Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 97 - Mark Bell is Back and SO JACKED

Episode Date: August 21, 2018

Fresh from Malibu and Mark Bell can't wait to get back on here and talk to his peeps. Mark is looking leaner than ever and we'll talk to him today about his time in LA, training with Mike O'Hearn and ...what Gold's Gym is like at 4am. Re-Watch the live stream: ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome home, Mark. Hello there. Welcome, welcome everybody. Welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project. Thank you guys for tuning in. This is a project. And because it's a project, I need you to pass it on.
Starting point is 00:00:17 If you like this, if you like this format, if you like what we're doing, if you like all the different people that we're chatting with, and you like seeing me up here pounding the desk and talking to you and all that stuff, let other people know. Go on iTunes. Give us a review. We don't ask for anything. There's no commercials here.
Starting point is 00:00:37 We're not trying to advertise anything. We are just sharing information. We are just sharing information. And part of the power project and part of the mission of Super Training Gym and Slingshot is to make the world a better place to lift and to try to enhance your life, try to add to your lives every single day. When you start to kind of think about some of these things where, you know, sometimes maybe you feel too much pressure, have too much anxiety about how it is. It's going to play out that you are going to get better. Just take a deep breath and just realize it's, it's just, it's step-by-step and I know it sounds so simple, but if there's a sidestep, if there's a step back, if there's several steps back, If there's several steps back, it doesn't matter as long as you get back on track. Now that could be on a day-to-day basis.
Starting point is 00:01:34 That can be on a weekly basis, monthly basis, yearly basis. I mean, look, people have years that are horrible. People have a year where they lose a spouse. They fall into a drug or alcohol addiction. They're off the map for a few years, but sometimes you see these people come back. People are really, really resilient. My brother's resilient in that way. We ended up with a great conversation talking to Mike O'Hearn when we were down in Los Angeles. I stayed in Malibu for the month, just returned two days ago. And the conversations that I had down there and the people that I met and the people that I hung out with inspired and motivated me well beyond anything I was doing previously,
Starting point is 00:02:19 which I feel like I was a pretty motivated person to begin with. But now things are really set on fire. What came out of the conversation with O'Hearn was that he met my brother in 1993. He met me in about 96, 97. We've known this guy forever. Michael O'Hearn does not have missteps. Michael O'Hearn does not make mistakes. He doesn't miss meals. He doesn't trade his time for training.
Starting point is 00:02:53 He doesn't make hardly any compromises. The only compromise a guy might make may be for his significant other, Mona. He may break a little bit of some of his normal habits and it's possible that they go out for something to eat on that particular day. Other than that, the guy lives and breathes for weight training. He loves it. It's what he chose to do. Now, what I'm trying to say here is that in 1993, my brother was a much, much different person. In 1997, 98, when I met Michael Hearn, I was a much different person. Michael Hearn has been a similar kind of person this entire time because he has stuck with it.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And he's continued to make progress. I mean, people always think that O'Hearn's just, you know, shredded 24 seven. Well, he is jacked and he is shredded. He's got a lot of muscle on him, but as shredded as you see him for some of his guest appearances and stuff, he's not always that shredded. He has to still work for that. And he's still also work for it very hard. And he's made a lot of progress over the years. I remember, you know, chatting with him years ago and he was 270, 280, 290. He was never fat. He never slipped up. It wasn't like he decided to go off his plan. He stayed on his plan the whole time and he would continue to get better and better and better. But that's how he's able to lift all those weights. He's one of the
Starting point is 00:04:22 strongest guys ever walked through the doors of Gold's those weights. He's one of the strongest guys that ever walked through the doors of Gold's Gym. And he's one of the strongest guys from any era at Gold's Gym. Today, he worked out with the mountain. You guys are going to see footage of that. We filmed that for Mike, Chris Griffin, our sharpshooter down in Los Angeles. He ended up getting shots of that.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And you're going to see that, and that's going to be on O'Hearn's YouTube video. But O'Hearn did 21 reps with 315 pounds. And The Mountain, the world's strongest man who weighs in over 400 pounds, he did, he does a great picture. And he did 40, or I'm sorry, O'Hearn did 21 reps and the Mountain did 25 reps, reverse grip bench with 315. As I go back to the story of my brother and I, my brother was a USC film student. He was trying to figure out which direction he was going to go with his life. His life wavered to and from film and to and from the gym.
Starting point is 00:05:29 He'd sometimes train his ass off. He sometimes wouldn't. He'd sometimes end up getting drunk. He'd sometimes end up blacking out. He later realized it took many years to realize that he was an alcoholic and that he really truly had some problems uh my brother's my brother mad dog's death had a different impact on him than it did on me part of the reason for that i i believe is that i have my wife andy and i have my family so i have to still press forward and uh and also chris was just closer with Mike than I was. That's just the way it is. Closer in age and closer mentally, physically, emotionally, every way you can think of. My brother has had a lot of ups and downs. Coming out of film school, it seemed like things were going to be pretty promising. He was very creative.
Starting point is 00:06:26 He was very smart. He still is very creative. He still is very smart. It looked like he was just going to turn this USC film school thing into a job somehow. At the time, it was really hard to figure out how to get a job in Hollywood. You had to either write a script or previously direct or produce a movie. It was very difficult to figure out. It probably really just took hard work, dedication, and a lot of consistency. But my brother didn't understand some of that at that time I don't think, he might have been too young
Starting point is 00:07:05 He was always trying to lift, he was always trying to be in better shape But his will, his firepower, his ability to channel it And to have it carry over into his daily life Was not there And so he would waver a lot. His diet would go up. His diet would go down. His weight would go up.
Starting point is 00:07:29 His weight would go down. He'd be fat for two months. He'd be thinner for two months and so on. He was involved in a lot of powerlifting. He was a competitive powerlifter and he was lifting some really big weights. After a while, his body couldn't hold up anymore. And a lot of it probably had to do with the diet at the time. He did not have the knowledge to have the proper diet. And as a result, he started to get fatter. As a result, his hips started to wear down. He was born with
Starting point is 00:07:59 degenerative hips. And as many of you know, he's had a double hip surgery. So he has two replaced hips on his body and multiple surgeries to go along with that. And multiple surgeries on his knees from when he was a kid, he just was maybe dealt a bad hand, maybe dealt a different hand than what I was dealt. As he progressed over the years, as 1993 turned into 2003 and 2013 and now 2018, my brother, the entire time, he was trying, but he couldn't figure out what the quote-unquote secret was. And the secret is, is that if you are consistent over a long period of time, you will be rewarded. Now, here's where the reward comes in for my brother, because since probably 1989 or 1988, he's been training. And even though he got fat and even though he went through a bunch of different things, alcoholism, pills, you name it. He got addicted to all kinds
Starting point is 00:09:06 of different things, nearly died a couple of times. He was really in a bad spot, but for the majority of that, he still always went to the gym. He held on long enough to where now in 2018, if you saw him, if you met him at Gold's Gym, first of all, you'd never have any idea that he was fat. But secondly, he would tell you, he'd look you in the face and he'd say, I'm in the best shape of my life. Same thing with me. From that time I met Michael Hearn in 1997, I was probably 19 or 20 years old. I'm now 41. I'm going to be 42 in December. I can look you right in the face and tell you I'm in the best shape of my life. My point to all this is, it doesn't matter if you're a maniac like Michael Hearn, who is
Starting point is 00:10:00 completely obsessed with training, completely obsessed with being the strongest and the best to the point where after every single workout, he rushes home, has his post-workout shake, relaxes, gets a massage, takes a nap. The whole day is devoted towards recovery. The guy never misses a meal. When I say never misses a meal, he's been eating six to seven meals a day from the time he was like about 11 or 12 years old,
Starting point is 00:10:30 like something crazy like that, because he started lifting at like nine years old. And he somehow found out about bodybuilding at a very young age. But the point to this whole entire goddamn long-winded message is if you just hold on, you can still persevere. It might be a long road. It can be a shorter road if you work on trying to condense it and you work on focus. If you focus in on something, you hone in on something, you'll get somewhere faster than if you don't. And that's part of the reason why I've always been able to be ahead of my brother in terms of physique and in terms of strength is I have always, I learned a lot from him as a kid. And so I had accelerated learning when it came to lifting. On top of that, I started super training gym and that caused a lot
Starting point is 00:11:23 of accelerated learning. I got around guys like Jesse Burdick and Stan Efferding and Ed Cohn and, you know, more recently, Jay Cutler and all these people. All these people are lifting up everything that I do, and it's making things easier for me. It's making me, forcing me to learn faster. to learn faster. When I talked to Ron Penna, the, uh, CEO, former CEO of, uh, Quest Nutrition. And when I talk with, um, you know, some of these, some of these monsters that I know, uh, Jason Kalipa, when I talk to these guys, I have no choice, uh, but to feel their enthusiasm. I have no choice but to get better. I have no choice but to continue to learn and absorb all these things these guys are throwing down.
