Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Bell's Sunday School EP. 28 - How To Be Less Fat

Episode Date: February 7, 2021

Special Super Bowl Sunday School edition of Mark Bell’s Saturday School! While being a little fat and missing Saturday School, Mark Bell decided to hit you with a Sunday School talking about being L...ESS FAT. Protein Leveraging, lifting, walking, making better choices with your food and how being a savage is difficult, but being over weight, weak, unhappy is MUCH worse. Also, wait till the end for Mark’s Super Bowl prediction. Thanks Class. Subscribe to the NEW Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, everybody, welcome to an edition of Sunday School. It's supposed to be Saturday School, but I guess this week I've been too fat, and I forgot to do Saturday School, so now it's Sunday School. Welcome to Sunday School. I'm your host, Mark Smellybell. school. I'm your host, Mark Smellybell. Thank you guys for participating in the online poll that my boy Andrew Zaragoza posted up where he asked you guys a question about what you wanted to see more of and what you wanted to see talked about in the next Saturday school. And you guys overwhelmingly talked about how you wanted to see me talking about nutrition.
Starting point is 00:00:46 So a while back, about three years ago, I started something called Operation Get Less Fatterist. And as of late, I've been on a kick talking about being less fat or be less fat. What are some ways that you can be less fat? So rather than thinking about all the different ways that you can, you know, be skinny, all the different ways that you can be lean, all these different things, let's just figure out a way to be less fat. That is our topic for today, so let's get started. In no particular order, I'm going to rattle off a lot of things you can add to your life
Starting point is 00:01:28 that's going to end up subtracting shit out of your life due to simple time constraints. And your plate, your cup will be filled up so much that you won't have room for a bunch of bullshit in your life anymore. So let's rip it and let's go. Number one, don't forget about your 10-minute walks. I know I talk about them all the time, but a 10-minute walk is really effective. Multiple 10-minute walks a day has been studied against diabetic medication called metformin, and it had a better impact on your blood glucose levels. You can look that study up, and you can check it out.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Ten-minute walks, regardless of that study and how that study was conducted or whatever, ten-minute walks are going to be really, really effective. We know that motion is important. We know that motion is important. We know that movement is important. What does a walk do? Well, a walk is good for the body, mind, and spirit. How is it good for your mind? Well, we know that when we walk, the rhythm at which we walk is soothing to the brain.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And we know that we have things that are soothing to the brain. It helps with creativity. Go on a good walk and tell me what it does for your creativity. Listen to music. Listen to a podcast. Remember, we want to have our walks, our drives. These are all opportunities for furthering your education. And I have almost ended up with a PhD when it comes to education through all the walking that
Starting point is 00:03:13 I've been doing and turning my car into a mobile classroom. You can do the same thing. Start dishing out 10-minute walks left and right every single day. I suggest that you do three a day. And actually, sometimes, I'm on a 10-minute walk right now. Actually, sometimes, you're going to find that it might be quite difficult to get three in, not due to time constraints, but due to just forgetting about it. You're like, oh, shit. But treat it like a dosage.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Treat it like your vitamin C. Treat it like your vitamin D. Treat it like a protein shake. Treat it like any other habit that you have that you do before something. You have a pre-workout. What triggers you to think about your pre-workout? The fact that you're about to work out. Well, what can trigger your 10-minute walks? Let's have every meal trigger your 10-minute walks. That would be great. You can do it before. You can do it after.
Starting point is 00:04:12 A post-prandial, after you're done eating, a walk is what some studies have been done on, but really just walk whenever you can. Get them in. Get them going. It's going to have a major impact on your blood pressure, major impact on
Starting point is 00:04:28 your physique over a long period of time, and a major impact on your brain. Now, keep in mind when I said major impact on your physique, that you don't burn a lot of calories from walking. So in order to have a physique transformation, you'd have to do a lot
Starting point is 00:04:47 of walking. But the great thing about walking is it's really super duper, pooper, scooper easy to recover from walking. And walking just doesn't require a lot, doesn't take a lot out of you. So therefore, you can do a lot of walking. So I suggest the 10-minute walks. What happens is sometimes when these 10-minute walks start to become longer, which can help burn more calories, is that it starts to pull from other areas of your life. So I'd like you to be careful with that. You want to stick to 10-minute walks, 12-minute walks, things like that. But if it turns into you doing three one-hour walks a day, it's probably going to pull against the opportunity for you to go into the gym and lift.
