Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 15: Things That Suck

Episode Date: July 18, 2016

This week, we embrace the hate and let you know about all the things that drive us nuts in the world of strength and fitness. From multi-level marketing schemes to shitty insta-fitness accounts on so...cial media, we basically hate on everything you could imagine. Nobody is safe. And Tyler brings us home with a Honeymoon Poop Story for the ages. Don't forget to LIKE Massenomics on Facebook, and LIKE and SHARE this episode.  Remember to go to iTunes and leave us a 5-Star review.. Check us out on Instagram @Massenomics... Buy some swag at THE MASSENOMICS STORE And don't forget to sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Okay, we are back in Massanomics studio here.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I'm Tyler. Sitting next to me is Tanner. Hey, guys. And across the way is Tommy. What's up? So, what is up? What's new? Nothing?
Starting point is 00:00:43 Everything? Did you get caught up on Game of Thrones yet? Yeah, I'm still in the middle of the second season, just like I was two years ago. So we still can't really talk about that. There goes half of our planned episode. Sorry. And the other half wasn't planned. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:16 So this week we're going to talk about, and we're going to do everything we can to not sound like curmudgeonly haters this week, but it seems like these are the things that we get going off on rants on the most. So today we're just going to talk about things that suck. It's going to be like Star Wars, where you let the dark side, let the hate consume you. Pretty much. That's exactly what we're doing and i just wanted to give one blanket disclaimer at the very beginning so then i don't have to like apologize before everything else i say it just like some of this you know maybe it's offensive to some people and it's really just all our opinion so yeah that's that's just the one time i'm gonna say that and then from the rest on out we can be free to and all of this it's really fun to talk about how stupid it might be but after we
Starting point is 00:01:45 talk about it i don't even freaking care about like it does not affect my life in any way it's just like really do you see that and then you move on that's right some people probably think we suck they don't nobody thinks that um yeah and and also like if you are offended by any of these things um feel free to keep that opinion to yourself or start your own goddamn podcast because we don't fucking care. I think, Tanner, you probably might have the best notes because you didn't work at your real job at all apparently today.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Hey, someone could be listening. So I'll let you kind of just throw one and we'll just kind of go back and forth with some of the some of these notes that we have okay um tanner what is your the first thing on your list of things that suck and and just so we're all just to make sure i'm on the right page this could be just about anything right anything related to kind of the things that we do generally yeah anything we do that's related to just picking up weights. Yeah. That's it. The general pursuit of excellence and all the things that suck about that process. Okay. You know what really grinds the knurling off my barbell?
Starting point is 00:02:54 What's that? Doing more than five reps on just about anything. Yes. That's the truth. Actually, the funny thing, today we actually did try to find your 10 rep max squat. No, I never want to go to that place. You don't ever want to go. That's hiding.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I don't ever want to find that. It can stay hidden for a while. The problem with that is I think if you game it right, you can totally fuck yourself. You know what I mean? If you go for 10, like a true, true, like the most you've got,
Starting point is 00:03:29 you shouldn't be able to move after it. Well, yeah. And like, so what if you, you do go for 10 at 80% of what you think your 10 is, because then you're screwed and you're not going to get, you're not going to get any afterwards,
Starting point is 00:03:40 you know? So like how you, if, how you game that is, is really like, cause I i did did one at like two and a quarter and it felt like shit and then i went to like 265 and was smashed from doing from doing the round before and i was like i don't want to do this at all so you gotta gotta do just the right amount of sandbagging pretty much like you gotta phone it in and then
Starting point is 00:04:03 all of a sudden just grind out 10, and whatever that is is what you got that day. I think it's something you have to try once a month to push forward, I guess, because it's not something you can be like, well, I did 265 for 10. Now I'm going to do 275 because you're not going to get three. It was off. It was dumb. I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:04:23 That does suck. You know what else really grinds the knurling off of my texas power bar what's that kind of after you're done with your main movements on like anyone that power lifts doing the small accessory lifts after that it's some some days that's just it's tough to get up for that the drive is yeah it's like it's tough to find that you look like you lay it all all out on the table for like a big few sets of deadlift and then it's like you're gonna go do some tricep extensions after that it's like ah what what does this even do you know actually when i do accessory work i just kind of i'll just do that that'll be like my off day yeah i'll go in and just do a bunch of bunch of shit. And do tricep extensions like no one ever thought was possible?
