Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 140 Live - Miranda & Julian Alcaraz

Episode Date: November 13, 2018

We have CrossFit athletes Miranda and Julian Alcaraz here on the show today. Miranda was one of the first women to have competed in the beginning of the CrossFit Games. She has been in the fitness ind...ustry for 15 years, 8 competing in CrossFit, and 8 on the CrossFit HQ Seminar Staff. Julian is a 2X CrossFit Games athlete, actor, and dancer. Miranda and Julian became busier leading their own lives and having their baby Knox, so they developed Street Parking, an online programming and community for those who have minimal time and/or equipment. ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You look amazing. Thanks. All right. First of all, I need to get this out of the way because I don't want to keep messing this up. Julian. Julian. I knew exactly where that was going.
Starting point is 00:00:12 I think I already called you Julian like twice. It's because he calls himself Julian. There's a reason for that because I hate explaining to people that I'm never going to see again. Hence the Philz people, Starbucks. My local Starbucks knows it's Julian. Let's be honest, is it white people's way of trying to keep you down?
Starting point is 00:00:30 No, he keeps himself down. I will come up behind him and correct people. It doesn't bother him, it bothers me when they call him Julian. I'm okay with it. What's your ethnicity? Mexican.
Starting point is 00:00:43 What did I take? Mexican. Well, actually, according to... What did I take? This DNA test? 23andMe? It was like that one, but a different one. You're African-American. I am. 5%.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I'm a little African for sure, but I guess I'm Spaniard. He's like Portugal, like Portuguese. I'm just whatever's convenient. Exactly. Whatever's convenient at the time. Whatever I need to be at the time, except it only works because I'm brown, so I can only pull that off. St. Patrick's Day, I'm Irish as fuck. Situations like that.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah. I guess I'm Spaniard and 30% Mexican. I called my dad and I was like, what's going on here? He's a fat. Yeah. What really happened? You know, so. How'd you guys meet?
Starting point is 00:01:25 We met at the gym. I was visiting, so he used to be at a gym. You were on the cable crossover. One thing led to another. Kind of. No, he was at a gym in LA, and I was in town because I used to work for the CrossFit seminar staff. I had some friends, friends of his that owned the gym. Yeah, I was in there training with them.
Starting point is 00:01:45 You're like, who's this hot piece of ass? Not at all, actually. I knew who he was because it was the year that he had qualified for the games. So he was like the random dude that beat Josh Bridges. She still knew me as Julian. No, I knew it was Julian. Oh, nice. Because of the shirts with the over-the-top explanation of how to say it.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I had to. So he was like the random Mexican dude that beat Josh Bridges at regionals. That's about as much as I knew. Yeah. Was that like a qualifying thing to get him through the door? Not at all. Actually, so the only reason that we are here today is because the 405 was shut down for several hours while I
Starting point is 00:02:17 was at the gym. And anybody that lives in LA knows that if the 405 is shut down, like, wherever you are, no one can go anywhere. And so, um, It was the're screwed. Wherever you are, no one can go anywhere. And so, It was the 101. Whatever. It's all the same thing. This dude tried to jump off a bridge,
Starting point is 00:02:31 kill himself, shut down the whole entire freeway system. It was bad. And so, I was stuck, and I asked him if there was somewhere good to go eat. He told me that there was a place nearby he could show me.
Starting point is 00:02:42 But, I thought, I didn't say it that creepy. I just said that I know a place nearby. The fact that he was a games athlete was almost like a big hindrance to me thinking that he was cool at all because I was expecting him to just talk about
Starting point is 00:02:53 his snatch PRs and his plans of being top 20 next year or something like that. Guys talking about their snatch is not a great way to get in with the ladies. Instead, he was talking about how he liked to bake cupcakes, which I have yet to see to this day, and how he liked to go salsa dancing. So it was different than most of the dudes I was used to. Can he salsa dance?
Starting point is 00:03:14 He absolutely can, actually. Flossing the other day, we found out, not an option for him. Here's the deal about this. Flossing and the coordination on that's tough. I did that on purpose. I actually could probably bust it out if I spent a little time on it. But I knew that we needed it for comedic purposes. And I did it for that.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Well, you nailed it. I did. So you messed it up on purpose. Absolutely. It's kind of your story. What's your story on how you met? Because there's different stories all the time. I would say the same thing.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I remember when I walked into the gym um i was like man uh one like her smile really captured me like i was like dang like she's very pretty in person not it wasn't even and i'm hold on no don't don't exaggerate it i was like wow like she i walked in and she she had a really good energy about her. And so I was like, that was really cool. But I knew I was like, in my head, I was like, all right, keep your distance. She's popular. Da-da-da-da-da. People probably hit on her all the time.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Play it cool, bro. Play it cool. Focus on your snatch. You know? No. And then from there, she wanted to work on some other workout. And obviously, we wanted to kill time. So I was like, yeah, I'll work out with you.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I'll do this little section there. And then, yeah, obviously, that whole situation with the freeway happened. Took her to lunch. I did actually want to continue getting to talk to her outside of the gym. And fast forward. Bada bing, bada boom, you're married and you have a kid. Boom, that's it, yes. How old's your kid? He's 15 months old. Oh my god. Yeah, he's a little guy. Did she bounce back super quick
Starting point is 00:04:52 after having the kid and get back into fighting shape? Super quick, but it doesn't feel quick when you're dealing with their emotions. I like how he's speaking like you're not here, that's great. You have to... I like how he's speaking at you. Like you're not here. That's great. You know, you have to, I like that move. I mean, it's crazy. Like people don't understand,
Starting point is 00:05:10 like, you know, there's a part of it for the guys that it's hard for women, but it's emotionally, but it's just as hard for male emotionally too. Drawing some good heat here early in the podcast. Hold on, but I will say this though.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I will say, I will say this. The crowd is booing thoroughly and loudly. It depends how invested in your relationship you are. You could be like, you know what? She'll deal with it on her own I will say this though. I will say, I will say this. The crowd is booing thoroughly and loudly. It depends how invested in your relationship you are. You could be like, you know what, she'll deal with it on her own
Starting point is 00:05:28 or you can be caring and be like, all right, what do you need? What do you need? And you have to kind of just know that they went through hell for nine months
Starting point is 00:05:36 and then post still. So you just got to suck it up. You're like, you already gained 20 pounds. You don't need another bag of potato chips. I remember there was- That's what you want to say, right? There was one time where I was like, she's like, I'm going to gain
Starting point is 00:05:48 30 pounds. And I had not processed how much weight women gain. You know, I was, oh, they just grow a belly. I didn't really think about the weight gain. The baby's only eight pounds. Why would you gain 30 pounds? He literally didn't know. We had to like call people so I could confirm to him like, no, that's actually normal. We didn't have to call people. I believed you when you told me. And then she decided to take it further than that. Yeah, that's a lot. That ends up being quite a bit of weight, especially on a small frame. Yeah. But she bounced back quick, though.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I think his problem with the emotions is they were already there. But we moved in together, started a business, and I found out that I was pregnant all in, like, a two-week period. And my mom also moved in with us. And his mom. Yeah. So his mom was also living with us. You could have planned that better.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I mean, getting pregnant doesn't just happen out of nowhere. I know. I know. It was stressful. Yeah. You just hadn't seen it yet. You weren't around it 24 seven. This is just me.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah. Oh, she's always that way. I know. So that's what he was in for, a rude awakening. A common question I always ask her, I was like, how were you married for this long? Yeah, because I was married before for nine years. Yeah. But we were never together.
Starting point is 00:06:53 You guys are going to try to get a PR. For me, actually. I think my longest relationship before her was like a year, nine months, a year. 11. You told me it was 11. 11 months, yeah. Of not breaking up with this person. Or a person in general, yeah, correct. Well, there you go. So we're already crushing it. I heard it PR'd.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah. You're already, uh, you're already on your way. Yes. Uh, what was the most difficult part about, uh, you know, going through the pregnancy? Like obviously the weight gain is a huge thing. It's an emotional thing. Um, like having your body change like that. And then are you kind of like concerned? Like at a certain point, are you like, I like, I know I can work out like after I give birth and you can work out leading up to it and stuff like that. Um, but are you like kind of halfway nervous about, am I ever going to get my body back? Oh my gosh. So I would say the hardest section is the section. I think that a lot of times for your first pregnancy anyway, you have this date of when the baby is going to come out as the end.
Starting point is 00:07:53 That's the end date. Like my due date, Knox's due date was July 28th, and that's the end date. But actually, like for the few months afterwards, you're way more messed up than you were when you were actually pregnant. At least that's how I felt. And you kind of think like, oh yeah, the next day I'm on my way back to being who I was before. And it's almost like you just took a big shit. It's like, that's out of me. Now I feel good. Back to normal. Yeah. So I don't think that I was prepared for that. I think you think, oh, the pregnancy is hard and being pregnant is hard and the birth is hard, but nobody really talks about the after. And that was the biggest, like most shocking thing to me was
Starting point is 00:08:28 how messed up your body is afterwards, like for months. So what about from a mental standpoint, like, uh, was a motivation different? Like, is that, did you feel like a different person in a way? Like, just cause you went through so many, so many hormonal changes happen. So I'd imagine that's got to be a play into it big time. Uh, yeah, I mean, it changes you, your, just your motivation for everything, even in the working out, like you've got to think everything that you do from the moment you find out you're pregnant, you've got to think, how is this going to affect the fetus inside of me basically. So it's not just, Oh, what do I want to do today? What am I going to eat? What am I, whatever. That's all just for you it's from that moment and now i feel like for the rest of your life almost it's everything you got to think about the little guy yeah it's uh nothing is about
Starting point is 00:09:16 you anymore and especially as a mom as a mom you really get killed and i i try to explain this and it's hard for me to put into words um like when when you have a child and you're a dad, at least this is my experience. You're not like automatically attached to that kid. The second it's born, it's, it's a, it's a, it's a different feeling from a male perspective. For sure. Absolutely. Uh, you are totally aware of like, yeah, I'm going to do any and everything I can to like help this little person in the, in the world. But I don't think it's the same. I think the attachment that
Starting point is 00:09:50 the woman has is, is different. And, uh, I just, I see what my wife goes through every day and I'm just like, man, she gets crushed. She gets fucking crushed. She gets crushed by our kids and by me, like I'm the biggest baby of them all. So, you know, we really, uh, tend to, tend to slow her down and she ends up having to do like just a shitload of tasks every single day. Um, I don't know how it is for you, but for me, um, you know, I can do like two or three things in a day and then I'm, then I'm kind of fried, you know? I feel like I'm doing two or three things like right now. Yeah. Anything more, yeah. Anything more than that. I get, I get, I get worn out pretty good. So how is it for you guys? Can you guys, can, are you able to handle a lot in one day? Um, I have a, I definitely have
Starting point is 00:10:35 a limit. I think, uh, I'm a better multitasker. I mean, that's like kind of a female thing is to be better at multitasking for sure. Um, but you've running the business and, uh, having him, and then also just like trying to be my own person, the, as a mom, the own person thing really gets pushed to the side a lot. And we were talking about motivation. Like it's, it's weird, like to be super into fitness because, or trying to get your body back because you want to, you want to get your body back back for yourself but also to like set a good example for other moms or even for your kid but then at a certain point you're like man but am i really gonna do like a couple more sets of whatever like i should go be with my kids so then it's no matter what you do you feel like
Starting point is 00:11:20 you're you're losing somewhere it's it's really weird. You feel guilty? Yes. I think one of the things that I've noticed for sure is, you know, um, you think you got things figured out, but we don't, and we're still, you know, every week, something you keep learning from mistakes that keep happening, right. And you have to adjust on the fly. Pretty much. You can either sit down and that's what we do often actually we sit down and talk about the issue that happened and what can we do to avoid this next time right because yeah I would say the whole first year I mean as parents you know what I hear is you're always figuring things out and you you won't right but um you got a lot of figuring out to do the first year you have, you know, you kind of have to, for me, um, realizing that, and that you just, the schedule really revolves around the little guy, you know, cause you think you can make it work. No, I can, yeah, I can pull it off because that
Starting point is 00:12:18 was my personality before and no way I've had to really just kind of reel it in and make a lot of adjustments. But a lot of communication is key. Did Miranda sidetrack your dreams of winning the CrossFit Games? I actually, the thing, I never wanted to win the CrossFit Games, actually, to be honest. I actually just wanted to make it there. And I think that's, I'm glad I did. And I was able to check out a lot sooner than, I think, other individuals. I'm glad I did.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And I was able to check out a lot sooner than I think other individuals. Because, and I think this, when I made it in 15 and I realized how miserable it actually was. And I was like, okay, well, you know, you get all inspired the first week after it's over. You're like, I'm going to come back. And then one month later, like, I mean, I'll go back, I guess, if I share. Why not? You know, I got no other goals in life. So, but. Was it, like, too time-consuming and just took too much away?
Starting point is 00:13:12 You know, if you, I'm being very honest, I didn't have, I think the other thing that I was trying to pursue was acting, which is, you know, I had my run at it. And I think it was, like, how I identified myself because I moved to la to pursue acting and i booked roles i did and good ones right um i don't really talk about it much because there weren't like you know um there were never leads in anything so i wasn't really too proud of it um is that something that you studied and like went to classes for it was something that i just
Starting point is 00:13:41 i just jumped into it again i didn't have many goals in life and my parents and my mom, my brother were like, oh, you know, you should go do acting and stuff. I was like, all right, sure. And I did it. And so when I found CrossFit though, it was like a big distraction actually, you know, and CrossFit seems like a big act to me. I'm just kidding. You know, and, um, it's all green screened anyway.
Starting point is 00:14:04 So that's right. So once I, that took up a lot of time and I realized I was good at it. I wanted to do something with it. And then, you know, that's pretty much it. But once you got into CrossFit, like, did you just kind of realize, like, after you made it to the games, competition level is, is rising and things like that. And you had, you started to develop other goals in your life as well. Yeah. So obviously I think if it wasn't for Miranda, I think I would still probably have been in it to be honest. Cause I think the story of, I think people always think this is a negative, but the story of like, I'm not good enough is actually, is actually a good
Starting point is 00:14:42 thing to go through. Like I, I, i i tried that i worked really hard at it and even if i doubled down i still wouldn't be able to figure out how to beat uh rich froning or matt fraser right right and so it's like and even if you did double down you're like that's going to cost me a lot not not financially just going to cost you a lot period a lot of time yeah a lot of effort a lot of injury a lot of heartache right it's going to just cost you a lot period a lot of time yeah a lot of effort a lot of injury a lot of heartache right it's going to just cost you a lot so i think sometimes people try things and they fail and then they just they kind of give up on a lot of other things and it's like no bounce around into something new into something different right i think that obviously in 2015 when i made it and i you know i achieved my goal because that year actually my goal was to just take top 10
Starting point is 00:15:23 of regionals at the time but because it was my first year as an individual and then that happened and I was like really shocked. So I went in, I was super rookie about it. I didn't do good at the games. So once again, it like just opened my eyes to realizing what you don't really gain too much out of it once you're there or from a financial point of view, when you're putting a lot of other, your financial on almost at a pause, right? You're coaching classes. Great. You're paying your rent. Um, but that's about it.
Starting point is 00:15:50 And so, you know, 16 happened, you know, I try to, you know, go for it again. I didn't make it. It was a reality check to, again, like, all right, you're getting to a point now. What, what's your next steps? You know, 17, um, and then I met Miranda, you know, 15, we dated in 16. Um, and 17, I didn't even want to do the open actually, because I felt, you know, I really, um, went hard at my meal prep company that I owned at the time. And once I focused on that, it actually, you know, I built it up. It was, you know, doing really, really well.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I didn't want to sign up for the open she convinced me she's like i think you should um i did it made it best open you know performance i did in the open and then she's like i think you're gonna qualify for the games i was like i don't think so i'm not training nowhere near what i used to and then i qualified and then didn't go. Qualified and didn't go. Why didn't you go? Because Knox was born on the 1st. His due date was July 28th and the games were set to start on August 1st. So she did derail your hopes and dreams.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I knew it. I saved him from having to compete in the games a second time. Yeah. Actually, you know, and I'm glad that I experienced it for my first year in 2015, so I knew what it was like being there. So just, you know, everything kind of happened the way it needed to. You know, I competed. I proved to myself as an athlete that I belonged out there on the floor. It wasn't a question whether it was a fluke year, right, because people make it and they always question like was was i lucky this year were the workouts in my favor did you guys
Starting point is 00:17:27 go through this realization uh that you don't want to maybe be so heavy into crossfit um almost around the same time or did your development happen a lot earlier miranda well so my last crossfit competition was when i was on Team NorCal in 2015, and we were winning the games. And on Saturday morning, I tore my ACL, just like exploded my ACL on a clean and jerk. Just on a workout? At the games.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Oh, at the games. In the middle of the games. We were winning the CrossFit games by like 60 points. And exploded my ACL, was told by the doctors, like, you're not allowed. We're not going to let you continue to compete. And so the team tried to do what they could do with only five people. And then even at a certain point, I think we placed like 10th, even when they did more than half the workouts with only five people. So, um, I never really tried to go back to being competitive after that. I was, let's see, 33 already. And I was, I had given up a lot. Um, I had stopped working as much.
