Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 183 - Having Options

Episode Date: February 15, 2019

Today the guys are talking about fasting, dopamine fasting, education and how putting in work that you don't want to do now will give you more options later. ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Find the Podcast on all platforms: ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes: ➢Listen on Spotify: ➢Listen on Stitcher: ➢Listen on Google Play: ➢Listen on SoundCloud:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That'd be good. Open up your Instagram and say that it was you. Check your phone and say that it was you. Oh, I don't have Instagram. I wouldn't know. Wait, you don't have Instagram on your phone? No. Got rid of it.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Oh, is that recent? I got rid of it a couple times. I get rid of it here and there. Just to kind of create a little cool barrier it ain't easy though you know because like i don't know it's part of it's it's somewhat part of the business but at the same time the way that the way that this company is now if i was to just like leave and not come back for a year
Starting point is 00:00:45 it'd be totally fine that's pretty great so that's what a lot of people aim for i mean it might it might be uh i mean i might help it along with some stuff that we do but i don't know how are we doing over there uh we're live on youtube and facebook and i'll work on instagram right now oh password password's got me oh yeah i have to call the guy let me let me give you another password well no the password's fine but now it needs to verify that it's you or me or us it needs to yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. Well, no,
Starting point is 00:01:26 cause it's like a, a login from a different device. So it, it sent the text to whoever holds the account for the code. And yeah. Don't you have a guy at Instagram behind like the computer or something? I can help you. Yeah. Jeff.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah. He's tied up. Yeah. I think he has the day off today. He's pretty busy. Yeah. He's tied up. Yeah. I think he has the day off today. He's pretty busy. Yeah. Lazy bastard. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:48 That's why we got stuck with him because nobody else wanted him. He's on a dopamine fast. Yeah. Where did he get that terrible idea from? We can't seem to locate him. How was that, by the way? It was different. You know was it was kind of hard to like i was trying to like um but kind of like tie up loose ends i guess you'd say like with
Starting point is 00:02:13 with like texting but i was doing so as if like i was gonna leave the country for five years and uh yeah it felt like felt like some desperate times there for a minute. Um, you know, I, I have taken Instagram off my phone, um, many times before, and I've done things like I'll just put my phone, uh, in a drawer when I get home from work a lot of times and spend time with the family. Uh, oftentimes when we go out to dinner, I leave my phone at home and, uh, like if I need a, an Instagram meal picture, then I just have my wife take the picture. Um, and you know, I got a team of people here that help, uh, with the Instagram posts and I still write a lot
Starting point is 00:02:57 of them. I'll just, you know, send some texts with a photo or something like that, or something that hits me or motivates me. And so it's still from, it's still from me, but I don't get as tied up in it anymore. And then, um, I don't know, I just, I like, you know, through doing like yoga and meditating and sitting still and, and learning the value of being still and just, um, trying to concentrate on concentration and concentrate on nothing is refreshing. And so then I thought, well, you know, I wonder what it would look like if I, you know, just didn't have a phone, didn't watch TV. Um, you know, I I've been enjoying fasting. And so I was kind of thinking like, what if I kind of fasted away from everything?
Starting point is 00:03:44 So let me give it a shot and let me try it. I've heard of people talk about it before. I've heard of people saying, you know, dopamine fast, I guess. And so I just figured, let me, you know, let me give it a shot. And so I went to, uh, Bodega Bay and kind of hung out on the beach for a day by myself. And, um, it was great. The only thing I was allowed to do was, uh, write, um, no, uh, no reading, no music, uh, no internet, obviously no phone. And so, um, yeah, what I was left with was pretty much just like writing or walking or, and, uh, I tried to go for a walk a few times and it didn't work cause it was like cold and rainy out. And so I had to keep like bundling up. I went outside like two different
Starting point is 00:04:30 times and I just kept piling up jackets. And then finally I did end up going on a walk and ended up walking in like this kind of woods area where there's a lot of trees and stuff. And so I wasn't getting, uh, pelting on with rain cause it was like halfway raining and super windy and, but it was, it was fun. It was a fun experience. It was, um, you know, you just, you kind of learn a lot about yourself, I guess you'd say. And, um, just kind of did a lot of nothing and
Starting point is 00:04:59 it felt good. Just remember everybody, uh, no dope me means you can't beat off. You can't do any of that either. so you can't sit around all day without your phone and just touch yourself yeah you gotta watch out for that eggplant yeah it's it was um i would say like uh you know i'd recommend it to anybody i think you know and i think you can set your own rules for it. I don't think there has to be, I don't think it has to be a dopamine fast necessarily.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I don't think you need to not have coffee and to not do anything. But the point is, is to pull out some of the rich, the richness of your life, pull out some of the stimulants of your life and just kind of see what you're left with, I guess, right? And you kind of see like, you know, what does it look like when you don't have these things you're trying to kind of fast
Starting point is 00:05:49 away from those things? Cause you're, um, you know, what I'm always in search of is like more control, you know, how do you get like more self-control, how do you get more, uh, awareness? And, uh, one thing I love talking about, you know, is dietary control because it's so hard for so many people. And so many people are just not happy with the way that they look and are happy with their physique, their body. And so the main thing that I've seen that controls that is is your control over your day to day choices of exercising and of making better decisions food-wise. And fasting is something that's helped me a lot because it's just like, here's the plan. It's not complicated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Like, what's the plan? Oh, you're just not eating. I mean, I think that anyone can benefit from fasting and it doesn't really matter, uh, what diet you're following. And I think, I think you can even go as far to say, like, I think if you fasted 18 to 20 hours every day within reason, I don't think it would really matter too much on what you ate. I really wouldn't. I mean, we talked about it before. It's really hard to eat a lot in five or six hours. You got to try, like Andrew here was just
Starting point is 00:06:59 talking about that. He just started doing fasting too. And you're finding it difficult to eat all that food, right? In those smaller windows? Yeah. Well well i've said it in the past like i really like i use the um i like fasting because of the benefit of how hungry you do get and for someone like me i have a hard time really getting that like raging hunger to want to tear some food up like if i heat up food when i'm supposed to eat like oh it Oh, it's lunchtime and I got to get X amount of calories and meals in. So it's time to eat. So I'll go eat and I'll just like pick out the food slowly. Like it'll take me an hour to finish a simple,
Starting point is 00:07:35 like little tray of food. But when I fast for 18 to 20 hours, it's like, Oh my gosh, it's go time. Let's eat. So I've been fasting every day this week the problem with that though is i'll eat once a day and i'll be like you know i'm satisfied i'm
Starting point is 00:07:51 not even like i'm not hungry at all now that that one meal is pretty big but i'll tell myself okay i'm gonna eat this and then before bed i'm gonna eat one more time but then i start thinking okay if i eat right now at eight o'clock, then that means tomorrow, if I calculate the time, that means by like lunchtime, it'll only be like 14 hours instead of 16. So it's like, okay, maybe I won't eat. So when I realized like, okay, I'm only eating once. Okay, I don't care how long it's going to take to, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:20 hit 16 hours tomorrow. I need to eat. Yeah. And I still would just have zero appetite. How about your stomach? How's it feeling? It feels great, man. Everything feels awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah. You know, what's crazy is my stomach is like cast iron now. Like I was not really, I was not really that allergic to anything before anyway. I was pretty much okay with a lot of things, but I had a lot of trouble with like lactose and like, if I just ate a lot, like I would just get gassy and end up going to the bathroom a lot. And, um, I, that is completely gone. Even if I go way off the plan, I can eat pretty much whatever I want and not have any, I mean, I'll feel really full, but I won't have any other repercussions to that. And I don't know if that's, I mean, I think the fasting,
Starting point is 00:09:06 I think it's really helped a lot. Yeah. No, my, my stomach, like especially Valentine's day yesterday, we ate so much different food, so much different food mixed together. And usually,
Starting point is 00:09:14 uh, that wouldn't, that wouldn't sit so well. I'd be, I'd be shit myself this morning. I'm, I'm, I've been good and it's been good for weeks now.