Starting point is 00:05:07 I will do all the tricep extensions. And then be wrecked and not touch my triceps for like two weeks. What else you got over there? Those two were just kind of, those were pretty vanilla. That's not going to offend anyone. Everyone can just kind of agree with most of that stuff. Should I offend people right away? I wanted to ease into it.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I think if we... Yeah, let's just go nuts with it. The next one I had is people that don't take or want to hear any advice from anyone because I feel like I'm not that guy at all. I like to listen to advice from pretty much anyone that has advice to give. Sometimes maybe you have to decipher what's good advice and what you don't need to listen to or what you don't need to take to heart, but you can still listen to all of it.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Some people don't want to do that. None of us that lift together are experts at any of it, so we all have things to learn. And it also doesn't have to be someone stronger than you at something to be able to give you advice. There's a lot of different factors that go into that. Ideally, they have some type of experience and form. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:06:18 But they don't have to physically be able to necessarily lift more on that lift than you to know more or know something that you don't know now yeah plus sometimes you just they just the fact that somebody has eyes and can see what you're doing exactly like like you need a little bit of feedback sometimes unless you have someone routinely filming sets for you you really don't know what you look like a lot of the times which is the main reason that i film workouts other than that it makes them more effective statistically speaking it's the only way to get stronger for sure so and i personally don't uh like to give advice that often so i feel like if i do there's a decent reason that i'm doing that you know it's like i'm like okay i this i
Starting point is 00:06:59 know that what i'm saying here could be uh advantageous for this person if they listen in it then if i can tell they kind of shrug it off it's like well you son of a bitch i'm never gonna know that what I'm saying here could be advantageous for this person if they listen in it, then if I can tell they kind of shrug it off, it's like, well, you son of a bitch, I'm never going to tell you anything again then. Damn it. I actually fall on the other side of the spectrum where I give people advice way too often and I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about. I just talk.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I've got one here that... Multi-level online marketing. I'm not going to name a single one of these companies. You just offended half of the people that exist. Luckily, none of them listen to this podcast because none of them actually exercise. Is this part of our multi-level marketing for Massonomics? Yeah, eventually Massanomics, what we need is we need you guys to all start selling Massanomics for us.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You'll just get under us, but it's okay because you'll have people under you. But don't look at it like that. Look at it like you're sponsored by us, and you're paying us to be sponsored by us. Yeah, I mean, if you do the math, if you get five people to sell Massanomics under you, and they each get five people to sell Mass, and if you do the math, if you get five people to sell Mastanomics under you, and they each get five people to sell Mastanomics.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And if you did that, I think if you go down like nine levels, it's like 150 million people. And it's not a pyramid. It's a funnel because it funnels back. Unfortunately, in that case, it's all going to funnel back to us. But you got to buy six months worth of Mastanomics at one time just to get your, but you can be at your own business. Yeah. Which is a strong advantage. Work from home and leave the corporate world and everything.
Starting point is 00:08:35 You know, leave that tough corporate world out here or you really get into it. The ideal strategy for that would be to not buy or sell massonomics for us and just take half of that money and just give it directly to us ever you'd be outlasted i saw i saw a meme that actually made me laugh really hard one day and it was uh it was a little girl talking to her mom and she goes mommy when i grew up i want to sell wraps to sell wraps to all my friends from sixth grade. And I just couldn't stop laughing. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So the main gripe about all those products for me is like it's almost a business thing. Like it's the best for the person at the top, obviously. And I want just a whole shit ton of no minds underneath me telling a whole bunch of other people. shit ton of no minds underneath me telling a whole bunch of other people if i own a company and i'm trying to get somebody to sell something for me i can't say here at massonomics we sell t-shirts our t-shirts will make your bench press go up by 200 pounds right away now truthfully that number is more like 50 with our own proprietary blend of cotton yes yes we're not going to talk about extensively studied but we are unbiased but but the thing is if if tommy is an independent distributor tommy can just personally go to his friends and tell them that the massonomics shirt is going to make his bench
Starting point is 00:09:55 press go up by 500 pounds you should definitely buy it and then they can tell all their friends the same thing so you can basically lie about the effectiveness of your product but it doesn't actually reflect on me as the business owner because I didn't fucking tell Tommy to say that Tommy's just going off the rails. I don't know what his problem is. It's not, none of it says that. So that's why you get these people telling you that, man, it's just absolutely changed my life. Here's a before and after picture that look absolutely identical. One, the saturation might be taken down a little bit. The other one, it's got a little more of an orange tint to it.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I've got a couple people that I block, basically. But every once in a while, I have to go back to their accounts just to check the level of crazy that they're posting. We got harassed that one time. We did get harassed and had to delete ban user but uh yeah they're trying to get us to like share some stories on our on our podcast and facebook page and website for some shit that we just don't care about at all and we're not gonna say the name because we don't care but but this uh so this what that what i'll see on these posts though is
