Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 25 - Bradley Martyn

Episode Date: March 27, 2018

We commandeered the Culture Cast studio to record a Power Project episode with Bradley Martyn. He and Mark Bell talked about instagram in the early days, giving back to the fans and dealing with anxie...ty and depression. Special thanks to Kevin Somoza for running the board on this episode. ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm like a, I'm a sleep whacker, I think. Are you? It's like a walking sleep whacker. Like you walk around and do it. No, that would, no, that would make, so that would make me a freak. But no, I don't think I walk around and do it, but like I try to sleep. But how do you know? Well, cause I try to like hump my wife.
Starting point is 00:00:15 She's like, what are you, you know, she was like, yeah, she'll wake me up and be like, what are you doing? Or the next morning she'll be like, Hey, you tried to, you know, and I'm like, what did I try to do? And like, why didn't you let it happen? I'm i'm a sick bastard yeah and then i was like i was like hey did i get anywhere she's like absolutely not no of course you didn't i was like oh man it's the same whether i'm sleeping or whether i'm fucking awake damn i got the same odds bro i got nothing man it's all good that's just the way it goes damn hey andrew can can you move that mic stand? We need to move.
Starting point is 00:00:45 That one? Just the mic? Yeah, just move it forward. Towards me? Oh, my God. Actually, just put it on the floor, please. Are we recording yet? I think so.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Oh, we've been recording for the last two minutes. Oh, hell yeah. Let's go. I think we've been. Oh, that's a long-ass cord. I think we've been recording. What? That's what she said. Yeah, they're moving all this shit in
Starting point is 00:01:05 front of us okay what's this intervention about again yeah so it's it's you know coming out intervention i thought i was gonna i had these big plans i was like i'm gonna come to la i'm gonna be somebody i'm like i'm gonna go down to los angeles i'm gonna tear shit up i'm gonna interview chuck liddell i'm gonna talk to this guy and that guy, and I'm going to see Bradley Martin, and it's going to skyrocket my social media. I had a whole thing. I was like, Bradley's going to tag me, and it's going to be on. It's going to be it. I'm going to be a multimillionaire.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I don't know. You fucking asshole. Can I swear on your podcast? I think so. I think you just did. Yeah, I did. I didn't edit it and beep it out. I think you're breaking all the rules.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Yeah, it's kind of what we do. Dude, what's up with you just ordering In-N-Out and not caring about the carbs? You don't care? I go through phases of caring. No, okay. Like, genuinely. I know we're joking about a lot of stuff, but no, I go through phases of caring. And normally the phases are like every just once in a while.
Starting point is 00:02:02 In-N-Out I don't think is that bad anyway. I mean, you got a lot of protein going on, right? We't think it's that bad anyway I mean you got a lot of protein going on right we can at least make that excuse Yeah it's yeah a lot of protein
Starting point is 00:02:09 There's a lot of protein What about the french fries shake chocolate shake Strawberry shake always strawberry shake Strawberry shake Sometimes Neapolitan
Starting point is 00:02:16 with like half the amount of chocolate But you've been having too much dairy lately Yeah Does that cause a lot of problems Dairy for me
Starting point is 00:02:23 for sure and this is like all jokes and everything aside, has always caused like sinus issues and stuff with me. Oh. Because I've always kind of have. I thought you were going to say uncontrollable flatulence. No. No, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I do fart a little bit more too. That would be more me. Impotence? No, no. Is that what you said? No, no, no. What'd you say? No, it's flatulence.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Wait, what? What? No, no, no. I you say no it's flatulence wait what what no no i'm good i'm good i'm good there um but man yeah so dude why did you want to why'd you beg me to be on this podcast what did you have to tell everybody yeah oh for me to be on your podcast this is really sad i don't know if he has a fake following or like i don't know what happened what so wait a minute what me begging you oh yeah for like i don't know, what, six months now? Seven months?
Starting point is 00:03:06 Oh, that was me. Yeah, I think so. It was me. Yeah, the text, the sliding into the DM. Okay. You slide into the DM fucking so hard, it's illegal. It's illegal. You can't slide in a home plate like that anymore.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Bro. Oh, it was me doing that. All right. You sure it wasn't? You sure? Yeah. Are you sure? It was you? It was me. It wasn wasn't? You sure? Yeah. It was you? It was me.
Starting point is 00:03:26 It wasn't you. You sure? Yeah. You still going to deny it? Yeah. You know, this guy, he's supposed to come up to super training gym. I was all excited. I was all excited.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I was all fired up. I had the biggest boner that I could get, which wasn't a whole lot going on. Four in, three coaches? Let's not stretch the truth okay i was doing the best i could and i was excited to have bradley up there finally to check out super training gym i had it all planned out i was like i'm gonna show him the gym i'm gonna show him these slingshots i'm gonna show him you know how we ship and how we do this and how we do that i'm gonna show them the podcast room that his boy Kev helped set up. Shout out to Kev. And my boy Andrew I've been working hard on.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And I'm going to show him all these things, and he's going to be excited, and he's going to be pumped up. Then we're going to do a bro sesh. Then I'm going to take him to dinner, and I'm going to have him meet the gay guy at Morton's that hooks me up. Lit. That hooks me up with tons of people. I heard about it.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I heard about it. Like I wanted to kiss me because I have a free gym. Damn. Anyway, I had it all planned out. I was going to change your life forever. I was going to give you the autograph and everything. Damn. And then I didn't show up.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm going to show you the Slinger Mansion. We were going to hot tub. Yeah. Like me and Furious Pete back in the day. I'm not even supposed to. I don't know if I was supposed to say that. No, it's all good. Sorry, Pete.
Starting point is 00:04:43 So. Omar. Wait, Pete doesn't know about that? Hmm? What? Pete didn't tell you? No, Pete and Omar, they don't know about i was supposed to say that no it's all good sorry pete so omar wait pete doesn't know about that hmm what pete didn't know pete and omar they don't know about each other oh damn unless i brought it up i just i think it's done now i think everyone knows about it now oh my god know about what wait what i don't want to talk about it let's not go down that road there's a loss i didn't show up yeah what happened? Oh, man. Quads were too sore? No.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I mean, I called you. We talked about it a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'll just tell you guys. I have really bad anxiety with flying. Even I went to the Ohio Expo. I was actually just telling Brandon about it. I'll sit in the plane. We're taking off.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And takeoff is kind of good. Okay. But I'm in my head. I have a really hard time with losing control. And then when you're in a thing that you literally have no control over, which is different because I know the odds of getting in an airplane crash versus a car crash is like you're for sure much more likely to die in a car. That sounds like bullshit, right?
Starting point is 00:05:38 But since I'm in the car and I'm driving, I'm like, but I got this. But I go to a plane and I'm like, I don't know what's going on. You don't know who's driving that thing. Yeah. So every time I go into a plane, I always look to the plane and I'm like I don't know what's going on you don't know who's driving that thing yeah so every time I go into the plane I always look to like the passenger not the passenger
Starting point is 00:05:47 the cockpit and I'm like these motherfuckers better be like on their shit do you guys need energy drink what you guys need but anyways
Starting point is 00:05:55 I go in the plane and I'll like I'll legit sit there and it's almost like I preemptively like psych myself out like I'm like you're gonna get anxiety
Starting point is 00:06:02 and I'm like in my head I'm like no you're not you're not gonna get anxiety so I just'm like, in my head, I'm like, no, you're not, you're not going to get anxiety. So I, I just avoided the whole thing, man, because even going to the Ohio,
Starting point is 00:06:10 I'm going to Ohio and I'm sitting there. I'm like, everything's good. Everything's fine. I'm real good. I'm healthy. I'm strong. And I'm sitting there and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:06:16 but are my hands getting pale right now? I'm getting pale right now. And I'm like, oh man, I think I'm sweating. And next thing you know, I'm sweating. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:06:22 and then I'm like, does my arm feel weird? Like this, this whole arm feels start freaking yourself out. And then I'm like, does my arm feel weird? Like this whole arm feels like weird and weak. And then I'm like, oh. And then I have to like talk to the person next to me to be like, just talk to me to get me out of this. So I'll genuinely tell you that like, I didn't want to fly because of that.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And anxiety is something that I've dealt with for a long time. And flying has always been like one of the number one things that trigger it. You know what? In your defense, fucking flying is not normal. You know, people talk about things being natural. Not natural.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Flying is definitely not natural. For sure, not natty. Not a natty phenomenon. I mean, you go in this fucking long tube with like 300 or 400 other people. It's like pressurized. It doesn't really make any sense. And they do pretty well most of the time. I mean know they don't have a lot of a lot of problems i think what fucked me up though is that i was on twitter like a week before and i saw this lady posted a picture
Starting point is 00:07:12 of like a uh a wing that had like the engine was like halfway blew up and she was like it was the scariest flight of my life and it was american airlines and i was like my flight's american airlines and i was like i don't want to fucking go that That's going to be me. I swear to God, dude. And so that like two weeks prior to leaving, I was thinking about that the whole time. I'm like, that fucking Twitter post. I'm going to have to send a Sprinter van down to get you. Yeah, and then we were talking about driving. And then I was like, it's so long.
Starting point is 00:07:35 It is far. Six hours there, six hours back. The drive there is always pretty good. Drive back is always bad. Because then it's like, you know, you've already done everything. And you're like, I got to go home now. What do you think the anxiety is about what do you think that's from man i don't know i've always i've always kind of dealt and struggled
Starting point is 00:07:52 with anxiety like my whole life and it as i've gotten older though you had it when you're real young you think yeah for sure no it wasn't the same it was just different i think when i was younger i didn't know what it was i was just like playing sports and stuff you play sports when you're growing up? I played football, yeah. And I would, I mean, same thing, like performance anxiety, anxiety to like to do good. But it was almost, that would kind of drive me to be a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Right. But I'm talking about like moments of anxiety that are like just completely outside of activity where like I'm just sitting there almost doing nothing and my mind kind of just like runs off. And then your heart just goes. Yeah, and I'll be like. Races, right? right and then i'll be like my heart will be racing like there's tons of times where i'll wake up in the middle of the night and be like i'm gonna have a fucking heart attack and uh like i think i don't know dude like three four weeks ago i ended up calling the calling the
Starting point is 00:08:37 ambulance and then the er the er people the ambulance people come up and they're like yeah you're good like what do you they put the ekG on me and they're like, what are you? And I'm like, well, I've dealt with anxiety. They're like, well, it's probably anxiety. But it is. It's a little embarrassing, man, to be honest, to really be honest. It's embarrassing. It's cool that you're able to share it.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Do you feel like you're paranoid about stuff? I think, man, if I'm being 100% honest, which I like to try and be my best always, I think my father dying when I was young and like the circumstances that it was in and I think I've always kind of had a fear of death
Starting point is 00:09:11 because of the permanence of it. Yeah. And like, because when you're a kid, you experience, and I think I might have talked to you a little bit How old was he?
