Massenomics Podcast - Ep.168: World's Strongest Man Recap

Episode Date: June 24, 2019

We've got one word for you... MARTINS! But actually, we've got a lot more words than that, you just have to check out this episode to hear them all....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Welcome everyone to episode 168 of the massonomics podcast the world's strongest pad podcast the lifting podcast about nothing the two hosts are here again today myself tanner and to the left tommy what's up been here for 168
Starting point is 00:00:41 episodes and we're not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. 168, no signs of slowing down. And I guess what I just said isn't true. We are planning on going somewhere soon. We're just not going away as a podcast. No. Yep. Yep. Everywhere but away, whatever that is. We're going to move down the street. Tanner, we now live in a world where I don't think if you rounded up a lot of people and asked them this at the beginning of the year, they would say that this is correct. But we live in a world where Martins Lisas is the strongest man and the Toronto Raptors are NBA champions. What bigger upset?
Starting point is 00:01:16 I don't know. I don't know what actually would be considered the bigger upset there. It's tough because the Golden State Warriors had a lot of injuries. So, you know, people would say would say well not on similar situations it's not completely different yeah but that is also part of a sport is injuries and how people respond to that so people and this is the topic of the day we're gonna world's strongest man wrapped up uh last week we had our predictions uh the competition just finished and here we are martinez one so we're going to talk about those results a little bit and what we kind of think
Starting point is 00:01:50 uh means for each of those top guys but first we have to have some fun banter before we get to that part so but that that is a good question and it is a really interesting comparison between the rafters and martinez lisa's winning yeah Yeah. So the injuries, Golden State Warriors, you know, Durant was out. He came back. He tore his Achilles. I think now. He's out all of next year, it sounds like. But he's also like a free agent here.
Starting point is 00:02:16 So that happened to Durant essentially changed the course. The layout of the NBA. I would say the course of the NBA I would say the course of the NBA's history all these potential free agents of where they're going to go what they're going to do
Starting point is 00:02:31 because he was kind of the centerpiece of this upcoming free agency and now it it's a little less relevant where he's going to go
Starting point is 00:02:39 when he's not going to be on the court for a for a full year and also then Clay Thompson tore his ACL yep so I was going to ask you Tanner that was what full year. And also then Clay Thompson tore his ACL. Yep. So I was going to ask you, Tanner, that was what you tore as well, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yes, yes. All right. Could you hit – would you have the strength to hit two free throws after you tore your ACL? I think I actually know the answer to this one. I think I could. That was never a great free throw shooter. So hitting – you know, I was about i was a uh a career uh in my high
Starting point is 00:03:07 varsity basketball career i was i was uh probably a 60 free throw shooter on best so yeah would i have the little check the capabilities or the hack of tanner was in full effect yeah so but i think i could have you'd have the mental toughness to stand at the line he went to the to the um well he started running to the line. He went to the – Well, he started running to the locker room, and then it was he had to come out because if you run and you can't – was it if you can't shoot your free throws, you can't return to the game at all at that point?
Starting point is 00:03:35 I never saw the video. What did it look like out at the line? Was he really favoring it or – I didn't think he looked like he was in, like, immense pain. I mean, he shot him just fine, and then when, you know, when he starts kind of backpedaling, he was kind of hopping on it. And that's when they. When I did it, you know, I walked away from.
Starting point is 00:03:51 You did, yeah. I hopped away, but it didn't feel good. I wasn't in intense pain, but I was in a lot of like discomfort and a lot of like, whoa, what the. It would have been kind of tough to run out there and shoot the free throws though, because mine felt like jelly. jelly you know like just to be able to just stand there normally would it felt really weird for me for for a while you know a short period of time like an hour or two later it started to feel a little bit better but i was just so tentative at first because i wasn't sure
Starting point is 00:04:19 what happened and yes something's wrong here yeah uh but yeah i think i could have done it too especially in the nba well the fact that you walked away i'm assuming that means that you right you didn't have to be wheeled off the court which he didn't either so props to him because a lot of people can't do that i heard a lot of people do say though he is pretty you know as far as an nba player goes he's pretty tough or you know he, he doesn't, doesn't miss, miss much action. But so, so then they, they, they had those injuries. The golden state warriors had those injuries, which are pretty huge. Kevin Durant, arguably the best player in the NBA.
Starting point is 00:04:53 One of the best five for sure. Yep. Uh, Clay Thompson, one of the best shooters, but then half Thor spoiler, we'll probably get to this a little bit more, but he tore his plantar fascia. Yes. Same thing that Brian Shaw did last year, actually. And I totally forgot about that until I read that on the post. I'm like, oh, yeah, he did get, I know he's always hurt, but I couldn't remember what he hurt when.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Which things was it that time? Yeah, because it's like a constant list now. And do you know anyone besides those two that have torn their plantar fascia? I've never heard of it. So apparently that's something that you're a little more susceptible to when you weigh 450 pounds. Yeah, I guess when you're weighing 400 and carrying another how many, like 1,000 on your back, that thing's just starting, the human body's like, oh, we're pushing the 1,500 mark here. That's where the plantar fascia starts to be like, ah, a little too much for us.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Ease up, buddy. the plantar fascia starts to be like a little too much for us he's up buddy but so then martine martine's wins so do you put an asterisk next to the raptors win or next to martine's win no yeah that's kind of what some people say about the raptors it's like an asterisk but that's like i mean look at you could talk about people's road into the playoffs i mean countless championship games that it's like well people have played a full season i mean at least with professional sports people had a full season of like i mean it's amazing that nfl teams even have a team at the end of the season like that's mind-blowing right um that's just the nature of the game is that people are going to be hurt and it's you know who can step up and make things happen yeah especially contact sports especially the nfl especially basketball
Starting point is 00:06:25 especially strong man yeah like well now it's what now especially when they're doing all these arnold's leading up to it and these kind of other strong men like they're not just showing up to world's strongest man right not having competed in the last six months well what thor has three or four big competitions a year on top of he did a powerlifting meet. What was it last like November, December. So he's had a fairly active like last half year. Yeah. Much more active than me. That's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Than all of us. So should we talk about kind of the results of what, what happened or what our predictions, how right were we on the ten finalists that we picked? I'll tell you one thing.
Starting point is 00:07:07 We picked all five Heat winners correct. Oh, we did? We did get the winners? Okay. Because we picked, let me think, Martins, Mateus, Thor, Shaw, and Janashia. Okay. And those were the five. And I don't think that should be much of a shock to anyone.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Right. Like that probably should have been, you know, unless something crazy happened. That was a pretty safe bet. The other one we got right, J.F. Caron. I know we picked him to go in as the second. I think we got the next four wrong. Well, we did miss Shimlikov.
Starting point is 00:07:36 He didn't make it. He did very poorly, actually. Yeah, which is surprising. That was our biggest miss. Yeah, because he does fairly well at the Arnold every year. Yeah. And then it comes to World's Strongest Man, and it's just not not the fit for him for whatever reason which is weird too because the arnold and this is kind of something that we maybe will talk
Starting point is 00:07:54 about here too but the arnold is more of a big heavy static show world's strongest man is a little bit more movement and he's not shivlyakov is not a guy that can't move yeah he's not a brian shaw and half thor he's not enormous like that but yeah we're most that was our biggest miss because he did i think he might have got like last in in uh his heat if he didn't he was very close to last the other ones we we missed robert oberst uh picked him. But he did make the Atlas Stone, that final event where it goes man in second versus man in third and winner advances. He made that, but I think he tore his bicep on one of the stone reps. I did see that.