Starting point is 00:11:05 like literally a person who's standing staring at the camera smiling without any makeup on and then the next and it's just a face shot the next picture is a person looking exactly the same with the exact same smile but is wearing lipstick and makeup and one says surviving and the other says thriving and like well what the fuck did that do is this a make is this makeup did you sell makeup um and i've seen two a couple where the pictures are just identical and it's i don't even know what the product's supposed to do at that point in time because it doesn't show weight loss it showed there were even smiling in the before picture i i do have to give kudos to whoever the hell's on top of those pyramids though that came up i mean just like the sheer genius of like the amount of money that they're making and probably not
Starting point is 00:11:55 doing much of anything and yeah i mean they don't even you don't have to pimp your own product and it's selling something that i all of those things i always think if it's a legitimate product why isn't it for sale through traditional channels why would you just want to get it out to the world the way the way i look at it is this is like if i go to walmart and i want to buy shampoo you know head and shoulders is perfectly content with me going to walmart and giving them money for their shampoo and that's it i have never once had somebody come up to me and be like, have you ever thought about buying, getting wholesale pricing on Head & Shoulders,
Starting point is 00:12:29 and you can tell all your friends to sell Head & Shoulders? It's just not the way the fucking world works. I get why the Girl Scouts send people door-to-door, because it's a charity. They're trying to get people to give them money. That's extortion, too. That's bullshit. Poor little girls.
Starting point is 00:12:45 The charity terrorists. I'm not on board with that either. So that's as far as we're going to go with the multi-level market. I could go on for, have gone on for hours before about how much I hate it. We've had that conversation many times. Where are you at, Tanner? Just a real fast one here. It's just barbells from walmart the silver or any
Starting point is 00:13:07 barbell that looks like it's from walmart like i'm almost forever ruined by barbells that look like silver like i just have a natural just hate towards silver barbell i mean it could be an amazing barbell but just my mind's been burned to think that a silver barbell is crap either it's going to have the smoothest knurling you've ever seen, or any amount of weight will bend that thing. We have a couple in the gym, too, that we kind of use for maybe crap lifts. There is a silver one in there that's good. Yeah, but it's tricky because you don't want to use it just because you think it's...
Starting point is 00:13:39 Yeah, I can't do it. Unless someone else is using it and it's loaded and I have to. Actually, people have left it with weight, and I've actually taken the weight off and got it, got a darker. Uh, so that one doesn't offend anyone or anything unless you were, maybe you're Sam Walton or something.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Unless you, if anyone here manufacturers, shitty barbells, just don't know. What is it for? Yeah. Stop doing it, I guess.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Or stop listening to the podcast. That's probably, yeah, that works too. Um, then, uh, I guess. Or stop listening to the podcast. That's probably. Yeah, that works too. Then I would say this comes from running the gym and that side of it. This could apply to just about anything in life. But people that have complaints but not any solutions to go along with the complaints. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yeah. Like I'm open to suggestions all the time. But if it's just like yeah I don't really like this and then I ask well what would you like to be done differently about it I don't know I just don't like this it smells like knee sleeves over here in the corner
Starting point is 00:14:33 well yeah because that's where the knee sleeves are how about this is there anywhere else you think I should put the knee sleeves or do you want to take them home with you? So, yeah, that's what I had. This takes me back a little bit, but before we had our own gym, having to spend time in a gym with other people that were maybe more or less focused than you,
Starting point is 00:15:02 and you just get all the just the riffraff and just like you know you're trying to get maybe pumped up for a set maybe you're gonna go for a heavy single or maybe it's just some heavy triples even you know just kind of push the limits and out comes like three kids playing tag like jumping around it's like really like trying to do something over here or or like there's just like five people next to you that are just talking and just have no idea that anything is even happening next to them you almost have to tell them to move so you can even lift that one was always that one was always painful along with the uh people that managed to be in a squat rack i mean this is the classic one to complain about but managed to be in a squat rack
Starting point is 00:15:39 for hours plus and do do three to five sets of something like it's just it's insane like how long some people can make that stuff last yep i i had another one that's along that that lines like any gym where there's no chalk allowed or no dead lifting allowed or no overhead pressing allowed or any of that stuff and that's this is just a personal preference for me almost but maybe there's some people that don't give a crap about any of that. But for me, if you're serious about lifting and any of those things are a rule, you should probably find a different gym. For sure.
