Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 71 - We're so fat

Episode Date: June 14, 2018

Today we talked about our fat tendencies, the new X-Sleeve and coming back from bad training days. Rewatch the live stream: ➢SHOP NOW: Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dude, that's crazy. Putting metal in the microwave. Now you're talking crazy talk. All right, well, let me get this going. So we were just talking about drinking and whatnot. I remember being drunk and putting a bag of Doritos into the microwave and then being shocked that it started exploding. It was my first apartment, but, you know,'re live did you stop did you stop the microwave
Starting point is 00:00:28 yeah once like you're in like a fucking panic once it started sparking and then i sat there staring at the microwave and i couldn't figure out like dude what the fuck like i thought this bag was and everyone's just laughing at me because like how the like why would you think that that was okay like why isn't it it's like like well I didn't know the inside of the fucking Dorito. I don't even know why I was putting a Dorito bag inside the microwave. Dude, you might be a genius is what might have happened. Doritos and warm Doritos? I think that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Dude, warm Doritos. Yeah. I'm finding out so much about, why today? I don't know. I'm finding out a lot about you today. Yeah. A lot of things I didn't know. You talk about drinking these IPAs that are fancy with oranges in them and shit.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Yeah. Yeah. Dude, what else are we going to uncover? And now you're microwaving fucking Doritos. Yeah, I was, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:16 and that was during the time where I was drinking those IPAs. Dude, you could have worked for like NASA or something with this kind of knowledge that you have. I might've. And then I picked up a camera and that was it. Fuck. Game over, son. I might've. And then I picked up a camera and that was it. Fuck. Game over, son. Damn, man.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You should have, should have followed that stream of unconsciousness. I guess you'd call it. It kind of was too. Cause what, well, the funny thing is I had 100% forgot that that even happened until we just started talking about it just now. Damn. That's amazing. just started talking about it just now damn that's amazing so when i was a chub chub when i had a little extra junk in the trunk i had a lot of fluff going on back in the day some people love it
Starting point is 00:01:55 some people don't um i had a really bad problem with like waking up in the middle of the night and being like a fucking bear and just ransacking whatever was in my pantry and i end up with weird combinations of stuff because i didn't really have like i didn't always have like like i wasn't so fat that i had so much junk food laying around all the time although sometimes i would um but i still even though i was big i still ate good probably i'd say like 70 80 of the time sometimes at night i'd throw down some ice cream when i was in real bulk mode i'd have cookie dough here and there things like that little treats but you know i would just wake up in the middle of the night and just attack the pantry and just crush anything that was in there and we don't have a lot of unhealthy stuff in our house
Starting point is 00:02:40 so um but like i would make it unhealthy i'd get cheer i get like cheerios and i'd pour like chocolate syrup on them and shit and then i'm lactose intolerant so i can't have milk so i'd still make it with like protein and i'm like a meathead so i'm like i need the fucking protein and so i was still trying to eat like somewhat half healthy half fat guy thing i could never get that to work like a protein shake with cereal it It just, it got too, like, it was gross. It's weird. It's weird, but if you go with heavy whipping cream, and then they start getting into some really fun stuff,
Starting point is 00:03:13 like heavy whipping cream and some chocolate protein with, like, That shit's good. Cocoa pebbles or some shit. You're so fat. Oh, my God. Yeah, I am fat. And still, it's like the fatness comes out every once in a while yeah it's like needs to you know it needs to come out every once in a while
Starting point is 00:03:31 but what i did one night is i was like you know all right i need to stop fucking waking up at three o'clock in the morning and just attacking everything in my house and so i got a shit ton of quest bars and i'm like okay if i wake up in the middle of night i'm just gonna eat quest bars yeah but they're not even turning like a fat guy extravaganza because i would take like i'd take peanut butter and stuff it between the quest bars i'd halfway like microwave a quest bar um i don't know i'm chopping them up and i put i put peanut butter this is really fat i put peanut butter and marshmallow between the cookie dough and peanut butter flavored quest bars it was actually amazing i should have given them a recipe you're making s'mores basically yeah
Starting point is 00:04:18 it was delicious but similar to your microwave story i woke up one night not even drunk just fucking in this bare hibernation mode and i threw a bunch of quest bars like five of them i threw them all in the microwave and i microwaved them all the wrapper on there and the microwave like and i'll just like smoke and yeah i was like oh my god i'm like this is so embarrassing i didn't know that those wrappers were made out of basically thin foil. I know. I didn't know that. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Yeah. You know, just, uh, you know, how about this one? How about when you wake up in the middle of the night and you're like, you know, that you still have like cookies or something, you're like, I'm just going to like, and then this used to be like when I was a lot younger, when I was a kid, I was like, man, I know we still have those cookies. And then you go to eat them, and they're in the loudest packaging known to man.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And you're trying to be all slick with it. But it's just making, it wakes up the entire house. What are you doing? Nothing. No, the worst is, yeah. I thought I was going to the bathroom, wrong room. Yeah, if you wake up your girl and, oh my God, what's wrong?
Starting point is 00:05:22 Is everything okay? Yeah, yeah, I'm good, I'm good. What happened? I'm just trying to get some cookies. It's like shit. Yeah, the packaging is like, it's made to be loud, to like alarm everybody else that you're opening them. Yeah, it's like a primal instinct type thing.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Son of a bitch. Assholes. Those days are pretty much over. I don't wake up in the middle of the night and do that anymore. The only i'll do is maybe some water but then i end up peeing 9 000 times yeah but i was just thinking like if you want to invent like silent rappers you know so that way people can sneak food in the middle of the night yeah i can that could be problematic in a movie theater too like if you have shit that's real loud or even you're like you crunch at the wrong time yeah it's all of a sudden the movie all of a sudden the volume of the movie just gets dead silent and there you are mowing through some food like a
Starting point is 00:06:11 savage we uh yeah we used to sneak in like soda cans and then you know when you crack those open it's like wait where the fuck did you get that like you can't buy that so we had to cough every time we opened the you know that you gotta plan it yeah you gotta you gotta plan it out just right yeah any fucking way the last podcast we talked about the x-sleeves and the x-sleeves are coming on monday which i think is june 11th right monday june 11th at 12 o'clock yes pacific time yes and uh so there was a couple of questions about them. I was talking about how awesome they are and how strong they are and how they don't, uh, they don't stretch and, uh, they're going to be really tight as well. They're a competition fit. And then we had a couple of questions about
Starting point is 00:06:55 competition fit. What the hell does that mean? Well, if you're going to compete and you're going to be a power lifter, a lot of times a power lifter might train in a pair of XL knee sleeves and they might compete in a large knee sleeve. Sometimes people won't even get a smaller size for competition. Sometimes they'll just get a new pair for competition. And so a competition fit just basically means it's going to be a tighter fit than your normal training style that you might have. And so when you order these, you're going to have to understand these are going to be gonna be tight and you're gonna think i can't get them on like i'm not sure how to get them on they will go on and they will stretch a little bit so the first time you put them on you're gonna be like there's no fucking way and also by the way don't put them on at your
Starting point is 00:07:40 house um because we're human beings and you got be like pressed, you have to be like forced to do shit. And if you try to put on your house, you know that you don't really need them in your house. And so therefore you won't get them on. You'll be like, eh, eh. And you'll try three times and you'll fucking quit. Put them on at the gym. You could put baby powder on. That will help put baby powder on your, on your calves and that will help it slide up a little bit. You can also put on a sock. Um, some girls with their leggings, sometimes it makes it easier, but sometimes it also makes it harder. So you might have to know which pants are more slippery, I guess you'd say, uh, to make that, to make that work out for you. But yeah, they are,
Starting point is 00:08:22 they are stiffer and because they're stiffer, the sizing is going to feel tighter. We also had a question about approval. So this is like a lot. This can be like the longest story ever. But basically, IPF approved. Currently at Slingshot, we don't have a lot of products IPF approved.
