Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 601 - Welcome To Sober October, Rules and Open Invitation To Join Us

Episode Date: October 3, 2021

Welcome to our version of Sober October! Today we are laying down the rules for the month. What you can't consume and what you are challenged to accomplish every day. Grab the new Power Project "think... LESS" shirt, supplies are limited: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢Magic Spoon Cereal: to automatically save $5 off a variety pack! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT15 for 15% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Subscribe to the Power Project Newsletter! ➢ Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ Time Stamps: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for not giving me one, Tony. Why does somebody get super jacked? To be fair, he didn't give me one either. I bought those. Okay. I'll give you my money then. You stole it from him? No, I paid.
Starting point is 00:00:13 Well, he stole it from me, but I paid for it. It tastes really good with the fucking orange salt. Anywho, we're live. Oh, my goodness. Sorry. Oh, my God. Snuck in there i'm trying this uh habanero one oh just to see what happens if it hit the second wave you know gets a little fiery or something you need some type of spice since you're getting rid of caffeine yeah i need uh some type of
Starting point is 00:00:39 pleasure that's okay pleasure and pain are in the same spot in your brain you know right i hate you i hate you so much but i don't hate you sober it is what it is october this is how we do sober october heaps what i hate you man you were fucking break dancing up a storm the other day yeah that was awesome i love so cool i captured one picture where it was in the beginning oh that's such a win up my nose oh god no that's that's that's gonna vitalize you that's good that shit get whatever kick you can right now habanero spice element salt or whatever the fuck this thing yeah so in the beginning when they were showing you like the uh the whole like transition in the air and you kept going the wrong way but like you made it like way harder i don't even know like you
Starting point is 00:01:31 literally did do a breakdance move but i captured an image it was like the first time you did it and hannah's face was like whoa it was perfect that was a cool image yeah so i thought that was funny yeah they were trying to teach you. They're like, oh, go like this. Do it the easier way. And you almost jumped out of the gym. It was awesome. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:01:51 When I was a teenager. That shit was hard. It was fun, though. I was doing some this morning. I came in at 8.30. I was just doing a bunch of shit. I sent, remember that gorilla thing that Hannah showed me? I figured it out.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And I sent it to him. Oh, nice. Yeah. Yeah. It's cool. The gorilla thing that's with your hips higher right yeah you do you go down that push-up then you sweep and you end up like that oh yeah yeah that thing was really awesome where she actually like look like a superhero that is so fun man i'm excited because like it's weird how quick you can learn stuff though right
Starting point is 00:02:22 i mean yeah a little practice you know you can learn stuff though, right? I mean, it's a little practice, you know? You can learn all kinds of shit. Pretty much anything. And the cool thing is that all that's just body. It's just body, body strength. That's it. You don't need weights. You can just move.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I like it. My hips were like... They were all grumpy. Yeah, they were getting mad. They were getting angry. The great thing that we don't have... Or the great thing sober october sober october see i can't speak without caffeine october is we don't have to give up piedmontese no we don't oh should we go vegan too mark oh yeah it starts there and then we end at no no oxygen for all of october
Starting point is 00:03:01 no breathing that's mouth breathe through oct. We had to give up nasal breathing. Oh, yeah. Do everything you want. Anything good. No lifting. Oh. No lifting, really. So, just donuts.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Anyways. Oh, that's not bad. No. I'm still gonna eat. After day five, we'd feel pretty shitty. Yeah, it wouldn't be. It wouldn't work out.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I'm not giving up Piedmontese. Oh, yeah. I'm going to eat some ribeyes tonight. That sounds great. I think I'm going to do the same. Will you? Yeah, the full fat. Wow. Are you playing with me? No, I'm not. They're delicious. Have you guys
Starting point is 00:03:34 tried them? Yes. I eat them every day. I don't know if you guys know this, but there's protein carbs and there's this third one. It's called fat. Have you guys had it? It's delicious. He's trolling. I's called fat have you guys had it it's it's delicious he's trolling i see i got you it's so good the kebabs are really good don't sleep on those i don't know what the hell's you know i don't know what the mixture of it is but i think they told me it's like a sirloin and like a ribeye and a bunch of other stuff but whatever the heck it is
Starting point is 00:04:02 i might be getting some of it wrong but it's tender and it's really awesome a lot of times that meat is like really hard to like chew on you know when you get a kebab at like a barbecue you're like chomp on it and you're like this thing's got like veins or some shit and it's hard to eat so from piedmontese it's a different story it's fucking awesome give it a try yeah you guys got to head over to It's at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your entire order. And if your order is $150 or more, you get free two-day shipping. And so I believe you have to do it before Wednesday to get it like within those two days or something like that. Because I know when we do it on Sundays, it's like clockwork.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It shows up on Wednesday like just every single time. So again, yeah, Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Welcome to Sober October. I cooked up some of the ground beef last night. Oh, shit. The lean ground beef. Fucking delicious.