Starting point is 00:09:18 I think he was 34 or 5 and I was 6. Yeah. So before that, obviously, like you hurt yourself and it's okay it gets better but then when you're then your your mom's like hey this is like a forever thing you're like oh shit there's no like i can't say okay i'm gonna go say bye you know you can't be like oh i'm gonna go like let me just hug you and then okay this is like so yeah yes yeah that is that is uh that is pretty heavy my wife's uh dad died when she was 10 and uh it reshaped her life forever she uh she is somebody that just is always like
Starting point is 00:09:54 you know what fuck it i'll do it myself so she puts a ton of pressure on herself to get things done and to do and to do things in a timely manner she's like andrew will attest to this she's one of the strongest people that you're, you'll ever meet. She can handle so many tasks at one time. And she's helped my life a ton. She's helped me a lot because she had to go through such a hard time. You know,
Starting point is 00:10:15 that was like, just really dropped a bomb on that family. When her dad passed, she was, she was 10 years old and she had to kind of forget forever from that point on say, you know, I can't really rely on anybody else.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I take care of myself. And so because of that, she became a swimmer. And because of that, she got a Division One scholarship. And because of that, she just kicks ass at everything she does. Yeah. And I'll tell you, man, like as I've gotten older, it's weird because like I don't think my anxiety and stuff has gotten worse. older it's weird because like i don't think my anxiety and stuff has gotten worse it just became more like um more relevant because as i've gotten older then and like i built these businesses and all the stuff that i'm doing like there's more people that like rely on me to be my best to be
Starting point is 00:10:55 myself to do better to like keep going to like yes because other people like you know pay salaries dude there's people that are that what's under their Christmas tree depends on you, right? Like that's, when you start thinking. And their food and their mortgage and their rent. You start thinking about that, you're like, what? Yeah. Wait, what am I doing? So I know all about that.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And then since I know all about that, it kind of like makes me be more like, fuck, I need to like make sure I'm good. I need to make sure this is good. I need to make sure I don't die. Yeah. You know, I don't want it to end for me because then it's ending for everyone. And then like, and I know that the people that are in my circle,
Starting point is 00:11:30 if worst case scenario, something like that happened to me, they could still be okay. They could still make it work. But I obviously, I have a lot of pressure internally to be like, but I know that I can make it better. And I've always kind of been that person that like, I can make it better. And I want to make everyone like me.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Or I want everyone, you know, I've always been that person. And I think being on social media, like you realize that you can't get everyone to like you. You can't always make it better. Because a lot of times it's just relying on someone else to identify whatever's going on in their life that they want to be better. And it's never someone else's like, someone else can't make something better for you. And I'm starting to learn it like, I can't make things better for everyone else. Even if I want to.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Even if it, you know, I think I to learn it like i can't make things better for everyone else even if i want to even if it you know i think i can you just fucking can't so i think that uh it's this control thing it has always been a control thing for me and like an ending thing like a loss right it being gone type thing yeah it's a it's a overextension yourself you're reaching too far if you're trying to help too many people too many different ways all you can really do is just kind of do your thing but but it is interesting because it's not your company has grown a lot the gym this gym has grown this gym is fucking awesome by the way anybody that ever has a chance to check it out whenever you're in the los angeles area have to check out zoo culture it's it's fucking awesome it's got everything you need to get stronger and then some um but there is a lot of pressure you know there's a lot of pressure to provide for the people that are
Starting point is 00:12:49 around you and there's a lot of pressure to you know even just even if it's just coming from yourself there's a lot of pressure a lot of people feel anxiety a lot of people feel anxiety about all kinds of different things we're in a world right now where you're in constant comparison to everybody else. Fuck, man. You know, years ago, you wouldn't be like, even just where we went today, I went to see Chuck Liddell, and the area that he lives in in Los Angeles is just absolutely insane. Now, if you were to go back like 50 years,
Starting point is 00:13:20 there would probably only be like 100 people in the United States that probably lived that way, period. Yeah. Well, now there's a few hundred people in this one, one small community in California and multiply that by whatever, right? There's a lot of people that are kicking ass. And so when you look to your left, when you look to your right, and when you try to not look anywhere, when you look even just down the middle, you're staring at somebody who's
Starting point is 00:13:43 successful, somebody who's got more followers than you, somebody who makes more money than you, or even if it's just a perception that you think that they're doing better than you, that can put you in a rough spot. Does some of that bother you? Do you feel like you should be further ahead? Sometimes, but no, not all the time. But I definitely know about that. I definitely, Sometimes, but no, not all the time. But I definitely know about that. I definitely, now in my life, a lot less, a lot less does that affect me. For sure, I'd say as Instagram started and as I kind of just got started, everything was like, it felt like it was a fucking race. 100%, it felt like everything I was doing was like, I got to make sure I'm the strongest or I do the craziest stuff or I do the craziest, whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And I got to keep going, I got to keep going. I felt like it was a race. or I do the craziest stuff or I do the craziest whatever and like I got to keep going I keep going I feel like it was a race and um I'd say in the last few years like a lot I feel a lot less of that which like I'm grateful for yeah and then but that is a race you're winning it because you you're you're out in front with a lot of you have a just a huge command of the community when I look at your your pictures um and your likes and your comments and stuff, the retention is unbelievable. Yeah. I mean, I'm grateful, man.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I think the thing that I would attribute that to, and it's crazy because me and Kevin have been talking about this since we went to the Arnold. Here we go. He's going to talk about his handsomeness. Everybody get ready. Everybody sit down. No, what everyone said to me is the same thing.
Starting point is 00:15:01 It's like you actually care. And it's funny because you think that that would is the same thing is like you actually care and it's funny because you think that like that would be the easiest thing for someone to do is just like actually give a fuck oh yeah what about when people tell you that you're real you're like oh 100 exactly so i hear this and i'm like i literally i'm not talking about i hear it once or twice i hear this like 50 to 100 times every time i go to an expo and i'm like who else like in my head i don't ask them because i don't i don't need to figure out who it is who else are they talking to that makes them feel not like that like that they're just like what the fuck because i feel like um and i think this
Starting point is 00:15:32 is why i've gotten more calm with like this whole race is that at the end of the day it's not about any of that shit it's just about are you affecting people are you helping people somehow because i think if you if you focus on giving and giving and, that people want to give back to people they felt like has been giving to them. Because never in your life are you going to be like, someone's done so much for you, and you're like, okay, fuck you. You're going to do something. You want to do something to make that person feel good
Starting point is 00:15:55 because they made you feel good. So I go to expos, and I do my best to give my time to every single person as much as I can, even though sometimes I'm being pushed around, like you've got to go over here, you've got to go over there. You give them 100%. I try and give 100% every time that I do it. And to hear that other people aren't baffles me
Starting point is 00:16:10 because this race mentality that I had, the thing that started to end that for me was like, the people who are in your life right now, whether it's 10,000 followers, a million followers, 10, 20 people next to you, like in your circle, as long as you like give to those people what you'd want to be given and i hate to say sound corny like this golden rule thing but it's so true like give what you want to receive like yeah give to these people
Starting point is 00:16:35 like if you because at some point you're not going to be in the best shape or at some point you're not going to be in the best situation or you're going to deal with something look at ct fletcher right and look how many look how many people are giving back to him right now when he needs it You're not going to be in the best situation. You're going to deal with something in your family. Look at C.T. Fletcher. Right? And look at how many people are giving back to him right now when he needs it, right? Because he's given so much. He's given a lot. And it's one of those things. It's just like I think all these influencers get so caught up with numbers,
Starting point is 00:16:56 and they get caught up in the race that they forget to realize that all these numbers are fucking people. It's a million people. It's not just a million numbers, and you're cool because you've got a million followers. That's the thing. They think of followers. I've got a million people it's not just a million numbers and you're cool because you got a million followers that's the thing they think of followers I got a million followers not like these are literally
Starting point is 00:17:08 a million people who have their own lives who've gone through their own issues the word itself is a little bit almost derogatory followers
Starting point is 00:17:15 like you're following me but it's really someone who like looks up to something you're doing right and if that person is like investing their time and their energy
Starting point is 00:17:21 into liking your pictures and engaging with you when you see them in person I feel like you need to fucking be there for that person because no one this is the this is the thing that really gets me man no one right gives a fuck about the thousand people that you talk to before them right i'm talking as the people who are coming to see me right i realize that every single person and i don't blame them one bit that's exactly how you should feel they don't think about the thousand people prior to them they think about them and
Starting point is 00:17:48 how much it matters to them because they're not thinking about everyone else's brains or everyone else's experiences they're thinking about the video that you did or the thing that you taught them that helped them change their life so they come to you and they want to talk to you and you're like you in your head you're like oh i talked to a thousand people i'm really fucking tired i want to go eat fuck off kid take a picture and get off that guy off. That guy's like, what the fuck? Like, I don't know. They're not thinking about all these other people. And that's what I don't understand. People in this industry, not all of them, obviously,
Starting point is 00:18:12 because like yourself, I know you don't do that to people, but they're just kind of like dismissive. If I ever did, I'd never meant anything by it. Absolutely. You know, maybe you caught me at a grumpy fucking time or whatever. And that's real as well. That's real as well.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I'm not going to say there's never moments where like, I'm running to the bathroom and I really have to pee. Yeah, yeah. You're holding your dick, yeah. So, but I just, I hear it so much that I'm like, it seems like it's,
Starting point is 00:18:34 there's more people doing that. Like, just get on. Like, get on, get on. And it's like these people, they, you know, people are like, I drove here just to see you. I drove here two hours.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I drove here three hours. I waited two hours in a line after driving two hours and I drove here just to see you and they left. And it's like, hours i waited two hours in a line after driving two hours and i drove here just to see you and they left and it's like if i'm not giving back because this is this is the thing that i always say and it bothers me man i'm not fucking brad pitt right and i like to use brad pitt because my name is brad and i think it'd be cool if i was in troy remake i don't know i mean i appreciate that thank you well but brad pitt or will or Will Smith or some famous person who was like famous because they did a thing or a musician is famous. And then they get a bunch of followers on the internet because they're like a famous musician.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Right. People in the fitness industry are all literally, there's no like, oh my God, this fitness industry television where you're the famous guy and now you got Instagram. And you've been doing that for years. the famous guy and now you got instagram and you've been doing that for years and i our fucking fame and popularity at least for the most part for most people is literally built on that path on that platform on that social media platform right so it's social media you're not giving to the people who are giving to you when they see you in person it's like what the fuck and there's so i feel like there's so many people who talk a big fucking game then they get they get to an expo and they're like shit i can't wait to just be there for two hours and get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:19:43 i want to go train or I want to go eat. I got my two-hour gap, whatever the fuck it is, and then they're out of there. And then they just say piss off to everybody on the way out. One of the people that I know, and I said this in one of my videos for the Arnold Expo, someone who did this really well passed away, Rich Piana. He was the dude who was like,
Starting point is 00:20:03 the motherfucker was there from the whole time. And he was there to the end, to the last person. He would sit on that couch if he got tired, but people would still come up while he was sitting the whole time and he was there to the end to the last person maybe he'd just like sit on that couch if he got tired but people would still come up while he was sitting on the couch and he was just chilling
Starting point is 00:20:09 yeah so I gotta say RIP to him man cause he was one of the people that I saw doing that in the very beginning when I kinda started and I was like
Starting point is 00:20:16 damn I wanna do that he had a huge crowd of people yeah and he was like I remember we'd leave the expos and I would always
Starting point is 00:20:22 see him he'd always be like leaving the expo doing the same thing like on the way out stop stop take a photo stop take a photo and I would always see him. He'd always be leaving the expo, doing the same thing on the way out. Stop, stop, take a photo, stop, take a photo. And I just have a lot of respect for that. Because these people, they've given us what we have. They buy the slingshot.
Starting point is 00:20:35 They buy the products. They buy my apparel. They do these things that I'm like, I'm living a fucking dream. And I literally get to work out and lift weights and do gym bro stuff that i've done my whole life and people like allow me to make a living doing it you just get to make up weird workouts or fun things that you want yeah it's just it's it's crazy man and and i don't know this makes me want to talk about another topic which is so many people coming up to me and saying i want to do what you're doing i want to do what you're doing what there's so many and it's so
Starting point is 00:21:02 saturated how do i do it what you know and I like I talked to a kid at for like maybe like 35 minutes this Asian guy sitting next to me just crushing everybody
Starting point is 00:21:11 behind him I love that that's the best like he's crushing no no no this is not oh it's not an expo this was not the expo
Starting point is 00:21:18 no normally it's like every once in a while I get that in an expo and it just kills everybody behind him but yeah I see it happens to me too
Starting point is 00:21:24 but this was at the airport. So at the airport, I talked to him for such a long time and he, he was so like, Oh, but there's so many people who do it. Like, how can I be successful?
