Massenomics Podcast - Ep.142: The Internet Hates Layne Norton

Episode Date: December 24, 2018

We knew that some people didn't like Layne Norton very well, but after we posted a recent Massenomics VS featuring him, we found out just how deep some of the haters are hating.  We also recap Thor's... powerlifting meet, and discuss where our predictions were right, and where they were wrong.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. store and buy yourself some of that sweet mass. All right, welcome everyone to episode 142 of the world's strongest podcast, the massonomics podcast. Your two favorite hosts are here again today. Tommy and Tanner. What's up? Tommy made it back from the South Pacific. Just barely. Have you ever seen the South Pacific on Netflix?
Starting point is 00:00:45 No, I haven't. Is it a war thing? No. Well, yeah, actually. I think it's just called South Pacific. It's like Planet Earth, only of just the South Pacific Islands. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about Planet Earth?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Oh, Planet Earth is great. I love Planet Earth. Planet Earth 1 and 2. What was the one? Wasn't there one called Human like, Humanity or something, where it focused more on, like, people and tribes? That's, like, the last episode, I thought, of, like, the second. They have another series, though, too, don't they?
Starting point is 00:01:16 There might be. I thought it was the same people. Because I thought, like, the last episode of the second season was, like, urban or something like that. Okay. We got to get to the bottom of this here. And while he's looking at that, South Pacific is also a really, it's in the same vein, but it just, it's actually staggering like the, how the, the size of area that the South Pacific
Starting point is 00:01:42 ocean covers. Just the ocean. Yeah. Okay. So, yep. Planet Earth 2, blue blue planet frozen planet oh yeah more water and ice based ones okay i didn't i don't care for those ones as much they're not to me it's just way more exciting like seeing forests and jungles and all that stuff you know do you know the narrator of planet earth uh all the bbc ones because they're different they have a different narrator depending on...
Starting point is 00:02:07 Oh, I know. Life was the one I was thinking of, too. I think Oprah is the narrator for that. Oh, okay. That's one of them, too. But so I know, yeah, the original version. I don't know how you say his last name, but David Attenborough. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Like he does like the original, like, British version. Yeah. And then Sigourney Weaver does one. And I want to say Mike Rowe did one of them, too. Okay. I'm thinking of the British guy that has done that, then. I'm pretty sure. Good narrator, though.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Oh, yeah. Those are amazing shows to watch, though, as far as, like, I still don't, like, I got done watching it, and I kind of, like, geek out on, like, I got done watching it and I kind of like geek out on like cameras and like the cinematography aspect of it a little bit. And there's things I just don't understand how they do. And I try to watch the behind the scenes and it still doesn't make any fricking sense to me, like how they do some of these things.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Right. And that's like the time in between the first and the second coming out was so long because, because of all like the, how enormous the project is of getting all that filmed. Yeah, well, and then on top of that, you can see from Planet Earth 1 to Planet Earth 2
Starting point is 00:03:12 how much technology changed in 10-ish years because it's a whole other level of stuff that they're doing on it. Yeah, it's good stuff. So is that what Hawaii was like? That was just what it was like. Just watch the Rainforest episode of Planet Earth. You don't need to go. Save yourself some money. But no, it's good stuff. So is that what Hawaii was like? That was just what it was like. Just watch the Rainforest episode of Planet Earth. You don't need to go.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Save yourself some money. But no, it was really awesome. I'd never been that way at all. The farthest west I'd been is just somewhere in California, you know? And I'd never been out there. And when you get there, we went to the big island, Hawaii. When you get there, the big shock is like how much the weather changes there like from getting off the plane in in kona it's like
Starting point is 00:03:52 volcano black rocks like dead kind of looking i mean it looks really cool but it's not there's not like greenery around and it kind of has more of like a desert vibe almost and you just start to cut through the middle of the island. And all of a sudden it goes from sunny and 80 degrees to like a half hour later, it's like 50 some degrees and pouring rain because you're up higher in elevation. And then you come down the other side and it's still raining, but now you're back up to, you know, 70 some degrees. And the area we stayed in is like a rainforest. So you would have perfect sunny weather, and then for five minutes you would get an absolute downpour, and then it would be perfectly sunny again.
Starting point is 00:04:31 So it really was one of those things like if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes. People like to make that joke in South Dakota, but it's so different there. The way it can go from a gloomy, overcast day to completely sunny to pouring rain to nice to gloomy. Yeah, usually in South Dakota if you don't like the weather, usually in South Dakota, if you don't like the weather and you wait five minutes, you still don't like the weather. You kind of know what you got at this point. Like, yeah, people are, like, playing that one up a little too much. But, yeah, it was a really, really cool trip.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You know, do the whole Airbnb thing. You get to kind of, you know, live maybe like more of a local than if you're staying in, like, a big resort somewhere where you just kind of are chilling on, live maybe like more of a local than if you're staying in like a big resort somewhere where you just kind of are chilling on the beach the whole time. Did you wear any Hawaiian shirts while you were there? I didn't wear any Hawaiian shirts. I saw lots of old white guys wearing Hawaiian shirts, though. What about like Tommy Bahama shirts like that?
Starting point is 00:05:19 Tommy Bahama, some Maui Gym sunglasses, you know, the whole kit. What is – oh, the guy from – damn it. He was on – he was the wild thing. He was the pitcher. Oh, yeah, yeah. Wasn't that Charlie Sheen? Yeah, Charlie Sheen. What is he – those shirts that he always wears? It's like a guy –
Starting point is 00:05:37 I can't think of – Do you know what I'm talking about? It's been so long since I've seen that movie. What's that – what is that movie called again? I think it's Major League. Yes, yes, yes. No, but not what he wears in Major League, just what he wears in life.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Bowling shirts. Yeah, like bowling. I can picture middle-aged men in Hawaii walking around in those. See, I didn't even have to finish. I just said bowling shirt chart, and Google just knew the rest. Charlie Sheen, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It's such a weird shirt. Any of those then? You know, I didn't see many of them. I probably did run across one or two. I don't remember seeing many with the stripes that go all the way down like that. Yeah, there was probably one. Did you ever wear a lei? I didn't.
