Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 48: Swamp-@$$ and Speech Impediments

Episode Date: March 6, 2017

This week, we ask the question, :"How messy does it get down there when you're lifting?" and let you know what makes the 'ol swass even more intense than you'd have imagined.   As always, you can wa...tch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high quality audio version below.. Make sure you LIKE the Massenomics Facebook page... If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Red light. Red light. It means stop, right?
Starting point is 00:00:30 Yep, it means stop podcasting. All right, so, guys, you guys just missed this, but Tanner was filling us in on his learning disability. Yeah. I'm handicapped. And all the challenges he's overcome. So we're talking. A lot of adversity to get to this point.
Starting point is 00:00:46 How many years were you in speech therapy? I was in speech therapy for probably two or three. It's a little blurry for me. I try to block out that point in time in my life. And it was, for one letter, my S's. That's interesting. A real deal breaker. Speech therapy, they call you special out of class
Starting point is 00:01:06 class so everyone knew that like man this guy's so bad at the letter s what special tanner and his s's like the special the uh speech therapist comes and gets you and it's like oh man what's he what's he going to do what's he gonna do that kid leaving history class to go uh and we would play battleship because of the s's you sunk my ship so i'm still not sure if i say my s is right i guess i want to get i want to said anything until you brought it up now but i'm gonna be paying attention now we're and everybody that's listening is going to be paying real solid attention to your s's so it's a it's a pretty big deal for me to go at one stage in my life in speech class to co-hosting a podcast, which is audio only, just talking.
Starting point is 00:01:50 That anywhere from two to ten people listen to you at any given time. Yeah. And S is one of the most common letters in all of English. When I had... R-S-T-L-N-E. When I had Scott McGee on, Scott has like part of a false tooth because he had his his tooth knocked out somehow some way so every once in a while he'll say an f and it'll whittle you know so at the beginning i tried to have him do the do the intro that was uh you're listening
Starting point is 00:02:17 to the masternomics and uh he's like that's too many S's. So I think that last bit is actually on the recording. Yeah, it is. But yeah, so Tanner's overcoming an awful lot of adversity. A lot of adversity to get here. You know, being a white male with a speech impediment. With a slight speech issue. It's a lot. Tommy, how dumb were you when you were a child?
Starting point is 00:02:48 You know, not that dumb. Pretty dumb, but nothing like that. I haven't had to overcome any major speech adversity, so I don't have much of an interesting story, really. It'd just be a waste of time. And my childhood is no comment. It's just a dark place. It's just really, really uneventful.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Shit. Speaking of eventful. Yeah, let's hear it. I think Tanner is currently in the middle of a bit of a lifting rivalry. I there's a thing we have a thing there there is a thing and as we're speaking we're literally right in the middle we're in the thick of it this is a good time to talk about it because this has been building and we're really getting to some some maybe uncharted waters for a lot of people yeah yeah we're uh but what's going on is myself and Governor Eve Baca have had this back and forth over social media, over Facebook and Instagram, posting lifting videos, kind of like, hey, I did this.
Starting point is 00:03:55 What can you do more than this? And it started with, he did a trap bar carry of, I don't know how much. Where did it start? Like five? Or maybe I did one first. I think I did. Maybe he did one. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I don't know how long it's been in the working though. I will say that this is a friendly back. You know, it's not like. But this started probably what, a month ago? Yeah, a month or two maybe. And I did something and then he did, I did like a 500 pound carry back and forth. Or he did. And I think maybe he did 500. I did something and then he did I did like a 500 pound carry back and forth or he did and I think maybe he did 500 I did 550 then he did 600
Starting point is 00:04:30 and I did no I did 600 he did like 585 and then I did 600 and then he got a big special trap bar because the last one he did when he did 585 he had to duct tape his plates all together to get enough on and most trap bars are not designed for like six and seven hundred pound lifts no i don't think so
Starting point is 00:04:49 so but now he have has this one that's like eight foot long like it's the cop the uh collars on it are probably each about four foot long i think so yeah i think he could probably fit a thousand pounds on there if he wanted to but then he did this uh just the trap bar deadlift of 700 pounds so really really up the 705 he did 705 yeah because that was a fairly good jump from what you guys were doing before yeah but but i suppose you quit doing the care yeah which that's that's a lot were you tempted though to to you you could win it by just lifting the heavier one and then carrying it that would not be that easy like you like you saying that sentence is easy but like that's why i'm saying it and not doing it yeah
Starting point is 00:05:33 so he did 705 and he challenged me to 710 but i saw the way he did 705 i know he's gonna be able to do much more than that so i did 735 to make him have to make a more significant jump. And he did 750 just hours ago, it appears. Or he posted it just hours ago. I'm guessing he probably did it today. So now I have to do more than 750 in order to keep it going. And didn't you say that it's not so much the legs, it's the hands? That could be the limiting factor here? so much the legs it's the hands that is the could be the
Starting point is 00:06:05 limiting factor here for me it is definitely the hands uh that trap bar we have the handles are about the diameter of toothpicks it feels like it's like a golf club grip yeah yeah it's very narrow so it really rips into your hands like it actually i have a cut on my hand still from the last time it was like this isn't from Nerling either. No, no, no. It's just like the Nerling's long since worn off. Yeah. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:06:32 He did that seven Oh five and his trap bar, the handles are up quite a bit higher. You know, ours, the handles are even with the plate. So it'd put it at nine inches off the ground, like a standard barbell. His, so I had him measure his cause I didn't want uh yeah so his was 17 so I rigged up these boxes and everything and got it up there and it's not that easy to load all these weights on the trap bar deadlift and I'm having 110 pound plates and 100 pound plates just to get enough on there and then uh so I get 735 I did did like 650, and that was easy. So I was like, I'll put 735 on there.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It worked out to a good number. And I set my camera to start recording. Or not my camera, but my phone, my iPhone. And you also did this when no one was around. Yeah, the gym was completely empty. So you didn't have any assistance in this. No, so it was really taking me a while to get myself pumped up to do it because my hands were already hurting from all my warm-up ones
Starting point is 00:07:26 to work up to this point to make sure I could do it. So it was like a minute and a half of me kind of pacing back and forth and trying to get myself pumped up with no one else in the gym, getting just the right metallic. Just the loudest Katy Perry music you could legally play. I wanted to come in like a wrecking ball. So I did it, and I got it, and it went good, and I set it down, and I was like, oh.
