Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 59 Live - Nutrition Q&A with Mark Bell

Episode Date: May 25, 2018

The General in the War on Carbs, Mark Bell, with a Diet and Nutrition Q&A. Re-watch the live stream: ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and rec...eive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Throw this shit up on Twitter and stuff, too. That way people can see my tweets. All right, Mark, we're live. And we are live. We're here. Do you ever mess with Periscope? I've been, yeah, I've used Periscope before. Kind of a long time ago, though.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Yeah, I think it's still around. We could easily go live on there as well. Oh, my God. Live all over the place. Yeah, you know, I think, like, the more spots, why not? I don't know if it hurts anything. Just be fucking living all over the place. Living La Vida Loca.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Right? Is it racist that you're looking at me asking that i think so all right just making sure live on youtube and sorry i'm writing this as we speak this may not be the best uh air piece you've ever seen in your life. Live on YouTube and Facebook. Bam. Well, bam. Done deal. We're going to talk today about nutrition. And I know we talk a lot about it, but we're going to talk about some kind of just some backwards thinking that has been thrown around.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Some things that have come to my attention from just some recent research. You know, that long-ass trip to England and France. I was listening to some podcasts that Joe Rogan had, and he had guys like Gary Taubes on there. I was also listening to, more recently, a bunch of different stuff about fasting. And on top of all that, we got Lane Norton here on Friday. Tomorrow we got Josh Bryant. And we also have Jake Cutler, Phil Heath coming up as well as Steph Cohen, Hayden Bowe.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I mean, it's just jam-packed over here. We're just getting down. Matt Brown. Almost forgot about Matt Brown. Fucking badass UFC fighter. He's going to be freaking fantastic. And that's what we have going on. So I wanted to hop on here.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And sometimes what happens here at Super training is we're just kind of shooting the shit and i'm like let's podcast andrew's like fuck yeah and so here we are i ain't scared that's what happens how do i look at the questions can i go onto my own facebook and watch myself live i think so i might have to restart the facebook live but the YouTube is still going. I see there's 37 people on there now. And they're, like, watching me, but it's, like, not in that time. How do I find the comments? Let's see if I click on the video. Oh, there's the comments.
Starting point is 00:02:56 All right, I'm good. I just want to be able to see some of this just in case, you know, I can start answering some questions. But right off the bat, we're not going to mess with questions for a minute so uh I may whoops I may uh I may check in with you guys in a minute but here we go uh let's see well for starters did you eat anything weird while you were overseas? Because I know, like, at least in the movies, they show, like, other countries serve weird foods and whatnot. Yeah, you know, I didn't really eat anything too weird. When I ate in the Eiffel Tower when I was in France with the fam fam, we sat down for lunch at 12 and got out of there at about 4 30 so that's a traditional uh french uh cuisine is is served that way they take their time it's uh it's like a big event and they serve you drinks and serve you food and uh they take their time with it and
Starting point is 00:03:59 you get many many courses of uh of food and that, I mean, there were some things that were a little different, but, uh, the main thing that I ended up like my main course for that meal was veal, which I've had, you know, before, but that was, it was really, really good. Uh, the desserts were really good. Like everything was really good, but I just think, you know, in terms of being fat, like no one does it better. Like, you know, no one does it better than middle America. No one does it better than the U S of a and, uh, other countries are getting fat though, you know, um, uh, Mexico, uh, as well. And then other countries are just getting more and more, uh, like kind of first world problems where they're getting, uh, excess of, of, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:47 kind of first world problems where they're getting excess of, of, of chips and snacks and cookies and everything else. Because it's easier to get it to other places, right? Yeah. Yeah. People are just, right. So as I was listening to Gary Taubes through many different, I would listen to him on YouTube. I listened to him do a presentation to CrossFitters. And if you haven't checked out anything from Gary Taubes, you should listen to him on YouTube. I listened to him do a presentation to CrossFitters. Um, and if you haven't checked out anything from Gary
Starting point is 00:05:06 Tobbs, you should listen to him. And if you're somebody, if you're going to listen to any of these people, if you're gonna listen to Mike Walker, talk about sleep, or you listen to Gary Tobbs, you're gonna listen to Tim Ferriss, or you're gonna watch, you know, Joe Rogan podcast or this podcast, always try to go into it, um, with an open mind, you know, the worst thing you can do
Starting point is 00:05:26 is, is to think, oh man, I'm not going to listen to this guy because he's vegan. Or I'm not going to listen to this guy because he does keto. I'm not going to listen to this guy because he's talking about eating carbs. Um, would it be possible that Phil Heath would have, would be loaded with some great information, even though obviously Phil Heath is going to be somebody that utilizes a lot of carbs. So it'd be completely asinine of me to not listen to him. Um, it would also be asinine of anybody to, to listen to somebody like Phil Heath and think that what he's talking about only applies to bodybuilding and that it can apply to sports nutrition, that it, that it would never apply to basketball or football or baseball or running 10 miles, right? So there are some mistakes that people are making, though.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And I think one of the biggest mistakes that I'm seeing is one of the biggest outlier diets in the history of this planet is the Atkins diet. Years ago, Dr. Atkins came up with a ketogenic style diet. There was some, there were some talks, uh, previously before that about, uh, lower carbohydrate diets. He's not the guy that like invented it or anything. He didn't invent ketones. Um, but he's the one that really did bring it to the forefront. And, uh ended up dying and when he and when he died we talked about this when my brother and i were on joe rogan's podcast when he passed away his like wife didn't allow for like an autopsy because she was concerned about uh he was he was heavy she was concerned that you know he would be a ridicule um because people would be like oh he's
Starting point is 00:07:03 on the atkins diet and she was you know nervous that it would help her finances, right? And it would help their branding and it would hurt their company. A lot of that's understandable. I mean, medical information, it's up to individuals whether they want to keep those things private or not. And people make weird assumptions. And to think that you're going to go on a diet and not die from a heart attack is kind of a mistake. Like you're still going to die of something. Some shit's still going to happen to you and you're still going to die.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You can do things in your life that would help you to avoid cancer. But it's probably just prolonging you avoiding it. You probably still might get it. Same thing with heart disease. I don't think it seems to be fairly clear that, uh, most of us can escape, uh, type two diabetes with our nutrition, with exercise and with being smart about what you consume. It doesn't appear that we can, uh, escape everything though. We can't like, you know, when Ron Penn was on the podcast, I said, I don't think we'll ever get to a appear that we can escape everything though. We can't like, you know, when Ron Penn was on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:08:06 I said, I don't think we'll ever get to a point where we can totally like reverse heart disease. And he disagreed, but I'm thinking to myself, well, what are you going to die from? Like you're, if you're like,
Starting point is 00:08:17 if your brain shuts down, I don't even know. Like if you die, I think you die only when your heart stops pretty much. Right. Um, and I could be a fucking idiot. I could not even know that information, but you get my point is like, we have to die from something. And just
Starting point is 00:08:31 cause you're trying to have a healthier lifestyle doesn't mean that you're immortal. Doesn't mean that you're going to live to 140. And we had Kyle Kingsbury on, uh, just the other day. And he talked about that and he talked about how you can have shock proteins and there's different things you can do going into like infrared sauna. You can have better longevity, perhaps some of the research is showing that leaning towards that. And there's definitely a lot of other things you can do. There's something called autophagy, which happens when you fast. It's the killing of old cells. And, you know, I'm not going to go too deep into it because I don't really know the science behind it, but it sounds promising. Sounds like there's a lot of good information there. And we can talk to Dr. Lane Norton when
Starting point is 00:09:16 he's on the podcast. He'll be able to help us a lot more with that. But there's, when Dr. Atkins came out with his research, came out with his information, other people in the community were like, there's no way that this works. And they ran, they ran quite a bit of studies on it and they found that they were wrong. They found that not only did it work in terms of weight loss, but it also worked in towards, it worked, uh, for health management as well. It worked with like all cause mortality. It helped, um helped with heart disease. It helped with type two diabetes. It helped with a bunch of other things. Now here's where I think we're losing. Well, we're losing a lot of areas, but the number one area
Starting point is 00:09:57 where we're losing is when people get on a soapbox about a particular diet. Now, I know I've been promoting the war on carbs, but I also make my story very clear on why I promote it, on why I promote low-carb lifestyle. I do not believe a low-carb lifestyle is for everyone. I think if you're playing football, if you're an MMA fighter, I don't think that you need this low-carb lifestyle. Now, maybe you utilize it sometimes, but for maximum sports performance in most sports that aren't just flat-out endurance sports, I don't think a ketogenic diet, I don't think it's a good idea. And not only that, I just don't think it even makes any sense. I think that we need carbohydrates. Stan Efferding had the quote of, you know, I can use the stairs to get to the top of the empire state building, but I'd rather use