Starting point is 00:16:12 If you don't care and you're just there to chill and talk, it doesn't really matter to you. I agree. There's also been a recent scandal coming out lately about the Photoshop fitness accounts. Have you guys seen any of those? What was the Shred scandal and all that stuff? Obviously, that does suck, but that's kind of just the way things are.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I feel like you have to be... I'm pretty inept. I can't figure out the filters anyways. Yeah, you've commented on that before. I think on YouTube, actually, if you guys haven't checked it out yet, Stan Efferdine does Rhinos Rants. Oh, they're awesome. They really are awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:55 If anything, just to hear a guy stare at the road and talk like he's reading off a teleprompter is amazing. I don't understand it. Does he have something in his windshield? I don't know. He must have some heads-up display. I't know let's have some heads up display that scrolls text across it but because the one he did on the like uh um obesity epidemic kind of where it started in like the samoan islands he is just rattling off statistics and doctor's names but they all like that too and he's doing like this like you're sitting there watching someone deliver an extremely motivating,
Starting point is 00:17:25 inspirational speech, and he's so articulate through the whole thing. It's like, how the hell are you doing that? But it sounds like he's still reading it. Yeah. But he's fucking driving. If you watch all of them, you will notice every once in a while that he hits a very small hiccup, and it's like, oh, maybe he is a person. But then it just goes right back to like back to the track and he just keeps going his brain must work in a different way where he just
Starting point is 00:17:48 like has all these yeah and it's not like we're talking two minute speeches we're talking anywhere from 9 to 15 minutes yeah it's those are really good but what was his rant on the on the shreds thing oh yeah i can't even remember where i was going but yeah thank you um he had said you know he's like how naive do you have to be in the fitness industry to assume that anybody that has a photo put out by a sponsor of any kind hasn't had it retouched in the last, what, 20 years? Like to go pick up a muscle and fitness or whatever it is, you have to know that almost every single, you should just assume every single photo in there has been retouched or has had a considerable amount of time spent perfecting the lighting and then going in and brushing in shadows, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You just have to think that with everything now. Not that, oh, I took this creatine, whatever, and it bulked me this large, and that's why I had these muscles. That's not the reason you're in that magazine. Well, and a really good point he made that just proves that and it's obvious logic is he wasn't sponsoring what are these companies weren't sponsoring these individuals before they got these muscles no one's sponsoring these people until they already look like he said yeah you uh you want to like speak to the credibility of their product go to them as
Starting point is 00:19:01 just a 190 pound person that's not in you know that good of shape and say i'm going to take sponsor me now i'll take your product until it makes me look like that yeah it's never going to happen because it's never going to make you look like that along the same lines one of the other things that does suck is uh bodybuilders that use the uh that are obviously i'd take whatever sponsorship somebody wants to throw my way if god knows whatever protein supplement's going to pay me a fortune to say that I use it and that's why I'm getting so huge, then gladly. But the problem is you have these people like big, big bodybuilders
Starting point is 00:19:34 that are taking a colossal amount of steroids. And they work hard and there's all that. But the difference between them being jacked and super jacked is not that specific brand of fucking protein powder. They're that, and it not just protein powder, but that specific brand versus the other brand.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Like if I wasn't taking this brand a, I'd just be such a little weasel, you know, I have little baby arms, but you know, just self trend. Why can't, why can't they just why why aren't people repping that i don't know but that's a good question one of the other things while we're kind of on the topic of uh of instagram and social media stuff is one thing i noticed like when i started like losing
Starting point is 00:20:24 weight and stuff I would find you kind of just find things that are interesting to you right and it's not just the weight loss or transformation accounts but there's just general fitness accounts on Instagram and once you open that door there has got to be tens or hundreds of millions of them and I don't even understand how so many of these they have like 200,000 followers followers 100 000 followers and it's just like a you know like a like a fat to fit account good for them most of them aren't even selling anything it's just a lot of self-promotion and that's that's fine what pisses me off is the people that have 50 70 100 200 000 followers who are just like, just look good. And that's it. Like, like
Starting point is 00:21:09 for like five years, they've just been like, I'm not going to get any stronger. I'm not going to get any bigger. I've just had abs this whole time. And I want to make sure that you guys all, all like what I'm doing. Right. Don't do anything. There's just a picture of some abs and, uh, me having abs here. And this is me having abs over here me having some abs at night there's kind of a lack of substance no substance yeah just like you're not really giving back to the yeah to the cause in any way you're just kind of doing or you know or or there will be you know female accounts where they're it's like 80 tits you know, female accounts where it's like 80% tits. You know what I mean? And 20% ass.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And 20% ass. And then, but all the posts are like hashtag perseverance. And it's like, well, are you trying to inspire people to do? You want me to have tits? I don't get it. If I persevere long enough, I can have it. I don't see you working hard. I barely see get it. If I persevere long enough, I can have it. I don't see you working hard. I barely see you sweating.
