight window and they're watching those macros, like I said, where they're maybe throwing in a little bit of carb on the training day. And if they do have an off day, just, you know, grind through cardio with no food and really take advantage of being fast and burning like crazy amounts of body fat during that cardio session. Right. On that topic of women, do you notice a difference between the, uh, like how well women can adapt to fasting versus men? Is there any difference or, cause you hear a lot of people say, Oh, always coaching women it's different like here's the thing with women and men women by nature like really want me to lead them okay so like when they start getting
Starting point is 00:34:38 help from me and they really want the help they want me to like they're asking me questions all the time like it's just nature they can't make decisions or shit it's like cool it's like cool i need to should i take a shit an hour and five hours i'm like well fuck make the fucking decision you gotta take a shit anyway but where the men what happens with them they'll talk to me briefly they'll watch my videos and like either they'll just not do it or they'll come back to me like a month later they've lost like 30 to 50 pounds but the women the ones that stay and check they're usually messaging me a lot so sometimes i get irritated but at the same time when i know the
Starting point is 00:35:18 girl's always messaging me then i know she's sticking to it yeah that will they good now because when the girls don't message me, they fucked up. Right? Like, they're fucking, because the reason they don't want to message me is because they know they fucked up and they don't want me to yell in their ear. Right?
Starting point is 00:35:32 So, as far, and also, it always depends on the purpose. So, like you said, with the yo-yo fasting, it goes so much deeper. Like, fasting, like, builds you up spiritually.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Like, you know, every religion's based around fasting, but bill builds you up spirit spiritually. Like, you know, every religion is based around fasting, but all the religions have gotten so fucking weak now that they don't even follow their own goddamn protocols. So it's funny, but you know, like that,
Starting point is 00:35:56 that, that purpose, like even the girl that I'm helping, that's going to come here. Like, you know, I got her making YouTube video every day. So now she's got a following.
Starting point is 00:36:06 So now it's like, there's some pressure, right? It keeps her motivated, right? Or like writing or like, like I always try to dig as deep as I can into somebody's like purpose or their fear to really give them that goal. Like, even like, you know, somebody comes in for fitness training and you're like, oh, what's your goal? It's like, oh, I just want to lean out or some bullshit then you've got to attack him and get like dig dig dig dig for that purpose and then you find out that their mom was 500 pounds and
Starting point is 00:36:35 died of a heart attack like a month prior and that's why they're really in there but they don't want to say it because you got to get them to verbalize the issue or maybe it's a girl that got this is common as hell a girl got dumped by say it because you got to get them to verbalize the issue. Or maybe it's a girl that got, this is common as hell. A girl got dumped by her boyfriend because you got fucking fat, you know? And then I get that out of her. It's like, Hey, you want to get laid? You want to fucking score some fucking like top quality dudes. Like you got to fucking get laid. Can't be a fat pig. Guys don't want to fuck fat women unless there's some fucked up weird guy,
Starting point is 00:37:02 the weird fetish. to fuck fat women unless there's some fucked up weird guy the weird fetish i guess um you mentioned uh you know um like finding like a purpose you know finding the reason and i think that is uh probably the biggest factor that can keep somebody on their diet and i think it's the thing you know people say oh you know i tried that diet and i got burnt out i tried that keto diet i got burnt out i tried fasting and i got burnt out i don't think it's so much they got burnt out. I tried that keto diet. I got burnt out. I tried fasting and I got burnt out. I don't think it's so much. They got burnt out. It's like life beat them down. They got tired. They got fatigued and they just really forgot the original reason why they did it in the first place. It's like you, you have to, it's really hard, but you have to fight for it. You have to hold onto it. Even if you slip up, that's okay. Let yourself slip up a bunch. Like
Starting point is 00:37:44 you might mess up. Uh, you might keep trying fasting for 20 days and you might mess up every day for a while that's okay that's a good point one of the big points that i get like through to people as well is you know sometimes i don't care if they fuck up their refeed as long as they didn't fuck up the fasting protocol that we agreed upon. So like, let's say they fuck up the refeed and instead of eating like the low carb, you know, steak and fucking broccoli meal or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Instead, they had like a fucking chunk of like a bunch of pizza, but they still fasted though. They didn't fucking prematurely break the fast end of the day. That's my main goal is to build the discipline to keep the eating frequency on point so even though they fucked up the refeed that it would still piss me off but it's not as bad as if they prematurely break the fast right and like even talking about like you know about purpose like look at yourself mark like you know you got a big following you got that gym
Starting point is 00:38:45 and you know you got to be in shape like if you're a fat fucking pig and you own the fucking strongest gym in fucking california it's kind of fucking gonna look retarded right it's gotta be jacked or else you're fucking just a fucking it's just a scam you know i'm also curious about this goal because uh you were talking about like leptin, right? And if an individual is underslept, right, that skyrockets too. So a lot of people talk about, oh, when I'm fasting, I find it hard to fall asleep because my stomach's empty, blah, blah, blah. How do you help people manage to get quality sleep while go doing these prolonged fasts? So that's a good point. So like there's lots of tricks like for sleep.
Starting point is 00:39:39 So that's a good point. So like, there's lots of tricks like for sleep. Let's a lot of times you'd be surprised, though, that when they're overweight, the reason they got so much energy is because they're breaking down body fat so quickly and making so much much ketones that they literally the main problems. Cause I was actually coaching at one time. He's a world record bench presser, like natural rod in Canada. And he had that happen because we had to meet in low carb and he was getting in ketosis so quick that he was losing some sleep at night because he was just wired on energy. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:02 there's things like tire yourself out. There's, you know, there's going to be yourself out there's you know there's gonna be like some things uh that i've tried when i was doing like really hard fasts is cold showers but long cold showers like ones that you just don't want to even do like i'm talking a half an hour and like canadian cold like you know and it'll tax you like you've done a marathon and it'll knock you on your ass another thing is going to be the sauna but not just the you know not just the pussy ass little sauna session i'm talking sitting there until you are fucking so tapped that you are actually it's when you you know that it's
Starting point is 00:40:39 like your legs are getting like noodley and then you go home and you'll literally pass right out or like you know just move like that literally pass right out or like you know just move like that's the main problem here like you know what i've realized the fucking problem isn't only food like food being so accessible is a like massive issue massive obviously right but the biggest fucking problem to the whole obesity epidemic is literally lack of motivation due to the addictions and the fucking dopamine insensitivity making it so people just don't want to move because honestly when i grew up i was a kid i'm close to the same age as you guys but i grew up like you know all the
Starting point is 00:41:15 stits but like i got some trash food when i was a kid did i get fat and become a food addict no because i wasn't watching porn all fucking day. I wasn't playing video games all fucking day. Those are two of the worst ones. You know, I wasn't on Facebook all fucking day. Like, you know, it's a perfect combination. You got everything can come to your house. Like these fat pigs that are basically shut-ins. If you took away their fucking internet and their fucking video games, they would be so fucking bored that even with the food addiction, they would literally be, they would trust me.
Starting point is 00:41:50 They would, they would make, they would take some action because they would be so fucking bored without their fucking internet. Internet's the worst thing I think that ever happened to man for it. It's funny because we're on here using the internet. So there's good, but maybe this didn't
Starting point is 00:42:05 need to happen if there was no internet we wouldn't have to have this conversation you know so because the dopamine sensor like your your reward system gets fried when you watch porn all the time and then you got sex addiction from all the fucking internet bullshit like you know and then like it's just rapid eye movement like you watch there's one guy seen him he was like 800 pounds it was a good little video on youtube talking about him i think he was 700 something and video game addict every time every fat man that's like morbidly obese i swear to god they're always game they're always playing games okay because it's all they
Starting point is 00:42:45 can do is sit in their house so you take that game away from them so the biggest problem is these fucking enablers like how the hell does a 600 pound or 700 pound fat man even get food he can't unless his dad or his mom or some idiot his fucking stupid fucking wife is feeding him and i've seen this a million times with this that one guy that was a thousand pounds on netflix there was this fucking white and that's all they had to do is like just stop feeding him he can't even move he's just gonna like starve the fuck out of that fat prick like he's gonna fucking just you know it's these enablers are the worst you've got to be brutal on these people they should have been busting his wife's ass you know
Starting point is 00:43:24 and they didn't instead they try to sell them on bariatric surgery at a thousand pounds. Like it's ridiculous. So like you can coach people on the fasting aspect of it, but you brought up a lot of good stuff in terms of like people hyped up on dopamine, internet porn, all this access to like video games and stuff. How do you handle that aspect of things when you notice that these people men maybe have really bad habits in terms of video games internet porn and all that type of stuff how do you coach them on that like because you can just tell them not to but they're addicted so so i use myself always as the template okay so i live a very minimalistic lifestyle like i sleep on the floor okay i sleep
Starting point is 00:44:04 on i sleep on two yoga mats. And, and how did I learn about that from fucking learning from sumo wrestlers? Fucking because sumo wrestlers would actually sleep on the floor. And at first I had some knots in my back. So like, anyway, I started researching for sleeping and realized it was beds or another
Starting point is 00:44:22 massive scam. So I started sleeping on the floor. You know, I drive an old piece of shit car. So these people, it comes back to the same old bullshit. Stop giving a fuck with other fucking people fucking fake, because that is what lead that will never lead you to happiness because I
Starting point is 00:44:39 drive an old pile of shit car and I have no bills, you know, and I was that guy. Like I'll tell like, you know, when I was that guy like I'll tell like you know when I was mid-20s I made a million dollars in the stock market still wasn't happy that's how I know and I lost all that money because I I wasn't happy and I just dabbled it even harder and lost it all you know I was the guy that owned the house on the golf course at a brand new GTR fucking street bikes all this shit wasn't happy and now that's where it starts. So I tell these people,
Starting point is 00:45:06 I'm like, why are you driving a fucking brand new fucking BMW if you're fucking bitching about your job? You hate your job. So number one, if you hate your day job, set yourself up in a situation where you can quit your fucking day job. Because people just don't
Starting point is 00:45:21 understand how easy it is to be happy. It's just such a mindset like you have guys that would drop out of school and they their passion might have been calisthenics and then they go and start doing it in a park and could you imagine if they could fast and knew about that and knew about how to eat for very cheap like this was what happened with one guy he's in a park and he started just pumping calisthenics, started telling people about it. Had one guy come to him for help. Next thing you know, he's got a massive fucking YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Shit like that. People just don't understand how simple life can be. It's all self-induced stress because they care so much about what other people think. And it's human nature, right? Obviously, men, they want to get laid and shit. So they're like, well, I got to make to get this girl and really they just chase their passion Like you guys like, you know power lifting weight lifting exercise
Starting point is 00:46:12 The people that you want on your life are just gonna fucking fall right in your lap As soon as you're chasing is when you go down the wrong road. I've seen this a million times, right? So that's kind of what I dig into with people those things, why are you living in this fucking half a million dollar house? What's the point? Because you got two kids. Like a lot of, I get that excuse all the time for people. It's like, I got children. I got to make money for them.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Like really? And the parent is terrible because all they do is buy the kid trash, junk food and junk toys. And so they got to go work. trash junk food and junk toys and so they got to go work and really if they just had a job that was relaxed and didn't have to work so much they could go with no toys and just have a fucking baseball and actually be a real parent and spend time with their kid because end of the day that's all it takes to be a good parent is just spend time with your fucking kid like i don't need to be a parent to tell you that because i'm technically the dad to about a thousand fat pigs. So I know exactly how important time is. Right. So like, you know what I mean? It's all that kind of stuff. Like even me investing my time with the girl that's coming, staying with me.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Like say she's the child and I'm the dad. If she's in Houston and I'm in Edmonton, Alberta, that's not a very good dad daughter relationship relationship if you look at it that way. How am I supposed to get her to fucking lose 300 pounds? I'm not going to be able to. But if she's here with me, then that's like a real relationship bond there. And that's another thing where people fuck up in life with their community aspect.