Starting point is 00:10:48 the elevator. Right. And, um, you know, his point is, is like carbohydrates are great, a great weapon and they can help us get to where we want to get to faster if we utilize them. Now, the problem is, is that we abused them and we ended up with something called insulin resistance, which I'll dive into in a second. But I think that, um, I don't know what Dr. Atkins original mission was. I'd have to go back and kind of look it up and see what he was trying to do. stumbled upon some of these things for low carbohydrate style diets and a low carb, a low carb diet to fight disease, to fight diabetes and to fight perhaps heart disease and to fight some other things off. Um, that's, that proves that, I mean, that seems to be working well in fighting disease and elimination of carbohydrates. We have the carnivore diet. We got many different versions of monitoring your carbohydrates, monitoring the amount of sugar that you take in, and we have people getting healthier. Now where we screwed up was we thought that we would take that same diet and we thought that we would apply that to
Starting point is 00:12:01 you having maximal output in sports performance. And that's where I think the biggest mistake is how could you be on any diet that's restricting you of, of too many things. I mean, the only thing your diet should restrict you of is junk and that, and if, if you're talking about maximal sports performance, cause those things are going to, um, take up space in your stomach. You don't have enough real estate in your stomach to do anything else that's bad for you. You have, it's almost like being distracted by, it's almost like being distracted by something that goes off your normal path of what it is that you want to accomplish. You don't have time to be fucking around over here if you want to be
Starting point is 00:12:43 the next Steve Jobs. You don't have time for those other things. Your stomach doesn't have time to be fucking around over here. If you want to be the next steve jobs You don't have time for those other things your stomach doesn't have time For you to eat pizza if you want to be the greatest running back in the history of the nfl You you may not have time to do that unless unless you can genetically beat it because sometimes that happens, right? Um, who knows maybe emmett smith and some of these guys, maybe they didn't have great nutrition and that's just the way that their body works. Everybody's body is going to work a little differently sometimes. And some people have to worry about it more than others. Remember in school, you'd have the kid that sat next to you that was getting, you know, straight A's all the time. And he was like, Oh, I didn't even study, right? And you're like, how the fuck did that happen? I got a 30 out of 100.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, I remember when the Kings were on top of the world, second being on top of the world, you would hear stuff about Chris Weber, his pregame meal was like two 20-piece chicken nugget meals. That's what he ate right before a game. Right. Dude. Like,
Starting point is 00:13:47 yeah, that's not fair. Yeah. Yeah. It's not fair. And you know, I think what most people would say, what most coaches would say,
Starting point is 00:13:55 strength coaches, um, people that are big into nutrition, most people would say he could have probably done better. You know, that's what, that's what most people would probably say. And,
Starting point is 00:14:11 um, you think about Chrisris weber's career kind of he fell short a lot of times right unfortunately he was yeah now that doesn't it doesn't ensure anything you know just because lebron james has done a ketogenic diet in the off season doesn't mean that everybody needs to do one right but lebron james uh chose to do that because he wanted to lose some weight. He lost like 20 pounds. I think I think in his case, he even admitted like I lost too much weight. But that's what a ketogenic diet can do. It can be used specifically for something. A diet that's richer in carbohydrates, maybe like a bodybuilding, a traditional bodybuilding style diet where all six meals you're eating carbs, fat, and protein. And the primary thing that you're eating the most of is normally protein. And the carbohydrates are pretty high and the fat is pretty low. In my opinion, there's really only two styles of diets
Starting point is 00:14:58 that you can do. You can either do one that's like a, and I hate even using the word keto, because as I've explained on the show before, it's not really keto unless you're like producing ketones, unless you're in like a ketogenic state. And not everybody's going to be there all the time when they eat low carb. There's many factors for that. Some people will have, they'll eat a surplus of protein, which might not allow them to produce ketones. Anyway, my point is, is that you have one of two choices, a low carb lifestyle where you're trying to utilize fat as your main fuel source, a low carb style diet where you're trying to use your fat as your main fuel source. And the other style of diet is a bodybuilding style diet where you have carbs fat and protein
Starting point is 00:15:45 in the mix now somebody just say what about flex flexible dieting what about if it fits your macros those things are all extended versions of a bodybuilding style diet those things are in my opinion um and if it fits your macros and some of these other things that have come about where people are tracking their food is also to me a lot like Weight Watchers. That's not a negative knock on anything by any means because Weight Watchers actually just did a great job. Weight Watchers knows that from the time we're little kids that we understand one thing very easily is that we understand games and we understand points, right? And so Weight Watchers utilizes points. If you're to eat a McDonald's Big Mac, that's going to be X amount of points.
Starting point is 00:16:33 And you'll, you can only afford so many points in a given day, right? And that's the way they have you track it. It's a way of taking, um, it's, it's a way of, of taking, uh, these larger numbers, 2000 calories and 20 grams of fat and all this, all this headache of all these macro nutrients that we're taking in. We got carbs, fat, protein, and total calories to keep track of every meal. Well, if I just looked at a cheeseburger and said, that's a 10 and a, um, a piece of steak, that's a five chicken breast. That's a five, right? Like if you can just, that's what happens when you're on a Weight Watchers diet, because you can start to associate
Starting point is 00:17:08 it with points. So they actually did a pretty good job. Especially more modern times, they changed some of their thinking. They switched some of the things to be a little bit more positive towards protein. And there's various reasons for that. But the main reason why I wanted to talk about this today is that there's just seems to be a lot of confusion. People are just getting fatter all the time. Um, Lane Norton actually made a post kind of recently where he showed that, uh, people have gotten the message in America. People understand, they know that sugar is a problem. Um, I think also that people know that they need to exercise. I think more and more people know that they need to exercise. Let's say anyone who's for the age of 45, uh, down and down, um, all that generation,
Starting point is 00:18:02 you know, from my age group and, and slightly higher to your age group, which is 32, 33, 33. And even beneath that a little bit right around, you know, well, I'd say everybody, I'd say everybody beneath that definitely knows. But in most of the people that are going to face any sort of health issues within the next decade, which that's going to happen probably like within the next decade, maybe next decade or two, depending, right? When you're in your fifties, when I'm in my fifties, when I'm in my sixties, when you're in your 40, when you're 45, that's when you start to have problems. That's when you start to run into things. My dad was probably about 40. I think my dad was right around 40. He started running into some problems here and there. Anyway, some problems here and there. Um, anyway, as we start to head, head towards some of those things, um, we're going to have to be conscious that we're exercising. We're gonna be conscious.
Starting point is 00:18:59 We're doing all these things, but a lot of times it doesn't even help. I think, you know, um, as, as crazy as it sounds, Donald Trump made the statement that he, he only thinks that we have so much energy in a given day. And so he't exercise right yeah and everybody laughs everyone just now you know i what i would say is like i've heard of crazier things before you know i i've heard of all kinds of weird different things working and and if what kyle kingsbury said and what some other people we've had on this podcast have said, that stress is stress, maybe he's like slightly got a point. Like maybe your body doesn't know that there's these different types of stress that can really, really affect us. But maybe lifting weights and maybe being so hung up about having a set of abs and being so hung up about what you eat on a daily basis, is it possible that that's overstressing some of us? And maybe we're holding onto our body fat because as I'll get into in a minute, being fat and being overweight is, is not a hundred
Starting point is 00:19:56 percent related to just, uh, what you eat. Um, although what you eat kind of gets you in that position, but it's, uh, the hormones in your body, not heading in the right direction towards you being healthier towards you being leaner. Yeah. Did you ever mess with like a carb cycling or, cause I know you do intermittent fasting every once in a while, but how about something like carb cycling? Yeah. So like when I first started doing a ketogenic diet, um, I did a diet called, one of the first low-carb diets I did was from a friend
Starting point is 00:20:30 of mine named Ron Fedko, who used to coach me and my brother in powerlifting. And he would say, you know, about every eight days or so, have a cheat day. And when we had our cheat day, we would just like get after it. Like me and my brother would just like set up shop and, you know, go get peanut butter cups and do all kinds of stuff. Um, and we just, we didn't really know, you know, we're like, okay, well we're good for these six days. And so on the eighth, on that, on that seventh day, rather, um, we'd have ice cream and pizza and this and that. Cause he kind of told us we could eat whatever we want. What kind of pizza?