Starting point is 00:18:34 So my career was like all messed up and everything, just because I knew we were going to win the games. Like I knew it was going to happen and we definitely would have. And, uh, it was kind of like a sign, I think, for all of us on that team to be just like, OK, let's just let's all do something else. And so I got a new job. I started working for a supplement company and I moved and that's where I met him. And everything happened the way that it happened. So I never really tried to go back to competing after that. Going through some of that process, did you get like depressed at all? Did you get upset by it or was it such a long, like long time coming that it wasn't painful necessarily?
Starting point is 00:19:10 I actually feel really lucky. And I've talked to a bunch of games athletes about this who are, they don't want to do it anymore, but they didn't get injured or anything. So they just have to say, oh, I don't want to do it anymore. I felt lucky that I got injured and could use that as a, oh, yeah, I tore my ACL. And, and then, so I tore my ACL and then we met. And by the time my knee started feeling better, I was pregnant. So it's like, ah, I tore my ACL and I was pregnant and now I'm old and I have my mom and whatever, you know? So I feel like I had an easier out than a lot of people who made a choice not to compete
Starting point is 00:19:40 anymore. I had a lot of excuses. That's another thing actually that helped me too. And I don't really think I bring it up often, but having Miranda know a lot of excuses that's another thing actually helped me too and i don't really think i bring it up often but having miranda know a lot of the og games athletes kind of helped me make a decision with like even after let's just say you realize what a bunch of losers they are you said it i didn't um but you know you just kind of see where they're at one like the have they have a hard time letting go their their
Starting point is 00:20:06 bodies are broken they're hearing their stories about how they can't even like work out for fun anymore because they have to do this hour-long warm-up to even attempt to go running or even spend time with their kids right and i was just like this is what happens when you don't let go you don't know how to let go when you achieve your peak high. And then I think it's because they feel like so many people expect something of them. When, when you get, when you get to a point where you can just realize like why or what your purpose is now. And I feel like, thank goodness I had a purpose, uh, which made everything so much easier. Yeah. We're so lucky because I mean, when I left the sport, we were winning by a lot and slated to win and and I
Starting point is 00:20:48 just got injured so that's like the that's like the sad story in sports but it's not like we went and lost or something like that when he left it was like the biggest dick move in all of CrossFit history because who knows who remembers who won regionals in 2017 the only thing that people remember from those regionals is that Julian was like, Oh, I made it. No,
Starting point is 00:21:07 thank you. Like I'm good. It was a really big deal. Like, cause they only pick like the top two people or something, right? It's the top five and he was fourth. And so they gave it to like the guy underneath him,
Starting point is 00:21:18 uh, or who would have been six, I guess. But, um, you know, like women were like tagging their husbands and their boyfriends and like all the posts about it like see he gave up his spot to go to the games to be
Starting point is 00:21:30 at the birth like why can't you be like this and the guys were like oh my gosh you've ruined my life forever like how are how are men supposed to live up to this and he had people coming up to him like why would you do that just just miss it like it's not that big of a deal that's what people tell me like why don't you guys have the birth over there? And I was like, have her fly out to Madison and deliver the baby there. And I'm like, Oh my gosh. I was like, get me out of this place. Yeah. So, uh, like you'll have another baby. What's the big deal? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He'll be there when you get back. Yeah. He's there forever. Yeah. That's, that's, uh, I mean, I've, uh, you know, was forced to come to the realization that I couldn't do it anymore, you know, as well.
Starting point is 00:22:07 So I fell with a thousand 85 squat and I just was like, eh, maybe I should rethink some of the stuff that I'm doing. So I lost weight and shifted gears for a while and still got bit by the bug again and came back and came back and forth and back and forth and Brett farmed it for a little while. But, uh, I think, I think I got most of it, most of it out of my blood at this point. Nice. Um, when you bring up some of the original CrossFitters, I'm not aware of all the names like you guys are, but I am aware of a lot of the athletes. And one person that comes to mind is, is Jason Kalipa. Like he's somebody that, that went through that process, smashed himself as hard as he possibly could, but he took that mindset and now he's applying it to other aspects of his life. He and his family, along with many other people, have supported Ava through her leukemia and looks like she's coming out the other end. Yeah, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Very healthy and strong. And he's, you know, he's applying himself in these different areas. And sometimes you're looking at some of these other people that have done really cool things in CrossFit or powerlifting. And you're like, man, I just wish they would kind of like wake the hell up and apply that energy. Like they're so good. They're so cool. They're so awesome. And I just love to see them connect the dots in their regular life. It just takes an experience or something,
Starting point is 00:23:28 something to give them a new purpose. You know, that's it. Well, and I've said it so many times because these athletes, they'll have a voice for a short period of time. So whether they just made it to the games for the first time or they've been an OG for a long time and they have, like, this following and this voice and people want to hear what they have to say they don't use it for anything and then it dwindles off and then by the time they realize they've lost their voice they don't know what they're
Starting point is 00:23:53 going to do and so they end up you know owning a gym or or being a trainer which is not a bad deal for sure but they had an opportunity to you know make a change in change in the world with whatever they wanted to say. And they kind of lose it and they miss that opportunity because they're so focused on their training and the selfishness of trying to go to the games that they lose that opportunity. It's pretty sad. When I was doing seminars for CrossFit, I remember, you know, so many people saying like there's all this money in CrossFit. And in some sense there is. Or Glassman, yeah. Yeah, in some sense there's not this money in CrossFit and in some sense there is. And in some sense, or Glassman. Yeah. Yeah. In some sense there's not. Right. And, uh, I just remember people saying that and I would go out and do these seminars and I would meet the owners and they drove like very
Starting point is 00:24:35 modest cars. And like, I, I didn't recognize there was no signs of, uh, that, that people had like this crazy excess amount of money that people were talking about. They basically seemed, uh, very similar to the powerlifting crew that I was used to. And, um, I think that perception probably comes in some of the prize money that there is at the games. Uh, obviously CrossFit is a, you know, I think 300 or $400 million, maybe more. I don't even know year a year company. Like it's huge. Right. And it's, uh, they did sponsorship with Reebok and they're now on ESPN. And like, there's all these things that have happened. Uh, but that money is for, you know, some of the higher ups and for some
Starting point is 00:25:15 of the missions that they have. And then they also, uh, have a huge staff of people that do seminars and media and, uh, all different kinds of stuff. It's really, there's not like money having like a CrossFit gym necessarily unless you can figure out how to navigate those waters. And there's not really a ton of money in being a CrossFit coach unless, again, you can figure out how do I navigate those waters and how do I be a little different than the next person. You can definitely make a lot more money in most cases as a personal trainer than you can owning a gym or being a group fitness instructor at a CrossFit gym. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Depending on where you live and your clientele and stuff like that, for sure. And I don't think people see that. People like to see how much the CrossFit gyms charge and then they multiply that number by the number of members they have. And like you said, they don't subtract the rent and the utility bills and the insurance and the equipment and the trainer. They don't subtract any of that. They just see the big number. Yeah, they're like, oh, they charged 200 and they got 200 members. Exactly. They must just be printing money. Exactly. And you're like, oh, they charged $200 and they got 200 members. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:25 They must just be printing money. Exactly. And you're like, no, it doesn't work that way. They got five coaches and they got a lot of overhead and there's a lot of other expenses. Have either of you guys owned a CrossFit gym before? I owned a gym in Salt Lake City, Utah for three years. Yeah, it was before anybody knew what CrossFit was. So it was super fun because we didn't have the people showing up,
Starting point is 00:26:45 like telling us they were the next games champion or anything like that. So it was, it was cool that we only had a few stall mats and our dumbbells didn't match and nobody, you know, was using full range of motion or anything. We were just having a good time. And then both of you have been very successful in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Did you make any money cross actually CrossFitting physically CrossFitting? Absolutely not. We had sponsors and stuff, you know, because I was on Jason jason's team so he's a he's a great negotiator to get us some money i would get paid like 200 from certain like apparel companies a month or jump whatever but it was like it was nothing living in la that what pays you're like before i realized that this is a 1099 employee you still have to pay taxes. Exactly. Here's the deal. Do what you got to do, obviously, because what's hard about everything, we can say all this stuff now. But what I realized that when somebody has a mission or a goal, they won't realize what we're realizing until they achieve it.
Starting point is 00:27:44 There's always a drive. And hopefully that, and we can tell them all we want, a lot of people, but I think, you know, until they experience it themselves, we just hope that they experience it a lot sooner or what, hopefully by listening to what we've been through, they can shift focus into things that, you know, has a better payoff. Especially, you know, with the situation that they could possibly, if someone has a family and stuff like that, that's what makes me really sad sometimes. But, you know, because the thing is, like, everything that we've done has been a story to create everything that we have now.
Starting point is 00:28:20 You know, so I also don't regret any decision that I've made since, you know, I moved to L.A. and all the mistakes and all the bad experiences, you know, so I also don't regret any decision that I've made since, you know, I moved to LA and all the mistakes and all the bad experiences, you know, because it molds you into who you are now. It's just a matter of realizing when that change needs to happen. Miranda, do you feel better nowadays? Uh, like not chasing numbers, you know, not like physically, psychologically, emotionally, what do you mean? All. It's a huge burden to like, that's your identity. You're a CrossFitter and you have these certain numbers and times and things that you have to have. Yeah, I would say I have a lot more fun working out and it's a lot less stressful now.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Oh, look at that. We got a hat backwards. It was before I was a mom, you know. It was so much cooler back then. Yeah. Jeez. The hair was short though. You were going with the mom haircut. I look before I was a mom, you know? It was so much cooler back then. Yeah. Jeez. The hair was short, though. You were going with the mom haircut.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I look like I'm about to cry. Most of the videos I've seen of you, you always look like you're about to cry. I have very expressive eyes. And also, one thing that I learned competing is I'm really bad at it. I'm good at working out in the gym, but as soon as there's stakes involved it's it never goes well for me so that was something that i learned yeah most of these videos i see you and hear you making weird noises and making weird faces like throwing up and stuff yeah barfing everywhere i would say i definitely have a lot more fun but um it can be tough sometimes we don't do a lot of the same workouts like we used to do in the past. But when we repeat like this, for example, was Jackie.
Starting point is 00:29:46 When we repeat that, I'll still get competitive with my old times and get a little bummed out if I can't beat what I was doing before. And the crazy thing is, though, when it comes to just like classic conditioning type stuff, I'm not that far off. Lifting, not even close. Like my Olympic lifts and stuff because we don't lift very much at all now. But I mean, I can do pretty well for one workout a day. The volume, if I tried to go do like a regionals of like three, four events in a day, would annihilate me. Do you think like a lot of CrossFitters work out multiple times a day? Do you think that that's do you think they're doing too much because they just feel that they have to?
Starting point is 00:30:24 Or do you think they're doing too much because they just feel that they have to, or do you think that's necessary? I think if you're going to compete, it's necessary because it's sports-specific at that point. Like your body needs to know how to recover and do it again and do it again to look good and to just be generally fit and be able to have a fast Fran time or Jackie time. It's completely unnecessary. Right. It's definitely overkill, right?
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yes. So you made the games in 2008. Was that the first time you made it? So you didn't really have to make it back then, Mark. You just kind of showed up and like signed a waiver. Well, you made it. The year that Jason won, same year. You didn't really have to, you know, it was a free for all back then. It's funny because that's actually where I met jason and uh we became friends shortly after that but uh and then i competed this was in regionals what we're watching right now this was in regionals in 2013 so 2011 i was fifth at regionals 2013 and 14 i was seven or no 12 and 13 i was seventh so i never made it as an individual to the games, which fans of CrossFit don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Because if you have a cool Instagram and CrossFit posted you a bunch of times, they just assume you won the CrossFit games at some point. I never even had to do that. And then 14 and 15, I was on the team. Fifth in 14 and then in 15, in my mind, we won because we should have won. It was my fault. But we got 10th.
Starting point is 00:31:47 When did you break your neck? In 2012, in June. It was like a couple weeks after regionals in 2012. But you still made it back to the games a few times after that. Yeah. So I was in a car accident a few weeks after regionals and broke my neck. Didn't know it for 17 days. They told me I had whiplash and they never even x-rayed me or anything. No matter how many times I complained about the pain in my neck. I was taken to the hospital. An x-ray is such an easy thing for them to do. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:17 It's not complicated. And I was taken to the hospital on like a stretcher. Like a gurney type thing. Yes. And I was telling him the whole time. Head strapped down and everything. Yep. So the EMTs definitely did their job. And then I was telling the doctors like, my neck really hurts. My neck really hurts. Oh, you probably just have whiplash. And who knows? I mean, the emergency room people are probably so, they get a lot of
Starting point is 00:32:38 dramatic people in there, I'm sure. I broke my hand, which they did x-ray my hand. Thank you. Is that hard to see? Like we're bringing up the picture of the car. And is that tough for you to look at? Are you? The car is that. So this picture actually was the day that I found out that my neck was broken. So this was like 17 days after the accident.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I went in to get my hand casted and the hand doctor was like, you're still like, you can barely move. And I'm like, oh yeah, the whiplash is still really lingering around. And he was like, I think you should go get an MRI on your neck. So my hand doctor sent me in and they called me like immediately after and said, you need to go to an emergency room. If you sneeze, if you get rear-ended, if you trip and fall, like you're going to, you could be paralyzed. And so this was at an emergency room and fall, you could be paralyzed. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:33:27 This was at an emergency room, and I was actually at the gym about to try to work out like a psychopath trying to go back to the games with a broken neck. Because that's your identity, and it's what you do, right? So, yeah, that was the day that I found out that I had to have surgery to have it fused and everything like that. Yeah. How long did that take to recover from? And yeah, that was the day that I found out that I had to have surgery to have it fused and everything like that. Yeah. How long did that take to recover from? I was pretty stubborn about it. So I worked out pretty much the whole time, even in my collar.
Starting point is 00:33:59 What I would do, you guys will appreciate this, is I pulled the sled around. So I would just put it around my waist and walk around the parking lot in the sled to keep my legs strong. And, um, it took a while before I could do things that were like overhead, obviously anything that was explosive, like cleans or snatches or kipping or muscle ups and all that kind of thing. But, um, I mean, a year later I did, I placed the same as I did the two weeks before I broke it. So what do you think the driving force behind that was like Like, why not just chill the fuck out for a little while? I think that my personality type is that I like to just be like, no, no, no, it's fine. I can do it. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I'm fine. Any idea where that comes from or is that just you? Like, does that come from your mom or your dad? Definitely my dad? Yeah. Very stubborn. Yeah. My mom's the most chill person.
Starting point is 00:34:48 She, she'd still be chilling. No, no, no. I got to recover this neck. I got to, I got to figure this out first before I, before I move forward. What'd your dad do? Like, what does he do now? Yeah. Or what did he do?
Starting point is 00:35:01 Like when you're growing up? I mean, when I was growing up or when he was growing up? When you were growing up. Okay. My dad, he had a bunch of, he worked for a bunch of different companies. I don't remember exactly what he did when I was young, young, but I know that he was always gone and always busy and he worked for a place that he hated. Kids never have any idea what their dad does. But I don't really, it's some sort of marketing because I know that's what he did. He was was marketing i don't know what he was marketing but um i remember he worked for a company that he hated and one day he had he came home and he told us
Starting point is 00:35:34 that he had quit his job we had i have five siblings and we lived in a pretty nice neighborhood in salt lake city utah and um i think less than a year or two later, we ended up moving to a much smaller house in a much more modest community. And my older siblings were really pissed about that because we used to go to Hawaii and everything. And now as an adult, though, we understand, I guess, this company that he worked for, the marketing that he was doing required him to be super dishonest, and he couldn't do it. He couldn't do it anymore. So it's a good lesson now as an adult, but as a kid, no more Hawaii in a smaller house was not ideal for us.
Starting point is 00:36:13 We were upset about it. I have a very similar story. My dad worked for IBM for a long time. long time. And, uh, when, before I was born, uh, when my, when my family was just kind of getting started with my older brothers, uh, we lived in a trailer park and then my dad, you know, made money and did well and worked for IBM and we worked our way kind of up, up the ladder and then became, I guess you'd say like upper middle class. And then my dad lost his job with IBM and we ended up back in the trailer park. So like my upbringing, like I, I kind of, I saw a lot of that and I saw like what, what, uh, the benefits of having a financial freedom looks like. And I saw also, you know, what it looks like to have it, uh, pulled out from underneath you.
