Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 44 - Who is Mark Bell?

Episode Date: April 30, 2018

Fresh off our trip to Oregon, coming at ya with another Power Project Podcast LIVE. Mark talks to new fans of the show about who he is and where he came from. Big Bro Chris Bell called in while live and the bro's Bell talked about nutrition, where Chris is current with his diet and more. Rewatch the Live Stream Here: ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I thought you fell asleep. Anyway, yeah, as I was saying, you know, I wanted to kind of start out this podcast explaining who, you know, who I am and kind of what I do. Because I think that a lot of times I just get this podcast rolling. I just get it started and we don't really say anything. Oh, no, my brother called. Oh, no. Jesus Christ, that makes my screen black. Now my screen is black on Instagram, but I think y'all can still see me, so I'll leave it on.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Anyway, we're live at if you're having any problem with this connection and if you're having any problem hearing me you'll hear me way better at power i know you perverts like to be on instagram if you like a look at girls butts but um anyway you might want to move over here because we spent a lot of money on making this uh podcast room fucking awesome and uh that's what we've done we've spent i don't know ten thousand dollars twenty thousand dollars on getting a bunch of equipment i don't even know how much money but we put a lot of time and effort into this uh we flew an expert up here to work with andrew and now andrew is that expert and now he's uh flying on his own and we're cruising right along.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Podcast is a lot of fun, but let me back things up a little bit. Some of you guys may have seen me on Joe Rogan's show. I've been on Joe Rogan three times with my brother Chris. Some of you guys may have seen me in the film Bigger, Stronger, Faster directed by my brother Chris Bell. My brother and I are currently working on a film right now, um, a nutrition film, which we don't officially have a title for, uh, we're working on it, but it's probably going to be called the war on carbs. I wrote a book called the war on carbs. I've written a second book called Jacked and Tan. That's not available yet, but I'm working on it. Uh, Jacked and Tan has taken a little longer because, um,
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'm working on it. Jack and Tan has taken a little longer because it's not just a black and white diet that I can just hand over to you. This is a little closer to my heart. This is more about strength training in general and some of the ways I've gotten strong and some of the ways we've gotten strong here at Super Training Gym. And so it's taken me a long ass time to uh get that thing underway but how how have i gotten on joe rogan how am i in a featured film um who am i like how why am i popular you know some some of the stuff that i've done is a long time ago people haven't even really seen it i started recording my youtube channel in in 2000. Before that, I was not aware of YouTube, and I had something called Putfile, and I was recording a lot of videos on there. I remember having deadlift sessions at Body Construction Zone in Woodland, California.
Starting point is 00:02:36 That's where all of this started. That was the first location of Super Training Gym. That's where a lot of these things kind of kicked off. of super training gym. That's where a lot of these things kind of kicked off. And I, I always felt that there was a really, really big importance on having, uh, video footage of what it was we were doing because I, I've always known that strength training is awesome. Strength training is cool. Um, if I deadlift 700 pounds, I know that other people need to see it because it doesn't make any sense to them. They're like, what is this guy doing? What is this for?
Starting point is 00:03:08 Why is this guy, why are some of these guys so strong? Why are some of these guys so fat? Why are some of these guys so aggressive? What's this crazy rap music they're listening to? Just blasting gangster rap. Just blasting death metal and heavy metal and all kinds of different things and just crazy ass music crazy ass intensity uh to the highest degree fat guys with tattoos bleeding all over the place both white black and everything in between that you can think of um there's uh
Starting point is 00:03:39 you know it's one thing i love about lifting is that it's about the weight that you're moving. And that's how I got, that's how I kind of cut my teeth, so to speak, in this whole, in the first place with everything was just lifting heavy ass weight and learning how to lift weight and learning how to fail and learning how to succeed and learning what pushing your body to the extreme is. So how did I get here? How did some of these things happen? Let's forget about any of the, uh, financials. Cause it's like some of that is, is it, that's a different story. Um, but to get on something like Joe Rogan and to be in a featured, uh, film that was seen around the country, by the way, um, you know, I think people, you know, you might think I'm on here like tooting my own horn, so to speak, but I am in a way, because if you're not going to toot your own horn, who will, right? So sometimes you have to do it yourself.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I ended up creating the first women's pro-am at Super Training Gym with Kara West in it. Now those are still carried on by Laura Phelps out in Columbus, Ohio, um, or Cincinnati, Ohio, rather. I saw, I saw a void. I saw a gap in, uh, strength. I saw that women weren't being paid attention to enough. And so I started a women's pro-am and we put cash up, uh, for the lady lifters that, uh, that one women lifters still this day, you know what they get? They don't't get shit they get scraped to the side and no one really pays attention to them uh many of the girls are playing into it themselves by sexualizing it too much probably um some of it's their fault a lot of it is our fault and uh i was hoping that at some point we would continue to get to a better
Starting point is 00:05:23 place and it seems like we're starting to head in that direction. There's more and more respect all the time for the females in the sport. And there's more respect for the weights that they're lifting and their weights that are moving. And now actually the women are starting to kick the men's asses because they're lifting such big ass weights and they're doing such phenomenal things. So back to the kind of question like of who the fuck am I? A lot of, a lot of people, a lot of newer people that are tuning into the power project for the first time, uh, might not know who I am or might not know the history. And a lot of times I just start this podcast out with saying, Hey, you know, here we are. And I was
Starting point is 00:06:00 talking about a dick joke or whatever, but I kind of made a decision more recently where I'm going to give you guys a little rap on, on who I am for this one. Uh, I'm going to talk about it kind of, uh, extensively, but in the future, there'll be a lot more condensed, uh, version. Uh, I'm Mark Bell. This is super training gym, the strongest gym in the West. We've been around for about 12 years. The, the, uh, podcast itself has been around for about four years, although we had a change in name and some shifting of some tides going on. We've had a very successful podcast for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:06:44 magazine years ago power magazine's been going on for 10 years so these things aren't things that have just happened none of it was like oh man i got fans now i gotta start selling shit um i was i was trying to create stuff in the space uh long before i had a lot of fans and it wasn't really for monetary reasons the power magazine i, man, this would be cool. If I sold this many copies, this could break even and that'd be kind of cool and I wouldn't have to pay for anything. It would be, you know, free-ish to me. I wouldn't be in the hole at all. And we'd be providing a great service for a lot of great lifters around the country. And we would be showcasing a lot of great lifters around the country. The same thing was true with Super Training Gym. Even at Super Training Gym.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Even when Super Training Gym wasn't free, when it was $125 a month, I thought, man, if I could have eight guys pay, 10 guys pay, 12 guys pay, whatever the membership number was that we had at the time, I was like, man, that will help pay to keep the lights on. I wasn't thinking, wow, this is going to be sick. I'm going to have 87 people sign up and only 40 of them are going to show up lights on. I wasn't thinking, wow, like this is going to be sick. Like I'm going to have 87 people sign up and, uh, only 40 of them are going to show up to lift. And I'm going to have this huge team and I'm going to be making all this extra dough and I'm going to sell t-shirts and all this stuff. Adding t-shirts was something that people kept just asking me for day in and day out. Hey, you got a super training shirt. You got this, you get that. So eventually we started making those things. And again, it was more like a loss of money rather than increasing money. Although, yeah, of course, we're going to figure out a way to mark it up so we can make some
Starting point is 00:08:13 money off it. So we can continue onward. Just a side note, all of this all the time is always about making money in some regard, because if you don't make money, then you won't have the financial freedom to ever get to where you want to get to. And the most important thing to me is to take everybody with me right now. That's, that's what I'm doing. When we travel, we just traveled to, to, uh, Portland, Oregon, and we are, we have a driver the whole time. Uh, on the way back, we all flew first class. It wasn't just me in first class. I want shit to be like that all the time for everybody. And I hope the next trip that we go on, we're not even in first class.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I hope that we're on a fucking private jet. And I hope things continue to get better because that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to provide for everybody that's in the company. And why am I doing that? because that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to provide for everybody that's in the company. And why am I doing that? You know, that might sound like, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:10 it might sound like, well, shit, man, like maybe you're overreaching or maybe you're doing something. No, that's not at all. What's going to happen is the whole company is going to work harder. Everyone's going to take stake and take pride. When you're sitting, you know, in a plane that only holds 10 people and you're eating, when you're sitting, you know, in a, in a plane that only
Starting point is 00:09:25 holds 10 people and you're eating your fucking vertical diet food, you're eating your steak and your steak and your, uh, and your, and your chicken broth and your rice and shit and cutting open an orange. And there's nobody sitting within 10 feet of you or whatever, five feet of you. Uh, it's going to be a beautiful thing. It's going to be a beautiful time and you're going to defend and you're going to work and you're going to do everything and anything you can to make the company better. And so that's, that's some of the mission. That's some of what we're trying to do. A lot of those things have spilled over into other aspects of my life.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And when it comes to training, when it comes to lifting, I have always been somebody that wanted to share more with people. I've always been somebody that thought that I was put on this very earth to make the world a better place to lift. And that is how I end up on Joe Rogan. That is how I end up doing stuff with Tim Ferriss. That's how I was able to write a book. That's how these things are starting to unfold.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And these things are starting to happen. And we're, we're not anywhere yet. You know, we're just, we're just getting, we're just getting rolling. Really. We're just getting started and things are going to continue to get better. Things are going to continue to increase. A lot of it has been building relationships and communication and getting to learn and to know people. Um, a lot of it is steps in the right direction. You start to learn and know new people. You start to learn. Those are you watching on, uh, on IG pop over to power because the questions, if you're asking questions over
Starting point is 00:10:58 here on Instagram, I'm not going to be able to see them. Um, because I can only see what, what Andrew shares with me over there. Andrew is uh answering some questions and popping around over there so power project dot live is where we're at and that's where we shoot a lot of these that's where we shoot all of these um this is the power project the power project literally is a project to try to make the world a better place to lift that's what we're here for that's what. Yeah. We're going to have to restart the live stream actually. Oh no. Yeah. And something happened with our recorder.
