Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 75 - Matt Vincent

Episode Date: June 22, 2018

Matt Vincent is a 2x former World Champion Highland Games athlete. He has over 15 years of training experience including throwing, powerlifting, and strongman. He has also competed in the Highland for 3 full years. Rewatch the live stream here: ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dude, what are you doing going all over the country? What's going on? I don't know, man. I'm just running away. Running away from your pro- are you running away from your wife? Mostly. She's very overbearing. I don't know if you've met her. Married people understand. Yeah, they get it. You need some alone time. You gotta run like your hair's on fire. Yeah. No, it's been fun, dude. It's kind of like what I've always wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Be on the internet? Be on the internet. Dude, you made it. I just made it. Game over. Let's shut this podcast down. He made it. I just made it. Game over. Let's shut this podcast down. He made it. That's the story.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Game over. You got friends or whatever that are just like, you're still doing that internet thing? I'm like, yeah, man. Yeah, man. I'm holding on. They have it in Louisiana. The internet.
Starting point is 00:00:37 We just got it. Okay, good. It's still got like a crank start. Trying to make its way around the floods and whatever else is going on down there. It's like old cars with that crank you have to put on to fire them up from the beginning we could use some of that it's a manpower that's real manpower right dude apparently those old cars right that had like the crank start like apparently they would kick back and just like break arms and shit like that on a regular basis you just be like oh what happens like just trying
Starting point is 00:01:02 to start the car like an old gun would just explode in your hands. No good. Explode right in your arms. This is dangerous. We shouldn't do this. What are you doing in the area? Other than hanging out with me. Yeah, another one of the weird tours, man. Coming to do a few podcasts and trying to rack up podcasts like a crazy person
Starting point is 00:01:19 before I disappear for a few weeks to the Grand Canyon. Oh, I thought you were going to jail. Usually when people say they're disappearing, it's because they're going to the joint, going to the big house. It's some type of witness protection system. Yeah. I'm going away for a little while. I'm going to go away for a while. I'm going to lay low.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Dude, what's at the Grand Canyon? What's going on? Have you been there before? I have been. I haven't been down into it, but I've been through Grand Canyon National Park, which is like a weird drive-thru park. So it's still really cool, but you don't get the real vibe. You're going to like hike it or be on a bike or some shit?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Oh, raft. What? Like in the water. No. Yeah. You're going to get killed. I know. It's not.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I mean, literally, you might get killed. There's a good chance. We breathe underwater terribly. Yeah. So. That sounds scary. It's going to be fun, though. It's like two plus weeks.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Do other people do that? Or are you making this up? But I'm going with the Kelly Sturette and those crazy people.
Starting point is 00:02:11 The Sturette family. Yeah. So I think there's like a group of probably 18 of us I think. So it's like
Starting point is 00:02:16 rafting and camping every day. How far do you got to walk? I hope none. You probably have to walk up and down the fucking
Starting point is 00:02:21 thing a bunch, right? I hope not. I'm just going to lay there as soon as we get out of the raft. It's never convenient. You're going to have to walk really far and you'll thing a bunch, right? I hope not. I'm just going to lay there as soon as we get out of the raft. It's never convenient. You're going to have to walk really far, and you'll be like, my feet hurt.
Starting point is 00:02:29 This was not supposed to be a hike. You said raft. Hey, my knee is swollen. That's true. That's my view of every day. Wait for me. The struts will be jumping in the water, and you'll be- Going sprinting.
Starting point is 00:02:40 You'll be left behind. I'm afraid that they brought me simply because- You got a tent and stuff? Yeah, every night. No. Yeah. What about- If there's a bear attack, You got like a tent and stuff? Yeah, every night. No. Yeah. Like, if there's a bear attack, you don't have to be the fastest to get away from a bear, just not the slowest.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I'm not worried about bears. I'm worried more about, like, wolves. Dude, bears are fucking gnarly. I saw a bear last week in Montana. I know, but I have never seen a bear in person. I've seen a wolf in person before, and it's terrifying. Bears are weird, dude, because you see them, and there's just this big, goofy, lumbering thing. They look like a thing that you'd want to hug.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And they're fast. And they're mean. And then you can remember, like, you ever seen a moose in person? I have not seen a moose in person, no. Moose weigh like 2,000 pounds and have like a chandelier attached to their head. They're not predators and they are terrifying. Bears kill moose with their face. They're not predators and they are terrifying. Bears kill moose with their face.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Stay away from those animals. Oh my God, just fucking bite them? Yeah. Jesus. You just kill a moose with your face. That is terrifying.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You didn't need a weapon. Oh my God. Yeah. Are you going to have weapons? Just these. Just packing those heavy heaters. Just those. Some 17 inch heaters. Just those.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Some 17 inch biceps. Just those biceps that help protect them. I'm not even sure they're that big. I don't know. What else are you doing? You did another podcast
Starting point is 00:03:52 with Muscle Doctor. Yeah, Jordan Schell. He's awesome. Yeah, we talked about all kinds of stuff. Is he jacked and tan? He's jacked. He's not tan.
Starting point is 00:03:59 He's kind of gingerish and he's from Canada. So he's basically translucent. Tan makes up 50% of it. Yeah, you gotta be tan. Yeah. It's a good look. That's disappointing. That's why I feel Heath Tan makes up 50% of it. Yeah, you gotta be tan. Yeah. It's a good look.
Starting point is 00:04:05 That's disappointing. That's why Phil Heath looks so good. I got excited. I was like, oh, man. No, he's just jacked. And smart. And smart. He's got a PhD.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, he's a doctor. Doctor what? Love doctor? I hope so, dude. Like Dr. Drew? Yeah, Dr. Drew. You got to meet that guy, right? Why was Dr. Drew's house so big?
Starting point is 00:04:22 He's been famous for a really long time. Apparently, that comes with paychecks. His house was gigantic, though. Like, it didn't make any sense how big it was. No, there's wings. That's what I'm saying. Like, we couldn't even see, like, the ends of it. No, you just pull up and you're just like, all right.
Starting point is 00:04:37 There's a bunch of it. I feel surrounded. Yeah, I thought I needed a fucking golf cart to get around that place. If I had that house, I'd have a golf cart. Oh, my God. Just to prove a point, I put flames on the front of it there. So you've been traveling all over the place. You visit the Onnit Academy frequently.
Starting point is 00:04:51 You visit Super Training frequently. Yeah. You're out hanging out with Aubrey Marcus doing ayahuasca parties. No, not yet. Getting naked. Not yet. What's it been like kind of getting around to some of these different people that you've been rubbing elbows with the baileys and so on man it it's really inspiring right and like one of the ways i've heard kind of it being described is that like kind of the level that
Starting point is 00:05:16 we're at and trying to do more things and stay inspired and motivated like you try to find people doing similar things and so they become more and more rare like i don't have a friend in baton rouge who's doing what i'm doing and there's more of them here and if i want to do the podcast and i want to do it live like no one's accidentally coming through baton rouge so i travel to people and you're just trying to find other people that are kind of doing similar stuff that like it's not not weird to talk about like, oh yeah, I traveled to here and we did this cool thing. It's like you're trying to find other people that have breathed that thin air. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Of like climbing mountains, right? And so you just want to find more people that fire you up to help you learn stuff and you get motivated and you leave with something else to add to your idea if you're stressed because something happened to your website then a lot of these people are going to get it right away because they have things in common with you right right or it's not weird to say like oh yeah man i like you kind of feel like a dick with your regular friends when someone says a story and then you contribute and you're like oh we did the same thing in iceland eating you know blah blah blah with i was hanging out with stone cold and then this happened yeah right and they're like yeah thanks bud fucking asshole right whereas like i say that to you it's not
Starting point is 00:06:36 weird it's just reality of the weird life that we're living which is fucking weird it is weird it's a very strange do you Do you have old friends? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. From like high school? One. I have one guy. This fucking guy's hanging out for dear life.
Starting point is 00:06:51 He's the best though. Dan's one of my buddies, man. We've traveled the country two or three times. Is he in Louisiana? He's north of Austin, like in Temple, Texas, and he's a physical therapist.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Is that where you were born, Texas? No, I'm Louisiana. Oh. All the way through. Forever. So you got one old friend. What about friends and family? When you try to describe what it is you do now, you're like,
Starting point is 00:07:13 I got an apparel company. If it's not like mom and brother, I just basically say unemployed. It's just easier. I'm between jobs. And they're like, oh. They don't want to say anything else jobs. And they're like, oh. I'm unemployed. They don't want to say anything else after that. They're like, oh.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Yeah. They're like, oh, I own an apparel company. Consulting is good. It's a good lie. Podcast is pretty easy to tell people that. Oh, yeah. They just don't understand how it makes money, which I don't either. I can't even tell my parents what a podcast is.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I'm like, it's like an internet radio show. Right. This one loses a lot of money. Sick. You gotta have write-offs. This one does a great job of losing money and wasting time. Well, they say you have to spend money to make money,
Starting point is 00:07:53 so you should be getting ready to make a bunch. I don't know. They say the camera adds 10 pounds and there's like 5 or 6 of them too. I don't know how to do all this math. No one's gonna think I'm lean. You're gonna have to move this to vertical. Vertical format. Speaking of lean,
Starting point is 00:08:07 how would somebody like yourself get the name the fat owl? That would come from a really good friend who was also fat at the time.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Looks really similar to you. Oh my God. We got rid of I lost 60 pounds. You've lost a fucking hundo, huh? Yeah. We lost 160 pounds together.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Disgusting. It was the first picture we ever took together. It was really bad. Yeah. I mean, not like it would be any better today, but that first picture was. It wasn't great. I had glasses, and it was at the Arnold. And I remember, like, talking to you, and then, like, I'd left, and you were like,
Starting point is 00:08:42 Bertie, who's that? He's like, ah, it's Matt Vincent. He's on the show Highlander or something? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what he said. He said something about a sport, but he's too fat to play a sport. He's a Highland Games world champion. You're like, that guy's a world champion?
