Massenomics Podcast - Ep.111: Kern U.S. Open

Episode Date: May 22, 2018

This week the guys run down the results of this year's US Open. Tune in to find out who brought their A-game, and who brought their B or C-game. Special thanks to Open Powerlifting for giving us live ...stats and data analysis during this podcast.

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Starting point is 00:00:26 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M- and buy yourself some of that sweet Mass Anomics gear. There's no way to tell. So you get home and... Well, wait, not that many. We've fucked lots of stuff up, just not that. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's episode of the Mass Anomics Podcast. I'm Tyler. Next to me, as always, is Tommy. What's up? And way, way over there is tanner hey um staring at a smashed laptop that that looks good fell in the back of my truck it must have
Starting point is 00:00:53 broke on the back of the seat or something maybe it just needs to warm up yeah i bet that's cold i bet that's it i just let me hit it no i didn't do it either. Oh, fuck. Well, this $200 Acer has got us through almost 115 episodes. It's its time. I don't know anything about what goes on underneath the hood, but it seems like it's done its job. Actually, it's been really problematic doing literally anything. I'll open the shit to record. It's like a five minute thing.
Starting point is 00:01:26 It's replacements on the way. $300 Acer? Yeah, I wish. 150% more? I actually had convinced my wife to accept this as her computer when I was done with it and she doesn't know that yet
Starting point is 00:01:38 but she does not get to use this now. She still could. She still could. She just has to have it plugged into a TV to use it. Well, tv yeah use it well it's a bigger screen it's kind of a win-win i think it's a desktop now yeah that's what it is you know nothing but the best equipment here for the mass economics podcast yep that's always been our model yep so we we wrapped up here last week talking about the the pre-game to the u.s open
Starting point is 00:02:01 by the time you're hearing this this is i would say this might be old news, but our take on it is always news. The freshest. Plus there's a little bit of context now. And I'm just trying to make you keep listening. Listen, there's value to this, I promise. You're going to hear a lot of really interesting perspective on some sides of the story that you maybe hadn't even considered before.
Starting point is 00:02:25 From three of the most professional minds. It's like skipping Shannon up in here. Yeah. Yep. So I think the big story was... Well, just wait. Just wait, though. Who did we pick to win?
Starting point is 00:02:37 Do you guys remember? Yes, I do. I feel like we had a lot of talk about it. I feel like you generally were leaning towards Yuri. I think that... I think I was. You were generally leaning towards maybe Brandon Allen. Like I'm not sure if you're 100% positive that he's going to, but that was kind of your – Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And I said Larry Wheels. So we did get the three. We're pretty good. We got one, two, three. Yeah, that's actually pretty good. Yeah. All things considered, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:03 That was over 220s yes and i think we didn't know enough about the under 220s i think we kind of said ben pollock maybe because we didn't know a whole lot of other people exactly and he didn't win though right he didn't get top three there was a lot of how do we put this there There was a lot of, I don't want to say poor performances, but a lot of people, I believe, feel that they underperformed. I didn't see a single person besides a woman that said that they were happy with how they did. And actually, I don't think it has anything to do,
Starting point is 00:03:39 I don't believe that they didn't do well. I just think that they did not lift the heavy weights that they thought they were going to, right? And there was some speculation on the bars was one talk. And then the stage was another. Did you hear some of that stuff? I heard both of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So what of the bars? I hadn't really heard much of that. Supposedly. We know what the bars are. They're all Kabuki strength. That was the Kabuki deadlift bar. There was a new Kabuki deadlift bar, which is not out. This was, I think, the first time really being used outside of the thing.
Starting point is 00:04:11 So what was the... Yuri broke it on his first attempt, I believe, even. Oh, sad. I didn't hear that part. I believe some... Okay, let me rephrase that. I read that one person said somewhere on the comment on the instagram somebody meant this is how we learned everything you guys already learned anything really but i
Starting point is 00:04:31 was pretty sure because they had got they had got to a different a second deadlift i did hear they brought out a second bar i didn't know what the reasoning was it's not like a broken half but i think there was something wrong with the bar after yuri's deadlift what i heard with the bar is it sounded like there was a lot of grip issues but it's specifically it sounded like hook grip people were having issues with it um and you know we've used i believe it's the same nerling that that's on the power bar power bar yeah and like we can all say like it feels different yeah we all kind of say it feels good though yeah but we have noticed too though that uh you know like i remember thick nick used that bar on his uh on his last pr deadlift and that
Starting point is 00:05:11 listen that fucking thing hangs on to you yeah you know what i mean like it hangs on to you so like but what was happening does it hang on to a fault then is it like ripping your shit up well that's what it's get over supposedly guys with hook grip were having an issue to the point where they were actually going to mix grip like between. Oh, really? But then there was other people that didn't have an issue either. And so some people were saying, well, you can't really blame the bar if some people are fine with it and some people aren't. Because if it really was the bar, it should just be across the board.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And then it just gets tough when you're at such a high level like that. Well, like anything, like the bar could have favored one type of lifter versus another but so does fucking every bar yeah yeah what i mean so was there anything with the bar on the squat to the bench or it was just i think on the squat there was talk it was hard to say that it was maybe a little whippy but even then who knows because there was also talk because it was on an erected stage see i think that's you're on a i can see because you can see some of them when they drop the deadlift and you could see that stage kind of do the trampoline thing like wobble out i know rob philippus fell on his first attempt walked it out fell i'm gonna already give these guys credit for the best spotters in the world because it was 909 he walked it back started moving on him
Starting point is 00:06:26 and then fucking he buckled and they catch him and 909 yeah like right away yeah stand him up racket and then he comes out like he gets back under it again and sticks it jp price had the same thing did you see what it looked like when he walked out uh he he was a squat he missed it was a little over a thousand pounds and it was the scariest who wobbly yes where he jp price is i think it was a thousand three pounds or whatever it is slightly over a thousand and he was like almost like a uh seizure convulsing like where like his whole body and then i was like oh my god he's not gonna try and squat after that because it took like you know, six, seven, eight seconds. Didn't he rack it and walk away? No, he finally got steady. It was a second attempt that he walked out,
Starting point is 00:07:11 and I think it got weird on him, and they kind of caught him, and he put it back. And I think he even said that he undid his fucking belt so that he wouldn't even try to get back under it. He needed to be yeah to be done but that and that then that thousand three or whatever it was then he did try he did squat it and he got it like three quarters of the way up and i was just so like after the battle that it looked to even just stand i couldn't believe that he even was able to attempt yeah yeah that was and that