Starting point is 00:11:30 So if anybody. You should be able to hear this right now. We'll be right back in like a few minutes. But right now. Yeah. We're going to have to just stop the stream for a second. Hey. We're still over here on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah. There you go. That's okay. Let me know when this fires up. Yeah, there you go. That's okay. Let me know when this fires up. Yeah. Oh, my God. Anyway, if you're on IG right now, you can ask me a question because now I can see you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:58 But for sure, the audio is still recording. Oh. So podcast-wise, iTunes and everything will be totally fine. Oh, I got you. All right. Well, then I'll fucking go back to my rant yeah so um a lot of this has been you know you're not you're not going to move forward if you're dick and for me i have been somebody that has always wanted to share the information that i learned i will be at body power i see you guys asking questions i will be at body power uh big part of my goal
Starting point is 00:12:26 is to make an impact and to make a difference not just make money i want to make money i want the company to be a hundred million dollar a year company a 200 million i want this company to fucking steamroll the shit out of everybody we're back live the goal and objective of slingshot the goal and objective of super training gym the goal and objective of makingingshot, the goal and objective of super training gym, the goal and objective of making slingshots, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hip circles, compression cuffs, wrist wraps, all the different shit that we make. When we make something, we execute it the right way. I'd like to see a little flag pop up from our opponents. and I want to make those motherfuckers surrender because I want our shit to be so good. That's what the goal is. That's what I'm after. Andy Frisella calls it
Starting point is 00:13:12 playing for blood. That's what I'm playing for. That's what I want. I want to, I want to make things so good that all the opposition can do is put their hands together and say, fuck man. All right. That guy did a great job. You know, sometimes you just got to hand it to somebody. You got friends like that too. They beat you in something. They, uh, you know, I don't know, maybe, maybe you guys are chasing after the same chick and they ended up, they ended up getting with her. Right. What are you going to do? Punch the guy in the face. I mean, it's, it's easier to be like, Hey man, you know what? You got me, but maybe next time I can get you on something health. Right. And you just eat, just give him a goddamn pat on the back. That's the goal. That's what I'm trying to do is I am trying to make our products so much better that it's far and above and beyond. And where do you see some of the stuff that's coming out next? and beyond. And where do you see some of the stuff that's coming out next? Some of the stuff that's coming out next is really nice. Uh, a really nice way to tell everybody else to go fuck themselves
Starting point is 00:14:09 because that's, that's what I'm into. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make things better all the time. And the way that we're going to kick the shit out of people here at slingshot and at super training gym is through our technology. People still don't even know how useful the slingshot is. They still don't even fully understand. I get people coming up to me all the time. Like I use your hip circle. I use your hip circle. They don't even understand the strength and the power of the slingshot. I sometimes feel like I'm fucking biggie or Tupac. People aren't going to understand how great some of this stuff is until I've been dead for a decade or something like that.
Starting point is 00:14:45 You know, so we're making a lot of great products. We're making a lot of great strides. The way that a lot of this has happened, the power project, by the way, it's been around since almost the infancy of my YouTube channel. It started very early on. And the part of the reason why this ended up being called the power project, you remember a lot of you guys that were tuning in and we appreciate you fans that have stayed with us. Uh, when you guys were listening to Mark Bell's, uh, power cast, we switched over from Mark Bell's power cast to Mark Bell's power project for a very, very specific reason. Mark Bell's power cast was an idea that I came up with with Jim McD, and we started a podcast together with Silent Mike. A lot of those things went sidewards. A lot of those things went in
Starting point is 00:15:34 directions that maybe they didn't like, maybe some directions I didn't like, and so therefore, the band split up over a period of time. Jim and I, you know, even though we were friends and stuff, we don't just, we just don't have a lot in common. One thing we had in common was the gym, but he quit training here at Super Training Gym a long time ago. And the training that happens here at the gym, it's important to me. I don't care what people do, but that they do something, it is important to me.
Starting point is 00:16:03 If you want to have a business relationship with me, if you want to try to get ahead in this company, it's in your best interest to at least lift or be in the gym or do some exercise while I'm in there too, because I don't know, to me, it helps build camaraderie. It helps build the team. And that's what I'm most connected to around here is the team. And so we made the transition from Mark Bell's PowerCast to Mark Bell's Power Project. The reason was, is because Mark Bell's Power Project has been something I did on my own for a very long time. And it was a simplified version of what the podcast was. The podcast ended up getting confusing. You know, my, my final words to Jim McD, I was like, it seems like the only thing we're doing this for is money. And I don't want to do shit for that. I don't like that. Uh, it was building up anxiety for him. It was building
Starting point is 00:16:56 up anxiety for me. And I was like, this sucks. This isn't fun. I want to do shit. That's fun. I want to come in here today. I came in here after a workout. We were supposed to have a guest. There's no guests. So I'm going to fucking talk. So here I am the talking into the microphone back to where I was back to the original plan, back to the power project. The power project is dedicated to not having any excuses on why we're not going to shoot a video every day. I shot a video every day, uh, for a long ass time. I tried to shoot a video every day and Wasn't able to shoot one every single day, but I shot one until I got to a thousand videos in a row I have more videos on youtube for fitness and for strength than anybody in the world now. There might be somebody Who's nitpicking it and they got you know, I don't know they put up post
Starting point is 00:17:44 18 different exercises every day and maybe they're a little bit ahead, whatever, but none of the actual information between, between the different, um, YouTube channels that I've been a part of over the years, there are thousands and thousands of videos, even just off of, uh, uh, even off the super training Oh six, um, YouTube channel. There's, there's probably 2000. I don't even know what's up there, Andrew. You can see it.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'll double check. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's a fuck ton, but that is how I was able to get on Joe Rogan. That's how I've been able to rub elbows with some of these greats stone cold, Steve Austin, you know, um, we're looking at to do something with Daymond John coming up. I mean, just we're going to keep heading in this direction. I've talked about The Rock before.
Starting point is 00:18:31 We will do something with The Rock at some point. It will happen. We will do something with Bo Jackson. I've been talking about him forever. It'll happen. 2,170 videos. Yeah, so there's 2,170 videos. That's just on my own channel. And then there was, there was stuff that we were doing with Jim McDean. That's probably another
Starting point is 00:18:50 1300, you know? So now, you know, now we're well over 3000, almost, you know, almost 3,500. And then if you, uh, add in some other videos that I've done for other people and combinations of all these other things, plus all the videos we're doing here on this one. Um, you know, it just, it really starts to add up quick and we've, we probably have done what 70 of them for here or whatever,
Starting point is 00:19:14 50 of them for here. I'll double check again. Yeah. I mean, it's hard to keep. How many are on, how many are on this thing? So,
Starting point is 00:19:20 I mean, on the iTunes side, that's the one where I can keep track of. We're at like 40 something. Yeah. Well, there you go. And I there you go and i mean but yeah like we're doing them live so it's just just shooting from the hip yeah we're we're cranking through them man we're cranking through them and and you know i'll have somebody say um like people will hit me up and they're like hey can i get your contact for and i'm like fuck man fuck, man, like, no, you can't. Because even if I was in communication with somebody for two weeks or something, right, to get somebody's contact info, or even if I was trying to work on something for two months to get a contact information, that's not a legit reading of how long it actually took. It took me several years.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It's taken me decades. I've been doing this stuff for decades. When we had people recently come into the gym and we did a seminar clue on how hard it used to be for me to talk in front of people. Now, you know, people are probably like, oh, boohoo, Mark Bell, you're rich. What do you fucking care about? Whatever. Man, I'm just saying that, you know, I haven't always been I haven't always been well off. And I did have periods of time where things were a real struggle.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I really, really did struggle, not only with personal speaking, but with communicating with other people, period. I still have a hard time. A lot of times I just leave places. I don't like saying bye. I don't like saying hi. I like just kind of going. I see it. I don't fucking care.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I just want to go. I want to, I want to kind of do, uh, do what I want to do so that I can get into it and I can get the result I want. And then I can help other people. If I am too worried about saying hi and bye and all that shit, it's just, uh, it's kind of, uh, kind of annoying to me, but it was very, very difficult for me to get in front of people and talk. And so how do you overcome some of these barriers? Let's say that you don't want to go to a gym. Let's say you feel too weak, so you don't want to go to the local powerlifting gym. How do you overcome that? The only way to overcome that is to go, well, there's more than one way to
Starting point is 00:21:42 overcome it, but in my opinion, one of the best ways to do it is to just go the complete opposite way, go the complete opposite direction. Go. If, if you are currently, you know, running and you know that you need to lift, right, then you just go the exact opposite way. If you're lit, if you're running every day, say, you know what, I'm going to the biggest, baddest powerlifting gym tomorrow. I'm going to dedicate myself to some of the things that they do in that gym. And you do want to have a realistic approach because if you say that you're going to do it every day, you probably won't do it every day, right? But tell yourself, I'm going to go in there. I'm going to work with these guys.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I'm going to be kind. I'm going to pretend to be halfway intelligent. I'm going to stay stay out of their way i'm going to help them whatever way i can and in turn it'll help me i'm doing the same thing with running uh we ran with cameron haynes i think it was uh was it yesterday uh two two days ago was it two days ago yeah yeah it two days ago? Yeah. Yeah. It took me a minute. Not because I'm not paying attention. Oh yeah. Yesterday. No. Yeah. We woke up. Yeah. Yeah. Yesterday was traveling day. So the day previous to that. Yeah. Right. And so what I'm trying to do is run almost every day. Like, you know, I didn't run, uh, yesterday, yesterday was a good travel day. We got in tons of walking. Um, we, uh, we walked around the air airports a bunch travel day. We got in tons of walking. We walked around the airports a bunch.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I would say we probably got in, I don't know, 30, 40 minutes of walking. We just kept kind of cruising. And when it comes to something like running for me, I'm going to be kind of scared and intimidated to get into running. But when I came here to the gym today, I was like, okay, I can't run far. I suck at it. I need to stop using the word can't. So I'll just say I don't run very well and I'm not used to it. Um, I don't run great at the moment. And, uh, so I thought to myself, you know what, I'll just do two laps around the building, which is not very far, but it was something that I knew I could obtain. And, uh, I'll just do two laps around the
Starting point is 00:23:45 building before and after the training session, we even threw in some running, uh, during one of the circuits. Um, and so it basically the whole point is I'm going to be doing a lot more running than I was before. And I figured for now, just to keep momentum, why not try to run almost every day? So on Monday, uh, I'm going to run with my wife. We're going to Lake Berryessa, uh, which has all these trails and all these different things. So I'm going to go up there and I'm going to run with her for the day. We're just going to go and, uh, you know, we'll have a good time where, and for me, running a hill is a lot better than running on flat surface. I'm a big boy still, I'm still around 240 pounds. And so, uh, that's a lot
Starting point is 00:24:25 of force on your body and it's going to be a lot of force on my body going uphill, but you, because you move slower in some ways, a little safer and it's going to be safer for my shins and my, my calves and it's going to be safer for everything. So I'm looking forward to it, but then I'll be in here on Tuesday, but I'm in here on Tuesday. That's another training session. I'll run around the building twice before the workout. I'll run around the building twice after the workout. Um, maybe on some of my walks, maybe some of those walks will turn into some runs. Hopefully I don't get the runs, but those are just some of the things that I'm, that
Starting point is 00:24:58 I'm incorporating and implementing. And that, those are some of the things that I did with my public speaking is how am I going to get better at it? Um, you can't get better at it by not doing anything about it you can't get better at it by sitting on your couch you can't get better at it by saying you're going to do it someday you're going to do it tomorrow can you get better about it by reading it out of a book um you know you can learn stuff from a book but but, uh, no, you're going to have to, um, you're going to have to really, you know, try to learn like that is actually not a bad place to start. You know, if you're really shy or really concerned about it is you could start with like, they might have some good tips in there for you. Um, you know, I've heard tips over the years.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Somebody says, um, you know, uh, one of the things, you know, one of the surefire ways to make sure you're not entertaining is to try to be entertaining, you know, a surefire way to try to not be funny is to try to be funny. Um, you don't have to really necessarily try to be funny. Um, in terms of entertainment, you'll have to kick things up a notch to be animated because, uh, your toughest effort on camera and your toughest effort in front of a crowd will look like a four instead of the seven or eight that it felt like, because you thought you waved your hands and you thought you acted crazy. You go back and watch the video and you're like, my hands never even really went over my head. Like you're asleep. Yeah. You look at your sleep. Look like you're not, my hands never even really went over my head. It looked like you were asleep. Yeah. You look like you're asleep.