Starting point is 00:08:54 He looks like a fat owl. You're not wrong. World champion, question mark. So we've turned that lemon into lemonade. We just use that now as one of the logos for the brand as a fat owl. How'd you get into Highland games track and field in college i think as like a track and field athlete in college like you know that it exists you know that the highland games is a thing but it's still just a matter of like how do you get started into it the same way people with strong man or any other stuff
Starting point is 00:09:20 like you just don't know the avenue and so eventually because of the internets you google and find that there's going to be a highland games relatively close to you and when we went and did it it was like myself my brother i think travis ortmeyer went with us an old strong man and uh we entered the novice class as like first timers and did it and i had some immediate success with it had some fun and um found more of them to do and so spent about two years traveling around like I would book work trips to go see customers an area that there was going to be a game oh jesus we are chubby uh so I'd book work trips around like where there was going to be a game and then on the weekends I'd stick around to go throw. So I'd kind of let work pay for the trip.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I think, yeah, one of the first pictures is from the Arnold Classic, too. It was another really, really fat picture. Yeah, that's the old life. We're two different super trainings ago and a lot of different podcast equipment since then. Look at us sitting down there. We're not trying to burn any extra calories. You guys look tired sitting down.
Starting point is 00:10:26 We were tired. Jim Windler was talking about collecting piss and fingernails and jugs around his house because he's a crazy person. Yeah, I look tired and mad. Also furious. Yeah, just too pissed off. I think we did two podcasts that day.
Starting point is 00:10:40 That's why. You weren't in podcast shape. Didn't have the podcast build I have today. No, dude, podcasting takes more out of you than people think. Oh yeah, it does crush you. Especially when you get interviewed for a long time. It does pull a lot. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It's just being on. It's like, it's hard to explain to someone who, say, has a real job or, say, I don't know, putting fences around a ranch, like a man job, it'd be hard to explain to that person that being at the Arnold's really exhausting.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Like, what'd you do? Shook a bunch of hands, stood still in an air-conditioned room. People ask me questions. I'm so tired. I'm exhausted. I was on my feet all day. I was nice to, like, 200 people. What else are your feet designed for? Designed for laying down?
Starting point is 00:11:27 I wish. Right? They're not. I'm down. I'm into laying down as much as humanly possible. Yeah. It's a good move. Is that bad for you though?
Starting point is 00:11:36 Laying down? Yeah, because Kelly, you know. Apparently standing's cool. Laying down's also cool. Sitting's not good. Sitting's bad. Unless you're sitting the most uncomfortable way that you can possibly sit. Which is like in a poop position?
Starting point is 00:11:49 Well, it's like sitting completely vertical with your hips tucked and sitting on your hip bones, like sit bones, and you have to spread your butt to even do that. How come that hurts so bad? We're not built to do it. We're not built to do it. It doesn't make sense. Everything that's good for you kind of hurts or doesn't taste good. Why can't, why can't just like one of the diets be like, we're going to only eat Oreos
Starting point is 00:12:10 and you guys are going to take off and your body's going to love it. Yeah. It's, it's a biohack. Yeah. Evolution's the worst. I don't, you know, are we just the same as we've always been? Like, cause there's like more modern day food and people have been eating different food, but is our stomach going to be the same forever?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Or will we ever adapt to the point where we can eat some Oreos and some fucking in and out burger? I don't know. Well, I mean, for, so for evolution to happen, we would have to have some pace up for a while, but we're all going to die. We would have diabetes. Yeah. But we would have to let the people who can metabolize those things make more kids.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And then the people who get fat and get the betas. And Seema, are you listening to this? The betas. Yeah, they'd have to go away or not be allowed to pass those genes on. So in the future, the weak will be the ones that got diabetes. Well, they breed faster than the nots. Fatter genes or tighter genes? You got to get some stretch in there, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Ladies' jeans material made for dudes is one of the best inventions of all time. You can rock a skinny jean, but you can also high kick. Yeah, the hipster look, the Matt Vincent look. Exactly. David Lee Roth, he knew what was up. I'm just not going to wear a cat suit. Throwing is like a weird, like, underground thing. Like, powerlifting is a niche thing.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Yeah. Olympic lifting is a niche thing. But then throwing is, like, even, like, more protected than that. It's a very small community. For sure. But the information that comes from there is amazing. Like, the throwers that I've seen that have come into super training gym, they're always tremendously talented, first of all.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And then they're always very, very fucking strong, like brutally strong. The form, you're just like, I don't know what's going to happen with this guy. That was absolutely crazy. But those go nuts and they'll push 500 pounds on a bench for a couple reps. And you're like,
Starting point is 00:14:01 I don't even know what the fuck I just saw, but that was impressive. Yeah, it looks like garbage, but I mean like they're not benching for competition, right? They're just benching for max power output to throw further. And so, like, you know, you don't have to pause or do anything. That was good looking, man. That's probably the peak.
Starting point is 00:14:19 That's a very, very small community, huh? Yeah, it is. It's a tight-knit group. And with throwing, because it's such a technical sport and not just brute strength, there's a different barrier of entry. That just not your average guy who wants to lift weights. They can participate, but it's going to weed you out really fast. And so, whereas powerlifting like essentially anyone can powerlift, you know, if you can bench squat and deadlift, you can at least get into it or bodybuilding even more so like you don't even have to do heavy stuff. You can just bodybuild. And so with throwing kind of
Starting point is 00:14:59 being such a power sport and strength sport, like it's definitely just a different mix that like you have to have the technique and that has to be worked on way before the strength curve does was there anything in particular that you were able to carry over from highland games like something specific about highland games uh being explosive was there anything you were able to carry over that has helped you be successful today i think i think it's big picture, right? Like knowing that what made me successful in the Highland Games was that I did it for, I threw for 15 years. That like all of that was the accumulation of all of that time done. That it was just never stopping and continuing to go and like continuing to make progress. I think that's the stuff that really translates over to the business or relationships or work or any of these other types of things that like,
Starting point is 00:15:48 once you kind of learned that recipe of like, this is going to take 10 years to get good at. Yeah. This isn't overnight. You can't outsource it and you can't phone it in. Like you've got to be the one to hold yourself accountable and responsible to do it. It was that.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And it was training by myself the whole time that I competed. Like, I didn't have a coach. I didn't have... Brutal. Right. Like, no one gave a shit if I wanted to train. It was just me.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And so that is easy now for, like, well, if I want to take the day off, no one cares, except I do. And so I hold myself accountable. Yeah. You know, and so those are the big lessons that I really learned from so I hold myself accountable. Yeah. You know, and so that, those are the big lessons that I really learned from competing that transferred everything else.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah, it seems like a difficult sport and it's, you know, something that's kind of buried, right? Right. But we were talking earlier today too about like a starting point. Yeah. You know, and your starting point was that you were a good track athlete.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah, that if you go into the Highland Games and you were already like a starting point, you know, and your starting point was that you were a good track athlete. Yeah, that if you go into the Highland Games and you were already like a Division I thrower, it's cheating. Like you have shown up with cheat codes and you already understand like how to apply force to something that doesn't weigh a lot. Like shot put and stone weighs 16 pounds. Even the heavyweight that we throw is 56. It's not heavy compared to a 1,000-pound squat.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And so, yeah, you've just got a different point because you already know how to turn your feet and push with the hips and apply force through your legs that gets through your hands. Right. guy comes in that say you know has a 400 pound bench or a 500 pound bench and is trying to figure out how to throw a 16 pound stone but they can't be mobile and actually you know create separation between their hips and shoulders to push with their legs to get momentum it just is this weird jab and you can't throw it far like the the best kind of uh example is that was like worlds one year in Pleasanton California like Hapthor was around. And so he came out on the field with us and did the Braemar stone. And the Braemar is like a 28 pound stone and you throw from a standing
Starting point is 00:17:52 position. And so it's probably the least technical of all of the ones that we do. And he, he did it with us. And like, I mean, of course he's the biggest and strongest. That's easy to say. He's a mutant. Yeah. But I mean, you know, with us and like i mean of course he's the biggest and strongest that's easy he's a mutant yeah um but i mean you know other guys out there like myself or one of the canadian dudes who's i don't
Starting point is 00:18:10 know 240 you know and haplor took dead last you know in in the simplest of the events that we do yeah whereas he does very well at the weight over bar because he's a monster yeah but that one requires maybe a little bit less technique if you're 440 pounds and 610 yeah brute strength yeah you can just extending into it you can do things i can't do at that size um but yeah you know it's it's such a technical sport that that's what i really liked about it was always being able to solve that puzzle of you know how do i get faster and get stronger and get better technique at the same time you can't do any of that anymore huh no it's done you can't i mean you can't even like mess around with it right now the knees the knees trash what's going on with your knee i know you had many surgeries on it yeah so through seven knee surgeries and probably now just
Starting point is 00:19:05 biding time till knee replacement. I thought you were going to say till death. Well, that too. It's coming for all of us. That's a fact. But with our income and modern science, I think 200, 210, I think we could live that long easy. Tape that knee up
Starting point is 00:19:22 and get some weird... Yeah, just wrap it in voodoo floss. Pretend that's a brace. get some weird uh yeah just wrap it in voodoo floss pretend that's a brace get some weird funky cartilage growing in there or something i wish man i mean we keep getting better at stem cells and all types of stuff so like fingers crossed but my competition days are long done that's that that's done but yeah i can't even dabble you miss any of it of course yeah i mean the way the way that it's really hard that it took me some time to kind of wrap my head around was after the injuries and after surgery was, like, I found my thing, man. I found my thing that I was best in the world at. Like, I found.
