Mark Bell's Power Project - Matthias Mckinnon - The MOST UNCONVENTIONAL LIFTER You’ll Ever Meet || MBPP Ep. 805

Episode Date: September 20, 2022

In this Podcast Episode, Matthias Mckinnon, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about Mathias' entertaining and unconventional viral lifts. While Matthias IS strong in conventional lifts..., he likes to see what others are doing and one up them.  Follow Matthias on IG: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 15% off! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained: ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter:  ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:  Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #MatthiasMckinnon #PowerProject #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project Family, how's it going now? On this podcast, we talk a lot about getting great sleep. We've done countless podcasts on it. We almost talk about sleep every single podcast because of how important it is for your recovery, for your fat loss, for your muscle gain, all of that good stuff. That's why we've partnered with Eight Sleep Mattresses.
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Starting point is 00:00:37 Some people like myself sweat when we sleep. I sometimes have woken up in puddles and I thought I pissed myself. when we sleep. I sometimes have woken up in puddles and I thought I pissed myself, but because of the Pod Pro cover, it regulates my temperature through the night. So I wake up feeling refreshed and dry. And that's also great for my partner. Anyway, Andrew, how can people get a hold of the Pod Pro cover? Yes. You guys got to head over to slash power project. That's E-I-G-H-T sleep slash power project. And you guys will automatically receive $150 off the pod pro cover or the pod pro cover and mattress combo.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Again, that's at eight slash power project. No code needed. You guys will see a cross a banner across the top saying that you're going to receive $150 off your order. Um, again, so no code for that.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Just head over to that link ASAP links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Oh, you want to mess around with this, uh, ball thing. You got to pop your shoes off. If you want want to try it out does he have a mat over there too yeah i do have two mats it must be my shirt over here just put this guy under your foot and
Starting point is 00:01:35 you can uh open it up and i love i love the lacrosse ball like every before i lift i just do lacrosse ball yeah it feels good that we were doing it the whole time we're here we're like fidgeting back here like trying to get better at shit while we're like podcasting you know so this shit breaks in half right so this is what you have so you're gonna be able to like just stick one under one foot and one under the other foot and there's this little black ball inside that gets even deeper into your foot if you stand on it really that right there i don't know if you opened it yet we should open it for him i think it's a they're they're hard coconuts to crack yeah it has like a line but you gotta kind of you gotta like step on that shit yeah you can just step on that bitch
Starting point is 00:02:12 unless you can crack it yeah like this i'm honest if he does that that's super come on bro i'm trying to get right. It's hard. It has this little line right here and you got to step on it. Oh, so you mash it? Yeah, you got it. You won't break it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah, now I cracked it. That shit's hard. Honestly, that's a good Neboso challenge. Can you do that shit by your hands hands you're on the hard surface oh so it's like the kicks and everything yeah like stand like just stand on a like find a sore part of your foot and put all your weight on it feel that yeah i feel like everything in my bag just loosened up. I'll steal this one from you. You don't need all that. Even though I just gave it to you.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Thank you. Take it back. No, he's got half of one over there. Yeah, that's love. We going? Yeah. All right. Sweet.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Dude, I was on a run yesterday with our buddy Graham, who you met the barefoot sprinter you guys did some content together that's what i got he's also in in the gym today and uh before our run i was like graham was like you want some gum he's like man if i try to chew gum and run it's like not gonna be pretty but man you're doing all kinds of crazy stuff in the gym that probably takes a lot of coordination, takes a lot of strength. And I think what's cool is like, I've seen other stuff from you where you're sprinting. I've seen other stuff from you
Starting point is 00:03:52 where you're doing like an actual gym lift, like where you're doing like a squat or some other movements. And it's like, this guy's doing these cool tricks on Instagram, which is cool. And it gets a lot of attention and it's fucking amazing, but you're actually strong. You're actually fucking really athletic. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:10 So how did some of this shit get started, man? You're doing some dangerous shit in the gym. So it all got started from when I was a kid. I used to jump off, I used to do crazy stuff. We used to jump from building to building. So I guess everything on my ligaments is kind of built up throughout the years. And just like, you know? That sounds like Spider-Man, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:30 It was. Sometimes I think I'm like Spider-Man or some type of superhero when I do something. Yeah. It's like you're about to lift like 500, 600 pounds deadlifting. You got to tap into that other side of you. So I think that's how I tap into my inner self and I'm like, I could do it. Because sometimes, to be fair, it'd be like, ah, no, my body's like, no. But I was like, I could do it.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So I just tried. But yeah, I think it's years of preparation. There's different regular exercises or trying a lot of resistant bands. There's a lot of different type of functional training to build me up to do these crazy stunts, they say. There's a lot of crazy shit going on out there, especially on Instagram. You see a lot of people doing different things. You're having people send you stuff, but I guess it would be hard sometimes to like, what's real? If somebody really have 225 in their back and they're doing a front flip with it or is it like that's some fake shit?
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yeah. Probably hard for you to, like, try to go through it all and then, like, what's worth it for you to even try? Yeah, exactly. Is it even a good idea if you try to mimic somebody else or whatever, right? Yeah, I try to, like, if somebody, like, send me a post, I, like, look at it and I'm like, I recreate it. Or, like, one-up it some sort of sort of like what can i do to one up it like but he's like oh let's try that like put a couch on on my on my head while i'm doing like a full crunch up you know it's like different crazy studs you know another another really cool thing
Starting point is 00:05:58 though is like okay there's a lot of skill that goes into all the different things you're doing um and you move really well but like mark Mark said, I think I saw a video. It's not even that far down. You're box squatting. Yeah, 675. What? Andrew, is it real? 675 pounds and you weigh 210 pounds or something?
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah, 210, 212. Yeah, that's a lot of weight, especially for your body weight. You've always been pretty strong you played pro football and stuff like that right yeah so like when i when i played college ball it was like i was the running back that lift with um i was a running back that lift with all the linemen oh shit so like the linemen is like they have like 150 pounds on me 100 pounds on me and i would like i would just lift with them like and sometimes like power clean i was like i would like do it most i would do like four or five power clean a lot
Starting point is 00:06:50 there's a lot for a power clean that is a lot for you probably yeah lift with the linemen but then run with the receivers yeah you go from lifting a thousand pounds in one lift to like you gotta run consistently like a you know like a 60 yard sprint with receivers that's like probably like 40 pounds less than me and you're from like upstate new york right yeah yeah upstate oh yeah there you go did lifting ever like because you lift some wild weight and it seems like when you were when you're in football you also did too but did you ever did it ever take away from your football skill the reason why i asked you that is because we have some coaches that have come on,
Starting point is 00:07:25 and a lot of people talk about if an athlete goes too far down the lifting route, it might take away from their athleticism. So you've done lifting, and you still move super athletically. What do you think it's done for you positively and maybe negatively? I'll say negatively. I think I started to learn a lot of athletes I trained personally was the body fat percentage. Because the lower you have the body fat percentage, you're prone to get injured. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:51 So, like, I think that was a factor I didn't really know. And I kind of just, I feel like I was on momentum. Like, I was super addicted to working out. But sometimes I knew my limit. Like, I would do, like, extra lifts besides the team lifts. So, I really dialed back, like, in my limit. I would do extra lifts besides the team lifts. So I really dialed back in my career. Like, okay, you see people online with crazy physiques, but I didn't understand I was an athlete.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I couldn't have a low body percentage and perform consistently at a high level on the field with other athletes. But other than that, I think the work ethic being consistent like mentally wise and like showing up when people didn't want to show up or being in the condition where you didn't want to uh want to perform like rain and sleet snow it kind of just instilled me like you you got to keep showing up yeah yeah the 49er strength coach that i know he said that's even still a problem for him the guys they want to get they want to be like real lean. And he's like, man, you need to hold on to this weight.
Starting point is 00:08:48 It's a long season. I need you like coming into camp. They need to be a little heavier because the beating of the season is going to pull some weight off of them. And he's like, they don't want to have that. They don't want their stomach covered up. They want their abs. But he's like, the guy across the line from you does not care if you got a six-pack or not.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Right, exactly. Exactly, yeah. I had, like, one coach. I feel like he was a good thing and a bad thing. Like, I guess mentally he was a good thing because he, like, never, like, babied me. Like, he always made it really tough for me to, like, I don't know, really made a lot of loopholes for me to be consistent. So say, like, I'll rush for 250 yards with four touchdowns.
Starting point is 00:09:30 He would come in the room like, oh, it doesn't matter. Running back's position open. Because sometimes it's like, oh, if the running back performed well, he would start the next game. But he'd never, like, if it was another running back, his running back he recruited, okay, you start next game. But he'll always make it difficult for me and i feel like mentally like i was super like you know once i figured that out it was super dialed into like how's the position still open i just scored four touchdowns yeah yeah it was like that and it's like that kind of like
Starting point is 00:10:00 the this instilled in me to like doesn't matter how successful you get or what happens on in life, you still just be you at the end of the day and come show up for the job, you know, because it could be given to anybody any given day. How old were you when you started lifting? I started lifting at 18. What? 18? Yeah. What are you now? I'm 28.