Starting point is 00:47:38 The internet gives you a very false sense of community versus just knowing the people around you. When, like, the logistics is so important to good community, you know. People always move away because they think grass is better on the other, greener on the other side. They throw their family in the garbage can. that like the value to have like 5 000 people following you in your home city is like 20 times the value to having a million subscribers on youtube of people all over the world okay if you have 5 000 real followers like that's why these priests are so massive because they'll have like literally 500 to a thousand actual locals come to their church every sunday that priest can fuck shit up like that priest
Starting point is 00:48:26 could like cause a riot in a town where some youtuber with a million followers ain't gonna cause no fucking riot like that guy's got some serious influence and see that's the that community is so important and obviously you know the system now the the family structure is completely broken you know we got like crazy amounts of single moms which a lot of them i coach single moms dad's gone mom's got a kid she's fat you know i i know this because i coach these people i don't just run my mouth about this shit like because i see it on the news i know because when you talk to that many people that i talk to you start to really see the truth that people won't say outside like you know you know, even their political beliefs that they're scared to talk about, you actually
Starting point is 00:49:07 learn what the fuck's going on when you have a good relationship with people, you know? But that kind of stuff, community, that community aspect, building that, you know, you guys got a good community aspect in your gym. You see what I'm saying? Like, that's very valuable. Where some people just worry too much about people that where the logistics is crap, where the person lives a thousand miles away. Don't worry about that person. Worry about the person that's beside you every day. And then you'll, then that will help motivate you and you can motivate others that way too. It's very important. How, uh, how, you know, you just
Starting point is 00:49:36 mentioned how easy it is for people to be happy. What are some other ways that you've seen people be happy, uh, through doing the snake diet? Like, so they do the snake diet, they fast, they gain some strong discipline in their life. Aside just from the weight loss, how have you seen it help change people's lives? Good point. So a lot of times they'll lose a bunch of weight and then they might have like an unhealthy mom and dad and then their mom and dad, their mom and dad will catch on, start doing it it or they'll start just motivating other people which i try to get them to do that right away because end of the day i believe the true happiness is going to come from you like touching others right like it seems like say if you were a billionaire and you just and money was no option i've run this through my head all the time and
Starting point is 00:50:24 and if you're not helping others and you're not putting a was no option. I've run this through my head all the time. And if you're not helping others and you're not putting a smile on people's face or like, or at least getting others to react, that can even make happiness. Like just doing something that's against the grain, you know, but that's how I get them. I get them to mentor others a lot of times because once they, like, say if you're fasting,
Starting point is 00:50:44 you're like, say, you know, overweight. If you can find somebody to mentor, it's going to really keep you in check. Like, that's how I do some of this crazy stuff. Like, I've done seven days of no fucking water. You know, I wouldn't have been able to do that without having a following that was looking up to me. And when I'm dying, you know, every night when I was, you know, it's like I got to get there's just no fucking option i was just gonna finish it no matter what you know what i'm saying so it always helps to and that's where community comes back in because if you're a loner and you have no friends because you're scared to talk to people like these basic things like you could write a whole book about
Starting point is 00:51:21 just saying hi just going out and saying hi or going door to door. Like I was making the fat girl that's going to come live with me. You know what I was doing to give her more purpose? I was making her leave her apartment complex and go door to fucking door, telling people about a snake diet and bringing obesity awareness to them. Like shit like that. And it just made her grow a massive set of balls. You know? Yeah. them like shit like that and it like just made her grow a massive set of balls you know yeah how can people uh like enjoy community without doing the thing that everyone's so guilty of which is
Starting point is 00:51:53 drinking and eating like that's like the only way we know how to have community it seems like nowadays do you have any like alternatives that you might mention to people like go out and all go for a bike ride or something like that that's's good. So that's the thing. So obviously the way I look at life is like the more fear you face. So when you, you know, those little, it's cliche, but you know, like face your fears or whatever. But when you face those little tiny fears every day, it could literally be the decision between saying hi to the guy at the bus stop or not saying hi to him. You always face those, and that will lead you to your purpose. And then once you narrow your purpose down, then those people that you're talking about will bounce into your life.
Starting point is 00:52:35 So say that you're 400 pounds and say that you're facing these little fears, and then you're talking to people about cold showers, ice baths, fasting. Then those people start to come into your life. And then you lose all the weight. And then you start to get interested in burning calories via cycling. And then bang, you're looking for cycling clubs. See, it's just all about working on yourself. Soon as you work on yourself to the point where you're like at the best, best version of yourself,
Starting point is 00:53:02 and it's a climb up the mountain, right? Like it's not just everyone just wants to get to the top of everest who the fuck would climb everest if you could just get to the top the whole part of it is the work that it takes to get to the top is the fun part like like having that experience but people if they want to enjoy that journey like even you guys you know you're developing every day like i don't know what you guys are working on exactly but you know i know mark was fasting you know he's getting more interested in that and you do some power lifting hair yeah power lifting uh and he does uh power lifting and jujitsu we both done bodybuilding as well yeah like even look at that like jujitsu you got turned on by
Starting point is 00:53:40 that at some point now you know you got all these people in your jujitsu crew right like that's how it is and you had to face your fear because it would have been probably pretty scary the first time you went to the fucking jujitsu gym because i know it was fucking scary as fuck the first time i went to a boxing gym at 12 years old and the boxing coaches told me yeah start fucking working start hitting the bag like i didn't even know what i was doing my old frenchman boxing coach that's probably one of the reasons i'm like the way i am today because he was one of the most fucking hard ass coach you ever met. He's just like Mickey off of Rocky.
Starting point is 00:54:08 It was insane. It was fucking exactly like that. Oh, go ahead. Oh, you know, just facing those little fears. So like, you know, talking to strangers. This is basic stuff that I used to actually coach this stuff a long time ago, too. Talking to strangers, you know, cold approaching strangers in public, giving people fucking compliments in public, just anything to strike up that conversation, you know, going to the gym, like taking some pain,
Starting point is 00:54:33 stop trying to be comfortable. Fuck. Everyone just wants comfort. Like it's not comfortable to say hi to strangers, do it. Anything like I'm, I'm like, I'm so addicted to discomfort now when I'm comfortable is when I start to rethink my life and be like, how the fuck do I shake this shit up? You know, like that sign that I had out in the street. Like, I went out in the street and I had a sign. And it was crazy what actually happened because of this sign. So I put a sign up that said, fat women are gross.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Stop eating, you fat pig. And I was literally downtown in my city and like i made the fucking news it was insane and like one guy that got a hold of me and actually did a podcast with me because of that was elliot halls you see i put and then it just shook things up again because i needed to do something to push my comfort zone yeah i risked getting my teeth knocked out on the fucking street you know what i mean but that's the fear that i faced and so i always do that i'll you know i'll amp it way up and then i'll kind of like keep on that climb almost like if you're climbing everest it's like maybe there's a real steep spot and you might die but then you get
Starting point is 00:55:38 over it then you keep on the easy climb easy climb and then bang it's like fuck there's another steep spot you got to get over you know i always i'm always looking to trigger the system somehow always how did you like how did you start doing this because you just mentioned like years ago i don't know in your 20s you were chasing money you were rich etc you lost it what caused this shift in your personality and the way you okay so good question uh so basically i was i was scared of women okay myself i was scared of way you do things? Good question. Basically, I was scared of women. Myself, I was scared of rejection. I went to university
Starting point is 00:56:11 right out of high school. I never watched porn before that, ever. I grew up out in the bush. I did see a couple clips. The farmer's hand had some old crappy old 70s porn at my buddy's house in the fucking... You know what I mean? It was still like old VHS Like the farmer's hand at some old crappy old 70s porn at my buddy's house out in the fucking city.
Starting point is 00:56:26 But you know what I mean? It wasn't like, it was still like old VHS where you like might get lucky and grab your dad's porn mag. But like then I went to university, I had high speed internet. And I'm like, holy fuck. And I swear to God, half the guys I knew on my floor were porn addicts. And then it like just, you know, I just, I grew up out in the country, just never had confidence with girls. And I think that made it a lot worse. So then I was actually, I used to be a piss tank too. Like I used to fucking'd go run a fucking marathon just out of punishment because I was so upset you know because I was somewhat of a role model in my hometown at the boxing club too so anyway I was actually a virgin until I was 24
Starting point is 00:57:15 years old and then I started getting to like cold approach pickup and shit you know and that's how I killed my fear like I actually went out one day and just went to this one mall and just literally went up to 30 women and hit on him and asked him if I could kiss them. And I just got, I actually kissed a few of them. It was fucked up. And that day changed everything. Cause I realized you could go over the top, even though some were like, you're a fucking creep, but it wasn't about them. It was about me facing those fears.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And then I got really good at that and it made me extreme like i was always a social guy but it was just with the girls i was a pussy and then i started helping guys with cold approach pickup in the streets and then it just one thing led to another that got you know i started to develop more to develop more than that i was basically a little man whore for a few years and then you know that got old i just didn't like it it just it wasn't fulfilling like just that casual sex wasn't fulfilling and i just grew out of it you know and then that's when i got into like more fitness like my real goals and also like my mom died when i was, uh, that was like 2006. So I was like 24 years old, you know, and that happened. Then I lost like that million bucks in the stock, you know?
Starting point is 00:58:33 And like, obviously my mom passed away at 48 years old, I believe she was. So like that changes everything. Like you don't live for fucking ever. And that's one thing, one piece of advice I give everybody, And that's one piece of advice I give everybody. People need to basically consider death. Every day, you fucking wake up in the morning, think that you could fucking die. If you consider it, because most people are so afraid of death, they don't even consider the fact that they might fucking actually die.
Starting point is 00:59:05 And if you know that you are going to die eventually whether it's today or in 10 years or 30 years it's gonna make you hustle and have a more interesting life most people are scared to shitless of death which is funny because the system like these bariatric surgeons they play on that so much that they actually get people to do something completely fucking ludicrous, get their guts cut open and their fucking stomach, like, you know, intestines cut out and stomach stapled in half. They actually use fear of death and people will buy into that. And you have actually a higher chance of dying from that fucking surgery than just fasting.
Starting point is 00:59:41 People are more scared of fasting than they are getting cut open. It's unbelievable. But yeah, like things like like that that fear of death like even when you guys train and pump iron you know sometimes i'll do a squat set till i think i'm gonna fucking die basically you know where you're like you know you get all fucking can't even see like you know i'll i'll throw on a weight that i could you you know, and I'll squat it to literally, you know, those breathing squats, I'll do like 20 to 25 reps with some weight that's, and I'll just keep going and I'll literally breathe five breaths between each rep one at a time until I can't even do a rep, you know, like that.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I'll do, I always push myself with stuff like that. And, you know, I competitive swam for years, boxing, obviously, like, you know, jujitsu, fighting, like, you know, like, I always push myself with stuff like that. And, you know, I competitive swam for years. Boxing, obviously. Like, you know, jujitsu. Fighting. Like, you know, young guys now, like, I don't promote just going and getting in fights on the fucking street. But I was in some fights when I was a kid. And it builds your character.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Like, you know, I've won some. I fucking lost some. And most people nowadays, like, because of the fucking snowflake society, nobody fights. There's no fights. And it's kind of scarier in a sense because back when I was younger, you go to the bar and if there's an issue, you got in a fight with the guy and it was just fists.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Now people are so disconnected and becoming such sociopaths because they're not investing any time with real people or just on the internet and there's all this fucking hate. The internet causes crazy amounts of hate. That now that guy that normally might have fought barehanded, he's got a knife or a fucking gun and then you get like these mass shootings. Because you see, the internet gives an outlet
Starting point is 01:01:17 for people to run their mouth and normally they'd never say that kind of shit in real life and it creates a lot of hate, a lot of fucking hate. you guys know you guys both got youtube channels and shit and you know the hate you get that those people wouldn't say anything in real life so there's a lot of opinions that get passed over the internet that shouldn't even exist people shouldn't even see those opinions because if you don't got enough fucking balls to speak your opinion you shouldn't even have fucking opinion as far as i'm concerned like seriously because normally and that causes a lot of problems right that causes a lot of
Starting point is 01:01:50 problems where people are sociopaths now and they just don't no one cares about anybody anymore which in the old days like fuck you get in a fight with that guy at the bar and you'd be buddies with them afterwards yeah people aren't getting stuff out physically as much as they used to they're maybe mentally right but not not physically they might type something and it might feel better because i like wrote something but then they don't have to deal with any consequences especially if they said something rude or something like that but again the funny part is you know how much stress that causes when they like oh fuck i i remember this one guy this one guy i won't say his name but your brother knows
Starting point is 01:02:25 who he is he was hating on me as his fitness fucking guru fucking dipshit and he ran his mouth about he ran his mouth about me right and fuck i got like a big my following is like such a cult like following that he ran his mouth about me and they like just attacked the fuck out of his fucking instagram and i'm like and i checked it like maybe every three days just to see the sideshow happening and this guy was commenting on every fucking thing and there was just hate and i know for a fact because i've been down that road that he lost sleep for a week that's right like that's not good that's not good literally that commenting and trolling made him lose sleep for a fucking week because i seen the times he was posting it was all day long and it was just unbelievable it's really upsetting because
Starting point is 01:03:15 that's the problem you'll you'll troll somebody then they're angry and then they leave their house angry and then they're out on the in their car driving and they're angry in traffic now because they just got trolled to be fuck on the internet and like it's it leads to some real bad shit right because you're just always that that anxiety caused by getting in the stupid little debates over the internet right and that's probably one of my superpowers you could say is i handle hate very well it's a big difference uh in fact i chase hate in well. It's a big difference. In fact, I chase hate in a sense. Well, it's a big difference too, though, when it happens in person, it's like, it either happens or it doesn't and it's over and you don't really think about it. Or you might be
Starting point is 01:03:54 like, hey, remember that one guy who was an asshole at the bar and like, you either got into a fight with him or didn't, right? Yeah. When it comes to like the internet, the stuff, it lingers for a long time and other people get involved because other people start talking but if you and i squared off in a bar and we were mad at each other everyone else would probably kind of clear clear out of the way no one else would probably really say anything like these guys are insane i don't know what's going on you know i want no part of it i'll tell you a really good example of that that sign i had out on the street. I had some people come up. There's a few women that were hating. Honestly, the only fat girls that approached me actually wanted to know who I was. It was actually some middle-aged, maybe 40-year-old.