Starting point is 00:08:37 He got hurt. But, yeah. And that's the other thing, you know, while we're talking about this, if you guys didn't follow it super closely, the only actual footage of this is just what people that were at it uploaded through Instagram. So there's not really a good official way to keep track. But they are coming out with the show much, much, much quicker this year.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Isn't it supposed to be in the next couple weeks even? Yeah. Which is cool. I think maybe July sometime. So we will get to see it in a reasonable amount of time this year. The other one, we picked that, is he Russian, Novikov, or whatever? I don't know. Whatever he is.
Starting point is 00:09:12 So here's kind of what people would argue a flaw in the system of this second and third place guy going for the Atlas Stone, this last man standing Atlas Stone. Novikov was ahead after the first four events by like six or seven points against the guy in third place who was tom stoltman uh-huh but tom stoltman is like one of the best atlas stone loaders in the world maybe the best really uh very close to it so those two did 14 and 14 reps of this 400 pound atlas which was way more than any of the other heats like the other ones were oh my god i mean just 14 anytime on a stone is so novikov was ahead by six or seven points so had it been a regular fifth event there's no way he could have got caught he would have advanced yep but because he was going against Tom Stoltman,
Starting point is 00:10:06 who was in a distant third to him, but just who happens to be like the – The stone master. Yeah, right. And even Novikov is very good. He was probably – he was the second best person that did stones that day even. But it wasn't enough. He was going against the one guy. I was wondering how that worked.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah, so he missed out on the finals. He should have been there and could have potentially been in the running for top five or maybe even a podium depending on how his performance is, but he misses out because of that. Wow, yeah. So that's kind of a – I suppose it makes for good television. Yeah, but at the same time – But it's not very fair to me.
Starting point is 00:10:48 The fact that that much can ride on one event event especially when he's ahead by that much already because that's not the nature of strongman that's not how the finals work at all whereas you know one event is like well you kind of didn't do the best on the rest of them but because you're the best in the world that makes up for all the other ones right that's not usually how it works it is a a pretty good equalizer. If you have to be consistently good at everything to, if you want to be number one, right. I mean, that that's what it takes to win it,
Starting point is 00:11:10 but yeah, I don't know. Yeah. I guess the argument should just be, I guess you just have to be the best and not get in that situation. Right. Yeah. That's,
Starting point is 00:11:17 and Brian Shaw had, I saw where he made those comments even prior to that day. He said, I want absolutely nothing to do with that. Last man standing Atlas stone, because it's also the day before the final oh yeah to go through something like that and then have to like put together performance the next day right so the first place guy brian shaw he gets a day off that day that day three day four being the finals day three is just that last man standing atlas stone brian shaw gets an off day tom stoltman has to do 14 reps of uh or 15 reps of a 400 pound atlas stone and i i'm by no means
Starting point is 00:11:51 a stone expert um i'm very mediocre at best but i've never done reps on the stone and had my biceps feel good the next day and i and i never like my biceps don't get sore from anything um and they actually hurt after i do some repping out stones. So I couldn't imagine going to, like, 14 of those and having to – 400-pound stones. Yeah, and then having to, like, put together something the next day and not feel like they're both going to blow out on you. It's like bombs strapped to your arms.
Starting point is 00:12:21 That's the truth. So then we did have our finals. Our finals was set and do you kind of have the results up of yeah events too so event the first event that they did was the uh medley where it was anvils and bags i think right i think it was maybe two anvils and two bags i think so yeah because it was like 300-pound bags, weren't they? Yeah, and it was in the sand on the beach, which would be a lot harder. Yes. That would be tough.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Because I think a lot of people would be like, well, I have a 300-pound bag in the gym, and I've ran that thing around. Well, and the gym is one thing, but, yeah, in the sand is a completely different ballgame. Yeah, like we have a 280 bag that a lot of us have played with, and I've done many carries with it and stuff. But if you had to go on sand on top of it that just walking around in sand for me is kind of a kind of an adventure yeah just trying not to fall um but who won that first event so yeah uh the uh winner of the first event was tom stoltman
Starting point is 00:13:23 and i think that was probably a surprise for a lot of people. I would think so. And he got first with 39.66 seconds and not even a full second behind him. 40.52 seconds was Mateus. And overall, top to bottom, the
Starting point is 00:13:39 margin of time to placing is not very like there's not a huge difference here no yeah so that there was you know less than a second uh third place was martinez and he was at almost 44 seconds so again we're talking about like two more seconds ish um and then after that you had thor uh which according to our very unofficial results here say 47 47, 48 seconds right in there. I did see Thor's run, and his one leg, it was like a peg leg that he was dragging by the end. Really? Yeah, his leg with the plantar fascia.
Starting point is 00:14:16 When did that happen? That happened in his heat. Oh, it did? Okay, so I thought it happened like... No, in the entire finals. And actually like half of his I think the second day of his Oh, see I thought that that didn't
Starting point is 00:14:30 happen until like the actual finals. Yeah, that happened when he was going against Rob Kearney. That's definitely going to set you back there. You could noticeably see that that one foot, he was like dragging it across the sand. And if there's going to be an event that's going to mess you up,
Starting point is 00:14:48 like walking in sand with a blown planter pad. Yeah, running back and forth four times. And he does this thing when he picks up, especially like the anvils and stuff like that, like a lot of the other guys will get way underneath and pick it up. He just goes like, oh. Pops it up to himself. Pops it up and grabs it. Does like a pick.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And normally that works really well for him, but on one of the anvils, he did that and dropped it. And then had to re-get it, and then it seemed like he was a little more careful after that. But normally that works out really good for him. Oh, yeah. It's a done deal for him. Yeah, and he just kind of happened to slip up, and that cost him a little bit. Yep, that'll do it.
Starting point is 00:15:19 The other thing I would say on that is I did see Brian's run and he did not look like he was in sand. He looked like he was in quick sand and he did place a eighth in that event. And he looked really slow. Like, I don't think his time is that much different. Even, you know, if you look at the number of seconds,
Starting point is 00:15:38 it's not that far, but he looked like slow motion compared to these guys, in my opinion, for someone that should be yeah or supposedly at one point in time was very good at those yeah yeah yep um and then yeah you got some other people i don't think we need to go through every position there so um going into the second event being the we have the actual weights here 157 kilo circus barbell and 167 kilo log head to head right is that how it uh it was actually it was four things it was uh oh yeah just like just like yeah okay smaller really small words
Starting point is 00:16:14 here yeah i'm we found a very unofficial score sheet on that so uh um press medley first one 57 kilo double dumbbell yeah the dumbbell in each hand that you have to clean and press them both together. And then the 100 kilo circus dumbbell. Yeah. And then the circus barbell. And then the log lift. And who won that? Mateus won that.
Starting point is 00:16:36 And I don't think that's a big surprise because he's really good at moving and he's really good at just picking things up and kind of throwing them around. Yep. And who, like Martins, I think Martins did pretty well on every event, basically. Yeah, so Mateus there got first with 23.8 seconds. Second, we had Martins with 27.5, so about four seconds behind him. Yeah. And then third, we had Tom Stoltman with uh 46 ish seconds so there's had a really good uh first day there
Starting point is 00:17:08 or uh i guess it's all on the same day a really good first first couple events yeah oh you know what the yeah yeah yeah yep yep and then fourth who did we have in fourth uh fourth was uh jf carone with about 48 seconds so so there again thor and shaw are well okay i might be i might be completely misreading this score sheet because now it has it has thor and fifth with 32 and a half seconds which is that number some numbers not right there some numbers not right yeah so i don't know if they're going overall play scenes, but that might be talking overall there. Either way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Either way, something happened. I guess we'll just have to find out. I didn't see that much of the video. Yeah, and that one was probably the one I saw one of the least of two on that same one. From there, we went to the Circus Barbell Squat. I did see quite a few videos of the squat. I think it was 720 or 750. 340 kilos.