Starting point is 00:09:21 So I didn't really realize that, but I guess that is something else that's happened, which is nice. Yeah. I think if, if people even just thought of it that way, like, Hey, look, it could be a way to heal your gut, like clear your food out. I mean, there's, there's, um, this is not like, you know, some crazy, like science that we're trying to spit to you, but people have been eating this way for a long time. And, uh, there's older people that, um, that have said they don't eat until they have a bowel movement, which that's an interesting concept. You know, you kind of go every time you, you eat every time you go kind of actually makes sense. So you cleared something out and now maybe
Starting point is 00:09:56 you need some more food in your system. I do think that there's something, I think that there's something wrong with calories and I don't know how to put my finger on it. I don't know how to express it, uh, the right way. I, I don't think, I don't think that they don't matter. And I don't think that they don't like count just because you don't want to count them. You know, they, they certainly, they certainly do matter, but I think that they, they may matter more, uh, to people that have a more open diet. They may matter more to people that have a more open diet. They may matter more to people that aren't adhering to any sort of fasting. I think that when you fast, I think in some weird way, and I could be totally wrong, but
Starting point is 00:10:35 I think that the science is going to start to show us more and more that fasting protects us. So I think that even if you were to be in a caloric deficit while fasting, I think you can still hold on to a good amount of muscle mass due to the chemical reactions that happen in the body. And that's where I think the calorie thing, the calorie equation might start to be a little bit messed up. Much the same way I think we're getting all this different feedback about vegetables and fiber and things like that. I think that probably you don't really need a lot of fiber. However, if you're on a diet where you like to consume multiple types of food, then maybe you do need fiber, especially if you're going to
Starting point is 00:11:17 go off of your diet, especially if you're going to go off your plan and eat some processed foods and stuff. Maybe now it starts to make sense. Maybe it's like, okay, well, maybe having 30, 40 grams of fiber a day does make sense because we do want to pull out the bad and we do want to pull out, you know, some of the, you know, processed crap that you ate. And if you're not eating those processed foods and you're doing something like Dr. Baker and some of these other people are promoting promoting maybe it's possible that the research hasn't been done yet to show that maybe you don't need it or maybe just maybe it's not as effective as we originally thought so i think you know having mark sisson on the podcast really got me thinking too because he was like you know we don't really count fiber as calories which some some
Starting point is 00:12:02 people do some people don't right and then he thinks that protein shouldn't even count because he's like, it doesn't even register the same way. It doesn't even, uh, you know, it doesn't really yield four calories. Now, you know, you can get way into the weeds on this stuff and you can get way into the science and we can get, uh, and you can get Lane Norton on here and, and talk about it, but it costs you a lot to digest protein. And so that's one of the reasons why it's not a usable for calories. It might be like 3.5 or 3.75 or something like that. And so I think, you know, in Andrew's case, like where he might have a few days where
Starting point is 00:12:39 he eats a little bit less, I think that he's totally fine because I think that he'll be protected. And I don't think that you're going to all of a sudden like lose a bunch of muscle mass because you had several days in a row of eating, you know, 1800 calories or 1500 calories, but I could be wrong. That's what I'm worried about most right now is like, okay, I, you know, for the, uh, for the meat this weekend, I did try to bulk up. I ate as much food as I could and I didn't gain any weight, but obviously it's just like one or two days. It's not going to, you know, change my whole body composition. But now throughout
Starting point is 00:13:10 the week, I'm like, oh my gosh, like, does that mean I'm going to be weaker? Like, does, is that going to just like all my stuff, all my work is going to go straight out the window. I know it's not, but that's kind of the motivation to keep eating. And it's just, it's like I said, it's hard, that's kind of the motivation to keep eating. And it's just, it's like I said, it's hard, but I'm still enjoying fasting. I'm definitely not going to stop.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I just have to get better at consuming more calories. I wonder what the next fast is going to be for us though. Cause like, it's like, no, we're doing food. You did dopamine. Like what's the next thing that's going to be the,
Starting point is 00:13:38 the fast? Cause I feel like we're talking about a lot of fast. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, man. Well, I'd like to see people fast away from social media.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I'd like to see people start to pull away from that a little bit more. When I made that post the other day, there was a couple of people who were like, hey, good for you. It sounds cool. But most of it was pretty negative. People were like, this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. But you're going to see, I think it's the job of Instagram. I think it's the job of Facebook. I think it's the job of Facebook. I think it's the job of Twitter, YouTube, all forms of social media, snap,
Starting point is 00:14:09 Snapchat. I think that these companies need to start to deliver messages that tell people to fast away from social media, just like the same responsibility that's cast upon Budweiser and cores to have commercials about drunk driving. Yeah. Did you see the new Coca-Cola commercials? No.
Starting point is 00:14:28 They, so they, they had, they just basically said like, Hey, we're just like you. We want to have less sugar. We want to have options to have,
Starting point is 00:14:37 you know, no sugar and blah, blah, blah. And then they're like also portion size. So they have like a girl drinking a little Sprite, you know, it's like tiny.
Starting point is 00:14:43 So they're, they're trying to say like, yeah, sugar but you know keep drinking our stuff but we're right with you sugar is not good i'll just say this is interesting like i feel like it is kind of a step in the right direction but at the same time you know just giving you a smaller dose yeah no absolutely yeah that but i'm just thinking the commercial in general, you know, it was like, yeah, we understand. We're right with you. We don't want sugar either. Buy our sugar products, though.
Starting point is 00:15:11 It was just, I don't know, it was like a mixed feeling. Yeah, it was pretty crazy. Like, I remember when I went on that cruise with my girlfriend early January, I needed a little bit of access to Wi-Fi so I could just keep up with clients or whatever. Make sure that if someone had a question, but it wasn't like chilling on Instagram for most of the day or anything. And it was just five days, just, just us around each other. And yeah, we had a lot of other people on the boat, but, um, that was, that was like the best chill five days, not just because we were on vacation,
Starting point is 00:15:39 but also just because we weren't on our phones at all. It was really nice. Really good. That was a pretty big deal. But you mentioned controlling your thoughts when you were doing your dopamine fast. And it would be difficult to see these platforms encourage people to get away because they honestly have a power in terms of controlling people's thoughts.
Starting point is 00:16:04 People are always thinking about, what's my IG looking like? They want to scroll through their Twitter, their Facebook. They are controlling people's thoughts. And I mean, even I realize that. That's why I try to make sure that I'm not on IG for too long during the day or any of my social platforms.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I try to keep it a minimum of a certain amount of time and maybe only use it for work because it does get very difficult to get yourself away from of time and maybe only use it for work because it does get very difficult to to get yourself away from it especially if you use it all the time yeah and i mean i'm not saying anything that a majority of people don't already know but the people that work at these social platforms it's the same people that help design like um casinos and stuff you know so it's like they're they're designed to get you to be addicted and stuck to it and kind of forget about time and you know it's uh i mean shit it works though right like we've all been like i gotta go do something and then you 15 minutes of scrolling like oh shit
Starting point is 00:16:56 what was i supposed to do they want your attention i think about somebody will say you know like they'll say show me some love right and then it's like what do you do on instagram you click the heart right it's like that's the like button Right. And then it's like, what do you do on Instagram? You click the heart, right? It's like, that's the like button is the heart. And it's like such a genuine thing. You're like, yeah, I like what that guy, I liked that the guy posted a picture of his puppy. I'm going to like, you'll like the photo.
