Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 150 - The Morning Has Secrets

Episode Date: December 5, 2018

The most amazing things happen early in the morning when everyone is sleeping. Listen to Mark Bell tell you why you need to wake up before everyone else. ➢SHOP NOW: En...ter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 My new phone shows like two battery powers for some reason. I don't know what's going on. I don't know, Andrew. I don't know, man. I don't know about all this technology. Does it have two batteries then? I don't know. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Do you know which one you got? Or you just know it's the new iPhone? Yeah, it's a newer one. It's a XS Max? Something like that. Because it's the big one it's a 10 something or x x xs max something like that because it's the big one right yeah it is it's pretty big pretty big it's huge i've been tempted to get it but i don't know i'm comfortable with mine i don't want to have an extra payment on my monthly bill. I know. You know what I, you know what we found out is that you're better off, uh,
Starting point is 00:00:49 getting like not getting your phone through your, through your carrier. Because the, when you get, when you get a phone from Apple, then it's called an unlocked phone. Right. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:01:02 I didn't know it was called an unlocked phone. That means you can switch carriers at any time. So if you're pissed, you can be like, fuck off, we're out of here. Yeah. But, you know, that's how they lock you in. Because they lock you in to try to get you the deal and then they give you a discount on the phone and then you're roped in for life. But you're screwed. Yeah. You're totally screwed. You're totally locked in. And yeah, I hate that feeling. Because as soon as you commit, then that's when you find out like some bullshit like issue with your bill or it's not what they promised. Something always happens.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And it always happens. It's never what they say in the beginning. It's always so much more expensive than you thought. Yeah. You're like, how come there's not just a set price for some of this stuff? Why do I always get screwed? Yeah. Anyway, welcome to mark bell's power project
Starting point is 00:01:45 everybody everybody i'm mark bell and that is andrew zaragoza zaragoza i gotta say it twice what was dope is uh when my uncle he was like an amateur boxer golden glove winner savage there you go um great savage yeah i remember like they would say say, David Zaragoza, Zaragoza. And they didn't do that for the other guy. So we got super pumped. It was sick, yeah. Well, the other guy was doomed. No, he was fucked, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I mean, once they announced his name twice, the other guy just once. And my uncle was a Southpaw, too. So that other guy had no chance. That's great. Where did he box at, around here? Yeah, right here in Woodland. I had no chance. That's great. Where did he box at around here? Yeah. Yeah. Right here in Woodland. Is most of your family from this like pretty much area, Sacramento-ish area?
Starting point is 00:02:33 Sacramento, Winters, and then my Uncle David. I think he was the first one to break out to Woodland just because he's like, man, there's this small town around the way and it's nice and quiet and there's no crime. So we all kind of followed him. But yeah, no, his son was the guy that we lifted with the other day uh last friday oh yeah he was a big kid he's a yeah he's a big old kid i hope i hope he comes back man yeah he we uh we were killing him trying to teach him how to box squat a lot of people don't know how to box squat what was funny is he was like hey that's the first time i ever squatted. I was like, oh my, like, dude, you told me you worked out with your brother like every other day. And he was like, oh, I never squatted though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Shit. Sorry, dude. Yeah. That's why I was looking at him. He was sweating pretty hard. I was like, man, we got to give this guy, you know, I was like, have him do some upper body stuff. Yeah. That was a good call.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I think he's going to like die. I saw him a couple of times trying to push the tank too. Yeah. And I think he might've been cramping up a couple of times when he's trying to push the tank too yeah and i think he might have been cramping up a couple times when he's trying to like shrug it off and i was watching it but i keep an eye on him enough you know yeah i um i really try to i try to watch people when they're when they're exercising i'm like man i don't know how much experience this guy has yeah and when i told him like hey just push it down and back and then you're done yeah and then and then just look
Starting point is 00:03:43 at the clock and walk for 10 minutes up and down and then you're done that's it and so he was doing that and i looked back and he grabbed the tank again i'm like what do you like stop like you're good you're gonna die so that's a lot of people's mentalities they want to like try to you know they want to really push and it's like man that that's awesome that they have that i don't want to fizzle that out but at the same time it's like, man, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:06 we, we need you to come back. You know, we needed to train here for a while. Anyway, this is Mark Bell's power project. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. We,
Starting point is 00:04:15 uh, we got a great training session in, uh, today with Alberto Nunez had a fun podcast with him yesterday. Later in the week, we have, uh, uh, we got, uh, Dr.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Hightower coming in and, uh, he's a chiropractor and he's going to take a, a large hammer, uh, to me and some other people in here, whoever needs it. And, uh, we're going to get to the bottom of things with him, podcasts with him and try to find out, uh, more information. What's his Instagram? Do you know what his Instagram is? I'll find it, but it's just, uh, Bo Hightower. Oh yeah, Bo Hightower oh yeah bo hightower yeah yeah he's a he's uh he's got some really interesting cool things going on and i'm excited to uh to podcast with him and speaking of bo we've been working on bo jackson um i'm hopeful that it will happen um we've been we've been working on that
