Mark Bell's Power Project - Use the OTHER 23 Hours of Your Day to Improve Your Performance & Health || MBPP Ep. 772

Episode Date: July 21, 2022

We get so caught up in our workouts, or programs, our bro splits, all the nuanced subjects of lifting that we don't even think about the rest of the day. If we're in the gym for an hour, we have 23 ot...her hours to improve our sleep, nutrition, walking, sitting, resting, standing, the list goes on and on and it all leads back to improving our fitness and health AND our performance in the gym. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pat Broch, family, how's it going? Now, you know that we incessantly talk about sleep on this podcast, and sometimes it's a little bit too much, but the reason why we do it is because we know how important it is for your lifestyle, your health, everything. That's why I've partnered with Bond Charge. Now, they're a company that has all of these different products that helps you have a restful night's sleep.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Primarily, they have blue light blocking glasses, and they also have different glasses for daylight, but I want to talk about the blue light blockers initially because blue light isn't bad. You know, when you go outside and the sun is out, you get blue light. It's not evil, but at nighttime and modern lifestyle, it's something that we get from our screens. It's something that we get from our light bulbs and our TV. But the thing is, is your body still thinks it's daytime. So you don't start producing the melatonin you need to produce to be able to
Starting point is 00:00:39 go to sleep soundly. So when you put on blue light blockers, they will block the blue light from those screens. And we all noticed when we put on our blue light blockers a few hours before we go to sleep, we start to feel tired quicker because our body knows it's nighttime. So this is something that you guys really need to get your hands on and venture through their site because they have so many other tools that are beneficial for sleep, like the sleep masks and all these other things. But Andrew, how can they get it? Yeah, absolutely. So you guys got to head over to slash power project. That's B as in boy, O-N slash power project. And at checkout, enter promo code power project to save 20% off your entire order. And if you guys notice, I wear prescription glasses on a
Starting point is 00:01:20 daily basis. I also have prescription blue blocking glasses from Boncharch. That's something that you guys can do. So don't think that because you wear prescription glasses that you can't take advantage of this. Head over there right now and get yourself a pair of these blue blocking glasses and start getting better restful sleep. We're going to try some nut butter. Let me go get a paper towel. That's a great idea because this is really wet. Beautiful way to start the podcast. What is that? oh no don't don't what no i don't care about that people like that sorry for the people listening i'm so sorry that's just not a good day to
Starting point is 00:01:59 good way to start your morning just me slurping on the mic i'm so sorry that's so gross it's macadamia masterpiece from brad kerns oh trying brad kerns nut butter and he gave us some chocolate too so we're gonna try some of that too brad kern is a speed golfer that we had on the show and i can't wait to try it with uh mark with Mark Sisson making some books and stuff. And so he's somebody that lives in the area, and he pops around and comes over here every once in a while. And he got an assessment today from the Gota guys, which I think is pretty cool. That is cool. Everybody wants to move better. Andrew, would you like to cut your piece off?
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah, yeah, so we don't get it all gross. I licked my faders. Oh. I'm going to sample this nut butter on the air. Hold on. Oh, it looks like this has like fucking chocolate chips in it or something. Oh, my gosh. Nut butters are evil.
Starting point is 00:02:54 That's why I always give them to you guys. Mm-hmm. I'm like, oh. Oh, it has chocolate chips in it? I think so. I don't know. Dude, I love dark chocolate. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Let me, uh. Here, you want to? Sure. All right. Andrew, I love dark chocolate. Okay. Let me – here, you want to – sure. All right. Andrew, let me get you – I already know what Nsema is going to do. What is Nsema going to do? He's going to take a bite – he's going to take a square of the chocolate and he's going to take a mouthful. Oh, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:03:18 You already know. Mouthful of that nut butter. I'm going to first try some chocolate on its own. It's really good. You've had it before? I'm going to first try some chocolate on its own. It's really good. You've had it before? I'm having it right now. So, I'm much classier than you guys.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Just for the record. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean... Period. Now, what I wanted to say... You have charcuterie boards at home, of course. A charcuterie board. So, you can do whatever you want. But when you have really good chocolate, you're supposed to eat it by itself. If you want to dip it in something, you can.
Starting point is 00:03:54 But like the higher the quality of chocolate. So I know that's what you're – The chocolate fans want you to actually like enjoy the chocolate. But what do you, Mark Bell, what do you do? No, you want to be fat and dip it in. Of course. Fucking peanut butter, butter. You want to have no rules, right?
Starting point is 00:04:07 I'm not eating that shit out. So now I'm dipping the chocolate in as much shit as I can. I love crunchy chocolate. This is how fat I am. I went to a chocolate seminar. You went to a chocolate seminar? I went to a chocolate seminar in Hawaii. A chocolate seminar. Wait, what did they go over in this chocolate seminar? How. A chocolate seminar.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Wait, what did they go over in this chocolate seminar? How long was it? It was like an hour. Were you just eating chocolate the whole time? The entire time. Oh my god, my mouth's watering so profusely right now. Oh my god, let me take some of this. I'm going to take a whole thing
Starting point is 00:04:42 of this butter. Oh fuck, I'm going to take it to the face. I'm going to do this one more time, and then Andrew has to enjoy the... I can come up there. I got to go over there, because I can't keep it over here. Seaman just did a butt dance. I did, man. This is good.
Starting point is 00:04:57 He's in his back chain. This shit is good. You got a fresh spoon. Sorry, they were being fat at your expense. Yeah. You know, the frustrating thing is like people are like listening. For all I'm so sorry, because I know how frustrating it is to listen to somebody chew right in my ear. You know, when I was a fucking kid, one thing I just hated.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I love my grandma, bro. I love her so much. Oh, here comes a grandma, bro. I love her so much. Oh, here comes a butt, though. A butt cancels out everything you just said previously. No, I love her to death. And damn, she's getting close. That's insane, right? But man, when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I hope she's not listening to this. Oh, no. When she would chew when I was a kid. I hope she's not listening to this. Oh, no. When she would chew when I was a kid, she would always sometimes her mouth would open when she was chewing and I'd hear it. And then I just developed a sharp disdain
Starting point is 00:05:55 for hearing people eat. So whenever I'd be in public or if ever somebody would be like, I'd just be like I'm gonna break your neck stop man i hate that i hate it so much what do you hate huh it gives me such an incessant just oh i just want to choke somebody if their mouth opens when they eat that's not good you know how to choke people it's different if someone else says it it's like well it's not as threatening it's so fucking frustrating but i love i love grandma she's 100 and she's uh
Starting point is 00:06:29 yeah she's she's 100 years old 100 years old man yeah yeah but but like sadly you know i was like what does that have to do with being 100 she's getting to that she's getting to that point currently where like you know she's not eating as where she's not eating as much. She's not feeling as much as an appetite. She's continuing to say, I want to see God. I'm just like, she's legitimately like, I can't wait for the day I'm up to see the Lord. So we're all like, oh, it's coming. At 100 years old.
Starting point is 00:07:01 You lived a life. It's probably just 25 years around the corner. She might break the record. Who knows? That's pretty wild too if you think about it. I mean I don't know what the record is but it's like 120 or 180. I think it's like somewhere in 120 or 118. Yeah, come on.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Come on, grandma. You can hang in there. She could beat the record. Let's go. It's so funny because I think like that's that's a hell of a life. That's a lot of time. Yeah. But like, obviously, the people, her daughters want her here.
Starting point is 00:07:35 But I'm at the point where I'm just like, you know, I can see like where she wants to go now. Like, I get it. You know, and when she does, it's like i'm happy for her you know because if you feel like you've really just lived on this earth for so long and you're kind of like i'm done you know i'm over it right yeah that's such an interesting perspective and place to be though so she's she's like i think some there's somewhere i heard this off a tv show or something but some people call people like that super old people libraries because just all that they've seen 122 years old whoa still smoking let's go girl yeah well i mean
Starting point is 00:08:12 she died she died in 97 i think that's what the thing said yeah but yeah 122 and 164 days where is she from france i thought you going to say 122 and 0. Fucking undefeated. Undefeated. She didn't lose. France. And still smoking that cigarette. Man, look at her.
Starting point is 00:08:33 What a G. Just chiefing over there. I think most of the people that are fairly old are pretty small, right? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Is your grandma smallish? She's like 4'11". Like, quite literally. I think she she used to be taller but like now she's 4 11 you know so yeah 4 10 4 11 that's wild yeah small anyway we were uh talking a little bit about
Starting point is 00:08:57 you know the um some of the influences that we've had some of the people that we've had come in we've talked and talking about the shoes and talking about all these kind of rabbit holes um and and as you're talking about uh as you're talking about people chewing with their mouth open it's another interesting thing because it's frowned upon by society but it's how you're supposed to eat you're supposed to be yeah for us to really yeah for us to develop our jaw properly you need to use your chompers, man. You got to open your mouth. But you can do it with your lips closed. You can do it quietly.
Starting point is 00:09:35 You can, but it's just another area where you're kind of like, I mean, it's kind of like the no deodorant thing. I mean, how far down this rabbit hole we want to go, you know what I mean? I mean, if the difference between us being the perfect civilization is chewing with our mouth open and being what we have now i'm cool with what we have now because i just can't deal with it it's i can't i refuse to accept what you just i just i refuse to accept that that's even a possibility it's just the mechanics of your mouth you know what do you guys think i'm actually really curious what the what do you think do you think um that like yeah do you think you should be able to chew with your mouth open you do that shit in front of me i swear i'll punch the fuck out of you
Starting point is 00:10:13 i won't i won't actually funny is like it doesn't matter if my mouth is open or closed i make a lot of noise and i try to be like slick about it but it doesn't work how about how about kids when they like gulp water oh yeah they make so much noise i do that but it's like my son you know it's like i i know he's it might be this this might actually be the case but it's like he's like on the brink of full dehydration when he gets that bottle because he's just like like he just takes it to the face because he is like so loud with it but my daughter does the same thing too and i'm like hey like we got more water like that's not it like you can you can pace yourself a little bit yeah dog sometimes some cold water man and
Starting point is 00:10:56 make your fucking toes curl if you're thirsty absolutely and it's like hot so refreshing it really is yeah hey here's another thing i'm wondering if it bothers you guys as much as it bothers me when people eat when they get like shit around their lips dude i have sloppy eaters they're they're almost one in the same though like the ones that open their mouth and they get shit and they just leave it there they just leave it like oh man when i see someone everywhere yeah when they're eating they got some shit up here they got some shit down here and there's just like i'm just like even if you're eating with your mouth closed lick around your fucking lips please get that off you look like a sap it's just another example of like
Starting point is 00:11:39 dealing with how people are brought up yes you know no one ever told you like no one i mean you don't need to have perfect manners you don't need to know which fork to use and all that weird shit but man chew with your mouth closed like a couple simple things keep your face clean i have a homie whenever he eats his lips get so wet like his lips just get so fucking wet it's just everything's grease and crumbs i'm just like man if you keep doing that shit i'm gonna kill you or just do that in another room or i just gotta leave because i can't be in front and what's what's really funny is like those are the people that like you can offer a napkin and be like no i'm good i'm like what are you talking about like will you please you're not
Starting point is 00:12:20 please take this napkin and clean yourself up you child god dang like my daughter will like i mean she's not like messy but you know like here's a napkin she's like no i gotta just wipe her face with her wrist or something let's go that's legit that's legit it's all we got napkins oh but we have become we were talking about this earlier but we've all become somewhat psychotic about everything at this point you know it's not just what you eat or what you eat it's now apparently how you walk and stand
Starting point is 00:12:54 walk, stand, rest rest yeah yeah because we're resting more than we're doing anything and if we're doing that out of proper positioning or whatever it's like we're conditioning ourselves for more bad habits. It would be good to know how to sleep. There's a lot of sleep hygiene stuff and there's people that talk about it.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And you hear people kind of briefly. They're like, ah, you should sleep on your side or your back. They mention it kind of briefly, but you don't really hear people talk about it a lot. You don't really hear people talk about it a lot. I know when we had the go-to guys here the first time, they mentioned kind of fetal position and your feet. They still wanted your inside ankle bone to be high. Wait, really? In your sleep, they want your inside ankle bone high?