Starting point is 00:10:22 28, okay. So like 10 years. Yeah. Okay. So like football-wise, I was lifting with 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24 football years. So that was about six years. And then the rest was just no football, just straight lifting and doing CrossFit, trying different things out so I could be very diverse
Starting point is 00:10:44 and separate myself from everybody else. Yeah. Where do you think, like, because I'm wondering what you looked like at 18, but when you... I have a transformation on my Instagram or something. You do? I do. Oh, I'll go. I'll dig it in the crates.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Yeah, you'll find it. It's actually recent. I got to put it up so people can like it. Do you think right now that you would be a better athlete than you were? Right now? Yeah, I think I'd be a great special teams guy. Like, I was always a good special teams guy. I would play running back, start, say I rushed an 80-yard touchdown.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I had to, if coach was like, you good or not, tap ahead, you had to come out, tap or not. So I'd just go right back to kick off, and I'd be ready to go down the field. And I had many plays where, like, I was in predicaments. I could have been like, oh, tap me out, coach, and put somebody else in, but I was so mentally trained from, like, conditioning myself so much. I'm like, I have a little breath to make something happen. It was like one play, like, I think I posted it two months ago.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I was like, they threw me, like, a screen play. I just took it to the crib. Like, I just made it happen. I was so, in my mind that play, I was so fatigued, tired, but I just had a little bit left
Starting point is 00:11:51 to make something happen. It was just like, it just clicked in my head. You think most of your growth, like physical growth, did it come after you stopped playing football? Because I know people who like, in their sport,
Starting point is 00:12:03 oh shit, is that 18? Yeah, transformation. Yeah. In their sport. And it's like a little cold. Like I know people who, like, in their sport. Oh, shit. Is that 18? Yeah, he had some transformation. Yeah. In their sport. And it's, like, a little cold. Like, I know a lot of athletes that after they stopped playing their sport,
Starting point is 00:12:11 after they stopped running around a lot and they kept lifting, it's just like they blew up. Did that happen with you or was it just a slow, steady game? So it was, like, when blow up as in, like, size. Yeah, so, like, it was, like, I was always, like, it was, like, my weight was distributed differently. So now I'm very kind of proportional. I have legs.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I have a nice, solid upper body. But when I played football, I was more like legs, not so much upper body. But I had enough upper body to give stiff arms and make tackles. But yeah, I think physique-wise, it's just like, oh, wow, your body's different because you're just pumping iron. But I try to keep the strength and condition in part with outside of football. I was always running, running hills. I was in that mentality.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I just couldn't be playing. People get really banged up even just from lifting, even when they're trying to lift with good form. People are like, let me keep my back in check. I'm going to keep everything tight and I'm going to deadlift this weight. And there's like a procedure, right? There's like a whole ritual, a whole thing that goes on. But some of the stuff you're doing, I'm like, man, like this seems pretty crazy. First of all, I mean, even the setup, like I'm always thinking about that. I'm like, how did they even set this up where you're like bench
Starting point is 00:13:23 pressing a bench press, but you're like on a tire or something crazy. Have you gotten like jacked up? Have you gotten hurt from some of these things? Is there like a blooper reel somewhere being ready to be released? Look at this. This shit's fucking wild, dude. That's what I was talking about. They crunch.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I never, I haven't got hurt yet because I feel like like I do yoga I do a lot of stuff that couch is fake that couch is fake it's actually the same it might be the same weight
Starting point is 00:13:53 as the one same it's like it's like an Ikea couch I'm like you got in school right now trying to get that Ikea sponsor
Starting point is 00:14:01 yeah so it's like I think everything I do on the back end, it helps me out so I can perform like this. It's kind of like the same thing we're doing for football, yoga, Pilates, everything, massage therapist. All that chiro stuff, I do this. I still continue to do it because it's like I love lifting. So I was like, if I want to lift till i'm like 45 or 50 i gotta keep taking care of my body steep keep doing the same thing i'm doing now to like just to stay lifting i just i love this pendulum squat though
Starting point is 00:14:36 it's on the machine it's on the pegboard it's gonna be selling this machine on his website in November. Do you have anybody, like, sorry, this might sound silly, but like supervising as far as like, I don't know, do you have like the one guy in the gym that like has like some construction background or you'd be like, hey, can you hook this thing up to the pegboard and make sure it doesn't fall on me? Is there somebody around that can like make sure you're going to be okay? No, really. this is my mind my mind is like making like i don't know whatever what comes to my mind i feel like it's possible all right people like it's impossible i'm like it's possible you just gotta think of it and figure out how you're gonna do it and then make it make it happen and the gym's okay with you doing this yeah this is my gym oh it's your own
Starting point is 00:15:21 spot oh shit okay yeah well then there you go yeah it's funny because a lot of people like in the comments like oh how is membership is not invoked you know then people that know me like oh this is jim actually i tried the one video at uh alpha land and actually they sent me like a whole pair what's the name of your gym and where is it located? I grind through 65 Gym and it's located in Voyageville, New York. So it's like outskirts of Albany. Cool. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:52 It's like an opportunity when I like kind of like I was like I wanted to grow. And I knew the gym guys that owned it. It was two firefighters. They like, oh, we want to sell the gym. I was like, how can I own it? I was like, great opportunity. It's kind of the pandemic. Can't really do nothing. I feel like let me invest in it. It was two firefighters. They like, oh, we want to sell the gym. I was like, how can I own it? I was like, great opportunities. Kind of the pandemic can't really do nothing. I feel like, let me invest in it.
Starting point is 00:16:09 And then kind of just, it was a lot of hours, a lot of consistent action. And, you know, I was, as I'm learning how to operate a gym, I'm training my clients. So I would like be there at 4.30, train client at 5 a.m., don't get out till 10 and probably like paint, kind of like redo the whole thing, how I kind of visualize it.
Starting point is 00:16:26 It wasn't like my dream gym, but it was something where I could kind of do a stepping stone and kind of go forward to like making my dream gym happen.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So it was just a lot of hours for the memberships and trainers. But I'm happy that I'm doing it because now it's like I had my own space
Starting point is 00:16:43 to make content and I was like, it's like crazy. What own space to make content now. It's like crazy. What type of people do you work with? So I work with all ages from athletes from five years old to professional athletes, from moms, stay-at-home moms to dads that own CEO companies. So like very diverse from all type of ages, all type of athletic background. It's pretty, because the moms, they want, they're like, oh, you're an athlete. I want to do athletic functional stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:10 So they love that training. So I do that. I also give them, like, their compound lifts. So just, you know, you got to know how to just, I was always self-taught, just learning my experience through playing football. And, like, the people I trained at Wagner or something like that. I'll just learn, learn,
Starting point is 00:17:27 learn. It's just, I'm just hands on. What kind of training are you doing now? Me personally? Yeah. You're lifting. So I,
Starting point is 00:17:34 like I, I went through like a, so I went through like a bodybuilding phase where I was like, I want to get strong as possible. I was like, I hit four, I mean, I hit heavy weight,
Starting point is 00:17:42 four 55 squatted six 75 out the box. I mean, I hit those numbers, but I was like, do I really want 455, squatted 675 without the box. I hit those numbers. I was like, do I really want to, like, bodybuild or powerlift? I was like, that's just not me. I wanted to be athlete, you know, still an athletic, you know what I mean? Still want to be aesthetic, but still, like. Yeah, if you keep lifting heavy, you turn stiff, right? Yeah, I didn't want that.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I started to realize I couldn't, like, get in my bad flips as fluent and couldn't jump. I could still jump high, but it's like I just wasn't performing how I wanted. And, like, I was like, 215 is a great weight, and I could do CrossFit. So I started CrossFit, did it for, like, eight months. Then I kind of got out of that CrossFit phase. I hit numbers I wanted in CrossFit. And then I'm like, I want to do, like, bodybuilding CrossFit
Starting point is 00:18:20 and, like, a whole bunch of stuff mixed together. So I'm doing, like, you know, I do a little Metcon. and then for my Metcon, I'm like, okay, let's hit back. So I hit back or push-pull. I incorporate that into my work. So my workout would be an hour and a half, two hours, the max. And then afterwards, then I do the crazy stunts. So crazy stunts is at the end. Do you do a lot of running too?
Starting point is 00:18:41 Do you maintain the sprints and the running from football? Yeah, so I do ladder drills like if i want to warm up properly i do ladder drills super set it with like a rogue uh salt bike so i yeah i still do drills like that just to keep i don't know just to keep that fundamental going on and it's just it's a different conditioning than like running it's like you could pedal you on the ladder your foot start your feet start burning it's like a different condition so i love that ladder. Your feet start burning. It's like a different condition. So I love to keep that in the books. No, that's really smart because, like, what happens to a lot of athletes,
Starting point is 00:19:09 especially as they go down the lifting rabbit hole, is they'll lift, lift, lift, and they'll stop doing all the things they did with their football player or soccer player. And then they'll try to do it later, and they lost the skill. But you, you're doing all the things to maintain that skill. So you're having the athleticism you had during football, but now with all this extra mass and strength, you know, it's the smart thing you're doing all the things to maintain that skill. So you're having the athleticism you had during football, but now with all this extra mass and strength, you know, it's the smart thing you're doing. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I appreciate it. Yeah, man. What do you think of someone like Larry Wheels? Like he does some really wild stuff. But like he's like, you know, just flat out just lifting, right? Like he's doing some wild stuff. And I know he's gotten hurt a couple times. It looks like he's moving on to start to mess with some different things.
