Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Power Project EP. 243 LIVE - Lifting Only Helps and NEVER Hurts

Episode Date: September 5, 2019

In today's episode, Mark Bell wants everyone to Lift Through It. He explains how no matter how deep of a hole you are in, no matter how bad of a rut you are in, lifting will only help and it will NOT ...hurt your situation. Nsima Inyang recalls how lifting got him out of depression and Andrew Zaragoza asks what can people do to get out of their dark place. Subscribe to the Podcast on all platforms: ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we are live. Oh my God, it feels good to be live. You know, I was scrolling through the IG the other day, and I saw this guy doing some glute ham raises, and I saw these hamstrings, these ham hocks, like I've never seen before. These lean, long loins I saw. And it reminded me of my boys over at Piedmontese
Starting point is 00:00:23 with their Piedmontese beef with how lean your hamstrings are getting. Yeah. Well, they're, they're pretty lean. And those, those cows are actually pretty fucking lean too. It's kind of crazy. Those guys are jacked. Yep. They really do. Have you heard of a, what's it called? There's a deficiency in certain types of cows. I forgot. It starts with an M. Myostatin. Myostatin deficiency. All the myostatin gene. These cows look like they have that. They're so jacked. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:00:49 And they taste great. They really do. They're super muscular and stuff, but they're not stiff in terms of, you can cut through that shit. It's tender. Yeah. We had the- Steaks are lean, but they're still tender.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Yes, sir. Yeah. And we cooked up the stir fry for dinner the other day. How was that? I haven't tried that one yet. We got down, dude. It was so good. She cooked it with like some kind of sesame seed oil or something.
Starting point is 00:01:13 So I don't know how healthy that is. But the beef was amazing. That shit was incredible, yeah. I've had their ground beef. I like that a lot. They had like I think a 96% or 94% lean ground beef. That one was really good. Um, and you know, as lean ground beef goes, sometimes those leaner ones just are kind of dry. I didn't find that to be true with the Piedmontese beef. And then also I had, um, a, uh, a sirloin
Starting point is 00:01:39 from them, a flat iron steak. So far the flat iron steak is in the lead, which I didn't think it would be. I thought the ribeye would be in the lead, but the flat iron steak so far the flat iron steak is in the lead which i didn't think it would be i thought the ribeye would be in the lead but yeah the flat iron steak i'm really uh digging that one right now ribeyes are really good i had a center cut ribeye which is even like leaner kind of depending on your diet if you wanted a more uh if you wanted something that was lean like chicken breast then you might get like a center cut uh ribeye from certified piedmontese they got some awesome meat i think everybody should go check it out where can they find out more about it andrew uh yeah so we got an awesome deal from our homies at piedmontese uh that's
Starting point is 00:02:18 uh head over there and enter promo code power project at checkout and that's going to get you a crazy 25 off your order and any orders over at that's going to get you a crazy 25% off your order. And any orders over $99 or more will get you free two-day shipping. Awesome. You know what I'm excited about? I'm excited that you're doing some fasting right now because I'd love to bring you into my world a little bit, drag you out into some deep water and have you do some ketosis. Have you ever messed around with a keto diet? The keto diet? Not necessarily.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Have you ever messed around with a keto diet? The keto diet? Not necessarily. I've gone lower, lower carb, but not, not ketosis or not, not the keto diet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:51 It would be interesting to have you, have you give it a try. Our boys over at perfect keto, they got a lot of, they got a lot of great tools because sometimes doing a ketogenic style diet can be difficult. You know, it's hard to, our boys over at perfect keto.
Starting point is 00:03:04 I got an echo going on here. I'm talking to myself. They have a lot of great products, so sometimes following through with that diet can be difficult. You're not eating any carbs for days on end. Yeah. And you're trying to also keep a high level of fat. It's kind of important that you're keeping...
Starting point is 00:03:19 Not kind of important. It is very important to keep the levels of fat at least equal to the grams of protein so if you were doing 200 grams of protein a day you'd be at 200 grams of fat which sounds like a lot for people but that's just kind of how the ketogenic diet works if you want to produce those ketones that's what you need to do and our boys over at perfect keto they have um they got they got bars those bars are crack the bars are so good i mean you're not you're not usually able to have snacks on a keto diet unless you kind of like make your own what a
Starting point is 00:03:49 pain in the ass that would be yeah and uh i really was really digging the cookie dough bar i think you said you tried one of them too right cinnamon bun yeah that one is so good they got salted caramel they got all kinds of different they're coming at us with a lot of stuff. They have a coffee that I haven't tried yet that I'm excited about. They've got their exogenous ketone base. That one's really good. The one I use is the coffee one. I put that in my coffee. That works out pretty good.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Taste on those things can be pretty pungent. You heard it here first. Don't be surprised. Find a flavor that you like. There's a lot of controversy about those kind of ketones. pretty pungent. So you heard it here first, you know, don't be surprised that, you know, but find, find a flavor that you like. And, you know, there's a lot of controversy about those kinds of ketones because people are like, I don't know, you know, Oh my God, my weights are rolling. They're like, I don't know, you know what that means. Like just you drink it and then you're in ketosis. And so people think that that's kind of a bullshit selling point is that it automatically puts you into ketosis.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And I think a lot of people use that for advertising, but that's not really the point of them. The point of them is to supply you with another energy source. So a ketone can be a fourth macronutrient. We know we have got carbs. We got protein. We got fat. A ketone can be looked at as a fourth macronutrient. And for people that are on a low carb ketogenic style diet, they're not going to utilize
Starting point is 00:05:11 carbohydrates as a weapon the way most people would, the way most people would use it pre workout, post workout. Now you can just use ketones if you don't want to have that, if you don't want to have the carbohydrates because you're trying to follow through on this diet. And the whole reason to get into ketosis is that once your body kind of switches over into producing ketones, you'll just feel better. You won't feel better than you might feel like all the time, but you'll feel better than if you were to eat no carbs at all and not eat enough fat and not start to produce the ketones. The ketones are a nice energy filler. They'll make you feel better.
Starting point is 00:05:47 They'll also, they do a great job of curbing your appetite as well. So there's a lot of benefits to them. There's even a lot of research starting to point that they might be anti-cancer and stuff like that. So the evidence is just piling up and the Perfect Keto has a lot of great products for us to stay on a ketogenic diet. Yep. There you go.
Starting point is 00:06:08 So if you guys want to get into and stay in ketosis, head over to slash powerproject. Use code powerproject at checkout and you'll get 15% off all Keto Perfect products. I think Andrew needs an ankle lock. No. Give him a heel hook actually oh you're trying to end my career before it starts yeah we're good we're we're we're live now we're rolling yeah you know what i need to i need to do i mean just do this on camera just because it will just be so embarrassing you need to have uh and sema put me in some of these holds
Starting point is 00:06:40 i know how painful some of them are but like those heel hooks and stuff and the stuff that does like oh man like i know sometimes you like will dig like a your like wrist bone into like someone's achilles when you're pulling on it's just like brutal it is brutal i deserve it though you know right do? I think so. I deserve to get my ass kicked once in a while. I think you should have Josh do that. So I don't have to get fired. It's good for you.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Okay. Josh gets fired a lot. He actually, he actually gets fired and kicked off the team more than you. Really? It's his last name. Settlage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I call him settle gate and I just like yell it. I don't know why. It's a good like if you're a coach and you're mad at someone, it's the perfect name to yell. Settlegate. Settlegate. It's like not only are you yelling it and like being mad at him all the time, but you got to say his name wrong every time too.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yeah. Normally like one syllable names are really good to yell. So the fact that it's like three, I't know 13 somewhere in there so who was it that spread that because i said that one day and it messed up was it i said it to you and then you told everybody in the office no i i knew you said it wrong but i didn't say anything about it so i guess because i didn't say anything i mean technically i'm responsible for that one but you're the one that started it i see and it just kept growing dude what's going on with your fridge ah so the compressor is you know andy's not around right now you could easily move in maybe i should you probably just probably have so many rooms in the house that she wouldn't know
Starting point is 00:08:23 i'm there when she comes back i would barely. But what I was picturing wasn't that. I was picturing me, Daisy, and then Seema. Yeah. Daisy would be the divider, right? Yeah. That wouldn't be that weird. No, it wouldn't be weird at all. Nah, it'd be perfect.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah. I like to be nude in the house, though. Oh. That's my thing. Well, that amplifies things, I think. Perfect. Dogs are cock blocks, though. Wait, just nude in the house or in the bedroom?
Starting point is 00:08:45 Just in general. Just in general? Wake up, I think. Perfect. Dogs are cock blocks, though. Wait, just nude in the house or in the bedroom? Just in general. In the house, just like wake up, walk around. I used to be very naked, but my kids are everywhere all the time, so I can't be. Oh, yeah. Forgot about kids. Trying to do the juve light. It's really hard because I want to be naked, but it's like, oop, I guess I can't do it. Oop, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Oh, God. Yeah, the nakedness in our house is weird. My kids are older, so it's, you know, it's like, and they always use our shower. They have their own, they got their own spot to do a shower, but. Wait, they use yours? Yeah, they always use ours. Because our shower is just awesome. It's like there's no door.
Starting point is 00:09:19 You just kind of like walk into it, and it has two overhead shower things. So it's just, it's a great way to take a shower. But yeah, they're always like popping in out of our room. We see them naked. They see us naked probably way too much, but it's just the way the house is. House party. It happens as a kid at a certain point. What are you doing with no fridge, man?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah. Compressor's broken. So I just found out about that. So getting the part on September 14th and then it'll be able to be fixed. But until then, let's take all my, all my meat, all my Piedmontese meat,
Starting point is 00:09:52 all of this stuff that has to be frozen. I had to put it in my aunt's freezer. Um, I do have some like food in the fridge that's not working right now. And I just bought some ice packs to keep it cold. But like everything, like all my eggs, all that stuff just went bad
Starting point is 00:10:06 so you know in other countries they don't even put eggs in the fridge really you have heard that before maybe my eggs weren't that bad then maybe i didn't need to do that damn i don't know why i don't know why well maybe they just don't have fridges yeah maybe maybe they got a busted fridge like you do right yeah do you uh some of your family members they live close by yeah yeah yeah so that's cool yeah so my aunt's like right down and i could just like took everything there for her so she's she's she's keeping all the meat but hopefully because i have some people that live there uh hopefully they don't eat it because i told her she's like what is this i'm like oh it's it's she's like oh it's nice it's fancy meat huh like it's mine
Starting point is 00:10:44 yeah i go back i'm telling you she probably ate, oh, it's, it's, she's like, oh, it's nice. It's fancy meat, huh? I'm like, yeah. You're like, it's mine. Yeah, I go back. I'm telling you, she probably ate like three, but that's okay. That's family. That's family. That's my stuff for work. Yeah. How are you liking fasting so far?
