Mark Bell's Power Project - You Should Be Obsessed With Your Body || MBPP Ep. 959

Episode Date: July 18, 2023

In episode 959, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how easy it is to obsess over ones body, but how doing so might be a good thing.   New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Recieve a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 Travel Packs!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box   ➢ Better Fed Beef:   ➢ to receive a year supply of Hostage Tape and Nose Strips for less than $1 a night!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ to recieve 10% off our Panel, Check Up Panal or any custom panel!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're not just obsessed with like the look, although that's cool and it's fun to always work on the look, but we're obsessed with trying to make it better. Have you noticed a difference in terms of the way that you pay attention to the way that you feel? It's being grateful for this body, whereas before I was kind of like upset, like, oh, it's a little broken. Do you guys think there's any aspect of this that people would think is conceited? I think that people do think that. The person that has a nice body, much like the person that has the Lambo, they're going to want to drive it around the block a
Starting point is 00:00:28 little bit. So when you have a nice physique, it's not uncommon for you to like want to go outside and run with your shirt off. Or it's not uncommon to, you know, pop your shirt off at a pool party, be the first one to pop your shirt off at the pool party. I think that building up confidence in yourself and feeling good about yourself can be a huge positive. Confidence in yourself and feeling good about yourself can be a huge positive. Approach family, welcome to the podcast. We are 900 plus episodes deep, bringing tons of different experts in fitness, health, nutrition, and business. And we thank you all for your support.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And we're also glad to be bringing these individuals to you. Now, if you've enjoyed this podcast and it's brought benefits to your life, we'd really appreciate it if you left a five-star review on Spotify or Apple. As that helps the podcast grow and thrive and we can continue bringing you amazing content. Thank you for your support and enjoy the episode. Look at this. Look at that. Oh, it's not. He's a man.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You guys want to get started there? Yeah. Well, it's super funny because Bobby always kind of has this like half smile going on. So he has that, I don't know if you guys remember the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in Ghostbusters. He had like a little smile going as he's like trashing New York City. Bobby Lashley looked like that a little bit. He's got this little smirk and he's a really nice guy. But he's jacked like Ram Man. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And very dangerous. They were very creative with high-level wrestling. The name on that one, Ram Man. Yeah, right? They really laid that one up. Yeah, Ram Man's not going to win any mobility drills. No. This makes me want to Ram a man, huh?
Starting point is 00:02:01 It does. Yeah, you should see the back of that suit. He doesn't look very thick. Ram man doesn't look very thick. He looks like he has twig legs. He's not working them legs. Not that booty. You got to work on them legs.
Starting point is 00:02:18 You should. I think every – yeah. That's one thing. You shouldn't skip leg day and you should work your glutes even as a guy it's important i think girls might like the legs more than the arms even i don't know i agree i think i hear that from females a lot there sounds like they dig it when i mean i guess you don't want a guy with like you know small shoulders and stuff to either but i think they dig the legs right and? And I don't want to physique
Starting point is 00:02:46 shame any of y'all, but like, yeah, no, I think so. Like, sturdy legs means you can hoist, you know? I mean, sturdy. You're a movable base. Yeah, do some squats. Why not? Some deadlifts. Maybe some lunges.
Starting point is 00:03:04 The guy in the gym. Oh, yeah. That guy's got ass for days. Why does he have so much back? That doesn't make sense. It's like every step he ever took went right to his butt. For those of you guys who don't know what we're talking about, there is a member of super training gym
Starting point is 00:03:25 who he bikes everywhere he's got them glutes yeah yeah he's mad thick he's really got like if you cut his body in half you won't you wouldn't be sure
Starting point is 00:03:44 you know in our defense If you cut his body in half, you wouldn't be sure. In our defense, he does wear like a singlet, like a cycling singlet all the time. So that ass is out there for everyone to see. You don't need much imagination. I mean, he's going to shake it and wave it around in front of us and we're going to be able to talk about it, right? Yo. Oh, God. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Dude. Because, like, I think every dude has, like, a little bit of a radar for booty, depending on how much you like booty, you know? My radar is, like, sky high. So there were multiple times, I know this, when I was sitting in the gym just doing my shit. And then I'm, like, at the side of my eyes, see something, I'm like, shit he got me again he's like why you got like radar that anybody with like a uh certain ratio certain ratio you're just look at it you know that dude's out here pulling tricks on people man yo if i talk i gotta tell you guys a quick story it's kind of funny it's it's a it's my boy brian um but there was i think he was like fasting or something yeah he was fasting or something so
Starting point is 00:04:51 he was super hungry and super thirsty and he was talking to a friend of his and apparently this friend had like a lot of chapstick on and his lips were exceptionally juicy on this day so while they're talking he was telling me he's like yo like no homo bro but like for some reason i just couldn't stop looking at his lips and says why are these niggas lips so juicy he's he's he's straight he's straight as fuck but it's just like so he's so hungry and so thirsty. He just zoned in on his juicy lips. Drawn in. I'm so dehydrated and your lips are so hydrated.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Oh, God. Like that kiss meant nothing to me. I was just really thirsty. I don't know if it works that way or not. No, man. I don't know if it works that way or not. It should if it doesn't. Andrew, what are you doing over there, man?
Starting point is 00:05:46 Your veins are getting all crazy. You guys keep talking about that. Yeah. I don't know. I'm just doing jiu-jitsu and stuff. Do you have like the little ultimate warrior thing like tied around the top of your bicep or something to try to get the veins to pop? Yeah, to show the like the delt definition too, right? Because like he cuts it off pretty high and then it just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Seems like you know a lot about it. Well, because I've seen it and I was curious when I was a kid. Like I wonder is that doing like, is that like kind of like a push-up bra for the delt? It's like, hmm, like that makes some sense. But no, I'm just, I think I'm just still recomping the body. So like losing some body fat and, you know, now it's more than just the, like the obvious places. You know, like, you know, people talk about the lower abs and wanting to attack that. Like, yes, for me, that is the last thing to go. but now that I am dropping fat and continuing to drop fat, it's just,
Starting point is 00:06:48 it's just coming off of more places instead of like the upper stomach or wherever it may be, or like the love handles. Now it is kind of making its way to the arms to where, you know, I'll go do jujitsu and I'll have some electrolytes and, um, refuel with some eggs and some toast and yeah, the veins start popping.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Cause I have been getting that compliment quite a bit lately. It's like, dude, what are you doing? Like your veins are going nuts right now. So, yeah, thank you. You're like, I've been strangling people. Yeah. That's my secret. Strangling my arms so the veins pop. I'm curious about this too because what we're going to get into,
Starting point is 00:07:18 there's an idea of like people talk about being obsessed with your physique and that being unhealthy. Yeah, Andrew already has a great build. It's like how much further you want to keep going. And you probably look at it and you're probably like, I could still do way better. Yeah. But have you noticed, Andrew, and even you, Mark, like over the years, I'm like a guest.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Have you? Anyway, but like have you noticed a difference in terms of the way you pay attention to what things feels like? Because like I think I've even seen comments of this and how people are like Andrew is like talking differently about his movement in his body. Have you noticed a difference in terms of the way that you pay attention to the way that you feel since starting jujitsu? Oh, yes. Yes, absolutely. It's being grateful for this body. Whereas before I was kind of like upset, like, oh, it's a little broken. Like, how come, you know, that sort of thing. And then so like the other day I did go to brush my teeth and I felt like a little something in my back where in the past I would have been like, oh, it's over. Like, you know, I got to lean on the fucking counter again and brush my teeth this way. It was like that was like i felt that thing and then so then
Starting point is 00:08:25 i kind of got into like a go-to position you know back get in my back chain to relieve the pressure or the pain and then afterwards i just like like i know i can move so like i have confidence in this body and so i just started moving you know doing some stuff on the ground and then it was fine it was no big deal but in the past i wouldn't have believed that I could have reversed that pain that fast. You know, I would have just been like, oh, this is it. It's over. Now it's like, no, we can easily reverse all of this. nothing happens you're like oh that was just a little weird movement but you just went to pick up socks off the floor or something you did something and you're like oh i think i might have slightly tweaked and then you're like i did i fucking tweaked something i don't get and then sometimes it hurts for i mean some things can kind of like i've had days where i've gotten up and just whatever reason my ankle will bother me and it like pops or like it's stuck in some weird way.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And it might hurt me the whole first half of the day, like all the way to the point where I got like a limp or something. And then I don't know what happens. Something else like writes itself and then it's fine. I was going to go to the ankle right when you said that because I took a step down and it just like us like us like a hot stinging feeling like on my left side of my ankle I was like what the what is that and you know you try to like roll it out to like pop it or do something and I'm like it's dude it's getting worse like what the what did I just do and then get to the end of the day and you've completely forgot that it even happened but like in that moment I'm like oh I might have to address this it was weird i don't know what happened but and maybe just being
Starting point is 00:10:08 38 years old stuff like that happens i don't know but yeah yeah it is weird i think like over time because you know today um i rolled with our boy charlie and he he did something and my my back kind of slammed on the mat he was He was moving quite a bit wild. But afterwards, like I had this little kink in my neck and this little kink in my back. And I felt – I've had this before. I know I've had this multiple times through lifting or whatever. But the way that I address things now is so different than in the past because in the past, I'd be like, oh, I can't move my neck. So then I'd stop moving my neck, right?