Starting point is 00:12:13 But what I want you to understand is whether it's business, whether it's relationship, or whether it's your diet, your lifting, whatever it is, if you can stick with it, you're always in it. If you can stay, if you can just stay with it, you can always still be in it. So my brother, as far off as he went, he can still look someone in the eye and say, I'm in the best shape of my life. I mentioned, I can say the same. I didn't go through the same trials and tribulations as he did But still a really long fucking time ago that we met o'hearn, right? o'hearn can look somebody in the face and he might have to lean up a little bit because
Starting point is 00:12:55 He's been leaner in the past. Um, but For the most part he can say he's in the best shape best condition of his life He may not be the leanest he's ever been, but he's certainly at a really amazing level of strength. And he's certainly at a really amazing level of how much muscle mass the guy has and how lean he is. This stuff all takes a long time. I want you guys to get rid of this thought process. I want you guys to stop saying, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:28 you know, I started out the day with pancakes. So today's kind of a wash. I'm just not, you know, I'm not going to go to the gym. And, um, you know, actually today's Saturday. I only love going to the gym on Sunday. So Sunday, I'm going to spend time with my kids on Sunday and, um, maybe I'll, you know, I'll, and you know, I, and I don't want to, I don't want to eat good on that day. Cause we're going to go to the movie theater and, uh, you look at your calendar and you're like, oh my God, Monday, uh, Monday's our anniversary. You can't really start the diet then. I want you guys to stop. Just fucking stop doing that. Do your absolute best as much as you possibly can to avoid falling into these pitfalls. Avoid the negative talk. Avoid the self-doubt.
Starting point is 00:14:20 You have to try to drown out that self-doubt over a long period of time. I still do it. I still find myself to this day talking myself out of stuff. And if I'm not on a set schedule, if I don't start to have a routine, then the door is open. The door is cracked open. And the door is cracked open. It's an opportunity for me to give up on myself. What happens in a relationship if that door starts to get cracked open and you start
Starting point is 00:14:57 to put out the vibe that maybe you're not as happily married as everybody thought? What starts to happen to these things, right? What starts to happen to your relationships? What starts to happen with your nutrition? What starts to happen with the thoughts that are going on in your head? The thoughts that we have are the driving force behind everything that we do. And so when your thoughts start to get staggered and they start to go away from the goal that you talked about, you just told everybody that you want to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:15:31 You told your buddy, Hey man, I, you know, I just, you know what? I just, I want to bench two plates. I really, I want to feel, I want to feel what 225 feels like, but then are your actions matching up to what you just said? Or are you failing yourself? Because if you're failing yourself, you make yourself feel like shit. You make yourself feel bad. And I just, I see it over and over again. And where I see it probably the most is I probably see it the most when it comes to weight loss, because people will, they'll get so mad at themselves and they'll be like, they don't really realize they're insulting their their own body they're insulting the human body when you when you're ingesting like cake and
Starting point is 00:16:10 all this junk food and stuff we all love it and we should all we should all embrace eating junk food i'm not saying that we shouldn't i'm just saying that a lot of times that when we allow these things into our lives, we then get frustrated with ourselves because that's not the conversation that we had. We are going to get leaner. We are going to be in better shape. We are going to be stronger. We are going to start doing cardio. We're going to start doing all these things. You end up with this giant list of shit that you think you have to do. And you know what? You don't need to do any of it. All you have to do, you don't have to be spectacular. You don't have to buy some new fat burner. You don't have to do 45 minutes
Starting point is 00:16:53 of cardio every day. You don't have to lift every day. You have to embrace being consistent. And whatever that might mean to you, and you have to be consistent with just being a little bit better than you were the day before. If you're consuming tons of bread and tons of pasta and tons of soda, you really don't have to go on a ketogenic diet. You don't have to go on a no-carb diet. But what you have to do is reevaluate how is that food helping you get to your goal right now? What is something that's going to be more manageable? Because if we're going to ever get to our goal, we need to have longevity. We need to have a period of time that we can take to get to that
Starting point is 00:17:35 destination because it's going to take time. So hopefully you guys are understanding all this. When I say step-by-step ferociously, when I say gratum ferociter, all these things are factored in there. If you could picture me trying to take a step forward, but me pausing almost every time I'm about to take a step, that's what happens in my head. I have the same stutter steps that you guys do. I run into the same hurdles that you guys do. But when I get locked in, it's when I start telling myself, you know what, you crazy bastard, you're going to wake up at 3.30 AM and there is absolutely nothing else to do at that hour than to get your ass to the gym and to start training.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And we can't use, oh, I'm going to hang out with my kids. We can't use that as an excuse. That is a wonderful excuse for missing the gym. Make no mistake about it. But your kids are not up at 3.30. I have kids. They sleep at least until 10 on the weekend. In the summer, sometimes they sleep even longer. So don't allow yourself to keep cock blocking yourself all day long. Don't allow yourself to be in the way yourself. And that was, I mean, I already know a lot of these things. I've seen a lot of these things firsthand, but I think that's what, uh, guys like Andrew, who's our podcast engineer over there. That's what guys like Chris Griffin. That's what Jessica Smith, that's Smokey. I think all of us are starting to understand that more and more and more each day. And when we get around these wonderful people that we consider to be great, that's the trait that they have.
Starting point is 00:19:16 The trait is they're consistently and constantly consistent and they don't break and they don't bend. Hey man, want a cookie? No man, that's okay. These guys are so healthy and so strict. They won't even eat a fucking quest bar. I went out of my way to make sure that every time somebody that people came over,
Starting point is 00:19:35 that we had food, they wouldn't even eat the prepared food that we had because they brought their own prepared shit that they know how it was cooked. And so it was really crazy to see that level of dedication. That was a big dish of Quest bars, by the way. Oh, yeah. Oh, a lot of those got eaten, too. Quest bars and the...
