Mark Bell's Power Project - The Woke Health Agenda, is All Food Created Equally? || MBPP Ep. 810

Episode Date: September 29, 2022

In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about whether or not foods can be labelled as "good" or "bad". Under what context could they be "good" or "bad"?? Join The Po...wer Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 15% off! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained: ➢ Code: POWERVIVO20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter:  ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:  Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? Now, we partnered with an amazing brand, Bubz Naturals. We actually have some of the products on the table. They're MCT oil powder, they're collagen protein, and this f***er. Yeah, this f***er. They're apple cider vinegar gummies, okay? One thing I want to let you guys know real quick
Starting point is 00:00:16 is that the Bubz products, number one, they mix super well. So I've had different MCT oils, and I've talked to people who've used MCT oil and mentioned it to their copy, and it doesn't mix well. Well, their MCT oil is amazing on coffee in the morning, just on its own, but their collagen protein and collagen is great for joint health, hair, skin, nails, all that stuff that also mixes just so well into coffee and everything. It's,
Starting point is 00:00:41 that's the, one of the crazy things. things. But secondly, these fricking apple cider vinegar gummies. I don't ever supplement apple cider vinegar, but they put them in gummies, which is great. Two per serving. We have literally eaten one of these full things. Andrew and I have split this and Mark, Mark has to be so careful.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Like we give him two and we take it away because it tastes so good. That's actually really good for you. So, Andrew, tell them how to get it. Yes, guys, seriously. Have just the recommended dosage. Just have two of those gummies. Don't have two full bottles the way we do. Head over to and check out enter promo code POWERPROJECT to save 20% off your entire order.
Starting point is 00:01:23 promo code POWERPROJECT to save 20% off your entire order. And what's really cool about Bubz Naturals is they actually donate 10% of all their profits to various charities, starting with the Glenn Doherty Memorial Foundation. Again,, promo code POWERPROJECT to save 20% off. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Yeah. Thank you, Jesus. Oh. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Yeah, we're rolling. Hmm? What was that? I heard something. Was that Coons? Oh, Jesus. Oh. Anyway. Yeah, we're rolling. Hmm? What was that? I heard something. What's that coons? Oh, God. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Well, here we go. So I'm drinking a, and it's watermelon. Oh, perfect. Monster Energy. These are delicious. Yeah, yeah. And I was like, man, I hadn't had one of these in a long time. And I was like, man, it's been a...
Starting point is 00:02:07 I was like... Because we were talking about how grandparents or just older people in general, you know, just older people say things that are racist because of where they grew up. It wasn't necessarily, or maybe it was, it was just accepted. Look up that phrase, by the way. What does it mean? I'm going to... What the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 00:02:24 One thing that i remember someone saying was like oh i haven't had one of those in a coon's age and i was like i don't think we can say that and i didn't want to say that on air but in c was like no like let's talk about that that's that's silly so i'm gonna'm going to lugal it. Well, there's things that, to be more clear, that we should have never said. However, it was a little more accepted, I guess, that people said certain things. But look, man, behind closed doors, Mexican people are going to talk about white people. White people are going to talk about Mexican people. White people are going to talk about white people white people are going to talk about mexican people white people are going to talk about black people black people are going to talk about white people right dog you know i look we all think each other
Starting point is 00:03:13 is ridiculous and we're all right you know what's funny though i mean ah man when i when i look at you know it's just sometimes the shit that older white people say sometimes i'm just like all right it was different i'm i'm not gonna assume anything of them because they grew up at a different time you know like they they got to catch up yes and not everything they say is okay but like if you're 60 70 and you say oh it's the blacks well i'm just gonna i'm just gonna let it go over my head i'm gonna act like you didn't say anything. That's just how I look at it, man. It was a different time for some of these folks. I can't assume.
Starting point is 00:03:50 All I could go about is how they treat me as we're interacting, and we'll go based off of that. But just got to have some grace with these old people. People are weird, too, because if you mention a certain person, they're like, well, I'm not talking about him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It it's like you said black people and then i mentioned five black people and you're cool with them so what you're talking about doesn't fucking make any sense like they don't black friends yeah yeah yeah i know i know yeah then why are you talking shit it's like
Starting point is 00:04:21 my mom she's 63 64 but when she was in cal when she was working um she would sometimes say and by the way she's she's from nigeria so she's a foreigner she's gonna say i met this met this woman i'm pretty sure she's chinese i'm like not every asian chinese they might be the one you know the most but she could have been korean she could have been it's not because my mom is racist or whatever. It's just – it's a foreign thing. So sometimes it's a foreign thing. Sometimes it's an old white thing. We were trying to –
Starting point is 00:04:50 Coon's age. I was trying to describe something to some friends of ours when we traveled to Italy. Yeah. And I was like, man, some of the tourists there, they were really rude and like they just – was like i told quinn at a certain point i'm like you got to kind of lower your shoulder like you got to stand your ground because like these people are coming at us hard and our friend uh gender who's chinese she's like she's like it's okay to say it she's like it was a chinese people right she's like we had a lot of cameras right and i was like what you said she's like so funny she just said like she's like where where we're from typically uh if you don't fucking fight for position you don't get on the transportation or you don't get into the school or you don't get into because a lot of
Starting point is 00:05:39 times there's a lot of people uh congested in one spot and that's kind of the way they do shit so they literally are elbowing you as you're trying to like something like walk through the vatican or something like that yeah you're trying to like catch a peek of something and you're getting like elbowed in the ribs yeah because like like if we get i don't know if somebody catch if we catch say what's going on down there tell that racket what i was going to say like if we're walking down the street and somebody elbows us in the ribs it's just like it's an event it's like what the fuck is your problem right but in countries where you're like shoulder shoulder everywhere you fucking go like you're kind of used to it
Starting point is 00:06:19 you're like oh this is just tuesday i got to get to the train or whatever it is because like the uh what is it like you're inv to the train or whatever it is because like the, uh, uh, what is it like you're invading my bubble or whatever. Right. Right. Yeah. Their bubble is just like their skin, you know?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah. That's all. It's a lot. Yeah. A lot closer than what we're used to. Yeah. So it's, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:06:34 It's jarring for us. What are some things that you guys hear that you guys are like, probably shouldn't say that anymore. Have you guys heard anything recently? I'm just curious. Um, probably shouldn't say that anymore. Have you guys heard anything recently? I'm just curious. There's certain things that like, you know, over the years that I'm just like, well, if that is offensive to people,
Starting point is 00:06:55 then I'll just, I just won't use it. Like what? There's certain gay things and things like that. I mean, like I grew up where like my brothers always told me everything was gay. Soccer was gay. This was gay. That was gay. Yeah. And it wasn't a derogatory way. And that's just what I grew up with. And that's my experience growing up on the East Coast. And I don't know, maybe some other people had a similar experience. I've heard Joe Rogan and some other people talk about it in that way. And I'm just like, yeah, if that's hurtful and derogatory,
Starting point is 00:07:27 then I certainly won't use it publicly. And if I have friends where I'm cool with saying literally just about anything to them, then I'm going to continue to use it. Just so you guys know, Mark does not use the N-word at home. And he does not use it with friends. Just because I know like... It seems to spread in my life a couple times that's the only reason otherwise i'd be using it all the time
Starting point is 00:07:49 yeah i feel you i feel you no i don't i mean honestly like i i don't want to fucking hurt any like i i seriously don't want to hurt people. Like I just don't like that's not part of this show and a part of like Instagramming and shit. Yeah. I throw some flames out there here and there and you get to be, uh, you fight with people a little bit, argue with people a little bit,
Starting point is 00:08:16 but like, I don't want to fucking hurt anybody. So something I say and just getting closer with people, um, from different walks of life, that's been really helpful. And it's just like, I'm not going to fucking talk that way anymore. It's just easy for me. It's easy for me to make that change.
Starting point is 00:08:32 And if what I was doing before somebody thought was stupid and hurtful, then I'm moving on and I'm trying to improve and I'm trying to get better. Yeah. Yeah. I can't think of anything other than you know like what mark said like you know in junior high high school like like oh that's gay it's like what's gay it's like i got homework today on that note but but you know like it's it wasn't actually yeah don't don't don't lose that thought but i just remembered when i was looking at you i'm like what kind of shit did we say in high school wetback yeah that was that That was one that was, like, wetback.
