Massenomics Podcast - Ep.166: Massenomics Bootleggers

Episode Date: June 10, 2019

We have finally made it.  We created a design so cool that someone else thought they needed to rip off our exact product.  Gucci doesn't have anything on us....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Welcome, everyone, to episode 166 of the Massanomics Podcast, the world's strongest podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing. If you don't know us already, the two hosts of the show are myself, Tanner,
Starting point is 00:00:37 and the man to my left, Tommy. What's happening? How's it going? It's going good, and actually I'm kind of excited here, Tanner, because unlike most weeks, this has been a we've had a little bit of a break here. We have. We probably haven't recorded for like almost two weeks, right? Close to that.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Which means we have a lot to cover. And I'm not just saying that. We actually do. And mostly it involves Tanner's life. And I'm really curious as to how he. And the shambles that it's. Just the pieces that it is in. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Do we just get right to that, Tanner? We should. So I... First, we'll talk about the good stuff. You traveled to Boston. I did. As Dropkick Murphy famously said, we were shipping up to Boston
Starting point is 00:01:22 as they famously screamed. Was it because we just recently did the over-under on Matt Damon? famously said we were shipping up to boston you went as they famously screamed it wasn't because we uh just recently did the over under on matt damon and so i want to do a little bit like i don't know it was a close pull i want to settle this for sure what can't is matt really overrated or underrated yeah i had to do a little more research on that no we just went as on a little vacation my wife and i and still a little sightseeing. Boston is, for anyone that doesn't know, it's like major site of the, you know, where the Revolutionary War basically started.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You know, you could probably argue a few different things of where it started, but Boston was a pretty central figure in that. And that part of the history is really cool to me. We did a lot of tours and museum stuff and a lot of relating it back to Masonomics. The big thing there is the Freedom Trail in Boston. And that's like this path that you follow that hits all these historical spots.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So it is the tourist track. Yeah, yeah, yeah. all these historical spots like the Boston Common. So it is the tourist track. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Boston Common, Bunker Hill, all the city halls, like the historic buildings and like John Hancock. Let's see. I went to somebody's home.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I think it was Paul Revere's, not John Hancock. I'm getting myself confused. But John Hancock was Paul Revere. It was not John Hancock. I'm getting myself confused. But John Hancock and Paul Revere are two big Boston guys. They'd be the two big ones. But I wore this around the day we were doing a lot of that stuff because I was like, this is kind of – He's pointing out the Jefferson Deadlift shirt. Yeah, our new Jefferson Deadlift shirt.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And I was like, this is funny to me. I packed it specifically for this reason because it's like, we're doing all this Revolutionary War stuff. packed it specifically for this reason because it's like we're doing all this revolutionary war stuff uh thomas jefferson is just is involved in all that as all these boston guys he's not thomas jefferson wasn't really a boston guy but he you know he fits into the equation yeah right right uh and this was well received it was it it went over pretty good. My wife almost, you know, she like shakes her head at this stuff because she's like. Don't give me anything to work with. Yeah, she's like, God, he's never going to shut up about this.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And let me backtrack just a little bit on that. I think I messaged you when this happened. I did want to hear about this too. This is tied into the part of the story I'm at now. When we were in the airport, and I maybe have even told you this before, I just want someday to be walking through the airport. Specifically, I've said I want to be walking through the airport in a Masonomics shirt and someone to be like, hey, Masonomics,
Starting point is 00:03:57 and just to recognize it. Which at the end of the day, isn't that what we all want? Or to see someone randomly in an airport. I always think in an airport because when you're in an airport, you're just, you know, people from everywhere. It's such a blend of people. Yeah. It could be anywhere and everywhere. So I saw a guy walking by.
Starting point is 00:04:14 And this is the Minneapolis airport, which is a fairly large airport. Yeah. Yeah. I saw a guy walking by and I noticed bigger guy. And then I looked and he's wearing a United States strongman shirt. And I'm like, ah, this might I looked, and he was wearing a United States Strongman shirt. And I'm like, ah, this might be a guy. This could be my chance.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Before he even saw me, I was like, this is a guy that might know what mass. And I'm wearing an OG red massonomic shirt. And I looked at him, and he looked at me in the face and saw that I was looking at him. And I believe he could tell that we were like, ah, lifting. You guys shared a common bond ah lifting yeah in a split second there was this like ah lifting and then he looked down at my shirt and I was sitting he was walking by he stopped and said ah massonomics and I was like yep and I and I said ah United States strongman uh like and then he said uh um something about I I follow mass or he said something about I follow Mass. Or he said, I've also got my Yeah Buddy shirt or something like that packed with me.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And I said, oh, well, I'm one of the guys that own the company. And he's like, oh, cool. You know, he didn't know who I was, of course, or anything, but he just knew Massonomics. And we talked about that a little bit. But that, first of all all was a really cool feeling and when he walked away i turned to my wife with probably like the biggest smile on my face and she was like oh it's starting already supposed to get away from this all but it was completely a random person i've never seen before in my life that's really cool yeah yep i have not had the pleasure of having that yet yeah but I know someday. I don't count the Arnold.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Arnold is completely exempt from those rules. Yeah, because that's like all the people that we – Yeah, it doesn't count in that scenario. Yeah, I'm still waiting for that day. Yeah. This guy was coincidentally even on my flight going to Boston as well, but not even relevant to the story. But, okay, back to – so I was wearing the Jefferson deadlift shirt
Starting point is 00:06:03 and walking around, and we walk into a grave site where john hancock paul revere all these people are buried there's a guy at the entrance handing out programs like show you what to walk by what to check out and uh what's important about this grave site and he looks down at my shirt and goes oh that's a cool shirt i've never seen that before and he's got a camera around and goes oh that's a cool shirt i've never seen that before and he's got a camera around his neck and then he go and i was like oh yeah thanks i didn't explain and he goes oh do you mind if i take a picture of that he stops and grits out his camera and like takes a picture like not really of me but of the jefferson deadlift shirt get your ugly
Starting point is 00:06:42 face out of here i just want that shirt yep so that was pretty cool then my wife had to endure me talking about that and then when we walked by that back by another time that guy remembered and you know i was wearing a different shirt it's a different day and he kind and he said hi or something he remembered the jefferson dead deadlift shirt a few other people i walked by that uh were lifting i saw a guy he was wearing some other sort of strongman shirt this was in boston when i'm wearing this and he nodded over and said something to his wife and pointed and said something about the shirt too and he did we're it was in a really big crowd and we didn't i didn't get to talk to him but i know he was uh really scouting it out yeah he may and maybe he is familiar with it even too you know yeah. But so there was a few Jefferson deadlift interactions.
Starting point is 00:07:27 The word is spreading. Yes, yes. People are learning. Yes. So that was cool. But otherwise, we went on a really large catamaran boat. You know, there's probably like 400 or 500 people on it to do whale watching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Was there some sickness involved? God, it was like a war zone. Really? Was the water that rough? It was in the bay, in close to the bay, it wasn't bad at all. But they warned us before we were going to go out once we were all in the boat
Starting point is 00:08:00 they were over the PA and they said it's four to five foot swells because it's a four hour boat ride. Oh this isn't a quick little no no it's not like you just hop out 10 minutes and look at the whales it's like an hour and a half you're going on an adventure here into the you know out into the ocean or harbor or whatever to uh check these whales out and they warned and said that people could get a rain check and come back again. And it's like, well, yeah, we'll come back the next time we're in Boston. Yeah. A couple of years, I will redeem this.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Yeah. Hopefully you guys are in business. Yeah, exactly. So I'm a little nervous at that point, wondering. And when they said four to five foot swells, I'm from South Dakota, and I don't go out on the ocean. My ocean experience is like dipping my feet in it at the beaches the lake getting swells here would be i don't know like
Starting point is 00:08:51 two or three feet would be pretty yeah crazy well and i was picturing like little white you know when it gets really windy here out on the lake and there's like these little white caps when i say two to three feet like the most intense white caps which is like still nothing in the scheme of things well and that's what i thought it was going to be like these white, larger white caps, like bashing the side of the boat or something, something like that. And I was like, oh, it might suck, but well, it can't be that bad. But that's not what it's like. It's, uh, it's like hills that you go. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Where you constantly go up and down, up and down. And then eventually you'll get to a really big one. And it's like, and everyone on the boat is like, here it goes. Yeah. And anyways, I sat and stared out the window, my wife and I did, motionless, speechless for probably a 45-minute stretch where we are both within minutes of. Just emptying yourself.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah, and we just stared at the horizon horizon didn't speak to each other is that the preferred yes you want to stare at the horizon hope uh preferably get out in open air and do not look at your phone a little boy like 10 years old came by us sat and looked on his phone and i was like you dumb little you're gonna regret that like not more than five minutes later, he looks up and goes, and I was like, away from me. Because if I hear, like if he pukes right in front of me, it's going to be game over for me at that point. And I'm really loud. So if I get, I was worried. Yeah, that's if I got going, the whole boat was going to be a domino effect.
