Massenomics Podcast - Ep.163: Fitnesses Finest the Fads that Didn't Last

Episode Date: May 20, 2019

We bring you the newest and hottest Massenomics Podcast segment: "Fitnesses Finest".  These are some of the best fitness related products that you probably don't know about.  We also talk about the ...big expansion of Massenomics Gym.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Welcome everyone to episode 163 of the Massanomics Podcast, the world's strongest podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Two best podcast hosts in the world are back again for more, Tommy and Tanner. Tommy, how's it going? Good. That's a pretty big title. I've never heard best podcast host in the world. Usually it's just best host of the Mass Anomics podcast. We've been upgraded. Yep, just best in the world.
Starting point is 00:00:50 That's high praise. Yep. We have a lot to go over in episode 163. We're just talking. We don't even know if we're going to get to it all. You know, that's actually been a recurring theme the last few weeks. We haven't been able to get through everything. But maybe today we'll just go for that two- or three-hour episode.
Starting point is 00:01:05 We've been running well over an hour at times here. We're probably going to have more of the same. Joe Rogan, here we come. So I guess if we just talk about, if we spend most of the time talking about how much we have to talk about, we can really make this long. Just keep the problem going. That's right. Where do we want to start?
Starting point is 00:01:24 From the beginning? Should we talk about, well, the beginning? Should we talk about the Masonomics gym and what's been happening there? That's probably the best place to start. Keep it close to home. So with the Masonomics gym, we went from roughly, what's the gym been? About 1,600 feet? Yes, and 2.0 was about 1, square feet something like that and the first if you guys don't know the whole story of the massonomics gym the first massonomics gym was was it about 400
Starting point is 00:01:53 square feet um yeah i don't know i can't like the room we're podcasting in right now might actually be bigger than the first gym yeah it's a different it's probably about the same but yeah total maybe 500 4 500 something like that it was very small very very small like it had enough for like one rack yeah 20 a small half rack a bench and some free weights like that was the gym yeah um and so when we got to upgrade to what was this four three years ago yep we upgraded from like 400 500 ish to 1600, which felt massive. Yeah, we tripled. Like, how do you ever fill all this space? Tripled, quadrupled our size.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, and that served us really well for two years. Yeah. And then it was like you were already starting to feel the pinch of, wow, we filled this up with toys. We did the impossible in two years. We got a lot more and a lot of new stuff as we went over the last couple of years. Yeah. And it was like this last year especially really started to fill the pinch. Like to the point where it was just like, well, can't get any more new stuff because there's no room for it.
Starting point is 00:02:57 No. Like there was almost no room for bars. Yeah, I was going to say we almost couldn't get more bars. Like all the bar storage options were full. We had to get more bar racks at that point. We had the gun rack, the vertical racks, all the racks on the – The walls were like completely – there was no space left on the walls for things. Yeah, it was just full.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah. And so we kind of knew this problem was coming. We'd been discussing some options with the landlord and some other things. Finally, I think they kind of came to you with the idea of expanding the room for the gym. Yeah, something we talked about for a long time, but it was really on them if they were really going to do it or not, you know. And they eventually decided to do it. We got something kind of worked out, and they built out more space.
Starting point is 00:03:42 And we ended up, we've more than doubled our space now with the with the addition that yeah we kind of it's kind of two rooms yeah so yeah we really do have a front and back room now right right and they are kind of mirrors of each other yeah the front room is our old all the space that we had before is now our front room the back room our new space is actually bigger so we more than have more than twice as much space as what we had before so it's a pretty big change and in case you're wondering like how do they add front rooms and back rooms to a gym we also have a very weird setup where if i could describe the building we're in it's like an old like missile bunker yeah right i mean
Starting point is 00:04:23 it's not but it is like a bomb shelter where like the basement, we go into the gym, we go into the basement and the basement has, is it 10 foot ceilings, 12 foot ceilings? Yeah, it's probably,
Starting point is 00:04:34 yeah, something like that. I've never been in a like commercial like warehouse basement like this where the roof is that high. Yep, yep. And it's not like shitty drop ceiling like this is like solid cement like concrete like yeah construct like this thing is heavy duty so yeah it works good for us you wouldn't know you were in a basement um no you
Starting point is 00:04:55 just someone just picked you up and brought you there like you wouldn't know where you're at there's no windows but you also wouldn't know where you are because this place is massive like yeah and so because the basement in this place is so big, they can have a 1,600-square-foot room. Yep. And then when that was full, they can just build walls up for another 1,600-square-foot room. And they could do that like 10 more times. It still wouldn't fill the space. Because it's all just kind of like bulk storage and stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah, it really is like a warehouse. And we just keep expanding our walls in the warehouse to accommodate more gym equipment. Yep, yep. And now it's weird because the way it was before, we had everything so, like I said, Tetris. That was always the way to describe it. It was Tetris. How can we make these two things fit as close together as possible without causing problems? Or minimizing the problems at
Starting point is 00:05:45 least like machines machines usually have a decent size footprint but you can't go on different planes like the machine is on the track it's on right so you can put a machine like right on top of another machine no big deal there right barbells get a little trickier but even though we had like some setups where if you were in a one squat rack, you had to be careful of the guy deadlifting right next to you. You couldn't both be like changing plates or both be lifting at the same time. No, no, it didn't allow it. And now we have the freedom to, we basically turned the front room into kind of the free weight machine room.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Yeah. And when I say free weight, I mean like dumbbell. Like dumbbell machine room. Dumbbells and machines, yeah. And then the back room is. And cardio. And cardio, yeah. Which, I mean, no one's concerned with that part of it.
Starting point is 00:06:26 One crappy bike, one crappy treadmill, and one crappy elliptical. And crappy is a pretty good word for it. Like someone that you know that has one in their house, it's probably nicer than these ones. Yes. But they don't get used much, so that's okay. Right, right. And then the back room is where you have all the platforms, all your barbell stuff, your benches, all the strongman equipment. With the exception of the stones.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Right. Which is an odd thing. That was the joke is like when you walk in the front room, if like you brought someone to the gym and said, all right, this is the gym. And then say, okay, I see dumbbells. There's a leg extension and a leg curl machine. A couple pieces of crappy cardio equipment. And strongman stones? I don't really get the vibe of this gym, but I guess maybe they found their audience.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Right. Oh, and a leg belt squat machine, too. Can't forget that one. Yeah. But no, it does feel really weird though of how oh it was so jam-packed every way we could before and now it's there's still a good amount of equipment in there in comparison to how uh your average gym utilizes space yeah but to me when i walk in i'm like god it's there's nothing in here you almost feel like weird like what's
Starting point is 00:07:43 going on like you gotta get some stuff to fill these spots up with. Yeah, it definitely is an adjustment period. Well, just like the benches. I mean, the closest thing to any bench is 10 feet away. Actually, probably more than that. Whereas before, that was not the case at all. Yeah, and like the barbell racks on the walls. Now, before, you had to wait for someone to be done using the bench to get to the barbells and then even then like you're always hitting stuff
Starting point is 00:08:08 on both sides when you're taking them out now they're just like you know you just walk up and you kind of almost have to try to run them into something now whereas before you had to try really hard to not run them into things the other biggest thing is all the moving strongman equipment that we had, you know, farmer's walks, yoke, kegs, bags, prowler sled, pole sled, all that stuff before. We kind of had a makeshift area that they let us use outside of our gym walls. Which, yeah, kind of was in their warehouse, and it kind of wasn't really lit that well.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And it was kind of okay for us to be there, but also at the time, like, maybe only in certain times. Well, that is one of those things whenever you're renting, was kind of okay for us to be there but also at the time like maybe only in certain times well that is one of those things whenever you're renting like it's kind of it can become this point of contention yeah right the renters are kind of going into areas they're not supposed to yeah i totally understand that like that's just that's how relationship issues start to form with these things so you always feel guilty about it and now with our new space the back room that we're talking that has all the deadlift platforms,
Starting point is 00:09:06 the squat racks, the benches and stuff, we have enough room in there that we kind of have an open runway of about 40 feet where all that strongman stuff is just set up at one end, and you can use it right inside the gym walls now. Which, for our purposes, works great. Yep. There's some gyms, I'm sure, that have 100 feet. Right. It's still not a huge runway, but it's definitely enough to be able to effectively train yeah train those things if you
Starting point is 00:09:29 want to yeah so yeah and i think like the usage on those will go way up now that you're in the gym you're not like in your own secluded area i've seen people using that stuff every time i've been there now since then i can say firsthand that i've always wanted to, but I just don't like going into the dark warehouse by myself, away from the music, away from anybody else, like carrying plates out there and loading the stuff. And it just like turns into this. It's like in, was it Born Strong when Zajurnas is like lifting underneath the arena at that place? It's kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:10:02 It's pretty comparable. And I just, I didn't really feel like doing that ever. So now that I can stay in the gym and the things are right there, the plates are right there, I think I'll start using those more now. I really like the back room now. Like the vibe of the back room
Starting point is 00:10:14 is really, really cool. It makes me not want to be in the front room is the only downside. I'm going to probably utilize dumbbells and machines even less because I just, the back room is just really, really cool now. Yep, it's like i'm gonna probably utilize dumbbells and machines even less because i just the back room is just really really cool now yep it's got that vibe yeah it does it's not and it's almost like a little bit darker and uh you know our original gym was very dark and dirty and yeah
Starting point is 00:10:36 almost to it i mean i liked it it was really cool and it was really fun it had the sewer pipe going through it anytime i didn't flush the, you could literally hear the liquid flowing through. And this is kind of closer to that. It's a little more. It's just a little more low-key. It's still much nicer than what that original building was, but it kind of has a little bit more of that vibe. Yes. And I really like it.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And the additional space allowed us to put in a second dedicated deadlift platform, a brand new one that we didn't have before. And I don't know. It just has a really cool feeling to it now in that area. It does. I'm excited for it. I think everyone else at the gym is excited about it too. And that was the other thing that's really, really great about the gym is that when we say we're moving equipment over, what was there, 20 guys about?
