Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 433: Nick Shaw Building Renaissance Periodization

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

Big Nick Shaw of Renaissance Periodization joins us for this one to discuss building the RP empire, a day in the life working with Dr. Mike, and fine dining cuisine. Build Fast Formula Use code MASS...ENOMICS to save 10% on every order! BearFoot Shoes Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% on every order! Juggernaut AI Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10%! The Strength Co Get some Go-To Plates! Swiss Link Use code MASS to save 15%! Texas Power Bars Get the Barbell that changed the game!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcast and all the rest. You're doing a great job. I hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:15 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics. We are back, everyone, for episode 433 of the Massanomics podcast. They call us the lifting podcast about nothing, and it's not for no reason. We know a lot of nothing around here. This is episode 433, and my name is tanner and my name is tommy tommy uh what do you like football on tv shots of gina lee i like that stuff i mean about it for a while you're kind of are actually reading my mind at the
Starting point is 00:00:57 moment that'd be one thing i'm also a big fan of quarterbacks eating dirt if we're going to get any specifics here can't wait till nfl season comes back have been a real lack of quarterbacks and if there's one thing i can't stand it's a quarterback just just a quarterback that's not eating dirt i don't have a quarterback if he's in just rounded in the mud eating dirt you know i say the only good quarterbacks is a severely injured quarterback is what i say can't stand stand him. He probably power lifts, it sounds like. Chronic injuries. This episode of the Massanomics Podcast is brought to you
Starting point is 00:01:34 by our great friends over here in Watertown, South Dakota. Another South Dakota company. What are the odds? Check them out. It's You can find their full line of products. It's the supplements that we use, that we trust, that we stand by, that we recommend, that we get a discount code for.
Starting point is 00:01:52 You can use discount code MASSANOMICS. It'll save you 10% on anything you purchased from Build Fast Formula every time you purchase it. And if you sign up for a subscription of any of those products, you can save another 10%, stack on top 20 off also free shipping on all u.s orders a hundred dollars or more uh really adding up the let me crunch the final numbers crunch you can't afford not to buy um on uh on that same topic, tonight will be the night I run out of my bag of 80-20 proteins.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So luckily for me, we're only about two days away from seeing the BuildFast folks so I can restock my supply. And we should have plenty of time just to hang around and go shopping. That's all I'm doing Friday, just shopping. A little me time yeah this episode uh also happens to be brought to you by our friends to the north in north dakota wow we have a south dakota and a north dakota sponsor what are these guys doing uh barefoot shoes have become tanner and i's favorite barefoot footwear to wear in and out of the gym. You can catch us rocking a pair of Ursus high tops most days of the week, but if you're into maybe something a
Starting point is 00:03:11 little more low top or casual, they also have the Ursus low top or the Oso slip-on, two other great options, all available in suede and canvas in a variety of colorways. Really great shoes. Like I said, we like to wear them in and out of the gym. And when the weather gets a little tougher, you can also catch us rocking a pair of Bruin boots, our favorite boots of all time. Barefoot Shoes also happens to be at our meet this weekend. So another booth.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I'll probably just do some more shopping there because I'll have just so much time. I'm just planning on mostly hanging out yeah i'll put them on the shopping list too uh if you would like to get a pair of barefoot shoes for yourself head on over to and check out the best minimalist shoes available and while you're there make sure to use code massonomics and you can save 10 on your next next order. That's Codemasonomics at Saves you 10%. Thank you, Barefoot Shoes.
Starting point is 00:04:09 All right, all right, all right, all right. Sometimes behind the scenes, we talk about the social media algorithm stuff and how our page is performing and what's working. Oh, yeah, we have actually talked about that. Actually, we've talked about how some posts have done, but I haven't really paid attention to our followers for quite a while how are those doing um that's okay it's it is on a pretty slow and steady climb it's not
Starting point is 00:04:34 like that one stretch where it was just nothing was happening for months on end no no it's not like that it's going up it's just not fast yeah you know the trend line is up but it is which is modern day instagram for you yep yep no and it's not st line is up but it is which is modern day instagram for you yep yep no and it's not stale though either like it is which it shouldn't be because we've had some some posts just going off well that that's what i was gonna say we do i would i don't know that it's every week now but you know sometimes we get a couple of weeks sometimes it might be a couple weeks but it's it's always reels and it's usually almost always memes we get ones that go between 500 000 and 5 million views really regularly now and what's crazy about that is we talk about it was like oh that's good you know that's cool
Starting point is 00:05:19 five million people seeing you i mean over the course of a month that's how many tens of millions of views well that's like yes exactly like our our it it tells you uh and you know the professional dashboard it always shows you a quick glimpse of accounts reached in the last 30 days and ours is always over 2 million like in the last 30 days we've always reached over 2 million accounts which seems like a lot right you know that it's perpetually always a lot of accounts um but what's funny is just how like we'll get them that go a million two million three million five million five hundred thousand we'll make it a stretch in a week where there's three of them they go between 400 and 800,000 and all these numbers, but I'm not saying it doesn't do anything, but like as a business, like that Instagram effect, like on our business doesn't really
Starting point is 00:06:12 do anything. You know, it seems good. It looks good. It can't be bad. It's better than people not seeing our account and you get some followers, you know, you get like a percent or a 10th of a percent of those people like become followers. So you will see a little, you know, you get like a percent or a tenth of a percent of those people like become followers. So you will see a little, you know, you get a video that goes a couple million followers. We will get a few hundred, gets a couple million views. We will get a few hundred followers from that. Like if we have 56,400 followers or 56,600 followers, it quite literally does nothing. Like there is a net zero effect of that. Right. Like it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I mean, it's still I'd rather it be getting those than not. But it's just interesting almost how little it actually. Well, most people if you told them okay you're gonna make a post and a million people would see it a lot of especially business owners would be like oh my god this will change everything yes and no now it's no trust me from experience i would know it doesn't yeah but a friend of mine an instagram post got it on not quite uh the so that that was interesting one other note on that i wanted to point out is it's also crazy how these can sit around and not do anything in particular for a while i know i talked about this one because i
Starting point is 00:07:38 just thought it was particularly funny at the time when i made it. It was a Monsters, Inc. one where the John Krasinski guy is talking to Michael Zansky and he says, I didn't even know you were in there. And the joke is, point of view, you notice the LaCroix you just drank is supposed to be lime-flavored. And I loved it when I made it. It was a rip-off of some other version of this meme,
Starting point is 00:08:00 but I'm like, this is one of those cases where I'm like, I feel like this one is funnier because he looks like a lime i'm like that the whole joke hinges on the fact that he literally is a walking talking lime i actually never thought of it from that point of view before right i mean he literally looks like the texture and shape and color and everything of a lime so i'm like i that to me is what ultimately always made that so funny and that one at first when it posted it maybe got somewhere between 10 and 50 000 views and i'm like i that to me is what ultimately always made that so funny and that one at first
Starting point is 00:08:25 when it posted it maybe got somewhere between 10 and 50 000 views and i'm like that's fine but i'm like i thought this one was just a like i would have taken it to the bank and of course historically that true proved not to be true so that's your first mistake right there right and uh but it was i came back to it or like weeks later and all of a sudden I started seeing likes and stuff. This one pop up in the feed all the time. And I went back to it and I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:08:53 I just checked now it has 1.3 million views. And it took like, it took like over a month before that ever. Yeah. That was, that's been a while too. Yeah. It's a,
Starting point is 00:09:02 what? It's been a while. uh-huh yeah it's uh what it's been a while you know what that means when somebody on the mass dynamics podcast says it's been a while you know what that means when someone says it's been one week one week since you looked at me cocked your head to the side and said it's been a while uh so that i guess that i that's kind of all the notes i had on that just a sure we've been getting stuff that's that's done well b doesn't really do anything c i guess it's still better than nothing and d i still am so proud of that uh it's just it's just enough to string you along give you that that dopamine that dopamine rush it's like yes i need to put up the fight another day they're making me think it's worth
Starting point is 00:09:50 it yeah no it's not all right after 5791 posts i was gonna check out but one did good so i guess i'll keep on fighting the fight here yep yes exactly uh that's all my notes on the social media world the ever-changing social media world on the other note also while we're talking social media uh if you haven't been following the masonomics youtube get on over there just seriously just a treasure trove of videos two a week every single week seriously dudes and dudettes check it out it'd be a real crying shame it's just it's an absolute freaking tra a real crying shame. It's just, it's an absolute freaking travesty to me if someone's a fairly regular listener
Starting point is 00:10:29 of the podcast and you're listening to this right now and you're like, yeah, I've never really checked that out. I'm not interested. I'd be like, what? What are you doing? Go listen to that.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Watch those now. You're going to miss it out. I promise you'll like them. Yeah, so do please subscribe to our YouTube channel. We're putting a lot of time and resources into that, aren't we? We are. Lots of time, lots of resources.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Resources are all going into it. There was a word that somebody said I said funny on a YouTube comment. I'll have to think of it and see. Someone was calling you out on niche niche yeah oh do you okay do you feel like there's one correct one to say there niche niche i've i've heard i mean i know like a long time ago i used to say niche and then i got and then you also hear that niche i feel like that's one i say niche i was what i've gotten trained into saying but i know i used to say niche a long time ago but i have been since trained to say niche oh what was oh it's on
Starting point is 00:11:31 the tip of my tongue this word i'm trying to look through the comments here it was like a youtube it was a template the way do you say template well i think and then after hearing that i'm like i think i say both i don't know which it almost like depends on the sentence because i'm like yeah just send me over the template or send me over the template like in that sentence i would say template see i don't know what the i know i used to say template way back in the day but as part of the design business uh templates are just part of the world that exists and so you hear people mention the word template a lot and i i feel like just over time through exposure i've changed my pronunciation to template oh that's how i am that's exactly how i am on niche like it's through
Starting point is 00:12:23 business i know it's honestly through business school that like, it's always like niche markets and all this stuff. And everyone says niche and eventually I'm like, oh, okay. I guess to be fair, it was one of Canada's top business schools. So it was,
Starting point is 00:12:33 yeah. So they say things weird in Canada, but template. Is that wrong? I don't actually know. I just hear way more people say templates. So that's why I've always said template. But does template sound? Are you here someone say like I was and I was actually
Starting point is 00:12:49 struggling to know which one of those I even say I think I say both I don't know I think it depends on the I will say it's been a very long time since I've heard someone say template that's been a long so would you say template is wrong I actually don't know what if there's one that is right or wrong though I right I don't know if it's wrong just hear people say template is wrong i actually don't know what if there's one that is right or wrong though i right i don't know if it's wrong just hear people say template way more yeah phonetically what's it look like though template is what it looks like that doesn't i know that doesn't mean anything but like it it uh um like no one says get up get a plit for me to eat off of get me a plate to eat off of right right not that i know that that you can't judge
Starting point is 00:13:27 right on that that's not how you get yourself into trouble that's not how that works at all yeah yeah yeah that was it i'm glad you remembered that temp template yeah i've certainly said temp but what's the comment like oh i can't believe the way it's like the way tanner pronounces template is crazy i think is what it's don't other other people definitely say it that oh for sure i've heard people say template all the time like i've that's not weird to me at all i would that's actually a really good comparison to niche i think where it's like i don't know what like who who is out who is the definitive uh who is the decision maker on these actually? Like, is there, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Well, we're in the Midwest, so we get to really just decide what our own little role is here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Big Jess is listening. She says, I can't think of any other word ending in plate that would rhyme with template. And big Jess is a big reader. So she knows her,
Starting point is 00:14:25 I'm going to, she, she has, she, uh, probably a pretty good vocabulary, uh, background.
Starting point is 00:14:34 So she's from Buffalo, New York. What curious, as long as she's listening, which one do you say? She almost sounds like she's making a case for saying template, but I definitely also think that template is right too. So I'm really riding the line hard on that one.
Starting point is 00:14:57 What are you saying, Tommy? I don't know. It's hard to Google pronunciations, even if you listen to the thing that says it. she says she's keeping plates and template okay well i'm feeling a little vindicated that's at least i'm not the only person in the world that uh thinks that what's uh big murph posted though uh see that that looks like template right what big murph posted there well yeah they'll say template is what it says and then also template is yeah the secondary i i mean i don't think
Starting point is 00:15:32 either one's wrong i don't think so at all yeah i just hear when people say template more follow-up on templates and templates supposed to come i like to think that they're actually two uh minorly different things. It actually means something different, yes. It's like a template is a slightly different thing. Oh, I was talking about a template. You were saying a template?
