Mark Bell's Power Project - Night Club Gym MIXES ALCOHOL and Fitness. Good or bad idea? || MBPP Ep. 870

Episode Date: January 17, 2023

In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about a gym in New York that serves drinks and great workouts. Is this a good idea though? We give our thoughts.  New Power ...Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained: ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:  Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know what feels amazing? Are some boobies on your feet. You guys ever have that before? Some nice warm boobies. Can you tell me the context of how this actually has happened? Because I don't understand. It's like on the top of your feet. The top of your feet has different sensation or skin than anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Boobies on your feet. yeah boobies on your feet or boobies on your balls about boobies on your balls you well i could never look at andy the same hey i didn't say it was andy i'm like trying not to i never even said it was a female so that's what i was gonna ask like what are you like what what what type of boobies yeah female boobies like like a woman mark what the fuck is going on dude just having a good time here and there that's all okay so anything wrong with that let me expand i have no idea what that feels like. Well, boobs feel really good, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:10 They have a certain temperature and texture. They have a magnetism. There's an aspect where- They got their own thing going on. You just want- It's just like- I do this to Sam all the time. Sometimes we'll just be chilling.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I'll just be like- you know what I mean? Like there's just, there is a magnet. It gives you power. Yeah. It's like, you're like, you know, but the feet thing, I'm still, we can't skip over this without you again, giving context because you ask you, does that feel great? Why do you know? Like what?
Starting point is 00:01:42 You guys just have to try it. That's all. I hate you. They got healing powers. I hate you so much. They do. It's like, you know, hot stones on your feet or something. That feels pretty good.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Like, what have you guys done? Like, you just squeezed them and sucked on them? I mean, that's it. Why are you doing this today? For the most part, yeah. You just got on the mic and just chose. Slide in between them. Back and forth.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Oh, Jesus. Motorboat. That's actually always fun. Motorboating will never get old. I don't know why there's just a... There's an aspect where it's just so nice. For the lady listeners, it's... I don't know. Boobs anywhere on your skin feels like silk or something.
Starting point is 00:02:25 listeners it's i don't know boobs on anywhere on your skin feels like uh like silk or something you have have you noticed one thing how women are just generally just more open to just being nude around each other and touching each other's boobies and like being like oh you're they're just more open to that some gay energy truly like i mean if like truly but i mean but we don't like truly but i mean but we don't got some of your guys at jiu-jitsu i'm sure you're just like even even when you're not wrestling them you're probably just you know grabbing each other a bit here and there andrew messing around touchy feely you know what's andrew let me i'm always rubbing on andrew and guys we're gonna get into a pretty interesting video oh yes just just hold up guys stay with us here on alcohol on alcohol shut the fuck up on alcohol and um and lifting in the gym with
Starting point is 00:03:14 alcohol so just just just hold but there's there's there's something here jujitsu are you comfortable now being just like so close with your jujitsu partner like i've been doing it for a while so i don't it I feel fine. But I remember in the beginning there was that awkward, like, Ooh, we are, we're really in there, you know?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah. Uh, even before, so before I went, that was like one of the biggest like hurdles for me was like, I don't know if I can ever like just have a big sweaty dude sweating on top of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:39 it just, I don't know. It was super, sometimes the sweat gets in your mouth. Like that's a, thankfully it hasn't happened to me yet, but I'll make sure I'll get some sweaty rolls and then i'll just roll on you and mount you and just be like people intentionally do that they try to get a drop to like land right on your lips i usually
Starting point is 00:03:56 try to be a good partner and wipe my shit off while i have somebody mounted but you know not everyone's like that yeah well uh that weird awkward feeling that I thought I was going to have just because my first real go at it was almost like, all right, guys, and we're going to start rolling now. So it was very quick. So it went from I'm a little uncomfortable to, oh, I better hurry up. You know, like I got to get good at this. And that guy's going to try to choke me or he's going to try to, you know uh like early on i had said like uh when i would get stuck in an arm bar and like damn his balls are right in my face this sucks why am i hard right now what the fuck whoa hey now thank goodness for compression oh yeah but the awkwardness
Starting point is 00:04:41 went away pretty quick yeah thankfully yeah dude i Yeah. Dude, I think of everything, man. Like I remember when I started, I was just like, God, well, this close body contact. What happens if I get, what if my dick just like,
Starting point is 00:04:53 which has never happened. Thankfully. But, but there were, there was that thought. I was just like, yo, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:04:59 If that happens, I think there's a famous actor. I want to say maybe it was denzel washington he told a female actress he said if i get aroused during the scene please don't be offended and if i don't get aroused during the scene please don't be offended oh denzel just covering all his bases yeah that's a smart move probably drove her crazy that's gotta be tough those scenes right that's gotta i don't i mean there's a lot there's like a whole crew filming yeah you know yeah you got people watching oh oh yeah that's tough yeah maybe that i don't know anyway what do we got what do we got well um there's this clip that uh owen put together
Starting point is 00:05:43 for us because he thought it was to do with boobies? kinda actually it has to do we've talked about alcohol a bit we've talked about the nightlife and apparently there's a place that combines the gym and fitness with alcohol and community
Starting point is 00:05:58 and all this I haven't seen it is it not trademarked by Chris Duffin? whiskey and deadlifts did you drink? yeah we participated we have whole videos on it on YouTube I haven't seen it. Isn't that trademarked by Chris Duffin? Is it? Whiskey and deadlifts. That's true. Have you ever, did you, did you drink? Yeah, we participated. We have whole videos on it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:06:09 No way. I'll have to look for it. Yeah, I had a great day that day. I think I deadlifted like 715 or something or 675 or something. You know what? Since we're about to watch this video, we do have some alcohol in the video room. Would you guys like to take a shot in honor of this video? Nope.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Let's just get into it that no one wants to have a little fun here. Fuck you. That thing will wreck me. I got to drive in this fucking tsunami right now. Yeah, what's going on out there? It's wild. Thankfully, it's calmed down. It's waning out there. It is waning men.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Hallelujah. Okay, waning men. Hallelujah. Okay, here we go. This is the most fun workout class in New York by far. Box Club had an event at Grip Boxing, which is a full-body strength treadmill and boxing class in a nightclub setting. The best part is that at the end of the class, there's a party at the front of the studio with an open bar. So everybody's super sweaty, but they're all taking shots and flirting. Even the bartender took off his shirt. So so far what what are you guys thinking about this this is this is very interesting uh it sounds it sounds like it's like maybe not like that all the
Starting point is 00:07:15 time it i don't it doesn't look like it's like that all the time yeah um because i thought like if that's like that all the time that would be really weird right then it like uh you walk in and like people are just serious and they're just weird right then it like uh you walk in and like people are just serious and they're just like doing deadlifts rather than like drinking and doing that but if it's like occasionally and people are hyped for it and it's like an event um i could see how it'd be really actually be really interesting really fun dude i would have totally done this yeah see this this is a this is a okay if this isn't something that happens all the time and it's like at a gym, but it's like a once a week type of event where people can meet, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:07:50 It's perfect because like you're going into a place, get a little bit of alcohol, meet some hot people lifting. Everyone's sweating. Everyone's starting to glisten. Like that's a nice party. Me and a couple friends when I was like in my 20s, we would go to the gym at like midnight and deadlift. That was like the best thing we could think of for a party. But were there any ladies there? No.