Starting point is 00:05:33 And that's what we'll talk about next. Let's talk about lifting. So another way to be less fat is to lift weights. Why would lifting weights help us be less fat? Well, number one, it helps us burn calories. Number two, it's good for your body, mind, and spirit. It's good for your brain. Things that are good for your brain and things that give you peace of mind
Starting point is 00:05:57 are going to be things that are going to allow you to have longevity and consistency because they make you feel better. Remember the mission of fitness. Remember the mission of the gym. When you walk into a gym, you're not trying to destroy yourself. You're not trying to kill those squats. You're not trying to fuck up some bench pressing. You're trying to go in there, get work done and feel better about yourself you're also working
Starting point is 00:06:27 on feeling empowered because you want to feel more powerful than you ever could possibly imagine because of the incremental progress that you made over a long period of time you started out as a 98 pound weakling now you're 225 pounds and you're jacked in 10. And you started out by just being able to bench press 65 pounds. And now you're moving around your body weight for sets of 10 with no problem. That's what the gym can do for you. The gym can have a transformation on your mind that's probably far superior than what it might do to your body. We see a lot of great physique transformations from people when it comes to gymming, but I see bigger strides made on people's minds and things that have
Starting point is 00:07:17 more immediate impact. The other thing that lifting weights is going to do for you let's not forget it's an investment into your future of being able to burn more calories so that's something else to think about it's an investment in being able to help change your metabolism over the next several years if you with it, because now you acquired more muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you're going to chew up. Nothing chews up more calories in your entire body than your muscle, because your muscle is a large organ.
Starting point is 00:08:00 And if you're 240 pounds and 10% body fat, you have a lot of muscle on your body. According to that stat, you would have about 24 pounds of body fat on you. I think if I did the math right on that, which ain't a lot. It means the rest of you is, you know, there might be some bone and whatever else mixed in there, but you have a shit ton of muscle mass on you, and you're going to be burning a lot of calories every day. So if you go from being 190 to being 210, and you're more jacked and have more muscle mass on you, yes, you're heavier, and yes, that's not always everyone's goal. But if you have more muscle mass on you, you'll be burning more calories. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:08:47 Well, that means we might have opportunities to slip up when it comes to the holidays. You heard me mention earlier Operation Get Less Fatterist. What Operation Get Less Fatterist was a counteract to, it was a counteracting the holidays because Christmas and Thanksgiving, as soon as Halloween hits usually actually, that's when the candy comes out, and that's when everyone starts slipping. That's when everybody starts tripping. But if you're jacked and if you have a little bit more muscle mass on you than you did the year before, your insulin sensitivity will be better.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You'll be able to store. You'll be able to utilize those carbohydrates a little bit more. Your body will be chewing up more calories because you have more muscle mass, and you can afford the slip-ups on the holidays here and there. You can afford the slip-ups on your birthday. But also by having more muscle mass and by looking better, you will be less likely to continue down that path of having bad habits because you'll have this kind of snowball effect on the way that you look.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Because the way that you look is interconnected a lot of times with the way that you feel, within reason. There's people that look great that still feel like shit about themselves. So we don't want to get caught up in that. But for the most part, if you look better, a lot of times you're going to feel better. So we talked about walking. We talked about lifting. We got those two out of the way. What's another way that we can be less fat by doing or eating more?
Starting point is 00:10:21 How about we eat protein? How about we talk about protein leveraging for a minute? You ever heard about protein leveraging? If you haven't, go check out some of the work from Ted Neiman. Follow him on Twitter. Follow him on Instagram. Check out his book, P versus E Diet, and he talks a lot about protein versus energy. And protein is not a great source of energy for human beings, but it's a great reparative tool, restorative tool. It's a building block for us, but we don't really use it as energy. We utilize carbohydrates as energy and we utilize fat. But regardless of the diet of choice, regardless of what diet you chose, eating more protein in many, many studies, I'm not a huge fan of nutritional studies, but many studies over years, multiple studies, have shown that when we eat more protein, it'll help drive down hunger.