Starting point is 00:21:00 Well, we lived in New York, so it was, uh, you know, some of the best pizza in the world, but, um, I, I, I kind of like cheese pizza quite a bit. Cause I think that the more shit that you put on there, you start to ruin some of the flavor of actual pizza. Um, but yeah, I mean, I like other stuff on there too. I don't mind it, but anyway, that's kind of how I started. And then as the years progressed, I got into some different diets, but there was almost always a cycle out of it. There was almost always carbohydrates that, that cycled you out of a keto diet. And there's numerous reasons for it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Again, going back to taking a, a, a medical diet that can help reverse type two diabetes. And, uh, people took that diet and they're like, oh, this is great for sports. And it's not great for sports. It's not, it might be good for some sports, but it's not great for most sports. Um, there's a lot of things that are going to require carbohydrates, even, even Dr. Baker, who's breaking world records and rowing, and he's in his fifties, um, and he's going to deadlift over 700 pounds, I would still say he still would be better off with at least some carbohydrates. Now, what most of these diets never really took into account though, is that what do you, what do you do if you've already
Starting point is 00:22:18 been fat? What do you do if you are all, if you already accumulated a lot of body weight? Because the real story is you have to figure out a way to get people to eat less food, right? I'm not a calories in calories out person, but calories do matter to a certain extent. And if you took some portion sizes, you reduce some portion sizes from most people and had them walk, they'd probably lose some weight. The thing is, is if, if, if we went in and, and put them, uh, you know, we, we put them on lockdown and made them do it, most of them would probably be successful. But most people don't have the willpower to do that. And the reason for that is a 300 pound person is going to eat more than a 200 pound person. The hunger and the cravings came first with everybody. The hunger and the cravings came first. You didn't start out weighing 300 pounds.
Starting point is 00:23:19 You built up to being 300 pounds because you had a hormonal imbalance in your body that was created by yourself. So some of it's your fault created by yourself, but some of it, some of it, you might even be able to date it back to what mom ate when you, when you were, when you were a baby. Um, there's a lot of factors in there, um, where your ancestors came from, right? There's a shit ton of things that we don't have any control over, but we do have controllers. We have control over figuring out what is this problem and how do we attack it? The reason why a low carb style diet works is because it attacks the two things that
Starting point is 00:23:56 are the main culprits of you being fucking fat in the first place, which is not you being lazy. The main two things that are, are responsible are the fact that you have food cravings that you no longer have control over and you have too much hunger and too hungry. You're hungry because you're bigger. And so I think that a lot of times people will just be like, man, I just like, why can't that person just eat less? Well, you try being 300 pounds and see how much, see how little you want to eat right yeah you have more capacity you have more capacity in the same way it sounds insane to compare it but the
Starting point is 00:24:31 same way uh that a child grows you know from if you took if you weighed somebody at eight years old versus weighing them at 12 they're gonna weigh a lot more and what are the parents gonna say parents say man he's eating like a goddamn machine. He's eating everything in sight. Well, he's eating because he's growing. He went from being 80 pounds to 120 pounds. He's eating because he's growing. He's not growing because he's eating. Now you can make an argument that maybe he'll grow more efficiently if he has to correct
Starting point is 00:25:01 vitamins and minerals and nutrients. But a lot of times those things happen even earlier in your life. But I think that that's, you know, something that Gary Taubes did a really good job of pointing out. And that's just the thing that I think that if we can have better perspective into why people are getting heavy, then maybe we can have, we can have a better conversation with them about how they should go about attacking him rather than saying, Hey man, like you, you got to work out three times a day. You got to walk three times a day. You got to, you got to lift weights three times a week.
Starting point is 00:25:38 You need to do, you know, intermittent fasting and sprint work. And just, it's like, what the fuck? Like, I don't want to do any of that. Yeah. Yeah. When you're saying, so like a kid going from 80 to 120, it's because his body's growing. So he has more capacity. You're saying somebody who's 300 is going to eat more than somebody who's 200 pounds
Starting point is 00:26:00 because they have more capacity. But like we were discussing like off air, what comes first, you know, the chicken or the egg? Are they eating more because they grew or did they grow because they're eating more? They, what came first was cravings and hunger. Yeah. Those are the things that came first because they abused carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:26:20 and because they abused the way that the system works. People, you know, like a hundred years ago, you may have had access to sugar a few times a week. Uh, maybe even like, um, maybe even like once or twice a week. Right. Yeah. Um, well now people in the United States don't go three hours without a dose of sugar. And I'm not talking about like just people eating ice cream. Right. You know, keep in mind that everything that you ingest turns into sugar in your body. It's called glucose.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And that's what happens, right? It doesn't mean that all of it's bad. It doesn't mean all of it's good. It just means that it just means what it means. It means that it's a carbohydrate. And whenever you take in a carbohydrate, it's going to cause your insulin to increase and you end up with something called insulin resistance when you have insulin resistance you're basically pre-diabetic and it's something in the neighborhood of 200 million people in the united states suffer from this and that's just the people that are diagnosed how many people
Starting point is 00:27:18 are in their 20s and 30s and stuff that have never even been to the doctor to even see where any of that, how many people have, how much of a pain in the ass, did you get your blood work done yet? No, I haven't. It's a fucking pain in the ass. It's a pain in the balls. It's not like you can go to Walmart and just get your finger pricked and they, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:36 a week later they study the results or whatever. It's, it's kind of a pain in the ass to get it set up. Yeah. Can you, um, describe insulin resistance? Um, you know what that means? I ain't no doctor. So I'll just, I might be a gynecologist though. I have a lot of experience down in that neighborhood. I believe it's gyneciatrist. Oh, okay. There we go. Yeah. Can I get a hey now? Jessica Smith's shaking her head. I might be kicked out off the team. Um, insulin resistance is, is just, is, is basically your body's not doing a good job of, uh, handling the influx of
Starting point is 00:28:16 insulin. Insulin is supposed to take your carbohydrates and carry them into the muscle cells and be like, Hey, here we go. We're going to make this guy more jacked. But because you've had how many bowls of cereal as a kid, you know, and how many bowls of ice cream, and you just abuse the fuck out of carbohydrates and sugar over a long period of time, you're now resistant to that insulin that's being produced by your pancreas and your body is taking the carbohydrates and it's putting it in the wrong spot. It's putting it in your, it's putting it in the fat cells. When you're insulin sensitive, which most younger kids are insulin sensitive, they can handle those carbohydrates. And that's why we have such a diverse population of people who are waving their fists saying you're a fucking idiot talking about
Starting point is 00:29:02 keto. And you got other people waving their fists saying you're, you idiot talking about keto and you got other people waving their fists saying you're you know you're an idiot for not talking about keto right and so a lot of it has to do with how people react to the carbohydrates that they're taking in some people are insulin resistant and some people could really use the help of a low carb lifestyle and some people don't probably necessarily need it yeah if you look at uh our boy smoky smoky is probably fairly insulin resistant he's probably fairly sensitive to influxes of carbohydrates he probably just wants to hang around his waistline for whatever reason he eats a lot of ice cream and yeah he's fat as fuck right i was trying to be nice by saying he's
Starting point is 00:29:43 insulin resistant no when he when it comes to somebody like him versus his brother, his brother kind of eats whatever he wants. I mean, if you're really dive into their lifestyle, I mean, I'm sure we would find some ice bowls of ice cream under Smokey's bed, right? That were already eaten, right? They're completely gone. Find some Snickers wrappers in his car and stuff like that but still his brother probably just simply handles carbohydrates either easier and you look at um somebody like in sema i
Starting point is 00:30:13 know he's always been active um and being active can help you with your in how sensitive you are to insulin um and can help fight against insulin resistance. Oh, there's Smokey. We can't talk about him anymore now that he's here. Smokey, can you get me some more water? So that way I can talk about you more. There you go. But I mean, that is a huge difference between people is whether they're insulin resistant or not.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And also there's different body types. Um, something that was pointed out by the, uh, the, uh, the guy that came up with mesomorph, Smokey's calling me apparently. It's weird. That is weird. He must've hit a weird button while he came in here. The guy that came up with the concept of mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph, endomorph being the chubbiest, ectomorph being the skinnier, he referenced the fact that you can't turn an endomorph into an ectomorph. You can't become something that you're not. If you're a chub, you're always a chub. There's nothing, you can't completely
Starting point is 00:31:25 fight against it. Um, there might be some people that might be able to argue, uh, that you, that you can, but I don't believe that you really can. Um, I am going to continue to lose weight. I'm working on like running and all these things. Right. Um, but I wouldn't have to work on a lot of these things if I was just naturally, uh, a skinnier person, right? Like as I stopped my powerlifting career and wanted to move on to something else, if I was a thin person, like Stan Efferding, Stan Efferding is actually a very thin person. Uh, I would be able to weigh 175, right? Or 185, but that ain't never going to happen because that's not who I am. Take that a step further.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Your cells and everything that you have in your body remembers everything. Your body's like a giant fucking computer and everything that's ever been said about you, everything that you ever thought about yourself, a lot of that plays into it as well as your genetics, where you came from, where mom and dad are from, what your mother ate, like all these things, they start to really factor in there. And the other thing this guy mentioned too, the guy that came up with the concept in like the 1940s of endomorphs and ectomorphs, he said, you know, you can take a basset hound and put it on a diet, but it's not going to turn into a greyhound. It's just going to be an emaciated, right? So it's, it's going to be an emaciated chubby dog. It might lose weight and you might get smaller and people can make changes and they can look different.