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah, because you're on your back. Because when you're on your side, your toes can kind of cross over each other. And both your heels can be out. One heel is like, one leg is pressed against the bed, and the other heel is high. You sleep water. Kind of sound like Gary. That's right. You're sleeping water.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I can't do it. Oh, man. Well, my wife got assessed today, and she was like, she thought it was a problem because when she sleeps on her back, her feet will go in. And so he's like, no, no, no, that's perfect. And she's like, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:14:06 She was concerned. Sleeping goes in. Oh, yeah, your feet go out a lot of times. Mine definitely do, yeah. I think so many people, yeah. The hips aren't usually, they usually don't want to turn inward when you're laying on your back. And then plus I think if you, you know, built yourself up with muscle, you probably built yourself up with a lot of muscle through squats and deadlifts and things like that. And I think they're going to kind of pitch you into that position.
Starting point is 00:14:47 to pick away at your fitness with hopefully better results and maybe less time in the gym, just like better overall efficiency. And then maybe you have better overall efficiency when you play a pickup game of basketball, or maybe you want to play softball or you want to get into a volleyball league or something. You know, Andrew and I, we went to the 49ers, like we ran around and bounced around and like i i wasn't in a lot of pain two years ago but like i was more dysfunctional and i was stiffer yeah and i wouldn't have like i wouldn't have jumped on it like i first got in there i'm like jumping on the gymnastics thing and i'm jumping on the trampoline and i went on the treadmill and like i just wouldn't have i i would probably have not even tried a lot
Starting point is 00:15:25 of that stuff throwing the football around a little bit i probably would have done that but we were both doing it and your back has been blown up forever yeah like i mean i didn't do the uh the trampoline because of the back you know but how hilarious would it have been mark bell and andrew just fucking jumping on a trampoline right at the 49ers facility but everything else you know um that steep ass hill i was like oh shit dude like i don't like i was like uh i was like i don't know it's pretty steep but then you know ryan went up and i'm like fuck it let's go and just sprinted right up the thing and then you know like hey ryan we got to go backwards now you know we kept we had so much fun we were playing dude ryan's sober he's an asshole he's so strong and he's so athletic
Starting point is 00:16:06 did you see him jump well have you seen him jump rope i haven't seen him i haven't seen their jumping rope and he's just like he's uh running up and down the the um the turf you know ryan did y'all remembered ryan did track though right he's i know he's a fucking beast track he played basketball he played football did triple jump he triple jump. I didn't know he did triple jump. That shit's impossible. Yeah. How does that? But Andrew, an interesting thing about what you mentioned is like, I think this is something that the Gota guys have talked about.
Starting point is 00:16:36 This is something that you hear talked about from Naughty, Aguilar, and Weck. It's like, there's a lot of behavior switching that happens because there's some people that look at the, you know, they look at that hill. Right. And immediately there's like, I'm just going to run up it. Like there's no there's no friction in your mind of can I run up this hill without it? But some people there's a there's a caution thing in the back of their head where they look at it and they're like, you got to analyze it a little bit and make sure that you're equipped, but your behavior is changing over time as you're doing all this, where your behavior is like now more forward. You're like, you see something, you're like, I can, I can do that. You see
Starting point is 00:17:14 something, I can do that. And it's just more and more and more into like, that's, that's, there's no friction or minimal, less and less and less friction over time. Yeah. The thing about like, I'll just use the use the hill um was i knew for sure going up would be no problem but i was like what's it gonna be like when i gotta go down because you know it's like i could jump or whatever but if like if i don't stick the landing like that's gonna be painful so i'm like how am i gonna make it down and then um dustin perry the strength coach for the niners was just like oh if you just want to go down slow, just hang on to the side. And I'm like, oh, well, no shit. And then I got up there and I realized that the turf was different.
Starting point is 00:17:50 It was way stickier than like the AstroTurf that they had on the rest of the field. And so then I was like, oh, this is actually cool. And then once, you know, just like little kids, once they kind of get comfortable, then they go a little bit too crazy. And that's kind of what we did. We just had so much fun. We just kept going up and down that damn thing yeah we did a bunch of times i actually got kind of sore from like the workout that we did there it was a good workout kind of like brief we didn't do a lot but like we did enough to get i guess have a stimulus
Starting point is 00:18:17 and if you think about like little kids like how they act and how they play i think um as as it's pointed out by uh ricky from goda he was saying it's everyone's like birthright to be able to go play and do shit the way that you want to do it without hardly any reservations i mean maybe it's a good idea to think oh you know if i'm going to do this cliff a cliff jump like how close are those rocks you know how far away is that? Like, am I capable of jumping out? Like those things I think make sense. Like, is this, is this safe for me? But how cool is it to be kind of uninhibited and just say, I'm just going to jump over this thing. I'm just going to do this. This is going to be a blast.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Become uninhibited. And then also over time, you know, we've realized how much certain things that we may be doing are inhibiting us. Like to get really, really good at – and I want to – when I say this, I want everyone to be assured that I honestly still want to be as jacked as I possibly can be. I'm not sacrificing that necessarily and like you are still, Mark, you're going towards this running stuff. You're going towards this movement stuff. But you still like to be jacked. So that's not something that goes away. But you do realize and I've realized how like, okay, to become really, really good at being able to do a heavy barbell squat, what inefficiencies build in terms of the way I move by being able to squat 600 pounds or being able to squat 500 pounds to get really good at that position? What have I potentially done in terms of and made actually worse to the way I move to do this? And then how does that affect the way I go
Starting point is 00:19:56 about everything else in life? The way I walk, the way I jump, the way I look at, you know, obstacles. Can I actually do those things? Or now because I've become so good at this skill, other things in my body have tightened up that now I don't feel comfortable doing things that are more that have to do with life. And then now for, for, I think for me and for us, it's like, how do we balance and how do we figure out how to get stronger, how to maintain and gain muscle while also becoming the best humans that we can be as in moving the best way? Because that that's like, you know, as we go and talk about all the reps you get in with each step you take is walking and all of that. You realize like that's the thing that as you age, it's going to make the big difference. That's the mover, right?
Starting point is 00:20:44 I mean, how many steps a day do you get in? You know, are you having, I think what happens to a lot of people is they have a day where they got in some good training. They might've got in a couple walks. They probably did pretty well on the diet and maybe they do that for a day or two, but then, then it's like the middle of the week, it hump day it's wednesday and uh they wake up a little bit later because they stayed up a little bit later they miss the workout they go to work they come home from work they're tired like fuck it's still in the middle of the week you know that kind of thing and it just it happens to everybody absolutely it's really easy to have that happen especially if you have a nine to five job luckily Luckily for us, we get to kind of play around with this shit all day. So it's easy for us to sit here and be like, oh, we got
Starting point is 00:21:29 our fitness in for today. Meanwhile, other people are like, fuck you guys. We get it. But we're also encouraging you to try to pick this stuff off throughout the day where you can. Maybe you have a lunch break that you can go on a walk. Maybe instead of eating lunch, which this might sound crazy, maybe you fast and then you just walk. And then when you go home, that's your time to eat. We talked about one meal a day. We've talked about intermittent fasting. There's a lot of ways you can play this game. And there's a lot of opportunities to kind of pick stuff off throughout the day. But it's not just the hour in the gym, because sometimes I think people keep
Starting point is 00:22:05 thinking like man they keep fucking tacking things on the fucking goddamn power projects ruining my life and uh like i posted the thing about the ultra shoes and some people were like fuck man now i gotta order these like i already got the uh yeah the vivos i got the vibrams now i gotta get these and there was a couple people on there. I was surprised. They were like, yeah, dude, I got all three because you've already been talking about them and they're sick and they're helping change my life. I'm not – we're not really trying to have you guys stack up so much stuff that you're just completely fucked. We want you to insert some of this stuff into your life so it's a stronger, more efficient, better quality life. And over time, it's just going to be integrated into your life. So it's a stronger, more efficient, better quality life. And over time, it's just
Starting point is 00:22:46 going to be integrated into your life. It's just going to be like part of your life. Like Andrew brought his son into the gym today, stuff like that, like where it's just, it's not uncommon for his son to be in the gym. It's just, it's incorporated into the family fitness, the way that you eat. It's not a shock to your son. Not like, oh, we're having, when he's five or seven, we're having steak for tonight. Oh, what else are we eating? Oh, it's pretty much just steak. And there's green beans. You know, like it's not uncommon.
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's not like we're not getting pizza. Like what's going on, right? Matt, can you put? Boudreaux. Boudreaux. Yeah. You normalize what you normalize. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:23 You know, whatever is normal is just, that's just normal. But when me and Insuma were talking about this, about like, like we're basically psychotic with everything now. Like we can't do anything half-assed and we can't do anything WOTA. You said that. I know. I love WOTA. I think it's funny though.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I just, it does. I just, it does. I mean, it's like when you say like, don't be fat. Like we understand what that means because it fits so well. And I just think WOTA fits really well. I just think about all those motherfuckers that have come up to me at the trade shows, you know, ask me about like bench and squat. And I'm just always thinking like, this guy's standing so poorly right now. How can I teach this guy how to deadlift or do anything when he doesn't
Starting point is 00:24:05 even know how to walk yeah i'm just like fuck man but so when we were talking because you know we just like everybody you know it's like fuck we gotta we gotta go grocery shopping running out of time well look there's habit burger let's go get some meat patties and like let's just chill and it's the first time we've gone inside habit in a very very long time but what i remembered was like andrew it's been a while yeah well dude inside Habit in a very, very long time. But what I remembered was. They're like, Andrew. It's been a while. Yeah. Dude, well, when I first started going there, they were just like, what do you mean you want meat patties?
Starting point is 00:24:31 And now they have a fucking button for it. So, like, I've helped push that along the way, at least at one location. But when I was there, I was, like, so excited to get a Diet Coke. Because, like, I don't buy Diet Coke. I usually, if I am going to buy Coke, it's Coke Zero. But, like, to have a fountain drink, like i don't buy diet coke i have i usually if i am gonna buy coke it's coke zero but like to have a fountain drink like oh this is nice and i was just thinking like yeah you know what diet coke i remember it fucking sucks like if you're drinking coke and then all of a sudden you have a diet coke you're like this is gross but here i am super fired up to to be
Starting point is 00:25:01 drinking this you know i'm like yes let's go you know no calories like i'm not gonna enjoy I'm going to enjoy this. And then I started thinking, it's like, well, if people think that's weird, we used to get fired up for the exact same thing because I have it. They have like the thing where it just says soda. So you get carbonated water, they get soda water. That used to be a huge celebration, you know? So like it, it gets multiple, multiple layers of this shit, but it's like, can you, uh, we'll you, we'll get a little crazy with it, but like I am not too far removed from the eight to five job, you know, like of Monday through Friday. One thing I do know for a fact is you start at the same time, you get a 15 minute break, two hours into your day. to your day can you take a can you walk straight for five minutes one direction and then as soon as that five minutes happens turns around for another five minutes and then you have five extra minutes for like bullshitting at your desk can you do that like i'm pretty sure you can when it
Starting point is 00:25:56 comes to the drinks can you try drinking a water can you try drinking a diet soda it's not that difficult and then again so like you have your lunch break can you go for another five minutes this way five minutes that way i think you can in another two hours you have another opportunity maybe you missed that last one no big deal but like can you do these things they're just small little tiny little fucking just little switch this way you're gonna make your day better We're not saying like spin the crank like this like crazy like when we're trying to get the podcast up and running. Just a little one click over every day. Every single choice that you make is just going to add points on the scoreboard.