Starting point is 00:07:42 was the key like if you look at the numbers that maybe didn't deliver just the numbers you guys just didn't deliver the big numbers it's the big guys like like the big guys did not the the thousand pound squats didn't happen right yeah i also feel like the a meet like this just with what's on the line though you go for broke like you're not going like oh i had a really good day and came in fifth like yeah that's true too like they are taking big jumps and and with a big fucking target yeah like this isn't the day that you like i you know i got my five pound pr and i got home it's got the impression that a lot of people were hoping for a big fucking home run second yeah yeah and then that the third one was a fucking full-court shot. Yeah. And that's kind of the way they looked at it,
Starting point is 00:08:33 especially the ones that maybe weren't quite really near the top, that needed that to win. They were taking some crazy, crazy attempts. But everybody went huge, though. You know what I mean? There were some big attempts. Also, I think it also helps to uh emphasize the fact that you can't stress enough how much different a full meet can be than just well i'll lift a full meet with calibrated plates yeah walked out right a lot of guys and i do not fault them at all once
Starting point is 00:09:00 you get over that 900 pound mark you don't walk out a lot of squats like i don't want to walk out six right you know and so like once you add in all those factors like it's a whole different animal at this point and it's not you know the rob and uh jp and brandon probably all did squats in training that were either slightly lower or equivalent weights that looked easier than that but that's on the day that they're like planning on a big squat. Did they cut 30 pounds in the 40 hours before that? Someone like Rob does a really big cut. Brandon doesn't, I guess, because he's super heavyweight. But JP doesn't.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I think a lot of the people under that 275 are going through some type of weight cut, whether it's 10 pounds or a more know, a more drastic 30 pounds. Like, and that's a whole nother variable to that. Speaking of weight cuts, didn't Joe sold and did he not make weight? I wondered what happened. That's what I heard.
Starting point is 00:09:52 He didn't make weight. And I think he lifted the next day then I think he lifted the second day. But with the type of meat, this is like what the prize money that they have. If you don't make your weight class, you're kind of out of the, you're like instantly out of the running for the money you're not allowed oh if the the weight class that you're signed up for if you don't make it then yeah so like if you
Starting point is 00:10:12 go for like 198 or whatever it is and you miss it and you compete at 220 well that wasn't the one you registered for so like you're not eligible kevin oak is another one that i saw and i believe in lift i think he did one squat attempt and I think he got buried on it. I'm not sure if it was hurt or if it just like, oh, this is not my day. But the way I understand it is he had one attempt, and that was it. Same thing, John Hack. He took one attempt on squat, hurt his quad on the way down, and he was done for the day too.
Starting point is 00:10:42 So those lighter weights really got hit pretty hard yeah between uh weigh-ins and injuries and things like that yeah larry wheels was one that i was really curious to watch and see how it unfolded because he'd been hitting all these huge numbers and stuff but then it goes to show you again like it is harder to do all nine lifts on one day you know it's just and to a competition standard. He even said that, too. Dennis Cornelius actually had a post. He was the only guy there, as far as I know, that has competed at IPF Worlds,
Starting point is 00:11:13 which a lot of people say IPF, strictest judging. And he, in his post, said this was stricter judging than IPF Worlds. So there was a lot of people getting called. There even was a little scuttlebutt about it, too, that it was almost missed. It wasn't just strict to a tee that there was some times that maybe they missed some calls. I thought it was interesting to see,
Starting point is 00:11:35 too. I heard Larry Wheels had to actually gain weight. He had to water log because he was so light. You have to apparently be in the weight class. Didn't he weigh like 278? 275.8 or something. So he had to put on three pounds of water before they would let him.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Just like you said, then I suppose he couldn't have been in the running for. Right, yeah, yeah. Which is crazy. So he was just doing that just because he wanted the 308 record, right? Yeah, that's good. I mean, the whole point of this competition was the Wilks score. Right. So it's almost not advantageous to be putting on extra pounds.
Starting point is 00:12:10 No, but I don't think – like he even – did you see the post that he had then? He kind of said like, yeah, I was very shy of that goal, but there's things I need to change. He said I need to start going more to competition standard with the way that i do things and and the the really big one with him is uh he doesn't wear wraps you know like you're giving up weight right there you know everyone's like at his point even squatting wraps yeah his point in his training like he says he can't get as much out of wraps, but you would think that'd be one you really want to work on because – It's just something he's got to learn to do.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah, I would think you're giving up at least 50 pounds. Yeah. Yes, I would sure think so, especially at those weights. A lot of those guys I think probably get more than 100 out of their wraps. Yeah. Dennis Cornelius, he did pretty well. He's pretty impressive, and he had a good, like he was hitting his attempts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:06 You know, but then like you said that, what I wondered if he's, he said it was harder, but he's used to that. He's very used to that. Well, and the thing that you, it's just, you watch his stuff and the attempts I saw, like third attempts for him, especially in squat and bench were really, really easy. him especially in squat and bench were really really easy yeah he had a lot of weight there and you just kind of think like geez like how does this guy pull this off yeah like when you look at him it's like he's not made he's not built the same way these other guys are like he's built differently uh but yeah he he's just really really strong yes there's uh well and what was it part of what larry too is like his bench in training is a little on the volatile side yeah like it's a big like it's a big like like bouncing and like and he's wearing like almost knee wrap things yeah elbows you know like i'm
Starting point is 00:14:02 not not to say like oh yeah like 600 pounds is easy because of that stuff but like but i think he left a lot on the tape because i think even in training he's benched well because 589 was his number for this meet and i swear i've seen him i think he jumped to like 611 on his third or something and missed that one but yeah he's uh i mean because i think i've seen him bench over six like many many many times yeah i mean he did 640 in training here yeah but it also appears to be some hands on the bar that's some other things that seem to yeah it just shows though how hard like gym lifts compared to meat lifts are a completely different animal yeah they really are which is why i calibrated
Starting point is 00:14:42 plates alone i only brag about my gym ones. You know, calibrated plates alone, if each plate is out, let's just say each one's light by two pounds, when these guys are getting like eight plates on the bar on each side, that's quite a bit of weight all of a sudden that's not being accounted for. I think the tip here is to never do a meet. Well, there you go. You don't have to worry about it ever. You just tell everybody you outlift them.