Starting point is 00:10:43 I'd kind of just like you know let it get a little bit better be a little nervous about it too be a little bit nervous I definitely like I don't think it's bad to go to a body worker it's actually great Oscar Oguin who's a he's a friend of the show he works on all of us I I go to him from time to time but you know today when that happened okay I couldn't move my neck much but then I just started really trying to see how far I could go, how painful it was. I was okay with that pain because, like, I think in the past I would have, like, I would have definitely avoided that pain. We had a few tools in terms of, like, myofascial release. So I smashed my trap, smashed my back, did some long-range stuff in the gym.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And now it's feeling way better. I have more freedom of movement. But it's interesting that in the past, I think because I wasn't moving in such different ways, all of my movement was focused on isolation, compound movements in the gym. The way that I would address my body would also be in very kind of isolatory ways, if that makes any sense i wouldn't put everything together yeah and i think because we are like obsessed with fitness obsessed with our our own bodies i guess you'd say and we're not just obsessed with like the look although that's cool and it's fun to always work on the look we're obsessed with trying to make it better and each one of us has slightly different goals we're all in different phases of our life um of, of, of what we're doing. You're competing on a world level.
Starting point is 00:12:09 So that's amazing to watch. And so your standards are going to be different than what Andrew and I are shooting for, but we all have these particular goals. I was watching a video that someone posted the other day. It was just like a ran, you know, sometimes these random posts kind of pop up in your feed and it was of a guy running and it said, what are you looking for? Like, like how do you spot athleticism? And I thought, wow, what an interesting thing. Um, and, and I don't, I don't know who posted it and I didn't know who was in the video, but I knew that I wasn't spotting a lot of athleticism from the person that was running. They're running pretty fast. The speed was pretty good. But, um, whether I can mimic, you know, high level athleticism is a different point. I'm not saying that I can, and I'm not saying that I'm super proficient, but I know, I know it when I
Starting point is 00:13:01 see it from somebody else, I can see it from other people. And this guy in particular wasn't super fluid. And he was basically doing like a sprint. And again, he was running pretty fast. He was running like 100 meters. Looked like he was running pretty good. But he wasn't head over foot at all. He was really like stuck somewhere. And he looked a little robotic.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Again, he looked fast. So there was some athleticism there for sure. It wasn't like if you were to rate the guy just by watching him run, you'd probably be like, oh, he's like a six or a seven. But it wasn't like we were watching Tyreek Hill either. And so when you watch somebody run, I don't know, or when you watch someone do a layup or you watch someone do a fadeaway jump shot, I don't know exactly what it is that makes you equate that algorithm of that flow of that person to where you're like,
Starting point is 00:13:50 that's, that guy's really athletic. You know, it's, it's different than whether the guy makes the shot or misses the shot or whether the guy ran the a hundred meters and under 10 seconds or not. Obviously if a guy runs under 10 seconds in 100 meter, he obviously is athletic. There's no denying that. But the way that in which it might look could be still vastly different amongst people. So it's kind of an interesting thing and something that I'm feeling when I'm running. And this is like kind of flows into the obsession of the bodies, I kind of feel like my upper body is like screwing and turning one way while the lower body is screwing and turning the other way.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And obviously the faster you get going, kind of the more that you'll feel that. But to even be able to do that, which running, I would say, you know, someone running like a 10 minute mile pace or something, it's not really, it's not super athletic per se. However, it's your gait and it's probably one of the most athletic movements you can do in some ways, because that's what we have as humans is kind of our forward locomotion. And so I'm starting to feel more of that. And that's like, that's kind of where my obsession is. And, you and you know yes i do want to continue to get leaner and in better shape and those kinds of things but that's the the um aesthetics thing is a little bit more on the side and the movement thing is a little bit more in the forefront i would say do you guys think that there is a is there a negative aspect because
Starting point is 00:15:24 like there's you know you always hear people say oh, you don't – being too focused on the way you look is conceited. You're too into yourself, blah, blah, blah, which I can understand aspects of that. I do think that if more people did probably care about the way that they – well, people do, but I think that it's not necessarily bad to care about the way you look. way that they, well, people do, but I think that it's not necessarily bad to care about the way you look. But being highly cognizant about the way you feel, I think that could, that that is something that more of us can tune into pretty well. Cause I think that that'll help literally everything you do. If you're paying attention to your lower back or you're paying attention to different spots that just don't feel right, or if you just allow yourself to kind of venture into those areas and you feel something's not right or something's kind of off
Starting point is 00:16:08 that could help optimize you in the long run i don't i don't know do you guys think there's any aspect of this that is that people would think is conceited yeah i think you fool yourself yeah i think people could think i think that people do think that of people that are in really good shape i think a lot of times when somebody sees that someone's in fantastic shape like not just lean but they're lean and they have you know good amount of muscle mass and stuff like that i think people are like that takes a lot of time you know and that takes a lot of time and because they're thinking that takes a lot of time they're also probably thinking that takes a lot of effort and that takes a lot of individual time just like somebody might think the same thing of somebody driving a Mercedes
Starting point is 00:16:49 or somebody driving like a Lambo, you know, like, eh, that guy's probably an asshole and the guy that cuts you off, you know? I think that a lot of times people have a kind of a perception of someone that's like that, but you don't really know. I mean, the person that has, the person that has a nice body, much like the person that has the Lambo, they're going to want to drive it around the block a little bit and they're going to want people to see them driving it. So when you have a nice physique, it's not uncommon for you to like, want to go outside and run with your shirt off or it's not uncommon to, you know, pop your shirt off at a pool party, be the first one to pop your shirt off at the pool party and again people might think oh man this guy's
Starting point is 00:17:29 this guy's really full of himself i can't believe it you could be you could be but i think that building up confidence in yourself and feeling good about yourself can mainly can be a huge positive and for a young person it might take time for them to start to think about other people a little bit more start to think about other people's perspective like that's a maturity thing it takes a while you might not be like 30 years old until you get kind of hit over the head with that like i wonder what it's like being like that person probably feels a lot different maybe i shouldn't have popped my shirt off right in front of that guy right away and dunked his ass in the pool. I should have maybe been a little kinder or whatever. But yeah, I think that people tend to, when they do look at someone that's,
Starting point is 00:18:14 I mean, you're going to think something similar of a girl with fake boobs, right? You're going to see a girl with fake boobs that maybe puts a lot of time and effort into the look. She's got the shoes on. She's got the shoes on. She's got, you know, she's got everything going on. It's like you're just going to think certain things of that person. You might not think that's the smartest person you ever met before you ever even had a conversation with them. Like it's not even a fair assessment.