Starting point is 00:33:00 But, uh, look at Tyler Cartwright, you know, when he was on the show, like he, I mean, that guy lost, uh, almost 300 pounds. And does he look great compared to the way he used to? Fuck yeah. He looks awesome. He did a great job. And there's other people that have lost a hundred pounds, 200 pounds and so on. Uh, I lost a hundred pounds, but I'm not going to blow away in the wind either. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I hope not. I mean, my farts might blow away in the wind either, right? I hope not. I mean, my farts might blow away in the wind, or at least I hope they do. And he was a big boy. If you're not following him, by the way, he's got a lot of great information, keto gains. Yeah, that's his before and after.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Keto gains on Instagram. So then how quick does your, you know, you're saying your body doesn't forget stuff. So what if you're doing pretty good on a diet, say a vertical diet, and then you go camping and you eat a shit ton of s'mores and cookies and whatnot. Asking for a friend. Asking for a friend. Yeah. You know, the unfortunate news about that is some people will say, well, you're not going to get fat in one weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And that's actually untrue. Yeah. It's actually untrue. You can get fat from one meal you know so uh i think that i think that we have some weapons at our disposal when we know about uh when we know about nutrition and we know about exercise so what's what's a weapon that we can use um you know you don't always you don't want to be a fucking freak right but at the same time if you did uh if you're on a camping trip and you're like you know what first thing in the morning i'm gonna go on a hike and then when i come back i'm gonna eat the fuck out of just like whatever's here yeah it'd be like a giant bear and attack the attack the campsite right power bear power bear yeah so then uh i mean because people but you can just exercise beforehand you know or afterwards or you can make a decision
Starting point is 00:34:53 uh you know what i'm gonna eat those pancakes in the morning with as much syrup as much butter as i want but uh you know later you know later on i'm i'm gonna clean shit up or i just won't eat yeah you know like i'm just not gonna eat for dinner and you know because you, you know, later on I'm, I'm going to clean shit up or I just won't eat. Yeah. You know, like I'm just not going to eat for dinner and, you know, because you splurged in the morning, like you can make these decisions and you can decide. Um, but the hard part is you need to make the decision at every single turn all the time. And that's where it gets to be hard because you have friends that are like, oh, let's get pizza.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Oh, let's get in and out. Let's get, let's go drink. Let's go do this. Let's go do this. Let's go do that. Next thing you know. And drinking doesn't play into any of this at all. Unfortunately, it, you can drink and you can lose weight, but in general, when you drink, you're going to make poor choices, uh, just life choices and, and otherwise.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Right. So, uh, how enticing is a double double going to be, you know, when, when you had a few drinks or, or even if you're high, right. Like any of these things, they're not going to, they may not factor in there, uh, that well. So, you know, we had, um, my girl Rosemary has, um, I think sent just since I was gone, since I was gone in, uh, in the UK, she's lost like 10 pounds. Oh, and she was working out this morning. I was like, fuck doing great.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Like shit. What? You know, I was like, what'd you lose? 10 pounds. Our boy, Charlie, Charlie Zamora. He just lost about 10 pounds. Yeah. And it's just, it's not just going on a diet.
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's not just picking and choosing. All right. I'm doing flexible dieting and I'm, to, you know, adhere to these calories. It doesn't work that. It's not that simple. You have to get used to the foods that you're eating. You have to get used to, Rosemary pointed out a bunch of mistakes that she was making. She's like, I wasn't really on the diet.
Starting point is 00:36:40 She's like, I just kept, she's like, I would go out and drink and I would do this, this and this. And I said, well, do you still drink? And she's like, yeah, I still have some. And she said, uh, you know, instead of the, um, instead of drinking, you know, five, six, however many beers it takes you to get to the point that you want to get to, um, she'd have hard alcohol. And it sounds like, you know, you're trading one thing for another, but that is a good option. Um, having vodka, vodka doesn't have carbohydrates in it. It's in some sort of weird, we can talk to Lane Norton when he's here about that more.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Um, but it's some sort of weird, uh, some sort of weird thing where it's not going to spike your insulin levels as bad. Now, the problem is you're going to get drunk or tipsy or whatever you want to call it. Right. And you're still going to make bad choices for food and you're still going to order pizza or room service or whatever it might be wherever you're wherever you're at you'll end up at taco bell eventually the taco bell i love taco bell it's it's pretty bad taco bell is something i have to talk myself out of almost daily because i drive past it all the time and i would never in a million years stop at a Taco Bell. So I don't know why I have to talk myself out of it, but I see the commercials. Have you ever had a Mountain Dew Baja Blast from Taco Bell?
Starting point is 00:37:56 Sounds pretty good, but. It's amazing. I haven't had it anywhere else except for at Taco Bell. I have never had that but i had a captain crunch milkshake from carl's jr and if those guys bring that back i'll be off my diet again holy fuck was that thing amazing that was so good that's dope i can't wait i can't i can't waste uh i feel like it's too much of a waste of time to eat stuff like that like uh chips i know you like french fries so that's where you and I don't see eye to eye.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Yeah. And we will fight over this one day. Um. Hopefully it's a long time away. Chips, French fries, and, um, uh, any sort of drink that has like sugar in it. Yeah. I mean, other than if it's like a milkshake, you know, then you, then you kind of caught my attention, but, um, yeah, drinking like a Sprite or something.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I could give a fuck about that. Yeah. I mean, I'd rather spend my calories somewhere else. I'd rather have a pizza, you know, some people are, um, some people are crunchy people. Like they like crunchy snacks and, uh, other people really like sweets a lot, but I think the sweet tooth thing, I think that, I think that normally happens, uh, with insulin resistance. I think that the two are kind of connected.