Starting point is 00:07:49 The second I set it down, I was like, oh, my God, that hurt my hands. I'm so glad I got that. Went over to my phone. Well, actually, I, like, took all my stuff off because I have to be, like, the bionic man if I'm trying anything over a couple hundred pounds. So I was like, take my belt and sleeves and all this crap off and uh then go to check the the recording i was like i gotta make sure i got it and everything
Starting point is 00:08:12 and i watched the whole thing it's a minute and 50 seconds i'm watching i'm watching i get to the end just to where i bend over to grab yeah the bar to pick it up off the ground and it stops and i was like what the fuck like so i was like i had to play it like seven times to make sure that that's like where's the where's the bonus pictures i was like well maybe it's so long i cut it into two clips and my it had just run out i have so many videos on here from like us podcasting and stuff like that. I have like 40 gig of videos. It's basically a video recorder. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So I even shut my phone off and booted it back up to hope that it was going to. Magically. Just magically hit it in the space, special storage. And it didn't. So then I had to go through this whole thing and do it all again because I didn't feel like I could just take a picture of it and be like, guys, I did this. You can't do that. Trust me, I did it. The recording
Starting point is 00:09:12 died the second before I picked it up. But it went really well. Even when you were telling me this story, I'm like, I think Eve beat him and he's afraid to admit it. So I got all my crap back on and got myself pumped up again and did it again and it went about the same it might have been a little harder the
Starting point is 00:09:30 second time because i was i had mentally gotten out of it by that point but i did it but now i have to do more so what would you have done if that second time you recorded and it still didn't go through that would have been it for that day that like it. It had cut my hand at that point, so I was like, ah, this is not fun right now. So I think that bar we have, I figured I could... The last plates I had on there were all the way butted up to the ends. I could just barely fit a clip halfway on there. But I think I could get up to 795 on there. That's with substituting out 45s for the 55s on the field plates?
Starting point is 00:10:07 Well, I have all 55s on there. It's just the very last plate I had on there was a 25. If I put 55 in that place, I'd get 60 more pounds out of it, 795. But if I just go to switch that 25 out with a 35, I'm at 755, would have them by five pounds. If I switched them out with 45s instead, I'd be at 775. So that's kind of what I'm at 755, would have them by five pounds. If I switched them out with 45s instead, I'd be at 775. So that's kind of what I'm thinking. By the time this comes out, we'll know.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You guys could be in the 900s. Or I could have not ever done more than 735. Or your arms just ripped off your body. Like that Saturday Night Live skit. With Hans and Kron. Yeah, their arms literally rip off. Speaking of really heavy lifting stuff yeah so there's there was some big news was it today yeah is it last night last night um so this will
Starting point is 00:10:53 be old news by now too but yeah so big z has had to drop out of the arnold um practicing the super yoke which is a major bummer because that i was really excited to see him there 115 when i read this i it was like i was like no you gotta be kidding me it's like the the day i found out kurt cobain killed himself man that's a that's a big deal said seven-year-old tyler i'm not sure the implications of this but i think it's big i did also notice though in this video that he looks huge he has gotten some good bloat back oh yeah he was really peaking oh yeah he has the belly and his neck is significantly larger than he is much bigger than he was even even a couple weeks ago but didn't he he say this was like a 700-pound superyolk?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Or 700-kilo superyolk? It was something like that? Yeah, 710 kilos. Like 1,500 pounds. By my math, that's a million pounds. That's so much. 1,500 pounds is a lot. What did they do for the superyolk at the Arnold?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Like that much. It's insane. I thought it was like 11 or 12 pounds. Oh, maybe it is 12. I wouldn't have ever guessed that that was even a thing that could load. Explain the injury that he got from that. So this injury was trying to practice the super yoke, 710 kilos, squeezed his nerves, and then disconnected his deltoid muscle.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Now, does that mean it disconnected his nerves from his deltoid so he can't control it? Is that what that is? Yeah. See, I didn't understand that either like i can see like if something goes out or like you compress like a vertebrae in your back and it like pinches or squeezes a nerve i get that part but i don't know if that's like related to the deltoid so i wonder if he pinched a nerve and then isn't able to like use his deltoid muscle yeah or also tore his deltoid in the process. What's crazy to me is
Starting point is 00:12:46 basically in a nutshell, he had something on his back that's so insanely heavy. His delt wasn't moving. He was stationary, but the weight of what he was carrying was so insanely heavy that it just squeezed his nerve.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And when you watch the video, you want to be like, so Jonas, don't take the squat rack. Yeah, what are you doing? Leave it in the gym. We're going to squat on that. How much do you suppose our squat rack weighs with the weight we have? The big one, you mean.
Starting point is 00:13:15 The big one. The heavy one. Yeah. Well, how about empty? No plates on it. I don't know. It might weigh. It definitely weighs over 500 pounds.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I'm saying like maybe it weighs 1,000 pounds. Probably not 1,000, but what do you think? I'm guessing it's probably like 500 pounds. Yeah. And how much weight do we got on there? Do we have 1,000 pounds of weight on there? There's probably 545s on each side so that's 540 yeah there's probably you're 25 so he's lifting maybe not our biggest fully loaded
Starting point is 00:13:52 squat but our probably our medium one yeah with all the plates and just taking it it's like hey we still had a set left yeah like don't just run away with that Jesus Big Z that's pretty crazy but that's a shame and I don't know do you suppose he'll still be at the Arnold at least that's a question I have to ask I'm assuming he has a plane ticket booked at this point you kind of have to so even if he was just there that would be really cool
Starting point is 00:14:17 maybe there will be more time for us to chat we were all planning on sitting down together as it was because we're mostly all best friends with him. I mean, I haven't talked to him today, so I haven't heard about the injury yet. But I got two missed calls from him when it happened. He's like, hey, Tanar, I said I hate to disappoint you. My deltoid.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah, you know how my deltoids are. Yes. But yeah, that's a shame because I was looking forward to seeing him this year. And somebody else got hurt training for it, too. But at the Arnold, it's actually, what is it? Isn't it like a, it's a yoke carry, but it's like big old bales. It's like knee bales on each side or something. And this is the heaviest yoke that I think any strongman competition carries as far as so that's like
Starting point is 00:15:05 until you guys go to yours in two weeks yeah well we don't get to do a yoke but if it was it would be more than that like that's yeah to scale i've carried one once so uh but as a my one point of reference is i did a 700 pound one that's like the one day kilo or pound oh yeah yeah he did 700 kilo i did i did 700 pounds like yeah i did 700 once i worked up you know i did i started out like 400 and i was like that's kind of heavy you know it's like it's still like you're waltzing around with you know it's like the the instability and like your legs yeah certainly takes some getting used to and i just kept slowly working up and got up to 700 pounds and that was my limit for like on my first time trying it, I could carry it from A to B without stop,
Starting point is 00:15:49 you know, 25, 30 feet without stopping. But I got really slow at that. Like it felt, it just felt really dangerous. Like it does not surprise me that people could get hurt doing it. People aren't made for that. I remember, I don don't actually i'm not sure if it was on our podcast or another podcast but i remember listening to julian from strong fit talking about carrying a heavy yoke and he said he would walk and he could like feel his femurs bending under the weight you know and it just yeah that makes and a different a goofy thing for for me is i i like where to put the thing on your back. Yeah. Like, you know, I might normally squat a little bit more low bar, but it feels weird.
