Mark Bell's Power Project - Using Your JUICES as Perfume and Loving Your IMPERFECT Partner || MBPP Ep. 786

Episode Date: August 17, 2022

In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza discover the interesting world of "Vabbing". They give their thoughts on lady scent as well as a viral post that got the crew wond...ering how much you should tell your partner. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ Stamps: #Vabbing #PowerProject #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, this episode is brought to you by Vivo Barefoot Shoes. Now, we've been wearing Vivos for over a year now, and we've been loving these shoes because unlike your normal lifting shoes, Converse, etc., they have a wide toe box, because we have some wide, fat feet. But for everybody, you need to be able to spread your feet within your shoes, and then you want them compacted. So they have a wide toe box, they're also thin, and they're also extremely flexible. Unlike most shoes that people wear, they don't move. You're putting your foot into a cast, which isn't good for the strength of your feet. And as athletes and lifters, our force is generated from the ground.
Starting point is 00:00:33 So we need shoes that we can express our strength through. And that's why we love Vivo. They also look f***ing amazing. They don't look like s***, Andrew. No, they don't. Not at all. These are my absolute favorite shoes. And we could talk and brag about them, but you really just got to get your awesome feet into these
Starting point is 00:00:48 amazing shoes. You guys got to head over to vivo barefoot dot com slash power project. When you guys go there, you'll see a backstory on why we love these shoes so much. But when you're ready to purchase, make sure you guys use promo code power project 20 to save 20 percent off links to them down in the description, as well as the podcast show notes. So you were a little gassy last night? Oh, God. Yeah. Beyond a little bit gassy?
Starting point is 00:01:11 Man, it was not okay. So this is the thing. You know how we all have these foods that we know when we eat them it's not going to be a fun time, but we like them so much? They taste good. For me, sometimes it's peanut butter granola. So I had a little bit of peanut butter granola um so i had a little bit peanut butter granola and i made myself a protein shake and use that protein shake as milk had that
Starting point is 00:01:30 last night just a bowl nothing crazy what kind of peanut butter granola like a peanut butter granola bar no no no no peanut butter like a little peanut butter valley type thing things like kashi whatever because you know how they have those granola bit chunks like kind brand makes is that the one? Every once in a while that one will make its way into my yogurt. Those things will destroy your stomach. Does it hit you guys too? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I can eat all kinds of stuff, but not that. Not that? No. I'm trying to remember. I don't think it messes with my stomach too bad. I can't eat like too much like nuts and like yeah, granola granola stuff like that i can eat a little bit of it but who wants to only eat a little bit of it yeah that's the problem yeah i didn't need a crazy amount like half a bag you know but the body tells you and that's the
Starting point is 00:02:16 thing i listen to it all the time sometimes i know i keep score sometimes i know like i know my body's not gonna dig this or not gonna dig it but like i'm gonna fart a lot i make shit a lot but i want the granola it's not that big of a deal so ate last night go to sleep wake up the room smells like death you're like sam especially because exactly we're in the dogs hey sometimes she a little gassy too but it wasn't wasn't wasn't last night last night it was on me uh and it's fucked up too because sometimes you ever you ever sleeping and like you wake up you lift up the covers you're like oh no and you slam those covers back down real quick it's all trapped in there it's bad um so i woke up after her
Starting point is 00:02:59 i leave the room i go down we have our coffee i give her a hug and she's like i love you but you smell like shit please go shower go get all of that off of you and out of you oh man and that was just like i was just like oh lord what hit and the room smelled like shit too so i had to candle the room like i had to put a candle on and put the fan on so it could be careful room careful igniting the whole room still gonna be a little uh sour when you get back it doesn't escape yeah uh to this morning in the sheets like cooking bacon it gets all in it's all yeah like like i said cooking with butter i don't like it because it just sticks with you all day long i'm not a fan of it but uh went so like i had to i had to poop pretty bad so that that's what really makes your farts smell really bad is when it's like it's got a close it's got
Starting point is 00:03:50 to like pass through a log to get out like then it's like yep you know what's coming so i farted went to go put gas and i forgot that i had farted so when i came back in the car i was like oh it was just contained in my car. And when I sat down, it just like all the fumes came up. It was just, yeah, it's,
Starting point is 00:04:10 it's a, it was a wake up call. That's for sure. I got nice cars, but they smell like shit. Your Tesla, your G wagon, they just smell like shit. It stinks.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Cause like I've been running too. It's just sweat and farts. Yeah. Running, farting, eating food in there. Energy drinks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You eat food in there? Yeah. And he's like, you're the only person in the world that has a fucking banana peel on your G-Wagon seat, on your passenger seat. If somebody's too close, you gotta throw it out the window to get them off your tail. See? Fucking Mario Kart. They'll spin out and they won't ever think about
Starting point is 00:04:39 tailing you again. But tell me if I'm crazy. Tactically, what I notice is like when eating granola or something, when I do have to shit, it's like high volume oh yeah so it's i feel kind of empty and i wonder like maybe it's just like a colonic i tried on the show i've tried to pin joel green down and say look our farts good like good for you in some way he never really answered yeah distinctly you know but yeah i know for sure when i have like some of those big protein ice creams like every fucking mile or whatever it is of my intestines is like full of something right because like it's got it's it's a big ass ice cream shake it's got to be
Starting point is 00:05:16 blowing out like extra stuff right so i think on the way down way down and out it's just like coating my all of my intestines and when i shoot that out dude it is a fucking spectacle in the morning like that old dude ray pete he talks about eating carrots and the carrots the fibers of the carrot is supposed to like pull out like toxins and estrogens from your body and that guy's old so he knows yeah so when you have like lactose and you have the stuff that's just gonna make you like blast it on out of there is it's probably getting rid of some of the bad stuff right right? It smells like bad stuff. It's like Stan Efferding.