Starting point is 00:10:21 But anyways, we finally kind of get there and it settles down a little bit and when we i hadn't turned my gaze in like i said like 45 minutes i stared did not move i was in a meditation no i was in a cold sweat i was wearing uh sunglasses and they were just dripping it was but i was cold just just just a cold miserable sweat for 45 minutes. We turn to leave to walk away, and through this cabin area, it looked like a war zone, like bombs and shrapnel and people getting mowed down. People were keeled over on their side with barf bags next to them. Oh, wow. It was pretty.
Starting point is 00:11:02 You survived. Yeah, we did. The Battle of the Boston Harbor. And we did get to see some humpback whales that ended up being, like, 20 feet away from us all. Well, that's pretty cool. Yeah, you could feel the spray out of their blowholes. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I guess you got that. Well, and so we got done, and we're like, well, we're not doing that ever again. Well, but really, what vacation is complete without having at least one, like why the hell, like what did we get ourselves into? Yeah. Like you have to have one of those on a vacation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:31 To really test everyone's willpower. Yep. That's what that mental fortitude definitely did do that. We did went to a Red Sox game, did a tour of Fenway and Fenway is just really cool. Anyone from, you know, anyone that's been there wouldn't know that too.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And you're even a guy that is on record for saying you kind of hate baseball. Yeah, I don't care. I am not ever going to watch baseball on television. Like if it's game seven of the World Series and it's the ninth inning and someone says, oh, check this out, I'd be like, okay. Okay, how long is it going to take? I'm like, that's interesting to me. Like outside of that,'m you know i don't
Starting point is 00:12:06 care but um being i've gone to you know maybe four i've gone to like five professional ballparks and i always enjoy that though that's yeah that's a much different experience it is like i like the experience of checking out checking it out and um just being there especially fenway is the oldest stadium it's oldest baseball baseball stadium that there is. So it's kind of got a lot of history behind it. Otherwise, that was pretty much the Boston trip in a nutshell. But there was some good Jefferson deadlift exposure while I was there. So it was definitely a win.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I mean, it really was a business trip. Your wife happened to be able to come along. When you're one of the owners of Mastanomics, every trip is a business trip. I mean, it be able to come along. When you're one of the owners of Mastonomics, every trip is a business trip. I mean, it is, yes. Always be selling. I've had my wife tell me before, like, you don't have to wear those shirts
Starting point is 00:12:51 every time we go somewhere. Well, you kind of got to get the word out, though. Yeah, it's like, well, and what if it's that one time that that guy is going to... Like, I can't just advertise anyone's brand. If I'm going to, it should probably be my own. Exactly. You know?
Starting point is 00:13:05 So, yeah, it's good that we have our priorities straight like that. That's right. But then, okay, so you have this great trip. You come back, Tanner. Yep. And then life says, you know, things are going too good. We've got to set you back a notch. That's how things kind of work.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So you come back, what was it, like a Friday night, Friday afternoon? Yeah, yeah. I think I got back on Wednesday night. Oh, Wednesday. So I had Thursday free and then Friday. Okay, yeah, my days are mixed around. Yeah, yeah. I think I got back on Wednesday night. Oh, Wednesday. So I had Thursday free and then Friday. Okay, yeah, my days are mixed up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I had like a day free and then I had to go under the knife.
Starting point is 00:13:33 And that was on Friday. Yeah. So we talked about this just really briefly like a few episodes ago. Yeah. You had this, you were doing the yoke carry. Yeah. Something felt weird in your knee. Yeah, it felt like I knew that I did something to my knee.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I wasn't really sure what. You weren't quite sure what it was. Best case, you went and talked to a doctor. It sounded like maybe best case scenario. It just could have been just like a, yeah. Maybe a little scope would take care of it. Once they really got in there, they found out. What was it actually?
Starting point is 00:14:00 After doing the MRI, my meniscus was damaged. But the bigger issue is I had no ACL left. And you say, well, the good thing about not having one is you don't have to worry about injuring one anymore. Ah, that's true. There's not one left to be injured. He showed me on the MRI. He's like, this is where a black strip would be for your ACL, and there's no black. Yeah, there's not one there.
Starting point is 00:14:21 So you knew the surgery was coming, but before the surgery happened, you did have some YOLO bench days in there. I did. Yes. I was doing some, cause I was like, well, this is my last chance to really, I actually kind of forgot you were even hurt because you were just like lifting like normal. Yeah. You weren't squatting.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Were you? No, I wasn't squatting at all. But you were still deadlifting and benching. Yeah. I was doing like stiff legged deadlifting, you know? And cause really my knee at that point was not bothering me that much anymore. You know, I knew that I was going to have to have the surgery. I'd been training my bench specifically because I was hoping to do with the USPA meet in Rapid City that we sponsored.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And I was going to just do bench only there because I knew that I had the surgery. Or I knew that my knee was injured. I wasn't going to be able to squat and deadlift. I was like, well, I could still bench and that would be fun. So I had been training to for a one rep max bench. And then I found out I had to have the surgery the day before that meet was going to be. It doesn't quite work out. No.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So I said, well, I'm going to go. I'm going to go. Like I, so I kind of D D loaded or didn't do much in the gym and, uh, Gabe went in going one day when I was like, Oh, I'm going to just max out and see what I could have, could have done.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Potentially if, had I been able to do the meat in it, it went good. I, uh, the only PR, I did a whole bunch of, this is what I just,
Starting point is 00:15:42 I haven't got to talk to you. I did see some clips on Instagram and I was like, Whoa, he had like a Larry wheels day. Yeah. That's kind of what I did. And bunch of – So this is what – I haven't got to talk to you about this yet. I did see some clips on Instagram, and I was like, whoa, he had like a Larry Wheels day. Yeah, that's kind of what I did, and I had told Ross, and I knew a couple of the guys at the gym were going to be there. Like benching, like you're never going to bench again. Yeah, that's what I was like. I'm not going to be able to lift at all for weeks here, so I'm just going to completely like trash myself because I'm not even –
Starting point is 00:16:02 I mean I won't be able to – I won't step foot in the gym for a few weeks after this so that was my plan i was like i'm just gonna go until it feels like i can't uh so what do you walk away with on that day then for some of your uh like my sets on bench i will want to build up to your single first i'm assuming yeah so i did uh like a 405 single a 440 single and i wanted to get 480 which would would have been a PR in the gym. And the 440 went really fast. I was going to say, I saw the 440. You did have that one on, didn't you? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:32 That one looked really easy. Four plates was the fastest I've ever done four plates. At that point in time, I could have repped that. I've done that five reps before, and I probably could have hit it for a few more than that because it was really good. But when I did 440 because it was really good but when i did 440 it was really fast but my my pec um it just felt really tight when i did it where i was like uh like where i was like yeah yeah but it moved really good but i could just
Starting point is 00:16:59 tell there was like this really kind of like a twinge of tightness but i was like so so i was thinking maybe i'll do like 465 or 455 or 465 but then i was like what's the point i've adding in these yeah yeah close to 100 yeah i'm just and even if i and i was thinking maybe i'd do that and stop there but you've done that before yeah i've done that 470 yeah 475 so i was like yeah it's not 480 i don't really there's no point so i was like i'll just put 480 on and tried it and i really wasn't that close it moved fast for the first couple inches and as soon as it got uh to where it's hard you know hard for me i felt my pec was just like you know it's not like tearing or anything but there's something there's no and it mostly just