Starting point is 00:11:28 protein, it'll help drive down hunger. So protein can be very satiating is what they say. They say it's the most satiating of the macronutrients. So that's actually really important to understand because if we can drive down hunger, well, maybe we can gain control over our diet and maybe we can stop being so fucking fat because that's ultimately what this is all about is figuring out a way to gain control. So eat more protein. How much more protein? I don't know how much protein you currently eat, but if you have an idea, I would say add 50 grams to that. If you don't have any baseline for your protein, you're not sure where you're at, you can record it for a couple days. You can check it out. You can read some food labels, and then you can add 50 grams of that.
Starting point is 00:12:12 If you've already been busting your butt and you've already been bodybuilding and things like that, just go with a gram, one gram to 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. It does not have to be lean body weight. Nope. Just go 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. 1.5 would be kind of a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But give it a shot. I myself weigh 240 and I routinely am having 300 to 400 grams of protein every day. Probably more like 300 to 350. A 400 range would be maybe a little bit more rare. Keep in mind that protein, I think that protein is a free calorie. I don't think that protein really counts when it comes to protein currently has four calories per gram.
Starting point is 00:13:12 But I actually think that protein is like at one or maybe even zero in terms of its usage as energy in the human body. usage as energy in the human body. So when we keep that in mind, you have to understand when you eat a lot of protein, you're not getting much energy from protein. However, protein in nature is always accompanied by fat. Protein in nature is always accompanied by fat. And I know that there's some leaner animals out there and stuff, but like for the most thing, some of these things have been farmed,
Starting point is 00:13:49 like the way chickens are farmed. You eat a chicken breast and there's no fat on it, but normally you'd eat the skin and so forth. So protein and fat usually come together. And for that reason, when you do eat a steak or you do eat chicken, chicken wings or whatever it is that you might eat, you know, just understand that it's going to have other calories with it that are probably from grams of fat. I myself have gone on a carnivore diet many times. I do it once a year for about a month, and I really enjoy it. And it's something that helps me reset.
Starting point is 00:14:30 And it's literally just eating fat and protein for all the days in January. And it's really effective. If you want to look up more stuff on that, check out stuff from Sean Baker. He's your guy. He's the meat man. So that pretty much does it for protein leveraging. And also I would say a side note that when we're eating all this protein and when you do have like a war on carbs, a book that I wrote many years ago, you should pick that up. You can grab it over at or you can get it off Amazon.
Starting point is 00:15:10 My opinion, the best book ever written on a low-carb diet, so you should check it out. It'd be really helpful and useful to you. But when we start to get into the habit of eating more protein and eating more fat, our body tends to really be super efficient off of running off of fat. And it feels good, and you don't have the dips and the dives that you do with carbs. And when you kick carbs out of your life, you don't have to permanently be kicked out of your life. But when you kick them out of your life, you don't really want them as much anymore. So I always say carbs beget carbs, so be careful with that.
Starting point is 00:15:42 If you have a lot of carbohydrates in your routine, and you're thinking, man, I can't deal without carbohydrates, you're probably right. And it's because the carbs that you're having now are encouraging you to eat more carbs. And if you go the route of protein and fat and you're able to do so for some days, then you'll have momentum to staying within the range of eating protein and fat. So that does it for protein leveraging. Next thing we'll move on to is fiber. So remember, I'm adding to your life. I'm not subtracting. This is addition by subtracting. All I'm saying is, look, let's walk. Let's lift. I didn't take anything away from you.
Starting point is 00:16:25 is look, let's walk, let's lift. I'm not taking, I didn't take anything away from you. Let's walk, let's lift and let's eat some steak. Walk, lift, steak, right? Okay. So next thing is fiber. Well, where can you get fiber from? You get fiber from some greens. The only thing I would say about greens is I would be careful with greens that you have a hard time digesting. I wouldn't eat a lot of them. I would take your time. I would put them in a diet and over a period of time, give your body time to adapt and time to adjust to them. Now, if you can't digest greens very well, that's problematic as well. That doesn't make any sense. Your gut should be strong enough to digest these greens. I'm not talking about all greens and any greens because we're all sensitive to certain things.
Starting point is 00:17:10 But for the most part, you should be able to handle the greens that you're choosing. If you feel like you're sensitive to greens and you get gassy and so forth, you can look up FODMAP. I believe it's F-O-D-M-A-P, FODMAP. You can look that up and it has kind of easier to digest vegetables. Also, Stan the Rhino Efferty, in his book, The Vertical Diet, talks a lot about vegetables that are easier to digest. He talks about, like, cooked spinach and things like that. So adding in some vegetables can help add in some fiber. Fiber is another thing that doesn't count against our caloric intake for the day. But it can add some bulk, and it can help fill you up.