Starting point is 00:08:14 The gym was empty. It was like five of us, and we just thought it would be like hype to go and like deadlift. I don't know, midnight deadliftinglifting just to kind of make it a different challenge or whatever but yeah we didn't think of like going to this extent this seems awesome yeah yeah i just remember i forgot where stephanie was but i was home alone and i had a 24-hour gym membership and i just remember i went kind of late and i was like well i'll just work out some more because nobody was there i was there for like three hours i did like an entire week's worth of workouts so this is the best day ever because i didn't have to be anywhere nobody was at home i had like nothing to do i was like i'm just gonna keep
Starting point is 00:08:52 working out and it was fucking it was cool yeah i've seen some uh hard alcohol going on um did they say like are they drinking like on their way into because that would be interesting like if you drank a little bit early and and kind of worked out with a little bit of because that would be interesting. Like if you drank a little bit early and, and kind of worked out with a little bit of a buzz would be interesting. Yeah. It's from what I think I understood is like the, the like weight room is in the back. And then,
Starting point is 00:09:14 so you go through the party to go work out and then on your way out, everyone's having a good time. And I wonder, do you need to like work out? Yeah, you need to, I guess we play the video more, try to learn more information. I'm at Grit Boxing in New York City, which is pretty much like the hottest club in New York right now.
Starting point is 00:09:32 It combines boxing, treadmills, and floor workouts for a 50-minute all-in, I'm going to be dead after this, workout that's going to work every part of my whole entire body. And they have a bar. that's going to work every part of my whole entire body. And they have a bar. So after you finish that insane workout, you can come up to their recovery station, which is just a full bar. So their goal is to really foster community around the class.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Can you pause there for a second? What if we went in to investigate this and like, let's go check it out. We're all hyped. And we walk in and there's Coach Greg there at the counter to greet us. That'd be amazing. It feels like you would actually. Drink harder than last time. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:09 This would be a ride. Wearing a super tight t-shirt or his little stringer tank top. Pat Proctor family, how's it going? Hope you're enjoying the episode. And this episode is brought to you by Merrick Health, the premium telehealth clinic from Derrick for more plates, more dates. Now, if you've been wanting to get your blood work done or if you wanted to get your blood work analyzed by a physician, Merrick has your back on that. And Andrew, can you tell them how to do that?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah, absolutely. So if you guys know exactly what labs you want to get, you guys can load them all up into your cart and check out enter promo code POWERPROJECT10 to save 10% off all labs. But if you're like me and you're not sure exactly where to start, you guys can get the Power Project panel. You guys can head over to slash Power Project and you guys will see a whole panel of like over 26 different labs, everything from head to toe that you're going to need to know what's going on under the hood. And again, to get in on that, head over to slash Power Project and at checkout, enter promo code Power Project to save $101 off of that entire panel. Links to them and all the information down in the description as well as the podcast show notes.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Which I think is really interesting because right now we're definitely seeing a trend of people using their fitness studios as like their third space. They have work, they have home, and then they have their fitness studio. So why not combine that with a really great place to hang out? Let's go see how it goes. Hi, my name is Adiba Zanker. I am a co-founder here at Grip Boxing. Tell us a little bit about your background in boxing. Sure, so I started boxing at Syracuse University,
Starting point is 00:11:32 competed my senior year of college. No one gives a fuck that she's boxing. I'm from Syracuse University. We can just skip through all this. So I tried literally every single studio in New Yorkork there wasn't any studio i didn't try but i left every studio feeling very alone and there was this lack of community okay pause that real quick actually you know this is one thing that like has been a theme through a lot of podcasts we've been talking about because like jujitsu there's community obi came and he loved
Starting point is 00:12:03 crossfit because the CrossFit community. And when you go and you lift at a gym, usually you're lifting alone. There are certain gyms like Super Training when people train at the same time. It's kind of community. But it does seem like if trying to find some type of – if you don't have a community outside of fitness, if you can try to find some kind of community within that, that could help you stick to that habit more and it can make it way more enjoyable. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah. Talking to people at a commercial gym can be really weird. Oh yeah. Like kind of breaking the ice with somebody or something, which is strange because you definitely have something in common. And it's also weird too that like you can't just go up to somebody. I mean you can, but like you don't think that you can. You keep your headphones on.
Starting point is 00:12:52 They probably keep their headphones on and you can't like really go over and just be like, hey, how did you build up your arms? Because like I don't really know what I'm doing, but your arms look big. I would like to figure that out. And I think sometimes people just think like this is weird. Like what's this guy asking me questions for? Or I don't want to bother somebody while they're working out. So it is – it isn't very like communal unless sometimes though, sometimes it's obvious that you're a bodybuilder and the other guy is a bodybuilder.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And that usually like strikes conversation. I think if you recognize that somebody else was a, you know, if a girl recognized somebody else as like a bikini competitor, like it's kind of obvious, right? People have the tan and they got like a whole thing going on where they look a very particular way. So if you're super similar, similar age, or you have some similarities, it's easier to have conversation, but I could see where having some alcohol would kind of break the ice. You know, the interesting thing, too, is like when I think back to when I was training, when I was younger, I never really had a training partner. One of my closest friends, he trained with me every now and then, but he wasn't as
Starting point is 00:14:00 into it as I was. And just being perfectly honest, like before super training, the people that I would maybe end up training with were people that maybe I like found me on social media and then we ended up training at the same place and that's how we ended up training together. But I never went out of my way to do that. But I do think it would have been like more enjoyable if I did. That's why when I did come to super training, I started to enjoy my training even more because I'm just like, wow, a like-minded group of people that are now all lifting. And like I would, it just made training so much more fun
Starting point is 00:14:35 because there is an aspect where some people do find that like bodybuilding, it's like, oh yeah, it's solitary, you versus you. You go to the gym and you do your thing, blah, blah, blah. Right? But when you get some people It's like, oh yeah, it's solitary. You versus you, you go to the gym and you do your thing, blah, blah, blah. Right. But when you get some people that are like, like some buddies that are really doing the same shit, it's really fun. But I do think it's kind of, women are better at that. Women are better at like talking to each other and having a community and doing that thing. But guys, at least for me, it was difficult when i was younger oh you're right
Starting point is 00:15:06 there's a i mean i can't think i guess the equivalent is jujitsu like there's kaya fit and like all these different things that women go to and uh i mean even yoga and not not that men can't go to any of these things they they can but um it's usually women that are providing like a community for each other that they can go and do pilates yoga kaya fit and so on there's tons of different things there's not necessarily as much stuff like for guys but guys do go to the gym the gym is predominantly normally are the men is uh the men are a larger percentage of the memberships at a gym or the people that are showing up at a gym, I would imagine. And then jujitsu is slanted quite a bit. Yeah. Now that you mentioned it, there are a lot of women that do jujitsu, but at a majority of jujitsu schools, it's going to
Starting point is 00:15:59 usually be at least maybe 75% guys, at least. And now that you mentioned that it's like that might be an aspect of why jujitsu is so popular yeah the martial art is really fun it's something that it takes a long time to learn but the community aspect especially for guys it's like other than maybe there isn't really a i'm trying to think of something else that could compare. I mean, maybe CrossFit, but. And CrossFit's really mixed. That's one thing. Yeah, but it is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:32 CrossFit's really mixed. And that's not a bad thing. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it's just like. Yeah, CrossFit might be almost the only example that is mixed. Yeah. It does have a good percentage of men and women, but I still don't know what the participation percentage would be. I just think it's – some people might think that we would look at this video and think it's negative. Obviously, we're not going to promote that you're drinking and lifting at the same time type of thing.