Starting point is 00:17:15 The guy, the guy's happy that he walked his dog or whatever. It's like, it doesn't cost you anything. You're like, you know, simple enough. Right. Yeah. But you are really getting caught up in a lot of different things. And you're, then you're starting to like kind of place your votes different places. Cause who you're giving likes to and who you're not giving likes to, oh, this guy's wearing
Starting point is 00:17:33 a Donald Trump hat. I ain't liking that one. Or I'm going to make a rude comment. This guy's doing this, or this guy's doing that, or this girl's doing this. And then it really, it ends up being a, um, it ends up being a platform where you're kind of making all these kind of statements about the things that you like and the things that you really when you don't hit the like button it kind of means that you don't like it yeah for because there's something some reason you some reason you blocked yourself and even that causes anxiety
Starting point is 00:18:02 whether you hit the like button or not sometimes it doesn't if it's if somebody posts a picture and they're you know someone who's routinely on a diet and and they're chowing down on a donut it's easy to like the photo because it's like oh good for you you know you fuck you said fuck it like we all we've all been there and we all should be there and we should all experience that that's fun boom you hit the like button uh but when you don't like something it kind of means that you don't like something, it kind of means that you don't like it. And it means that you don't vote for it. And it means that you're against it, I guess, in some way. But I think there's even some anxiety to some of that. And I think that we should be careful about, you know, what we're watching, what we're consuming.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And that was the whole point of the fast was to, you know, kind of, uh, fast away from some of these things and again, kind of see what we end up with. But I've talked many times in this podcast that you can control, you can be in control of your own feelings. I think that we just think that the day is going to just take us somewhere. Uh, you know, you don't get, you don't get like, um, you don't want to like go through the day and you don't want to just get through the day. You want to get from the day. You want to get stuff from each day that you live. And I think that's an important concept to not just like let life happen to you. Oh man, like I'm sad because of this or well, you know, okay. Obviously there's tragedy that happens and
Starting point is 00:19:21 we don't have control over those things. But you know, you hung out with somebody that, you know, you don't get along with. You went to a party that you knew you really didn't want to go to. You ate food that you really didn't want. You have food in your fridge that you really know you're not, not supposed to be eating. You are, um, at a job that you really don't enjoy. You're not making the money that you, I mean, it's just, you can control all those things, or at least you can work towards figuring out a way to be in better control of those things. And as I've mentioned here before too, is you can, uh, you can work on your wages while you're working on a fortune. You can work towards something. You can, if you're a younger guy, younger girl listening to this
Starting point is 00:20:02 podcast right now, and, uh, you know, you make a few hundred bucks a week and you're a younger guy, younger girl listening to this podcast right now and, uh, you know, you make a few hundred bucks a week and you're like, shit, man, I got to figure something out. Well, the good news is that you could always be better, right? You can always, you, you can always figure out a way to just make a little bit more by figuring out ways of providing more value or by keeping your eye on the prize. But in the meantime, yeah, you do need to make those wages. You do need to bust your ass.
Starting point is 00:20:27 You do need to make that money because you got bills to pay. You have a life to live. You got to, you got to eat, right? But I think we have a tendency to get caught up in so many things that are pulling us away from a lot of really awesome things that we actually truly want to do. But instead we end up sitting on a couch eating a donut. Yeah. What do you think, um, in terms of when you were fasting or when you were doing the dopamine fast, uh, are, is there anywhere that your thoughts went that you didn't expect
Starting point is 00:20:57 them to go since you didn't have so many inputs, you were just walking and chilling around? You know what my, uh uh that was kind of the hardest part was like to you know kind of like hone in on just not thinking about much and then i started thinking about a lot of like business stuff and i started getting ideas and i had my notebook with me and i started jotting things down which i didn't mind i was like that's cool like these thoughts are coming to my head and might as well just let them come out. And so I just, I just kind of like, let them go. Well, you know, I let them be. Um, but really the main thing that came to me was, uh, how much I just fast in general. You know, if you just think about the word fast and you think about,
Starting point is 00:21:41 you know, abstaining away from things, I abstain from so many things every single day. Um, you know, I love to eat. I love food. Um, I don't have like some weird, crazy relationship with food. I can control it, but I do like pizza. I do like, uh, sweets, you know, I love all that stuff. And, um, I tend to, I tend to abstain from those things and I tend to choose a path because I want to have a higher standard for myself. I like the results. You know, I got in this conversation with my son the other day about his homework. My wife and him were, they were going back and forth and they were kind of getting pissed at each other. And, you know, I sat down with my son and tried to explain some things to him that, you know, like a lot of this work that's in front of you isn't about, it's not about, you know, the science. It's not about the math. It's not about the history.
Starting point is 00:22:39 This is about what you can become. This is an opportunity. People, they should be trying to replace the word work with opportunity this is a good opportunity that lies in front of you now we all kind of know like you can't really hang college over everybody's head the way that you used to that's what parents used to do to kids and that's what my wife kind of tries to do to my son sometimes and he's smart enough to know that that doesn't really make any sense, that that doesn't really add up. He doesn't have to go to college to be successful, whether he pursues that or not.
Starting point is 00:23:10 You know, who knows? But I think kind of the main point there is that, you know, as he's going through this homework, he doesn't understand, like, why? You know, what's the reason why? But what's my what's my purpose? It seems like pointless, right? And it's hard to try to make someone understand that there is a point to it. But the point being is that, you know, I've learned kind of more recently that education is something that needs to come from within. So if it's not coming from within, if he's not compelled to do it,
Starting point is 00:23:40 he's not going to ever probably want to do it. He'll probably kind of always feel that way about it. And I think that, I think that that's fine. I think it's okay. But I, you know, as I was talking him through all this and having him understand the value of him doing this and how it provides more value for him as a person and how it's a representation of him as a person, because you don't want people saying, ah, shit, man, here comes in SEMA again. Like this guy's, he's going to be late. You know, he's going to be dicking around and then he's going to be joking around. We're not going to get a good workout. Like you don't want, that's not what a terrible representation of yourself, right?
