Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 49: WTF is the CrossFit Open

Episode Date: March 13, 2017

This week, Tyler explains the ins and outs of the CrossFit Open... but mostly, he complains about it.... As always, you can watch this episode in full color video... Or check out the super-high qual...ity audio version below.. If you don't already have a closet full of Massenomics gear, go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and load up on swag... Also, please CLICK THIS LINK TO GIVE US A 5 STAR RATING ON ITUNES... Click this text to follow Massenomics on Instagram... Vote Massenomics for President in 2016... Have your barber shave our logo into the side of your head.. Maybe get a Massenomics tattoo while you're at it.    Or you could sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of this page. Stay Strong, M

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. What are all the... Jeez, that's a lot of things there. I don't normally see that many things.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah, I kind of thought that I could play it over and we could jump in at the right time, but I can't figure out how to get it to feed back through our headphones. So we're just going to start right now. Cool. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Massanomics podcast. We are here to, among many things, the first thing we're going to bring up today is we're going to bring Tommy and Tanner up to speed on what in the fuck the CrossFit Open is. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I assume it's like you don't have to have a membership to come then, it's just like open gym. It's a free-for-all. Everyone that wants to CrossFit, it's your one time of the year and it's just open to just CrossFit. It's hard. Yeah. CrossFit. I think that's how it works.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah. Everybody comes in and goes real hard. Um, so yeah, so the CrossFit open, obviously because of our delay, the specifics of the workouts are not going to be terribly relevant. What am I hearing? Sounds like a furnace. What the fuck? I just turned it off whatever so you guys gonna have to deal with that um but yeah so crossfit open just started and god damn it i have to turn this off you guys talk about how little you know about the crossfit
Starting point is 00:01:39 so what do you know about the cross all i know about the CrossFit Open is I believe 17.1 are the magic numbers I'm seeing right now. Yeah, so it's 2017. Okay. And then the first point is.1 is the. See, I had no idea that was coming from. Yeah, so it's the first workout. And I think it's a week long, like over a week is.1. Yeah, the little bit I know, I found out a little yesterday,
Starting point is 00:02:05 that I believe there's five workouts. Correct, yep. Okay. So we're going to hit 17.5. Correct. By the end of this thing. And that's almost my entire knowledge of the CrossFit Open. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:14 And I know that one guy that runs the CrossFit Games, he's the one that also says what the workouts are going to be. Yep. Who's that guy? I don't know. The Dave Castro. The guy that I've seen before. Is he like a Mr. CrossFit HQ type of guy? Kind of. He's like the CrossFit Games director.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And he makes the open workouts? Correct. And they're always a surprise? Yeah. So they don't announce them until every Thursday night. And so for us, it's like 7pm on Thursdays. They come out and they announce um is this an old cup i think so okay definitely don't do not drink that cup so they come out and they announce what the workout is so they announce the workout thursday night and any time after that you can do the workout um you know you got to be judged or videotaped and what's the credentials for being judged or videotaped either and well basically if credentials for being judged or videotaped? Either. Well, basically, if you're going to make it to regionals,
Starting point is 00:03:09 you have to, I believe, submit video evidence. Otherwise, everybody else, if you're... I think maybe also if you're going to make it to regionals, you have to... If you don't submit it via video, you can still have a judge who's passed the judge's course, which it's like a little online okay so the judge is different than a level one yeah and it's not like it's a weekend
Starting point is 00:03:30 thing either it's like uh it's something that you just go online to spend like half hour um have you done that or no no no and we don't at our gym nobody's making it to oh right so it doesn't really matter well not with that freaking attitude oh the old loser over here yeah exactly so but yeah so then they announced the workouts thursday night and then you have thursday night friday saturday sunday you have until monday evening to submit your score oh and then that's a kind of a fast turnaround yeah and then because then the next thursday they drop the other one. Until what? When was the last day that you could submit your score? Monday.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Oh, okay. So you have like four days. Yeah, yeah. So the first one was a whole shit pot of dumbbell snatches and fucking like burpee box jump overs. So not a cool workout for me. And what was the worst part of it? All of it. For me, being huge, the worst part of it was the burpee box jump overs.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Because I had heard from the one person I talked to that the dumbbell snatches were the absolute worst part. You know, me at... How much did they weigh? 50 pounds. For everyone? 50 pounds for the men, 35 pounds for the women. Which, that's not a huge difference. No.
Starting point is 00:04:48 You expect the women to be mathematically 70% as strong as a man. What weight were the women? 35. Mathematically, that would be it. 35 would be it. I don't think that's a fair... I squat 400 pounds.
Starting point is 00:05:05 The strongest woman at our CrossFit gym doesn't squat 300 pounds. Because 50 seems appropriate to me for when I hear a guy having to do 50-pound dumbbell snatches. That sounds appropriately hard for me knowing nothing about this. But a woman doing 35, that sounds tough. Yeah. And the kicker is there's 150 of them by the time you get to the end of the workout um oh my god i fingerprinted this whole thing up sorry if this gopro looked like shit the first time um but yeah so anyway that's that's kind of the load on there and so this
Starting point is 00:05:39 week then on thursday they'll announce another so that'll 17.2. And that'll be what that'll be. The thing is, so we decided to do the Too Huge for Fitness open tips videos this year, which means I have to do the open Thursday night because open videos are only relevant. Want it to be relevant. Yeah, those open tip videos, whether ours are a joke or not, but they're only interesting for like 48 hours. At 20 days, yeah. And so there's no way that I could do the workout Friday night and then fucking edit video, even a minute of video.