Starting point is 00:37:06 way it made me like not care that much about money and made me care more about uh being happy and like kind of following shit that that just makes you feel good rather than trying to figure out some sort of corporate job or try to figure out going to college or any of those things because my dad did all that and it didn't it it paid off in a way but he was when he had that job and when we were doing really well from a financial standpoint, he was, he, it was hard for him to be around. And then when I saw him, uh, pursue his own goals and his own dreams of, he loves real estate. He loves, uh, he does taxes and stuff like that. He just, he loves, he loves people. He loves to communicate with people. And so he found a job that allowed, allowed him to do that and make money at the same time and i was like that seems like a way better option i don't care
Starting point is 00:37:49 how much less money that is that still seems better and in the long run he ended up making more money because that's the way that shit works because you're passionate and excited about it you know it when he talks about the games athletes and no one making any money and no one having real jobs it's actually a real thing for a lot of those athletes i think because of my experience growing when he talks about the games athletes and no one making any money and no one having real jobs, it's actually a real thing for a lot of those athletes. I think because of my experience growing up, um, when I was younger and seeing my family go through that, that was never me. I always had at least one job, if not two. And I have since, since I can remember, since I was 15 years old, I've always worked.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And when I was in college, I was the only one in my apartment of six girls who had a job and then also was like taking way more classes than I should. And the whole time that I was competing in CrossFit, I owned my gym and I was on the seminar staff traveling every single weekend. Like I was not OK with just, oh, you know, like I'll get money from sponsors. And in my mind, it's like, no, what happens if you get hurt? I always had to have a backup plan. And still to this day, I'm no matter how successful our business becomes or anything, I'm like, yeah, but it's, it could go away tomorrow. And, and so I get, I think, uh, it taught me in, in positive ways in a lot of ways, but also in like panic mode, negative ways, I think sometimes where I have a hard time relaxing with success. Like it's not ever quite enough.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Do you have like a lot of anxiety towards like always want to do better or do you move around so much you ain't got time to think about it? No, she's got a lot of anxiety. No, I think I picked that up as a kid again from my dad of always wanting. I'm a little bit of a little bit of a perfectionist and always overdoing it. Being idols, not in your vocabulary. No, I have a really hard time. Yeah, it's actually gotten us in like certain arguments at the beginning for sure with his business because I have like a very relaxed approach to like problems and stuff. And she is very,
Starting point is 00:39:46 she, you know, we both care, but you care different ways. Right. And you both, we have different ways of dealing with things. Um,
Starting point is 00:39:53 both ways seem to solve problems, you know? Yeah, absolutely. Somebody who's really going to push and someone who's also going to say, I'm not really going to push on that. Cause I want to kind of see what it all looks like. And,
Starting point is 00:40:04 uh, like for example, I I'm imagining that it's probably very easy for her to get fired up. Right. And for her to get mad about something. Right. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. And, uh, like my household's the same way.
Starting point is 00:40:17 My wife can get really pissed about something and I'm, I'm usually more relaxed about it and it plays out really well because we're opposites in that way. And we're not like driving each other crazy sometimes. I mean, sometimes we can, but for the most part, um, you know, she's like, she's fighting somebody balling up their fist with balling up her own fist and I'm just keeping my hands relaxed and I'm like, let's just see what they do kind of thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Like, let me assess the situation and me getting mad does absolutely nothing other than just give me a kind of thing. Like, let me assess the situation. And me getting mad does absolutely nothing other than just give me a bunch of stress. Yeah, exactly. But yeah, I think that it's just, again, we've had to talk, you know, really work together to figure out, to get me to a point too, where I'm like, all right, just, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:58 let her go through her emotions and stuff. And then we'll, once things settle down later that evening, we can just, you know, we can talk about it and stuff. the funniest is when she's like really have she has such high anxiety and she's like talking to me about it and i'm like trying to be the listener and not usually i'm very like you know i'll talk right away and stuff but i've learned she looks like she's about to beat your ass no no where's he going with this no Is it funny when I have anxiety? I'm glad you think it's so funny. I've had to learn to just stay quiet and listen. But there's sometimes where she looks at me a little bit too long, and I'm like, I don't know if I'm supposed to say something right now.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I'm just letting you do you. And I'm glad we got to that point. You're like, is she thinking about punching my teeth down my throat right now? There's times where I'm like, are you mad at me? Like, did I do something? Have to constantly tell people, no, I ran into a barbell. I promise. Everything's good at home.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah. But, you know, it's interesting. Like, but you got to figure those things out early. And I think that's one thing that, you know, we're learning early how to communicate. I think it's worked out really perfect for us because when I'm, you know, when were learning early how to communicate. I think it's, it's worked out really perfect for us because when I'm, you know, when I met him, he had a business and the way that I saw them running their business gave me panic attacks and it had nothing to do with me. Like writing down orders in like a spiral notebook with food splashes all over
Starting point is 00:42:22 it and, and delivering meal because they had a meal prep company and they'd go deliver stuff at like 11 o'clock at night to people's house and i was like this is so all of it's so unprofessional they had no record of how much money they were taking in or anything and um so it's been a it's been a good like happy medium for sure she's made me definitely like uh change into way more responsible person. I think that's a thing that a lot of guys struggle with, you know, just being organized. Oh, absolutely. Like, you're like, I'll figure that out. And you kind of just maybe do it through some like brute force or whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And you're, or just like work, you know, you just like, I'll just work hard. And if it doesn't work, then I'll just work harder. But having some sort of organization makes it so much more efficient. Yeah. And you could still work hard, but you can work hard in other areas and help things along a lot faster, way more efficiently. If you have some, bring in some kind of law and order to everything. Yeah. Did you find that you became like more overprotective after you guys had a kid?
Starting point is 00:43:23 Absolutely. protective after you guys had a kid? Um, absolutely. Um, well before that, actually, when she was, when she got pregnant, I immediately was like, I got to get everything together. Um, and I had to make that huge adjustment. You know, it's really funny is I think having Knox chilled me out more than it made me more of a perfectionist. I would say, chilled me out more than it made me more of a perfectionist. I would say, because I mean, any mom will tell you being a perfectionist mom, it doesn't last very long because there's no such thing. Like you will mess up 15 times a day, if not more from the moment that he's born or even the moment that you find out you're pregnant, like you got to let go of that real fast. So I think it's relaxed me more. What about like moms that have like three or four kids and like, they just don't like
Starting point is 00:44:07 the kids are off just, you know, going nuts. And the mom at some point learned like, yeah, I need to kind of chill out and like, just let things go. Oh yeah. If the kids are smashing each other with two by fours or something, then, you know, I, you know, there's nothing you can do. The kids are going to kind of work some of these things out on their own and then you try to assess whatever situations they run into and if somebody really got hurt you try to help but you know I actually get like performance anxiety so
Starting point is 00:44:34 I talked about how I'm um I was really bad at competing I think it's because I was so nervous that people were watching me the mom performance anxiety if I'm alone with him and he's like fussy, upset, totally fine. Doesn't bother me at all. But if I feel like he's like, why is the baby upset? And he doesn't talk to me like that at all. But I put that on him. Or like I remember when he was first born, he was like crying when I was changing his diaper. And you keep running upstairs like, what's wrong with him?
Starting point is 00:45:01 And I'm just like, baby's crying. Like I don't, he's going to cry. And he, it was, it was, uh, it was more the pressure of, uh, seeming like a good mom to other people than it was me actually thinking that I wasn't being one. It's so funny with, with babies. A lot of times, you know, when you're amongst family, you know, they're like, oh, maybe the babies, they always say the baby's gassy or the baby's tired or the baby's hungry or the baby's wet. And it's like, no, I went through the checklist of things. And you know why the baby's crying? It's because it's a fucking baby.
Starting point is 00:45:32 That's what they do sometimes. Like they're just, sometimes they're just upset. And like, you know, who knows why? Maybe something scared them. Like everything's new to them. You bring a baby to like the grocery store or something. You see their eyes just like light up. Like everything's new. The lights are new. The smell is new to them. You bring a baby to the grocery store or something, you see their eyes just light up. Everything's new. The lights are new. The smell is new. Every single thing. All these new people are around.
Starting point is 00:45:52 All these new scents and different things are going on. The new sounds. Yeah, of course they're going to be upset here and there. They go through a lot every day. And it's their only form of communication. They can't talk. I read a lot about it. It's like babies need to cry And it's their only form of communication. Like, they can't talk. So, like, you know, I read a lot about it and it's like, babies need to cry. Like, it's their only outlet and so you gotta let them,
Starting point is 00:46:10 you can't sue them every single time. Are you guys gonna mess with the cry it out method? So, we couldn't do it. We tried. It was really hard. It was really hard for her.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I was like, kind of... He's like two now, basically? He is. Like, he's more, he's closer to a year than he is to two he's 15 months yeah so we tried it man and it's kind of painful right when you we couldn't let it go past like
Starting point is 00:46:34 30 minutes because you're just like it doesn't feel it didn't feel right to us but now luckily he's gotten to the point where because he was a horrible sleeper horrible he didn't sleep through the night until he was like 11 months old. Like ever.
Starting point is 00:46:47 I mean, maybe once, but the rest of the time from day one to 11 months, it was every two hours. Sometimes every 45 minutes he was awake. Did you guys ever swaddle him? We tried that. He hated swaddling.
Starting point is 00:46:58 He never took a binky. He hated a bottle. I had like a straight jacket for my kids. I got the miracle blanket and I tucked my son in there like a little freaking burrito. And then I had it just set up just so like the binky was barely in there, the pacifier. And it was just like he couldn't move. His arms were locked out to his side. And he would sleep, you know, all through the night that way.
Starting point is 00:47:21 But yeah, he finally didn't work on my daughter. Yeah. 14 months is finally when he hit like something hit with him where he was just like you know now he sleeps he sleeps and i'm able to just read him his books at night uh you know she goes through the night routine and then she passes them off to me read him his books lay him in the crib he's out and and it's just like he doesn't fight it at all no but before you but before, you would feel so bad, man, because, you know, it's 2 in the morning. Oh, look at baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Good parenting right there. You know what? When I see videos like this, I feel, and I'm glad every morning, you know, gave me so much joy because he was such a happy camper in the morning. But at 2 or 3 in the morning, those were the hardest hours because when he's not sleeping, like, you know, she couldn't go in and see him because she was still nursing at the time so if she goes in and just tries to put him sleep he just wants to be nursed and so that didn't work so i was like i'm gonna take on this night roll right now and you know let me go in there but i would just remember getting so frustrated at him to the point where you just because that's when they can start pushing you back like at six seven eight months they start pushing you back right so I'd have to literally bear hug them so tight and just rock them up and down.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I was like, oh my goodness. I was like, I'm getting really aggressive right now. You just feel so bad. But then when you wake up in the morning, they just get all happy and stuff. You're like, thank goodness. I'm glad you forgot about what I did last night. Well, the joke is like, it's like having your friend that every time you go out to the bar, they get blackout drunk.
Starting point is 00:48:50 And they try to get your whole group into a fight. And you almost get arrested. And then the next morning, they don't remember any of it. They're just like, hey, what's up, guys? And you're like, seriously? That was him, for sure. Yeah, he was always so happy the next morning. And he didn't remember how mad he was at you several hours before.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Oh, yeah. I got some advice for new dads out there, and this is a good one for you. So you come home, and it's a long day. Maybe you were out, and the wife was home with the kid, and she has that look in her eye like she's going to roundhouse kick your head right off your shoulders. Just whatever you got to do. Say, hey, like, I'll take care of the kid. Like, why don't you go see a movie? Or like, call your sister.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Call your girlfriend. Or, you know, maybe it'd be good for you to like go on a trip. Or like, go get a massage. Or like, just whatever you can offer up for your time. Oh, yeah. Try to do it. It'll pay off big time. Because sometimes moms just don't get any breaks.
Starting point is 00:49:46 No, they don't get, they don't get any, uh, they don't get any reprieve at all. So, uh, just throwing that out there to new dads out there. Cause that, that things like that can make a big difference. Oh yeah. Yeah. I remember when, uh, there was a few times with both of our kids where my wife's like, I just want to take a shower. Like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:50:03 She's like, I just want to, you know, I just need like 10 minutes to take a shower. And, uh, you know, you got one, one kid that's screaming cause you know, it's still a baby. And you got the other kid like following you everywhere. Um, I don't know why my kids, they would like follow you into the bathroom. I'm like, I'm taking a dump, you know, like they're like, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm trying to go to the bathroom. Can I have any time to myself? But with my wife, it was 10 times worse. Yeah. Because with me, like they just kind of, I don't know, they just hang around me.
Starting point is 00:50:31 They don't really want or need anything a lot of times. Yeah. I mean, I could be hanging out with them and then they'll turn around and ask their mom to make them a sandwich. And I'm like, I can do this. Yeah, I can do this. And they're like, no, you can't. You can't make a sandwich. Can you though? I know. They're going to be like, you can do this. And they're like, no, you can't. You can't make a sandwich. Can you though?
Starting point is 00:50:46 I know. They're going to be like, you can't make a sandwich like mom can. And I'm like, all right. Screw it. It's made with love. I think the hardest thing for me that I've had to really realize recently is I need moments completely by myself. Like you're saying. Because we have Knox.
Starting point is 00:51:06 We also have four dogs, which are extremely annoying because we just got a puppy and they fight with each other. Then we have the employees, which I love them more than anything. But for some reason, I'm like the mom of the office. So if you have a question question about anything literally anything if they don't ask julian questions no one asks julian what we should do it's not like hey uh what do you think about this idea or this instagram post or did you see this shame he looks like an intelligent guy i know oh i don't mind always it's it's me every time so like we we pay for an office space i can't work at home because if i can hear nox i want to play with him. If he's upset, I want to soothe him.
Starting point is 00:51:47 But if I go to the office, I can't get any work done because people are chatting with me. So I'll go to Starbucks by myself and work completely alone. That's my high. I go to coffee shops.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I go to pills. We've been bragging about your pills. We don't have pills up there, okay? Sorry. Do you consider your workout time time yourself, or that's not enough? Or do you guys work out together? We work out together, and a lot of times it's our whole staff there together. So even if you did work out by yourself, that's not what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:52:18 You probably just need some, just a few minutes, even half an hour. Completely alone. Just to listen to some music, go for a walk or just chill at a coffee shop. We just recently had to, you know, had to sit her down and be like, look, we got to work something out where you, you have alone time because, and you need to stop even worrying about me because she would feel like she was being a bad wife because with all the things she's like, but then I want to make sure you're okay. I was like, I'm okay. I actually need you to be okay for me to be okay. I was like, so I think, you know, we talk about a lot of things and I was like, when you wake up in the
Starting point is 00:52:48 morning, bring knocks down to me, I'll feed him breakfast. You go in the garage, you go do your thing, have alone time and don't worry. I was like, stop worrying about me. Seriously. I was like, you're doing too good of a job. You know, being an adult is like complicated. You know, people talk about how hard it is like being high school and all these different phases but being an adult is really complicated it's like there's all these plates you got to spend yeah you're like okay i got my business like there's going to be some place where you have uh financial gain right there can be some place that you make money and then there's going to be the relationship with your wife with your kids and you got other family members and you're like uh how do i juggle all this shit?
Starting point is 00:53:26 And then you got to juggle your own emotions. Like as a kid, I don't remember ever being like, I need alone time. I just need to go to a coffee shop, bro, and chill out. Like, let me just get a coffee and just sit down. Like never needed that as a kid, you know? No, you don't even think about it. You know, and it's funny. Um, so before I was in CrossFit, I was actually in the bodybuilding scene. Here we go. Talking about her biceps.
Starting point is 00:53:50 And what I was going to say is regardless of whether you're trying to be a pro bodybuilder or if you're trying to like be big into the powerlifting and you're going and competing in powerlifting or if you're a CrossFitter, going back to what we were talking about before, people kind of getting stuck in it. I think it's an excuse to not have to juggle all the plates. You have the one plate, and you don't hang out with your friends, and you don't have a real career, and you don't maybe have a relationship or spend as much time worrying about that stuff, but you always can just be like, oh, yeah, well, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:19 I'm really focused on making it to the Games this year, so I don't have time for this, this, and this. And I think, and it might be powerlifting or bodybuilding. Yeah, we'd go with anything, to be honest. Yeah, the bodybuilders that I knew were really trying to get their pro card or whatever, they could use it as an excuse to be completely antisocial, to not have real jobs or anything because they were so focused on this thing. And now you see people in their 30s still using that.