Starting point is 00:21:32 Like why me and all this stuff? And I'm trying to sit there and tell him like everything we just kind of talked about, about like figure out what, what it is that matters to you, what your message is and how to like portray that to people. And then just give a shit about like being a human, being a human with other humans. Cause all success, I think at the end of the day comes that to people. And then just give a shit about being a human. And being a human with other humans. Because all success, I think, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:21:48 comes down to that. Like, you being able to... We're talking about Drake, right? His trainer came in here. Why, in my opinion... Look how cool those guys were. Super cool. But why, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:21:59 this is my opinion, why do I think Drake is one of the best rappers? Not necessarily because he's the best lyricist, but because his content is so fucking relatable right what he sings about like how he sings about or how he raps about it is this like whether it be like something with a girl or success or something you could be like you can vibe to it you can relate to it because you feel like you can apply some of the things or some of the vibes or some of the feelings to your life right so that's what i'm saying like all success is about is about human interaction with other like how can you make
Starting point is 00:22:24 someone else feel good about themselves? Just like you want to feel good about yourself. So when I talk to people like this at the airport, and he's like, oh, so many people. It just feels like it's too late. Oh, you guys know each other, and they feel like an outsider or whatever. And I always tell them the same thing. It's like, but there's only one of you, and you just got to figure out what's special to you and how to show other people and keep doing it year after year after year after year and then eventually you're one of those people
Starting point is 00:22:49 that you thought were cool you just something just has to matter to you and i think people get so caught up in oh i need a i need to do some crazy lift or i got to be some strong guy and it's like yeah that might get people in the door but that's never going to keep people there right what's going to happen in five years when it's like you can't do those things, you can't continue to be that person, why are people still connecting with you? It's going to be because of how you fucking affect them as a person. Because I can tell you straight up, all my success has, yeah, I got these cool videos that people saw,
Starting point is 00:23:19 but that's never why people said they went and bought anything. No one was like, I bought it because you're really strong, bro. Because you jumped up on a box. Or you jumped out of a pool. That was really cool. All the conversation goes from there to like, and then I saw this video where you talked about your dad dying. And I saw this video where you talked about loss. And I saw this video where you talked about purpose.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And I saw this video where you talked about motivation. Then I was like, you changed my life. And they said you changed my life. And that to me is like, that's why there's success. That's why I have success. It's because I cared about like sharing things that I went through in my life through my own eyes and my own experience and my perspective and just trying to talk about it so someone else can maybe get something from it. You got to give 10X, you know, before you get one thing back.
Starting point is 00:24:00 You know, you got to give a lot. And I think that's one thing. Thanks for letting me talk so long by the way oh i don't i was on i'm sorry no that's no it's good i mean sometimes part of doing this podcast is just shutting the fuck up every once in a while i feel like i had an event fuck i feel like if i'm good at anything that that that probably is it you know i i feel like in the powerlifting community i've been able to take some people that maybe other people haven't heard about before and whatever light is shining on me. I feel like I do a pretty good job of pointing it in their direction, whether it's putting
Starting point is 00:24:32 them on power magazine or getting them on this podcast, uh, that have going for a few, a few years now. But I think that a lot of, a lot of people just don't understand that you do have to give a lot of yourself before you really get much back. And it might mean that you're giving stuff away for free, or it might be that you do have to give a lot of yourself before you really get much back. And it might mean that you're giving stuff away for free, or it might be that you're giving away your time. I mean, time is the most valuable asset that we have. And when you give people your time, you will get everything you want back and then some. And so that's something for people to think about and consider. If you want to get into this community and you want to be a part of this,
Starting point is 00:25:04 then you're going to have to figure out, people find your passion they say that a lot and it's kind of like uh fuck i'm confused i don't know what i'm passionate about it just has to be something that you really like if you really like doing it then odds are you'll find yourself doing it for free uh like andrew exactly we got to lot exactly we gotta make sure we're not talking about jerking off because everyone always got the jerk off joke like well I like to jerk off
Starting point is 00:25:27 so I'll just do it all the time yeah it's not gonna turn into money guys unless you start webcamming and that's a whole nother story unless you really are going to pound town maybe
Starting point is 00:25:34 you might be the guy you might be the guy maybe you'll make it rain yo you might be the guy wait we got a different show going on here who cares
Starting point is 00:25:41 but it's real though because I mean the reality is someone could make that their job if they really wanted to if you got creative enough if you really wanted to you would need a butt plug and you need a spotter oh my god you need a spotter for sure yeah you need a lot a lot of some cialis you get wait what some cialis this today's podcast is sponsored by it's not sponsored by that though but oh it should be
Starting point is 00:26:06 yeah it should be for sure no i think that's a really important message and i think a lot of people also like at those trade shows when you mentioned that they don't they sometimes don't care about the other people in front of them or the other people behind them or even the individual who's communicating with these people maybe he's not really thinking of all the people that are in line. A lot of it boils down to perspective. What is it like for you to be in their shoes? Why don't you kind of put yourself in that person's shoes? That's why I said it.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Because I totally understand. The person is not thinking. I get it. Because when I think, when I have anxiety, and I'm like, I'm thinking about, I just want to not feel this. And I'm not saying that's how these people think. But most people, they're consumed with what's in their head. I mean, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:26:53 So everything we do is like something going on in our head. So they're in their own head and it's like they want to see this person that means the world to them. And of course, I don't expect them to think about the fucking 100 people or the 50 people or the 20 people prior. It's just not, especially in an event where they're like, oh, super excited i can't wait to i'm gonna tell them this i'm gonna tell them this and then sometimes people come up to me like oh i fucking don't i don't know what to say and i'm like man just talk to me right and then and then like almost like making it feel like okay to just say whatever then then it all comes out yeah you know because people get there i don't know i guess it's weird because I never,
Starting point is 00:27:25 who, I don't know, I had that once with The Rock. Yeah. So I did experience that once. Did he give you a rock bottom? No, but I,
Starting point is 00:27:32 People's elbow? He was, he ran out the gym, right? And then like, I chased him and then I hit the corner and I was like, well,
Starting point is 00:27:37 I just want to get a photo with you. And I think because I said, I just want to get a, oh, sorry. I just want to, so I said, I want to shake your hand.
Starting point is 00:27:43 And I think because I said, I want to, I just want to shake your hand. Then when I went to shake his hand, I said, I want to shake your hand. And I think because I said, I want to, I just want to shake your hand. Then when I went to shake his hand, I was like, oh man, you're the best. And that was it. Because I looked at him, he looked at me like, I didn't say, I want to, I want to read it at this. I didn't say, I want to take a photo with you. I said, I want to just shake your hand.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And so when I said, I want to just shake your hand, that's all I did. And then I shook his hand and he almost looked at me like, is this guy going to ask me for a photo or not? It was totally the look he had on his face. And I was like, okay, bye. And I never took that photo. But I tweeted him later. He tweeted me like, next time I see you, we'll take a photo.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I'm like, fuck yeah, The Rock tweeted me. How long ago was that? Oh, bro. It was last year. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think those guys are expecting that sometime.
Starting point is 00:28:19 You know? Yeah. Yeah. And I guess all I'm really saying is like, I get it. I get why people don't think about everyone else yeah and i'm fine with it i'm just like i guess i wish more of the influences would be like would understand that instead of because they're they just go i guess when i go into that situation when i go to an expo i know that like i'm not going to be the most comfortable like uh
Starting point is 00:28:40 i may be really hungry i may be tired i may need some more water but i'm not going to let those things affect my interaction with some person who doesn't really they're not thinking about that and I don't fucking blame them because they're thinking about just talking to me and sharing their story
Starting point is 00:28:50 and so I go in there knowing they're like I'm gonna be tired as shit after the next three days because I'm gonna give it my all and I'm gonna be sick because half the time I get sick when I go
Starting point is 00:28:58 to these expos afterwards and then because you shake a million hands and you know kiss babies and stuff I think I kissed like one baby do you ever kiss babies? not like in a weird and stuff. I think I kissed like one baby. Do you ever kiss babies?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Not like in a weird way, just like, you know. I kissed a baby, yeah. Did you? This year was my first baby kissing. Damn. Hell yeah. You're like the president now. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I feel like it. It's pretty much shake hands, kiss babies. I feel like it. I go into those events knowing that that's what it is. So I guess I just wish more influencers would go in knowing that just man the fuck up or woman the fuck up for one, two, three days and just like give them 100%. Something I noticed that I haven't noticed in the past is that the people in line, once they heard you interacting with the person that was in front of them, they kind of creeped forward a little bit, which I thought was good because then you're getting more for
Starting point is 00:29:41 your time because then they were kind of creeping in. It might have been a question they had or it might have been a similar story. I get a lot of people that have weight loss stories. So they'll come up and say, I lost 50 pounds or whatever. And the guy behind them or the girl behind them has a similar story. And so therefore, whatever I'm spitting out to that person, the person behind them is kind of hearing some of it too. And then each person is just that much more aware of each person's mission, each person's goal, each person's perspectives.
Starting point is 00:30:07 There's a lot of different things going on. When it comes to anxiety, is there something that you're not doing that you feel anxiety over? More. Or do these things just come out of? More. I feel like I'm not doing enough. Right. That's honestly what it is. Even when I do the most, I feel like i'm not doing enough right that's honestly what it is i like even when i do
Starting point is 00:30:27 the most i feel like i didn't do enough and i've always felt that way my whole life so that's important to know because i i don't feel that way and that doesn't mean that i'm accomplishing more than you that just means that whatever i'm made out of i don't that doesn't register that much with me and i've i have a different lifestyle than you do i have a family i got a wife and kids and like that's like number one and then everything else is like number seven behind that and it's just it's just it's just different right but it doesn't mean that i'm accomplishing more than you because i'm not like i'm anxious because i gotta do a b c d uh for me i think for me i think what helps is that uh i've always been fucking slow at everything you know even when it came to school like i was always behind and so uh for something to take
Starting point is 00:31:12 longer is very normal for me and i don't feel like i need to really rush anything any ideas or any inventions i've ever had the slingshot push-up uh which we just released at the arnold classic is an idea i had four years ago um so there's a lot of things like that that have just been swirling around even the gym super training i had the gym idea probably since i was i don't know 14 15 ever since i've stepped into a commercial gym i've had the idea and so for me a lot of times it takes a lot of a lot of uh just whatever the fuck's going on my head it takes a long time time for these things to go from my head to paper to actually being like a finished product.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Do you feel like you're in a rush to get more messages out or get more products out or something? Yeah, I don't know. I think it's a message thing. And I think, I don't know why I feel like I have, like I said, I think it has to do with my childhood and things ending. And just being like,
Starting point is 00:32:07 I know that I can get in a car and I could be in a car accident. Right. Shit happens. My fucking, my ex-girlfriend of like, on and off, I never really talk about this too. I don't talk about it.