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yes. Some ladies too. I tried to count once. There's probably 15 to 20 members that were all that came and volunteered to help like move all the shit over because you thank god and it took you know it took a good i would say the majority of the work was done within about a three-hour window yep but when you figure 20-ish guys it's like 60 man hours yeah that's a lot of work to move that right like had uh it been myself and two other people, it would have been a grueling, daunting week long progress.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It would have been for sure. I would say for sure an entire like weekend of that's all you do. And then a couple hours every night of the week. But thankfully, you know, kind of the, I guess, culture. I don't want to make it sound like more than it is. But like the group of people, you know, I don't want to talk like how I don't like how I hear some people talk sometimes, but because of the group of people that we have there and the way everyone is and the way it is, it's, it's still more of a club than it is.
Starting point is 00:12:15 It's like so crazy that like, you just get people that like, everyone just kind of knows what they're for some reason. Like, I don't know how to do anything. I don't know how to do anything. So I kind of just bounce around and whatever, but like Nick shows up with a welder and is some reason that is like i don't know how to do anything i don't know how to do anything so i kind of just bounce around and whatever but like nick shows up with a welder and is just welding away yeah like reconstructing the deadlift as there's like 12 other people working around yeah and he's just got the welder going like larry's taking care of all the sound stuff like he's wiring
Starting point is 00:12:40 in the speaker yeah he's drilling holes in the wall for speaker wire he's like taking care of all that he's we got one mounting the shelf to put the amp on yep we got one guy mounting the gun rack barbell holders on the wall and you know we got a couple groups of five people handling the the large racks and okay what is we have a certain rack rack yeah i think we've maybe talked about it before but it would have been years ago what brand is that rack do you remember i'd have to look i i thought it's not cybex right no it's the other one our smaller one is a cybex people that are really into equipment would know what that cybex rack yeah cybex is a fairly yeah and it's the full rack cybex um i've got a guy on instagram i follow and communicate with that's really big into used equipment
Starting point is 00:13:26 like this. And he knows, like he's commented on about our rack before. He knows all the details on it. I want to know what, I cannot think, it starts with an S, doesn't it? I think it's maybe like SPX or something like that. I just want to see if we can track this thing down just so you guys can Google it and see what the hell this is. see if we can track this thing down just so you guys can google it and see what the hell this is
Starting point is 00:13:50 uh arthur brent would would know i i should i should almost i should get him on the hotline right now and get he would he would know like the specs of that rack to a detail to a t but this thing is yeah the whole the whole thing we're trying to get out here is this rack literally fully constructed without weights on it probably weighs i don't 1500 pounds yeah probably it makes no sense how heavy this rack is like this thing is bomb proof yeah and all we can figure is whoever designed this one has never used a rack in their life two doesn't i mean again doesn't use one because they don't know how heavy it needs to actually be because it is so overkill. It's made of, like, Rogue, I think,
Starting point is 00:14:31 has their process streamlined pretty good to a nice mix of design and functionality and all these things. And I don't think you're ever left wondering, like, what is this piece for on this Rogue rack? Where this, every piece, you're wondering, what is this for? Because it has
Starting point is 00:14:46 besides the two you know that your stands there's i don't know is there like three four cross bars that are going all these spots it has this weight tree that comes out in like this enormous weight like the the real estate that the weight tree takes up is he is huge you know it's got at least an eight it's an eight foot long footprint it does it takes up an entire which it works really it's once it's together and in place it's a really nice power rack you know it's a really good a really good power rack um but the disassembling and assembly of that thing and it is a nightmare it did like the first time we moved the gym and the first time this rack ever went together i remember it was a big process and then i was thinking guys it gonna be that same
Starting point is 00:15:31 thing again now like are we just better do we have better people on or do we remember and this rack took about five guys full time on it and about two more coming in and out just to probably an hour of work oh easily an hour like it it sucked it was work yeah so yeah we'll have to figure out what the name of that rack is and you guys can google it and just see how ridiculously if we did get nuked the that would be like oh that's what everyone said like if a natural no matter where what part of the country you live in your natural disaster can come through everything will be destroyed and this will be this rack will just be standing there it's like this trophy like a monument i'd be nervous for uh you know i would say hopefully this move this expansion should essentially you know if things go as the i would
Starting point is 00:16:18 hope they should it should be the last time that we have to do anything major like that with the amount of space we have right now, with what our gym is, we're really never going to need more. Shouldn't. Less membership quadruples. Right, which it won't, basically, with what our strategy isn't to try to grow the membership even. It almost kind of keeps people away. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:42 So we should hopefully never have to change that again, but that's kind of starting to look like it. Because it has the same, we're looking at a picture here online. This is the SPX3 power rack, which is pretty close. Let me see if I can Google that exactly. But what I'm saying is if I would be worried to ever try to ask any of these guys to help move it again, because I think everyone would be like, no, screw it. I think you'd get the same.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I think that's the same. No, that's staying here. Like, I don't care. Yeah. But we're all moved in. Yeah. Life is good. Yep.