Starting point is 00:18:08 What type of greens or what type of vegetables do you want? Or what type of fiber are we after? We're after low-sugar fiber. So you can still have some fruit and stuff like that here and there. But for the most part, we're after low sugar forms of fiber. Some people like oatmeal. Oatmeal is kind of interesting because it is fluffy. It is thick. It's full-bodied, and it can fill you up pretty well. So if you like oatmeal, that might not be a bad option, but don't feel like you need to have oatmeal.
Starting point is 00:18:45 I've never really been a huge proponent of it, but I have used it in the past with some egg whites and things like that, first meal in the morning, and it can help a little bit. But here's another thing you need to do. This is a side note. Get rid of all the fuckery in your life about nutrition and about nutritional timing. Let's, you know, breakfast is made up. It's made up that you eat pancakes in the morning. Some fucking idiot made that up a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:19:19 And the rest of us fucking followed him. And we're more than happy to because pancakes are delicious. But pancakes don't need to represent breakfast. I can follow them. And they're more than happy to because pancakes are delicious. But pancakes don't need to represent breakfast. Neither does an omelet. Neither does any of that stuff. But you can have an omelet in the morning if you'd like because that's what you're used to. But I think you're better off for your nutritional integrity and for you to excel the best that you can in your nutrition,
Starting point is 00:19:54 I think you're better off leaving a lot of that bullshit behind because it has nothing to do with nothing. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are things that are made up. The images that you think of, you know, Panera Bread, half a sandwich, a bag of chips, and a thing of soup. That's hospital food. And hospitals are places where people go to die. So don't eat like that. Those are also foods that they feed you in school to slow you down. And those same foods that they feed you in school, they feed you where else? In prison.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Because they want you to be sluggish as fuck, right? There you go. There's a little political rant for you, but don't worry about what foods you put where. Just select healthy foods and eat them all the time. Eat them throughout the day. Let me give you a quick list of healthy foods. Ready for this? You got a pen? you a quick list of healthy foods. Ready for this? You got a pen? You're ready to write this down. Meat, vegetables, and fruit. There you go. There's your healthy list. And if you wanted to add something else in there next, I guess you could say we could throw in some whey protein powder. There you go. All right, well, it's time to move on. We just talked about vegetables. We're continuing to add to your life, and so we're going to do so now with making sure that you're drinking plenty of liquids. This is another way just to make sure you're feeling full,
Starting point is 00:21:18 and hydration can help your joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles. It can help everything feel better. In addition to just having liquids, being properly hydrated is where it's at. When you're properly hydrated, you're going to be stronger. You're going to feel like you have more energy. You're going to have basically more access to more energy. Think of it this way. If you get dehydrated, it shuts down how you access your energy. I don't know if that's actually true. I don't know if it shuts down how your body receives carbohydrates or any of that stuff. I'm not even saying that that's what I'm trying to say here.
Starting point is 00:21:59 But what I'm trying to say is when you don't have the proper electrolytes in your system, is when you don't have the proper electrolytes in your system, it seems to shut out your lights or at least dim them. It seems like the electrical components of your body are no longer fully connected and you don't have access to a powerhouse to continue to do what you want to do. You ever felt lightheaded during a workout? You're done with a set of deadlifts or heavy bent over rows or something like that, and you go to kind of stand up and you're like, whoa, what was that? Well, that is an energy deprivation. You may have not eaten that much for that day.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Could be some blood sugar issues. There could also be some blood pressure issues. And a lot of times those blood pressure issues come from not having enough electrolytes. So you might want to look into salting your foods. You don't have to dump a whole thing of salt on your foods, but you might want to look into salting your foods, supplementing with some magnesium, and or you can get on board with Element. This podcast is sponsored by Element, and it's a great product. A thousand milligrams of sodium. I know a lot of people are scared of sodium, but sodium is not responsible