Starting point is 00:26:25 It looked like you're not super enthusiastic or whatever it might be. But no, we had to talk in school and we had to talk, um, you know, in front of the class, you know, and, uh, I did go to college. I tried to go to college. It didn't go so well, but anytime I had to talk in front of people, it sucked. It was hard. I mean, I would, I was trembling. I didn't know what to say. Um, I could barely talk. My voice was all broken up. Um, I remember even
Starting point is 00:26:52 years ago, I mean, this kind of gives you an idea of how like nervous I was to talk, uh, in certain aspects. I remember the first time I called Louie Simmons, I was insanely nervous. You know, it's like when I see people come up to me and they're like, I, uh, uh, yeah. I'm like, it's okay, man. I know. Okay. You want to get a picture, right? Okay, cool. All right, let's flex our arm.
Starting point is 00:27:14 All right, man. Hey, good to meet you. And they're like, ah, ah. I'm like, hey, I love you too. And I give them a hug and I kick them along their way because I, I've been in the same situation. The guy that ran into you at the uh i don't remember which airport but we were taking the uh like the whatever the fuck it's
Starting point is 00:27:30 called train trolley and he looks up he's like mark bell and yeah we're stuck in this tight space with like 30 other people and he's trying to take a selfie with mark and his hand is shaking all over the place and it was just funny because he like i don't even know if he got a good picture or not he was so shaky uh sometimes people don't even get a picture i think because they're like yeah they're so scared or whatever but yeah this guy had a you know this guy was a dead ringer for a mark smelly bell fan by the way because he's wearing a hulkamania shirt yeah he was uh he was a bigger guy as you can imagine all my fans are big big teddy bears right yeah well when we went to phil's that was a pretty cool little situation there because some guy he came up to me and he's like
Starting point is 00:28:10 oh cool shirt and he points at my st shirt and i'm like mine are his and i point to mark and he's like oh shit mark bell it was awesome yeah the guy didn't know i was sitting there and he was like whoa and he just came he came over he got a picture and uh that kind of thing but yeah you know i i remember also calling uh charles poliquin you know and it was like a paid phone call like i had to pay you know you you pay you know sometimes some of these people you can pay to have them consult you or whatever i didn't know him so i didn't know how to do any of this stuff back then and And, uh, who the hell knows what the fuck I was calling them about. But, uh, anyway, you know, when I call them, it's like, I could barely talk. I wrote down all these questions and I like could barely say any of them because I was so nervous. So, you know, you're going to have to figure out ways of forcing yourself around these things
Starting point is 00:28:59 through these things. And when we had the seminar here, I felt very comfortable with the microphone. I didn't have anything, you know, quote unquote prepared to say. Um, but obviously, um, I thought, I thought a lot about some of the direction I wanted to go in. And, uh, you know, I've learned over the years, the more things that I have to remember, the more things that I'll forget. So if I sit up there and try to have some sort of recited speech, it doesn't work very well. Um, I also learned that it's frustrating to, you know, kind of listen to somebody who's like reading or reciting something. It just doesn't have the same feel for it. If it's flat out informative, that's kind of different. If somebody's like, Hey, you know, you got to have 2.2 times your, uh, kilograms and carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:29:47 post-work and they just, they rattle something off. That's kind of different because that's something that you are going to, um, you're going to actually learn, you know, and this is different, but when you're speaking, when you speak from the heart, you're talking more about things in general. And I usually share with people, if I'm going to teach you how to lift, I first need to teach you how to live. And I feel it's part of my responsibility. And again, going back to some of these things that have happened here at Slingshot, you know, like having Jake Cutler come here, having, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:18 Ed Cohn at our fingertips, the greatest power lifter of all time, being friends with Stan Efferding. And people will say, oh man man it must be so great because you got all these people are you know they're right they're right there charles glass anytime we see how happy is that guy yeah like four in the morning yeah every time yeah every time i see charles class he's so pumped and he's so pumped to see the progression he's so pumped to see uh my transformation with my body so pumped to see the progression he's so pumped to see uh my transformation with my body so pumped to see the things that the business have done no animosity none of that bullshit he's just like you know he probably doesn't even know half of of uh of what's going
Starting point is 00:30:57 on and that's the way people should be is that you should be so focused and honed in on being positive and so honed in on your own shit that you're just trying to always get better. Charles Glass has no idea how many products we sell or don't sell or he doesn't know a post that we made, you know, because he's not tied up in it. Yeah. What was his response when you were like, hey, can we film you for a video knowing that it was going on our channel you know not not really necessarily to promote him directly but you know what what did he say i don't remember exactly what he said but i remember he's like yeah yeah okay yeah and so when i talked to him after he was like yeah i just moved i told my 4 a.m client that you have to come in at seven now and he he, you know, he was, so he moved his shit around for,
Starting point is 00:31:45 you know, to film that video with us. Yeah. And it was pretty funny. I kind of got on like, okay, so you're telling everybody what they got to do, what they got to eat,
Starting point is 00:31:52 whatnot. I was like, when do you eat? And he kind of starts laughing. He's like, well, he's like, some of my clients understand that I'll need an hour break in between,
Starting point is 00:32:00 you know, client one to client two. He's like, so I can sprint out of here, go eat and then come back and keep, keep training. Cause he does it all day long. Like literally like sunup to sundown, he's there. He's, he's, he's a beast. Yeah. Um, and so, you know, back to kind of the, the, uh, what I was talking about with, uh, public speaking, you know, and, and back to what I was talking about going against the grain and going the exact
Starting point is 00:32:23 opposite direction sometimes, um, you know, you against the grain and going the exact opposite direction sometimes. You know, you're trying to just find the road less traveled. When we were running with Cameron Haynes, you know, he said, oh, this path, you know, used to be great. It used to be kind of all dirt and it was all jacked up. And I kind of like that better. And he goes, sometimes I'll just go off the trail and run because, you know, the grass is all there. There's a, or just grass grass is all there's, there's a, or just grass and dirt and there's no concrete and rock and so on. It's not all set up to run.
Starting point is 00:32:50 It's not set up pretty. And I said, that's because you like the road less traveled. You know, literally he wants to make it like he's actually making his own path. Yeah. And the only way if you're, you're ever gonna, um, you know, feel the best in your life is when you can, when you have that ability,, you know, feel the best in your life is when you can, when you have that ability, when you have that ability to say this direction I'm going in is no longer the direction I want to continue in. I'm going to go in a complete different direction
Starting point is 00:33:16 now. It doesn't mean that what you're doing currently is bad. It just means that what you're going to go to next is going to be different. So it's not always about good and bad. You know, maybe, maybe you're super skinny, maybe you're super thin and you've lost a lot of weight and you feel great and you are a marathon runner, but now you're like, you know what? I want to change things up. I want to do something differently. It'd be cool to see if I could, uh, bench press my damn body weight, you know, or, or
Starting point is 00:33:42 the other way around. You're fat and you want to lose weight and you start to walk and run and do all these things. None of it's, none of it's, uh, necessarily all negative all the time. It's just where you were at that point. And now you're changing directions. For me, the answer was unconventional. The answer was going into professional wrestling and ended up basically, um, you know, getting a crash course on, on how you do this stuff and how you get up in front of people and, you know, cut a wrestling promo. They'll say, um, you know, you're say smelly, you're wrestling Filipino thunder, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:17 here at a super training gym, um, July 4th and go. And they'll say, you got 30 seconds and, you know, they'll, they might give you some other instruction on, uh, you know, what they want, but then you just have to figure out, okay, you know, what do I say? And so to everything that you're ever doing, though, there's always a story involved. There's always, there's always something to tell even within that, you know, I can, I can very simply pause for half a second and say, I could say, oh my God, I just got word that on July 4th, I'm going against Filipino Thunder. Smelly versus Filipino Thunder. It sounds like a damn monster movie.
Starting point is 00:35:02 What, you know, what's this going to turn into be? What's the meaning of this? I don't want to have to fight Filipino Thunder. He's my friend. And also, I don't want to have to fight Filipino Thunder because I know how strong he is. The guy squats over 800 pounds. But one thing he's going to have to understand is that under no circumstances am I going to ever quit. So on July 4th, when I meet Filipino Thunder here at Super Training Gym, you bet I'm going to do what I always do. And that's bring the pain and leave a stain. I'm smelly and I'm sticking to it. I just bought the pay-per-view. Yeah, there you go. See? So obviously, like, I wouldn't say it like that. I'd say it a lot
Starting point is 00:35:39 harder and a lot more, but like, if you just, you, so back to, you know, how this pertains to talking in front of an audience, if you are a, if you're somebody that wants to get into some of this, or somebody that wants to speak even just to your Instagram, now that's totally different. That's a much more cowardly way to speak. And it's a much easier way to speak. It's a, it's a cheap, the cheap road, but it is a form of communication and it is a way for you to get started. And what you can do, first of all, the most important thing to recognize is that not every video that you shoot needs to be posted. So how many takes can you do? As many as it takes.