Starting point is 00:05:04 What did you eat it with? Cheese? No. I just, you know, I threw it in a pot with some bone broth and just fucking ate it. It was so good. It was like a soupy something or other. I don't even know what it was, but it was delicious. I should try that.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I have a lot of ground beef to cook. Yeah, it worked pretty good. I mean, you could throw rice in there and you got yourself a party. Yes. Monster mash party. But we're not allowed to do any of that anymore. No, we can't have fun because it's no fun Friday. Today's Friday, right?
Starting point is 00:05:32 Yeah, today is Friday. I think I nailed that. I never know what day it is either. And I'm really proud of myself. This is great. I only know it because my nephew last night was like, oh, maybe we'll come over tomorrow. I'm like, what's tomorrow? He's like, it's Friday.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I'm like, oh, all right. Sure. sure why not we'll see what happens but yeah how sober are we going to be like what what's what are we trying to do let's really discuss this yeah right let's get in depth all right so let's let's hopefully hopefully there's some people watching they can chime in if it's if we got anything going on live yeah we're live let's figure this out real quick what is the goal of Sober October? I think misery. There's no fucking point to it. I think that's the goal.
Starting point is 00:06:09 No, the goal isn't misery. The goal is to rid yourself of bad vices. Ah, okay. Vices that play a negative role in your life. So if you drink too much alcohol, well, sober up. Sober up. No alcohol in October.
Starting point is 00:06:24 But alcohol is not all negative it's got some positives to it okay just like our caffeine right well like you know if if you cut yourself and you need to sterilize the area you need alcohol to i think that's what you use right yeah yeah well no you don't use caffeine on a cut do you if you probably feel better right away like the old cartoons where the saint bernard pulls the guy out you ever see that pulls the guy out of the snow and then he drinks he drinks his own drink because he's got the barrel around you never seen that before no i have no idea it's it's
Starting point is 00:06:59 hilarious the saint bernard it's like it's like bugs bunny i don't know where the hell there's no way i can google that. It's Bugs Bunny. He's got like this fucking St. Bernard dog. It's got like this barrel around its neck that has like alcohol in it. Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, the dog goes and like rescues the guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he pulls him out.
Starting point is 00:07:18 But instead of like pouring a drink for the guy to help him because he's cold, he drinks it himself. Because it's a cartoon. Because it's silly like that. Here we go. I found a real life one. they really do have those on them i think they are like rescue dogs but i don't i mean yeah there you go there you go they come rescue you with alcohol in case you run out call the dogs i don't think i said this on air but i need to say it on there these eaa's are really good. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:46 With the electrolytes. It's Tony Huge's one. I took a scoop from Andrew's. Enhanced. Which is Enhanced Athlete, right? Yeah, Enhanced. I don't know the website. He's got a bunch of good stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah, but that one's called DJ's OJ. DJ's OJ? And that shit's so good, yeah. It's so good with the element orange salt. It's like, you know, This could be a coffee replacement. I can handle that. That's all I've been doing in the morning. And I was telling Mark, right now I am a little bit sleepy.
Starting point is 00:08:14 But throughout the day, I feel fine. It's just I get these massive headaches. But I don't know if I'm getting used to it, but I started using CBD oil. I've always said that CBD oil doesn't really work on me. But over the past couple of days, I'll just rub it on my bald head. Seriously? Yeah. And it's helped a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Really? Noticeable difference. I left the house today and I was like, fuck, dude, I can feel my headache coming already. What made you think to rub it on your head? Yeah, seriously. It's a topical. And so I think you could technically rub it on your temple yeah it's a topical and so like i think you could technically rub it on your temple seeps into his brain or some shit yeah no caffeine i'm like reaching a different level of like intellect but no i i think you could rub
Starting point is 00:09:00 it on your temples or whatever but i'm like fuck it i got no hair so i'm just like just lathering that shit up it's been working great but you know i think this no caffeine thing is good i think it's going to be good for us it's going to resensitize us to caffeine um and it'll it'll help us it'll help your and you're lubing up his head it's so my wife got it for me it's just a uh it's a roll-on so it's like yeah it's great oh my god yeah it's from cbd social it like it just it's it works i don't know also i'm not gonna lie it could be just because it's this is now the fifth full day but when i left the house i still had a headache so i had to make a u-turn
Starting point is 00:09:45 and i had like run back in and put my roll on what made you because there's so many cbd stuff what made you check out them she gave it to me okay yeah that was literally like i've tried so many other ones okay and like i said just could be coincidence but it's i'm not going to risk having a bad headache again. All right. No booze, right? No booze. Got that. No caffeine. No caffeine.