Starting point is 00:39:10 I think that, you know, as however old you are, when you start eating, making poor choices, I mean, the information and data that's coming out more and more is showing that kids eat a lot worse than adults do now, which is like the adults are already eating fucking horrible, but the adults are like, ah, I don't want to be this fat anymore. So I'm going to, you know, try to make better decisions. The kids don't even know what's happening to them. Yeah. And parents out there that are listening to this, you're abusing your kid. If you're not paying attention to what they're eating, make it at least try to make some better choices for them. At least, at least it at least try to make some better choices for them.
Starting point is 00:39:45 At least, at least, at least try to have some restriction for them. If your kid is 12 or 13 or 14, I mean, they're starting to make some of their own decisions. So it gets to be a little different. But, uh, when your kid is five and six years old and stuff like that, take the, take the time, take, take the minute, you know, take the take the you know i i i fucking hated cooking breakfast for everybody in the family every like every morning but i did it because i thought it was important yeah you know it sucked i'm like fuck i just all i want to do is cook for myself and sit down and eat but um those those are the things that are needed those are the things that
Starting point is 00:40:19 that need to be done and i think parents will think oh you know it's like this is a way to show love like my kids sitting here eating ice cream will think, oh, you know, it's like, this is a way to show love. Like my kids sitting here eating ice cream sandwich while they're on the iPad. And it's like, no, you fucking idiot. That's the worst thing your kid can be doing. Yeah. Fucking have a better option. Have a better choice.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Maybe if the kid really wants ice cream or Froyo or whatever it is, say, hey, we can go get Froyo. Let's go on a 20 minute walk. You know, let's go. We're going to park far away. We're going to walk for 20 minutes and we're gonna get some damn ice cream we're gonna enjoy it yeah you know just little things like that so what if someone's fallen off the wagon you know they've had a cheat meal that's turned into a cheap month oh no yeah what's the next step they can take like
Starting point is 00:40:58 what's the like what's the best route that they should go follow now? Again, it takes, it takes a long time to, to learn, uh, any sort of diet that you're going to try. So if you have tried a diet before, you need to kind of ask yourself, like, have I really actually tried it? Yeah. How I stayed true to it and has that diet, um, have I set myself up for success within that diet? Something like a vertical diet to me is, um, playing around with things that are too enticing to overeat.
Starting point is 00:41:35 The carb, this is for people that want to lose weight. I can't stress that enough. This is not a performance based. It's not performance based information I'm given because, you know, for the most part, the people that ask these questions are people that are just tired of being fat. So that's, that's important to address because vertical diet is a fantastic diet if you want to be jacked and if you want to lift the most amount of weight possible. I think that there's control issues though with most people that are overweight. And I think that that's the main thing that's not
Starting point is 00:42:04 addressed. And most people that give out diet And I think that that's the main thing that's not addressed. And most people that give out diet information aren't fucking fat or they never were fat. And so I don't think they have a good, strong place to speak from because they don't know what it's like. They don't understand how enticing and how strong these food cravings can be. So I think that that person that falls off the wagon, they have to realize that that's the number one thing that's holding them back are those cravings. And then I think you have to get yourself in a situation where you have enough food prep and you have enough, you created an environment that's good enough to keep you strong.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And you'll have to tell other people, you have to tell your significant other, you'll have to tell your friend, your mom, your dad, whoever it is. I say, Hey, you know what? I really, you know, I really want to make some changes. I'm tired of being this way. I don't want to be this way anymore. And I could really use your help. So when you see me, you know, uh, say I'm going to the store for ice cream, I can take the keys away, you know? And, and there's things that you can do.
Starting point is 00:43:08 You can kind of block yourself on stuff like that. When you're having, when you're having those food cravings like that, you can, you know, I always tell people like, if you have a real bad food craving at night, what's always worked for me is to make like an omelet. I love bacon. I love sausage. i love cheese i love eggs um i'll just make the omelet with my eyes you know like i'll just i'll make it like as big and as fucking crazy as i want yeah i'll throw avocados in there and make it all
Starting point is 00:43:37 just insane right like it probably has some ridiculous amount of calories but in my head i'm just Hey, this is a better option than me diving into a bowl of ice cream because the bowl of ice cream is, is going to throw me off and it's going to keep me off. Um, you'll notice that when you go off your diet, that you end up, you end up having like a carb hangover the next day. And the only cure for it is more carbohydrates. Yeah. Uh, and you're like,
Starting point is 00:44:08 fuck man, I had so much momentum. Why did I do that? And then that next day, that whole next day. And sometimes even the day after that is a fucking battle. Cause those little motherfucking carb pulses are coming back in. They're hitting you hard.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And they're, you know, next thing you know, you're diving, diving into more pizza or more ice cream or whatever it is. Um, this shit ain't hard. This shit ain't easy, you know? Um, and so anyone who's really having a hard time with some of those cravings and some of the hunger, um, you have to kind of pump the brakes. And, uh, I mentioned yesterday, I almost wonder
Starting point is 00:44:42 what if you were to take a survey, you know, before you ate every meal, you said, is this helping? Like number one question, is this helping you towards your meal? You fat fuck. That's, that's our first question, right? And that's, is it helping you towards your goal? I mean, honestly, is it helping you towards the goal for you to eat that pizza? Now, sometimes you can make an argument and say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Sometimes, because we got to live our lives. Sometimes, sometimes you can make an argument and say, you know what? Sometimes because we got to live our lives. Sometimes it's, it's gotta be okay. We have to have times where it's okay. But as we heard Kyle Kingsbury say, which I think is a really cool way to live your life. What if your worst meal, your worst day, your worst, your worst paycheck, your worst, anything was still 10%, 20%, 30% better than the rest of the population. How good does that make you feel? Yeah. Right. Because you're trying to live to a higher standard. You're trying to push the envelope. You're trying to, you're trying to be better. And I think most of us that are coming to the gym, often most of us that are concerned about our diet and our nutrition, most of the people that are listening to this podcast, they want to make those changes.
Starting point is 00:45:45 They want their worst day to be better than it was in the past, right? Yeah. And you want your best day to be better than that, right? Yeah. I think if people do what you just said and rape their food, you know, like set... Yeah, rape that food anally. No, no, no. I just said rape.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Oh, oh. Yeah. Oh, I got excited. Yeah, it's not food porn. Sorry about that. That was a low point in the podcast. I don't know what happened. The Smokey just say rape. Rape. Oh, oh. Yeah. Oh, I got excited. Yeah, it's not food porn. Sorry about that. That was a low point in the podcast. I don't know what happened. The Smokey's in here.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Got excited. Yeah. Yeah, no, like if you were to write down what your goal was, like to whether lose weight or gain weight, and then every time you sat down and you looked at your plate, scale of one to 10, and don't lie to yourself. Yeah. I think that'd be fucking huge. Yeah, and maybe even at the end of the day, you got like some points, right? Like you, you, you either, uh, you know, if you had
Starting point is 00:46:28 six meals or however many meals, did you have, uh, you know, 50 points, 60 points, or did you fall short somewhere? Did you kind of screw up? Did you, um, I mean, I, I do that. Like my diet is not, I would say that the most, for the most part, every once in a while, I would say that I probably reach like an eight or a nine, but it's never perfect. I have wine with my wife here and there, probably more than I should. Like I just, you know, and things like protein bars and little things will sneak in there. And I have ways of justifying it just like anybody else. I'll be like, yeah, this is fine. You know, this is fine you
Starting point is 00:47:05 know this is there's certain things so i i try not to even purchase because i know that like i don't i don't understand how to control that and i'll also find weird shit like when you're hungry and when you're you're like a bear like raiding your um this is actually funny and andy is going to want to shoot me for this but i'm'm gonna go for it anyway this guy is so fat he's got such a fat mentality fat guy mentality i really honestly uh respect the hell out of the guy he's lost he went from 330 350 pounds to 200 and about i think he's about 250 now so he's lost a lot of weight he's done a great job but in that process of losing weight he's so addicted to food that his wife had to put a lock on their pantry damn and i was like that's fucking awesome and not only that not only that but every once in a while he'll find where the key is and still break in there
Starting point is 00:47:59 and still eat all the food yeah there he is at 330 versus 277. I mean, he's a pretty open guy, he probably said. But I never heard him talk about it on his podcast. His brother spilled the beans on that one. Oh, no. Yeah, I mean, that's how strong these cravings really are. You know, anyone that thinks it's not an addiction, I think, is not paying attention. They have their eyes open. They're not seeing what I'm seeing.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah. Ohio, 1986. It's kind of hard to really answer his question, but it brings up something that I wanted to ask you about. I'm not gay. Oh, fuck. Oh. Again, what are we doing here then? I'm not gay.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Oh, fuck. Again, what are we doing here then? He's asking for nutrition suggestions for somebody working the night shift. He works 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. And I don't really know what you would recommend for that, but when it comes to sleep, I know everyone's sleeping on sleep. You know what I mean? They don't take it as seriously as they need to i don't know your sleep has to factor in there somewhere you need
Starting point is 00:49:10 to get your asses asleep so when when you were 330 what was your sleep like compared to what it's like right now uh i've talked about this before where you know i really think that i i just uh there was a good period of time just, there was a good period of time. You know, there was a good period of time there where I really didn't sleep. And I've said before, it's probably like three or four years worth of not sleeping, which sounds insane. But I would sleep probably for the most part, I'd probably sleep for about two hours at a time. And maybe if I was lucky, I would get, I would get four hours total, you know, cause I would sleep for two hours and then wake up and sleep for another two hours.