Starting point is 00:20:00 You thought you were the best in the world. That's true. you thought you were the best in the world that's true all my skill set and talents and things that I had learned like meshed well enough together that twice like I'm confident to say
Starting point is 00:20:14 no one on the planet was better at this than I was and I can't ever do it again so it's like spending 15 years learning to be really good at guitar and then now your hands don't work like it's like spending 15 years learning to be really good at guitar. And then now your hands don't work. Like it's fucking tough. Like this,
Starting point is 00:20:27 this was my fucking thing. They're like, we're, we're not doing that anymore. Yeah. Like we don't, you don't ever get to play guitar again. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:20:32 what do you fucking mean? Yeah. Like I, I like throwing, even if I wasn't competing, I would still probably throw some in my training. Cause I like it. I was good enough at it that like,
Starting point is 00:20:41 I don't have to focus that much on it. Like it kind of become like a meditation that I could just go throw and go through motions and feel it and these other type of things and so I can't do any of that anymore it's a very sad you like yeah like wait what do you mean like I was
Starting point is 00:20:58 going to get a surgery and then I was going to that was the plan I was going to come back and then I got another surgery and I was still going to come back and yeah as soon as they pass you by and you're like fuck as soon as i realized i was in chronic pain and like i couldn't go up and downstairs priority shifted completely if if it was time for me to retire i think that this went maybe the best way it could have because i don't i don't think i would have walked away until something something happened that was like yeah you're done you're done doing this instead of i would have just gotten more and more frustrated and throwing worse and been really
Starting point is 00:21:38 bummed out and then not put the effort that i have in the last year and a half into my business not put the effort into growing the brand or relationships or any of these other types of things. I still would have been doing that. You think that's why the super training push pull me ended up like meaning so much to you, even though it was like kind of just a recreational, like display of strength for,
Starting point is 00:21:58 for a lot of the lifters that competed. Yeah, man, it was, it was really big. It was really big for me. And it was, it was,
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah, man. It was really big. It was really big for me, and it was just good to know that I had that gear, that being able to flip that switch to be able to compete and make it happen when it fucking counts. Like, that's what I miss. Andrew gave you a red light on that deadlift. Makes sense. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:22:20 He said you were going to bring that up. He's a hater. Well, it wasn't great. I did get it, though. It was amazing. It was amazing. I mean, the crowd, it seemed like there was like 10,000 people there. They went absolutely bonkers.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Yeah, and then Brian Shaw came out and pulled 50% more than me. Yeah, why is Brian Shaw so strong? He's very big. He's a fucking monster. It's got to be weird operating in life at that size. Yeah, it can't be comfortable. No. You know, it seems like a good idea to get big,
Starting point is 00:22:50 and then you get on a plane, you sit next to somebody else, and you're like, this was a horrible idea. This dude's a real bummer. You were pouring into my seat there, Tubbo. I need you to maybe go for a jog here in a minute. What has it also been like to be around other great athletes and to kind of know, I guess, in some way, like know your role? You know, you were a great athlete yourself, but then there's certain things that you can't compete on. There's certain things you see in other people and you're like, well, I'm just not that guy.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I don't know what the fuck to say about that. You know, I think it's cool that I get to meet some different people that do things really well and you get to kind of look at it as like they're mastering their skill set like they're mastering the talents that they've got the like what their body wants to do really well and it's cool to see people that are just purely passionate about the thing that they love right and and that's, that's, what's kind of cool about meeting these people. And like, at least having that background as an athlete for me is this,
Starting point is 00:23:51 it opens the door enough for people to realize, like I gave enough of a shit about a thing for long enough to be good at it. You know, it's something we talked about earlier is that like, like strength and sport or any of that, like you didn't get it handed to you because your parents were strong. You didn't get it because some weird entitlement. It wasn't where you were born or you had these other options of things. You fucking went in and put the barbell in your hands and you did the work.
Starting point is 00:24:20 And we'll always share that. Whether that's me or you or Jay Cutlers or any of these other guys. Like you all still did the grind like you didn't. It didn't just happen. And it takes a certain amount of years. There's no other way around it. No. I mean, if somebody that's really gifted, it might take five years.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Right. Like that's like the bare minimum. But that's not even like I still think it takes 10 to reach your max right like your real potential that's true and then it's going to be a fight to get there because there's going to be a point where you realize that you're just trying to ride this line of hurt and healthy right and the longer you can stay on just below or right at that line the most progress you make without having setbacks. But because we're stupid or because that line isn't just like a place that you can see, it's dynamic, whether how tired are you? Did you make a mistake technically or do any of these things? And so, whoops, that cost you two weeks. Now you're hurt. Or you're really hurt. And so the people that have put in that time and put 10 years had to go through those plateaus and had to figure out like,
Starting point is 00:25:35 oh, shit, I need to make an adjustment to my diet to try to get the most out of this. Or what am I doing supplementation-wise that can really give me that extra 1% to be better? Or am I doing enough recovery-wise to allow me to train harder when I have time to train? So it does become the whole picture. I remember being at the honor academy and seeing there was a kid down there. I can't remember his name but he was a really really
Starting point is 00:26:06 strong squatter really strong power lifter he's one of these kids that had one of these viral videos of him squatting 900 pounds or a thousand pounds in like high school like he's ridiculously strong um he squatted i want to say like maybe 780 or something like that for four or five reps when i was down there and i was like wow i was like fuck how old is this kid you know he's like 17 or 18 i was like just sitting there scratching my head i'm like that that fucks up my decade different starting point man fucks up my decade thing though and so then i go over to his dad and i'm like man your son is a monster he goes well he should be started when he was five
Starting point is 00:26:45 and i was like oh there we go there we go he's still within the decade rule okay good and i think i think stuff like that gets dangerous to me man because like you're not at as as like a male or human like your max strength potential isn't 17 you know it's closer to 30 and most people don't have 20 years that they can give a fuck about a thing at that level. You got 10. And so like, if you start your kid out and be really hardcore about baseball when he's
Starting point is 00:27:13 six, by the time he gets out of high school, he may be burnt. Yeah. He might hate it. May hate it. That it's now become a job and he's so bored by it that he'll never actually see what he could have done or
Starting point is 00:27:25 gets hurt early because you're pushing too hard at an age when your body can't do those things like that that age of a kid like like why are we maxing out kids in high school you know what i mean like what are we fucking doing yeah you get carried away you get you get carried away and that's that's that's the difference between good coaches and coaches that are trying to stroke their own ego by saying, we've got five guys on the team that all squat 500. Meanwhile, all the squats look like shit and their kids are hurt. You know, win football games instead and tell me you've got a bunch of kids that squat 315 for 10. What's your goal now with fitness and strength?
Starting point is 00:28:02 Be less gross. That's number one. Number two would be feel better. Now with training, it's kind of a much different approach. If I'm going to lift five days this week,
Starting point is 00:28:17 I'm going to have three sessions that are going to be pretty hard and I'm going to be sore from. And then I want two sessions that are going to be effort, but I feel better when I leave the gym. Like I'm more now concerned with longevity and how my body's going to operate for the next 30 years so that I can do the things that I really want to do with travel and adventure shit.
Starting point is 00:28:42 And, and just, I don't know where the compass is going to point in 10 years, but I know that I have to pay attention now so that I have the options to follow wherever that compass does go. There's never a point where I'm going to be too fit.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I'm not trying to get un-mobile as a bodybuilder. I'm not trying to do those things anymore. It's more general GPP now. And so there's never a point where I'll be in too good a shape to go do a thing. I could be out of shape and not able. And so it's such a different change, right? Because I think Kelly said this to me the last time I was up with him. It's like, look, man, when my time's over and they cut me in half and we count the rings, there's a decade of fire damage in that forest. And like the rings will grow back around it, but they're not the same as they were before. And I've got 15 years of fire damage.
Starting point is 00:29:35 So do you. Well, yeah. And so. I'm grizzled. Yeah. But I can't keep burning. Right. That window's done.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Yeah, you got to have some sort of change. Yeah, that window's done. And so maybe now the burn needs to go toward business. How do you continue to push? You push different ways and have different goals. Like, I don't need to be 290 pounds anymore. That was there for a reason. That's so sad.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I know, dude. It was so good. It was great. You could just eat whatever you want. All the peanut butter cups. It was the best. Just being so fat. The Oreos. All the Oreos. Tell them what I told you about. All the peanut butter cups. They're the best. Just being so fat. The Oreos.
Starting point is 00:30:05 All the Oreos. Tell them what I told you about Oreos earlier about my dad. Your dad wrote a letter to Nabisco and basically was like, I want you to know that double stuffed Oreos are not actually double stuffed. I've weighed this. It's a true story. That's why I've been battling obesity my whole life. You should pull up the Jimmy Dean sausage thing.
Starting point is 00:30:25 The guy complaining to Jimmy Dean sausage about the size of their... It's not 20 ounces anymore. It's the fucking greatest thing ever. This guy's dedication. I gotta hear it. It's absolutely fantastic. The clip is so good. It's a complaint call?
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah, a complaint call to Jimmy Dean sausage. Mark, I'm gonna give you some volume on this one. Okay. This guy is an American hero. There's no way that he made this phone call not wearing overalls without a shirt under it and one of the buttons undone. He was just like genuinely
Starting point is 00:30:55 concerned. He probably wasn't even drunk or anything. No, he just felt cheated. Yeah. Is it hard to push yourself now because you're like oh here we go i fucked up on my end i'll fix it all right no man i i don't understand people that say like they don't know how to push i don't understand people that are like how do you stay motivated like i'm fucking alive man what do you mean how do you stay motivated i'm trying to stay in front like i want to go like i don't understand
Starting point is 00:31:31 how to relax that's what i'm bad at like downtime i'm off like that's that's where i'm i'm absolute shit like i'm far less comfortable with nothing to do sitting on my couch, like, for a week. I can do it for, like, an evening. But, like, for a week? Somebody just said, you need to relax. Go fuck yourself. At some point, I'll be old enough that that'll happen. Relax, I need to go faster.
Starting point is 00:31:56 What are you talking about? Yeah, but that's the rest when I'm dead bit. I'll rest then, man. I got one shot at this, and I got one shot at, oh, man. All right, we're going to use second crack at this. Randy Taylor, I don't know where you people come from. I don't know if you test your products, your quantity of your product. Your products are very delicious.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Love your sausage for 30-something years, but I can't take and feed a family of five on a little 12-ounce roll of sausage. I don't mind paying you more money for your 16-ounce roll of sausage, but you don't have it anymore. You've got a 12-ounce roll, and you've got three men that weigh over 200 pounds a piece, a woman that's a little plump Scotch girl, and a daughter who's 13, and you're going to try to take a 12-ounce roll of sausage and a couple of dozen eggs and feed that, it ain't going to work. A couple dozen eggs.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And I'm not going to purchase your product anymore or ever again. And as far as your 16-ounce and maple and sage, I don't eat that. I'm not from the north. I'm a Texas man. Jimmy Dean sausage is for southern people to eat with their breakfast. This is amazing. He's amazing, right? And I can't see going to a little 12-ounce package. Or southern people to eat with the breakfast with the fried eggs and the T-bone steaks.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And I can't see going to a little 12-ounce package to feed four, five, six people. And I'm not going to buy two of those 12-ounce packages. It's because you want to downsize and charge the same goddamn price. This is your dad's call to Oreo, essentially. I would like you to go back to your 16-ounce package on your regular sausage, because I'm not going to buy it otherwise ever again. I'll just have my own damn sausage made like I used to 30-something years ago. It's not as tasty as yours is, but it'll work.