Starting point is 00:19:48 But yeah, I think Larry, well, I met him. I had a workout with him before, really before I kind of like blew up on the scene. We was at a gym in Jersey and in a company we both work with is like, come on down. And then I met him and he's this awesome guy and then I think he's just I'm like wow I didn't even know you could bench 585 that many times I mean squat
Starting point is 00:20:10 I mean deadlifts 585 that many times it's just wow you know like wherever you want to come obviously you know he's like
Starting point is 00:20:16 I mean just he's an accomplished powerlifter done it in competition in the gym it's insane he's like definitely
Starting point is 00:20:23 his inspiration to like this I don't know do what you love and figure out how you gonna get there and what's the other
Starting point is 00:20:30 dude's name that I see sometimes it's Dream World or whatever it's Dream World oh yeah he's a savage he's not too far from
Starting point is 00:20:37 I've never collabed with him but hopefully in the future we probably could make a funny video you guys are like
Starting point is 00:20:43 superheroes he's like beyond he's Thanos he's like 700 pounds walking on his back he walks around the gym with it i'm surprised like they evoke his memories i don't think anybody's gonna say anything nah dude yeah he's big as shit he's also y'all both in the east coast yeah so he i think he's in like long island uh he's in long island i'm in upstate but he uh indio you know indio champ the guy that'd be walking around kicking kicking kicking the plates out of people's hands yeah so i've worked out with indio too before he flew up so like he did like oh you should go down
Starting point is 00:21:21 collab with him so indio's a mentor of mine. But, yeah, like, it's just crazy. You still get good workouts in even though you're thinking about doing, like, some of these offshoot things for Instagram. You're still able to get good workouts in? Oh, yeah, 100%. Yeah, I make sure I get my workout in. If I feel like if I didn't get my workout in, I'd probably be insane. I feel like it keeps me balanced in life and, like, dealing with people every day.
Starting point is 00:21:42 It's just like, okay, I get a workout in, then, like, what do we got planned today? My cousin's like, you got something planned? I was like, nah, I said we're going to take a rest day. It's just like, okay, I get a workout in, then what do we got planned today? You got something planned? I was like, nah, I said we're going to take a rest day. But now it's like strategizing it. It's like Russ, the artist, so it's like how he blew up. He released a single every week before he
Starting point is 00:22:00 blew up. I think he still does it, but I'm thinking strategize that way so I can let all these other videos out, informational, and just kind of blew out i think he still does it but i'm thinking like strategize that way so i could like like uh let all these other videos out uh informational and no just kind of keep keep the buzz going but also through the threads like letting other things that i'm i'm capable of doing and on the on the platform how do you deal with these uh we were talking about in the gym but there's a there's a good name for me how do you deal with the fitness Karens that see your shit? And they're like, why is he doing that?
Starting point is 00:22:26 That's not safe. He's just quick-baiting. Yeah, we got two good examples right here. Hold on, I just wanted to read it. You got some verified guys. So that's why I wanted to point out. So they said, like, let me simplify this. Grab a bench, a pair of dumbbells, and chest press.
Starting point is 00:22:43 The next one, this is dumb as fuck as fuck well anything for social media attention and scott herman said that but also i mean look what look what he's doing. Yeah, I'm doing something off the wall. They comment, so I guess that's good engagement. That's good engagement. And that blue check comment actually helps. That blue check is more engagement. Some more blue checks.
Starting point is 00:23:18 There we go. Let's reexamine this a little bit more. He's actually kind of on a decline. So he's getting a little more pec activity. Yes, that's very good for biomechanics. And it looks like the arms are in close. So he's got that kind of old football technique where he could blow someone off the football real easy because he can get into their pads.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Flashback. So, yeah. Great range of motion, too. Like, he's not just going all the way up and all the way up. I throw push-ups, you know, like full motion. And he's jacked. So, I mean, it's doing something. Look at the stability, though.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah, no, that's actually huge. Dude, what happens when you stop filming? Like, do you just fucking fall? When you stop filming? It was a dismount. He throws the couch. Actually, I did. I threw the couch over.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I'm surprised the couch still survived. He was still selling that couch till today you know wow you know but that's always that's always gotta has has to be the hardest part i would imagine is like the end of the video trying to figure out how to get off of that the setup that you got going so this one was like more it's more like you have to be on the gentle side getting on getting off getting off. But once you got on, it was like, take a deep breath and hope for the best.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Doug, you need to, okay, number one, that's the couch you've been using since the beginning, right?
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah, this couch is famous, bro. It's going to be on eBay soon. What's her name? Nah, don't sell her. Don't sell her.
Starting point is 00:24:39 She, like, this couch has been in all your videos. You got to keep that thing. Yeah, I do got gotta keep it yeah i'll take out we haven't made no name for it so whoever could come with a name for it hey
Starting point is 00:24:51 you know thank you rebecca she's been around the block hey i think rebecca fits i think that fits poor rebecca but back to the the original question like with you know like we just kind of focus on those negative comments but like you do show some of your other exercising and stuff so well here's a good example um in sima one day joked around and said he sleeps two hours a night we were laughing the whole time as he said it and we have since then said guys we were joking but every time it comes up they're just like this guy's full of shit he only sleeps two hours a night and we're like okay that's not it right okay so with this like you're doing this for theatrics obviously right but i mean it's not saying that it's not it's very difficult but like
Starting point is 00:25:40 how do you handle that like to tell people like guys i actually work out so i guess the feed the other like i was saying before the other feeds uh give examples of like i'm i'll actually do regular lifts you know that the the basic bench press or you know but even when i try those lifts it's just like i try to do isolation i try to do stuff that's very difficult for the average human being to do but i I still cooperate in regular dumbbells, bench press. But, yeah, I guess it's just fueling this feed in with regular lifts and regular workouts, you know, HIIT workouts. And I don't know if you guys know George. He was – he's, like, he does, like, a lot of functional stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:22 He's, like, one of those guys that that weren't famous for the abs he's from Atlanta but yeah he's um he did a collab with me when I went in when I went to Atlanta and like and that was that kind of helped me cuz like people like oh snap he actually could move around he could jump and like you know he's just not like a freak of athlete just throwing the couches and bench you know but yeah yeah that guy right there yep so we did an extra collaboration and then people like kind of like open their eyes and i guess it changed a lot of people's mindsets of like i'm just oh whoa oh holy shit yeah he does some crazy stuff
Starting point is 00:26:58 that other guy from uk i think he like went out there for like a video he's like trainer ludicrous what's your uh what's your food look like my diet okay yeah it's gonna be fun so yeah it responds when he starts laughing this is a fun one i have a very fast metabolism so you know i'm kind of on that dk metcalf so i try not chipotle is my best friend. So I eat around like 5,000 calories a day for the most part. On the low end, I probably do 3,500. But I try to be around that 45, 5,000 calories because I can burn one workout. It could be from 900 to 1,200 calories. And then on a regular day walking around being active to be 4,500.
Starting point is 00:27:46 You know, so I just try to be on the plus side of the burn calorie so I'm not going to that deficit. If I go on deficit, I'll just probably
Starting point is 00:27:55 stay lean for the whole week. You'll start to lose weight pretty quick, right? Yeah, yeah. And I can tell in my list if I'm like doing some energy or I might have
Starting point is 00:28:03 to consume some. So I keep these pouches of the rice, the jasmine rice, and I just kill one. I'm super busy. Just straight rice? Yeah, straight rice. People look at me crazy. I'm like, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:28:16 I'm like, bro, you're eating a pouch of rice. I'm like, yeah, it's fueling me. Those are the ones you can microwave or whatever, right? Yeah, so 90-second microwave, pop it out. I train a client eating it while I'm training a client. It's fuel, right? Yeah, especially the energy, the carbs. So, yeah, so I just, either if I don't have enough time, I do bulks.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I do, like, big pans of ground turkey, cook it, and then eat it throughout the day or throughout the week. So I do bulks of, of like ground turkey uh white rice and asparagus or some sort of vegetable yeah whenever there's somebody like you people are always like oh he kind of said he eats what he wants and he said he eats like 5 000 calories a day but they missed the fact that you talked about working out for about two hours on most days they missed the part where you talk about you're doing all these football drills and you're lifting and you're training people and you're just going all day most likely right yeah and then like you know coming out here and stuff like traveling too like they'd be like what you eat when you travel
Starting point is 00:29:11 i don't really i don't really eat bojangles at the airport i probably wait till i get to somewhere i could go get some you know some whole food from like jipole core life or something like that where i could like consume some actual calories from my meals that's not like trash so like that's that's basically traveling wise yeah so I know you mentioned that you like yoga and pilates and stuff um do you like how often do you do things like stretch or do anything like that so mobility is like you I love mobility like I preach to people I'm like mobility is more important than stretching I tell most of my clients I'm like you could functionally move and get your limbs to like you know be in these positions and you you get better performance through your lifts or through your uh compound list so some people you start training they can't even squat parallel you know and it's like okay
Starting point is 00:29:59 how can we open you up a little bit let Let's start doing these mobility, start doing these world-greatest, start doing these 90-90 functional hip rotations. So, like, mobility is key. Like, I always start my lifts off with mobility. And then from there, just, you know, just keep getting better at the mobilities that I feel stiff in. What's been the hardest thing you've tried so far? Has there been anything that you've tried where you're like, mm, that's just not working?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Like lifting-wise or, like, everything? with the some of the kind of ig like stuff the there's few ideas that's like you know like is it just like we did it but we're like is it gonna like be shocker to people you know it's like is it gonna be like wow yeah what is this this is like a bunch of weights and a tire or something so i seen the one what's that one guy he like started this um he has the curly hair like jay start with jay oh juji mufu yeah so he started this he's like he just whipped up the uh the barbells crazy yeah he's wild he's more wild than me like i'm like yeah yeah people he'll have nothing on me so he like whipped the bars on his back i'm like how about I put the tire with the two barbells on my back and squat it? So we set it up.