Starting point is 01:04:35 One woman was kind of fucking bitching at me. But I actually had the most issue with the fucking white knights in cucks that showed up. There's one guy, and he's a pretty big dude because I got this sign and I just got my buddy with me and he's pretty young. And I'm like, fuck, this guy's actually pretty big. He might try to take a poke at me or some shit, right? But the funny part was,
Starting point is 01:04:59 is the actual interaction that happened on the street, well, it was pretty crazy. i was getting fingered and shit but it wasn't really that crazy i was only out there for like 27 minutes but what became of it on the internet was fucking insane like people didn't people were talking so tough on the internet like you know like i was getting death threats and shit like these people wouldn't do fucking shit in real life and that's the. And that's the difference, right? That's the difference. I was out on the street.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Like I remember one girl shared that picture and it like, oh, I think it's got like 160,000 shares or some shit. And it was all these women like, ah, if I seen this guy, I'd punch him in the face. And same with the men. And I'm like, well, fuck, I was out on the street. And the way it looks to me, almost everybody wants to punch me in the face. And I didn't have one person try to punch me in the
Starting point is 01:05:48 fucking face when I was out there at the side. Did anybody, did anybody say, Hey, like, I think that's really rude. Like, what's this about? Did anybody just kind of confront you flat out? Yeah. And then I basically discussed it, right? I said, I'm bringing awareness to the obesity epidemic. And then obviously it said women. And I i did that for a reason because if you say people then it's like you know it's not going to trigger the issue and i have the biggest problem with the women because here's the difference between back to your question way back with women and men the problem is with this feminist movement and shit is that a fat man if i call him a fat pig he'll be like yeah i know he'll be like fucking eeyore you know i'll be like i know and but the woman like now i got my hardcore followers right but the general population of fat women right now
Starting point is 01:06:42 they'll fucking get so fucking offended because they're entitled as fuck and god forbid you call a woman a fat pig and that's what i do i attack the because that gets more publicity and end of the day i just want as much publicity as possible because that's going to help me any way i can get my name out there to people to start fasting that's the goal right so i'm not gonna say oh you know fat people are gross because then it kind of puts a lot of, it takes away from the women, which they wouldn't, I would never have got that kind of result if I would have put men on the board. Nobody gives a fuck.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Fat men, the consensus is that they are gross. The consensus is that they are fucking gross. Fat fucking women are beautiful don't you know fuck they got their fucking fat women are beautiful fucking protest deep down they're they're fucking they are disgusted with themselves but god forbid like you know that's the fucking problem we have and that's why this has gotten so bad and now if you actually look at some stats women are way fatter than men they are way fatter i didn't it's like you're talking well what's weird fucking close yeah what's weird about
Starting point is 01:07:52 that is uh women are way fatter than men but we're not even talking body fat percentage wise but they they are becoming more obese than men but the weird thing about it is women are less affected uh from a health perspective that's that's still pretty crazy i think you know why i don't have more stress and things like that the stress because here's the thing the fat man like he is like the fucking low he's like if you look on the totem pole of social status the fat man's gonna be down down there. And he's going to have a lot of stress. Like, he's not going to get laid shit. Okay? He's going to be like an outcast.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Where the woman, that fat woman can still fucking get some dick. Like, seriously. Fat women can still get laid. Some guy is going to fuck that fat dick. Okay? And then also because men do tend to hold emotions in because that's what a man is supposed to be like stone. So that's still the way it's looked upon. And then women will like let their emotions out.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Right. So that's a big. But the suicide rate, if you look back to what you said about life, the suicide rate amongst men in the older categories through the fucking roof. The suicide rate amongst women as they get out of their teens is like next to nothing. Women's suicide rate in their early teens and their young, right when they like you can blame fucking Internet for this to Instagram, all this shit. Right. The suicide rate is extremely high with women when they're young. But then as they get through that, then it drops off where men actually start facing more stress because men got to like, you know, they're working that job trying to grind their ass, trying to grind through right where women are fucking supported by the fucking state. Fat single moms are supported like so much by the state where the men aren't okay and and you know it sucks and that's the way the cycle is going and that's why you got all like on a whole
Starting point is 01:09:53 another conversation that's why you got these massive fucking movements with men where they're walking away from women all together which is really upsetting because it's just completely fucking the family structure and these kids are weak and these kids are weak as fuck. No weak as fuck because a woman on her own cannot raise a fucking strong kid. It's very rare. It's rare. It's rare.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Okay. Where if there's no male role model in there, it's the kids going to be fucking the whip. Okay. And that's why you got men that are fucking, you know, we can get into the transgender shit and fucking all this crap. And, you know, like with the fucking sports, with the power lifting and all this, like it's crazy what the world is becoming.
Starting point is 01:10:32 And people just are turning a fucking blind eye. It's unbelievable. Is there a difference when it comes to weight loss between men and women? Like, you know, sometimes you'll hear women, they'll just they'll kind of complain. They'll be like, it's way harder for a woman. What's been your experience with some of that? So one thing is that women definitely will eat because they're emotional. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Women are fucking emotionally unstable as fuck. And they'll eat to cover that up. Where men, they'll get more, it's more of a depression thing with men. It's not just, and it's also the kinds of food like women need that like huge dopamine hit so when they fuck up it's like cake you know but when a guy fucks up it's like usually gonna be like something more like pizza and beer like he usually won't just wolf down cake like women will always go towards sweets as well which really fucked your dopamine century up but you know it's that it's as far as losing weight the bigger person's usually going
Starting point is 01:11:32 to lose weight faster like the one person with more muscle so a guy will lose weight a bit faster for sure if everything's equal right but as far as the whining goes you know that's women just that's because their fucking husbands aren't telling them they're fucking fat you know it comes back to they need a kick in the ass because they are just nobody's telling women to lose weight what about what about like menopause like what about like menopause and like birth control pills do you feel like that's kind of uh yeah bullshit too or is there holding on to weight because of that yeah so birth control fucks you up okay like i i've had results with women where they're holding a lot of water and their hormones are all fucked up birth control is trash um and then obviously it's actually very interesting with menopause that and I get hardcore with the birth control.
Starting point is 01:12:26 You know, I tell the young girls, what about birth control? I'm like, well, keep the cocks out of your pussy and stop being a whore. Because a lot of them are just banging random. They're not in a relationship. That's what's happening now. These young girls have got high sexual marketplace value are fucking guys like crazy until they hit the wall at 30 years hey what's wrong with that spread it around a little bit you know well you know what i'm saying though because it's like basically a lot of the part with the birth control they're all on it right
Starting point is 01:12:55 and they god forbid they don't want to wear condoms you know so there's that but um what was the rest of your question you have there uh just about like menopause too like is that yeah so the menopause that's actually very interesting i've had women that went through like started going through their change of life like menopause and i got them fasting and they fucking started having their period again. Whoa. Like, because here's the other issue. Women are like, like, it's like they're fucking 60 years old and they're only 30 because they're so
Starting point is 01:13:31 fucking fat and the hormones are so fucked up. Then when they start fasting and losing weight, all of a sudden they're like, they're all, they start ovulating again. I've actually had this happen on multiple occasions. This one woman got pregnant and her and her, she was like past
Starting point is 01:13:45 her prime in our like eyes like she was getting pretty old and then she got knocked up and they fucking been having sex like i've been protected for like 10 years and then she got knocked up it was un-fucking-real and like because like here's the thing about the women nowadays they're almost it's getting to the point where they don't even have a prime because they're literally fat right from childhood all the way up so it's not like they look like like had a you know a really good body and were healthy when they were like 16 they never had nothing like the 16 to 20 years old or 24 they were fat the whole way right so there's no prime it's on like you you take a good hard look next time you're out after us having this talk, and I go to this one rec center where I live,
Starting point is 01:14:29 and it's kind of a lower brow area in the city. And I go there sometimes, and that's where most of the fattest women go. If you catch them, it's harder to catch these real fat ones in public. But when we're talking about who's fatter, you'll see a lot of guys with their beer belly and shit you know and like yeah they're fat they're out of shape but i'm talking these women are five foot four like 350 fucking pounds like i'm talking that the fat guy that's 300 350 even 400 okay i have a buddy that's 400 pounds.
Starting point is 01:15:06 He still goes to work. And actually, like, he doesn't have a real active job, but he can get in a truck and go to work and go out in the bush and, like, check his pipelines and shit and operate. Where a woman, when she gets that fucking heavy, she's fucking, like, jabbered the hot. She's not moving.
Starting point is 01:15:22 That's the difference. A woman can't even fucking move when they get so fat. Like even look at the people on that show, uh, my 600 pound life, it's all women. Okay. And they can't move. They can't like a man or stronger. Okay. It takes a guy to get real fucking fat to where he's that fuck where he can't move. Like these women, when you get to be 350 pounds and you're like that like you can't move your your quality of life just went to the went to shit you see what i'm saying that's how fat the women are getting it's on like it's just fuck unreal you go out in public it's just
Starting point is 01:15:55 unbelievable unbelievable like where you guys live is worse than where i live yeah people just eat way too fucking much for sure yeah like the girl i'm helping like she's 500 she's a pretty big girl like she's five nine right uh and she she said she'd go to walmart where she lives in houston and you're talking like common to see 500 pound women like they're like i call them fat i call them fat pigs in a cart you know because they got those little electric carts and they're ripping around and of course they're at walmart because the fucking food there is dirt cheap. And they're just, it's pretty upsetting when I see a woman at this one buffet. I would go there myself because I was eating like a meal a day and it was cheap.
Starting point is 01:16:35 So I'd go to this buffet and it was good food. But this one woman would come in there like once, probably twice a week. And I'm not even fucking kidding you. She had a coughing fit the last time i was in there and i and they were looking at her and she's probably four and change for sure and she's it's sad to see the way she was eating she heaped that fucking food up like crazy and she's got desserts right on like and it's like she was eating like suicidal eating it was literally like she was eating to commit suicide i could see in her eyes like she was eating suicidal eating. It was literally like she was eating to commit suicide. I could see in her eyes.
Starting point is 01:17:08 She was so upset about it, but she's eating like she's trying to kill herself with fucking food. It's un-fucking-believable. I'm curious, Colt, to sidestep a little bit because a lot of us talk about fasting, and you do a ton of different types of fasting. But what do you think are some things that people are getting wrong, heavy or like in shape individuals are getting wrong as far as fasting? Because I've seen like on your videos, you're like, you don't you don't mess with coffee while fasting. I'm here chugging coffee because it helps be, you know, helps my appetite. So that's fine. That's a good point. We can talk about some of that stuff. So coffee, let's just bring that up.
Starting point is 01:17:46 So from my experience with the long fast, I've always had problems. You know how bad it is. Like I'm against stimulants altogether. But you know how bad it is when you go through a three-day fast and you're having crazy fucking coffee withdrawals. So you know what I mean? Just on that alone, it's like, well, this shit can't be that great if I'm having these kinds of side effects from cutting it out of my life.
Starting point is 01:18:08 And then secondly, now you are quite active and that's going to obviously help you a lot as far as gut health. But when you've got people that are sedentary and they're pounding coffee, like in a lot of coffee and the sugar on top of it, I have so many problems with people when they get to about 40 years old that have fucked up stomach and gut microbiome from coffee. Because if you do some reading, and you know what? With me, it's always the result and the stories that come first, reading second. I'm always about that.
Starting point is 01:18:39 If I'm going to do an experiment, I won't go on the internet and read the science behind it and be like, oh, will this kill me or not? I'll go for some real world proof. I'll be like, okay, this guy did a 7-8 drive fast. He didn't die. So then I'll try it. I'm not going to go do all my research and see all the shit that says it'll kill you. Because, you know, if you want to find something that's good about coffee, you'll find it.
Starting point is 01:19:02 If you want to find something that's bad, you'll find it. want to find something that's good about coffee you'll find it you want to find something that's bad you'll find it but from my experience helping people now i know about coffee it was always if they had bad digestion and i ran into this probably a lot with women around 40 and they couldn't break food down very well and they were always coffee addicts. Like every time, coffee and antibiotics. And then also, so it fucks up your HCL levels, right? Like your hydrochloric acid levels in your gut. Because coffee, if you're drinking it quite a bit, it's so acidic in itself that it's kind of like a guy that takes testosterone. You know, if you're taking an exogenous testosterone, do you think your balls are going to produce tests no they're going to stop just like anything it's like you're bringing something in from the outside your body naturally will drop the levels so coffee is quite acidic and
Starting point is 01:19:55 if you're drinking a fair amount of volume and it's not like you're drinking like a glass of apple cider vinegar because i've had people come at me with that it's like well apple cider vinegar is acidic yeah well you're not drinking a fucking glass of apple cider vinegar. You know? So it'll fuck your HDL levels up. And then also it'll fuck with your REM sleep. Cause it will raise your cortisol. There's no way around it.
Starting point is 01:20:16 So now like, and then when I got into hormesis and started learning about hormesis, because you know, all these people, we can get into some, like, I don't like going too much into talking about specific like food routines. and started learning about hormesis because you know all these people we can get into some like i don't like going too much into talking about specific like food routines all i can tell you is that veganism is fucking retarded but i don't like to get into like you know because you got
Starting point is 01:20:35 your carnivores you got keto people you got like i've used all the formats depending on what i'm trying to do with somebody and i have used carnivore for that exact reason because if people had bad stomach problems, one thing is that when you go straight meat, your body won't have too many issues trying to break shit down. But then I don't just keep them on straight meat forever either. I got them on straight meat to start with, and then I start to incorporate, like, microscopic amounts of vegetables and fruit in
Starting point is 01:21:03 so they develop a tolerance to it again because end of the day that hormetic effect you know from some from plant toxins in moderation like a low amount it's going to create a positive benefit and this is the same old story what doesn't hurt you or what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger to a point that's true so like uh you can make the argument with coffee but i did some research we're talking like eating like two coffee beans a day right yeah like so it's like such a small amount to get that benefit from the plant toxins in the coffee but like we're not talking drinking coffee right now i'll tell you right now if you cut the coffee and you beat those withdrawals and you're
Starting point is 01:21:47 because i've had so many women tell me fuck but i sleep so much better after i beat that coffee addiction and then they actually felt better and they didn't need the coffee anymore and it's hard it's going to be like a fear you would have to face because a lot of times i've done it so i drank two cups of black coffee for two months straight when I was doing strict keto. Cause that's how I came up. Cause this is when I was fucking around with keto and you know, all the keto people are all coffee addicts,
Starting point is 01:22:11 right? I think they use it too to fucking, so they can take a shit. Sometimes they get so plugged up from their fucking strict keto routine. Right. But I did two cups of black coffee basically in the morning, little cups, like not a cup,
Starting point is 01:22:24 like those little styrofoam cups. And then I would train right after basically. And then I'd eat this meal about five, six a night. It was strict keto. And I did this for a couple of months. And all of that coffee really did to me is that it fucked up my energy where it took the smoothness out of my energy. And it kind of, and I got an addiction.
