Mark Bell's Power Project - Your Help is Needed! DEA Set to Impose Restrictions on Testosterone & Telemedicine || MBPP Ep. 909

Episode Date: March 24, 2023

In this Podcast Episode, Chris Bell, Mark Bell and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how the DEA is trying to pass a bill to set unreasonable restrictions on receiving prescriptions via telemedicine like Tes...tosterone.  Submit a positive comment BEFORE MARCH 31st and let the DEA know you do not want the bill to pass:   The bill broken down in simple terms:   Follow Chris Bell on IG:   New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!   ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off!   ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:    Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're good to go. So what happened? You were throwing out some trash yesterday or something, he said? I was at my garbage. Well, I left my keys in the – sometimes you forget. We have a key for our garbage so no bums get in there. Bums get in there anyway. Anyway, I'm doing that, and I meet this girl.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I always see her. She's pretty hot. I always see her going to the garbage or going out to her car or whatever. And I stop and talk to her, and she starts talking about working out. She goes, oh, where do you work out? And I said, well, we have a gym. It's in West Sacramento. I give her the whole rundown, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:00:36 We talk a little more, and then finally get to the point. I'm like, well, what do you do? What do you do for a living? And without even a pause, she just goes, I'm an escort. And I was like, hey, now hey now i go that's great and i i give her i don't even know why i gave her a big hug i know why i was like hey i'm like i go you know what that's so cool that you're just honest and open like that i'm like i don't you know i don't really care you got to do what you got to do and i know because she has kids you know she has these kids to take care of and it was just
Starting point is 00:01:05 one of those I would have said uh so where do we go from here yeah it was a little bit weird because like at the end of the conversation I was like well you know I live right there so if you ever need anything you know just pop by and I'm like well I don't mean like that but like I kind of you're just trying to be nice yeah an escort like so she could like escort you to your car she's probably just security or something like that. She had one of those earpieces. Yeah, that's what I figured. She was an escort, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Like if you're on a tour, she escorts you through the tour and explains everything. Yeah, she shows me where to go. Yeah, you're getting pretty popular and stuff, so maybe you could use some security. Someone to escort you around, take care of you. Yeah. Kind of like part Uber driver, part security. Can you actually, like, what's the rules? Like, isn't there like a law about some of this stuff?
Starting point is 00:01:53 I think it's illegal, but you know what's weird is if you were to make a porno, that would be legal. So, like, all I'd have to do is be like, okay, well, I can't legally do this, but I am a filmmaker, so I could film it. I could film it. I can film it. Bigger, stronger, longer. So you can be like, no, I'm not a prostitute. I'm a porn star. I'm a porn star, yes. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And then you can get away with it. A lot of gray area there, I think. So what's been going on over there? You know, I've been fighting the good fight. I've been actually trying to get the- Trying to lose weight, I know, and you keep gaining. Yeah. Trying to get the DEA off our back here. Oh, that. Okay. We got the DEA knocking down our door. The DEA is actually trying to limit access to things like testosterone through telemedicine. And I don't know if they're doing it on purpose or not. It's always hard to tell with these things.
Starting point is 00:02:47 But with this new law, basically, they would make it so that if you were new to telemedicine, that you'd have to go to the doctor to get your initial 30-day prescription. Whereas right now, you can go on telemedicine. You have to get a physical from some doctor somewhere, and then a prescribing doctor can prescribe you testosterone. It just makes it easy for people to get testosterone through places like Merrick Health that we use. And then there's obviously tons of different clinics out there, and people are using this left and right because they don't
Starting point is 00:03:25 want to have to go to the doctor. It takes a long time. It's a pain in the ass. And now that the DEA is trying to take this away, so we need people to write in to the DEA to tell them to not do this. And we saw when we did it with Kratom, we did a leaf of faith. I went on Joe Rogan's podcast and I talked about Kratom and how Kratom was important to, we did a leaf of faith. I went on Joe Rogan's podcast and I talked about Kratom and how Kratom was important to me and got me out of pain. And if we get enough people to write into the DEA and to tell them like, Hey, don't do this. They just leave a nice, respectful comment for the DEA. I think we can overturn it. Hmm. Yeah. I wonder why, like the loopholes.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Some of these things, some of these scheduled three drugs, some of these performance-enhancing drugs like testosterone and some nandrolones and different things that the doctor can prescribe to you, Anivar. I mean, everyone's making money off of it, so I don't understand what the problem is. It is like, it's still big pharma. So I wonder, you know, you can go in and get like semaglutide because you're overweight and you're trying to, I guess, push some of that back,
Starting point is 00:04:37 right? You can do that pretty easily. And we're not saying that you can't get testosterone, but there's some reason making it harder. And there's, what are some of the claims on the reasons why they're trying to make it harder to get testosterone? Keep in mind that testosterone is naturally occurring in the body and that they hand out other drugs that are naturally occurring in the body quite a bit. So they don't actually tell you a reason but it would be good to go over uh what will happen this is like so basically nelson virgil who's been around forever in the steroid world and has done a lot to help keep steroids legal back when um people were using
Starting point is 00:05:17 steroids for hiv he was using you know he was one of the really vocal people back in like the late 80s talking about uh steroids for h HIV and how they can help people. But he says just going to get a physical exam with a local doctor will no longer be sufficient for telemedicine clinics to treat you. You will need to, one, get an exam by a practitioner with a state DEA license, and not all of them have this. Two, your telemedicine doctor will need to be present virtually during this exam via two-way video or voice chat. So like you'd have the telemedicine doctor on while somebody's jerking off, grabbing your balls. The practitioner you visit for your physical will have to keep medical records of your exact treatment from your telemedicine provider. So whenever your treatment is changed, the practitioner will need updated records, blah, blah, blah, right? So basically you need to, A, find the local
Starting point is 00:06:09 practitioners 100% down for the exact treatment that the telemedicine practitioner is going to provide and has enough time and energy on their hands to deal with the complexities of number two and number three and spend extra money and time on all this. So basically it is a nearly insurmountable barrier to care for most people. After a single 30-day supply, you will then have to see the provider in person or do the whole local provider telemedicine thing above. Telemedicine provider can't just keep prescribing 30-day supplies. So it's just making it very difficult, a lot of hoops to jump through.
Starting point is 00:06:42 We need people to go go on the internet and actually like there are links that we can put um below where people can do something about it yeah where people can click what's the website the website is um it'll be linked below in the description and uh podcast show notes but yeah it's uh you do have the actual link right it's the federal register and i think it's i want to say if you go to and you look for telemedicine or testosterone it's also in a link in my bio to make it real easy if you click on a big strong fast on instagram and click the link in my bio there's a link that goes directly to leave a comment i would just implore anybody who is listening to this and watching us and likes what we do and
Starting point is 00:07:26 likes what Joe Rogan does and likes what all these guys do to just go leave a comment and be nice and be respectful. I think the DEA doesn't want to read You assholes. Yes. I don't think they want to read that. They want to read a smart like, hey, I'm a veteran
Starting point is 00:07:42 and this helped me with my PTSD or whatever the case may be. It does help people with depression and all kinds of things. So this is interesting because I've been doing a lot of research lately and been working with like a lot of the top doctors in the country and talking to them about testosterone replacement therapy. And it seems that in every single major disease of concern, the cancers, the strokes, the heart attacks, that all these patients benefit from using testosterone. But the devil's in the dose, right? They're not using 600 milligrams of testosterone. They're using smaller doses of
Starting point is 00:08:20 these drugs. Am I doing it wrong? Well, even if you even look up all the information on SARMs, Ryan Russo did a great video on this, but if you actually look into the information on SARMs, they're actually very safe and effective when used in the doses used in the studies. The problem is nobody uses doses that they use in the study of SARMs or steroids. And I think that one of the biggest things that we can learn in an evolution from what we've learned in Bigger, Stronger, Faster is that, I hate to say it because it's like a cliche,
Starting point is 00:08:53 but the whole like less is more. I think less is more long-term with steroids and SARMs and all these things. I think just using like little tiny doses of these things over like longer periods of time will yield like excellent results that can actually help us live longer and stronger. Yeah. Let's just say you don't get yourself in a compromising position that you recognize that you don't feel great and you do go to a doctor, you do use Merrick Health,
Starting point is 00:09:21 that somebody checks your blood and, you know, your estrogen is kind of high, your testosterone is kind of low, and you were trying to figure out why you weren't super pumped about going to the gym or why you had a hard time being on your diet. Testosterone actually helps with a lot of these things because it's going to be something that is, once you get those testosterone levels back up, it's something that encourages movement.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It's something that encourages you to It's something that encourages you to do the things that you like to do. And when you're doing effort, when you have a hard effort in something, it makes the effort feel even better. There's like a 10X on it, or maybe not a 10X, but a 2X on it. You go to do your set of lat pull downs, or you go to do your first warmup in the gym. It kind of puts you into a little bit of a warp zone to continue on with that. So people often ask, how do you get locked in? How do you get, how do you be consistent? How do some of these fitness people, you know, just get to be so dedicated to some of these things? Well, having your hormones balanced correctly, some people do it through their sleep,
Starting point is 00:10:22 cold therapy. Some people are just on top of their game. Some people do it through their sleep, cold therapy. Some people are just on top of their game. Some people, they get rid of fucking microplastics and they hunt their own food here and there. Like there's some people that go way out of their way to have like nine ancestral tenants and doing all these things, try to make sure that testosterone and growth hormone and all these things are in place, but there's other people that just want to live their lives and fuck around on their phone and watch some Netflix here and there and, um, eat some foods that are offensive to the metabolism that aren't designed for us to eat.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And our taints are shrinking and there's a lot of things that are happening. Uh, our testosterone levels are supposedly much lower than they used to be. So I think, um, I think that we need, we really need testosterone more so now than ever. Yeah. That's what I keep saying is the world needs a shot of testosterone
Starting point is 00:11:11 and it's not only literally like we actually physically need a shot of testosterone, but also with a lot of things that, you know, a lot of the stances that people take lately, I feel like we, we are weakening, you know? But, you know, to talk about on the physical side, we, our testosterone has dropped 50% in the last 50 years. And people want to say, well, like, don't use steroids, but I, I don't think steroids are an option anymore. I think they are a necessity. I think that people like we, we will need testosterone moving forward. We are losing our testosterone. So we need this moving forward where it's not just something where it may be, okay, maybe we need this.