Starting point is 00:17:41 like that the strength isn't there that i'm not going to be able to do it. So I didn't get that. So then I went down to three, I think 395 or something. I don't know why I picked that number and just did an AMRAP. Yeah. And did that, I think for a set of six. And then I was like, well, I'm pretty beat up and that's probably about enough. I was like, maybe I'll just see how many times I can do 225 because I haven't done that for probably a couple of years. It's always a good measure.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It's always a fun one to do. And I said before we started, I was like, I want to get at least 20 because I was really tired from this other stuff. I was like, I probably won't be, you know, I'm not going to do a whole bunch. I think I've done like 32 or 33 before, but I got 37, which is definitely a PR of those. And once I got to like 30 for split second, I was like, oh, it'd be really cool if I could get 40.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And for all the way up until I failed, I kind of thought I might have a chance at getting 40. And on the 38th one, it was just like gone. And that's usually how those go. Yeah, it goes from really easy to really hard. Yeah, but so that was fun. Then I was like, damn, I should have done this first, and I could have done 40 of those.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah, you would have done it that way. Yeah, which nobody gives a crap. Well, but it does matter. It matters when I – so when people talk about the NFL combine, about these guys that are really good at all kinds of stuff, not just benching. Like athletics and sports and moving. That we can be like, yeah yeah but that one arbitrary test yeah but that one doesn't really matter for anything in the nfl that one metric is actually 50 on your list
Starting point is 00:19:11 yeah i can actually do more than some of those guys i can almost hang with that thing that almost doesn't matter for you it's just a byproduct of you being you it's pretty well proven that that's a meat like there's a certain threshold like as as long as say, depending on the position, say it's offensive lineman, as long as the dude can do like 15 or 20, it's almost meaningless after that. Oh yeah. It's just, or as long as if it's a linebacker, as long as he can running back, as long as he can do 10 or something, he has some measure of strength.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Definitely the point of diminishing return. Where it's like, well, I hope you're not focusing on this because you can definitely focus on better things. Yeah, exactly. Even lifting related. Like you don't be not focusing on this because you can definitely focus on better things. Yeah, exactly. Even lifting related. Don't be worrying about how many times you can bench 225. Yeah, but it is still one of those fun lifts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Yeah, that's the people always want to see how many times they can bench 225. I believe it's for the NFL combine reason is really where that comes from. I would think that's where the sustained popularity comes from. Wow. Okay. So we have the Boston trip. We have the Benji Yolo session. And this all leads up now to the knee surgery.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Yes. I get the knee surgery. They made me a new ACL out of my hamstring. Because they said it was the most magnificent hamstring they i like that hamstring now there's a lot there we could get a lot of acls on that thing this is a hamstring yeah they could could potentially use a cadaver they could use uh like out of your quad or they could take it out of your hamstring and for whatever reason uh the doctor said the hamstring is the way to go in my case and that's what we did and um so i had surgery like a week ago first time i've ever been under anesthesia first time i've ever had surgery have you
Starting point is 00:20:53 ever been under anesthesia i have not now that's that's a trip i think you said you were shocked you were surprised you were expecting like a gas mask to go over. That never happened. No, no. And it's like all of a sudden just dead to the world. Like God only knows what they could do to you. You know, like what could be done to you while you're in that condition? Because you wake up completely not like just so out of it, just where it's so far from you just can't imagine that that even happened to you while you're laying there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I couldn't be oblivious. Yeah, right, right, right. And then coming out of it is pretty wild, too, because I don't remember this, but the nurses were talking about it. And when I came out of it at first, I kind of said, wow, that really put me to sleep really good. Like I'm impressed by that. And they said, yeah, it works pretty good. And I'm like, oh, you could put me to sleep like that every night. And they're like, ah, that's kind of how Michael Jackson died.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I said too soon. Yeah. But yeah, I had the surgery and now I'm on the hashtag road to recovery. That means it's only up from here. Yeah, ACL surgery kind of sucks. I don't know. Yeah, so you were kind of expecting maybe to – you were maybe being a little too optimistic with it,
Starting point is 00:22:14 thinking you'd go in and come out. At first I was being optimistic about what was injured, thinking that, like, it probably wasn't the ACL or something less serious. And then leading up to it, I was being a little more optimistic about the post-surgery that hopefully, I think I'm pretty tough. I'm fairly in shape somewhat. I'm kind of strong. I'm tougher than your average person.
Starting point is 00:22:35 But no, it kind of sucks, at least for this. I mean, the beginning is the worst of it, and it gets better from here and every day. So it's not, you know, I was able to get down the stairs here. I was going to say, you know, it didn't even cross my mind until I look out the window and I see, like, crutches going by. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I forget. He's in this less than ideal situation.
Starting point is 00:22:55 It makes everything a pain to try and shower. I mean, I can't pick up our baby. I can't make myself food, basically, like in this first week. Now, actually, today at physical therapy, I get to start putting a little weight on my foot. our baby i can't make myself food basically like in this first week you know when i uh now actually today at physical therapy i get to start putting a little weight on my foot and that's helping things out and also the physical therapy has a chest press machine is that yeah did i send you that yes so like i could put on a little help on i know we're kind of focusing on this leg when i'm there but next time i might ask him to pick it.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I'm like, let me show you what I can do on that thing. I'm not as bad as I look. I can do things. But we did at therapy, they had me do blood flow restriction training. Really? Where they put like a... It was like a tourniquet. Yeah, but theirs is a fancy thing hooked up to a machine that shows the exact percentage of blood flow being restricted. That's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Yeah, it is kind of cool. I don't know. They're very big on it. And I'm like, oh, it sounds good. Whatever. I think that is kind of one of the bigger things now is just, I mean, that's the whole thing with movement, too, is just getting blood flow. Yeah, yeah. I'm assuming that's the whole theory behind this blood flow restriction is getting blood in and out.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yeah, and I have a good, the physical therapist I have have is very good and i feel like my recovery will probably go good but this damn brace that goes from just about below my crotch to just above my ankle and sleeping's a biatch i with this thing there's no getting comfortable at all. Like, I haven't slept one decent night since. Yeah, I'm not jealous of you at all. Yeah. So the moral of the story is do not tear your ACL. Is just never, ever, ever do a yoke carry for any reason. That's probably going to be my philosophy.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Going forward. Yeah, because knowing now how lame going through the surgery is and the recovery process is, I'd be like, I'm not going to do it. The risk to reward. Yes, the risk to reward ratio is very much more skewed now in my mind than it was before. Yeah. But very big upside is, we've talked about it before, everything now, once I do get back to the gym is going to be, you know, wrote recovery PRS.
Starting point is 00:25:07 And I'm going to set a lot of PRS here. Like, I mean, just when you're knocking board numbers on and off the board all the time, you got all the momentum on your side. The world can't stop you then. Yup. Eventually I'll get to be able to do,
Starting point is 00:25:19 do some squats at physical therapy and stuff. And they'll fix your squat. Yeah. It'll be like squat university up in there? Well, he's talking to me about it today. He was talking about squat for me. He said, fair warning, this is going to be bad from the start. Trust me, I've been working on this for a decade.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yeah, I was like, if you can fix it here in 12 weeks, you, sir, are a magician. You are a miracle worker. He might think you're joking, but he has no idea. Doesn't know what he's in for. Wow. Well, now that we got the doom and gloom out of the way, do we have kind of a sack this week, Tanner?