Starting point is 00:36:19 As many as you need. Yeah, as many as you want. You can do as many as it takes. You can do as many as needed, right? You can do 40 of them if you need. Yeah, as many as you want. You can do as many as it takes. You can do as many as needed, right? You can do 40 of them if you want. Yeah. One thing when I'm taking photos or videos of somebody and they're like, I can tell that they're really nervous. They're showing it, body language, everything.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I'm like, look, nobody is ever going to see you look bad. All of these pictures that people see, all of them are going to make you look good. Right. And they're just like, oh, what a concept, you know, like they just, they don't really understand that. Like, yeah, you don't, just because I take a thousand mean doesn't mean that people are going to see a thousand. They're going to see like two. Yeah. People that are listening to this to have an Instagram and to have sponsors and stuff like that. I mean, this stuff is really valuable. How you communicate, how you talk. Um, what do people like to see? You know, the people like to see people pissed off. No,
Starting point is 00:37:06 not generally, you know, like I see stuff like that on Facebook and I fucking block people when people, you know, have shit on there, like with fighting and stuff. I can't stand it. I fucking won't watch it. You know, so I'll not only will I not watch it, but I'll fucking block that person. Like, I don't want to see a 65 year old man get punched by a fucking 15 year old kid. Like that's disgusting. I don't, I don't want to see that shit, you know? But you think about what is it that people want to see when people are on Instagram? What are we looking at? I mean, besides girls asses, there's really not much, is there? Uh, I mean some motivation, but it's usually a quote next to a big butt. Big butts.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Yeah. Yeah. We got a little bit off topic. What were we talking about? I don't know. We're talking about big butts, I think. We got stuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:55 But quotes, quotes are a big thing. You know, people like to see inspirational quotes. People like to be motivated and inspired by other people. They like to see emotion. They like to see somebody hyped up. Andy Frisella is a good example of that. Like, why are you going to watch something from Andy Frisella? Because you're fucking, uh, you're slumped over your bed. You're halfway out of bed and you don't really want to get up.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And so you click on Andy Frisella cause you know that he's going to kind of yell at you. Yeah. And he's going to, he's going to make you know that like you should get your ass moving. He's going to have a lot, he's going to be inspirational, right? Or watching a, uh, a Cameron Haynes video clip. I dare you to watch one and not start smiling yourself. Yeah. He smiles. Yeah. Smiles the whole time. Yeah. It's so contagious. Good looking son of a bitch too. I might throw that in there. Great calves. Can I get a hey now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Hey, the guy's a good looking guy. What am I supposed to do over here? You know? Yeah. But no, he's smiling the whole time. And so you start to think about how does that pertain to me? Now you don't want to just sit there with a fake smile the whole time. But it does help.
Starting point is 00:39:01 It helps to, you know, get yourself in the right frame of mind before you ever go to record anything. You know, there's a lot of people right now that have big followings. A lot of people right now that have other people listening. There's a lot of people that need to figure out ways to not only communicate to become a material expert to get further sponsorship, but there's also a lot of people that have sponsorship. What do those people do when they promote these products? They try to promote it in a fun and cool way. Let's just say that you have a seminar at your gym and you want to be able to promote that. You want to be able to, well, you want to be able to get on your Instagram and be able to say something with enough authority and say when the date is and stuff, that's a lot better in my opinion than just some cold poster that has the date. Um, it's almost a
Starting point is 00:39:51 little bit more inviting. Hey, we're having a seminar here. Here's what's going to go down. There'll be, you know, Gatorade and water and, you know, uh, quest bars and so on. And we're going to go over squat bench deadlift. We're gonna have a great time. I hope I see you there. Boom, done. Game over, you know, and it doesn't have to be, uh, that complicated when it comes to talking in front of a crowd and comes to talk in front of people. Um, that part can be a little bit harder just because the only thing that can really, uh, ever get you over that hump is probably experience. And again, for me, it kind of started in, in pro wrestling is where, is where I got, you know, I got my feet wet with all that. And I was able to kind of, you know, learn on the fly, but that was like, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:40:36 it's the hardest way to learn. So whenever you have the opportunity to do something, the hardest, uh, it's going to be the best. Uh, I heard a quote, uh, the other day, um, from Sean White, that's his name, the snowboarder skateboarder, right? Yeah. Um, he said, you know, do things that are hard so often that they're no longer hard anymore. You know, it just, when something's difficult, if you do it enough, it won't be that hard anymore because you've done it before.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Whether it's you working on your taxes or you doing your homework, are you, uh, learning how to hit a curve ball or are you learning how to hit on a chick or you, you know, whatever it is, like the things will, it'll, it'll get easier, you know, over a period of time. And, um, it's something that, that has to be, uh, worked towards and it takes, it takes a long time when you're talking in front of people though, it wouldn't be any different than, you know, going back to that little promo that I cut, uh, what information do I have? And, and what can I communicate to people? Uh, the information I had in the silly reference that I made was I'm going to wrestle Filipino thunder.
Starting point is 00:41:46 What other information do I have? I know he's strong, right? Like, so I can utilize some of these things. If you're going to talk to people in front of a crowd and you're going to talk to them about, let's say deadlifts, you don't have to think about, oh man, there's all these people here. Like what, fuck, what are they expecting to say? I don't, I don't know what to, I don't even, I don't know what to talk about. There's a lot of people here. You know, what you can think about is like, I'm going to teach them what I know, the way that I would teach my mom how to deadlift,
Starting point is 00:42:14 the way that I would teach my girlfriend how to deadlift, the way, you know, whatever. And from there you take whatever information that you have or know about a deadlift, and then you communicate that with people. and that's not that hard to do It might be hard to like inspire people. It might be hard to motivate But even when it comes to that if you have a story to share Um, if you were somebody that came from nothing or you have some story That needs to get out there Then that would be a great time to shit to say, you know
Starting point is 00:42:44 Hey, I deadlifted 800 pounds, but I haven't always been this way. This is the way my life started out. I used to be 155 pounds. If you look at the way that Ed Cohn handled the seminar, he did a great job because he just talked about his own experiences. And that's ultimately what people are there for when they come to these things. When people are on your Instagram, that's part of the reason why they're there. They're there to hear about your own experiences. If you notice on Instagram, people don't like it that much when you have other pictures of other people on there. They really like it to be you over a period of time.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Now, sometimes they might like a meme or they might like some offshoot thing. But, you know, normally they're going to like something that's kind of more directly from you. I got to take a sip of water. And so as we were kicking this off, I was saying that my buddy Danny Castillo was going to come in today, but we didn't have him pop in here, so I just hopped on here and just started rapping,
Starting point is 00:43:44 but something I realized that, uh, my fucking brother's calling again. I should just text him and tell him to call the podcast. Andrew. I was going to say, we can call my phone and we'll put them on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Just text them. All right. Any, any goddamn way. Um, what I was saying is, um, you know, I think sometimes um you know i think sometimes you know people will they don't always know exactly who i am they don't know exactly know uh some of the history
Starting point is 00:44:14 of some of this stuff and a lot of the stuff a lot of the big lifts and some of those things are gone they're things i did uh years ago um and so therefore, you know, out of sight, out of mind, people kind of forget, you know, what those things are, but the ability to get on, um, the ability to rub elbows with some of these great people like Cam Haynes, uh, hanging out with my boy, Chris Duffin. Um, you know, some of these things, obviously we got social media, so you just hit people up, but it's also about networking. And it's also it's also about being kind to people, being good to people. You know, Cam Haynes and anybody else that's ever been inside Super Training Gym. George Lockhart, for example.
Starting point is 00:44:55 You know, when he came in here, you're going to get steamrolled by Team Slingshot right when you walk in the door. Hey, you want coffee? What do you want? Water? You want orange juice? You want orange? You want apple? You want steak? What do you need? Need something? Need someone to take you to lunch? You want a shirt? You want a hat? You want a slingshot? And a lot of those things have, have led myself and my brother to great places. And the same thing with Joe Rogan, the way that we've gotten on the Joe Rogan show is we've been able to communicate with him. We've been able to help him. We've been able to talk to him about diet and, and sometimes he'll share an opinion that's complete opposite of ours. And sometimes we share an opinion that's complete opposite of his,
Starting point is 00:45:37 but we're able to, uh, communicate and we're able to help each other and we're able to be friends and able to learn from each other. And, uh, those are like, it's same thing happened when I went to see Chris Duffman. I've known Chris Duffman forever. We shared all kinds of information. I've helped him make and design some of the, um, uh, some of the bars that he's made. And he's, uh, he's given his products out to me for feedback. I mean, we've done, we've, we've been around for a long time. You know, I've, I was at his gym probably six years ago or something like that. And, um, oh my God, I got my brother on the line. Hello. Hello. What are you doing? You sound fat. Everything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Just got done at the NECA. I was training. I'm trying to get my headphones. okay yeah we got to talk about this 495 deadlift what happened the 495 trap bar deadlift uh well i just you know remember we were on rogan and i told him i had more in me i had more in the tank and so i felt like a loser when I did 405 for five. But I knew I could do 500, so I wanted to try it the next week. So I tried it, and I did it. But, well, 495 is not 500. But I also
Starting point is 00:46:55 realized I think I could have got a couple reps out of that. Yeah, normally once you do one rep, you can usually do more, but no reason to fuck yourself up. How do you feel now? Today, I feel amazing. I feel great. It's kind of crazy that a lot of people at the gym saw it, and people get really excited about it. I think, you know, if I was just a normal person, deadlifting 500 is no big deal,
Starting point is 00:47:21 but when you get your hips replaced, I think people just expect it to be over. And I did the same thing i would just packed it in you know he's known me forever i packed it in i said my lifting career is over it's done with and um but after learning about nutrition and diet and feeling a lot better it's far from over i can still lift i can still train not as heavy as i used to but um i like it and it's fun you know the sun can still lift. I can still train. Not as heavy as I used to. But I like it. And it's fun. The sun's still shining. Is that what you're saying? The sun's still shining.
Starting point is 00:47:53 And it ain't over. It's never over. That's the thing people need to remember. You can get back on the horse and just get going again. Well, and if you're somebody out there that's in a lot of pain from doing the power lifts and stuff, then be smart. Maybe it is time to stop doing them, but it doesn't mean you have to stop doing them forever. Stop doing them for a little while or, uh, fucking reduce the weight for a while, you know, do something different, do high reps or do conditioning.
Starting point is 00:48:19 There's an amazing thing about, about sobriety that, um, a lot of people need to apply to their everyday life. Right. And by the way, it's my four year sobriety birthday today. Hey, um, four years when you get, when you get sober, they say that it demands rigorous honesty. And I think that people need that in their life. No matter what you need, rigorous honesty. Um, are you, you know, are you in great shape or are you fat? You know, you have to be honest, you know, are you like, did you do enough to deserve that piece of cake or did you not? You know, those kinds of things are really important.
Starting point is 00:48:59 You know, I've had to do that with you. I've had to do that. I've had to do that with you forever. You'd always be like, ah, I can't, I can't well you it's like yeah no you can you can you can you can you're choosing not to you can i understand there's fake hips going on and there's other things going on but you know also back to what you said in the beginning about um people wouldn't care if you're a regular person um but it's a lot of it's because you have fake hip. It's not because you have fake hips. It's actually what it is, is, is it's just that people, um, it's just that people care about you. That's really the more, the more the thing, obviously, like, you know, you have, uh, you have a hurdle, right? You have an extra hurdle in there. Uh,
Starting point is 00:49:42 but everyone's got something. And then people know that you overcame drugs and alcohol and some other things, too. So that kind of adds to it. But it's really nothing more than people just knowing you and knowing who you are and knowing what you're about, because it matters a lot on who does the lift you know take uh bradley martin for example he's got a shitload of fans if bradley martin just did a 405 deadlift or something people will erupt even though he's stronger than that but he'll have millions of likes and millions of people complimenting him on it and they'll be all excited but a lot of times it's just on who does it and how and how that person makes them feel so for you especially at gold's gym like people there love you. You're the mayor, mayor of Venice. Yeah, I think, you know, that might have something to do with it, you know, but I feel like, I don't know. I, you know, I hope so. I hope that people care. I mean, I think that we care a lot more about people than a lot of people know. I mean, you and I both are really far out of our way
Starting point is 00:50:46 to make sure that everybody that needs help gets it. I'm constantly helping people with their diet and their training. And, like, everything I do is just, you know, out of the pure enjoyment I get out of seeing people succeed and seeing people do well. And a lot of times people are so enamored with their own success, or they're so interested in their own success, that they forget to lift up other people.