Starting point is 00:05:00 project bo jackson has a meat company and And through that and through some of these other things, we might be able to land him. He's the, you know, I guess, you know, once we do, though, the problem is I'll just retire because that's been the goal from day one about four or five years ago when I started podcasting. So I've been podcasting for a long time. Long time power lifter, long time power lifting, um, retired from the sport many times over. But as you guys know, I will probably come back to the sport at some point. It just keeps happening. I do have a goal, uh, now to bench over 500 pounds at two 20. Um, initially I kind of wanted to really kind of put that out there and put some pressure on myself. But I rethought about it and said, you know what? I can do that, but it's probably going to take me some time. So I'm going to take my time with it. I'm a different person than I was when I competed. That's all I cared about when I competed was those numbers.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And I care about so many different things now and care about so many different people that it's just going to take me longer to get a similar result. I don't I don't have the result. I don't, I don't have, uh, the tie can't commit the time to it. Also, I'm just older. So being older, it's going to take me a little longer to recover. Therefore I'll have to kind of like spread this, uh, this goal out a little bit, but you know, it'll be something that'll be on the board for 2019. And hopefully I'm able to knock it out. We'll see, uh, we'll see what happens. Um, but yeah, I had a great training session with Alberto Nunez. He showed us how to use our back. He showed us some really cool things in terms of trying to really be able to use our lats. And one
Starting point is 00:06:35 of them was, uh, for those of you that, uh, know, uh, elite FTS, no Dave Tate, you've heard of the fat guy row. The fat guy row is just a, what did he call it? It's an inverted row. Oh, inverted row. Yeah. It's called an inverted row. You kind of look it up on YouTube and you'll find some different things. But Alberto showed us how to use our scapula.
Starting point is 00:06:57 He showed us how to like really relax your shoulder, let your shoulder get away from your body a lot. your shoulder, let your shoulder get away from your body a lot, just like the way that you wouldn't want to bench press extending your shoulder out really far at the bottom of that inverted row, and then retracting your scapula so that your shoulder, uh, is now kind of even with your body and it's not rolled forward. And then you row and that really made a huge difference. And he showed us that on every exercise that we did today. And I was loving that. I thought that was great. I was loving it too.
Starting point is 00:07:31 It was the, like my lats since working with you, like I've been able to like, oh, hey, that's what, that's what it's supposed to feel like. But today, dude, they were, they were like, it felt so good. I've never had my lats pop out like that today as they did today and i was just like you could tell how hyped i was because i told i think like four different people the workout that we did today i was like dude you guys got to try this i'm like hey did some what do you call it dog shit training oh yeah that's what it was dante tridel who owns uh true nutrition or maybe he sold it i'm not sure but anyway yeah that's where it's from dog shit
Starting point is 00:08:03 training yeah you guys got to do this. This is amazing. You're going to love it. Don't smoke you about it. And he was like, oh, yeah, I've heard of that. Of course you have. So, you know, through the years of powerlifting, you know, I made some discoveries on, you know, different injuries I had and tried to think of some things to work my way through and around these injuries. And I discovered a product or I created an invention rather out of the injury called the slingshot. And the slingshot
Starting point is 00:08:32 allowed me, afforded me to start a business. And I made a business around that. And I have three United States patents. And through my powerlifting career, I've squatted over 1,080, bench pressed 854 pounds, and deadlifted 766. I just tell you guys that because that is the byproduct of a lot of years of hard work. That's a lot of years of grinding it out. I'm going to be 42 coming up. That'll be celebrating 30 years of training. I am a dad of two children. I have a daughter named Quinn.
Starting point is 00:09:03 She is 11. I got a son named Jake. He is 14. I got a son named Jake. He is 14. I have a wifey poo named Andy Bell. And Andy Bell is a big part of what we do here at Slingshot headquarters. And, uh, I'm really happy and fired up and excited to come to work every single day in this environment where we have 15 or 16 men and women that work for slingshot, that work very hard for super training, that train really hard for meets that help each other out. And it's just, it's a really awesome environment to be part of. It's hard to really describe to you guys, but hopefully some of you will get a chance to come out to super training gym. The
Starting point is 00:09:42 gym is free. It's an 8,000 square foot gym. It's the biggest free gym in the entire world. I don't know of anything else that exists like it. And I don't know if any, if anybody is, uh, got the balls to copy what we've done because it ain't easy having a free gym. That's that big like that. So we're located in West Sacramento, California, eight 55 Riverside Parkway, suite number 10. And every Saturday and every Sunday from nine until one o'clock, we are wide open to anyone that wants to come here. Anybody that wants to come here. If you're like, oh man, I'm not so anybody that wants to come here. The password is nothing. You don't have to say anything. There's no password.