Starting point is 00:54:44 It's an excuse not to participate in life they use it uh in a context that they try to spin it off to be like more positive and like i'm just super competitive i'm like no you're an idiot like let's make no mistake about it you're an idiot because you're not growing as a person yes you're growing with your crossfit workouts and your fran time better, but you're an idiot. Yeah. And that hasn't changed because you're not trying to expand. So it's like, yeah, you're getting better at some of these workouts and that's cool.
Starting point is 00:55:11 If that's the only goal, then I guess you're killing it. And it, and it does nothing for anybody, but you're like, you're not helping anybody. Like having a three 15 snatch on Instagram is cool. It's like cool.
Starting point is 00:55:24 People will double click it, but it doesn't really give anything back to the world. Get people to hit that like button. Exactly. It might up your followers a little bit, but that's it. Yeah. Social media plays into all this in a huge way. Has your social media changed, you know, over a period of time? Because you used to be, you know, such a, so heavy into CrossFit and now you're, you guys are, have your own programming. You guys have
Starting point is 00:55:49 workouts that are probably quite different than CrossFit workouts. So has your audience changed? So, um, my audience started changing the moment I started posting pictures of him. I would notice, I would lose followers anytime I posted. They're like, what? They're like, who's this girl? I thought I had a chance. Forget it. Like, I'm out of here. What the hell?
Starting point is 00:56:09 And so I lost followers when we got in a relationship because we were. You know how many men just crying, just bawling. I can't believe she did this to me. I'm on here every day. So that was the first step and then of course um is when as soon as i got pregnant it was like no abs what's ew this is real life gross like i'm out of here so i lost some followers when i was pregnant too but then i noticed um a shift in followers where it used to be like more like 70 30 guys and it's more now like 50, 50,
Starting point is 00:56:45 or even more of a split where there's more and more women. Um, and one thing that he noticed a lot was you don't get a lot of haters on your Instagram anymore because I took them all. You and I, Oh man, I got a lot. You and I are friends because people used to, uh, joke around with me about how I was on steroids and this and that. And because I was too jacked for Instagram, I guess. And I don't really get a lot of that anymore. I get really defensive moms now. Like, so if somebody does come on there and say something rude about me whatsoever, the moms, that's the meanest group on in the world. Oh my God. Especially on social media. They will attack you. I've seen what my wife and her friends can do.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Like, you know, my wife was the PTA president for a little while, and I've seen what these women are capable of doing. Like, they come in like a SWAT team, just setting up, like, snacks and stuff for people. Like, they're setting up, like, coffee and setting up chairs and tables, and they've got donuts and fruit and all these different things. But they come in like they're on a mission they come flying out of their honda odysseys and and they'll just knock
Starting point is 00:57:50 your ass right over i'm like holy shit let's not get in their way but you're right the moms are very uh determined they got time to mess around oh yeah very opinionated too though so you got to be careful i think uh uh one time i posted a, not like not like an over the top one. I said something about how I was breastfeeding, but I was covered up and I was breastfeeding Knox. And oh, man, I lost a lot of followers that day. It's so funny because lately I've been posting some things that it's like maybe a little bit more harsh.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Like, hey, like if you're overweight, it's probably because you need to change something about your life and stop trying to fit donuts into your macros type of a thing right and i'll post something like that and or the breastfeeding thing that can be somewhat controversial um i'll lose a lot of followers on the posts where i also get hundreds of comments um it's the it's a conversation like people really believe strongly one way or the other. And, and, uh, so that's been interesting, but moms are very opinionated and they're,
Starting point is 00:58:48 they're very judgy sometimes. Some of those conversations can be really hard, you know, even though, uh, really all you're trying to do is help people. Yep. Um,
Starting point is 00:58:57 but it's tough. Cause I think that somebody would look at you and just be like, well, she's probably just always been super fit. She's probably always been in great shape. She's super pretty. And she doesn't understand, you know, what I go through as a mom. And so they, that's how people are going to probably frame some of that. I've, if I, if I said, if I said how I really feel all the time, I wouldn't have any friends and I'd have zero of a social media following because I can't really, it's hard to say something
Starting point is 00:59:25 and really convey the message the right way. You're not trying to hurt anybody. I'm not trying to make anybody sad. But at the same time, you're saying, look, you're fat because you're fat because you have nasty habits. You have really bad habits. You're not eating properly.
Starting point is 00:59:40 It's messing up your sleep. You're not exercising. That's kind of throwing everything off. Like, let's, let's just see if we can get you to move. Let me figure that out. And, and I'm going to tell you that it's going to take you a long time and it's going to suck while you're doing it. Like, because that's not the message. It's not going to be, there's a few things that are easy. Like going for a walk is not complicated, but if you have no desire to do it, then it's kind of hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:07 But most people listen to podcasts. Most people listen to YouTube. Most people listen to music. Find something that you can listen to and just see if you can go for a stroll. If it's too cold or too hot, then stay inside and do it on a piece of exercise. Like you don't have to, uh, you don't have to try to work out maybe the way that we're working out, but you need, need to get moving in that direction. I do believe eventually I think everybody should be lifting weights. I think there's way too many, way too many benefits for it, but to try to sympathize
Starting point is 01:00:39 with people and try to say, okay, let's, can we, can we just get one thing going? Um, I've been able to share that message with my mom and my dad. My mom hasn't committed to the exercise, but she committed to the diet. That's good. And my dad was the reverse. My dad committed to the exercise first. Now he's doing both. He's 180, I think 182 pounds or something like that. And that's the lightest he's been, uh, in his adult life period. He's always been heavy. So he's been, he's like five, four or something like that. And, uh, yeah, he's been heavy his whole life. So as my mom and it's like, let's just, can we do one thing or can we just be better than we were before? Like, let's forget about all these
Starting point is 01:01:21 different diets and these different plans and this message of consistency and all that. Let's forget about all these different diets and these different plans and this message of consistency and all that. Let's just see if we can do one thing for a little while. And what I've been trying to tell people, too, is they'll think, oh, I can't go three times a week, so I can't. They might look at your programming. It's like all or nothing. I either have to do all of it all the time or I'm not going to do any of it because it's not worth it. I'm going to wait until January. January's coming up, right? It's like, shit,
Starting point is 01:01:50 January's so far away right now. Don't wait until January. It's funny too because what I've found is like people will really wreck themselves and do like a cleanse for like a month but they won't change habits forever. Like they'll not eat at all and just drink like cayenne pepper and maple syrup or whatever random thing it is.
Starting point is 01:02:08 But they'll, they'll, they'll, they won't eat vegetables a couple of times a day for the rest of their life. Like that's asking too much. I find all that just, uh, unbelievably interesting.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Somebody will buy like whey protein, but then there's not really any other follow-up in the rest of what they're doing. Um, they'll, they'll, uh, even, even just trying to appear to look nice. Uh, you spend a lot of money on clothes. You spend a lot of money on makeup. Oh, don't even get me started on that one. You know, I've been 330 pounds and when you're 330 pounds and you go shopping, guess what looks good?
Starting point is 01:02:46 Nothing. Yeah, not much. You know, and when you're in better shape and you feel good about yourself, you're like, oh, I could kind of rock anything. I feel awesome. This is great. Yep. Nothing. This is going to really offend some people, but nothing irritates me more or gets me like more just angry inside of my heart than a woman who will come up to me
Starting point is 01:03:05 with a face of makeup that I know because of the very little that I do know about makeup, took at least 45 minutes that tells me they don't have time to work out. And I'm like- You're being generous with 45 minutes. He knows some- He knows more about makeup than you do.
Starting point is 01:03:19 He actually does. He's a movie star. No, no, no, I have my ex-girlfriends. So yeah, the little that I know and I'm just like, spend less time on the contour and just give me 10 minutes of, you know, whatever. Some, like you said, walking, run up and stairs, run up and down the stairs a few times a day. I don't care. People will get sensitive about that because they're like, oh, I do it for, you know, be
Starting point is 01:03:40 confident. It makes me feel good. It's like, I guarantee you working out will make you feel good and give you confidence. Yeah. I'm going to be confident. It makes me feel good. It's like I guarantee you working out will make you feel good and give you confidence. Yeah. Well, and the things that you do for yourself will always be a lot stronger than things that you do to yourself. You know, putting on makeup is something that you do to yourself. It's not really necessarily for you.
Starting point is 01:03:58 You put the makeup on. It's like a daily thing that you have to do every day. And it doesn't have it doesn't like sustain itself as where if you lift weights and you build up some muscle, as long as you're eating correctly, you can hold onto that. That's something that you can keep and it can increase your metabolism. It can help you burn calories and it can kind of help you help you get ahead. What I see from a lot of people is I see so many people, and I like the message you guys are sharing with your business, is I just see so many people that each and every day they're just a little bit behind. And it's because there's not really enough thought process going into the day. There's not a preparatory phase for this particular day. There's no prep towards it. Whereas
Starting point is 01:04:46 there's no there's no prep towards it whereas they'll prep for you might prep for like a celebration uh say it's somebody's 40th birthday party you might you might prep a bunch for that and get everything all organized and make sure you have the right food and everything but meanwhile you don't prep for each day uh the same way and it'd be very simple to just say you know what what does my eating look like coming up? Like I, I told myself that I'm too fat. I told myself I want to lose weight. I want to do something about it. Uh, wanted to just treat myself like a kid. And you don't, and you never said your kid out of the house without some sort of plan about food. Hey, here's 10 bucks. You know, if you stop somewhere at 20 bucks and, uh, Hey, you know, here's, here's your lunch for school or
Starting point is 01:05:24 whatever. Like I don't ever send my children out without there's even my son who's 14, you stop somewhere 20 bucks and uh hey you know here's here's your lunch for school or whatever like i don't ever send my children out without there's even my son who's 14 like he just might not like pay attention to it you know but you need to regulate that yourself as an adult you should never leave the house without an understanding of like where when what's it going to look like and if it's and if you have a goal of trying to be healthier, then there's going to have to be some thought put into it. Absolutely. I mean, it's the same, like with Knox, he's 15 months old and yesterday we went shopping and it's like, okay, how long are we going to be gone for? All right, let's pack him two snacks because you just know. And it's the same. I mean, I bring snacks for us too. You know,
Starting point is 01:06:00 we just, it's, I like what you're saying. Yeah. You go on a road trip.. If you're going to drive somewhere for two hours, who doesn't bring a snack with them? You don't really need it necessarily, but you're just like, I'm going to be bored in the car and I'll bring something nutritious with me. That also keeps you ahead because you're not starving when you get to the destination. And now you're not going to have this crazy breakdown of eating a big giant pile of pizza. That's right. Pizza lover over here, right? I do love pizza.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Is that your favorite? It is my favorite. I don't eat it as much as I used to because I'm not training as much as I used to. You can't afford it anymore. I don't even know that that's true. I don't crave it as much anymore. No, you don't crave it as much.
Starting point is 01:06:44 No. Yeah, I don't think my body's starving for calories as much as it used to be. We look forward to a good breakfast nowadays, like French toast or a good solid steak and eggs. You went spicy this morning, buddy. I went for it. He was sweating. Yeah, I was hurting for sure. He just got quiet for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:07:01 He ended up going through some man law procedures of like they told him that it was hot and he was like, screw that. I'm not buying that. He took a bite. He was like, oh, that was more like Mexican pride. That was that was like, I'm not going to admit that. No, that was a Mexican pride. I was like, oh, spicy because I'm a strong Mexican man and and I can deal with spicy food. Nothing to do with being Mexican.
Starting point is 01:07:24 It was just more of a strong pride. How did you get involved in athletics? My dad, when we were younger, he used to love playing soccer. He actually would go out and we'd go to the park and he'd go run laps around the soccer field. And he was super active. He would get home from work and he used to he was he still does to this day but he's like a dairyman so he like milks the cows and stuff and he would work 12-hour shifts he'd come home and he would be wake us up first thing in the
Starting point is 01:07:57 morning and play soccer with us it was like super early 7 30 but at that back then now you look at it and it's like i'm so glad he did that because you know you just look forward to spending time with his kids you know from being gone a 12-hour shift did you uh not want to do that or is that something you look it's like 7 30 you're like tired oh gosh you know i don't want to wake up but then you know having all that like uh he was super supportive in soccer and sports and all that stuff. So since I was younger, I was always doing sports and I really enjoyed it. I actually, I'd never really defined myself as a smart person. I defined myself more as an athletic person because my brother was the smart person.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I was more of the athlete, which is something that I've had to overcome actually as I've gotten older, you know, but yeah, I've enjoyed sports. Overcome in what way? Like that was kind of your identity. You were the jock kind of thing. And kind of, yeah, actually, like I always looked, uh, to ask my brother for advice. I was like, my brother's super smart brother. Cause he would do all these like honors classes, all these camps on the summers and stuff. And I was always just the, uh, the, the athlete, you know? And so, um, look, looking back at that now, or looking now that I have a son of my own, um, you know, teaching him that he is smart from the get-go or telling him he's smart, having him believe it. It's so important. Yeah. You don't have to
Starting point is 01:09:15 look any further than in the mirror to find a lot of the answers that you want. I mean, it always starts with yourself. You know, and now we have a successful business and I still like have, you know, I'm like, all right, well, you know, I, uh, I'd have to,
Starting point is 01:09:28 I have to disconnect from, you know, all these numbers and all these crazy things that, you know, make you feel like you're being a smart person. Right. When, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:36 there's many things that define you as being smart. Well, there's a, there's a difference between just like general intelligence and like good grades in school. Yeah. It gives you a good perspective though, on what someone might go through that you may be trying to help with exercise. For sure.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I'm not an exercise. That's not me. Like, that's you guys. You guys are fitness freaks. And they just think that you're so different than them. And it's like, actually, we're so much more similar than you could possibly ever imagine. Like, yeah, okay, we have some different interests. And I like to do different things with my time and maybe the other person does. Right. But they, this, the struggle is still the same, like trying to, you know, squeeze in
Starting point is 01:10:15 these workouts and trying to manage what you're going to do with your child for the day. And it's still, it's still all the same, uh, the same story. But I think when you tell yourself, you can't do something like that is just so that it's, it's so incredibly negative. And I'm that way, like, uh, you know, something with computers or different things. I'm like, nah, it's not me. You know? Um, it's, and it's easy. It's easy just to, just to be like, Nope, I don't know anything about any of that. I don't want no responsibility for it. And that's a tough life to live because usually that spirals down. And usually it's like, you know what? Nothing matters.
Starting point is 01:10:52 It doesn't matter how organized I am. I'm still going to have this food prep company. And I'm just going to take calls old-fashioned way. I'm just going to write it down. I'm going to deliver shit in the middle of the night. Well, that's actually, you know, once I started learning, like when we first met, I didn't even know uh i was 26 i didn't own a laptop i was i was like i would come with my laptop to his house you know and i'd stay over and you and i are twins buddy oh man everything from my phone yeah it was shocking it was i was like how do you not have own a computer yeah and then i've learned ever
Starting point is 01:11:23 since like she's pushed me to become a better person big time like and believe in myself and now you know i've learned to you know organize these spreadsheets and all these things and then once i get into it i'll start youtubing videos if i have a question i'll youtube it you know now with anything i know that i can do it for sure isn't it funny though your mindset before is like spreadsheets have no idea how to do it for sure not even gonna try and now i'll show people how to like create one i'm like all right this is how i want it organized i i'll you know i i make a lot of jokes sometimes i'm like man that 2015 julian would have he would have walked away from this person now because it would have been too hard yeah you know and um that's awesome yeah and now like you, knowing that I have the ability to do all that stuff has been the greatest thing ever.
Starting point is 01:12:06 My wife, uh, just, I don't know. I don't even, I don't even understand it sometimes. She's so intelligent in so many different ways. Uh, but like just, uh, something with our business, you know, where somebody does a project for us. Like I have a lot of friends that do side projects for us and they're not the most organized people in the world and they're not super professional. And I'm just trying to give them a little boost and, uh, it helps us, it helps them, you know? And, uh, my wife's like, look, they need to send an invoice. And I'm like, well, you know, the guys, you know, he's artistic and stuff. And like, he isn't, uh, you know, he doesn't really, and she's like, it's so simple for this guy to produce. So she's like, don't tell me that he can't, you know, he doesn't really. And she's like, it's so simple for this guy to produce. She's like, don't tell me that he can't, you know, produce an invoice. Like it's, it's just too easy.