Starting point is 00:15:07 It's almost too easy. Yep. And then no one can look you up on open powerlifting to know. No one can ever verify. Well, you can just say what you're going to do with the next one. That's true.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Road to. Yeah. You don't have to. You may want to look at open powerlifting. You should notice soon that your Instagram handle is on there did we have people to take care of that for us
Starting point is 00:15:28 yeah I had the connection I started firing over some of the guys to get them on there actually I haven't yet but I need to Larry needs to post on Instagram more than once in a while that was my goal eventually I was going to get everyone added from the gym and is in the net.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And did I also see, if you pay a few bucks, you can customize your... Get it in color. Get some colors on your name. Yeah. It's not very... I think it's like $5 maybe or something.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah, I think that's all it is. Yeah. Could be a great birthday or Christmas present for anyone in your life. That's true. A colored name on Open Powerlifting. It would be pretty cool to have yeah yeah so but let's get to the top of the pile here well maybe we should go a little more about we want to go middle of the pile yeah maybe we should like start it low and build it up let's talk about what what are we going overall we go going... I was going to go overall. For men's?
Starting point is 00:16:25 For women's. For women's. Oh. Because that's what all of the overall... Yeah, I was going to say that's the... The ladies cleaned house here with the top four Wilks, right? Yeah. So...
Starting point is 00:16:38 And three of those being records... Of all time. Of the top... Yeah. Those three top ones are the three highest Wilks of all time. Isn top three of the those three top ones are are the three highest wilks of all time isn't that crazy yeah so male or female too like just of all time so the uh interesting thing was stephy cohen was kind of poised to have a big meet i think stacy burr was poised to have a big meet um things didn't quite go the way I think Stacey had planned.
Starting point is 00:17:06 But Steffi, I think, had as good of a meet as you probably would have expected with a 440 squat, 215 bench, and a 518 deadlift. I believe she missed her first two squats on depth. I think that was, yeah. She had to hit her third. Which is a scary way to start the day. Which is also pretty wild when you set an all-time world record. With one attempt, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:28 So her total looks is 642.78, which is the all-time world record, which held just long enough for then CeCe Holcomb to come on. Do you know who CeCe Holcomb is? I had never heard of her. I had never heard of her, and I noticed overnight, the day I first saw her name pop up on there I think she had around 9,000 followers and then like the next day I think she I mean it was picking
Starting point is 00:17:50 up for her so but she squatted 617 bench 364 and deadlifted 606 that's pretty crazy I didn't even know what her actual numbers were.
Starting point is 00:18:05 That is not fucking... What was her weight? 181. 181. Dang. I don't know if she even weighed the full 181, but she's in the 181. That fucking hurts my...
Starting point is 00:18:15 And what was her Wilkes? 664.9. What was the highest Wilkes of all time before that? Wasn't it Zaheer and some lady within a point or two of each other or 630 or it wasn't the 620s so she just absolutely destroys it yeah not only that stephy comes and sets an all-time world record and then gets it smashed by 24 points yeah like like it's like oh she just she just like broke the 100 meter dash by like a tenth of a second and then someone comes and beats it by a second. That's literally what it was.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, she had almost a 1,600-pound total. That's really crazy. That is nuts. Yes. That is pretty nuts. I don't know. It's hard to wrap your mind around her.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It is. And she is not a like she's not like a super heavy no no that's what i'm trying to say like i mean and like she's jacked yeah well and when you look at you you're not like whoa she's like larry wheels ripped either like you'd see like certain female bodybuilders back in the day and be like oh yeah they're they're much more scary looking and that was like she just looks like yeah girl that looks like a like a good strong chick yeah fucking is strong as shit what the fuck yeah yeah that's crazy that was crazy what it does it
Starting point is 00:19:36 the with the wilk score i don't know how i asked this, but with the women, does that show that there's something like, is there something? This is what I think really, and I don't think anyone has this answer, but like from a statistic standpoint, when you look at, let's just say we're using such, I'm going to use such crazy round numbers here, but let's say if a hundred people are powerlifting, like nowadays, is there like one girl for every five guys powerlifting? I don't think it's 50-50. It's not 50-50. No, no, no. It's maybe one to five. So it's like statistically there's – Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Open powerlifting next week. We'll message them, and we'll have them get us this actual number. Because they can tell us males versus females in 2017. Let's find out that ratio. And then, like, the fact that, so let's just say, I'm just going to make total guesses here. We'll just say it's 20, there's one woman for every five guys. I don't know. And the fact that, like, that little of a population, or that smaller of a population than guys is destroying like the records. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:50 It's like maybe the Wilkes thing isn't working out so good. Like that's what I would think. That would be my opinion. But maybe then the thing is you just can't compare the men's side versus the women's side. You know, maybe it's hard to compare the two against each other. Yeah. And it, it's tough. Cause like this, cause I know this gets like heavy into physics and all types of things that are way over my head for how you find something that's comparable. And I've heard like allometric brought up. I don't even know. That's how you say
Starting point is 00:21:20 it. I've heard that up at like be brought up as something that might be more competitive, but there's also downsides of that one too. And I've also heard when I was looking around, someone was saying that, um, like once you start to get heavy enough with Wilkes too, or just on either extreme, I think it really starts to fall apart. And I thought I read something like if you were to weigh like 500 pounds or five 50 and just showed up to a meet and had like a hundred pound total your wilks would be like in the thousands like it would completely shatter any record yeah i have heard many times that it favors the heavy lifters but but in this case i don't know that that well necessarily yeah yeah with
Starting point is 00:21:56 the women you know they're not these aren't heavy women breaking it like it's just but different what i've heard a lot of people say and i don't know the reasoning to support this but i have heard this statement many times is that wilks was designed for equipped power lifting and it's really is not applicable for i've heard that too and i don't know why but do you know who made do you know who made wilks i did at one point in time because i've looked this up i know before but i don't remember anything. I believe it's Robert Wilkes from Australia who has now been ousted
Starting point is 00:22:29 from the IPF for... There's a whole... You can look into it. There's a bass player for Foghead. Seriously? No. That's why he was ousted from the IPF. There's this whole thing of drama with it. I don't know how many... How long have they been using Wilkes?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Like 20 years? I don't know. Like we wrote an article on this. Yeah. That's what I even know. The finer points. I can't even remember. I don't think anyone really knows the finer points of it.