Starting point is 00:10:23 There's no secret. There's no anything. What I do recommend is I recommend that you hit us up ahead of time. So go on, uh, Instagram or find an email for us and, uh, shoot us a, a DM on Instagram. Not me personally,
Starting point is 00:10:37 uh, go over to the, the super training gyms, Instagram, hit them up just so that you can make sure that I'm here. Some of the other people are here. Sometimes we're off at a meet. Sometimes there's holidays.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Who knows what's going on? But just make sure that we're here. And if we're here, we will welcome you with open arms. We will show you how to squat, bench, or deadlift. We'll try to invest as much time in you as possible. So the doors are wide open to you and I'm gonna let Andrew take over and tell you a little bit about himself before we get cracking on this podcast no I'll try to make it short and sweet but basically I picked up a camera now going on
Starting point is 00:11:16 10 years ago I don't know what it was when I picked it up but I felt something just weird like like oh my gosh like so much is possible with your pants yes a little bit it was the tingle in the nether regions that's that's kind of where it goes um did a lot of weird random shit like filming music videos and then eventually i started shooting weddings and you know i've i've been through a lot of ups and downs i'm 33 years old i'm only saying this just so that way you don't think i'm 100% bullshit, just like about 90%. I've been married, I've been divorced, and I'm engaged again. So I've, like I said- And pretty damn happy.
Starting point is 00:11:51 And so I've been up-ish, I've been way down, and now I'm extremely happy with where I am at in life. I've seen you become happier since we've known each other. Yeah, no, 100%. Yeah. And you know, some, not some of that. A lot of that is due to, I just, like Mark just said, I wake up every day fired up. There's nothing that can slow me down to get here to the gym, except for maybe going to the bathroom. But outside of that, I'm fired up every single day to change this planet. And that's really what it came down to when I, uh, really started getting serious with my photography.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Um, like I said before in a, in a previous podcast, an image made somebody cry because of how happy it made them. And that really affected me. So then I met Mark at a seminar. Boom, bam, boom. One thing led to another. I got hired on as a full-time photographer. I saw an opening with the podcast. Kind of forced Mark to give me the job,
Starting point is 00:12:45 eventually learned how to run all of this shit right here, and here we are today. That's it. And, you know, when Andrew's talking about changing the world, a lot of this stuff happens from this podcast. It's not necessarily like change, because I think that's like so hard for people to like, they get nervous, you know, when you say you got to make changes, like, Hey man, you got to make some changes. Really? All we're doing is offering help. We're just, just think as if we're, you know, you're, um, you're climbing a mountain and, um, you know, the mountain's kind of slippery.
Starting point is 00:13:19 You're not falling off a cliff or nothing, but you could use a little hand or that hand. We're just helping you up that mountain. That's all we're doing. Giving you some advice. Maybe as we're going up that mountain, we're guiding you a little bit saying, Hey man, you know what? Andrew's been down that path before and it's not very good. And I've been down that one. That one's not very good either. Why don't you go down that one down the middle? That's the one you want to go down. That's all we're trying to do. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, anybody that reaches out to me on Instagram or, and if you get my email address, like I'll respond to you. Um, like I'm like, it's, it's the most craziest, amazing feeling when people actually like reach out to me to ask me something. Like I'm helping
Starting point is 00:13:53 a guy through some like relationship problems right now. And he's like, holy shit, dude, you're saying everything I'm thinking and going through. I'm like, yeah, bro. Cause I've been there. I was like, and I've, I've made it to the other side. So here's what you should do. Like, you don't have to, you know, use your intuition, use your gut feeling when, when I'm giving you advice, but just know that like, I've been through some shit. So that's why I said earlier, you know, like I've been up and I've been down and I'm back up again. You know, that's the important thing is that I'm back up again. And that's what I'm telling this guy. I'm like, you're going to be there eventually too. I'm back up again. And that's what I'm telling this guy. I'm like, you're going to be there eventually too. This, uh, stuff can be really powerful. You know, I I've read, uh, read messages
Starting point is 00:14:29 from fans and I've broken down and cried over them. I mean, it's wild, the different things people share with you. But like in one instance, uh, somebody shared with me that they, uh, were suicidal, you know, and they were really upset and they were really depressed. And I was like, man, I was like, okay, well let's figure out, you know, first things, you know, first things first, you know, I'm not a professional. So, uh, I I'm, I'm glad that you, you know, are seeking me out and I'm glad that you hold me in such high regard to be able to handle a situation like that, but I'm not qualified to. Um, but you know, I, I did say, Hey, you know, if you have somebody, you have a professional, you can go see, I suggest that be your move. But secondly, um, since you asked me, you know, here we go. And, uh, he, he said that he was suicidal. I said,
Starting point is 00:15:19 do you have anybody close to you? And he responded and said, yeah, I'm married. And I said, okay, well, shit, you got it. That's the first person you got to tell. And so he said, okay, well, you know, I'm, uh, she's picking up our daughter from school now. And I'm going to tell her in like an hour. And when she comes home and I was like, holy shit, man. Like I just had that impact on, you know, some home in like Missouri or wherever the hell they're from. I was like, that is insane. I can't even, I'm like, I can't even understand that.