Starting point is 00:24:16 You want to be like, oh shit, man, here comes in SEMA. We're going to have a great day. He's always smiling. He's always happy. He's always fired up. And, uh, if we're training, like he loves to get after it. And if we're podcasting, he's smart, he's going to have good things to say. That's a better representation of yourself. And, you know, I don't want people thinking, you know, when they see my son, like, oh shit, here comes Jake. He's never does his
Starting point is 00:24:37 homework. Right. I gotta have, you know, gotta tell him again, he's got to turn his papers in, right. You don't want to end up being that person. You want to have more purpose than that. And so one way to do that is just to simply work hard and don't be a dick. It's, I think it's really, it's funny because, you know, Jake, he's really into film and stuff, right? I've heard you mention that before. He's getting into lifting and stuff too, yeah. Yeah. You know, like right now when you when you
Starting point is 00:25:05 mentioned that education thing and it comes from within i was thinking earlier and i i don't think about this often but going through like my teenage years i was very convinced that i was going to be going to medical school and i was going to become a doctor because my main reason was i want to help people and like i knew i wanted to help people somehow, but that was like, that was the clearest path. And I was so sure of it. Um, and would have never assumed that I would be doing anything as far as fitness is concerned for work. Like that, that was the farthest thing away from my mind. I loved working out, but I never thought I was going to be a trainer until like, I found that out later. But then when I found it out or when I was figuring out what I really enjoyed doing, right, I just started to figure out a way to learn about those things. I just, I educated myself.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I found that it wasn't difficult to read about the intricate aspects of like lifting or nutrition or any of those things because, because I actually enjoyed it. That's so, that's what's so difficult about about education and like in school it's nothing nothing necessarily against school but you know how can you help kids and young adults figure out that you you should try and find out what you enjoy or find out like what you would enjoy learning about rather than what everybody else thinks you should start learning about, you know? And I think it, it all starts with like sitting down with your child and communicating with
Starting point is 00:26:31 them. You know, my wife and, and Jake, they were kind of, you know, shouting back and forth. My wife's doing the dishes and my son's at the dinner table.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And it's like, this is not, you know, because we run this business together to my wife and I, um, it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean absolutely no good to come in here and like yell at Andrew about something or for him to come in here and yell at me about something. You know, we can't have an environment that that's that way. That's not, it's just not productive. It's like, how is that going to advance anything?
Starting point is 00:27:01 And it's hard to think that way sometimes with family members, because it does get emotional and you're like, well, shit, why don't you just doing what you're supposed to be doing? Um, but at the same time, if you know, I think that your children should be treated like adults. I think they're a lot smarter, a lot more intuitive than we give them credit for. And I think in a lot of cases they're even way smarter than us. Like they just know, I think in a lot of cases are even way smarter than us. Like they just know, uh, it's almost like, it's almost like an animal instinct.
Starting point is 00:27:28 You know, it's like sometimes people like their dog knows when certain persons at the door and shit like that. I think kids have these, they pick up on everything. You, you cannot, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:39 we've had times in, in our, in our family where something was going on or somebody was sad or upset. And, and our kids would just be like, Hey, what's wrong? And you're like, fuck man, I'm trying to disguise it the best I can, but I'm really falling apart over here, you know? And, uh, they just know, man, they, they can sense things really well. So I think the main, like where it all starts is to, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:01 you know, sit down with that kid or sit down with your own kid, you know, whoever this person might be, that's, that doesn't want to do these things and communicate with them and explain to them why I think the best thing to do honestly is rather than trying to explain why it's important, because you're going to try to explain why it's important to you is let the idea come from them. So what I told my son is I said, let's forget everything for a second. Let's say that I'm your teacher. I'm your teacher and I'm your teacher for all the classes that you're in now, all the subjects, right? So I'm gonna give you a blank piece of paper and you can write down whatever grades that you want. And what grades would you write? And he's like, A+. And I'm like, okay, let's just say that in order to get an A+,
Starting point is 00:28:47 you'd have to play video games less. You couldn't film with your friends on the weekend. And you couldn't work out. He's like, well, then I wouldn't want an A+. I was like, okay, well, what if you can do some of those things? And what if you can do some of those things but you got like a b or b minus he's like i'd go for that i was like well there we go and then the conversation quickly changed to him talking about organization and how he's not organized and and how if he gets better
Starting point is 00:29:19 organized he thinks he could be more productive and now he's actually like this whole thing just took a giant 180. And it's not because I'm a genius and it's not because anything my wife was doing was wrong. My wife is the one that deals with him every day on this stuff. She goes over it with him all the time. So she gets frustrated, which is totally normal, but it takes both of us, you know, it takes both of us to steer the ship and to get him headed in the right direction. And I'm sure a lot of people listening to this probably
Starting point is 00:29:48 have issues with their own kids, uh, trying to get their homework done. Yeah. It's always tough. And like I said on the podcast before, like my sister was having a little trouble with my nephew cause he had this, the same thing as Jake, where he's like, what the, like, why is this? Like, this doesn't matter. Like in the next couple of years, it's just not going to matter. Dividing fractions. Like, what is this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:10 It's ridiculous. You know? And so like, I sat there and I'm like, dude, yeah, I hated school too, man. I didn't want to go. But if you don't finish high school, you're not going to finish anything. Like, cause it might seem like quite a bit of a chore right now, but once you get out of it, you'll realize, man, that actually wasn't hard at all. So, but it was funny because I'm like, yeah, it's, it's kind of bullshit.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And he just looked at me cause no one had ever said that to him. But that's kind of like, again, like we, we can't treat our kids as kids all the time. You know, I understand like, yeah, you can, you know, shouldn't be yelling at them. You shouldn't have like crazy high expectations on certain things but when it comes to telling him about like real life stuff like dude forget the age like you just need to tell him like he's a human being right like he's he's just a little bit smaller right now yeah but when i was just real with him i'm just like yeah dude it does suck it's it's kind of a waste right now like but you have to get through it and he
Starting point is 00:31:06 kind of looked at me weird and then was like all right and so he's doing fine now but it just it just took me looking at him and treating him like an adult for like when no one else would so that was huge yeah that respect makes it makes a yeah makes a huge difference yeah absolutely i think also too you know what i was explaining to my son is like i i don't always want to go to the gym and like lift but i love the result so the reason the result is is what i'm obsessed with the result is what i'm after and so you know even even though like you know i might be on my way here and i might be like wow like i just what I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I just don't even, I don't really even feel like training right now. Once I get here and I get warmed up, then I kind of start to remember why. I start to remember what's the reason behind all this. Why am I doing these things? And same thing with my wife. My wife gets up every morning at like five or six o'clock and she's she swims every morning and she doesn't necessarily she does love to swim but even just because you love something doesn't mean you don't hate it sometimes and it doesn't mean it's not an inconvenience i mean even your own partner even your own person that you uh live with or spend the rest of your
Starting point is 00:32:20 life with even as much as you love them you you're going to hate them sometimes, you know? That's just, that's the way things are, right? They're yin and yang to everything. But I think it's, it's trying to figure out, you know, what's the result. And so that's a hard thing when it comes to, you know, school. It's like, you know, I can give them this, this like speech and get them fired up, but it's like, how long will that really, will that sustain? Will that stay? Will that actually really, really stick? And I think that it will over time because I'm teaching them stuff that, you know, I wish I heard some of these things when I was, and I, and I, I sent him, uh, I sent him a message or sent him a video that I
Starting point is 00:33:02 watched with, uh, Steve jobs, Steve Jobs talked about dropping out of school. He dropped out of college, not out of high school. But the cool thing about Steve Jobs and the cool thing about Bill Gates is both of them dropped out of college, but they both stayed in school and still went to classes, which is like really insane. Yeah. And so you talk about, know educo this idea of these things coming from within they dropped out but then they dropped in on the classes that they liked they went to the but they didn't want to adhere to the standard form of education of you need this is the curriculum that you need to know you need to know all these different courses as
Starting point is 00:33:44 well they're like screw that i'm just going to go to the stuff that i need to know. You need to know all these different courses as well. They're like, screw that. I'm just going to go to the stuff that I want. And that's how they ended up becoming some of the richest people in the history of the planet. Don't you wonder why it's like, why can't you necessarily do that? If you're a student that you're paying for college and you know, I want to learn about this and these things. And you know what classes you want to take to do that that can't you just do those classes and do those classes only i know you can't but just like why because the prerequisites and the the money involved with credits and i mean yeah it gets to be a lot of time that you have but