Starting point is 00:23:12 for most people's high blood pressure. Sodium, I'm sorry, insulin a lot of times is more responsible for having continued high insulin levels, having high blood sugar levels, and being fat. So we've got to be less fat. The whole point of being less fat is that when you're less fat, you are most likely going to be more healthy. I'm not talking about people that are already skinny. I'm talking about the guy that's 50 pounds overweight. I'm talking about the girl that's 50 pounds overweight. I'm talking about the girl that's 30 pounds overweight right now. And I'm like, hmm, I wonder, is a keto diet safe?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Is a carnivore diet, is that safe? It's safer than being fat. It's safer than being the same as you were yesterday. The adjustments to your health can be made afterwards. But trust me when I tell you this, I used to weigh 330 pounds. Trust me when I tell you the best thing that you can do for yourself is to simply get on a path, get on a war path where you can start to lose some weight, make some better decisions, make some better choices with your nutrition, and you'll be well on your way.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Let's see. What else can we be moving into now? Speaking of drinks and speaking of liquids, something that's helped me is just to have drinks that you enjoy and that you like. Again, we can recalibrate in some other time if you want to be healthier, but I'm a fan of diet stuff and diet drinks. No calories, no harm. I'm a believer in. I think that that can be hugely beneficial to you when you start to embark on a diet, especially if you're 300 pounds, you're big, you have a sweet tooth, don't sweat the artificial sweeteners. Keep them in your life because eventually we're going to have to start
Starting point is 00:25:09 to subtract stuff out of our lives and we're going to have to start to subtract some sugars out and some things of that nature. So keep those things in. I'm a huge fan of Jell-O. I eat a lot of Jell-O. I get some freaking jello from the store, and I get those. I think they have like 10 calories. I eat like four or five of those sometimes sitting down watching TV. So if I eat four of them, it's 40 calories. Ooh, big whoop. Plus, we're still getting gelatin, and gelatin has glycine in it,
Starting point is 00:25:46 just like collagen does. It's good for our skin and our nails and our hair and so forth. So, these are all things that can really assist. Going down the list. Oh, two more things. So the category of snacks, you might want to look into kind of having some, you might want to try to look like not even necessarily snacks. Let's scratch the word snacks for a second. And let's just say let's have creative. Let's start to develop some creative culinary skills or creative cooking skills or creative kitchen skills, let's call them.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Creative kitchen skills, let's call it that. Mixing some yogurt with some slingshot protein is a great one. Get some yogurt. Get some 2% or 4% yogurt. Fage is great. It's really loaded with a lot of protein. Fage plain yogurt, I think also only has like five grams of carbs. So it doesn't have hardly any sugar. Grab that son of a bitch, throw in some slingshot protein or your favorite protein, mix it in there, a scoop or two, and put it in the fridge or put it in the freezer. Let it sit there for a while, and it will turn into like a
Starting point is 00:27:12 pudding slash ice cream type thing, and it's freaking great. It's really delicious. It's not the same as eating ice cream. It's not as yummy. It's, you know, because yogurt has that kind of tang to it, you know. If you want to sweeten it up a little bit more, you want to pull some of that tang out of there, you can use some sort of either artificial sweetener type thing or you can – the protein powder will help a lot. But you can also mix in some ChocZero. They have different types of syrups that you can mix in there. So you might want to look that up online. Check them out on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:27:50 They have great products. They have like a chocolate. They got a caramel. They got a maple syrup. They got a bunch of different things. So that might be helpful as well. But be creative from a culinary standpoint and that'll help as well.
Starting point is 00:28:03 And this is another huge addition to your life, a huge addition to your nutrition. You want to get a leg up on the competition, we're going to have to make foods that taste good. One way to make steaks taste great is to get a Ninja Foodi. It's fantastic. There's so many different things that you can do with that thing, and it doesn't stink up your house or apartment. But a Ninja Foodi is basically an air fryer that you can do with that thing. And it doesn't stink up your house or apartment. But a Ninja Foodie is basically an air fryer that you can do other things with. Or you can simply get a regular air fryer.