Starting point is 00:18:37 You didn't even talk yet, but it might just be something that you're thinking. I hate to sound like a broken record, but your sleep quality most likely sucks. It's one of the biggest things that we talk about on the podcast. So many guests have come on and talked about how sleep can help you stick to your diet, stick to your workout plan, lose body fat, gain muscle, all the good things that you're trying to do. But it's hard to do because you might be snoring. And if you're snoring, that's why we've partnered with Hostage Tape, which is mouth
Starting point is 00:19:03 tape that you can put over your nose, your mouth, when you're asleep to help you stop snoring and breathe through your nose. But if you haven't been breathing through your nose this whole time while you've been sleeping, it's going to be a little bit difficult to get air through there. That's also why Hostage Tape has nose strips to help open up your nasal airways and make it easier to breathe through your nose when you're asleep. Now your partner won't be having a fuck with you when you're asleep because you'll be actually breathing through your nose. Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, that's over at slash PowerProject where you guys will receive an entire year's supply of nasal strips and mouth tape
Starting point is 00:19:36 all for less than a dollar a night. Again, that's at slash PowerProject. Links in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Yeah, the conceited aspect of it is kind of odd slash power project links in the description as well as the podcast show notes yeah i i the conceited aspect of it is kind of odd because i i don't i personally i don't know being an athlete for a long time there's always i guess for me there's always been kind of like a focus on health and a byproduct of that is like if you look healthy that's kind of a byproduct of that. But I do think that over the years of – especially as we've gotten into doing more things, like doing more things that require the whole body is rotationally moving with certain things. I think that type of stuff has like not only helped me be able to move better, but when something does happen, when there's a little bit of an injury or when there's a little bit of a kink somewhere, it seems like it's much easier to work out because like I know how to access those things. Like with the neck in the gym, I started doing some very like long range rows, allowing the like the weight to pull my body that way.
Starting point is 00:20:53 With a weight that's light for you. With a weight that's light for me. Right. But I wouldn't have been able to do that in the past because I wouldn't have even thought of moving that way in the past. So I think it's interesting how I, the way somebody moves can kind of inform not just how they deal with injury, but maybe how likely they are to get injured. Yeah, the way that we move is like such a huge thing.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Like years ago, there was Eli Manning. You know, he played for the Giants and he was always compared to his brother, Peyton Manning. And Eli just, it just seemed, he played for the Giants, and he was always compared to his brother Peyton Manning. And Eli just seemed like he didn't care. Like the way he walked around seemed like he kind of didn't care. He was more like nonchalant. And I don't know if he was like nonchalant because he was just so good that he just kind of maybe he partially didn't care.
Starting point is 00:21:39 But the announcers would talk about it repeatedly. They talked about it all the time. They were like, I don't think he wants to win. Like he doesn't have what it takes.. They talked about it all the time. They were like, I don't think he wants to win. He doesn't have what it takes. He just got smashed all the time. And he played in New York, and when you're quarterback of the New York Giants and you're in one of those big cities like that, the press is really on you. If you're in Chicago or New York, it just seems like the press is on you even harder.
Starting point is 00:22:03 or New York, it just seems like the press is on you even harder. So the press was always on him, and, you know, he defeated the greatest team in the history of football. He defeated the undefeated New England Patriots. He beat Tom Brady in the Super Bowl in the craziest game of all time. So the body language, you know, it kind of can inform you, but also you can't really just judge somebody. You can't always judge a book by its cover just because he kind of had his head down in between plays and maybe he was a little bit more humble. Maybe his brother was going to walk around with his chest up a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Maybe his brother was going to yell at everybody. Maybe his brother was going to, you know, famously call out the audibles, Omaha, Omaha. Maybe his brother's more vocal, but just because he wasn't vocal and just cause he didn't have the same like kind of swagger didn't mean that he didn't have what it takes. You know, he had a, he had a really good, a really good skillset, but most of the time, I think you're right. Most of the time, I think somebody with their eyes down when you're, when you're out walking somebody with their eyes down, they're either like a little bit nervous about communicating with somebody else um they might be in pain it's really common for people in pain to kind of just
Starting point is 00:23:12 keep their they they don't feel good they don't want to like look up they don't want to smile think about like times like man you get out of bed and you're like man there's something's going on there today i don't feel right like if you're in a lot of pain or if you're sick if you're sick you're gonna be closed off. I'm like, man, I got the chills. I feel like shit. You're going to just be like, you know, you're going to keep everything kind of in, in close to you. I think for myself, I think I've gotten to be that way a little bit with, with all the lifting over the years and, um, you know, building myself up in certain ways this way. I think sometimes, uh, I would rather kind of just, even though I built myself up in certain ways this way, I think sometimes, uh, I would rather
Starting point is 00:23:46 kind of just, even though I built myself up to be big, I think sometimes I'd rather like shrink down and disappear a little bit every once in a while. And I think that the way that you walk, uh, and the way that you move, I think is, um, is a huge, a huge, uh, aspect of those things and i think that the you can move better by feeling better and if you look better you'll probably move better how does the marching band guy move that's in school who's got his hair all crazy and he's a little heavy um and he was never picked for any of the sports versus the um the captain of the football team. Captain of the football team walks. He's got his chest down.
Starting point is 00:24:29 He's manspreading. He's kind of taking up the whole aisle as he walks down the hallway. The big guy, the band guy is probably shuffling along and just not really looking at anybody. So I think those are huge factors. Both of you guys, though, like over the past few years, again, you're running. You're doing jiu-jitsu. And the funny thing is too is like over the past few years, again, you're running, you're doing jujitsu. And the funny thing is too is like we're all getting older, but you guys are like getting older, older. But the thing is – the thing I think is so great about like both of you is like I can tell a big difference in the way that you walk and the way you move around, Andrew.
Starting point is 00:24:59 And you're doing jujitsu and you're leaner and you've gained muscle and you're getting older. And Mark, it's like you came from a background of lifting a lot of weights. But it's like now when I see you move around, it's like your body is more open. And it's like there is more movement going on in general. And there's like a – there's a backwards clock going on with both of you guys. And it's reflective on the actions you're taking on a daily basis. Not just that you're putting on more muscle or anything like that it's literally like your your your exercise routines are changing all of that for you yeah we i mean we had so many guests that were breaking the i
Starting point is 00:25:36 guess i'll call fallacy of like the older you get you'd start to deteriorate so like we have many examples but being able to look in the mirror and be that example is like way more powerful um yeah i feel i mean it's impossible to put like a percentage or like i feel 10 times better than i did you know i first got to super training but it's just like i i'm just a different person now you know i move way differently and it's a lot of it's because you know i had my son so like i want to be able to roll around on the ground and do that sort of thing with him and not like, I can't do it today or whatever it may be. You know, he's ultimately the last straw for me to get into jujitsu because I want him to do it. So
Starting point is 00:26:19 here he's, he's already going to grow up knowing or living the life that exercise is just normal. He's already going to grow up knowing or living the life that exercise is just normal. I want jujitsu to be normal. Eating healthy food is normal. All this stuff is just normalized. So, again, being an example for him is also being an example for myself of what is possible. And it's just like I'm excited because I knew early on that when I hit 40, I'd probably be in the best shape of my life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And it's like, okay, let's see what 50 is going to look like. You know, it's exciting. Like the more stuff we learn and the longer I have like time under tension, like it's just going to get even better. And I know like there's an opportunity for missteps here and there to kind of like hurt something or whatever. But then like I'm just going to focus on something else. Like as simple as like my left hand hurting a little bit right now. Like my thumb's jacked up from the competition. My middle finger got shredded on the rope climb over the weekend. It's like so my left hand is pretty weak right now as far as grips.
