Massenomics Podcast - Ep.175: Tribute Meet Recap

Episode Date: August 12, 2019

Catch all our thoughts on the 2019 Tribute Meet. We cover everything including the results, livestream, prizes, equipment, promotion... the full monty.  We kick the episode off with a little discussi...on on weird pump up songs.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Welcome everyone to episode 175 of the mass nomics podcast the lifting podcast about nothing last episode we covered some q a there was one or two that i forgot to get to or maybe they came in right after that i remembered off the top of my
Starting point is 00:00:40 head that uh uh there's one at least that i figured it was worth talking about is so we'll jump right into it right away jump i mean we're bringing the energy right away this week tanner wow and i don't because i don't want to forget it here before i go so weirdest weirdest pump up songs weirdest pump up songs yeah i wondered if maybe you would have something for that. To me, what's actually weird for a... Something... Yeah, it has to be weird in the context of a pump-up song, I guess. That's kind of tricky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I really liked... But I don't think this is that weird of a song. I remember last year or whatever it was when the song came out um uh really liked rake it up by nikki minaj and um i can't remember who's on that song with her but uh i mean when it starts out this is that strip club anthem you know it's got yeah i don't know if that's a it's not really that weird of a pump-up song um that was kind of a fun one otherwise uh probably the better choice would be to ask ryan this question he probably has a an otter selection of uh songs that would people would be like whoa what's the story with that one but um i don't think i really have that many songs
Starting point is 00:01:58 that are just like whoa where was that choice like they're all at the very least they're all upbeat songs you know nothing Nothing's really strange. You know what? I don't even know. I don't even think the Massanomics. If no one knows, actually, this is a good time to plug this. Is there a Spotify playlist? There is.
Starting point is 00:02:15 If you go to Spotify and type in Massanomics. Maybe we should update that at some point in time. Probably should. It's probably four years old. Yeah, if you go to Spotify and type in Massanomics, you'll see there is a podcast. Isn't there cover art too there is a custom cover art for the massonomics gym essentials playlist it does have 14 followers so a few few people have found it out there but uh you know i think it's all pretty relevant good stuff it probably goes more on maybe the edm side than your metallica and acdc even though those are in there too. But I don't know if there's anything very weird.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Sometimes if you're into the hip-hop scene a little more, Danny Brown has some songs that are kind of odd. But, I mean, they all slap, so, you know, they got that going for them. It slaps, don't it? It does. I don't know. I don't really have a lot of stuff in here that I think would be straight up weird. Like these all these all make sense to me. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:11 The you'll know the name of the song. I can't remember. But I haven't listened to this as a pump up song, but I could right now. And it'd probably be maybe it'd be weird as that that chick from Minneapolis, her popular song. Lizzo. Yeah. What's her song? I could listen to that for Pump Up just because every time that comes on, it's still catching my attention.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I can't even think what the hell the song is called right now. And it plays on the radio a thousand times a day, which is really sad. But yes, I know exactly what you're talking about, Tanner. Whatever that is. But I've never listened to it as a Pump Up song, so that's probably a cop-out uh yeah truth hurts yeah yeah god i cannot think of it yeah probably because my brain's trying to forget at this point just because you cannot go like an hour without in modern life and not hear that song i i really like uh queen we will rock you and you did like that one i don't know if that's have you watched have you watched the uh
Starting point is 00:04:04 queen movie yet no i haven't seen it so my wife and i watched it probably a month ago i had been looking forward to it for a long time queen was i'm not gonna say i'm like a mega queen fan or anything but um i remember being in elementary school and being like oh queen's my favorite band like i i liked i think probably what did it is like the first time i saw wayne's world in like third or fourth grade when they're singing boemian Rhapsody in the car. It's like, yeah, that's the coolest thing ever. And after that, I was like, I was hooked on Queen. And then, you know, they play on the radio nonstop.
Starting point is 00:04:32 So it's if you listen to classic rock radio. So it's impossible not to get familiar with all their songs. So I always loved Queen. I was excited for the movie. I mean, it's shot really well. It's edited well. It's good. And it's an entertaining story.
Starting point is 00:04:44 But the thing, my wife isn't super familiar with the backstory of queen. Right. And there was that one point in it where she was like, I don't get it. What's going on here. I'm like, Oh, he has AIDS, but they, they almost, they skirt around it so much. Like to the point where it's like, he's sick and he goes to the doctor, but they still haven't discussed why he's sick. Cause they're like kind of almost framing it.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Like he's partying nonstop and going on these drug binges. And you're kind of like, well, is he just wasting away because he's doing so much stuff? Or is there something else here? And they really, to me, they went way too light on that part of it.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Like way too light on it. But I mean, it was still a very entertaining movie you can't and you like i would like to watch that and that was i didn't know i'm assuming they were somewhat faithful to the idea that a lot of these guys like it wasn't just like brian may or freddie mercury coming up with these songs like because they were showing like you know one day so and so had the idea for this song and then i was paying a little more attention to the credits and for most of the songs like yeah they are credited to different people and so it wasn't like one guy was coming up with all the songs and so it was kind of cool to like see supposedly how the how
Starting point is 00:05:53 the songs came to came to be alive or how where they came from and pardon me you want to you want to believe those are true they didn't just totally make up these stories for the movie but it was i would recommend it it was entertaining just uh if you're looking for something more, maybe along the lines of documentary, just be prepared to be let down a little bit. Yeah. If you're looking for something to tell the true story. And while we're on the topic of movies,
Starting point is 00:06:15 Tanner, are you a Quentin Tarantino fan? I like, I would say I, I like most of it. I, I, we've talked,
Starting point is 00:06:22 talked about it. I really like reservoir dogs. He could almost be an overrated. Because he is one of those directors that everyone's like, oh, love Quentin Tarantino. Everyone says that. And I kind of want to be like, I don't know if everyone loves it. Because the number of people that... People like to say...
Starting point is 00:06:38 That's something that people like to say. They do. But then if you really got into it, it's like, well, yeah, I saw Pulp Fiction and Inglourious Bastards was cool. And I saw Dj into it it's like well yeah i saw pulp fiction and inglorious bastards was cool yeah and i saw jango like yeah it's like yeah everyone's a lot of people haven't seen reservoir dogs like almost no one's seen jackie brown um a lot of people haven't seen kill bill volume two like that's you know you know so there's a lot of things that for people like i always be like oh i love him yeah and i i would say i'm a fan yeah i like him enough i've every i've watched all of those except for jackie brown yeah and i would
Starting point is 00:07:11 say i'm a fan i would never go oh i love him and i've seen all of them and i've seen almost all of them many times but yeah um you know i am a fan i think he does really interesting cool stuff so we went to uh once upon a time in hollywood his newest one here and i had no i like i it's kind of weird nowadays like if you don't have cable tv um the ads that get shown to you are very selective in the way that i didn't see a single thing of press for this movie at all oh no i i know i've never heard of what the movie just said i didn't know i knew i knew he was working on a movie and then my brother said oh yeah I went to Quentin Tarantino's new movie. And I was like, didn't even know that was coming out this year.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Had no idea. I couldn't tell you a movie. The only movie I knew that recently came out was Toy Story 4. That's probably so big. So I had no clue what it was about going into it. I didn't even know until my brother said, yeah, Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt are the main characters. That was the first I'd even heard of that. But besides that,
Starting point is 00:08:09 I had no idea what time it was set in or anything. Uh, it is set in like the, uh, Hollywood in the sixties, whether you call it Hollywood's golden age or the, the golden age for like studios or whatever, but it was set in Hollywood in the sixties.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Um, it does kind of play into the whole,son murders thing a little bit okay which it was also something that i know like nothing about um and it does play heavily on the who's who of hollywood in the 60s so if you don't know much about uh stars from movies of the yesteryear yeah uh the movie probably will make almost no sense to you it's still entertaining but like all of his movies that are really heavily dialogue driven uh there's gonna be chunks of dialogue i don't know what they're talking about yeah um but if you're a fan of him you you will like it well i was gonna say if you just take leonardo dicaprio brad pitt and quentin tarantino and make a movie it's probably not gonna be bad yeah and
Starting point is 00:09:02 there's like you'd really have to screw something. There was like one scene, especially where like, God, uh, Leonardo DiCaprio was just so good at what he does. Like, how does this get, like,
Starting point is 00:09:12 he's pretending to be like a Western cowboy and like, like, man, how does he do this? Just flip. And he's like, pretend like they're on a movie set and he forgets his line. And he instantly goes from like being in the scene to be like,
Starting point is 00:09:24 what was my line? You know, yelling at the camera and then instantly right back in it it's like even to act that out yeah i think would be kind of tough yeah you're like kind of you know breaking that fourth wall or whatever right um i mean not completely doing that but it was just like a weird thing like man to like see a person be able to switch the emotions that fast uh-huh it's like that kind of take i mean it definitely takes some skill and I know nothing about... My extent of acting is being on the Masonomics podcast every week.