Starting point is 00:17:20 And I guess we'll see where we're at three years from now. Yeah. I wish I would have done a time lapse. That would have been kind of cool. I thought about it, but it's like kind of actually busy. Yeah, we got actual work to do. Like if I'm dicking around with a camera while 15 people are there working, they're going to be like, put that down and grab a weight tier.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And then really besides us and maybe a few listeners, no one cares about our gym time lapse. Right. But with how many people there was too, it would have looked cool, like the mass of the glut of people that were coming in and out of there the whole time. And how many people just stood around. Well, that's the other thing. With that many people, you're going to get some of that. But it's nice to have too many than it is not enough.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Oh, for sure. Yes. For sure. Yes, that is the problem to have. But 3.0 is up and running. If you're ever in Amperdine, South Dakota, maybe we'll let you come in and drop in you wouldn't want to miss it no if you ever if you're listening to the massonomics podcast and you ran and you're not from South Dakota and you happen to randomly come to Aberdeen South Dakota be really weird for
Starting point is 00:18:18 you not to drop it would be really weird for you to just not. Yeah. To like, even if you didn't even just say hello. Yeah. Yeah. Should we discuss the tribute meat raffle? Ah, yes. We should discuss the tribute meat raffle. And not, it's not a meat raffle. Like we're not raffling off meat, which is a thing that happens around here. That's true.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I don't know about other parts of the country, but we do have actual hamburger like not like meat like yeah like meat raffles a half of beef yeah but uh we are talking about the tribute power lifting meat yeah raffle yes not to be confused with meat raffles uh you know it's the one that we are doing together with matt matt at pioneer we're giving away a fully custom pioneer belt of your choosing doesn't even have to be massonomics themed but you're more than entitled to make it massonomics themed and uh as a shout out to us we would certainly wouldn't turn that down but then in addition to that we're giving away a six pack of massonomic shirts along with a lift flag like you can see posted up behind us right now and some
Starting point is 00:19:20 sticker packs so it's probably pretty easily a $400 value somewhere in that ballpark. And then, I mean, that's assuming sentimental value means nothing to you. Right. I mean, it could be comparable to lift shorts pricing once you figure that in. I wonder if we could offer the alternative.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Either you can win the belt, the six-pack of shirts, the lift flag. Stickers. Or if you want to go with what's behind door number two, you could get a pair of lift shorts half off. Yeah. A deal's a deal. That would be a tough. These don't happen often.
Starting point is 00:20:01 We should pose that question to whoever does that eventually win. And that person would not understand the joke at all and be like, is there something I'm missing here? Um, no, I want the belt, dumbasses. Like, I don't want one pair of shorts in exchange for all of that. Like, you don't get it. These are special shorts. There's hype around these.
Starting point is 00:20:26 you don't get it these are special shorts there's hype around these uh so this will come out monday whatever that date is on the calendar um the 20th this podcast episode will come out the 20th and we're going to draw i think sometime that week for a winner so as you listen to this you do have your chance to still uh if you're listening to this towards the beginning of the week of it coming out you do still have a chance to still, if you're listening to this towards the beginning of the week of it coming out, you do still have a chance to purchase your entry. You can do that on our website. One entry is $10 or two for $17. So you can actually get a little bit of a bargain there
Starting point is 00:20:56 and double your chances at $17. Yeah. And, you know, there's entries that have been coming in, but you still, if you buy one, still have a decent chance of winning something statistically here. Yes. Statistically right now, there's still have been coming in but you still if you buy one still have a decent chance of winning something statistically here yes statistically we're still not at the point of that belt competition we had where there was 6 000 comments right your odds are better than much much better than that right now some people are certainly weighing the pot in their face there's been some people that have really thrown down a lot of entries in one. Somebody took 10 entries in one shot.
Starting point is 00:21:27 They bought 10 entries. Of the tickets? Yeah. Oh, really? Yeah, one person bought 10. I've seen someone that bought six. So you're not limited to just one, but still just one would not be bad odds right now.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah. And the kicker to all that,'re unlike the lift shorts we're not keeping all that money and we're not keeping we're not keeping actually any of it we're keeping zero of it we're giving that all to the tribute meet you can at least you know at the end of the day if you don't win you can at least feel good knowing that you helped make the tribute meet a success we'll give that to them and i if i understand correctly 100 of that will actually go towards payouts uh for the lifters awesome and we were kind of talking about it before we really see they they put out a uh competitor list of of for the tribute meet and we could see the tribute meet really growing into a very it seems like it from the from even last
Starting point is 00:22:22 year this year because this is the second yeah this is the second year uh i just saw the the lineup for the first time today and i was impressed and of course as we've talked about before we know that oh someone will get hurt yeah so it will not all be there many of those names will be missing but even if you take away some of those it's still gonna be uh it's gonna be a good meet and i this is kind of my hot take i'm sure there's some people that wouldn't agree with it but i think the tribute meet is uh in time going to be a bigger meet than the u.s open for a few a few different reasons i think the the wave of momentum is shifting that way it is for sure i think the u.s open is i don't not saying that it's going down but maybe it's it's not it's not i don't feel like
Starting point is 00:23:08 it's growing in like these last couple years you would want it to still be growing and i feel like it's it's it's plateaued to a degree right now and i think the tribute meet is really gaining momentum i think so and i also think that texas i think as a community like gets around rallies around powerlifting, maybe a little better than San Diego does, you know, not to like shit on San Diego, but they have beautiful beaches and stuff. Yeah. It's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Why would I want to miss out on this beautiful California sun and beaches to go sit in an auditorium or whatever this is and watch some power. Like I think people in Texas just get around that a little better. Yep. And I'd say we're still supporters of both, but that's just kind of the way we see it going. And as a fan, I want to see both of them succeed, so I hope the best for both of them.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yep. Maybe I'll buy a raffle entry because I would like the belt. Conflict of interest. Yeah. Okay, we'll pay someone else to buy raffle entries for us, so if they win, no one ever knows. What if we did buy our own and then we won? I'm just like, oh, sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:24:11 It's just the way it is. We all had an equal chance. That's how it goes. Way of the road, boys. The other thing we're doing, we talked about it last episode too, after this raffle, we're going to do our Mastanomics Versus campaign after this raffle we're going to do our our massonomics versus campaign to see how much we're going to give away 100 of this tribute me raffle money and then we're going to see how much more money uh we want to give away and it's based on
Starting point is 00:24:35 the massonomics versus and how do you i have a hard time maybe explaining how that's how we're doing that how could you could you put that into words oh man i can try to verbalize it tanner but there's just some things that are really hard like the english language doesn't portray these ideas the way we want them to but could you say it in french ah the language of love okay um so basically i'm gonna really condense this down if a verses was made about somebody that has the potential to repost it we'll just say for example quads like rob yep he's a person a lot of people know yeah he has a versus name in his name made in his name versus rob zombie oh yes a classic mess it was a classic matchup um
Starting point is 00:25:17 so for example on this day if he reposts his verses within the time frame we will donate day if he reposts his verses within the time frame we will donate ten dollars ten dollars couldn't remember the exact number if quads like so if he reposts his verses we will donate ten dollars so basically everyone on the list that had a verses made in their name if they repost it in the time frame a ten dollar donation will be made to the tribute meet and it's kind of a fun way to um you know get people involved and hopefully it's one of those things that maybe some momentum gets around and people like well why are they all reposting this oh they're doing this thing for the the meat so and you know people do kind of get on our case about being money hungry pig capitalists on the lift shorts yeah so this is your chance
Starting point is 00:26:01 to stick it to the man to take some of our money away. And we have over 90 of these out, so there's a chance for us to give away close to another $1,000. And that's not like a raffle of your money. That's just our money. That's just our money. And it's our money, and we want it now. Yeah. But I think the tribute money is saying that's our money,
Starting point is 00:26:21 and we want it now. So, yeah, we'll give you your shot to do your worst. Yeah. I'm excited to see how many of those we can get out there. And it'll be kind of bittersweet. Each one I'll be like, yeah, I got reposted. I'll be like, oh, but that's $10 more. Oh, we made a versus for that guy?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Really? Do you have a favorite Massanomics versus? Maybe when we get to 100, we'll decide if we have a favorite. Yeah, maybe when we get to a hundred, we'll decide if we have a, yeah, maybe, maybe when we get to a hundred, cause there's been so many at this point, I know for a fact,
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm forgetting large chunks of them. Yeah. There were certain ones that like were reposted for the first time or acknowledged. And it's like, Oh, that was kind of cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:59 But I'd have to look at the list to really pick out a favorite. We'll do that sometime. Yeah. I think, yeah. In honor of the hundredth, maybe we'll talk about some of those. There's been, as far as fans are concerned, almost everyone that gets posted, someone says, now this one is the –
Starting point is 00:27:12 To someone, everyone, you can say that about every time you make one, you know that this will be someone's favorite one. Might not be many, but it will be someone's favorite one. And if that isn't enough to keep you going i don't know what is no nothing uh tanner are you ready for the hottest new segment oh to hit the massonomics airwaves since the last new segment called supplement or called uh what do we call that supplement? Supplement, real or fake. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:45 I couldn't remember what we called that. So is this a spin on that segment? This is a spin on it because what happened is I wanted to branch the supplement, real or fake, into more than just supplements because this industry that we're a part of is so much more than just supplements. You don't want to pigeonhole.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Why stick us to just one? Yeah. And so in my hours and hours of research that i do i almost consider it investigative investigative journalism is what i'm doing here but you know uh i started to come off uh come across just a whole group of things that i thought would be so good and that i was loving and i was like i can't wait to just get tanner with these but then i'm like but it didn't fit into the exact parameters it didn't fit the exact exact parameters of supplements really fake and then the other thing was i was finding all these just what i thought But it didn't fit into the exact parameters of supplements that are fake.