Starting point is 00:32:17 On and off for like six years. Like the last six years. Yeah. Was an ER nurse. So you talk about things, you hear perspective of like the craziest kind of shit possible at ucla too which is like the craziest yeah of all hospitals in california um you just know that like anything could fucking happen so for me i feel like while i'm here now i need to get all this shit done right so that i can so that
Starting point is 00:32:38 i can put out the best message so that i can like reach the most amount of people because for me that's always been like my biggest driving thing is like the Maya Angelou quote, like people will never like remember exactly what you said, but they'll remember how you made them feel. And like, I always like, that's like the thing that's always ringing in the back of my head or like what I'm trying to do with like everything in my life. Because just because I've been in positions where like I know that I've really felt like shit and I've really felt bad, and I've really felt bad. Like, just,
Starting point is 00:33:06 ah, fuck. And the, it's just like not wanting other people to experience that. At least, knowing that they will, everyone's going to experience some of that.
Starting point is 00:33:17 But like, trying to, trying to like, almost know that it's going to be okay. Whether or not you experience it or not right now, or you're going to experience it, like,
Starting point is 00:33:24 know that like, you will experience it and that it's okay and that I'm going to be okay. Whether or not you experience it or not right now, or you're going to experience it, know that you will experience it, and that it's okay. And that I'm trying to be like, I've been in the shittiest positions. I felt the shittiest. I've experienced all these anxiety, depression, all this bullshit that does not feel good. But I'm still happy.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I still feel good now. And I think a lot of times people get so caught up in shit because my father took his life, and I wish me now could have had a conversation with him then. Right. I got you. This is some heavy shit, man. And when it comes to the people that are listening to this show, I think it's important that people, a lot of people think it's a negative thing to get help.
Starting point is 00:34:01 A lot of people think it's a negative thing to try to get some professional help. And most of the people that I know have, have gone to professionals, have gotten help. And again, when we're talking about anxiety, it's not something you can really talk about lightly. I do think that activity, I do think diet, I do think some of these things can help a little bit, but if, but if you're bipolar or if or if you have like really severe anxiety or severe depression um you're more than likely you're going to need to get some help and it's not a negative thing it's a positive thing yeah because you there's just some things inner workings man that you have to try to figure out a way uh can you maybe get them a tissue yeah um you know there there's um it's just for some reason it's like frowned upon you know to go get help and it's frowned upon for us as dudes 100 especially because we're we're all
Starting point is 00:34:53 jacked and we were so fucking good looking and rock solid just you bro and so strong you know people uh people don't want to cry. Yeah, that was good. People are scared to cry. People are scared to, you know, talk about their fears or talk about, I mean, I was just talking in the gym the other day to some people. Like, there's been some really just fucking horrible conversations I've had to have with my wife. You know, they're way too private for me to talk about in a setting like this. But anybody that's in a relationship knows like
Starting point is 00:35:25 there's just things man you you got to really sometimes drag yourself through some dirt and for me i have my wife with me so it's it's uh it's it's a little bit different we can kind of go through stuff together and as long as we continue to communicate then everything's all good but a lot of people don't have another person like that a lot of people are uh scared to go get some help and they really should yeah like if you have anxiety that doesn't make any sense like if you can't make sense of it if if you i mean look for a guy like yourself you're in good shape people would look at your instagram they'd look at the different things you're doing they'd be like if this guy has fucking anxiety then we we all should have it. Like, what is this guy? What is this guy worried about?
Starting point is 00:36:08 Right? Like that's what they're going to look at from the outside. Right. And so anybody who's listening to this message that really struggles and it's not really adding up, there's no drugs or alcohol in the mix, or there's no, um, you know, I'm, I'm not a fucking doctor by any means, but I do think that people should just take the responsibility. Even if you're just listening to this and you know someone is in this spot, you should communicate with them and say, hey, man, I think maybe I'm overstepping my boundaries. Maybe they'll hate you. Advise them to get some fucking help. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Because I really make a big difference. Yeah. For the last, like, I don't know, a few months, like all my close friends have been like yo you should go see a therapist like you know i love you and everything you should see a therapist and like i just recently started going and like after the first time i felt so much better dude you're gonna feel fucking i'm proud of you you're gonna feel fucking bulletproof about a year from now yeah i mean i mean i i look now i look forward to it yeah because it can be gut-wrenching at first and i'll be honest it was super like uh fucking you know uh fucking i'm being a pussy
Starting point is 00:37:10 or you know like i can't i just figure it out myself yeah this is weird on this guy on the couch yeah and the shrink i'm like i do this all the time on my podcast you fucker no yeah no but it's uh dude it's it felt so good because um i would consider myself like a really rational thinker. And then I started talking to this lady who's my therapist. And she's like, she's super rational as well. I mean, she's normal. I don't know. She's my therapist, bro.
Starting point is 00:37:36 That's kind of hot, man. Even if she's like a six, it's like an eight just because she's your therapist. No, I'm not. You tell her all your problems. I've seen this before. I can't do it right't i've seen this documentary before oh my god no but it just have someone to like to to explain something to you like from a way different perspective than you're used to constantly seeing it which is like even though it doesn't even have to be a therapist but someone else in your life who can like give you an outside unbiased perspective yeah there
Starting point is 00:38:00 you go it's so damn important man like because you a lot of times what happens in life is like especially social media you'll'll notice this happening. People, you know, you're sitting in a group of friends and you guys all believe this one thing and it just kind of perpetuates the same ideas. And on social media, you're like, even with algorithms, things you like, you see more of. Things you talk, comment about, you see more of.
Starting point is 00:38:21 So it's like you're constantly being fed the same thing you kind of already know versus some outside view of something being like well have you looked at it this way and then like she was moments when with this lady and she was like well what about this and i was like oh fuck i didn't think of it that way right and then it changed my perspective you just need that so that's not like a you know your bros always be like you know let's say if it's a girl probably be like yeah fuck that bitch she's fucking right she's no good for you, man. Or girls be like, oh, he's no good for you. He's a dog. But versus someone being like, well, what about all these other things?
Starting point is 00:38:49 And have you looked at it like this? And, you know, maybe you have. And then what about these? Maybe this is how this is making that person feel. Exactly. And people just, they tend to just look to their closest people. And a lot of times, like, guys or girls will look to their girls or their guys or their friends. And those people are always going to be, like, on their side. So it's not unbiased. It's very biased. They always going to be like on their side yeah so it's not unbiased it's very biased i'm gonna be like oh yeah he's
Starting point is 00:39:08 no good for you fuck that guy or oh she's a bitch they're not gonna jump on the other person's side and look at it from that perspective so having some outside perspective guys is like if you really feel like you need something like this in your life don't wait i waited for so long yeah i waited for a long time because i did i I did a, it was called Sand Trade when I was a kid where you sat, basically like, I just played with figurines
Starting point is 00:39:28 in the sand and like little army characters and stuff like this. And there's a therapist who just talked to me for like hours. So I did that a ton when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:39:36 after my father's death and then like, I was like, oh, this is stupid because I got a little bit older. And then as I'm older and I'm doing the same thing
Starting point is 00:39:43 just without the, I wish the army things were still there. I still fucking do it but now i'm like look this is this is helping me like i left there like with a smile on my face i was like ready to fucking get on twitter and say something inspirational shit because i felt really good yeah and uh yeah man i just i just think i i think and i wish more people would just talk about their problems because you're right man with this whole social media thing it's very like everyone posts their highlight reel everyone posts everything that's perfect and right and going good and no one it's like it's almost like everyone else is looking at all these people that they follow and look up to and like holy shit that guy's life's perfect
Starting point is 00:40:15 my life is like fucked and then they're afraid to talk about with other people because they're used to everyone else being like amazing life instagram my amazing photo and but then they're like well and they almost feel like they get like closed or they get trapped in this like well fuck my life's not like that right and they're afraid to talk about it because they know everyone else is seeing the same person that they're looking up to and they're like that person is just is great and like i want to be great and if i want to be great i gotta i gotta look great and i gotta be great and i gotta like not have any problems because they don't look like they have problems and it's just not fucking real right this is not the reality so true yeah anyways i think you know in general i think a lot of us could do a better a better job of uh of looking within ourselves you know without
Starting point is 00:40:56 being too deep and without getting uh without getting all weird you know there's um i think that people need need to look within themselves you know like. We go in the gym and we smash it and we work out. Bradley's stuffing his fat face right now. Oh, my God. With the biggest bite of In-N-Out burger that I've seen. I'm listening, though. You eat pussy like that? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:41:17 I do. I'm listening, though. Yeah, I will in a second for sure. We're always working out and we're always like working on ourselves and we're working on, if you just think about it in simplest terms, we're working on our outer self, right? We're working on like the way that we look. We're working on our appearance.
Starting point is 00:41:36 But when you talk about martial arts and when you talk about, you know, I was just talking name drop. I was just talking to Chuck Liddell. And immediately the first thing that he talked about before he talked about martial arts was how it's a mind-body-spirit connection. And that's never really mentioned. No one really talks about that in fitness.
Starting point is 00:41:55 We don't even realize it. Mark, you want to know something? We don't realize that this is healing us. Not for health purposes, but it's healing us mentally. You know what my logo stands for i just explained to that guy the zoo no the bm fit diamond oh god it's three things you just said plus one more so the things that i think are really important for like a person mind body spirit heart like and heart being the thing that like almost like your ability to be
Starting point is 00:42:23 like i'm gonna fucking overcome this because it means a lot to me right spirit um being the thing that like, almost like your ability to be like, oh, I'm going to fucking overcome this because it means a lot to me. Spirit being the thing like your connection with like the rest of the world, like energy, like the vibes, feelings. Like when you talk to someone, you're like, I don't know about that fucking guy. It felt kind of weird. Yeah. Why does that happen sometimes? I mean, mind and body, obviously.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Physical, body, mind, mental. Connected. So those are, it's funny how you say those things. Those are literally three of the things that, in my original logo, the colors represented those three things to me. And then the four, those four things, excuse me. And then the four diamonds were each one of those four things. I gotcha.
Starting point is 00:42:57 And the logo for the zoo was these four diamonds. They're just four different triangles, right? Different shapes. I wanted to like mesh that into this, but have it let it be its own separate thing. Right. And then originally you think of zoo and you think of animals and people. Right. So first off, the BM Fit, my initial thing was about being the best person.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And I thought those four things are important to be the best person or the best version of yourself. Like working on those things. Because some people are better here, better there. Making those things the best possible for you. And then i put into the gym situation was like okay what like what matters and the idea of like zoo you think of animals you think of people being like well beasts and stuff but it's more like you're a different type of animal you're a different type of animal everyone is a different type of person that has different goals different dreams different
Starting point is 00:43:41 aspirations different different weaknesses different dreams, different aspirations, different weaknesses, different strengths. And then the idea that we're in a place trying to create a culture, and this red bar is the idea that no matter what type of animal we are, no matter what type of goals we have, no matter black, white, whatever, doesn't matter, skin color, we're all human. The red line, the blood line, we're all human. And we're all in this together trying to be better. That's cool. So like the individual and the gym setting,
Starting point is 00:44:04 then being in the culture and the group setting. Right. So that's why I tried to blend the two. And that's the conversation I had with the dribble guy out there. Yeah. So I just thought it was interesting when you said those three things. Yeah. Those dudes just rolled up and like each guy's got like a million followers.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Homies, man. But yeah, it's great when you run into people that don't need anything. I think sometimes guys that are in a position like yourself and guys that are in a position like myself, a lot of times that is what we run into. You run into people that kind of need stuff. But right away, there's just a lot of sharing going on. You were talking to them about certain connections that you have.