Starting point is 00:08:41 The IPF put a halt on everything that you can get approved. And coming up soon, we're going to get every single product that we have IPF approved. Every single product that we have will be IPF approved and go through the IPF approval list. Now, something to keep in mind with the IPF is that it's really, really hard to compete in the IPF because the IPF is the International Powerlifting Federation. And you have to qualify for IPF competitions.
Starting point is 00:09:09 You have to be good enough to compete in the IPF. And I'm sorry, but most of you are not good enough to compete in the IPF because it is really, really world class. And it's not easy to compete on the IPF level. You have to qualify for these things. compete, uh, on the IPF level. You have to qualify for these things. Um, now if you are planning on going to IPF nationals and you have this course in mind and you're going to try to get to worlds and these different things, then you're going to have to be more conscious of the IPF rules at all times and make sure that things are approved. We will make you aware of as our stuff becomes more approved. But basically the short answer on that is
Starting point is 00:09:46 you can normally compete in the USAPL with sleeves and equipment that are allowed in most other competitions. And it's usually up to the meat director. Every once in a while, you get a meat director that's a dick face. And sometimes they won't allow the product in, but they really don't have the right to do that because it's powerlifting.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And we're trying to have a low barrier of entry into powerlifting. And we don't want to force somebody to have to go buy a bunch of shit just to get into powerlifting. So if somebody already has a pair of strong sleeves, they should be letting you in. The strong sleeves, the X sleeves, everything that we make currently meets all the demands. We go through a rigorous process to make sure that everything meets all the demands. The USPA, the federation that Steve Dennison runs, they run a tight ship as well. And they have a procedure that they go through to try to make sure that everyone's competing on the same level. Now, the IPF, for some reason, they're supposed to be the strictest and they're not, and they're not. So I don't know why that is, but, uh, I measured a lot of, um,
Starting point is 00:10:51 competitive, competitive brands and, uh, they are over the limit. Um, not only are they over the limit, there's over limit every single time. So I don't know what's going on there, but before you go and hold the IPF in some high standard, you should second think it because I don't think they have the lifter's best interest in mind. I think they have their own best interest in mind. And unfortunately, it's the only show in town when it comes to some of the bigger powerlifting meets that happen in a course of a year. But that's that and um in terms of it being approved other otherwise it already did go through the approval list for the uspa for steve dennison's meats which are run
Starting point is 00:11:31 all throughout the country they started here in california steve and i have had a long and weird history to say the least um i used to compete to, uh, compete in the USPF and that was, uh, Steve was the, I guess you'd say like chairman of the USPF. And, uh, years ago, I, I competed in the USPF. I broke some records in the USPF. I still have open records in the USPF that I'm very proud of because the USPF was something that I grew up watching. It was, it was the federation that I'm very proud of because the USPF was something that I grew up watching. It was, it was the federation that I looked to, uh, because Ed Cohn competed in it. Uh, captain Kirk Kowarski competed in it and to see my name alongside those guys, uh, to have an open record for total, to have an open record for the bench press, uh, was fucking
Starting point is 00:12:21 awesome. Meant a lot to me. So it was really cool. And competing in those, in those competitions was great and ultimately winning the fit expo in uh like i think it's 2008 it was i dedicated to my brother my brother passed away uh just a month before that i tore my bicep in the training you guys have heard the story i've told that a bunch of times i tore my bicep in the training for that because i tried to come back like a maniac because my mind wasn't in the right spot. I was thinking about my bro, and I wasn't thinking about lifting, and I tore my bicep on a rack deadlift,
Starting point is 00:12:54 but I was able to heal up enough and get into competition and was able to win. So they are approved for the USPA, and as as i mentioned they have denim in them and the denim came from a lifelong of power lifelong uh of me power lifting since the time i was a kid and wearing tons and tons of different power lifting gear over the years things that were made out of polyester things that were made out of denim and canvas and all kinds of weird shit and i wanted to make the strongest knee sleeve that there is and so i did and i also put uh silicone in there um and the silicone is uh basically so you have more grip and it won't slip it won't move around you get in the right spot and it should stay in in place pretty damn good And as I was mentioning on the previous podcast,
Starting point is 00:13:45 when I talked exclusively about the X-sleeve, is that when you go to squat, the silicone is going to tack to your skin. If you're wearing leggings or something, it's going to attach to that. But if you just have a skin on skin, you're going to feel it kind of tack to your leg. As you go to squat and as you go to stretch the
Starting point is 00:14:05 material out the denim does not give a whole lot and it's a stiff material and so therefore it will help provide some stopping power in the bottom of the squat most people really struggle except for people that are really efficient at squatting they struggle with the reversal strength of their squat they struggle with getting up out of the bottom quickly. And it's a very, very difficult thing. And a lot of people have experienced a lot of gains with the Z from simply throwing on knee wraps. That's what people have done for many years. They'll throw on knee wraps and it gives them kind of a rubbery elastic feel to their joints, even though their joints aren't necessarily doing the work. The knee wrap is helping to support along with their muscles and everything else, and they can rebound out of the bottom quickly, much the way you'd see an Olympic lifter do. But without any
Starting point is 00:14:54 support, sometimes that can be really difficult. Sometimes you're just reversed with just your strength, and to not have a knee wrap on or not have a knee sleeve on can be really difficult. The knee sleeves that are made currently, the strong sleeves and the X sleeves are going to provide that for you. They're going to help you with your reversal strength rather than you getting stuck at the bottom and having a hard time reversing that weight out. These things are going to kick you out of the bottom. Is there anything like that's a, like a common material that people might, you know, recognize
Starting point is 00:15:22 that, um, like all like all the uh geared lifters were using like so like what you're like your squat suit was made out of and that sort of thing but just because i i know like when you look at it it looks like a regular like shirt or whatever but when you touch a pair of pants yeah yeah but you know when you hold like a squat suit it's like what the hell is this yeah yeah like so just the front of it is made out of denim i tried to make the entire thing out of denim and you can't get it on it's too stiff it's too much but denim was in a squat a squat suit that i squatted 1080 in um and uh it has really good properties to it those of you that have jeans that are kind of snug you know that that denim is stiff, but it also has a little bit of stretch