Starting point is 00:10:53 I mean, I know you've done a lot of regular intermittent fasting and now you're doing, how long are you trying to fast right now? So right now I started this one on Monday at 5 p.m. That means that it's a little bit over 36 now and this was partially just because cooking became a little bit of a hassle with the food i had access to yes on monday so i was like f it let's just do uh prolonged fast because we were talking to cole robinson about it right and he's a fan of those 72s um and he does a lot of stuff like biking and all that stuff so it's like you know you know what, I've always been, I've always been saying, I'm going to try to prolong fast, I guess with the
Starting point is 00:11:28 fridge being broken, this is the best time. So yeah. Um, I've been taking some nun tablets at a cup of coffee on Tuesday and the caffeine stuff. Also I started, I cut it off coffee for a few days. It wasn't horrible. Um, but I i had just a cup yesterday so it wasn't that much not what i usually have and i'm still feeling pretty great i think it's the main thing like when i was talking about you know getting away from coffee um i still right now i'm drinking way less than i was so i i took a month away from it i i don't really know some people think it's good idea like clear stuff out or like i just think it's uh it's a good idea to like clear stuff out or like, I just think it's, uh, it's a good idea to like, just explore stuff, just try stuff, you know, like, uh, oh, I heard
Starting point is 00:12:11 about fasting. So I'm just going to like, I'm just going to give it a shot. I didn't, I'm not going to, I'm probably won't ever know about like health benefits of like not drinking coffee as opposed to drinking coffee. There's tons of research that says one way or the other, but anybody listening to this is like, F that, I will never stop drinking coffee. Just try to figure out some ways of maybe, just maybe grasp the idea that you drink a lot of coffee. Just understand that, admit that, and then say, you know what,
Starting point is 00:12:37 it'd be nice to take a little step back from it because maybe it is negatively impacting your sleep or negatively impacting something somewhere. Oh yeah, for sure. I'll get back to the fasting part actually, Maybe it is negatively impacting your sleep or negatively impacting something somewhere. Oh, yeah, for sure. I'll get back to the fasting part, actually. But for your note about coffee and caffeine, I noticed that I was like I was drinking coffee every day and it wasn't like I was drinking like three cups or anything. I was maybe having a cup or two. But, you know, I feel like there were some days where I was just using a little bit of a crutch.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And I didn't like the idea that like coffee would make me feel so much better. So I stopped for that few days because I was like, okay, how am I actually going to feel, you know, doing everything I'm doing without coffee. And after day two, it's pretty normal. Day one was kind of, day two was, and day three, pretty good. I was talking to Tom about this. He was like, you know, like now I'm probably just going to use it more as a tool. Like when I kind of feel like I want a little bit, I'll have a little bit, but I'm not going to have as much as I used to. And I like that. I like the way I'm using coffee now. Hopefully I stick to this.
Starting point is 00:13:38 But back to the prolonged fast. So I've been taking some nun tablets here and there for like, you know, potassium and sodium. I worked out yesterday here. Then I went to jujitsu and I felt pretty dang good. I'm about to go to jujitsu after this also. So I'm feeling I have really good energy. I'm not feeling tired at all on the mats. I'm really surprised because like, you know, I've already been doing fasting and working out already. But I would assume that I'd feel more tired right now and I don't.
Starting point is 00:14:02 So that's kind of weird. I think it's partially a mental thing. Yeah, I think it's just, you know, it's good to try stuff out and fasting. I know we talk about it. It seems like we talk about fasting and sleep. And I realized that these are things that are getting thrown around a lot, a lot on many podcasts, but we're just trying to share experiences with you guys. And we're trying to share the stuff that we're trying. What I really like about what you said, and I've heard you say this a bunch of times, which I think is really cool, is we'll have someone on the show and then it's like two or three days later. And there's in SEMA two or three days into like what the person recommended or suggested or you're ordering the book or your, you know, whatever book they suggested or whatever person to follow.
Starting point is 00:14:49 You're very like intuitive with that. And I think that's awesome. I think that's a really, and I think all of us should be curious. We should be curious about what does that mean? What is that? You know, what, what would that be like if I did that? What would it be like if I tried a hundred pushups every morning? Um, what would it be like? Like I, I did the a hundred pushup thing for a handful of days and i just you know i didn't stick to it you know it's it's but it's good to just try it i like the idea i like the concept and i i keep kind of thinking to myself i should get back to messing with that because what what a cool practice is like let's just hypothetically say um and this is supposed to be effective strategy, by the way, if you can attach your habits to certain cues during the day, or if you can have something to cue your habit,
Starting point is 00:15:32 that's a really good way to go about doing it. So something I recommend to people is like, every time you have a cup of coffee or an energy drink or anything like that, you should probably have an equal amount of water. Just because I see a lot of people, this is for just general pop, you know, like I see a lot of people, this is for just general pop, you know, like I see a lot of people not drinking enough water. So it's like that could be a good solution. But what if every time you use the bathroom, you did 10 pushups?
Starting point is 00:15:53 You know, like you probably use the bathroom, I don't know, five, you know, at least five times a day, maybe even six. If you did 10 pushups every time, it's 60 pushups every day. And it's just a little bit of exercise. Not that you're an exercise nut or you're crazy or anything but you're just trying to instill some some good habits every day yeah and like i like it too like we got that from nick bear because nick bear loves
Starting point is 00:16:14 doing you know 100 push-ups every single day city's been doing that since he was like a teenager yeah for over a decade over a decade and i actually really like that because like for me what when actually the ac joint thing i have going on right now, pushups are a really good thing for me to continue to do to help it recover. So it's just going to like, you know, push that. It's going to help that out. And I'm doing 50 pull-ups too, which for me, I really like pull-ups as it is. And if I can improve those over time by just increasing frequency, it's going to be awesome. And like, you know, if you can't get to the gym on a certain day or something, it's always good to have something like this. Like you have the walks that we do, which we should already be doing, but adding in a little bit of that resistance training with pushups or pull-ups each day, no matter what you go to the gym or not, I think it's a really good habit to pick up. Right. And for me right now, it's like, now's the time to like try stuff. Now's the time to, I'm not competing for anything in particular i don't have like a photo shoot planned or a bodybuilding show or a power lifting meet um in terms of my
Starting point is 00:17:12 actual like lifts um bench feels good um i i would like for my my back has been a little it hasn't been like hurt but it's been a little weird over the last couple maybe like the last two months or so so i've been trying to lift a little lighter and do exercises that aren't gonna have a negative impact on my the way that my back has been feeling and then also like when it comes to like dead lifting i'm like all right well let's just kind of stick to more like reps lighter weight make sure the form is locked in um i did I did pull like five plates, uh, for a bunch of reps a few weeks back. And it just, that one day, it just, everything felt really good, but I haven't had a day that really felt that way. So I'm doing other stuff though. I'm doing like walking lunges. I'm doing, um, you know, overhead presses and I'm doing, uh, uh, just all kinds of different kettlebell
Starting point is 00:18:02 swings. Like I'm just really mixing it up, even mixing in some CrossFit stuff, um, you know, during or, or to finish a workout. Yeah. Like what exactly on your back is hurting by the way? You know, I don't know if it kind of feels like if I was trying to describe it, it kind of feels like a, um, almost like a hyper extension, you know, almost like, you know, like if I lean back is where it's like tense okay um but nothing really hurts it like it's when i'm actually lifting it feels okay um but if i try to if i try to lift you know real heavy it's just heavy for me uh i start to feel um i just i feel like my back is like iffy yeah if i could describe it that way okay just feels a little iffy so when
Starting point is 00:18:44 i go around for the day and i'm doing stuff with my kids and doing other stuff i'm like man what did i you know kind of what did i do to myself so i'm that's why i've been lifting lighter and then also um i uh i asked uh jeff here i'm sorry jeff i don't know your last name off the top of my head uh jeff who started working here at slingshot he's super mobile i don't know if you've ever seen some of the shit that that kid can do yeah i know he was yeah so he can he can do a squat jeff can do a squat with like one plate and sit all the way onto the ground and he could like sit there and getting like almost like a um with his like a v v up type thing so his feet are out real wide and then he could bring his feet back in and like
Starting point is 00:19:25 crisscross them and then stand back up with the i mean it's just the amount of stuff this guy can do with with uh his mobility is pretty crazy and jeff is somebody that started out at a young age doing some martial arts and stuff and so i've seen him i'm like you know what man i just i'm just gonna i probably won't do it every day but i I'm just going to, I'm just going to tell you right now, every weekend I see in here, every Saturday and Sunday, every weekend, just put my ass through a stretching routine because I, I, I don't have the discipline to do it at the moment. So, uh, you know, he's been doing that with him, with me. And, um, this, uh, Saturday was kind of the first, the first go of it. And when I got done with it, so I just said, give me like five things.
Starting point is 00:20:05 I don't want like to be here for four hours stretching, you know? So he gives me these five things. And sure enough, there I am, you know, doing a sixth thing and a seventh thing and an eighth thing, all things that he didn't even recommend. It was just, I got into the mode of doing something. I got momentum towards something
Starting point is 00:20:22 and it was giving me positive feedback. I was getting that positive feedback loop. And I was like, yeah, this feels good. Do more of it. So I kept doing it. Yeah. And you felt good right after you did that? Yeah. Felt really good. Yeah. Yeah. No, like stretching gets a bad rap and I know why it gets a bad rap, especially within strength sports. You know, you want to be say just a little bit stiffer, you know, at the bottom of a squat, you don't want to be too mobile. But, um, yeah, like even for myself right now, I still stretch a lot because of jujitsu. And also like, I just feel much better nowadays, but like my lifting right now, I've been on this whole control the load kick and I've, I've, I've been doing that for a while, but it's not like every
Starting point is 00:21:03 single movement I do. I'm controlling every portion the load andrew i just realized what i said um where's this podcast going it always ends up with that same trick lifting that's what i should call it actually i should trademark tantric lifting so does that word mean does it mean like to hold back or what does that yeah i don't know what that means wait so have you guys i've heard the word before i don't know what it means well all right like so tantric or like people talk about tantric sex um and you got my attention tantric is when two individuals are going at it and they you know try to control everything so you can make it last a long time so if i were to call it tantric lifting i'm just slowing down and controlling the movement in the whole range i should trademark that tantric lifting that's actually really dope but people are listening right now they're probably going on legal zoom right now to do it and it's gone
Starting point is 00:22:05 i know we're i know we're having fun with this but like that's actually a really it's a it's a brilliant name especially if the actual definition lines up with that because uh that's what uh mikhail kokilev explained in a seminar he said that um he actually explained a lot of stuff in really simple terms that were really funny. But in terms of sex, he said, you know, your strength training is you should never allow yourself to come. You remember Arnold would say, I'm coming in the gym and I'm coming here, I'm coming there. He's like coming all over the place. Mikhail Kokylev said that your lifting should just be like a big tease.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Mikhail Kokylev said that your lifting should just be like a big tease. And at the most, it's like it gets you close a couple times in your training, but you never go all the way. Yo, oh, God. I thought that was great. So, like, an example, he pulled over 900 pounds. He had the biggest deadlift in Russia, like in the history of that or whatever. And he's an amazing lifter. He's a multiple time world champion. And he's just a, he's one of the strongest guys ever walked the face of the earth. I don't know why more people don't know about him. He is retired, but an amazing Olympic lifter, an amazing power lifter, a professional strong man i mean no one really has this uh
Starting point is 00:23:27 wide array of things that they're good at like uh like mikhail kokulev does but he was just able to end up on on game day on the platform hitting these huge weights and in training i know he did i know he did at least like a 900 pound deadlift. Right. So I remember in the seminar, he was saying that it was really rare for him to go over even 800 pounds. That's a, that's a hundred pounds, you know, that's a hundred pounds less. Right. He did go over 800 a few times. He mentioned he did like 800 for a triple and he did like 830 for a few, but I think 830 was the heaviest that he did and it was for like one week all the other training was like sets of four and sets of six and and even uh when he didn't get that much out of an actual uh regular straight up deadlift he may have been he liked to deadlift with like
Starting point is 00:24:17 a box behind him he did box deadlifts to build up the hamstrings and he also did uh like stiff leg deadlifts and stuff like that. So he was getting a ton of work and a ton of training in. And it was like, he would go kind of hard for like two weeks and he'd back off. He'd go hard for two. He just learned, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:33 how his body really responded. But, you know, back to that tantric lifting, that was a big thing that he said was the key is he always felt like going heavier. Every single session, he felt like lifting more weight, but he knew that he needed to follow was the key is he always felt like going heavier every single session he felt like lifting more weight but he knew that he needed to follow the plan yeah no that's that's perfect shoot oh good another another thing that he said which was great and he took a uh a ring