Starting point is 01:22:46 And you know what's happening you know the fucking thing that i started to miss going to the coffee shop kind of having that in my day going to get my fucking coffee and sipping it like oh this has got to be good for me you know and a lot of times it's just habit trying to cut something like that you know what i mean so like no like when you say no coffee is it also even teas too that have a little bit less caffeine you're you don't yeah so i try to get people to completely pull stimulants gotcha so like yeah like because i used to drink a pile of green tea as well and a lot of times it'll act like a diuretic as well right so you know if you're trying to stay somewhat hydrated and do some activity on like a snake juice fast i don't want people to be pulling water if they're like being super active,
Starting point is 01:23:28 but then mind you about their dry fasting is a whole nother story. But I, the mainly the caffeine, like that stimulant from the caffeine, it definitely increases cortisol. So there's that. And then the stomach and even decaf coffee fucks up the HDL levels in your gut.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Yeah. Even decaf coffee fucks up the HDL levels in your gut. Yeah. Even decaf actually fucks up. The funny thing about coffee is it's, it's such a habit, you know, it's, it's not even so much the actual flavor of it. Like I,
Starting point is 01:23:55 I think when people first drink coffee, I mean, there's a reason why kids will, they're going to spit it out across the room. You know, like it doesn't, it doesn't taste like chocolate milk. Like it doesn't really taste that good.
Starting point is 01:24:04 You got to do a lot of stuff to try to make it taste good um what i found is like one thing where i'm at now i'd always chase like discomfort with food too so like you know we're talking like hot peppers and shit excellent for you right like capsaicin is amazing for you and like anything that's strong like garlic and and all that strong shit i like gravitate towards those strong foods so coffee's kind of got that kind of strength to it a little bit but it's not the same though because you never really get used to eating a hot pepper but coffee you start to get used to and then it's it's almost like booze you know how people are like oh that was a tasty drink that was it's not that if you were a
Starting point is 01:24:46 little kid and you would be like that's gross you won't like the taste of alcohol right but it's because there's the other part that goes along with it and that's the stimulating factor it's like when you get the drink in your hand it's like the punch the alcohol gives you is why you like think it's going to be good because you're getting like this hit from it just like how punch the alcohol gives you is why you like think it's going to be good. Cause you're getting like this hit from it. Just like how you get a hit from cop from that cup of coffee, you know, that goes along with it in a sense that that makes any sense. It does.
Starting point is 01:25:16 What are some things that people are listening to this podcast right now can have as like a take home? Like let's just say somebody just wants to like tighten up a little bit, be in a little bit better shape. They exercise pretty frequently already. What's something that you would suggest to them that they could implement right away? The most simplest thing would be pull carbs unless you need them and keep your eating window as tight as you can. And if, and basically, um, stick to just the one meal, unless you're super ripped and super athletic,
Starting point is 01:25:52 then you could maybe go to two. As far as I'm concerned, there's really not a time where you'd need to eat more than twice. And that's a guy like you, or maybe this guy here. And if you're super, I never did get your name. In SEMA. In SEMA. Yeah. yeah yeah i seen you on the youtube video a couple times like deadlifting and shit i recognized you
Starting point is 01:26:12 because you were deadlifting with uh what's his name dr deadlift they're the ones uh kaylor yeah he was showing you those cheat rolls because i actually started doing them a little bit yeah he's he's a monster yeah you know i'm curious oh go on yeah if you're lean or like you know two meals a day one meal like obviously in that tight window if you're ripped like you know if you're or super athletic but other than that the average person that's watching this you're trying to lose weight and you're trying to just cut that last 10 pounds, ignore what I just said. First off, do a 72-hour fast right off the bat. Right off the bat.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Gun to your head. Face your fear of fasting. And then after you've done the 72 hours, I don't give a shit how lean you are even. 72 hours, there's a gun to your head. And after that, you can design a fasting routine that'll fit you nicely but just get through the 72 so then you have no fear of fasting longer periods it's almost like having a weapon in your arsenal you know what i mean it's like oh i got
Starting point is 01:27:18 this 72 hour fast in my arsenal so if i go on a vacation in hawaii and fuck up for three days and gain five pounds i know i can just do this 72 hour fast and recover and utilize snake juice during that yeah yeah so that'd be either a snake juice fast or a dry fast got it because sometimes i do get sometimes people if they want to be a little hardcore i'll get them to do a dry fast right out of the gate because then they're killing two birds with one stone then they they know they can go three days without food and they can go three days without water. Like people still think that going three days without water will kill you. It's fucking such a,
Starting point is 01:27:50 it's such bullshit. Like I want, I haven't really talked about this a whole bunch on my YouTube channel, but literally there's a lot of people that are water addicts. We're never supposed to sip water all day. You look at a lion or you look at any animal in the wild, they don't have fucking bottles of water sitting there all day you look at a lion or you look at any animal in the wild they don't have fucking bottles of water sitting there all day what they would do and this is funny because it goes back to staying lean when you drink water drink a big drink of water but now if you're drinking the snake juice
Starting point is 01:28:17 you can't do that because you'll get the shits so obviously this is when you're leaner when you can cut the snake juice back to fuck all right but end of the day once you're ripped and you're going to drink a glass like water take a big drink of water and then push the dry fast for a good maybe even six hours now around your workouts drink your water but outside of the workout take big gaps between water you'll burn more body fat i swear and then you and then when you take a drink of water take a big drink okay don't drink well and same with the food same idea right once you're lean don't snack all day when you eat your meal eat a good size fucking meal we were never meant to have like a belly full of a six like a six full like who fills their who fills their car
Starting point is 01:29:03 up a six with a fucking tank you know you fill up the whole fucking way and then you go drive like a thousand k with it you don't just fill it up a six and drive like you know 125 clicks yeah you feel like you feel like fasting without water uh helps burn fat faster yeah for sure dry fat yeah definitely definitely especially as you get water adapted, it's crazy. Here's an example. This is proof. So I was doing a routine for a while where I was literally dry fasting all day. And my nighttime meal was meat and fruit.
Starting point is 01:29:40 And I was watching the calories like a hawk. And I was literally eating as much fruit as I could eat. Like it was like way up there. And soon as I went off the dry fasting protocol and started drinking, like just drinking some water, because I didn't really need any snake juice, right, because I was on a meal a day, and I was just salting the shit out of my meal
Starting point is 01:30:01 and getting a lot of potassium from the food. So at that point when you're lean, you hardly even need any salt water, right? But if you're going to train real hard, it's good to have some salt water there regardless. But so anyway, I went to drinking water and I started gaining weight on the exact same fucking meal. And I've seen this happen like with lots of, I've done this routine a few times with some different macros and that is how good dry fasting works it puts you into a state of autophagy and it puts you into ketosis quicker it's actually it's it's it's substantial difference so if you're doing that if you pull water like you will definitely stay leaner and you know what's funny i was i always think about
Starting point is 01:30:41 like these extremes like the lions and shit and i I know we're not lions, but it's funny because lions are extreme. They'll eat like some of the male lions will eat 100 pounds of meat sitting. 100 fucking pounds and they'll just sit on their ass for like three days. And once they get somewhat digested, they'll start trying to go on the hunt again, right? And as they get more and more fasted to the point they're starving to death, they might even get brave enough to try to take down a hippopotamus if they can't find food and they'll get fucked up by the hippopotamus. But the water was the same. The fucking lions, they ain't slurping water all day.
Starting point is 01:31:14 They're not around it all the time. You know, they get a lot of blood from the animal. But then when they do have a drink, it's a big drink. It's a really big drink. And dry fasting is amazing for your skin. It's going to drop your influence same with fasting in general just on the salt water but the dry fasting is going to drop your inflammation down to nothing like i had a guy recently that had such bad neuropathy in his
Starting point is 01:31:36 foot that he would have definitely had his foot fucking chopped off and probably inside of two months and it's i got it on my facebook page and the results on my snake diet uh facebook actual my actual snake diet page not my snake diet motivation group that's the group where people put all the pictures and stuff i'm talking my actual snake diet page it's up there if you go read it but this guy basically his foot was fucked and he goes into the hospital and they're like, going to do surgery on him. Like, how do you even do any, you can't do nothing. It's the whole foot was fucked.
Starting point is 01:32:13 And there's like a couple of massive infections. So they did put him on antibiotics right away. And then they realized it wasn't doing anything. He told me that this ain't gonna do shit and then they made him sign so then they're like well we're gonna do surgery and then he's they made him sign this waiver and he's like he turned it down right and then he got a hold of me like literally he was gonna have his foot chopped open and he got a hold of me and i'm like start a fucking dry fast right now and he went home and he started this drive fast and he
Starting point is 01:32:45 went eight days no water and you'll be blown away when you see what his foot did it went from like just a disgusting balloon to like looking like a normal colored foot like you gotta see it it's unreal and now he's still been sending me pictures and like his blood sugar was through the roof for years. Right. So you said it was crazy how, you know, like that dry fat, when you dry fast, it's impossible to have inflammation when you pull water, you can only have inflammation in your body when there's still fluid there.
Starting point is 01:33:15 So as soon as you start pulling water, there's not going to be any inflammation. It's impossible. As soon as you, you can't be inflamed without water. Right. And yeah, it was just,
Starting point is 01:33:26 I, that was the second one. I actually helped another girl had an info i had a uh an infection on her like ass cheek that got a hold of me way back and it got really bad where it started running down her leg this infection and like she thought it was an ingrown hair and it was something else and she got a hold of me and it was nasty as fuck and i and after a three-day drive fast it was something else and she got a hold of me and it was nasty as fuck and i and after a three-day drive fast it was basically completely gone and like the doctors were going to put her on antibiotics and then she turned him down right because she already had some stomach issues she's like i don't want to fucking go on antibiotics and the same with this guy so of course that was in the write-up so people right away like well he was on antibiotics well he was they gave
Starting point is 01:34:03 him the antibiotics for like no time and antibiotics won't fucking do that if it did people wouldn't be getting their foots chopped off because it's actually common and you know you don't see it because people are usually shut-ins when they lose a limb because it's fucking freakish right but my buddy's uncle had his foot and his hand chopped off before he died from the neuropathy from the high blood sugar. So yeah, this guy, that dry fasting was pretty amazing. And little doctors even said like, this antibiotics isn't doing shit. And then they were going to give him surgery and he turned down the surgery, got ahold of me. And yeah, check it out. You'll be fucking blown away. It blew me
Starting point is 01:34:39 away how fast it actually worked. It was unreal. With some of these longer fasts and with dry fasting, do you still recommend exercise be part of it? Yeah. So it depends. You got to go by feel, right? Like, you know, I've done routines where I literally ate every second day and went two days dry and I trained both days, but there was no hard cardio. It was just like, you know, a regular power lifting program. Like it was, it was cause I was on a bit of a cut. cardio it was just like you know a regular power lifting program like it was it was because i was on a bit of a cut so it was like nothing that was till failure and that worked well but if somebody is doing some like a lot of activity i'll tell them to drink salt water there's not really any like but that being said on my off day, like today, I'm still dry today. I had to have a couple sips of this baking soda just for my voice. But I haven't drank really anything, maybe a half ounce of water.
Starting point is 01:35:32 But I went and biked like 60K the other day dry. I got on my pedal bike and just went downtown and biked all over Edmonton. It was probably about 60K, and I was completely dry. And I went to the sauna, and I was in there for a half hour and I was and then I came home had that nap because I was taxed and I woke up because my body started to recover from that water deficit and I woke up felt like a million bucks and that was that's like like the easy cardio yeah the intense shit like when you're doing those sled pushes push it like you know push it see what, like, you know, push it. See what happens, right?
Starting point is 01:36:05 Like, you know, you'd have to be, like, smart about it. If you feel like you're completely taxed and you're somewhat dry. But, like, you know, 48-hour dry fast is going to just start. You'll start getting taxed probably at the end of the 48, right at the end, if you're as lean as you two guys. Now, a fat person, oh, another story. As far as, like like diseases are concerned i've heard you talk a bit about like people with cancer and other type of diseases that you've you've you i guess helped out what have you noticed yeah with this fasting along with that yeah so with
Starting point is 01:36:36 cancer like this is a like so this this is interesting topic like as soon as you start like if they got tumors like i've had people with, shit, well, the one girl came here, she had a breast tumor, and literally these tumors are shrinking. They just shrink because the main thing is it's like if you give your body – if your body supports the cancer growing – like people don't understand what the fuck cancer even is. It's essentially mutated cells that your body is producing all the time. But when you're healthy and you've got a decent immune system, your body just basically suicides those cells or kills them, right? But as you get older and you haven't fasted a day in your life, you're eating crazy amounts of sugar and you have crazy high cortisol from your fucking stressful lifestyle. You've basically been brainwashed into living your whole life. Your immune system starts to turn to shit and then those mutated cells will start to accumulate and then you'll get a tumor. But what happens, that's your body supporting it. If you put your body in a situation where it won't support the growth of the cancer,
Starting point is 01:37:51 it'll go back the other way because cancer cells are actually very weak and your body will just start killing the cancer. I had a guy, I want this testimony, I got the paperwork, a girl that I know in my home city here, her dad, basically, he had fucking a tumor in his prostate. And he beat it. It was gone. It was fucking gone in a month. He started some hard dry fasting.
Starting point is 01:38:19 And he literally went and they did another, they fucking did a biopsy and shit. And they're like what the fuck it was gone and he had the prostate cancer for quite some time you know it's it's not it's not magic right that's the thing a lot of people are so brainwashed because the cancer industry makes like billions upon billions of fucking dollars on radiation you got radiation you got surgery um what's the other one radiation surgery and um usually there's the two three main ways of dealing with it and those cost a lot of money you know and chemo and like chemo fucking kill you like this is where people are ridiculous like they they don't understand that with cancer if you're taking chemo, either you're going to die.
