Mark Bell's Power Project - MBPP EP. 682 - Marc Lobliner: Becoming an IFBB Pro and Turning Away Millions of Dollars

Episode Date: February 24, 2022

Marc Lobliner is an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and the Chief Marketing Officer for, as well as owner and CEO of MTS Nutrition, partner in Ambrosia Nutraceuticals, and owner of Machine Solutions Body & Life Coaching Services. Follow Marc on IG: Marc's YouTube: Outright Bars and more supplements: The best Penis Pump on the market: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 15% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢Bubs Naturals: Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢Vertical Diet Meals: Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% off your first order! ➢Vuori Performance Apparel: Visit to automatically save 20% off your first order! ➢8 Sleep: Visit to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro! ➢Marek Health: Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #marclobliner #outrightbar #kroger #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? We talk about getting your lab work done all the time on this podcast, but a problem with getting your lab work done if you want to check your testosterone, cholesterol, any of that good stuff, is that it can be super expensive if you try to go through a normal doctor.
Starting point is 00:00:12 That's why we partner with Merrick Health, owned by Derek from More Plates, More Dates. And the amazing thing about Merrick Health is that when you get your labs or the Power Project panel for men and women that we have on their website, these labs are extremely affordable. Literally, they could be up to 70% cheaper
Starting point is 00:00:30 than what you would purchase from a doctor. So, Andrew, how can people get a hold of these labs? Yes, on top of Merrick Health already being super affordable, when you head over to, that's M-A-R-R-E-C-H-E-A-L-L-T-H-D-O-T-C-O-M, and you use promo code POWERPROJECT10, you're going to save 10% And you use promo code PowerProject10, you're going to save 10% off all of the labs that you order. And if you don't know where to start, you can head over to slash PowerProject. Now that's going to be the Power
Starting point is 00:00:53 Project panel that has over 26 different labs from testosterone, estrogen, all the important stuff, stuff that like even I can't even name off the top of my head because I'm just not the one that came up with the lab, but it is going to to cover everything so that way you know everything that's going on under the hood and when you order that use promo code power project for 101 off of that I know that's a lot of information but everything will be explained down in the description as well as the podcast show notes head over there right now that was that was like 10 years ago though that's not a big it's not weird what are those shorts anyway I don't know I need a pair
Starting point is 00:01:27 they're like Rydell or something they're like polyester oh man my tiny fucking head I had to put this on the lowest setting what's wrong with your head my head's too fucking small dude I never realized that until you mentioned it today people make fun of people for having a big head
Starting point is 00:01:44 like I was made for that shit. Is it the shoulders? I was going to say it helps the proportion. Look how big the shoulders are. My brother has an obscenely fucking small head. And I think it's just a genetic factor that I need to take more GH. So my head grows bigger. Yeah, GH, maybe some IGF-1.
Starting point is 00:02:02 We'll get like a blend going. Oh my God, yeah. Yeah, I never understood. There's so many things with IGF-1. We'll get like a blend going. Oh my God, yeah. Wasn't, yeah, I never understood. Like there's so many things with IGF-1 and HGH. Like they're like, well, HGH converts to IGF-1 and I don't know. It gets to be confusing. It does.
Starting point is 00:02:15 There's a lot of things going on. Tell us a little bit about who you are for people that don't know. Well, I'm Mark Lobliner. I am the chief marketing officer at I have a company called MTS Nutrition. Also have a company called Pump Chasers, which Chris Jones is here, actually. He came with me. Chris Jones. 015 Nutrition with Brandon Curry. I own an outright bar. The outright bar is the number one bar in America right now, I believe.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Based on growth, and the shipment should be coming here any minute now, based on FedEx. Wah, wah, wah. And a company called Ambrosia, which we have with Sean Torbati and Mike Rasheed. So you own part of all these companies? Yeah. Holy shit. I do a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'm also, my proudest accomplishment is I am a high school strength coach for wrestling. So I stay busy. That's cool. And you got a couple of kids, right? Yes, I do. I have three kids unless one of them left while I was gone. Yeah. So I have a 16 year old daughter. I have a kids, unless one of them left while I was gone. Yes, I have a 16-year-old daughter. I have a 14-year-old son and another nine-year-old son. So my kids are all awesome. They're good kids. And you're kind of living the American dream in a way. You're an entrepreneur.
Starting point is 00:03:16 You've had these businesses for a long time. You've been somebody that has loved fitness and strength training for a really long time. You recently became a pro bodybuilder, right? Yeah. Yeah, so in December I won my FBB Pro Card. So I was actually boxing. I retired from bodybuilding because bodybuilding is kind of silly. Do you have some ADHD or something? What's going on here? Yes, I do have ADHD. Will this help it?
Starting point is 00:03:39 I think so, maybe. Yes, drink the whole thing. I will. I'm going to drink the whole thing. Yeah, a little mind bullet down the old hatch. Let's do a mind bullet. Cheers. Sorry, man. Sorry, I got excited. Almost jumped the gun. It's will. I'm going to drink the whole thing. Yeah, a little mind bullet down the old hatch. Let's do a mind bullet. Cheers. Sorry, man.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Sorry. I got excited. Almost jumped the gun. It's okay. He almost had to say grace. Sometimes I do it a little too fast. That's okay. It happens to all of us.
Starting point is 00:03:53 That's what she said. It tastes like juice. How long have you been married for? So many kids. Dude, I've been with my wife 25 years this year. Congratulations. That's awesome. So April 13, 2002, we got married and
Starting point is 00:04:05 for some reason she stayed around. I have no idea why, but we've been married high school sweethearts, captain of the football team, captain of the cheerleading team, and here we are. You were captain of the football team and the cheerleading team? Wow. That was amazing. You were ahead of your time. Dude, it would be crazy. I'd have to run off the field
Starting point is 00:04:21 cheering myself. Yeah, my wife was a cheerleader. That's great. No, she wasn't the football player. She didn't have the genetics. She wasn't willing to do that extra step. Wasn't willing to take steroids. But I was. So here we are.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And so more recently with the outright bar, the explosion of the outright bar, you got in some interesting contracts and got into some stores, some box stores and stuff like that, right? Yeah. So we have, I believe, over 100,000 total stores, including gas stations, C-stores. GNC is a great customer of ours, some Targets and Walmarts, all that good stuff, right? So we're crushing it. And grocery is great. We have HEB, Hy-Vee, Giant Eagle. We're doing a great job. And the bar is growing. It's a great bar. It brought something different to the market. What does that look like for you, like walking into these stores or maybe even going in with your kids and showing your children, like, hey, that's a bar that dad's been working on.
Starting point is 00:05:16 This is the crazy stuff I've been talking about in the house for the last four or five years. It is dope. I mean, with lack of better terms. Like, it is cool to walk in. I just did a tour two weeks ago in the Midwest at Hy-Vee. So I went into 18 Hy-Vee stores in three days, three different States, 2000 miles driven. It was nuts. But every Hy-Vee store I'd go into, you'd see it and you're like, ah, that's pretty freaking awesome. You know, and the fact is you're in a grocery store, so no one knows who the hell you are. So I'm like trying to,
Starting point is 00:05:42 you know, convince like 60 year olds, like, like in walkers that this is the bar you are. So I'm like trying to convince like 60-year-olds like in walkers that this is the bar for them. Do you know who came from Hy-Vee? Do you know? Who's that? Kurt Warner. He did. Yeah, that was his store. He was working at Hy-Vee. Oh my goodness. Then he's throwing touchdown passes for the Rams. I didn't know it was Hy-Vee. And he's a Super Bowl MVP.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Hy-Vee is an amazing store. It was the greatest show on turf. He's bagging groceries. Marshall Falk, Kurt Warner, amazing Super Bowl winning team. Yeah, he's, I'll tell you what, Hy-Vee is a great account of ours. But, you know, we had, this year we've had a couple things go on. And I think as business owners, we have to make decisions on how we want our brand, how we want to actually make a mark on the world.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Let's just back up for one second. What were the bars designed for? The bars were actually made for my kids. So it was, uh, we were at a soccer tournament in the Midwest called Midwest cup. And my daughter was playing center mid and basically center mids just run a lot. So we had three games that day and there's nothing to feed her. I love the one bar. I love the quest bar, but there's like 15 grams of fiber in it.
Starting point is 00:06:42 You can't eat that between games or else you're either going to shit yourself or cramp. And so they had like funnel cakes and nachos, whatever they have at tournaments. And, you know, there's nothing. We have Z bars and Cliff bars, which are just carbs. They just spike and drop. And you're going to have, you're basically going to crash during the game. So we were able to, it took me four years, three and a half years. And I wanted to make a bar that had superfoods, basically peanut butter for essential fats.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Basically, I wanted to have for, you know, that nice, that energy source, fats. Fats are key. I wanted monounsaturated fats. I wanted to have superfood honey as a carb source and whey protein isolate as the protein source. And we were able to stabilize it and be able to mass produce it. And that came out with the Outward Bar. I didn't expect people to buy it because every bar on the market at the time was net carbs, which by the way, the Quest Bar, I believe has more carbs than my bar, but they're net carbs.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So they don't count the prebiotic fiber, but they count. And it's probably messed up many people's diets because they're like, they don't count those carbs. And then they're getting all these carbs, but on the label, it says it doesn't have't have these carbs it's kind of confusing you kind of scratch your head sometimes looking at well if a bar has 290 calories and the carbs fat and protein don't even come close to that you're like how does that even work but they count as net carbs and i'm not saying that's a bad thing or a good thing i'm just saying as a a guy who likes diets and gets ready for shows and stuff, it makes it very difficult. You're trying to give the kids energy and in a lot of these other products,
Starting point is 00:08:10 there's fiber, which doesn't get digested the same way as these energy sources. Yeah. And also for a lot of people like me, I have IBS, I can't eat Quest Bars. Oh, man. I knew there was something up. Oh, really? It bothers you? Oh, it's horrible. I like them. I used to love Quest Bars, but I couldn't eat them.
Starting point is 00:08:26 So, you know, we came up with the Outright bar, and it combines, you know, a health of peanut butter, almond butter, or cashew butter as the base, and then it has honey in there as the carb source. It basically helps hold it together, and it's a superfood. Honey's amazing, and it also has a very low glycemic response. I've had it. It's really fucking good. It is, and then you have whey protein isolate.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Your bars taste amazing. There's no question about that. So it's, it's a, and it's shelf stable. So we're able to keep it on shelf for about 12 months. So, Whoa. Did you, did you have any like trial and error periods? Cause you hear about people trying to develop a protein bar or protein shake. I mean, we've watched Mark go through tons of different things for all the, uh, the within you protein shakes. So was there like a bumpy road to get here?
Starting point is 00:09:09 We sampled a coconut flour based outright bar. I believe it was two years in at the Arnold and it was like, people would eat it. They're like, well, if it's good for me, I'd eat it. And you're like, ah, that's not going to work. It was just not right. It was dry. It was crumbly. It was weird. But yeah, we, we had some revisions that were pretty freaking bad but we were able to do it and uh you know october of 2018 we launched at the olympia cool yeah because you see because we we were you know kind of learning about this stuff too about like people white labeling things so it's like maybe somebody might get a bar and just put their logo on it and be like yep i made it but you guys actually had to go through all the trials
Starting point is 00:09:46 and all that good stuff. Well, actually, if you look at one of the largest bar manufacturers, they actually have in their spec sheet, it's called the Quest Bar. You could literally take a Quest Bar or something like a Quest Bar and put your label on it. Oh, shit. Really? Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:09:58 They're stock bars. People do that with supplements, too. I know supplements, but I didn't realize like Quest Bar, like specifically Quest Bar or just something like the the quest bar the company would probably get sued if it got out there and that's why i didn't mention names but i'm like oh cool let me look at this this manufacturer right here and they sent me a list and i'm like you literally called it the quest bar so but i didn't really care i didn't want to make i didn't make this bar to sell it i did not expect it to sell i wanted to just sell enough of it through our base at Tiger Fitness to be able to eat it for free myself.
Starting point is 00:10:29 That was the whole goal. And at the beginning, we launched it. It takes longer to make boxes. We literally just launched bars because you get digital wrappers. So we literally just had these bars without boxes. So these stores were like, can we order this? We're getting demand. And we're like, well, we don't have boxes. They're like, cool. Just send the bars.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So they'd literally go buy like baskets, wicker baskets from big lots and put them in there. So it was one of those accidents. Like every other thing I've done in life, I've been like, yeah, this might actually work financially. This is the only thing I've ever done where I had no intention of making money. I just wanted to make a cool bar for my kids and myself. And it's been the thing that's made you the most money or no? It's a lower margin skew. I'll tell you this, it's grown faster than anything else I've ever done. And it's been a learning experience because I deal a lot D to C, direct to consumer. And dealing with grocery stores is a whole new ballgame. So it's, it's a, it's a pain in the butt. It's really, it's really not as fun, but I've had to learn because I handle all of our sales. Every company I have,
Starting point is 00:11:31 other than Ambrosia, I handle all of our sales B2B. So it forced me to, you know, in a late phase of my career, I'm in my late thirties at the time. It forced me to learn how to do something new, which was awesome, but it's also the biggest pain in my ass that I at the time, it forced me to learn how to do something new, which was awesome. But it's also the biggest pain in my ass that I could ever imagine. I would much rather just deal with consumers. Yeah. Because, you know, deal with big accounts.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Right. I don't know if you've done it, but it's a different world. What has happened more recently, you know, we saw some of the things on like Twitter and some of the posts and some of the controversy. You had a situation with a big box, right? Yeah. Yeah. So as you guys know, there's mandates. I don't know if I can say the V word, but there's mandates going on. And, you know, I'm a big freedom guy and I'm pretty adamant in saying that I'm not a Republican or
Starting point is 00:12:23 Democrat. I don't care. Like I'm not a big Trump guy. I mean, weant in saying that I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I don't care. Like I'm not a big Trump guy. I mean, we talked about that. I'm not like not wearing a MAGA hat. You know, I'd consider myself, you look at what I believe in up until this year, it's kind of shifted more, but I'm a nineties Democrat. Like basically is what my, my political philosophy was right now. The left has gone so far off the cliff cliff like they won't even accept me if i wanted to be one right but basically in the 90s you know i was like yeah the clinton guy's pretty freaking cool you know so so long story short kroger which we've been talking to and we were just about to close an agreement a huge agreement they're the largest grocery chain in the country jeez they
Starting point is 00:13:02 own ralph's they own a lot of things. They put together not a mandate per se, but they're surcharging people who did not get the shot. And they're charging them extra and they're denying them some of their benefits for being an employee. And so- That's legal? No, it's not. But it'll be overturned in courts okay once people start
Starting point is 00:13:26 suing there was just a court case today where it was um they have an injunction i forgot what it was but court cases are starting to come down saying you can't it was on united airlines okay united airlines so what my thing was i i messed i woke up in the morning i read this and i normally don't make big decisions like this on my own. And my wife, usually when I do stuff like this, she's like, you're an idiot. Stop. You know, but I said, Katie, I can't, I can't work with people who are denying the right to choose their employees and treating people differently. America has a very bad history of treating people differently. It never ends well.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Like, think about it. There's still people alive who survived internment camps here. Yeah. Right here, like literally right in Sacramento. Like, it's crazy. Internment camps, slavery, all these different things. Anytime you segregate two groups, it doesn't end well. So I'm like, Katie, I can't.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I don't think we should do business with them until they change this. I think, and I expected, I'm like, Katie, I'm like, I don't care. I just can't do it. She's like, done, do it. Wow. So I sent the email. I'm like, cool. Sent the email. I'm like, look, until you get rid of this mandate, we can't do business with you. And, um, he's like, are you sure about this? I'm like, absolutely. So long story, this is the email I wrote to a Kroger. So long story short, um, I, the only reason I posted it on social media, I had no idea anybody would care was because I told people we're going to be in Kroger because the deal was that close.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And so, you know, I'm like, I did this. And then all of a sudden he gets retweeted by Donald Trump Jr. And all these, you know, you'd call him the right. Yeah. Now you're the man. Yeah. So now I've established myself as a white supremacist. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:15:24 No. Ah, fuck it. Oh, no. No. Ah, fuck it. Oh, no. Wait, by you simply engaging in this conversation, you're a white supremacist too. Stop it, Mark. Stop. Can I mention I'm a Jew? You got the star David right there.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I literally have a star. Somebody messaged me the other day. I had to get off topic. He's like, you wear the Jewish star. Are you Jewish? I'm like to have a star. Somebody messaged me the other day. I had to get off topic. He's like, you wear the Jewish star. Are you Jewish? I'm like, who the fuck would wear a Jewish star and not be Jewish? I'm like, that's crazy. That's just asking for people to fuck with you for no reason.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Oh, shit. You got to have some belief in this shit, right? Oh, my gosh. And then it just went nuts. Next thing you know, I'm on Tim Pool. I'm on Jesse Kelly. I'm on all these cool talk shows. And the thing is, what's really weird for me is I'm just a freedom guy.