Starting point is 00:06:20 But the weird thing is Walmart did. I probably thought you looked pretty stupid then walking around without a lei. I think they did. I definitely looked like an outsider because I didn't have my lei weird thing is Walmart did. The locals probably thought you looked pretty stupid and walked around without a lay. I think they did. I definitely looked like an outsider because I didn't have my lay and hula skirt on. And I was made fun of for it. Things that surprised me, though, were we got groceries before we went to our place. And in the parking lot, some people were crossing the parking lot. And we stopped for them.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And in the Midwest, and I feel like most places people do this one like you know just kind of put the hand up and give the head nod like yeah yep i see you thanks yeah but there i just got the and i don't even know what you call that the is it the shaka or whatever people whatever i don't know what the hell people call it but yeah the hang loose i don't know yeah the hell people call it. The hang loose? I don't know. That guy just threw it out at me. I'm like, that was weird. Two kids come behind him, do the same thing. I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:07:13 Is that a real thing? My wife's like, yes, they do that. I'm like, well, you don't know that. You just saw it happen. If you get stopped for, if there's construction on the road and the people holding the sign, it turns to go slow. Instead of waving, they just give you one of those and you go by.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I was like, oh, that's kind of cool. People are pretty chill here. But, yeah, that was a shock. I don't know if it was just sheer coincidence, but none of the gas pumps there have the, you know, the lock where you fill gas. None of them had that. So the first place I thought, oh, this is just a shitty gas station. It doesn't have one. And then we went to another one, and another one, not a single one had it. Was the first place I thought, oh, this is just a shitty gas station. It doesn't have one. And then we went to another one, and another one, not a single one had it.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Was gas expensive there? Do you remember? The most expensive one place, we got kind of outside of any city-type area, and it was about $4 a gallon. Otherwise, it was right around like $3.60, $3.65. So more expensive than what we pay, but not like it's you didn't care. It wasn't insane, yeah. It was, other than that, like, you know, stuff so more expensive than what we pay but yeah like it's it wasn't like care it wasn't insane yeah it was uh other than that like you know stuff is more expensive what about just generally like when you went to walmart or yeah like it was it was more expensive but it wasn't like oh how do you afford this like it was never it was never oh bacon's 30 a packet no i think
Starting point is 00:08:21 i mean with anything you can buy the brand that's kind of the same price anywhere. Right. The thing that I noticed is because we did go to Walmart is, I don't know if it's just the time we went, but just tons of stuff was out of stock. And I don't know if it's like a thing of like getting it there or just it's Walmart and no one cares. So they're just doing a shitty job ordering, which are all possible things. Yeah. Hawaii. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:44 So what was the one coolest thing that you saw well okay so actually and i don't think i've even got to tell you about this yet is right down the street from our airbnb was a black sand beach which black sand really cool you know most people are used to like white sand beaches are kind of like a brownish golden color um black sand beaches due to the volcanic activity and um it looks like straight up like potting soil that you're walking into but it's just like sand it doesn't stick to you and make mud like dirt it is literally sand that's black so that was really cool but the beach is a clothing optional beach oh and which option option did you opt for let me let me just you know let me let me
Starting point is 00:09:27 take you on a little ride here so clothing optional beach in your mind what's the ratio out of clothing out what should the ratio be at a clothing optional beach of guys to girls age to youth i mean not under 18 but yeah i mean mean, like, age-wise, like, what do you expect? Because I didn't know what to expect. What do I hope for? I don't know what to expect. Like, is it going to be a lot of women? Is it going to be a lot of guys?
Starting point is 00:09:54 Is it going to be younger people, older people? And also what I would wonder is how many people do have their clothes off versus not. Yeah, and also that. Is there a lot of people at a clothing optional beach that go clothing optional? Right. All questions I had. All questions that were answered for me very quickly. So we got there, and this was like the first.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Like, we got there pretty late at night. So the first night we got there, we just long flight. We got the Airbnb, just chilled. Woke up the next day. Like, hey, let's go check this place out. And the beach is awesome. Like, the beach is really, really cool. Um, but you're, you're there. And when we got there, it was a little earlier in the day, I think it was like 10 30, 11 in the morning. So somewhat early. And there was like two people on the beach and it was cold. So people had
Starting point is 00:10:38 sweatshirts on. So I'm like, okay, maybe people don't really go clothing optional here yeah and then because the weather changes so hurt so fast it's like half hour goes by and i mean many people over the age of 50 start showing up and it's like oh like these people could are definitely my parents age yeah maybe older even and oh it's like hey bob hey like just like neighbor. And while they're talking, they just start stripping down. I'm like, oh, this is what we get. Old, fat white guys getting naked. And the one that really surprised me right away is there was probably like four guys. And this guy that showed up, I'm assuming with his wife or his friend. And they all are naked right away.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And just assume they're none of them are their bodies are not in not the people you would ever expect to be naked if you want to if you want to do it more power to you but not what you would usually expect like yeah oh i'm in great shape i'm running around naked um the thing that i really enjoyed there was two things is they were ready to go for a swim so like anyone else they put their swim shirt on to go into the ocean but refuse the bottoms so we have our we have our goggles on and our swim shirt and nothing on the bottom let's skip the pants on this one and they went for their swim and i was like hey man that's cool and then there was another guy and my wife was like are you catching this like he was uh there was like guy, and my wife was like, are you catching this? There was like a dead tree, and he was like jumping up to get the branch to hang from it
Starting point is 00:12:11 and just completely naked. The motion of the whole thing was funny. And then he was trying to swing his leg up onto the branch, and it took several tries. I don't think I'd want to be doing that naked. And that's my whole point was I'm telling him like, I wouldn't really want to do that with my clothes on. Just a swimsuit, like rubbing up on wood, let alone naked. Like that's all I could think the whole time.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And so, and then like two guys come out and they have like, it's almost like tennis rackets and they're hitting a ball in front of us. Do you think people are purposely doing things? Oh, some of it is for sure. Because we went until that kid was, you know, if people want to be naked, I don't care. They're obviously having fun. Good for them. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:50 We went, again, one other day when it was a lot nicer and there was way more people there. And, oh, yeah, people just want to be naked and run around and do their thing, which I'm sure it's freeing. Like, for me, though, I'm like, eh, I guess I don't really get much. Maybe it's because I didn't do it. But I don't see the appeal in running around naked in front of a bunch of old guys. If you want to do that, you could just go to your local YMCA, right? Just go to the steam room. So that was probably the biggest eye-opener, culture shock, something I didn't know what to expect. That would be.
Starting point is 00:13:25 So I can say that I've done it, though, gone to a nude beach. So you didn't see anyone wearing Masonomic shirts on the nude beach or anything? I didn't. And, you know, I did. Anytime I'm traveling, I keep my eyes out for Masonomic stuff. And I didn't see any Masonomic stuff. Waste of a trip. I also didn't really see anybody that I even thought looked like they've ever lifted in their life before.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So I don't think there's much of a gym vibe for the most part in Hawaii. I think most people are there just chilling, hanging out. Not trying to go to the gym. Not trying to go to the gym, sweating up. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. But yeah, if you want an awesome itinerary, I can get you some hot spots to check out.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Know where to go. Keep you busy, yeah. And I made it back in one piece. That's a win. That is always a win. Know where to go. Keep you busy, yeah. And I made it back in one piece, so. That's a win. That is always a win. No big flight delays. No flight delays, yeah. That always can be really iffy this time of year with weather and stuff,
Starting point is 00:14:13 but we got really lucky with that one. Yeah. Other big news, too, are, I would say, our number one most, like, fan that hated us the most. Oh, wait. I guess he wasn't a fan. I don't know how you'd classify him. Like, the person that...
Starting point is 00:14:33 Maybe someone just hated what we were doing. Maybe our biggest hater. Yeah, our biggest hater. Yes, there you go. That's okay. I couldn't think of a good... That makes sense. That's a good...