Starting point is 00:11:56 If we continue with this trend of dropping testosterone, we definitely need testosterone and we need to have access to it. And we need that access to be fairly easy for any man to be able to get. And so by shutting it down, it doesn't really help anybody. I'm wondering, you know, if we talk to the DEA, what even the reasoning is behind. Yeah, Andrew has the guy's number. Chad, right? Yeah. We're going to call him in a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Yeah, hopefully he picks up. Hopefully he's not currently watching. He's the right guy though, right? Yes, I believe so. And Chad will tell us exactly why. Well, I think he's the right guy because Brad told us that he was the right one. But Brad wasn't even there. He had his assistant relay that to you.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Right. So hopefully he's there. Remotely he said that Chad was the guy. My point is you can never get to the guy. You always get the runaround with this kind of shit, you know? And even when you do get the guy, they don't give you good answers even. I remember like last time when we did this with Kratom, I was on Joe Rogan's podcast and it was like there was only a couple days left. And I said, hey, they're going to make Kratom illegal.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I need everybody to go on this website and I need everybody to leave a comment. And the next day, the DEA got 25,000 comments. And I called the DEA and talked to the guy. His name was Melvin, actually. He's their spokesperson. He works for us now. We blame Melvin for a lot of stuff around here.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And Melvin just said, hey man, we've never seen anything like it. We've never seen anybody have this put this much attention yeah because kratom's fucking dope yeah well because yeah it's helped a lot of i mean in more ways than one yeah it's changed a lot of people's lives it's you know made a lot of people have a better quality of life and i think testosterone does the same thing i don't think testosterone is uh dangerous in really any amount i mean like yeah would be, it would be unwise to take it
Starting point is 00:13:45 at a high dose for a very long time. It's, it's not smart. Um, but even then, like, what is it, is it dangerous? Like I, it would be so hard to say that it's even dangerous, you know? Yeah. If you think back to like, what is, what is, uh, you know, one of the biggest issues facing us today and what's the difference between, uh between looking at somebody that's like 20 years old and looking at that person's grandfather? I think some people would say, well, you know, grandpa has more body fat on him, but that's only part of the story. The real story is that older people, they don't just get older and shit doesn't just fall apart. Things fall apart kind of slowly. And you start to, there's a lot of things that are hiding in plain sight that we don't pay any attention to. People are in a lot of pain. People, their bodies
Starting point is 00:14:39 are really stiff and this kind of like, you know, use it or lose it type of thing. It does exist, but really the thing, the key ingredient in all metabolic disease is the same thing. And it's been the same thing forever. No one ever talks about it. And it could be solved with some exercise and some testosterone. And that is your strength. Because it doesn't matter if we're talking about heart disease or diabetes or really almost any metabolic disease and any disease that you can possibly imagine or think of in general, you're always going to be better off being stronger going into that, having more muscle mass, just like you mentioned with HIV. That's why people were proponents of utilizing things like Anivar and stuff like that to fend off the muscle wasting impact of HIV. So this has been like, this information's been
Starting point is 00:15:38 around for a long time. We know what steroids do. They help make you a little bigger. They help put some size on you. And it would be nice to get to like, what's the root cause of like people's testosterone being lower. It'd be great to investigate like what that statement even means. 50% lower than 50 years ago. Who was doing blood work 50 years ago? How do we know that? Like, it doesn't kind of really make any sense to me personally, but I do get it. It does seem like men from many years ago seem like they had a little bit more chutzpah, a little bit more testosterone. It actually is a fairly big study that this comes from. And also in that time, in the beginning, they only measured like certain countries like the U.S. and the U.K. and whatever. But then they've since expanded that out to now include like the whole world.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And they found that like pretty much it's a worldwide problem. It's not just like a U.S. problem. Like I said, I don't know the exact nature of the study and like it could be off. But let's just say it's dropped significantly in the past 50 years that this may be the only way forward for us you know out of the out of the three of us when's the last time any of us have picked up a hammer uh this past weekend had to be oh there we go for me it had to be months andrew's a real man yeah for me it must it must be like almost a year probably since i i do think there's there's these things that are it's been years i haven't even looked at one
Starting point is 00:17:09 barely how about hey mark when was the last time you changed your oil in the car yeah exactly myself or by going to a place and sitting like getting down under the car i've never done it my son has done it with my dad before but yeah i've never i've never uh i've never done it and i think there's uh i mean look people used to make their own fucking swords and people used to make their own shield like hey boar that's your fucking shield and that's your sword that you're gonna fight with and if he sucks at making that he's gonna fucking die i know guys that make their own steroids yeah well that's that's a whole nother topic because that's fantastic i miss getting my stuff you know
Starting point is 00:17:44 in a parking lot in Woodland, uh, in a bottle that was like this big, that didn't have a regular, uh, cap on it. A hundred CCs. It was great.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah. I had a guy at the gym. He was like really tall, big Ed, his name is big Ed. And he would like, he'd like make it for big Ed. It was amazing though.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Like he would make it at his house and I'd say, well, how do you know Andrew zero pain from these terms? Well at his house, and I'd say, well, how do you know? Andrew, zero pain from these. Well, if you found somebody good. I asked him, how do you know it's sterile or clean? He's like, I keep my house clean. Oh, my God. Yeah, it's clean enough.
Starting point is 00:18:18 That was his theory. It can be a little shady out there from time to time. But again, I think a huge thing that is at the center of a lot of disease is people losing strength and people might be like, no, that's not what it really is. No, that is literally what it, what it is because people lose strength and then they lose muscle mass. And the difference between grandpa and the 20 year old kid is not just body fat the reason why grandpa got fatter he has no reason to get fatter he's been eating the same fucking way forever the only reason why he got fatter is because he lost strength and then via
Starting point is 00:18:55 losing strength he lost muscle mass and now his metabolism is no longer in the same spot as it was he's not encouraged to fix the car. He's not encouraged to go out and chop his own tree down and make his own logs for his fireplace and stuff like that. And because of that, as a result of that, you start to lose your strength. And if we can avoid all of this with exercise, but something that can put an exclamation point on the exercise is a little shot in the arm, making sure that testosterone level doesn't get low. Cause it can be very demotivating. I think a lot of people are just afraid to take testosterone or they, it still has this bad
Starting point is 00:19:37 stigma about it. I know so many people that are like, they're on the fence, they're coming to me and they're on the fence. Their life is a mess. They haven't been in the gym. They haven't found the motivation to lift. They, you know, oh, my wife, this and that, my kids, this and that, blah, blah, blah. Complain, complain, complain, complain. And then say to me, do you think I need testosterone? It's like, I don't even need to think about it. If you're complaining that much, then you definitely need it. Because when men are feeling good and when men are at their peak, they, we don't complain. You do. Yeah, you go and do. You complain when shit's bad. You complain when things hurt and you complain when you're, when you're down and out, but you don't complain when you're super happy, feeling great. So if you're complaining, then go
Starting point is 00:20:22 get your blood work done. And you know, if you need testosterone, I think people should get on it. I think people need to stop fearing being on it because I think this is for every man, you know, to say like, oh, I think it's only good for some people, blah, blah. I think that only people that need it should use it. But I think at some point in everybody's life, they're at a point where they will need it. So I do kind of think it's for everyone in that respect. So I think it's just a good thing to keep on top of, keep checking your blood work, keep seeing where you're at. You know, I have certain people like, I was talking to Casey who runs your warehouse the other day, he's in great shape and his testosterone is like 620. That's pretty good. Like he, he may be the guy that doesn't need it,
Starting point is 00:21:03 but maybe, but he does do a lot of work. Imagine like how much more I was telling him with how active he is. Like, imagine if you could Superman that a little bit though, cause you would like to, you know? So, um, it's an option for him. I not tell him to do it either way, but I just feel when people feel the need, like if you're, if your gut instinct says, hey, I'm listening to this podcast and maybe I could use testosterone, it could be life-changing. You know, my friend Sean Nourian, he owns Empower Pharmacy. It's the biggest pharmacy in the entire world. He saw bigger, stronger, faster. He got on testosterone replacement therapy. And once he realized like how good it, how much it helped him, he decided like, I want to do this for a living.
Starting point is 00:21:50 And he did it for a living in a way that he like blew up like the biggest pharmacy in the world. And he tells me. You got to visit it and stuff, right? It was nuts, right? Yeah. I was just there last week. But, and it's like Willy Wonka in the steroid factory, basically.
Starting point is 00:22:02 He's giving me like a tour of this thing. And I'm picturing like Oompa Loompas. Like I got a little minstrel for you or something. But it's like – that's crazy. It's floor to ceiling of anabolic steroids and it's all legal. And to think that my movie had such an effect on this man that he built this giant place to me is like, you know, we, uh, I don't know, you, you know, like sometimes I feel like I made bigger, stronger, faster, and you know, it didn't financially do as well as I wanted it to or whatever. You think you're kind
Starting point is 00:22:36 of a loser, you know, like I did, I, did I really affect the world? And then you go see the largest pharmacy in the world that has 3 million patients and know that that part, a big part of that and the big inspiration for that place was a movie that I made, well, that we made. And like our movie went to Sundance Film Festival. Like these are things that like I never realized in my life until now. I never thought anything I did was even good or worthy of anything. And when you start realizing the impact that you've had over time, then you go, oh, shit, we actually did do a lot. You know, we did actually make an impact. We did actually help a lot of people. You know, so that's why I'm so adamant about keeping testosterone legal, because if my movie could do that for testosterone and we can keep it easier to access and easier for people to get, what more can we do moving forward?
Starting point is 00:23:29 Testosterone almost couldn't be any safer. I mean, I guess maybe if there's anything unsafe about it would be maybe the administration, like just injecting it. Like maybe you could hurt yourself. There's some pain sometimes. You can grow tits, but I mean that's not so bad. I kind of like them. No, well, of course there's danger with like taking massive amounts of it. But for somebody that's thinking about it, in my opinion, it does no harm for them to try a prescribed amount from a TRT clinic.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And if they don't like it, they try it for a handful of weeks and they're like, eh. Yeah, it's like a slow-moving thing. Like it's not – it needs to be in your system for a long time. Having 2,000 milligrams of caffeine at one time would be way more dangerous than having 2,000 milligrams of testosterone at one time. Yeah, yeah. I mean you can – Even though 2,000 milligrams or 2,000 – even 2,000 grams of testosterone.
Starting point is 00:24:24 You could. It wouldn't. You could suck out the entire bottle of testosterone, inject it in yourself. Right. Be a couple of cc's and you'd probably feel bloated and sick. But beyond that. No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't feel.
Starting point is 00:24:37 The injection itself would hurt. I'm saying it's a lot of oil. Yeah. Yeah. The injection itself would hurt. I never tried a whole bottle. Geez. Oh, my God. So. I've done six cc's though that was double barrel back in the day
Starting point is 00:24:51 three yeah three in the left three in the right if it ain't full it's empty yeah yeah what i was gonna ask was is the dha doing this to try to prevent people from abusing like getting so many prescriptions i think a lot of what people do is they do like doctor shopping. So for example, like you could go to a place like Merrick Health and get your blood drawn and then go. But hey, is this really a problem? No. So here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:25:16 This is actually an interesting fact and it goes right with this. Less than 1% of all the drugs that are diverted are steroids. So by diverted, I mean like people aren't going to TRT clinics and loading up on steroids and going to other clinics and getting steroids and then like selling them on the black market. It's easier to just make them and sell them on the black market. So the black market stuff is not like from compounding pharmacies. So there really is no reason to do this.