Starting point is 00:16:58 But I don't really care how somebody gets involved in fitness. I don't really care how somebody gets involved in fitness. Like if this is someone's introduction and they go for, they go to something like this once a month or they, this is the first time that they go and they have a good experience. They're getting some good training in. I mean, I would imagine too, there's,
Starting point is 00:17:16 there's probably a lot of people that go there and probably get drunk, but there's probably a lot of people that go there and probably barely drink or don't drink at all when they're done with their workout. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just everyone. It seems like we'll keep watching, but it seems like everyone's just kind of loose and chilling and talking while getting lifted.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And even though alcohol isn't great for your sleep, like every now and then it ain't going to kill you. I'm going to all these studios and I knew I wanted to create a space where not only can you have a great workout and really work hard but also have a place to hang out connect with people afterwards and that's where we brought in the idea of the bar and hear anything she said i'm looking at her leg i'm sorry you must be looking so hard because you can barely see them i'm trying to imagine the rest of them the calves and everything well i mean okay when you're married for as long as i've been married you start you know
Starting point is 00:18:05 you gotta like you have an imagination there is nothing wrong with looking and just assessing and being like hey wow she looks attractive she has a nice set of legs and depends on how far you go down yeah yeah yeah start staring off into space and drooling and stuff then you guys have no problem have you ever been in a situation where you drooled i i haven't drooled but i have had a friend uh one of my wife's friends went and saw something with uh chris hemsworth and she was with her uh husband at the time and there was a scene in this movie obviously chris hemsworth's shirt pops off all the time by accident right yeah his shirt pops off and she just like gasped really loud she was like and then she and then like her husband kind of looked at her kind of weird and she was like i can't even did i actually just do that out loud and he was like that was very loud
Starting point is 00:19:00 he's sitting there all mad dude woman are as guilty of this as men. I was watching this one show. It was on Netflix with one of my exes. And there was a scene where like the guy was standing, right? He was, he was, he was naked,
Starting point is 00:19:16 but he was getting up. And as the camera panned up, right, his lower half was covered by the table. And I was, I was just like looking at her a little bit. And I saw her go like – she visibly tried to – She moved.
Starting point is 00:19:31 She moved upwards so that she could potentially see this dick behind this hidden table even though it wouldn't be able to be seen. So she went like, huh? And I was just like, what? She was like, oh, shit. It was instinctive. That's great. So women are just as guilty of this as men. Women are disgusting yeah they
Starting point is 00:19:47 just judge us for it even though they're doing the same shit and it's okay it's okay as long as no one's touching each other in any weird ways we're all good you know in women's defense they don't really get that much uh like full nudity you know from men like in movies you know they have been these past few years you watch Game of Thrones yeah there's been yeah there's been more yeah there's so much
Starting point is 00:20:08 dick and butt of dudes right like women are getting all of it now they're starting to get more full frontal I think they're happy about it
Starting point is 00:20:15 they are very happy do you remember do you remember that one show Sex Life on Netflix I don't remember I showed you guys that scene
Starting point is 00:20:24 oh the guy in the shower or whatever yeah yeah he was hanging yeah he was fucking guys if you uh go to sex life season one episode three i think it's minute 19 20 or 21 oh god that was great everyone And everyone's like, it's a, oh, fuck, what do they call it? A prosthetic. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, don't be hatin'. That shit can't be real. Like, that cannot be real. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:20:54 They had a special lens. Yep. It's a hard workout. It's 15 minutes of high, don't worry, 15 minutes of hard work. But then you leave the studio and you go get a margarita. It's all about that work hard play hard balance and uh it's over before you even know it i've said that before it was even true today it's over before you even know it was that a double entendre i think so i just like the fact
Starting point is 00:21:15 that they're like um you know somebody probably thought of this they were like man i just can't stop drinking and somebody else like yeah me too i got the workout thing down but fuck i just can't stop drinking and somebody else like yeah me too i got the workout thing down but fuck i just can't stop well why why fight it anymore let's uh let's bring some booze in our shaker cup tomorrow yeah mix it with our branch chain amino acids and that's how this was built i believe rest is history yeah that makes sense little shots going all right welcome welcome welcome dude pause all these people are just fucking this is great because look at that guy in the back that's what i'm saying like you got all these fit women and fit men in the same room working out sweating endorphins alcohol fuck i wish i was here in my early 20s holy shit this is amazing so that's what i was thinking when like you know we're talking about you know building that community and you know maybe you take a shot now all of a sudden you are more open and you're talking to people that you take another
Starting point is 00:22:16 shot and then you take your shot and it's like could get weird right away because it's like bring grit boxing to sacramento i mean i can't take part in it anymore but i mean just just bring it to sacramento we don't know when we'll need it like uh hold on i think i gotta still finish up my set of deadlifts i'll be right back it's 8 p.m where are you last time you didn't come back till two i think there. I think there's a lot of stiff-legged deadlifts and movements like that going on. Absolutely. Like single-arm rows where the butt is way up in the air and all that stuff. Lots of hip thrusts.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Lots of hip thrusts. And when that's finally over, you're ready for a celebration. And luckily, you don't have to travel too far to treat yourself. Grit is the only workout studio with a full bar. And that's where the third member of this anchor fam comes in. Dylan ditching the post-gym Gatorade for some
Starting point is 00:23:16 drinks with a little more, well, grit. The margaritas have electrolytes in them, so you can tell them to your class. We also have mocktails. have you know what boss technically that does make sense though yeah you know i um because you don't get as much of a hangover exactly as i used to give there were a few friends that would go out drinking a lot so i used to give them electrolytes and they're like oh my god what's in this when i wake up i'm not
Starting point is 00:23:39 hung over anymore i'm like well electroly. So that technically makes some sense. Yeah, balance out with some liquid. I think years ago, too, somebody made a protein like vodka, a protein infused vodka. I don't think it's around anymore. But supposedly that helped with keeping your hangover a little bit less. Kombucha, hard kombucha, kale martinis. Hard kombucha? This place has to be expensive, by the way. Yo, it just sounds like the most... Actually, I'm...