Starting point is 00:05:47 I remember when he talked about it. He's like, you don't want to splatter the toilet. That's exactly what happens. I cleaned all the toilets this morning. That's the worst. That's the worst. What? When you splatter the toilet.
Starting point is 00:06:00 It's gravity defying. I don't understand how it goes higher than my butt. Because it's splashed. We've lost so many listeners at this point. There's a lot of big lifters. They understand what that shit's like. Ladies, chime in. When we had more employees here,
Starting point is 00:06:15 somebody would always shit on the toilet bowl lid. Not the upper lid, but the like, the lower lid somehow. My guess is it was Sully. He has a big ass. Like, he's the nicest guy, but I'm pretty sure it was Sully. There was a couple times where I wanted to run, like, forensics in there
Starting point is 00:06:37 and try to figure out, like, the angle. Like, okay, your asshole would be here. That's what I mean. Yeah, get strings. Like, this is a scene. And then this poop, this is how it splattered over this way. It must have ricocheted off the water. And then went back.
Starting point is 00:06:54 It's like you're dissecting a fucking nuclear bomb because like there's splatter going this way. But how is that happening if they're sitting over here and you're just trying to figure it all out? But yeah, it's like gravity defying poop. I don't understand how it happens after having a conversation with kudor and our guy julian from jujitsu i'm like oh yeah sitting on the shitter they literally i guess they put their feet on the toilet seat and they'll poop in a squatting position like it's so wild that makes me think that like you're mad at the place like yeah you're gonna like just hugging your knees like a fucking gargoyle
Starting point is 00:07:29 i mean if i could shit like that i would shit in people's sink i probably yeah oh my god it probably would be a little bit easier on the sink because you have more space you know because that way you don't have to be so close with your feet. Because like a toilet seat, I think it's pretty close, right? Yeah. You need like shoulder width and the sink might be able to get you there. Cador does have good mobility. He does.
Starting point is 00:07:53 You know, I've had in the past to pee in a sink because like for some reason their toilet wasn't flush. So I've had to pee in somebody's sink. That's great. Now, did they tell you to pee in the sink or you were just like... He had no option. I forgot what that meme is. It's like adapt, overcome.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Toilet's clogged. I haven't done this in the past few years. So anybody whose house I've been to, I haven't peed in your sink. Okay. It's kind of great though. No one will really know. You just wash it away. It might be kind of great though no one would really know you just wash it away it might be his thing go somewhere new got to pee in the sink oh so hey i i came across this video and today's topic is actually pretty interesting but i needed i need your reaction to this
Starting point is 00:08:38 because there's this tiktok um and maybe you already know about it but there's this tiktok like sensation thing that happened recently where women do this thing called vabbing. Do you know what vabbing is? No. Andrew. Let's hit it.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I don't know what women of today are doing. Well they're doing this. Remember these are the youth that are getting into this. So these are young girls 14, 15, 16 and then adult women are also doing it. Game of Desire, five surprising secrets to getting what you want, in which I worked with six women who were struggling to make the kinds of connections they were proud of, and I worked with them to turn their love luck around.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Through that, what we did is a lot of different experiments. We tested out different ideas. What we did is a lot of different experiments. We tested out different ideas. And one of the things that we tested out was using your vaginal juices, your vaginal fluid as perfume to draw people in. Now, I will not take credit for this. This is not my brainchild. As a matter of fact, there's actually a word dedicated to this practice. And that word is vabbing.
Starting point is 00:09:42 It is dabbing with your vaginal juices. And so in this book, I went to. Let's pause, pause, pause. Simply put that vagina dabbing. This is when you stick your lady fingers in between your lady lips and put your lady juice behind your lady ears so that people want to sex your lady box. Definition. I'm going out tonight and I'll be vabbing to get ready. Damn. Yeah. definition i'm going out tonight and i'll be vabbing to get ready damn yeah so so pretty much yeah they you know they go in and they'll do a little bit of this little bit of that little
Starting point is 00:10:10 bit of that little bit of that you know just so that their pheromones will attract the men that like their smell interesting what do you think i'm just curious what are your thoughts on this immediate thoughts we have talked about this subject many times over. We have? Things of this nature in the gym. We had a really in-depth conversation of like taste and smell of that whole region one day. And it was just, it was amazing. It was just amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:47 What I would say is that perfume and those kinds of things and the smell of a woman's hair and stuff like that via whatever products they use, it smells very nice. Yeah. I'll just leave it at that. It smells really good and that's super attractive. Do you mean like perfume though? Yeah. Okay, just making sure. Yeah, yeah. that smells really good and that's super attractive like do you mean like perfume though like like yeah okay yeah yeah yeah that that smells like i think uh that smells like flowers that smells right yeah it smells feminine yeah i i pussy has a different smell to it yeah and i'm not saying
Starting point is 00:11:17 it's bad it's just like it's a it's like a more it's a more natural smell like an armpit has a certain smell to it the pit of yourit has a certain smell to it. A pit of your body has a certain smell to it. Our balls have a certain smell to them. Uh-huh. And, you know, people can – there's variation of like, you know, people can vary. But like the – what the perfumes leave to the imagination I think is better than the actual smell of the actual i mean you know i like both but you know what i'm saying yeah it's no i get it yeah we're attracted to
Starting point is 00:11:52 these fake smells like somebody walks past you and you're like damn like she was good looking and she smelled really nice and you're like but she didn't really smell really nice you have no idea how she smells you don't know how she smells you didn't get up in there yeah yeah i'd say i'm i'm not gonna say i'm like on the complete other side but i because i don't find perfumes no i don't like any of that stuff yeah like especially like this is like above and beyond what we're talking about but like if you're in the mall and you walk by like a a fragrance store i don't know bed bath and beyonds one but i can't think like um i don't know somewhere where they sell perfume like i can't even walk close to it because it fucking melts my nose off like it's bad so there's still other fake things though getting