Starting point is 00:09:06 It mattered where it came from, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There was that. There was... Sometimes... Sometimes black kids, like, call it Indy kid sand. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I remember that. india kid sand oh yeah yeah i remember that was the sand yeah
Starting point is 00:09:26 so but it was all it was all in jest it was all jokes right but you know hopefully yeah it was jokes it was jokes no one was being like like real whatever about it um but yeah it's it is interesting how language changes and one thing about like saying like, oh, that's gay. You know what's interesting? I hear people who are gay. I hear them using it. It's like that's the kind of thing where it's like it's OK for the people in the group to use it. But if you're not in the club and keep it out your mouth, that's that's kind of how it is. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:01 How gay do you have to be in order to use the word gay freely? As like a joke, man? I don't know, man. We're pretty close. We are close. We say some sus shit on this podcast. I feel like we should get a gay pass. But I mean, I'm not even going to risk it.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I don't want to risk it. We're just joking, people. I really don't want to risk it. Being stupid. Yeah, man. But yeah, that and then the other term that would be for trans people which also happens to be a car part i didn't know that that was offensive and once i learned oh yeah i was just like hey i'm not gonna like it's hard for me period just to like keep track of stuff
Starting point is 00:10:37 but like that was one that slipped way under my radar dog if you watch a lot of old 90s tv shows because like me and my girl there was a point she was watching a little bit of sex in the city and as i was watching i'm like damn like they really like a lot of these old shows when it comes to people who are trans they just they go hard they go hard it's usually it's usually a black person who's like super buff with like hair and they just like that fucking it's just like whoa this was cool in the 90s now you get canceled you know 90s were different times change but let me just give y'all a quick tip because for some of the older individuals when you're talking about certain ethnicities don't be like the blacks just just change that one like let's start there don't say the blacks
Starting point is 00:11:27 just say uh you know you say black people or mexican people black folk mexicans you know yeah so that little shit makes a difference can choose your choose your words in order of like threat that you think it would be if you actually said i'm just kidding that's true imagine ass kicked many times over for that one dude that actually that's a really cool rule imagine that the person you're talking about is right next to you that'll let you know if you should say it or not that's what i tell people who are like have a hard time with road rage i'm just like oh that person that cuts you off or whatever and you're honking you're flipping them off i'm like imagine wherever you're going they're gonna park next to you and get out at the
Starting point is 00:12:07 same time and the guy's gonna be fucking jacked it's gonna look like in sima no jujitsu and then what are you gonna say then right like you're gonna say shit but you have this fancy metal box covering you you feel safe how does a white guy tell a racist joke you guys on that one i don't let's hear it like this joke you guys on that one i don't let's hear it like this checks the surroundings quite well and then leans in and says whatever very clearly but quietly that's like one of my favorite jokes that's a good one i mean it's not true when lewis he came before all this shit he was just like man being white's great it's gonna end eventually though right like he was talking about like we're on a good streak you gotta figure it's
Starting point is 00:12:56 gonna come to an end oh man it's like on its way out at some point yeah man white dudes people hate white dudes these days it's so tough for them actually i feel kind of sorry for y'all y'all gotta be so careful okay they're doing just fine i mean yeah overall they're good but they gotta be a bit more careful than everybody else they're getting some hate yeah that's true yeah so what's this clip we got yeah what part do you guys want to play yeah we got this uh clip that popped up my brother sent it to me my brother's actually going to be talking talking about it on his show with our boy russell i think the name of my brother's show is like the chris bell show or it is yeah it's the chris bell show yeah so you can check out uh some of the
Starting point is 00:13:38 commentary that they're going to have on this uh subject because i believe they're going to talk about it as well but i was like we could pirate this too. We can steal some content. So I'm going to play the part a little bit just before they go over the TikTok stuff. Just because I think that was like the main part, right? And Seema, you said you communicated with this guy a little bit before and he's lost some weight and stuff like that, right?
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah, yeah. Cigar, he's been listening to the show. He digs his stuff. But yeah, he's had a transformation himself over the years. But he's big into fitness stuff now yeah he's a really cool dude shout out to cigar and this show breaking points guys breaking points if you haven't heard of it it's an amazing show uh he's a conservative she's a liberal and it's a great show if you want to be able to get a good understanding on how both viewpoints see certain political ideas rather than just hearing conservatives or just hearing liberals. Whoa. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Imagine when you get close. It's crazy. If you speak into the top part, it sounds much better. Yeah. That's way better. Yeah. Okay. So, sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Is this on the internet or is it on TV? It's on the internet. This is on the internet. They have a great set. I'm trying to get my dad to watch something like this. Just put it on. He's very one-sided. So, anyway. here we go.
Starting point is 00:14:45 So with that knowledge, now watch this video and see how much of an op that it is. I got us donuts. Those are so bad for you. Oh, no. Are they moldy? I mean, are they poisoned? Are you allergic? No, I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:15:01 You're judging my food choices based on a false standard of health again, aren't you? Guilty. Diet culture, fat phobia, and systems of oppression have created false hierarchies of food, and it shows up everywhere. For instance, harmful thought patterns like earning food through exercising, or that dessert is the reward for the punishment of eating vegetables. Remember that you do not need to earn food. We are all incorrectly taught from a young age that our size and therefore the foods that we eat are markers of our self-worth. Moralizing food can lead to harmful relationships with food and assorted eating. Instead of focusing on good and bad choices, try to approach food with neutrality in mind. The only foods that are bad for you are foods that contain allergens, poisons, and contaminants.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Let's pause it for a minute here. Everybody is entitled to their own interpretation of how they grew up. But I kind of wonder what this girl is talking about when she said, from a young age, we're taught that our food is connected to our self-worth. Yes. Where did she get that from? You know, hopefully she's not in a fucking shit environment where somebody is telling her that she's fat or something like that, or, or trying to cut her down in some way. That is not like a, I would say that's an abnormal, I would say that's an
Starting point is 00:16:27 abnormal upbringing. I don't think that most parents normally do that. So I don't think our society, that could be her interpretation, but it's probably her interpretation because she's heavy. I think that's her interpretation. Yeah, because she's heavy. That's not necessarily the – that's not necessarily like a fact across the board that we're attaching our food to our self-worth. What do you guys think? I don't even think she was being sneaky, but she was that – like if somebody can just listen to this whole video clip and if they agree with it, they'll be like, yeah, this is great. But yeah, food connected to self-worth, no. Food connected to health is the thing though. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yeah, it can help your health or it can make your health kind of screwed up. Yeah. So that right there, I don't think that's the general consensus. When it comes to the fat acceptance movements or the healthy at every size movement, the self-worth thing is talked about. But the thing is it's like when you start talking about facts, the facts is that certain foods aren't good for your health. That's facts. And you can put them in a category as being bad. They're like offensive to the metabolism.
Starting point is 00:17:39 They're going to cause a lot of problems. Especially if you overeat them, which most people don't have the self-control. And that's where we can run into some self-worth issues would be if you did end up gaining a lot of weight, then maybe society would be cruel to you. And then maybe you would have issues with your self-worth, but that'd still be your own interpretation, which would be hard to interpret things any other way if someone's calling you fat. So I can understand her viewpoint from there. But you have to eat the shitty foods, the foods that are quote-unquote bad for you, in order to get yourself into this self-loathing place in the first place, in my opinion. Can we rewind it just a bit?
Starting point is 00:18:20 I want to hear exactly what you said because I don't want to— Yeah. And then so the only thing that I can really think of as far as like self-worth because like I grew up in a you know nice house and stuff but like or nice household and the only thing was like oh look at your cousin so and so like they ate all their food like how come you're not eating yours so like that it was you got props if you ate your whole plate you know like it was encouraged um wasn't sure if that's totally different but that's the only thing where i was just like oh i'm not yeah not as good as him
Starting point is 00:18:49 because i didn't eat all my food that you know it's kind of weird feeling but let me rewind it a little bit build neutrality in mind the only foods that are bad for you are foods that contain our top moralizing fives to earn food. We are all incorrectly taught from a young age that our size and therefore the foods that we eat are markers of our self-worth. Moralizing food can lead to harmful. I wish they used a different filter on the side. So she said size and therefore our food. So she said size and therefore our food. But if we just kind of take out the food thing, I think the big thing is like the size and self-worth thing for a lot of people with their perspective makes sense because a lot of people who are bigger, well, they could be made fun of for their size or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:36 That affects their self-worth. But your size, if we're looking again factually, can be a marker for your long-term health. That is just true. There's no way about it. And you can try to – you can do everything to, I don't know, get tests or see if you're healthy. But it is a – self-worth is separate. Health, that is a marker. So you got to be careful with that. That's it's very colorful language to try to, you know, talk about this topic. something different than we have.
Starting point is 00:20:26 I walked by a woman yesterday. She was missing part of her arm. You know, she's missing the lower part of her arm. I didn't mean to look, but I'm a fucking idiot. I do it. I was not trying to stare or embarrass or anything. It's an identification thing. You just see it.