Starting point is 00:15:55 You brought the templates? We're not on the same page here, even. We needed a... I wanted you to set up a new template. It's like a... What is it in the office that we joke about? Oh, the rundown? His rundown.
Starting point is 00:16:08 It's like, oh, you did the run. No, no, no. It was a template. Yeah. So what would, in the lifting world, what we were talking about, though, was like a lifting program, I guess we were talking about. So it's like a template.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Coaching templates. Which sounds template. Coaching templates. Which sounds funny. Coaching template. Yeah, coaching template. Yeah, coaching template. I don't know. Both of them are sounding really weird to me now. Yeah, we've said it too much.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I can't even say template without it seeming completely off base now. Have you ever seen or not seen, I guess, listened to, I've been listening to a new podcast. Oh. Rarely do I ever listen to a new podcast. Oh, one made it into the rotation, huh? Yeah, and I don't know that it's now. No, I don't know about that yet.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I don't know if it's in the rotation, but I have been sampling a new podcast, which I do not do often. You know, I have like 30, and I don't listen to all of them all the time. But you listen to a lot of them a lot of the time. Well, I'm like when I feel like I'm getting stale on the five I've been listening to, I'll go back through my other 25 and be like, ah, do any of these interest me right now again? And then like sometimes it's nice. There's a nice back catalog of like Guy Raz's podcast, How I Built This. I don't listen to that all the time,
Starting point is 00:17:26 but sometimes I'm like, ah, just sick of what I've been listening to, so I'll go back to that. But have you ever listened to Kill Tony before? No, but that's a comedian, isn't it? Yeah, Tony Hinchcliffe. Okay, yeah. I think it is like the,
Starting point is 00:17:44 I mean, it is one of the top three audio podcasts in the world right now. Yeah, I'd never even heard of this until probably a month or two ago. Right. And now I've seen people mentioning it now. What's really interesting to me of it being so popular is it is not a podcast conventionally. It's not a few guys sitting around in a room or over the you know over this just chatting it's a live show every week at a comedy club where tony i've actually never seen the
Starting point is 00:18:12 visual presentation but i picture tony and whatever couple guests very popular comedians he has whether it's like uh shane gillis or joe rogan or insert any comedian basically are sitting around there and then they draw names uh these upstart comedians put their name in the hat to hopefully get on the show and like each time there's like a couple hundred people that enter each week to get on this live show and if you get drawn you get one minute on stage and like some people have literally become famous because of their one minute of uh okay like turned it into a actual like career comedy career and also a lot of people are absolutely fucking terrible and like that's the whole like that's the premise essentially it's like you're getting just this one minute of and then like i don't know they're all like a couple hours long
Starting point is 00:19:06 so it's not like they're not doing like a hundred of these they do one and then they interview the person kind of like ask them like oh what's what's your story you look weird why do you look you know and they kind of it's almost like a mini roast all the time this is like they're okay i'm confused though they're at a comedy club but these people are calling in or? No, they're there. Oh, okay. So they're at a bar across the street. All these people are showing up for an audition basically. Yeah, they're at a bar across the street
Starting point is 00:19:31 and none of them, you put your name in the hat and you just wait like every night. Like people will come every single week and just wait for the whole thing. And like every time they get like a couple hundred comedians that, well. So this could totally be a tv show but the fact that it is comedy it also works in audio only pretty right yeah it's it that's what
Starting point is 00:19:50 i'm saying it's a weird that it's a podcast but then when i listen to it i'm like oh no this is really good i get you know it's not weird it's but if you really think about the format compared to what i'm used to in a podcast i've never listened to a podcast that's like that at all yeah it has an actual game show element to it. Yes, it is like that. Yes. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:20:07 It is like, it's like you're listening to who wants to be a millionaire. And it's like one of the most popular podcasts for some reason. Right. Right. No, that's, that's a cool concept.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I like that. That is a good, good concept. And it's funny. There's a lot of, you know, if you like comedy stuff, there's a lot of laughs in there and you know, there's a lot of feeling like, oof,
Starting point is 00:20:27 this person is awkward and, you know, just stuff like that. Or like, wow, that person just crushed it, you know, for their, they had one minute, they got up there and like, wow, they are hilarious. Yeah. Yeah. I caught a star here. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Right. So I have listened to a couple of those episodes i don't know if i'm not saying it'll make my per uh permanent rotation yet but um it's showing promise funny it is funny it is it's an option out there i haven't i would say it hasn't officially made the rotation because i have not hit the subscribe or you know i haven't hit the button yet subscribe it okay no like it's a big deal for me to hit subscribe add that like i clean out my feed of uh when i'm like nope i no longer enjoy this you're getting out of my subscribed list i should actually purge my podcast feed a little
Starting point is 00:21:17 bit because there's a lot i mean i my podcast listening has been down a little bit so there's definitely ones in there i should be removing yeah just uh nobody nobody listened to this purge massonomics yeah no dude do not purge this don't even think about it don't do just don't do that you got a can over there i do got a can what's your can situation i have got a waterloo lemon lime, yeah. I got a... You heard about this? A little upstart. Speaking of upstarts, a little upstart.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Wisconsin company, LaCroix. I think that's how you say it. They could have some potential. Yeah. Limone. He had me until he said Limone. That's lemon. Oh.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah. Oh, is it limoncello? Is that what I'm thinking of? Yeah, it's limoncello. Oh, limoncello. Yeah. Limoncello. I think the most polarizing flavor of LaCroix, not just amongst like us, but everyone.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Limoncello is love it or hate it. Oh, we should do a tier chart for Sparkling Water someday. Of brands or flavors within a brand? Probably both, actually. I think we... Because you could do grapefruit by brand because some brands have a better grapefruit. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:41 That'd be really tricky to start to... I mean, you'd have like agree to a smaller list to start with because right right right yeah uh what do you what what flavor is that exactly specifically you said you had waterloo lemon lime lemon lime i mean it's basically it's basically a four all day yeah i give the this lemon a four pretty easily lemon lime they went with the went with the greenish color yep the only only yellow hint is just a little bit of a lemon you get on the can that's the only i never even knew you were in there that's kind of actually how the lemon part feels here yeah so that was my tony what's this jump stuff um
Starting point is 00:23:22 oh wait i put that i wait. I put that. I was hoping you put that in there. No, you put. These are confusing me because they're kind of similar. I'll tell you about this one. I'll tell you about this. Okay. This week.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I actually completely. I wrote that earlier. And I'm like, I hate that when I write something myself and can't even remember. Yeah, we're looking at a to-do list here. And I'm just like, jump. Man, what could that be? And then you're putting it on me, and I really got my head spinning.
Starting point is 00:23:47 You're like, you don't know? This week, this past weekend, was another Cars and Coffee event in Sioux Falls. Hey, I went to one of those in Aberdeen. Oh, did you go to the Aberdeen one? Aberdeen, yeah. We took our pickup, actually. There you go.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Yep, you should. We're the two guys there that have the really nice cars? It's a dad and, like, two brothers. Well... They usually have a Ferrari or a couple Ford GTs or a couple Porsche's. Yeah, they're there. And his son-in-law owns one of the irrigation things in town. And he had a really sweet um square body chevy actually
Starting point is 00:24:25 but okay yeah the do you know how many uh ford gts that guy owns um i know three for sure yeah he has four yeah so he has you know what oh no he has he has okay correct me if i'm wrong here he has an original lama for gt doesn't he he has a like 2006 and a 2007 whatever like the three years they made and one of them is the heritage paint color and one's red and white and then he also has like a 2019 ford and he had the i think he had he had the one that's uh autographed on all the pillars by like the people that designed the car what color is it like i think it was i think that one was red and okay red and white see he has for because that's like the 2006 one or whatever he has the gt it's like the gulf livery it's like the baby blue and orange that one looks really cool he has one that his son-in-law said is worth a million dollars i well the the new gt i don't
Starting point is 00:25:17 think you can get those for less than a million okay so he has one of those like one of them i think the one there he's one of them was worth 500 he thought yeah both the And he's like, one of them, I think the one there, one of them was worth 500, he thought. Yeah, both the GTs. He paid like 150 for it, and now it's worth 500. Yes, so like 2006, 2007, the way I understand it is at their low point, you could get those in like the high 100s, like 175, maybe 150.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And those would become a quickly appreciating asset where now those are worth a half million pretty easy all day. Those GTs are a staggering car, though. Oh, it's so cool. Just like visually, at least on the outside, appreciating asset where now like those are worth a half million pretty easy all day those gts are a staggering car though like oh it's so cool just like visually at least on the outside they are so cool they are i'm like yeah this car is just unbelievably cool like i just you know i don't i don't have to know a lot about the ford gt to to be like oh this the roof of this car is three feet off the ground yeah that's unusual Yeah, those are really cool cars. It's funny because there's a guy in town in Sioux Falls here
Starting point is 00:26:10 that also owns a Le Mans Ford GT, a 2006 Ford GT, and a new one as well. And he brought his entire collection to Cars & Coffee last month. The way I understand it, this guy owns many, many, many cars, so he didn't bring that collection. He brought a different collection this month. And, uh, the one that really stuck out to me was the, uh, Lamborghini Mira, which is like a, uh, the kind of the original supercar people call it. And I had to look, cause I actually didn't think anyone owned those. I had to look at the estimate online is there's like 400 of them left in the entire world. Cause
Starting point is 00:26:44 we're talking about a car from like 1970. Right. And on the low end, from what I could see, the car is so rare that like the big auction sites, auctions don't even exist for this car. I think it goes to like a whole nother tier of auction. But it was saying like on the low end, it's a one and a half million dollar car. And on the high end, it's a five million dollar car. And it's like, God, somebody drove this here today. That is absolutely insane. that is just nuts i like i was taking i was taking it back sure something i know
Starting point is 00:27:11 i am yeah i'm sure and i'm sure the insurance is just well it's probably crazy but yeah i was taken aback when i saw it because i was just not expecting that one bit to see a car like that i didn't think i'd ever see one of those in my lifetime and i'm not like a huge fan of like cars from that time and era. Like I don't pay a ton of attention, but I was like, whoa, this is something that's unusual to see this here.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah. But so I was, I was leading me into, so my dad came with me. My, I have a brother that lives in town. He met up with us and we got done. We went and ate.
Starting point is 00:27:42 We got done at the car show. We went and ate at Freddy's burgers and right across, right next to basically the same parking lot as Freddy's is the crunch fitness gym. And my brother who was with, he has very different fitness goals than me. And I go, don't you go to that crunch? He's like, yeah, it's pretty crazy in there. Cause it's only been open a little bit. And I go, can we see it when we're done eating? He's like, yeah, I'll take you in there. And, uh, so we go in, first of first of all it's like the size the building is roughly the size of like Kessler's in case you were yeah like you know it's absolutely enormous and the parking lot is
Starting point is 00:28:14 like as full as you would expect a grocery store parking lot to be too just completely packed and we go in and it's it's actually just shocking how much is going on when you walk into there. Because as big as it is, it does dissipate the people pretty good. It didn't seem that busy ever. I mean, I'm guessing there was over 100 people there. But when you're talking about something that enormous, it doesn't really seem that big. Right. And so we're getting...
Starting point is 00:28:40 And actually, the person at the desk has to give us the tour, I'm sure, for liability reasons or whatever. So we're getting, and actually the person at the desk has to give us the tour, I'm sure for liability reasons or whatever. But so they're showing us like the class area and then like their massage water jet chairs and all that. And it's like, okay, I don't care. But then we get to the actual gym part. Okay. Most gyms have like, every gym I've ever been to has either one or two cable crossover
Starting point is 00:28:58 machines, you know, the full beam and the double stacks. This had like 14 of them in a row. It's just, it's so bizarre to see 14 of those lined up in one continuous row. You know, you never see it that way. And then same thing. But I guess it's probably also like the most popular piece of weight training equipment. I guess there was five, six guys all on their own when we walked by those. And then you go over to like their power rack section.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And it's all like a half rack, you know, with the arms that come out. And there was like 14, like 14, 15 half racks again. And same thing there, you know, there was maybe five people on them. And then dumbbells, you go to dumbbells and there's like four or five full sets of dumbbells from you know probably two and a half to a hundred and then same thing like every cardio machine there's just like 50 of them it seemed like and even machines they had like these I'd never seen hoist machines I've heard of them before but they do like this weird thing where they kind of move with you when you use the machine and so again you just see rows and rows of those.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And like walking through, it's impressive just how much is in there. The size and scale. Oh, and then also there's a live DJ playing music too. A live DJ on Saturday playing music, which is also just comical to see that. I mean, it is impressive and totally crazy, but definitely not my type of gym at all. I can understand. Did you happen to notice what kind of bars they have? Oh yeah, it is impressive and totally crazy, but definitely not my type of gym at all.