Starting point is 00:26:35 You know, like little things like that. Like can you do that? I think you can. Right? A small shift in your direction. We're not trying to turn you all the way back around. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Just those small little things. And it's just like, you know, I hear you hear people like oh i could never drink diet it's like well i mean maybe you can find a zero calorie alternative it's pretty pretty easy that's fine that's an interesting one because they're like so many people like you'll say oh yeah have some diet soda and then there's gonna be some person at the other side of the room that's like that'll give you cancer you know what i mean what What about the gut, right? Micromile. Right? It's like with this shit, for some people, there's just no winning.
Starting point is 00:27:10 But it's like, okay, can you make a better decision when it comes to some of these things? Absolutely, you can. What I was thinking, though, is like we've all had different times of different focuses. And now we all have different focuses, right? Mark, you're trying to become a better runner. And to become a better runner, you have to become a better mover. So a lot of the things you do are going to fall in line. But there was a time when, you know, your goal was to be a super strong power lifter. like your goal is I'm focused on bodybuilding. Like I want to build as much muscle and that the physique is the goal. Then focus on that, like have your focus on that. Um, and the same thing, if you're, you know, you are a power lifter who's like, I want to be as strong with these lifts as possible. If that's your goal, that's your goal. Um, but maybe something you can start to insert into the way you think about all
Starting point is 00:28:03 these things is okay. If I have the goal of trying to SBD as much as I can, I'm going to do everything I can with that. But now can I add in some practices in terms of like maybe some mobility prior, right? Either some go-to mobility stuff or some mobility stuff you see from Kelly so that when I do these movements, they won't be doing as much potential damage in terms of the way I move outside of the gym. Because we know with all the spinal compression and all the compression that happens from squatting, not just on your spine, but then on your ankles, it'll actually affect the way that you take every single step during your day. The amount of individuals who do powerlifting and bodybuilding, who we see who are super duck footed. And then their steps every single day are,
Starting point is 00:28:49 they also patterned the way that they squat. You think about down the road, how would that lead to potential movement dysfunction? Maybe right now your movement isn't your main focus, but can you do certain things that are going to mitigate what those, what progressing those lifts is currently doing to you and then also as you become someone who moves better the lifts you're doing will actually be better like you'll be able to probably squat more in a more comfortable position you'll probably be
Starting point is 00:29:16 able to deadlift more in a better position because now you actually move better and more functional as a human being it's so interesting to like hear some of these things that are now being said and have the background that I have. You know, these are all things that have been uttered by Louie Simmons. These are all things I've heard him say. I mean, he's been talking about this stuff since like the 90s. Yeah. Straight feet.
Starting point is 00:29:42 He wanted people not only to squat with straight feet, but he wanted you to walk with straight feet he wanted people not only to squat with straight feet but he wanted you to walk with straight feet and when somebody walked with their feet pointed outward he's like that person's got weak hamstring smelly he had all these like you know anecdotes and all these information on everything and he was smart enough to understand that like he loved powerlifting but he also was smart enough to understand that like, you better figure out a way to mitigate this stuff. Cause this, these movements, they,
Starting point is 00:30:08 they kind of suck. They're not really the smartest movements. Like I've said before, bench press, I love it. I made a lot of money off it with my product, a slingshot. Like I love bench pressing.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I'll always love it. I've always been, I, when I was young, I was pretty good at it right away. And it's something I've had a lot of fun with. It's a movement that I really like and I enjoy. But if you just think about it from a fundamental standpoint, it doesn't really make a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Like you have both your arms pinned back behind the midline of your body with a large amount of weight. Like people can usually bench press, even if they're not super strong. They can usually barbell bench press, especially a man can barbell bench press a lot of times their body weight, sometimes even double their body weight. Now that's getting to be like, that's a lot of weight. And if you think about it in a natural, you know, in nature, like where is something like that going to occur? Like where are you ever going to do anything like that? We're made to punch, we're made to throw, we're made to defend. We're made to carry stuff. Like all that makes sense. But to lay down like that on your back with a fixed barbell and you have a fixed thing that your back is resting on and like it just doesn't make a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:31:20 The squat with the weight on your back doesn't really make a lot of sense. The deadlift doesn't really make a lot of sense in terms of like that bar, you know, being something that is hard for you to like figure out how to manage to get close enough to. A trap bar is a little nicer on you. But anyway, Louie, figuring out, let's mitigate the squat. Let's do a box squat. Let's mitigate a bench press by utilizing bands and chains because it lightens the load in the bottom of the lift where the lift is the most dangerous let's do board presses let's do pin presses again where the range of motion is shortened again much like what joel seedman is talking about when it comes to dead lifting they didn't pick at west side they didn't pick weights up off the ground very rarely in competition they did but in preparation for the competition, speed work was sometimes done off the floor, but
Starting point is 00:32:06 most of the other work was rack deadlifts and partial range of motion deadlifts and good mornings. And he produced like 20 some odd 800 plus pound deadlifters. So he figured it out a long time ago. And I think a lot of that is something that people can still apply today if they still want to do some of these movements try to figure out ways to either mitigate them or try to figure out a way to decompress from those movements if you're going to do those movements if you still want to squat and do a regular squat that's fine you still want to deadlift and you still want to
Starting point is 00:32:39 get after it with the heavy movements again Louie Simmons was talking about this a long ass time ago that's why he invented the reverse hyper that's's a decompression device. That's what it's for. Yeah. To decompress your spine from all the spinal loading that you're experiencing through deadlifting and squatting. And also like, let's not forget, we did talk about this on the recent podcast that we do with Gary and Ricky from Gota. There's a lot of decompression happening around the ankle. I mean, not decompression, there's a lot of compression happening in the ankle. And when you're doing something like a squat or when you get to the top of a deadlift, a lot of the movements in the gym when you're loading, load the ankle. So that ankle is super compressed and it can't move and have the mobility
Starting point is 00:33:19 that it should be able to move because it's so tight in there. So like with the warmup that they have people do, there is a lot of focus on ankle decompression. It's not something that we think about. But a lot of that ankle decompression can be super actually beneficial for a lifter who's trying to be able to squat more efficiently because now if you actually have a bit more room in your ankle, right, and you have more ability to move in that ankle. So your knee can come outwards more comfortably. You're able to get into a deeper squat with a potentially a closer
Starting point is 00:33:51 foot width and your feet don't have to be so pointed out to be able to reach that squat, right? And then when you think about all the steps you take, maybe now your steps aren't out here. Maybe now your feet can move straight because you have more room around that ankle complex. So it's I know it's a lot to think about and it's a lot to try to, you know, put your mind on. But first, think about the goals that you have and think about, I think, you know, athletically. Right. And with our fitness, we have the goals that we have in terms of the gym, whether we are in an athlete on a specific sport that has to do with lifting or whether we have body goals that we want to have. We have those goals. But I think another sect of goals to figure out is like outside of the gym, how do I want to be able to live?
Starting point is 00:34:34 Like how do I want my body to be able to function? Because I think that's a lot of the stuff that we've been really diving into. Like, okay, I want to be able to walk well so I don't have pain in these different areas. I want to be able to jump. I want to be able to walk well, so I don't have pain in these different areas. I want to be able to jump. I want to be able to hike. I want to be, I want my body to be able to do all these things outside the gym. Because for most people, the gym, you know, is bolstering their body to handle life well. But then if you're doing a lot of things that's compressing your body, you know, now when you take walks, certain things hurt. Your knees hurt.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Your back hurts. Your lower back hurts. Then that means that it might not be specifically doing its job, the job that you want it to do. And you might want to reassess certain things that you're doing to figure out is this helping me right now or is it hurting me? I like that a lot. I think if you apply that to your diet, which we've talked about before, if you're utilizing intermittent fasting, if you're utilizing something slightly different and just doing a caloric deficit. Yeah. And then you end up binging on the weekend and you over corrected for the calories that you were trying to kind of deplete yourself of. Well, then that's a good sign that your diet didn't work for that week. It doesn't mean that you can't figure it out.
Starting point is 00:35:53 It doesn't mean you can't make it work. But if you try it again and it doesn't work and you try it again and it doesn't work, then it means it's not working. And you need to find a different strategy. If your lifts are ending up like living in your body for too long, it's one thing to like not be able to walk up the stairs very well, not be able to get down the stairs very well. Cause you did have a, a leg day that had a lot of volume to it. Those are normal things for people that are trying to get bigger for people that are trying to get stronger that happens. But is that like sitting around all the time? Is that there all the time? And
Starting point is 00:36:26 if you're conditioned and you're trained well, then like, why is it happening so often? Like I don't think, and I don't, maybe you can chime in on this too. I don't think you should be that beat up and I don't think you have to be that beat up in order to grow and in order to get stronger. No, I don't think you do, but I think that's a, you know, OK. I love Mike Isertel. And Mike Isertel has very specific goals. So does some of the guys that he works with, like Jarek Feather. I think his name is Andy Huang.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Yeah, some of these dudes get really big. Right. They get really big, but they have very specific goals. And their specific goals is I'm going to be the biggest and the most jacked. And to do that, there has to be a level of intensity to my training. So when you see Mike train and you see these guys leave the gym, they're fucking like, man, these guys are throwing up. You know what I mean? But they have those very specific goals of I want to be the biggest, right? Now, if you're in bodybuilding and you're
Starting point is 00:37:23 a competing bodybuilder, maybe that's your goal. Maybe I still don't think that. Let me put it this way. That training intensity. You can do that, but you can get to the same place if you give yourself more time. So some people are like, I want these results as fast as possible. So I need to train as intensely with all these sessions. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:46 So I can get from here to here very quickly. I think that if you had the more if you took a more long term approach, you could get to the same destination, but it would just take you a little bit longer if you just lower that training intensity. So you'd be getting to the same spot, but your training sessions wouldn't kill you so hard. So you'd be getting to the same spot, but your training sessions wouldn't kill you so hard. But then that's the problem is that it's hard to be like, OK, instead of me saying I want to get to this goal in six months, I'm instead going to give myself this goal for a year. And when you double the amount of time it's going to take you, but then you're training and you're not training as intensely, you feel bad because you're like, I'm not doing enough work. I'm not, I don't look like what those guys are doing in every single training session, but it doesn't, it really doesn't need to be that way. If you're willing to give yourself more time. I think that if you also shift your mindset to giving yourself more time, you'll be able to kind of shift your focus to, okay, I want,
Starting point is 00:38:42 I don't want to really be in pain. I want my body to feel good. I'm still going to be gaining muscle, but you're also going to decrease your risk of potentially getting injured because again, the sessions aren't killing you every single time. But it's hard to rectify that when you see a lot of hardcore guys making videos and you see them leaving the gym and they're just fucking they're you know they're like i put it in today right and i think you know if you are somebody that wants to feel good look good be strong and it's not your goal to be as jacked and as strong as possible i think all the more reason why you don't need to necessarily limp around now you might limp around here and there because you might try something new.
Starting point is 00:39:25 You might try something different. You might make a mistake here and there. You might just like, oh, man, I didn't realize I was, I didn't realize I should have lifted a little bit less weight. I should have done a little bit less sets or reps because something was new. You got excited about something. Those things are still totally normal.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And those things still happen to all three of us. We still get fucked over every once in a while because we're pumped up or excited about something but the way that i've been feeling right now and the reason why i'm so excited the reason i keep talking about it and people are probably like man i wish he would just talk about lifting heavy again um the reason why i'm so excited about it because i feel so good yeah i i feel really good um i have a little bit of pain in a couple areas but they but the pain's been sitting in those areas for a really long time. A little bit of tendonitis in the right knee or some sort of knee pain in the right knee that's been there for a really long time. I rarely notice it anymore because it's rare that it gets flared up or it's rare that it bothers me.