Starting point is 00:19:58 The chips. The nacho cheese chips. Those are incredible. Those things are outstanding. I'm glad we don't have a ton cheese chips. Yeah. Those are incredible. Those things are outstanding. I'm glad we don't have a ton of those. Yeah. No, those are, those are too good. Andrew and I, a little bit before the show started, we were talking about change and how hard, how hard it is to truly change.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And I think that we, we have, we have fake changes. Um, we think that, I mean, people say some wild, I i mean people say some wild i've heard people say some wild things i've heard people say this one just sounds too funny to even say out loud i've heard people say oh i think our relationship's gonna get better when we have kids it's like what a whole what what happened what'd you just say yeah Yeah. Once you work on, you know, work on the relationship before there's none of these things. Having a kid is, is, you know, very life altering, uh, situation, uh, to have happen, but it still might not change you as a person, unless you're physically working on changing yourself. Uh, Andrew was mentioning, yeah, you can change your, your house. You can change your car. yeah, you can change your house. You can change your car.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Look, you can change your clothes, right? But it's almost like a Clark Kent disguise. It's like, Andrew, I still know that's you. You took your glasses off, dude, and stuck your chest out a little further. Yeah. Or, yeah, you can change your clothes, but if you never work out, you're still going to look skinny. Right. I've been trying to find work, you're still going to look skinny. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:21:28 I've been trying to find workarounds, and I still look skinny. Yeah, you can throw on as many hoodies as you want if I'm going to work. Yeah. But to really change, you're going to have to change your mind, and your spirit is going to have, you're going to have to figure out ways, how do I get, how do I get locked in? How do I get dedicated to something? How do I, you know, because motivation is, is fleeting, you know, it comes and goes. Sometimes it comes and you're like, whoa, like I feel, I feel awesome. And when those moments happen and you, whatever you're motivated or moved to do, you should go do it, figure out a way within the next 20 minutes to go do it because it's going to leave.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It's going to be there and you're going to be pumped and then some shitty going to happen and it's going to be, it's going to be gone. But the dedication side of it, if you can get yourself into a routine, you can teach yourself discipline. When you start to hit your markers on these disciplines, then you get stronger. Your willpower becomes stronger. And somebody with a strong willpower, I think ends up becoming an incredibly strong person and a person that you need to kind of watch out for because that person can start to achieve
Starting point is 00:22:45 all kinds of things that you never thought were possible if you look at um look up some of the stuff connor mcgregor says on youtube i don't know if anybody's ever seen i don't i don't remember the documentary on him or what it was but i saw clips of connor mcgregor when he was young and he was talking about i'm going to become the greatest UFC fighter ever. You know, he said all these crazy things about winning championships and doing all these things. And when he said him, he said him with such conviction, he changed his mind somewhere. He, or he made up, maybe he didn't change it. Maybe he's always been that way.
Starting point is 00:23:20 He made up his mind. He like, think about, think about that term. Oh, he must've made up your mind about that that's what happened you made it up like you made he made up your mind like think about how crazy that sounds like uh like uh four months from now when you guys see andrew and he's all jacked and he's shredded you'd'd be like, man, he must've changed his mind towards how he was lifting, how he was bringing the intensity each workout. He must've changed his mind about how he was going to diet. And that's a lot of the stuff you've been doing lately, right? Yeah. And in four months from now, I mean, yeah, it's not going to be, if it happens,
Starting point is 00:24:00 it's not going to be me exactly doing what I'm doing right now by saying, if it happens, I have to right now say that, yeah, in four months from now, I will be jacked. I will be shredded. I will be in the best shape of my life. I have to make my mind up right now, though. Yeah. And you have to, you have to like prep for it. And I think when you start to think about these things a little bit more long range and long term, it can sometimes be like overwhelming, overpowering. Yeah, I think that's where people get caught up when you're saying like, I do want to lose weight, whatever, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:24:36 But it's like, oh, well, I'm so far on this end of the spectrum, it's going to take me forever to get to the other side. But if you consistently do it like you're saying, like, well, shit, you're going to get there. Well, look, you just deadlifted what? 265? Yeah. Yesterday. If you, if you said to yourself, you know what? Uh, sometime in, um, sometime in 2000, like, like you could say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:25:01 I'm not even going to stress about it, but sometime between now and 2020, I'm going to deadlift three plates. Yeah. It's, it's not, it's not being a pussy putting so much time associated with it. What it is, is it's smart is because you know that you have multiple goals. Yeah. You have a daughter, you have a significant other, you have your work, you have a lot of other things going on. And there's going to be times where you're like, oh, I want to be bigger. And there's gonna be times where you're like, hmm, I want to be shredded.
Starting point is 00:25:31 You know, I want to be leaner. Yeah. You're going to go through all those things. And so you have to kind of account for it. Something that people, I think also fail to realize is that you can, you can, you can change on a daily basis. You, you talked about, you know, preparing your mind for four months down the road. We'll start to prepare your mind for the workout that we're going to do tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah. That's already playing through my head. My wife said, Hey, do you want to go to Makuni tonight? That's a sushi restaurant in Davis. And I said, yeah. head my wife said hey do you want to go to mccooney tonight it's a sushi restaurant in davis and i said yeah i said you know let's go at six because you know i i i gotta from that i'll have to get back home and i gotta kind of do my night ritual routine and i gotta be in bed by like 8 30 to really make that work the right way otherwise six six o'clock is going to kind of suffer. And I don't want to be in here squatting with you guys being grumpy, being in a shit mood or,
Starting point is 00:26:30 uh, or even just not feel right. Rather have it be more optimal. Yeah. Just to make it more optimal, just go to bed. Right. Yeah. And then I know it's more so now because you are,
Starting point is 00:26:39 you know, paying attention to everything that you're putting in your body, but how much more, like how much emphasis are you supposed to be putting on the food you're going to be eating tomorrow? You know, paying attention to everything that you're putting in your body, but how much more, like how much emphasis are you supposed to be putting on the food you're going to be eating tomorrow? You know, like not many people are thinking about that when it comes to whether it is, uh, like I want to, I have to do, I have to do this at work. Nobody's saying I have to do this at work and I got to eat this meal by this time. So that means I got to prep that today before I get home at seven.
Starting point is 00:27:05 So I can go to bed at eight. Like there's a lot of steps involved. If you listen to this show and you claim that you want to get stronger and you're not thinking about your food multiple steps ahead of where you're actually at for the day, then you are a fucking liar that you, you are not dedicated to the game the way you need to be and that's totally fine if but you need to admit that you know are you on a scale of you
Starting point is 00:27:33 know on a scale of one to ten you know are you just going at it at 7.5 and and are you comfortable with that because that again that could be totally fine because the 7.5 might get you eking along and it might give you enough of a social life to where you still feel good about yourself because if you're at a 10 that's michael hearn right and and the 10 is going to put you in some compromising positions where you might lose friends you might lose out on some relationships and it could be a could be a lonely spot. But what does everybody always say when you ask them about their goal, you ask them about like, like what it is they're trying to do. They'll always, they'll always be like, man, I tried everything. And you're like, you tried everything. Like there's, there's a lot. I mean,
Starting point is 00:28:21 mathematically it's impossible. Like there's not enough time for you to have tried everything. And so it's just, it's irrational to say something like that. But yeah, with your food, I mean, right now, you know, I ate, I had four meals. I had a protein shake in the morning. So it's five, you know, five total feedings, I guess you'd call it. The next meal will be at like 630 probably. And I'll probably eat one more time after that. But those are all the things that like on my drive home, I already have food prepared in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:29:01 So if I need something, I can just pop it out. But you should always be thinking a couple steps ahead when you have a really hard training session and you get home from the gym, you need to think about how many meals am I going to get in? Like you might have to, uh, eat a little extra. I mean, there's all kinds of different strategies you can try to utilize.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Maybe, you know, the next morning you're not going to eat because you have to be, uh, you know, somewhere super early or whatever it might be, or you, you got to train super early and just rather do it fasted. And so maybe you eat a little extra, uh, you know, for your last meal. You know, there's a lot of different strategies
Starting point is 00:29:43 that can go into all this stuff, but you're going to have to think about where that energy is going to come from. And what bodybuilding has taught me is just take your time. Take your time to get your shit done that you need to get done. Do it the right way.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Rather than being like, ah, fuck it, I'll just train. And I'm on an empty stomach. No, no, don't do that. Because you're shooting yourself in the foot. Everything, you keep hearing these speeches about sleep. And, you know, it goes back and forth. Go on YouTube and people are talking about not sleeping.