Starting point is 00:10:09 No caffeine of any kind. Could you have a decaf coffee, or should we not even have anything like that? I'm not going to introduce decaf. I mean, it does have some caffeine, but it's like a tiny amount. It'll give you a little bit of a taste of coffee if you really like the taste of coffee. And they're a good decaf. Pete's decaf coffee. So we're not going to freak out if someone gets some decaf coffee or if any of us have a decaf coffee.
Starting point is 00:10:30 This is turmeric ginger tea, by the way, just so you know. I need you to see this. Tea is very low in caffeine. Sometimes doesn't have hardly any. Turmeric ginger. No caffeine. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I get an A+. But then you got to be careful with tea sometimes because sometimes it has a lot. I don't know what you get. Green tea, black tea. Check the ingredients. That English breakfast black tea or whatever. Let's see. So caffeine would be coffee and energy drinks, right?
Starting point is 00:10:58 No energy drinks. No energy drinks. Energy drinks are out. And then does soda have too much caffeine in it oh it depends on the soda like sprite doesn't you know um neither does didn't diet ginger ale a and w root beer has no caffeine okay you know what's fucking delicious but it probably does have caffeine in it is uh zero sugar dr pepper yeah and holy fuck that. Dude. That's better than regular Dr. Pepper. The one I have in the fridge right now is a cherry Dr. Pepper, and it is fire.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Jesus Christ. Why have I never liked Dr. Pepper? I never cared about it either, but I had the zero one, and it was legit. I was like, oh my God. 48 milligrams of caffeine, though. Oh. I know. I need to mention this.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I have a friend of mine. Went to his house to get a haircut, he gave me this um the soda from his fridge it was just a canned soda and it was full sugar and i was like bro are you still drinking these and he's like yeah i mean i work them off i'm like oh well i'll try it because it's been a while since i've had a full sugar soda drink that shit i can only get through half i was just like super. Super syrupy, right? Yeah. I was like, God, how do you drink this every day? He's like, I hate diet soda. I'm like, how can you drink this? They'll be good.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I think it'll be abnormal soon to be drinking those. I mean, they are for us because we're weird, but it'll be less and less popular to be drinking regular soda. Yeah. That is disgusting. I think it looks like Coke, you know, and some of these other big companies have put a lot of money towards advertising
Starting point is 00:12:29 and even introducing a lot of new flavors. Yeah, and I can tell because every time I go to, so I get all of them from Walmart, especially in South Sac, they have all the good flavors. But all of the zeros are just like, oh shit, they finally have some. And then they have all the full sugar ones. They never run out of those.
Starting point is 00:12:46 It could be a stocking thing. This is good. But all of the zero sugars are almost always sold out. And then when you get lucky, you get like a Sunkist. Oh my gosh. Which has like 17 grams or milligrams of caffeine in it. What? I know.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Dude, trust me. I am so heartbroken from that because that was going to be like my treat right there yeah i'm gonna do that okay all good but that's fine what about what about no sugar no sugar i don't really fuck yeah i don't really eat much sugar either like i'll have a piece of fruit here and there yeah well i was gonna say in what form like a candy bar form because you don't want't necessarily take out berries and shit like mmm You know I mean that that would be counterproductive. No sugar other than fruit Yeah, could do that sound fair artificial sweetener
Starting point is 00:13:39 Artificial sweetener, I don't think has any no it's not cars or sugar in it, so I think that's fair game Yes, very cool all right. We got some compromise some compromises going here this sounds good okay so no sugar other than fruit other than fruit yeah because you know something's got like one gram of sugar if you're using some sort of sauce or something then yeah don't fucking don't don't kill yourself doing this shit just uh switch the gqs try to Try to do some stuff that's maybe more strict than normal. How about no mind-altering drugs of any kind?