Starting point is 00:28:25 And then the other thing was I was finding all these just what I thought were hilarious fake things. Hilarious real things. But I'm like, well, now I have to just come up with a fake thing. And all I'm going to want to do is get the fake thing over with so I can be like, look at this. This is real. So then out of my own selfishness, I decided I don't want to look at fake ones anymore. I just want to talk about real ones. Out of my own selfishness, I decided I don't want to look at fake ones anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I just want to talk about real ones. So the new segment, Tanner, is called Fitness's Finest. Fitness's Finest. Fitness's Finest. That's very proper English there. So does this fully replace Supplements Real or Fake? I'm not saying it's completely replacing it, but there's a good chance we might not see Supplements Real or Fake for a while. Just because – Fitness's Fin finest could be.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Because really in supplement real or fake, we want to talk about the ejaculons in the world. And it's like, that's real? Yeah, that's what we wanted to talk about. We wanted to talk about those things. And so I didn't want to water it down with me making up things, which I could probably make up things that are funny. But I just wanted to talk about the real things. I want to keep it real over here, so we're about keeping it real so in this first edition of fitness is finest i've tracked down some uh a few few different pieces so just to give you an
Starting point is 00:29:35 idea these could be equipment things these could be workout trends workout fads uh you know program things they could be supplements again they could be um you know apparel They could be supplements again. They could be apparel. They could be just a whole variety of things that you might see in the fitness-related industry. I like it. I like where this is headed. In my research- Is there rules to this?
Starting point is 00:29:56 There actually really isn't rules, other than the fact that I just need you to cooperate and kind of tell me what you're thinking about when I'm breaking these things on you. For the most part today, we're going to stick to some pieces of equipment I ran across that I really liked. So this is an equipment-themed fitness finest? I think so. And we're going to find out here. So first one. First ever piece of anything on fitness's finest will be the free flexor.
Starting point is 00:30:25 The free Flexor. I'm going to say it's real. Yes. Am I getting this? Am I understanding this statement? I think you did it right. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And a lot of these, like the commercials, I'm assuming they didn't, I don't know. I got to assume a lot of these didn't sell very well because some of the commercials are kind of hard to find and they don't have a lot of views. So this is called Free Flexor. The Free Flexor. Free F-L-E-X-O-R. And if I really quickly had to describe this, I would say it's the Shake Weight 2.0. And the Shake Weight has a bit of a legendary status, I think, in the fitness gimmicky product industry. That transcended.
Starting point is 00:31:04 It really did. Made it into South Park. It made it into South That transcended. It really did. Made it into South Park. It made it into South Park, and they did it really funny. It wasn't just like it was in South Park. That was a pretty classic. That one was really good. I liked that one a lot. But the Free Flexor.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So, again, with this segment, it might be handy if you guys, if you think any of these sound funny, you should probably just Google it on your own and track it down. Because I'm going to be showing Tanner a lot of photos and commercials here. But this first one, Tanner, I'm just going to hit play on the commercial here just so you can kind of see what's going on. I'm going to even turn it up. Okay, so. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:31:44 So, basically, it's kind of like, I don't know, it's like a foot long, like kind of rubber holes. And each end has like a big red ball on it. And it just looks like this kind of rubbery weight thing. And it looks a little. The whole idea is that you kind of stand and hold, I don't know, like you're churning butter with it or something. Much like the Shake Weight, this one appears to have a lot of like sexual innuendo. stand and hold almost i don't know like you're churning butter with it or something much like the shake weight this one appears to have a lot of like sexual innuendo like and when i saw these got they got like two like bros yeah like demo this thing and it looks like they're standing
Starting point is 00:32:16 on a golf course like they're literally standing in front of a slew like yeah there's there's a really weird grass behind them that is at least four feet tall, and they're in a park or somewhere, and they must have just cornered these two guys and been like, hey, can you give this workout device a quick spin? And so let's hear what they've got to say here. Listen to what these guys had to say. Yeah, it's burning my whole arm now.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Shoulder, get that momentum swinging. It starts to go deep. I can feel it. That is very much like what I would consider looks like a dildo. And just like all of this. The way these guys are whipping this thing around. So that is real. In the last clip, he's literally holding it in front of his junk just spinning it around he goes oh like like there's no reason and he has a shirt out there's no reason that any of that has to be in that of the comments on youtube is like anyone we're serious well uh you know there's a lot of ha ha ha my wife says this thing works great yeah
Starting point is 00:33:37 yeah uh this dude looks like at the end looks like he's jacking off um but this is real though you're you're certain that this is like a... I believe this one is real. I mean, there's a real 800 number on here. So I think this one is real. From my very limited research, I believe this one is real. It's a weird name to me, the free Flexor. I don't completely get it.
Starting point is 00:34:00 But it was only $29.95. You know what we should do? They have a website. We should see if it still exists. Flexor like 29.95 you know we should do they have a website we should see if it still exists and oh no longer exists you can buy the domain for 2300 so if you wanted to stage a comeback on this so that one probably lives in the history of products that just didn't quite cut it in the fitness industry so that that was our first one. Good one. The next one is a little product called the PowerPlate.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I've heard of the PowerPlate. I was not familiar with this one. Yeah. And what it's based off of is I think there's – I think probably as long as fitness stuff has existed, there's been this idea that if you can add vibrations into things it will make either stimulate muscles or make them work harder like the funniest is the old thing where people like the the housewife stands on the thing and there's like a belt that goes yeah yeah i think that that was probably one of the first kind of yeah kind of one of the first
Starting point is 00:34:58 uses of sort of this whole thing yeah um power plate workout and i think this thing is still like in action today i think so i just thought this is one of those that just seemed really anticlimactic because the video is literally this guy's like hey i'm just chilling i'm just a regular guy and i'm about to have a workout on this thing and he just goes and it's just a it's just a plate a vibrating plate or it's like a vibrating stand and he just looks like a the it would be like a stair stepper if you remove the stair stepper thing and just put a flat plate on the ground. Yeah, and like this guy, he's doing push-ups on it while this thing's vibrating away.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And like watching, it's like, okay, yeah, the guy's doing push-ups. What's the catch here? And then when he gets there, he's like, oh, my arms are burning, man. Yeah, if you did 40 push-ups. You just did 40 push-ups so what's the catch here and then when he gets there he's like oh my arms are burning man i'd like and yeah if you did 40 push-ups you just did 40 push-ups either way like what's the breakthrough here um but then he oh his chest was vibrating yeah that's how you know it's good um that one wasn't like it's crazy but i was just like, I was genuinely surprised that this was a thing I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And also I've seen it before. It's really expensive. Do you know how much the power plate costs? I'm sure this isn't a $30, uh, free flex or, oh, well the power plate process. Okay. This is where the joke comes in. Okay. Hold up.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Hold up. I got to turn the video down here. Is this serious? joke comes in okay hold up hold up i gotta turn the video down here is this serious from uh a quick google search from pre-core home fitness power plate pro 7 13 000 dollars what yeah oh okay that's shocking yeah i did not know i thought this was like something that anyone could just buy no i knew it was a super, super expensive thing. Because I've seen people that sell pools. You know, like those companies that sell hot tubs and stuff like that, that they sell this too.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Well, naturally, right? Yeah, right. It almost seems like for some reason it kind of goes together with that. These are all things you spend when you have extra money laying around. Right. It's like, well, you have extra money for that hot tub. We also have this vibrating plate over here for a cool $13,000. So shocking.