Starting point is 00:24:58 uh the the uh gymnastics rings and he took one of them and he said, uh, he said, strength training is like pretty woman. And he pulled, he pulled the ring next to him. He's like, pay attention to pretty woman. Try to pull pretty woman towards you. Try to get pretty woman. And what does she do? And he opened up his hand and the ring went away from him. And he's like, now what happened if we push pretty woman away? And then he pushes it, you know, and it swings right back to him. He's like, that's strength training. That's how it works. I was like, this guy's a genius. Wow. I need to find that this, I don't, I don't know about him or I didn't know about him before you just mentioned him right now, but I like this guy a lot. I feel sad that I don't know about him, but yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:25:44 what I've found is that like, especially, yeah, no, what I've found is that like, especially for jujitsu, as I've been doing all the stretching stuff by controlling like a lot of the loads and like squats or deadlifts. Um, oh yeah. And this is, this is Jeff doing that crazy flexibility stuff. But if I slow down the movements and just do them slowly through the range, then I can continue to stay strong in that range rather than being as explosive as I was. And then if I want to be explosive, I can. So I'll do like yesterday I did some pause deadlifts, but I paused at the bottom at the knee that I paused going on the way down. You're trying to kill yourself.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Just doing new stuff just to, you know, control load. Just doing new stuff just to control load. And then on the leg press, I make sure to go full range with heavy load all the way down, getting that full range and back up. Because for jujitsu, you're going to be put in a lot of compromised positions. So you want to be able to produce force when your leg and your knees all the way up by your hip or your arm. Which, yeah, that's a good point. It's really hard to produce any force when you're in a really crappy position. Yeah. Like when someone, like let's say you're mounted and someone's here, if a person's been doing dumbbell presses with partial reps, they can't produce much force from
Starting point is 00:26:53 down here. And in jujitsu, you want to be able to push someone off your body when they're really close. So I'm doing a lot of stuff that emulates that, but slowly, and that's been helping a lot. So I don't feel like the flexibility i have now has hampered my strength because of the nature of my training you know i what you're saying about the kind of stretching and coming from these funky positions um kind of reminds me of like you know jet what jeff was saying uh this week when we were doing some stretches is he was like, just, just pull yourself, pull yourself into the position that you can pull yourself into. And so that's some of the stuff that we were working on. It was like, um, it wasn't like you grabbed a band and then yanked on your foot. Although he's
Starting point is 00:27:37 not opposed to that. Um, you know, like, let's just say you're laying on your back. Okay. And you take a band and you wrap it around your heel and you pull it back towards your face. You're doing like a hamstring stretch, right? He was more like just activate the hip, you know, flex your hip flexor and drive your foot towards your head with whatever range you can get. And I was just like so poor at that. Like it's interesting though because my hamstrings,
Starting point is 00:28:03 for how tight a lot of other stuff is on me aren't that bad. You know, they, they're, they are, they're okay. Like they could definitely be a lot better, but, um, they're not that bad, you know, but the activation of me putting myself into that position isn't great. And then if we go and look at the squats, the same thing, like I need to have like weight on me to really like squat or i need to be like warmed up i don't it's it's hard for me difficult for me to just hop into the gym and just bust out a squat now i can i can come into the gym i don't have any pain whatsoever
Starting point is 00:28:36 i was mentioned in the back being a little iffy but everything feels really really good i i feel good all the time i don't i don't really need to like do a lot of warmup. I can come in and I can just squat the bar and go one 35 and go upward. Wait, what do you think changed that though? Because you didn't used to be like that pain free and you didn't used to do that, right? Yeah. It just took a long, it just took a long time. So even when I was in the middle of my powerlifting career, I just forced that stuff to happen because I just – that was the mindset. So I'd come in sometimes and I would bill it, biscuit bill. He'll sometimes just walk in off the street in jeans and bench three or four plates. I did a lot of that kind of stuff because I knew the mindset needed to always be there. And so I would kind of force it.
Starting point is 00:29:25 But back then I was just like fighting through pain. I was just like biting my tongue and fighting through it. And now I don't really have pain. So I can get into a position, but usually it's because there's like a weight on my back or something. And right now I'm just trying to incorporate like weighted stretching.
Starting point is 00:29:42 You know, like why not? Like if I'm, let's say I'm scheduled to do some deadlifts for the day why not just turn the deadlifts into a stiff leg deadlift now i'm controlling the load controlling the amount of weight i'm using not going to use as much weight plus the intent is different uh okay what's the intent mark is the intent is for me to stretch for the day and to get some reps in with some weight. It'd be nice to handle some weight. So my hands and my forearms and my back and everything gets worked, whole body gets worked. But the main goal is to kind of get the hammies warm,
Starting point is 00:30:16 get a good stretch in the lower back. And we're not really trying to, I want to feel better. I want to feel better from this work that I'm going to put in. And so therefore I'm not, if I push it too hard, I might feel good about it at the moment, but I'll be in pain later. Okay. Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. It's always funny watching Mark trying to get down into a squat when there's no weight.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Oh yeah. And he's like, ah, we got to load at least two plates to get me down here. I'm a little stiff today. And meanwhile, I'm like, oh, well well that that 135 will probably crush me right now right so it's but you know yeah and let me explain why that's bad because so you need so well i'll explain why it's good and why it's bad so one reason why it can be good is because you can be really tight and you could potentially be kind of springy right and that's what a lot of lifters will say like i want to keep that tightness and i agree you want to keep some of that tightness but you you want to be you want to make sure that you have all your bases covered because at some point something is going to blow out probably because
Starting point is 00:31:16 you're pushing your body into a position that it doesn't want to get into yeah that's why your body won't get in that position in the first place so So if I try to get into a position with no weight, even after I've warmed up and my body's not moving correctly, having weights shove me down, now I'm going to be pushing myself in a position where I'm weak, I'm unfamiliar with, and now I have a heavier weight. And what you were saying earlier, you're trying to teach yourself to push out of these positions where you don't have, you know, the same mechanical advantage that you might have somewhere else. It's really smart though, because you're controlling the overall amount of weight that you're using. And that's brilliant. That's smart. Yeah. No, like with a lot of movements though, like it's good because now like I'm progressing
Starting point is 00:32:05 in these subpar positions, um, over time. So I'm still able to start moving more and more weight from really bad positions over time. And I've really noticed that benefit on the mats when, when someone my size or whatever is trying to smash me and they like, my leg is all the way up here. I can now push out of those positions and it feels comfortable doing that. Like my leg is all the way up here. I can now push out of those positions and it feels comfortable doing that.
Starting point is 00:32:32 And then just like the injury part of things, not that stretching doesn't, not that stretching leads to not getting injured as much. But I'm not getting tweaked nearly as much as I was at the very beginning when I started jujitsu because I was so, so tight. Like I was kind of flexible, but I wasn't as mobile as I am now. And it makes such a, makes such a huge difference. And Seema, have you considered, because I'm just thinking about someone like Jason Kalipa, who's obviously crazy about CrossFit, in amazing shape. He's doing really well at Jiu-Jitsu. Have you considered maybe changing the lifting side of things to like something like CrossFit instead of just power lifting? So this is, um, I think, I think this is where like, I, uh, I kind of differ from
Starting point is 00:33:10 some people. So the way my lifting looks right now is there's a lot of movement within like what I'm doing. Like, so yesterday as an example, I was doing the sumo deadlift, but I was super setting it with penalty rows. And then after I finished that, I supersetted leg press with GHRs. And sometimes I'll do three movements at once. So generally, I just go from one movement to the next movement, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. But I still try to give myself like a few seconds to get my breath so I can still do well in the next movement. You want something that's repeatable. So if you did it with no rest and after a while, like your form would go to shit and you'd be too fatigued, wouldn't be able to lift the same amount of weight.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah, no, my form never goes to shit on this, but I still take minimal rest in between. So I try to keep it moving so that my workouts, there's still like an hour, an hour 15, but I got a lot of stuff done in that workout. I worked with a lot of volume. CrossFit though, I don't think it's that necessary for jujitsu if you're getting enough mat time because if you're already doing jujitsu and you're doing all that sparring shoot all you just need to do is do more sparring that's literally the only reason why my um why my endurance has improved so much at jujitsu i don't get i don't get tired like i don't have to stop sparring because every single session of jujitsu, I don't take breaks in between sparring sessions. Like how
Starting point is 00:34:29 class looks is like you have the class, then you have like seven or eight sparring sessions that are six to eight minutes. I just don't stop. I don't sit. I find a new partner and I keep going even when I'm really tired. So I use the gym to develop strength to develop. Yeah. I use the gym to develop strength and I use the jujitsu to develop cardio i don't feel like most people need to be using the gym to develop more cardio you should really use it as the tool to help you be stronger on the mats so check out those i think jason's pretty much doing that same thing though just with less rest right right i i agree with you in a in a bunch of different ways know, with Jason, the stuff that Jason does is kind of unique. You know, not that CrossFit is unique, but Jason has a huge understanding of how CrossFit works.
Starting point is 00:35:12 He's one of the originals, and he's a great coach, and he understands a lot about training in general. What I think maybe some of the mistakes that people make is I think people associate going to the gym with like losing weight and you can burn some calories there, but I don't think that that's a, I don't think that's a really good place to be looking for weight loss. I mean, we, there's a lot of research and a lot of science that shows 10 or 15% of your daily caloric expenditure at best can come from your training. And there's some people that train like maniacs, and I realize there's some people that they might train twice a day. There's some variations in there.
Starting point is 00:35:55 But just like what you do in the course of a normal day, not that 10% is chump change either. I mean, that is a significant amount. But really, when it comes to fat loss, we all know what the real answer is, and the real answer is to make some changes to your nutrition. So kind of having said that, I think you can use the gym for getting jacked, getting stronger, and of course you can improve your conditioning. But I think sometimes people are maybe mixing too many things and not ending up with a great result in any one of them.
Starting point is 00:36:30 It's like too much. It's just like, you know, I call it bouncing around. It's like too much bouncing around. Like you're just, you're kind of jumping around a little aimlessly. And if you are going to jump around and you are going to do some of those things, just make sure it just has a point. And the point to it could simply be the fact that you just like it. That's okay too. But you don't want it ever to be to your detriment. You don't want to do it for three hours and have it be something that punishes you. In my own training right now, I'm trying to blend in some work where I lift heavy.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I'm trying to blend in some bodybuilding work and a little bit of conditioning work. Now, I don't think that those three things will work the way that I'm saying. They're not that simple. It doesn't just work that way in the human body. I'm not just like, all right, I did 12 reps. That's hypertrophy. Your body is way more complicated and sophisticated than that. And also, who knows, maybe even following up, you know, some of the heavy stuff with the bodybuilding stuff and the conditioning stuff, maybe they all kind of work against each other in some weird way, or maybe they all work together in some weird way, but it's, it's in a short condensed period of time. I'm not, I'm not doing this for like four hours or three hours or two hours. It's probably about an hour workout. I
Starting point is 00:37:45 spend probably about 15 minutes on the first movement and then the other, and then the next two things are 15, 20 minutes of popping and done. Yeah. So I'm not trying to, you know, overexhaust or kill myself with any, any one thing during the workout. But I think, uh, like a big thing though, in terms of what you're doing is that there's honestly still a progression though. You know what I mean? Like a month from now, you're going to be doing a bit more in terms of like the overall like metabolic stress that comes from the conditioning or the overall maybe bodybuilding volume than you were a month before. So there's a progression. I think that's the biggest deal because when a lot of times when you set out, when you do a workout and you're first doing it, you don't realize it, but you're kind of doing the same thing every single week. You're not really improving that much. You're not really making an upwards change. It just feels good.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Bodybuilding. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It does happen a lot. They don't really program. Bodybuilders don't necessarily program. A lot of them don't. But the ones that do like Ben Pekulski oh like he's always progressing and you could tell
Starting point is 00:38:46 in the way like the way he looks at his training that's why he looks so good yeah pretty much right but like if there's a progression going on with whatever it is that you're doing you're going to see positive results now for example if you were doing jujitsu right and like in the gym you're doing a lot of cardio stuff you may see a slight increase in terms of your endurance, but again, it might not be the, in my opinion, the best use of time. Some people would think differently and that's okay, but it just really depends on exactly like you said, if it has an intent and it's actually working then. Yeah. I think the progression side of things is it really makes a lot of sense too because how many clients have you worked with in the past who are like they're like man i'm super
Starting point is 00:39:32 active they're like i walk my dog i i work on a farm or like they do they do something they're a waitress or waiter and they they can't figure it out they're're like, I move a lot. But it's the normal movement the body is already used to. And the body needs to have stuff to adapt to. It needs to be changed. So it's like you have to do something more or harder, right? Yeah. Yo, okay. So this is what gets me so excited.