Starting point is 00:16:05 to it. It's got a little bit of give to it. Previously, we had another material on here that was really stiff that was for the strong sleeves, and that had a two-way stretch. And the strong sleeves, they mainly only stretch kind of side to side to allow room for your calf. The back of this product, the back of the X sleeve is what's made out of the same materials as strong sleeve. So it gives you enough room to be able to squeeze your chubby little calves in there. But yeah, this, this kind of material used to be on bench shirts, squat suits. That's what would allow people to lift an additional two, 300 pounds. In this case, it's a knee sleeve. So how much is it going to do for
Starting point is 00:16:45 you? It's kind of hard to say if I, if you pin me down and said, Hey, what the hell, you know, how much does it do? I would say like 10 or 20 pounds. And some of it might even be partially mental because it's just also providing warmth through your knee, but I can't guarantee that it's going to give you, uh, an additional 50 pounds. Cause that would just be, um, that wouldn't be the right thing to say. Cause I can't guarantee it's going to give you that much strength. But it will give you a lot of support. Yeah. What about the, you know, because like the stretching, like you said, it was like two-way stretching?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah. So that was on the strong sleeves. This is like no-way stretch. It doesn't stretch. It doesn't move. Now, it will move when there's a lot of pressure on it. It will, I mean, you can, when you guys, when people order them and they see firsthand, stretch it doesn't move now it will move when when uh there's a lot of pressure on it it will i mean you can when you guys when people order them and they see firsthand you'll notice that
Starting point is 00:17:30 they will stretch a tiny bit but they don't they don't stretch much um they're not it's not really made to to stretch necessarily it's made to be a really stiff material and it will have some wiggle room to stretch so you can actually like hit depth in your squat. If I wanted to make it so stiff that you couldn't squat, then I would probably put like canvas or something in there. But that would cause a lot of other problems. And the knee sleeve would end up being way too thick. It would be beyond what they allow for regulations and stuff like that. And does the denim like panel on the front, does that make it thicker than the strong sleeve nope it's the same it's the same thickness um it matches up it meets all the regulations and so like even with the ipf um unless they just you know want to just
Starting point is 00:18:18 not approve it because they want to be dicks um then that would be the only reason it meets all the specs meets all the regulations it doesn't have any rubber in it it just has silicone which is not rubber it has it has all the requirements it's the right length it's the right thickness it's the right everything and when would you slide one of those on like during your training session yeah so knee sleeves you know people can go about it a couple of different ways. If their knees are banged up, then they should, you know, wear, they should just wear knee sleeves, um, for almost all their squats for a particular day. Now it just, it just kind of depends on where you are in your training.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I would say that it's also a good idea, just like with the slingshot and just like with a pair of wrist wraps or belt, it's good just to have pure strength. It's good to have confidence when you're underneath the bar. You never want to have any doubts like, oh man, my fucking knees, you know, they hurt. If your knees hurt that bad, then something is, um, something's wrong. Something's wrong in your training. Something is off. And sometimes you do have to gut it out because you haven't got a meet in three weeks or something like that. And that's just part of the sport. Sometimes you just have to, you know, play injured, right?
Starting point is 00:19:31 But for the most part, if you don't have a contest coming up, you should probably, probably stop. And you should probably figure out, okay, what are things that I can do that, that don't hurt? And sometimes it might mean that you have to switch to doing lunges. You have to switch to doing leg presses and some other movements. And even while you're doing some of those movements, it might be wise to put on a pair of knee sleeves because it might give you more protection, more warmth, and more just overall comfort. So you don't tweak anything while you're trying to rehab yourself.
Starting point is 00:19:58 But most lifters don't ever take the time to really, truly try to rebuild themselves. And I think if you were to do this in the most ideal, perfect way, you would probably compete about five or six times in a short period of time. A short period of time, meaning like a year, five or six times. And then you would back way the hell off. And you would just say, you know what? I got a lot of shit to figure out.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And you would take four months, five months, six months, and then you'd do another meet. And as you got more proficient and as you got more used to the competitions, you would compete less and less until you started to figure out a way to get everything perfect. So towards the end of your career, it would look like you compete maybe once a year, maybe even once every other year, um, because you need that much time. It's not so much about the rest. It's about rebuilding. Otherwise you just keep ending up in the same spot. It's really hard to make progress. Um, the way to be successful in anything in life is, is to have, is, is to have progress without progress. You don't have anything. You're just standing still you're in the same spot and i've seen that time and time again actually somebody recently asked me
Starting point is 00:21:09 where where some of these lifters are that were part of the original super training crew from a long time ago and i said they're not anywhere they're fucking fat and they're useless and like i'm not always that mean because life is short and there's no reason to be like hateful towards people but motherfuckers don't clean their shit up you know they don't fix stuff they don't try to get better they don't try to improve and so i don't have anything good to say about you if you're doing that it doesn't make sense to me i can't i can't get on board with that it doesn't i doesn't compute i don't get it i'm like it's like dead weight yeah it's like dead weight why not why not just just take the time to put everything on pause and just figure out what
Starting point is 00:21:51 you want to do and then get started back in the in the right direction but you see people doing the same thing over and over again it's like come on man you got to learn you got to learn from uh your mistakes and the lifters um that people ask me questions about, all three of them, they don't compete anymore. They're done. They're a shadow of themselves. They don't have the... Now, I'm retired from powerlifting, but I can fucking compete
Starting point is 00:22:16 whenever I want. I feel great. It's way different. Before we move away from the X-sleeves... Bill says he's going to get himself a pair soon of X-Sleeves. And then somebody else was asking. Big Bill's watching? No, I don't think that's that Bill.