Starting point is 00:14:44 The simple words sometimes. He was our biggest hater. He was the man that was originally quoted saying, nah, I'm good with the plain ones. Or you charge $14, slap your- The biggest critic of the lift shorts. Yeah, yeah. The original critic of the lift shorts and their price is now an honest to God fan of massonomics converted yes he uh even commented here recently and said i really support everything you guys are doing like you guys are really good
Starting point is 00:15:15 for for the sport of power lifting and i appreciate all your stuff you know what to say can't beat them join them yeah yeah and that's uh i think i don't know his name it's like og underscore 03 or something like that on instagram so shout out to that guy yeah i did let him know though that like that's great and everything that he likes us now but that's not going to help us sell any more pairs of live shorts i mean we almost need like a before and after testimonial yeah like what he's doing now does not fit into our marketing strategy that's been working. It's like he can't come in now and be like, you know what? I'm not good with the plain ones.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I'll take those logoed ones for $14 more. Yeah, whole marketing campaigns were born because of this guy. Something came of it. Yeah, so that's what you got to come home to. Yeah, it was pretty cool I also did read something I really a comment on YouTube I really enjoyed and that was in regards to someone
Starting point is 00:16:12 comparing us to LaCroix just don't spoil that I'll save that one I saw that and I really really liked that that's a teaser for one of our end segments of the podcast because if there's one thing I like That's a teaser for one of our end segments of the podcast. Because if there's one thing I like, it's a compliment that's slightly backhanded.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Those are always the best. The best comments and especially reviews on Apple Podcasts are always the ones that kind of cut at us a little bit. Yeah. And then also say something positive. That can't quite be like, hey, yeah, these guys really are doing it. No, it's like, to have like a, well. Those are the funniest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And if you can't laugh at those, you know, like we do that to other people. We make an Instagram. That's the world I want to live in where everyone's dishing out compliments, but you're still not quite sure if they're sincere or not. Or they're kind of like getting a little jab in there too. That's the world we should all live in. It kind of keeps everyone on their toes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:04 That one you're going to get at is on the docket here. Good, good, good. I like it. So do we want to talk about what the world's strongest man did? Well, maybe we should because we've been talking about that for a while. Yeah. Estimations, estimations. We've got to find out where we were right and where we were wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I mean, we're always right. Right. So we probably don't even need to talk about it. That's true. But we will, just in case you missed us before. So Hafthor did complete his, not first powerlifting meet, but first powerlifting meet in about seven years. And I guess we just start at the beginning his squat he what did he hit on a second attempt
Starting point is 00:17:50 he successfully squatted 968 and he missed his first attempt we got color depth on depth on his first 968 successful on his second i think all white lights yep which is 440 kilos. On his 30, he tried 460 kilos. And what was that in pounds? 1,012? 1,012, yep. And that would be probably the most controversial lift of the day, I would think. What did you think of the 1,012 squat? I think a lot of people kind of had the same sentiment,
Starting point is 00:18:21 was that there's a lot of world records out there right now that are inches higher than that squat i'm not saying he buried it because he didn't bury it by any means but um i think a lot of people were like oh it's thor's home meet he's gonna get off easy on this whole thing and i really felt like he maybe had some of the stricter judging that I've seen outside of a USPA meet. Yeah. I think Boris Sheikow was the head judge. And he was giving him red lights from the front. From the front on depth.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And I don't think you're – aren't you not supposed to give red lights from the front? I didn't think so, yeah. But what do I know? Yeah. Yeah, that was, to me, the big surprise. It was kind of the squat depth calls because the way people were making it seem like, as long as he put the bar on his back, they were going to give him white lights. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:11 What a lot of people were making it come off like. It definitely wasn't like that. And that was not the case. I don't think anyone could be critical in that direction of the judging. No, no. I really do feel like a lot of the meets I see where people posting PRs, world records, they don't squat to this depth, it seems like. And he walked it out of a –
Starting point is 00:19:28 Walked it out. That was a pretty smooth walk out. Yeah. And he blew it up. It was really, really, really fast. Yeah, that was – It was for sure probably the fastest 1,000-pound squat I've ever seen in competition. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I'm having trouble thinking of something off the top of my head that was faster. Maybe there are out there. I've ever seen in competition. Yeah. I'm having trouble thinking of something off the top of my head that was faster. Maybe there are out there. There might be, but I don't know if there were ones that had been walked out, too, on top of that. Right. So, yeah, that one was a bit of a surprise. And we were, I'd say our predictions on his squat were pretty much right on. Yeah, were we guessing like 975, 980-ish? Yeah, but we know we thought his 30 would maybe be around that thousand
Starting point is 00:20:06 pound mark if if things were going well and i don't know it looked like he could have sunk it just a smidge more and still got the lift too you know it's kind of a shame that that's what it seems like at that point he couldn't have been off of depth by more than like an inch or so right and it's like oh is that one inch really going to like is that you really can't get there or were you afraid you weren't going to come back from it but the way he moved it it's like, oh, is that one inch really going to like, is that you really can't get there? Or were you afraid you weren't going to come back from it? But the way he moved it, it's just hard to believe that it wasn't there. Yeah, for sure. So with that, he moved into bench. And I'm wondering if this, I don't think bench,
Starting point is 00:20:36 I don't think that squad had any bearing on how his day planned out here because it was white lights across the board. Third attempt was 550. I think it was actually 551 maybe with the way Kilo's break down. I think that's right. 551 PR. It looked good. It wasn't easy, but it also wasn't like an absolute grinder either.
Starting point is 00:20:56 No, that was good. I think that was an all-time PR, wasn't it? Yeah, because his best ever bench, he said before, that was like that 530 whatever that he did in training. That was a little better than what I thought so I think that's like a good – That was a little better than what I thought. I think you pretty much said right on, I think your guess was about 550 on bench, and I was thinking he'd be more like 530.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Yeah, and I think to show up on meet day and have a 20-pound PR on bench and to not look like you died while you did it, like I think that's good coaching right there. Yeah, for sure. So, okay, now we're going – and that that was we all were kind of right there on it you know 5 30 ish to maybe 5 40 on baby he did actually beat our expectations a little bit but yeah um you know we're kind of in the ballpark of what we're expecting so far and his subtotal there by the time he had finished those two even with missing that uh that third, he still was in the running
Starting point is 00:21:45 to be able to potentially put up a world record total. I think he was still under 1,000 pounds that he was going to have to deadlift in order to hit the new world record. So it was still possible, especially based on what he had said his deadlift opener was going to be prior to the meet. And what did he say his opener was going to be, 903? Yeah, what he did for his second attempt, he had said that that was going to be his opener. But I suppose after squatting 1,012 and benching 550.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah, just the day. The day of catching up to him. So, yeah, I think his first attempt was like 880, right around there. Yeah, I think you're right. Easy. No big deal. Jumps to 903. Again, looked pretty easy. Looked pretty good, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And now with that, he becomes the first man to do a 900-pound deadlift and squat in the same meet. Is that what you were saying? No, if he would have had to squat 1,000 and deadlift 900. Oh, he'd be the first one to do that okay well i mean he did it he just didn't get the lights for it right but that still goes to show just how hard that is there's a reason that nobody's ever done i mean yeah granted he basically did it but it still hasn't been done like officially yet yeah he's probably the first person to do it this way
Starting point is 00:23:04 though where he squats a thousand doesn't get it to count and then actually does deadlift 900 like there can't be many people that have done that no probably not but yeah so he uh yeah deadlifts 903 no problem uh jumps to 946 fairly big jump but i suppose with the way things were going and that i'm pretty sure that total had he hit that at that point it would have tied him it would have put him around like nine or 24 it would have tied him tied him for the second best all-time total i'm pretty sure that's what it would that's what i'm pretty sure that's why they went that it would have tied the second biggest total of all time i remember don't necessarily quote me on that,
Starting point is 00:23:48 but I remember looking at it at the time, and I think that's where it would have put us. Either way, it's in that very top three-ish range. Right, right. Because – and I think that's why – that was my guess. That's why he picked that. Because he's like, oh, I can't – you know, I'm too far out from getting to Andre's number at this point.