Starting point is 00:30:25 No, no. I can understand. Did you happen to notice what kind of bars they have? Oh, yeah. It's the crappy, like, it's like the X-Alt. It's the ones I've complained about before. They're like a 32-millimeter power bar because that was the one thing I had to look at is,
Starting point is 00:30:35 oh, what type of bars does a place like this get? And it's just the generic commercial gym bar that, you know, has a very passive neural and is 32 millimeters, so it's annoying because it's not the right size and right um but it was it was interesting i can i can understand how they can get thousands of members in a place like that because if you don't really care about much you're like oh it's absolutely enormous and it's pretty clean idea how much the membership was like 25 bucks oh and i think there's one i think there's a tier
Starting point is 00:31:05 that's even cheaper than that too okay so it's really affordable then too so they're gonna draw a ton of people in there playing the planet fitness game it would not be my cup of tea no but i guess it's a lot of it's a lot more people's cup of tea than what it is i get it yeah if you want if you want cardio and you just want to know, I'm sure there's sometimes a day that are absolutely crazy. But, you know, we were out there at like noon on a Saturday, which to me feels like usually could be a pretty busy time for the gym. And I didn't get the feeling of being packed at all. But, yeah, definitely, I mean, commercial to the max, though.
Starting point is 00:31:40 We'll get back to jump later, I think, then. Supporting our supporting members this week on unpaid and underrated, make sure to go check out big Tyler Thompson. He'll be complete competing this week weekend in the strong man. Okay. I would, he had a little message in there. I was getting scared that maybe he was dropping out, but I think he's on the men. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:58 He's on the bed. Gotcha. A bug bite or something in his leg. Yeah. Um, go listen to the unpaid and Underrated podcast to hear more. And then also coming to the Lift Hard Live Easy Classic this weekend is
Starting point is 00:32:12 Big Cody and Big Samantha. They're both competing in the Strongman and they are getting married here in October 2024. I won't share all their personal information but for all the details for the funeral oh congrats on the funeral you two uh but we'll see both of you
Starting point is 00:32:34 in like two days actually here which is fun to think that all these people we're talking about will just be hanging out with them in almost no time right just around the corner yeah this episode is brought to you by of of course, the Strength Co. Now with their lowest shipping prices ever, and that includes plates. What? Plates, do you wonder? Well, all the plates. They got hundreds.
Starting point is 00:32:56 The Big Daddy won Hondos. The 45s, the 25s, the 10s, 5s, 2 1⁄2s, 1 1⁄4. Most underrated plate might be their tens you know i mean a 10 is a 10 is a really solid really solid looking tens and uh one of the maybe not the star of the show but one of the top supporting members for sure damn good on the 10 so make sure you got a good selection of tens from the strength co if you need to call them you can That's 949-326-7652. Listen to them each week on their own podcast, the OK Podcast. It's OK. Check them out.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Check out their plates, barbells. They've also got bumper plates now, all at And our guest has arrived, so I'm going to let him right in, Tanner. Yeah, let's do it. Did you kick everyone else out? I already kicked them out. Gave them the boot. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:33:46 What's up, guys? That's more like it. Big Nick, how's it going? Good, guys. You got me up past my bedtime. We'll try to make it worth it. This is going to be well worth it. You probably won't be able to sleep all night, honestly.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Hey, I hope so. Well, it seems like you can hear us all right and we can hear you so we're just we got so much good stuff to say we're going to jump right into it so we don't miss anything on the recording here hit it yeah yeah you guys lead i'll follow excellent so we got big big nick shaw the owner operator uh man in charge at uh rp right What's your official title? CEO? I think they've changed it to just making sure that Dr. Mike doesn't get in too much trouble. That's basically
Starting point is 00:34:31 the title nowadays. It's like Mike's handlers. Actually, Mike's handler would probably be his wife, Crystal, who does an amazing job of that. Yeah. No. So, RP strength Strength, obviously nobody needs a big introduction on that.
Starting point is 00:34:52 You know, if you listen to this, you're already pretty aware. Everyone already knows they're a YouTube channel. Yes. And you're coming to us from North Carolina, right? I had that wrong. You're coming out of North Carolina. So what part of North Carolina, what region of North Carolina, right? I had that wrong. You're coming out of North Carolina. So what part of North Carolina, what region of North Carolina, how do you describe it geographically within the state? Charlotte, North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:35:12 So pretty close to South Carolina. Okay. So this is a discussion we've been having lately, and actually the Carolinas have come up in this discussion. Within North Carolina, is there an upstate north carolina would you ever say i'm like oh you're from upstate north carolina is that terminology that you would use i have not heard that so i'm not originally from north carolina i grew up in michigan a lovely state of michigan yeah uh via new york then here i don't think. I've never really heard anyone say upstate North Carolina. Now there's like mountains. Yeah, kind of where Charlotte is in the middle. And then you've got the beach.
Starting point is 00:35:52 So I almost feel like upstate would technically be the mountains, but I've never heard it referred to that. Okay. So you're thinking more like elevation is up versus north is up. Correct. I've never heard anyone say I'm going upstate as in like the northern part of North Carolina. That's good. We do not use those terms here in the Dakotas. So we've just kind of been trying to wrap our heads around who it is that's saying this and why they're saying it so uh in uh michigan though you wouldn't say upstate but you gotta that's a whole that's a that's a horse of a different color altogether because there's literally like a little portion of the state that's it's isolated in the north michigan's interesting because you can go to the northern upper or you can go to you know like the upper lower and you're just like
Starting point is 00:36:45 you start to get all confused northern michigan is as much uh shit as people talk about the state of michigan you know northern michigan's pretty nice yeah i michigan was cool when i mean we were there here i don't know was it earlier this year uh last october yeah uh it was cool would you i mean is michigan definitively midwest then like as a michigan guy then as i mean as a native do you say midwest or 100 so this is where uh jared feather we've got into a slight disagreement on that because you know mike a few other people at rp are all from michigan like yeah michigan's midwest totally jared's from missouri and he's like no no no no like that's more midwest and i'm like what no no no midwest is not missouri like that's yeah ohio illinois indiana you know iowa that's all
Starting point is 00:37:38 midwest to me when i think midwest missouri's kind of gets to be a borderline of the South. That's the fringe down there. That's yeah. Yeah. So RP, you said you went, I think you went to the university of Michigan and, uh, but I'm, cause I don't actually know the story.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Neither of us do the start of RP. When, where, who, and what was it? Because it's probably something a little bit different than it was whenever it, uh, very first started. So when was that and who was it and what was it? Because it's probably something a little bit different than it was whenever it very first started. So when was that and who was it and what was it? Yeah, we can go way back to University of Michigan. I walk into basically a student
Starting point is 00:38:15 weight room and I look over, you know, it's a student weight room in a college, so nobody squats, right? Everyone's just doing upper body all the time. Right. And there's this short-looking fella in the squat rack. He's got four plates, and he's just burying reps. Just burying. Odd-looking guy, wasn't he? Very odd-looking individual. About 5'6", 200-plus, short stocky. And you see that form, and you're just like, what the hell is this?
Starting point is 00:38:50 And it's one of those things you see someone doing some cool stuff especially in a student weight room you give that like nod of respect you know a little like yeah yeah all right yeah you know what you're doing anyways uh we get to to chatting and he's like hey like you're decently strong you should um he's like hey i started the michigan powerlifting club he's like you should join you should come to a meet all right so i did that was 2007 and did powerlifting meet we drove down to kentucky and competed in the nasa federation you guys familiar with nasa i've heard of it does it still exist today i have no clue no clue if it still exists but uh that was like me getting into powerlifting. Mike helped coach me through it. And that was, that was when I started to get pretty serious about lifting. And shortly after that, Mike was like, Hey, you should train with me. We started training together. He put me on my first ever mass phase. I was trying to get up to 200 pounds. And I was in the Michigan dormitory. And he's like, all right, here's what you're going to do. You're going to go and you have whatever, like a certain number of meals you can go eat for,
Starting point is 00:39:49 you know, quote unquote free on your meal plan. He's like, the first thing you're going to do at lunch and at dinner is you're going to start with soft serve ice cream. All right, I can handle this. And so, well, do you want me to keep going? Yeah, we lost, I'm assuming Tanner will pop back in. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah you want me to keep going? Yeah, we lost. I'm assuming Tanner will pop back in.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. He'll text me if something bad is going on. So, yeah, keep telling their story. Okay. So, he's like, you're going to start with soft serve ice cream at both meals. I'm just like, are you serious? Like, are you out of your mind? He's like, no, no, you're going to do that.
Starting point is 00:40:19 And he was like, again, this is 2007. So, we know a lot more now. But he's like, you basically want to try to spike your insulin. And then you can, like, eat a bunch more. That was kind of the general idea. I mean, anyways, like I started lifting seriously, eating like that would, you know, take Tupperware into the dorm and take some extra food, you know, because, you know, they don't, not that they're really watching you. I don't know if that was technically legal, so to speak, but yeah, I got up to like 200 pounds and that was sort of the first serious foray into, you know, getting serious about lifting and training. And then Mike graduated. He went down to Appalachian state to get his master's degree. I was two years behind Mike in school. So when I graduated undergrad, he was graduating graduate school. We both moved out to New York City and were personal trainers at a personal training studio that's probably legally shouldn't say the name of where we work. I don't have any real good thing to say about that place. Kind of quickly realized that they didn't, you know, take things too seriously there.
Starting point is 00:41:20 So Mike left after about a year to go back to East to each year. I'm sorry, go to ETSU East Tennessee State University, get his PhD. And I stayed and, you know, we started trading clients back and forth. He was working with people online. I was training him in person and whatnot. And we were just like, Hey, we should just start a company together. So what year is this then? okay, we should just start a company together. So what year is this then? 2011. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:55 So from meeting each other, you said about 2007-ish? Something like that. So from 2007 to 2011, you guys stayed in touch. You stayed buddies this whole time, moving to the same cities, and then after four or five years, you decide, yeah, we got something going well we actually live together in new york city um yeah yeah so we were training people midtown manhattan but we lived uh all the way downtown we lived in technically what was a one bedroom i'm gonna i'm gonna share some funny stories you guys appreciate this so it was a one bedroom apartment because it's like battery park like shit's super expensive we can't afford it so we gotta say like three of us in one bedroom so it was a girl her name was arden she was a power lifter and then it was mike and i so it's
Starting point is 00:42:36 three of us living together in one bedroom but they like put up this like weird you know one of those little like really skinny walls and so she had the room to herself and Mike being the just ridiculous person that he is. I was like, you know what? I'll just sleep on the couch. He's like, you can have the bedroom. And so I just had like a mattress in there and like, that's where I slept. And so that three of us lived for like a year. And that was, that was, that was the setup. And all we did was train and eat and, you know, we didn't really have any money. So that was literally all we did. Uh, eat and you know we didn't really have any money so that was literally all we did uh was the training pretty sweet that seems like a really conducive for really awesome training though right yeah it was man i mean it was yeah and we you know we used to train like i look back at some videos and like we trained like psychos in a good way it's just like
Starting point is 00:43:19 you know i don't know just squatting 500 for reps, just like burying them and look back at the videos and like, just get super amped up, you know, it's like the crazy, you know, kind of just powerlifting shit. Like it was fun. It was a lot of fun. Uh, did that for a while before Mike left to go back. And then, you know, that was kind of when RP started and we never thought it would become what it is. We just wanted to help coach people. And we kind of thought like, if we could do something like John Meadows, you know, something like is we just wanted to help coach people and we kind of thought like if we could do something like john meadows you know something like that coach bodybuilders and just do that and you know maybe become somewhat known in the online space we'd have been super happy
Starting point is 00:43:53 and content with that but you know things kind of evolved yeah i mean it's evolved pretty pretty wildly like it just seems and it seems to keep evolving to write like, I mean, even in even in like the last year, it seems like the growth has been pretty wild, at least from the outside looking in. Yeah, yeah, it definitely did. So, you know, started with coaching, did like the RP diet 1.0, which we sold through the juggernaut website way back in the day. That was 2014. So almost 10 years ago, then went into templates, did that for a number of years and really kind of did that a lot.