Starting point is 01:12:49 We can't, she's like, we can't write him a check unless he, he just has to do that. Yeah. You know? So these things that you kind of say you can't do can be super limiting. And in this case it could cost you some money. Yeah, for sure. Oh yeah. With what you were saying about like people not realizing how much they have in common with you or us when it comes to like,
Starting point is 01:13:09 hey, I got to figure out when I'm going to work out. I'm trying to deal with the kid and I'm trying to figure out how old the rice in the refrigerator is and if I can still eat it. We try to show as much of that as possible because going back to like social media, I think that most fitness influencers, regardless of what, if they're a bodybuilder or power lift, they only show the highlights. They only show the PRs and the wonder maxes and the, and the cool muscle up snatch workouts or, you know, the pose downs or whatever you want to call it. They don't show all that, the real side stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:43 And so we actually do do we try to show a lot of it and people especially to our community the street parking community is we we like to connect them on every day actually yeah so we'll we'll uh we'll do the a lot of the workouts um we'll go live on our instagram and they'll see us dying doing the work and they're like oh my gosh i thought you guys just breezed through everything and it was always perfect and they see you know the struggles or we'll be like, I really don't feel like working out today. And we're about to do this anyway.
Starting point is 01:14:09 And I'm going to actually scale the workout back because I'm exhausted because Knox didn't sleep. And we try to show as much of that as possible to humanize it a little bit. Because again, the highlight reel doesn't help anybody. It gets you the double clicks, but it doesn't help anybody. Everything, everything's difficult. You know, when I was a kid, when, uh, you know, I'd think about my parents or I wouldn't even really think about them necessarily, but I just, I just, I just knew they were married,
Starting point is 01:14:32 you know, like mom and dad, like have the best relationship ever, you know? And I, I never, I never once was made aware of any hurdle. I've heard them like, you know, getting arguments or whatever. Uh, but yeah, you just think that like things just happen. heard them like, you know, getting arguments or whatever. Uh, but yeah, you just think that like things just happen. Like, oh, you guys have a business together and it just, it's like, no man, like everything takes thought. Everything takes work just because you're married. Doesn't mean you get along every day. Nope. And just because you love each other a lot, doesn't mean you love every single thing about each other. There's, I'm sure we can ask you and ask you five ten
Starting point is 01:15:06 twenty things that you're like yeah drives me freaking nuts when he does this drives me nuts when she does that but it's a constant thing that has to be worked on all the time and like you're mentioning with having some time to yourself i think that's really valuable i think everyone should spend some time with themselves i I think, uh, and, and you, you were saying that a lot of the answers come from you. You're asking your brother for stuff and it's just so easy to kind of fall into that trap. Now it's great to bounce ideas off other people. Right. Um, it's also great just to make people feel good when you ask them questions and you ask them stuff. It's, it's just part of human interaction. Um, but you know,
Starting point is 01:15:46 you, you kind of want a, uh, a party of one when you're trying to really make life's biggest decisions, you know, those, and it's kind of, it's kind of funny that, uh, these things come up and, uh, you know, for example, a few days ago, a family member told me that they have no willpower. And I said, Oh my God. I said, that is, that could not be further from the truth. I'm like, you're like, are you kidding me? You don't have, are you, are you serious? You don't have willpower. Okay. Maybe you struggle with the foods you're eating right now. I was like, you have a tremendous amount of willpower. I'm like, you've done this. You've, I've rattled off all these things that they did. I was like,
Starting point is 01:16:23 that takes, that takes a lot of willpower determination. I was like, you have all that, you know, I'm gonna give them like a football speech before they run out on the field. But, um, I think people need to understand that and they need to kind of just break down and analyze the things that are going on because everything can see, can seem so damn confusing. Um, even when you guys talk about your business and you start to talk about the different things that you want to do, well, you could talk about like 75 different things and you can be like, oh man, we're not going to get any of this done.
Starting point is 01:16:53 But if you break down one or two good ideas and say, okay, well, if we do A, B, C, and D, we follow it all the way through to the end, we could easily get that done. Yeah, going back to like the whole thing of people, you know, especially it's hard for people to get really motivated and continue to just be dedicated, right? When they don't have a support system. And with us with street parking, we see it all the time, right? Like, you know, our membership people, it's dedicated for people to do workouts at home, garage gyms, traveling, all that stuff. But one of the things that Miranda and I do, and even all
Starting point is 01:17:28 our team, we go on social media every single day for multiple hours to comment on every single person. We have one employee literally who just goes under the hashtag street parking and comments on every single one of our members posts, because how important it is, especially when you're alone and you, one, you know, these people aren't the fittest people. They're real people, right? They're just like, you know, 150, 200, just starting whatever journey they are. But they'll post about it. They don't have a big following.
Starting point is 01:17:56 You see like three likes on their posts. But no, we'll go on there and we'll just hit them with that comment like, hey, good job today. Like you're crushing it. Letting them know that they're being acknowledged every single day. And it's just because it could be easy for somebody to lose motivation when they have nobody pushing them. Well, I think like a huge mistake that people make too is they have big goals, which I think is great to have a big goal, whether it's to lose 100 pounds or whether it's to make $10 million, whatever it is. hundred pounds or whether it's to make 10 million dollars whatever it is but if you start from a place where you can't even imagine that being your reality and you only look at the like final product
Starting point is 01:18:30 it's going to seem way too overwhelming one thing that we say um a lot is to wish one day at a time don't be motivated for next Wednesday be motivated for right now today do it today and then find the motivation for tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. And just one day at a time is a huge thing for us because it is hard to like think about something that's, it's going to take a long time and then they just lose motivation with that. Oh, this is nice. Yeah, this is awesome. I think empathy is a big thing. You know, you have to really, you know, when you're thinking about like, man, I so frustrated. How come this person can't gain momentum with exercise?
Starting point is 01:19:09 Or like, I've tried to help them a bunch of times and they lost 10 pounds and they gained 20 back and so on. And you get really frustrated, but you just have to kind of understand that while we do have a lot of similarities, that person just is different with their, their thought process of nutrition. And they're different with their thought process when it comes to exercise and it just might take them longer. You know, as, as a kid in school, like I, I, it wasn't like I was not capable of learning, but it just took me a really long time. And so unfortunately it would leave me behind in a lot of my classes and it made things a little bit harder for me, but it didn't me a really long time. And so unfortunately, it would leave me behind in a lot of my classes,
Starting point is 01:19:45 and it made things a little bit harder for me, but it didn't mean that I couldn't do it. And I think that's the frustration sometimes. There we go. Look at that floss. Oh, he's working on those moves. It's so floppy. I was working on making it that bad on purpose.
Starting point is 01:20:00 That's good acting right there. Yeah. Oh, everybody's dancing. Yeah, so they started a hashtag SP dance party, and it's one of the reasons you work out at home is so you can just do this kind of stuff, and nobody cares. We love to highlight members very often, all the time.
Starting point is 01:20:20 That's what exercise does for you. It makes you a little crazy. It makes you do stuff that you otherwise probably wouldn't be, probably wouldn't be messing with. You know, and a lot of the, the benefit of working out at home and what we love about our community is we do get people a lot of times that, um, they, they want to work out and they're intimidated to go into a gym where other people might be watching them. So, I mean, clearly not those people that are filming themselves dancing and posting it on instagram
Starting point is 01:20:48 they're not so worried about it but we do get a lot of people who there's you know i've always wanted to try this type of workout but i'm scared you know i didn't want people watching me and so judged people judged yeah yeah i've talked about that before like in a crossfit setting or in a powerlifting setting like um, um, you know, at least, at least you're kind of amongst some of your own people, you know, and you don't feel as weird doing it. So for example, like if we went to, uh, planet fitness and tried to like, you know, do our deadlifts and squats, we'd be, they'd hit the lunk alarm and we'd be out.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Yeah. We'd be, we'd be booted out of there in, in seconds flat. And if you're training in a garage, you don't have to worry about any of those things. And what I've seen happen here with the men and women that train here, that the confidence boost, you know, I've talked about this before on the show where some of the women like they're only work out and like sweats or leggings and they're uncomfortable, you know, wearing shorts and different things.
Starting point is 01:21:43 But as they start training here longer and they realize like, look, all anyone cares about here is getting stronger. They're not really, we're not really, you know, trying to get after each other in these other ways or whatever. And we're not like looking at you weird for you doing a movement the wrong way or whatever it might be. And so people, they, through exercise and through gaining strength, uh, they feel better about themselves. And so, you know, next thing you know, they're running around a pair of short shorts and you're like, you know what? That in and of itself is awesome. Like that's, that's cool. Absolutely. I, I mean, I love that. We watched a movie recently. Uh, what's the actress's name? Amy Schumer. The Amy Schumer movie. It's called I Feel Pretty. And she basically
Starting point is 01:22:25 hits her head and she doesn't look any different but she sees this supermodel person and so she walks around with all this confidence and she gets a new job and she gets a boyfriend and she looks the same as she's always looked but it's just that confidence and her being funny and being herself and everything and then
Starting point is 01:22:41 of course, you know, moral of the story, at the end she realizes she looked the same the whole time. Right, right. But it's so true. It is because I hate Amy Schumer. I really hate her. But I can't even look at her. But anyway,
Starting point is 01:22:52 I was able to look at her. She's funny. She is funny. I don't know what it is. But in this movie, I was like... I can hang out with her. I can hang out with her.
Starting point is 01:23:02 When she was going through her whole confidence, just being super... I don't know. There's something about it. I was hang out with her. When she was going through her whole confidence, just being super. I don't know. There's something about it. I was like, oh, my gosh. It was great. With the business that you guys have, how did it get started?
Starting point is 01:23:13 So really funny. It wasn't supposed to be like a business at first. I was traveling a lot. I wasn't doing seminars as much anymore, but I was working for a supplement company and traveling a lot to different events and things like that and also just I don't know doing random like appearances at places as Miranda who I don't know just riding that whole social media train I guess so I was traveling a lot we were traveling a lot together he had his meal prep company so he was super busy and he lived in LA which the gym that he trained at was not too far away. But if you go at the wrong time of day, it's like 45 minutes. So we both started posting a lot more workouts at
Starting point is 01:23:51 home or in for me and hotel gyms or just random places working out. And what we noticed was the response to the simple workouts that were done either at home or in like a hotel gym where people tagging each other, hey, I could do this one. I could do this one at my house. We could do this one when we go to Cabo or whatever. And I was like, man, like I get more comments on this random like kettlebell workout on my balcony than I do if I go do something crazy, cross-fitty, impressive at the gym. You guys didn't even realize that was a thing because you've been exercising for so long.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Yeah, yeah. You didn't really know. You didn't really think about it. You're like, oh, we just did this because this is what we have in our garage. And he had his super funny cousin who was not fit at all working out with him. And he would scale it back for him. I mean, he was scaling push-ups to where he was touching his chest on like a plate because he couldn't even, didn't have the strength for full range motion push-ups to where he was touching his chest on a plate because he didn't have the strength for full-range motion push-ups type thing.
Starting point is 01:24:48 A huge response from that. I said, we should start a different Instagram page for these types of workouts. Then a couple, maybe a month later, it was like, hey, we should create a program, super cheap where people can follow it. We could get 100 members. It would help us pay our rent. We'd have a little community. It would be great. It get a hundred members. It would help us pay our rent. We'd have a little community. It'd be great. And it just exploded. The need for it was much bigger
Starting point is 01:25:10 than we realized. And I think it's still bigger than we realized. Yeah. You don't need a whole lot. I mean, you just, I mean, there's a exercise is like something like a wall sit, like good luck with that one. Like that's like the worst exercise ever, but it's something that could burn a lot of calories. All you need is a sturdy wall to lean up against. You got things like lunges and squats and pushups. And then there's so many different variations of things. There's mountain climbers and burpees.
Starting point is 01:25:37 And I mean, the list of even just try an old school, like crab walk, you know, from when you were in school. Oh yeah. Like that kind of stuff is, is, is, or bear bear crawl that kind of stuff's devastating yeah it really is it's amazing how bad it kicks your ass you're like really like a big time yeah you can't do them for very long yeah yeah so we we kind of created it with the idea of all you need is like a set of dumbbells and a jump rope and you can do almost all of our workouts and then you know we do put the options on there for if you have more equipment how you can alter it to make it work for it. If you do have a bar
Starting point is 01:26:09 and plates and stuff like that, and a pull-up bar and all of that, or even if you have a full gym, here's the version of the workout. So everybody can do it. And some people have access to everything and some people have literally their kettlebell and a set of dumbbells and they can still make it work and feel, you know, like they're getting a lot done and um it's been really cool yeah especially seeing all the members in our community like how excuses are completely thrown out the window they really are like there's people that have squat racks in their apartment balcony there are members that will take their barbell outside of their second story apartment to the front just to get a quick workout in um moms you see their babies on the floor while they're in their living room
Starting point is 01:26:49 watching tv like it's so cool to see that and to know that i just think that our message especially being at the top level of fitness right now are allowing people to see how simple it really is and not to over complicate it and i think, and I'm glad people are realizing that. And we just really want that message to be heard. It's like, you know, just, just move. Just there's, there's so much you can do. So we're going to, you know, just, just get movement in every day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:19 You can read a book on exercise. That's a thousand pages, you know, like you can get really deep into it and you can listen to you can go to these seminars and get really locked into how complex some of these training systems are or or you speak for uh you do seminars for crossfit and stuff like that and you can really get into the weeds of coaching a clean and jerk i mean i could take you know not even just hours but it could take decades yeah to decades to be worth anything on a clean and jerk, you know. But you can simplify exercise as well. What I've seen, and it's funny because I do come from training at the CrossFit seminars,
Starting point is 01:27:58 and I was a very high-level ranked trainer for CrossFit, and I owned a gym and everything. But nothing irritates me more than when the members of street parking will, you can tell they had an experience with a coach at some point that made it seem like if you're not moving perfectly, you shouldn't be allowed to exercise. You know what I mean? Where they've had, or if you aren't actively trying to you know snatch your body weight then what are you even doing here like get out of here like it's pointless for you to even work out
Starting point is 01:28:30 i we see that kind of thing where they're like oh well you know i i just have my little dumbbells and it's not much and i know i'm scaling i'm sorry like apologizing for it it's crazy um and i know that's probably not just a crossfit thing but to to where they've had it, like, beat into them that it has to be more complicated than it needs to be. And it's kind of sad. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And you don't have to be the exact same strength as somebody to work out with somebody.
Starting point is 01:29:04 people have these like roadblocks that they hit when it comes to like getting in the gym and the reasons why the reasons why they don't want to go or or they start to really uh really stack up andrew and i train together all the time and he's at a different place in his fitness life than than i am and yeah it doesn't make any difference you know it's um it's not hard or complicated to uh change the plates out but i think know, there's something like in our psyche that wants to kind of overcomplicate things and make things harder than they need to be. Maybe it's so we can kind of put our hands up and say, like, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't want to do that. Yeah. In my experience, it's just been that, you know, Mark's hit these crazy numbers. You know, I can only dream of hitting like his warmup sets at this point.
Starting point is 01:29:50 So for me, I want to do more. I look around, like we were at, um, uh, the slingshot record breakers this weekend. Some of these lightweight, uh, females, their openers are way above my PRS. And so I'm sitting there looking at them and I'm just like, dude, I got to get stronger. So for me, I, I do have a bit of a complex where I want to do way more. And whereas Mark, he can just be like, no, no, no, we're going to take it easy today. No, no, no, I can't. You don't understand. He's like, no, no, trust me. We're going to take it easy today.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Because I haven't accomplished much the way you guys have. So I think that's where some of the inexperience from inexperienced lifters comes from. And they end up hurting themselves and getting all jacked up and whatnot. But I wanted to ask you guys, especially while Mark is gone now, where did the name Knox come from? Funny story. For anyone who's seen Knox, his bright blue eyes, he and I have literally the exact same skin color.
Starting point is 01:30:45 But I thought that Julian's strong genes were going to completely override my genes. And we knew his middle name was going to be Julian and his last name is Alcaraz. And I was like, if we name him something
Starting point is 01:30:58 that's not basically something from my heritage, people are just going to think he's a little Mexican baby. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I was afraid I was going to get lost in all of it and that he would have nothing of me, you know, because I figured that he would look a lot more like Julian
Starting point is 01:31:16 when he came out well. So Knox is a Scottish name, which is, I have Scottish in my family, and it's a Scottish name that it's not like, it wasn't anybody's name, like an ancestor or anything like that, but it's just a Scottish name that we both liked. It means from the hills, and I'm from Salt Lake City, Utah, so I thought that was kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:31:36 That's amazing. Yeah. That's really cool. But now I'm the one that goes to the store. I'm like, God, people probably think that I'm babysitting this baby right now. I'm like, that's so cool. The gardener's with you. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:31:47 That's almost like, gosh. He looks so, yeah, he's a little white baby. Miranda, when did you get into lifting? So when I was in high school, okay, when I was in high school, I was a cheerleader when I was a sophomore and a junior. And I went to like cardio kickboxing classes and rode the elliptical machine and stuff like that sometimes. But that's about it. One of the girls that was a senior
Starting point is 01:32:12 when I was a junior in high school had a six pack and I thought that was super cool. So I asked her, I was like, hey, what's the deal with this? Like, how do I get that, you know? And she said, run track. Do the track team next year. She's like, that's how I did it. And so the next year I ran track and in track practice, they had a squatting and deadlifting and stuff. And that's kind of where it started.