Starting point is 00:22:07 But how are people finding this inspiring? But people like it and follow the accounts. They have hundreds of... I'd kill to have that many followers. I just don't have big enough boobs. Get back on the bulk here. Get back on the bulk. There's a lot of canned those one or two liners that
Starting point is 00:22:27 go along with that it's like big motivational thing you're not a fucking tiger or a wolf standing in front of a head of lettuce here in your kitchen yeah and i don't you know more more power to them i guess but i the funny thing is i complain about it but i totally follow a shit ton of those accounts because it's like it's like you gotta you gotta know what's happening i just gotta be in touch with what's going on in the world so i guess honestly if i had to choose i guess i'd be all over like somebody's weight loss account with a hundred thousand then like somebody who just has got them followers
Starting point is 00:23:10 just for looking hot there's a lot of trainers out there too like you know specifically i suppose the males too i just don't don't follow as many of those but there's a lot there's a lot of the like i see a lot of female trainers who like most of what they're doing is posting them working out in their bras and nothing else like there's no technique there i mean there's no i don't even know what they're trying to say right i'm trying to say anything it's just this is what i look like well i think it's funny you know not to knock anybody that's a fitness model because there definitely are people that are fitness models and you know maintain a a really great physique and are like work hard and yeah you know yeah maintain a really great physique and are like coaches. And yeah, you know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:46 And they're very knowledgeable and all stuff, but you can go through your Instagram like discover page and there'll be a person there. And it's like, I wonder why this person is in my feed and you click on them and it says fitness model and their title. It's like what is on this page like connotates fitness model in any way? Like it just, it's, it's vague.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I don't know. Yeah. So I follow all those people. So I got, it's, it's vague. I don't know. Yeah. So I follow all of those people. So I got it. I'm still trying. We don't like you mostly because I'm a dirt bag, an Instagram dirt bag. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:14 What else you got Tanner? Oh, let's see. Uh, you know what really grinds the knurling off my $1,000 Aliko brand new barbell? What's that? Uh, the knurling off my $1,000 Aliko brand new barbell. What's that? Going to GNC and getting advice on supplements from someone that's never, ever been to a weight room of any kind.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And I don't actually go to GNC and buy supplements or anything like that. But at one point in time when you just learn about lifting, that's probably where you go and maybe buy some protein powder. And it's like it's so much easier to find, or it's, it's very easy to find like a reputable source on the internet, like in like 10 minutes of research of something that can tell you something like the people at GNC,
Starting point is 00:24:54 uh, you know, nothing against them. They're just making some, making some money, making a wage and stuff, but they don't, they're just trying to sell you whatever they can get the most money for.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I actually went in there. I don't, every time that I go in there, I leave going, i know that i just spent twice what i can buy this for on the internet yeah amazon but usually what it is is it's like well i need i want some i'm out of pre-workout and like i need some today so i like this is literally last week i stopped in and i went to just buy some pre-workout paid double what I would have normally was already upset about it and uh a woman who was no younger than 60 years old was then like trying to get me to buy god knows what else she was talking about and then trying to get apparently
Starting point is 00:25:39 my membership card had expired and telling me that I really should just read, redo it. And I said, well, I don't really shop here that often. She said, well, you know, if you get it today, if you spend $15 today or $15 to reup this today,
Starting point is 00:25:52 you'll get, it'll save you $9 on this thing. I was like, well, that sounds like a really shitty deal. It's not like you're just taking six more dollars for me. So I signed up just in case. So if you need to grab something there's
Starting point is 00:26:07 nothing wrong with going in there but just keep in mind like don't worry about what they're trying to push on you i i promise you if you're if you're listening to this podcast at all you know more than the people that are working there i that's true i guarantee it i've gone in before this is very early very early in my lifting career, being a skinny guy. Like, hey, I think some protein will help. Like, that seems like a good starting point. And going in and having a lady there say, oh, yeah, you seem like a pretty skinny guy. I bet you probably want to put on about 30, 40 pounds.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Can I recommend this over here? I think I'm good. Well, it only costs 250 bucks. It's the ultra. I don't think that's right for me. Ultra bull mass gainer. That being said, a positive experience that I had at GNC is when myself and my roommate just first started lifting when I was 18 or 19 years old. We went in there, and there was a guy working there that actually knew a little bit about lifting or quite a bit probably and we were asking him like oh what supplements should we take