Starting point is 00:25:57 Bringing back the original segment. The segment that started all the segments is part of the sack I already unloaded and put put on my person yeah but uh i'll get more of it these items in the sack are actually both yours here so you check those out yeah you haven't seen these yet so damn yeah um i might have to clear this one with my wife first uh these are these are oh did you see the back of mine, though? Oh, yeah, I did see that. It's really cool. So these are from the fine folks at Hybrid Performance.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Steffi and Hayden sent over. We got some pretty sweet hybrid apparel here. And, man, I approve. This looks really good. They're cool. That seems like a really cool look. I really like this one that I'm wearing, too. Yeah, the hybrid. I'm wearing it. That just really good. They're cool. That's, you know, feels like, seems like a really cool look. I really like this one that I'm wearing, too. Yeah, the hybrid.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I'm wearing. That just says hybrid. This one says cone, and it's just like a black and white photo of Steffi with cone and red letters underneath on a purple shirt. What's the other one here? I haven't seen this one before. I haven't seen that one before, either. I don't, it's a.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It's a train. Yeah. We got the old school, the old school TV train muscle man on it. I like it. And then I have, uh, one other one that I had already worn, so I didn't bring it here, but it's, uh, probably my favorite one out of all four of them. You got to pick. No, no. I just said, he asked what size where, where I said XL and two XL. and these are the so so he sold it he sent it in 2x and it's like this uh uh kind of this baby yellow color and it's just like a hybrid performance circular logo that says you know like whatever the thing is uh eat like a train like a bodybuilder i can't
Starting point is 00:27:41 remember their exact logo but whatever the hell that is. Move like a weightlifter, kind of this different thing, but it's just a really cool-looking shirt. And then yellow doesn't really exist on a lot of shirts. No, when I saw that, I was like, that is a really cool-looking yellow. Yeah, that is awesome. So, yeah, thank you, Steffi and Hayden, and the fine folks at Hybrid Performance. This is pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:28:04 And we did swap out with them. We shot them over a few Masanomics shirts. Yep, and Hayden did give us a pretty awesome shout-out. I think he was at Jujifufu's gym. Doing a Jefferson Deadlift. His garage, whatever he has there. And, yeah, doing some Jefferson Deadlifts. So he's caught on to the wave there.
Starting point is 00:28:21 He knows what's up. Yep. We like that. Yep. We'll be on the lookout to see if we ever see those guys lifting in Jefferson Deadlift shirts. It's guaranteed to boost performance. Yeah. So a good sack segment right there.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Yeah, I like it. Very, very nice. Very nice. Good old hairy sack. The best. Yeah, like you said, you're going to have to run this one by the box. I know. She's going to get jealous.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Who's that chick with all those abdominal muscles? I know. She might get jealous. Who's that chick with all those abdominal muscles? Well, should we also talk about another shirt issue as of late? Actually, you know what? This one could even go back a little. So there's a lot to this here, Tanner.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And the first part was it started yesterday morning. And you tagged me in a post on Facebook. Did you notice what time I tagged you at that, by the way? Oh, yeah, yeah. So I looked... Remember, this goes back to how I was telling you that I do not sleep at night. Yeah, I was going to say, because I got on my computer I think at 7.30 or 8, and you tagged me like three hours before that. So I'm like, unless Tanner's in some weird time zone and there's an issue happening here, he did this at like 4.30, 5 in the morning. So I was just thinking maybe there's an issue happening here. He did this at like 4.30, 5 in the morning. Yeah. So I was just thinking maybe
Starting point is 00:29:27 there's a kid situation going on, but yeah, I always forget about the knee. So now that makes sense. But you, I think you tagged me in a post and you just said, Tommy, check out the photo. And I looked and it was a photo. So what you commented on, it was a T Nation article and it was a photo. So what you commented on, it was a T-Nation article. And it was something about a deadlift. Yeah. Probably their 20,000th article on a deadlift.
Starting point is 00:29:51 That's not a knock. That's like a, it's amazing they can still do this. But it was an article about a deadlift. Which there's nothing wrong with that at all. No. But the photo was a photo of Shane from the Masonomics gym. It's one of the more iconic Masonomics photos to me. We use that on the background of our Facebook cover photo.
Starting point is 00:30:09 It might even be on our YouTube page. It's been on the website before, I'm sure. Yeah, we've used it in our Deadlift article, which I imagine is how they found it. They probably Googled the word Deadlift. But it's a photo we've used quite a bit, and they were using it. It's a cool black and white photo. Yeah, it's a cool black and white. a bit, and they were using it. It's a cool black and white photo. Yeah, and it's a cool black and white.
Starting point is 00:30:25 So that was kind of the annoying part. It was like, well, T Nation, they definitely have a budget for stuff. They're big enough that, and I guess maybe people don't know, but you're not supposed to do that. Yeah, usually you don't, and it'd be one thing if maybe they cut it out or edited it or modified it in some way. But that picture isn't public domain. That was what was kind of annoying.
Starting point is 00:30:47 They literally just took our photo. Just straight up took it. It'd be one thing if it was a little photo way down in the article but no, it was the photo that was used to promote it on Facebook. It was the main photo for the blog post. But
Starting point is 00:31:03 I'm not going to make too big of a deal about it. We just kind of were like, oh, this is annoying. They obviously have money, but they don't seem to think that it's worth it. Because, you know, like I did that day. I did have to pack my camera gear up, which also does cost a decent amount of money. I had to go to the gym. I spent a couple hours that day taking photos. That was one of my favorites.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I had to go back. I had to edit it. I had to get it all ready, export it, export it save it for the web upload it to our site so there was a lot of work that went into creating that there's a reason they used it it's because it's good you know and like it's not that's not by accident it wasn't like you know it was just like we you didn't just snap pull out your uh iphone yeah yeah yeah it was it was there was some thought that went into the whole thing i actually did have shane i think i specifically had him like okay hold on there was some thought that went into the whole thing. I actually did have Shane. I think I specifically had him like, okay, hold on. There was a bit of modeling and directing going on there.
Starting point is 00:31:50 But if they would have messaged us even and been like, hey, we found this photo. Would you mind if we use that and gave you credit for it or something? It's probably going to be like, well, yeah, whatever. I mean, that seems reasonable. And it's a whole different thing, too, when people give credit. If they were to give credit, it would be like, well, sure. If you want to give credit, go ahead. It's almost good. a whole different thing too when people give credit yeah they were to give credit be like well sure yeah if you want to give credit go ahead like that's i probably it's not saying like that just means anyone can use our stuff but if someone wants to contact us ahead of time and say can we
Starting point is 00:32:11 use your photo and we'll give you credit there's a good chance we would allow it yeah um especially you know if it's a company like that it's like oh yeah we want to be you know there's probably things that you can offer us at some points in time. Yeah. So that one, whatever. I guess that was just how that went. It was kind of annoying. Yeah, kind of annoying. And that was kind of our takeaway. Like, well, hopefully this doesn't turn into a regular thing.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And the way I found it, someone else tagged me in it because they knew. They knew. And I was scrolling through it, and I was like, was this our deadlift article? It was kind of in the middle of the night, and I was just looking at my phone because I couldn't sleep. And I had to triple take and be like, oh, that is our picture, but not from our website. And I guess this is what's always so tricky with this stuff. If you really want to look at it, people could say, well, you've used our photos for your Massonomics Versus series. Which, true, we haven't taken a photo of any of the actual people
Starting point is 00:33:07 in our Versus series because, one, we don't have access to them. Every once in a while there is, though, because if it's like Brian Shaw or someone, we do it, or half-court, and I usually do use our pictures if we do have a picture of the guy. In our defense, and maybe for some people this doesn't matter, but we are finding a photo. We're cutting it out. We're making this whole other project out of it. We're not just literally just, oh, cool photo, like it, post it.