Starting point is 00:27:23 So now I'm just focusing more on being stronger on my right side you know which you felt today with like the collar sleeve stuff i mean felt as in like you felt my right hand being a little bit stronger not like oh yeah you felt my strength motherfucker like yeah right but like it's just allowing me to like switch things up and try something else so like that's how it's gonna happen if i'm you know whatever hurt a foot or something it's like okay well I'll just play more off of my back or whatever it may be. But the long ass explanation is just me saying that, like, yes, I'm aging in the wrong direction. You know, I'm getting younger as I'm getting older. And I'm measuring that by what my body's ability, like my abilities of what I can do today are way better than what they were many years ago.
Starting point is 00:28:07 We should do that fucking DNA age test thing. I think it's like 500 bucks. Bone density too, man. It's gotten bigger. I don't know what I had tested, but I had something tested and I'm like six years younger than whatever my age says. That thing, yeah. I think it was part, it may have been part of the, it might have been part of a – well, maybe Dan Garner might have put it in there for me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:29 But he was saying like each time I get my blood work, that's something that we can take a look at. He's like that could be something that we sort of chase. I mean even if you just stay the same age, like that would be kind of cool for the next few years. Like that would be kind of cool for the next few years. Something I was going to mention is that if you think about all the different people that we've had come here, it's really, really rare that someone makes like real changes. It's really, really rare that someone makes real changes. And I'm not talking about like improvement isn't necessarily a change. And I'm not talking about like improvement isn't necessarily a change. Like I think for yourself, what I've examined through you over the years, and I would say that you have good genetics.
Starting point is 00:29:14 You work really hard. You're someone that's a really high-level athlete. You were a high-level athlete before we ever met, and you did well in powerlifting, did well in bodybuilding, did well in soccer, and now you're doing well in jujitsu. But even for yourself, I think that people maybe don't understand you have to leave behind the exercises that you did to make you a particular way and you have to find new exercises. Because I would speculate and I would guess that if you were still really chasing after deadlifts and squats and bench presses, you would not be moving as well. I don't know if you'd be – if you really wanted to, you could probably figure it out. But trying to figure that out in combination with jiu-jitsu I think would be really hard.
Starting point is 00:29:59 And you think about the guys that we've had that come here, Matt Wenning, Stan Efferding, some of these kind of old friends of mine. While they've made some changes, it would be really nice to see them make a much larger change. They're kind of scared to change. And Stan, when he came in here, he was, of course, making fun of me. He kind of always does that. Oprah thing was fun. Yeah, yeah. Oprah has a better time than me and she has bigger arms. Could be true, actually. We got to look these stats up.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Could be true. But I think, you know, Rhino is about 10 years older than me. So he's doing great and he's staying in great shape. But I'm just thinking to myself, I'm not even going to say anything back because I don't need to. Like it's obvious. He needs to make a change. He needs to be doing what I'm doing more so,
Starting point is 00:30:54 and he knows it. And so I'm just going to let it sit there and I'm not going to say anything. Clip it. Because like 10 minutes later, he's like, oh man, I need to downsize. I need to lose some weight i'm
Starting point is 00:31:05 like 245 remember he was saying that he's big yeah so he's huge which is awesome and everyone loves seeing him hit the big weights but i'm always like man i know i know what those weights still feel like i know how they sit in your body i know how they kind of sit in your system and we've had sean baker here before and sean Baker is probably the same age as Stan, maybe a little bit older. And Sean Baker doesn't take a long time to get up out of his chair. Sean Baker is not like kind of in pain. Because Sean doesn't train that same way. Now, he'll go heavy.
Starting point is 00:31:38 But when he does a box squat, he does like a high box squat. When he goes to do some sort of heavy deadlift, he might use the trap bar. He does a a high box squat. When he goes to do some sort of heavy deadlift, he might use the trap bar. He does a lot of explosive movements. He's not overextending himself. And yeah, Sean Baker is quite a specimen. I would say like he's like six, five or six, six, and he's a, he's a goddamn bear. You know, he's a, he's a grizzly bear. Right. But my point being is that you do need to be careful with the inputs that you put into your body, with the things that you're putting into your body in terms of your program and in terms of the lifting that you're doing. So if you're somebody that wants to start to move better and you want to start to run, I'm not saying that you can't deadlift.
Starting point is 00:32:19 What I'm trying to say is that I think that you might have to find different versions or different ways to still build up the lower back and the glutes maybe in a way that would mimic the deadlift rather than just killing yourself relentlessly with tons and tons of reps and sets. And some shrugs. Yeah. Wow. What is the weight on those shrugs, though? 600 pounds? 56 years old. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:43 And see, that's a shrug. It's like a, you know, a partial range of motion movement. Like I think what's lost in fitness is what's the cost of some of these things. What, what's the, what is the cost of walking three or four miles every day? Virtually nothing. If you're in, if you're, you know, in just like halfway decent shape, it costs you some time time but it doesn't cost you any sort of recovery what does going after you know what does holding on to or chasing after your 405 deadlift what does that cost you yeah it might cost you too much it might not make sense
Starting point is 00:33:18 to do anymore andrew's doing jujitsu but he's still training he still wants to keep the size on um but you're not doing some of those movements because those those movements don't play into what you're currently after yeah no i always say that the workouts should add to the jujitsu not you know take away you know because some of the guys that i roll with they they don't know how to uh how to gauge that and they don't know how to um what's the term when like the program's written out but they don't self-regulate. Auto-regulate. Auto-regulate. There you go.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And they'll come into jujitsu in the morning and you can just tell. It's like you gave too much to your workout. And because like the passion, you can even see like the passion's not there anymore. You know, it's like it's gone. It's they're just kind of like going through the motions. It like dude yeah you got to learn how to pull back leave the ego because i know that's what it always comes down to it's like that guy's going hard so i want to match his intensity like no like what's the end goal the end goal is to get better at jujitsu so like let's just focus on that yeah you, the cool thing about the gym, strength training, bodybuilding is that like if we think of bodybuilding and just doing isolation work, that's actually always easy to do.