Starting point is 00:06:13 It still takes time. And then get it out there by Saturday morning and then nobody gives a shit because everyone's done it already. So I have to do them literally. I watch the announcement and then walk over and like, well, I guess I need a dumbbell and a box. Time to get going. So you were the first one in the gym to do it.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yeah. Maybe the first in America even. Would you give yourself that trailblazing name? Yeah, probably. Yeah. If I would have submitted my score right away, other than the four athletes that competed on the actual announcement, I probably would have been. Ranked? Ranked. Yeah. For sure. right away other than the four athletes that competed on the actual announcement i probably would have been ranked ranked yeah for sure you know yeah that's what it's all about yeah
Starting point is 00:06:52 needless to say my score hasn't been holding up i just so bad at it that's the the interesting thing is that i'm not even like even close to being good at crossfit like not even in even close to being good at CrossFit, like not even in like our little gym. So this won't be relevant because of the time, but I'm just curious about 17.1 more specifically then. So you had to do 150. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So basically it was, it was 10 dumbbell snatches. You had to alternate one arm, then the other, and then you had to do 50. You have to alternate arms. Yep. Like one arm of 10 or like one
Starting point is 00:07:26 two yeah one arm down other okay down one arm yeah right left right left so okay um so you did 10 and then you did 15 burpee box jump overs which if we had a wide enough angle i would like to see you guys do like five and be like oh well that fucking totally sucks because they do really do you have to land flat footed on like stop stop on the box and go over how do you really so you could technically you could jump clear over the box oh if you had it in you but that'd fuck you up pretty fast yeah because it's 24 inch box so other or you can jump land on the box just with two feet and then step down yeah you could also step down if you wanted to you could step down and kind of turn but for
Starting point is 00:08:13 me it was just like get up and you didn't have to stand up at the top you just had to touch it so you kind of come up low you know with your knees low and turn yeah but moving fucking 300 pounds that much up and over and far is fucking exhausting really fast so um yeah i didn't i didn't like it and then burpees too yeah so yeah so you had to do a burpee stand up and then jump over the box and turn around do a burpee stand up so 15 of those suck i don't know for maybe like is it just going on the box doing a burpee that's one and on the box all the way back you do the burpee yeah jump on the box and then down that's one that's one okay yeah okay so you did 15 of those 15 of those and then back to 10 and then 20 dumbbell snatches oh and then 15 burpee box jump overs and then 30 dumbbell snatches and 15 and then 40 and then 15
Starting point is 00:09:08 and then 50 and then 15 and that was it then you're done then you're then you would be done if you got done but that's it huh this was time capped at 20 minutes and at 20 minutes i was on my last burpee box jump of the round of 40 so i didn't even get to the 50 because the burpees fucked me up so bad so were the dumbbell snatches challenging for you or they were the problem for me is i'm strong enough to manhandle it that's that's what i wanted to ask really like were you snatching the dumbbell or were you just picking it up and putting it yeah like i like if i had to do that i would just be like in my head i would just be like kind of like a clean to kettlebell swing press thing because you just you get it up you lock your hips you kind of extend and then you just punch up yeah
Starting point is 00:09:50 so it isn't really like a snatch that you're getting back under it but what else you're gonna call it you know yeah yeah so but yeah i could kind of manhandle it which meant first round of 10 i'm like boom oh maybe this ain't so bad so bad. And then I get through the 15 burpee box jump overs, and I was like, ah, fuck. And then so I ripped the 20 off real quick too. And then that 15, I was going to have a heart attack. I was breathing so hard, and it was bad. Yeah. Then into the round of 30, I was just sucking air,
Starting point is 00:10:22 another set of fucking burpee box jump overs and i was dying and then by the time i was used in the round of 40 then my lower back was fucking wrecked because i was just like it was light enough so i was just grabbing it up there and so my advice to anybody after the rest of the week weekend was like make sure just be efficient the whole time because it will catch up to you fast and once it does like now everybody that i'm talking to is like mid back is just blown up from them things now and so now 20 minutes is the cutoff for for the for a score that they will take yep um what are some like the better times do you know so uh the female, right now on the leaderboard is Sam Briggs
Starting point is 00:11:07 with like 10 and a half minutes. And how did she rank last year at the Games? In the Games, not even in the top 10, I don't think. But that's like a name that people know. I've heard that name. She's like an all-engine athlete. So this is a great workout for her. You just go, and it hurts, and you just keep going and going.
Starting point is 00:11:27 So that was something that she was destined to win. She usually has trouble. The reason she maybe hasn't finished that great the last couple years is because she's just not strong enough to hang with the daughters and a couple of the other more powerful athletes. On the men's side, I don't even know where it's at now, but I want to say you're in that high 10 or 11-minute range is what some of the top ones are.
Starting point is 00:11:48 The best score out of our gym right now, I think for a man, is 14 minutes and 10 seconds, which as of now is like 700th in the nation. It seems like it's a pretty solid time. But that'll get buried here pretty soon because so many people wait until the last minute minute because you don't want and they and like the competitive people who are on the bubble will try it twice and because if you're really good you don't want to set your time out there so that the next really good guy can be
Starting point is 00:12:17 like that's my time yeah like now i'm going after it so then how is the actual qualifying for this work now okay so you start submitting these scores every week and workouts coming out. Yep. So there'll be five of them, right? Yep. And there'll be a leaderboard you can watch. Then it's split up into regions. So you're ranked nationally, worldwide.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You can filter it by your state. But what happens to actually qualifying for regionals is going to be, and again, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it is, is basically you finish in the top, I don't even know what it is, like certain number in your region. And it might be 10 or it might be 20 or something like that, but you finish in the top something or other in your region, and then this cluster of regions, like a super region,
Starting point is 00:13:03 you'll go to regionals. And then regionals. And then regionals might be 100 or however many athletes from all these regions. And then the top five men and top five women out of each regional competition will then make it to the games. So if you make it to regionals alone, you're a fucking superman. Like if you're a regional athlete. You're a superhuman. And there's some people that make it to regionals alone, you're a fucking superman. Like if you're a regional athlete. You're a superhuman. And there's some people that make it to regionals who get fucking embarrassed at regionals, though.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Like the level, it's kind of like with the strongman stuff we've talked about before, where if you're in that next level, other people who are awesome aren't even fucking close to you. Well, you could be going against the future games champion. I mean they got to be in some region yeah you know so like and and so like making it to regionals is a i would say a really impressive accomplishment and you're a real badass but still but there's people that go to regionals who will not finish multiple events you know or we'll just get fucking doormatted the whole time yeah you know which would be a big wake-up call i think something that's that's funny to me even even though you know we understand it with power lifting it doesn't necessarily matter what you look like but in crossfit like there's people that look like they couldn't be in more in better shape like it's already like
Starting point is 00:14:26 well you look like i don't see how you could be physically and in better shape than you are now yeah and they're still not like even you know not on the level of you know being a regional yeah not even close like so it's just the appearance obviously isn't what it was like last year you know you know who brooke ants is she's the blonde one like stupid stupid jacked like oh yeah yeah i do know she didn't make she didn't make it yeah and she was like a big up and like she i think she finished like top five or top ten yeah before doesn't make it last year yeah and it's definitely not about how fit you look yeah it's like you can only look so fit and then you have to fucking she's jacked
Starting point is 00:15:05 be in like really familiar with suffering yeah and i and that's something i'm terrible at but i don't have any idea how they do it because i'm not just not i'm on such a fucking horrible level some of this stuff is like i don't know um but so that's kind of the lowdown on the open so they'll announce 17.2 on thursday night what time 7 p.m so do you guys all kind of like well i don't think we normally do but this week we did because i needed to do the workout yeah so i met there just after the class so is everyone like really afraid you're gonna be setting the pace and just yeah yeah definitely all i'm hoping is for i'm just like just give me a heavy yeah yeah give me a fucking heavy snatch that's all i want yeah um but what'll happen is it'll be something like heavy snatches
Starting point is 00:15:55 after something ridiculous that i can't do like like two mile handstand walks like muscle ups the big deal is so last year they had a workout that actually had bar muscle-ups, which not a lot of people can do. So what do you do then? Well, you can either do the scaled version, but for doing... So what is the scaled version of a bar muscle-up? I think in that they just had like pull-ups or something stupid. And it was like double-unders and bar muscle-ups was the workout. Well, the way it used to be, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:16:26 I don't know if that's the case now, but if you did the workout scaled, you finished, like getting all sorts of reps scaled is actually was, would still score you behind a person that only got one rep doing it as prescribed. So what I did was like, well, fuck it. I did my, I don't remember what it was. It was double unders or I think it was snatches actually. So it was like light snatches.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So I just went and I did my seven or 10 or 15 or whatever light snatches it was. Took my score of 15 and called it good. Not that it was a great workout or anything, but I was like, I'm not going to go through all this shit. You know, I'll go did this to get my score score it was judged and then i'll just move on but so i hope they don't do something like that this year because that's kind of not fun you know right like the whole point is that i can do mostly everything enough to at least get a score on the board yeah um do uh like out of the percentage of people that are in crossfit gyms
Starting point is 00:17:23 across america does everyone do the open or does half the people do the Open? Or what do you see at the local level? What I think happens mostly, mostly everybody is going to do the workout in one form or another. Whether you scale it completely or not, you're probably going to do the workout just because that's what's going on. So that's what the workout's going to be the workout, um, just because that's what's going on. So that's what the workout's going to be Friday, Saturday, you know? So if you show up on those days, that's what,
Starting point is 00:17:51 so what's going to happen. Um, I would say, I don't know how many people are actually, there might be 10 or 20% actually sign up for the open online. It's not a lot of value in it really. I mean, it's for me i do it just to like kind of see i don't know i feel like i would do it i kind of i also feel kind of kind of feel like i set 20 on fire by doing it though because it's like i can do the workouts i can see how i do but i can't i literally am only spending 20 so i can see myself ranked like 90 000 so is that for every workout or is that just to enter the open is 20 bucks? 20 bucks total for the open.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yeah. So, so this isn't a hundred dollar investment. No, no, no, no. It's,
Starting point is 00:18:33 it's 20 bucks, but there's like 350,000 people that did the open this year. So that's like, so you're saying we need to make a, make our own version of the open. We need a massonomics. And we'll just only charge people like $10 for it. I think like $100 because it's a more premium product.