Starting point is 00:40:21 It doesn't hurt when I run. It doesn't hurt when I get up off a couch or out of a chair or it's rare that it bothers me. It doesn't hurt when I run. It doesn't hurt when I get up off a couch or out of a chair or it doesn't really, if I, if I do something in the gym and I try to balance on that one side, that might be the only time where I'm like, oh yeah, that side is a little weaker than the other side. Yeah. A little bit of something in the left hip, rest of the body feels really good. I don't have lower back pain. I don't have knee issues. I run four or five miles almost every single day and it's feeling really good. So that's why I'm talking about this stuff so much is I want to share it with other people. And I
Starting point is 00:40:55 think that it has a ton of value because if we can get you to feel good, then we can get you to play good. If you feel good, good there's gonna be less inhibition behind you wanting to move if you're hurt if your ankle's messed up or something like that it might be hard for you to get into motion and then if it's hard for you to get into motion it might be hard for you to get excited about what it is that you're trying to do to lose weight it's going to be tougher mark this is kind of putting you on the spot a little bit. And obviously it's two completely different time periods, but, um, we'll just say, I don't want to say in comparison, but like the amount of, um, I'll just say how good you felt squatting over a thousand pounds, like that brought you some joy that brought you, that made you feel
Starting point is 00:41:43 a certain way. But then now fast forward to, I forgot how old you are now, but you're in your forties, uh, you're running, you are, you aren't limping around like some of your peers back from back then. Like,
Starting point is 00:41:56 again, I don't want to compare the two, but like how good does it feel to be able to do that in comparison to how good it felt to lift the weight? Because I just, I know a lot of people, I'm still one of those people that's like, yeah, but I'm not jacked like you guys. So I'm going to fight through some of this pain because I need to get there. And then maybe I'll assess once I'm there.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Never going to get there. But you know what I mean? Like, what do you mean you want me to move around like i i'm not even like i haven't even gotten step one down yet where i got the muscle like there's no way i'm gonna slow that down in order to you know work on this mobility you know being able to do the stuff that i did in that uh like that like like vertical of powerlifting was fun, was really cool. It was amazing. And it felt incredible, especially because that was my world.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Like that's what I was focused on. That's what I was honed in on. So the comparison is a little hard because my life has changed so drastically in so many different ways. My life has changed so drastically in so many different ways. And I wasn't – at 32 or whatever I was or 35, however old I was when I first squatted 1,000 pounds, I just wasn't as grateful for my body as I – like I didn't even – I don't even know if I even recognized that I had much genetic potential, which obviously you squat a fucking 1,000 pounds. There's a lot of genetics behind that. There's a lot of, a lot of things behind it, right? There's a lot of hard work. There's a lot of putting in a lot of time and effort. There's a lot of genetics. There's a lot of luck. I would say too, like, I'm not afraid to say just flat out. Sometimes there's like a little luck involved in some of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Um, and you can kind of view that whatever way you want as luck is, you know, when you're prepared for something, I don't know. But, you know, meeting Louis Simmons and having some of the opportunities that I've had over the years, they're definitely things that ended up being huge advantages. But the way that I feel running, it's like I can't even, like, put it into words. Like, I'm running, and I sometimes, like, put my hands over my head. And then I think about it later.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I'm like, there's probably somebody. Cause like when I run the Arboretum, there's like a big pond and there'll be people like kind of walking on the other side of the pond. Or sometimes there's somebody walking in front of me or behind me. I'm like, people are probably like,
Starting point is 00:44:16 this guy's having a fucking religious experience as he's like running. I mean, part of the reason why I'm moving my arms around is just because your arms get a little stiff and stagnant just from like the motion of running. And it's nice to move your arms around a little bit. But I do feel like I'm like victorious. Like I feel fucking amazing. So I have just like a different appreciation for life in general and for my body nowadays.
Starting point is 00:44:39 So running, even though I'm not doing anything spectacular when I'm running, that that alone just a workout for running feels better than me squatting a thousand pounds i think that's important because like i said you know there's people that are chasing the thousand squat or whatever you know who knows maybe those guys are locked in but the ones that you know they're just they're kind of the weekend warrior like no no this is my thing though but it's like man it could still be your thing and then you could also be here 20 years from now being like i'm glad i made that that uh i i you know went down that road of like following these power project guys and
Starting point is 00:45:15 getting you know my mobility straight and walk putting my foot straight when i walk and all these other you know random little things that we figure out you know there is a big difference between because i think about like for example I was focused on bodybuilding and competing in bodybuilding, right? There's a big difference when you're very focused on, and everyone that is on a fitness journey does want to get in better shape. So there is this innate focus on how my body looks over time. I'm trying to lose weight. I'm trying to lose body fat. I'm trying to gain muscle. So there's this focus on the, for the, the way your physique looks. And when you focus on that, it's, there's hard, it's hard to also be like, okay, not only am I now focusing
Starting point is 00:45:59 on the way my body looks, which in and of itself has so many drawbacks and causes so much potential insecurity and so much dysfunction as far as like potential eating disorders and all of that shit. But another thing to start to think about is, okay, not just how my body looks, but how my body moves and functions every single day. Like what my, what my body has the ability to do. And that's where I think that it's very beneficial to pick up some type of practice that isn't focused on the way you look. Because inherently, when you start training in the gym, most people do it to transform their body. So there's this focus on, I look like this. But if you have a practice outside of that, is focus on, I look like this. But if you have a practice outside of that, that's like maybe a boxing gym, right? Or a martial art like jujitsu, or you, I don't know, just something
Starting point is 00:46:53 that is more focused on what your body can do. Even CrossFit. I know so many people have shit to say about CrossFit. You leave the focus on the body. It's still going to be there. You're still going to want to look a different way. But then it's like, all right, this is what my body can do. Not just with the barbell, but with running. This is what my body can do with running. And this is how my body feels. like this but now you have an appreciation for wow i can move like that you know with jujitsu and all the variable movement as you practice it you become surprised that like the types of things that your body's able to do on one hand on one leg etc and as you build these abilities you do gain an appreciation for the ability my body has versus just what my body can look like and then you also realize that what i think personally is the ability that my body has is much more important than the way my body looks. I know some people are going to say
Starting point is 00:47:52 you're a fucking asshole because you already have the body you want. But when I think about the importance for me, the way they look is way less important than what I can do because what I can do is something that I feel every day. If I had dysfunction in terms of the way I was and I do have some dysfunction in the way I walk and my relaxing positions or whatever but when I had more dysfunction I would feel that more when I'd go and take a simple hike I'd get out of the hike and I'd be like fuck why are my knees sore right well why like why is my lower back hurt, right? That is dysfunction in the way my body moves. And even though my body looks great, it doesn't move as well as it potentially could. And for how long?
Starting point is 00:48:33 That's another thing. We saw some of the go-to guys talking about some of the receivers and some people making certain cuts on the field, doing certain things certain ways. And I don't know. Maybe you get to the end zone that way. Like maybe you beat somebody on a pass pattern and you catch the ball and you score. But for how long? And for, you know, with whatever it is that you're doing, you're powerlifting, you're crossfitting,
Starting point is 00:48:58 how long can you keep landing in the clean position with your knees nearly touching each other every time that you catch a clean? Can we just agree that that just does not look right? Like it doesn't – that doesn't look – can you work on it? Can you use lighter weight? Can you try to have your feet straighter? Or if you can't even figure that out if that's too difficult because i don't know maybe your body mechanics maybe you've been lifting that way for a long time
Starting point is 00:49:29 maybe you're a high level olympic lifter and you just are like fuck it man i'm just gonna lift it can you decompress can you work on it in the other 23 hours that you have in a day which you don't really have another 23 because you just got some time for sleep right but can you work on it in another fashion? Is there another way that you can work on it? You know, if you remember when we had Squat University on, I always forget the guy's actual name. Aaron Horshing. Aaron Horshing. When we had him on talking about working on what you could work on and fix what you can fix. I love that. Yeah. I love that because that allows you to go to jujitsu and for you to do your thing. That allows me to still do meathead like shit in the
Starting point is 00:50:10 gym. I'm going to work on what I can work on and I'm going to fix what I can fix. Now that I have new knowledge, I'm going to apply that and I'm going to fix what I can fix. But it still doesn't mean that I'm not going to work on what I can work on because I have a skill set developed in powerlifting. So it's a disservice to myself in some ways to not squat or to not deadlift or to not. Those are movements that I like. They're movements that I enjoy. So I still want to figure out ways of doing them in some way. Not to my detriment, though.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I'm not going to do them any longer. I mean, I still might fuck with them here and there to my detriment mistakenly in like experiment, right? But like today, I ended up doing a set with every kettlebell that we have. I just picked them up off the ground. And I was like, let me – I don't know. Let me just mess with kind of like squat deadlifting them. And then I'm like, let me put my – I'll get on my toes and i'll kind of push the hips back and i'll pick it up kind of with my uh inside ankle bone high and i'll put it back down and i'll
Starting point is 00:51:13 try to keep the inside ankle bone high so i did that and i did sets of three and i went up to the heaviest one that we have which is like the 206 or whatever yeah and i moved that shit around it felt good yeah you know so like So I'm still going to incorporate what I want to incorporate, but also I'm going to play around with it doesn't make any sense for me to do stuff and only listen to Gary. What does Gary
Starting point is 00:51:36 know about the fucking gym? Gary don't know fucking shit about the gym. Clip that! No, I'm looking around. Our boy Gary doesn't know shit about this shit. I love you, Gary. You know what I mean? People are going to be like, dude, there was like 10 seconds of just bleeping.
Starting point is 00:51:50 What happened? You know, Gary and Ricky, you know, put them both in that boat. Like, they know a lot about human movement. Yeah. And I respect the fuck out of that. And that's why I'm listening to them on this overall system type of thing. And I'm going to pay attention to that as much as I possibly can. But I was even telling your wife today when she was going through some of the drills with Ricky, I said, don't forget, you know, trust your own intuition. As I was telling you with your hip,
Starting point is 00:52:19 you're like, I'm not really feeling that too much. And like, Andrew, you know what to do. Like he's trying to get you to feel your hip or your glute. Just go for it. You might have to move a different way. And then you're like, oh yeah, okay. Now I feel it. A lot of us have been lifting for a long time. A lot of us have been in the gym for a long time. So don't wipe out your own intuition and what you already know. Just keep your belief system open so that you can challenge that a bit from time to time so you can get better. Hey, guys. I want to tell you about Merrick Health, the premium telehealth clinic owned by Derek from More Plates, More Dates.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Now, when some people think about Merrick Health, they think it's just another one of those testosterone companies or another one of those blood work companies. But Merrick Health is really cool because, yeah, you can get your blood work done. You can get hormone optimization, but you can also get nootropics. You can also get Viagra. You can get literally whatever you need from that clinic and they make it very, very easy for you. That's why we love Merrick. So Andrew, how can people learn about it? Yes, Merrick Health is not just a one trick pony, but if you did want to get your labs done, we highly recommend the Power Project panel. That's 28 different labs. That's also going to come with a client care coordinator that's going
Starting point is 00:53:24 to give you a lab analysis and they're going to work with you and help you optimize your body. Again, that's at slash PowerProject at checkout. Enter promo code PowerProject to save $101 off that entire panel. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. You know, this is the really interesting about what you're saying. First off, you mentioned the play aspect of things, right? So as, cause exactly what you're talking about is what I've been doing. I've been doing a lot of movements in the gym, but instead of doing them the standard way, like doing a kettlebell swing, both legs planted on the ground, gripping the ground and swinging, I lifted up. I went on my, I went on my toes. So my heels are off the ground. Staggered stance. I did a staggered stance swing.