Starting point is 00:15:50 It made me emotional. I was like, I was like, I don't get, I don't really get it. But, you know, and the guy wrote back and he said he was doing really well. And he, he still hits me up here and there and says, everything's going, you know, not everything's like all dandy. He still has, uh, you know, some's like all dandy he still has uh you know some some really brutal days i guess but uh he said that was a huge help and i was just like that was the first thing i was thinking of man like you got to tell the other person that's in the house with you you know explaining them how you're feeling because maybe they don't have any idea
Starting point is 00:16:18 so it's pretty crazy yeah i'm already up against the clock so what are we talking about today mark yeah you're up against that clock yeah we what are we talking about today, Mark? Yeah, you're up against that clock. Yeah. We got clock management. We got to spike the ball. We got to calm everybody down. You know, I just, as you guys know, I, you know, go through a lot of personal development stuff. I kind of sit down. I listen to some music. I listen to some podcasts. I listen to some YouTube stuff. And I just heard this quote the other day. I don't even know. I listened to some YouTube stuff. And, um, I just heard this quote the other day. I don't even know where it's from, but, uh, it said the morning breeze has secrets. Do not go back to sleep. And that really, uh, that was something that I really
Starting point is 00:16:58 attached to. I was like, you know what? That makes a lot of sense. I've for my whole life, I've always thought there was something special about the morning um even when i was a kid you know a lot of teenage kids like to sleep in and of course i i did my fair share of that as well but i also used to wake up at like 5 a.m and run before school because i was either in like boxing or track or something where they told me i was too fat and they told me i needed to run. And, uh, when I was boxing, they just said, your, your conditioning is shitty. So you need to run. They wanted me to run two miles in like 12 minutes or something like that. I don't think I ever even got there. I think I, I think my best was like 14 minutes or, or maybe even, maybe even a higher, maybe even worse than that. I don't remember, but I just know that that's what my boxing coach said. And so I'd wake up early every day and go do those things.
Starting point is 00:17:47 But on all the days that I woke up early, I always felt really good. It wasn't like midday would come and I would just crash. I would just feel horrible. I actually felt really good. And on the days where I woke up later, and even now to this day, if I sleep in, it's like, you know, it's not much of sleeping in, but I'll wake up at like seven. I feel way worse than I do on days like today when I woke up at about three 50, three 55. Um, I think that all of us get
Starting point is 00:18:19 woken up pretty early in the morning and almost all of us, uh, turn back to sleep. You know, we go back to sleep. It's cold. We don't want to get up. Um, you have to pee and you think, you don't think anything of it. You're like, oh, I just had to take a leak. I just had to use the bathroom and that's it. But like, what if something else is waking you up? Like, what if you're up for a reason? What if you're, what if you, uh, uh woke up because like that's the time you're supposed to wake up your body just said hey you should get your ass up now because this is going to be a great time for you to think this is going to be a great time for you to be like in this heightened state and yes you might feel a little groggy but once you get going you're going to feel good yeah
Starting point is 00:18:59 it might be some like instinctive thing that's like in your uh genetic makeup or something that you're supposed to actually wake up right now to, I don't know, who knows, do something, do something that's going to improve yourself, but your body already knows that it's supposed to be there. So that's why it's like, Hey, wake up. Yeah, exactly. And I think, and a lot of that starts for me. I mean, nowadays, you know, I get, I just get to bed early enough, but you know, I, I still live my life. I still have fun. I still, um, you know, like Friday night, I'll be up until probably 11 or midnight or
Starting point is 00:19:33 something. You know, I'm not out partying or doing anything crazy, but I got some dinner plans. I probably won't get home and probably won't finish my night until later. Um, but I have many days like that. And some nights I'll go to bed at nine 30 And some nights I'll go to bed at nine 30. Some nights I'll go to bed at like seven. I think it was two days ago. I went to bed at like seven 30, but the reason why I went to bed at seven 30 is because there wasn't anything left to do. I did everything I needed to do. I, um, I think it was on Sunday night. Um, I trained hard that day. We filmed a lot of stuff that day. I
Starting point is 00:20:08 filmed a lot of stuff talking about my brother, talking about, um, my brother, mad dog who passed away almost 10, 10 years ago. Now it'd be 10 years on December 14th. And we did a, um, uh, paying respects to him, uh, video type thing. And, um, we just cranked through a lot of stuff that day. And I got in the lifting and the eating and everything else I needed to do. Spent a lot of time with my family that day. We went to Dixon. We got ourselves a Christmas tree. And it was just a great day.
