Mark Bell's Power Project - Mark Smelly Bell: Be The Leader

Episode Date: July 22, 2020

Taken from the MarkSmellyBell YouTube Channel, Mark asks YOU to be the leader. Don't depend on someone to come in and save the day in times like these. Be a leader. Original video here: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support the show by visiting our sponsors! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project crew, welcome to the podcast. Today's episode comes to us by way of the Mark Smelly Bell YouTube channel. If you guys like what you hear, what Mark has to say on this podcast, and you haven't subscribed, you're really doing yourself a disservice. This is a different YouTube channel than the Mark Bell Super Training Gym channel, you know, the one where we do a lot of lifting inside the gym. Although this channel does have lift, has lifting, it's a different channel. It's a separate channel that Mark shares a lot of nutrition advice a lot of motivation
Starting point is 00:00:29 And a lot of stuff just like what we're going to share with you guys today This is a really cool topic that he went on for quite a bit and I just really wanted to share it with you guys Mark's basically saying instead of sitting there with your hands out Waiting for a leader to step up and help guide us through this weird situation that we're dealing with in 2020. He asks instead, how about you become the leader? Really powerful stuff. I hope you guys like it. If you do, please reach out to Mark on pretty much any social media platform is at Mark
Starting point is 00:00:56 Smelly Bell. Make sure you're following him on the YouTube side of things. All links will be down in the YouTube or sorry, on the podcast description, wherever you're listening to this, just go ahead and check the show notes and you guys will see it there. Anyways, I'm gonna get out of your guys way. Hope you guys enjoy the show. This is Mark Bell and you're catching me on my 10-minute walk. I continue to see people communicating and talking about how in America right now we lack leadership. And I want to just share with you on why that's okay to have that thought process.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I think we're all entitled to our opinions. But I think that we need to lead ourselves. And I think that people right now are really struggling. People are struggling to control their thoughts and to take initiative on being careful with what their thoughts turn into. A statement from the president in this climate cannot be made without being overly judged
Starting point is 00:02:03 one way or the other. Now, you can reasonably say that Donald Trump has painted himself in that corner, and that's fine. Again, you're entitled to your own personal opinion. And maybe you can even point out that you feel some of it's very factual. And that's fine, too. I'm not going to argue with you on any of those things. But I think it's dangerous to blame anything that's going on currently with a leader.
Starting point is 00:02:30 The reason why I think it's dangerous is because I think that we need to take responsibility for ourselves. I personally feel that we would be better off and we can move into a better place and we can end up in a better place faster the sooner that we shoulder the responsibility ourselves. When I hear some of the information and I hear some of the stats on where we are as a society and when you learn more about why people behave the way they do, what I'm finding out is it doesn't really have anything to do with 2020. There's certain things that have happened
Starting point is 00:03:02 over the years that are maybe out of our hands but maybe in the future they'll be in our hands because we are the future. You can start to shape our future because you might not be aware of some of these stats, but one in three girls are molested. One in five boys are molested when they're young. 1.9 billion people throughout the entire world are overweight. 39% of the world's population, not just the United States, 39% of the world's population is overweight. So what I'm asking of you here is I want you to think about this. Let's just open up a conversation conversation, it's a little bit more reasonable. Think about the toxic, the toxicity of the environments that people grow up in. And you can start to, what ends up being wonderful about this and horrific at the same time, is that we all suffer from the same atrocities. Why is that
Starting point is 00:04:01 wonderful? Well, it's wonderful because we can all get behind the same mission to try to make sure that these things don't happen anymore. And it's not about necessarily race. It's not about COVID-19. COVID-19 2020 has nothing to do with all the people that have been molested over the years. been molested over the years. COVID-19, the thing that happened, the stuff that's been unfolding with George Floyd and many other black Americans that we're seeing, we're seeing police brutality, we're seeing some things played out that we haven't seen in this kind of volume before. It hasn't been highlighted to this level. It's always been around though. Well, what else has been around? What other kinds of deceptions? What other kinds of drug abuse, child abuse? What other kinds of reckless things have been in our history? What president can we point to that was a good president, that was a great leader? Who would be available at the moment to try to pull us out of this, to try to pull us out of what we currently have? We have a very obese nation.
Starting point is 00:05:08 On top of being obese, obesity causes so many other problems that it's almost impossible to quantify the amount of different issues that happen from obesity alone. Obviously, we know about disease, right? We know about the diseases that we suffer from. We know about diabetes. Obviously we know about disease, right? We know about the diseases that we suffer from. We know about diabetes. We know about heart disease. We know about cancer. Yes, cancer is very much linked to obesity as well. But what else is linked to that? What about mental conditions? What about somebody who is reckless with their own body over the years and reckless with their nutrition? How does years and reckless with their nutrition, how does that affect their psyche?