Starting point is 00:22:35 That's not Black Bill? No, this guy only leaves black. And then someone else wanted to know, how do the X-Sleeves stack up against, say, a pair of knee wraps? You know, we haven't tried to do a side-by-side comparison, but I'm not going to lie to people. I'm not going to say it does the same as a knee wrap. The current rules that are in place and with the restrictions, it doesn't allow you to. And with the restrictions, it doesn't allow you to. I could very easily create something that would give you as much and probably even more than a knee wrap. But I'm not allowed to because of the restrictions that are in place for the rule.
Starting point is 00:23:19 So, yeah, knee wrap. Also, too, I mean, just you're always going to get more benefit out of things. Uh, when things are for the most part, just in life in general, you'll get more benefit out of shit. That's more uncomfortable. Things that are more risky usually have more reward,
Starting point is 00:23:37 you know, so a knee wrap fucking hurts. Yeah. You know, if you put a knee wrap on the right way, they hurt a knee sleeve in general is usually net. I mean, there's not really a situation where it's going to hurt that bad. What about consistency, though? If you wrap your knees up extremely tight one day, and then you're like, oh, this feels awesome.
Starting point is 00:23:54 The next day, you do it, and you're like, fuck, that wasn't as awesome. Yeah, that's the beauty of a knee sleeve. It's pretty much the same every time. And it's convenient. Slide same every time yeah um and it's convenient slide them on a little lot quicker even even if an x sleeve takes you 60 seconds to put each one on that's still probably that's a lot better than you know you taking a minute to to wrap each knee now it's the same amount of time but each knee hurts and your calves feel like they're going to explode yeah so it's it's a lot um it's also a lot less work, like really trying to, you know, usually when you wrap your knees, you get them wrapped properly.
Starting point is 00:24:30 You have somebody else, then you have to rely on somebody else. And if you're somebody that's training and you're trying to get to the gym and have these quick, efficient workouts, well, fuck. Now you got to have somebody else got to be part of this equation now too, because they got to wrap your knees the right way. Some people wrap their knees, uh, on their own too, you know? So, yeah. Um, what did your workout look like today? Uh, workout today was, uh, lots of shoulders. I walked in today and I was like, okay, what doesn't hurt?
Starting point is 00:24:57 And I tried to go through the checklist and I couldn't find that many things that didn't hurt really bad. Yeah. Biceps are really sore. Uh, chesticles are really sore bad yeah biceps are really sore uh chesticles are really sore my quads are really sore yeah everything's fucking just torn to pieces my boobs hurt really bad me and jessica smith got after it did some boobie training and that was that was just death peach is sore the peach well that might be an infection, actually.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Now, the peach actually isn't that sore. So the hamstrings weren't that bad. So that's why I pushed the sled. And that's why I did a couple sets of leg curls and some things like that. But yeah, everything's fucking sore. So I did shoulders and I did some hammies. But I did like 12
Starting point is 00:25:41 sets of shoulders, which I don't think I've ever even trained my shoulders in my life. I've always just bench pressed. Yeah. What do you think would have happened if you're going through the checklist and you're like, but I did like 12 sets of shoulders, which I don't think I've ever, I've never even trained my shoulders in my life. I've always just bench pressed. Yeah. What do you think would have happened if you're going through the checklist and you're like, fuck it, everything sucks right now? I might not have done anything because I already did cardio this morning. I already, you know, I've got everything done.
Starting point is 00:26:00 So I'd probably just wait until tomorrow. Yeah. And trying to give myself some sort of, you know, recovery there and you would have been cool with that because i know like a lot of people would probably get upset if they skipped a day or they had a you know a bad day or whatever yeah i've already had a lot of success in lifting you know i already feel really good about it so like when it comes to things like that i don't mind you don't mind like not lifting um can lose all the gains bro yeah this is the most untrained i've ever been in my life i've missed a lot of uh you know traveling and uh you know i mentioned going
Starting point is 00:26:34 over to paris gave me a lot of boogers still dealing with that still trying to find i don't know i understand what happened but i just got these hellacious boogers all the time maybe it's just because like i'm getting older maybe Maybe I have more nose hair or something. I don't know. What about allergies? Yeah, it could be that. I had to sneeze a lot when I was over there. That's fucking me up right now.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Normally I can block sneezes pretty good. I just make really weird faces and it's all good. But I couldn't block them. Overseas for some reason. I couldn't break the code. I couldn't block them overseas for some reason. I, I couldn't break, I couldn't break the code. I couldn't figure it out. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:27:08 yeah, I mean, I, I feel really good. Um, messing around with some bodybuilding stuff, changing up the diet a little bit, throwing in some carbs.
Starting point is 00:27:15 So people will be in an uproar for a little while. Cause they're to see some potatoes and some rice and shit thrown in there, here and there. I've said it a million times and people just get so confused about nutrition, but basically if you're a fatty and you've had trouble losing weight for a really long time and you've been unsuccessful with your diet, then that's where a keto diet can really be effective. That's where the book, the war on carbs, which is right there, you know, it's only like 25 bucks. It can be something that can really help you a lot. Um, you can even just look at my post or you can even follow me or follow my brother. If you don't want to pay for stuff and you want quick, easy information, you can look at my YouTube channel. There's tons of information
Starting point is 00:27:53 about the war on carbs, but that's where that diet really helps a lot. Like if you struggled most of your life to try to figure out how to diet, it's like the anti-diet diet even though it is a diet it's it's uh you're able to eat a lot of fat what i always tell people too is that you know take it from somebody who's been fat i've lost a bunch of weight and i know i know what it's like to have those cravings that's the major problem with diets is that you have a lot of cravings it's really hard for people to go from eating um like steak and rice and potatoes and having the more options that a lot of people have the more it caused them to go haywire because they're like fuck it i'm you know i'm training for the gains and i'm just gonna i might as well
Starting point is 00:28:35 go for it i'm not too far away from my weight class so i'll eat that right like it's just and and next thing you know you are too far away from your weight class. You're like, whoops, whoops-a-daisy. So, um, yeah, the bodybuilding stuff is going to be a welcome change. And I do, I am a big fan of, uh, switching stuff up, changing things up a little bit here and there. There's really no reason why you always have to be stuck in the same spot. The other thing about a keto diet that's great, it gets you away from Tupperware. It gets you away from like trying to plan your meals. Your meal your meal prep uh doesn't look like anything because you don't have to prep anything you don't have to worry about uh eating every two hours um when you do a keto diet
Starting point is 00:29:14 you can utilize intermittent fasting and uh you just don't need to eat as much and i've been able to do that and yeah whenever you diet you you guys heard it firsthand here first from Jake Cutler and, uh, honey REM Rambod when he was on the show, they both said, you're going to diet, you're going to lose, you're gonna lose muscle period. It doesn't matter what diet you do. And, uh, that's even on the professional bodybuilding level when there's anabolics involved, you're going to lose muscle when you diet. And so, uh, when it comes to, when it comes to being on like a bodybuilding style diet and really trying to,
Starting point is 00:29:48 uh, you know, lose a lot of weight, um, not lose a lot of weight, but even just trying to dial in for a show, that's where it makes sense. You have to really pay attention to your muscle mass because,
Starting point is 00:29:59 and that's why you have to eat sometimes six or seven times a day because you can't afford to, because then you're just going to like look skinny fat at some point. You're just going to keep losing weight and you'll look small. You know, part of bodybuilding is to look lean, but there's no such thing as, there's really, in my opinion, there's no such thing as somebody who's ripped if they like only weigh like 160 pounds. Especially if we're talking about a dude. I'm like, I don't count that.