Starting point is 00:34:20 but i think that if you were to if you were were to give kids, um, a lot of choices, I think, you know, if you did that all the time, I think over a period of time, they would choose stuff. That's, that's good for them. Um, obviously if you said, Hey, you want ice cream? And then, you know, 20 minutes later, you want ice cream, they're going to keep wanting ice cream. That's not really what I mean. But I think that if you said, Hey, you got the option to play outside right now or you can read or you can go over some math they'd probably be like i can play outside they come back you'd probably be tired you got the option to read go outside you know they might go outside a bunch but i bet you eventually they're gonna be like yeah like let's do some
Starting point is 00:35:01 addition and subtraction let's go for it you know i you that over, and that's what they do at a lot of these other schools. Um, some of these like Montessori schools and stuff like that, they'll, they let you kind of take your time with your education. They'll, you know, if, if some kid is like being disruptive in class, then they'll just be like, Hey, everybody, let's go outside, you know, let's get 10 minutes outside and, uh, we're going to come back. Or if you wanted to, you know, pick something in particular that's a little different to learn, they might just kind of like go over that. Like they might stop what they're doing and go over something a little different, which is kind of an interesting form of education, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yeah. On that idea of education, you know what's crazy? You know what's crazy? I mean, I got a lot of friends that, like, from high school and college, where they're in their job that they have in their major. I've had the discussion with a few people, and it's often that I find that they're like, yeah, I don't really read much anymore, dude, or I'm not really doing anything new. I'm not learning about anything new. Pretty much just going to work. Maybe I'll hit a workout, come workout come home watch the tv and go do that same thing and it's so crazy to me because like i can't imagine at this point not trying to learn something new you know um i feel like if i did end up in the job that i i just that i wanted to go into from college and i was like comfortable with that job like that education for me wouldn't like I wouldn't enjoy continuing to learn about it right but I'd already be in that job and if it's set and I don't really like learning about it but I'm already making that money I don't think I'd really put myself out to do many more new things and learn much more new stuff and that's that's sad to think about no you i mean i i had
Starting point is 00:36:45 that job well not the job i went to college for whatever but i had the job that i thought was like my career and like oh i finally made it you want to do everything that has nothing to do with your job at that point because it's just like the same redundancy stuff over and over every single day monotonous you're just you're collecting a paycheck at a certain point yeah maybe i was a terrible employee that thought that but that's just the way it was and anytime i clocked out it was literally anything else like it was like oh let's read up on the kings let's you know 49ers and then, luckily, I started falling in love with photography. And that's when, you know, I started learning, but somewhere else, right? Like it was a totally different thing. And that's, you know, like I said, thank goodness that that happened. But as far as like my job itself,
Starting point is 00:37:38 like I tried in the beginning, you know, it was in the medical field, medical outfield, I'll say, you know there it was it was in the medical field medical outfield i'll say because it was um medical records but um i was like oh yeah let me try to take advantage of any kind of education that this company is going to provide and so like i did um like medical terminology courses and all kinds of stuff and all it got me was like a 15 minute break away from my job because i would have to go take these classes online and like I got a certificate at the end of it all and it was kind of lame but no you're right like I had zero ambition to try to do anything better other than just what was required for me at that position and it was terrible I find it really fascinating so that people do stop their education you know like I
Starting point is 00:38:22 was never a fan of school but I've always been a fan of education. Like it's important to learn shit. Like, so for me, school was hard and I just didn't have a great time with it, but it doesn't mean that it sucks for everybody. And it doesn't mean the idea of like learning stuff is bad. Like we have to learn in order to grow. You know, Louie Simmons used to talk about this a lot
Starting point is 00:38:41 and he would say, you know, if you were on a deserted Island and all you ever read was one book, that's all you would really know. And he, he compared that to training. You know, if you just, that would be the stimulus that you had was, you know, you just did sets of 10 your whole life and use the same weight. Well, you're just going to get the same old result. You're not, you don't have the ability to grow because there's no, there's nothing to adapt to. You still lift the same 45 pound bar and you do it bar and you do it 10 times every day for three sets. It's going to just yield that result and it's not going to further stimulate you.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Same thing with the idea of this one book. It's just the one thing. What I find really interesting is that somebody that's in a 9-to-5 won't like their job. Somebody that's, you know, in a nine to five won't like their job. They'll feel, uh, underpaid and overworked. They'll be frustrated. And I'll also think to themselves, they'll look at the guy to the left and look at the guy to the right and be like, man, I'd love to be like that, man. Look at that boat.
Starting point is 00:39:39 That guy has next door, man. That's that's both is sick. And then they're like, then they go inside their house and watch tv and it's like it's like why aren't we asking the question you know and and people hate to talk about money but um it seems like idiotic almost to not sit down and think to yourself for a second maybe get grab a notebook and just write it down in a giant letter. Say, how do I make more money? How do I get that fucking boat that the guy next door has? That thing looks sweet.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I want to figure it out. Well, the way that you're going to get that is to figure it out. There's nothing more powerful in the world than a made up mind. You make up your mind to do something and you're determined to go for it you're going to end up with something you're not going to end up with nothing you're going to end up with something like i tried 500 pound bench this weekend i ended up with 485 i ended up with something yeah i got some i got some points on the scoreboard right you're not going to end up with nothing yeah you got your name on the board got Got my name on the board. Got to erase Damon Thurman off there.
Starting point is 00:40:49 But it really boggles the mind. It's like, what about a self-help book? What about a seminar? What about a podcast? There's so many resources. It's like, man, what are we, wait, what did you just do? You're just marveling at the guy's house next door or what the guy had next door. did you just do you're just marveling at the guy's house next door what the guy had next door and then you just went inside and didn't didn't think to yourself to that maybe you could like maybe you could be better like like don't don't wish for things to be better like wish for you
Starting point is 00:41:17 to have more skill wish for you to be better yeah what you should be praying for yeah what you said earlier about um you know putting in the work it just it gives you more options than if you didn't i i don't know if that would have stuck but i wish somebody would have told me that when i was like just getting out of high school because i i didn't understand okay come on throat i i didn't understand um Sucking that dick. I know, right? I hope my mom's not watching. She's just going to be so upset with me right now. She's going to be like, I knew it. My dad's going to be like, this makes so much sense.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Anyway, I didn't understand that. All I knew was like, I just got to work hard. So I'm going to drop out of college and I'm just got to work hard so I'm gonna drop out of college and I'm just gonna go get not one but two jobs and to my parents they were like okay well yeah you're just a hard worker like that's fine go ahead and work two jobs now there are two shitty jobs but I still I always have something to do but I always had to do something like meaning like I never had money I never had anything I never had options to stop working I always had to have a job but had I not been such a dumbass in school then maybe I would have had more options however what I've been telling myself there definitely is no mistakes
Starting point is 00:42:38 there's no regrets whatsoever because everything that I did helped get me here. However, if there was a little bit smoother road to get here or maybe, I don't know, more fruitful road, there's the dick sucking again. You know, it might have been different, but it's just, you know, like I said, there's no mistakes, but they're definitely life lessons that I learned for sure. And I wish I had known that like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:03 if you put in the work you're gonna have more options i think that's huge i really like that that was something i said off off air we had a little uh discussion beforehand about some of the things we're going to talk about and i'd i mentioned how i explained to my son you know like if you if you choose to do some of the things that you don't really want to do now then you you'll have more choices later on. So yeah, like this does suck. Um, but the more that you lean into that and the more that you choose that, the more that you end up with what you want and the more, in some sense, the more freedom that you can get away from, uh, how to be so strict or so rigid or adhere to really anything anyone else says or does you know
Starting point is 00:43:46 i hung out with my friend yesterday uh that owns dutch brothers my boy sean he actually you know you know i trained this morning um i had him uh we we uh met yesterday for a little bit and um got some conversation he was like man i need to get back in the gym and he kind of had laundry list of excuses out that he was going over with me. And he was like, I can't, you know, work out in the morning. Cause my wife works out in the morning. I was like, oh, what time does she work out? He's like, she goes at like six 30.