Starting point is 00:54:03 And the funny thing is, as we talk about this stuff, people are going to be like, if you do that, they're going to be like, that's unsafe. You're going to get a lot of people injured talking about doing stuff that way. Because within lifting culture, everything has been done one way. You squat with your heels planted on the ground. Potentially you have Olympic lifting shoes. But your knees come out, heels planted on the ground. You do all these movements, plants it on the ground, potentially have Olympic lifting shoes, but your knees come out, heels planted on the ground. You do all these movements,
Starting point is 00:54:28 heels planted on the ground for safety. But you think about it, you're like, okay, that might not be good for the ankle. It's probably not good to compress the ankle. Now it affects the way you walk and move and all these other things. So can we change the way we lift to potentially respect the way we move and potentially even
Starting point is 00:54:46 enhance the way we move? So instead, like I mentioned, kettlebell swing, I do a staggered stance. I'm on my toes and I'm swinging that way. Instead of doing a normal deadlift and picking something off the ground, I might do a staggered stance, trap bar deadlift, right? Heels off the ground and lift that way. I know when it comes to the go to stuff, there's still those front chain dominant stuff or whatever, but I'm not going to stop fucking lifting, right? Heels off the ground and lift that way. I know when it comes to the go to stuff, there's still those front chain dominant stuff or whatever, but I'm not going to stop fucking lifting, right? But I can take those concepts of, yeah, you know what? I shouldn't have all this pressure in my heels. It's not good for my ankle complex. Let me now think about how to keep my ankles decompressed when I lift. And you have to play around. You also have to be kind of smart
Starting point is 00:55:26 with the loads you use. If you guys want to mess around with this, I suggest you do go and mess around at the gym, but respect the load. Don't go try to load something super heavy when first trying it out. Like the kettlebell swing thing I just mentioned, or Mark, you put a bar on your back and you squatted with your heels off the ground when I've done that too. And it feels pretty fucking good. Yeah. With 25s on each side. Yeah. With 25s on each side. You know, you could do that. Number one. Also, you could do that with a kettlebell, a staggered stance kettlebell. You could, you could have kettlebells here in a clean position and then you could squat down keeping your heels off the ground, but respect load. And I think that's one concept that all of us have been utilizing and
Starting point is 00:56:02 changing with the way we lift. We still lift. I still fucking love lifting every single day, but now it's not about the load that I have on the bar. I don't give a fuck about having super heavy load on the bar. What I mainly care about is movement quality and being able to go through a good range of motion while keeping good movement quality. able to go through a good range of motion while keeping good movement quality. But that's a hard thing when what you see with a lot of people is like how heavy they can load a specific bar, how much weight they can do with the movement. When that's the focus, you get yourself into really dangerous, murky territory with injury. But if you instead focus on movement quality and what you're doing, the way you're moving with the load, you should probably
Starting point is 00:56:46 be okay. And you mentioned Olympic lifting shoes. You know, what are Olympic lifting shoes? They're a mitigator for bad form and bad technique. What would be the best way to mitigate an Olympic lift other than not doing it? The best way to mitigate an olympic lift would be do it barefoot and allow yourself allow yourself to and people might be like oh your feet might not move around really well well it might be hard to move around on some of the surfaces but usually they have kind of like a wood surface so you might be careful because your legs might slip if you get sweaty or if the platform gets wet at all you might end up with a you know with with getting screwed over on something like that but you you want to be able to know, be able to move your feet and to be able to express
Starting point is 00:57:30 all the things that your feet can do. And your feet are a massive part of that Olympic lift. The, the Olympic lifting shoe is made and it's elevated in a way to help, uh, to help you get around inefficient ankle movement and inefficient ankle mobility. And it also helps bypass the hips being inefficient in relation to your hips, in relation to the mobility of your ankles as well. So you look at Olympic lifters, they get down in these beautiful positions to move the weight, but very rarely do they execute the lift where you could say, I mean, even your average lifter who doesn't know much about Olympic lifting
Starting point is 00:58:12 can watch an Olympic lift and say, that did not look very good. That didn't look right. That looks like an injury. And that's why we've seen so many people in the CrossFit community get hurt because they're trying Olympic lifting and they're trying gymnastics, which are both complex movements that challenge your range of motion. And when you start to do that with heavier weights, it can be very compromising. You're now in the bottom position. What did Ricky say on the podcast the other day? Work on that top position for a while. Let's see what that looks like for a while. When you go to squat
Starting point is 00:58:45 down, don't start out by getting yourself right to the bottom. Don't worry about what the bottom looks like. Worry about what the top looks like. Do a quarter squat. Do a half squat. Do you have that down? Is that looking pretty good? Your knees tracking properly? Does that look okay? If that looks okay, go ahead and sink it down to three quarters. Okay. Does that still look good? Are you still holding position? I mean, again, the average person listening to this, you don't need to be a coach. You don't need to be somebody who knows a lot about this. You can be honest with yourself and you can say, nah, you know what?
Starting point is 00:59:17 Record it. You'll see for yourself, like, I broke down a little bit there. My ankle bone did kind of shift in. And I hate being too much of a stickler for form. But when we're talking about starting to overload your body and you're starting to talk about lifting more and more weight, you got to be more and more cautious the higher up that you go. You do. And with the range of motion that you have. too that I've examined and thought about more recently was we teach people, we teach people,
Starting point is 00:59:51 hey, you know, when you're doing most of these movements, have kind of a soft knee, you know, like somebody who's going to like water ski, somebody who is going to come into the gym and someone's going to do some curls. Someone's going to do tricep pushdowns. Somebody's do any of these movements. We usually say, hey, let hey, let's mitigate some of the stress. You don't have to have your legs locked out all the way on these exercises, okay? So just bend the knees a little bit as you're doing your curls. Why don't we also just say, hey, let's get your feet straight. And then can we also, if you want to add a little bit of element of something a little different, can you get on your toes a little bit during your curls? just makes them more challenging i don't see anything wrong with it's
Starting point is 01:00:28 going to take away from your biceps because your calves are now activated a little bit people are going to be like it's going to limit how much i can put on my biceps though bro when i was doing some curls it could and you could you could plant your heels if you want but just have your feet straight and then also you might want to try to, you know, grab the outside edge with your feet so that that way your ankle bone is still in a good position. You put those chucks underneath you, right? And you can make sure that you're not touching those things. But when I was doing some curls the other day in the gym, I was like, well, let me be respective to, you know, just kind of moving back and forth from one way to the other. So I took the 35s and I was doing alternating dumbbell curls.
Starting point is 01:01:08 I think doing one leg at a time, one arm at a time, any of these types of things are all decent ideas when you're training because then it's going to just add, as you were doing with the kettlebells, it's going to add just another element to where your spine is moving, your body is going to be moving in some, in some athletic positions that maybe it doesn't always get an opportunity to move into. So along with, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:32 having like a soft knee and just proper alignment, when you go to do a movement, why not get up on the toes a little bit, have the feet straight. You know, another thing is, okay, so we're talking about all these things in the gym that we're doing and fucking with and the way we're messing around with the way we lift.
Starting point is 01:01:48 But one of the big things that we've been talking about is like every single step that we take during the day now that we're walking, we've adjusted. The way you stand and the way you move, you are more in tune with that because normal shoes will have this padded arch and all the support that will allow you to put weight in areas that you typically would feel very uncomfortable putting weight in if you wore barefoot or wearing barefoot shoes. So that's one of the advantages of having barefoot shoes or barefoot sandals because now there's more proprioception with what your foot is doing and the awareness of how you are now moving through space. Okay, we have that. Now, we're also paying attention to keeping our feet forward when we walk. And when we're walking, we're not just dumping all this weight into our heel and slamming down, number one, because with barefoot shoes or barefoot or barefoot sandals, you cannot dump as much weight into your heel that you used to when you were wearing normal shoes. These normal shoes all have all that padding. Normal shoes change the way you walk.
Starting point is 01:02:50 So now we're very aware of, wow, okay, I can't put as much weight into my heel when I take a step. Then we're also paying attention to now when we put our weight in our heel, we now need to put our weight into the outside of our foot and then drive off like the second toe in that area so that we're not collapsing our arch with every step we take. These things all work together, right? So and walking is one of the things that we talk about walks all the time, get eight to
Starting point is 01:03:16 10,000 steps. If every step you take, I think David Weck says, if every step you take is stronger, think about how that compounds over time. Let's say you're getting 8,000 steps a day, 56,000 steps a week. What's that going to be? Maybe what? 224,000 steps a month, right? Sure.
Starting point is 01:03:36 In a year, it's going to be 2.2 million good steps or actually 2.8 million good steps that you're taking during a fucking year. Holy shit. You know how that's going to change the way that you go through life as a human being with every step actually being correct? But now think about the opposite side of things. When we weren't so psychotic about this and maybe when we were just walking normally, all the weight that we were dumping into our arches every single step of the day, taking millions of steps a year doing that, how much dysfunction that then has on the knees, the hips, the feet, right?
Starting point is 01:04:09 This stuff isn't immediate, but this shit adds up over time. And then if you're at work, we always talk about not sitting, standing. If you have the ability to stand at work, while we're at the podcast desk, we have these weck wedges, right? I'm over here on the WEC wedges, fucking scoping my ankle as I stand here. I think people have
Starting point is 01:04:31 probably been seeing it. Soul steps. Soul steps from David WEC, right? I have my feet on them. They're kind of pointing a little bit in towards each other. And then I'm literally just scoping my ankle during every podcast interview, right? So now I'm getting that mobility work as I'm literally just scoping my ankle during every podcast interview. So now I'm getting that mobility work as I'm doing this. And when I work during the day, if I work standing, I'm scoping my ankle. But then if I sit, I'm fucking sitting in Seiza. I'm sitting cross-legged. I'm sitting on the ground so that I don't get all this dysfunction from seats.
Starting point is 01:05:02 So figure out what you can do. The stuff you do outside of the gym can propel you way farther than the gym can, because if you're only spending an hour in the gym, but as you said, Andrew, the other, whatever the other hours that you're awake, you know, if those are spent doing the right things, this shit can happen. It'll compound, it'll compound a lot. And it's addicting. It's so addicting, you know you know just as addicting as or as addicted as we are to the gym and you know making gains or whatever um you know you go for that 10 minute walk and you're just like oh shit i'm like yeah i'm in it right now you know like i'm making progress right now and then also like you know we you know like you were saying like um you know we get into the gym to like help our physique you know know, whether we lose weight, gain muscle or whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:45 And then when you see somebody that like, oh, shit, I think I'm bigger than that person. Like, or I got more muscle. Fuck yeah. Like you get fired up. Well, now when you're walking straight, you see everybody else that's duck footing or just like, shit, well, like I'm doing something a little bit better than them. And then I think about that with like, you want to just go up to the person and say, you're a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Walk away. You'll be like, like what what the fuck is that better than you you're fucking peasant that guy had his nose so high up what the fuck is that that's fucked up that's great when it comes to like diet the way we walk a lot of these good habits yeah you know like what you were saying like when we spent you know my entire life walking you know with my feet out and like causing back pain and all these things but it's like now that i'm reversing that it's sort of like you know my knees are aging the the opposite way than they're supposed to same thing with like the diet you know it's like we're gonna be able to maintain our like um i don't know just how healthy we feel like into our old like later ages or later years and then for like my son i keep telling my wife i'm just like hey like
Starting point is 01:06:52 we keep feeding him this way which is like right now basically like carnivore i'm like if we just make sure that he stays on this path like he's going to be in the top one percent like oh do you understand like how like incredible that's going to be and how impossible it is these days because it's so easy to feed kids yummy food because it's everywhere. But I'm like, it's like these small little, I mean, that's not a small little habit, but like the
Starting point is 01:07:15 walking, you know, and of course the exercise too, but then like the diet too. It's like, man, we could be setting him up for like the absolute best life that he could ever have. When he's eight years old, he can make a decision, you know, and he can say, you know, dad, I want to play baseball. And then when he goes and plays baseball, he'll be the kid on the team that has muscle.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Right. Everybody remembers the kid. Everybody remembers a couple of kids when you were in school. Yeah. Jason Hudak. I could think of his name. And his fucking brother too was shredded his brother had a sick
Starting point is 01:07:46 mullet too by the way ooh sick but yeah they looked like they were on PEDs those little fuckers I mean they were smaller guys smaller frame guys
Starting point is 01:07:53 but they were lean as shit and I remember like being kind of the bigger kid being the husky kid those were my nemesis like when it came to like arm wrestling and shit like that
Starting point is 01:08:03 like at lunch time I mean I remember still being able to beat them just because I outweighed them by 700 pounds. But when it came to, like, running, it came to push-ups, I mean, those guys could, they could fucking move. They were the fastest kids on the playground. And it was just, like, I think for them, I don't think they're on a specific diet or anything. But I think that the parents had good habits. I think the parents did have good habits because they were all very athletic. They were all in really good shape.