Starting point is 00:18:18 680 plus 60. Yeah. So, yeah, about a 750-pound squat, which is a lot to do for an AMRAP. And it was in kind of the traditional strongman fashion where they have to hit the weight on the stops or the guards, whatever you want to call them. I noticed it looked like they had a heavy, pretty thick pad on them. I wonder if that was to maybe cut down on just the bouncing
Starting point is 00:18:43 of the metal on metal a little bit. The other thing, and I couldn't tell for sure, so you saw a few different things. Most guys had knee wraps on. Oh, they were wearing squat suits. Brian, I know, was wearing a squat suit. They were wearing squat suits, but they didn't make that very obvious. No, they kind of could cover them up.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Because they all had their, and they probably, for sponsorship reasons, probably have to wear the sponsor tees over the top. You don't, like if you – to the casual person or even the person that knows what a squat suit is, it's not obvious that they have one on. Like you don't – it's very easy to think that they're not even wearing one. So most guys that are coming out with their knee wraps on, it really looked like – and again, I haven't seen a whole lot of footage,
Starting point is 00:19:23 but I'm like about 99% sure Brian Shaw was wearing strong sleeves, which was a little surprising because you would think, you know, given the chance to wear wraps, you would go with it. I guess if you never, like you could maybe be the Larry Wheels type where you don't train with them, so you're not good with it. But it just seems surprising that you wouldn't take that approach with it. Yeah, I agree. And maybe there's something more to it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 If there is, I would be really interested to know what the actual logic is. Can you see there who did the most reps of that? Yeah, so... Shaw and Thor were both like eight or nine, right? Martins was first with nine. Okay. Then it looks like... Mateus had seven.ias had seven thor had seven okay jf perrone had seven brian shaw had eight okay uh tom stoltman had five yeah i mean five was the low
Starting point is 00:20:19 number on the on the list so it it is you know they're the difference pretty much between like almost last and uh second is like two reps which is it's just pretty crazy that that's the line there yeah uh are three i guess shot had eight so three reps but still like we're not like nobody's getting 10 plus and then someone else is getting two like we're in a pretty tight pattern and that just shows like the level that these guys are at that it's uh that the commanding lead is nine reps and then then uh event four was the the deadlift hold thing or the well one more thing on the squat like is so i don't follow martin's training super closely but is he like is he really coming up in the static strength thing or his squat is his squatting for reps is really good it must be because he like 515 for a set of 20 or something like that like he does because he's
Starting point is 00:21:10 not pulling like a thousand yet is he he's really close i know he's close to a thousand at the arnold this year yeah he was i couldn't remember he did well in the like yeah i think his but that is on the up and up for him too though isn't it for sure yes yes definitely so that was uh probably a pretty decent statement uh to come out and do that uh next up from there we headed uh to the oh the deadlift hold yeah and this one was an interesting this is another one i didn't see much footage of at all i don't know if i saw hardly any of it but i'm pretty sure thor won the event with the longest hold there yes and this is a 323 kilos so we're talking about 700 pounds yeah um which for these guys you know 700 pound deadlift especially it makes what the biggest difference probably matters most is what the handles are like yeah of how long they're
Starting point is 00:21:58 actually going to hold it and in first here was thor with 45 seconds. Second, we had Martins with 41. And I'm assuming probably would Thor have known what he had to beat by the time he went out there? I don't know what the order of that was. I guess it's possible Martins could have been for a second. From what I saw, the only thing I was pretty sure is that Martins and Shaw went against each other. Oh, did they? Because I think they were doing two at a time at these. And that was a really shocking one to me is that Shaw did not do very well.
Starting point is 00:22:29 And I thought I was reading that some people maybe thought he was hurt because he did even go on to slowly, like, let the bar down. Like, you know, most of these guys, it's a grip thing. It just gives out. And it sounded like Shaw actually bent over and let it down, which, I mean, I guess if there's an injury thing happening, that's kind of how it goes. And, again, we're kind of falling into the pattern now here of, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:54 not Tom Stoltman, he didn't have a very good performance, but, you know, your J.F. Carell and Mateus, those guys were kind of more at the top. And then at this point, we're going into the final event with the Stones. And basically, Martins has 36 points, Mateus has 31, and Thor has 28. So barring any major catastrophe, Martins has this locked up. Yeah, he has to slip. For Mateus to beat him, he has to allow six people to get, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:26 if Mateus is going to get first on the stones, Martins has to drop down to seventh in order to. Which injury is always possible. That's not, and you never know with stones, weird things can happen. So it's definitely not locked up at this point. It really does look like it's probably not going to happen for Thor, though, because he would basically have to get first, and Martins would basically have to not finish.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And JFK got hurt in the overhead press. He had a tricep injury. It seems like he gets hurt every year. Yeah, you don't see, outside of World's Strongest Man, you just don't see much of him. And when I say World's Strongest Man, I mean like the finals. Like he's just, yeah, kind of. I guess he's like Giants Live.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Maybe there's some stuff. But yeah, you just don't see a ton of it. So the Stones happen. And surprisingly enough, Martins gets first in that one too. So he gets the full 10 points to give him 46 points on the day. He cruised through the Stones too. I mean, he was like one motioning them, almost all of them, I think. Hafthor got second with about 29 seconds.
Starting point is 00:24:31 So still was pretty tight there. Yeah, Thor made a good, you know, between the stones and the hold, he made a pretty decent comeback after starting kind of slow. Yeah, and for it to be injured and to still, like, run through the stones, like, that's a pretty good day for you, considering what you have to put up with. Mateus, he ended up, I think, third in this event, fourth in this event, but he ended up second on the day.