Starting point is 00:09:48 We have been playing characters this whole time. Neither of us are like what we... No, we don't go to the gym. We don't like podcasts. Tommy and Tana aren't even our real names. Nope, stage names. And yet we just use this as an opportunity to make recommendations on media that we think people might like we use the lifting stuff as a as a ruse just to talk about the shows
Starting point is 00:10:13 we just want to take our recommendations please listen to us i've been watching a lot of stuff about uh the moon and space travel yeah i watched is this from earth to the moon because of the talks that we might be going back is that are you well i'm kind of yeah that maybe that was part of why more so because it was the 50th anniversary of apollo 11 uh but from earth to the moon is a tom hanks produced mini series on i think it's hbo and it's like 10 episodes following the apollo i did see that pop up on there yeah following all the apollo missions which that is really good is it yeah i i really really liked it it's and it's weird like each episode is its own like it's somewhat chronological order but each episode can be very independent like they'll they'll just take a look
Starting point is 00:11:05 at one so you could let me you could watch one on it yeah you could almost yeah they are yes yes you could and like they'll be completely they'll be very different like the way that they're shot and the way it's almost like they have different like they might yeah i think that is kind of the way that it is handled that i didn't look in it into it close enough but i think they have different maybe different executive producers or directors for each each actual episode and then so after that then i had to watch first man which is uh the neil armstrong story it's that who's that guy he's a he's really popular actor like like handsome, uh, uh, skinny blonde guy.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Uh, he might be gay. I can't remember. It's not Neil Patrick Harris, but he kind of looks like that. Maybe anyways, he plays Neil Armstrong that, and I think that movie is like a year or two old.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Okay. That wasn't too bad. And then I actually watched, I can't remember what station or what, if this is on Hulu or what it was but the actual uh television broadcast of the apollo 11 original moon landing like the actual so what year was that 69 okay yeah it was 50 50 years ago and that was pretty pretty cool yeah i bet yeah yeah it's got to be like the quality has to be pretty shitty on that like
Starting point is 00:12:25 yeah the first one was really bad but by the last moon landings by the end of the apollo missions it was actually was it getting pretty good yeah because like there had to be a lot of technology well i just think of the black and white footage yeah just like like not seeing anything it's like what comes to mind it's funny because like the people in houston you know are giving them directions on what to adjust on the camera because like on the special on the first one it's funny because, like, the people in Houston, you know, are giving them directions on what to adjust on the camera because, like, especially on the first one, it's so bad. It's almost like Neil Armstrong walking off. They didn't have this high-quality massonomic camera with the viewfinder built right in. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:56 So they're, like, telling Buzz Aldrin, like, what he needs to do because the footage of Neil Armstrong is so shitty. I think his name is Buzz Lightyear. Yeah. And the other guy was Woody. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you would recommend those? Yeah, all the...
Starting point is 00:13:13 I'm pretty interested in all of that right now. Yeah, that's a good thing to be interested in. It is. It's pretty crazy. It is pretty nuts. To me, what I couldn't stop thinking about is how, so in 1969, we landed on the moon, but just like the Wright brothers were not more than like 60 years prior to that, to just getting a shitty little wooden airplane to even float in the air for a few feet.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yep, just the idea of like a person actually being able to fly anything yeah and then yeah that i've never really thought about like 60 years later they're landing on the moon and walking around that is the that is the tough one to comprehend there because yeah that would be like all right we landed on the moon 50 years ago in 10 years we're like all of a sudden traveling to like will we live on mars or what and that's what that that's what i you know i had that conversation with a couple people i was like well what have we done you know like that's what like in the first 60 years we did all that and then these last but then it's like well
Starting point is 00:14:14 we're sending things to mars well yeah we mean we are doing all types of stuff too but yeah that that is like such a it's like the newbie gains of space bring it back to lifting air travel you could say. Yeah, we got those out of the way, and now you just work decades for that one little step. And I could do probably a whole five-hour podcast of just talking about all the- Of your findings and your studies. Everyone I know that's 50 years or older,
Starting point is 00:14:40 I've been having to ask them what they remember, what it was like. Because they actually experienced it. Yeah, yeah. know some people believed or maybe even some people's conspiracy theorists that it was all staged in a you know in hollywood and yep which is that's still even a pretty popular sentiment yeah yeah that's not uncommon to this day you know right but it's a wild world we live in that is we we have a uh i meant to bring this up last episode and i should probably bring it up before we forget here we do have a tanner
Starting point is 00:15:11 sack segment yeah let's get to it i already exited the goods from the sack so i have them here and uh all i have i don't i didn't bring everything but what i've got right here is a shirt and if you're watching on on the youtubes you can see me holding it up here this was a shirt from garage gym experiment they sent us a few shirts and a few banners and a bunch of stickers and stuff so those banners are hanging up in massonomics gym now they are you probably noticed them there i have they sent us a black one and a white one and they're both hanging out now we've been really getting wined and dined by the garage gym experience lately yeah actually what happened is and i think i did tell you this part coop from garage gym reviews was here recorded the podcast with us two days later i went to the gym and there was a slip there from the usps that said we had a package and all it said was from garage gym
Starting point is 00:16:06 and i was like huh that this doesn't even make sense how cuput could have sent something to us already put it in the mailbox yeah in our own town yeah yeah and i was just i was like what is it and then i was so curious and i got there and it was actually an unexpected package from uh garage gym experiment he could he could feel a disturbance yeah there's another garage gym closing in on my and it was actually an unexpected package from Garage Gym Experiment instead. He could feel a disturbance. Yeah. There's another garage gym closing in on my territory. So we're kind of right at this point,
Starting point is 00:16:31 we're waiting for Garage Gym Lab to step up to the plate. And then there's going to be more after that. Yeah. Oh, there's several more to come. We're just like one step of the ladder in the garage gym experience. Yes. You need to have a care package or a time with that.
Starting point is 00:16:47 We want to be in with all of them so then we can leverage them against each other. It's like the soap opera or the bachelor. We're going to be the puppet master to the whole thing for the Garage Gym Wars of 2020. For the final act of our play or what we're acting out here is that we actually change our name to Garage Gym something.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Garage Gymonomics. Yeah, become the overlord of all, like where they all report to us. The syndicate of the entire network. They all fell for it. They didn't know, but they did. And then their subsequent communities all report to us it's our way like because we're so not in the garage gym culture we can just keep asking questions and just keep getting closer and closer and then actually unveil at the end our final
Starting point is 00:17:34 trick well and then we we brainwash them all back into basement gyms yeah that's the full final resolution yep yeah full circle with all that yeah but thank you to uh garage gym experiment yeah very cool we appreciate it this 3xl shirt isn't gonna fit either of us very well but we'll find some balkan yeah we'll do some real balkan uh tanner okay you started you we just started this podcast with such a a there's one fly in this room one fly cannot get it um that one fly has also been driving my dog crazy for like a week now because he can't get it either but uh we started this podcast with such a bang uh you had that one question right away yeah and uh we've kind of just gone completely off track yeah was there any other questions or was that the only one the only other one that i remember is i think maybe it's over power lifting or someone asked asked me how my
Starting point is 00:18:28 knee recovery is going yeah and it's going pretty good i i saw you were prepping uh doing some carb loading for yes yes it was carb loading for physical therapy for my what did i say for my leg extensions and like you don't want to be caught off guard with that yeah it has been going pretty good though still physical therapy three days a week. I've been deadlifting. I'm just doing a straight line increase of deadlifts where I'm just adding 10 to 20 pounds a week and doing five sets of 10. I mean, back at 700 in what, like 62 weeks then? That's how it works.
Starting point is 00:19:02 But I'm doing five sets of 10, so I'll be doing 700 for five sets of 10. Yep, yep, i'll be doing 700 instead of just a single the reason it's linear progression exactly and and then this last week i started barbell squats for the first time i did how do those five sets of 10 are you allowed to do freestanding squats in like physical therapy yeah now i am it's getting to where i can and i'm doing jumping jump rope and doing a little jumping and stuff like that. So I did five sets of 10 on squats, and I got up to, on my last couple sets, I did it with a 25 on each side. So I'm going to just start adding about 10 pounds of that each week and seeing how she goes.
