Mark Bell's Power Project - "My Husband Needs To Make $500k" Chris Williamson Reacts

Episode Date: February 17, 2023

In this reaction video, Chris Williamson, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza react to a video by The Daily Dropout asking women on college campuses how much money they would want their husba...nds to make.  Check out the original video: New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained: ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:  Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is actually a suggestion from our boy, Chris right here, Chris Williamson. How much money should a guy make per year? I think this is just interesting stuff just because the whole red pill manosphere, they have a way that they look at women and women have a way that they look at men. So this should be pretty cool. What's up, guys? Welcome back to The Daily Dropout. I'm Dani. Today I'm going to be asking girls how much money should a guy make per year? This is too general of a question, but the United States,
Starting point is 00:00:23 how much money is a good amount of money you think that a guy could be making? I think that anything over about $60,000 a year is pretty comfortable for you to live a life where you could have, you could support a family. You know, you're not going to be able to do that with just one person's income. 84% of women say that the option to be a stay at home mom for at least a few years is something that they aspire to have. That's not to do, but the option to be a stay-at-home mom for at least a few years is something that they aspire to have that's not to do but the option to be able to have it so for that realistically you're looking much closer to like 150 or 200 but i mean dude top percentile is 300 in the u.s and i think it's top 10 is like 90 to 100 so you're really really filtering out a lot of guys and you can have a pretty good lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I'm sure you've seen the stats that say over $75,000 a year, your happiness doesn't really seem to increase that much linearly. You actually need, it's kind of like drugs, you need to double the amount of income to get the same increase in happiness. So it's like 75, 150, 300, 600, 120, 1.2. If you double the amount of drugs you get more happy? That's the way it works Alright, hi guys
Starting point is 00:01:28 My question for you is how much money do you think a guy should make per year? Depends where they live If I'm dating them it'd be nice if they were at least making 100,000 She's going to say some hype right now. A million? Two million?
Starting point is 00:01:47 Nice. Okay. We're at ASU. Sometimes I wonder if some people are just unaware of how money works. These are young people. Yeah. And this is Arizona State University, right? I think, right?
Starting point is 00:01:59 Yeah. Yeah. It's Arizona State University. ASU is like known as a party school i think right yeah i think so or i think a lot of hot chicks go there yeah i think interesting we'll find out you're not gonna find him here like fully like adult someone that you would consider wanting to be with the rest of your life 300k three figures okay Three figures. Okay, so why is that? Just because, like, that's a stable income, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:02:30 100, like, 500 grand? Is that a lot? No, that's, 500 is... Like, normal? On a good day, yeah. I mean, it depends. Okay. A lot were expensive.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah. Mills. Millions. Mills, shit. shit okay i don't really care i think i mean i like she has a long word too there we go she's chill i made 30k a year is that something you're okay with yeah i think that would be great like your husband oh shit husband yeah i think i would be fine if it was my husband I'd be in love with him. Let's go. There you go. I would have a price on that.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I mean, as long as they treat me respectfully. Minimum six figures, no matter what the situation is. It's an expensive lifestyle. Yeah. No, I mean, I totally understand. We got to get good skincare routine. You know, the whole nine yards. $100,000.
Starting point is 00:03:24 $120,000. care routine you know the whole whole nine yards 120k i don't know if people realize how long someone needs to generally be working in a career to be able to get up to making six figures if like if you're thinking about somebody who's working up in a structure or let's say a corporate structure a job getting up to six figures pretty much means you're maybe in your mid-30s, sometimes early 40s. It's a career. It's a career. It's not something that is that common in normal industries. You're not going to see this when you're selecting a mate either.