Starting point is 00:34:32 You know, that's always easy to keep included. But what would maybe – Because it doesn't hurt or cost you much. It doesn't hurt or cost you much. But it starts costing you a lot when you overdo it or when you're doing fucking like upper body four days a week or three days a week and lower body three days. And your elbows are bothering you and everything else. Okay. Can you remember, like I even remember when I was focused on bodybuilding, the things that I would always be like, fuck that hurts, that hurts is my elbows, right? My lower
Starting point is 00:35:02 back and my knees. Like those would be the things that were like perpetually sore, right? My lower back and my knees. Like those would be the things that were like perpetually sore, right? And be like, fuck, I can't. I got it. Inflamed all the time. Inflamed all the time. But if you just back off of that a little bit, it doesn't cost you nearly as much. But it's something that you can keep included in everything. Power lifting too.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Strength training is good. Like Sean touches heavy weights every now and then. I don't know if it's every single day. I don't think it is. But like we touch heavy weight every now and then. Like I touch it, but the cost isn't too much. That skill is still there. But I feel like if you've already managed to build the skill of having a good SBD for yourself and you don't plan on necessarily competing and powerlifting,
Starting point is 00:35:45 let's say that's not your goal. It might be a good idea to go down the rabbit hole of other things, maybe some calisthenics, maybe some FP, maybe some go to type stuff, because there is going to be a weakness there for you. And that's kind of the way I think of certain things. Like when I see something on Instagram or I see somebody doing like the fucking back bridge or some weird shit with their shoulder already, I'm like, I already can't do that, but I wonder what would happen to the way I can move around if I'm able to actually do that. Will that help with everything else? Potentially, potentially not. But I know that if I can figure out things that aren't necessarily my strengths, because like lifting isn't a weakness for me at this point. It's not like I'm lifting as much as I was, but at the same time, I could lift as much as I was very quickly.
Starting point is 00:36:31 So it's like it's not a skill. I don't want to say this the wrong way. It is a skill that I could develop, but if I continue to develop that skill, it's not going to give me as much back. much back. Whereas these other things that I'm super weak at, these ways of manipulating my body in space, if I can develop those skills, I will get much more back from that than diving in to try and get a 700 or 800 pound deadlift. And if you were to take the top 10 guys in jujitsu or the top 100 guys in jujitsu and you were to check off some boxes of what they squat, bench or deadlift, you wouldn't find it being like these crazy numbers.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Sure, some proficiency is nice, and you can make an argument that the guy that deadlifts 315, if he got to 365, maybe he'll be a little stronger. But is anyone going to really feel that on the mat unless you increased your technique and a lot of other things came along with that. Probably not. Probably not going to really notice it much. It's not like a – it's not a prerequisite for you to be able to deadlift 405 for you to be able to like choke somebody out. However, if you don't have any proficiency and you really don't lift at all, it is a good thing.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It is a good thing to work on and to build on. But I would say I would like to probably see people start out probably more in the bodybuilding realm for a little bit, move around some weights, learn how to do those movements, learn how to do some full range of motion stuff. As you start to become more accustomed to that, maybe occasionally, now that you know how to do the exercises, you start to use a little bit more weight and you start to kind of push into those things. But there's so much you can get out of doing some like dumbbell stuff. There's so much you can get out of doing some kettlebell work. The amount of repetitions that you do with a kettlebell is insane a lot of times. You know, like it's just for whatever reason, when someone goes to deadlift, like how many reps are going to do?
Starting point is 00:38:25 One, maybe three. Like people don't really, they're not like, oh, I'm going to do four sets of 10 deadlifts. Like it's really rare unless they're doing like a stiff leg deadlift or something. Very rare for someone to say, I'm going to do four sets of 10. So right away, the deadlift is kind of almost a quote unquote bad exercise because of how we utilize it. We utilize it with heavy weight right away. We don't take the time to really learn how to do the movement, and therefore it's probably going to make you stiffer rather than making you more athletic.
Starting point is 00:38:55 With a kettlebell, for whatever reason, you're like, I should probably do this for like 8 to 15 reps or something like that. I'm going to swing it around this way, and then I'm going to swing it around this way for another 8 or 15 reps. And if you do like one arm at a time or you're doing kettlebell swing, you do 15 with one arm, now you do 15 with the other. It's like that's 30 reps. That is a lot of repetitions for lower back,
Starting point is 00:39:17 and we've seen it within SEMA, and we've seen it with other athletes. Dre is not weak. Every goddamn Dre, like he's not weak. Jared, who we just had on yep yeah uh jared there's a lot of a lot of examples of it these guys they can get under some weight and they can move some weight so sometimes the kettlebell option is nice because you're still able to have some really good movement i saw kelly stirret the other day talking about flipping a tire. And he's like sometimes flipping a tire just destroys people. And he's like why is that?
Starting point is 00:39:52 Is it the weight of the tire? I mean sometimes strongman guys are really flipping some crazy tires. But a lot of times in your average gym, there's like a 250, 400-pound tire. Even though it sounds crazy heavy, you're only picking up like half of it and then you flip it know, flip it over. But he said, people get wrecked by that exercise. Why do they get wrecked by it? Well, you have to get down really low. Your hands, think about like where, where do your hands go when you deadlift? Your hands go several inches above like where your ankles would be. Goes like a midway down your shin, right? That's where your, that's where your hands need to get to in order for you to get your hands on a barbell. Where do your hands need to go to flip a tire?
Starting point is 00:40:29 They need to go all the way to the fucking floor. And so now you're in this like compromised position, but it shouldn't really be a compromised position. Like the lower back has the ability to express that lower end range, and you should be able to flip a tire just fine. that lower end range and you should be able to flip a tire just fine so there's so many different ways of going about doing this and the strength curve of something like flipping a tire while it may be dangerous to do it out of nowhere i'm not suggesting that um it might be safer and better and more beneficial for grappling or wrestling or whatever it might be yeah yeah the kettlebell thing is actually it's it's pretty interesting because you know how we always use the idea of like throwing weights around?
Starting point is 00:41:11 Like the kettlebell is really throwing that weight around. I mean if you kind of see the stuff that Dre and Jared are doing, it's, I think that if anybody could just get one kettlebell just to keep, a light one, maybe 20, 25 pounds, there's a lot you could do with that because like you just mentioned, the amount of repetition you can get with the kettlebell and then – Those guys are both in great shape. Amazing shape. They're both jacked.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, amazing shape. But the freedom of doing it literally wherever. I kind of got a little bit inspired by Jared. So I went to a park yesterday and I just took a rope and a kettlebell out there. It was having so much fun just literally working on flips, throwing the kettlebell around. Some rope flow? Yeah, I did some rope stuff. But then I was also working with the kettlebell.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And it's like the amount of repetitions you get by swinging, transitioning, going up, going to the side. The amount of expression you can have with your body by using a kettlebell, like you'll see some stuff Dre's doing here, but then if you go to Jared's page and you look at the different ways and planes in which he's moving, that's movement.
Starting point is 00:42:18 That's going to kind of change the way that your body moves around. If you can learn to start expressing yourself with that weight. And again, I think it is a really cool idea and a really cool aspect that you can literally throw that weight around. You throw, you receive, you transition. It will change the way that a lot of people can move if they can just learn how to start flowing with weight in that way. Power Project family, we talk about eating meat all the time on this podcast. Pause. Pause. But sometimes you might want to eat some different
Starting point is 00:42:49 meat. Pause. You might want to eat duck, chicken, Japanese A5 Wagyu. You might want to change things up. That's why we've partnered with Good Life Proteins, which also has certified Piedmontese beef on their website. Now, all you have to do is head to, and you can select build a box with all of the proteins that you want. Then you'll select subscribe and save to save money on all of your meat. Pause. Enter code powerproject to save an extra 5% on any subscription you select. So if you want to get your beef every two weeks,
Starting point is 00:43:20 you'll be able to save 25% on all of your meat. Again, that's Links are in the description along with the podcast show notes. A lot of times when you get into this stuff too, the diet will follow. And when Dre was here, he's like pretty much just eats meat and fruit. I think Jared eats pretty clean as well. And it's, you get into these things and you start to do certain things better. And you're like, I wonder how much better I could get. And as you start to examine that, you're like, oh, maybe I should eat better. Maybe I should sleep better. Maybe I should hydrate better.