Starting point is 00:19:39 But I'm using this opportunity to just have the most perfect squat form, so I know that that will work out in the long run. Oh, absolutely. By the time I get to the heavier weights, it's just going to be there. this opportunity to just have the most perfect squat form. So I know that that'll work out in the long run. Absolutely. By the time I get to the heavier weights, it's just gonna, it's just gonna be there. Yeah. Are you,
Starting point is 00:19:49 does it feel any different to you right now? Like, do you feel like your form is different right now? I've been standing, I've been, uh, standing purposely standing a little bit wider. Uh huh.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And so it is different for that reason, but mine had gotten so narrow for a number of reasons that I just trying to use him trying to use this as an opportunity for it to be wider. Yep. So I noticed that. And my knee just feels, even if it's not painful, it just isn't normal. That's not my knee. Yeah. Like it just doesn't feel normal yet, but it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:20:19 It's not when I do a squat with 95 pounds, it's not painful. It's just, I don't even know how to describe it. People have asked. I don't know. There's just like I don't even know how to describe it. I've people have asked, I don't know. There's just like pressure and weird. Yeah. Which I think is to me, it almost be unusual if it's like,
Starting point is 00:20:31 well, yep. It just like right where I left off. Yeah, no, but it's, it feels like in the long run, it's going to be good.
Starting point is 00:20:38 You know, it'll be, it'll work out pretty well. I think cool. Well, we'll check back in with you in 62 weeks on episode two 30, something and see how your progress is. I imagine it'll just,
Starting point is 00:20:48 it's, it is just linear. Yeah. So I'm just going to keep adding 10 pounds every week and I don't ever see that not working. Yeah. It's, it's math and science at that point.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Yes. So it is going good. Thank you for whoever asked. Awesome. And does that finally wrap up all the questions? That does. I think that, that was, those are the ones that I remembered at least good yeah we don't want to leave anyone
Starting point is 00:21:08 hanging no no that's right all right well should we get to today's main event yeah we kind of um had a lot i mean believe it or not people that was not the main event so there's more like that wasn't it we we got more than 20 minutes in us us. So we are going to do a little recap of the tribute meet, which was this past weekend. In San Antonio, Texas. I don't know. I couldn't really figure it out for sure where it was at. That was part of the guessing game with it all.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Yeah, you had designed a few, like, athlete posters for some of the big winners in the meet. I thought it would be cool maybe because no one else was promoting it. I thought it would be cool maybe to do that. If someone was promoting it. If Massonomous could maybe just kind of like you know maybe do our part to the yeah to the community and raise a little yeah hype and awareness around this thing and uh obstacle one was figuring out when the hell is this thing and where is it yeah and that was not easy to figure out to the point where I had to take a guess and I had to I was like Tanner
Starting point is 00:22:04 can you verify this because I can't figure it out and you were like I don't really know either I had already tried to look that up too I could find last year's information I could not find this year so it was really really tricky um also to the point where I designed some things had to go back and change the design because my information was wrong because couldn't find it but um we'll leave that complaining to us i mean at the end of the day it was still it was an awesome meet to watch it we had the live stream on um you watched the live stream on the first day you said right yep i didn't get to see any of that i had some time um i saw someone post something about on instagram i'm like
Starting point is 00:22:39 oh all right i better hop on the live the live stream it was on youtube and uh there was like no freezing of the live stream no it was good it. There was, like, no freezing of the live stream. No, it was good. It was hosted. I don't know how they actually, what the details are to get those things going, but, you know, pull it up on YouTube, and you hit the old connect your phone to your TV button, and you're just watching right on the TV,
Starting point is 00:23:00 and you can see everything good. And, yeah, it was fun to watch. And the events were running pretty fast too. So like there wasn't a lot of downtime between things. Yeah, it seemed like the events did go really smooth in person. I liked on the live stream how they had the not next lifter or whatever they use. Like you could see the weights
Starting point is 00:23:20 and they had that on the screen all the time. Yeah, I think Iron Comp is what the USPA uses, I believe. But yeah, you could see that. And the kilos and the had that on the screen all the time yep i think iron comp is what the uspa uses i believe but yeah you could see that and the kilos and the pounds are there again i mean if i had to be very picky i would say these interfaces are still overly confusing where it's like a kilo weights here and the pound weight is like over here and also division like nothing is in a nice row nothing really it's just like visually it's like someone was like here's 30 pieces of data we need to convey and someone just threw it at the screen and that's where it landed yeah i just like it because my expectations are so low that it's like if the number's there it's like ah i can see how much i like could not burn it into my brain that okay kilos is here and then up yeah you're always looking like i just
Starting point is 00:23:58 could not get it through my head that that's the spot where pounds is because it was so small and everything but um and then you could see like who was coming up in the order too they did a flight order which was nice and i did like that uh maybe i don't know if you heard it at all on your day but on the second day was it sunday then is that when i watched the raw one part of it on there and they mentioned massonomics i did not hear i was listening didn't pronounce it correctly but i could tell what they were trying to say i was trying very hard to listen for it i never heard the massonomic shout out there was a shout out for uh some of the other main sponsors but yeah it just so happened that when i was listening that day i didn't catch any the uh announcer definitely is not a fan of
Starting point is 00:24:38 massonomics because he was not familiar no yeah but um there But there was a lot of big lifts. There was a lot of big names there. Yeah. So the expectations were pretty high. And we got some of the numbers here, at least. The podium results. So the first day. And I think they just did the overall placing based off of Wilk's score, correct?
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yes, yes. So the first day. Across all weight classes for men and all for women. You were all lumped together. Yep, yep. Which is similar to how the U.S. Open does the same thing, too. I guess they split it between... Yeah, they split a light and a heavy.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah. Just two general classes. But the difference with the Tribute is they have a raw with wraps day and... What does that fly keep doing And this fly, this one fly hit me right between the eyes there. They have a raw with wraps day and a raw sleeves day where the kern is all wraps. Yep. But because this is a USPA meet, people are walking out squats, which I guess the US Open still does that too. Not this next year. Not anymore. But yeah, they i guess the the u.s open still does that too but not not this not anymore but yeah they have in the past though yeah um so the first day men's wraps uh
Starting point is 00:25:50 in first was cody how do you say his last name blazik i don't really know do you know do you know have you heard that i've heard i've heard of him before i couldn't put a face to him like if i saw him i wouldn't be like oh yeah that's who that i don't know who he is well enough i certainly didn't know much about him whatsoever. But obviously crazy strong because second place was Andrei Malanichev and third was Perseus Black. And so, I mean, that's a good podium right there. Probably the biggest shocker of anyone looking at the roster would be,
Starting point is 00:26:16 oh, Yuri Belkin's not on that list. Yeah, so what was up with that? From what I saw, read, it sounded like he might have tweaked his knee warming up on squats, I believe. Because I think he took his first attempt. I can't even remember if he did as planned. Actually, I think he lowered his first attempt like 30 kilos or it said something like that. And I think he passed on his second and third.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Okay. So he was kind of just going in with like, yep, this probably isn't my day. It still is just shocking, though, at 220. And how he looks. We talked about this a lot but how he looks okay the one that he squats that much and then it comes to bench and he opens with like a 500 and some pound bench like you don't look like you can do that at all like these other guys john hack falls into that same thing yes yes same thing yeah and it was like how are
Starting point is 00:27:01 you benching 500 plus it's so strange that that guy's body type can do that but but he can so he must have finished in like fourth overall though still i don't think he was that far out of uh well even him on his worst day like yeah him and dan bell had to have both been pretty close yeah right yep um and then you know andre he squatted over a thousand yeah 2014 yeah it was like the first time he's competed in the usa in 10 years or is it really i was wondering what the actual timeline on that was and it sounded like it was you know it was the first time that him and yuri have ever competed together i did see that too yeah but yeah i couldn't think you know since
Starting point is 00:27:41 at least i've been a fan of powerlifting i couldn't think of a time that i've seen andre actually compete in like one of the bigger meets yeah in america i just couldn't recall a time but no i had to look on open powerlifting had been a long i know he's committed to ones before and it hasn't worked out so yeah i was curious about this up until the day of was whether he was actually going to be lifting or not yeah uh perseus perseus though friend of the friend of mass yeah perseus third place overall yeah an awesome day i think uh the sixth highest 275 total of all time yep fifth would be larry wheels and sleeves the other four guys were all in wraps too but so perseus was the sixth highest 275 total he's had a really good you know really impressive meet all the way around yeah really well like 903 i think so
Starting point is 00:28:31 he benched like 579 almost 600 really good yeah and then he pulled uh eight yeah it was eight something yeah i can't even remember the number yeah but top of my head. So really well-rounded and up to his previous best by like 100 pounds. I wasn't surprised, though. When you're at that level, still going up 100 pounds is nuts. That's huge, yeah. So he went from like 20th on the 275 list to 6th. He made a huge jump there with that 100-pound gain. So that was cool to see.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I was excited to see him get on the podium. Also coached by Les Keys. It was cool to see, watching was excited to see him get on the podium. Also coached by Les Keys. It was cool to see, watching the live stream and see him going out there and Les giving him handoffs on the bench. It's like, I know these guys. Les gives a mean handy. He knows his way around a handy. So yeah, that's a good job, guys.