Starting point is 00:20:44 You're like, oh, well, okay. It's different. Right? Yep. In our society today and forever, since the beginning of time, we know that human beings shouldn't be fat in the animal kingdom. There's not a fat lion. There's elephants that have fat on them,
Starting point is 00:21:12 but all the elephants have a similar amount of fat on them. One's not necessarily fatter than the other. Human beings are animals in a particular way at the root of our basis. We are not designed to be obese. We're not designed to be, I'm not trying to be callous. I'm just talking about facts. I'm talking about, well, I guess what I would perceive as facts. Maybe somebody else can have conjecture towards it and I'd be fine with that.
Starting point is 00:21:35 But I think that it registers in your brain that somebody is oversized when they're excessively overweight. You see it. You hear little kids will say that person's fat. They're like five. Like they don't really know, but they know something's up. They know something's different. Somebody is a lot bigger than they should be. That person in our society, from what I understand from all, even a long time ago, people that were heavy weren't as trustworthy. They were like, that person's eating all the food.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Like clearly, like how, how did they get that big? We, we have to, we have to save this food for, for the, everybody. We got five, six, seven people. We got eight. I'm not even high. We got eight people to feed. why is this one so big right someone's gonna just clip this shit and be like yeah well i'm hoping we do it yeah this was really good go for it because i want to help more people that are heavy i really
Starting point is 00:22:39 do my mom died from being obese and and i've seen it firsthand and it fucking sucks. But my mother knew the whole time. She knew that that was no way to live. She just couldn't control it. She had traumas from when she was a kid. She dealt with it through food. That wasn't a great way to mitigate her stress. It made things more stressful and made things hurt worse.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Nutrition is a pathway to improving every single thing that you do. Every relationship, all your business handlings, every single thing that you do. And yes, you can take it too far the other way and not eat enough and stuff like that. But if you are getting in proper nutrition, you are allowing yourself to express at your highest level of output every single day. It doesn't matter if you're Tom Segura, it doesn't matter if you're The Rock, The President, Joe Rogan, whoever. Everybody can benefit from eating
Starting point is 00:23:44 in the best possible way that they can. So some of these things where people are talking about like there's not really a good food and a bad food, it kind of confuses things, I think. I don't think there's any reason why we have to look down on somebody eating an Oreo or somebody eating potato chips or anything like that. We just have to recognize those are like, those are offshoot foods. That's not real food. Let's be clear. Not nutrition.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Sometimes we may eat those things, but we're very like, number one, we don't eat those things in excess because you understand exactly what's going to happen if you overdo it on the donuts, if you overdo it on the pizza, if you over, that just becomes a habit, right? But you, we also understand this food right here is not as good as some real food. It's not as good as steak. It's not as good as eggs. It's not as good as all these things that we habitually eat. That is just the truth.
Starting point is 00:24:37 A lot of people are ending up in a gluttonous, addicted behavior. And there's a lot of people that look down upon people that are drug addicts. And they're like I don't want to be around a drug addict. If you've ever had experience with a drug addict. Again I have a dead brother from drugs. I have many friends that have died from drugs. They fucking suck. They're not trustworthy.
Starting point is 00:25:02 They're just not because they're addicted. They'll do anything to lie and to cheat and to kind of get around. The same thing happens a lot of times when someone's obese. They're going to lie about their diet. They're going to lie about their nutrition. They're going to be, it happens a lot more than you would think. So people that are, a lot of people that are heavy, they're in these compromising positions. They're more addicted than they want to admit. They're more addicted than we even understand. And I don't say that, I don't think that people should disassociate from them. They need help, but they need help the same way that a drug addicted person needs help. And probably even more so since food is
Starting point is 00:25:40 so readily available and you have to consume food in order to live. I want to also say this, it should be assumed, but as we talk about this, if you are someone who is heavier or you're obese or whatever, understand that no one is saying that you are worth less. No one is saying that you don't have intelligence. No one is trying to take down your self-worth or saying that you're not as equal as everybody else, but it cannot be ignored that that is a health risk. There's an issue, especially as you get older. You might be young and you might be feeling great. And right now you might be like, my blood work and all my shit's fine. But Mark, you talked about this before. As your mom got older, joints degenerated. We just had Russell on the show you talked about this before. As your mom got older, joints degenerated. We just had Russell on the show that talked about this too, our boy Russell, buddy.
Starting point is 00:26:28 As he got older, his joints wasn't working the same. He couldn't walk the same. Everything just started to get worse. And now he's making progress. But again, with all these things. And we're grateful that he's able to make that progress because we could be in a much worse position with him. He weighs over 450 pounds. We could be in a really compromising position where we're trying
Starting point is 00:26:49 to figure out how do we get exercise for Russell. And we were close to that. He had a lot of issues with his feet at the beginning, but now he's starting to feel better and better. And we got him headed in the right direction, but we, he caught it in the nick of time. And he came to my brother and he came to me and he came for help and he came into super training he took those steps in here and a lot of other people need to take those steps and they need to just say like i'm fucking addicted man i i have a i have an issue well even if you don't want to call it addiction you have there's an issue at hand you had to admit at some point that you were addicted to pornography who knows
Starting point is 00:27:25 like how how much that could have fucking ruined your life you know you don't we don't know where these things can can uh can take us and and what uh dark paths they can kind of lead us down but you have to at some point either get help you got to take steps to you mentioned video games too you're like i'm deleting my file my profile it. It's hard. R.I.P. But you had a good mother that was around that put you into sports and put you into lifting. You said enough other stuff, just enough other stuff. So you felt good enough about yourself where you're like, I don't want this life of just being this video game playing, whacking off guy. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:01 I want to be able to do some other things with my life. So I'm just going gonna fucking get rid of it a lot of people fall in a little too deep and they can't get out that's an amazing like uh other persona that you need to create for like reels and stuff yeah like a at video game playing crust on my fucking fingers and shit keyboard and everything hey anybody that hears this which they will only hear the clip the clips that probably come from this that are mean but uh i'll help anybody just fucking dm me i will try to search through those dms as much as possible i will help people for free it's something i've been doing for a long time super training gym is free you can come here. 855 Riverside Parkway, Suite 10, West Sacramento, California.
Starting point is 00:28:47 The gym is open from 9 to 1 o'clock every Saturday, Sunday. You're more than welcome to come in here. Yeah, we got a lot of equipment. We will help people. It's a passion for me. I'm just flat out saying my perspective on what I've seen over the years. I've helped a lot of people that are obese. And it is a really, really rough and tough situation. And it seems like it's getting worse in this country. It seems like it's getting worse. It doesn't really appear that it's like getting,
Starting point is 00:29:16 we're not getting to a point where it's getting better. I think people are waiting for more and more pharmaceuticals to come out and there are things that are coming out that are helpful but man people got to take action people got to start to move more and they do have to we're being ruled by these uh these giant food corporations we're being ruled by coke and pepsi and these are not conspiracy theories this is the truth like there's seven or eight main food companies they're up all our asses. They got all of our money. We're all guilty because we buy Coke zero and whatever else. Sprite zero, yep. We keep helping to fund these corporations. And then we're in this perpetual loop of we rely on
Starting point is 00:30:00 them to provide us with food. And we rely on the pharmaceutical companies to maybe clean up the mess after we have issues. And then we complain about it and we just keep doing it over and over again. But like I think Kanye West said it on Rogan. He's like, we are them. You know, when he keeps saying them, them, them, them, they're doing this, they're doing that. That's us. We need to make a stronger stance and try to work against it yeah how about your family how's it going now we love these fucking legendary tasty
Starting point is 00:30:32 pastries and you already know how good they are but i want a hot tip for you i want to give you a hot tip number one hot hot heat when you eat these things 20 grams of protein five grams of carbs put it in the microwave for 15 seconds all All right. We talked about how it can fit any single diet because it's high protein, very low carb. But if you put it in the microwave for 15 seconds, my fucking God, it will, it will melt in your mouth. I highly suggest you could do this with any flavor, but if you can get your hands on the hot fudge sundae, baby, Andrew, you're the one who put me on this shit, man. Yes, seriously. You guys have to try this, but please do not microwave it for more than 15 seconds because the inside turns nuclear. But to me, this tastes like an old school chocolate donut.