Starting point is 00:49:53 But, um, you know, that, that whole story is a weird one because I was trying to gain weight for powerlifting and, and I did, and I was big and strong and jacked. But then I went from, I went from that to just being fat at one point or several points even, um, because in my effort to be bigger, I was consuming a lot of food during the day, but I didn't really, it kind of snuck up on me that I ended up getting like addicted to food. Cause then I would wake up in the middle of the night and like, go kill like a bowl of cereal, you know, shit like that. And so that took me a long time to even overcome that. I mean, I only, I only kind of overcame that as of like a year ago. Um, and I, and I, but I did that through, um, I, I replaced that with like a
Starting point is 00:50:43 protein shake kind of before, before that time. Like I've done that for like the last two or three years, but that took a long time to break that habit. So for this guy with like the night shift thing, I mean, unfortunate news is that your diet's the same, you know, your diet's the same girl, boy, whatever, whatever you are old, young, um, you, and, and whether you're, uh, traveling to're traveling to LA or you're traveling to New York or whatever, diet's the same. It doesn't change. And so the sleep is something that he'll have to try to manage and have to try to figure out. But in terms of the food, it's going to be the same.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Now, the easiest meal prep of all time is called intermittent fasting. And I know it's not easy to get in a habit of that, but if you can get yourself into a ketogenic state, your meal prep looks like this right here. It looks like absolutely nothing. You don't need anything. And I, it's sad. That sounds like a kind of a crazy proposition, but there's people that you can listen to, um, on YouTube. Dominic D'Agostino is somebody that, uh, you might want to listen to some of his stuff. He talks about, um, fasting, fasting can, uh, can, can really help in a lot of ways. Now, if you think that's crazy and you don't want to fast, um, the other thing too, I think people forget about too, is they'll say, oh, I work nights or I work, you know, this or that. Uh, how often do you work nights? Do you work every night? You work seven days? You're like, probably, probably don't. Right. So it's really sometimes three, four, maybe five times a week that you're
Starting point is 00:52:09 doing that. Um, and so you still at least have two weeks off or two days off to recover. Sometimes, sometimes people like if they're cops or if they're firemen, uh, they're in this like rotation where they go like four days on two days off and, or however it works. Right. Um, and you might get some, might get some reprieve, might get a little break, uh, from some of that. But, uh, in terms of like trying to keto diet, um, you don't need, in my opinion, you don't need tons of meal prep either.
Starting point is 00:52:40 You can get, there's a, a company called Epic. They make bison bars. They make bacon bars. They make, I had a Wagyu beef bar the other day. You can bring stuff with you like string cheese or there's all different kinds of cheeses that come wrapped up, convenient to eat, cured meats. You got like salami and pepperoni and all those things start to become pretty easy options. You can hard boil some eggs. You can also stop at any Starbucks and, uh, Starbucks always has their protein box, which has, uh, you just can't eat the little bread thing in there and the fruit, uh, if you're on a low carb diet, but at least has the
Starting point is 00:53:23 option of you get a hard boiled eggs, you get some cheese. Um, there's always, there's always options around. We talked on this podcast about the flying Dutchman, the stuff that you can get from, uh, in and out burger, um, McDonald's their burgers are supposedly, uh, fresh every day. I mean, who knows what the hell, you know, who knows what's, what's in some of these meats, but there's still a better option than what you were doing previously. Yeah. When it comes to fasting, I can't remember where I heard it, but someone said, if you, whether it's consuming a drink or even a light amount of food or something, like if you stay under a certain amount of calories, you can still kind of stay in that fasting state.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Yeah. Is that accurate? Yeah, I just say like, let's just leave fasting, fasting, and let's not try to redefine it. Like fasting is just not eating anything. Now there can be some different levels to it. Some people say don't even drink any coffee. Yeah. Just, you know, make your own rule.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Make your own rule for it. And don't really sweat it too much. Like if you want to have coffee with some butter in it, like, is it still better than what you were doing before? As long as it's better than what you were doing before. I've had many people in here utilize like a coffee fast, which I talk about in my book. Um, and that worked really well to, to help with hunger and it helped with, uh, weight loss. Um, if you don't want the extra
Starting point is 00:54:45 calories and you don't want to like break, that is officially breaking the fast though. Once you consume any calories, even if it's branched chain amino acids or anything, pre-workout drinks, all of it is a breaking of the fast. I know there's some people that say, oh, if it's 15 calories or 30 calories and it's not. And so those are just, it's just bullshit. Like a fast is where you're not consuming anything. And the fastest way to truly fast is to fast without anything at all, without even drinking any water. And that's actually the best way to get the fastest results, but also the most dangerous. You're not drinking any water, but it's how autophagy happens a lot faster that way.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Yeah. Alex asks if you work out while fasted. Yeah, I have before. Um, but I think you just want to be reasonable, you know, like I've done a 48 hour fast before and, and, uh, and, and lifted on that. But, um, I know, uh, you know, Ben Greenfield, Ron Panna, uh, Mike O'Hearn. I know a lot of guys that are performing at a high level that use quite a bit of fasting. I think that you can use intermittent fasting pretty often. You can use it every day. Some people will fast 12 hours almost every single day, 12 to 16 hours every single day. I think that's, uh, kind of what Ron Pena does.
Starting point is 00:56:05 But for me, I, you know, I just pick and choose. I'm like, all right, I'll fast today. It depends, you know, if you have a real goal and you're really trying to head towards something, then maybe you want to try it for a while. But I think the worst thing that anyone can do is to fuck up their diet today and then try to go super strict tomorrow because it doesn't work. It just doesn't work. And so even when you, even when you decide that you're going to have a meal that's, that doesn't normally fit your, what you're trying to do and doesn't normally fit your goals, it doesn't mean you need to have three more of those before you go to bed. You're not running out of time. Uh, hopefully you'll wake up tomorrow and you'll still be alive and you'll still have another day to fulfill.