Starting point is 00:29:19 It's awesome to see that. And then on the women's side in wraps, CeCe Ingram ended up winning. I don't think that's a big surprise, but if you watch the day, though, it was actually pretty close. It came down to, like, the last couple deadlifts. Yeah. And that was with that Cleo Von Wick, or I don't know how you say her last name. She's really strong, too, obviously.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I'd never heard of her. Yeah, she's crazy strong. Yeah. So that's just, it's like there there's always like just women popping up that, not that I'm paying super close attention to everyone that's up and coming, but it just seems like every meet there's a woman pops up that has just an insane total that I've never heard of before. Yep.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I agree. And then in third was Suzanne Davis. And I have heard of her, but I just, again, I'm not super familiar with everyone. It gets hard to keep track of people here. And then the second day. And I watched a lot of the second day. And I didn't catch any of the second day. Oh, maybe we should talk about one more thing.
Starting point is 00:30:12 On the first day when I was watching, so one of the big sponsors and equipment friars was Gold Strong Equipment. And their stuff looks super cool. Yes, it does. We've talked about it, equipment. And their stuff looks super cool. Yes, it does. We've talked about it, like how cool their stuff looks. I'd like them to send us some of it. Oh, I'd love for them to. And like hybrid performance looks like they're all decked out and all their stuff. I think Matt even with his Pioneer Gym, I think he has some stuff decked out for them.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And yeah, it all looks like the finish and design looks top of the industry. Yes. looks like the the finish and design looks top of the industry you know um so this was kind of their first probably big meet to like kind of show show what they're working with like what what's what they got going on yep and they're one of the big sponsors and while i was watching on the first day it was a little ways into the benching i noticed that a lot of people weren't standing on the the spotter platform it's like they were kind of straddling around the platform like getting one leg almost way up by the guy's head on the bench uh-huh um and just kind of in like this kind of almost like running their body parallel with the bench it was like it was an awkward position i haven't seen people do
Starting point is 00:31:18 handoffs like that usually in a meet when you have an actual platform you can stand on um so i didn't know what was going on there and then they kind of made some comments about some spotters having issues and being worried about it sounded like once the the bigger guys got out and started to do you know all these 500 plus pound benches that yeah it was going to be an issue so they decided to switch out the bench between the uh between the lighter guys and then the heaviest guys so there was like a probably a flights yeah there was probably a 15 20 probably about 15 minute delay while they got the the ghost bench all tore apart or combo rack all torn apart taken out of there and then they have to bring the texas strength one in put the whole thing in you know they kind of get anchored in the ground i
Starting point is 00:31:59 don't know how they do that for sure with that board in the front but they kind of do get anchored down there so it did take a little bit of time and outside of that i never really heard much but you saw they had some go strong equipment had something on their story i checked because i was curious when i when we had talked about that and this was the next day they said we wanted to put out a statement uh on why you aren't seeing our equipment on the platform at the tribute today uspa texas didn't feel comfortable with the center joint on the bottom tube of the rack during squats being too loose and having the corner of the rack lift slightly while we could look at this as an embarrassing this is an easy design fix that showed up only when the nation's most elite lifters used it the strength on the
Starting point is 00:32:43 rack is not in question as evidenced by andre milanochev's 1014 pound squat yesterday in order to have a good meat flow for the lifters we support them and we'll just come back stronger and we will be back we want to thank everyone for the great and then it cuts off but i thought that was a pretty good you know they're probably uh making as good a situation out of that as possible it seemed like a good message they weren't blaming uh the lifters or the or uspa or the meat directors for making a bad decision they kind of owned up to it and said that they're gonna fix it yeah and and really that it is also the thing you have to think about is like okay these guys all just did you know
Starting point is 00:33:20 thousand pound squats in here like there's obviously nothing wrong with the combo rack component and it the the only thing i heard the announcers comment was something about just the spotting platform which you know i get it at the at the very top level yeah you want everything to be perfect so if spotters are having trouble that could maybe throw somehow throw off a lifter um but yeah they are a relatively new company and so you know something like that probably doesn't look the best for them but at the same time um i would assume most people probably don't even remember this in i mean probably not even right now and probably a month from now no one will remember it so i would still really like to oh i would still send us a combo i'd be all
Starting point is 00:34:00 about it yeah yeah oh and this isn't the first time we've seen anything like this like at the u.s open was it two years ago uh kabuki or they tried to bring out their deadlift bar and has that ever actually came out i'm not sure because yeah the u.s open uh they that was the premier event to unveil the kabuki deadlift bar yeah and uh there was something about it that a lot of people complained about had issues with you know there was there it that a lot of people complained about, had issues with. There was just a lot of discussion around it in ways that you don't typically hear discussion about a deadlift bar in a meeting. That's usually not a point of conversation ever. And it was brought up by many people, whether they had any merit to their argument or not, or complaints, I don't know, because we haven't got to use one.
Starting point is 00:34:41 So if someone wants to send us one, we will, again, gladly review that. Same way we'd like to check it out. Yeah. But, yeah, so if someone wants to send us one, we will, again, gladly review that. Same way we'd like to check it out. Yeah. But, yeah, so these things do happen, though. It's not completely out of the ordinary to see something like that pop up. Right. All right, but now that we have that discussed, oh, so then we move on to Sunday.
Starting point is 00:34:59 And Sunday was the knee sleeves day, the raw day, you could say. And the men's side, there was some big names in there, and probably two of the bigger names would be John Hack and Kevin Oak. Yeah, they both crushed it too, like had both almost perfect meets. John totaled 2,000 pounds. I guess I shouldn't say he had a perfect meet. His first two squats were he got two reds on. He wasn't hitting depth
Starting point is 00:35:25 and then he got it on his third well and that's and that's what everyone kept wondering going in this meet like is he gonna hit 2 000 pounds like right he's gonna do it because he was was he within like 30 or 40 pounds the last meet he did yeah something like that but he did his lifts were all looked really easy in that meet you know so it's like okay it seems like it can be there like is it going to be a thing and He started the day off shaky. Did he get called on depth on his first squat? First and second. But he kept making his jumps.
Starting point is 00:35:52 His first one, he took his opener, got red lights for depth. He made probably his planned jump, got red lights again, made his planned jump on his third. So I was really interested. I was like, oh, boy, what's going to happen? Is this going to be a real good day or a real bad one with whatever happens right here and he got the squat obviously and got the the white lights and you had a funny story about his squatting tanner i was watching it on the live stream and took a video of his third squat and posted it to the mass
Starting point is 00:36:22 dynamics instagram story and i posted it immediately you know it was a took a 15 second clip of him making the squat and said oh john hack still in it posted it right away i could watch on the live stream he turned around and walked to the back of the uh uh around the barrier there and looked at my phone and not more than two minutes later and he said oh thank god I got that one. And he's like, I'm probably going to have to give a disclaimer to everyone not to try this at home, which is pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I was like, Oh, I was just watching you. Like we actually do. It's like, it almost be like if someone came off the bench in any sporting event and then they just like message you while they're on the bench, like, ha ha, man. Yeah. I really got away with that last one. That is, that is the funny thing about it like that can actually exist in powerlifting and i kept seeing big james in the back uh big swim hack in the back slapping back i did like uh there was the
Starting point is 00:37:17 swim hack less keys photo yeah that one was good oh also james had the lift shorts on uh big james did comment on my sandwich selection from last week. Oh, what did he say? He said, Jimmy John's number nine with peppers. I think it said, hell yeah. So he was all about it, too. So we're on the same page there. He's obviously never been to Quizno.