Starting point is 00:12:32 your attention like the soap and whatever else you know what i mean yeah so like yeah but like and i'm not gonna say like oh i i would prefer body odor over perfume but i would just i would just say this in general. Like, if you're saying that pussy smells good, it's because you're smelling something else. I'm not saying that pussy smells bad. I'm saying it's probably more neutral than anything. If you're like, damn, like, her pussy smells really good
Starting point is 00:12:58 or it tastes really good, you might be tasting something slightly different or you're smelling something slightly different. I don't know. What the? I mean, the taste is kind of, it changes. It can. When you get them off, it changes.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So it's a little sweeter, right? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. That's fucking great insight. It is interesting because I've tasted something that hasn't been the greatest. And then you could look at one's diet and be like that's why and i've tasted some that's like wow i particularly my my girlfriend like eats well tastes great smells great i quite enjoy but
Starting point is 00:13:39 you know an interesting thing about this is like um there's actually been some research that's been done on how men – I don't know how they did it. And I've heard Hooperman talk about it. I've heard other people talk about it. How when women are ovulating and men actually smell that, they are like drawn to that scent more. And actually they've tested with women on birth control who they don't end up going through that. women on birth control who they don't end up going through that men don't like that smell nearly as much as when women actually versus the women who aren't on birth control which is so interesting because it just kind of shows like the nose knows like like it really can tell and that's just a wild thing probably not so much anymore though with so many that's my point is like there's so
Starting point is 00:14:23 many different things going on that's hard to tell right yeah because i i've said it on the podcast like are the girls gonna give a little spray to their panties or something like that you know what i mean like probably oh man i hope not because like i said i don't like perfume but like if it's funny it happened this morning so my wife worked out and you know i'm like okay i got you know i'm heading out you ever hug and she's like sweating. And so she's like, oh, I'm sorry. I'm, I probably stink. And it's like, if I catch any of that, I'm just like, how much time do we have?
Starting point is 00:14:51 You know what I mean? Like it, it, that gets me going. But if she had perfume on, like that wouldn't get me going. Like not even at like a little bit. Yeah. Would it smell good? Yeah, sure. Like maybe like, um, like a nice smelling shampoo or something. Like, oh, fuck, you're clean.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Like that's nice. But like a little bit of like not, it's impossible to say like how much body odor because like I will like what I like. If somebody has a little bit of body odor that I don't find attractive, like it doesn't matter. I'm like, oh, that doesn't smell good. Yeah. So it's just, I've said it on the podcast, like, we have
Starting point is 00:15:26 the ability to kind of, like, smell out what we want, and if it doesn't smell good, it's because we're not really supposed to be mating with that person, because they're too close to our, like, DNA, or our, like, family line and shit like that. I wonder the people that, if
Starting point is 00:15:42 they actually are practicing this, if they actually are vabbing. It's quite a thing. There are more they actually are vabbing it's quite a thing there are more people out here vabbing than you'd expect yeah if they're vabbing then are they still using other products
Starting point is 00:15:50 you know again I would imagine that it would be like subtle you know what I mean you wouldn't be like oh I know that you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:15:57 but that's the thing like if they put a little dab behind the ear you're probably not like hunting them down but it could be more subconscious exactly
Starting point is 00:16:03 because if it's underneath like if I've messaged a few people about this. Some girls are really out here just like – Just wiping. Wiping. Like it's not Vicks. Right? And then a little something above it. Like it's imperceptible, but it's perceptible.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So it's like a trick. I wonder if I've attracted some women just by leaving some on my face sometimes. Like, yeah, like he can take care of a woman. So he can. Yeah. Or attracted men. Or just like homies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Like, Mark, you smell great today. What's that on your mouth? Let me smell your nose. Back off. That's my. Let me smell your whole face Back off. That's my. Let me smell your whole face. Oh, Jesus. You start licking it.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Sorry, we're disgusting. But, hey, actually, quick question. I was at Target the other day and I actually found some of the Manscaped ball deodorizer. Have you guys ever messed with that? Actually, I bought some of it. It's little spritz here, little spritz there. And then they have this thing that you can rub on your balls. Because that area gets sweaty.
Starting point is 00:17:10 You can get a little gangsta down there. I don't know if it was a deodorizer, but I know I did an after one. Whatever it was. My wife said it smelled good. So I'm like, keep doing that. It's tough, man. Everything's got
Starting point is 00:17:25 scent in it yeah you know i have like soap that doesn't have scent and quinn's always like why do you have what is that um but like everything you know your laundry detergent everything has a scent and then you kind of pick sometimes a laundry detergent because you're like this one's great because it makes my clothes smell like this uh but we know that there's like i don't know there's weird chemicals in all that stuff. Parabens, phthalates. Yeah, and then we're not really like, I don't know, like we're supposed to use our fucking nose for stuff,
Starting point is 00:17:53 but we kind of can't. So vabbing, I think, is great. And quick suggestion for the homies. We all use it. I started using Native because you mentioned it to me. I was looking for a deodorant that didn't have shit in it because my old spice made me rash out and I had to keep my arms out here. So I used the native charcoal deodorant and I like bought up eight of those once I saw like they had eight charcoals. It's got to be charcoal though.