Starting point is 00:25:42 The only thing this is going to do is force people to go to the gray market and the black market and get it illegally. a local doctor that will agree with a telemedicine doctor, their opinions are going to vary so much. I would say it's going to be impossible for me personally to find anybody in the Sacramento area that would prescribe me anything. And I do think that that's on purpose. So, right. They're like, we'll word it this way and we'll make it impossible, but we'll make it look like you got a chance. Right. So what what the DEA tries to do, and this is what everybody needs to recognize because they might be wondering why we're even talking about this. Like, ah, these guys aren't going to make a difference. Well, we made a difference. We made a difference with Kratom. We kept Kratom legal because I had so many people write into the, at the time,
Starting point is 00:26:39 it was the FDA and the DEA that were trying to make Kratom illegal. And we had so many people write in that they did overturn it. But what they try to do is they try to write things in terms that you don't understand. And so you and I, like if I just read this, I actually read this bill three weeks ago and I read it and I took a look at it and didn't see anything wrong with it. But I didn't realize like, oh, way down in the subtext down here at the bottom and it was brought up to me by jeff whitmer uh jeff whitmer owns a clinic as well and i'm really good friends with him he's been on the show before yeah uh just give them a shout out whitmer health they're awesome also i think like the as long as you have a good clinic it's
Starting point is 00:27:20 important to have a good clinic you know and as long as you have that and you have people that you can trust so jeff uh was the one that told me, he said, no, no, read the fine print, like read down here. That's actually going to affect testosterone. And I was like, oh my God, really? Like they're going to make it hard to get testosterone. This doesn't make any sense. So then I called my friend, Anthony Roberts. I think Anthony has been on your podcast. He's sort of like a research guru. And he went and looked into it and he's like, sure enough, like, hey man, this actually affects testosterone.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And we started calling more people and like literally like I kind of started this letter writing program, like this letter writing campaign because nobody else is doing it. You know, and I said, hey, we need to get Joe Rogan to talk about it. Joe Rogan talked about it.
Starting point is 00:28:05 With Huberman. With Huberman yesterday. And hopefully he'll mention it again because we kind of need him to be like, hey, guys, go leave a comment. He hasn't done that yet, but hopefully we'll get there. Because it's people like that that make a difference. It's everybody that's watching this. If everybody watching this can just take two minutes to go and fill this out. I mean, it would take even less than that. You click on the link in my bio under at big, strong, fast on
Starting point is 00:28:29 Instagram, click in the link, boom, leave a comment. I think testosterone is great. Don't ban it. Boom. Like that's all you need to say. And you're done. And it's that easy for us to, to make a difference. And that's why I talk about this stuff so much and really care about it. Cause nobody else is looking and nobody's paying attention. Some of this stuff is really weird. You sometimes think like, is there someone that's like paying attention to things and they're like, hey, well, if people start to take that drug, then maybe because they're going to go to the gym, because they're going to take care of themselves, maybe they won't need these other drugs anymore. It almost seems like there's some evil person with some sort of evil plan like that. But it seems so far-fetched. You're like, come on really there's someone thinking that that's what i said on on uh chris's instagram you know because i said yes i made a comment i was like but i'm super
Starting point is 00:29:13 concerned because if the dea is reading a bunch of comments about people saying like oh this saved my life like it got it made me happy it made me a better person they're just like oh we want the opposite of that so yeah we definitely need to make sure we cancel all this shit. You know what's interesting is when you do studies on – when they do studies on testosterone and they use measurements like that, like you would think, oh, testosterone makes people aggressive. It makes them mean. It makes them blah, blah. And it's actually like quite the opposite. People with like higher testosterone levels are usually nicer. They're more compassionate. They're more giving. They're
Starting point is 00:29:49 more philanthropic. They like all these markers will show like, you know, uh, we talked about this a little bit, but I'm working towards making a, uh, sort of a followup to bigger, stronger, faster, like what happened 15 years later. And these are a lot of things that i'm looking into a lot of these things that are like these myths about testosterone that we've held for so long and we need to get rid of them you know i think we got to get rid of the stigma that steroids well it's like i always say steroids is bad because that's how uh mark mcguire said it yeah he he messed up when he's in front of Congress because he was nervous, and he's like, steroids is bad. It's a bad message. Don't do them.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I always say steroids is bad. And we have this in our mind that steroids is bad, and it's a bad message. Don't do them. Great T-shirt. Meanwhile, steroids is bad. He used them to hit 60 home runs. He used them to break a record.
Starting point is 00:30:44 He was on top of the world. And so. I heard one time someone said steroids are as American as apple pie. Oh, yeah. That would be Greg Valentino. Yeah, that's in Bigger, Stronger, Faster, too. That's great. And then some idiot said, I love steroids.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I'll probably be on and off them the rest of my life. I know that guy. Forever. Yeah. Forever. And that, too. Yeah, forever and the rest of my life. It's great because we're like about to
Starting point is 00:31:06 so you know that guy will remember that until the day i die remember that quote somebody messed that what was the guy was burning to death the oh yeah the guy was burning no his skin was falling off like oh yeah so it was some tv okay so it was cops too hot for tv and what a great show cops. And basically like this guy, he goes on fire and his skin is literally like falling off of him in like sheets. And the, and the other guy that they're interviewing meant to say,
Starting point is 00:31:35 I'll remember that till the day I die. But he said, I'll remember that till the day he died. And it's like, well, you're already over it. Yeah it once he dies you're done you're already over it holy shit yeah he's already fucking dead he's just so stoic i guess yeah right he was able to move on yeah uh are there any other medicines we'll call them that
Starting point is 00:31:57 this uh bill will eventually affect if anything that's in the schedule three so i'm not sure what else would be so it definitely would affect like Anivar or D-Ball. I don't think a doctor is prescribed D-Ball. But whatever would fall in that Schedule 3, I know that anabolic steroids, all of them are in the Schedule 3. And so I don't know if there's any other weird drugs that are in there that this would necessarily affect? I don't know about you guys, but the companies I've dealt with to try to get, I'll just say, steroids from or TRT or HRT, they never hooked me up. Like Merrick, they're stringent. They need attention.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I'm going to stockpile. I'm going to ask this guy and then I'm going to ask this other guy that works there. And they're like, no, you're not ready for another. I'm going to stockpile. I'm going to ask this guy and I'm going to ask this other guy that works there. They're like, no, you're not ready for another. I'm like, damn it. You think like, oh, more plates, more dates. They're going to load me up. They're going to let me take whatever I want. No, no, it doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way. However, I've had a bunch
Starting point is 00:32:57 of people get their blood work from there too and they're like, damn it, they didn't prescribe testosterone. I'm like, that's good because they're going to see if they can level out your testosterone with your sleep and your food, and they want you to develop other habits. They're not just going to dish out a bunch of stuff to you for no reason. A lot of times they will prescribe testosterone. A lot? No, of course, a lot of times they do.
Starting point is 00:33:17 If you tell them that you want testosterone, a lot of times they'll prescribe it. So this is also interesting, and I think people should know this. I think it's good to know about the different drugs and what they can do to know what you can ask a doctor for. So a doctor is going to give you the bare minimum all the time. But if you look into things like oxandrolone and you've had problems with muscle wasting before, you can ask for those things. If you had problems like for me, my joints are so bad, I use 50 milligrams of Deca and I'm not recommending that anybody does this. I use 50 milligrams of Deca a week and it's completely 100% removed all the sort of achy joint pain around my knees. Has it removed all the pain from my entire body? No,
Starting point is 00:34:01 but it's removed all the achy joint pain that's been around my knees for years and years. And I actually, it's worked so well. And I should say that I've used it in combination. How discouraging is it to have that pain in your knees? And like, you're, you know, you're thinking I'm going to go on a walk today and I'm going to go in the gym and do some squats. It's worse mentally than it is physically. it makes me want to cry like i think you know like i'm not lazy you know like a lot of people a lot of people are not lazy a lot of people are not lazy people that people cast judgment on people that they don't know anything about and there's a lot of people that are well-meaning parents that are sometimes police
Starting point is 00:34:39 officers firefighters like they they have these jobs they're these incredible people they're never fucking late for work they always do all their stuff. They're overweight. And then therefore other people think they're lazy or they think that they're lazy. But the reason why they're not dedicated to, uh, fitness, a might be that they've never gotten exposed to fitness. Like we've had exposure to fitness in a lot of really awesome and wonderful ways. And the ways that we were introduced to it and the stuff that we see is all really positive. Some people's only interaction with fitness is really negative. They went to the gym one time and someone had them try to squat and they like hurt their knees or their back.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And the other reason is just a lot of people are in a lot of pain. Yeah, it hurts. And when you're in a lot of pain, I've said this many times before, like Tom Brady had a year where he was out. I think he had like an Achilles injury or that whole brady rule thing the guy slid into his knee or whatever whatever that thing was that he had he was out for a year it's like how fired up and how excited was he when he was hurt probably not probably not much at all dude i was watching it changes your identity i was watching i was watching rogan yesterday and first of all, Jorge Masvidal, that dude is just a beast. He's so like, he's a guy that's so like, so cool.