Starting point is 00:30:24 You're not ripped. You're just skinny skinny so you want to have some size to you you want to have some fullness to you there's a bunch of guys that are all pissed off right now but that's just true like you're just fucking skinny and you and you went to the gym a couple times and you started to add some muscle like good for you buddy you got to be a little bit bigger looking than that and a lot of the guys that some of the guys that are in really really good shape like an alberto nunez who gets just absolutely shredded somebody like that would say like that's a little different or um the online coach who's our boy these guys are not big people they're not hey they're not heavy they're not 225 or anything like that but they sure do look it they got some fucking arms on them like they they
Starting point is 00:31:05 look a lot bigger than what they weigh now that you're introducing um more more things because of carbs and whatnot are you finding yourself that you have you're gonna have to be even more strict than you were than before because you don't want to go off the rails yeah it might be harder um i don't know i don't know yet are you gonna do like, so Miko is asking if you're going to do refeed with carbs or like no refeed days or anything like that? I don't know 100%. So this whole thing gets to be so weird. I got to like send pictures to Hany every day.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Weird. Yeah. He's like, these shorts got to be really short. I'm like, dude, that's fucking gross. He's like, you need shots from the back bending over. Yeah. He's like, these shorts got to be really short. I'm like, dude, that's fucking gross. He's like, you need shots from the back bending over. Yeah. Touch your toes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I mean, I spent 20 minutes stuffing the front of my shorts this morning with grapefruits and pineapples and eggplants and everything else. Yeah. Jesus. I wanted to be impressed, you know? Right. I didn't want him to see any fat either. I want him to just impressed, you know? Right. I didn't want him to see any fat either.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I want him to just be like, damn. Just focus all his attention right there. Yeah, right on the package. I want him to focus right there. That's what you're going to have to do on stage.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Oh, yeah. Yeah, we're going to have to do that. They make something like that, right, Jessica? Didn't we see something like Andy was looking up something the other day
Starting point is 00:32:19 and didn't she see there's like a men's suit, like a bathing suit, like a pre-loaded in the front. Oh, nice. Yeah, we need to... It gets thicker as it gets wet? Hmm?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Is that what you just said? Oh, it's like super absorbent. We need to get... We need to do that for singlets. You know, but like you don't want it to be... You don't want it to be like obscene to where it's obvious it's fake yeah you want people being like holy like wait what like what is what am i looking at like that's something there's something in there something's happening
Starting point is 00:32:55 in there you know you just want it you want it to be like intriguing you know but you don't want it to be like overwhelming you know so it's then people will just run. It's a men's bathing suit pouch pad. Penis pouch pad. Dude, I need that for the beach. It looks like a diaper. You know when kids get diaper booty in the pool? That's what it looks like. That reminds me of the pictures that Mario ends up getting for Power Magazine all the time.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Half-naked pictures of men all day i have big beards and big bellies i have to so dj jumped on the uh the live stream and he said that one time he ordered a pizza after his wife went to bed and he asked the driver to turn off his lights as he rolled up and he sat outside so he didn't have to ring the doorbell. Oh my God. That's fat. That's fucking awesome. I'm proud of him for that one though. That's great.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And he's pretty lean too. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Like, that's cool. Yeah. Would he be in like in that much trouble with his wife if he ate pizza? That's the real question. I don't know. They're both in the military.
Starting point is 00:34:00 So yeah, probably would have. You're weak. Yeah. What are you doing? Drop and give me 20 yeah i was gonna make an all egg yolk omelet last night those are fucking good but i just i live too close to in and out so i just went got two flying dutchmen have you ever had an egg yolk omelet no but i've had like multiple eggs with extra yolk omelet and that's really good gotta go all but i'm gonna go all in
Starting point is 00:34:25 yeah you got it's it's a fast it's a fast way into ketosis is to just eat pretty much fat you know they say to like do like 90 percent um and you're gonna get like protein just gonna be in stuff anyway so but yeah egg yolk omelets uh mct butter, owner broth, the way I make it, because it ends up having a lot of fat in it. But that's a good fast track into keto. Oh, so DJ said they were both dieting at the same time. So that's why he had to sneak it in there. You have to throw it out and everything? I mean, what happened?
Starting point is 00:35:00 He had to get rid of all the evidence. So he had to eat the whole thing, probably. Yeah. Savage. My God, that's pretty amazing. Yeah. Savage. My God. That's pretty amazing. Yeah. I love that guy.
Starting point is 00:35:08 So I had a question came in the other day about like a bad workout. You know, somebody's like, what do you do when you have a bad workout? So first of all, I think it's good to recognize that you might just need to change. You might need to try to do something different. So you might need to just train differently for a little while. You might need to, maybe, maybe you love powerlifting or maybe you love bodybuilding and been doing it for a long time. Maybe it's time to switch over to something else. Maybe it's time to try CrossFit or it's time to try yoga or try to time to try running or sprinting or throwing around med balls and doing strongman
Starting point is 00:35:46 stuff, or, you know, why not just try, just, just try some different shit. You know, maybe you see something that like, uh, real world tactical does, you know, like, fuck, that's cool. Like, I want to try box jumps and tire flips, and maybe you want to get into like doing some, you know, different things. That would be the time to, to think about that. Now, if you have a bad workout and you're getting ready for a meet, then it gets to be, it gets to be tougher, but a good way to recover from it is there's a, there's one way to get a PR every
Starting point is 00:36:15 single time you step foot in the gym. And that is to just do something that you've never done before. So you can, let's say you're struggling with your bench. Your bench is fucked. You don't know what happened. You were strong three weeks ago. And then all of a sudden it just started to take a dump on you. Right. A lot of times it's because you're over-trained and something hurts. Um, and so if that's the case, then you'll have to take a different route than this, but a real easy solution would be come in for the day and try something you haven't done before. Maybe try like a like a six rep max or seven rep like who's who knows what their seven rep max is on bench right or who knows what their
Starting point is 00:36:51 seven rep max is on bench with chains or you know so do something a little bit different that's a little just uh it could still be a single um but maybe you've never used chains maybe you've never benched with a slingshot maybe you've never tried chains. Maybe you've never benched with a slingshot. Maybe you've never tried a floor press. You can try some different things out that you haven't done before. And it'll still be a PR no matter how you slice it. Cause you don't have any previous record of it. Um, it could just be something you saw somebody else do. You know, uh, Chad Wesley Smith is a fan of long pauses.