Starting point is 00:37:18 You know how much good gym equipment I could buy for $13,000? You know how many Dodge Neons you could buy for $13,000? Buick LeSabres. You know how many Buick LeSabres you could buy for $13,000. You know how many Dodge Neons you could buy for $13,000? Buick LeSabres. You know how many Buick LeSabres you could buy for $13,000? And those are reliable and get the job done that they're intended for.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah. Some of them even vibrate too a little bit. That's true. That is very true. Wow. Okay. So the power plate is, in fact, I thought for sure
Starting point is 00:37:44 that would have been one once people looked a little bit more that that would have been. So I said plate is, in fact, I thought for sure that would have been one. Once we looked a little bit more, that that would have been. So I said it's real, and I was right. You said it's real and right. All right. The next one. If we had to play real or fake, and I said treadmill bike, Tanner, treadmill bike. I'd be like, I guess it's fake, and you did a really unimaginative job of coming up with it.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Okay. So now thinking in your head, if I say treadmill bike and it's real, what are you picturing? Before I show you anything here. Maybe if you just could make a bike stuck on a treadmill so that it's, I don't know, that you're pedaling a bike. It looks like a bicycle. So it's kind of like a stationary bike. Yeah, but it's literally just a bicycle that's almost like sitting on a treadmill. So I would say, yes, that makes absolutely no sense, which means you're completely wrong. This is literally like if you took a treadmill and made the walking part power wheels.
Starting point is 00:38:39 So the motion of you walking makes wheels be powered. What in the world? The motion of you walking makes wheels be powered. And so you get this. What in the world? You literally have the treadmill platform and a wheel in the front and a wheel behind. And while you walk, the wheels are going on this thing. And this is a straight-up treadmill bike. That's really weird. I'm actually kind of amazed I've never seen one of these.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Yeah. I'm actually kind of amazed I've never seen one of these yeah that's uh that would be a really weird feeling though to be walking and being at such an incredible pace well I mean it seems to be like it's
Starting point is 00:39:17 just seems like a really weird combination and also why yes also why is correct the thing is like what bike rack does this fit in where does this go at like besides just for leisure this doesn't fit anywhere but why not just the regular motion of the bike pedaling like why does it need to be the treadmill instead of the bike pedals uh yeah yeah so you're subbing out you're subbing out the motion of your feet going in a circle, I guess, to just say you're walking. For like a much more elaborate piece of equipment to do the same thing. It looks so ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I mean, I would love to try one. Oh, I think it'd be really fun to try out, and I bet it would be fun to use. And it looks like you have a handbrake. Yeah. and I bet it would be fun to use. And it looks like you have a handbrake. Well, it has an electric motor, so you're going faster than what the manpower would dictate. But that's got to be... Okay, I like bike paths. Are people going to be cool with this thing? Because it's just so enormous.
Starting point is 00:40:22 No. No, they wouldn't be. And it's not nim's just so enormous. No. No, they wouldn't be. And it's not nimble like a bicycle. No. It's probably eight feet long. You're getting looks. In the video, they're getting looks on it. Huh.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It's kind of... Out of all the things that have been here, this is at least an invention. There's a certain novelty. This is kind of a legitimate invention i don't don't understand it's not solving a problem or fixing something that is broken but it's at least like a real piece of equipment it's not the power plate yeah so i haven't heard of the fitness craze of the uh oh the lope fit is what it's called l-o-p-i-f-i-t so uh that thing's kind of cool i haven't heard of these things taking off yet and actually i bet they're pretty expensive
Starting point is 00:41:12 though too they gotta be at least five thousand dollars i would assume and they're made in germany so you just gotta think it's even more das bike uh they do have a u.s website the electric walking bike and pricing pricing pricing call call for prices you know it's expensive when they that if you just if you have to call for a quote yeah yeah so you know okay okay we're looking at about three grand oh twenty eight hundred ninety five dollars that's uh not completely unreasonable compared to it well you could get a motorized bike for that price though but you can also get non-motorized you are right you are right you are yeah you could spend 10 grand on a bike yeah like we i i know pretty firsthand right now because my wife's been looking at some different uh bucket bikes that are bucket bikes yeah uh madsen would be uh uh one of the one of the chief brands you have to look
Starting point is 00:42:11 at it and see like that well that's not if type in madsen bucket bike that's kind of a different thing like this right here um oh no that's a schwin all right i should just go to the website you told me to go to there you go like that oh weird and how much do you think those cost well just because you told me a lot probably a few thousand yeah about three thousand dollars depending on what you do and most of the upscale brands you know there's some different configurations but they're all in that ballpark if not not more expensive. It seems very European to me for some reason. Yeah. It does kind of have that look to it.
Starting point is 00:42:49 And a little bit of like a rickshaw look kind of to it too. Yeah. Especially the ones with like the full cage in the back with the thing over the top. But even used, these are very, very expensive. Well, you could say it's an investment tanner that's how i have to justify it i suppose i could say it's an investment they do have an electric option though yeah which also just adds to the price so that's why when i saw that uh that's why my initial comment when i saw the walking bike that less than three thousand
Starting point is 00:43:22 dollars was like it seems reasonable to me. All right, let's do this. Yeah. They got a whole line of apparel, too. And when I say a whole line, I mean two T-shirts. They do have a payment plan, though. Oh. Just what I don't want. Is it the same financing people use for the left shorts for their payment plan?
Starting point is 00:43:38 The reverse structured annuity where you pay us perpetually every month forever okay tanner the last one on the list we're gonna buck the trend here oh and that kind of that kind of leads into what we're going to be talking about this is not equipment but it is well actually this one kind of is equipment i shouldn't say that it equipment. It kind of has a workout thing with it, too. But it is the Horse Riding Fitness Ace Pro. Now. That's a mouthful. I know I've piqued your interest by saying that. And it is, just to prepare you here, I believe it is a Korean home equestrian system.
Starting point is 00:44:25 So Korean, it's a country not in America. European. Equestrian as in horse riding. At first I was picturing something actually involving a horse, but now that I saw the video. It very much does not involve a horse, but it's supposed to mimic the riding of a horse. And there's a lot of – it's basically a saddle that you just bounce.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Springy saddle. Springy saddle you bounce up and down on. Why they had to have everyone wear spandex and not shirts when they filmed the video for it is pretty mind-blowing. Also, why they had to green screen it so that they're in the background like oh my gosh like the woman is putting her hands on her hips and like when these people are like gyrating their hips forward to like give the feeling of more motion they have like green grass flying by the people like they're really going somewhere yeah when it is obviously a stationary instrument.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I don't – just like all these different expressions on the people's faces, none of them are appropriate for what's going on. No, and this one out of any of them seems like it belongs in South Park probably the most because it's just this dumb saddle that these people are bouncing up and down on. Yeah, there's – I mean this whole group, why you cross your arms ever during a workout routine like these people are i don't know that this lady that they look at the spandex shorts and her hands on her hips like that really yeah it basically involves a lot of squatting up and down and then hip gyrations in general um i believe it's supposed to mimic the feel of a horse. I've only been on a horse like twice in my life, so I can't comment on the accurate motions of these things, but it seems like some of them are more than what they need to be. This guy.
Starting point is 00:46:14 And then you get this guy crossing his arms in his casual business clothes, gyrating on the horse. So, yeah, what makes this commercial so great is they go from the guy that just got done with work and he's in dress slacks, and I say slacks because he's so old, and he has a sweater vest on, and then they cut to a guy in spandex with no shirt on also riding this device.