Starting point is 00:43:54 And you start getting into the whole thing over a period of time. Look how easy he's just throwing those kettlebells around. Look at all the planes of motion. Did you find that like the kettlebell that he had? I don't know. He had one that was like hollowed out. It just felt different. It's a competition bell.
Starting point is 00:44:09 There's a few companies that sell them like Kettlebell Kings sells really good competition bells. It felt like more comfortable for some reason. It was. It was. I think those bells were Kettlebell Kings. But there's another company called Bells of Steel that also has really good – they're called competition style kettlebells. So I'm looking to grab some of those types of bells soon too is it the weight is distributed differently or something because i was like confused by it i picked it up i thought it was
Starting point is 00:44:32 gonna like be like a ton of bricks but it felt good yeah the weight is distributed like yeah it does have like a hollow section in the middle but it's distributed evenly it's probably calibrated throughout something like that the They're competition bells. So I guess that's why. They're different from the standard kettlebell that has the big handle and then all the densities in the bell like that. But those are really cool things that literally I think it's a cool tool that you can keep in your trunk, you can keep in a bag,
Starting point is 00:45:01 you can take it everywhere with you, you can go out to a park and just fuck around. It's a great addition. That's not being too obsessive by carrying it around? Dog, I think – I don't think so. Even though it's not normal, things like that should be normal. We know that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:20 If more people could just move forward in terms of their health and be more obsessed with the way that their body's feeling. Because I think if you don't know that something necessarily feels bad, then it's just normal. We've had this conversation before. If you're just used to certain pain or getting up and being in pain, if you're used to that, then that is your normal. That is, that's what good might feel like for you. Right. So you got to move to be able to get out of it. Yeah. I think if you're really obsessed, you are going to try to like normalize a lot of stuff. Um, you can make your life just so much more convenient, you know, by simply having a pair of running shoes in your car, you know, um, by, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:46:04 maybe you're going to like a family get together and you're like, I'm going to pack my shorts and my running shoes because when I'm done, when I leave, I might change and like go for a run. Then boom, you got your fitness in for the day. And yeah, it might seem obsessive. It might seem extreme, but you still went and did the normal family stuff. It's just that when it was done and everybody else went home you decided to go do something that you really love and enjoy and you want to try to stick to it and it's not always easy to stick to it so you might have to kind of think of convenient ways that you can still stay connected to it you know the really cool thing
Starting point is 00:46:41 though is like i think it's pretty wild the types of things that anybody, not just us here, but anybody can get used to. Because the ridiculousness of you saying, oh, yeah, I ran 10 miles yesterday. I ran 10 miles the next – because you've – I think there – last week, I don't know if it was last week or the week before, you had multiple 10-plus mile days, right? That's just normal for you now, dog. That's so fucking crazy, dude. Like that is – that's crazy. And you just do it and you come back. You refresh the next day.
Starting point is 00:47:09 You work the next day. But you slowly got used to the discomfort of that. You got good at it. And now that's just – if you don't do it, you're like, oof, I got to go do my 10-mile run. Another example of that is our boy James Puratt. run. Another example of that is our boy James Puratt. You know, I think when some people think of when you do long distance and dropping weight and feeling like shit, they think that that's automatic. But James right now, I don't know if he's doing multiple full marathons a week, right? Because he's getting ready to do like a crazy run. Running from here to Washington or some
Starting point is 00:47:41 shit like that. I think it's gonna be 500 miles, right? 500 miles, yeah. 500 miles. And James is jacked right now, still. Like, James is still holding. Got some good body weight on him, yeah. And he deadlifts like 500 plus pounds. 525. Still, right? So that's what I'm saying, man.
Starting point is 00:47:57 The type of shit that your body can get used to, negative or positive, is pretty fucking wild. It just takes a lot of time and it is absolutely going to be pretty uncomfortable when you start he he's working with nike now oh he did he did a shoot with nike he did a shoot with nike baby holy shit yeah yeah yeah it was it was so sick he mentioned that the other day so whoa yeah man he's a beast you know he deadlifted 500 and ran 50 miles in the same day yeah dude he is a one-on-one yeah like the shit he's doing is pretty damn unreal goes out and hunts bears and shit i don't get it that's i'm scared i'm scared i'll try to hunt a bear but yeah again that's why
Starting point is 00:48:41 i think it's really you know again i've seen the comment of people saying, oh, you guys are on the flavor of the month this time. Oh, yeah. But – Yeah, we're poking around. We're trying to find the truth. We're trying to find – I mean quite honestly like trying to look for the next best thing but we know that there's not one. Like we know the answer is still the same. It's still eat natural foods and exercise.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Lift some weight. Go for a walk. Eat meat still eat natural foods and exercise. Lift some weight. Go for a walk. You know, eat meat and fruit and vegetables and you're good to go. But we know it's true. But we want to kind of poke around. What are these guys saying? Really? If I do that, that's going to increase my time like that?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Really? Let's find out. Let's have the guy on the show. Let's talk to him. But the thing is, is like so many of these things have kind of like shown us parts of our fitness where we're kind of weak yeah and then we've been able to kind of work on that a bit and boom it's something that like it's just now just a very natural part of what we do right so find out like work on those things where you're weak it's not fun to do that because you're kind of weak or you kind of suck there.
Starting point is 00:49:45 That's never fun. But the thing is on the other side of that is going to be some progress for you most likely. Yeah, we are definitely – I mean we definitely like jump the shark as they say. We got these little hand squeezer things. We're working on our grip. We're standing on these things that are mimicking like I guess, branches and rocks and shit for our feet. We're digging in. But the cool thing is we know that you're the same.
Starting point is 00:50:10 We know that a lot of people that are listening are the same. You go to sit down at home and you go to kind of kick your feet up and just relax. And you're like, I should put my fucking toe spacers on. Don't be a pussy. Just put them on. It doesn't cost you anything. Don't be a little bitch. Just put them on. It't be a pussy just put them on it doesn't cost you anything don't be a little bitch just put them on it can be so annoying yeah it's annoying it's annoying it's annoying as fuck you know that's why you wear toe spacer shoes you know and and like uh you know before you leave the
Starting point is 00:50:40 house like you like for me it takes me hours to leave my house. Because I'm always like, I need this. I need that. Like I need my essential amino acids. I need my fucking protein. At the same time, the other part of my brain is going, don't be a pussy. You don't need any of that shit. Just go run, you dickhead. So you don't have schizophrenia, Doug?
Starting point is 00:50:59 I think I do. I think we all do. Well, yeah, those two parts do talk to each other a lot when you think about it but yeah it it's um it's just kind of part of being obsessed about it and i think the the more that people kind of start to question like how into this are you i think it's actually a healthy question to ask yourself because the guys that are showing up to jiu-jitsu that are kind of wearing it like they're just not as into it as they think they are. They think they're into it, but if they're really into it, they would get the sleep that they needed.