Starting point is 01:39:07 It'll kill the cancer, but it kills every other fucking cell in your body. And the other thing, if anybody watching this is on chemo, fast. Like that's one of the main things that they're showing you should be. If you're even considering chemo because you're too chicken shit to just fast without the chemo, fast. Because it'll make your immune system stronger. So you're not going to die from the fucking chemo. Right. But I had another guy that I,
Starting point is 01:39:33 there's a lot of evidence. I just want to, I want to hop in for just a second. There's a lot of evidence on this as well. That ketogenic diets, fasting can really help with certain types of cancer. They've people are believing now more than they ever have before that cancer can be a metabolic disease, just like diabetes.
Starting point is 01:39:50 But it may not cure, you know, all types of cancer. It may help. So that's where we're at with that. Yeah. So the other thing is like, you know,
Starting point is 01:39:59 just when we're talking about the, the resilience factor of like the food, when we're talking about that, like your body's obviously going to be stronger and more resilient if you if it can handle different toxins as well right for fighting these these issues but end of the day like basically every single person my family has died from fucking cancer like like my both my grandma's at 52 years old and i don't say i this is what i it's like you don't get cancer can you fucking earn it and there's always something if you go back in somebody's life
Starting point is 01:40:34 you can you can see what how it happened maybe with the exception of kids what's that the exception would be children well but even then but even then they don't earn it. They don't earn it. But usually there's something it's usually there. They were born with the weak immune system in the beginning. Right. So you'll have a kid that was just had a very weak immune system. Maybe it was like a free, like an early, you know, like a. Oh, got the snake diet symbol going there.
Starting point is 01:41:03 That's pretty sick. There he comes. Oh, we lost you there yeah so basically like you know that usually the kid was weak when they were born right maybe it was a premature birth and such but i noticed this with autoimmune issues like type 1 diabetes on like i've actually had multiple people reverse type 1 type 1 not type two type one because the real problem is a lot of the a lot of the diagnosis or a crock of shit because people go into the if you know like i can get into this a little bit about type one usually it's always some sort of trauma that causes every autoimmune issue whether it's ms type 1 diabetes any autoimmune problem it's MS, type one diabetes, any autoimmune problem, it's some sort of trauma that maybe you got really sick when you're a kid, or even going through a divorce, anything. And
Starting point is 01:41:52 then if you don't like fasting combined with the low sugar diet will like reverse these hormone problems. It's always a hormone issue. And then these people will end up in the hospital with high blood sugar because their pancreas is getting attacked for like, say, three or four years. And the beta cells would get attacked and they disappear. So you're not producing enough insulin. And then right away, the system says, oh, you're a type one. Let's put you on insulin. And then the insulin just pretty much destroys any insulin production you still have.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Where if you just started fasting and you went on a zero carb eating routine your your body's extremely resilient this is the biggest problem people think that they're weak little bitches your body is tough as nails like if you give it the opportunity it will heal you know and and you know just even so then what happens is they put them on the insulin and then they completely fuck their pancreas because they don't got to produce any insulin when they're on a bunch of insulin. Then they're still eating the same bullshit diet, and it just goes completely south from there,
Starting point is 01:42:53 and then you end up with the crazy sugar issues, and then they're always yo-yoing their blood sugars. And also the system tells them that a blood sugar of like 6 and 7 is good, right? Where a good blood sugar level you're going to be under five when you're fasting you know and if you're in ketosis you're going to be in the threes that's that's what it should be but now the ranges are up so high because where do you think they're getting these ranges from the regular general public the general public's unhealthy as fuck if you're going to get a proper range get it from somebody that's actually
Starting point is 01:43:23 healthy and and you know leading a fasting focused lifestyle then you'll see what it should be right like that these blood sugar numbers are bullshit there'll be like there's diabetics like even type two type two is really nothing type two is just being fat and having a fatty liver from eating too much sugar not fasting but you can reverse can reverse that very easily, right? Type 1 is a little bit different. But these people are so brainwashed that, oh, my doctor said my blood sugar is okay at 6. Like, fuck, you're way high at 6. You know?
Starting point is 01:43:56 Like, here's what my blood sugar does. Right now, sitting here, I'm going to be in the 3s because I ate low carb yesterday and I haven't ate nothing. I'm dry all day. I'll be probably sitting at about 3.6. If I ate a bucket of ice cream right now and you gave me two hours, probably inside of an hour for me, because my body, my body will recover so good from that sugar hit that my blood sugar will get up to like 10, like millimoles per liter.
Starting point is 01:44:24 I don't know if you know, blood sugar numbers, 10 would be 10, like millimoles per liter. I don't know if you know blood sugar numbers, 10 would be equal like 200 in the other units. And it would come back down to like probably about 4.4 within an hour. Now that is how you can tell that somebody has blood sugar and liver problems, because if they take a sugar load and their sugar goes way up, it won't recover recover so even when i get people fasting with type 2 just because you basically clear all the sugar out of their system doesn't mean you've solved the problem completely yet they got to stay down there and the liver's got to heal and get insulin sensitive again right so but you can always tell if you give them a sugar load
Starting point is 01:45:00 if the sugar blood sugar recovers after like an hour back to a proper blood sugar number, then you know that now they're, they're healthy again, but that could just come right back. It's not like you've cured type two. It's just, if you, if you eat like a fat pig, like I said, it's just being fat. It's not like a disease per se. You just, you know, you go down that road again. Like any of us could just have to, I could just get fat and get type two myself in a year. I just got to eat like shit and then I'll reverse it and i'll go backwards and by eating you know fasting and eating low carb and then i'll be right back to the way i'm sitting here right now talking you know that's where people are so brainwashed and they're spending the amount of
Starting point is 01:45:36 money that the system makes on these diabetes meds is fucking mind-boggling like you know that's it's crazy like these insulin, all the insulin that gets sold is just unbelievable, man. Um, I want to kind of go in the opposite direction here because when we've like, when I started doing fasting or time restricted feeding and only eating one meal a day or two meals a day, um, yeah, I dropped some weight, but I found that my food habits were just so much better. Like nowadays I don't have like, you know, consistently eating through the day. I don't have the cravings I used to have or the voracious appetite I used to have. It's just a much better habitual way of eating. But when a
Starting point is 01:46:15 guy comes into this or any type of athlete comes into this and they want to actually grow, right? They want to, they want to be able to gain muscle. They want to be able to put on some, some weight. Yeah. How can, how would you have them take this lifestyle of good eating habits and build with that? Do you know how sumo wrestlers eat? No. They train fasted every morning for three hours. Then the biggest sumo wrestlers will literally eat 10,000 calories with a Chanko soup. Then they'll have a four-hour nap.
Starting point is 01:46:44 They'll get up and basically do a little bit of stuff in their day and do the same thing they're eating on an eight-hour window and they're fucking and they're in there that's their goal is to get fat basically right and they're eating crazy amounts of carbs and that's so that's how you do it like so essentially you're trying to bulk uh i feel a good bulk there's a few ways to do it but i like bulking where you do train fasted and then you'd eat all the food after the workout because then you know you're not gonna have any risk of hernias and shit because you don't have like a massive amount of food in your system during your training and you've got you're at such a surplus that the next day you're gonna have crazy amounts
Starting point is 01:47:19 energy for that workout so that's that's probably one of the number one ways i tell people to bulk would be just eating a shitload of food after the workout and then just training fasted or, you know, have a small meal before the workout, maybe like some oranges or something, a little bit of salt or, you know, just a small one and then do your workout and eat all the food afterwards. just the same you know it's easy it's like you don't have to you don't have to meal prep you don't have to do fuck all i just you know you train like a horse and go to the local buffet and chow down like i had right like it's it's very balkans easy and i can gain weight like i did that one experiment where i got fat just so i could fast for 15 days straight i started at 170 and i got up to 206 and 35 about, I was about six weeks and I, my routine looked just like this. It started, I tried to do it on a meal, on, on a meal a day at first.
Starting point is 01:48:14 So, cause I could eat a lot in the sitting. So I trained fast and I just go eat a crazy amount of food. And then it's like, okay, I got to about 190 pounds and it's really interesting how when you're eating a meal a day, like one meal in an hour, even if it's like, like it's even in an hour, even if it was like 4,500 or 5,000 calories, it's like once I got up to about 190 pounds, I couldn't gain any weight. So then I had to open up the eating window. So what I was doing is I was going to the gym, training my balls off.
Starting point is 01:48:43 And then I would go to McDonald's because it was so easy to get the food. And I'd eat like 50 bucks worth of McDonald's. Then I'd go home and have a nap. Then I'd get up and I'd eat like a box, like a pile of fructose, like from dates and shit. But then I started to crack through that plateau. But now I'm getting pretty fat. I'm only five foot like six and a half, right?'m fucking fat little bastard at 200 pounds right but so that's what i did to like really get heavy and that's exactly what the sumo wrestlers essentially do exact same
Starting point is 01:49:16 routine and uh yeah and obviously i got up and then i fasted for 10 days on snake juice and five days dry and lost 35 pounds in two weeks. Into any. Are you into any types of like vitamins or minerals or supplements? I mean, I know you mentioned potassium and sodium. Is there any. It sounds like you do a lot of experimenting. Have you experimented with anything that had a profound effect that we haven't talked about? Like, obviously, there's some good minerals out there and stuff and vitamins.
Starting point is 01:49:48 But, like, I try to always keep it very minimal because, you know, once people have lost all the weight, like, because they don't need nothing when they're cutting. Okay? You got enough on your body. You got enough magnesium in your bones and enough phosphorus in your bones to last you like 300 like 300 days worth of fasting it's crazy how much like i forget the exact numbers on the magnesium but you could fast for like 60 days and still have enough magnesium in your bones you don't even need any and the phosphorus it's like almost like a year straight so basically you can't get refeeding syndrome or have any issues when you're fat because sometimes people would bring up like
Starting point is 01:50:22 or have any issues when you're fat. Because sometimes people would bring up like the Holocaust. They'd bring up those fucking Nazi war or death camps. And the reason those people got refeeding syndrome, if you know what refeeding syndrome is, refeeding syndrome is pretty much when you're so fucking skinny and you're just so depleted that your body, when you go to eat, your insulin spikes up, but your intracellular electrolytes, there's nothing there.
Starting point is 01:50:49 So what happens is you do have still – your body is very smart at keeping the levels good in your bloodstream, though. So what will happen, you'll eat this meal after you've been starved out in the Nazi Germany camp for fucking however long. And then your body will take those electrolytes and push them into the cells. And it happens too quick. And it makes the electrolyte levels drop in your blood and mineral levels drop in your blood and it'll kill you. But that only happened with somebody that's like literally where you can like see their fucking ribs.
Starting point is 01:51:18 Right. But now back to where you're like, if you're taking taking supplements i don't promote blowing a bunch of money on supplements rather than just buying like really good clean food right like i don't take nothing you know but you know there's going to be supplements out there that are obviously going to be decent like but you don't take them during the fast that's food right you always you're always when you're fast fast and that's what I promote because I help a lot of people too, that like really just they're poor. Like, you know, a lot of people are just fucking poor. And, and if I can teach them a way to lose the weight that's as cheap and as fast as possible, it's going to be the best. And if they, if you have the money and you
Starting point is 01:51:58 get lean, then, you know, if you feel like you want to add in some sort of a high quality supplement, if you've done your research, like even like spirulina is a good example. It's not technically a supplement, but it's algae and it's expensive as fuck. That'd be something that who the hell is going to afford to buy that shit, right? Yeah, it's got some good stuff in it. And then there's your fish oil, but I just recommend just go eat fish. Protein powders, I don't promote at all like just go fucking eat meat like that's another the problem out is these little skinny little like i'm not i'm supposed to be here i'm the weight loss guy
Starting point is 01:52:31 you know but like i got people coming to me he's like how do i gain weight fasting so you get the benefits from the fasting at the same time as putting on the weight and i'm like well fucking eat like they can't eat like jesus that was never my problem is not being able to eat enough food you know and like a lot of people will try to they'll be buying these fucking weight gainers and shit like and they have 20 million pounds of protein powder and they just won't fucking eat enough food you know it's just it's just seems like a complete waste to me when you get such and fasting will really help you eat it It'll give you a good, strong appetite, right? Well, exactly. And, like, that's the other thing. Like, it'll, you know, you'll create it.
Starting point is 01:53:09 And back to that other, you said something else there about the habit. When you said how you've made this a habit, I was going to say something about that. something about that because oh when you fast you start like leading this lifestyle it's it becomes fun like when i used to eat when i back in the day it wasn't fun because now it makes it interesting it's like how am i i'm always thinking about two or three days ahead i'm gonna train and eat for the workout and because I always have that agenda to basically stay lean right and it makes it fun we're just eating with no purpose it's purposeful eating and I love that aspect of it because it all comes back again to discipline and yeah not everybody's gonna fucking have the discipline well that's just too fucking bad they gotta like you know practice having more discipline. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:09 But I think that was make, that makes it very sustainable when you live a fasting focused lifestyle. Like with you, you get used to eating like those two meals in a six hour window or somebody eating a meal a day or somebody even eating on 48. I got lots of sedentary women that have lost all the weight. They just don't exercise much. And they eat one, they one low carb meal every two days and they drink snake juice one of the days maybe dry fast the second day you know there's 20 million configurations right but i think that's what makes it fun that there's all these configurations and how whatever
Starting point is 01:54:35 your goals are if you're trying to bulk trying to cut trying to maintain and that's the other thing too when you put one thing with a strongman you've actually had strongman in your gym like i think brian shaw was in there and stuff that's one thing with a strong man, you've actually had strong men in your gym. Like I think Brian Shaw was in there and stuff. That's one thing I can't figure out why those guys are still eating on a two hour window, like all day long, because it's been proven to the point where if you can keep the eating window tight and they're not eating as much food as those sumo wrestlers are eating.