Starting point is 00:18:48 That is true. And based on how their fucking website's been going today, it basically just doesn't work. Because it's jammed with people. I couldn't submit my score. I don't know, though. We've handled traffic. Yeah, we have.
Starting point is 00:18:59 That magnitude. I mean, what do you got? On a daily. You got 300,000 people trying to submit scores. But how much traffic is that really? What it is, though, it's probably a bunch of dickheads going back checking the leaderboard 40 times a day. Yeah, that or whatever is running the database program
Starting point is 00:19:13 isn't used to getting that many new things submitted to it and requests to it. The thing is, though, is that this is something that they have a full year to prepare for, and they know exactly. We're not triple what it was last year. We're only a little more people than that. So, like, they fucking knew what they had to handle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:33 So, is the, at a CrossFit gym over these weeks, is the whole schedule kind of messed up then? Like, as far as normal. Like, do you, how, if you're going to go, if you're going to compete on Thursday. Yeah. Like, you're not going to. Or you do Friday to compete on Thursday, like you're not going to do Friday or yeah. Or yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Or Wednesday or Tuesday, you know, the few days up to it. I don't take the open very seriously, but I do try to go pretty hard still. So what I do is I have no idea what the workout is going to be. So I don't know what it's going to fuck me up on. So what I've been doing now is I kind of of i went in and did just my squatting with no accessory work friday after that workout just got warm and then did just my squat sets friday they didn't feel great but i did them and then i took at saturday i just did a bit of a bro sesh and then today i went and did some strongman stuff but for like the actual gym like how the flow
Starting point is 00:20:21 works it gets all fucked up yeah so th So Thursday, it's a pretty light day. Not a lot of people go in Thursday because of the open. And then there is... I'm having a hell of a time with this mic. Then there's like... When did we get a mic? I just thought it was Tommy and Tyler. Holy snap.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Is the mic under the table? So then we... And then Friday is all open open stuff which is a mess because you you have certain people that if you're signed up online you got at least have a judge to track your score if you're just doing the workout in class you don't have to but some of the workouts take different have different space requirements so it can mess everything up. And so like last year, the 16.1 was 20 minutes of like overhead walking lunges where you had to go like 25 feet and then stop and do a bunch of burpees and then lunge, overhead walking lunge back and then do pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So for the gym, there's a lot of gyms that don't have, that maybe have 25 foot one way, but maybe only 20 foot the other way. So they had to run maybe heats of two people. So it was basically the whole day was messed up and people would just have to like sign up for pick a 30 minute time slot, be there and be ready. And then, so for the, for the gym owners and coaches, I feel really bad. Cause I think it's a mess. Yeah. It really messes up your month for sure. But people get pretty jazzed up about it. So it's kind of like an exciting time.
Starting point is 00:21:47 There's some people that take it way too seriously though. But it's because they're going to win the games. That you're saying that probably aren't at the level that they're going to. Absolutely aren't even close. I've seen people redo the workouts who aren't even close and they'll redo a workout that to get, I've seen people redo workouts and get the exact same score. I've seen them redo workouts to get one or two reps or 10 or 15 seconds faster. And it's like, it doesn't do anything. It might move you up five spots on the leaderboard if
Starting point is 00:22:15 you're lucky. And even then who fucking cares? Yeah. Um, so you might be, you could be like 40,000 and stuff. 44. Yeah. But what do you do? Like if you, you do a workout like this one where it kind of fucks you up for a little bit. And then, so you're going to do it again on Monday just to see if you can do better. Well, then you're going to do really shitty at the one on Friday. Right. You know, it's just, it doesn't, I have no, I'm like, just go as hard as you can the first
Starting point is 00:22:40 time around and then let it be what it is. And I just, it's really frustrating to me when i see people like get all worked up like oh i could have done better i got it i'm gonna try and do it again maybe i'm like don't fucking do that it turns into like this unhealthy yeah but that's the way can you do do it as many times as you want yeah you could do it 10 times you only have to log your best score so but good lord i mean why would you want like testing your fitness in any capacity is not good for you it's just not like like like working on it is good working on your strength is good but testing your strength to see tanner how much can you deadlift is that moment where you found that
Starting point is 00:23:17 point is that good for you no i would there's a lot of risk involved yeah seeing how much you can lift yep so don't fucking test that shit three times over one weekend. Right. You know, it's just foolish. Times four weeks. Yeah. That's any of us that power lift, we don't, you know, we do. That's what it says.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Twice a year. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty normal. I haven't even tried to max out on squat. It's going on like six months now. Before that, it was like six months too. It's almost to the point where it should probably happen more than it does. Or a strongman competition is not particularly healthy. You're in very compromised positions,
Starting point is 00:23:48 that extreme fatigue, you know? Yeah. And there's, there's, there's no reason to do that. Yeah. You wouldn't do a strong man competition and be like,
Starting point is 00:23:56 well, it didn't go so well. I'm going to go home and I'm going to do all those things again right now. And it's like, yeah, that's, it makes me laugh to think of that, you know? So, but that And it's like, yeah, that's, it makes me laugh to think of that, you know?