Starting point is 01:32:34 And then I started doing more like that. When I went to the gym, um, out of high school, I got a personal training, uh, certificate and was going to school for that kind of thing. And then I got a big time bodybuilder boyfriend. Like he definitely was on all the, all of the steroids, um, and had his pro card and everything, um, competed on a very high level. And so, um, yeah. And then when we broke up, uh, shortly after that, I think is when I started, when I found CrossFit and started doing more of that stuff. As you, uh, started getting better shape and, and and, and as you went through your CrossFit career, a lot of people accused you of steroids because of your physique, right? I mean,
Starting point is 01:33:13 you were super, you were super lean and yet, well, it's, it's, it's rare to see a woman with like a six pack. I mean, we see women that are lean here and there, but it's rare to see a woman with a six pack and then you get kind of striated shoulders and traps and everyone just assumes automatically like that doesn't happen naturally. What was the progression into some of that? So I actually did one fitness show. I was Miss Fitness Utah. I think it was like 2002 or three. So I did one fitness competition with the whole like, you know, one arm push up
Starting point is 01:33:46 and back flips and all that kind of thing. I don't even know if they do those anymore. I don't think they do. Yeah, I don't think they do those anymore. So I'm a rare breed. You know, what's funny though is my upper body wasn't as jacked, I guess. It was as tan, but it was not as jacked. When I did that, I didn't get the level of upper body musculature until I started doing some of the gymnastics cross-fitty type movements. When I did that, I didn't get the level of upper body musculature until I started doing some of the gymnastics, cross-fitty type movements. Plus I was just kind of young when I did it. But, um, so I, I don't even know if I'm answering your question to be honest. Did you, uh, like that style of training at all?
Starting point is 01:34:17 Like the bodybuilding style? Yeah. Did you like competing in it and stuff or not really? I, so here's why, here's why I didn't like competing in it. Uh, a couple of weeks after my show, literally someone came up to me in the gym, like in a regular gym and was like, Oh, like where'd your six pack go? Like a dude. And it wrecked me like it really. And so I really latched onto CrossFit because the first video that I saw of CrossFit was, um, the nasty girls video. And a lot of people will talk about that video and I latched onto this idea where you can compete and the girls do look great
Starting point is 01:34:50 but you don't get any points for looking great. You actually have to be able to do something with it and I really like the idea of that better than just standing up there and letting somebody decide if you look better than the person next to you. Bodybuilding can be really crazy emotionally because you get in this crazy great shape and then it's like I can't really hold on to you get in this like crazy great shape
Starting point is 01:35:05 and then it's like i can't really hold on to that no yeah and it's uh and so you they only take pictures like certain times of year and then the rest of the time they're like trying to hide themselves the whole time i feel like it's nuts yeah it is it's it's really it's uh really pretty crazy how did you feel when people started to accuse you of taking steroids? Or you just kind of blow it off? Like, what the hell? Like, why is that happening? No, it made me angry.
Starting point is 01:35:31 It made me angry. It didn't really start making me angry until after I broke my neck and came back from it. Because what I had to do to come back from that was very difficult, mostly like emotionally and psychologically to like push through that and to continue training. And I felt like accusing me of being on steroids took away from all that I had been through to achieve all of that. So it didn't really start bothering me until after that time, which I guess people didn't really say it about me as much before Instagram. It was like a thing. So, yeah. And then, of course, it bothered me. My mom used to get on there and she'd be like, she won't even take
Starting point is 01:36:08 ibuprofen. I'm like, mom, it's fine. It's okay. I think people just see something that's different and they don't know how to handle it. They see a woman with muscle. I think a lot of guys, even to this day,
Starting point is 01:36:24 I hope one day the stigma is just gone but even guys to this day will be like you know intimidated by a girl that's got some muscle you know um and uh you'll hear girls still say like i don't want to really work out like that because i don't want to like be big or muscular so take it back to when we first started dating. So his girlfriend before me, she's beautiful, but very not cross-fitty. Yes, I guess. And so he had been seeing her for a long time. A friend of his, when he started seeing me, literally pulled him aside and was like, bro, are you sure you want to go down this road?
Starting point is 01:37:01 What did he say to you? We're no longer friends. like what did he say to you we're no longer friends uh no he was just kind of like uh he was just intimidated by a strong looking woman is what it was yeah like he couldn't believe he was like you you want to date her yeah it was very old school mentality i find some of the comments crazy they're annoying where they're like oh she looks like a dude or what i haven't really seen that on your post, but other muscular women that we've had around. Dana Lynn gets some of this
Starting point is 01:37:29 craziness too. What's funny about Dana is she's so tiny. She's small. Very small. Actually, I get that a lot when people meet me in person. They're always like, oh. Right now, I'm like 140 pounds.
Starting point is 01:37:46 When I was competing, I was maybe four or five pounds heavier than I am right now. So it's not like I was way bigger or anything. But the photos that you see, of course, in the middle of competition, you're all pumped up or whatever. Yeah, and you're intense. You're getting after it, right? And you look a lot bigger in those pictures. And then when people would ever meet me in person they were always surprised by how small i was i'm always thinking like if you guys ever
Starting point is 01:38:08 met these girls in person i mean they're they're beautiful and it's not you know they're they're saying oh like you know it's too much muscle and this and that i'm like i i don't i i don't get it but i think that again they're judging off of like a photo and i think it's like one shot and like yeah like you might have a vein popping out of your neck or something but it's just funny to me like somebody sees like these certain characteristics they automatically associate it with steroids and it has nothing to do with anything other than how lean your body is striations and your shoulder has to do with your body fat percentage and the leaner you are the bigger that you look in pictures too yeah yeah yeah Yeah. Yeah, you can look massive
Starting point is 01:38:45 even though you're actually like Dana Lynn. Like Dana looks huge. She has big round shoulders. And she knows how to pose. Oh, God, yeah. She's so much better at that than me.
Starting point is 01:38:54 When we were hanging out standing side by side, people were like, this is nuts. You guys are the same size. And then we would take a photo together. You try to pull up
Starting point is 01:39:02 some of those pictures and it was amazing. And she would out angle me so hard. I'd be like, I don't know how to stand like that. Like, I don't know how to pop my shoulder like that. Because in the photos, her upper body was just looked so much bigger. And people were like, man, she was so much bigger than you.
Starting point is 01:39:15 I was like, actually, she wasn't. She just knows how to work the angles for sure. Well, yeah, she just kind of pulls her shoulder back and just tightens up her arm a little bit. And her arm just pops. And I'm just, you know, standing here smiling. And she doesn't even look like she's flexing. No. No.
Starting point is 01:39:29 But she's, you know, I saw some of the workouts that you guys did together. You were teaching her some CrossFit and stuff like that. Yeah. So it's so funny because Rob, I think, is who reached out to me and he was like, hey, you want to come teach us some CrossFit? And I was like, absolutely. I used to have short hair, so when I had short hair, people would comment on my stuff all the time, like you look like the CrossFit Dana Lynn Bailey,
Starting point is 01:39:52 and she said that she had been getting the same thing. And so we got together, and I did some of her workouts, and she did some of mine, and she was way better at mine than I was at hers maybe. But it was a lot of fun. We got along like really well. We had never met. We had only ever, I think, like DM'd each other and I stayed at her house.
Starting point is 01:40:14 So that could have gone really awkwardly, but it didn't. It was. Physique wise, you guys do look very similar. It was. Look at those shoulders. I know. It was a lot of fun. And we still talk a little bit here and there to this day. It was, look at those shoulders. I know. It was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:40:28 And we still talk a little bit here and there to this day. And, you know, we want to get out and visit them in Montana. I remember she showed you, like, the Stairmaster. And she's like, yeah, this is what I do. And you're like, for what? And she's like, and you're like, for how long? She's like, for 45 minutes. I was like, oh, God.
Starting point is 01:40:44 You're like, but every day? Like, I don't know.. I was like, oh, God. You're like, but every day? Like, I don't know. Like, what's this for, you know? Yeah. That was hilarious. This was one of the, this was like a hybrid. It's movements that she's used to, but in a CrossFit, like, we're doing this for time. And we did a little team workout. And I think Rob hurt his pec benching that day.
Starting point is 01:41:01 So it ended up just being me and her finishing it. But it was a lot of fun. We are the same. We, I think we weighed, she's, she might be like an inch shorter than me, but we were like the exact same weight at this time and everything. So. What do you guys enjoy about this kind of fitness? Um, you know, you're not really, uh, you know, throwing yourself into these crazy CrossFit
Starting point is 01:41:21 workouts anymore, but you guys are still doing stuff where you're breathing hard and you're just annihilating yourself. And a lot of people look at that and be like, man, I don't get it. Why would you go kick the crap out of yourself that way? What do you guys enjoy about it? I think for me, it's like a form of, like a therapy in itself, right?
Starting point is 01:41:38 Like you get her just kind of, any kind of stress buildup that I may have, you just get to release it there. Also, it just kind of stress buildup that I may have. You just got to release it there. Also, it just kind of, my goal is to stay in super shape until Knox is 18 so I can crush him in workouts and everything. You're right. You want to be able to kick his ass.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Yeah, but I want to be able to like, same thing, right? I want to be able to go on hikes with him, just do real life stuff. And then for me, I just enjoy it. It's been part of my life for so long now that I enjoy it. And I like feeling that, um, if at any point in time, if anybody from any realm of fitness wants to be like, Hey, you want to do this? I'd be like, yeah, sure. Why not? You know, cause I can adapt to it just because I'm still in shape. Um, I still have strength, like, uh, you know, and yeah, I just like to keep the consistency
Starting point is 01:42:25 of it. Do you feel like you're still, um, improving even though it's different? I absolutely, for sure. Uh, mostly, uh, um, yeah, I still feel like I'm improving. It's hard cause we don't test it as much. We don't test it as much, but, um. Well, it's weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:43 You don't want to like, you don't want to necessarily like test it because you really don't care that much and then you you fall back into the same trap as soon as you start testing it then you start caring too much that's the thing and then you're just back you're back trying to qualify for the 2020 games do you think either one of you will compete in anything um even if it's kind of just for like quote-unquote fun for sure absolutely i do it i've done it several times even even since Knox has been born. And I just, I was telling you earlier, just, I just wreck myself because I, I, I think I know what to do based on what I used to be able to do.
Starting point is 01:43:15 And so I'll go in there acting like that. And then five minutes into it, I'm like, I'm in too deep. And then I'm just, you know, trying not to drown. I, we joined an indoor soccer league. Oh gosh. Um, not long ago, like six months ago, actually, uh, cause it was right by our house and I love that stuff. So I will still do things like that.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Um, indoor soccer league or later as you know, we have our whole team. We want to do like some kind of a softball, I don't know, whatever, some kind of league, whatever. That's something completely different and just fun. So the press, it's not, it's not so the pressure's not all there. You're just doing it to enjoy it, but then you're still under crushing people. That's a good feeling. You know, I really like to, um, do some like little local competitions or like all I'll sign up for like a little online CrossFit type competition. And I'll put my scores on social
Starting point is 01:44:02 media and stuff because, um, again, like I've, I've learned so much from being a mom, but moms are so hard on themselves with, I mean, usually it's, oh, I want to get my body back. I need to be doing what I was doing before. And, and for, uh, people like me who maybe used to compete in whatever they think, oh, like I can't do what I was doing before. Like I suck at it now. And it's like, who cares? So I try to, I try to put myself out there and be like, Oh, you know, try doing this today. Like that didn't work. And, but it was still fun. And I still did it or man, like I really surprised myself and I was still able to do this, even though like, I don't ever really do that stuff anymore. And it's okay to like, not be exactly as fit. Like why should I don't deserve to be as fit as I was when
Starting point is 01:44:44 I was competing. Cause I don't spend as much time on it and that's okay. Look at all this other stuff that I am doing instead. And, um, it doesn't need to be like some over the top performance and we're just having, we're just having a good time. It's kind of amazing though, when you don't force it, how it still seems like it's not that far away, you know, because you're, you're working out quite differently now. Um, and I know it would take you guys some time to get, you know, back to the shape you were in, uh, all around, but on certain exercises or certain specific workouts, every once in a while, you're like, that's kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:45:18 Like I, I'm not really trying the same way I was before, but it's still pretty close. And it kind of frustrates you because you're like, man, when I doubled down and I put all that time in, I wasn't all that much better than I am right now when I'm kind of more relaxed about it. I mean, that's safe. That happened to me. Literally that exact story happened to me last night. The last thing I had to do for this little online qualifier that I was doing, um, for
Starting point is 01:45:41 fun was 15 bar muscle ups for time. And my all time PR of like life was 17 and i was like i might be able to get like eight right now and he's like whatever just go for it i wanted to i wanted to just see what happens and i'm like this is a terrible idea i should definitely do six five four and he's like no no no go for it i got 14 and then i can and then i failed like four times and added like 40 seconds to my time trying to get the last one, but I was really surprised by it.
Starting point is 01:46:09 That was why I pushed her to do it. And also annoyed like, I used to practice those four times a week and I was only getting three more than I just got and I never do them at all. So it's funny. Were you pretty jacked before CrossFit? I know you said you did a little bit
Starting point is 01:46:24 of the bodybuilding stuff. i had i've always had muscular legs uh and that's just genetics both of my parents have muscular legs so thank you for that um and then i did well so you know i did well when i did the the competition and i got lean and it's actually really funny the bodybuilder boyfriend that i had back then he encouraged me to compete I said, I don't think I can get that lean. Like, I don't think it's, I don't think it's genetically possible for me to get that lean. Um, and this is me at like 21 years old, you know? And so already in my mind I had the like, Oh, that's not, that's not for me. Like I can't do that. Like how crazy is that? And then I did it and then I didn't maintain it because you don't maintain it in bodybuilding. You have it for two days and then it's gone for six months. A lot of
Starting point is 01:47:08 times you gain 20 or 30 pounds. Very common. Yeah. So, um, no, not consistently. Like I, I looked good for that one show and I had some muscle mass, um, but consistently lean and like looking jacked in photos, like all the time, not until I was doing CrossFit type training. Did the bodybuilding show in some way help you understand more about training or nutrition or anything like that? Nutrition, 100%. No one knows more about nutrition than bodybuilders. Like they are mad scientists. And I think people like look at them as like dumb meatheads a lot of times if you don't know a legit bodybuilder. But they are. I mean, to be able to do that, you've either got somebody really smart telling you exactly what to do or you figured it out on your own.
Starting point is 01:47:54 It's science for those guys. The preparation is what I think is great about it. You know, the meal prep. Now, you know, bodybuilders are kind of tied to their food because they got to eat a lot and they got to eat like six times a day. Some guys are even eating more than that. Um, but again, that conscious decision of, uh, what are you going to eat for the day? It's not a conversation. There's, it's not for debate. I already cooked it. You know, it's in, it's in my bag and I'm bringing it to work and I'm going to put it in the fridge. I really love that kind of stuff. And the same thing with, with people's workouts, people, you know, say they struggle to find
Starting point is 01:48:29 time, you know, you don't have to really find it when it's already predetermined. It's already there. It's part of your schedule. Um, let's say you wake up every day at seven and you use the bathroom and you brush your teeth, you shower, like those same things happen around the same time every day. So everyone kind of knows what their day looks like, at least to some extent. Even if you work for yourself, there's certain hours every day that you maybe go to a coffee shop or it's all similar. Like it's not that different. So it's like, why can't you just write down that you're going to work out every day at 7 a.m. or 6 a.m. or whatever the time is and set yourself up for success, too, because you know at 6.30 at night when you're hungry and you had a whole day's worth of work and all you want to do is really hang out with your family and just go enjoy some food, you're not going to want to work out.