Starting point is 00:31:13 For some reason, when you microwave it, it completely changes the flavor and it changes it for the better. But you guys got to head over to and check out enter promo code power project to save 20% off your entire order. Again, that's at Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. dot com and at checkout enter promo code power project to save 20 off your entire order again that's at eat legendary dot com links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes let's get back to this podcast but at least the i don't know i feel like every time i go to the grocery store though all the the uh root beer zeros are gone all the sprite zeros are gone and
Starting point is 00:31:41 then like all the full sugar ones are, they're jam-packed. So I don't know if it's a supply-demand thing or like inventory type thing. But I don't know. It seems like there is at least more awareness these days though. Yeah, that's a nice shift. That's a good start. I mean siphon out their, you know, siphon off the money they make off the products that have sugar and siphon off the money that comes in from, you know, all the fucking potato chips and all the other things that are in the
Starting point is 00:32:14 grocery store. It would be hard, but just imagine if everybody, I mean, we don't want everybody to be the same, but imagine if everyone turned into Paul Saladino tomorrow. How long would the food industry have to, like, how long would they last? Like, it just, they would be in a fucking huge panic. They would be losing billions of dollars. It'd be harder to find fruit. It might be harder to find meat. We might have to try to beat up Paul to get the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:43 But it would send everything into a huge tailspin. And I think it's part of the reason why Coke is touting Coke Zero as being the best because I think they see it as a huge opportunity to pump that out. They're like, we can get this out and we can be in front of everybody even though they've had it out for a little bit. Yeah. We're going to say this is the best Coke ever. This is our flagship product now. Regular Coke's going to take a back seat. And they already know.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Like 10 years from now, people are going to go nuts about sucralose. So we're going to bring the sugar one back and it's going to have a little less sugar. We're going to reformulate it. It's going to taste about the same and have 25% less sugar. And boom, we're going to sell the fuck out of that too.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Yeah, the natural sugar push because it's healthier will come eventually. Right. Finish out this video? Yeah. Let's keep playing it. For relationships of food and assorted eating. Instead of focusing on good and bad choices, try to approach food with neutrality in mind.
Starting point is 00:33:39 The only foods that are bad for you are foods that contain allergens. I think that can be a fairly healthy thing is to, yeah, approach food with some neutrality. And they go on a little bit in a little bit, I think, about saying like earning, you know, certain things that can get to be a weird spot. if you have Ben and Jerry's, what would you, like if you had Ben and Jerry's tonight, what would be your protocol the next day? Or do you not think about it at all?
Starting point is 00:34:13 And just down to Ben and Jerry's. Yeah. I had Ben and Jerry's last night. There you go. I had Ben and Jerry's last night, but the thing is, is like, I'm very aware. You're onto some new shit,
Starting point is 00:34:19 right? What's the one of yours? Whiskey biz. Oh yeah. Still on it. I was on, give me some more in whiskey biz, but I'm on whiskey biz still. It's pretty good. good y'all should try it but don't go too crazy it's not necessarily a bad food but but like i'm aware about how much food i eat each day
Starting point is 00:34:37 right so it's like if i do have that i mean this isn't also isn't like I'm earning it, but I do a, if I did a lot of exercise that day and I ate some meat, I got my protein in and I'm like, Hmm, still a little bit hungry. I'll have the Ben and Jerry's without guilt, literally no guilt. This is the thing though, that, that I think should be careful with the way she's talking about this. She says, approach food with neutrality in mind. I think what you should try to do is try to approach food with an equanimity of your mood. I am very aware that the Ben and Jerry's that I eat is not nutritionally a solid food, and I know it's not as good as everything else I do eat. I know that.
Starting point is 00:35:20 So I don't think that these foods are the same. These doesn't have the same micronutrient profile as healthy food doesn't have all the other benefits that these other foods have right but I'm still going to approach it without feeling guilty neutral neutral I'm going to approach it with equanimity right but I'm very aware it's not the same that's how we should be approaching this shit we shouldn't be saying oh yeah that Doritos is the same thing as that apple, right? Even if sometimes the macros are the same, it is not the same. So that's rough. And you mentioned something earlier, how this can be harder for people who are heavier. This can be really hard for people that are heavier. They just don't have the,
Starting point is 00:36:03 they don't have the ability to maybe flow with things because they maybe haven't built in the strategies just yet. And even if they have a little bit of strategy, it's just hard because it's all or nothing. How many people have we helped over the years and how many people have we seen where they're like, yeah, I was on, you know, I was doing good and then I went off, you know, and like, we're thinking, man, like, God, it's so depressing. There is no off. There's no off the diet.
Starting point is 00:36:30 You're on the diet. You chose to eat something slightly off plan. You chose to eat something that you had a craving towards, which is great because now hopefully you got the craving out of you. Now it's time to just recalibrate and get right back on that plan again. Because remember the plan is what's working. It's how you lost 10 pounds. It's how you lost 20 pounds. So we need you to continue on the plan. You're never without a plan. You need a plan. In today's world, I think you need some sort of dietary strategy leaving your house because there's so much convenient food all over the place. So you need to know when you're going to eat. You need to know where you're going to eat from. I mean, these are just simple things I've been talking about for a really
Starting point is 00:37:17 long time. I don't know if I, if I didn't know, I have my freezer full of particular meat that I can defrost at any time. I realize not everyone has the same setup, but I have an idea of where my food's going to come from later in the day. And I do my best to stay out in front of that and stay prepared. And it was harder when I didn't have money. There were more considerations that I had to have. Um, but I always knew when I was going to eat and I always knew where I was going to eat. And we hear people make a lot of excuses. They're like, wow, my, my schedule is really weird. So I'm not sure when I'm going to eat. And it's like, well, you're probably home twice a day. You probably wake up in a house or apartment every day.
Starting point is 00:38:04 well, you're probably home twice a day. You probably wake up in a house or apartment every day and you probably come back to that spot at night. So there's two times a day that you should be able to cook something up, eggs, meat, eat some fruit, you know, whatever the hell your diet is even, right? Those should be two areas where you should be able to get in something nutritious. But a lot of people that are, a lot of people that are heavier, that are inexperienced with their diet, they haven't really navigated it successfully yet, they can't be wishy-washy. It has to be very, they need like black and white rules.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Like I'm doing this all the way until this date and then on this day I get to have a cheat meal and then as soon as that cheat meal's over, the next day I until this date. And then on this day, I get to have a cheat meal. And then as soon as that cheat meal is over the next day, I have, you know, this meal and it has to be super specific and it, it sucks, but how else do you get yourself out of it? Unless you start to develop like a routine and some habits. That's the big thing. It takes, it takes time for those habits to set in because for a lot of people, whether you're overweight or not, like some people who are kind of in shape have this issue too. How do you respond to stress? Do you have good things that you can use to respond to that stress? Do you respond to
Starting point is 00:39:15 it physically? Do you get your body moving? Do you go take a walk? Do you go do something physically? Or do you grab something that feels good that you can eat to self-soothe? And a lot of people are sometimes stuck within the cycle of, ah, shit, shitty day or rough day, self-soothe with food. That is a habit that needs to be broken and that habit can't be easily broken if you look at food in very neutral ways. If you're trying to make this change, but you know, the Doritos is the same as the apple, right? For a period of time, it has to just be the fucking apple. People think today was a long day. I'm just going to order pizza. And that's not, that's not approaching food in a neutral position because people are emotionally
Starting point is 00:40:02 eating. Today was long. Today was hard. Today was stressful. All the days are the same length. They're always 24 hours. There's no surprises. The week isn't any longer. They're always seven. I don't know why it's that way,
Starting point is 00:40:13 but it just is mathematically. Yeah. No one's lengthening the weeks or the days. Might feel that way occasionally. But just imagine, I would like for people listening right now to imagine what their life would look like when they have a negative interpretation
Starting point is 00:40:33 of a particular stressor that comes in remember negative emotions only come from one place a negative interpretation let's say that you were like there's no other way I can fucking interpret that, you asshole. It was fucking negative. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Something negative came your way. You felt overly stressed about it. It didn't sit well with you. Imagine what it would feel like to at least occasionally not ring the alarm that you're fucking stressed and that this is an emergency.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Quit being a fucking baby. Quit being a fucking baby. Quit being a fucking bitch. Go for a run. Go punch a heavy bag. Go lift some weights. Go for a walk. Go for a walk. Go for a hike.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Invite somebody to go on a walk with you. Take your dog for a walk. Pour your energy into somebody else. See if somebody else will go for a walk with you. Go visit your fucking grandma or something. Go visit your mom. Like, I don't know. Imagine what it would feel like if just three times in a week, when you felt that same stress, you feel the heart flutter, you get a little frustrated, you get a little mad or a little sad or a little depressed. Just try it three times in one week to do the opposite of what you would normally do, which might be to like eat something that would normally kind of take you to
Starting point is 00:41:52 another spot that would allow you to feel a little bit better in the moment, but causes like more long-term damage. Because then the next day, how are you going to mitigate stress. You're not going to be able to as well because your body is fatigued. Fatigue makes cowards of us all. Over a period of time, you're going to keep wearing down and wearing down and wearing down. And every little thing that happens,
Starting point is 00:42:17 you get desensitized to a point where every little thing that happens is heightened. It's through the roof. You overreact to just about everything you can build yourself into somebody like a jocko willink a motherfucker that's like been to war before he knows what to do in a lot of different situations that most other people would just not be okay with because he's built these skill sets over like a long period of time. You guys want to keep going?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Keep it going. Pause this video and click up. I thought you were fucking with me. You got some fucking heat today, Mark. This subject is really close to my heart. I get fired up about this kind of stuff all the time. Yeah. James Smith sent me some stuff from a guy a while back it was like this cholesterol thing and he sent it to me like super early in the morning and i just came back with like all this different
Starting point is 00:43:14 stuff and i kept leaving him these messages he's like this is english james smith or the coach james thinker the thinker yeah the thinker he was like wow he's like i found your he hit like i found the thing that gets you fired up he touched that i want to i'd love to see people make changes and maybe by like yelling and getting mad about it maybe i'm going about the wrong way but i i just i would love to see people start to uh head in a different direction i mean you said you're like yelling and stuff but like the guy that does yell you know greg ducette like you know he'll just be like it's calories in calories out um i would like some insight on this because so like last night i kind of had like a bit of a cheat or whatever you want
Starting point is 00:43:54 to call it and i mean i wouldn't call it andrew but i had something i haven't had in a long time i'm waiting to see what he's gonna say i think you brought up he's like i ate fat free cheese i actually haven't had fat free cheese in a long time to see what he's going to say. I think you brought up... He's like, I ate fat-free cheese. I actually haven't had fat-free cheese in a long time. Thank you! But I just haven't had cheese in a long time, so there's also that. But I think you were talking about having Catalina Crunch inside your yogurt or something.