Starting point is 00:14:12 Kratom, mushrooms. Alpha-GPC? That should be okay. Alpha-GPC? I think that's fine. Right? I mean, does that do it? Doesn't Alpha-GPC
Starting point is 00:14:21 kind of act like a booster, like caffeine? Oh, they usually are together. Oh. It's altheanine. Well, you guys are already out then because it's in the BCAAs. That's right, it is. You guys already lost.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Victory is mine. All right, well, let's go get some coffee. We're keeping alpha-GPC in. Fuck that. We're keeping alpha-GPC in. Or Mark won and we just go get some coffee. Yeah, bro, you really go get some coffee. Yeah, bro. You really won.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Good job. Sipping on some coffee with some heavy cream. Smoking weed. Enjoy your next birthday. Feet up on the desk. Beating off to fucking porn. Oh, fuck. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Alpha GPCs in game alpha gpc i already know that you're no no porn tastic over here but we should go no porn too i think yeah i've done it before wasn't like didn't seem like a wasn't a wasn't a huge deal but i'm gonna be a huge but uh shit man i think most people can admit yeah man i could cut back on some fucking pornography no porn no porn no sugar no kratom no mind altering stuff and then quick question i'm just just curious so the mind altering things why? because it's sober that's true
Starting point is 00:15:49 sobering and then we had mentioned it's kind of a layup but like working out every day yeah get a workout in every day I'm already in the hole there I have to go work out I didn't get a chance to do it this morning.
Starting point is 00:16:05 So maybe give people some stuff to actually do rather than stuff not to do. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So what, do you want to just say exercise every day? Yeah. Or do you think people need a lift? Exercise every day. No, I would say, yeah, exercise.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Let's make a goal for people to get a certain amount of steps. I mean, I know you're doing 20K a day, but what do you think is just a good number for people to try to get each day this October? I think 10 would be great. Think a 10K a day step? Yeah, let's do 10K steps a day. That would be hard for me. Not going to lie. Really?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Mm-hmm. I mean, I could do it. It would be hard. It would just be really out of the way. That's good. No, I mean, it just would be hard because I average only around 6K. Oh, 4K extra steps then? But I'm just saying an entire day.
Starting point is 00:16:50 It just means I have to actually take those steps. Yeah, instead of my normal walks here, I have to do an extra one. Does your watch track your steps? Yep. If your watch tracks your steps, then you can, it's actually really easy, just set some weights further apart from each other in the gym and walk from one
Starting point is 00:17:08 thing to the other. Like if you bench press and go do pull-ups and you go back and forth, it sounds silly, but you end up walking a lot. And obviously the sled dragging and all that is like, it'll add up. I've actually just started to make a habit of like, when I park my car,
Starting point is 00:17:22 I just do like a mini lap around the building and walk inside. I'm like, man, this is some extra steps. It doesn't really cost me much. I'm just going to fucking do it. So 10,000K in steps, exercise every day. It's so cold in here. Yeah, 10K steps a day. Encourage people to maybe eat what?
Starting point is 00:17:42 What about something like just like a protein shake extra a day or something like that? Something to get the protein up. Sounds good idea. Sounds like a good idea to me. Yeah. A protein shake a day. One protein shake a day.
Starting point is 00:17:55 We're making a list. Look at this. I like this. We're being like responsible. She, um, sober October. That's,
Starting point is 00:18:02 it's already taken over. One serving of vegetables a day. Whoa. Okay taken over one serving of vegetables a whoa okay and one serving of fruit hold on hold up hold up what the fuck are these green beans doing next to my stick do you mean veggies who do you think we are who are we becoming on this podcast i'll do that shit no it's gonna be terrible should we give blood every day too no no no we could do a serving of vegetables a day. Let's be adults. Yeah, just one, right?
Starting point is 00:18:26 I don't want to be an adult. One serving of veggies. Veggies. I was going to say, can we just change the E to an A? One serving of veggies? I think that's important. Put a little star next to that. Smiley face.
Starting point is 00:18:42 put a little star next to that smiley face a little highlight okay and a serving of fruit like we said oh yeah yeah fruit man that's actually gonna be hard I have to buy them I don't have those things
Starting point is 00:19:02 Stephanie what oh wait no we have stir fry. That's right. I can eat that every day. That's vegetables. Okay. Vegetables, fruit, one source of lean protein every day because you already got the shake. Maybe might as well like maybe leave it up to people on what they want to choose.