Starting point is 00:24:05 So, but that's kind of the, the, the ins and outs of the open. Um, what was your guys' impression of it before? Other than you just didn't know. I honestly,
Starting point is 00:24:18 when the word open was brought up, I thought that was the games in my brain. I was, I thought that for a while too. I was mixing them together. That's how, like when I first saw this stuff. It really is though. it i was like the open i was like dang i think last year that was in the fall like i moved it up six months and i was oh okay whatever that's a different schedule this year and that was that was as far as like i was doing the thing and i'm like i totally had the wrong idea something is in there so basically
Starting point is 00:24:43 open is the first round of the games. It is the games. It's like the qualifier. But everybody gets to do it. Correct. Yeah. Which when it was less popular, it was like something to get excited about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:55 But now it's more or less something just for people to kind of say that they did. And they, you know, you can be proud. You did some things that were really hard and all that stuff. But now, I mean, there's so many people let's be honest if you're listening to this odds are you're not going to make it to the CrossFit Games there's probably nobody listening if you do CrossFit odds are you're not going to make it to the CrossFit Games and if you do listen to this and you're going to go to the games like hit us up. We kind of want to know who you are. Matter of fact, we will give you a t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah, that's the deal. You're going to have to wear it over top of your Reebok stuff. Yeah, and we'll make it real. You have to keep it on for a little while. If you're listening to this, and even almost if you're a regional level competitor. If you wear our shirt at regionals, we'll give you a shirt. We'll give you Tanner's shirt yeah i'll do anything yeah mine might be too big i'm guessing whoever i'm gonna guess for any yeah that's the other thing
Starting point is 00:25:52 is if you're gonna make it if you're gonna make it to regionals you're definitely a small person yeah probably getting a small the t-shirts run big you're probably getting a small yeah so yeah it's not it's not a sport for anyone with any body fat yeah really it's not at least as far as the men go you know for women because of the amount of strength that that's demanded out there you can carry a little bit of body fat not not like they're carrying very but not a lot but like but for the the men that compete are all just unreasonably shredded you know like i found a really interesting thing i don't know if it let me pull matt frazier almost seems like one of the less shredded yeah kind of relative you know like i mean he is still but there's a lot freakier looking guy yeah i know i'm trying to find it i saw i found a really neat thing about uh
Starting point is 00:26:45 the correlation between body weight and crossfit and like some of the numbers for what uh for what like qualified like statistically what what the averages were i think like the average male body weight of yeah there's height in there too yep so should we take some guesses here first so first off let's talk about what it was in 2009 which the sport was a baby meaning you're competing with very few people um i think people could have been bigger like i thought they would have been bigger because people had to figure out how to be so specified exactly exactly so there wasn't enough people and then like you could be back then maybe you were you were 6'1 240 and all liars yeah yeah so in the male top five there was a five seven 2009 2009 5'7 176 6'1 195 6'2 225
Starting point is 00:27:38 6'2 205 geez there are a lot of over six five nine". And 5'9", 205. I bet it's enough. So most guys were 200 pounds or bigger there. Yeah. And 3 out of 5 were over 6' tall. I don't know how many people qualify for it. But anyway, so there was 9 athletes below 160 pounds in the men that made it, which is crazy. Yeah. Between 23 between 160 and 180,
Starting point is 00:28:07 and 28 between 181 and 200, and only 13 over 200. Average weight of a male athlete in 2009 CrossFit Games was 184 pounds. For the women, the average weight in 2009 was 137 pounds. So let's go all the way up to... I do want to check in, because guys remember seeing like Jason Kalipa and how he looked like he was like such a massive freak beast compared to those guys.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Jason Kalipa height and weight in 2014, five, nine to 10. So Jason Kalipa is not an absolute, he looks like a fucking giant, but five, nine to 10. Um, 210 so jason kalipa is not an absolute he looks like a fucking giant but 59 210 um rich froning 59 198 and my understanding is his 59 is basically a 55 that he's like there's pictures of him like looking camille leblanc bazinet in the eye so he's not 5'9". But anyway, so 2014, the average weight of a male athlete was 192 pounds.
Starting point is 00:29:09 So it's dropped. What did it drop? Or no, it's gone up. Yeah, it's gone up. 183 or 184. But there is also way, where am I looking at here? Only two athletes below 160 pounds this time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Only four between 160 and 180. And 26 of them were between 180 and 200 and only 11 over 200 and only marginally so 180 to 200 is really the range of 180 to 200 and i would say between uh five six and five nine yeah which makes sense because you can't have the muscle development to do that stuff when you're weighing under 180 pounds. And anybody who has the, what the strength gains you, someone like a Sam Dancer who has some next level strength. But if you look at it, I mean, he come out and basically, I think he won the deadlift event right after getting dead last in the fucking trail run. And it's like, so where does that get you? Right in the middle.
Starting point is 00:30:04 So you're not going to win if you're transcend transcendently strong but you've got to be pretty fucking close so it's an interesting i don't know the numbers are kind of interesting the average weight of female athlete in 2014 was 141 pounds so that went up and 25 of them are between 130 and 150 pounds and very few outside of it seven below 130 and then 10 total but over 150 pounds is all there's not that like between the average women's size and the average men's size that's not that big of a like not a lot that large of a pound it's just like 40 pounds the men are on average 40 pounds yeah which to me doesn't seem like that much. I'm twice the size of my wife. Like if you were to look at that, I mean, I compare it to powerlifting because it's what we do.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Or strongman, I mean, your average elite strongman is 370 pounds. So when they basically go through all of the and these statistics here are from 2015 so it's probably even more dialed in by last year but of the at that time 262,000 athletes participated in the Open they have a pretty good indication
Starting point is 00:31:17 of what the top 1% are body type and that top 1% the ideal body type is 26 years old for a man 5 foot 10 and 19 top 1%, the ideal body type is 26 years old for a man, five foot 10 and 191 pounds for the women. It's 28 years old, five foot five and 142 pounds. So pretty young for the guys. Yeah. Like that's pretty young, uh, relative to, you know, statistics I've heard a lot of times on people saying like when you are able to be your strongest. Exactly. Because I think, I don't think it's strength.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah. Yeah. From there, they could probably get a lot stronger. Yeah. Right. But that probably makes sense though, because that's probably when you're right on the edge of not being able to recover as well.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And just. That's for like an NFL running back. That's probably the same age of your peak, you know, because by the time you're 30 as an, you know the time you're 30, you're on the way out. As a strength athlete, you're really only training that one component, which means that strength takes time. And so does general fitness, but the volume that it takes to compete in the CrossFit Games, like the actual just conditioning and training volume is fucking disgusting and like so there's no way like you see the stuff that they do to prepare for what they have to do over the course of a five-day crossfit games yeah get the fuck out of here that's terrible you imagine what you're doing to yourself for months well and they work out like all day every day
Starting point is 00:32:39 like it's not even just you know it's just like they did like three ridiculous workouts in one day every day yeah if three if you're lucky yeah some people were talking just, you know, it's just like they did like three ridiculous workouts in one day every day. Yeah. Three if you're lucky. Yeah. Some people were talking about like, you know, Rich Froning, they were saying, well, yeah, it must be nice. I mean, all he does is trains all day. That'd be fine.
Starting point is 00:32:56 I'd look jacked too. And I think he had kind of mentioned like that you just don't understand. Like he's working hard. He's not just like, I got a little pump on like he's pushing to the point of suffering for like eight to ten hours a day always yeah and i i even for me it gets tough like sometimes three days a week in the gym to like get in there and have like a quality two-hour session that's six hours a week like that even gets challenging sometimes i find yeah you know there's days where you just want to be like i just don't want to go ahead yeah yeah i
Starting point is 00:33:29 don't want to do these sets and so to have to like scale that to days a week with like the soul multiple day crushing condition yeah the conditioning which just sucks it just takes time yeah you know so i thought that was interesting so i am not probably going to make it to the cross you're just a slight outlier on that list i'm gonna say let's see let's do the math here i am six years older than average i am eight inches taller than average and i am 109 pounds heavier than average you just fall outside it just yeah well what if they combine the the guys and the girl together though is that closer they combine the men and the women together i i could bulk up a little bit and make it i'd be about uh yeah what does that put me at yeah i could put on
Starting point is 00:34:19 about 30 pounds and i'd be the ideal man and woman combined. The ideal lady man. Yeah, that's right. Whatever it takes. So that's kind of the rundown. Obviously, by the time you're hearing this, I'm sure we'll be discussing the open, but the actual details of it probably aren't going to be terribly relevant.