Starting point is 00:37:21 So you do a four second pause, hold the weight on your chest. You have to understand going into it, you're going to lift a lot less than you've lifted before. So you don't want to be demoralized, but managing your expectations is going to be kind of where all this starts and being realistic. So a bad workout would mean that you have the wrong attitude about, or you have the wrong idea of where you actually are. That's where it would come from. Why is it a bad workout? It has to be bad in comparison to something that was good.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Something that was good may not be as true as you thought it was, which is fine, but you have to stop yourself for a second. You've got to understand that. You've got to think, you you know what maybe i wasn't on track to bench 315 maybe maybe i'm still in the 300 range maybe i need to you know it's still going to happen it's still inevitable i'll still make the weight at some point but i need to go back i need to work on other things um if you have a reoccurring injury that keeps flaring up, you're going to have to figure out a way to address it. Otherwise, it's going to pop up every single time that you go to do a big lift. Take it from somebody that's torn their pec three times. You're going to have to
Starting point is 00:38:35 find something, some way to address these things. So if you have a bad workout, come back in the gym the next time and try something that you haven't really done before if you're having a string of bad workouts then it's time to try a different gym it's time to um it's time to you know no one ever wants to take any time off but maybe it's time to take some time off like what if you were just to you don't have to not engage in any fitness, but what if you're like, no, I'm getting out of the gym for a week and I'm going to fucking go on walks and ride my motorcycle and just, I don't know, just different like hunt or whatever the fuck it is that you're into.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Try, try some different things. Um, and, and when you come back, you'll be stronger. You'll be better. I think every single power lift that's out there would be stronger if they didn't power lift i mean it's that simple you're power lifting all the time then that's that's what you're going to know when you're on your computer all the time and you do graphic design you're going to be a fucking nerd right like that's you you need to get you need to get out of what it is you're doing to really see uh you know what else
Starting point is 00:39:45 is going on and to be able to improve and be able to step forward your creativity is not going to come from you doing the same thing every time right your creativity is going to be from you rubbing elbows with somebody else maybe maybe just go lift with somebody different you know maybe go lift with a bodybuilder or strongman guy we all end up admiring the out of each other we all end up you know if you're a strength athlete of any kind we all admire other strength athletes so go train with somebody different for a little while um you know there used to be seven degrees of separation it used to be really hard to try to find people and to try to get to people but now there's only one it's called the internet it's called sliding into the dm and we're making special pants for people to slide in the dms quicker and safer yeah sliding pants yeah
Starting point is 00:40:32 sliding dm pants jessica smith's going to be our test subject yeah i think what you said about like you know having the right expectation like you know like me trying to bench 200 and then getting upset that I couldn't do it. Yeah, you get up off the bench, you throw your wrist wraps down, fuck. Yeah. Everybody else is looking at you like, that's the most irrational thing I've ever seen in my life. You're not ready to bench 200.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah. Which is, it sucks, right? Because you want to bench it, you want to lift it. But it's just not where you're at. Yeah, I think people just need to be a little bit more honest with themselves. Like Matt Brown, who's in here, UFC fighter. I can't get mad and fight him. Like, it's not going to, right?
Starting point is 00:41:14 I can't be like, fuck Matt Brown. Okay, I'm going to knock him out this time. I'm going to get kicked in the head every single time and get destroyed. Even if I trained a little bit it would take a i need to be more realistic i mean you need to think okay i can't beat matt brown right now but maybe if i worked on some stuff and maybe if i took a route that other fighters took and started to practice and started to train and started to box and started to do jiu-jitsu and started to learn a lot of the things that he learned i still probably won't be able to kick his ass,
Starting point is 00:41:45 but maybe over a period of time I'll have at least a better shot of a better chance. So managing those expectations are huge. I think that you, um, you know, a lot of people will have goals, but they don't necessarily ever write them down.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I think people are kind of scared to write them down. They're kind of like, they, they, they don't want them. They don't want that kind of pressure on themselves. But if you write them down, then you can think about, okay, what are two or three things that are going to get me there? If I want to squat 400 pounds, what what's, if you want to squat 400 pounds and five times a week, you're not getting enough enough sleep then what's the answer to you wanting to
Starting point is 00:42:27 squat 500 pounds you know like do you really want to squat 500 pounds it doesn't sound like it right it just starts to make sense when you just write shit down so if you write it down and you think okay well nutrition is going to have to be pretty good. We already know from years and years of people powerlifting, your nutrition doesn't have to be a hundred percent, but being 70, 80, 90%, the higher the percentage,
Starting point is 00:42:52 the more likelihood of you reaching your goals probably would be. So you want to try to keep, you know, try to do the best you can with it. But we know that you have room for ice cream and stuff because that's powerlifting. That's what makes it fun is we have room. We have room to eat some stuff. We have some freedom because we can have more calories than like a bodybuilder. Yeah. And,
Starting point is 00:43:10 uh, in regards, because you were just saying like, you know, even, uh, Jay Cutler was saying, when you go on a diet, you're going to lose muscle and whatnot. So someone on the, uh, the chat box, they were saying that they they've dropped 40 pounds. Oh my God. Um, and they, they definitely, they've noticed that they lost some strength, but having that same mindset or same expectation, like, yeah, I'm dropping weight. I'm going to lose a little bit of strength, but like knowing that going in is very important. Yeah. What's your, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And it's okay because you're, you're getting to one goal, right? You're getting to, and there has to be like a main goal and, um, you, you will lose strength when you lose weight. Now, if you lost, if you lose eight pounds and you're probably, then you're probably okay. If you lose 20 pounds and you lose 20 pounds over like a long period of time, you'll probably be okay. If you lost 20 pounds in six months, that's enough time for your training to catch up to where your current body weight is to where you may not have lost any weight. Um, and also if you lose weight slowly, a lot of times you can keep on more muscle mass. This is the reason why, uh, drug tested bodybuilders, um, this is why they take so long to diet.