Starting point is 00:20:38 We put the Christmas tree up. We threw some ornaments on it. And I was like, man, guys, I'm going to bed. It was like 730 at night or something. But the reason I bring that up is that it's important for you to get on a schedule. You want to figure out some sort of schedule. And your schedule can have some flex to it. But you don't want your schedule to have any holes in it.
Starting point is 00:20:58 You want your schedule to have some flexibility in it to where if somebody's like, Hey man, can you come over and hang out and, you know, watch a Thursday night football game? Yeah, sure. I can. Yeah. You shouldn't be so fragile, right? You don't want to be fragile, but you do want to stay sturdy and you do want to stay strong with your schedule because your schedule is going to keep you on point. It's going to keep you on track with the things that you want to do. If you don't know what you're doing in a day, I think that's asinine. I think to do. If you don't know what you're doing in a day, I think that's asinine. I think that you should have a general idea of what you're doing every day, approximately at what times. Work your way backwards if you don't know what I'm talking about. If you're confused and say, okay, well, I know approximately what time I go to bed.
Starting point is 00:21:41 So let's just say right now you normally go to bed bed at 11 and I'm going to tell you right away, you should change. You should change that a hundred percent and you will be more productive. You will be a more valuable person to whatever it is that you're doing. You'll be more valuable to the people in your house. You'll be more valuable to your employer. You'll be more valuable all around. Get your ass to bed earlier. There's probably no reason for you to be up at 11 unless you're coming home from work. I know some people have these weird work schedules, so I understand that. I'm not talking about those people, but anyone that's listening to this podcast right now, almost every single person could get to sleep an hour earlier. You're not doing anything. You're fucking around. You're messing around on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:22:25 You're messing around on social media. You're messing around watching TV. And you don't need that. That's not productive towards your goals. Now, sometimes we do need to relax. And so that's why I said your schedule should be flexible. It's flexible. It can bend a little bit, but you don't want it to break.
Starting point is 00:22:42 So if you need to catch up on a show, watch one episode. Don't watch three in a row and end up, oh, man, it's 1030. Oh, man, I said I was going to be at the gym at 6. Well, I guess I won't go to the gym in the morning. I'll start that next week, right? It's easy to be a coward. It's easy to push things off. It's easy to be negative.
Starting point is 00:23:03 It's easy to have negative self-talk. You guys have no idea how much negative self-talk you do until you start to check yourself and until you start to really stick it to yourself. There's going to be a point in time where you want to go over this self-talk that you have and you want to evaluate what it is that you're saying back to yourself. You want to really try to think about these things because these things are going to mold and shape what you actually do it's going to mold and shape your actual actions your thoughts become your actions you have to be very careful of where your mind wants to drift to it's amazing to me how many negative thoughts you can have in one day.
Starting point is 00:23:45 And these negative thoughts aren't, they're not always so obvious. It's not like, oh my God, I hate that guy. Cut me off. I want to punch him in the face. That's, that's like, that's not even negative. That's not even necessarily negative. It's, it's, it's a, it's an aggressive reaction to something that happened, right? You might be frustrated that there's traffic Or you might be like There's a lot of things to be like frustrated about But those aren't the things I'm even talking about I'm talking about when you tell yourself that you can't do something
Starting point is 00:24:18 But there's also more indirect self-talk that's negative Telling yourself you can't do something I think as you get older and you become more mature, you could start to wrap your brain around that and you could start to say, you know what? I was wrong when I said I couldn't do photography. I was wrong when I said I couldn't lose weight. I was wrong when I said I was dumb. Like I'm actually pretty smart.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I can figure things out pretty good. Okay. I can't really, I don't write very well and I don't draw very well, but I've also never taken an art class. So you want to try to, but you want to try to make, you want to try to make sense of this negative self-talk. Where is it coming from? Is it based in any sort of truth? Maybe you do have some negative reinforcement on something, but why do you have negative reinforcement on something? If you have negative reinforcement about your diet, maybe it's just because you didn't try the right diet for yourself yet. Or maybe you didn't try
Starting point is 00:25:16 hard enough. Maybe you didn't try it for long enough. Maybe you didn't stick it out long enough. Yeah. It seems like a lot of the negative doubt the negative doubt and all that stuff it comes from previous experiences where something failed because when somebody they think about going on a diet they instantly think about the time they failed on the diet so that's where the thoughts come in of like oh i i tried that diet i can't do it and then so like you instantly think i can't so then you instantly believe that you can't but if you just forget that negative experience, you can actually move forward with a whole brand new mindset. Another negative thing is,