Starting point is 00:44:33 And like the CrossFit slash, you know, somewhat powerlifting weightlifting circles were really big there for a while. And then it was like a little bit, you know, during the COVID years, not quite sure who we're really going after, you know, still relatively well known. And then, you know, this whole time, like Mike, Jared, myself, like we're all pretty serious training and, you know, always knew we really liked bodybuilding and hypertrophy and all that. But we were more well known for the diet app and like her pee was known for just nutrition which is always a little weird to us because you know training was our thing but whatever and then yeah it did evolve because kobit hit and we're like hey let's pivot let's start doing some youtube stuff and it took a while for that to eventually gain some steam and when it did you know mike's got the gift of the gab and you know gee whiz you want to talk about some one-liners
Starting point is 00:45:23 that'll be perfect for youtube shorts and you know sound bites and all that and then it just it's it's like the the snowball man it just it keeps gaining momentum and more and more and more and you know we we went from i think a million to two million in like six months it's really really crazy that is insane yeah it is i mean is it i mean you have the most uh popular youtube i don't know what category what i mean is it like the most popular youtube fitness channel that there is right now i mean like right yeah i think that's a broad category you know that's it is pretty broad man um yeah something i mean there's like the actual dr mike who are my my my dr mike i don't know if that's the right term but yeah my dr mike was on was on his uh and he's like an actual you know i'm sorry he's a do but he lives in new york city and he's doing like 100 million
Starting point is 00:46:17 views a month which is absolutely wild he's got like 10 11 million youtube subscribers like we're not far behind him like we're we're pacing to do about 80 90 million views in in a month which is like fucking absurd i don't know how many views like a popular tv show would get but like it's basically like a fitness tv show now and you know kudos to mike because he does tell me funny enough next week i'm going to be traveling with him like we're actually going to fly from detroit to la and i'll be with them for a couple days so normally i don't really travel with them because i live down here he lives up in michigan but he tells me like he can't go anywhere without like being spotted well one because like you know how ridiculous he looks too so he stands
Starting point is 00:46:54 yeah it's gonna be funny it's gonna be funny isn't that a funny thing though that it's like trans i got a story for that actually like uh i live in a nice little neighborhood here where we live in western northeast south dakota and i've got a neighbor about my age and uh i would never think he has any you know he maybe goes out and runs a little bit and you know i i know he doesn't go to a gym and i don't i'm not judging you for any of that but just trying to paint a picture a little bit. You know, he's a nice guy, but would never imagine, you know, he's semi-aware of massonomics because he sees it all the time,
Starting point is 00:47:32 and we've maybe had passing-by conversations, but I don't even really like to bring it up to people that I know aren't going to care because I'm like, you don't care, you don't really get it. I'm not faulting you for that, but, like, let's not even bother having the conversation. But one day we were both out, say, mowing and stopped in between and talking to him he's like i gotta tell you i couldn't believe it i was watching uh uh dr mike on youtube and you were on there i was like yes we were we were on there and uh it was just, I didn't say it to him because I'm not passing, didn't want to openly pass judgment. But I'm like, I was just so shocked that he was watching the channel.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Like, it's someone that I would have never guessed is, like, in on who you'd be targeting through RP. And he was like, yeah, I watch it all the time. It's great. Dude, so it's the education is a big one that'll give it the staying power because there's always value it's not like you know clickbaity stuff that's you know trending news so to speak which like comes and goes in 24 48 hours and then it's gone but uh it's it's the humor man it's the wittiness and those one
Starting point is 00:48:40 liners and people just you know see that imagine like the first time you see that and one like you just you look at that like giant head you're just like what the fuck is going on here and you listen to it and you're like that's funny oh the damn like that's a good analogy man that actually makes sense like that's funny and so i remember this is way back in 2014 i went to visit mike when he was living in um somewhere, University of Central Missouri. He was a teacher there. And Jared was one of his students, actually. But I sat in on one of Mike's classes. And there's like 30 people in the class.
Starting point is 00:49:13 And I wasn't super far removed from college at that point. But like all the students are kind of like leaning forward. They're laughing. Mike's making jokes and all this. And I just remember thinking to myself, I'm like, damn, he's doing this for 30 people. Like, is there a way that he can do this for, you know, 30,000 people or something like that, like on a bigger scale. And, you know, we tried to do this like paywall thing for a little bit. And then when COVID hit, we were finally just like, fuck it, let's just make everything free, put everything on YouTube. And that was, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:41 about the best decision we could have made because it's like, you just, you give people all that value and then you mix in the humor along with it. And like, when stuff is funny, you're just, you're going to listen way more. I had this speaker not too long ago, I attended this thing here in Charlotte and the guy was just funny and I was just laughing the whole time. And like, I remember basically everything he said, because it was funny and it was engaging. And like, that's what people want. Like that's, that's tough to do. Cause not everyone has that know that that personality to do that very true tommy did you notice uh the word he said and how he pronounced it to something we were just talking about earlier this episode he's talking about god no i think you validated uh uh tommy's opinion you you talked about uh i don't know if i could get you to say it
Starting point is 00:50:26 without spelling it out again but you know some of your early programming where it's maybe not personally customized to everyone what do you call that you offer you sell this thing they can download it it's uh uh apps templates templates there we go a template yes a template uh someone busted me the other day i said template i believe is how i was pronouncing it and i did not realize that's how i say that and we were just trying to decide is that definitively wrong or is there a divide there yeah i've always said template oh yeah okay okay that's good that's good that's good yeah i definitely have heard template before quite a bit, though.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Just like hypertrophy. Well, some people say hypertrophy, and I'm like. That one always catches me off guard. It just sounds so unnatural. I get it when you read it that way, but it just sounds wrong. Yeah, you're like, why are we taking three seconds between words here to say hypertrophy? You're like, no, no, no, it's just hypertrophy. I feel like when we, in you know 2009 when i
Starting point is 00:51:26 was kind of getting into it i've heard it's hard for me to say it like that now but uh hyper trophy i heard that a lot more than and now it seems really rare that i hear anyone say that also creatine don't some people say that differently or am i a lot of people say creatine, it seems like. You run into that one once in a while. Maybe that's because of creatinine? Right. I wonder if there's something there, which is a completely separate thing, right? But maybe there's some confusion.
Starting point is 00:52:03 These are the important things that we really have to get to the bottom of, though. So, yeah, $2 million. Now you do you feel like there's any ceiling like uh because when you probably when you got to a million not that long ago were you thinking oh yeah we'll be into two we'll we'll be at two million two millions just around the corner right i i look in i like the first thing i do when i wake up in the morning is i just like look over a bunch of stats. I know I'm just sick in the head. This is what I do when I roll out of bed. But so I'm like always thinking about these numbers and sort of just always looking and analyzing and sort of hypothesizing about trends or whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And so I predicted, I was like, yeah, I'll probably be at, I was like, I think if things really go well, probably be at like 2.5 by the end of the year. And that looks like a very conservative estimate. You know, in terms of where it could go, I really have no idea because, you know, Jeff Nippert's got like five. There's another guy, I forget his name. He's got like six or seven. You know, the real official Dr. Mike's got like 10 or 11. You know, Athlean-X is what, like 10 or 11 you know athlean x is what like 13 it's hard to say man i think the thing that that i people like mike so much just because he's funny
Starting point is 00:53:15 and you know thank thank god we've sort of passed the that time where you couldn't really you had to be really nervous about what you had to say about everything you know circa like 2020 2021 maybe um i don't know about you guys did you guys watch the tom brady roast yes yeah yes i have seen the whole thing holy fucking shit that that kind of opened up a whole other window of like oh no like comedy is uh you know that's where people be like ah comedy's back yeah right right so i. So I don't know if I'm one, if I'm just sitting there watching something, if I will like bust out laughing. Like, because I'm just sitting on the couch with my wife. My wife thought I was going nuts. She's like, what is wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:53:56 I was just, I was dying. I was hysterical laughing at that. I'm just like, because part of me was like, thank God. That means people can make jokes now so like i don't have to worry i don't have to lose sleep at night thinking that mike's gonna get canceled now like people are gonna like it they're gonna appreciate it and you know like it's it's good that people can make jokes and have some fun and laugh about stuff because i tell you man for the longest time like we would have to kind of do that just like on the down low and i was always really nervous to let mike do it and then just like here we are now he can just
Starting point is 00:54:29 openly make those jokes for the most part and i always tell him like mike you know there's a couple couple things you can't say yes yes i know what those are uh save that for off camera and oh boy he does so it's just it's just nice though man because you just you're not like you know clenched up like oh fuck what's gonna go wrong it's just like you know hey here we go man like people can just have fun and tell some jokes and it's all light-hearted you know it's not not serious so it's it's good man i'm i'm glad that sort of comedy's back yeah absolutely um shifting gears here you're ifbb pro in physique is that right is that the right category or is it okay okay yeah yeah we are certainly not uh bodybuilding uh experts by any means so just getting that right was probably an accomplishment so when
Starting point is 00:55:20 what year did you achieve your pro card then your pro status just a little over a year ago yeah but uh yep same show npc universe uh i was actually going to compete in bodybuilding two weeks later but uh just weirdly i have good genetics for men's physique and so i was like well let's just give it a shot i was going to actually do a double and compete uh at masters nationals in pittsburgh and the day before would have been physique the day after would have been bodybuilding so i was going to try to pull the double uh but i ended up going to that show and won my weight or won my class by one point and i was like well that means i'm done i accomplished what i was trying to do and now i can retire and so are you retired uh
Starting point is 00:56:06 from competitive uh bodybuilding then at that point after that I mean that was the goal yeah yeah totally so I have two kids and a wife and contest prep dieting is just fucking miserable for pretty much everyone around you and so it's incredibly selfish thing like I get it you know you sometimes you got to give that you know listen you guys you know do power lifting and all that like you you get it like if you're gonna compete to be fair we don't get actually dieting we've heard things i guess you can say we've known people that have before yeah for sure but like you know it takes a little bit of craziness to like compete and all that this is and i just man i don't want to do that it's
Starting point is 00:56:51 it's just it's no fun for for anyone um so why i don't know like i'm not i'm not i have no ambitions or illusions i'm gonna get on the olympia stage or anything like that and i don't even i don't even think it would help rp at that point it'd probably just be a net detractor because like i wouldn't be able to function so it's i'm good man i'm super content with with all that so was getting your pro card i mean was that like a long-term goal of yours or was that something that you decided to pursue a little later on yeah i mean that's a really interesting story do you guys remember like the animal pack ads way back in the day? Did you ever, like, see those, those black and white ones?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Tommy, who have we had on the podcast? Evan Santopani. Yeah, big Evan. We talked to him at the Arnold this year. We've got one of the black and white ones, a big poster of him in the gym. Him and I think it's, like, McGrath. It's three of them walking next to each other. With their torn up clothes on.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Yeah. We actually talked to him a lot about the clothes specifically that they're wearing in the those ads you know dude some of the best marketing of all time especially in this space like i remember seeing that stuff when i was like 16 to 18 somewhere around there and just that was like i want that i'm like i want to be that guy with no friends no girlfriend just living that life like for some reason i was drawn to that no friends no girlfriend just living that life for some reason i was drawn to that totally and so you know i was like oh like these guys are pros i'm like yeah like that's kind of i think i'd like to do that someday and you know did my first ever bodybuilding show and i think when i was 20 years
Starting point is 00:58:15 old uh might coach me through it um and then you know like happened i did not even place competed a couple years later in new york which, dude, the Northeast bodybuilding scene is insane. It's super competitive. So I didn't place there. And then I had two kids. Eventually, when my daughter was born in 2014, I'm like, you know what? I think I'm just going to take a break on the competing part. just gonna take a break on the competing part i'm gonna hopefully not try to be like a piece of shit husband and dad i'm gonna focus on rp you know what i think this competing thing can sort of take a little back seat and so it did for a while like i didn't compete for nine years and then it got to the point where i only got enough people working in rp where i had like a little bit more time and i saw like mike and you know jared sort of getting back into it yeah i was like yeah yeah let's give it another go and did was able to and you know sort of accomplish what i was trying to and like now i can yeah just be very content with i gave it a go and did it and check that box and move on
Starting point is 00:59:19 i hadn't even noticed actually your pro card is over your shoulder it's a and that is an enormous card i was picturing more like they hand you a card it's like an id card in your wallet you just show it to people it just says pro on it yeah here here you go use this next time you want back in yeah if you look really closely it's like all blurry and stuff but yeah yeah it's uh yeah you know like listen i'm proud of it it's great on zoom yeah hell yeah that's why it's there yeah i got uh i was like what what really means a lot to me i'm like well i got a picture of my wife up there somewhere i think i got you know my kids there it's kind of hard to tell by the pro card and i'm like i got some michigan football stuff yeah it's pretty much around to me out if we're gonna to sum up who I am. I'm like, yeah, try the box.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Yeah. Those three things. I'm good. So coming up through your training days there at University of Michigan and everything else, did you ever compete in powerlifting then at all? One time. What were your numbers in your lifts? Or even what were... And weight class, too.