Starting point is 00:03:57 These girls are presumably trying to settle down with a partner maybe late 20s, something like that, early 30s. If you set this bar this early go well maybe i will be there by the time that we actually need the money for all of the kids but if it's because you and the girls want to go to cancun for a second time this year that might not be the case now obviously this is the girls talking about what they want their partner to make when you combine two wages together you can actually impact the living standards but yeah i think let's keep going let's keep going there is more okay and like maybe like 120 okay yeah i would say like 80 to 150
Starting point is 00:04:34 i love the fact that there's some periods of girls where like one girl there was a girl before that did 100 and the other girl was like 120 and the homegirl there's like yeah 80 to 120 and she's like 80 to 150 you have low standards yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:04:49 just the just the nastiest little fucking snipe she's already like my imaginary husband already makes more than your imaginary husband you frugal bitch
Starting point is 00:04:59 oh god once you get to a certain age like I don't know. I'm also kind of, like, a gold digger, so. No, I'm planning on just, like, supporting myself with my income. So I don't really plan on being supported by the person that I'm dating. What is the lowest you would go, though? 500,000.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I could have, like, a nice, nice like subtle life with like a two hundred thousand a year like okay normal green yeah what's the lowest though that you would go for um i don't think money is stopping uh maybe like a uh it has to be you just said one or two mil. Would you be down for 80? Yeah, 80, 60. Look, she's like negotiating. 80, 75. I was going to take a wild guess and say that everyone that they showed probably is from a household that makes about 200. That's what I was about to say. Just a random guess.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I don't have any idea how much it costs to go to school, but it's probably very expensive. And the chick with the longboard probably comes from a working class background right exactly yeah if they only wanted didn't care that's a problem as well though that the background and the lifestyle that you come from in terms of your family also is going to restrict your mating pool so like this is what we talked about for people that didn't watch the podcast go watch the podcast we talked about this at length and it was really great the The tall girl problem is what I've deemed this ever increasing group of high performing women competing for an ever decreasing group of ultra high performing men. Women on average earn £1,111 more than men do between the ages of 21 and 29. And two women for every one
Starting point is 00:06:38 man will complete a four year US college degree by 2030. On average, women want a man who is wealthier and better educated than them, or at least the same. But the problem is, as you have this ever increasing group of women, there is a smaller and smaller cohort of men that are as educated or more educated or employed than them. Everybody has the tall girlfriend, right? Who is five foot 11 without heels. And if you want to date a man that's taller than you and you want to wear heels, you're looking at like professional athletes, right? There is a very small pool of men for whom you can do this now if you already come into the situation with a upper middle class i mean 300k is like got to be upper class it's not even middle class right yeah uh if you come into it with that as your set point and then you start to earn
Starting point is 00:07:20 relatively well your preferences are totally skewed like how the fuck are you start to earn relatively well, your preferences are totally skewed. Like how the fuck are you supposed to work out what it is that you want? And also you can snide your mate by saying like, my imaginary husband's richer than your imaginary husband. Also clarify, it's not that you're saying that women just shouldn't make money and they shouldn't be educated. That's not like the thing to do, but you are putting yourself in a specific situation if you're there. But you are putting yourself in a specific situation if you're there. It's a brutal reality that as women accumulate more status, resources, and education, they limit their own dating pool and then have to compete.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Let's say that you're a 30-year-old who's worth 100 grand a year and has a PhD as a woman. You're competing with a 20-year-old bar barista from Starbucks. And the partner that you're trying to get doesn't see much difference between the two of you. Honestly, guys do not care about the partner's education level or employment. That's not to say they don't care about conscientiousness or intelligence, but the reason that most women care about them for men is that it's a proxy for both. Men are just happy with the intelligence regardless of the education level. The same isn't quite so true in reverse but uh mom's education has a bigger impact on the children from some stuff i've heard before that's interesting that wouldn't surprise me there's
Starting point is 00:08:34 some scary stats around single parent so don't marry someone that's stupid dude iq correlates 80 by the end of life to your parents. All of the learning, all of the training, all of the diet, all of the hydration, the time in school, the studying, all of that accounts for 20% of how smart you'll become. And your IQ is 80% of your parents. Literally the most important thing that you can do if you want good outcomes for your children
Starting point is 00:08:57 in terms of their education and employment is carefully select the person that you have them with. I think your zip code is still one of the biggest determining factors in your success as well. That is a really interesting insight from Seth's book. And one of the things that he found was that your neighbor's income correlates more tightly with your children's than your own does, because it's the influence of the families around
