Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 158 - We Went to Monday Night RAW

Episode Date: December 19, 2018

We went to Monday Night RAW last night and had a blast. We recap our experience and talk about how hard our friends work and what inspires Mark Bell to work so hard to this day. ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It attached itself to that microphone for our sins. Yeah, well, I think it's a good sign because Santa Claus was here earlier, too. I know. Santa Claus was coming to town. Yeah, well, I mean, he was here. Oh. I seen him. I got some images of him as well for proof.
Starting point is 00:00:16 He came out of the woodwork last night, too, during wrestling. Yeah. He threw his shirt our way, but it was a little too high. I know. I almost caught a pack of Skittles from the Luchadors. Yeah. Did you find any of that insulting? No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I mean, I don't, I mean, well, yeah, because they had piñatas, so they were throwing out candy. Andrew and I went to some WWE last night, courtesy of our friends over at WWE. They hooked us up. The Road Dogg, Jesse James, for those of you used to watch wrestling back in the day, you might remember he was part of a D generation X and, uh, he hooked us up with some tickets and, you know, I was going back and forth with him a bunch about tickets and he's like, Ooh, seven tickets. He's like, I don't know, you know, the seats might be crappy.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I think it's just messing with me the whole time because the seats were, they couldn't have been closer. We were almost in the ring. Yeah. Well, because I had looked at the, I mean, there's so much writing on the ticket stub. You know, I'm like, I don't know what this says. I just remember seeing A and like six. I'm like, okay, A.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Like, okay, that means we're probably close. Towards the front of something. Yeah. At least. Right. If it's, unless it's backwards, which I have been to shows where stuff is backwards but i'm like all right cool like what we'll be up close hopefully no one's in front of us like that'll be tight and then we start walking then we keep walking then we get down to the bottom and then you know the usher's like oh yeah that way it's like oh we're on the
Starting point is 00:01:40 floor now like wonder what a down here looks like and sure enough yeah we're right there ringside it was it was crazy no it's nothing better than nothing better than walking past a bunch of people too yeah you just keep walking past everybody don't make eye contact with me peasants that's right that happened to me when i went to a joe rogan show uh one time as well i went with my wife and uh i was lucky enough to to have Joe Rogan set us up with those tickets. And as I was walking through the crowd, you know, people started to recognize me. Yeah. So I'm like, I'm walking towards my seat and then I sit like right in front of the stage.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And I'm like, holy shit. And then the guy behind me is like, of course, Mark Bell gets to sit, you know right you know almost right on the damn stage you know yeah well even last night you know two fans they turn around mark bell oh they started freaking out yeah yeah and you had just said you're like that's kind of cool you know when we show up late and someone recognizes me or something and it's like they freak out because they still have the connection right between you and wrestling yeah and yeah those are those are some of our peeps you know yeah people that love uh powerlifting are some of the people that love uh wrestling or at least liked wrestling at some point yeah i know i was just telling uh ryan soper because he was sitting next to me i was like dude in junior high i would
Starting point is 00:02:57 have lost my mind if i was sitting here in the junior high like the smackdown era that's when i actually like followed wrestling I never missed anything. And I just was thinking like, dude, this would have been so sick for me back then. It was crazy. It was crazy years ago. I mean, what we saw last night was amazing. And the talent level is rising. And those men and women are putting on a damn show over there.
Starting point is 00:03:18 But, you know, back when there was the Rock was on top and Stone Cold was still part of the mix. I mean, you can't get much better than that. And you had Mankind, The Undertaker. The Rock and Sock connection, man. And then you had Vince McMahon always getting his ass kicked. It's like, who doesn't love that? Like, it was Stone Cold kicking the shit out of his boss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Like, what person can't relate to that? Right. I'm sure you want to give me a stunner on some days at least. Not every day. Maybe, yeah. Twice a day maybe. A couple times. Once in the morning, once in the morning once i
Starting point is 00:03:45 wouldn't do that maybe i don't know how to give a stunner anyways yeah you could work on it joke slam you get mad enough you could figure it out yeah are you able to tell the story about when uh mcmahon popped both uh hamstrings or was it or quads yeah yeah so yeah so uh well one of my so one of my friends actually who uh ended up playing an integral part in, uh, where we're at today, basically, uh, my friend, John Hennigan, um, story goes that, let me back things up a little bit here. slingshot and I was getting the company underway. Um, I didn't have any financial means to get things started. And so I was trying to be resourceful. I was trying to ask some friends for some help. I had some people lined up and, uh, needed, um, I think I needed like 30 grand, 40 grand. Uh, and, uh, anyway, so one, one of the people dropped out on me like last minute. And, and I was under this, uh, understanding under this understanding that I would pay my manufacturer half and then they would send the product and I'd pay him the other half.
Starting point is 00:04:51 But of course, I wasn't smart enough at the time to get the facts all the way. And it was they were going to make the products once they received half the money and then they were going to ship the products once they received the other half. So I was like, oh, shit. the money and then they were going to ship the products uh once they received the other half so i was like oh shit okay so i need to come up with 25 grand quick because this other person dropped out in this other portion of the money and um i was trying to like think of the my different friends that like are in a good spot and i didn't have any at that time i don't have anybody that's got like some cash floating around you know and i've been friends with John Cena for a really long time, but I was like, man, like I don't, he and I are close and I don't, I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:05:33 I don't like using that, you know? So I'm like, I'm not going to ask him. And I start to kind of think of some other friends. And I always been really close with John Hennigan, who had a bunch of different names when he was wrestling, but his other name was uh John John Morrison when he was wrestling and he still wrestles to this day but he's not in WWE anymore I don't believe um anyway I call him up and I'm doing a lot of ands and ums and errs and I'm like yeah man I invented this thing and you know I'm trying to get it underway and trying to get it going but uh you know, you know, I don't have the funds. And he's like, he's like, wait a second, wait a second. What are you talking about? And I said, you know, I invented this elastic band thing and it's going to go around your arms and it's for, you know, pushups and bench press. And he's like, oh yeah, yeah. He's like, you told me about that thing. He's like, I love that. He's like, I love that idea. He's like, I think that's great.
Starting point is 00:06:21 He's like, I love that idea. He's like, I think that's great. And I said, well, I, you know, I, I'm trying to order some and I need some money. And, and, uh, he's like, well, what do you need? I was like, I need like 25 grand, just totally thinking he's going to be like, Hey, I could maybe send you three or two, or I, you know, maybe I can't help at all. And he's like, no problem, dude. He's like that. He's like, I'll overnight.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'll be there tomorrow. I was like, wow, really? He's like, yeah, man. He's like, you're my, you're my boy. tomorrow. I was like, wow, really? He's like, yeah, man. He's like, you're my, you're my boy. Like we're homies. Like, that's the way it works. He's like, you know, one day when you got money, like, I'm sure you'll return the favor, you know, to me or somebody else. And I'm like, maybe. And, uh, so anyway, yeah, he, you know, he was, uh, he was real excited about it. He, he shot the money over and kind of the rest is history. And I started ordering the slingshot and stuff like that. But the John Hannigan, part of the reason why he got released from WWE.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And I should back up a second. So I told him that I was going to pay him back within a year. And he was like, you know what? It's probably going to take you some time. I don't believe it's probably going to take you more than a year. So, you know, just take your time with it. And so, uh, I was really thankful that he did that because it, it did take me longer, even though I had some funds coming in, it's like in order to continue to order the product, you know, I couldn't order the product
Starting point is 00:07:38 and pay him back at the same time. So anyway, I did get him back. Uh, and now that was really a really cool feeling to be able to, you know, pay that off and thank him for all that. So he's in the he's in a locker room. He's with WWE for a while. He's doing their pay-per-views. He's a big part of their program. And he's backstage one day. And whenever the senior wrestlers wrestle, you all watch it in the back on the TV.
Starting point is 00:08:06 You sit back there and you watch Undertaker wrestles. Everybody shuts the hell up and they sit there and they watch the screen. It's just a sign of respect. There's a lot of incidences of that that happen throughout wrestling. When you show up, you always show up 15 minutes early and you always stay all the way to the end of the show. Even if you wrestled early in the night, you always stay for everybody's matches. And, uh, when you get to the building, you always shake everybody's hands.