Starting point is 01:00:26 On any of the power lifts, like just even in the gym, what have you, I know that as a bodybuilder, of course, that's not the goal, but, uh, you've certainly lifted some heavy weights over the days.
Starting point is 01:00:34 So do you, do you have any specific lifts or numbers come to your mind? The NASA meet in March of 2007, I competed as a one 81. Okay. 2007. Yeah. I think I squatted like three 31. March of 2007 I competed as a 181 okay 2007 I think I squatted like 331 bench
Starting point is 01:00:50 like 265 pulled like close to 5 oh like that so you were a good dead lifter off the bat then relatively speaking at least relatively speaking yeah I can't bench like for shit most I've ever benched is
Starting point is 01:01:05 i mean i think technically i did 315 for 10 ones but i just in terms of like there's just something i'm not super fast twitch and so you start to get you know into the whatever the heavy singles double striples just i lose something and i just most i think i've ever been just 365 for a couple reps okay so nothing that's cool crazy yeah have you had a chicken bake yet uh have you tried a costco chicken bake it it's it's coming up soon like i'm i'm actually dieting right now actually you guys appreciate this the amount of fluids and sodium i'm consuming right now, yesterday and today, is just like I'm about over. Hey, if you need sodium, the Costco chicken bake is insane for sodium. We had a couple guys that we convinced, you know, for the sake of science, to do a seven days nothing but chicken bake challenge.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Three of them. Yeah, three of them did it. Simultaneously across the country. They averaged between three and five chicken bakes a day, each one of them. across the country. They average between three and five chicken bakes a day, each one of them. And they said that they have never had such an unquenchable thirst in their entire life.
Starting point is 01:02:09 And they were eating nothing but chicken bakes. That was the rule. You could know other foods, substances. It's like super-sized meat. A couple of them lost weight too, didn't they, Tommy? Yeah, a couple of them lost weight too didn't they tommy yeah yeah a couple
Starting point is 01:02:27 guys i think lost like two pounds yeah right right damn all right yeah so keep it in mind you know dude it's it's it's on there next time i go to costco and i'm not dieting i will absolutely get one and i will report back to you fine fellows excellent, good. We'll be on the edge of our chairs waiting for that one then. Is that your book behind you then to fit for success over your other shoulder? Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. I got that in there too. Yeah. That probably rounds out that that's like a fourth thing there. So you authored that book. How long has that been out? So that came out during during uh covid during 2020 so that was like kind of a personal project where i was literally quarantined my wife has gone through
Starting point is 01:03:11 some health issues she had breast cancer in 2020 she's totally fine now 99.9 you know back to good health uh actually coming up here on like four years free and clear of everything so that was a personal project where i knew that i needed something to do and i was like you know what we're gonna do a book what's it like to write a book would you want to write another book um i don't know if i will ever do another one we might do uh one that mike authors that's maybe a bit more like mainstream. Maybe looking into that. I don't know if I will ever write one.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I'll never say never. Maybe when I'm older. But probably nothing to do with fitness. We got people smarter than me doing fitness stuff. I don't need to do fitness stuff. So when you sit down to write a book, are you just like going to your computer opening word and being like, I'm just cranking out like 10 pages today? Or like, what does that process even look like? You know, kind of. So I had like an outline. So here's how it really started way back in like 2018. I had a hernia surgery and I couldn't lift for a couple
Starting point is 01:04:19 of months. And so all I was doing was walking and listening to audio books. And I was like, oh man, I kind of miss this. Like, this is is cool like I can learn a bunch of stuff and I started taking a bunch of notes in my phone and then I would start listening to a bunch of other books like in completely different like genres you know psychology personal finance etc etc etc and I was like what's really interesting this guy said something that's very similar to what this guy said I'm like man that's really weird how there's a bunch of overlap there. And I get to two completely different fields. And then like, I've worked with, you know, some high level athletes. And I was like, huh, well, I kind of have some of these things in common. So I just started keeping a bunch of notes. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:04:54 you know, I can probably start grouping these things into different categories. And like, that's how I kind of stumbled upon the idea of like, oh, I've got like seven to 10 sort of categories is like what makes people successful. And then so I had the outline, I had like a bunch of references and like what book they would go to and like what page that specific thing was on. And so like, that's basically how I came up with the outline. And then, yeah, like literally could not go anywhere because this was 2020 COVID hit quarantine hit. Like my wife's going through chemo.
Starting point is 01:05:22 So like we, like we had to take it seriously because we didn't you know no one knew any better and fucking everyone thought the world was ending so i'm like wow what am i gonna do here for the next like three or four months as i sit home every single day and i can't go anywhere and my kids are here all the time and we've got to homeschool them and my wife's going through all this and i've got to try to work i'm like the fuck am i gonna do to keep my sanity and so that was what i did and yeah like i just sat down and i would just sort of write and i would you know all of a sudden had 30 40 000 words and gave it over to an editor and you know they made it sound a lot smarter than i really was
Starting point is 01:06:00 because the fuck do i know what's going on 40,000 words? And they, you know, prettied it up basically. Manipulate anything that you're like, hey, that's actually like you're literally changing what I'm saying. You know, I don't like the change that you made here. Is there any of that? Maybe a little bit. Not a ton, though. Not a ton.
Starting point is 01:06:18 They were pretty good with that. And they were like, because it'd be like, all right, what's kind of the key message? They would, you know, a lot of like grammar and they would sort of take some ideas and then kind of move them around. So it flowed a little bit better. It was, it was really more of what they did.
Starting point is 01:06:31 So can you buy that on Amazon? Yeah. I think if you get the, uh, like Kindle version, you can get it for like two bucks. Okay. Would you rather someone bought it on Amazon though? Or, or like a RP site? I don't even know if we sell it on the rp site okay okay see it's designed mostly just to be on amazon and like again it's not a money maker so it's like two
Starting point is 01:06:51 bucks you can get it on uh kindle so did you have to read the whole thing after you had already written it and put it together like you've probably read those same words like like by the end of it you're like oh my god i don't even want to see this anymore like get this away from me you know i just picturing if it was myself i'd be like ah can't i can't read what i've said any more times yeah you know a little bit but it was mostly in like uh chapter chunks so like you read one chapter at a time and then you read the next one and then you read the next one it's like i'm actually trying to think back if i really read like the whole book from like end to end because you're really just doing that you know piece by piece chunk by chunk right okay yeah that's a good question uh tommy and i were talking about
Starting point is 01:07:33 something earlier curious on your take obviously though um so dr mike with with the way youtube has gone it's kind of become the face you know you'd say quote unquote right um do you could you care less like do you have any ego that's like well i want to be some of the face of this uh like could you do you care about that at all i'd be lying if i said zero percent you know because like we tried everything back in the early days of youtube and we had a bunch of different people on and just people flocked to listening to mike and so like it would be stupid to try to cram something down people's throats that they didn't want like that's just doesn't make any sense but it's actually you know a super interesting question because for the longest time and i i did a talk um back in february and i was
Starting point is 01:08:18 trying to make an analogy back to like the 90s bulls and i was like all right well mike's yeah here we go all right yeah yeah mike is mike you got my interest he's he's clearly jordan i got no issues with that that makes sense but i'm like so are you scotty then well or are you phil maybe like or are you dennis rodman or uh yeah no okay now we're getting into i can answer all these questions so i was like well maybe i am pippin and i was like well that doesn't really make sense no actually jared would be pippin right right right jared's on there all the time and i'm like okay that makes sense and i was like who's kind of like their you know their coach and so mike actually pointed this out to me and he's like dude you're phil jackson and i was like fuck you're right so i actually uh went
Starting point is 01:09:00 and i read both of phil jackson's books swear, man, there is a lot of like similarities. Like he's just, he had to be like that just more like Buddha, like Zen kind of guy, like just very chill and mellow. And I'm like, man, that sort of sums me up. And he sort of knew, like he couldn't have a huge ego because he's got, you know, Jordan, he's got Pippin later, he's got Kobe, he's got you know jordan he's got pippen later he's got kobe he's got shack so it's like he had a huge role but it didn't have to be the main guy it's like what right how can i get these you know guys or you know how can he get his team to perform the best that they can
Starting point is 01:09:38 and i'm like shit that's kind of what i think that's what i do i'm like that's actually really sweet so yeah i guess i'm phil jackson Phil Jackson uh Phil Jackson probably much better choice than uh Jerry Krause because you could you say Jerry nobody really liked Jerry Krause right so you don't want to be Jerry wrong choice oh man actually I have an analogy there I won't say it on uh maybe offline I'll say oh see there is there could be a jerry kraus i i i think we have one i won't say the name though nobody wants to be jerry kraus nobody wants to be jerry kraus yeah i do have one we do have one okay okay good we have to get that but tommy and i talked about it and um we if anyone's curious, our take on this because we're 50-50 partners and everything.
Starting point is 01:10:29 And if we had the option, if someone laid it in front of me today that Massanomics can grow 50X tomorrow, but no one will ever be allowed to know who, like everything that ever had your face or name on it disappears. It's gone. As far as, you know, nothing changes like behind you own everything. I'd be like, yeah, where do I sign? I'll delete it all.
Starting point is 01:10:51 I'll disappear. I'd be like, sign me up. That's an extreme example. But I could swallow that pill. Like that is what it took. Totally. Yeah, yeah. Like I said, you know know everyone has strengths and weaknesses right
Starting point is 01:11:05 mike's got the gift of the gab i tell people that all the time he's got the gift of the gab like let it let him use it although i will say it is really interesting though because you know everyone sort of theorizes you know like because we're just talking fitness right now right which is on a much smaller scale than you know like real like real celebrities. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Like big, really big. Yeah. Right. Brad Pitt, Tom Brady, et cetera. Right. Like, and everyone wants to be famous like them and, you know, rich like them and all that, but man,
Starting point is 01:11:37 you really are kind of in the public eye a lot. And so, you know, I see it, like I get stuff popping up all the time on my YouTube, where like people are trying to thumbnail Mike and stuff to kind of like get their stuff associated with it. So there's definitely something to that. And, you know, no matter how many people like you out there. And in fact, as you get more and more popular, the number of people that just fucking hate your guts also goes up. Now, the percentage is, of course, still very low. But, you know, gee whiz, that raw total number will keep going up and up and up.