Starting point is 00:30:19 People like, people that sleep are broke, right? You sleep when you're dead, you know, is another approach, right? I mean, you guys heard me talking about waking up early and some of these things, but in order to wake up early, one must go to bed early, right? I mean, there's no other way around it. Do you need eight hours every day? Uh, I don't know. I know there's a lot of research and a lot of evidence. Uh, if you listen to the podcast that Joe Rogan did with the sleep doctor,
Starting point is 00:30:50 uh, Michael Walker, I think his name was Matt Walker, Matthew Walker, I think Matthew Walker. There we go. If you haven't listened to that, that's an amazing podcast,
Starting point is 00:30:59 but if you're not doing half the shit that that guy talks about on the show, then you're half ass and you're lifting. You're half ass and you're fitness. I didn't agree with everything he said because I've had, you know, I've had great results myself without having to sleep eight hours or nine hours. Sometimes eight hours feels like it's too much for me sometimes. But what's undeniable is that all humans need a certain amount of rest, right? So everything stems from the sleep. After that, everything comes from the food. So you got sleep is number one, you got food and let's just throw water in there too. I
Starting point is 00:31:40 mean, you need your hydration, but sleep, sleep, water, and food, whatever, you know, food, food and water, I would just say are both second. But when it comes to all this stuff with, without, without the food, you're not going to have the energy that you need to get through the workouts the right way. Without the sleep, you're not even going to utilize the food the way that you should. There's evidence that shows that when you have a lack of sleep, that you're like pre-diabetic for the day. Your body is not even responding in the same fashion to the carbohydrates that it normally would. You're like insulin resistant for the day because you didn't get the proper amount of sleep. And so the sleep and the food are the biggest points of training.
Starting point is 00:32:30 And then everything else will kind of stem from there. Your actual training method, your actual training system, the exact, uh, movements that you do, um, whether you're getting help from Chad Wesley Smith or Hayden Bowe or whoever, there's a lot of great people out there, but they're going to tell you the same thing. If you're not resting and you're not eating, you're not planning out the food that you're going to get, you can't be out there winging it. It just doesn't make any sense. I think most of us care too much about training to have it just be something that we wing. Think about when you do your squats, you have a specific set of shoes.
Starting point is 00:33:10 So that means the night before, you know, here at super training, we can just leave our shit all over the place. So it's kind of nice, but that means the night before you're switching out whatever shoes you normally wear, or you're putting your squat shoes in your gym bag. You're like, oh, well, I'm going to need my belt and I might do stiff leg deadlifts. I might need my straps, right? You're preparing for all these things and you have to prepare more importantly than the belt and more importantly than the shoes that you wear is your food. You don't have to eat like a bird and your nutrition doesn't have to be, you don't have to have a no carb diet. You don't have to eat like a bird and your nutrition doesn't have to be, you don't have to have a no carb diet. You don't have to be in a caloric deficit. But you have to have fuel.
Starting point is 00:33:51 You have to have food. You have to think of food sources. The reason why bodybuilders don't choose to do protein bars and protein shakes all that often, if ever really, um, is because it takes up space. So they don't have time. They don't have time to take up space in their stomach. They don't have time to take up real estate in their stomach for something that could be healthier, something that could help them more towards their goal. Now, bodybuilders, it's, you know, they have a lot of them end up with a very lonely life. We heard Jay Cutler say on this show hopefully you guys are paying attention because some of the things that are said here are really profound i asked him if he had any regrets and he said yeah he had a huge regret he lost his first wife and he
Starting point is 00:34:35 said that he loved her and he said it fucking sucked how far do you want to go with this right like how far down that rabbit hole do you want to go? And, but those are all things that you can kind of judge for yourself as you, as you get into it. Are you going to be such a maniac about food that you never go anywhere? It's only organic. It's only grass fed. You saw the cow or chicken or whatever gets slaughtered in front of your very eyes. That's the only stuff you're going to eat.
Starting point is 00:35:01 You can go that crazy with it. You can only, you could go as crazy as being somebody that only eats raw food. Some people eat like raw meat. They don't cook anything. You can take that as far as you need to take it, but you can have a happy medium and you can still make an amazing amount of progress. You can still eat your protein bars. You can still have your protein bars. You can still have your protein shakes. But the point is, is you're going to have to account for where is this fuel going to come from so I can have a good fucking workout. The workout is a much bigger component than it gets credit for, but it doesn't take precedent over the food and doesn't take
Starting point is 00:35:40 precedent over the sleep because without those two things, the training can't happen properly and your training needs to be hard. You can't just go in and move around some weights. You can't really just go in and go through the motions. If you're new, you can do that. But if you have been training for two or three years, you're not gonna be, back to what we were talking about in the beginning,
Starting point is 00:36:03 you're not gonna be able to really ever make substantial changes. The only way you're going to be able to make changes is by having so much consistency over a long period of time of whatever that goal is that you set out. You keep following through with that over and over and over again. Your consistency, the thoughts that are in your head, they match up with your actions. Just continuously, nonstop. That's the only way you're going to be able to get change. If we are, if you just want to stay the same, then you can kind of, my favorite quote ever, keep doing what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:36:44 It's the dumbest fucking saying ever. If you say it to me in person, I will stab you in the neck with a pen. Even if I don't have a pen, I'll make a fake one and stab you right in the jugular vein. You'll make a shiv. God damn. Keep doing what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:36:59 If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting, right? So I think people sometimes think that's good. Well, I don't want to keep getting what I're getting. Right. So I think people sometimes think that's good. Well, I don't want to keep getting what I'm getting. I want to keep doing better. I want to keep making progress. And you know, when I, when my son and my daughter, when they, uh, were playing sports and when they were, you know, even just in life in general, I always tell them like, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:22 things are, things are more fun when you're winning. You don't need to be a maniac. You don't need to be a maniac. You don't need to be overly competitive. But if we're going to make shit fun, then it's so much easier and so much more fun when you're ahead, when you're winning. Yeah. So why even bother to fall behind? Right. You might not try your best to stay ahead.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Now I'm saying? Know what you mean. So we had a couple people asking about your show and everything. We can get into that for sure. But just how are you feeling overall? Like, obviously, you're just saying you're in the best shape of your life. Everything's better when you're, you're, you're just saying you're in the best shape of your life. Uh, everything's better when you're winning. Um, just, but you were earlier mentioning how like your belly button was doing something
Starting point is 00:38:10 kind of weird and yeah. So just like what's going on in the temple of Mark Bell. I feel amazing. I feel, uh, better than I've ever felt. Um, I'm in better shape than I've ever been. felt um i'm in better shape than i've ever been i think uh physically mentally strength wise uh strength wise the strength the strength isn't amazing it's not like you know it's not anywhere near where it used to be um but there's a lot of reasons for that some of that is just the overall calories are starting to come down i think if i had more carbs in my system, I worked on being a little bit bigger.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I think most of the strength would be back. I think I could easily bench over 500 pounds if I just weighed 240 or 245, which is only like 15 more pounds than what I weigh now. Um, but in general, I feel really good mentally, uh, holding up really well, physically holding up really well. Um, there's a few things that are like weird. So, you know, as I was mentioning with, uh, Jay Cutler, there's some things where I'm so focused and honed in on this. I'm not even thinking about Andy that much, which is weird because I'm obsessed with Andy and I'm always smooching her.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I'm always grabbing her, but, and I'm still doing a lot of that, but it's not, it's not the same. It's not the same. It's not the same as where I was before. And I think that's just because I'm like, oh, I got to make another meal or I got to get, get my supplements ready for tomorrow. I got to get, you know, I'm just always doing something. I don't think, uh, I don't think a lot of people get the opportunity to grow up their wife as much, as much as I do. And so I, I, I'm always doing that, but I mean, other than that little side, side effect. And I think that does happen very often to competitive athletes, uh, bodybuilders in particular, where they, uh, they lose some sense of, uh, their, uh, like emotion, I guess a little bit.