Starting point is 00:16:33 It doesn't work that way. Yeah. And then the bar is way bigger anyways. Right. Yeah, it's way bigger around. Yeah, so it doesn't feel anything like it anyways. Yeah. That's a weird thing.
Starting point is 00:16:45 So what do you guys, you know, talking about like not not me and eve specifically but just like gym competition lifting like that like in a friendly sense do you think there's is there a lot of that in crossfit do you think that sort of thing you know like i i guess i don't know i i'm sure not good enough at much of anything crossfit like if someone called me out it'd be fucking really mean you know what i mean if they like, I bet you can't fucking do 10 hands, I'd be like, I know. They're like, you prick. Thanks for fucking bringing it up. Asshole.
Starting point is 00:17:12 But I did notice there's a really funny kind of, I don't know how long it's been going on. I just found it today. But games, I think he finished fourth at the games uh brent fukowski was him and i think i think it's patrick velner they've been like talking shit to each other friendly or yes oh but in in a in a really good way it's it's god i'm totally unprepared for this right now though um but basically like they'll post pictures of each other when they first started CrossFit. And he posted, Vellner posted a picture of, like, of Fikowski's deadlift.
Starting point is 00:17:53 He's like, look at that. It's just a skinny guy abs and what a wuss. And a couple, like, real people came on there and were, like, trying to defend him because they didn't know who he was. They were like, I got to type, so you guys have to talk about this. Well, can we talk about your typing, though, while we're at it? Oh, man. I think we've discussed the old hunt and peck method before on there. That's not the case.
Starting point is 00:18:17 That's not what I do, guys. You guys are dicks. So, yeah, on Patrick Vellner's page, he's posting pictures of just Fikowski all the time. So this one here is a picture of them doing a team competition. Clearly jumping higher. Flashback Friday to when I was clearly jumping higher than Fikowski because I'm a superior athlete. In his defense, I think he was tired, so I carried all the worm for the next bit.
Starting point is 00:18:42 In his defense, I think he was tired. That's just another backhanded slam like and i don't know oh man i wonder if i wonder if he might have got so much shit for the deadlift one that he pulled it or if there was someone else in on it with them but uh but yeah so that's been that's about all i. I actually kind of think it sucks that nobody in CrossFit legitimately talks any shit to the other guys. Like the games athletes. There's no, like, true, real rivalry. Yeah, well, and I guess if you're having those types of competitions at your own gym, you're probably kind of being a dick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:18 You know what I mean? Right, right. But, I mean, amongst, like, actual competitive athletes. Like Matt Frazier saying that Ben Smith is a bitch. Yeah, like there should be a little bit of shit talking, you know. CrossFit needs a Ron Artest. Yeah, that person. To go out into the stage and punch, in the crowd and punch some people.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Just once. That would have to come, that will have to come up eventually. I would think so. In enough time, there'll be the right personality in there that's like, no, I think these guys suck. Some people are just like that and aren't afraid to call a spade a spade, if that's the case. Was that a race thing you just did there, Tanner?
Starting point is 00:19:59 Not really a following. Just on a log. There's some undertones. But yeah, so what about you tommy do you do any uh other than just your your your average pissing matches with your brother do i no no not really you you and cory kind of have maybe a lot yeah actually i did i did like to chip at cory for a while because Corey had the, well, Corey kind of got the CrossFit Corey title.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And then from there, there was like his, this was a couple of years ago, it was his birthday and I made a meme and it was just these guys doing like deadlifts together. And it said like,
Starting point is 00:20:38 happy birthday, Corey, have the WOD of your life. And he was like offended. He's like, I don't do CrossFit. Like, what is the deal here? And then I kept telling him that I was coming for his total and all that stuff. So that was the most that's ever happened.
Starting point is 00:20:53 But it was a lot of fun while that was going on. What do you think about toe shoes? I think they're awful. I just saw this picture. Awfully good? Oh, is that what it's about that's what i saw that pop up on my discovery page was making fun of fikowski for some picture from a long time ago when he was wearing toe shoes and lifting weights and using a mixed script using
Starting point is 00:21:15 a mixed grip to pull 135 pounds that is a good point and uh with his with his skinny person abs what what's the what is the thing with toe shoes? I have no fucking idea. The one that I don't understand, though, is I don't think under IPF standards that they're legal. Okay. Which I don't really understand why having your toes separate versus together. It almost seems like it'd be a disadvantage for some reason. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Right. I just don't understand why they're not legal. Maybe it's just because the... They're so fucking ugly. I so fucking ugly i was maybe the fashion police have the ipf or something like we already have the most rules we can't have the ugliest lifters too so toe shoes are out we allow you to wear those really old lame looking lifting boots yeah you know like that's crossing the line by the way whose whose ridiculous old lifters are tucked away in the corner? I'm not positive whose those are.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I've never seen anyone wear them. What brand are those even? I don't even know. I tried looking at them. Have I seen these before? I couldn't figure them out. No, they're in the cardio room. Oh.