Starting point is 01:12:09 It's interesting, man. Yeah, that is interesting. It would take some getting used to, but the success, I feel like I could still sleep easy at night seeing this. I'm like, well, you can have a negative opinion of us but who's getting the last laugh here we're making an impact over here yeah right yeah yeah no exactly 100 so helping people educating people for sure like that's a big difference but yeah it definitely can take a toll and you really do just have to block it out because like no one's ever become like successful and popular
Starting point is 01:12:45 without a lot of people just hating their guts and you really just kind of have to go you know what it's a it's a game of trade-offs and that's just kind of comes with the territory because man people just love to see uh other people fail oh they do it's people's favorite thing it's yeah it's watching other people just lose. Yeah. Yeah, that is true. Do you, yourself and Mike, not necessarily on RP, behind the scenes, or big pictures thing,
Starting point is 01:13:13 but I'm thinking even just like, you know, the message that's put out, the training, you know, the diet, the nutrition, everything like that. Do you guys disagree on much of anything? Like, it seems like a very uniform message. Do you ever, I don't know, difference of opinions on much of anything like it seems like a very uniform message uh do you ever uh is i don't know difference of opinions on much of anything i mean there's definitely some subtle nuances and stuff i mean i will say i think uh mike is like super optimistic on uh you know like ai and all
Starting point is 01:13:38 that stuff and you know gee whiz he'll just kind kind of go real deep on some of that stuff. And listen, I hope he's right, by the way, because if he's right, like we're all living in a paradise here in like five to ten years with like robots helping us out and all that. I'm a little more skeptical of that. So, you know, that's one big thing. I think that, well, something that he learned. Well, something that he learned. So when I was doing my prep the previous year, like I took things very, very seriously. I think Mike could have put a bit more time and effort into it. And I think he'd be kind of began to realize that, that he doesn't really love bodybuilding. I mean, I don't really love bodybuilding either. The actual competition part, like I love the training part aspect of it but um there's definitely this whole like showmanship thing then you got to like put time and effort into posing and fucking shaving and exfoliate it's just like really like this isn't bodybuilding anymore like this is just a beauty pageant like i'd rather just train look jack and all that um and just kind of like stress management and stuff like that um i think i was pretty good at some of that stuff and i think he kind of like stress management and stuff like that. Um, I think I was pretty good at, at, at some of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:46 And I think he kind of had to learn a little bit the hard way last year. He got a lot better this year though. Um, but yes, man, you just got really love bodybuilding, like actually love competition to get up there and deal with all that tan stuff. And do you guys know about, um, bodybuilding tanning, like the whole process that goes into it? I think I've very little, I've heard a rough idea is there a sock involved or oh yeah oh yeah yeah i'm not i don't like that idea well i gotta educate you real quick
Starting point is 01:15:15 you're gonna love this yeah so you're at like a hotel and they got like a giant banquet room and it's all for like this is where guys are gonna go tan and they've got like the little pop-up tents they've got like 10 of them and they're all like basically in a circle so you're all like facing each other you got a line of dudes that are all wearing you know like sweatpants long sleeves and all that because once you get tanned you gotta like wear loose fitting stuff and so you get up there and you strip down naked and like there's women in there they're the people tanning you and you you would think that's weird like that doesn't make any sense i'm going to tell you that those women could not care any less about anything to do with you know
Starting point is 01:16:01 like sexual tension like they just don't because they're working their asses off they're doing a job exactly and then you've got the the people being tanned that are so like dehydrated slash depleted slash just low on energy like you don't give a fuck about anything and like some dudes will use the socks some don't no one cares at that point and you're just all like facing each other while you're and you're freezing i mean you're being sprayed with like basically like uh you know if you were gonna like spray your fence like with one of those things but it's all tan like a sherwin williams uh yeah exactly but there's like 10 of them going and they're just and you got to stand there with
Starting point is 01:16:46 like fans blowing on you when it gets done so you're just in your freezing the whole time you're just like can i just you know be done it is just the weirdest experience but it's like i'm the worst like mike's probably the worst spokesman for bodybuilding like the actual competition i'm probably second worst so i'm like why like what what so are they just like batch applying tans to everyone or do you have like when they get to you do you have like oh make sure you you hit this part more on me more like is there any of that or any shading man i don't know too i had i don't know about like those specifics i mean they usually like you know you got to put your arms up and you got to put your hands is it like when you got your
Starting point is 01:17:24 kids you're putting bug spray or sunscreen on you're like just line up i'm just gonna get you and go on to the next thing like are they just knocking them out it's it's more precise than that okay um especially for like bodybuilding they usually have you like you know you gotta like get your hamstrings and you know glutes and all that so they'll kind of like have you lean over a little bit and like it's you know it's a very personal personal uh experience it's it's it's bizarre man you just like freak show it's the best way to describe it absolute freak show okay uh i guess we'll never experience that probably will we tommy i i'd be surprised if we did don't put it that way i'd like it if everyone could just make an agreement like hey let's all not do this and then we'll all not you know like like uh but i guess i understand that you know it's something to do with the lighting and you become if you're not
Starting point is 01:18:14 extremely tan then you're very washed out in the lighting and probably something to that but you can be too light too you're too light and then yeah it's uh it's really weird so uh the show i did in 2013 in new york they put too much on me and so i got sprayed the night before and i took a taxi home and i'm walking into an apartment building and they have got like you know a little security dude down there because it's like a very very big building and i've walked in and out of that building hundreds of times said hi to them every single time, you know, like they know who I am. And they stopped me and they're like, sir, who are you? What are you doing? I'm like, well, I'm going up to apartment. I, you know, said the name,
Starting point is 01:18:55 whatever seven C whatever. And they're like, no, they got in the elevator and they escorted me up to my, you know, door. They rang the doorbell. My wifeorted me up to my, you know, door. They rang the doorbell. My wife had to answer it and be like, yes, that actually is my husband. Because that's how, like, dark I was. I looked like a completely different person. It was pretty bizarre.
Starting point is 01:19:16 And that, like, it totally was way too dark. Like, I actually saw some pictures and it looks like, it's one of those things where, like, all you can see is kind of like a floating head. Because I was so dark. Like, that's, it's one of those things where like all you can see is kind of like a floating head because i was so dark like that's it's it's it's crazy it's crazy uh tommy what do you think about underrated overrated let's do it okay uh we've got a very special very specific nick shaw set of uh underrated overrated topics for you we hand-picked them just for you uh you have your druthers to elaborate as much or as little as you would like on each one but the most important thing is you can't ride the line you have to definitively decide if each one is underrated or overrated and this of course is where we get super political on the
Starting point is 01:19:54 podcast we save all of the political topics uh religion and politics and uh everything else that we've been just bottling up for this long we We finally get to get to it here. So underrated or overrated, the Teriyaki Madness restaurant. My God, that is criminally underrated. It's one of America's finest establishments right there. I will let you know. So bring us up to speed. Yeah, bring us up to speed on Teriyaki Madness. What is not to like?
Starting point is 01:20:27 It's delicious. And, I mean, you can get brown rice. You can get chicken. You can get teriyaki. You can get broccoli. I mean, dude, these plates are, like, this big. It tastes delicious. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:20:39 It's so underrated. Is this a chain? Like, we've never even heard of it before. Yeah, I believe so. Funny enough, i actually did look into what it would take to start a franchise and i'm like what am i doing i can't do this there's a good spot near me i know one could be successful but you know i had to not do that i had to not pursue it so is this like um an asian restaurant uh then like okay okay oh but but so when you say that uh i mean you can
Starting point is 01:21:08 probably get all sorts of actual delicious stuff but i sometimes somehow i always go with the most boring stuff which i love by the way right right okay i'm just looking here i there's one in my town i didn't even know it there is it's on the list oh wow i'm going yeah we're gonna have a follow-up homework to do on teriyaki madness but so you you can get some basic rice and uh one ingredient meat sort of situation where you probably get a couple and i think you can you know dress it up a little bit you can probably get some you know uh i'm like i like asian food but i get the most basic. Yeah. So what's your go-to order there? Chicken rice.
Starting point is 01:21:47 Okay. I love it too. Little cliche of you. Exactly. Cliche. Okay. Underrated or overrated. The college football 25 release the game. I not played it yet so i'm going to hopefully
Starting point is 01:22:07 say underrated uh i just bought a playstation 5 just so i could get that game and play it a little bit and i just my wife just thinks that i'm just she's like what are you doing like you're a grown-up i'm just like you don't get it i'm like you don't get it. I'm like, you don't get it. Hasn't been out for over a decade. By the way, there were over 720,000 people playing that the night it released. And that's at $100 a pop. You do the math there. That's over $72 million of revenue EA Sports collected just from those people that were playing it on day one. That does not include folks like myself that are going to get it mailed to them in a couple days. So their long con play is really paying off here finally now like them uh going away for this long they're finally
Starting point is 01:22:51 getting to cash in on it crazy the hype for it is insane though like i mean everyone is i can't i can't recall but i mean college football i never was i a serious gamer and nor do i really even know about any of the games I typically hear people talking about when we're talking on the podcast and stuff like that. But I loved playing college football. That is the one game that I've played way more than any other game. My college roommates made fun of me because I would do a dynasty and I'd be 20 years into it. You know, 20 national championships championships 20 heisman trophies absolutely we i um when i was going to college my my roommate who uh we you know i ended up being the best man in his wedding and he and mine but we would do dynasties together where you're both
Starting point is 01:23:40 run a team and you're like you have the other person has to play their game for the week before you can play your game and move on to the next week and stuff and we got in literal fistfights over like uh other people just padding stat because it's like who can win the heisman and who is going to win the national championship and like i we would get very upset about the other person ruining the integrity of the game where it's like you're not playing that as someone would play football you are literally just like you found a glitch in the system and you're just now like you're getting like a thousand passing yards a game because of the the the inaccuracies of the way the game can be played 100 absolutely i would get to the point where i would like uh i would i
Starting point is 01:24:23 would simulate probably 10 you know 10 games out of the year and i only play to the point where i would like uh i would i would simulate probably 10 you know 10 games out of the year and i only play like the the you know national championship game and right you know the one ohio state maybe yeah something like that i wouldn't even take michigan most of the time i'd take like i'd create a school or take like a one double a school and you know like that there's a little more fun to that yeah uh i'm excited to give it a try too luckily i have a son that's old enough that i don't have to justify it's like no he needs this you know so that i can i mean my son's into video games but i thought i was like hey i'm i'm like can i can i buy you a playstation 5 and he's like no i don't i'm like i'll buy you college football and he's like i
Starting point is 01:25:02 don't what he doesn't care about sports. And I'm just like, yeah, I had to make. All right. Sorry, babe. I'm going to get this purely just for me. And she's like, OK, do your thing. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 01:25:15 All right. One more. Not not to in the same vein, almost so overrated, underrated. Charles Woodson. Underrated. I mean, this guy was a stud at every single level. True freshman at Michigan, playmaker, sophomore, junior year wins the Heisman, goes, what, third overall into the NFL, becomes a Hall of Famer, Super super bowl champion one of the best defensive backs of all time underrated has to be underrated only defensive player to ever win the heisman still
Starting point is 01:25:52 oh that's a good point yeah that's a good point clearly i'm biased but who um when you were at michigan who were any of the standout guys on the team? Is there? My freshman year, I was in stats class with Chad Henney. Oh, yeah. Quarterback, yeah. He went on to not do that much in the NFL, if I remember correctly. You know, probably made tens of millions of dollars.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Oh, yes. Right. You know, he was a starter for a while, probably the first half of his career, and then probably still made, I don't know, five mil a year for like another seven, eight years as a backup. Like, what? No, just let me judge him from over here sitting in my basement. He didn't do much. Very nice guy, though.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Very nice guy. Yeah, very nice guy. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Definitely remember him. Okay. Last one. This one's worth all the marbles and this is from
Starting point is 01:26:45 some insider information uh overrated or underrated michelin star cuisine way overrated it's completely lost on me my god i've got the palate of a 10 year old i wouldn't appreciate any of that uh my wife and i went to cancun and they have like nice restaurants and I suck, whatever. I guess I'll eat at them, but they like give me all this like little weird shit. And I'm just like, what is this? Just just give me a bunch of food and I'm happy. Give me give me teriyaki madness and I'm happy. I don't I don't need all the fancy stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:18 So overrated for me. Tommy, have you ever had any? I have not had a Michelin. Nope. Has not happened to me yet. I have to say I completely don't even understand what that, like, is. Is it actually from the Michelin tire company? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Is it related? Are we talking a separate company, or is it related to the Michelin tire? Like, is there any? I don't honestly have any idea about any of it. I mean, I don't either. I don't think it't honestly have any idea about any of it i mean i don't either i don't think it's related but i mean i you're asking the wrong question here if you want clarification on that i don't know i am i just a really quick google search it looks like they actually are
Starting point is 01:27:55 connected really yeah the french entrepreneurs started the tire company 11 years earlier and they decided they needed a rating guides for hotels and restaurants i think of course i think it was to get people to drive i believe it was to get people to drive to these places that were off the beaten path and then you would use your that's an insane connection that is an insane uh like pairing those i mean that's uh 19 uh what's the year here like 1940s marketing for you right does it have anything to do or is it all related to JD Power and Associates Awards I believe JD was the co-founder of Michelin
Starting point is 01:28:32 intimately connected yeah that makes sense to me great news Nick it looks like you passed overrated underrated so congratulations we'll send you a card that's just slightly bigger than that uh ifbb pro card so that would be good yeah you can there's got to be room somewhere in the cabinet so it can go oh yeah overrated plenty of space right here so congratulations from that big achievement then and we do really appreciate you coming on
Starting point is 01:29:04 staying up and doing this. We were excited to get you on. This was really good. We would tell people, what would you want people to check out? I assume everyone that listens to this is already aware of RP's YouTube channel. But what else should people be doing? Yeah, well, if you already know of the RP YouTube channel and watch Dr. Mike, I would say my Instagram, at, would be a place if you want to drop me a DM or something like that.