Starting point is 00:16:15 And I don't believe we should force people to do anything. And what really disappointed me is I expected other companies that were within Kroger within the set, like bars, and you go through the bar section and know who I'm talking about and they're on their Instagram preaching freedom in America and they're grifting on this right-wing bullshit. None of them pulled their fucking bars. None of them. It's a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It's a lot of money. Yeah, but here's the thing, man. When we die from COVID. Now, when we die... That was good. Bleep it. Just bleep it. No, we're okay. We're okay.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Isn't that what they want us to say though, right? I don't know. Like that's going to happen? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. We'll have to, let me call Zuckerberg. But when we die, no one gives a shit what kind of car you drive. No one cares that we're millionaires. Like Mark, you've done done well but no one's gonna
Starting point is 00:17:05 remember you for your money right except for that rap video which was fucking hot i watched that the other day oh awesome i felt awkward watching it like it was like it was like looking someone in the eye doing the good girl bad girl machine i think you uh felt awkward because you weren't in it why wasn't i invited dude i don't know we'll have to do another one i'm'm down. So, so, um, when we die,
Starting point is 00:17:29 like no one's going to give a shit about how much money we weighed. People are going to remember me like my kids who I coach in high school. They're going to remember me for show them how to deadlift or make them strong enough to go to state. You know, they're going to remember us for the charitable work we did for the lives we changed with people we affected.
Starting point is 00:17:40 They don't care about money. And I don't want my kids or anybody I know to think that, okay, this guy talked a big game, but when he had an opportunity to stand up, he didn't do anything. And I thought for sure I would be the catalyst. I thought for sure that if I did this, that other companies would be like, yeah, this is not cool. Stop. And if three other companies did it kroger would have reversed it unfortunately you know people just don't have the balls and that's why you gotta look at these people grifting like they're online and they're like they're playing this right wing or left wing but do they really believe what they're doing or are they just doing it for the money are they just saying these sound bites for the money i actually believe in what I believe in. And if I believe in something, I will die for that cause.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I will die on that hill, 100%. And that's what I have an issue with, is when people present themselves as something that they're not. I'm not a fan. Is it easy, though? Like, for example, if other companies pulled their bars, I don't know the intricate aspects of this level of business. But since they already have deals with Kroger, can they just pull it? Like, is that – There's going to be a contractual out, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Okay. I mean, there's going to be something there. And even if there isn't, you just don't supply them. Fair. You just don't supply them. I mean, you stop. Just like, for example, the trucker thing. They're like, no, we're just going to park our trucks.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And granted, it's not as big as parking trucks. Trucks are big. We're basically, we're basically just saying, no, we're not going to supply you until you change this. And I don't think it's a big ask. It's literally a $50 surcharge. It's not really that big of a deal, but it is. What does it lead to?
Starting point is 00:19:22 Like, you got to look at what you look at, like, oh, well, just shut down for two weeks, bro. It's two years later and we are still now. Tennessee never did anything. We don't care. Everybody. There's no one left in Tennessee. We all died.
Starting point is 00:19:37 We didn't do any of this. But then I fly to California. I fly to New York. I fly these other places. I'm like that two weeks that really worked out for you, right? Oh, just wear the mask. And then you look at what they're doing, then mandates. If I was to say, when I came here a year ago, that right now they'd be trying to mandate, you put an experimental technology in your body and I'm not saying it doesn't work, but it is experimental. Would you be like, dude, you're nuts. You're right. When conspiracy
Starting point is 00:20:02 theorist, that's what a lot of people were saying, yeah. So the thing is, you got to look at what it opens up. Like, you got to realize Nazi Germany. And again, I'm not saying that a vaccine is Nazi Germany. There's a lot of parallels, though. But look at it this way. They didn't just all of a sudden go like, hey, let's kill the Jews. Careful, because that Star Wars chick made the same thing. You remember that?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yeah, you're right. Never mind. Yeah, Mandalorian girl. Was she Jewish, though? Gina Carano. Gina Carano? I don't know if she was Jewish. I got that? Yeah, you're right. Talk about... Never mind. Yeah, Mandalorian girl. Was she Jewish, though? Gina Carano. Gina Carano? I don't know if she was Jewish. I got the Jew card, bro.
Starting point is 00:20:30 You do. Let's go. I do have the Jew card, man. Wolfie Goldberg got canceled. But she's not even Jewish. She just stole her name. Yeah, I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:20:37 How dare she steal Goldberg? That's like the Jewish-est name in the book. I'm offended. That's misappropriation of Jewish language. Where did she get that last name, though? Is it her family name? No, she made it up. She did?
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah. Oh, shit. It's literally just she's like picked up. Well, I mean, if you're going into Hollywood, you might as well go Goldberg. Like, we own the fucking city. That makes sense. That makes a lot of sense. And I'm happy you're saying this right now, and I can laugh on my end.
Starting point is 00:21:01 You know what's funny? This topic is the one topic a Jewish guy has more leeway than a black guy. Yeah, you do. You really do right now. I'm enjoying it. The Holocaust is our N-word, okay? It's like, dude, you can't say that. Woo, Mark.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Someone came up to me and was like. Mark is straddling a line. He's just balancing real good. He's pushing that line over. Really good. I wore the star for a reason today. It's all out too late. You can't tell people are Jewish a lot of the time.
Starting point is 00:21:36 That's true. You can't. I mean, except my brother. That dude looks really Jewish. Why? Like what's the look? He's got the tiny head like I do, but a bigger nose. I knew it.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And he's bald. For some reason, I just think of – when I see a Jewish guy, I just see a bald guy with a yarmulke. I have a question actually, real quick. So why don't you wear a yarmulke? Is that like a thing that you can just choose to wear and choose to not? Yeah. So I'm not – so for me, Judaism is more of a heritage thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I'm not going to temple. I don't do the whole, like, we are very bad Jews. But I'm very, for me, it's a heritage thing. Okay. And, of course, this way I can tell the jokes. You became more spiritual more recently, right? Yeah. Is that a church thing or is that a Bible thing or are you, I guess, practicing that in some particular way or just on your daily life kind of thing?
Starting point is 00:22:32 You know, I think that I got skin cancer this year. And just, you know, for some reason, I'm looking at life and one day I'm like, and I've been agnostic my whole life. And I literally was like, I woke up one day and I'm like, I believe in God. Like, it was just like, I was in, I was ready. Like I just accepted it. And, um, so then I, I wanted to find a religion. So I looked into, I talked to churches, I talked to different people and it was like, and I, I love the whole God thing. And for me, I'm just, and I'm not saying that I won't be Christian later. I'm open.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Like I can change my views. Like obviously you don't just go agnostic for 40 years of your life and then be like, ha, I found the answer. I found part of the answer. And for me, my faith and my family history of being Jewish is just something that I feel I'm proud of. And, you know, we have a, we have a society now where they're almost telling people not to be
Starting point is 00:23:31 proud of your heritage. And I don't think that should be true in any fashion. Like all, all cultures have their ghosts and all cultures have their benefit, their positives. And for me, I'm looking at a rich heritage of people who have overcome adversity in every situation, of people who have literally just within a lifetime. There's still, again, there's survivors of the Holocaust walking around right now. And my grandfather, the reason I'm here is my grandfather escaped Auschwitz. Oh, shit. Really? So I'm like, yeah, this is something I want to be proud of.
Starting point is 00:24:04 And you have you have a society where it's like well you need to apologize for your skin color i'm like well skin color doesn't mean anything it really doesn't like we're just talking about someone earlier you know who's you're like no way is that guy half this or half that it's like it's just melanin that means nothing but everybody from italians to afric Africans to wherever you're from should be somewhat proud of their heritage and know that we all have some, every, every culture has done some bad stuff. Yeah. Every culture has done some bad stuff. And I just want, I just want to promote the fact that we can be proud of who we are, but that doesn't mean we're better than anybody.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Like it doesn't, it doesn't mean like I I'm not better than you because my people roam the desert for 25 years. That doesn't make me better than you. It's just happens to be what I was born. Like we didn't have a checkbox of what we're going to be born as, you know, it's like, I didn't get to choose. It's like, would you like to be black, white, Jewish, Christian? No, you're born. You didn't do anything. And you're given that skin color. You're given that heritage. So why should anybody be ashamed of it?
Starting point is 00:25:11 Did you wake up this one particular day and kind of believe in God, you think, because maybe you felt there was something on your side all along? Like you woke up one day and you're like life's pretty good like my wife's a badass my kids are awesome like all this stuff i'm really grateful and thankful for and maybe there is a higher power at play here well i think if you look at everything in life look at the body how intricate it is how confusing it is yeah how's this should even make sense like this didn't come from primordial ooze you know it didn't come from you know some kind of boom the body is so elaborate so confusing how it all works together and you look at everything around you and i think it just one day it clicked that hey
Starting point is 00:25:57 wait a second there is something bigger than us and then it's like i would like to have a faith and again like i'm still exploring christ, like, I'm still exploring Christianity. I'm still exploring Jesus Christ. I'm still looking into all this stuff. But I think it's a journey we all go on through life, a spiritual journey. And mine happens to be different. I think it also took me more time than most people to mature. I think at 40 years old, I finally hit a curve where I'm like, I think I like the man I am right now.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Mature in what way, though? Because what way? I think being able to actually look at the moment and live in the moment and not forsake the moment for the future. You know, I missed out. And now it's like when I'm at a wrestling tournament or I'm at a soccer game, I'm taking it in and I'm absorbing every second of it. And I used to get mad at the stupidest things. And I used to miss things. You know, I used to miss soccer games and I used to miss all these. I missed my first two kids, first steps growing these companies. Do you not think that that, I mean, it's hard to wonder, but at that time, do you not think that that mindset was necessary for you as an individual? Cause everyone is like, yeah, be in the present, understand what's going on now. But you were so future-oriented,
Starting point is 00:27:06 and it allowed you to build successful businesses. I wouldn't change it. Okay. But I can't get that time back. So to be successful in business, Mark, I'm going to point to you because you've built this empire. You've probably missed some stuff. And you probably look back and say, I wish I was there.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But then you look at your big-ass house, and you look at what you've built and you're like, well, my kids have generational wealth. Is it worth the trade-off? That's the question. Is it worth the trade-off? I can say right now, because things worked out. My marriage, thank God, worked out.
Starting point is 00:27:36 We went to counseling. We got everything fixed. My kids don't harbor any anger towards me. I'm there. Like I'm there coaching them. I'm there at every game. I was just, it was amazing. Yeah. I was i was there pretty good i mean i'm around a lot but there's still a huge price to pay yes uh with the that comes with success you know there's a there's a lot of good
Starting point is 00:27:56 and there's a lot of bad there's a lot of like um my network of friends is very tiny you know my network of friends when i was younger was very large. But as you know, as you go through this kind of stuff, I don't know how to put it. It's like the positive outweighs a lot of the negative. But you end up kind of isolated in some ways. You end up being put in a particular category. So for my kids, I've been there and stuff,
Starting point is 00:28:27 but there's other factors that they have to deal with. They have to deal with my social media. That's part of their growing up. That's part of their life. Everything I do, everything I say, anything I say on here can and will be used against my children and my wife. So there's
Starting point is 00:28:45 there's definitely a huge price to pay there's like a wake of people um that kind of lie in the success of of anybody anybody that's getting anywhere and it's not like i fucked a lot of people over or anything it's just that you end up splitting your ways you kind of recognize that sometimes your things don't match up quite as well. So for me personally, I was there, but there's still a giant price to pay. But in talking with CT Fletcher the other day, CT, his legs get real swollen and stuff from having the heart. That's my business partner right there. Yeah, he's the best. Having that heart transplant.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Did you see his feet the other day? Yeah. I said that sounded so weird. It's on Instagram? He posted his foot and someone pushed on his foot and it stayed down. He gets this crazy edema. Right. And so I was talking to him about that.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I said I have a lot of friends that might be able to help. They're really smart. They're doctors and so on. We went back and forth. And he was grateful that I had people to kind of point in his direction. But in typical C.T CT Fletcher fashion, he said, this is a small price to pay for still being alive. Yeah, goodness. And I said, you know what, I'm going to take that on. I like that a lot. I like that. That's a good, a good, powerful
Starting point is 00:29:55 quote. So anytime anything's happening, you know, some of the things that I've been able to do or achieve or whatever, it's a small, you know, the things that have happened that are negative, it's definitely like a small price to pay. Oh, absolutely. I don't regret anything I've done in life because it led to who I am today. Even the mistakes, the hurtful, painful mistakes. I would not have the perspective I have now.