Starting point is 00:22:18 They're like hid away in a table where no one can see them. I'm going to do some investigating tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know about those. Hey, this weekend, Tyler, I know you've been there before, and now that I have been too, I can grasp what you were saying more, or I'd like to hear more about it.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Is this your story about a gay bar? Yeah, it was just the other weekend where you were talking about how you go to those gay bars. And I finally got the chance to go this weekend. I've been dying to. I really like to dance. Nobody judges me there, Tanner. Don't we all.
Starting point is 00:22:50 The indoor trampoline parks or whatever. I did that this weekend. And oh my God, that my calves were on fire. Is that a thing? Like the entire time or afterwards? Within five minutes. I was like, almost couldn't walk because my calves were, like, locked up. You were probably way more active than I was.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Like, when I went, I went and I did a couple, like, flips into the ball pit, and it was exhausting getting out of all them foam blocks. It was the fucking worst fucking thing. Thank you. I'm glad you tried that, too. I wanted to ask about that. So I would get there, and I would get get in it and I would flip into the thing. And I posted a picture, a video of it on Instagram and then cut it because what was next was like 45 seconds of me trying to get out through this sea of foam blocks.
Starting point is 00:23:37 And every time I tried to like push down to push myself up, you'd push the blocks. So you just get further and further. So you had to like shimmy your way up and it was fucking awful. My son, uh, Jackie's five. He jumped in like floats on top of all of the foam, like not on top of them.
Starting point is 00:23:57 He crawls over to the edge, like zips right up. And my wife did it kind of the same thing. Like she didn't, you know, fall in. Like she kind of got right back out. I jumped in and I kind of did like a cannonball thing.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And my wife even said like, you could not see me. Like I went like, it was like the bottom of the four foot thing. And I immediately was, uh, like not even funny. I was like in a panic, in a panic. Like I've never felt claustrophobic before. And I was like, Oh, Holy shit. Like I'm stuck kids are gonna start jumping in here seriously like i felt like i couldn't breathe and i was like
Starting point is 00:24:32 grasping away at these foam things and just like you said like every step i took i could swear that i was going farther down yeah i finally got over to the edge and then you're like i can't do pull-ups i was like shit like why isn't there a ladder here and how is this so easy for my five-year-old because now i like and i got out and they're like oh let's go again and i was like no not going back in there like that was dramatic for me so was was when you were there was the one you were at totally crowded oh yeah there's a person on every single square is it kind of expensive oh yeah it was well because i had i mean everything is expensive like for us to have maybe like an hour this was in canada but so i don't know how it works to to real dollars but my guess was it was about like 50 bucks for the three of us for
Starting point is 00:25:23 for an hour yeah we went for our see what we, uh, we signed up for a half an hour. We paid for a half hour and then we showed up at 45 minutes early and got signed up. And like, we just went and stood out there and we asked one of the guys, they're like, so how does this work? Do we just wait until four 30 to go? And they're like, no, you can probably just go whenever nobody cares. And, and I i was like oh yeah these people are probably getting paid minimum wage they don't care they don't care at all
Starting point is 00:25:49 they're like as long as you're not being a jerk or something like don't making their lives yeah they're just like don't make me do anything exactly you stay out of the bathroom it costs like 30 or something did they have a basketball hoop thing too? Yes. Did you do that? No, because it was further back in there, and there was so many kids. And it was busy to where, when I was at the one, it was busy to where as an adult, if I was on the trampoline, I felt a little bit guilty for the amount of real estate I was taking up. And then plus the extreme danger to any children that happened to be bouncing by. So for me to trot my ass all the way through to the far end where the basketballs were would have been... I'd have put a lot of kids' lives at risk.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I know now that... I knew my agility was fairly poor before. This highlighted it to the nth extent if i was a character on madden like when you make your own characters my agility bar would be at zero because i could jump pretty cool and good and real high like as long as i'm staying in my thing i'd be cool but if i got a little off i mean i'd go blasting across like six of those squares without being able like my stop my break i don't know how you put the brakes on it's just like gets crazy wild dangerous i think that's where you get hurt doing something like that too is like trying to
Starting point is 00:27:14 stop yourself yeah like if you're moving forward and then like i'm gonna shut it down here and then you blow out your fucking knee but i could seriously like when we left i was like cool i made it the whole time and actually didn't get hurt like that was a win i'm glad we're you know it was fun but i'm glad probably like every half hour when we were at the one i was at there was a kid that was leaving it's like a kid would leave in tears with a bloody nose or uh you know i'm sure like it's gotta be what do you suppose Twice a week that a child leaves there and goes immediately to the emergency room after. No doubt.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Like their waivers must be ironclad. Holy man. But they must make a lot of fucking money because I was kind of counting around there and I'm doing the math. There was like a few hundred people in the building when we were there. Like 10 bucks for a half hour per person.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Yeah. And a lot of them were there for, I was just 10 bucks for a half hour per person. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And a lot of them were there for, you know, I was just equating every person to about 20 bucks, you know, and their expenses, the building and equipment you get stuck.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Yeah. I mean, and then, and that's a, probably an expensive build out, but, but then, and then paying a bunch of teenagers.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah. A bunch of teenagers, 10 bucks an hour. All they have to do is know how to call nine one one. It's like being a lifeguard, but way less serious. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Unless Tanner's drowning in the ball pit. Can't find the ladder. So, so that basketball hoop thing, it, I don't know how high the hoop was. It felt way higher to me than like a 10 foot basketball hoop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Like at one point in my life, I could dunk a basketball and I didn't feel like insanely scared to fall down from, you know, it's like felt normal to come back to the ground, you know? And this, uh, it wasn't the height of getting up there. It was like when I was up there now, what? Yeah. Like the, the recoil back to the ground, just that same thing. Like I have no breaks. Like, like it's scary being up that high and weighing this much. Like, yeah, I don't think it's that scary if you're not that heavy.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah. That's, that's kind of the problem. I think. Um, do you guys remember, I hope if you guys are too young for this, I'm going to go,
Starting point is 00:29:15 do you remember slam ball? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I was thinking about that when I was out there. I was like, Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Those, how are those guys doing? A while ago I saw there was an ad on Craigslist, and somebody had a fully functional slam ball court with the cage and all that you could buy for like $5,000. And I was like, I for real had the conversation with my wife. I'm like, Megan, listen, this is going to sound crazy. Crazy awesome.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Can we buy the slam ball court? But I think we should buy the slam ball court. And I was like, I did it like any time I really want something. I was like, listen, you just got to look past how weird it sounds, and I don't know where we'd put it, but we're not going to get this opportunity again. How did that work out for you? I did not get to buy the slam ball court.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Well, I haven't been in your backyard playing slam ball yet so i assume you didn't get that either that even like really holding out especially over this conversation not bringing it up like oh yeah i've got so this summer at massonomics slam ball tournament um that yeah i fucking couldn't believe that that that sport was a thing though because those guys are like 20 feet in the air you know their head their their feet are above the rim and there's like another person like the the foul shots it's just one-on-one you run at each other jump as high as you possibly one guy jumps as high as he can and is just gonna fucking dunk it and another guy stands there and goes he goes all right ready and he just jumps up and they just you just try to meet in the air.