Starting point is 00:39:59 When like there's this person where his name is Travis, right? And he's 41 41 he's been doing a lot of he's been training his whole life you know just training a lot he's he was in shape um but when we started when he told me about like what his training looked like he was just training there was really not a progression and he wasn't really working with that much training volume volume he was doing like the one body part a day type of thing. I'm like, this is nice. Cause like literally every person I've worked with like that, when they start doing two, two times a week and per body part and more volume, it's like newbie gains. And that's exactly what's happening with
Starting point is 00:40:34 these individuals. It's like people like, Oh my God, you're looking bigger. And it's like, you've been training for so long, but now there's a progressive aspect with more frequency of body parts and bam, it's like you're having this new growth. That's like, it's so crazy, but it's, it's so sick. And it could even go the other way.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Like if somebody who's like, I do three body parts a day, we can be like, Oh, let's see what it looks like when we do one. Yeah. Right. Some people,
Starting point is 00:40:56 yeah. Some people are working with so much volume that they can't recover and then they're not getting much out of it. So yeah, you do need to find that happy medium, but like most people can do so much more and if they did it's so crazy it's like so sick to see when like someone's been training for a long time but then you just add something you just add another day or add another like day
Starting point is 00:41:16 of doing something and boom that muscle everything starts moving up it can be so it can be so simple i mean like when i started walking you know I walked with like an 11-pound vest. You know, Jesse Burdick was like, hey, get like a weight vest. And I was like, oh, should I? I was like, I think I have one. But honestly, I think some of the bars out of it are missing and stuff. It's not that heavy. It's got Snickers bars now.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Yeah, it just had Snickers bars in it, right? It was only like 10 or 11 pounds or something like that. And he was like dude he's like you're so fat he's like it won't make a difference he's like that's plenty of extra weight for you so yeah he's like just throw it on he's like you'll barely notice it's on but you're you're gonna you know you're good it's a way for you to make progress way for you to progress cool uh and sema um i believe his name or their name is pronounced medhi uh i know you've covered this in the past about like uh strength strength with jiu-jitsu,
Starting point is 00:42:08 but have you noticed a loss in strength since you started? Well, the loss that I've noticed has come from my pressing because my AC joint right now, I can't bench even a bar or, let's not say a bar, like 95 pounds without this thing flaring up a little bit. So I've had to back off off of bench pressing. In terms of my sumo deadlift, the strength loss has been negligible. So like my best was 755. I can still deadlift 700 and a little bit more without problems. And that's being 20 pounds lighter too than when I first started.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And when I did the 755, I was 270. Squatting, I could still probably squat five that's like that's the minimum i've wanted to be able to maintain so i could still probably work up to that without too much of an issue probably a little bit more i know a few months ago i was able to squat like 515 so that wasn't a problem that's that's on ig too um so it's not true if it's not posted on instagram so the the main thing i'm saying though is that like I think that what I've talked about this before, when you first start jujitsu or I think any type of any type of exercise routine that's going to have you do a lot of cardio like Nick Bear, right? Who does he's doing Ironman stuff, right? When you first start that, since it's new, you're going to see a loss of overall like one rep max strength in the gym. The big thing is going to giving yourself the time to adapt to the new sport.
Starting point is 00:43:32 So I had to give myself time to get used to jujitsu and breathing. And then that initial strength loss, you'll gain that strength back because you've adapted to the new stress. That's what happened with me. Like I lost a lot of strength because I was not recovering well because it was new. And then when I started recovering better, adapting, boom, everything came back to where I wanted it to be. And then our buddy Justin, he trains here on the weekends. He was asking, do you follow anybody on YouTube like in regards to jujitsu, like somebody that can like, you know, click on and kind of watch as a beginner to get any tips check out chujitsu chew chewy c-h-e-w-j-i-t-s-u he's a black belt i think out of san diego california or something he's super awesome because he strength trains a lot he's a strong dude um but like yeah he has a lot of good information for newer jujitsu athletes and like you know black belts and stuff so jujitsu is cool i know there's a few other channels but i can't remember their names but he's he's awesome and
Starting point is 00:44:28 then uh danny patterson says that mark that you're secretly training for another bodybuilding show because you're in such good shape right now i might be i told him not to tell anybody but you know you never know you could be eight weeks out i'm getting a divorce is what's gonna happen if i get on the stage that's stage and get kicked out of the house. Well, maybe that's why she bounced for a week because she was like, you need to get your shit together. Yeah, you need to get fatter. Oh, God. or maybe they've been a client in the past and then, you know, they, you just haven't had, you haven't been in contact with them in a bit and then you see them or you, you hear from them and they're kind of like, yeah, man, like I didn't reach out. Cause like, I'm not,
Starting point is 00:45:13 you know, I'm not holding my shit together. Like, you know, I, I know that and working with people a lot of times, like when I don't hear from somebody, it means they're up to no good. You know, like when you get the radio silence, it usually means they're up to no good. You know, like when you get the radio silence, it usually means they're up to no good. Um, how do you kind of reel some of those people, um, back in hot, like what's a method or technique, or is there something you could say to, to get them, uh, you know, sparked to get back into the gym? What I've noticed, and this is what I've noticed recently. First off, like I, people have my phone number so they can text me. And when I haven't received a text in a while, like you said, like, you know, that's an issue an issue you haven't received a text or an email in a bit
Starting point is 00:45:47 and you'd like if they're doing great you're gonna get a picture of their abs right yeah yeah hey man killing it and their sheets like their sheets in the google drive there will be something on it but like when there's been nothing on then you know something's up what I've noticed though and this is I'm a broken record on this podcast, man. When, when they don't have the right habits in place to, to like be successful, that means getting enough rest to help your energy levels during the day, help everything. Things fall apart. Like, and then this, this is like, it's just a reoccurring theme. Whenever I've worked with somebody who's changed their habits, they've gotten on top of their rest, which means everything else during the day kind of goes the way it should.
Starting point is 00:46:29 They find it easier to get to the gym. They find more motivation. They're not feeling as depressed, et cetera. They kind of just kind of skyrocket and things just fall in place. But those individuals who I wasn't successful in terms of changing their habits, they know what they need to do in terms of their food. They know what they need to do in terms of their exercise, but then their habits in terms of like rest and all that isn't in place. It's very, very, very difficult to try and like, yeah, you can re-spark them for a week. Like literally it'll last a week, maybe two, but then
Starting point is 00:46:58 it'll fall back off because they don't have those, those keystone habits in place that are going to allow them to be successful in the long run. So that's why instead of trying to focus like, oh, we need to eat this instead of that, or we need to change your macros, or we need to start doing this in the gym. I try to change those underlying things that are going to allow them to have the motivation for a long period of time to continue doing that. It's such a it's such a, like, it's such a massive deal that, and I've really noticed the difference it's made for the people that have actually managed to change their habits in terms of their rest. Like there's this new lady, um, and she's, she's like a mom, but she hasn't been able to get much rest because of her kids. And
Starting point is 00:47:38 now she's getting enough rest because she organized things to get enough sleep. But before she just thought I got to just do five to six hours a night. It's only been one week, but since she's changed that, she noticed how big of a difference she feels every single day doing what she's doing, working out, et cetera, that she's like, I can't believe I was working on this low bandwidth before. You know what I mean? So when someone actually takes the effort to change those habits, everything else gets easier and you want to stay on that level. But when I've worked with clients that haven't changed those habits, maybe because they didn't think it was important, as I was saying, it's hard to keep that going for a long time. I think
Starting point is 00:48:15 it's super easy for people to keep things going for a short amount of time because you get that, yeah, let's do it. But then if you don't have habits in line, you're not going to do it for a long time. I think, uh, you know, what you said is just really spot on. And ultimately it's like the greatest way to be really, really motivated is to not have to be motivated. I know that's a real kick in the dick and that's not probably what people want to hear, but like the greatest thing is to try to figure out a way to eliminate it. So I like to use my cousin as an example. She's been on a fitness kick for the last decade, maybe a little longer.
Starting point is 00:48:55 When we were kids growing up, she was never into fitness or anything, but she was a teacher or she is a teacher. She has children. She's got a lot of obligations, got a lot of things to do. And so I think her fitness for a period of time got away from her. When she was young, she played basketball and stuff, but she really wasn't like, you know, going to the gym, you know, as she got older, she didn't go to the gym for a while. And then she started to build a habit towards going to the gym. She's in New York. It's freezing out, right? Like the last thing you want to do in the winter is, you know, go start your car when it's like negative three degrees outside or something, right?
Starting point is 00:49:30 Yeah. And it's just – it's like torture. So what she did is she just like – she sleeps in her gym clothes. She gets her – she takes a shower. She throws her gym clothes on and goes and goes to bed and she's got everything on that she needs no thinking and there's no the odds of her being like f it i'm just gonna she's not gonna do that like she's not gonna get back out of her gym clothes and right that's a massive hurdle so if you can think about setting up your day and setting up some
Starting point is 00:50:02 things in your schedule to where wow that'd be really foolish to pull back from that. That would be really dumb if I just didn't follow through with that. An example could be as simple as reaching out to a friend and saying, hey, I'll see you at the gym tomorrow at 7 o'clock. Like just that one text, now you're obligated. You have to be there. And then how much does motivation matter at that point? It matters a lot less, right? I love motivation.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I love motivational speeches. I love motivational quotes. I mean, they're a huge part of my life. They get me excited. They get me fired up. But they're very fleeting. They don't really – motivation is not something that, it normally is not something that's going to really last and stay part of your day. You know,
Starting point is 00:50:51 I love different quotes and different things people said to me. Even my dad, you know, I shared a lot of quotes that he said over the years that have really impacted me, but there's not a quote that I hold onto every day on my way to super training or on my way to podcasts where I got that thought in my head like, hey, remember this? This is the thing. This is the thing. This is the mission. This is what you're doing. It doesn't really truly work that well. That's why no one really does anything like that. You might lean on a quote here and there when certain things happen in your life. You might lean on a quote here and there when certain things happen in your life, you might go back to it, but you're not going to really have that real
Starting point is 00:51:30 powerful motivation. And I think what you landed on is exactly what I landed on is that people don't necessarily need tons of motivational stuff. They need a schedule. They need a regimen. And if you remember talking to Ron Penna, he said, I hate having a regiment. I hate having a schedule. But guess what? I respond really well to. And I think everybody does. And I think that's why, I mean, our military has that strategy, right?
Starting point is 00:51:57 They're all business. It's work, work, work. And they get through everything that they need to get through every single day with their drills and a different, you know, when people, somebody comes out of the military, uh, we're always in awe of them and we're super respectful and like, man, that's a crazy, that's a crazy sacrifice you made for us. And cause you recognize they went away from family, they went away from all these distractions, but really, and truly the hardest part was they got on this crazy regimen and schedule for a long period of time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:29 No, that like that, what you said right there, the regimen and schedule, I think it's super powerful. And also your friend that like she texts someone at 7 a.m., right? I think having a person to keep you accountable is super, super good. The thing for me is I've never or I don't have someone that keeps me like accountable to exercise. That's always been me. And even for myself, like having lifted for this long, if, if there's a streak of time that like, I haven't been able to stick to my schedule and what was like under rested
Starting point is 00:53:04 or just everything's fall like fell out of line even me I find it sometimes difficult to like should I be an ST today or I need to go to like Cal fit at four and I got to do this I'm tired right now I don't want to it's harder for me to stick to that I can't just I can't just pull it out and be like okay let's go it's difficult if I don't set things up for me to be successful. So that's why, like you said, yeah, motivation works for a little bit of time. But if I haven't set things up for me to be successful, I will probably make a choice that's contrary to my actual goals. And that's for me who's been doing this for years.