Starting point is 00:44:12 I said, I'll see you at the gym at four. And so he and I trained this morning. He actually threw up because he hasn't trained in a long time. But this is a guy, you know, this is a guy that, that puts in the work. This is a guy that years ago, I actually remember him saying this to me. He used to, he used to train with me before super training was super training. So he's been around the entire time and he's seen all this stuff going on. But I remember him saying to me, like, he's like, I'm working on stuff right now.
Starting point is 00:44:40 It's not going to pay off for like five, six, seven years. Most people aren't willing to say that. Most people aren't willing to even think that way. And now he's doing great. Now he's got six Dutch brothers. Uh, I think he's working on a seventh one. Uh, he's got four awesome children. He's got everything and anything.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I mean, he's got every toy and trinket that you can possibly think of. He's got a Tesla. He's got these big ass trucks and a bunch of other cool things. Uh, just a, just a wonderful person. Awesome guy. But that, what a wonderful person. Awesome guy. But that, what a great mentality that is,
Starting point is 00:45:08 right? Like the work I'm putting in right now might not seem like much, and I might not be getting much back yet, but wait a couple of years. Cause that shit's going to be coming. It's, it's, it's funny you say that. It's like,
Starting point is 00:45:21 it's exactly what you were telling your son. It's a discipline, discipline doing things that you don't necessarily want to do right now. We're going to pay off like a large dividends later on. And even like with, with what I was doing in terms of the fitness stuff, like I knew when I started that I was going to head in the right direction. I knew I was going in the right direction when I started it.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Cause I was like, I mean, I don't see myself personal training for the rest of my life, but this can, this is going to lead to something else somehow. And I knew that at that time. Um, but I just like, I just kept doing it. And then it led to opening ideas in terms of doing stuff online and then led to doing certain things here. And it's like, I don't regret any of it, but it's like, you know, I guess being able to see where you want to be. Like at that point I was able to see where I wanted to be, what I wanted to have and all those things. I just didn't know how I was going to get there, but I knew I wanted to do it somehow through fitness, somehow through doing things that I liked doing. And a lot of times it is hard to see that, but I think that that's necessary. You can't just like, I think you can't just necessarily just do it. You have to also like know where it is that you're trying to head, not blindly. What, uh, what motivates you? What motivates me now? Um, I was actually thinking about this a few months ago.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It's kind of weird. The general idea is control. Not like control of other people, but more discipline and control of myself. That's one of the big reasons why I got into the whole meditation stuff when I started it. So I could control my thoughts better. So I could be able to just have more understanding on like, like controlling my day-to-day processes, but then doing things like jujitsu, getting better at like my business and stuff like that. It's all being able to have control of like myself, my life and the things around me. Because I think for a long time, I didn't feel that I was in control and I felt
Starting point is 00:47:25 that a lot of things when I was younger like affected me. I didn't feel in control of it. I felt like I wasn't in control of my emotions. It's not like I was a kid that I would get mad all the time but I also at the same time just kind of felt I guess sometimes I just kind of felt helpless so I didn't like that. So the reason why, like I do a lot of things I do is just so I can have more control of those things. And again,
Starting point is 00:47:52 it's not, it's not other people. It's just of myself. That's, that's kind of what I'm heading towards. Yeah. That idea of like self mastery, mastery of your mind.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And like, even with jujitsu, like I am, I was thinking, you know, how many people can, can say that they've mastered literally anything. You can go through your whole life. You can be really good at something. You can have like a kind of an expertise at something. You'd be kind of good at your job, but what is something that you've really actually managed to master? And there are a few things that I want to get as close to mastery as possible. And when you get there too, then, you know, you'll like anyone that's, anyone that's quote unquote mastered anything would never say it probably. They'll never say they mastered it. Because they'll get there and maybe they know their accomplishments, right they they know they're a badass at whatever it is they're doing
Starting point is 00:48:48 but they're also like there's still just so much more here you know there's still there's still so much more like on cover i you know never in a million years i'm going to say i'm a master because they're going to kind of recognize like there's still a lot more there's a lot more to go there's a lot more to learn is there anything for yourself that like you want to like obviously you you've gotten extremely good at powerlifting over the years but is there anything that you've wanted to like just really kind of master even outside of that i mean i i'm in the same boat as you. We're on a big gay boat ride together.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Like in South Park. Big gay Al's big gay boat ride. You guys ever see that episode? Let me find it. You know, that's kind of what I'm, you know, kind of working on. I like this idea of like spinning a lot of plates at the same time, holding up, you know, all the energies up on one point and not letting anything fall off and trying to, um, I got a lot of, a lot of friends in
Starting point is 00:50:00 business that are savages. You know, they do an amazing job. I got a lot of people in fitness, a lot of friends in fitness that have phenomenal physiques and that have great strength. It's rare, you know, it's rare to have, to have, you know, a combination of those things. And, and that's what I'm into like a Vince McMahon, like Vince McMahon, jacked tan and a billionaire, right? Like that's, you know, those are some of the things that I, I just admire it. I don't care. Like if I ever get that way or, you know, whatever, I don't care that much, but I would like to be able to, these are all things that I like to do and like to master.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Here we go. Big gay owls, big gay boat gay boat ride look it says it right there i haven't watched south park in years so my god that show was horrible oh my god it's so it's so bad it's amazing it's like how do they still get away like in these fragile times because it's a it's the cartoon i guess right it's amazing yeah the cartoon side of it yeah makes it it makes it work yeah i just you know i don't want to kind of get better at everything you know i just want to try to continue to improve upon each thing i was just like sometimes i think about things like, um, like almost from like a seasonal perspective,