Starting point is 00:44:41 They were talking to you about certain connections that they have. I was hooking them up with slingshots and hip circles before they can even, uh, before they can even, you know, you want some free shit. Yeah. Before they can even,
Starting point is 00:44:52 even buy an energy drink, you know, as I was giving them the full court press right away. Um, but then also in return, you know, they're telling me I can hook you up with this guy. I can hook you up with that.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Get you free stuff for your gym. It's like, I just meant them four seconds ago, but it's because none of us have to hang anything over each other's heads and and there's a there's a connection between all of us that is like almost unsaid but it is that that there's been a mind body spirit connection through physical fitness through training ourselves the one guy a little bit more so basketball than actual like lifting um but it's all it's all very similar and and a lot i think you know people people see me at coffee shops here and there and they they stop and they'll talk to me like what the fuck are you doing you know they don't know why i'm at a fucking coffee shop but
Starting point is 00:45:40 i'd rather do my thinking kind of outside. I like being out of my house. And I like just being out and about. And I like just being around people. I like the noise of it. Even though a lot of times I'll wear headphones, listen to music or whatever. But I like to just think. And I think not enough people are just thinking. So whether you are depressed or have anxiety or even if you don't have any of those things,
Starting point is 00:46:04 I think it's still your job to fucking think and not just be a meathead not just go in the gym and just train people need to stop working out so much and need to work in they need to work inside themselves more yeah and they don't ever fucking go in there at all i mean i know a lot of people like i'll get i'll get some i've had people on the podcast before we got nothing nothing to talk about. Cause it's fucking scary for most people. Cause like confronting like who you really are inside is always like your deep, like your deep secrets. It can be what's really inside of you. Yeah. It can be, it can be gut wrenching, but I do, I do highly advise for people to whatever is going to get you there, whatever will get you to the,
Starting point is 00:46:42 to that mode and to feeling in that way, whether it's certain types of music or whether it's certain types of messages that you hear on YouTube, whether it's listening to you or listening to me or listening to anybody who speaks of motivation or anyone who talks psychology, any of these kinds of things, they can get you in a mode where you're doing a little bit of soul searching. And what people will find is that when they work on themselves, they work on, it's called personal development. When you work on personal development, you will be a stronger person. You will be a better person and you'll be somebody that'll be able to monetize your life very easily. Things will come to you with a snap of a finger. I'm sure people, I mean, a lot of times, like even
Starting point is 00:47:23 with the gym, the zoo culture thing, I'm sure it probably didn't take that much thought hey what are you gonna name boom zoo culture like it probably there's probably been a bunch of examples like that when you name a particular supplement or when you name a new line of whatever you probably just almost just have it because you've already done some of that i mean yeah it's like the things you do so much work over the years and you think so much about where you want to eventually be that sometimes things feel like they come natural, but it's really just you've been thinking about it for so long. So I think it does all start up here, man.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And I mean, if you just take it even physically, like bodybuilding, powerlifting, like where does it all start? Everything starts from a signal from your brain to your arms, your hands, your legs. And it's just like that's a real specific physical signal. But the same thing for the rest of your life. How do you think anyone accomplishes anything? It's not just by just doing shit.
Starting point is 00:48:12 It's about thinking of it before it becomes a reality, always. You got to the gym in the first place because you had some sort of inferior thought. Absolutely. You thought, I'm not built enough to go talk to i'm not really i'm not built enough to go talk to that chick or i'm not built enough to like fight that guy or whatever yeah i want to talk about this too because a lot of people always do this uh and one of the things that gets me man is like finding out your why and people always tend to like you know why are you working out oh uh i want to look better okay well like it's deeper than that right it's always deeper than
Starting point is 00:48:42 that well why do you want to look better oh i than that. Well, why do you want to look better? Oh, I want to feel better. Well, why do you want to feel better? People, I get so afraid to say the thing is like, I just don't feel good about myself. Because when I was in, you know, two years ago, this girl dumped me and cheated on me with this guy who was bigger and more jacked. And no one wants to share that story. Like, fuck them.
Starting point is 00:48:58 And it really- Bigger and more jacked. Whatever. He always has a huge cock. Whatever, exactly, something. And you're just like- Every story ends with that. It begins with it i don't hear with
Starting point is 00:49:05 it i never hear that i just want to point that out anyways um but the but the problem is this is just like people they no one wants to like get like obviously i don't expect everyone to share that with me whatever your deep thing is but i want you to think about what really is making you do what you're doing today like training or trying to be a pilot or trying to be a youtuber like why are you doing it once you figure that out and you lock that in you're trying to be a pilot or trying to be a YouTuber. Like, why are you doing it? Once you figure that out and you lock that in, you're able to be like, this is what's really driving me. That's when you have so much fucking energy to never stop. Because everyone's like, oh, how do I stay motivated?
Starting point is 00:49:32 And, you know, I do it for six weeks and I'm like, fuck this shit. And it's like, you got to get to that. Like, why the fuck you do anything? People, like, they just go, I want to be stronger. No, that's not why. That's fucking not why. That's just never the fucking reason. I just want to be stronger because it, that's not why. That's fucking not why. That's just never the fucking reason. I just want to be stronger because it's cool.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Well, why is it cool? What does it mean? How is it cool? It's cool because, oh, you're tough or people think you're strong. Okay, well, why? Why does it matter to you? Why the fuck does that matter? No one goes deep enough to be like, well, it matters to me because when I was in this
Starting point is 00:49:59 grade, someone treated me like I was this and I felt like shit and I cried every night for fucking three weeks. Okay, now we're getting somewhere. No, exactly. No one talks about that because they want to hide it away. They want to be like, no, this didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:50:09 They want to not tell anybody. They want to make it so it's not real. It's fucking real and if it happens to you, use that to fucking benefit you. Like anyone great in this world done great things
Starting point is 00:50:17 because they've been through something. I'm not saying you can't do great things because you've never gone through anything but you need to find a real reason why
Starting point is 00:50:23 you're doing what the fuck you do. Otherwise, otherwise you're gonna get unmotivated in six weeks in one year in two years you're gonna be like oh i hit a plateau and i'm just like you know fucking now and i don't know why it's like you got to figure out what's that thing that started you in the fucking first place you always talk about remember why you started not just stronger bigger leaner there's a reason why you don't feel good about yourself what is that reason? And then once you figure that out, you never get unmotivated. Because you can look back on when you felt that way and be like,
Starting point is 00:50:53 now fuck that, I'm never feeling that way again. And then you prove that to yourself. And people don't do that. They're just like, I want to hide that shit away, lock that bitch up and never talk about it. It's a whole nother level. It's not even like motivation. Like you feel on fire.
Starting point is 00:51:05 No, it's like. When you tap into shit like that. Exactly. exactly that's the kind of shit like i'll be ready to pull a delif and i'll think about the my father and losing my father what it felt like to me and the fact that when i get older i want to have two kids i want to be there for my fucking kids and how much how much like almost anger not in a sense i'm mad right but anger in a sense of like i'm gonna fucking do this and everything that i do right now is for that is for that to be everything that I've always wanted it to be because I didn't have it. So I can think of that moment and I could be in tears before I'm about to hit a fucking deadlift and rip that shit off the fucking floor because it matters to me. Not because I want to lift weight.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Because it fucking matters to me. Not, oh, this is so cool because it really means something to me. It's not the deadlift. It's not the squat. It's like this shit means something to me, my heart, my body, everything. Everything that I am as a person, it means something to me, my heart, my body, everything. Everything that I am as a person, it means something to me. And that's why I've always done all the shit that I've done.
Starting point is 00:51:52 That's why I still try and be better. But that's also why then I get carried away and I'm like, fuck, I need to keep doing all these things because I want to reach enough people. I had a kid come up to me the next morning. He's like, oh, man, you're like a dad to me. You're like a father figure to me. Because he grew up similar. His father wasn't there. His father didn't up similar with the, his father wasn't there. His father didn't take his life,
Starting point is 00:52:06 but his father was not there. And he told me, and I'll be honest, man, that was one of the most fulfilling moments of my life. When someone tells me something like that, because that's all I've ever wanted to give back. I wanted to give that feeling that I didn't have. Like, because I would see it with my friends,
Starting point is 00:52:20 and my friends had it, because I would go hang out with their family, their dad, and see that. And he'd give some to me too, as like, you know, it's the older gentleman would be like, oh, good job with this or that, like sports or some shit. But it was never my dad. And I was like, damn, I want what that is. And I never had it.
Starting point is 00:52:39 So being able to give that back to people was the most rewarding thing in my life, man. And that's what drives me now. It's extremely powerful. I think a lot of times, you of times people think about willpower. And like you said, with motivation, their motivation will waver. Your willpower will waver. All these things, they'll come and go. But you have to build habits.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And your habits can be built through whatever goal it is that you set out. But if you don't dig deep, if don't like dig deep, if you don't go a couple of questions deep on yourself, I always tell people, you find out that people don't know what the fuck they're talking about. As soon as you go three questions deep. Oh, always, you know, the biggest,
Starting point is 00:53:12 Oh my God, this goddamn fucking industry. It could be, it could be anything. Like if someone says, Oh, I love doing dynamic effort squats. And you're like,
Starting point is 00:53:19 why exactly? And then you go three questions deep and they don't have an answer. They don't know why they're doing it. And you're like, fuck man. Okay. We don't really know. I mean's it's a it's a uh it's a principle that the russian weightlifters used to use called the principle of awareness like they they had to know what they were doing and why they were doing it because otherwise why would they
Starting point is 00:53:36 care yeah why would you care what you're fucking real if i told you to use 55 if you really don't know why if you don't know the intent, how are we going to, nothing great has ever been done without intent. There has to be an intention. If I tell you to go shoot 50 free throws after practice every day, if I don't explain it to you why and how I want you to execute that, Bradley, your free throw percentage sucks compared to these other guys. The end of the game, they're going to foul you,
Starting point is 00:54:05 and we're going to lose a fucking game unless you learn how to make these free throws. We can win some big-time games if you learn how to make these free throws. Now, when you shoot these free throws, I want you to think about your elbow. I want you to think about your—you go over the whole fucking thing. You communicate exactly what it is that you want. Now you know how. Now you know why. And when you sit there and you got how now you know why and when you sit there and you got through 50 of them what are you gonna do you'll be like hey coach i did 60 of them
Starting point is 00:54:30 and it then becomes habit it becomes a habit and then it's anchored in and it's the same thing you said earlier about you meet some people and like they people who might be somewhat on that page with you they just mesh with you and it's there's no like friction and it's weird almost it is because you're like why is this happening right now it's just so simple why is this also and you're like yeah this is feel this is like exactly what i needed and that only starts to happen when you when you're fucking honest with yourself and when you when you go through all the things that you know you really need to go through but you've been avoiding for so long and you just say fucking do it and then you meet people and then it's just it it meshes man it blends you need to have your head
Starting point is 00:55:03 down you need to be fucking doing the shit that you're supposed to do when you don't normally want to do it yeah you know that's that's a thing that that goes again back to habits if it's just willpower you're not going to make it like if if we're talking about diet and you're just trying to just use willpower you will not make it you will crack yeah um if you're if you're trying to be faithful to somebody you will not. If you're trying to be faithful to somebody, you will not make it. You will crack if it's only willpower. There has to be habit designed behind everything. And then there has to be a commitment level to yourself to whatever those goals are that you want to, whatever those things are that you want to do and whatever that person is that you want to be, everything has to
Starting point is 00:55:43 be connected towards that. And you don't need to be a psychopath about it. You are going to slip up and you are going to mess up. You are going to eat an In-N-Out cheeseburger. Yo, I used to be a psychopath about it. I know you can't. And that's tough. Can I tell the story? I can't.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Wait, what? Remember the story? I used to run every night and then ride my bike to the gym and then ride my bike back. And then like your fucking dick stopped working. My dick stopped working. Yeah. I used to be a psychopath. Should I tell the story?