Starting point is 00:37:35 So I like his taste in shorts and sandwiches. Yes, yes. I don't know what more you need to get along with someone. That's probably all it takes, really. I got a message from someone that really liked, I can't remember what the quote was, and if I said it or you said it, but screw sandwiches. I did see that one.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Burritos, now we're talking. And that would be the debate right there. That one I could go on and on for. But, again, we don't have enough time for something like that. No. Heavens no. Heavens no. So John hack does get the 2000 total what was kevin oaks total i know he had like 21 74 or something and what weight class did he actually do he did the 242 weight class so he set the world record john obviously set the world record for 181 class and sleeves at 2000 he set the second highest ever bench he did like 518 he's only five pounds i think about five pounds off the world record for
Starting point is 00:38:31 the bench nuts and then he i think his deadlift he deadlifted 800 or 799 and i that might be the record in 181 also he's so big for 181 like it doesn't make sense i can't get it through my head that he's 181 yeah it doesn't make sense everything because he's not like really short like a lot of people like everything about him i'm like yep that guy's 220 i don't know how they can pack that much man into 181 pounds and we did have a post yeah and he shared it a lot of people like that comment yes well it is true though like I think that's what everyone thinks. Like, how are you doing that? It doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah, he kind of defies. I guess I've never seen John in person. I guess I'd have to in order to understand what's going on here. Because he doesn't seem that short either. No. I mean, usually when he's in photos of other people, he's not the shortest one. Right. Which is more than a lot of people can say, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:22 So, you know, people are talking about him now. Like, is he the greatest? Well, so we didn't even say the other stat was that he now has the highest raw Wilkes of all time for a man. Right. Which is a really impressive stat. And I think he took like Ed Cohn's like American deadlift record in like the 181 class or something too. Like, I think he also got that record. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Which that's been a very long standing record if that's the case yeah uh but yeah you want to say like man and then also the other thing is wilks statistically does not favor like those middle class right it favors you know people on the other ends the the heaviest and the lightest is typically who benefits the most from wilks so uh he puts up a very convincing argument to be one of the best ever. For sure. I mean, it's not. It was USPA's typically judged stricter. It wasn't out of a monolith. It wasn't with wraps. Like, this is a, I mean, it's a pretty.
Starting point is 00:40:14 He didn't pull Sumo. He didn't pull Sumo. Yeah, I know. Exactly. He didn't pull Jefferson. He didn't pull Jefferson either, but you can't have it all. No. Yeah, I mean, just even the conditions it was under it was
Starting point is 00:40:25 it wasn't the easiest of conditions you know and it wasn't a meet that was right in his backyard either you know he yeah he's going against the best competition with big money on the line yeah big money in the line yeah and he wasn't he wasn't like he just drove to his local meet to his local gym or an hour or that one stayed away he i'm pretty sure he still lives in wisconsin yeah i think so yep to wisconsin to tex, like that's not a, you know, you're doing some traveling there. You're catching a plane or making a really long drive. I would hope he didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:40:53 So, yeah, that's really impressive when someone can show up on meet day. Yes, for sure. You just don't see a whole lot of that. Oak did have a really good day, though, too. He had like almost a, I think he did go nine, he might have been eight for nine and missed his last deadlift but he broke the 242 world record do you know who he beat for the sleeves world record in 242 dan green maybe nope who well it was a man that you could purchase his program if you wanted larry wheels yeah oh really larry wheels that was the thing
Starting point is 00:41:22 larry ever doing he had the 242. This is the program I used to break both my 242 and 275 world records. So, no, he no longer has the 242. He only has the 275 sleeves world record. Kevin Oak took that from him. So, Kevin Oak now has the 220 and the 242 total world record. Keep on moving, baby. Go to 275.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Make the sweep. He's, I mean, telling anyone in anything they don't already know but like i don't know i almost feel like if he was on overrated underrated i almost feel like kevin oak is a little bit underrated i think so i feel like he's kind of one of those guys that does fly under the radar a little bit yeah everyone i mean you don't have to be around very long to know who like i think everyone knows who he is but yeah um it just seems like lately you haven't heard a ton from him maybe maybe he's not uh it's maybe it's like because he's not loud enough you know like that's probably part of how yeah the loudest person tends to get his attention but right yeah no he's just i mean he's obviously just putting in the work and getting it done and it's showing yeah pretty impressive and i know he caught some hell a while back.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I think he broke a squat record and took the rest of his lifts as tokens or something like that. But I think this pretty well takes care of that. Yeah, so what individual lifts he might have set some world records to, deadlift or something, I can't remember, which wouldn't be the deadlift, I suppose, but some of the individual lifts. Maybe as on squat, I'm guessing he was right up there yeah you would think and then who was third in the
Starting point is 00:42:49 sleeves third was chad penson and i'd never heard of him yeah i don't brian hartsoe competed too yeah and had a rough yeah as you said i thought maybe he didn't have the best he missed several lifts i don't think it was his best you know he wasn't close to his best total really uh he missed some lifts that were probably weird for him to miss but that's part of going to like these big meets and traveling and yeah it does it happens shit like that happens and he's relatively early in his career too so yes i mean this was part of the learning experience i would say and yes i would be shocked if he doesn't bounce back from this and have the best meat of his life still like i think it's safe to say that's still out there yeah overall this was a really really to me a really crazy really impressive roster though of lifters like when you think about having all these in one one meat i don't know if the the kern has
Starting point is 00:43:40 actually put together something as good as this group yet. I would say no. This is probably the best. Yeah, well, and then you always also have to pay for the current live stream too, don't you? I think, yeah, yeah, you do. You do. Right? Yeah, I think so. Because I think I paid for it one year even.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah, so like just being able to watch this is really cool. Yeah. But if you think about Yuri Belkin, Andrei Malanichev, Kevin Oak, John Hack, like there's several of the people that you would consider, oh, are they the best? Like And yuri john hack kevin oak are probably right up there with like some of the best power lifters of all time like in that discussion at least yep and they're all in one meet that doesn't happen all that often and mariana actually and cc yeah as far as women go mariana and cc two of the the best of all time, probably, if you look at Wilkes.
Starting point is 00:44:26 And Mariana did win the women's sleeve division. Yeah, I believe she missed a weight on what the weight class she was going for, I think. Yeah, but that doesn't matter for her because she just has 700 and something Wilkes. Right. So, yeah, even on her worst day, it's tough to hang with someone like that. Yeah. And I think all the first place winners took home $12,000. Did they?
Starting point is 00:44:52 The first overall, so those four that we were talking. I think $12,000 and Kabuki bars. I don't know what bar they got. I mean, the government, they can take taxes on prize money. It's tough to take taxes on those Kabuki bars. bars shave off the knurling on my kabuki bar to take us payment that's right uh so other dog's going for the fly i hope he gets it uh other takeaways from the meet you know we kind of hinted this earlier probably the biggest thing if we had to make a recommendation would just be that the marketing and hype leading, especially like in the month up to it, almost disappeared. There needs to be a website or a page on a website.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And there probably needs to be an Instagram page. Like, the Kern has its own Instagram page. Yep. Or even just a Facebook, a Facebook event for it. Just something so that when you type in Tribute Meat on Google, Google can give me something besides Tribute Meat 2018 and posts from 2018. Because you just couldn't find it. I feel pretty comfortable saying I'm probably more tech savvy than the majority of people,
Starting point is 00:46:03 and I have resources to look around around and I couldn't find it. It was just so hard to do. I mean, I shouldn't say I couldn't find it at all, but I couldn't find it in a reasonable time frame and not get frustrated. The only way you could find it is digging through other people's Instagram posts. It's the most miserable way to look for anything. Looking through someone's Instagram posts mixed in with like a stupid number of selfies and workout videos that I don't care about. Yeah, to be able to find the roster or anything like that. I would say what they have done well is, by the looks of it, the actual event, what they're doing, and the lifters that they're attracting.
Starting point is 00:46:40 They've got that really well. It seemed like the meat day logistics were in place. But for the fans yep the marketing hype part of it it just yeah like fans wanting to be interested that was the tough part that was hard to be we had many many people dm us or message us or that asked either is what's the live stream details is there a live stream this is just days before or even the day of and uh wanting to know about a roster you know if there's a roster out there but just like website facebook or instagram any of that you know could be easily fixed or done better for sure so you know and and i was gonna say for for next year hopefully we see that but also we have already seen a post
Starting point is 00:47:23 matt has said that he does not plan on kind of being the main driving force behind it yeah which is kind of interesting i mean usually um because overall it seems like it's being it's going pretty successful right yeah i got the impression and i i really you know a lot of times you'll hear even like after the u.s open you'll hear people complain about certain things or you'll just hear you'll hear grumblings about stuff and i didn't really see much or hear much about this uh no i think everyone walked away with a pretty good experience and you know lifters got paid yeah i think the lift i bet as far as a lifter they i bet they would have a lot of good things to say about it yeah so it seemed like it was a good experience for everyone but uh yeah for some reason uh and i'm sure matt has a business
Starting point is 00:48:03 to run that yeah his family and employees depend on. So it probably gets tough to sink in. You know, it's not comparable, but we've ran the Strongman meet here, and it takes a crazy amount of manpower and volunteers and orchestrating up front just to get that going. When I think about that, I completely understand where he would be coming from, where he's like, eh, probably burnt out on that for now. Yeah, I totally get it. I can use all those hours of my time for something else.