Starting point is 00:33:32 There's some thought and work and some remixing and changing, and we're creating a new thing out of it, which I think falls a little more in that fair use range than just see, take. But with all this stuff, it's not so black and white there tends to be some gray area in between so but that that's kind of how we've always approached it yeah but then we move on with it whatever not the end of the world okay next thing later on that day tanner sends me a screenshot yeah and this screenshot is the bent shirt which you're wearing which i'm wearing i had to wear it today yeah it is the bent shirt on a mannequin i'm like well that's weird because we don't take photos of
Starting point is 00:34:10 the bent shirt of any of our shirts on a mannequin it looks really weird like we're not in some weird old school department store and you can also tell it's not like our heathered uh well and the color's kind of different too yeah and then when you look you realize it is our shirt or it's our design but then just where the masonomics words were there's just a different logo so very obvious here like it wasn't it was no and it wasn't even like at first i thought oh maybe someone just also had the idea of changing bush to bench yeah which is possible someone could have that idea i would say you could do a little bit of research and probably find it. But someone had that idea, bushed a bench. But then you looked and, nope, there's still the heavy underneath it, which, okay, that seems a little more of a coincidence.
Starting point is 00:34:53 And then the final piece was there's still in fine print big pecs cash checks. That's the thing. Which now there's no confusion because it's an exact, like there's no accident about that. It's literally i see i want i will do that too you know and uh you know we had we had some conversations about it and like you wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt and give them some a chance to like maybe explain themselves but you know for all you know for all we know someone hired someone else to do it and they're like here i came up with this amazing you know things like that can and do happen. Yeah. But we tried to be, I would say, fairly polite about it.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yeah, we tried to message them directly. And it didn't seem to work. We were very straightforward, but not mean or, you know, just basically asked them, told them, hey, obviously you ripped off our thing here. Stop that and take that down. Yeah. It seemed to be met on deaf ears at that point.
Starting point is 00:35:48 So then, you know, and this does affect our business. So it was at that point we had to be a little more proactive about it and we had to bring the attention to the world. And at that point, the problem seemed to correct itself in a very fast manner going from there, which is great. I hope no one made any bad threats or I hope it didn't get carried away, which I don't think it did. No, I think the most of it was in the tone of our tone where it's almost like there's
Starting point is 00:36:14 like ragging on them and throwing in some of the massonomic humor to the whole thing. And like we said, the most insulting part was they charged less than we did. It's like nobody rips us off and then charges less. That's insulting to everything that we do to charge less. Insult to injury here. Yeah. So luckily that did get taken care of. Yeah, the Masonomics Army came out in very strong force.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yes, and that was. Thank you for everyone that. That came to our side in this battle cry. Because really, we don't have lawyers you know we can't we're not gonna uh get all of our lawyers involved yeah and like an industry like this and it still is you know for the most part this is pretty small time stuff right um it really is like kind of your reputation is sort of what you have and so if someone's shitting all over something like that should matter to you if you care about this industry at all so uh it was cool
Starting point is 00:37:09 just to see people kind of rally behind us and realize that that was a thing because we both said you know if this happened a few years ago we probably would have been screwed because no one knew or really cared about massonomics then especially if it was maybe a little bit bigger company that did it you know something that was bigger than us and was like hey look at our new design and then we don't have the fans to like police it for us and be like hey look at these yeah it could have just like you guys all know us look at these d-bags doing ripping off our thing it'd be like no no we did it first and they'd be like lol get out of here we don't care you know and now and now you kind of know a little bit how rogue feels yeah how mad at pioneer feels when people use his images of belts to like sell their belts and you know um it hurt
Starting point is 00:37:51 but we got it taken care of yeah we did from what i've seen they uh deleted i don't know they maybe deleted their facebook account even i think is what it kind of looked like what everyone was saying and uh uh made went private on Instagram. And they did message today and said that they are going to whatever they said. Remove the shirt. Yeah. And we don't wish ill will on anyone. We just want what's fair.
Starting point is 00:38:17 And I think everyone wants that. And if they would have responded to us timely in the first place and and done the right thing and removed it and everything we wouldn't have broadcasted it to everyone we wouldn't have had to but that was like our necessary next step at that point gotta protect our babies yeah that's right yeah the other thing I was thinking like maybe the slight irony of it is obviously like some of these designs that we do are parodies of existing designs. But the very big difference is there is still a lot of originality that goes into what we do. There is.
Starting point is 00:38:56 There's creativity. There's skill. Obviously, no one has done these. Maybe someone's thought of them. They haven't made them. Yes. And people find value in it because people buy these things. So it's obviously a value and people think it's worth something.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And there's a difference in industry. We're taking a beer logo and selling it as fitness apparel. After we do all of our things to it, we're not just stealing the exact logo, which is probably the most important part. We're using our own creativity and retooling it to fit our industry. Our industry and things in our industry and things that we do, too. Right. But these people, what they were doing, they were taking our identical logo and they're in our identical market selling it.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Trying to kind of sell to our identical audience. Yeah. That's the big difference to me there you know uh so if you're like really into gaming um you can totally do parodies of things yeah beverage industry things and we can't be upset about that no no that's totally different you're putting your spin on it but yeah um just don't do the exact thing we're doing you know the identical thing i was just my just uh you know my 20 000 foot view i was just so surprised when i saw it i was like god i can't believe that somebody's doing that yeah you know it did hurt a little bit that's that's all i could really i was kind
Starting point is 00:40:19 of at a loss for words but this is the one that kept coming up was this kind of hurts. Yeah, yeah. But we got them. We got those bastards. We bagged them. Tanner, we have, are we done talking about shirts? We got that off our chest. Shirts, yeah. Literally, we're still wearing shirts on our chests, but we got the shirt topic over with. So several weeks ago, we introduced a segment called fitness is finest and since then
Starting point is 00:40:49 we've been hit with um just show-stopping segments week after week after week that we've had to put fitness is finest on the back burner it's been kind of a shame it is actually because uh i have such a good i have had several people comment and ask about where the hell it went um and i don't know if they were thinking maybe we only were a one-hit wonder with it. We didn't have any ideas. But I assure you, I have plenty of ideas. We were literally too full on content. But this week, we have time for Fitness is Finest. So, Tanner, we need you to kind of switch gears here and get ready for the second ever installment of Fitness is Finest.
Starting point is 00:41:27 And I'm going to change it up a little bit here this week. Still, I'm going to be mixing in some different pieces of equipment. But on some of these, I'm going to have you take your best guess on what they are before we unveil the prize here. Based off the name. Based off the name. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Gotcha. And some of these, the name yeah yeah yeah gotcha um and okay some of these the name it's incredibly
Starting point is 00:41:49 descriptive so at least very little to the imagination because it should be kind of what it is um and this first one this person was actually a fan submission and i was very impressed with it um they did great i'll try to look up look up, while you're guessing what this is, I'll try to look up who sent that so we can give them a shout-out. But first up on Fitness is Finest, we have the facial muscle toner and trainer. Okay. So immediately it sounds like something that's going to be training and toning your face.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yep, yep. I would say maybe like jaw. Now, in your mind, what would be the best tool to achieve this goal, Tanner? You know, if you're setting out to make tanners. Yeah. I know I've heard of things like if you strengthen your jaw, you can get like a more defined jawline. Yeah, like jawline.