Starting point is 00:56:07 I'll tell the story. Tell the story again. It's not your podcast. Hold on a second. Were you running and your dick was dragging on the ground and you beat the shit out of it? And it stopped working? Had no more?
Starting point is 00:56:14 No. Had no more feeling? When I was a freshman in college, I was 18 years old. I got, this is when I, like I was into fitness, but this is when I like got fucking psycho into fitness, like this is when I got fucking psycho into fitness, like, OCD into fitness. And,
Starting point is 00:56:27 and this is before I knew how much to eat, how much to train, like. This is back when you wanted to be like Michael Hearn, right? No.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I'm just kidding. No, this is, this is back when I was just like, I wanted to do everything. And so I tried to do it. You wanted to be able to run, you wanted to be able to lift heavy,
Starting point is 00:56:42 you wanted to look jacked. So every night at 7 p.m. I would run, this is in Sacramento, where your shitty gym is. I'm just kidding, I love want to be able to run. You want to be able to lift heavy. You want to look jacked. So every night at 7 p.m., I would run. This is in Sacramento where your shitty gym is. I'm just kidding. I love your gym. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I'm going to be up there soon, though. I promise. I actually mean that. I promise. You won't be. No, I will. I promise, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:54 It's okay. I promise. I got you. I'm nobody. No, no. You're not nobody, man. You're fucking Mark Bell. I'll just be up there.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Mark Smelly Bell. I'll just be up there counting my money. And counting my disappointment you're like fucking fuck anyways so the american river i used to run it every single night at like seven o'clock on the dot because that's how my schedule worked out seven o'clock on the dot i'd run i would sprint it i'd do like eight or nine sprints i would just pick andrew's writing this workout down right now he's gonna don't don't do this you're too skinny for this don't do this
Starting point is 00:57:23 um because i'm telling you man this was like i going to try it. You're too skinny for this. Don't do this. Because I'm telling you, man. This was like, I had a, I just want to point this out. I had a vein from like my dick to my nipple. And my skin was like as thin as my whole body. Dick skin. Dick skin, whole body. So anyways, don't do this, guys, by the way. This is a fuck, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Anyways. Now everyone's going to do it, though. I sprinted. I'm sprinting every single night. I do it eight times i ate sprints and like little walk jogs in between and i would just pick markers and i'd sprint them as hard as i could like as hard as i could and then from there i'd walk back to my i was at my dorms were desmond hall in sac state and i'd walk back i get i get my bike a little bmx bike and i'd ride it like two miles like a 24-hour fitness, however far it was. It took me like 20 minutes or something like that. So after doing cardio, I would ride my bike, more cardio, to the gym to work out for like two hours, full body every single time.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Ride my bike back. And then I would go like, this is where I got fucked up. And I've got to explain this. I would walk around 100% of the time, even to the point where I'd be uncomfortable trying to fall asleep, keeping my abs tight. I thought that if I didn't keep my abs tight, that I would lose them. Listen to me. This is serious. I'm talking about like sometimes like imagine us having a conversation.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I'd be sitting up. My abs would be tight the whole fucking time. I'd be in class like taking like small breaths and shit. My abs would be tight the whole time. I'd lay down trying to fall asleep my abs would be tight the whole time I'd lay down trying to fall asleep flexing straight up the whole time
Starting point is 00:58:47 I'd be trying to fall asleep like I wonder if I could flex in my sleep like that's literally what's going on in my head looking like Simeon Panda 24-7 and then like
Starting point is 00:58:54 straight up like if I ate anything I'd do like 50 pushups if I ate anything I had dumbbells in my room as well and I'd be doing curls and I'd be doing anything
Starting point is 00:59:04 I'd be doing like Arnold presses everything like to the point. I'd be doing, like, Arnold presses, everything. Like, to the point where, like, I probably showered, like, six, seven times a day because I was so – Now, what happened was, because at the same time I was eating, like, oh, I'm healthy. I ate cottage cheese, spinach, chicken breast, egg whites, blueberries. Zero grams of fat. Zero grams of fat. Literally zero grams of fat. And, like, I did it all.
Starting point is 00:59:24 I was like oh this is healthy it got to the point where i'd wake up every single like 20 minutes pissing i was like peeing every single i was like i'm not getting any this is when i went to the doctor so it got really bad and my dick wasn't working so i told the doctor like because i had a girl and my girl come over and be like be like oh oh whoops doesn It doesn't normally happen to me. Yeah, yeah, sorry. Whoops. Yeah, so I went from there to like waking up every night. So dick didn't work, waking up every night, like peeing, peeing constantly, going to the doctor and being like, yo, this is going on with me.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And he's like, well, try this Viagra, which worked, by the way. But then it didn't. It only worked when I was on that. And then he's talking about us 18 years old. And then he's like, well, what are you doing? I told him, he's like, okay, stop all this shit. Like, chill out. Start eating more food and work out.
Starting point is 01:00:09 And that's when I really got into studying, like, nutrition. Train less, fuck more. Well, you know how it goes. The Bradley Martin book. No, it was really just like, that's when I took a nutrition class. And I started learning about hormones, about diets, about, like, really how this shit worked and why it worked. And I got so fucking, like, because it started like I started to change. I started to feel better.
Starting point is 01:00:29 And I got so like I feel so good. But it took me a good like I'd say a year, a half to two years to feel normal again. Because I was fucked, dude. Like anyways, that was one of my stories I think is when you talk about getting crazy about it. Yeah. I'm telling you guys not to get crazy. Like slow down sometimes. There's a lot of people that get crazy about their fitness. A lot of people get crazy about their life. You know, guys not to get crazy like slow down sometimes there's a lot
Starting point is 01:00:45 of people that get crazy about their fitness a lot of people get crazy about their life you know it doesn't matter what i gotta keep my abs tight might have been tight the whole show oh you're a fucking psycho i love you bro i i do think i do think a lot of people think that for us that- Whose burger is this? I think it's yours. Okay. Steve's. Oh. Okay. Okay, whatever. You bought it, right?
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yeah. Fuck Steve. No, no, no. Steve, my boy. I love Steve. What does Steve do? He's my new assistant. That sounds weird.
Starting point is 01:01:20 You have a guy assistant? That's gay. How is that gay, dude? That's my homie. What the fuck are you talking about? What, I'm supposed to have a girl assistant?'s gay how is that gay dude what the fuck are you talking about what i'm supposed to have a girl assistant isn't that your assistant aren't you supposed to bang your assistant no dude no that's like that's a great issue this is the reason why we got a guy assistant because it would have been an issue oh because it would have been a problem you can't fuck the workers well now if you do it's a. So that's a bigger problem, I think.
Starting point is 01:01:46 There's no fucking of any of the workers, bro. You can't do that in college. There might be. That happens with people's assistants all the time. Not mine, bro. That's why we made it that way. What about when you need to discipline him? You're like, you fucked this shit up.
Starting point is 01:01:59 What about when he's been a bad boy? I mean, there's got to be something. Bro, chill out. Chill out. You're not going to spank him or anything? No, I'm not going to spank a grown-ass man. Well, this is getting to be really complicated. Well, that's how you do it.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah, I don't know what's going on with this business, but it doesn't sound like it's operating properly. I should be spanking them. No, not him. You need to fire him. You need to get a girl in here. A guy assistant? Are you for real? Yeah, bro need to get a girl in here. A guy assistant? Are you for real?
Starting point is 01:02:28 Yeah, bro. That ain't gonna work. Why not? Men don't know how to do that stuff, I don't think. Maybe I'm too old-fashioned. Some of my lady listeners are like, I'm never listening to this show again.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yeah, you fucked up. Oh, no, I'm sorry, ladies. Please come back. Please come back. Please come back to the Mark Bell show. No, there's just, women are better at certain things
Starting point is 01:02:47 than dudes are. This guy's gonna forget shit. He's not gonna write shit down. I agree. He's gonna be like, he's gonna do like the jerk off thing to you all the time.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Every time, when he's talking to you on the phone, you know that Steve does that. What does he do? He does the fucking jerk off move. Oh yeah, he does.
Starting point is 01:03:03 he's like, whatever. And then throws it at the end. The the little yeah yeah a little toss make it rain yeah he's totally doing that our girl wouldn't do that a girl would just write it down and that would be the end of it she'd be like jerk off motion yeah she'd have to write it down and then put an eggplant emoji. Anyway, tell me about this gym. What's going on with this thing? How long have you had it for? Almost nine months, right, Kev?
Starting point is 01:03:33 In May. May 27th, we opened up. Yeah, nine months. What's going on with this place? What's the goal as you stuff your face with French fries? This is not a very good representation of fitness, by the way, Bradley Martin. I'm so sorry, man. I was just really hungry. Okay. Yeah, you were you were hungry damn i'm ready to eat all that kevin you gotta feed this guy yeah man that fuck shit i'm not steve bro okay um fuck steve where is he he's not
Starting point is 01:03:56 even here it's okay it's okay dude he's not doing a very good job i'm i'm gonna talk to fucking steve after this he's gonna be like fuck this guy no man the gym's going good really good i want to open more yeah we're in the process of figuring that out right now locations and you got something we're gonna open it where's your guys's gym located sacramento i think we're gonna open it next door that'd be great yeah we're gonna open a free zoo culture next to yours free free powerlifting for everybody yeah everybody needs it and i'm just gonna be like why go there when you can go here That'd be great. Yeah, we're going to open a free zoo culture next year. Free powerlifting for everybody. Yeah. Everybody needs it. And I'm just going to be like, why go there when you can go here?
Starting point is 01:04:30 This is freer. It's more free. We give you shit when you come here, and it's also free. I kind of do that in my gym. Yeah, I know. I'm kidding. I'm not going to go up there. I think we're going to open Indianapolis.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Really? Yeah. What's going on in Indianapolis? Well, we have a friend who wants to open a gym who would be a really, like, you know, the thing is, like, you got to give a fuck about it. Let me talk to this guy. Who is this guy? I can't tell you yet. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:52 I'm still surprised. All right. I can tell you after, podcast. But he's someone who actually cares about, like, this whole, the whole culture, the idea of powerlifting, like, really being a part of it. So he's someone who would be great as a gym owner. you wanted to have a gym for a long time yeah dude my whole life i've always like my initial goal wasn't to have like this gym it was to have like a honestly because like before the internet i was like oh i just want to have like a little small studio where
Starting point is 01:05:17 i can like have a few things and like train people that was my original goal are you fired up to come here every day yes i had a i had a period where I wasn't, but... Yeah, it'll come and go. There'll be times. Yeah, dude, I love it here. I come here legit every day. I tell people, I'm coming to Zuculture. I'm like, well, you'll probably see me as long as you're there from maybe 10 to 2.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Because I'm not always here in the night. But lately, I have been training, actually training in the evening. You've been training harder again, right? A lot harder. What are you doing? You want to get stronger again? Yeah, I need been training, actually training in the evening. You've been training harder again, right? A lot harder. What are you doing? You want to get stronger again? Yeah, I need to get bigger again. What's your body weight at now?
Starting point is 01:05:51 My body weight is 249 right now. Do you weigh yourself every day? No. No, but normally I weigh like 265. So I don't know if I necessarily want to be 265. That doesn't sound very natty. Come on, bro. But I want to to be 265. That doesn't sound very natty. Come on, bro. But I want to be like, I think 255.
Starting point is 01:06:10 But I want to improve certain body parts. But strength as well. Strength, my goal this year is to pull 800 pounds. Damn. So that's my goal. That's my biggest strength goal. What's your best deadlift? Have you done 700 before?