Starting point is 00:18:15 We're going to find them and we're going to get them to sponsor the podcast. So I did an interesting experiment. Yeah. And now I need both of you guys to comply. Let's try the experiment. Okay. experiment and now i need both of you guys to comply let's try the experiment okay so uh i've discovered this before but i had to like double check and make sure a little bit more so um you'll have to get some alcohol swabs and see me you probably don't have them laying around
Starting point is 00:18:38 anyway i went to take a shot of testosterone and whenever i take a shot of testosterone it's after i take a shower because i'm like it's best to do that kind of thing when you're clean, right? Okay. I wipe my shoulder. And this happened like a few weeks ago. And the thing was like a little dirty, like just a little bit of like dirt on there. And I was like, oh, that's weird. Took a shot.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Didn't really think much about it. So this time around, took a shower. Used soap and everything, you know, like scrub everywhere. I mean, I'm not the most flexible guy in the world i could like reach my own shoulder and shit like that uh-huh i get out of the shower and i i do the swab again and i remember i'm like oh yeah last time it was kind of dirty let me see so i like rub my shoulder and the thing is fucking black and then i i rub the other shoulder and then that one's fucking disgusting too. Wait, when you alcohol swabbed? Yeah, with the
Starting point is 00:19:26 alcohol swab. Yeah, I literally have fucking dirt on me. A layer of dirt is what it is. A layer of dirt, like I'm fucking pig pen. After you use soap on your body. Yes. After I washed in the shower. I give a alcohol swab to Andy. I'm like, I'm like, let me just see, like
Starting point is 00:19:41 what happens if you like rub this on your arm? And she had like a tiny speck of like, you know, oil or whatever, you like rub this on your arm and she had like a tiny speck of like you know oil or whatever you know on hers but mine was shit was like black it was fucking crazy and I'm like is this normal I was like I well how am I so dirty after getting out of the shower did you run outside you probably just ran outside, right? I mean, I have been running outside. You know, I walk outside a lot, you know. So, yeah, I probably am collecting some dirt. But don't you think, like, some of it would fucking come off when I'm in the shower?
Starting point is 00:20:14 I take a shower for a while, and the water in the shower is, like, pretty high pressure. I got two fucking things coming down on me at the same time. You got one of those special showers. Yeah. One of those fucking, yeah. Yeah, you would think just by running the water, it should come off. It's just dirt. It's not like you're fucking literally rolling in the mud.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I do have well water where I live, so maybe that makes the difference, but I don't know. What do you use to scrub your body? I use like a little loofah thingy. You use a loofah? Yeah. Damn, dude. So I need you guys to experiment for me. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I'll do it. You guys are going to be like, yeah, yours is fucking dirty. I might be able to find like a spot where i can like oh he's right but like yeah yeah yeah well and then like my back like i don't get my back i mean i have a like a thingy or whatever and i use that sometimes but i'm not really like meticulous about like i mean i don't think any of it matters that much either like i think the shower is like it's more just to like wash junk off you it's like you're not really trying to get like completely spotless i guess right yeah like you're not going to change your uh i don't know how good your skin is based on how hard you're scrubbing you okay i was just making sure i don't smell okay double checking over there double checking man double checking discount can never be too sure these days i'm sweating a little bit
Starting point is 00:21:22 what do you think about um like different people different people have different kinds of smells to them, right? But, like, we've had BO kick up in the gym before, right? Yeah. BO is kind of BO, right? It's like it's similar. Like, when someone, like, obviously someone can get can get like really rank and someone could be like, they didn't shower for a handful of days or something weird happened and they like are just fucking sitting in it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Right. And it's gross. But for the most part, it's like your BO is going to be kind of similar to mine and somewhere to his. Right. Don't you think? Or do you think it'd be like way the fuck off? Man.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Sometimes some, like there's some, I wouldn't even be able to smell like your shirt or something. Yo. Well, you wouldn't be able to smell it? Yeah, I probably would be able to, right? You wouldn't. And I would probably just be like that just smells like you have a sweaty workout.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Yeah, but some people, some people have really bad pee. Like there's some people that probably come to mind for you. There's people that come to mind for me where it's like they have a certain smell and you know that they don't know that they just smell like that and there's potentially no way that even if they shower just because their whole environment smells that way they don't realize that smell i know those people dirty ass mofo and i've always been because i've experienced those people i've always been like hyper like i've just been like i don't want to be one of those people so i'm gonna make sure
Starting point is 00:22:44 that you know and if i did smell like shit i know you guys would call me out which is good so that's actually yeah like a you know getting shamed right like you've had we've had people tell you for bro your breath man like yep and i don't even know why like again i guess what i'm trying to think about is like like why do we take it so personal? It's like, if you were like, dude, I could smell your armpits. You smell like BO. I really shouldn't be offended because I'm like, I ran in the morning and I took a shower. I did stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:15 I did all the normal stuff for it. Maybe today is just a rough day or maybe it's a little hotter than normal. I shouldn't really be offended by it. I should just be like, oh, well, I think I forgot to put deodorant on. Yeah. Well, I mean, I can remember a handful of times at Gold's, it was really bad. Like sometimes in the morning, for whatever reason, it was like damp in there. Like you smelled something else? And it was like a literal asshole walked by.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And I was like, holy fuck. Yeah, yeah, the asshole up to the fan smell. Yes. And then thankfully, Mike Ryan was like, oh yeah the asshole up to the fan smell yes and then uh thankfully mike ryan was like oh don't worry i got you and he pulled the fucking aerosol can like it's oh yeah i remember that dude i was like that's the best what the hell but what i think it might be kind of going back to what i was talking about like if if you smell somebody that doesn't smell good it's like oh they're not compatible with me so i think it's like a like a primordial thing where you're like uh like you're not my tribe i can't smell bad because then no one's gonna want me so you don't like your smell so much does that mean like we're somewhat like because i smell you
Starting point is 00:24:15 sometimes i'm like damn part of the same tribe i think like you can build with me oh just build yeah yeah not not fuck me okay just i'm just okay that makes sense so back to this vabbing is it okay to like lick behind someone's ear now just to make sure i'm sorry natural reaction what's that scent you have hold on like you've gone you've gone to the doctor before and they hit you on the knee with that hammer, right? That's what that was. It was fucking knee jerk reaction. Reflex. It's like she pushes you away.