Starting point is 00:31:08 How it was set up, I didn't have it on my phone. We set it up. We put two boxes. Then we used the Smith. That's on my Smith machine. And we put the X and then put the tire on there. And I just came under it. And I was like, oh, this is about 405.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I could get a couple good reps on here. And I just started repping it. I had to walk out, out like five steps to get away from the smith machine but when i got it took like two tries and it was like it was like oh this is this is golden so it hasn't been anything that you tried yet where you're like i just i just need to stop because this ain't working not yet not yet like the the alpha land thing it was like people was like no way you about to do it i'm like yes way all right i got this set up so this did we pull it up what is it is it on it's the bleacher one if oh yeah that was that was the one i but for real quick though with this one like how the fuck did you get out
Starting point is 00:31:54 so so i just dumped the tire off and then uh after the tire got dumped off i just kind of you know you just take the barbells off that you hurt hurt. Golly. That, it was not, because I have good enough traps to like support it. Yeah. So like I was just squeezing my traps like the life depended on it. And then it kind of felt like a pillow. This was the first one that I said to Mark. I was just like, dog, I don't understand what I'm looking at. I remember this.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I remember this. It's just like, he was like, how do you do this? I was like, I don't know. He just kind of. All right. So wait up. You said that they sent you like a paragraph. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:28 So did you like, were you like, did this shit in secret or whatever? And then you put it up? No. So like, I made a whole YouTube video and everything about it. This is what? Christian Guzman? Yeah. If you see this, shout out to him for like the bleachers.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I don't really know what to say, you know? Yeah. He's like, who the fuck's this guy doing this shit with our bleachers? Yeah, so they like seen us on the camera. They didn't see me, so I guess I was in a spot where they didn't see the cameras. Yeah. But I guess somebody said something, and then they seen the video going viral, and obviously Christian Bust has seen it because it goes on every platform known to man.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And I don't know. He didn't reach out to me, but his manager did. Here's my comment. How? Just how? So this is the message I received from them. Can I read it? You want to read it?
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yeah, you can read it. Oh, shit. Oh, man. This is going to be good. Oh, fuck. All right. Hey, Matthias. My name is Blank, and i'm one of the general operations managers at alpha land regarding your recent posts we expect all our members and guests to follow the rules and procedures of the facility which in this day
Starting point is 00:33:35 pat which in the day pass waiver you signed for your visit on 8 11 2022 one of your managers spoke spoke with you and your friends last night relating this. We have the right to revoke 24-hour access to our individuals who disregard these policies. I'm politely asking you to avoid situations like this in the future visits as it's a huge liability. It could damage equipment and the facility we work so hard to provide for all our visitors. Refusal to do so will be forced to provide your info to the property manager which we don't want to have to do we have three gyms worth of weights for all your lifting needs like stop lifting the bleachers dog we got weights
Starting point is 00:34:12 we have three gyms of weights what the fuck you doing so i was the only guy like obviously i had the biggest following out of everybody so they came came at me, and they knew I was going to post some bullshit. So that's what I did. I was like, you know, I got, I don't know, I got like 10 deals off this. So question. They said three gins worth of weights. Would they let you do some wild shit with weights? They'd probably let you do some wild shit with weights.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So if you go to, I did a backflip, and I squatted five, I think three, 500, 300 times. Up or down? Go down a little bit. You're going to see, or probably go up. Sorry about that. Go up.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I did a bad flip right there. You see the right? Oh yeah. Right there. So I did a bad flip going into 500. So this is, this is when it cooks. This is when the gym kind of like shut down.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Everybody's like, attention's on us. Cause obviously I'm like bad flipping it and right into 500 500 pounds bro yeah so yeah that's so impressive dude your ability to move though man and just like work with this heavy weight that's not the only other guy i know uh beckham taran he's a freak he's the only other one that comes to mind he trained at the same facility i did for the combine. Really? So Tess Academy, yeah. So they actually just moved to Florida. They got a bigger facility.
Starting point is 00:35:28 But me and him trained at the same facility. He just actually reached out to me. He's like, you're over in L.A. We can link up. So that's a link up we must have. You got to do that, man. Juju Mufu can do some shit like this, too, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Us three in this. He's probably crazy. Yeah, because he can do flips and all kinds of stuff, too. He's wild. He's jacked. Yeah, he did a bodybuilding show and he went all in on that shit you guys see i didn't see how lean yeah see if you can pull up like he he fucking yeah he looked incredible i think he uh fuck i don't know if he got a pro card or whatever but like he's getting close to that range i think he looked insane freak of a human being dude when did you learn how to do this flip stuff
Starting point is 00:36:06 though like did you do this as a kid yeah like like going up in the city we just flip on mats flip on mattress like we just run flip
Starting point is 00:36:13 flip flip and then when you a kid you don't really no fear no fear so we was just flipping in the middle of the street
Starting point is 00:36:18 bad flipping we was playing tackle football we had no fear so I just learned on the street shit playing tackle football on the street yeah it was crazy that shit probably hurt yeah i was never i was never getting tackled
Starting point is 00:36:30 i was never getting i ran i probably ran on somebody hood yeah damn oh jesus yeah he got just like so shredded i think he's still pretty heavy too like he's holding some good body weight he has a lot of mass on him that's crazy yeah just being flexible and shit but like geez like dude yeah right yeah that's really crazy i think he like had gymnastic in his background yeah i think so too he did yeah that's yeah that's absurd you have uh anything that you want to like compete in yeah um you know he was actually do bodybuilding, but I was like, the closest thing I probably do could be is probably the CrossFit games.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Cause it's so like, this is a different beast of it. I don't know. It was like different beast. CrossFit, Spartan race, maybe something like that. You,
Starting point is 00:37:17 you, have you ever, have you ever paid attention to like how tall Rich Froning and all those guys, Matt Frazier, Matt Frazier. They gotta be like five, seven. That's the only thing I'm a down for. Yeah. But like five, 11, you're five, 11 all those guys. Matt Frazier. Matt Frazier. They got to be like 5'7". That's the only thing I'm down for.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, but like. 5'11". You're 5'11", but like your build is like, you look like you could be really good at CrossFit. There are some people that they're too big. Some people are just way too small. You look like you have a good CrossFit build and you're athletic. So then you're not just strong.
Starting point is 00:37:39 You can run. You can do all this shit. CrossFit might be a move. It might be a move when I'm. Yeah. I always thought of it as like the right environment environment it's like challenging to find the right environment if i could create my space with my next space i'm about to get if i could create a space for the crossfit community in there i would definitely do it and it's just the balance of like mental stress and
Starting point is 00:37:59 stuff like that like balancing the gym yeah i think that put that like when i was doing the crossfit i think that was my downfall. I was like, so like mentally, like I know I turn it off when I get to the CrossFit, but it's like I need to be in a space that's going to motivate me and kind of take my energy away
Starting point is 00:38:13 from the gym just for an hour or two just so I could dedicate my craft to get better. I think that's the only downfall, you know, is that. Power Project family,
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Starting point is 00:38:48 And at checkout, enter promo code PowerProject to save $101 off of this comprehensive panel. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. What about the gymnastics rings? Have you ever messed around with those? Yeah, I love them bad boys. People are like, how do you do that your first try? I just got up there. I just kind of see.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I'm a visual learner. So, like, if I see somebody do something, like I just got up there. I just kind of see. I'm a visual learner. So, like, if I see somebody do something, like, say if I never did pistol squat and I see you do pistol squat, I'm like, I might do that. And I end up doing it because I see how your body moves. Right, right. Very coachable person. Well, it kind of looks like you just pick it up like that. But you mentioned your background, you know, where you're like, like you know you're practicing flips on the street you know i think a a lot of people's uh upbringing like kind of gets undersold like we don't we don't think about that we don't always have that we're just like
Starting point is 00:39:33 man why is that guy got it like that you just get somebody just gets jealous yeah so it's like no there's still a lot a lot of work has been done even though you might have been thinking you were playing around it was beneficial for later on right yeah like my background just it was really rough you know like i grew up with like a disability so um just like you know being facing adversity being bullied and a lot of stuff just i had to face to like to to be mentally strong guys like i've cried i did a whole bunch of stuff you know but i just i just figured out like you know i never wanted to give that energy back to people because like i grew up and you know my mother like had me at 16 my dad was locked in prison like seeing a lot of traumatizing things it kind of just like calloused me to like i have to be the opposite of what i grew up like the statistics i can never let that make me fit
Starting point is 00:40:22 make me fall to somebody i grew up to like best friend being killed at eight years old. Like a lot of stuff I just faced where I just didn't want to go there, you know? Like even now, like, you know, you just don't want to think about it, but it helps me to, like, be good. And, like, if I see another kid, like, growing up and they're going down the wrong road, I could, like, give them a pep talk and like this is what i did you know i wasn't supposed to be here but i i found the right tools and i had the right people around me to like support me and give me a little push to like keep me going and and that's what you really need so it's just like everything in my life just kind of just kind of built me up to like just be a figure to to like give hope. Was there somebody in your past that was able to help you kind of keep it all together? My mother.