Starting point is 00:34:40 But if you want a good laugh, we'll have it all on our YouTube channel, the open tips, hashtag just the tips. You got some more good tips coming, do you think? It's going to depend on the workout. So I'm going to keep those pretty close to my chest for now. It's going to depend on the workout. That's the interesting thing about it.
Starting point is 00:35:00 It's like when it drops, I'm like, okay, so first I have to do this thing that's going to suck. is it's like when it drops is I've got, I'm like, okay, so first I have to do this thing that's going to suck. And then I got to at least be aware enough to make some observations here. So I can just, then I got to make my wife film it. While also making sure that somehow
Starting point is 00:35:16 a device is plugged into the stereo with my Spotify playlist. Is that a necessity during the open? If I'm doing it like this week when i was doing it by myself absolutely i'm not gonna you know if i'm the only one working out i get to decide what gets played you know that's that's not asking too much but it got pretty death medley pretty fast but um what else did we have tanner oh yeah so yeah. So speaking of body weight. Yeah. So we're leading up here to Tanner's excess body weight now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Tanner's pushing 475 pounds now. No, Tanner is trying to cut a little bit of weight. Yeah, not to try and look better or anything lame like that, but just don't want to look better. But since we're doing the strongman coming up by the time this hits we will have done it so you can you can see if this came true if i made weight or not but i tyler is going to be the super heavyweight class and as of right now no one else had signed up there so if i stayed at my current body weight it would just be tyler and i competing each other, which doesn't sound that fun.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Like we're traveling to go do a, it's not very massonomics friendly. I'm going to stab him in the hamstring as we get out of the car. We've, and it would be different if there was a bunch of, like, if there was five people and we're going against each other in the same class, like yeah but you know but literally just two people and then we're worrying about like game gaming each other like i don't want to do that yeah so i'm going to make the 275 class that's the plan confident about that yeah i think i will i when i when i came up with that idea i weighed when the idea hit my head i jumped on the scale five minutes later and was like, oh, is this possible or not? And I weighed 286.
Starting point is 00:37:08 You're 11 pounds over? Yeah, not anymore. That was a week ago. And this morning, on an empty stomach, I weighed in at 279. Oh, yeah, you're getting very close. I should be able to. Weigh-ins are from 4 to 6 p.m. the day prior.
Starting point is 00:37:28 So it's not a full 24-hour weigh-in. Oh, so we've got to go down the night before. We've got to take off work a little early. Yeah, if it's 4 to 6. I'm pretty positive on that because I didn't even really know. Because of this, because of deciding to do this, I double-checked. I had to take a half-day off of work that I didn't plan on.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Shucks. And I don't have much experience doing a water cut or anything like that but my plan was just to get closer to 275 like get within three you know if i weigh like 278 or 279 that's probably okay and then i think through the course of a day, through some water restriction and some, probably a little food restriction, I should be able to make it. Yeah. You would think, I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:11 a gallon of water weighs eight pounds. I drink typically two gallons of water every day. That's crazy. So that's, I mean, I know it doesn't necessarily work. It's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:38:22 I won't drink a gallon of water. I'll be eight pounds lighter. It doesn't, it's not that simple, but if it's like, okay, I won't drink a gallon of water. I'll be eight pounds lighter. It's not that simple. But if it's like, okay, I don't drink two gallons of water, I should be a few pounds lighter. You could take a nice clear piss and probably lose a few pounds. Yeah, for sure. So that's the plan.
Starting point is 00:38:38 As of right now, I've got two weeks, less than two weeks. And I was talking to shane yesterday too you know this is when we thought you were still 10 or 11 pounds over it's like hell i don't know but with the arnold coming up also that's like four days where like you're not going to be able to eat as much as you eat right now yeah i probably will exactly it and i am i'm just watching it too so i'm gonna now going to the arnold i'm gonna watch it a little bit more than is what i would have before arnold like a state fair in the way that they have fried everything corn dogs no it was actually really hard to find food on site like there was
Starting point is 00:39:15 like there's so fucking many people and you go and you get to pay like nine dollars for a six inch subway sub yeah and so you're better off leaving but basically it's it's tough to get food on site so you're basically we're gonna crush a fucking breakfast every morning at the house yeah we're all just gonna that's gonna be the big meal and then lunch is gonna be a thing that just happens at some point who knows lunch will be a snack which is gonna be weird for all of us because we're a lot there's all of us who eat so fucking much shane might die like he's like i need food i'm gonna go catapult that that's we have to crush breakfast though i mean breakfast is the key there and then and then a dinner and maybe a late night so you know we might have some fun pictures of some insane amounts of breakfast
Starting point is 00:40:02 yeah yeah we'll have to have the u Uber take us immediately to a grocery store. And I'm glad you said crushed breakfast, but because I'm on a diet, I would say that definitely with air quotations, I'm just doing a better job of watching what I eat. So I tracked it for a couple days. I'm not going to even continue to track it, but just I tracked it. With MyFitnessPal? Yeah, MyFitnessPal.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Which for anybody who has never done it, give it a try. It's really easy. I hadn't used it in like three years, and I just redownloaded the app, and I was like, oh, this is – I just scan all the barcodes on my food. Especially for anybody that thinks they're skinny and has a hard time gaining weight, do that for a week, and then you'll realize that you're not eating as much as you think you are that was what i discovered when i first started doing it years ago like a weekend i was like well i can't gain any weight and then you're like oh i didn't really eat anything today and
Starting point is 00:40:58 before we dive in tanner before you get into your specifics tanner i had actually had this conversation like two or three times this week with people in a couple different capacities. But I have it saved here too. Basically, I've been recommending to people who are like, well, I'm thinking about maybe cutting a little or thinking about gaining a little. And I always say, well, don't weigh everything or anything, but like get an idea. So start by just tracking. Because let's say in six weeks you want to start cutting some fat and you want to trim down a little bit or or if you
Starting point is 00:41:30 want to just do anything like you will not have a starting point for a while yeah so what are you going to do just eat kind of less so but i found a kind of neat deal where basically um they say the best way to determine what your maintenance calorie needs is just track your food use your body weight as an indicator so basically you weigh yourself under the same conditions every day for many weeks let's say two three weeks or a month and then you track your food the whole time and then when you track your food is that my phone i think it is your phone that's when we've run into this before this magic noise that you guys can't hear but but anyway so whether your weight's stable or you're losing weight or gaining weight it doesn't matter just track what your calories were at the
Starting point is 00:42:14 end of it say you have um you take the average so basically you'll average out how many calories you ate a day over the last 30 days and let's say your weight's the same well then there you go yeah that's what you have to eat to keep your weight the same. If it's up or down, or if you want to lose, just drop a few hundred calories right off of that. But then you kind of know. And then you can start actually maybe being sure that your portions are on point, but it's a pretty easy way. So I recommend to anybody, but if you're cool and you don't want to pay too much attention to it and you're happy with the way things are going,'t worry about it but if you ever want to dial anything in you should start tracking at some point that's definitely the way i mean otherwise just like you
Starting point is 00:42:54 said you just don't how do you even know how far and i and i've caught myself doing it too we're all like when i finally start tracking it so i realized like i wasn't being all that honest with myself yeah it's like well i can't understand why i'm not losing any weight and it's like well just because you didn't plan on eating those three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before that doesn't mean that you didn't eat those three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches yeah even though that wasn't in one of your meals or snack like that still went into your fucking face yeah So that's, but that's wrong. So what is your, what is it?