Starting point is 00:19:24 But yeah. Hey, guys. like maybe leave it up to people on what they want to choose but yeah hey guys are you still drinking sugary hydration drinks like greed i don't know what that is but element one of our sponsors has an amazing electrolyte mix of sodium potassium magnesium the perfect blend to hydrate you before a workout with no sugar it's great while you're on a fast or if you're on a low carb diet or if you're on any diet, just check them out. They're amazing. Andrew, tell them how to get it.
Starting point is 00:19:48 You guys got to head over to drink l m n t dot com slash power project. Load up on a value bundle that's getting four boxes for the price of three. Again, that's at drink l m n t dot com slash power project. Head over there right now. One. I'm trying to think like, I don't know, one like, I don't want to just say meat. I don't want to exclude some people, but I guess we could
Starting point is 00:20:11 just say meat, but like something that has over like 30, 40 grams of protein in it, like a meal, right? I think that's fair to say. Okay. At least one protein bomb in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:30 One, like, 30 to 40. Okay, I'll turn it down. Yes, please. Please. It's cold as hell up here. It's not that cold. Yes, it is. I'm just trying to see your nippies. More tingly than hot.
Starting point is 00:20:49 All right. I like it. I think we're good there, yeah. Yeah? I didn't write any of them down. Is there anything we're missing? I mean, obviously, we're not going to drink alcohol. Yeah, no alcohol.
Starting point is 00:21:01 We already mentioned that. We're not going to mind-altering things, so that takes out all the fun stuff. I don't want to give too many things to do, but what about journal or read? Something like that. I think journaling is a great idea, but that's up to the individual if you want to do that. Yeah. A lot of people don't do that. I don't do it.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Get those thoughts out. What about... How about we just put them in the same category and say, try to commit to either one or the other or do both back and forth of journaling or reading. I was just going to say reading. Even if you read one fucking page or even if you write down two words, it's like something.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Do something, yeah. Okay. We'll make that a thing. I dig that. I don't like that, so that's actually kind of good. Audiobooks, okay? Yeah. Yeah, I think... thing i dig that i don't like that so that's actually kind of good audiobooks okay yeah yeah i think yeah i think i'm doing good so far today just gotta walk and work out we'll just put that
Starting point is 00:21:56 all in the same category audiobook or regular book whatever whatever the shit is that you don't do, you should try to lean towards that, though. So I'm going to try to actually read. I'm going to actually read. Sorry. Yeah, what I've noticed, though, it's weird, because I started picking up books and reading them, and the information used to never stick.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And now it's starting to stick a little bit. And then when I checked out audio. CBD, you're rubbing on your head. I know. So when I checked out the audio book. Is rub it on your head. So when I checked out the audio mind altering though, no, cause there's no THC in it. He is acting kind of silly.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Hey, go ahead. Google it on your fancy new phone. I ain't going to do that to you, man. Rub the CD. Just rub the CBD on your head. Rub it on your dick.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I was waiting for that. I don't know what the fuck I was saying. Thanks. It was about. Oh, so now the audio book's not sticking. I had to keep rewinding the fucking book over and over, over the same part. I couldn't. It wouldn't stick.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Oh, I don't know. I was getting really frustrated, stuck in traffic. But yeah, I don't know. So we'll see i think another reason to do some sobering of october and to take on challenges each month is just to maybe like yeah like we talked about in the beginning like clear out some bad habits maybe introduce some good ones um maybe uh you know what and like don't i don't want anyone to think oh, my birthday is like on the 15th and I can't do it. So what?
Starting point is 00:23:28 Have a drink on the 15th. Like, you know, be as strict as you think you can handle. And if there's something that you really feel that you need or want something to do, like, you know, don't feel like you need to really just crush yourself with following all these rules. to really just crush yourself with, with following all these rules, but it is a good idea sometimes to crush yourself with a bunch of rules because, uh, when we're left to our own devices, I don't think we always behave the best way. So, you know, see if you see what you can handle and see what you can do. Yeah. Lean in system. I do like this. I mean, I know I'm, I'm, I'm acting like a bitch. I'll be like, fuck you, Mark. But at the end of the day, I do think it's going to be really cool to just like kind of force yourself to do some shit you have to do without substances, like without caffeine,
Starting point is 00:24:13 you know, it's going to be going to have to bring up the energy on our own. Right. Streams are nice, but not going to happen. Right. Kratom makes you feel a little, but not going to have it.