Starting point is 00:08:34 You look them in the eye, just all these, there's all these little tricks and wrestling that, that are kind of cool that, uh, are good rules for life rather than just, uh, wrestling. But anyway, so they're watching, uh, they're watching this match and and vince mcmahon is supposed to wrestle somebody i forget who he's wrestling exactly maybe um doing something with stone cold or something and uh so vince goes to run to the ring and he goes to like slide into the ring you know people sprint to the ring and they slide into the ring vince goes to slide into the ring and then he just rolls over on his back and he's just like streaming and he's grabbing his quads.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Well, I guess somehow on his way to the ring, as he's sprinting down there, he tore both of his quads, tore both of them right off the bone. My friend, John, like he's just, he's just this way. He just points at the screen and starts dying laughing. And then everyone just stops and like looks at him. Oh no. And then he wasn't there anymore. He was released,
Starting point is 00:09:31 uh, pretty soon after that. And he was back, uh, wrestling in like Louisville and stuff like that after that. But damn, that was, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:38 that was pretty damn good. We missed Vince last night. Vince came out in the early, uh, early part of the show. Yeah. Well, and it was funny cause I had, I was just talking to you about, um, Shane McMahon the show. Yeah, well, and it was funny because I was just
Starting point is 00:09:45 talking to you about Shane McMahon. I was like, dude, what's he up to? And as we're walking in, look, there he is! Oh shit, I didn't recognize him. Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon. Yeah, it was cool seeing Stephanie McMahon too because that's like and as we were walking in, we've seen Kurt
Starting point is 00:10:01 Angle wrestling too because that's from my era, you know? Like I was saying, like Rock and Sock Connection. So in the SmackDown era, all that stuff was, was so fun, dude. Like I would watch it with my dad Monday and Thursday night. He didn't care about school the next day either. Right. We're just like, nope, we're watching this. It's going to be up till 11 tonight.
Starting point is 00:10:19 That's just what's going to happen now. And. Yeah. Me and Jake got in trouble last night. Should coming home late. I bet. Yeah. But I mean got in trouble last night. Should be coming home late. I bet. Yeah, but I mean, watching it last night, I was like, man, I should, I want,
Starting point is 00:10:30 it's not that I don't want to watch it. It's just I got to figure out how to work it into the schedule. I want to, though, especially with the Royal Rumble coming up. I'm kind of invested with Seth Rollins now. Well, we sat through about, Andrew and I are survivors of the Me Too movement.
Starting point is 00:10:46 We sat through 45 minutes of women's wrestling. And we think we have Oprah Winfrey to blame for that. But it was actually really good. The women, they were extremely entertaining. And Seth Rollins kind of told us ahead of time that they're trying to push to have the women do more stuff. And man, they sure did. Because watched 45 minutes straight right of chicks wrestling because it was kind of like a tournament style it's like elimination i think that aired that aired last night on raw that was pretty cool though yeah and uh tatiana i think is her name she ended up winning
Starting point is 00:11:19 that and so we got to see her uh fight ronda for the title yeah that was dude we got to see her fight Ronda for the title. Yeah. That was, dude, we got to watch Ronda. I don't care what anybody says about wrestling, real, fake, whatever. I mean, obviously we all know that it's scripted, but I mean, Ronda has sold out. Yeah. The biggest of arenas, right? Biggest pay-per-views. Yeah. She's gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:11:40 She knows how to fight. And she was 10 feet in front of us. Oh, that's great. It was so dope, dude. Like. The show, the show was a lot of fun. And, um, you know, having Seth Rollins here. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And, uh, doing a workout with him. And Jason Kalipa in the morning. Like, that was insane. Mm-hmm. Um, and just to see his, uh, work ethic. And then to kind of see what that turns into in the ring. Yeah. Like, do you remember that match?
Starting point is 00:12:01 How high intensity it was? Yeah. No, and what you said, you said it best was the, the speed of everything. Yeah. Like, do you remember that match, how high intensity it was? Yeah. No. And what you said, you said it best was the speed of everything. Yeah. You know, not saying that anybody else sucked, but you just kind of like, oh, this is what, this is what the big dogs look like. They were flying around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:18 The same thing happened when I went to a pay-per-view here last year or the year before that. And John Cena was wrestling and i was like you know john's he's about my age so i'm kind of expecting him like to not be moving around like too crazy he was all in man he was going absolutely crazy the entire time i was like holy shit yeah but those men and women i mean they they train for it they they work really really hard and i think it's great that um you know i love love the old school wrestling, but I'm glad they got rid of a lot of the stuff because a lot of men and women were dying from drug overdoses and all kinds of things because they were kind of living that rock star lifestyle. Now, what they all admire about each other and what they all think is cool is that they're abstaining from that. Like, that's kind of a cool thing now is that you're um you're eating better you have a better lifestyle like you're going to
Starting point is 00:13:09 the gym whereas before it was like a badge of honor to see how like fucked up you can get and if you can still make it to the arena the next day okay now that stuff i mean that's not if you do that now you might i mean in a drop of a hat you're probably fired wow yeah well that's huge to know because like for me like i said so i come I come from, uh, seeing the rock, you know, almost every single night. And then, so when I see a monster like that, or like taker or a American badass, I should say, you know, back that's when I was watching. And then I look and I see someone like Seth Rollins, who he's jacked, he's awesome, but he's not like a super heavyweight like I'm used to. Yeah. But when you put it that
Starting point is 00:13:45 way, that makes a lot of sense. And I actually have more respect for him than I did, you know, for whatever anyone's taking back in the day. Yeah. And I'm not going to say the locker room, you know, that they're all natural, but I think for a while they had to clear everything out and they had to test for everything. Cause I know a lot of the guys a lot of my friends got fired for you know use of performance enhancing drugs they got rid of them they had a no tolerance policy um and i and i think that that's i think it's a good thing because they had that incident with chris benoit was kind of the head of everything yeah he ended up killing his family and then killing himself and they had a few other incidences, uh, before that that were just horrifying. And it's like, man, something should be done.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And the last time I was in, in the locker room, which is an amazing experience in and of itself to like be sitting next to like Kane or the undertaker or something, it's really weird. Uh, but what I noticed was the food was clean. The, like you could still get like cake and stuff like that. But in general, there was a lot of chicken breast. There was a lot of healthy meats, a lot of vegetables, a lot of fresh fruit. And I thought like, that's kind of where all this stuff starts. You know, it starts with these guys moving and training.
Starting point is 00:14:56 I don't care if you're tired, you should get your ass to the gym and you should get moving because it's, it's better for you. It's going to help your mind. I think that's, that's kind of a lost thing is that people aren't understanding that you're exercising your mind helps your body and exercising your body helps your mind. I mean, the two things, they go hand in hand. You know, reading a book isn't really just about reading a book or educating
Starting point is 00:15:19 yourself. Self-education isn't really just about the education or it's not really about what you learn but it's about getting your body inspired getting your body motivated to do something i mean you ever um even just like listen to a song or listen to a podcast and it sparks an idea in your brain it just lights you on fire you know and a lot your last thought is to like go take a nap you know you don't have this wonderful idea. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And then like, I'm going to go to sleep. You're like, I need to like, shit, man, I need to find a pen and you write that shit down. I need to call my mom. I need to call somebody. I need to call my brother. I need to tell him about this. This is sick. You know, and then you realize it's a shit idea 10 minutes later after you come to your senses.
Starting point is 00:16:04 But in the moment, in the moment, you're fired up about it. And you never know what you can you do with that momentum you know that motivation might spark something totally different that you weren't even thinking of so right that would be pretty sick like earlier today like i mean when you're talking about stuff that gets you motivated and whatnot like i used a 10 minute walk to calm my ass down i was working on a podcast video and it took me like two hours to get this thing done here he goes here's his way of asking for a raise video and it took me like two hours to get this thing done. Here he goes. Here's his way of asking for a raise again. And then as it's finishing, it crashes on me.
Starting point is 00:16:30 All right. So he, so he wants a new computer. I was so frustrated. He wants more gigs or whatever. I need, I need more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:38 More gigs and RAM and memory. And did we get that a crank fix for the podcast? So I took it out on the crank, and that's why this podcast was able to start up so quick. Man, if people saw what a hunk of shit podcasting we had, they would never understand. This podcast machine, it leaks oil. They didn't have podcasts back then.
Starting point is 00:16:56 It burns oil. It's very frustrating. I thought it was a diesel, no? Maybe that's why it's not working. Maybe it's not seeing it not working so well. I keep putting igniter diesel. No? Maybe that's why it's not working. Maybe it's not. Dang it. It's not working so well. I keep putting igniter fluid all up in the carburetor and it's just, it just gets mad at me every day.
Starting point is 00:17:11 You got to talk to the guy and then he's going to talk to the other guy in the other department and he'll phone it in to the other guy. I'm on a list. Oh, okay, good. Yeah. Let us all know how that works out. We'll see. They didn't give me like to take a number, so they just said I was on a list.