Starting point is 00:30:18 And that's why when you're- To me, it sounds a little bit like a sobriety almost that you went through. Absolutely. I mean, and we all get caught up in our hype. You know what I mean? Like, especially when you're young and you're good at something like I'm good at business. And when you're younger in your thirties and your twenties and everything you do seems
Starting point is 00:30:35 to work, you get that invincible feeling, you know, the NFL guys who drunk drive and all that stuff, you get your own version of that. And I think that we all have the ability. Lucky for me, it wasn't as insane as others, but I did get caught up in myself because it seemed like at one point in my early thirties, everything I did was a home run. You know, I'd do this and it's like, Oh, that company worked. I do this. Oh, that worked. And everything was just right. But in, in real life, that wasn't business. That wasn't anything else.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Like, I was kind of a piece of shit. You know, I'm not saying I screwed people over, but to my circle, the people who matter the most, you know, your family. Yeah, how so? Like, what did you do? I was just not, I was not a good husband at the time. Just mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally,
Starting point is 00:31:22 I wasn't there. And for my kids i was there when i was there a lot of it has to do with when you have kids my wife and i we put all our attention to the kids but we forgot about each other and that's good and bad because without both parents in harmony your kids are going to suffer. Yeah. So you have to make that time. And even now, like right now I say that we're guilty. Like my wife and I haven't had a date night in a year and a half, bro. We got three kids playing three sports. Yeah. Okay. I mean, it's just, it's not happening. And when we go on vacation, I'm not going to, where am I going to
Starting point is 00:32:01 put the kids? And we don't have family so so we've we've learned to make it work like i just i could show you my text last night my wife i texted her when i she was in sleep already you know we got to our time difference i'm like hey i know right now we're not spending much time together but you know here's the main goal so we're there i mean we have a 16 year old daughter who drives she'll be in college in a couple years she's a baller stud 16 year old daughter who drives. She'll be in college in a couple of years. She's a baller stud.
Starting point is 00:32:25 She actually, I want to shout her out. She bought me this outfit, Lululemon. So the reason I say that is because I would never spend Lululemon money, but my daughter had my credit card and she bought me a Christmas gift. That's a very interesting thing. Real quick.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You have money. You bought yourself a little something too. Yeah. You have money. Some. Why? Okay. Some. And all of it but but lululemon yeah it's it's a bit premium it's very premium but um you wouldn't why why wouldn't you do that because you have the funds to wear comfortable things i'm just cheap that lasts for a long time they it pays for itself that shirt's gonna last you for the next five years it's. It's a beautiful shirt. Yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I don't take the time to shop. I just don't. And it's just, it doesn't cross my mind. Like, I was really excited. I found a pair of baggy sweats on Amazon for 12 bucks. Nice. Yeah, I was really excited about that. But I'm just not that guy.
Starting point is 00:33:18 It's not my priority. Like, cars and clothes, it's not really my priority. You need a Mike Rashid makeover. Mike Rashid had a makeover? No. He's always been slaggy. He can make this guy over. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Mike's a Mike Rasheed makeover. Mike Rasheed had a makeover? He's always been slagging. He can make this guy over. Mike's always got the clothes and the shoes. Yeah, we're a little bit different on that note, but obviously Mike's
Starting point is 00:33:34 one of my best friends, business partner. Mike's my brother. But yeah, he's, you know, Mike likes nice things. I like nice things too, but for me, for me, a nice thing is, you know, I like nice things too, but for me, for, for me, a nice thing is, is,
Starting point is 00:33:46 you know, buying a new hex bar, you know, I'm really just, I'm really a nerd. Like I'm, I'm really just, I'm so focused on business and my kids.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Like, and when I say my kids, I mean my biological kids and the kids I coach, which by the way, I want to give props to the eight Ravenwood high school kids who are going to state for wrestling this week. Let's go um we have three girls our girls team won regional champs the first time ever um yeah just an amazing program you have a wrestling background no not at all but i do still have a bone bruise right here from when i tried to learn it so so
Starting point is 00:34:19 to coach i'm a strength coach so and i got my license to you know do wrestling coaching and do all that but you know at the end of the strength coach can and I got my license to do wrestling coaching and do all that. But at the end of the day, a strength coach can do anything. That's the beautiful thing. So no matter what sport my kids play, and the high school asked me to coach, and I'm like, you haven't seen my social media, have you? And they're like, no, we don't care. We just want to win games.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I'm like, yes. And, dude, these kids, we had one kid go to state last year. Wow. Now we have eight. That's awesome. I'm so, dude, so that's, and I'll tell you what, going back to the pro card, it wasn't, like, it was obviously my family did the video, because my family didn't come, because they have soccer games and stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I'm not going to make them miss. Seeing that video was awesome, but the best thing ever was going back and coaching my kids on Tuesday, because they were proud. And I have literally over 50 kids and that's the beautiful thing about what, what coaching brings. And my life was changed by a coach. And if we all could give time to community, like what do you do to give to the next generation? What do you do to give to your community? For me, I coach and that's where I get more fulfillment than anything, anything. Yeah. People get hung up on people having money.
Starting point is 00:35:25 So in your case with this situation with Kroger, would the less mature, less financially well-off Mark Lobliner make the same decision with Kroger, do you believe? That's a tough one because we've – I mean, you got money now, so you can be like, oh, fuck it, man, I don't care. Well, I mean, dude, I don't know if I'll ever have enough money where over a million dollars isn't enough, isn't money.
Starting point is 00:35:47 You know, like that's still a lot of money. Oh, man. It depends. 24-year-old Mark, I would have probably been like, yeah, we just need to look the other way. I'm not going to lie. Like I'd like to say my ethics are without bounds, but being broke sucks too. No, situation matters, yeah. I think from 33 on, I think I had
Starting point is 00:36:07 the wherewithal. I also don't know if my ethics were set at that point. I don't know if I had the ethical compass I have now. That took time. So right now I would literally drive myself to the poor house to keep my ethics intact. Back then I was so fearful of failing that I would have probably just been like, no, we're going to take the deal. So it's, I've changed. Like we've all changed. Like since we've known each other, I've changed since last year. I've changed. Like think about what's happened in the last year. You've changed a lot since I first met you. Yeah. I mean, think about what's happened in the last year think about everything from not not not the pro card stuff but i literally became a full-time coach like you're obviously growing
Starting point is 00:36:49 yourself like i see you're more in tune with health and fitness and just being healthy right like you're probably the most biohacking healthy motherfucker i know like you walk for 12 hours did you do 20 000 steps a day uh i did yeah i did 20 000 steps a day for like a month and now it's kind of just born into me at this point, burned into me. Where are you walking? You also did 100,000 steps in one day, right? Were you just walking the whole day? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:13 In one day, I walked the entire day. What kind of shoes were you wearing? Because I need to get those shoes. I got to switch them up quite a bit. But shoes like this kind of work a lot. Really? Just like almost like loafers or sandals or something can work really good just because they're super comfortable something wide what i
Starting point is 00:37:29 think is what i think is really great about what you promote is you're promoting an active lifestyle more than anything like get moving a lot of people don't realize like when you go to the grocery store you go to walmart you're doing cardio yeah like you don't have to be on a treadmill to walk by the way the first time i met you was at a Walmart. Yeah, it was. Yeah. It's a beautiful story. I was like, is that fucking Mark Lovlack? It's a beautiful story.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I just think that people's physical health is so poor that it's quite obvious that their mental health is going to suffer at some point as well. So if somebody is walking up a couple flights of stairs and they get really fatigued. I kind of look at that as like, okay, the stairs might represent something that happens in your day-to-day. Somebody gives you bad news or you get a bad text message or something hits you the wrong way at a certain point and you don't know how to deal with it well. And your heart rate gets a little out of whack the same way as the stairs. And so I just kind of think like, well, why not be, why not just be prepared for the stairs,
Starting point is 00:38:26 like be in better condition. If you have better physical health, I believe that your mental health will be a lot easier to deal with. Well, also, I mean, if you're in bad physical health, what we've seen,
Starting point is 00:38:36 you die. Like the number one comorbidity for everything is obesity. Yeah. And I, they haven't come out with them yet, but where do you think the obesity rate's at now after 2020 and 2021 having people locked down? I heard in the subset of a certain age group,
Starting point is 00:38:52 it was like, I want to say eight to like 15 or something. And I'm going to butcher some of this. I'm just going to say it in very general terms. I don't remember the exact stats, but I want to say that they said that the obesity rate increased 50% in a similar amount of time before the pandemic happened. So in this, like, I guess you'd say two years. So in the previous two years, we were still gaining weight.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Like everyone's still getting fatter, especially our youth. But in the same time frame, that has doubled since the pandemic has started. That's insane. That's something we really need to work on as a society. There's like 30,000 people in a study or something like that. That's a very good size, by the way. That is a huge study.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Even if it's one of those why am I blanking on the term? Whatever. Like, yeah, I got you. Population studies. Epidemiological studies. So even if it's one of those, whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:55 But one thing I've been really pushing home is health and fitness and not being fat. And people get really offended by the term fat. You actually can't even use that in certain things on YouTube now, like in terms of titling. Well, I tell people to unfat themselves because that is the number one way you can survive. Look, man, in 2015, I got hand, foot, and mouth disease, and it crushed me.
Starting point is 00:40:18 One in a million adults can get it. Pull that up. It's horrible, dude. I feel like I've seen a picture of it. My skin on my hands, my nails fell dude. I feel like I've seen a picture. My kids, my skin on my hands, my nails fell off. I couldn't walk for five days. What caused it? Children's Museum.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Yeah, we went to a children's museum. Those little dirty bastards. Yeah, so most adults can't get it. I got it the worst. I'm lucky because my feet won't reach my mouth. You haven't tried hard enough. Maybe I'm just missing something, but
Starting point is 00:40:47 how is it, so what, maybe you touch something and then maybe something got in your mouth? It could have been, or just virus. Like, viruses are... I don't want to pull it up. I can't see kids like that. Yeah, it's nasty, but
Starting point is 00:41:03 most parents kind of know what it is. Yeah. It's, it's my, my kids literally got a sore in their mouth. It wasn't anything, but since I never had it as a kid, I got as an adult. So what I'm saying is the reason it only affected me for five days and I didn't have to get anything amputated or whatever else can happen with that is because I was in shape. So the thing is we're going to get sick, whether it's the flu, whether it's the thing we can't talk about, whether it's cancer. Your chances of surviving the environment,
Starting point is 00:41:34 what it throws at you, are multiple times higher. And we know that the people who died in the last couple of years of the thing we can't talk about, most of them were obese or had comorbidities. Now, I'm not saying that lean people can't die. I'm saying that every day you want to improve your chances of not dying.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Absolutely. Because life is awesome. Also, being in shape, your quality of life is awesome. Like, dude, my quality of life is so awesome. How old are you right now? I'm 41. Yeah. Shit.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Well, I mean, just the other night, like where my son had a uh birds at a soccer birthday party at an indoor facility they're like okay let's play pickup games dad versus kids let's go let's go let's rock you know um the other day i was coaching my wrestling kids and you know making them do sprints and they weren't running hard enough so i ran with them because if you let an old fat guy an old bodybuilder beat you fat guy is not really my term if you let an old bodybuilder beat you, fat guy is not really my term. If you let an old bodybuilder beat you, you suck. What does that look like?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah, I was going to say, what does that look like? What does it look like? I look pretty awesome. So the thing is, I could show you guys later. Like I'm actually, so because I'm an exos performance coach, like my movements are actually awesome. Like lateral skipping, pop skipping, all that. And I've demonstrated them so many times. I'm just giving you shit, by the way. I know you move i look stupid though like i do look stupid
Starting point is 00:42:49 you look like a fucking you look like this fucking john cena thing up here like you look like i look ridiculous but you know when i the kids look at me and they're like i did not expect him to move like that you know but yeah i sprinted it was like 20 degrees out we're in the morning at the wrestling team out there the kids were going to regionals and i'm like y'all ain't running hard enough because what i did is i purposely brought my daughter there who's a sophomore female wrestler she's the only girl there i'm like don't let my daughter beat you and she beats like all of them okay she's gonna beat you but i can't beat you. Yeah, yeah. And she beat like 50% of them. Good for her.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Good for her. Well, she's a beast. You know, my kids are just ridiculous. They're great. I don't know if it's on accident or what, but they're just doing really cool stuff, and I'm just kind of along for the ride. It's almost in spite of me.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Well, captain of the football team and captain of the cheerleading team make babies. What do you expect? I don't know, man. How have you encouraged your kids to be healthy. Well, I mean, we,
Starting point is 00:43:48 we don't, that's the thing. People, I get the main message I get on Instagram, which is why I'm kind of trying to do more kids training stuff. Um, is when can my kid train? How do I get my kid to train?
Starting point is 00:43:59 And I never told them to train. Like my kids asked me, you know, maybe you encourage them to play. Well, I mean, or options to go outside, get off your damn iPad.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Let's go or go play with them. Hey, I have a soccer ball. Let's go. Yeah. That's the main thing right there. I think go play with them. Bingo.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Parents like go outside, play some soccer. It's like the kids not going to randomly in a six pack. Kids not going to randomly do that. No, I mean, they do when they get older because it's become, but also I think seeing me wake up every morning and training,
Starting point is 00:44:28 I think that's the thing. It's lead by example. Like you can't have a parent. I got in trouble because they thought it was about them. I did a video on basically club sports and these parents go to the soccer games and it could be a 10 o'clock game. Afterwards, they're at a sports bar getting drunk and it's endemic. the reason i said is because my brother who actually coached as a baseball club he was talking about it but let's just say that a couple club teams they they do and do that and
Starting point is 00:44:54 i'm like guys i'm like i don't know if we want to set that example that we should always be getting drunk at soccer tournaments and i think we could do better. I think they want to lead by example. And, um, needless to say, everybody on the team hates me now, but, but, uh, but my thing is, is that all I ever did was just live my life. And I led by example and talking, going back to, you know, the time I miss with my kids, my kids now know that to be successful, you have to work your ass off because my kids were alive when i was driving literally for three weeks at a time slaying in branch chain amino acids with extend you know my kids by the way just for a segue i owned a company called syvation and we pioneered the intro workout category we had the first real intro work with extend not the penis product i'm still small but but my muscles
Starting point is 00:45:43 grew from the branch chains what about a penis penis pump? You ever use one of those? I've never used one. Have you? Boy, you should. Do they make your size? Hey, you'll like this. You're a numbers guy. We helped sell $150,000 worth of penis pumps.
Starting point is 00:45:54 How'd that work? We demonstrated on the show, and everyone was impressed with what Nsema had to offer that day. When you go from two to five, you gotta, you know. No, no, but... Two. I mean, I'm selling myself short. Three.