Starting point is 00:42:39 So I don't know, maybe like chewing, like a mouth guard or something like that. A mouth guard? Okay, a mouth guard. That sort of thing. All right. So let me, that one makes sense to me because I've also heard of products like this, or products like that. But this one really just impressed me.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And it's – if you Google it – Wow. If you Google – let me make sure that this is the correct Google terminology here because it seems so vague. Yes. Yes. Okay. So there's a – whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:43:10 This one is – I'm on Hammaker, H-A-M-M-A-C-H-E-R, and it's the facial muscle toner. And it kind of looks like this lady. The picture, it looks like she has like a – Is that like BDSM or what's that called? this lady the picture it looks like she has like bd or what's that it looks like she has a gag ball in her mouth yeah um she has this big black gag ball in her mouth and then there's two like foot long spatulas spatulas that come off of each end and then there's the there's this motion of them moving up and down. Like a bird flapping its wings. Like a bird flapping its wings. I tried looking for some videos of this thing, and I struggled to find them. A video would be pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I really would like to find a video of it. There's got to be one out there, but this device is just... Wow. I cannot picture someone buying that and doing that more than once i can't picture someone buying it but i can't i also really can't picture someone trying it more than once yeah it is a completely ridiculous device and also like how many of these do they actually make and then uh and then assume that they're ever going to sell does it look like they're for sale like can you buy one if you want one wanted to right yeah they're definitely uh available oh you know i should read some of the description
Starting point is 00:44:28 on this thing it says this is the device that strengthens facial muscles and helps and may help tone wrinkles and fine lines when used only a minute per day the device is held firmly between the lips while rocking the head up and down vigorously their words not mine uh to tone and lift the muscles around the mouth. Oh, there's six weights that can be adjusted to increase or decrease the intensity of the workout. For best results, I hope you can handle this workout routine.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Two 30-second sessions per day. That seems really intense. Doesn't it? And to give the, if I get my DMs. Was there a price tag on that bad boy oh you know what it might be one of those things you got to add to the bag to find out oh a cool 99.95 that looks like a 20 item i would also assume shipping is additional yeah yeah i would uh
Starting point is 00:45:20 i would not including the price on the screen until you put it in your card as a red flag that it's going to be more expensive than you imagine it should be. Yeah. Okay. So this was from, to give credit here, this was Jordan P. Fletcher sent me the, and he found it on the Wow. Oh, wow. Look at this. The
Starting point is 00:45:43 This thing's only $24.99. Oh, well, wow. Look at this. This thing's only $24.99. So do not buy it off of Hamaker Schlemmer because they will rip you off. Not what you want. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Some of the devices, Tanner. I'm not even – this one right here, this lady with that thing in her mouth. There's some pretty ridiculous things on here on The Shopping Network. They all look like, and they all look like sex toys. They definitely do. Jordan P. Fletcher, he's from Ireland, suggesting that idea. He said Facebook must have suggested I buy this thing. I think searching those fitness's finest items might have set it off. So there is collateral damage to doing more research on this stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:24 You've mentioned that before too, haven't you? Yeah, that you do get some interesting things here. All right, next up on the list, we have the Slendertone slash Vibro Belt. And I think it's two different things. The Slendertone was one and the Vibro Belt was the other because they work in very much similar ways. So if you had to take a guess there, Tanner, what would you think that is? I would say like something that you wear around your waistline that maybe velcros around you and vibrates.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Maybe to remove that stubborn belly fat. Yeah, and actually, this one doesn't seem like as much as just total nonsense as the other ones. Just because the packaging. They actually spent some money on hiring models that are fit.'s exactly what i pictured the packaging but yeah so these are ones i just never maybe maybe scientifically there could be some merit here of like the idea of wearing a belt and that vibrates and stimulates your ab muscles and it contracts them but also i don't know has anyone actually ever got in shape using one of those i would no. And so this one is more just like it blows my mind that it still exists. Yeah, people are still falling for it.
Starting point is 00:47:30 You would think at this point, like, if it worked, the world would just be walking around in vibrating body suits and looking so jacked. Yes. But I think that just goes to prove that it doesn't work. Yes. You know, some of the – it is FDA cleared. Also, I like to listen to last week tonight uh john oliver uh-huh they always put the his main segments on uh youtube
Starting point is 00:47:55 every week like a 20-minute segment i did not know they talk about there's fda approved and there's fda cleared first of all i didn't know that. FDA cleared means that, I'm already going to mess up the definition, but it was on the segment we talked about this week. FDA cleared means that something else using, I think it's something else that uses parts of the technology in this has been approved at one point. So it's kind of just almost like it's a derivative of something that was okay. And they did show a clip of Shark Tank, actually, where they were asking a lady about her product. And she said, they said, well, can you prove that this works? And she says, it's FDA cleared. And right away, they'll go, ah, that doesn't mean anything. So the sharks do know when something says FDA cleared, it essentially means nothing at all. But the ab toner belt is FDA cleared, clinically proven, used some EMS technology to tone firm abs in six to eight weeks.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Probably not, but stimulates the nerves that control the major abdominal muscles, causing them to contract and relax. What's the price tag on this one? This one goes for a cool $97.99. goes for a cool $97.99. And of course the videos just show just people just looking like absolute slobs standing around. And then
Starting point is 00:49:11 all of a sudden they strap on this vibrating belt and they're whole new people. Their life changes. Yeah. And then they wear like fancy clothes and have smiles. You know, a real transformation story. So, number two, that was the Vibro Slender Tone and Vibro Belt. All right, now this next one.
Starting point is 00:49:29 This next one's a little more, I'm on board with this a little more, just because they have a little more imagination in the name. And it's the Leg Magic X. That would be a too hard one to guess. I picture, I guess, like the, what's that blue thing that is shaped like a V? Oh, kind of like that. Yeah. It's like got foam, blue foam. Yeah. Like you just squeeze it. Yeah. Thighs. Yeah. Thighmaster. Thighmaster. Yeah. I could not think of that thing.
Starting point is 00:49:59 That's what that would remind. That's what I would think of. And I would say that would be a good guess, Tanner. But like with all these things, you are wrong. And this thing, it kind of sort of looks like a Razor scooter. And so you have like the Razor scooter handlebar up by you. But then going out from your sides, you put your feet on these platforms, and then they just go out in a track, and you just go horizontally with them. And you're just on, from what I can tell, you just move your legs back and forth
Starting point is 00:50:35 in about a six-inch pattern. Not really sure where the physical merit is in that at all. QVC TV does have a 10-minute commercial for it that you can see on YouTube. How are these things still coming out like this? Well, this is from 2014, so maybe the world's completely changed since then. I feel like no.
Starting point is 00:50:57 I mean, their legs aren't moving more than six inches there. They're just casually chatting, and it doesn't look like you could even get sweaty doing it if you tried. Their legs are literally going from shoulder width to slightly outside of shoulder width. And they're just sliding back and forth. And not at a fast pace or anything like that. And then you know it's good when they uh the 3d models of the muscles being targeted lets you let's you know it's working and it probably even folds up so you can put it in
Starting point is 00:51:32 your closet and then bring it out again qvc folds up oh yeah and that that is always uh actually comedian chrystalia he had a really good segment on this on one of his podcasts but he's like it is not an official like fitness piece of equipment until it easily folds under the bed. That's so true. Once they're like, but wait, folds under the bed. It's like, holy shit, that thing folds. It does go under the bed. Well, I mean, if it's not taking up any room.
Starting point is 00:52:00 It can just go under the bed. Yeah. And that's where it will sit until you throw it away. Oh, it's not on QVCc anymore must not have been a good one but i guess too many people folded them under the bed and left them there so uh that one the leg magic x i guess we'll have to go into the pile of things that are shit just just for better or worse our shit shit. All right, Tanner. Final one here. Final countdown.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Final one here. We're going to go with the Hawaii chair. Hawaii chair. Hawaii chair. Like the state Hawaii. Yeah. And like a chair, like the one you're sitting in right now. Combine those together.