Starting point is 00:09:18 and the kind of contacts and the sort of culture that you see. And also, everyone's known this like you rebel against your own parents but there's always a cool next door neighbor like i wish i want you to be like john's dad like john's dad lets him have ice cream and that's you always just seem to lean into that if john's dad also loves to smack his wife about or drink on a weekend what are the lessons that you're going to learn from john's dad or if john's dad's like an absolute killer businessman the same thing goes again what are you about to be about uh single-parent households so single-parent households seem to as it's single mother when
Starting point is 00:09:52 we're saying single parent it's never single father but it's very rarely single father um you hear about bad education outcomes that uh occur due to single-parent households the educational outcomes for women do not change with a mother or a mother and a father. They're exactly the same. So however bad you think a single parent household is for educational outcomes, double it and put all of that effect just onto boys. However, the problem you do have is sociosexual behavior for women goes awry hardcore. So they have much, it's a bad situation for girls that grow up without a father in terms of their sociosexuality when they grow up. But for education and employment,
Starting point is 00:10:32 it's not good for boys. And it doesn't really make that much of an impact on girls. Power Project family, quality sleep can make everything with your health and fitness easier, which is why we've partnered with Hostage Tape. Now we've been talking about mouth tape for years and nasal breathing for years. But one of the problems that we've had with tape is we all like to rock facial hair. And a lot of the mouth tapes we would use would fall off of our face at night. Hostage tape doesn't fall off your face if you have a beard or if you're not a man and you don't, I'm joking, I'm joking. You, you don't need a beard, right? But either way, hostage tape makes sense. It'll stick to your face when you're asleep.
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Starting point is 00:11:30 Links in the description along with a podcast show notes. Shut your f***ing mouth when you sleep. Enjoy the show. Okay. Okay. That's fair enough. Half a million. I'm sticking with $100,000.
Starting point is 00:11:43 He's got a, you know. Yeah. I would agree. $100,000. He's got a, you know. Yeah. I would agree, $100,000. How old do you think these girls are? College campus, probably 17 to like 22, 23. But like most of them, I'm assuming they're below 20. Yeah, below 20. And definitely parents paying for their tuition.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Some of them most likely. Because it just seems like they have no idea like what half a million or $ hundred thousand dollars is right you know let me ask you guys this did you have um a good concept of money when you were a teenager like when you were younger 17 18 did you have a good concept of like money in general what you mean like how much a hundred thousand dollars per year is in what type of profession what it means to work for that type of money. Did you understand that when you were a late teenager, someone college aged? Not really. No. I mean, I knew what the difference between 12 grand and 15 and 20 and 25 was, but anything over that to me was just an insane amount of money. Anything over 30 grand. I didn't
Starting point is 00:12:40 know anybody growing up that earned more than like 40 or 50 grand. Yeah. That was like just a ridiculous volume of cash. And my first ever job, I was paid £4.50 an hour to be a waiter. And I was 17 and I did that like three nights a week for basically all of college, which for you guys would be high school. Even when I was at uni, I was earning about three grand a year from doing the very, very first iteration of club stuff. And that was enough to get me by. And I thought that was great.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I was like, fuck, like I've got this extra income and all my friends have got to have shit jobs being like waiters and stuff. And I've got that passed and I thought I was balling. So yeah, it's very much influenced by the people that you're around. What about you? What was your vision of money?
Starting point is 00:13:26 Well, that's the thing. Like when I, my first job, I think I was making like $7.25 an hour. That's $7.25. Balling, baby. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I grew up in a single mother household. It was my mom. She was an engineer.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I didn't understand necessarily how much money she made. We lived decently. But like my goal was to become a doctor. So I knew I wanted to make six figures, but again, I couldn't conceptualize what six figures was. But the interesting too, though, is like, obviously with the different way that men and women look at relationships, I never thought of, well, my wife needs to make this much. I never even thought of my wife making money. I just knew that I'm going to get married, have a family and, and have kids. And I'm going to take care of things. That was the mindset that I had at that time. So it's just interesting. I know she's prompting the question for these ladies,
Starting point is 00:14:13 but it's just interesting hearing these amounts, you know, 100,000, 500,000, a million, like just so casually leaving one's mouth. I don't know. It's just odd. It's very odd. Yeah, I don't even know if it's a fair question. But, you know, maybe these girls, maybe some of them would be like, I hope they have a job that they really like so that they can – if it interests them, I'm thinking they're going to make more money over time. They're so young, though. Yeah, but this question, you know, the way that this question is phrased, there's no context to it.