Starting point is 00:48:32 But you do really like asking sponsors for money, though, right, Tanner? And he has to do the same thing even on a larger level. Just like basically, yeah, seven months out, start asking people for money. That sucks. It does. It just sucks asking people for money. That sucks. It does. It just sucks asking people for money. It's not fun. It's not fun when you're savvy enough to understand.
Starting point is 00:48:56 It's not fun. You don't always enjoy it when other people ask you for money, so then when you have to be the person that does it to someone else, from the get-go, you're like, yeah, sorry. yeah sorry like yeah i guess i kind of was doing the same thing yeah yeah it's one of those things it's hard not to return the favor right um but no and it's we might have sounded a little critical with uh with the uh whole marketing of it and i mean i think everyone would agree i think yeah i think and we're not that same thing applies to almost every meat in the world it's just the fact that this is one of the bigger meats that exist.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Yeah. I think it's like, I think it's bigger than the Kern now in most people's view. It seems like it. And like other big meat, like even when I just think of the biggest meats now, there's, there's the tribute. There's boss of bosses. There's the Kern. There's big dogs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I think big dog still holds its own special thing just for the but it is limited to the biggest guys and it's yeah it is it is a different thing but like to me those are kind of the four biggest like not counting like us apl ipf stuff like right because you look at us national and ipf worlds and those are those are huge meets but that is also that's attracting a different type of lifter and a lot of times a different type of spectator too right um so when i look at just these other untested ones right um those are kind of to me some of the more premier events yeah this is right up there with all of them you know yep so hopefully uh i don't know what it takes but hopefully this thing continues and um if maybe there's not the same prize money associated with it next year
Starting point is 00:50:26 but it still would just be cool to see the tribute meet continue to exist yep yep for sure hopefully it does we'll find out i guess though yeah maybe massonomics will get its fingers into it so it's possible wrestle it into existence yeah as long as we can as long as there's a ton of money in it for us that sounds as long as there's a ton of money in it for us that sounds really good as long as there's ghost equipment and money involved we can be there yeah uh well tanner we are getting down there on time do we oh one other thing we have here that we should talk about really quick okay yeah do you want to talk about this the briefs thing we could yeah just we don't know much about it so there's probably not a lot
Starting point is 00:51:05 but there was this picture out there i think it was from collegiate you're like collegiate nationals or collegiate worlds whatever collegiate worlds i think or university which is still also a very odd division to me for for ipf it's a little unnecessary to me just well because that also lines up with the teen division that goes like until you're 21 or 22. Right. But there was this woman from I don't know which country. I don't even know that. It really is irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:51:36 She was lifting in the raw division, and she was wearing briefs. Squat briefs underneath her singlet. Yes, in the picture. And it was very obvious in the photo like someone said that the hips don't lie because our hips are like sucked in by the briefs there was some major compression happening yes um so keep an eye out at your next meet someone might be trying to trick you it uh goes along with the saying though if you ain't cheating you ain't trying that's some people are but i can't imagine thinking you're going to let that slip by.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Yeah, that one's pushing it. We do have best comment of the week this week that I figured that are certainly worth talking about this week. Because there were some real good frontrunners for best comment of the week this week. I saw that. There were some real zingers getting fired off. I was. I said this to other people that I was starting to wonder if we are the crazy people. Like at times I'm like, what is it going on here?
Starting point is 00:52:30 Are we, is what we believe crazy because of these comments? Okay. So I guess I did have two best comments. Okay. So this first one, I'll just read the comment first and then maybe we have to give it a little context in addition to that but the comment is they make this lift into a meme and we're talking about the jefferson deadlift so they say they and they're talking about us so they make this lift into a meme but won't showcase anyone actually all caps actually doing it unless the lifter is wearing one of their shirts
Starting point is 00:53:05 so this was on uh one of our some jefferson deadlift post it was that the tandem jefferson deadlift when the two guys one was wearing the bent shirt and one was wearing another massanomic shirt and they did like 965 uh and we shared that and then someone said we need to share the the video of the guy the kind of that wwe guy i can't remember his name yeah he's done the heaviest jefferson deadlift i think we've we've talked we've definitely talked about him before he's done an 800 pound jefferson deadlift which for the most we could find is the heaviest jefferson deadlift ever done so we certainly give him his props on the podcast but these people were upset that we have not shared that video on the massonomics instagram page like mad that we have not and then mad that
Starting point is 00:53:51 we will not showcase anyone unless they're wearing a massonomics which is also not completely true i mean we've oh yes plenty of people not wearing massonomics yes oh that's certainly true you did say best handers i mean this page does exist to promote massonomics right and is it a weird thought that we would have a tendency to share people wearing our people that support us enough to give us their money in exchange for something that has our logo on it yeah but also we produce original posts every week for versus series for lifting legends yes rookie cards those three do a podcast where we talk about people non-stop like yeah we it's safe to say we do more for promoting just other things in general in one week than these probably people have ever have ever yes you know yeah we've done over 100 Mastanomics Versus, over 50 Lifting Legends, over 50, 60, 70 Mastanomics Rookie Cards.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Of all just other lifters. Yeah. Just featuring other people that have most times no tie to Mastanomics at all. Right, right. Yeah. Well, Tanner, sometimes you just can't do it all. That one rubbed me a little bit the wrong way. I'm like, yeah, of course we're sharing stuff with people.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And then on top of that, it's like, well, we could be like every other clothing company and only post photos of apparel. Would that be better? Then we don't have to talk about who is getting included or not because it's only going to be pictures of product. How many companies even sell product post anything original that's not product which there's nothing wrong with i mean that makes sense no but we try to do something maybe a little different and have other content to look at and and the reality of it we only make so many posts a day we only make so many posts a week so many posts a month i like if we're going to post a video of lifting if it it, we can do it, uh,
Starting point is 00:55:45 sharing, featuring someone that has done business with us before. Yeah. Well, that also supports like, like that supports us. Like has this per, maybe this person that commented has bought something from us before, but I would be willing to bet that they have not.
Starting point is 00:55:59 So like they have not supported us in that way. At least like, why would it be weird that we choose to support the people that yeah it do things for us yeah it's the whole thing it's our page we can do yeah exactly yeah and who's to say we don't have who's to say we're not gonna post that guy i mean we still i don't know if you know but we've been at this a long time and it's not gonna quit so we got a lot of years to get around to him too so just yeah onto that well and i don't like i've we very well could share that at some point in time we have ideas that incorporate that
Starting point is 00:56:30 very lift you know and the things that we're going to do so let's that's very well on our radar trust me you weren't pointing out something to us that we were not aware of or that we don't appreciate um so that was that one and then switching back to the other one, something a little more that we're used to that at this point doesn't upset me whatsoever. It, it literally makes me laugh when these come in. This was on one of the lift short memes that we've had recently. And they said, you could literally just use a pair of basketball shorts as lift shorts. And this one wasn't, they're not wrong because they're both shorts and they both cover, And they're not wrong because they're both shorts and they both cover your body.
Starting point is 00:57:11 So, I mean, really, you could use a sheet as a pair of lift shorts. When you get out of the shower and you wrap a towel around your waist, you're technically using a towel as a pair of lift shorts. Anything covering up you from the waist down is technically could be used as a pair of lift shorts. So, nothing groundbreaking there. No. And then there was, it was tied into the same one the guy's name was craig i only know because a lot of people kept saying craig after this you know and well i can't remember what he went on a more of a tangent and ended up deleting all of them because i think other people were responding to him then you know at that point but he was mad that about the price
Starting point is 00:57:45 he came back to the he was like said that there were 35 shorts which is already an exaggeration okay we know we charge a lot for him but 35 but i even told him on there i said no i'm not being sarcastic like i actually appreciate you making these comments because this what you're doing here has like created a product for us. I think he left a comment like, oh, imagine having to defend yourself or being mad that someone called you out on the price. No, I'm not mad. No, this is good. This is exactly what's keeping this going.
Starting point is 00:58:17 No one has been dumb enough to fall into this trap for at least a week now. It's been a few months and someone's jumped on us legitimately about it. Yeah, most people aren't that stupid. Isn't it weird though that it's the out of all the things we sell oh especially why is it even that there's a lot of apparel companies that sell their t-shirts for 35 dollars and sell shorts from 28 and like that 35 a lot of times they're shipping on that too so there's a lot of companies that if you want a t-shirt, you're paying almost $40. Right. Like I'm not saying like high fashion.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I'm saying like the same. The same industry, like fitness industry. Yeah. The same t-shirt. You can spend for sure $30 from people. Yeah. I'm pretty sure if you look not very hard, you'd find $35 t-shirts. But for whatever reason, people like to call us.