Starting point is 01:55:02 And those sumo wrestlers have been doing this for hundreds of years, training fast and eating like pigs after, but those strong men aren't doing that and i i feel if they face maybe they have a fear of trying to do this but they're eating pretty small meals throughout the day like i know brian shaw probably like eight to ten thousand calories like eight thousand cal meals you know if they train fast in the morning or had one meal before the training and packed all that food and after the training, they could actually get more loose on their diet. Because I've actually seen where soon as you start to fast, like a calorie is not a calorie anymore. It's amazing when you eat the same food. I use this example. So I don't want to talk to you guys too much about this, but here's a good example.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Let's say you have a pizza that's your maintenance calories, okay? So let's say your maintenance on a six-meal-a-day routine. So let's say your maintenance is a 3,000-calorie pizza where you eat one slice every two hours on a six-meal-a-day routine. If you take and you're maintaining weight on your six meals with that pizza, if you take and you're maintaining weight on your six meals with that pizza if you take that whole pizza and you just bucked it into the morning would be the most aggressive time to eat for losing weight if you eat that 3 000 calorie pizza in the morning the whole damn thing i guarantee you the same exact fucking calories you will lose weight compared to maintaining weight eating the six meal a day. I've done it.
Starting point is 01:56:26 I actually did that exact experiment, and I started to cut. As soon as I started to pack the food in the window, I started to lose weight on the same fucking calorie count. So what happened? Obviously, your metabolism had to go up somehow to be burning more when you're fasting. It had to. It had to have, right? This makes sense to me.
Starting point is 01:56:43 I think, you know, if you think about it this way, your body probably took time to digest the food. Your body took time to make sense of everything that just happened from a caloric standpoint, the carbs, the protein, the fat. And then you had, you know, however many hours, you know, fasted until the next day when you eat another thing of pizza. But I would imagine in that time period, probably burning fat, whereas maybe you are, you know, kind of throwing water on the flame every time you eat a slice of pizza in between, right? It's because the insulin, right?
Starting point is 01:57:16 Because the insulin, you're spiking that insulin with all those meals. And as long as your insulin is elevated, you won't burn fat with a shit. Okay. Your hormone sensitive lipase is completely deactivated when your insulin is up. So you're not going't burn fat worth a shit. Okay. Your hormone sensitive lipase is completely deactivated when your insulin's up. So you're not going to burn fat worth a shit. So like, just like you say, so when you eat that big pizza in the morning, you spike the shit out of your insulin for maybe a few, uh, maybe, maybe an hour, not even, but it'll drop off. And then it's dropped off for long enough that you actually start to drain your liver glycogen
Starting point is 01:57:43 and you get in a state of ketosis where you're burning like crazy amount of body fat. And that is exactly the reason why when people are eating six meals a day on a cut is why they lose fucking way more muscle. Because if you're eating, if you ate, say we're at a deficit and I got a girl that her maintenance is like 2000, let's just say the pizza again. And let's say I put her on a thousand calories. So half of that pizza, if she ate six meals a day with a thousand calories, because their insulin spiking six times in that day, she's going to fucking lose muscle like crazy because she's at a deficit. Now, as soon as you pack that food into a tight window, your GH goes up when you fast, your insulin stays low, and you'll actually burn body fat rather than fucking start to cut into
Starting point is 01:58:30 muscle. Because if you're at a deficit, right, if you're at a deficit, and your insulin's high, meaning you're not going to burn fat with a shit, where do you think your body's going to fucking get the energy from that it needs to make up the difference? It's going to pull it off your fucking muscle. That's exactly why these people have issues unless they're on drugs because drug guys will hold a lot more muscle during a cut when they're eating six times a day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Why do you personally like the eating window more in the morning than the eating window more at night? So now that depends on your goal. So I guess in terms of fat burning, if you're trying to lose weight and eating early in the morning, I've always noticed because your metabolism takes a spike right before you wake up. It has to do with your circadian rhythm at night.
Starting point is 01:59:19 Your metabolism takes a dive. Okay. And your melatonin goes up at night preparing for you to go to sleep. Your melatonin takes a dive in the morning. So it's almost like when you wake up, you already got kind of a fire burning and then you're throwing the fuel on the fire that's already burning rather than throwing the fuel on a fire that's kind of getting snuffed out. That's why I never, I try to always eat in a wider space than six hours before bed. It's just two seconds guys. But, but the other thing is, um,
Starting point is 01:59:53 so obviously if you play with that meal, it's going to depend what you're doing. But now if you're eating a low carb meal, like for example, let's say the sleep's an issue and you're getting really lean, then I will push on my like tonight i'll eat that meal about five o'clock assuming i'm going to bed at late 11 maybe six o'clock if i go to bed at 12 because if i ate that meal right now like on this heart of a deficit like i'm on a pretty good cut tonight i won't be able to sleep i'll just be starving to death but i'm also you know getting lean where I'm probably down like, you know, maybe eight percent body fat too, right? But so you adjust
Starting point is 02:00:29 accordingly. So if you got the average fat person, they're doing 48. I'll be like, eat breakfast, keep the carbs down, you'll get the best result for the weight loss. If you're trying to time the meal on the part of the day where you'll lose the most weight, eating your food in the morning is going to give you the best result. How about, oh you were as you've mentioned this like eating in the morning you've consistently also mentioned that you have your athletes train in the day not at night so what's the reason like whoa is it because you want them to eat or train right after they have that meal or what's it about yeah so so okay so back to what I was saying about the routines, right? Like sometimes I just got to make something fit somebody's lifestyle.
Starting point is 02:01:08 So even the fellow that I was coaching, it was like the top level boxer. He's training right in the morning. So he can't just eat that big meal right before he trains. Right. So he could have did something. Maybe like we kind of had Mark doing where he had a small little meal, maybe some oranges and a little bit of meat and and then went and worked out and then ate.
Starting point is 02:01:26 But the thing was he also wanted to eat like with his family. And this is a guy that's doing a stupid amount of cardio. So it just made sense that the best time for him to eat was going to do – so he would do his training fast because he's not really doing any weight training. So as soon as you're doing weights, it's a bit different because you've got to be a little more explosive. Where sprinting is one thing thing like with the boxing workout now if you're doing sprinting like running sprints then it's different you wouldn't want like fast you probably won't i notice it like a slight amount of jam just a little bit right when you have a
Starting point is 02:01:58 little bit of carb in your system it makes a bit of difference but with that guy it just worked out really well for him just be with his family at five o'clock at night and just basically train fasted right when he woke up now if somebody's training at night right if they're training late at night then that routine what's the point of eating in the morning like you could basically push that meal right up close to the training uh training time and then just eat that meal train and go to bed if it's real late because if you got that if you got a decent amount of food in your system and then train i've seen with naturals it's a myth that you need more protein after you've trained like the you're eating a good size meal here where's what all the protein all the amino acids are just
Starting point is 02:02:41 out of your system after you ate three hours and then you know and then trained an hour after you ate a meal you're it's still there like there's still food in your gut you can feel your gut you still got some food in your stomach so it's like you still got a meal sitting in your gut so why would you have to eat this meal right after the training unless you're eating a tiny meal before the training like most of these bodybuilders are doing they're burning through it in their workout then they do have an empty stomach. But if you're eating like I believe we're supposed to eat, we eat a full-size meal, then it's a little different story, right? But if you're eating at night, if you're lean,
Starting point is 02:03:13 you could eat a small meal before the workout. Or you could eat your carb-y meal like earlier in the day, like at noon or like at 2, and then maybe train at 5. And then right after the workout, if you did need more food, you just eat some meat and vegetables. You know, you can play with that, right? But end of the day, ultimately you don't want to eat too close to bed like at all because,
Starting point is 02:03:34 because even your, your digestive tract, that's when it heals. That's when your GH goes up is when you sleep. Okay. And you're very muscle sparing when your GH is up. You don't want to pack food right before bed. Um, something that, uh, may help some people listening that have, that are going to try some of this, uh, fasting and they've never done it before. Exercise is actually a great, you know, we're thinking about like suppressants, like what do you do to suppress your appetite? Go to the
Starting point is 02:04:01 gym, you know, go, go, go work out. Yeah out yeah move around like maybe it's not the most strenuous workout because maybe you're trying the 72 hour fast you recommended but get some movement like that whole process of like driving to the gym and the training the whole thing you know be an hour two hours it will kill some time and it becomes a habit too like just driving like i've had i've had women that were so scared to go to the gym that i literally just told them to just drive there today right and i had a girl drive there just sitting her car for 10 minutes like she drove there just i still couldn't get her in there and i told her if i just forced her and like whatever i said you know whatever like calling her a fat pig it just
Starting point is 02:04:41 wasn't gonna work and i'm like drive there today just drive there and then the next day we drove there like just walk in just walk in and just go into the boot room don't even say anything just walk in the door and then once you walked in the door the next day she actually got a pass and then got it you know sometimes you got a baby step at that much where you just get into like it just becomes habit just driving there though like say when people do mess up i'd imagine that's probably not a time when you actually yell at them because you're real harsh and you're abrasive but i would imagine you know being a good coach you have to kind of you know yeah the damage is already done right i massage it for sure like you know you gotta give a shit when you deserve it and then you gotta give them like you know credit when they've done well you know if they if they take some pictures and they
Starting point is 02:05:29 lost like you know five ten pounds in the week like five pounds like it's nothing to lose 15 pounds like everybody that's cutting hard that's like fairly fat if they're not losing 15 pounds in the month they're being lazy on this okay i'm not talking guys that are trying to lose the last five ten pounds but if somebody's 30 pounds overweight they should be able to cut 15 pounds in the month that are being lazy on this. Okay, I'm not talking guys that are trying to lose the last 5, 10 pounds. But if somebody's 30 pounds overweight, they should be able to cut 15 pounds. Like, fuck all. Even if they're fairly active, if they're placing the food properly. Right?
Starting point is 02:05:52 But, yeah, you're right. Like, I always give, like, props when it's deserved. But only when it's fucking deserved, though. I won't fucking give them a big prop if they lost, like, two fucking pounds and they're 300 pounds. You know, i'll be like keep going i always like i get messed like even being on here with you guys this long you know i'll check my messages after this it's just outrageous how many messages i get and i i coach
Starting point is 02:06:17 everyone over voice memo like i don't text right so i'm always i use instagram and facebook messenger to just send these voice memos because obviously how am I supposed to motivate people with like, stop eating you fat pig in a text message? You know, it's like, it's a fucking joke. You got to, I got to verbalize it, right? And that's probably why my voice is shot half the time too. But yeah, you can't go too hard sometimes. You got to massage it. And that just comes with practice.
Starting point is 02:06:42 Like you guys as trainers and such, you know how that works. You know, you got to be careful of some people you don't want them to completely quit if they're doing well you know how about kids because mark told me that um i didn't know this but apparently like you pay kids five was it five bucks i think so i think five bucks yeah yeah so how do you handle like very overweight kids and building this type of fasting lifestyle? This is so fucking triggering with some of these moms. So obese kids, I had one lady that I was helping had three kids, and they're extremely fat. The one little girl fasted for seven days on snake juice and felt like a million bucks. And she was 11 right and i had one kid that was nine lose a ton of weight and he was just as he did
Starting point is 02:07:32 the odd 48 with his mom on the weekends and then during the week because the school system will fucking take your kid away if they find out they're doing this but like the mom would like i'm kind of a cartoon character on the on youtube too So I got a lot of kids that, like, love me, right? Like, they're messaging me on Instagram and shit, some of these young kids. And if they're too young, I'll be like, their parent has to get a hold of me, right? I got to hear their parent's voice. But, you know, a meal a day. If they're fat and, like, if they're a lean kid and you want them to fast, just like how I was raised, basically, essentially a six- to eight-hour eating window.
Starting point is 02:08:10 They might eat breakfast at eight, last meal's at four, eight hours. That's exactly what we were when I got off the bus. The food was there right when I got off the bus at four, and a lot of times I didn't even eat breakfast. A lot of times I'd get to school and I'd probably eat my, I'd probably eat a pretty big snack at about 10 a.m. when I used to go to school. So I was already fasting naturally, but we didn't have all this junk. Like we did have a dispensing machine, but it wasn't like these kids now where the fucking schools are getting basically these garbage food companies
Starting point is 02:08:41 to cater all the fucking food. Like it's ridiculous. And then these parents don't want their kids eating that shit like see the parents gotta stand up and grow some goddamn balls and that's that's what i'm starting to run into but yeah the kids can fast just find a lean kid open up the window let him eat if they got skin issues and shit cut the carbs you know if the kid's really fat obviously you don't want to get busted at school a lot of times the kids are very motivated because you got to remember this fat kid's already getting bullied to be fucked at school anyway and all the other negative things that come along with being a fat kid and a lot of times they'll
Starting point is 02:09:12 be really amped up it's something they can do very easily and they'll eat i tell the parents give the kid you know meat and vegetables like just that regular low low carb meal and they take that one meal to school and then they'll use a lot of times a fat kid will just have that one meal a day at school and on the days off they'll fast harder with their mom or whatever maybe even bust through a 72 hour fast it's fine
Starting point is 02:09:35 crazy amounts of health issues skin problems big time acne like I have a lot of girls getting a hold of me that are like 14 15 years old that have really bad acne and they're even fit and they train but as soon as you buck that food into that tight eating window and cut the sugar down the face just clears right up you know so yeah it's not an issue but it's an issue with the system because like you these parents gotta kind of sneak around which is a bunch of bullshit because you can't even raise your own kid because
Starting point is 02:10:05 your kid doesn't even know you're making them fast like whatever happened to fucking wait till dinner seriously like when i was a kid it's like wait till fucking dinner like we never snapped anyway yeah i wasn't allowed in the kitchen you got to get out of the kitchen my mom would like yeah even if it was three squares in us in an eight hour window it was like three meals with no snacks right right so your insulin does have a chance to drop off it's when you're fucking snacking and drinking your fucking super triple fucking gumundus big gulp slurpee for fucking five hours so i think this brings up yeah yeah they're huge i think this brings up a really good point so parents that are having a hard time with their kid with certain foods you could potentially still eat some of those certain
Starting point is 02:10:49 foods like if the kid if a kid likes snacks like for example a kid likes cookies you want your kid to just kind of be a kid and especially if they're not heavy if they appear like they have any you know issues then maybe you could have you know you're trying to cut down the overall amount of meals that they're eating but if they still want the cookies or they want a bag of chips or something after dinner then it's not a problem right if they're kind of following what you're probably one of the best ways to control the kid without the kid even knowing is probably try to pull breakfast and try to like only let him eat that dinner like you know as early as you can get him to eat it after they get home from school and that'd be about the best way the kid wouldn't even
Starting point is 02:11:30 know you know but like now that being said like say if the kid's actually part of it and the kid knows what they're doing i would give the kid a big breakfast and then have the kid essentially like this chicken shit dinner with like basically no carbs at all. You know, what's really funny before I knew anything about this shit, I was going to school and I think I was like 22 and I was trying to cut some weight and I knew nothing, but some people just overthink shit.