Starting point is 00:51:14 And that's really important that you lift up other people. Yeah, we see it. We see so many people at Gold's Gym, you know? I mean, so many people in life, period. But Gold's Gym's a great example of that. There's a bunch of bags of shit there. Listen, there's about 30 girls on Instagram that have over 100,000 followers. They're at Gold's.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I don't know one of them. I don't know one of them. You know why I don't know one of them? Because not one of them ever took the time to say like, hey, here's somebody in the fitness industry. Maybe I should say hi to them. Like they don't say hi to anybody. They don't talk to anybody. Nobody knows anybody. Everything's like everybody's too cool for school and too cool for each other.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And, uh, everybody's got to get, you know, posting and hashtags and this and that. And everybody's so concerned with themselves. They forget about the person next to them. And I'm actually more concerned about the person next to me. Cause I don't think I'm that big of a deal so I think that's the difference like I'm always trying to figure out how I can help somebody get better um even if it's at my own expense just because um that's what that's where
Starting point is 00:52:15 I find joy you know you got your blood work done recently what's been the result of that my blood work came back uh pretty good Everybody seemed to be pretty happy with it, pretty satisfied with it. So my C-reactive protein, as you know, on both last blood tests, it was up around nine, which is pretty much deadly, like fatal. And then it dropped down to six. And I still have no idea why it was up that high.
Starting point is 00:52:41 There's reasons why it could be. But since I was feeling good, I decided not to, you know, go right to the doctor and say, oh, I'm going to have a cardiac event or something. So I just waited it out to see if I changed some things that my blood work would, you know, clear up. And I didn't really change anything. It was actually at the time when I went on the carnivore diet where it started to drop. And so now it's down to like a normal range. So four months on the carnivore diet, a C-reactive protein came down to a normal range. And then everything else, the only thing that's sort of high is my LDL cholesterol is up around 300. And people get all like whacked out, you know, they get all crazy
Starting point is 00:53:22 about that. But with Dr. Baker and a couple other doctors that I spoke to actually explained to me, what's really important is your HDL compared to your triglycerides. And they should be at about a one-to-one ratio. And mine's exactly a one-to-one ratio. So my triglycerides and my HDL cholesterol are both 77. And that's ideal. They think that's more important than what my LBL was or whatever like that. So I'm not too concerned about that being high.
Starting point is 00:53:54 It's the only thing on the blood work at all that was really out of whack besides my thyroid was running a little bit low, and there's some things stance that I can do to fix that. So I'm going to work on that. Come on. What are you going to do to fix that? Is that just cranberry juice? Yeah, iodine or whatever?
Starting point is 00:54:14 I was going to ask you. Steve, you knew the answer. Yeah, that's exactly it. Yeah, iodine can help. The cranberry juice can help. You already have salt in the diet, so that'll help. But then also maybe just... Four ounces. Yeah. The cranberry juice can help. You already have salt in the diet, so that'll help. But then also maybe just... Four ounces.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah. Four ounces of cranberry juice twice a day. It's got to be real, pure cranberry juice. For people out there that don't know where to get it, you can get it on Amazon. But they also have it at Whole Foods, the company that Stan recommends. Actually sells it right at Whole Foods. You can also just buy an iodine supplement, which might be easier than, because like some people might not like cranberry juice or they might not want the calories from it. And you can just buy,
Starting point is 00:54:52 you buy iodine supplement. Yeah. The pure cranberry juice, that's pretty hard to take. You got to chase it down with something. I actually know the pure cranberry juice, the best way to drink the pure cranberry juice. You guys got to know the secrets, man. No, I know. I put just like either some sparkling water in there or something. It tastes pretty good. A little bit of lemon. It tastes amazing.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Yeah, it actually tastes really good. Sparkling water. And even if you have a little bit of, if you have like some stevia drops. I don't have a problem with any natural foods. It's Andrewrew the motherfucker on the way home from the gym every day stops and gets a mcdonald's cheeseburger well you guys got to remember i've never been fat so i can't i don't know these secrets of like adding sparkling water to cranberry juice to make it taste good i just look at it i'm like oh fuck like that just tastes
Starting point is 00:55:40 gross i don't want that but i'll add some sparkling water wait you've never been fat so I don't want that, but I'll add some sparkling water. Wait. You've never been fat, so you don't know the secrets. That doesn't make any sense. Yeah, well... He's never been fat, so he's just had disregard for his health, and he just shits himself all day. All day. Oh, dude, in Portland, that was so bad. You can just eat whatever tastes...
Starting point is 00:55:59 You eat whatever tastes good, basically. That was the diet. The original diet. Yeah, I think so. He's doing somewhat better saying that would be actually, you know, I used to say that that would be really easy to just eat whatever you want, but it's really not because I did it for a year. Right before I did keto, I would eat whatever I wanted, and I just felt awful all the time. It was actually kind of hard. You know, I wasn't trying to get fat or anything.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I was just doing it because I was burnt out on, I had been doing keto, and I got burnt out on it. I stopped doing it and just decided to eat whatever I wanted for a while, and it got to be kind of difficult. What do you eat now? Because I kept saying, like, oh, what am I eating right now? No, just like in general, like what's your plan look like? Like eat a certain amount of carbs a day or anything like that? Or eating fruit or what are you doing? Yeah, my plan right now is usually like about two steaks a day,
Starting point is 00:56:56 maybe some burgers and a steak. I think putting red meat at the center of the diet is a really interesting way to go because it has the most nutrients besides liver. I do take some liver caps. So I take some liver caps and I eat beef. And then around that at night, sometimes I usually get like the munchies at night kind of. So I want something that's sweet. I'll cut up an apple, put some peanut butter on that, or some other kind of nut butter, like
Starting point is 00:57:29 the keto butter. I don't have an apple or maybe two apples sometimes. It doesn't usually seem to matter. I like those little cuties, those little halos from Costco, those little oranges. I eat some of those,
Starting point is 00:57:45 but mainly it's like any sort of meat. And then like the side, like residual things, it's either a protein shake. Mark Sisson actually sent me a whole case of Primal Kitchen, like everything that they make. And so he sent me this amazing, I'm going to look at it right now, it uh primal fuel vanilla coconut primal fuel it's like really good protein powder so i use that i use i use your keto pro which is probably the best tasting uh protein powder but he but sisson's got a vanilla one that's really good too so i use the vanilla one of that i use your chocolate keto pro so there's like um but mainly it's like it's meat protein. And then, but I switched from carnivore into a diet of like, it's sort of whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:58:32 I just know what the foods are now. And you outlined it so simply in one Instagram post. To me, that's the diet. Like, that's what it is. So your Instagram post said. 12 foods. Okay, guys. A lot of people, that's what it is. So your Instagram post said, 12 foods. Okay, guys, a lot of people say that keto doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Try bacon, butter, cream, coffee, steak, and a couple other things. Avocados, coconut, blah, blah. Like, there's like, you listed 12 things, I think, right? Yeah. So that's the diet. Eat those things.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Anything else is sort of out of balance, you know, because that's all we really need. And those things. Anything else is sort of out of balance, you know, because that's all we really need. And those things have so much variation within them. Like how many ways can you cook an egg? There's like a million. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:59:15 I think like where I'm in disagreement sometimes with Dr. Baker is just like, I don't think there's a lot of great reasons. I understand like his push for me, you know, primarily just meat. But I don't really think there's reasons to completely avoid everything else, such as fruit, such as vegetables. Well, I don't think he sees any reason specifically either, necessarily. Like, he's like, because he's pretty open-minded about it. His message though is not great.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Like his message on Instagram is like, I always think he goes a little too far. You know, he's not very, he should, in my opinion, it'd be great if he was just like a little bit more inviting. You know, hey, fuck it. You want to have some vegetables?
Starting point is 00:59:59 You should, but eat more meat, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so it could turn people off, but everybody has like their own style of stuff. And I think also like with so many hard edge vegans, like hardcore people being vegans and getting all upset, that like maybe we do need a guy that eats all meat and gets upset just like them, you know?
Starting point is 01:00:19 Right, right. Maybe he's good for the community. And in that way, like we do have a guy that'll go just as hard at them as they come at us, you know? And, like, maybe that's okay. He did say, like, you'll find your own rhythm. You'll find your own food, kind of. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Yeah, exactly. And he's been very, like, lenient with me. Like, I would think, like, he would say, oh, you're killing it by eating fruit. And he doesn't ever do that. You know, he just says, like, hey, the thing by eating fruit. And he doesn't ever do that. You know, he just says like, hey, how, the thing I really love about Dr. Baker, the thing that, so anybody thinks he comes off like that on Instagram, like you're saying,
Starting point is 01:00:53 it's like, he's actually the complete opposite. He's like a big teddy bear. I mean, he hits me up so often to see how I'm doing. That just makes me feel good. Like, I like that. You know, I like people that are like that. Like, hey man, how are you coming along? How are you feeling? Like, he just uh want to know how we're doing and i think that's
Starting point is 01:01:09 important when you're helping people you know are you taking any supplements other than uh other than the uh the liver capsules are you taking anything else i can tell you exactly what i'm taking right now i'm actually gonna make a shake right now so i can look in the cupboard so i have um one thing that i think is pretty interesting i don't take it every day i think it's a great supplement for um ketogenic diet is perfect keto they make a um a thing called perfect keto micros which is just like an orange flavored uh it's like one of those green drinks you know with all the green shit in it and so it's got all your like micronutrients that you might miss out on a ketogenic diet especially on a carnivore diet you're gonna miss a lot of these um micronutrients
Starting point is 01:01:55 or you're not going to get as many of them so it's basically just like an orange flavored uh green drink and um you can actually add it to a protein shake or do whatever you want and there's a couple different flavors that he came out with that's a that's kind of a cool product that i like i also like um this is the same guy that makes the mct bar no no the um perfect keto makes keto butter though that keto butter stuff that's really good that's that's something that they make mct bar is its own company um mct bars are good i use those those once in a while. So I take, okay, so I was taking vitamin D3, but what happened with the vitamin D3 was I got all excited about it because Stan was like, you really need to up your vitamin D. then I ended up with high calcium because of, uh, it comes from taking these capsules for some reason.