Starting point is 00:59:04 People jump on the shorts. I don't know. People love it shorts i don't know people love it i don't know it's very odd it's gonna keep it going forever like it is they are the people that are going to it will never die because there's always just going to be a few more that come out that aren't familiar with it and yeah i i don't i don't know if it's a mix of champion and like in some people's mind champions like the cheap brand but also champions made a full comeback like right you can go drop 80 bucks on a champion hoodie if you wanted to because of the left shorts well it is yeah yeah yeah they're uh i did get uh some a heads up that their next press release talking
Starting point is 00:59:34 about how good their sales have been have been directly related to a small uh independent uh instagram page that's a stock tip by champion yeah. Yeah, you're going to want to get those. It's not insider trading. You're going to want to get them though. So comments of the week, Tanner. Is that it? Yeah, that was it. Well, those were good ones. They were really good comments of the week. I don't know what our
Starting point is 00:59:57 timeline is like, but I sure hope we have time for underrated or overrated. We're going to be crossing that cool hour mark in just seconds, Tanner. Well, we better still do it. Yeah, we better. We're going to be crossing that cool hour mark in just seconds. Well, we better still do it. Yeah, we better. We'd have a full-on revolt on our hands. Maybe we won't review last week's in total, but I would say all of last week's were polarizing results this week.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I was shocked. I was looking at my phone this morning, and the Masonomics story popped up, and I clicked on it, and Matthew McConaughey was there and I said he was underrated and it said 100% underrated. I was like, whoa, everyone agrees. I clicked the button again and there wasn't another one.
Starting point is 01:00:32 So I must have clicked while you were posting it. But people did agree he was very underrated, 71%. People agreed with you, cruises were very overrated, 77%. I did see that too. I think I was wrong on this next one though. Yeah, virtual reality, you said underrated, 69 were very overrated i did see that too i think i was wrong on this next one though yeah virtual reality you said underrated 69 said overrated i'm gonna say at least half those people have not done virtual reality that's probably very true skim milk uh i wasn't surprised
Starting point is 01:00:55 here 72 overrated i was surprised that there's 28 said that i actually thought it was underrated there's probably you know sometimes there are valid things where you can frame it in a very specific way and you say ah yes for that reason it could be underrated. Sometimes there are valid things where you can frame it in a very specific way and you say, ah, yes, for that reason it could be underrated. But we know that doesn't exist for skim milk though, right? No, that's certainly not in skim milk's case. Not for that garbage, that hot garbage. Keep that out of my fridge.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Okay, for this week's overrated or underrated, we're going to hop right in for time's sake. overrated or underrated we're gonna hop right in for for time's sake we make the rules so we get to decide if we read the rules you make the rules and I just play by them okay so topic number one in this week's overrated or underrated the topic is scratch tickets scratch off lottery tickets I think I think lottery tickets in general is so overrated like what about scratch off lottery tickets i think i think lottery tickets in general are so overrated like but what about scratch off lottery tickets it's a lot anything lottery is so overrated it's all it is just the government trying to get money statistically from poor people is really what
Starting point is 01:01:55 it boils down to yeah um i mean there's tons of studies out there on it and uh it's just yeah the government needs money they come out with a lottery system and poor people love to buy that shit up. So I think, I think, uh, you know, obviously people can spend their money however they want. I don't care,
Starting point is 01:02:12 but I do believe that the lottery is very overrated. Yes. What about, what, what about scratch off lottery tickets? Scratch off lottery. I don't know if they're available in every state. Maybe they are.
Starting point is 01:02:23 They might not be. The one that's the one like even the the splitting the hair on that pull tabs oh yeah that was already see you if i was gonna do i would rather than just buying a powerball or a lottery ticket i would rather do a scratch off ticket or a pull tab because there's at least something you do a level of interactivity yeah you at least get to do something for a couple seconds yeah pop up on the screen yeah right yeah you at least get the joy of scratching or popping open a tab and looking at it uh but yeah i'm saying lottery systems are overrated that was in my mind because my next door neighbor won thirty thousand dollars on the scratch off ticket and i was like damn it i wish
Starting point is 01:02:57 i won thirty thousand dollars on the scratch off ticket but then i uh rest my head easily at night knowing that they they probably are not even a net uh like by the course of their life it's gonna take about half of it aren't they uh a third of it yeah closer to a third is what they said but um i mean still 20 grand would be cool but yeah but and also they even agreed or they kind of made the comment themselves that they had it coming like they earned this win so it's like yeah what is the cost there yeah like what is the net effect of over your whole life um but you said overrated on scratch i'm saying overrated okay overrated or underrated whole life insurance whole life insurance is very overrated um do a little bit of research and you'll find out that insurance is not
Starting point is 01:03:43 a good investment vehicle um if you assume gains of six to 10% in the market, like all index funds or anything else can do, insurance should not be tied to that. And you also find that historically they don't perform. So I've researched this somewhat extensively recently, just because you need a reminder to be like, why do people still do this? Like, am I missing something that I didn't get when I was 20? And then I looked again when I was 22 and I still don't understand then i looked again when i was 24 and 5 and 6 maybe i'm 30 now maybe there's something i'm missing and the alternative to whole life insurance is term yeah which is very affordable and not a bad idea for anyone and the really easy difference is term is just a set amount of insurance that you're buying for a
Starting point is 01:04:23 specific term i don't know if it's usually 20 years or however long it is probably depending on how old you are right the terms will vary that yeah a whole life is you're buying the insurance that covers your your entire lifespan but it's the premiums are much higher and in term your money isn't going into investment it's just you're paying a rate to have that insurance for that specific term a much lower rate but in whole life you're putting it into you know it's an investment that's supposed to earn you money over time and it has cash value that you can have the opportunity to pull back out if you need to or want to and all this other stuff where it it's like just look at the company that if- If you want to invest money, invest money.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Yes, yes. And like the big one around here, a very popular company that does this is Northwestern Mutual. Right. And I actually had a former buddy roommate of mine. He worked for them for a brief period in time. And part of that is they try to get you to go in. And when he was coming on, one of the more senior salesmen tried to pitch me on this whole life insurance. The pitch that they gave me, to me, almost should be criminal,
Starting point is 01:05:32 the suggestions they were making. I mean, it was just like, hey, we're just throwing, just a suggestion. We're just floating this out there. But the fact that they can be a financial advisor and recommend the amount of money that they would, I mean, we're talking like 60% of my paycheck. It's like, you are actually recommending that as an advisor. Like that makes no sense that you can responsibly look someone in the eye and say that. And they did.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I'm just throwing it out there. I'm just throwing it out there. It's like, that'd be like me at 21 going to a car lot and the salesman being like, you know, um, a Corvette lease is only like 800 bucks a month. Like I'm just, you know, I'm just, I, I know you're looking at a Malibu, but I just want you to know that you just think about 800 bucks a month. Just think down the road, all the women you could be attracting with this. just think down the road, all the women you could be attracting with this. You know, I think I really do,
Starting point is 01:06:28 like maybe there are car salesmen that do that and I just stay away from that type of people. But I was really, really put off from the whole experience with how, to me, predatory they seemed at the time. And whole life in term can be a really polarizing thing. But from my experience, the people that are polarized
Starting point is 01:06:43 in favor of whole life insurance are the people selling it. I don't really know. They are. They drank the Kool-Aid because they have to. I mean, now you're talking the whole thing of your existence now is a lie because what your livelihood comes from selling a product that most people in the market agree is not a good product. and the market agrees it's not a good product. But also millions and millions and millions of people do it because Northwestern Mutual can afford to put, I don't know how many millions of dollars they throw at sponsoring the NCAA Final Four,
Starting point is 01:07:12 but that also shows how much money they're making just hand over fist. Well, that's the big thing. You're paying a lot of fees. Yeah, your fees. You'd be better off if you are concerned about investing. You buy the much cheaper term life insurance. Say the premium's a fifth or a tenth of what the premium is. You basically get a premium for dollars.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And then all that money that you're not spending on the high premium for the whole life insurance, you invest that in a mutual fund or whatever better investment if investing is what you want to do. That has almost a non-existent percentage on the handling fee you know right right it's exactly we're probably really going off on this one but yeah it is one of those things that i'm just shocked that it's still even a thing yeah i mean you definitely mutual fund yeah or not mutual uh whole life insurance like yeah at the end of it you can make some money but it's just like okay after you let's say you did contribute for 40 years the amount of money you put into that compared to a different thing i mean we could be talking it's pretty safe to assume almost where your return could almost be doubled right in something else yes so yeah whole life no
Starting point is 01:08:19 overrated yeah i couldn't agree more but i'm sure coop coop could have probably told us about we should have done that with coop but i didn't know that that was yeah i didn't either he could probably go well and i did have to do a little he did talk about the fire movement yeah financial independence return early yeah um i'm somewhat familiar with the idea i'd never heard of it called that before i did have to do a little bit of research on it after we talked to him and basically and i had seen this is uh the idea is that like a lot of times people will try to save up like, what's it, 30 times their annual expenses.