Starting point is 00:41:10 So, like, she's always been, like, we're, like, 16 years apart, not too far apart. But, like, my mom just, like, seeing, like, how she had me, like, she had, like, four, like, three jobs and still going to night school and still providing for me. And, I mean, I was very traumatized because, like, I would wake up middle of the night as a kid and I was, like, you know, going through them nightmares of, like, wishing I had a father figure. So football built that aesthetic to having a coachable person in my life, like all the coaches.
Starting point is 00:41:42 And they knew I was a great kid because I would show up and I would just work as hard as possible. Like I wasn't the biggest kid, but I just was, I was the strongest hearted. So I would never let somebody bully me or somebody push me around. And all the mental reps of Bear Cone, probably 20 yards at like eight years old, it built me up character wise, like as in like, just keep, keep coming. Even when I faced a challenge every day, when it was hard, it was me up character-wise, as in just keep coming, even when I faced a challenge every day when it was hard. It was like you wanted to give up. You didn't want to come back.
Starting point is 00:42:11 This one kid was like 12 years old. I was like six. He had an open field. He could have went right, but he went right at me. You know what I mean? He actually took a turn, came right at me, ran me over, and kept running. And I could— Fuck that guy. It was fucked up. And I could – Fuck that guy.
Starting point is 00:42:25 It was fucked up. What the fuck? But then he's a guy now, he look at me because I didn't give up. He's like, damn, bro, you really came back to practice. We wanted you to quit because it was like two youngest kids on the team, it was like two of us, but the other kid was like, he didn't play, I played. So I was like, I'm going to show up. I'm going to get my play time.
Starting point is 00:42:44 So I treat life like play time. I'm never going to give up when life tries to back me down. So I just show up every day. Dog. Single. Okay, number one, if you're a single parent or if you're a parent, do not underestimate the power of sports for a kid. Because I was the same shit.
Starting point is 00:43:01 My mom put me in soccer. I don't know. She put me in soccer. You can tell by your arms you play soccer. kid because i was the same shit my mom put me in soccer i know she put me in soccer no but i played that for 15 years and a lot of the coaches that i had were like father figures for me i was able to be around a lot of other younger men and other boys and that's one thing that's one reason that like helped me keep my physicality in my adult years right so that sports are fucking powerful like parents put your kids in a sport, even if they don't want to. I think when I started soccer,
Starting point is 00:43:29 I didn't want to play soccer, but she just made me. Good for you. She made me. A kid doesn't know. Kids don't know like what's good for them. So they're going to complain. They're going to complain.
Starting point is 00:43:39 But when they get, there'll be an age where they won't complain and they'll be like, they'll be grateful. You know, if they're 15, 16, they start getting good at that sport because they've already been playing it for a little bit, they'll be grateful. Right, yeah. I think every life lesson now don't even add up to the life lessons I've had in football.
Starting point is 00:43:57 It made life so much easier. It's just crazy. Everything we learned on the field, all the moments, everything. Life is just so much more like easier how to control how to react to certain people it just gave you that and how to like the community base and like how the team could work together to push sports teaches a lot of great things i mean i think uh just a lesson of like shit ain't always gonna work out for you even when you do think you do the best job and you do the things that are in your best interest and you follow what the coach says and you try to buy into all these things,
Starting point is 00:44:32 your team still loses. You still might not get that scholarship. You still might not beat that other guy. Cause that other guy from other schools might be faster. He might be better. He might be whatever. And eventually you'll have to stop playing. Like even if you make it to the pros, like then what?
Starting point is 00:44:48 You know, there's always like the end then what? It's like, okay, you wanted to get a scholarship. It's like, well, you got a scholarship. And then are you going to be able to play at the college level? And then you're able to play at the college level. And it's like you wanted to make a pro team. Then maybe you are blessed. And the percentage gets smaller too.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Like my story, like I was, I grew up in Albbany is like new york is not a big football state so like when i was uh when i got to my like coaches seeing me performing well but they wanted me to perform well against four star five stars so i went to north carolina uh matthews when i was my turn was 18 my mom sent me down there because they wanted to see if I could perform against caliber athletes that grew up and bred the sport. And obviously I passed that test because I showed up and I renewed what I had to do to make it happen. It made me an opportunity to get a full scholarship to play ball. I tell kids, the percentage gets smaller. You're always going to have somebody out there better than you.
Starting point is 00:45:43 But what's going to make you different than the other kid yeah i think in high school on the east coast from what i remember like new york doesn't even have that same system right like as you go down south right you get to the carolinas and you get to like florida and stuff like that that's where they have that kind of system yeah you can't make say like a lot of them upstairs like they like they just not existing no more because it's not getting funded so yeah um this down south is more more like one year football education that's it yeah those football teams down there they're like uh it's like people will go like they'll specifically go to some of these schools because they know they're going to be on a good football team. And in New York, it's just like, I'm just in a school district.
Starting point is 00:46:30 And then you drive 45 minutes to a school. You hop on a bus every day and get your ass hauled off to school. It's different. The whole town is not set up for football. But as soon as you go south, especially in Texas and stuff like that, then that's where like high school football is a huge deal. And people strategically like will live in certain areas to make sure their kid goes to the best school because then you can get recruited easy. But if you're in New York, it's actually really rare for someone to get picked up for a scholarship because they're like there's just not great football in New York. Yeah, talent. Like when we went to that prep school, every running back was a Division I running back.
Starting point is 00:47:09 It was like who's going to be the best Division I running back? Who's going to be healthy throughout the whole season? And now that's what it came down to. It's like, yeah, you scored 40 touchdowns, but so did everybody else. Yeah, somebody else like from a different state, you know. Their talent might be better than yours, but can you start over them in the game? That's how it was. Like whoever performed, like you get five was. Whoever performed, you get five.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Oh, yeah, I get five carries this game. Who's going to do the most with that five carries? Did you say you had a disability as a kid? Yeah, so I had a learning disability. It's better now. It was a grammar. So short story, when I was living in the house, it had lead paint. This is before they had to act before, no lead paint.
Starting point is 00:47:47 No lead in paint. So I was getting affected by it when I was, like, fourth grade, and then they, like, kind of took me out to class, and I really didn't know what was going on because I'm a kid. And it was like, yeah, you're just learning slower than your average grade. So then I started learning i had like a grammar comprehension disability so i'm like and then that's when that's when the like the bullying phase came in where people like now i mean oh you because that they they didn't have the system
Starting point is 00:48:17 in there right where it's like oh you have learning disability with learning disability kids oh you have a disability like physical disability with the physical disability kids but they had us all in one one room and it was just like you know it was like it's like damn you know and it's like how can you know you thought you just life was done you know maybe you just had like a little attention deficit too like maybe you just didn't fucking care about school that much you know no actually i loved loved learning. I was really good at math. But it was just like I just couldn't. They just seen that I wasn't doing so good on the test and the reading parts. And I'm like, I just, you know, and then they just kind of took me out of that class and put me in another class.
Starting point is 00:48:58 And then even people that bullied me, I mean, they asked me for, like, training tips. I think that's the most healthiest thing. That's the most important thing of a human now is you got to be healthy to perform in everything else in lifestyle. But I never let anything like that tarnish any relationships because I just always wanted to be
Starting point is 00:49:20 a good human to people. It is kind of nice because like... No, no, no no like no on instagram there there are there are two elementary school bullies these guys actually made me get expelled from one of my first elementary schools and they be they follow me on the ground and ask me questions like it's like you? Hey. Was that the dude that stole your headphones? No, no, no. He'd fuck me up. That was high school.
Starting point is 00:49:51 We were about to pop some champagne and celebrate that one. No, that one, he... Man, all right, so quick story. I was in high school one day, and there's this guy. He's a big, big dude. I don't want to even say his name. You said it before. He was big. I was walking want to even say his name. You said it before. He was big.