Starting point is 00:30:46 And you, like, chuck him out of the way. There's guys on the team that were, like, defender guys. Like, their job was just to, like. Just to check you. Yeah, beat the shit out of people. Yeah, I do not remember that sport good enough. I mean, an elbow and knee pad only does so much when you're falling from 20, in, like, a padded surface.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Like, it still hurts. There's still, like, hardwood areas. Like, in in the at half court you could run through a little bit get a sprint going into your i think you kind of had to dribble but you could only dribble like twice yeah i think if you dribbled twice and then you got like so many steps after dribble before you could hit the trampoline but you couldn't just sit there and handle the ball a bunch no no they were like it's got to get moving yeah but you could sit there and you get a guy with a full head of steam hitting a trampoline you just chuck that thing up there and see what happens it was the most it was like watching a human version of uh nba jam remember that oh yeah yeah he's heating up yeah yeah it was that was that was awesome i don't and
Starting point is 00:31:40 i actually think they tried to bring it back and it was on some weird network like just a few years ago. And like any true fan, I didn't bother to watch any of it. It's good to talk about, I guess. Hey, memories. That's right. Memories. Tanner, did you bring us anything for today? We got a little sack segment. We do.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Back by popular demand. Yeah, Tommy, you can close your eyes. Tyler, another time you probably don't get to participate in the Eichelons. Oh, really? How am I always the newbie to this? You've got to get more familiar with Tanner's sack. Tyler's been in there and dug around a few times. He doesn't even wait for the show sometimes.
Starting point is 00:32:18 He comes over and just gets in on it. All right. Oh, could it be? Can you feel what color it is? Can you feel what color it is? These legendary blue pants? Oh, they are. I'm really glad you brought these because I wanted to talk about these this week.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Yeah. The rumor has it several of you guys, when I say several, I mean you two, were recent owners of blue reband warm pants i pulled it off guys we talked about it last week and i fucking let's see these hogs so tyler and i both got a pair now did you try yours on i did i had to today they came in like before i left for this weekend sweat in these things right now you know i i just had them on that's why i felt like it was okay the answer is yes though I had to today. They came in before I left for this weekend. Is your sweat in these things right now? No, I just had them on. That's why I felt like it was okay. The answer is yes, though. Because if you wore them for even a moment, your sweat is in them.
Starting point is 00:33:13 But I figured this would be the one time it's okay to bring these as the segment. Because I haven't worked out in them yet. Now, the thing about them that I noticed is... I like the tag. Reband. Old, basic, warm pants. And the tag is on the outside. Yeah, old and basic.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I wanted to ask you about that. So that's the tag on the outside. In here, hopefully you guys can see it on the video here if this turns out. But yeah, the tag is on like the front side. Yeah, right next to the draw side yeah right next to the drawstring right next to the drawstring about a couple inches off center and it's just hangs out the front i was actually kind of thought for a minute i was like oh well maybe mine is different maybe they fucked mine up yeah but now that i saw yours i wanted to find out if that's what yours were like so then i had to look and see because remember we had seen the black ones. And I was like, oh, well, maybe they're reversible.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And turned them inside out. And they, look, I think the stitching is weird. So I don't believe them to be reversible. And the outside, I think, is a different material that would be a little rougher on the old twig and berries. So another question for you, having tried them on. What is the appropriate undergarment when you're wearing the warm pants? So the first time, the first time I tried them on was with nothing.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Yeah. And I got to thinking that there would literally be ball sweat pouring out of the bottom of them. Like it would be, it would be running out of the bottom. Like a faucet. Like you'd, you'd undo the tightness on one pant leg. Just like open, open water. Yeah. For real. bottom like a faucet like you'd undo the tightness on one just like open open water yeah for real so and then so i did some looking and it's basically the general consensus you want to wear like
Starting point is 00:34:51 some sort of compression or water wicking so i think my regular like like spandex boxer makes sense what you'd want to be something pretty tight though because when i put them on i didn't have tight you know i had underwear on that was kind of loose and it's like not comfortable not gonna like yeah they'll have to be tight yeah spandex seems like a natural fit for these things yeah but they fit really good yeah they don't look as ridiculous in them as i expected to no you're kind of like oh i was like maybe i'm cool looking can i wear these to the pool so i i gotta say initial impressions are the seams are the most heavy duty seams i've ever seen on anything what are you counting like six stitches well yeah well i don't know what that is but under armor doesn't have that in their no stitching abilities that reminds me the only
Starting point is 00:35:38 thing it slightly reminds me of is like the sbd knee sleeve yeah that's that's a kind of what it looks like and uh yeah that's just mega heavy duty. And I think they're slightly thinner than I thought. I was thinking it was going to be like knee sleeve thick, which is good because knee sleeve thick would be like unbearable. If these were any swampier, it'd be a problem. So how long did you have yours on?