Starting point is 00:44:17 That wasn't me. Really, wasn't you? Fuck, somebody was then. But anyway, somebody talked about it, and I was like, dude, I want to try that. Sounds good. I picked up the bag. It's probably Russell, I think.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I picked up, it was like a small bag, right? That's like the fucking whole thing. And I'm like, man, this is probably really good. And I was like, I better be careful because it was late. I had to go pick up, my son eats a fuck ton of bananas right now. So we were out, so he's going to be fucked in the morning. So it's like, okay, we got to go get some bananas right now. So I ended up going by myself because it was raining. i'm just like you know cruising down the aisle and i
Starting point is 00:44:48 just look over i see and i'm like oh this is probably gonna be too good and i look and i'm like well per serving it's only 110 calories and there's only seven servings inside this whole bag it's like so if i ate the whole bag we're talking like under 800 calories. Yeah. I think I'm going to get this. It'll be fine. I didn't finish the whole bag because I couldn't. But we've had conversations in the past where I was like, yeah, Mark, it's calories in, calories out.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Why can't like everybody just track? Like it seems like to make so much sense. But you're like, well, once you're on the other side of it or you make that turn, you can. But not everybody can. Why not? Why can't everybody track basically? Well, I just think that people need to be healthy first before they start to really lose weight and have it be like a permanent thing. So by healthy, I mean like you need to have healthy habits and things of that nature.
Starting point is 00:45:49 You can lose weight. Like you can lose – you'll hear people all the time lose 5, 10, 15, 20 pounds. But to have sustained long-term body weight loss, you need to first make yourself healthy. And you could get there by tracking your calories. You certainly could. You could get there by tracking your calories and exercising and maybe tracking your calories. Maybe that would be something that would push somebody into a state of being on track more and planning and calculating. There's some people that love spreadsheets and love getting way into it and they love the metrics and they love looking at their watch and, you know, getting into the analytics and learning about how many calories they need every day.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I personally just think that it can, for a lot of people, it's just a little time consuming and can be frustrating. Because I think that your calories are a little bit of a moving target. You could find them and you could find what is necessary for you to lose weight. But sometimes it's frustrating. You're like, I'm eating these amount of calories and I'm still not really losing. What you'll see happen to a lot of people is then they'll start to pick the calories down lower and lower. And that, I just haven't seen that be super effective because there's other ways that I would go about doing it. If it's somebody that's just starting their journey and they don't have a lot of experience.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'd like to see people make good food choices and I'd like to see people focus a little bit more on figuring out ways to get some energy out rather than worrying too much about the energy. And I think over time, if you learn to leverage protein, just eat more and more protein. So you take your protein from, maybe you're at 10, 15% protein nowadays. If you can ramp that up 5% over time, maybe every couple of weeks until you get to 20 or 30%, I believe that if your energy output is good because you're taking in nutritious foods and you on a 2700 calorie a day diet and I'm going to go to 22. You just took an energy source away and you're not really that comfortable with eating less in the first place because you're a larger person. You're used to eating a little bit more than that. And now you have this calorie reduction that you like that calorie reduction could be a thousand calories less every day than what you previously ate. You might not even have like information on what you used to eat. So in my opinion, that for some people sometimes can be
Starting point is 00:48:39 a mistake. I would like to see again, for a majority of people to start with food choices, and the food choices are basically eggs, meat, fruit. Some vegetables can be thrown in there. Some dairy can be thrown in there. Work on the food choices for about two weeks. Work on developing some sort of energy output in walking, cycling, lifting. Lifting two, three days a week I think is really beneficial. Muscle gain, bone density, your glucose, your insulin levels, and so forth. And just having more muscle mass will make the whole process easier in the long run. So two, three, four, five years from now, you'll have more muscle.
Starting point is 00:49:24 The whole process will be easier the calories in calories out thing will be easier for you even if you're not really like lifting like a beast so that's where i think most people should that's how i think most people should start yeah tracking's not a horrible idea because it could give you some reference points of like where you're at and kind of just like what your nutrition looks like. And most of the time, if you're going to weigh stuff, you're not going to usually weigh a pint of Ben and Jerry's. So you're going to weigh things that are probably more valuable than that. Ready?
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yep. Or food that is spoiled or is otherwise inedible. Eat without guilt regardless of what society says. Eat without guilt regardless of what society says. Eat without guilt regardless of what society says. This is literally a corporate op in order to normalize like eating junk. He's real but I love how he sees
Starting point is 00:50:15 kind of sugar. I love how passionate he gets. He brings up right here that that's like her job description. No, we should pull up the job description part. If we should pull up the job description. If we could, if we could just get to that part where it's right here. The crazy thing, Crystal, throw this next one up there on the screen, which is that part of her job description is, quote, innovation opportunities and driving the scientific evidence strategy to promote brands and support the business as in to use her, quote, black nutritionist label to try and normalize amongst this growing movement. The idea that there's no such thing as good and bad food. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah. OK. He is fired up. Yeah, I love it because he's had to he's had to change himself. Like he's he's had to go through shit to get to how fit he is now. So this is a guy that knows firsthand how damaging the things that they're saying is. But one thing that this woman said, it was about the diet culture. Aha.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Like she's saying how like diet culture is totally negative. And there's a big movement against diet culture right now on different social media platforms. There's a side of it where they're kind of right. If you look at the way old school marketing and even still people talk about dieting, et cetera, everything is with the way we talk about things, we talk about things that you need habits and you need time because you're going to mess up and you're not going to, this isn't some 12 week challenge. This isn't some 16 week challenge. You need time to be able to make these changes and that's okay. But within typical diet culture, it's massive amounts of caloric restriction where food doesn't seem pleasurable, right? So you're eating healthy food.
Starting point is 00:51:55 And when people think about healthy food, most of the population, not people who list, because if you listen to the podcast, you know, we're eating meat, we're eating eggs, we're eating good food. But most of the population is thinking salads, restrictive food, feeling hungry all the time. That's what they think, right? And doing it in a short amount of time. That's why so many people yo-yo diet because they don't give themselves the time to build the habits. They don't give themselves the time to actually have these things implemented and make it part of their lifestyle. So I get why – I get how she's talking about those negative aspects of diet culture, but overall diet culture is necessary. It needs to change where people understand that this isn't
Starting point is 00:52:37 just some short thing that you're going to do for a short amount of time. Like you're changing your lifestyle, right? People talk about dieting. Well, if people look at the way we eat, they'll think we're dieting, but that's just the way we live life because we know that there are certain ways that we want to eat to be able to maintain our health, our physique, and our longevity. And that's important. Yeah, you know, it's kind of ridiculous that we have to have a diet culture, but we went so far the other direction that somebody needs to tell the story of how we used to eat you know like if you think about how funny that is right it's like it's kind of comical hey this is this is the way that humans kind of live door dash wasn't always a thing couldn't always just get food delivered to your door to your cave dial it, gets delivered right in front of your cave. Yeah. You know, uh, it's quite obvious that we should, uh, at least restrict and pull back from some of these Franken foods
Starting point is 00:53:34 that are out there. These foods that are more modern that are, that we designed and now are specifically designed by multi-billion dollar companies and industries for us to consume, which is part of American culture. I mean, Coca-Cola and some of these companies are not the devil. They're not demons. They are part of America. They're part of the American dream. All of these companies have been started by a person. They weren't started by like a machine. They were started by a person that understood the country that we live in and the freedoms that we have and the ability that we have. And part of what we get with the freedom that we have is the freedom for people to be various
Starting point is 00:54:18 weights. You know, you don't see the same, you don't seem the same fluctuation in other countries uh where they're not free where they don't have that much access to food we have so much access to food we need to say let's let's have let's uh go back to the things that our ancestors had access to that should make things a little easier for you. And that those things are meat and eggs. And like the greatest thing that our society has ever done, one of the greatest things our society has ever done is adapted to being able to eat ruminant animals, to be able to eat cows. Like cows are, from my understanding are like i could be getting some of this wrong but they're like somewhat man-made man-made you know before that we had like buffalo and things like that
Starting point is 00:55:12 um somebody would have to get somebody smarter than me to to uh talk about that a little bit further um but it just gives us so much access to nutritious foods that, and I know there's people that talk about the climate and all the different things like that. And there's just still so much more to look into and investigate when it comes to all that stuff. But it is a nutritious source of food that is not unlimited. food that is not unlimited, but we have done a good job of creating a lot of it for most people, and a lot of people have access to it. So it's a great thing that we have access to meat. Unfortunately, we even adulterated that, and we put it in McDonald's form, and we've done so many things to the great foods that we have. We have potatoes. We turned them into french fries. We just need to take a step back.