Starting point is 00:05:50 And then how does that impact when they have children? Is that person fit? Is that person mentally fit? Do they have the mental capacity to even have a child in the first place? And this is why I think I cannot worry about what you do. I can only worry about what I do. And I'm gonna shoulder the blame and I'm gonna try to be a better person each and what you do. I can only worry about what I do. And I'm going to shoulder the blame and I'm going to try to be a better person each and every day the best I can.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I'm going to try to make sure that I feel good enough about myself that I don't lash out at my children. I have no desire to abuse my children. I have no desire to do any of the things I've mentioned. I just don't, I don't operate that way. But some people get caught up in the moment. They get caught up in the experience of life and they get extremely frustrated and they lash out at other people. I think people that have abused their children and people that have neglected their children,
Starting point is 00:06:37 I don't think they ever sought out to do that. I think for some people, that's the only form of communication that they maybe knew. But that was probably passed on to them. We have, at the moment, we have these anti-rational memes being passed down from generation to generation. Not only is there just irrational thoughts being passed on from one generation to another, there's irrational practices being passed down from one generation to another. All the way from everything you eat, all the way to some other just beliefs that you might have that are now showing up in today's world as being racist.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So when I keep hearing about, hey, there's a lack of leadership, there's a lack of leadership, I think that people are waiting for like a phoenix to arise from the ashes or something. I think that people are waiting for somebody to come along and say, hey, hold on a second. Everybody just relax.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I got this. But as you can see, with everything from mental illness being skyrocketed worldwide, not just in the United States, to so many things going on with obesity, to irrational thought processes such as being racist, all these things are heightened and amplified at an all-time high. What could one person or one leader do about it? Maybe they could do some stuff about it. Maybe there could be laws or rules they can implement. But what do we know about that? What
Starting point is 00:07:58 do we know about, you know, having coercive procedures to try to stop or try to hammer things down? They don't always work great. You would love for people just to feel good about themselves to where they don't want to hurt other people. When I think about what happened with Derek Chauvin and George Floyd, there is not a scenario that you could lay out for me that makes any sense to be able to prevent that from happening again. And when I say that, you may be shocked to hear me say something like that.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Things like that are always going to happen because that was not a procedural thing. No one's in favor of that. Just like no one's in favor of child abuse. Even a child abuser is not a fan of child abuse, most likely. They just have fallen into a trap. They've fallen into a pit.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Even somebody who potentially has some racism in their blood, maybe some racism in their history, or maybe not even so much that they're outwardly racist. Maybe they are more pro whatever nationality they are. They are still disgusted by what happened to George Floyd. Most people are in total agreement. But what do you do about a situation like that? Now, I'm not proposing that we put our hands up and say, I don't know what to do about it. I don't know what to do about it. I think the auditing of the police department and all the procedures and how we arrest people and how we treat people, I think it's great that we're investigating all these things. I actually think that we're going to look back at 2020 and we're
Starting point is 00:09:21 going to say 2020 was a pivotal year. When I think about my own life and I think about the different things I pivoted off of, I mainly have things that I would, at the time, I viewed as very negative. Those things were things I pivoted off of and kicked ass off of, tearing a peck and making the slingshot. And there's situation after situation that's like that. Before my brother died from drug abuse, I didn't put up a lot of points on the scoreboard. I was strong. I was doing good in powerlifting. I was doing good with some different things, but I wasn't making money. I wasn't contributing. I wasn't doing any of the things that I'm doing currently. All that stuff
Starting point is 00:09:54 came after that because that was something I pivoted off of. I think that rather than waiting for a leader to arise from the ashes and have somebody say, hey man, I got y'all. You ain't got to worry about it. You can keep being lazy and keep being the same way you were yesterday. Because I think that's what people want. I honestly believe, and this may be a little bit negative coming from me, but I honestly think that most people are a bunch of shitbags. but I honestly think that most people are a bunch of shit bags. And the reason why I think that, the reason why I think a lot of people are pieces of shit is because they haven't learned to control their own mind and they haven't learned to take responsibility. I think all of what is happening and all of what is going on should be shouldered by all of us. It'll be a lot easier
Starting point is 00:10:42 weight to lift if we contribute and if we get together and we all try to lift it ourselves. I know that there's things that I can do better every single day. I can't place that same judgment on you, but I would just imagine that that's probably true if you were to think about it. Could you be kinder to people? Could you take an extra second or extra minute to say hello to your neighbor? Could you take an extra second to hold the door open for somebody? Could you be a little bit more courteous? Could you be a little bit more friendlier? Could you smile a little bit more? Do these things cost you anything? Are these things hard to do? Can you actually try to think about what your thoughts are about certain policies, certain politics? Some people are like, I'm not political. Why aren't you