Starting point is 00:22:56 It's just like, that's the number we use at meets and that's it. Right. We need to like, someone needs to hire a team of physicists and engineers to quit whatever important research project they're doing to get on this. I think it might have been Greg Knuckles that had a pretty good formula that maybe would be nearly... It definitely kind of picked apart some of this,
Starting point is 00:23:18 but it was kind of convoluted. Not in a bad... Just in a way that I can't comprehend. Yeah. But then on the other side of it, to defend it, I guess, kind of convoluted not in a bad just like in a way that i can't comprehend yeah but then uh you know to on the other side of it like to defend it i guess when i would look at it as far as the the top three placings panned out for each one i don't know if i would say that it didn't do a good job determining the winners you know like yeah i mean because i mean because relative to body weight, those are fucking insane numbers.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I think Uri Belkin at his whatever he weighed, 220-some pounds doing 2260 is probably deserving of winning. It's pretty impressive. Allen doing 120 more pounds at 100 and some more pounds body weight. Yeah. But I don't know. Yeah, I think in this instance it did a pretty good job of picking out the winners. Yeah. Because we're looking at three and a half times body weight squat, double body weight bench, and over three times body weight squat, double body weight bench,
Starting point is 00:24:29 and over three times body weight deadlift. Yes. Which at really any level is. I think it's hard for anyone to beat him on a Wilkes in the men's side of it on any given day. And then I think he also went five for nine for the day, so it wasn't his best performance by any means either. He had a post too where he kind of said that too he's like i had my annual shit the bed at the u.s open meet but but shortly after that last year is when he went then and deadlifted like
Starting point is 00:24:56 did five meets in five weeks yeah yeah yeah yuri will be competing again tomorrow. Yeah, that's... But yeah, those numbers are fucking pretty crazy. I think Brandon Allen had a pretty good meet. Open powerlifting is going to get us this answer right now to the gender ratio. Brandon Allen, just to show how far it did go down to the wire for... Was it just for the heavyweights or for overall? He had the last deadlift up. He was just waiting for the down that was for the overall win that would have been 40 grand so yeah he he was just waiting for the down command like maybe a tenth of a
Starting point is 00:25:35 second away didn't get it and you know missed the deadlift and it's like that was that was the difference between you and 40 grand well yeah and and, yeah, and he did still win $10,000 for second. So dropping that cost him $30,000 just in that one little bit of an instance. You think dropping your iPhone is a big deal. Wouldn't that suck, though? I mean, it's still like obviously he did really well, and it's still a good accomplishment, but that feeling would suck. It's bad enough just if that – Yeah mean, you did it, you did it. You did the hard part. Yeah. Yeah. You did that exact thing.
Starting point is 00:26:11 But imagine if there was actually something on the line, you lost $30,000 just because of doing that. You would, I would like cry. I'd be like, Oh, it's the worst thing that's ever happened. Yeah. I, uh, if, yeah. it's the worst thing that's ever happened yeah i uh if yeah you guys remember when i fell on a sandbag a foot away from the end of a strongman competition and i could have won 40 dollars yeah and imagine if that would have cost me 30 000 i still sometimes wake up with the shame yeah and from the tens of eyes that witnessed it listen 40 dollars there's at least 40 people there was at least 40 people in that old armory that day they feel my pain
Starting point is 00:26:55 on that cold snowy january day oh that's funny uh but yeah that but i mean all in all i mean brandon considering what he's done in the last year as far as dropping weight, kind of getting a little bit healthier, coming back in with a pretty decent – what was his last meet? I can't remember what the last meet was. He had a meet last fall, maybe. Yeah, I don't know. No, no, it was the LA FedEx fall.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah, LA FedEx fall. So he had that deal, and I think that went okay. But that's a big back on the fucking map type deal. And that's with him saying that he didn't have his best day, and he's close to a 2,400-pound total. So if he stays healthy here and puts together another good training period, saying that he didn't have his best day and he's close to a 2400 pound total so he's you know if he stays healthy here and puts together another good training training period you'd think he'd be really poised to do something especially then if he's at something with at a meet with a little bit
Starting point is 00:27:56 uh more lifter friendly um i wouldn't say rules or but like judging. Yeah, yeah. So that's what – do you guys personally, is it more impressive for you to be like, well, I mean, this was a strict judging meet and they had to walk out squats? Like do you say like, oh, I mean, this is – like putting up a total like that under these conditions, like does that give you more respect? I like that that's the standard for this meet. Like there's big money on the line there's
Starting point is 00:28:26 big money on the line so it's gonna be yeah it's gonna be the highest standard i don't want to see it like come into a become a contest of who can squat the highest and but just deep enough to for it to count you know we're like two of the judges were like that's probably yeah yeah so i like that it's like that but I know that some lifters like – Because a lot of people say, well, a squat is a squat. It's not a walkout. Yeah, like someone like Dan Bell would – I mean, he doesn't do this meet, and he wouldn't, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:28:56 He doesn't want to walk them out, and he also makes fun of people that go by Wilks too. He makes jokes about that a lot. I do like that joke, though, because it is one of my favorite things because it's always the little guy who says that yeah and my favorite thing is like okay well if a car flips over and it's landing on your child are you gonna walk up to the 150 pound guy who has a fucking higher wilks or you're gonna come up to me you ask me to flip a car over yeah i can lift more than that guy can. So open powerlifting, motherfucking OGs here. We've got...
Starting point is 00:29:28 I see that, yeah. Tommy looks like he's fairly close, wasn't he? Yeah. So 5,200, or 52,947 men entries. Look at this. He's even breaking down the data. I fucking love these guys. Two-thirds men, one-thirds women.
Starting point is 00:29:44 My imaginary brain numbers aren't...'t what is that two to one two to one yeah all right two to one raw is that how that goes two yeah single ply is about five to one give or take five or six to one six to one one. Oh, yeah. So that's, but I mean, that's. For everyone listening, if we sound so confused, we're getting messages on our phone like this second. We're trying to read that while we're. So I'll do the total. Let's do the total.
Starting point is 00:30:16 So we'll call it 53,000 and 18,000, 19,000. Do you want to do that math? What was it? 53,000. So we just go 53 and 19000 and $19,000? Adding them together? Yeah. Well, it's three to one.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Three to one. Because for every... I mean, there's three times as many guys as women doing this. So it'd be three to one. What was it? As the... $53,000 to $18,000. That's three to one.
