Mark Bell's Power Project - Protect You Physique, Your Diet and Your Mind At ALL Times || MBSS Ep. 48

Episode Date: July 23, 2023

In this edition of Mark Bell's Saturday School, Mark Bell explains to us why we need to protect ourselves at all times, from protecting our selves physically to protecting ourselves via our diet. He s...hares easy to use info on how to manage your diet that you can implement right now.  New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Receive a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 Travel Packs!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box   ➢ Better Fed Beef:   ➢ to receive a year supply of Hostage Tape and Nose Strips for less than $1 a night!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ to recieve 10% off our Panel, Check Up Panal or any custom panel!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 protect yourself at all times this is another edition another episode of saturday school kids please turn to page 43 why is this saturday school and what's the meaning of it and why did i make it i'm going to get to our topic today which is protect yourself at all times. Before I do that, I just want to explain a little bit of myself here. Podcasting is a long format. It's something that allows me to explain myself, to explain my thoughts, and hopefully when you listen to these messages, you're doing so with an open mind as I am trying to take on some of the conjectures and some of the different things I hear over the years with an open mind. I do think sometimes people think that I'm hopping from one principle to another and that I'm leaving, you know, let's say keto for some of the principles of liver king.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And then I'm like, oh, liver king isn't cool. And so now I'm going to follow Huberman. And that is not what I'm doing. going to follow Huberman and that is not what I'm doing. Liver King, who I met maybe about two years ago or so, he has some really good principles. I still follow a lot of those principles. I have been following some of those principles before I ever even met the guy. And so a lot of this stuff resonated with me. Same thing with Andrew Huberman, talking about going outside and getting sunlight and all those different things. These are all things I've been practicing for years anyway. Some things resonate with me more, and other things, I don't particularly have a morning routine.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I don't necessarily believe that everyone has to have these particular routines. However, I can also be open-minded and understand the fact that human beings respond really well to routine, and so sometimes I do have to get myself on a routine. Sometimes I really do need a set schedule but one of the things about Saturday school that makes it so different is that I'm trying to give you guys education that you can go out and use in the real world and many of you maybe like yourself maybe like, you feel like you're in a position where the school that you went to didn't really prepare you for the world. And that's what Saturday School is all about. And that's what my podcast is all about.
Starting point is 00:02:15 That's what Mark Bell's Power Project is all about. That's what Encima, that's what Andrew, that's what myself want for you guys. Is to be able to give you education that's practical and so we talk about food and how to make food we talk about nutrition and how to eat and then we also talk about how to fuck around with your nutrition how to let your hair down well and see him and andrew don't have hair but you get my point like to just every once in a while kind of unload and just enjoy yourself and to kind of eat and just enjoy yourself. And to kind of eat whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:02:48 To drink whatever you want. To smoke whatever you want. There's got to be some give and take in this world. And I believe that every person has polarity. We got some good. We got some bad. We got some yin. We got some yang.
Starting point is 00:03:04 So as a person, you get to think about every little aspect of being a person. And we have so many decisions to make. We're not like a bird. We're not like, hey, yo, it's getting frigging cold or it's getting hot. I'm going to, or I'm sorry, it's getting cold. I'm going to fly south for the winter. That's what all the birds on the East Coast did when I grew up in the Northeast, grew up in New York. I remember a lot of birds would migrate.
Starting point is 00:03:30 You would see them all flying, and you're like, where the hell are they all going? And someone would migrate as far down to, like, Georgia or Florida, like, however far south they needed to go to get the proper climate. But those animals, if they don't do that, they'll die. Like, it's programmed into their system. It's genetic, maybe epigenetic, they don't do that they'll die like it's programmed into their system it's it's a genetic maybe epigenetic i don't really know not qualified to totally comment on that but you get my point a bear is a bear a lion's a lion they don't really think doesn't appear like they can think outside of that at all but as a human we don't have to think about, we don't get to or have to think about the foods and the decisions that we need to only propagate and to only pass our seed along, so to speak. We are much more dynamic and much more finicky than that.
Starting point is 00:04:19 And emotions can play into things. Although, in my opinion, that's an area where a lot of people could work. That's some low-hanging fruit right there. Is work on not overreacting to your emotions. And not being a bitch to your emotions. Not letting your emotions control you. Because a lot of times, it's like the weight of the day weighs on people. And then they make poor decisions from there.
Starting point is 00:04:42 But I'm going to teach you today on how to nullify and rectify all of that. I have what I would consider to be the map for the fat way out as my buddy Russell Boy, Russell Buddy called it. He and I were talking and he came up with this handle on Instagram. I think he changed his name back to Russell Buddy. But the fat way out or there's no fat way out. And some of the idea there is like, it's going to be very difficult to lose weight off of the foods that made you gain weight in the first place. So this idea or concept that you're just going to eat less.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Of those foods that you loved and enjoyed for so long. You know I think. I think a lot of us end up with some disordered thinking. When it comes to food. And I don't want to really just talk about like mental disorders. I don't want to say. All obese people have trauma. And I don't want to do any of that. Because I don't want to say all obese people have trauma and I don't want to do any of that because
Starting point is 00:05:45 I don't really believe in that. I do believe that many people that are obese probably do have some childhood traumas, but there's also plenty of people that aren't obese that have childhood trauma. So it's not, it can be a factor, but it's just one factor what are some other factors in obesity that are common um well we'll have to do a whole episode of my boy russell buddy to get the scoop on more of that because i don't even though i was 330 pounds at one point um i was 330 pound power lifter and i guess i would be considered obese by all measurements. But I didn't really consider myself to be in that category. And so we can dive a lot more into stuff like that on another day.