Starting point is 00:11:22 political? Especially if you have a problem or have an issue with some of the things that are going on. I would highly recommend that you figure out a way to become political. So that way you can be part of the conversation. We all have a say. We all can make a difference is my main point here. And I think that a lot of people feel that they can't. But I would strongly disagree with that and say that you can. It's not an easy thing to figure out, but I do not think it's helpful to call out politicians. I don't think it's helpful to call out police officers. I think what is helpful is to question some of the procedures that we have and to ask questions of how can we make some of these things better? What are some things that we can implement? What are some things that we can do? I would also, you know, pay attention with
Starting point is 00:12:04 where you vote with your money. When you vote with your dollars, make sure you're just being thoughtful of where that money's going to. I'm not proposing to cancel anybody either. I'm not a fan of that necessarily either. But I do think it's important that we think about where we put our dollars and where we're voting. And if you're of age to be able to vote, I would really hate to hear you say, hey man, you know, I just, I never got around to it. I never had time for it. I think that you can make time for it. And I think that it should be important enough to you rather than just complaining about stuff. We should figure out how can we get involved. Maybe there's things we can do in our community. I'm starting to think about what are some things I can do in my community to
Starting point is 00:12:41 make a bigger difference. I have a free gym. That's a little bit helpful. But what else can I do? Maybe I can expose other people in different areas to the gym and shed some light on entrepreneurship or shed some light on powerlifting. You know, I don't know exactly what it will be, but it's something I'm giving thought to. I would love for you to be thoughtful of it as well and stop waiting around for a leader. And when we think about who has potential to be president at the moment, I think half the country hates Donald Trump. Maybe half the country likes Donald Trump. He somehow got an office. I don't know. Maybe the Russians were part of it. I'm not sure. Whatever the issue was with him becoming president in the first place, that never got fixed because
Starting point is 00:13:17 people obviously didn't care enough. So being president of the United States is still a popularity contest. Thank you very much. It's kind of just absolutely silly and sounds ridiculous, right? It should be the most qualified person. And I think a lot of people feel that Biden maybe is not suited for it, but some people might just vote for him because they think Donald Trump is an evil person, which he may be. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I don't claim that I know. I haven't done a thorough investigation of either guy. But what I will say is this, is you do have to make a decision. You do have to make a choice. I don't think it's a good idea to put your hands up and just say, well, both guys suck. So, you know, I don't, I don't know what to do. I don't think that makes any sense either. Maybe even if you do think both guys sucks, both guys suck. Maybe you can look down the chain a little bit and see some of the policies. Maybe you're more a fan of some of the policies they have in place. Maybe you're more a fan of some of the other elected officials that come along with voting for some of these people. I just see
Starting point is 00:14:14 it all over social media time and time again. We're lacking leadership. Where's our leadership? I heard it from The Rock. And it's like, well, Rock, Buddy, Dwayne, Dewey, you have a fairly big following, I think. Could you help direct people in the right direction? I mean, in that video, The Rock doesn't even give you any opinion. And so how do you call out lack of leadership and then drop everybody right where they are? And you don't lead them. I'm a huge Rock fan, by the way. But I just thought that video was asinine.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I'm not proclaiming to be any sort of leader myself but I am proposing that you fulfill your own prophecies you get after your own goal you stop being hateful you stop being stupid you stop being fat these are things that we can control you can control how you feel every day every day can be fucking awesome every day can be fun people say oh every day is in sunshine and rainbows. Why the fuck not? It can be. It can be. If you learn how to control your mind and you learn how to reinterpret what's going on in the world. To me, 2020 has been great. It's been fantastic. I know other people think it's been the most horrific thing they've ever seen in their lives,
Starting point is 00:15:18 but I've been thriving. And I'm not trying to say that to be a dick. I'm not trying to say that to say, oh, you know, I'm rich. Fuck everybody else. I want you to think about that. I want you to think about why, like, there's a lot of people that are thriving in this time. People might not know this, but like during the Great Depression, there was a lot of people that thrived. There's a lot of new companies. There are a lot of new businesses that came from those times. How did that happen? Most of the people that I know, especially the people that have their own businesses, they went like this. They were going this way, like things were going up. They hit a dip in the road. And that dip in the road, just like if you hit a pothole in the road, it ended up being like a jump. It ended up being like a jump, like remember when