Starting point is 00:17:26 But I took my frustration out on a 10-minute walk. By the time I got back, I realized that the sky didn't quite fall and everything's going to be okay. It did in Chicken Little. You ever see Chicken Little? No. Oh, you never saw Chicken Little? I didn't have any. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We got to break up. No. We've been going solid for two years. I marked it on my Instagram. It's two years since I've been here. You can't leave me now. My God. You can't dump me.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You can redeem yourself. You got to go watch Chicken Little as soon as possible. All right, Steph, if you're listening, we got to cue that up in the old TV box and watch that. It's a great movie. You're going to love it. I'm sure she's seen it. But yeah, no, it missed out. Anytime you're frustrated or anytime, even if you feel just tired and you have more stuff
Starting point is 00:18:12 to do for the day, go for a damn walk. I'm telling you, like a nap can be great, but a nap is probably going to make you more tired than anything. Yeah. You know, and, and a lot of times you don't really have enough time to really truly relax and let's face it this day and age with your phone and instagram and zooming in on girls butts i mean you're not going to really relax yeah you're going to be drifting off into something else and and you're not going to have enough time to really get a good nap in and so you might as well just go out on a walk go move around go, go do something. Yeah. You end up getting stuck. You know, that stuck couch lock feeling where like, damn, I am tired.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So let me just scroll. And then 20 minutes passes by and you've done nothing. You haven't rested, haven't felt better. Really cool thing. I've been on some walks where I'll leave my house and when I come back, guess what? Everyone's in the same spot. You know, whoever's there, whoever's, you know, my family members, whatever, they Everyone's in the same spot. You know, whoever's there, whoever's, you know, my family members, whatever, they're in the exact same spot. They didn't, they didn't do
Starting point is 00:19:09 anything, you know, and I didn't miss anything, you know? So those of you that have FOMO think you're going to miss out on something going for a walk. It's actually a great thing. Invite somebody else to go do it with you. It can be a lot of fun. You could talk to them or you can just go and just, it could be for yourself, your own, your own you know yeah speaking of moving and shaking and going what's it like hanging out with kalipa because you guys went yeah you guys had a little mandate you guys left me in the dust we got out of here yeah we did we we had a mandate you know he's he's quick man he likes to uh amrap everything you know he likes to uh uh, AMRAP everything. You know, he likes to, uh, uh, do everything as, as hard as he can. He liked to really focus in on things. And I think, you know, he's,
Starting point is 00:19:50 he's really young, you know, and, uh, when you're, when you're young and you're fired up, I think that sometimes it could lead to being a little ignorant on some things. And so I actually talked to him about it and I said, I think your philosophy is awesome. Uh, and, uh, it was, it was really good. We had a great conversation because, uh, he was able to kind of tell me where he thinks, uh, I got some holes in my game and I was able to kind of share that with him as well. Um, but it was nothing, nothing like hurtful and it wasn't anything, nothing, nothing personal. It was more about like, uh, just these kinds of small changes in philosophy small changes in business type stuff and it was it was
Starting point is 00:20:29 really uh valuable and helpful but basically what i told him was not everything can be am wrapped you know it takes eight hours to have eight hours of sleep a 10 minute walk takes 10 minutes 30 minutes of cardio training takes 30 minutes like not everything can be done at such high intensity. We actually just gotten a conversation about, I got my friend David Tittle in town today from Colorado. And we got in conversation about that just a few minutes ago. Like you can't, you can't just blast everything. And I know that that's the mindset that we want to have. And it feels like the right thing to do, but, um, you know, slow and steady wins the race. Like I thought as a kid, I always thought, you know, uh, my, uh, my trouble in school and me being slow in school, I always thought that that was a huge weakness, but actually
Starting point is 00:21:14 it ended up being a huge strength because I ended up having, um, ended up through that process. I ended up learning a lot of persistence through that process. I also just learned that things just take time. They really do. It doesn't mean you sit around and you wait for them to get better. You wait for things to happen. You still have to make things happen and you still have to act and react and work quickly and work hard and all those things. But things take time. You know, you think about, they say that wine is better when you open it up and when it
Starting point is 00:21:45 sits there for a little while, or as it ages, it gets better, it gets stronger. A lot of times your ideas will be the same way. If you have a good idea, if you have a really good idea, like I just talked about being all fired up about a idea that you thought was good, that happens a lot, you know, and that for me, that happens kind of like almost once a day where I kind of freak out and think I have a great idea. And then I kind of calm down and I think the logistics of it. And I'm like, okay, well, it's a four out of ten. It's not a piece of dynamite every single time.
Starting point is 00:22:17 But when the idea is just sitting there and you keep getting pulled back towards it you're not even really thinking about it much anymore but you wrote it down or you have it in the back of your mind somewhere or maybe even created i've done that before where i actually created a product and it just sits some other time we'll talk about it but uh you know i i've been i've been working on this project for a long time i stopped a couple times times because I hit a lot of road bumps. And then with this one, I never hit so many road bumps. But you have to figure out a way to continue to maneuver past and around these things. I heard Jerry Seinfeld the other day commenting about Kevin Hart and how Kevin Hart got outed, you know, from the Academy Awards and stuff or
Starting point is 00:23:01 some comments about homosexuality on Twitter or whatever it was, which is just, I think it's, I think it's ridiculous. I think first of all, he's a comedian. I think secondly, everyone needs to just toughen up a little bit. It is, it is unfortunate, but it did happen. And it's also in his past. It's not anything recent that he's done. And so, you know, I don't, I don't think he's out there bashing people intentionally. I think he's out there trying to maliciously hurt anybody. But I guess no one can apply intent to it. So they they ditched him.
Starting point is 00:23:33 But Jerry Seinfeld had a really good point, though. And he said, you know, as a comedian, when he was playing the game of being a comedian. They told him, you know, these are the rules. If you want to do a, B or C, you know, if you want to, uh, be foul, well then, you know, you can, maybe you could sell out some arenas and stuff like that here and there. Maybe you can get 5,000 people to show up to your events. Uh, but if you want to like sell out like Madison square garden and you want to have your own TV show, or you want to be on Carson or you want to be own TV show or you want to be on Carson or you want to be on Letterman or you want to be on any of these shows, then you can't cuss. And there's
Starting point is 00:24:10 absolutely, there's no tolerance for it. Cuss one time and you're done. And you cuss one time even just rehearsing for it. Or if they hear that you're foul, they're not ever going to even think of you or select you in the first place. And so what he said is like, you got to really work on navigating your way through it. And that's the way business is. That's the way life is. You're going to have to be able to audible. You're going to be able to go to something else.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You're going to have to be able to do something maybe a little slightly different than you initially thought. Maybe you can't, uh, maybe you can't always do things the exact way that you want. And maybe you have to kind of change uh some of your thoughts on on what it was you're going to do yeah but how much change is like acceptable right like if you have an idea that you truly believe in like uh mark i i think we should call the podcast the power project and blah blah and you're like no we should probably keep it the same what it's always been because that's what's been working but mark no you don't understand like this is the way and
Starting point is 00:25:03 you you know you we go back and forth and then i mean that's just a odd example but what i'm saying is like uh how do you know when you should kind of deviate from your original plan if if the idea sits around for a little bit and it doesn't seem as attractive to you then it's probably not probably not the best option and uh that's the way i've always done it as i've always just kind of taken my time i was forced to take my time because i just uh i wasn't able to process stuff as fast as everybody when i was young and so i had to try to process stuff a little differently i got weird different ways of uh coming up with answers for for things that are uh unique to myself as i'm sure each person that are, uh, unique to myself, as I'm sure
Starting point is 00:25:46 each person has their own methods to try to figure certain things out. But I think that if you, you, I mean, it's always kind of that, that, uh, that motto of like, if it's not a fuck, yes. And it's a hell no kind of thing. So you are, you will either know right away because it will, the pull towards it will be strong, or you might have to rethink it for a little bit and let it sit around for a minute. And then you'll kind of keep realizing like a lot of things will continue to happen in your life that, that show you signs that this is a good idea kind of over and over and over and over again with, with this Kratom project that I've been working on this mind bullet stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Um, it, it just kept stuff it just kept it just kept pulling me back towards it kept pulling me back towards it and as many times as I had Nate negative because you can't like just go and randomly sell kratom on the internet doesn't work that way it's a it's a weird schedule of drug and there's not even drug but it's like an herb and it's just in a weird schedule of drug and there's, or not even drug, but it's like an herb. And, uh, it's just in a weird category. It's like stuck in this weird category with like, um, marijuana and stuff like that. And so therefore it's complicated on how you sell it. And so I was like, okay, well it's complicated and it's hard.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I'm like, all right, maybe I shouldn't do that. Cause I don't know anything about it. And then a couple of days went by and I was like, well, why don't I just learn about it? hard. I'm like, all right, maybe I shouldn't do that. Cause I don't know anything about it. And then a couple of days went by and I was like, well, why don't I just learn about it? What's wrong with that? Why don't I just try to learn about it? Like how stupid is it to just to leave the idea sitting there?