Starting point is 00:33:36 He's fired up. Goodbye. That little 12-ounce goddamn roll of sausage is supposed to be your brother and me and you. 600 pounds of sausage. He did not realize he was still on the phone, maybe? Get my point? He's the best. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I love how he threw his wife under the bus. She's probably in the background going, what the fuck? I'm plump? Yeah. He's like, whatever. You know you're plump. We own mirrors. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:59 That was awesome. Fuck are you kidding? That was awesome. That had to have been your phone call. Why are we so fat? Well, my dad wrote a letter, which I think is even fatter than a phone call, maybe. Handwritten. Handwritten letter.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I wish you had it. He probably does. Probably has a copy of it, just to prove. He probably does. Did he do the old school patent where he mailed it back to himself to prove that he was the first one to do it? Oh, that's a good move. He probably did. I think he did the math on it.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I think he, like, measured it. Like, he had a way of... Like, he scraped a bunch of centers out of Oreos. I think he might have weighed it. I was going to say weight, probably. Double stuff's more like 1.6. Horseshit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Yeah, it's not 2. No, this is stupid. Now, if you want to go 2.2, that's fine. What's your favorite food? Favorite food. There's so many categories to that, right? So, like, favorite garbage food, because that's really what we mean. Man, I really like pizza.
Starting point is 00:34:54 But I also really like cheeseburgers. And Taco Bell. Cheeseburger. Is a cheeseburger, like... It's delicious. Taco Bell. Yeah, I don't need you to judge me. What do you get at Taco Bell?
Starting point is 00:35:05 Everything. Because it's all the same. Yeah, look, what a brilliant business model this is. We have six ingredients and 41 items on the menu. Yeah. It's phenomenal. I need to figure out how to open that place. I love Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Dude, it's the best. I get a grilled stuffed burrito XL. Like, if I'm going, I'm going hard. I taught myself a long time ago that Taco Bell's gross, but I really actually am totally infatuated with that. Kelly was telling me bean burritos are the best for paddling because you can just slam them into the back of the boat, and they will just take the shape whatever it is you've pushed them into. And so I go grilled stuffed burrito XL, crunch wrap supreme,
Starting point is 00:35:44 two double-cker Tacos. The Double Decker is a good move. I like that. You got to order a large variety. Yeah. That's why there's so many things on the menu. Yeah, tostada. Who's ordering the three taco meal and be like, that's it?
Starting point is 00:35:56 How many times do you get up to the window, too, and add a few extra things onto it? Did you know you did well when you get home and it's just food for you and your chick, and there's six utensils in there? Yeah. You're like, yeah, we got them. Yeah. What about the Mexican pizza? My wife's a Mexican pizza gal.
Starting point is 00:36:12 It's not a real thing, but it's good. It is delicious. Yeah. For whatever reason, I never minded it, but that's not, it's not in my top tier. It sounds derogatory. It's too hard to eat. Yeah, right? You get all messy.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah. You gotta go, I like only hand food from taco bell i'm not trying to go knife and fork on this shit this will be the second time i bring it up but what about mountain dew baja blast mountain dew baja blast is delicious but i'm also one of those dumb people that if i go to taco bell i'm not gonna get a soda because that seems fat so i'll just have water with it. That sorts it right out. Hey, what about KFC giving you like the fucking gallon bucket with a handle and a straw? They're the best.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Dude, why can't you? You ever seen that? Why can't you mix and match like your KFC stuff? Like if there's a KFC Taco Bell, like I should should be able to get, like, a spicy chicken taco. Hold on, hold on a second. You just blew my mind. I just had a vision. This is very dangerous.
Starting point is 00:37:10 You know the machine that you can push the different buttons to get the different drinks out of? Yeah. What if you push a button and have a machine that gave you, like, a McDonald's cheeseburger, a Carl's Jr. Bacon Western cheeseburger, Taco Bell, some KFC biscuits and gravy. What the fuck is Elon Musk doing? We could be working on this. Yeah. We're shooting rockets at Mars, and we could be having this type of technology? It's that or like, so like, I understand that like this, this is zero calories.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And you've got Coke Zero, which is pretty fucking good. Or Diet Dr. Pepper is really the jam, and that's zero calories. First soda, Dr. Pepper. If we could come up with Taco Bell Zero. Taco Bell Zero. This can't be great for you. I'm not saying it is. Yeah, they did make things years ago with Olestra.
Starting point is 00:37:57 You remember that? Oh, yeah. It just gave people anal leakage. Yeah, it just blows right out your ass. Nothing you can do about it. Yeah, it was some sort of like fake oil. No, like you eat that stuff and it's essentially like hitting the clock playing chess of like you now are on time before you shit your pants. Yeah, but it like hit the market somehow.
Starting point is 00:38:15 People were like, less fat, this is a great idea. Oh my God. It's like having too much MCT in the morning. They had Doritos and all kinds of shit with that weird fat in it. We had people for a long time that bought products that had a warning on it that said, may cause anal leakage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:34 America rules. Well, there was that and there was also like, then it wasn't too far after that, there was like a diet pill that was the same way that was like over the counter though, that people were buying. And people were like, oh, but it makes you shit orange like what yeah it makes you it makes you shit uh like a weird color like the same thing any leakage did you ever take any of the supplement like carb blockers i never tried any of those i had my buddy dant told me he was taking those
Starting point is 00:39:02 at one point because he dropped like 50 pounds. He's the best. Dan. Dan not. It's a fucking weird name, Dan. I don't know any other Dan's. D-A-N-T. He's named that because his mom's not terribly smart. His aunt was reading a book and one of the characters in the book was named Dante.
Starting point is 00:39:21 And so his mom looked at the book and she was like, dance a great name. And she's like, that says Dante. She goes, I was going to take the E off anyway. That's great. And then named her son dance because that was the name of a professional
Starting point is 00:39:35 bull rider ever since that was the name of someone she thought would be a good bull rider. Yeah. Set in the bar. So he became a doctor and let her down but he at some point lost like 50 pounds like our senior year of high school
Starting point is 00:39:53 so he was like 205 or something like that and he's a little fucker like 5'8 and he was like 205 and then lost 50 pounds from like just taking a ton of Zinadrine and working out twice a day and eating one tuna fish sandwich. Apparently that works. And he was like, yeah, it took carb blockers for a while.
Starting point is 00:40:13 It just feels like you're shit and razor blades. Oh, God. That sounds awful. He had diarrhea for like a decade. He didn't have a great diet at home, I don't think. There's some people that just think it's normal. Totally normal to have loose guts. He didn't have a great diet at home, I don't think. There's some people that just think it's normal. Totally normal to have loose guts.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Just dodging his whole shit. Blasting it all day. No good, dude. And we see it every day here at Super Training. How did you feel? Our toilets get destroyed over here. When you really got into keto and you don't shit as often. Yeah, it's weird. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah. Even with this diet, just because I'm eating less, kind of the same weird. It's weird. Yeah. Even with this diet, like just because I'm eating less, kind of the same thing. It's like one poop a day. Very sad. Dude, but when you get into like keto, sometimes it's not even once a day.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah. Mm-hmm. Your body's so efficient, it burns at 100%. It's very sad. I remember we've had some bodybuilders on here. They say like when they're prepping for a show, they just don't poop for days on end that's
Starting point is 00:41:05 a there should be a pill that you have like a rabbit turd oh man i'd be so bummed out well then they try to take fiber and then i think it like might throw you off even more at that point you don't have a lot of other food in your system there's not much that really makes me feel prepped for a good day especially when i was competing like i knew it was going to be right like usually first thing in the morning like yeah like two or three times before I got to the field. And, like, good poops. The body's just like, we got to get rid of this. We don't need it.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Fucking open her up. One less thing to worry about. Call the Kraken. It is nice to poop at home. You know, that's great. Well, you got space toilets. You're operating at a level most of us don't get to play. Yeah, you get to blast it all off there.
Starting point is 00:41:42 There's a cheap version of the space toilet, though. I have one. Baby wipes? No, there's, like, to blast it all off there. There's a cheap version of the space toilet though. I have one. Baby wipes? No, there's like a bidet attachment. As soon as you switch to bidet, you feel like a fucking caveman not having it. Yeah, like how am I supposed to get myself clean? Yeah, I'm gonna just sit here and scrub peanut butter out of a shag carpet
Starting point is 00:41:58 with a dry towel. It's not gonna work for anybody. It doesn't work. No, let's get some water in there and rinse this thing out. My sister-in-law's been so terrified of our toilet and I'm like, it just makes a lot more sense. It's not going to work for anybody. It doesn't work. No. Let's get some water in there and rinse this thing out. My sister-in-law has been so terrified of our toilet. And I'm like, it just makes a lot more sense. It's liberating. It just makes a lot more sense.
Starting point is 00:42:11 It's a ton more. Yeah. We're savages in this country for not having bidets. What about wipes? Wipes are a good move. But I'm not traveling with toilet paper in my bag. Well, this isn't funny. I have.
Starting point is 00:42:25 It works really good. Do you really? Oh, yeah. It helps. Because he was talking about, like, I forgot my wipes. I can't get clean while I'm on the road. I can't get clean. I got to keep hopping in the shower.
Starting point is 00:42:35 So here's the invention I want to come up with instead of wipes. I feel like we could find a manufacturer. Call in now and let us know. Portable toilet lid? No. So underwear for travel. For big guys. Like, we'll only sell large through XXX.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Like, don't even bother with the smalls. They don't need it. So, it needs to be, like, some mixture of material of, say, like, 60% whatever Lululemon's nice underwear are made out of. And then the rest of it, whatever that tissue paper that magicians use that burns really fast. So like, say you've traveled to London,
Starting point is 00:43:10 right? Those underwear are cashed. Oh yeah, it's done. They're done. You just get to the hotel room and you can just light them and they'll just explode off of you
Starting point is 00:43:19 and then they're gone forever. That would be great. Call them burners. Yeah. They're already done anyway. Yeah, you pack a pair of burners. You're not putting those back in your bag.