Starting point is 00:30:42 It's not called mathonomics, bitches. Yeah, that's three to one. Three to one. Okay,'s three to one. It's not called mathonomics, bitches. Yeah, that's three to one. Okay. So three to one. So you're looking at three to one male to female. And yet the point we're getting to is the top, our top four,
Starting point is 00:30:56 frankly, top four. And then let's just go out of the top 10. Like how many are women here? One, two, three, or right here one two three four five six six out of the top 10 60 so that is a very disproportionate ratio it is disproportionate i wouldn't say it's unrepresented by the guys. There was definitely some of the best guys. I just think maybe just relative to... Here's what you have to look at, though.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Relative to the history of the sport, these women are the strongest women that have ever fucking walked around. Yeah. So maybe the men that came on here just didn't quite live up to the strongest standard of high numbers in powerlifting that day. And that just isn't what it is.
Starting point is 00:31:46 But, you know, you're not going to look at CeCe Holcomb's numbers and be like, well, I mean, I know some women who are strong too. Who squat 600 and deadlift 600. And just happen to also bench 363. Like with how crazy she is. Like if next year she has a 700 Wilkes, I'll just be like, okay, yeah. So what are her numbers? What's the craziest one of the three?
Starting point is 00:32:10 Can you pick one? Wow, bench bra? Yeah, was it 360? Like at 181 pounds? Like that's pretty – Especially where women and benching seems to usually be the lift that – Yeah, like a lot of people a lot of people you know pick uh um uh jen uh thompson jen thompson as that's like kind of the gold standard and she's like 315
Starting point is 00:32:31 yeah but you know and like but like stacy burr with 315 bench too um so that's actually there i mean granted that percentage of 50 pounds that's a big 50 pounds to add but like you're talking she deadlifted and squatted 100 pounds more than Stacey. What was Steffi Cohen's bench? 215. So that's the hole in her game there. Relatively speaking. I didn't realize how small she was.
Starting point is 00:32:52 She's like 5'120". Yeah. Jacked 5'120". I think the squat is the most impressive, honestly, I think. The bench is a great all-time great bench but that's so do you think the bench number is gonna break your phone too i mean like is the bench number is that bench number gonna keep like that moving up bench is hard anyways yeah but she's strong as shit that squat number could just keep climbing yeah i didn't see all of her attempts i do know
Starting point is 00:33:23 she just i believe she didn't even take a third deadlift attempt and her second one wasn't that hard so there's also i i wouldn't be surprised if she just has a lot more there on all of them isn't it funny how we at least fall apart power lifting more than your average person that even follows powerlifting. I'm not saying we're the most hardcore fans, but we don't even know who that person was before this weekend. How can that be? Exactly. It's because, honestly, it's because she's a woman.
Starting point is 00:33:59 There would be no man that would come into this, I don't think, and break the all-time Wilks. And be like, oh, Larry Wheels. Never heard of him. Like, yeah. And be like, Oh, Larry wheels. Have you never destroyed the record? Yeah. Like just make Milano. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Or is it here? Just look like amateurs. Like none of us have ever heard of him before. Yeah. Like never,
Starting point is 00:34:17 never come across. You saw a little bit of that this year with like some of these guys like squatting like that, uh, that,
Starting point is 00:34:23 I don't know. Starts with the V. I don't even know how you say their names that vlad oh yeah yeah like some of these guys that i unless you've probably been following the sport a long time you probably have never heard of yeah one because they're foreign too you know it's just hard to keep track of everyone from all these countries but um yeah the whole total thing that's where it really gets yeah but that vlad guy though he he had lifted two in the past and i think he was hurt and kind of disappeared yeah for like 10 years but his squatting now like he looks like he's good in training he did i think it was well i i'm gonna mess it up but it was does he have it on his Instagram? Yes. I do have it on. Yes, I have him too.
Starting point is 00:35:05 And he looks poised where he's going to squat something like insane very soon. You know, he was the first one to do the 1,100 pounds, but it's like now he's going to do like 1,200. I don't know. You know, I mean, he's. But then that's a different squat than what Brandon Allen had to do at the U.S. Open. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:29 When Vlad squats, he takes it out of a monolift, of course, but it's like there's like five people almost hugging him. Yeah. As he takes it out of the – Yeah, I mean, it's just a whole different look to it. It is, and that's where it just seems like, yeah, I mean, I get it. There's different levels to all of it, but it just seems really ballsy to have to walk these things out and get to the level that they do it.
Starting point is 00:35:54 It just depends on if you consider the walking of it out and the re-racking of it as part of the lift or not, you know, if that is part of the lift or not. part of the lift or not you know if that is part of the lift or not so this is one of my questions with that debate is when people say a squat is a squat not a walkout is that different than saying a deadlift is picking something up it's not a grip exercise is that is that the same argument or is that a different argument that seems similar to me i mean that's because i mean that's kind of how strongman does it you know with strongman it's like well this is more just to pick something off the ground thing yeah and it's you know it's not like uh we have other things to test your grip but i don't hear people make that argument so i i didn't know how squat was the only one that has
Starting point is 00:36:40 that has that has that thing but rephrase that for me again. Okay. So people like to say a squat is a squat. It's not a walkout. It's not a walkout. A monolift user would say it's not a walkout. I mean, I really don't care either way. I'm just throwing out theoreticals here.