Starting point is 00:35:50 He's like cooler than cool. Like the way he talks and everything, man. Like he's like, he's so like, just sounds like so fired up. But he was talking about how depressed he was eight months ago. Eight months ago. He's like, man, I lost that fight. And then I was thinking like, we just had Josh Emmett in here. And it's like man i lost that fight and then i was thinking like we just had josh emmett in here and it's like what is that period like like he's coming off of a a major
Starting point is 00:36:09 loss but it was like the biggest fight he was ever in and he did he did great it was a sick fight he just ended up coming up short it's like to to see that these guys are at like to hear heart jorge masvidal say that he was depressed made me feel so okay about being depressed for the past couple of years. Because those guys don't want to go to the gym when they feel like that. I went through a lot of shit. You know, I was in a lot of pain. And then I thought, oh, well, Jorge Masvidal, he's the coolest guy I know. If he, besides slapping Colby Covington, he probably shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 00:36:40 But he's a cool, like to see him that he was in the same spot. Just made me be OK with it. We're all one banana peel away. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Like slipping. But it's kind of good to know. Same with drugs and same with alcohol. You know, you're one one tiny thing away. As soon as you want to judge somebody, maybe you don't end up with a problem. But maybe your son does or maybe your daughter does like it. end up with a problem, but maybe your son does, or maybe your daughter does. Like it just, there's a lot of things in this world that can, that can kind of infiltrate you or break you or break you down or break someone down close to you. And life is long. There's a lot, there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:37:17 different things to deal with. And I think something that can calm people down is that, that if you do get depressed, you don't have to necessarily say I'm depressed as in like you're assigning that to yourself. You have depression, right? So I think that's a more comforting thing. I have some depression. I'm depressed for a period of time. Or even if you start to learn about yourself and you learn what makes you upset or what makes you depressed or what you feel makes you depressed, then you can start to learn how do I maneuver? How do I manage around this? Because I know a lot of people that are bipolar.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I know people that have a lot of anxiety. I know people that are on medications for these things. And they do a great job of managing it. And they learn, okay, the gym's non-negotiable. I have to go to the gym because it's going to make me feel better. A, because there's a community there. And B, it's just healthy for me to exercise. So I think, you know, there are ways to manage these things.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And again, going back to testosterone, testosterone is fucking awesome for stuff like that. You go to someone like Jorge Mazdal and he's not feeling great. Hey dude, come to fucking super training gym. Let's get you doing a little bit of power lifting. And, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:31 I don't know if he's still competing in the UFC, so he can't just like go and blast a bunch of testosterone. But I do know that it would make him feel great within a couple of weeks. Yeah. Well, you know that that would actually help raise his testosterone levels and blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:38:43 blah. Anyway, which is, and it helps with, I believe it helps with, uh with people that have concussions and things like that as well. Yeah. I mean, just the other day, I was sitting on the couch, and then my wife Stephanie looks over at me, and she's like, what's wrong? And I was like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:38:58 And my leg was shaking up and down like crazy. And I was like, I'm not sure what's going on but i am feeling extremely anxious i'm like this feels weird i'm like i think i might throw up i don't know what the fuck was going on it was just a random like weird interaction that i was having with or sorry weird reaction i was having maybe with like the weather or something i ate couldn't figure it out uh i was like i'll be right back i went to my garage gym and i did like a little, like a quick, like 10 minute shoulder workout, just enough to where like I was breathing heavy. I came back in, smile on my face. I felt great. She's like, you okay? I'm like, I feel better. Like I feel really good. A little pump. Yeah. I chased the pump and now I'm like,
Starting point is 00:39:37 I don't know what that was, but something was getting to me and I don't, again, who knows? But if my testosterone levels were kind of tanked i probably just would have sat there and like you know withered and just fucking sat there and steamed just destroyed by it instead i had motivation to or maybe not motivation but i had just at least energy to go and be like you know i need to go move around because this is not good i have a buddy that i'm helping lose weight his name's billy shout out to billy uh out there he uh started out at you know 500 pounds he's now down to like 450 440 and fucking great job billy great job billy and um we were just talking yesterday and he said you know i i don't i'm not trying to blow smoke up your ass or anything but
Starting point is 00:40:22 this testosterone that you got me on is a miracle. He's like, it's literally a miracle. Ever since I've been on this, it's now been about three or four months. And he said, you know, I just didn't feel like doing anything. I was just lazy. You know, he's like, obviously I'm 500 pounds. It was like part of the reason I'm 500 pounds. I didn't want to walk. I didn't want to do anything. But now that I've gotten on this, I feel like I want to get up off the couch. I want to go walk. I don't want to sit here. It's actually harder to sit than it is to go for a walk.
Starting point is 00:40:52 He changed his shoes. He got to the field grounds for the shoes. He actually bought us the pair that I gave to you. He actually bought those. Thank you, Billy. He tried to buy them for Russell, but they didn't fit Russell's feet. His feet were too big.
Starting point is 00:41:07 But anyway, yeah, just fixing a couple things. Getting him on testosterone, changing his shoes, and now we have a changed man, and hopefully he'll just continue to change his life, and it'll take a while. It'll take two or three years to lose the 250 pounds that he wants to lose, but we'll get him there if he
Starting point is 00:41:23 just keeps going. The one thing that this guy's done that I think anybody out there, like, watching this can do, it's like he basically just texts me every day what he eats. I'm not saying everybody can text me, but you find somebody that you can count on or you can rely on and, like, just be – being accountable to somebody is such a big deal. And so he basically just tells me what he eats every day. And I just give him a thumbs up or thumbs down and basically move forward. He's, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:50 it's kind of like, what am I going to do? There's not much you can do to really coach people other than inspire them, you know? I think another thing, you know, in talking about, you know, people losing strength and then they lose muscle mass. Something else that I observed over the years and kind of a newer theory of mine, if you will, is the curly of my mustache, um, is a strength to weight ratio. You know, uh, people that have high strength to weight ratio, people that are strong in comparison to their body weight, they're going to be in less pain. They're going to feel a lot better. Somebody that can easily jump up onto like a high box or easily jump down from something without even thinking about it. Somebody who's real springy, maybe like a runner
Starting point is 00:42:38 or something like that. You know, obviously like people can overdo stuff because they have this body that might be capable of doing a lot. So maybe they, because they're springing and can move around really well and have a decent strength to weight ratio, maybe they overdo their running. But again, I would even go back and say some of the runner runners, they take that way too far because they run so much that they end up being a super light and they end up being under-muscled as well because they don't even want to gain any weight because they're worried that the weight gain will slow them down for the run.
Starting point is 00:43:11 But your strength-to-weight ratio, think about anybody that you know in the gym and anybody that you know that's really young that can just pick up a baseball and just throw that thing as hard as they fucking want. They can just dash into a sprint like that. It's because their strength to weight ratio is really good. Like why can a little kid just fucking haul ass and sprint?
Starting point is 00:43:31 So little kids aren't necessarily like really strong, but they just don't weigh that much yet. So again, their strength to weight ratio is really good. If you're 300 pounds, your strength to weight ratio is going to be tough. If you're John Anderson and you were 300 pounds, your strength to weight ratio is going to be tough. If you're, you know, John Anderson and you were 300 pounds at some point, well, that guy could still do pull-ups or Big Will can still do pull-ups weighing 300 pounds. But most people, they couldn't even hang off of a pull-up bar for more than like eight seconds when you weigh 300 pounds. So your strength to weight ratio is really, really critical. And another great way to solve that is through lifting, strength training, managing your diet. And again, an intervention of some testosterone could be really helpful for somebody.
Starting point is 00:44:15 How have you found it? Like you've completely changed everything. Like you run a ton now, like you're going to run a marathon coming up and, uh, you still come in and it's like kind of crazy. Cause you would think, I would think at least that if I was going to run a marathon, I'd be putting all my eggs in that basket and wouldn't really be lifting, but you're actually lifting more. Now you're lifting with Kenny in the morning. Yeah. How, how is all that? And like, how are you adapting to it all? And like, is it hard? Is it, it feels great. Uh, adapting to it all? And like, is it hard? Is it? It feels great. Uh, you know, Andy and I, we, uh, we go to a, uh, chiropractor slash like active release therapist here and there. And sometimes we trade out, uh, who goes to the session. Um, we just pay the woman every month or every week. And, uh, sometimes I go, sometimes Andy goes, but lately I just haven't even needed
Starting point is 00:45:06 to go because I feel so good. I don't have, I have virtually no pain. Um, I have a little stiffness sometimes like in my lower back. Uh, my legs will get stiff after I've been running for two or three hours or something like that. But, uh, I think all this stuff has just, uh, helped me to like mitigate pain, help me handle pain more. And it just goes along with my kind of theory of like do more, be more. The more that I do, I feel the more that I can handle, the more that I can take on.
Starting point is 00:45:34 So I'm not finding anything, there's really nothing hard about it. It's just to do it. And the reason why I chose to train with Kenny because I was like, well, this is just, you know, you have to think about the things that are around you and the people that are around you. And what's the easiest way for you to just to get shit done? You know, what's the easiest way for you to be motivated to go to jujitsu? Uh, well, you just pick a time that you're going to go and you dedicate yourself to that time. You get to know
Starting point is 00:46:03 the people there. They start to see you every day at 7 a.m or 6 a.m and when you're not there well you become accountable you're not there people people are like where the fuck are you at andrew and you're like damn i miss one fucking day and you guys are up my ass right yeah and uh you know kenny's 21 years old so he's he's fired up and i'm excited because i can show him stuff because i've been around for 9 000 years so to me it just uh it makes it more fun but something i think is important for people to try to think about when people talk about depression and anxiety and things like that you take like a zach bitter someone who had a world record in, um, in ultra marathon, where you take somebody like, um, like Michael Hearn, Michael Hearn could quite possibly be the most depressed person in the history of the world. But guess what? We'll never know it because he smashed it away through
Starting point is 00:46:57 training. Like maybe Mike never even felt it. Maybe, uh, you know, maybe Zach Bitter and maybe some of these other people, maybe that would have been their path. Maybe they would have gone down a particular path that way. And if you think about it, it would make sense for someone like me or someone like Mike who struggled so much in school to kind of get sad about that and feel bad about that, have shame and those things about that and gain a bunch of weight and, I don't know, try to, you know, find my way through some other thing. But luckily I found, you know, movement and strength and things like that, that I could lean on. I think Mike did the same thing. And, uh, you don't ever, I never, I've never run into anything like that. And I've been really fortunate. I have great people around me, um, great family
Starting point is 00:47:45 members. Um, and just, it's just, I, I feel really good about just about everything at the moment. So things are cruising right along. So it hasn't been that hard. I don't, I just, I really don't like that word. I don't, I think that, I think maybe there's an appropriate sometimes. I think that things are a little bit more difficult in the beginning. And if there is anything that's like hard about something, it's literally just the consistency. It's the getting over the hump. What about the use of performance enhancing drugs in this run? Is there going to be any?
Starting point is 00:48:21 Oh, there's going to be, yeah. Are you allowed? I mean, are you allowed to use certain things? Are there certain things that runners would use to go on a long run like this? They're checking me at the Boston Marathon to make sure that I'm using performance enhancing drugs. Yeah, that's what they want to make sure of. If you pass that test, then you fail? If anybody's interested and they want to hear exactly what I'm doing,
Starting point is 00:48:43 I shared a ton of information on exactly what I'm doing. It's not good to share it here because it fucks up our – it messes everything up. But I have a Rumble, and you can check out my Rumble. I think it's Mark Smileybo. Damn. Okay. I'll find it and link it down below. I didn't even know you started it.