Starting point is 00:43:26 It'll fucking ruin the rest of your clothes. It's true. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, we get those underwear going. We could make a couple hundred bucks. Sounds a little dangerous, but I'm down for it. One-time use last week. I mean, technically, you could probably take them off before you burn them,
Starting point is 00:43:42 but where's the pageantry in that? I would imagine that you could make it where the burn rate's not so high that you get hurt. I think you've got to risk it for the biscuit. Think about how cool it would look. Maybe it singes the hair off. It'd even be cooler if when you burned it, it had a pleasant smell. Well, that would be hard. That technology doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:44:01 We don't have that yet. No, it's like cats and insects. Incense mist in it. Now you're talking crazy talk. You imagine, like, long travel trip, you can, like, look at your chick,
Starting point is 00:44:09 and then just be like, watch this. I think the Baileys would be able to figure out something like that. They're amazing people. They're amazing people. And with all their travel
Starting point is 00:44:17 and everything, they must have a need for something like that. They've probably crossed paths with a man. Like, we get David Copperfield in here. We got Magician. He's still alive. For sure. He's still doing it in Vegas, probably crossed paths with a man. Like, we get David Copperfield in here. We got magicians.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Is he still alive? For sure. He's still doing it in Vegas, like, five shows a night, I'm sure. Making it snow on people. I don't know what he does. Magicians are amazing. Yeah, they are amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I don't know how into magic you are, but I used to be really into magic. I was a kid. What kid isn't? I took magic classes one summer. Oh, you went deep. Yeah. I even did a magic show for my. Oh, you went deep. Yeah. I even did a magic show for my church when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:44:48 How'd that work? I think relatively successful from what I remember about it. I don't think anyone was like, boo, loser. Did you disappear and come back as the devil? I did some of the red ball tricks. I did this other one where I cut newspaper, but it always is one piece of newspaper. Pretty baller. And then another one where you had to guess where a thing was, and every time I shook it, it made a rattle.
Starting point is 00:45:14 You just had a thing up your sleeve that rattled. You're not supposed to tell everybody the tricks. I'm not a magician anymore. You just piss off a lot of people. A lot of magicians listen to the old Power Project. Is that our new demo? I like it. You have any blowouts trying to pick up that thousand pound rock
Starting point is 00:45:27 that I saw you walk around with? That one wasn't that bad. The one that I did with the Bailey's? Yeah. No blowouts on that one. I haven't had a good blowout since I stopped being fat. No, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I almost shit my pants not too long ago. No. But it was definitely a weird diet day and travel. Yeah. Being fatter, that not too long ago. But it was definitely a weird diet day and travel. Yeah. Being fatter, that definitely makes it worse. Yes. Just all the gross food, and then your stomach probably just isn't as healthy in general.
Starting point is 00:45:57 No, it's basically kind of a... You turn your stomach into a little bit of Thunder Zone. You're just throwing shit in there, and it's going to have to fight for itself once it gets in there. It's not ideal. It's not an ideal environment for the old gut biome. But you learn and move past it. I don't want to still be eating the way I did when I was 20. I lived on garbage. I remember
Starting point is 00:46:18 the healthiest I got throwing in college I was eating fat free chili on fat free wheat hot dog buns and fat-free hot dogs. Do you think people are aware of how bad they eat? Because a lot of people will say, oh, I eat pretty good. I eat clean.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Or is that just the people that we're around? That's people we're around. And the people we're around are at least a little bit woke to it. But like your average person, I just, A a don't think gets it and b doesn't care like they don't know like they you think they would care if if it was if they were educated more on how it could be hurting their children or you think they still might not care they might just be like i think it's i think it's so i remember I went to the grocery store not too long ago and I bought like, like four ribeyes and some ground meat and some pistachios or something like that. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And like at checkout, it was 60 bucks. And I remember the cart in front of me were two overweight people and they had two full shopping carts of just bullshit. Yeah. Like sodas and cereal and boxes of chips and all types of shit, right? And at checkout, both those carts were $110. And that's part of the problem. How do you explain to those people that you can actually eat less and still feel full? You don't need what now looks like two weeks.
Starting point is 00:47:48 This is what two weeks of food looks like. Getting people eating less is not going to happen. No, it's tricky. Because, I mean, well, how am I supposed to feed a family of six people? Because there was a period of time where it was cheaper to eat at home. It was cheaper to cook and eat at home instead of even get fast food. But that's not the case anymore. Like if you want quantity of food, Taco Bell is hard to beat.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah. And that stuff's all garbage. Right. And Taco Bell, I think, is not even the worst of the lot of fast food. Looking for a Taco Bell. I'm going to be honest with you. Because, I mean, what good ingredients do you think are in like a Doritos Locos taco shell? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:37 It sounds amazing, though. It is really good. I've never had one. You can wrap things out of Doritos. It makes perfect sense. It's a great idea. It's a brilliant idea. I just love Doritos in general. perfect sense. It's a great idea. It's a brilliant idea. I just love Doritos in general.
Starting point is 00:48:48 We've talked about them a lot on this podcast. Doritos were never my jam. I like, so I'm from the South, and we've got Zapp's potato chips. They're like a kettle cooked, nice crunchy chip, and they come in Cajun crawtater flavor. I need to send you a bunch of these. This will fucking ruin your life. So they're like a spicy crawtater flavor. Cajun crawtater.
Starting point is 00:49:11 God damn it. I feel like someone from the Waterboy now explaining everything. Like, I'll tell you, get down there, you get some of these Cajun crawtaters in your boy. They're amazing. So they're kind of flavored like, yeah, yeah, that's a jam. It does look like a party. Spicy Cajun crawtaters. Mardi Gras flavored.
Starting point is 00:49:29 You can't get away from those, dude. And they kind of taste like boiled crawfish. Not the crawfish part, but just the spice. You wouldn't want chips that taste like a fish. That sounds awful. Not a great. These are salmon chips. Old salmon chips. Damn, that looks good. These are salmon chips. Old salmon chips. Damn, that looks good.
Starting point is 00:49:46 They are really amazing. Never seen those anywhere. I need to set up a care package. You sent us something weird, too, one time. An alligator head. Well, that. I think you sent us a cake, too. A king cake.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah, it had a present in it. A baby. That's normal. That was really weird. Oh, that was from him. A king cake? Yeah, it had a present in it. A baby. Yeah. That's normal. That was really, oh, that was from you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Okay, I remember. Right on. I was terrified to grab a cake or a piece of cake because I don't know, I can't remember. There's hard plastic items in it that you might choke on.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah, that's a normal thing for us in the South. Rule is, if you get the piece with the baby hidden in it, you have to buy the next king cake. Yeah, something like that
Starting point is 00:50:23 and I remember, I don't want that. So then, for two months, you constantly just have to buy the next king cake. Yeah, something like that. And I remember, I don't want that. So then for two months, you constantly just have someone showing up with king cake. The great thing is, the cake's not that good. I disagree. Totally disagree.
Starting point is 00:50:35 You kept eating it, and eating it, and eating it, and you're like, I don't care if I get the thing or not. It's just bread stuffed with cream cheese. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And then covered in icing and colorful sugar. I don't know. I like ice cream cake. Oh. I know. That doesn't surprise me. What's your favorite Ben & Jerry's?
Starting point is 00:50:57 I love that it's so stockpiled with stuff. I like Reese's. So whichever one does have Reese's in it. Any peanut butter cups in there. But I like like Americone Dream. Is that the Stephen Colbert one? I believe so. Some salty sweets, also a good move.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah. Also a really good move. Fish food. Fish food is excellent. I like that one a lot. I'm not a Cherry Garcia fan. No. I don't give a shit about that.
Starting point is 00:51:21 No. You can burn it. Meg Squats got us a big, huge box of Ben & Jerry's. It was amazing. See, she's trying to self-destruct everyone here. I know, I know. It was like these little tiny Ben & Jerry's, and then it was like Ben & Jerry's, like the ones on the stick and stuff,
Starting point is 00:51:36 which I've never had before, and those were so good. Do they sell Ben & Jerry's in full gallons, or is it just individuals? I'm sure you can get custom ones made. I'm sure if you go on the internet. I don't understand why those lids are even able to go back on. Yeah, it's so good. It's not like we're going to recap this thing and put it in the fridge for later. I just love that there's so much fucking candy stuffed into one thing.
Starting point is 00:51:56 It's just candy. It's just candy. It is. It's pure candy. It's amazing. What other foods are just totally candy that people think aren't? Well, a lot of things are unhealthy that people just have no idea of. I mean, there's a lot of, especially like little kid shit.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Like all the kids. Oh, God. The Capri Suns and all that bullshit. That's total candy. Yeah. Gatorade. Fruit snacks. Gatorade.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Yeah, giving kids like a Gatorade. Yeah, fruit snacks. Yeah, we were talking just earlier about how Gatorade, you know, probably 10, 15 years ago, they realized they weren't a sports drink. They're like, we're competing with Coke and Pepsi and whoever else is in the playing field. Well, like the original Gatorade that they developed in Florida didn't taste good. It was basically just salt. It was just an electrolyte drink.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And then they're like, we got to make this good. Let's sugar the hell out of this thing. Right. And make the flavor purple. Yeah. Now they have, who knows how many different flavors and how many different kinds, you know? Do you remember Allsport? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Allsport was like the carbonated version of Gatorade. Right. It was delicious. We had an Allsport vending machine in our middle school. Any weird candy down there in New Orleans? You got weird potato chips? We got like, like, um, praline pecans.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Hmm. So that's just sugar wrapped around a pecan. Uh, that's kind of a southern delicacy, if you will. I've had, uh, what is it, um, beignets. Beignets.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I've had beignets before. Beignets are a delicious move. There's just a fried bed thing covered in twice as much bread Yeah. in powdered sugar. In Poughkeepsie, they don't call them beignets. They don't call them.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Fried dough. I don't like it. It doesn't have the same, you feel fancy having a beignet. It's a bit French. Not as fancy. A little hoity-toity with the beignets. You slide over to Cafe Du Monde and stand in line with the rest of the rubes. Yeah, I've done that.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah, we all have. It's not great. That's not even the best place to get. What's the best place you ever visited? Because you've traveled a lot. You had to pick, like, maybe two spots. So Montana was really, really cool. So Montana has moved up my list of places I like going a lot. And then Iceland.
Starting point is 00:54:01 I just can't stop going back. Like, I'm going back in August. And every time we're like, we need to probably go maybe explore some other places. I'm sorry, we're booked and we're going to Iceland. Because now I've got friends there and I'm comfortable there. And I want to go hang out with friends. What's the weather like usually when you go? So I've been in July.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I've been in August. And I've been for New Year's, which are drastically different things. Like if you go during the summer. New Year's is just dark the whole time? It's rough. Yeah. It's rough. Every day is dark?