Starting point is 00:46:40 So what's it called again exactly? It is the Horse Riding Fitness Ace Power. I think I said Pro. It might have two names, Pro or Power. But either way, Horse Riding Fitness Ace. People definitely need to Google that one. I like this comment. No dildo attachment?
Starting point is 00:46:59 Pass. And the comment under that was just tape it on my dude this guy really likes at a minute and seven seconds when they use the explosions on the screen which i would say yes those are those are very tasteful yeah uh this other comment says all this needs is some vibration and sales would shoot through the roof. I like this guy. Well, that's where the power plate, you do this on top of the power plate.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Yeah. Yeah. Yes. This guy says she makes the tea. I do the tea bag. And yeah, I would just say, check this thing out.
Starting point is 00:47:39 The whole commercial is, I am assuming in Korean because it's not in English. So I don't know what they're saying, but it makes it even funnier. Definitely check this one out. It is almost a six-minute commercial so there's a lot to see here.
Starting point is 00:47:54 It kind of is the gift that keeps on giving because you think you're done and they suck you right back. For some reason, all of a sudden, they're in a bed. He can't sleep. He can't sleep. I've got to get back to the power back on the power saddle and his wife's bringing him hot tea while he's humping the
Starting point is 00:48:10 saddle up and down you wouldn't want a beverage while you're out yeah there's a lot of like how is that not spilling it's like it looks like a dark cola there's just so much thumbs up and laughing and smiling going on just um i don't. These people are having a good time in life. Yeah, that is something. That's the funniest one. I think that lady. I do like the one, two of the grass of the moving background. So it looks like they're just riding this horse at an incredible pace.
Starting point is 00:48:38 So check those out. The ones we had, the Free Flexor, the Power Plate, the Treadmill Bike, and the Horse Riding Fitness Ace Pro. I'm going to pick a winner for the day. That's how I can. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. What takes the cake here, Tanner? So today's finest in fitness' finest, I am going to say, let's see, review one more time with the PowerPlate, the Free Flexor, thing. Free flexor, the treadmill bike, and the horse riding Fitness Ace Pro.
Starting point is 00:49:09 I'm going to say the horse riding Fitness Ace Pro, but actually the best one I think is the treadmill bike. The treadmill bike is the one, if you had to buy one off the list, is the only one off the list. That you could ever justify really buying. If you had a garage and you had to put one of these in your garage and people were going to come over, what one would you pick? Hands down the treadmill bike. People would want to try that and be like, oh, that's kind of cool. You wasted $3,000, but it's still kind of cool. You spent a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:49:36 It was fun for a minute. Now, if I had to get a great gag gift for a friend, a doubt the horse riding fitness ace pro if i thought that was going to be too expensive i'm assuming import fees from korea are probably kind of high the free flexor would be pretty funny too yes uh most useless award i believe goes to the power plate hands down given the price to performance ratio strictly speaking price to performance um free flexor you're only out $19.99 so it's not much of a gamble right $13,000 a little more you know you could freaking buy a apartment full of free flexors for $13,000 you could yeah yeah it'd be probably a lot more fun too yeah yeah uh all right
Starting point is 00:50:22 so that was the first ever fitness is finest uh that was a good i like fitness's finest and tanner i just want to say if you look there's more where that came from which is good because i think you know i think some people were concerned that we haven't revisited uh supplements real or fake for a while we could get supplements in there too but i i think this is gonna i think this is going to be people are going to feel okay about this trade-off. Good, good, good. I don't want to let the people down. No, because it's the people that we do this for. It is. I get zero satisfaction
Starting point is 00:50:55 from this. I strictly do it for other people. We're only doing it. It's actually miserable for us. It's borderline unbearable. It doesn't end. Where are we at here,anner we are let me uh adjust some things around what's our what's our time frame looking like right now time 50 minutes so we're getting down there on the time what uh do you think we should go to underrated overrated or what do we do we want to talk just really quick about the little competition? Yeah, I do want to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Because we just saw this. Yeah, right before posting, someone sent this to me. It's a Giants Live Legends event. This is Bill Kazmaier posted this video. Him and Magnus are going to go head-to-head in a Hercules hold as a part of an upcoming Giants live event. And I think that is really, really freaking cool. I like that.
Starting point is 00:51:50 That is so awesome. Because I want to see, like, these guys are both competitors. Yeah. Like, Kaz especially. Like, is he going to go, like, straight back to, like, 70s Kaz mode on this? Yeah. Because I have a feeling that's still down in there. And neither of those two are going to take it lightly.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I don't think they're just going to be like, oh, this is going to be fun. All right, good luck. No, they're going to be like, I don't want to freaking lose. Like, I'm Bill Kazmaier. I'm Magnuson. Like, I didn't like losing then, and I don't like it now. Yeah, I think that's what I'm most excited for is, like, how into it. Like, are these guys going to, like like turn on something that hasn't been,
Starting point is 00:52:25 are they going to show a part of them that people haven't seen in 30 years? You know? And the Hercules holds a perfect event. Obviously they can't go do a max deadlift. It's not like super dynamic. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:36 You would assume the risk for injury outside of like tearing your hands is relatively small compared to a car flip or something, which I hope that they do more, they get more guys and make this a thing because I would be more excited to watch that than almost basically any event of the real Strymon. I kind of would be too. Because that's really cool and nostalgia.
Starting point is 00:53:01 While you're tuned. But I think that will draw some people in. And it's like, well, now that I'm tuned in, I might as well just see what else is going on here. Well, I don't know what the Giants live event is or who's in it and competing, but that's the one thing that I already know that I want to see the most.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And like a Hercules hold isn't that exciting of an event, but it doesn't matter because you're getting Kaz and Magnus to do it. Do you know, are they doing it? Is it at the same time? I don't know. Because I feel like that would make it even. Yes. If they made it? Is it at the same time? I don't know. Because I feel like that would make it even. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:26 If they made it so they were facing each other, that would be really cool. Yeah, that's really cool. Who do you think will win is the other thing. I don't. Kaz is older. Part of me wants to say Kaz, but he's old. I mean, we talked to Kaz a few times.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He's still pretty big, though. Yeah, his arms are large. I have no doubt that he, assuming he doesn't have any just. He's a lot bigger than Magnus looks. Oh, yeah. Magnus was never that big, actually. Assuming Kaz doesn't have some terrible injury, if you're like, oh, yeah, he could rep 405, I'd be like, I could see that. I mean, he has very big arms still.
Starting point is 00:53:59 I mean, he's just still a big guy. Yeah, he's large. I don't know. I kind of think he's quite a bit. He's got to be quite a bit older than Magnus. Do you know how old he actually is? We could look both of theirs up. Bill Kazmaier is 65. Yeah, that's not very young.
Starting point is 00:54:21 And Magnus has to be more like 50. He was doing his best in the 90s, in the early 90s. 56. Okay. So there's a nine-year difference there. But that's a pretty important nine years going from getting into your mid-60s. It's a lot bigger difference than 21 to 30. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:54:39 So who do you pick? We'll make it. I'll go Bill. All right. And I'll go Magnus. So we'll see who. Very important to find out which of us is right in this case. There's a lot riding on this. There is a lot riding on this.