Starting point is 00:53:42 This is a part of my lifestyle. Even if I don't set it up that way, I'm going to fall off. So that's why if I haven't set that up that way for someone who's trying to pick up this habit, if they don't have good habits in place, how are they going to stick to it? get back on. In your experience with working with people, what has like maybe one technique helped, you know, like they were on a good, you know, they were on a roll and then all of a sudden they did fall off. What have you been able to do to kind of like bring them back? I first figure out what caused them to fall off. Like, like what was it? Did you have an argument or something? Did you, did you, did something happen with your kid and, or did you get sick? Yeah. Maybe a real negative experience, right? Yeah. Yeah. And then, and then you, and then you had to go off for a few days because you had to take care of your kid, blah, blah, blah. Okay. Well, since that's done now,
Starting point is 00:54:33 boom, let's just move right back on. Cause it doesn't make sense for us to not, you know, not continue. So I think the biggest thing is just like, like, yeah, life happens type stuff happens to like, to everybody, to me too. There will probably be a time where something happens and I won't be able to come here for a little bit. I won't be able to work out for a little bit. But literally after that, when I am able to, I just get back to it.
Starting point is 00:54:56 I think that's, to understand life happens, that you can always continue on, I think is the biggest thing. It's not that something happens and then you have to stop or quit. I don't think there's ever a reason to quit. There's times where you'll pivot, but you don't actually ever need to quit. Yeah. Cause I mean, man, sometimes it's hard to pull yourself out of those dark places, you know? Yeah. And especially once you found something that actually does help you get out of it. And then for some reason you don't want to go back,
Starting point is 00:55:24 something that actually does help you get out of it and then for some reason you don't want to go back it sucks so yeah yeah that makes a lot of sense to really look look inside and figure out okay what was it that actually did cause that and let's fix that it's not all this other stuff right usually it's like usually it's a situation that happened that doesn't happen all the time but sometimes it's okay so i use i use the idea of like a kid or you get sick. Sometimes it's something consistent. Like you're, you consistently have a problem with your spouse and it gets you depressed and you don't want to work out for a few days. And that happens weekly. Well then that in that type of case, you got to figure out, you got to like either that situation needs to be dealt with, or you need to figure out a way not to let that affect everything else and let
Starting point is 00:56:05 everything else go down. And that in itself is difficult, but very possible to work with. I think that you probably have a lot of insight on that, you know? Yeah, for sure. I think, you know, when somebody, when somebody starts to kind of like fall off, I think if it's someone that you're able to communicate with, I think you need to hear it from them on why. And they need to say it out loud.
Starting point is 00:56:28 So if it's somebody that's listening to this right now and they've kind of fallen off, they need to, you need to at the very least say it to yourself. And he's like, say it out loud, write it down. I know it sounds dumb and ridiculous, but you need to understand how dumb and ridiculous your excuse really is.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And then you need to kind of like unpack it from there and figure out what to do with it. Like, is it a, is it a real thing? Is it something, let's say, you know, your kids are in soccer and, and your day starts at, you know, your workday starts at 5am and you really just, you don't know where to put the time in because you, you like spending time with your family. You're not going to cut back on that. You only have like an hour to yourself each day. Like a lot of these things are understandable. And so, you know, how could you get back into it? Well, a couple of things that if it really seems daunting to get back into it, number one is to peel back how hard it is to actually do it. You know, like I said, with my cousin wearing her gym clothes to bed,
Starting point is 00:57:25 so she's ready to just pop up in the morning and go to the gym. How can you make it as simple as possible? Maybe it means you get a piece of exercise equipment or you have some sort of regimen that you watch on an app or something and it's just in your own home. It's just, you know, it's just right there. And I realize a lot of people buy stuff and then it ends up, you know, just collecting dust. They don't really ever, they have the intentions of using it and they never get around to it. But you want to figure out what's, what's going to be something that's going to lower the level of entry for me to actually be doing this. And then you also need to think about how important is it to you and why, like, what are you doing it for? You know, what are some of the reasons that you're doing this for?
Starting point is 00:58:06 But I think the number one thing is just simply write it down. We write down so many things, like, hold on a second. You want to do something October 7th? Hold on. I got to put it in my phone, right? If we want to do something specific on a certain day, what do we do?
Starting point is 00:58:21 We put it in our phone. But when it comes to eating and when it comes to training, for some reason, those things aren't written down. And I think if you're newish to the game, I think it's really wise that you write it down because when you have a call at 12 o'clock at work, what happens at 12 o'clock? You get on a call, right? And there's not a lot of excuses on why you didn't get on the call and there's not a lot of reasons on why it didn't work out. So I think it's as simple. I realize that you may not want to do it, but I would say for yourself, it's probably kind of rare that it's like really a question mark on whether you're going to train. Now, when you're thinking about tomorrow, you might be like,
Starting point is 00:59:01 I'm not sure when I'm going to train yet but before you go to bed tonight i would imagine that you have it worked out yeah usually and and just like an about time right you're like between like 12 and 2 is when i'm going to go in the gym and do this right yeah well every day for jujitsu set and i all like i usually have a schedule for when i'm going to hit the gym before jujitsu or my off days from it so So it's always, I know when I'm going to go, but I was saying is like, even when I know it, if I'm not like, I know what I'm going to do, but if I'm not mentally there, meaning that if I got four hours of sleep or something, I'm not going to, I'm sorry for hammering those people. But if I got like four hours of sleep, the next day I find it difficult because I'm not feeling that great to, okay, I'm going to go,
Starting point is 00:59:44 but I feel like shit. Or sometimes I don't go because I feel like shit because I'm not feeling that great to, okay, I'm going to go, but I feel like shit. Or sometimes I don't go because I feel like shit because I didn't prepare myself to feel good on the day. So that's what I'm saying. Like, if you don't prepare yourself to feel good, you're then fighting yourself to actually feel good to go in and do it. Not that it's always going to feel good. That's not what I'm saying, but you might as well have yourself approach yourself in a situation where you're most likely not going to fail rather than continuously putting yourself in situations where it comes back to, or there's a resistance that you actually continuously have to fight against because you're not prepared. Right. Like thinking that you're going to go and work out at 7 PM on Friday night, when you know that you like to, you know, start to get ready to go out
Starting point is 01:00:25 because you had a hard week or whatever. Whatever your situation is, whatever that thing is, you got to figure out a way to, you got to figure out a way to really, to really dodge it because it's easy to fall downhill, especially if you get injured. You know, if you, you know, you know, you separate a collarbone
Starting point is 01:00:43 or you break your wrist. I mean, a lot of these things happen, right? And it's like, I've seen a lot of people gain 10, 20, 30 pounds from that. And then it's like, you know, they're talking about it and it was two years ago. They're like, yeah, man, I gained that weight and I never, the thing to do at that moment is to think what are, focus in on the things that you can do. The things that you can't
Starting point is 01:01:05 do there's really not there's nothing we can do about that unfortunately but okay you broke your wrist what are um three productive exercise we can do in the gym or what are what are just two uh good ways that you're going to work on getting some exercise over the next several weeks okay we can walk and sounds like you can do most stuff with like your legs in the gym and you can always do leg extensions. You always do leg curls. One of the reasons why I love strength training so much. And one of the reasons why I'm sharing this message of lift through it. I think that, you know, you can lift your way through anything, but the cool part is that anyone can do that because we all possess the ability to
Starting point is 01:01:45 lift. I've seen people without arms. I've seen people without legs. I've seen people with all kinds of crazy things. And everyone's able to take whatever resistance their own body has and add resistance to it and lift more. And it will make you feel better consistently. So just even just knowing that and holding onto that notion that this is in my best interest, I need to figure out a way to make this part of my life. Understanding that at all times is really important. Yeah. You know, when I was younger, I think it was like, it's either when I was 16 or 17, um, because I found myself like focusing on really negative things continuously. I took some post-it notes and I put it in like my room, put it in the bathroom. I put it, uh, downstairs bathroom. And it just, it was a question saying, what are you grateful for?
Starting point is 01:02:36 And the main reason I did that was because I found myself just thinking of all the shit that was wrong at the time and all the shit that was going wrong rather than all the things that i had which were great like i had a mother i had a bed i had like my body was working the way it should right i had all these good things and after some reason i kept focusing on these dumb small negative things um what uh what made you do that it was like a video from tony robbins or something i think it was a video from tony robbins because he mentioned that yeah he has stuff like that yeah yeah that's awesome and then yeah so like when i did that i did that for so long that nowadays when those things type when
Starting point is 01:03:16 those things happen like i get an injury or things aren't going my way in relationship or anything anything happens i immediately go to what's good. Like what could be worse? Like when I had my knee injury and I had like, I couldn't, you know, um, I think I had my meniscus removed or whatever here. Um, I just, I was just happy that I could still walk because I know a few people who can't, and I was happy that I could get in the gym and lift something because I know some people who can't, you know? And I think that makes a big difference, especially because like when we were talking about how to get yourself out of that pit, a lot of people are just depressed
Starting point is 01:03:52 and it's just something that's continuous. It's not because of something specific. There's just so many things that they're just depressed about. And for me, I think that I could have very well fallen into that if my mind didn't work the way it does right now. If I wasn't always like having the idea of something negative and then boom, what are you grateful for though?
Starting point is 01:04:11 Like what's going good? Shit, a lot's going good. So then what's the big deal? Like that's literally the shift that happens now because like you were talking about writing things down. That's what made me remember this. Like to force myself to think that way. I had that shit written down all over the place. What are you grateful for? What are you grateful for? What are you grateful for? So it always comes back to that because I think all of us and all the people listening, we got a lot that's going really, really well.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Probably not that many things that aren't like that, or if they're not going our way, they're not that big of a deal. Right. If you're struggling with stuff, you probably just need to unload on somebody too. You know, hopefully you got someone that you can just let it all go on because once you get it out and once you say it, then it's like, okay, all those things are wrong.