Starting point is 00:52:46 If the state of Hawaii could be a chair, what would it be? And it's fitness. This is fitness. Is it an exercise equipment? This is, I mean, it is directly fitness related. I don't know. When I think Hawaii of any movement, it's like maybe like a, what's a luau or like that dancing.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Oh, a little hula dancer. A hula dance. Something involving hula dancing but a chair? Well, let's do a little research here, Tanner. I've got to get these other clowns off the screen here. All right, so if you Google Hawaii chair, I'm going to try and get the original infomercial up here. Let's see if we can get a little volume up on this thing. Okay, so we have a chair we have a chair that has a 2800 rpm motor under it no not an rpm motor an rpm
Starting point is 00:53:34 hula motor i'm assuming that means it's made in hawaii uh it does support up to 300 pounds and you sit in this chair and it's just it's got an oscillating base to it and i mean after all for some of this guy at least 40 hours of our week is spent sitting behind a desk at the office so to see what office workers oh look at him go we sent aaron lee to work see that kind of like the hula dance emotion. Could you imagine this lady is sitting at her desk and it literally looks like, what it makes me think of
Starting point is 00:54:12 is... You got to hear these testos. Okay, I got to pause it for a second. They are in an office chair and this office chair is just a round base and the base oscillates around in like a... Around in a circle. They are in an office chair, and this office chair is just a round base. And the base oscillates around in like a – Around in a circle. Around in a circle.
Starting point is 00:54:29 So the whole thing is like it's kind of tossing you around a little bit in this thing while you're on it. But the fact that they make everyone doing it in an office is just so ridiculous. I like the guy that says, oh, I feel my ass. Yeah, here, listen to some of these testimonials. I hope they come through good. Hawaiian chair while answering phones. Using the computer. Balancing books.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Or Hawaiian chair while answering phones. Let me see if I can find it. Okay, here we go. Very busy work environment. Let's get some first-time reactions. Oh, my gosh, this is amazing. It feels great on my abs. I can't really feel this working. Why do you have to answer them? It feels great on my abs. I can't really feel this working. Why do you have abs?
Starting point is 00:55:07 It feels great on my abs. Like, when I see this, what it makes me think of, I don't know if you remember this, Tanner, but the movie Ace Ventura. Oh, yeah. The pet detective. When he falls into the tank, the shark tank, and he thinks it's, doesn't he think it's the dolphin?
Starting point is 00:55:22 Is that what he thinks it is? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's actually a shark, and it's just like whipping him around out of control. That's kind of what this makes you think. Just like someone being whipped from underneath like in directions that don't make sense. So that
Starting point is 00:55:34 is kind of what's going on with the Hawaii chair here. I feel so good on my abs. And they do have this fun little jingle here. Out of your work day. And they do have this fun little jingle here. And it feels so good on my abs. Wow. So this one actually went on to have a little bit of fame because I believe it's even hit a milestone that we never have,
Starting point is 00:56:05 and that's appearing on the Ellenen show as a joke yeah so this is uh ellen had it on uh i'm not even sure how long though this is but ellen tries it out with i thought she maybe had a famous person with her but no she just tries it out on her own so and then tom cruise comes out and says how much he loves Katie Holmes. So yeah, Edwin does a pretty good demo of it, just showing how ridiculous it is. The Hawaii chair. That thing will really buck you out if you're not paying attention.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Yeah. That gets you ready for a little bull riding. That's like a really mild mechanical bull in a country bar. It is a lot like that. It could be a training. Maybe like a low dynamic
Starting point is 00:56:51 day. Implement the Hawaii chair to get you ready for bull riding. That one you are not stuffing under a bed though. Hawaii chair is definitely not. You got about $2,800. Did you see the price on that one? That has to be expensive.
Starting point is 00:57:06 That would be good to know. We should probably check that out. Over or under $500. Oh, my. They're still on Amazon? Is this for real? Oh, it's out of stock. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Brand new Hawaii chair, hula chair. Currently unavailable. It did have two reviews and the one five star and one three star uh i think this review says it pretty well this is this has to be the single most useful product ever sold it's a chair that swirls around what more can you ask for i bought one of these about a month ago and couldn't be more pleased i have to stand up to use my hula hoop or do the hula dance but now i never leave my hula chair except to go to the bathroom um yeah more good stuff there yeah so yeah i don't know what the price on that ever was but uh probably a steal it probably was a steal i mean it had a 2800 power
Starting point is 00:57:54 20 rpm hula motor on it and i would assume that was the only time a hula motor has ever been produced so yeah could be a real be a real collector's item. So that will do it for today for Fitness is Finest. Stay tuned next week, and we may... So do you still have more wrangled up there to keep us alive on Fitness is Finest? I mean, I'm not lying here. I have probably 30 to 40 different things here that we can dissect through time as we go. So more where that came from.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Do we have time for overrated or underrated? We do have time. Having enough time for overrated or underrated is underrated to me. You know, that is absolutely correct. It is definitely underrated. I'm going to do something a little not by the book, and we're just going to jump right in. Whoa, okay, okay. Just because I know we'll catch hell about it, so I want to see.
Starting point is 00:58:57 We'll just say see episodes prior to this for the rules. Yes, so topic number one, overrated or underrated tommy palm pdas well uh fun fun fact here palm recently introduced a new product which was a very very small smartphone that was like meant to support your regular smartphone kind of like the way a watch kind of like the way a watch kind of supports your phone well they made a smaller phone to support your main phone uh palm still doing their thing still still flipping the industry on its head uh i personally never used one because I was not 30 years old in the 90s. I was just a child, so I didn't have a disposable income or the ability to buy one. Did you ever see one? I remember seeing them on TV and things like that and thinking it was cool because as a kid, I thought computers and technology and stuff like that was cool.
Starting point is 01:00:00 They probably did have some influence in getting us to where we are today. I would think to an extent, you know, using, having like this little pen and kind of like this little computer in your hand. But, uh, by today's standards, they're very overrated. Yeah. You know, it's just not the device. Even at the time, I think they were probably overrated. I don't think there was a lot of people with them. It was probably more the novelty factor at the time than anything.
Starting point is 01:00:20 A lot of people with them. It was probably more the novelty factor at the time than anything. And this is foreshadowing to an upcoming topic on Overrated and Unrated, but Apple also had the Newton. I don't know if you were aware of the Newton at all. I know now as an Apple fan, I guess that that was one of their products. Yeah, I think that was probably just as much of a piece of garbage. Probably, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:43 I think that one gets referenced even less than a Palm Pilot at this point in time. Yeah. But so you are saying underrated, though. I said overrated, I think. Oh, yeah. Overrated, obviously, yes. Okay. So overrated or underrated.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Bumper plates for deadlifts. I think it's overrated. Yeah. So I would say bumper plates for not the Olympic. I would actually just say, yeah, bumper plates, as long as you're not Olympic lifting,
Starting point is 01:01:09 bumper plates are kind of overrated. And yeah, I'm just trying to think like if you're not doing Olympic lifts, like what the, the benefit of them is. And if you were lifting maybe on concrete, like if you didn't have a deadlift platform but even that like the because bumper plates are a premium yeah they are like you can buy a horse stall mat yeah
Starting point is 01:01:32 it's cheaper to buy the mats and iron plates um i i can't even like think of a logical argument to just say like that bumper plates aren't overrated and especially because i feel like it's coming back the other way now but for a while bumper plates really were like all the rage yeah yeah and i think that is kind of coming full circle to where people aren't like really like oh no why would i spend twice as much for though and then like if i ever do get to any level of strength i can't actually do my exercises because i can fit like what four or five plates on a bar like that's and then you're kind of maxing it out so yeah bumper plates way over yeah so if you're not doing we do have them sets at the gym but
Starting point is 01:02:10 and sometimes they get used just for convenience yeah they're right there but um outside of having a couple 45s and maybe a 35 yeah you don't really need them at all i mean you don't really if you're an olymp you're an Olympic weightlifter, then yes. Then yes. Then yes. But outside of that, they're not needed. Yeah. Overrated or underrated Steve Jobs, the person?
Starting point is 01:02:36 Steve Jobs, the person, or Steve Jobs, the businessman? The total package. The total package. You have to include the the person so I okay I have I am I am on record as just saying a few minutes ago saying I am an Apple fan yeah um and and the question is is he overrated or underrated because we know you know Steve Jobs is yeah so from I haven't read his biography or his yeah I haven't read his biography, or his, yeah, I haven't read his book. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:05 I watched, there was like two Apple, two Steve Jobs movies that came out. The Ashton Kutcher one. And then. And then the other one where they just get ready. I can't even remember what it's called, where they're just getting ready for product launches. Have you seen that one? Yeah. I actually liked it a lot.