Starting point is 00:24:09 Bougie. Yeah, there we go. That's a much less offensive way of saying it. It's a very bougie... You were going to make fun of my race, weren't you? Yeah. It's just kombucha and kale shakes. It's all you.
Starting point is 00:24:22 That's your people. And then to make a hard kombucha drink like let's put something that tastes gross with something else that does not taste good either and we'll mix them together because somebody's gonna pay for it hell yeah man get your money designed for an after workout boost and after that class and all that hard work they certainly taste a whole lot sweeter. Jim and tonic, anyone?
Starting point is 00:24:48 So the thing I would add to this that I think would make it amazing is that you actually have to spar at the end. Cause all these people throwing these punches at the bag with their hands down, then they could really learn. You know what I mean? Go in there and wreck people. Honestly, if there was a grappling element i think that would be pretty solid that means yeah a little bit of
Starting point is 00:25:11 a little bit of wrestling afterwards but but let's be real here this is actually like okay even though at this point we do know that alcohol isn't great for your recovery if you especially if you're a serious athlete alcohol isn't you can't have it because it's bad for your sleep it is pretty bad for your sleep. But like, you know, I'll drink every now and then. You'll have wine every now and then. It's not like we'll never, ever drink. But if somebody does enjoy the social aspect of drinking a bit, it does seem that like this, what they've been able to do here is a pretty cool way and seems like a healthier way of adding
Starting point is 00:25:46 drinking into what you do you know i'm sure they probably get in a pretty good conversation about i mean i'm sure they're just like fucking each other all the time but i'm sure they actually probably get in conversation about like nutrition because they're like well i don't do this every day i can picture people like having conversation like that i i came here you know come here once a month or something and i drink once a. And then you get to kind of share that information with people and people get to kind of, uh, adopt some of those principles. And maybe it's helpful because a lot of times in a regular gym, like we said, it's not like communal. So you're not really picking up tips and information from other people. And even though,
Starting point is 00:26:22 uh, these are young people that are probably hooking up a lot, again, I'm imagining that there's probably a lot of shared information going on between like-minded people that want to get better, that want to be more fit, that want to be healthier. In that, it didn't look like there was any on everyone looked very healthy. So interesting. Yeah, that's what I was going to point out that everyone in that video was in really good shape and they were all pretty young um i'm curious how the uh like uh the membership fee would be it's new york so well i mean what i what i mean is like if uh if you do have somebody that that does drink right now they're like i think i want to get in shape
Starting point is 00:27:01 i wouldn't recommend that they go somewhere where they have super easy access to more alcohol when they're trying to get something else in line. So that's where I'm thinking it might not be the best place for somebody who does drink to go to a place where there is more alcohol. That's where people have the biggest transformation is when they take that, you know, the access away and they go to the gym and then they're like, oh, the gym saved my life because now I don't even want to drink anymore. But if there's alcohol at the ready, it's, you know, there's, I'm just going to have a drink. You know, it's no big deal. I just worked out. So that's where I would see like a huge, huge fault in this type of setup. huge, huge fault in this type of setup. But with that said, again, everyone was in shape. It seemed like they were already going to be in really good shape and already going to get in a good workout
Starting point is 00:27:50 and still drink. So I just, yeah, I don't know. I'm just, like I said, I'm curious if there's a monthly subscription or membership fee, because I would hate for somebody to try to get in shape and pay for like a year membership and just go there and just drink i actually think it'd be a great idea for a lot of gyms to adopt some of this principle of throwing a fucking party every once in a while and a fitness has pizza mondays and bagel wednesdays right right and there's some other gyms too that have like sushi and alcohol and like some of these big clubs like spectrum club and some of those places and all kinds of shit there but this is really interesting because again you get people to get in conversation and maybe you pulled someone into fitness that just
Starting point is 00:28:36 really wasn't into it anymore you know or really really uh just never got bit by it and you can say hey man just just come with me to Gold's Gym. Like, you're going to have fun, man. I'm going to show you how to lift and stuff. And they can say, ah, you know, I had a trainer for like three months, three years ago, but I tore my rotator cuff, da-da-da-da-da, fill in the blank. I used to lift all the time, you know, when I played football. I used to lift when I was in high school.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I just, I don't know. I never really got it. But, hey, there's this, I used to lift when I was in high school. I just, I don't know. I never really got it. But hey, there's this place I want to take you to. There's chicks there, bro. You know, there's people drinking. There's people having a good time. It's like lighthearted. You're going to get a good workout.
Starting point is 00:29:17 You're going to like get exposed to some running, just light on a treadmill. No one's killing themselves. You're going to learn a little bit of boxing, learn a bit of who knows maybe a little self-defense maybe that's something that leads you into like wanting to do more boxing or something but i think whatever way we got introduced people into fitness i think i think we need to need more ways because uh we're just losing you know we're losing the battle a lot of people are uh excessively overweight there's a there's a still not enough people lifting. I think almost everybody needs some lifting.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yeah. Anyone can benefit from lifting weights. So if this is that little extra encouragement to drag someone along to get them in there, it could be really cool. If anybody's read the book by Malcolm Gladwell called Talking to Strangers. Please maybe help me on this reference because I'm going to butcher part of this. But in the book, he was talking about the culture around drinking in different areas of the world. And there's this place in South America where they'll have this like crazy high proof alcohol, right? But every weekend as a community, people like have their doors open and they'll
Starting point is 00:30:27 have that alcohol at the ready, but no one ends up, there aren't any acts of violence. No one ends up being crazy. The alcohol is generally used as a substance just to help people connect within that culture. It's used as a connector for people, right? Here in the United States, when you look at college campuses and drinking culture and party culture, same thing with like club scenes and party scenes, around that culture of drinking, it's usually done to excess. It usually leads to – I mean there's a high volume of sexual assaults, a lot of violence. It's the culture around the drinking leads people to drink in excess and have really bad outcomes. Because he also mentioned within these people in South America, people aren't getting blackout drunk.
