Mark Bell's Power Project - Walmart Workout Programs Coming Soon! ft. Anders Varner

Episode Date: October 29, 2020

Walmart shoppers will soon have access to affordable and trust worthy exercise programs right in their local Walmart store from The Shrugged Collective's Anders Varner. This clip explains what people ...can expect from each program and how much it's going to cost. Full conversation here: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mark Bell's Power Project podcast. This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Element Electrolytes. You know, the cool thing is that Mark told me about Element last year. He told me how he was using it before workouts, and he does a lot of workouts fasted too, so he suggested it to me. And in the past, because I do a lot of lifting, a lot of performance stuff outside the gym, I thought towards the end of a workout when I'd cramp, it's kind of normal. Maybe I wasn't adequately hydrated, I didn't have adequate nutrition, so I'd just drink workout when I'd cramp, it's kind of normal. Maybe I didn't wasn't adequately hydrated.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I didn't have adequate nutrition. So I just drink more water, eat more food, hope everything was OK. And cramping was normal. After I started grabbing Element, I started using the electrolytes and they have a thousand milligrams of sodium, 200 potassium, 60 magnesium, all the electrolytes you need. I'd use them pre-workout, fasted. And I s*** you not. I don't cramp up anymore it's crazy and it's like the workouts all go really well even though I don't have food in my system it's really really crazy the cool
Starting point is 00:00:54 thing about element is that they have a lot of great flavors my personal favorite is raspberry and you can just put a packet in the water drink it do your workout it's easy it's simple it's it's just, it works. Okay. So make sure that you're not just drinking a lot of water to get yourself hydrated. You're getting enough electrolytes in your system before you train. It will make a massive difference to your performance. Yes. You guys got to take your workouts to the next level by picking up some element electrolytes right now, head over to slash powerproject. Make sure you guys check out the bundles because when you buy three, you essentially get one free.
Starting point is 00:01:29 So where do you guys start with something like this? There's so many different things to try to tackle when it comes to exercise or fitness or thinking about the clientele that might be rolling through there buying protein powder for the first time, you know, are you, uh, prescribing like very much beginner stuff? Is it, you know, fat loss oriented, strength oriented? What do you got going on with that? Yeah. So our, our whole, uh, process started with realizing that this is not our typical target market of people. I went to Walmart near my house and sat in the aisle for four hours. It was like a week and a half before COVID hit. And I was there without a mask. And it was just like when people were really on edge.
Starting point is 00:02:18 And I was just sitting in there watching people shop for four hours. So I wanted to learn how price really mattered in Walmart. Um, and how sensitive people are. What, like if I go buy a $50 tub, five pound thing of protein, that's my normal price, but it's $27 on the shelves there. And that's a giant difference. And then my original thought was like, I want to sell our programs for like 50% off of what our normal ebook would be a $47. It's like, well, you can't be in the $20 range because now you're the same price, if not more expensive than a lot of the protein that's on the, on the shelves. And then you look at the pre-workouts right next to
Starting point is 00:03:03 it and you're definitely more expensive than the pre-workouts. That stuff's in the $15 range. So I wanted to think about meeting people where they're at and making it as easy of a process as possible, where they just look at it and they go, oh, of course, I have to buy this along with the protein. It's not really a huge problem if it ends up in their cart. So we got our price point below $10 to $9.48, which is, in all honesty, I was like blown away that I was okay going that low. It was like one of those like, am I really going to put my whole life into something and sell it for $9.48? This seems like I'm ripping myself off.
Starting point is 00:03:48 But we figured out, you know, by doing digital downloads, not having to have printing and actually releasing a full book, it became an easier process. And we build one website. We're setting up serial codes. So they go in and they basically take what looks like a gift card. So it's a bigger gift card, but a three by five card. And it's program specific. So what are the three highest goals that basically everybody has, whether they are seasoned or brand new, they want to lose weight,
Starting point is 00:04:22 they want better conditioning, or they want to get stronger. So that's the route we took, which is assuming they're in the beginner to maybe intermediate phase of training. How do we write those three programs over for a six-week period to get people moving? And then how do we change the education process? Because that used to be the thing that would annoy me so much when we would see, when you walk into a store like that and there's like waist trainers and a bunch of slim fast stuff. And you just go, God, I wish these people had something that just had a better education model than like an easy to consume sugary product or something that will just actually never work and in all honesty now it's put up or shut up for me because i'm there and we're giving them real strength conditioning work we're giving them
Starting point is 00:05:16 real conditioning programs it's going to be um very cool to just see how our education process meets the demand of where they're at. Um, so, so those programs are all six weeks long, 30 days of training, six weeks, five days a week. Um, only one of them is done in a gym. Everything else is at home with just a pull-up bar or, or it's a conditioning program from wind sprints to, um, longer term stuff, just more of like an aerobic capacity type setup. So that piece was really important to be able to get the price point down and be able to write programs that we're proud of that are, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:56 if we can just not trick them but write a good program that works, maybe they've never seen it. Maybe they're actually genuinely interested in it instead of like jumping on a trampoline and trying to lose weight whatever weird stuff people do um so that's where we started and then it was like the process that we were very unaccustomed to how do you build a display that stands out on a shelf how do you make three by five cards with serial numbers on them at checkout so that it talks to our website and automatically generates an email to them to get their programs to them? All that stuff was just a learning curve. But the actual programming
Starting point is 00:06:42 piece, I'm really stoked on just because we get to get good programs in there. And I'm sure Billy Blanks is living up in a mansion somewhere in Carlsbad, California, high atop the world. But I don't want people kickboxing air in their living room. So I want them out training and doing what I think is important. Will there be like different levels to each program? Like let's say somebody runs through that first six weeks with the hope be that they just start over or is there going to be like, okay, you did level one.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Let me go check out what level two is or is there like some like a form of progression? Yeah, that's absolutely the program. I mean, if I were to, I'm sure we're all relatively aware of the program and the book. But what I really envision us doing is creating like a body for life in which we have this initial program, we've got kind of the testimonials baked into the email sequences that they get to keep them engaged and motivated. You know, how to take before pictures, how to take the after pictures, what measurements matter. Is it just the scale? Are you able to get some body measurements to see actually what you have going on? So those pieces are, I love body for life. That was like the first real training program.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And I've always thought that it was just so awesome how they built the program. And then it was like nine chapters of inspiring testimonials and they changed millions of people's lives. There just one program so yeah so yes could they redo it over and over and over again absolutely could they buy any of the other programs that we have on our website absolutely we're you know once they're a part of our ecosystem they're going to continually be brought into our programs and our methodology more and more. But for right now, three is enough. I got to get these three moving first.

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