Starting point is 00:24:49 She's like, what did you do? Like, what did you do? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is my fault. You're to blame. This is you.
Starting point is 00:24:54 How dare you blame me? That's why you don't do that shit. Don't be rubbing your shit on your neck and expecting not to lick it. Waving it in my face. Pretty much. Right? Oh, man. Doug. Yeah. in my face pretty much right oh man dog yeah i'm gonna be like hugging girls like this like i mean if you put one of your dogs right if you they're gonna fucking snipe you right oh yeah absolutely hang it right in front of you yeah and we're dogs that's right right i think so
Starting point is 00:25:21 pigs most part yeah pigs. Pigs, dogs. Do you want to get into the fiance thing? Yeah. This was interesting. This was very interesting. Let me just pull this up. Just hit play. It should be good. I want to ask real quick, men and women, would you want your spouse to lie to you about certain
Starting point is 00:25:40 things, about the way they feel about you or the way they think you look? I'm just curious because we're about to watch some women it's got a lot sometimes women ask what you're thinking that's not do you want to yeah yeah yeah imagine imagine if they knew all the time oh man we're just thinking that that song is playing in our head over and over again you don't want to like be shallow and be like so stereotypical man but it's like for the most part yeah it's thinking about boobs boobies butt cheeks it's great stuff yeah it kind of involves you so it's once in a while kind of's good to go. There we go. Host and writer Solomon Bucci posted a tribute to his fiance
Starting point is 00:26:29 that caused a backlash on social media. It reads, not the most beautiful woman, neither are you the most intelligent one, but I've chosen never to find perfection in anyone else. He later clarified it by saying it may not sound like a compliment but
Starting point is 00:26:46 it's a realistic base for love would and and i get it you know because people say we'll say to you you know oh that's not the most beautiful well you could be with some and he's saying she's not the most beautiful not the brightest either but i love her you know what it reminds me i didn't think it was a bad thing it reminds me of that rogers and hart song my fate my funny valentine the most insulting song i've ever heard your looks looks are laughable, unfotographable. Is your figure less than Greek? Is your mouth a little weak when you open it to speak? Are you smart?
Starting point is 00:27:10 You know what? Stop off, as the Brits say. You know what? That's an insulting song. It's a nasty little song. I hate that song. I hate this guy. The song that we like, though, is Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweetly.
Starting point is 00:27:19 That's right. It's like, you know, I worry about this guy. I hate him. But I worry about this guy for this woman. Because if they get married, I would marry him after saying all that. But as she gets older, what is he going to do? Oh, babe, you look a little fat today. Oh, babe, that was really stupid that you said that.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Why would he do that, though? I don't like that. Your partner should lie to you. No, they should lie to you. Oh, my God. No. Oh, my God. By the way, this is the way women sound to us.
Starting point is 00:27:48 This fast. This is perfect speed. I just want to get to the part where she's just talking about lying. He does tell me sweet little lies, and I prefer that. Do I know that he thinks Dua Lipa is hotter than me? Yes, but I still want him to tell me I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. And by the way, the knock on her intelligence might be the worst part. Justin would be sleeping outside if he said, you know, my wife's not the most intelligent.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Can I break with you? I'm on Team Wolfie here purely because I think his attempt might have failed a little bit. Because I don't think you need to put that out in writing. Can you imagine Matt telling you, Sarah, you're not that cute? Well, I can say it. I don't like what he said. But that's not what he said. But what he did is he is maybe approaching marriage wisely.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Because I do think, don't look at me like that. He's approaching it. No, because I think what he's saying is to expect perfection is to be disappointed yeah and I loved what he said now again I hope this proposal was a little more romantic but this in itself I understood where he was going all right so I saw this from uh these guys I follow the name of Abba and Preach and I saw them and they talked about this video like this is actually very interesting so I was like I want to see what you think you've been married for a long time and you've been married for a minute too so uh how you guys feel about that i think the issue there which could be hurtful is uh like you're saying you're not the prettiest or the smartest then it's
Starting point is 00:28:54 like in comparison to what uh-huh in comparison to what you know that's where somebody can get sensitive and you can hurt someone's feelings because then is it like compared to somebody else you dated or somebody else you're with or whatever, right? But if you're just saying like literally like in society, then I think that that statement makes some sense. Yeah. Yeah, of course. But then that girl looked like a really good fit for – like they look like a great match. Oddly enough, they kind of look like they're related in some ways. You think all black people look alike? Yeah, for it. Like they, they look like a great match. Oddly enough, they kind of look like they're related in some ways.