Starting point is 00:31:12 People aren't getting having to get wheeled to hospitals. It's even though the alcohol is super strong that these people are drinking because of the way the alcohol is used within the community. Right. Right. So when I look at this, they knee-jerk reaction for me is like oh shit alcohol and fitness no way but when you think about how they're mixing the community aspect the whole culture is we are trying to be healthy and fit and now we're going to add this
Starting point is 00:31:37 substance in to help loosen us up and help us just be able to connect a bit better i would doubt in that setting that there are people that are like doing 10 shots after their workout. They're probably just having a margarita with some electrolytes or having something typically, right? So that is a way that alcohol, this substance that we know to be very careful with is actually really helping people be a bit more communal because of the setting. That's really cool. Yeah, I remember seeing in a documentary there's an Indian culture, and I don't remember the exact drug.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I'm just going to say ketamine, but I have it wrong. I know it's not actually ketamine, but they used this particular drug as like a rite of passage. You would utilize this drug at like a certain age, and it was utilized in a ritualistic way. Whereas sometimes with some of the drugs that we have here, when it comes to like psychedelics, especially like they've really been demonized, especially marijuana years ago. It was really like put in this category of how bad it is and and different things like that and so i think uh you know traveling and traveling the world with my family and going to different parts of the country um you know my son drank every day we were in ireland he was pumped you know like a beer one of those yeah yeah yeah you get a big ass big ass beer and he's sending me pictures he's in south africa right, and he's drinking there and stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Let's go, Jake. Well, I don't think there's anything wrong with the exposure to these things. I think drugs and sex and these things that we tend to try to suppress or just say it's bad or you're not allowed to jerk off or any of these things. No fun. not allowed to jerk off or any of these things. No fun. Or to even come down on a young person that's watching porn. You want to like relay a different – you want to give them information. Educate.
Starting point is 00:33:33 You want to educate. It's an education opportunity. And when it comes to drugs or alcohol, I think those are all educational opportunities. When it comes to your food, when it comes to fitness, when it comes to exercise in general. Those are all great opportunities to start to get into a discussion with somebody about – give them more information so they can start to make decisions on, hey, do you know that Zone 2 cardio does A, B, and C for your heart? Oh, well, how much do I have to do it a week? You got to do it every day for an hour. It's like, well, you just totally crushed the person.
Starting point is 00:34:10 How about you just say, you give them some information, say it's very healthy. It might be something that you want to look into. And whatever amount of time you can devote to it per week is better than the time that you're devoting to it now because you're not doing any. So any introduction to fitness, any introduction into walking, lifting, running, punching a bag,
Starting point is 00:34:33 I mean, all this stuff is like soccer, right? Soccer is a game. It's a game. It just got you to exercise. Your mom was smart enough when you were young. She's like, this kid is going to like, he's got so much energy. I better put him in stuff. And if he doesn't like this thing, I better put him in something else. And when he's done with soccer, like he better go play the damn piano or something because we've got to keep his mind and his body occupied all the time. And that's a great observation by parents. It's a great thing is to try to keep people moving. But it doesn't matter your age.
Starting point is 00:35:09 We have to keep moving anyway. Once we stop moving, just like anything else, still water, you know, starts to get, uh, grow, starts to get moldy. A boat, a ship will start to get like barnacles when stuff just sits around. That's the least healthy thing that you can do. So if you're moving around and you're getting to a gym and you're having some fun with it and having some pizza or having some ice cream, uh, you know, on a particular, you know, once a week or something like that, I think, I think all of it can be good. Yeah. Yeah. I'm curious about what you guys think about this. Cause like, if you've listened to the podcast, we've had so many people come on and talk about alcohol. We talked about alcohol. So, so what are your thoughts on this whole grit boxing thing? Uh,
Starting point is 00:35:44 alcohol in general for yourself, how do you navigate it? Because maybe people can get some different things. So there are people out there who really love alcohol, right? And it's interesting because when I drink, I feel good, but I don't like it in excess. I don't like being drunk. You know what I mean? He's kind of nice i think andrew would probably be the best to answer this question since you uh liked alcohol at one point and drank it
Starting point is 00:36:11 quite a bit i think right i drank it a lot um up all the way up until i was like 27 and then a little bit after that but it was definitely under control um i don't think it was ever out of control but i drank every night i Every night? Every night, yeah. Like what? It started with like a six-pack, and then eventually I was like, well, fuck, I kind of want a little bit more. So I would get a 12-pack. I wouldn't finish it, but I always had like a, what's it called, revolving door of that. So there was always beer around.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Regular just beer or like light beer or something? People, the real drinkers are going to be like, fucking pussy. But yeah, Bud Light because it was cheap, it was cheap and it went down easy. Yeah. Yeah. But then when it came to the weekends, I really, really enjoyed drinking by myself early because then when it, when everyone else was like done doing their shit, I was already like ahead of the, you know, ahead of everybody else.
Starting point is 00:37:01 And then we drink more. So then I would get more messed up than everybody else. And that would like, I would live for this. Like I would just get through my fuck, fuck this job Monday through Friday. Oh, it's Friday night though. Like, oh, it's Saturday night. Goddamn. Damn.