Starting point is 01:08:51 And then at that, you just assume a market return, you know, of 6% to 10% a year, which basically covers your expenses. So at that point, you don't need a job anymore because the market is producing your annual salary. Right. And, you know, they said some people, the idea of retire early can be 40.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Some people, the idea of retire early is 50. They said it's more of kind of like the mindset of any money you can throw at this to be financially independent. It's a cool idea. It definitely has some merits around it. I would say it is advantageous to have a job that pays really, really well if you want to get into that. Well, that's with everything. I would say it is advantageous to have a job that pays really really well if you want to get everything like the more you make the more coming in the easier it makes that all easier makes it
Starting point is 01:09:30 it's it's really tough if you have a lot of debt and not making much money to ever think about actually having like a million dollars in actual cash invested yeah it has to start somewhere though like it does yeah you have to if that's the direction you've gone up to this point you have to It has to start somewhere, though. It does? Yeah. If that's the direction you've gone up to this point, you have to stop the rolling ball. Yeah, and for some people, it's probably a wake-up call.
Starting point is 01:09:50 They're like, oh, yeah, this can be a possibility. But yeah, I think anything that encourages people to be more financially responsible is always good. And that's, what's the acronym again? FIRE. Financial Independence Retire Early. As long as we're on acronyms, you know DINK? I don't know DINK.
Starting point is 01:10:07 You're DINK. What is it? Dual income, no kids. Ah. Yeah. That's a bad sign. You could also just say, easier on the pocketbook. Yeah, two incomes coming in and no kids,
Starting point is 01:10:18 as far as a financial freedom standpoint goes, typically operate. Do you remember those days, Tanner? No. In my particular situation, like those days didn't exactly exist ever. You're kind of right, actually. I do remember the days of single with single income, but also at that point in time, my income wasn't. I know, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:10:43 It's like, well, I didn't make anything. So it doesn't really count. The old lifestyle blow. Whether intention. I mean, there's the lifestyle blow to like, oh, we make more money. So we buy more shit. But there's also just the, you know, you grow up and you have more bills, more family, more everything, and just gets more money. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:03 So that was our financial segment of the podcast. So that segment was brought to you by the Lyft shorts. Give us your money. Underrated or overrated? I don't know what your background is on this, if you've ever watched it. Hard Knocks on HBO. I actually have never. I've never watched this.
Starting point is 01:11:22 I'm going to say underrated because i've heard a few rave reviews and i've heard almost no one talk about it but i really like hard knock few few people i've heard talk about i've heard very very good things so i'm gonna say underrated i watch hbo yeah i watch almost no nfl games but i don't miss uh the last few years i don't miss hard i would rather watch hard knocks than the super bowl almost most of the time. Well, there's all the story and drama. It's really good. It's good television.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Like you said, it's HBO. Did you ever watch? This year it's the Raiders and John Gruden. Is it? Which is kind of a very show-busy type of. Somewhat related. Do you ever watch Last Chance U? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Have you watched all the seasons? No, I've only seen the first two. Do you ever watch Last Chance U? Oh, yes. Have you watched all the seasons? No, I've only seen like the first two. Do you remember Ollie from the first season? He's a big, heavy, overweight defensive tackle. Yep, yep. He was on the Raiders trying out. He got cut on this first episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:18 John Gruden said, get his ass out of here. So he really made the rounds in the reality football team. Yeah, and everyone was talking about it. It's like, oh, it's the Last Chance you guy you know oh yeah that's that's shocking yeah um i did i did i just saw that season four came out i did watch season one two and three i'm at the point where i don't even know if i can watch season four anymore like i feel like i've had enough of just guys yeah kind of with just an absolute win at all cost nothing else else matters. Yell at kids at it. Like, it gets kind of old after a while.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Yeah. I mean, it is the first couple seasons were very eye-opening and interesting. Yeah. I liked it, but I kind of, I guess maybe do it. I would maybe watch the other ones at some point in time, but I don't. But it's kind of hard knocks. Oh, hard knocks is good. Maybe I'll start that.
Starting point is 01:13:02 So you didn't, you did say underrated. I said underrated. Yeah. Underrated or overrated? Well, maybe I'll start that. So you did say underrated. I said underrated. Yeah. Underrated or overrated? Last one for the week. It's a good one. Escape rooms.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Escape rooms are overrated. They are. I don't even really need to think about it. It was definitely an entertainment bubble. I think that's really safe to say. I think escape rooms everywhere are closing up like i've witnessed escape rooms not that existed that are now boarded up and closed up in city in multiple cities uh i i did one i can say i've done one so it's the fat already i think it's gone yeah i did one um i had fun but like you do it and it's like one of those things like, okay, we had our
Starting point is 01:13:45 fun. And like towards the end, everyone's like, ah, you can just, everyone's like, let's just go drink a beer somewhere. Like, let's just go sit and talk and just do whatever we want and not be like against this clock. But yeah, escape rooms are overrated. Yeah. That's, I haven't done one.
Starting point is 01:13:59 I guess I do kind of want to do one just to do it. I think it's nice to do, but I think that's kind of, I mean, we have, we have one in this town, right just to do it. I think it's nice to do it, but I think that's kind of... We have one in this town, right? I think so. But that's just like a show. I think if you asked everyone their experience, they'd be like, oh yeah, I had fun. So did you do another one? No. I think that's how pretty much everyone would
Starting point is 01:14:18 respond. You're not going to go on the escape room tour and do it. Oh, I'm really good at escape rooms. It's not even really a skill you can even... because they're all just like, I'm assuming they all have some wacky puzzle master that has some hairball idea. You know, like, they put the number there, and you never would think to look. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Okay, yeah, sure. It's just, like, yeah, it is what it is, I guess. Yeah, so overrated for sure on Escape Room. Yes, overrated. Well, that wraps up Overrated Underrated. I believe that kind of brings us to the end of this episode if there wasn't anything else we really needed to get in that badly was there that couldn't wait another week you know i do kind of want to do we won't do it here but i kind of wanted to start a rest in peace segment where we take a moment to say our final rest in peace to either uh instagram accounts podcasts or that sort of thing it's kind
Starting point is 01:15:07 of our industry that you know it's kind of no longer with us it's kind of like how tash point would always uh say and up next is whatever he'd do it like on all those things and it was all shows that would just been canceled yeah yeah um you know yeah we could definitely implement that yeah so maybe if we could look forward to that next week a rest in peace segment yeah yeah yes where we just take a moment to to talk about the instagram and podcast accounts that we have outlasted instagram podcast youtube yeah yeah yeah actual deaths maybe it wouldn't be as funny but not quite as light-hearted but a little more personal a little more offensive yeah we could we could bring that on so maybe look forward to that in episode 176 and you can partake in the memories with us yeah talking about dead things um our store of course you need to stop at the store we haven't
Starting point is 01:15:59 specifically talked about the store today but we have talked about we just brought all of our high quality content you guys for free yeah without even pitching yes one of our own things we probably shouldn't have waited until we're 75 minutes in and we waited is that the worst salesman ever or what yeah well now that i've had you for 75 minutes uh let me tell you about what i got yeah right uh but seriously go to our store and we appreciate anyone that buys something if you do post uh yourself wearing that on instagram i try to get to sharing a our store, and we appreciate anyone that buys something. If you do post yourself wearing that on Instagram, I try to get to sharing a lot of those. And we appreciate that, too. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:30 It's always cool to see that. We do like that a lot, and we do have a tendency to feature you on our page if you do that. And we also like when people leave fun notes in their order field. Yeah, so that's become a very fun thing to share that on our Instagram story, and a of people get a kick out of that some people put put the uh creativity muscle to work there so yeah you could also bring the heat on our apple podcast reviews we need a few more of those in there i like looking at those and knowing we have more than other people yep so help help me out uh feed the ego a little bit imaginary currency yes currency. Yes. Just. That you can't spend. All these imaginary currencies add up to a whole bunch of nothing that
Starting point is 01:17:08 make me feel better about it. Yep. A whole vault full of imaginary currency. Who are rich in it. That we couldn't do anything with if we wanted to. But thank you for listening again. Please tell a friend about the podcast. That wraps us up.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Except for Instagram handles. Tommy, what do you got there? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. And of course, you can follow the official Masanomics Instagram account at Masanomics. See you next time for 176. See ya. You just heard the Masanomics podcast.
Starting point is 01:17:40 With your ears, you're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masinamics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masinamics gear. From your friends at Masinamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcasts, stay strong. Thank you.

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