Starting point is 01:06:26 Yeah, 705. And at the time, I think shortly after, I would have probably been around like a 725, maybe 750. I was feeling real good about myself. So I think I'm probably around 700 now. But 800. You're always pretty strong, right? Even at your weakest, you're pretty strong.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I mean, I've seen you. Yeah. I've seen you squat and stuff before. Like, I think I've seen you do the safety squat bar. I want to say with like six plates on it. Seven. Seven plates on it for some reps, right? Yeah, but it's like.
Starting point is 01:06:54 I know you're hanging onto the wrap. Yeah, the Hatfield. Yeah, and people are like, ooh, you know, but it's, that's a lot. On a safety squat bar, that's a fuckload of weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I challenge anybody to put that shit on there. That'll, that shit. Well, the weights are fake here, as everyone yeah they are yeah dude didn't you know you lifted it's all fake damn why do people do that man why do people say that kind of shit i don't know well because some people are using fake plates yeah i think but why do the people think i am come to my gym i don't know you've always been i mean you've always been pretty strong though what's your best bench? How much your bench?
Starting point is 01:07:25 Yeah. I've seen your bench at least four plates. Yeah. That's always been my weakest lift though. It's been documented. That's always been my weakest lift. Yeah. I was, at one point I was doing four for like some reps.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Yeah. Like fucking 10 reps. I never really tried to max out. Cause I think I was a bit afraid because it's so like, you can hurt, you can hurt yourself pretty easy on a, on a bench. It's a little squat and deadlift.
Starting point is 01:07:46 I mean, you can hurt yourself, but. Deadlifts I love because I feel like you can just, like. Drop the weight. Yeah. If you don't feel good, you're, like, done. Yeah. Benching is like, oh, this shit's above me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:55 You still got to press it off at some point. You blow out a shoulder or a pec and you're fucking toast. Yeah. And I think I've always been kind of weary or scared of that. But, like, this time around, I think I'm going to really, like ready to do some to do some sort of meat man because i want to get pretty strong on a lot of exercise in the gym like we like i trained this morning with with michael tren at 4 a.m and that guy is have you ever trained with him before no but we're gonna do we were planning on doing something he always says that yeah but you always say it too so who
Starting point is 01:08:22 knows it'll never happen now it really never happened oh fuck two negatives equal positive so maybe it will happen i don't know no i'm not negative though i'm just kidding yeah uh mike is just he's incredibly strong on everything i mean it doesn't matter what he's natural that's why he's yeah he i don't know i don't know what's what he's got going on i don't know he claims he is i don't know he's he's pretty it's all good he's pretty uh unbelievably enormous so it he's pretty it's all good he's pretty uh unbelievably enormous so it's it's it's a hard it's a hard thing to believe how old is he he's probably 46 or seven for sure natural yeah it's like it's easy at that age it just yeah it's it's easy it's easy to pack on a lot of it's easy to pack on a lot of a lot of uh yeah fat-free
Starting point is 01:09:01 muscle at that age he's he's an interesting guy but regardless of what he does or doesn't do he he is incredibly strong and it doesn't matter what exercise it is you know he's he's good at you know it could be fucking hack squat or whatever yeah are you strong like that you're strong on a lot of the shit just any of the gym lifts that's a random gym yeah yeah you don't know where the bench is at no what about the squat how much can you squat i don't know i haven't done at no what about the squat how much can you squat i don't know i haven't done either of those in so long i think it's i i gotta start getting more comfortable with just like doing it yeah like uh insane fucking and trying you having someone help you with a program or anything like that or you just kind of do your own thing um i've always
Starting point is 01:09:39 kind of just done my own thing like legit for years i've always just kind of worked out i wouldn't it's weird because like people like i I've always trained, but I've never, you know, when I think of training, when someone's, oh, you go to train, it means like you're going to like do a specific exact thing. Right. I've never really done that. It's always been like working out. And I have to say that, like, because when you're training.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Oh, there's a difference. Yeah. And don't get me wrong. I worked out fucking hard and I pushed and I tried to get stronger all the time. But I've never really trained where I'm like, I'm going to do this amount of sets, this amount of reps. I'm going to have this percentage. And you know what powerlifters do. And that's something that I've always wanted to do.
Starting point is 01:10:15 And that's something I'm going to do. I've never done it. It's always just been like, let me just get in the gym and lift more every single time if I can. One thing I think a trap that powerlifters run into is a lot of times because they get involved in these percentages they try to do a certain amount of work they try to do a certain amount of sets and reps and percentages and then they end up uh spending way too long on the main movement and they don't ever get along to the assistance exercises you probably have pretty much thrived on assistance exercise right all assistance exercises right like that was the thing with ohern today it's like we did four movements for triceps
Starting point is 01:10:48 four movements for biceps i mean it took a while because we did like four sets of everything that we did for the whole day is that why you still got a pump i still got a pump yeah i still have a beer right now i see yeah i'm coming for you buddy you're already there you got big ass arms i know i i need to uh i've torn both my arms i've torn torn both my pecs i've torn both my biceps i've torn my fucking hamstring i'm still standing here though it's because you're a legendary that's why you know it was funny today training with mike because mike is just uh i don't know man he's just got an interesting an interesting way about him he can be like demeaning to you without even like, he knows he's doing it,
Starting point is 01:11:27 but it's just, it's just his way. It's just his way. They know he's, he's talking about how he's held it all together for, you know, through the years. And I'm just thinking he just, he's talking about how he held it all together for all these years. Right. Held what?
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yeah. Right. That's what I'm saying. Held what together? Right. Just, just his like body, you know, like just, just like just just him like i'm telling him like i tore some stuff my brother's got two fake hips and stuff and uh you know he's like i'm just great yeah yeah yeah basically yeah yeah he's like oh i've been able to hold it together because you know i really pay attention to you know a b and
Starting point is 01:11:59 c i'm like motherfucker i had a thousand eighty five on my back i've had it i've had 900 pounds in my hand bench press fuck ton of weight but 900 fucking pounds in my hands on a bench press of course those levels are way different yeah and you know what i feel better now today than i ever have my whole life you know so it's like i've recovered from one of those things and yeah i still got some bumps and bruises i'm still working some things out but i want to try to get some of that athleticism back. So you and I are two ships in the night passing each other, heading in a little bit of opposite
Starting point is 01:12:32 direction. Do you think you can do both? Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Because there's just give and take, though. You can't be chasing two things. Because I don't think I'm going to ever squat a thousand pounds. Right. Right? So I'm going to fall somewhere before that and try and maximize that and still be able to stay athletic. That's my goal.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Yeah. I understand at certain points you have to pivot and be like, I'm going to focus on just this to get that. It depends on what you're talking about. Certain things are hard to obtain. For me to improve my athleticism, uh, I have to make drastic changes for you to, for you to improve your strength. You, the changes don't have to be that drastic. It just has to be a little bit more focused structure. For me, I'd have to do stuff that I've never done before. I'd have to, uh, work on more mobility type stuff. I'd have to put myself in positions that I
Starting point is 01:13:21 probably don't want to put myself in, you know, in order to be a little bit more mobile so i can do more stuff because like things like box jumps and stuff which should be very easy they're just difficult for me because my hips are tight and so it's hard for me to get my most people when they do a box jump yeah they get their they get their legs up very easily and they're able to uh complete a pretty high box jump you know which is the biggest part of the box jump it's not always not about how high you jump it's like if you can get into that position you could finish it it ends up being a being a big part of it a huge part of it what's the goal here with the gym what's the goal with the zoo because you got you have some friends working here you got like uh your boy brandon he fucking deadlifts over 800 pounds he like is the gym manager right bro you
Starting point is 01:14:01 mean mason mason mason yeah mason uh mason yeah and then brandon is the guy that was on the podcast where he used to power lift yeah he used to be very strong both both very strong guys mason is the one who is like currently like killing the fucking power lifting shit like it's a fucking savage man but he helps run the gym for you yeah he's a gm so we make sure everyone like does what they're supposed to do and like knows how to run everything power lifting seems to be a big part of this gym. Yes, it is. Our biggest crowd is probably in the evenings
Starting point is 01:14:29 from 6, 7, 8 to 12. Does that get you fired up? Yeah, and it does. I want to train more with all those people, those powerlifters. It's so funny when you say those people in any circumstance. Dude, you should.
Starting point is 01:14:44 The energy that you'll get from it, the energy that they're going to get from it is going to be sick. Yeah, and it's really just to show Mason that I'm stronger than him. Yeah. Just not currently. Yeah, why is Mason got to be talking shit, right? Yeah, because we used to train together. Doesn't he squat like 800 pounds too? Yeah, he's really strong.
Starting point is 01:15:01 That's a lot. I mean, he's unbelievable. He's a really fucking strong guy. But he's still a pussy, you know? What does he bench? A lot, too. He benches about five bills. Yeah, he's strong.
Starting point is 01:15:13 He's fucking strong. Damn, dude. But I'm stronger than him, though. You're going to have to kick him out. Yeah, or just injure him. Yeah, and then I could beat his numbers. Fucking hit his leg with a pipe or something like that. Perfect, like old school mafia style. Oh, my God. No more squats. No, I could beat his numbers. Fucking hit his leg with a pipe or something like that. Perfect, like old school mafia style. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:15:25 No more squats. No, I would never do that. No, but it's cool to be in a gym with someone that when I first started working out in Southern California, he was one of the people that I originally trained with like fucking 10 years ago. So to see him go from like we're all squatting 300 400 pounds like struggling and then see him squat like 800 pounds doing pretty damn good and then like 400 pounds is like like a fucking breeze yeah it's crazy man well now there's girls fucking deadlifting four or five hundred pounds it is crazy i don't understand if you know what it makes sense though because prior they're in good shape
Starting point is 01:16:04 and stuff too yeah but prior to all the social media stuff it just wasn't the availability you didn't know what was going on and what people were doing so it was just like likely some of that stuff
Starting point is 01:16:12 was happening just no one no one knew about it because like it's in some town you didn't live in right you know now
Starting point is 01:16:17 you see everything now and I think also seeing everything just like we were talking about earlier creates that whole like competition of like you see some girl
Starting point is 01:16:24 over here doing this and you're well, I could do that shit. So it's a good and a bad thing. Social media can be great in a lot of ways. Exactly. And I think it did aid to this, like, oh, that guy's doing that. I could do that. And then people have something to... Because when you see someone doing something, you're like...