Starting point is 00:51:32 And if they're really into it, they wouldn't over deadlift themselves in the gym or they wouldn't. Oh, they wouldn't do those couple extra sets because they'd say, you know what? I need to learn from my mistakes. I want to get better at jujitsu. I need to go in there fresh. I need to be a killer. I want to get better at jiu-jitsu I need to go in there fresh I need to be a killer that's that's what it takes like just because Kobe Bryant stayed after and shot three pointers and free throws and worked on other skills after a game doesn't mean that he didn't recover you know don't forget that Allen Iverson also said well he wasn't at the club he
Starting point is 00:52:02 wasn't partying with everybody he went home that was the big difference between him and a lot of those other guys. So it kind of sometimes might feel isolating here and there, but nothing feels better than winning. Nothing feels better than getting ahead. When you start to win and you start to get ahead and you start to put up points on the scoreboard and you start to see some progress, or someone's like, dude, that was unbelievable what you did that was incredible great job you're like oh shit okay
Starting point is 00:52:29 cool i felt really good that's what i'm that's what that's one of my goals is i want to keep getting better at this and someone just someone just recognized it feels fucking great yeah yeah i think i might have like totally crushed my wife's like hopes because she had asked me what you're about to say yeah sorry my bad because so your wife's what spoiler alert it's the third of july so tomorrow's the fourth of july we're not sure when you guys are listening to this but she's like oh so what are we doing tomorrow and i'm like the same thing i'm like i'm gonna wake up i'm gonna train i'm gonna, I'm going to wake up. I'm going to train. I'm going to work.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I'm going to eat right. I'm not going to drink. You do whatever you want. I'm going to the gym. I'm not going to stay up late because I'm going to train the next day. And then I'm going to go to work the next day, just like every other day. So nothing. It's grind time.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Yeah. Grind time, babe. Every day. No, but like, you know what I mean? Like, are we going to go to the barbecue? And I was like, yes, of course. but it was just funny because so then it's like because i know i'm not gonna mess with anything tomorrow because it's gonna mess with the next day also like i'm not gonna go eat stupidly and and i'm definitely not gonna drink anything
Starting point is 00:53:41 because i want i don't drink but also like's just going to make me feel terrible the next day because I want to get better. Like I just I'm not going to allow, you know, a holiday because there's an excuse for everything. Right. Like we were joking with Stan, which I think should have been out by now. It's like, oh, I had such a horrible day. It's like I had the best day ever. Like both of them lead to the same, you know, excuses or the same things to eat or drink. And it's like, well, just tomorrow's just another day. I had a horrible day here.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Have a drink. I had the most amazing day. Hey, let's go celebrate. Yeah. Yeah. Look into my eyes. Now, I know that you want to be looking better. You want to be going walking the streets being like, damn, I look and feel good because then everyone's going to be looking at you.
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Starting point is 00:55:02 That's V U O R slash power project. And slash power project and you'll automatically receive 20 off your order links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes i gotta say man you are fucking amazing andrew because like like the you know that little thing you said i'm not gonna i'm not gonna have a drink because i don't drink but kind of knowing your past now how much you drank right we were on the last episode who's the only one on this podcast who's done a fucking cake stand yeah you but but like now dude like you're you're just you eat healthy like you like you mentioned multiple times you're different but it's just the transformation is insane dude yeah very contrasty from my past yeah yeah i yeah dude and i i'm i'm just so happy that i did
Starting point is 00:55:48 manage to take the right turn you know maybe i would normally turn left or whatever it may be and it just it i definitely got lucky i'm not gonna like you know sugarcoat that you know meeting mark and everything and cute it just made me go further down this path that i was already into and so like yeah i'm just super grateful with how everything worked out. But yeah, especially looking back and thinking about some of these memories, like, you know, just joking about all the dumb stuff we would do when we were drinking. It's like, dude, like, oh man, none of it is missed. Not one ounce.
Starting point is 00:56:20 People talk about like, oh, how are you going to have fun if you're not drinking? Or like, don't you miss like those times? And like, sure, like we laughed a lot. We had a lot of fun. But like there's a reason why I don't hang out with anybody anymore that I used to hang out with back then. From my to the best of my knowledge, some of them still do hang out with each other and not, you know, no. I'm definitely disrespecting them. I'm hating on them.
Starting point is 00:56:45 But if they're happy and they're cool with it, then cool. I would not be happy if I was still stuck doing that. Like there'd be no freaking way. Just like the same way, like I can't drink or I can't even eat off plan on a Wednesday night because it's going to mess up Thursday despite it being a national holiday. Like the fucking national holiday, right? Like this is the time where you're supposed to eat barbecue eat a lot of food and drink and celebrate America and blow shit up and I'm not going to fucking do that and I'm also not going to buy fireworks because I already went on a rant on that I think
Starting point is 00:57:17 a couple years back about how annoying that shit is but uh yeah I'm not going to mess with the program it's just why would i get worse when i could get better yeah everybody else they can do whatever they want but like the fuckers i'm gonna go up against in competition please go drink go have fun i'm not because i'm having fun you're having i mean you're talking about fourth of july yes okay yes yes yes no like dude yeah Yes. No. Like, dude, yeah, no. No. There's no way. I'm just, no more steps backwards. Fuck that. I feel you.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Too much on the lines. Fucking go. I do think something that's really valuable for people, you know, who think we're wacky. We are. Getting a little obsessed about your body, I think, can go a long way towards helping your health. You know, there's like so many people are out of shape and so many people are so many people have diseases that I think are preventable or at least things that you could push off into later in life simply, you know, by challenging your metabolic health through exercise and through your diet. And those are all things that we can take care of.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And so we have a family friend that she won't, she will not eat out at a restaurant. She won't eat anything. And it's weird because sometimes we all go out to eat together, but she's like, I don't trust, I don't know what they're doing. She's like, I don't like the seed oil thing. I don't like any of that stuff. And so, yeah. And she just, she'll drink iced tea or she'll find some sort of option that she can do something. So she's, but the only person that bothers is everybody else. Like it's, and it's nobody else's business. It's her own decision with her own medical, her own, you know, whatever the things are that she's worried about.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Who cares? She's worried about something. Maybe I'm not as worried, but what's it bother me if she makes a particular health decision? She eats before we go out type thing and it really doesn't bother anybody. Once everyone gets over the fact that she's not going to order anything, which she tells everybody every single time and it's like every time it's a thing as if she's announcing it as being new. People are like, oh my god, you're not going to get anything? She's like, I just don't order food from restaurants. I don't know what they're going to do to the food.
Starting point is 00:59:28 It bothers my stomach. And she's got to kind of give everybody the whole spiel every single time does she ever work in a restaurant or no i don't know that would be a good question for her though i'll ask her because that yeah maybe she has maybe she's kind of seen behind maybe she's seen behind the curtain and she's like i'm not going for that but anyway i mean you don't have to make changes that are that harsh or that extreme but you have the option to and you can take agency and you can take control over your own nutrition very easily you can take some control over your own habits and i think that i think that all these things are they are manageable and you might seem obsessed about your fitness maybe in comparison to some family members and stuff. But I do think that over time if you explain to people what the hell is going on and what the hell it is that you're doing so it doesn't shock them or bother them that you're bringing your own meat to the barbecue that you want to cook up.
Starting point is 01:00:21 And try to include other people. Like let's say you're going to a barbecue and you want to bring some – everybody's eating fucking burgers or something. You want to cook up a bunch of chicken. Like cook up chicken that's good that has skin on it, by the way, and say, hey, I brought this over. I'll cook it myself if you want, and anybody else can have some. I brought extra if anybody wants it. Why shouldn't they just bring some chicken breast with some tapatio sprinkled on top you don't think everyone will like that yeah a little bit of soy on top but you know uh again i think that taking control over that could be something that could be really
Starting point is 01:00:57 important for a lot of people just because in this country we're heading in the wrong direction as far as our health is concerned. Wrong direction and fast. You know, I asked you that kitchen thing just because I know a few people who've worked in restaurants. And those are the people who are like super like, I'm not going to eat there. Because they really do like apparently kitchens, restaurant kitchens can just be a fucking nightmare. The food looks great on the plate. But like you don't know what's in a lot of that shit i mean aside from things being like occasionally like disgusting or whatever there's the fact that uh they'll just cook your food in
Starting point is 01:01:35 a lot of oil i remember i went to a restaurant it was a pretty nice restaurant too and i just asked and this was when i was doing my bodybuilding show and i was like um i don't know don't know how you prepare the salmon, but if it's possible, could I get it, you know, without it being like cooked in any oil or anything? And, uh, the woman was like, I'll have to check on that. And then they brought like the cookout and the guy started talking to me and he's like, yeah, he's like, he's like, I don't know what you mean cooking it without any oil. I was like, well, I'm assuming that sometimes when you cook some of the meat here that you maybe cook it
Starting point is 01:02:07 in like a pan or something where you cook it on a fryer and you probably put some oil down and then you cook it. He goes, yeah. I was like, I would just like you to do that whole process
Starting point is 01:02:17 just without the oil. And he goes, I don't know if that'll work. I was like, I do it at home all the time. This is hilarious. I'm like if that'll work. I was like, I do it at home all the time. This is hilarious. Yeah. I'm like, it'll work.