Starting point is 00:54:31 Yeah. You get three hours. Wow. Of kind of daylight. That's fucking cool. If you ever want to go somewhere to sleep a lot, just head to Iceland in the winter. Yeah. You can just barely get your shit together.
Starting point is 00:54:43 That does sound great. You'll just sleep all day. Like you'll wake up and it's 10 a.m. but it's pitch black your shit together. That does sound great. You'll just sleep all day. Like, you'll wake up and it's 10 a.m., but it's pitch black outside and you're like, I guess I'll just lay down. Is everybody depressed
Starting point is 00:54:51 or everybody's fine? No, I think everyone there is okay. Like, they don't get the seasonal effectiveness disorder. I think that's what it's called. We get everything
Starting point is 00:54:58 and it's just because of our food. Everyone needs to fucking just relax. Well, we're very comfortable. Yeah. It's food and Instagram. Like, that's kind of the deal
Starting point is 00:55:04 is, like, I don't think people realize the fact that we get to have as much existential crisis We're very comfortable. It's food and Instagram. That's kind of the deal. I don't think people realize the fact that we get to have as much existential crisis as we do is because we're really comfortable. We don't have to hunt food. We don't have anyone invading us. Most of us don't have real jobs. We're not roofing houses or working in some factory making things right and so we get to be mad about safe spaces and things like this which i think is progress for people but it gets it just gets outlandish because now everyone has a voice on everything and people like being offended
Starting point is 00:55:41 that that's the other weird side of it yeah is that people really enjoy having a thing to complain about people are addicted to stuff that has like and we talked about it earlier has a negative feedback loop you never actually get what you want right happens with bad food it happens with instagram it happens with everything you never really actually get there's no there yeah you don't there's just this false idea of like well i can be mad about this and then it'll change and it'll be this new thing but i just need a few more minutes i'm just doing a post right right right it'll never never be enough no no that monster will always get fed i remember who was telling me that story but they had like worked in a factory or something like that on
Starting point is 00:56:17 some type of assembly line right and said like it was his first week there and he's trying to prove like what a hard worker he is and so like the guy he's kind of mirrored up to has been there for 30 years, some old guy. And the guy's like, hey, man, it's lunch. And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, let me just get a couple more of these things done. He's just trying to hustle and show work. And so he said, finally, another 10 minutes passed, and the guy's like, hey, man, we're going to lunch. And he's like, yeah, yeah, get some more in. He's like, hey, come with me real quick, and brings him to the back and he's like you see this they'll never stop coming
Starting point is 00:56:49 there's never a point where you won so go to lunch and we'll come back and we'll work again but like you you got to pace yourself and you gotta you know be aware that there's not a there there's not really a finish point there's just always going to be more things added to your to-do list. And just do the best you can and then roll them into the next day and try to do the best you can and learn how to prioritize. What do you think people are getting right that you see out there versus what you might see people getting wrong as well? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Maybe it's like misconceptions, I guess you'd say. So, I mean, none of it's health related, but the stuff that I see that's kind of going right is I like the way the market has shifted to, with YouTube, with Netflix, that we're getting away from the old system. That we're getting away from this barrier of entry of these old guys who sit in offices and get to control people's fate.
Starting point is 00:57:48 If you want to create and you want to make something, there has never been a better time in history to do your thing. You don't need a marketing plan that entails a billboard and a radio ad and TV commercial. You don't have to do any of that shit. If you want to have a TV show, you need a cell phone, which you probably already got. Right. And start there. There's nothing holding you back from building a giant audience if your content and ideas are good with the simplest of things. Because content and ideas will outweigh the quality of the product to some extent.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Like, if you're using a modern cell phone, the quality is going to be okay. As long as you're not running around like a moron you know or like in a windstorm right but like we've got people now that have become successful and have made livings in like a creative realm that didn't exist 15 years ago and you can bypass that old good old boy system of these fucking old shribs that are just holding on to this is how it was and this is how we built power and like fuck them and they won't share it or let anybody else in that's cool they'll be dead right i'm stoked that we're moving away from those people and putting power back into people who want to work's hand or people who want to create i think that's great um i think bad stuff would be like we have enough free time now that people there's people in our country who
Starting point is 00:59:16 think earth is actually flat and like that's just like one realm of representation to it right of like fuck man it's not flat, if you believe Earth is flat, like you had to wave bye-bye to a bunch of other bullshit to get there too. Right. And like, can you believe Earth is flat, but then like also think the 9-11 thing wasn't a conspiracy
Starting point is 00:59:36 or do you just have to full kook and be like, nope, everything's good because then they'll turn on me with mine. Like I've got to, I got to think that Earth is also maybe hollow and there's dinosaurs that live in it that feed on bad energy. That's a thing called the hollow Earth theory. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Is it? Yep. Draconis is the dragon that lives inside the hollow Earth. There's also a sun in there. What's success from Matt Vincent? Waking up and doing whatever the fuck I feel like every day. That's it.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Might be a poop. Might be a coffee. Maybe travel. Maybe going to talk to friends. It may be creating new designs. It may be making a video. But I'm not fulfilling someone else's dream. That's success for me.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Is there anything right now that you wish you could do maybe a little bit more of or want to transition into more of? It seems like you do a lot of the things that you like to do. Hmm. I really like. You can't really travel much more than you travel already. No, no, that would be just about impossible. I really like the podcast. I really, so I love doing hate rant.
Starting point is 01:00:42 And I like doing the podcast a lot. I think my skill set plays better to this media than it does me doing my own YouTube stuff. I like doing YouTube because I like editing and trying to make pretty things. But as far as being able to... Another potential editor. It's perfect. Review his content.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Signing up. We'll give you an application after this. I'm looking for 11 bucks an hour. Holy shit, that's way too much. 20 hours a week. Can you start as an intern? Is that free? Yeah. I'll give you 20 bucks. We'll give you a quest bar and you can edit all day.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Oh, sick. It's free monsters too, or monsters a buck? Monsters you gotta pay for. Make it 30 bucks and you're in. Alright. Yeah, I think getting to a level that I could do more podcasting, like if I, you know, it's strange. Like I think at some point you've got to make the decision, like, do I want a team of people that do this thing with you? But then you know how that is. Like that becomes weird, too.
Starting point is 01:01:41 It gets harder to schedule. Yeah, it gets harder to schedule. And then, like, you know, something simple like showing up to Stone Cold's house, gets harder to schedule. Yeah, it gets harder to schedule. And then something simple like showing up to Stone Cold's house to record, it's a much different vibe that I showed up there by myself than if I rolled in with six people. And if I roll in with six people, I know that I'm not going to get those extra three hours
Starting point is 01:01:59 where it was just him and I shooting the shit. And I'm not willing to sacrifice those three hours for whatever comes from the other side of it. For me, like. Yeah, coming by yourself, he might be like, hey, join me for lunch. You know, sit down. You're like, huh? Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Yes. Yeah. You know what I mean? No doubt. And so a lot of my travel, like while I'm sharing a lot, it's still for me. Like it's still for me to grow and it's still for me to sort things out and change perspective.
Starting point is 01:02:29 And so I think running solo still currently makes sense. But I think more of what I'm currently doing or more people liking what I'm currently doing would be great. If, if this is what I do for the rest of my life, I'm stoked on it, but I know that directional change, the compass will swing.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Why do people constantly refer to, there's more than one way to skin a cat? Cause we've heard it like, I don't know the second way that we're all familiar with. Yeah. And I don't, I don't know. I don't know why it's skinning a cat. Like what do people, do you like cats? Yeah, I don't mind them. way that we're all familiar with. Yeah, and I don't know why it's skinning a cat.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Like, what do people, do you like cats? Yeah, I don't mind them. We've kind of acquired a cat. I don't really like them, but I'm not going to skin one. No, I mean, I've skinned a rabbit, so it's relatively the same story. More than one way to skin a rabbit. I guess. Yeah, so you can do the way that, we're not going to get into that.
Starting point is 01:03:24 There's definitely more than one way to skin a rabbit. So to get into that. There's definitely more than one way to skin a rabbit. So I assume cats would be very similar. More than one way to skin a cat. Everyone keeps referring to it. It just confuses Andrew and I. Yeah, there's an exercise called skin the cats. I know, I've heard of it. You should do that. It'd be great for the shoulders. Yeah, it's like a gymnastics
Starting point is 01:03:39 move, right? Yeah, you basically would hang on rings and work your feet through so that you're hanging backwards and then use your shoulders to pull yourself back through. Yeah. It'd be a good way to die. Just rip your arms right off. Right off. Good movie that you've seen in a while or TV show that you're watching?
Starting point is 01:03:54 How familiar are you with the Fast and Furious franchise? I'm very familiar. I think you and I have talked about this before. It's the best. It is complete fucking bonkers. It's insane. You can't handle it? I can't handle it. It's insane. You can't handle it? I can't handle it.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Dude, I just love that you can, Vin Diesel in the most recent one does two car rolls out, roll outs. One in Cuba.
Starting point is 01:04:15 I caught that too, yeah. When it launches into the ocean some hundred something feet in the air, which I don't know what it's speed.
Starting point is 01:04:22 That's because it's on fire, right? That scene sets such a tone for the whole film that to prove a point to his nephew about keeping his word,
Starting point is 01:04:32 he ruins his nephew's car and then gives him a really nice car. To keep the bad guy from getting his nephew's car because you have to pay your debts? He could have eliminated that whole race and ruining parts of Cuba.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Yeah. If he would have just given it, if he could have just walked up and been like, Hey nephew, here's, here's this car. Don't worry about the shitty one you had. I've actually,
Starting point is 01:04:56 I actually saw this movie on your recommendation. I'm cursing you out the entire time. Dude, just like physics. Imagine how hard it would be to film this, though, in all honesty. Well, it's just all on a green screen. It can't be that hard. That's true.