Starting point is 00:36:01 I mean, just enough to pose in front of the mirror and maybe walk around and do a couple squats, right? Try on with a shirt, without a shirt. I determined that after dinner, I cannot wear them without a shirt, for sure. But, yeah, so I really liked them. I wore them for a little bit. I am looking forward to actually, I think, lifting in them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Did you squat with them this week? No, I didn't. I was going to and I was like, I don't want to come out a little too hot with them. I might be wearing mine tomorrow. I'm dead lifting tomorrow. I think I'll probably wear mine on Friday. Make sure you turn yours inside out
Starting point is 00:36:40 so we're not wearing the same color on Friday. No, blue is a necessity. If you're going for warm, re-band warm pants, you get blue. The blue is what it's got to be. I mean, last time I lifted with my good friend Brad Gillingham at Jackal's Gym,
Starting point is 00:36:52 he was wearing them for his workout, and that was our good friend Brad Gillingham at Jackal's Gym. And he's a champion. Yeah. World champion at that. That's right. Our friend.
Starting point is 00:37:02 So I want to lift in them, and then I need to figure out because i do want to wear them for the strongman competition right that's like that's for sure the reason i bought them same same but then i'm thinking like i could for sure handle wearing them during like an hour and a half at the gym but for what could be four and a half hours of waiting is that too much warm pant i think it might be i might try to like a knee sleeve where i just like i'll be rash on my sack i'll be wearing you know we'll be wearing tights underneath and i'll have shorts with me like in but if there's breaks are you gonna wear full length tights under them you think um no like just like yeah
Starting point is 00:37:41 and i think between competition now that you mentioned that i think I might take these off and just put on shorts. Like if there's, I don't know what the, I have absolutely no idea what this is going to be like. My worry though is even if there's 20 minutes, like a respectable amount of time is we might be out there for two hours, two and a half hours. Like that's going to be a long time in those. Yeah, for sure. You know. It's going to be real, real stinky by the end of the day. And I'm probably going to like throw some sweats on over the
Starting point is 00:38:05 top to keep the rest of me yeah so just i'm not sitting around in weird spandex shorts leaving weird gross spandex butt sweat prints all over everything we're gonna look so cool though aren't we for sure and if we both wear the same color massanomics shirt and hold hands when we walk yeah people Yeah. People are going to wonder how long you've been together. I'm also impressed by the drawstring that has the, uh, I don't know what you call this thing, the cinch on it.
Starting point is 00:38:31 The one where you can, I like that drawstring though. Yeah. That is also a heavy duty. And like putting it on, I'm glad that that's there like that. Yeah. If you had to have a knot,
Starting point is 00:38:40 it'd be a totally different story. Yeah. So excellent though my from not having used them just looking over the build quality and wearing them a little bit they're uh 10 out of 10 for me are you putting them on no you guys keep talking i'm gonna i got one other i remembered one other like just quick are you putting them on he takes off his tanner takes off his headphones scoots back the chair and he's like guys. He's like, guys, it's time. I'm going to throw these fucking things on.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And the sizes are pretty much true to exactly what they are. It did turn out how you expected? Yeah, I looked and it showed that I should have. I believe waist size, height, and body weight was kind of what they went with. And on these, I believe it was definitely an extra large and not a 2X. So I went with it and they fit perfect. Nice. I ordered a set of tights from Virus also, full-length tights.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Tyler, you're so trendy. I know. I just bought the most expensive ones I could find. Because I didn't want the first pair of tights that I buy to be shitty tights because then I'll wear them and not like them or they'll fall off my ass. You don't want there to be any excuses about this. And then I'll be like, well, I'm not wearing tights. They're dumb.
Starting point is 00:39:51 So I was like, I'll give them a fighting chance. And so I ordered those and those should be here. Should be here tomorrow. You said you got a set of Iris ones? Yeah, I did. So I'll be able to give a review of those. Nice. But in those, then the sizes were, you know, way different. I was like, definitely going to be a two give a review of those. Nice. But in those, then, the sizes were way different.
Starting point is 00:40:05 I was like, definitely going to be a 2X according to their charts. Tanner, how do you say this sizing was for you? I got an XL, and I think that that's the right choice. Yeah, and that's per their recommendation of their charts. Yeah. Just enough room for a sock. That's what I asked you after you said you got them. So here's that last item i had we in the gym uh i like to hang up pictures of uh people competing and in at west side i think
Starting point is 00:40:36 louis rule is you have to be dead in order to get hung up on the wall we don't have any dead former members yet so i might be waiting a while with everyone being about 30. And I think at Gold's in Venice, I don't know if you have to have won Mr. Olympia, but a lot of people on the wall are Mr. Olympia, I think, or former Mr. Olympia. But we don't have that strict of a criteria. It's pretty much just have you done something where we have a picture of you. And do you pay your bill every month? have you competed and are you a members so this is the the most current oh very cool i haven't even seen that one yet yeah it it hasn't gotten hung up yet it's gonna i'm gonna take it there tomorrow uh but it's flying ryan That is badass. So we got Flying Ryan about to grab the white whale.
Starting point is 00:41:27 That's the 300-pound stone. Yep, the big 300-pounder. Do you know who photographed this picture? You know, if I had to guess, I would say I did. Correct. Okay. And there we have, we got Big Shane holding the fucking thing down. And Jade scaring it down
Starting point is 00:41:45 yeah and you got uh i think ross has is in the background there we got eve cory uh thick nick's arm i believe is on the far left over there so really all it's like a who's who of uh massonomics people all in this photo. Very cool. Brought to you by Reband. Yeah, with the Reband knee sleeves. Sweet. Maybe I can set, maybe I'll set this back in the backdrop for a minute.
Starting point is 00:42:18 So that's it for my sack. How much heavier is your brother now than even this summer? See, I was actually looking at pictures of us doing the car deadlift from the summer and uh the the belly region has definitely grown um from those pictures even wasn't he he's like 270 something now i think like 268 yeah jesus christ so yeah if he wants to make that 260 pound weight class he'll have to just slightly dial in the diet. I mean, that shouldn't be that much. It's not like you're at 5% body fat trying to lose weight. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:52 I think he could pretty easily. Yeah, at that point, it's like just eating slightly better. Lose a pound a week over the next. Don't tell him what to do. But, you know, at the same time, weight class, they don't really matter anyway, so it's whatever you want to do it is uh is ryan just trying to get as huge and strong as possible at this point is there some sort of thing like holding him no i think he's just trying to get big yeah i think i've also heard him say that i think he's getting tired of eating that much
Starting point is 00:43:20 because he could get to 300 pounds at this rate well yeah i don't know if getting to 300 at this rate though would be the best for like i don't know if getting to 300 at this rate, though, would be the best for strength. I don't know if gaining 30 pounds in a year does a lot for strength or if it does more for body fat percentage. But I think I heard him mention one day something about getting kind of tired of having to eat as much as he is. So I think after the competition, he said he's going to dial that back a little bit. Which I think I'm going to probably do the same thing, too. Not that I have to eat massive amounts, but sometimes I'm just like, eh, don't feel like eating.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I do it anyways right now, but yeah, that'll. So everyone can be super jacked and tanned for summer? Yeah. Beach bod. That's, yeah, when I'm putting out the vibe on the boat, you know. I got to look like a bronze god over there. What's the name of the boat again? Tanner?