Starting point is 01:02:29 And then he went back and he cooked up the salmon and he brought it out and he was laughing. He's like, I don't know why I didn't think that would work. But he's like, it worked. That's just so funny that like, I guess in restaurants, they're so used to cooking things in so much oil that the concept of cooking it without oil is just so foreign to a cook. I would have understood better too if it was like a chicken breast or something because like a chicken breast might get stuck to the pan and like it might create some like problems, I guess. But with salmon, I was like, no, I will cook up just fine. Yo, man. That's great.
Starting point is 01:03:04 They'll just take the bottle and just fucking empty it on your food. Be careful out here, folks. I'm almost doing, like, when I go to, like, whether it be In-N-Out or, like, Habit Burger, like, explaining, like, no, it's just the meat patty. Because I went to a newer In-N-Out in Elk Grove, and it was, I think I just ordered, it was only the three of us so it was probably like nine or ten flying dutchmen and the total was like 80 something dollars and i'm like wait 10 flying dutchmen that shouldn't be that expensive that's what i said but i was like try
Starting point is 01:03:37 not to be like a like a cheapo and being like hey i'm sorry to do this but uh you've entered that wrong somehow i'm like it should be closer to like $40 or $50. And she's like, no, you ordered whatever, 10 double singles. And I'm like, no, no, that's 10 hamburgers. I just want Flying Dutchman. And then she's like, and so she had to get somebody, and then they did it right away. And the same thing happens at Habit.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I'm just like, no, I just need singles. I'm like, it's miscellaneous side patty they look they look up at me they're like you're like let me get back there they look at me like uh oh and i was like then you got to add american cheese separately also and you have to do count them one by one and they're just like you must order this a lot i'm like yeah i'm actually surprised you guys haven't figured it out yet how much is it at habit by the way it's only a little bit a little bit more, but it's definitely worth it. If I were to go— It's like $1.25 more per patty or something like that.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Yeah, yeah, especially because they charge you quite a bit for the cheese. But honestly, though, you guys know I love In-N-Out. But if I had to go full carnivore, no fries or nothing, I think Habit would be the way to go. I think their patties by themselves are a lot better a little bit better cheese too like better maybe that's what it is yeah cheese that in and out taste amazing but i think the cheese and the grilled onions at habit are phenomenal fucking christ okay oh sorry sorry oh but i just that was you i'm hungry can you tell me what do i need to get at habit what do i order do i order 10 miscellaneous patties and 10 American cheeses?
Starting point is 01:05:07 You just tell them, I just want 10 patties with cheese. And if they get, they will figure it out. Go up to them and say, power project. Yeah, motherfucker. Give them a head nod and say, power project. Just yell it. So what if I say five double patties with cheese? They might freak out.
Starting point is 01:05:23 They might freak out. Because I don't want one cheese, one patty. That's too much cheese. They're going to see how might freak out. Because I don't want like one cheese, one patty. That's too much cheese. They're going to see how big you are. They're going to be like, he wants like 20 burgers. So in that case, because I have done the same thing. I wanted to be like the Flying Dutchman. I make my own Flying Dutchman.
Starting point is 01:05:35 So I say, can I get five meat patties with cheese and then five meat patties by themselves? And you make it yourself. Blow my mind. Dude, I've done this a lot. All right. And then so like when you order over i believe it's over over eight they get really confused on how to package it so like uh sir like how do you want like how many patties per thing and so like i'll be like two for my son two for my daughter
Starting point is 01:05:58 and the rest just pile it all on one and then they're like all in all of those in one like yes like okay and then it's just a mountain of meat and cheese it's incredible so now you can do like the four by four and all that stuff i heard i don't think you can still do it but i heard people used to do like 100 yeah but now i guess you have to like pre-order yeah if you're trying to do that many patties i guess yeah i guess people would do it to like for like a like a like a party or big party like they would just order all the patties and then like put it together themselves like with their like homemade buns or whatever but it's incredible a little little birdie told me that
Starting point is 01:06:33 you can actually call in and out and get their patties still frozen or like cold not uncooked or whatever and then you go grill them yourself i know i haven tried that yet, but I would like to. Just throw that in the Ninja air fryer. The possibilities are endless. Endless possibilities. They don't, you know, I don't think either one of those places actually, neither one of them fries their burgers in anything. They just cook them up.
Starting point is 01:06:59 They don't put them in any oil. I mean, at least from what they tell me or have told me when I've been there before. Yeah, their fries are cooked in sunflower seed oil. So that's one thing you got to watch out for. Where is a spot that has tallow fries? Where is that? One of the big chains uses tallow. I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:07:21 I do know that Buffalo Wild Wings uses tallow. They fry their wings in tallow. All of their wings? Yeah. Really? Yeah. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Pretty sure. Let me see if I can find this. How do we? I mean, I don't know how much of a difference it makes, but it just sounds healthier. That's true. I'm going to get me healthier wings. You're still eating so many. Especially if you eat wings as a meal, you're just eating so many wings.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I can't get full off of wings. I love them. Making good wings at home is so easy. Yeah, it is. If you have an air fryer, I'll just marinate a little shit, put some of that pork panko stuff on it, put that in. Ooh, bro. And it's going to be way healthier. Way healthier.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Yeah. Yeah. All right. Are we going to order from In-N-Out? You're going to call it up? No, I'm going to have it. Right once we finish,
Starting point is 01:08:12 I'm going to have it. Oh, I meant like on the show. Oh, give it a shot. And then I would say get, get like the, the,
Starting point is 01:08:21 the five with the cheese, get that with grilled onions too. I'll do the grilled onions. I think if you, I think if you do all. Get that with grilled onions too. I'll do the grilled onions. I fucking love grilled onions. I think if you do all 10 patties with grilled onions, it's a little bit too much. For me personally, it's a little bit too much. I end up getting kind of like bubble guts. I got you.
Starting point is 01:08:34 But you might be okay though because you – yeah, still – are you still doing the dashboard sushi? Nah, dude. But I've been on a one onion a day streak i've stopped though like i've gone to half yeah you get these weird yeah uh yeah you guys know i've been eating that pickled food but i've slowed down on the pickled herring and the uh i think pickled herring onion and pork belly just because going too deep on the pickled food, apparently there is a lot of health risks behind that if you eat that shit too often. I imagine. Stomach cancer is one of them.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Oh, gosh. Yeah, apparently people who eat like crazy amount of like really salted pickled food high frequency, that's something that they think about. So like I just – I've slowed down, but I'm still having it. Yeah, I think it's a rabbit hole. I think there's, there's some sort of difference between pickled and fermented. Yeah. So good luck going down that rabbit hole.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Yeah. Yeah.

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