Starting point is 00:50:06 And I was walking towards the school gym, right? I had my little iPod headphones on. I was just walking. He's like, hey, it's Seema. I just acted like I didn't hear him. It's Seema. I'm like, what's up, dude? Hey.
Starting point is 00:50:17 He's like, let me borrow your headphones, man. I'm like, okay. So I gave it to him. And I walked to the gym I come back the next day I'm like hey man
Starting point is 00:50:27 can I get my headphones I was like what headphones I'm like alright alright that's it that's all
Starting point is 00:50:35 it's done right but yeah nah nah yeah everybody got like a bullying life somewhere yep
Starting point is 00:50:40 yep I had a similar experience in school you know I was put in like special classes or whatever and i don't know if it was the area that i grew up in or the time that i grew up in or whatever but they didn't have like i just needed extra time you know and then so i thought
Starting point is 00:50:57 i was dumb and then i was in these classes with uh kids like you mentioned that had like they had physical you know they had they had physical physical disabilities as well as some issues mentally. And it's just like I didn't have the same chance to grow the same way. And then I also use that a little bit as a crutch, you know, because I, you know, because you're like I was a lazy kid sometimes. So like I didn't want to do my homework. So I kind of blamed that a little bit too. And I would say that I would say, Oh, I can't, I can't, I can't do this. I can't do that. And it would just became like a thing. But as I got older, I learned to just be like, fuck all that. Don't matter. Like that's everyone has a past and everyone has a problem or issues to get over or around or through. And I was like, well,
Starting point is 00:51:46 uh, I don't know about like where I started, but I know I can get smarter. I know I can continue to learn. I know I continue to grow. So maybe it's slower or whatever it might be, but I'm going to figure it out. Yeah. That's awesome. But like real talk, that seems to have like been a strength for you because even look, when it comes to your social media, some people might look at it as just stunts right yeah but look at how much you've grown you have 1.8 million followers on tiktok you have over 220 000 followers on instagram and you're doing things that nobody else is doing yeah nobody else has come up with these ideas right if somebody else did then they'd be like oh he did it but no you're the first guy to do it so you had to come up with
Starting point is 00:52:24 some different shit so you could grow at a different pace than everybody else right you just think different i think i was also uh artist i minored in artists i minored in art when i was in college yeah so i'm very artistic and that was the one this is like art right here this is my art dog like i wonder like if you if your legs fall off then you just swing through if your arms if you fall through like you're just swinging through those dumbbells man your stomach must be going crazy right there yeah core yeah because actually the the the the the t-bar machine is actually hooked up to like my intersection so there's a lot of glutes and a lot of core activation and then when the trx unit plays
Starting point is 00:53:05 a lot of shoulder stability this would be great if you like made like a commercial like you're trying to sell this as like a program like make it so simple like three easy steps like set up a tire fucking bench off the tire that's a hell of a video idea these are only these seven exercises they need and you do these every day. Look at that. Like those are just like free, like dip bars, right? This is your,
Starting point is 00:53:29 uh, this is your morning routine. Yeah. This is just activating glutes. Just my simple morning routine. This is what I do. But funny enough, man,
Starting point is 00:53:40 just, I'm imagining like all these different things you're doing. You, you have all this stability going on. You probably just cannot be pushed over. Like straight up. Like you imagining, like, all these different things you're doing, you have all this stability going on. You probably just cannot be pushed over. Like, straight up, you're probably just like a rock. When we was training, like, when we was training for a combine, we did a lot of, like, boso ball, a lot of, like, single leg stuff where we have somebody, like, you know, they got these machines where you, like, get these bags and you got to run through the bags on one leg. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:04 these bags and you got to run through the bags on one leg oh yeah so there's a lot of like running backs is very like they must have the best like i'll say they got the best like stability because you got linebackers 250 coming at angles you got uh d lineman 300 pounds running four or five and stuff's crazy so you gotta just bounce off get right back to it yeah imagine you're on defense and this guy's running at you fuck that that's That's how I was running when I was coming down on kickoff. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, on kickoff, like, people just
Starting point is 00:54:30 get out of your way. They're like, fuck that. I was like the gunner, too. I was coming down there for, like, blood. Like, if anybody was in my way, they must have been going to their mama
Starting point is 00:54:38 the next day. Do you have any desire to try anything, any martial arts, like boxing or kickboxing? I love, like, I love boxing. I like boxing, just keeping my hands fluent, protecting myself and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I did martial. I did a shout-out to my uncle and my stepfather. They taught me, like, kung fu. So I still know how to do, like, I don't know if I got, I think it was way back in my time when I'd do, like, bad flips and kicking something high. Like, yeah, I got some, like, freakish stuff on there, like, when I was really, like, just bat flipping,
Starting point is 00:55:09 kicking or bat flipping, lifting, like, four. I mean, just crazy stuff. But just incorporating different pieces into one thing. You have any visions of trying to do some of these, like, offshoot lifts, like, in different areas, like on a beach somewhere yeah yeah i do i love traveling like once i get to a place i feel like i could travel and like get invited i had this one travel company it's like do you want to like travel and like do the stuff
Starting point is 00:55:34 you do so in the future hopefully you just travel and i can picture you doing that in front of like the washington monument or some shit like that you know what I mean on a boat bring the tire with me yeah in front of the Statue of Liberty or some shit I don't know that would be cool though
Starting point is 00:55:49 like New York City is like amazing like we go down there once like we want to it's so freaky there I don't think anybody would even like think
Starting point is 00:55:56 anything of what you were doing yeah I think we just put a hat and like okay you donate right here and then you know we just do like
Starting point is 00:56:03 stunts of like us squatting humans on our shoulder or something like that. It's cool. I love it. It just creates a different atmosphere, lets people think a little more. You know, people are like, wow. I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:15 I just did it. How old are you? 28. All right. Young man. Young man. A youngin'. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:23 I wanted to go back real quick because when you're talking about, like, you were surrounded by nothing but D1 running backs and, you know, Mark was like, well, you scored 40. Well, so did everybody else. Who cares? Not all of them made it, right? Like, when they faced that adversity, some folded and some didn't. This is actually for you and Mark. I guess and Seema. Yeah, you too.
Starting point is 00:56:42 You're fucking crushing it too but why do you guys think that like when some people face that adversity they fold and others can like you did you can look at that and be like yeah that's where i want to i want to come back even stronger i think the experience like the experience that all the all the traumatized i had in life and i didn't want to let nobody up. I mean, let nobody down. So I think everything through the moments never let, like, to get into that position didn't let me be the coward in that position. You know, everything I experienced in life just built me up to not let me fall through the cracks of, you know, being average. I'm just going to echo the same thing.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I think it's like it's a repetition thing like it you know you started with you in sports when you were young and you just you're used to going through that adversity you're used to challenges so now as an adult like you don't look at challenges afraid of it you're more like inspired and it pumps you up to try to fucking go at it yeah i kind of feel the same way like uh if you just don't let go and you just keep going like eventually you'll catch people so with lifting wise i just you know uh i was in a certain position other people were ahead of me and i was like i'm 100 pounds away from that guy right now then i'm 90 i'm 80 i'm 70 then I'm 60 and like the guy
Starting point is 00:58:05 doesn't even know it you know but here I am like so pumped I'm like I'm 60 pounds away from beating this guy in a squat
Starting point is 00:58:12 and I fucking kill him on the bench press and all I have to do is like kind of halfway hang with him on the deadlift and like I got it you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:58:19 so it was just a matter of yeah being relentless and trying to stick with it I was just telling Kenny one of our, he actually works in the warehouse here, is a bodybuilder. And he's getting, I mean, this kid has always been in really good shape. He's getting prepped for a bodybuilding show.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I think he's like seven or eight weeks out right now. Is that the 21-year-old kid? Yeah. Yeah, I met him. Yeah, he's awesome. He was training some legs yesterday and he's got the veins coming out and shit. He just looks insane. He flexes his legs, and he has striations.
Starting point is 00:58:51 You've got striations that early. He still has seven more weeks to prep. He's going to get so shredded. I just encouraged him. I only did one bodybuilding show, and Seema's got more experience and has done more. What you'll see in that sport is a lot of guys don't push all the way through to the finish. You know, push, you know, when you, when somebody gets to, I think David Goggins talks about this. Sometimes people put in like 50, 60%, you know, they like that, which is good.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Like that's a fucking good effort. But man, if you can put in like that extra 30 or 40 at the end where most people give up, you're going to feel so good about yourself. Never mind what the result is. Never mind if you win or whatever. That's almost secondary. It's the fact that you feel like you put everything on the line and you'll feel so good. So I was sharing that with him yesterday. I'm like, a couple weeks from now, you're going to start to feel tired.
Starting point is 00:59:44 You're going to start to drag because you don't have the calories anymore. And you're going to look lean. You're going to look crazy. And you're going to look better than you ever have before. But you could still look better. You can still push forward more. So when you get down to the end, just remember, the other guys, they probably aren't going to push all the way through. So fucking push all the way through.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Go all the way through these next seven weeks. Just do everything that you're supposed to do because at the end when you're on stage, he's going to be completely peeled. And most of the people, they don't take their time with getting lean enough, which is weird because it's bodybuilding.