Starting point is 00:56:47 And hopefully that you'll live a couple extra days, right? Where you're still going to have opportunities to eat pizza. You're still going to have opportunities to eat ice cream. And it doesn't have to all happen in one day. I think what happens is we go to like, you know, a baseball game or something and we have a hot dog and a pretzel and a beer. And then we're like, okay, the whole day shot. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I'm just going to go nuts. Right. And that's very common, but, and it's, it actually makes sense because your, your taste buds have been, they've been changed. Right. Um, it's almost like, like how, how great, how great is a cup of orange juice in the morning? Fucking fantastic. Yeah. But brush your teeth beforehand and see how good it is. Like it's disgusting like, like how, how great, how great is a cup of orange juice in the morning? Fucking fantastic.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah. But brush your teeth beforehand and see how good it is. Like it's disgusting, right? It does not taste good. Now, some people utilize brushing their teeth as like a, as a,
Starting point is 00:57:33 as a sensation, as a rule to like, this is the cutoff. And if you were to brush your teeth as soon as you finish dinner, you know, maybe like little things like that, maybe they can help you because you're like, ah, I already brushed my teeth. I don't have to do it again.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I'm just going to fucking go to bed. Yeah. Um, and I think. As people sometimes are just being unreasonable with what it is that they're trying to do, you know, always go back to the basics. Um, if you're trying to utilize fasting and, uh, you're having coffee and you're having, uh, you know, a little bit of heavy cream in there and stuff. I just don't, I just don't think it matters that much. Um, unless you're trying to obtain something that's really hard to obtain, like trying to get to 5% body fat. Well, then you're, you're going to want to try to figure these things out a little bit better and
Starting point is 00:58:18 dive deeper in them, into them and, and listen to somebody who's a fasting expert. Yeah. There's books on it. There's all kinds of information on it. Did you ever have to cut weight, like, when you were powerlifting or competing, I mean? Yeah. Just because. Yeah, I did a bunch. Jay Watkins was asking. He's three days out from a competition, and he wants to know, like,
Starting point is 00:58:38 what's a good way to start cutting weight right now. Three days out? Yeah. You know, the story is long and complicated, but normally water manipulation is utilized where you just, you'll usually drink more water. And then you'll restrict carbohydrates. And normally you just try to like pee it out, especially if it's like five pounds, depending on how much the person weighs. The more that they weigh, the more that you can kind of swing with the, with the body weight. Um, it's hard to, it's hard to really just give out the advice just
Starting point is 00:59:10 because it's, it's too long winded. But George Lockhart, um, is somebody that's helped a lot of the people here at super training gym, uh, with some of that info. And, uh, maybe if you hit up Filipino thunder on Instagram, he might be willing to spill the beans to you a little bit because he has a lot of great information. He's taken a lot of what George Lockhart has put together and Jesse Burdick. Jesse Burdick's a guy that will program for you and help you out. And you can hit him up on Instagram too. He's just at Jesse Burdick. He knows a great deal about prepping for powerlifting meets as well as, uh,
Starting point is 00:59:45 those, those weight cuts. But the main thing people usually do have really common practice is you're three days out from a competition. You're going to start to maybe drink two gallons of water. Uh, when you're two days out from the competition, maybe you just have, maybe you cut back that water a tiny bit. And then, uh, the day before the weigh-in, maybe you have about a gallon of water. What you're really trying to do is you're trying to drink so much water. You're trying to water load that your body releases a hormone that makes you want to pee more. So you take the water that you are taking in.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Let's just hypothetically say that you consumed, you know, uh, five pounds, five pounds of water, right? The theory is that because you consumed five pounds of water and that's not normal, you released a hormone and now you're going to release six pounds of water. Does that make sense? Yeah. And so that's where some of that research and some of that information comes from, but you can also do like a sauna, you can do some of these things, but just always keep in mind that the more that you're going to try to weight cut, the more you're rolling the dice. And if you don't have somebody in your corner that really knows stuff about it, I would say have a cheeseburger. Don't worry about it. There you go. Yeah. George Lockhart talked about what
Starting point is 01:00:57 you were just saying about water loading on our podcast. So you can definitely go check that out. It might be a little too late to do it three days out. But yeah, for anybody else, go check out that episode. I see that there's a question about how often do I fast. And I just kind of, I'll just mix it up here and there. Although coming up, I think I'm going to start to utilize more fasting. But I'm also going to start doing, I'm also going to start taking the running a little bit more seriously too. So we'll see how all this pans out, but I'll let everybody know. Um, I will, uh, I'll shoot YouTube videos about it. I'll obviously be talking about it a lot here. I'll let people know as much
Starting point is 01:01:34 as I can on, on Instagram because, um, that's my passion. That's what I love to do. I love to share information. Yeah. Um, I know you don't partake. Um, neither do I, but have you seen any benefits to smoking weed after a workout? Like from anybody that you've spoken to? Um, I have not heard much about, like, I certainly haven't heard anything about, um, any sort of science or research. um, that actually be a great question. If you could write it down and keep, and keep it, uh,
Starting point is 01:02:08 close to us. Cause that would be great to ask to, uh, Lane Norton. Yeah. That came from Richard T on the YouTubes. Damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Yeah. You know, I, um, when it, when it comes to, when it comes to things like that, like if you,
Starting point is 01:02:23 if you take something and you feel better from it, then, uh, that's, that's a decent gauge. But, um, you also have to kind of think about, um, you know, what is that doing towards your goal? Like, is that helping you to relax and then you're falling asleep? goal like is that helping you to relax and then you're falling asleep you know i don't know maybe you can make some arguments that it's good but what you know listen to michael walker talk about sleep he's kind of saying no like there's there's not an excuse to be a pothead there's not an excuse to be a drunk yeah he was saying that it actually makes you skip rem sleep yeah that's REM sleep. Yeah. That's crazy. I know. And you know, alcohol is weird because it's like a sedative and it kind of takes you down a little bit. And like, if you just have like one beer or one glass of wine, you're just like, man, I just need a pillow somewhere and I'm, I'm good to go. Right.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And it helps, it kind of seems like it helps you get to sleep. But then from there, um, you don't get the deep sleep that you need either. It's kind of a restless night. And, um, you know, most of us aren't really thinking about it that way. I think we're, we're, we're thinking that we're going to get, uh, some great benefit from it because it, it really does feel like it helps you relax. It does feel like it helps take you down. But yeah, that information, uh, from Michael Walker on just listen to Joe Rogan's podcast when he had them on there, it's like a three hour thing. I think it's really beneficial for everybody. Now
Starting point is 01:03:49 that's what that guy studies all the time. Yeah. And so of course he's going to be fucking militant and crazy about it. Right. Um, who knows how the studies were conducted that he found out, but I mean, they said, uh, that when you're training, when, when you get good sleep and you go back to the training that you did, uh, the previous day, you're 60%. This is what he said. He said, you're 60% better than you were at the end of that last practice by getting a good night of sleep. It's like, holy shit, man. I think sometimes, you know, the, the gain, the quote unquote gains that we get, uh, aren't always the most important thing.
Starting point is 01:04:27 I think it's what we're missing out on is the most important thing. And I think if you're just missing out on good sleep, you're probably just missing out on some good hormone production, whether you want to attach a percentage to that or not. I think that that ends up being kind of a mistake because it's just so hard to really judge. But if I'm not producing the testosterone that I need, then I'm not going to wake up every morning with a boner. And then I'm not going to be late to work all the time because I'm with my wife. Right?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Right. And that's not good because then I'm going to be frustrated. Then you're going to have to give me a hand job in the bathroom. Then Jessica Smith's going to be like, why are you guys in the bathroom for so long all the time? Be like, leave me alone. Greatest day of my life. Yeah. And we're like, we're not gay.
Starting point is 01:05:04 And she thinks we're gay. And then it turns into a whole thing. She just wants to ruin everything. Yeah like, leave me alone. Greatest day of my life. Yeah, and we're like, we're not gay and she thinks we're gay and then it turns into a whole thing and she starts to ruin everything. Yeah, she's just jelly. Stop being jelly, Jessica Smith. We've had a couple people say different things.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Stan Efferding said he doesn't understand where people got the idea that we need to be drinking gallons of water a day or a gallon. George Lockhart kind of said the opposite was like, you know, we need to be drinking gallons of water a day or a gallon. Uh, George Lockhart kind of said the opposite was like, you know, we need to be drinking more water.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Yeah. What's your stance on how much water we should be drinking? I think, uh, I think a lot of us have gotten the, uh, gotten the memo about water. And I think, uh, you see more and more people walking around with, uh, canteens and water bottles and Yetis and all these different things. Right. Um, so I think people have been doing a better job of hydrating and maybe Stan has a good point.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Like maybe, maybe we're doing a, maybe we got that, you know, down pretty good. I think it is a good way to start your morning. Uh, having Kyle on the podcast, he said, you know, wake just every morning you wake up, uh, you, you lost, you lost some water, you know, in, in your sleep. Uh, for me, I'll lose five or six pounds every single night. Obviously I'll regain it cause it's just, it's just water, you know, but, uh, and for other people who are smaller, they might be losing two or three pounds almost every single night. And so, yeah, you should, you should try to, the easiest thing to do is we wake up, have a glass of water, throw a little bit of salt in it. If you hate the taste of salt, just salt your food at some other point in the day or whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:30 But, um, I think a gallon is probably like kind of excessive. Um, however, if, if you're feeling tired in the middle of the day, if you're getting headaches and things like that, maybe, maybe you should look into that. But if you feel good, if you feel good, then march on. Yeah. Yeah. Aubrey Marcus in his book I just started, he talks about, yeah, 12 ounces with I think three grams of sea salt and some lemon. He's jacked.