Starting point is 01:29:31 That's probably for me personally. Otherwise, for anything RP, I just go to YouTube or just And get the book. Yeah, Amazon, Fit for Success, like $1.99, I'm pretty sure. It's always been priced that way way ever since it came out. I need to check it out myself if I had more you know if I was more prepared for things I would have
Starting point is 01:29:51 checked it out before this episode and could have grilled you on a couple things. I thought your homework was pretty good man you knew about Teriyaki Madness you knew about college football 25 and you knew about Charles Woodson so color me impressed. Yeah, we, we like to set the bar pretty low.
Starting point is 01:30:08 So then people are pretty impressed when we just do even, even the smallest bit of work. They're like, all right, you guys are just a little bit above what I was expecting, which wasn't very high. All right. No, we appreciate this. This is a lot of fun. I think people are really going to enjoy this and we'll hopefully we'll run into you some, sometime, we appreciate it. This is a lot of fun. I think people are really going to enjoy this.
Starting point is 01:30:25 And hopefully we'll run into you sometime, someplace, somewhere. Yeah, probably Arnold or Olympia. Perfect. Thanks, Nick. Awesome. Thank you, guys. Appreciate it. See you.
Starting point is 01:30:38 See you. Cool beans. Whoa. Cool beans. Beans. Cool beans. Hit both of them at the same time. You there too many too many cool beans all at once too many teriyaki madness cool beans uh i don't know if the listeners will notice i don't know what conversation you guys had but it's never happened before what was the deal there you went you went awol
Starting point is 01:31:05 for a minute are you know i know my internet i'm hardwired in here we the internet went down down oh like there was an internet out because i texted uh my wife and son i'm like uh the hell's going on and it says trust us it's bad we don't got it either. Yeah. The whole house, I could just hear screaming, and there was fire. Just 911. You're getting text 911, 911. It's really bad. And my wife said, now there's an internet outage.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Yeah. Because I was like, the fuck is going on? It froze, and that's maybe happened briefly. See, I didn't notice the freezing i mean which is hard to tell because you know you're not talking so it's small um and you did you did just ask him the basically the story of the timeline of rp which is like the longest question you could ask and he's just getting kind of going on it and then you dropped out and he goes oh should we wait for him i said i'm sure he'll pop right back in because I figured you accidentally hit something. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:32:06 And then it was maybe a minute or two and you weren't in. And I was starting to be like, when's that text going to come in saying the power's out? I was just about ready to text you. And then I'm like, wait, we got something going here. Yeah, you pop back in and he was still telling it. And then I tried to give sort of a verbal recap to maybe bring it to speed. Yeah, I noticed you. I was like
Starting point is 01:32:25 okay thank god because i'm like and at first when i came back in i'm like is this live or is it doing that thing where i kind of like catch up he's catching you up but like so i was listening i'm like okay we must be live he did say he goes do we need to wait for him i go now yeah that's uh something but if we wait i gotta edit that part out that's gonna be really annoying exactly but I was also like well yeah I was asking that as an interview question but I'm also want to know that part of the story so now I'm like well now I have to listen to this because I don't really know what I meant like he was finishing it up and I'm like I didn't really hear the part that I wanted to it was funny after he said it though I do remember hearing Mike tell a lot of the story because basically it was okay you know they got done
Starting point is 01:33:07 and they moved to new york or they were you know they were lifting in michigan and then they end up moving to new york together and living together and training people at a place together and i do remember hearing mike tell a similar story to that before yeah all right oh well that was good interview that was fun right we are um just, we're not going to talk about it too much because we talked about it a lot last week and we're going to talk about it a lot next week. But we are on just a couple days away from the Lift Hard, Live Easy Classic 2024,
Starting point is 01:33:36 which is absolutely insane that it is like now. I am done working for the week. I'm working, I'm done working my day job. You could say now the actual work working for the week. I'm working. I'm done working my day job. You could say now the actual work starts for the week. Oh, God. It was kind of dawning on me tonight. I'm like the amount of shit that has to happen in the next four days. And first of all, I'm leaving.
Starting point is 01:33:59 So I'm leaving tomorrow too. And I haven't even packed yet. And I'm just like, oh, it's not just packing all the meats. I haven't done a meet in so yet and I'm just like oh it's not it's just packing all the meats I haven't done a meet in so long that I'm just yeah I know I'm gonna be forgetting stuff but it's just all that and that's just one little thing like actually yeah that's one thing is like one little thing yes the powerlifting thing is that's kind of the annoying part of the power lifting thing is almost sort of in the back of my mind which is sort of annoying too but then it's also tonight i was starting to it dawned on me like oh yeah also the whole content kit has to come too so i'm doing the math in my head of all the lenses and equipment and gear we need for all of that and
Starting point is 01:34:36 and then there's just a few other odds and ends random things i need to be bringing with me and i'm like oh man it's gonna be a he morning tomorrow. And then you drive three hours and just, it's going to be a whirlwind for four straight days. The trailer is loaded up with our, is full of merchandise in our booth basically. And then there's a lot of stuff that has to come out of mass economics gym way more this year than last year to like probably multiple trailer loads of equipment that have to go upstairs and
Starting point is 01:35:05 then get into the od ice arena and then get set up you know could be probably even more daunting come back after a day of after uh an intense day you know it's i mean it's all gonna work out but yeah trying to think through the logistics in my head, it's like, actually, no, you can't even have a plan hardly because you can have a rough idea of what you think should happen, and that's about it because it's just so roll with the punches. But, yeah, I guess maybe that's enough on that for now. Do you have an ad to hit us with here?
Starting point is 01:35:41 I thought you would never ask. Today's show is also brought to you by texas power bars now i know i said last week that the sale was done and i'm going to check and yes you did miss your shot the sale is done but that doesn't mean that it's still not a great time to buy a texas power bar it's always a great time to add a texas power bar to your collection uh you know we're going to be competing this week, and we only compete with the best, so we're going to be using some fine pieces of equipment like a Texas Squat Bar, a Texas Power Bar,
Starting point is 01:36:11 and when we go to deadlift, you can count on us to use the original Texas Deadlift Bar. Tanner, what coating are we going with on these bad boys? Black zinc. Black zinc all across the board? Black zinc. Oh, for the meat yeah um i'm not sure dave has the competition bars oh he does okay i didn't know i don't know i actually don't know but the warm-up room is the warm-up room all black zinc or will we have some cerakote deadlift bars
Starting point is 01:36:38 no it'll be a big it'll be a grab bag of uh coatings on the in the warm up room though there will be enough squat bars power bars deadlift bars for each warm up all six of the warm up platforms but they will be different coatings all right and that just shows that we love all of them all of the styles all of the bars
Starting point is 01:36:58 all the coatings they're all great I have been rocking a 29 millimeter Texas power bar in my home gym lately and bang for your buck. I think you're hard pressed to find something that would be that good for your gym. So if you would like to get a Texas power bar for yourself or maybe all three of them, all three of those that you would find in a meet, head on over to Texas power bars dot
Starting point is 01:37:19 com. Place your order and tell a massonomic sent you in the order notes. Thank you. Texas power bars. Let them know. Let them Masonomics sent you in the order notes. Thank you, Texas Power Bars. Let them know we sent you this jump thing. Yeah, what's going on there? Now remembering that that is my topic. I'm trying some of this really spicy jerky again.
Starting point is 01:37:39 I just do it in little tiny amounts and every time I'm like, yep, that's too spicy. So you, I mean mean by this point most of us most of the listeners are aware that i'm a little bit of a noon ball guy yep well a little bit of a noon ball streak in me also not playing this week at all because of the hay being in the barn so you actually were playing though like a week or two oh yeah okay yeah i'm i've been back okay i couldn't remember if you said you just showed up or if you actually were playing, though, like a week or two? Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, I've been back. Okay, I couldn't remember if you said you just showed up or if you actually played or not. I did, and then I just kept going.
Starting point is 01:38:08 Okay. My ankle just, I do wear an ankle brace when I play. Yep. Like the actual one I left the doctor with the day that I dislocated my ankle. So it's pretty, it's fairly substantial. You know, it certainly limits what I what i my mobility but i don't know mobility is the right word but limits my movement on the court a little bit but it was already limited so much that my agility is not a factor of it's not what's affecting the success of the
Starting point is 01:38:36 game and it's worth the peace of mind i also don't know how much it helps or or how much it really would prevent or not but makes me feel a little bit better about it. And I have had no scares at all on it yet, so knock on wood. But so something happened. You know when, so we were playing in the middle of a game. This was not this week now, but the week before that. I meant to bring it up uh week of but I forgot so I just thought of it the other day and I added it to the notes you know when you're playing and someone shoots a shot and the ball gets perfectly wedged between the backboard and the rim and it just
Starting point is 01:39:17 stays there stuck well it did that when we were playing and everyone just looked there was just a moment in time and everyone looked at it and typically a lot of times someone would jump up and hit it out or if not someone grab a basketball another ball and throw it at it and get it on wedge from there someone was going to go get a basketball and then i'm like well and i i i don't often try to jump very high while we're playing yeah and i haven't especially since after my, I haven't tried really any like not doing any explosive. And I'm like, I'm pretty sure I can get that right. Like I should be able to knock that out. You know, I'm like 6'3", and like I'm feeling deep.
Starting point is 01:39:57 It's like put my arm up. I only got to jump like a foot. I'm like, I got to be able to get that right. So I just stood like directly underneath of it and felt like, like I certainly was trying to jump, but I felt like I did like it. I don't know what my RPE, if you're using the RPE on a jump scale, it certainly wasn't a 10. And I'm like, I felt like I knocked it out so easily that I was like, ah, oh, like I
Starting point is 01:40:24 was always got ups over here. Well, that's, I was like, whoa, I was like, oh, like I was always got ups over here. Well, that's I was like, whoa, I was like, whoa, what was that? Like, how did I get like, because in my mind, I wasn't even positive. I'm just like, I should be able to get that. Like, it's just at the level with the rim. Like, I should be able to just been doing way too many sub submaximal jumps to know where you're really at. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:43 And I and I caught it so easily that i'm like okay wait a second like that felt really easy so then between games a lot of times the people there's not not oftentimes skilled dunkers playing in these games but there's a lot of times there's people that can kind of dunk you know like so in between game you know there's also fairly rarely is there in-game dunks occasionally there is like there's fast break like half-ass dunks in the game sometimes like when we're playing full court when it's half court there's never a dunk because there's rarely people people that are good enough and if they are they're probably not making a point of dunking
Starting point is 01:41:21 in people's faces right right these gate know, like they're like taking a, if someone's that good, they're taking a little off because they're not, you know, so there's not a lot of dunking like that. But in between there's always people, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:41:35 trying to like throw each other little like alley oops. And, uh, people grabbing the rib and people dunking and stuff like just killing a couple of time, a couple of minutes while there's a rest period. And I cannot palm the ball well. That's the hardest part kind of right there. That is, for me, it historically is.
Starting point is 01:41:58 So like in 2009, 2010, 2011, when I got into the lift, like actually squatting, but I wasn't that heavy yet. I could dunk the ball pretty well, but it's because I could do it with, I could jump well enough that I could actually dunk the ball two hands. So I didn't need to palm the ball. Like I could take a couple steps, a drop step and dunk it with two hands. Um, and I could tell, like I, I, so I ran up and grab, you know, jumped up and to like grab the rim a couple of times. And I'm like, wow, I feel like I got a whole fistful of rim there, there again, without like going, uh, you know, with, it wasn't like I'm like grazing the rim here. I'm
Starting point is 01:42:35 like, oh boy, what, what is going on? So I know I can't palm the ball. So I tell the one guy, I'm like, Hey, throw it just like, just right in front of the rim for me you know you get it right there i'm like i'm pretty sure i can do this if you put it put it in the right spot is what i'm thinking in my head so we try it once and it's way off i like try to grab it with my off hand and doesn't work i'm like ah i by this time i've jumped like five times i'm like i got like one more jump in me here before i'm calling this a day and he threw it and threw it perfectly and i flushed it like pretty well authority nah i don't know not necessarily but it was like authority it was definitively uh uh you know what you'd call what you'd call a dunk and i was like wow i was just was just riding. And so we play with a lot of guys that are Native American, black guys,
Starting point is 01:43:29 and it's always just a mixed bag. And it was like that day it happened to be like all mostly black guys and Native American dudes. And I was like, that is a white boy dunk is the first thing I said. And everyone got a really good laugh out of that because that is like the quintessential white boy dunk when you can't really dunk. But if you can get someone to like throw it just right for you. Help me out a little bit.