Starting point is 00:51:26 like, uh, you know, I, I made a post a while back saying like, you know, you're going to look the same as you looked, you know, when you took a picture in front of your tree last year, like, is that what you really want for yourself? You know, make these decisions now, make these decisions now so you can be 10 pounds left 15 pounds whatever your goal is um and i kind of think about some things like like last year i started to mess around with some running um when the weather got when it got a little warmer out and i've been running a bunch lately pretty much on the treadmill but i was was like, you know what? It's going to feel really fucking good when I go and like go for a run outside. I'm like, I'm kind of looking forward to that.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Like I ran around this like little industrial park, uh, last year. It was the first time I ran a mile. I think as an adult, I don't, I can't remember any other time that I ran that. And it was hard for me. I was like, shit, this is terrible. I'm, I'm so bad at running. Um, but now, um, you know, I can run two miles pretty easy. And I think I could, I think I could run for a pretty long time if I just, if I was, I wouldn't be going very fast. Uh, but I think, I think I could probably do like a half marathon or something. I don't know. I don't know. That might be too lofty, but anyway, the point is the point is is that yeah i want to kind of continue to have that feeling i want to continue to improve upon uh just all the different things that i'm kind of pushing into um 500 pound bench is still not uh gone so i'll i'll still work on that um and i was doing some math and uh it'd be'd be really hard, but, uh, I would like to, you know, maybe even be in line to beat my best bench ever, which at two 20, it would mean that I'd have to bench like, like five 34 or five 40 or something like that by Wilkes
Starting point is 00:53:17 by the Wilkes formula. So, cause I did, uh, the five 78 bench at, at two 75. That might take, I mean, that might take a while. That might take like two years to do that. I don't know. But, uh, it's just, you know, always kind of setting goals. Your goals are moving targets. Um, you have a goal to lose five pounds and you don't just lose five pounds and you're
Starting point is 00:53:40 like, Hey, you know, you have a goal and you, uh, by the way, you know, I think it's really important for people to these kind of intermediate goals that you might have. I think it's important to write them down and then not only write them down, but when you get there, cross them off your list, make it fun. You know, it's, it's kind of exciting. You're like, Oh shit. Like I, I did that.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Not everything has to be a crazy challenge either. Yeah. Like maybe you want to, um, go to a jujitsu tournament in Brazil. And it's like, that's not necessarily hard to do. It just means that you're in Brazil for jujitsu tournament, but you know, there's a financial commitment to it. There's a, a commitment to it of like, oh shit, I'm going to Brazil. Like this is the motherland of like where all this shit comes from you know so things like that and it's it's like i said it doesn't always
Starting point is 00:54:29 have to be something that's like so damn hard but it will make you feel really good when you get to check these things off your list yeah i can't imagine really not having any goals at this point um it's like whenever i as i just keep progressing through the things that i'm doing it's just like all these new goals that i want keep popping up you know even without me really i guess always thinking about the ones that i already have set up new ones just just come and it's i think that's that's also partly why like if you're doing something that like you enjoy doing you know it's like those goals are, those goals are going to be automatic for you. But if, and it's hard, it's like, I feel like some people are listening to this to me, like, you know, F you man, like, yeah, you get to do
Starting point is 00:55:13 what you like to do. We don't all get to do that. You know, it's hard when you're not, when you're not doing something you like having goals for that, or you almost feel like you're forced to set up goals for that. You know, like when I was, when I was in my old major and I was like, you know, this is what I got to do. Those goals didn't, they weren't intrinsic. They weren't like, I want to do this because I want to do this. It's like, I want to do this. I have to do this. This is a goal that I have to get to. I don't really want to, but if I want to get to where I want to get to in life, I got to do this. You know, that's gotta be pretty tough. Especially like if you, even if you don't have the habit of working out, right. You don't have that habit of exercising initially, when you set that goal, it's going to feel like a chore. You know, I don't, I don't really, I don't really
Starting point is 00:55:54 feel bad for people that are like stuck because there's so much information out there about how to not be stuck anymore. And not everyone can work for themselves. I mean, there has to be somebody working for these people that work for themselves, right? I mean, there's definitely like a reality to the whole thing. Not everybody's a leader and not everybody wants to be. Like the responsibility of being a leader
Starting point is 00:56:16 is a tough thing to endure. And then being an entrepreneur, a lot of entrepreneurs kill themselves. Like that's a pretty hefty price to pay, I would say. Um, and who knows why? I mean, maybe it's the territory of it, or maybe it has to do with who that person was before they selected to be an entrepreneur. I'm not sure which comes first or how it works or, or what the deal is, but it definitely
Starting point is 00:56:41 can be really, uh, it can be really stressful. But the other reason why I don't feel bad is because when I think about, when I think about my life and I think about how people have credited me with saying that I'm successful, people that I know, people that are close to me, family members, um, I have some things that not everybody else has and have obtained certain things that not everybody else has been able to get. And so by society standards, it's a success, right? At the same time, there has not been one case of a friend or family member. I'm just trying to make sure that's 100% accurate.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah, not one person has ever said, you know what? I want to take you to lunch because I want to know more about how you did all this. That has never happened one time out of all the people that I know. Man, that's kind of crazy. That's why I don't feel sorry for people that are stuck. You're stuck on your own, man. That's kind of crazy. That's why I don't care. That's why I don't, I don't feel sorry for people that are stuck. Like you're stuck on your own, man, you know? And I, and I do get, so I do get people though, sometimes that will DM me and say, Hey man, I'd love to know. And obviously I don't have time to like, you know, get back to everybody. I don't even have
Starting point is 00:57:56 Instagram at the moment. Um, but those people, I have reached out to those people before and we have communicated, but like just the people that I people that are actually in my circle, that are in my life, it's never happened one time. I really wonder why that is. Because it's like, there's a resource right there. An individual that has a vast amount of knowledge in something or a place that you want to head and you're not even a... You're not... You know how many people, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:26 How many people that DM you and message you that wish or that, that like wish you would just give them a nugget, right? Just give me a nugget. Give me a little morsel. And wow, that's, uh. You get a lot of people popping up in your DMs at like two in the morning. A lot of, a lot of dudes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Yeah. All dudes, all dudes. Like, yeah, no. Hey bro, what are you doing? like two in the morning a lot of a lot of dudes yeah yeah all dudes all dudes like yeah no hey bro what are you doing no but like it's like i respond to literally all my dms and it's it's cool to know that like i don't like i don't think i'm super successful or anything but i'm i'm like where i am right now is where a lot of people want to be and i guess it's nice to be able to like give back any little thing that I can or help out any little way that I can.