Starting point is 00:56:08 You don't really need a diet necessarily. Although I guess you kind of do because it's restrictive towards the way that you used to eat. But all it really is is the way that humans are supposed to eat. So it's a funny thing because it's not really necessarily that you're on some sort of real restrictive plan, but you're like humans had access to meat. They would kill like an animal. They had access to fruit, probably had access to some sort of vegetables, although it's plants are a little, can be harder to figure out on like which ones to eat, but we learned how to like harvest them and grow them and have gardens and
Starting point is 00:56:47 things like that. So these are things that we evolved to be able to figure out how to grow and how to make for ourselves. The things that we can make for ourselves that grow from this earth are the things that are meant for us. You know, a Snickers bar and some of these other things, these things, they have to be, they have to be limited. And for some people, they need to be reined way back to where they
Starting point is 00:57:09 don't touch another one for a long time. Question. When's the last time you ate something that one would deem junk food? What was it that comes to mind? I, when I came back from, I think when I came back from Ireland, we were at the airport and I was just like, you know what? It's been a long time since I had like a peanut butter cup or something like that. So I bought a couple of them right there and I was like,
Starting point is 00:57:33 tomorrow will be a nice fresh start. Cause I knew I was going to kind of sleep in and stuff like that. So that was, uh, like two months ago. And probably before that, it was probably like six or eight months before that. Did you feel guilty?
Starting point is 00:57:44 No, felt great. Now she mentioned this thing at the very end of the video eat without guilt and it's a very pretty sounding thing like yeah eat without guilt but these food like number one if you're in a situation where your health is slowly deteriorating and you're eating quite a bit of peanut butter cups or you're eating a lot of processed foods and you're not getting healthier but your health is deteriorating, you should feel guilty. Sadly, you should feel guilty because you're not being reasonable. You probably will. And it's necessary because that feeling of guilt, you're feeling, you're understanding that this consuming this in this volume is putting me in a worse situation. There's a part of your body or somewhere in your brain that recognizes what you're doing is not logical. Therefore, you kind of feel bad about it.
Starting point is 00:58:39 When I was in my early twenties and I was just eating a lot of just junk food, I was in my early 20s and I was just eating a lot of just junk food. I felt guilty because I knew this isn't good for me. Straight up, just eating this in this volume is not good for me. So I felt guilty. Now, the side of things where what she's saying is right is like kids, when you're teaching kids about food, you shouldn't tell a little girl, if you have a Snickers bar, you'll get fat because that causes a lot of issues. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about if you're not being reasonable, you should feel guilty.
Starting point is 00:59:11 So that whole eat without guilt thing, I get it. It's pretty. It's nice. And it's a nice sentiment. But when we're talking about reality and people going through life and people having all these different things that triggers them and makes them stress, family and food is always the answer because it's readily available and it's easy to over consume we probably need that feeling of guilt to help push you in the right direction you're like fuck i did the wrong thing again you know and you're going to feel bad about it and then once it's done though you got to figure out a way. How do I get back on track again? Because getting
Starting point is 00:59:45 back on track is going to be the only thing that is going to assist you with becoming successful at this at some point. And if you're, let's, let's say that you're, let's say that you're two years into like dieting, like you've been dieting for a long time. You've been working on it for a long time and you've had, you have hiccups every few months, you sabotage yourself. You feel that you should have lost more weight than you have. You lost maybe 20 pounds so far and you've been doing this for two years. Previously, you weren't dieting at all. You weren't paying attention to it at all. So who the fuck cares how long this process takes you to learn? You have to learn it. Mark Sisson, like one of his books, it says eat, actually it's the slogan of like Primal Kitchen.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I think it says, eat as if your life depends on it because it does. It does, man. Like we, we need better practices. You don't have to be 60 years old and on all kinds of different medication. You don't have to have it so that and on all kinds of different medication you don't have to have it so that your blood pressure is high and so that your blood sugar is high and that you have to rely you have to rely on this heart medication man that like there are genetic conditions where sometimes people have to rely on pharmaceuticals and they have to rely on surgeries and stuff that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about people that have continually made poor choices and they have to live on these particular pharmaceuticals. And if they don't have them, something catastrophic
Starting point is 01:01:16 can happen. You can take more control of that. Your diet can at the very least help. It may not be the thing that saves you forever, but it can assist. It can help. It can, at the very least, help. It may not be the thing that saves you forever, but it can assist. It can help. It can most likely enhance your life from what it is right now. So then is it as simple as just saying it's a knowledge thing, it's an educational thing, where just people are uneducated on, like,'re saying like um like right don't be don't feel guilt or whatever but like you should understand that you can't have the fucking ben and jerry's every night because you had a stressful day no i said you should feel guilt
Starting point is 01:01:55 oh sorry you should feel good yeah but either way it's what she's saying it's pretty but what i'm saying is like you know when you're not everybody knows when they're not being reasonable right and when you're like if if if we all had goals and one of us was just like just like not doing the shit that they needed to do for all of us to reach our goals i would hope that we felt guilty right because we you know what you're doing you know when you're not doing the thing that's trying, you're trying to head towards being healthier. You know that the Ben and Jerry's every single night's not helping you and you need to feel guilty for that. So it's like,
Starting point is 01:02:30 yeah, you need to feel guilt is necessary. But I think what you were mentioning is some people, cause I think she was talking about systems of oppression. Is that kind of what you're referencing? Cause I was just thinking, cause like I know people that will have the Ben and Jerry's, but they don't feel guilt at all.
Starting point is 01:02:49 They just what they do. It's a lot. So that's where I'm like, it just maybe just a straight up lack of knowledge or lack of education on everything. There is that because like if someone doesn't know Ben and Jerry's is not a good idea, then they're not there yet for help anyway. You know, they probably haven't. They probably haven't for it yet. That's the answer I was looking for. They probably just haven't. And it's not really, that person's just not ready. And maybe they don't need help.
Starting point is 01:03:15 Maybe they don't have symptoms. Maybe they're not overweight. Maybe they control themselves enough to where they can have. There's a lot of people that have treats and snacks and all kinds of stuff um and they're pretty healthy yeah and that's the thing it's like where all the things that you mark and myself are doing is we're talking to people that want to move in that direction you're right you're right if you don't want to and if like let's say that you are obese and and you're you don't want the help don't take it this isn't for you like none of this that you are obese and you don't want the help, don't take it. This isn't for you.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Like none of this is going to help you because it's not what you want and that's fine. Like you said, we're in a free country. We can make whatever choices we want. But for the person who is really trying to get healthier and trying to move in that direction, which is probably going to be someone who actually listens to this, I'm going to keep it real with you. You can't have the Ben and Jerry's every night. You can't be eating the processed foods all day it's just not gonna work towards you and your goals and as you're doing that if you make that mistake you'll probably feel guilty and honestly that's a good thing because you know that you're not doing the thing that's gonna help you move in the direction of
Starting point is 01:04:18 becoming the healthier person that you're trying to be i do agree we need to take a fucking giant sledgehammer to diet culture though, in a lot of ways, because a lot of stuff is just restrictive. And for some reason, like almost the same thing as like women working out like that old, like I don't want to get too bulky kind of thing. Or you hear guys say it sometimes, like I don't train my legs because they're big enough.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Cause I ride my bike here and there. You're like, your legs look horrible. You got fucking dad legs, bro. Muscle on a woman muscle on women is fucking great oh yeah i love it go for it ladies get fucking get yoked do it for you not for us do it for you but but no that it's really for us. We're really. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Get jacked. I don't know. I forgot what we were talking about. It doesn't matter. Okay, good. No, you just die of culture and you smash. Yeah. And restriction. Yeah, it needs to be smashed over the head with a giant sledgehammer.