Starting point is 00:27:16 I really believe in the product. I believe, I believe it has a lot of value for a lot of people. And that pull towards it just kept coming back over and over again. And when you think about, you know, what, like, like why even, why even bother, you know, why even bother to pay the price? You know, why even bother, like put, put everything you have into a workout? Why bother putting everything you have into learning something? Why bother trying being better than you were yesterday?
Starting point is 00:27:46 Because it's easier to be worse. It's kind of easier to sit on the couch. It's easier to feel sorry for yourself. It's easier to eat the wrong foods. It's easier to kind of fall into this trap of being below average. You know, it's, it's, there's a lot of things in the day that are kind of set up for you to be that way. We've talked a lot in this podcast before how there's overwhelmingly, there's a lot more negativity than there is positivity. Like it seems like a lot of things are positive. There's a lot of people out there sharing positive messages on Instagram and through social media. And yeah, there's a lot of things to be grateful for and to be thankful for, but this world can turn into a really ugly place really, really fast.
Starting point is 00:28:30 If the gas station, if all the gas stations in California just shut down, shit's going to get ugly fast. You know, like they're, they're like, okay, today's the last day. And then like, what happens? Like you and I are, you and I are at the gas pump and we're freaking fighting over, you know, then they're saying like, hey, we don't even know when the gas is coming back. Now, all of a sudden, all that positivity,
Starting point is 00:28:53 all this rainbow and sunshine and all this bullshit goes flying out the window. Now it's about survival. Now it's me versus you, right? Yeah. So there's a lot of, there's a lot of, it's just human nature. It's part of, it's part of it's part of
Starting point is 00:29:05 survival it's part of like just what has always been and it's been around us forever and so you want to try to work hard because you want to try to be able to survive you can't you can't really truly survive and live the life that you're supposed to live if you're just sitting on the couch if you're supposed to live if you're just sitting on the couch, if you're not doing nothing, if you're not doing anything. I don't really think that's rewarding. And you're not fulfilling anything. It doesn't feel good. And like if you don't have responsibility, I think a lot of the reasons why we have a lot of reasons why people are feeling anxiety and depressed and things like that.
Starting point is 00:29:45 a lot of reasons why people are feeling anxiety and depressed and things like that. And those are, those can be severe issues. And those can be things that people are really truly just born with and they're complicated. And maybe some people can't ever overcome them, but I think things that could help some young people that just have some mild anxiety, I think is to take on more responsibility rather than try to duck. Remember, I've told you before, it's going to hurt anyway. It all hurts. I got friends that don't do shit and their backs are worse than mine. It doesn't make any sense. I've squatted 1,080.
Starting point is 00:30:14 I've deadlifted 766 pounds. My back should be torn to pieces, right? I work out pretty much every day. My back feels great. My body feels great. My body feels good. It's going to hurt anyway. You know, I have bumps and bruises. My back feels great. My body feels great. My body feels good. It's going to hurt anyway. You know, I have bumps and bruises. I got some limitations. I got some things that
Starting point is 00:30:29 have happened over the years. I've torn some biceps. I've torn some pecs. I've torn a hamstring. I've, I've torn a bunch of stuff, but it still is still all worth it because my, my reasons on why I wanted to do these things outweighed everything else enough for me to be able to make sense of it to do it in the first place. Man, if we ran out of gas, we definitely wouldn't be able to fill up the podcast machine. That's what I'm talking about. I just told you it runs on diesel. You got to take notes. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Are we going to use? Well, at that point, it's just get whatever we can. Then I'm going to have to fight all the other podcast producers for all the podcast fuel. We need to get a machine that is more economical. Hit up Elon. Elon Musk? You think he could have it run off of solar? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:31:17 He has like a little chip thing or something. Something really small. It's supposed to be like the size of your phone that can take in an immense amount of power from the sun. supposed to be the size of your phone that can take in an immense amount of power from the sun. Maybe he can set up a studio for us on the rocket that's going to Mars so we can podcast from Mars. Isn't that a car?
Starting point is 00:31:32 It might be. He's definitely sending up a car, yeah. Yeah, he sent up a car somewhere. A Tesla. But he's sending up a nice car. He's weird, man. I saw he was talking about he really is really scared about artificial intelligence. He's terrified of it.
Starting point is 00:31:52 But yet he keeps advancing his company, you know, by leaps and bounds through a lot of this technology that could lead to those cars, like, turning on people, basically. Yeah, him on Rogan. That was so funny. It was crazy but but his cars they right now they self-drive yeah i mean his car on the you could take his car on the freeway the cars they sell right now and you can have it sell like autopilot drive and then we'll just drive you don't have to touch anything but i can drive down the street if like the sun the sun hits craziness hits the car at like the angle, the car thinks that the sun is another car and it'll try to avoid it.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And I mean, Aubrey Marcus doesn't know why his car crashed, but he drives or drove a Tesla and it might've been that. Well, I was with Jake the other day and when I went to go in someone else's lane, my car, it will push you back over to the other. My seat vibrates. I don't know what that's for. But you keep doing it. Yeah, keep doing it. The seat will vibrate and then I get pushed back into the other lane. It's really like, it's really mild.
Starting point is 00:33:03 It's really like, uh, it's an amazing feature, but if somebody's there, then it, it, it, uh, makes you avoid. It pulls you back. And Jake's like, what if it just didn't know it's left from right? He says like funny stuff like that all the time where it's just, it's so simple, but you're like, yeah, man, like that malfunctions one time. Like what if it just steered into the guy? Yeah. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Like it's just, the car just went haywire because of something happened. And like, what if it just steered into him? Yeah. It didn't suck having Jake in the gym. No, it's been great having him here yeah been great having him train with us it's been a lot of fun that's freaking cool i wish i got into it when i was his age yeah and luckily for me i i got into it you know around his age and and uh you know i've stayed excited about it it's it's a hard thing i think this is the hardest thing as a parent is to try to figure out, okay, like I know a lot of friends that have military parents. Like the parents have actually been in the Marines and shit like that and in the Army and in the Air Force.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And they apply some of the things they learned from the military and they apply some of that discipline onto their kids. And the kids have to make their bed and do some of these things. and they apply some of that discipline onto their kids and the kids have to make their bed and do some of these things. A lot of times a kid turns out to be, you know, a pretty damn good kid because he's got these responsibilities. He's got this discipline.
Starting point is 00:34:16 He's gonna, you know, make his bed. He's gonna take out the garbage. He's got these chores and these different things that he's gonna do. Maybe it'd be similar to a kid that like grows up on a farm, you know, as opposed to somebody who grows up and the parents don't really care if the kid keeps a room clean or the kid does some of these things. It's just hard to figure out, okay, where do I push and, and, and where do I pull and what do I encourage and what
Starting point is 00:34:38 do I invest time in? What should I get excited for? And, and all these different things, it's hard to really figure out, but what I've learned learned and this goes back to what we were talking about with jason kalipa is that quality time in my opinion is kind of it's great to try to figure out quality time but there's nothing better than quantity time because it's, it's easy to enjoy each other when something's going on. You know, if, if you said to your significant other, if you said, let's go out tonight and have some drinks, that's a really easy way to enjoy each other because you're both drunk. You know, I mean, think about, I mean, we don't really think about it.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I don't, I think that's a flaw. You know, I don't, I don't think we're actually really truly thinking about it. Let's sit around and smoke some weed. Same thing. We're getting into an altered state just to hang out with each other. But we've known each other for 10 years, 20 years, 30, whatever the amount is. It actually really doesn't make any sense. We should be able to hang out and uh and have a great time you know regardless we should
Starting point is 00:35:46 be able to figure out something without watching a movie without having sex without drugs like there should you should be able just to kind of like not do a whole lot of anything and be totally uh fine with it obviously it's not as fun as like going to see a movie or going to do other things but but also not feeling pressured to. Yeah. That's all you ever do. Yeah. Oh yeah. You know, that's all you ever do.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And then I think that that's not, I don't think that's a great place to be. I don't think, um, I think it's a distraction. I think it's a distraction towards what is really, uh, the thing that needs to be nurtured and the thing that needs to be taken care of, which is your actual relationship. needs to be nurtured and the thing that needs to be taken care of which is your actual relationship um and that's why like going for a walk i yes you are doing something but um i think something like that is a moment where you can have good conversation and i can i go on walks with my son all the time having him in the gym was great and i'll talk about that in a second, but going on these walks with him, his brain just gets on fire.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And some days, like neither one of us say anything. Like, I think that's very common father, son relationship. I remember, uh, when I was a kid and I, well, when I moved out to California and my parents were still in New York, I talked to my mom for 40 minutes, you know, and tell her all my problems and tell her all the ups and downs and this and that. And, and I, my dad to get on the phone, he's like, Hey, how you doing? I'm doing great, dad. How you doing, dad? I'm doing pretty good. All right. Love you. Bye. Okay. Bye. You know, and that was it like 15 seconds, you know, 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And that's sometimes how the relationship is. But a lot of times when I go for these walks with my son, and this might be good advice for a parent, if you're not able to, you're not able to get anything from your child, they're not telling you anything about what's going on at school or any of this kind of stuff, do an activity with them. You know, for my son and I, walking works pretty good. And he starts, he tells me everything, tells me his friends, tells me what's going on. He'll ask me questions about drugs. I mean, he'll, he'll say all kinds of stuff. And, um, we ended up having great conversations. I think I've told you before, like, I, I'm not, I'm not going to be one that tells them like, Hey, like what the hell drugs,
Starting point is 00:37:55 what are you talking about? You know, drugs are bad. Why did you talk? Let's not talk about that. I told him actually, you know, he's asked about like marijuana and mushrooms and he's different. I'm like some of the greatest music you've ever heard in your life. And some of the greatest paintings and things, you know, that come from the world of like art and music and, uh, movies have come on the back of somebody being high on mushrooms or somebody being high. Why not? Right. Why not tell them like, look there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But the problem is is is a lot of these things can be addictive and then you end up being stuck on these things and you can't get off it because you lose control yeah and it's a big part of your life is to have control and it goes back to what we talked about earlier whether you have some responsibility in your life it's a lot easier to have control because you're going to say you know what i don't want to do that because i have to work out in the morning i don't want to do that because I have to work out in the morning. I don't want to do that because I have another priority in my life that, that prevents me from wanting to go haywire and just go nuts. I can have a drink or two or three,
Starting point is 00:38:56 but you know, whatever your limit is on certain things, it gives you like a, puts a governor on everything, right? Yeah, man. man right now if i just look at alcohol i'll get hammered like i'm such a lightweight i don't know i mean you know 20s i used to drink like a lot but now since i haven't and cleaned up the diet like i think we you and i had like a shot at dinner once and i fell out of my chair well i almost fell out of my chair i caught myself i was pretty embarrassed but yeah i have to be careful with that. So for me. That's the night the guy wanted to kiss me, right? Yeah, yeah. And you asked for his number.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I did. He told me to come by the gym. I'm not going to pass up an opportunity to make some money. You know what I mean? But yeah. Oh my God, that was weird. The owner of the restaurant. I don't even remember what I said. I said something.