Starting point is 00:44:08 What is it? Do you want to know the actual name? What's the name of the boat again um tanner uh what is that i don't remember the actual name yeah what's the brand name it's a moobius yeah the mobius okay that's right it had a clever nickname i don't remember i can't remember now i'd say you guys probably had one yeah i've heard several yeah I think we said something last year, and I can't remember what. So Tyler will probably be one of the next people to get immortalized on the wall. Him and Brandon are a couple of the only people left that have competed and not got a picture. But I kind of like to spread out the pictures to different competitions. Yeah, so it's not all like, oh, they all did a thing one time. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:44 So I'm kind of waiting until maybe after the sioux falls one to see if we don't you know a couple good pictures don't materialize out of that too gonna definitely pack a sock then could be on the wall forever i don't want to be yeah once you're on there once it doesn't change so you're just stuck with whatever it was at the time whatever Whatever it was then. That's funny. I did notice, too, we have the picture from moving day, like, you know, almost a year ago. Yeah. What, 10 months?
Starting point is 00:45:14 10 months ago, something like that. And maybe it's just the picture, but as I'm looking at it, I'm like, everybody is way bigger now. It feels like it, yeah. It's like, what the hell? Everyone looks like kids, except no one was under the age of like 24 yeah it wasn't even a year it wasn't even a year ago but everybody looks thicker now than they did then thicker or just pretty much just thicker yeah so either uh either mary took a wonderful nice slimming picture back then or we all yeah we've all been hitting the kitchen pretty hard um what anything else new down at the gym this week you had your oh you know i was going to talk about something kind of kind
Starting point is 00:45:52 of interesting getting your guys opinion is this week was um i had a i had a deadlift pr of uh 535 which felt pretty solid. I was happy with that. It moved good. It moved good. And I tried something a little different this week. I'm normally a guy that's really into my music. It has to be my songs, my music. I almost have to wait for certain times in the music to just get that into it.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And it helps me, no doubt about it. It gets me in the zone. But this week, I just tried, you know what just kind of let let whatever go go and just have some more fun with it and like don't worry about the nose torque like just bring the bring that stimulation level down a notch and just kind of have more fun and be more loose with it and uh it felt pretty good for me so like that was something different and i don't know if and i know well i know sometimes you know tanner you have like your song that you play and, um, we will rock you right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I don't, I don't know if that's something you guys think about much when you're lifting. I like to like, I like like 95 plus percent of the time to not care, like, like for it to be whatever, you know? And I just like to say reserve that for or even not like just like what you're saying i agree i i like the feeling some sometimes if you go hit something and don't put on a certain song and don't do any of that it's like all right well i could do that then just imagine like if i'm really really in you know yeah really really hyped up i think at least at least for you guys like leading up to the competition too it's probably a good thing to be able to know that you have max effort in you
Starting point is 00:47:31 without all those things being under your control you know because at some point there's a good chance you might just be oh fuck gotta go you know came up on me quick yeah yeah you know yeah with that you know if you if you pay attention like you do have what a minute or whatever to start a lift so even when they call your name if you needed 20 seconds you can just you can have your music and get in your zone for 20 seconds before you go out there which is nice too because i know like our first meet it's like they call your name it's like gotta go gotta like you don't realize like no like a minute is a long time to because it's to start the lift
Starting point is 00:48:05 isn't it or is it to complete it i can't even remember i think it's just to start it yeah and i don't think that they're i don't i don't think they yeah i don't think they really watch that it would have to be pretty egregious yeah i think more like the world the national level they do that but like once you realize it's kind of on your time like if you really need to get in this like that helps too to know like you don't have to rush. But yeah, as far as the music goes, like my biggest thing is it just can't be music
Starting point is 00:48:29 that I just, as long as it's music that I don't dislike, it doesn't really matter much to me. It's like when it's stuff, it's like, ah,
Starting point is 00:48:35 I don't want to listen to this. I hate this so much. This is distracting me. It's not a neutral effect, it's negative. Yeah. So that was a big one for me on Monday
Starting point is 00:48:43 and it felt good and same thing like Wednesday, I don't even know if I even put my music It's not a neutral effect. It's negative. Yeah. So that was a big one for me on Monday, and it felt good. And same thing, like, Wednesday, I don't even know if I even put my music on at all. And then Friday, we had a fun squat day. Thursday, we did. Oh, Thursday. That was right. Yeah, Thursday. Friday came early this week.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah, we were both, and I'm so used to the routine that it throws me all off. Thursday night, Tanner and I were actually both out of town for several reasons this weekend, and so we had our Friday night squat night on Thursday. And same thing, like the music was just kind of doing whatever, and it wasn't until towards the end of the night where we were kind of dialing up the intensity a little bit where we did our tandem squats together.
Starting point is 00:49:20 And I was like, don't have a spotter, this is getting filmed, don't want to mess this up. So I had to get a little more serious but it was uh when i saw the video i was actually laughing really hard it made me i kind of like uh the original just the two of us oh it's great i'm like oh good song what is it is it uh bill withers ah is that right i think it's bill withers i forget now which that's how bad i am with music and everything. The best of Bill Withers. Start there if you haven't. Man, that is...