Starting point is 02:12:03 All I was doing as I was eating a huge breakfast was just like tuna and like macaroni. Like I was eating like a poor ass tuna, right? And a bunch of cheese. And then I would eat the same thing at lunch. And then right when I got home, I would train. And then right when I got home, I'd literally eat like sauerkraut and like some pickles. So I was essentially on probably about an eight-hour window with no carbs at night. And I was lean.
Starting point is 02:12:33 I was ripped. You know, people just, that's like, fuck, it's not rocket science. I figured this shit out on my own. I just, you feel it. I just ate big in the morning and ate crazy light at the very end of the day. And I just, that last meal was probably about four o'clock. You know, and my first meal is probably exactly at about eight or nine in the morning. And I was ripped and I didn't even know about fasting or nothing. I just, I just pulled the food. When, when we were talking about kids,
Starting point is 02:12:59 I'm curious about this. Cause you probably, there's probably a lot of listeners like, oh, what if this affects the way that kids look at food and you know blah blah blah you probably get that a lot too how do you respond to that where it doesn't cause long-term dysfunction with the way that kids look at their weight and food and all that crap yeah so the shitty part is a lot of that stuff comes from media again right which is the biggest issue like some of the young girls that come to me i've had young girls come to me that were like yeah for help that were like fuck 16 years old and it's instagram because these fucking pictures are so fucking faked and scrubbed out like literally the girl
Starting point is 02:13:39 that came to me has a better body than the girl that she's following on instagram and the instagrammer looks like a fucking princess on instagram you see in real life she's a badass like that you can blame it on that like like that's one of the worst things for the women is instagram instagram instagram instagram oh i want my ass to look like this like all those top instagram girls are fucking scrubbed those fucking fucking pictures are completely like, you know, they'll blow up their ass with their stupid app. You can even just have apps to fucking do the trickery now. So that's one. So what I try to do is beat the problem, which is that, you know, I tell them to stop looking at these fucking people that they don't know.
Starting point is 02:14:20 If you are going to compare yourself to anybody, take your own pictures. Number one rule is compare yourself to your previous pictures is going to be the best but second rule if you're going to compare yourself to anybody compare yourself to real people at least that you see at the gym you know don't compare yourself to fucking non-non-reality like that's one of the even me fuck like i i'm like when i'm at the gym, like I'm a natural small, like I'm only five, six and clean. And when I go to the swim pool and shit, like I'm the leanest fucking guy in the whole place.
Starting point is 02:14:53 And then I still got people that follow me. He's like, Oh, you don't look very lean. Cole you don't look like this asshole on fucking Instagram or like, but the thing it's like, I'm like, do you know that person on instagram you know they don't even they're comparing a real like that's why all the pictures i get people to take are so raw as well like i don't let women take like those sexy ass angled pictures and shit it's always the basic front side back pictures so they're not flattering so my that's another reason why i think people are attracted to my results because my
Starting point is 02:15:25 results every result the face is in the photo like the person's face is there there's no hiding and the pictures are raw and there's none of this fucking bullshit with these angles and so it's very real you know and so i try to beat those actual problems and with the kids that's where it starts you know it starts with them being on their stupid ipad and shit so obviously one big thing that i tell parents to get their fucking kids off the fucking cell phone like what's your kid the fucking president of the united states where they need their own fucking cell like i never had no phone like what if they what if they need to call me well i didn't need to call anybody when i was a kid you know i fucking you find your way
Starting point is 02:16:05 like like it's not like you're gonna that phone ain't gonna do shit like if they get kidnapped that phone ain't gonna do shit maybe like the kidnapper's gonna throw the phone out the fucking window so they can't track you you know what i mean like it's just this basic fearful bullshit your kid doesn't need a fucking phone you basically, your kid's getting completely brainwashed from ads at a young age. They love to advertise the kids. The number one rule is you're a parent. Your kid shouldn't have a fucking phone. And then your little girl can't get her little fucking ass at 14 years old on fucking Instagram, already getting attention from men and lying about her fucking age. And then like, even when I was a kid, there was the landline. If somebody phoned me, it was not sneaky.
Starting point is 02:16:49 You know, if somebody phoned my sister and it was a guy that wanted to take her on a date, she literally had to phone her fucking house and then come to the house and meet my dad and pick her up. It wasn't like this little interaction that happened, you know, over a little cell phone and then the girl sneaks out and meets the fucking guy, and the parents have no clue what the fuck's going on. Okay, you can't screen out these people anymore. And that's the issue.
Starting point is 02:17:12 Fucking cut the fucking electronics right away, and your kid will have so much more confidence. And then, obviously, if you're a parent that's with your kid, spending lots of time with your kid, quality time, you know, have your kid maybe into jujitsu and stuff, it's just going to make your kid tough. And your kid's not going to develop these kinds of problems because you're a really good role model it's the best advice i give is just being an awesome role model and having your kid around other really good role models and then by that nature the kid won't fucking have like body
Starting point is 02:17:38 dysmorphia and shit guess what the girls that come to me that always have the fucking, for all the girls that come to me that are a vegan or have bulimia or anorexia, almost 100% of the time, they have no fucking dad. I ask them now. Their dad is gone. There's no dad. Anorexia, bulimia, veganism, no fucking dad. And they're weak. They're very weak girls. And they have no fucking confidence.
Starting point is 02:18:08 And that is hard for the course every fucking time. Even some of these girls, to get them back on meat was tough. Because, you know, they're just wimps. You know, they didn't have that father figure there. And that's what it is. There's no fucking dad. I said it on videos before. America needs a fucking dad. And that's what it is there's no dad like i said it on videos before america needs a dad and that's why these kids are so weak and the and the boys are
Starting point is 02:18:31 like these little soy boys you know like you know they because they don't there's they have like their hair like justin bieber and they're like it's a hundred pounds soaking wet or they're 400 pounds one or the other right it's terrible like these kids like obesity epidemic with the children's fucking it's painful to see what you got andrew uh yeah what's that sorry no he was asking me because i haven't been chiming in i'm just back here taking notes and stuff um we've had you know tons of people on the podcast you know like high level nutritionists and whatnot. You're saying some things that we haven't heard before.
Starting point is 02:19:09 And it's all awesome, by the way. But where did all this knowledge come from? Is it just self-experimenting or helping others and then figuring out what works here or there? That's a good question. So me always trying to do something hard is where it starts. So my personality. So like, let's just say example, the dry fasting. So one thing led to another with like just fasting on salt water, then reading about cancer and shit.
Starting point is 02:19:35 And then the dry fasting came along and then just, you know, just having balls. And then I did my first dry fast. Now, what I did before I did my first drive fast that was long, I looked for a couple people that had done one, right? I didn't go look at studies or anything. I just needed to see if they lived through it. And then I did it. And then when I do the experiment afterwards, you get your result.
Starting point is 02:19:58 And then I'll read about my results. So I'm always about experimenting first and then learning the science second after I've seen the result. Because what that does is it makes you not entertain bullshit. For example, I know that dry fasting is extremely healthy from experience. So obviously, if I see a study that says how it's not healthy, I'm not even going to waste my time entertaining that bullshit when I've done a million drive fasts and I've always had a good outcome. And with all the people I've coached, so also people I've coached,
Starting point is 02:20:37 I've learned stuff even from coaching them. Because I've got some pretty tough people. They'll do some pretty hardcore shit, right? So it's always experiment first. So you've got to have a set of balls first and then experiment and then once i get my result then i find the science that matches my result because i i'm not gonna read there's so much bullshit science out there 97 of the shit you read is bullshit just because someone took a tiny little sample and got some dumb result that's
Starting point is 02:21:05 why the fitness industry is so fucked up on what builds muscle now it's ridiculous whatever happened just go fucking train you know you know so yeah but that's how i've learned all this stuff is it's self-experimentation then read about the science as well. And then obviously helping others and seeing what happens with them. I've learned a lot from coaching other people, obviously because I haven't had cancer. I haven't had type one diabetes, but because I started coaching, but that's where I had to have a set of balls to take on a type one diabetic.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Nobody will fast a type one diabetic. That's insane. Fucking people are like, fuck, you're going to die and shit. No one will take that on. But I will because I know they need the help. And also, again, because I don't charge, obviously, there's always a risk, you know, but I'm brave to take that person on just like taking on a 500 or 600 pound obese person in the gym. Most people won't take
Starting point is 02:22:04 that person on. They'll think they might have a heart attack right in front gym. Most people won't take that person on. They'll think they might have a heart attack right in front of them. They won't take them on. I'll take on anybody. Right. You know, I've had people on kidney dialysis, like real bad shape,
Starting point is 02:22:14 like crazy people with you, like you, you got to see the people that are really out there that are hiding. Like most of the baddest people on the planet are in their house. You don't even see them with the worst sicknesses right but yeah that's how i learned i just keep taking action always action action action and i i you know and i always do the opposite of the fucking mainstream so whatever all the sheep are doing i'll do the opposite and see what happens so even like the saunas and like the dry fasting and like
Starting point is 02:22:45 the cold exposure therapy like the thermonial genesis i learned that from like even old mike phelps you know how they talk about how he ate like a crazy amount of calories yeah well there's a reason for it because he's in fucking water all day and it's sucking energy out i'm like crazy so then i'm like geez how could i apply that to weight loss you know and then i started doing crazy ass showers like you know real hardcore shit and ice baths like i would literally sit in a bathtub at about 15 degrees celsius for an hour and i had to wear a mouth guard because my teeth were chattering so hard i was scared i'd fucking chip the shit out of my teeth and like you want to see you'll burn so many calories i did the math on the calories. I actually took the bathtub water and the volume and figure out how many calories like per degree Celsius it would take to increase that much volume.
Starting point is 02:23:33 Right. How much energy it take combined with they say that shivering for 15 minutes, you'll burn about three to 400 calories if you just are shaking for 15 minutes. So I added it all up and like not even joking you an hour in a cold bath when you get shaking like that you'll burn a thousand calories and you know what it feels like it it feels like you just ran six miles which is probably about a thousand calorie run you know it feels like you literally so that's why i know it's like jesus makes sense and the energy goes right into the water and i i logged everything i had the fucking you know i had the thermometer and i i log it all like i i really just take things very methodically it probably
Starting point is 02:24:11 just comes back to growing up like a farm boy and you know just being you know mechanicing on shit and always watching for details with mechanics and you know like all that stuff i just really look at the nitty-gritty about things and I try to learn and keep doing the experiments. And then that's how I learn all this shit. What does your family think of this stuff? Do you have, do you have a wife and kids? No,
Starting point is 02:24:32 I don't, but you got it. But my dad, he was probably fucking fuck. When I first started doing this shit, fuck, he probably was one of the biggest issues. You know,
Starting point is 02:24:44 it's just your dad right and then sure as shit when i got this because i wanted him to fast because he's dealing with some health issues and there's no fucking way because i'm his son you can listen to a fucking word i fucking say but sure as shit once i had like 300 000 people following me and he's like geez there might be some truth to this shit and i I actually got him fasting, which was insane. My sister was fasting quite a bit before him and she lost a bunch of weight and did really well. But yeah, so that's, yeah, like once you, you know, you just, you know how that old saying works, what they, they hate you at the start. And then they start, you start to change their mind. And the next thing you know, they love you kind of thing.