Starting point is 01:02:46 So Stan said, replace the vitamin D capsules with four egg yolks a day. So I try to just get in like four eggs a day, probably my regular, you know, part of my meals. So, um, I eat eggs, you know, usually I eat them a couple of times a week. The other thing I've been eating twice a week is salmon. Um, usually just like twice a week is salmon. Usually just like a poke bowl of salmon. I find that's really
Starting point is 01:03:09 helpful in getting in your Omega-3s because I've just done a lot of research on fish oil this week and I pretty much realized from both sides, this is kind of amazing, the only thing I've found that's bipartisan so both the vegans and the meat eaters all think that fish
Starting point is 01:03:26 oil is pretty much a worthless supplement to take because you're just throwing in a bunch more omega three without like without any rhyme or reason and so um i don't know everybody i talked about yeah well it's the same reason why fruit uh is digested pretty well and the same reason why fruit you're able to upregulate those carbohydrates because fruit has cofactors in it that allow for that and when you eat fish that's just a more natural way to get those omega-3s and i'm sure there's enzymes and all kinds of shit uh that yeah make it more readily available it seems to be the same problem like when you sit down um even if you sit down, um,
Starting point is 01:04:08 coconut oil down to like C8 coconut, C8 MCT oil, you're still missing a lot of stuff that's originally in coconut oil. That isn't worthless. Like your body can actually use that and actually helps you to utilize all of the coconut oil, um, better. So sometimes like when you take something out of something,
Starting point is 01:04:22 it doesn't necessarily make it better all the time. Did you start editing our fucking movie yet? What are you doing? We are, um, we are underway. Um, it's, it's crazy because, um, it's funny because, you know, when you know so much about something and you're so into something, it actually becomes a lot harder. So I've been having a hard time. I'm actually, I'll see you tomorrow, by the way. I'll be up there tomorrow. And we can talk about it some more. But yeah, I think once we get started, it'll be like, we've actually did get started. But once we get rolling a little bit more, it'll be a lot easier. But just sort of in the beginning now getting started is like, how do we approach this story? This thing is a monster. And there's so many um nuances to it and there's so many things like you you start to learn that
Starting point is 01:05:11 like you can't just go out and say whatever you want you know because a lot of people are a lot of people's health are hanging in the balance so um like i'll write a line and i'll erase it and i'll write a line and i'll erase it and that's how a lot of things go in the beginning with a lot of these movies is, um, you know, you start out with like a really hard stance on something and I'm going to show the world this.
Starting point is 01:05:31 And then you start getting into it and go realize like, maybe that's not the right, right way to get as many people on board as possible. Cause at the end of the day, you want people to agree with your message. Not, you know, not be like,
Starting point is 01:05:44 this guy's an idiot. You want people to get on board. You want people to follow what you're doing. And a way to do that is through, you know, teaching and teaching them thoroughly and not lying and not having an agenda. And that's another really hard part. Like, I definitely have an agenda. Like, I definitely want to say a ketogenic diet works really well. definitely want to say a ketogenic diet works really well. Uh, but what we have to say, honestly, is like a ketogenic diet works really well for me. And here's why, and here's the things that, you know, went into it. It's gotta be more specific. Um, you know, it's gotta be more specific to me and then people can learn me and you and people can learn from what we were doing. Um, but you know, like we keep saying, there is no one size fits all. And that's like a big, that's a big problem in nutrition no one size fits all. And that's like a big, that's a big problem in nutrition is everybody wants the answer. And it's more like there's a
Starting point is 01:06:29 lot of answers, not an answer. You know, there's a lot of answers. They're just all different. And they all, they all depend on each other. I think there's like a lot of mis, there's like just a lot of misusage of words, you know, for somebody to say that a diet doesn't work for them, um, doesn't really make sense. Uh, what that tells me is that they didn't make the diet work for them, you know, like, uh, sort of the very definition of diet is kind of just, in my opinion, it means you're going to be kind of cutting some shit out in order to lose weight. You know, it's normally to lose weight.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Obviously, there's other ways of, there's other forms of nutrition. But when we're specifically talking about, you know, the diet didn't work, normally people are, that's a response to, I didn't lose any weight. Losing weight. Well, you didn't lose any weight because you didn't make the diet work for you. any weight because you didn't make the diet work for you. And whether it's a keto diet, a bodybuilding diet, or some sort of split of the macronutrients, I think it's kind of a lie that it didn't work. You didn't make it work because whatever the restriction that was required, you didn't live through it long enough or you didn't manipulate it long enough.
Starting point is 01:07:43 And so I think what they mean by saying like it didn't work, it just didn't live through it long enough or you didn't manipulate it long enough and so i think what they mean by saying like it didn't work it just didn't work out for them uh in particular because they couldn't figure it out is really kind of more the truth you know well look do you know if you cut the carbs out of anybody's diet 100 and you gave them steak to eat i just think i just think everybody's gonna get in shape but not everybody like it'd be like 99.9 percent right there might be somebody that it actually has some fat fuck or whatever right oh it's not even that who knows they might have some like enzyme that they can't digest something or whatever right but like for the most part it's gonna work and actually like i would say that a vegan diet would totally work
Starting point is 01:08:25 for me, but it wouldn't work for my goals. And my goals are to be like as strong as possible throughout the rest of my life. And so it doesn't fit that goal and it'll never fit that goal. So I'll never do it. Like, does that make sense? Yeah. I mean, like if the goal, if the goal is to maintain strength through life and I don't care, like I'd rather die at 60 and be strong than die at 90 and be like really frail and weak and have like 30 years of shitty life. You know, so that's just me. So if my thing is to be strong, then I have to do what I'm doing now or something similar to it. you know if you get you know anyone in a restricted state of you know just having new habits you know even just somebody you do something crazy like they just eat once a day you know and they you know obviously there would be restrictions on how much you could eat you couldn't go you know to
Starting point is 01:09:17 nauseam on on how much on how much you ate you'd have to probably be a little bit cautious but um i just think that people saying everybody's different, I think is, is fucking, you know, weak. I just don't, I don't like it. I don't agree with it. I think if, uh, if we were in a hospital and every single thing that we ate was controlled, uh, they'd figure out like if we were trying to lose weight, they'd figure it out ways of losing weight. If you, if I said, man, I'm going to give you a hundred thousand dollars. I want you to lose seven pounds this week. Um, I don't know that many people like who, who would not lose seven pounds. I mean, and all you would do is just not eat. You know,
Starting point is 01:09:53 you would just wouldn't eat for a few days and you'd drink water and you'd lose the weight. So I just think it's, uh, what's that? Yeah, you're right though. If you, if you told anybody, if you made it like a challenge, you know, like if you if you told anybody if you made it like a challenge you know like if you told somebody i bet you a million dollars that you you know it's like go on a keto diet you say it doesn't work for you but if i bet you a million dollars of course it'll work i hear joe logan say that all the time everybody's different and i i fucking hate that phrase i don't think that that's true at all i i do think that people have different personalities for sure people have different personalities and people might not want to eat bacon or eggs or vegetables. People might not want to eat certain things.
Starting point is 01:10:30 I understand that side of it. That's what they're talking about. Yeah, okay. From a physical standpoint, no. If we all eat 500 calories, we'll all lose weight. That's something that should be cleared up i think i think that's what people mean is that like it doesn't work for everybody because not everybody wants to do that right and also like not everybody has the same goal but i think you're right in a
Starting point is 01:10:55 way like there is so much shit that works for everybody um but but there is there is uh points of insulin resistance and there is points where people are starting out worse than other people and other people are starting out better you know like this idea that everybody's created equal is that's that's the biggest lie you know genetics play such a huge role right in everything that we do every step that we take every bite of food that we you know ingest and everything genetics play a huge role in that so that's something we're like not everybody start we are all different because we're all starting from different places but i think we react the same to a lot of things so like most things you know and
Starting point is 01:11:34 so the generalization to say we're all different like basically what is what that does to me is anytime anybody in the keto world says it i think they just say it so you keep buying their books or reading their shit. Because it's like, you know, basically, what is a ketogenic diet? Eat no carbs. Well, if I'm going to have a career off of telling people to eat no carbs and that's what my life's going to be, then guess what? I got to tell everybody they're different so they keep coming back to me. It's also a way just to be like a friend.
Starting point is 01:12:01 It's also a way to be friendly while everybody's different. Yeah, yeah. What if I tell you, okay, Mark, I'm going to put you on a diet, right? just to be like friend it's also a way to be friendly well everybody's different yeah yeah what if i tell you um okay mark i'm gonna put you on a diet right and you're gonna pay me like a hundred dollars for this diet and you're like okay what's the diet and i say eat no carbs and for the rest of your life that's that's all you really need to say to somebody to get them to to engage in a diet that we're on. That's the only real rule. You know, I find that the closer, I should say that I find that what I like about carnivore,
Starting point is 01:12:31 the biggest thing I like about it, the closer you get to being a true carnivore, the closer you get to a true ketogenic diet, the closer you get to the goal of zeroing your carbohydrates. And I think that that, I don't think you have to have zero carbohydrates, but I think when the diet doesn't work, it's because the carbs always get too high. Yeah, or you're just not sometimes having just enough food, period.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I think some people are, because they're trying to like diet, because they're trying to like look better, they're just constantly just having less and less calories. We got a question from the chat box and they're referencing, uh, Jacob Wilson and Ryan Laurie's book, uh, the keto Bible. I think that's the book, right? Um, there, I guess in the book it says for hard training athletes, they recommend 0.78 grams per pound of protein. Um, what do you guys think about that? that for is that for lean body mass or is that for
Starting point is 01:13:28 yeah they don't specify yeah i'm not 100 sure on that that's another that's another thing that's a doctor who's not specifying what the fuck right that's a fucking doctor he doesn't specify whether it's not like you know i mean lean body mass or, body mass. Like, what is it? I'm just saying right now, I don't know for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Those are things that people have to know, you know, like, so if it's if it's point seven per pound of like, you know, lean body mass. Yeah, that's probably right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Or sometimes people say like one, you know, one gram per pound of body weight. And that seems that seems like it's about, uh, right. You know, um, but also I've, there's a lot of debate about protein and how much protein we need. Uh, it seems like people that are really on the, in the ketogenic world, like Jimmy Moore, for example, he'll, he recommends like very little protein to stay in ketosis. Right. But he's also like extremely overweight still so it's like who do you listen to in this in this whole thing it's like you got to figure it out on your own and that's why it takes a lot of testing and and figuring things out because like who knows
Starting point is 01:14:34 like it's 0.7 good like i'm not a scientist so i don't know i i just i've always gone by um by what people say like as far far as bodybuilders go. Yeah, I eat a gram per pound of body weight per pound of lean mass or whatever. That means for me, I need to get in 168 grams of protein a day. That seems about normal. But if I eat... See, here's how much of a difference it makes. If I was going to eat up to my body weight, then I would be, then I would, you know, I
Starting point is 01:15:05 weigh 200 pounds. So that would be a different amount of protein and be like 40 grams more. I would need 40 or 50 grams more that I would need. So I think that, I think more on the lower end of, I just don't think you need to be stuffing yourself with protein. However, I should say, if you do stuff yourself with protein, if your goals are lose weight and you stuff yourself with protein, you'll lose weight easier than if you're stuffing yourself with the fat, right? So that's another thing that people should realize. Like if you're
Starting point is 01:15:34 going on a ketogenic diet, a lot of people say like eat a lot of fat, fat, fat, fat, you know, all day long. But the problem is when you eat fat all day long, the calories get to be too high. And then the person remains at the same body weight. But if they're looking to lose body weight, who really cares if some of your protein turns in the carbohydrate, you know, who really cares if gluconeogenesis happens, uh, as long as your calories aren't getting too high, you know, so it kind of all depends on the goal. If your goal is to lose weight, I'd say, you know, having a little bit more protein isn't a bad idea. Hell yeah, I agree with that. I think a lot of people have tried to just, you know, lower that protein marker down a lot.