Starting point is 00:24:59 And fourth overall, we had... No, who was fourth overall, Tanner? Who? It's not Tom Stoltman, is it? It might have been, yeah. No, 31. J.F. Carone, then Tom Stoltman, and Brian Shaw both had 30 points. I don't know if Shaw finished the –
Starting point is 00:25:23 Well, actually, according to this, this is unofficial. This says Tom Stoltman was fourth, J.F. Caron fifth, Brian Shaw sixth. So if that is the case, again, these are unofficial, but if that is the case, like Tom Stoltman really had the probably surprise performance of the day, you know, almost getting on the podium there outside of Martins winning it. I don't know if you can say it's a huge surprise because it's not like he wasn't physically capable of it it was just so things had to work out just right our podium that uh you you that we picked was basically
Starting point is 00:25:54 half thor first matea second martin's third yep so it flip-flop first yeah yeah which yeah we were pretty close there and that's but that's kind of how it's been trending is that those guys are on the podium consistently where, you know, depending on what the events are, what the injury status is, Brian Shaw may or may not be around. It seems more and more likely lately that he's not around. Yeah. So what do you think the future holds for Brian Shaw? So that might be, okay, so, yeah strong man is the world's strongest man is done
Starting point is 00:26:25 we talked about that in the preview like so what if ryan shaw comes and kind of gets hurt and kind of doesn't do that well well yeah i guess there's two things to look at one is just okay what what does the future of the sport look like now for the next several years and i think it's pretty safe to say that for the next several years you are still going to see martinez matthias and thor battling it out like that i think that if you if you put money on those three on being on the podium for the next several years, those are very safe bets. There's always going to be that risk of injury or someone else has a crazy good day and they might sneak in there,
Starting point is 00:26:57 but it's pretty safe to assume at least two of those three are going to be on the podium for every podium until a few years from now. So that's the direction that's moving in. I think it's safe to say Thor is going to recover and be right back where he's at. I don't think he's in trouble at all. Well, so if there's a strongman competition six months from now and Martins and Thor are both in it, who is the favorite to win it that's a good question um probably thor if he's healthy probably thor still yeah wouldn't you think so kind of it'd be hard to argue against it like martins did win by quite a bit
Starting point is 00:27:38 if thor was healthy do you think martins would have won or do you think thor would have won it's hard to say well it is hard to say because i mean i think it would have been really close like martinez could have still won and thor could have got second yeah because like when you look at it um the big one would be like the loading race where i think thor made up a few points in the loading i think it's safe to say he would have had one or two more points there uh probably would have done a place or two better on the uh the the uh press medley and then um it's not unreasonable to think he would have had about five more points if he was healthy yeah because it's hard to take it's hard to say but you want to think maybe if his foot's
Starting point is 00:28:22 feeling better he maybe has one more squad in him too like one more rep there right and that that is a few more points and that's a totally different picture now going into the uh to the finals and also you want to think that a healthy thor is probably going to do the stones a little faster than one with a right you know injury that he has yeah so yeah it's really hard to say i i still if you said though that fair and square thor one would be like yeah that that's plausible too yeah say. I still, if you said, though, that fair and square Thor won, it would be like, yeah, that's plausible too. I don't think you can just say, oh, yeah, the Martins got it handed to him.
Starting point is 00:28:50 That's not the right answer there either. Right. But the other thing to look at now is what does Shaw's road look like? Like what is his future? Because he's been – this is kind of reminding me, I think we had this conversation about Big Z maybe about two years ago at this time. Maybe it was three years ago where, you know, he has a ton of titles to his name, has like this, you know, record that very few people ever will touch. But you can look at it in recent times and definitely say that things have not been going in the right direction and whether you know i don't think it's from a lack of strength it's just the the total package
Starting point is 00:29:30 isn't there on on uh you know meet day performance when you know when you got to show up and uh i don't know is that going to change for him is he going to be healthy is he going to be just ready to go like he's not getting younger doesn't seem like it. He's not getting younger. He's not getting younger. That also brings up the thing of, what is he, 37, 38? Yeah. You know, and strong man. Does he have, like, you got to think by 40, he's like really, I mean, what's the point now at 40?
Starting point is 00:30:02 Should you be 450 pounds at the age of 40? And like you can be, but I don't know if you should also plan on having, you probably shouldn't plan on having a lot of things planned out with your kids in maybe the next 20 years either because that's probably not how the human body is meant to work. Yeah. You know, there's just like certain, I think, rules as to how, physiological rules as to what the body wants to do when it comes to longevity. And just that size probably isn't advantageous to being alive.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Well, and so if we just even went back two years ago, Thor and Shaw are the best. They're like tied for the best, you call it. And they're both these 425, 450-pound guys. And everyone's like kind of – the idea is kind of that's the peak. That's what you want to be. That's the mold. That's what you need, yeah. But now, so Shaw's gone down partly probably because of age
Starting point is 00:30:57 and the injuries that go along with it. This year Thor did get hurt. But more so than them going down, Mateus and Martins have both really come up in the pack, and they are more like this 300 and, I don't know what you call it, 40-pound frame or whatever they are, which is still enormous. They're still enormous. We've seen them.
Starting point is 00:31:18 That's 6'3 to 6'5. We've seen Mateus walk by us before, and he, like, in person is like, that man is enormous. And that was the one, it was sneaky how big he is. Because he almost looks like this trim guy up there compared to everyone else. I'm not saying he's not trim, but he's very large. Like, very large. But relatively speaking, kind of small.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I mean, 100 pounds less than these huge guys. So is that more desirable? less than these huge guys is so is that more desirable to be you know because we i watched uh shaw on the the loading medley and saw thor to thor because he's hurt partly but shaw at least looked slow very slow compared well for what you would think someone of that size right to be able to manhandle those bags right um but so do you do you think that it could swing at all that maybe like 450 pounds isn't the ideal well yes i could see because with that you have to have the frame for it you know it's not everyone has the choice if you're not almost seven feet tall 450 makes almost no sense for you like it's especially when the events involve moving like
Starting point is 00:32:23 you're six three and you weigh 400 pounds i don't think that's gonna work out for you like it's especially when the events involve moving like you're six three and you weigh 400 pounds i don't think that's gonna work out for you matthias is maybe like six five or six you know he's big too he's pretty big he's in that six five certainly get closer to 400 pounds but if you're him do you even want like do you do you think i need to get there to bring up my static strength or do you say i need to find a more happy medium so I can be competitive across the board? Well, he's the best in the world at some of these other loading and picking things up events. Really, if you had to say, really pick out a weak spot, you could probably say his deadlift. Yeah, his deadlift.
Starting point is 00:32:57 That's still just give it time. It's still going. He's getting better all the time. He's probably still putting more on his deadlift PR every year than probably most people you know right so i think it's probably just still just a bit of a waiting game with those guys like and like their time's gonna come yeah well and i guess martin's time did come you know it's just maybe the events lined up slightly different it's matthias's You know, you never know. It'd be cute.
Starting point is 00:33:28 You know, so we're a year away from it now, but just today, who would you pick to win the 2020 World's Strongest Man? 2020. The Arnold and the World's Strongest Man, both the two biggest shows. Arnold being different, like we said, it is more just a raw strength thing. But Martins did really well at the Arnold this year too.
Starting point is 00:33:46 He did. I still almost think Thor is the favorite still though. Yeah, so Thor getting third on injured doesn't – prior to this, everyone is high on – I mean, it's high – we play overrated or underrated, and we've come across these people that we put in that game before that it's like, well, you can't really rate them any higher. I think that's what Thor has been like up until now.