Starting point is 00:40:03 You become like almost a little emotionless and it's not severe. It's a small, it's a small thing for now. And it's also limited to a certain amount of time because the contest is at the end of the month. Um, but I, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:18 let's see, uh, what tells his name? Um, Brad, uh, Brad, um,
Starting point is 00:40:31 is it Brad? Um, who are we talking about uh bodybuilder ben pokulski brad row brad row yeah brad row brad row told me that he you know brad row brad row competes all the time um he gets up on on the stage and uh bodybuild body builds, you know, multiple, multiple times a year. Um, I think we said like last year he did like five or six shows, which is crazy. That's a crazy pace. Um, but he said he went like three months and he didn't even like touch his dogs. And he just, he just didn't even think about it. He came home from a show. He's exhausted.
Starting point is 00:41:03 He had a cheat meal or two and uh he just got through the doors of his house and he put all his bags down and stuff and he just like laid on the floor he was just like exhausted and he's like oh this feels good just to kind of lay here and then his dogs came over and they licked him and he just started crying because he's like fuck man i haven't you know because the dogs are so loyal they don't they don't care what you know they don't care but um yeah he was just like shit and i was like okay i'll watch i'll watch out for that but i'm not you know going to compete five six times a year yeah uh i don't know how many times i'm going to do this i don't want to throw out any numbers cause I don't have any idea.
Starting point is 00:41:52 This one's fun. It's getting me in good shape. Uh, you know, I am worried about like a rebound afterwards, like, like what's going to happen. Uh, but you know, I mean, the goal is to keep the body weight at least below two 40. So if I just stay under that body weight, um, which is not that hard for me, I don't need to do a lot of cardio. I don't need to do crazy stuff to be under 240. But to be under 230, my body's very resistant to, I don't think you'll have a hard time with that. You have so many people around you that are just kicking ass nonstop. You're not going to be like, ah, you guys keep getting getting better i'll just kick back and not do what i've been doing my whole life right um being at gold's in the posing room how's your posing going so i know that's been like the biggest challenge yeah it's it's it's uh it's coming
Starting point is 00:42:36 together it's getting better you know i think i still have to work on it you know just just making time to do something that you don't want to do is, uh, is, isn't easy because you're just not excited about it. You know, it's kind of like, um, like everyone's got room for a donut type thing, but you don't have room for shit that you don't like. I don't really enjoy it. Um, but I try to do it every time I come here, I try to do a little bit of it. I'm trying to do some of it in the morning and some of it at night.
Starting point is 00:43:06 It's definitely getting better, but some of my mobility is shitty. Even like through my wrist, I got like shit mobility through like my wrist. So even just taking your wrist and just kind of turning it like under, which you see a lot of bodybuilders do, My wrist just doesn't move very well. And so trying to lock my arms into certain positions, the side tricep pose, the front lat spread is probably the hardest one for me. Because as soon as I, as soon as I go to tuck my hand back into my body, then my lat will disappear because the my shoulders are so internally rotated and so it's hard for me to then externally rotate them to show off my lats why my arm is still by my side my kids have always thought it was really funny that i can't touch my own shoulder i mean i actually can now if i if i work on it for a second it'll actually happen yeah which uh i shoved in their face a few weeks ago but a weird thing and i don't know why but i've been on it for a second, it'll actually happen. Yeah. Which I shoved in their face a few weeks ago. Nice.
Starting point is 00:44:07 But a weird thing, and I don't know why, but I've been this way for a long time. If you put something really close to me, a lot of times I can't get it. I have to, like, move away. So if this bottle is, like, right next to me right here, and I'll try to, like, if I'm, like, watching TV and I'm, like, reclined or something, I gotta, like, look at it and then be like, okay, I need to move over here and not grab it. Yeah. I don't know why. Because you end up doing the gay pterodactyl, right? Yeah, I end up doing the gay pterodactyl to try to,
Starting point is 00:44:32 my kids, they'll put stuff close to me. They put it like right here and I'm like, eh. Yeah. It doesn't work out so good. You probably got like a ton of good advice being at Gold's every day for a month. Mm-hmm. You probably got like a ton of good advice being at Gold's every day for a month.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Mm-hmm. Did anybody, like anybody stand out as far as like a major key when it comes to bodybuilding? Mm-hmm. Major key. Yeah. You know, they all helped. There was a lot of, I got a lot of help from a lot of people. I'd say O'Hearn, you know know helped the most just because of the training sessions you know the the uh intensity and that's going to be what i carry
Starting point is 00:45:11 on the most um the posing it's like i don't know 10 years from now i'll probably forget how to do half that stuff but i'll never forget how to bring that amount of intensity that was that was uh that was really cool and i've always worked out hard it's just he works out different he's got a different technique different methods and uh he brings it each and every day and you know from training with him and from getting to know him better it's pretty cool there's just no excuses you never hear him complain either you never hear him say anything about his uh his elbows or his wrists or or anything like that he never bitches about anything he just he's always there uh training his face off but i got good advice from charles glass tito raymond stan efforting um and uh big
Starting point is 00:46:00 will harris who has been a competitive bodybuilder for the last probably 30 years. Um, Will is, uh, he, Will is like well-versed in like posing and stuff. If anyone's ever seen him on stage, he just, he's got the ability to make himself look awesome. He's got a shitload of muscle, so it's not hard for him to look awesome. He's got a shitload of muscle, so it's not hard for him to look awesome. But, uh, when he was showing me stuff, it would just kind of baffle me because he's big, but then he would get in a position and he'd flex and it would just be like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:46:35 He would just get absolutely enormous. So, uh, that was, you know, that was cool to have him, uh, and, and plus he's a longtime friend of mine. I've known him for, you know, was cool to have him uh and then plus he's a longtime friend of mine i've known him for you know 25 plus years um it will will and i story goes back a long ways one of my first training partners when i moved to the area we trained together at gold's gym and then he's also the one who read between the lines turned me on to the dark side so that was my first uh
Starting point is 00:47:06 introduction to any of that stuff tanning beds and and uh he talks about it all the time and we we used to talk about it all the time because we would talk about uh the nwo you know the new world order and in wrestling in the wcw days yeah and then we talked about the dark side because like star wars and stuff and we'll be like i need to get we talked about the dark side because like Star Wars and stuff. And Will would be like, I need to get you over to the dark side. I need to get you over to the dark side. He'd say it over and over again.