Starting point is 01:49:20 So why set the day up like that? Reverse everything around and work out. Get that set the day up like that? Just reverse everything around and work out, get that workout done really when you can. But if you have to try to nail it in the morning, get it out of the way, get the whole rest of the day to do whatever you need to do, and then get your ass in bed on time. You know, everyone goes to sleep too late. Everyone's messing around on Instagram too much. You're watching too much TV. This. I'm just kidding. That's right. I use that example of the brushing your teeth thing a lot too with our members and on social media because people will be like, oh, I missed my workout on Wednesday. I'll start over again
Starting point is 01:49:59 next Monday. And I've made the joke of forget to brush your teeth on Wednesday night. Are you going to wait till Monday to start brushing your teeth again? Like, no, just do it the next day. And then I think the problem is when people do schedule it, because they try, everyone's about to try in January. Everyone's going to have the perfect workout schedule. Jan 1, 2019 is my year. They'll schedule the hour that they have to have. They have to have the full hour at the specific place or it's, or it doesn't happen so if the if the hour goes away or if they can't get to the specific place then they just won't do anything and that's what we're really trying to help people with is not to feel like they have to
Starting point is 01:50:34 have the hour or that they have to be in the specific place if that happens great and spend the whole hour and be in the place and that's awesome but if it doesn't because mom or business or whatever happens then you can do something i think people think too much they overthink it you know just like just do you know like i'll do that sometimes in the morning i'm like trying to figure out you know what i'm going to wear to the gym for the day and i'm trying to find clothes and and it's like well why don't i first of all just lay it out the night before. That would be a lot easier. That'd be a lot simpler. And rather than like really choosing, like who the hell cares?
Starting point is 01:51:11 Just grab something and wear it. I just pictured you like, you guys, probably none of you have seen this movie as much as I have. I hope not at least. I used to watch Clueless when I was like in junior high. Of course I've seen Clueless. That was like the movie, Clueless. And the opening scene is her like picking her outfit on the computer screen. For some reason, I picture you like that at your house.
Starting point is 01:51:30 It's all got to match up perfectly. Where it puts it on a hologram of your body so you can see what it's going to look like. That is a legendary movie right there. It's so good. But yeah, I think people kind of tend to overthink things. And then it's another thing that slows you down. And it's part of the reason I've talked about it a lot. Part of the reason why I end up late almost everywhere is because like I'm always doing that and then I always have to poop.
Starting point is 01:51:56 Like the poop just hits me out of nowhere. I call it getting struck by lightning because it just hits you out of nowhere and you're like, wow, I got to make a decision right now. How am I going to figure out how to get to the bathroom it's interesting about the clothes thing because you can start understanding why like successful people always like have a very limited wardrobe right a lot that i mean but you're just like it's one less thing you have to think about and that they wear black black shirts there was a period of time where julian before we started making our own apparel he was like that's it i'm only buying black t-shirts. And he just had like a bunch of black t-shirts and he would throw a black t-shirt on.
Starting point is 01:52:28 It goes with anything. And you don't have to worry about picking your outfits because that's just what you wear. Yeah. Too much stress. Too much stress. Who needs it? Now we just, yeah, we do all our own apparel
Starting point is 01:52:37 and it's like, that's all I wear. So. What do you guys love to do? Like, what's your favorite thing to do together? Well, besides the obvious. I mean, nox has been born that's tough obviously we love spending time with him and just playing with him and going for walks and taking him and watching him do stuff like when we took him to play with those kids
Starting point is 01:52:54 yesterday in the mall and just watching him try to figure out how to interact is he like crazy like does he does he does he try to like uh like some kids for some reason they don't have like they don't understand that like when they jump off of something that something bad might happen is he i'm at that point where i'm almost he jumps he definitely jumps off of like uh the bed when i'm watching and he's playing it but i have to catch him but one of these days as he gets a little older i'm gonna let him i'm not gonna catch him so he learns what's gonna happen yeah but he's not too crazy i think anybody that's around him can can see that he to me he looks like he's analyzing everything at all times and that he
Starting point is 01:53:34 might be the most intelligent person in the room and i just can't wait for him to start talking because he looks at us already like we're idiots like he's just like we'll say and jaime are guys over here laughing because he does it to everyone like you'll hey buddy and he's just like we'll say and Jaime our guy is over here laughing because he does it to everyone like you'll hey buddy and he's just like Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:50 He's not impressed. No. By nothing. Nothing impresses him. We do though you know Sunday we like to just go out
Starting point is 01:53:58 and grab some lunch together. There's not too many things we like to get away and do. We'll go watch a movie once every couple weeks or we'll go hey let's go grab some dinner real quick while we'll tell get away to do. We'll go watch a movie once every couple of weeks or we'll go, Hey,
Starting point is 01:54:05 let's go grab some dinner real quick. While we'll tell my mom, just watch them after we put them to sleep and stuff like that. But, um, we don't have a specific favorite thing, but mostly anywhere we go, we just to have like an hour alone.
Starting point is 01:54:17 It's really nice to just talk about what we need to talk about. I love this picture. Learning how to, how to walk. How do you separate out some of the business stuff? It sounds like you guys are together a lot, working out together, working on the business together. We're always talking about it at this point, to be honest. We had this question asked recently because we'll talk about a lot of real life stuff that we need to bring up, but we're both so passionate about what we have going on like we care about it the same way and so we're always excited to share ideas all the time like we're already thinking of a year ahead of what we want to do and we like joking
Starting point is 01:54:56 around about it you know we like to because we it's just really fun we have a lot of fun conversations about street parking you guys fight about it not really no actually no we don't no i mean i would say maybe a little bit more at first when it was just the two of us and we didn't have anyone helping us like that was hard and nox was brand new that was really hard that was hard mostly because it was hard because we didn't sleep for 11 months we didn't sleep so that was. Obviously, like your patience becomes very thin. I don't care how patient of a person you may think you are. But when you get that no sleep slash trying to run a business slash trying to maintain a relationship, oh, that hits you really hard. But we got through it, though.
Starting point is 01:55:37 And yeah. We don't really. You guys handle different parts of the business, So it's not an area of contention. Kind of. Anything that has to do with being professional and typing things is her. Yeah. But she handles a lot of, I mean,
Starting point is 01:55:54 Miranda has a lot of the work and stuff like that. And, uh, but yeah, I'll let you talk about this one. I mean, so he's really, really good at,
Starting point is 01:56:02 at, uh, being there for the community and talking to the community, making sure everybody knows what's going on, coaching stuff. He'll be on the Facebook page all day long. He makes all of the videos, so he'll film all the demo videos. And we just make most of the stuff on our phones, to be honest. Right. And helps me program the workouts.
Starting point is 01:56:23 And he deals with a lot of the stuff stuff that I don't want to do too. Like I can't, like when it comes to like taxes and things like that, he'll talk to our accountant. I'll be like, I can't even like, my brain is going to explode talking. And neither one of us are really good with that kind of stuff, but he has a lot more patience for it. Um, than I do, uh, talking to accountants or getting the lease for our uh our office or you know he books a travel for people because that kind of stuff i get i get really impatient with right i he anytime it requires to talk to a customer service person on the phone that is him because
Starting point is 01:56:57 i will get annoyed really fast a lot of stuff when it comes to dealing with financials too. Because I've made my fair share of mistakes. Got my car repoed when I was younger. And I used to make bad decisions and all that stuff. So now I went through the phase where I just really kind of cautiously watched our finances and stuff like that. And make sure that when we're booking travel, same thing. I'm looking for the best deal. I don't let the success of our business decide how much money we would just want to spend just to throw it out there. Right.
Starting point is 01:57:30 Like I, you know, don't, very responsible when it comes to making a lot of those decisions there, you know, and because, you know, it means a lot. The other thing he's way better at than I am is being other people's boss. I'm really bad at. You like being people's friends a little bit more yeah like i have a hard time telling somebody that they're like what they did was wrong or that they they need to change something like i'm not super comfortable in that role that's the worst uh it's the worst but he he he's comfortable with it even just asking somebody to do something that you're paying them for seems sucks. I know.
Starting point is 01:58:05 Like, hey, can you maybe work today? And we have great employees, luckily, but I am really awkward with that stuff. Andrew and I have secret ways of saying stuff like that. You know,
Starting point is 01:58:17 like we'll say, hey, you know like that whole working hard thing that we just talked about in a meeting 10 minutes ago? Like, we're not doing that anymore? It'd be funny if
Starting point is 01:58:24 did you somehow receive a different email or Like, we're not doing that anymore? It'd be funny if, did you somehow receive a different email? We're not doing that anymore. Is that the case? We have to ask somebody else. It'd be funny interviewing our workers and seeing from their point of view. But I think it's funny because I think that's why they don't ask him questions.
Starting point is 01:58:40 He's like, good cop, bad cop or something. Am I mean? I'm not mean, am I? No, I think we're very similar. One of our employees is here now. He's not going to tell this. Let's be honest. Okay, cool, cool. Yeah, I think it's hard a lot of times for employees to ask you something.
Starting point is 01:58:59 I think they, especially nowadays, I think they get the message that you want them to be like self-sufficient and you don't really care about the 97 hurdles that they ran into. You just want it to get done at some point. You don't want the whole like run around. You just, you just want the wine. You don't want the, you don't want to know about squishing the grapes and all that and fermenting and all these different things. Right. and the grapes and all that and fermenting and all these different things. Right. And so I think that they, a lot of times we'll just want to try to, you know, do something
Starting point is 01:59:28 without, without asking, you know, or they'll try to ask, maybe they'll ask somebody else in the office like, Hey, do you think Mark would like this? Or like they could just ask me, but then I don't know. They think I'm going to cast a bolt of lightning down on their head or something, you know? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what they think. Yeah, for me, I've already done something, and then it's like, hey, do you guys think Mark will be into this or not?
Starting point is 01:59:52 And then if I send it and he's like, yeah, that's cool, but do it totally different, then I've got to start from square one. But, yeah. It's hard. I'm not impressed by much, though. He's not. I'm old. I've been around for a long time.
Starting point is 02:00:04 He's seen everything what's funny is i'm really hard on myself but i don't feel like i'm too hard on other people like if other but i think they see how i am about the stuff that i do that the stuff that i'm working on that they're terrified like oh shit like if she's not happy with the own her own thing that she's doing like she's not going to be happy with this and i don't think that i i don't think that i am as much toward other people. It's only my own stuff. I think that's why it's been easier for me to take on the role of like being more boss, because if it's affecting her, she's not going to tell the employees, but she's going to take
Starting point is 02:00:34 it out on me. And I'm like, if that, I have no sympathy at that point. I'm like, what's going on? What are you feeling? Who's not doing the thing? Okay, cool. And I will immediately go to that person and tell them what they're doing wrong because I don't want it to affect our relationship. And when it gets to that point, I have no, I don't feel bad. That's why. We learned this the hard way because our very first employee between the two of us as a couple was his mom. And so like she lived at our house and she was working for him but also then she started you know helping out with some of the stuff and it put him in an awkward situation where I would be make maybe
Starting point is 02:01:09 not super stoked on something that his mom was doing and he got to the point where we would argue about it and he but he didn't want to go tell his mom what to do you know but finally it was that was where we argued more than any of the employees with was stuff with his mom and so finally he had to break the ice and start telling his mom. And once you've told your mom, like, hey, cut it out. It's easy to tell an employee. Mom, you got to step up your game. Yeah, that was hard.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Yeah. Anything coming up for you guys? Anything in particular? Yeah, we have a lot going on with the street parking. So we're super pumped about January. We're going to Wadapalooza, but we get to meet a lot of our members um and then march we have like a vegas meetup with all our members that over 100 members are confirmed that are going already yeah one thing that we have started doing is uh because all these people they work out alone for the most part they work
Starting point is 02:01:58 out alone or with their spouse or maybe a friend or two will come over to the garage and work out with them um and we have this community. Our Facebook page is, or our Facebook group is really active, but they want to feel that community. So we've put together some smaller meetups. So we did the Ultimate Hawaiian Trail Run in Kauai this year,
Starting point is 02:02:17 and we had like 30 plus members fly over. So we got to meet them in person and spend multiple days with them. And so, yeah, the next trip like that, obviously we're going to Gu're going to waterpalooza but that's more around an event um this trip in vegas we've got over a hundred people coming to vegas just to hang out for like three days we're gonna work out very but it's not like a boot camp like we'll work out once and then we're gonna go to vegas shows and we're gonna do vegas and and get to know each. And then the one we're the most excited about is we have rented a massive summer camp in New York state. Oh, wow. And we are going to be hosting the street
Starting point is 02:02:55 parking summer camp. And once again, it is not fat camp. It is not boot camp. We will work out the same amount that we work out at home and then it will be cornhole games and you know canoe races and jumping into the pond and ropes courses and skits and friendship bracelets and s'mores and all of it yeah straight up summer camp the camp is a place that's a summer camp for kids in new york the summer, but we're doing it over Memorial Day. So it's before it's open and you can rent these places out and we're going to have like 250 of our members. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, just come in and we'll do some educational stuff too. Like we'll do some like, hey, you want to learn how to weigh and measure your food?
Starting point is 02:03:36 Like that's an option. You don't have to do it. You want to drink beer? You can go do that instead. Like whatever you want to do, but we'll get to know each other and get to meet each other and put, you know, names to faces and everything. So that's cool. Yeah. We're excited about it. What do you guys do with your nutrition? Um, it's pretty when knowing what I know about bodybuilding, I would say it's pretty relaxed. Um, it's kind of, so when I started in CrossFit, it was all about zone diet and then it went super hard on the paleo side of it where it's like,
Starting point is 02:04:04 I can't believe you're eating rice. Like're gonna die tomorrow right and then when i started training more competitively with jason and neil maddox and i remember neil sat me down one day and he was like listen you're gonna train with us you're gonna need to eat more and that's where the pizza thing came he's like i'm gonna need you to get pizza twice a week or you're going to die trying to keep up with us. And he was right. So, um, I don't eat pizza twice a week now, but I, we do eat, you know, we'll have oatmeal for breakfast and we eat, um, rice and we eat potatoes and things like that. It's kind of a combo between like a zone diet where it is, we do weigh and measure and macros um but it's a little bit more loose and we we have we have tortilla chips pretty much every day and we you know we go out to eat here and there and we'll do the french toast thing or or whatever but for the most part um his mom who was the main chef at
Starting point is 02:04:57 the meal prep company that he had before she moved with us she just cooks us what she made for that company and we just scoop it up and measure it most of the time and yeah you guys normally uh bring food with you like when you go to work and things like that yeah for the most part yeah so it's it sounds to me like like you're kind of underselling it and almost making it sound like you're not really like on a diet it's so normal to us that it doesn't feel like it to other people that has plenty of of, it has way more freedom than maybe some of the things you're used to as well. Right. It's definitely meal prep. It's definitely, there's meal prep that's done and it's, it's measured into Tupperwares and it's taken with us. I guess it's just so normal to us now. Yeah. Well, I think that I think a lot of
Starting point is 02:05:38 people can, can insert that into their lives without it being too, too crazy. And maybe not every meal, you know, is, uh, something they, they package up at home. But if you, if you can do two meals a day like that, that'd be, that would be, that'd be huge. You know, I've always wanted to do taking what I learned from the meal prep company and simplifying it. Um, and we're about to bring on a new employee on board who's like really
Starting point is 02:06:04 specializes in live stream is just kind of teach what I learned back into our members and the community and how to like teach them how to melp prep efficiently. That's really not complicated. Kind of like simplifying what we do with working out, simplifying what, you know, what they're eating and stuff and what to prep and stuff like that and things so yeah because it's yeah we literally just make three different kinds two different kinds of we have white rice brown rice and we'll have you know sweet potatoes cubed up um and then where we get lucky is where my mom preps like the good meats and stuff like that but even then you can take ground turkey throw in some seasoning in there, some garlic salt or whatever, and keep it on the cleaner side with your greens. And that's it. You know, you just got to flavor it the right way, but it's just, again, cooking is one of those
Starting point is 02:06:54 things where you're like, Oh, I'm not a chef. I don't know how to cook. It's like, it's actually not that hard. So that's what I plan to kind of give him back pretty soon. It's not that hard at all. And, and, you know, you learn a lot as you do it, you know, you learn like, you know, it's kind of hard to microwave certain things. Um, like you could have really good cut of steak and it could be cooked perfectly, but then you microwave it and it gets, yeah, it gets shredded and pulled is like, oh, the way to go ground meats or, uh, slow cook things like that. That's definitely the way to go. Right. And if you have a ground beef, you make it into like a patty and you cook it up that way. And those are, those are fine cold too.
Starting point is 02:07:29 Like you don't really, I mean, you can heat them up if you really want to, but I encourage people to heat up something different. You know, heat up like bone broth and pour it over top, like to get it warm rather than like, you're kind of ruining the meat. Now, if it's chicken, it probably doesn't matter as much. But with those red meats, man, you microwave them. You're kind of screwing them up. Yeah. It is delicious. I love me some bone broth. Knox gets the bone broth.