Starting point is 00:37:15 It's Sunday again. You get like a mental edge kind of over everybody else. Cause you're already like tipsy or how. Yeah. They'd walk in. I'm already telling jokes when they're like barely getting off the blocks you know and then there's everyone would be excited for that yes yes and so we're lucky we didn't lose you man yeah my eyes are just like so wide this whole time yeah i'm just imagining that
Starting point is 00:37:38 yeah it was um you're so different now very different i thought that was like fairly normal though you know i watched a lot of people in my family drink. I watched my brother who I looked up to like more than anybody drunk every day too. And so we ended up living together and this is kind of where like I took the correct turn. So I got divorced. So one of the things that was like making me like upset the most was like gone out of my life now. things that was like making me like upset the most was like gone out of my life now so the uh the whole like fuck i gotta get drunk before she gets home like feeling when her routine was gone damn that's a lot a lot in that i know i know we can dive into that too but some other show
Starting point is 00:38:16 yeah i ended up living with my brother who i looked up to and i thought it was like dude this is gonna be sick like dude i get to live with my brother now and like I know he likes to party like this is gonna be so much fun I had to take care of him so many times because he literally didn't stop drinking I'm talking like passed out drunk wake up drink more and like dude you never stop like you actually do not stop like do you eat food I don't need that shit very very bad so it went from this is gonna be awesome to oh dang like? I don't need that shit. Very, very bad. So it went from this is going to be awesome to, oh, dang, like, I don't want to be like this guy. You know? And then, like, talking to my dad, like, hey, dude, like, I think he has a problem. Nah, he's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Like, what? Like, what has to happen? Yeah. He's literally passed out on the fucking porch right now, and you think he's fine? Like, oh, okay. My goodness. I got it. Like, I'm not, I don't want to do this so whatever you guys have potentially i have it but thankfully i
Starting point is 00:39:10 know i don't i don't think i really did though because i never felt like uh like i like i had to have although i i kind of did feel that way but i didn't feel like sick or i didn't feel like like i have to get drunk at work or anything like that. When you didn't have it. Yeah. Yeah. I was kind of okay. But then after seeing that and then, you know, finding fitness, finding Stephanie, and then, so like I would work out and stuff. And then I remember one time it was just like, I had a couple of shots of like a Patron and then I went to work out the next day. I felt terrible. And I remember my coach at that time was like, oh, so you want to drink, you know, the night before you do this again? I'm like,
Starting point is 00:39:48 like, no, I don't think I ever want to drink again. And it did happen, but it wasn't, it wasn't after that. I was like, man, again, whatever, you know, is in my bloodline, it might be, it might be somewhere in me. And thankfully i stopped it before i like unlocked that and so thankfully my brother and my dad are better off now especially my brother he's got a family now he's a he's he's legit yeah but i mean all of us could have easily went down the wrong path from what i understand my my grandfather died from overconsumption so it's definitely there you know my grandfather too yeah yeah My grandfather was a big alcoholic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So like, dude, I get it, man. I remember talking to my cousin and he was, you know, talking about like maybe like cutting, cutting,
Starting point is 00:40:34 uh, drinking down. And I just remember saying like, how are you going to have fun? And he would just laugh and be like, what do you do? Like, well,
Starting point is 00:40:40 what else is there like to do? Like, how are you going to, like, what are you going to do on the weekends if you're not drinking like how are you gonna enjoy a football game how are you gonna enjoy watching a movie how are you gonna enjoy life without getting drunk and it was just like i look at that now and i'm like wow dude like yeah i was a completely different person yeah can i ask you a question go for it did um because there's this theme of like the men in your family did the woman in your
Starting point is 00:41:06 family also have any type of issue like this or or was it more of the guys like it was like y'all like everyone drinks beer yeah it was um i don't i don't want to talk bad about anybody at all but um so that's why i can speak about my direct family but like my mom definitely know my sister know um when when there was a big family gathering aunts and uncles everybody would party like it would be very rare if somebody didn't drink some kind of alcohol um my mom usually wouldn't because she would have to drive so she wouldn't partake but yeah for the most part it's kind of everybody but the guys definitely went hard in the paint for sure i find that interesting because like i do know a lot of young women in their early 20s that drink a lot just because of party culture so again like that culture everyone drinks a lot but there is like when i've looked at like some of the men in my family like my grandfathers on
Starting point is 00:42:02 both side in nigeria there's this thing called palm wine, and the men, when they get together, they drink a lot of palm wine. That's a normal thing for the men to consume a lot of alcohol. And when I've just seen how some of the men in my family kind of do that, it's like drinking is a norm. It's a manly thing to do. I kind of pride myself on being a lightweight you know but i i do find that interesting you know i mean i i can't say
Starting point is 00:42:32 that there's a corollary with everyone but there is a corollary through many cultures um where alcohol is like i know in nigerian culture in african culture especially in nigeria like palm wine and alcohol consumption is very normal for men and it's not seen as bad yet um it's just you know if you drink a lot as a guide you can handle it that's you're a man yep you're seen as a uh like a strong powerful even though we understand like about the uh like potentials of promoting estrogen and you know getting man boobs from drinking beer and obviously a beer belly right like you know that's there but for some reason if you can drink more than everybody if you can uh handle more beer than everybody and
Starting point is 00:43:16 even pee less than everybody you're a fucking savage and the guy that threw up or the guy that you know had to stop drinking is a pussy and it's you know like why even here like get out of here like it's it's it's so dumb it's so weird such a weird culture that i was deep in yeah i didn't need like any i didn't need any education on alcohol it it killed family members and um it's just uh you know i I can I have like almost PTSD over it in some ways, you know, seeing my brother, you know, high off of something or seeing him drunk off of something, seeing, you know, seeing basically my childhood hero who was like indestructible in a way just seeing him just lying on a couch you know in his own his own urine it's like disturbing you know and so i i kind of always thought that there was no reason for me to ever really fuck with that stuff i was like uh too young and i was just my mom would kind of warn me she's like i don't know the science or the information around it, but like, I think that there's something like in our blood that leaves you maybe a little more wide open to, you know, falling into a trap. So she's like, if you do drink, she's like, let me know, tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:44:43 You know, she would always try to be like open about it rather than saying like, don't ever drink, she's like, let me know. Tell me about it. She'd always try to be open about it rather than saying, don't ever drink. Don't ever drink. You're going to end up being like my dad. My uncle died from drug overdose. He had alcohol issues. And then on my other side of the family, on my dad's side, my grandfather, he would have a cigar here and there. And he would have, I don't think he had whiskey he had something cheaper or something more disgusting than he would always have around that he would drink yeah and he would just have like a little bit here and there and
Starting point is 00:45:17 just kind of he had nine kids you know and you and, you know, just go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hit something a little bit here and there to, like, take him to a different spot, you know. Pause cough medicine. Yeah, yeah. A little something. I don't think he drank a lot, though, you know. It's just, like, a little bit just to fucking relax, you know. And same thing with the cigar probably.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Probably, I don't know anything about, like, cigars or nicotine or I don't even know what the fuck's in a cigar, but probably tobacco, right? It probably made them high a little bit. A little buzz. Yeah, gave them a little buzz. Probably felt good. But yeah, I mean, I just saw so many just bad things happen with alcohol. I saw a lot of my friends getting like fights. And just like, I don't know, like a lot of my friends would like win a fight.