Starting point is 00:49:00 There we go. I didn't even know I did either. I think Soper did it. Okay. Oh, yeah. Okay. I do know about it then.per's quick so what's up with bigger stronger faster too i'm working on it you know everything is such a process you know um but you know good choice of words what i i gotta commend you on that you were gonna say pain in the ass yeah it is uh it's what i see i see what you're
Starting point is 00:49:26 getting at yeah well it is right and and so i thought you know the bottom line is i don't want to just make a movie i want to make a difference i want to do something that is revolutionary something that just takes people by surprise and they say like what the hell is this i never never expected anything like this i i feel like in the past 15 years that Mark and I have learned so much about so many things. And a lot of people aren't really listening or paying attention. Like I'm trying to get the word out about certain things like a slow burn. Well, like I need to talk to the world about ibogaine. I need to talk to the world about stem cells. I need to talk to the world about all these little things that like nobody's really connecting the dots on. And like, I need to go out there and research these things and connect the dots and bring you a story to where if I'm going to tell
Starting point is 00:50:15 you how to get bigger, stronger, faster, better, whatever, then I need to, I need to really deliver these things. I really need to like search these things out. A lot of it I've already found out and I already have a lot of the answers for, and a lot of it I don't. So it's like what's kind of nice about this is it's like part a discovery journey and part things that we've already found. But it's just interesting. I mean, if you look at the breadth and the scope of the amount of things that Mark and I have done,
Starting point is 00:50:48 we have been revolutionizing the fitness industry every little step along the way. Like this guy invented the first booty band, right? I believe like I'm the first one to ever talk about Piedmontese beef. This is revolutionary stuff that like I don't think people get a grip on the fact that like, okay, yeah, I talked about Piedmontese on my Instagram and I have 100,000 followers and that's good and fine and all. But what about when I talk about it on a gigantic Netflix documentary? Then we're actually bringing these things to the world. Like it's not just that Piedmontese beef has low fat. This is a regenerative agriculture farm. And if we were to raise 30% of our animals on regenerative agriculture farms, we could offset the greenhouse gases for everything in America. But nobody's talking
Starting point is 00:51:32 about these things. Nobody. But my movie is going to talk about these things. And my movie is going to make such a difference in the world. Like when I did Bigger, Stronger, Faster, I had no idea that it was going to influence Sean to start the biggest pharmacy in the world. Yeah, and all the TRT clinics and all the availability of some of these hormones for people that really need it. And now that I know that he can change the world with what he's done and I can change the world with what I do, well, what if we team back up 15 years later and go back out and just tell the world? Like Mark tells me all the time like i'm confident that i can heal anybody i'm like great well heal me well he already kind of has like the amount of pain uh like resolution i have had is nothing short of a miracle there's
Starting point is 00:52:18 no way to explain it you know like i'm taking uh like the the it's funny like the the last final straw for me like the latin that straw but like the last the, it's funny, like the, the last final straw for me, like the Latin, not straw, but like the last final thing, you know, piece of icing on the cake was I started taking Deca and all my knee pain went away. And I'm like, this is amazing. I mean, like God, God made me make this movie. Like, this isn't just a movie. This is an evolution of things that have happened over the past 15 years that I think lead into the complete changing of like everything that I'm all about and everything I think about you know I used to think about being like like I was told him like I don't really care about my physique anymore
Starting point is 00:52:57 and the less you care about the physique guess what you start getting in good shape like I don't care at all I'm like I don't I don't care I'm just gonna keep like I, like, I'm going to stay on the carnivore diet. The carnivore diet has brought me success. I have all these people telling me it doesn't matter if you're on a carnivore diet or not. It matters. Calories in, calories out, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I just keep hearing all the noise and I just keep blocking the noise out. And the more I block out the noise and just do what I know, like in my gut and in my heart is, is good, good things have been happening. And so that's kind of what I want this film to be. Like it's a, it's kind of like an awakening, you know? And it's, I think like, uh,
Starting point is 00:53:34 I don't know, Mark will probably tell you, I just think I've changed a lot in the past like six months. I think I've grown a lot and I think I've just realized like, Oh, I get it. I got to get out of my own way first. And then I can, then I can make this movie that will make a really big difference. Yeah, something as simple as like certain things I've sent you over the years. Maybe they didn't land on you or make sense to you when I sent them to you, but now you're listening to some of these things. He would send me all these weird videos. He probably sends them to you too, and he's like, oh, do you get it?
Starting point is 00:54:02 Like the universe, we're all one. I'm like, dude, I don't know. Now I listen to it and I'm going, oh, my God, did you hear and he's like oh do you get it like the universe we're all one and but i'm like dude i don't know now i listen to go and i'm going oh my god did you hear what he said even like jordan peterson i'll be and jim rohn right i've told mark like i don't really get jordan peterson like i don't get what he's talking about i don't get i don't and i wasn't ready to hear what he had to say and then i'm listening to this thing from Jordan Peterson. I'm like obsessed with it. I'm like, no, this is exactly what I've been searching for my whole life. You know, Jordan Peterson talks about being, you know, being better and the pursuit of being better
Starting point is 00:54:38 is where you find the meaning of life. And to me, I kept going, well, what is the meaning of life? Why do I, like, for some reason I get stuck on that all the time. Why? Yeah. Like, why am I here? Why am I here? Why am I here? And then I just realized, like, who cares? Just be a good person while you're here, you know, and constantly strive to be better. And what Jordan Peterson says is in the pursuit of better, that's where you'll find the meaning of life. That's where you'll find the antidote to the suffering. And I think that's what I was doing was suffering for so long because I couldn't see this like meaning. And then when I said, oh, the meaning is just for me to be a good person and spread all the beautiful, wonderful things I've learned to other people. I think you know me
Starting point is 00:55:17 pretty well that like, all I always try to do is come in with like a new idea of a new hope. And sometimes it's too hopeful. Sometimes it's like you realize like, oh, I'm putting too much hope into a product or into a drug or into something. But like, yeah, but I've realized, scale that back a little bit too. You get fired up. There's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah, yeah, we all get too fired up. Yeah, people do that with something like stem cells. They get all hyped up, think it's going to be the answer and everything. Well, and that's why this movie is good because I've done all that. And now I can, now I'm taking a step back from it saying, well, what's good? What's not good?
Starting point is 00:55:49 You know, what can we use? What can we discard? Yeah, it's funny. I was, I don't know what, why I thought of this, but I was remembering one of the first times that like we exchanged numbers and I was like, I just texted you one night out of the blue because a family member was like ODing and stuff. And I was like ODing and stuff. And I was like, dude, I need help with like Kratom.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Like what do I do? And you like – you called me instantly. And I was like, dude, this is fucking crazy. Like Chris Bell is calling me right now. Like it was so – but you just wanted to help. You had such – you have such a big heart. And you do want to just spread that positive energy for sure. But like the good knowledge, you know, you want to keep – Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:24 It was like one of the coolest things ever. So to see you, um, like I stopped and I took a picture and you're like, what are you taking a picture? I'm like, this is going to be something someday. Cause you were fucking going to town on that whiteboard. You were writing down all kinds of shit for this movie. And so like, I'm just, I'm excited knowing that like, like you're, um, well, I gave up too. And I think that's another part of the message is like for a good five or six years, I like, even when COVID was around, I just resolved in my head, I'll never make a movie again. And then with this movie, what's amazing is like, I got the right producer. Like my producer is awesome. He did the show hot ones, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:00 hot ones where they eat. He produced that show. And like, he's produced like, uh, like, uh, all the big reality shows like deadliest catch ice road truckers that's right storage wars he was like created storage wars and stuff like that so like he's a gangster so when you meet the right people and they can they can get things done like you get excited you know yeah and to be in good company feels really good and And to have, you know, my other producer is Kurt Engfer. And Kurt was the editor on Fahrenheit 9-11 and Bowling for Columbine. And Bowling for Columbine won an Academy Award for Best Screenplay. So it won an Oscar for Best Screenplay. And Michael Moore got that Oscar.
Starting point is 00:57:38 But my friend Kurt wrote that damn movie. And so I said to Kurt the other day, let's go get your Oscar. You know, like, let's go. Let's go with this movie. And so I said to Kurt the other day, let's go get your Oscar, you know, like, let's go, let's go with this movie. And I like, even if I want an Oscar, I don't even know if I'd care anymore. Cause I don't care about the fanfare and the, and the BS of Hollywood, but I'm just saying in general, like I'm working with such great people and it just feels really good to finally be in a good place and be doing that. Cause's a long a long struggle yeah how did you assemble this team i assembled the team out of uh out of the darkness basically what happens is uh it's like the avengers but basically what happened was i was working with
Starting point is 00:58:16 a group of people and i went to houston to go meet up with my buddy sean that owns empower pharmacy and we went to go talk to him about putting this project together and how we were going to do it. And Sean's kind of like a mentor to me, you know? And as he's talking to me, he's like, he tells me the next day when it was just him and I together, he said, you know what? Those people that you brought, like, I'm not that hyped on them. Like they're, you're, you're too talented to be working with those people. You need better people. And need better people. And I'm like heartbroken. I'm like, man, these people are my friends.
Starting point is 00:58:49 And they're great people. I have nothing against the people, but they didn't show him what he needed to see to feel comfortable being involved in this project in that way. So it meant a lot to me that like I look up to him a lot and I look up to what he's done a lot. I think it's cool. So he basically forced me into finding somebody new. And it just happened to be that my buddy Justin was just retired.
Starting point is 00:59:16 He retired really young. And so he retired. I'm like, well, you're retired now. You want to make a movie with me? He's always wanted to work with me and always wanted to make a film with me. And I've known him for a long time. So I just sort of a movie with me. He's always wanted to work with me and always wanted to make a film with me, and I've known him for a long time. So I just sort of lucked into him. And then my buddy Kurt, who's the editor, I worked with him on Bigger, Stronger, Faster.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I already hired him because he had made Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9-11. Decided just to bring him on to this project. I'm also working with my friend Anthony Roberts, who I think was on here with you guys. He's just an amazing researcher. He can pull Freedom of Information Act stuff on anybody. He can find dirt on anybody. So I just say, hey, Anthony, go get them. And he just goes and gets it and brings it back.
Starting point is 00:59:56 So you have to have all those people on your team to make a good movie. So even though Sean kind of told you some information that you weren't really hoping to hear, but in doing so it made you had to like upgrade your squad. Yeah. I, I've also been looking into a lot of the work of Ryan holiday, like the, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:13 he's very into the stoic stuff and it's just amazing. Like the impediment to action becomes the action, like the, the obstacles, the way, right? Like what, what's in,
Starting point is 01:00:22 what's, what's in the way becomes the way. And that whole idea of like, Sean put an obstacle in my way and I'm like I'm just going to go right through this. Like the fact that like, okay, I have a bad producer. Well, now I have an amazing producer, right? So I have somebody you don't think can do the job. Now I have somebody that's bothering you so much that you don't – like seriously, like we put the shoe on the other foot. Where it's like the other people are like, like, seriously, like we put the shoe on the other foot where,
Starting point is 01:00:46 where it's like the other people are like, Oh, Whoa, like, Hey, you know, calm down. And so I, I think we have a really special team of really awesome people.