Starting point is 00:47:32 And eventually I went over to the dark side. That's amazing. I didn't know that. That's pretty cool. Little random tidbit. That was at about, that was at about like 21 years old. So I did like a cycle.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I didn't really even know what I was doing. Like I knew what, I knew what it was. I didn't know what it was doing. And I went to take like a shot and I like totally jacked myself up. I told Will, I was like, dude, I was like, I don't know what I did, but I just, I kind of butchered myself. And I was like, now I got this like lump and, you know, hurt for like a week and a half or some shit like that.
Starting point is 00:48:08 It was terrible. And then, so, uh, he was like, well, he goes, maybe you just, you know, maybe you just try to, uh, you know, drink it. There's certain ones like a wind stroll, which is a, can sometimes come as a water-based thing. You can drink it and i was like all right why didn't you tell me that in the first place you know and then i found out why i didn't tell me in the first place it's like really impossible to try to drink it it was pretty
Starting point is 00:48:37 pretty crazy i mean i tried a bunch of different stuff tried to put it in some different things and uh eventually i kind of figured it out but then i didn't do anything for about five or six years after that it wasn't anything like i didn't care one way or the other about it but it it uh got me in shape got me a little stronger uh made me feel a little bit better but um i mean just not feel better but like just feel better about uh my physique and stuff like that but it didn't really, I didn't feel like it really had that much of a impact. And at the time I just didn't have money either.
Starting point is 00:49:11 So it was like, eh, yeah, I don't need it. And then it wasn't until I went to West side where I started to mess around with stuff again. Yeah. We got to have a whole episode about the dark side.
Starting point is 00:49:20 The steroid episode. Yeah. So that's coming for the people who are asking a couple of questions here and there. Yeah, it's a hot topic. Training at 4 a.m. at Gold's. Just so we can get a quick rundown on what that's like for people listening. It's amazing. You know, you get there at, you know, 345 or 350 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Doors aren't open yet, but it's, it's, I like getting there before the doors open. I like being one of the first. Yeah. To get through the doors, you know? Yeah. And not to cut you off, it's, it is, it's almost eerie. So at the hotel I was staying at when I was down there with you,
Starting point is 00:49:59 at 4 a.m. it was six minutes away. At like 10 a.m. it it was six minutes away at like 10 a.m it was like 45 minutes away it there's a weird quietness to like sitting or standing out there in the parking lot in front of gold's waiting for the door to unlock because you can kind of see people like wandering in like zombies you know they're just like they're there's like 30 people out there though yeah i mean but it's it's all and it's the same people and it's quiet though like it's like it people out there though. Yeah. I mean. But it's all real. And it's the same people. And it's quiet though. Like it's like, it's peaceful actually, you know? And it's like, but in a couple hours, that same, it looks like a totally different location.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Oh, the gym is insane. The gym looks like a fucking like nightclub on a crack, you know, when it's 7 a.m. rather than 4 a.m. Right. I find this really weird and people probably disagree with me but like i think when you wake up that early in the morning you wake up at like there's something strange about waking up almost before like five o'clock and there's something that's quite different waking up more like seven or eight o'clock to me it's it's, maybe it's cause like
Starting point is 00:51:06 the sleep cycles or whatever, but it's almost easier for me to wake up really, really early than it is for me to like, for me to try to get somewhere at nine, I'm always going to be late. I don't know why. Yeah. But if I need to be somewhere at like four in the morning, I'm going to be, I'll be on time every time. I think a lot of it has to do
Starting point is 00:51:25 with, I like the fact that no one else is around. I like that the pace is slower. Like I just kind of move slow in general. Just, I take a long time. Uh, I'm able to get a lot of stuff done every day, but, uh, I just take a long ass time. I take a long ass time to eat. I take a long ass time to leave my house. I probably take like 45 time to leave my house. I probably take like 45 minutes to leave my house. That's not including like, you know, taking a shower and changing and doing all those things. It just takes me like, you know, to eat and to like, make sure I have everything I need for the day. It just takes me fucking forever. And I've always been that way. I'm always kind of like slow, but it's kind of nice in the morning. There's nobody else around. There's no distractions. Uh, nobody's texting me or anything
Starting point is 00:52:10 at that hour. Right. I'm texting other people cause I like to be annoying. Usually Jessica, but, uh, yeah, going to Gold's gym at that hour is special. And Los Angeles is a beautiful place. Uh, you know, super early in the morning. There's no one around. There's something cool about kicking ass. Like you get through an entire workout and then we'll walk down to bulletproof coffee and they didn't even open quite yet. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:52:36 they, or they just opened, they opened up at six. Yeah. Uh, it's really cool feeling to get like an hour of cardio done an hour and a half of training. It's not even 8 feeling to get like an hour of cardio done, an hour and a half of training. It's not even 8 a.m. yet. You know, sometimes I'll have two or three meals by the time.
Starting point is 00:52:50 I guess by noon I'd have like four or five meals sometimes. Depends on the day. Yeah. Why is it so sweaty in there when nobody even trains yet? Like, it's like 4.01 a.m. and it's already gross. Yeah. It's just, it smells like ass in there. They don't have a air conditioning and, uh, you
Starting point is 00:53:10 know, it's not too far from the beach. And so it's just, uh, it's really humid. Yeah. You know, you get some major, get some major swamp ass going in this place. That's for sure. Yeah. Uh, so after a month being down there training,
Starting point is 00:53:23 um, what's your weight looking like right now um i'm consistently around 230 the lightest i've been is 227 um i'm not really that worried about the weight i think like my amount of water keeps kind of fluctuating so i'm not sure um i just don't think it matters that much but but yeah, I've been around, I've been around 230 pounds. Um, I think honey has been kind of worried about it here and there, but I just, I keep getting leaner and I noticed like a new cut or new vein or new something, uh, pretty much daily. I also think too, your body, you know, gets pretty resistant to it.
Starting point is 00:54:02 And I think, I think what will happen is as I come towards the end, I think some of the stuff tapers off. I'm not sure how it even works, but I think you, you work out a little bit less and some of the cardio might be backed off. Like the intensity of everything comes down. And I think at that time, my body will kind of recover. And I think that's probably when it'll be easy to flush some of the water out. And I think on stage I'll probably be 220 or 215 or something like that. Yeah. That was my next question.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I was going to see where you wanted to end up, but when was the last time you weighed that much? Uh, last time I weighed even this much, uh, was, uh, seventh grade.
Starting point is 00:54:43 How old was I? 14? No. Uh, 13, nine. I mean, yeah. I mean, was uh seventh grade how old was jessica 14 no uh 13 nine i mean yeah i mean ninth grade i was 240 pounds when i was 16 years old so whatever the math is on that you know i i think you know as an adult as i started lifting and getting better shape. And when I, so when I first moved to Los Angeles and first started training at Gold's Gym, I was probably between 210 and 220 all the time. And, uh, that's how a lot of those people remembered me, even though, you know, I mean, they've seen me in between. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:25 And they'd just be like, what the fuck fuck why why do you why are you so fat you know i don't think they understood some of the powerlifting stuff for a long time but it was amazing going back there amazing absolutely amazing you know a lot of these uh people that i'm that i know and people i'm friends with they've been trainers in there for a really long time or they've been strength coaches and you know it's cool to go back and then you know talk to them when i was in there i was a kid and now when i go back in there they'll ask all kinds of questions they'll be like dude like you're killing it like a lot of these guys they're not like quote-unquote somebody in the fitness industry um they made their mark as a trainer and they do really well doing all that.