Starting point is 01:05:09 And so he just rolls out at the end, probably doing close to 200 miles an hour in this jalopy. But that whole setup right there about the kind of homemade turbo setup right there. That's how it works. I don't know if you know that. I guess I didn't know anything about that. You can also flip a car into reverse and it goes just as fast gearing. But like the last scene in the movie
Starting point is 01:05:31 when like the torpedoes following him or the heat seeking. Spoiler alert. Bruce Willis is dead the whole movie. Fuck. He is flipping in the air as the car as it's been exploded by a heat-seeking missile and during one of the barrel rolls
Starting point is 01:05:49 opens the door and jumps out and slides across a frozen lake in Russia and he's just sitting there like Batman pose with like one knee down and a fist on the ground everything's totally cool
Starting point is 01:06:04 no injuries whatsoever the rock punched a dent in a container ship he's really strong he gets shot by rubber bullets no fucking big deal he's an indestructible person i think him and the rock really have beef oh yeah i think that's the thing so good heard they're like not on set together they're not friends oh well that's great and now the rock going to make his own spinoff movie from it because ain't nobody asking for Tyrese movies. And Tyrese went nuts complaining about that. Take it easy there, baby boy.
Starting point is 01:06:32 Yeah, he was saying, like, you're taking money away from the rest of your family by doing your own movies. You mean family, like the reference to the fake family of people in the Fast and Furious franchise? Yeah. Like, let's also look at this film from this perspective. reference to the fake family of people in the Fast and Furious franchise. Let's also look at this film from this perspective. In the very first Fast and Furious,
Starting point is 01:06:50 there's a point where Paul Walker rolls up, or Vin Diesel does, I don't remember exactly, but they're listening to Ludacris' rollout. Ludacris is a character in these movies. It's great. I didn't even catch that. In the newest one right in the newest one yeah the rocks character wears nothing but under armor because i'm sure that's part of the deal
Starting point is 01:07:11 at some point he's wearing a shirt in one of them that has the bull logo on it so now we have a guy who has the bull logo on his arm in the film. And has that logo on his own Under Armour stuff that is related to a guy that used to wrestle. So I have to believe that The Rock exists in this universe as well as this character. Fascinating. Continuity is just fucking punched out. The movie that happened that had the guys from Sacramento that saved some people's lives on a train in Paris. Oh. I don't know what it's called.
Starting point is 01:07:48 It's got a number. It's a number name movie. Is it good? It's really good. But I think it's directed by Clint Eastwood. And in the film, there's a guy like
Starting point is 01:07:56 messing around the computer and he gets in trouble in the class. He's wearing a Dirty Harry shirt. Nice. That's even better. I was like, oh, it's Clint Eastwood.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Shout out. Yeah, I thought that was pretty sweet. What other crazy things happen to Fast and the Furious? I love it because of just how fucking bonkers it is. Jason Statham's character. Goes from the worst to a
Starting point is 01:08:13 cool dude. Not only the worst, he executes one of the team members in a previous film. Murders him. At the end, they're just sharing a barbecue with the guy that killed one of their friends but one of the like the most likable characters yeah exactly like a main character you can't kill han and then be my friend yeah jason statham murders that guy and then a
Starting point is 01:08:38 film later they're just like yeah dude i guess we could just grill some meat yeah like bring my baby over yeah because it was they put the rock in a weird situation where like he wasn't getting backed up by the police force or whatever he's like he had to go rogue look familiar and same way vin diesel like no that doesn't like clear you from killing our homie like fuck off he just shot a guy and they're just like oh i guess we're gonna have to let that slide. He sky dove with a baby. And then there's never a reference to Cameron. Not Cameron. Charlize Theron's character just escapes at the end, and they just don't bother ever giving you any clue to what happened to her.
Starting point is 01:09:16 So I assume we have another one coming. Fast 9 is definitely on the way. We have 10 total that are going to be made. Oh, thank God. I know, right? That's more films than Tarantino's agreed to make, which is a super shame. I think Tarantino's only got one more. Two.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Oh. He's got- Charlie Manson, right? Yeah, that one's next, which will be super interesting. The whole Charlie Manson deal is insane. Yeah, fucking nuts. There's a podcast, Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, and he does one that goes over the whole Manson family thing that's fucking wild. Yeah, I mean, Charles Manson didn't kill anyone.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Right. Just a lunatic that people believed. I'm worried that that'll happen one day with the internet. What? Yeah. Like, people have, like, a cult following, right? And they build up all these people around them. What if it happened with the internet with somebody having a few million followers? Like if a PewDiePie
Starting point is 01:10:06 goes rogue? Yeah. You gotta think with the number of people following? What if it just influenced a shitload of like 14-year-old kids or something crazy? I mean... It doesn't even need a shitload. Yeah. Right? Right. He just needs like 10 that go real nuts. And you would have to think with just statistically the number of people that
Starting point is 01:10:21 are following him. There's 10 that are willing to fucking jump off the wagon. Yeah, I think there's some scary shit in our future. I do too. My wife was talking the other day about the LA riots, and she was like, yeah, it was so crazy. I don't think we'll ever see anything like that again. We'll totally see that again.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I'm like, you're wrong. We're going to see something way worse than that. Look, people, from basically the beginning of time, people are really good at being awful to other people. Yeah, people are savages. Like, two things that we can super predict about people. One is,
Starting point is 01:10:54 we are going to continue to kill other people. We're super good at it. There will never be a point that all of us get along. We operate from too much of a scarcity mindset. I don't like that guy. I need to him he's gonna have to not exist anymore these people across this imaginary line of earth where our country starts and their start i don't believe in what you said you're dead you gotta die for that right or you have resources that we need or whatever it is we will continue to kill other people that is never going to stop. The other one is the only fat things on our planet are people and what we feed.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Yeah. That's it. Yeah. People and our pets. Yeah. That's it. We're the problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:35 We have no control. No, none. None. Son of a bitch. No. And we don't really want to be smart. Some of us do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Some people want to, yeah, gain knowledge. They read books and hang out with other people that are smarter than them and things like that, right? The problem is the really smart people aren't rewarded for getting into positions of major influence. Like, say, Elon Musk, right? Like, take a guy like that who I think's doing good things. Like, why would he want to be president?
Starting point is 01:12:03 It's a pay cut. It's an awful job. Right. why would he want to be president? It's a pay cut. It's an awful job. Anyone who signs up and is like, I'd like to be president, should be an immediate elimination from ever being allowed to have that job. Why do you want this power? No one should want that gig.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Do you guys agree with the thought that kids or people who are being educated to just be workers, not to be more than just your typical minimum wage type of person? I don't know that I believe that's true. I also don't have kids and don't know what the current school system is. I think one of the fuck-ups with our school system and education in this country is that we've built it to make kids pass standardized testing,
Starting point is 01:12:41 that we're not building people to learn how to think. We're not building problem-solving skills. We're not building problem solving skills. We're not doing any of that. We're teaching people how to take a test and memorize the thing short term so that the school can get funding. It's like a weird back way of doing it instead of let's actually teach people how to learn and be creative and solve problems. Like, I think we're at an interesting time in history.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Teaching people how to learn is really critical. There's so many kids that don't know how to study. Yeah. Right. They don't have the tools set up to really, and they need it. They really need it at this time because there's just so much access to social media and your phone and these different things. They need, kids need help trying to figure out how to fucking learn all this stuff. And I think it's tough that like the middle of the bell curve is basically what always gets played to
Starting point is 01:13:27 is that kids that are slower aren't given a different option for how to go and learn and start maybe teaching different skills to figure things out. And then the really high-end kids who are also gifted and special have to get played down
Starting point is 01:13:43 so that they don't stand out either and that that weird fear that you go through through like a point of life where you're just trying to fit in right and that's kind of that goal that you just want to blend and fit in and do all that and that's kind of what we're taught to do for so long like like people forget that like man be weird like all the people that that are interesting that you, that you follow or that you've ever been to see talk at a seminar. None of these people ever fucking fit in. They were all weird.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Even think about when you give somebody a compliment, a lot of times it's something weird. Like someone's got fucking pink hair or they're wearing a weird shirt. Like, Oh, nice shirt. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:14:20 you recognize it because it's different. It's not the same as what everybody else is doing. Blendless gray, you know, that, that everyone thinks they want to be. Right. And I think we just push too hard for this to eliminate the highs and lows. I think that that's what we do with medication. I think we are trying to do that with participation trophies and any of that. We're just eliminating failure.
Starting point is 01:14:46 But if you eliminate failure, you also eliminate what's great about success. You don't get one without the other. And failure is a far better fucking teacher than success will ever be. If you're just handed it to you, you don't get it. It's when you try and fail and fail and fail and fail, and then it worked. You fucking learned. Especially, like we said earlier, if you're willing to pay attention, if you pay attention to why this didn't work and then we can problem solve to troubleshoot to get around it. And then you can start applying that lesson to the other things you do. It just it scares me that people want to blend and that people that we try to take down people who are special yeah you know i think or like the middle has such a strong voice now that like you know the people on the bottom are either not spoke about because we can't talk about it because
Starting point is 01:15:43 it could be uncomfortable or this and that. And then the people that are great, like we almost want to take them down. Like we love that. We want to see failure. And for some reason in this country, we love someone failing and then getting their shit together more than we just love a person who just never fucked up.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Yeah, Muhammad Ali is a good example. Right. He was hated by America. Hated. Until he went to jail. Or look at why we like watching The Biggest Loser. Right. We want to see these people drop all this weight
Starting point is 01:16:12 and succeed after they fucked up for 20 years. Right. Well, and then people love to talk about how many people gained the weight back. Like, oh, look at this. Yeah, there's a hole in their game, and this system doesn't work, and it's only because they're there for, you know, they're on lockdown and i think people just want to be able
Starting point is 01:16:28 to justify their own shortcomings justify their own failures and so it makes them uncomfortable when you see someone you don't have an excuse to why you didn't make it right you didn't fucking make it because you weren't willing to work as hard i mean that's that's a lot of the truth and that's but that's what i have always lot of the truth and that's, but that's what I've always loved about strength stuff. And also working hard, but also working for a really long time. Forever. If you, if you just, if you just keep with it, other people will fall off.