Starting point is 00:54:53 When is this even? Do we know? I don't know. We're not prepared on things like that. Well, and this is breaking news. This is. Just found this out like minutes before we. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Giant slide. breaking news. This is. Just found this out like minutes before we let's see Giants Live. In the brand new Giants Live Legends Challenge. Join us Giants Live Wembley for an incredible night of strongman action. I don't really know. He doesn't say in that. That would be a helpful piece of information had he included that in there but yeah so and i'm looking barb and has a thing about it but
Starting point is 00:55:32 yep uh don't see any dates so welcome to the sport of straight welcome to the world of straight sports no one knows when anything's happening and yeah i'll find it online so yeah okay that's we'll find out more about that i'm sure as it comes though yeah i see on giants live they also posted it but didn't also not post a date or maybe they're just saying it could be an idea yeah you know no i think it's gonna happen that's that is pretty sweet yeah do we have a and i see we have the best comment of the week here uh yes just uh did you did you read what it was there i did i i saw this and this is what they thought it was a front runner yeah i'm the last most recent massonomics versus was nick best versus thanos uh that uh post went out there pretty large we got a huge number of likes and a lot of comments
Starting point is 00:56:22 on that one you could tell it was getting out there to a lot of people that are not fans of massonomics and or nick best yeah or nick best they are fans of the avengers and the comment on there several times was i had thanos listed at six seven nine hundred eighty five because that's what my simple wikipedia search said and wait a minute you didn't spend hours trying to get to the bottom of this and that is apparently his marvel that was i believe the comic and not the marvel comic universe of the so it's not i would argue it's not technically incorrect where the the problem comes in i suppose is the picture used in the massonomics versus is a picture of the yeah you were you were mixing your inks yeah that's right right so he's supposed and also there's not a specific reported height
Starting point is 00:57:15 of thanos in the movies they never did a white form in relation to the other people they say he's seven to eight foot tall i did like the one comment that a guy had he's like okay uh captain america's six one and he towers over captain america okay man so all the comments that said he's he's seven or eight foot it's like that's not the fucking point that's never been the point of mass like you're coming here for the wrong thing if like that's what you want to yep uh getting it but of course there's a lot of people that also do get it and make the comments like, oh, come on, everyone knows that Thanos was 6, 7, and 3-quarter. When are you going to stop spreading this misinformation?
Starting point is 00:57:55 And those people make it all worth it. Yeah. I fired a few shots back at a couple of people that makes me feel a little bit better about being called out on things. Just really grinding their gears. Yeah. Those call call have to call it out on things they just that's what keeps me up at night go to sleep a lot easier if i know i got a shot back in adam firing back yeah that's not true it doesn't actually affect me that way but i do like to if i can think of something uh funny to comment back i I do enjoy doing that.
Starting point is 00:58:27 But, yes, definitely best comment of the week. I know Big James Strickland has been shooting for comment of the week on some of his comments that he's been shooting out there, but he did not make it this week again, James, so try again next week. What do we have time for then? Well, basically over-under at this at this point okay we can do that we can do over under another thing about over under we've been putting that out on instagram every week story that you can play along with the current weeks i two weeks in a row now
Starting point is 00:58:58 have read the question wrong and answered contradicted myself to what i did on air i was going to call you out on that, but I was going to say, I'm pretty sure you're answering them all the opposite of what you answered them. I start going through and just like, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, I totally read that. I just assumed I knew what the question was. I'm like, oh, I see MTV, and I click whatever the button was, but actually the way the question was worded, it meant the opposite. And I'm like, I should just quit playing on the phone.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Just shooting myself in the foot here. It is interesting to see, though, like this review last week, watches came in about 50-50. And that's where I was about on it, too. I did think most of the answers pretty much lined up with my general sentiment. MTV was overwhelmingly overrated. And space travel was pretty heavily underrated. Yeah, and I think that's kind of how you answered them all.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah, it was. The week before, I can't remember all, but I do remember. Well, maybe it's because I'm like the teacher. I gave them the teacher's guide so they know the correct answers to the test. For all the listeners, they already know how to answer. They didn't know how to answer until they heard me. The $2 bill did come back very overwhelmingly underrated as well. As it should.
Starting point is 01:00:07 A few people DMed and said, and I don't know if they may not be familiar with over-under from the podcast, but they said, well, I think that's just appropriately rated. And I want to say, no, that is not an option. That's not how overrated, underrated works. We have rules for that. Actually, the rule in life is you can never be indifferent on anything. You have to be strongly opinionated on everything. One way or the other.
Starting point is 01:00:28 That's kind of the nature of underrated, overrated. And I have had several people over the last two weeks who did not read the rules fully. Many people called us out on that, actually, and said they did. They said they were very confused as to what the hell was even going on because there was no rules. So they said, I don't know. What are you doing here? We're going to fix that this week. So the rules of Underrated or Overrated consists of lightning round questions
Starting point is 01:00:53 asked by myself to Tommy. The questions come from a variety of topics, including but not limited to pop culture, current events, food, and technology. There are also lifting-related topics sprinkled in. It's important to remember that the questions are, in fact, lightning round, but the answers are not necessarily. Tommy has his druthers when it comes to the length of the answers. What are druthers, you ask?
Starting point is 01:01:14 Well, Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines druthers as a person's preferences in a matter. All that being said, there does have to be a final answer. This initial issue of underrated or overrated must be clearly resolved in the end. Due to demand, we have added a frequently asked questions section for overrated and underrated. Question one, can Tommy come up with his own over-under topics? Answer, it is not suggested or preferable, but under special circumstances, it could be petitioned or allowed. Question two, can the rules be changed? Answer, the rules are fluid.
Starting point is 01:01:46 They are a living, breathing organism that can evolve with time. Topic one, now that the rules are out there. Topic one, underrated or overrated. So is this a rule topic or is this the actual game now? We're in the game. Okay, I didn't know if we're like
Starting point is 01:01:59 in the first topic of rules. That was the introduction to the rules or on rule topic one. Now we're getting to the real rules no we're in the game now okay topic one underrated or overrated rain total body fuel oh you don't know what yeah yeah yeah um all right i got very confused because it's just rain yeah r-e-i-g-n yeah yes um it seemed like they were trying to do the bang thing correct really did these are not energy drinks it is a category subcategory of performance energy drinks yeah
Starting point is 01:02:36 yes a subcategory of marketing to people water is not water i had to look it up because this is kind of someone suggested this and i was like what is this i guess i've maybe seen it and it's brain is a performance energy drink made by monster it is made by monster yes they did they chose not to use their brand on this which was interesting they used because because definitely markets to the fitness industry performance performance industry um i'm curious i wanted to see okay they do have 300 milligrams of caffeine that is always my that is always my first thing that i'm curious about with like energy performance supplement drinks is what their caffeine level is to me 300 is puts it in that higher tier yeah and bang i
Starting point is 01:03:26 believe is that like that 300 level too um i really really makes me think different now i wondered why because looking at it the logo rain it's kind of like a crown with like a face mask but it definitely makes an m when i look at that uh and if it's monster whether that was intentional or not i feel like it would be but if it was monster it now makes sense that okay it's an they're using this kind of whole thing as yeah you know the m is tied into the monster yeah so um i i think this is overrated like it's we should preface it by how many energy drinks are you or i drink oh if i drink 10 in a year, I mean, that's it. At the Arnold, we had these really long days.
Starting point is 01:04:10 And one of the Alabama guys had brought. Oh, the Alabama guys were keeping them coming. And they brought one for us. And I said, hey, they brought this Bang Energy if we want it. And then I didn't know how much caffeine they had. And you told me that that has like 300 milligrams of caffeine and I was going to drink it. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:04:28 Oh no. I like, that's going to like, once, once we, we still have many hours being here, that's going to wear off and I'm going to be screwed. So I was like,
Starting point is 01:04:36 I'm not going to drink that. Yeah. Um, I've just, I've never been like a big caffeine guy. Yeah. Um, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:43 like coffee, I'll do a cup of coffee. I don't do multiple cups. Energy drinks, I just don't even do energy drinks. I like energy drinks. I mean, some of them taste good. Yeah, you can feel the boost from them, but I just don't like to get in the habit of relying on that.