Starting point is 01:05:20 How many people do you talk to that are, they have been listening to what you're talking about, but how many people do you talk to when you tell them about what they can eat they're like i can eat that yeah yeah and i mean it's been really really rare for me to have to like i've had to before but it's really rare that i've had to kind of give someone a speech and say i didn't know you were going to eat that much. That's happened a couple times where people were like, they ate like 14 eggs in the morning with like a pound of bacon. And I was like, I'm like, that's fucking in. Like, first of all, give me a hug.
Starting point is 01:05:56 And I was going to say, like, did you film it? That's good. Yeah. That's work. That's dope. But it's just going to be kind of hard to lose weight doing that. But from there, it was easy to dial people back because it's like, can we be more reasonable with this? Can we have like eight eggs and half a pound of bacon?
Starting point is 01:06:15 They're like, really? I get to eat that? And they started losing weight. It is interesting that the things that people hang on to, and I've talked about this on the podcast before, but I remember telling my uncle, like, dude, like have steak and potatoes for dinner. He's like, ah, potatoes. That's,
Starting point is 01:06:28 that's a lot of starch though. And I'm like, okay. But like, whatever that even means, I'm like, that's not the problem. Like the,
Starting point is 01:06:35 the problem is going to be that you're going to be drinking that with like a, a full sugar Pepsi. And then you're gonna follow it up with dessert. I'm like, but the thing is like, ah, the starchy, like,
Starting point is 01:06:44 ah, I can't do this diet my wife doesn't want me to have all that salt and cholesterol from the steak exactly yeah and you're like but they're like drinking and they're eating like chips you're like uh so it's not bad for you it's it's really frustrating when you know you are talking to somebody and you know all like all these like super beneficial things about like protein and you know all these super beneficial things about protein and going low-carbon, whatever it is, that diet that you've seen people have success with, and we're attached to the positives, right? We see someone like Russell talk about how he can tackle hunger by loading up on protein.
Starting point is 01:07:18 So we stick to those things, but then everybody else is like, oh, protein, I heard it's bad if you get too much of it. Your kidneys. There it is. I can remember what it was exactly because i don't attach myself to it but they'll attach themselves to that as an excuse to not even fucking try it's tough though because like you know my mom always used to watch dr oz and a lot of the stuff that dr oz was saying and you know the show the doctors and um some of these. Like it's the stuff you consume. Because I mean, to be honest, there's an aspect where it's beneficial that he's saying, well,
Starting point is 01:07:50 I mean, I heard that starch is this. Then you had to educate him. Then that's on you. That's your job. That's our job. Right. When I hear my mom be like, oh, the salt and the cholesterol. All right, mom, that's one meal with a bit of salt.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Number one, you choose to fast. You choose all this. The salt's not going to kill you. All right, mom, that's one meal with a bit of salt. Number one, you choose to fast. You choose all this. The salt's not going to kill you. You need that salt, actually. You're not getting as much. So it's literally an education thing. Yeah, yeah. It's just funny.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Again, this isn't my uncle, but you could have that conversation with somebody. It's like, oh, yeah, it's the starch or whatever as they crack open a beer. Yeah. It's like, well, hold on, man. That's a problem. Yeah, you know? It's like, well man like yeah you know it's it's like
Starting point is 01:08:26 well you're kind of fucked up regardless if you're gonna keep doing that yeah on a regular basis often sorry yeah you know uh i remember years ago like talking to people about like fish oil and different things and then they would hear it on oprah or dr oz and then everyone all like in my family would be like I got fish oil and you're like I told you about this like five years ago but they had to hear it from a particular person you know so I think that sometimes when these things pop up rather than being like frustrated I do think it's an education like opportunity and something that has been fairly helpful for me to say is to really ask somebody if they really want to
Starting point is 01:09:06 make change. Cause they'll ask a question and then I need to kind of see why they're asking the question like, Hey, isn't that bad for your cholesterol? My followup question would be, Hey, what do you think you want to do with this? And from, I have some information that you might, that you might like that's, that's going to change maybe some of the ways that you think about cholesterol, but are you looking to improve, you know? And a lot, sometimes they'll just be like, sometimes they'll just be- Take it easy, Mark. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sometimes they'll kind of, you can tell by their body language that
Starting point is 01:09:39 they don't really want to know anymore at that point and that's fine. But most people, a lot of times when you start to think that way and you're kind of asking somebody I mean I've told people flat out well okay that's fine you want to stay the same that's cool like you're not going to come to my gym it's fine I know you're not gonna I did that one of my wife's friends I was like kept talking about his shoulder hurting and I was like I gave you three things to do. I told you my gym's free. I don't know what you want me to do from here. I just told him flat out,
Starting point is 01:10:12 I'm like, you're not going to come to the gym. You're just not, and he never did. You know what's interesting? You pulled that off of the shelf behind you? That was interesting. That was interesting. Piedmontese beef sticks are what's interesting. Wow, there's so much protein. G-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com.
Starting point is 01:10:30 The amount of protein in this is crazy. I can't believe it. I feel full. 20 grams of protein per stick. This is unbelievable. I'm getting shredded. Amazingly digestible. Easy for you.
Starting point is 01:10:44 The sodium's giving me a pump andrew tell them how they can save on piedmontese beef sticks at if you're not sure how to spell that's okay it's called uh it's and if you're not interested in looking at ensima go to that website that wasn't even the intention here insimo is eating a beef stick that you can get at but they have amazing steaks and what you guys will notice is actually have like a little bit less fat than your traditional store-bought steaks but they still taste they taste better than store-bought steaks uh so anyways at checkout use promo code power to save 25 off your entire order and if your order is
Starting point is 01:11:24 150 or more you get free two-day shipping. Links to them down in the description as well as podcast donuts. I swear we weren't planning on doing this, but fuck yeah. We truly were. And today's flagship sponsor, the penis pump. Right there. Joel Kaplan's male enhancement pumps. Want a bigger dick? Pump up but in sema you
Starting point is 01:11:48 don't have a problem with that you think i don't until i started using joel caplan's penis oh that's why you don't have a problem it's because of the penis pump i used to not be able to pleasure my women until i got joel ca's penis pump. I've never. Wow. Keep that behind the table. They look at me and they think he has a big dick. Little do they know. I did not.
Starting point is 01:12:13 You had to work on it. Had to work on it. I'm no Frank Thomas, if you know what I'm saying. What is happening? I don't know. We're just doing these natural commercials so natural just organic stuff i love it no dog but what i was going to mention was oprah link to the penis pump though for reals is like one of the first links in the description below we know you don't need it we know that you
Starting point is 01:12:36 don't need it but it's there if you would like it don't do that. Okay. All right. But what I was thinking about when we were talking about this was even Oprah, you know, people within fitness have referenced her yo-yo dieting. She's wealthy. But even she has struggled with trying to figure this out. She's got money. She's got access to Dr. Oz and some of the best people. Education. Yeah, tons of it. some of the best people but education yeah everyone even i just like you would anticipate that somebody like her knows and she does but it kind of shows how much control food and habits
Starting point is 01:13:11 can have over a person sorry let me just yeah and like she has her own like company right that like does like she's like weight watchers and stuff yeah like food prep or some shit like that i think right yeah so that's wild it just kind of does show like how strong you know i'm not going to talk about her situation but somebody who does use food to soothe how strong that drive can be and how it can be somewhat off-putting to try to say everything's equal all this food is equal well if it is and you just continue to self-soothe or go to that type of food, that's just continuously making you not as healthy. It's just you can't talk about it like that. It's not that's not facts for somebody who's actually dealing with a problem. Yeah, I think parents and adults and people in position to be able to help our youth with decisions on food.
Starting point is 01:14:05 You got to be cautious with it. You got to be able to help our youth with decisions on food, you got to be cautious with it. You got to be careful with it. You got to proceed with a lot of caution because they could end up addicted to food. I feel very fortunate, at least at this point in my kids' lives. I don't know if something would change or sometimes traumatic events happen and people end up relying on food or drugs in other situations,
Starting point is 01:14:28 but I'm really lucky that neither one of my kids seem to be addicted to food. They eat pretty normal. They'll eat some fast food here and there. They'll eat some candy. They'll eat some ice cream. But most of the meals that we have are like protein forward the protein's a priority there's not any like real great like this you know this is our fucking food that we eat like it's not anything crazy um quinn came home from uh volleyball practice yesterday
Starting point is 01:15:01 and i made a big thing of meat and rice. And I kind of, when I do that, a lot of times make extra. My nephews were over as well. I gave them a couple scoops of it. Quinn came home. She's like looking in the fridge, like she was probably going to make like a worse choice. And I'm like, Hey, I cooked up all this meat with some rice. She's like, Oh, I love that. Boom, she grabbed a bunch of that. So just trying to have healthier options around. Quinn eats a lot of fruit. Jake likes a lot of fruit as well.