Starting point is 01:04:55 And just like you said, it's like, well, there's still a lot of cool stuff going on. Like you're still alive. You know, you're still, you still have a,
Starting point is 01:05:03 you still have B, you still have C. And there's really no reason why we can't work on making you feel better all the time. Yeah. You know, it's hard, it's hard though. Yeah. And then the lifting thing though, I think we were talking about this like the other day or the lift through it aspect. Literally, I can't, I can't think of anything since I was like 13 or whatever. I can't think of anything that hasn't gone wrong that I haven't just gone to the gym and just sweat it out for like literally there's nothing even nowadays. Like I'm happy that I have two outlets. I have jujitsu and lifting, but like you just go in, you have this resistance,
Starting point is 01:05:39 you throw around some weight, you come out feeling good and you can just attack whatever problem that was later on. It's, it's helped with literally everything that I've had to deal with. You know, I can't think of anything that it hasn't helped with or that I haven't turned to working out for. So it's just a damn good outlet. Something that, um, I think maybe Tom mentioned, he's like, he said he normally is like kind of fidgety and he's like, I didn't even have a choice. I just like fell asleep because he went to jujitsu.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Yeah. That's, that's kind of an interesting thing. Like just work it all out of you. What, what's all the crap that's inside of you that's not feeling great. Go work yourself, you know, to near death and, uh, and you won't have the energy to really, you know, react or, or, or, or work that way anymore. You know, you just won't be as tense. Yeah. You know what I mean? I think that's a big thing. Like when I relaxed, exactly. When I get
Starting point is 01:06:28 out of here, I'm not tense. I'm relaxed. Cause I feel good. Cause I just worked out. I just sweated out. Same thing with jujitsu. You know, if I, I know the reason why these, these habits are so strong for me, isn't just because I've done it for a long time, but I know what I'm like when I'm not able to have those outlets. I know the type of person that I turn into not as happy. And this leave even nowadays, if there is a time that I'm not able to get to the gym a few days, it sucks to say, I feel like, honestly, I think it sounds kind of immature even to myself, but I'm not as happy. I'm not smiling as much. I'm not fun to be around. I'm kind of a grouch. And it's not like I'll, I'll, I'll try, I'll unload that on other
Starting point is 01:07:05 people around me but i really just don't feel good i won't feel like a a whole human being if i don't have something to let it out with whether it be in here whether it be on the mats do you find that fasting helps get rid of some of that grouchiness no no no no no no fasting is nice no that's what i mean like get rid of like to help like aid any of those symptoms. Because I'm just saying because I noticed like remember on the, I believe it was the last podcast I told you guys like something feels a little bit off. Like something's unbalanced right now with me and I can't figure out what it is. And so yesterday's 24 hour fast was probably the best day I've had in like two weeks. Fasting helps me.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Yeah, it helps me feel more even like, yeah, it does help me feel more even during the day because I'm not like focusing on food and stuff. So there's definitely that mood benefit. But if I was fasting and I didn't have anything to lift or I didn't, I didn't have any working out, I'd still feel crappy and I'd have no food. Yeah. Double negative. Honestly, that just sounds horrible to me. Um, but yeah, that's why, that's why it's such a strong habit that I'm going to maintain just because I know
Starting point is 01:08:12 how good I feel with it. So why the hell would I not do it? Right. Makes. Yeah. Yeah. And yesterday was also part of it as I woke up super early. Um, I knew I wasn't going to eat, so I didn't have to worry about like packing my food or like, you know, stressing about, do I have food here? And then, uh, we had an awesome, uh, leg workout and felt great. And I just carried that momentum throughout the rest of the day. And like I told you guys earlier, like as soon as I touched the pillow last night, I passed out. So it's like momentum still rolling today. No, that's good. Yeah. And mind bullet helped. I'm on three of those pills and some ketones. Floating.
Starting point is 01:08:47 It's really hard to like let shit go, you know? And so like we'll talk about the flip side of this a little bit. You know, we're all kind of fearful that we'll fall into that pit, you know, and that we won't be able to get back out of it. We're going to, we're worried that we're going to like fall into a slump. Like lifting has been such a part of everything for me that I can't even imagine like what scenario would happen where, you know, I didn't lift for 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 days. I mean, I've been doing this since I was 12 and I never looked back. I never really stopped. I think like the longest layoff I had was like four or five days from maybe, maybe more like seven days from an actual gym. But there's always some exercise, some like walking.
Starting point is 01:09:32 There's always something. There's always something going on. But I think that when you're so overly worried about like if you're going to kind of fall back into that pit or if you're worried that you're gonna um that you're gonna slide downhill you probably will and so it's a really weird thing you need to like not desire that you need to not desire the thing that you're fearful of yeah um but you also need to uh you need to be cool with it you need to be okay with it like if you miss a day fuck it like it's fine if you eat like shit it's fine like you need to how do you figure out a way to be okay with it you have to be like level-headed about it you have to say well you know i don't really do that that often
Starting point is 01:10:15 and whatever way whatever way kind of like makes the situation a little bit better for you and i think you need to figure out a way to be okay with it. But now you got to figure out a way to get yourself. Okay, I did that. That was enjoyable. That was fun. And now I need to kind of, you know, cruise back over this way. But something you should know is like, if you feel like shit and you're sad and you're upset, eating like shit is not going to help.
Starting point is 01:10:39 It's probably going to make the problem worse. Having a drink, same thing. Doing it for a day, probably cool. It might help a little bit. It might actually feel pretty good. Having that ice cream, having that treat or whatever the thing is, that might actually help. But doing it for days on end probably is going to not lead to the results you're looking for. Not training is going to make you feel like shit too. You're going to really get in a bad slump. And so you need it. They need a little bit of both. And you figure out a way to be okay with it and a way to not be okay with it. Yeah. Have you, do you remember a time when you've had to take off a
Starting point is 01:11:12 long, like what's a long period of having to take off training for you or that's happened to you? No, I don't really know. Like I, every time I've ever been hurt and stuff, I've, I've always just thought like, what are some things that I can do? know what can I do in the gym yeah it's like okay that's taken away I can't do that but I can do this so um even when I fell you know when I fell with 1085 and that damn near killed me I got to the gym probably about two or three days later like just to get in there and just to I was like what could I do you know and so I actually the and just to, I was like, what could I do? You know? And so I, I actually, the funny thing is, is I was like, oh, I think I can like mess around with some benching. And then I like hurt my shoulder because my whole body was like too messed up, you know, but I still went. And even after I hurt my shoulder, I still went, but
Starting point is 01:11:58 to show you guys how important it is to stay connected to your fitness, I'll share this story with you. And this one's a wild one. And I can't wait to film this to your fitness, I'll share this story with you. And this one's a wild one. I can't wait to film this because it's pretty intense. So Jason Kalipa, who we all hold in high admiration, he's going to level up even further after I tell you this story. Jason's daughter, Ava, unfortunately had leukemia and she was in a really bad spot a few years ago. leukemia and she was in a really bad spot a few years ago. Jason recognized right away how important it was for him to stay involved in his fitness journey. He communicated with the people that he works with and he said, listen, I'm out. Can't work. I just don't contact me for anything. Like this is our focus. This is my family's focus. And he said it in a nicer way than that because he's Jason Kalipa. But he basically said,
Starting point is 01:12:49 I can't run the company. I can't be part of it. I can't be part of NC Fit. I'm out. So he went to the hospital with his daughter. He and his wife were communicating a lot about what was going on. And a lot of people were crying. A lot of people were super upset. And Jason's wife said, Hey, listen, I know we're all sad and I know this really unfortunate situation, but no more crying. She said, we're not, we're not crying anymore. Not, not inside the hospital. If you want to cry, you go outside, go for like a crying, like walk, you know, go outside and cry. It's like, that's, that's outside. Go for like a crying walk. Go outside and cry. It's like that's where you're going to do that stuff. The family is so strong.
Starting point is 01:13:34 I mean, there's a bunch of incidences where they were able to be strong for each other and stuff that are just really, really cool. But this part is amazing, and this is the ultimate meathead move of all time. Jason loaded up his pickup truck with a bunch of gear loaded up with weights loaded up with weight vests loaded up with bands loaded up with whatever he could grab a hold of from his many many gyms the medicine balls all that stuff stuffed in his truck parked his truck at the hospital left his truck there every day and every time he and his wife would go to these appointments with Ava, he would hop out of his car, go into the back of his truck and fucking train. And that training helped him, helped his wife was exercising. I think she still exercises too.
Starting point is 01:14:19 But all of that helped that family gel together, stay together through that shit. So it just goes to show you like, it's not going to make you feel better to not do it. And it's not going to make you feel worse to do it. So you need to figure out a way to do, you know, you need to figure out a way to go and lift and go and get that exercise.
Starting point is 01:14:39 And it's that important. It does that much for you. It's crazy. Damn. That's pretty legit, isn't it's crazy damn that's pretty legit isn't it yeah that's pretty damn cool i didn't know that part of the story yeah no he's a nutcase we know that yeah he's he's he's definitely uh he's definitely out there but he knew like he knew like if he knew at that moment that that could have been an opportunity for him to be like you know what i'm done with everything you know what? I'm done with
Starting point is 01:15:05 everything. I'm focusing on my daughter. I'm focusing. But he knew that how could he be of service to anybody? How could he help anybody if he wasn't himself, right? If he's not strong enough, he doesn't have a base anymore. His base is fitness. His base is being a competitor. His base is making himself better every day now he just lets himself completely go and starts eating donuts and fast food and like that's just not going to work yeah this is not going to work he's not going to be able to be there for anybody that was heavy yeah yeah yeah it was it was a little heavy but i just think it's it's important for people to understand there's not a situation or scenario that should really take you out of the game for very, very long. And if there is, don't go beating yourself up over it. Figure out a way.
Starting point is 01:16:02 and you see people crying because they're fat. Sometimes I think someone who's not empathetic towards that or has never been there, they're thinking, why in the world is this person crying because they're fat? Like, don't they know that they're fat? Like, are they recognizing on this day that they're fat? Is this the first time they're hearing this news? Sometimes you'll hear somebody say,
Starting point is 01:16:20 oh man, I saw this picture of myself one time and I couldn't believe how fat I got. And you're kind of like, really? Like you're, you're kind of puzzled by it, right? Being fat is not something that happens overnight. It takes a long time. But I think what people are upset about is they're just ashamed that they let themselves get in that situation. And it's a weird thing, but it's your moral obligation every single day to work on yourself and to try to make yourself better. And the reason why I know that is and the reason why I think it's a fact is because, you know, in your heart, when you do something wrong, you like feel it. Yeah. Like it like hurts.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Like it's not the right decision. Like you fucked up. You made a bad decision. And so that's why you don't you don't get away. You don't get away with it. You don't get away with making you can make some bad choices here and there and you can you can be okay with those because that's what makes us human we have a lot of choices right we have a lot of different things we can choose from but in the grand scheme of things you should be trying to figure out how do i just move how do i I inch forward? Like this sucks. That sucks. That sucks. That sucks.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Okay. This thing sucks less. I'm trying that. Yeah. You know, this other thing sucks less. I'm doing that. Okay. This is pretty good. Okay. This is pretty cool. Okay. Now I got momentum. You know, that's the way you gotta, that's the way you gotta be. That's the way you gotta be. And that's what I've gotten from lifting for over the years. Yeah. I think, uh, it's, it's something, whether it's lifting or any type of physical activity that you can do i think it'd be even stronger having a community here like i think uh because i used to just lift on my own for most of my life i've done my own and it's very different it's much better that i lift here at st because i have something to look forward to andrew's talking about how you we feel
Starting point is 01:18:01 spoiled having like like it's hard to lift on your own after lifting with the group isn't it uh yeah i'll wake up at 2 45 a.m for nothing but i mean for even for myself like when i was mentioning that if i take a few days off i start to feel a little eh like i know what that i know the full blow of what that could be because like there was a period when i was younger when i couldn't lift and i was just bad like i was just like like that was like literal depression because i didn't want to do anything i could i didn't want to like leave the house i didn't want to go to school i didn't want to talk to people your knees or something that was because of that i couldn't i that's and that was before i started
Starting point is 01:18:43 lifting because i couldn't play soccer anymore. So that soccer was my physical outlet. But when I had no outlet, literally that was what depression is. Did you not understand what it was at first where you're like, why am I? Yeah, and neither did my mom. Why am I so pissed all the time?
Starting point is 01:18:57 Yeah, and neither did my mom because I was just, I was mad. I was sad. I was quiet and I was not a quiet kid. Like I was never a quiet kid up until that point. But that was like that few months that was literal depression. And I know that if, if I don't have some type of outlet, that probably will happen to me again. You know what I mean? So like for me, like, I think that there are a lot of people that have that, right. And if they
Starting point is 01:19:23 could just find some, some outlet or a community outlet where they have people, like I think that's why if you could find a gym where it's a community or that's why CrossFit's so powerful too. Because you're not just going in there on your own. You're going in there. You have a community of people. You have people that are calling you back when you're not there. Like it forces you to continue to go.