Starting point is 00:49:47 You have Just the Two of Us, Ain't No Sunshine. He has this other song. I can't even think of how it goes. He's got kind of a groovy 70s. He's great. He's great. He's got great teeth, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:03 I like when he drops, like in that video of us squatting, when he drops just the two of us. Oh, yeah. It's awesome. And then the fist bump comes in, the camera zooms in, and that's where I really start giggling. I've been wanting to do a partner squat in that rack, because that rack you can squat. Set up for it. Yeah. And it was funny, because we were doing our sets back and forth yeah it was the
Starting point is 00:50:29 fourth one like it just happened you know we weren't planning or anything he just we had done for Tanner did his fourth one and then I did my fourth one we were kind of sitting there talking he goes you know I want to do now right I'm like doubles he goes yeah so then it had to happen doubles. He goes, yeah. So then it had to happen. And that was that. Which is Tanner's second doubles experience with a defay. Yeah. I get, I get around.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Did you do, you did it with Ryan too? Well, I did the tandem deadlift where we deadlifted 1,106 pounds. Chasing defays all over the place. That's right. Was there anything else we had from the gym this week? I think that about wraps up the gym stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I think that was, yeah. I think so. Anything else crazy happen in the world of strength? I guess this will come out as we're on the return trip from the Arnold. So if you're listening to this. So you guys could be in store for some really awesome maybe check maybe we'll have a couple instagram posts of us out there right now i guess um if you wouldn't mind calling down to the columbus police station just double check
Starting point is 00:51:37 just check in and make it make sure shane's not in jail yeah if we if we are in there and you'd like to bail us out we'd really appreciate that too. I looked into having a limousine pick us up so we could really ball really hard from the airport. And then I saw the price tag and I'm like, we're not balling that hard. We're going to Uber. Shucks. We're going to ball Uber hard. Yep. We're going to have to take like four Ubers to get all of us and our luggage in there.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Also, our first flight is going to be a 45-seat airplane. They'll have to be strategically placing us for weight reasons. My shoulders touch both luggage or both of the overhead compartments when I walk through. Yeah, that is. or both of the overhead compartments when I walk through. Yeah, that is. And then if you're on the inside seat on that one, your head hits the thing.
Starting point is 00:52:33 That one is terrible. Fortunately, that's only like a 40-minute flight. So we're going to do that, and then we'll get to stretch out with like a four-and-a-half-hour layover before we go anywhere else. I can't imagine the flight from Minneapolis to Columbus is that long. I think it's like an hour and a half. I hope I'm not sitting by anyone else that's going with us. By Tyler. I just don't want to be sitting like
Starting point is 00:52:51 I mean it wouldn't be comfortable to sit by any of you. Size. You know though I hope I'm by like a strange person a small strange person. So what you want to do is you want to mess up everyone that you don't know's life so that collectively like the eight of us will have an impact on fucking 16 people and ruin their flights when it could just be the eight of us ruining each other's flights. We, I don't know, I, part of me, though, like, if you're flying with somebody, like, if I had to sit next to Tanner, it would just be expected.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Like, sorry, bro, our elbows are touching. and the armrest is just gonna be my hand has to go on your inner thigh our legs are gonna touch our shoulders are gonna touch and it's we're just gonna get sweaty like no no one here is gonna be comfortable whatever you knew this was gonna happen someday but if i sit next to some like you know 130 pounds 70 year old woman it's like sorry i have to i have to to take half of your spot. I have to shrink away from her the whole flight. Yeah. Because it would be a shame to get called out.
Starting point is 00:53:53 She already has suspicions about you before you even start. That's right. So yeah, I think that's all I got for today, guys. Do you have anything else, Tanner? No. I was just checking to see if we had any reviews. Any new adoring fans? No, nothing.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Dicks. Nothing, huh? Yeah. You know, guys, I did some hiking this weekend. Oh. Was it gross? And I'm not in hiking shape. Someone at Massanomics lied to me when they said I'd be in the best shape of my life because
Starting point is 00:54:22 I am not in hiking shape, even close. Pretty brutal cardiovascular. It is. I'm going to blame the altitude. Safe excuse. Definitely the altitude and not my body. But
Starting point is 00:54:39 I made it through. The biggest thing is my body generates so much heat on these things I just had to keep dropping layers in a hurry. It was t-shirt weather. It was. We're not used to this 60 plus degree weather. Not for at least another four months. Then a small miracle happened while I was gone.
Starting point is 00:54:56 All of the ice on my driveway melted. My chances of falling just went down like 5,000% because I went from an ice skating rink to cement. Do you have the same policy I have? I've only moved snow off of my driveway twice this year. And both of it was just with my snowblower. I refuse to go out. If we get two inches of snow, I'm not fucking touching it.
Starting point is 00:55:20 That's exactly how I am. So it's just going to get packed down and turn into ice. And yeah, this weekend was the tipping point. I wasn't getting out and climbing over a six-inch hump of ice and risking life and limb. People that may listen to this that live in Southern California or somewhere that's not terribly snowy all the time, this would be interesting information for them to hear probably how miserable some of those little routine things are. And if you have maybe a super sweet condo that you'd like to put us up in yeah let us know we're into super sweet in places that don't have snow
Starting point is 00:55:54 here at massonomics we're into super sweet condos so i think that'll do it today though guys um let's see what's the rundown do we got any iTunes reviews? that's what I was checking so on that note get your ass to iTunes give us a review
Starting point is 00:56:17 and we'll read it on the air we're giving you an hour of our time give us like 30 seconds of yours I mean let's be honest it's two minutes because it's a pain in the ass. You've got to do it. You just have to do it. That's how you can support the podcast by leaving us a review, a five-star rating.
Starting point is 00:56:33 You can also support the podcast by going to Click on the store. There you can buy hats, shirts, all that other stuff. That helps us being able to travel, bring all sorts of cool stuff. So while you're there, you can scroll to the bottom of the page, sign up for our email newsletter, look up videos of Sergeant Anderson's butt when he's flipping tires. Also, go to Facebook.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Make sure you like the Massanomics Facebook page. Then, after you've completed those very specific tasks. And in that order. Do not mix that up. Then I'm going to need you to go to forward slash massonomics and make sure you click subscribe. And then also share everything that you see with all your friends on Facebook and tell them.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Like, comment, subscribe. Write them letters about it. Yell while running down the street. Massonomics is really good. Yeah, so, but that'll do it for us today. You can find us on Instagram. You can find me, Tyler, at Tyler F. N. Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Tommy? Tyler Effingston. Once again, signing off. Tyler Effingston E. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. The Masonomics Instagram page at Masanomics. That'll do it for us today, guys. Thanks a lot for listening, everybody.
Starting point is 00:57:51 You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Thank you.

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