Starting point is 00:25:51 um, you know what? I'm going to start to try. I'm going to start, you know, I'm start waking up early when I moved to that new house. Cause this house is uncomfortable. Cause the guy's always out there with the weed whacker on the weekends.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And like, I can't sleep and there's traffic and there's all this shit right um that's that is really negative and that one is a that one uh really hits you from the blind side because it's not something that you really see because you don't even realize it's negative because i think you saying you can't do something is is pretty obvious to you and i think that we all can sit there. We could probably write down those things and we could probably, if I said, Hey man, I need you to like evaluate yourself.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Where do you got some holes? And you can be like, man, I really talked myself out of a lot of stuff. Um, but it's these things where you're like, I, I, I'm going to wait on that until this happens. Um, I can't, uh, I can't sell a product until I meet a web developer. I, um, I can't start uploading my photos until I meet someone that knows how to use the internet. Um, you know, we know your story. You've explained it many times where you just learned yourself, right?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Um, there's gotta be things that you like in Andrew's case with the photography, you were pulled to it so hard that it wasn't even a question about how you're going to, it wasn't anything that really even slowed you down. I didn't have to be forced to either. Yeah. You know, I even contemplated going back. You just shoved yourself into it. Yeah, I contemplated going back to school and I hated school. Yeah. contemplated going back shoved yourself into it yeah i contemplated going back to school and i hated school yeah but i was like well i maybe if i go back for photography like i'll have fun and
Starting point is 00:27:29 you know whatnot luckily you know about that time that's when like you know people learned everything off of youtube so i just kind of went to the internet to just learn how to do stuff and you know everything jumped off from there but it was funny like i had this conversation with my daughter she was like uh who taught you how to, how to make your website? And I was like, nobody. It's like, well, who made it? I'm like, no, I made it. It's like, but how did you learn? I'm like, I just sat down one day and figured it out. And she was like blown away. She's like, you know, I want to do that someday. I'm like, you can do anything you want, literally anything you want, but just know that no one's going to do it for you and no one's going to help you.
Starting point is 00:28:05 And she kind of looked at me weird and I'm like, no, no, no. Like I'm obviously I would help you or if you ask somebody to help you, they will. But just because you want something doesn't mean that someone's going to like go out of their way to make sure that you get what you want. Right. If you want something, you have all the resources to do it. And I, you know, we'll revisit this when she gets a little a little bit older, but that's kind of what it was for me. I'm just like, fuck, I want this so bad, I have to figure it out. Well, and to your point is we all have the resources.
Starting point is 00:28:37 We just don't always realize it. But if you really thought about it, whatever it was that you wanted to do, whether you want to be a teacher, whether you want to be a gymnast or a football player or whatever it is that you want to do, you can find somebody that has kind of already done it or done it better or has, you might have an uncle that went to college and played football and you could communicate with him, say, hey, you know, it's my, you're in high school and you could say, Hey, it's my dream to do this. You know, and I, I won't, you know, I want to follow in your footsteps. You could, uh, have somebody in the family that's coached basketball before, and maybe that's your dream. And you can say, Hey, what was your experience like? Or maybe they coach tennis and you want to coach basketball, but they were a coach and you
Starting point is 00:29:21 have these resources available. And I think that a lot of times we are not really thinking about it, but self-education, you know, I'll get back to this, uh, scheduling thing in a second, but if you're not, first of all, you know, I'll go back to saying, if you're not getting to bed, uh, when you're supposed to be getting to bed, then you're making a big mistake. But this is a huge mistake that I see a lot of people making is you need to self-educate yourself. You need to go out of your way to self-educate yourself. So you're ready for moments that you don't even know. You don't know when these moments are going to happen, but these moments, they, they, these opportunities will not appear. These opportunities will not
Starting point is 00:30:01 unfold unless you self-educate. So you self-educate and then all of a sudden you, you start becoming lucky. Oh man, that guy, oh, that guy I met Mark at, you know, it's like, no, he, you, you can't, how many other people have sat outside a super training gym before? I never even went in probably quite a few. I know I've done stuff like that before. I could check it out. And then I never do make you too shy or too reserved or whatever. I know I've done stuff like that before. I could check it out. And then I never do make you too shy or too reserved or whatever. I don't know. You just think weird thoughts and then you pull
Starting point is 00:30:29 out of the fucking driveway. Right. Um, how many people have had the thought of I'm going to call over there one day, or I'm going to email them, or I'm going to, I'm going to fly out there sometime. And like, you know, I I'm really good at photography and they could probably use it. How many people have talked themselves out of that? Right. And so many people do that. You have to, you have to, you know, get yourself moving in the right direction in some way. And self-education is going to make, is going to really set you up for when this opportunity