Starting point is 01:00:55 And what we have here going on at super training is amazing. I keep telling people like, you guys don't know what goes on at our gym. And I think even a lot of people here don't even know what goes on at our gym but you know i have a 14 year old girl here that squats 335 pounds for five reps and deadlifts about the same you know i have a 16 year old kid that deadlifts 600 pounds i have a 21 year old kid that left you know 750 pounds we have like our actual core team of people which are you know just a bunch of great people like constantly training in here and people are like losing weight gaining weight getting jacked getting
Starting point is 01:01:31 lean it's there's a lot of cool shit going on in here we have kenny and jack you know bodybuilder so yeah yeah the whole culture is amazing yeah we have a lot of shit going on at one time and plus all the podcast guests coming in and then today uh have an opportunity to work with Josh Emmett. It's been really neat just trying to help him with some stuff. And it's fucking great. You know, it's great to have this place as, you know, you don't you never really know who's going to like walk through here and who's going to be here. And for those people that are here, like when they miss a day or miss something, sometimes they miss out big because sometimes there's like a really cool guest or sometimes something awesome happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah, I remember that. It's so funny because it always happens this way where it's like, oh, hey, we got so-and-so coming in on Thursday. It's like, oh, shit, well, Michael Hearn's coming in on Thursday also. And then Chris will come in with somebody else and be like, oh, hey, this is so-and-so. And it's like, oh shit, well Michael Hearn's coming in on Thursday also. And then Chris will come in with somebody else and be like, oh hey, this is so and so from and it's like, holy shit, and you look around and you're like, dude, we have like I don't know, some days I'm just like between all these people, there's like a billion followers
Starting point is 01:02:36 on Instagram right now and it's just Thursday. You know, it's just another day. Another workout day. Yeah. Yeah, so what's next in the process of actually like trying to get this movie made so i'm right now we're doing like i'm doing funding right now so uh fundraising is like i have most a lot of stuff written and like ready to go and i'm just kind of waiting to pull the trigger so we're we're like right at that critical moment where you're
Starting point is 01:03:01 you know raising money and doing stuff like i I went on a trip to Austin last week. It was amazing. Like I went to Austin, got there. We just said, hey, let's decide to go, like let's go by a Rogan's Club and see if it's, let's see what's going on down there. I go over there, we get out of the car, we walk over to the club and one of the bouncers,
Starting point is 01:03:19 he sees me and he's like, oh, bigger, stronger, faster. And he's all pumped up. So we asked him like what we have to do to get in. And he sort of describes what we had to do. He's like, ah, you got to wait in this line and blah, blah, blah. If there's room, then you can come in. And long story short, they got us in. And we had really good seats.
Starting point is 01:03:38 That's Justin right there, my producer. He's like 6'4". He's a mutant. So we had a blast. And we went and Dave Ch chapelle performed that's after uh after rogan so i knew it was kind of gonna kind of be a good trip uh like i said i'm in the fundraising process a lot of these trips are like you go and you present what you have to people and uh you basically wait to hear back and we're in like the wait to hear back phase but
Starting point is 01:04:02 basically everything's going really well yeah so you have like all the ammo and everything ready to go. You're just waiting to fire off. Yeah, and again, like I tried to do this like a year ago and it didn't happen. I had like the wrong people involved. Right now, I feel like I have the best possible team, you know, involved.
Starting point is 01:04:17 And usually like I don't even talk about things this early, but I just have a good feeling about it and a good feeling about what we can do. So might as well talk about it how was that show the Rogan show the Rogan show was amazing I think Tony Hinchcliffe was so bad talking about George Floyd
Starting point is 01:04:34 sex tape that the girl so I was my friend Christian was with us and he had his girlfriend with us and she basically got offended at that point and made them leave so they left before Rogan or Chappelle even came out. Holy fucking Hinchcliffe, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:51 So put it this way. He was bad. Hinchcliffe was bad. Did you know that? I kind of agree with her. I'm kind of like, yeah, I can see why you left. Well, why not, right? Like, I mean, you don't need to, like, get real mad.
Starting point is 01:05:04 You can just be like ah that's a little too much for me i'm out of here like it's not a then it's just not that huge of a deal right it's like less of a deal than to sit there and be like i can't believe it well christian said uh dude i'm so sorry blah blah i'm like don't be sorry to me she doesn't hate me she hates you like his girlfriend she's mad at you not me i don't care did you know uh chance right did you know he was gonna did you know he was gonna be there no he just showed up that's the way it always it's all random it was all random i he paid the bouncer too like after we got in he gave them some loot he does it with everybody yeah when i when i went down and saw
Starting point is 01:05:42 him uh recently the last two times i went to aust, he like, I don't know, he just pays people for all kinds of stuff. This is the greatest story. This guy was so broke. He was like the broke guy that I used to hang out with and bring him to Sharky's and be like, hey, let me get you some free drinks because I work here and like always do like whatever. He's kind of like the jerk, like the movie The Jerk. He invented a software that every single person that has a dog has because it's like the software to find your dog. It's a microchip. It's the software that goes along with the microchip dog thing,
Starting point is 01:06:15 and he created some sort of software that can find any dog, and now he's loaded, and now he just walks around and hands people money i've never met this guy he's jacked he's super jacked he's he's like one of these guys like he's really funny and like super personable like at first you're like whoa like what is this and then like after a while like he's too much until you realize he's no harm and then you're like okay yeah yeah he would be going all fired up he would be like andrew like you're so good at the podcast and he'd be like whoa like what's going on with this guy he's like too excited it's just how he is and then yeah he's just so my dog my dog rocky my old bulldog your dog from him right i got it from him he just brought him over my house
Starting point is 01:06:58 i didn't know you had a dog dude look up go on my facebook my dog is on my facebook amazing so i had this dog named rocky which is like a beautiful bulldog. It was like a perfect bulldog. His real name was Mr. Nasty. But then I changed it. And he was with an Asian couple and he was too aggressive. He kept like knocking them over and stuff, they said. What?
Starting point is 01:07:20 So he gave me this bulldog and I named it Rocky. And I had him for like five years. He was amazing did you see it no Facebook sucks you have to log in and shoot
Starting point is 01:07:29 nah I'm done with Facebook sorry what a piece of crap yeah I'm not a fan maybe I can find it maybe I can find you
Starting point is 01:07:37 a picture of yeah Chance last time I was in Austin he took we went to a sushi place and the bill was probably like six thousand bucks and he just paid for the whole thing The last time I was in Austin, we went to a sushi place, and the bill was probably like $6,000.
Starting point is 01:07:48 What? He just paid for the whole thing. How was it $6,000? And you get treated. Well, because I was with Schweitzer, and we were with a bunch of people, Chris Williamson and Zach Lander. They just give you like, this is A5 Wagyu steak you know top of the line this and that and he's ordering like weird drinks and stuff and we had a blast that's that's the main thing and the food was fucking unbelievable it was sushi yeah sushi and and a bunch of like steak stuff too
Starting point is 01:08:18 it was awesome oh come on man what you doing wait i'm sending you a picture i sent you a picture of rocky oh man see now i have to email it no i emailed it to you okay oh he's so what are you saying i was gonna say what what uh what you doing with like your lifting and your exercising and all that i told you that i fell down right i always got something going on it's like it's always a story with me so i fell down smooth sailing i say i fell down and i bruised yeah he's amazing right that dog is amazing it looks like the owner i know so i i hear that a lot here's how dangerous making movies and you're not supposed to laugh that hard about that because i sorry for no it's you hear that like my God, they look just like the other.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Oh, yeah. Here's how dangerous making movies is. I was walking, and I had to pee really bad. I was on an important call, and I had to pee really bad. And I'm walking really fast, and my arm is swinging like this, and my phone's in my hand. And I trip, like I kick the curb, and I trip, and I go flying. And I knew, like, when I was flying that it was going to be bad
Starting point is 01:09:24 because I was in midair in slow motion and my arm like tucked under my body and I fell onto my elbow. My elbow went right up into my rib and like it either cracked or bruised my rib because I couldn't breathe for like three days. Like it still it hurts to breathe in. So it's really affected my lifting. It's just made me like I haven't really been able to lift for a couple weeks. So it's really affected my lifting. It's just made me like, I haven't really been able to lift, um, for a couple of weeks. So it's like, I'm on like week three and what I'm doing is just resting. But while I'm resting, I'm walking at least 20,000 steps a day and doing like a strict carnivore diet just to make sure that like, I don't fatten up when I get hurt. I think it's good to have safeguards and things, uh, that you can implement. You know, like I got, like I don't fatten up when I get hurt. I think it's good to have safeguards and things that you can implement.
Starting point is 01:10:07 You know, like I got, like I hurt myself and I know I can't lift, but I got to be really careful with what I eat if I'm not doing any lifting, you know? So I'm just trying to stay strict while I'm get through this. No lifting, no lifting or just like. Very minimal lifting. I was doing some like curls and some shoulders and just some light things but it really hurts to even move this and i've you
Starting point is 01:10:30 know i've done it before where i go and lift too early right it doesn't seem to ever be worth it too much it's hard when that area of your body i mean you brace it even if you're trying to do like a single leg leg curl you like brace your body right you brace your stomach it's in a weird spot and then i just go well why like why do it if this is gonna hurt but i i have been doing stuff you saw me like yesterday i was doing like lat pull downs i'm trying to like stretch it back out and move it like that and be able to move so it's not like i'm lifting but i am doing some movement work i guess how many uh like comments or signatures i guess comments do we need for the dea to uh wake the fuck up i would imagine at least 10 000 but right now they had so when i
Starting point is 01:11:10 first started this campaign i think they had about 2500 i don't know what they're up to now i don't i haven't checked it um we'll see but you know i think that um i think if they get like 10 000 they'll they'll forget about it, but who knows. Yeah. And then like I don't know how these things work, but like if it stays and it passes, like how soon do they shut everything down? So see, here's what the problem is. It doesn't say anything about me and you. Like if we're already getting testosterone, it doesn't say whether or not I'll have to change the way I do it or not.
Starting point is 01:11:45 So it's unclear. That's why it's dangerous. One of the reasons why it's dangerous is it's very unclear how people are now. But for new patients, it would just be like from that day forward, you would not be able to get telemedicine. So even though we're grandfathered in, it's still – I'm not sure if we're grandfathered. Like it doesn't say anything to whether or not we're grandfathered in, right? in it's still i'm not sure if we're grandfathered like it doesn't say anything to whether or not we're grandfathered in right like if it doesn't tell you that's dangerous you know we'd have to
Starting point is 01:12:08 basically call chad at the dea and see if he's gonna tell us you keep getting his voicemail um will this like uh make like a penalty on like underground labs selling shit like way more severe you know the interesting thing is like i don't know how bad those those uh law you know i would say like um the underground labs it's like i'm sure there's people out there that are that are trying to bust the bigger the bigger labs and bigger things but um i think people that run underground labs don't really care like one way you know one way or the other but uh yeah i would i would imagine it would just turn more people on to using underground labs if they're making it hard to get. But I don't know if the penalties will be any more severe.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Yeah, just get it from your buddy at the gym or whatever. I mean since it is big pharma, don't – doesn't – I don't know who they are, but don't they make more money if we get it prescribed and we actually go to a compounding facility to get it? Yeah, so it's weird because big – um here's the weird thing with compounding compounding is not big pharma compounding is like little pharma it's like its own thing like sean and empower and companies like that they're allowed to make these drugs that are um they're allowed to make these drugs the reason why they're allowed to make these drugs is because not everybody can take a drug as it's made. So like sometimes, for example, Viagra has like a blue dye in it.