Starting point is 00:24:23 So you gotta, I like it. It's going to be, it's going to be a good challenge. Yeah. Yeah them makes you feel a little, but not going to have it. So you got to, I like it. It's going to be, it's going to be a good challenge. Yeah. Can you be fun or, or, or funny or have a good time with your friends without drinking? Like if you, if you can't like that, maybe that's not the best spot to be in. That's very true. And maybe there's, I don't know, maybe you start discovering other ways to enjoy each other.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Maybe you're like, hey, let's all go on a walk or let's go do, maybe do something more productive or something different than what you're used to. Just expose you to something different. But, you know, doing the 20,000 steps every day, like it's enough steps to the point where you're like, oh, shit, I got to keep moving. I got more steps to go. And just trying these new disciplines and seeing what your body can do and your mind can do and seeing where you can push, it's fucking awesome because you learn. Each and every day you kind of learn a little bit about yourself
Starting point is 00:25:19 and you learn you're a lot more resilient and a lot stronger than you thought. And for somebody to follow uh any of these things there's no just making sure what i'm saying is totally accurate yeah there's no genetic component to this there's no there's no special physical traits that you need there's no uh i guess the food and protein and, but like for the most part, nothing is really costing you much of anything. You know,
Starting point is 00:25:55 this is an investment in yourself to try to make yourself better. Yeah. Ben, I think the hardest one on a lot of this for a lot of the dudes in the audience is going to be the no porn for a month straight up because like you're going to have to find some shit to uh do you're gonna be like you you're going to have to find some other stuff to uh you know get your hands on and i need to take a cold shower yeah seriously seriously like you're gonna build some new habits trust me i have a lot of friends who like they started just doing other things because
Starting point is 00:26:23 they stopped so it's gonna be a challenge but i know y'all can do it you can still beat it right you can still beat it just look at a wall yeah look at a wall and beat your meat to a wall that's all you gotta do people be thinking that i don't what that guy said that guy's like fuck out of here i'm gonna beat my shit that's what he said lying ass lying ass i'll beat my shit that was great that was an amazing video on tiktok this guy made a response and it was just so funny it was it was so extremely funny but yeah great damn the think less shirt sold out in large oh wait and 3xl damn there's a couple 2x there's a couple xl and 2x left and then a couple of smalls and a couple of mediums very cool sorry i had to just throw that
Starting point is 00:27:16 out there but anyway trying to think if there's anything else on this but no you know i think you know we've talked before on the show about like kind of cascade of disciplines and sometimes things uh you know kind of uh heading in a direction of like doing you know doing shit the wrong way like you get a case of the fuck it's in your uh you kind of slipped on a banana peel already. And as Jordan Syatt said the other day, he's like, if you really think about it, once you've eaten some pizza at lunchtime, he's like, it doesn't make sense to carry on
Starting point is 00:27:55 and to continue to harm yourself and to continue to go against the diet that you're trying to adhere to and stick to. He's like, so what? You relaxed and had a slice or two or three or even if you ate four or five slices of pizza. He's like, but you already, you did some damage with that. Recognize that. But it would be in his kind of correlation that he talked about.
Starting point is 00:28:22 He was like, you know, he goes, picture going out to your car and you see that your tire is slashed. And you're like, ah, fuck it, man. Just going to slash the rest of them. The car can't, I can't drive the car. It's useless. Might as well pop the other one. So, you know, in trying these things, I think you can learn that you can,
Starting point is 00:28:43 that, you know, something like drinking alcohol, sometimes you drink and then you have less, uh, I don't know, you're less restricted. You got less rules, less reservations. And you're like, yeah, fuck it, man. Yeah. I'm going to have some cake or I'm going to have a brownie or whatever the hell it is that you, that you want. Sometimes when you, uh, take other types of drugs, it might make your mind wander towards, uh, other types of food. So this practice can maybe help clean up a bunch of other stuff in your life. And I would say it'd be a good idea to learn just to
Starting point is 00:29:12 develop some type of routines. I know there's this whole class thing about the morning routine, but it would be a good idea to maybe develop some type of routine around what you do in the morning and how you go about things. You know what I mean? Rather than just maybe picking up your phone, what are you going to do instead you mentioned journaling maybe write down some shit what you got andrew you do anything in particular in the morning
Starting point is 00:29:31 i know you got a little baby running around but like no i i've actually gotten into some some bad habits of like picking up the phone and then like checking emails and freaking out about that or like oh what's going on twitter and then seeing like what's going on in the world and getting frustrated at that. And, you know, I look up and it's like, dude, I've been in here for way too long trying to take a dump. But other than that, the morning routine has been going fairly well. I'll wake up early before anyone, you know, handle my business and then work out. And by the time I get out of the shower, my son's usually starting to wake up. So, uh, again, I'm not, not the best at changing diapers, but it's been cool that I learned that in the mornings, his diapers are usually just pee.