Starting point is 00:14:47 These street interviews are ruthless, man. They are really, really good at making people look dumb. I mean, we have managed to find some grade A candidates. This is like weapons grades, nuclear warhead style street interviewing. Let's keep going. Let's see what else. Before we continue, I do have a question for you real quick, Chris, because you are in a relationship, but in relationships, have you ever thought about the amount of money that your spouse would make or more so the enjoyment they find from the things that they do?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Never the amount of money that they make. That's never been something, I think that might be like a relatively conservative or traditional viewpoint, but it's just, it's, as you said before, guys just don't care about the money that the woman brings in, right? They're much more concerned about other characteristics that she's got. One slight concern that you do see coming out of advice on the manosphere
Starting point is 00:15:35 is that it can cause men to obsess over how much money they do earn and to also kind of count themselves out of the dating market if they don't earn a particular amount. And don't get me wrong, like on average women want to, but that's on average. If you're the sort of person that's watching self-development content online, you've already selected yourself out into like the top 5% of men. If you train in the gym three days a week, you're probably in the top percentile of all people in America in terms of
Starting point is 00:16:06 fitness, or maybe even higher than that by going to the gym three times a week. But because you see online fitness models, you can presume that you're an absolute piece of shit, right? No, you have to remember, you cannot overestimate how normal the normies are. It is insane how normal the normies are. And you're an outlier already. Everybody that's watching this podcast is already an outlier. So they book these trends as it is. Or just become a firefighter. As long as they're stable, like have a good job, like a car and a house. I don't think like money cares.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Like it's not that high on my list, I'd say. Well, I would probably say the lowest I would consider going is $65,000 a year because then she's a strange shape. She's got room for improvement. God damn! She can get promotions and work their way up. Would you be comfortable with making more money than your guy or no? Probably not, no.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I don't want him to rely on me. If he's still working and making money, then I don't think it really would matter. If you're both putting work in. The guy I was talking to told me women shouldn't be working, so no. With a whole family, right? You got like four dogs, ten kids. Ten kids is a stretch. No pun intended.
Starting point is 00:17:15 That was just... Okay, well, I'm expecting to make a lot of money, so I'm okay with carrying it. So you're down to be the breadwinner? Yeah. No, I wouldn't mind if I was making more money as long as they're making a lot. I think we both need to be rich. Then we can, you know, both have a really nice lifestyle. I mean, do you care about how he would make his money?
Starting point is 00:17:36 Like, real estate job versus, you know, a male stripper? I don't think so. Money is money. I guess I would, yeah. So if he was like just railing chicks on OnlyFans, you'd be fine with that? This interview is really good. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah. They don't make your life easy. Oh my God. Sorry, the ADD is really... Wait, what the... Okay, anyways. What would happen if you, you know, started dating this guy and he told you that he had a lot of money, whatever, and then you later found out he was broke?
Starting point is 00:18:11 I'd leave him. He's a liar. And he's broke. I'd leave him. Or he's like, I've been selling feet pics nonstop on my OnlyFans and I swear to God I will be making 100k by the end of the year. I know someone that does that. I'll be like blackmail him, maybe cry
Starting point is 00:18:29 a bit. That seems pretty legitimate. If someone has said, I've been making this amount of money and they were lying about it the whole time. You blackmailed them. Well, not the blackmail thing. Not the blackmail thing. The thing where she was like, she'd leave. I mean. Yeah, you can't be with a liar. I mean, everyone lies about she was like, she'd leave. I mean. Yeah, you can't be with a liar.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I mean, everyone lies about certain, like, to an extent. What do you lie about? I lie about everything. Okay. What if he lied in the other direction? What do you mean? What if he was rich? You know, that's actually a move.