Starting point is 02:25:22 Like that's what it's all about. Right. What about like christmas thanksgiving like you know you're just sitting there with the family enjoying some turkey or you just not no i'll participate but one thing i won't do is i won't like i'll usually prep for that meal because i know that's going to be a good size meal so usually what i'll do is i'll fast an extra day before I go into that meal, right, or something like that. But I'll watch what I eat. Like, I'll eat just the one meal in the day, and I'll –
Starting point is 02:25:50 like, the one two years ago, you know, my auntie had this cheesecake and shit, and I had a couple pieces. I hadn't eaten fucking any sugar for – like, you know, I had the regular healthy starches and shit, but I had a fucking couple – like, fuck, I had heartburn the next day from that fucking sugar. And it's crazy when you start eating that clean, and you're fasting, like like no i had the regular healthy starches and shit but i had a fucking couple like fuck i had heartburn the next day from that fucking sugar and it's crazy when you start eating that clean and you're fasting you can really feel how bad that that bad food hits you right but that's what i do on holiday if there's any holiday like that but that's one thing i do tell people though
Starting point is 02:26:20 is i tell them like i don't give a, it's always somebody's birthday or somebody's fucking wedding. And if you're 500 pounds, I don't need you eating at every Tom, Dick, and Harry's special occasion. You get to eat, you get to eat every time you lose a fucking 100 pounds. That's your fucking special occasion. Your 100 pound meal you get, you know,
Starting point is 02:26:41 at 100 pound weight loss. You know what I mean? Like, people got to get out of that shit and that's that social pressure yeah you know just like when you're saying going out for drinks with your friends and shit you know i used to still go out and just drink a sparkling water but after a while i just didn't want to be around the drugs that's what actually ends up happening i think yes i way back and started this and you know i would go out and i'd have my sparkling water you're sitting around but people started turning to pumpkins about
Starting point is 02:27:08 midnight from all the fucking booze so then you just don't want to be in that atmosphere at all and i at that now now i don't even i'm just not around it at all where can people uh follow along where can people find you okay uh my instagram is snake underscore diet underscore wizard and make sure you type in the whole thing because i'm fucking shadowbound yeah i'm fine so i'm shadowbound on there so if you don't type in the whole thing i won't come up it's because of the fat shaming right fat shaming oh well the whole fucking thing right i don't know maybe it's just yeah so yeah snake underscore diet underscore wizard and then youtube is just snake diet and uh snake diet on facebook you can see a pile of transform weight transformations there as well and you can share those ones
Starting point is 02:27:59 check out the guys at the foot that was pretty crazy and i got some crazy weight loss ones in there and then i'm'm Cole Robinson on Facebook. So if you need any help or any, like basically I coach people for free still over voice memo. I can't take on everybody. So I look for, like, I'm just to say to everybody watching this,
Starting point is 02:28:17 I want fucking 500 pounders now. I want people that are 500 plus pounds or people that are like elite athletes that have a purpose with athletics. But mainly my, my vision or my net goal right now is the fattest motherfuckers I can find. The fattest guy I know is Brian Shaw. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:37 That's the fattest guy I know. Because I kind of was getting away from my purpose a little bit, helping everybody with like health issues and shit. But end of the day, the beauty about helping the morbidly obese is let's say when we're talking about cancer and all these other things that fasting can help when you help the fat people, everybody tries it.
Starting point is 02:29:01 I attack this. I'm one of the only people that attacked fasting originally from for from a weight loss angle and because you attack it from a weight loss angle people go fucking nuts over weight loss and then so what happens i end up killing 10 birds with one stone because they're fat plus they have all these other health issues that just get negated as soon as they start to lose the weight. So the fat people, they have 500 pound plus. I want those fat asses.
Starting point is 02:29:30 I want them. Hey, thank you so much for your time today. I really appreciate it. And, uh, hope to hear from you soon, buddy.
Starting point is 02:29:38 Well, thank you very much guys. We'll talk to you next time. Yeah. Cool stuff, man. Yeah. Oh man. He's funny. cool stuff man that was awesome oh man he's funny just like kind of has a natural like funny like way like he's he's abrasive so sometimes
Starting point is 02:29:54 might be hard for some people to get past that but he's just kind of funny he's awesome and shoot I think Chris Bell and I were talking about this once. Like everybody, so many people within the fitness community are like, eh, there's nothing really that special about fasting.
Starting point is 02:30:12 It's not magic. But like there are a lot of health benefits that come along with just not eating all the time, not eating all day long. And you notice it. You notice a difference in the way you feel, your habits, et cetera. It actually does make a difference there's something to it what what i would say is like i guess you know what are we considering to be like magical you know like are we looking for somebody to like float or disappear or something right but uh making like a large
Starting point is 02:30:39 amount of body weight disappear and changing people's lives i think it is magical and i think you know i i posted on my instagram yesterday i I said, this is in, there's a magical diet. And I just talked about the carnivore diet a little bit, but it's not just a carnivore diet. I didn't want to get into like writing too much stuff, but I basically just kept it simple about eating kind of like beaten eggs, eat steak and eggs and you implement some fasting. You're heading down the right path in my opinion.
Starting point is 02:31:01 and you implement some fasting, you're heading down the right path, in my opinion. And I do think there is some magic to it based on the fact that it goes against a lot of what we already know. There's a lot of weird stuff going on with these diets that are just all a little bit different than what we currently know. He said that he doesn't believe,
Starting point is 02:31:22 and this is a guy who's got a lot of experience, he doesn't believe a calorie is no longer a calorie when it comes to fasting. Well, I believe the same thing when it comes to protein. We already know that it's true with fiber. You know, we're already kind of like, no, that some of this is true. And then a ketone, it's my understanding, and I could, I'm, you know, I don't, I'm not a nutritionist, I don't know all the science and stuff, but a ketone is supposed to be a fractionated fat, and it's supposed to have seven calories per unit rather than nine like fat does. So even just a simple act of your body turning fat into ketones, it may get rid of some calories for you that otherwise would be in the equation.
Starting point is 02:32:01 And I was just doing some simple math the other day, just kind of looking at some of this and just thinking, man, what if so much of this calorie stuff is just like off? Like, okay, I'll be accepting of the fact that there's calories and I'll say this matters, right? Which I don't even think it does matter that much, but I'll play the game. And if we're going to play the game and someone's on a 2,000 calorie diet and they have approximately 200 grams of protein because maybe this person weighs 200 pounds, that wouldn't be uncommon to be on a diet like that. If they have 200 calories coming from protein, nearly, what is it, 800 calories, right? It would be those calories. And that is how people are getting on a carnivorous style diet and getting on a 2,000 calorie diet, which may otherwise be maintenance or slightly above what that particular person may need.
Starting point is 02:32:56 And that's how they're going, man, calories don't matter because I'm in this surplus or I'm on maintenance. And it's like, well, you're probably not really on maintenance and you're probably not actually really in a surplus. It's probably just the fact that you're eating protein and protein doesn't have – we don't really use protein as energy. It's very uncommon for our body to use protein as energy. And as Ron Penna has pointed out to us, if protein was to have any caloric load to it, it would be just one calorie in his opinion.
Starting point is 02:33:24 And he's around some like crazy researchers so i agree with that statement yeah when he said that and this is something i noticed anecdotally in the like when i first started fasting i never talked about it just because it's uh it's very just like it doesn't make sense i ate you know in that restricted window but i ate a lot of calories and i I was just dropping body fat, dropping weight, and I was eating the same amount of food that I was typically eating throughout the day. I was just like, what the hell is going on? Fuck it. Stick with it.
Starting point is 02:33:53 It just kept happening. It's something you can't necessarily really explain because if we're going by what we know about how much for protein, carbs, and fats are, it's kind of counter to that. You can't really explain it well. It's just it's working really well. It's magical. It's magical. Oh, man. Yeah, I think just the food that you select, I think it's, it's very obvious that it, that it does matter. And I never thought that the timing of it would matter so much, but it actually just,
Starting point is 02:34:30 again, it makes a lot of sense if I'm going to keep, you know, kind of you know, like if you have like a fire and you you know, throw something over top, but you take away the oxygen, the fire goes out, you know, you kind of think about like, maybe your body is like that. And maybe when you're kind of cleared of food, maybe the flame is burning pretty good and your body's, you know, like, Hey, like we need some energy because we don't know what you're doing, man. Doesn't look like you're eating to us. And if you continue to eat, maybe you're kind of dampening, or maybe you're kind of, you know, putting out that flame. I don't know exactly how it works, but that's just how I'd imagine it works. And if you were to, if you were to eat throughout the entire day, I would imagine that your body is kind of, it's just kind of always working on that food all the time. And there's gotta be a benefit
Starting point is 02:35:15 to your body having like a little bit of a break from it, your body having some rest from it. And so maybe your body having 10 hours away from it, 12 hours away from it, 16, 18 hours, maybe it's a good idea. You know, there's a, the book I was, I think he, he probably may have read it too. It's called the circadian code. He was talking about like a lot about circadian rhythms, rhythms, and a Sachin Panda. He's the author of that book. He's talking a lot about that. Like, like when you're eating and your body's taking time to digest all this food, it's continuous. You're working on that. Well, that's why he also in that book, he also is in favor of,
Starting point is 02:35:47 um, eating and working out more. So in the morning and having those meals rather than having them late at night so that your body's not working on digesting food as you're sleeping, it'd be great to have him on here, but, um, it all falls in line with that.
Starting point is 02:35:59 And, uh, yeah, it's just, it's really damn cool. I wonder what the research would show if you were just to try to figure out when people eat most of their food. I would imagine it would be at night. Just like a survey type deal?
Starting point is 02:36:12 Yeah, just in general. Let's say the average American has 2,500 calories a day or 2,000 calories a day, whatever that number is. What larger – where does the percentage of is, what, what larger, where's the percentage of that come from? The largest percentage, is it at lunch? Is it at dinner? I would think it's more towards the evening, just, just a total guess. Yeah. And I, I would guess the same and it's like, man, that is really a tough lifestyle change. But what if you tried to fast? That's my phone. What if you tried to, i'm on dad call so i'll check out to check in a second but uh you know what if um you know what if you could cut out some of those calories later at
Starting point is 02:36:52 night because you have bad habits like once you eat dinner then you want to eat again or you find yourself you know just doing a lot of stuff that maybe is unnecessary so if you could cut back or cut down on some of that food when you get home and you just want to clear out the whole house. You know, I don't know how you do it sometimes. You know, if you have a family, it could be more difficult, but maybe there's days where
Starting point is 02:37:14 the whole family's not together and maybe you just try to take advantage of that and say, my last meal is going to be at work. And, you know, everyone's not together all the time anyway in most households. So maybe you can find a way to change it up. Or just try to build better habits for the whole family. Right.
Starting point is 02:37:31 He said a lot of great stuff. I hope people didn't miss the fact that he sounds like he's actually a very kind person. He is. I mean, he said a lot of stuff where we're all kind of like this a little bit because today's day and age, people are sensitive and he's throwing around a lot of slang and he's throwing around a lot of just really abrasive stuff, but he's not, I don't think he's trying to hurt anybody. Yeah. I think he's trying to get attention so he can actually help more people, which I think is pretty cool. Yeah. Don't purely pay attention to his words, pay attention to the
Starting point is 02:37:59 message he's putting forward. And then I feel like people probably really just need to go to his page and maybe just read a lot, what a lot of some of the overweight people that he's putting forward. And then I feel like people probably really just need to go to his page and maybe just read what a lot of some of the overweight people that he's helped say about him because he's helped a ridiculous amount of severely overweight individuals. And if they're continuously just like, if they're doing much better, they're keeping the weight off, they're not gaining the weight back. That's one thing. Mostly people gain it back.
Starting point is 02:38:22 But just to hear what they have to say about it, then you might get a you might think differently. What's up, Andrew? I was curious about your phone. I was like, uh-oh. It's not one of the kids, so I'm good.
Starting point is 02:38:39 It's Hayden and Bo. You like that, huh? Yeah, we were texting each other and he meant to write like Hayden and Steph or Hayden and Cohen or You like that, huh? Yeah, we were texting each other, and he meant to write, like, Hayden and Steph or Hayden and Cohen or whatever. And then he wrote Hayden and Bo. When are Hayden and Bo coming? Yeah. And then so we all, of course, made fun of him for the next hour.
Starting point is 02:38:56 Yeah. As you should. Yeah. Any training going on today, Andrew? I didn't make it in this morning. I don't know, man. I'm a little bit unbalanced right now. i don't know man i'm a little bit on balance right now i don't know what i'm off kilter that's okay it's okay to be off kilter yeah so i'm
Starting point is 02:39:11 coming in tomorrow morning if you want to do that i absolutely will i would love to yeah so i've been considering going all carnivore uh i definitely want to start intermittent fasting again but like something's off right now i don't know what's going on yeah like i look at food a little differently right now like the carbs are calling me more than they normally would be yeah yeah it could be because like you know after the whole sarma again thing my insulin spike was like through the roof so i think maybe that's still fucking with me but um yeah training yesterday was cool did a shit ton of deadlifts like you told me to felt way better after that like instantly felt better yeah and then today I just didn't
Starting point is 02:39:50 I just woke up and I'm like it's not in me today so tomorrow I'll pick it back up hopefully maybe this afternoon we'll see I know we got a lot of stuff going on today but should be fun yeah fasting fasting's awesome I would just maybe for you I'd just use fasting on you know you don't need to do it every day, I don't think.
Starting point is 02:40:08 But if you can get it a couple times a week, I think it'd be beneficial. I'll help you out with a couple things that I think would work pretty good. What about you? You got some jiu-jitsu? What you got today? You got anything? Yeah, tonight, jiu-jitsu. I'm going to try and train this afternoon in terms of lifting.
Starting point is 02:40:22 Sweet. All right, that's all the time we got. Strength is never a weakness. Oh, almost forgot. We got these Ed Cohn shirts coming out over here. These are nice. Here, hold this one up and see them. Gotcha.
Starting point is 02:40:33 What does that say on there? I think it says spread or, oh, no, open up your taint. Yeah, spread would be derogatory. That's disgusting. Spread would be derogatory. I'm going to tell you about Manscaped later anyway. And then just a classic cone shirt just of his mug from back in the day. There you go.
Starting point is 02:40:53 You got two different style shirts. They're available right now. Right, Andrew? Yeah. Yeah. So I can try to get this episode out today. So they're available right now, And, yeah, I mean, I don't know exactly how many we have so if you do want to get a limited edition yeah if you want to get
Starting point is 02:41:12 get your uh your shirts you got to hurry up because these things will sell out quick then also we have flat uh international uh flat rate international shipping 15 bucks and uh international shipping 15 bucks and uh for u.s and canada it's five bucks and any orders over 100 for domestic shipping uh your shipping is free that's at markbell check you guys later thank you so much strength is never weak this week there's never strength

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