Starting point is 00:34:13 He's like, you can't really rate him any higher. Like, if he's a video game character, he's like a 99. Yeah, like what else does he need? Yeah, but now would you say is he – I mean, if he was on Madden and rated a 99, after this is he more like a 97 or something you know like he's got to come down a little bit maybe where you're like oh he is uh maybe but at the same time he was hurt so it's like you didn't see you didn't see the real the real deal there and that's why i think that's why i think you can still make the argument that
Starting point is 00:34:39 he still is maybe the strongest because uh he didn't get a fair shot at taking it. Now, next year, if he's hurt again, then I think, yeah, it's like, okay. Then it's like, oh, he's on this injury train. Yeah, and that's not a road that you go down, and if it's lasting that long, come back from better than ever. So then I think you start to have the more serious conversation. But, I mean, without a doubt, he's still in the top three, and you could easily make an argument for still being number one on a day where he's healthy.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yeah. But I do think those three are in a tier above the pack. It seems like it, yeah. So, yeah, unless someone's going to make some crazy progress in the next year, it's really hard to say that Brian Child is going to be up there again. I always start to think, oh, I think he's, you know, It's really hard to say that Brian Child is going to be up there again. Just with the last – It always strikes me, I always start to think, oh, I think he's – I think he's probably got a good chance of getting back on the podium
Starting point is 00:35:32 as long as he stays healthy. And I just – I don't believe he has like being 100% healthy in him even really. I don't think that's possible. It's starting to just – every competition seems like it's less and less of a possibility of ever happening. We'll see if he will decide to take some time off after this. I feel like he might. I think it would probably be in his best interest.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I mean, really what would probably be best for him is just to be qualified, whatever he's got to do just to be qualified for World's Strongest Man next year, and do nothing else. Like, don't do the Arnold. Maybe if he didn't have that hammy injury at the Arnold and just the whole thing goes better for him, I don't know. That's always the thing, though, and it's just always if he didn't have that injury.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Yeah. Well. So that's World's Strongest Man out of Bradenton, Florida in 2019. And it was kind of refreshing to see a crowd that was like kind of into it and uh like people you know one posting on social media about it and then like cheering it's like hey that looks fun it's funny how many people i saw that i recognize in the uh crowd like hayden uh from hybrid i saw him in several and then like jessica from slingshot and yep uh there's just a lot of people that we you know had contact with and talked to at the arnold
Starting point is 00:36:50 yeah and it's not even it's not even like oh i recognize those people from the internet it's like oh i recognize those people because we've met them before now right yeah it is kind of cool to like be able to uh at any point in time we can go back and watch world's strongest man 2019 and be like we knew those guys then yeah which is kind of cool yeah can go back and watch world's strongest man, 2019 and be like, we knew those guys then. Yeah. Which is kind of cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Can't say that about world's strongest man, 1998. That's for sure. Right. Yeah. No kidding. Uh, I did want to show us Tanner.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Um, so let's say that's not your, uh, that didn't get you your fix for strong man. Well, there's a show coming up here. We're going to play. It's like a 15-second clip here. So just take a quick listen here.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Let me get the computer going, the old computer machine. The four strongest men in the world take on history's most legendary feats of strength. The Strongest Man in History, a new series, premieres Wednesday july 10th and 10 on history so history channel's coming out with this new show they just announced this uh right after world's strongest man finished i suppose that's strategic that they uh probably riding the momentum wave so it's coming out in just a few weeks, actually, and it's going to be six episodes.
Starting point is 00:38:07 And, you know, they say on there, the four strongest men in the world. Well, that's contrary to the truth because we just talked about the three strongest men in the world, at least, are Thor, Martins, Mateus. I suppose it doesn't sound as good when you're cutting a promo. So it's missing the top. We just said definitively there's three guys that are at the top, one of them are on the show but it is four really strong guys without a doubt yes uh eddie hall which i former world's strongest man eddie in there of course he's even not competing in strongman next to thor he's the most uh worldwide at least he's like one of the most uh polarizing yes and he's got a personality which
Starting point is 00:38:48 makes it no problem filling a show up with content then brian shaw maybe one of the four strongest men you know he's he probably is the one out of there that fits that uh fits that bill still and then there's robert oberst who competed at world's strongest man this year and then nick best who uh he's the old man of the group i think he's about 50 years old so the old wise one yep yep and i i knew this was coming out i had talked to uh kale back about this because i these guys these four guys have been posting stuff on instagram for like they've had a lot of pictures and posts together they're going they're going around the united states for a while hanging out they were in fargo north dakota not that far away from us one one time oh i didn't know that yeah yeah they were in uh colorado for a while they're over in england for a while i think
Starting point is 00:39:34 they've gone a little bit everywhere but from what i understand and it does kind of allude to it in that little 15 second preview but they're going um these different historic tests of strength like uh one of the places they went to i think is like paul anderson's is it paul anderson or louis sear one of these guys i was thinking paul anderson they go to like his um home or his wherever he's from and they recreate um like maybe it's his backlift or something like that okay you know they're kind of going after these like kind of almost like urban legend yeah of strongman yeah and i i think they kind of go around the world you know if if it's uh some um event that's in the uk they went over they went over to the U.K. and did it there.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And I suppose they'll run down some history of the whole thing. Gotcha. But I think it'll be pretty cool. I'm excited for it. I certainly want to watch it. I think it will draw some more in. Like, there's definitely the people that just watched the History Channel, and they're going to see this and be like, oh, that's cool. And, like, it might draw a few more people into being fans of Strongman. I think that's a safe way to assume that that's kind of the gateway in there.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Yeah. It's interesting it's on the History Channel. In all honesty, it fits in well with their program. It actually does. As sad as that is to say, this one at least has the element of history in it yeah we we joked about ancient aliens you know before and uh michael fahey uh correct director creator producer of west side versus the world said he did work on ancient aliens for a few really a little bit yeah so he might know some real inside theories that the government isn't letting him i asked him if
Starting point is 00:41:21 he knew the uh guy yeah yeah he didn't really say anything about that but you know the guy i'm talking about but aliens yeah the meme yeah that guy's probably got some pretty serious credentials yeah i think so aliens nobody knows anything else about him other than he he says he's got aliens once yeah uh i i don't have the history channel but i'm gonna try and figure out a way to watch this i know that yeah i'm sure it'll uh it's gotta pop up somewhere yeah yeah i think that's a safe bet but it's pretty funny these this this group um i think the show will be good because they have they have a good rapport you can tell through all their social media and everything. And I'm also curious, you know, a lot of times when people are coming out with new shows,
Starting point is 00:42:09 they'll make some type of maybe a talk show circuit or something. Like, will these guys be doing any type of promotion where they're – because it's always cool to see these guys interact with regular people that don't get it at all. Yeah, get Brian Shaw to walk in a room with someone and they're like, what the hell? Yeah. Yeah, so that'll? Yeah. Yep. So that'll be cool to see. I don't know how much of like that will exist, you know, with the history channel really
Starting point is 00:42:29 sends people on a lot of that, but usually there's some type of promotion involved for these things. So it's funny. It's just six episodes, but it's, you could tell by their, uh, social media, they've just, it seems like they've been working on this for the last year or comp, you know, all the time. I know. I guess that's what goes into a six-episode little show.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Just more time than we've ever spent on the Massanomics podcast in our entire lives. I don't know. That's debatable at this point. That's adding up. What else do we got, Tanner? We're really running through the list today. I was going to say, I think that's the most either strongman or powerlifting talk that we've covered. It is in quite a while.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Yes, it is. In one episode, we really talked a lot about lifting. I mean, we're almost 45 minutes in, so yeah, it's been a while since we've done that. We should probably fix that. Correct the course here. People are going to have the wrong expectations. As far as the big lift segment, there is one thing I wanted to throw out there. There was a 965-pound tandem Jefferson deadlift.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Yes, this was really cool. I had to do a double and triple take to make sure I was comprehending this correctly when I saw it. Do you have the full line up there? It was Tommy O'Connor, who is at TOC5 on Instagram. And then it was Chance Griffith, who is at CHNTZGriffith on Instagram. And also they're at Train Out of Lion's Den, I think, is maybe their little club or gym or whatever whatever it is that they got going there but anyways these two guys do a tandem jefferson deadlift i had not even you know this is not well the idea that didn't even cross my mind and that's when i was right away i'm like oh my god they got it how did yeah and one of them is wearing a black and black left
Starting point is 00:44:24 shirt one of them is wearing a black and black lift shirt. One of them is wearing the bench heavy shirt. They have the bench heavy banner in the background. And then they both have a beer in lift koozies that they slam after... Their 965 tandem. Yeah. It was... These are obviously two pretty strong guys. Yeah, that was a top notch lift in every way.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I've done a tandem deadlift with Ryan, your brother, before. Just regular. And I would have to think this would be considerably harder. And they were facing away from each other. It's hard to even figure out. They had to do a little experiment to figure out how to even do that. Yeah, because that's also the thing with the Jefferson. It's like, do you go like, is it nut to nut or butt to butt?