Starting point is 00:06:38 But this is going to be helpful to everybody, whether you're obese, whether you want to lose 10 pounds, whether you just want to get shredded. to everybody, whether you're obese, whether you want to lose 10 pounds, whether you just want to get shredded. I think sometimes some of the stuff that I do, I think, you know, some people might be like, like, why even bother? Like, you're already in great shape or whatever. I feel great. I'm really, I'm proud of the body I built. I'm proud of what my body can do. I feel like I'm strong, the body I built. I'm proud of what my body can do. I feel like I'm strong, powerful. I feel like I could be dangerous if I need to be to somebody else that's going to try to hurt me or my family. I feel like I can get away. I feel like I can fucking run and jump over a goddamn fence or something if I really needed to. Although those are all things I'm still working on.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Although those are all things I'm still working on. But back to the topic at hand, the main topic at hand, and that is protect yourself at all times. By the way, I'm doing this while I'm on a walk in Berlin, Germany. And I don't ever do these things with any notes or anything like that. So excuse me if I hop around a little bit. But again, I just want to remind you, please be open-minded as you listen to some of this. Protect yourself at all times means there's no reason why you still can't follow some of the principles of a particular diet. There's no reasons why you can't stay tethered to your fitness a little bit,
Starting point is 00:08:08 even while you go on vacation or even during a holiday. There's no reason why you can't be the person in the family that pulls the weight of everybody else and says, hey, guys, let's all go out on a walk, you know. Let's go take a lap while the steak is done cooking. And we got supposed to let it sit for 10 minutes or so anyway. So let's just freaking, you take the tri-tip off the barbecue. Let's go on a quick walk for 10 minutes. There's always options.
Starting point is 00:08:37 There's always things that you can do to improve yourself without being too neurotic about it, without being too crazy about it. Like there's not a lot of reasons neurotic about it. Without being too crazy about it. Like there's not a lot of reasons to worry about it. However, you should be doing something about it in my opinion. So that's something I've noticed is that people that are typically doing stuff about things, they're not usually that worried about it.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Because they're in the process of continuing to work on it and the more they work on it and the more the more they start to develop a skill set the less likely they are to get hung up in that pattern of really worrying about this or that worrying about i wonder if this you know low carb diet's safe or whatever rather than like just getting halfway around the block with your ideas you're kind of stuck because you got too much worry going on and I always think well not always but I often think that you're better off putting the cart before the horse a lot of times and just decide,
Starting point is 00:09:46 deciding that I'm not going to wait around for the horse. I'm just going to drag this fucking thing myself. Get yourself into a situation, get yourself into something. And as you do it, you can decide, oh man, okay, this is a little harder than I thought, or maybe this isn't right for me. You could always, you could always, uh, than I thought, or maybe this isn't right for me. You could always, you could always, uh, ease your way into stuff. As I talk about often, you know, um, you don't want to just jump, jump right into deep water. You know, you want to take, take your time with some of these things, but here we go. So protect yourself at all times. In my opinion, when it comes to diet, we'll start there has to do with protein leveraging. And I've been talking about this idea of protein
Starting point is 00:10:28 leveraging for a long time. I first heard about it through Ted Naiman. Ted Naiman has wrote a book called P vs. E, Protein vs. Energy. You should buy the book. You should go buy that book. It's very interesting. But protein basically is not a great energy source for humans. Fats and carbohydrates are our main energy sources. So protein, the big thing with protein is that it's satiating. And protein is more of a muscle builder.
Starting point is 00:11:00 It goes into the body to, forgive me if I get some of this wrong because this is not my area of expertise. I'm more of someone who's good with general nutrition, but not necessarily with exactly what the hell goes on in the body. But I would say protein goes a little bit more towards repair, repairing of muscles, muscle tissue, and breaks down into amino acids in the body and so forth. And you're going to keep your body in a, you're going to keep your body from getting into a super catabolic state where you might be breaking down a lot of muscle and losing a lot of muscle via making sure you're not overtraining, you're getting good sleep, and you're also taking in some protein. We'll get to the exercise portion of some of this in a little bit, but protein is super satiating, so it's something that's going to fill you up for a long
Starting point is 00:11:56 time. Now here's where things get a little tricky. You want lean sources of protein. Really lean sources of protein are going to be your best friend. They're going to fill you up super fast. But one of the things that sucks about them is they're not very satisfying. And when they're not accompanied by good amounts of fat, it might not, it might not keep you full for as long so you have something that's protein and some fat in there you're a little bit better off but my opinion on this is that most things have pretty good amounts of fat in them anyway even like a lean piedmontese steak it is accompanied by some fat even my product of steak shake i think has three or four, we changed the formula not too long ago, but it has about four grams of fat per scoop. So you do a double scoop of that and you're still getting, you're getting 50 grams of protein, which is a great protein to energy ratio.