Starting point is 01:08:32 And it's like why not give your – we're trying to give our kids the best opportunity possible. And so it's super annoying to all of a sudden try to change everything on a kid that's 13. Like that's a little – that change everything on a kid that's 13. That gets to be a lot harder. Hey, stand up straight. Fix your shoulders. That gets to be weird. But when they're really young, they say, hey, this is the way that when we're walking, we're going on a walk. It's important that you keep your feet straight.
Starting point is 01:09:01 You're going to find like if down the road, hey, you can point out Uncle So-and-So. He was a good football player. You know, he moved really well. Like, part of the reason why he was a good football player, he trained really hard, and he moved really well. And if you want to move like him, or if you want to move like your favorite, you point out the favorite baseball player,
Starting point is 01:09:19 you want to move like that guy, you want to be able to throw the football like Jimmy G from the 49ers, like, that guy pays attention to a lot of throw the football like jimmy g from the 49ers like that guy pays attention to a lot of these other things pays attention to his diet let's get you walking with your feet straight let's get you doing some of these things whatever way you got to encourage them when they're young and then they'll have those habits ingrained in them yeah dude yeah yeah and then for like you know like for my daughter you know she is she's just turned 14
Starting point is 01:09:42 you know and so like we are trying to like like all the shit's clicking you know so it's like damn how like you know you feel like like i missed out on so many opportunities like so much time has passed you know some of these different patterns have been locked in already but for for her right if i say keep your feet straight like you know get in your back chain like all these you know i'm just right it's just like but again normalize what you normalize um when it's you know there will be like sweets in the house or from time to time but she doesn't reach for them as often as you would think you know because they're there like she has candy from like uh halloween from like eight years ago like it's just it's just
Starting point is 01:10:20 always there and it's like kind of like it's gross so, so I leave it there because if she does have candy, it's going to have a bad response. But so what is she listening to? She's listening to the actions that we take every day. So that's the number one way that I can say I am helping to teach her how to do things. She's listening. You and Stephanie talk about having your feet straight at the dinner table. Exactly. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:10:43 Yeah, and she's seeing us sit on the floor when we do watch stranger things, you know, like it's just exactly. She's listening to us by just watching. And that's the thing though. It's like when we have Matt Boudreaux on and you know, his kids fucking correcting him. It's because he made,
Starting point is 01:11:00 you know, he made certain things and certain actions normal. It's like, this is the way we do things. And if I tell you to do this, you can correct me when you see me not doing it. It's like when we bring these people on, when they tell us about certain things, we're fucking doing it. So if you do have kids, right. And you're trying to do that, well, your kids will model you. Right. So there'll be like, well, I mean, you do do it. So,
Starting point is 01:11:25 you know, let me, let me take that. And I, you know, one thing I really do dig is that we fucking are actually changing things. You know, none of us here think we're some fucking, uh, some fucking ideal level of perfection. We all have these inefficiencies that we're currently working on. And that's why we're trying to talk about it because we're like, fuck, like if we, you know, I've been able why we're trying to talk about it because we're like, fuck, I've been able to get my feet to a certain point and actually change certain behaviors. I know if I can do this, then everybody can do this. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:11:55 And it's just going to be a constant progression. But you got to remember, it does not happen quickly. Be patient with yourself with this shit because you're going to have to be aware happen quickly. Be patient with yourself with this shit because it's, it, it, it, you know, it takes, you're going to have to be aware of how you're doing things through your day. As you fix it, don't get mad at yourself. Just adjust and move forward. I'm very rarely sedated, you know, as we talked about in this podcast before, and I've mentioned many times like doing two things at once. And some people think the quality
Starting point is 01:12:24 of like one thing goes down and you're doing something else. But like if I'm doing something kind of boring, like decompressing at the end of the day, it's kind of boring. You know, just sitting there watching TV. I love spending time with my wife. I love spending time around my kids. But when I go home from here, I'm not really doing a whole lot. And that's good. Like I shouldn't be doing a whole lot.
Starting point is 01:12:42 I did a whole lot during the day. I've been with you guys. I did a bunch of podcasts probably. I lifted. I was alone with my own thoughts through either a run or a walk. Like I practiced all those things. I may have already cold plunged for the day depending on the day. But like last night when I was watching some TV, I'm in like a recliner and I'm like rubbing my calves on like a baseball.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Yeah. You know what I mean? It's like I'm always doing something. I'm sitting there playing with my toes. I'm like that damn right pinky toe. I still can't get it to move the way I want. And it's in between, yeah, focusing on like a show that I'm watching with my wife. But it's not harming anything.
Starting point is 01:13:20 It's not. I'm not sitting there like texting or trying to plan the work day the next day or, or anything like that. If I have to do something like that, then I'll, I'll walk away and I'll, I'll email or whatever. If I have to do something, uh, I usually just get away from whatever the environment is that I'm in so that it's clear that I'm like, I've moved on to doing something else for a moment, pause the TV or something like that. But after I was messing around with the calf thing, I threw some Normatec boots on and puffed up my legs and did that shit too. I don't know if you guys have ever messed with that thing. What is that?
Starting point is 01:13:53 Those things are dope. What does it do? They're just like a – It's like a compression cuff, giant compression cuff, giant penis pump for your legs. Yeah, big sleeping bags that go around your legs legs but then they get pumped full of air but it's not just like what is compression but like then the compression will like go up and then go down it's like kind of gets blood jacking your leg off so it is jacking your leg off okay it's intense too like i i just i put that shit all the way up of course blows your feet up and then it goes it goes up your legs and it goes like to your knee and to your,
Starting point is 01:14:25 um, your quad. I have like, uh, I have ones for like the hips, which I haven't fucked with yet. Yeah. I don't know what the fuck that feels like.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Cause it already kind of, I had it out. I had a couple of times where it unfortunately caught, caught a nut in there. And it kind of like, that would hurt. Yeah. I had to like kind of pull it out and move it out of the way and stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:42 It was really weird, but, uh, super elastic. Yeah. It's like, It was really weird. It's super elastic. Yeah, it's like, oh, shit. It's hot out here. It's hot here in Sacramento, so it's going to hang down a little bit. Quick question, guys.
Starting point is 01:14:53 I have something else I want to mention after this, but I have a question for you because our boy Angelo is talking about it. How do you feel about boxers? I mean, I currently do wear boxers, by the way. But Angelo got me thinking because Angelo, when I do wear boxers, by the way, you know, but Angelo got me thinking because Angelo, when I was talking about like, oh, my boxers are so sweaty and I'm about to go podcast, I smell. He's like, do you ever have to like reach down to your shorts and maybe adjust your
Starting point is 01:15:15 boxers like that? I'm like, yeah, man, I do it all the time. And Angelo's like, I don't ever do that because I'm perpetually commando. And I'm like, why don't i do that yeah he said he only wears boxers when he benches because you get a hard-on when he benches i mean yeah like why do we wear boxers is my question how i think too too revealing if you if you're always commando i mean there's certain shorts that are like... Yeah, but... Sometimes you got to contain that monster.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Okay, so this is the thing. I thought about that, and I was just like, okay. I mean, I get it. And sometimes, like, some shorts or certain things have, like, a little bit of a chafe to them. I mean, if you're trying to toughen up your dick a little bit, then maybe I could see the, you know, your... All right, so let's get all the small dick jokes out of the way,
Starting point is 01:16:04 but let's think about this real quick like one of the reasons why i do wear boxers because i am scared of potentially getting aroused in public that's that's that's the true reason because like you get you see something you're like you're like i have a woman dragging the sled right i see one of you guys dragging the sled or whatever because like like boxer reese will like aim name you yeah aim you down so like there's some resistance there so it'll just be like there and you can like you can just you can still chill but if you're commando you're just like chubbed up so i can understand that but still going commando is so much more comfortable where i'm just like maybe i should consider this i just don't want to be caught in sexual
Starting point is 01:16:42 harassment for anything luckily we don't want to be caught in sexual harassment for anything. Luckily, we don't have anyone that would get you in trouble. No HR! Yeah, I mean, you can run into some issues here and there. I think, I don't know, like, for the most part, you'll probably be okay. It just depends on what you're wearing. Yeah, because I always find myself pulling them down. I'm like, Angelo, you have a point. Like, this is, I don't like it. I don't like having to pull my boxers down all the time. Maybe I just shouldn't wear them anymore i wear them less now but i still wear them like you know what i mean like if i don't know like because sometimes i so for sure i i don't i i'll wear
Starting point is 01:17:14 shorts to sleep but i'm not wearing boxers under that like fuck no and then sometimes like i'll wake up you wear shorts what do you wear shorts to sleep uh like oh like viore shorts are so comfortable like so i'll just i just take my boxers off and then i go viore like that's it okay um and then sometimes like i'll i don't know like like i gotta run somewhere in the morning like i'll just be like fuck it i'm not gonna grab boxers i'm just gonna take a shower and then go like and then that's just what will be that will be like that for the day i try to sleep naked but it's complicated i'm way too horny i can't do that okay can't keep your hands off yourself no it's just instantly i'm just like i'm gonna find stuff like i can't do it it has to be like tucked away like magnetically yes going
Starting point is 01:17:58 towards your yeah no it's like just i can't do it. Yeah. Okay. This is actually a curiosity. We were talking about the way you sleep at the beginning of the podcast, right? We were talking about that. If you go deep down there, Abahol, they got people that say, oh, mattresses are too comfortable and too soft. Sleep on the floor. Doesn't Liver King sleep on some hard surface? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Like some plywood and bricks and shit. So that's something. But I'm curious, how do y'all sleep? Because I sleep in the nude. My girl sleeps in the nude too. And I wouldn't want to sleep. Well, you guys take care of each other's issue that I run into all the time, right? Because if you're both naked, you have no kids.
Starting point is 01:18:33 You just. Yeah. But sometimes we do just sleep. It's not like every day. Weird. You know? Sometimes we do just sleep. But if I put on some boxers to bed now i feel too restricted
Starting point is 01:18:46 right so i'm just like this is actually we should put a poll up how many of you guys sleep naked versus sleeping with clothing on that's that's an interesting thing sleeping face down is a trick sometimes if you're naked you figure out like how to kind of get your and and so like for do you ever sleep face down yeah sometimes i do sometimes like i don't know if i have a like really hard time falling asleep i sometimes will uh go on to like my stomach and i'll be like to the side you know i'll be kind of like to the side you know one leg up kind of deal or whatever but yeah then i gotta like orient my junk the particular way yeah i can't because so i sleep with a pillow between my knees. And so my dick's just going to be all over this pillow.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Yeah. And it gets hot. I do have the eight-sleep mattress all the way cold. But as the temperature gets warmer in the morning, sometimes I'm just like, whew, sweaty down there. You know what's funny? When she left because she was gone for like a week. It's been a really rough week, guys. It was a rough week.
Starting point is 01:19:48 And Seema's been really like, tense. Had a lot of energy. But I was legit sleeping with a pillow. Like, when she left, I went in bed the first night. I was like, God damn, something's missing.
Starting point is 01:20:01 And then I grabbed a pillow and I cuddled with the pillow. I was like, oh. She's, no. I was going to say she's been replaced, but I'm not going to say that. You're grabbed a pillow and I cuddled with the pillow. I was like, oh. She's, no. I was going to say she's been replaced, but I'm not going to say that. You're like a dog, like lying in their clothes, you know? Oh, we got off track. There was something else.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Gone forever. No, it's not gone. You put her panties on your head and went to sleep. That's how you got it. Oh, yeah. I sniffed the fuck out of those panties and just went to town on myself. I love that smell. I knew it.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Don't you, though? Yeah. It's the best thing ever. It's amazing. What were we about to mention, though? This was actually quite important. Last thing I wrote down was never sedated, but that was 10 minutes ago. Never sedated.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Oh, yeah. Just doing multiple things at once, kind of yelling. Yeah. Who the fuck knows. I remember sedated. Oh yeah, just like doing multiple things at once, kind of yelling. Yeah, who the fuck knows? I guess it is gone forever. It wasn't good. But we were going to talk about Mind Bullet. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Because I sent you a clip. Oh yeah, let's see this shit. Joe Rogan and Tom Segura were talking about Mind Bullet today. Oh really? I don't know why it's so small. Oh, shit. Well, that's what she said. I know.