Starting point is 00:45:02 Like, what way does this go? Well, if you haven't done a Jefferson before, go try and do it. It takes yourself a couple minutes to figure out how the hell you're going to stand that makes it somewhat comfortable. But they fit in there pretty well. They looked very comfortable there. If I had to guess, I'd say they may have been doing this all their lives. Yeah, they really did. It really was a good lift.
Starting point is 00:45:20 It got quite a reaction out of people too, didn't it? It got shared a lot of places, and it went pretty big on our page, and it was on Deadlift Time Dead and a few other pages. It went well. Yeah, so I would say good job, guys. And I'd really like to see if anyone else can talk. That's the thing. We've got to see someone do a 1,000-pound tandem.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I was going to say, if we can see someone break the 1,000-pound barrier in a Jefferson. These guys said they couldn't fit any more weight on the bar. I think they had tried to have 50s on there too. I think they wanted to go the 1,000-pound barrier in a Jefferson. These guys said they couldn't fit any more weight on the bar. I think they had tried to have 50s on there, too. I think they wanted to go above 1,000. I can't think of a better reason to invest in kilo plates now than to do a Jefferson. The 50-pound Ivancos like we've got. Some of those, some of the 100s, and then get those reds on there, and you're good to go. I think they had 100.
Starting point is 00:46:05 of the hundreds and then get those reds on there and you think they had a hundred maybe it looked like to me they had 100 on the inside and then it was uh 40 you know yeah yeah you'll run out of room in a hurry with those yeah yeah uh great great job guys though that that when i saw that that you know we get tagged in a lot of stuff a lot of lifts and you know it's always cool seeing people wearing our stuff and doing lifts and stuff but this one we can really set me back we can without a doubt say we're beyond proud it's like it's like watching your children just grow up and just surprise you in every way there's so many good massonomics things in this one video it's like this would be tough to top yeah well if you told people like that's at the massonomics gym you'd be like, well, yeah, it makes sense, all that Masonomics stuff there.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Yeah. Yeah, they did amazing with that. Very well done. Definitely earned a spot in Big Lifts this week. And, I mean, IPF Worlds happened, and we didn't even talk about that. So this beat out. IPF Worlds was well overshadowed, but I guess we didn't talk about that. Ray bombed out.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Yeah, that's probably the biggest newsworthy item is that Ray bombed out, which sucks. Supposedly he was down like 30-some pounds, which, yeah, that'll mess you up. You know, whatever you got going on to just lose that chunk of body weight is not ideal. It's weird to see him kind of like Thor that it's like, oh, this guy is human. Human maybe after all. Just really quick, like other notable performances, like Taylor Atwood had a crazy day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Russell Orhe. Russell Orhe got the world record along with the gold medal to beat out Brett Gibbs. The girls, Amanda Lawrence and Daniela Mello tied. The girls, Amanda Lawrence and Daniela Mello, tied. Amanda Lawrence won gold on Wilks, but Daniela Mello is the holder of the world record total in that weight class. Yeah, it's such a weird thing. Because she got it first. Oh, is that what it is?
Starting point is 00:48:00 Because she had it first? Yeah, because she had the total first. Because she did her deadlift attempt before Amanda's lift. It's so crazy. So they had the exact same total. Amanda wins gold, but Danielle Mello is the world record holder for that. It's like, oh, you both kind of won, I guess. Yeah, and it is surprising to see how they get there.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Yeah, in a very different way. Yeah, whereas Amanda Lawrence, her squad is so good yeah and then she gives up a lot more on bench yeah and then i had a really good bench i guess i guess deadlift is maybe where they're a little more comparable with each other compared to the other two lifts but right yeah so that like they had an absolute battle there their their total was like 1350 pounds or something to use this really big yeah i'm trying to think other performances like i didn't outside of that you know i didn't see a whole lot that's jesa uepa one yeah he won the men's yeah the super heavies or three plus um yeah i, that's kind of the day.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah. So, but I mean, really the, I think Ray will be back. Yeah. I think, I think Ray,
Starting point is 00:49:11 that's a, yeah, it's a thing is to come. I think that's still trying to make that run at 500 kilos and maybe it'll be there someday. I still think there's just as good of a chance as there was before. I don't think this means much as far as his future. Yep, I agree.
Starting point is 00:49:28 As far as best Instagram YouTube comment of the week, I don't have it saved here now, but you know what it is. I do know what it is. What was it on? It was on the Joey Flex. Yeah, the Joey Flex Mastodon Expresses this week. And someone said, what did he say, basically? Wow, not a very impressive total.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Oh, for a coach? For a coach, that's not a very good total. And what was his total, like 17-something? Almost 1,900. Oh, almost 1,900. It's like 1,880 or something. Like he could have missed his last deadlift that would have got him 1,900-pound total or something like that. And so I replied.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I wasn't a jerk. I just said, well, he does have almost a 1,900-pound total, which is pretty competitive in drug-tested federations. And also, I don't think that's the number one metric for determining how good a coach is. And it's absolutely not. No, it's not. Case in point, look at all other sports.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Exactly, yes. Easiest case is look at all other sports ever. Yeah. Is Bill Belichick better than Tom Brady? Yeah, and it's really hard to believe that powerlifting is just the one exception to the rule. Yeah, it's like, no, in powerlifting, you have to be strong to be a coach. And it's the same argument that people like to use. Well, you can't judge depth until you've been able to squat 900 pounds.
Starting point is 00:50:47 You squat 1,000, then you can tell me if it's deep enough. Yeah, the rule to depth isn't it's dependent on how much weight's on your back. It's dependent on where your hip crease is. Now, do I want someone to be a powerlifting coach that's never had a barbell on their back? No, there's a minimum threshold of yes that's necessary to have the basic understanding of the sport and everything yeah i feel like you probably have to have at least practiced it to some degree but you do not have to be a world record holder to be the best coach not at all that's actually i think if you looked at some of the more successful coaches right now,
Starting point is 00:51:28 I mean, some of them are strong people. I would say not many of them have world records to their name. No. The other thing he came back with was 1,900 total by a natural athlete is impossible. Nobody has ever done it. Yeah, that one too. Really? is impossible nobody has ever done it yeah that one too really oh man it must be tough to like think about the entire world's a conspiracy yeah to get you there he did uh delete his comment i think he deleted his page based on apparently people must have been uh getting on him after
Starting point is 00:51:56 he got ruined after that that had to be shared because it was so well it's how it sounds so dumb yeah you know it's just like you got to realize before you start putting that stuff out there that people are going to catch on. Yeah. You're like, okay, man. Several people asked after we shared that, where's this comment at? Because I think people wanted to... Set them straight. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And it was already gone. So they corrected themselves, I guess. Very worthy of best comment of the week. That was a certainly deserved place there. Yeah. How about, what do we have left? Underrated or overrated? Is that what we're?
Starting point is 00:52:32 That's probably it, yeah. In a time scale? Oh, one more quick one I wanted to say. We had a rookie card for Dave Tate. Oh, yeah. I was, I didn't catch it the first time I looked at it. His bench was 400 pounds when he was 15 years old. That is insane.
Starting point is 00:52:49 You obviously have to talk to him to get this. Was that photo of him? When was the photo of him from? The main photo there is when he was 15 years old. Okay. His arms when he was 15 are stupidly big. Yeah. For a 15-year-old.