Starting point is 00:27:10 you know maybe we each had like a hundred dollars in our pocket and we weren't gonna leave until we spent a hundred dollars on supplements to get us huge and he was like seriously you guys just need to eat a lot more than what you're eating right now and we didn't listen because you know screw that guy we wanted supplements but but that was good advice go to the store and buy meat yeah and more potatoes he said like eat get go buy a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter and like eat it in a day you know once a day yeah so that was actually good advice from someone at gnc he probably got fired though yeah he he did he's like. He's like, he's like, that's not selling near enough muscle tech. One of the things I have that, uh, things that I think suck is, uh, if, if you, if you're around long enough, you,
Starting point is 00:27:55 you come across these people, actually you don't have to be around very long, but people that basically are going to hate on any other methodology of fitness other than what they do right and uh you'll hear the crossfitters hating on bodybuilders powerlifters hating on crossfit everybody hates on bodybuilders actually which is kind of bullshit right but uh a legit bodybuilder puts in a lot of without a doubt puts in some serious work and yeah the gym and in the kitchen probably hands down more disciplined than anybody else as a whole nutritionally they have to yeah yeah it sounds it sounds like an awful lifestyle so but uh you know or even i'll do it all the time i'll joke around i'll be in the middle of working out just fucking dying and i'll be like god why didn't i just do zumba
Starting point is 00:28:39 you know but uh you know one of the things that i that i noticed with you know, but, uh, you know, one of the things that I, that I noticed with, you know, there's, there are people that get it. And, uh, you know, like Mark Bell, one of the things that he always talks about is that, you know, you should just, you can learn something from everybody and everything they're doing. And the fact is, is not everybody's built to do thing a over thing B and, you know, what he has on his podcast, he'll have, you know, strongman competitors, CrossFit athletes, coaches, bodybuilders. Basically, if there's somebody who's doing some shit that you don't know a lot about, you should probably ask them.
Starting point is 00:29:14 That's kind of where you can actually learn the most, I think, because you can get into a rut with all the same people and you're never going to really cover any ground. I think that's kind of a good lesson in life in general. all the same people and you're never going to really cover any ground, you know? Yeah. And I think that's kind of a good lesson in life in general is people love to pick a team and be about that team no matter what, you know, whether it is CrossFit versus powerlifting,
Starting point is 00:29:34 powerlifting versus bodybuilders, iPhone versus Android, like Mac versus PC, Xbox versus play. It's just people pick the dumbest stuff and like go to war for it and it's like this doesn't matter about anything at all like it's just you're just wasting your time on like it's good to be passionate about something but ease up man except fucking iphone i know that's bullshit but this battery lasts so long you mindless bad have you seen the slow motion super slow uh well i'd say us doing this podcast and you know
Starting point is 00:30:10 everything that we've been doing has opened my eyes to that more so you know i wasn't seriously hardcore against other things but this has done a good job of making me realize that you know there's value to a lot of different things and i think i think what's important is to not even it's not even a matter of just, you can get past not being a hater, but what you really want to do is get past even being dismissive, just being not dismissive to where actually you maybe actively want to learn some of those things. And that was probably the transition because I wasn't actively like,
Starting point is 00:30:39 ah, everything else sucks, but maybe I just wasn't paying any attention to it. Guys, I think we learned a valuable lesson here today uh we've come full circle from hate to embracing the world and taking on new things this is this is very exciting right now channeled our hate and turned it into love that is that is pretty powerful uh one thing i i specifically that i learned about that or that i've really come to understand is that uh this doesn't apply to every exercise or every portion of CrossFit you know what what is CrossFit it's gymnastics it's uh you know there's yeah a few different kind of a combination of gymnastics weightlifting stuff that they do
Starting point is 00:31:16 relentlessly do you actually do you guys want to talk about CrossFit for a while well I do want to talk about a certain aspect of it some of it in relation to strongman like a portion of crossfit and strongman are so very similar like the the difference is uh maybe just duration and weight like a lot it'll be very similar things it's just that maybe crossfit has a lighter weight relatively and a longer duration yeah and you know like you know, like the thing that I was actually just thinking about this today is that connection. And I think it's still a loose connection, but I think a lot more people are recognizing it between the CrossFit world and Strongman.