Starting point is 00:39:48 He's like, I just want to kiss you. Bring it on, big boy. Let's go. Don't tempt me with a good time. Seriously. Steak and making out with some big fat guy. Sounds great. Yeah, and he gave us shots.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah. That was really strange. That was insane. I think maybe he gave me your drink and he roofied me yeah a lot of weird things happen but yeah the owner of the steakhouse wanted to make out with mark just my luck it doesn't happen to be a hot chick it has to be a random fat guy such a lucky guy owns this owns a, or runs a steak restaurant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I guess that's not too bad. Get some free, get some free meat. As much meat as you can handle on both ends. Yep. Oh boy. Oh man, this podcast really just took a turn for the worst,
Starting point is 00:40:37 didn't it? It's going to happen from time to time, unfortunately. I think it happens all the time. Every podcast? Yeah, very much. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:40:45 We're on episode 159. What do you think of... What are we on? 159. No. Yeah. You got your math all mixed up. You're adding them all together.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Something. Multiplying. Something like that. Possible. What do you think of having Colby here? Seth Rollins. Colby Lopez? Colby Lopez. A.K.A. Seth Rollins. Colby Lopez. Colby Lopez.
Starting point is 00:41:07 A.K.A. Seth Rollins. It was cool. We recorded a podcast. It's going to be like a multicast, I guess we'll say, on Jason Kalipa's AMREP. The multicast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I like that. Yeah. On Jason Kalipa's AMREP Mentality Podcast and Mark Bell's Power Project. We'll release that soon. I think we're going to give them the first dibs on it. But basically, we dug deep into Seth Rollins' upbringing. Turns out he was adopted, and that's where he got the last name Lopez.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And it was just really cool knowing that he busted his ass for something. What do you call it? Sac it, sacrificing for the unknown. He was working really freaking hard on this wrestling thing, not really knowing where the heck it was going to go. He talked about how he went to the best school that he could find, which was CM Punk's wrestling school, mismanaged everything. Man, I wanted to ask him so many questions about seeing him. I bet you did.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Oh, man, my ears perked up when he talked about him, but I was like, oh, shit, like, this is, like, with permission from WWE. Yeah. There's a lot of heat between those two. I was like, that won't work. Yeah. Oh, and that was the other cool thing was we had to get permission from the WWE, you know, for him to even be here, like, on the show.
Starting point is 00:42:24 And, but yeah, he talked about how he went to that school and basically failed. He, he, he stayed one month there and then kind of went back home, lived with his parents and figured out a way how to get to another wrestling school and just stuck with it and he stuck it out. And I mean, everything seemed to work out pretty dang good. No, I thought, I thought it was great. And I, I liked, uh, how he had, he had a, the right mindset seemed like from a really young age. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I don't know what attracts us to certain things or, or how we get, you know, steered in these directions, but whatever the motivation is, a lot of times it's really important that you, you not only follow your gut, but you continue to try. lot of times it's really important that you, you not only follow your gut, but you continue to try. And then when you continue to try, if you fail, you got to keep kind of sifting around and find the right thing for you. You're not, you're not gonna, you know, just fall in love with music probably. And then be a musician. Like it might, the whole process might take you some time, or if you do fall in love with music maybe your style of music is is really different and or maybe maybe you love playing the guitar but you don't end up being a guitarist
Starting point is 00:43:32 maybe you end up being a dj i don't know but like maybe you end up somewhere else or like writing music or whatever right right but you have to just you have to keep trying and i love hearing these stories with with seth i mean he had this kind of single focus towards wrestling. Once he started doing a backyard wrestling, then he became obsessed with it. And he, he was almost delusional. Like he thought he was going to be a pro wrestler.
Starting point is 00:43:55 And then he, but he was able to, he was able to, to make it happen, but he had the discipline and the desire and his reason why outweighed everything else. And he was able to abstain from doing a lot of the things that young kids do. Like he wasn't into drinking or getting high or he wasn't into going to parties.
Starting point is 00:44:12 He was really focused in on wrestling. He knew that training would be important. I know a lot of guys that are like Seth Rollins that are pro wrestlers, but they're a little bit more out of shape. They don't take it quite as seriously. And those guys, you know, they've made some money in wrestling and stuff, but they haven't done what he's done, but he, but it's because he's working his ass off for it. You know, he's, he's got himself, he's got himself in a really good spot.
Starting point is 00:44:40 He recognizes that and he continues to, uh, to work really hard for it. And so a lot of times when you're doing something, you're not going to understand why you're doing it. And you don't know what the payoff is. But there will be a payoff. You've got to be patient. And you've got to continue to try. Like when I was doing professional wrestling, I had no idea that it would lead to this stuff. But if I didn't have this ability to communicate this way, I would have never been able been able to build super training i would never been able to build slingshot i would never been able to get
Starting point is 00:45:09 anything really off the ground because i wouldn't have had the mouthpiece to be able to do so the ability to teach people and the ability to coach people is is where this all really started and i a lot of people don't really know that side because they don't, they don't remember, uh, anything pre Instagram, but, uh, that, that is the story. That's kind of where it all came from. And if you boil it all down, that's, that's what worked for me. That's what made me confident to be able to do this stuff in the first place. When I was, um, when I was a power lifter, you know, that gave me the confidence to share that information with people because I was able to start to lift a certain amount of weight. And then I kind of
Starting point is 00:45:49 recognized, okay, like this is actually special. Like I'm lifting when I was a kid, I lifted more weight than kids my age. And as I got older, I was like, okay, well, damn, like I'm, I'm pretty good at this. Like I'm setting a state record and I'm setting this record and that record. And, uh, it gave me a lot of confidence. And I was like, well, you know, I, I think I, I recognized at very, I recognized very early on with super training gym that what we did was really cool. And that what we did was really uncommon. And I was like, I need to show people this.