Starting point is 01:16:15 And some of that's for clinical ketosis. And I don't even think clinical ketosis matters at all. I think that, you know, if you are going through the diet and you're starting to get stuck, maybe that is a point where you have to kind of look at, okay, maybe I'm eating too much food. Maybe I'm eating too often. Maybe I'm doing intermittent fasting too much, or maybe I should implement it. That's when you got to start asking questions. And that might be a time where you're like, um, maybe I should check my ketones and see, you know, am I getting any ketosis? But in my opinion, I don't think ketosis is some sort of magical fat burning paradise that people make it out to be.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Yeah, no, it's not. And listen, just so everybody knows, everybody listening can know this. I'm in ketosis all the time. And so I check my ketones like three times a day. I'm like crazy about it. I'm in ketosis all the time. I keep myself there either through exogenous ketones by lowering what I eat. You know, like I won't eat for a little while, but I'll have a bulletproof coffee or whatever.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I'll get my ketones back up. Because I kind of want to test to see if ketosis matters that much or not. And to tell you the truth, I don't know. I don't really know if it matters or not. I've been in ketosis this that much or not and um to tell you the truth i don't know i don't really know if it matters or not i mean i've been in ketosis this whole time yeah i don't think i'm normal i mean i haven't really tested i haven't tested myself in a while but i don't think i'm normally i think uh i think it matters to be on the brink of ketosis right to be on that um you know low low low blood glucose right and um the ability the ability to make ketones if you really needed to. And that way, your body's sort of like in that metabolic flexibility window that Mark Sisson talked about.
Starting point is 01:17:56 And Mark Sisson is 60-something years old and still competing in Ultimate Frisbee. I was listening to him on a podcast and he was just talking about outplaying allplaying all these 20 year olds and i'm just like man this guy's a maniac but uh he's always talking about that metabolic flexibility being right on that cusp of ketosis it's like wait where you want to be you know yeah he can still sprint and move fast and things like that and that's what ron penna talks about uh that's what uh dr baker talks about like you should still be able to like move fast. You should still have a, uh, explosive, you know, explosive fibers in your body. It shouldn't just be like, you know, I think, you know, as they, as they were mentioning, like the more explosive you are, the more you can keep your, uh, your ability to, to move quickly and to, uh,
Starting point is 01:18:42 have strong, uh, a strong body relative to your body weight is really crucial for just longevity in general. You know, pop out of your car and all that shit. For a long time, I was feeling really shitty. Even on keto, my inflammation was still high. There was a lot of problems I was having, but I don't know exactly what it is. And it could be like partly mental, but there was something that happened. Something happened, I think, the last time I went up to see you. Like something clicked or something happened to where I'm like, it might be the way that you make me feel.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Cause a lot of times, um, so it sounds kind of mushy, but you make me feel really good about myself and it makes me feel like I can do things, you know? And so it could just be that, but I was like,
Starting point is 01:19:37 you know what, man, I'm not really handicapped. Like, fuck this. I can, I can do this, you know?
Starting point is 01:19:42 And like something just snapped in me to say like, I, but I also think that in in real life what was happening was i didn't realize that all my pain was actually gone like it actually has been going away like a carnivore diet's been taking away this inflammation and chipping away at it and then like when i was up with you guys i think it just clicked all at once where it's like i I actually do feel okay. Because you're just so used to not feeling good that when it hits you and you do feel good, it's hard to notice that. How do you even decipher it? When I feel good, I always think, is this for real?
Starting point is 01:20:20 Do I really feel good? Or is this just going to go back to hurting tomorrow you know but um something clicked that made me be able to train a little bit harder move a little bit better and i don't know what it is but i'm just thankful for it you know that's awesome all right man we're gonna get out of here i'll see you tomorrow you're getting up here on 8 30 or something i'll get up there in the morning i'll come right right up to the gym. Are you going to be at the gym in the morning? I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow, but I'll be around somewhere. I'll text you in the morning.
Starting point is 01:20:52 All right, later. All right, Matt. Cool, man. He brought up a lot of good points. You guys see the progress and progression that he's making. And you guys have seen the progress and progression that I'm making. Um, these things, you know, they, they, they kind of take some phases. He's mentioned not feeling good. He's mentioned feeling good. And, uh, for those of you following along, like somebody be like, I tried keto and I felt like shit. Well, what's your goal? You know, if, if you are, uh, if you're fucking fat, you're fat, man, there's nothing,
Starting point is 01:21:26 nothing makes you feel worse than being fat. So let's get that straight first and foremost. If you're a hundred pounds overweight and, and you want to lose weight, then that is your priority. And I don't give a fuck if you don't feel good, you're not going to feel great all the time. Now you don't want to risk your health and you want to make sure you're okay. But as long as you're hydrated and you're taking in your water and your salt and some of these things, you should be totally fine. Um, people always makes it a big deal about turning over to a fat burning. And like, I just think everybody's a bunch of fucking babies. I think, I really think they are. I think, you know, when you get into a ketogenic diet, take in large amounts of fat in the first couple of days because you're going to need it.
Starting point is 01:22:08 You're going to need that fat for energy. Don't count your calories for the first two weeks. Try to consume large amounts of food. Don't be don't utilize intermittent fasting. It doesn't make any sense. Don't have just a coffee in the morning with cream. Have a fucking meal. Be dedicated to it. Don't have just a coffee in the morning with cream. Have a fucking meal. Be dedicated to it. Real athletes and people that want to make, that want to be successful and want to be good in terms of their nutrition, they don't wake up in the morning and have a protein bar. They don't wake up in the morning and eat a fucking banana.
Starting point is 01:22:37 That's not enough. It doesn't work that way. So if you're starting this, I mean, dude, guys, I know people in this industry that will talk about, they'll talk about weight loss, they'll talk about programming online, and you know what they eat in the morning? They eat a fucking Quest bar. I love Quest Nutrition. I'm huge fans of Quest Nutrition. But anybody who's dedicated and anybody who wants to be the best would never in a million years eat a fucking Quest bar upon awakening every day. They would cook their own meal or they would have a meal prepared for them. That's just the way that this whole thing plays
Starting point is 01:23:09 out. So if you want to start to war on carbs, you should check out my book. I know I keep recommending it, but you guys need it. You need a reference guide. And this is easy to understand. There's a lot of books out there, but I've seen them all. I've read almost every single one of these books over the years, or at least thumb through them because I don't like to read a whole lot, but they're complicated. This book is simple. It keeps it simple. It's all the information in there. Make sure that you don't reduce the amount of food that you eat so much that you do feel like shit. Make sure you're eating enough. Don't utilize intermittent fasting in the beginning. Make sure you're hydrated and get to it. Make sure you're eating enough fat. You should feel good within the first
Starting point is 01:23:49 three days, really. For some of you that really, really love sugar, maybe there is a little period, but it's going to be more like, oh, I wish I could eat candy right now, than it is like a headache that just feels like someone just uh drove an axe through your head so those are some of the tips and some of the tricks of the war on carbs and uh that's what i think you guys should be doing what you got andrew nothing i just wanted to backtrack way back um you had said uh when it comes to training like don't do it every day or whatever whatnot but i think some of the best advice that i've heard you give someone else when it comes to like a week's worth of training, you said, no, just plan on working out every single day. Because if it's like you wake up on Monday,
Starting point is 01:24:35 like, ah, I missed it. Like, oh, well. And then Tuesday you kind of hit it. But like Wednesdays, you're, you're scheduled off day. You're like, okay, yeah, it's my off day. I have to take this day off now. When really, if you just kind of not have any off days and you just kind of prep every night, like you're going to go train the next day. And if something happens, then you just deal with life and it happens. But for the most part, you know what I mean? Yeah. Powerlifting taught me you should always be ready for your next attempt. And I don't care if you got knocked out on the platform or what happened, we're putting in your second attempt, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:07 in powerlifting, you get three attempts. You got the squat, you got the bench, you got the deadlift. And when I was coaching people and when I was being, when I was on the platform myself, it didn't matter what happened. We always put it in the third attempt because you never knew how you're going to feel. You never knew how you're going to feel. So you see somebody fall, you see somebody drop the weight on their chest, or obviously if it's like a big injury, then there's no need to put in another attempt.
Starting point is 01:25:33 But when it comes to the mental capacity, why do we put in another attempt? Because how do we know in five minutes from now, if you sit down and we get you some water and Gatorade, if you don't start feeling better? And if you start feeling better, you better, you're asked, you're going to take that next attempt because we need that one to get what we want. And so same thing with, with training and life in general, you should always be ready for that next rep. You should always be ready for that next attempt, whatever shoes you need to keep them in the car or whatever socks
Starting point is 01:26:02 or whatever things you need. Um, there's never be any hurdles. I work out in, in whatever I work in all the time. You guys see me working out in polos and, um, you know, expensive, expensive shorts and different things. Cause I don't care. I just, it's, it doesn't matter to me. And we've had, you know, Andrew did the hike the other day, uh, in his jeans. Like it's just, you're just going to, that's what we're going to do.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Like, we're not, there's no reason to be like, oh, I got to. It's like, who the fuck cares, pussy? Just let's just do it. Like, let's just go. Yeah. When I first got here, just to super training and just being an employee here, I remember we'd go on the road and, like, everybody would take their training gear. And I'd just be like, oh, dude, we have, like, we got to be standing at the Arnold for, everybody would take their, their training gear. And I'd just be like, Oh dude,
Starting point is 01:26:45 we have like, we got to be standing at the Arnold for like, you know, eight hours straight. Like I got to get my rest. Like I got to make sure I'm okay and good to go to work tomorrow. And then now it's like everywhere we go, we find a gym,
Starting point is 01:26:57 we get moving around and it's, it's awesome. Like just from the mental standpoint for me, you know, just to know like you're not going to die if you train right now. Like it's, it's been a lot of fun. I don't think there's any reason. I don't think there's any excuse on why, uh, people can't exercise every day. And let's just say exercise, let's just count it. Let's just say that if you did two 10 minute walks in a day, let's just say that counts. Let's say that one, you're kind of cheating the system.