Starting point is 00:31:57 As a CrossFit, you know, it is by definition, it's constantly varied functional movement at a high intensity. And whereas what is a more functional movement than most of the shit that you do with strongman is like it's not about just a very cleanly easy to grab barbell with weight loaded on each end it's a you're gonna grab a rock or a stone you're gonna pick it up and you're gonna put it over it's just really as functional as it gets yeah for sure and um you know you're gonna grab this and you're gonna carry it for as long as you can you know some of the strongman lifts are probably the most
Starting point is 00:32:31 functional things that you're gonna come across and i think that's why you know there's a lot of there's a lot of crossfit gyms that that embrace that a lot that have a lot of strongman stuff and um yeah and it's pretty cool to see but that that connection is definitely definitely very solid yeah i think that's the thing that the power lifting and the crossfit community both have in common is a very solid respect for the things that the strong men do basically because it's just a little bit outside of what what each what each one's do oh let's see i i did have another one here uh what kind of sucks is my work life interfering with my massonomics and gym life that's true my two why do i have to go to work when i could just be i got stuff to do come on
Starting point is 00:33:20 we could be doing this for like eight hours a day. Yeah, I don't know. I guess, do you guys want to just start sending us money? How do we do that? Go fund Massonomics. I mean, we're not going to give you any product back or anything like that. No, just money so we can just lift a couple times a day and podcast three or four times a day. If I could train twice a day, we could podcast every other day. We'd be on to something. We'd i think so yeah they don't want us the world doesn't want us to do that they wouldn't know what to do
Starting point is 00:33:52 they're holding us down that's right that is actually uh interesting i i've kind of had to to leverage a bunch of shit with my day job just to be getting off in time to consistently make it to the gym you know it's like well i'm not working late today i'm not working late tomorrow or really probably ever because i just made this a priority so i don't know this is just when i'm done working now that's what it comes down to though is prioritizing things if you want to be doing it you can regardless of what the rest of your schedule is. We have guys that work like 12 hours a day, seven days a week, and still make it to the gym three or four days a week.
Starting point is 00:34:30 It just all depends on what you want. It's not a matter of if you can or can't. 99% of the time. Unless you're severely injured or dehydrated, you can. You might not have the ideal day, but you can do it. It's not can or can't. It's want or don't want, I think. Let me see here.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I might be all tapped out. What about you guys? That might just about extend. I mean, there's more things that suck, but we'll probably save all that for another episode. Yeah, maybe we get some of you guys out there to comment on what you think sucks. Speaking of things that suck, I almost forgot.
Starting point is 00:35:06 We teased a poop story last week that I was going to lead with. So if you're still hanging on, this will be a real treat. So before we close out, let me paint a little picture for you. So my wife and I got married on the other side of the state. And we were going to have a bar. It ended up having to be an open bar because you couldn't sell alcohol so we had to just go buy all this booze as much as you could and we just had to give it away so when you do that it turns into a big huge shit
Starting point is 00:35:36 show and they always people always told me when you get married oh yeah you won't have to worry about getting too drunk at your wedding you'll be so busy talking to people and shaking hands and stuff. That's not true at all. I got totally housed, like fully wrecked at the wedding reception. And getting a little bit older, I was fucking dying the next day. It was awful. And my folks took the kids, but we had our car completely loaded up with all our wedding gifts you know all the cards and then the back of the vehicle was full of all the leftover booze and pop that we had so we had
Starting point is 00:36:10 this teeny little car that was just bottomed out in the back end and full of presents so we started driving it's like a six hour drive and i feel like shit i just don't want to be there and the only thing that was making me feel better and passing the boredom was i was like honey you should you should open a present so so we're like we don't be like we got a fucking we got a waffle maker silverware bread maker three speeds and then after that gets boring it's like we should start going through the cards let's start see what kind of cash we got you know and uh we actually stopped about halfway there with some of the cash we got and bought like a nintendo wii just on the drive i was like so anyway we get you're married and adults so so we get uh i get about an hour and a half from home and we live in the middle of nowhere
Starting point is 00:36:57 and this spot is far away from the nowhere that we live and And I take this turn and my wife's sleeping and she actually had to stop and throw up on the way home. It was that bad of a night. And I take this turn and it hits me. As I get older, I don't have this. Nothing tells me like, hey, Tyler, you've got to poop probably in the next 10 or 15 minutes. If you get the chance, you should poop. This was like it just immediately was like five four three two and
Starting point is 00:37:31 i slammed on the brakes i pulled the car over and like before i even got stopped i had kind of come to terms with the fact that i was going to shit in my pants in the car full of all this stuff while my wife was still asleep and fortunately i i didn't but i got out of the car and was like didn't process what i was going to do so i run to the back of the car we're right on the side of the highway and as i look there's like a car every 200 yards for as far as i can see never seen this much traffic ever and there's no way i can just do what i have what i'm about to do but i didn't think i had a choice so I get out in the back and I kind of sit there and I was like, fuck, I think I can make it a little further. Not like to a town, but like off the road.