Starting point is 00:46:06 But like it's just violent and dumb and just get you in a lot of trouble, put you in a lot of weird spots. On the other hand, you know, alcohol is like alcohol and a bar is like a little bit akin to a little bit akin to like a dating app. Like I wouldn't have met my wife if it wasn't for America's interpretation of alcohol and going out and partying because she went to a bar. I worked at the bar. That's how we met. I think there's a lot of things like that. So nowadays it's kind of easy to be like, I can't believe these two met online. So stupid. How does anybody meet that way or whatever? Well, it's just, it's hard to understand, but you also may not have met somebody because of other technology, such as a plane. You know, I probably wouldn't have met my wife. It wasn't for a plane
Starting point is 00:47:00 because I flew from New York to California, lived in California, met her here. Cars, I mean, everything kind of has an influence and has a change. But alcohol can – I think it can be used now that I'm older and have a different – I was scared when I was young. I was just scared of it, flat out pretty scared of it because of the things I saw with my brother. And then also my brother, Chris, which is amazing. He would never drink around me, which was awesome. So he and I would go, he and I, he would take me like everywhere. We'd go to parties together. He's four years older than me. So imagine like a freshman in high school, you know, hanging out with a senior in high,
Starting point is 00:47:39 like that's weird, right? No one ever wants to hang out with a freshman or, or I might've even been below that. Even I might've not even been in high school yet um that was your ticket to get into all the cool parties yeah and i would hang out but i would see it was kind of cool because i can observe and just be like my brother's still having fun and he's not drinking like and i'm like look at look at his friends they're a bunch of fucking animals like they're acting like idiots you know i kind of always thought i thought it was fun and funny but i always thought it was kind of like dumb and dangerous too yeah i've seen tons of dumb shit like that where like somebody throws up or they piss themselves and so everyone thinks it's a good idea to like pick them up put them outside and
Starting point is 00:48:17 fucking hose them down in the winter time poor kid hypothermia it's like what the fuck and it's because everyone's drunk thinking it's like a i don't know fun stupid idea rightmia it's like what the fuck and it's because everyone's drunk thinking it's like a i don't know fun stupid idea right and it's like dude it's never good i've really like been able to see like again i'm not saying alcohol is evil or anything you just got to be careful but like it just it just pretty much destroyed my ex-girlfriend like it pretty much destroyed her like this girl would end up turning to alcohol so much and i could just slowly see it degrade the way she acted did things and it was just then a substance that she turned to for stress and i understand it um because it's something that can dull that but like
Starting point is 00:48:57 even just by seeing that more every now and then i used to drink wine a bit more often but then i was just like i'm like uh i'm just gonna i'm just gonna do this way less i don't think it's a great idea to have it be your only stress mitigator you know yeah if it's if it's one of many that's sounds fine like one of your other ones is to go for a run or lift some weights uh one of your other stress mitigators is to um uh garden or some shit you know like you got other things thatators is to garden or some shit. You know, like you got other things that you like to do that are not just drinking and not just eating. I think that's fine.
Starting point is 00:49:35 You know, and now you have other things. You got other tools. We've talked before with Casey that works here, does our warehouse and logistics and stuff like that and Casey's a savage he's out there running he's lifting he's boxing he's doing yoga I mean this guy's doing like he hunts at too dumb to quit on Instagram go follow his ass right now
Starting point is 00:49:56 go follow him yeah he's like early or mid 50s like and he's in the best shape of his life he was in the gym yesterday stretching and doing stuff after his training session and he's always getting after it but he's told me before i think he told you guys before he's like he's like i gotta get on that i gotta get on your show because i need to talk about alcohol with you guys so we will have him on the show oh yeah
Starting point is 00:50:19 because he likes to drink here and there yeah and it's like there are reasonable ways that you can kind of mix some of this shit in he's like you just he would have like a bud light or coors light sorry casey if i'm messing this up he's probably so mad right now i'd never drink that shit i don't know the difference between any of the things but come on here and uh explain some of it to us people go hard for their their types of beers too but he's he's like the last person um that i know because like i i'm very i mean you guys heard my story and so now i'm like when somebody does talk about like i want to get in shape and it's like oh do you want that more than your beer and so like i will go hard there but then you know he'll dm me and he's like you know yeah you can do it
Starting point is 00:50:59 if you're not a fucking bitch or whatever like you know like he'll totally shit on me but then he'll have a better physique than me he'll be stronger than me he'll you know like he'll totally shit on me but then he'll have a better physique than me he'll be stronger than me he'll you know kick my ass in boxing if you want yeah i mean he's you know i look up to him a lot too um so he's like the last argument that i will never be able to you know beat because it's like yeah dude he can do it so obviously it can be done um but like i said it's just because sometimes you know i guess the stuff that I went through, it's like, I don't know if you can do it. Casey can do it. I don't know about anybody else.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yeah, I'm thankful that you pulled yourself out of that. It's great. Me too. How's your family? How's it going now? We like to look good in the gym and out of the gym. That's why you always see Mark and I and Andrew is stepping up on the short, short game, wearing shorts from Viore and clothes from Viore. And honestly, the number one compliment that I've seen that I've gotten and even Mark's gotten is, damn, your butt looks good.
Starting point is 00:51:51 And that's because, well, the clothes we wear make our booties look delicious. Andrew, how can they get it? Yeah, you guys both have pretty big wagons. You guys can head over to slash Power Project. uh you guys can head over to slash power project that's slash power project to receive 20 off the most amazing apparel that looks so good inside and outside it's gonna make your ass look fat and your ass will look fat links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes uh god damn it That was a good one. That was a good one. Make your ass look fat. Do you find that you've loosened the reins?