Starting point is 02:07:54 Does he? Oh, yeah. Knox has a better diet than 99.9% of humans on this planet. He's trying to be jacked and tanned. Oh, my gosh. So he'll crush oats and egg whites with some banana and some full fat yogurt for breakfast. And then most of his other meals, it's like sweet potatoes with some cauliflower rice mixed in
Starting point is 02:08:15 and either some liver, which he's done mostly liver. Sometimes now it's ground turkey, avocado and bone broth mixed in there. I mean, that's all he eat. Healthy food tastes great. Heck yeah, it does. He loves it. I think the fat-free movement, I think some of that probably scarred some people because fat-free mayo and some of these low-fat cheese and weird things, those things tasted like crap.
Starting point is 02:08:43 But who doesn't like a steak? Who doesn't like some bacon? Who doesn't like some bacon? Who doesn't like some whole eggs, whole milk, full fat yogurt? I mean, all these things are, they're freaking delicious. And fruit and vegetables can taste really good too. Yeah. Got anything over there, Andrew? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:57 What's the story behind the street parking logo? The key? Yeah. It looks cool. So, well, street parking, the name of it is if you have a garage gym you got to park in the street so that's where that came from and we actually have tons of people that have were are like long-time members that don't figure that out till they're like six months in they're like wait a minute i just figured out why it's street parking we're like oh my god
Starting point is 02:09:19 um and then the key is just kind of with that whole car theme it's just kind of like the car key and i got really lucky i was working for a supplement company and you have your own key because it's your own spot exactly exactly and he uh he designed the key for us he it was the design it was the branding guy at the company that i was working for before he does all of our branding stuff so he designed it's pretty cool cool do you guys do any like uh coaching for couples because i'm just thinking you guys are doing coaching yeah just like your cool. Cool. Do you guys do any like coaching for couples? Because I'm just thinking you guys are doing coaching. Yeah. Just like your full time business.
Starting point is 02:09:50 You guys have a kid now. You know, I get actually to that. One of the biggest things that I felt bad for Miranda about is having someone that she can actually relate to. Because you start, you know, you gravitate towards a circle of people that you're kind of where you're at in your life. Right. And she like with her friends, it was now finally, with Molly, she has a baby now, so they become a lot closer. But at that time where it won, she was a new mom, new business that was successful, and then being a wife, right? Who do you call for someone to be able to relate with you to that?
Starting point is 02:10:25 That list becomes non It's pretty small. Non-existent. To the point where she tried to find a Facebook group of entrepreneurial women. I tried to join some mom entrepreneurial groups. And she posted her story on there and nobody was responsive. And I felt bad. I was like, man, like this really...
Starting point is 02:10:38 No one wanted to be my friend. That really hurt me. So obviously it's very... Podcasting is like this is a way for us to kind of talk about our life experiences right now. But later on, for sure, right, when things are more established and settled in, we have a little bit more time where the business is kind of running a little bit more smoothly without us. That knowledge that we've learned, we'd love to give that back. knowledge that we've learned would love to give that back you know it's funny too because i actually got really excited i met a woman in starbucks who um in our new town i was like i think i met somebody who i could see myself being friends with like she was super cool and she was fashionable
Starting point is 02:11:16 because we live in kind of a small town and so she didn't look like super small town she looked like you know she probably had like a career and everything, but then she looks at the fitness stuff. And what I know that I do is so like not intense and over the top, but she's like, Oh, like that's too, like, she can't understand that part of me. And she thinks I'm just like this crazy fitness person. And so we can't relate on that level. Or if you can find somebody that relates on the mom side of it, they can't relate to how you're trying to be a mom and run the business because they're just doing the mom thing maybe. So it is hard to find somebody that really gets it. And I have one friend now who was on our team for CrossFit who works for us.
Starting point is 02:11:56 So I made her busy and then she had a baby too. So she doesn't live near us, but we can talk at least. Yeah, it's easier to find dudes because dudes like to brag about it. You know, the girls, like there's not enough women that are kind of leaders in that way. There's not enough women in fitness that are leaders. There's not enough women leading the way. Like from an entrepreneurial standpoint, you look like men have Gary Vee, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:23 Hey, I have Gary Vee too. He's like my favorite. Right there's there's other people too i mean but and there are women that are trying but they're not it's not the same yet you know and hopefully it kind of gets to that point hopefully more women that are running businesses hopefully they talk more and maybe you guys should have a podcast. I think if you guys even just got together and talked even just one time per month on specific topics, it could be 100% related to street parking and also could be 100% not related to it. How do you make it work? How do you get your workouts in with your kid and with everything else you have going on? All these different topics, probably something that your people want to hear
Starting point is 02:13:05 and get a better understanding of. Yeah, because I think a lot of times the entrepreneurial, because you can find entrepreneurial women, but they're not going to be also, at least they're not going to portray, I'm also trying to be like a really good wife and mom. Like they almost like go too hard into the like, no, I'm a strong businesswoman
Starting point is 02:13:22 and I can do and get out of my way type of thing um or you'll get the like mom podcasts and it's like they're almost like too gentle and too so it's really hard to find that that mix well fridays we do this thing now actually because you're right we always find ways to where as the community gets bigger for street parking how can we continue to engage with our members, right? And make sure that they don't feel like they can't send us a message and we won't respond. So we do this thing called FaceTime Fridays now. Every Friday, we'll go live on our social media platform for street parking and Facebook. And we have people DM us their numbers and we'll literally FaceTime them. And hey, you have a question, ask us.
Starting point is 02:14:01 We tell them to have a question ready. And we'll call them. Oh my God, I didn't think you were going to call us and we're like FaceTime Friday yeah of course 9 out of 10 times
Starting point is 02:14:09 they're driving so we'll go for like an hour that's how long the episodes usually go for we sometimes because they just want to have us on the phone
Starting point is 02:14:15 they'll ask but hey like this is your opportunity ask us we want to share our story as much as possible and stuff
Starting point is 02:14:22 so yeah it's pretty cool like we're going like 6 weeks into doing it but you know it's awesome so. Like we're going like six weeks into doing it, but you know, it's awesome. So FaceTime Fridays is what we do. How do you not fall into the trap of like messing around with social media too much? I do mess around with social media too much. I do do that.
Starting point is 02:14:39 I mean, cause your business is there and you got to post stuff, but then you end up scrolling. When I know. He unfollowed every single person. He follows like 12 people now. He follows the hashtag street parking and like 12 people that he actually wants to see what they have to post and anyone else, if he wants to check in on them, he can go there. Out of those 12 people, I would say four of them are not actually having to do with street parking, street parking members, Miranda, my mom. But yeah, because it's like, yeah, because bottom line, anytime I'm with Knox
Starting point is 02:15:06 or I'm getting ready to put them to sleep in the evening or when I'm spending time with them, we're phones away. It's just a way. Cause I know I'm going to be on it. It's not, you know, it's, it's our business. Literally, I would say 70 to 80% of our business is going through our phones. Um, and, uh, you know, you just have to be, I've accepted the fact that I'm always on my phone, but yeah, there's moments where I can easily check out and be like, what kind of moment is this? Okay. Put your phone away. You have to just be aware that you, Hey, this is your time to just disconnect right now. For sure.
Starting point is 02:15:38 Sundays, I've gotten a lot easier at disconnecting on Sundays because I got through a moment where before we had our workers, where we, it was just me and her, we're just commenting, commenting on all our members, like letting them know. But you, you know, and it got hard for me to like take a day off doing that because I'm like, oh man, are they going to feel like I'm not paying attention to them? But it's gotten to the point now where it's like, Hey, our message is getting, having fitness be part of your lifestyle, make it short. And then, so you can go back to the things that matter, which is family. And so I can't try to like you know give that message and not apply it myself so it's just a lot of a lot of reality checks always to uh the comments and different things that come in does it dictate uh what you post um like you said you don't get as many like likes and you get people unfollowing you
Starting point is 02:16:25 for like breastfeeding and having uh pictures of your handsome hunky husband over there uh i would say no no i mean i used to like if i didn't like think that i looked good in a video literally like if i'm like i look tired in this video or or oh my outfit's not that cute then I wouldn't post it but now I don't really think about that stuff too much um obviously like if it's a shitty quality picture or something like that it's you know because it's part of our business to run a good social media but no um I'm not too worried it still isn't my favorite thing like if I lose a bunch of followers when I post something but you know i've been pretty adamant about not allowing that to dictate what i post on my personal page um and i do believe strongly that um you can be building a really strong message and a really strong brand and
Starting point is 02:17:16 losing followers at the same time because all i'm losing are people who they don't care about my message and they don't agree with it anyway so why do i want them around you know so yeah they might not follow your the street parking and so on and they might not be like customers right they might just be fans of of what you used to do where if i'm posting what i used to do i'd be losing customers because they're like well i can't relate to that like so i want to i want to post things that that are helping the people that can be helped by it. And if it's not your thing, then it's not your thing. And it doesn't. Ab post, automatic 20,000 likes. For sure.
Starting point is 02:17:52 100%. 500 comments. Like booty shorts, like, you know, the favorite of CrossFit girls everywhere is to film the workout from underneath and behind. Like, because that's the best way to film your workout, I guess. Men, same thing, just from the front. best way to film your workout, I guess. Uh, men, men,
Starting point is 02:18:05 same thing, just from the, from the front. It's so weird to me. I know. That, um, and no, I'm not,
Starting point is 02:18:11 so I'm not, I'm not about that. And I know like when I post like a picture of me and Knox or whatever, it's like, oh, you know, that's,
Starting point is 02:18:19 that's real life and that's boring and I'll lose some followers, but that's who, you know. Right. That's what you're excited about. Mm-hmm. And that's what's happening. Yep. And that's what you know this because everything you do like he's gonna pick up on stuff he probably already picks up on way more than we understand
Starting point is 02:18:34 and he's gonna get to the point where he's like oh you only post stuff that people think is cool you only put out things that people think are cool and then he starts doing that and that would be devastating for him to try to, try to be being, I mean, he is pretty cool, but we don't want to teach him that you be yourself and, and be real and allow the people to come to you that, that jive with that.
Starting point is 02:18:55 You know, I know he's only one, but has he kind of figured out the phone a little bit? Like what's going on with it? Absolutely. We show him like little videos on the phone. Mostly only family videos or like, like I showed him that dance,
Starting point is 02:19:05 that dance compilation video. And again, no smile, no laughter, just. But what's interesting is that if we try to show him a movie, he doesn't gravitate to that so much. But if it's videos of like us and our vlogs and stuff,
Starting point is 02:19:18 he'll watch that. He'll, he'll be glued to it. But yeah, if it's something else, like he just, he gets bored of it. Five,
Starting point is 02:19:24 five minutes. He he's he's like over it right away yeah he just zones out did you get any like blowback from doing videos like this when you're pregnant uh yes some people are like oh my gosh you're gonna fall and you know kill the baby or whatever and um it's tough because we actually have a lot of uh people who follow the program now who are pregnant or want to become pregnant soon or whatever. And they ask for advice. And the thing is, is people take it out of context. Right. So for me, doing single strict pull ups when I had been used to I was used to doing that stuff for so long. Like I know my limits. I know when my grip is getting weak. I know when I need to slow down.
Starting point is 02:20:04 so long. Like I know my limits. I know when my grip is getting weak. I know when I need to slow down. But if people just come, this is your first time ever seeing Miranda Alcaraz ever. You're like, oh my gosh, it's so dangerous because you can only relate it to your experience and either your strength in a pull-up or your wife or whoever. And so, um, for me where that was super scaled to other people, it looks super intense. And so that's what we talk about a lot with the pregnancy stuff. It's like, hey, don't try to get more fit while you're pregnant. Like probably not the time to gain fitness. But if you're doing stuff that your body's already used to, and obviously there are movements you've got to take out completely.
Starting point is 02:20:38 This one's great because you can't see anything other than you doing wall balls. And then you turn and, whoa, there's a belly. A little bit of a beer belly going on. know and you get everything from like i actually used to get hate on both sides like this one for example people will be like i feel like you could still do handstand push-ups if you wanted to like why are you scaling so much like i didn't do that when i was pregnant i still did this and this and this and then you'll get the other side with this power clean where people like oh my gosh like you probably hit the baby in the head. And he's probably, you know, whatever. So you got both sides of it.
Starting point is 02:21:10 And and you get people that think that you need to lay in bed the whole time you're pregnant. And then you get people who tell you that it's fine to go run marathons. And it's such a personal experience that you share what your experience is and people have to go through it on their own. How many months pregnant did you stop? Was there a point where you stopped at all so i never stopped um on my due date when i wasn't even like having contractions or he was showing no signs of coming out they told me or i guess maybe like a week before two weeks they told me to stop working out and i did that and i went crazy because it was my only like thing that made me feel at all normal and so finally i was like this doesn't feel right to me i feel like my body's like actually in shock because i've been working
Starting point is 02:21:55 out five six days a week for a decade or longer and now my i feel like my body's stalled because i'm not moving and the homeostasis is like way more messed up and so he's like just go freaking work out so I think I did like some kettlebell swings and like rode the bike and then a couple hours later I was in labor so uh is it is it weird at all like uh when I look up stuff on you on social media or on like YouTube and stuff I find old stuff with uh a different last name like is any of that ever weird or like it's not weird to me because it's like uh you know like um you know in years past like that wouldn't have been a thing but now things are kind of like locked away in like this
Starting point is 02:22:34 storage bin of social media and everybody kind of knows your business and stuff like that is that weird in some sense there was an awkward period where we knew we were going to get married eventually and i still went by miranda old droid on my instagram um which was my the last name of the person that i was married to before we had like a a completely like amicable separation him and my ex have a totally like fine relationship when we've had to see each other because he works for crossfit so when we've had to see each other because he works for CrossFit So when we've had to see each other at events and things like that and there was no issues, but I got He has a girlfriend and I got a call from him one day that I needed to change my Instagram name
Starting point is 02:23:17 because his family and his girlfriend were upset that I was about to have someone else's child and I was still using his last name. And I didn't want to change it to my maiden name because I knew we were going to get married. And I was like, well, I'm not going to change it and then change it again. Like it was a really tough situation where I felt like I was like being like bartered and traded around kind of type of thing. And so that's when I changed it to just Fearless Miranda. No more last names. I was like, we'll just keep it at Fearless Miranda. When we get married, I'm not going to change it to Miranda Alcaraz. So there was a little bit of weirdness there, but it wasn't from either one of us. It was more from my ex's side.
Starting point is 02:23:54 Right. Cool. Yeah. Anything else, Andrew? Yeah. A staple of this podcast is something we like to call poop stories. I was just looking through you guys' YouTube channel, and there's a video that says plane rides and poop.
Starting point is 02:24:10 What happened there? Knox blew up. It was all over the hotel room. Yeah, we took him. We got to the hotel room. I picked him up, gave him his little kisses and everything. Yeah, it's definitely in there. He just had poop coming out of his diaper because he had outgrown
Starting point is 02:24:26 his diaper everywhere i was like oh my and she was in the bathroom i was like babe it was like my i was like he pooped he pooped help i mean any parent knows that there's like there's like massive poops and then there's the we have to put this kid in the shower that's the only option right now that was this was one of those. That's it. It was like, I was like being cute with him. I was like, hey, what's up? And I smelled something. I was like, oh, I think you pooped, man.
Starting point is 02:24:51 And I really. Everything you have is white. That's when I realized. Look at the hand from him. It was. And I felt bad. It was like dropping all over the floor. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:01 You see it? He was like wondering what was going on. He started crying. I felt bad. Oh yeah. It was like. Poor little floor. Yeah, you see it? He was like wondering what was going on. He started crying. I felt bad. Oh yeah, it was like. Poor little guy. Yeah. You started scrambling
Starting point is 02:25:10 and he didn't know what was going on. Pretty much, yeah. Yeah, it's when they're, when they're little, like as they start to eat, you know, when they're infants and they only have breast milk,
Starting point is 02:25:22 the poops are like, they're kind of mild. Like it's not that huge of a, not that huge of a deal. They might be a little runny here and there and things like that. But when they start eating solid food, you're like, whoa.
Starting point is 02:25:33 You feel so bad for them too because they can't figure out how to do it sometimes and they're in so much pain and poor little guy. Can't figure out how to bear down on it. Yeah. That's all I got over here, Mark. Where can people follow you? Where can they figure out how to bear down on it. Yeah. That's all I got over here, Mark.
Starting point is 02:25:47 Where can people follow you? Where can they find out more about street parking? So I am at fearless Miranda on Instagram. We are at street parking or street parking dot com. And he is at zero zero nine Julian with a J pronounced Julian. But he won't follow you back though. He definitely won't. Pretty much.
Starting point is 02:26:07 But if you hashtag street parking, I will comment on your stuff. Yep. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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