Starting point is 00:38:13 So I get in this car and I just gun it through the ditch. And we're driving through basically an old, had already been harvested bean field. And I'm just gunning it for these trees that I see down the road. And I get in there and my wife's screaming at me. I'm just like, just get the Kleenexes out of the dash. Get the Kleenexes out of the dash. So we get pulled over and I go and I run. And mind you, we've been married for like 18 hours at this point in time.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And I am there 30 feet in front of the car with my shorts cargo shorts around my ankles hanging on to a tree just firing freaking rum and cokes out my ass but it was one of those you know if you have a heavy night drinking you're not getting this done this isn't like something where you just lay out like a dog and you just lay one out and you walk back to the car. Like it was probably 20 full minutes. I was fucking dying. I used every last bit of Kleenexes that we had that we stored up from McDonald's and subway.
Starting point is 00:39:14 So you didn't have to pull a sock off. No, but it was close. And the other thing, part of what made it worse, I had to pee at the same time. So with my shorts, it was a miracle that I was able to pee out off the front and not get it
Starting point is 00:39:25 off my shorts and shit out the back. And my shorts were totally unscathed. But my wife for 20 minutes had to watch me do this right in front of the car. We're going like, like, that's my man. You know, that's the guy I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. And she hasn't left me yet. Fortunately, but the next day, probably the next two, three days um like my quads there was a rift no no no no no um holding my my quads were killing me and i was like did i how much did i dance or something why have my legs hurt so bad and then i realized i did like a 20 minute squat hold yep um that'll do it if you would have done if you had to do this now you'd be way better at it though like i think your squat mobility and everything.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I'm fit to shit, that's for sure. So that's my wedding day poop story. Well, let's wrap things up today, guys. Just want to remind you, well, first, thanks for listening. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. and Stone. Tanner? You can check me out on Instagram at Massanomics. That is the official Massanomics page.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Oh, baby. And Tommy? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. Okay. And go to our Facebook page. Make sure you like our Facebook page. It really just helps you see what's going on every time we write a cool article. If you don't like it, you're basically saying
Starting point is 00:40:43 you don't like it. Yeah, I don't understand it. If you like it, like it. Exactly. And if you've listened to this podcast for 40-some minutes and you don't like our Facebook page, then we're probably just not friends. Go to iTunes.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Give us a five-star review on iTunes. We'd really, really appreciate it. It really helps our ranking and gets us put in front of other people. Don't forget to go to YouTube. Check out our YouTube channel. We've got competition videos, all sorts of fun stuff. We've got some of the professors' supplement reviews
Starting point is 00:41:11 and those types of things. And go to the website, Go to the shop. We just restocked some shirts and stuff, so buy some of that so we can quit our day jobs. And if you go to the bottom of the page, you can sign up for our email newsletter. Also, what are the dates on a Strongman competition, Tanner?
Starting point is 00:41:29 Massanomics is hosting a Strongman competition on Saturday, August 20th. Saturday, August 20th at the Brown County Fair. At the Brown County Fair, and it will start tentatively sometime between noon and 1. And I think it's going to be a pretty cool setup. Show up, buy some stuff, watch us throw some heavy stuff. It should be a really good show. I'm competing, Tanner's competing. Tommy, you still undecided?
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's going to depend if we have an open spot. We're going to limit it to 10 people. I might be like that dark horse that just comes running out of the professional wrestling competition. And that is what we want it to be like that dark horse that just comes running out of the professional wrestling competition. That is what we want it to be like. There's going to be some showmanship. I'm trying my best to have my boss not make me shave my beard between now and then. Maybe I'll braid it or something.
Starting point is 00:42:18 That would be pretty sweet. Like a Viking warrior type thing. That's right. All right, well, that'll do it for today, guys. Thanks a lot for listening, and stay That's right. All right. Well, that'll do it for today, guys. Thanks a lot for listening and stay strong. Later. See ya. You just heard the massonomics podcast with your ears.
Starting point is 00:42:34 You're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at massonomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. I'm I'm

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