Starting point is 00:43:27 What did yours look like? What'd you do? Like just two days or? I just did a couple of days and I didn't do any prior to this diet. Yeah. But I know like, because it's very similar just with a couple of changes. So I can, I'll tell you a kind, I'll tell you what I'm doing right now. And this is, um is at a diet.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And also we talked about hammering breakfast. This refreshed me. It'll show you percentages of your daily food calories, how much came from each meal even. And like 40% of my day is from breakfast or 30 or 40 or something but my breakfast on my diet is 1365 calories and what i eat then is four whole eggs four egg whites uh two tablespoons of crunchy peanut butter old-fashioned oats a cup a scoop of protein a cup of raw strawberries, a little bit of milk, a banana, some shredded cheese, two slices of turkey bacon, some salsa, some ground pork sausage,
Starting point is 00:44:37 and some baby spinach. Is this like in an omelet or how is this consumed? In a pile. Yeah, like in an omelet or how is this consumed i have a pile yeah the oats with like the fruit and protein powder and i'm assuming the fruit is not mixed with the yeah the fruit peanut butter and oats and protein powder all go together and the rest of it pretty much all goes together in just a big yeah a pile the the interesting thing here though is the large bacon egg and cheese biscuit at mcdonald's is 530 calories so like just get two of those so all of the food that you're eating like that's the deal too though like is not terribly calorically dense no no so like if you're a person because it's a lot a large pile it's probably you probably if an if a normal person went to eat that they'd feel gross they probably wouldn't be able to because most people wouldn't even use to eat.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Most people just couldn't eat that much. But that's the deal there. If you go and you get yourself two bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits, and you get yourself a large fucking large. You're over my calories. And then you get a large fucking iced coffee. Probably 400 calories. And a goddamn 300 calorie fried hash brown. And then you get a large fucking iced coffee. Oh, yeah. Probably 400 calories. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And a goddamn 300 calorie fried hash brown. Like, that's how you get fat eating shitty food. Yeah. But so that like 1,000 calories or 1,100 calories for a big, huge breakfast is pretty good. Yeah. Right. Right. Breakfast is an easy meal to eat big and not get buried with calories.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Yeah. That's why I like it. I love it. I love it. So do you, I know we touched on this a couple weeks ago, do you get burnt out on your pile of eggs? Not at all. I mean, I've been doing it for years.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I'll get to this later, but it's usually not the only time that I eat them in a day. I just like what they are, especially when I'm trying to do what I am now like the change that I made is cutting out some carb and then some total calories like lowering the carb which is lowering the calories basically yeah um so fat is super super high in breakfast yeah in breakfast and actually come to find out like as i looked a little bit closer just in my as i'm doing this lower carb thing fat takes up a really large percentage of my pie between the three you know protein does too but but if if i'm still going to keep calories fairly high and i'm going to reduce carbs. Yeah. You know, something has to go up accordingly.
Starting point is 00:47:05 And what is, uh, what is, what was your percentage of macros from carbs to protein to fat? It's, uh, on this exact day was, uh, 25% carbs at 240 grams. And this is on my diet you know this is like this is different than usual yeah this is uh i mean diet i that's just a silly every time i say it but like this is on what i'm doing now to lose a couple pounds yeah 25 carbs at 240 grams 39 fat at 163 and 36 protein at 343 so you're still pretty close. So I try to hit like 40% with carbs and then 30 and 30 with the other two. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:50 And so that's pretty close. So that would actually probably be very close to my standard normal. Normal, yeah. But it's the carbs that I'm cutting out are not good ones. Yeah. You know, it's not sugar.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Like I never eat, I don't drink pop and I don't eat candy and stuff like that. But here I'll just go back to the, I'll go quickly through the rest of my day. Lunch is now it's a, you know, some chicken breast or some ground beef and then a good carb, like a sweet potato or rice,
Starting point is 00:48:23 something pretty simple, and then a little bit of butter a little bit of cheese and then probably some cottage cheese um snacks throughout the day greek yogurt string cheese beef jerky apples cottage cheese uh just kind of like food you know like just like having you yeah right and a lot of that stuff is fat it has a decent amount of fat you know there's not a ton of carbs out in in that stuff outside of the fruit that i'm eating um but there's quite a bit of fat and protein there and then dinner this is where the biggest change is lunch is a slight change where i'm i'm basically just eating like a pretty lean meat source and then a pretty good
Starting point is 00:49:05 carb source of either sweet potatoes or rice. That would be what I would do normally about two thirds of the time. And then half to another third of the time wouldn't be as clean as that. It would be like off the rails, like one pizza yeah not even not not for lunch lunch it would just be like maybe it's just pasta and beef or like just um spaghetti or uh just way more carbs yeah you know or like creamy cheesy potatoes with meat or you know just a little bit a little bit dirty or not terrible but then dinner is the biggest difference between the two for me. Now I'm, um, a typical supper that I would make for myself now is four fried eggs. Um, on this particular day, I, I actually had some of that flat, those flat Jack pancakes, you know, that plant pink, cause it's fairly, you know, there's not
Starting point is 00:50:04 a ton of carbs in there and there's high in protein so um those flapjack pancakes another scoop of protein powder and some milk and some peanut butter and before so that that supper is a thousand calories and fairly clean that could be a same way with that supper would be typical about 50 percent of the time yeah when i'm doing my normal eating. And then a couple nights of the week, it's going to be an entire Little Caesars pizza. Yeah. And I'm not doing that now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:36 So this supper that I'm eating now is 1,000 calories. An entire Little Caesars pizza is 2,300 calories. So on this day, my total calories was calories was 3800 which i think that's pretty close to what i'll be doing you know yeah 37 to 4000 and which that could happen on my normal eating schedule but then two or three days of the week it'll be like 5500 calories because i'm going to eat an entire so on the average you're, right, right. So that's kind of the difference I'm making. Yeah. And have you, just so, so has this been, say, going on for like a week?
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah, about a week now. And you have dropped how much weight already? When I weighed 286, that was like in the, just for the moment. Yeah. And so I probably weighed, I don't know, 283 or 284 then so i might be down like three pounds yeah which is good yeah at that rate you'll be there right and i'm still eating a lot like yeah it's just that like it's like you're a little more consistent yeah right right and even today i'm like ah today would be a day where I would have just gotten a pizza and eaten it.