Starting point is 01:16:38 Some people will be like, fuck, it's really far away, or that's really great. But then some people will be like, I can do that shit. Right. Because that was always the kind of person i was i remember when people see you doing certain things that are you know like uh feats of athleticism sometimes maybe like a a trick or something a little crazy that you might see it all over the internet now yeah then they want it but at least they i mean hopefully nobody hurts themselves but at least they try it right and maybe they don't jump up on the same height box but they jump on a higher box than
Starting point is 01:17:05 they did two weeks ago yeah and that's what it is i think it's cool and i want to make sure people know that like a lot of times i do stuff and like i don't actually train like that like i train like a powerlifter or a bodybuilder and i just kind of done the wild shit just because i was like someone's like you can't do that and i was like fuck it i could do it you're able to move pretty well able to dunk a basketball and shit like that you've always been fairly athletic yeah even prior to like all this i've just always i've always been able to like do shit like that yeah and uh it's obviously cool when you get on the internet and like that's cool to people you know to me i was just like oh this is i always i always thought it was cool to me yeah but like i didn't always
Starting point is 01:17:36 think like oh man people are gonna really like accept this the way they did and it's just like a cool thing now what is your favorite thing to do like when it comes to when it when it comes to this job specifically it comes to bradley martin martin the uh fitness guy what's your favorite thing talking to people doing this this is hands down my favorite thing to do because through doing this i've realized so much about myself right um i've like you know i've learned so much from talking to people like you and other guests that i've had like on my podcast um this is and i and i've gotten better at like almost like digesting information that i'm given and like just talking and learning how to like you're like oh wait what i just say i actually said something pretty smart yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:18:19 forming sentences and stuff and and you know for me it really is just like that's where the fulfillment is like i said when you talk to someone and they say And, you know, for me, it really is just like, that's where the fulfillment is. Like I said, when you talk to someone and they say, this thing you said or the thing you did changed my life. Right. So I just keep looking for more of that. And the podcast, right now, yeah, it's not like my biggest platform. But I tell you, man, like, my podcast makes me no money. But I enjoy it the most.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I enjoy it so much. Yeah. You know what's the truth, too, about some of this stuff is, and this is not to be arrogant by any means or anything, but I've had my podcast for the last about four years. And recently I changed the name of it. Yeah. And it's for multiple reasons. But the bottom line is I don't need anybody to listen to this podcast.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I don't need advertisers. I'm doing it because I want to do it. Yeah. That's exactly and i want it to be fun and i want to do it with people that i want you know if if if uh some of the listeners are suggesting guests and and it's somebody that i see is is fit to be on the show then i'll have them on the show but the show could have three listeners it doesn't it doesn't have to be, I obviously, I want it to grow. Every, every, it'd be stupid to say that you don't want it to grow. Um, but it's something that I had to kind of step back for a second and, and realize that, uh, the show was doing really well financially.
Starting point is 01:19:36 We had a lot of advertising behind us. Uh, we had over 500,000 downloads and we're right the other way, just cause things didn't feel right anymore. Yeah. I'm like, I don't like this. This is not the way it's supposed to go. This isn't feeling the right way. So we're pumping the brakes.
Starting point is 01:19:49 And of course you're going to catch some flack, you know, from the fans. They're not sure what's going on exactly. And so like, oh man, he's firing everybody. He's booting everybody out the door. This is that. No, it's because the message wasn't as pure as I wanted it to be. And I want to make sure that everything always stays, everything always stays comfortable for me to do.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I don't want to do shit that I don't want to do. I want to do stuff that I'm excited to do so I can provide a better message. How can I provide a good message to you if I'm fucking grumpy about anything I'm doing or not happy with the people that I'm working with? Yeah. I can tell you, man, like it's, it's funny how like, you just learn shit like that as you, as you go through like with. Yeah. I can tell you, man, it's funny how you just learn shit like that as you go through shit.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Right. Period. I've learned so much just by doing this about other people, about myself, about the people who I work with. And I'm not saying this just to make it about myself, but it genuinely is like, it's almost like cathartic for me.
Starting point is 01:20:42 It's like a type of therapy. I feel good just talking about things that I've gone through. And if people can receive it and be like, it's almost like cathartic for me. It's like a type of therapy. I feel good just talking about things that I've gone through and if people can receive it and be like, wow, that helps me look at my life a little bit differently,
Starting point is 01:20:50 then like, that's the magic for me. So I just want to say thank you to everyone who's listening now on Mark's podcast and anyone who's listening or has listened to my podcast, Culture Cast,
Starting point is 01:20:59 is that like, I'm just grateful that I'm able to do this. Like I said, I'm not making, I haven't done any advertisements yet. I do plan on doing stuff like that, but like to to do this like I said I'm not making I'm not having done any advertisements yet I do plan on doing stuff like that but like to this point like I still find myself I can't wait to go do it I can't wait to you know have another guest because it's just like
Starting point is 01:21:12 out of everything that I do I really fucking enjoy this shit like in my core man like when I leave these I'm like man I felt so good and I feel like I almost like got a weight off my shoulders I was like damn I feel good well you know how this works too you don't have to really chase down anybody you know when when it when things are right and things are heading in the right direction people will just come to you and they'll say hey man i want to advertise you'll be like we don't have an advertising on the show but yeah we'll think about it and then when whoever that person is it'll just be the right thing and it will feel right and you'll be like you'll talk to your guys and everyone be like yeah fuck it let's go for it yeah you know as long as it's right yeah it's not anything that you have to really chase after it'll
Starting point is 01:21:53 just happen because you're having good guests on and you're communicating with a lot of people yeah what's next for you oh the age-old question what's next for you um well i've been i've been trying to like i haven't done this currently, but I'm going to do it, is take some acting classes. Awesome. To get into acting. Because Rock told me that I was up next. He didn't really say that.
Starting point is 01:22:15 I just wanted to sound cool. Hey, thanks, Rock. Yeah, thank you, Rock, for me thinking you said that. He's listening right now. Hey, man, you don't have to wear the ST shirt all the time. You can change into other stuff, man. And the Zoo Culture hat, you can just fucking, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:22:33 I'll hit you later, bro. Anyways, that, getting into that, and getting back to training. Dude, where is The Rock? What do you mean, where is he? I mean, is he too busy for us or what? I mean, what the fuck? Bro, he's filming ballers.
Starting point is 01:22:47 He can't hang out with us? He's filming ballers right now. He's in LA, though. He's like down the street. I know, but I just want him to hang out with us so bad. I know, man. I just want to be... It's not that weird.
Starting point is 01:22:57 I just want to sit on his lap for like... It's not weird at all. ...10 minutes. It's so not fucking weird, you weirdo. I'll just take a couple pictures. I mean, wrestle around. On his lap. Wrestle around. With oil? Go one-on-one with the great one with oil yeah there'll be a lot of oil so what it's not weird at all no no we should be friends rock where are you at buddy yeah but i
Starting point is 01:23:16 don't know if he wants you to sit on his lap he's still listening i don't think he wants you to sit on his lap no no bo jackson's somebody else i. Yeah? Yeah. I was such a huge fan as a kid. You know who I want to get, Kev? What's his name? Jordan Peterson. Yeah. That's our guy. I want him on the podcast, bro.
Starting point is 01:23:32 I need it. You know who that is? I do. Yeah. He's like, oh, man. I need him on the podcast, man. Damn. Jordan.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Yo. Please come on the podcast. We need you. We need you in our life to expand our brains. Where are these people? How come? They're just, I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:23:48 They're just killing it. I guess they had a meeting with the guys talking about Drake. It's like, how come Drake's not hanging out with, I don't get it. They had a meeting with the Illuminati and we just weren't invited. That's what happened, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:57 We're in here getting after every day. We're just not invited yet. When I get invited, when I invite it, I'll let you know. And if you get invited, let me know. You're not going to let invite it, I'll let you know. And if you get invited, let me know. You're not gonna let me know.
Starting point is 01:24:07 I will let you know, dude. You're not gonna let me know. Just gotta let me know too. Be like, hey, show up. It's time. Yo, yo, Drake.
Starting point is 01:24:14 I swear, there's some weird shit. I swear. There's some weird shit. There's gotta be some weird shit. Dude, when Drake comes through here, invite me in here.
Starting point is 01:24:20 I'll bake some cookies. I'll bring some milk and cookies. You know what I'm gonna capture that photo? You know what I'm gonna capture that photo? We'll sit on the bench over there and we'll watch him train. It'll be awesome. You know what I'm going to caption that photo?
Starting point is 01:24:28 Illuminati. Straight up. Why are they involved? Hug it, man. How did all this happen? I think we should just draw this podcast out for like another 45 minutes. Yeah, let me call up Drake. Yo, Drake, where you at?
Starting point is 01:24:42 I'll text him. Just call every popular person that's in our phone. Just right now. Like, come to this podcast. Yo. That would actually be cool. Call up Stone Cold and Dana White. See what they're doing.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan's only down the street. Where's he at? He's legitimately like... He can't hang out with us? We can't tell anyone that, though. Oh. Because we might have people, like,
Starting point is 01:25:04 running around trying to phone Joe Rogan's place. He's got a new spot, so he moved. Hopefully nobody knows where that is. But is he too busy for us, too? I mean, where are these people? He DMs me, bro. He's sliding into your DM. He's sliding into the DMs.
Starting point is 01:25:19 No way. He did. You want to see? That's going to be fake. I'll show you. Dude, I know the shit that Kevin can do. No, dude. No, I'll show you. I worked with Kevvy Kev over gonna be fake i'll show you dude i know the shit that kevin can do no dude no i'll show you i worked with kevi kevin over there before i'll show you i'll show you this is top secret information he's in your dm swear to god come on bro
Starting point is 01:25:35 ain't no way no joe rogan's ever slid in your dm huh look this is a total fabrication of truth. Show Rogan's profile? Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh, yeah. He's asking about me. No. What did he say? You're stupid. Yo, we're super training. You're stupid. He didn't say none of that shit.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Yeah, he did. I need a slingshot. What was that? He said, hey, brother, who did you guys use to assemble your gym stuff? I order a shitload of stuff, and I have to hire some people together. Yeah. Damn, he's a together yeah damn he didn't ask about me nope he said oh wait no he said mark's a bitch yeah sorry dude he must be talking
Starting point is 01:26:11 about a different no no he said mark smelly bell oh he must have met must have no he meant mark he said the one he said mark smelly bell the guy who uh used to be strong um yeah i mean you could stop reading your dms now he used to be strong um and that I mean, you can stop reading your DMs now. He used to be strong. And that's it, dude. Yeah, he said, fuck that guy. I'm like, damn. Anyway, I'm not even talking about Joe Rogan. I'm trying to talk about The Rock.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Yeah, he's in my DMs too. You want me to show you? Where is he? The Rock is communicating with you? Yeah, dude. He's in my DMs. He's liking your pictures and stuff? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:40 He's in the DMs. This is bullshit. Yeah, sorry, dude. I got the invite. What do you have that on? Am I getting. Yeah, sorry, dude. I got the invite. What do you have that on? Am I getting too old? No, dude. I'm falling apart.
Starting point is 01:26:49 You know what it is? Just tell me. Just tell me. I'm going to tell you. I'm going to tell you. You live in Sacramento. I live in LA. Oh, I used to live here.
Starting point is 01:26:55 I lived here for 20 years. Nobody cared. Sorry, dude. Oh, my God. I love you so much, bro. This is the most disappointing day of my life. What is happening to me nothing I got you no matter what bro
Starting point is 01:27:08 I got you alright man you know what this was a lot of fun learned a lot about Mr. Bradley Martin today yes sir anything else to talk about sir no I just want to say thank you to everyone who listened and I want to say I appreciate all the support
Starting point is 01:27:24 I really do I appreciate having you to everyone who listened, and I want to say I appreciate all the support. I really do. I appreciate having you as a friend. Yeah, you too, man. And I want to tell everyone who's listening to this podcast that after I didn't show up to Mark's spot, Mark called me, and we still talked for like a good, I'd say like a good hour, good hour, like maybe. It's bromantic.
Starting point is 01:27:40 And we just talked about like pretty much everything that I kind of touched on, maybe a little bit deeper on a personal level. So I just want to say thank you. And just so the people listening know that like you're a real fucking person and not just some person on the internet trying to be a real person. Yeah. So just know that I appreciate you despite all this internet shit.
Starting point is 01:27:56 I'm here, man. Yeah. For sure. You need anything, I'm fucking here. No, I mean it. And I want the listeners to know that. Because a lot of people like, you know, people like to make shit sound cool on the internet, but like you do that off camera as well. And I just want people to know that. Because a lot of people like to make shit sound cool on the internet, but you do that off camera as well.
Starting point is 01:28:08 And I just want people to know that. Awesome, man. Thank you. Yeah. I love you, bro. That's it. We're out. All right.

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