Starting point is 01:21:08 We got the audio. That's fine. I can't see. I like the Kratom. Have you taken that? I have taken Kratom. Have you taken it as a pre-workout? No.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Well, yes. Well, I've taken it as a bunch of different things. But, you know, Chris Bell? Yeah. Chris and Mark Bell? Yeah, we were talking about them the other day. So Chris Bell's the one who turned me on to it. That's who turned me on to it.
Starting point is 01:21:25 And so he tells me if you take a small amount, it's sort of like a mild stimulant, like a cup of coffee. Yeah. But if you take a larger amount, it has a different effect. So I go, well, how many do you take? And he goes, well, before I work out, I take 10. I go, 10? 10? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:21:41 You take 10? I go, so I take 10. So I took 10. And I't know that. You take 10? I go, so I take 10. So I took 10. And I was high as ****. I was high as ****. Wait, did you take 10 vials? 10 pills. Okay. Thank goodness. The vials,
Starting point is 01:21:56 the liquid form, is more potent. I take one of the I've been doing it for a couple weeks and I'm **** ready to go. Does it make you feel like you're ready to work out? Like you feel better? I do.
Starting point is 01:22:10 It's a weird drug. It's a weird drug, though, because if I'm being totally honest, I also feel more confident on it. Really? Nice. Yeah. Oh. I'm just like, I don't know. You feel more confident.
Starting point is 01:22:21 But that's good, right? I think it's good for going into a workout. It makes me laugh because you say that and somebody goes, you mean like cocaine? It's kind of like opiate, right? I mean, I've heard different commentary about it, but I just know that I really liked it for their stuff, MindBullet. I really liked it. Yeah. There we go.
Starting point is 01:22:41 There's a good MindBullet ad right there. Holy shit. Hey, man. permacode power project save you a shit ton of money hey actually they were talking about that off of Tom
Starting point is 01:22:53 talking with Rogan about the book that Tom Segura wrote Tom Segura wrote a New York Times number New York Times best-selling book
Starting point is 01:23:03 so he's a New York Times best-selling author and so he's talking about York Times best-selling author. And so he's talking about having deadlines for that. And he was talking about working. And Rogan brought up Adderall. And he's like, ah, you know, I haven't never messed with Adderall before. And they were both talking about how they both think that they would like Adderall too much. So they were like, we never messed with it.
Starting point is 01:23:20 And that's when Tom Segura brought up Kratom. He's like, you ever tried Kratom? So he really likes it for that kind of stuff. I don't know,ratom he's like ever tried kratom so he he really likes it for that kind of stuff i don't know get you in a flow state make you uh kind of feel better oh dude from somebody that came from like you know i've said many times searching for like the right uh nootropic to kind of get me in that flow state i mean spending hours editing photos and videos and stuff nothing worked as good as mind bullet like it's as far as like getting in that flow state quicker but then also like staying zoned in you know like there's nothing that comes
Starting point is 01:23:50 close to it and i've tried a bunch of different nootropics i even tried adderall before and i'm glad that by time i got to adderall it was already way overhyped because i was expecting you know the limitless pill right and when i tried it i was just like this is okay but like in comparison to mind bullet and i was like this is kind of bullshit and so like for me when i take i like the capsules the potion is a little bit strong for me so i just take like two three capsules and like i am i'm off to the races i will say this because like i've i did add a roll once because some so many are at some so they're like one try i'm like yeah i guess let's do it and i was always scared of doing adderall because i'm like i don't want to like this shit too much i felt a little bit of it it wasn't as strong honestly as
Starting point is 01:24:32 like the mind bullet potion mind bullet potions were pretty fucking strong um and you feel like you feel good i've always told people you feel conversational but whenever it comes to anything like this i always tell people to assess your habits habits down the line when you get into the habit of using it or anything. Because, you know, you can get some people can get into a point where it's like now it's like something that they need. Like the pre-workout. You can't work out without pre-workout. You can't have a conversation or go to a setting without, you know. Or you have anxiety if you don't have it.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Or you have anxiety. That's, if things get there. You're like worried, yeah. You have to assess. And that's the thing. I fucking love Mind Bullet Potions. I love it. But I'm one of those anal people who like always assesses how am I feeling.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I test myself to see okay i'm gonna do some podcasts without it am i still cool right oh okay i'm still cool do i if i go a few days without it do i feel like i'm craving kratom oh i'm not okay cool right you know you just don't want yourself to get there with honestly any substance that being said it's really fucking good like that that's the thing it's like it's it's really fucking good it's it's incredible i didn't use any today and there's a lot of days where i just don't like it just kind of depends it depends on the day depends on the vibe of the day um i still do this but it's not great to utilize anything to pick you up you know like you you want to be up anyway like you want to be
Starting point is 01:26:03 prepared like you want to like there are some days, there are some times where maybe you didn't get the best sleep or something happened and you had to be up earlier. So there are situations where first thing in the morning you're downing caffeine and it's because literally you're tired. But personally for myself, I found that if I have a good night of sleep and I have a cup of coffee, that, that turns me into a fucking superhero. And if I have like – if on that same day I had a good night's rest, I have my morning coffee, maybe I got a workout in,
Starting point is 01:26:34 and maybe later in the day I take some Kratom and I go for a run, same thing. Like I feel incredible that way. But if I'm dragging and I'm tired and I'm trying to rely on this or caffeine, it doesn't matter what I try to rely on at that point. It just makes me feel kind of worse almost rather than making me feel better. Yeah, I've heard you even say the times where you should have the caffeine is when you do get the good rest and you're actually feeling pretty good already. That's when you should really rev your engine up. But when you're already dragging, use that time to be like ah this is a sign that i need to go to sleep
Starting point is 01:27:05 so i'm actually going to cut the caffeine i know it's going to suck especially if you're in like a mundane job where you have to do a bunch of paperwork and shit it's going to fuck it's going to suck but you know maybe you can use that as like punishment for not getting to bed early or some shit or just like wait a little bit you know wait until you feel a little bit better like if you um an example would be like instead of right when you wake up having caffeine and Andrew Huberman and other people have talked about this. This is stuff like I just have been doing for a while just because I recognize that I didn't really need a cup of coffee right when I woke up. So instead of doing it right away, I go outside. I usually go in my backyard.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I walk around a little bit. I might cold plunge 20 minutes later or so. I'm not really big on routine just because even that can kind of make it antsy about what you're doing and not doing. Once you get off your routine, oh, no, the day is fucked. Yeah, I didn't cold plunge today. And then you're self-sabotaging because you're just like, I didn't get my kratom. I didn't get my mind bullet. I didn't get my cold plunge, and and I'm going to have a bad day.
Starting point is 01:28:05 And then you like, you, you will yourself to have a bad day. But stack, stack the big habits, stack those up, stack those motherfuckers up. And when those are stacked up and you feel good and then you have some caffeine,
Starting point is 01:28:18 that's when it gives you that zip. But if you're trying to do it when you're tired, now you're like wired and tired and that doesn't feel very good. That's the thing. That's what we always talk about. Have your sleep. Have like your activity. Have all these habits that honestly are free.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Have these things set because when you add things on top of it, it becomes better. When you add exercise on top of a good sleep routine, good habits as far as like what you're doing during your day, it's amplified. But if you're getting four hours of sleep and then you're trying to stick to your diet, right? Even your diet is sabotaged by your bad habits. But if your habits are in line and these things don't cost you no money, right? Adding some kratom into the mix and even your nutrition, all these things are going to be amplified. Because I agree with you, honestly. On nights that I've had bad sleep, if I come in and we're podcasting and i take some kratom or even if i drink coffee the wired and tired feeling fucking sucks because you just you're lagging man you're really trying to pull you're trying
Starting point is 01:29:15 to pull from something and there's nothing there you're like i got nothing there's nothing in there yeah yeah tank's fucking empty another thing i'll say about Mind Bullet is that— I remembered. Go ahead. No, no, go ahead. I was going to say another thing about Mind Bullet that I really like is the consistency of it. Like it has a similar result on me. It lands on me very similarly every time. It may not hit me as hard due to like food or other, you know, hydration or whatever.
Starting point is 01:29:43 But it has a lot of consistencies to it. Whereas like running on mushrooms is a lot, is a hell of a time. It's a lot of fun, but it's not nearly, it's not nearly as consistent. There's like kind of something else going on there. And then even trying to use like pre-workouts and stuff like that. I've had runs where I'm like, I just, I didn't even really feel the caffeine or I didn't really feel any of the energy from it. And with MindBullet, I feel like I get a consistent vibe from it every single time, no matter what I take it for. Dog, I agree. I think one, a good, a good healthy concept for anybody is to start to respect substances because like I took some, I lemon teched some mushrooms this morning off of what Chris Bell mentioned. Cause I was like,
Starting point is 01:30:23 let me try this shit. I'm a big guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. On a side note, the shrooms that I got from this one, dude, like this strain or whatever, fucking strong. Like I did – after I looked it up, I was like, oh, so this amount of this strain is like comparative to two and a half grams of this strain. I was like, wow. I know what you're talking about. I realized that afterwards and I was just in the gym doing my GODA assessment like, okay. I realize that afterwards and I was just in the gym doing my go to assessment like, OK, anyway.
Starting point is 01:30:59 But outside of that, though, like when it comes to substances, whether it be kratom, whether it be shrooms, whether it be weed, whether it be caffeine, like respect the substances and respect that the effect that it has on you. Try not to like if it's part of your ritual to use something before you work out. It is good to experiment with how you feel without as much of the substance. You know what I mean? So that you know that, OK, I'm not dependent because it's the same thing with weed. When people bring marijuana into what they do, it becomes their only way for them to fall asleep. It becomes the only way for them to wind down at night, the only way for them to go into social settings that they go smoke. And then it's like I'm not myself without it.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Right. So can you get the benefit or the benefit aspect of these substances? Can they work well with you? But can you still be great without them? That's how I think about it. And that's how I've integrated it all into my life because I'll smoke weed. I'll do mushrooms. I'll use kratom. And I just make sure to pay attention to my overall use, make sure that I haven't built a habit and make sure that I'm still a good version of myself when I'm not using it. Right. I don't
Starting point is 01:31:57 even fuck with alcohol anymore, though, because I just don't find it beneficial. I'll drink it every now and then. But it's not like it's not something it's not something that's part of any of my ritual anymore. Right. So it's just respect the substance, yo. Yeah. Trying to get better at caffeine. But one thing I forgot to mention, Mark, um, first off, thank you again for opening up the beach house to us. Um, we went down to Bodega and we weren't planning on staying there, but Mark, you know, sent me a voice memo. It was just like, Hey, you guys should stay there. I'm like, here we go. Let's do it. You're a, you're Jura coffee machine. I was so excited to play with again.