Starting point is 01:27:23 But if you did two, let's just say that that's exercise for the day. If that's all you can do, a 20 minute walk or two 20 minute walks, you're helping your insulin resistance, you're helping your cardiovascular system, you're helping your insulin, your glucose. I mean, you're helping so many things and it is a form of exercise and maybe you can do that walk with some other people. Um, there's just a list of reasons, uh, goes on and on and on, but training doesn't always have to be so hard. It doesn't always have to be such a difficult thing. It doesn't have to involve 10 to 10 squats. And if you're somebody out there that listens to this show and you're trying to find a rhythm, well, don't, uh, work your way out of that rhythm. And what I mean by work your way out of that rhythm, uh, don't do
Starting point is 01:28:09 some crazy training program. It's going to make you sore for three weeks. Yeah. Um, just work hard enough to get a stimulus. When you're in the gym, you're there to stimulate, not annihilate. As soon as you leave the gym, that's when we work on recovery. That's when we work on growth. And I think that, you know, people have this mindset of, oh man, okay. You know, summer's coming up. I'm going to start doing these double days and I'm, I'm going to work out twice a day and war on carbs. I'm, I'm all in.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I'm going to go, you know. Am I getting ketosis? Yeah. I'm going to, I'm going to use intermittent fasting. And you know what? You're full of shit. You're not going to do any of it because you're going to try to go in so hard. You're just going to fall flat on your face.
Starting point is 01:28:49 You didn't give yourself an opportunity to even get. And also, by the way, uh, you know, getting on a diet takes a lot of preparation. So if it's Sunday, like it is today, and you're talking about being on a diet tomorrow, my guess is that you're not going to be on that diet tomorrow because where's your shopping? Where's your food? Where's your, what do you have to rely on? Where is it? Did you, did you buy it already? Like if you went and bought it already, maybe then you have, maybe you have me wrong, but it takes a lot of preparation. I was hearing something the other day, uh, that was actually said by Matthew McConaughey, but he basically, I like when people refer to some of these quotes or they give you advice through finances, because finances hit people
Starting point is 01:29:36 really hard. And what he said was, and I wrote it down so I didn't forget it here, is make the purchases today that pay you back tomorrow. Make purchases purchases today that pay you back tomorrow, make the purchases today that pay you back tomorrow. And you start to think about how that, how's that related to life? Well, okay. Every night before you go to bed or I'm sorry, every morning when you wake up, you're getting ready for work and you look at your significant other and go, where are my socks? She's like, how the fuck do I know?
Starting point is 01:30:08 Were you there this morning? Yeah. Where am I? Where are my socks? How come my socks are never, how can I, it doesn't matter how you complain about it. It doesn't matter how you sound about it.
Starting point is 01:30:20 You still sound like a bitch and it still sounds like you can't find your fucking socks for some reason. Right. So how do we, how do we figure out, how do we figure out a way to solve some of this problem, right? There's a couple of different ways. If, if both people in the house do the laundry, you may want to communicate with that person and say, Hey, like in the morning, I need my socks. So if I know where they are, like, or if they're coming through the dryer or whatever, I'll help and I'll get them out and I'll put them
Starting point is 01:30:56 in my drawer, but just let me know where they, if you could, if you can give me a heads up on where they are and I'll let you know where your shit is too, or I'll put your stuff back or you make some sort of rule like, Hey, whoever did the laundry puts everything. I don't know. You figure out something, right? So that that headache is gone. Or the other thing that you do is the night before, before you go to bed, you actually look for those fucking socks and you lay them out and now you're prepped for the morning.
Starting point is 01:31:21 And let's face it every morning, for some reason, we end up in a rush every single time. I don't know how it happens, but you took, you took a shit. You're like, oh, okay. And now I'm good. Okay. Now I'm going to take a shower and teeth are brushed and you're feeling good. You're about to go and, uh, grab some breakfast or something. You have plenty of time.
Starting point is 01:31:40 You have an hour and a half before you need to go anywhere. You still, and then you're like, oh my God, I got to take another shit. And you're like, do I have to take another shower again? Like what just happened? Start the day over. But it starts with, you know, making sure you get to bed on time in the first place and prepping your day, you know, make the purchases today that pay you back tomorrow. Residuals. Those are things that you're going to continue to get paid on that you that you worked on previously um an invention is a great example of that something i worked on a very long time ago i got paid uh over the last eight years for nine years for it's fucking ridiculous it's an unbelievable feeling what something like that is, but, um, you can make up time the next day if you're prepared.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Um, what if, uh, you know, there's other things that happen like that, your shoes, your keys, your, um, how do we mitigate some of this stuff? Well, you put your keys in the same spot all the time. You put your wallet in the same spot all the time. Um, you do things to ensure success. Um, you, uh, you know, you want to eat before you train on the weekends. Um, but you woke up at eight and now you're like, Oh, I don't know if I should I eat, should I eat fast? Should I train fasted or wake up at seven? You know, the night before get to bed on time, prepare when When it's 5 p.m. on Sunday and you're talking about getting up for a training session on Monday, that's when you should be eyeballing that clock. And you're like, okay, I got time for a movie. And then I got to go to bed because it's going to be 7.
Starting point is 01:33:17 And maybe I'll have a protein shake. And when I go to bed, I'll lay out my socks first and my undies and whatever else i need for tomorrow and i'll be ready to go set the timer on the coffee machine yeah little things here and there yeah and then the next thing you know people just shaking their head and they're like i don't understand how that guy what is fuck how's that guy figuring it out and i'm not how is he how's he ahead not really he's not I'm not, how is he, how's he ahead? Not really, he's not really ahead. It's not, and he doesn't have, definitely doesn't have any more time than you.
Starting point is 01:33:50 You know, um, if anything else, you know, a lot of times people have, uh, have the same time, same amount of time, or even sometimes they, they're occupied with other things and they, they maybe have even less time, but they're able to be more productive, which is even makes even more pissed off. But I think you can be a lot more efficient with what you're doing, uh, simply by, you know, planning ahead. And same thing when you, when you get into the gym, people like, man, I don't want to, you know, I don't have time to work out for an hour and a half.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Well, you shouldn't be working out for an hour and a half. Probably here at super training. It's a little different because the atmosphere that we have and we fuck around, we help each to work out for an hour and a half. Well, you shouldn't be working out for an hour and a half probably. Here at Super Training, it's a little different because the atmosphere that we have and we fuck around, we help each other and stuff. So you're probably going to be in there for 90 minutes at Super Training,
Starting point is 01:34:33 but it's just kind of the way it is. But if you have things planned out, if you have four or five exercises planned out, it'll take you 45 minutes. You'll be done. Yeah, I think just like the term like exercise or training, like for people who are, are not doing it on a consistent basis, they hear that word and they get like anxiety or they
Starting point is 01:34:51 get nervous because their first thought is like, fuck, I got to go to an aerobics class. I got to go lift weights with all these gym bros and stuff. But I think like the way you put it is like, go on a 10 minute walk. That's your exercise. You know, you don't have to be sore for the next four days. A lot of people have some weights in their garage. Yeah. Some people have weights in the living room, you know, do, I don't know, do, do three sets of bicep curls and three sets of tricep extensions and three sets of lateral raises and boom. You did shoulders, biceps and triceps and you're done. raises and boom you did shoulders biceps and triceps and you're done yeah and you did something now if you're sitting there scratching your head two
Starting point is 01:35:30 years from now wondering why you haven't gotten results from that is maybe you haven't uh pushed it hard enough you know it doesn't make sense to do the same thing over and over again you have to increase intensity and reps and stuff but chances are you're probably gonna weigh the same which some people think like if i wait this much weight next year, like, oh, that's a failure. It's like, no, that's a fucking win. Uh, it's a huge win compared to what's happening with America now where everyone just continues to get fatter and fatter all the time. Yeah. Yeah. But I just, I really liked the way you put it. Cause there there's people that I know that like, I want to get them, you know, into this gym or just moving in general, but they, everybody has that thought ingrained in their head that like, oh, you know, or
Starting point is 01:36:09 even if they do get motivated to work out, you know, we'll do some training at home or something and then they'll get moving around and they'll do just simply too much. And then the next day they're just like, oh, like I just, I can't do that anymore. Like I don't have enough time. Right. No one has enough time. But yeah, that first, you know, you know, when you, if you can come into super training gym and,
Starting point is 01:36:27 uh, you know, you're like, man, I don't know what's going on. Just get on the turf, man. Start moving around some of those sleds.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Yeah. Anyone can do it. Move it forward, move it backwards. Um, you rest however long you need. Uh, no one cares.
Starting point is 01:36:39 No one's going to be watching you, you know, to kind of end this whole thing. Uh, we'll end it with a camp Cameron Haynes, uh, quote. I really liked the quote that he says, no one cares, work harder, you know, and that's really what, what it comes down to is no one cares, work harder, make sure you're getting that work in. Um, no one really is that concerned with you or your workout or what you're doing. No one's
Starting point is 01:37:02 looking at you weird or thinking like, man, what the fuck's that guy doing? Hey, why is that guy only got five pound dumbbells? What's he doing? Like no one really cares. It's your own thing. It's your own goal. And hopefully those five turns into tens and things like that.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Hopefully over a period of time, you're able to make progress. Hopefully, uh, today's show, uh, it was, uh,
Starting point is 01:37:24 hopefully you learned some shit today. I was trying to just explain a little bit in the beginning about who and what I am. Obviously, the people that tune in are fans, but I sometimes forget. I forget that I need to treat the audience a little bit as if they're new and kind of refresh people and let people know what's up. And to kind of let people be more aware of the things that I've done in the past and the things that are coming in the future. Speaking of the future for whoever's listening right now. And I think,
Starting point is 01:37:53 I think we'll just expedite this episode and put it up tomorrow morning because the Reebok power shoe is going to be put on our website, It will be available to purchase for anybody and everybody. Yeah. Not just an in-store item anymore. So get, uh, let me check. Yeah. I believe at midnight tonight, that shit goes up on sale. So if you're listening to this in the morning, you might've missed out already. We have limited stock, but yeah, man, it's going to be awesome. Is it midnight now? I gotta check my email i might have missed
Starting point is 01:38:25 that afternoon oh my bad ah that's what pm means so okay so then i guess everyone listening you all have a chance tomorrow afternoon yeah so get after it strength is never a weakness weakness is never a strength catch you guys later.

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