Starting point is 00:29:26 You think all black people look alike? Yeah, for sure. Actually, you know what's funny is when I was in New Jersey, this happened to me twice now. I was in New Jersey. I went like on a walk and I went to come back and I literally couldn't find my family, which I thought would be impossible because I'm like, there's like 40 of us and we're just hanging out at the beach, but everybody looks the same all us fucking east coast italian motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:29:49 we all look i'm like oh there's my uncle right there i start walking towards i'm like that's not him look almost exactly like us though sounds like uh like a scary dream when you're a kid you know you're lost and you're like fuck there oh no that's not them that's not them yeah that's funny yeah yeah yeah i think people could say about us too yeah uh yeah when he was saying like she's not the most intelligent person like sorry babe you're just not the brightest but you're bright enough that's what i mean like that's he definitely worded that one terribly because he's not saying she's stupid or anything like that but that's what it sounds like you know like obviously my wife knows
Starting point is 00:30:25 way smarter people than me but she's not gonna be like you're not the smartest person i know or whatever you know like that that one was worded weirdly but what the other girls were saying like i want him to lie to me it's like well and and then they were talking about like oh going into marriage like that's going to be a bad relationship it's like but you're okay with a husband lying like i think that is a more slippery slope, but you're okay with a husband lying. Like, I think that is a more slippery slope than what you're talking about when being honest. Like,
Starting point is 00:30:50 you know what I mean? Yeah. That's the most slippery slope is man. There is some there that like sometimes, you know, you, you, maybe you tell a woman she's beautiful and she's like,
Starting point is 00:30:58 I'm not beautiful right now. Don't lie to me. And then other times, right. You're like, Oh, you're, you're so beautiful.
Starting point is 00:31:04 She's like, yeah, it's just like, the thing is, it's like some people receive it differently and and over time if you keep saying oh you're the most beautiful person ever some people are like i don't believe you anymore you know what i mean it's weird it doesn't hit as hard for some reason like you got to be truthful and it's like you know you're not the most beautiful person ever but you're beautiful yeah that should be fine we're not the most we're not the best looking guys ever right we don't expect our partners to think that way but they're with us and we're with them they're stuck with us yeah right they
Starting point is 00:31:37 got no choice i the way he did it was uh was rough you know especially since he did it on social media for everyone to see with a picture of him and his wife. But it is a truthful sentiment, you know what I mean? It just shows that you are choosing this person despite potentially someone that's better looking or a little bit
Starting point is 00:31:57 smarter, but you choose this person, and that's great. Being someone that's like called beautiful, like being a woman's got to be complicated and weird in a lot of ways you know uh like i see it with my daughter you know like we haven't seen family members in a while and then they're like oh you're so beautiful and she's like she like just doesn't care because she's like what i didn't do anything it's like i'm a i'm a year older you know i'm taller like my hair got a little curly like i did i didn't i didn't do anything. It's like I'm a year older.
Starting point is 00:32:25 I'm taller. Like my hair got a little curly. Like I didn't actually do anything. You know what I mean? Meanwhile, when she gets like rewarded in volleyball, she likes that because she's like I had to do something for that. I had to like earn it. So beauty and then like the intelligence thing is yeah kind of weird i think you know obviously the guy said it to um probably cause a lot of discussion get people to kind of open up and have conversations um i think uh most relationships there's like somebody's a seven
Starting point is 00:33:03 and they find another seven ish you know and someone's a seven and maybe they find someone that's like an eight or nine looks wise but then they're they make up and they balance each other out in other ways people don't like to talk they hate to talk that way but i think it's kind of a truthful thing and is it possible that your significant other has been with someone better than better looking to you more successful than you had a bigger dick than you or like whatever like all these things are definitely pop maybe somebody pleasured her better like you've just what's it matter you know what I mean like that's the hot that's kind of a hard thing call him up and ask him what he did yeah like bro could you
Starting point is 00:33:40 come back cuz like she said she had the best orgasms of her life with you I'm not trying to figure out what to do I'm not getting a job done can you come back? Cause like she said, she had the best orgasms of her life with you. I'm trying to figure out what to do. I'm not getting a job done. Can you come in as a relief pitcher and just like, okay, if I take this out of the park for a minute, I'm just going to watch in the corner taking notes. It's not weird.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Nah, it's not gonna be strange. I'm going to be videoing it. What buttons do I press, man? Cause she keeps saying your name while we fuck. Yeah. It's not what buttons,
Starting point is 00:34:02 it's the combination in which you press them. And I think, uh, you know, we tend to like, you know, people fantasize about stuff. You know, they fantasize about things. And for women, it seems like a lot of women, they'll fantasize about stuff that is like in books and movies and stuff. movies and stuff while a guy you know he he might be choosing something different you know which uh like it might be like a previous life experience or it might be something he's seen in like porn or something like that so it's neither one is great for either one and for anyone to talk about because it's like i don't know you get uh people get hurt feelings you know but i've been married for a long time my wife and i talk about all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:46 We try to get stuff out on the table. So that way, I don't know, that way we are both satisfied and feel good about the relationship and feel good about like many aspects of the relationship rather than like, I don't know, leaving things open to chance, you know? Yeah. Yeah. No, same here. Like, trying to be, and that's where I went wrong in previous relationships is, like, trying to, like, hide shit or even when it comes to, like, the sexual stuff, it's, like, trying to, like, hint, hint, and then when it doesn't happen, it's, like, then you get all upset at the other person because they can't read your mind.