Starting point is 00:12:59 You're getting 50 grams of protein and about eight grams of fat. But to protect yourself at all times, you're going to have to be prepared. And if protein leveraging is the fat way out, is it the way for everyone to make progress, I've been saying this for a really long time, if people simply changed and increased their protein percentage, they would lose weight. I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:13:24 If people increased, this isn't for everybody necessarily, because there are already people out there hammering their protein intake, but even for them, even for them, I'd say it's true. Like Bumstead, probably Chris Bumstead, four-time Mr. Olympia, probably goes up to like 50% protein when he's dieting for a show. So anyone that increases the percentage of protein that they consume will be able to drop body fat. Why is that? Well, because it's a percentage. And that means the percentage of everything else must come down. Where's the percentage come from? Our two energy sources, fat and carbohydrates. Are you following me? When I post about this stuff, people think it's mythological. There are a lot of rude comments
Starting point is 00:14:11 and people are like, you're not this guy. You're not that guy. You're not a doctor. It's like, guys, I've lost 110 pounds. I've helped thousands of people lose 100 pounds. We got Russell Buddy. Right now, it's like 75 pounds. We have tons of examples around us of people that we've gotten into good shape. My brother was really heavy. My brother Chris nearly died from drug, alcohol addictions and stuff like that. He looks great. He's got the shoulders popping.
Starting point is 00:14:43 He's got the biceps going. All that good stuff and there's a lot of other people that we've helped over the years and just in helping also just in helping people's point of view a lot of people even our boy in sema his views were changed by being part of the podcast and he knows a ton about nutrition he's been researching it forever since he was a kid basically and he is a professional bodybuilder natural professional bodybuilder he's a he's a unit that guy he's a son of a bitch right and uh even he decided you know what i probably don't need as many carbohydrates. So he took his carbs down. And he noticed that he still performed great. And he noticed that he just got leaner.
Starting point is 00:15:33 And he's like, oh, this works really great. And so he's a high-level athlete. He's a brown belt in jiu-jitsu. He's going and competing at world championships and stuff. And he's somebody that utilized some of these techniques that we're going to be talking about here today. Pat Project family, we love beef on this podcast. We talk about it a lot. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:52 We love our meat. But sometimes eating the same meat all the time can get a little bit boring. That's why we partner with Good Life Proteins, which also has certified Piedmontese on their website. But sometimes you might just want to eat some chicken or fish or duck. Duck. Who eats duck? But you can eat duck. That's why if you go to, you can select their build-a-box options and input all the proteins you want. Then you'll select subscribe and save to save money on all of your meat. If you enter code powerproject at checkout, you can save up to 25% on your subscription. That means you're going to be saving 25% on all of that different meat that's going to
Starting point is 00:16:30 be heading to your door. Once again, head to You can enter code POWERPROJECT and save up to 25%. Links are in the description box below as well as the podcast show notes. So protein, protein, protein. How much protein? One gram per pound body weight is sufficient for most. You know, if you're, I would say if you're like 300 plus pounds, there's really no reason to go over 300 grams of protein. There may not be a good reason to go over 250. I actually think that we are so much more similar than we think. You would think that someone who's someone who's 300 pounds would be so vastly different from someone that's 170. But I don't believe that they are. I believe that some of their mechanics of how their body
Starting point is 00:17:20 is breaking down some of the foods and stuff might be a little bit different. But their requirements I don't think are nearly as different as you might think. body is breaking down some of the foods and stuff might be a little bit different but the requirements I don't think are nearly as different as you might think because you would think that the bigger person needs more calories but if their body's made up of fat fat doesn't really burn many calories I do think that they discovered more recently that fat does burn some calories and so it's not like it burns nothing but it only burns a little bit of something so just all these things are things to kind of ponder and to think about you know someone who's 300 plus pounds versus someone who's like 170 why am I trying to say that they're similar well
Starting point is 00:18:01 I believe that in both body types that both of them would be able to benefit greatly from eating one gram of protein per pound of body weight even though there's a large discrepancy in the amount versus one versus the other again i also think that they could both lower that protein amount down to half and both be fine. I also think that we can give blanket recommendations. You know, people are always talking about cookie cutter diets. I actually believe in cookie cutter diets. I believe that there are like, I believe that almost every diet will work for almost everybody. However, there's the caveat of it may not work well for your personality. It may not work well for your schedule.
Starting point is 00:18:50 It may not work well. That's where we're different. But biologically, we're not that much different. It's my belief that if I was to give nearly anybody this diet and I said, hey, eat about 70 grams of fat a day. diet and I said hey eat about 70 grams of fat a day eat about one gram of protein per pound of body weight and eat half your body weight and carbohydrates I believe everybody would make progress on that diet now for some people that are bigger that just might not be enough food so their performance might tank therefore everything else might fall apart but for now i'm mainly talking about when i say progress i'm mainly talking about losing body fat um which we can get into some other time
Starting point is 00:19:34 if your performance tanks and you're someone that enjoys exercise and lifting then that is something that we need to guard and we need to protect that too because it's protect yourself at all times not just from being fat but protects yourself at all time in terms of how much energy is appropriate to go in so you can have good energy out because if your energy in sucks then your energy out is going to suck. You hear all these people talking about sleep and how important sleep is. Sleep's important. Don't get me wrong. Fixing someone's sleep that has kind of poor sleep