Starting point is 00:16:00 you're a little kid and you look for those potholes on your bike so you can kind of pop a wheelie off of them. That's kind of what it was like. It's like, man, they're a little kid and you look for those potholes on your bike so you can kind of pop a wheelie off of them? That's kind of what it was like. It's like, man, they hit a little bit of a dip and then they were like, oh, I could go this way with my business. Oh, my God, I can go that way with my business. And they started to swim with the current. They started to swim with where the stream was taking them rather than like swimming against the resistance. People had to reevaluate how they had their coffee stand or reevaluate how they had their pizza shop or reevaluate how they had,
Starting point is 00:16:27 whatever business it was that they had, they had to reevaluate how they were doing it, how they were, that's what I want you guys to do. I want you to reevaluate how you're living your life a little bit and figure out a way to flow with the water. Be like water, like Bruce Lee says, right? I want you to flow with it.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I want you to figure out a way to go with it. I want you to figure out a way to wash away all this negativity. I personally have gotten off of Instagram and that's helped a ton. I'm only on Twitter, which there's still plenty of negativity on there. I probably shouldn't even be on there, but I love making these YouTube videos because these are different. So I can sit here and have a long conversation with you guys. And I can sit here and, and give you my thoughts and give you some well-rounded stuff that's developed behind it and around it. And I can call out The Rock without really,
Starting point is 00:17:09 I'm not calling him out. I'm merely pointing out that this is cliche to say that there's no leaders. And I think it's a mistake. I'm seeing it from a lot of other influencers, a lot of other high-level people. I do realize the politicians need to toughen up. And I do agree that they need to make some stronger decisions. And I feel like a lot of times they're not even really voicing their true opinion. Let's face it, every time they try to voice their true opinion, they get absolutely crushed. Wear a mask. Don't wear a mask. Governor Newsom out here in California, you know, he has this dialogue. He talks all the time about wearing a mask. Some people think it's ridiculous. Some people think it's great.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I don't know. When I start to think about those things, what do I think about? I backtrack a bunch. And I say, hold on a second. There is a virus that's out there. The virus that's out there, most of the people that it's killing, the age of most of the people that it's killing, still I'm not sure if this is 100% true, but last time I checked, the age demographic that
Starting point is 00:18:08 it was killing, not that it's good that it kills any sort of age demographic, but it was in line with the life expectancy. Let's say it's 80 years old. That's around the age people, a lot of the people were dying from the coronavirus. That's not to say like, hey, fuck it, we're all going to die from something, but it is attacking people that have already lived a full life, is attacking people with a little bit weaker immune system. I also recognize, I understand it is a threat and it can harm other people because some people that are fairly healthy have gotten it too and they've gotten sidelined pretty bad from it. Some people have even died from it. But if we break this thing down into percentages, look at how many people have been tested for it. Look at how many people actually
Starting point is 00:18:48 have had it according to the tests. Now, how many extra people have had it that haven't even been tested? It's in the millions. So the percentage of the people that it kills is low. That is a fact. Now, you might say, oh man, it sounds way too high. If it sounds way too high, that's fine. You can stay home. You can wear a mask. You can take whatever precautions you feel is necessary. And I'm not going to be mad at you. I think it's totally fine. I just don't want you to be mad at me because I want to go to the gym. Anyway, it gets to be very confusing. As you can see, you probably already have different thoughts about me just because I voiced my opinion about something. But I like to try to replace my feelings with facts. And if you
Starting point is 00:19:25 are to look into the facts of the coronavirus, it might help you to get a better hold of your feelings. I found the same thing is true with nutrition. The same thing is true with training. The same thing is true with religion. The same thing is true across the board. When we start to learn more and we start to have more knowledge, that knowledge allows us to actually think a lot better about a particular situation. All evil comes from lack of knowledge. It comes from a place of ignorance. What is racism? Racism and lack of knowledge. It's a complete misunderstanding. Why would you hate somebody? I mean, it sounds so dumb to say out loud. I hate somebody because of their skin color.
Starting point is 00:20:06 It is 100% completely irrational. But also, I think it's irrational the responses that we're having to nearly every single situation that's going on. We're seeing what's going on on Fox. We're seeing what's going on on CNN. And we're getting inflamed from watching both news sources. Why get inflamed at all? Who cares? Rather than, it's not necessarily who cares. You should care. But what I'm saying is you shouldn't get your panties in a bunch over it. You should think about these things a little bit more and
Starting point is 00:20:35 try to get yourself to a point where you can think a little bit more logically, think a little bit more rationally. I'm going to go train. I'm going to go hit some chest. I'm going to go hit some pecs. I would love for us to pause and to stop blaming what we have going on on leaders. And stop blaming. Just shoulder the blame yourself. Just say, I'm going to be a better leader. Be a leader of your own mind. Be a leader of your own body. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you all later.

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