Starting point is 00:52:30 Because I remember there was years ago when we went to, like, I think we went to an expo, right? And I remember someone brought, like, some beers. And I remember I never knew that you ever had an alcohol problem when you were younger. But I remember I took one of the beers and you were like, I got to be careful with this. I was like, wait, what? You're like, I used to drink a lot i was like wait what but i think you did end up having a beer yeah maybe maybe i drink a lot more because i don't remember no yeah no you had one you had one beer but i remember you saying that i was just like huh so so like it's do you do you know like nowadays so it was with uh me you chris and josh yes yes uh that was um the community aspect that damn it
Starting point is 00:53:08 comes all the way back because i remember i had told my wife stephanie i was like hey normally i'm the guy that's like i gotta be in bed because we got a long day tomorrow i don't want to drink because you know and i had told her that i'm like hey hey, like, I'm going to hang out this time. Like, I never hang out with the guys. Yeah. Like, I'm going to hang out this time. And then they had, I think Chris was like, all right, I'm getting the first round. So we all got like a round and you can only buy like two beers max. So we all had two beers.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Yeah. But I just remember I took that first drink and then I was just like, oh, that tastes good. It was a Heineken too. And then Chris was laughing. oh that tastes good it was a heineken too and then chris was laughing yeah chris was laughing big time and that's when i was like i gotta be careful because you know the set and setting was like very like oh fuck everyone's here but that was um i definitely loosened up big time because i just want to hang out with you guys and that was such a fun night yeah we all drink two beers and we have like some
Starting point is 00:54:05 really good memorable moments from that fucking stupid little hotel room but dick daddy that uh home is where the bros are which doesn't make any sense but i'm just excited like so on one side of me i'm like ah like did i really have to drink but then the other side it's like dude what if i i missed out on this really cool moment with my homies? And it's like, well, I get it there. But yeah, I'll always lean towards not drinking because I don't need it anymore. Absolutely. I used to, but not anymore.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Shit can be dangerous, so be careful with it. But I think in this setting like people just trying they're just trying to introduce people to fitness yeah trying to have a good time with it when it comes to any of this stuff we could get all crazy and worry about the type of plastic that our steak is wrapped in from the butcher and like you could get, you know, and that's to each their own. You know, if that makes you happy to safeguard yourself away from those things, then I guess do so. But I think the key is to try to live your life with as much equanimity and balance as you can. And where not only are you not really that concerned about alcohol one way or the other,
Starting point is 00:55:24 but you don't really care if someone else does it either. You're not like just super judgy going, man, I think they just drink way too much. If they have a problem, that's something that you can try to figure out ways of having conversation about or talk to someone that might be closer to them so that there can be some communication back and forth. That might be closer to them so that there can be some communication back and forth. And just on that note, there's probably somebody that you know probably right now that's suffering in some sort of mental capacity. They're probably drinking or doing something too much. And they would probably like it even if it kind of made them mad. Even if it kind of made them mad, they would probably, they'd probably appreciate it if you tried to ask them if there's an issue. I do not think that they will like break up conversation with you forever based off of you having concern.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Like if you, if you just tell them flat, I'll say, you know, I, you know, I, I, I'm a little bit worried about how are you, how are you doing? You know what I mean a little bit worried about how are you doing? You know what I mean? How are you doing? Do you think that you're drinking too much or you think are you good? And if it's a good friend or someone close to you, they should be able to tell you. With my brother Chris, you know, we almost lost him to alcohol and drugs as well. And when he kind of went through his issue, I finally did step in. I kind of heard he lived in L.A. I didn't see him as much.
Starting point is 00:56:58 And a friend of his called and then, I don't know, things would go back and forth. He would be like fine and then he would have like a rough spot where he would, you know, drink a lot and like blackout and weird shit would happen. And finally, it just kind of came to like a rough spot where he would drink a lot and like blackout and weird shit would happen. And finally it just kind of came to like a head where his girlfriend told me, um, she was like, he just like, she's like, I think he's going to like die. And I was like, what, what do you mean die? Like, what are you talking about? She's like, he'll just, he'll drink. And then he like, won't drink for like weeks or months and then he'll drink again and i was like because in my head like an alcoholic it means that you just drink every day because we all have like this interpretation of what we think alcoholism
Starting point is 00:57:35 is and it shows up in many different ways uh so anyway that kind of finally came to a head and when i went to him and said like okay well it really seems like you have a problem he's like I do have a problem it is out of control and uh I was like yeah I didn't know how to approach it with you I didn't know how to say anything to you I didn't know if you would listen he's like you're probably the only one I would listen to if he did say something so I just hugged him and both of us fucking cried. Our faces off. And then we had a good friend who helped us.
Starting point is 00:58:11 And then he got into a detox center, which is somewhere you go for just a couple of days just to get you off of it because you can die by coming off alcohol. It's one of the few drugs that if you just stop cold turkey out of nowhere and you have a real addiction to it, you can die by coming off alcohol. It's one of the few drugs that if you just stop cold turkey out of nowhere and you have a real addiction to it, you can die. It's fucking wild, but you can die from it. So, yeah, we got them to one of those facilities. Those facilities are not insanely expensive. There's ways to get, like, assistance and help for those things. They're not really pricey. they're also not super effective. They're effective in that
Starting point is 00:58:49 first couple of days to get someone to, to break away. Yeah. And then, but then you need a lot of action behind that. And that's where, unfortunately, shit can get expensive, but I was in a good spot to be able to help him. And my dad was in a good spot to be able to help him and my dad was in a good spot to be able to help him to get to a uh a sober living facility that claimed that they had like this really high rate of being able to help people and were able to get them there but like what it just you know again he's the reason why i don't drink right like he's one of the reasons why i don't drink uh but how quickly sometimes things can change in our life. I think there was a time in his life where he felt lonely and alone. He was in L.A. He was by himself.
Starting point is 00:59:32 But we would call and talk to each other and he would talk to my mom and talk to my dad. And and, you know, his his relationship with my oldest brother, Mike, was different than mine. They were a lot closer. So that impacted him differently than it impacted me. Chris also had hip replacement surgeries, and that's kind of where everything started. He got addicted to some painkillers. His body was in a lot of pain, and he couldn't figure out how to manage that. He just hurt every day, like physically hurt every day. managed that he just hurt every day like physically hurt every day and then i think at some point he just recognized like holy fuck i'm like drinking during the day and now i'm
Starting point is 01:00:13 drinking because i'm trying because i'm trying to ditch the pills that i'm on and yeah drinking is probably like a little bit better, but it's still not great. You know, I still need some other intervention. Anyway, you know, you probably have someone close to you or around you where you're like, I should probably talk to him about it. See if you can have an open conversation. It'll be hard, but it'll be way worse to have something really bad happen to them. Take us on out of here, Andrew. All righty. Sorry. Thank you,. Take us on out of here, Andrew. Alrighty. Ooh,
Starting point is 01:00:46 sorry. Thank you everybody for checking out today's episode. Let us know what you guys think about, uh, what was the first club place called? Do you remember? I know that was great. There was another one. Anyway,
Starting point is 01:00:54 it was just grit boxing though. It was like all about that. Okay. Sorry, my bad. Let us know what you guys think about this style of a gym slash bar. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:01:01 if you guys have been to it, that'd be really cool. If you guys can tell us how it was and maybe answer some of the questions that we had on here as well uh subscribe if you guys are not subscribing to hit that like button on the way out and uh please follow the podcast at mb power project on instagram tiktok and twitter my instagram tiktok and twitter is at i am andrew z and seema where you at discord's down below go check it out for a community and see my youtube and see my yin yang on tiktok and Mark. There's so many things we talk about on this show to help mitigate stress and to help you have a strong, powerful mind. Don't forget that sleep
Starting point is 01:01:34 is a free one. Going on a walk is another great one. What are the things you like to do? Do you like to see scenery? Do you like live music? Do your best. I know it's not always super simple or super easy, but do your best to get that mental health in check. And if you feel like yours is pretty good, see if you can spend some energy on helping somebody else with their mental health so they don't fall down like a slippery slope here. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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