Starting point is 00:20:13 is going to make a big difference. People paying attention and getting six, seven hours of sleep, occasionally getting some naps here and there, all that's going to be pretty important to do. And it's a really great thing to work on. But the other thing to work on is your energy, the energy that you're consuming. If you consume nutritious foods, you consume whole foods, you get that one gram of protein in per pound of body weight.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And then in addition to that, you get in some gram of protein in per pound of body weight and then in addition to that you uh you get in some good carbohydrates through fruit and rice maybe some oats bodybuilders use that a lot i'm not a huge fan of oats but it clearly works maybe some honey um maybe throwing some honey in your yogurt and shit like that you know know, there's, there's lots of ways to get some good healthy carbs and potatoes. Don't forget that, um, these, uh, starches become resistant starches when they're heated and then cooled. And then when they're a resistant starch, they have about 25% less overall carbohydrate because they're fibrous and the
Starting point is 00:21:27 prebiotic fibers are supposed to be good for our guts so all those things are again these are all leverages these are all things that are huge leveraging points um so fats the only thing with fats i would say we just kind of sum this up to you pretty easily. I've said this on a podcast before, but protein is for your muscles. Carbohydrate is for energy. And your fats are for your hormones. Now that's a really dumbed down version of what the hell is really actually going on. And listen to other
Starting point is 00:22:05 people on youtube that are well informed if you want to dive into the science of all that kind of stuff but that's my personal belief is that that's what's going on so you can't lower you don't want to lower the fat so low that it negatively impacts your hormones You don't want to lower the carbohydrates so low to the point where you feel like you can't have a good workout. And the reason why I say carbs rather than fats is because, in my opinion, if you're trying to get shredded, you're better off with modest amounts of fat, which I would just say would be under about 100 grams. And you're better off with kind of teaching your body to get used to running off carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:22:53 and getting good pumps in the gym and so on. Again, this is a little dependent on some of the goals, but carbohydrates are great and they're fast energy sources and so for someone that's running or doing jiu-jitsu or somebody that runs and lifts or someone that's doing multiple exercise a day even like yoga and then later on the day going for walks and stuff that person might find it beneficial to have some carbohydrates here and there surrounding those workouts because carbohydrates are such a good quick energy. Whereas the fats, it's like, who the hell knows how long, like, am I utilizing the steak from the night before when I work out
Starting point is 00:23:41 the next morning? Yeah, maybe, maybe a little bit, but it does take a while to digest that stuff, right? Carbohydrates can be more immediate, especially the faster acting ones like the sugars and things of that nature. Something to really pay attention to is fat and carbohydrates in combination with each other. So let's say you're like me right now. I'm on vacation. I went to Amsterdam. Now I'm in Berlin and I'm off to Switzerland next. And you know, there's sandwiches around. There's, there's this, there's that, right?
Starting point is 00:24:20 So I need to make a decision with the meals that I'm eating I've noticed that it's easier for some reason people don't mind cooking up egg whites and stuff at some of these hotels so I've been getting egg whites hard-boiled eggs cottage cheese low-fat yogurt and been really making some good headway with really building a nice base for the day with a large bolus of protein I also packed my banana cream steak shake with me as well as the chocolate hydration and I've been mixing that every morning. So I'm getting ahead of the day by getting in a hundred or maybe even more grams of protein to kind of kick the day off. You know before 12 o'clock I'll have already had that amount of protein,
Starting point is 00:25:04 You know, before 12 o'clock, I'll have already had that amount of protein, minimal amounts of fat, maybe a little bit of fruit. And so I think this is what you want to try to do. Get yourself set up and headed in the right direction as you're getting your day going. So then when I go to lunch, like at lunch, we had this chicken sandwich that had onions and a bunch of other awesome stuff on there and kind of like a mayonnaise type of thing I don't know some sort of sauce not mayo but some sort of sauce and the thing was freaking delicious and I wanted to enjoy it with my family and as you know I'm doing 75 hard but there's nowhere in 75 hard that says you can't have a sandwich
Starting point is 00:25:43 and that's what I'm trying to teach and preach to people is like, there's a way to balance this all out. There's a way to walk this tightrope. And also, if I don't eat that sandwich, I might go haywire at some other point. I might lose my cool with my diet because it might be so strict and it might be too annoying to keep on point. And so therefore I might binge. Most of you guys listening right now that are like into this,
Starting point is 00:26:13 that are really paying attention and girls, you don't necessarily need a diet. You need to set yourself on up on a plan where you don't binge and you don't have like ridiculous cravings and you don't feel tired. Being tired, binging and cravings. Tired, binging and craving. Put a muffle on those fucking things. A muzzle.
Starting point is 00:26:37 A muzzle, I mean. A muffle. A muffler. Put a muzzle on those things. Dampen those things. Try to cool those fuckers down because those are the things that are going to throw you off those are the things that they say um fatigue makes cowards of us all we've all watched UFC we've all seen fights before
Starting point is 00:26:57 and it's like this guy talks this game and talks all this smack and he's this badass. And then he gets hit hard a handful of times. He starts to get tired. It's the third round. And now that guy is not talking any more smack, right? He's just starting to get his ass kicked. That's what the day does to a lot of people. The day starts to kick your ass. And once the day starts to kick your ass, the day starts to win
Starting point is 00:27:24 and the bad decisions start to take over because maybe those bad decisions were already baked in, baked in, get it? Another fat joke. All right, all right, I'll slow down on those. It's already baked in because of maybe previous bad habits. There's no more excuses out there anymore. You know the Doritos, oh I love these chips, I love this, I love that. There's a keto fucking version of everything. And I'm not saying keto is the way to go, and I do understand some of these keto snacks have a lot of fat in them and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:28:00 But on this trip that I'm doing around the globe here, I packed a bunch of legendary food, tasty pastries, a bunch of their sweet rolls. I packed Quest bars, the cookie dough and the cookies and cream. I packed some Kize bars, K-I-Z-E. Those are some of my favorite bars, kind of more of a peanut butter almond base with whey protein. I'm actually doing a collab with them coming up. And I brought, as I mentioned earlier,
Starting point is 00:28:37 my steak shake with me. Why did I bring all this stuff with me? To protect myself at all times. I want to be extraordinary. I want to be different. I want to be different. So why the fuck not? Most of you guys and girls that are listening right now. You're already lifting.