Starting point is 00:24:06 So he had it halfway up. It went past his knees. It was actually moving really good. It didn't slow down. It just turned into a grip thing, which is kind of surprising. Like even the world's strongest man has grip issues on deadlift. You could see he looked at his hands. You could tell he was disappointed.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Like I had basically done all the work at this point right these things let me down and the thing is obviously thor has a very strong grip you know that's a part of strong man that's a part of all the events he does farmers carries all that you know he does thousand pound frames and 800 pound farmers carries and all that but it's still gripping a deadlift bar for a deadlift is still a little bit different grip than those things. And to Thor's hand, the size of a deadlift bar. Oh, it's got to be like holding a pencil.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah, exactly. It's got to sit in his hand such an awkward way. Yeah. So it doesn't surprise me that he would struggle with that. Got to switch to hook grip. I guess. It seems like that's the thing.. Got to switch to hook grip. I guess. It seems like that's the thing. Everyone has to switch to hook grip if you're going over 900.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Yeah. Right? That's what it's coming down to. Well, by the looks of it, he missed that deadlift because of his grip. And, I mean, it's probably a number. Had he – say he was even stronger and that weight was relatively even easier for him, maybe the grip wouldn't have been an issue because he would have moved through it faster and it wouldn't have been a grip thing.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So maybe it is strength and other reasons. But of the appearance, at least, it looks like the grip probably. I'm just saying, I haven't seen Caleb Willem or Uri Belkin drop one over 900. I don't think I ever have seen them, have you? I can't think of a time off the top of my head. No, no. So it's got to be a scientific fact then yep you were you and ryan were playing around with some hook yeah we did i think i said a hook grip pr probably
Starting point is 00:25:51 yeah what'd you what'd you get with it five uh 545 45 yeah five just because usually it hurts too much to keep going and ryan did 600 with it the other day so i'd say if he can do 600 he's he could you know 610 is probably the limit no but i think just relatively like whatever he can deadlift he should be able to hook grip it seems like at this point yeah like that's not a limiting factor for him no which i remember like trying it with 400 and i was like okay i can't wait to switch back to mixed grip here yeah and i don't i can't do anything more than singles with it like i could never do reps with it it just i don't know how people do that or why sadistic they just decide they don't need thumbs anymore uh i did all also we messed around with it a little bit on the deadlift bar versus uh ipf 29 millimeter bar or you you know, a rogue Ohio power bar or a 29 millimeter versus a 27. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I think that's what the deadlift bar is. Uh, Texas power bar is even a little bit smaller than their 28 and a half. So even the Texas power bar feels a little bit better than like the rogue, uh, power bar, but that hook grip, I can notice a big difference. It sucks a lot worse. Yeah, it sucks way worse. That's the one thing that's surprising too if you do use you know for a few weeks maybe even a couple months if you use the deadlift bar and get used to just that little bit narrower bar diameter and you switch to an actual full size stiff bar it is noticeable the feeling not so much the whip but the feeling in your hand is very noticeable yeah that's i'm on uh we seven weeks of just always using the an actual power bar
Starting point is 00:27:33 on deadlift and it is like you can try to lie to yourself and tell yourself that it's not like like oh it's not no different you know i like, do the same on that. And it is different. It is. It doesn't make sense how two millimeters feels that different in the hand. Yeah, it definitely does. That's what she said. That is what she said. So will Thor do another one?
Starting point is 00:27:59 He said 2019 looks like he might come back to it sometime. Had he hit that last deadlift and had he hit that squat that would have i'm pretty sure tied the all-time the all-time world record i got the old calculator machine right here let's do had he been successful on all those thirds i'm pretty sure that would have tied and 46 2508 that would have put him at that looks a little bit short then because it was like 25 15 or something like that. It just shows like how insane that is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:29 But also he is probably, that's probably about the lowest bench to be in the area that he's in. Yeah. I guess Eric really bridges maybe around that five 50 area. Yeah. I think as long, you know, if,
Starting point is 00:28:40 if he can improve a little bit more and he gets into put, say 25 more pounds on that bench, you know, then he's, he's not more and he puts, say, 25 more pounds on that bench, you know, then he's not, I don't think it's a lagging lift compared to most of those other guys at that point. And even when you look at Thor's deadlift, how it's progressed over the years, assuming the grip thing is there, like, the deadlift's only going to keep going up for him. Well, this meet was on him specifically training for powerlifting for a couple months. Yeah. If he really, you know, I think I probably, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:09 over the last couple years when we've done predictions on things and I probably have a habit of undershooting what I think Thor will do and he kind of has a habit of doing more, you know. So I guess at this point I'd be surprised if he doesn't, if he does another powerlifting meet i'd be surprised if he doesn't break 2500 or break the world record then because i i just think he's yeah just does whatever the hell he wants to anymore i don't yeah i wouldn't i'm not gonna bet against him on anything i don't think no it'd be stupid yeah especially if in 2019 he comes back and does it and puts more time into focusing on it but
Starting point is 00:29:47 i don't really know why he would other than just to to pat if he just wants the world record yeah i mean that would be the reason because it's safe to say he's stronger than everyone else he's stronger than you yeah right yeah you you maybe have one lift on him that you're maybe better at but in all respects of strength he's stronger than you yeah for all practical applications of any of this i think this put him at about ninth or tenth maybe like tenth all-time total somewhere in there give or take a couple places so in his first powerlifting meet in seven years he's in the top and he's got to be like one of the only guys in that group to do
Starting point is 00:30:26 strongman and powerlifting yeah i bet he's the only one yeah yeah like it's like not even his sport and he can show up as what would what would really be fun next year is to see him compete at like big dogs yeah big dogs would be the one that would be awesome to see him compete at yeah that or i mean if you want to do like the us open that's not going to see him compete at. Yeah, that. Or, I mean, if you want to do, like, the US Open, that's not going to happen with the way the schedule is. Right, that would be awesome, too. Yeah, either one of those would be really cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:52 So, hopefully, 2019, big dogs. But, you know, at this point, there's got to be something in it for him to do it. Which big dogs are there? I mean, they're technically something. It probably doesn't really make much of a difference for him. What's it, $10,000 or whatever it is there? $20,000, I don't know. Yeah, maybe it's $20,000 for the winner or something like that.