Starting point is 00:28:32 They work just as great. Throw your steaks in there. Throw your buffalo wings in there. They're going to come out fantastic. And don't be afraid to look up recipes. Don't be afraid to experiment. Don't be afraid to look up recipes. Don't be afraid to experiment. Don't be afraid to start making up your own stuff. It's going to really, really be helpful. Another trick, another tip is to eat savory foods and slash overeat. So eating savory foods and
Starting point is 00:29:00 overeating, how is that part of be less fat? Well, it's because we're still going to be doing so under the guidelines of our diet. So if you're eating less carbs and you're doing things like that, then an omelet at night with bacon, cheese, and avocado in it might be a great choice or great option. Rolling through a drive-thru and getting a cheeseburger without a bun, those kinds of things. It's still part of the plan. And you might want to have days, like if you're feeling like cheating on the diet, And you might want to have days, like if you're feeling like cheating on the diet, before you go down that road, let's just have you eat a lot for the day.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Eat in abundance. Eat in abundance of calories. Dump in a lot of calories. Hit up a large amount of food. Just really crush food for even a day or two. It's not going to really make you fat. It's going to keep you on plan and on point because you're still eating the foods that are within the guidelines of your nutrition. Remember, fatigue makes cowards of us all,
Starting point is 00:30:20 so you have to make sure that you're getting in proper sleep. So getting in your proper sleep, proper rest, having some sleep hygiene might be madly important to you. It might be huge for you. So that is something to also think about. If you sleep like shit, you're going to be tired and fatigued. In closing, one of the last things I want to share with you guys with Be Less Fat, I want to share with you that you guys have the ability to do this. I say this all over the place. I say it many times. It's not easy to lose weight. It's not easy to gain muscle. easy to gain muscle. It's not easy to be strong. It's not easy to be rich. It's not easy to be happy. But let me tell you what's a lot harder. It's a lot harder to be obese. It's a lot harder to be made fun of for being fat. It's a lot harder to be scrawny.
Starting point is 00:31:37 It's a lot harder to be weak and intimidated and scared to even try or do things. Being a winner is difficult. Being a savage is not easy. But being a loser is way harder. Wait until you get the bill at the end of your life for a life where you haven't done much. at the end of your life, for a life where you haven't done much. Wait till you see how large that bill is. Wait till you see how much you have to pay.
Starting point is 00:32:17 You will really have to pay a price, and it will be the ultimate price. So instead, why not filter out some of the price now? Why not spread it out throughout your day with a few 10-minute walks, with a couple better decisions with your food, with an investment in drinking more water, with an investment in spending a little extra time to care about your health, care about your nutrition. And when you've done that, and you feel like you've done a pretty decent job of it,
Starting point is 00:32:49 grab a hold of somebody else and pick them up as well. I lifted many heavy things in my life, and that is what I am most known for. But I'll spend the rest of my days. And I will be the most known for. Lifting other people. And I need you. To help me.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Make that a reality. I need you to make. I need you to help me. And it's not helping me. It's helping all of us. I need you to help me. And it's not helping me. It's helping all of us. I need you to help all of us by grabbing a hold of others. Tell them to listen to this podcast. Tell them to get a hold of themselves.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Say, look, man, Mark Bell said it's not that hard, dude. It's hard to be fat. It's hard to be obese. It's hard to be on this side of things than it is to be ahead. And I agree with him. So go listen to his fucking podcast right now and change your life forever.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Every day is an opportunity. Replace the word work with opportunity. The things I laid out on here today are all additions to your life. But they do take a little bit of work. But it's just an opportunity. You have an opportunity to get better. You have an
Starting point is 00:34:12 opportunity to get leaner. You have an opportunity to lose that body fat. You have an opportunity to be less fat. Please take it. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Thank you guys so much for listening. Have a great night or day. Oh, almost forgot. Super Bowl prediction. This should come out right before the Super Bowl if I'm lucky,
Starting point is 00:34:41 if Andrew can get it up quick enough. out right before the Super Bowl if I'm lucky, if Andrew can get it up quick enough. Tom Brady versus Mahomes versus the Chiefs. Man, it just seems like the Chiefs are going to route them, doesn't it? Just seems like the Chiefs are going to go out there and kill them. They got Tyrone Hill. He's fast as shit. They put up a lot of points. For the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, they got that defense. And they got Tom Brady. I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen. Is Tom Brady going to win his seventh ring in his 10th Super Bowl appearance?
Starting point is 00:35:23 Hmm. Looking into my crystal ball I will go with the Buccaneers for the win Tom Brady wins his 7th ring the Buccaneers find a way to run the football they find a way to control the football, they find a way to control
Starting point is 00:35:45 the clock, and they keep Mahomes off the goddamn field. Keep Mahomes off the field, and you get in a lot of pressure, you might have a chance. But even those things aren't always enough, because Mahomes is a champion of all champions, and the first $500 million man. So that's my prediction. I'm sticking to it. Go Bucs. Catch you guys later.

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