Starting point is 01:06:58 He's in good shape. Yeah. So he's someone I'm going to listen to. But how do we, how do we get into that like club? That tribe? Yeah, so they have a tribe. It's like Aubrey Marcus, Kyle Kingsbury, and a couple other dudes,
Starting point is 01:07:11 and they're all just running around in Speedos. Yeah, I was going to say naked, yeah. I just want to be involved. How do I just, I mean, can you at least be there taking pictures or something? That's usually my way in. Can we get you in there? I asked you one day, hey, can I take i take pictures and oh look at me now yeah it's like so maybe if we
Starting point is 01:07:29 go up to uh see kyle while he's here in the bay and be like hey we just want to go hang out and the next thing you know we're naked drinking ayahuasca yeah can we all get high and like stretch each other out speedos and stuff or no i'm in i'm down i don't know what is this yeah i think that's pretty much it man i think we uh we nailed what we needed to nail diet wise i think i've answered enough questions from these assholes anything else uh we can just hit this one real quick um i can't remember who asked but but they were on your Facebook. Basically, exercise tips for someone over 50. And I don't know their current state or their athletic ability right now. But let's just say, in general, a person over 50.
Starting point is 01:08:16 You know, there's many different ways that that look, you know, over 50. Stan Efferding is over 50, right? Yeah, that's one. So, I mean, mean shit i guess that is kind of hard to answer but i would but i would just assume that like uh you know let's just assume that this guy kind of had a normal job you know sold insurance and he got the dad dad bod going right yeah yeah and uh he's a little fatter than he'd like. Right. So I think, uh, the easiest thing to start out with is something called walking and, um, you know, not just, not just going for like a stroll, but actually, you know, trying to get a good pace when you walk. You saw what it's like to try to keep up with Stan while we were trying to film him.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Yeah. He almost just took off on us a couple of times. Yeah. So try to walk with a purpose. on us a couple of times. Yeah. So try to walk with a purpose. Um, do as many 10 minute walks in a day as you can, you can handle. If you feel like occasionally going on a longer walk, maybe, uh, you got like a Sunday free or something and you can go and walk with your wife or your kids. Maybe you want to go for more like a half hour walk or something like that, but try to get in a handful of, uh, 10 minute walks throughout the week. That's the easiest place to start and an
Starting point is 01:09:27 easy progression from those 10 minute walks, which you might look like a psychopath, but that's okay. Put on a weight vest and go for a walk. So basically any, just about anybody that I know, even my mom, who's recovering from back surgery, just about anybody can handle walking. And now would we be able to put a, uh, would be able to put a weight vest on, on her to walk if it was just a pound or two? Sure. Yeah. So most people can handle that. It's a great place to start. And then if you never really been into a gym before and never had any, you don't have training experience, that's where it's a good idea to invest in a personal trainer. You know, if you don't think you want to have a trainer for a long time, say, Hey, show me how to lift. Show me like
Starting point is 01:10:09 some things I can do on my own. I can't afford it. I can afford you for this week. And that's about it. And I'll have to move on a lot of YouTube videos, You know, don't forget about is a great resource. And's where many people started you know yeah real quick you had said you would eat a lot of cereal in the middle of the night what's your favorite cereal uh my favorite cereal ever uh let's see well let me let me try to think about what it was that i ate as a kid you know what i really liked a lot and uh i heard that this is one of the first cereals and it's one of the first cereals to use sugar i guess cow logs back in the day they didn't want to use the guy that created that he
Starting point is 01:10:54 didn't want to go the sugar route but um i think it's super golden crisp oh was like the first one that was good and i and no one really cares about that one, but for some reason, like that's what I used to just eat the hell out of as a kid. So sweet. Listen to this. Listening. Just released from the hospital yesterday, brother. Time spent with family is always the best.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Love you like you're my little brother. Give my love to the rest of the family especially your pops ct fletcher damn way to go ct what a fucking beast that guy is yeah goddamn heart surgery he never he never gave in one inch when people were telling him dude do a go fund, go do this, go do that. He's like, no, because I'm doing it all on my own. Yeah, he's, you know, he's a resilient son of a bitch. And I heard, you know, I was getting updates from his son, and his son was like, shit, he's like walking through this. You know, he had some bad days.
Starting point is 01:12:01 He had some, you know, I'm sure it was super emotional, and I'm sure it was hard, but he was cranking through it. He was doing squats. He was doing squats with his walker. They were having him do dips with his walker. Not real, not regular dips like you used to see Arnold and Franco Colombo do, but he was doing like mini dips while he had his, you know, while he was, uh, in the hospital to be. And the reason why they have you do that is so you don't fall. It's so that you can really control the Walker really well. And they'll have you kind of restore some strength, uh, in your legs. But, um, you know, while, while CT has been, uh, banged up,
Starting point is 01:12:41 my dad has been checking in with him a lot. My dad like write some letters and checks in with him all the time. And that's so great. You know, there's, um, anybody who's listening to this podcast, you ever get anybody in the hospital, reach out to them. I don't care what it is. Somebody has an accident. They're mowing the lawn and something happened to them or whatever. Um, somebody twists an ankle, somebody, somebody just has like a really wicked flu and they end up in a hospital for a couple days or they need a surgery or whatever it is you should always reach out to people in the hospital they're fucking terrified they don't know what's coming next um
Starting point is 01:13:13 and if you can't if you can't get to them because they're in a different state or something i can give them a phone call or some do something send them some goddamn flowers something stop being so selfish, Smokey. Didn't some, where's some sort of like, something happened today. It was like some sort of release of some, I mean, I heard, I don't know. I was scrolling through Instagram.
Starting point is 01:13:36 People seem to be really excited. It was like some sort of new shirt. I haven't seen anything. Something about smoke. Something about, I don't know. Let me check out and see if we can find anything. Yeah, pull that up. Let's see what's on here. Oh, Top Settlers.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Wow, look at that. The internet's real slow right now. It's coming. Come on. I think the internet's not the only thing slow around here. Oh, maybe the internet's slow because this fucking picture is like 75 gigs who is that is that lee priest is that jay cutler oh oh oh it's smoky i couldn't the angle all i saw was the arm and the tricep yeah dude jay cutler he we barely got him here. It's been so tough.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Wow, you're really blowing that horn. Lil Smokey approved. Is there going to be a whole release of this Pound Town? Is it going to be like a brand? He's going to branch off? Dang. Next stop, Pound.
Starting point is 01:14:46 We'll have a Pound Town line pound town line that's what it'll be pound town wraps pound town knee sleeve pound town slingshot the whistle alright so we have Josh Bryant coming up who's that
Starting point is 01:15:03 he's kind of strong. Gas station strong. There he is. Right? Yeah, so that's coming up Thursday. Gas station ready. And then Friday, we have Bio Lane himself, Lane Norton. Bio Lane.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Yeah, so people who are checking in right now, we got a lot of cool shit coming your way. Hmm. Bio Lane. Yeah, Lane Norton, his girlyly friend will be on the podcast as well and he's got somebody he's rolling with uh who will be on the podcast as well so we'll get tons of information from those guys don't forget we were going to have phil heath on the podcast coming up we were having jay cutler on the podcast we have matt brown former uf Cutler on the podcast. We have Matt Brown, former UFC fighter, on the podcast. We got all kinds.
Starting point is 01:15:47 We're just, you know, we're just killing it. Yeah. One step at a time. All right, peeps. That's all the time we got. Strength is never weak. This weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Bye.

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