Starting point is 00:44:24 You know, they'll, they'll take their diets will be really long um but they're a little cyclical too they'll go up they'll go in and out of them you know a little bit but they'll diet for like 40 weeks which sounds insane you know in sema i think i think in sema like took like a year he doesn't count i know he know he's a mutant, but it's not, it's not, um, it's not, it's not 40 weeks or 36 weeks of low calories. It's 36 weeks of stuff that makes sense to get you to your goal. So the calories will lower for a little while, and then maybe they'll come back up and then maybe there's cardio, you know, and things will move around and they'll keep shifting around, uh, until the athlete gets everything just right.
Starting point is 00:45:05 But the natural bodybuilders or drug tested bodybuilders, they'll take longer. So they lose less muscle. Whereas the bigger guys who take stuff, they can do their diet a little bit faster and they can retain, still retain a lot of their muscle. So you are going to lose some. And they can still retain a lot of their muscle. But you are going to lose some. Some fanboy, Steven Granzella, is asking, who is your fattest employee? Fattest employee.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I think the fattest employee would have to go to the Manatee. Right? Filipino Thunder. Marcus, right? So he's like, I think it's Emilio. No Marcus, maybe both. Yeah. Emilio has a fat mindset, but he's in good shape. When it comes to reaching goals,
Starting point is 00:46:01 do you think it's safe to put a date on it also? Yeah, but it has to be has to be realistic you know it has to make sense you know i i want to i got some goals for this year i got them written down there's top secret but i do have a goal i want to bench 500 pounds again but um i'm not going to put it i'm not going to put an exact date on it because uh i'm not in any rush to do it right so it's like i don't i don't want to put that kind of extra stress on myself as i get closer to it i'll put a date on it but for now it's not realistic for me to say i'm going to definitely do it by the end of the year because i'm also going to at some point be under 220 pounds for a little while.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I don't know what that'll look like. I don't know what my strength will look like. You know, right now my strength is not near, uh, where it would, my conditioning and strength aren't near where they need to be to do that kind of weight. And I'd have to line, as I talked about, you write it down. It's not the goal. The goal doesn't matter. Writing the goal down, you know, it can be effective, but then you need to write down what you're going to do to get there. You know, if I gave you a map and said, I gave you a map and I said, super training gym is at a eight 55 Riverside Boulevard, right? Give you a map. I give you the address. It's at eight 55 Riverside Boulevard. You're looking at the map. You got the sheet of paper, like eight 55 Riverside Boulevard,
Starting point is 00:47:41 right? And you look around, you get out of your car, you're looking at the building and like, that doesn't say super training on it. You go around in the back and you're like, oh, this, I don't, this does not look like I've seen videos before. This doesn't look like anything they're talking about. And you, you, then you check your map again, you keep looking and you're getting frustrated and you're like, what the fuck? Right. But it's not, it's not Riverside Boulevard. It's Riverside Parkway. map again you keep looking and you're getting frustrated you're like what the fuck right but
Starting point is 00:48:05 it's not it's not riverside boulevard it's riverside parkway you don't have the right information to get you to the right place so you need to start to stack up the right information to get you heading in the right direction people always ask me about why i wake up so early and my answer to that is well you'd fucking wake up early too if you were heading where i'm heading if you were going to places i'm going and if you're going to meet the people that i'm about to meet then you would fucking wake up at 4 a.m with a hard-on as well because i have a map i got a plan of where where where i'm yeah that happens that can happen here and there. You got to be careful. Morning wood. Morning wood. That's a thing.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Can I get an amen? What about telling somebody your goals? Yeah, that can be effective too. You know, telling people about what you want to do can make you more accountable, right? You tell people, you know know this is what i want to do and not only do you tell them about your goal but you tell them how they can be involved because you'd be surprised people everybody always thinks that everyone's going to be super negative and everybody always thinks that everybody's going to be a dick um when matt brown was on the show he
Starting point is 00:49:21 he thought that if he told his parents how deep he was into drugs, that the result would have been really bad. But like there are some really, really awful parents out there. There's some people that are fucking hideous people and they should never have any. They should never have kids. But if you were to go to a parent and you said, I am like, I think I'm going to die from this. The drugs have taken over. I don't know what to do. I don't have anybody else to turn to. I only have you guys and I need your help. I would say that 99.9% of the time you would get some help. Right. And I think that we have it made
Starting point is 00:49:57 up in our mind about what's our friends going to say when, you know, if you're, if you're a power lifter and you tell your friend, Hey, I want to, you know, I just, I don't feel, I don't feel good, man. I want to lose 20 pounds. I want to lose 30 pounds. I want to feel better about the way that I look. I want to look like I lift. I don't want to be roly poly. You're going to worry as a guy, you're going to worry that your friends can be like, dude, you're a pussy. Come on, man. What are you going to do? Fucking CrossFit. Now your friends might say that, but if you, and they might say it at first, but if you went to them in a serious way and said, Hey, you know what? I could use your help losing weight. And here's how you can help me. Like, Hey, you know, we go eat all the time. We go eat pizza. Like, man, I, can we, can we try to go places that have a better option? Can we do things that are, you know, maybe, maybe, uh, even just, uh, when we work out together, can we do things that are you know maybe maybe uh even just uh when we work out together can we go at a faster pace because i want to really make some changes of course it's your buddy so he's going to give you a bunch of shit right like that's that's inevitable but that
Starting point is 00:50:55 person will help you i guarantee you that they'll help you if you got to tell them about what it is that you're doing and you got to explain to them how they can assist you yeah especially if you just get started doing it without even them saying yes or no or whatever, you know, they, you start doing it and they see it and then, you know, whatever, it could turn into a competition and you know, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and then, and then if they see that you're serious about it, they might say, fuck
Starting point is 00:51:20 man, I've actually been thinking of the same thing too. Yeah. And you're competing with each other back and forth and that can, uh, I've actually been thinking the same thing, too. Yeah. And you're competing with each other back and forth, and that can create some friendly competition that moves you forward, moves you in the right direction. Then you both get jacked, and then you get a condo together, move in. Things get weird. Don't tell anybody. Smokey and I are actually looking at a place in Dixon. Dude.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I know. That's good for you, too. I know. I'm so happy. Yeah, we need that. I don I know. That's good for you, too. I know. I'm so happy. Yeah, we need that. I don't know. We just, yesterday, you know, yesterday was great. Went to Kuyu together, and you got all upset.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Yeah. Been out of shape, but. Yeah. I was, yeah. I was like, how the fuck are you going to go without me? I heard you broke one of the computer screens. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I got a little upset, but I'll survive.