Starting point is 00:46:23 And that's why you can go back all the way to the beginning from 2005 really and you can see video of super training gym from 2005 all the way till now there's nobody on the internet you're gonna find one person in fitness that has more videos than i do there's literally thousands of videos um i might even have more videos than CrossFit. So they're CrossFit. I got, I mean, there's a lot, there's a lot and it's, but, but it's because I recognized from the beginning that this was an important thing to share. Like I recognize that somebody squatting 600 pounds, 700 pounds, 800 pounds. I recognize this is uncommon. People are going to, people are going to like this on top of that. I recognize that people are going to want to learn more about this.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Maybe they don't want to squat 800 pounds, but maybe they want to squat more for them. And I recognized early on with the business that that was going to be a big deal. More videos than CrossFit and none of yours are kipped. I got a couple of kips in there, you know, kipping bench presses. Yeah. I thought it was cool what Luke Hawk said about when he goes to his gym or whatever, a 24-hour gym, when he loads up three plates
Starting point is 00:47:34 on the bench, everyone stops and they stare and they look like, is he really going to do that? He's like, and I come here and I'm the weakest guy. Right. Damn, like, I mean, yeah, I haven't been to a regular gym in a while, but yeah, I remember just seeing dudes like 225 and dreaming that someday I can do that.
Starting point is 00:47:51 The interesting thing about that is they'll stop and they'll look, but I think they all just are hoping that you die. They're all hoping and praying that you're going to like totally get killed by the weight. Yeah, they can't wait to put on Instagram hashtag gym fail. Nobody cheers for you. No.
Starting point is 00:48:06 And no one comes over and spots you or encourages you or gives you a pointer or, or says, Hey man, that was like, no one comes over and gives you a fist bump. Hey dude, that was, that was actually pretty cool, man. Training for something like they don't, they don't have five seconds for you. Yeah. And that's Seth Rollins mentioned that, uh, when he was on this podcast and it's something I never even recognized from CrossFit, but it's just automatic with CrossFit. You don't wear headphones when you do CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And we have a rule in here. We don't have a lot of rules in super training, but that's a rule is that you don't wear headphones. And the reason is I want you to participate in each other's workouts. And I never even thought about this until he brought it up, that that's done in every CrossFit workout because they, they work out as a unit. They work out as a team. They work out together, usually work out in groups and stuff like that. And so there's usually a, a workout prescribed. I don't even think headphones would even survive a CrossFit workout anyway, because you move around so damn much.
Starting point is 00:48:59 You might have followed off your head. Um, but I think that's a cool element that you're involved. fall right off your head. Um, but I think that's a cool element that you're involved. You're, you're like when we were doing stuff with Jason, he had us do those burpee box jumps and we were tagging each other in and out. So it's a kind of a partner thing and you literally got to touch the other
Starting point is 00:49:15 person for them to be. Yeah. But like you're how, and how much more involved could you get in somebody else's workout than a physically, let's go for it. You know, let's tag me in to do these bicep curls.
Starting point is 00:49:26 That'd be pretty sick. We should do that here. You might have to. CrossFit gyms always have good music too. But I've said it in the past that for people who have a hard time finding a gym partner, go to a CrossFit box and try not to have a gym partner there. You're going to have a whole team behind you. A bunch of annoying little jacked people.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Yeah, all fucking strong and just jacked. They're going to take your woman from behind you. A bunch of annoying little jacked people. Yeah, they're all fucking strong and just jacked. They're going to take your woman from you because they're all shredded up. I got to start doing CrossFit then. You got to protect my lady. I don't know how to take her. I know. No, I mean, having training partners or having people that want to help you push through it is, is amazing. You know, there's, there's really, there's really nothing like it. And the workout that we did yesterday was so weird. Like we, we did some conditioning stuff to warm up and then we did like this bro shoulder workout. And, uh, I mean, at each part of it, I thought the workout
Starting point is 00:50:22 was over, but then I realized we were with Jason Kalipa and we're just going to keep going. Yeah. Kalipa, it's awesome because I looked out, I was fasting, and I blinked and you guys had started training already. So I was like, I'm just going to go grab my camera and capture this epic workout. So I sat it out. I dodged a bullet. But yeah, even I thought, oh, we're going to do this. And it's like, hey, but yeah even i thought you know we're gonna do this and say hey you pick something all right we're gonna do that cool rest 20 seconds we're gonna
Starting point is 00:50:50 do this now and then you guys ran through a whole burpee box jump circuit whatever you want to call it and then rest 20 seconds guys switch partners we're doing it again i was like oh my gosh like yeah that that uh and that that i mean that was awful the shoulder workout was awful and i picked that yeah and so that's funny is that that crushed everyone too you know it was it was uh it was almost like the burpees was like payback for forcing them to do shoulders because seth rollins was like man i haven't touched a shoulder machine in literally years like that was crazy yeah we were all done i mean it sounds ridiculous so you're just all you're training is your I haven't touched a shoulder machine in literally years. Like that was crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:26 We were all done. I mean, it sounds ridiculous. You're just, all you're training is your shoulders, but yeah, we were, we were dying and who doesn't like a good, uh, bro workout like that, but I haven't jumped in years. So it was weird for me. You know, it's funny to even say that, right? Like it's this weird thing, but, uh, Kelly's Tourette pointed this out in a seminar one time. He said, you you know a lot
Starting point is 00:51:45 of people don't in their day-to-day they never get below parallel and i was like i tried to think about it i was like well you take a dump and then you're and i was like well damn he's right and you know unless you have a toilet that's low to the ground or something or unless you're really tall uh so your hip never gets into that, into that movement is, is my point. And there's a lot of things that we forget. And,
Starting point is 00:52:11 uh, there's just when we were doing some of those exercises, I was like, you know, I, there's no reason why I can't, I gotta keep some of this stuff in. And,
Starting point is 00:52:18 uh, when Dr. Baker was here, the carnivore guy, uh, Dr. Baker was, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:24 really adamant about doing sprints and explosive movements and uh when's the last time a lot of you guys are listening to this when's the last time you you just went outside and sprinted i'm not saying it's a great idea to go randomly run 100 but why not go see what it feels like to, uh, you know, run 10% faster than your normal jog, you know, and, and, and maybe do a couple sets like that in a row. Have that be your finisher at the end of a workout. Like why, like, why not? Why not, you know, mix in some jump.
Starting point is 00:52:56 I mean, there's really, there's no reason not to do it. And when you don't do it, I think that you pay the price because you, you're not gonna, um, you're going to lose it. You know, you kind of move it or lose it. You kind of lose some of that, uh, elasticity that you had when you were young and there's really no reason to lose it. You just got to keep training it.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Yeah. Well, I just remember as a kid, like, um, for like PE in elementary school, like having to do jump rope or whatever, it was just like, okay, we're just jump, you know, it's so easy. Right. Picking up a jump rope in like my late twenties. Like, oh my gosh, this is impossible. It's tough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And then trying to do like double enders and smashing my toe. Like, oh. Yeah. If you haven't, yeah. That kills. Yeah. If you haven't done any of that stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:36 It's, it's, uh, it's not easy. I forgot about jump rope. I have jump rope. I have jumped in that sense, I guess, more recently. But yeah, when I was doing my burpee box jumps, David, you'd be laughing at me because I was on what, a 12 inch box or something like that. Yeah. Well, Kalipa and everybody else, they set up like a normal box that you're used to. And then Mark grabs like a six inch one.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And I'm like, oh, we should probably use this one. So it doesn't look too bad. And he's like, I don't care what I look like. He's like, this is fine. And then he looks at it and he's like, all right, let's go with this one so it doesn't look too bad he's like i don't care what i look like he's like this is fine and then he looks at and he's like all right let's go with this one because i mean it was like literally like yeah i actually you know it was great because i actually selected the perfect height for me because like otherwise i would have died yeah since i haven't done anything like that in a long time yeah clip will work so damn hard man he does i know and yeah he what i what i really
Starting point is 00:54:26 thought was great uh was how he he was so invited he's always so inviting he always tries and he's full of shit you know he always tries to make everything seem like it's going to be nice and easy you know he's like we'll just do this for like five minutes and he's and then he'll add three minutes to it we're just going to do this like twice and then he'll be like okay two more times and you're like shit man yeah he just added a little bit to it. We're just going to do this like twice. And then he'll be like, okay, two more times. And you're like, shit, man. Yeah. He just added a little bit to it, but it, that's a great sign of a leader.