Starting point is 00:46:10 But being real, it pumps extra blood into your dick and increases your... Helps give you a sensation like you're younger. The amount of blood your dick's able to handle just increases. So it can increase girth and a bit of size. It's literally chasing the pump just like in of size. It's literally chasing the pump
Starting point is 00:46:26 just like in the gym. You know what? We'll send you one. We'll have them send you one. Okay, I'll gladly demonstrate that. I was going to ask, by the way, is your wife also, was she active when you had... Sorry. His face was amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:43 He's like, wait a second. I was so confused i mean i was one of your shoes active like you were when when uh you were younger having to drive around like because i learned to stay healthy from the way my mom did shit yeah like she ate really well i never drank sodas in the house and that sprinkled through my adult years like did your wife because she was around the kids a lot um did she was she pretty active too and yeah my wife trains every day she's just not i mean she's not a not a fitness person yeah she's a normal lady you know and i wouldn't have it any other way like my wife is a suburban soccer mom she is the epitome of suburban soccer mom my wife is the
Starting point is 00:47:19 opposite of me like everybody loves katie you've met katie. Katie's just the most likable, happy, just positive person. And I'm a fucking wrecking ball. People are like, oh, here comes Kate. And they're like, oh, Mark's here. No, everybody loves her. And she's constantly like defending me and God bless her for it. It's like, no, he's really not that big of a dick. You know, he's okay.
Starting point is 00:47:41 But no, she's just a normal. But she trains five days a week and she's active. She just doesn't, she's not a normal. But she trains five days a week. And she's active. She just doesn't. She's not a fitness person. I mean, my wife is normal. But she's health conscious. Very health conscious. Normal and health conscious.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And we have a healthy family. And that's what we promote. We do healthy stuff. We're going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, which is a mountain community. And we go there. We're actually going to probably buy a house there in the next year.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Cool. And not really for Airbnb, but mostly for us to, we go there so often. We're spending thousands of dollars on Airbnbs. And our main, our trips are hiking. And my buddy Stan, Stan Williams, he owns the Elite Fitness in Gatlinburg. So we'll go there, wake up, train, go on a hike, go eat some food that's not good for us and have a good time. For us, our vacations aren't based on like, oh, my God, let's just go sit down.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And, you know, we go out and we hike and we do fun stuff. Like for us, that's what's fun. Yeah. We're a little bit different. You know, our kids are just – and our kids, like I'm a very – like I've been moving around this whole time. I've probably walked 400 steps since I've been standing here. Yeah. Like my kids are like me.
Starting point is 00:48:48 So we can't just be like, okay, sit down. They'll be like, dad, what the hell are we doing here? So I think as far as parenting goes, your kids are going to emulate you most likely in some ways. If you're an alcoholic, your kids more likely become alcoholic. If you're a drug addict, your kids more likely become a drug addict. You ever wonder like, look at Brandon Curry, my business partner. We own 015 Nut5 nutrition together we're good friends with them if you pull up his instagram his kids are ridiculous like they got six packs so it's part genetics brandy's also an ifbb pro um but dude they live the life is brandy his wife brandy's his wife like there's there's so there's max and marvelous got a handle on him as well too so this kid this kid is the number one ranked i think linebacker in the state of tennessee at his age oh wow wow he's an absolute beast he's 12 yes he is
Starting point is 00:49:39 large got handles bro yeah so i mean if you look at brandon like that's brandon is mr that is our mr olympia like he's a family guy he is perfect like he is what a great guy to have as a good friend yeah like not just a business partner it's cool making money together and then doing cool stuff but like what a good guy if you saw his interview interview with Fouad, he just posted it yesterday. It's so good. It just shows Brandon who he is, what he does. 39 years old.
Starting point is 00:50:11 He's going to, he looks phenomenal. You were training with him for quite some time, right? We train together when he's in town, but when he goes to Kuwait, you know, I need to go to Kuwait.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I need some of that. I need some of that magic sauce. I don't think it's getting big out there. Well, they're getting big because, and everybody thinks it's some crazy stuff. It's not. Brandon has four kids.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Can you imagine getting ready for Mr. Olympia with four kids? No. Especially like his kids are nuts. Like can you imagine having kids that are all alpha, all really strong? They're always fighting. Yeah. And then he has a teenage girl. Does he have four boys or – oh, okay. So he has a teenage girl. She's going – she actually just got a full scholarship for fighting. Yeah. You know, and then he has a teenage girl. Does he have four boys or, oh, okay. Three. So he has a teenage girl.
Starting point is 00:50:46 She's going, she actually just got a full scholarship for soccer. Damn. And then he has his three boys. Yeah. So Zoe and Cammy are like, our kids are all best friends when they're together. Oh,
Starting point is 00:50:55 that's great. We went to Disney world. It was the greatest time ever. Yeah. And our girls are just the same. And it was fun. Here's a funny story about the, here's a curry.
Starting point is 00:51:04 We're at their house having a barbecue. And we walk out front and my daughter and Zoe have boxing gloves on. Oh, shit. And they're sparring in the front yard. And I'm like, who does that? Did I ever do boxing when they were younger? My kids all boxed. Your kids all boxed.
Starting point is 00:51:23 So my daughter did two years. She got pretty good. Now she does wrestling and soccer. She's doing her first powerlifting meet on May 7th. Travis Mash is doing a program. Travis is amazing. Travis is shorter than me,
Starting point is 00:51:33 which is why I like him. But Travis, actually I'm the first guy to sponsor him from Syvation. He was my first athlete at Syvation. Who's Travis Mash? Mash Elite.
Starting point is 00:51:40 He is an excellent Olympic lifter and a really awesome Olympic lifting coach. When he powerlifted, he was the strongest pound for pound lifter at the time. Oh, he was insane. Insane. Insane.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I remember he did a deadlift with like 800 pounds, but the way that he had it set up, he had, he was standing on like a box. Oh my gosh. And the weight, the bar was like touching his feet. So it was a deficit deadlift that he did with like 800 pounds. And he just smashed it. I was like, oh. He's been one of my best friends for years. So my daughter, on her birthday, on January 30th, comes downstairs with her phone.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Dad, I want to break every record at this powerlifting game on May 7th. I'm like, cool. Oh, that's sick. So I'm like, I'm going to get with Travis because I don't know how to program for that. Right. And Travis is like, anything for you. I'm like, done. So she's getting trained by probably one of the best powerlifters of all time.
Starting point is 00:52:28 But, you know, that's – my kids just love winning. Like I lose a lot in life. We all do. But I always work to win. And that's what I try to provide for my athletes. It's like, look, dude, you're going to lose. Like we have this kid on our team. His name is Will. Hardest working kid I've ever trained for my athletes. It's like, look, dude, you're going to lose. Like we have this kid on our team. His name's Will. Hardest working kid I've ever trained in my life. This kid, if I tell
Starting point is 00:52:50 him to go 70%, he puts a one in front of it. Kid's a beast. And look, he actually did, he won, he did really well in regionals, didn't make state. Tell you what, he's going to be senior next year. That kid's winning state. Like, that's what I want. I want these kids to have such a work ethic that when they're in the real world, that they're, they know they're going to lose there. They might not get a promotion. They might not get a raise, but keep working, keep outworking your competition and you will make it. Yeah. And that's why I coach. I don't go in there with some weird, like, Oh no, I'm going to do this and I'm going to get this in their mind.
Starting point is 00:53:28 No, I'm just telling them the truth. The harder you work, the luckier you get. And if you keep working hard and you keep striving to grow, that's why I love coaching people. Like, why don't you get into politics? I'm like, no, that's not where I can make the difference in the world. And honestly, I couldn't handle it. I'm just not, I don't have difference in the world. And honestly, I couldn't handle it. I'm just not,
Starting point is 00:53:49 I don't have that, that thick skin. It would destroy me. And I would probably get arrested for something. But, but no, I mean, the way I can make a difference is by coaching and by instilling in them that, look, I didn't come from money. You know, I had to work for everything I have. And these kids, you know, I'm coaching, they live in Brentwood, Tennessee, they're doing okay. So they're already starting so far above me. Like the sky's the limit. And that's why I'm so passionate about what I do. And, um, I wish I honestly, part of me wishes I had more kids too late. Now I got the snip. I was going to ask like, why not? Yeah. I'm not getting that reversed. I was going to ask you when you complicated. When you were talking about, you know, not your daughter setting up your Lululemon look, do you think your frugality as far as money has been, has it played any role in terms of your business success?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Did that help? Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, everything I do is basically if you run a business, your key is to keep overhead down. And luckily I have my business partners like my wife,, my business partner, Chad over at Tiger Fitness, Chad's cheaper than me. You know? So our thing is like, obviously we still give like our employees all get 401k medical, all that good stuff and a free gym and all that. Like we give great benefits, great place to work, but we don't do the weird stuff like the company ferrari you know or anything weird like that what do they do what what does ferrari do no the company ferrari
Starting point is 00:55:12 that actually where you own a ferrari for the company oh yeah where you're just kind of pulling a whole hold like you know where you basically use your your company to buy cool shit for yourself i got you i got you we don, we don't do that. Now we do have cool stuff. I have a good life. I have stuff, but like you can't run a business and just keep spending. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:32 You're not going to make it. You're not going to make it. So you need to work on your bottom line. And you know, frugality is key. Cause if it overhead for a business will eat you alive. If you don't know how to control it. Okay. Uh, what about, cause you said said like even when you guys go on vacation you're kind of always like you and your wife aren't really getting any alone time yeah and this is something that like
Starting point is 00:55:54 i have been battling forever but when i was a kid we never went on vacation my dad never missed a day of work that's all i that i don't know anything different with my wife. Now we have a one-year-old son. My daughter's 13. She will bring up like, when are we going to go on vacation? And my answer is almost always the same. And it's like, I haven't even started to work hard yet. And it's really hard because like we're, we're butting heads and it's not a problem, but like, I can tell she wants to like let's go do something we don't we haven't made memories as a family in a long time ever since i became a photographer it's like i'm kind of the same way as my dad you know i love what i do and then i was a podcaster like i love it even
Starting point is 00:56:34 more so it's like i i love our house like i love my job like i don't feel like i'm the monday through friday just working to get to sat, Sunday so I can escape my life. I love my life. And so it's really hard for me to break away from this to go on vacation. But you as somebody who's always working really, really hard, you have found time to kind of take your family different places. So being frugal, I'm definitely frugal. And Seaman definitely knows this about me. What's that like? You know, how do you kind of determine whether or not, I don't want to say you deserve a vacation, but that's kind of what I feel. I feel like maybe I don't even deserve one quite yet. So how does that work out with you guys? Well, you have kids,
Starting point is 00:57:16 man. You're going to look at those pictures from wherever you're at and, you know, your job's different. All I need is a laptop and a phone and and I can do everything. You have to be there. So I understand that, but you're going to look back, and you're going to realize that, or you might go on vacation and be like, I could have taken three days off. Right. Three days, you'll be fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:38 I'm not saying go on a two-week cruise to the Bahamas. I'm saying, you know what, you're in a beautiful area. There's a lot of local places. Gatlinburg for us is a three hour drive. That's why we go there. We ain't got time for more than that. We go up there, we take three, four days. I'm able to work, get everything done. You know, we're good. So you need to, in my opinion, if that's how you feel, take a local vacation. There's plenty of beautiful areas up here. Like plenty of beautiful areas. I see where you're posting all the time. Like you go to these beautiful local areas like in tennessee i can go to eight million i go 20 minutes up the road to nashville i'm on broadway you know so i mean you need to
Starting point is 00:58:14 make you need to in my opinion and again just my opinion because i was you you know don't just take three days look at three four days a year. You could do that. Right, yeah. Right? Absolutely. The world won't stop. Yeah. So you, Mark, and then another dad that I look up to, Jesse Burdick, he kind of said the same thing too. He was just like, it's not even really about you anymore, man.
Starting point is 00:58:37 He's like, you got to make memories for your kids. And he said something similar, how you're going to look back at the pictures of where you guys were. He's like, they're going to look back at the pictures of where you guys were. It's like they're going to remember that. They're not going to remember the, you know, whatever, four months straight that you didn't take a day off or whatever. You know, they're not going to. Or maybe they will, unfortunately, remember when you couldn't hang out. That's what I definitely don't want. But I keep saying, I'm like, oh, he's only one years old.
Starting point is 00:58:59 He's not going to remember this part or whatever. But it's like, well, shit, I already have a 13-year-old. She's definitely going to remember all of it. Oh, yeah. 13's a cool age too yeah yeah she's awesome too a lot of people say like when girls hit 13 they stop liking their dad i'm like that's we got really close because i started coaching her more maybe dads just keep trying to do little girl shit and like they're like dude dad stop i'm fucking 17 you know yeah absolutely no 100 13 years old it's such a weird age
Starting point is 00:59:25 for boys and girls, right? Like the hormonal changes, girls notice boys or, or whatever they want to notice. I don't know. What do I even say now? I don't want to get canceled. Yeah. Um, look, I mean, our, just find what, find what they like doing. Like, don't try to force something. If they hate something, don't do it, but you really can't go wrong with an amusement park. You really can't go wrong with, honestly, just take the time because you're going to look back. And as a parent, you know, I'm like, even when I was on vacation, I wasn't on vacation. Like I was on this and, or I was locked up on this. And, and a lot of times for me training would hinder a vacation i'm like well i go to the gym beforehand so i go to the gym at like 4 a.m and then like 4 p.m hits
Starting point is 01:00:11 and i'm falling asleep like so take time off of training i mean that's what i tell people all the time these guys get so caught up it's like dude i'm a pro bodybuilder and i will never make a dollar as a pro bodybuilder if i win the chicago Pro 212, I think the payout's like $700. Like that doesn't even pay for my flight. Wait, seriously? No, we can't. My training partner, Courtney, won a pro show in physique. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:34 He had a $500 check. You're not doing it for the money. Like Brandon, he wins the Arnold, he gets like 400K. He's the best in the world. Yeah. I'm not. Maybe third, but not the best. No, I mean, he gets like 400 K. Yeah. He's the best in the world. Yeah. I'm not maybe third, but not the best. No, I mean, he's the best. Like everybody's like, well, Brandon, Jay,
Starting point is 01:00:56 Jay made money. I'm like, Jay was the greatest in the world for four years. Yeah. Most of these bodybuilders are broke as hell. Yeah. So take time off. Like, you know what? And if you're active, you don't have to worry. Well, I'm going to get gonna get fat okay don't eat as much and uh be active go on an active vacation like i don't know if your kids are into sports or being active or athletic you know i have i have some friends as coaches whose kids just they like being in band and doing like nerd stuff and that's cool my kids thankfully like doing athletic stuff i'm good with nerd stuff you know if my kid was a nerd i'd be like nerd stuff that's so good except for ravenwood's band we are not nerds every other band our band is athletic our our band is jacked there you go ain't nothing wrong with some i mean i played i played uh instruments no that's i'm just a bit of a nerd nerd stuff is cracking up i wish i could play an instrument i can't play anything you still can my daughter can play like 10 of them i can't do
Starting point is 01:01:50 my son could play the drums yeah i'm sitting like a fart my armpit i haven't done that forever you gotta shave your pits it comes out better uh can't do it right now yeah well yeah sure you gotta shave i gotta shave yeah i shave everything should we keep rolling you think or i think so because it's been so good and we're already over an hour but yeah that whoa power project family how's it going now on this podcast mark andrew and i we talk about fasting a lot talk about the ketogenic diet and a lot of different types of diets but bubs naturals has a product they have the collagen protein which is amazing they have these apple cider vinegar gummies which are like like crack, but they have these MCT oil powder packets that I've never
Starting point is 01:02:31 used to do this, but in the morning I'll wake up and I'll put it in coffee. And the smoothness, number one, in terms of the mixing is amazing, but the consistency of my energy through the day because of the MCT oil powder is peak. Andrew, how's your experience? Yeah, no, that's exactly it.