Starting point is 01:16:57 They'll lose interest. They'll stop at some point. And if you keep going, maybe your genetics, maybe like, there's a lot of things that you don't have that somebody else already might have like i i've never been able to play an instrument but i've also never dedicated a ton of time to playing an instrument so i'm willing to say that i wasn't naturally able to just do it it didn't make sense i took piano lessons as a kid and sucked at that right but i took piano lessons for like maybe a year tops but if i would have continued to take piano lessons until i was 20 i'd probably be able
Starting point is 01:17:31 to fucking play piano yeah i may not be a great concert pianist but i could play piano and that that's anything like you may not become bill gates or you may not run a business that does as well as your stuff or my stuff or anyone's, but that doesn't mean you're not doing well. It also doesn't mean you can't do better than you're currently doing. You can always do better. Everyone possesses that ability. You can always do better or do more or be smarter. We talked about earlier that it could be fake numbers that you're chasing. we talked about earlier that it could be fake numbers that you're chasing you know that like you know we did you know we did 10 last year and this month we did 11 but we spent 12 like that's
Starting point is 01:18:11 not a real 11 then right you know let's spend three and do 10 yeah it all depends on what makes you happy right you want to just sell tons and tons of stuff maybe that's what you want to do right and i think most people don't know what that is, that they don't know what makes them happy. And they think that someone else is holding on to their happiness. Right. That scarcity mindset, right? Like there's only so much success out there. And that's just not true.
Starting point is 01:18:39 You're taking it all up. Yeah. It's the guys that it's always an excuse of why it's never worked or why this has never happened. And at the end of the day, if you really looked at it, you realize that you're the common denominator and all the failures. And so that's a hard pill to swallow to be like, Oh, I'm the fuck up. Right. And people rather complain, push it off on other people. Well, you know, I had, I had a rough childhood. rough childhood okay well i can find people that had
Starting point is 01:19:05 rough childhoods that got their shit together and succeeded right so now we prove that that can happen so why can't you that that's up to you right or you can just be bummed about it and be shitty there's that that's easier than dealing with you you know, that, that goes to that thing that I think we run into a lot of people, the failure avoidance, right? That people are so terrified of failure that, that the risk of failure is never worth the reward for them. How many people do you know that go to compete or do a thing and finish like
Starting point is 01:19:41 fourth or fifth and they're like, Oh, I really didn't even fucking train for this. Blah, blah, blah. Like a fuck yourself you know um i mean i told maddie that whenever we were at nationals and she didn't have the best day that she had there and she was upset and i was like it's so fucking cool to see that you give a shit that this fucking matters to you that you didn't play it off you didn't blow it off that this is that this wasn't the ideal situation it's not my day no like oh you know like i mean other people you know they didn't have to go to class or do these other things fuck you everyone's got bullshit right no one has it
Starting point is 01:20:16 perfect and the second you can stop thinking that and just own your failures and own your success you're going to be better off because of it yeah the result the results always matter and then it's not anything else you know there's not not not a good excuse you can pull out of your ass right right because at some point no one gives a shit dude i mean failures and and bad things happen like you've been hurt competing. I've been hurt competing. Those things happen. That's part of the risk. But you didn't half-ass the training cycle to get there and then not hit a PR and be like, oh, it's just really busy, this training cycle. Like, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Someone won. It could have been you. You chose to suck. That was your choice? Just to just not try? Yeah, I mean, I've seen a lot of people say that with having kids or having a business. They'll throw anything they can in there to use as an excuse. And I can always feel good that in my powerlifting
Starting point is 01:21:19 career, those things will all happen simultaneously. I felt like I was one of the few that had kids but i couldn't be like hey like i'm not lifting as much as that guy okay that didn't put me in first place somehow right it didn't make me lift more weight i'm like hey i got these you know bastard kids over here that won't shut the fuck up for five seconds right and there's and there's also a weird spot for people who think that only winning like was the answer right and there's and there's also a weird spot for people who think that only winning like was the answer right and that's i think we get caught up on that too this idea of like well if i can't win there's no reason for me to go try to compete man there's so much more that
Starting point is 01:21:58 you learn from competition people say all the time about lifting right well what category what are the what other people lift but if you said hey go run a 5K or a turkey trot, you know, or whatever for Thanksgiving and you go run and no one really cares about place. I don't even know. Sometimes I don't even keep track. Right. They don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:15 It doesn't matter. But I mean, if you can get focused on progress, like instead of this imaginary fucking there that you've built that doesn't exist you're gonna be better off because everyone can do progress and everyone can make those steps to be better than they were yesterday you know maybe you're not gonna be a world champion there's only a few they're not gonna be for everyone i mean i'm But it happens. It's really hard to take advice from somebody that likes the Fast and Furious series. And Taco Bell. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:22:49 It just kind of discredits. It just discredits it. I've never thought about that. I don't think Earth is flat. What about simulation theory? All right. So the deal with that, right? If that's real, if that's the thing, then it doesn't fucking matter.
Starting point is 01:23:06 It doesn't change anything. You mean I'm still dead at some point in the future? Cool. And then simulation's over? Well, then this was real. If I get to wake up at some point and this was a dream and another life, awesome. Let's hit reset. Give it another go.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Yeah. Earlier when you were giving the uh analogy that kelly surette gave about like burning rings and whatnot you said you had like 15 just torched uh do you have any regrets from any of that no yeah all of it's what got you here like man i couldn't be any fucking happier like the reality that i live a life that i get to travel and go and hang out with people that i like and then that the people I like have actually become friends like this is it like this this is what I've always wanted to do I have enough going on in my life that I get to create things and so like that itch
Starting point is 01:23:56 gets scratched and then I've got the travel itch so that gets scratched and I just want to build a life that I don't feel I need a vacation from. That's it. And I got it. Now let's do more of it. Like forever. Like that's what I want. Keep it going.
Starting point is 01:24:16 All of it got there. Like at some point the decision to do that Highland Games in 2008 is part of the direction change that put me in trajectory to be here. And so I can't regret any of that. And I can't regret going through surgeries and my knee going South because I can be pissed about it or I can take it as a change in perspective. That doesn't change my knee being fucked up. Like perspective is a big part of it. I mean, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:44 I could, I could be bummed out my dad got cancer and died, that super sucks but I had a good relationship with my dad, I don't have a weird regret about it but I learned a lot from that situation of like oh yeah, that's coming like none of this is
Starting point is 01:25:01 to be taken for granted, today is not to be taken for granted, so go do what you fucking want to do now. Like don't have this weird thing of like, well, I can do it then. Cause then doesn't exist. Right. And it sure as shit isn't guaranteed,
Starting point is 01:25:15 you know, or I mean, how many stories you hear about guys that were good athletes? You know, I read a story about a, you know, a BMX guy that raced in the Olympics and had a bad day in training, crashed and fucking knows arms and legs don't work.
Starting point is 01:25:31 Fuck man. Yeah. Wild. You know, things are good for me. Like my knees fucked up. Cool. Through rocks in a field with it.
Starting point is 01:25:40 It's not like my job was, I wasn't getting paid a bunch of money to run fast. It's just a change. And you've got to how you handle your feelings about that shift, that's on you and that's your own shit to unpack. But there's good ways and bad ways to go about
Starting point is 01:26:00 it. Anything else, Andrew? I just wanted to ask you so you're talking about like just going and doing shit earlier what if somebody wants to start their own clothing company right now is it a bad time good time i think it's a great time i think now is the time and i don't mean like 2018 i mean like right fucking now yeah like if you feel it and you want to start creating start creating but my advice to that is like have a plan and figure out how to scale
Starting point is 01:26:26 so that you don't start a thing and it ends up in six months, like plan for success. So that in six months when it goes well, you don't have to shit can the whole thing because you can't actually do the work. So I mean, I was able to start really small and continue to build.
Starting point is 01:26:46 And look, man, if you want to start a clothing company and you don't know what to do, email me. Matt at Fucking send me an email. I'll try to help. And that's it. But, you know, simply printing stuff on T-shirts doesn't mean you're going to have a successful clothing company. So maybe you need to redefine like what success is. You need to figure out what it is that you want to do. Right. Like you're not entitled to make a living clothing company. So maybe you need to redefine like what success is. Yeah, you need to figure out what it is that you want to do. Right. Like you're
Starting point is 01:27:08 not entitled to make a living doing this. But if you want to start a clothing company, we can start it. You may sell 10 shirts a month. That's better than selling none. You fucking made a thing that people bought. Yeah. And you sent it to them. That's fucking awesome. You
Starting point is 01:27:23 made a thing that did not exist and now someone likes it and gives you their money for it that's the fucking coolest thing ever yeah you know i i still feel that way like that's what the arnold is for me like you know i look at stuff at the arnold i'm like fuck do we need to do a bigger booth or make this or make that? And it turns into an arms race with booths there. For me, I'm like, this is the time that I get to have one-on-one interaction with the people who think what I do is fucking
Starting point is 01:27:54 cool enough that I get to do this for a living. I just want to say thanks to everyone. Give you as much of my time as you can. What's next for a hate brand? Make more cool shit. Hopefully more people buy it than they were buying yesterday you know keep doing what we're doing because like i'm still making things that essentially i want and i'm glad that that's
Starting point is 01:28:17 translated that there's other fucking weirdos out there that want stuff that i want to make i was gonna say where does the style come from? That's just all from your head? Yeah, you know, it's all come from the time I spent touring with bands and that type of merch and those type of arts or BMX or skate culture. Those are the things that I've always been into. You know, and that's the type of stuff I want to create. I mean, that's what's beauty about, right? There's so many different things out there that you can find the one for you and find find your niche you can monopolize
Starting point is 01:28:50 your niche right and so i mean there's no amount of t-shirts that you're gonna sell that cancels me out from being able to sell t-shirts yeah like until nike gives you a call and they're like we're concerned with the amount of shirts you're selling. We don't exist. Like we're not actually moving enough of anything that it matters. Like on the global scale of shit. Yeah. And so you can always do it and, and help those other people out that want to follow their shit. Like, why would you be that guy of like, it still amazes me to hear stories like, like you say, when you did the slingshot of people are like, this will never fucking work.
Starting point is 01:29:28 What the fuck are those type of people to just tell you that like this is shit? Why wouldn't you just be cool about it? I got mean fans. So strange. I mean, yeah, whatever. You know. All right. Awesome, man.
Starting point is 01:29:43 It's always good having you here. Always a pleasure, man. You guys know Matt Vincent. He's always good having you here always a pleasure man you guys know Matt Vincent he's been on this show a million times I think I probably got the top
Starting point is 01:29:50 yeah he's got the top spot I don't know Burdick was on a bunch in like a short period of time that's true he may have fucking zoomed past me he hit the NOS
Starting point is 01:29:57 he did he pulled the vacuum line yeah off of the old car you hit the NOS too early you gotta wait You gotta wait. You gotta wait, T. I'm like a slow creep
Starting point is 01:30:07 that just keeps showing up. Just can't get rid of me. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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