Starting point is 00:31:09 But that's a paid – It's a good chunk of change. I got to think for him that's not really a make-or-break thing. He's probably making more than that sitting at home doing nothing. Right. And, you know, at the Arnold he makes $60,000 or $70,000. I think in Dubai he made probably about that much too. I don't know what they get paid out at World's Strongest Man,
Starting point is 00:31:28 but that's just the title anyways. That's probably the least one of a money deal because it's like the Super Bowl. Yeah, it's got sponsors and stuff behind it though, so it's hard to say. So that's what Thor did. I hope we see more. He did it to him. He did. He did do it to him. Yeah, more. He did it to him. He did. He did do it to him.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah, he had to do it to him. Can't deny that. Okay, should we focus on something more negative for a little bit? Yeah, we've been way too positive. We have been way too positive this whole time. I want to go. Or do we have a stat of the week or not? No stat of the week this week.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Then we won't even worry about that. No, no. We'll come back to that next week. We're saving up such a good stat that it's gonna be two weeks in the making a lot of stat yeah that's gonna be a good one yeah we have been too positive i want to go uh uh old school lift shorts commenter guy not new school lift shorts commenter guy like converts yeah yeah we had a post this week one of our mass Mathsnomics versus posts. Maybe you've heard of it. I mean, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:32:28 You've heard of it. It was Lane Norton versus Norton Antivirus. Classic matchup. Yeah. First, Tommy, from a tech perspective, what's your opinion on Norton Antivirus? You know, I use a Mac, so I don't have to worry about viruses. so i really can't do what do you know about it though like anything it was like always on pcs it seemed like like when i remember being a kid there was always like some norton what's it mcafee yeah yeah like just pop-ups on my machine all the time and didn't really know
Starting point is 00:33:02 how why it was there how it got there what it was doing if anything just kind of annoying in general that's i guess how i would sum it up whenever we do these mass dynamics verses i almost always have to do a little bit of like i can't make up for things about norton antivirus off the top of my head because i don't know anything about you haven't been in talk with the sales rep later right so i always have to do a little research and uh for a while there norton antivirus had a lot of problems and i think like people hated it and i think they've turned it around a little bit now though where it's maybe like a decent product again but for a while i think it was probably pretty terrible based on what i what i that doesn't surprise research yeah um so we did this
Starting point is 00:33:44 comparison and we weren't uh we weren't super negative to Lane Dorton or anything. It was just like anyone we knew. You know, we get a few little fun ones in there. We're not a total asshole about it. No, that's the thing. I always think there's got to be a couple that are like a complimentary to the person. It's not a straight-up roast here. No, no, but one or two of them have to be a little
Starting point is 00:34:05 bit of a yeah otherwise it looks like you're just trying to like yeah i mean you're like and that those are the ones that make it funny when you kind of mess with the person a little bit like and we do that forever you don't want to look so desperate that you got to build slaw they're my hero they're amazing right right no you don't gotta do that whole thing no and we try not to and i i think for the most part most of these people we've ever done them for they laugh they chuckle about it i think there's been a few people that have been offended by it but even like uh eight man strong oh we did one about them sports where we kind of roasted them a little bit i think and they they loved it you know they they thought it was funny and
Starting point is 00:34:40 you know had a couple funny comments to add yeah well it should be you should be able to laugh at yourself right you take this fitness stuff like that seriously like you got issues yes yes exactly um but so so what came of this was the comments on our post about lane norton were i it ended up being like 110 comments or something like that. Yeah. Just some stupid number. And this wasn't a post asking for comments. It wasn't asking for any comments. And just how negative they were. I mean, I knew there was a little thing about Lane Norton that a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:35:20 like I think he responds in the comments quite a bit, and maybe that gets people fired up. I think that does get people. Most people just, whatever, don't even respond. But yeah, the fact that he acknowledges it gives these people this feeling of acknowledgement where they've got to keep firing away on him. Yeah, but would you have guessed there was going to be so many? No, and I guess what blows my mind is the thing is some people – some people – I don't think it's many, but some people really hate Lane Norton.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And I don't think that's an understatement at all. Some people really hate Lane Norton. And the recurring thing seems to be people seem to hate his, like, views on flexible dieting, which I don't – he's not He's not trying to sell you Herbalife shakes or Thrive. He's not trying to sell you some multi-level marketing thing. He's not really giving... I guess I don't follow him super close, but I don't think he's really giving bad advice. It doesn't seem like it to me,
Starting point is 00:36:20 but I'm the same way. I don't follow him close enough to really know. I don't think if the average person followed his... I don't think that the vertical diet has leaps and bounds of knowledge on his thing here. No, no, no. And, I mean, the way I understand it, flexible dieting is kind of like you have your macros. You kind of have an allowance for each macro, and you stick to that, and that's how you can manipulate your weight.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And that makes sense. Yeah, and from what I hear him say, I think he, like, tries to support anything he says by i mean this is his thing is science but he is he is knowledgeable yeah he has experience like he's done a lot of stuff but people seem to hate his views on dieting they hate the fact that there's no way he can be natural yeah absolutely no way he's natural i don't know and i don't know what the deal on that is. Why is it not believable? What about him looks not natural? I used to think he was really jacked until he walked by us at the Arnold,
Starting point is 00:37:14 and I'm like, oh, Lane Norton's not 6'1". Yeah, who's that small guy? He's like, is he 5'9", maybe? He's not a huge dude. So when I saw him, I'm like, oh, it makes sense that he's shredded. He's kind of a shorter person. Do you remember we broke bread with him in the same restaurant this year? He was there.
Starting point is 00:37:30 He was when we – I don't know how to describe the place because it's just the same as every place that we go and eat at. But it was like a brewery. Oh, was it the one where you ate all the pizza this year? The pizza. Oh, no, no, no, no. It was that one. The Ram. The Ram.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Yeah, it was the Ram, I think. Yeah, upstairs. I did forget he was there when we were walking out. Yeah, he was in there eating, too. If only he knew what he was going to be in for nine months later. Yeah. But people hate, what was it? Oh, the fact that there's no way he's natural.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I think he was an IPF world champion, wasn't he? Second. Second, okay. Silver medalist. He was an SAPL national champion. But even his numbers from then to now, people are smoking those numbers and claiming to be natural. So already the claim in his physique isn't that that absolutely insane so i don't think it's a
Starting point is 00:38:27 stretch at all i think he's natural i'm not saying he is or he isn't but i i think there's there's people i would say are way more suspect oh if i had to just guess based on mine i'd be like i believe him i don't why would i why wouldn't i that yeah if i'm gonna not believe someone it's not gonna be the like there's russell or uh uh yeah russell or whatever i'm gonna not believe someone it's not gonna be the one like there's russell or uh yeah russell or whatever i'm like that's the dude i'm picking out that's like that guy has a physique yeah right right like yeah if you want to be suspicious that was that someone who i'd be suspicious right i'm not i'm not even worried about that like i don't even waste my time thinking about that but if someone wanted to be like oh he is i could be like well i could
Starting point is 00:39:04 understand how you could think that way. Right. I'm not saying he is. Right. So that's one thing. And then people love to hate on his personal life. That's the part where I'm like, why are people like so into his personal life? Well, isn't like, don't like 50% of marriages end in divorce?