Starting point is 01:02:48 It's like the best way to start the day. Uh, you're satiated, you're energized and you're just ready to crush the day. Uh, so if you guys want to get in on this MCT oil powder, head over to and at checkout, enter promo code power project to save 20% off your entire order.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Again, bubsnaturals promo code power project to save 20 off links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes i'll turn the shot clock on there you go so now we can officially start now now he's gonna hit the record button yeah what about uh what about being uh canceled here and there like i know that you sometimes end up in uh youtube, Instagram jail, TikTok prison. I'm in Instagram jail now. I can't do live videos. They don't tell you how long.
Starting point is 01:03:29 It's been temporarily suspended. And I didn't even do anything. This guy threatened to beat me up, and I simply said, my schedule's online. And I reported him, and Instagram blocks me. So I can't do... The only thing is I can't do live. They probably looked at your account, and they looked at his account, and they're like, this guy's gonna whoop this other dude's ass we better we better
Starting point is 01:03:47 ban the bigger guy what's really funny is i haven't been in a fight outside of a boxing ring since i was 16 years old like why would i fight like literally if someone hit me in the face i'd probably walk it off yeah because it's not worth it god forbid i land a punch they hit the back of their head they die i lose all my money yeah like i made a lot of money and i worked for every dollar no one gave me a dollar i earned every dollar i'm not gonna lose that because i get punched in the face like seriously if someone came up to me okay let's talk you know i'm not gonna fight anybody yeah but instagram is weird because they don't tell you how long you're gonna be in jail just give me a time frame so every day i'm going clicking live live. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:04:25 why won't it work? And then he gives you that message. Like, but the thing is their terms are so weird that you don't even know what you can and can't do. Can and can't say. And then they, and then they do something.
Starting point is 01:04:36 They don't explain it. And you try to contact them and they don't, you can't. So it's kind of weird is that we're customers technically because they're selling ads and they're marketing to us. Yeah. Yet they don't care. How do you think some of this should be handled?
Starting point is 01:04:50 Because Instagram, Facebook, you know, Facebook and Instagram especially owned by Mark Zuckerberg who, you know, was like a college kid and he started up this thing and it ended up being huge. This is a business, right? Yeah. And they started up this thing and it ended up being huge. This is a business, right? And social media, I mean, you can kind of almost look at social media as if you're walking into a room in some weird way. They used to call it a chat room, right? So there's got to be, I guess, some rules to it. Like if I walked inside Tiger Fitness or if I'm training in a gym, there's certain rules. There's certain things that I probably can't do. I can probably do a lot of things. No, no. We would let you do anything you want, Mark. There's certain things that I probably can't do. I can probably do a lot of things, but there's probably things—
Starting point is 01:05:26 No, no, we would let you do anything you want, Mark. There's probably certain things I can't do. So, like, how do you think some of this should be, like, regulated or policed? I think to say that it shouldn't be regulated, policed, or censored at all might be a little overkill. That would be the wild, wild west. You can't have people come out and just say racist or offensive. But the thing is, what's racist? What's free speech? What is hate speech?
Starting point is 01:05:50 What is hate speech? Hate speech is free speech. Here's something interesting. I don't know. You get banned on social media, and I know it's a thing, it's a service that we use, and it's a way that we communicate. But what I find interesting is
Starting point is 01:06:04 no one's saying that you can't say certain things. They're just saying that you can't say certain things on those platforms. You can still go out in the street and say whatever you'd like and share your opinion with whomever you'd like. Just not in the space that you utilize to build a bigger voice. You know what I mean? So I find it all very interesting. I don't know which way it should be handled, but I just find it fascinating. I think it needs to be set forth
Starting point is 01:06:29 and even, I think what's happening is you have one side who can say what they want and another side who can't say what they want. But I do think there's more freedom, um, on there than people let out to be. Um, I do think there's government influence. You know, I do think there's, they're big donors and they lean a certain way. You can, anybody can see this. Anybody saying there's no bias at all isn't, isn't looking objectively, whether it's as dramatic as they say it is. Like I see people on the left getting banned for saying incendiary things, but I see more people on the right. I think they just don't know what they're doing. And I think we all have bias.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Like some things might offend me that, that don't offend you. And you're like, that is definitely incendiary hate speech. Whereas another guy's like, no, it's not. You know, like we were talking about the whoopie Goldberg thing, right? I didn't bother me. And I'm, I'm a Jew. Yeah. Like Dom not like, Oh my God. And she stole our name.
Starting point is 01:07:24 I'm more mad at the Goldberg name. That's misappropriation of Jewish heritage name. And also Bill Goldberg should be pissed. The greatest WWE superstar of all time. Do you agree with that or are you anti-Semitic? If you don't believe Bill Goldberg is the greatest wrestler of all time, you hate Jews. You're an anti-Semitic and you're Nazi. Wait, Goldberg was, he's bald with uh but his first
Starting point is 01:07:45 name bill is bill oh i didn't know that bill goldberg okay i think he's coming back doing something with wwe he's amazing he's still jacked he's still in great shape what's funny thing is i actually have a christmas tree ornament of bill goldberg in a santa hat i have no idea how that happened i'm not even joking but you know i i think that at the end of the day, there's no perfect way to do it. People complain about Twitter. They complain about Instagram. They complain about YouTube all the time. At the end of the day, we're playing on their playground.
Starting point is 01:08:11 However, they are protected by the whatever it is that where it has to be. It's basically a platform or whatever. It's a neutral platform or I forgot how it's pronounced. So as long as there's that federal protection, that indemnity, yeah, they probably should be more of a free speech beacon. But what is, like, where do we draw the line? Like, what is free speech? Like, and also you got to look at,
Starting point is 01:08:35 but I think we really have that outlined in the First Amendment. You can't incite. So I can't say the building's on fire, right? No. So that's incitement. So do we just go by the First Amendment? Whereas all speech is okay. Well, in in some cases of some folks they have like a large following and
Starting point is 01:08:50 then you might be able to ensue violence or something of that nature right oh absolutely incitement isn't is obviously where you draw the line but i actually got warned on instagram once because i have a sense of humor right like and uh like like your like your brother like chris like he was talking about his sense of humor he said something and it was obviously taken the wrong way but you know the other someone posted something i said yep that's me just a crack ass cracker and they took it down and gave me a warning but calling yourself a cracker but that was a chris rock joke like that's from the uh bring the pain and i was like i can't believe i just got blocked for being anti-white but i'm glad they're they're cracking down on the word cracker it's not even like honestly if we're just talking about gravity
Starting point is 01:09:38 of no crackers not a bad part you're literally just a little saltine cracker like that's not where it comes from though oh Where does it actually come from? Which is even more fucked up, but it's from the crack of the whip. That's where cracker comes from? Yeah. Are you sure? Positive, yes. Which is fucked up because...
Starting point is 01:09:58 It's really not good. No, no. You just insulted everybody. Yeah. I mean, it's just, again, one of those things where people say incorrectly and they don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. Wow. Yeah. I mean, it's just, again, one of those things where like people say incorrectly and they don't even know what the fuck they're talking about. Wow. Yeah. It just kind of shows you that none of it should really bother any of us. There you go. But we do need to be protected from each other to some degree.
Starting point is 01:10:16 But do you guys remember deaf comedy jam? Yes. Like that was so over the top and I used to love that show. And we used to literally at recess and junior high, just stand out and just diss each other and diss moms. And when I was a kid and this, luckily they didn't have camera phones. Cause I told so many, yo mama,
Starting point is 01:10:33 so black jokes. Yeah. They were great. Like yo mama, so fat. She wore a Malcolm X shirt and a helicopter tried to land on her. Like stuff like that. Like that was a go-to for me.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Like, wait, you told so many, yo mama, so fat jokes. Yeah. And mama, so you told so many your mama's so fat jokes yeah and mama's so black okay your mama's so black jokes because my friends are all black okay yes okay yeah i wasn't saying it to a white kid that would make no sense yeah like a white kid with a black mom would be weird like you're trying to be offensive in those cases but but
Starting point is 01:10:57 this is the thing it's like people will choose to get offended yes that and like that no like look you're with other black people, you're saying this with them. It's not offensive. It's calm. It's people are making jokes and people are just getting so riled up about jokes. But there's certain things that I think that I think that we pick the wrong fights. Like for example,
Starting point is 01:11:18 like white people when they're like, I don't know why we can't say the N word too. I'm like, why do you want to say that word? I don't want to say that word. I don't say that word. It's not something that I typically know. I will be honest. If DMX is playing in the car, the windows are up. I'm singing along.
Starting point is 01:11:31 I'm saying it. I can't help myself. It's just such a good song. I feel, I mean, I get what you're saying. You should be careful. But I get what you're saying. It's hard. DMX goes hard.
Starting point is 01:11:43 And it's hard to hold yourself back.x there are some people in the audience because we talked about the joe rogan situation right and looking at the context of which he was saying that word nah he's the man's not a racist no um but at the but also there are some there is some white guys in this audience that were like you know if if no not if everyone can't say it then no one can that's bullshit that's okay honestly y'all got to understand like that word was rehashed and black people started using it to take it back yep so you you can't come on just just like just don't use the word just don't use the word don't use the word you know and i'm not gonna go ahead and sing along with dmx at a concert i'm not it's like you got sing along with DMX at a concert.
Starting point is 01:12:26 You got, before you sing DMX, you have to look around, read the room. You do. Am I alone? Like I can't, I can't even have my dog in the room. I'm like,
Starting point is 01:12:34 dude, this, this, this fucking dog's going to rat me out. I'm like, but you know, you get, but I'll be real.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Like, even though I will find, I'm actually kind of kidding. I don't even say it when I'm alone and And I'm not just trying to save my ass. It's just not what I say. Yeah, yeah, we got you. I was joking. For me, it's just something I never wanted to say.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Now, again, but with free speech, there's no such thing as hate speech. If you're going real free speech. However, you might get punched in the face. Because it's incendiary. And I'm not going to be mad if someone punches someone in the face for saying it um when joe rogan was saying it again it was years ago like the 90s were different bro even even them like because i think some of those clips were like from 2008 2009 i had a high school teacher mr korea and in class his name was korea yeah he was a white guy mr korea but in class
Starting point is 01:13:22 because i was having conversations with people about this was using – like he said the N-word. But he wasn't – it was within the context of history. He was saying people would say this. And he said the word. No one clasped that in an eye because we understood what he was saying. But people would hear that now and be like, that's racist. It's not. It's actually in the book.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I remember we read of mice and men and they use the n-word yeah in mice and men and i remember our teacher in high school would say just well the stable buck is an n and she'd be like the words actually what it says in your book but i'm not going there i thought that was the right way to approach it. But in the context of talking about history, can we actually get rid of language? And I think there's also different contexts. Like the way Joe was saying it wasn't... And at the end of the day, that video has been out for a long time
Starting point is 01:14:16 and they were just trying to dig up... February. Yeah. But Joe Rogan is a comedian. Yes. And when he started comedy, he was in the days of chapelle and rock and that was how comedy was back then where there were no boundaries chapelle show didn't age well if you re-watch it's still funny to us it's funny to me but for for people like young guys
Starting point is 01:14:39 young people nowadays it wouldn't be funny to them it'd be too sensitive when they went back in time and they were the slaves oh yeah charlie murphy that was the haters ball that was the haters ball where they went back and they were slaves charlie murphy just doing this the whole time the race draft like remember the racial draft was good and then and the the chinese people choose the wu-tang clan kaneshiwa bitches but everyone made fun of like and everyone knows it's not like no one's really making fun of that an individual it's just like we're cracking you know it's race jokes it's like but now no i don know. Where do we take it? Social media made everything just out there. So, I mean, but it was the 90s were the greatest decade that I can imagine growing up in because it was fun.
Starting point is 01:15:35 It was fun. It was a fun time. Like, I can't imagine if y'all haven't seen, like, I don't know if it's on YouTube, but Deaf Comedy Jam was just another level. You had basically up and coming black comics and it was not censored and it was the greatest show greatest comedy skit ever it was so good yeah and um you could not do that nowadays and i think people are missing out on such awesome fun like sometimes it's good to make fun of yourself like i tell more jewish jokes than anybody you know and it's because you know what of yourself. Like I tell more Jewish jokes than anybody, you know? And it's because, you know what, sometimes to deal with shit that happened, like sometimes humor is
Starting point is 01:16:10 the best remedy. Like for me, it is like when I joke around about, you know, like my, my, my past or my family or whatever, you know, having troubles growing up, my brother and I joke about it because it helps us kind of deal with it. And I'm not saying that we should be insensitive, but there's a time and place. Yeah. And obviously it's different with someone, hey, do you use DMX, singing along with DMX than someone yelling a racial slur at somebody. Yeah. So I think it's context.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I think we just say things and we take every word for what it is, but we don't look at the context of how it's said. But with that said, I just don't see a reason for me to ever use that word it's just not in my vocabulary and um frankly i'm scared of every other black guy i hang out with like can you imagine if i said that around mike mike chris i don't want any of those guys hitting me like all my black friends are bigger than me oh who do we have on the show we have that one uh youtuber guy who like didn't mind. He like kind of fucked with everybody.
Starting point is 01:17:07 And then he was like, except for Mike Rashid. He's like, when Mike Rashid came at me, I was like, I'm done fucking around. What was that guy? I forget. I'm not sure. It wasn't Wendy. It was Kenny KO? Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Yeah. Yeah, it was Kenny. Dude, Mike. So we were, we were both, obviously he's a pro. We were getting ready for, we were in Australia. He goes, hey bro, you want to spar i'm like no immediately i saw i saw him hit a heavy bag and the heavy bag cried like i've never seen like his velocity of his i mean god he got into it with somebody too at one of the shows like when dia yeah where he said you know he doesn't like me talking about this i probably shouldn't but here's what happened. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:17:47 He went up and they had beef. I'm not going to say why. So Jeremy's guys get between him and he goes, I'll fuck everybody up. I remember that. And then he repeated it. I'll fuck everybody up. I could hear it in his voice too. Yeah, it's great. But he wasn't joking.