Starting point is 01:19:40 And if you can get that, then damn's that can help a lot of people out with what clinical depression because i think i had that shit i had that shit for sure were you uh mean to your mom at that time i was just quiet and i know that's the thing i like i was never mean to my mom just angry and i was just quiet and i kept to myself i didn't talk to anybody when i went to school i didn't talk to anybody either i went to school. I didn't talk to anybody either. I just went to school, came home. I was quiet and I was sad, you know, and that's not,
Starting point is 01:20:08 that wasn't normal for me because I was that kid who was bouncing off walls. But when I didn't have anything to do physically, cause I couldn't, that kid turned into something else. It's such a hard spot to be. I think, especially when you're young, cause you don't know what it is and you're like,
Starting point is 01:20:23 I'm broken. Like what's wrong with me? You know? And so is and you're like i'm broken like what's wrong with me you know and so here we are like i'm telling you how you got to be better which probably if you're on the other side of it you're probably like how the fuck am i going to do that i can't even you know uh i don't even have the motivation to wake up and watch tv you know um the the cool thing is that once you start to make some progress, it actually all becomes a little simpler. It doesn't have to be so hard. It doesn't have to always be this crazy challenge.
Starting point is 01:20:52 But it's just trying to get a little bit better every day and trying to find something you can hold on to, trying to find what is it that you can hold on to. Do you like music? Do you like riding a bike? If you're an older person, what did you used to like to do you like music do you like riding a bike if you're an older person what did you used to like to do like what's the is there some sort of nostalgic thing you used to like to ride your motorcycle or you used to like to ride your bike with your friends or like what find something you know find something that you can do because it's the actual act of doing something that's going to progress you forward i think that's why lifting's so great because I didn't have really much use of like leg stuff back then,
Starting point is 01:21:26 but I could still do a hell of a lot of upper body. I could still build up a sweat. I could still get some work in. That's what fixed me. Is that the story of your biceps? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I think that has a bit to do with it. 10 sets of 10 biceps. Yeah. But like you could always find something to do in the gym. Right. You know, it doesn't need, you can't, can't bench fucking go do some leg work. Right. That'll make you feel tired.
Starting point is 01:21:49 That'll blow up a sweat. That'll put some work in. Well, nothing feels like, like lifting. Nothing feels like exercise. You can challenge yourself with food and you can challenge yourself with academics and things like that, but they don't, they don't match up. They don't feel the same i uh i asked uh some of the live listeners like what has lifting helped push them through you
Starting point is 01:22:11 know whatnot uh colin said that i helped him get through stress of school and fear of being a failure uh danny said help him with all types of angst and then uh my buddy mo everybody needs a buddy named mo by the way what's up mo yeah uh it helped him uh get through um dealing with him with his mom having cancer yeah which she fought it and she's now on the other side so that's two positives there wow but yeah so similar to like kalipa's story right like the worst thing you think of right something with your a family member that you can't do anything with but lift through it and everything everything got better something else to think about like if you're in the iron game and you recognize that somebody made some progress you got to give them some props because i mentioned how motivation can be fleeting it comes
Starting point is 01:23:04 and goes and you can listen to motivational speech It hypes you up for a little bit. It can kind of, sort of maybe work, but not work for very long. However, I think all of us in this room probably have a compliment or two or five or seven that you remember from when you're a kid. You remember like a compliment can last a lifetime. Yeah, man. Somebody telling you that they, you know, noticed that you dropped some weight or that you did something different or somebody giving you a pat on the back for like a job well done,
Starting point is 01:23:33 that shit lasts forever. And so if you recognize something in someone else where they're making some progress, you better give their ass a pat on the back, you know? Dude, no, that's funny. The first ever compliment i got for like my gym gains was sophomore year of high school kenzel murph we were at the middle school like there's this tree at the middle of campus i was my group of boys right i was wearing my
Starting point is 01:23:56 i was wearing my stupid brown t-shirt because i had no style right and she comes up with this group of girls and she's like sema your biceps are looking kind of big i'm like oh thank thanks i remember that shit like it was yesterday that's great oh man that was the first compliment ever i got i never forgot it i never yeah i never forgot that shit yeah it's oh that's crazy it's crazy and And if you haven't received many compliments in your life, well, now's your time to get one. Go in there and get it. Go train. If you keep improving and you keep getting in better shape and no one recognizes it, then you're hanging out with a bunch of dickheads. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Someone is going to recognize it. And that feeling is so different from anything you would experience from anything else. You know, you're not going to really – you might get it from some sporting events and some things like that, but, like, having somebody notice that you got, like, stronger or that you did – you know, you've lost some weight or something is a really, really powerful thing.
Starting point is 01:25:02 It's damn cool. Yeah. It really makes you keep going the flip side of it's not good though somebody somebody puts you down that's not good yeah no that's those are those are rough to deal with i mean those could last a lifetime too unfortunately you know those could be uh kind of scars but sometimes i think i've heard i've heard it both ways i've heard people say you know what you said was interesting right there. And then another friend of mine said a girl said that her and her friends thought he was hot and he always thought he was ugly.
Starting point is 01:25:35 And it, like, changed everything for him forever. And he, like, you know, he said you could cut to, like, a Rocky montage and he's, like, always training and everything. And, you know, it just shows, shows you like how sensitive and how fragile we are as people that, that really shouldn't be the case because, uh, that person saying that your biceps look good. Now you're also really young and impressionable stuff, but like that shouldn't fucking matter at all because not one thing changed.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Your arms didn't get bigger when she said that, said that or anything. Yeah. Nothing really happened. Right. But it gives you that boost. Your arms didn't get bigger when she said that or anything. Yeah, nothing really happened, right? But it gives you that boost. It gives you a good spark, and that spark can turn into something. And then you could be here 15 years later still training.
Starting point is 01:26:14 On that note, if you all know somebody who's out there working their ass off in your life, and they're in the gym, and they're training, give them a compliment. Yeah. Seriously, give them a compliment. It won't hurt you that bad. It won't hurt you that bad. It won't hurt you that bad. And will they feel good?
Starting point is 01:26:30 That little boost could be that thing that, hmm, Simo, your biceps are big. That gets you continuing to train. Just keeps echoing in your head. Biceps are big. Biceps are big. Biceps are big. Seriously, man, a compliment goes a long way. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:26:44 That's so crazy. They last forever, man. I don goes a long way. That's crazy. That's so crazy. They last forever, man. I don't get many compliments from the wifey, but when I do, they mean something because she doesn't throw out compliments very often. Yeah. You know, I'm different. I'm like, I don't know. I'm very like lovable, lovey dovey, like hugging and kissing and like, you know, I'll tell
Starting point is 01:27:02 her she's pretty every single day. And I think she just thinks I'm a pervert, you so or she knows i'm a pervert actually i think it's been confirmed at this point well we all know that yeah everybody knows that yeah but she you know it's rare for her to like she's not going to just give me a compliment for something but if something does happen and she gives me a compliment boom it gives me a boost so you can even get it it can even be from like a spouse or it could be from a family member, a brother or sister, someone that you see all the time. It doesn't have to be just from your friends and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:27:33 You can get a compliment from just about anywhere, you know? Yeah, yeah. My grandma actually told me I was getting too small. Yeah, because like she... Listen, grandma, okay, we got some problems here no man that was recent she's like i didn't see my bone you're losing weight you need to eat more i'm like grandma i'm still big she's like ah you you have no fat on your bones she's so cute that's awesome yeah i need to eat more but see how that could be motivation too. And I've had some friends get knocked down before where somebody in not so nice terms said they were fat.
Starting point is 01:28:13 And they weren't even really meaning to say that they were fat. But just by the way that they said it, they said that they were fat. And that person like, you know, immediately came to me and was like, I need to fix my shit. I need to figure this out. Yeah. person like you know immediately came to me and was like i need to fix my shit i need to figure this out yeah now that is really negative but like what a good job by that person taking that negative and saying you know what that was negative that hurt me that sucks but i recognize that to be true and i'm gonna fucking change it like that's the best part of that right there yeah you know man i'm i'm curious like if like let's say yeah
Starting point is 01:28:45 you're part of a friend's group right and there's that one friend that like you can tell they're they're going down and maybe they're getting really out of shape how would you approach that like how would you say hey bro like yeah how would you do that just show them just show them in sima's instagram just every day to send it over because obviously you want to talk to the person about like maybe something's going on in their life or whatever but if it's it's been a while and you're like they're they're they're off there you know how do you as someone who's close you know try to tell this person without seriously hurting their feelings so i think either way it's going to hurt their feelings
Starting point is 01:29:24 i think that you can't there's no two ways about that you will hurt their feelings. So I think either way, it's going to hurt their feelings. I think that you can't, there's no two ways about that. You will hurt their feelings. What is the nicest way of going about it? Yeah, man, that's a tough one. You want to be able to try to attack it, you know, straightforward and just say, hey, like, you know, I've been noticing you've been, it looks like you're gaining some weight.
Starting point is 01:29:39 If you ever need any help, I know a bunch of stuff on that topic. I can help you out. Or I can, if you're not even, if someone is not knowledgeable, maybe you say, say hey i can point you in some good directions some things that i feel worked pretty good for me it's just hard you don't ever talk about stuff like that so it's yeah it's a difficult thing to uh to bring up in the first place but i've done that many times to people that aren't even looking for it you know just because like that's it's like a little bit of my little bit of my. I'm just going to try to share
Starting point is 01:30:08 stuff with people. Well, I kind of think, and like, this is like super arrogant of me, but I kind of think like, I have a good idea that this is going to make that person feel better. And like, I don't know what's best in people's life, right? Like nobody does. But I'm thinking to myself, if this person felt some of this, I think it would work really well for them and they would feel awesome. So like, that's all I'm ever really trying to do.
Starting point is 01:30:34 But then, yeah, at the same time, it's like, you just tell someone, hey man, you're fat. Yeah, do it like Cole Robinson. Oh, yo, people, if you haven't listened to that episode please go listen to that episode right now chances are you have but if you haven't it was literally the last episode that we just had
Starting point is 01:30:53 Cole Robinson, the snake diet that was that was great I got a good walk in today did an hour walk today and then I think an hour? a couple days ago did like a an hour walk today. And then I think a couple of days ago, I did like a 90 minute walk. Where are you?
Starting point is 01:31:08 Well, just like in my neighborhood, it's actually really cool. There's like a lot of trails and stuff. Davis is like the bike capital of the world. So there's trails everywhere. And I don't know if I know how to ride a bike anymore, but I do know how to walk.
Starting point is 01:31:21 So yeah, just put on the old walking shoes and got to walking, but I'm, I'm enjoying it. You know, it's definitely an old guy thing to be, you know, walking around, but people that struggle with, with losing weight, I think that walking is, is the number one place to start. I don't even think starting with food, uh, is even, is even like an option sometimes for people cause they're so addicted to food. And so if you really just spend so up and down, up and down with your food,
Starting point is 01:31:49 maybe you can get on a schedule where you get some walking in and that could be a start. And then maybe over time you could figure out how do I take out some of this bullshit out of my diet here and there. Yeah, walking man is, oh, go ahead. No, I was just saying,
Starting point is 01:32:02 I was reading an article the other day about how walking is actually oh, go ahead, Andrew. No, I was just saying, like, I was reading an article the other day about how, like, walking is actually, like, a very high cognitive, what's it called, like, demanding thing to do. We think of it as walking, like, I can just walk wherever. But, like, there's something in your brain where, like, you have to avoid obstacles and you got to, you know, stand upright and one foot in front of the other. It's automatic to us. But our brain is still actually doing quite a bit and it was just saying like how it's very beneficial like even for just your brain yeah i saw the same thing it was amazing and talked about how it's good for creativity and all kinds of stuff i need a little well creativity actually makes a lot of sense like
Starting point is 01:32:39 we have this little notebook that i take with me on walks and honestly out of like a lot of the stuff a lot of a lot of the stuff, a lot of all, a lot of the habits that I've built from us talking on these shows, I think one of the biggest ones has been taken like daily, multiple daily walks. Cause it's not like me. I'm able to come out with a lot of good ideas on those, but also it just feels damn good.