Starting point is 00:30:59 starts to appear and somebody goes, oh, okay, well shit. Okay. The guy seems like he's pretty good at that. Oh yeah, here's my portfolio. Here's some of the stuff I've done in the past. And you're like, oh, okay. Oh, okay, no, he's not pretty good. Okay, this is what he does for a living. Okay, this is different.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I didn't know the guy was like that. And there's a huge difference between education or going to school and education. When you self-educate yourself, there's no teacher that gives you a test. You're the person that judge. You're the person that is the judge. You're the person that is the teacher that's grading the test. And you determine whether it's time for you to move on or not.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And when do you know it's time to move on? You know it's time to move on when you know your shit, right? When you know the stuff like the back of your hand and you'll know that, then it's time to move on. But until you've learned that, you're not going to move on. You're going to move on from step A and go right to Z when you haven't even learned it. You're going to take your time. You're going to be like, I need to know this because this is what I want to do.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Plus you're obsessed with it. You already like the subject matter. You're not stuck in math class. You're not stuck in algebra class, racking your brain. You're stuck in your own class that you stuck yourself into because you, you're obsessed with this topic or whatever it might be. And you know that you need to learn it in order to get to where you want to go. That's funny. Somebody watching, I guess they've been here before, but they said they waited 10 minutes outside of super training before they walked in because they were nervous.
Starting point is 00:32:34 That's awesome. Yeah, that kind of stuff happens. That kind of stuff happens all the time. Yeah, it's funny. My dad used to tell me back in the day that if you want to get ahead, you got to be working while the next man's sleeping. I didn't really think about it back then, but now he probably meant in the morning. Right. I took that as like a nighttime thing.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So I used to do a lot of my like photography work at night. And if I had flipped that around, I'd probably already get in the flow of waking up super early by now. Yeah, right. And, you know, I think, I think a lot of people probably think that, you know, that you're going to like work through the night. And I think there's gotta be a time where you sleep. Like, so that's, that's rule number one is this, this quote that I shared in the beginning of the podcast, the morning breeze has secrets to not go back to sleep. It doesn't mean be sleep deprived
Starting point is 00:33:25 it doesn't doesn't mean to go around being sleep deprived all the time you still need to get x amount of hours of sleep and that i think i think everyone's a little bit different in terms of how much sleep they actually need but most research shows that it's like around an eight hour mark what i would suggest is if you get five hours work on getting five and a half if you get six hours work on getting six and a half because you could probably use more. Almost all of us could probably use more in the case of some people that maybe sleep eight hours or more. Maybe they don't need more, but most of us could probably use more sleep. And part of part of all this.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Part of waking up with a fire lit underneath your ass is the is to go to bed at the right time. I've talked about this numerous times in this podcast, set an alarm to go to bed. Don't set an alarm to wake up. I think that your alarm to go to bed should be around eight o'clock at night, eight o'clock at night. Should the alarm, your alarm should go off. You should get a notification on your phone and you should start to think about, okay, you know, I need to start to plan to make my way towards bed. Another thing that you can do to save a lot of time is you can lay out clothes the night before. You can take a shower the night before and be prepared for the next day. I know some people like to take the shower in the morning. It just depends on what
Starting point is 00:34:40 your day looks like. Remember I said, you have an idea of where you're going to be you have an idea of what your day looks like already so depending on the day then you can set up everything that you need the night before the day before you can get it all done ahead of time but i always felt that there's something special about waking up early and getting shit done and i think that a lot of people um that have a hard time you know they're like man fuck that 4 a.m i ain't waking up at no 4 a.m well that's because you went to bed at 11 if you go to bed at 8 9 o'clock then it'll be a lot easier to wake up earlier and i'm not saying that everyone has to wake up necessarily at 4 a.m. But what I will tell you is that there is something magical about waking up. Just try it tomorrow. You know, whatever day you're listening
Starting point is 00:35:32 to this. If you're listening to this live, that's great. If not, try this tomorrow. Wake up at around 4 15 a.m. Most Starbucks in the country, just check in your area but most starbucks in the country open up at five o'clock in the morning go to the damn starbucks down the street it's probably one pretty damn close to you because they're on every corner take the day in take it all in get in your car notice how there's like hardly anybody out in the street there's hardly anybody out the starbucks is just opening sit your ass in there drink some coffee and just chill and just observe and just watch people just look at people and sit there with a notebook write some shit down you want to listen to a podcast you want to listen to music or whatever but it'll be an experience for you
Starting point is 00:36:23 i can't even tell you what it will be. I can't tell you exactly how it will go for you. Maybe you'll be pissed. Maybe like, fuck man, it's early. But you need to know what that looks like. You need to understand that. I'm telling you, there are secrets to waking up that early. And there's something special to it.