Starting point is 01:00:19 That's the game, right? Is to get lean. But man, if you lean into getting shredded, that's how you crush people. But people won't lean into it a lot of times because it's so hard. It's easy to talk about. Very hard to execute. Yeah. And then so like, I think it was every goddamn Dre.
Starting point is 01:00:37 It was kind of like the same thing. It was like, what else do you want to do? And he's like, man, people want me to do a bodybuilding show. And I think it's just because we want to see the freakiness, right? We want to see how someone like that could get as shredded as possible. And then like, so for you,
Starting point is 01:00:51 people are asking you like do a bodybuilding show. You're just like, man. And I don't, this is not in a negative way at all, but like, does it not, the idea of doing a bodybuilding should not excite you that much because you
Starting point is 01:01:02 are already in amazing shape and you don't have to like really, i say it try as hard as everyone else on stage uh yes and no like i feel like um my mind is so conditioned to be an athlete in life like i don't know just i feel like i do body builds really good i really have to commit to it and if i want to do it i gotta be like really like all in on it. And I just don't want to, like, half-ass it. You know, so I think that's why I don't find no interest in it. I like watching people do it and I root them on. But it's just, like, I'm just – I'd rather just be an athlete and, like,
Starting point is 01:01:38 I don't know, feel like function will take you way longer in life than, you know, bodybuilding. Absolutely. So that's why I'm, like – Yeah. When you're getting close to stage like yeah when you're getting close to stage man you don't want to run you don't want to sprint you don't want to jump like you don't want to do shit right and so every aspect of athleticism because i don't want to say yeah every aspect of that type of athleticism is gone you could just lift and be in a deficit and people get hurt yeah they get bad injuries like if they try to do the things that they love to do as they're prepping for a bodybuilding show sometimes they get like
Starting point is 01:02:10 seriously injured because it's just not a smart time to do it but we all think that we can do it you know so so then you're like i could still do that you end up finding out your body's all dried out and shit your body just doesn't want to do it god this is crazy holy shit what was one of the first that looks crazy you want to see one of the first videos yeah what's one of the first take you gotta go all the way back till you probably see the tire on the um on the decline is some of this on youtube as well do you have a youtube thing yeah i have a youtube That's the two tires on the... Every time you see one picture load up, you just see
Starting point is 01:02:49 some more crazy shit. And how long ago did some of this start? Because I'd imagine that you were on Instagram and you're probably messing around and something just hit.
Starting point is 01:02:58 If you go way back, you probably see all my football stuff. And it's like different challenges you see other people do. You've made a lot of content, man.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Yeah, it's consistent. Yeah, it's consistency. And let's see, I think that one right there, you see go up a little bit right there. So that was a challenge.
Starting point is 01:03:15 This one right here? It was like a muscle up with a plate. So if this is me doing a muscle up with like different plates. And then I was like, that's too easy. Then one of my guys recorded me doing um doing uh uh 45 pounder and then uh you go down some more i think you see not a lot of people can do that shit no dude yeah it's me dunking right there over the uh it's like a
Starting point is 01:03:37 football uh jumping over that fucking thing and dunking dog that was sick that was really nice i was like let me try it again i backed it up oh nice that fucking backboard looks like it's gonna fucking fall yeah it's very very powerful another one oh then it's like yeah it's like merchant whatever gotta throw a shirt on to sell that merch it's a merchant the eye grind merch so it must be a seven foot rim over there i look like a clean 10 footer that was no that's no that's legit i'm just i'm just saying someone's gonna get it in their mind i was watching there was a special the other day on uh dominique wil, a great basketball player, and he was saying how he transferred schools or something like that.
Starting point is 01:04:29 And when he went to this new school, everybody was looking at him, and he was just like, man, all right. He was super nervous. He's like, I've just got to play my normal thing. And people will be cool with me. So he gets up, he jumps up for like a rebound and he's and he could jump so crazy that he's looking into the rim and he's like i'm just gonna fucking windmill this into the basket so he's thinking all this why is it he's like hanging out in the air and
Starting point is 01:04:55 he's like and he comes down and everyone just stares at him what he's like all right i think i broke everybody in like now yeah now they're used to me. He talked about looking into the rim. I was like, holy shit. Yeah, that guy caused so much pain to each rim that he dunked on. Like the force that this guy would dunk, those windmills was just insane. It was fucking terrible. That's why they got the springbacks now where it's like you dunk,
Starting point is 01:05:18 the impact goes back into the hoop, so it's like not going to break. What's your favorite sport? Do you like watching sports or do you like kind of doing them yourself more than anything? Yeah, I kind of like watching my crazy videos now. You're like, how did I do that? It's like deja vu. I used to love watching football and basketball. Now I just got more interest in business.
Starting point is 01:05:41 I'm more from personal training stays. Yeah, you own your own gym it's like how can I be a businessman like you know I want to I want to I don't know just like learn more about like being successful doing something different than I don't know anybody a great guy to talk to would have been Christian Guzman but I think you fucked it up and he might he might ask me about the video I I'm like, yeah, man, that's in the past. Hey, if anything, it got hundreds of thousands of views. Hey, Bradley Martin's a good option, too. There you go.
Starting point is 01:06:11 He's got a few guys out there. Have you ever been out to Zoo Culture? Yeah, so I'm going there. Yeah, probably. So I'm flying out tonight, and then I'm going to L.A., and then I got a few big link-ups. If I go to the gym, I'm probably going to see him there and he probably going to ask me like,
Starting point is 01:06:27 you're the guy, I was thinking like, you're the guy that do the dumb shit? Yeah, I do a lot of dumb shit. Bradley does some stunts here and there. Nah, yeah, he kind of like got me inspired or like, you know, like I ain't going to lie.
Starting point is 01:06:40 He inspired me to like do like, because he's a Gemini too. I'm a Gemini. So like, you know, we think a little different. Kanye West. We got a few Geminis out there that I think opposite the regular human. You should do the squat on the hoverboard.
Starting point is 01:06:54 I did that. You did that? So I did that, and I tagged Bradley in it. So I always did what Bradley did, and I just added more weight. Because he's like a couple inches. I think he's like 6'1". I'm like 5'11". He's pretty tall he's like he could get up to like 250 i'm like damn bro you're massive yeah i need to get up to like 220. yeah there's some like there's a
Starting point is 01:07:15 another guy that's like uh does a lot of lifts off a skateboard i don't know there's there's all kinds of crazy people out there doing wild crazy stuff stuff. You did a squat on a hoverboard, though? Yeah, I did a squat. If you go, it's way back in my time. I did a squat. And I did one when I, like, the fidget, you know, the fidget spinners? Fidget spinners, yeah. So I did, like, a fidget spinner and I, like, deadlift 315 at the same time.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Deadlift a 315 with one hand. Yeah, yeah. So 315 deadlift and then the fidget spinner in the other hand. I don't think people realize how freakishly strong he is. Because you throw these numbers out, but people, you got to think about that. That's wild. If you just tilt through it, that would hurt. To me, it just seems like a lot of stuff you're doing would fucking hurt.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Because it's like, I don't know, it's more than just like, I don't know, deadlift. It's your back strength. It's how prepared you are for the movement. But like your stuff, like you were doing that rollout with the wheel, with a tire on your back. Like that just seems like. It's the years of preparation. Like me just doing that.
Starting point is 01:08:16 This was actually a fear, but I got over it. Look at me shaking. Dude. I think we need to like start to amplify some of this stuff we need to like uh light the tires on fire or like have it over like a thing a thing of sharks or something so like yeah i really gotta make this happen he said don't try this at home yeah oh, my God. Is it hard for people? Do you find it hard when you're trying to communicate with somebody about how you can help them from a personal training perspective?
Starting point is 01:08:54 Do you ever find that to be difficult because they think that some of this stuff is gimmicky? Some people, I guess the people that like that thing is intimidating but then they see me training uh like somebody they want to get like lose weight so like i i i'm not try but i do i correlate my clients and and and and my instagram and like their transformation so people click on my profile they don't see like just a wild stunts they see like okay you got the highlight reels they click on this a one-on-one training, and then they see the results they want to get. So it's like they see it.
Starting point is 01:09:29 It's like kind of funneling them down. So they, like, see it, and then they're like, I get people all over, like, oh, can you train? I'm like, I'm in New York. So, like, yeah, so I get, like, questions like that, but then they actually see that I could train. So, you know, so I have proof of it and testimonies. Yeah, they see you working with other people, and then probably if they come to your gym they see you actually training
Starting point is 01:09:49 and they're like oh he actually does like a lot of other shit yeah so like a lot of gyms in my area they like uh to say like i don't know if they hate or not but they like oh my god he's like taking all the attention you know because i'm like uh i got good physique like Like, I mean, I take care of myself and I also could perform otherwise. And I have the biggest social media platform in upstate. So a lot of people are like, oh, my God, like, you know, but I don't think like that. I always think I'm a competitor. So like, I was like, how can I be the best of the best? And then that's how I just do it.