Starting point is 00:39:23 Like, I want to think that, I mean, I know for a fact there's power lifters out there that are some kind of like made some bad life choices and some kind of shitty people, I think, outside of lifting. We talked about that before. People have no problem worshiping these people. And it's like, well, these people are kind of, some of them might be kind of scumbags, but because they can squat a lot, like you, or bench a lot, or deadlifts a lot, or whatever they do. And we're not saying that all of them are. No, no, no, I'm not. There's some probably out there. But it's like anything in life.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Like, there's people that are kind of scumbags, but because they're good at something, people like worship them. And it's like, I don't think he's doing, again, I haven't spent a lot of my life stalking him like some of these people apparently do. But I just have such a hard time believing that he is like the thing that's wrong with the world. Right. With like, yeah. That like these people want to paint him to be.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And you can go look at the meme and there is probably 80 comments of these couple people arguing back and forth about how he is the problem with the world. Yeah. I don't get the personal life thing where it's like, well, you don't know this. Like, you don't. I'm assuming none of these people actually know him. Or have talked to him. Right. Or would probably even say anything to his face.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And I'm not even saying he's not, like, doesn't, like, maybe he did do bad things in his personal life. But what my point is, we don't know that. And I assume none of these people do. I just thought people didn't get this fired up unless it was, like, about Donald Trump. Like, that was like, I thought people only got to this level excitement about donald trump but uh no yeah because it's like apparently former usapl lifters really get people going too
Starting point is 00:40:55 and i do think a big part of it is because he responds to like all these comments and i have to he did on one of them he He said, like, your mom. He had, like, your mom. And you could just tell whoever was on the other side of it that their head was, like, about to explode from this whole thing. I was personally impressed because I was curious. Whenever we put these out and if it's someone we don't know as well. Like, if we post one about quads like Rob, we know he's going to be cool with it. We've talked to him before and we've talked back and forth several times
Starting point is 00:41:31 and met him and we know that he understands our thing and he's going to laugh at it. But like Lane Norton, we don't know him and we don't know if he's going to be like, oh, this is funny. We've never talked about him ever or mentioned him in anything. So as far as we know, it's just going to be like oh this is funny or if like like we've never like talked about him ever mentioned him in anything so as far as we know it's just going to go like oh really dumb move on to the next thing here right right and and i was curious if he was going to maybe like get a snarky comment back at us or something but i guess i was impressed by the fact how he was like laughing and you know he was pretty receptive yeah and there's a couple you
Starting point is 00:42:02 know is uh i think in I think in the comment was, new drinking game, take a shot every time that Lane Norton says PhD. He references his PhD. Yeah, which that's a joke at his expense, obviously, like making fun of him that he says PhD all the time. And he kind of took it and ran with it, I thought. Yeah, he did great, which is what you have to do with that thing. So I have a hard time believing that he's really that poor of a sport
Starting point is 00:42:26 that people make him out to be about all this stuff. Right. Some people really hate Lane Norton. It's just like a YouTube comment section going through there. It's just like, oh, where did these people come from? I think people were even challenging him
Starting point is 00:42:41 to like, look how good I'm going to do. Also, i don't think he's really like trying to like really make a run at being number one in the world maybe he is but i think he's trying to make a run at being number one in the world like he's kind of done his thing and right i think he's pretty happy with his professional career and all that like his whole identity isn't tied to uh his squat or whatever he has no meat you know and and maybe some of the people commenting just enjoy it. Like maybe they're not even mad.
Starting point is 00:43:08 They just are like having fun. Just throwing fuel on the fire. Yeah, just like, yeah, this is kill. Waste some time this Monday at work. I really liked it. Getting really hard to yell at me. Wasn't it frustrated strength athlete? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:19 That was me. It was like looking at the comments section. Yeah, as a kid sitting in the movie theater. With the garbage bag of popcorn and a two liter, just going to town. That's kind of what it was. That was what it was like. So some people really hate Lane Norton. I guess you learn something every day.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Will that be the title of the... Seems pretty appropriate, yeah. Maybe he'll share that too. Maybe he'll share that too. Another thing that popped up that also kind of ties into crazy Instagram comments is old Taylor Woolham, Dr. Deadlift. Professor Bench Press. That's his alter ego. He had a post on Instagram and it was all text.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And the text said things I want for all powerlifting meets. Number one, no more deadlift bar. We'll go in depth on these, but I'll read through them right away. Number one, no more deadlift bar. Number two, only two-hour weigh-ins. Number three,
Starting point is 00:44:20 only sleeves for raw competitions. Number four, I'd honestly be alright with no sumo lol number five instant replay verification via official judges cam for record attempts so how do you feel about these tanner i could get behind like the entire list i mean i'm fine with all of them yeah i think like to me just generally speaking if all those things were true it would work to some people's disadvantage but i think overall it would work to a lot of people's disadvantage yeah i think overall for the sport uh being more universally accepted and maybe growing larger and being more unified
Starting point is 00:45:03 definitely if you're talking about being more unified it would be beneficial yeah i i completely agree and and going through the first one no more deadlift bar so a lot of these things in this are just related to people manipulating factors to be able to lift more weight i mean that's all it is right and i think but if nobody gets to use a deadlift bar, then it's all the same. No, exactly. Yeah. And that's – so this is, again, where – and I don't know that –
Starting point is 00:45:30 this is probably such a hard thing to look up, and I'd love to see, like, what is the history of, like, deadlift bars? What's the history of going from two-hour weigh-ins to, like, 24-hour weigh-ins? I think the – someone correct us on this if it's not right, but I think the Oki deadlift bar was the first – Like 80s, are we talking? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what the time frame is on these things.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Because at some point, someone said – someone didn't just say, oh, this deadlift bar just – it's fair for everyone. It's just a different bar. Like someone had to have engineered it with the idea in mind that like, oh, this thing does change things a little bit, and it might help out some people. We'll make it a little longer, a little thinner, easier to grab. We'll bend a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Same thing with the weigh-ins. Two-hour weigh-ins, you can't show up depleted and expect to have a good day. Let's have a 24-hour weigh-in. Is 48-hour weigh-in a thing? That might be in some federations. Let's have a 24-hour weigh-in. All that's doing is like let's make an arbitrary time
Starting point is 00:46:27 before a meet where you can weigh a certain amount for literally minutes if you wanted to and then you can do whatever you want to put that back on it's like that's the most artificial like metric there is yeah I that's I don't
Starting point is 00:46:44 none of I've never done any weight cutting and i don't like the idea of it so that's really easy i that'd probably be the biggest one on the list that i'm like yes two hour weigh-ins that's that's an excellent idea well and then the next one only sleeves for raw competitions sure i mean i mean really what he's almost describing is he wants ipf style meets is what he's describing here. Well, actually, yeah, the first three, that's what they – well, except for one important bullet that's not a bat lift. So, yeah, yeah. So, okay, he says only sleeves for rock competitions. Sure.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I don't have a problem with knee sleeves because it's – no one's – I feel like it gets distinguished enough that no one – no one that's interested in the sport gets confused on that. It's the same way though, that like, I think if the, for the sport to be bigger and better, it would be really nice if raw just meant one thing universally. And I don't think that will ever happen.
Starting point is 00:47:35 No, I don't think it won't, but like, I do think it, and even if it was wraps, like I'm looking at the side that I like sleeves better. So yeah, I'd like it to be sleeves,
Starting point is 00:47:43 but even if it was just wraps and that was what everyone did and like sleeves just were not a thing that people use for competitions yeah like i could get behind that if that's just what everyone yeah if that's what it was and that's what everyone did i think it would be cooler if it was all the same but i would get i would definitely like it to be sleeves yeah I like sleeves yeah um number four this is this I think is the one that got the most people going yeah was he said I'd honestly be all right with no sumo lol and he's obviously joking a little bit here because he has like an all-time world record at sumo but he is probably one of the only people that I've seen carry over their conventional as well as as good as he does for his sumo.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I think there's a lot of – you cannot go on Instagram now and not see deadlift PR videos of ridiculous sumo stances. And there's no way to actually quantify this, but it seems like for every crazy sumo deadlift pr you see for every 10 of those there's one conventional yeah like it's not especially if you're under 200 pounds like you just oh you're a lifter under 200 pounds i almost assume you lift you pull sumo right because that's just what everyone does yeah it is especially at those lighter weight classes and like women almost across the board just pull sumo yep um he put that at the end of it, and I know it's kind of a joke, but I also believe that there is some – Well, because I think if he does it already, I think he could pull 900 conventional.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I think he's capable of it. Well, and he says it all the time that his training is like 90% conventional deadlifting, and he just does sumo right prior to the meet to get used to doing it. I think he kind of would you know he said that's like something you say you send someone a text and it like feeling cute might delete yeah like you say lol at the end to like uh protect yourself right guys yeah because you don't you kind of mean it but you want the other person to think it's a joke just in case they don't agree with you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I think now more than ever, you could start to actually collect some data on Sumo and the statistics behind how many world records are out there with Sumo, like of the top five in any given year at a weight, how many of those were pulled. You could find that information now. It would take a little bit of work, but now more than ever, you would be able to get answers for those. And I'd be really curious to know like what those numbers are. You know, if like IPF meets are always easier to find just because, you know, the record keeping seems to be better.