Starting point is 00:36:43 When we trained with Michael Hearn over the summer, and we were training at four in the morning all the time that was amazing and if i could set my day up like that right now i would um but i like to cook for my kids in the morning i cook breakfast for my kids and um you know i i can't really i can't really schedule things out right now to be that way and i'm thinking maybe in the summertime maybe we'll switch things up and get a little crazy because it gets so damn hot here in Sacramento. It'd actually be nice to try to work out pretty damn early in the morning. Yeah. That would make some sense. Unfortunately, I was pretty, I was pretty beat up when we were training that early. That's, that's early, early. I mean, it's, it's excessive. It's excessive to be at the gym at four o'clock. That's when we train with Mike a lot of times. Um, cause it just means that you have to get to bed so early.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Um, but you know, getting the gym by five or getting the gym by six is like a little bit more reasonable, but I think, you know, a lot of people just something that, that,
Starting point is 00:37:37 uh, that can help you with this is another quote that I heard. And it's kind of this idea of, uh, when you change the way you look at things, uh, the things you look at change. So when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. So when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. You might look at waking up early in the morning as being this impossible thing.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Well, once you get used to it, once your body gets accustomed to it, and you're not going to feel good from doing it for one day. You're not going to feel good from doing it for two or three days. It's going to take some time. day. You're not going to feel good from doing it for two or three days. It's going to take some time. And you'll also, through intermittent fasting, through a keto diet, through any sort of discipline that you face in the gym or any sort of discipline that you apply outside the gym, any of these disciplines that you're utilizing, it's going to make everything else be easier. It's going to make everything else that you're doing feel easier. It's going to make everything else that you're doing feel easier. It's make everything else be easier. And so, uh, you know, the first time that you try a low carb
Starting point is 00:38:31 diet is going to feel like shit. The first time that you try to wake up at 4am is also going to feel like crap. Yeah. And it goes back to what I was saying about like your mind. Once you change your mind, you actually change your mind. Well, the, if you sleep in every day and then you wake up at 4 a.m., all of a sudden your brain is freaking out trying to figure out what's going on because you've now made a new connection inside your brain. But also that old connection of sleeping in is now deprived. So it's sort of like you're going through withdrawals.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I don't know if it really happens with sleep, but I know for sure it happens with food. So when people get down on themselves like, I just can't stop eating junk food or whatever it is, it's because, well, your brain is actually hardwired at this point. So it's going to kind of be a pain in the ass to get you to not eat that way. But it's not you. It's your whole like makeup right now is geared towards eating bad. Yeah. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I mean, the way you start your day is, is really, really important. And I, I always felt that starting the day early, that there's a secret to it. And I think the secret is simple. I think it's that you can get out in front of your day. You can kind of own the day. You can be in charge of the day. And when you're able to get out in front of the day, then you're able to get out in front of the next day. And that's really where the key is. That's really where things are really crucial is that by figuring out a way to get ahead each and every day is going to set forth the entire week for you to be ahead. Everything in your life will be easier if you can figure out a way to get your ass up a little bit earlier. It all starts with you going to bed earlier.
Starting point is 00:40:05 It all starts with you taking care of the things that you know you need to do to be prepared for each and every day. That might mean that you need to prepare food. That might mean all kinds of things. But what I feel good about, and the reason why I like to share a lot of this stuff with you guys is
Starting point is 00:40:22 I feel like I have enough flexibility in my life to where I am living up to this code. I am living up to this standard, but I can still have wine with my wife. I can still stay up a little bit later here and there. I can still, uh, eat some pizza. I can still, I have room to do stuff, but I still live with under the kind of codes that I have set down. The foundation that I have is strong enough for me to veer off a little bit here or there without ever like totally losing, totally losing what it was I was trying to go after. So that's what I got to say about that. The morning breeze has secrets. Do not go back to sleep,
Starting point is 00:41:06 you lazy son of a bitch. We'll be back, what, later on Thursday? We'll be back tomorrow. Tomorrow, my bad. Tomorrow's Wednesday. See, I don't even know what today is. That's crazy. I thought it was already Wednesday. Tomorrow's Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Remember, kids, don't start your day until it's finished. That means don't start your day until it's finished. That means don't start your day until you write it out. Start doing that now. Don't wait. Start whatever day you're listening to this, start doing that now. Start writing your shit down. Start planning your shit out. Get ahead of each and every
Starting point is 00:41:38 single day. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye!

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