Starting point is 00:35:17 There's a lot of guys that do that, and they kind of say, they say stuff in front of other people. Like, oh, I never get a bj or like yeah and when when the girls there yeah and the room gets kind of cold and you're like you're like that didn't work well you know or it goes the other way you know kind of and you're just like like yeah meanwhile he's complaining of not getting a bj but like he's not using the penis pump he's not he's not manscaping down there. He's got a fucking bush from the 80s.
Starting point is 00:35:48 It's like, dude, no wonder she's not going down on you. He's got all crumbs and fucking lint all up in his shit. It's like expected or whatever. It's like, no, dude. Your balls don't even smell good, bro. Right. You gotta get them to smell good. Come on, bro. Make that garden
Starting point is 00:36:03 more pleasurable down there. Somebody will head down that way. Real talk, bro. Make that garden more pleasurable down there. Maybe somebody will head down that way. Real talk, though. Manscaping is very important. Make sure your shit's shaped up, looking nice. Yeah. I mean, it's gonna look more aerodynamic. It's gonna look bigger. Turn back the bushes a little bit.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Just a little bit. I mean, some people like to be bald. I think that's somewhat childlike, but if that's you, that's you. Seriously. Seriously. Yeah, seriously. bit i mean some people like to be bald i think that's somewhat childlike but if that's you that's you seriously yeah seriously does does the uh the manscape thing does it have does have a bald little kid setting andrew come on i was gonna ask like does it have different like yeah yeah it has different yeah it has guards it's just horrible these are jokes y''all. Yeah, it has guards. Yeah, like the three, the six, and then you can just take the thing off. I must have lost mine because it only has the Chuck E. Cheese setting. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Yeah. Well, since getting the penis pump, that's when I started like really paying attention down there and cleaning everything up. And she was like, I dig it. She liked it better. it better so i'm like okay here we go changed both your lives yeah sounds like it was beneficial man yeah and i'm pumped seeing the dudes in the comments who were like hey this shit actually this actually works so hey you're welcome very welcome and for the lady whose man owns the penis. I don't need a house like that. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:37:47 Yeah, right. No, no, no, no. Everyone except you needs it. But yeah, here's the website. It's in the description. It's somewhere there. Hey. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Pat Rodger, family. How's it going? We talk about sleep all the time on this podcast. That's why we partnered with Eight Sleep Mattresses. Now, this mattress is the Tesla of sleep. It's the Tesla of beds. Its technology tracks your heart rate, your heart rate variability. It changes its own temperature based off the way you sleep so that you get better sleep every single night. It is quite literally insane. Check them out. Andrew, how do they get it?
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yes. And before I do that, I wanted to let you guys know that you can actually set the bed to wake you up silently. I know that sounds weird, but actually the bed starts vibrating around your head and it doesn't wake up the entire household the way my phone used to do back in the day. So now I just kind of have the bed wake me up silently and it's amazing. You guys got to head over to slash power project. That's E-I-G-H-T slash power project. When you guys go there, you'll see a banner across the top saying that you're going to receive $150 off automatically. So again, that's slash power project to receive $150 off your pod pro cover or your pod pro cover
Starting point is 00:38:50 and mattress combo links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Let's get back to the podcast. Honesty is the best policy. Yeah. Yeah. But how much do you keep away though? Like, like we were just joking around like if they knew everything we were thinking about like it might get weird yeah well you want to do that huh it's like well dog my girl told me i smell like shit this morning that's good i appreciate that if i was ever in a place where like i was losing my like not losing my shit but i was like let's say something happened i'm getting out of shape and just shit's tearing up like i you need to tell me like you like tell me like you feel less attracted to me for some reason because i'm getting out of shape tell me i do think you
Starting point is 00:39:33 gotta be like you know well i don't know like if you think that your girlfriend or wife has a very pretty friend you can reference it once and that's all you need to say. There's no reason to, no reason to be like, damn, like, holy shit. Is so-and-so coming over? Wow. She's fucking hot.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Jesus Christ. You know, that kind of stuff. Try to keep that. That's just asking. Try to hold on. Try to hold on to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:00 There is some weird shit though, where like people are, and, and, you know, it's good to love yourself the way people are um and and you know it's good to love yourself the way you are and there's this been this love yourself type of movement thing but it is weird to think i am perfect as i am because and it can go to a dark place where
Starting point is 00:40:17 like you're perpetually nitpicking stuff but like you you can improve you know there are different aspects of yourself that can get better you You don't have to stay the same. You can get better. And whatever it is you're trying to do, whether it's the way you are with other people, your reactions to things, you can get better. You are – I am not perfect. You are not perfect. So, you know, there's a weird thing where some people do kind of think that they're perfect and everything they are should be accepted because that is the way I am and who I am. And it is somewhat of a thing that I see a little bit more on the female side than I do on the male side there because of the whole acceptance stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:57 So that can get kind of tough, especially if you're with someone who is like that, who they're like, I am fine as I am and whatever. That's some shit that has to be dealt with before things go too far because years might go by and age happens. People sag. All that shit happens. But if someone perpetually just thinks they're perfect and that there's nothing they can improve upon, that's not a good place to be. Yeah, I think just working on yourself is great. Absolutely. So that way you don't have to worry about somebody else's thoughts too much.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I mean, if you're with somebody for 10 years and for all 10 years, you can kind of honestly say, like, I think I got better in just about every single way. You know, I did the best I could. And they still are thinking about other people. Then you met the wrong person. Like, and that's, I know it's still going to hurt, still going to sting, but, uh, the whole time you were working on yourself. So when it comes to somebody maybe thinking that they could find someone better or, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:56 thinking that you're not the smartest or you're not the best looking, they could kind of think whatever they want. But in most relationships you see like a lot of regression. You see people get – they get relaxed and they both a lot of times gain weight. And I see people – when I go to Bodega Bay and I go and like run on the beach and stuff, I sometimes see like older couples. And I have seen this a couple times and I actually will give them like a fist bump when I'm running. I probably don't know what I'm even doing. But like they'll hold hands the entire time and I'm just like that's