Starting point is 00:53:04 In relation to the rest of his body. And possibly it's a little bit of a camera angle. Well, I mean, sure, a little bit. But, I mean, they're still very, very big. Yeah, yes. I mean, 15. Yeah, in the small picture, he's a little bit older. But in the main picture, he is 15 years old.
Starting point is 00:53:22 That's crazy. Yeah, I did not catch that the first time I looked at it. 400-pound bench raw and, like, a 400-pound squat in a suit. Yeah, those numbers don't make any sense. Yeah. Well, the squat in the deadlift honestly do make sense. It's just his bench. Well, yes.
Starting point is 00:53:36 It doesn't make any sense. Yes, it doesn't. Yeah. Yeah, I was absolutely shocked to see that. And I think a lot of people were also very shocked to see that. Yeah, but I know Dave, you know, went on to be an over 500-pound raw bench presser, so it's believable. It's just very crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:52 He doesn't look like a heavy 15-year-old kid. He's pretty slender with an enormous arm. All those weights in his arms. Yeah, yeah. No kidding. So now underrated or overrated? Let's do it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:09 We'll hit that up and uh as always if you don't know um you can play along with underrated overrated on instagram uh the week that this comes out we put those out last week's just went out today i was surprised um chernobyl is the highest rated tv show of all time and a lot of people thought that that was underrated yeah uh let me go over the results real quick joe rogan slightly overrated they said okay i that's where i was at when i like that yeah uh flossing considerably underrated i think everyone knows they're guilty of flossing it up hbo miniseries chernobyl 56 underrated so they did lean towards underrated. PBR, 55% overrated. So Tanner, you're asking some real hard-hitting questions this last week because...
Starting point is 00:54:50 I think they matched you though, right? You matched the people, right? You said Joe was... No, I said... Oh, you said Joe was overrated, right? Yeah, and I said Chernobyl was overrated because it was already the highest rated show. Oh, yeah. So that's the only one.
Starting point is 00:55:01 That's the only one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which I still stand by that, that I took the right approach because if it's underrated, you're telling me it should be ranked even higher. It's already ranked as the best according to IMDB. Right. Yes, yes, you're right. But three out of four ain't bad.
Starting point is 00:55:14 No, that's – ain't bad. So are we saying the people got three out of four correct? I'm saying they got three out of four. I got four out of four, yeah. That's how I'm going to go with it. Okay. So maybe a little briefing, little uh familiarization on the rules for those of you that aren't aware of the rules underrated or overrated consists of lightning round questions
Starting point is 00:55:33 they're asked by myself to tommy the questions come from a variety of topics including but not limited to pop culture current events food technology. There are also lifting-related topics sprinkled in. That maybe becomes rarer and rarer. They are sprinkled in on occasion. Sprinkling is the key word there. It's important to remember that the questions are, in fact, lightning round, but the answers are not necessarily. Tommy has his druthers.
Starting point is 00:55:59 If you've listened along before, everyone knows that Tommy has his druthers when it comes to the length of the answers. What are druthers, you ask? Well, you know what druthers are right now it's just person preference in a matter all that being said there does have to be a final answer the initial issue of overrated or underrated must be clearly resolved at the end um there is a Q&A section we're not going to go over that today but just just so you know there is a Q&A it does exist if we do have to if we do have to consult the Q&A section for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:56:26 There's a few Qs if you need A's. But topic number one on Underrated or Overrated. A little foreshadowing on this one from last week. Brown bananas. Brown bananas. All right. So we're going to say, the topic also could have been green bananas, but the topic today is brown bananas underage overrated.
Starting point is 00:56:47 To me, the perfect banana is one that is slightly more brown than it is green. I don't really like green bananas. But also when a banana actually gets brown, I really don't like that. And in that case, I would rather have a green one than a brown one. Yeah, yeah. Like green has a much more acceptable range of eating, whereas brown, the perfect window is maybe just before, just when it kind of quits being green, it's yellow, and maybe there's like a brown spot. That's probably like the safe spot. And then like when it's actually brown, there's no way not a chance it's bad so brown bananas i think i do have to go with brown is overrated because
Starting point is 00:57:32 i like them right before they're brown because when they're brown they're yeah the flavor the flavor profiles all off i can stand a green banana green green to a point yeah but brown bananas do not like that mushy yeah no and the taste is just like there's no like even sweetness to it anymore it's just bad when i was in when i was in hawaii tanner we stayed at the airbnb we stayed at they had like all these different types of like banana like plantain trees around there. And they had these one bananas. I don't know what the variety was, but they were maybe four or five inches long. And they were really, really, really good. Like they would give them to us fresh every day.
Starting point is 00:58:14 It was a banana though. Yeah, it was some type of banana. And that thing was awesome. And it was pretty green and I thought it was amazing. Did you have any good pineapple when you were in Hawaii? You know, I didn't have any pineapple while I was there. I believe pineapple is not indigenous to hawaii it was introduced in the 1600s really yeah i believe it i think i think that's true we're gonna say that that's that that's
Starting point is 00:58:35 definitely true no doubt about it not sure about bananas but pineapple yeah brown bananas overrated though yeah brown bananas that's a good answer underrated or overrated middle class fancy i think middle class fancy okay for people that don't know middle class fancy is we've talked about on the show multiple times now it is an instagram account at middle class fancy and basically what they do is just kind of, I would say, mock just average Joe white class middle America. And it is hilarious because if you're anything like us and grew up in the Midwest, it's like the posts at any point in time are literally your upbringing. Like every day they are like how vanilla and Maureen, a lot of the stuff is. And people think it's funny. Like you just got you got to check out the page. Like every day they are like how vanilla and Maureen, a lot of the stuff is, and people think it's funny.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Like you just got, you got to check out the page. It's my favorite thing in the world. And to me, it's still underrated. Yeah. Yeah. And I'll still, I told the story, but if you guys haven't heard, I introduced Tanner to it. Cause one of the things they talk about a lot is like Applebee's and go like, cause
Starting point is 00:59:42 Applebee's is considered the, the nice restaurant, the fancy restaurant when it's like, well, Applebee's is considered the nice restaurant, the fancy restaurant. But it's like, well, Applebee's is like fast food that has waiters, has a wait staff. And so on our way to the Arnold, it just so happened to be that after like 14 hours in the car, we get to our hotel and across the street is an Applebee's. Oh, no, it was a Chili's, which is also one they talk about. Because they kind of do this elitist thing where, like, Applebee's is way cooler than Chili's. It's like, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Because I think some people do have that mentality. And so we went to Chili's. I'm like, oh, Tanner, this kind of reminds me of middle class fancy. He's like, what is that? And I show it. And then it turned into, like, for the next half hour, all I heard was, hey, hey, hey. And it was just Tanner, like, shaking in his bed, laughing so hard.
Starting point is 01:00:23 And it is a really good page. If you relate to it, you'll really like it. If you don't relate to it, you'll be like, this is really stupid. But I would recommend everyone checks it out. Because if that is the humor you like, there's almost an unlimited just well of it sitting there. There is. So Middle Class Fancy is underrated. Underrated. Okay. of it just well of it sitting there there is so middle class fancy's underrated underrated okay
Starting point is 01:00:45 this next topic we've talked about it on the podcast before i don't think it's been on underrated overrated if it has been i do have a backup uh replacement for this uh so we'll see if you remember but i do not think we've actually done this on overrated underrated so overrated or underrated nickelback uh i'm trying to remember if we did do that because i think that's what it was and i talked about imagine i talked about nickelback and how dragons was on overrated underrated and you said what do you remember well i said imagine dragons is overrated okay and then i said now a lot of people are comparing them to like this decade's Nickelback because they kind of do the same thing over and over and over. And so Nickelback is fairly poorly rated widely at this point, right?