Starting point is 00:59:07 A hundred percent. I mean, you're, you're pursuing jujitsu with everything that you got. I don't think you can put any more into it really. You got your nutrition on point. You got your training on point. Everything's geared towards all that. And you provided a life for yourself that allows you to like sit into all this and to lean into all this and i think that's what most people want i think that's all most people
Starting point is 00:59:31 want i don't think i don't think people really need a lot more than that um i don't think they it may be like over time they'll want more because like we talked about the goals are these moving targets that they just, they increase. Like you start to make a certain amount of money and you want to naturally make more because you want to do better than you did the year before. Yeah. That's just kind of the natural progression of things. But I never needed anything. You know, I had a very, very humble beginnings and I, I don't, I don't feel any better now than i did then you know i've i've
Starting point is 01:00:06 felt good then i feel good now um having set up the culture that we have here at super training and at slingshot is a little bit different because that makes me feel really good and that actually like it's motivating it's inspiring um having the men and women that train here, you know, come up to me and thank me, you know, people thank me all the time for it. Really that kind of stuff like that matters a lot. Walking into my house, which is a really nice house, like it doesn't feel any different than other houses that we've had. It feels similar, similar you know having a nice car it's pretty cool when you're driving on the freeway and like people keep kind of glancing over at your car and it's not because uh you're like hubcap blew off or something like that
Starting point is 01:00:56 they're actually kind of like checking it out like that's kind of neat but it doesn't really doesn't doesn't really move the needle for me, you know? And so I think that, I think that most people are just striving to, to kind of head towards your direction. And there's a lot of people that are probably, you know, you're what, 25 or so? 26. You're 26. There's a lot of people that are, you know, between like 19 and about your age-ish or 19 to 30, that that's a, those are some tough ages to be,
Starting point is 01:01:27 you know, that's, it can be really hard, really hard to figure out like, yeah, what am I going to like, what am I going to do with myself? It's really easy to sit there and be like, oh man, I'm not really good at anything. I'm not really that passionate about anything. What am I going to do? It's, it's difficult difficult but you'll have to work towards finding something and i think if we go back to the beginning and we go back to our conversation about education making you do all the shit that you don't want to do i think the idea of it came from kids don't know any better they don't know what's good for them let's show them what's good for them let's expose them to as many different opportunities as we possibly can. Hopefully something will stick. Hopefully they'll
Starting point is 01:02:08 lean towards something. Hopefully they'll find something that makes them feel good. Hopefully they'll find something that they enjoy and that maybe they'll do the rest of their life. That's why you, uh, play the violin and that's why you play basketball at PE. And that's why, that's why we do all these different, you take Spanish and why you do all these different things. We're trying to like find like, what the hell do you like to do? That's what we're trying to figure out.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Yeah. See what sticks. Everybody has so many different, everybody's so different. It's a, it's hearts just. Andrew's really different. Look at him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:41 He's weird. That's all right. We're all weird. Who doesn't power up the meat hits all their lifts yeah that was weird yeah that actually was that's very impressive even i didn't end up with that perfect meat yeah we all can't be me all right jerk you got a beautiful beard too a kind of uh it's that's one thing you know his nickname you know his nickname bradley martinez i didn't know that that's pretty good in a while yeah bradley martinez yeah oh god what's great about it is i think mark told bradley about it and he just got so upset he was just he was just like i don't look like that ugly motherfucker right there what the hell it's like like when we took a picture together and i posted it on my instagram this
Starting point is 01:03:26 was before i was wearing glasses all the time yeah but like forsaken warrior a bunch of people were like what the hell do you like you guys are twins it was like i mean don't tell him that because he'll be pretty upset dang bradley martinez i think he's jealous of your biceps. Could be. Yeah. Natty biceps. Bradley's natty. Natty professor? He's about as natty as the natty professor. Oh my goodness. Let's not go down this road.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Yeah. Let's turn around and make a U-turn. Go the other direction right now. What's funny? My mom lost 15 pounds by fasting. Did she really? Yeah, she did. She lost like 15, 17 pounds and she hasn't even changed her food habits. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. She, her joints feel good. I think that's what most
Starting point is 01:04:09 people can get from fasting. Like we talked about it, you know, in the beginning, we just said like, you can't be totally reckless when it's time to eat, but within reason, yeah, you can kind of get after it. I love it because I can stuff myself. I love to stuff myself. I love to like fill up with food. I think that's a kind of a natural instinct right is to just go hog wild on your food yeah when did mama natty professor start fasting mama started seven months ago she didn't and she she really doesn't she actually does not have time right now to hit the gym because she just gets so tired she does like work and she does like hair stuff on the side so she's always standing but like the doc was like dude you gotta make more money get mama off her feet i know i know trust me i know this um but uh the doc was like
Starting point is 01:04:54 you should lose a little bit of weight it's not like she was fat but she was she was she was holding a little bit more fat than she usually does so she was like trying to figure out ways to lose weight i was like hey just start fasting see how you feel. So she started doing it for like a few weeks. She's like, wow, I feel great. I have so much energy and it's weird because I'm not eating, you know, I'm not eating breakfast or anything. So then started doing, I think she, she now starts eating from like six or 7 PM to 10 PM. And she's like, this is the best that I've ever felt. You know, I don't ever feel hungry. I feel focused. And she lost weight as a by-product and she's still dropping.
Starting point is 01:05:28 That's great. Yeah. I, uh, worked out the other day with a pig cause I was out in, uh, Bodega Bay. And then I trained at that gym,
Starting point is 01:05:36 uh, science strength. And I got talking to the owner of the gym and he's, he's way into powerlifting, but he's, he's a young guy. And I think that he would be better off like messing around with some bodybuilding for a little while,
Starting point is 01:05:48 just to switch things up. He's kind of frustrated. He's sort of stuck with his, the weights that he's hitting and, uh, everyone could use more muscle, right? Everyone could be more jacked. And so I was like, man, you got to come to super training. And pig was like, yeah, he's like, I'm going to go down there in like a week or two. I got to hit up my last squat for the meat and so on. And I said, um, I um i said well you should definitely come down i said maybe i'll try to make sure uh the natty professor is there oh yeah and i was like and he could set you up with uh with some programming or diet or something and i was like he's done a lot of bodybuilding and um and the guy was like oh yeah he's like the natty professor. He's like, that's a, and SEMA.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Right. And I was like, yeah. And I said, I said, that guy, I said, the guy's crazy, man. He's genetic free. Cause he works out hard and stuff, but he's just a mutant. And the guy's like, is he actually natural? I said, no, but it'd be really funny if he was, he was like, okay, good. He probably believed you too.
Starting point is 01:06:44 She just had a weird look on his face he was like why would i have the name why the ultimate cover-up i guess well not the ultimate if you oh also okay that's the girlfriend real quick huh the girlfriend is the ultimate cover-up because you're gay. Oh. I see. Thy Wars. Yeah. We're not going to talk about Thy Wars yet.
Starting point is 01:07:09 He introduced me to Thy Wars. I'm like, what is that? You know, just a little, little tiny me. Oh,
Starting point is 01:07:15 we won't tell that story. What's a Thy War? And then, bam. Yeah, no, that's a story. Like,
Starting point is 01:07:19 is that a Yeti bottle hitting my leg? Yeah, what is that? Yeah, Thy Wars was fun. But question real quick because this this needs to be addressed um did either of you guys ever watch dragon ball z no like i didn't
Starting point is 01:07:31 but i know that i know that jim and you didn't right jim's got the same name or whatever i don't know how to say it i'm saying saying i've heard you say it on the podcast before i know people i've been like i I got to tell Mark. It's Saiyan. Saiyan. Saiyan? Saiyan. Like a super Saiyan.
Starting point is 01:07:49 It's a Saiyan. Like know what I'm saying. Know what I'm saying. Yes. Okay. Perfect. Yeah. So Saiyan strength.
Starting point is 01:07:56 I'm glad you corrected me because people were like, you're saying it wrong. You're saying it wrong. And no one ever told me how to say it. Saiyan. Now you're saying it right exactly you're perfect you'll never get it wrong again oh god hey i don't know if you guys realize but a lot of like kids and not even kids a lot of people from my generation were uh influenced to work out because of dragon ball z like thousands tens of thousands of people it's a big part of the show
Starting point is 01:08:24 right yeah like goku's. Like Goku's jacked. Everyone's jacked. They all like beat, beat stuff up. And they talk about like training and stuff, right? Yeah. Goku always trains.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And before every single fight, like he gets stronger trains. That's a furious Pete. He has a Goku. Yeah. Pre-workout. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:40 It's, it's, it's actually really crazy how many people like that one show has influenced, like workout and get jacked. It's awesome. It's, it's, it's actually really crazy how many people like that one show has influenced like workout and get jacked. It's awesome. It's, it's insane. Even me at a certain point, I was like, yeah, Goku's jacked. I want to work out. Look like Goku.
Starting point is 01:08:52 It's crazy. Isn't it a cartoon? Goku takes these things called Senzu beans, which after every single fight, he'll, yeah, he'll eat the bean and he'll immediately recover. So we don't know what senzu beans are, but that doesn't seem very natural to me. Is that going to come up on a test for his NCAA career? I mean,
Starting point is 01:09:14 USADA, somebody? It's definitely iffy. But someone should make a supplement called the senzu bean. They'd make a lot of money. Seriously. That's not even a joke. They'd make a lot of money. Senzu bean. Let's do it. I'm down. Alright, joke. They make a lot of money. Send Zubin. Let's do it. I'm down.
Starting point is 01:09:27 All right, peeps. We're out of here. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you later.

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