Starting point is 00:28:53 You're already present. You're already doing a lot of the things. Why not lean in harder? Why not get in the best shape of your life? I'm 46 right now. And I'm by far in the best shape of your life. I'm 46 right now and I'm by far in the best shape of my life. By far in the best shape of my life. Best shape, best condition, best health, best everything. Okay, strength wise with a fucking bench shirt on and like all that stuff. No, I can't do an 854
Starting point is 00:29:22 bench right now. But that's not part of any of my goals. And if I did have a goal to increase my bench and a bench over 500 pounds, it would probably take me about a year. But that's not, it's not part, it's not part of anything anymore for me. I just enjoy, I haven't even done a lot of regular bench pressing in a little bit. Which I might address coming up. Throw the slingshot back on and get back into it because I love benching like that. I love utilizing the slingshot.
Starting point is 00:29:59 You know, it's interesting to hear all these gurus out there. There was a guy, he wrote a book on exercise. He wrote a book called exercise and talked about all the great benefits of exercise it was really cool and i saw him on a podcast and they asked him about um they asked him uh what he learned from all his research and he said he learned that he should lift weights and i was just like no shit it's just funny how I've been touting strength is never weak this week there's never strength over and over and over and over and over and over over and over again and then now you see it everywhere women men older people younger people everyone's talking about strength training and uh how to build muscle and how to get jacked.
Starting point is 00:30:46 It's a huge thing. And then like, how do you build muscle? Well, you have to send a good signal to the body. And one way to send a good signal to the body is to lift. And to lift, to put your body through something rigorous, lift kind of heavy. So a slingshot is a great device for that. Because you get to overload the body and send a good signal. I'll jump back more into exercise in a minute.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I hate to sound like a broken record, but your sleep quality most likely sucks. It's one of the biggest things that we talk about on the podcast. So many guests have come on and talked about how sleep can help you stick to your diet, stick to your workout plan, lose body fat, gain muscle, all the good things that you're trying to do. But it's hard to do because you might be right back. whole time while you've been sleeping, it's going to be a little bit difficult to get air through there. That's also why hostage tape has nose strips to help open up your nasal airways and make it easier to breathe through your nose when you're asleep. Now your partner won't be having a fuck with you when you're asleep because you'll be actually breathing through your nose. Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, that's over at hostage slash power project, where you guys will receive an entire year supply of nasal strips and mouth tape all for less than a dollar a night again that's at hostage slash power project links in the description as well as the podcast show notes okay um yeah lifting you know sending that signal
Starting point is 00:32:16 to the body is extremely important and one way you send that signal to the body is to lift something kind of heavy and these things you know it doesn't have to be a deadlift. It doesn't have to be anything too crazy. And that's why I think something like a slingshot bench press is great. Because I get to get in and out of that without getting hurt. I get to get into that, handle 275 for some reps or whatever it might be, according to your strength level. And then I get gets dart back out three sets of three boom then move on to the next exercise because that message that signaling of
Starting point is 00:32:51 the challenge of the weight is a really nice signal to have let's go back into the nutrition carbohydrates and fats which one's worse for you? Well, there's not really like a worse necessarily. However, I think it's important to kind of understand what both of them do for you and what they won't do for you. And it's important to understand that eating them in combination with each other is super dangerous. Not that eating them together is dangerous in and of itself, because it's not. However, for a lot of people, it will kind of override our natural ability to stop eating. Why is this? Well, because fat and carbohydrates, they don't exist in nature together
Starting point is 00:33:48 and the body's not ready to the body's not ready for all those flavors and all that shit going on this is the way i kind of look at it um i've used this example before, but you know, you take some chicken breasts, chicken breasts, broccoli, and maybe in some rice, you got, you know, some nice carbs and you got some chicken and you got some veggies, green beans, broccoli, whatever it is. You got a little bit of carbs and a little bit of protein, low fat well let's magically change that chicken breast into chicken thighs okay now we have a little bit of fat on the table which is nice that's still reasonable but now we when we when we're cooking the chicken we cook it in some like sesame oil and uh we throw it in a bowl. We throw teriyaki sauce on there, we throw the rice in there,
Starting point is 00:34:47 and we chop up the vegetables with it, and now it's a teriyaki bowl. We just took something that's perfectly healthy, that's a really good, well-designed meal, maybe not palatable enough for some people, the flat chicken breast, but we took that meal and we adulterated it. We demonized the fucker. We turned it into something that's going to be really calorically dense. Now, that's all we ate for the day.
Starting point is 00:35:14 It's probably not a huge deal. But kind of think about it. Like, what are you doing? What are you doing? Like, when you go to the gym and you do some of your exercise throughout the day, what the fuck are you doing? Like, when you go to the gym and you do some of your exercise throughout the day, what the fuck are you doing? Are you doing something, are you doing so much work
Starting point is 00:35:32 that it in any way represents the amount of energy that you're consuming? Are you blowing out that much energy? I seriously doubt it. I seriously doubt it. And so you're trying to have people be more reasonable with their food. And I think it's a good idea to pick fat or carbohydrates based on, based on a particular meal that you're about to have.