Starting point is 00:56:05 But I think a lot of them are just like, uh, impressed. They're impressed with the, with the work. They're impressed with, uh, what we've done here at slingshot and what we've done here at super training.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And they admire it. They're like, fuck man, killing it, man. It's really cool. Yeah. I gotta get you out of here.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Is there anything else on your mind? Uh, no. Well, I just wanted to talk about like all the different people that we had. So we had, we had about 5,000 people come through the doors while we're in Malibu and, and, uh, contestant number one that came through the door was Mark Fitzgerald. Who's the Anaheim strength, the Anaheim ducks, uh, strength and conditioning coach.
Starting point is 00:56:41 strength and conditioning coach. Um, from there we ended up with, we ended up with, uh, Paul, uh, Digg, Digg, Digg, Digglider. And, and Paul, uh, he does shark week, which is fitting because Paul was, uh, mauled by a shark. He was almost eaten alive by a shark and he had a really inspiring story he was a former military uh out in australia and um you know he now gives like motivational speeches and shit like that and he he was just he was an awesome guy and i met him at gold's he was out there doing farmer's carries and in between that he was dead lifting who does that who supersets deadlifts with farmer's carries but he's doing that with a hook you know he's got a fucking hook on his arm yeah it's pretty crazy
Starting point is 00:57:30 and um let's see i'm trying to remember all the different names then we had justin lavato on the podcast and we had his wife as well uh stephanie lavato stephanie lavato those two were dynamic together yeah that was a really fun podcast to do and you know i want to start doing more of that i Stephanie Lovato. Stephanie Lovato. Those two were dynamic together. Yeah. That was a really fun podcast to do. And, you know, I want to start doing more of that. I want to start doing more couples podcasts because, you know, a lot of this stuff is, it's tough to talk with people about how difficult it can be to keep a relationship the way it needs to be kept to run a business and to lift and you have your fitness be a priority, but have your kids be a priority. It's hard to figure it all out. Or sometimes it could be a sentence you say or one word that you say, and it could really help change their lives and help them maybe start to employ some of the things that you mentioned in the podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:32 So after them, we had a big Doug. Yeah. Doug Fruity. Dude, that guy was a savage. I don't know. I think his show has come and gone by now. I don't know. He said he finished eighth place.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Okay. He said he was really pumped about his physique. And he said he just has more stuff to work on. So he said he was happy. He was bigger. And he was in better shape than he has been. So he said that's all I can do is just try to keep getting better. So that was really cool.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Yeah. And then you guys did some, uh, some movie stuff with Thomas DeLauer. I think that's how you pronounce his name. Yeah. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:59:12 on the podcast though, we had fuck dude, uh, Tate Fletcher. He, he crushed it. Tate Fletcher was awesome. He's always awesome.
Starting point is 00:59:21 He's with caveman coffee. And, uh, if you, if you don't know Tate Fletcher, you know, check out some of his stuff. And Thomas DeLauer, too. I mean, check his shit out. If you want to know keto stuff, Thomas is the guy.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Go on YouTube. Just type in his name. It's Thomas, and then it's D-E-L-E-U-R. Thomas DeLauer. And he just has fantastic information. Tate Fletcher revealed some really cool stuff, and we ended up with a lot of that yeah on this show we ended up with the people uh that were giving us all kinds of uh goodies you know all kinds of reveals he talked about how he dealt with addiction and how he dealt with uh you know just kind of being a shitty person for
Starting point is 01:00:03 a long period of his life. Yeah. And how he's able to change it. And then he just scorched everybody talking about how everybody wants to make money. I put that on the Power Project Instagram and it's been shared I don't know how many times. That'd be a good cartoon for our boy Zach to mess with. Well, you destroying a couch and a recliner due to getting sick, I was thinking maybe that might be the next one. I forgot about that couch that I shat.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Yeah. But that might be the next cartoon. I don't know. We'll talk about it. Damn. So you did a couple of things in Malibu, huh? So the next day you were hanging out with Peter Itea. Yeah, he, damn. So you did a couple of things in Malibu, huh? So the next day you were hanging out with, uh, Peter Itea. Uh.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Yeah, he was amazing. We did a podcast with him as well as more movie stuff. And Peter Itea is kind of the go-to researcher when it comes to, um, not so much just the keto diet, but more so like longevity. Longevity is kind of his main thing. Uh, it's called autophagy. Basically, the older cells in your body dying off and your body creating new cells, which just happens, period.
Starting point is 01:01:17 That's the way the human body works. But then it can also be accelerated through things like intermittent fasting. And they're trying to see like what impact does that have on your overall health and um is it something that that we really need to even fucking worry about yeah he was he was awesome he also had a boxing background and um he also was a fan of like the slingshot and he wants to come up to the gym sometimes so all that was really cool that'd be great um you had aaron williamson on the podcast that was another incredible episode
Starting point is 01:01:49 highly recommend that yeah these all these guys had great um great stories like i said yeah they ended up sharing stuff with us that like we were like whoa pretty deep shit yes um if you guys haven't listened to it please go back and check it out but he he was telling a story about he just he was at the gym he said uh goodbye to one of his best friends and as he's leaving the gym the gym gets hit with a rocket and his his buddy dies uh you know he tells a story straight face everything mark takes a break goes to the bathroom and i'm like, holy shit, dude. Like, you, because you guys were just talking about PTSD and whatnot.
Starting point is 01:02:30 So I was like, how soon did you, were you able to even go back to a gym to, you know, before you, you know, got comfortable? And he's like, I was in the gym the very next morning. He was like, if it wasn't for the gym, I'd be dead. Yeah. I was like, oh my God, dude. Yeah, it's crazy it's so intense like yeah because well because he was stationed in like wherever afghanistan or
Starting point is 01:02:52 whatever yeah and now yeah and that same night i ended up um you know some of these days were crazy you know i'm getting to the gym at four yeah and then with aaron uh this was at 10 o'clock then at 6 p.m i was with ron penna and then at nine o'clock i went my brother and i went to see joe rogan which was uh joe rogan's always fucking amazing we just went to see him uh do some stand-up and that was phenomenal that's the next day i got to hang out with uh my one of my buddies my homie mr bark kwan oh yeah and his little chubby baby that's a cute little baby he's got going on. And then I'm forgetting her last name, but Victoria from Quest.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Got to have a meeting with her. They're having a big Keto Quest convention thingy going on in January in Long Beach. That sounds really interesting. Sounds like a lot of fun. Um, the next day I was supposed to have Mr. O'Hearn on and he stood us up, son of a bitch. And that was something that we had to actually talk through the next day in the gym. Um, when I got to the gym, I thought, I thought, okay, I'm going to show up at the gym and he'll probably start out by
Starting point is 01:04:06 saying hey you know sorry about yesterday i you know i fucked up and i'd probably be like ah dude who cares whatever give him a big hug and yeah but he didn't and so i was like you know what that really sucks because we had the whole team there we had everybody prepared we have certain things mapped out a certain very certain way very specific way because we're going to do movie stuff with them and we're also going to uh do um podcast stuff with them and then he called like an hour after he was supposed to be there and uh like left me a voicemail about how i wasn't going to be able to make it that day and so that was really frustrating so after we got done training that day, I had to just let them know what's up. And, you know, it's not always easy to do that stuff, but you gotta, you gotta call
Starting point is 01:04:52 people out. You really do. You really need to tell people flat out. You just say, Hey, you know, however you feel, you just got to tell them however you feel. And I said, you know what, man? I said yesterday, I said, that sucked what you did to me and my team. And he was like, kind of like, huh? And I said, yeah, man, I said, I said, it kind of hurt my feelings. And I said, it's really disappointing. And I said, you really let yourself down. You know, like I put it on him. It's like, you really let yourself down. I said,
Starting point is 01:05:19 you painted a really bad picture of yourself. I was like, I want these guys to know you the way that I know you. And now they think you're an asshole because you didn't show yourself. I was like, I want these guys to know you the way that I know you. And now they think you're an asshole because you didn't show up. I was like, it's just a weird, you know, it's a weird thing. Now I got to try to explain it to him and everything. And, uh, he, he understood and he just took full responsibility, which is kind of the only thing you can do in that situation. What else are you going to do to, to for somebody other than tell them you're sorry.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Right. So he said, Hey man, that's all on me. My bad. Uh, won't happen again and so uh but then later you know he texted me and his girlfriend texted me and they said you know what they're like they both said you know we really needed that like thank you wow because because we sometimes take things like kind of lightly and we we need to recognize that it's important. You know, these things are important if they're, if they weren't important and we just shouldn't
Starting point is 01:06:09 schedule them at all. Yeah. You know? And so I thought that was cool. We had Mike Catherwood on the show. He's, uh, on, uh, Access Hollywood. I believe that's the name of the show. He's a host on there and, uh, he's become a good friend.