Starting point is 00:51:50 Like I'm not doing, I wasn't doing that every day before, but I, and it's not always a pizza. I just use that. It would be something like that. Yeah. That's the easiest example where I would just get it and eat the shit out of it and be like, oh, that's cool. I've, you know, cause I figure that that's just a part of my total weekly or monthly thing is I'm going to do that a few times and uh so i'm just not doing that now but yeah it's i so i think i'll make it and then
Starting point is 00:52:13 i think you know i'll i'm planning on doing like a little bit of a water cut going into it i have to might do a little more research into that of like what that even means other than just saying yeah saying that. Well, I don't think you'll have too much trouble. No. So that's my, so I'm a little under 4,000 calories. That's pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah. But that, you know, might put in perspective for someone out there that like what you say that is having trouble gaining weight and they think they eat a lot if they put it into this then then you know yeah because it's very possible i think some people could think that they could actually track and they're probably not eating a breakfast like maybe they're having a little bit for lunch and maybe a big supper or something and they might be at 2200 calories or something like that yeah yeah or if you're trying to lose weight and you think you're not eating that much, but you're eating shit. Yeah. And then you're getting, you see how much calories is in some of that.
Starting point is 00:53:09 And it's like, you know, you could get, you could get to 4,000 calories a day on fucking accident eating garbage. Oh, for sure. Like you could eat four slices of Little Caesars pizza and get 1,200 calories. And you know, then calorie sugar coffee drink yeah yeah that's that's a big deal people that a lot of pop yeah two two pops a day is going to be five six hundred calories i mean like and like i already don't eat any of that so i don't have that to like cut out yeah you know so it kind of limits limits your options yeah yeah that's the hardest part with this is just
Starting point is 00:53:45 the lack of variety because there's only like so many things i know how to make that fit this fit the bill on this you know but that's funny too what you said like eating those three peanut butter sandwiches even as as doing this i'm like oh yeah i actually eat a scoop of peanut butter with that usually too like you can't just not like you include that. It's like, Oh yeah, there's another 150 calories that you just like, you don't even really maybe think about it as something that you're eating.
Starting point is 00:54:12 One of the, that's one of the things with, I've heard from coaches and nutritionists that when they say to someone, they need to track their food. Usually once they'd send them off to go start tracking their food, um, they usually don't hear back from them because someone will come up, oh, it's just not working for me.
Starting point is 00:54:26 What do I do? And they'll, well, log all your food. And then sure enough, the issue just sorts themselves up. Yeah. And they don't have trouble anymore. Yeah. Or another strategy I've heard is people say, well, everything that you eat or drink,
Starting point is 00:54:39 I want you to take a picture of and send it to me. So like if I was Tanner's nutritionist and he said, I'm having a hard time losing the weight. And I would say, well, right before you put it in your fucking face, take a picture of it and email it to me. Or take a picture and just put it in a file on your phone. So there's today and email all of it to me. But be honest, everything you eat or drink, take a picture of it.
Starting point is 00:55:03 And usually like just that accountability will be self-correcting and just even like oh yeah i am eating this like this yeah even though this is maybe just a little thing in between yeah it's like i forgot that i had i had 14 oreos yeah and half a glass of milk and fucking you know yeah it doesn't take long to go totally off the rails there how many calories do you are you doing right now i'm at about oh geez what have i been counting i think i'm at about 38 to 39 okay that's about what i'm eating right now then so i don't i just go bigger with you eat so much variety yeah you know i do it with just like fucking rice and meat vegetables and like i
Starting point is 00:55:44 don't do the snacks or anything so like if i'm gonna have carbs with breakfast it's just like fucking rice and meat vegetables and like i don't do the snacks or anything so like if i'm gonna have carbs with breakfast it's just gonna be one you know i won't do so i'll do like eggs bacon i'll have a rice or a potato or something so i don't give a shit i'll have rice with my breakfast i don't care but it's like two cups of rice per meal. And if you've ever tried to eat two cups of rice, it's a lot of fucking right. I mean, this is probably two cups, maybe,
Starting point is 00:56:10 maybe. And this is a big cup. And, um, eating that much rice is more than more volume than most people eat in a meal on its own. So between that and like 10 ounces of meat and then a fucking cup or so of vegetables is,
Starting point is 00:56:23 is a hip makes for a really hefty meal i also did for breakfast the last couple weeks i've made like just a ridiculous fucking egg bake tray i've made like two big trays where i take like a whole bag of like shredded potatoes and then cook like what do i cook into it like two pounds of sausage or something like that spread it out between the two pans and then I whip up what did I do four dozen eggs so 48 eggs and just poured it all over there and then bake it and then I've got you know it sounds good as you portion it out you know I can get half dozen eggs out of each what would it be quarter of that thing how many when you go to the store to buy eggs how many do you guys buy this week i
Starting point is 00:57:05 bought three 36 packs see i i normally buy i normally buy five dozen yeah and some weeks it doesn't make it through i'm always two dozen every week and it's i just i struggle with eggs i struggle with eggs my wife there's also two of us on the egg. You know, they eat a lot of eggs too. True. And my son eats eggs in the morning. Also, he'll have his two eggs and his two eggs and sausage. Two eggs.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Growing up, right? What are you doing? Trying to get huge or not? What are you doing? So do you guys buy extra large? Yeah, I think that's what they are. Yeah, I try to hold out for the extra large yeah uh that's our our refrigerators always like half of one of our shelves is reserved just for
Starting point is 00:57:52 just for eggs but all this like you certainly would eggs would not have to even be in your diet and still be able to do all this i think but i just they're easy and i like them so and the thing with eggs it's a good pro like a little bit of protein and then fat so you're kind of getting everything you need like for me to get the amount of protein that i would need out of like turkey bacon or even bacon is there's not very much protein in bay no i mean that's why i'll eat six slices of fucking turkey yeah and then still need all half dozen eggs to get to my protein target for that yeah for sure so i don't know eggs i don't know they're pretty i i don't mind
Starting point is 00:58:32 them yet what's your guys's i'm gonna go out on a limb here i am okay with using ketchup on eggs what's your policy i hate ketchup on eggs that hate ketchup on eggs. You hate that? Hate ketchup on eggs. I'm that guy. I put ketchup on everything, though. Oh, see, I've never been big on, I could do it, but I like salsa. I'd have to go salsa for sure. Or hot sauce. Yeah, salsa or hot sauce. I usually don't even do, it's just like, I just let what's in it do its thing. I almost always, like, even if it's a very small amount, like, just to make myself happy,
Starting point is 00:59:03 put a little bit of shredded cheese on it. Yeah, I have to have cheese on it. I have to have like some sort of a sauce with every meal that I eat. Yeah. Just to help it go down? Kind of. Yeah, I mean if you're going to eat two cups of rice and fucking like two full chicken breasts. You need something with all that dryness.