Starting point is 00:36:06 So you don't have to pick a side. You don't have to be like, I'm keto or I'm low carb. You don't have to necessarily pick a side and only stick to those. You can do it individually per meal, per circumstance, or per preference. If you're trying like a low-fat diet and you're traveling, it could be really hard because most places are going to cook everything in oil and it can be difficult. I did mention to you how I'm able to escape it breakfast-wise, but during the rest of the day, it can be a little difficult. Even if I was to get a sandwich with no sauce on it or something,
Starting point is 00:36:47 it's going to have some sort of fatty meat on there. It's going to have cheese. And by the time you get done eating the amount that someone my size feels like they need, we're looking at like 20 grams of fat, 60 grams of carbs. You know what I mean? Like it just starts to fall apart. And then if I had chips with it, it's like it just starts to get ugly because that's what they serve with sandwiches usually and then so how do we try to make these
Starting point is 00:37:13 things better well let me see if I can reduce the carbohydrate a little bit let me see if I can is there a way I can reduce the fat at all well maybe there's not much I can do about that so let me just sink the carbs down and vice versa if you, it doesn't seem like the place that you're at doesn't seem like you can sink and it doesn't seem like the right place to be for lower carb, right? Then, uh, you might have to, um, you might have to switch your plan. You might have to call an audible. You might have to switch your plan. You might have to call an audible. If you can't go lower carb, you might need to go lower fat.
Starting point is 00:37:53 You might need to go for the salad with the dressing on the side or something. A little small sacrifice here to give you benefits more long-term over there. And then also, too, there's the idea of like just enjoy the meal there's absolutely nothing wrong with just and you got spaghetti meatballs in front of you just just eat them there ain't nothing wrong with that but don't allow that to completely derail you and make you think now it's okay for you to uh you know eat a bunch of other crap or even if you're going to have a dessert with that just try to have one dessert try to have a small dessert reasonable and then also there's a little bit of an eye for an eye you can do so as i'm traveling i'm walking so much every day i'm walking a lot with my family i'm walking a
Starting point is 00:38:44 lot of my own. I'm going out for a run. This is where the capacity and skill set for jogging is huge. Those of you that develop that skill set to go on a little jog, because it's never inappropriate to go for a jog. It can totally be inappropriate to hit the gym because the gym can take longer and all that shit. And, I don't know, your family can be pissed. And let's face it, you're going to spend way too much time at the gym because the gym can take longer and all that shit. And, uh, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:39:05 your family could be pissed and let's face it, you're going to spend way too much time at the gym. How many times you guys gotten in trouble? Show of hands, please. Class page 43. You still with me? Show of hands. How many of you got in trouble for being at, you know, your wife's like, bro, you fucking been at the gym for four hours? They're like, what the fuck? You're like, yeah, that's how long it takes to bench. Because we love it, right? So all that makes sense. However, you know, developing other skill sets is great.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And also being able just to be stronger. You know, the gym is cool. But anyone, let's face it, like anyone that gets used to the gym, anyone can just to be stronger. You know, the gym is cool, but anyone, let's face it, like anyone that gets used to the gym, anyone can go to the gym. But can you do a silent workout by yourself without anybody else around? Can you do some squats and some push-ups like I've done in the hotel a couple times because we didn't have a hotel gym? Those are hard. Those are tough. I'd rather be around other people i'd rather see
Starting point is 00:40:05 other people rather absorb their energy um yeah i think many of you kind of understand what i'm talking about when it comes to that so so to protect yourself in this world nowadays by the way the whole world's fat everywhere is fat. Our tour guide yesterday was telling us how fat some of the people were that they were helping on a tour and how they had to sit down and all this stuff. And they weren't American. They were local. It's everywhere. And you hear all this stuff about how these other countries eat and all this stuff. At least in my experience, it's not true. I've been to France. I've been to London. I've been all over the fucking place.
Starting point is 00:40:56 I'm in Germany now. I've been going to Switzerland. I've been to Australia. I've been to Japan. I've been, obviously, Canada and been to Japan I've been obviously Canada and Mexico everywhere eats like shit, everywhere it's everywhere now it is everywhere
Starting point is 00:41:13 Ireland, people in Ireland were fat now they're less fat still than Americans because we really set the standard there we take a lot of pride in that one because we just have we have so much freedom, we have so much abundance and I think that's part of set the standard there. We take a lot of pride in that one. Because we just have, we have so much freedom, we have so much abundance, and I think that's part of kind of what happened in our country.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You know, as I'm traveling around, I am noticing that oh, Iceland too. There's a lot of people that are fat there. I don't always know who's native, you know, to the area or whatever. There's a lot of people that were fat there. I don't always know who's native to the area or whatever. It's hard to say. Hard to tell. Especially if you're going to areas where there's tourists. People are going to be from all over the place, right? But a way for the whole world to get out of this.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And something the whole world has in common. At least in the countries that I mentioned. Not some of the countries that are more poor and have harder times with things, but in the countries I've been to, again, the same answer goes for all of them is just more protein. There's not really protein. People are eating a lot of bread and shit like that and they're not really getting the protein that they need. I kind of think that some of these foods, they kind of arrest your ability to eat protein because they take up real estate that could be otherwise used for protein. So a lot of people that like to snack, they only like to snack and they're not in the mood for protein rich foods because
Starting point is 00:42:43 they snack too often and it takes up not in the mood for protein-rich foods because they snack too often. And it takes up room in their stomach for the correct foods, for the proteins. And then it's just like a cycle that happens kind of over and over and over again. So I see that with a lot of people. They're like, oh, I like crunchy stuff. I like snacky stuff. It's like, well, yeah, of course you do because you eat that all the time. And your body digs that.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Your body likes that. And so you keep going with that over and over again. And you're not allowing yourself a little hunger. If you're not hungry, I've said this many times, if you're not hungry for, like, eggs or hard-boiled eggs, which most people don't really like hard-boiled eggs in the first place, then you're not actually hungry it's a fake hunger or for like tuna or cottage cheese again maybe people don't their