Starting point is 01:06:23 He's a funny ass dude. He'll come up to super training and throw down with us we'll have a good time with him that would be cool he's got all kinds of crazy stories yeah hanging with all kinds of different uh celebrities means interviewed arnold he's interviewed the kardashians i mean he's he's all over the place it's just crazy but yeah he i mean and his story you know is that that one played already right yeah that's it's available people really need a list of that one. I mean, a lot of these guys have had a drug or alcohol addictions.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Um, but some people are turned off by that and some people want to listen to it because they need help. But you know, if you're turned off by it, you should tune in because it's just, it's interesting to hear how these people get out of these situations. And, uh, maybe you don't have an addiction to drugs or alcohol, but maybe you have an addiction to food, or maybe there's something that you're doing that you don't want to do anymore. You can still take the information that they share with you and you can still pull yourself out of some of these dark spots. We all go through, uh, dark spots. Fat little Smokey came in the next day and um we got through uh some bicep training some
Starting point is 01:07:27 biceps and triceps i put smoky through the whole thing i put him through the whole ordeal he had oatmeal with me he had the egg whites with me he probably loved it woke up at 2 45 in the morning no he was a pussy he didn't even eat at all really he's a baby come on yeah he was a pussy. He didn't even eat at all. Really? He was a baby. Come on. Yeah, he's a bitch. We, we, we hit up, we hit up the gym and did some arms and then Stone Cold Steve Austin came rolling through. And that was, that's, you know, it's always amazing hanging out with him. Yeah. He's just fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Yeah. Stone Cold ended up calling me the next day and he's like, I got to get you over here. I got to get you over to my house for, you know, for you to be on my podcast. I was like, I'm there. All right. You know, enough, enough said. Um, next, the day after that, we ended up, uh, doing some stuff with, uh, my buddy, the Rhino, Stan, the Rhino Efforting.
Starting point is 01:08:22 He's always amazing. I think that podcast might've went up today. Today, yeah. After that, we had Dr. Sean Baker on, the carnivore diet man. And we just kept kind of rolling through. Jay Ferugia, I think I'm saying that the right way. Jay is somebody that I've known for 15 years
Starting point is 01:08:41 or 20 years, but never actually met. So it was the first time meeting him. It was really kind of weird. We're like, I can't even believe that we never met before. This is strange. It seems like we've met, but we haven't. The day after that, I was on Stone Cold's podcast on the 21st, and we had Tito Raymond over on the 22nd.
Starting point is 01:09:01 That was a lot of fun for me and my wife because Tito Raymond has a really, really great family. He brought his wife, he brought his kids. Oh, that's cool. His kids play with my kids.
Starting point is 01:09:11 And that was the thing that was a lot of fun. Uh, they have two older boys or one was like a teenager. And I think Quinn thought like, we're not going to have fun with these guys, but they ended up playing the whole time and doing puzzles and paintings and drawings. And they, they had, Quinn's always super resistant. I've told you that she's super resistant to anybody that comes.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I'm not going to play with them. And then she always does. She's a teddy bear. But Tito Raymond is also married to Amy Fodley, who is extremely hot. And to say that I have not, to say that I haven't been excited by her photos in the past would be a lie. Because when she was really popular, I was probably about 16. And she's on the cover of a lot of magazines. So a lot of stuck together pages. Sorry, Tito.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Sorry about that. But hey, man, I just got to say, I just got to say it. I got to say it. You know, this is the way it goes. Awesome family. Those are some really, really good people. Next day was just a big old training day. I don't think I had anybody on the poop cast.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Then Smokey and I on the 24th and 25th rolled out to this outdoor retailer show where we're looking to improve and expand upon our apparel. The next day I had a photo shoot with Purr Burnell and that was amazing. That was a lot of fun. Had, had you out there as well. And the photo shoot was, was great just because, uh, Purr is, he's persistent. He's just, he's on you the whole time the whole time. And he gives you good energy.
Starting point is 01:10:48 And we were able to get the whole family involved too. We got a lot of good shots of me and my kids, my nieces and nephews and whoever the hell else was there. Maybe my nephews weren't there. No, my nephews weren't there. But just me and my niece Piper. And we got a lot of really cool pictures of me and my wife. Andy started getting a little carried away. uh, me and my niece Piper. And we got a lot of really cool pictures of me and my wife. Uh, Andy started getting a little carried away and Quinn was like,
Starting point is 01:11:09 what's going on out here? The look on Quinn's face when she came out to the beach. Yeah. Andy's like straddling me. Andy's like, oh, this is fun. And then Quinn comes walking around.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Yeah. And you're like, and that's how we had our third kid. Pretty much. And so that night, uh, we also celebrated Andy's birthday. Her birthday was actually the next day, but we had kind of family stuff planned already. Uh, we were going to see Mission Impossible and she's a huge Tom Cruise fan. So that night I had a private chef, my buddy Gavin.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Shout out to my buddy Gavin, who's got Beardy Boy, Beardy Boy's Inc., who makes amazing pecan butter. You should check that shit out because it's just, the flavor is ridiculous. It's incredible. Just pecans, salt, and honey. It's fucking amazing. The next day we celebrated the wifey's birthday,
Starting point is 01:12:05 and we started to kind of wind things down. But we had Mike Ryan come into town. We had Mike Ryan on the podcast. You guys have seen him before. He's been a longtime friend. He's trained some of the biggest names in Hollywood, including The Rock. And then we had Ryan Soper come in from Super Training and had to put him through the ringer.
Starting point is 01:12:28 He ate the oatmeal. He ate the egg whites. He ate it all. He wasn't a pussy like Smokey was. Yeah, he's a savage. And we had an insane, insane workout. We did a leg workout, and Ryan ended up handling the same amount of weight as O'Hearn did on a leg press,
Starting point is 01:12:42 but just paid a really awful price for it. I mean, he just, he did not look good after that. He was dying. O'Hearn obviously did a lot more reps and did him a lot cleaner cause he's savage, but, uh, that was, that was awesome. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Way to go, Ryan. And then a way to go out with a bang was we, uh, you, I got another 4am training session in, and then we had the mountain on the podcast, Hap Thor Bjornsson, the world's strongest man. And then a little while after that, we had Mr. Michael Hearn on the podcast. Nice. After that, it was a long ass drive back here to Sacramento.
Starting point is 01:13:20 And that's all I got to say. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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