Starting point is 01:04:59 And so I'm just not a huge guy into those things. I get it why people like them. You've been seeing this pop up. I have seen it. Someone at the gym tonight was drinking one of these i've seen him yeah and then half thor they got half thor like he was posting about it a lot yeah um i don't know i think it's kind of overrated it's just people finding what this is is if you look at it it's just people finding a niche that they can exploit in the fitness industry. Yeah. And, okay, regular Monster, regular energy drinks, we're doing it for you.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Now they make one that has some more BCAAs because you really need those in your workout plan. Like that's what's stopping you from achieving your goals. The packaging looks more similar to Bang energy drink just in general too don't you think i don't know if it's the color their color choices or what it is but i just you can just see similarities to bang yeah you look at this to me yeah i feel like the flavors are like there's cotton candy and like it's probably a lot of stuff that's not far off of bang energy or bang flavors i think too yeah and i don't know who this see i'm not if you go to their website they're two big promoters are half thor and this natalie eva marie and i have no idea
Starting point is 01:06:14 who she is definitely an instagram model of some kind but um you know they're taking the bang approach they're trying to have way more instagram yeah influence and personalities involved in this in the marketing of this beverage kind of funny that bang who you wouldn't even heard of you know not that long ago has influenced monster into making all this it's all marketing yeah like no one needs any of these drinks right it's just the only reason you even no one needs all the variety of the like there's like it's just like if like oh the thing finally science correct the thing that was missing adding bcaa into my energy drink like that wasn't like a problem yeah and i mean they're presenting it as a problem like yeah your your energy drink clearly wasn't giving
Starting point is 01:07:02 you enough things yeah like your 12 000 of your vitamin b and all that stuff we finally solved that like no that's not the issue but um i don't know if they're going to market it hard so i think it's overrated i don't really care for this stuff and um if you look at the marketing behind it it's just obviously targeting people um that are that are going to go for that um and then on top of that more than anything they're just trying to copy Bang. It's just a branch off of Bang. You could probably say the same thing about Bang. It's just a branch off of Monster.
Starting point is 01:07:32 So they're all just kind of... Everything is just like enough percent different that they can get to a different market. So I'll say overrated. Okay. Underrated or overrated? Timed rest intervals between sets. They could take it a lot of ways because there's a lot of different ways that
Starting point is 01:07:50 people train and stuff. So when you say this, I'm thinking like, all right, I'm going to do, once I get to my working sets, I'm doing a minute and 30 rest. But yes,
Starting point is 01:07:59 that's how I think you've got a stopwatch or your walk and, or your eagle eyeing the clock and you're like, okay, have to go right now. I would say in most situations, it's not necessary and overrated. To me, the most logical reason for it is you take way too long at the gym and it's your way of staying accountable. Then, yeah, okay, if you're at the gym for three hours and you really only need to be there for about an hour, that probably is a really good way to keep you on track. And then it's just time tracking, like anything,
Starting point is 01:08:27 time tracking. If you're wasting a lot of time, do a little bit of time tracking. You'd be amazed how much time you're actually wasting. Uh, but when it comes to training, you know, for most of these things, I think like you can get all crazy and scientific and exact with it. But I think for the most part, really, you're kind of feeling it out. You're going to just – you've got to have some feedback loops in your own body where you're like, I'm ready to go or I'm not ready to go. And that time doesn't – I don't think it needs to be the same all the time. I think it can be different. It can be shorter sometimes, longer sometimes.
Starting point is 01:08:57 I'm going to say it's overrated. Okay. And now I think the – what I'm going to run into the issue is I don't have a running list of all the topics we've ever used on Underrated and Overrated. So some of these that I think of, I'm like, I don't think we've done it before. But if that ever happens, I'm just saying now it could happen. I don't think that's what we're doing today, but it just could happen. So Underrated or Overrated, cupcakes.
Starting point is 01:09:22 I don't think we've done this one. But see, we do a lot of things that are do a lot of things but i think it is new i think we've just done other things otherwise we'll find out yeah we'll find out someone will call us out if it's if that's the case underrated or overrated cupcakes so the reason i want to say overrated is because people like to freak out about cupcakes but also people like to freak out about any dessert like oh my god or even really any food for them i mean you just take anything that you can put in your mouth yeah and people will just blow it up and we've done so we've done donuts and that's where like this would parallel something where it seems like something we've done
Starting point is 01:09:59 i know we've done donuts and some other things along those lines donuts pizza cake pie cheesecake ice cream all that stuff yeah there's a reason tons and tons and tons of people like it because it's really really good yeah and uh cupcakes to me like it's it is yes it's just cake in a smaller form i don't think there's any i don't think there's any magical piece i'm missing there like kevin from uh kevin from the office he has one where where they're talking about mini cupcakes. He's upset about it. He's like, cupcakes are already smaller cake.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Why on earth would you make them even smaller? He's like, why would you make mini cupcakes? Yes, and that is kind of the whole thing here. You know, if I had to pick desserts desserts like cupcakes and cake would be on the lower end of my my preferred dessert list so with that i'm gonna and then people like to just freak out about cupcakes and i'm gonna say cupcakes are overrated yeah i think that's that's right okay last topic for today's underrated or overrated is magazine subscriptions. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Well, I don't currently have any magazine subscriptions, so I don't know if this means I can properly answer this question. Let me check something. Everything else I do have a lot of experience with. It says here there does have to be a final answer. The initial issue of overrated must be clearly resolved. Okay. So I do have to resolve, but you still have your druthers. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:27 All right. But not to magazine subscriptions. I, I do love magazines. Like if I'm, I'm type of guy person, if I get a magazine, I will sit down and I will,
Starting point is 01:11:37 unless it's something I like an article I really don't like, I will read every single thing in like I'll read cover to cover. Um, you know, there's a lot of good ones out there. I don't really – I think it's underrated. I just don't read magazines. I think magazines are underrated. I think they're good.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I think they serve a purpose. I think they're good. It's a form of entertainment and learning that a lot of people don't – people just don't read enough nowadays I think is the problem. And if magazines are something that help people read more, I think that's good. Right now, I'm more of a book guy than a magazine guy. But I do think magazines are underrated. Underrated.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Underrated. Well, that solves it. Wow. Now, with our new thing we do on Instagram, we'll see where the people weigh in in comparison to how you weighed in this week. Where they come in. I think it's going to be – Do you think the people – what about rain? You said overrated on rain.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Do you think that you're going to be in the – I think that one's going to be pretty – because I think some people are going to be like, oh, it's just a ripoff. And some people are like, oh, it's got a lot of caffeine. What's underrated about a lot of caffeine? Yeah. Which you do have a point. I think that one's going to be pretty close. You said time to rest intervals were overrated. I think people are going to say be pretty close. You said time to rest intervals were overrated.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Yeah, I think our audience will agree overrated. I think they'll say – I think rain's going to be pretty close. I think you'll be right on cupcakes saying with our audience and you said overrated. I think most people say overrated because I think they're going to want the whole cake, not just cupcakes. And then magazine subscription, I think they could say overrated. I think they could too. They're all tough. They're all tricky.
Starting point is 01:13:09 We'll find out. We will. Time will tell. We will. I like this part of it now. Yeah. What will the audience say? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:18 But that does wrap up underrated, overrated, and as always, that also wraps up the Massanomics podcast for the week. The last thing to tell you would be to check out our website and the store and purchase our products they're all there you guys kind of know about the products they're still there we do have that new thing brand new new new new shirt coming out that has not it's getting closer it's not in our hands right now but we're pretty excited about it and we're pretty sure you guys are also going to be as excited about it we got some some pretty fun ideas coming for that new shirt when it does get
Starting point is 01:13:48 here yep but until now it's all just uh hype and no substance just the waiting yeah still yeah check that stuff out like us on facebook subscribe on youtube we're still on that quest for a thousand uh if you're on the youtubes then you can battle for first comment every week the numbers of uh first comment battlers grows every week and i see a lot of comments that say eights or nines a lot of people that are not getting first uh most importantly though you can uh can, and must follow us on our Instagram handles. What do you got for that, Tommy? At Tomahawk underscore D.
Starting point is 01:14:30 And make sure to follow the official Masanomics Instagram account at Masanomics. That's it for 163. We'll catch you next time for 164. See ya. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear.
Starting point is 01:14:57 From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast. Stay strong.

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