Starting point is 00:59:21 I'll just put something on all of it. Yeah. Whether it's interesting or not. Like, I'll do, like, a fucking scoop of guacamole and a bunch of salsa. Or hot sauce or fucking, I've put barbecue sauce on vegetables. Like, just whatever I've got to do. Like, if you're going to try and choke down some broccoli. It's got to taste like something.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Buffalo sauce is another really good one. Oh, yeah. That goes on, like, everything. Or can go on everything. i'll switch i'll switch that in with it with and calorically there's just not much to it so right right yeah buffalo sauce is one of my go-tos i'm not at the point and i've never been at the point like i'm trying to lose so much weight that i need to worry about getting rid of like condiments yeah yeah like that's a pretty small piece of the puzzle my policy was see because i
Starting point is 01:00:06 do like ketchup so i eat ketchup a lot i'll put ketchup on my fucking chicken sometimes on pork on fucking since most of my meals are either reheated or just cold leftovers i'll put it on fucking steak leftovers like whatever i gotta have some taste but um and so i remember when i was going through with kind of our nutritionist kind of going through the store and there was like, oh, you can have this alternative to this and all these other stuff. And we got towards the condiment aisle and I said, I'm cool with about anything. I said, but I will not.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Like this is, I've been very receptive to everything, but I absolutely will not be replacing my ketchup. Yeah. I figured if ketchup is making me fat, I just need to work harder. Yeah. Right, right. You know, if that's the only thing that I've got that I'm still hanging on to,
Starting point is 01:00:51 I think we're doing okay. I don't think you could, like, he was doing so good, but he just needs ketchup. He just fucked up his whole diet. Yeah. Oh, I guess one last little thing that I changed is I actually am doing, like, a little bit of, not cardio,
Starting point is 01:01:12 but just I'm making sure to do three sessions of higher intensity conditioning. It's also almost strongman related. Last week I did one of hill sprints and two of rower. If it's a nice route, I just do hill sprints instead. Get it in. Yeah, and then I'm like, like well this can't hurt my strongman performance anyways like being able to breathe yeah right yep did we have a sack for today or not i do but i don't know maybe we don't want to do like let's save it for next it's no super pressing sack like it can just stay in my sack for one more week tanner's gonna have to let it build up in my sack for one more week and build up.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Tanner's going to have to let it build up in the sack for another week. I think we've got everything we need for this week. We're out of time anyways. Anything else we had to get out? Don't believe so. All right. The Lyft shirt, guys. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:01:59 It's alive and well. It's alive and well. They are a physical product now. Thanks to everybody who pre-ordered. You should have yours by the time you're listening to this. If not, you're probably really upset with us. Yeah. You won't be buying anything again.
Starting point is 01:02:13 But that'll do it for us today. Make sure you go to the website, There you can buy shirts, hats. God damn it. No, no. A review. A review. Oh, did we get one?
Starting point is 01:02:24 Yeah. Okay. Let me finish this while you get it. So go to. A review. A review. Oh, did we get one? Yeah. Okay. Let me finish this while you get it. So go to You can buy shirts, hats. Scroll to the bottom of the page. You can also sign up for an email newsletter there. While you're there, there's the archives, all our articles, all the old podcast stuff,
Starting point is 01:02:39 pictures of the gym, pictures of us, pictures of the clothes, the hats, all the good stuff. Also, we need you to go to iTunes and leave us a five-star rating uh leave yourself a review and we will read it on air which tanner is right right now and right now oh man what is today's date today we've got two to read 26 i didn't even know about here we got one from the 21st of February and one from the 24th of February. Nice. And also I will say, if we get a few more, we'll be up there with some of these other podcasts
Starting point is 01:03:11 that I listen to because a lot of them have really piss poor like review quantity. Like I was checking, I was like, wow, you guys only have like 20 reviews too? They have like fucking 200 times our listenership. And we're going to pass some of them in reviews here pretty soon.
Starting point is 01:03:27 All right. February 21st. Five stars. Title, Just Plain Neat. Okay. Sick podcast. You dudes should totally rep my brand. DM me for all the gnarly deets.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Do we have a name on that one? Yeah, it's 123JHeart. Nice. Righteous. So I do know who that is. Thanks, 123. Yeah. So that was a joke, the rep my brand thing.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Anyone that's ever posted to Instagram gets that all the time. I also think that when people come and post the, when those bots post that, Oh, you should rep our brand stuff. The, the nonsense. If you tag them back in something,
Starting point is 01:04:12 I think they go back and immediately delete those comments. Cause they know you clowned them. Oh yeah. I've seen a lot of those where I go back and then, and then they're gone. Yeah. Okay. This is February 24th.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Title. Great jib jab five stars very relatable podcast with the poop stories and whatnot your comfort is our dot dot dot special from dumpy ketchup dumpy ketchup i'm not positive who that is but it's someone that knows us i guess that's that's a very inside joke yeah we're gonna leave all that alone yeah because i'd like to keep my day job for now so that's that's good there was one we had had an email for Tommy, technically, on something that we talked about. This came in at the Get Big at Massanomics email. This is turning out to be something here.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Is it some weird sexual thing with Tommy? Do they want a lock of hair? No, from when Tommy, a few podcasts ago, when you were talking about underwear. Oh, yeah, yeah. We had a uh recommendation oh sweet check out the haynes comfort soft waistband boxer briefs okay i go one size too big and they're the most comfortable underwear i've ever worn so that might have to be my problem because i was going to say the next problem they're too small so this is this is now going into this even more um Because Under Armour is like the nicest one I've had. And I was like, you know, I'll try like Under Armour cotton so I don't always have to be surrounded in spandex at all times.
Starting point is 01:05:52 And I get them. I think they call it their charged cotton because nothing can just be cotton anymore. Yeah. And the waist is for what I should be wearing. The waist is too big and the legs are too tight. I'm just too much of an athlete, I guess. So that's the problem. That just said one size too large.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Well, no, no. Okay, so that was the other one. But then like I've had, you know what? I think I've had, no, Haynes. I have had Haynes. And that's my problem is that I go by the correct waist size. The waist size is fine. And the thighs literally cut into my like you can see marks where the he's just he's just too tapered up and i'm not tapered either that's what's crazy so maybe maybe that's what
Starting point is 01:06:37 i need to do is jump it up uh jump it up a waist size that could i never thought of that that was from dylan fleckenstein right Sweet. Thanks, Big D. So all kinds of feedback. Yeah. That's pretty fun. Keep it coming. If you have anything you want to, any questions, anything you want to have us talk about, email us at Facebook.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Follow the Massanomics page on Facebook. Don't be a dick. Share some things. Share some things. Like some things. And we're down to just Instagram. Is that all we've got to hustle now? Yeah. I just want to see more of those podcast reviews come in.
Starting point is 01:07:15 That's fun when I open. I like that. There's never in there. So when those come, it's like, oh, man. So I'm Tyler. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. and Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone and Tommy. You can find me on Instagram at Tyler F. and Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone and Tommy. You can find me on Instagram at Tomahawk underscore D. And Tanner.
Starting point is 01:07:30 The Masonomics Instagram account at Masonomics. The official at Masonomics. The official. Do we get a check mark yet? No, I wonder what. What the hell? I've seen people with maybe 1,000 followers that get a check mark, so I'm not sure what. We're real.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Yeah. I'll verify it. We. We're real. Yeah. Like, like we are the, we are the, we are the massonomics. We can send you a letter. We'll have to look into that. We'll send you a letter with some fraudulent letterhead so we can get access to your event and stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:55 It's not like we haven't done that before. Whatever. Just don't worry about it. The word, let's not use the word fraudulent. Well, it's not fraudulent. It's just like.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Pretend. Yeah. All right. That's just like... It's very real. Pretend. Yeah. All right. That'll do it for us today, guys. Thanks a lot for listening and stay strong. Later. Bye.
Starting point is 01:08:13 You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Thank you.

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