Starting point is 01:43:51 Give me a hand here, man. So I had to call my wife on the way home. And I literally was like, I am old. I have hurt myself 15 times. And I just dunked for the first time in like 15 years right now. I am 37 and old, and I still got it. That's why I was like, I just shocked myself that I can even do that. So I was pretty pumped about that.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Oh, yeah. I mean, dunking, that transcends all ages. Everyone knows that a dunk is awesome. You don't have to explain that to anyone. It is like hitting a home run in baseball. I mean, maybe that's even a more extreme case. I mean, what's more universal than saying you hit a home run, you scored a touchdown, and you dunked a basketball?
Starting point is 01:44:38 You could say you squatted 600 pounds. People are like, I actually don't even know if that's good or bad. You say dunk a basketball, and people are like, hell yeah. yeah yeah and some people might be like well you're six seven of course you should be able to but i've known a lot of people that are pretty tall that yeah you still gotta be somewhat athletic still right right right uh but i was just i'm like i am 37 years old and i assumed i would never those days were gone never do that and it you know like still not going to be proficient at that and um not delusional about it like i'd absolutely never be able to do it while playing a game or like but would you say it's all attributed because
Starting point is 01:45:17 you really know how to peak correctly is that where i did wonder i it did have me wondering i'm like is it because i've been watching my weight really closely and I've been strength training pretty strong at the same time? My squat and deadlift are pretty good. And my body weight is 25 pounds less than mine. Yeah, I was going to say, it's hard to say that that would probably be there if you were 25 pounds heavier, right? I would just say there's no way. Like, I think that's exactly, I think that's completely why I'm able to do that is because of my, like, being, you know, relatively strong and then my body weight being down. I think if I weighed 275, I mean, I know.
Starting point is 01:45:51 That's why I, probably a big part of the reason why I never, like, that it seemed ridiculously far off and I haven't really messed with it since. Your ankle would probably feel that much more fragile, too, jumping up with 275 coming back down. Well, landing. Yeah. I think that's what, you know, that's what they like. Those guys would say as they get older, like, like,
Starting point is 01:46:08 like dunkers, like they could still, still dunk it. But it's like the landing impact. Yeah. Right. Right. That they can't do that anymore.
Starting point is 01:46:17 So yeah, that the body weight is probably a big factor of it, but that's like a pull up discussion and stuff too. Like you can, you don't have to be that much stronger, but if you lose a bunch of body weight all of a sudden you're like wow i can do pull-ups oh yeah it was always everyone had that kid in gym class that was like the you know you're in high school he's like the wiry 100 pound kid where wiry yeah it's like crank out like abdominals but you're tiny or something it's like dude you cranked out 15 pull-ups but like i mean you're
Starting point is 01:46:43 yeah i guess you're strong, but like, you're not really strong compared to a lot of us, but you did 15 pull-ups. What's going on, man? You're really good at being light, but yet not like a weak light because some people could be like really like, it's like you have just enough, you're carrying just enough muscle there that you have muscle. Yeah. There's always, I always remember we had a couple of kids in gym class every year. Like, how can you do so many pull-ups and you're like oh yeah you just are that
Starting point is 01:47:07 yeah just that lean man yeah the old president presidential fitness that's right i was not particularly good at the i was terrible i was not good at i was i was actually pretty good at the whole thing i was terrible at the hamstring uh or the what was the you put your feet straight in front of you and you got on the board, you got to touch the number. I don't even know what was, it was just like a stretch, like just a forward leaning stretch. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot all about that. What an odd, what an odd test. Yeah. This, yeah. The flexibility one. What an odd test to me. I'm trying to actually find what the uh
Starting point is 01:47:47 what the events were here what else was it was there push-ups um i don't think there was put i remember there was a mile run pull-ups the stretching was oh was there like the the shuttle run too maybe maybe that was just one our school added in. I don't remember. I really don't remember. That was like when I was in grade school. Oh, curl-ups.
Starting point is 01:48:12 Curl-ups. There you go. Sit-ups. Okay. Okay, this list says curl-ups, shuttle run, endurance run slash walk. so i'm assuming that's the mile run yep uh yeah one mile and then pull-ups or this says or right angle push-ups or flexed arm hang i'm not sure what a flexed arm hang is and then the v sit and reach yeah i was terrible at that or the sit and reach test
Starting point is 01:48:41 terrible at that thing i'll show them a sit and reach uh yeah i remember doing all these though i actually i thought i was i i'd like that was a fun day for me i like doing you scored like a certain thing you got you achieved like uh there was like levels like yeah see and i'm a blue star presidential fitness test winner or whatever i don't remember and i remember like when we were small like younger kids that being a thing of like knowing the like hearing them talk about the older kids but i feel like by the time that came around for us they quit doing any of that okay because i don't i never got any of them i don't remember any of my classmates ever getting that either and i guess maybe none of us were athletic enough but i mean there was some kids
Starting point is 01:49:21 that i was in class with that were fairly athletic so So I think it was gone by the time we got there. Okay. Yeah. Damn kids these days don't even know how to do, don't even know how to hate doing a presidential fitness test. Yeah. Do you want to know? Oh, I'm just looking at some of the,
Starting point is 01:49:40 I actually don't even really know how this scores for sure. So did that, I mean, was that, um, George Bush senior or Bill Clinton? No, this went way before, like the Wikipedia page has a dating back all the way to the forties. Oh, okay. So it's,
Starting point is 01:49:56 but it was around for a long time. Yeah. There's an Eisenhower thing. Uh, it said Eisenhower created the presidential council on youth fitness by executive order and implementation, implementation of the test from Kennedy to Bush. So, yeah, I mean, it's been around in some version for a long time. I'm surprised, like, in the 40s, 50s, 60s, they even needed something.
Starting point is 01:50:14 It's like, wasn't it? I just, at that point, you just assume it's an offshoot of something that's taking place in the military because people just don't even understand fitness that well. Actually, I would kind of wonder if that's not, like if it was not something grooming. Actually, it probably was, yeah. Like if you're thinking that it started, if it's potentially started in the 40s, you know, like. That actually, that is the thing here.
Starting point is 01:50:37 We'll start preparing people for this. During World War I, fitness testing and physical training for children increased in schools and garnered attention from governmental agencies as they were linked to preparedness for combat yeah for sure okay makes sense because actually even before we talked about that specifically as we were thinking about it i'm like i feel like i'm getting some of this mixed up with my army pt test right because i'm like it actually see it is so similar to overlap there yes yeah somewhat arbitrary fitness challenges right it's like how many sit-ups can you do in two minutes
Starting point is 01:51:05 what is this what are we knowing by this you know I mean I guess you got to test something you got to think of something they didn't have any other exercises made yet so sit-ups it is oh anything else on our hit list this week
Starting point is 01:51:24 in particular? That's probably about it for now. Okay, let me mention Juggernaut AI. Oh, I had a spot on this that I wanted to, and then I freaking computer, or, you know, I lost the internet. I saw a good little, oh, okay. Personalized workouts.
Starting point is 01:51:44 So Juggernaut AI, personalized workouts, takegernaut as personalized workouts take the guesswork out of your training juggernaut ai does all the work creating and adjusting your programs so you can just train hard and see results tommy would you say that's true i have been take the guesswork out you just pretty hard i have absolutely been seeing results and i've definitely taken the guesswork out of it so yes all those are true variety and flexibility high value training the juggernaut ai app delivers the detailed coaching you'd expect from a one-on-one coach but for a fraction of the price well i absolutely know that's true because with discount code massonomics it's like 30 bucks
Starting point is 01:52:21 a month um one more one more. Tracks and grows with you. Juggernaut AI utilize hundreds of data points about your training to optimize your program. The more training you do with it, the better it gets. Having used it, I would absolutely agree with that. The longer you use it, the better it gets for sure. Absolutely. You've got to go through the website.
Starting point is 01:52:44 That's where you can use discount code MASSANOMICS and save 10%. This episode is also brought to you by Swiss Link. Swiss Link has been importing military-issue goods to the United States and into the hands of those yearning for quality gear at uncompromised prices for quite a while now. If you hop on over to and click on the new arrival section, you can see that they're always bringing you the heat. I mean, when I go on there right now, we have right off the bat, Italian prisoner long john set. You know, you ever want
Starting point is 01:53:17 to know what it's like to be captured in another country? Right there, you got it for you. We have the Dutch Army OD bungee cord. There's also some Swiss grease tubes and a Swedish canvas map case. Some Romanian single ammo pouches. A whole collection of just different camouflages from armed forces around the world. And probably more things than you would ever know what to do with. All available at And honestly, at prices that might surprise you, some of this stuff is quite affordable. So if you head on over to,
Starting point is 01:53:53 throw some stuff in your cart, make sure to use code MASS at checkout, and you can save 15% on your next order. That's Code MASS saves you 15%. Thank you, SwissLink. Just on our Discord that Big Dave from North Dakota has got his truck all loaded up to come down here
Starting point is 01:54:12 with his equipment tomorrow. So he's on track, it looks like. Also, you could get in our Discord also by becoming a supporting member of the Mathsonomics podcast. It's the only way. Actually, you can get an exclusive online Discord supporting crew community. It's a crew full of like-minded individuals that enjoy lifting some weights, having fun, maybe drinking, popping a couple brewskis,
Starting point is 01:54:39 having fun with the pals, just guys and girls being dudes and gals, right, gals, ladiesals ladies women whatever whatever it is they want to be called these days i don't know i don't know those things uh supporting membership what else do they get tommy you can get a discount code that's just for supporting members you get early access on drops you get uh a behind the scene looks look at a bunch of the stuff we do inside scoop and the hottest talk around we send out mailings that only go out to you supporting members so please uh check it out go to join that's where you can find our bevy of options that we have available there for supporting memberships we talked about our youtube
Starting point is 01:55:23 channel about how we'd love to have you over there subscribing on our YouTube channel. I didn't talk about yet our five-star reviews on Apple Podcasts. You could check that out. Please leave us a review, leave us a rating. And merchandise. Let's see, by the time you're hearing this, Lift Hard Left Easy Classic is just finished. merchandise. Let's see. By the time you're hearing this, we've tried that easy. Classic is just finished.
Starting point is 01:55:48 Got a bunch of stuff we're selling there. We'll see if there's anything left at all. I'm not sure if what we'll have left, but storeroom, a lot of the shelves are very bare right now because a lot of that inventory is going to be headed to our event and hopefully not as much of it coming back with us when it's over i hope not song of the summer how does someone listen to the song of the summer if
Starting point is 01:56:14 they wanted to um that's actually a good question uh if you're in our discord i could tell you the easy answer to that but well there's another reason to become a supporting member if you want to hear the song of the summer yeah maybe, maybe we just need to put it on YouTube so it's out there for people. That could be something, too. I mean, it's going to be in a lot of videos coming up here pretty soon. That's true.
Starting point is 01:56:31 You'll be able to catch it in a number of different ways. You know what we forgot to mention? We forgot to mention one thing. I did make a quick Costco run tonight, and of course I got the chicken bake. And who do I run into on the way out of the store? One of the chicken bake mongrels himself the chicken bake mad scientist big grayson standing right there he goes he getting a
Starting point is 01:56:52 chicken bake i i'm assuming probably actually didn't ask what i was getting but he goes you know i pulled up in my car and he goes i i looked on instagram and i saw you had a post in there and i thought oh three minutes ago maybe i'll run into him. And he goes, and I get out of my car and you're the first person I see. Didn't you run into him like twice this week? Actually, I ran into him at the car show four days ago in a town, the size of what?
Starting point is 01:57:16 I mean, in the greater area, there's more than 250,000 people. So, and we live nowhere near each other either. Like if you told me to go to his house, it'd be like a 20 minute drive. We're many miles apart.
Starting point is 01:57:27 So, yeah. We just, I guess we just have a similar taste in what we like to do in our spare time. I guess. And a lot of it revolves around Costco. Cars and Costco. That's our club. Yeah. We should almost have a car show at the Lyft hardly.
Starting point is 01:57:42 Maybe it'll be in 25. There'll be a car show. There's a lot of people with cool cars. There are. car show. There's a lot of people with cool cars. There are. There is. Yes, a lot of people with cool cars. So maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:57:51 Do you think in 25 on Thursday we could have a car show? Inspire a lot of these people that live on the East Coast to drive out. Yeah. No, you actually, you're going to want to drive if you got kind of a neat car. All right, Tommy, where do they find you at? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. You can follow me at Tanner underscore Bear. Just make sure to follow Mastonomics at Mastonomics.
Starting point is 01:58:13 See you.

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