Starting point is 01:32:58 You know, like it just, it just feels really good. And then I get to sleep easier. It's just so much, you know, the benefits of 10 minute walks and stuff. Getting out in the sun,
Starting point is 01:33:06 of course. Yeah. I'm going to send you this link right now in SEMA. I'm going to read that right after we get off. Cause I'm actually really curious about that. I would not have thought that it's still cognitively demanding. I wouldn't have assumed that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:16 It's weird. I mean, I don't, I'll have to read like it was, uh, there's a book about it too. Dang. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:22 It's a lot. Um, and it's just really cool to just see like how something like i said something's so automatic to like to us to just go walk everybody does it every day yeah most people but yeah it's our brains working this is on a website called and it's eight ways that walking can change your life um it lowers your risk of developing depression is number one. Uh, it improves your overall cognitive function, um, releases endorphins. Uh, it releases a protein called BDNF, which you can read more about that. I'm not going to try to explain that one too hard,
Starting point is 01:34:03 but it's basically just some expansion of your mind, I guess you'd say. It helps with mental and physical fatigue. Strengthens the hippocampus. You need a strong hippocampus in this world, don't you? I can never find my class on the hippocampus, though. No. I don't know. I don't know where it is.
Starting point is 01:34:22 I'm racking my brain for a pun, but I can't. It improves creativity. And number eight is increases blood flow in your brain. And I think it does like a bunch of other shit too. Like that's even just kind of the tip of the iceberg on that one. Yeah. No, overall, I mean, I'm not genuinely a mad person. I just feel happier afterwards.
Starting point is 01:34:42 I just feel good. Yeah. It's a really good habit to build for like everything that we're doing or everything we're trying to do. It sounds so simple. And I used to think when I think when I was in my early twenties, 2021 or whatever, um, I used to just think that walking was so unnecessary. Why not just run or whatever? But like nowadays I can definitely see why like walking is just so damn powerful. Well, and also too, like why not run? Like if you can run, then running could be pretty productive for you.
Starting point is 01:35:09 But if you're not someone that routinely runs and you start running out of nowhere, you may have an issue with being consistent because it might hurt. It might make you sore. Walking, you know, it's very, it's just very clear. Human body is very well designed to handle large amounts of walking, frequent amounts of walking. So you can walk often and you can kind of consistently and constantly burn calories. If you're to go try to run and you tweak something or get hurt.
Starting point is 01:35:36 Now, if you don't tweak something or get hurt and you run, then, um, you know, running can be running can be great for you and running. I know I have a lot of friends who are like, I don't even really run for my body. Just it's for my brain. Yeah. They just love the way it feels. I never got into running that way personally, but they say, yeah, that's the way I look at walking though.
Starting point is 01:35:53 That's the thing. I don't like the nice little caloric burn. That's a nice little plus on the side, but it's just like, it's just so good for my mind. It's so good for my mood. It's so good for all of that that like damn i just i just want to walk for that caloric burn cool but grab somebody to go with you too yeah you know have a buddy have a friend i walk with my dad a lot walk with my kids a lot it's awesome what else we got andrew no i was just looking at the uh the book that i was talking about it's called in praise
Starting point is 01:36:22 of walking new science of how we walk and why it's good for us. There's another good book, which isn't really a book. I love books that aren't really books. It's more of a picture book. It's, uh,
Starting point is 01:36:32 called, uh, eat bacon. Don't jog. That book is really awesome. It's like a manual. It's bacon or eat, bake and eat,
Starting point is 01:36:42 eat bacon. Ah, yeah. Like you're eating, you know, fucking things of bacon. Yeah. Eat bacon. bacon don't jog is that about like keto kind of the guy just basically talks about how it's really cool because it's like a good kickstarter for some nutrition but he talks about the importance of walking um and he he just he talks about a lot of myths, um, in, uh, in fitness.
Starting point is 01:37:05 I don't know. It's just really, it's really well done. It's, uh, like a unique look at fitness, but he's basically just saying, look, man, exercise doesn't need to be hard. You should be walking. He does talk about like lifting and talks about a couple other things in there, but, and he just, he references all these fats, all these foods that are high in fat that just tastes really good.
Starting point is 01:37:24 And he's just encouraging you to eat them. He's like, avocados are delicious. Cheese is really good. Bacon's really good. You know, why not adapt eating some of these things? And I mean, people get excited about bacon, right? Like, I mean, you can almost make an argument. People get as excited about bacon.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Actually, maybe they get more excited about bacon than they do sugar. I don't really see a lot of people running around with shirts and socks that say sugar on them, right? People get really pumped about bacon. Actually, maybe they get more excited about bacon than they do sugar. I don't really see a lot of people running around with shirts and socks that say sugar on them, right? People get really pumped about bacon. And so I think it's kind of great to kind of shift your mindset towards fat and protein in your head, getting excited about that rather than maybe like a bowl of ice cream. I understand the excitement over the bowl of ice cream, but maybe we can have a similar level of enthusiasm for that steak, that ribeye. What if the ice cream has peanut butter cups in it? What if the hamburger has peanut butter on it?
Starting point is 01:38:12 Remember that? Yeah. Matt Schweitzer saying a peanut butter hamburger? You know what I did the other day, guys? Uh-oh. You got down with some peanut butter? In a way. Okay, so I had some of that this is gonna sound weird and it uh this sounds very april-ish but what i did was i had some uh some um of that piedmontese ground beef 80 20 with some rice and then there's some peanut butter. So I'm just like, what would April do?
Starting point is 01:38:46 So I took some peanut butter and I put it in and I mixed it up. Right. I swirled it up and I ate it. It was pretty good. It was probably kind of awesome. It was pretty good. Did you have some joking? Let's only say that because you're right here.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Did you still like pile on a bunch of salt too there was a bit of salt in there yeah that was that was the weird thing i was like i had salt in there i and i put some peanut butter and i was like oh it's good it was good sound effect that's like uh thai food though like uh thai thai food sometimes they have like uh peanut butter like with some of the with the like the have like peanut butter, like with some of the, with the, like the skewers and stuff like that. And some of the sauces have like peanut butter. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:29 Really good. April, I'm playing. I'm playing. Okay. Same April actually brought in Thai food for everybody on Friday when most of the people were on vacation. What? Aww.
Starting point is 01:39:41 And I was like, I've never had Thai food. Really? Yeah. And then, but then Cooper over here in the warehouse was like, it's kind thai food and really yeah and then well but then cooper uh over here in the warehouse was like it's kind of like chinese food but less good and i was like all right the thai food's dope i don't know about that well compared to his panda express i would say that the panda express looked way better yeah but thai food you can can be fairly healthy it actually can be yeah it can oh that makes sense then yeah no because they they pack it like no i'd say thai food beats the shit out of chinese food
Starting point is 01:40:08 because what's that that that the sauce in the bowl jess you know it's like the sauce they have different like sauces with meats that you pour on top of rice and they're different colors like red and green oh like yeah there's a red curry and a yeah it's just simple red curry yeah yeah red curry good yeah i say that's better than Chinese food any day. Yeah. I want some Thai food now. Chinese food does taste good, but it's just like garbage. It's just all fried and gross.
Starting point is 01:40:34 It's fried and salty. But it does taste good, though. Pork fried rice. That's really good. The Chinese people listening are probably like, that's not even Chinese. Oh, yeah. Yeah. To me, P.F. chang's is like legit chinese food so i don't know shit about chinese food
Starting point is 01:40:50 any americanized like anything is always like amazing because we're so we're so fat like we're we're like hey you know what mexican community we got this chinese community we got this we'll make this way fatter than you can possibly imagine bro when i went to mexico the funniest thing happened when i went to my girlfriend um i asked for a burrito and the lady was like burrito ah what burrito because she's like they don't make burritos damn they were like what what the hell's a burrito you just like take the taco and wrap it up a little extra thicker burritos like an american like andrew you can educate like um no i mean i've i've grew up with burritos but yeah i guess maybe they only sold tacos right yeah they don't they had a little good tacos those are the best tacos i ever had in my life but they had no burritos
Starting point is 01:41:38 and she didn't know what a burrito was i was like what that's pretty funny you're trying to explain it you're like it's just a larger taco kind of yeah you just need the flour to be the thing to be or the corn to be bigger and wrap it in there i felt so american yeah yeah because it would be made out of flour so that's probably why they were like ah yeah yeah only the corn tortilla yeah like oh you didn't make it fatter what about the crunchy is that american is that like a taco bell thing i'm pretty sure yeah i mean we had them growing up again but i yeah i'd imagine we we messed that up over here churros oh that's definitely us yeah yeah nice yeah i like churros yeah they're amazing i've had them a while but i like churros do you guys remember the ones that
Starting point is 01:42:24 uh when we were walking on the Santa Monica pier, they were selling them. Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty sure those were like made with who knows. I mean, I don't know what they're made with, but man,
Starting point is 01:42:34 there's a peanut butter on those. Oh, that would be so good. Man. Like all this food talk and I'm not eating for a little bit. That's this. That's, you know,
Starting point is 01:42:43 it's not that bad. What are you going to eat? Uh, at like steak three or five or steak when are you gonna eat a fat steak probably at like five because i want to actually have it be 48 i don't want to cut it nice so yeah steak i'm gonna go to costco buy some eggs my crock pot yeah use that crock pot for tomorrow's meal since i don't think it's going to be ready for today's, but I, a steak and eggs and avocado. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:43:07 I'll probably, I'll probably add more stuff to that, but you know, one cool thing that I found at Costco, this is from Tom. I don't know. I probably told you they have pre hard boiled eggs. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:16 That's great. I didn't realize how awesome those were. And they're like, I thought that they'd be more expensive. They're cooked well. Yeah. They're not, uh,
Starting point is 01:43:23 the center's not like all, you know, overly cooked They're cooked well. Yeah. The center's not like all overly cooked. Perfect. Yeah. Perfect. I thought they'd be more expensive than normal eggs, but they're not. They're the same price, if not a little bit cheaper for a pack of 24. Dude, what's Costco doing? How are they doing it?
Starting point is 01:43:37 Seriously. How do they handle this? Yeah. Every once in a while, though, you'll get a batch that's like impossible to open. Oh, yeah. Like the peel open thing. Yeah. No, I've never found it easy to open., you'll get a batch that's impossible to open. Oh, yeah. Like the peel open thing. Ah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:47 No, I've never found it easy to open. There's not just a batch. It's just every single one I've opened has always been like, I have to use my teeth. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's tough. Yeah. Are you guys watching the Khabib fight this weekend?
Starting point is 01:43:58 Yeah, I want to. I want to check that one out. I forgot about it. Saturday. Oh, tomorrow night is football. The goddamn start of the 2019 NFL football season. God damn it. Saturday. Oh, tomorrow night is football. The goddamn start of the 2019 NFL football season. God damn it. Shit.
Starting point is 01:44:09 I'm going to sit there with a fucking football helmet. I'm going to watch that shit. I'm going to be pumped. Before I forget about the Khabib fight, it's like at 11 a.m. Because they're in, where are they? Dubai. Dubai, is it? You got it right.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Yeah. So, yeah, like the card technically starts at like 7 a.m i'm like dude i'm finally gonna get through an entire card and not fall asleep because it'll be during the day that's crazy damn yeah i gotta figure that one out that's uh friday night i have quinn's birthday and so i got all her uh girlfriends over the house oh yeah so i'll have to record the fight probably and then watch it when i get home from the gym Quinn's birthday. And so I got all her girlfriends over the house. Oh yeah. So I'll have to record the fight probably. And then watch it when I get home from the gym or something. That's going to be a good one.
Starting point is 01:44:51 Anyway, we're out of here. We're babbling on strength is never weak. This week, this never strength. Thank you guys for listening. Catch y'all later.

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