Starting point is 00:50:20 But with open powerlifting, you could probably go back, find some people's, the top names, and just start looking around and see like how many right because it seems like it's just so much sumo now and yeah some of the rules you can do it why not whatever right uh number five he says instant replay verification via official judges cam for record attempts this kind of i believe does exist in ipf like you can petition to the judges or the jury whatever it is to to look and they can overturn lifts yeah so that does i don't know if that's just at the world level that that exists or what what the actual rules behind that are how that goes the problem with that is power lifting all these little meats like there's no money like people
Starting point is 00:51:00 don't have that equipment there's some meets you go to it's a miracle if they have an actual projector right you know so like yeah that's never going to happen at certain meets right but i guess People don't have that equipment. There's some meets you go to, it's a miracle if they have an actual projector. Right, right. So, yeah, that's never going to happen at certain meets. Right. But I guess if you're talking just for world record attempts, maybe they could just have it at the bigger meets. But, yeah, I think most places aren't going to have that available.
Starting point is 00:51:21 No, no. But I could see that there's no reason that that wouldn't be possible. Yeah, well, I think it's a good idea at like a u.s open and you know big dogs things like that but i think the flip side of it is people could really see in the replay like oh that lift was good like i think powerlifting would make itself look stupid because you would see lifts getting past that in slow motion be like whoa yeah right that's what we're letting go huh yeah and you would like it would fall apart on itself right like it absolutely would um because whatever your definition of it is it would just so that would probably be bad for powerlifting probably but this got me thinking so his things he's complaining about a lot of people would defend these things saying like well that's what makes the sport exciting that's what makes it different yeah okay why doesn't someone come around with
Starting point is 00:52:07 even a whippier deadlift bar you know if it makes it exciting why don't we get a crazier deadlift bar we're like like like the rogue elephant bar like why don't we just start getting something like that like why don't we do 72 hour weigh-ins yeah you know let guys or use straps let guys cut 50 pounds and then have three days to put it on and and why don't we let people like just go nuts with wraps like that one guy he got all that slack or all that crap for having like his leg wrapped so i can't remember his name someone sent a nice message to us dm'd us that trains out of that same gym as that guy and said that um i can't remember the exact relationship if they have the same coach they train out of that same gym as that guy and said that, I can't remember the exact relationship if they have the same coach,
Starting point is 00:52:48 they train out of the same gym. And they said those were standard three millimeter knee wraps. So either he's, and I don't know the details, but they could be really short. He could also have just had him wrapped really weird too. You would be able to wrap him that way. He wouldn't probably get much out of him. So if that's the case, maybe he's even stronger than...
Starting point is 00:53:07 Maybe if he had him wrapped more on the knee he'd be even better. I don't know. But what's stopping someone from coming around and having a federation that's even crazier than this? How do you even have criticism of that then? Because things just keep going this way.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Why can't the deadlift bar be six inches longer and another millimeter thinner yeah why not like people were kind of i think getting at the fact that the wrpf meets seem a little suspect and how they were doing it right people seem to have no problem watching those using the wider plates yep the wider plates you don't push that weight out there so um i feel like that's that's the issue with powerlifting though is that it's so just anyone can start a federation and do it like there's no real official like head that it just it's its own worst enemy yeah like it makes itself look good and it makes itself look bad i jp price i saw he had made a comment i can't remember where i saw it but
Starting point is 00:54:02 i thought it was great. What would be ideal to him, which he even himself knew that this was probably not ever going to happen, but if there was just essentially two powerlifting federations, the tested fed and the untested. See, that would be because that is the problem. It's so fragmented. See, that would be, because that is the problem. It's so fragmented. Like, what other professional organization or sporting organization is so fragmented that at the higher level, like, people pick and choose? Because people still do that.
Starting point is 00:54:36 They pick and choose, for the most part, what meets they want to go set records in because they're friendlier. For their rules and what they like to do. For the way, for their lifting style. You know, it's not consistent. And, like, Dan Green had a lot of comments in there. I don't know if you saw any of them. I didn't see him. He was like – because he was basically against all of this. Because, I mean, it kind of goes against a lot of stuff that he does.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Deadlift bar, sumo. He doesn't do any of this stuff. Right, right. This goes against everything. His argument was that, well, in the name of standardizing it, there's not standardized baseball fields. Baseball fields are different sizes. But I don't know if I completely buy that one.
Starting point is 00:55:09 And I think his whole thing was let people pick the federation where they feel like they can showcase their strength the best and show off the way they want to the best. I don't know. I mean, he had valid points. That's not the same viewpoint that I have. Yeah. I agree.
Starting point is 00:55:26 But it probably won't ever get there because people can never agree on the, like. I don't think so. Can it be a monolith or does it have to be a spot stand? I mean, that already is going, that already, like, there's people that will not do one or the other. Right, right. And, I mean, there's strongly held beliefs on that. Like, same thing with the deadlift bar. There's strongly held beliefs on whether a deadlift bar should be there or not like benching even ipf versus other meets to me the ipf bench is so much tougher than the like with yeah when
Starting point is 00:55:57 you see guys like blaine sumner having to keep their head down heels down you don't see any of the other like bench experts keeping their head down and their heels down the entire time like that. That's probably to me, people like to rag on squats for being IPF judging is so tough and it's inconsistent and all this, but at that higher level, those bigger guys, I don't know how some of those bigger guys bench at an ipf level right especially on those benches too so did we solve anything there tanner yeah we solved uh most most problems i think we have
Starting point is 00:56:36 resolutions to everything in place that everyone should be pretty satisfied with and i think with this whole statement people are always going to side with the things that are more advantageous to them. We haven't done enough to really have much perspective on. Well, that's why. I guess you've done a 24-hour weigh-in. You've done knee wraps. You've done those things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Actually, you've trained with a deadlift bar almost exclusively. Yeah, and I've done both back in. But so I like a deadlift bar better, but I would be cool with no more deadlift bar i think that's a good idea because it makes everything more universal and that's what i like better rather than the things i personally like i like the idea of it being universal yeah just to compare yeah compare people like the name of the game is testing strength right that's the thing that i always get the most confused with if the name of the game is testing strength why do we come up with all these different ways to manipulate the system so that we can lift more like it's almost like giving yourself a little bit of a handicap you know yeah right like in golf if you like i'm gonna use the use the the
Starting point is 00:57:37 white you know whatever the blue tee box or whatever the closer one yeah it's like you're using the women's tee box or you're using an illegal driver that's too right it hits the ball farther yeah and it's fun to watch, but it kind of goes against the spirit of having skill to hit it farther. I'm not saying you don't need skill, but the equipment is aiding you in some way. I just realized the more you talk about this, it's such a huge debate. People are always going to have their minds made up and probably never change them. No, that's true.