Starting point is 00:30:16 So I can change those fairly quick and I get to see him first thing in the morning. So it's been a lot of fun doing that. So as far as like routines, that's kind of forcing me to get up early, work out, get dressed, get ready for work before he wakes up and then, you know, help out my wife with at least that one thing before I leave. find anything that I can do. And that's one thing. So that's what's what I've been doing in the mornings. And again, like what you're just saying, like, you know, picking up a good habit or whatever is a great idea because it's really, really easy to fall into these bad habits. Like I wasn't even paying attention. Then all of a sudden I'm like, dude, I'm really on my phone a lot in the morning, like unnecessarily amount of time. And I don't know where, when, what happened, but like, I just fuck one day looked up and i'm like dude i've been on here for like 45 minutes like this is useless like you know it's
Starting point is 00:31:11 just pointless to wake up early to do nothing for an hour and then start the day so that's definitely something that i will be focusing on i mean not just for sober october's period something i need to work on sounds like a pretty good morning routine otherwise though. Yeah. Yeah. And working out early. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:30 That's been great. But like, I'm just thinking like what I could do with like an extra hour, you know, or maybe get an extra hour of sleep. Like it doesn't have, I don't have to wake up at four 30 every day. You know, I could wake up at five 30 and get the same thing done. So yeah, that's, that's stuff. But I do, I actually, I do really like waking up that early, though. There's something about it.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'm not much on, like, I don't really have a lot of rituals or, like, routines. But they do work, you know, when you do something at the same time every day. It helps kind of ingrain behaviors into your system, you know. So it can be really useful, but I usually just, I don't use an alarm because I try to get to bed at a like reasonable hour that allows me to wake up fairly early. And I guess like if I have like a routine, it's like that I go on a walk, you know, but I don't, I barely consider it a routine because I don't really like to get attached to stuff because I don't like to have a lot of expectations on much of anything. And then when I do, like I can get
Starting point is 00:32:31 frustrated. So I'd rather like not say like, okay, I'm definitely, you know, without a doubt going to wake up tomorrow and walk. I'd rather have the option to occasionally say, actually, you know what, the best thing for you to do is to continue to sleep. And so I like to be able to, I guess, kind of pick and choose when I'm doing something and when I'm not doing something. Try to have a little bit more freedom with it, you know? Yeah. I'm the same way.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't stress me out, really, if I don't get to do the thing I like to do. But I do like to always wake up and uh i do like to journal things i do like to write things down thoughts just get that out because it's up here it annoys me um so that really does help and i think another thing that i've been just trying to really pay attention to is like i do have this urge when i first wake up in the morning to grab my phone and and see like email see what's going on on my socials and stuff like that. And I've really been trying to be keen on saying no to that. Like, Oh no, let's just go leave. It's actually really weird.
Starting point is 00:33:30 You recognize that it just doesn't matter at all. I mean, unless there's like a couple texts floating around or something on your phone, but it makes no difference. I mean, maybe try to make a little bit of a rule for yourself. Like, uh, I'm not gonna look at my phone until I get to where I'm trying to go to for today. You know, um, I'm not going to look at it until, uh, you know, before you leave the house or whatever, I'm not gonna look at it, look at it until I sit in my car for a minute and I'll look at it for a few minutes on the, uh, you know, at that time and then, you know, carry on to wherever you're, you're going or something like that. But I found it really useful and really helpful to, uh, make some rules. I don't have my phone in my room and that's helped a lot. And so, um, I don't,
Starting point is 00:34:17 I just don't even see my phone in the morning because of when I wake up, it's not near me. It's in a completely different room. And i usually go to the kitchen and i normally would make myself some coffee and then i would drink the coffee i'd wait for wave number one to hit and then uh you know i might walk around for a little while and after that and just i don't know put shit together for the day you know to get here and uh kind of that's that usually. It's funny. I was getting ready to prepare some coffee this morning and then I was like, wait. I'm usually getting some kratom too. And I'm like, oh man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:57 As far as like the phone thing, I don't know. It's kind of, I guess I don't say sadistic, but it's like, for sure, like around dinner time, like no phone for me, period, whatsoever. But I have been putting it like next to me and I can hear it going off. And I said like, no, like not while I'm eating dinner. I can still hear it going off. Like it's amazing how many times that fucker will buzz. That bitch on DND.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I know. That's actually a really good move. Like, yeah. off like it it's amazing how many times that fucker will buzz that bitch on dnd i i know that's actually a really good move like yeah but in like almost kind of like uh doing this like resistance training for the brain to not reach for the phone i've actually gotten a lot better now it's like not even like that quick impulse to just check it like it's i can just leave it there and i can hear it or i cannot hear it doesn't matter and i won't reach for it anymore, at least for dinner time. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:46 cause it just sucks. Like if like, especially if we're watching something and I'm, you know, face first in my phone, not hanging out with everybody like that sucks. So that, that's been like a,
Starting point is 00:35:55 uh, kind of like a practice, like kind of almost torturing myself, but it's a good thing. Yeah. It's a, it's cool. I can't do it all day long,
Starting point is 00:36:02 but you know, it's helped. We, uh, you know, almost, almost daily, you know, we see each other. And I think most of us, we end up, you know, crossing paths with a lot of people that we're going to be communicating with for the day. like circumstances where maybe we're trying to get a guest for the show or maybe you're doing consulting with somebody for their diet or something like that, where you're doing some like online coaching or some some things like that. So there are times where it's like, yeah, it's really having access to your email and having access to some of these things is super important. But there's other times a day where you don't have to be like hoarding over that all day long.