Starting point is 00:54:55 You know, he's trying to, he's trying to get you just to, he knows that once he gets you moving, once he gets you into it, that you're not going to be like, Hey man, I can't handle anymore. Yeah. No one's going to do that. Yeah. What do you think pushes someone like that who already owns like 20 plus gyms? You know, he's going to want to do even more, right? Like he, he wants another 20 by, you know, whatever X year. What drives someone like that? Yeah. He, he just, uh, has a lot of ADHD going on. He's got, he's got a mental disorder going on there. No, I think, I think
Starting point is 00:55:22 it's just always wanting to be better, you know? Um know, if you're, if you're sitting still and, you know, that's not, that's not a good place to be. So I think that, you know, somebody like himself, I think he always wants to try to get better. I always want to try to get better. And I always try to just, you know, think of different ways that I can get better because, you know, maybe it's, maybe it doesn't always look the same, you know, and I think Jason's probably similar where it's like you know maybe he's not uh his times with fran and crossfit and stuff aren't faster all the time because it's like you get to this point he reached a really high level and so you get to this point where it's like well maybe that would be really hard to improve that. He'd have to lose out on other
Starting point is 00:56:05 aspects of his life right now, as he talked about on the podcast. And, uh, he'd have to put like family and he'd have to do some other things, but some things on the back burner and he'd have to like repursue fitness in order to get exactly where he wanted to go to make all the improvements on that kind of stuff. And so it has to fit into what you're doing. You're, um, remember we talked a lot about, you know, how these things all need to align with each other. You're, you know, I used to kind of be under the impression that your thoughts and your actions, you know, coincide and they do in some respect, but it's more like your feelings. It's like your, um, your feelings end up kind of gauging a lot of times what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:56:49 You know, if you're disappointed or you're mad or you're happy, we tend to kind of react to that. We tend to kind of flow that way. But regardless of that, we want to make sure that most of the stuff that we're doing aligns with the goal that we have. So there could be room for error in there somewhere, but when you're, when you reach a really high level, as Jason has done, there's, there's going to be less and less room for, for error. So for him, you know, he's, he's got to find different stuff to do. Otherwise he's going to lose his mind. And for him now it's, you know, he wants to continue to pursue business, continue to expand his business.
Starting point is 00:57:27 And I like how he's got different models going on at one time. And I think that's something everyone should steal a page from his book on that. Um, literally he has a book coming out, so steal something, steal all the pages from that book. But I think something I learned for him that was really valuable. And this is like, uh, more in general than it is physical. But what I learned from him physically is he was kind of making the statement of a lot of people will look to have the look to want to expand their gym. So their first thought process is I need a bigger gym.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And Jason was like, especially here in California, Jason's like, people don't want to drive the other side of town. I'm not going to make a bigger gym. I'm just going to have another gym. And it's like, now that for somebody who's a gym owner, business owner like that, you might think, holy shit, man, I can't own two gyms. But that could work out really well for somebody if you were to think it out strategically and if it actually made sense. And he's got all these rules and stuff, uh, on, on how he executes
Starting point is 00:58:31 on all that. But aside from the physical, aside from him saying that you should be thinking about how you can make money, uh, outside of what you currently do or how you can provide more value to what you currently do. So whatever job it is that you may currently have, you want to try to figure out what are some other ways that I can kind of increase what I'm doing. You know, maybe I can learn a little bit more about my trade. Maybe I go to a seminar, maybe I can, you know, who knows what it would be. But whatever way you could figure out a way to provide more value in, in what you're doing, that would help bring in other income. And with Jason kind of saying, you know, so he'll, he'll do that with his gyms. He's got multiple gyms. We saw,
Starting point is 00:59:13 he's got a few gyms on the same street. Yeah. He's got like 20 something gyms going, but it doesn't stop there. He has an app now, you know, where a lot of his, uh, a lot of his coaches and a lot of people that coach people around the country, they can use the app and they can train people that way, or it could just be a random person that wants to be more fit and they could use the app and simply understand very simply understand and comprehend all the information that's on there to um get themselves in in better shape and so he's got this this model where he's he's and he's tried other stuff too and he's failed too he's he's messed a bunch of shit up before he tried apparel years and years ago um
Starting point is 00:59:56 aside from nc fit he tried apparel um he tried making his own like clothing brand and it, and it didn't work. Um, but as I said earlier in the podcast, you keep trying, you keep moving, you keep, uh, trying to find what, what feels right for you and what makes the most sense. And you start to gravitate towards that. You start to push towards that. And, uh, as you start to navigate that, you kind of realize what you're good at, what you suck at, and you end up, you end up where you end up. So what's pushing you? What's, uh, the driving force behind you still working as hard as you do?
Starting point is 01:00:33 I think it all starts with, you have to have, you have to have goals. You know, you have to kind of like, you have to figure out, um, you have to figure out what, what are things that you want you know and there's a million different ways you can kind of look at all this but like there's certain things I have in my head that are personal to me that I am striving for striving towards and then I just try to make sure that most of the stuff that I do aligns with that. Occasionally it won't because we all have our flaws. We all have our, we all have our, you know, we all have the ability to just be idle occasionally and just chill, right. And not,
Starting point is 01:01:16 not be full blast all the time. But, um, I try to make sure as many things as in my day that can align with that, um, are lined up as good as possible. Even like, you know, when it comes to, when it comes to fitness, that's always been the easiest place for me to make sense of it. So I can attach numbers to things and say, this is what I'm doing. And so like, currently I have the goal to bench 500 pounds at 220, which doesn't really have a whole lot to do with benching 500 pounds at 220. It has to do with the pursuit of something. It has to do with, with the pursuit of me trying
Starting point is 01:01:51 to do something better for myself, uh, that pursuit, what does that do? Well, it helps keep my body weight down. I've been a fatty in the past. And so it helps, it helps keep my body weight down. Um, I'm going to learn a lot. I'm going to learn a lot going from going for that. I just, as I did going through the bodybuilding show or just as I did, you know, going through all those years of powerlifting and competing, but you're going to have to figure out a way to, I think ultimately to compete with yourself and how to be, you know, how do you be better than you were yesterday? And how do you not tolerate a bunch of bullshit from yourself? Like this idea of like, you know, you're getting old, you know, you get,
Starting point is 01:02:30 you're too old to do this or you're, it's like, it's kind of a ridiculous thing. Um, I'm 42 years old. I'm not 72 years old. So, um, you, you do lose some capacity to do certain things and yet might take a little longer to recover from things. But there's a lot of people that are, uh, that are older, that are, um, that are kicking ass. And there's a lot of people that are in their forties that are, are stronger than ever. And for me, I think just ultimately what, what's pushing me and what, uh, it's not even pushing, it's pulling, you know, power lifting has always been, it's always kind of pulled me back towards it. It's always pulled me back, uh, in it. It's always pulled me back in the mix. And so it's something I love to do. And it's something that, uh, it feels like it's, it's, uh, part of my DNA. And then what pushes me in here in terms of building slingshot and building this business is my family and the family of people that we have here
Starting point is 01:03:27 that work for Slingshot Headquarters and just continue to put points up on the scoreboard and allow everybody here to continue to grow and expand and provide more opportunity because the more opportunities, the more responsibilities, the more fired up and excited people will be to come here and work. And, uh, you know, what I'm trying to really do is, is, and I'm not going to be able to contain everybody, but, uh, trying to build a world that's so big that no one can leave. No one will want to leave. Like why, why would I want to go anywhere else?
Starting point is 01:04:02 I want to stay right here. Yeah. And, uh, yeah, we're occasionally we'll, we we'll we'll lose a soldier here here or there but that's not a negative thing that's that's that's a good thing that's fine that's good for you know people have to uh people have to move on occasionally and that that's just part of business but that's what i'm trying to do i'm trying to just build this damn thing so big that all the men and women that work here currently have more opportunity. They feel good about what's going on.
Starting point is 01:04:30 They feel like they're a big part of what's going on. And then to hopefully provide more opportunity for new people that come in as well. Yeah. And heated steering wheels, probably not too bad either, right? That heated steering wheel.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yep. The heated steering wheel. And. The heated steering wheel. And you were enjoying the heated seat yesterday. That's what's driving me right now. I need to be able to afford a heated toilet seat. Yeah. That thing is amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I know. See, the toilet seat thing is actually interesting because it's not, it doesn't, the toilet seat itself doesn't cost much. But what costs money is to have an electrician they gotta come in and put a uh they gotta put a plug uh an outlet yeah in your bathroom next to your uh toilet because they have those things at costco now no i don't think they're i don't think they're crazy expensive i don't think they're cheap either no you can get them on sale for roughly three hundred dollars yeah looked into it yeah and but yeah having a uh to put an outlet it's not going to be cheap that ain't bad to have a clean butthole all the time no that's i that's honestly it's probably like uh yeah that's going on it's on top of the list it's on my like birthday list
Starting point is 01:05:41 can't get it for christmas but birthday, because we don't have to get anybody else anything. We can focus on just me. That might be there. That's definitely pushing me right now. That seat's so good. Yeah. Well, I'm so used to it that at our beach house, I had to have it. That was the first thing. I'm like, I'm not staying there unless we get those seats. Those seats have to be, they have to be in there. And it was funny.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Cause when I was, uh, driving with Jake the other day, he, he like, uh, he said, what's this button is for.
Starting point is 01:06:14 He's like, does this make your, your steering wheel hot? You know? And I was like, yeah, it warms up your steering wheel. And he's like,
Starting point is 01:06:20 that's ridiculous. And then he, and then he touched the steering wheel. He goes, that does feel pretty good. Yeah. And I was like, see, it was like, it's and then he touched the steering wheel. He goes, that does feel pretty good. Yeah. I was like, see, it was like, it's all this shit that you didn't know that you, uh, quote unquote needed.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Yeah. Um, that once you have it, there ain't no turning back. Yeah. Your steering wheel doesn't do anything different than mine. Turns the wheels. Yep. But you're just heated. And that's, that's kind of awesome.