Starting point is 00:52:08 What was really upsetting was I wanted to go shoot the bow because I finally got Casey's bow. I can pull that fucker back really easy now. Nice. And it broke. I didn't break it. Son of a bitch. But it's out of commission now.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I didn't have any way of getting any type of aggression out. I know there's a nice gym right 10 feet away from me. We need a new bow? Yeah. What happened? I don't know. He doesn't know exactly what happened. Dude, he just wants a free bow.
Starting point is 00:52:42 That's all it is. I can tell you what happened later. Oh, man. Damn, you guys can't be reckless out there. Yeah. So what's going to happen is it's going to be locked up once he gets fixed. Do you think that footage of Aisha Haley throwing the axe was rigged? Because she did it on the first try.
Starting point is 00:53:01 She just chucked it and it just landed. After seeing her throw the cornhole and her stance, I had to help her out. You got to step into it. But with the knives, this first shot, I think she even had her eyes closed. Cornhole, was she trying to throw it with the right hand, with the right foot forward instead of left foot forward? So it was right hand. Yeah, it was off. A lot of girls do that.
Starting point is 00:53:23 But she was standing flat-footed and then just like throwing i think girls want help you know they like they do it wrong on purpose oh i remember bobby would do that all the time bobby you've been training here for fucking 10 years yeah i'm not sure how to use the chains come on she just wanted help loading it you're so cute now i. I have to help you. Fuck. But you know how to use, you got to know how to use the chains,
Starting point is 00:53:49 right? Come on. Why do they do that to us, Andrew? I don't know, man. Not very nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Damn. What else you got, Mark? Well, that was some of my advice on how to fix up your, your bad workout. You know, I think we nailed it all. I think think everything's good i have a bunch of other shit here but we can save it for another another day i think we nailed all the stuff on the x sleeves they come out june 11th
Starting point is 00:54:15 at 12 o'clock jessica smith is the one who sets all that up so she got that all arranged and if you have any complaints you're going to make sure that you hit her up on Instagram and send her your complaints. I'm just kidding. Not really. Do it. But, yeah, I think we hit everything up. And, yeah, that's it, motherfuckers. Well, I did have one thing to add.
Starting point is 00:54:42 It's just a quick note on a quote that I heard. And hold on a second, everybody. There we go. So we did talk a little bit about, like, trying to manage your time to get towards your goals. We didn't talk about it a ton. But, you know, you need to realize that a reasonable time is enough time to reach your goals and so sometimes when you start something you start something new sometimes you have to put a lot of time and effort into it but sometimes it can also not even sometimes almost every single time
Starting point is 00:55:17 it can end up being detrimental if you want to start a business let's say that you want to own your own business uh well at first you own it and then eventually it owns you. So you have to make, you have to be careful. Um, and that, that goes for every employee that works here too. Like, you know, Jessica gets hammered. She does a lot of the social media stuff. You get caught. Everyone here works their ass off. We all have to be conscious because we want to be able to do it for a long time. And same thing goes with your lifting. If we lift so much every single day, we're not going to be able to recover from those workouts. If we work so hard every day, we're not going to be able to recover from our work.
Starting point is 00:55:57 If you're trying to make money and you're trying to do this and you're trying to, you're trying to do all these things, you're going to stress yourself the fuck out to the point where you can't even enjoy some of those things. You can't even enjoy some of the success that you had because you're always worried and you're always thinking about the next thing. And you want to make sure that the things that you're doing don't end up owning you. There's a reasonable amount of time that you should be able to devote to things. And if you can't get there in that time, it may take, it may take a few extra weeks. It may take a few extra months, but it's, it's important to know that it's still always
Starting point is 00:56:31 going to be there. The weights are still going to be there. You don't have to bench 315 in the month of June. You can bench 315 in August or at the, or in September, October, or at the end of the year. Right. or in September, October, or at the end of the year, right? And the likelihood of you doing it later rather than sooner probably means that you're going to be able to do everything
Starting point is 00:56:54 for much longer anyway in the first place because you got there in a more rational and a more serious way. And I think for myself, for my own personal development over the years, I think try to be rational and trying to make sense of things has been the number one thing that has helped me the most. And that goes for everything that you do. Don't do anything without thinking about it. You might really like pre-workout drinks. You might really like monster energy drinks. You might really like caffeine. But can you have a quick conversation with yourself and say, am I doing that too much?
Starting point is 00:57:29 Like, am I doing that so much that I'm having trouble resting or calming down? And maybe it's time to back off of that a little bit. Are you in the gym so much? Are you training so much that you don't have time to do a lot of the other things? Are you in the gym so much? Are you training so much that you don't have time to do a lot of the other things? The getting in and out of places quickly is important. You got to be able to stick and move.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Remember Muhammad Ali would say, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. That's what you want to be doing with life is you want to be moving in and out of stuff quickly so that you can recover from it. You want to do it. You want to do the activity, get the stimulus that you need from it, and then get away from it and work on recovering from it. I remember, you know, some of the hardest workouts I've ever had at super training. I remember the immediate thought was once I got done with a few exercises, I was like, I need to fucking get home right now because I have to, I can't be around anybody. I can't have any loud music. I can't have any distractions. I need to sit there. I need to fucking eat and I need to just totally zone out.
Starting point is 00:58:31 And that's what I would do. I would, I would start to look at the clock and I'm like, okay, fuck it's okay. It's six 30. I'll be home at seven. I can eat at seven and then I can fucking chill, watch TV and I can eat at nine and I can be in bed. I can get the rest that I need. So if you're not going to recover from stuff, it's going to be really hard to be successful. Remember what I said earlier about success. The only way to be successful is to have progress. Progress equals success. That's why people get so excited when somebody squats 800 pounds. It's cool. But where'd that person come from? Was that always just a big football player guy? And when he, you know, after he trained for a little bit, he squatted 600 pounds and he got to 800 pretty quickly. That's cool. That's some
Starting point is 00:59:17 progress, right? But how much more excited do people get when somebody who was 350 pounds loses a hundred pounds, right? Because the, the contrast is so drastic. That person's been heavy their whole life. That's been something that they fought against their whole life. The football player that went from squatting 600 to 800, that's already like in his wheelhouse, 30 stuff that he already does. And so he did make really good progress. His progress wasn't so far that he made this crazy drastic change right if the football player went and he did like uh like you see sometimes some of these guys do like dancing dancing with the stars right you do something so drastically different and then you win that that's when people really start to freak out because they're like holy shit
Starting point is 00:59:59 this guy's really well well balanced he's able to do a lot of different things. He's able to make progress in a lot of different areas of life rather than just that one thing. That's it. I think that's it. Sounds good. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Bye.

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