Starting point is 00:36:57 So if a squat is purely just the bringing the weight down and standing the weight up. Why are we forcing the walkout? Yeah. So if that's like how you think of a squat is it any different for a deadlift to say and let them use straps yeah what a deadlift is uh pick the weight up and set the weight down not it's not a grip exercise yeah you know isn't that the same logic uh yeah i think it just goes all the intricacy weird intricacies of power lifting of what is okay and what what is considered
Starting point is 00:37:27 raw and what's not oh yeah and then like knee sleeves are okay or like knee wraps unless you have somebody who doesn't know anything and they're gonna say well i mean i don't wear knee sleeves because i'm raw i left raw what the fuck are you talking about but like it's just weird how it's even evolved to the point where it's that or it's like well i mean it's just it's just the nature of the the sport is to lift as much as you can so people come up with every way they can to i mean it's the same thing with uh you know when they see some of these like meets in russia where they're doing doing their deadlifts and the plates definitely aren't little thin kilo plates.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Like the weights are at the end of the bar. And the bar is maybe a little longer and maybe a little thinner. Yeah, and it's like a noodle. And like some of these guys are doing sumo and, I mean, it's still crazy respectable, but they're clearing four inches of weight. Like there's just all these little – and hour weigh-ins it's the same thing you know like by the time you get on the platform you're 30 pounds heavier again you're just all you are like it's just all these tricks people play with i'll never like that like i wish they would just that just wasn't the standard anymore and they just said nah i actually think i love i
Starting point is 00:38:42 love remember the what was the rip Ripito's? The way out. The way out. The way out thing, I think is, if you want to talk about like, let's really maintain, like you want your sport to have some integrity. Yeah. That's what it is. So let's quit gaming your fucking body weight, come in and lift, and then weigh your fat ass and be fucking done.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I like that a lot too. You're going to be what you got to be. Ain't nobody going gonna actually lift as depleted as they are on the fucking scale i really don't even mind a two-hour weigh-in because like if you're really gonna like just go for it you're probably gonna screw yourself anyway like these guys some of these guys were a liability standpoint you're just well yeah that's yeah that's if you were to explain it to like an alien who landed on this earth, aside from be like, wait a minute, you guys' lives are so soft,
Starting point is 00:39:30 you have to pretend, you have to, like, invent lifting heavy things. But then invent scenarios, like... So that you can spend your day sitting on your ass. Mick, what do you mean you weigh 275 pounds? Like, you actually weigh, like, 320 pounds. Yeah, like, listen, what are you talking but i did in the 48 hour period prior hours ago i was lighter so now i'm actually they just say i'm that light but you're not listen don't ask yeah yeah i mean when you actually talk it out it
Starting point is 00:39:57 sounds crazy and i think if you took anyone that's not really involved in powerlifting and explain that to them be like really like that's actually part of your sport? Like it doesn't matter. Because nowhere else does like something that happened two days ago count for like your current status in sports, right? Like it's just, it's such a weird. And people, none of us are, I don't think well-versed in water cuts and like we're not good at doing that.
Starting point is 00:40:23 So probably people that have gotten really good at doing that, they really like it because it's like part of the competition is like being able to. Yeah, it's still always like from from a spectator, which a spectator and powerlifting is almost a non-existent thing. would always rather see somebody go into the heavier weight class basically not doing a not doing a cut and have a good day compared to like dropping 30 pounds to like have two points on a will score whatever it's like oh yeah you dropped 30 pounds and you lifted less but i guess your will score was a little better than like all your numbers were way worse than training like that's always the biggest you know speculation you see too it's like well i mean it's like don't ever cut weight or don't ever cut weight off your total to fucking improve your will school like fucking just lift more weight like don't be dropping 20 pounds of body weight and then taking 15 pounds off your total and calling it a wash
Starting point is 00:41:21 yeah if 40 grand's on the line you know i guess you're gonna do whatever but yeah in a sport that will pay you zero dollars for your life like yeah there's 40 grand you do whatever you gotta do yeah it would be cool to win 40 000 you know it would be from powerlifting um also my man dimitar has been squatting. Yeah, did he do over 1,000 now? I think he squatted over a grand. Did he? And things I did not know about Dimitar squatting, Dimitar squats deep. Yeah, he's good. He buries his shit.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Here we got 1,003. Oh, no, this was one of his warm-ups. This was 950. I think he shows his 1,003. Got a little hair, got a little beard. I think it would be awesome just to see him show up to a meet and just kill it. I'm excited to see that. I asked him about his deadlift on one of his posts.
Starting point is 00:42:13 I think he posted a deadlift of slightly under 800. And at the Arnold, he pulled like 930 on the Rogue Elephant bar. And I said, do you think 400 kilos like do you think you could you'll get 400 kilos figured out by the meat which would be 880 pounds you know so i'd be pulling 50 pounds off of his strap uh and he basically said no really that he said no he's like i'm just figuring out like the the no straps thing and he's like he said maybe in time i could get there but it's according to him it sounded more like it'd be like probably more like a hundred pounds less because i would think you'd be so much less beat up from a powerlifting meet versus those strongman
Starting point is 00:42:56 activities you'd go into deadlift feeling like all i did was a lot of benching you know i just think though that there's a certain amount with that where there is only so much you can hang on to. Yeah. And then he's going to mix grip, which is going to change a lot. And it looks like a snatch grip, mix grip. Like where I'm like, oh, my God, your arms are so wide. Why is that the way now? Like, Jerry Pritchett's that way.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Shaw's that way. Hafler's that way. To where, like, I have a wider stance now literally just because of those guys. I feel a little more comfortable and powerful that way but i my hands are as narrow as my stance will allow yeah because i just don't see the advantage to that well when you look at the common denominator though it's those guys are all like six five or more about 400 pounds like i don't think it's advantageous if you're five eight one six you're going with this wide grip deadlift like demotar's hands are no joke like the outside of his hand on a regular two and a half inches away yeah that's it looks like where i would handle grab it if i
Starting point is 00:43:57 was going to do a what i would call a snatch grip deadlift it just seems like their frame is that big yeah they are built completely different than anyone else and i just think their frame is that big. They are built completely different than anyone else. I just think their frame is that big that it can support that technique. I don't think it's good advice for anyone else outside of them. But Dimitar's 1,003 was fast as shit. Yeah, and he walked it out too. He looked pretty good. What do you guys think about his hair and beard? Love the beard.