Starting point is 00:43:31 palate maybe they don't love those foods but if you were actually hungry you would eat that you eat those foods you know if you were starving obviously you would eat it right so don't let fake hunger get the best of you and a way to not let fake hunger get the best of you. And a way to not let fake hunger get the best of you is to be prepared. And the way to be prepared is to develop a skill set in understanding that you need a lot of protein. And then you need to like buy protein, need to cook protein, need to have it around. If you just think you're going to haphazardly get yourself ripped by eating out and stuff like that, it's most likely not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:44:07 That's going to be really hard. If you have a lot of money, maybe you can figure it out that way. But most likely not. Most likely it's going to be really difficult. In terms of the exercise you know if you just incorporate I like incorporating stuff my diet is incorporated into my life
Starting point is 00:44:31 if you just incorporate stuff into your day then it makes your day a lot easier so when it comes to fitness you know maybe you start your day off with, uh, five sets of 10 of squats onto a chair and five sets of 10 of pushups. And it's like, well, you did, you did 50 of both,
Starting point is 00:44:55 you know, or maybe you do 20 of the squats because squats are a little easier. You did a hundred squats. You did 50 pushups. Maybe do that one other time of the day. And there's no other exercise for the day, that's it, along with some walking, because you're on vacation, or something like that, what's reasonable for you to do, what will you actually do, is a huge one, like, what, what can you do, what, what are you, what are you capable of, what can you get done, and what you can get done is something that you have probably done before. Or something that you can convince yourself to do. Maybe just say, you know what, I'm going to go to the hotel gym
Starting point is 00:45:35 and I'm going to do five sprints. And I'm just going to do that every day. I'm going to do five 30 second sprints. And maybe you convince yourself to do more. But that's your start you start there here's a huge one here's the best way in my opinion to protect yourself is to eat before and after your meals so eat surrounding your meals eat before and after your meals just like you want to eat before and after you train you want some peri-nutrition you want to have nutrition around, surrounding and even during your training sometimes
Starting point is 00:46:11 with cyclic dextrins and essential amino acids I can get into that on another show at some point we're going to have my buddy Andy Triana go super brain he's going to be part of the Mark Bell Power Power Project coming up. And you're going to see a lot of videos from him, and he'll explain things like that in much greater detail. But you want to eat around your meals. And what I mean by that is before you go to dinner, you know, eat a little, you know, take a banana cream steak shake or the chocolate.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Take a banana cream steak shake or the chocolate, mix it into fage yogurt, nonfat Greek yogurt or some other type of yogurt. Triple zero yogurt is really delicious and they have different flavors. Again, no fat. It's just a protein bomb. Eat that. Throw a scoop of protein powder in there. And you got like 40 or 50 grams of protein. And you had something that's going to actually kind of sit in your stomach.
Starting point is 00:47:14 And just not make you a coward. The same coward you were yesterday and the day before that. And the day before that. Because cowards talk about what they will never do. And people are always talking about losing weight. But they never do it. and they might do it for a little bit and they lose six pounds they get a couple compliments and then and that's it they gain most of it back there's a lot of reasons for that one of the big reasons for that is that people don't pick something that's sustainable and what i'm trying to teach you guys is that this is forever.
Starting point is 00:47:48 This is a way to do this in perpetuity. This is a way to pay yourself. This is low cost. Low cost to the system. Low cost to the body. So I'm not trying to teach you to eat less. I'm trying to teach you to eat more. But you're eating differently.
Starting point is 00:48:03 You're eating differently and you're eating more. You might eat at less overall energy because you jacked the protein up and you downed the carbs and downed the fats a bit. So eating before you go out to eat, eating afterwards. So after, when I have been coming back from these epic dinners with my wife and my kids, having like steak and lobster and a bunch of other stuff, which is super calorically dense, which isn't normally most optimal for my diet, and there's some influence of some other stuff,
Starting point is 00:48:36 like I might eat a little bit of bread and things like that. But again, that protein leveraging before you go to eat, A, it's going to help your glucose levels. There's a lot of studies on that. It's called the second meal effect. You can look that shit up. Secondarily, you're going to be able to make better decisions because you're not fatigued, tired, or craving as much because you did the preloaded meal.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Preloaded meal, preloaded protein. Don't show up to dinner without being preloaded. Don't do it. You're too fat, you're too fat to do it that way. You need to fucking stuff yourself. I know you already know how to do that. So stuff yourself. It's got to be with leaner stuff though. Because your calories are going to fucking add up still. You got to understand that. So stuff yourself. It's got to be with leaner stuff though, because your calories are
Starting point is 00:49:26 going to fucking add up still. You got to understand that it's important. Egg whites, low fat cottage cheese, fat free yogurts, protein powders. Cheese is like right on the bubble because cheese is like one to one-one fat to protein usually. Beef jerky can usually be a good option. But you got to get like the zero sugar beef jerky. Beef jerky is usually pretty jacked. Biltong. I have some Biltong.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I think it's called like Brooklyn. It's called Brooklyn Biltong. Also the Piedmontese Biltong is really good. Check all that shit out. Order a bunch of that stuff up so you're safeguarded against making bad decisions. Carnivore crisps is another favorite of mine. Some people will gawk at the price, but these prices are to help you get the body that you want.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Your body is kind of all you got. All you got in this world is yourself. It seems like you got other people, but you really only have yourself. You got the health of your body, mind, spirit, and how you feel about yourself. And what price would you pay to feel better about yourself? about yourself and what price would you pay to feel better about yourself? You know, what would you like? You look in the mirror three months from now and you knocked off that 30 pounds that's been just kind of hanging onto you for a while now that that would feel incredible. And you should feel incredible because,
Starting point is 00:51:04 you know, it's something you had to work for. You had to work on it, right? After your meal. So after the meal, when I come home from these epic meals, that's when I'll have another, like, legendary Pop-Tart or something like that. That's when I'll have a tasty pastry. That's when I'll have the banana cream steak shake mixed with our chocolate hydration from Within You brand.