Starting point is 01:18:02 No. He would have messed everybody up. He wasn't even that mad when he said it either. He was just really clear and concise. Matter of fact. No, no. He was just stating a fact. Like, I will fuck everybody up.
Starting point is 01:18:13 And if you knew the reason why, Mike is a very noble, awesome guy. Yeah. One of the best people I've ever met in my life. I would literally take a bullet for Mike any day of the week. Any day of the week. Wouldn't even question it. Be like, take me. I'm done.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Mike's a great guy, but Mike was convicted in his thought and he went for what he thought was the right move. And, um, but he meant it. He would have definitely fucked everybody up. um,
Starting point is 01:18:39 but no, I mean, you look at like when you surrender, like for me, it's, it's funny because I don't like, I don't notice people for what they are. I don't – oh, wow, that's a black guy. I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:18:51 It's like, who is that person? I never once was like – I never once had a preconceived notion. But I grew up, again, south of here in a very diverse community. So there's a difference. Now, if you grow up in, let's say, a non-diverse community and you're in an area, you're just like, whoa, what do I do here? Like, everybody's different.
Starting point is 01:19:11 So I can imagine it being, and that's what I like where I live. It's very diverse, very diverse. Even though it's a very affluent community, it's very diverse. So my kids get to play ball and do everything with many cultures, from East Asians to Asians to Africans to whatever it
Starting point is 01:19:27 is. I mean, so that's, what's great. And that's why I love, you know, when you look at a community to grow up in a lot of people, I look at like, I go to the community, I see who's around me. Like I want good people. That's all I care about. So I think a lot of people get caught up in what people are, but not what people truly are. Good people. There's good people, such good people. And all skin color is is melanin. It's just because Europeans, it's really cloudy.
Starting point is 01:20:00 So we don't need, we didn't need to develop much melanin. Whereas Africa, it's hot as fuck. So you develop that melanin. It's, it's just evolution. Even if you look at the Jews, you have Sephardic Jews. They're dark. Sephardic Jews are your skin color. Pull this up, Andrew.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Sephardic Jews. They're Middle Eastern. I just don't know the difference. Ethiopian Jews. Oh yeah. They're dark as hell. Then you got Ashkenazi Jews, which I am. We're pasty.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah. Because Europe sucks. It's cloudy all the fucking time. It does. Yeah. And we get sunburned. Like, being white sucks. It sounds so ridiculous when you put it in those terms.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Like, we're arguing about the clouds. It's stupid. How the clouds are positioned blocking the sun or not blocking the sun. Racism. That's stupid. How the clouds are positioned, blocking the sun or not blocking the sun. Racism. That's what the argument is. I have tried my whole life to figure out racism. I really have. I've tried my entire life because I want to be able to explain it. And I can't because it doesn't make sense because you can have someone who's the same lineage as me, other than being Sephardic versus Ashkenazi being literally black. What's the difference? My cousins, for example, live right up in long beach. They're, they're half,
Starting point is 01:21:10 they're half Polish, half black. All of them. If you look at blow blinders, like on Facebook, most of us are black because again, we it's America. Like people marry people of different colors. So how is my cousin different than me? We have the same genetics. Basically 50% of us are shared. So why would he be different? How stupid is that? Yeah. Like how stupid is that? Like I literally, most of my family is black. So how am I going to say that I'm different or better or worse than this guy? When we literally share most of the same genetics, it's ridiculous. I can imagine if there was straight like back in the day when it was more homogenous. But we're not.
Starting point is 01:21:54 We're not homogenous. But that's a great thing that we can see. I've heard of what Mark's mentioned about his kids and how they see the world. And I'm assuming it's the same with you. And like, when I see how younger individuals see things, they like, it's funny when some people don't see color, younger kids are really coming up and they're, you know, they're very conscious of what's around them, but they don't like, they, they don't see a difference between them and other individuals because of how things are now. Things are much more mixed and it's, it's much better. You know? Yeah. What was really cool is in North Carolina,
Starting point is 01:22:27 we lived there for six years. Yeah. And our neighbors were, we were trick-or-treating with our neighbors who were black. And my daughter was like, these kids, the beautiful thing about kids, doesn't matter what color they are, if there's a playground, they're going to play.
Starting point is 01:22:42 These kids are best friends. My daughter's running along. And the mom said, this is so great to see. And I'm like, well, why? She's like, well, I mean, just look at everybody's like United. I'm like, I didn't quite get it. I'm like their kids playing. And, and I'm like, well, my daughter hasn't noticed. Like she doesn't know she was, she's never been like that kid looks different than me or that and she's like for the first time her son was like well she has a lighter face than me so that shows you that people aren't born ignorant and stupid and racist it's bred into them you know kids if you're under if you haven't been indoctrinated in some weird culture of racism and hate you put kids in a playground and they're going to play.
Starting point is 01:23:25 You put kids, even if you put kids who are raised racist, put them on the same sports team. And all of a sudden that goes away because they're trying to win. I've always said sports are the cure for racism. They just are. Yeah. They just are. Like you see, you see wonderful things.
Starting point is 01:23:44 And Jim's, have you ever witnessed racism in a gym? I mean, yeah, kind of, but like not, it's not a common theme. Yeah. It's not a common theme. Where'd you notice racism in a gym? I ain't even, I'm not even going to talk. I'm not. Oh, is that bad? Yeah. I ain't going to talk about it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:24:00 But it's not a common theme. What you're saying is correct. That's not something that it's like that common. Yes. It's very uncommon. So I agree with you. Yeah. What you're saying is correct. That's not something that it's like that common. Yes. It's very uncommon. So I agree with you. Yeah. Sports are the great equalizer. Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I love them. Yeah. I love them because you're playing for the same team. Uh-huh. And we all should be playing for the same team. Team human. Like it's a great place to be. It's a great thing to do.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Yeah. And that's how we want to raise our kids. So, I mean, there are going to be stupid people, but I think for the most part, people are good. I think for the most part, people are a large majority, 90 plus or more percent are good people who just want to raise good kids to do good things and be good to society. Unfortunately, all we see is the 10% that suck.
Starting point is 01:24:40 What are your thoughts on like censoring yourself since you own so many of these businesses and you own, many of these businesses and you own you have business partners um do you feel like you have to or there's certain times you have to maybe be cautious because you have to think about some of the other people that are in your life that you're in business with absolutely i censor myself all the time believe it or not um but i don't really my opinions are in my opinion pretty pretty milquetoast they're not crazy like i'm not saying the earth is flat i'm not saying that we need to do anything violent i'm basically like i like freedom you know and i have evolved over time
Starting point is 01:25:20 like there's there's a bit more you you know, like on Instagram, I will never say anything political. I don't, it's just not Instagram. Oh yeah. Instagram. I just want pictures and fitness and it's a happy place. You know, Twitter's a frigging war zone. It's a cesspool. Yeah. It's, it's such a mess. So there it's like, you say things, you get out there and it's kind of like tongue in cheek. Some of it's trolling, some itlling some it's whatever um but and i don't even deal with facebook anymore and my youtube channels i mean my thing is like i started low blinder lowdown which is going to be more of a podcast before bodybuilding cool yeah it's slash low blinder but it's basically my first i interviewed phil heath last week but it's talking about good stuff it's not like if you notice bodybuilding media and this
Starting point is 01:26:04 isn't a bodybuilding shit it's gonna be more bodybuilding based it's talking about good stuff. It's not like, if you notice bodybuilding media, and this isn't a bodybuilding show, it's going to be more bodybuilding based. It's all frigging like, like TMZ type trash. Yeah, it is. And, um, but bodybuilding can so do so much good for the world. It's such a good vehicle to promote health and fitness. Yeah. Bodybuilders aren't the healthiest people, but there's a lot of things we do that can
Starting point is 01:26:24 help people. And the stories of like Phil Heath and Brandon and Jay, those are things that can inspire people to do great things. And, you know, for me, you know, it's just, we need to look at the good part of things. I don't even touch Facebook anymore. Facebook is just people still arguing about Trump versus Hillary. I can't do Facebook. I mean, I'll go, I have basically Facebook for me is cross posts from Instagram. I don't mess with Facebook. I mean, do you censor yourself at all?
Starting point is 01:26:51 I mean, I noticed like during the election, like you were pretty open with your thoughts. Like, did you find, and obviously you had some backlash. I didn't even touch that, by the way. I didn't touch the Trump thing. Yeah, I mean, first of all, I mean, social media represents like such a small part of my life. You know, I don't post the Trump thing. Yeah, I mean, first of all, I mean, social media represents like such a small part of my life. You know, I don't post much with my kids and I don't post too much family stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:10 And there's just a lot of things that I think are more fun for me to keep private, you know. And my view and points on stuff, you know, sometimes you do want to bring up a point because you kind of do think that you have something valid to say. You know, sometimes you do want to bring up a point because you kind of do think that you have something valid to say and you feel that you're right or you want to be right or you want to be – you want people to agree with something that you're saying. I mean, when the pandemic, when the whole thing kind of started, we had multiple guests on the show speaking from a different side, a different perspective than what was out there at the moment. And then I just backed way off of it because I'm like, you know what? People just – they hate this so much and they're, they're getting so fired up about it. Uh, I was just trying to present some different views, different vantage points. So I think sometimes it's a good idea just to shut the fuck up. You know, people are going to, people are going to, you know, your Instagram or some of your media for like a specific reason, you know? And then I just try to,
Starting point is 01:28:04 all right, you know, I don't want to only post stuff that's only for the fans because I don't want to be trapped into that. But at the same time, my main thing is I'm a very happy person. I'm just trying to be helpful. I figured, uh, I feel that for myself, I figured out good ways to be happy and maybe I can share those to other people and then maybe they can find some happiness in their life too. I have found that that's where you've gone with it. And I've everything like people think I'm angry and I'm actually, have you ever seen me angry? Like I'm the happiest guy there is. Um, so a lot of it, like Twitter's trolling for me. I care less if that got shut down tomorrow. I love that on Twitter you made a post one time and you're like,
Starting point is 01:28:41 I'm not going to do this anymore. And then like a week later, you're like, just kidding. post one time and you're like, I'm not going to do this anymore. And then like a week later, you're like, just kidding. Yeah. Twitter, Twitter, the thing is like, it's kind of weird where I do think that I'm within like probably a week of just being like, fuck it, here's fitness. I'm just tired of it. You know, when the Kroger thing brought me back in and, and it's like, it brought you right back in. Cause I literally went for like the entire month of December with just like fitness stuff. You can look at, I mean, it was just all fitness and I was really happy. And the thing is all this stuff going on in the world, like we live in America and it's federalist, right? I live in
Starting point is 01:29:15 Tennessee. Tennessee is fine. Like we're good. Like it, it fits my ideals perfectly. Like, should I chime in on what I feel about the convoy in Canada? I'm not there. Like, what the hell does it matter? Like, I don't care about what's going on in Ukraine. I'm not there. Like I'm, I'm a, I'm an isolationist. I'm, I'm big on, I'm, I'm not going to say America first because that'll get me banned and canceled. That's more of a Trump thing for you. But, um, but I'm, I'm one of those like, dude, I just care about what's happening in my country. And right now, I think our country is in the best spot it's ever been in history of our country. I think our country is awake.
Starting point is 01:29:54 I think our country is – whether you're left or right, you believe in something and you want what's best for the country. Whether that's communism or whatever it is, I think people are awake and they're looking and people are involved. I think we're going to have a great voter turnout in 2022, wherever that goes. I don't know, but I'm in a state. And the thing about our country is it's so, um,
Starting point is 01:30:13 it's set up for the fact that you could live somewhere that fits your ideals. I didn't like Illinois. So I lost money and I moved to Tennessee. My quality of life right now is why do you think I'm so fucking happy? I live in a place where I have trees. I back to Tennessee, my quality of life right now is, why do you think I'm so fucking happy? I live in a place where I have trees. I back to a forest. I have the greatest public schools in the frigging state right by me. My quality of life is there. If you live in America, you can move to a state that you believe in, whether it's Texas or Washington, where they're weird. You know, if you want to be in a conservative state where you could carry a gun without
Starting point is 01:30:49 even having a license, like I do, you can move there. If you want to live in a state where they have you wear masks to walk out of your house and do what you, if that's what you like, who am I to say? If you want to live in a state where they defund the police,
Starting point is 01:31:02 by all means, have fun with that. If you want to live in a state where we love our cops, I'll tell you what, you can't. A Franklin Police Department, the best police department on earth, they can't walk into a gas station without someone buying them a drink or something to eat. We love our cops. So this is Tennessee. Yeah, this is Tennessee. my wife was against it, but I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to go, I wanted to go to D I wanted to go straight up and I wanted to be the voice. I wanted to vote for things. And I wanted
Starting point is 01:31:50 to be, I didn't want to be sellout. A lot of these politicians, they get the special interest. They need all those donations. I'm like, I already have money. I'm good. Let me win this. And then I'm like, nah, I'm like, I like, I like the guy who's in there now. Mark Green. He's amazing. Um, we have some other state guys who are great. Mark Green's actually the congressional. And so I decided to coach. Do your part in your local community. Whether you're a Democrat or Republican, a Libertarian,
Starting point is 01:32:16 there's something for you in this country. So that's why I'm like, I literally like this morning I woke up, I told you like I literally found religion in a day. I'm like, you know, I understand what's going on in Canada, but do I? I didn't like when I'm in Tennessee and they're like, oh, they're doing the pandemic all wrong. I'm like, no, I think we're doing it just right. Do you live in Tennessee? Cool, don't come here.
Starting point is 01:32:38 We don't want you here anyway. So I'm like, I'm kind of in that situation where I'm like, it doesn't even matter what I have to say anymore. Am I making a difference? I don't, I'm kind of in that situation where I'm like, it doesn't even matter what I have to say anymore. Am I making a difference? I don't think I am. I think my difference is going to be made helping people get in shape, spreading the gospel of health and fitness. I said this in an interview after I got my pro card. I'm like, IFBB pro card, it's like putting a doctor in front of your name. It gives you credibility.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Now, it didn't change who I was. But what it did is now I can go out and promote health and fitness and i have an organization backing me and i think that's what my focus is yeah and you get caught up like you're reading stuff and it makes you mad like oh how dare they do you watch these videos which is one in a million interactions of some old lady getting run over by a horse yeah okay it happened but like shit happens a lot every day like did you anybody here grow up in the hood well a little bit okay so where i grew up i knew someone who got shot pretty much every weekend that wasn't covered by the news they didn't show the dead body with a bullet with their brains blown out because it was a high caliber weapon.