Starting point is 01:32:28 Is that like the $10,000 coffee machine? Oh, yeah. It is a – I think that one in particular is probably more like $5,000. Yeah. I looked it up. It was $5,000. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:42 But I want to know what kind of sick operation you got going there because i'm so excited like oh i finally got access to the coffee machine get an amex and you can build up points and get one for free there you go oh shit okay there was no coffee beans in the whole house oh no i was so sad that happens sometimes so i went to that little store like up the road and that place is fucking incredible they have the guy was just like yeah there's two two stores in the whole town so we have to have everything and i was like ah but then you have that one person that has that one random thing he's like we have it i'm like ah sick deakman's it's called and you can go in there and you can get a plunger you can get a wrench you can get
Starting point is 01:33:20 like bait to go fishing with you can get a pizza you get a pizza a sandwich like you name it you can get anything in there and there's a really nice view outside it's a very cool yeah it's fucking beautiful you talking about the bodega house or the store yeah the store in the store next to the bodega house and has a really nice view at least it did that morning i now remembered what i was going to mention oh earlier it was about the sauna and okay how we were doing all these things outside you were talking to a lady in the sauna oh that's what you were saying well actually i was and that's a topic for another did you tell her that you pooped in it uh no i didn't poop in it this time yeah i haven't but was it that same sauna no actually the sauna that i
Starting point is 01:34:00 pooped in your pants there's so many new listeners they think we're joking no they're um okay well let's retell this story um years ago at a sauna at a california family fitness i went into the sauna and when i was 20 minutes in i thought that all i needed to do was fart and it wasn't all i needed to do as i thought this was like at a jujitsu place or something yeah no no no the sauna it was that i that i shat this was like at a jujitsu place or something. Yeah, no, no, no, no. The sauna that I, that I shat myself in. It was at a family friendly location. California family fitness.
Starting point is 01:34:30 It was a dual gender sauna. So men and women were all in there. It was nice and packed and I was at the top level where all the heat was, but I just, you know, went to let out a little tiny poop cause there's nothing wrong with farting. But lo and behold, surprise,
Starting point is 01:34:44 it was shit. So a little bit came out and I was like, I just caught myself. I was like, well, I do have 20 more minutes in this sauna. I'm not going to get back out of this to wipe my ass. So I just sat there. It was very inconsiderate of me. It was a very asshole move. But slowly but surely, I just noticed people start to squirm.
Starting point is 01:35:04 They started looking around there's this guy at the left corner i remember him he looked up and i had my head down i looked at him be that giant bodybuilder i looked at him and i was just like you smell that like i kind of i kind of like start pointing at someone else and then he was just like and he was just like he almost barfed yeah and you know just so that no one would assume it was me. But yeah, that shit's disgusting. In a sauna with all the heat rising and the way the smell dissipates, it gets rancid. I thought it was going to be okay to do that amongst other people.
Starting point is 01:35:38 I didn't think it was going to be as bad as it was. I perfectly – I honestly thought that it would just like be like a fart where it would happen and then it would dissipate. But since – it was i perfectly i honestly thought that it would just like be like a fart where it would happen and then it would dissipate but since so i agree with you that the temperature can help but even on this podcast when the air even when the air conditioning's going it doesn't help i think he was totally dropping ass when we had the go to guys on the other day i'm like it's getting a little foggy in here like uh it's almost like when we had the fires out here two years ago you can see all the smoke in the gym. Yeah, I was fucking putting ass on back here.
Starting point is 01:36:09 I know he doesn't really love go to sometimes, but man, it's like shit on this podcast. I was like, damn, bro. Hey, man, I don't fart that much. Yeah, you know, I a little bit. It's not as bad as I remember texting you guys. I'm like some reason, like when I fast, I fart all the time and seem as like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:36:27 man, I just fart all the time anyway, no matter what's going on. Oh man. Just, yeah, just don't fucking fart in a sauna. It's not good.
Starting point is 01:36:34 But when I was in the sauna the other day, um, one thing that I've been doing, one thing I do often now, actually, when I'm in the saunas, I do a lot of self my fast release with this injury, the impact injury that happened recently with my AC joint and clavicle, Oscar was like Oscar, our boy from Oscar.
Starting point is 01:36:49 He's Oscar underscore active body work or whatever. Look him up. He's a great PT. But he's like, do some myofascial release in there. So I really spend time and I was doing this before, but I spend time like massaging different parts of my body when I'm in the sauna. And since your body heats up, you're really able to get into a lot of areas really, really well. I took in the, I don't know, I think it's called an accucane or what's it called? Oh yeah. Like Theracane type thing. Yeah. I take a Theracane in there. I know I look kind of weird, but I'll take a Theracane in there and I'll work on my traps while I'm in
Starting point is 01:37:17 the sauna. Those things are amazing. They are. They are. But when you're in there and your body's warm, you're able to really get into some spots and do your own release. And then I'll also like do the hand foot glove in there. So I'll literally glove each foot for like 10 minutes and like really squeeze my toes around my fingers. And if you have some spare time, like when you're chilling, when you're in front of TV, if you can spend some time doing these things, you know, the results that you're going to have in terms of like your foot development, your toe splay, you're trying to develop the stronger feet that we talked about will happen faster you know if you turn it into a habit because now it's working on your hand extensors as you're watching TV yeah that's where
Starting point is 01:37:55 that's where shit gets a little bit crazy for most people but I think that most people can sit down when they're relaxing in a handful of glove that's that's a very simple thing or if you have have one of those canes sitting on the couch or you're sitting down watching something, fucking scrape the fuck out of your trap. I do a ton of myofascial release at my house. I have a baseball and a softball, and I'll put it on the wall, and I'll get the front of my shoulders.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Sometimes I'll get the trap with a lacrosse ball, things like that. I'm doing that shit, I don't know, just regularly. It feels good. Like as we pointed out in the beginning of the podcast, it ends up becoming something that ends up being contagious. It ends up being something that you want to do because it literally is helping make you feel better all the time. Yeah, and if you don't want to bother with all of that, just sit on the floor.
Starting point is 01:38:42 That's another thing you can do. You can level up while watching tv see if you can go to juliette's directs uh instagram she did a video the other day where she just talked about them sitting on the floor watching tv this is simple practice i think most people have some room in their home where they can sit in front of their couch let me know if you see and they can get to the floor. Yeah, that might be it. Oh, yeah, there you go. Yeah, see if you can play the, I think there's some audio to it. I thought there was audio to it.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Maybe not. Or maybe she did a voiceover, maybe. Probably. It's kind of loud. Oh, and she's using the Stranger Things season finale, we also do some mobilizing. Human beings should be able to get up and down off the floor and sit comfortably on the floor. But this is a skill that many of us have lost because we spend all our time sitting in chairs or on couches and we don't ever actually practice it. So the way we practice it in our house is when we watch TV, we sit on the floor. In this case, watching the Stranger Things season finale, we also do some mobilizing.
Starting point is 01:39:45 case watching the stranger things season finale we also do some mobilizing dope it's funny because our dogs will like when we're sometimes sitting on the floor the dogs will go and they'll take the couch it's just kind of funny but yeah the dogs are like these guys aren't smart enough for the couch that that is interesting though because we do talk about like you know primal instinct and like we follow animals but i guess because they are like um what's it called um dude give animals no no what's the term when like they're like in the house all the time now they're um domesticated domesticated our dogs will always search out the softest anything to go sleep on like they're never like liver king i'm gonna go sleep on the hardest like no they're just like fuck you like where's not not the but just the bed, but bed and the pillow and the blankets.
Starting point is 01:40:28 You know what I mean? The most they can get. Give those tribes people some fucking shoes, and they're going to be wearing them. You know what I mean? Give them some air conditioning. They're going to fucking love it. Give them some comfort. Give them a fucking refrigerator full of food and a couch.
Starting point is 01:40:42 I see what you mean. They're going to be sprawling on that fucking thing. You know how long it's going to take to decode them from some of what they're used to yeah a week yeah a fucking week and they're gonna look in the fridge and go there ain't shit in there you know what i mean like come to my house oh my god come to my fucking house and hang with me for a little bit i'll fatten you right up you'll have inside all your good habits and everything yo that's a good fucking point though because it's like at this point, we're doing all these things to work off being super comfortable. We're doing all these things to work off having a lot of luxuries that, you know.
Starting point is 01:41:17 Cushion. Nice cushion. Nice cushion because there's all this reference to, you know, primal people and tribe people. And there's a lot of shit that they're doing. Right. But there is a bit of a fight against like, okay, we have to,
Starting point is 01:41:30 we want to go to that. But if they had this, they'd be like, what are you doing on the ground? You have this comfortable couch, lie down and relax. Take some of those motherfuckers to old country buffet. And they would be like,
Starting point is 01:41:40 what in the hell? They would think it's the greatest time ever. The fucking, uh, like you can have as much dessert as you want and shit like that yeah they're like wait they they they bring that to me as i sit down oh in this comfortable seat all you can eat pasta why would you guys ever leave right and but the thing is they're right most people don't leave. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Take us on out of here, Andrew. Ooh, Golden Corral, though. Oh, shit. That's what I mean. Golden Corral was so good. I haven't had that in so many years, but that shit's dangerous. That chocolate fountain thing just always going. Ooh, bruh.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Golden Corral. Yeah. All right, everybody. Thank you for checking out today's episode. Please slap the shit out of that like button. We would sincerely appreciate that. Drop us a comment down below on anything you guys heard today and subscribe if you guys are not subscribed already uh and also please follow the podcast at mb power project on instagram tiktok and twitter my instagram tiktok and twitter is at i am andrew
Starting point is 01:42:37 z and seymour where you at mark did you say this was brad's chocolate we did but we didn't explain too much well i don't know if he sells it, but I think it's just Brad loves chocolate. He loves dark chocolate, and that's one of his favorite ones. That's really good. I know that is his macadamia nut thingy, though. Okay, so that's just a recommendation. The interesting thing about this chocolate, I will say,
Starting point is 01:42:57 I'm not a chocolate connoisseur, but what I do know is Hershey's tastes like bullshit. It doesn't taste like bullshit. Hershey's milk chocolate. It's like, there's a, there's a tasty chocolate aspect to it. This is like, it's like chocolate chocolate, you know, it's like classy chocolate, you know, it's like Hershey's is soda.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Making my eyes water. It's so good. Hershey's is like fucking soda. And this is a good red wine. Anyway, it was a good chocolate pump street if you guys want to fucking try it. But check out the Discord. Community is going to be popping in there. Community is popping in there.
Starting point is 01:43:29 Hope this, guys, helps you out. And see me ending on Instagram and YouTube. And see me ending on TikTok and Twitter. Mark? Have you had the Dove dark chocolate? I have not, man. I should try it. It is smoother. What percentage, though?
Starting point is 01:43:40 Because, I mean, you've noticed some of these chocolates have percentages. Yeah, you want to go above 80, I think. Above 80? because, I mean, you've noticed some of these chocolates have percentages. Yeah, you want to go above 80, I think. Above 80? And just the reason is that the higher the percentage, in my opinion, the less likely you are to really like – you can overeat anything.
Starting point is 01:43:54 You can overeat anything. I got to say that very clearly. But the more like – I don't know. The more like tart it is or whatever the word is you want to describe chocolate, the less likely – I mean, if you buy like really high-level dark chocolate, one thing, it's expensive, so you're not going you want to describe chocolate um less likely i mean if you buy like really high level dark chocolate one thing it's expensive so you're not going to want to just down it out of nowhere yeah but you can you can overdo anything but you can sensibly eat a couple squares of it and be like i'm chill i'm good that's true with that like it's not a peanut butter cup yeah yeah i'll eat i eat it i taste it it's good but it's not like I can eat three, like three whole things.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Yeah. With Hershey's, though. I could eat that whole fucking thing right there. You could just pop that shit in your mouth and go. Cadbury dark chocolate. Never had it. You're too classy for me. I might.
Starting point is 01:44:34 No, that one's not too classy. You can get that like anywhere. But like that one. Dude, go to the shit. Go to the co-op. It's like. I don't even know where it's at. It's a fucking party.
Starting point is 01:44:43 There's a co-op in Sacramento. Oh, yeah. It's downtown Sac. There's one. I don't even know where it's at. It's a fucking party. There's a co-op in Sacramento. Oh, yeah. It's downtown Sac. There's one. I don't know where that is either. Okay. Sacramento co-op or Davis co-op. You go in there and there's so much fucking chocolate.
Starting point is 01:44:55 It's amazing. Are you guys going to the State Fair? When is that? Now. It's happening. I think tomorrow it starts. This is when everyone passes out because it's so hot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:04 Oh, yeah. That's the time of the year. Yeah. Funnel cake tradition. I always get a funnel cake when I go to the stage. Funnel cake. I was thinking about food. That shit is dense.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Anyway. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye. Bitch.

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