Starting point is 01:01:31 That yes. And I'm not a fan. And. But that's not the question. Well, it's not the question, but also radio stations still play their music a decent amount. Yeah, yeah. And I think especially like rock stations, especially like your more generic rock stations, well, that's like their bread and butter.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Keep that going all day, baby. And here we are. Who's the lead singer at Nickelback? Chad Kroger is going to finish off the hour here with, this is how you remind me of my Nickelback. And yeah, that's just what it is. I still think they're overrated, because I still think they do have a lot of fans out there.
Starting point is 01:02:13 If anything, and it's probably rightfully so, people probably backed off on the hate for them, which was probably like, it was almost getting to the point where it was like, oh, it's cool to hate Nickelback. And it's like, well, I don't know man but I still think I'm going to go overrated on them just because you're so strongly not a fan I'm just not a fan
Starting point is 01:02:32 and it's really it's just really vanilla music it's kind of like rock music that doesn't really do anything it's not out to get the man or anything it's just out for everyone to have a good time but also kind of be aggressive about it's not out to get the man or anything. It's just out for everyone to have a good time, but also kind of be aggressive about it. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:02:47 No, not for me. If your name's Kyle, you probably know. Have you noticed a sharp increase in Kyle memes lately? It's funny, Kyle Hendricks. I did see. I think he gets tagged in some of those. Kyle Hendricks is very not Kyle. He's very anti-Kyle.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah, he's like the opposite of all the kyle memes yeah there are some because kyle wears a flat bill uh monster just it's monster like everything yeah has a monster under the bed yeah just dry but yeah there there are some so it's also getting to the thing where it's like it's oh it's cool to do the Kyle memes, but there are some that are really funny. But Kyle Hendricks, not you. You're not a Kyle. You're not a Kyle. You are Kyle, but you're not a Kyle. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Okay, last topic here today, underrated or overrated. This is a summer theme. We got Fourth of July coming soon. Reminds me, make sure to get your Jefferson Deadlift shirt before the 4th of July. That's the perfect shirt to be wearing. I hope to see a lot of Instagram stories posted on the 4th of July with people wearing their Jefferson Deadlift shirt. So that would be my challenge to all of you out there that have them,
Starting point is 01:03:56 is wear them and post something with us over that week or weekend. You know, if you're on a boat, maybe attach it to a pole. It can be the unofficial flag for the weekend. That'd be pretty cool. And then you can go pirate other boats with that. Oh, my God. Come on aboard. The Jefferson Deadlifters are coming.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Okay, but it's not the Jefferson Deadlifters. The topic is hot dogs. Not bratwurst, not pole sausage. We're going with the hot dog. And you could take this as, you know, your all-beef frank maybe even on the premium end of a hot dog or your very basic Oscar Mayer wiener. Yeah, I really think I have to go overrated here. I mean, they're hardly meat.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Like, there are some hot dogs that are good but for every like good hot dog you have you have so many hot dogs that one it's just way too small to be considered a piece of food yeah you're getting three times the bun and then yeah like there's no density to it like it's just it's nothing um and that's typically like the hot dogs it hot dogs. You can buy a pack for $1.50 or something. It's nothing. I think hot dogs are overrated.
Starting point is 01:05:13 If you can pick meat coming off the grill, I don't know what I would pick. Behind. I don't know what meat would be ranked under a hot dog to come off of the grill. I can't think of one. People always say it's lips and assholes.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Probably right, yeah. But yeah, I think it's... Yeah, brats. Brats, now we're going in a whole different territory because there's some snap there. There's actually some substance. There's flavor. It feels like you're eating a piece of meat yeah like it actually when it cooks up it like kind of turns into this different thing whereas a hot dog i mean you can eat a cold warm whatever it doesn't really matter you have to question sometimes foods like that that you can eat that are maybe meat-based that you can eat that you
Starting point is 01:06:04 could not have teeth and still not have teeth just the same and also it's meat-based and you don't have to cook it and it's still okay to eat right i would put it like a mcdonald's double cheeseburger if you didn't have teeth you could eat that just exactly the same right like if you just covered your teeth with your lips you could go like yeah i'm not i'm not sure teeth really help or hurt the whole process of eating those foods. If you think about that, you wouldn't grill up a burger at home and be able to just mash it with your lips and – No. You'd be like –
Starting point is 01:06:33 You know, it doesn't work that way. Yeah, on top of being just really messy too. Ketchup everywhere. But yeah, so you're saying overrated on the hot dogs. Yeah, overrated on hot dogs for sure. But still, point being on that one where you're Jefferson deadlift. That's the takeaway from hot dogs being overrated is that, yeah. And get yours ordered.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Yeah, by the time you hear this, you're only going to have a few days to get it. Hopefully, you'll have a little bit of time still by the 4th of July. We ship pretty fast. We do ship pretty fast, but that doesn't mean that you should really test our shipping abilities. You should just order it to make sure you have it. Yeah, definitely. That is the end of Overrated Underrated. And you know what that means, Tommy?
Starting point is 01:07:19 We're done? Yeah, that's it. That also means it's the end of the podcast. Man. At least for this week. So that wraps up 168. Stick with us next week for 169. Ooh, that'll be a fun one.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Yeah. And also, we have noticed a bit of an uptick lately in listenership. Yes. So whether that's... Last month or so has been really good. Yeah. So whether that's you guys consciously telling people about it or maybe we're just getting lucky. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:49 But we do appreciate everyone listening. We don't say that enough. And, you know, spread the word. Yes. If you could tell some friends, start some Reddit posts. Start some Reddit posts. You know. They don't like it if we start the posts about it.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Maybe be the first person in your local gym to do a triple uh jefferson deadlift i don't know you know there's a lot of things you can do to contribute to this movement right and uh so we appreciate you guys that are being proactive about it and also leave us an apple podcast review and that's always been a slight downtick in apple podcast we haven't been asking for many though so that might be our fault. We'll end this episode with the one Apple podcast review that we have to read here. I just checked as we were talking. I was like, I haven't checked for a while because I almost gave up on you guys on these Apple podcast reviews.
Starting point is 01:08:36 But no fear. We'll end on this. As I finish, this episode will wrap up. This is from Pumba underscore 187 uh five out of five stars but his title is i need a refund dot dot dot been listening to the podcast for a month or so and have earned 1500 unofficial masonomics points i would like to put those points towards a full refund for my half drank case of la croix which was purchased due to your unpaid advertisements. Please respond when the sponsorship comes in.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Otherwise, great podcast. Thank you, Pumbo underscore 187. Well, I'm glad he's keeping track of his official Masonomics points. Those are important. They are important. Yeah, you don't want to let those just slip by. No, no, you got to rack those up when you can. They can be few and far between at times.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Lately they've been very far between. A thousand extra bonus points for the next person that leaves us a review on the podcast. As long as it's five out of five stars. Yeah, but thank you for that review. Yes, thanks for that one. We'll look forward to more reviews next week when we talk and we'll see you then. You just heard the
Starting point is 01:09:43 Masonomics Podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. You just heard the Masanamics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook, find us on Instagram at Masanamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong.

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