Starting point is 01:15:33 They both like sushi, which is usually just like, you know, some fish roll with like, so there's some protein in there. Yes, there's rice in there. And yes, they like the rolls that have the sauces and things like that. But it's just neither one of them is on like a diet. They're not like sucking down protein shakes all day and doing skin calibrations and fasting all day or anything. There's nothing weird going on. This is just the way they eat, and it's normalized in our household.
Starting point is 01:16:00 And they both also are aware that you should move around every day. They probably eat until they're full too, huh? Yeah. Yeah, especially Jake. Jake does a great job with that. He'll eat and then he's just like – I'm like, are you done? How do you stop eating and not like just completely clear your plate?
Starting point is 01:16:19 Yeah. His reservoirs of all the nutrition he requires are full, so he's good. Yeah. I'm like, what the fuck? I can't. I don't know how to do that. Dude, you have one eighth left of your hamburger. Like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:16:31 Just take another bite. I'm good. I'm done. Shit. Yeah, exactly. Too much. Yeah. Now, I'm having a hard time with making sure Jasmine just eats enough right now because
Starting point is 01:16:40 of the school schedule and stuff. And I've told her, I'm like, just be a bad kid or be a bad student like eat in class and she's like we're not supposed to i'm like i don't care like just be a bad student then because like her days are long and shout out to her she got um what are school days out like now so this is great so i drop her off a little bit after eight and then she doesn't get home sometimes till six because yeah now she um she auditioned for her first play and she got a role yeah i know good job and then she also got the understudy of the co-star of the play no so as a for real what's a whatever 10th grader freshman sophomore sophomore sophomore is under the understudy of a senior role so i was just just like, you understand, like they're like, they see something in you and they're like getting you ready for like the next fucking big spot.
Starting point is 01:17:31 So I'm pretty excited for that. But with that, I'm just like, hey, like we got to make sure you got like more food. Like you got to keep going. And so like sometimes it's like I'm too much because she'll be like, oh, yeah, I packed lunch. I'm like, what'd you pack? And she's like, uh, I'm like, you didn't pack one. She't pack one she's like no i'm like well then why did you say that she's like because i don't want you to get mad at me for not having food i'm like i just you just need more fuel like so that way you don't get tired and bonk out at the end when you're like rehearsing
Starting point is 01:17:56 lines and shit so yeah you know what's funny sneakers and blueberries i'm curious yeah that'd be good what what was eating in school for you guys this is funny my mom used to give me five or seven dollars for food at school sometimes I'd be able to bring some food from home but I had this homie of mine Anthony Vong and Anthony's dad would always
Starting point is 01:18:18 make him some really good Vietnamese food it's like just sticky rice with sausage and all this and it'd be big portions and i just like anthony hey brooke can i buy that from you so like his dad he like they i never told my mom this but he's just making money for me because i bought my lunch from his dad and it was just like this fucking chinese food it was great that's awesome that sounds really good but that was a lot of what i was eating in high school but what did school look like or food look like for you guys?
Starting point is 01:18:47 Not good. Yeah. I think I just had regular school lunch. My mom would make me stuff when I was young. Sloppy Joe's and tater tots? Like a sandwich or some shit. Sloppy Joe's. Sloppy Joe's was good.
Starting point is 01:18:59 I don't know if you remember Sloppy Joe's high school. Yeah. Yeah. They taste good. Yeah. Yeah. I think I just did typical like school lunch as i got older i got weird you know when i got to be like 17 or so once i started learning about like
Starting point is 01:19:12 bodybuilding and like protein type shit i would like go to our local deli and get like sliced turkey and cheese and like roll it up and like eat weird stuff like that just because i didn't know what else to do protein wise because I couldn't like protein shakes yeah I couldn't figure it out yeah I would do protein shake here and there but even back then it's like like just there weren't like a huge influx of like shaker cups and stuff like that so like if you did try to shake something up back then you were in a lot of trouble you needed you needed a blender for all the different uh types of protein back then because it would just mix up like way too thick. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Another question. Do you remember the first time you tried to get shredded? I'm just wondering, what did you do? What did you try to employ the first time you ever tried to get shredded? I think it was like 19 or so. And see, I was pretty fortunate. I had like good people around me real pretty young and i messed around with a lot of power to think stuff when i was young and then when i turned like 18 19 i was like i'm a little fatter than i want to be i want to try to like lean out a bit my brother trained with a guy who now lives here in California. He's the guy that I always tell you guys about. He's one of our original mentors. His name is Ron Fedko,
Starting point is 01:20:30 and he won an Academy Award. He was a professor at Stanford for mathematics and applied science. He's like crazy smart. And he used to train O'Hearn too he's just like insanely strong and really smart and when I tried to like lean out I didn't know what I was doing so I just like I cut out all the fat and I was eating like cereal and like protein and like but not knowing what I was doing and he was like
Starting point is 01:20:59 no he's like you need to kind of like you need to eat meat like you need fat otherwise your body's going to shut down. It's not going to be good. He's like, you're right on with the protein, so you need the protein. He was basically like fruit and meat is what he was a proponent of even back then. And some rice. And I did that along with doing some sprints here and there.
Starting point is 01:21:20 And I was already pretty big, so I got in shape pretty easily. Yeah. I was just thinking it's funny. Thinking back to the first things you ever tried to get shredded, the first time I tried that shit, I was like 16 or 17. I remember it was junior year. And I remember reading on like counting calories and shit. I was like, let me just eat 1,000 calories a day.
Starting point is 01:21:43 So I was drinking protein shakes and eating rice that's it protein shakes and rice managed that for like nine days and i dropped weight but i remember going to school one day and one of the homies was like dog you good you look kind of tired bro i'm like yeah i almost fainted dog and i was like wait okay yeah this this diet is this is actually this isn't this isn't the way you're supposed to diet. This is too hard. So. What if you just added peanut butter, though? Like a little bit of peanut butter.
Starting point is 01:22:14 You could eat the whole thing. But that's what I'm saying. That probably would help. I didn't have the education. Let's say 1,500 calories a day with the rest just being, so rice, peanut butter, and protein shakes. Could have worked. Yeah, could have worked. was just i was just it was pure carbs and protein that's so good rice and whey what i also did was uh one meal a day because there was uh
Starting point is 01:22:35 the guy put out a fucking book about it uh warrior diet oh yeah like a long ass time ago and i remember trying some of that and that was a big part of that yeah yeah yeah just yeah you just eat like as much as you want but like i was too fat to like figure it out i ate way too much shit yeah so this is this thing like we've all done stupid shit so don't yeah i was still messing around with the high-protein, low-fat diet just a year ago. Not that that's bad, but I'm just saying we've all explored. I did an inch on the arms in one day workout. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Oh, you got to talk about that a little bit, though. The volume you did. It's crazy. We'll talk about it on another show. Andrew, take us on out of here. All right. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode uh we got deep again so uh please drop us some comments down below let us know what you guys think about today's conversation
Starting point is 01:23:31 and hit that like button on the way out and please subscribe if you guys are not subscribed already we sincerely appreciate that uh follow the podcast at mb power project on instagram tiktok and twitter my instagram tiktok and twitter is at IamAndrewZ. And if you see Encima's over there around a penis pump box thingy. Excuse me. What? Join the Discord. The Discord's popping. So the link to that, though, is in the description.
Starting point is 01:23:56 The penis pump and Discord, but penis pump too. Encima ending on Instagram and YouTube. This is a fun episode. Encima ending on TikTok and Twitter. Mark? Why were you laughing and making so much noise when I came in today?
Starting point is 01:24:11 Wait, what? What was going on in the gym? Oh! I wasn't in there, so I don't know what happened. Nah, it was a skit. It was a skit that Owen and I were doing. It's probably already on the grams now,
Starting point is 01:24:21 but yeah, it was just a skit. You heard the screaming and shit? Yeah, it was a skit. Callie's like, what the hell's going on in there? Yeah, it was just a skit. You heard the screaming and shit? Yeah, it was a skit. Callie's like, what the hell's going on in there? Yeah, it sounded like somebody was dying. I'm like, I'm not sure. I don't know. I'm at Mark's Millie Bell.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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