Starting point is 01:33:47 It happens. Tragedies happen. But what we need to do is prevent those from happening in our own backyard. But we're so worried about this and that and the third. But we're not going to make a difference. It's just what is it doing?
Starting point is 01:34:02 What you said there is a really huge deal because everyone has their social media feeds and depending on how they have things set up, you're taking in news that's things going on in Ukraine, things going on with the truckers, things going on in other countries all this other stuff, just bad shit every single day and especially you'll see this a lot with
Starting point is 01:34:18 Gen Z, they think that the world is getting worse every year, they think everything's getting worse and actually statistically for the world is getting worse every year. They think everything's getting worse. When actually statistically, for the world, this is the best we've ever been as far as poverty. There is less poverty than ever all across the world currently. And there's a book, Factfulness by Steven Pinker and another book, I forgot the title, but it literally goes through all the statistics and why we are in the best place ever. But when you see all the bad shit happening, it's like, oh, my God, all of this. You can't do shit about it.
Starting point is 01:34:48 So you can't honestly allow yourself to worry about that. It's brilliant. And here's the thing I tell people. Like, all the shit that's going on now went on in the 90s and the 80s. It all happened. We just didn't know about it. I didn't know about what was going on in Ukraine or anywhere. All we knew is what CNN told us.
Starting point is 01:35:03 Yeah. But now we have 800 million mini cnn's and they're coming at you from the right and from the left and i'm sitting here and i noticed i'm like i'm i'm on the flight i got the internet um i like to stream porn hub sometimes when i'm flying you get that good internet where it streams and i'm literally i'm on a plane and I'm reading through my feed on Twitter and I'm getting fucking angry. And I can feel my blood pressure getting, and I'm like, why am I angry? But it's stuff that will anger you. Nobody wants to see an old lady trampled by a horse.
Starting point is 01:35:37 That'll make anybody mad. Did that actually, when did that happen? It actually happened, yeah. What? It was like, so basically they have the convoy and they brought the comedian mounties um and they just the horses started going and an old lady and a walker got ran over she didn't die oh but the initial reports were of course she died because it was fake news but the thing is what is real anymore like now with deep fakes and all this
Starting point is 01:36:01 stuff like i don't even know what to believe all All I know is that, look, if you watch the news about California, dude, like, I thought I was coming into a war zone, bro. Like, you're going to California? You know, there's homeless people in every quarter. I haven't stepped over one homeless person. I walked into IHOP without a mask. I ate steak tips, which are fucking amazing, with eggs. And I had pancakes.
Starting point is 01:36:22 And it's just like I'm in Tennessee. Like, nothing's weird. Yeah, well, I'm going everywhere maskless too no one cares anymore the only place that's weird is the airport but i think that's gonna be gone soon but like our biggest issue right now is i think though i think once they get rid of the lockdowns and i think no one's gonna care about anything i think that's what they're using to divide us whoever they are that thing was like well they're trying to divide us but cool who's they well it's the world economic forum like really you think okay they want us to cover our. I'm like, cool. Who's they? Well, it's the World Economic Forum. I'm like, really? You think? Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:46 They want us to cover our faces? And Bill Gates, I don't know where he came from, but dude doesn't even have a college degree, and now he's speaking on. It's like, if I say anything about health, if I say anything like, hey, man, I think you should take vitamin D, are you a doctor? Is Bill Gates a fucking doctor? How does this guy get a pass? He's richer than me?
Starting point is 01:37:02 I'm pretty fucking rich. I think I have enough money to have an opinion.'s like i have a fucking opinion it's all bro science bro science was right the whole time dude the the reason my my youtube channel tiger fitness is shadow banned is because a video i did on vitamin d in march of 2020 but i didn't it wasn't even called the c word back then it was called called Corona. So I'm like, dude, I don't know anything about this Corona thing, but like there's good data for the flu and vitamin D. In some years, it actually outperformed the – I just said it. It outperformed the V. Timestamp.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Yeah. It outperformed it because on a bad year, the flu shot is 10% effectiveness. Vitamin D is always between like 10 and 20 effectiveness against viruses um according to the data and um so i'm like dude oh i don't know if it's gonna work for this but hey vitamin d is cheap take it yeah and i said you don't even have to take my brand just go to target or walmart or vitamin shop buy the budget brand just get vitamin d just take it 5 000 i use a day next thing you know my videos went from like 20,000 to like 100. I'm like.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Misinformation. But they didn't even like warn me. It just, they didn't even, the video, because I said nothing wrong. But they're like, we got to shut this guy up now. That happens to us too. Happened to us twice. He's obviously a white supremacist. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:20 You know, you don't have to be a doctor to be able to see that over a period of time that a lot of the actions that were taken because of the virus were going to be detrimental. Like that's not a doctor requirement. You mean closing gyms? Yeah. And just like the mental health. I mean it's just some general common sense. Like if we shut a lot of things down, if people can't get out of their houses, they're going to eat a bunch of junk and they're going to have door dashes.
Starting point is 01:38:47 They're delivering alcohol. They're delivering alcohol. Does anybody see how crazy this is? I'm sorry, I'm messing up your mic here. I have a boner. Sick. Thank you for that. Appreciate it. I just did
Starting point is 01:39:04 that for the sound clip. Like, open every video, I have a boner. I mean, do we need an epidemiologist to verify that there's going to be some mental health issues from the various mandates and things that we've done? Or covering faces. Like, everybody's like, well, you – Bill Gates. God, I want to fight that guy some time. This guy goes up and is like, well well you were bill gates god i want to fight that guy so bad this guy goes up was like well what if he what if he fucked you up dude i bet he knows jiu-jitsu yeah maga oh or krav maga krav maga i'll kill you yeah dude you go to throw a
Starting point is 01:39:36 punch and he fucking throws you what if his glasses are like some secret fucking weapon he takes it probably shit damn is anybody else imaging this in their head yeah I'm picturing myself getting my ass kicked by Bill Gates by the way have you guys seen how like Jack's Jeff Bezos is yeah yeah he's getting shit on the steroids I couldn't assume yeah I love steroids steroids are so awesome like we should all take more why are you natty you gotta stop that isn't cj natty too yeah but you're all fake how is it how are we fake because you look too good to be natural i had to take a lot of drugs to look like this and i still don't look as good as you oh well actually you are much larger than i am so yeah i mean well yeah but i'm ugly. But I'd give anything for height, you know?
Starting point is 01:40:26 I can't reach shit. My wife's like, you get the fucking coffee. I'm like, we have the skinny syrups, and they're on the top shelf. I have to go grab a fucking stool. You know, there's apparently a bone surgery that people do. It costs a little bit of money, but you can expand the bones. That sounds painful. It's a bit painful, and you have some long recovery time, but you can get a good four to five inches.
Starting point is 01:40:44 I've gone for 41 years looking like this, i'm good i've established i'm a manlet i've heard that in years i'm good with it man dude i'm but what the hell are we talking about something about talking about um bill gates fucking me up there you go yeah so bill gates is like well you could wear if you could wear pants, you could wear a mask. I'm like, I don't breathe out of my penis. Like it's just, but look at kids. Like do you know what I'm for? Are you a doctor? But like, but like, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Like imagine, imagine if we were doing this podcast with, with, with masks on, we can't see smiles. We can't see expressions. Just eyes. Imagine kids developing. Imagine kids who have stuttering problems or speech impediments like i got a medical exemption for my kids at the beginning so we never wore masks we more for like a couple weeks um my kids never dealt with it but you still see kids who are afraid to take
Starting point is 01:41:36 their mask off because they they feel uncomfortable without it's like you and i walk around well i'm fine without pants i'm a bodybuilder right like but like imagine a normal person who's not weird yeah like without pants they'd feel weird like these kids it's become ingrained imagine kids who are in that developing stage where they're trying to form their thoughts and their patterns and their speech and they're covering their mouth yeah that's not good so i think and also the fact that kids just didn't get it but those are things i called from the beginning i'm like guys even if this works like have we looked at the side effects of this? Are we doing calf raises? Because I really need...
Starting point is 01:42:09 I got this. My calves suck, dude. It's the one thing God gave me that's black man's. That was a good joke. For anyone who didn't get it, high calf insertions, you see that amongst a lot of black athletes and black people.
Starting point is 01:42:25 So I just need to explain so people don't get in trouble no but i tell the joke like i'm half black the bottom half my calves yeah yeah that's a good one you know what good news is dexter jackson made it where anybody quimbati only shows the smaller calves his calves were yeah they're really small but i mean But are they? I mean, they're not that bad, but the fact that his quads are like this, it's relative.
Starting point is 01:42:48 Like, I always tell my wife, my penis looks small because my quads are big. That's a fact. It's because they're quad sweet. And I have a small penis, but it just doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:42:57 And you're asking people to get the penis pumps so that they don't have to deal with the small penises that mark them. Do you guys have an affiliate code on that? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:43:03 absolutely. Oh, dude, I might get in on this penis thing. We'll get one out, say your name. Just give us your address. Wait until you see the before and after. Hey, cannot wait.
Starting point is 01:43:12 It's an after picture. It looks doctored to me. The reason my wife likes me having a small penis is there's no pain the day after. She's good. She walks fine. I've seen her deliver an eight plus pound baby through that thing.
Starting point is 01:43:22 One time my wife, after sex, during sex she goes like you feel so big i'm like you lying bitch i have seen what that thing can do what i don't understand is how they just bounce back to normal size yeah that is because it's indestructible super the vagina oh yeah god i love vaginas like in all the rap songs, they always say that they killed that pussy or murdered that pussy.
Starting point is 01:43:47 You didn't do anything. That pussy is immortal. It's coming right back. Coming right back. So when you do get the penis pump, which links are going to be down in the description as well as the podcast show notes, but what you'll see is when you're actually
Starting point is 01:43:59 vacuuming all the air out, how big your shit grows, and you're just like, hey. Oh, you're going to be impressed with yourself yourself just please read the directions please read the directions because there's a whole workout program for it it's it's programmed but like the thing is you don't just pump like because you pump blood in there and some some people are stupid they don't read the directions just like they keep pumping and it gets you could damage your dick if you pump oh no i don't want to damage it no you just read the directions you'll be okay we'll take yeah we'll
Starting point is 01:44:23 make sure at least it works it might not work well but it works just facetime me as you do it and i'll walk we should just do instagram live when i get the get it when i get it back yeah i'll get it taken away right away worth it totes worth it bro we could do youtube live i can still do that on your channel yeah yeah i've never used a penis pump but i guess i'm missing out hey man we got you yeah back to the uh the mask thing though but yeah what you're saying is absolutely right so my daughter she's 13 i have to like do my best to like comfort her and let her know like like we don't have to wear masks when we go into certain areas like you know you just don't even
Starting point is 01:45:03 bring it or whatever and the thing that pushed me over the edge was my son like he would like i would like goes to like let's say costco they always check you at the front door that's the only place they still do that here that's the only place i go to where they will like actually like stop you at the door um so we'd go there and he'd like rip it off me so i just after that i said fuck it i'm not i'm not going anywhere that forces that anymore by't do that anymore, by the way. So even still, I went last week and they still checked me, but they gave me a mask. I'm like, cool, thanks. And I put it in my pocket and I just kept going.
Starting point is 01:45:32 After that, it was no big deal. So I was like, that's the last place that I've gone to that will still check me. Everywhere else, like I went to my daughter's dentist and they're like, sir, can you wear a mask? And I'm like, no, I can't. And like, we can't be here i'm like all right fine i'll be outside but it was so dumb because they made my daughter wear a mask but
Starting point is 01:45:50 then she fucking sits down and then she takes her mask off yeah my my dentist my dent our dentist doesn't do that in uh you live in a really cool state well i mean our dent my dentist is also based like they're they're they're like us you know what i mean like he's like it's the damn illuminati again you know i'm like i want him working on my teeth yeah but i think that if you go to a doctor and they don't have to and they tell you to put a mask on i got a question if that doctor reads anything because it's like look if they worked like if they worked if the studies didn't all show that they in my interpretation of the studies that they don't do enough i'm not gonna say they don't work they don't do enough i'd be like let's talk
Starting point is 01:46:30 we got this but the fact that all the data shows that there's no difference between school a and school b i'm like um why are we arguing about this like and also if they work like cool wear it do it like we have a rule in my house i know i might get in trouble for this but like we don't like if somebody comes like fix something in our house it's a newer house i don't want to wear masks i'm like dude where i'm from if you're wearing a mask you're coming to my house i'm about to get robbed yep like i want to see your face so i can identify you if you steal some shit all right take the mask off and we've had a situation where like cool send somebody else i just i'm sorry dude it's my house everybody's like we had that discussion before
Starting point is 01:47:09 like it's your business well it's my house yeah i'm paying you to do a service so if you feel that we're dirty our house is really clean too yeah yeah yeah we got a cleaning service and shit there you go that's what happens when you make it have you seen some of the i believe it was in um reno nevada somewhere close by but they're like protesting because they want the mandate i saw that university of reno there it is yeah well here's the thing just wear your mask just wear it we're not mad just not in my house you know but well we had an event at our gym on Saturday and it was pretty cool. We had a ton of NPC seminar, ton of people.
Starting point is 01:47:48 And this one guy walked in, you can tell he was from out of state and he walked in with his mask. He looked around. He's like, oh shit. He's like, I'm that guy. Yeah. You'll have that occasionally. And I'm good with it.
Starting point is 01:47:57 Like, look, dude, if you want to wear one, go ahead. Like I'm, I'm a very libertarian minded person. Just leave me alone. Just let my kids go do their thing. And look, dude, if you're really scared about what's going on, just why don't you stay home? Because you're in the minority. Like, the rest of us will go on and keep doing epic shit.
Starting point is 01:48:15 What I feel bad for is y'all in California. Like, while you guys were shut down, my daughter won a state championship in soccer. Your kids missed out on that opportunity. My daughter will always have a ring. And there's a bunch of kids out here who will never have that experience. They took a year away from them for something that didn't even affect them. That is criminal. People need to be on Nuremberg type shit trials for what they did to kids. And that's for real.
Starting point is 01:48:42 Like it was overreaction, but they knew they were overreacting they knew it i don't know what the reason they did it for is but looking back i'm like dude how did nobody like in your circle be like guys we're ruining a year of these kids life like they're gonna look back and they have they have school pictures where they weren't they can't even see their face what we never did that did that. Like we just didn't. And that's why I'm so glad we accidentally moved to Tennessee a year before this happened. Wow. It's great.