Starting point is 01:13:32 You might be allergic to that blue dye. So you might have to get Viagra without blue dye. And the only way to get that would be through a compounding pharmacy. So that way pharmacies are allowed to exist that can sort of make any drug that's legally available. And that's sort of make any drug that's legally available. And that's sort of the law that they operate under on. It's a little bit fishy and wishy-washy, but it allows for consumers to get drugs like testosterone that have been off patent forever. It allows us to just get drugs much cheaper. If we had to get these through
Starting point is 01:13:59 big pharma, instead of a hundred bucks a month for testosterone, it might be 500 bucks a month because we're just paying for a brand name and R&D and all this other stuff that we don't need to pay for. So compounding pharmacies are a blessing for the consumer, although it doesn't actually make much sense how they're legal to big pharma. I understand why big pharma would not like them because they're allowed to do the same thing. But it's just one of those things. It's like, hey, you guys make so much money anyway. Just let this operate. It would be interesting to look into like this Pfizer or any of those companies. Do they make testosterone?
Starting point is 01:14:35 I don't. See, these are things that like I don't know. That's why it's fun when you make a movie to like just go out and start researching things that you don't know. And I think one of the things that you told me, and I find this really interesting because I was totally against this before, but you said the smartest people in the world say, I don't know. And I think it's smart to say, you know what? I don't know that answer. I believe some of these bigger companies do make testosterone.
Starting point is 01:14:57 But like I said, I don't even have the answer of why the DEA would want to make this law. I just don't know. And there's no reason to tell you I do know if I don't know, right? And I feel like you're right, though. In this movie, we need to go figure these things out and keep asking these questions. Pepper, how's your family? How's it going? Now, we talk about meat a lot on this podcast, which is why we've partnered with Piedmontese and have for years now because they have some of the best beef on the planet.
Starting point is 01:15:24 All right. years now because they have some of the best beef on the planet. All right. Piedmontese beef has cuts that are fattier in terms of the ribeyes, and they have also cuts that are leaner in terms of their flat irons. But you can get cuts for no matter what diet you're on. Andrew, how can they get their hands on it? Yeah. Head over to
Starting point is 01:15:37 That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Check out enter promo code power for 25% your entire order and if your order is 150 dollars or more you get free two-day shipping links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes uh what about your diet uh you said that um you're doing more strict carnivore you've done meat and fruit and you've done a lot of different things like what's uh what are things that have worked pretty well for you and what are things that uh maybe just are subpar i really like um i really like carnivore i really enjoy it uh i really really love chaffles i think i was telling you that the other day here we go i i make chaffles like almost every day you know just
Starting point is 01:16:20 really good just cheese and eggs and so i i think i make them every day to be honest um mrs butter with sugar-free syrup that's like the key shout out to her that's a key ingredient putting in work that's my lady see that's her hips i recognize her hips anywhere uh those are i mean it's amazing just cheese and eggs and and it has uh you throw some butter on there some of that butter's worth. And to me, that's- You ever make like a burger, like a cheese, you ever throw a cheeseburger on there or anything? Yeah, you can. Use it as bread?
Starting point is 01:16:51 It's good. You got, to use it as bread, the best thing to do is let it solidify and let it cool down a little bit. You know what's really good is using it as garlic bread. So putting butter and garlic powder on it just turns it into garlic bread. You know what? Everything but the bagel. So everything but the bagel with cream cheese on a chaffle, boom.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Whoa. Pretty awesome. Yeah. So a chaffle is egg and cheese, and then you throw it in a blender, and you do like what? Like a one-to-one. Yeah, what's the ratio? Yeah, it's a one-to-one.
Starting point is 01:17:23 The ninja going. That ninja's not quiet. Yeah, what's the ratio? Yeah, it's a one-to-one. The ninja going, wah! That ninja's not quiet. Why is it so loud? Why can't it have a chamber? Something. Like less noise. They do have those at Starbucks, the thing that comes with it. Yeah, you need something.
Starting point is 01:17:37 A little suppressor, yeah. You do a half a cup for every four eggs. So four eggs, half a cup of shredded mozzarella. Mozzarella has like less flavor. Like you were saying, you asked me yesterday about making a sandwich. I said, well, if you make a sandwich, you may want to use cheddar cheese because then it'll have more of a cheddar. Mozzarella is just more mild. That steak is awesome.
Starting point is 01:17:58 So go to that steak. Holy shit. See how it's so grizzled? Yeah. It's got that crust. That's from what's called the Gemelli Grill. So I have a grill that just sears. The only thing it does is sear steak.
Starting point is 01:18:10 It's about $379. It sits on your countertop. And you can cook the steak in the Ninja Foodi. So I cook the steak to get the inside temperature up. And then I throw it on the searing thing. And it just makes like a steakhouse. Like I have so much fun by myself at home cooking i'm telling you do you have that on your instagram by any chance or is it not has it not made it just look up jabelli grill it's it's been on
Starting point is 01:18:33 there before jabroni grill yeah they should change the name yeah i don't even know how to spell it is it with the deadlift look at all those plates on there. Oh, my God. Holy shit, that's a lot. How much is that? 635? Fake hips? It was too much to even write down. 635. Look at that. You didn't want to embarrass everybody. You did like 715 or something like that, right?
Starting point is 01:18:54 For two? 733, but I think I was using those high plates, too. I was cheating. Yeah. Whatever way. You ain't trying. You ain't cheating. Whatever way you can get it done
Starting point is 01:19:05 did you find it gemelli grill gemelli g-e-m-e-l-l-i-i g-e-m-e-l-l-i pasta so um gemelli
Starting point is 01:19:14 boiler g-e-m-e-l-l-i there you go that thing dude that thing's amazing what that looks cool
Starting point is 01:19:21 it looks like that auto wild or whatever it's like an auto wild but it sits right on your countertop and it won't get your house on fire it doesn't get even hot or i don't know i don't understand how it works it doesn't even get hot around it looks pretty it looks pretty sick it looks kind of small though you can fit a whole steak in there yeah yeah you can fit a big ass steak in there and then you just crank it up. I have more shit. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I'm telling you, that thing's amazing. Especially if you have something. But it won't cook it. Well, it depends. If you have like a one inch thick steak, like a regular, like if you have a Piedmontese ribeye and you do two minutes on each side in there at 1500 degrees. It might not be cooked enough. Well, you just have to rest it really long.
Starting point is 01:20:04 Yeah. So you'd like grizzle it and then you'd rest it for like 10 minutes and then the inside would be perfect. But it's actually better to cook it a little bit. It's better to cook it for like five minutes in the foodie grill and then sear it on this and it comes out perfect. Yeah. Like Sean Baker will-
Starting point is 01:20:19 Like it is so good. Sean Baker sous-vides everything and then he just uses the grill. Andy, your wife, would make she would she loves sous vide if she sous vide it and then seared in these grizzled so if i bring if i just bring this over to your house one day we should do that just to try you'll see how good it is like how hot does it get it gets to 1500 degrees whoa so i'll get andy to cook up a bunch of those fillets and then we'll sear them in. Yeah, that'll be awesome. We'll crush it.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Yeah, use promo code PROJECT. It's light, too. Just kidding. Well, I don't even have a thing for them, but they did send me one for free. So if you actually write to them, they'll send you one for free. I just post about it once in a while because it's cool, but I don't have a code. What else do you eat besides chaffles? Steak and chaffles.
Starting point is 01:21:02 That's it. And burgers. Oh, and bacon. I like bacon. Ground beef, eggs. Ground beef. Yeah, pretty much ground beef, eggs, chicken wings. So when I make chicken wings, I use pork panko, an Italian seasoning.
Starting point is 01:21:17 What's the key to this? Pork panko. So chicken wings are already wet. See, they're already wet. That stuff sticks to them so good. Really? It's amazing. And I use that Crazy Jane's Wild Mixed Up Salt.
Starting point is 01:21:29 That's a really good salt. Like salt. That's salt, pepper, garlic, powder, and onion. And then you have to cook the wings first is the key, right? And then you put sauce on later. Yeah. So for anybody that sauces up their wings, I used to always try to sauce them up before,
Starting point is 01:21:44 thinking that's how you do it. Cook the wings. Let them get super crispy. Let them get awesome. Then pour the sauce and just toss it. It's all about tossing the salad. Tossing the sauce. For the happy ending, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Toss your wings. It really is. You got to toss your wings. And you know that chicken wings, this is interesting because everybody talks about, ah, you got to have fiber. You got to have fiber. Well, fiber, chicken wings are fiber chicken wings they're not necessarily fiber but they work like fiber in your intestines in your stomachs so they're a good thing it's good to eat some chicken with that those burgers so you have some dairy like just from like cheese or do you have
Starting point is 01:22:20 other types of dairy too mainly just cheese and heavy cream but you see that coke zero caffeine free might be the best product in the entire market. Where do you find a caffeine free though? I can never find that one. There's a place in
Starting point is 01:22:32 Wisconsin Davis called like Save More it's like a cheapest place it's like this budget grocery store and they have the Zero Caffeine
Starting point is 01:22:41 Coke Zero but nobody knows about it so I go in there and I buy all of them at once sometimes i buy four or five of them uh but i you can get it online maybe you have to go to amazon pay a lot more though uh that's funny i every time they have uh the root beer zero i always just buy all of them everybody looks at me crazy the uh what is it this place this place is such a cheap place. They have
Starting point is 01:23:05 buy two, get three free. Oh, shit. I've never even heard anything like it. Just show up and we'll give it to you. I got five Coke Zeros for like 20 bucks. Dang. Check it out. I'm telling you. What about the Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar? Yeah, the Dr.
Starting point is 01:23:22 But there's a Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar like vanilla. Vanilla cream or something like that. That's like the best soda ever made. The Dr. Pepper cherry one is life-altering. Do you see this steak right here? This is amazing, right? Why wouldn't I? Favorites.
Starting point is 01:23:37 This Piedmontese Bovet steak is 100 grams of protein, and that one in particular, it's even less. Yeah, it's 8 grams of fat in the whole steak. So it's 100 protein, 8 grams of protein and that one particular fat or something it's even less i think yeah it's eight grams of fat in the whole steak yeah so it's 100 protein eight grams of fat there's two grams so like grass-fed grass finished to me that's an amazing like well it's an amazing unfair advantage that people should know about right well also with piedmontese don't forget you can eat the entire steak there's there's nothing i've've never had this happen before. There's nothing that you need to cut away. Sometimes certain types of meat and certain steaks and stuff, sometimes you have to, so you go to the grocery store and you buy some high-end steak, it costs you a bunch of money and you have to cut off
Starting point is 01:24:23 like X amount of it because it's all like weird gristle that's hard to chew through. With Piedmontese, I've never had that happen. If you look on here, I actually wrote about it says it's a marvel of modern science and farming. And it really is because the way that they like these cattle have this double muscle and there's nothing like it on the planet. And cattle upcycle protein.