Starting point is 00:58:02 But it's funny. Kaler can do it because a lot of those things are the opposite of what he is in that position of being because if he says ah no more deadlift bar you can't really argue with him too much because you're like oh wait you're like the best deadlifter in the world and you use a deadlift bar and you're saying get rid of the deadlift bar yeah yeah so that's i really do want to know like the history of the deadlift bar like when did that come about yeah that would be that would be kind of interesting to know. That would be. And maybe at some point.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Maybe we're just the people to. We could be. If only there was someone that had a way to. If only there was someone that had a social media presence to ask around a little bit. Well, we'll never know, I guess. I guess that one will die here. We're getting down there on time a little bit. Yeah, we got a couple things in the one big, we have one big lift, I think. Oh, we do.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Our big lift segment. Yeah. We have Amanda Lawrence here, and she's turning into the female Larry Wheels at her PR rate. Yes. Doesn't make any sense to me. No. Can't wrap my head around it. But she had a 600-pound deadlift and a 570-pound squat.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I think she also had like, she squatted like 505 or five plates. Four. Yeah, like five or something. Yeah. Like it doesn't make sense. Like I don't get, yeah, if she'd been at this for like 10 years and just slowly chipping away PRs. But these PRs are coming in like almost weekly for her.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Yeah. I don't know how that happens. Like she's, and what is she? Straight up newbie gains. Is she like 175 pound female or something? I think right around, it's whatever that one that Danielle Mello does. Yeah. I don't know what the weight is, but she's going to be deadlifting and squatting 600 pounds both.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Yeah, at well under 200 pounds body weight. It's just like there's a good chance if you're listening to this, she's stronger than you. Yeah, yes. Like more than likely she is stronger than you. And I don't know. At the rate she's going, it seems like she's jumping. Like her total gets, it's going to seems like she's jumping like her total gets it's going to go up like 10 or 20 percent every year maybe every month maybe she would change
Starting point is 01:00:10 her instagram handle to female larry wheels that would be really cool larry wheels not in big lifts but was doing all those uh pyramid uh lifts where he had all the plates those were fun to watch yeah when you watching that were you thinking like oh bradley martin has a very nice set of cast iron black plates like did you see like they were all you know like most gyms yeah the plate the metal plates it's kind of like ours yeah it's kind of a mix of yeah you know you have like your cast ones yeah you're just what's the is it the milled one yeah what's the york milled plates the milled ones are the nicer yeah the mill so like you have the milled ones, the cast ones. Some are black.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Some are kind of gray. Some have just different hues to them. He had all. It was all matching. It looked like the nice milled ones, all laid out there. Yeah, and the deadlift he did at Barbell Brigade, and they used those deeper dish plates, which I don't like those quite as well.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Yeah. Teach their own. Yeah, I guess so. When you're layer, you do what you want. Yeah, that's right. Cool. Deeper dish plates, which I don't like those quite as well. Teach their own. When you're layer, you do what you want. Yeah, that's right. Cool. But, yeah, we do have that. I have that on my phone. It's not listed in YouTube. Is this what I teased at earlier?
Starting point is 01:01:16 Yes. This is our best Instagram slash YouTube comment of the week. And this was a good one. comment of the week and this this was a good one um this is from jason karnosky on uh youtube this was on our last episode of the massomics podcast he said massonomics is the the la croix of lifting podcasts mostly watered down nothing with a touch of useful information slash discussion however still somewhat delicious and very refreshing. That is a good description. Mostly watered down nothing.
Starting point is 01:01:53 With a touch of useful information. Just enough to keep you interested. Maybe coming back for more, wondering what's there. Just to be like, is this bad or do I like it? Is there something there actually i better go back again to take another look god he really nailed that he did nail it that's good oh i almost have to get a shirt with that made on it that that was excellent uh we did have a podcast review too oh man i don't think i've read this one before anyways um this is from toughy 226 five out of five stars the title is inspired or perspired
Starting point is 01:02:30 from the latest tech talk latest iphone 6 to all the nutrition info you could ever need hardies and the world's greatest stats and larry fan club this is the best multifaceted podcast great job hope to make it to the gym next time i visit south dakota when there's no snow on the Stats and Larry Fan Club. This is the best multifaceted podcast. Great job. Hope to make it to the gym next time I visit South Dakota when there's no snow on the ground. Excellent. Very good. Thank you for that.
Starting point is 01:02:53 We'll welcome you with open arms to the gym next time you're in South Dakota. Snow or no snow. Yes, we will. Good review, though. Keep the podcast reviews coming on Apple Podcasts. I promise we will consider reading it on the air. That's a good promise. What more could you ask for?
Starting point is 01:03:12 I don't know. I promise we will start to think about reading it on the air. Let's see. This is going to come out right before Christmas Eve. Ooh. Yeah. You could say Santa's coming a little early this year. If you know what I mean.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Mrs. Claus. So, with that, Tanner, you do anything crazy for Christmas? Just family stuff or local family stuff. We have a very full itinerary from Monday, or actually from Saturday through Tuesday. We have things every day, but it's just all local. So Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, I have one or two meals planned out for me on each one of those days. Well, that's really all that matters. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:57 I got to try and sneak a lift or two in there, though. Yeah, you do. You don't want to get out of shape. No. You'd be terrible. You'd be weak over Christmas. How about you want to get out of shape. No. It would be terrible. You're weak over Christmas. How about you? Anything?
Starting point is 01:04:07 I'm headed out west to the old. Hawaii again. I didn't say how far. Maybe I'm going farther than that even. Now I'm heading to the Black Hills. Excellent place. Yep. Excellent place.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Always. Always. All right. Well, thank you, you everyone for listening to us here uh along this journey we called episode 142 i hope uh that you'll tune in next time for episode 143 do you know what we're going to talk about yet i do and you don't want to miss it yeah don't want to miss this one really good yeah if you like like the first 142 like the first 142 was just a warm-up for 143. Yeah, that was.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Like 143 is where we're actually going to start. That's where this thing's going to come alive. Yeah, it's time to get serious. So you got that to look forward to. You do have that to look forward to in 143. You need to check us out on all the places you can check us out. Facebook, like us on there. YouTube, subscribe there.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Check out all the podcasts on YouTube And maybe some other random videos in there There was a Tour that Tyler gave of Greg's gym Is that right? Das Gym Back when he was still stateside
Starting point is 01:05:19 But he's just there visiting check that out sometime Our Instagram Well wait a second our store yes i don't want to forget to tell you to go to the store that's where actually the one thing i really care about you doing is going to the store and buying some stuff so uh get yourself some apparel bent shirt lift shirt lift shorts flex flask stickers koozies um massonomic shirts we've got new shirts coming out really soon, really soon. Hopefully by the next time we're,
Starting point is 01:05:47 we're like, if you don't, if you don't see them by the time you hear this, it's probably because it's the holidays. Yeah. We're busy, but it'll be really, yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:55 you'll see that. Hopefully the week that this comes out, we'll have some, uh, fresh new hotness to drop all over you. We're going to release it, drop it. Uh,
Starting point is 01:06:07 so just be ready for that. that's it instagram handles you didn't lose yours in hawaii did you didn't lose it in hawaii try to take it from me but i said no no no uh at tomahawk underscore d the official massonomics instagram account at massonomics we'll catch you next time. See ya! You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanomics, and make sure
Starting point is 01:06:38 you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanomics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcasts, stay strong.

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