Starting point is 00:36:44 where you don't have to be hoarding over that all day long. And to answer a text or something at 5 a.m. or to answer anything work-related at 11.30 at night, you just don't have to do it then. You can try to set times to like actually get to these things for me it's been really useful to just like not look at stuff sometimes like if if a text comes through and i don't feel like i have the energy the time to uh address it i'll just leave it you know just don't just don't even open it so if i open something i just try to get it i just try to get it done but the phone can be problematic you can end up on it for way too long every single fucking day yeah i think i listened to that
Starting point is 00:37:30 episode uh andrew hooberman did on dopamine with anna lemke and um it's first off it'd be great if we could have anna lemke on because her book dopamine nation i'm going through that book right now really good but it's it's really good to try to pay attention to the way that you interact with like social media and then the places you find pleasure and how, like how, how your brain works in terms of you continuing to continually seek those things. That's how you know if you have a problem with certain things or not. And if you find that like you're always seeking it or whatever, but it's,
Starting point is 00:38:06 it, ah, we need to have her on. Cause I feel like it'd be a great conversation on this stuff, especially the stuff when it comes to your like social and your phone. I don't think a lot of people are aware of how detrimental that can be, but. All right,
Starting point is 00:38:21 Andrew, you want to take us on out of here, buddy? I will. So, uh, let us know down in the comment section whether or not you guys are going to join us on our version of sober october october or maybe
Starting point is 00:38:31 your modified one but you know just let us know down in the comments for sure and uh please visit did he make it i made it nailed it every time Links to down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Follow the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram at MB Power Project on TikTok and Twitter. My Instagram and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ and TheAndrewZ on TikTok. And Sima, where are you at? IamAndrewZ on Instagram and YouTube. And SimaYinYang on TikTok and Twitter. Mark?
Starting point is 00:39:05 October 24th. Right? It. Mark? October 24th, right? It's Sunday, October 24th. So we're having Ben Patrick here, Mr. Knees Over Toes. We still have more announcing to do, so I apologize. I don't have all the deets yet, but it appears that we are going to be doing two seminars. One's going to be a private seminar, and one's going to be, not a private seminar, but one's going to be a, I guess, paid seminar
Starting point is 00:39:29 that might have extra attention to it. And one will be a free seminar for anybody that wants to kind of show up. And I'm super excited about it. I think it's going to start around 10 o'clock and end at like three or four. Who knows how long it will go with Ben, Ben being here. But we're also going to have Marcus Philly here,
Starting point is 00:39:49 who's a former CrossFitter who's got a big social media following Mr. Infinity. Yeah. Well, I don't know, but it just sounded great. When Nsema brought it up, he's like, Mr. Infinity is going to be here. I was like, dope. And I was like, I don't know who that is, but, uh, you'll see a lot of us here.
Starting point is 00:40:05 You know, we're, we're really excited, uh, to have this opportunity to have this, uh, seminar Ben's never done really a seminar like this before. This is the first of its kind and probably the first of many more to come from him. But, uh, we expect a huge turnout. So, uh, you know, follow us everywhere you can find us because we're going to be releasing information on that. I don't want you guys to miss out on it. I know it's going to be awesome. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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