Starting point is 00:51:35 By the way, Within You brand, you're going to start hearing it mentioned on Tom Segura, Ed Milet, Chris Williamson. We're blowing that shit up. Same with the slingshot. you're going to hear more advertisements of those things going on, because the response has been incredible over the last few months Steak Shake is going to just kind of take over
Starting point is 00:51:59 probably as a main source of income it's just flying off the shelves, and you guys have been great. Remember, it's liver, kidney, heart, spleen, pancreas, and so every scoop is fortified with that. In addition to that, it has Bubz MCT oil powder, which is a fast-acting saturated fat. You can look up some more information on MCT oil.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Pretty interesting product. Been around for a long time. And then we also have Bubz beef collagen. We have beef isolates in there, whey, egg protein. These are all the most bioavailable in terms of how your body is going to be able to absorb these things. The most bioavailable proteins and nutrients in the Steak Shake. And the Steak Shake also tastes awesome. So it's a sweet tooth killer.
Starting point is 00:52:58 We have chocolate. We have salted caramel. We have vanilla. We have chocolate coconut. And I know that you guys, if you haven't tried it at the beach or whatever it might be. You're going to a Thanksgiving dinner. You're going to a barbecue in the summertime. Just because you're doing that, it's not like the body's like, oh, this is a different kind of fat that you're putting on. This is a different kind of extra energy they consume because they were relaxing. No. It just gets stored the same way as everything else does.
Starting point is 00:53:44 And all it's going to do is give you more worry, give you more concern, more anxiety. And it's just going to cost you. It's going to cost you so much money to try to get that shit off your body. It's going to cost you so much and you don't even really recognize it. And when I say it's going to cost you a lot, it's going to cost you a lot of time. Extra time on the treadmill, extra time thinking about walking, extra time thinking about
Starting point is 00:54:09 when you're going to go to the gym, extra time thinking about how you're going to cut back on your carbs, extra time thinking about how you're not going to drink and so forth. I mean, it's just, it's a fucking ridiculous tangled web. But people are fucking fat.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And I feel like I'm sending out some old school message this is Mark Bell can anybody hear me? I'm in Berlin, Germany the world is under attack everyone is getting fatter and fatter send help immediately and so I just gave you a bunch of strategies Everyone is getting fatter and fatter. Send help immediately.
Starting point is 00:54:48 And so I just gave you a bunch of strategies. And let's not forget, you can always implement a little intermittent fasting. And to me, intermittent fasting could be you wake up and you get a little workout in. 8 a.m., you have a protein-minded meal, a protein-heavy meal, and then you don't eat again until 4 p.m., something like that. You know, there's so many different ways to go about utilizing the protein leveraging strategies and intermittent fasting. That's still a fast. So I'm just going to conclude with this if you're binging, if you have cravings if you're tired, your diet's not working
Starting point is 00:55:31 so if you're doing carnivore and then you're going crazy even one time a week if you're going way off the rails your diet's not really working if you're in great shape and you're happy with your shape then I'm wrong and I'll eat my words. You're doing great I guess but it's rare to see that.
Starting point is 00:55:53 It's rare to see that. I'd rather have you sprinkle I'd rather have you sprinkle your dysfunction you know cautiously very cautiously especially depending on you, the person. Because remember I said all these diets will work for anybody. They'll all work for anybody. There might be some sort of weird circumstance where they don't work,
Starting point is 00:56:16 but for almost anybody, all the time. However, they don't always fit into the person's personality, into what the person's kind of capable of doing, into the person's lifestyle, into their work, their relationship with their kids, and so on and so forth. If you've got cravings, you have a lot of cravings, and you're hungry, and you find yourself binging, you're on the wrong plan.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Try what I laid out for you here. Try some protein leveraging. One gram per pound of body weight in terms of protein. You can even go higher, especially when it's leaner protein, because it just doesn't fucking matter. Protein does not count against you for calories, in my opinion. Or if it does it's very very minimal it's not four calories per gram i would say i would bet my life on that it's listed as four
Starting point is 00:57:13 calories per gram right now but i don't believe that's true and i believe that that will be well i don't know if they'll ever change that, but I think that myth has already been busted. Carbohydrates are a good energy source, quick energy source, and they can help fuel your workouts. You do need to have good workouts, and if you're not having good workouts, that's another problem. That's another thing that's telling us that your diet is shit. Your diet and or your sleep is shit. Or your commitment to smoking weed or or drinking like if you need all these energy drinks and shit just to get a workout in i think i think you're a little off i think you're a little off base i i don't think having some
Starting point is 00:57:56 energy drinks here and there is a bad idea having some kratom like some of these things i think can be a really wonderful influence to do occasionally, sometimes just for fun, sometimes just for the extra hype. It feels good. But if you really feel you need it and you can't do a workout without pre-workout, I think you're off with your diet. So give those things a shot. Strength is never weakness.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Weakness is never strength. Let me know what you got from this episode. Catch you guys later.

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