Starting point is 01:24:47 So when I try to tell everybody, he's like, everybody's mad about climate change and whatever. A cow is actually the only food that yields more food than it takes in to make it. Right. So it, if it takes in a pound of grass,
Starting point is 01:25:01 it can make a pound and a half of meat. Right. Basically like not, it's not that direct correlation, but basically what I'm saying is it can make more meat than the amount of grass it has to take in. It upcycles protein and it turns this grass that
Starting point is 01:25:14 no other animal can use, nothing on the planet can use, it eats the grass from the grasslands and turns that into protein. There's nothing else we could do with those grasslands. Protein and fat. Yeah. For us. Well, yeah, even more fat.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Yeah. Those grasslands cannot be used, well, 85% of those grasslands cannot be used to farm other things. So for people to say, oh, well, don't they just farm, you know, oranges there? It's like, well, you can't. You can't do anything with that land. So we're using it efficiently and shut up, basically, oranges there. It's like, well, you can't, you can't do anything with that land. So we're using it efficiently and shut up basically. And then, uh,
Starting point is 01:25:48 so that, that type of cattle, um, the Piedmontese, um, cattle, uh, Piedmontese,
Starting point is 01:25:55 the company owns, I think, or whatever you want to call it. They possess like 95% of the entire population of that cattle. So like when we talk about how unique this this meat is it really is if you've never had it you've literally never had it you know what i mean like it's you can't just be like oh i had something similar like no you didn't and what's amazing about it is like i ran into it organically i got them to sponsor me organically like i didn't
Starting point is 01:26:18 this wasn't like any big plan it was just i called the. I think we kind of found it at a nugget, right? Yep. Yep. Man, that's some truffles now. There's Billy Gunn. Badass Billy Gunn was in the gym. See, I told you cool shit's going on here. You didn't know. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Yeah, Melvin had texted me or something. He was like, dude, I can't believe I missed him. I'm an ass, man. But look at how jacked at 60. Damn, he's 60? Yeah. Shit. That's great for 60. Holy shit. There 60? Yeah. That's been great for 60.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Holy shit. There he is. That's cool, man. Yep. Have you noticed any difference, like, being on more of a carnivore diet versus, I don't know, do you eat, like, yogurt or cottage cheese? Or, like, is there any offshoot things on there or not really because that just sends you in the wrong direction? Yeah, not really.
Starting point is 01:27:10 You know, once in a while. Like I actually have – I think white rice is a good thing to throw in once in a while. Like so I threw in white rice the other day, but it's weird how bloated I feel when I do it. But I always overdo things. Like if I throw in white rice, I don't throw in like one cup. I'll throw in like three or four cups that day. So when did have white rice i ate that's amazing i ate kind of a lot but then i don't eat it for like you know i won't eat it for seven days but then on like one day i'll i ate like three i think it was like three and a half cups of white rice with steak you know and in separate meals but i kind of end up it's like you know like it's really easy to eat
Starting point is 01:27:45 so well like i i ebb and flow all the time so like some days i eat a lot and some days i eat nothing so like yesterday i didn't eat at all up until about 6 p.m and then i kind of went on a in a frenzy and ate like two ribeyes and some chaffles so I kind of ate a lot of food towards the end, but nothing all day. And then other days I eat during the day throughout. So it just changes, but mainly it's like the only things I really eat are burgers, steaks, and chaffles. How about frequency?
Starting point is 01:28:19 Because I remember back in the day, you used to say, I don't think I can fast. And so how about now? How many meals a day are you eating? You know what? Yeah, I used to be a pussy in every aspect of my life. And I would say things based on comfort. And I would say things based on what I did or did not want to do.
Starting point is 01:28:37 And I'm just out of that mindset. So I think by being out of that mindset, I can fast any day. I can fast for as long as I need to fast. When I just went to Austin, I just decided like, okay, cool. I'm not going to eat until I get to Texas. Like that's a big commitment to make, you know what I mean? But you make that commitment and you just stick to it and you go. And I was starving by the time I got there. But by the time I ate, everything actually tasted amazing. I actually ate at Hopdoddy. It's an accomplishment, kind of. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:29:06 It was an accomplishment. It's a challenge and an accomplishment when you do make it that far. I came from California in the morning at like 5 a.m. By the time I got to Hopdoddy and ate burgers, it was like 6 p.m. in Austin. It's such a cool mindset. Like, I'm not going to be like everybody else.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Dude, look at that. I know, man. I'm jealous. That's like a gold mine right there. And you know people get mad at those posts so here's another post go back oh you're super low post yeah because then they did it you know everybody's like oh uh cancer yeah they're like uh it's bad keep going no go up okay so go up to the top all, yeah. Okay, now go down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Go down a little bit. Right there, that middle one. This one. Okay, so artificial sweetener found in diet soft drinks has unexpected effect on immune system. So people get mad because I post that I drink diet soda. I'm like, hey, I kind of drink a lot of diet soda. I probably drink more diet soda than I do water. People get all mad.
Starting point is 01:30:03 They tell me how inflammatory it is. And then this study comes out saying that sucralose in high doses, maybe like 10 cans of soda a day or more would be anti-inflammatory. So yeah, it's funny because I feel like I won a victory, but I didn't really win anything. You didn't do shit. I didn't win anything. Andrew, what did Ron Penna tell us? I'm going to have to just, it's not verbatim but like basically everybody should try to consume
Starting point is 01:30:28 as many artificial sweeteners as they possibly can I love them there you go I knew I liked that guy for some reason yeah he's like consume as much artificial and his main point was just to control your calories because people just eat too much
Starting point is 01:30:43 well let's make a T-shirt out of it. Dude. A T-shirt out of sucralose? That'd be great. Because you could eat it afterwards. Yeah. Sucralose, you have to use very— That's a sweet T-shirt.
Starting point is 01:30:56 You have to use—oh, hey. You have to use very little sucralose, right? Just like a little— A little dab will do you a lot. Yeah. I've heard that that was like one of the the drawbacks of it because they're like oh like if you go one-to-one sugar to uh to sucralose sucralose is way sweeter it's like yeah you can use less what do you think of uh
Starting point is 01:31:17 kratom shot these things are great yeah the double shot. It's fantastic. Anybody that purchased it off of please only take half. Start with half. Or start with even less than half. Start with a quarter. The difference between this one is, so this one is a
Starting point is 01:31:39 different, it's a different extraction method. This is a full spectrum kratom product that um makes your face kind of numb which is kind of cool you can feel it it feels a little different it almost feels there's no alcohol in it obviously that would be illegal but it feels like you're doing like a shot like woo like it gives you a little woo i like it so then uh i guess like potency though in comparison to like the potion, like where does this stand?
Starting point is 01:32:09 Because like we'll just say like capsules are down here, potions up here. Is it just like in the middle? I would say like, okay, in my opinion, this one hit me like a little bit faster and a little bit harder and didn't last as long. Than the potion. That's the way I feel about it.
Starting point is 01:32:24 So I feel like it's a little bit, I feel like a little bit stronger, a little bit faster. You got to try it, Andrew. You'll dig it. I'll try it today because I'm going to actually be working on this episode as soon as we're done.
Starting point is 01:32:36 And just not as long. Okay. That's why I forgot. It's hard to tell. I've used a lot of Kratom on and off, so it's harder for me to tell. So I would definitely ask around and just try it. I say for everybody, just try it for yourself. I think everybody responds differently to different things. This was just a product that I came
Starting point is 01:32:55 across that I really liked and thought that, you know, something that we can make here. Yeah. So what's going on with Kratom? Has anything changed? Is it still like technically illegal in certain states and what's going on with kratom has anything changed it's still like technically illegal in certain states and like what's going on there the it is illegal in a couple states i think that things are turning around though i think as uh you know uh one of the states has had overturned it and made it legal i believe that's uh tennessee has now made it legal uh i i it's hard to see it like turning illegal because marijuana is legal we're going to make psychedelics legal also we're going to make this Kratom
Starting point is 01:33:30 illegal which like it's never killed anybody I do admit that people can get addicted to Kratom the problem with Kratom is that people that get addicted to every single case that I've ever seen is like 30 grams or above they're taking massive amounts of Kratom.
Starting point is 01:33:45 They're taking kratom powder. The reason that we don't even sell kratom powder, it's not something that we ever wanted to offer is because people do abuse it. So I just never even wanted to offer it or have it around to be part of anybody blaming that. It doesn't make any sense. Yeah, make a big giant shake of tons of kratom.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Kratom doesn't taste good. My goal, my goal is always to help people. If somebody does get addicted to kratom, like I'm the first one that cares about it. I'm the first one that's going to help you come off of it. But, you know, like, and the only way to really come off of these things is like to taper down and just know that, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:22 any withdrawals that you will have will go away. They will, they will tend to subside and there are some other things that people can take. So if any, put it this way, anybody can DM me cause I can't say things on here, but if anybody ever has a problem with it, they can just DM me. I'd love to help. Yeah. And I still, I still very much appreciate Kratom. I've never ever felt like I needed, like I depended on it or anything.
Starting point is 01:34:45 Haven't had it it's been a couple months actually since I've had anything of it so that's why today is going to be pretty cool if I take that double shot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:53 I'll get hella work done today. I always just tell people like use things and don't let it be a detriment to your life and when things start being a detriment to your life
Starting point is 01:35:02 or your life is unmanageable because of it you need to get rid of it. And that is any substance or any behavior, you know? Yeah. Take us on out of here, Andrew. All righty, everybody. We're going to remind you again, but make sure you guys check the links down below. You know, let your voice be heard. Drop those comments for the DEA to let them know that like, hey, we don't want telemedicine, especially testosterone to kind of fade away and be something that we used to talk about back in the day. So again, links in the YouTube description, as well as the podcast show notes or at Big Strong Fast on Instagram. He's going to, again,
Starting point is 01:35:33 he'll reiterate everything. I just want to make sure you guys hear it before you guys check out. But yeah, go over there, drop those comments. Let's see how many comments we can get left on the DEA's desk, so that way they can't ignore us. Follow the podcast at MBPowerProject all over the place, and make sure you guys like today's episodes, so that way more people can see it. Share it with more people, so that way we, again, like I said, we get our voices heard.
Starting point is 01:35:55 My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ. Christopher Borbell, where can people find you? At BigStrongFast, and I also have a podcast, The Chris Bell Show, that is on YouTube and the podcast forums everywhere. If you're wondering why Nseema's not here, it's because he's competing at Pan Am. So he'll be back soon. People, don't forget you can get Faster Than 50 program over at That's my running program that was created by myself and Dan Garner.
Starting point is 01:36:24 People ask a lot of questions about how I run and how I lift and all that information is in there. It's free. Go over to within your Just give us your email address and we will shoot it on over to you. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness never strength. I'm at Mark Smiley bow.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Catch you guys later. Bye. Later. Bitch.

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