Starting point is 01:06:41 It's amazing. The heated toilet lid, um, things like traveling first class. I hear people, they'll say, I would never, you know, never in a million years would I spend that kind of money on a car. Never would I do something like that. Or I was in that category too. But like once you do it and once you live it and once it feels good to you, you're like, fuck it, going for it. It's really rare for me to want to travel somewhere and not go first class. do it once you live it and once it feels good to you you're like fuck it going for it yeah it's really rare for me to want to travel somewhere uh and not go first class i'm like you know i can
Starting point is 01:07:11 barely go to la on southwest like i'm i'm almost completely over that situation but it's so damn convenient i've seen you on those flights and you're not a happy i'm just like oh i just you know barely make this uh barely make this work and then when my a happy i'm just like oh i just you know barely make this uh barely make this work and then when my wife and i when we flew um when we went to france last year um just the on international flights the first class is on a whole nother it's just it's an hnl whole nother level hnl yeah and uh it's it's it's insane and so we got really spoiled with that and we're like we can't go back to regular first class after this now we're really screwed yeah because that's almost like having your own like private jet because it was like i guess the pods
Starting point is 01:07:56 right yeah well it had like a thing for like eight people or ten people or something and uh you know i'm we got a family of four going here so we took over like the middle space there was only one other person and it was amazing i was like we kind of like own this part of the plane this is sick that's cool and it was so cool yeah i when i took a picture and posts on social media people were so confused like like what is this how do you get a flight like yeah this doesn't make any sense and i was I know, but was even more fun about that was the way that the way that they treat you. And this is, this is a ridiculous thing about, uh, you know, having a little bit of extra
Starting point is 01:08:34 dough, right. Is that you get treated so much better, which doesn't really make any sense. You probably treat the people better. They don't have any money because they're more stressed out and they're, they're more pissed off and they got more shit to worry about right but like they just like uh when i when my wife and i and my kids when we went up to uh we went up to like the terminal and we were going we're going through like these gates and stuff they're taking us through and around and past all these other people and the person that we were with, she's like this little, like five foot two lady,
Starting point is 01:09:06 but she was, she was kind of thick. She's just plowing people over. She didn't, she didn't give a shit. And right as we're about to board the flight, like somebody else was like passing their ticket over to the, uh,
Starting point is 01:09:19 over to the agent. And the woman we were with just takes the ticket, just hands it right back to the lady that was trying to get on the flight and just plows us right through. And I was like, that was completely unnecessary, but fuck it. I'll take it. This is awesome. Yeah. Like it was some emergency for us to get on the plane.
Starting point is 01:09:34 It's like the plane wasn't going anywhere. Well, the time that we were stranded in Florida, that was pretty cool because you had, I don't know, some type of priority or whatever. So just by me being with you, they took care of me also. And there's a line of an entire plane of people behind us trying to get a connection flight because it was impossible to leave Florida. But Mark is the first person that they speak to. And he's like, yeah, I'm with these other guys too. Okay, well, what's your name? And they put us on another flight.
Starting point is 01:10:05 They're like, Zara goes? They're like, we don't think so. I did get a double take from the guy. He definitely did that. But it worked out. What Andrew's trying to say is he got treated like white folk for once in his life. Guys, it's amazing. It is.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Are we deadlifting today or what are we doing? I think so. Okay. We got to build up that peach, right? Yeah. I mean, we haven't talked about it here, but the ST Classic. Oh, yeah. I mean, we mentioned it here or there, but we haven't officially said anything about it.
Starting point is 01:10:41 So for everyone that's listening right now, Super Training Classic, it's a sanctioned push-pull meet. It'll be February 9th and 10th here in Sacramento at the old Cal Expo Fairgrounds, I guess that's what it's called. That'll be a Saturday, Sunday event. Everyone that's going to participate,
Starting point is 01:10:59 they get free shirt, free wrist wraps, and free entrance to the expo. So not only do you get to lift with some awesome cool people and some legends, such as... I'll be lifting. There you go. Why are we giving away so much shit? Who decided to do that? It's coming out of Smokey's paycheck.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Oh, okay. So we're fine. Yeah, I know. I was getting concerned about that. What's going on around here? Yeah, so a bunch of people are going to show up. We had Luke Hawks. He was talking about it. Matt Vincent will be there. Who knows? I don a bunch of people are going to show up you know we had luke hawks he was talking about it um matt vincent will be there who knows i don't know who
Starting point is 01:11:29 else is going to show up you said maybe little wayne not sure little wayne the rock yeah oprah arnold yeah we got a couple people coming a couple pretty important people coming ellen well uh back on that uh comedy tour so she going to be swinging by and hitting up a deadlift. Black Josh, he was saying that you should challenge David Goggins to a powerlifting meet or a competition. So I'm like, maybe we should do it at the SD Classic. You know what? Wouldn't it be crazy? Like that guy's so nuts that he would probably just like, you know, gain 80 pounds and be all in, right?
Starting point is 01:12:01 So that's what, you know, we're like, okay, like how long did it take you to lose 200 pounds? It should take you less time to gain 100 pounds from right now. So he can come in, you know, what is that, a biscuit under 300? We should invite him to come out. I know that Jake Cutler said that he will be here if he can make it work in his schedule. So we're still working on that. So I hope we can finalize details on that
Starting point is 01:12:23 and let you guys know more about, uh, what we got going on there last year. We had Stan Efferding come out too. Um, it'd be good to have him, uh, back out again.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Maybe we'll see if that short little Ed Cohn will come out, but you know, he's a show short. He's so angry, right? Yeah. Kind of like smoky. I don't want to make a,
Starting point is 01:12:44 like a short syndrome, bad joke right now, but there's a common theme amongst the shorter guys. Those people. Yeah. Oh, no. We're going to have a hashtag me three movement coming after us. Why is he so mad, do you think? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Is it just because of the height? Or something else? I don't know i wish i knew so that way i can help him out and his arms are pretty big yeah chest is pretty big he's pretty strong i mean i've seen him i've seen him lift some pretty heavy weight yeah he shouldn't he shouldn't be that angry he's accomplished some cool things it must be because he looks like a lawn ornament. Yeah. That's probably part of it. But he doesn't, I mean,
Starting point is 01:13:30 maybe he's gassy. You know, like when you have a baby that's gassy, the baby's like mad, crying, and fussy. Yeah. And they're like,
Starting point is 01:13:37 oh, the baby's gassy. And that's like a pass. And it's like, okay, well the baby's not mad. It's just gassy. Maybe he's just real gassy.
Starting point is 01:13:45 That makes a lot of sense. Cause he does eat like a little fatty. He eats really fast too. Yeah. Yeah. He's just inhaling. So some of that air is getting captured in the bowels. Yeah. Speaking of eating, I think they're doing like a pie eating contest today, aren't they?
Starting point is 01:13:59 I thought that was today, but I haven't, I'm not sure. Oh my God. I don't want to see that. I would have thought it already happened. So I don't know. It happened. I hope it happened or it's not gonna happen you hope it doesn't happen yeah i don't want it to happen it kind of grosses me out i think marcus would win if he's in it you ever see that guy drink a monster i've yeah or shotgun a beer shotgun a beer so yeah and then he tells me uh, his normal in and out order.
Starting point is 01:14:26 It's four, four by fours. Wow. And then fries. So it's, I got it wrong. I ordered. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:32 I ordered four, four of the regular ones, which is just two burgers. Double doubles. Yeah. I got to step up my game. Same. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Well, we're, uh, we're out of here pretty much. Uh, come check us out. We're at eight 55 Riverside Parkway suite 10. We got a store inside this building.
Starting point is 01:14:52 You guys might not know about, cause we don't talk about it that much. So we're trying to talk about it more. See, come in here and buy some shit from us, but we also have a free gym. The gym is available. It's open.
Starting point is 01:15:02 It's, uh, open for you guys to come check it out. Come check us out on a Saturday or Sunday. We're open from about nine to one o'clock hit us up with a dm on instagram hit up uh at the super training gym that's all you got to do is just make sure we're here we don't want you just to randomly show up although you could and we're not going to punch you in the face uh we just appreciate that we know that you're coming in that way. You know,
Starting point is 01:15:26 you can kind of make sure that we're here because sometimes we're competing for competition or out of town for competition or who the hell knows what's going to happen. Sometimes always happening here or he's filming or doing whatever. Anyway, strength is never weakness. Weakness, never strength.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Catch you guys all later.

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