Starting point is 01:49:10 And then earlier you said, you know, you're just like somebody like Griffin on Twitter or like social media and like you feel like I'm not doing anything important or whatever, not making a big impact. But I have to say like my entire family, they've all, uh, they got, uh, the shot the shot you know and they were looking at me like as an outsider and everyone in my circle i was the only one that didn't and i was like fuck like should i just do this seeing like i i know you're joking a lot on twitter you are kind of like trolling people yeah it's kind of fun but just seeing you and then like the people that follow you also like being on the same page like i I'm not alone. Like there are other people that aren't, you know, following suit, I guess I'll say.
Starting point is 01:49:50 So I know you're saying that you're not making a big impact, but it made a big impact for me. So thank you for being there and like voicing your opinion and just being real. Well, I appreciate that. But just on that note, I would like to expand on that. Whereas my doctor actually told me not to get it based on my medical history. Okay. What about, what was it? Well, I mean, dude, I have an enlarged heart.
Starting point is 01:50:11 I'm an athlete, a bodybuilder. That's right. And it, and also bodybuilders have thicker blood. Do the math. It's not, and that's also some, not common, but some potential side effects. As bodybuilders, we need to talk to our doctors. That's what Tim pool says. And I agree with him.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Talk to your doctor or talk to somebody who knows what they're doing more than you do. I literally asked my doctor, I'm like, well, she said, don't no matter what, don't take it based on you.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Now I have great hematocrit levels, my heart. It's not like I got to, he's like, dude, your heart, like you've trained your whole life. You've done anabolic steroids. It's, it's going to be bigger. like, dude, your heart, like you've trained your whole life. You've done anabolic steroids.
Starting point is 01:50:45 It's going to be bigger. Yeah. And I don't want to die because – and I've already had the C word. And it didn't affect me. I literally was asymptomatic. I knew I had it from an antibody test. So it's like, all right, there's no reason for me other than to go places I don't need to go. Like I don't need to go on a cruise.
Starting point is 01:51:07 I'm good with that. I don't need to go out of the country. I'm good with that. And so – and if there's a place that requires it, I just won't go. Like I live in Tennessee. They can't do it. It's literally illegal. They can't do it.
Starting point is 01:51:20 So I also know people who have MS and other diseases and are immunocompromised. I know someone with Lyme disease, and his doctor told him, he lives in New York, if he takes it, he has a very good chance of being really, really, really sick and potentially dying. So, should we basically deny services to people who can't medically get this. So they're taking away medical and religious exemption. What about people who just have a religion that say you shouldn't take that? That's the problem.
Starting point is 01:51:56 So I'm not by any means saying that it's not – look, man, I'm not Bill Gates. I'm not a scientist. All right? Look, man, I'm not Bill Gates. I'm not a scientist. But for me, I think we should all have that decision we make with our doctor. And I don't just come off and say, oh, no, it's going to do this crazy thing. I'm not making it.
Starting point is 01:52:18 There's a lot of reports that kind of scare me. But there's reports on drinking too much water. Drinking too much water kills you. Different people react differently to things. Have you ever seen someone who doesn't react well to Yohimbine? My wife took
Starting point is 01:52:29 Yohimbine once. me. Her face went fucking numb. It was the funniest thing. It really went numb?
Starting point is 01:52:37 Her face, she had Bell's palsy kind of. Oh, fuck. She got tingly. I'm like, you might be dying. But this is hilarious.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Nonetheless, we can't give her Yohimbine anymore. We go straight with Clembutro. So I'm sorry. I'm making myself laugh. But so it's based on the individual. So when you start blanketing medical things and not giving exemptions, that's a problem. Yeah. That's a problem. And. That's a problem.
Starting point is 01:53:09 And then the exemptions are even a problem because there's something called HIPAA. Like it's none of your business what my medical history is. So there's a lot of reasons why I'm like, Hey, you know, I need to kind of speak out against this. And I'm not saying any of the reports like, dude, there's going to be side effects there's going to be for anything there's side effects yeah anything yeah so again we need to be aware of them and that's the informed consent that we're kind of not doing we don't know what's in this thing they won't tell us what's in it and then they want to deny the reporting of it for 75 years why they should have real-time reporting like hey here's the data we have boom here it. Like we live in a situation where I can literally, this is live. Like we can stream.
Starting point is 01:53:50 Why don't we have streaming data of this really important. Now I am quite impressed that we got this thing done in like nine months. That is a Marvel of science. But then you got to question why they're pushing it so hard. And that's another thing. Like if they didn't push it so hard, I'd be like, dude,
Starting point is 01:54:07 I remember my wife was pregnant at the D tap. It's a tetanus diphtheria and a flu shot. And they just give it to you. I got deathly ill from it, but I was like, cool. I didn't question it at all. My kids,
Starting point is 01:54:18 all their inoculations did not question it. This is the first time I've ever questioned anything. If this happened in 2018, I would've been the first one like, let's go. But now I'm like, dude, why are you pushing this so hard?
Starting point is 01:54:30 Like why? And that, that's something we all have to ask. Well, I mean, it's, if we're asking why they're pushing it so hard, it's a new disease that spread really quickly.
Starting point is 01:54:40 Like it's, I think we've had something like this for a while. You know what I mean? Like there's a lot of things we have vaccines for, but something like this, if they, if the message is like they're trying to stop the spread and whatever, you can understand why they're pushing it.
Starting point is 01:54:54 Although you may not, I don't agree with how hard they're pushing it. I can understand it. Right. Pushing it and mandating it are two different things. Mandate. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Mandating is, I'm all for pushing it. I don't get mad. Like people like you believe they're putting those i'm like dude that's cool i'm like let people learn about it yeah and make an informed decision with their doctor i'm not like i'm not adverse to it it's funny how you're labeled anti-vax just for saying we should read yeah or or or like make a decision and the fact that it might so okay let's say it decreases symptoms and people are dying. I get it.
Starting point is 01:55:26 But they've already, CDC has already come out and said it doesn't prevent transmission. And then Fauci himself said, everybody's going to get it. Yeah. I still got it after getting the vaccine. So everybody's going to get it. So I already had it.
Starting point is 01:55:38 And I'm just like, we're all going to get it. And I'm not one of those crazy guys. Look, I know so many people. Well, I have someone whose heart exploded after taking it. Well, cool. I know hundreds of people who've taken it and they're not dead. You know, they're fine. They're actually thriving. So I'm not saying it's going
Starting point is 01:55:55 to do anything terrible to you, but we need to look at, it might do something terrible to 1% of the population or 0.5%. That's why it's up to you and your doctor yeah that's my only thing absolutely i'm not again i'm not i'm not anti anything but if you want to be late if if that's new label for someone who thinks that's a sad thing because it's like people are labeling individuals who are just thinking critically about this as anti-vaxxers like no they're not anti-vaxxers that's not the case but on twitter i can't understand why people think i am because my humor is bad like so if it's not in context where i can clarify it right away and i don't want to do a sub tweet saying like haha playing you know so it's like just go do
Starting point is 01:56:36 one comedy set so at this point you can label yourself as a comedian so anything you say or do from that point on it's comedy i think everything I've done is pretty much comedy in a way. I don't think anybody can take me seriously. But no, I mean, and that's why I'm like, even after what he said, I'm like, dude, I'm just, I don't. Like, it's almost like being involved in politics. Like, I just, I'm a fitness guy. I coach kids. Like, the political stuff's been good to me, though.
Starting point is 01:57:03 I mean, my Twitter's grown dramatically dramatically because I say things that people think. And even if I might not be 100 percent in belief of what I say, it's at least partially what I'm thinking. And I think people are like, finally, someone is saying this. And also I have a good grift. Like I'm the only conservative bodybuilder on Twitter like out there. Where are the Hotch Twins at? But they're not bodybuilders anymore., like out there. Where are the hot twins at? But they're not bodybuilders anymore. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Oh, yeah. They're really not. I got a pro card, bro. That's true. That is true. Well, actually, what's funny is a lot of bodybuilders are extremely conservative thinking of all sides. It's a very conservative industry. You never guess.
Starting point is 01:57:40 Based on our demographics. Oh, yeah. I never really paid that much attention to that. Extremely, extremely conservative. And remember, it's an industry that's mostly not white. Fitness has a way of – it's a very independently thinking, like very personal responsibility based. So bodybuilding in general, if you look at bodybuilders go to a gym, it's generally going to be a more conservative base interesting it is it is um not woke and again like that's true bodybuilders think about like football players did you play football i played soccer okay yeah so okay so but football
Starting point is 01:58:16 locker room locker rooms are locker locker rooms are locker like when trump said ground by the pussy i'm like every locker room is way worse than that so you know you you have like so like anybody who plays sports bodybuilding is like a sport like you joke around and and you're not you're not gonna be woke yeah you're gonna be more like open to things like dude we used to teabag people in football locker rooms like it is what it is amen i still do that thigh wars yeah yeah we had some yeah thigh wars thigh wars what is that Amen. I still do that. Thigh wars. Yeah. We had some. Thigh wars? Thigh wars. What is that?
Starting point is 01:58:47 You want to know what thigh wars is? You have to look that up. All right. So thigh wars is, well, you know, you shower, you come to the locker room, just be chilling, naked, right? Thigh wars is when you'd stand wide like this, okay? Right? Naked.
Starting point is 01:59:02 Let's say that your thigh was on my thigh. Right? Like this, right? We'll get them in front of the table and I'll show you. And we would hit our leg against the other leg until somebody fell. So come here real quick, Mark. He thinks this is normal, by the way, Mark. So they're
Starting point is 01:59:20 in front of the table. They're going thigh to thigh. And then they're trying to fight. He's going to pop his hip out. Whoever falls first loses. Naked. But you're naked. Got to be naked. Did you ever have the, like, your penises are really in close proximity to each other?
Starting point is 01:59:38 They're actually not. But, you know, the funny thing is that was the first time I ever was, like, naked. That was the first time I was ever like i've never been in a locker room before that like that was like whoa this is weird but then you get used to nakedness real quick and then you're playing thigh war and then you got some guy on the other side of the locker room sticking pennies in his foreskin you have another guy on the other side of the locker room just fucking beating his shit it's just like it's just so many germs did you play soccer in West Hollywood
Starting point is 02:00:06 like so I had a I was uh when I first started doing you know who Mac Truck is funny funny guy
Starting point is 02:00:15 so Mac we first started doing collaborations together he got a message from a guy who was a freshman when I was a senior and it was a DM
Starting point is 02:00:22 he sends me the DM and his story was like how I used to come out of the shower and just walk up to the freshmen because we had the freshman cage, the JV and then the varsity. I used to walk up. I was 285 pounds, buck ass naked and walk up and be like, Hey, y'all going to go shower? And Mac's like, please tell me you didn't do this. I'm like, I mean, I never did anything really weird.
Starting point is 02:00:44 I was just that fat guy who didn't care about being naked. Yeah. It wasn't like my body did not look like it looks now. So it wasn't a good sight. It was like, why is this fucking short fat man standing here naked with his butt and dick? Like, what the hell is this? But that was my thing. I used to just make freshmen awkward by being naked.
Starting point is 02:01:08 And luckily I was under 18, so I wasn't violating any laws. Yeah, but we did some really crazy shit. So I think bodybuilders in general, a lot of us played sports. So, you know, we're not going to get offended because we did some dirt in the locker room. And even now, like, I'm not going to name names, but when I walk by the football team, they say shit that we used to say. Like, that's timeless. There is no wokeness in sports. Sports, all that racist, nasty shit we used to say, it's still there.
Starting point is 02:01:40 It is still there. But, again, it wasn't racist. This is jokes. It's jokes it's jokes it's dudes who walk around naked together but you have to have that level of comfort because you're literally dying you're literally putting your your body and your soul on the line for this teammate so if you can't reach that level of comfort around them you're not going to play well together yeah and that's why sports bring people together. Agreed.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Because you can celebrate your differences and joke around about it. And that's the beauty of it. That's why I love it. I love sport. And that's why I'm so happy I came back to bodybuilding. Like we have the greatest industry ever. We have the most supportive community and the Manions have done such a good job in bringing bodybuilding to a level of not only that, the fairness.
Starting point is 02:02:26 Everybody's complaining about judging. I think it's fair. I think we have the most fair subjective sport there is. Yeah. It's rough when it gets to bikini and physique people because they all look the fucking same. They look the same, yeah. But I mean, I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:02:39 Bikini, it's like, who do I want to have sex with? Physique, I'm like, who do I want to have sex with? Those dudes are hot. It's supportive but also pretty like divided and can get a little weird. It's very weird. I mean most of the, like you were saying earlier most of the YouTube
Starting point is 02:02:55 stuff that's on bodybuilding especially the stuff that's the most popular isn't necessarily how to get the best peak, how to pose the best you know, how to prep for a contest. It's usually kind of more of the inflammatory stuff. Yeah, and that's why— Now you're not.
Starting point is 02:03:12 Yeah, that's why I'm trying to kind of transition into more like just positivity. I like that. And bringing health and fitness. And I'm a positive guy. Social media brings out the worst in all of us. At least me. I'm not Instagram. I'm pretty proud of my Instagram. My Instagram's like bullshit family videos, which I love. Like you don't show your family for me. That's, I still treat my Instagram like it's literally just my family looking at it. I'm like, dude, my daughter just had a great play.
Starting point is 02:03:39 Nobody wants to see this. Fuck it. It's going up, you know? But what's funny is that a lot of people will be like, I really like how you post that. I that i'm like oh yeah because that's what i care about like i'm not trying to like build my instagram to build an empire i'm just trying to promote cool shit yeah and you know my son getting a epic pin in a wrestling match that's cool to me that's what i'm going to put on there so i still treat my Instagram like it's a personal page. And that's just what it's going to be. Andrew, want to take us on out of here, buddy? Sure thing. Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. Please support this one because you know, topic's got a little, I'll just say sketchy there. Yeah, you're right on time. Yeah. So please support this video, give it a like and drop us a comment down below and share
Starting point is 02:04:23 it with somebody that needs to see it. uh subscribe if you guys are not subscribed already and uh turn on all those bell notifications please follow the podcast at mark bells power project on instagram at mb power project on tiktok and twitter my instagram and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema where you at i implore you guys to go check out those fucking outright bars because they taste really damn good if you're low carb sorry just give it a shot anyway um at and see me any on instagram youtube at i'm tina yin yang on tiktok and twitter mark okay i'm at mark lobeliner everywhere m-a-r-c-l-o-b-l-i-n-e-r youtube is slash lobeliner that's the lobeliner lowdown and slash tiger fitness but you type in
Starting point is 02:05:03 mark lobeliner you'll find me i appreciate everything guys what's uh your favorite outright bar um i've been going back to the og cookies and cream a lot it just it just hits man i mean it's a combination cookies and cream and peanut butter it's genius i think yeah it's it's just like i'll take like a week break but then i'm like dude just just send me a paletteet of those. Definitely. Yeah, that's my favorite for sure too. Awesome. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell.
Starting point is 02:05:29 Strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch y'all later.

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