Starting point is 00:44:21 You can't even tell it's the same guy. He looks a lot better, I think. Love the hair. Yeah, I think he looks good. looks good you gotta keep the hair but i really like it it's you're covering some things up yeah cover that brain yeah but the beard looks dope it's actually gray so he's like got a big like grayish fucking dark beard it's pretty sweet i think it's we talk about him all the time dimitar would be like one of our top guys that would really be fun to just sit down with. Oh, don't be awesome. And I think his English is decent.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Yeah. I saw some things and I think his English is fine. We need to be able to talk to Dimitar someday. We got to talk to Dimitar. Yeah. Dimitar's on my fucking talk to list. Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 00:44:59 And I want to, like, it's like, huh, him and Jerry Pritchett look like they're like best friends and you just want to know like. He's like, I want to be best friends. What's it take to be the best friend club here? Can we be best friends? And I won't do like Mark Henry. I'll just actually, you just tell me what you want to be called, and I'll call you that. I'm not going to make up 12 different things over a weekend.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Somebody needs, I think Markry prepares for the arnold his arnold mc job like we prepare for this podcast oh he doesn't prepare he just grabs a microphone and he just starts talking kind of like when we sit down and five minutes before we're like what are we gonna talk about i don't know record fuck it put the pressure on yeah it hasn't been a week our year since the last time we tried to do this so we at least have that going for us if we had a year between episodes we would have some material well we would not not that we have an expertise on our subject matter but we have an understanding of our subject matter beyond what mark henry has an understanding of of his subject
Starting point is 00:46:00 matter from what i from what i've and i don't know why he should know so a lot about it he's i just think i've been there and done that what i think is i think it's not quickly accessible to him yeah you know what i mean and i do know that's like that's hard i suppose to like be up there and have to come up with a thing well i don't think he's a a fan an in-depth fan of strong man like he doesn't i don't think he sits and watches the heats of world strongman he's like oh that uh up and comer from poland is good this year whereas that that uh british guy he knows everybody yeah he loves the sport and lives the sport uh you know you guys speaking of strongman here we haven't discussed how uh we are our world-class reporting has brought us to the upper upper tiers of podcasts being mentioned on
Starting point is 00:46:45 the adam carolla show oh that's right adam carolla show which as a it's not anymore but as of i think 2015 was like the most downloaded podcast it's not anymore though no no i think but i mean adam carolla i kind of feel like that's a name everyone knows for one reason or another he's had a podcast forever he was actually had one of the first like before what at a time when people like people did yeah like i want to say his podcast is like 15 years old but yeah he um they were talking about half thor's deadlift or half thor winning worlds and somehow they ended up with a video of him deadlifting from the arnold and then they mentioned on there that the video was from massonomics i think they pronounced it messonomics it was close at least she rattled it off pretty quick it was close enough from instagrammer mass and i don't know however she
Starting point is 00:47:42 said it yeah we're not Instagrammers. And just like that, we got 100,000 followers overnight, right? That's right. Oh, well, then we're Instagrammers. I did like hearing Adam Carolla's commentary on it. He's like, man, he's got to have eight stacks of weights on that thing. And he's tall, too. When you're tall, the deadlift's harder.
Starting point is 00:48:02 It's got to go a long way. I could tell Adam Carolla has some understanding of lifting. He did. Like something. So he has a bit of a background in like boxing. Okay. Like quite a bit. Like he's actually, if you get him talking about boxing, he'll go on and on and on and on.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I mean, Adam Carolla. Like he's definitely been around a gym before. So he's been around a gym and training, I think, quite a bit. So I think he does know. Because he was like, I mean, there's like, how many say? 45 pounds a piece? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah. You could tell that he knew something but also not too much you know you don't want to know too much yeah it's the burden of knowledge so we made it on the
Starting point is 00:48:34 Adam Carolla show yeah I wonder if we could what's even left after that I wonder if we could get on could he get us on the man show bring it back I don't know why
Starting point is 00:48:42 we haven't been asked to be on Joe Roggan's podcast yet that's the next logical step listen guys if you're listening if any of you guys are best friends with joe rogan or if you're sure a lot of you on his instagram tell me he's really got to talk to these massonomics guys they're super interesting and we will i promise if we get on we will not let him talk about bow hunting because it is the most boring fucking thing in the world he talks about i would be okay with not talking about bow hunting and i'm not even i could not i could not talk about bow hunting for a really long time but if i have to we've
Starting point is 00:49:14 actually not talked about bow hunting for 150 episodes i actually think too that like if if you ever listen to it i really like his podcast of the time. There's such a diverse amount of guests. But I swear every single episode. Can you guys hear that flush? The new podcast studio has a bathroom. In 80% of the episodes, somehow randomly, it's just like, well, you know, I only eat elk that that i kill and the meat's so much better blah blah and i was like oh god damn it joe and it's just gonna go on and on and on so um
Starting point is 00:49:51 hashtag stop talking about bow hunting joe but uh yeah so that's uh that's why we're gonna get on the joe rogan podcast that sounds good to. That fucking thing has so much power now. They're saying that like his podcast surpasses the audience that like any television show or Super Bowl has ever had ever
Starting point is 00:50:13 and that it does it fucking like five, six times a week. Do you listen to it? I don't. I can't listen to all of them. I used to like if it was like a guest
Starting point is 00:50:22 that I, you know, had an interest in or whatever, I'd kind of get pieces of it. But it just, there's so many of them. It's just, it's so hard to keep up. It's so much now that it's crazy. Like, when I found, I found the podcast, there was only a, when I first found it, there was only a few hundred. And I basically got caught all the way up.
Starting point is 00:50:39 But when I go through, like, if I were to look at it now, there's just such a, so he has everybody has everybody on there and it's still good but some of the people just don't interest me so like i'll scroll through it i'll be like all right i'll check out the red van one oh cameron haynes so that'll be three hours and five minutes of just bow hunting i'll do that one i'll keep going keep scrolling the sam harris one i like him i just keep going keep going tom segura is funny i do that one chris and mark bell actually haven't even listened to that one yet um keep going keep going keep going tom segura's funny i do that one chris and mark bell actually haven't even listened to that one yet um keep going keep going keep going how do you guys feel about mark bell on this jogging thing has he been jogging i just see on instagram his instagram stories a lot jog he's kind of transformed his walks into jogs to be honest i'm not super on board with any of his current stuff stuff i'm kind of put it it in the nicest way that I possibly can.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah. My thing is like, you know, you can do whatever you want for your health and you can do whatever it is that you want to do. But my thing with it all is like, it's got to, it should be entertaining. That's my only thing. And to me, this, to me, this isn't entertaining. So I hope that there's an audience out there that it's entertaining. But if it's not, what are you doing? And so that's where I'm at with it. It's just like it's stuff that I just don't relate to. I think it's obvious his old audience doesn't like it.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I think he – But I think he knows that probably. Yeah, I think he's kind of – evaluates the audience and is like, okay, I'm trying to appeal to a broader audience every day anyways. But for those of us that started liking his stuff because of what it used to be like. Yeah, it's not even the same channel. No, it's nothing. I remember I used to get jacked like, oh, we're talking about this powerlifting stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:21 They got this guy on here. Dan Green's going to be on and the Lily Bridges. Or just their YouTube videos. It was really cool this guy on here. Like, oh. Dan Green's going to be on, then the Lillibridges. Yeah. Or just their YouTube videos. Yeah. It was really cool. And now it's like, ah. Part of it is like,
Starting point is 00:52:29 I think content consistency is important, but I feel like there's too much now. It's almost too much for any of it to be interesting. And it's just a shotgun approach where it's like, bam, all these people that do all these different things. Yeah. And it's like, well, I don't care about seven of the 10 of those people doing those things so i don't i mean i don't assume that anything's
Starting point is 00:52:49 going to change based on our our say there but no well you never know you never know but but but like we said he knows what he's doing too yeah he's doing yeah he's done better in the podcast business than we ever will yes and the selling of neoprene items yes yeah we should get some neoprene made fucking made in pakistan we could make dozens of dollars you guys be the best yeah like matt says you don't become the meathead millionaire buying high and selling low something to be said for that but yeah i think uh i don't know what's going on over there like i guess i don't even know what the listenership is i mean i'm assuming if there's like a big exodus that there'd be an issue but yeah it's hard to say plus you can really fluff podcast data and
Starting point is 00:53:37 youtube numbers don't matter as much per video if you're making 10 videos a day you might end up with the same amount of views and then you can run concurrent advertisements on 10 videos a day, you might end up with the same amount of views. And then you can run concurrent advertisements on 10 videos, which is if you put a little effort into one, you only get to run one ad. So there's a little set for the saturation strategy when you're trying to pull a dollar out of it. If we did a podcast every day, we'd have more potential for advertising, have more downloads. And weekly downloads are important, more than per episode. more potential for advertising, have more downloads. Weekly downloads are important, more than per episode. It's a game that we're fucking pretty much winning.