Starting point is 00:19:00 That could be a move for some individuals for seeing if someone likes you for more than your money. He's got lots of money. Right? Downplay your wealth. Leak his dick pics. He's got lots of money. Right? Downplay your wealth. Leak his dick pics. I go to U of A. I wouldn't go, really? Okay, yeah, bear down.
Starting point is 00:19:11 But the men here are way hotter and all the guys there are assholes. Okay. Is that what you're, that's you talking shit? No. She's speaking into the Starbucks cup. Okay, f*** a guy named Will.
Starting point is 00:19:22 That's all I gotta say. He's antique. Yeah, f*** you, Will Antique. Do you guys care about how he makes his money? You know, because if he's making good money, does it matter what he's doing specifically to make that money? Honestly, kind of, yeah. Eh.
Starting point is 00:19:38 All right, you guys, thanks so much. I think this would blackpill people. Yeah, so the problem with this video, and it's been doing the rounds for a little while is that these girls are so young you know they haven't been whacked in the face by life all that much you know and so it's a very idealized version of relationships if you're 18 or 19 you've had what one boyfriend or a couple of boyfriends perhaps at best through high school and now you're at college and you're being confronted by this girl who's got this is the thing about street interviews you don't know the difference between what's called revealed and stated preferences right so stated preferences are what you want to tell the world you want
Starting point is 00:20:19 and revealed preferences are what you actually end up wanting now for the most part what happens is women will underplay the hypergamy when they state it and when it ends up being revealed. So for the girls that said, you know, I'd be happy to support, I'm happy to be the breadwinner. He can be the stay-at-home husband. It's like when you face the stark reality of heading to work every day while your husband stays in the house to like play dolls with the kids, that might be a little bit different. But you also have another like signal thing going on here which is that the wealth of your partner as a woman is a an indicator of your status right if you've got a very wealthy partner the same thing happens in reverse for the attractiveness of your mate as a man so men that have more attractive partners are
Starting point is 00:21:03 seen as higher status by both men and women. So men don't just want an attractive partner because they're attracted to them, but because of what it says about them to the other people around them. And the same is true for women when it comes to the partner income. So here you have this very like performative,
Starting point is 00:21:18 you know, and if you've got the girls on their own, you'll notice that all of the girls that were on their own said less on average i think the girls that were in a group started to like bid each other up because they don't want to be like do you want to be the group the girl in the group of friends where everyone's gone 200 grand 300 grand 50 grand do you want to be the 50 grand girl like obviously not so street interviews are funny but i would take them with a mountain of salt when it comes to indicating people's mating preferences especially on a college campus with like children basically
Starting point is 00:21:52 yes or any interview with any miami girl at all times you know that's something to take into account because i've seen quite a few of those interviews with like miami club girls and again it's like it's the context of the type of person who's being interviewed. For example, the Fresh and Fit podcast, the type of people that they bring in have a certain way that they look at things and what they want from men and from life. And if that is the pool of people that you're continuously paying attention to as what women want, don't be surprised with the answers that you get. Correct. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in a way. And also, if your pool for selecting women out of is 11 nightclub Miami at one in the morning, just after the second wave of strippers goes on, there is some pre-selection criteria going on here. Do you know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 00:22:39 this isn't exactly a representative sample. You know, go, okay, well, why don't we get one from here and then we'll head over to the library and we'll see if any of the librarian the young librarians fancy having a crack you know has anybody gone into has anybody gone into the fine arts studio of miami university and seen if any of the ladies in there want to have a little bit of a chat or yeah it's it's a pre-selection is a big deal andrew take us on out of here buddy sure thing for everything podcast related head over to uh follow the podcast at MBPowerProject on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ. If you guys are catching this on the audio side, make sure you guys head over to YouTube
Starting point is 00:23:12 for a really cool clean-cut edit of this conversation. Nseema, where are you at? At NseemaYinYang on Instagram and YouTube. At NseemaYinYang on TikTok and Twitter. Discord's down below. Chris, where can people find you and your podcast? ChrisWillX on Instagram and Twitter. Chris Williamson on Twitter. Discord's down below. Chris, where can people find you on your podcast? Chris Will X on Instagram and Twitter. Chris Williamson on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And Modern Wisdom on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and everywhere else. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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