Starting point is 01:03:16 That one was the better of the two to me. I didn't see the other one. Oh, yeah. That one was good. From pretty much everything I've heard from like listening to podcasts and things like that, working with Steve Jobs would probably be the worst thing ever. Just the absolute asshole that he has a vision.
Starting point is 01:03:32 And I think he's one of the few people I can get away with saying, I have a vision and I can be an asshole because of it. I think nowadays a lot of people like to be like, I have a vision. And people have to, it's like, no, you're selling what, like you're just a cog in the machine. You could be replaced as easy as anyone. But you do for sure, looking back at, like, the guy's legacy, have to give him, like, a lot of credit on, like, what he was able to make, you know.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Him and Steve Wozniak, like, turning these computers and then, like, kind of getting kicked out of his own company and then starting a rival company and then kind of almost pulled almost pulled the michael scott michael scott paper company move there where he sort of made his own company and then michael scott before michael scott yeah and then his own company got kind of got in trouble and then they kind of invited him back in that kind of just hit me right now i was just gonna ask if you have heard that someone else referenced that or not before no that's just uh he didn't start next computers and like spent like a stupid amount on like the marketing and design of all of it to make it a perfect when
Starting point is 01:04:30 they didn't really have an actual product ready to ship uh but he did take care of all the other parts of it that kind of aren't as important i guess but and then apple was like oh we'll we'll get yeah then apple started to be in major trouble. Apple gets him back. And then, you know, like their track record while he was around the second time, like, speaks for itself. They started with, like, the iMac and then the iPod. Well, and then, like, the iPod. And that's, like, when. And if you ever do, like, this is, I would encourage everyone to do this. If you're interested in, like, tech and phones at all, if you haven't, maybe you've seen it, but if you haven't in a while, like, go back and watch this.
Starting point is 01:05:06 The Apple keynote. So Apple is known for their keynotes. They're big presentations they put on. Yeah. And Steve jobs is especially known for being like a very good presenter. Go back and watch the Apple keynote for the first iPhone ever. And it is like comical because you can like literally hear people's like minds exploding in the crowd because, and they're like laughing because people's like minds exploding in the crowd yeah because and they're like laughing because it's like like the idea that this exists is just
Starting point is 01:05:31 blowing their minds yeah like at one point he's like phone internet browser uh i can't remember what the other like camera phone internet browser camera yeah and like people start laughing and he's like aha and then like he's showing, and this is a webpage. And people are like, what? It's just like, also there's a camera. I'm like, oh, did we mention it does email? And people are just freaking out over and over and over again. And it's really crazy to think like that was, what was that?
Starting point is 01:06:02 Like 2006 or seven. That, you know, that was a little over a decade ago. Yeah. And now we so totally. Take it all for granted. Like not even like, well, I've been around for a while. No, like everyone from as long as you are three years old to now, like that is just a fact. Like that's just how life is.
Starting point is 01:06:17 That's just what a phone is. But if you go back and watch like that 40-minute presentation, you can just see like, you know that this is one of the defining moments in, like, history with technology and devices because it was just so crazy different. But back to the original question of is Steve Jobs underrated or overrated? It sounds like he was a terrible person for most. I think he kind of, like, he had a daughter, like, very, very young, gave her up for adoption and pretty much wanted nothing to do with her from that point.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yeah, would deny that he was his own daughter. You know, he did definitely have his flaws as a person. You can't deny his impact on society. I feel like maybe, I think maybe it is getting to the point now where a lot of people, again, don't know who he is. He kind of is getting past that. Yeah. I think I'm going to say underrated. That one's a close one, but I think I am going to say underrated. That one's a close one, but I think I am going to say underrated.
Starting point is 01:07:08 What makes it hard is because it's just like two sides of the coin. It is two sides of the coin, but I still think the world for sure is feeling the effects of some of the things that he did. Yeah. And then with the whole mix of marketing and branding and all that in there, definitely companies at that time weren't, companies now see the value in design and branding, but at that time, I don't think a lot of them did. So I think he was one of the first to really push that hard. And you know, I just thought of it now, the marketing, but the commercial, you know, the first run, the 1984 Super Bowl commercial, like a lot of people still say,
Starting point is 01:07:43 it's like the best commercial of all time. Although what it was selling was the Macintosh computer, which if you're up on it, you know that it didn't. I guess in what way is it the best commercial of all time? The Macintosh computer
Starting point is 01:07:59 tanked and he got fired from Apple. Yeah. It isn't the best marketing example. It's like, well. It's like the best commercial ever made, but it didn't work. He produces a great piece of art, but it didn't result in sales, maybe, or at least long-term sales. Yeah, right, right.
Starting point is 01:08:15 But, yeah, there is a legacy. Can't deny that. Yeah. So you said underrated. I'll say underrated. Okay, last one is a quick one. I believe probably a quick one. Underrated or overrated, the Jefferson deadlift shirt.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Oh, way underrated. To the point that people in Boston who are subjected to this type of stuff all day, every day. Just want to take pictures of it. Just want to take pictures of it. Like that shirt. Now that's a shirt. Oh, the day I got home from Boston, somebody from Boston, Massachusetts ordered a Jefferson deadlift shirt. Coincidence?
Starting point is 01:08:45 That's coincidence? I don't, probably don't think so. I don't want to think it's one. I want to think that that was some direct cause and effect there. Yeah. Yeah, but Jefferson Deadlift shirt, very, very underrated. In fact, so underrated that people should be spending lots of money to prove how underrated they are. That's right. I'd
Starting point is 01:09:02 love to actually say someday that it's overrated, but we're just not at that point yet. Until that day, yeah. We're not there yet. Keep placing it in the underrated they are. That's right. I'd love to actually say someday that it's overrated, but we're just not at that point yet. Until that day, yeah. We're not there yet. We're going to keep placing it in the underrated category. That is the last topic of underrated, overrated for the week. Wow. And I suppose, sad but true,
Starting point is 01:09:19 it wraps us up for episode 166 of the Massonomics podcast. We have to mention, I guess before we close, that we did come out with a couple new products here since the last time. Yeah, they're moving. Yeah, the two tank tops. We came out with the lift tank top that has the red piping around the edges and then a black deadlifter tank top. And both of those, we're prime season for these things yeah you
Starting point is 01:09:46 know there's a lot of summer barbecues lake parties fourth of july coming up you could be the bell of the ball wearing one of these things and uh i would recommend it and uh they're kind of timeless too you know your deadlifter black tank people might not know if you've had that for a week or 10 years it could be a family heirloom it just it doesn't age and the the lift tank top i really believe nothing says you lift better than a tank top that says lift on it it does like that screams that you lift yeah that guy gets it and it's like kind of annoying if people don't know that you lift so that's the way you gotta really drive the point home and then you're like ah that guy he lifts yeah we could have a conversation about that yeah so hop on the
Starting point is 01:10:30 store get either one of the tanks i actually probably get both of them a lot of people have been getting both of them which makes me think we need to come up with more tank tops right which we might do so yeah stay on the lookout for that jefferson deadlift shirt for sure and also the red deadlifter hat oh yeah the red deadlifter hat. Oh yeah. The red deadlifter hat. Yeah. We got to walk that one. Yes. Another new hat,
Starting point is 01:10:47 which is the matches our deadlifter shirt logo, but on an all red flex fit cap. Yeah. Yeah. So that, that wraps up for this episode. You can find us on Facebook, YouTube,
Starting point is 01:10:59 of course. And then most importantly, our Instagram handles. What do you got there, Tommy? At Tomahawk underscore D. And you can follow the official Masanomics Instagram page
Starting point is 01:11:09 at Masanomics. We'll see you next time for episode 167. See ya. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears. You're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear.
Starting point is 01:11:33 From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcasts, stay strong. Thank you.

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