Starting point is 00:54:13 It's no big deal. Life's a game, and we're just the players. And you notice that he spelled that with an A. It's like Tech Nines said. What did Tech Nines say? I think he said a lot of things i'm a player he also said some words i'm not allowed to say i have a little all right i have a little tech nine have you ever been to a tech nine concert i have not but i have a little theory around tech my fiance has i believe multiple times okay don't say anything further because what i'm going to say okay i have a theory and this theory has been proven
Starting point is 00:54:45 ironclad throughout my entire teenage and early 20 years. Early 20s. Is that girls who like to listen to Tech N9ne are easy. And universe,
Starting point is 00:55:01 this is a universal truth. This is the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Chicks who like Tech N9ne totally put out. So go Tech N9ne. What I want you guys to do is I want you to think back through your lives and anyone you've come across who's been super into Tech N9ne, you'll be like, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:21 What about guys that are into Tech N9ne? How does that scale? Listen, yes. Talk to me about something that are into tennis? How does that scale? Listen. Yes. Talk to me about something I'm a little more interested in. Speaking of being interested in guys, so Tanner comes in today. And the first thing he says to Tommy, because they basically, like, drove right behind each other here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Not, like, sexually, just in cars. Ah, scooter. Tanner's on a scooter. Same scooter. I followed him on a car. I followed him on a car. I followed him on the same scooter. But so Tanner comes, comes in and this is,
Starting point is 00:55:50 it's talking to Tommy. Like you see that guy running up there on 15th. He was fucking jacked. No, it started with not to be gay, but no, no offense to anyone that's gay, but I just saying,
Starting point is 00:56:04 Hey, I just, I'm not saying this isn't about me trying to be a woman. Just like when Lil Wayne used to start his songs with No Homo. He just needed to let you know what direction he was coming from. So then the conversation goes into like, so I'm like, well, it might be this guy that I know. But we didn't, you know, because he doesn't train at our gym. So how could he be Jack? And then it's like, well, it's this guy.
Starting point is 00:56:26 And it's like, oh, it doesn't fit that bill. But he's like, you know what I mean? His pecs were fucking huge. And his shoulders were pretty big. He had pretty big traps. He was about this tall. And, like, the next words were going to be like, I mean, his dick looked pretty good.
Starting point is 00:56:39 It was swinging in the wind. Just ever so gently. I mean, his butt was like really on point. His glutes were popping. And I said, no. Didn't see him gander. And that is funny how that works, though, that like, this is going to sound gay. Like, you see a pretty jacked dude, and you almost will give, at least in art,
Starting point is 00:57:02 like we'll give it the same double take like you would a really pretty woman. that's what i said that it was like you're like wait that dude's pretty jack yeah and then and it is it's it's the same look yeah it's the same it occupies the same amount of of time so now i'm going to start doing that anytime if my wife is like accuses me of well i do it to guys too no i'm just be like, no, did you see that dude was fun in chat? It's no different than Dumb and Dumber, you know? Look at the blood on that one. He must work out. So Tanner's into dudes.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I guess that's what we're getting into. No new news. More old business. Well, I think that's got us about wrapped up today. Pretty sure. Anything else we got to's got us about wrapped up today. Pretty sure. Anything else we got to get on? That was about it. That was it.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I mean, we went through the whole itinerary. A, B, C, D, E. I read a couple Chad Wesley Smith books, juggernaut books that were really good. Maybe we should save those for our in-depth book club review. You mean you don't want to go in-depth in the two and a half minutes that we have left? I mean, that might be about all that I have to say about it. But, no.
Starting point is 00:58:10 We'll save it. We'll save it, yeah. So, all right. Well, that'll do it for us today. Let's see. Go to Store. Hats.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Shirts. The usual. Stuff. We'll buy it. That's the stuff. Money. Money. give it to us. If you want to give us money, you can give us money by emailing us at
Starting point is 00:58:32 You can give us money in exchange for goods by going to the store at That's probably the best bargain for you, but the best bargain for us is if you just send us money. Other than that, follow us on Facebook. Go to forward slash massonomics. The Arnold videos are finally blowing up.
Starting point is 00:58:52 They are actually doing well. Yeah, so they're taking off now. Thanks for all your help. Make sure you still share those, telephone, tell a friend. Get those out there. Make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel, though. Yep. That's a big deal
Starting point is 00:59:05 if you're listening you also know that these do come out in video that's why there's all these lights and cameras and you know
Starting point is 00:59:11 we have five six camera crews and new sound guys smoke machines strobe lights the lighting does look good though lasers
Starting point is 00:59:17 it does it's almost overwhelming how ugly we are how white we really are I mean I mowed I mowed the lawn today just trying to get it tanned but anyway so that's got most of our bases covered follow us on facebook and uh i'm
Starting point is 00:59:31 telling you can follow me on instagram at tyler effenstone tommy you can find me at tomahawk underscore d the massonomics instagram account at massonomics you just heard the massonomicsics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcasts. Stay strong.

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