Starting point is 00:42:28 fucking cool and I like fist bump them as I'm walking by and it's like this these little like older couples both of them are in shape you know they clearly like take care of themselves and um you know I think that's a big factor in relationships. And so a comment like what this guy said, it's not that bad of a comment if you feel really secure. I don't have any problem with my wife saying that like somebody is good looking or we're watching a movie and she's like, I think this actor is so hot or whatever. It doesn't bother me at all. I'm just like, that's cool. If she's starting to think about wanting to leave and do something else, I don't have any – I would obviously be very hurt, right? Because we've been together for so long and I wouldn't know how to make any sense of it. But I could also say like I feel like I get better all the time. So she may be in
Starting point is 00:43:27 a different place in her life and she might feel like she needs something different. But I feel really good about myself. So I guess I'll have to go and figure out something different for myself, too. That is an aspect, too, though. I mean, I'd be crying a lot for months, for months, maybe even longer. I don't know. But a big deal there Oh, yeah. For months, for months. Maybe even longer. I don't know. But a big deal there is like you do feel very good about yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:50 You know what I mean? Like you're also someone whose personal development has been something that you've been perpetually doing. Like you're always trying to find ways to get better at certain things, learn new things. It's part of your lifestyle development. It's part of all of our lifestyles here, development. part of your lifestyle development. It's part of all of our lifestyles here at development. So like we always feel good because we know for a fact that we are always getting better. And Andy's probably the same way. Like she's always getting better. She's learning new things. She's so, you know, I mean, the big aspect is, do you actually feel like, do you actually feel good about yourself right now with what you're doing, how your life's heading, where you're going, and how you're progressing?
Starting point is 00:44:27 And that makes a difference. Because if you don't because you're not doing anything, because you're not figuring out ways to get better or develop, that's a you thing. Yeah. Yeah. It was interesting. Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's interesting. Andrew, take us on out of here, buddy. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Please down in the comments, if you are a lady of the show, listener of the show, let us know your thoughts on vabbing. If you're a dude, let us know if your girls started.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Maybe we could just take some nut and put it on our, like, just like put some of our, on like maybe the back of our neck. Just like ball smell or like jizz? No, like. Well, actually. Jizz. Smell a little leizz smell jizz would make more sense but it'd be kind of crusty at the back that's like you'd have to take it mix it with a something like an oil solution like some coconut oil what is that on the back of your neck is that white yeah it's flaking the fuck is that terrible if your girl is vabbing or would you want your girl vabbing? Vabbing is such a funny word too.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Cause I'm like that. Nope. That's not it. But anyway, yeah, let us know down in the comments below. We would, I want to hear everything that you guys have to say about this.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Subscribe. You guys are not subscribed to make sure you guys slap the shit out of that like button on the way out. And please follow the podcast at MB power project on Instagram, Tik TOK and Twitter. My Instagram Tik TOK and Twitter is at, I am Andrew Z and uh please follow the podcast at mb power project on instagram tiktok and twitter my instagram tiktok and twitter is at i am andrew z and sima where you at join us out on discord and let me let us know what y'all think all right and also please like if you're on spotify review on spotify if you're on apple review on apple please because we are rising on those charts and those reviews make a difference because y'all are awesome so thank you and see me any on
Starting point is 00:46:03 instagram youtube and see me yin yang on t And it's me. Yin Yang on Twitter. Mark, I was just thinking like you look through those magazines and it's got like the perfume thing, you know, and you on a cold. Yeah, it's like vibrations. And if I can open it up, you're like, hmm, that's interesting. That reminds me smell like perfume, though. That's one's interesting. Wow. There's something I like about that.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Can't quite put my finger on it, though. They can. Okay, so I remember a long time ago, I think it was like a PlayStation magazine. Yeah. There was an ad or whatever, like an insert, and it was just like a sweaty dude. And it was like you could scratch and sniff type thing. And when you scratched it, it smelled like BO. So they could definitely do pussy, like 100%.
Starting point is 00:46:45 They can definitely add a little extra something to it. I mean, people out here be selling their panties and shit for a hell of money. Hopefully it's not artificially altered, though. Power Project panties. We could make some money. For after our kettlebell sessions. Triple P. We could make some easy cash.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Andrew? Especially you. You got a lot of those interesting fans i have yeah i got disgusting both of you with the shorts dude i'm just looking at my shorts today and i'm like i was so disappointed i'm like my shorts need to be so much shorter this is terrible shorter and then like if they don't hug the quad like I have that problem where like some will hug the quads and some don't and I'm just like fuck
Starting point is 00:47:28 like damn it oh the good ones are in the dirty hamper already oh man I gotta get them custom yeah custom fit
Starting point is 00:47:36 I'm at Mark Smelly Bell strength is never weakness weakness is never strength catch you guys later bye

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