Starting point is 01:10:21 And I have like a great group of people behind me that train also. So if you don't want to train me, I have, like, 10 other trainers at my gym you could train with. And we're just a super tight niche community. And we do a lot of, like, team bonding and stuff like that just so, like, no matter how big I get, people understand that they could call me anytime they need something. I could call them. We still, like, you know, just relying on each other and accountability. So's why i play a lot in in our in our kind of our like our team you have a team of people helping you with these setups yeah yeah i felt like either some most a
Starting point is 01:10:54 lot of them i do dolo because i just had to figure it out i'm like oh i'm gonna videographer i got a tripod i got a camera set it up boom how i'm gonna get this on me now all right he's like trying to selfie it impossible our cameraman was nerding over your camera setup he's like his setup is so sick it's like eight thousand dollars oh yeah that's a lot in the camera I'm a geek when it comes to cameras final cut because I learned I like oh man I'm super blessed to like learn everything I did because I just had different people in my life don't they even thought it was just I just blessed to learn everything I did because I just had different people in my life. They didn't even throw. I just wanted to learn.
Starting point is 01:11:29 And I was like, okay, I could just invest in some camera. My brother knew how to do final cuts, so I had to edit my highlight tapes, send it out to coaches. Shit, you're doing all that yourself? Yeah, I do everything myself. That's awesome. So I just be like, this year was a experience. Fucking editing his own football games. Yeah, that's how it was.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I had to go through every, like, when I, so I was like, at one point in time, I was ineligible to get qualified for NCAA. So I was sending out 200 emails a day to, I was like, Mom, I'm not going D2 or D3. The lowest I'm going is FCS. So I was just
Starting point is 01:12:03 sent out, rapid. I would work out. At one point in time, I was working out, just sending film, working out, sending film. And then one day, Coach Hamline reached out back to me. It was like 1 o'clock in the morning. It was like, oh, we offer you a full ride because a guy got suspended and they needed a running back. But I just been consistent. If I didn't put the action in, I wouldn't probably be where I'm at today. You know what I'm saying? So I was just so consistent, showing up even when I was super down, super depressed.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Like, oh, man, I'm not going to go. I'm not going to do it. I'm going to have to go to Juco. I'm going to spend $10,000 on a prep school. You know, like, everything when things is not happening for you. So I just didn't give up. I used to ride a bike, not even a gear bike. I used to ride a bike. You could stop.
Starting point is 01:12:50 You could press the pedals back or just stop. I was riding that consistently to the gym because I didn't have no car. I mean, my mom comforted me. All she did for me was go to the gym. So I would just go to the gym, come back, send emails, go to the gym two times a day or go to the field, like workouts, field, gym.
Starting point is 01:13:08 That's all I was doing for like three months. And then they called me. We want to bring you in the next day. I even know how to pack. I just do everything in the car. They, they came, they,
Starting point is 01:13:18 they show me around and it was, I was like, damn, the opportunity just prevailed itself. It didn't reveal itself. You fucking, you worked for that. Yeah. Like that, damn, the opportunity just prevailed itself. It didn't reveal itself. You fucking, you worked for that. Yeah, I did. Yeah, like that's insane.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Yeah. But good. Not a bad insane. What kind of opportunities are popping up from this kind of exposure? Like are people wanting to sponsor you? It's like stuff that I see people and I was like, damn, I want to be in their shoes. Like all these Simeon Ulysses, whatever.
Starting point is 01:13:49 It's like it's slowly happening, but it's happening fast and it's slow. It's like weird because it's like, damn. I'm first kid from my block to do something like this. This is awesome because they want me to be me, authentic, not just me lifting crazy stuff. They want me to, like, share my story or, like, you know, like what else drives me besides that. Like I'm a minor in art.
Starting point is 01:14:15 I had two courses in college, two degrees, business and criminal justice. And, I mean, like, they want to know, like, damn, like, you did all this, but, like, why is that you do that you know so that's cool yeah that's a lot of opportunity man i'm super blessed yeah how are you managing the like like with the business and then you know your social media yourself like marketing and stuff but then like these incoming inquiries right because i'm sure you get a million of them at this point yeah so like yeah like like how do you know like when you want to like work with a company versus another one where you're like man maybe that's not the right fit so i like i'm gonna look at the deals like with the money they want to spend on me i look at the experience and the knowledge i could gain from
Starting point is 01:15:00 the people so i like okay like oh this i'm uh this brand uh or if you're this amount of much and like and they give you like all the details but it's like then you i go back and i'm like okay i don't really want that i'll be like what like okay if i do this this this like what what is it like is you gonna i'm gonna come out to your headquarters i'm gonna meet the the people that's behind the scenes you know so it's it was like, he was very diligent. Like when we were communicating, he was like, he had a lot of questions. He was like, what, you know, what time we're doing this? What day? I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:33 I was just trying to like make sure. I'm like making shit up. I'm like, let's try this, you know? I'm like, he doesn't know who he's asking questions to. That's okay. I'll make shit up. I'm going to, I'm going gonna clip this and send it to future guests because I get the same questions and I'm just like
Starting point is 01:15:50 it's about this time Mark sometimes runs late and he's on time and Seema's late why is he Mark sometimes and Seema's just late I'm always late you couldn't hear me I said if Mark's on time then Seema might be late and then if they'm always late. You couldn't hear me. I said if Mark's on time, then Seema might be late.
Starting point is 01:16:06 And then if they're on time, then I broke something on the computer. That's true. And then even when we're on time, we're all just late anyway. That's true. We just hang out and fuck around for an hour. Just lift for a beer. And then I'm just learning with the gym. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Coming out here, I just make sure I have people accountability. I have members that are like, oh, I watched the gym for you because they know, like, I helped them out. It's like your money's no good here. Like, I'll scratch your back if you scratch my back type deal. It's just like, you know, it's beyond the measure of money and stuff. Flat nature is like, okay, they support me. They help me out. I help them.
Starting point is 01:16:40 I give them a good community, a good facility to train at. It's not the biggest, but it's somewhere they feel safe and somewhere they feel like they're, like, releasing dorphins and stuff like that, you know? So it's like that. I got members that can help me out. I got trainers that will, okay, we could do this. It's like this is a support system. Yeah. And this is bigger than what people think they see on social media.
Starting point is 01:17:02 It's like, you know, I got support, a back lever. And then emails, it emails just me answering i got a few and a few uh uh like connections that i could ask questions about like this this is a good deal or this this is good no like i got people in my circle that you know that they they they like me just because of me and and and we just do good by each other and you want to take us on out of here buddy absolutely uh real real quick though i did want They like me just because of me, and we just do good by each other. Andrew, want to take us on out of here, buddy? Absolutely. Real quick, though, I did want to ask because you were showing me, like, you have iGrind tattooed on you, and then you had another one.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Can you talk about that second one? So iGrind is a G5. So I grew up around music. My stepfather, he wrote a lot of music for a lot of famous artists and stuff like that. He was super big into art. I mean, music. So one of my buddies was rapping in the studio. We had a studio in our basement.
Starting point is 01:17:55 And he kind of just said, I grind. He's like, my thighs woo woo. He's just rapping. I grind. And then I just saw this part with I grind, D65. And I kind of just ran with it. And then it just came. It just felt right. It just didn't sound right you know i've become an idea this don't sound right you gotta competitively keep saying it so then i kept saying it kept saying and then i started
Starting point is 01:18:14 putting on t-shirts selling and stuff like that and then it kind of just grew on me when it and it got a stigma of my motivation being behind it and And then I got it, like, as it grew, I was like, I told my cousins when I opened my first gym, we're going to get it tatted. And I kind of put it on social media. And then it's, like, people all over the world that has my, I got it tatted right here. But they got, like, they got the logo tatted on them because they, like, I must have inspired them.
Starting point is 01:18:40 I had people buy me stuff, like, oh, my God, man, you, like, saved my life. If you ain't post that post about you have a disability, I was going to take my life. Crazy, wild messages. It's like you've never thought of. And then I kind of just stayed with it. And then after that, I was like, iGrind Nation. It's kind of like a world, like an organization. So my next gym is going to be iGrind Nation.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Then I got to tatter on my trap because I feel like you trap your shoulders hold a lot of weight and you got to just keep going with everything that's awesome especially yours very stable traps that hold up a lot cool all right thank you for sharing that thank you everybody for checking out today's episode i want you to go to this man's instagram and then come back and let us know which one is the craziest one that you have ever seen. Make sure you guys say it on his Instagram as well. And subscribe if you guys are not subscribed.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Make sure you guys hit that like button on the way out. Please follow the podcast at MB Power Project on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZN. And Seema, where are you at? First, that's at the Discord. Over 2,000 members in there. Things are fun. Add Seema Inning on Instagram,
Starting point is 01:19:47 YouTube, add Seema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Matthias, where can people find you? You can find me on Instagram, Matthias McKinnon. Say Matthias. Matthias. You can find Matthias McKinnon
Starting point is 01:19:57 on all platforms, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, everything known to man. There we go. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Bye.

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